Author: Hayes B.  

Tags: construction   infrastructure  

ISBN: 0-393-05997-9

Year: 2006

                    NATURE GUl DE IS A U SEF UL COMPA NION when you venture
into the deep woods or the nlountains. For better or worse, however, few of us spend
n1uch tinle in the wilderness; we live in an environnlent where lllost of what we see
is 11lan-ll1ade. Perhaps on your SUn1111er vacation you have a chance to hike the
Appalachian Trail, but the rest of the year you drive through refinery row on the
New Jersey Turnpike. Once in a lifetillle, if you are incredibly lucky, you might look
up a tree and spot an ivory-billed woodpecker, but on 11l0St days you are more likely
to look up a utility pole and see the finned steel casing of an electricai transfofll1er.
This book adopts the fornl of a nature guide, but its subject nlatter is everything
that isn J{ nature. I t is a guide to the con1nlon sights of the built enVirOlll11ent-the
power lines, water tanks, street lights, nunholes, trafIic signais, cellular-telephone
towers-that we pass by every day and yet seldon1 really notice. In these pages I iden-
tify and classify SOllle of the species that inhabit this fallliliar urban ecosystenl. Farther
afield, there are n10re exotic industrial habitats to explore: coal 111ines, oil refineries,
railroad freight yards, power plants, garbage incinerators. These Jre places that nlost
of us never see close up; n1any of us would go out of our way to avoid seeing thenl.
But they are nonetheless a part of nlodern life-and worth a visit. There can be just
as nluch of interest happening on a factory roof top as there is in the forest LUI 0 py,
just as nluch to n1arvel at in the operation of a strip-lllining dragline as in the geo-
logical carving of a river canyon.
Sonle n1ay find puzzling or distasteful the parallel I anI drawing between the study
of nature and the study of technology. Af ter all, nature is good and good for you,
whereas everyone knows that technology is ugly, evil, and dangerous. The ll1ention
of nature brings to nlind nlajestic landscapes: Yoseluite, Yellowstone, the Grand
Canyon. The nlention of industrial technology brings to nlÏnd a long list of disasters:
What is it and what does it do? We live in a world
cluttered with industrial artifacts whose purpose and
principles of operation are often unknown to those who
see them. The curious rooftop structures on the opposite
page are devices called cyclones, mounted atop a lum-
ber yard and sawmill in Sacramento, California. Their
function is to separate sawdust from a moving stream
of air. The dust-Iaden air enters each funnel-like vessel
tangentially, creating a whirlpool wind that spins the
sawdust to the outside; the dust trickles down the walls
of the funnel into a bin below, while the air exits
through the question-mark vent at the top. The telltale
shape of a cyclone is something you can expect to
encounter not just at a sawmill but in many other indus-
trial environments, from coal mines to flour mills.

The sandstone buttes of Red Rock State Park, near Gallup, New Mexico, serve as backdrop to the process- ing and storage facilities of EI Paso Natural Gas Company and Conoco Propane. Do the tanks and tow- ers spoil the view of the cliffs? Or does the overdramat- ic landscape distract from a proper appreciation of the industrial equipment? , Three Mile ["bnd, 13hopal, <.. 'hernobyl, Love ('lIUI. In the pre...ence ofluture we hold our breath in hushed reverence; in the presence of industry we hold our nose. A few centuries ago-say, on the Alnerican western frontier-a quite different view prevailed. Nature was seen .IS saV<lge, hostile, cruel. Mountains and fore"ts were b<lrri- ers, not refuges. The lights of civilization were a cornforting sight. We took our char- ter frorn the book of Genesi", which grants lnankind dorninion over the beasts. and felt it wa both our entitlenlent and our duty to talne the wilderness, fell the trees. plow the land, daln the rivers. In the 1l10St extrelne version of this ideology, everything on the planet was put here explicitly for hun1an use. At the opposite extrelne, today. the earth-first sensibility urges us to treat the entire planet according to the can1psite ethic: carry out what you carry in, and leave no trace of your p<lssage. It is not n1Y lnission to lnediate between these strangely polarized positions. My chief ain1 is silnply to describe and explain the technological fabric of society. not to judge whether it is good or bad. beautiful or ugly. And yet] would not argue that technology is neutral or value-free. Quite the contrary: [ subnlit that the signs of hUlnan presence are the only elen1ents of the landscape that have any n10ral or aes- thetic significance at all. In nature undisturbed, a desert is not better or worse than a forest or a glacier; there is silnply no scale on 'which to rank such things unless it is a hun1an scale of utility or beauty. Only when people intervene in nature is there any question of right or wrong, better or wor"e. When we look on a pri"tine glade, we are lnere bystanders, but when we walk down a city street, we are responsible for what we see (and what we hear and sn1ell), and we are therefore called on to pass judgn1ent. !, Ij a .1 ... .., ...--  
One winter afternoon a few yee1rs ago I stood by the side of a highway near Gallup, New Mexico, looking on a classic vista of the Atnerican West: red sandstone buttes rising fronl a valley floor. It was the kind of landscape Blade (1nlous by fihns and paintings and postcards, not to mention e111 those Marlboro Man advertisen1ents. But this particular vista had sOlnething tnore. In fi-ont of the cliffs, and towering over then1, were several cylindrical spires that I recognized as petroleunl fractionating colmnns; off to one side was a grove of gleatuing white "pherical tanks. The towers and tanks belonged to a plant tor processing and storing propane, or liquefied petro- leUlu gas. I suspect the1t l1lost viewers of this scene would consider the industrial hard- ware to be an intrusion, a distraction, perhe1ps even a desecration of the landscape. I lllight offer the counterargunlent thc1t the juxtaposition of naturallandfoflns with the geollletrically sill1pler cylinders and sphere" adds visual interest to the composition, but I don't expect to win tnany converts to that view. When looking on that scene west of Gallup. the obvious question is: Why did they have to build it here? Couldn't the gasworks have been put sotuewhere less conspic- uous? There is an answer. The propane plant was put below the buttes because that's where the pipeline runs. carrying petrolemn products frotn Texas to California. And the pipeline takes that path because it follows the highway and the railroad. And before the highwe1Y and railroad were built. a ste\gecoach line followed the satue route. And before that, there We1S a trail used by the native peoples who have 111ain- tained c1l1 urban culture in this region for ell least e1 tuillennimn. In other word'i, thi is c1 land....clpe that hels l1een put to hunun lht' tl)r e1 very long titne. Today. many of us Blight prefer to see it put to some otlter use. hut tlut is still e1 matter of impressing In Cushing, Oklahoma ("pipeline crossroads of the world"), cylindrical tanks dot another bucolic land- scape. Would the scene be more interesting or more attractive without them? 
Sometimes the forms of industrial hardware are full of visual interest in their own right, quite apart from how they fit into the wider landscape. At right, an insulated pipeline and a row of air-intake stacks at an installation of gas-turbines next to the Ravenswood Generating Station in Queens, New York. Below, another rooftop cyclone, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. - A' I I I i,    I - I .. i r ---- ----- .----- '- - ---- --- hmnan values on the land. We nlight choose industry or we nlight choose scenery, but in either case it is our choice and responsibility. A field guide ought to offer nlore than just clues to identifying species. It should also lead to an understanding of how the various elenlents of a landscape or an ecosys- tenl. fit together in a coherent whole. [n the rain forest, trees provide shelter for SOllIe anin1als; other aninlals eat the fruits and at the saIne tiine disperse the seeds; still oth- ers are paral\ites on the leave or roots. COlnparable webs of interactions can be found in Olne industrial ecosystellls. A classic exainple is the dalluning of a river. which can upply hydroelectric power and drinking water for cities. irrigation water for agri- culture, and protection from flooding dowllstreaIn; but the dain alo pennanendy ubinerges a valley, with a consequent loss of land area. and in some cases the dain may interfere with fisheries; the effects on river navigation could be either beneficial or detriinental. Because the networks of the industrial econOlny are so tangled. there is no clear starting point or finish line; it\ all cycles within cycles. But we have to start sonle- where, and so in this book [ have iinposed an overall structure that traces the flow of Inaterials, energy. and infonnation through the systenl. The story begins with basic inputs, namely, raw Inaterials such as Inetal ore. coal, and petroleulll. as well as water and what nlight be called biological raw Il1aterials-food and other products of agri- culture. Then we explore the various network that interconnect us all: the electric power grid, conul1unication channels, and transport by road, rail, air. and water. Finally we COlne to the nether end of the industridl econOlny-the disposal and re- cycling of wastes. 
Not everything indu\tri<11 or technologic1) will be f()lmd within these p<lgC'\ My emphasis is on landscape, l11e<ming thing you can ee out of doors. I luve had to ignore a nl11ltitude of £ul1iliar hou'\ehold technologie'\; thus, you will hdve to turn elsewhere to learn how a dishwasher or a l11icrowave oven works. With regret, I hdve also had to leave out m<my manufacturing operations. I would have greatly enjoyed learning and describing what goes on inside a pharmaceutical plant or <1 fabrication line for silicon chips. but <11] the action in '\uch places i'\ hidden away; £i-0111 the out- side, you would have a hard tinle telling whether a (tetory nuke, a'\pirin or l11icro- processors. The manuf.1.cturing operations that do appear in these pages are tho'\e where the nlachinery is more or less visible from out'\ide the chain-link fence, a\ \\"ith oil refineries and steel mills. (In fact, nlany of the photographs in this book were taken fr0111 outside the fence-or by poking the lens of the call1era through it.) Other excluded topics nuy seenl nlore or less arbitrary. I decided not to attenlpt <1 '\urvey of l11ilitarv technolob'Y, partly because poking a call1era len\ through those fences could get 111e in trouble. I also had no room for the contruction industry. Final]y, I should note that this i largely a guide to the North American industrial land- scape, with sonle attention to Europe but a11110'\t nothing dbout the rest of the world. The writing of this book Ius been an education and an <ldventure. [ have criss- cros')ed North Anlerica as a technotourist taking in the highlights of the industrial landscape. Friends looked at l11e strangely when [ announced that I was going to New Orlean not for Mardi (;ras but to look at the drailuge pumps, that I was dri- ving to Vermont not for the skiing but to see a granite qU<lrry, that nlY vacation in the \outh of Italy was spent photogr<lphing highways and harbors. At least I avoided the crowds. My hope is th<lt this book will cultivate greater <lW<lreness of all the l11iscellaneous h trdware that goes into making a civilization. and perh<lps even S0111e enthusi<lsm for , 1-"-   " "\ :  --..... .... . .....-"\ . _J.===-- "- , ... " - ' ''':'t . ,-\- · '-"" ."" -- ,  \., , . -"',  ,- '\ . :" '\  '- \ \ Some industrial activities impress a pattern directly on the landscape itself, especially in mining and agricul- ture. At left, ponds are prepared in the surface of a towering artificial butte, made of low-grade copper are. The ponds will be flooded in the mining process called heap leaching. The are pile is at the Tyrone Mine in New Mexico. 
the industriallandscape. It's all around you; you Illight as weIl get to know Wh<lt it's called and wh<lt it does. If you would pull off the highw<lY to admire a nlolmtain vista or a waterfall, you nlight also consider pausing for a nline or a power plant. WelcOllle to the world we have nlade for ourselves. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This is a book that springs from at least three sources. One point of departure was the question that my daughter, AnlY Hayes, used to ask fronl the back seat: "What's that thing?" I th ank her both for asking the question and for letting nle know when nlY answers grew toa pedantic to endure. Looking further back, nlY own interest in the artifacts of the industrial world was awakened in adolescence, when I was fortunate to have an older friend, Dave Fell, an engineer and an urban-industrial counterpart of the wise woodsnun. One sunlnler we explored the back roads near Cape May Point, New Jersey. The locale is signifi- cant. Witnler Stone's Bird Studies at Old Cape A/ay was a founding work of Alnerican nature writing, and Lily Pond at Cape May Point still attracts an interesting popula- tion ofbirds and birders. When RogerTory Peterson, the dean of field-guide authors, 11lade his first ornithological expedition, his destination was Cape May Point. But the area is also a rich one for the technophile. Less than a mile from Lily Pond, Dave and I found a vast, hUllln1Ïng plant that extract'\ nlagnesiU1n from seawater; nearby we watched a dredge deepen the canal that crosses the cape; we clambered over a World War II blockhouse and gun enlplacement, abandoned by the Coast Guard; and we puzzled over rusted renlnants of bygone industries, such as a steanl-driven nlill for crushing oyster shells into powdered lime. Dave-sadly, now deceased-taught 1l1e the pleasure of puzzling out how things work. The third influence was Dennis Flanagan, the editor of Scientific A m erica 11 through all its best years, who educated a generation of science writers, including nIe. In a conversation two decades ago, Dennis pointed out that although a great deal is written about technology, alnlost all of it focuses on a few fashionable topics such as conlput- ers and genetic engineering; the technologies that run nlost of the world's industries have beconle almast invisible. His relllark inspired this book, and his continuing guidance helped to shape it. Dennis died in January 2005. I alll grateful to nlany others for help and support. Diana Lutz and her parents, Josephine Lutz and the late John Lutz, were the project's first enthusiasts. The late Philip and Phylis Morrison offered encouragenlent and a streanl of suggestions that were pure gold. Joseph Wisnovsky, a friend and collea6'1le, helped l11e refine nlY ideas and shared nuny of his own; then he arranged for publication at WW Norton and for seven years was my editor there. Af ter Joe's retirement, Angela von der Lippe and Alessandra l:3astagli taak over. Barbara Willianls Flanagan offered valuable counsel. Bonnie Auslander has been nlY loyalest reader and critic. And, through a decade of 
PREFACE wandering the industrial landscape, Rosalind Reid has been nlY conlpanlon and feIlow-traveler. She has a presence in these pages. This book would not exist without the financial support of the Alfred P Sloan Foundation, where Arthur L. Singer, Jr., rescued me fronl an early crisis and Doron Weber provided sustained support over a period of years. The grants were adlninis- tered by Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society. FinaIly I wish to acknowledge the assistance of a great nlany helpful and thought- ful people who invited me into their corners of the industriallandscape, showed nle the sights, and helped nle teIl their stories: Asheville Waste Paper COInpany; Frank Brenner of Atlantic Scrap and Processing in KernersviIle, North Carolina; Reagan Gentry, Aubrey K. McClendon, TOIll Price, Jr., Ron E. Voth, and Roger Wilson of Chesapeake Energy Corporation in Oklaholna City; Ken Deffeyes of Princeton, New Jersey; R. S. Renfroe of the ChevronTexaco refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi; , Glenn Madehneyer of Covanta Energy Corporation in Lorton, Virginia; Mike Adcock, Renee Lawrence, Jalnes Minor, Terry Rolan, David Sineath, and Willianl Telford of the Departnlent of Water Managenlent in Durhanl, North Carolina; Duane Klabunde and Doug Stoltz of the Falkirk Mining Conlpany in Underwood, North Dakota; Tonl Spain of the Water Redanlation Facility in Henderson, North Carolina; H. L. Hinles of Silver City, New Mexico;joe Hirschi of the Illinois Clean Coal Institute; the Galatia Mine in Galatia, Illinois, operated by American Coal Conlpany; Linda White of the Kern Wind Energy Association in Bakersfield, California; Dave Rib of the Kramer Junction Operating COIupany in Kramer Junction, California; Sara Moriarty and the late Judi Scioli of the Maryland Port Adnlinistration;Alan R. Blatecky and Eileen Sarro of the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina; David G. Finley of the National Radio AstrononlY Observatory in Socorro, New Mexico;Joe Puglia of the New Orleans Drainage Conll11ission; Frank Feeney, Michael Marotta, John Palllpelone, Steve Violetta, and Paula Young of the New York City Department of Sanitation; Susan Terpay, C. T. Sansbury, Jr., J L. Thonlas, and DarneIl Wood of Norfolk Southern Corporation; Scott A. Andrews, GiffDaughtridge, Mike D. Fox,Johnny E.Jacobs,Joe Rutkowski, and RayWright of Nucor Corporation; Woodrow Boyd, Sharon Hall, Robert Sisson, and Robert Yanity of Progress Energy;John Hubbard of the Roanoke VaIley Resource Authority; Todd Paton of the Rock of Ages Granite Quarry in Barre, Vermont; Matt Saindon and Melvin Saindon of Zurich, Kansas; Michael B. Gwynn of Texasgulf; Michael D. O'DeIl of UUNET Technologies; Bill Roser of the Wheeler Brothers Feedyard in Watonga, OklahOlna. 
, A big hole in the ground: This is where most of the raw materials of an industrial society come from. In this particular hole-the Rock of Ages quarry in Barre, Vermont-workers skillfully carve out immense slabs of granite for use in buildings, monuments, and grave- stones. To appreciate the scale of this excavation, note that the bright blue object on a shelf near the center of the image is a Porta Potti. .. -r .,... I 'I . f i  --., "--. 1 ,. I \ t I t I r 
CHAPTER 1 OUT HER A W MAT ER I ALS FOR B U I L DIN G a civilization are 11lainly things we dig up out of the ground: fuels such as coaL UraniUlll. and petroleUlll; the ores of iron. copper. alUlllinUlll, and dozens of other 111etais; stone, sand, and clay for building; and a nliscellany of other 11linerals such as sulfur and phosphates. These things are basic inputs of the world econonly-the ingredients for nlaking everything else-and so they seenl like a good place to begin an exploration of the industriallandscape. This chapter describes what econOlllists call the extractive industries-the various ways of scraping and drilling and blasting and digging to claw useful stuff out of the earth. We'll visit pit nlines, strip nlines, and underground mines, hard-rock nllnes, coal nlines, and stone quarries. And we'lllook at what happens to a few of these conlnlodities atter they are retrieved froll1 underground: the snlelting of copper, the conversion of iron ore into steel, the 11lanufacture of Ce111ent and concrete. (Two other vital resources-water and petroleu111-nlight have been discussed in the same context, but they are so inlportant they deserve chapters of their own.) To begin our tour of the industrial landscape with titanic nlines and nlills is to confront imnlediately the nlost spectacular ways that industry can transfornl the ter- rain. Over a period of a few decades. a big open-pit nline can blast away an entire nlountain, leaving a deep crater in its place and filling nearby valleys with waste rock. Inside the 11line, everything biological-the whole veneer of grass. trees. and soil that shapes and softens the contours of the hunIan habitat-is peeled back to expose the ra\-v, rocky heart of the planet. Critics of the industry describe such nlines as wounds or scars. Miners, of course, see nothing so sinister or destructive in what they do. On the contrary. they are proud of the grandeur of their art: for the first time in hUlllan histor we have it in our power to nlove nlountains. Mining seems like a simple job: first you find pay dirt, and then you dig it out. Uut there are 11l3ny ways of going .Ibout it. Different kinds of deposits LIn for diflt..'rcnt OF THE EARTH 
GETTING A LOOK Mine operators have a certain reputation for wariness, secrecy, and occasionally even hos- tility. Think of the solitary prospectors of west- ern legend, always chasing off "claim jumpers." Superintendents of modern mining operations have other reasons for shutting out visitors. Mines are dangerous places, and when you wander onto the property, the own- ers will worry about your safety-or about their legal liability for your safety. If you are snooping around with binoculars or a camera, they may think you are looking for violations of environmental or worker-safety regulations. mining trategie\, .tI1J .1 ...ingle deposit might be worked in st'ver.ll \\.I O\L. thL course of its lifetime. Suppose you strike gold. You nlight start Inakin g Y our fc ort b "- , . L lIne ) tr"mg [0 n er loose flakes of metal in s.lndy tredm beds-a techm q u k I . " . . t' no\\ n .h p dl er m1l1111 ! Later you nllght dIg a mall underground mine followI ng a ." t - . . L \eln C lore It lIlt' '1I- ders through the rock. With a bigger capital investment th t I " .L. ., e unlIe 1116 0per LnOII could e replaced by an open-pIt nllne, with enonnou, earthmc,v1l1g nldlhin Then,.lf the ore. body continues still deeper, you might return tn underround meth- ods wIth a erncal shaft nline. FinallY,Jut when YOll think the depoit is played )ut t last, the dIscarded wastes frOln earlier operations becOllle a resource \vurth L "\:ploit- lng. In sonle Inining districts all these activities are going on at once. PLACER MINING The rnention of placer mining evokes im.lges of forty-niner panning for gold in the streams near Sutter's Mill in northern California. A placer (pronounced "plah-er") i just a deposit of sand or gravel with a concentration of sonk uef111 mineral. Most placers are created by the action of rivers or glaciers (the word I.... Spdlllsh for .....hoal") and they are Inined by using water to separate the mineral from wate nlatt'ricd In panning for gold, the Ininer digs gravel fronl the stream bed and s\Virl it in .1 hal- low pan until the lighter wastes escape and the denser flakes of" color" .Ire left behind. As mining processes go, Pdnning is inefficient, recovering only the most accessible min- erals. On the other hand, the only eguipnlent needed is a pie pan and .1 hovel. When d placer-mining operation grows too big for panning. the next step is a sluice box or riffle box, in which larger quantities of gravel are w.llihed over curru- Then there are all the usual concerns about theft and vandalism. probably best at the largest quarries and open. pit mines, some of which welcome visitors and offer tours, or at least put up a sign explaining what's going on down below. Underground mines are harder to get into, but there are a few where you can strap on a hard hat and ride a hoist or an ore train into the depths of the earth. In any case, the biggest mines are so vast in scale that they can't be hidden from view. You'll see them whether you want to or not. The photo at left shows the aptly named d . . Bist- lavender Pit an abandone mrne In . ' f dS . l de oVNIc ,k. Anzona as seen rom a roa Yet hostility to sightseers is by no means uni- versal. Your chances of getting a close look are 
t. " \. . ". <, . _... .'1;  .,.. J- '. . \. :.'  - .. - ...., g,ltion, by rapidly tlowing water, ,lg,lin le,lVing behind the heavier gold particles. These fornI' of pbcer mining ,Ire not econolllically illlportant today, but in gold- lllining districts there are pknty of ro,ldside mu...eum, where you can <lee old equip- ment on display. For ,1 te, you CUI ,11'0 try your luck ,It panning. (The owners of the nll1eum Il.lve recognized more wealth tloW<l by on the highway out tJ:ont dun in the stre,llll out back.) A more ebborate form of placer lllining is called hydr,ll1licking. A big nozzle fed \V,lter by a high-pre<.;sure hose pby<.; over ,I bank of gravel, washing it into a ravine or streanl bed. Sonll'where downstre,lm ,1 <lluice box <.;ep,lrate<.; out the met,l!. Placer mining seems like ,I sinlple, low-tech operation in the case of panning, it's even rather picturesque. UUf placer mining can be more de<ltrucrive [0 the landscape than the larger-sLlle nlethods of underground ,md open-pit mining. I f is essentially a \\,IY of w,lshing land into rivers. to the detriment of both. Nineteenth-century hydraulicking in the Sierra Nev,H.b dumped such a load of silt into the Sacralllento River tlut the riverbed was raised 20 feet above the surrounding valley floor. Hydraulicking is now outbwed almost everywhere in the United St,ltes except Alaska. It's <.;till done in the gold ,md diamond field of Brazil, Au,trali,l, ,md Southeast Asi,l. UNDERGROUND MINING By their very nature, underground nline... ,Ire nuinly out of ight. Uut tlut doen't me,m there', nothing to ee on the \urtace. L1rge-sLlle mining ent,lils moving mil- lion of tons of e,Irth ,md ore; it c,m't be done \\ ithout \ome [lirly conspicuous nl.lchinery. F-rom top<';lde you can [lCilitie for hauling ore, tor ventilating ,l1ld dr.Iining the mine. fOt processing the ore, ,llld fc)r di'po,ing of \\',lste. The Headframe and Hoist. In  lollywood\ vi<.;ion of the ()Id West. ,1 mine is ,1 hOl- izunt,tl tunnel c,Irved intu ,1 hillside. with the purt,ll outlined by .1 ti-,mIl' of rough Hydraulicking operation uses a stream of water under high-pressure to wash away an embankment along the Rogue River in southern Oregon. The date of the photo is unknown; it comes from the collection of the Bureau of land Management. 
A head frame of traditional style stands sentinel over a disused mine near Butte, Montana. The large pulleys, or sheaves, at the top of the frame are directly above a shaft that descends vertically into the mine. Wire rope threaded over the sheaves hauled up ore buckets, or skips, which dumped their load into the bin built along one side of the head frame.  rt, -" jiiiiiii  :A g a!' -  ....   ... I ". .". . -. ... ...,,.. -,- .I- " -- .-  - r  ,. <' hewn timbers. Such tunnd nline do eIt, but flr me h h . h h h . t II (Jtrm m1l1t were t e entry I'; vertical rat er t an OrIzon . . hoi -l '''hI4 h the nline, and getting the ore out, rt'yUlrt' d ... h b . . . f q ui p Incnt, III th t e 19gest and most expensIve pIece a L  ,  . I --.  .........  
The p,lrt of the hoist you cm see on the I\urface is c,llled the headfr,li11e. At older and snl,lller mines it is likely to be a frame in the literal r.;ense-thJt is. an open frame- work of wood or steel beams, 20 or 30 feet high. Most often it is an A-franle (or actually ,1I1 A -fralne. with one r.;traight r.;ide and one sloped side). In some of the tra- ditional lnining districts of the western states-placer.; like Butte, Montana. and Tonopah. Nevada-dozens of headfrJmes in this sryle dot the hillsides. Larger and newer mines still have a structure called a headfralne, but it has lost its distinctive appearance. Instead of an open fralne. it's an enclosed building or tower. typically r.;heathed in corrugated lnetal (which r.;eems to be the 111ining engineer's ['lvorite construction material). At the top of cl headtl-alne are large pulleys called sheaves. Wire ropes pass over the sheaves to the hoist engine at ground level. SOlne newer hoists are built with the Inotors and the rest of the ll1echanism at the top of the tower. Why is the hoist such a big deal in a lnining operation? After all. it works just like ,In elevator in a building. except that the floors go down frOln ground level instead of up. There are two ilnportant differences. Firr.;t. a lnine hoist has to lift a nluch heav- ier load. A passenger elevator has a nl.lXimUln load of a few thousand pounds: a Inine hoist nl.lY be c,llled on to lift 50,000 or even 1 un,ooo pounds ,It a tilne. Second. even the tallest skyscrapers are only ,lbout a quarter of a Inile high, but lnine shafts sink nlore than two lnilel\ into the earth. C0111bining these two factors, a 111ine hoist nlight have to do a hundred tillles as nluch work al\ the elevator in a hotd or office build- ing. That nleans bigger nlotors and thicker cables and a beefier fralnework. The ore-carrying buckets of a hoist are called skips. Many 111ine hoists have two skipl\ suspended trOln separate rores but traveling side by side in the sall1e shaft and driven by the sanle nl0tor. When one skip i at the bottonl of the shaft, the other is at the top; likewise, when one is headed downward, the other is conling up. The descending eillpty skip acts as ,1 partial counterweight to the ascending loaded one. For r.;,lfety reasons, underground Inines in the United States are required to have at least two sep,lrate accesr.; openings. Often they are identified as the 111ain shaft (for ore haulage) ,111d the l11.1n sh,lft (for 111iners). The hoisr on the nlan shaft is generally sll1all- er and built for lighter dury than the ore hoisr. and it has cages instead of skips. Ore Transport. The headfr,l1ne lifts each r.;kip high enough to dU111p its lo,ld of ore into the top of a storage bin. or hopper. The ore is drawn frOln the bottonl of the bin and carried to the next stage in the lnining oper,ltion-the lnill, or ore-processing plant. Ar I\lnall, isolated Inines. ore lnight be hauled by trucks or rail cars. There are also ore-transport r.;yr.;tenls rhat look like rickery ki lifts going nowhere: a long line of stanchions supporting a cable with suspended ore buckets. Most 1110dern conveyor syr.;tenls ,1re nlore like r.;Olnething ,It the supenn,lrket checkout counter or the airport luggage clrousel. A flexible belt ')upported bv rollers runs in a channel or throuh an endo:'\eJ tube, carr) ing ore in a continuou "tre..ln1. The conveyor belts can extend for miles, both underground ,111d ,H thL' l1rt:lCe. A headframe of more recent design stands above a coal mine in West Frankfort, Illinois, which operated from the 1970s until 1994. The orange objects visible just above the enclosed section are coal-carrying skips. ... .. - ...." . :;.,r;... , -, " ,   -4 4.' . , .. .. :- . I': , ,$ ft, ... jt."  ., . AI. _: I I I ., -t 1 i I , ..;;'r 
"Y )/ ,  .,. ./ . '').  {II . - , An aerial tramway threaded through a residential neighborhood in T rieste, Italy, carries buckets of lime- stone from a quarry to a steel mill. Conveyor belts cutting diagonally across the sky are one of the most characteristic sights in mining districts These belts, moving through corrugated-metal housings to protect them from the weather, are at the Galatia coal mine in southern Illinois.  ('ert.lin kmds ot ore -the Iight\\l.'lght tH- '\oft or '\oluhlt' one..., ,uch .. pho'\ ph.lte-c.lI1 be tran'\ported even more etliClently hy .1 '\lu1TY pipeline_ rhe ore is Ir- ried .llong by .1 stre.l111 of w.lter in .1 pipe .1 toot or t\\ 0 in di.lmeter. I f you cm 'el close, you'll the gr.lVelly '\olid'\ "cr.1ping .llong the bottom. WI1.1tever the nature of the tran"port system, .H the (u end the ore i" usu.dl) dumped on .In outdoor "torage he.1P, which LlI1 become .1 SI11.111 mount.1in. The he.1P serves a a buffer bet\\-een the mining dnd the milling oper.ltion<;. If the mine should have to hut down briefly, the IHill could continue working on stockpiled ore- Ct In- versely, if the mil] -;tor running, there'<; a place to put the mine\ continuing output. This Idea ofbuftering turns up again and ag.1in not only in mining but in n1.1n) otlwr industries a well, frUI11 bakeries to oil refineries. ,I Ventilation. Miners will tell you that what make al] the difference in the gu.llit) of life underground is the ventilation system. The .1ir is not just for breathing; it .1lso cun- troIs the tenlperarure of the mine, .lI1d carries .1\vay dust and fumes from blastmg. In coall11ines the circulated air also disperse" methane gas. which is .1n explo"lon h.lz.1rd. In the usual .1rrangement, air flow" down the main shaft and come" o.lck to the surtlce through auxili.1ry opening. If you ever get lost in the d.lrk and tWhty p.l" sages of an underground l11ine, the stand.lrd advice is to w.1lk so that the .1ir is blow- ing in your (lce_ This should bring you back to the main shaft. At ,onle hard-rock mine, the (lns th.1t keep the air moving .1re underground, ,n VOLl won't see or hear them. Coal l11ines, however, are required to have the main t.U1 on the ,urface so that they won't be put out of commi"slon by an underground tlre or explosion. Ventilating (lns come in two de-;igns, centrifugal .ll1d The centrifllg.11 one" .1rL snail-sh.1ped, like a hair dryer; they suck .lil into the center .U1d blow it Illt on .1 t.lI1- .. ,. '.::-  .- -.. . ;. - . ,,--------- , ---  -  -...:....' .,..., - -- ...." ----- ....... ..":.  .........---  - :.....-.. .. .IP -__.  - ''-. " -----.. . _. ..........   . -- "'-"" _..,.....4Ii -.":" -...-  ... .. .... -.- -....i. ....,. "" ¥ \ ., " 'I':  111I- "Ii'  r , .'-.:, ,-... - -   -- - :..-....._ ....''i. .j - -=: -.-.. , r ,  - ..... .....""" . e._ ..... , - 7 : I f!.11 ''''11 1 II'.." ',. 
-- ... r , . ...\ 1\ """ gent at the periphery. Axial (ms are more like household window or .1irplane pro- pellers. They are enclosed in a long tapered duct, like the horn of a giant trumpet. At a brge mine, the blowers tllight be 1 () feet in diameter, driven by motors that con- Sl11ne even tll0re power than the main hoi"t. It'" not unu"ual for a ventilation systen1 to pump 1 () ton... of air through the tnine tor every ton of ore produced. Drainage. If you dig a hole in the ground, "ooner or later it will fill up with water. The problen1 of retnoving this water frOln tnines has d di"tinctive rlace in the histo- ry of technology. The first stean1 engines were not built to power ships or IOCOlll0- tives; they were de'\igned to pl1111p out mines in eighteenth-century Britain. Once those tIr"t "team-driven pumps were running, they allowed coal tnines to be dug deeper. producing more coal to run brger stean1 engines. allowing still deeper mines. and so on. There you 11.lve the Industrial Revolution in a nutshell. Pumps today. driven by electric motors. are tnore powerful but less conspicuous than the huftIng ste.un engines of two centuries ago. The main pl11nps are usu- ally out of "ight deep underground-in the sump of the mine where the water collects. If seep.lge is too much for those pumps to handle. mine oper.ltors drill a pattern of well" .111 dround the tnine, in an .lttetnpt to lower the water table.At a phosph.lte tnine I once visited in North ('.lrolina, the pumps were drawing out some hO Inillion gallons a (hy. which is enough \v.lter for the city ofW.lshington, D.C. In the conte"t between pump .md seep.lge. the water always win... in the end, if only when the mine is closed .md the power "witched off. Both open pits and under- ground mines tIll with w.lter. Ab.mdoned qu.lrrie" become neighborhood '\winl1ning hole". The .1l11t' dung i l1.lppening on .1 l.1rger sClle .It the Berkele)- Pit..l11 .lb.m- doned copper mine on the edge (litcr.lllv!) uf Butte. MOl1t.lt1J The pump were hut A ventilation fan at the West Frankfort, Illinois, coal mine is built to survive the effects of underground explosions. The blast doors at the end of the hornlike duct open automatically in response to overpressure. Flooding of a mine is inevitable once the pumps are shut down. Here the rising waters are gradually sub- merging an ore-conveyor system in the Hill Annex Mine, a former open-pit iron mine (now a state park) in Calumet Minnesota. II 
HOW LOW CAN YOU GO? All of the world's deepest mines are in one place: South Africa, where veins of gold have lured miners to depths of more than 13,000 feet. That means they are lower than the bottom of the ocean - the sea floor of the nearby Atlantic is at about 10,000 feet. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that conditions down there are pretty hellish. The first problem is heat. As a rule of thumb, the temperature inside the earth rises 1 degree Fahrenheit for every 300 feet of depth. Mere fans are not enough to make such a place habitable; the deep levels of the mine have to be air-conditioned, using some of the world's biggest chiller plants. The pressure exerted by more than two miles of rock overburden also causes trouble. When a section of the tunnel fails, it's not just that the roof falls in. The surrounding rock explodes violently in an event that is likened to a miniature earthquake. These rock bursts, which come with little warning, are the main cause of death for workers in the deep mines. Just getting down into the mine and then back up again is a major logistical challenge. No hoist can reach all the way to the bottom of a 13,OOO-foot shaft. Such a length of wire rope would break under its own weight, even with nothing else to lift. Thus, workers have to make the trip in stages, using multiple hoists, and ore has to be hauled up in the same way. The time and energy spent on this vertical com- mute has an impact on profits. Pumping water from the bottom of the mine is also expensive. Nevertheless, there is talk of going even deeper in South Africa. The Western Ultra Deep levels Mine (known as "Wuddles") has announced a goal of five kilometers, or more than 16,000 feet. off in ll)X, <lI1d now the mine i'\ a shinl111ering lake. But it\ hardly a 'iWinl111ing hole. The lake i toxic-o heavily contanliluted with metals tlut it's becOllle a resource to be exploited. A plant above the pit extracts copper fronl the water. What' 5 Going on Down There? An underground mine is like an ant colony: the little nl0l1l1d <It the surf:lCe gives only <1 Elint hint of the '\prawling network of pas- sages below. The process of hollowing out the earth is done in a sequence of simple operations. repe<lted m<lI1Y time'\. First comes drilling, boring a series of holes 1 () or 15 feet deep. The drilling was once done by a two-man crew: one m<lI1 held <1 long rod of drilling steel <md the other hit it with <1 sledgelunllller. These d<IY"', pneUlllatic and hydr<wlic drill<\ have replaced nlllscle power; the l1'\ual tool i'\ <1 l11achine Ll11ed <1 drilling jumbo. <1I1 octopu... mounted on wheels or cr<1\vler tread<; tlut drill<; several holes <It once. The drilled holes <Ire loaded with <1I1 explosive, then detonators are wired up and the rock i'\ bb<;ted with the ritu<11 cry "Fire in the hole!" ()nce the smoke dear..., the next operation i<; ""n1Ucking out" the debri:-.. This work too wa:-. once done by nunu- <11 Llbor, using <;hovel"\ (nliners called them n1Uck "\ticks) to load the hattered rock into l11ule-dr<lwn carts. No\\ both the 10<lding <lI1J the h<wling have been l11echanized. After the l11ucking out, the next priority i... 'ihoring up the \yalh and roof to pre- vent cave-ins and to hold back loo'\e rock th<lt might (111 on a worker. (lVliner... ulk about ""getting slabbed.") Timber... were the traditional choice tor thi... job, hut no\\ there i<\ <;oll1ething called a roof bolt. It work, like the exp<lI1:-.ion SCfe\V th<1t helps hold up <1 heavy picture trame on a pbster w<I11, e"cept that the roof bolt i... () to 1 () feet long. More goes on underground dun ju<;t digging the hole itself. There are pump rool11<\ and (m hou'\e'\, powder magazines, <;upply depot..., nl.1chine shops, <md electric- 
power "witching Sl.1tions. ()nce upon ,. time there were b,.rns ,1I1d t.1bles for the hundred" of ,1I1inl.lls dut pulled ore c.lrs. spending their entire lives in the dark. The modern counterp,lrts of the st.lble" ,ire underground m,.intenance yards for mining equipment, much of which is too large to bring to the "urf,lCe without di",.ssembly. Someti111e... there's a lunchroom. Everywhere there's gr,ltliti. A" tor toilet f.1cilitie'\- ye, modern 111ine... have thoe too. SURFACE MINING Underground mining Ius the advant.tge of surgical precision: You dig out wh,1t you want ,1l1d leave everything else in place. Surface mining, in contr,l"t, is .1 brute-torce atfair. You luve to rip open the earth ,md "hove ,lside vast quantities of worthle')s rock before you even re.tch the l11ineral you're ,lfter. Uut surt:lCe 111ines ,lho have a not-so- ., \ t"'\ - ..- 't.. '-. \.\ " , /. '" " - . ) { \ , .-.  ..:   -,, ..  \ '-- ........  ,  '" , --- , Jh ,-. .. ,'- " , t "\ "', \ " "   ".  , t .'-. '" . This terraced rainbow landscape is the Santa Rita mine near Silver City in southwestern New Mexico. Copper deposits in this area were known to the Apache and other early inhabitants, and in the nineteenth century the town of Santa Rita grew up to support mining activ- ity. But later the mine completely engulfed and obliterated the town for which it was named. The mine is currently owned by the Phelps Dodge Corporation. -------  -:. .... "" 
, :'f.  .., - ... " ,-' ,." ..-.  .... -  ,.: ... :-, '- . .. .. .. " \ _.' " ...  "' ._. - .... . .., :--.. ,,\ . ....  . - " \.,......," .. '');.. . , 1.1 .'-. -. ....... '. .." ... . ". , .... " ," .., .. ...... "\.. ., '\  - '",, -;,.  ''c; .' ..  " ',-   - '-  .. ''- .. . . - ", ..,  ." -,... , '. , \.. :... S'. .... "''1It.-  - .    - \. ,!t. ... "" . ""'... ',,-. .....:  ..:. .---.... . . .. .. :.'I  - ..., .    . ." . ,....' - ." ..\.' . ..... . . t  ..'o.!I"" . . .."  _. "J ;-.' ;II \ '. , ...  ._: . "- : .."" \ "'v.. .t'L .l-  .... ... .... :... '-  I " '" ..."'- Blasting shatters thousands of tons of rock, sends up pillars of smoke, and sets off a minor avalanche at the Bingham Canyon mine in Utah, the world's largest cop- per mine. The power shovel in the foreground is unoc- cupied during the blast; all workers leave the pit before the explosion is detonated. The photographs on the opposite page were also made at Bingham Canyon - ........'" .... . A' " .. ,  .. '"-t... .. t'  ... 'L. .- ... .... ..... .. \'' : " ,. ... "" .. .... ., .' . II. .. ... '- -\. . \. ... i--' - . --- "' ..,.  -\., , .., "'" ...... "'- e. . ".,. . .'  . ....'  - . '"t.  ,. . ..  ,,' "\1 \t:' - """,. -;:.. ;\- ., ... ' 'It. . ..... ;., .' "':\: ,. -.. -....- .... . .,.' 4  " " .. ...: ..... ecret weapon. For the iIl1mense eartllIl10ving job, Il1ining comp,lnie bring 111 immene m.1chine'\, the Ltrge'\t on the planet. This econOIl1Y of scale seenb to be working in their £1Vor: In the United States almost H5 rercent of all Il1inerals ,Ire recoyered by '\urt1Ce mining. There ,ire two n1.1in type'\ of surface mines: open pIt ,lnd open cast, the latter being better kno\\ n .IS a '\trip mine. The open-pit technique work'\ best for nlineral veins or ore bodies that dive deep into the earth through hard rock; most iron and copper ore are mined thi'l way. Open-c.l'\t nlining 1'1 mo'\t '\uitable for "bedded" sediIl1ent,l- ry'\ tl1.1t extend horizontally over large areas but lie not too far under the \ur- t1Ce- CO,11 \eaIll'\ uu,tlly fit thi description, and so do depoit'\ of certain other soH: such ,i phospl1.1tes. 
Open-Pit Mining. An open-pit mine is rem,lrkHble most of ,Ill f()r wlut is Hot there. At thl' Hull-Rust-J\t1.lhoning iron mine in Ilibbing, Minne'\ot.l, f()r ex,l111plc. \Vh,lt is not there i... 35 million cubic y,lrds of rock ,1Ild ore. The chasm cut into the earth is three Illile... long ,lnd ,1 mile \Vide-o big it t,lkes three names to cover it. And yet ,m open-pit mine is not just a void, a hole in the ground. It Ius ,1 ,\tructure, even an architecture It Ius to be desIgned '\0 th,lt the w,dls don't coll.1pse, o the nl.lxi- IllUllI allIount of ore call be extr,lCted with the least ,llll0unt of W,lste, and-the most challenging p,lrt-so enormou ore-h,mling trucks and other heavy equipment CUI drive into and out of the pit. The b,lSlC design element in the ,lrchitecture of an open-pit mine i'\ the terr,lce, or bench. The wall of the pit IS not a sheer clift nor is it .1 slope descending '\mooth- ly frmll the rim to the f1oor instead, it is ,1 giant tair\Vay or GIS CH.i e, formed of benche'\ roughl) 50 feet high. The nearly verticIl walls between the benche'\ ,Ire c,llled tlCe\. The benche help to 'It,lbilize the w,dl ,lgainst landslides ,md also provide working pbtforms for miner ,1Ild equipmcn[. When the minc is to be exp,mded, work begins on the topmost bench, which i'\ widen cd by exclV,lting the [ICe above it (a m,lIleuver called a pushb,lCk). Then the next bench below is likewise pushed b,lCk, and then the next deepl''\t, continuing ,Ill the \V,l)' to the pit floor. whcre a new bench m,lY need to be created. 13ecause the benches generally f()llow lines of con- st,mt dev,ltion, they ,Ire equivalent to contour line on ,I topographic m,lp. If you know the height of ,1 typical bench. you cm estimate the tot,ll depth of the pit just by counting benches. ,. . ..  " .,.. ,,.   ......... "\ <#.  .... , ),. - The pushback of a bench or terrace, removing a com- plete ring of rock and ore, is nearing completion in the photograph above. One last isthmus of the bench remains to be mined; once it is gone, activity will shift to the next lower bench, which will be pushed back in turn. The tall machines on the isthmus are drilling rigs, boring holes 60 feet deep for the placement of explo- sives. As an indicator of scale, note that the orange object parked near one of the drilling rigs is a school bus, used for bringing crews to and fram the work site. The haul road crossing the isthmus diagonally will have to be relocated. In the aftermath of a blast (left), a huge electrically powered shovel scoops up the broken rock and loads it into a series of haul trucks that carry 200 tons each. The trellis-like frame near the center of the image holds aloft the power cable for the shovel so that the trucks won't drive over it 
IT'S A BLAST The art of earthmoving has been transformed not only by bigger trucks and shovels but also by bigger booms. In chemical explosives, black powder gave way to dynamite a century ago, and now dynamite has been replaced by mate- rials called blasting agents, which are safer, easier to handle, and much cheaper. (But the miners still tend to call the stuff "powder.") The most important blasting agent is ammo- nium nitrate, which is also a major commodity in agriculture, where it serves as a fertilizer. Far explosive use, ammonium nitrate is manufac- tured in the form of prills, ar pellets, to which a small amount of diesel fuel is added. This mix- ture is called ANFO, for ammonium nitrate-fuel oil. Small mines and quarries buy ANFO in 50- pound sacks; larger operations receive it in bulk and pump it into bore holes. Unfortunately, ANFO has also become the explosive of choice for terrorist bombers, a problem the explosives industry is now being asked to address. One reason ANFO is relatively safe is that it takes a fairly serious explosion to set it off-not just a blasting cap but also a primer, or boost- er. In a mine blast, the charges are timed to go off in a specific sequence, a few milliseconds apart. The staggered timing helps ensure that the rock is thoroughly fractured, but without throwing boulders halfway across the mine. Most blasting caps for mine use are trig- gered electrically. Signs warn motorists to turn off two-way radios because a nearby transmis- sion might produce enough stray current in a blasting wire to cause a premature detonation. The wire is never reused. Thus, if you are ever walking through an old mine or quarry, one thing you are likely to stumble over (perhaps lit- erally) is a tangle of abandoned blasting wire. In the movies, explosives are set off by ram- ming home the plunger in a device that looks something like a bicycle pump. This "blasting machine" is an electric generator, turned by the movement of the plunger. The modern version is smaller, and it is triggered by merely pushing a couple of buttons. What's inside is not a gener- ator but a capacitor, which is slowly charged from a battery and then rapidly discharged through the blasting caps. (:0l1lple11lenting the upide-down-wedding-cake structure of benches is a ribbon of haulage ro,lds that cross the contour lines obliquely. I f you think of the benche ,1S the levels of a vast underground p,lrking deck. then the haulage roads are the ral1lpS that connect the levels. [n SOl1le mines a single road spirals either clockwise or coun- terclockwise all the way {i'om the rim to the floor. so that a vehicle making the con1- plete trip will turn several full circles before reaching the bOttOl11. Other mines h,we ,1 road with many switchb,tcks. or ZigZ,lgS, built nuinly along one w,l11 of the pit; this plan is usu,llly chosen when one wall of the 11line is at the edge of the ore body and will not be excavated further. If there's room, the mine will have separate roadways for el1lpty trucks decending into the pit and Liden one'\ clil1lbing out. The '\equence ofba'\ic 11lining operation in ,1l1 open pit is not n1uch ditferent {i'om that at the working [tee of an underground 11line. Ag,lin the n1ain '\tep are to drill, to hla'\t, and to remove the rubble. But each of these operation i'\ carried out on a 11luch larger 'cale. The drill holes are a foot in di,l11leter intead of two inches, and 6() feet deep in'\tead of 1 () feet. The quantity of exploives loaded into the hole '\clle up accordingly, and '\0 does the volun1e of rock and ore broken up by each blast. Cig,lntic power hovel" dnd fleet'\ of fi-ont-end loaders <;coop up the debri. This nuteriaT i'\ hauled out of the mine by trucks that carry d 10dd of 4()(),()()() rounds, which i'\ 5 or 1 () til1le the capacity of truck th,lt travel the public roadway'\. The worlJ\ largest open-pit 11line is the 13inghan1 Canyon copper 11line, J() 11lile '\outhwe'\t of Salt Llke City. The project was begun in 1 Y()3 by I ). E. Jackling, a leg- end,lry mining engineer \vho i gener,l11y credited with the invention of 11lodern large-scale surf:lce mining. ()ver the years 11l0re than 5 billion tons of l11.1terialluve 
been eXLlV,lted ,lt Binglum C,myon. lea\ ing ,1 pit t\\o-,md-,l-h,llf miles ,lCross ,1t the rinl and h,llf d mile deep. I Lnd,lge ro,lds that climb both the north ,md the south walls of the mine ,1re used mainly for tr,msporting \\"lste rock to dUlnp heaps in a(lj,lCeIH gorges. The ore exits Vi,l three large tunnels dug through the '\urrounding mOUlH,lins. Two of the tunnels have tr,leks for st,md,lrd rail cars; the third has a conveyor belt C1r- rying ore directly to ,1 mill in the nearby town of Copperton. Along the highest wall of the mine there are more than 50 benches dt vertical intervals of 50 feet. Excavating a complete sequence of pushbacks. enlarging the mine from the top down. take'\ ,1hnost a decade. The IHine Ius a visitor center and an overlook on the rim. Strip Mining. In open-pit mining. nothing is ever put back in the pit: ore goes to the IHill for refining. ,1I1d waste rock is piled up in towering heaps ,md emb,lI1kments whose skyward growth IHatche'\ the downward progress of the pit itself. In strip min- Strip mining, or open-cast mining, creates plateaus rather than pits. Here the artificial plateau is carved out of the hills of central Pennsylvania at a coal mine near the town of Ebensburg. The photograph was taken from atop a great heap of soil that had been set aside for later use in restoring in the mine site. -,. 
A dragline is the largest of the machines used to strip away the overburden and mine the ore layer at an open-cast mine. The bucket dangling on ropes from the end of the boom is cast outward like a fishing lure and then reeled in toward the operator, scooping up earth along the way. A bucketload for this particular dragline, one of the world's largest, is 220 cubic yards. Note the school bus, which would easily fit in the bucket. The dragline is at a phosphate mine in Aurora, North Carolina. At the time the photograph was made, the Aurora mine was operated by T exasgulf Inc.; it is now owned by PotashCorp. ... \, - r. . II -r , ing, on the l)ther ]und, the W,l\te dug out of e,lCh Ill'\\ section of ,1 111ine is u-;ed ro tll1 ,111 e,lrlier section. l )n]y the ore (or CO,l]) h pern1.1nently rC111lwed t)-om the ,ite the W,lste m,lteri,l] is ret,lined ,111d eventu,l11y returned to the mined terr,lin. In the simplest Llse the mining is done in long p,lr,l11e1 '\trips. A-; the overburden is peeled otT one ...trip, it is spre,H.i directly onto the ,H:lj,lCent worked-our srrip. Thi" built-in recycling process l11ight be expected to make '\trip-mining technol- o') a tavorite of envirOnnlel1t,Ili-;ts, but it Ius quite the opposite reput,nion. The rrou- ble i-; tlut strip mining rip') open truly vast tract'\ of countryside. Even the Llrge'\t open-pit mines cover only a few '\quare miles, bur ,m ,u11birious strip l11ine could rol1 over 111 or even 100 tinle'\ a'\ much rerrirory in rhe S,ll11e period. Furthen11ore. although rhe old workings ,Ire filled in ,md much eft<Jrt is put into reclamation. the Lmd nuy nor be "n,ltura]" ,Ig,Iin tor nl.lny ye,lr'\. By the 1970s. strip mining was in such ill repute mine operators were fil1.1lly moved to do something ,1bout it. Wl1.1t they did was cl1.1nge the l1.1me of the tech- nique fi-0111 strip mining to open-LIst mining. This wa'\ a very helptll1 mea'\ure, in that it ended arguments over the origil1.1lmeaning of the term strip. (Is it ,\ noun referring to the long '\trips of Lmd or ,1 verb de'\crihing the stripping away of overburden?) Unfortunately, the change Ius not entirely Lmght on. The btest edition of The S.\1E .L\1ill;'r.!. l:"r.!.illccril1g Htllidbook ha'\ ,1 chapter titled "( )pen ('ast (Strip) Mining." /  1".... :- , ..  . - . 
 ........ , - ... ..II. _... l::Jiliiii._ !IIi. ..,.:;  -Z :;- C" ...' -Ie. _...uau. ..J.,........... ......; ". ....." . . . ........  !. ':""- .. .... ....... - I'tli!.. I:=. II Whatever you choose to clll the technique, .md whether or not you want .1 strip mine in your own b.lCkyard. YOll cannot help being impressed by the grandeur of the operations. It is like plowing the e.lrth on a g.lrgantuan scale. turning over furrows a hundred y,lrds wide, a mile long, and .1 hundred feet deep. The oa'\ic steps in '\trip mining ,lre somewhat different from thoe in hard-rock, open-pit mining. In many caes no blasting i done; the overburden is '\oft enough to be chewed up by earthmoving nlachinery without the help of explo,ive. When ,1 new parcel i being opent'd up, tht' firt stage i "grubbing," which is the removal of topoil and veget,ltion. Then the stripping of overburden begins, along \\ ith the silTIultaneous cating of poil into the worked-out adjacent strip. ()ften the tripping is done in layer, corresponding to different geologicll '\tr.lta. For e,lIllple, a byer of gravel or clay might be stripped off with a nl.lchine called ,1 bucket-wheel eXclVator. which can h.mdle large volumes of soft nl.lterial. I hrder deposits clll for a stripping shovel or a dr,lgline. The tlnal operation is the mining of the coal or miner.ll Lwer. J )epending on the size of the mine. completing a ingle strip can take .1 few weeks or a few years. WhiJe excavating is under W.1Y III one strip. reclamation gets started in the previ- ou ones. At most American strip mines the operator is required to restore the Lmd to ib "approxinl.lte original contour." which means that a great deal of leveling and grading needs to be done with a fleet of bulldozers .md cr.lper. The spoil. Il.lving been dredged up from deep underground. is biologic.dly sterile. .md so topsoil to be down. (Most of it is recl.1imed from tilt' grubbing oper.ltion.) Mulch .md fer- tilizer .lre .11o needed. followed by '\eeding \Vith gr.lsses or other cover crops. Like other capit,ll- intl'n'lvt' Illdu'\tne,. 'trip mine, uu.ll1y opl'r.lte 24 hour... .1 O.lY and 7 tLtys .1 week. A mint' ,lt night IS .1 specucle. B.l1Ik of floodlight, C,lst .1,h Strip-mining process at the Aurora mine calls for exca- vating 100 feet of sandy overburden in order to reach a layer of phosphate-rich ore 30 or 40 feet thick. The overburden removed from one cell or strip of the mine is used to fill in mined-out areas. The machinery in the foreground is part of a conveyor-belt system carrying overburden from an active strip to an area being reclaimed. 
gLlrl' on the working .lredS but le.l\;e other corners in eerie gloom. rhe t.11l booms of the sho\-eIs .llld dr.lglines .Ire .llso festooned with lidlts, .llld they swoop through the d.lrk like the twirling neon m.l"t of ...ome m.lni,lCal amu"ement-p.\rk ride; but there is no cuni\'.ll nll1sic or 'que.lling of children, just the rhythmic thud and roar of nl.lchinery, Surface-Mining Machinery, looking ,It a Jragline or a stripping shovel ti-mn a dis- t.lnce, you Inight be fooled by the ,cale of the 111,lchine, In basIc fOrIn it look" nluch like equipment you see ,It .my construction "ite. But then you notice .l CJr parked nearby or a hun1.ln figure clilnbing up to the control cab, and c;;uddenly the true size of the n1.lchine sinks in. The control cab i an inconspicuou .1Ppendage at the front of the "house," the enclosure fonns the n1.1in body of the n1.lchine. The house is, in [lct, the size of ,I slllall hotel-almost ISO feet long and 50 feet high. And the house in turn is dw,lrfed by the boom and its rigging, which extend a tll11 footb.lll field out in front. I )raglines .lre the largest self-propelled devices on They .lre big enough to be nalned individually. like ships. At the end of the dragline's long boom. .1 bucket swings frmn ,1 hoist rope. ,md .m ,Idditional drag rope trail under the bOOln fi-om the bucket to a point ne.u the con- trol Clb. What the operator does with this appar.ltl1s is just like clsting a fishing line into the ...urf .md then reeling it in again, 13y .ldroit manipulation of the boom .md the ropes, the bucket is "wung t(:)[ward ,lnd then ,111 owed to plunge into the earth. R.eeling in the drag rope h,llll, the bucket b,lck toward the oper,ltor, ,craping out ore or lwerburden ,IS it goes. When the hucket is full, it io; lifted hy the hoist rope, then the entire dragline pivots horizont.llly, swinging the bOOln out over the spoil pile, A VISIT TO CHIEF IRONSIDE At the Falkirk lignite mine in North Dakota I had a chance to climb aboard a dragline called Chief Ironside, which has a 120-cubic-yard bucket and a boom 215 feet long. You enter by first climbing a few stairs onto the upper surface of one of the giant "shoes" on which the machine shuffles along, then up two more flights of stairs to the main deck. A doorway leads inside the house, which turns out to be a dim cathedral-like space filled with the hum of elec- trical machinery and the whoosh of ventilating fans. Half a dozen large motors turn the drums that reel in the hoist rope and the drag rope, slew the house on its pivoting axis, and propel the shoes. Along the walls, tall steel cabinets hold switchgear to control the motors. Also con- spicuous are the sheaves and reels for the two- inch-thick wire ropes. But even with all this heavy equipment, the inside of the house is still mostly empty space. From the main area of the house you go for- ward through a passage lined with lockers for the crew, then through a galley kitchen (with a small fridge and microwave oven) and out into the glass-walled control cab. There the operator is enthroned 30 feet above the ground, with an unobstructed view of the bucket and the surround- ing mine. The cab is heated in winter and air- conditioned in summer, and the audio system is first-rate. The operator controls the entire 13- .... '....  \'  million-pound machine with two joysticks, posi- tioned just in front of the armrests of the chair. The knobby handles of the joysticks were padded with slit-open tennis balls just like trailer hitches. 
4 I J I J /____ I f f h ....... \  :I ':- ""Aj\ ... \ ,.f \, " II __ I  \ ;-  \. t , ....... -- .,. . - :i. .... . '":" ,_-4 J" :(,..' '.". ""'.t!'.., J , .'.. 'A.f."': :Wf' "\.",,___,,,, ... .4:........,... .. .. .. ..._;'. ......"...':. '-4". """!::;: :.  . '"?A'ii:.. . . .. fl" . ... IR" ..'MI", , t1IEtI"'" rr.... 1 A y.. I!.. . '- , . . -.. where the bucket i tipped to dump the 10.1<.i. Under the control of a skilled oper.1- tor. this inl1nense nuchine Com be nude to move with surpriing grace .md agility. The brgest draglines 11.lve bucker capacitie of () cubic yanh, which i enough to hold a couple of Creyhound bu,e,. A bucketful of den')e rock could weigh a mil- lion pOlll1lh. The weight of the dragline it,elf can appro.teh J() million pound,. Thi i, too much to be supported by wheels or by the kind of crawler tre.1d:\ found on hulldozers .1nd other edrthmo\'ing machinery. In-;te.1d, when the dragline wants to move, it gets up on ib feet .md \! l)r perhap I hould ').IY it w.1ddle. The mode of locomotion i... the mech.mical equiv.1lent of ,itting on the floor, rbnting your feet, and ...liding b.1ckw.1rd on your butt. The dragline's two feet, which dre actually called shoes, are bro.1d ')teel platforms on either ,ide of the machine's b.\e. They .1re lifted in uni,on by a ,imple Collllshafr mech.mism. .11l0wing the nussive body of the dr.1gline to settle onto the earth between them. Then the shoe are moved a few feet b.tekward, set down <lg<lin with force. .md driven forw<lrd (that i..., toward the boom). In response to this force. the body of the m.1chine is pushed or dr<lgged b.lCkward over the ground. le<lVing .1 dino<lUr trail with <\ bro<ld centr.1l kid n1.lrk .llld tl<lI1king pair of footprint. Ahe.1d of the slowly moving behemoth, water tanker ,0<lk the ground to lubricate the p.lth. Even so. friction Com he<lt the e<lrth to the ;;te.lllling point. fhe m.\chine h<l' on Iv thi, one ge.1r-reverse. To go the other way. it h.h to turn .1round .1I1d continue scootll1g l1.lckward. Big dr.\glilH.:' .lre po\\ered hy electrIcity. ,upplinl through <I Llble the si7e Of.l fire hose tr.lils behind the 1ll.1Chine like the curd of.1 V.KUlIlll ele.mer. fhere 's uu.1l- The dragline Chief Ironside, which digs coal al the Falkirk mine in central North Dakota, walks backward to take up a new position. The machine walks by plant- ing its two feet, or shoes, and then driving them for- ward (toward the boom) so that the rest of the body slides backward. The dragline is electrically powered through the high-voltage cable visible in the fore- ground. The small tractor tends to the power cord, mak- ing sure the walking drag line doesn't step on it. A spare bucket for the Falkirk dragline holds 120 cubic yards. The teeth along the cutting edge have to be replaced regularly. The metal plates welded to the back and side walls are coated with Teflon part of a strate- gy for dealing with sticky materials sometimes encoun- tered in mining lignite (a low-grade coal). 
.. .. , \ A shovel digs up-and-away, unlike a dragline's down- and-toward cycle of motion. The shovel seen here, at the Cottage Grove coal mine in southern Illinois, is scooping up 20 or 30 tons of overburden. ly d m,dl tractor running .1rol1nd the base of the big n1.\chine tu k.eep the cord out of the WdY and prevent the dr,lgline from tepping on it. Needles to .lY, rhe cord is not plugged into the neare,t wdll uutlet. The operating voltage is anywhere fronl 10,O()() to 25,()()() volt,. Peak power demand Cdn be clo\e to 50,()OO hor\epow- er, or roughly 35,fJ()() kilowatts. Inside the house is a motor-generator set: a large electric rl1otor that runs 011 the alternating current (AC) supplied by the utility company drives a direct-current (DC) generator, The DC power, which is easier to control thdn At:, runs the variou, nlotors that nl0ve the bucket, the boml1, and the walking mechdni,l1l. Knowing a dragline fronl a shovel i, e""ential if you aspire to join the mining cognoscenti. (And whatever you do, don't ca!] either one of them a crane!) A dragline works the way you eat ice Creall1, spooning down and toward you. A shovel works the way Enlily Post would have you eat soup, spooning away and up. Instead of ,1 bucket, a shovel hcls a "dipper"; clnd whereas the dragline's bucket swings freely fr0111 a rope, the shovel's dipper is rigidly 1l1ounted to cl dipper stick, or handle, which in turn is hinged to the bomTI. Aiter scooping up a load, the shovel pivots to swing the dipper over the spoil pile; then the operator releases a door in the bott0111 of the dip- per, allowing the load to fall. Shovels are snuller than draglines (the maximum dipper size is sonle I HO cubic yards), and they have a shorter reach. On the other hand. they have a faster working cycle, they can be controlled 1l10re precisely, and they handle s01l1ewhat h,lrder mate- rials. Another difference is that a dragline works from above. constantly retreating from the hole it is digging, whereas a shovel works from below, advancing into the exca- vated face. Like draglines, the biggest shovels are electrically powered, but sll1aller ones have diesel engines. Most shovels are light enough to be mounted on crawler tread" The hucket-wheel excavator is a different kind of digging tool. Instead of taking discrete bites of soil or rock the way dragline and shovels do, it continuously gnaws through the landscape. The business end of the 1l1achine is the bucket wheel itself, which is 20 to 4() feet in dianleter and has buckets protruding like sawteeth ,lround its perimeter. The wheel is nl0unted on a boonl that pivots up and do\\ 11, slews fr01TI side to side, and in ,orne cases extends and retracts. Mdteridl shaved out of the embankment by the spinning wheel is carried through the bOO1l1 on cl conveyor belt and then onto a discharge chute or another conveyor. The biggest excavators can carve out well over 10,000 cubic yards per hour. MINE WASTES When you drive into a nlining district, what you are likely to notice first is not the mine itself or any of its machinery, but in,tead the towering heclps of waste rock that can overshadoVv' whole towns. Ironically, as nlining technology inlproves, the waste- disposal problem gets worse and worse. To see why, consider the hitory of the 
.......  American copper industry. Nineteenth-centurv copper mines exploited only the richest ores, which were 30 percent or even 60 percent nletal. l3v 1915, Ininers were digging ores with only 5 percent copper, .Ind by the 1940s ju'\t 2 percent; tOd,IY the average grade is about ().5 percent. This "hift to lower-grade sources has had a dra- nlatic ilnpact on the econ0111ics ,HId technology of illining, and also on the wa"te budget. To produce 1 ton of copper fronl 5() percent are, you h.Ive to mine 2 tons of are, dnd you leave 1 ton of "vaste. With 0.5 percent are, you hayt' to mine 2UO tons, and you leave 199 ton of waste. Thl1'o., even though copper production hds been sluwing in recent dec,ldes, the production of copper-l11ining "vaste'\ ha'\ been boonl- ing like never before. Many of the wastes di'\cdrded during edrlier gener .Itions of mining are richer than any of the ores coming out of the ground today. The wastes helve therefore bec0111e a vdlu,lble resource for secondary mining, particularly by v,lrious methods known as solution l11ining. Just ,IS the Eskimo luve nuny words for snow. l11iners have an ebborately reunified vocdbubry for mine wastes. Gangue is the generic term for everything in the are other than the de'\ired 1Hiner,ll. In the CO,l] fields, the sLue and other rock sep,lr,lted fi-nm the co,ll i Jumped in hedps c,lBed gob pile, or culm banks. Le,ul ,U1d zinc min- ing le,lVe... ,1 (brk, S,lIldy nuterial Cc1Bed dur, \v}uch torm "teep. conicll he,lp.... Slag fl-om ,mdter, which '\olidittes into ,1 gLtssy or cindery 1l1,lteri,d. ,ilso t()rll1s steep- Copper-mining wastes have added several new flat- topped mountains to the landscape near the Tyrone mine in southwestern New Mexico. In the photograph above, two trucks are toiling up the spiral haul road to dump more waste rock at the summit. The buildings in the foreground house the mine's ore-milling machinery. Below, a truck dumps its load of overburden at the Cottage Grove, Illinois, coal mine. 
Heap leaching of copper ore, seen from overhead, looks almost like some kind of irrigated agriculture. But the acidic water that Roods these furrowed fields is not suitable for growing crops; it is meant to percolate through the ore heap, dissolving some of the copper minerals so that the "pregnant liquor" can be collected in drainage ditches at the base. The leaching operation is at the Tyrone mine in New Mexico. ,'- ,  -- \ , \ .... \ \ , \ \ \ - '" \ \ , '- \ , \ \ ided heaps. One of the W<Iste from phosphate mining i" gyp\um, <1 gray or white powder whose heaps are called gyp stack. And when spoib trom placer mining wa,h up downstream, they are called slickens. The waste... from the Inilling of ore <Ire t<liling\-ilt, <md s<lnd ,u"pended in a large volume of dirty W<Iter. The usual "trategy tor getting rid of tailings is to build an earth- en dam, impounding the "lurry in a tailing pond. After the water ha, ,eeped <l\vay or evaporated, the olid" renuin behind in giant tbt-topped embankment..., ,ometinleS gooey, ,ometilnes powdery, \Ometinle, gray, sometimes white. Another kind of mine waste is the water that seeps through both the Inine itself and the wa\te bank. This drainage water LIn become an acid ..,trong enough to ster- ilize creek" and "tre<ml. The ource of the problem i sulfur. Rock" brought up from deep in the earth are often rich in sulfide mineraI... uch a... iron pyrite, which tart to oxidize as soon as they hit the <lir. The resulting "ulfur oxide, dis\olve in water to form v<lriol1s acid,,_ including sulfuric <Kid. The acid then leaches other \ub"tance\ out of the W<1ste rock, including certain toxic met<lls "l1ch a" Lldmium and <lrsenic, o that 
the fluid oozing out of the bottom of the hill i a rather unple,l,mt brew. Mine ,1re required to remove both the ,lCidity ,md the 111etals. The water-treatment plant looks "omething like ,1 "null version of a municip,ll sewage plant. To neutralize the acid. lin1e is ,Idded to the \V,lter in a 111ixing basin. then the water is aerated and pumped to d settling pond, or thickener, where the contami1unts settle out ,1" a "ludge. Can a 111ined-out landscape ever be restored to natural beauty? There are many places in the de'iert Southwest where 111ining topped decades ago, but the landscape is still d0111inated by spoil piles, old pit, dnd rusting machinery, which leave the i111pres...ion that the earth 's car'i will never heal. But there are also counterexamples. Consider Morris County, New Jerey,just 30 miles wet of New York City. Throughout the eighteenth ,Ind nineteenth centurie thi" are,l was a thriving iron-mining district. By the 1 R70 there were more than 200 operdting 111ine, producing 600,000 tons of ore per year-which was a lot in those days. The landscape was dotted with the smokestacks of ore 111ills and crisscrossed by the tracks of a dozen ore-hduling rail- roads. But if you visit the ,1rea no\\, you need to know where to look and what to look for if you want to tInd dny evidence of the former mining industry. Most of the county is given over to very pricy suburban housing and corporate headquarters. There are lush lawns, woodlots. horse [lrn1s. and shopping malls. but nary a s111oke- stack. The only telltale remnants of the mining era are place nl111es. such as the towns of Ironid dnd Ferromonte. SOLUTION MINING The late"t fad in the metals-mining industry is solution 11lining, a low-cost dnd lo\v- labor "chen1e tor recovering 111etal tr0111 low-grade ores. You nlight think of it as a trick tor putting to good uSe the problem of 111ine drainage waters that beC0111e con- ta111inated \\ ith l11etdls. Sonle 3() percent of the copper 111ined in the United State, as well as 35 percent of the gold ,l11d 75 percent of the uranium, comes fi'om olution- 11lining operations of variou kinds. One fort11 of solution 111ining is the heap leaching of copper ore. The crushed ore is piled up into fldt-topped n10unds, then water ,md sulfuric acid are sprayed or dripped onto the top of the heap. The ,lCidic liquid percolates through the 1110und dissolving various copper c0111pounds and forming copper sulf.1te. which is carried off in solution. The t1uid th,lt seeps out of the botton1 of the heap is called pregnant liquor or pregn,mt leach olution (but it is l10f full of bloodsucking org,misms about to give birth!). The pregnant t1uid is run through a processing plant to extract the copper. then it p,lsses into dnother pond, as b,lrren liquor. before being pumped up onto the heap again for ,mother cycle of leaching. The process goes on for everal yedrs. With l)me copper ores. the 'iu!tllric ,lCid i'in't needed; water ,110ne will ')tart the le,lChing proce'i'i. In thc'ie minc' the conver,lOn to oluble ulfltes i... done by b,lCte- ri,l (nuinly ,1 species Llllcd "I1I;obIlCilllls ./l'rroox;d/lIIS) tlut grow on sulfides within the A haul truck backs up to the perilous edge of a leach heap and dumps another load of low-grade ore. The scene is the Santa Rita mine in New Mexico. ..!,i. i. 
Santa Rita leaching operation relies on sprinkler heads to spray the leach solution, producing a distinctive pattern of round, wet spots on the surface of the leach heap. ,z 4f/Ii . --. moist heap. It's as if the leach he,lp were a c01npost pile. where all the real work is done by lnicroorganislns. The job of those tending the he,lp is lnerelv to create ,1 suit- able habitat for the bacteria. The biologically aided process is important not only for leaching newly Inined ore but also for recovering any tnetal relnaining in gangue and lnill tailings fr01n earlier generations of tnining. The heap leaching of gold and ,ilver i, done on a stnaller scale and on a quicker tinletable than the ,olution mining of copper. l)ften a heap is built and then leached out within a few months. Moreover, the active chelnic1l agent in gold and '\ilver leaching is nothing '0 innocuous a, lnere sulfuric acid; it i oJiUln or potassium cyanide (ye" the '\tuff once used in the gas chalnber at San Quentin). The presence of cyanides nlakes enviromnental protection a sticky probleln in precious-metab. leaching. The heap i, built on em imperviou:-. p,lJ to keep the leclching olution:-. out of the water table, and sonle provi:-'lon ha:-. to be maJe for hclnJling exces<; runotf dur- ing stornlS or the spring nownlelt. You n1aY ,llso notile ebborate fencing, which is nleant not onl) to keep out people but also to protect wildlife. A typicllleach dunlp i recognizable (and distingui,hable trom a nlere waste pile) by the plastic pipe, clinlbing the sides and the prinkler heads at the top. At a gold nline the processing plant will include tall cmi,ter'\ full of activated ch,lrcoal, where the metal i extracted from the olution. At copper Inine you may notice big rusty piles of scrap iron, on whIch the copper is precipitated. For uranium mining, the leaching is done without even digging the ore out of the ground. A leaching tluid i pUlnped down ,1 well into the ore hody, and the pregn,lnt liquor is recovered trotH ,mother well. Another miner,ll extr,lCted by bore-hole nlin- ing is sulfur. In this process, invented ,lbout 19()() by I krm,lIl Frasch in southern 
Loui<;ian.l, hot water is injected through a well into the sulfur-be.lring layer. Molten sulfur (a beautiful tawnv-purple liquid) is carried frOln the well in steam-heated pipes, and sprayed onto storage he.Ips. The solidified sulfur is a bright yellow powder that looks like some exotic spice but doesn't smell .IS good. COAL MINING COell mining is .11l industry unto itself. roughly the sanle size as all other kinds of min- ing put together. It also hels its own distinctive history and culture. Indeed, there are several subcultures within the Anlerican coal industry: those of the old anthracite belt in e.Istern Pennsylvani.l. the bitl1lninous region that runs from the Appalachians west through Ohio into Illinois. and the newer strip-mining districts £:lrther west in Wyoming and Montelna. If this book had been WrItten a century .lgO. it would have described a whole infi-astructure for distributing coal to homes and businesses-coal yards. coal wagons, co.11 bins, coal chutes. and so on. Today. £:Ir nlore coal comes out of the ground than ever before, and yet most of us never see a 111lnp of the stuff. More than three-fourths of all coal goes to electric utilities, and most of the rest is sold to other big customers such as the iron-and-steel industry. Underground Coal Mining. North American coal nunes are '\e1dOl11 as deep as metelllnines; furthennore, coal is nluch softer than the rock that 111etal miners have to batter through. But coal Inining has challenges of its own. The softer ground is n10re vulnerable to roof falls. Worse, the coal is flalnmable, so that the very ground \ ,,"<2.1 " j1 I-If 1 h -fli E' !. , }  ,V"- I . I "II l - C! .. \ - .. The extraction plant at the Mesquite mine in southern California recovers gold from fluids that seep through an ore pile. In effect, the extraction process is the reverse of the leaching process. In the leach heap, liq- uids percolate through the ore, dissolving gold-bearing minerals. In the extraction plant, the pregnant liquor percolates through several beds of activated charcoal (contained in the large red vessels inside the frame- work), leaving behind the gold. A heap of gold ore is seen in profile at the Mesquite mine. The black plastic pipe laid in a groove at the cor- ner of the pile carries leaching fluids pumped to the top of the heap. The ditch extending along the base of the heap collects pregnant liquor. The Mesquite mine is near the town of Glamis in the desert environment of California's Imperial Valley; the evening "mist" in the distance is actually dust in the atmosphere, obscuring the base of the Chocolate Mountains. 
Coal ready for shipment stacks up in conical heaps at a minehead in Sonman, Pennsylvania, near Altoona. The coal is carried upward on the inclined conveyor belts, then pours down the vertical tubes and flows out of "windows" cut into these tubes. Other minerals might simply be allowed to fall off the end of an elevated con- veyor belt, but the vertical tubes or towers are used with coal as a way of controlling dust. Lm L\tch tIre. ,md rhc mctlLlnl' g,\'\ tlut 'iCCp" our oj thl cc 1,\1 (,\11 c:\.plodc. ( o,d du"t i .l1o ,\11 e\:ploive. in ,\dditi()n to LllI,ing re'\pir,\tor di'\e,\se ("bbck lung ). Tod,\y. mo,t co,II 6-om underground mine'\ i'\ e\:L\\.,Hed by continuou'\-mining nLlchines tlLlt chew up the '\e,lJll ,m<.1 lo,ld the co,tl without ,m\' need tor the tr,\di- tiOlLlI cycle of dril1ing. bb'\ting. ,md mucking out. The continuou" miner'\ ,Ire '\(.IU,H \Oehicle'\ with vicious-looking ,1lIger'\ or cutting wheel" ,It the fi-ont end. ,md ,\ p,\ir of cr,1b-claw arms dLlt g,\ther up the broken co,tl onto ,\ con\"eyor belt. They ,Ire built low to the ground-this is ,\ ch,lracteristic fe,Hure of ,\11 co,\l-mining nLlchinerv-so ,\S to fit through p,\ssagew,\)''i th,\t m,\)' be no more dun three feet high. The traditional method of underground l11ining in AmeriLm co,\1 mines is clned the room-,md-pilLu system. The rooms ,Ire the open ,ueas where cO,1111.1s been eXLI- vdted; the pill,lr'i ,1re blocks of coal lett st,mding to support the o\Oerburden. But the tcTm pille"o can be mi'ile,lding: ] )on 't think of the slender. fluted columns dLlt support the roof of a Greek temple. The pil1ar'\ of d (oal mine ,Ire thicker than they ,Ire high. and roughly as big ,is the- open room, that "lllTOlllH.i them. An ,lltern,ltive to the room-and-pilbr sy,tenl. Lll1ed long-wall mining. h,I' been ste,1dily gaining popularity in the United St,1te'i. (It has long been the domin,mt tech- nique in Europe.) A long-wall mining nl,lChine- has a cutting he-ad that move, ,\Iong ,m exposed p,mel of co,\1 that n1.l)' be up to a mile long. continuou'ily 'ih,wing ofT .1 thin byer. The nl.1chinery is protected by hydraulic roof shields tempnrarily hold up the overburden. When ,\ byer of coal Ius becn shaved trom the fi..l11 le-ngth of the wall. the shields ,Ire moved forward. ,\llowing the roof behind to cwe in. Above ground. the biggest ,md most distinctive structure at ,\ co,\lmine i... ,1 build- ing known traditionally as ,1 bre,\ or a tipple. The nineteenth-century exemplal 'i- . 
,1 fL'\\ of \\ hich "till "und. ,1S h,Hll1ting ruin\-werc timber structurc" five or si sto- rie" high. Mine Clr<; filled with CO,l] wcre \yinched up ,1 long inclinc. .It the top of which e,lCh Clr tipped oyer to dump its ]o,ld (hence the term tipple). The CO,l] tum- bled down a scries of sloping wooden troughs. where workcrs picked out ,,]ate ,md other kinds of w,lste rock tlut ineviub]y get mixed up in the mined CO,11. For ,1 long time these worker<; were cllled bre,ler boy<;. ,md with good re,1son: they were chi]- dren as young as six. Toward the bottom of ,m old bre,lker or tipple. the co,ll p,l"...ed oyer ,I <;ene<; of grate"i ,md <;creen<; th,lt classified the piece"i ,1Ccording to "iize. In de<;ceI1<.iing <;equence, the <;tand,lrd size"i were known ,IS lump. stoker. nut, ,md egg; the still-smaller pebb]e<; ,md po\nkr"i were cllled slack. CO,l] in e,1Ch of these "iizes was intended for a ditfer- ent nurket ,111d \you]d f.d] into sep,lr,lte <;tor,lge bins, for eventu,1] ]o,H.iing onto rail C1r"i. Sorting by "iize i" "ieldom needed to thy. since .111 the coal goe"i to one customer. A modern cOLd mine still h,l"i ,1 t,lll building th,lt looks .1 little like a bre,lker or tip- ple. and <;ome people "till cd] it hy tho"e names (,llthough the approved term the"e days is coa]-prep,ll-,ltion pL111t). Removing <;Llte is "till the nuin function of the pL111t. but tllt' \\a)' it is done Ius clunged toully. Gone ,1r the bre,lker boys ,111d their ] )ickensi,111 Lthor<;. The new proCt'<;s i<; called nu] cleaning or coal w,lshing. but nei- ther n,lme does it justice. The CO,l] isn't merely washed: it i... taken ,1p,lrt and put b,1Ck together. Modern CO,l] i... not so much a r,l\\" materia] ,1S ,1 m,111uf.1Ctured product. ] )ifferent kinds of CO,l] call for ditferent wa...hing technologies, and even within a single pLlllt the v.1rious sizes of ]ump... .md p.lnicle... ]1.1ve to be tre.lted differently. Mo,t of the sep.lration methods exploit the t.let tlut slate is somewhat he.wier tlun coal. For e:-",ll11p]e, whirling .1 w.ltery mixture of m.lterials in .1 tl1llnel-"h.1ped device c.llled ,1 cyclone force' the sLtte to the out"iide and the lighter co.d to the inte- rior. The ,",.lllle principle i, .It wl)rk III ,1 spiral concentrator, which IS es,enti.llly .1 heli- cal W.1ter ,lide. \\'here p.lrticle... tend to .KcumuLlte toward the outer rim of.1 curving trough. Spir.l].., .1re u...ed in the w.....hing of the sm..lle"it panicle... of CO.11. Another technique "1rings fi-om the notion tlut if you ]ud ,1 tluid ofju...t the right density, then the CO.l] would tlo,lt in it whi]e the sLlte wou]d "iink. But wlut tluid has the right density? W.lter obviou"i]Y won't work; both CO,l] .111d "iLtte sink in \\'.Her. The answer is to <;tart with W.Her and .1dd Lll'ge qu.mtities of a he.l\"Y po\nier such ,1<; the iron ore m,lgnerite. forming .1 slurry th.H is much denser th.m w.1ter .Ilone. When the r.1W CO.1] i"i dumped into .1 s]ullo\\', .Igit.lted filled \yith the slurry, coal can be skimmed off the "urf.1Ce while sLtte is Llked up off the bottom. But a tllrther prob- lem renuins: H.l\"ing used .1 he,iVY powder to sep.1Llte the co.11 trom the slate. ho\\" do you,lte the co.l1 t'i'om the' po\nier? Tlut's the re.1son tor choosing nug- netite .1S the po\nier: ,.... the n.lI11e suggests. it is ,1 m.lgnetic nuteri.11. A slowly turn- ing. m,lgnetized drum. lu]f-immersed in the slurry, pulls the nugnetite out but le.iVes the CO.l] behind. Yet ,mothcr co,l]-de,ming techniquc i... ti'oth tlot.ttion. which is ,1]SO u"ed in pro- cessing m,mv met.d ores. Bubb]es ri"lllg through ,1 ti-uthv slurry .ltt.tch tlh.'nhdve... to .:- .. .<4 .  '- ., ,-. , . ( ... . ._:_. r... f .: . .t. . - .....- rr . " . -i..... :" --  -- III. ..   / ,............ .> . I . -I " ..'l -  Three generations of the coalfield institution known as a breaker or a tipple show 150 years of evolution, The structure at the top is a replica of a nineteenth-century breaker, built as a movie prop (and now falling into ruins); in the middle is a breaker built in the mid- twentieth century, which closed in the 1970s; at the bottom is a modern coal-preparation plant, still in operation. All three structures are within a few miles of one another near Hazleton, Pennsylvania. 
the co,ll, which is thereby lifted to the top of ,i v,n: the huhhle l1.1ve les" .1tlinity for the "I.tte, which ,lCcordingly "inks. All of the"e w,lshing InethoJ ,ire wet procee...; from the nl0ment the co,d enters the plant, it l immer...ed in vat" of watery solution ,1l1d transported ,is d "Iurrv or sludge in trough<\ and pipeline<\. But before the finished product <\hip to the cus- tomer, the water ha<\ to be wrung out hecau"e nloist coal doesn't burn well. The dry- ing i done in ,1 big cylindrical centrifuge, which works like ,1 clothes washer in the spin cycle. THE HUMAN (AND THE INHUMAN) SIDE OF MINING Mining is more than just a technology; it's a way of life. If you spend much time in mining communities, you begin to notice traits that set them apart from other places. Nineteenth-century mining towns were marked by great contrasts in wealth. The man- sions of the mine owners on the brow of the hill overlooked the shanties of the miners lined up near the mill or the coal breaker in the valley. Today the mine owners are even wealthier- they are multinational corporations-but they have long since left town. The miners are some- what better off too, but fewer in number. Many mining communities started out as company towns, where the mine owners built the housing, the stores, occasionally even the schools and churches. They named everything as well, sometimes with a singular lack of imag- ination. In southwestern Pennsylvania the Berwind-White Coal Mining Company simply numbered its towns from 1 through 40. In some places all the houses and mine buildings were painted the same color. (In the Southwest, "Phelps Dodge green" was a popular choice.) By now the mines have sold off most of this real estate, but company houses are still recogniz- able under the new vinyl siding. (In the photo- graph, coal-mine wastes looms over houses and former mine offices in Portage, Pennsylvania.) In contrast to architectural uniformity, there is ethnic diversity. A stroll through the graveyards of any town in the eastern coal fields will reveal an abundance of Welsh, Irish, German, and Italian names (mostly in separate graveyards). My grandmother, who lived in the mining com- munity of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, used to speak often of Hungarians; only years later did I real- ize that this was her generic term for all Eastern Europeans, applied indiscriminately to immi- grants from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia as well as Hungary. The California gold fields were worked by many Chinese miners, who have left their own legacy on the land. African-Americans also worked underground, although until recently on a very tenuous basis. A common pattern was to , hire black miners as strike-breakers, then fire them as soon as the strike ended. Women have had an even harder time getting into the mines. Economic cycles of boom and bust have also left distinctive marks on mining districts. The ghost towns and abandoned mining camps of the West are a familiar example, but I find even more poignant the eerily anachronistic look of mining towns that have somehow survived a long decline, but where nothing has been built or renovated since the last boom. A few towns have lasted long enough in suspended anima- tion to capitalize on their status as antiques. For example, the borough of Jim Thorpe (the former Mauch Chunk) in Pennsylvania entices tourists with picturesque gingerbread buildings erected when the town was a prosperous anthracite center a century ago. Another inescapable aspect of mining is its physical rigor and danger. In ancient Rome, sentencing a criminal to the mines (damnatio ad metal/a) was considered worse punishment than being chained to an oar as a galley slave. The situation has improved only slightly. Many a mining town has a bronze plaque listing the vic- tims of a mine fire or cave-in. American coal mines have recorded more than 120,000 fatali- ties since 1839. This estimate includes only deaths from accidents, not mortality from black lung and other occupational diseases. In wartime, miners have often been exempt from the draft; they might have stood a better chance of surviving if they had volunteered for combat Mine accidents are much reduced today, but that is in part because the mining work force is much reduced. Coal-mine employment fell from 415,000 in 1950 to 75.000 in 2002-and only a fraction of those employees work under- ground. In Appalachian communities where the mines have closed, the continuing economic basis of life is disability compensation. The com- munities live on black lung as well as die from it. 
i  It 'I .- -- It's WOl th asking whv a mining comp,my would go to <;0 much trouble to remove a bit of slate from the coal. P,lrt of the ,lI1swer is tlut slate doesn't burn. and so it reduces the fuel value of the coal. L3ut tlut f;lCt ,llone could not justify the expense of running a coal-prep plant. The main reason h)r the washing operations is that HlllCh of the "ulfur in coal i" ,l""ociated not with the coal itself but with the contam- inating rock. For the coals nlined in mo<;t region" of the United States, wa<;hing i the only way to get the <;ulfur content lo\v enough to meet air-quality regulations. Surface Mining of Coal. Spe,lk of coal nlines in Anlerica, and lllOSt people think of tunnels beneath the hills and holler of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, ,lI1d Kentucky. But nlost of the nation \ coal now comes fi-om tarther wet-fi-Olll lllines on the prairies ,lI1d the Gre,lt Plains and on into Wyoming and even New l\1e"\:ico.And mo<;t of th,lt western coal is dug out by strip mining, not by underground methods. The western strip mines have a number of advantages over the older mines b,lCk East. For st,lrters the western se,llllS are much thicker; 3U feet of cO,ll is common. and some beds are 75 feet thick. The overburden cm be as thin ,1S 30 or 4U feet. Moreover. the terrain is retnively tllt, which [wors the use of very large equipment. The qu,ll- ity of the coal itself is only mediocre: much of it is ranked as subbituminous. which means it Ius a lower enerJY content dun typic.ll eastern coals. ()n the other hand, the We<;tern coal ,llso has le<;s suIttlr, which Lm nuke it the che,lper ttle! when the cost of pollution ,1b,ltement is t,lken into ,lccount. At nuny \\estern coal mine, the entire output is shipped to ,1 single customer by unit tr,lin-,l set of r,lil Cll"', dut 't,l) hitched together ,ll1d shuttle luck ,1l1d forth over a tl\:ed route. Another str.1tegy 1\ Ilot to ...hip the co,11 ,lt ,111 but to burn it Oil ,ite, Coal washing separates coal from sulfur-bearing slate and other impurities at the Galatia mine in Illinois, owned by the American Coal Company. At left, raw coal enters the plant from a storage silo. Below, from top to bottom, are three of the washing operations car- ried on inside the plant. In heavy-media separation, coal floats on a slurry of water and powdered mag- netite, while slate sinks; the silvery drums are magnets for recovering the magnetite powder. Froth flotation lifts coal particles on a stream of rising bubbles. In spiral concentrators a slurry of finely powdered coal and slate pours down a helical trough, where denser components are thrown to the outer rim and lighter ones slip over the inner lip. Lf \ J -r:r   ............. 
Mountaintop mining for coal, observed here from high altitude, alters the texture of the landscape of southern West Virginia, creating an island of nearly flat terrain amid crinkled hills. Within the mine, the greener, softer areas in the foreground are knobs where the coal has already been removed and the land is being reclaimed; these stumps of hills are covered with grass (but still look quite different from the forested ridges surrounding them). Elsewhere, active mining continues. " , exporting electrons instead of carbon ,Homs. A power pLlI1t ,lt the Four Corner'\ (the junction ofUt,lh. Colorado. Arizona. ,lI1d New Me\..ico) burns co,ll fi'om nearby strip mine'\ and sends the power to '\outhern C,llifornia. Similarly. a power st,ltion at the Ellkirk mine near 13ism,m.-k, North I),lkota. generate'\ electricity for Minneapolis and St. P,ml. These remote generating plants can be viewed ,lS arrangements whereby an urb,lI1 area P,lYS ,1 less-popubted region to ,lCcept a share of its ,Iir pollution. Although strip mining of co,tl i'\ usually considered a we'\tern '\pecialty, there 3re aho \Urf:lce coal mine'\ in the App,llachian'\. A technique peculi,lr to the are,l 1 the contour mining of '\teep hilhide'\, locdlly known .1'\ knobs. The baic idea IS to cut benche, ,lround the perimeter of ,1 hill. mining outcrop, of lO,ll where they appe,lr and uing the spoil to fill the bench below. A vari,ltion on the technique I called mountaintopping. Where ,1 coal -.eam I rea'\Ol1.lbl) dose to the top of a knob, the miner pushes ,111 the overburden over the ide of the hill ,l11d then extr,lct'\ the coal, leaving ,1 pL1teau where a peak had been. The mining companie\ argue th,\t thi is an improvement to the topography, ince the level ground LlI1 be put to productive use. Other'\ vehemently diagree-pdrticuLuly those who live in the valley th,H get'\ filled. STONE QUARRIES The n1.lteri,ll dug out of the e,lrth in the large'\t qu,lI1tity i'\ not ,ln ore or a fuel. It is the pLtin stuff of the earth itseH:--tone. sand, gr,weI, clay. The .111nual tOl1luge of these material'\ dW,lrt"\ all other mining products. The output of cruhed tone alone runs to well over ,1 billion tons per ye,lr in the United State, which i doe to 10,000 pOlllH.h per pl'ron. (Where did you put your slure?) 
Crushed Stone. Crushed ...tone is ont' of the l1I13ppreci,lted m,lrvels of modern indu'\tri,11 society. In construction it f()rm... the tC:Hllld,ltion layer and is also ,1 kev component in tht' concrete or blacktop th,lt p,lve'\ the roadw,lY, The invention of '\tone-crushing m,lCllines was wh,lt m,KIe modern h,lrd-surfaced rO,H1s possible. ('fll'\hed '\tone is equ,llly import,l11t in r,lilro,H1s ,111d in the foundation'\ of buildings. ,md it has other uses as \\-ell, '\ucll ,1'\ filter bed... in w,ner-tre,ltment plant'\. Bec.ll1se crushed stone i'\ ,1 low-v,due. high-bulk commodity, it seldom pay'\ to ship it vt'ry far. Qu,lrrie'\ tend to be dug on the outskirts of cities ,111d then 1.ner engulfed by suburb,m sprawl. The new neighbors dislike the noi'\e and du'\t ,lnd the truck traf- fic. and they ,1git,lte to l1.1ve the quarry '\hut down; the qu,lrry oper,ltors prote'\t that they were there fir'\t. Thest' spor,ldic clashes bet\\-een quarrymen and suburbanites are rich in irony. which neither side ever seenlS to ,1Ppreciate. Without the quarries to produce stone for ro,lds ,1I1d buildings. there would be no suburbs; without suburb,m growth, there would be little m,uker for qu,lrry products. They m,lY not get along. but they need each other. A quarry for crushed stone looks ,111d works much like an open-pit mine. The working f,lee is drilled and blasted, then the broken stone is mucked out by power shovels or frotH-end 10,H1ers and carried to the primary crusher. This machine is the heart of the operation. It is usu,dly the largest item of capital equipment on the site. and its capacity determine'\ the l11aximum output of the quarry. Some crushers work like giant steel jaws, chewing their way through hunks and "Llb" of rock. Another typ is more like an out-of-balance w.lshing machine, where the "tone bounces around in'\lde J big b'Yrating steel dnll11. The primary crusher reduces the stone to hunp' no nlore than .1hout ,I foot in dial11eter. The'\e piece... are nl,lll enough to be c.lrried by a conveyor sy'\tenl to '\ec- ond.lry crushers, where the size is reduced to an inch or two. There nl.1Y also be ter- ti.lry crushers tor nuking still finer materi,lls. Screens cl,l'\sity the crushed '\tone by size, and it is either stored in open heaps or shipped immediately by truck. ....  Ii" '.' l . I I  -.-,  1 -- \ i , - ! J .....j t. ." I " l   _ . _1 ': { - ..... .... '.  ./ 1. i . -\1 :r:J '-:r ...11 . ...... ,- -', 'U,! l' S'   " :.- I : j I, t 1  '\..  .t. I .t --- .. \. V  -, n L J. _ '* ..... -, l' '-l .   " ...." .o'........ - Stone pulverized by a series of crushers pours from a conveyor belt onto a conical heap at a quarry in Raleigh, North Carolina. " A stone-crushing machine-the angular yellow device at far left-is installed at the lip of a terrace in this quarry, so that blocks of stone can be pushed into the hopper, rather than hoisted up to it. The crushed stone emerges at the bottom and is lifted by conveyor belts for loading into trucks. The quarry, at Villalba, near Rome, specializes in dimension stone-specifically travertine. Crushed stone is a sideline 
Mo\t of the lTlI,hed ,tone qll.lrried in the United SLlte\ i\ limestonL'. rhere .lre .llso qll.mtitie, of gr.mite .md .1 nureri.ll Lllled rr.lprock, \\ hich Lm he .my of ,everal l1.\rd lniner,lls. For ro.ld pa\ ing, the ,tone h.1'\ to meet 't.\11d,lnh f<x \kid re,i,unce Dimension Stone. Alongside the crtbhed-stone industry there is ,m older tonn of qu.lrrying. Llrge blocks or sbbs of ,tone ,Ire clrefully carved ti-OJl1 the e,lrth for build- ing, for tatuary, ,lnd tor gr,l\'e marker. SLtte for roofing and tlag\tone t()r pa\Ting also fall into this category. Bec,ll1,e it is cut to me,lsure in regubr geometric sh,lpes, it is called dimenqon 'tone. For quite a few centurie, dimenion ,tone \\',lS civilization'" 1110"t import.lnt build- ing n1.\teriaI. Flom the time of the pyramids through the ,Ige of the great c,lthedrals Jnd on until the birth of the skpcraper, Luge '\tructure, were ,llmo'\t alway built of jointed stonell. Tod,lY, dimenion ,tone is more otten ,111 orn.nnental element than ,I ,tructural one; even buildings that .Ippe,lr to be m.lde of stone u,u,llly turn out to have ,I stone veneer over a steel or concrete frame. It's e,lSY to tell a dimension-stone qu,lrry fi"om a cru,hed-stone pit. In the first place. the w,llls of the dimension-stone qu,lrry ,1fe clrved into precie, rectilinear ('lces and benches. like the f..leets of ,I gemstone. Whereas .lll open-pit mine looks like a mot1l1t,lin has been vank.ed out by its roots. J dimension-stone qU,lrrv looks like the upside-down mold for making a pvr.1l11id or .1 ziggurat. Second. the equipll1ent for moving and h,mdling dinlension stone is quite diHl'l-enl f)-om for crushed tone. Needle, to ',1Y, there is no cru,her, but in addition the stone is not 11.\uled about in dump trucks or on conveyor belts. [n,tead, blocks of stone are lifted by a derrick, or jih crane-,l tall m,lst mounted ne.Ir the rim of the pit, with a hinged boom that can swi\"d out over the qu,lrry. Like the hoi,t in ,111 underground mine, the derrick is the center of operations tor ,I dimenion-stone qu,lrry; it c.Irries not only tone but .11,0 equipment .1I1d workers. A qu,lrry might have h,llf.1 dozen derrick\, Plhitioned so that at le,1st one of them can reach every corner of the \\orking rock flce.... Each m,1st IS ,te,ldied by multiple guy \Vres that stretch out to ,111chorage, hundred... of y,1rds .lW,lY, nuking for d very bu"y kyline. The web of clble, overhe,H1 remilH.i.., me of the rigging of a ...ailing hir or a circus tent. Some qu,lrries 11.\ve begun u,ing mobile cr.1I1e\ inste,ld of pern1J- nently mounted derricks, but it t,lkes ,1 big cr,me to h.mdle the gre,lt block... of stone. In other kinds of mining ,1I1d qu,urying, the m,lin ide,l is to bLlst the rock to rub- ble, but tl1.\t obviously won't do tor dimension tone. The blocks and slabs have to be gently carved out of the earth. The tr,ldition,ll method of cutting ,tone \\as b,lsed on driving ,I long steel bit with ledgelummer; bter, pneunutic ,111d hydr.1ulic drill took over. [3y drilling lines of closely ,p,lCed hole, do\\ nW,lrd from the surtlCe of a bench, worker" could free the back ,md sides of ,1 long ,Lib. ()nly the bottonl of the block renuined att,lched to the rock n1.ltri. fhen a few more widely '\p,leed holes were drilled inw,1rd from the tlCe ,llong the bottom edge l)f the block. When the drilhng wa, complete, L',lch ot the,e hole W,l tItted wIth ,1 devIce c,llled ,1 plug .Ind 
fe.lther. rhe feathers were two t.lpered steel b.lrs. .llld the plug W.IS .1 wedge that fit between them. ] )riving the plug with a ledgehammer plit the block of tone aw.1Y from the matrix, in much the saIne way that .1 wedge "plits .l log for firewood. ----- . i  t. ... I" . , ..... ..  " 't II! . 1 I ' ,: . t -- ---- . /  ------- - - 'I ' ....... - -, T " ....... o Derricks and their guy wires form a canopy over the Rock of Ages granite quarry near Barre, Vermont. The derricks are arrayed so that one or another of them can lift stone from any point within the quarry. 
Two stonecutting technologies nibble away at the gran- ite on the floor of the Rock of Ages quarry. The white machine mounted on a skid on the lowest level is a wire saw; it turns a diamond-studded abrasive wire thread- ed through holes bored in the stone, The orange device on the higher bench is a channeling machine, which cuts with a high-temperature flame, .... . -- " ----- """"- --- ... oft Nl'\\ tnol" h,lve rcpl.H L'd thL'''L' ,1IKICIH technique". \01l1L'tI1l1C" thL' "tone i.... l LIt \\ ith ,I wire ",1\\. which nl1ght be lk"cribL'd .1" .1 l ross bL'tWL'L'n ,I ch,lin....,\\\ ,md dL'nt,11 tloss. A \\'Ire ,lblnJt ,I l}u,lrtt.'r l)f ,111 l1lch thld.. ....tudded \\ ith ,lhr,I"lve di,l1111md,. 1.... thre,Hl- ed through holes bored into the tone, t<Jr1l1ing ,I loop ,Iround the p1.111t' of stone to be '\,I\\'n through: then ,I 1l1otor routes the loop undcr tension. Some kinds of stone C1I1 be cut with ,I torch. A de\'ice c.llled ,I ch,1I1neling 1l1,lChine burns fuel oil \\'ith pure oxygen to produce ,I high-temper,ltun:' tl.tme, "ome\\'h,lt like the oxY,lcetylene torch used f(Jr cutting met,11. but the mech,111ism of cutting stone is ditferent. The stone doe not burn or melt: the torch cut by ,I proce"s c.dled sp,llling. The surtace of the stone exp,1I1d so r,Ipidly under the tll111t' tlut chip" bre,lk ,1\"a\' trom the ,ub...trate. On e,teh P,IS, ,tero" the ...tone. the ch,1I1neling m,tehine cuts ,I slot ,Ihout t\\"o inche... wide ,1I1d ,111 eighth of ,111 inch deep. A motorized drive mo"es the tlune steadily h,ICk ,md forth through the e'ver-de'epening cI1.1nnel. The tll1ne looks like the exh.1ust of ,I Jet engine. ,111d tlut', ,llso \\'Iut it ...OllllLh like. I )rilling Ius latd) Ill,lde ,I comeb,lCk ,l a ....tonecutting technology. with the devel- opment of di,l111ond-tipl'ed bits tlut Ltst longer ,md bore through the ..;tone t:lter. At the Rock of Ages gr,mite qu,ln) near U,lrre. Vermont. I ...a\\ all three cutting tech- niques ,It work sinlUltaneou.;,ly. None of the mt'thods is t:lst. It can t,lke ix weeks to liberate a single block of stone. The bottom edge of ,I cut block is "till fi-eed by splitting rather dun drilling or cutting. but the splitting is no longer done with plug ,md fe.1thers. The tools [lVored tod,IY .Ire hydr,wlic wedges. intbt,lhle ,Iir h,lgs. or "m,1I1. precise eplosive clurges. BRICKS AND MORTAR, CONCRETE AND BLACKTOP .<\... if our rocky old p1.1I1et didn't luve enough ,tont's alre,ldy. people luve expended ,I gre,lt deal of d10rt and ingenuity coming up with nt'\\'-and-improved v,lri,nions on the' theme of ...tony building l11,neri,lls. Think of brick, ,IS ..;rone.;, nude reguLtr ,md rec- tiline,lr. ,Ill the S.1111e SIze ,l1ul ...Iupe. (:oncre'te' I" l110kbble stone. re,ldy to ,ISUl11e any ....Iupe the desIgner choo...e.... And bLtcktop i ,pre,HLtble 'lone. Ltid do\\ n in .1 uniform co,ning. like pe,lnut butter. Bricks. Uricknuking IS ,111 ,1I1cie'nt cr.tft ,lCcording to Exodus. the Isr,lelite.;, did it in E') pt. There .Ire place's in the world \\.here hricks ,Ire ,tilln1.1de the old \\"ay: digging cby with ,I pick ,md ho\.eL kne.lding it with lure feet in ,I ,,'ood tub. throwing the wet ('by into .1 wood mold. drying the' brick" in the .;,un. ,md tIn,tlly tIring theI11 in a wood-burning kiln. Modern 1l1dutri.11 brickn1.1king 1" not very ditlt'rl'nt in it.;, fund,llllent,d. ,Ilthollgh b,lre feet ,Ire no longer P,lrt of the pnKe,... The digging of the clay (aeru,dly. they c.11I it "\V1I1ning" rather dun digging) is done with b,tekhoes ,lIld power hovels. (;rinding mills reduce the c1,tY to ,I powder. which i, turned into Illud ,tg,lin hy blending ,md 
111 II 1111 ... II '. ........ I I .. r ... . ,. "- kneading with water in another kind of mill. SOlne bricks are still made by packing the wet clay into nl0lds, but most of them are sliced from an extruded ribbon of clay by a fine wire, like a cheese cutter. The heart of the brickmaking yard is the kiln. where soft clay is transfonned into stony brick. The "green" (unfired) bricks are loaded onto \vheeled carri.Iges and pulled slo\vly through a long tunnel, which ha a series of temper.lture zones. The bricks have to be dried tor a d.IY or two at Ion to "",-o() degrees Fahrenheit; then the tenlperature is slowly raised to 2,1)()( I degrees or nl0re and held .It that level for t\VO or three days; finally there's d cooling period of another day or two. More tlun other building nlaterials, bricks Jitfer frmn place to place. Partly that's beclllse the raw m.lterials differ. Georgia clay cdn't be treated the sanle as the clay in Iowa. But there are .Ilso differences in taste and tradition that help to maintain diver- sity: builders in Chicago don't choose the '\llne bricks dS builders in Seattle. Concrete and Cement. Concrete is the engineer's dreanl of what stone ought to be. lt is heavy .111d lurd.just like the natural product, but it nl0lds itself to fit the 1itraight lines .111d smooth curves of ro.ldways. bridges. dams. and buildings. Gone are all the ilnperfections and irregularities of qu.Irried stone. Gone too. some would S.lY, .He the charm and ch.uacter of stone-but others dis.lgree. The builders of smne concrete structures-the Sydney ()per.l House. for example-have made concrete soar through the .lir in way tlut stonem.lsons would not d.He. Concrete is not quite .IS .111cient .1S bricks. but it is not new either. The dome of the P.mtheon in Rome i a thin concrete "hell, 1 () feet .1crO'\S, '\till st.1l1ding strong .lfter .llmost 2,1 II I() ye.lP.,. Indeed, the .mcient Rom.l11 nude lots of concrete, both tor n..Md p<lving .lI1d t()r building. Then LIme the I ).lrk Ages, or so the story goes, .md the  ......., . t , . .... A portland cement plant in Mobile, Alabama, manufac- tures the crucial ingredient in concrete. The heart of the plant is the rotary kiln-a long, slightly inclined steel tube, rust brown in color, that extends from just behind the cylindrical silos along the waterfront almost as far as the larger silos on the inland side. It is worth noting that almost the entire plant is built of concrete. 
The batch plant is the local installation where cement powder is mixed with sand, aggregate, and water to make concrete. The ingredients are weighed and assembled in the two towers, but most of the mixing happens in the conical drum of a truck as the batch is en route. It ft ... ."".,.   ...........-- :: ---:;,- ... . "...,-  "",.. . J  r'i'  .' . .-  .. -_..  .,-- -"'" - . " ..... ..... \ :...,-- I ,_ ,f I, j I '-, }', j ,- ..... secret of concrete wa" lo"t for nlore than a thou"and year", to be redi"covered in England in the 1 X2( Is. The story 11lay even be true. It seell1S pretty clear that the 11l0d- ern concrete industry traces its origin to the nineteenth-century ill\"ention of port- land cenlent by builders in the English Midlands. The n,lme portlalld {(''''Cllt, by the way, is an early instance of clever nurketing. The nanle refers to the Isle of PortLmd, off the I )orset coast of EngLtnd, which was the source of the white linlestone tlut Christopher Wren chose for St. Paul's Cathedral in London. PortLmd cement doe" not come frol11 the [sle of Portland, but the name was thought to suggest qu,llity. Before going any further, let us clear up the perenni,ll confu'lion between cenlent and concrete. Cel11ent is the gray powder dut comes in 50-pound sacks. Add W,lter and you get cement paste. which is not good for nlllch of ,mvthing. Add 'land as well as water and you get morur, the grav slop used to set tiles ,md bricks. Now ,ldd crushed stone-known in the tr,lde ,lS ,lggregate-,md filully you get concrete. The nlost £.ul1iliar emblem of the concrete business is the re,ldy-mix or transit-l11ix truck, with it rot,lting, conical drum. The biggest of these trucks hold nine cubic vards of wet concrete, which weighs some 36,()()U pounds-an intimidating load when it 100111S up in your rearview mirror. And if the drivers of thO'...e truck seem ,llw,lYS to be in a hurry, they have a reason: in dbout C)() minute" the concrete will begin to set, and the driver wil] be hauling drolmd a "olidifying 36,()( II I-pound nightll1are. Pay attention to the twirling of the drum. If it'" ....pinning rapidly clockwi"e (1" '1een fronl the rear), it'" bu"y nlixing the concrete. If it'" turning "lowly clockwi"e, the con- crete is already nlixed; the ....low rotation is just to keep the aggregate tr0111 "ettling out, the way that blueberrie" have a habit of sinking to the bottom of a 111uffin. At the job 'lite, the driver will run the drum at high "peed for a fina] tew minute, ot nlixing. Then-and thi" i" the cleverne"" in the de"ign ot the l11ixer-the drum is turned counterclockwise to deliver the concrete. Inside the drum i a screw-sh,lped blade. which forces the concrete luck down into the drum when the rotation is clockwise but pumps it out when the drum spins the other W,lY. 
Hume bae for ,I Heet of re.ldY-lllix truck'i i'i the bHCh pLlIlt, which in 1l10t towns i in the ",llne neighborhood attr,lCts w.lrehoust''i .1Ild hl1nberyards, often .llong .I rJilro.ld siding. Even fairly '1111.111 town are likely to h.lve a batch pLmt; given the <)0- minute iInperative, a "ingle plant cJn't Cover too much territory. For brge construc- tion projects, such as repaving a n1Jjor highw.lY or ,Ul airport runway, the contractor may set up a portable batch plant close to the action. The batch plant is essenti,llly a c.lke-mix operation. The dry ingredienb are stored in open heaps or covered silo... ,1l1d then 10Jded .IS needed into an elevated hopper. An empty transit-Inix truck drive" under the outlet of thi.... hopper, and the batch pours into a tunne] above the open end of the drum, ,1long with a nleasured an10unt of \Vater. In many case" the whole plant IS run by one person, who sits in a control room near the mixing hopper, talking with customers on the telephone, talking "yith drivers on the two-WdY radio, dnd Ineanwhile weIghing out bdtche of ingredient with the nlouse and keybodrd of ,1 cOlnputer. Although nlixing a batch of concrete i fairly straightforward, nuking the cement powder that goes into the concrete i ,1 more elaburate proce'is. The life cycle of ceIllent is d curiou one. The I11,lin idea i to t.lke lime'itone and clay and drive ,Ill the wdter out of thenl; cement powder is b.lsicll1y dehydrated rock. Then when it's time to JlliA concrete, the WJter i'i .l(1ded b.lCk .lg,lin-.U1d it stays in. The setting or 11.1rd- ening of concrete is not a drying proce'iS; the W.lter doesn't evaporate or drain away. Instead, it combines chemically with the w.lter-st.lrved components of the cement. knitting the grains of pov.nkr together into .l solid m.ltrix. At a cen1ent plant, the water is burned out of the limestone and clay in a giant high-temperature kiln. The kiln looks nothing like the boxy oven that a potter would U'ie to fire ceramics, or even like a big brickm.lking kiln. A cement kiln is a "tee] tuhe,  .... ./ """\  ad .'P  .,. A rotary kiln supplies intense heat for driving the water  out of various mineral products. The heat comes from fuel burned at the lower end of the inclined tube. Raw materials enter at the upper end and tumble toward the bottom as the tube slowly turns. The shiny ring near the  ..r ."- middle of the kiln is a bearing that supports its weight; ",. the somewhat larger ring nearby is a sprocket for the .i.. ,. . chain that drives the rotation. This particular kiln, in .., . Ir Port Costa, California, processes shale to make light- weight aggregate for concrete. ...  " .. .- _I '  .,. ... ';. . ,,"'- .- ...JIo .'" 
A hot-mix plant coats crushed stone with bitumen-the sticky, bottom-of-the-barrel fraction left over from petro- leum refining-to make the paving material called blacktop or macadam. The plume of vapor in this chilly- morning photogroph is steam, driven out of the crushed stone as it is hooted before mixing with the bitumen. I .  I . . -, . ,,,  j ...... I I 1() or 12 teet in di,ll11cter ,1Ild ,1Ilywhcrc frol11 1()() to 5()(/ tL'Ct long; thc intcrIor IS lined with firebrick to high tel11per,ltllres. Thc tube is \llpportcd on roller\ ,It interv,lls ,Ilong it length, ,1l1d ,I 1110tor turns it ...lo\dy-one revolution every nlinute or two. rhe kiln is not quite horizont,ll but Ius ,I ...Iope of a few degree,. Fre...h mgre- dients continually enter the upper end of the tube. and fuel i burned at the lower end. As the nl,lterials tumble in the slowly turning kiln. they drift do\\ n the lope, getting hotter .Ilong the way as they approach the tll111e zone. The peak temperature is about 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit-hot enough to soften the dried limestone-clay l11i\:ture into a gooey semiliquid. When the product finally el11erges fr0111 the lower end of the kiln, it cool... and h,lrdens into glassy lumps and be,ld called clinker. The clinker is then ground to ,I powder in big revolving dn1111'\ full of teel balk The long rotary kiln is the l11ot di,tinctive element of a cenlent-Inaking plant, but it Inay not be the nl0t conpicuou. 13in... for raw Inaterial .Ind silo... for fini...hed products tend to dwarf everything ehe on the site. l>I11ewhere ne,lr the high end of the kiln .Ire Hue... and moke...tacks for exhaust ga-;e, with b,lgholhes tor trapping dust. Asphalt. For road paving, the m,lin rival of concrete is the subtance known vari- ously ,IS blacktop or asphalt or macad,l111. Purist insist that these n,l111eS don't refer to the ame material, but the distinction seem to be blurring as the ye,lrs go by. The people who actually nlake and sell the snltT Colll it hot mix. Whatever the name. it consists of aggreg,lte-cruhed tone and gravel-held together by a black. tarry goo called bitumen. which is basically the dregs of the oil-refining process. The mi:-.. is kept hot so that the bitumen will flow fi-eely enough to coat the aggreg,lte; after the mi:-.. is spread out on the rO,ld surf.lce, the bitumen cools and h,lrdens. A hot-mix P\.l11t is about the sanle size a... a ready-miA concrete plant. Again you are likely to find one in any but the sm,lllest town, and for roughly the .Ime reason: like pizza, hot Inix ha to he delivered hot. The mo...t conlmon tyle of plant ha, three or four elevated met.Il bill<., that hold v,lriou, sizes of ,lggregates, or one large bin with everal internal compartments. 13efore the tone .Ire loaded into the bins, they are hedted and dried in a hurner .It the base of the tower. Then, ,It the top of the tower, .I vibrating creen orts the ....tones according to ize and drops theI11 into the appro- priate bin. The stone tU111bling through the drier dnd the haking screen produce a distinctive noi...e. Belo\\ the bin...-but till 15 feet above ground level-med...ured .Imount... of aggregate and hot bitumen are mixed tor a few minutes in a mill. Finally .I truck drive... under the tower, ,1nd the I11i\: i... 10,lded tor delivery. ORE MilLING AND SMELTING Unlike coal and tone, which come out of the ground ready to use, 1110-;t metal... need further procesing betore you would even recognize them for they ,Ire With the exception of gold nugget... ,1Ild the occ.lsioIl,lllump of native copper, 111etals in nature 
.1re never pure. They .1re combined chemic.111y with other elements-nlOst otten sul- fur or o\:ygen-and the chemic1l compound .1re mi\:ed up phy'\ically with grdins of other miner.1ls. Uoth the chemical .md the phvsical miing need to be undone. 1\10st of the physical unscrambling happen'\ in a process c.1lled ore milling, which separ.lte<; individual grains of the <;ought-.1fter mineral from everything el'\e in the rock. The chemical isolation is done in the proces<; of smelting: tor most Inetals it is a fiery rite of purific.1tion. Ore Milling. SOlnewhere in the neighborhood oL1lmost any met.111nine you will find a Inill, also known as cl concentr.ltor. A century .1gO this was a £lirly simple intalbtion. The high-grade ores mined in those day<; needed little tre.1tment before they went to the "melter; the ore was merely ground up into p.1rticles of the appropriate "ize. Grinding is still .m essenti.11 p.1rt of milling. but tod.1Y some degree of enrichment- c1lled dressing or benefici.1tion-is .11so usual. If .m ore includes only 1 percent of the desired mineral, there's no sense h.1l1ling the other 99 percent to the <;lnelter. The prototypic11 mineral mill is .1 series of buildings or sheds tlut casc1de down d hillside in half-story steps. There is .1 reason for this design: it .11l0ws gr.lVity to do the work of moving the ore fi'om one st.1ge of processing to the next. Even when the mill is built on t11t ground. the rootline may h.lVe a stairstep profile. Another com- mon sight is a long, loping conveyor line. which moves material frGln the bottom of one processing st.1ge to the top of .mother. The first step in ore processing is crushing, which u"Llally begins at the Inine, reduc- ing multiton boulder" to IUlnp" the <;ize of bowling balls, baseballs, or golf balls. Then the lumps are reduced to powder in a prOles<; c.1lled grinding, done in the mill. A ball . '" The bold diagonal is a distinctive identifying mark of ore-mill architecture, where conveyor belts and chutes move hundreds of tons of materials. The celebration of angularity shown here is part of a mill in eastern Missouri that processed lead ore until the mines closed in the 1970s. The shed roofs and the corrugated sheet- metal sheathing are also common elements of mining- industry architecture. 
The world's tallest smokestack (opposite page) towers 1,250 feet over the INCO nickel smelter-and the little neighborhood of houses surrounding it-in Sudbury, Ontario. For scale, note the school bus. The cascading roofline is yet another common feature of mill buildings, allowing the ore to move by gravity from one stage of grinding and sorting to the next. This small mill, built directly adjacent to the mine head- frame, is in the little town of Goldfield, Nevada. mill i-; .1 cvlinder h.llf-tllled \\ ith -;teel b.lll. ()n.' i poured in through .1 h.ltchwa), .md then the C) hnLier is rot.lted, not too r.lpidly, -;0 the b.1ll'\ tumble over one .mother, nushing the lump' of orc. There .1re .110 rod milk which .Ire '\ in design but filled with looe steel rods or b.1rs in'\te.1d ofb.1lkAnd latelv there is a vogue for "autogenous mills." in which the tumbling of the ore dlone does the grinding. Thi spares the cost of steel b.1lls or rods. but the mills need to be brger. Ideally, grinding breaks the ore down into individu.1l grains that .ue either all metal- be.1ring mineral or .11l g.mgue. The next t.lsk is to ep.1rate the two kind, at particle'\. The most popu1.1r method i froth flot.1rion, in 'which ore particle, rie to the top of a W.lter tank while g.mgue sinks to the bottonl. Thi, ,chelne ,olmds as it it might be based on differences in density, but" not how it works. 130th ore and gangue are too heavy to float in water; the ore ri,es to the surface only through the nlagic ofbub- ble,-lot, of tiny buhhles. Chelnical added to the water Inake the ore partide water- repellent, with the result that they .1ttach thelnselves to air bubbles and are cclrried to the '\urtace. (Jne tlotation-tank .1dditive IS pine oil. which can give .1 whole l11ill the fragrance of a freshly scrubbed public bathromn. The bubbles in the froth are nude by pumping compressed .lir into the bottOln of a trough or by violently .lgitating the l11ixture. The tefIll froth may give a sonlewhat mi-;leading impression in this context. It doesn't look n1l1ch like the foam .HOp a cup of cappuccino; it's more like pond scum. Smelt; ng. l11illing is n1.linly a phvsical process. sl11elting is he.lVy-dut)' cheln- istry. The traditional .lgent of smelting is fire-the nld.ll is cooked out of the are at  j r I' , . L  'I '  I   t \ \ , :\. . JY 
high tcmper.lture. (The simiL1rity of the word.. slI/ell ,md 1IIclr i not coincident,lI. As for the \imi]arity to slI/cll-tl1.1t is ,1 coincidence, but ,m ,lpt one.) Not every lnine 11.1 ih oVo. n \melter; often an entire mining district hares one central facility. Finding the smelter is e,lsy: its mokest,lCk i the tallest structure for n1ile\ ,lround. In the e, years of the twentieth century these o;tacks grew steadily higher until \everal topped the (}()( I-foot mark. Then, \urpriingly, there was another growth spurt, and now the Kennecott smelter, .lround the corner fronl Salt Lake City, Ius a stack 1,2()() feet high. The Internation..] Nickel ('01npany In ()ntario hao; gone higher ,till, to 1,25() feet, which h,lPpens to be ,lhnoo;t exactly the height of the EInpire State Building. The tradition,ll "lnelting proces has three stage\. FIrst, the ore is roasted to drive ofT '!01ne of its suIfilr. Then, the rO.lsted ore is loaded into a furnace and heated beyond its melting point .llong with .1 tlux-a substance such as lilnestone that C01n- bine\ with \On1e of the cont,l1nin,l11ts. The flux .1lH.i the iInpuritie fonn a o;lag th,lt is kinllned ofT the top. WI1.1t ren1.lins is ,I mixture of met,l] ,lnd sulfide called lnatte. In the tlna] st,lge of sn1elting, known ,IS conversion, air blown through the nutte burns aw.lY the relnaining sulfur. Ro,lsting was once done in open he,lps of ore ,llld cordwood, which would smol- der for months, el11itting gre,lt fogbanks of o;ulttlr-L1den fl1l11es. Later, the heaps were replaced by big cylindricll ovens, 40 feet t,lll ,md 30 feet in dian1eter. Now the ovens 11.1ve given way to the fluidized-bed roaster (in which ore p,lrticles are suspended in ,1 strong updraft ,lS they ro,lst) ,1I1d sintering machines (in which ore is heated so intensely th,lt the p,lrticles soften ,llld stick together). These new roasters are much flster, ,md so they can be made snuller. They are usu,llly out of ight inside one of the shedlike buildings that also house the smelting furnaces ,1l1d the converters. In picturesque terms, the smelting proce is a kind of chelnical seduction. At the outset, copper and suIttlr c1tom are locked in a tight elnbrace. Then, in the sultry ,1tI11osphere of the melter, along C01nes the tel11ptress oygen, luring away the sultiu ,Homs fr0111 their copper nutes. At the end, the copper is left in solitude, while the suIttlr and oxygen run off together. loLlting n1etallic copper i.. the ,lil11 of thi whole eercise. Unfortl1lutely, copper isn't the only product; there .1re ,1]SO those suIttlr oxides. What em be done with them? For l11an)" Ve,lr they \in1ply went up the st,lck, where they c0111bined with w,Her vapor to fOrIn ulfuric ,Kid, which then fell back to earth as ,lCid rain. That's why sl11elter st,lCks ,Ire built so tall-in order to disperse the t:lllout over a wide area. But even with 6( I()- ,llld l,2()O-foot chiI11neys, melter ,Ire notorious for creating downwind deserts-flll-hared tr,lcts where not even weeds will grow. Putling untreated 5uItill- fumes out the top of the st,lck is no longer socially or ]eg,ll- ly ,lCcept,lb]e, so melter l1.1ve had to find other W,lY to cope with the stuff. Mostly the) ,ldopt the nuke-]emon,h1c- tr,ltegy: if you C,lI1't help producing ulfuric ,lCid, C,lp- ture it ,md el1 it ,IS ,1 b) -product. Most smelters now have ,m ,Kid plant, whc-re the flllne P,lSS through ,1 c.lulytic l.onvt'rtL'r not too ditlt.TL'llt tl"om the one ill the exh.ll1st ....  ....,., ,   . . -1'  - .. . I 
A gleaming white acid plant occupies one end of the Kennecott copper smelter on the shores of Great Salt Lake. The plant's capacity is a million tons a year of sulfuric acid. The smelter itself is in the background, with the l,200-foot stack looming over all. - ... --: .a. :J L pipl' of your L1r. fhl' convener i'\ .1 [.111. ( vlindri( .11 vessel flill of \'.m.1di UIH pentu,",lde- .m exotic .md expen....lve '\ub<;t.mce h.lppl'ns to h.we .1 kn.ld, t()r convening '\ulfur dioide into suIttlr trioxide. This l.1tter g.1'\ combinl.'s with W.1ter 111 .m .1llj.Kent tower to form liquid sulttlric .Kid. rhe ,Kid pL111t is e.1Y to spot. It look'\ .dmo'\[ like .1 d.liry: .111 the equipment is either gle.l111ing st.1inles '\teel or sp,1rkling white. Even if a smelter Ius a sulfuric acid plant. it will ,11'\0 h,lVe scrubber'\ and b,lghou...e-; to tr.lp .my ren1.lining sulfur oxides .1I1d other no,ious g,lses .md p,1rticles. How etTec- j ".." tt .. --- . ..... J._I... . I" - 
tive .lre thc pollution-control mt'hurcs? Photogr.lphs nude some dec.H.les .lgo \ho\\ smelters surroundcd by b.11Tcn L11H.isclpe\. .1Pp.lrenrly \\ iped cle.m of .lllliving org.m- isms. ()n reccnt visits to .1 fe\\ brge smclter,-the le.ld smeltcr in I krcuLmeum. Missouri, and the nickel ,melter in Sudbury. ()ntario-I ".lW no evidence of ,uch dev.lstation. ()n casu.ll in\pection, the veget.1tion in the neighborhood look, he.1lthy. But biologists who "tudy these environment, report ,ubder et1ects per,ist. And d.mgerous le\'els of meLll re"idues in the soil will not dis"ip.lte anytime soon. THE EMPIRE OF STEEL A great crescent "w.lth of the n.ltion-fi-om northern I\1innesot.l, down along the southern tlanks of the Gre.n L1ke" .md e.1stw.lrd through ()hio .md Pe1ll1,ylv.mi.l- Ius its industri.ll herit.lge in the making of iron .md ,teel. From the bL1st furn.lces of 13ethlehem, Pittsburgh, Wheeling, and (;.lr)' C1me the meul to build r.lilro.l<.h. auto- mobiles, skyscr.1pers. bridges. For the better p.lrt of.l century. steel \Vas .m emblem of n.HiOlul "trength. Now the steelnuking crescent is oftcn reerred to .1\ the Rust 13elt. 13ut there are still iron mines .md steel mills to be seen, including a new generation of steel "minimills" have ,prouted up .111 .lCrOS\ the country. Iron is everywhere in the e.lrth-indeed. the pLmet i\ mostly nude of it-but the nuin North American sources .lre clustered .lround LIke Superior. Early 11line\ there dug a soft red mineral called hem.nite, which \\'a" ,0 rich in iron oxide that it could be dumped into bla\t furnace, with no purific.ltion. 13y the 194( ;<;, however, the rich- est hem.ltite ore, were running out, and it looked like h.ud ti1l1e t()r the Minnesot.1 Iron R.mge The region .11<;0 Iud much tn-ger depo<;its of .m iron-be.1ring mineral c.1lled t.Konite, but it h.ld never been Inined. The iron content i\ only 25 or 3() per- cent-too le.m tor '\melting without enrichment. A]\o, taconite i" .1 hard. .lbr.l\ive rock, which 111.1ke it a challenge for mining .md milling. Finally, the iron in taconite is dispered in tiny grain\, too pO\Hierv to be put into .1 bLht fUrIuce. ., I -----r-r I I I i I =- lr i I .- 'a - 'y '. - :- . t..t Iti I,i .. ....... ,.-_-.a"._ . ..... . _.. ..... .J , -Ii" , .' .._......._. ... '0\ .. , . ii-. . .... ..  ., . . III. IV' . 10. , .. -': '.' 'I\' '.i.. . - f  . \  - .} , ,,,,,,, '  \  j , t . t i I I I ,111I A loading dock for iron ore at Ashland, Wisconsin, extends a quarter of a mile into Lake Superior. The dark gray chutes could be lowered into the hold of on ore boot; ore was dumped down the chutes from roil cars on the dock's upper deck. Docks of this kind are a familiar sight all along the shores of Lake Superior although most of them have been idle for years. Unloading of ore from the ships that ply the Great Lakes is done by specialized machinery that digs taconite pellets out of the hold. The dockside stockpiles have to lost through the winter interruption of lake ship- ping. The unloading operation shown here is at a steel mill in Cleveland now operated by the International Steel Group. 
Blast-furnace technology has changed less over the past 100 years than any other aspect of steelmaking. Here, at a steel mill in T rieste, Italy, the blast furnace is the tallest structure, toward the right side of the image, shrouded in scaffolding and topped by fume-collecting hoods and flues. The angled conveyor belts and the green elevator shaft carry raw materials-iron ore, coke, and limestone-to the air lock at the top of the furnace. The three upright tanklike structures in the fore- ground, each with its own smokestack, are stoves where air for the blast furnace is preheated. 1::.lch ot the"e problem" \\ .1'\ .lddres"ed .lIld ...olved. I he .1Il...wer tl) tht' compLtint t.!Conite is too h.lrd to mine \V.IS the jet-piercing torch. .1 dose rd.uive of the ch.lIl- neling nl.lchine th.u cut'; dimension stone in lIu.IITies. The problem of ore enrichment \\'.lS ...oIved bv the lucky .lCndent dut mo...t of the iron in t.1conite is in ,I m.lnetic torm, .md '0 it i, easy to ,ep,lrate. As tor the ore as fine ,I'. flour, the solution \\,is to pre'\S it into pellet' .lbout the ,ize of pedS or nurbles. T,lConite mining got ,tarted in the ]95( ),. At ,1bout the ""une tilnt\ new deposits of high-gr,lde hematite were opened up in Labrador ,md Venezuela. ()nce .1g,lin it looked like bad new" for the Iron Range. 13ecalhe of the proce"ing needed. t,lConite cot nl0re dun the henl.Hite ore.... L3ut the competition Iud .1 surprising outcome. Steel mill... dicovered the spheric.lI, unif(Xl1l t.lconite pellets m,lke ,In ide,lI bl.tst- "i!.  -.,. . :sI .. ..J- I ,... -- 4' .. e 1 - I .1 . . , ' 'I! - T ...' t I II +.\ , I I t-i ,  --- .I -I  ..1' ;I' J "t5. ;; "...  PI HI - J.- 'J .' , i 1 _, liJ  . l ''"::I I  ..r, .. ...... j . !  -;- . 1. r.... Ii II .. , . ., [ [ --. [ [ I r 
fUrIl.lce clurge, ,l11owing ,1ir to circullte more fi-edy tlun the powder)' natllr,11 ore\. I )epite the higher cot, t,lConite h,l become the predomin,ull iron are worldwide. Still. the taconite Illines ,md mill ,1re not ex,lctly buoming. One reelson is tlut Iron R.ange worker today compete not only ,1g,tinst miners elsewhere but ,1lso ,1g,lint their own parents clnd grandrelrents. The m,lin r,1\\' m,tterial tor nuny modern teel l11ills i recycled steel, nude from ore dug out of the ground by eeldier generations. Steel Mills. When the poet Willi,ull 13L1ke wrote of "dark Sat,lIlic l11ill," he couldn't have been looking elt a steel I11ill beCcll1se there were none in 1 X04. Nevertheless, whenever I visit a teelI11ill, 13lake \ phr,lse alw,lYs COme\ to nlind. What with the heat and the pounding noie, the dust ..lIld smoke, the red glow ,Igaint the night sky ,md the pyrotechnic showers of p,lrk\, it's h..lrd not to see thee places as infernal. And yet the proce\s of I11aking steel ..l1so produces some of the mot l1.1untingly beautiful iI11age\ found anywhere in the world of indu'itry. The big steel mills ,ue called "jntegr,ued" p1.1I1t'i bec1l1se they handle the entire process: iron ore COI11es in one end, ,md fInished teel goes out the other. At the input end, ships unlo,ld taconite pellets onto long stockpiles. Smaller heaps hold the other ingredients in the recipe tor ironn1.1king: coke ,1I1d linlestone. (Coke is roasted coal- ,1 fuel th,u's ah110st pure c,lrbon. like ,1 cl1.1rco,tl briquet except lurder.) Not Elr fi-OIIl the are stockpiles rise the towers of the bLtst furnaces. Each fUrI1.1ce unit is a cluster of tall structllres, including el moket,1Ck ,1I1d several silo-like "stoves" as well ,1S the furnace itself. The furn,1Ce is ,1 gig,Ultic piece of equipment. 100 feet high or more. but nevertheless you n1.1Y h,lVe ,1 l1.1rd time seeing it because it i\ so thickly enshrouded in auxiliary equipment-tlues and duct tor pollution control, scaffolding ,Uld st,lirw,lYs for workers, hoi\ts or elev,ltor" tor loading raw nlateriak The b,lsic idea of the hLtst fUrIlclce is not much ditferent 6"0111 that of the bLtck- smith \ forge, where a bellows force air through a bed of burning coal to produce a dr,lft of superheated air. The b1.1st furn,lCe just doe it on ,1 Llrger \cale and with greater inten\ity. Instead of a bellows, the blast fin nace ha powerful fan\, ,1nd the air is he,it- ed to a seelring teI11perature before it even re,lChe the tllrIUce. The preheating is done in the tall stoveS ddjacent to the tllrIUCe tower. Each blelst tllrn,lCe Ius at le,lst two stoves, and "OI11etiI11e four or tlve. At any given nloment some of the stoves ,lre "on gas," or heating up, while others ,ue "on b1.1st," upplying hot ,lir to the fUrI1c1ce. The heated air is delivered through ,1 Eu duct th,lt encircles the furnace about 211 feet above the base. This encircling duct is cl11ed the bustle. ,1 n,lIl1e that hels lost \ome of it de\criptive power with ch,mges in \\.omen's £:.lshion. The pressurized hot ,1ir rises through the mix of are ,md coke ,md limetone, igniting the coke ,1nd thereby rai\ing the teIl1perature even tllrther. Roughly speaking, the recire t()r nuking iron i three cups of t,lConite to one cup of coke ,md half ,I cup of lime",tone. The chemhtr'y tlut goe on when thee ingre- dient.., ,Ire brought together 1.., ditlerent ti-om wll.1t l1.1ppen\ III the smelting of cop- per. As described e,lrlier. ,1 lopper \mdter ues <y\. ygen to lure sulfur ,1\V,IY ti-om the Pugh cars transfer pig iron fram the blast furnace to a basic-oxygen steelmaking furnace at the International Steel Group mill in Cleveland. The heat radiated by the cars is easily felt from the distance at which this photo- graph was made. -- I . I . -- ... .. . 
An electric arc furnace is at the heart of steelmaking operations at the Nucor plate mill in Hertford County, North Carolina. The furnace itself is the giant cooking pot at right; the boxy apparatus at left preheats steel scrap and feeds it continuously into the furnace. In about 20 minutes the electric furnace can melt 250 tons of steel and heat it to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. . I" "1-' .'" , l_ r . II '(]I; I :1 , .f L- .Ii.... ., nlet.d. But can't work. 111 the LI\e of iron bc'clu\e the iron 1" .11re.ldy bound to oxygen. rhe oxygen is wlut need\ to be removed. .1I1d it i L1rbon tlut .lets .1 the educer, carrying oxygen .l\.vay in the form of g.1seous carbon monoxide. l\1e.1I1while, the limetone, the third ingredient, combines with other impuritie to form .1 "lag. Once d blast furnace i tarted up, or «blo\\ n in:' the mill will keep it running 24 hour d day, 7 days a week, for month at a time. Fresh ore, coke, and limt'\tone have to be .1dded at frequent interval through a hatch at the top of the furnace. But there' a problenl here: BeCdue air i... being blown in under pressure, opening the hatch would release a volcanic eruption of fiery debris. The 'iolution is .1n dir lock, just like the one in a space station. The top of the furnace is ealed by t\VO conical plugs called bells. The upper bell is opened fir"t, allowing the fresh ore to (1)] into the spdce between the bells. Then the upper be)] is closed and the lo\ver one is opened, dl1111p- ing the ch,lrge into the body of the furnace.  \\ 1 \' \ , , \\ = - -- 
At the bottom of the furnace, which is called the he.1rth, molten iron collects in a puddle four or five feet deep, topped with a frothy head of sl.1g. Every few hours the fUrIuce is t.1Pped to draw off these liquids by drilling out two plugs in the wall. The higher plug drain" aw.1Y the "lag into a bucket called a "lag pot or, more quaintly, a C)t1g thiIl1hle. The lower plug is where the iron pours out-an orange streclll1 so bright you have to C)hield your eyes to look at it. The product of the bl.lst finnace is pig iron. Suppo"edly, it got thi n.lIl1e because it \Va cast into a \eries of mold\ lined up perpendicular to a central channel like a litter of piglets uckling at .1 ow. Whether or not this cute story i\ true, that is not the W.lY it's done anymore. Instead of casting the iron into ingots (which would have to be relnelteu to lluke "teel), it is poured into cl str.mge railro.1d car called a Pugh car, with a heavy-duty tank "luped something like a football. The tank i" pivoted .1t the pointy ends "0 that it c.m dump its 10.H.1 of molten met.11. The Pugh car never travels (1r; it C)huttle" b.lCk .md forth from the bla'\t furnace to the steellluking furnace. From Iron to Steel. People "ometimes think of steel .1" if it were iron with something added. The truth is just the opposite: steel is iron with something removed, namely, carbon. Pig iron frGln the blast fUrIuce is about -t- percent carbon, which makeC) the Inet.l] weak and brittlc. Steelnuking burn" out the c.Irbon and other impurities. The fir'\t indu"tri.II-"c.Ile "teelm.Iking machine W.IS the Bessemer converter, where air is blown through liquid iron in a goblet-like ves'\el. When the b.1tch is done, the ved tilt\ .111d pouro;, out the "teel in .I catady\mic ,hower of "p.lrks. But you'll only see thi'\ h.Ippen in old mOVIe,. r he Be..,emer converter W.1S replaced e.lrl} in the twentieth LClltury hy .lIlother \tedlll.1king m.lChillL' L.ll1cd thl' opl'n-hc.Hth furn.lcc. Flames erupt fram the Nucar electric furnace when a laad af scrap is added ta the melt with the lid remaved A carban electrade glaws brightly with residual heat as it is reinserted inta the freshly charged furnace. The main furnace at the Nucor Hertford mill operates on direct current and so has just one electrode; many other furnaces use three-phase alternating current and have three electrodes. 
\ \ Melted steel pours into a ladle as a worker observes {above}. After further adjustment of the steel's chem- istry, the ladle is lifted by an overhead crane and trans- ferred to the continuous casting machine {be/ow}. You \\on't tInd ,I11Y of them in opcr,ltion cithcr. I hc\ 'vc bccn rl'pLllcd in turn by thc b,l\il 0)0. ygen fUrI1.lce ,l11d the electric ,Irc tllrn,\( e. The b,IIC 0)0. ygen tllrn,lCe lurb b,Kk to Hem y 13el'I11er\ ide.1 of blowing ,Iir through the iron. 13ut by using pure oxygen inste,ld of pLlln ,Iir, the proce goe') much f:'1ster; inste.ld of sever,II hour'\. ,I batch of steel cook in 11.1]( ,In hour or le". Oxygen is deliYered through a lance. a tube ]o\\"ered from overhe,ld so dut its mouth is a few inche'\ ,Ibove the '\urf:1Ce of the liquid. It might seem surprising that ju'\t b]o\\'ing oxygen over the surf:1Ce of the iron would be enough to make .111vthino- Cr..- "..... "--". b interesting happen. but if your menul im.lge is th,lt of SOll1eone blowing gently over a bowl of hot soup, that's the wrong image. The blast of high-pressure oxygen conle out of the 1.111ce at supersonic speed, .1l1d it penetr,ltes the liquid metal like a 'olid rod, thoroughly stirring it up. When a batch of steel is re.ldy, the whole fUrI1.1ce tilts over on hinge pins and pour'\ the hot metal into a ladle. (Thill1bles, buqles, ladles-yes, one begin, to wonder about the burly image of '\teelworkers.) In years gone by, the 1.ldle would pour out the metal lIno mgot molds, but now the molten steel goe directly into a continuous casting machine-cl device o unlikely I can hardly believe it works, even though I've seen it in ,lction. Think of it ..lS .1 pLtyground sliding bo,lrd with a water-cooled copper funnel ,It the top. Liquid met.II drops vertiLll1y into the ftmne1, and by the time it reaches the bottom of the slide, it is moving horizont.ll1y .md has bec0111e a solid slab. At cl Nucor steel mil1 in eastern North C,lrolina I stood on the deck of a contin- uous casting m,lChine, which throbbed gently bene.lth m)' feet. The LIsting supervi- sor eAplained that the funnel-like mold is kept in continuous motion to prevent the steel fi'om sticking to the copper lining, in 111l1ch the same way that one might jos- tle .1 fi-ying P,1l1 t? keep eggs fi'om sticking.A glassy, lubricating powder is poured into the mold for the S,ll11e re.lson. M,lking sure the teel tlow through the nl0ld smooth- ly ,md steadily is w}1.1t the ,Irt of continuous c.lsting is all about. A major blockage could destroy the l110ld ,111d ...pil1 tons of hot steel. Thi W,IS an interesting thought as I stood .1 few teet fi-Olll the lip of the mold. The tongue of glowing l11eta] th,lt emerges fr0111 the bott0111 of the LIsting machine b about h inche, thick .1l1d h to 1 () feet wide At thi" point it not yet tillly olidified: it ha" .1 hardened crust but a tafty-like interior. A torch cuts the cast- ing into lab') about ,2() feet long, which move on to the rolling l11ill. The rolling mill is the longet building on the site of a ')teelmill; it may well stretch out for half a mile. Why ...0 long? hl\lde, there \ a ort of p.lsta-n1aking operation, \\"here thick steel slabs .1fe tlattened into long, Ja.....lgna-]ike ,heet or pulled into p.lghetti-like b.1f .md wires. When .1 ')lab IS rolled down to a tenth of its original thicknes, it grow... to ] () tinles it original length. Further rolling to produce the thin sheeb .mit.lble for .ll1to1110bile body p.lnel brings .mother tenfold elongation. Minimil/s. Until the 1 <')7U" integr.lted milh fed hy hlast ftlrnaces were the only W,IY to m,lke steel. And then the minimil1 beg.111 to Lltch OIL In ,I sense, minimi]b don't 
m<lke ...ted <It <Ill; they take old ...led. melt it do\\-n. <1I1d reroll it into new t()}-ms. There i, no iron ore, no coke, no bLt"it furn<ICe. The r<IW l11<lteri<.I come fi'om the junkY<lrd r<lther dun d mine; it con'lst of <lUtomobile"i. old <lppli<1I1ces, <md [lCtory Wd"ite"i. A minimill i"i d recycling operation. J\Jilli is cl relative term. The mill... may he tin) compdred with the behemoth"i of the industrv. but they still cover enough land to build <1 major ,hopping l11all or <1 toot- I 10 at , -- f . Slabs of hot steel, still soft in the middle, roll away from the casting machine (left); they will pass through a gas-fired oven to equalize their temperature before moving on to the rolling mill. Below is a spare mold for the continuous caster. The molten steel passes through the copper-lined slot in the middle; pipelines carry cooling water.  ...;; - ...... . ".-- i;. ---  e -;j ...... - I ..,. 
"" Entering the rolling mill (above), a slab goes through a high-pressure water spray to remove scale, producing clouds of steam At the far end of the rolling mill (be/ow), the plate is roughly 1 0 times its original length.   ... JI lull ...t,ldium. In"\tl.",ld of dnck... f()r nre bn,H... ,1I1d nllHll1t,lln"\ uf t,lllHlItL' pdkb, thl.' input end of ,1 minimill fe,Hure.... r,lil sidings ,ll1d he,lp", of ,ted SCr.lp. Cr,1I1es unlo,H.i the scr,lp fi'om gondola elr" ,on it by type, ,1I1d eventu,ll1y 10,ld ir into the furn,Ke. Most mil1imill... u...e ,111 electric ,UT furnace. This ....1l1cepot-sI1.11'ed ve,sel is filled to the 11.1lfway l11.1rk \\ ith <;teel,ll' ,md fitted with ,1 he,lvy lid. Poking through the lid ,1re c.1rhon electrodes, much like pencil le,ld... except they're ,1t le,1st ,1 toot thick. fhe electrodes connect to ,1 hig trantonller out behind the furn,lce building, ,md the tran...former connects to ,1 high-voltage power line 6-0111 ,1 ne,1rby utility pl.1nt. When the po\\er i... ...\vitched on, alT... ]e,lp 6-0111 the electrode... to the 10,1d of scrap, producing enough heat to melt I no ton... of teel in 15 or 20 minute.... (Jnce the teel i n1elted, oper,ltions ,1t ,1 minimi]] ,1re not n1l1ch ditferent trOl11 those ,1t ,m integr.1ted mill. A typical minimil1 h,l, jut t\Vo 1.1rge buildings. The t.111er one houses the electric tllrnace .1nd a continuous c.lsting m,tchine; the long and thin one is the rolling mill. Most l11inimi11s n1,lke only ,1 few kind, of products, such ,1... heavy steel pLltes. be,lms. ,md girders. as well as rebar-the steel reintorcen1elH buried in the concrete of buildings and roadways. So tu. minimi11s l1.1ve not been .1ble to m,1ke cer- t,lin types of ...teel, such ,IS st,lin]es... steel or impurity-fi-ee sheet steel. because there's not enough control over the composition of the scrap that serves ,IS ra\\ n1.lterial. The proliferation of l11inimil1... has tr.1nsformed the economy and ecology of steel ,crap. Integr,lted mi11... ,1],0 u"e ,on1e ,crap, but they could never take in a n1l1ch ,teel as they put out, with the result tl1.1t ,crap \V,l' never worth much, ,md generation" of worn-out C,11"'\ and ,lppli,mce... \Vere left to rust on rural hi11s1del,. The l11inil11ilh have brought ,1 b,llance to upp]y ,l1H.i demand. There i... a m,lrket for ,tln1o,t .111 ,teel ,cr,lp. The minlmil1... l1.1ve ,1]...0 ,dtered the geography of steel. No longer is ,teel n1,1de just where App,lLlchi,m CO,l] n1eets Mlnneot,l iron; scrap i... everywhere, ,lnd ...0 are the minim ills. It's worth noting t11.1t Nucor ('orporation, ,1 minlmi11 operator, I... no\\ A111erica's l.1rgest ,teel producer. ALUMINUM SMELTING A century ,1gO, aluminu111 was a r,UT ,md expensive IHetal. I )rinking a beer out of it ,md then crumpling the em \Vou]d have seelHed a wildly extravag,mt ge,ture. The ore fix a]u111inu111 i, h,ll1'\.ite, which i, n,u11ed tor the French town of Le 13,ll1X de Provence. (13ut no one in the English-spe,lking world pronounces the word in the French way: over here it" "b,lwks-ite," nor "bo-zite.") Very little bauite is mined in the United States, and yet thi, country is the world'" leading producer of met,l]]ic ,llu- 111inu111. The expLm,ltion is that the critic,l] input to .m ,1]uminu111 sl11elter is not ore but electricity. The smdter, go where the power is. A lot of b,lUxite come, out of sunny J.Ul1,lic.1, but it gets refined near the hydropower pLmts of the mi...ty Pacific Northwest. 13dore 'imelting c.m begin, the b,ll1xite h,l'" to he proce,...ed ,md purified to yield .1Iu1111l1,1, ,1 t()nn of .1luminu111 oldc. Alumll1,l 1... .1 commodity in it... own nght. Small 
gr.lin of it torm the grit on ...l11dpaper; big cry-;tals of it, LIced with just the right impuritie" are known by nlore glamorous nl1lles: rubies .lnd 'Iarrhire. To make the nler.!l tor a beer cm, the 'Imelter nm,t decOlllpose the alunlina, break- ing up the n1.lrriage of .lluminum .111d oygen. This turns out to be an even harder ta<;k than meddling in the rOlluntic att.lChments of copper .1l1d iron. lleat WOll't do it; what it t.lkes is electricity. In the s.l1ne way that an electric current can <;plit a mol- ecule of water (hydrogen oxide) into hydrogen and oY'gen atolll" electricity can separate aluminum oxide into aluminum and oxygen. But it', not an experilnent you'd W.ll1t to try on your kitchen table. Before the proces Cln even st.lrt, the aJl11nina has to be di"olved in nl0Jten s.tIts at a temper.lture of 1 ,HU() degrees Fahrenheit. This is done in carhon-lined iron pots the size of.l backyard swimming pool. Then a carbon electrode i, lowered into the Iniddle of the pot, and the power is "witched OIL Not nmch voltage is needed: rough- ly five volts, the output of three or t()llr flashlight batteries. But the current drawn is con<;ider.lble: between 50,()()() and 15(),()()() .1l11peres. The heat evolved by the pasage of this current i-; .111 that" needed to keep the S.llt olution nl0lten. All11ninum metal collects in a pool at the bottom of the pot. In the .1lUlninl11l1 smelting pLl11t, dozens of the'le electrolytic cells are arranged in long rows called potlines, linked by he.lVY copper t-onductors that c.llTY the electric current frOlll one cell to the next. The potline') are housed in long shedlike buildings with a lot of ventilation. Fl11l1es captured from the cell'l .lre carried by Llrge ducts [0 a Y'ltenl of scrubbers. The fl11nes include clrbon monoxide .111d carbon dioxide as - ..... - ...- . ')OIao.. - - ........ - - .w:. -- _. ,r - \ - -- .A  ..... -J 4fII'#' -..;. ...' --=--..,. """'  - .1.. ., , i\ ': -l. ' II . ..,!. :...... _. , . rttft I An aluminum smelter sprawls on the banks of the Columbia River at Goldendale, Washington. The long buildings house potlines-rows of electrolytic cells where metallic aluminum is extracted from the oxide by the action of electricity. silos at the for end of the plant hold raw materials. Much of the other equipment between the potlines is for collecting and neutralizing hazardous fumes given off by the smelting process. In the foreground is the electrical substation that powers the plant, including banks of transformers and rectifiers to convert high-voltage AC into low-voltage DC. The source of the electricity is the John Day Dam, just to the right of the photograph. Not surprisingly, the buildings at the site are sheathed in aluminum.  - t:........ -... - ...,'. .. - .- ---- - - - " - .. --.  .... 'r:'i- '.. --- r-r 
-I 1 I . .".. -.0 , , I... 1 I  - . " --+-  ...-- Insulated storage tanks for liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen (below) are painted bright white to reflect solar heat and reduce evaporation-but the liquids boil con- tinually nonetheless. Relief valves (detail above) prevent any buildup of pressure. The liquefaction plant, operat- ed by Air liquide, is in Spartanburg, South Carolina. 4'" =-- l' I...... .,... - .", ':...-. .;]' . .L t ¥. .. -4 4- _ --., -'. - - 111 f ..,, . , ', , '. . .." ,.' 'I.... ''.' ... ., . . . . "'" -1. 4 4 " I . /' . ..,..--.., .... well ciS hydrogen tluoride trom the ore.lkdo\,\ n of the clltS_ The List of the\e g,l\e\ IS particuLtrlv worrisome: dissolved in w,lter it form\ hydrofluoric ,Icid. the stronge\t of all acids. Air-pollution tdnd,lrds ,.llo\\. the release of very little hydrofluoric acid. Another conspicuous part of an aluminUll1 smelter is the power connection. A big plant going full blast conunles everal hundred Il1egawatts of electricity-the full output of a fairly l.lrge generating station. Hence, there \\ ill be at least one large power line entering the plant, and a substation that would be adequate for a mediunl- size city. Because of the extraordinary power denl.lnds, nlot alUlllinunl sInelters are built near a major hydroelectric power Jevelopnlent. In the United States, the .llu- minUln industry has grown up along the Colunlbia River .lnd in the territory of the Tennessee Valley Authority. C.lnada's ellunlinum Inelters are Inainly the hydro- electric resource') of northern Quebec and .llong the St. Lawrence River. MINING THE AIR I suppose it's a sign of economic sophistication when even the aIr we bredthe beCOll1eS an item of conU11erce-a reource to be exploited and 111.1rketed. Uut. of course, no one is really selling air. When the corner gas st.ltion annoyingly charges you a quarter to fill up your tires, what they're elling is air pressure. And as for those who nIine the air, and who call thenIselve the air-product industry, what they ell is the separation of air into its cOlllponent parts-nitrogen, oxygen, and l11all quan- tities of a few other gases. The separation is done by ditillation, the saIHe process used to make whisky. In each cae you bring .l Illixture of liquids to its boiling point. The 1110re volatile frac- tions boil off first, thereby separating alcohol frOI11 water in the case of whisky, and oxyrgen fraI11 nitrogen in the case of dir. The difference is that you helve to light a fire to boil alcohol and water, but the boiling point of oxygen is ,lh11ost JOO degrees below zero on the Fahrenheit scale, and the boiling point of nitrogen is even lower, by another 20 degrees. Thus. air separation requires not a fire but a refrigerator; it's a cryogenic process. done under supercold conditions. Unlike mines that have to go where the ore is. .1ir-separation plants can be built almost anywhere. They tend to follow their cUstOlller; if you find a steel mill. there's probably an oxygen plant nearby. to help run the basic oxygen furn,lces. Every large city has a separation plant, if only to upply oxyrgen to hospitals ,lnd welders. The heart of a separation plant is the coldbox. an insulated building that houses all the parts of the systenl that have to be kept chilled. Typic.l11y the coldbox is boot- shaped: the upright part of the boot is a tower eight or ten stories tall. with a much lower extension jutting ofT to one side. The tower i where the distillation is done; inide the heathing and everal thick layers of insulation is a distillation colunln nIuch like thoe that define the skyline of an oil refinery. Liquefied air boib dt the bdse of the colunln, and the Vdpors drift upwdrd through a eries of perforated nletal 
tray'\; ,1t the -;,lme time, cooled vapor conJening into droplets on the tr.1Ys drips b,lCk do n into the pool .It the bottom. In thi, W.1Y, gradu.llly, the .1ir molecules sort them- ,elve'\ out. Most of the nitrogen, which boil<:. off ,1 little more readily. \-"inds up near the top of the tower. while most of the oxygen collects ,1t the bottom. The low wing of the coldbox houses all the equiplnent needed to liquefy the air in the fir'\t place and feed it into the distillation colunm. The basic scheme for doing this is the same one that runs a household refrigerator. When a g,lS is cOlnpressed. it heats up: when the s,une gas is .1llowed to expand. it cools off. The cooling effect is obviously what you want in a refrigerator, but you need ,1 little ingenuity to make use of it. If you just compress SOlne air and then inl1nediately let it expand again. the air will Inerely up as it cOlnpresses ,md then cool down ,1S it expands. and ,1t best you'll be right back where you started. The trick. is to compress the air and then draw off the heat while the air renuins under pressure: then, when the ,11ready cool ,1ir exp.llH1s, it cools still further, to a temperature well below the ,\t.lrting point. In the liquid-air plant, thi'\ compress-cool-exp,md cycle yields a temperature some 300 degree, Fahrenheit below zero. The Inachinery needed to produce the,e temperatures includes large cOlnpressors and yalves ,1nd 'IOllletillle, turbine, where the air expands, but the real heart of the operation is a deyice c.llled a exchanger. llere, the warIn incOlning air is chilled by cloe contact with colder gase'\ .1nd liquids trom further along in the process. The heat eAchanger is .I stainles-steel contraption the size of a bus, with a dozen or lllore fl.mged pipe connected to it. Inside, the variou streams of liquids and gases How through miles of labyrinthine p.lssages. The fluids are separated frOln one another by thin'\ of nletal, so that the subst,mces don't miA but heat Hows readily. Apart fi-Olll the coldbox, the biggest itenls .1t ,1 sep.1r,ltion plant are storage tanks. Big <;phericl1 tanks hold tluids under pressure. There may also be rows or racks of long cylindrical tanks with rounded ends ("bullet tanks"); these too are de'\igned to withstand pressure. But the biggest t,mks are insulated vessels for holding low- temperature liquids ,1t ordilury atmospheric pressure. Inside these tanks. the oAygen or the nitrogen is always boiling off.1t a low rate, and it escapes through a vent in the roof-returning to the atmosphere it came from. The coldbox ,md storage tanks of ,In air-separation plant are often painted bright white to reflect away .1S much he,1t a possible. Equipnlent that isn't painted i'\ likelv to glint with the cool sheen of stainle'\s '\teel; the reason tor choo,ing this expensive nuterial i th.1t ordinary steel gets brittle .1t the temperature of liquid air. Ironically. after the pLll1t expend'\ ,0 nllIch trouble and energy ,ucking the hedt out of air in order to nuke it a liquid. in the end the ha, to be put back in, to COll- vert the liquid into ,I gas ag.lin. If the volume of liquid to be vaporized i not too Ltrge, it c.m be done with ,1 big finned uinless-steel radiator. which dr,lw,;; heat from the surrounding air. You'll prol1.1hly find <;tICh ,1 v,lporizer-p,lrdy encrusted with ice-next to the u\:.ygen ,tor.lge t.ll1k. .1t your 10c.l1 hospit,ll. Llrger consumer, (S,lY, .1 sted lllill) h.1ve to burn fuel Jut to rehe.1t wh.1t W.IS so expenslvdy c()()le\.L , I iu  '!ff If A lUrk ,. . r j ).  ' i,'lr -... I, . ./ I . .1 'oJ  L .= iIt A' , , i1' ' = - .... ,  'i(]"' ,,>  I t IJ ( J .. I;- I I a oJ'. . . , - Jr Y N; r 'l ....- I ----- .,.j - I   ,  . 1 ' ,:..  ..6 ,'"'' - -- - t.' '- t 11; - _ - ht1 1, }!1I,j :  I i- it'! 'j . i:l tl · r-- The coldbox and distilling tower of the Spartanburg plant liquefy the air and separate the components. Nitrogen, which is a little harder to condense collects at the top of the tower, oxygen below. The rectangular structure at the base is a complex heat exchanger. 
 '-' II I' _IIIJ _ "II, iI,( r j' 1 I  ,*'f.. .t . . . ..  .... . \. I q T t..,. ! t - r. - J - .  \ it _I_hl.. 11- . . I t4lb1 , "' r. F 3 - 1-- 1:,r ... I. I ....,. J . I ,- II I -' I .- 
CHAPTER 2 OUT WI S T THE TAP, and a stream of pure water glints briefly in the light before twirling down into the dark hole of the drain. Most of us give little thought to where tlut water comes from or where it goes to. but there's no ques- tion it'<\ one of the essentials of civilization. No hunun settlement can last long without a water <\upply-not a city or a village or a fann or even a cllnpsite. Thus, the infra<\tructure for delivering fre<\h water and disposing of waste water is found wherever people li\Oe. Almo'lt all of the earth's water-SaIne 97 percent-i in the oceans. The ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland <1Ccount for <ll1other 2 percent. That leaves only 1 per- cent for liquid fre'lh water, and mO'lt of tlut is deep underground, in the invisible reservoirs called aquifers. It eems hard to believe-especially \vhen you're cro<\sing the Mississippi or standing on the shores of Lake Superior-but all the rivers and lakes on earth hold only 0.1 percent of the world's welter supply. That small fi-action of the water, however, is extraordinarily ilnportant bec<ll1se it circulates. Solar energy powers a planetary-scale distillery, in which water evaporates from the ocean surface and t111s to e<1rth <1gain as rain or snow. The water is purified by this process, since evaporation leaves behind salts and other contaminants. Furthermore, when the water is raised above sea level. it acquires potenti,ll energy- a strong urge to flow back downhill <lgain. That urge is exploited in canals, aqueducts, pipelines, and other structures dut divert the water to \vhere it's needed. Also, some of the gravitation,11 energy can be converted into electriciry when t111ing water is nlade to turn turbines ,md gener,1tors. Thi chapter describes three broad c,1tegories of watenvorks: first, dams, levees, and other 'Itructures for controlling natural watercouro;;es: second, systt'nls for collecting, storing, puritying. and diqributing drinking w,1ter; ,1nd third, the corresponding <\ys- tems for collecting, tre,lting, ,1nd di<\posing of st'\V,lge. W,1ter lu such ,I central WATERWORKS A small dam and a spectacular red, white, and blue water tank (opposite page) are part of the municipal utility system of Idaho Falls, Idaho. 
GETTING A LOOK For many years, water projects were among the most welcoming of large industrial installa- tions. Most of them are publicly owned. Reservoirs were open to fishing and boating, and many of the larger dams offered tours. Water-filtration plants and sewage-treatment plants got fewer visitors, but you could usually arrange to see your hometown facilities if you called ahead. Since September 11, 2001, the situation has changed. Fearing sabotage, the authori- hU11l,1I1 litt.' tll.1r \\,ncrwork. ,dso rurn up in \cVCLd orhcr p,lrr" of rhis hook.. Irrig,nion i dicused in CIl.1pter 3. on ,Igriculrure; hydroelectric plants ll.1ve their pl.Ke in Chapter 5. on power ,lI1d energy; \\",Iterway n,l\"lg,ltion ,lI1d ,111 things n,Hltic.l1 are t,lken up in ('hapter 12, on shipping. DAMS At . [oover Oaln. d stone pLlgue carved by sculptor Oskar H,lnsen portrays five uses of dams: controlling flood, inlproving n,lVig,ltion, providing W,lter tor irrig,lted ,lgri- culture. storing drinking w,lter, and gener,lting electric power. 13ur whatever the blessings nlay be, dams have been a source of continual controversy in the United States. There ha been gu,lbbling between the two nlain d.lm-building .Igencie of the federal govermnent, the Ann)" Corp of Engineers Jnd the 13ureau of H..ecldlnation (known as "Ace" ,md "BuRec"). There h,l' been ideological conflict over govermnent sales of hydroelectric power in cOlnpetition with private comp,l- nie. There have been bitter di"putes over the environment,ll effect'\ of d,lIns. Even the recredtional uses of dam'i h,lve generated their share of '\trife, ,1\ white-water canoers do battle with water-skiers. [n recent years the opponents of d,lIns have not only opposed building new ones but ,llso camp,ligned to te,lr down some of the existing ones. Gravity Dams and Arch Dams. For the explorer of the industri,ll l.1ndSc.lpe. d,uns ,Ire hard to nliss. They are an long the largest of all nun-made structures. They conle in two nlain types: gr,lVity dams and arch (Luns. A gr,\\'ity dam relies on its nlass to resist the torce of the W,lter penned up behind it; the structure is silnply too he,w)' for the water to shove it aside or push it downstrean1. An ,lrch danl. in contrast, resists ties have discontinued tours of some dams and other installations, and closed off public access But the public is not totally shut out. One notable case is Hoover Dam, the most famous and photogenic of all American dams. Although officials worry that it might be a tempting target for terrorists, it remains open to visitors and receives about a million a year. The tour through the powerhouse has been slightly curtailed, and large trucks are forbidden to drive over the dam. Some of the facilities of the Tennessee Valley Authority also continue to welcome visitors. ( tp to many drinking-water reservoirs. A visit to a water-treatment plant is harder to arrange. 
4  y.. \  . ..'- .., ...,.. ... l" . , .. - .. .. "- \ . "- '.'  -: '.- _.- --r .:: :- .  '" :'1 -, .. . . ,-: ;... ;,i-'  . -t. .. ., . ..:-t  r c. . .. \. -,'" the thrust of the water by bracing itself again"it the adjacent wall of the valley. An arch dain works like an arch bridge laid on its side, with the convex surface £'King upriver. Arch danIs can be built only in canyons or steep-sided valleys where strong rock faces .mchor the ends of the arch. An arch d.Hn is easy to recognize by the graceful curve of the structure. The purest exainples are reinarkably light and sp,ire. like a curved sheet of paper holding b,1Ck a river. Most arch danIs, however. .1re really hybrid designs that rely on nlass as well as eleg.ll1t geOlnerry. lloover Danl is the best-kno\vn exainple. [t has an arch fOrIn and is c1refully nlorrised into the sandstone walls of its site in Black Canyon. on the Color,ldo River 30 mile5 frOln Las Vegas. L3ut the danI also gains st,1bilitv from its sheer mass-some 7 million tons of concrete. Gr,lVity d.llns have ,I distinctive sh,lpe in cross section. being nIuch thicker at the base than .1t the crest. SOlnetimes the upstre.l1n tace is ne,ll-ly vertical ,1l1d the downstreanl £lee slope5 aW,l). 50 that the d,lln looks like .1 door5top or bookend. I\.lore often ooth £lees ,Ire inclined; the d.lm h.15 the fOrIn of d berm or emb.U1kInent. SometIlnes the down"itre.lll1 £Ke i "iupported hy huttre5e..., like thoe of.l Gothic cdthedral. The bro.H1 t()UnJations ensure that the water c.mllot topple the d.lIn. .. .... c , .I ,. '.. . "'" ..... "'): Shasta Dam, near Redding in the far north of California, is classified as a gravity dam: the great mass of the structure is what holds the water back_ The mass is some 15 million tons of concrete. In cross section such dams have a characteristic wedge shape, much thicker at the base than at the crest. Shasta Dam was completed in 1945, mainly to impound water for the Central Valley Project, which supports irrigated agriculture in the cen- tral and southern parts of the state. The dam also has a hydroelectric generating station; the five large pipes, called penstocks, emerging from the face of the dam carry water to the power turbines. 
Monticello Dam, west of Sacramento, California, is a concrete arch that relies on geometry rather than mass to resist the force of the impounded water. Seen in this photograph is the concave downstream face of the dam (and a small hydroelectric installation al the base) The curved form allows the thin concrete membrane to transfer stresses to the adjacent walls of the canyon. Hoover Dam has the shape of an arch dam, but it is actually a hybrid structure, gathering strength from both mass and form. The dam is often ranked as one of the most exquisite of all engineered structures. It is fitted to its site so well that the gnarly canyon wall looks like an organic growth engulfing the mass of concrete. 7'1-.. ""- ....4 If' ...'" '10-- . T ........ . Concrete Dams. I )anlS .1re distinguished b) their building materials .IS well as by their geOIlletril- form. Although there are lot of v.ui,ttions .md hybrids. the two main group' are concrete dams .md earth d,nl1s. All modern ,uch dams .Ire built of con- crete, but gravity dal11s L1n be m.lde of concrete or e,lrth or ,1 c0111bin.ltion. A 1.uge concrete d,lll1 is not one big lump. A d.Ull Llst ,1S ,t single piece would crack open as the concrete cured. To .!Void such f..lilures. engineer'\ design contraction joints "I I I I : I I , 
into the "tructl11T every 51) teet or so_ A contraction joint i" ,1 deliberately we,lkelled section of the concrete \\'here cracks cm develop in .1 controlled \\',lY. <.. )nce the con- crete is tlllly set. the contraction joints are grouted with ,1 special cement rumped in under pressure through pipes embedded in the concrete for just this purpose. If you can get dose to the [lee of a (1.\111. you m,lY be able to see the grouted joints. W]'s inside .1 concrete dam? The sm,lllest ,md thinnest ones ,lre solid concrete ,1]] the way through. but n1.1jor d,lms have .1 network of g,l]]eries .md s]1.lfts r,lther like the secret pass,lgeways of ,m Egypti,m pyr,\111id. These interior rooms ,md corridors provide ,lCcess tor inspection ,md maintenance of the structure itself and of v,lrious instruments ,md mecl1.lnic1] systems. Among the instruments installed in concrete dams ,lIT plumb lines hundreds of feet long. Each line is suspended in ,1 n,lITOw vertical wel] something like ,1 laundry chute. The position of the weighted line with respect to the surrounding structure is monitored with ,1 microscope ne,lr the base of the well. Since the plumb line ahv,lYs points straight do\\ n. any ch,mge in its position indicltcs movement of the dam. perhaps cllIsed by settling of the fi)lmdation or flexing of the structure. ()ther instruments embedded in the dam include strain g,ll1ges ,md temper,lture sensors: seismometers are ,mother common device. since e,lrthquakcs are ,1 h,lz,lrd to dam". <")n the exterior sur[lce of the daI11. look for m,lrkers and monuments used in high-precision surveys that check for ,my movement of the structure. Sometimes red- .lnd-white surveyor's targets are attached to the downstre.l111 [lce, where their posi- tions can be monitored with instrument" set up ,1 fe\\' hundred yard, [ll-ther down the v,llley. Today the sighting targets n1.1Y he repLlCed by reflectors tC)}- laser distance- me,lsuring equipll1ent. Earth Dams. An earth dam may eenl un"ophi"ticlted--:lust ,1 pile of dirt to hlock the river's How-but in [let it requires very clreflII engineering. Intern.1]]y, the dam probably h,l" several layers ,lrranged in wedgelike forms. Typictlly there is .1 core of hard-packed cl,lY, whose main tlmction is to prevent seepage through the dam. The core is tlmked by shoulders of or rock. which ofter mechanical support ,md added mass. The exposed sur[lees of the d,llll need protection fium waves (on the upstre.1m side) and fi-om rain (on the do\\"nstream side). The usu,ll .lrmor .lg.1inst \V.we action is a layer of broken stone. cllled riprap. The do\Ynstre.lIll [lee is often pLmted with grass. An e.lrth d.lll1 h.1s to be even thicker in cros" section tlun a concrete gravity d.lIll. Resist,mce to overturning is not the only re.1son. The slopes must ,1]SO be gLldual enough to resist slumping .11ld erosion. Thus. .m e.1rth d.lm 1ll.1Y \Ye]] be five times as wide .1S it is high. .11ld it consumes much more n1.1terial th.111 .1 concrete d.lm of the S,lIl1e height. ()n the other hand. tlut m,lteri.l] is Illuch che.1per. The greate'it mel1.1ce to .\Il e,lrth dam i, W.lter .,eeping through or under the emb.l1lkment. In .ll.iditinn to building thL' d.lm \\ ith .111 lI11pcrviou" CI..)re. the fuund.1- tion is se.1led by grouting or by digging .1 cutotr trench under the d,ml .\Ild filling it 
A WASHOUT Teton Dam was built partly for flood control, which soon seemed a bitter irony. The towns and farms along the Teton River in south- eastern Idaho had always been plagued by high water in the spring, often overflowing onto roads and fields. The new dam was going to end that annual inundation. Instead, it unleashed a roiling deluge that washed away whole neighborhoods and killed a dozen residents. The Bureau of Reclamation built the dam in a steep-walled canyon a few miles upstream from the little town of Wilford. The dam was a wedge-shaped earth embankment 300 feet high and more than half a mile long at the crest, with a powerhouse nestled at the bottom on one side of the river and a concrete over- flow spillway along the other bank. The reser- voir of 260,000 acre-feet began filling in the winter and spring of 1976. The plan was to bring the water level up slowly, at about a foot a day, but the rains were heavy that year, and the level actually rose by three feet a day. By early June the water was approaching the inlet of the spillway. But it never quite got there. Early on the morning of Saturday, June 5, workers noticed seepage on the downstream face of the dam, near the western abutment. Within an hour the flow was muddy-always a danger sign. The work crew brought in bull- dozers to push more earth into the leak, but the machines were lost as gaping cavities opened up beneath them; the drivers barely escaped in time. A whirlpool formed in the with w.1tL'rtight d.1Y. fhe motive behind the<;e me.lsures is not .1 desire to ho.ln1 every ia<;t drop of water. The d.llH builder<; would be quite willing to let a lit- tle w.1ter go. The prohlenl ] the e-.c.lping W.lter 11l.1Y t.lke part of the d.llll with it. l)nce .l streanl begins tlm.ving through .1H earthen structure, it Cdn wah out fine particles. thereby opening the channel for a <;tronger current, which in turn c.lrries aw.1Y more nlaterial, .md so on. The effect is called piping, dnd if it is not controlled, it c.m quickly destroy the danl. . j "" / r . 11 , - t h-.' ! I ' J -- I J " · ; 1' f;"I; l Ir\H,:t!.r\ \ \ ' \ \ (it "\\l \\\ I p' n,  r"}ll\ \\\ \\\\':\\\\  f' ill" .tl' I .U!: 1  \ . \.. \ .. . .'  \._ 1- - reservoir. Radio and TV reporters arrived, and alarms were sounded downstream. Then, just before noon, the whole western third of the dam gave way suddenly, disintegrating in a matter of seconds and releasing 80 billion gal- lons of water that scoured out the canyon below. The flood obliterated Wilford, then went on to destroy most of Sugar City and Rexburg, and caused substantial damage 30 miles downstream in Idaho Falls. The ruin of the Teton Dam is still standing (but it's not easy to find-ask directions at the Flood Museum in Rexburg). During one of the investigations of the failure, part of the embank- ment was carved away to expose the inner 1 . J! , I; ; I I , d I structure. This is the only place in the world, as far as I know, where you can see a full-size dam in cross section (see photo). What caused the collapse? Blame has focused on two geological factors. First, the floor and walls of the canyon were full of cracks, which were not completely sealed off with grout. Second, the core of the dam, which was supposed to provide a watertight seal, was made of a silty soil called loess, which turns out to be great for growing pota- toes but not so good for building dams. Teton was the largest dam ever to fail cata- strophically. No dam that large has been built in the United States since the collapse. \  -;-1  I\-\," j -4 . i } 1 :\ 1 _ , 
 " If you ,ee a snu}] quantity of water leaking through .1 danl, don't panic. Even in a well-built and well-maint.lined earth elnbankment, a little seepage i, conlnlon .md nothing to he alanned about. The danlkeeper should be checking to nlake ,ure the water continues to run clear; a nluddy tlow ,uggests erosion. Ne.1r the b.1se of the downstreanl £:lee you nuy find drains that carry off both seepage frmn the reservoir .Ind rainwater that so.lks into the danl itself. Without .1n exit, the seepage water would build up pressure in the oil, \\ hich nlight gro\\- high enough to ilnply float the (Lun away. There m.1Y also be capped vertical pipes called piezOlneters; me.Isuring the height of the water colU1nn in these tubes gives an indi- cation of the pore pressure. Spillways and Outflows. The focus of attention .It large dalns is the spillway. where flood waters are channeled over the dam or aw.1Y from it. Even at an earthen danl, the spillway is usually a concrete structure bec.mse w.lter pouring oyer an earth elnh.lllkInent would quickly wash it away. Floodgates control the entrance to the spillw.1Y and thereby regulate the water level in the lake behind the dan1. Often the spillway looks like a giant water ,lide. The concrete i, formed into a sen- suous, snlooth curve so water will flow over it in snlooth ,heets with little turbulence; this kind of flow nlininlizes d.llllage during period, of heavy tlood. SOlnetimes a ",ki jU1np" at the bottOlll of the spillw.1Y helps to di,ipate the energy of the falling water. The deep pool that the w.lter plunges into i c.llled a stilling basin. One ,ty1e of floodgate works like a rolltop desk. Each gate is a ection of a cylin- der, Inounted horizontally .md pivoted on the axis of the cylinder. Raising the gate .11l0w'i w.lter to flow underne.lth. This de'iign. Lllled .1 t.linter gate. is nmch in t1Vor tod.l)". but nun)" other g.lte type, .1re .1bo 111 ll'-e. Perlup'i the most common (e"pe- Cl.1lly in sn1.1ller d.UllS) IS .I l111ple lift g.1te. .1 'iteel pLlte th.It l r.u'\ed like .1 window Watauga Dam in eastern Tennessee is an embankment of earth and rock even broader in cross section than a concrete gravity dam. At Watauga the thickness of the dam at the base is four times the height. The view in the photograph is of the terraced downstream face. 
The spillway of Shasta Dam (right) is built into the mid- dle of the dam's concrete face. The spillway provides a safe path for overflow in floodtime. The Shasta spillway is three times the height of Niagara Falls. The spillway at Oroville Dam, a hundred miles south of Shasta, is a structure separate from the dam itself It's a supersize waterslide or ski jump  "" . f '''' '\ . I .J. \ ' ,t; &  ':::::1 . .., , \ ... , "\ ,  \ \ " '\ " \  \ \\  \ \ \ \ \ 4 , - I . '\ash to open a channel into the pillw.lV. SOl11etimes each gate has its own winch, which can be hand-cranked or electrically driven. ()ther dam have a traveling hoist nloves on .1 tr.H:k fr0111 g.1te to gate, making adjustnlent' a needed to regulate the level of the re'\ervoir .lhove the d.ull .mJ the rate of flow in the treanl below. Every d.lm needs SlJI1lC provi,ion tor handling exce,'\ water, but it is not alway .. ,pillw.lY on the f.lce of the nl.lin danl. Sometinle"l an auxiliary dam else\\ here in the v.llley, called .1 .lddle dam, handles overtlo\\". Another solution i .1 drop-inlet spillway, aho c.llled .1 morning-glory '\pillway: .1 vertical tube that carries water into a conduit under or .lround the d.u11 to .1 discharge below. The drop-inlet '\pillway works like the overflow protector of a b.lthroom sink. A word of caution:The stre.llll bed below a dam is .1 dangerous place. If the tlood- gate .lre opened, the W.lter level C.lll ri'\e very quickly. Some d.U11 operators '\ol11ld a horn or siren before opening the gates, but you m.1Y not hear it through .111 the noie of rushing w.1ter. Other Dam Sights. The turbine and generator of hydroelectric power plants are often the base of a d.lllI, or inside it, but they can .llso be miles .l\vav. with water conveyed to them by conduits called penstocks. All this is de'\cribed in Chapter 5. ()n a n.lVigable river, every danI must have .m associated lock where bo.lts are r.lised .md lowered. These interesting mech.lllisms are covered in Ch.lpter 12. Fish bdders .md fish elev.ltor do for t1h locks do for hips: provide a navi- g.lble route around the d.ull. In essence, .1 fish I.1dder is a eries of tiny d.lms that l"OVer the '.mle vertic.lI drop .1'\ one big dam. Fish th.1t '\Willl upriver to breed, uch .1 .llmon .md shad, .lre .lble to le.1P the m.tll w.lterEllls; the young fingerlings 
C1I1 likewise m.lke their W.l)' down the l.1ddcr to the se.l. The slope of tlsh l.1dders is usually gradu.l] enough to nuke them look more like stairw.1Ys th.1I1 l.1dder. In North Americl the most el.1borate system of tlsh I.lddl'r i on the Co]umbi.l River in the Pacitlc Northwest, supporting the s.dmon fishery. The 130nneville ] )am, near Portland, t\Vo l.1dders .1S well as .1 tIsh lock. Fish heading upo.;tre.lll1 enter the lock from the lower \Vaterw.1Y; the lock then tI]l<;, .1I1d the fih swim out into the upper reservoir. On the Sn.lke River tl<;h .lre tr,lpped .1I1d trucked around .1 eries of d.lll1S instead of climbing l.1dder. ])e<;pite theo.;e me,lsure<;, 5,1]mon runs continue to decline. 1300l11s, fence, clb]es, .111d nets tretched .Kross a reervoir a few hundred y.lrds above a dam .1re me.111t to keep large tlo.lting object-not to mention boater<; and swinl111er<;-from p.lssing through the tloodg.lte<; ,111d down the spillway or into the intake of power pl.111ts ,111d drinking-water <;)'<;tem<;. Somewhere ,1 dam you will often tInd gauge<; to l11e.l<;ure water depth in the reservoir or the elevation of the W.lter surtlCe. The g.lt1ge may be ,1S simple as a pole marked in feet or meters, or it n1ay be ,111 eLtborate instnul1ent communicates by radio with a centra] monitoring station. The more sophisticlted g.lt1ges ,lre housed in ,I shelter on the riverbank; the shelter is built over a well is connected to the river through buried pipes. You might think all lak.e .111d river levels wou]d be measured with respect to sea level, but it isn't done that way. E,lCh river system has its own benchl11ark level, so comparing the offici.l] levels of two reservoir, even nearby ones, will not necessarily tell you much ,lbout the true 1.1Y of the land. The enenIY of the d,llll builder io.; ...ilt, which fi]]o.; up the reervoir .1I1d there- by renders the danI usele<;s. <')n American river, the thre,lt is most worrison1t' at the high dam on the Colorado, which i one of the worId\ dirtiest river.... When you ... \ \ I \. The morning glory inlet is another kind of overflow device. When the water level in the reservoir rises to the lip of the flower-shaped inlet, the overflow is carried through a pipe to an outlet below the dam. The struc- ture is at Watauga Dam 
Floodgates regulate the flow of water over a spillway and thus control the level of the reservoir. In the upper photograph at right are tainter gates at the Old River Control Structure on the Mississippi 80 miles upriver from New Orleans. Each gate is a section of a cylinder, which pivots around the axis of the cylinder. The lower photograph at right shows the floodgates of the Bonneville Dam near Portland, Oregon; they are flat panels that lift vertically. In the photograph below is an unusual small dam in Oklahoma City, where Roodgates raised and lowered by hydraulic rams make up the entire structure of the dam. . ... &...... . . . --- \'11... 1- g ... II'" IIII a- , .  , \ - \"f ,; ,. ' ' , ,... ,.- "1111 » J I '\ i - I ?- /If;. IP , ,--.. II II look out over the Grand Canyon, ponder th,1t everything you don °t see there h,ls been washed downriver. In its natuf.l1 st,1te, the ('olorado carried 17 times ,1S nIucn silt as the nlUddy Mississippi. Now n10st of the Colorado's silt settles out in the still water behind danIs. The reservoir behind the hnperi,l] I ),1111 on the lower Colorado is equipped with settling b,lsins where silt is deliberately collected and then "(Taped out and piped back into the river below the d,1l11. Other d,lIns have Kour sluices- gates that are briefly opened every few weeks to ,1llow a "urge of f,lst-lll0ving w,lter to carry dway SOllIe ot the accul11ubted solids. 
Ne.1r the Ltrgest dams you m.W be .11"'1 to find remn.mts of the con....truction proce<;s. A large earth-filled d.ull will prob.lbly l1.1ve .m equally Ltrge borrow pit near- by, where the matenal tor the dam was excavated. Uuilding .1 concrete dam requires .1 concrete, erected ,1S dose to the <.bm .1S possible. The pLtm itself n1.1Y have been disn1.1ntled, but look for sign<; of hoist<;, traIllWay<;, or conveyor belts. l)ne of the more surpri<;ing .mcilLtrie<; to concrete-dam construction is a refrigeration plant. Concrete gives off he.It as it cures, and a solid <;tructure as large .1<; 1100ver 1 )am would take decades to reach a <;teady temperature if the builders relied on natur.11 cooling alone. To <;peed the proce<;s, the body of the dam is l.1ced with pipes through which chilled water or brine is pumped. At the Glen Canyon 1 ).1l11 the refi-iger.1tion pLtnt produced more tlun a million pound<; of ice per day. Like the concrete pLmt, the refriger.ltion pLmt is broken down .md hauled .1\vay when it is no longer need- ed, but you nuy be .1ble to <;pot some of the piping in the fini<;hed d.l111. The relics of dc1m con<;truction sometime<; include whole towns. Uoulder City, Nevc1da, near Hoover I )am, was built to house construction crews: so was Page, Arizona, nec1r the Glen C.myon 1 )am. .md Norris. Tennessee. near the Norri I ).1m (the first of the Tennessee Vc1lley Authority projects). At Grand (:oulee three towns were built-one for engineers. one for foremen, and one for laborers. LEVEES AND FLOOD CONTROL When the rains C.1nle in 1993, the whole country kept an eye on the levee of the Mississippi and Missouri River<;. All through that <;unl111er we wdtchd popl bat- tling the water with sandbags and boards. Most of thIn lo<;t the contest. Uy the end of the smnmer, two-thirds of the levees .110ng the upper Milsippi had failed. A levee has the same ba'ilC job a.., a d.l1n-to hold \\<ater back-but it labors under Inore difficult working conditions. When you build a danl, you Cdn pick the best spot for it, where a <;trong foundation will support its weight; a levee ha<; to be r.1ised on loose and soggy riverbottom soils. Furthermore, a relatively small dam can plug up an entire river channel, but levees have to e,,:tend along hundreds of mile<; of The placement of the levee is a tricky decision. If you build it too dose to the river itself, there will be nowhere for the floodwater to go. On the other hand. if you nlove the levee back, you are sacrificing some of the land it was Ineant to protect. The traditional way of erecting a levee is to scoop <;oil out of shallow pits and pile it up into d benn, or emb.mkment. The borrow pits are on the river side of the levee; after a few year<; they fill with silt from floods and may be hard to spot.l\lodern prac- tice is to include as much s.llld in the <;oil .1S possible. Although the is more porou<; than other, it hold<; it<; fonn better when wet .md is less inclined to slump. (Think of the ditference between dnd C.1Stlt <; and mud pies.) The completed emh.mkment 1<; uu.1lly pl.1nted with gra, which help'i to prevent erosion. Trees .lre seldom .lllowed to grow bec.1lIsc their roob would cre.1te d.lnger- A fish ladder at the Bonneville Dam is meant to provide a route around the dam for migratory salmon on the Columbia River. Each step in the cascade is about a foot high. A river gauging station on a branch of the Potomac River measures the water level and automatically sends reports via satellite relay to a central monitoring ser- vice. The measuring instrument is in a well dug beneath the concrete enclosure. The station is near Franklin, West Virginia. .' . '\.. ..,,"J, .. ; l(i: . I '.'- ,. ', -- 'C. --- ,,' " " " '" .'. . 1'-'; .: 'If ") \J . . II ,,- ,'"\ -. .. . .]1- ..... ..... ;:. - # .' .... .... .. j, + " .   "' 
.... - . .. An earthen levee protects the New Orleans suburb of Algiers, Louisiana, from the lower Mississippi River. Above, a passing freighter looms over the embankment Below, a water pipe crosses over the levee to avoid the risk of tunneling through it. L.:.- -- L "' A long concrete barrier fitted with floodgates forms part of the Old River Control Structure at the point of closest approach between the Mississippi and the Atchafalaya Rivers. The structure regulates flow between the two river basins, not only for Rood control but also to pre- vent the Atchafalaya from "capturing" the Mississippi. ()lt p.t.1ge.... through the h.\I1k. F\L'n I1lprc h.ll'.m.tou .IIT the burrow'i of rodL'nts .\I1d Llhhit'i. A '\ingle fll11ily uf groundhog... could be the undomg \)1 .111 entire tloodpI.1in. (In the legend of the little I )ukh boy, the hole in the dike tlut he plugged with hi thumh \\.h .1 mole hole.) Drainage. A le\.ee b huilt to e.ll otT the I.\I1d tl"om the river. but unfonun.ltel} it 11.l the oppo'\ite efTect .1) well. People living behind the emb.1I1kment .ue cut off trom the water\. edge, ,lnd troubleome .I1T,mgements are needed wherever or pipeline.; cro the levee. 1V10.;t the levee blocks the flow of floodw.ltcr ;l1to the river ,I'" well a (lilt of it. Where .1 sm.l11 stream needs to cross ,I levee. it C1I1 be car- ried through bv .1 culvert pipe. equipped \\ ith ,1 g.lte or check valve that e1l1 be closed in times of flood to prevent the river fi-om b,H.-king up through the culvert. In other cases. pump'i lift the -;rre.l111tlow over the levee. Uut culverts .1I1d pumps .lre practiell only tor the ,\nl.l11e-;r 'itre.lms. Where Ltrger \v.ltercour'ie'i join the river. the levee mU'it be e'\tended back ,llong the b.1I1ks of the tribut.lry. often for miles, until the tllld ri'ie.... .lbove the height of the main levee. In this \\ .IY ,1 svstem oflevees along a ri\"er is bro- ken into segment... sp.\I1 the interv.lls between tribut.lrie'i. The ....egmentation h.l the .1dv,lIlt,lge that if.l levee t:liJ..., the tlooding \\ ill be confined to the area protected by tlut ...egment, r.lther tlun spreading over the entire river valley_ As .I m.ltter of t:lCt, hre.lChing one levee tend" to relieve the pre"....ure on others, since onle of the tlood- w,lter i" thereby drained otT TIm" one per....on '" mi,tortune i.; another\ good luck, .1 ...itu,ltion le.lLl... to .1I1ti"'(k-ial tempt.ltion.... Levee egment... ,llo defIne convenient .Idminitrative boundaries. In rur,ll are.l" .llong many AmericlIl river, levee... ,lre built .lIld n1.lint.lined by quasi-public com- misions or ,hociatiOlh. Along ro.tdsidt''i you might notice ,1 sm,lll '\ign ,mnouncing you .Ire entering the Sny I'iLtnd I )r.lin.lge I )istrict or the territory of the Ferrier . \\1'1 _ l1.1P ' l  }l \\ ij1W l WHwlqaJi. .... - - &...... :-.-1. .I. ))lll  u.- =- eA..... .... . .  - -- . }:WJ - - - .11 .. ..l . c_. a\.... ....'-' - -... ...., .. :'. "- -. ;,;;. . ... -.- ..... ,... .....w......... ...._  ,.._ ......  , ,&.I .. ,..... _ .'_ '.__.'_ .' '- -- ..' .. .-  ,-_ ,e., . - - ....... ....... '_ .-...:i . _. ._, ___  .  _. ,. ... _. " - .) ...a..._"' ........ . ..  . '\  -.. '"  "" --. .. " .;i 
I \1<.- "!  I . r    . I I . . ..i.. to . --J, ,m""" J . .. , , - ".... --- - .......;: River Levee ('ommission. And .It election time you might find people running for offices such .1S ditch wardl'n .md dr.lin.lge commissioner. When .1 levee is thre.ltl'nl'd by tlood. overtopping of the emb.mkment isn't the only luz.lrd. W.lter .llso seeps through .md under the structure, .md crews must keep a lookout for sand boils-pLtees where the seepage is so [1st tlut it liquefie" the ,oil. Ironically. levee t:lilures otten h.lppen oon t!ftcr the river reaches it highe,t cret, when the water start" to recl'de-in other words, just when reidents are congr.ltu- bting them"elve, for luving withstood the onLtught. The re.hon 11.1'1 to do with the flow of \Vater through the levee emh.mkment. Riing w.lter. seeping into the oi1. pbqer ,ilt .lg.lin'it the river-"ide [lee of the levee, which help' to seal it. But when the river £111..., the direction of ,eep.lge rever'\e'i. .md the ilt is dislodged ti"OI11 the sur- f..tee. Thi" nuke, the levee more perme.lble and l110re "usceptible to slumping. F/oodwal/s. Where .1 river p.l"Sl''' through .1 city. thl're is seldom room for .m e.lrthen levee, \\"hich might require .1 ()()-t()()t-wide srrip of Lmd. The alternative is .1 flood- wall. .l concrete b.lrrier .1S high .1S .1 levee but only about .1 foot thick. Even though the tlood\\ .111 takes up less Lmd. ir srill blocks .lCcess to the waterfi"ont. .lnd this is like- ly to be e\ en more incon\"enienr in the city dun in the countryside. C.1bles and pipeline, c.m be routed through or unlkr the flood\\ .111. but de.lling \\"ith tribut.lry stre.ll11, .md ton11 runoff renuins .1 c1ullenge. Thl're \ not much sense in protecting the city fi'om the river if neighborhoods .lre going to be inund.lted by storm drain.lge b.lCked up on the Lmdward "ide of the floodw.lll. Getting rid of the storm w.lter often im.:olve" pumping it over the w.lll. which i" expellsive. It\ not only pipe' .md \\ire, .md tlut nl'ed to lTO"S.l floodw.l]]. bur .1]SO peo- ple .lIld vehicles. <.. )pellillg t()r ,tred" .md r.lilro.ll.i tr.lcl" .1re equipped with,ivt: "tee] door" either "wing closed on 11lIlgL' ur ,,]id... on 1".li]" ]ik.e .1 gbss p.ltio door. A Hoodwall with a sliding gate protects Morgan City, louisiana, from the rivers and bayous that surround it. During a flood, the gate would be closed, and the spot from which the photograph was made would be under water. 
THE MAN-MADE COUNTRY In a book about man-made elements of the landscape, the Netherlands deserves a special place, for there the land itself is man-made. Almost the entire nation was reclaimed from the sea by human labor. The site of the Netherlands is a great river delta, where the Rhine and several other rivers have piled up a bed of sediments in the North Sea. Early inhabitants of the marshes and sand banks built their homes on mounds-a few of which still exist-for refuge from high tides. But by about AD 1200 the building of dikes had begun, and it has remained a national obsession ever since. The Dutch dikes not only protect existing land from storm surges but also, more remark- ably, have created new land where once there was sea. The largest of the reclamation pro- jects, the enclosure of the luider lee, was begun in 1918. A 15-mile dike of clay and sand was laboriously constructed in open water between Holland and Friesland. The closing of the last passage through the dike in 1932 was a frantic effort to dump earth into the breach faster than the tide could wash it away. The fin- ished structure dwarfs even the massive levees of the lower Mississippi. It is 300 feet wide, with a four-lane highway running along the top and space reserved for a rail line. After the luider lee was closed off, the inflow of river water gradually converted it to a freshwater lake (the Usselmeer). Within the lake five giant tracts were diked off and pumped dry to become new land, or polders, with a total area of some 850 square miles. Much of the rest of the Netherlands had been created in the same way, albeit generally in smaller parcels. (Schiphol Airport, the interna- tional gateway to the Netherlands, lies on the Haarlemmermeer polder, reclaimed in 1852.) Polders are already below sea level at the time they are created, and as water is pumped out of them, the soil collapses and they sub- side further. In some polders the land surface is now 30 or even 40 feet below the tide line. Keeping them dry requires constant pumping. Most of the Dutch windmills were built for this purpose, and 2,000 of them are still working at it, now supplemented by an even larger number of electrically driven pumping stations. In the photograph below, made from the International Space Station in 2001, three large polders stand out in shades of brown and tan. The photograph was made in early spring, when much of the polderland had been plowed, whereas most other land nearby is pasture that was already green The dike enclosing the Usselmeer is at the upper right, -. , .\ ,\. -.. ... ... J .. # . , , . the city of Amsterdam at the upper left. The three large polders, clockwise from the top, are the Wieringermeer, enclosed in 1930; the Noordoost, enclosed in 1942; and the Flevoland, enclosed in two stages in 1957 and 1968. The silty water above the Flevoland polders is the Markermeer, enclosed by the Markerwaard dike; eventually this area will be pumped dry to become another polder. You don't have to go to the Netherlands to see polderlands. In California, where the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers empty into San Francisco Bay, 1,100 miles of levees enclose 260,000 acres of polder. The region has all the same problems as the Dutch pold- ers, including continuing subsidence. f' ... . . .. )' .'& 
Mo'\t of the time, the doors renl.lin open-indeed. they nl.lY be peldlocked open to dicourelge mischief. If the river Urts to rise, there's uually plenty of time to close the geltes. Like dell11s, floodwellls emd levees luve become el subject of controversy. The argu- Inent is that putting e1 river in a bo'\. 111elY prevent minor flooding but nlake') the biggest floods worse. A river \\ ithout elrtificiell levees will graduellly spread out over its flood- plain: you get your feet wet. but the house isn't washed aWe1Y. By confining a river, lev- ees force it to climb upwelrd instee1d of spreelding out. When the levee ultinutely gives way. the sudden onrush is cltelstrophic. According to this view, the right response to floods is not to raise the levees but to chemge Lmd-use policies. People should not build houses on floodpLlins. emd sonH of the land ellong rivers should be restored to naturalnl.lrshes. which elet as .1 buffer. slowly elbsorbing emd releasing Welter. On the other lund. e1 riverfi'ont city tlut decides not to build e1 t100dwall will drel\v criticism from another ['Jction. In the spring of 2(J() 1. floods hit Davenport, Iowa, the last mor town on the upper 1\1ississippi without perm.ment riverfront barriers. The Federal Emergency Me1llagement Agency threeltened to withhold aid because the city had refused a 1 <JH4 proposell to build a floodwall. DRINKING WATER We call it drinking Welter, hut very little of it gets drunk. The rule of thumb fi)f esti- n1ate of municipell water consumption is 15() gallons per per'\on per day-nlore than enough to overt1ow the elVerage luthtuh. ()bviously no one drinks thelt quota; m0st of it flu\\ s through the k.itchen sink, the Lnmdry tub, the dishwasher, the toilet, the shower, or the g.lrden huse. A typic1l municipell water system Jus tour nuin cumpunents: a ource of supply, .1 pipeline or elqueduct to carry the water trom the source to the city, a facility for treelt- nlent and puritlcation, .md e1 distribution network. Often there are also reservoirs or tanks within the city clpable of holding a few delYs' supply. The Source. Some cities elre fortunate to have a ready and reli.1ble source of water they can simply dip into. PhiL1(1dphiel draws its water fi'om the I )el.lware River without any need for cl dell11 .uld reservoir: Chic1go telpS LIke 1\1ichigan. (Jther citie need to inlpound water to ensure an eldequelte supply during dry spells. New York has reser- voirs in the Celtskills; Boston reaches out 60 miles west to the Quabbin Reservoir in centr.1l Melssachusetts; and Los Angeles slurps up W.lter wherever it can get it. A drinking-welter reservoir is much like any other elrtifici.1l Ltke. but the snlelller one require specietl Clre ,md feeding. (Jr LIther unfeeding. A m,or problem in reser- voir\ i... the uvergrowth of ,llg,le ,md other .ll]U,ltc pLmts. which give the welter .m unple,I,mt t,l'\te. r he root c.llIe of ,uch hl(h)m i em e)o.ce... of nutrient, usu,llly w,lhed in with the runotf ti-om fIrms or 1.1\\ n. r he Idcell solution IS to control Ltnd 
Machinery for aerating a reservoir, normally out of sight under the water, is exposed to view when the reservoir is drained. This concrete-lined basin is near Santa Barbara, California. t J .  --=- ue on the W,ltel hed, but th,lt i not ,1hv,lYS fe,lsible. Hence. you will occ.lion,llly see workers puttering ,lbout on the reservoir in ,1 sm,1l1 bo,lt, to\\ ing ,1 s,lCk of copper sul- fate, which kil1 the ,llgae. Another reservoir aih11ent 1'\ ,1l10I,l, in which the water below a certam depth becOl11es depleted of oxygen. Ano\:i,l kill... otf fish ,md 11lanV other living things, while encouraging the growth of a different group of org,ll1ism, called ,111.lerobic b,lCteria. The nlain trouble with an,lerobic b,lcteri,l. trom ,1 human point of view, is th,lt they stink. (For ,111 [ know. they may fed the same W.1Y about us.) They give the W,lter J taint of sulfur. The solution is aeration. or in other won.h getting the oxygen b,lCk into the water. For a long time the f,lVored method of aer,lting drinking w,lter was to build a fountain, and so n1any reservoir... have impressive jets ,lnd orl1,l111ental Ccl\cade'\. More recently, engineers have discovered th.1t it's more efficient to bubble air directly into the reservoir. The equipment used to create the '\treanl of bubbles 1 just like that in a hOlne aquariU1n. A compressor on shore force air through a pipe or hoe to a "header" installed on the bottOl11 of the re...ervoir; the header h,1'\ l11any tiny oritlce... that break the airstreanl into bubble, which drift to the urface. When the systenl is working, you'll a spot out in the water th,lt look like it\ boiling. Contrary to what you might think, the oxygenation does not come nuinly fi'om the bubbles thel11selves; instead, they create ,m upward current that "turns the lake over," bringing the anoxic bottOlll W.1ter to the surtlCe. Intake Structures. The point where w,lter enter... the mtmicip,ll system can be ,IS sinl- pIe as an open-ended pipe or as elabor,lte ,IS ,1 multistory tower and gatehouse. The intake is generally placed well ,1W,lY fr0111 shore to avoid collecting silt and other contaminants washed off the land. In a river. the best spot is usu,llly in the nl.1in channel where the flow is greatest and the water is deepest. [n l.lkes the intake struc- ture l11ay stand well offshore. Chicago's int,lke is an octagOll.lI, fortress-like tower two tnile'\ out in lake Michigan, reachable only by bO.1t; it doubles as a lighthouse. Eight intake ports aclInit water into the center of the tower, where it is pumped to ,1 purifi- cation plant onshore. At artiticial reservoir\ the intake '\tructure i, u'\ually near the dan1 or incorporated into it. Every intake has to be protected in ome way from foreign nlatter that could be ucked into the port. The largest objects ,ue '\topped by a "trah rack:' which is Illade of hea\)' iron bar or grating.... Finer creen are Illeant to exclude leaves, aquatic plant..., and other n1all objects, not to I11ention fi...h. Fouling of the'\e screens is a con- tinual problen1, which i'\ olved mainly by limiting the velocity of the intlowing water so nldterials are neither plastered against the creen nor sucked through it. If the flow i kept to less than one foot per econd, fish can ecare it. To limit the velocity while '\till taking in a sufficient volume of water, the area of the screen has to be large. In cold regions, ice fouling is ,Ilo troublesome. And the latest nui'\,ll1ce in ome p,lrts of the country is the zebra l11u'\el, an iI11ported mollusk dut can clog an intake port with ,I single season's growth. 
And wh<lt <lbout the ,tone we've <111 hedrd of fih tlut come Hopping out of the kitchen tll1cet into the ICe cube tr<lYs, or that wiln pLlcidly around the toilet howl? They <He f()od for the <Illigator that make their hOll1e in city I\ewer I\Yl\tenll\. Wells. Although LIkes and rivers \upply water to the majority of large cities, SOll1e municipal water svstem draw part or all of their supplv trOll1 wells, as do mo<;t hOll1es in rur<11 areas. A cOll1pleted well is not much to look at. With old-('1shioned dug wells-the kind with a bucket on a rope-you could at least peer down into the subterranean gloonl and time the descent of a dropped stone. A modern household well is nothing but a concrete slab covering a snull-bore steel cal\ing. Sometimes even the slab is Oll1itted, 1\0 there is only a LIpped steel pipe. Lll-ger wells, suitable for nmnicip<11 or community W<lter I\uppliel\, '\Oll1etinlel\ have a I\hed erected over the wellhead; it hou\el\ the pUll1p nlotor al\ well al\ electrical .. \ . l'\:' , j " It, J I f. '. I I , 1.- '. "" r I r , I Intake towers at Hoover Dam rise almost 400 feet from the floor of the reservoir. Note the bright white "bathtub ring" on the banks of the reservoir; it consist of mineral deposits left behind as the water level has fallen during recent dry years, (The photograph was made in 2004, when the water level was at its lowest since the reservoir first filled in the 1930s.) Because of the low water, the screening that keeps debris and fish out of the intakes is exposed on the lower part of the towers. -" > 
A large well with a tank and pumping station is part of the municipal water supply system of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The elaborate electrical supply is needed to run pump motors that lift water from an aquifer that can be as much as 1 ,800 feet below the surface. In the background are the Sandia Mountains. Smaller wells supply drinking water in Xenia, Ohio. The pumps themselves are underground; a bullet-shaped electric motor atop each wellhead drives the pump through a long shaft. .l .- .-. \  "t:', -J PW"':' ... I I   , 11M_l.. T 1 1" I 1 I .... -# .-..""' switchgear, valves, water-nletering equipment, and lCcess t.lpS for water-quality test- ing. The building may look like little more dun .m outhouse, but on closer ex.l1uina- tion you'll tlnd th.1t the electric-power service is adequ.1te for a medium-size factory. The most interesting parts of a well are out of ight underground. People some- tilue inlagine that a well is like a straw sucking up water from .111 underground river or pond. ActU.1lly, except in caves. groundwater does not flow through open chan- nels; it percoLttes through a Ltyer of s.111d. gr.lVeI. or porou rock. The business end of the well h.1S d screen th.H allows the water to pass into the well but holds b.lCk most of the or gravel. In almost all nlodern w.lter wells, the pump is at the bott0111 of the sh.1ft. For '>luall wells the electric nlotor that drives the pump i also subluersible. L1rger pUlUp nlotors are installed .H the sur(lce and drive the pUlUp through a long rotating haft. Aqueducts. Getting the water fr01u the re,>ervoir to the city is \olnetilues a bigger engineering project than building the danl 1I1d reservoir in the firt pl.1ce. The Romans built aqueduct,> that worked like artificial rivers, following the "hvdraulic grade line," the slope of naturally flowing water. This slope IS t) pically about a foot per mile, which is so gradual that it can be hard to tell which diredion is down- hill. The g, aqueducts had to follow the grade line bec.lUe they were open troughs and therefore could not descend into valley'> or clilub over hills. Grade-line .1queducts still have 1 pI.lCe in nlodern water '>y'>tem. When the terrlin is £lVorable-for ex.l1nple, when the route is plr.1llel to an exi'>ting river coure, which necessarily follo\V the hydr.lUlic grade line-they have the lnwe,>t con,>truc- tion cost. 13ut when necess.lry, 1 modern aqueduct Lm cross hills .md v.llleys with siphons .md inverted siphons-se.l]ed pipes dut flow fitll under either neg.ltive or 
positive pressure. A siphon climbs .Ibove the hydr.lUlic gr.Ide line an inverted siphon dips below it. Many aqueducts are cOll1posed entirely of pressure pipe from end to end o they can folIo\\> the terrain freely .md ignore the hydr.wlic grade line. Aqueducts (whether open canals or cloed conduits) .Ire uually designed to keep the water moying at about 5 feet per second, which is equivalent to roughly seven nliles per hour-a (l,t jog. Knowing thi velocity and also the cros-sectional area of the channel, a little back-of-the-envelope arithnletic will tell you how nluch water the aqueduct deliver,. For exall1ple, a rectangular canal 1 () feet wide and 5 feet deep has a cro,s-sectional area of 51) square feet. Multiply that by the flow rate of 5 feet per scond and you get a water volul1le of 250 cubic feet per second. That's rough- ly 16() I1lilliol1 gallons per day, nough for a city of a Inillion and .1 half people. Flow through an open canal is usually regulated by an adjustable weir, a ledge that the water nlust flow ovr. R..aising or lowering the weir controls how Inuch water enters the channel. Pressurizd pipelines are controlled by valves, which are general- ly placd nar high points along the route. These sUlnmits divide the conduit into section'! that can be opned up for mainten.lI1ce without enlptying the entire length of the aqueduct. Also, pressure is at a Ininimum at the sunllllit and so the valves are under the least stress there. A large pipeline cont.lins thousands of tons of water in each Inile of its length. Even though the water is Inoving .It only a few llliles per hour. it carries the energy and 1ll0lnentulll of a (1st freight train. When the flow is suddenly stopped, all that energy mu,t be dissipated sonlehow. If precautions ,Ire not taken, the pipeline can be torn .Ipart by the resulting shock. which is called a water h.lIl11l1er. (Depending on  !  A pumping station on the California shore of Lake Havasu lifts water over the Whipple Mountains and into the Colorado River Aqueduct, which carries it more than 240 miles to the outskirts of Los Angeles. The pumping station consumes half the power output of Parker Dam (a few miles downstream) and has the capacity to lift a billion gallons a day. The pumps are in the large building at the water's edge; they push water upward through the three large steel conduits to a concrete structure where the aqueduct begins as a tunnel through a range of hills. 
A TALE OF TWO CITIES America' s two largest cities both came close to dying of thirst. New York survived on privately owned wells until the 1 840s. (The best of them, according to contemporary accounts, was the T ea Water Pump, near what is now Foley Square in Lower Manhattan.) There was never enough water, and a series of fires finally prompted the city to seek a better supply, 40 miles to the north. The first Croton Aqueduct, tracing a path along the eastern bank of the Hudson River, delivered its water to a receiv- ing reservoir in Central Park (which still exists), and from there it was piped to a grandiose distributing reservoir, decorated in an Egyptian motif, at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street-Iater the site of the New York Public Library and Bryant Park. By 1885 the city's population had quadru- pled, and demand again outstripped supply. A larger dam was built at Croton, along with a new Croton Aqueduct. The right-cf-way cleared for the buried aqueduct has created a pleasant path through suburban towns where joggers and dog-walkers have no idea that the city's drinking water flows a few feet below. By the time the Croton system was com- plete, demand was already exceeding its capacity, and the Board of Water Supply began looking still farther north and on the other si de of the Hudson River, in the Catskill Mountains. The water from there reaches the city through two deep tunnels, bored through the state of your houo;ehold plul1lbing, you might e:\.perience the S.lI11t' thing on ..1 ]11aller seale when you '\udJenly sllUt the bathro01n f..1ucet.) The rel1ledy tor W..1ter 11.1nl1ner is a surge e.lCh regtll.lting v.llve. When a v.llve is closed, w.lter is diverted into the where it dissip.nt's its kinetic energy; when the v.llve is open ed ag.lin, water dr.lins ti-0111 the, helping to the flow through the pipeline. Many aqueduct systenls run entirely on gr.lVity, which is eertainly the 11l0tive force of ehoiee: it's everywhere, it never needs lubric.ltion, .md it's ti-ee. The troubIe is, it doesn't run uphill. bed rock as much as 2,500 feet below the local terrain. But that' s not the end of the story. Si nce 1970 crews have been laboring to build a third tunnel, which won't be finished until 2020-even if all goes according to plan. The various branches of this new artery, 24 feet in diameter and 60 miles long, will allow some of the older tunnels to be closed off for repair for the first time in almost a century. In Los Angeles, the construction of the water system is the stuff of my th and legend. They make movies about it. And why not? The story is full of drama, and not alittie skullduggery. The hero-or maybe the villain-;was William Mulholland, who began as a zanjero, or ditch tender, and rose to become emperor of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. In 1904, wh en the 175,000 residents of the city were already running short of water, Mulholland conceived a plan to import it from the Owens Valley, 250 miles north and on the far side of the Sierra Nevada. By 1913 the Los Angeles Aqueduct was carrying more than 250 million gallons per day. As one might guess, the ranchers and farm- ers of the Owens Valley were not happy with this arrangement. Over the next 10 years they attacked the aqueduct with lawyers and dyna- mite, but neither had any lasting effect. More devastating was the failure of the St. Francis Dam in the hills north of Los Angeles. On the night of March 12, 1928, the dam washed away and 12 billion gallons of Owens Valley water scoured out the valley of the Santa Clara River, kill ing at least 400. Mulholland suspected sabotage, but it seems the dam was built on geologically treacherous terrain. By then the city's population was approach- ing two million, and draining the entire Owens River through the aqueduct would not have quenched the city's thirst. The new plan was to tap the Colorado River, with an aqueduct reach- ing 240 miles to a dam on the Arizona border Again, folks elsewhere had other ideas about how best to use the water that Los Angeles wanted. In 1934 the "Arizona Navy"-actually a contingent of the state militia in a borrowed ferryboat-was dispatched to stop construction of Parker Dam. They failed, and so did a subse- quent court challenge. Today, 4.4 million acre- feet of water from the Colorado River is pumped across the mountains. Meanwhile the originalOwens Valley aque- duct has been extended farther north to cap- ture additional water, diverted from streams in Mono Crater, near the Nevada state line. The lower part of the aqueduct couldn't handle the additional volume, and so a second aqueduct was built alongside it. And the city has access to a third major supply: the canals of the State Water Project bringing water all the way from Oroville Dam, north of Sacramento, and Shasta Dam, up toward the Oregon border. But the 15 million people of the Los Angeles metropolitan area are still thirsty. 
A pumping '\t.1tiol1, \\ hen one i ntTded, tend'\ to look rem.1rk.1bly like .1 hydro- electric 111.;t.111.1tion. Like .1 hydro pL1I1t, the pump .1re found ...ome\\-here in the neighborhood of a dam or n....ervoir, .1l1d they luve enormou'\ pipe, coming in one ,idt' and equ.llly impre'\,ive electricil connection" on the other. 13ut the pumping ,t.l- tion i" ex.1Ctl the oppo'\ite of.1 hydroelectric pL1I1t. In'\tL'.H.i of extr.1Cting energy ti-om [illing water to produce electricity, it con...ume... electricity to litt the w.Her. (If you .lre l11l\ure which one you .lre looking .1t, note tlut pipe'\ tl-om a pumping ....t.Hion ri....e al1lll'c the ....urtace level of the n:''\ervoir, where.l'" tho'\e tor a gener.1ting ...t.ltion de...cend beloll' re,ervoir level.) THE FILTRATION PLANT Sonle citie... .1fe lucky enough to luve .1 ,ource of W.lter so pure that it Cdn be piped into home, \vith no tre.ltment beyol1d .1 ,null do...e of chlorine tcx disintection. Nt'\\ York ('ity i in this luppy cltt'gory-although it Ius ,truggled to m.lint.1in water- qu.1lity in recent ye.1r. Elewhere, the \Y.lter h.l to be cleaned up to ...ome e'\.tent before it'.., ')uitable f()r hum.m conumption" Thi.; IS the ta')k of a filtratIon 1' But a filtration pLmt doe... more th.m filter" In most cities it is the he.H.iqu.lrters and nerve center of the water dep.lrtment. It is where the engineer'\ .md technician lung out, where plath .lre nude, where equipment is rep.lired, where the qU.1I1tity of water is me.lsured .1I1d the qu.llity monitored. There \ .1 l.tboratory on the site, .md .1 con- trol room. For all th.1t, though, the filtr.ltion pLlIlt .11so does ,ome filtering, .1S well .1S other kinds of water treatmeJl(. A close look .It the water in .1 re,ervoir, especi.11ly .lfter .1 big storm, makes it obvi- ous why filtration is often .1 good ide.l. At times the W.lter clITies .1 heavy 10.ld of silt .md ,ediment you \HHlldn't \\.1I1t to brush your teeth with. And sonle of the invisi- ble contamin.1I1ts-viruses .1IH.I b.lcteri.1-.lre even more un\\"elcome. Let's f()l1ow .1 molecule of w.Her through .1 filter pL1I1t. The aqueduct th.1t supplie.... the pL1I1t disch.1rges it... \\".lter into .1 recei\"ing resen"oir tlut hold a few day,' ,upply. From there the \hlter p.l'\'\es through .mother tra,h rack .Hld "creen (let\ keep tllo...e polliwogs out of the pipe'\!), .md then into ,1 mixing h.1"il1. Thi... i, .1 "null tank, per- h.1ps 1 () feet deep, with .1 1llotor-driven .1git.Hor .md equipment fOf .1dding V.1fious chemiclls to the \\-ater fhe .1git.Hor and it, o\.erhe.1d motor look omething like .m outsize milksh.lke m.lchine, .1Ild they h.1ve .1 ,iIl1ilar effect on the \\ .Her in the b.hin. The milksluke being mixed i... .1 dilute chenHctI concoction. In most Lhe the n1.1in ingredient-beside') the w.lter, of course-I'\ .llum, .1 form of .11uminum u1t:lte, but there m.1Y .1ho be iron compol11H.I.... .1Ild tiny qu.lIltitie, of polymer,. The chemi- c11s .1re co.lguLmts whose function is to bind together minute p.H-ticles sw,pended in the w.lter, cre.Hing much Lu-ger p.lrticles Lllkd tloc'\. I--rom the \"iolcntlv '\tirred mi'\.ing, the W.1ter p.l'\ into the quierest section of the pLlIlt, .1 ,ettling b.l'\in \\ here thl... tll)l' gro\\ LII.ger .1Ild he.1vier .1I1d ver} gr.1d ..... ;..- I'" -- Ie .. "- --- , A rapid-mixing tank (above) begins the purification process in a water-treatment plant. The primary goal is to remove small solid particles suspended in the water-anything from silt to algae and other micro- organisms-by adding chemicals that cause the con- taminants to clump together in larger particles called Aocs. After the chemicals are stirred in, the water flows through several more tanks with gentler agitation (be/ow) and then into a larger basin, where the floes settle to the bottom. f -  .,,-_....  '\ "'-;::- ,- " " ", , ..... - 
A rapid sand filter. shawn here in a schematic dia- gram. cansists af several layers af granular materials that have the remarkable praperty af spantaneausly reassembling when the layered structure is disrupted. At the tap is a thick stratum af powdered anthracite coal, then a layer of sand and finally a base of gravel and pebbles. The entire filter is about six feet thick. During normal operation. water flows in at the top and out at the bottom; during backwashing. the flow is reversed. lull) t\ll to the bOttOl11. rhere ,ire two tyle\ L)f <;ettling b,\stll. In the circular one". w,\ter flows in at the center and progresses tow,nd the ril11. slowing down ,IS it goes. until fin,\lly it escape\ over a weir tl1.\t runs ,\11 ,\round the perimeter. In rectangular basins the water enter at one end ,md tlows ,l( const,mt velocity until it is withdrawn at the other end. In both types of ba<;ins it is cruci,ll th.It the flow be <;11100th and sed.Ite and without turbulence. which would bredk up the flocs and prevent them frOl11 settling. Walking along the deck beside a rectangular settling b.Isin. you can \vatch coagu- lation. flocculation, .Ind settling going on before your eyes. At first the water i\ S0I11e- what I1lUrky and discolored, with its IOdd of fine silt .Ind organic nlatter. Then, ten steps farther on. the water begins to cbrit)r, but it is <;uddenly full of tiny white or gray or brown flake<;. the <;ize of dandruff. Still f.\rther along. the H.Ikes becOlne larg- er but fewer. as they coalesce. Then. very gradually. over the renl.lining length of the basin. the flocs begin to sink. like a slow-I110tion <;nowf.llL until at the f.Ir end clear water flows out of the basin. In sonle settling basins the floes accumulate as a sludge on the bottOlll: every few weeks or months the basin has to be shut down, dr,lined. and nlUcked out. More conlnlonly today the sludge is continuously and autonutically collected. Circular basins have slowly rotating rakes th.It gentlv push the sludge into .I central drain. Rectangular basins have conveyor belt that carry the sludge to one end of the t,lnk, where it is scraped off into a hopper. The sedilllent drie<; to a gray cake that's not haz- ,\rdous or slllelly, but it's not good for llluch of .Inything either. Generally it winds up in ,1 landfill. Frotll the settling basin the cl,1rified water passes into a bank of 61ters. These are nothing like the paper tllters that you put in your cotTeelllaker. They are beds of sand ,md gr,wel and rock. six or eight feet thick. The water must find its way through the filter lllediUlll from top to bottom. The earliest such filter<;. now known .IS slow sand filters. h,ld a tightly packed bed of fine beach sand. W.Iter forced through the filter would le,\ve most of its brger p.Ir- ticle<; at the surf.:"lce or within the first few inches of sand. This deposit would clog the pores in the top of the sand bed. nuking it even more likely that ,lliditional solids would be tr,lpped there. After a few day<;. alg.Ie and b,\Cteri,\ would begin growing on the rich. llloist organic nutter. cre,lting a <;limy film known by the wonderfully redo- lent German tenll Sc/lIIl11t::ncckc (filth L1yer). Eventu,\lly the filter would becOlne too clogged to continue in service. Then a few inche<; of fouled S,111d would be <;eraped off and the cycle would begin ,mew. Slow sand filters are rare tod,IY, They have been replaced by the r,lpid sand filter, which is snuller and nlore efficient ,md ha<; no Sdllllllt.::::ncckr to be r.Iked up. The key ide,\ in the rapid <;,md filter is to pump water at high velocity through carefully arr,mged lavers of s,md. gr,\VeL pebbles. and rocks. Suspended particles of various sizes ,1re tr,\pped at ditTerent levels within the filter. inste,H.i of al] accunmlating at the sur- t\Ce. This nlakes etlicient use of the entire depth of the filter bed. 
1 \ \ A more efficIent filter i one that gets dIrty faster. ,Ind ';;0 it h,ls to be cleaned nlore often-typically once a d.l). The rapid ,l1ld filter ,Ilo gets dirty through ,Ind through. and accordingly it 11lUst be cleaned tr0111 top to bOtt01ll. not just on the surface. The cleaning i done by an .ll11.1zing proce called b,Kkw,lhi11g.1 >uring 110rn1.1l operation. a snull ,1l110unt of filtered w,lter i et ,Iide in ,1 stOf.lge t,Ink. When the filter needs to be \\",Ished. this \\-,iter is p,1ssed b,iCk through the bed in the reverse direction. coming up £i-om the bottom. ,it ,1 caretlilly controlled r,lte. fhe reverse How "tluidizes" [he fil- ter bcd, suspending the s,lI1d. gr,lvd. ,md othcr constitucnts in ,1 roiling -;tew sll.lke Backwashing a sand filter is a daily routine at many water-treatment plants. The process begins with blow- ing air into the bottom of the filter bed (upper photo) to dislodge dirt deposited in the pores between sand grains. Then water is pumped up through the bottom of the filter to complete the washing process (lower photo). 
The outflow of wash water gives a dramatic indication of the quantity of material trapped by a sand filter. The filter bank on the right is near the end of the wash cycle, and the water is Rowing clean, in sharp contrast to the brown water from the filter bank on the left, where backwashing is still in process. loo-;c the cont.ullin.mb. At ...OIllC p\.mt.... .lir 1-; .11-;0 bubbled up through the bcd of gr.m- ules. further disrupting the -;trat.t. The .m1.lzing p.lrt is when thc b.ICk\\ .\shing stops. the filtcr bed spont.meously re.\ssembles it-;elf into .1 tidy. I.tyered -;tructure. At one filtr.ition plant I've visited. alTo...... "ection of the filter bed Iud been put on di-;play in ,1 t,\ll gl.....:-. case. where its multicolored Llyer nude it look like one of tho...e jello-chiffon de'isert creations. At the top was ,1 thick. Jet-hl.ICk hed of po\vdered anthracite coaL followed by a layer of reddish beach sand. and .1t the bottom ,1 toun- d.1tion of progressively coarser gravds ,HId stones. The rationale for thi ...pecific as...ortment of l.\yers is th,lt the materials are arr,mged in order of increasing den'iity. so the equence of layers IS st,lble even during the mo"t violent backwashing. The lightweight powdered co,d alway" rises to the top of the bed. and the he.lVY gravel... remain at the bottoI11. with the fine sand in the I11iddle. After filtering. the last nujor step in w,\ter tre.\tI11ent is chlorination. which is meant to kill any Il1icroorg.misms th,lt nlight have survived pa-;sage through the e,\r- lier st,\ges. At most large plants the chlorine is received in sted cylinders or delivered in bulk by t.mker trucks and is stored as a liquid under pressure. This is the one d.m- gerous ,\spect of the entire water-treatment operation. Chlorine is one of the poison gases of World War I. and a major release would be very unplea-;ant. Small \vater sys- tems .md those in densdy populated neighborhoods can avoid the luz.\rds of storing chlorine by making the gas .\S needed. The usu.11 starting I11ateri,\1 is sodiUll1 hypo- chlorite, the active ingredient in chlorine laundry bleach. Wh.ltever the source of the chlorine gas, it is dis...olved in .1 sm.\ll quantity of warm w.\ter, m.\king a highly concentrated ,olution, which is then mixed with the output of the filters. Fluoride is added in a similar way. The chlorinated water goes into a pure-water holding tank, which these days is likdy to be quite l.lrge. SOll1e storage cap.\city h.." always been needed to snlooth out daily tluctuations 111 deI11,md. (For the water dep,utment. the morning ru,h hour come... .1 little e,lrlier and the evening rush hour a little l.lter than for the traffic dep,lrtment.) Tod.\y water i... being held for ,mother re,hon: to give the chlorine nlore time to disinfect. A chlorine re...idence time of 24 hour:-. i... reconl111ended, ..nd so the t,mk must be Ltrge enough to retain a full d..y.... supply. ("hlorin.\tion .md other method... of di...infection are current areas of controversy. ReguL\tory .\gencies h.lve been ...etting stricter 'itandards for bacterial and viral cont- .u11ination of drinking water. \\ hich 'ieenl to dem,md higher levels of chlorin,ltion. 13ut some of the e,cess chlorine cOlllbine-; with org,mic molecule... in the \yater, cre- ,\ting chlorin,lted compound... th,lt .ire also -;ubject to stringent liI11its. Thu..., ,"mother disinfect,uIt m.\y be needed. The le.\ding c.l11didate i... ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen cre.lted in dectric.\l ...p,\rk... ,md high-voltage di...charges-,md, ironically, a m.or component of .\ir pollution. Two general aspects of the oper .1tion of a 6ltr.1tion plant ,ue worth I11entioning. First, the operator... tend to make cautiou, ..nd gradu,ll ,1djustments to the proce", rather dun dr,ul1,ltic interventions. If the ,lCidity of the W.lter begins increasing, they 
" , , \ \ .... \ .,.  might .1dd a very mall doe of .1lkali to correct the imb.1lance, then wait hdlf an hour to gauge the et1ect of thi:'l action before nuking any further changes. The ided is to keep the system .1t .1 point of "itable equilibriUln rather th.1n constantly tlddling to nuintain an unst.1ble balance. The ...econd distinctive trait i dn emph.lis on redun- dancy and reserves. There is more th.1n one of everything at the pLl11t, ...0 th.1t no single t1ilure can shut down the entire operation. One large pUlIlp or mixer might be che.lper, but two snull ones .1re more reliable. WATER TANKS AND TOWERS On the fbtlands thev are .1 familiar sight and almost .1 civic institution. If you w.l11t to know where you are, you look for the name of the town blazoned on the water tower. There\ a tair chance you'll .tho find the "ipray-painted nickname of the high school football te.un Jnd the n.une of I\omeoody's I\weethe.1rt. Elevated water tank" .U1d towerl\ ...erve two purpo\e... (apart trOtIl their role .11\ bill- bo.lrds). They "tore water that i reddy for consumption, .1nd they pre"urize the di- tribution "y"tem. It the water were kept Jt ground level, it \vould h.lVe to be pUlnped to your tmcet. Furthennore, the pump'" would h.lVe to be big enough to keep up with den1.lnd, and every interruption in their oper.ltion would le.lVe you with- out w.lter. 13y using the pump" to lift w.1ter 1 (J( I teet in the .lir, .t city can get by with n1.1ller pumps run .1ll night. Moreover, brief outage go unnoticed. The p.1"t century h.l"i seen .1 Cl"icin.tting styli"iric evolurion in w.uer [.1J}ks. fhe old- e"t one" .1re cylindrical wooden b.lrreb, with vertic.11 t.lVn held together by "ited Rooftop tanks made of wood staves bound by iron bar- rel hoops are the most traditional choice for water stor- age, still found in many large cities. These specimens are atop a building in Midtown Manhattan. The standpipe, a cylinder set on end, is another type of water tank with a long history. This tricolored one is on a hill in Winthrop, Massachusetts. .... [] I " I 
In a gallery of multi legged, elevated water tanks (oppo- site page), older forms with conical roofs are in the upper row and more rounded shapes in the lower row. From top to bottom and from left to right the tanks were photographed in Red Rock, Arizona; Gulfport, Mississippi; Percival, Iowa; Platte City, Missouri; Greensboro, North Carolina, and Keokuk, Iowa. The water tank as monumental architecture: The impos- ing brick and masonry structure in the photo below holds the water supply for the town of Manistique, on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 1 - [ -, I hoop. NotiLt' th,lt the hoops .IIT more closely "p,lLed to\v,lrd the bottom of the t,1I1k. where the pressure 1" greate"t. The be'\t pLtce to look for these t.l1lks is on the root.. of older city buildings. I\L1I111.ltt,111 11.1') J splendid collection of thein. The wooden t.mks \Vere later dispbced by riveted or bolted steel. Typically a '\teel cylinder is mounted on '\pindly Erector Set-legs and topped with a conical lut like the one the Tin Woodn1.1n wear'\. You'll find ex,lInple'\ of this style at many an .lb.l11- doned factory. In the 1930s a less angular design beeline popular. The tank itself has slnooth curves where the '\ides meet the roof ,lnd the floor. and the curvaceous motif is con- tinued in supporting legs. which are tubular colUlnns rather than .mgular girders. The steel panels are welded rather than riveted. Tanks in this basic style .lre still being built. They COlne in sizes £i'om .lbout 50.000 gallons to three Inillion g.lllons. The bigge'\t ones have a squashed look. since the tank is nude wider but not nluch higher. The most dramatic innovation in the evolution of water tank'\ W.1S the sudden ,lppearance of the 1110l10pod-the spherical or ellipsoidal tank supported by a single flaring stalk. The first of these was built in 1939 (in Longnlont, Colorado), but they didn't begin to catch on until the 195()s. Since the 1lJ7()s they've been prouting like mushroOlns. (They even look a little like mushroOlns.) The Watersphere and Waterspheroid, as they are offici.tlly called, are creations of Chicago Bridge and Iron (CUI), J cOlnpany that dOlnilute') the world Inarket for water tanks. CBI is also the inventor of the fluted colUlnn, in which J t1at cylindri- cal tank with a funnel-shaped bottonl is perched .HOp a bro,ld column looks like it's nlade of corrugated cardbo.lrd. The corrugations. or t1uting. are functional: they improve the rigidity of the thin-shelled tube. Waterspheres r.l11ge in size frOln 25.000 to 150.000 gallons W.uerspheroids go up to two Inillion gallons. and fluted colunms can hold up to three Inillion. Wh,u's inside a water tank? "Water" is not .1 sufficient answer; there's nlore to it than th,lt. In all the CUI monopod designs, the column. or pedestal, is dry. PUlnped water reaches the tank ,lt the top of the structure through a riser pipe, perhaps a foot or two in dialneter, inside the st<llk. There is also an overflow pipe,just in case. A Lld- der inside the pedestal ascends to the base of the water t<mk and then continue'\ through a tube that passes right through the Iniddle of the tank to a hatch in the roof (Topologists will recognize th<lt because of the tube through the Iniddle, the Water- sphere is really a Watertorus.) The fact is, most of the volUlne in'\ide the ba'\e of nlo'\t water towers is totally vacant. Some towns have installed pU1nps and v<llve'\ there; '\onle U5e the '\pace tor storage; at least one fluted cohunn tower ha'\ a fire station in it'\ pedestal. A selling point of the Inonopod towers is security. Uecau'\e the Lldder is in'\ide the pedest,ll. behind a steel door, the t<mks are less vulnerable to unauthorized decora- tion. Some of the lllltllOr;;:cd decoration is bad enough. There is the ineviuble golf ball on a tee. as well as at least one baseb<lll. .In eight ball, ,md <1 yellow slniley face. There are two ne,lrly identicil Peachoids, one in C1.l11ton, Alalum,l, <lnd the other in 
'I II" II I; - I CK ,', jj ( " SAPP ,-.!- BHOS i y j  r... , J. I --- .---... .. ..".------....... "'; .,.. ... ' . .t, t) KEO..UK '1 . )I - .. , "'"  -  '« -   i  I I \ I L_ I \ I F- I I .;  -r .   \ I f\ i I f I I f .. j ,, I r \ I , I J I. Il -- I -. 
The largest water tanks tend to be fat and flat rather than tall and thin. For a tank of any given storage capacity, the horizontal configuration yields a more nearly uniform pressure in the water supply line. Monopod water tanks (opposite page) seem to invite whimsical decoration. From top to bottom and left to right the tanks shown are in Rosemount, Illinois; Rend lake, Illinois; Gaffney, South Carolina; Germantown, Maryland; Monrovia, Maryland, and Deer Island, Massachusetts. / ,t , -................. , ,.  , .." \ "')J G.lffiley, South CarolilU. Uut I prefer any of the,e f:mtasy motif, to towers p,linted in,ipid swimming-pool blue. The towers .lre interesting structures, and they ,hould st,md out against the sky. not hide in its gLue. WATER DISTRIBUTION Suppo,e your hou,e i, on the other "ide of town trom the w.Herwork, at the end of a long pipeline that "erve'" everyone el...e before it get.;, to you. In the llIiddle of the night, when no W.lter i, flowing, the presure .H your [lucet i... the ....lIlIe .1S it is every- where else in town. Thi, i the static presure, detenlIined entirely by the "head": the ditference in elevation between the torage reervoir ,Illd the point of me.lsurement. But \\ hen your neighbor... get up in the morning ,Illd flush the toilet .md turn on the shower, you nuy get only a feeble trickle fi-om your tap. As W.lter flo\\'s through the pipe, pre...ure i u...ed up in overcoming the tl-iction tlut opposes the flow. The gre.ltl'r the flow rate ,lnd the gre.lter the ti-iction, the gre.lter the loss of pressure. Avoiding problenls like this one is Wh,lt the de,ign of water-distribution ,y,tems is all about. ()ne ,olution i, to build .1 w.Her tower or re,ervoir .H e,Kh end of the line. This layout is very conlmon for qlI.lll municipal W,Her ,ystems: the nuin pump- ing ...t,1tion ,md reservoir ,1re on one ,ide of town, .md .m elevated tank is on the opposite side. I )uring the night, W.Her is pumped ,1cross town into the t,lIlk. then dur- ing periods of high, water flows into to\\ n ti-OllI both end, of the pipeline. The pressure in .1 re,identi.ll w.lter ,y,tem is .lbout the ,.lme .1S it i, in .m ,nItomo- bile tire-omewhere between 3() .md 40 pounds per Sl)u.lre inch. rhe minimum .dlo\V.lble pressure i usu,llly considered 2() poun(h per Sl)u.1re inch, which corre- sponds to ,1 he.ld of 4() feet. The m.lximunl preure i .1bout ()() pounds; beyond that, plumbing fi'\.tures begin 
.' ' f . '. -  .. ,  . .'" , .:.....", . "'.).". " .\ . . t . . - " RENd LAKE  r n,rT C l . . 0 .. p \ , U B L I C G 0 L F 0 ...... . U .... R !.. 5 ''" . > U.I Z L u.. u.  u. CJ ..  '\ - "- . a . ) I: . ' 
Shutoff valves are an essential component of every water distribution system, but in most places they are hidden underground; these exposed valves are in San Diego, where freezing is not a concern. The valves are the tall red devices with threaded shafts at the top. The blue objects between the valves are backflow preventers, which ensure that water flows through the pipe in one direction only. Cryptic metal placards fastened to a wall in Budapest, Hungary, are markers indicating the location of valves and other utility equipment under the adjacent street. '00 13r- 1 . h-l 160 37 _L  Z 93 17 -- L ,. ,. I  ... .... ---' ..,.........---...."..... -4 .. .........c.=.   .;' . oj , .. -. , , c , Keeping pressures within the allowable rdnge gets tricky in a hilly are<l. The pre- sure needed to get water to the hilltop house could burst pipes in the valley. Lots of water systen1s are divided into pressure zone. with connections between them through pressure-reguLlting valves. Almost all the components of the water-distribution sytenl are out of sight underground. They are protected from many hazards there. but the main reason for burying theln is to avoid freezing. The depth varie with latitude, from 3 or -t- feet in southern U.S. states to 6 or H feet in northern st<ltes and 12 to 15 feet in AL1ka (where the pipes freeze <my way). Textbook on water-systenl engineering I\tate that supply mains are generallv installed on the north side of the I\treet in the Northern Helnisphere and on the south side in the Southern I Iemiphere, 1\0 the un will warm then1. [n both helnispheres they are I\uppoed to be on the ea...t Ide of north- south I\treets, on the premise that the afternoon sun is wanner than the Inorning sun. I have not been able to confinn that thee principles are actually followed in prac- tice. My sample is I\lnall dnd confined to the Northern Henllsphere, but I have found roughly as nlany cities that violate the rule as follow them, along with a great l11any ll1i ddle-of-the- roader. Water nlains are out of sight and l11inJ until they break-at which point the evening news ha<:, film of geysers in the street and caverns that wallow up parked cars. How does it happen? ] )oes a big pipe jm.t get tired anJ uddenly blov. open like a bursting balloon? That can happen, but it\ not the usual wa). More often, a mall leak developl\ and remainl\ undetected for week or Inonth. The ecdping water wal\hes away the I\oil supporting a ection of the l11ain. Eventuall} the unupported pan of pipe is so long that it break. That'l\ when the I\low leak becomes <1 tlood. At each intersection in a w<lter-supply grid, valves are inst<llled to iolate the seg- l11ent in case there i a break or it need... to be cloed for repair. L3ut v<llves on large 
pipelines <He expensive <111d troublcsomc (they stick <111d they leak, <111d they need periodic m<linten<111ce), so the watn coml'<lIlY doesn't inst<lll any more dun <lre <lbsolutely needed. There is <1 '\imple rule of thumb fix solving this problem. At <lIlY "+"-sl1.lped intersection, three of the f(mr bLlIlches should be protected by valves; and at a T -luped intersection, two of the three branches h<lVe v<llves. Occ.1ion<11ly you m<lY '\ee w<lter-comp<111Y worker'\ driving long steel '\t<lkes into the ground and then pulling them UF'. They <lre looking for le<lks by testing for soft. moist ground. They n1.1)' <110 '\inlply li'\ten for the '\ol11ld of water running under- ground \\ ith .1 ...enitive microphone <lIld amplifier. ()ther signs ofle<lks are high flows of water in the middle of the night, e"cessive flows in sewer'\, <lnd are<lS of unusually green vegetation. Fire Fighting. To <1 largcr extent th<lIl you might guess, the de'\ign of water sy'\tems is influenced by the needs of tIre tIghting r<lther than hou'\ehold '\upply. <.Jfi:en. what provoked <1 city to build its first Ltrge-sc.1Ie w<Iter system was a fire. And fire fighting prob<lbly dict<lte'\ the maximulll perfornl.lnce of the s)''\tem. Fighting a fire requires both <1 Ltrge volume of water <lIld high pressure. Inst<llling big enough pipes is <11l that is necess<lry to deliver the Ltrge volume. Getting the pres- sure right is more difficult. If the pressure <It the hydrant is high enough for etfective fire fighting. household fi"tures spring leak. One solution is boo'ter pUlllp' th<lt are turned on only when needed, thu minimizing the damage to re,idential plumbing. For a long tinle New York (:ity Iud a completely '\epJrate high-pressure distribution system used only fi)r fire fighting. There were high-presure zones in Manhattan and Urooklyn, with their own heavy-duty tIre plugs. The ,ep<lrate high-preure system W<lS shut do\\"n in 1957, becau,e pumper truck had 111<lde it obsolete. The kind of fire hydrant seen <It the nlrbline in lllost North American cities is called <1 dry-barrel hydr<111t. The v<llve tlut huts ofT the flow of w<lter is not in the expo'\ed part of the hydr<lIlt but i '\eveLll feet underground, where the barrel of the hydrant connects to the W<lter main. This design Ius two <ldvantages. Fir'\t, because the barrel i dry, there is no problem with tJ:eezing. Second, the hvdrant can be  . ,  ' . r . r . ' "  Q Fire hydrants differ considerably in shape and even more so in paint scheme, but most of them have the same functional parts. There are usually three connec- tion points: a large hose fitting for supplying water to a pumper truck and two smaller outlets for fire hoses. The hydrants below, from left to right, were found on the streets of San Diego; Tryon, North Carolina; New Orleans; Ljubljana, Slovenia; and Chicago, Illinois. The brass hardware in the photo above, mounted on the facade of a New York City office building, is a connec- tion point where fire hoses can pump water into the building's sprinkler system and the standpipe that sup- plies hose connections on each floor. . . . UJI , , 
 (" , Early sanitation works: above, a drain discovered in the ruins of the Greek and Roman town of Velia in southern Italy; below, a privy at Eckley Miners Village, near Hazleton, Pennsylvania. (The untrammeled snow sug- gests the outhouse is strictly for show.) ,: . . , .:- ,'" ,,' !   . ',' .. .'.  ': ." ..: .. ......; 4 , \ t, ;.-. $, ....- ..., ... designed so even if it brt.'.lk off .It the grollnd line. the v.llve will rem.tin dosed. In the movies, .1 Clr running into .1 fire hydr.U1t never flih to produce .1 geyser. but in redl life thi i'i r.lre. MO'it hydrants today have three outlet"-two for a t\vo-and-a-h.1If-inch tire hO'ie and one tor a four-inch ""uction ho...e "The larger ho:--e get connected to <1 pre'L1re- boo...ting pumper truck. In many areas hydrants .1re color-coded to indicate their flow cap<Kity. In one "chel11e the barrel of all hydrants is painted chrome yellow .md the bonnet color give" the capacity. green tor hydrants capable of delivering 1,1)()() gallons per l11inute or I1lore, orange for 51)() to 1,1)()() gallons per t11inute, al1d red for les" th.1n 51)() g.lllon" per minute. There are also various ways of t11arking the location, of hydrants, 'iuch a, colored band" hIgh on utility pole and reflectors embedded in the centerline of the street. Years ago on a visit to upstate Ne\v York, I was puzzled by the pennant" on tall nletal poles planted next to all the hydrants. That was in October; I under'itood their function when ] returned in snowy February. WASTE WATERS The .u11azing thing about modern 'iewers i" how 1110dern they are. Although large- scale projects for bringing drinking water into the city go back to antiquity. pipes to carr) it out again are d compar.ltively recent ide<l. In the 1750s the btest high-tech fad-and the epitome of fashion for middle-class New the b.1Ckyard privy. It elinlinated the need to el11pty chamber pots .U1d "ordure tubs."The first san- itary 'iewers were not built until a hundred year" later. (Ancient Rome had ewers, and so did nledieval Paris, but they were primarily for "torm runoff.) Sewage-treatl11ent plants became common only dfter World War I. Thus, in many place "ewer "y"tel11 were an dfterthought that L1gged behind such other l110dern convel1ience as electric- ity and the telephone. Sewer Lines. In many ways, a sewer is hdrder to de"ign and build than a water-supply systenl. The water-distribution pipe that COl11e into yoUl hOl11e operate under pre- sure, which l11eans they can go uphill and downhill as nece'isary. Uut sewer'i, with rare exceptions, flow only Pdrtially full, which l11eans the ewer engineer i entirely at the l11ercy of gravity. The starting point for a sewer is typically even or eight teet under- ground-where an iron pipe exits through the tounddtion of a building-and it' all downhill from there. In a ystem that works trictly by gravity How, the pipe nlust slope continuously downward all the way to the 'iewage-treatment plant. The exact 'ilope of the pipes i alo 1110re important than it would be 111 a drink- ing-water conduit. Sewers transport not jU'it water but .llo nlaterials that are polite- ly known in the trade a" "solids."To keep the "olid... moving, the water h.1\ to tlow at a speed of two or three feet per second. To nl.1intain that speed, a large sewer need'i 
to dip bv dbout 50 teet per mile oflength. ,111d sl1ldll ....ewer ,ue even '\teeper. The pro- file of the whole sytem has to be Cc1refully pLl11ned before construction begins: if a cert,lin ewer turns out to be a couple of feet higher them one that's supposed to dump into it. th,1t\ big trouble. And det,lil count. For ex,unple, where the ')treanl of sewage i.... forced to nuke a turn. the curvature cause a little extra friction that tends to slo\y the t1uid down. and ....0 the '\Iope needs to be increased slightly where the pipeline turns d corner. Becdu....e sewer line start ,It toundation level ,md descend frOln there. you shouldn't expect to 'lee nluch of thenl except during construction dnd repdir. They are gener- ally the most deeply buried of all utilities. It ,llso follows that if you go looking for a Se\Y,lge-treatl11ent rLmt, you're not going to find it on a hilltop. Often it\ on the very lowet land in town. The '\111all tributarie"i of a ....ewer systenl are called later,lls. They dump into ub- nuin..... which in turn lead to nlains and trunk'\ and interceptors. The entire system is arranged in d branching p,lttern. like a tree. Not coincidentally. it is the sanle kind of p,lttern formed by a lutural drainage yten1 made up of '\trean1S ,1l1d rivers. Snull sewer pipes ,1re generally made of vitrified cby. which is a gbzed. bricklike material. The smooth surtlCe helps to speed the tlow and prevent dogging. and it also resits erosion by all the ,1brasive grit swept along. L1rger sewers are made of cast con- crete, which lacks these speci,ll propertie but is cheaper and stronger. Both materials are brittle, so they need to be finnly supported underneath dnd protected overhead. If you watch a crew laying ,1 sewer line. vou'll see that they treat the sections of pipe very gently as they lay them in a bed of crushed stone. '!',)o . "', . , ,- . 1E ( ,".dj;i'. -.. . ":: ' I' A ....  *' ,.( . - : .,   . -   J 'S-I'tlf. '; r:rJPY'r-,; 'Srf. --r:'" ... " "  A sewage pumping station in Superior, Wisconsin, is helpfully labeled for easy identification. (Many others are deliberately disguised.) Sewer lines and access manholes, generally subter- ranean structures, are exposed here where a sewer crosses a streambed near Butner, North Carolina. 
STREET ART Mimi Melnick and her late husband, Robert A. Melnick, were Los Angeles art collectors who wanted a manhole cover to hang above their sofa. After some preliminary investigation, they - .. · 0.'0.. /) · 10.\ 9 . ....' ' 0 \ Q , .... --.JQ'  decided that sitting beneath a 300-pound slab of cast iron wasn't such a good idea after all, and they settled for a photograph instead. Over the years they collected hundreds of photographs, publishing many of them in their book Manhole Covers (MIT Press, 1994). A worldwide community of "drainspotters" car- ries on the tradition. The raised patterns on manhole covers are not merely decorative. They are there to improve traction, originally for horses but now for automobiles and pedestrians. They also help to identify the manhole to utility crews. For Pumps and Lift Stations. In hvdraulic hc.I\'cn. evcrv city i'i built on .1 hill'iidc. with the drinkmg-water reervoir .1bove .md the 'l.'\\'.lge-tre.ltml.'nt helo\\'. W.lter flo\\s str.1ight through by gr.lvity .donc. The geogr.lphy of citie'\ in thi.... \\'odd IS not .1Iw.lYS '\0 convenient. .lI1d se\V.1ge sometimes Ius to be lifted fi-om .1 low-lying neigh- borhood to .1 sewer .1t .1 higher elevation. Se\V.lge pl1l11pS f:1ce some clullenge'i rll.1t don't .1ri'ie for \V.lter-supply pumps. It's those "solids" ag.1in. Sand and grit erode the metal of the pump. .md the occ.lsioI1.11 chunk of wood c.m get j.mll11ed in the impeller. But the biggest problem is r.1gs. which get wrapped .uound drive shafts.janll11ed into crevices. and snagged on guide v.mes. llow do rags get into sewers? Do people flush old clothes down the toilet? Do socks get sucked into the dr.1in of the w.1shing n1.1chine? Who "-no\\''\. example, a beehive pattern of hexagons (photo at left) has been adopted by telephone compa- nies since the 1920s. Other commonly seen markings include waffle-iron, basketweave, and diamond-shaped patterns. Most of the designs are standardized, but the Melnicks found some real collectors' items, and several cities have commissioned artists to produce special decora- tive covers, Many covers identify not only the utility . company that owns the manhole but also the foundry that made the lid. The Neenah Foundry in Wisconsin has its name on man- holes in hundreds of U.S. cities. In recent years there has also been a blooming of manhole covers labeled "Made in India" (photo above). You might think that any advantage in labor costs would be wiped out by shipping charges, but evidently not. Manhole covers are manufactured as sand castings; that is, molten iron is poured into a mold made of moist sand. The cover and the seating ring in which it rests are then machined individually so that they mate with- out rocking. (A loose cover clatters annoyingly every time a car runs over it.) The vast majority of manhole covers are cir- cular, supposedly because lids of other shapes could fall into their own hole. (Also, a round cover can be rolled out of the way instead of carried.) Nevertheless, nonround lids do exist. A good place to look for equilateral triangles is Nashua, New Hampshire (photo above), although Nashua has recently caved in to the round-lid standard. 
The typical sewage lift st,ltion doesn't look like much from the outside. [t'.... a '1llall brick or cinderblock building, usu,llly unattended. [mmedi,ltely inside the door are the motor that drive the pumps, ,1l1d a control panel: this electrical equipl11ent i kept ,1bove ground level to minimize damage when the station is flooded. And the hazard of flooding i almost unavoidable; lift stations have to be built in low-lying areas. bec,ll1se t11.1t\ where the ewage need to be pumped out. What you can't ee from outside the little brick building is that it has a baement going down two or three tories.13eneath the motor room, the tructure is divided into a wet well (which receives the incoming sewage) and a dry well (which houses the pumps, driven by long shafts fr0111 the nl0tors above). With the two-well arrangel11ent, no one has to dive into a pit full of e\Vage when a pump needs nlaintenance. Another piece of equipment to be found at most sew,lge pumping stations is a dieel generator. The pumps c.1l1not be allowed to qOP for more than a few hours ,H a time, lest sewage back up into omebody's base111ent. [n residential neighborhoods S0111e sewage-pumping stations are trompe l'oeil f:1n- tasie, dressed up to look like the split-level or colonial houses that surround them. [f you look closely, It's not hard to spot these disguised pU111phouses: the heavy-duty power connections. the big ventilating f:ms, and the diesel generator in the backyard are all tip-off. Furthen11ore. the "windows are often f:1kes, w,ith curtains and shutters ,1dorning a blank wall. Manholes. At the urf:1ce, the only viible ign of nl0st ,ewers is a line of 111etal 111al1- hole covers every hundred yards or ,0. But 110t all 111anholes give access to ewer; S01ne open into vaults tor water pipes, gas 111ains, or electrical and telephone cables. The lids of "mitary-sewer 111anholes tend to have l110re vent holes than other kinds of 111anhole cover. There is a rea,on for this: decompo"ing sewage gives off methane gas, which i, f1anl111able. So it\ not ,1 Sl11art idea to drop lighted n1.1tches into a 111an- hole to ,ee what's do\yn there. The main function of "ewer manholes is to provide access points for cleaning out the deposited olid. In earlier year thi W,lS a routine chore. Workers would clin1b down one manhole and push brushes through the sewer pipe to the next 111anhole. using long iron rod. P,lris still has a cadre of I!OllT;crs to flush out its famous sewers. but el,ewhere in the world manual cleaning is uncon1mon. Nowadays. robotic vehi- cles roll through the pipes carrying TV call1eras. And the e111phasis is on designing ewers with enough lope th,lt the solids keep moving and the pipes SeldOll1 need cle,l11ing. everthele'is, the place111ent of 111anholes is still detenl1ined by the 111axi- mum reach of the cle,lning rods. A a rule. there is a manhole wherever the ,ewer pipe cl1.1nge' direction or lope, and every 31 II I or 4()() feet on straight runs. \X/I1.1t\ life like down a manhole? I've onlv viited two, and perl1.1ps they've been sho\\ pL1ce m,1l1holes, specially ...elected to make a good impresion, but for \Vh,H it's \\urth [ found them not unple,I",mt. Temperature... were moder,lte, ,1lthough the humiditv W,IS high. [ c1imbed do\\ 11 ,\ l.1dder of ,\luminum rUllgs '\et into the 1llJ....Oll- Fancy manhole covers are from ljubljana, Slovenia (upper photo), and Budapest, Hungary (lower photo). - ,j? - rl -J! # J J ) , \ "- \>/< ' , , ... - I.... ...( P ., \. 1 . ... "I... l I..:: ..' I .,   .,.  --::"11I.  .......- , .. . ,\-i ;. .- --- If' 
A sewage-treatment plant operated by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District is seen in an aerial photograph made as part of the Urban Areas series of the U.S. Geological Survey. The circular vats at the bottom of the image and the rectangular tanks at the far right are clarifiers, or settling basins, where solids fall out of sus- pension. Just above the circular clarifiers are reactors for the activated-sludge process; half of the reactors are full of roiling, aerated fluids and half have been drained for maintenance. The tanks at the top of the image, with glinting metal roofs, are sludge digesters. . . --- - _" . . . .--- iJ r I f I f I . 1 .- a.. .: -. .: -- " 111111 .... --  l , I ry \\,111 like gial1t st.lples. ounlh \\ere de,1del1cd. rhe tr,1gr,mu' \\,IS ...trol1g but l10t overpowering. I S,1\v 110 creepy-crawlies-l1o ,1I1ig,ltors, no r,1[S, 110t even ,1 spider. The Sewage-Treatment Plant. If \e\\er, ,1re modern, then ...ewage-treannent pLmts must be postnlodern. Although the basic concept... luve been known tor decade, the plant... luve been ch.lnging dr,unatic.11ly in the P,lst 23 ye,1r.... Even the nanle of the place Ius been evolving too £:'1st for the sign painters to keep up. Although I per\lst in t.llking about sewage treatl11el11. the preferred term long ago becal11e waste-water treat- 111el11. and now it's w(lter rCclal11clt;ol1. At one town in New Jersey the ,ite of the I)ewage plant and the garbage dUlnp is offici,111y an el1(1;r011111el11(11 pclrk. By ,my naIne it "l11dh. as sweet. A sewage plant has much in conl1110n with ,1 filtration plant tor drinking water. They are both In the busine,s of purifying, dnd they u,e Il1uch of the same equip- . .  . I .., 6 , '.. -- , I t -::- .. . .. i- IJI  .1- ."1- = '!  I \ I t .. ttt t. '. ," . _IIU ';' -I - -  ""--1 .( ": -.  .. :11 ..., I' II '---' "--- .===_1 --- I 1 '--- --- I · .' I : I '===r ,__-I '___I L L -L U L " . It If: - [1- 1 ___ II :E== ._- == -- --- I ---  -- f It I -- - '-- = --- .--== 11. == = J f. ,---- ,II I C : - J .. .. . I . . _:' c.. --I 1 J . r '--'- -... II'" ___, ...... ------ " - Ii \ \I' \ -, , .'- , ....   . , ,;. '-, ( 
ll1t'nt to do it. But wht' the trt'.ltll1t'nt of drinking \\.ltl'r i" nl.linlv .1 chcll1iclI .md phy\ical proce\, \ew.lge tre.ltll1cnt is very biologicl!. Before conIdering the det.lih of tre.ltment, we hould p.1l1"e to ex.lmine thl' nature of the materi.ll being tre.lted. S.mitary engineer r.lte \e\\agl' a" "trong. medi- unl, or, like coHee, .Iccording to the concentration of \olids. Thev .11,,0 cL1ssify sew.lge according to ,Ige and color. L3y all .lccounts, fI-eh \ew.lge IS the best "ew.lge; it'... gr.1Y. When "ew.lge goe "t,lle, it tenlh to turn bL1ck beellhe of the ,1ction of .m.ler- obic b.Kteria. Dt:'...pite'-- on t'verybody's mind \\-hen fir"t looking into .1 50,()()()- gallon v,lt of r,lW "ewage, the Luge"t contributions come not tI-om the toilet but ti-om the kitchen "ink and the Lllmdry. The overall ,1im of tre,Hment is to separ,lte the ...olids 6"0111 the liquid. Method... v.lry, but the device" mentioned here can be een in .lny regIOn of the United St.lte. The trash wd>? begins by intercepting the gro debri,,: two-by-f<Hl1-", old galohe, oggy tennis b.lll..., lost poons, goldtl"h. The tr.lsh rack i" .1 grill or CO.ll-"e meh of iron b.lp:" inst.llled where the ew,lge stream firt enter" the pLmt. Inste,ld ot a rack, ...ome plants h.lVe ,1 comminutor-.1 g,ll-b.lge grinder tough enough to chew up and spit out ,my thing tlut comes down the pipe. The .,.it (htllllber. You know .lll .md you \\.Ished otT in the shower ,lfter you LUBe in fi-om the beach?  [ere it is. The grit clull1ber is .1 or ch.mnel where the incoming ewage p.1u'\e" just long enough to deposit the densest of the p.lrticle it has carried through the sewer system. The trick is to segregate out the .md .md grav- el-also eggshells, (oHee grounds. .md w,uermelon seeds-without collecting too much fine org.mic m.Uter. l )ne W.1Y to accomplish this is to gentlv ,lgit.ue the sew.lge with .1 stre,1111 of air bubbles injected into the bottom of ,1 tank. Another method i... to run the ew,lge through .1 long sloping flume ,1t just the right speed to "ettle out the grit but keep the finer matter in supension. These fi"ont-end devices-the trash rack and the grit dumber-are very imple, but they L1l1Se ,1 disproportion,ue ,hare of trouble f()r pLmt oper,uor. The grit em't be .lllowed to flow through the re,t of the plant becll1se it could d.muge pump... .11H:I other equipment, .md "0 it has to be di'ipoed of else\\-here. For the grit itel(\ nota problem; it\ mo"tly ",l11d ,md could go to .m ordinary Lmdtill. Unfortunately the grit is contamiI1.lted with the anit,lry engineer describes .1" "putrescibk matter," me.ming th,u if it doe\n 't tink now, it will 'ioon. Scrrlill. ttlllks_ From the grit ch,11Bber the 'iew.lge flows into .1 erie of settling b,l'iins, much like tho,e of.l drinking-w.lter puritleHion plant. Here the p.Ke slow.... There i no .lgit.1tIon to diturb the pe,1Cettll. retlective w,uers. At the surt;Ke of e.Kh t.1n1-., ,1 kimmer collen, buov,mt, gre,lY ...cum. l\tk.l11while, ,I rake or COl1\"eyor belt inching .110ng the bottom collect" the he.wier ludge th,lt ,ettll's out. (Scum ,md sludge: no sweet-smelling euphemim, here.) When the liquid le.lVl''i the settling b,hlll, ,1tter ,1 te\\" hours in residence. it Ius lo...t mo't of the ...upended F'.lrticle". The ettling b.lsin'i .Ire usu,llly the I.1rgest structures in .1 "e\V.lge pLmt. rhere ,liT .1l\\.lY ,lt t\\o. .md .1 LlI-ge flciliry m.IV l1.lve dozL'n". (L ot of little onL'S ,Ire prc- Primary clarifiers, at the input end of a treatment plant receive raw sewage and perform preliminary separa- tion of solids and liquids. Heavy solids are raked off the bottom of the tank, and Roating scum is skimmed from the surface. The two clarifiers below are identical in structure; one of them has been drained for repair. The photographs were made at the North Durham Water Reclamation Facility in North Carolina. - t ,1 1- . -- -  , . A'" _..._ _.'..""""'!::ii . .j -..;\!"!!I' , \ \ , 
d A trickling filter is a bed of crushed rock, providing a substrate for a community of living organisms that thrive on the nutrients in sewage_ The filters shown are at the water reclamation facility in Henderson, North Carolina. . ,,--  "'. ,. \.  , " ;7";- --- -=--- . .... ,- - -- --- ---/_: .......... \ \ ..:s ,. ,  t f  . - ',-- . ../' . " ,. :;..; /:'" '\ ".'\ ,,"- '.' "\ " " . .. .\ . .. ,,- : ferred to one big one o that ,1 t,1I11<.. L1I1 be 'dnIt down for maintenance without crip- pling the whole operation.) M,1I1Y older pL1I1t\ have round "ettling b,bilh, ,m)"\\"here from 21) to 21)() feet in di,lIlleter. W,Iter well up in the center ,md gently overf1o\\' ,It the edge; the ,ediment t:llb to the bottonl, where ,1 rotating rake "crapes it mto the central pit. TOLl1y\ tahion in ettling basin 'I i nlore "traight-edged. R.ectanguL1r tank\ ,aye pace '1ince they can be netled together more dIicientl), and they '1,1Ve concrete ince JLlj,1cent t,1I1k C,1I1 shart> ,1 wall. Some of the b,hins ,1fe ,b long ,1 a tootb,dl field. The ettling proces" i known in the '1ewage tr,1de ,1" primary tre,Itment. Some plant, do nothing more. though that\ becoming rare. SeCOndL1f)" tre,Itlllent c,m take either of two f()rlll: trickling filter, and the ,lCtivated-\ludge proce,. '/i-icklillgfiltcrs. A trickling filter looks like ,I giant\ lawn '1prinkler. Four long ,lrIlh extend r,ldi,1I1y ti'OIll ,I centLl1 n];lt, turning slowly ,11ld pr,lying ,ew,1ge from nozzle, ,\11 ,llong their length. The liquid [11].., onto ,I hed of CO,lrse broken stone, cont,lilled 
in ,I circubr concrete ve'....d X or 1 () feet deep. The d11uent trickle... through the ,tone.... to drain... underneath. From ,111 engineering point of view, it doesn't look like there's much going on in a trickling filter. All the ,lCtion is at the microscopic level. in the film of ,lime (tlut's the technicll tenn) that builds up on the stone. This byer is. in [let, ,I whole ecological community tlut thrive... on the nutrient broth r,lining down fi-om ,lbove. lhcteri,l ,liT the nuin <;usuiner, of this ecosy,tem. but there are also nuny protozoa and .1 few .ll,le, fungi. ,l11d insects, as well ,IS various worm... and even sn,lils. ()ne insect likes the envi- ronment so much it is known as the filter fly. It become<; ,I pe,t in the summer. Aa;,',ltcd sllt{'.!c. The biology of the .lctiv,ued-sludge process is simibr to that of tile trickling filter. but it takes place in ,I ditferent setting. Instead of r,lising a crop ofbac- teri,l on a solid sur['lce. the .lCtiv.lted-sludge process allows the microorg,lllisms to ,\\"im fi-ee in .1 deep vat. cllled .1 rc,lctor. To keep them growing. it', neccss,lry to sup- ply lots of air. ,llld in some case, pure oxygen. The vigorous ,leration m,lke... it easy to pick out an ,lctiv.ued-sludge re,lCtor .Ullong the nun)' other w,uer-filled vessels in a sew,lge plant. There are two kinds of ,lerators. Mech.l11ical units work like .1 w,lshing-nuchine ,lgitator. whipping the sew.lge up into roiling, frothy mound" like the Colorado River in tlood, only browner. The alternative is to pt1lllp brge volt1llles of ,lir or oxygen to diffuser heads at the bottom of the tank ....0 th.u stre,l1llS of bubble, ri,e up through the liquid, ,I' in ,lll .H-Juarium. Either process Ius a heavy energy dellland tor the large motors tlut drive the agita- tor \Jr run the COlllpres...or<;. Concrete partition... di,-ide .In .letivated-sludge re.lctor into everal cells, which the sew.lge through in sequence. Each cell hosts a ome\vh,U different conulluni- .- I . , . r I I  - -   The activated sludge process has replaced the trickling filter at most sewage-treatment plants. The biological community consuming the sewage is kept in suspension rather than forming a film on a solid substrate. Vigorous aeration, as seen in the nearest of the tanks here, helps to maintain an appropriate environment for the microorganisms. At this installation sewage flows slowly from the far end to the near end through a series of concrete cells. Each cell has a somewhat different complement of organisms, which digest different com- ponents of the sewage. In some cells a heavy froth col- lects on the surface-which can become solid enough to support the growth of grass. The system shown is at the North Durham facility in North Carolina. 
, 1 - .- ".. -1 .,..' -.'. ......... ..."" -'  "" . f L, -.. - ..., .... .:;; .... ." ... .....¥ :- . ........ l : , .  ---  .....   -, Final stages of sewage processing: a secondary clari- fier; sand filtration; ultraviolet disinfection; the outfall, where reclaimed water returns to the stream. t) ot org.1I1i..;m, which conume diHL'JTnt nutricnt..; in the ..;cw.lgc. ror e'\..lmple, une group of h.Kteri.l brL".lk, down prntem, .1I1d other nitJogen-cont.tining molecule, Into .111111l0ni.l: another group convert, the .1111mom.l mto nitr.lte compol11h.b,; .1I1d a third group decomposes nitr.1te into element.l1 nitrogen .1I1d o)'gen. An outward ,ign of the biochemistry going on in the re.lctor is the development of froth on the urface. The fi-oth begins as a light fO.l111, like the head on a mug of beer: as it ages, it grows darker .md tit1er, becoming more like a meringue. Sometimes the troth becomes olid enough to support the growth of grass and weeds. Cltlr[{iers. After the turmoil and turbulence of the ,lCtivated-sludge reactor, the sewage returns to meditative tranquility. The clarifier is another settling basin where ludge lowly settles to the bottom and is gathered into a hopper. Compared with the gray soup in the first ettling basin. the water here is nurvelously transfonned. You can see clear to the bottom. 10 feet below, where green .llgae wave serenely as if in a meadowland streanl. In some cases, the clarifier is followed by ,1 ,and filter, Inuch like the one at a drinking-water filtration plant. The filter\ job is to renl0ve any solids that remain in suspension. In the .lctivated-sludge procel\I\, 'Olne of the ludge collected from the clarifier or the ,and filter is recycled back to the reactor. That's Wh,lt nukes the <;ludge "activat- ed." As in making yogurt or bread, you have to S,lVe a bit ii-om eelch batch to inocu- late the net one. Disil!f('{(allfs. The water that comes out of the clarifier looks clean, but it still has a high titer of bacteria and other organi..;ms, ,ome of which you wouldn't want to go ..;wimming with. Most sewage plants add a heavy dose of chlorine or chlorine-based bleach ,1S the final step in water reclamation. Another option for disinfection is ultra- violet light. The tre.lted eHluent runs through a chamber fitted with hundred of high-inten,ity ultraviolet lamps-a tanning parlor for sew.lge. The radiation is strong enough to kill nlost of the microorganisms. Sl/{{!c d({!CSTioll. The watery part of the ewage is now on ib way downstream. but we .1re not yet finished with the solids. The sludge collected fi-om the settling basins, claritlers. .1I1d filter needs further treatment. The heart of the process is digestion.  !ere. the c.lst of microbi.l1 good guys and bad guys exchange hats: Digestion is an anaerobic process: it can take place only in the absence of o)'gen. It also requires ele- vated temperatures. It is therefore done in tanks with a sealed roof to keep out air and with some means of temperature control, such .1S coils heated bv warm water. The main products of digestion are heavier solids, which ,ettle to the bottOln of the vessel, and gases such as carbon dio'\:ide and nlethane, which rise to the surface and are carried otT through a pipeline. The production of fbmmable metlune is the tell- tale trademark of a sludge-digestion operation. You will generally see a flare near the digester for burning ecess gas. Larger plants collect the gas and use it as fuel-if only for warming the digester-but the flare is usually present anyway. as a safety measure. The fare (?f solids. Even digestion can't m,lke sludge go aW.1Y altogether. At this point, the nl.lterial is ti.1rk brown or t.1rry, bubbling with gas .11ld still saturated with 
\vater. The gLl'i 'ioon di'isipLltes, but the \VLlter Ius to be removed. In 'iome pbce'i, the sludge i'i 'ipread out on drying bed..., where it gr<H1u<1Ilv comes to look like thick cracked nmd. Thi... drying proce is ...low, especiLllly if the weather doen 't cooper<lte. A quicker method "'queeze the water out in <1 filter or <1 centrifuge. Fil1.llIy, Lit the very end of thi" long chain of concentration <lnd eparation ...tep..., sOIl1ething must be done with the reidue from the ludge dryer. [t make d £urly good fertilizer and ...oil conditioner, but not for field... \\ here edible crop\ will be gro\\ n. The other cholCe are to bury it in <1 landfill or burn it in <H1 incinerator. STORM-WATER DRAINAGE Early ewer ...ystem were meant to carry Llway both houehold waste water... <1I1d rain- water. And why not? It Llll wound up in the 'iLlll1e place any\\ay-dumped directly into the neLlrest Like or river. But now thLlt sewage i... being treLlted, we need to 'iep- arLlte the two stre<lll1S.  .::::-- .:r;:- i , .. ....1.... T 1 . ,I r  Sludge digesters at Deer Island, the treatment plant that handles sewage for the city of Boston and many sur- rounding communities, are immense egglike vessels. Sludge digestion is an anaerobic process, and so the vessels must seal out air.   - t J \ 
A curbside storm-water inlet in Toledo, Ohio, has an aptly Fluid decorative motiF. , '\1 .'n ,,' ., .. ....., I i . I - " .J .-, , I ,{  The "olution ,ldopted in citic" is ,1 hybrId .11T.mgelllcnt. A "ingle nt\\ork 1.)( drainage pipes c,lrries both "ew,lgc ,md rainw.lter nmot[ but l.trge "tor111 tlow .lre diverted ,1W.IY 6-om the tre,ltlnCIlt pLmt ,md dUlllped direcrlv into wh.never body of water gets the outtlow. The diver<;ion isn't lurd to ,lCcomplish ,md doesn't require <;omeone to go out and turn ,1 valve every tilne it St,lrt<; raining. Think of .m under- ground ch.Hnber with a snull outlet pipe at the nottonl and ,1 much larger outlet sev- er,ll feet higher up the \\,,111. A long a the rdte of indo\\ i<; not too gre,lt, ,111 the \\"lter in the chaInber dr,lins through the small lower outlet, which goes to the tre,ltment plant. In d stonn, the chaInber fills, ,lnd the overflow goe'i into the larger, higher, diver- sion channel. Thu, whenever it rains hard enough, ....ome untre,lted ewage is w,lshed into a lake or <;tre,Hn. Thi situation IS not ideal, but there i ,I mitigating (lctor: it cm 11.lppen only when there is a large volume of rainw,lter to dilute the sew,lge. More than <J( 10 cities in the United St,Ues 11.lve c01nbin.1tion sewers and <;torm drains. Mo"tly they ,Ire the older cities in the Northe,lst ,HId the Great Lakes region. but there is ,Ilso a concentration in the (J,lCific Northwest. The c01nbined systems were built years ,lgo, when pollution standards were looser. and it's now considered too expensive ,HHi disruptive in downtown neighborhoods to disent,Hlgle the two networks. 13ut no one is building new sewers this W,lY. All recent drainage plans pro- vide <;eparate conduit for sewage ,HId storm w,lter. The design challenges for sanitary sewers and for storm drains are rather different. The flow rate in a s,lnit,lry sewer varies within a fairly narrow r,lnge, but ,I "torm sewer Ius to be equipped to carry a trickle or a torrent. A "nlall city might produce 1 () million gallons of sew,lge a day, but a single thunder<;tonn could dll1np ,1 hill ion gallons in ,HI afternoon. Thus, storm drains have to be larger tlun <;anit,lry <;ewers. (,)n the other hand, they don't have to be buried ,IS deeply becaue they don't need to be connected to ba"enlent building drain. The most vi<;ible p,lrts of ,1 <;torm-sewer net\\"ork ,lre the street-level inlets, usual- ly installed in the gutter or the curb. For obviou reason they are placed ,It low points along the <;treet. ()tren the harde....t pbces to drain ,lre l1nderp.lsse beneath highw,lYs ,lnd railro,ld track. In older ....torIn-drain system every inlet has ,I catch basin, a pit below the inlet grating that i.... three or tour feet deeper tlun the level of the drain pipe. The idea is to trap leaves ,md dirt in the b.lsin, so that they don't clog up the drain line. A work crew cleans the basin once ,1 year or so. New stOrIn dr,lins ,l<..iopt ,mother dpproach. There is no ba"in to trap debris; instead, the inlet Ius <;nl00thly curved ,md steeply <;loped surfaces, designed so ,111ything (llling into the drain will be Hushed all the way through the system. (If you lose your car key" down a torm-se\Ver gr,lte, pick an old one-you will have .I better chance of getting them b,lCk.) In recent year<; the philo....ophy of storIn-drain desIgn lu changed in ,Hlother W,lY ,1S well. For ,1 kmg tilne the prin1.lry ,lim of dr,lin,lge engineers \V,l to conduct ,l\vay ,1S much water ,1" po""ible ,1<; quickly ,1 pos"ible. But this policy ,Ll110Unt'l to weeping the problem downstre,lln: the pt1<..idk are dr,lined from IOL1I p,uking lots ,md streets, 
but the receiving Ltke or river Ius to de.1i with .1 m.1sSlve 'iurge of dirt) W.lter. .1]] .1rriving at once. The new .1ppro.\Ch emplusizes slowing the runoff r.lther than speed- ing it on its way. .md \vherever possible .1bsorbing it .It the source. Instead of'imooth concrete pipes .md cmals. r.1inw.Her is collected in gr.1ss-lined ditches and 'iw.1les. .U1d the flow is slowed further by detention ponds. M.U1Y zoning and building code'i now limit the "impervious .lre.1" of a lot-the fr.\Ction of the 'ipace covered by buildings .U1d p.lVement-'io dut more rainwater will 'ioak into the soil where it £:l]]S. .md less wi]] flow into the storm drain'i. LIVING UNDER THE RIVER No city takes flood control and storm-water management more seriously than New Orleans Most of the city lies below sea level. And the meaning of "below sea level" is different here from what it is in a place like Death Valley, where the sea itself is nowhere in evidence and \' -- "- f ... .' J ' I. \ I -,  its level is an abstraction, a line painted on a pole. In New Orleans-wedged between the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain-there is nothing abstract about sea level. In some neighborhoods you have to climb a stairway to get from the street to the waterfront. New Orleans differs from Death Valley in another way as well: it rains there, lots. Thus, it's not enough to build a wall around the city to keep the water out; the water that falls out of the sky has to be removed too. Since all the surrounding waters are at a higher elevation, there's no choice but to pump it. The storm drains of New Orleans are cav- ernous canals that lie under the city's major streets-on the same scale as New York's sub- way tunnels. Away from downtown, the tunnels deliver their water into even larger open canals, most of which flow toward Lake Pontchartrain. Then, at the levee, pumping stations lift the water up and over. There are 22 of these sta- tions, with a combined capacity to move 30 bil- 'Ir". '-....._ , .... 1 "' _.:1 " ---- ..... ... \.  '.-  -';: ." Ii!ti., ....- w .- r lion gallons a day. Someone has calculated that the pumps could fill the local football stadium, the Superdome, in 35 minutes. The biggest of all the pumping stations is No.6, which straddles the 17th Street drainage canal on the northwestern boundary of the city. The entire front of the building is an enormous trash rack (photo above), with rakes that scoop debris directly into dump trucks. Inside the long brick building, 15 pumps and the motors that drive them are lined up in a row (photo right). They are axial-flow pumps- essentially a ship's propeller spinning inside a big pipe. Some are 12 feet in diameter and some are 14. What makes all these machines most remarkable is that they are antiques: most of them have been running since before 1920 Ironically, the greatest long-term threat to the well-being of New Orleans is not that it will drown, but that its lifeblood will dry up. Eighty miles upriver, a major portion of the annual Mississippi flood escapes westward into the Atchafalaya River, which takes a short- er path to the Gulf of Mexico. In the long run, the Atchafalaya channel will "capture" the flow of the Mississippi, creating a new outlet near Morgan City, Louisiana. On a geological time scale, this event is nothing remarkable: The mouth of the river has been wandering for millennia. But people who live along the river would strongly prefer that it stay put, and so the Army Corps of Engineers has erected a massive complex of concrete spillways and control gates to regulate the division of waters between the two channels. For now the situa- \ ... ". . :  , tion is under control, but eventually the Atchafalaya channel will win, and the port of New Orleans will be struggling to keep the river flowing rather than to keep the river out. 
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CHAPTER 3 FOOD AND HAT IS A CHAPTER ON FARMING doing in a book about the illdustrial landscape? Most of us put agriculture in a different nlental category fr01n, say, mining or lnanufacturing. But fanning is also an industry. Indeed, it was the first industry, and it relnains in nlany ways the nlost essential. If we can't eat, we can't do nluch of anything else. And, as industries go, agriculture is a highly developed and lnechanized one-at least in the highly developed and nlechanized parts of the world. Agriculture can also clainl a place in this book because it is the industry that has the largest-scale ilnpact on the landscape. Farnling takes up nlore space than anything else people do on the planet, by a wide nlargin. Fanners and ranchers own fully half the land area of the United States, and they also use and shape large tracts of publicly owned land. When you look down on the countryside fronl an airplane window, agri- culture alnlost always nurks the clearest and nlost extensive sign of human presence. WHERE HAVE ALL THE FARMERS GONE? When Alnerica was young, \-ve were a nation of farnlers. In the years before 1800, at least 90 percent of the people nlade their living from the soil. A century later, 40 per- cent of the population was still fanning. But the 2000 census found only 1 percent of Alnericans living on fanns. This exodus from agriculture has to be counted as one of the nl0st stupendous turning points in all of hUlnan history. For several thousand years,Just about everybody was a fanner; now, all of a sudden, alnlost nobody is. The ch,lnge overtook U" within just a few generations. Wh,lt allowed so nlany people to le,lVe the ('lrnl-Or cOl1lpcllcd thenl to leave-was a phenomenal spurt in agricultural productivity. In the old days, it was either grow your own or starve. On average, it took the Ltbor of nine ('lrmers to feed dnd clothe FARMING The monumental grain elevator on the opposite page has a prosaic function-it is a warehouse for farm pro- duce-but it also represents an imposing landmark, with stylistic elements that suggest both Art Deco sky- scrapers and the flying buttresses of a Gothic cathedra!. The tallest, slender towers are mechanical conveyors that lift the grain; the large concrete cylinders are storage bunkers; the red and metallic structures in the middie are grain driers. The elevator is in Williams, California, in the Central Valley. 
GETTING A LOOK Farming is done out in the open air. Drive down a country road every week for a year and you'll see all the stages of the agricultural cycle, from plowing and planting to harvest- ing. If you want a closer look, many farmers are happy to show visitors around. A few have even turned hospitality into a business sideline: "agrotourism" is gaining popularity, especially in Europe. Sadly, though, some kinds of farms are not as welcoming as they once were. Following an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease in Britain in 2001, American dairy farmers and cattle ranchers became wary of visitors who might inadvertently carry the infection from overseas. 11' people-a Laio impoed ,1 prettv tringent limit on ho\\- nuny of us could run dway to be Young Urb,l11 Prote"sion,lls. Iod,l)'. ,1 tiny ti.,lction of the popubtion gro\\ \ enough for .lll of us. More dun enough: in most ve,lrs the United St,ltes h,lS huge \urpll1\e\ of food to "hip OVer\e,l. Thi tranl\torn1dtion of nlodern dgriculture \ound like d rip-ro,lring uccess I\tory-and it i". Feat il\ better than t:llnine' no one would trdde the present bounty for the nldancholy vision ofThonla M,llthu\, \\"ho predicted t\\O centurie'i ,lgo th,lt population would inevitably outrun the food supply. And yet the Inirdcle of dgriClIl- tural technology ha hdd cost too. Fartner" theme1\'e" h,we paid the "teepest price: their O\HI efficiency h,b put nuny of them right out ofbusine. And the dislocations extend f.u beyond the midwetern corn belt. BecJu"e of thoe e"ported urplues. farmers in Bangladesh and Zilnbdb\\e .lre thrown into direct cOlnpetition with well- capit,dized-and sonletilnes subsidized-Americl11 ,lgribusiness. Viewed at the scale of continents ,md centuries, the depopulation of rural America seems to be a consequence of ilnplacable economic forces. Seen ,It closer range. how- ever, vast demographic trends always seem to resolve themselves into a f.ul1ily gath- ered at the kitchen table to de,ll with J crisis. As tilHes get lurd. the tUln sque,lks by on grit and goodwill for ,1 few ye,lrs. Then some last reversal-b,H:i we,lther, ['llling prices, rising interest r,ltes-brings the gavel down. We long to comfort them with the thought that they'll find hetter lives elsewhere, or their children wilL I've he,ln:i it said that both the caul\e and the effect of civiliz,ltion i" getting people off the fann ,1l1d into the city. But I wouldn't say it to a ['lnlily who...e land h,l" just been "old ,It auction. Ironically, there ,lre also places in the United St,lte where agriculture faces exact- ly the opposite challenge. A citie grow-swelled in part by fleeing ['lrtners!-the Chickens and turkeys are also susceptible to various diseases that people might transmit. A number of other factors have strained farm animals and over dozens of environmen- tal issues have left some farmers feeling besieged. Farther up the food chain, in the large companies that manufacture and sell agricultural products, secrecy and suspicion of curious strangers are commonplace. Trying to get inside a meat-packing plant is like trying to penetrate the CIA. All the same, much of the farmer's work remains on exhibit for all to see. The photo at left shows a "trait plot" near Hastings, Nebraska, where a farmer has planted test rows of more than a dozen varieties of corn. Neighboring farmers often gather by the road- side to check the results of such tests  . .".,". -  relations between farmers and their neighbors in recent years. Controversies over genetically modified crops, over the humane treatment of 
"uburb... cIHTo.Kh on "urrounding rur.l] Lllld. Rising c,ute V.l]UC... .lIld t,le... drive the t:lrmep.. out. (But it\ p]e,h,mter to ]e,lve with ,1 fH" check fi-0111 .1 developer th.m \vith a b.mkruptcy "ettlement.) In recent ye.lrs the popubtion exch,1I1ge'\ hetween city ,md country h,1Ve gotten even more comp]ic.lted. Former t:lrmer" don't neces",lri]y h,1Ve to move to the city to find ,1 job the job m,l)' come to them. It\ not unusu,l] no\\ 'Ilbys tor brge t:H"-torie ,md other kind" of industri,l] est.1b]ishments to he built in sm,l]] towns or out in open rur,l] teITdin. Even in pbces where tlrms continue to thrive. 1110"t people e,lrn their living in other W,lYS. In 10W,1 the 1.l11dsclpe is domin,lted by t:u-ming, and on the Lldio vou']] he,lr corn ,lIld hog prices, but <JS percent of the people of 10W,1 ,Ire not f.lrmers. THE LAY OF THE LAND It'..; no 'urpri"e th,lt h,I" ,I "pecia] role in ,1griculture. After ,1]1. ,1 plot of iql't ju<;;t ,1 p1.lce to put ,I farm; it is the t:lrm. The n,lture of the land-]ope, dr,lindge, "oil conditions-helps determine what kinds of p1.mts or anim,lh C,ln he r,li"ed there. In turn, t:lnning pr,Ktice, have a m,ljor dTect un landf()nns. The pl.Jwer uf ,lgriculture to tr,l11sf()1-m 1.mdsc.lpe IS nl.)where more obvIous th,m in the checkerbo,n-d cuuntry of the American Midwe"t .md Great Pbins. Whether yuu ,ee those ,lrrays of square fields ti'om the ,lir or by driving the relentlessly straight rur,ll ro.Hh, which 'Ihvays intersect at right ,lllg]e", It is ,1bund,mtly de,lr th,lt this "wath of the earth's surt:lCe ]us been clrved up ,1]ong bound,lries ddined by hU111,m whim, not by natur,l] geogr,lphic features. The grid of fields in Kans,ls is even more reguLtr th,1Il the grid of streets and ,wenues in Midto\\ n M,mhatt,m. The cre,ltor of the great midwe"tern checkerbo,lrd was the most p,lssionately ,1grarian of a]] Americ111 pre"idel1ts- Jefferson. Long befi.)1-e he W,lS elected president. he drafted the Lmd (Jrdin,111ce Act of 17H5, which spe]]ed out how new territories west of the App,llachi,lns would be surveyed ,111d subdivided. The 1.1\\' m,111- d,lted l1nif()rm, Sl}U,lre townships me,lsuring six miles on ,I ide. E,lCh townhip wa'\ divided into J() sl}u,lre sections, e.lCh with ,m ,Ired of one mile, or equivalently ()-+I I ,lCres. According to jetfersol1 \ origin ,11 pLm, "enions were to be 'old whole and ,It a minimum price of ,I dolbr ,m ,lCre, but Sh-+" W,l,\ more thdn nl.lny f.lnners could ,1ttord, ,md 6-+() ,lCre, \\",1'\ more 1.111d than they could cultiv,lte. RevislOlh of the Lt\\ ,1]]owed subdivisIOns into qu,lrter ,enions (1 ()( I .\Cres) ,md then qu,uter-quarter ,ec- tions (-+0 ,lcres). A qu,lrter-qu,lrter "edion rem,lins the b,lsic unit of Ll11d me,l"ure in the 1\1id\\"est tOd,lY, Moq of the indi\"1dua] 'qu,lre fields ,Ire -1-0 ,lCre!o.. However, the "i7e of ,I tlrm (which typiC.l]]Y conI't" of "e\'er,l] tield,,) ]u grown over the \'e,us to ,1]most re,lCh jdlerson's Ide,l]: the l1.1tiOl1.11 ,1\"eLlge IS now ,I little ]e"" th,m 51 It I ,\Cre". Trying to impose ,1 rectiline,lr grid on the curved ...urt:lCe of the e,lrth is hound to fli] .1t "ome p()int sl}u,m..'s ,111d "pheres just don't get ,1]011 th,lt \\ell. If vou dri\"l' nurth .1]ong one of the ro,lds tJut Sl',ltc townships, vou will proh.lhly lu\"t to m.lkl' .J . . . ... ,; . .- .- -1 9,- .. ......- '. ., 1/ ,, ..  .. ,  ,. :4 - --.....- Agricultural land in Minnesota and North Dakota {above} forms a geometric array of uniform squares, overlain but undisturbed by the squiggles of the Red River and its tributaries. The photograph was made from the Space Shuttle Atlantis 125 miles overhead. The squares outlined by roadways are a mile on a side. Note the discontinuity just above the middle of the image, where some of the squares are shifted left or right to accommodate the curvature of the earth. Along the lower Mississippi River {be/ow}, land is divided not in uniform squares but in narrow strips and wedges aligned perpendicular to the river. In this photo, made from the Space Shuttle Columbia, New Orleans is at the extreme right. Both images are reproduced courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image Analysis, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. - . r- 
Farmhouses widely scattered over the landscape are the norm in most areas of rural America, putting a consid- erable distance between neighbors. The quilt of fields shown here, with farmhouses and other buildings cast- ing long shadows in the evening light, is in northern Indiana. European farm families tend to live together in small vil- lages surrounded by their fields. The half-dozen villages visible here are in northern France. '- ," f' ...." .' a jog to the left or the right every 24 111iles. The adjustments c1re needed because roads running north and south conle closer together as they approach the e.1nh'5 poles. Not all fanners' fields are square. In 1110St of Europe and .110ng the eastern seaboard of North Alnerica. (lrn1s tend to be n1uch less regular in shape. with boundaries fol- lowing strean1S or ridges. French surveyors who divided the land of the lower Mississippi vallev adopted a "long lots" systen1, with skinny tracts of land oriented 
perpendicubr to the riverb.111k. This '\cheme gives evervone a little fi.ontage on the river c111d a sl1.lre of both floodplain .md higher ground. Complicated adju'\tments are needed at every bend in the river. The funily fann, a revered institution in American life, i'\ both an econonlic unit cl11d a geogr.lphic one. It i'\ the prev.liling econ0111ic unit-9 percent of American farI11s .lre family-owned bu'\ine'\ses. It is a geographic unit in the inlple sense that A111eric an flrnl f.l111ilies tend to live on the land they work, often at a coniderable distance from their neighbor'\. This practice is worth noting becclUse it is not nearly as conll11on elsewhere in the world. In Europe .md Asia there elre not o 1nany isolated f.lrmhouses; multiple f.1Illilies tend to live together in a village, which is surrounded by the fields the f.ullilie'\ own and tend. Housing patterns nlake a nlajor difference in the way of life of f.lrIn f.1Illilies, but they also alter the look of the rural 1.111dscape even for those just p.1ssing through. The single-f.lInily enclave, with house .U1d barn huddled together in one corner of a giant cornfield, is a peculiarly American '\ight. FENCES The boundary lines surveyors st.lked out generations ago are traced out on the land todav by walls and fences. Their fimction is generally the saI11e everywhere, and yet they .lre some of the most regionally distinctive features of the agricultural landscape. Every fence has an essential anlbiguity: i'\ it 111eant to keep '\onlething in or to keep sOl11ething out? Early Europecl11 pr.1ctice was to let anilnals roam freely, and to '\ur- round cropland, orchclrds, .1nd vineyards with walls or fences to protect theln frOnl livestock. This was .11')0 the early practice in Inuch of the Anlerican West, where cat- tle grazed the open range, elnd settlers who wanted to farm had to enclose their crops. But later the situation was reversed. The'\e day, pastures and grasslands far cat- tle are fenced to keep the clninuls in. Fields planted in crops such as corn and soy- bean'\ often helve no fence at .111. Traditionally, walls and fences were nude fraln local materials. In New England, where f.lrInerS continually l1neclfth boulders as they plow their fields, it makes sense to haul the rocks to the edge of the field and pile theln up in walls. As Robert Frost observed, "Something there is that doe,\n't love a wall"-those heaps of stone need frequent nlending. In Virginia and some other clfeas of the Southeast. the "wornl" fence was an early favorite. M.Hle of rough-hewn rails piled up in a zigzag pattern, it used half again as much tiInber .IS cl fence bid in a straight line. which '\eenlS an extravagant waste. But the \VOrIn deign Iud .1 com p ens.lting cldv.111tcl g e: it s.1ved the Llbor of di g uin a holes L L L b b and setting pO,b in thenI. Evidently 1.1bor W.IS worth Inore th.111 timber. Part" of Norm.111dy .Hld the ,")uthern countie, of England h.lVe neither "tone nor trees; the tr.lditi011.11 "fl.'nce"" there .Ire living hedges. ror thoe funiliar with suburb \l1  " - . A worm fence (above) seems wasteful of both land and timber, but it requires no nails or other fasteners, nor much labor. This specimen is a reconstruction at Cades Cove in Tennessee. The double-stake rail fence (be/ow) can also be built without nails. The design is attributed to colonial farmers, although the fences now seem to be found only along the Blue Ridge Parkway, built in the twentieth century. « 
Barbed-wire fencing has been the dominant technology for enclosing animals for more than a century. The indi- vidual barb {above} is locked in place between two twisted strands of steel wire. Often the wire is stapled to wood posts {right}. In areas of Kansas {be/ow}, wood was in such short supply that fence posts were carved of limestone. Quarrying, cutting and hauling the stone was a costly process; on the other hand, the stone posts have survived where wood or steel ones would have decayed long ago. ---- -------- II ornamental hedge'\, it might ....eem '\urprising mere bushes would be enough to keep LIttle ,md "heep confIned, but the Normandy hedges ,lre t()rmid,lhle thickets. In World [I "OIlle of thenl were nontrivi,l] obst,lcle'\ t<x Sherm,m tank'\. The Americ,ll1 prairie.... ,Ire ,11so "hort of hoth ...tone'\ ,l11d lumber, ,l11d hedges were tried there ,l well. (The nlo'\t popul.1r hrub W,lS the thorny O'\,lge orange.) It'" ,m1t1'\- ing to im,lgine wlut the We"t would look like tod,lY if thi'\ fad ]ud cmght on. A'\ it turned out, the prairie hedge" had lurely become e'itablished when they were '\uper- seded by one of the mo'\t inlport,l11t invention" in the hi'itory of the We'\t: b,lrbed wire. John W Gate", ,1 '\alesman who m,l(.k ,md lost "evera] t()rtune in barbed \\-ire, explained it'\ kev virtues in his t1lKier'\tated '\tyle: "It's the bc'\t tence in the world. A light ,lS ,lir. Stronger dun whi'\ky. Cheaper th,m du'\t." The l.1st point \Va'\n't just m,lr- keting hyperbole. 13y 1 HtJ7 the price ofb,lrbed wire was so low dut you could fence ,m ,lcre of ground for $2. There is controversy over just who de'\erve'\ the credit for inventing b,n-bed wire, but there's genera] agreement th,n it happened in the snl,ll1 town of I)e K,llb, Illinois, in the 1 H7()s. The cruci,ll innOV,ltion \V,lS not the ide,l of ,nt,lChing ,I sh,lrp b,lrb to ,1 str,lnd of wire: dut Iud been tried before. The key ide,l of the I)e K,tlb inventors W,lS to twist together tll'O str,mds of wire, in order to keep ,111 the b,lrbs fi-om bunching up in one place. And thi.... design Iud ,mother benefit: the two twisted strands help to control thermal exp,msion ,md contr.lcti()n. Where,l'\ ,1 '\ingle "tr,lI1d wou]d either '\,lg in summer or ....nap in winter, p,lired str,l11ds kept ,1 more ne,lrly con'\t,lIlt tension. 13,lrbed wire brought the f..lrmer ,l11d the r,l11cher into the industri,ll econ01ny. Unlike tences built of ]ocll m,neri,lls, b,lrbed wire cline trom ,1 tlCtorY, it h,I(1 to be shipped by rail or w,lgon. ,md it W,h bought with chh. It ,lb.O beclIne ,1 cultur,ll ,lrti- 
[Kt .IS much ,I'" .1 technologic.ll one, an emblem of the "r.mge \\.Irs" between cattlemen .U1d f..lrmers. I n the t\\entieth century, b.lrbed wire took on more inister .lssoci.ltions: it protected the trenches of World War [ .md then defined the perimeter of the N.IZi de.\th Lunps in World II. Tod.IY vou can find it in .lbund.mce at .my prison. It\ worth noting th.\t barbed \\ ire[lctured for enclo'\ing or excluding people-epe- ci.llly the type Lilled razor wire-i'\ more vicious th,m any fencing used for anim,lls. A more recent repLtcement for b,lrbed wire is the electrified fence, which you can recognize most easily by looking for the bright yellow or red pLt"tic insuLttor'\ that hold the wire ,I couple inche'\ away from the fence posts. Like barbed wire, electric fencing is to ting, not to kill. The <min1.1I'\ .lre upposed to learn to avoid get- ting hocked. The volt.lge is quite high-S,()()() volts, give or take-but it is p.lrceled out in brief pulses and limited to low currents. Reportedly, touching the wire is painful but not <.bngerous; I've never been brave or careles enough to find out. 1\ other fence styles .lre in agricultural use-chicken wire, '\plit rails, the white-bo.lrd fences of horse country. L3ut it\ interesting to note one type of fence that is not much used on the f..lrm: the chain-link or woven-wire fence. Extremely common elsewhere, it surrounds everything from playgrounds to prisons. App.lrently it's too expensive for most .lgricultur.ll uses. BARNS The barn i, the unmistakable icon of Anlerican .lgriculture and rural life. And on many [lrms-epecially tho,c with dairy herd-the banI tend to be the center of operation, "10 the symbolic rolc i cntirely appropriate. L3ut it's alo a ditinctively Amcrican ymhol. Elrm in Il1uch of the world have no building tll.1t quite corre- ----- -- - - - - - =='===;;;="""'" "",,""':f';;£- -= ---- --- . -<10. .o::::r "-:S=====---__ -------===== ========== - - - -- -- - - - White plank fences, too costly for most kinds of farms, are the favored choice of horse breeders. At this farm near Hereford, Maryland, adjacent enclosures do not share a fence line but have a wide alley between them to separate horses that don't get along. This arrange- ment nearly doubles the amount of fencing needed. 
An immense red barn (right) has an overhang providing shelter for the stable doors-a characteristic feature of barns in the Pennsylvania style. This one is near Bedford, Pennsylvania, south of Altoona. Two barns of historical note {be/ow}: The reconstructed upland crib barn at Cades Cove in Tennessee (accord- ing to one account, the most-photographed barn in America), and the circular stone barn at Hancock Shaker Village in Massachusetts.  .-.. -- --' - ::11    -   - ::::  -   ::::: :::::;  ::= s=  ...., I a; -- I I e5 -  -- - sponds to the Alnerican barn. Uritish [;ums, for exalnple, usually have separate build- ings for housing cIttle, for stabling horses, and for storing hay and grain. American practice is to cOlnbine all these functions (and others) in one big banI. The classic Anlerican barn has two levels. In the nineteenth century. the floors Iud clearly distinguished functions. The lower level W,IS the stable floor. where ,111il11als were kept, including both livestock (cIttle, sheep, pigs) and the draft horses that did the work of the £lr111. The second story W,IS the threshing tloor, where grain was sep- arated frOlll chaff at harvest tinle. This floor also '\tored baled hay a'\ winter feed tor the ,Ininlal'\; '\0111eti111es a third level, a hayloft, provided additional '\torage. These functions have changed over the years, yet the architcture of the barn remains. The '\pace once occupied by \Vorkhorss and their harnesses Ina)" now be given over to l11achinry. Threshing is don in the field, but upper level5 of the barn nIaY 5till hold hay bals. A ch,lllenge of barn design IS providing vehicle access to both levels. In hilly ter- rain, the barn can be set into a slope, with upper and lower entrances on Oppolte sides. On flatter ground an earthen Gll11p Inay lead to the threhing-floor level. Regional Variations. [n an age when houses and oHice look pretty much ,Ilike frOln coast to coa'\t, barns are some of the most geogr,lphically distinctive buildings on the Alnericll1 landscape. The upland crib barn, found in the Appalachi,ll1 states, is the smallest and most rustic of barns. It is thought that it evolved frOll1 the corncrib-a ventilated bin tor 5toring and drying feed corn. The ventilation relnains: the walls are l11ade of logs, without any chinking to "eal the spaces between theln. The original ilnple crib sprouted additions in various directions: a too] shed on one IJe, a p,tir of crib with a drive- through hed between thenl, a hayloft overhead. 
New England. from M.lss.1Chusetts north into M.\ine. is the territory of the con- nected b.lrn. Entire f..lrmste.H1s, including b.lrIlS. carri.lge houses. woodsheds. .md v.\r- ious other buildings. are joined to the m.lin house .md to one .mother by covered p.lssages. Pre\lullably thi" style of .1rchitecture W.IS invented when some 6rmer got tired of trudging through the now to lllilk the cows. The houe is .tlway" at one end of the series of building. never in the middle. so the tlrIller doen't luve to track mud through the parlor to get from the b.lrn to the chicken hou...e. The Pennylvani,1 barn i... a style distinctive enough to upport cholarly investig.l- tion of its distribution. which includes not just it.. llame....lke state but ,.Iso much of Maryland and Virgini,l. The diagnotic fe.lture is ,m upper story that overhangs the lower tloor on one long side of the b.lrn. creating .1 sheltered ,1re.l .It the entr.mce to the stables. The design has been traced b.1Ck to Swiss .md German models. The nlodel for the three-bay b,lrn might be the Llthedral ,1t Ch.lrtres, where the gre,1t nave is divided by aisles into ,1 center section .md two side sections. The three- bay b.lrn has a long centLl1 open ,UTa (parallel to the ridgepole) with rows of stalls on either side. usually under a lower roof. The I )utch b,lrn is the lllost classic American barn style-rl1e one in the calendar photo. in children's books. in toys. It Ius a gambrel roof (steeper .It the bottom. tbt- ter at the top). .md the doors are ,n the ends of the building. not on the bro.H.i sides. According to architectural historians. this most barnlike of all barns is .1 [lirly recent innovation; the gambrel roof was never seen until .1fter the Civil There are also ex.ullples with curved roofs that came along only in the 1920s. Although the style is called I >utch. it is unknown in the Netherlands. The three-bay barn, a style common throughout the Appalachians, has a tall central nave and two lower wings, like many Gothic cathedrals. This barn is near Boone, North Carolina. The hay hood is found on the gable end of barns in many regions; the hood on this Tennessee barn is larg- er and more elaborate than most. The hood supports and shelters a pulley used for hoisting hay into the loft. 
I I This variation on the theme of the Dutch barn has an ogive-shaped curved metal roof. The barn is near Middleburg, New York. The new look in farm storage buildings is the metal- sheathed shed. This one, near Worcester, New York, retains the two-level layout of the traditional barn-not to mention the red paint. A Ltrge cil cubr b.lrn built by the in the nineteenth century ll.l been pn' erved .1t H.l1lcock Vill.lge in Wl'''tl'rn J\,Ll".lchuett'. A few other circul.1r b.lrJl\ 11.lve ,llso "urvived. ()ne re,lson they h,lve been preserved is th,lt thev were ,lhv.1YS unuu- ,1L ,l1ld perh,lps ,1 little pretentious. In Arizon,l ,111d southern Calitorni.1 b,lrns ,1re much less common th,111 they .lre in the East .1I1d 1\ 1idwest. Even dairy fIrms in the Southwest .lre likely to h.lVe ,111 open hayrack of "olne kind inste,ld of.l real b,un. and the only shelter offered to CO\\.s is c1 met,ll deck that looks like a carport. More Features of Barns. A pointed extension of the roof dt one end of the barn i" called the hay hood. It support.... ,1I1cl shelters a pulley used to load hay into the lott. (If you happen to "pot ,1 stout hook lower down. t11lder the e,lVes of the barn. it has ,1 differ- ent purpose. It's where you hang the carcass when you're butchering ,111 animal.) Ventilation of a h'lyloft is cruci,ll. The cupolas mounted ,llong the ridgelines of n1,111Y barns serve this pnrpose. There may .1lso be vents in the gable ends. ,IS well as owl holes. (The owls are invited in to eat mice.) ()lder b,uns seldom have windows; newer dairy barn, may have lots. Not all h,uns are red-not even ,1 majority of theIn-and yet red is so mnch more comn10n on barns than on other huildings that the stereotype nlUst have "01nething behind it. Another point to note ,.... that Illany barns .1fe sided with bo.ud.... running vertically, where,ls this is rare on house. Then there's the nutter of ..ldvertising: very few houses .lre p.linted with billboards tor M.lil Pouch Tobacco. Joseph Glass, who has done c1 st,ltistic.l1 study of the orientation ofb,lrn...., reports more often than not the roof be.lIl1 is p,lralle1 to the main road. .111d the f:,rmhouse i.... located .110ng the .1xis of the roof be,lIl1. The tront of the barn typicdlly faces south. ,.   " 11- ," i... ..  f -+ \ \ \ \ t i. -. ....;., ""' ,.. '"f!'. '-: --"', 'J', 
When f1nl1er< tod,lY go looking tor -;toLlgc -;p,1le, thev ...ddom tlnd it 111 the turn. Thc building dut m,1ke:-. :-.en"e now 1... ,1 pref1bric1tcd met.11 ...hed, ordered tt-om ,1 C.1t- ,1logue L)r ,1 Web 'iite .md erected over a concrete p,H.L The met,11 building is che,lper; it goe' up quicker it i... e,l"ier to clean it h,l'" larger de,lr "p,m" to nuke room t<J}" lumbo-"ize equipment. All it Ltck" i" dUrIn. Then ,1gain. nuybe charm is something th.a come... with .1ge to ,my building th,a survive" long enough. In .1 few decHle" we nuv be he,lring ple,l" to preserve the Sear" ,md Roebuck toolshed. MAKING HAY ()ne of the b,l"ic challenge" of f.lrming i" dut crop" grow only in warm we,lther. but anim,ll'i epect to e,H .111 year round. Even ,1s...uming you can harvest enough food to Llst through the \\ inter, how cm you keep it 6-om ...poiling? In the case of grass for feeding catde, there ,1re two "trategie'i. Hay i" pre"erved by drying: You cut the gr,lss and let it lie in the -;un until the moisture drop-; below the level th.a will ...upport the growth of mold. (TluI", tht' ....lying, "J\;L1ke h,l)" while the ,un "hine-;.") The .1ltenutive to hay i" siL1ge, whICh i... e"senti,l11y pickled gra..;.... It i'i l110ist fodder pre...erved by exduding oxygen .md encour,lging ,1 certa111 kind 'Jf fermentation. The haynl.lking proce...s i" ,mcient. In the traditional nlethod (a'i de"cribed hy Thomas I Ltrdy or folstoy), tall gra"... \\-a" cut with "ickle-; or "cythe", left to dry in the field, ,md then r.lked up into soft mounds .md cartcd to the loft t()r stor,lge. ()ver the coldcr months, it would be dished out to the cade with ,1 pitchtork. 13y the W,lY, this quintessenti,l11y countrified activity was once ,1 'ipecialty of the borough of Queens, New York. The fields .md meadows of (ueens \Vere harve"ted every ye,lr to feed the herd, of dr,lY hor"c" ,Kross the river in I\.tmluttan. The C1rt" ,md b.lrges that clrried the h,l)' into the city ,1lso returncd the manure to QUeens. The rur,11 haymaking routine was transformed by reaping machine". which took the pL1ce of the sickle ,md scythe, and then by the mt'ch.mical b,ller, a tr,Ktor-driven contraption that rakes up the cut grass, compresses it into densely packed bricks tied with twine or wire, ,md ...pit" the bale" out into the tleld. The bales are so "olid and dur.lble that they've been l1"ed ,1S building materi.ll, "t,lked together and covered with mud to form the w.l11" of hou-;es. The tr,lditiOlullu)" b,1le i" rect.lnguL1r .md measure... ,1hout two feet bv two feet hy four feet. There .1re .11..0 jumbo hale..., the ...,lI11e ...hape but more dun t\\"Ke .h big in every dimen"Jon. Thev \ve1gh lulf ,1 tl.Jn. And bt'g111ning 11l the 1 LnO", giant roll" of shredded whe,it began .lppe.1ring my...teriou"ly 111 f.1rmer'i' 6.eld..., like 'iomething depo"ited by extr,aerre"tri.ll" on ,1 high-tiber diet. The:-.e big round bale:-. .1re nude by an ingeniow, nuchine dut g,aher" up the cupet of cut gral\<; on .1 moving helt .md t\\ irIs it into .1 "ort of jelly roll. Somctimes the round b,11eS ,1rc wr,1pped in pLtstic. SiLtge is nudc tt-um the ",mIC r,lW nuteri,ll ,1S h,lY, but it i" tre,ltcd dittlTcntly. Thc ditkrcnce is something \ our nosc eUl tell vou. H,lY i... swcct ,111d gr,lssv; ...iL1ge i... PUI1- A towering wall of hay bales, 8 feet thick and stacked almost 20 feet high {above}, awaits loading and ship- ment along a roadside in the Imperial Valley of south- ern California. In that area hay is a cash crop; else- where most farmers grow hay for their own livestock. Round bales (be/ow) litter a North Carolina field at the end of summer. Often the round bales are left in the field rather than stacked in the barn. The outermost layer may deteriorate in the weather, but because the bales are so large, the percentage of hay lost is not great, and the saving of labor is considerable. Another haymaking technology: the wooden drying rack, called a kozo/ec, is a national emblem of Slovenia. 
Tower silos, which preserve grass and other forage crops for use as animal feed through the winter, are an American invention and one of the most familiar sights on American farms. Early examples were built of wood, stone and brick; these are made of interlocking staves of cast concrete, held together by steel hoops. The clus- ter of six silos stands on a hill at an agriculture experi- ment station in North Carolina. gcnt. It\ likc the grecn goo you -;cr Ipe out ti-um under the l.1\vn mOWLT ,tfier ,I tl'W wet weekends. The <;tan(llrd W,lY of nuking -;ilage Is-no <;urprie here-with a "ilo. The tall cylinder with a hemispherical dome on top, standing next to the dairy barn, 1<; ,1110th- er icon of the farm. But the tower "ilo is not p.lrt of some till1e-tested agricultural \. ) .. )\ [,   1+ 1  1t1 J- tH , I, 8' H,) l- I: . ij , .' i l' ..;I ijt I, t8. ===f ..J 8. r t 14 II 8i HI ..1 Ii =i 8' M II 1 8; - · f ! I Iff' ! J rt t' I fL; I I i- I !t - .. I 
tradition. The technology is only a little nlore than a hundred ye.lrs old. The b.lsic idea is to pack the nl0ist forage into an airtight 'ipace. The metabolism of the ;;till- living plant cell quickly ues up the remaining oxygen, Inaking conditiuns favorable for a group of bacteri,l known as Lactobacillus (,1 group that ,lbo, incidentally, brings us yogurt). The bacteria produce large qu,mtities of lactic ,Kid; if .111 goe\ well, the acidity uppresses the growth of other, le'is welcome Hlicroorganisnls. The first silos were loaded by hauling bucketful') of feed to the top of the tower with a rope and pulley. Now it's dope with .1 clever little Huchine that chops the grJ<\s into sinall bits and blows it up a long chute. At the very top of the silo the chute nlakes a grdceful arc ,ll1d drop... the freh material on top of what's already stored inside. For unloading, another n1.1chine is lowered on cables trOnl a tripod under the roof of the silo. The unloading Inachine scrape'i up the top layer of ilage and hedves it through one of a series of doors in the side wall. As the silo eInpties, Olneone has to cliInb ,1 ladder to Inove the unloading ge.1r down to the next lower door. This scheine of operation has one potential probleln: it is d fir'it-in, last-out systen1. The fodder h,lrvested at the end of the growing season gets fed to the herd right away, and the oldest silage remJins squished at the bottom until the very end of the winter. It would be better to use a first-in. first-out protocol. In Inany newer .md [uKier silos this is achieved with .1 bottOln-unloader. a device like a giant chainsaw th,lt's inst,llled in the foundation of the silo. It ,llwdYS serves up the oldest materi,ll first. Early silos were built much like wine barrels or w,lter t,mks. with vertical wood staves held together by circumferenti,ll sted hoops. For the nl0st part. only ruins of those wood silos reillain; they've all rotted away. But the saIne stave-,md-hoop style of cOl1<\truction h.1s been adapted to silos nude of cast concrete staves. and these are apparently quite durable. The other conln1011 silo, especially in the Midwest, is the Harvestore, which is nlade of glass-coated teel colored a gorgeous cobalt blue. The glass coating IS needed because the acidic silage would quickly eat through bare Inetal. Tower silos are a standard fixture on dairy farn1s in nlany areas, hut it turns out that there are other way to nlake silage that don't require uch elaborate equipillent. The very fir'it silos, .is .1 nutter of fact, were Inere1y trenche or pits. Such horizontal silo have been n1aking a cOlneb.1ck in recent years, although they are o inconspic- uous you Illay not know they are there. The horizontal silo is d trench or an above- ground bunker where nl0wn grass is cOlllpacted to preserve it. To exclude ,lir, it i covered with a sheet of pL1stic. often held in pL1ce by old tires. FARM MACHINERY Go to any midwe\tern county seat .md follow the nlain ro,ld out beyond the new high chool .1nd the W.II-lVLlrt, ,md ...omt'where .1long the W.lY you'll find a row of LInn implement de.l1er'i. lined up .11ong the curb will be the hig lurvester combines .md the eight-wheel .1rticuLlted tr,Ktors, with dozens of ,Kce'\sories .Ind ,1tt,lch- Deep-blue Harvestore silos are made of glass-coated steel plates. The glass protects the metal from the corro- sive effects of acidic silage. The technology evolved from the glass-lined domestic water heater. The silos shown here are on a dairy farm in Colwich, Kansas. {-  .....- -- II II I \ I _. - 
A tractor on crawler treads cultivates an Oklahoma wheat field in swaths 50 feet wide. The use of rubber treads rather than ordinary wheels helps to distribute the tractor's weight over a brooder footprint, alleviating problems of soil compaction. The implements pulled by the tractor are harrows and chains, preparing the soil for winter wheat. On a dealer's lot in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, a big red eight-wheel farm tractor awaits a buyer. This one is an articulated machine: a hinge allows it to bend in the middle, reducing the turning radius. J -! -/ J !:II' .. - I. \ ..".. ....., . , -----. ments-grain wagons, plow, seed drills, mowers, rakes, b.ders, sprayers, .1llgers. But is most eye-c.1tching is the .11T.lY of color. ()ne de.l1er\ lot is .111 deep green, another's i red, .111d .1Cross the street everything is painted yellow. Why does t:lrm nl.lchinery look like this? (Cars .111d trucks, you 'llnote, tend to draw on .1 rather ditTerent p.llctte.) There nl.lY be practical re.lsons for combines .111d tractors to be p.linted the way they .lre, but I C111't help thinking there \ .111 aesthetic principle .1t work .1 well-tl1.1t flrmers really prefer these pure, intense, primary colors. Tractors. The Luin word tn1(fl)r me.l1h "puller," .111d the e.lrly mech.111ic.d tractors were looked on l11.1inly .1'- ,omething to pull the plow through the ,oil, replacing the horse or the 0'( in thi role. Tr.1Ctors still pull, but they do a lot ele be'-H.k. Like the Veg- <. )-M.1tic, the tractor \lice, .HId dict', rake" .111d bale\, pLmt" .md 'pray" It\ .1t the cen- ter Of.111 entire ytem l)f l11ech.111ized .lgriculture. The red Ford tractor I rode .It my uncle \ f.lrtn when I \\'a .1 boy-it would be .1 collector\ item l.1rge-di.lmeter drive wheel .1t the rear to maximize trac- tion .111d much '\l11aller fi'ont wheel... tl) nuke '\teering e.lSIer. Tr.lltor\ today 10l)k quite ditTerent. They l1.1ve four big wheel..., or even eight. In mo'\t Che... .111 the wheel'\ are driven by the engine. S01ne tractor al...o luve .111-\\-heel '\teering, \\ hich not only let'\ the machine turn around In a '\nl.l11er ...p.lCe but .11'\0 keep'\ the ti-ont ,111d \\"heel" in the ....lInl" nIt... during ,1 turn. The cngine i... .1 bIg die...el. The tr.111...mi,\...ion 11.1, a dozen or more fOr\\-.ud ...peed..., .md '\ever.d choIce'\ in re\"er...e .l'" well. WI1.1t l11.lke'\ the tr.lltor nll)re dun Ju...t .1 puller l' the PT<. )-the power t,lk.e-otT haft. Thi" 1\ where 011 connect the luy b.llcr or the mower or the rot.lry cultiv.1tor or .my of dozens of other .1tt.lChll1l'nt.... 
When nlY uncle drove hi<; little red tr.lctor. he perched on <I met<d-p<lll se<lt, pro- tected ti-om the un by <1 straw hat. Tiines have changed. The modern farmer its in <In <lir-conditioned LIb with <11l audio system, an Jir <;uspension <;eat, dnd a beverage cooler. The Lltest in high tech is a chenle LllIed precision fanning. The tractor i equipped with a G 1'5 (Global Poitioning Sy<;tem) receiver, which continually mon- itor... it poition in longitude dnd latitude. An on-bo<lrd cOlnputer use<; the geo- graphic information to dispene reticides or fertilizers dccording to the needs of each <;mall ...ection of the field. In the nlost sophisticated ver...ions of this system the cOlnputer actually drives the tractor, .llthough the [ulner is supposed to be there in the cab-and not Iupping. Harvesters. Most of the machines dut work <1 flrIner's field-for plowing, tilling, planting, fertilizing, <lnd ...0 on-are towed behind the tr<ICtOL But harvesting is dif- ferent. Whe<1t, corn, ...oybe.llls, rice, cotton, and several other nl.1jor crops <Ire gathered from the fields by speCIalized, self-propelled cOlnbine lurvesters. Through most of the ye<lr these 111dnlmoth and very expensive nl.1chines sit idle in the barn. Then. about the tilne baseb.llI ....eason winds up, they rO<lr to life all over the Midwest for a few weeks of frantic activity. The machine is called a combine because it does both re<lping (cutting the ripe grain) and threshing (separating the wheat from the cluff. or the equivalent proces<; for other crops). Mechanizing the<;e operations was the gO.ll of an intense century- long competition, beginning with the spindly horse-drawn reaper of (:Yrus McCormick, first denlonstrated in 1 H31 Threshing lllachines were invented soon  ..... - T .1   . .. --"  " "-"1    . \., 'It j ",- 4.  :-.. r i A combine harvests corn plants for silage and loads the chopped fodder directly into a truck in a field near Plainville, Kansas. The drivers of the two vehicles have to dance a careful duet to get all the crop into the truck without risking a collision. 
A combine can be equipped with various kinds of cutter heads for different craps. The rotating flail mechanism seen here, which harks back to McCormick's earliest reapers, works well with small grains or, as in this Ohio field, soybeans. " , I , !, after, and there were some early <lttempts to link reapers and threshers, but the com- bine didn't really begin to catch on until well into the twentieth century. I tn-vesting gr<lin has <llway been a bottleneck in the t:lrm econOlny. Nature takes its sweet time growing the crop, all sumn1er long, but once it ripen" it ha, to be cut <lI1d dried in a hurry or it will rot in the field. The agel\-old trddition in wheat farm- ing is to cut the stalks with a ,cythe, bind them into o;;heaves, <lI1d st<md the o;;heaves up in shock..., the picture'que conical mounds tlut <ldorn the 1110nth<; of ()ctober <lnd November on d million calenLLlr". Threshing was done <1t the b<lrn, in two stage. Fir't, the ,he<lVe were dUlllped on the threhing floor and beaten to ep<lrate the grain from the e<lr. Then, the gr<lin wa winnowed-to,sed in the air to let the wind c1rry <l\vay the lighter clutf. In the belly of <1 modern combine, all thi happen" in "econds. A cutter head mows do\\"n <1 '\w<lth a'\ much .l 50 feet \\ ide <ll1d g<lthers the "t<llks onto a moving belt. Ithlde the nuchine, a rotating drum tltted with "rasp b<us" beats the gr<lin off the e<lro;;. Most of the grain t:1lls through d perfor<lted concave housing under the drum, while the straw i clrried on to ,1 "erie, of vibrating bel to;; or cluino;; called o;;tr,l\V walkero;;, which .lre meant to "Juke loose ,lI1Y grain ,till mixed with the straw. At the back of the m,lchine, the "traw either is chopped ,lI1d "pread over the tleld <lS mulch or is left in rows for g<lthering.1\1e,lI1while, the collected gr<lin goes through ,1 cle,lI1ing process th,lt\ much like the winnowing of old. A bLtst of ,lir from a [In carrieo;; ,lW,lV chaff It <1ho cre<lte'\ a high plume of duo;;t tlut generally m,lkeo;; it easy to tlnd ,1 combine at work, even when it\ ,1 mile or two ,lway in <mother field. If you get close, you'll be covered with a fine co<H of d<mdrutr-like tlutf. The c1bs of o;;ome combineo;; are pres- surized to keep the dut out. The big con1bine, hold more than tive ton, of gr<lin, but they cover the ground so [1st tlut they need to be emptied out every h,llf hour or so. rruck or w,lgon pull 
up alongside. and the grain is pumped out through a long chute. ()ften it\ done \vith both the truck .1I1d the combine on the move. It\ not unuual to ee combine... working the t1eld lung ll1to the night. with b.1I1k of floodlights mounted .1bove the c1b. Even \\ ith the...e garg.Intu.1n n1.H.-hine'\, getting the harvest in before the weather turns i... '\till .111 urgent l1l.Itter. Speci.1lized h.1rveting nl.lchinery h.1 been developed for other crops as we11- cotton, tomatoe..., ug.1r There are e\ en machine, that grip the trunk of.1 cher- ry tree and ll.lke .111 the fruit looe GRANARIES Although .1 grain crop i 11.lrvested in .I matter of weeks, it is con'U1lled throughout the llence, we need ollleplace to store it-a buffer between the variable '\up- ply .1I1d the te.H.iy dem.Ind. Some of the grain i tored right on the [ln11. The standard container is .1 galva- nized steel bin, cylindrical with .1 conical top, bigger than a ilo but usu.l11y not as tall. The bins you .1re most likely to see on .1 [Irm hold anywhere {i'011l 1 O,(HH) to 100,()()() bushels. (A bushel is eight g.l11ons; it works out to 50 or 60 pound of grain. In .1l1 .lVerage year. .1 sOO-acre f.lf111 might produce 60,000 bushels of corn.) SOllle of the bins have a dryer .ltt.lChed: a [1l1 with .111 oil- or gas-tired burner blows warm air up through the stored grain. On-the-[lrlll stor.1ge is essential for tlrmers who grow crops as feed for their own livestock, but grain destined for the Inarket usu.111y bypasses the t:ul11er's own storage bins .1nd goes straight fi-Olll the field to .1 grain elevator. The local elevator is both .1 landm.1rk .Ind a soci.l1 institution in thousands of sm.111 towns. Often it is run .1S a ',- '" . . A steel tank with a conical roof provides on-the-farm storage for harvested grain. The long tubular device is an auger, powered by the tractor; inside the tube, a helical screw lifts the grain to the top of the bin. The farm is in Palmyra, Nebraska. 
A large country elevator near Dixon, California, has both concrete silos and metal tanks for grain storage. A bumper crop is a boon to the farmer, but it may leave the local elevator short of storage capacity. Once all the bins are filled, there is no choice but to store grain in heaps on the ground. Here workers in Dixon cover a heap with plastic sheeting, held down by old tires. - f. I"  I , \ ,II I  jl  '.' .. ." I' I" "' I  ". oJ II. J -'- , ". . a... cooperative by .111 .1ssoci.ltion of ne.lrby t:ll'mer'\, increasing their b.lrg.lining po\\er .1.... both buyer'\ and sellers. The typicl1 "countr}" elev.ltor holds .1 few million bushels of grain. Eventually. the grain will move f)'om the country elevator to .1 larger "termi- nal" elev.1tor .111d then to buyers both at home and abro.ld. Like m.111Y city kids. I was once tlummoed by the term "(lill c1cl'Ilr(>/". An elev.ltor W.1S something I rode in .111 .1p.lrtment building. .111d I couldn't in1.lgine it could have to do with gr.lin. The origin.llme.111ing of the term simply referred to .1 means }-..r-.:- - /7 ",., , - " , "- -  'Ii I ,  j, 
for getting the -;tutf up otf the ground, to keep it drv ,111d out of easy n:,1<:h of rats ,111d mice, But the modern gr.lin e1l'v,nor docs luve -;omething \'ery much like the ele- \"ator of ,1 high-ri-;e ,lp,lrtml'nt building. The ]itting ml'ch,111ism is ,1 tr.lin of buckets ,nt,lChed to ,1 ch,lin th,n continu,ll1y circuLnc-; ,lround pulleys ,n the top ,111d bottom. for -;ome reason thi-; device is Lll1ed ,1 leg. ()ne t:lIllili,lr type of grain ele\",HOr is ,1 nJ\\ of ull cylindricl] bins nude of rein- forced concrete. Typic.lI]y rhen:' i-; ,1 leg ,n e,lCh end of the ro\\, \\"ith ,I C011\"eyor belt th,a run... horizonrally ,Kross the top. (;r,lin io; lifted by one of the legs, ,md then c.1r- ried by the o\Trhe,H.i conveyor ro ,1 -;elected bin. (Jut of sight in the found,Hion of the -;tructure i... ,mother conveyor belt th,n clrrie-; gr,lin un]o,lded fi-om the bottom of the bin.... Although thous,md... of rhe-;e concrere-si]o grain eln.,ltor-; punctu,lte the midwesr- ern skyline. not a lot of ne\\" one-; ,lre being built. Instl',Hi, ne\\" ele\",ltors ,lre using the -;,lme kind of corrugated-steel cylindric.ll t,mks seen on the f.lr111, bur in LlI'ger sizes. At one of the-;e "tank f.lrms." there's ,1 centr,ll bucket elevator and an "octopus" of tubes or chutes through which gr.lin is clrried to the \',lrious bins. A rotlI') -;elector ,1110\\" the gr.lin to be directed into ,1 p,lrticuLtr tube. At ,1 country ell'V,ltor ,lt h,ln'est time. trucks ti'om the surrounding [lrms line up to \\',lit their turn to unlo,ld, E,lCh truck pull... onto ,1 -;c'lle. ,md while the lo,H.i is being weighed. ,1 ,ample i-; retrieved by ,1 hvdraulical1y driven probe Lll1ed a trier, which look, like ,111 over-;ize hypodermic syringe. The ,lIllples ,In:' tested for moisture ,111d the pre-;ence of tc)}'eign matter-f.lCtor-; th,lt determine quality and price. (, )nce the:'\e t()1"m,llitie ,lre over, the truck drive-; to the unlo,l<.iing o;hed ,111d dumpo; it" lo,ld through ,1 met,ll grate into d helo\\'-grade "boot." From the hoot, the gr,lin i-; hOhted by one of the hucket elev,ltor:'\ to the overhe,lli conveyor or dio;tributor Before going into ,I ...torage bin, the grain m,lY have to P,l"':'\ through el drier. Grain thelt i:'\ too moi...t-in the ca-;e of corn, ,my thing gre,lter dun abolH 14 percent \\",lter-i... ,}t ri...k of going moldy. [de,ll1y, the Ell-mer doe-; not han'est the crop until it re,lChe... the ide,l] moisture range, but that depends on the cooper.ltion of the \\"e,lther. I f the grain h,l-; to be broughr in \vhile it'-; <;ril1 moist, the t:lrmer will be ch,lrged tCJr the co-;t of drying it. Mosr elevarors use ,1 to\\"er drier-,l ral1metal o;truc- ture \\ here the gr,lin rumbles <;Iowly do\\"n\\'ard through rising he,aed ,lir. A country elev,Hor i, only the first -;top on the long journey of gr,lin th,lt farmero; di'\p,ltch into inrern,lti011.l1 commerce. fv1uch of the produce of the American Mid\\"e<;t goe<; by b'lrge do\\"n the Missi<;-;ippi or by rail to ports on the Gre,lt Lakes ,md I' then shipped overse,lS. The gr,lin elev,ltors ,It the intern,aion,ll ports ,lre built on ,1 nlllch Ltrger -;cale dun the sm,lll-to\vn countn ele\.ators-some of them hold billion, of bu-;hel-;-but in other respects their oper,aions are not much ditferent. A <;enou... problem ,a ,11] gr,lin elev,lror-; is dust. (r's not just me-;sy or incon\.enient: tine du...t rubbed otf the gr,Iin I' tlullnl.lhlt: ,111d ,111 explosion ]uz,Ird. The remedie-; ,liT to ..;upprc',-; the du...t (t(X ex,lIllp]l', by co,Iting the gI,lin \\'ith oil), to collect it (h\ putting ,I hig t:Ihnc "sock" over \Tnts where dust \\ uldd l''''C,Ipl'), ,md to ,lVO](.1 "'p,Irks I  .\ I I I  I t 5. -----,.- --- -=--- ----- -...... (' At an elevator in Minden, Nebraska, a hydraulic probe called a trier sucks up a sample of soybeans. The sam- ple will be tested for moisture and other properties before the truck is allowed to unload. 
In Amarillo, Texas, a terminal elevator with almost 200 concrete silos occupies a substantial tract of land along the downtown railroad right of way. Grain from many smaller elevators is consolidated here and shipped to customers. The silvery tower in front of the bank of silos at right is a grain drier.  ., by putting all dectriL,d t"l}l11pl11l'nt 111 e'\.plo'wn-pn)\.)f hou"11Ig'. fhe 1110...t tl-el}ul'nt e-xplosion source is thc bucket ekv,ltor. probably beclU"e the nHwing buckets tcnd to ,lCcu111ul.1te 'ir,nic elecrriciry. For this re,lson rhe elev,ltor legs ,1re usu,l11y pl.1ced out- side the building, ,1l1d their housings h,lVe explosion vent'i-out\\',lrd-opening door'i n1e,mt to direct ,my tLl1nt" in .1 safe direction. Tht" modernist ,uchitect Le (:orbu"ier \\',1" an adlnirer of Anleric1l1 grain eleva- tor\), "uggesting that their regularity and modularity could "erve .1'1 a BlOdel tor other kinds of buildings. At le,ht one later architect took the "uggetion 'Ieriously. The I Iilton Inn at Quaker Square in Akron, ()hio, occupie the shell of.1 former elev,l- tor. If vou 're in town tor the night, you can rent a round room in one of the silo\). MilLING GRAIN More than any other technology. agriculture brings the anCIent ,1l1d the modern f..lce-to-f..1ce. The operations of reaping. threshing, ,md winnowing COIne fi-OIn a time-honored tradition, but we still practice them. even if the tools look very differ- - . I, M ........ ,.. )iI H ,. 1-- .... 
. . T, \. J." : 'I M' , ... \. :. \ 1\ - AI \  ,.= F-" '-'---' FF I '  \ . ',." , _ 1 '''. - .... \ ,11'.,. ","f: JI1" \'       , . . \ -..\  --.---; . ---- I _ ...,,.., . J --- ,r ent. It's the '\ame with grinding grain. or I11illing. The nlodern tlour IHill is .1 huge industri,d enterprise. but goe'\ on insIde is not so ditferent tr0111 the work of an eighteenth- or nineteenth-century gristmill built on the banks of .1 swift '\tream. M,m)' of those water-powered mills ll.lve been preserved or re'\tored. and some ot them. operated ,1S museums. .1re still grinding grain. At the heart of the operation ,1re two disk-sll.lped stones. one fixed in place ,md the other routing .1bove it. The bear- ing '\urf.lCes where the two '\tones meet ,1re dressed-carved in a p.utern of grooves .md ridges. perll.lp radial spokes or arcs like tlower pet.lls. The '\tones do not grind directly ,1gainst e,Kh other; they would be quickly destroyed if they did. They are kept minutely sep.lrated. <;;0 that only the grain between them is ground, not the stones. Tod,lY. the disk-<;;h.lped mill<;;tone<;; have been replaced by cylindricdl steel rolls. but they too ,1re dre<;;'\ed with groove<;; or ridge.. in <;;piral pattern,. and they \vork much the S,lIne way. (;rain pas<;;e<;; oetween two rolls turning .1t s0111ewhat ditTerent speeds. so .1S to ,1pply .1 comhiIl.ltion of crushing and ..he.lring forces. The process is a delicate one; the roll" don't just pound the grain to powder. ()n tht' tlP,t pdSS. the miller tries to genrl) "ore,lk" the gr,lin without grinding it too he.l\"ik. The object I to i\ol.ue the byer known to bot.mist" .1" endosperm but called middlings by nlillep;,. The tefIll I//id- d/il1gS is a bit confilsing bec.mse it '\ugge\ts mediocre. but in t:lCt it i'\ the best p.ut of the gr,lin. with the purest .111d most v.llu,lble surch. The middlings need to be sepa- r,lted ti'om the germ in the middle of the kernel .md from the br.m on the outside. Grinding is only 1l.11f of the milling 1"ro<. ess: the other 1l.1lf is sieving or sifting. which is how the v.lrious components ,1re ,1ctll.tll) ')ep,1r.1ted. The mi-...:tllre i... pre,ld The "octopus" of an elevator (left) distributes grain to various storage bins. The tallest structure in the middle of the image is the elevator itself, called a leg; the two parallel tubes house an endless chain of buckets that lift the grain to the pinnacle and then pour it into one of the sloping chutes. The elevator is in Garden Prairie, Illinois. Another octopus design (be/ow), atop an eleva- tor in Phillipsburg, Kansas, has a rotary distributor. I ill 0 1 .' ,    <11II '  'u i r , 
Grain-hauling trucks line up at a terminal in Toleda Ohio, where agricultural products are loaded onto ships for export via the Great lakes and the St. lawrence Seaway. A traditional millstane-this one is a modern repraduc- tion at Cades Cove, Tennessee-has a pattern of grooves on the grinding surface. Modern mills use steel cylinders rather than stone disks, but the pattern af incised lines remains important. " # ,- " .. .- ....._  ...  ::- ...... ::: --- ,3,-  :1"j;::Jf.4l - ..::.:- -::-,. ----- A-'-'. -' ====-, :::s=,..--r4T I ..:::;..;:J"':;::: 4 1 t 11I\ I'. I .,-;\ . . ',,' t,  1- ,.... (.I <.1_ . out .md ,\]1.1ken on a '\creen or cloth; the p.lrt'\ t:ll1 through .1re unders while the bigger piece'\ left behind .1re overs. The '\iHing is done in st.lge'\ ti-om'\e to fine. Turning millstones ukes .1 lot of enerb'y. which is \\"hy tlour milling h,l,\ ,1 '\trong association with the development of wind .md w.lter power. The historical center of the flour milling industrv in the United St.ltes i.;, Minne.1Po]is. where the mill'\ could exploit the drop in the 1\1ississippi Rin'r ,lt the Falls of St. Anthony. Some of those mills ,1re still running, although they have 101H. T "ince been converted to electric power. Milling Corn. Wheat make'\ our deli]y hreeld. .md it" product ,1re known to ,1]1. The u]tinute fate of J]] tho"e billion of buhel of corn i... ,1 little k'\'\ A little of it is dry-milled jut like tlour;\ where we get ("ornme.l] mutl1n'\. I )ry- milled corn l .1bo the ource of hominy grit". which go "traight to the bre.lktl...t telble for southerners hut ]1.1ve to be turned into corntl.lke" t()r the re"t of the country. Grit'\ ,1re ,1]0 the nuin ra\\ nl.lteriel] for di'\tilling whi....key. '\0 you c.m both ...t,lrt emd end your day with them. Uut if thoe were the only m,lrkets for corn, 10W,1 wou]d go out of hlbine".... The bulk of the corn crop goe through .1 quite ditferent proce, called wet milling. ,md comes out the other end in torm you would never rel"ognize. It\ called wet milling because the grain i teeped in \\,lnn \\ater tor ,1 cour]e of delY beft)re the milling begins. The 'ioaking is p,lrtly to often the kernel. but there i ,do ,1 hIOlogic.l] .lpect to the treatment. involving the ame LlCtic-,lCid b,lcteria tl1.1t help rreen'e '\il.1ge and make yogurt. The oHened .11ld fermented corn i... ground up. .md then the t.lrch 1" ...eparated tram the germ ,md the br,l1l in .1 erie... l)f w,bhing tep'" (clll.l]ogoU'" to the itt:ing '\tep of Hour milling). The t,lrch b the most va]u,lb]e produL"t, but mo'\t of it gal'') through yet ,mother tr.mstt)1"m.ltion. It 1" converted by tre,ltment with .Kid... or enzynles into corn syrup ,md tl-ucto...e. the n1.1in indu'\tri.ll sweeteners; the'\e l1g'lrY 
liqtl1d ,m.' h,mled ,1W,1Y in ().5.1)()( )-gaHon r,\il C,\f', to wherever it i the nuke TwinkIt.,<; ,lIld footsie RoH". l\le,lI1while. the germ of the corn kernel is presed to e-..:tr,lct corn oil. The residue left behind by this proces". ,110ng with the bran ,md the steep liquor, become" ,1 high-protein component of ,lI1im,11 feed. The overall wet- miHing pnKes<; i<; renurk,\bly dl1cient: <N.S percent of the oriin,d feed-<;tock winds up in product. Biofuel. Corn h,\s ,mother de<;tin,ltion ,1S \vell: the fuel t,mk of your C,1r. Alcohol nude 6-om corn h,1s become .I nujor g,1<;oline additive. The ,1kohol in question is eth,mol. which i the drinking kind (although it's delib- er,ltely nude undrinL\ble in the biofuel pLmts). Production of akohol tor fuel is ,111 ,1djunct to the \\ et-miHing process. The r,IW m,lteri,11 is ,1 t,1rch slurry, which is treat- ed with enzyme" to bre,1k down some of the st.lrch molecules into <;imple Ug,1r', then pumped into ferment,1tion V,ltS with ,1 dose of brewer'.., yeast. The ferment.ltion t,1ke... a d,\)" or so, then the "beer" goes to ,1 distiHery tower. Growing ttlel inste,lli of "ucking it out of the ground seems like an ,lttr,lCtive propo- sition. It\ ,1 home-grown ener'Y <;upply, ,lIld crop" ,1re ,I renewable resource. unlike petroleum. t lowever, there'.., ,I catch. ('ritics ,1rgue th,lt American ,1gricultural pr,lCtice" are <;0 ener!:,')o-intt'n<;ive tl1.It growing the corn and convening it to alcohol actuaHy nm'll111eS more ener!:,'Y tlun the eth,l1lol provide". In other words: the more agrottlel we lluke, the more oil we have to import in order to grow it. Gasohol producers dis- -  .r ,r- ! .. :1 t I. r l I - --- ..d - Wet-milling of corn is a large-scale industrial enterprise, where multiple streams of raw materials, intermediates, and finished products all have to move simultaneously through a series of process steps. Seen here is a small part of a wet-milling plant operated by Roquette America in Keokuk, Iowa. 
..... Iff =   . ., "I c. .'" .,. \ ,,,' I { "  J .""  .' 'IJ .1 . t.  ;'... -" 'I" _. '; T ' 4 .J ..: '- Grape vines are trained to waist-high trellises on hill- sides near the town of Soave in northern Italy. The grapes are pressed to make white wine. Peach orchards covered with shade cloth create an eerily shrouded landscape near the small coastal village of Velia in southern Italy. The canopy is mainly meant to prevent "sunburn" on the fruit, although it also affords some protection from birds. pute thi conclusion. but even in the most optimlstH ,\lulysis. rhl' energy b,lL\lH l' is ,1 ne,lr thing. The industry l."ould not eXIst without t,L\. incentive'\. c;,lsohol \\ ith I (I per- cent eth,11l01 get\;, ,1 tax bre,lk of ,lbout S cent per g,lllon. which me,l1l' the co't l)f the ethanol itself is effectively reduced by 50 cents per g,lllon. OTHER CROPS 1\.10re th,m other industries. tlrming tends to h,lVe ,I distinctive locll pers01ulity. Why do they grow corn in [o\\"a ,md tob,\('co in the Carolin,l\;' and cotton in Tex,ls? (:Iinl.lte and soil conditions have something to do \\ ith these choices. but intl-astructure ,llso m,ltter\;,. To raise a crop. you need a locll supplier of seed. nuchinery. fertilizer. ,md so on. And you need ,I nurket for the finished product; if the ne,lrby coop buys only corn and soybe,ms. it \von't be much help when you drive in with ,I trucklo,ld of pineapples. An these 6ctors have led to regi01l.l1 p,ltterns of speci,dization. Soybeans. Although tOttl and tempeh are no longer obscure he,llth-tol>d items in the United States, their popularity i'\ Il.lrdly enough to explain the minion of ,Icre of soybe,m planted throughout the Midwest. The be,l1ls are grown tor their oil, which goe'\ into everything from nurgarine to cookies, and f<w aninl.ll feed. Soybeans were ahl10st unknown outside Asia until 1900, but in the past 50 ye,us they've become ,I mainstay of Americl1l agriculture. ()ne reason is t1ut they neatly complement the growing of corn. l\.luch of the S,l1Ile equipment can be used for planting. harvesting. and storing both crops. And soybe,ms are legumes (like peas). members of the [l1Ililv of pLtnts t1ut help put nitrogen luck in the soil. reducing the need for fertilizer. As part of a crop-rotation p,lttern. they cm also reduce the need tor -' - ---  -----"""'=:::.   ---- l 1ס04o _ -- '..,.. '.  ,.... - 
'': 'LJ. . * . , .::' 'I..:;.  {-.  . .  '. - . :..: ;:, '.'  I: 1  ". . 'II,  '. . .J -,.f. r >. __ .. . ;., Y- .: .. .=";i. "If ':. . . r  I .. -.: \. t I J . }ll« I I"'h I , .1  r I I I' f ,I.' ( I I I .1 peticides. Each field is pLmted in corn some ye<lrs ,md soybe,ms other years: bec.ll1se pests that ,1ttad.. corn don't like soybe,ms, and vice versa, the rot<ltion helps both crops. Orchards. (;rowing apples, oranges, or walnuts require a longer time cale than fIeld crop. The interval ti-om plJnting a tree to the tlrl\t }urvest is at le<lst <1 tew year.... In the cal\e of olive grove along the Mc'diterr<meJn CO<lts, the treel\ outlive the t:um- er-and maybe the tJrmers' children and grandchildren too. Tending pLmts tlut are large <md long-lived <l11ow the farmer to LtvIh indivIdual attention on them. Orchard tree'l are carefully pruned and 'Iometimes even bandaged. In the citru grove of Florida, the \vorry that nukes the nightly news once every few ye<lr is the threat of ti-ost. For a long time the defene <lgainst ti-ot was building bon- fIre. Now the weapon of choice is a powertll1 [m, which doen 't try to he,lt the <lir but just keeps it circulating so tlut the chill doesn 't ettle onto the ground. As you drive P,lSt ,m orchard, you cm't help noticing the geometric arLmgement of the trees, <lS traight rows conle into focus first in one direction <md then <mother. Why <lre the tree pLlIlted in such rigid p<ltterns? (:olumns ,md rows m,lke it easier to drive equipment through the orchard. They abo help keep the trees properly sp,lced-not so close that they impede e<lch other's growth, not o (u alurt that they waste Lmd. l3ut in this respect the pLmtep; hJve mied <1 bet. They could make more efficient use of land by pLUlting in <1 honeycOlnb pattern, with treel\ at the center' of hex<lgons inste<ld of <It the centerl\ of qU<lre"', Vineyards. If orclurd tree <lre cardid1y tended, grapevinel\ <lre po"itively pampered, epeci<llly in donuins of origin that h<we IUI1H.' recognition when p<l'ted 011 <1 wine bot- tlc. The vine ,1re ticd to w,li"t- high trclliscs, sp,Ked ju"t tn- cllough <lp,lrt t()J" workcrs tu w,llk bL't\\cCIl thelll. M,m)' of the \"1I1e' 111 bl..)th Europe <\11d Al11ericl <Ire "chil11cri- Trees grown for papermaking stand in dense and very orderly ranks on a plantation near Venice. In North America most trees raised for pulp and paper are pines or other softwood species, which have longer cellulose fibers and therefore produce stronger paper. European mills favor hardwoods that produce whiter paper with less need for bleaching. The trees shown here are nearly large enough for harvesting. 
A century-old pulp-and-paper mill in Canton, North Carolina, was long owned by Champion International but now is operated by an employee-owned company called Blue Ridge Paper Products. The two tallest struc- tures, in the foreground, are boilers where bark and other wastes are burned to generate steam and electric- ity for the operation of the rest of the plant, The other large building, to the right of center, is where wood fiber is converted to pulp. At a timber-processing yard in Mobile, Alabama, wood chips are unloaded by the brute-force method: simply upending the entire truck. "  ... - - "0 , . 1---= II" '11 I I ! ".. ( :- '., I- t _'t':"i _- ( -. , I .l f " LI - ,. r r:. , - ..... I , -. .' . \ fI, " c ii  11t.  , - ... #-  ;00 --" y"«'- :--::.- - ;'I '. ..., I..' Ii. ,- , t " . . - ,II \ii. . ".,i or- ---;; L1l"-the roots. which may be hundreds of ye,lrs old. ,Ire of one gr,lpe yaricty. ,md the rest of the pLmt is ,1 difl-erent type. grafted to the root stock in ,1 surgicll procedure. There ,11T machines f(H l1.1rvesting gr.lpes: Think of ,1 tractor on stilts that str,lddles e,lCh row of vines and drubs the hunches of grapes into pLtstic wrap. But in 13orde,1l1x you will not \ee the\e machines picking the grapes t()r nC'l.:t's prelllier ml. TIL1t's done by highly skillt'd h,111d labor. Paper. fhe book you hold in your l1.1nd" b ,m ,lgricultur,1l product. m,1ck mostly fi:om trees grown on pul1\\ood pL111tation\. A \yideh cited st,ltistic say' it take, 17 trees to nuke ,I ton of p,lper. Thi\ number W,l\ tIr\t publicized in the IlJ7()s bv <1 com- p,my ctlled Conserv,ltree. which \\,1\ thcn .1 distributor of rL'cyded p,lper products. Conserv,ltrec. now ,1 nonprotIt organiz,Ition. h.1\ \incc n.'yi\ed ih calcubtion\ and "ug- gests ,1 r,mge of 12 to 24 trees per ton. The trees in question <1re rather \pindly-6 to H inchcs in di,l111eter. IIowever m,111} trees it t,lkes. converting them into p,lper is .1 dr<m1.ltic transtor- m,Ition: the wood tIber h,lS to be uken <1p<lrt <md put b,ld.. togethl'T .1g,lin. Log\ are "tripped of their b<lrk (which is burned ,IS fuel). the wood is chopped up into sm<dl chips. and the chips ,Ire reduced to <1 mush Lllled pulp. fhen. in <1 n1.1chine the length of <1 tootb,1ll field. the pulp becomes p,1pel in ,I m<ltter of seconds. fhe wet pulp is spre,1d on ,1 porous screen. where much of the W<lter dr,1ins ,1\\',1Y: then more w<Iter is blotted up by felt cloths ,111d cooked out by ste,lm-he,1ted rollers. All of this 11.1ppens while the p,lper-to-be is moving ,It ()() miles ,m hour Sugar. In Florid,1 ,1l1d Louisi.m.l. st,mds of sugar Cll1e 15 or 2() ket high ,Ire cut ,1l1d trucked to locil mills. where the cane i\ presed between roller\ to e'l.:tr,lCt the sweet 
jUiL-I.'. rI1L'n w,lter h driven otf in ,1 ...ucce.......ion of he,lted V,ll"UU]}\ ve...els, concentrat- ing the juice in ...t,lge... until eVL'ntu,1IIy the "ug,lr cryt,lllize.... ThL' pnKe... relluirl'.... ,1 gre,lt de,ll of encrgy, mo"t of \\'hich COmt', f)-om burning the h,lga"....e, the lettoHT husk... of the cmes. The ev,lpoLltion ,11<-0 rell.:',he... gre,lt cloud.... of "",lter v,lpor, which m,lke the mill ,1 di"tinctin' sight over the green c,me tIekh. The product of ,111 thi... \\'ork is not yet re,ldy tcx the sug,lr ho\\'l on the hre,lktlst t,lble. It i" "r,lw" SUg,lr. \\'ith enough impuritie.... to turn it t,l\\'ny bro\\'n. The tIn,ll puritIcnion is done in ,1 rdInery, where the "ugar is di""olved in w,lter ag,lin, tiltered, ,md then put through ,mother cycle of concentr,lting ,md cry"t,lllizing. Vegetables. Pe,lS, ClITOtS, c.lbb,lge, be,m..., ton1.ltoe...., "'qu,hh, cUClmlbcr", lettuce: they"re all o ditll'rent. ,md yet there is ,It leat one element they h,l,'e in common-an urgency ,lhout the h,lrve"t. Even if \Oeget,lble" ,liT de"tined to be c.mned or ti-07L'n, tl1L' h,l\'e to be picked ,\'ithin ,1 l1.lrrOW interv,ll betwcen unripe ,md rotten. There"" seldom more th,lIl ,1 tby or two of leew,lv. The rush to market prt.."el1t.... ,1 logistiC,ll Lh,llknge. I )oe... ,1 tlrmer bu) the highly speci,llih'd machine th,n "trip' pe,h fi-om the vme ,md pop.... them out of the pod, only to USL' it one d,lY ,1 ye,lr? hnding Llbor teJr picking bv 11.lnd i... no e,l"ier. And if every- one"" pe,h ripen on the ,1111L' tby, the p,Kking pLmt cm't possibly accommod,lte them all. 13eC1l1Se of problem... like the...e, most veget,lble" ,lre grown under pre,lrranged contract. Buyer.... tor ...uperm,lrket chains or p,lCking companies supply the necessary 11.1rveting equipment ,md coordin,ne its deployment. The product" of this system ,lre not held in high esteem by consumers. The super- m,lrket tom,no is ,1 p,lrticubr target of deri"ion ,md opprobrium. No one h,b ,my- ,. --.- .  :.. c;a. ..  .. .. Clouds of vapor erupt from a sugar mill in southern Louisiana, where cane grown locally is pressed to extract the sugary sap. Most of the plumes from the plant's many stacks are merely water vapor evaporated from the cane juice, but there is also some smoke from the burning of bagasse, the crop residue. 
,I --- ., "\  " . .... '. ...11II. .' ., . A cotton combine combs through a North Carolina field, stripping away the white fiber and the seeds, leaving behind bare stalks. In preparation for the har- vest, the plants have been chemically defoliated. At a cotton gin near Brawley, California, giant loaves await ginning, the separation of fiber from seeds thmg g...)I.xi to ".\y .\bout it. e:\.... ept th.\t it's .\hv.\y there. even in rebru.\ry. rhe t...)m.1- to you buy in 13o....ton Ius been on the ro.\d .\ wcck. or more. coming ti-011l l .\lit()rni.\ or J\1t'xico. It \Vas picked h.\rd .\l1d grcen. then .\rtitlci.l11y ripened (or .\t Ie.\st red- dened) by expo<;ure to ethylene g.\<;. 13ut modern agricultural technoloJY Ius its little tril1l11ph<; too. ()ne of them i.... bbck p1atic ....heeting. the Lnl1e 111.1teri.11 ued to nuke g.u-b.\ge b.\p. Llid down over straw- berry or carrot plants in l'ring, it W.1rm the <;oil during the (hy. which <;peeds pLmt growth, .U1d retains \\armth at night, as L1 gu.1rd L\gL\inst 6'ost. The result i"l locally grown vegetL1bles earlier in the season ,md tlrther north than would otherwise be possible. Cotton. Everyone has he.1rd of cotton's role in the economy of the Americ.ln South during the sLlYery era. along with "Itories about the invention of the cotton gin. the depredations of the boll weevil. and the back-breaking bbor of "chopping" cotton (which is not lurve<;ting the crop but weeding it). Today. cotton still has the reputa- tion of a finicky crop, vulnerable to weeds and pests, but much of the labor has been repbced by machinery and chemicals. I Ierbicides and pesticides Lm be applied more liberally to a nonedible fiber dun to crops destined fi))" the dinner table. At the end of the se.1on ,1 final <;praying of detoliant turns the le,lYe<; crinkly brown or <;trips them otr the plant entirely. easing the joh of the harvesting machine. ('otton fields at harvest time dre a bizarre "light. l)ne "Iide of the tield is festooned with the bright \\ hite tufts ofbur<;t-open bolls; on the other side, where the l11achine has pased, 'italk cue stripped bare. Along the ro,lLi'ilde ,1re dirty-\yhite h.1le<; of uncleaned cotton, the slupe of a loaf of bread but the <;ize of ,1 truck trailer. The bale<; .l1"e hauled to the local cotton gin, which has the <;ame role in this L1groeconomic sys- tem as the grain coop Ell-ther north. The gin <;ep.uate<; the lint (the white fibers) 6'om the seeds, both of which .1re valuable commodities. The seeds are pressed for oiL of '...  ..J . j i. .. .... '. " .. ;I- . \. \ " " '''' .   . - ( ... - ...----...... -. .. \ . "'", jo. tl " ... :. .::'" h  \ '"- '- . 
Bees. It\ ,1 scmdal: migrant ,lgricultur,11 worker ,11T trucked ti'om tlr11l to t;um, m,lde to labor fi'om d,lwn till d,lrk, hOll''Ied by the thous,lIlds in cr,ullped wood boxes, And at the end of the growing e,l...on, ,111 the ...weet tI-uit of their labor i t,lken ti"om them. The en"ice'\ of bee" ,Ire eenti,11 to dozen... of crop...; there I no other practic.l1 \\ ay to pollindte the tlower'\. Beekeepers rent out their hive" tor .1 week or two ,It .1 time as variou" crop' come into bloOlll. You'll the box hi\-e... et up in ,I "h,ldy corner of the tield. There.... ,1 very clever Ide,l in the deIgn of the<;e boxe... that goe... b,1Ck more than a century, to experiIllent done by the Reverend Lorenzo Llngtroth, ,m an1.1teur apiarist in lV1i,Hlli, l)hio. Lmgstroth ob...erved thdt when bee'\ build honey- comb in Iutur,11 c.lvitie, they ,11way'\ leave the ,Hne anlOl111t of ...pace-about three- eighth of an inch-between disconnected P,lrts of the tructl1re. Tlll 1... just about the width of ,1 bee, the dmount of rOO1n it need'\ to p,h cOlntortahly through the spdce, So b) building the hi\-e box with all the piece three-eighth of an inch ,lpart, Llngstroth induced the bee... to build honeycOlnb on reinovable tl'ames, which could be pulled out without d,l1n,lging the tructure or ,1Ilgering the bees. A tew years ago, there W,lS much gloom ,md dre,ld over the ,1rriv,11 in the United State of"AtI-icanized" bees, thought to be '\0 ,1ggre'\sive ,md unm,m,lgeable tl1.1t they would be the end of beekeeping, if not the end of the world as we know it. The A6"icanized bee'\ ,Ire here, ,It least in the Southwe'\t. Beekeepers aren't 11.1ppy about it, but '\0 (lr it h,lsn't been dnything like the movie. More worrisome, perhaps, is the spread of cert,lin p,lrasites and dise,lses that have decimatt'd honeybee populations, DAIRY FARMS The '\ocial lite of d,liry cow'\ is eIH.ile'\'\ly tl'\ciluting. I used to watch them queuing up to be milked, late in the ,1fternoon, at .1 small tann in southern Minnesota_ They .111 knew their pldce in line. If one of the herd happened to he ,I little bte-and the question of wlut errand or distr,1Ction nllght n1.1ke ,I CO\\" Lite ] in ibelf a nlatter worth pondering-the other'\ would a\-e her place. I'm told that the order of the lineup at the door of the milking p,lrlor doe... not nece...sarily corre...pond to the herd\ dOlnin,mce hierarchy. There ;s such a hierarchy, to be sure; every cow knows who'<; bos...y, 13ut for ...onle reason the domindnt cows don't choose to go fir...t at milking tiIne, nor do they w,lit until bst; they tend to be in the middle of the pack. A for the '\ocial lite of d,liry t.lrm ers-th ere 's precious little to be said about tl1.1t. More thdn ,my other type of t;u"ming. d,lirying entorces a relentless routine. The cows mut be ]nilked twice or e\Oen three tinles ,I day. every (.1.1y. ,Ill year round. whatever the weather, even if you h,we the flu, even if it\ your wedding day. even if the Green 13ay Packer'\ are pLlying in the Super 130\\"1. In bet\\een milking. the cows have to be fed. The cow... vou ,Ire mo'\t likely to '\ee on ,m Americm d,liry fIrm are Holsteins. also known ,IS I-rie...i,ms-the t,llL LlIlky one... with bLtck-,llld-white ...plotche'\ ,md promi- nent hip bone'\. Among ,tli breeds uf cow. Holsteins .lre the mO"it etliL"lent convert- Socializing honeybees form a "beard" at the entrance to a box hive. The hive entrance is the slit at the bottom of the wood panel, just wide enough to admit bees These particular bees are not just social insects but also Socialist insects: the hive is in the National Botanical Garden of Havana, Cuba. 
Holstein dairy cows hang out in the barnyard on a farm in New California, Ohio. Holsteins originated in the Netherlands, apparently from the interbreeding of black herds and white herds. They now make up 90 percent of American dairy cattle. I 1/ I I ,III II I ; II I II I - . ,J! I  II - - , . , " iI , ... 1-;... I !- \ .., - t.T... of t'ed into milk. In ruund IHlmber. ,\ hL..tltll\'  lul"tcin CO\\' t,\kL'S in J( I() pounlh of f(Jod ,md \\,,\tcr evcrv d,\y ,md puts our ()() pounlh of milk, Mlht d,\iry co\\,,,, \\-e,\r ,\t le,\t one e,l1Ting-.1 bright pl.ttic t,lg \\'ith ,m identit\,- ing number. ()n larger tarm e,\Ch nlllkmg co\\' I ,lll) eqUIpped \\-ith ,m Rf II) t,\g; "RFIIY' stand for radio.:fi'CtJIICIlC)' idcllt!fhLltioll, ,md the t,\g \\'L)rk, much like the E-ZP,\sS tr,msmitter that get you through tollbooth" on the turnpike A, the CO\\' steps up to a feeding station or enter the milking p,lrlor, ,\ "en "or record the RFII ) number. ,1nd ,1 COll1puter notes the animal's \\Tight ,l1u1 how ll1Uch it e,lt or ho\\' much Il1ilk it gives. Dairy tlrmers keep crupulou" record of thee things. The Life and Times of a Dairy Cow. In the hucolic \'i"Ion of lite on ,1 lbiry tlnl1, the cows are turned out into the pasture every morning, where they munch the gra..., che\\' the cud, S\\',lt tlies, ,md ...Oci,llize. Such picnIC d,lY ,1re not unk.nown on n10dern t:lrm, but they are mainly tor younger animals-heiter...-that luve not yet st,\rted giving milk. Millions of cow never set hoof in a p,\sture. Some of them live in st,mchion b,lrns, where e,h-h CO\\ is held in an ,lssigned stall by ,1 steel head restraint. L3ut stanchion barns seem to be on the way out, ,it le,lst on Ll1-ger fIrms. The new tlshion is rhe fi-ee-sr,lll barn, which is like ,m opcn-space oHice: there ,lre stalls. but they're not ,1ssigned. and the cows arc fi-ee to wander ,1111ong them. I bve ti-ee- stall barns becOllle popuL1r because they're nicer t()l" the cows? l\tlybe. but it's ,1lso worth noting tlut the new ,1rrangement elimin,ltes a lot of bother t(Jr the f.1rmer get- ting cow into and out of stanchions. Wh,ltever the rooming .lrrangement in the banI, the co\\' certainly have ,Ill their m,lteri,11 needs catered to. Their me,ll" ,Ire brought in by room ...ervice. Under Olle pLm, there\. an all-you-can-e,lt ",llad b,\r of h,lY, "il.1ge, ,md other rough,lge, plu" "'pe- ci,d supplement of grain ,md vit,l111in doled out to indi\'idu,11 cow... ,Iccording to their potenti,d for producing milk. 1V1ore often rod,l)', each cow get... ,1 T!'V1R-a tot,11 mixed r.1tion. Wlut thi... me,lIh, ,1 tlnller explained to me, i th,it it's ,111 blended into a unit()fm mash o the cow cm't have her de"sert without e,lting her \ egetable.... The life cycle of ,1 d,liry CO\\' goe ...omething like thi.... At the age of 14 or 15 month "he i... bred for the tlrst time and nine n10nth... bter give... birth to her tlrst calf. She'l1 give milk t()l" ,mother 1/) or 12 month". Then, ,Ifter a brief respite, "he'll be bred ,\g,\in, or "ti-eshened," .md the cycle "t,lrtS over. The typiclI cow Ius ,\ c.lreer of five ye,lrs; the be"t producer" m,l) be kept on ,mother ye,\r or t\\ o. When n1ilk. produc- tion drops, the cow is cuBed 6-0111 the herd. 11.1ppen to her then? About h,df the beef in tlst-tood 11.l111burgers C0111es fi-0111 cuBed d,\iry LIttle. The Milking Par/or. The term milking p,lrlor seems "0 quaintly Victori,m, it "um111Olh up an in1.1ge of COW" lounging on divan ,md drinking "herry. But wh,}[ the pLlCe itdf remind me of i Jitfy Lube. The "t,111d,lrd ,1lT,mgement t<J}" modern milking p,lrlor... i... c1l1ed ,1 herringbone: the CO\\... lint' up on both "'Ide... of the p,lrlor t1Cing l>l1tw,lrd, with their bu"iness ends angled tow,lrd the center. 13etwecn thc two row of rumps IS ,1 con- 
crete pit t\\'o or three tl.'et deep, \\"here the milkc.'r \\'orb eyc-to-eye \\"ith the udder," Long gone are the three-legged milking tool ,lIh1 the tin paiL they ll.1ve becl1 rL'placcd by v,}Cuum-operated milking l1l.1chine of gle,lIning 'it.linle'i teel ,md gLts" A'i e,lch CO\\ 'iettle do\\'n in a 'it,tl\. the milker \\"l'ihes the udder ,md s\\',lbs the te,lt'i \\'ith di,- infect,mt, thcn ,ltt.lche'i the four 'iuction cups of the milking nl.1chine. Thi'i P,lrt of the nl.1chine-the p,lrr th,lt h,mgs onto the co\\'-i called a cLt\\'. When the nl.1chine i running, thert' 's ,1 soft, rapid ticking, like ,I metronOll1e. TypiLllly. milking t,lkes jut tIn' minutes or so; \vhcl1 it\ done. the cLl\\' drops otT ,mtomatiL1Ily. Europe,m d,lirie'i ll.1ve been le,lding the way to\\",lrd even greater ,mtom,ltion in the milking P,lrlOr. R..obotic milking machine t,lke ovcr the last 11.1nd-on operations. cle,ming the udder ,md ,ltt.lching the cLI\\", 'iO cow cm mO'iey in ,md out on their 0\\'11 ,md be milked \\ hent'ver they feel like it" The robotic milkt'rs ,lre jU'it beginning to ,lppe,lr in North America. From the co\\', tllt' milk is piped through ,I tIlter and into ,1 rdi-igerated bulk tanL Usu,llly the bulk t,mk ,md the v,lrious \ ,lcuum pump'" and controllers tc)]" the milk- ing nl.1chine ,1re in ,1 scp,lrate building or shed. Everv d,IY or t\\'o ,1 st,linles'i-stt'd tanker truck ll.1uls the ra\\' milk to the dairy t()]" p,l'iteurizing and p,tekaging. BEEF CATTLE I )airy t:ll-mer... and clttle ranchers ,lre both in tht' buine of raiing CO\\ 'i. l3ut if you drivt' \Vest ti-0111 the d,liry country ofWiconin ,md l\ 1innesota into the r,mch-,md- r,mge Ltnd of the I ).lkot,ls,  ou '11 note ,1 dram,ltic ch,mge in the n,lture of the (lrm- ste,lds. A <..ltiry t:lrm i'i ,1 clpit,ll-intensive businc'is, \\'ith b,lrns, 'Iilos, ,md big tractor, plus all the gle,lIning 'it,linless 'iteel of the milking parlor. A Llttle r,mch is seldom such ,1 sho\\'pLlCe oLlg-tech. ometime there's nothing to ee but a tence. ,1 pickup truck. ,md ,1 11.1Y b,tler. l3ecf cltrle outnumber dairy co\\'s III to 1 in the United State" Although it's hard to count because ofLlrge tluctu,ltions ti-om ye,lr to year, in round number... the n,ltion keep'i 111 million d,liry CO\\"S ,md 1 (II) million hcad of beef cattle. The origin,ll ide,l of r,li'iing bet'f cltrle-'iOme X,I II II) or II ),1 II II) ye,ll-' ago-\\'a'\ to feed the ,mimal something th,lt they cm dige'it and we cannot, namely, gra,. And clttle ranching i'i till concentrated in gr.l,-,Lmd rt'giulh too dry or l)then\ he un'iuit- ,lble t<Jr mort' intensi\"e ,tyle... of t:1rming" l3ut beef Little no longt'r e,lt only gr,l. The red me,lt in the butcher\ dipL1Y Lhe come ti-om corn-fed L1ttle. Cattle Ranches. Mot beef Lltrle st.lrt their li\ e" in the gr,hLmd environment. Tht'y ,lre born into the r,mcher\ Co\\"-,md-Lllf herd ,md 'pt'nd roughly ,1 year there. The usu,ll practicc i'i to keep c.llves on the r,mch until thcy rC,lCh ,1 \veIght of ,lhout ()I II I pounlh: then 'ioml' ,\re 'ielcctcd ,1S hreeding stocL ,md the rest ,lre \ent to ,\ tl.'edlot tl.))- "t1I\1'ihmg:. Not all dairy cows are black and white. These Brown Swiss belong to a breed that is generally considered less productive than Holsteins, but their milk is favored by many cheesemakers. The cows were photographed at a small North Carolina dairy" (What is the sharp- edged nose ring for? I asked the farmer. She explained that it controls a behavioral problem: some cows attempt to suckle at the teats of other cows") 
Black Angus steers graze a central Kansas pasture in late summer. They are likely candidates for the feedlot within a few weeks or months On another Kansas farm, a portable corral is set up at the edge of a field for the annual ritual of separating cows from their calves. The herd is enticed into the enclosure and then cows and calves are sorted to oppo' site sides of a partition. Finally the calves are moved through a narrow chute and loaded onto a trailer. - J _  1 -\\i.-'- - '---  - A -    J I - jt.:::= I  II ..-. 1111 ]I] j . I , I Impre'\sion of ranch life .1re inevit.1bly influenced by the lore .md legacy of the old West-rodeo'\, roundups, .md range war'\. From warching rhe n1<.wie'\ you might '\uppose tlut the way to g.lther cattle is to duse rhem on horseb.lCk with a 1.1ri.1t: a r.mcher in Kansa'\ explained .1 less-srrenuous technique: "I just dr.1g 1 round lule behind rhe pickup, .md they come right along." ()ne .1rtide of western lore tlut renuins import.1nt is the corr.11: this is where cattle are branded, vaccinated, dehorned, e1strated. dipped in pe'\ticides. .md ultinutely loaded onto trucks when their time comes. But thL' corr.11 is no longer .1 permanent, wood-fenced endo'\ure; it is .1 portable device, nude of pret;lbricated ted-pipe fence p.mels, which em be set up in the tleld where it\ needed. Feedlots. Steer'\ go to '\l.mghter when they re.1ch .1 weight of 1 ,2()() pound or o, ,I little le'\\ tor heifer'\. If they were ke'pt on, it \\ould take them three or tlHlr'\ to reach thi, weight. St'nt to .1 tee'dlot .lnd t:lttene'd on .1 diet rich in gr.lin .md other '\tarch, .1 '\teer em re.lch nurke't we'ight bdore it ,",e'cond birthd.1Y, Furthermore, tht' m.1rblt'd me'at from '\uch corn-ted cattle' comm.l1ld a higher price. "( 'orn-fed" doe's not, of cour...e', me'.m corn on the cob. It i... lurd, dried corn th.1t ha... to be' cr.lCked open in .1 grinder to nuke it dige'\tible. Snull feedlots buy r.1tion'\ already prep.lred ,md mixed, but a large lot \\ ill h.lve d mill of its 0\\ n to prep.1re the feed. The corn I' Illi'\.e'd with a little roughage (11.1)' or siLtge) .md various nutrient '\up- plellle'nt'i. An ()klaholll.1 teedlot I vi'\ited '\'" and tllke'\ the corn r.1ther than mere- ly cr,lCking it. The nun.1ger explained that .11though the '\te.ulling proce'\s is co'\tly, the prefer the' cooked gr.1in .md g.lin weight dbout 5 percent t:lster. I Ie ot1ered me .1 ta,te. It.... not the be'\t popcorn I'vt' ever h.1d, but it'.., not the wor'\t either. (;enerally ,pe'aking, tee'dlot ope'rator... do not own tht' c.ltrle in their lot...; they t.1ke rhem on con'\Ignment .md clurge .1 fct' t(W the'ir LIre .md l1pkee'p. Tht' lot IS di\"iJed 1l1to nuny sm.tli pL'n so tlut e.lch owner\ livt'srock can be fed .md tended 
- -'. Jr- ....! 'III . . , 'I  -- A .... ,..- The feed j" delivered to troughs, c\lled bunks, \vhich .\re often pbced just out...ide the pen so the c\ttle h.\ve to poke their he.H.h, through the fence to reach their tood. This setup avoids the problem of aninu]s "tcpping in or ddec.ning into the feed bunks, and it allow the bunk to be rdilled by a truck or tractor driving .\]ong the fence line. Often the \\.lter trough is on the opposite "ide of the pen, which forces the .mima]s to move .\round .1 little, within the .1<..imitted]y lUlTOW scope .waibb]e to them. Feed]ot that 1 (J,OUO or 20,000 head are common. .md .\ few of the bigge"t yard'\ can]e I UU,()( II). With o many ,minu]s confined in ,1 "mall .\rea, you might think t1ut ....lllitation wou]d be .\ n1.ljor problem, but I .un told that the pens need to be raked out only everv year or two. Mud, on the other hand, can be .1 mi- ery for both the aninu].., .md their keepers. l )ne re.\'\on the feedlot indu'\try is con- centrated in .1 band run tl"om the Tex.h pan]undle north through we'\tern K.lllsas .md e.\stern Co]or.1<.10 i that the .lre.\ 1 very dry. PIGS AND POULTRY Even more tlun the beef business, the r.usmg of "wine .md poultry Ius been trans- formed into .m industri.l]-sctle, ,\ssemb]y-line operation. 110rs once grew "tl1TOW- to-tlnish" on ,1 '\ing]e [lrm. No\\ one f.lrm raise piglet" until we.llling, then p.lsse" them .1]ong to .1 nur"ery tC)1" H or 1 () weeks: fin,d]y. they go to .1 finishing operation. where they .lre tntelled to nurket weight. The hogs ,Ire 0\\ ned by none of these f.lrmer" but r.nher by .1 comp,my. Chicken" are raised under the s.lIne kind of contL1ct .UT.lllgemenr. The modern hog spt'nd its entire life indoor". The "wine turn is .1 long, low- roofed ....hed with .1 Iotted tloor over .\ W.1'\tc pit. The interior i.... divided into pl"n t1ut hold H or I () .mim.1Is e.leh. OCl.11 inter.lctions limit the "lze of the pcns; if too Some 20,000 head of beef cattle occupy hundreds of pens at the Wheeler Brothers Feedyard in Watonga, Oklahoma. Each pen holds a consignment of animals from a single owner. They will spend anywhere from 120 to 220 days at the feedlot reaching a market weight of roughly 1,200 pounds. Feeding and tending the cattle is not the only concern of the feedlot managers; they also pay close attention to prices and markets, since small adjustments in the timing of transactions can make the difference between profit and loss. At the Wheeler Brothers feedlot, rations are dispensed in troughs, called bunks, along the fence line. The main component of the feed is steam-flaked corn. 1 .. -.... ............ 
THE CATTLE GUARD A barbed-wire fence that can stop a 1,500- pound cow is also a pretty serious impediment to people. Gates allow pedestrians through, but they're a nuisance to drivers. Every time you cross the property line, you have to stop the car, get out and open the gate, get back in the car and drive through, get out again to close the gate-and then maybe round up the ani- mals that sneaked through while you were busy. The gadget that eliminates all this rigma- role is the cattle guard, an item that's as com- mon on the back roads of cattle country as manhole covers are in the city. The idea of the cattle guard is to leave an unfenced opening where a road or driveway ::;--  . nuny ,mil1ub, ,1re put together, the le",s ,Issertive one... will never get ,1 dunce to e,lt. Even with ",m,111 pens. feeding time i ,m occasion tc)r sque,1ling ,md grunting. The feed is dispensed 6"0111 overhe,H1 bins, ,md ide.1l1y ,111 the pen", receive their ration ,It the ,Ulle tiIlle. If the feeding is done sequel1ti,1I1y, those who h,we to wait tend to get re,tive, like paenger in the back of an airplane waiting for the me,11 L1rt to come dowll the aile. Aha, once the overhead bin h,1Ve disch,lrged their COl1tent into the crosses a fence line but put something on the ground that livestock won't cross. The classic choice is a grill made of steel pipes or rails spaced a few inches apart and laid across a shallow pit. Cars and trucks can bump their way across this grating, but cows and other hoofed animals are deterred by the precarious footing. There is some disagreement over just why livestock shy away from the array of bars in a cattle guard. Cows do seem to be very careful about where they put their feet, and they get skittish on slippery surfaces. But that's not quite the end of the story. Someone discovered that most cows will be stopped by the mere optical J. -. ,f _ ... -.l illusion of a cattle guard-a pattern of dark and light lines painted on an asphalt roadway. Do these trompe l'oeil barricades really work, and if so why? Is a cow's eyesight so bad that it's fooled by such crude fakery? Or is the repulsion just a matter of bovine fashion sense-a horror of stripes? One might even speculate that the effectiveness of real cattle guards has nothing to do with the risk of falling between the rails, that the cows are just reacting to the pattern of parallel lines. A cru- cial question is whether a naive cow-one that has never seen a real cattle guard-will turn away from the painted kind. The inventor of the cattle guard has not been identified. The devices were installed first on railroad rights-of-way, and then were adapted to roads almost as soon as the auto- mobile reached the prairies. James F. Hoy tells all that's known in The Cattle Guard' Its History and Lore. The guard photographed at left lies athwart a road in T opock, California. Above, Kansas cows gaze, perhaps resent- fully, across a barrier. 
'- feeding troughs below. the bins are refilled immediately. while the hogs are busy e.1t- ing. If the refilling were done just before the next feeding. the noise would provoke more anticipatory commotion. The swine industry has run into controversy btely over the question of '\",hat to do with the waste flushed out of the barn. Current practice is to pUlnp it into open pits called lagoons-although the f.mcy, romantic-sounding naIlle has done nothing to ilnprove their reputation. Neighbors cOlnplain about odors. And son1e lagoons have failed or overflowed during stonns, draining into the nearest watercoure. Chickens .He raied in long sheds that look Inuch like hog barn in their exterior architecture, but the living arrangeIllents inlde Jre quite different. As a rule, cage are suspended fr0111 the ceiling so there .1re no obstructions to hosing out the floor underneath. Often there are two or three tier of L1ges, otEet in a st.1irstep .lrrange- Inent so that droppings from the upper levels don't land on the heads of birds below. Chickens are susceptible to he.1t stress. .md so a poultry b,lrn will usually have large ventilating fans. Inside. there nuy also be fogging nozzles. like the ones that spray the produce at the supennarket. What there won't be, in Illany cases. are windows. In n.1ture, hens lay eggs only in the spring and sunllner, but they can be fooled into lay- ing vear round if the dur.Hion of d.lylight is at least 1  hours. Many fanller<\ find it easier to maintain this schedule in ,1 closed barn with artificial illU111ination. IRRIGATION The cr,ldles of civiliz.1tion on the Nile, Indu'\. and Tigri-Euphrates Rivers all depend- ed on irrig.Hed .1griculture. Some sl1gge<\t .1 double connection between il rig.ltion .md these e.lr1y e)o.perimcnts in l1rb.m life. Irrig.ltion was necess.lry to boost productivity. <;0 tholt <\onw of the pel\ple could h:olVC the Lmd .md live in the city. At Poultry farming has become an industrial-scale enter- prise and has also moved indoors in recent years. This long, windowless shed is one of several housing turkeys at a farm in Oak Flat, West Virginia. The funnel-like canisters in front are feed bins. 
Irrigation canals divert water fram rivers or other natu- ral bodies and spread it over farmland. In the upper photo, water pumped from the Mississippi River wells up into a canal in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana. This is an area that gets plenty of rainfall, but additional water is needed to flood rice paddies. In the lower photo, headgates regulate the Row of water into farmers' fields near Heber, on the Mexican border in southern California. This area would be a desert without the All American Canal, which captures much of the flow of the Colorado River. n · the ",line time, I.lrge SLIle soci,II org,miz,ltion \\,IS needed to build ,1Ild m,lIl.lg(.' the irrig,ltion F'njects. [he role of irrig,\tion is " to d ,\V. ft\ ,I \V,I} of boosting the intensity of ,Ignculwre-gettmg more out ot the 1.1Ild dun l1.lWr,II r,Iint:Ill \\uuld "up- port. And it still t.\kes ,I lot of org,miz,\t1on ,md cooper,\tion. Cana/-and-Ditch Irrigation. From ,mcient l\lesopot,\l1\i,l to the Central Valley of C aliforl1i,1. cuul-,md-ditch irrig,ltion is the time-te"ted way to get water to the land. It's essenti'llly a river system in reverse: \V,Iter flo\\,,, ti-Oln .1 111,Iin cmal into.. "n1,lller br,mch canal ,111d then into '\till "nuller "later,ll..." and eventually into ,1 p'lrticuLtr field. Building "uch ,I "y'\tem require" no technology the umerians didn't h,lve, but it doe" dem,md "ome very \ophisticlted hydraulic engineering. The cuuh have to n1.1int,lin the right "lope to keep w,lter flowing over long dist,mces, and field have to be care- fully leveled or else the water will puddle in \OIne ,lredS and le,\Ve others dry. Elrmers in the p,lddy-rice regions of Asia h,\Ve Iud the surveying skills ,l11d the earthmoving technology to "olve these problems for thou"ands of years. American f.lrmer" have Lltely come to rely on laser leveling instruments. Irrigation projects ,Ilso require sophistic.lted social engineering. The f.lrmers served by ,I can,ll h,\Vc to agree on how to alloc.lte the W,ltCr. In many places. the decisions ,Ire nude by district irrigation bo,lnh. which occupy ,m interesting middle ground between priv,lte enterprise. public utility. ,md elected government,ll body. A f;lnner\ water ,Illoc.ltion is expressed in ,lCre-feet-one of the more vivid units of measure in common use. A f.1rmer entitled to three ,\Cre-feet could in principle build a dike ,Iround the fields ,1nd tlood them to ,I depth of three feet. In practice, the \Vater is parceled out over the growing "e3son. The tlow of water through the c.m31" .Ind Ltterab. i" controlled by gates ,md weirs. SOlne of these de\"ice" "erve to b,llance the tlow of W,lter throughout the "y"tem. ()ther,,-c.llled delivery gate" or he,ldg,lte,,-control the tlO\\" out of a cm..l into the field". Usu,llly there\' one he,ldg,lte for e,\Ch -1-( I-,Icre p,lrce1. The g3te is opened tcn- \ome tied period of time e,lCh week, \cheduled in ,Idv,mce. Sprinkler Irrigation. The m,lin ,lltern,ltive to c.m..l-,md-ditch irrig,ltion is to W,lter the crop" the wa) ,I \uburb,mite W,lters the lawn ,111d g,lrden-by spr'lying water over the tops of the pbnts. I )oing this on an ,lgricultur,ll scale requires ,I lot of expensive hardware: pipe", sprinkler he,lds, ,I pump to supply pressure. It'" ,Ilso less etlicient dun the ditch sy"tem, since a lot of the W,lter evaporate" before it ever re,lChes the roots of the pLmt. Ne\'erthele"s, sprinkler sy"tems ,1re the predomin,mt form of irrig,ltion in l11uch of North America. One re,ISon is tl1.1t their nuinten,mce requires less bbor. Even more important, they can be made to \York on "loping ground. The mo"t ren1.lrk,lble of the sprinkler "v"ten1S are the center-pivot irrigators, if only they ere,lte one of the mo"t intriguing "ight... you'll ever see ti-om ,\11 ,Iir- plane window. Flying over the (;re,lt Pl.1ins in "umnlt:'r, when you look down on the ched,.erbo,Ird p,\ttcrn of squ,Irc fields, nuny of the squ,lres luve checkers on them! 
-  A1 -;  \.. ...... }' \ \\ , I .  1 1 1 11\ q \ >:- . t ,iii ....,. I t I, . I 1 I  " . . , . II [,  'I , I I \ \. [1.l t, \ . . The inscribed green circle,;, which just reach the boundaries of ,1 160-acre qu,lrter section, are the areas watered by center-pivot irrigators. At close range a center-pivot irrigation systenl is an unlikely-looking plUlllbing job. An alUlllinUlll pipe a qu,lrter of a Illile long ,1nd six inche, in di,lllleter is held high over the cornstalks on spindly, two-wheeled A-ti-aIlle carri,lges. 1V10unted every few y,lrds along the top of the pipe, or hanging below it on flexible hoes, ,1re rotat- ing sprinkler heads nll1ch like those used for watering lawns. The contr,lPtion luuks too tliIllSY to support its own weight, nll1ch less to nlove under its own power. Center-pivot irrig,1tion was invented in the e,lrly 1950s by Fr,lnk. Zybach, a fanller on the tlatLmds of eastern Colorado. His key idea \vas a scheme for propelling the sprinkler system. Your first thought nlight be to put a big motor in the Illiddle ,llld swing the whole apparatus like a baseball bat, but that would never work. A qu,uter Illile of water-filled pipe is nll1ch too heavy ,llld not nearly stiff enough. The only W,l)" to nlove the pipe is to give each supporting c1rri,lge it own Illeans of propul- sion. 13tH then there's the problem of coordiluting ,tli those separate nlotors, which luve to go .It diHerent speeds bec.mse they .In:' .It different dist.lllces fi-om the center. It one c.lrri.lge move... even "lightlv tl\ter or slower tlun it should, the pipe will t\Vlst ..llld eventll.dly  A center-pivot rig {above} begins its slow circular tour of a square field near Plymouth, Washington. The two outrigger sprinklers at the end of the boom provide a little extra coverage in the corners of the square. The pivot end of a center-pivot system {be/ow} near Alma, Nebraska, is erected over the well that supplies the water A seal near the top of the pyramidal Frame con- nects the rotating pipe to the stationary segment.  '£. J.\ ... .J!!- ;f .....'- 
Jo--. .. . :. ,'. -,, ... . ,.- .: - ...... · '" -: -:.. .. r-J.. -: : -* - .. -,'. :J..-r,- ... :. ..... - - ea.. ._ . . . ::,W!:: -. .. . .:..,r- · . . I"'" - . .... . .: r "x:" _.... I .  "': .. - .. "I - _ . . .... 'f" . II ' _  · .-.- ... . .,'L ' .... .-....  : ')1;&.._. ' .:a:-. - ... .... <I"'r . II  JfWII . · I" I - · it:; !... "..." '  ...Jt.,.... - . e. . Jt... ,- -...  - ."",. . ..i. '. r ! ... ,:= ::=... -Ie .  ' it;  .' - .-\:1 · e. .._ .. !!Ii lor. If ..... .....:w.....- -.., -'. .... It " ,fi ' --. 7i' .Ii:-- ,.. .. ....- . _ ....  I=:   · iI  ". · - I '. .... r. - . . ..... . ...': . . '? ;.- ". ._.,. . , .... t. . I "+- r , )(. .  .... . ....=. ..... . .. ... . .. . . . ... .. ... . .. . . .... . . .. . . . .. The polka dot landscape in the photograph at the top of the page is a densely packed array of center-pivot systems near Garden City in western Kansas. Each small dot covers a 40-acre field; there are also a few larger dots in 160-acre fields. The photograph was made by the landsat 7 satellite in September 2000, Because the satellite's camera is sensitive to wave- lengths outside the visible range, colors are unnatural: red indicates growing vegetation. The lower photo- graph above, made in October 2004 by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station, shows center- pivot irrigators at an oasis called AI Khufrah in south- ern libya. Because libya's surveyors were not bound by Thomas Jefferson's preference for square lots, the circu- lar irrigators are packed more efficiently on a hexago- nallattice. (Photographs reproduced courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.) At right, another solution to the square-field problem: a side-roll irrigator, which moves across the field in a straight line, sprays newly planted crops in T ulelake, California. ./.yb.1Ch'.; ingenious solution was to let the..' ddlection of the..' pipe itself rcgutHL' the "pc'eJ of e.1ch carri.lge. 1 he t:1rmer .1djusts .1 control to set the speed of the outermost carri.1ge. which begins .1 slow llurch .1round the perimeter of the field. At the start. none of the other carriages Ius yet begun to move. The movement of the outermost carriage therefore tend<; to bend the pipe. L3efore the bending can cau<;e any damage. however. it is detected by a sensor .1t the next carriage. which switche" on it" motor and moves just enough to bring the pipe b.lCk into .1lignment. The bending and the compens.1ting movement prop.lgate inward fi-Oll1 cu-ri.1ge to curiage all the W.1Y to the center. in a snakelike wave of rotation. The placenlent of the sprinkler nozzles along the pipe c.111s for "ome delicate cal- culations. Suppose they were installed at uniform intervak Becau"e the pipe move [lster at the perinleter than near the pivot, the central parts of the field would get soaked while the peripheral areas would rell1ain parched. COlnpounding this prob- lem is the 10"" of pressure as water flows outward through the pipe, \yhich again f:1vors the inner over the outer regions. The solution is to mount fewer and smaller sprinkler head near the center. At mainlUnl speed, ,1 center-pivot systenl on a quarter-section plot can nlake one revolution in about 12 hours; at this rate it moves at the same <;peed .1S the hour h.1nd of d clock. The usual speed is slower-perhaps three or four dav<; per revolution. What .1bout the awkward problem of fitting a round peg in a <;qu.1re hole? A cir- cle inscribed in a square covers less than HO percent of the .1rea: the un watered cor- ners go to waste. A number of inventors have struggled to overCOlne this handicap with various articuLlted appendages and other devices tlut reach out into the cor- ners. but they have not c1l1ght on with the 1ll.1jority of f:1rmers. The economic real- ity is that center-pivot irrigation is employed 11l.1inlv on nlargilulland, where the loss of production from the corners is not crippling. If the surveyors of the Northwest v r- a-\ " 
Territory Iud t,lken ,IS their model not a checkerbo,m:i but ,I honeycomb. center- pivot irrigation would now be more efficient. A circle inscribed in ,I hexagon coyer... nl0re theln l)() percent of the available area. Other Sprinkler Systems. A nl0re radical olution to the corner problenl i to build a sprinkler ...ystem that crawls along the ground in a strelight line. t)ne approdch adapts the Sanle technology of nlotorized A-franle carriages. The long pipe stretch- es out acro<;s the wIdth of the field, and all the carridges advance in uni..,on. Thi, schelne not only fill in the corners but alo elinnnates el11 the problenls of hewing dif- ferent sprinkler head moving at ditferent speed. Unfortunately, it also loes the advantage of having one end of the ripe tationary over the wellhead; now the water connection ha to be made through el flexible hose or by pumping water out of an open ditch dug pdranel to the direction of trewel. Another style of moving sprinkler, known el a 'iide-roll irrigator, looks supertl- ciall) like the Zybach-inspired ystem'i but works d little differently. It also has a long pipe fitted with sprinkler hedd, but instedd of being held aloft by A-frame carriages, the pipe p,lsses through the centers of 1.Irge spoked wheels. The welter supply, again, has to COIne through a flexible hose. When [ first saw one of these. it seenled obvi- ous at el gLmce how the device works: the wheels ron along in unison. Cclrrying the pipe with theln. But then. after el second glance. I wasn't so sure. The sprinkler heads ,Ire ,ltrached [0 rhe pipe. so how do they stay upright ,IS the pipe rolls? The answer is thdt the side-roll irrig,ltor does not move continuously, as the center-pivot one does. The unit is set in place. sprinkles for el while, then is dr,lined and rolled along 50 feet or so to the next section of field. After each Inove, the sprinklers are set upright. The simplest sprinkler system is just a big water cannon, much like the ones th,lt firefighters use. With enough pressure, it can Llunch a streanl of water a quarter of a mile. SOlnetinles it is et up on a platfonn that's slowly pulled across the field by a cable and a winch, with a flexible supply hose trailing behind. Trickle Irrigation. In place where water i especially scarce or crops are especially valuelble, there\ a ne\\ style of irrigation that's very precise and efficient, though ,llso expensIve. Snull plastic tubes and Ininidture nozzles deliver wdter to individu,ll plants, ahnost drop by drop. No Welter is w,lsted in the spaces between pbnts. Bur threading the tubes through the field takes a lor of work. and the nozzles tend to clog. Drainage and Salinity. With (Inning in dry terrelin. the obvious problenl is how to get enough welter to the crops. I low to drain water ,lway from theln hardly seenlS like an iue worth worrying ,lbout. but in (Kt it's Clucially important. Irrigation turns out to be like the body's circuLHory <;ysreln: You need both ,lrteries and veins. Dr,linage h key hecau'ie the welter 'lpplied to crops is never pure; ir ,llwdY<; include... some disolved ,llts. When the w,tter c'vapor,\tes. the ,llts "tay behind. gr ddu,lHy poi- soning the soil. fo comb,It ,I1inity, some of the \V,lter must he ,IHowed to dr,lin ,1W,lY. .. - '" roo,. , .<.:'1'')'"  11 .; , . Irrigation in California's Imperial Valley has made the arid region one of the nation's most productive, but it has also brought the intractable problem of salt accumu- lation in the soil. Much of the valley is below sea level, so water cannot drain away; as it evaporates, salts are left behind. The very deep furrows between rows in this field help keep salt below the plants' root zone. On-farm drainage ponds look like swimming pools in these southern California fields. The ponds are impoundments for saline runoff. . £::IL r .. 
A farmer injects anhydrous ammonia into the soil after the fall harvest near Atlas, Illinois. By the time the next crop comes up in the spring, soil bacteria will have converted the ammonia into nitrogen compounds the plants can absorb. The ammonia flaws from the tank through a rubber hose to nazzles that release the gas a few inches below the soil surface. "Nurse tank" for anhydrous ammonia holds 1 000 gal- lons as a liquid under pressure. ----  "' . \ . .. - .  -- -.-:-::. -4: ,- ,  Salinity problem\ get p,lrticuLlrly n.l\ty in arid regions (where there's not ,I lot of water to 'ip,lre) and ,It low "ipots in the LllldsLlpe (where \V,lter flows in but there's nowhere to send the dr.lin,lge). A case in point is the region \ve"it of 13aker,ficld ,md Fre,no, ( ',llifornia. When c1Il,11s beg,m delivering irrig,nion water in the Ltte 1 <J()( Is. s,llinity troubles beg,m ,llmost immedi,nely. The answer offcred by the U.s. Bure,lU of R..ecLml.ltion was the S,m Luis I }rain. me,mt to clrry W,lste \\",lter 2()() miles north to the S,m Jo,H_]uin River. 13ut the dr,lin never quite made it ,IS fIr as the river; con- struction halted ,It Kesterson Re,ervoir in 1\'1erced County. The reservoir heg,m fill- ing \\.ith s,lline runoff ,lnd soon there were compLIint, of \\",lterf()\v1 dying. A 1 <Jx5 court ruling clo\ed the entire system, and the re"iervoir \\",lS filled in. But the <;tory i, not over yet. P,lrts of the drain have been reopened; more Llw\uit"i ,Ire pending. The ,tlternative to dr,lin,lge LIll.lI"i i... to keep the "ialt on the fIrm. When you fly over f,lrmIand in <;outhern C,lliforni,1 totLIy. you might get the impre"i"iion every fIeld has a bright blue <;wimming ponl. Tho<;e ,He evapor,ltion pond<;, built ,It the low point of each field ,llld fed by undergrounJ drain pipe.... Elnners ,Ire unll.lpPY with them becau\e they qcrifice I () or 15 percent of the Lmd are,l. The pond ,11"'0 le,lVe behind concentrated re<;idue<; that ,Ire going to h,lVe to be de,llt with ...omeho\\", ...omed,l). AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS It take... more th,m seed ,llld sun<;hine to\e a crop of corn the<;e dav...; f,lrmer, rei v on a v,lriety of fertilizer..., pesticide..., ,1Ild herbicide, to m,lint,lin yield. IrlCre,lsingly, they ,11 so rely on protective tr,lits bred or cngineered into the genes of the itself. 
Fertilizers_ For 111.111Y ccnturic"i the 111o't ilI1port.111t tt.'rti]izer \\.1" the m,111ure of t:II-111 .111in1.1]"i, which \\.1' re,ldi]y .lvaiLtb]e .111d had to be di"ipo"icd of .111VW.IY. I n the nine- teenth century there W.IS .1 vogut' fin Seaf()(Ki .1' ,I ....upp]ement.lry fertilizer. ()n Long hLmd, oysters tlut you wou]d now P.1Y S2() .1 dozcn to 'durp down on the lu]f "ihel] were ....ho\T]ed onto POt.lto fields by the ton. The fertilizer bu"iines.... W.l"i ch,mged fi)rever in the 1 X--I-( Is with the commercial exploitation of guano fi-om i"iL111ds otT the CO.I"it of Peru. (;U.1110 is ,1 lutura] product and ,1 common "iub"it.mce: it's \dut birds le.we behind. Thev ]e,lve it in pLKe"i other th.m equ.ltori,11 P.ICitIc isLmds. but the deposit"i there \vere p.lrticuLu]y deep ,md rich becmse the isLmd.... get almost no r.lintll1. Like oil to <.lty, the ]>eru\"i.m gU.1110 W,I .1 re"iource tlut government' sent gunbo.1t.... to defend or .Icquire. Pre"iident Millard Fillmore ne,lrly took 11"i to war O\Tr bird droppings. Not too long .Itter the excitement of the Fillmore year"i, chemists clme to under- stand wlut it is .lbout that m,lke.... it ,I usdill terti]izer. The key cOl11ponent i"i the element nitrogen, which i.... .111 essenti.11 building block of proteins .md other molecu]e" of lite. J\10st pLmts cm .Ibsorb nitrogen only in certain chemicll forms, known ,IS tl"\:ed nitrogen, which gU,111o cont.lins in .lbund,lnce. Supplying tlxed nitrogen to crop pLmts is .111 even bigger business now tlun it W.1S in Fillmore\ time, but guano i"i no longer the "iource_ Nitrogenous fertilizer has become .1 product of the petrochemical"i industry. The nitrogen itself comes ti-om the air ,md 1.... fi-ee fl)r the taking, but converting it to tlxed t<xm n1e1I1"i combining it with hydrogen to m,lke an1111oni.I, .1I1d the hydrogen comes ti-om n,ltur,11 gas. Anl1110nia ,eenb .111 unlikely "iubstance to promote pL1I1t growth. It'" an ,lcrid gas- the "imel] is kIlO\\ II to anyone who h.l' ever changed .1 baby di,lper-and in concen- tr,lted form it's d.mgerous enough to require rubber glove" gogglt:.", .1l1d ,I speci,11 res- pir.ltor. If you were to "ipra) it on your Llwn, it \\ould kill the gras..... Neverthele" thl.... is the tertilizer power"i much of An1erican .Igriculture. In late tll1 or early spring you'll "iee [lrmers towing ]07enge-"ih,lped white t.mks behind the pickup truck. The t.mks hold .1 thoU"i.\Ild g.ll1on"i of ,mhydrous .11111110ni.1. (.--II/hydrolls just me.111"i "without w.1tt'r": it distinguishes this stufT fi-om the solution of anl111oni.l in water tlut you might U"ie to wash windows.) Inside the t,mk, the .1I11mo- ni,1 is ,1 liquid under pressure. but it boils .1\\ .1)' to ,1 g.l.... ,IS soon .IS the pressure is rele.lsed. In the field, you'll see the ,m11110ni,1 t,mk pulled along behind a tr.ICtor. with a plow]ike de\"ice th.1t releases the g.l.... under the soil. You might \vell think tlut the g,I"ieOU"i amn10ni.1 \\ould simply b]ow a \\".1)', but \\"hen it i.... injected ,I few inche"i below the surt:ICe, it quicklv dis"iolve.... in soil moisture. Los"ies are snull. There m.l\ be wisps of \vhite c1oud"i drifting .1\V.I) behind the plow: these visible tr.ICes ,Ire not ,ICtU- ally ,lmmoni.1 (which is colorless) but w.lter clouds formed bec.mse the ammonia is very cold \\,hen rele.lsed fi-0111 liquid form. A111moni.1 is .lh\.IY"i .Ipp]ied .Ifter the lurve,t or betore pLmting. The .lmmoni,1 it"ie1f is of no direct 11,e to crop pLlIlt,: it h.I' tl) he.' l.lken up hy h.1Cteri.1 in the ,oiL whICh convert it to other nitrogen compounds, such .I"i nitr.lte..... rhe conver,lon to nitr.1tes An insect trap, installed at the edge of a cotton field in North Carolina, is used for taking a census of pest species and deciding whether or not to apply insecticides. . . .. ,.1 . :.  "' ..1I'i"  r ... . . . ),... t. \ ""... :., .}.') . . .1':1 , .  . .J"\.v 't.Lf'  ,1f.. .' "" \,i ...  t. ,  1,'\. . '.. .. .., .... Jt- . . '" \ '.. '" -.j .1'- ..\' -, I II \  " ...   ..  $1' \ . 
A crop-spraying aircraft makes a low-altitude pass over a field near Calipatria, California, in the Imperial Valley. , .. I, can also be done as an indutrial rather dun a biological process. Apart fronl ,mhy- drous anu11onia, the other n1ain fertilizer is anl111oniUl11 nitrate. This white powder has ,1l1 unusual combination of properties: miners use it to blast open the country- side, and farmers use it to improve the soil. Go figure. Pesticides and Herbicides. Crops have been attracting pests at least as far back as the biblical pL1gues oflocusts, but it seems the idea of trying to poison or repel insects with chenlical sprays didn't COl11e ,110ng until the nineteenth century. One of the first of those insecticides was pyrethrU111, derived frOl11 chrys,lnthen1lll11s: interestingly, rdated products are still popular today-partly, no doubt, because sOlllething l11ade from chrysanthenlUl11s seenlS so innocent it couldn't possiblv be dangerous. (Jther early pesticides would never win approval today: they were lead ,1nd arsenic conl- pounds, as well as fon11s of cyanide. The most fal11ous-or infanl0us-insecticide, ])] )T, \vas developed during World War I I. Its first uses were not tor agriculture but tor the control of disease vectors, such ,1S the nlosquitoes that spread l11alaria and yellow lever. Later, however, enor- nl0US quantities of] )l)T were sprayed on cotton crops. Then canle Rachel Carson's book Silcllt Sprill,f!., which blal11ed DDT for a decline in songbird populations and warned that extinction threatened the bald eagle. A decade L1ter, DDT was banned in the United State. Whether it was guilty of the cril11es charged seenlS less sure now dun it did then, but a more general conclusion is beyond dispute: the use of pesti- cides can have unintended and unpleasant consequences. Insecticides ,1re still applied to cotton as well as nlany orchard and vegeuble crops, but farmers clainl to be nlore sensible about their use these d,lYs. For economic as 
weIl as environmental reasons, they are urged to spray only 111 response to an actual infestation, not to prevent one that might or nlight not clrise. One sign of this strat- egy is that you nldY see colorful inect traps. looking like SOlne sort of decorative party lantern, planted on the n1argins of farmers' fields. They are there to take a cen- sus of bugs. When insecticides are called for, they n1ight be applied with a sprayer towed behind a tractor, or frOln the air. Herbicides fall in a different category frOln insecticides. A herbicide is a ubstance that kills plants-which seelns like the last thing a £lrn1er would want to do in a field where crop\) are growing. But in 1110St fields. crops aren't the ollly plants growing. The trick is to lnake the herbicide selective so that it kiUs the weeds while sparing the crop. In SOlne cases selectivity is not hard to achieve. Crops such as corn Jnd wheat are grasses, knowll to botanists as monocotyledons, whereas n10st weeds are broadleaf plants, or dicotyledons. The two groups are about as far apart as they can get and still be t10wering plants, so it's not surprising that there are chelnical cOlnpounds thc1t inhibit the growth of broadleaves while luving little effect on grasses. The first of these broadleaf herbicides, developed in the 1940s, was 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, better known as 2,4-D. In later years it attained notoriety as an ingredient of Agent ()range. the defoliant <;prayed by the u.s. military in Vietnan1. Herbicide strategies get trickier wh en the crop plant is also a broadleaf, as with soybeans or cotton. One approach is a "preen1ergence" herbicide, which is sprayed on the field af ter the seeds are in the ground but before the shoots COlne up. If the tilning is just right, the herbicide kills the £lst-growing weeds, but breaks down or washes clway by the time the crop plants have appeared. The new trick is to lnake the crop plant resistclnt to the herbicide. This is the basis of "Roundup Ready" cottOl1 and soybean varieties being Inarketed by the Monsanto cOlnpcU1Y, which also (no coincidence) luakes the herbicide Roundup. THE BACKLASH AGAINST INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE Advances in agricultural productivity have kept the world' splates overflowing for the past 50 years. It's hard to argue with that kind of suc- cess, and yet it often seems that no one is happy with current farm policies and prac- tices, or with the state of the food supply. American farmers (as weil as Europeon and Japanese ones) complain they are being squeezed economically and their way of life is in jeopardy. Farmers elsewhere say they have it even harder, especially when rich countries export their crop surpluses and call it foreign aid. Consumers worry about pesticide residues on crops, hormones in meat, and the threat of mad-cow disease, not to mention tasteless tomatoes. Environmentalists warn about the erosion of topsoil, the exhaustion of aquifers, and a system of high-intensity agriculture that may not be sustainable. Some biologists are concerned about the loss of genetic diversity in crop plants. Nutritionists say the American diet stinks and we're all getting fat. One response to these grievances has been a resurgence of small-scale, low-tech, family farming. On the outskirts of every city now there are boutique farms growing organic "heirloom" tomatoes, raising "free-range" chickens, making a bit of goot cheese, and selling all their produce at the locel farmer's market on Saturday morning. From the point of view of global agriculture, the output of these suburban backyard farms hardly even registers as economic activity. In the production of com- modity calories, they'1I never compete with the lowa corn farmer or the Texas feedlot. But who wants to eat commodity calories? 
)L .. - - .... .. .. yA ..   .. -- - , . - ... , .. - ... ... - <I  ... I . A-  ;:..: ( 1: - --, - - , I I . 
CHAPTER 4 N THE F ALL 0 F 1 973 one piece of the industrial infrastructure eIllerged fi-mn the unnoticed background of AIllerican life and becaIlle a public obeion. The gas plllnps had run dry. Any filling station with fuel to seIl had a long queue of cars snaking around the block. Prices sOl1-ed. Getting the tank filled-a chore that had been so routine it slipped beneath the level of conscious attention-was suddenly a challenge that called for strategy and guile, not to mention getting up before daWI1. The gasoline shortage lasted only a few n10nths, but it nude astrong impression on those who lived through it. For a while, An1erican .lutmnobiles beclIne snuller. lighter, and less thirsty. A pipeline frmn the North Slope oil fields across Alaska was quickly approved and built. A 55-n1ile-per-hour national speed lilnit was enacted as a fuel-s<lVing Il1easure and ruled the roads for more than 20 years. The cause of the 1973 oil crisis were Inore political and econml1ic than techno- logical, but the event nonethele prompted much sober thought about life in a world of tlnite reSOlll-ces. The oil was not running out in 1973, and 30 years later we are still plllnping it out of the ground at .l furious pace, but the idea that it will not last for- ever is now taken seriously-even by some of the oil cmnpanies. (Though evidently not by the owners of sport utility vehicles.) This chapter looks at the infi-astructure of the oil industry. frmn the weIl through the refinery to the filling station. Finally, there is a section on the lutural gas industry, which ha'\ a rather different culture. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF AN OIL WELL The drilling rig is the univers,11 emblem of the oil industry: a tapered steel derrick, usu.llly depicted with a gusher shooting up through the middk of it. Your clunces of ever '\eeing a gusher are ni1. Evell to see ,1 drilling rig, you need to he in the right OIL AND GAS A spherical tank in Port Arthur, Texas (opposite page), forms part of a network of refineries, tank farms, and pipelines that delivers the petroleum products to keep the United States fueled and lubricated. Spherical tanks are used to hold Auids under pressure; commonly they contain liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which is m'oinly propane. The stacks atop the tank are vents for emer- gency pressure-relief valves. The bright red pipes carry water or foam for firefighting. 
GETTING A LOOK Much depends on where you live. If you come from the "oil patch" in Texas and Oklahoma, then the sight of a drilling rig is not a novelty, and a sucker-rod pump nodding over an oil well probably seems as commonplace as a traf- fic light. In other parts of the country, including most of the populous Northeast, oil wells are exotic rarities. The distribution of refineries is also patchy. There are clumps of them along the Gulf Coast and near some major ports, but fewer inland. pl.1ce ,It the rIght timc. In the life cycle of ,111 oil wdL drilling i ,I rctltivdy brief pluse. It 1.1"ts ,1 tt-w mOllth, ,lnd then the dcrrick i... broken (h)\\ n ,111d l1.luled ,lWa}. You're much more likely to 11.lppen upon ,1 well in the production "tage, \vhich cnl Ltst for decades. Nevertheless, drilling i where it .Ill begins. ,111d it's certainly the adventurou" side of the oil business, the world of wildc.ltters and roughnecks. The Drilling Rig. When drilling is under way-when the rig is Hturning right ,lnd nldking hole"-several things have to be going on at once. The bit. or tool. which does the actual drilling, has to be sil11ultaneously turned and presed downward so it will cut into the rock. At the S,l111e time, ,1 lubricant called drilling mud has to be pl1111ped down to the bit to carry ,l\vay the cuttings. The bit is connected to the surface by the drill string. which is not a string at all but a rigid, hollow steel pipe assenlbled frOl11 sections called joints. which are typi- cally 30 feet long. A well 15,()()() feet deep would need SOO such joints. The drill string tran<;l11its both vertic,tl forces (pre""ing the bit down into the rock and later hauling it out again) and the twi"ting force th,lt turns the bit. It aho carries the nlud through its hollow bore. The twisting force COl11es trOl11 the rotary table, a nlotor-driven, spinning platter set into the nuin deck of the drilling rig. The rotary table grips a special length of drill pipe called the kelly, which has a square or hexagon,tl cross section nlatching a bushing in the center of the rotary table. The table tl1rn the kelly in the sanle We'Y that a wrench turns the head of a bolt; the kelly then turns the rest of the drill string. As the kelly is being spun by the rotary table, it is ,llso free to slide vertically through the table so downward force can be nl,lint,lined. The drill string is not pressed down from ,lbove; pushing on a pipe three l11iles long would accOl11plish nothing but buckling the tubing. Instead, the downward force is provided by a "eries of etra-heavy joints of drill pipe, called drill collars, inst.llled inl111ediately above the bit: it is the weight of the collars that drive the bit Virtually all elements of the oil-and-gas infra- structure are privately owned and receive visi- tors only by special arrangement. On the other hand, petroleum is largely an "outdoor" indus- try: the machinery is not hidden away behind closed doors, and there is much to see from outside the fence. Something to keep in mind, however: Refineries have often been cited by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security as poten- tial terrorist targets. If you stop by the roadside to take pictures you may attract the attention of plant security forces or the local police 
 / ..; ,    :iIf E' . ,  , f ,lilt  --  .".,.. J , , f ' l r, I I I \ I 1 111 I 1../1 t' III 'j , .tr1'! II 'I it  NoMAC , ,. ..' ;> ..., . 11 I, .'  -::: ' {\,\ , ,.''' ..'\ ,' ,; "" I I , \ ' , , I .1 , , . ..- - A gleaming white rig in Marlow, Oklahoma, drills for natural gas on behalf of Chesapeake Energy. The rig is a portable, temporary structure. The derrick folds up and breaks into pieces for transport, and the rest of the rig consists of modules the size of truck trailers, which can be hauled to a new site and reassembled in a mat- ter of days. The two stairways lead to the main drilling deck. The house-trailer-size shelter on the near side of the deck is the "doghouse," where instruments and con- trols are kept out of the weather. The ramp on the right side is used to lift 30-foot "joints" of drill pipe up to the main deck. The rig is capable of reaching depths of about 15,000 feet; the well in Marlow was expected to tap a natural-gas reservoir at roughly 7,000 feet. 
 .,. .. r ...- The drilling crew on the rig in Marlow adds another 30-foot joint of pipe to the drill string. Above, the threaded end of the new joint is wrestled into position; at right, the threads are tightened with enormous wrenches known as tongs. During this operation the entire length of drill string is supported by a two- handled device called the slips clamped to the drill pipe where it goes through the main deck. f mto thL' bottom of the holL'. (. hdin.Irv joim... of drill pipl' \\ eigh .I tL'\\ hundrcd pound-;; drill; \\ eigh 25()() pound... or morc. An entlrL' 15.<)()( I-toot drill -;tring could weIgh well over 2()().I)( II) pound.... ThL' weight h "upported by .1 block .md t.lck- Ie -;u-;pended tl-om the top of the derrIck. so the string rem.Iins under tension .It .111 times. Every few minute" .1 hr.1ke on the m.1in hoist emit" .1 loud -;qu.1\\"k or honk .IS it .1l1tomatic.111y .H.ljUSt" the ten-;ion-one of the char.lCteri-;tic rhythmic noi-;e-; of the drilling site. The routine of drilling is to keep "nuking hole" until you luve "'drilled do\\"n the kelly:' When the top of the kelly -;Iuft Ius .1lmost re.lChed the rot.1ry t.1ble. the crew -;top-; the rot.ny. hoists the drill string f..1r enough to expose the top of the uppermo-;t joint of drill pipe, and in"erts a cLImping device LIlled the -;lip-;. -;0 the drill '\tring cmnot t111 down the hole. Then the kelly i" di-;connected fi-om the string. .mother jOll1t of pipe i'\ inerted, .1l1d the kelly i reattached to the top of this joint. The joints tIt together by mean of thre.lded couplings. fenule at the upper end .1l1d nule at the lower end. The thread are tightened with "tongs" th.n \\.ork much like .1 plumber's pipe wrench but weigh "everal hundred pound-;. At interv.1Is, the drill bit need" to be dunged. Thi require-; luuling the entire drill -;tring luck up to the surtlCe, .1 proce"" known .\-.. tripping out. The conver-;e proces, naturally. is tripping in. As .1 rule, the drill pipe 1-; not broken down into individual joints during such a round trip; in-;tead, -;ectiOlh two or three or f<.)Ur joint-; long (doubles. thribbles. or fourble-;) are -;tood on end in .1 rack lIhide the derrick. Top Drives and Downhole Motors. rhe rot.1ry-table-and-kelly mech.mi"m tor spinning .1 drill bit W.1 .1 l1urvel of ingenuity-and it t.1kes gre.1t ingenuity to keep it running. In recent ye.1rs simpler scheme-; 11.lve comc into use.  I \ I I .  i j. I i "WI , .   It YtJ .. .... '. I .t 
A drilling rig with top drive' h,ls ,III electric motor mounted on vertical r,li]",. The motor's drive ...h,lft connect.... directly to the drill string. elimin,ning the need for both the rot.1ry t,lble' ,md the' kelly. Furthermore. the motor's torque c.m be used to tight- en the thre,lded connections between joint.... thereby dispensing with tongs ,1"" well. \X':ith top drive. smaller crews c.m drill f..lster ,lIId with les fuss. So why don't ,1ll rigs ]1.Ive ,I top-drive motor? It turn out that mounting the main drive motor ,doft require ,1 much stronger ,lIId he,l\"ier derrick. which take longer to up. bre,lk down, ,md transport. Most rigs move to ,1 new hole every few month.... ....0 the ]os.... of port.1bility is a serious dr,1wb,Kk. Another drilling innov,ltion put.... the motive force ,1t the oppo....ite end of the drill tring. Inste,ld of turning the entire ....tring ti-om the ....urf..Ke, a motor is inst.llled ju....t ,1bove the bit. ne,lr the bOtt0111 of the hole. T]llIS. only the bit turns; ,111 the rest of the drill tring is locked in place. rhis do\\ n-hole motor is not an electric one. It run.... on mud! It is ,1 turbine tl1.1t extracts energy from the stre,U11 of drilling mud pumped through it. (A dentist's drill work.... the S,U11e W,ly. except that the Huid driving the tur- bill(' is ,1ir-thankfully-inste,H.i of drilling n1Ud.) The big ,1dvant.1ge of ,1 down-hole motor is tl1.1t it facilitate.... '\teering the drill. Variou... geologic.l1 strata C.III deflect the drill. ,md ,1 correction is needed to bring it b,Kk to vertical ,11ignment. Moreover, the driller mav 1/'(1111 to devi,lte fi-om the verti- cal. Sometime.... multiple wells t:m out like spider legs fi-0111 a single drill site to reach wide,pread ,1rea.... of ,I petroleum re,ervoir. (This practice is particularly common in otT....hore drilling.) Sometime.... a well is drilled vertiell1y into an oil-bearing stratum and then deflected horizont,ll1y, "'0 that it can collect oil fi-om .1 larger region. Such well... can he drilled even with .1 conventional rig, but the technique is eaier ,md more precie with a down-hole motor. Mud. I )rilling mud is the le,1<.,t obviou... ,lIId Ino....t ingeniou apect of rot,lry drilling technology. It is also ,1 m,tjor expense-a consider,\ble ti-action of the capital invest- ment needed to drill .1 well goe.... into buying mud. Drilling mud cools ,md lubricate the cutting edges of the drill bit. but could be done ,1S well by ,III ordin,lry tluid such .1\ W,Her or oil. l\.lud has other import.lnt propertie. First. becau....e it i ,1 thick. \.iscou.... Huid. it holds the cuttings in suspension: rock chip carried ,1W,lY trom the bit do not ....ettle b,lCk to the bottom of the hole even when circuLnion stop.... Second. bec.mse it is dense (s0111etinles twice the weight of w,lter), it re....ists the pressure of tluids deep underground. And it leaves be'hind a coating of clay th,lt helps to se,11 the bore of the well. Legend h,ls it th,1( the first drillin!! mud W,1<., nude bv dri\"in u cattle throuuh a boo- ....' J   b' but the modern stutf is ,1 high-tech product. The m,lin ingredient is bentonite, a kind of cby. rhe density em be increased bv ,1dding b,lrite, ,1 miner,d rich in the heavy meta] b,lrium. A mud pump dr,1\\'" the mud ti-om ,m {)1t'n pit or t,lIIk ,lIId t()}-ce.... it do\'\, n the bore of thL' driB ....trmg to emL'rge through nozzles in the bit. It returns to the surt:lce IIIII1 \\\ \ I, \ \ '/  \, I 1. I \ '/' I' - 1/\' I 1 I I II \ \ f. 1\ \ \l The main hoist on the Marlow rig {above} supports the drill string and regulates downward force. The black hose supplies drilling mud, which is pumped down the bore of the pipe. The rotary table {be/ow} turns the drill string, transmitting twisting force to a special length of drill pipe called the kelly. -  s' J a . 
A pair of mud pumps {right} drive the rig's circulatory system. Each pump has three pistons that force the mud down the bore of the drill string and back up the annu- lar space surrounding the pipe. The white sheds in the background house the prime movers-the diesel-driven generators that power all the machinery on site. The blowout preventer (be/ow) is the most important safety apparatus on the drilling site. The preventer, installed at ground level under the drilling deck, is a heavy casing with several hydraulic rams that can seal off the well if high-pressure fluids underground threaten to escape. The main controls for the preventer are on the drilling deck, but auxiliary controls (bottom) are at ground level for use in emergencies. The red steel cylin- ders hold hydraulic fluid under pressure in case the hydraulic pump should fail. 1\ '. -_. , ., ,. -  , .. . I I -.,.. .'  -..  .t .-= ----. I y . & IIYnD.  , ... -- " through the ,111nular sp,lCe between the drill pipe and the wall of the hole or the C1S- ing. The crew keeps a close w,ltch on the returning mud; it\ an import,111t source of intorm,ltion on wh,lt's happening at the bonom of the hole. Layout of the Drilling Site. The rIg ,111d derrick. are at the center of the drilling oper,1tion. but there is much else on the site as well. On the ground ne,lr one side of the rig structure are the prime movers-the engines that supply power tor all the mJchinery. The prinle movers ,1re usuallv diesel engines, three or four of them, with ,1 total power output of \everal thous,1lld horsepower. The mud pumps, ,1\ nl,or con- sumers of power, ,1re placed nearby. The mud pits take up Inost of the sp,1Ce on ,mother side the rig. Yet ,mother large area is occupie'd by the r,lcks where hundreds of Joints of drilling pipe are laId out. Other racks hold the' larger and heavier pipe called clsing. From the r,lCk\, juints of pipe or casing are dr,lgged up ,1 r,lmp to the drilling floor. Elsewhere on the "ite 1\ ,1 ro\-\ of trucks ,111d tr,liler... that pruvide oHice sp,lce (,1I1d ometimes living space) tor the nUlllerous cunsult,1I1ts ,1I1d contractors who are ,m es\ential P,1ft of the drilling uperation. For eX'lmple, one speci,llist provides the drill bit (known in the tr,lde ,1S tools). Another offers instruments ,1lld epertise in well lugging-recurding the geologic,11 strat,l the drill p,lsses through. There is more uffice space up on the nuin deck of the rig, in a structure amiably named the doghouse. It serves as lunchroOlll ,md g,lthering pLlCe for the crew, ,1S well as housing a full set of controls for the rig. Gushers and Blowouts. In the Hollywood version of the oil business, every well is a gusher. As crude thunders out of the ground, the crew celebrates in ,1 r,lin ofbLtck gold, like boys playing in d n1l1d puddle. A real gusher would be ,1 dis,lster: the rig BlIght be destroved, fire i likely, people ,1fe injured ur killed, ,1I1d ,It the very least there 1\ a nlonunlental nless to be deJned up. 
The nuin line of defense ,lg,linst such events is the blowout preventer. ,I series of valves mounted ,l( the wellhe,l(:l. under the deck of the drilling rig. The v,lkes close off the \Yell ,IS soon ,IS it st,lrts to "kick:' or sho\Y evidence of back pressure. A com- mon sign of kicking is mud continues to How out of the well even when the pumps .IIT shut ofT. The kick can usually be stopped by closing an .1I1nular preventer. which se.lls off the annular space around the drill pipe. If the .1I1nuLl1 preventer fails, there .lre ram preventer... tlut crush the drill pipe or, if nece...sary, it ofT. Once the kick is controlled. the cre\\ will mi a he1\'ier mud and pump it into the hole. The blowout preventer... ,ue oper.Ited by hydraulic pressure. The nuin control le\'ers ,Ire on the drilling deck, but ,I second set of controls is placed some dist.lnce .1W,lY for emergency use. In case the hydr.1l1lic pump [lib, .1 b.lttery of steel cylinders stores hydraulic fluid under high pressure. Casing and Completion. After .1 well is drilled but before it goes into production, sever.ll more steps need to be taken. First, the well n1l1st be c.lsed ,md cenlented. (:,Ising is } steel pipe tlut lines the hole, keeping the oil out of overlying formations. In ,} deep \yell there will be sever- ,II strings of casing. nested one inside the other. though only the innermost goes ,Ill the \vay to the bottom. If you ,Ire in a petroleum-producing area and YOU see pipe being unlo,lded .It a rail siding or hauled b} truck. it is more likely to be "'ell casing than drill pipe. The reason is th,lt much more Llsing is needed, since each string of casing renuins penn.mently in the hole. \Yhere,ls drill pipe is reused many times. For the sanle reason, casing is a major item of e'\pense in completing a \vell. C,lsing is bonded to the well with cement. It nlUst have taken a fair Jmount of courage the first time this procedure was tried. 11,I\Oing gone to the trouble and expense of drilling a well .md setting casing, the en:'\v then tIll... the casing with cement. If this cement 11.lrdened in place, it would totally plug the \yell. The trick i... to pump in .1110ther fluid (such .is mud) under enough pre...sure to force the cement out the bottom of the casing ,1I1d up the .mnular sp.lce to the surt:1Ce. Even when the tIn,ll casing is set .md cemented, the \vell is not yet ready to pro- duce. There is work) et to be done deep underground. I )iagr,lms of wells often make it appe.Ir that the drill string pokes through the roof of a hollow cavity filled with liquid oil. but there .Ire no such cIvities deep in the earth. Oil and gas .Ire actually dispersed in microscopic pores within a nutri of solid rock. Fluids move so slowly through this m,lteri.11 that a newk drilled well could recover oil ,1I1d (''',lS on1\- frOll1 J t" " within a few feet of the well bore. For drilling to nuke economic sense, this range has to be extended. ,Illowing a Ln-ger volume of oil .md g,lS to tlO\\ into the well. The proce..., i kno\nl fornully ,IS well stimuLttion or well development. but workers in the oil field c.lll it fr,lCkmg (hort forji"/l(/lIrill.I!). P,lss,lges through the rock .Ire opened up by eploslOns, hy .lC , or by ...urgl'" of high-pre"'l11T w,lter; then the cr,l(.-k... ,Ire held open by pumping in s,md or ,I synthetic "propp,ll1t" of crUSh-ITSlst,lJlt spherules. I 'I. i ..3 I. II." o .. ;I!I j' Iii 1-. -. 'II I Another Chesapeake Energy well near Marlow had been drilled but was not yet in production when the photograph above was made. The wellhead at left still has a blowout preventer in case any high-pressure flu- ids are encountered. The apparatus at right is a sand separator, used to remove excess sand or "proppant" from the product stream. The proppant {be/ow} consists of crush-resistant synthetic spherules that are forced down the well to prop open cracks in the oil- or gas- bearing rock layers. 
The offshore drilling rig Rowan Gorilla III is seen in an outfitting yard along the Sabine River between Texas and Louisiana, where many such rigs are built and maintained. It is a jack-up rig: the platform moves up and down the tall, girder-like legs. When this photo- graph was made, in 2001, new legs were being con- structed. At one time, the Rowan Gorilla III was the world's largest jack-up rig. For a sense of scale, note that the basket dangling from a crane on the left side of the rig holds two workers, just visible in silhouette. After tl-acking. .l \\L'll might up thL' hvdroLlrhon rL'"ourcL''' \\ nhin .l fL'\\ hundred feet of the well bore Thi" is still .l slll.lll .lre,l-perh,lp" I () .KTes. It is "ohering to reflect the oil .md g.l'i recl1ven.:d from under 'iuch .l "m.dl p.ltch of ground Lm be )j, . \ \ ' '\ . \ \ . \ . .; ' -'1 -...... - 10-  .  .- '- ..- . ... .. ......,. -' ... . ..... r It\ I.' Ii', , . .. .4" :" - .  ;;  I ..., ,;, . .  ,'...   "  ., , .4. .  ",, .  't&t ;    I  :  /   . ,.   I     ' .. .",,,.; :-;S    .. . -  _. ".. .... . ..  t" ,.. ,  ,...  . 11:60: ..., .. . ..... r4 ..., . . .. ; . ..-. .... , .....   ",...  II. ....  ". . .. .:  '. 4 -' I ' t  /. ,. .. , II...., ..  I  "4   "  / ....; p " It.. " " ...... III! . UII. ' / 1 I I ' I I" " I ... , .. ,! i i. rf 'itl,IP I ' ,I. ell f ," !lA' ,   --. "1! ;,--.....- - .... ....' - ....... w .- ..=. ..    ---    r_ - .., - . .   
worth enough to rcp,lY the ll1ultill1illion-doILtr cost of drilling the well. But there is ,mother to the econoll1ic of oil. 1\ lost existing wells (,IS opposed to newlv drilled one,,) 11.lve ,I ll1uch sll1,lller output. The nation,ll ,lVerage is just 11 b,lrrels per day. ,md thous,mds of well'\ produce less th,m ,1 b,lrrel. Even when the price of oil is up ,lround S5() ,1 b,l1TeL owning ,m oil well is not gu,lranteed to ll1,lk.e you ,1 million,lire. Offshore Drilling.13oring ,1 deep hok in the round is hard enough on; it's even h,lrder when the ground is hundreds of fed bene,nh ,1 hostile se,1. ()ft"Shore drilling i therefore worth the cost ,md the risk only when the potenti,tl p,lyoff is very brge. In the t;ulf of 1\1e'\:ico ,md in sever,ll ,1re,lS ,llong the Calit(Jrni,l CO,lSt. drilling oper- ation begin not very [11- otlshore: you can see drilling pLnforms £i-om or re,lch them with ,1 sm,l11 bo,n. For th,n m,nter. you can see .1 lot of the equipment onshore, where rigs ,Ire brought into port for maintenance. The machinery is so big you don't have to get very dose to get ,1 de,lr look. Exploratory otlShore drilling is done with a mobile drilling unit. These barges ,md ships ,md speci,l11y built semisubmersible rigs rem,lin tlo,ning over the hole ,IS drilling proceeds. The vessels ,Ire either ,mchored in place or held on station by J dynamic positioning sytem_ which use computer-controlled thruters to correct ,my drift. In shallow water ,mother kind of mobile unit i popular: the j,lCk.-UP rig. It is a b,lrge with three or t()llr tall girder-like leg slide vertically through opening in the hull. The rig is tlo,lted to the drill '\ite with the legs raied; then they are lowered to the se,l floor ,md the hull is j,lCked up ,1bove water level. In proven oil ,md gas field, drilling is done fi-om permanent pbttorms, which ,11'\0 serve ,l production ptltt0f111S once ,Ill the well h,lVe been completed. These pLlt- form.... .Ire much brger tructure than mohile drilling units. SmIle h,lVe a fi-ame of hollow steel tube, which is £loated to the ....ite on its side ,md then turned upright ,md sunk by Hooding the tubes. The ulle\t structure in the world io,; a plattorm of this kind. Lllled 13ullwinkle. ISO miles southwest of New Orle,ms in the Gulf of l'v1exico. It tower... 1,()()() teet over the se,l Hoor ,md ,llmo'\t 300 teet over the '\ea Sl11-t:1Ce. Wells in Production. After ,Ill the commotion of drilling is over. ,1 producing well is a londy pbce. A fe\\ pipes ,md valves poke out of the ground. ,md there l11ay be d pl1l11p. but there is seldom ,1nyone ,1round to tend this equipment. An employee known ,l a le,l"e pumper is supposed to stop by once a d,lY to check. the machinery ,md note the ,1l110unt of oil produced. but ,ll1t0111ated instrument for remote moni- toring ,1re m,lking even these brief \"isits unnecess,lry. A tl-ee-tlowing \vell-one with enough pressure underground to pu'\h the oil or g,l to the ....urface-is fitted \\-ith a t,lll stack. of v,11ves and g,ll1ges called ,1 tree. \X"-hy '0 nun) v.lhes? They "erve v.lriou<.: tlmctions-t.lking '\.ullples. reguLning £10\\ .md pre"....ure. provIding .m emergency .dllltotF- but there\ .llso deliberate redun- d,mc). If.l v.llve tlils .md need" to be repLtced. the Joh IS .1 lot e.l....ier if there i .moth- er v.llve helo\\ it th,n cm do....e otf the flow while rep,lirs .1re nude. A producing well near Marlow, Oklahoma, is fitted with a Christmas tree: a stack of valves for controlling the flow of oil and gas that come out of the earth under their own pressure_ On this well the upper valves regu- late flow through the well's central tubing; some of the lower valves give access to the annular space between the tubing and the well casing.  . .. -j , r  ---. " .... J 1_'- ...... :  
A sucker-rod pump extracts oil from a well when sub- terranean pressure is insufficient to bring it to the sur- face. The pump's raised beam (called a walking beam) rocks back and forth, driven by the motor and linkage at left. This nodding motion is transmitted to the vertical string of steel sucker rods, which extend all the way to the bottom of the well. A pump chamber at the bottom lifts oil on the upstroke and refills on the downstroke. The pump in this photograph is on farmland near Plainville, Kansas. t  'f The pressure tl1.It drive... oil to the 'iurt,lL"L' Ibu,dly di......ip,ltc:'\ long bdorc thc uil it,df 1" e'\:h,lll,-ted. rhere,ltter. the oil must be lifted ,lrtitln,llly. The st,llld,Ird device for doing this is ,I n1.\rvelou... contr,lPtion with ,1 n1.lrvelou... n,\l11e: the ...ucker-rod pl1111p. The busine...s end of a ...ucker-rod pump is tlr below the ground. inst,Illed in the tub- ing ,it the level of the oil-be,Iring f()rm,ltion.... The b,l'\ic components ,Ire ,I cylindri- cll dumber ,llld ,I p,Iir of one-W,lY \.alve.... ,Inanged ...0 that the dumber tIlls on the downstroke and lift... the oil on the up...troke rhe pump dumber i... driven b) the sucker rods-a ...tring of rigid ...teel th,lt run in...ide the production tubing. Like drill pipe, the rods come in joints about 3() feet long, but they ,ue solid r,lther dun tubul.u and only a half inch to ,lll inch in di,ll11eter. The topside part of the sucker-rod pump is .1 distinctive sight in any oil-producing region. The sucker rod... ,ue connected by a short length of wire rope to one end of ,1 walking beam. which is held 1 () or 12 teet otT the ground ,llld pivoted in the middle. The other end of the be,ll11 is driven by a crank. ,ln11, ...0 the be,1111 rocks ,1 bout its pivot point, periodically raising ,l1ld lowering the sucker rods. A l.uge, curved guide ,It the sucker-rod end of the beanl is cllled the horse's he,ld. and the n,ll11e couldn't be more  - -- . " , ' , , , \ \ \: 
J - -- ,. r.. - I - ,.' . I , _=I I -'.'. --- ._--, -. apt, tor it i" hor"elike not only in form but .11so in its nodding motion. The (lCe of the horse"" head i" .In .1IT of a circle, .md so it converts the rot.lry motion of the w.l1king be.lIl1 into linear nl0tion of the "ucker rod_ It is that the rods move str.light up .md down into the well, without .lIlY hending "tresses. The power ource tor a "ucker-rod pump is u"ually an electric 1110tor, but there are other po...:'\ibilities, particularly tor \vells in re1110te areas. If a well produces signif- icant .1Illounts of l1.ltural g.IS, on1t' uf it can be used to tilel a slnall engine. Sucker-rud pump... run .It .1 t.Itely, unhurried pace-typically 1 () to 2() "trokes per minute. Often you'll I\ee .1 pump st.ll1ding idle, but that doesn't necessarily mean the well h.1:'\ been ...hut down. Most pumps run intermittently-a fe- hours on, a tew hour:'\ otI--to .1Void distorting the distribution of oil, water, .1l1d gas in the under- ground t()f111.ltions. (Jverpumping em perm.mently imp.lir a well's production, and can even .ltTect neighboring wells. Up close, .1 sucker-rod pump make .\ moaning or ighing noise with a slightly syncop.\ted rhythm, since the upstroke puts more load on the m.lChinerv than the dO\Vlhtroke. In the evening the <;ound has a lullaby quality to it. The whole appara- tU\ looks like .1 holdover from the age of ste.lIll. In f:1ct it's not quite that old. but the de"ign h.1s changed little since it \V.IS introduced in the 192()s. Some individual punlp' ti"om that er.l .lre "till running. Field Processing of Oil and Gas. The tluids th.It come out of.111 oil well .1re not r"ldy to be poured into your .IS t.ll1k. They .lre not even ready to be pumped to the refInery. The <;rutT r11.1t come" out of the well doe"n't qu.1lity as crude oil until sonle prdimin.1ry field proLe\:'\ing i... done. The equipment for thi proce\:'\ing I" ,ometil11es .It the wellhe.1d; more otten .1 single procesil1g st.ltio11 serves .1 cluster of ne.1rby wells. A battery of tanks near the well site holds oil pending shipment to the refinery. Not all the tanks are for oil Storage is also needed for the salt water that comes out of the well. " A heater-treater at one of the Marlow wells has the job of separating gas, water, and oil, which come out of the well mixed in a frothy emulsion. Under heat and pressure, the gas bubbles out of the mixture, while the denser water settles to the bottom. · f I ... 
S01l1ething to notice about .1 field-processing station is the bed of gr.lVd dut Sl1r- rOl1nds e.lCh piece of eql1ipment. In the event of a S111.1Il, the c:lbsorbent gr.lVel reduces the fire h.lz.lrd. I t also nukes le.lks e.lsier to spot. The m.lin t.lsk in field processing is to separ.lte oil. g.lS, .md the salt w.lter that inevitably COll1es up out of the weIl .110ng with the more v.lll1.1ble tluids. The simplest kind of epar.1tor is d setding tank with one inler pipe and three oudets-.1t the top for gas, in the l11iddle for oil, and at the bottol11 for W.lter. A fe.lture of these gravity sep.lrators is a sight glass used to g.ll1ge the w.lter .md oil levels. Gr.lVity SWEET-AND-SOUR HYDROCARBON SOUP Crude oil comes in many varieties, some of which sound like the names of exotic coffees: louisiana Sweet, Nigerian Bonny light, Jobo Crude, Suez Blend, Escalante, Oriente, West Texas Sour. Every oil field produces something a little different. The classification of crudes depends on two factors: heavy versus light and sweet versus sour. Heavy crudes are viscous, tarry, and dense; they have a higher concentration of the "bottoms" that give refiners fits. The sweet and sour crudes have nothing to do with soups served in Chinese restaurants. The difference between them is that sour crudes have more sul- fur. I'm told that the terms came about because people really did taste the oil to detect sulfur. Petroleum is not a single chemical sub- stance but a complicated broth with many ingredients. Most of the molecules are hydro- carbons: little assem blies of carbon and hydro- gen atoms (shown here as black balls and +#+t+ methane ethane propane white balls respectively). The carbon atoms are linked to one another in chains and necklaces, adorned with hydrogens The rule for forming the molecules is that every carbon atom has four bonds, or places where it needs to be attached to something else-either another car- bon atom or a hydrogen atom. A hydrogen atom has just one bond. The simplest hydrocarbon is methane, in which a solitary carbon is festooned with four hydrogens. Ethane has two carbons holding hands, with six hydrogens filling up the rest of the bonds. Propane and butane are chains of three and four carbon atoms, again with hydro- gens stuck everyplace there's a free bond. Organic chemistry has a wonderful vocabu- lary with the unusual property that once you've . . . . . . . . . . normal butane isobutane learned the full name of a molecule, you've also learned all about its structure. (What if people's names were similarly informative?) This is not the place for a discourse on hydro- carbon nomenclature, but one basic principle is worth knowing. Beyond the four smallest mole- cules (methane, ethane, propane, and butane), the names are easy to remember if you know how to count in Greek: pentane has five car- bon atoms; hexane, six; heptane, seven; octane, eight; nonane, nine; and decane, ten. Not all the hydrocarbons are linear chains, with carbons lined up like beads on a string. Among the four-carbon molecules, the straight- chain version is called normal butane, but there is also a branched version, identical in compo- sition, called isobutane. larger molecules have many possible isomers, or rearrangements. A isooctane particularly important one in the petroleum industry is isooctane, which has eight carbon atoms in a lopsided cruciform shape. Isooctane is the gold standard for gasoline. The octane number posted on the gas pump is defined as 100 for pure isooctane, and other fuel con- stituents are ranked in comparison with it. In addition to forming straight and branched chains, hydrocarbons can also fold up on them- selves to form ring-shaped molecules. Cyclopentane has five carbons in a closed ring. Ring molecules in one important family are called aromatics (because many of them have strong aromas). Benzene is the prototype of this group; it is usually represented as a six- carbon ring with alternating single and double bonds. Both the cyclic and the aromatic rings are present in gasoline, and benzene is a major constituent of some heavier products, such as jet fuel and diesel fuel. 
- .. .. -.. .. ft  -.( .. .." .  .{ . .. . ....   --- .- . .. - . " . .  " ...- .. .. " .. ,.. -....... . .lre verv slow. and thus. if you see one, it is prob.lbly s.lfl' to assume dut the wells it serves are producing at a low rate. Higher-cap.lCity sep.lLltor\ operate under pressure. Like other pressurized vessels, they cm be recognized by their beetler pipe fittings, by their rounded t()rm, and hy the presence of pre""ure gauge" .md relief v.llve". ()ne type is .1 long pre""ure ve""e1 tIlled with hundred" of b.ltHe pLltes where droplet\ of liquid collect .md then drain to the bottom. The \\ell stream enter" .It one end of the separator, .md oudet\ for gas and liqUIds .lre ne.u the oppoite end. A ha... two h.lrre1... sucked one above the other; the lower b.lrrel aCCUIl1u1ates the liquid.... Sepdrator'l work quite well tor dividing g.l trom liquid, but they are less ettlcient in removmg water trom oil. ()tten, further treatment is needed to dry the hydrocar- bon\. ('rude oil is not con"idered 'i.lle.lble if it has more dun 1 percent water, .md dehydration requirements for g.I" are even more "tringent. Crude oil and w.lter .lre dit1lcult to "eparate because they form .1 fi'othy emulsion, with the \\ ater dispersed in microscopic droplets. l)ne wav ofbre.lking up the emul- "ion i... to heat it, ,,-hich cmses the droplets to co.llesce in the S.lll1e way they do in an overhe.lted be.lrnai"e sauce. The usu.ll device for this purpose is Lllled .1 heater- tre.Iter. It Lm be either .1 vertiLll or a horizont.ll vessel with a burner underne.lth, typiCllly fired by n.Hural g.lS 6:om the well. The st.lck for flue g.lse" i... .1 distinctive fe.lture. A'i the he.lted emulsion bre.lks down. oil is drawn ofT trom the upper p.lrt of the ch.lll1ber .md W.Her ti-01l1 below. The drying of g.lS is more of d s.ltety i'i'iUl' dun .1 commerci.ll one. At high pres- sure, W.Her v.lpor combine... with "ome of the hvdroLlrbon..; in n.ltur.l1 g.lS to form solid" c.tlled hydr.lte..., wInch Lm plug up v.llve, .md pipeline'i. Bec.1t1...e hydr.lte'i .lre never ..;een in l'vl'rvd.,y lit"L" thev h.lvl' .m .lir uf the spook v .lboUl them, .md yet they A fully developed oil field seen from far overhead is a dense netting of wells, roads, and pipelines embroi- dered on the landscape_ Each of the small white squares in this photograph is the gravel pad of a well and its associated equipment. As a rule, there can be no more than one well for each 40-acre parcel of land, which accounts for the regular spacing. The bright white lines threading through the array of wells are access roads; there is also a fainter and less orderly network of pipelines that gather the oil. The area shown is the Wasson oil field in west Texas, where drilling began in the 1930s. The gray patch near the bottom of the frame is Denver City, Texas. The photograph was made by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station from an altitude of about 200 miles. 
II i:!!J .." ........1iii:!!!I., . I I k t4 k:\ i I Pipeline bridges (above) are one of the few places where petroleum pipelines emerge from underground. Both of these bridges carry pipelines across the Colorado River near Needles, California. The one at right was built as a highway bridge (for u.s. Route 66); the much lighter suspension structure above was designed from the start for pipeline duty. Even where pipelines run underground, surface markers reveal their route. The marker below is along Black Bayou in south- ern Louisiana. "\"-71 <v Q..' G A S W RNING GAS PIPELINE CALl COLLECT 504-468-8400 . BEFORE WORKING IN AREA . r ll" "" \..  ",,''- ._. .... ......... . . - ._ I . .. -  , . ,t -  ; ,. . , I I II I  , ._- --. ........ .. , 4. p -  - -- - are nlore dun a phantom nlen<1Ce to the gas industry. which expends nluch etlort to suppress their fonl1ation. The salt w<1ter separated frOll1 the oil and gas, called produced water, is quite a nui- S<lnce. [t is corrosive, which nukes it hard to tore, <md it is cont<ul1inated not only with salts but also with petrolel1l11 residue, which l11eans you can't just Jump it in the nearest ditch. A common solution is to put it back where you got it, by pUlnp- ing it into another deep well. [1' you cm <lrrange to pUlnr it into the bottom of an oil-bearing fOrInation, it will helr to drive the oil up <md out. PIPELINES Oil is sold by the barrel, <md in the beginning dut's how it was shipped too. IIorse- drawn wagons hauled b<lrrels to the railhead, where they were stacked on fl<1tClrs. Today the b<lrrel rem<lins a unit of nleasure (in the petroleum industry it's equal to 42 gallons), but oil, like cheap wine, never see the inside of an <1CtU<11 barrel. 13ulk shiplnents nlove over water by tanker and over LInd by pipeline. The pipeline sytem is organized like a tree. Snull collector pipelines in the oil field, called flow line, are the fine roots of the system. They gather crude oil fi'om nl<lny wells and bring it to the field processing station. SOll1ewhat larger pipes CUTY the oil to the tenninus of a nlain-line pipeline. which supplie refineries hundred.... of miles away: this is the trunk of the tree. The products of the refinery <Ire then di....trib- uted through another systenl of nuin-line pipes. which divide into snlaller <1l1d snuller branche until they reach distribution depots-the leaves of the tree. The natural-gas pipeline systenl has a ilnilar architecture. except there is no refinery, and the final rwiglike branche go all the way to individu<11 homes. The pipe used for petroleum <md natural-gas tr<msport is nlade of high-strength teel. Joints 40 feet long are welded together in the field, <md then the welds are x- rayed to cbeck for defects. High-quality construction is criticII because the pipeline 
oper,lte-; under hIgh pre-;sure, ,md ,I k,lk cm he e"plosive. Becau-;e pipelines ,Ire buried, you \\ un't ee the -;teel pipe ,llong most of its length, but the p,lthw,lY is not h,lrd to "pot. There "hould be ,l11 identit)ring m,lrker or w,lrning ign wherever the pipeline l.TO",e, .1 rO,lll. ()ne pl.1ce where the pipeline m,lY emerge from the <:un- ce,llment l)f it" burrow i... ,It a river cro,,ing. 01l1etime the pipeline l carried on a highway or r,lihv,lY bridge but there ,Ire ,llu bridge\ "peci,llly built tor pipeline" ,llone. Some of the...e ,tructure'" are elegant ,lnd p,lre SU'ipelhlOn bridge,. COITO"'lon i, the gre,lt enemy of petroleum ril'eline. It's not imply th,lt the "teel pipe rust in the ground; chemical inter,lCtiolh \\-ith the "oil set up elel-tric currenb that ,lCtively e,lt hole... in the steel. To slo\\" corrOlOn, the pipe b cO,lted with variou" HOT OIL FROM THE ARCTIC The most spectacular pipeline-and the most controversial- is the one that carries crude oil from Prudhoe Bay, on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, 800 miles across Alaska to Valdez, on the southern coast. What's most unusual about the Trans-Alaska Pipeline is that you can see it. Over about half its length, the pipeline is not buried but instead is raised on stilts. The reason for the elevated style of construc- tion is that the arctic soil is permafrost: below a thin surface layer, the earth remains frozen year round. The oil running through the pipeline has the consistency of hot fudge, and the temperature of it too-up to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. If this scalding fluid were pumped through the permafrost, the result would be a boggy mess. Even with the pipeline propped up off the ground, the builders had to take extraordinary measures to keep the foundations frozen. Ordinary steel or concrete posts would have conducted heat down into the soil. To keep the permafrost permanently frosty, the posts are fit- ted with "heat pipes" that actively transport heat upward. At the bottom of each post is a reservoir of liquid ammonia. If the base warms, the ammonia boils, extracting heat from the soil and carrying it upward; at the top of the post the heat is radiated away by fins; then the ammonia condenses again and dribbles back into the reservoir. There are 76,000 of these supporting posts along the route, and most of them extend 50 feet into the subsoil. (More drilling was needed to set the posts than for all the oil wells at Prudhoe Bay.) The pipeline is four feet in diameter, and the insulation wrapped around it adds another foot. At any given moment during normal oper- ations there are nine million barrels (or 400 1 " L;' - [ ) ) J 1 " million gallons) of petroleum in transit through the pipeline-enough to Fill several tankers Over most of its route the pipeline is in wilderness terrain, and a big question was how herds of migrating animals would cross the pipeline route. The first proposal was to lift the pipe high enough to let animals pass under. This plan was fine for moose, but caribou are too wary to go under such a bridge. So the pipeline had to go under instead: at 24 "sag bends," a section of the pipe is buried in a spe- cially prepared bed that's able to withstand cycles of freezing and melting. In a few cases a refrigeration plant pumps chilled fluid through the soil to keep it frozen. In the first few weeks after the pipeline was Filled, there were several leaks as well as a " " . , . '... .... . 4 ' ) , . .   major fire. The years since have brought further incidents but no major catastrophes. As is well known, the worst accident with Alaskan oil hap- pened not on the pipeline but in Prince William Sound, where the Exxon Valdez was sailing through a deep, wide, and straight passage but nonetheless managed to run aground. (Photograph reproduced courtesy Bureau of land Management.) 
"" .. An anticorrosion device along the route of a petroleum pipeline in southern Arizona generates a small voltage opposing natural electric currents that would eat away the metal of the pipe. The circuitry for the protective device is inside the metal box; the black-and-white disk above the box spins when the current is flowing, as an indicator that the system is working. A pumping station near Deming, New Mexico, boosts the pressure in a long-distance gas pipeline, The pumps (or compressors) are inside the metal-clad building; the tall cylindrical structure is a heater-treater for moisture removal. klllds uf gUllk .md \\ r.IPped \\ ith Upe. t\ further l11e.lsure i., to pLlI1t "".llTitlcul .1I10des" these .lre l11et.d pLtte" protect the pipeline bv .11Io\\ illg their OWIl "llh- "t.mee to be etcl1c'd .1\\ .IY, (You h.lye olle III your \\ .lter he.lter. tor the .lllle purplhe.) If electric po\\'er is .ly.liLlble .Ilollg the right-of-w.IY. "m.ll1 tr.m,tormer\ .md recritIer, Lm feed direct current into the groulld .IS .mother W.I)" of comb.nillg cotTo,ion. I f you h.I\Oe ever turned on .1 [meet .md been .llllloyed \\'.Iiting tor the \V.lter to run hot. consider how long it Lm t.lke fix .1 p.lreel of oil to nuke its W.I)" through a tr.mscolltinent.11 pipeline. I W.IS surprised to learn dut oil does not gu,h through .1 pipeline in .1 high-velocity torrent. like water fi-om a fire ho,e. The oilmo\"es .It .1 com- tort.lble w.Ilking p.lCe-between three and tlve miles .m hour Tlnls. .1 b.ltch of oil pumped into one end of.1 1,<)()( I-mile pipeline t.lkes a week or two bd()re it comes out at the far end. The quantit)" of oil in tran,it in the Ll1-gest pipelines is gre.ner th.m the ...torage Llpacity of the l.1rge:o-t t:ums. The,ka Pipeline, which i, t()ur feet in di.lmeter .Ind lllore dun ()() mile long, hold, nine lllillion barrels. Pil'eline tor retlned petroleum product-. tend to be snl.lller than crude-oil lines, but their oper.ltions are more complic.lted. The products pipeline m.l)" run .1 tew barrels of gasoline. then ,ome keroene and ome die,el filel before more g.holine. CutotT v.t1ve, Il.Ive to be turned .It ju,t the right nloment to divert e.lCh Lurch to the proper destitution; it's like sorting railroad car, in a moving train, except th.1t you can't ,ee the train. 1 )on't the various products get .111 mixed up as they flow through the pipeline? In most Llses the mixing is contlned to .1 sm.lll portion of e.lCh b.ltch. .md it doe,n't cause much trouble. If two producb .lre seriously incompatible. an intht.lble ,phere can be popped into the line to keep them separated. 13ecall,e their oper.ltions .Ire strung out over such long distances. pipeline comp.l- nie, luve always been on the le.lding edge of communications technology. Even the ver)" fir,t crude-oil pipeline, built in I H65 in western Pennsylvani.1 .md runl1lng a . --i II_L '1'" .,Ji l jL.  '.. T .  --. . I I I 111 \ , I, ,-. 1t t. \ -!r. J'j; . l"f. . , i -_.  - l A 
 -- ..  \ r( . -t1 \. ,'"--., -\1 t , I .i"l  .- ''- ..0 .'  - :=:»   . . .r. - .- -t ")  ... '1f11L ... II . ...... ' i" ,. 4 ;'1; I . . total distance of '\ix miles, had telegraph wires strung p,lrallel to the pipeline itself The telegraph was repLlced successively by the telephone, the teletype, and microw,lVe radio links. Now many pipeline'\ h,lVe fiher-optic Llble'\ buried along the right-of-way_ One pipeline company ,Ib,mdoned petroleum tran'port ,dtogether ,md went into the telephone busine'\s-then came back ,lgain. Pumping Stations. Pipeline tr,lJlport i more energy et11cient tlun ...hipping the oil by either rail or ro,ld, but it till t,lke... hundred... of thousand... of hor...epower to pu'\h the oil through the pipe. The pushing cm't ,111 be done ti-om the st,lrting point boost- er ,t,ltions are needed every ()() to 1 ()() mile.... The pumps themse1ves ,Ire usu,llly rooted over to protect them fi'om the \\"e,lther. but ,onletime... the end walls of the pump building ,ue left open to prevent explosive vapor... tI-Olll .lccumuLlting. ()utside the pump building is a ne,ltly ,l1Tanged but still complicated-looking ,lrray of brightly p,linted pipes. mounted on st,lJlchions that hold them .1 toot or t\\"o off the ground. There ,lre v,llves everywhere to control the flo\\" of oil through the '\y'\tem. Another item to look tor in the pipe yard is ,I pig launcher. Aninl,lllover'\ can re,t ea"y: ,l t:u- ,I'" ( Lm tell. no one h,ls ever tried to run ,I live pig through ,l1l oil pipeline. A pig. in the pipeline tLH:le, is ,I big brush or '\cr,lper or '\l]ueegee tlut get' pushed through the line to cle,l1l the inner surt:lCe. Most of them ,Ire ,luped more like bul- let dun pig...; ...ome look like over'\ize toilet bnlhes. I'm told the n,lme come... fi-om the ...quc',lling ,,011l1d th,lt ,I pig with met.ll scr,lper'\ m,lke<; ,1'" it p,lsses through the pipe. The pig Lll111cher I ,1 ...Ihxt "edion pI pipe ,IIT,1I1ged .1" .1 br,lIlch ti-om rhe 11l,Iin line, like the un-r.lIl1p of ,1 high\\',IY. The ...evl'r.tI v,Ih-es L(mtrolling tht.° 11l111d1l'r ,Ire initi,Il- A pig launcher stands out above other equipment in the pipe yard of a pumping station near Houma, Louisiana. A pig is a device sent through the pipeline to clean or inspect it. The spherical bulge in the elevated section of pipe is a valve that isolates the launcher tube. With the isolation valve closed, a cap is removed from the end of the launcher tube, and the pig is inserted; then the cap is replaced and the isolation valve is opened. Fluid diverted through the launcher tube drives the pig out into the pipeline through the downward-sloping tube. Four pumps driven by 6,000-horsepower motors occu- py an open-ended shelter in Port Fourchon, Louisiana. The station pumps oil received at the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), a docking facility 20 miles out in the Gulf where large tankers unload. A subma- rine pipeline delivers the oil to the Port Fourchon pump- ing station, which then moves it farther inland. . - J , --- ., , - 
A tank farm associated with a refinery in Philadelphia dwarfs the refinery itself (the small area at upper left with plumes of water vapor rising an a winter day). The farm includes bath cane-roof tanks and floating-roof tanks. (Mast of the latter appear to be empty.) The white tanks are designed for volatile fluids; by reflecting solar energy, the white paint helps reduce evaporation. The black tanks are meant for mare viscous materials which warmth from solar energy helps to keep flawing. Floating-roof tanks are the usual storage vessels far crude ail and for gasoline, bath of which have volatile constituents that would evaporate into the empty space above the liquid surface in a conventional tank. In these tanks, at a marine terminal in Trieste, Italy, spiral stairs climb the outside of the tank, then telescoping stairs descend to the floating surface of the roof. -.. " ,-. -....... "'..... '" -'. .. -.....   ....- '...... -.....  - - -- -.  . ....-. 1)" ,,t to ,,al and drain th launchr barrd, 0 th pig cm b 10,ldd through a door at th nd of the bclrr1. Then the v,llve stting ,lr changed '>0 th flo\\ of oil drive'\ th rig into the pipeline and c,uTie-; it along to the nxt pumping st.Ition. There it is retrievd in ,1 pig trap, which look.s the saIne but points in th opposite dirction. The rubber sphere'\ sep,lrat product b.ltchs .lre Ltunchd ,md retrievd with the s.llne kind of equipment. And these days there are .11so ''snun pigs" dut carry instrumn[s through the pipeline [0 check for corrosion .md other tl1\vs. TANK FARMS Rather dun tmil>? f(/r1lls, it might be better to call thnl tc1l1k orclltlrds, for the t,mk'\ ,Ire arrangd in ro\\"-; .md column'\ like fi-uit tree..... Tank tlrms ,Ire found Jt the ter- Ininal" of pipline'\, .It retInerie" .md Jt tJnkr port..... There ,Ire ,maIler collction' of tank,-prl1.lp' we '\hould ca1] them tank gardens-at the depots wher petroleum product.... ,Ire '\tored tex retail distribution. Sen up dose, ,I t,mk t:um "em'\ inllnense; tI-om .mothr pr'\pctive, however, th t,mks are ,muzingly ..;m,ll1. Given th world's thir'\t tor oil, th) hold only ,1 few weeks' supply. A typic'11 rdInery Ius enough c.lp.lCity to store t\\O weks' worth of crude stocks ,md tour week.s' worth of rdIned products. It '\eems petroleum molecules ,Ire like tho...e insect, emerge trom the earth, live and breed for a d.l)". .1l1d then per- ish. Oil is burned up no more than .1 few week'\ ,lfter it come'\ out of the ground. 4 ;' :'1 'i ... - - .,:. 
Mo<;t petroleum t,l11ks .lre cylindricl1. Their proportion<; tell an intere<;ting story. The <;mallest t,l11ks are t,lller than they ,lre wide-per11.lps 20 feet in diameter and 3() feet high. Going to brger sizes, the diameter incre.lses much more than the height, so the tank, hecome tatter and flatter. The very Llrgest ,lre -t-()() feet in diameter ,l11d 6() feet high (big enough to house ,1 respect,lblc professional sports arena). The re,l- son for m,lking big tank ,h,tllower i, the internal pressure at the base of the t,l11k depends on the height of the tluid inside, not the total volume. Higher pressures call for stronger and more expenive walls. The W,ll1 ,lre flbnc.lted from curved <;teel panels welded together in a hricklike p.lttern. The most common ,ize for the plate... i H feet by 3() feet. (Knowing thi'\, you nl.lY be able to e"itin1.lte the ...ize of.l tank by counting panels.)<;e the pres'll1-e is greatest at the bottom, the lower plate"i are thicker-an inch to ,lll inch cl11d ,11ult=-- t,lpering to ,lbout h,llf an inch thick ,lt the top. Cone Roofs and Floating Roofs. The simplest cylindrical t,l11ks have a conical roof. usu,llly <;upported intern,llly by a post in the center, like the pole of ,1 circu<; tent. 13ut t.lnk"i of thi, kind ,lre suitable for only a few petroleum products, such .lS diesel fuel ,md home heating oil. These ,lre liquid"i with a lo\y vapor pressure: they h,lVe little tendency to ev,lpor,lte. In contr,lSt. crudc oil ,md g,lsoline include volatile compo- nent"i whose fi.lme"i \\'oldd fill the V,lcant ,pace in ,1 p,lrti,llly filled cone-roof t,l11k. The V,lpor<; would then be dri\'en out through the roof vent whene\'er the tank W,lS filled. The lo"i, of the vobtiles would be cotly_ ,md would ,llso be ,1 source of ,lir pollution. The ,ecret to ,toring g,l"ioline ,md crude oil i the tlo,uing-roof tank. in which the roof i, ,. p,m or ,1 buoyant pLntorm tlo,ning on the ,urf:lCe of the <;tored liquid. 13ec.mse there i<; no V,lLlI1t p,.ce very link' of the liquid em t'vapor,ne. A"i the [,111).. is tIlled ,l11d cmptied, thL" tlo,lting roof ...1 ide... up ,l11d do\\ n m"ide the ...hell. At the perimeter of the roof ,Ire se,ll... or g,l"kets th It \\ ipe ,lg,lin...t the inner surt:Ke of the he]]. Berms surrounding oil tanks create a gently rolling landscape at a pipeline terminal in Greensboro, North Carolina. The berms offer both fire protection and pol- lution protection. They are sized to confine any possible leak from a tank. Firefighting provisions at the T rieste tank farm include permanently installed water cannons as well as berms. The red panels on the walkway around the perimeter of the tank are also firefighting stations. " \-. 
Among all geometric forms, a sphere is the best adapt ed to resisting pressure, since outward force is exerted equally on all parts of the vessel. In the petroleum industry spherical tanks typically hold propane and sim- ilar light molecules that remain in liquid form only if they are kept under pressure of a few hundred pounds per square inch. Berms are not needed around such tanks, because any leaks would be released in gaseous form. A wind sock is more useful; it indicates which way to run in an emergency. These tanks are at the ChevronTexaco refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi. 250  From ,1bove, t10.1ting-roof t,mks are eay to recognize, 'il11Ce the roof platforIn 1 likely to be well down inside the ho11o\\ 'ihel1. Even 6-om ground level, you cm iden- tity .1 t1o,1ting-roof tank if you know wh.1t to look for. There is usu.111y .1 tlmge, c111ed a wind girder, that circles the t,mk ne.1r the top; on the Ltrgest t.mks it is a walkway \vith .1 lundrai1. The wind girder ,Idds stiffi1l''is to the 'ihell; it is not needed in ,1 with a conventional roof, since the roof itself stiHeno; the structure. A problem with the floating-roof design is th,u it not only confines liquids under the roof but also allows rainwater to ,KcumuLlte on top of the roof How do you drain a roof tl1.1t's lower than the surrounding walls? The usual o;olution is .1 flexible drainpipe th.1t gathers r.1in\\'.1ter fi-om the middle of the roof. c.1rrie it through the petroleum comp.1rtment, .md exit... through the wall of the t,mk ne,lr ib base. Another solution i, to put a tlo,1ting roof ino;ide .1 tank ,1ho h.1.... .1 conventional cone roof. Pressure Spheres. Th mo,t di,tinctiv t,mk.... .ue the o;pherictl ones, which hold liq- uid th.1t luve to be put undr pre,"ure to kep them tl-om boiling .1 \\'a y. (Prop,lne and butan .1re th m,1in ptroleum product, in thi, cltegory.) The o;pheric11 form i.... cho....en becll1 it offer.... th b,t to intrnal pres...ure, which cm re,lch 25() round per ....l}uare inch. Spheric11 tanks are supported on pir... tlut re.l(.-h up to near th qu.1tor of the tank, like .1 b.1eb.111 re'iting on fingertip.... They c.mnot it on the ground the \\",1)' .1 tlat- bottomed tank doe...., not only becH1e they might roll ,1\\,1)'" but .11'\() becau....e all the weight would har do\\ n on .1 'il11g1 point. It ,0 11.1pplh that .1 ....phre 1.... the mo,t etIi- cient of .111 ,h.1pe' for .1 t.1nk, in the ...en....e th,1t th Ltrge't volume of fluid i, enclo,ed hy the "'l11alle,t qu.mtity of ,teel. Neverthele'...., ,pherical are more expensive th.m cylindric11 one, becau....e the t:1bricatlOn io; ,0 tricky. fvtmy ,pheric11 t,mk.... have a spi- r.11 sLlircao;e th.1t fol1ows .1 p.1rticuLtrly dl'g,1llt compound curve to the top. 
Fire Berms. If ,I t,mk tlrm isn't .m orclurd. nl.lybe it's d rice p,H1dy. Notice that each t,ulk "it" in the middle of ,1 large '\qu,lre plot. surrounded bv ,m e,uthen berm three or four feet high. Pipelines. ro,lds. or walkw,lYs th,lt cross the bertn go up ,md over rather than under or through. The ,1re,1 enclosed by the bertn i calculated to hold the entire content'\ of the tank in the event of a nl,or leak. THE REFINERY A petroleum refinery is the lie phis IIltrel of industrial Lmdscape". The nlaze of pipe. to\"\ers. vessels. st,lCks. and tiuning vents defies comprehenion. Looking at all that intricate plumbing, you cannot possibly trace the p,lth of any given molecule. Still. it'" possible to make some sense of the chenlistry happening in d retinery. There ,Ire two import,H1t aids to underst.mding. First. some kind'\ of equipment are ued over An oil refinery suggests the image of a metropolis for hydrocarbons, the pipe manifolds like expressways, the distillation towers like skyscrapers. The refinery depicted here, in Rodeo, California, northeast of San Francisco, was one of the first on the West Coast of the United States. It has changed ownership several times; at last report it was operated by ConocoPhillips. i.a . .. I 'J . . ! ' , .-- r- .. ., , 'l 'r 'III:, .I , ,I . i  . " . i .t l ,... ,. r.. --   ..., - ." '. I II. 1.-........ -. ......- .-. ....-.-......-....... - :::-.-=- ,.  .. '- ,. ''f1 II .r-1 :- . .t' I ,I' -: a,a.._   -t L =- -IZ  .. - -- -(1 I:" :- /' ..;   .,- .  --  :".J : :'-' ... I. ... . - -- .' ..:.-.  . .- .;.= I ti t- -c: E-- "-. _h ...... 
A feed heater at the Chevron Texaco refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi, heats crude oil to about 700 degrees Fahrenheit. There are gas burners near the bot- tom of the unit; tubes lining the walls carry the feed- stock to the heater. This furnace and another just like it at Pascagoula process 325,000 barrels of oil per day.  ,. .. ..  - . - -..41 I. .  . I .. I 111(1 over throughout the pbnt (although no two \tructure .lrt' ex.lCtly .1like). TIllIS, if you recognize a feed hedter or a ti-actionating tower in one pLlCe, vou'll kno\\' it wherever you see it. Second. the letlnery is org.1llized into dilltinct units. e.lCh with a specific function. Although you l11ay never be able to deduce the purpose of every pipe and pressure vessel, you might be able to identifY lIome of the major units. Petroleunl refining is the prototypical process industry-a style of I11anufacruring where things are lllade in continuous streanlS rather than discrete batchell. Oil could be refined one vat at a time, the way you make soup in a pot, but refinery engineers always try to avoid that nlode of operation. Whenever possible, they deign a process so that raw lllaterials flow in steadily at one end and products COl11e out the other. Feed Heaters. Most of the processing steps in a refinery require high tenlperature- often a few hundred degrees Fahrenheit (enough to bake bre<ld). sOl11etinles a thou- sand degrees or more (enough to peel paint). For this reason, just about every unit has a furnace, or feed heater, where the incOl11ing fluid is brought up to tel11perature. The heaters have a distinctive shape, with sloping IIhoulders leading up to a tall nletal smokestack, sOlllewhat siIl1ilar in fOrIn to an old '\tone fireplace with its chinl- ney-but the hearth is the size of an entire house. At the bottom of this structure is a burner. The walls are lined with steel pipes, through which the feed'\tock is pUl11ped. A refinery might have a dozen of these feeJ heaters. The fuel burned in thenl is a nlixture sinlilar to natural gas, drawn fronl the refinery streanl itself Fractionating Columns. Crude oil is a nlixed-up stew of hundreds of chenlical COlll- pounds. The refinery's first task is to sort thenl into groups dccording to nloleculdr size. A fractionating colunln. or tower. is where the sorting gets done. The tower, together with its feed heater. is a fIncy kind of distillery. It separate substances according to differences in their boiling point. Inside the colUl11n are per- forated baffies, called trays. stacked up one above the next at intervals of a few inch- es or a few feet. When the hot feed liquid is pU111ped into the bottonl of the tower, much of it boils away. The vapor begins rising through the perforated trays. but meanwhile other fractions are condensing into a liquid and trickling back down through the same trays. As these counterflows continue. the nlost volatile nlolecules accumulate near the top of the tower while the heaviest lIink to the botton1. Each intermediate component finds its own natural level. Fractionating towers conle in a range of proportions. frOl11 squat and tubby with a pronounced midriffhulge to extrelllely tall and svelte. A refinery could have dozens of columns. They are the object'\ that stand out nlost clearly against the horizon and give the refinery its characteristic skyline. Reactor Vessels. Not every tall. llletal, cylindrical structure with pipell around it is a fractionating colUllln. There are also large vessels with other purposes, such as hous- ing chemical reactions. Sonle of these reactors are upright dnd oblong, like a distilling 
tower, but they .Ire not ,1S un. ()ther re,lCtl0n vessels are laid on their sIde. Many of them ,1re built to withst,1I1d high pressure (up to 5,000 pounds per squ,lre inch, which is roughly the pressure ,1t the bottom of the ocean).The pre\sure vesels have \teel wall\ as n1llch as six inches thick-not th,lt you Cdn tell ti-om the outside. l3ut there i\ a tell- tale \ign of high pressure: hemi\pheric11 end C1pS give the vessel the \hape of .I med- icine c1p\ule. I t's called a bullet tank. Vessels that don't have to hold high pressures have blunter end\, closer to the sh,lpe of a \OUP C1n. Heat Exchangers. At many place\ in .I refinery, one stream of fluid needs to be heat- ed and another needs to be cooled. A process engineer \\ ill neyer Iniss a chance to swap \ome heat in a situation like this. The two fluids are run through a heat exch.1nger. From the outside, a heat exch,111ger is just a long cylindrical tank, usudlly laid on its side. Inside is a big bundle of tubes. One fluid is pUl11ped through the tubes; the other p,lSSe\ through the surrounding space, called the shell. Hedt flow through the w,llls of the tubes from the W,lrmer fluid to the cooler one. Pipes, Pumps, and Valves. Pipes k.nit together the t1bric of the refinery, carrying the various raw materials. products. and intermediate stocks, ,1S well as steanl, w,lter, pres- surized air, ,Hld exotic fluids such as hydrogen sulfide ,111d anullonia. The racks of pip- ing 111a)' look ch,lotic, but there is nothing .1d hoc ,1bout their design: there are thick volUlnes of standards and specification, and the piping engineer n1llst have a lawyer- ly Inastery of .111 thi literature. Many pipes are insulated. SOlne are heated with stean1. A feature of these pipelines is an expansion loop, which looks like the hUll1p in .1n inchworIn. Expansion loops aborb the strain when the pipe expand\ or shrinks in response to tenlperature changes. For every pipe, there\ .1 valve-or a bunch of them. ()ne engineering nlanual esti- nutes that H percent of the equipI11ent budget for a refinery goes into valves. There are two bro.1d categories. Stop valve are I11e.1nt to be either fully open or fully closed, like light switche\. Throttling valves offer continuous control over the rate of flow. These d,lYS, most throttling valves are remotely operated fronl a central control r00111. PUlnps in a refinery have a prOl11ine11t place in the nlinds of the operators, but they are hard to spot frOln .1 distance. They .1re usually nlounted at ground level or below because they need to be lower than the vessel they draw fluid fronl. PUlllpS conSUlne nl0st of the refinery's electric power. The Crude Unit. The crude unit is where the refining process begins. In the earlv years of the petroleum industry. it was .11so where the process ended. That is, the crude unit W,lS the entire refinery. The crude unit is d distillery \\ ith three m,lin parts: a feed heater. an atI11ospheric- pre\sure di\tilL1tion column, ,1I1d a V,lcuum distill,ltion column. This la\t item is ,11so c111ed a t11\her. The ,ltmospheriL column is tdller dnd slimmer; the tlasher h,ls ,I dis- tinctive sll.lpe, with ,1 bulge in the nuddle. AI" ( , . .. - ;' --L ,. t' . - " .. ........ - fractional distillation column (above) is the most char- acteristic feature of a refinery. The catwalks at various levels provide access for maintenance. The column is at the Premcor refinery in Port Arthur, Texas. Insulated, bullet-tank reactors (below) are at the ExxonMobil refinery in Chalmette, Louisiana. ! . . . ....  .1 f,. I I L- IT- - J I '.Ir 11-  . .. \ 
One of the crude units at Pascagoula has two main components (apart from the furnace). The atmospheric distillation tower, in the background at right, operates at normal air pressure and separates the lighter compo. nents of the oil. The vacuum distillation tower, or flasher, in the foreground, boils heavier oil fractions at reduced air pressure. In rhe fl'l'd he.ner, rhe oil is brought rC' .1 remper.Hurt.' of 7{)() degn.'e\ r.lhrenheit. then it i pUll1pl'd ro the .ltmopheri( tower. In the mokcul.1r sorting pHKl'\S th.H goe'i on in'ih1e thi" column, the t"(Hlr lighte...t hydroclrbon,,,, prop.l1le, .11ld to the top, where they .lre dr.l\Vll otT.b overhe.hh, or light enlk The fraction withdr.lwn .It the nl't lo\\er level is Lilled tr.light-run ga'ioline. A century .lg0. str.light-run g.lsoline W.IS .111 the g.lsoline there was. Now quite .1 lot d"e gets blended into the product. and 'itraight-nm g.lsoline is .1 minority constituent. Below the 'itr.light-nm gasoline t.lp. several Inore tractions are dr.lwn ofl: naphthd, kerosene, and sOlnething called g.IS oil. Then. .It the bottom, there\ the even he.1Vier . "ll ..., I :j, t 1-t_;. :... ' .  I . i . f' 'I   .... " I;.  .... I a. 1- ..'  I    - 1),, .., i .\  t I ,T  'I ;.,  .!,,- ,. 7 j- - -  - -.. . ',1 1 :c I ,.. "'1, . ",.r,.., I ' I ' II . \It ii I t' ,  . '.., I . t i-Ih I I · ,  :, '" " . . .. i ,', , !I -- --- - - =:'"T'- I i I =:;'I! . ,I.. I .. ,t l- -- 
<;tutr tlut just won't boil under the...e conditions; it\; cl11ed resid (<;hort tor residu,11 011). or <;imply bottoms. and it 1... the problem child of the refinery. I f you try to boil it ,IW,IY by r,li,ing the temperature tluther. the oil do\\"n chemically. like sugar turning to car,lInel. 13ut "'OIne of the re,id will boil if you keep the temperature cOIht,mt \\"hile lowering the air pre<;sure Gu,t a... water boils .1 little e.l,ier in I )enver th,111 in I Jalla'i). That's wlut the V,lCuum tower i<; for. The .lir pre<;<;ure in<;ide i, ,lbout .1 third of nornl.l1. The fi-,lCtions boiled off in the vacuum tower ,Ire known .1' tla,her top.... They ,Ire .1 raw materi,ll f(Jr the m,111ut1Cture of 1l10tor oib ,md other lubric,111ts. L3ut if there ,Ire flasher tops. there 1l1l1<;t ,1]<;0 he tbsher bottoms! Thi, i, the re,idue of the residue-the gunk tlut \\'on't boil even in ,I p,lrtial vacuum. Some of it cm be nude into ,lsphalt tor road p,lVing .md roofing. The Gas Plant. The retining of the lighte't fractions i... the Inirror ilnage of \\ hat hap- pen' to the heavy Where lower pre"''iure help<; the heavy stuff boil, higher pre...- sure help<; the light <;tuff l.onden...e. The g.b pLmt h.lS 'ieveral tall and very ...Iender tower.... I leight is needed becau...e the light ga...e... ,Ire ll.1rd to 'iep,lrate fi-om e,lCh other. ,md ...0 the column'i must have .1 large number of tr,lYs. The towers can be narrow in cro<;s section bee-lUse the volume of material being lundled is much smaller than it is in the crude unit. The pressure is about 200 pounds per <;qu,lre inch. Four products come out of the g,ls plant. Methane (which is ,11<;0 the main ingre- dient of Iutural gas) tllels nlost of the refinery oper,Hions. Eth,111e can also <;erve as fuel, but it's worth more as ,I raw nl,Herial for nlaking other chelnicals. including plas- tics such ,IS polyethylene. Prop,111e is Il1arketed ,IS liquefied petroleum gas. L3ut,111e is the dear liquid in all those tr,111sp,uent pLtstic cig,lrette lighter<;. but that's not where most of it goes. It's also ,I vital component of modern gasolines. The Catalytic Cracking Unit. (:racking is just the lume suggests: Taking big Illolecules ,lnd snapping them apart into <;maller piece.... For example, .1 chain of 16 carbon atotns might be cracked into ,I I (I-carbon unit and a 6-c.lrhon unit. The ainl of this proces... i" to convert <;ome of the he.lvier petroleUlll ti-actions, tor \\-ll1ch there is little market. into more gasoline. The nl01ecular bone-breaking could be done by he,lt alone, but a catalyst-a chelnieal facilitator-nlakes it happen f..l<;ter .111d with better control over the outcome. C.ltalysts for this proce<;s are 111ainly zeolites. which are lacy molecular structure<; with nl,lIlY voids where hydroclrbons can lodge. For 'ome re,l...on, "cat cr,lcking" is better known to the public dun other refinery oper,Hions. But I h,ld a wrong iIl1pression of ho\\ it's done until ,I visit to ,I refinery clued me in. [ Iud im,lgined feedstock trickling through a big vessel p,lCked \\ith be,ld, of cataly...t. Tlut  pe of cat cr,ICker. I le,lrned. has been obsolete for decIdes. The cr,lcking proce'iS tlVored today is cllled fluid,llytic cLIcking. The Clt.llvst isn't .Ictu,llly ,I fluid; it\. .1 'olid. but It\ ground intu .1 powder so fine dut it flow<;. The c,lulytic powder ,111d the feed...tock ,Ire mied .It ,I temper.Hure of ,lbout l)(H) degree, F-.lhrenheit .md pumped up\\".lrd into ,I re.lCtion ch.l1l1hcr. The chcmic.l1 cr.ld,ing The fluid catalytic cracking unit at Pascagoula includes a reactor, at left, where all the hydrocarbon chemistry takes place, and a much larger regenerator, at right, where the catalyst is restored to its active state by a blast of hot air that burns away carbon deposits. (Photograph courtesy Stephen Renfroe, Chevron Texaco.) 1- . '  ,. .........=.   '-r-\ j- -" r .\ . _Jp'!I , . , I, 
. .4 I  '  . .  - ..  1:' -' !il I, I.  . -... > . .. ..,. . - Hydrocracking (above) is done in tall pressure vessels, where the feedstock and added hydrogen can percolate through a bed of granulated catalyst. A reformer (be/ow) has pressure vessels filled with precious-metal catalysts. Both units are at Pascagoula. \  . ;: " .. .. \ i " ...,.,.. 4' --.. f .. i ukt"<; ptlCt" .111110S[ iIlSt.ll1rIy. Theil the Llt.lly<;t .111d the hydroclrboll" h.lVL' to be SL'p.l- rated "0 the l.ltdlyst em be rew,ed. The i" .lccomplished with ,I cvclone, ,I device spins the mixture "0 the den"er cat,lly...t migr,lte... to the periphery while the hydrocarbons renl.lin ne,lr the center. The fluid cracking unit has two more nl.ljor parts. The fi-actionating colunm is silnilar to the atnlospheric tower of the crude unit: it separates the product" of the cracking reaction. The regenerator, which is usually the biggest part of the entire cracking unit, receives the spent c,ltalyst ,wd gets it ready tor reuse. With a bla"t of hot air, it burns away carbon th,lt plugs up the pores of the zeolite. Where does the carbon come fronl? Answering this question ellls tor a detour into the chelnistry of cracking. The feedstock Inolecules are chains of carbon ,ltm1l', sur- rounded by hydrogens. You nlight think of "uch a nlolecule as a long banquet table. The carbon backbone is the t,lble itself; the attached hydrogen ,Itmlls are the chairs lined up along both "ides of the table and aha (this is inlportallt) at the head and the foot. When the table is broken "mnewhere in the nliddle, two more chairs are need- ed to fill the newly created positions ,It the he,ld and foot of the two fragnlent". The chdirs c,mnot be created out of nothing-and neither can hydrogen ,Itmns. Thus, the cracking of molecules leads to J hydrogen deficiency. The needed hydrogens are stripped aw.lY fi-OJn other feedstock nlolecules, le,lYing behind a residue of carbon. Hydrocracking. What if you ran a cat,llytic cracking operation but added hydrogen to make up for the deficiency? Roughly speaking, that's what happen" in hydro- cracking. It is ,Blather way of converting heavy oils into g,ls01ine cOJllponents. As it happens, hydrocracking is done in the kind of fixed-bed cat,llytic reactor that would be so old-fashioned in LIt cracking. This arr,lngelnent works because no LIrbon clogs the catalyst bed. ,lIld there is no need for continual regeneration. The Inain hardw,ue components of a hydrocracker are hefty pressure vessels, usual- ly of the bullet-tank variety. They art" nlounted vertically so the feedstock can trickle through the catalyst bed. Also part of the hydro cracking unit are feed he,Iters, separa- tor" to recover unreacted hydrogen ga", and-a" everywhere-a fractionating colmnn. The Reformer. The reforIner is not a crusading politician, but it ;s a do-gooder of orts. It rearranges various hydrocarbon nlolecules, nlaking thelll better citizens in the world of I1l0tor fuels. Tht' basic idea is to take abundant straight-chain nlolecules and either give theln br,lnches or twist thenl into closed rings. These geon1etrically intri- cate nlolecules burn nlore sn100thly in dutOlnobile engines. The refornler is another unit based on high-pressure reaction vessel". They are filled with an unusual catalyt, rich in rare Inetals <:iuch as platinum and rhenium. The cataly"t is worth a tew nlillion dollar", and it has to be replaced every few year". Alkylation. The cracking unit" bre,lk big Illolecules into small ones; the "alky" plant does the opposite, gluing together small molecules to nuke bigger ones. The LIulyst 
for this process is different from the velriou c powder<; and gr ,uuIles used elsewhere in the refinery: it i liquid sulfuric clcid. Another difference is that the alkylation unit doesn't helve el feed heater. Instead, it has el big chiller, where the feed is cooled to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This 1 the ten1perature where the acid does its best work. The Bottom of the Barrel. The heaviest pelrt of the crude oil has always been the unloved, good-for-nothing, poor relation of the petroleum industry. The <;tuff burns fine, but it is gooey, stinky, dirty, and aln10st worthless. Since the 198()<; many retlner- ie'\ have built new facilities for dealing with the bottom of the barrel; they can't make the noxious elements go away, but they can concentrate them. The process is called coking, and it cooks the oil until there's nothing left but carbon. A coking unit IS a bizarre-and unn1istakable--sight. It has drilling derricks, as if the refinery has held the good fortune to strike oil on its o\\"n property! But a closer look reveals something odd about these drilling rigs. They are 1110unted a hundred feet in the air, atop tall steel ves- sels. The vesels ,lre the coking drUl11s, where the overheated residual oil breaks down, releasing el11 its volatile constituents but leelving behind a hard mass of solid carbon. The drilling rigs are needed to breclk the carbon loose. A coking drUl11 is cooked for about '" I; , ........ .1'" :' .. -I:I.. f  ..,.\ ....... . _ '.a.:. \ " ... ........ .ilQ:', t. r  · 'I J .: fl ': t'  _ .R.... 'L 'j;ilii  t :Ii) ., . ., .Olif." 1'; - .i'df r.b . rt.1_1J. I"I 8! .'.!I'IM"'" 1rJ' . ... ___ '....... .d',....,. ..... . .,: . .. -=- . 4 I UI .:.:,  ;Ii Ii ... .- '., ! ':& . -a -- . 1: :. 1 fr  - tftll' 1 11 1 : . 1ft ..,.1 . II - ' I' - ;;iiJ f' .=in. .f "I  { '- "..L_:I "l: "ii , , ... -.,. \. 4.11I. "'" it ji "I.' '.. I , 'III : I , J ; I I " I:,,;  r Ira' ;:w. II - .: 'BI i:I , r I i it. ',.I W -, f II ! B, '. c \1 ... t a I'-  " Ii..... ... ..' :'..&1' . ' I ..r.I :; '==- .,... .I. 'II II. ..!"'" '.. " . . ''-' :B!II 411i II ''''II d , I, ill _)ii, t . '- . <:  ......;.. f.'. ......, - , :' I 1 . .1 1 - .' , ,. . ., II , I r .. lIi .. ....... 1 An alkylation plant at Pascagoula {above} also relies on bullet-tank pressure vessels, but in this case they are laid down horizontally; one large tank is visible here behind the smaller drums of a heat exchanger The unit also includes several tall distillation towers. Coking units at Pascagoula are an unmistakable feature of the skyline. The coke is formed in the tall drums in the base of the tower. Oil heated to more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit breaks down there, releasing all volatile components and leaving a residue of solid car- bon. The drilling derricks are needed to remove this carbon after a drum has filled up. The drill creates a pilot hole through the carbon deposit, and then a high- pressure jet of water washes out the rest. 
Flares flicker against the evening sky in Pascagoula. Most of the time, the flame atop each stack is just a pilot light. In emergencies, however, the stacks are required to dispose of very large quantities of flamma- ble gases. One reason the stacks are so high is that the heat of an emergency flare could injure anyone closer to the flame than about 100 feet. 24 hours, until it fills ur \vith carbon. Then the drmll is allowed to cooL and the rig drill.; a pilot hole through the coke. A jet of water flushes out the rest of the c.lrbon. Petroleum coke is soft, ')ponb'Y, and intensely black-like concentrated gI iIlle. It's too full of sulfur to be burned anywhere subject to .lir-quality stand.lrds. What becomes of it? Most of it is exported to less tlstidious countries. Product Blending. R..efiners convert .1S Illuch crude as possible into transportation fuels-diesel,jet fuel. and especially gasoline. Most of the Illo1ecules that go il1to gaso- line have tlve to eight carbon atOIlls, but when J learned how gasoline is blended, one ingredient surprised nle. It is butane, lighter than the rest, with just four carbons. I was surprised because butane boils at about 3() degrees Fahrenheit, and so I thought it would vaporize and escape. Butane is added to gasoline for two reasons. First, it hdS dn excellent octane nU111- ber (the Illain rating of gasoline quality), and it's Illuch cheaper than other high- octane .ldditives. The second re.bon is the low boiling point, which turns out to be an advantage as well as a drawback. Vaporizing is just what gasoline needs to do in order to burn in an .lUt0111obile engine. Having S01ne highly volatile cOInponents is particularly iIllportant for starting the engine. For econOInic reasons, refiners would put as I1Iuch butane as possible in .1 g.lsoline blend, but they can't overdo it or much of the butane would evaporate. The ev.lpo- ration rate varies with the we.lther. 11ence, 1110tor fuel is blended differently accord- ing to the season; gas for a cold clilnate has Inore but.lne. When you fill your tank. you nl.lY notice wavy fU1nes elnerging frOIll the filler pipe. That's butane escaping. The Flare Stack. People who give refinery tours tell Ine the flare-that puls.lting flalne held aloft on a tall Inast-is \vhat everyone asks about first. At one tilne. refiner- ies burned off brge volunle') of gas that was not worth selling. but that's not done .1nYInore. In Inany refinerie') today the flare doe') not burn at all during routine oper- ations. It i.; there for elnergencies. If the gas pbnt has to be shut down suddenly bec.lUse ot d leak or Inalfullction, .111 the gases cOIning out of the other refinery units 11dve to go sOInewhere. Uurning i the afet .111d cleanest way to get rid of thenI. 
The burner .It the top of the t11re is .1 lot like the one in a g.1S grill or broiler: it has many rows of small nozzle \pre.1d the ftune over .1 wide area and let air reJch all parts of it. Bars called tlJIneholder\, mounted just .1bove the nozzle, create turbu- lence to mix the gas and air. Some flares have .H,iditiOll.11 nozzles to inject stean1, which, paradoxically, Inakes the flan1e burn cle.mer. Sulfur Recovery. Much of the sulfur in crude oil is released in the refinery a, hydro- gen ,ultlde, the rotten-egg g.l'i. Until about 1970 the C01111110n way of getting rid of the hydrogen '\uHide \vas to add it to the refinery fuel gas. There were two proble111s with this practice. Fir'\t, it nlJde the refinery a very stinky place. Second, it .1dded J heavy load of sulfur oxides to tht' atIllosphere. The burning of hydrogen sulfidt' has been topped now; instead, a recovery plant convert it to elenlental '\ulfur or sulfu- ric acid. People still hold their noe when driving by J refinery, but it's just J reflex. Tht' ones I have \-i\ited l.1tely don't sInell dt all. THE GAS STATION If the refinery is an exotic locale that lllot people never visit. the gas station is all too familiar. Still, even at the ret.1il end of the oil industry. a few technological elements often go unnoticed. The gas station has undergone a curious evolution. Early in the twentieth centu- ry. gasoline was sold as a sideline by general stores, with a pump at the curb. Then came the classic filling station, which grew into an eInporium for all things automo- tive. The gas st.ltion of the 19S0s, dad in gleaming white porcelain enalnel, as if it were some giant kitchen .1ppliance, would not only fill your tJnk but also change your oil, fix your tlat tire, and replace your leaky nluffler. Since the 1 L)H( Is another .. .., , ,. - I r I ..- .:. '.  .  . ! ... , . epgt , :. ':-tim AO 4  t\ ,. .- .... .. fr  .--  -.; . ....  II I - . . -f ........ The metropolis for hydrocarbons also has a skyline like that of a large city. This is the ExxonMobil refinery in Chalmette, Louisiana, observed from a ferry crossing the Mississippi River. 1 r . !- t' .., t-l I . "* .... m I .. .I. . . . I J . I"'I'V  . . 11 'iI3:' "..,.' ., I . "'. =.! .''.:1 It  - .... ( . a . - - "U-, _ . I IJ .,''''  _I- H -- · '1..!' . Bf  __,,'" I  ',.;.i , .... ..1 
The American gas station began as an adjunct to the general store and has returned to that role. A modern station {right} in Altoona, Pennsylvania, sells food, beer and cigarettes as much as fuel. An antique gas pump {be/ow} is on display as a novelty item at a shop in Greensboro, North Carolina, that was once a gas sta- tion but has long since been converted to other uses. The glass vessel atop the pump allowed the buyer to confirm the quantity of gasoline before pouring it into the fuel tank. (The price on the placard is 17 cents per gallon. I \ \ . I' " ... , ;: I ;'-' ..»"1 ,;."r . ,. ... ... '.., . a?H L ;!f "8 8 18 8 ")-11. ... . ,. transforInation has conle over the gas station: it has ftlsed with the convenience store. Now you can buy gas and pick up l si"X-pack of beer and a bag of chips all in one place. bur you need to go elsewhere-to an .lrray of more speci.llized fi-.lnchises-for 1l1 oil change. a tune-up. a muffier. or tires. In other ways too the gas stltion has come full cycle. The early curbside pUlnp WlS often a self-service device. Later stations were staffed by squ.ldrons of uniforIned atten- dants who not only operated the pUlnp but also swabbed the windshield, checked the oil, and issued Green Stalnps. Now (except in a few '\tates) we have returned to the tra- dition of do-it-your'\elf PUlnp'\ equipped with a credit-card reader allow the entire gas- buying experience to be cOlnpleted without having to speak with a hUlnan being. Meanwhile, the gas pUlnp itselt=-the heart of the gaoline retailing business-has llso been evolving. Early pUlnps were cranked by hand, and the gasoline flowed first into an elevated glass vessel graduated in gallons (or liters). That way the purcha'\er could verify the quu1tity of fuel before it Wl allowed to flow by gravity into the car's tank. This principle continued to be honored in vestigial fOrIn tor decades thereafter; as late a'\ the 1950 Olne pump') still had a glas globe where you could watch the gasoline flowing through l11d turning a plastic turbine. Early retailers stored gasoline in drums or barrels. Then, as larger volUlnes were sold, the storage tanks were moved underground, both to save splce and for safety. But burying the tank didn't necessarily bury the problenl. Steel tanks would eventu- ally corrode and begin leaking. For a long tilne, Ininor lelks were not considered a serious issue. The only cost of a lelk was the lost gasoline. Now, an undetected under- ground leak is the gas stltion owner's worst nightmare. Hundreds of tons of contanl- inated soil have to be dug out and carted off to be trelted lS hlzlrdous waste. To deal with the leak hlzard, steel tanks have been replaced by corrosion-free fibergla'\s ones. Monitoring wells are drilled .Ill around the tanks for early detection of any hydrocarbons entering the soil or groundwater. SOluetilnes electronic leak- 
ddection '\y<;tems ,lre instellled. And in some part'\ of the United Ste1te'\, above-ground storelge tank'\ helVe come bclck into (lVOr. especially for kerosene elJ1d diesel fuel. which don't present quite as much risk of fire elnd explosion as gasoline does. A tvpic,ll tank clt d large gas '\tation holds 12.UOU gallons, and there e1re three or four such tclnk to acconll11odate the various grades of fuel. The tanks are filled .  t'hrough fitting recesed into the concrete apron that surrounds the pUl11pS. A stan- dard color code i developing for the various hatches and access caps. White n1clrks reguLtr unleaded ga<;oline, blue i the "plu'\" grade, and red is prel11iUl11 gas. Yellow and areen are for diesel fuel-the Y ellow for low sulfur and the green for hi g h sulfur. b   Finally, brown is for kerosene. Monitoring wells are danger orange: you wouldn't want the delivery truck to punlp 10,000 gallons of high test into the well. In heavy-sl11og dreas, gas stations have had to make another change in the P,lst few years: installation of vapor-recovery systel11s.As noted earlier, gasoline is rich in butane, a very restless 11101ecule that takes an)' opportunity to escape confineulent. The gas- pump nozzle is fitted with a plastic hood. emd an interlock switch allows the pUl11p to run only when the hood is seated to the filler pipe. Suction draws the vapor through the hood emd into a sep,lrate hose. eventuallv to be returned to the storage tank. NATURAL GAS The petroleUl11 and natural gas industries are twins separated at birth. They have a great deal in conlI11on; indeed, the raw nlaterials for both industries often COI11e out of the saIne hole in the ground. And yet they have grown apart, developing different cultures. practices, and technologies. The word et,zas is a variation on chaos. The nal11e was suggested by Jan Baptista yan Helmont, a seventeenth-century Flel11ish chel11ist, who thought of gases as unruly spirits given off when solids or liquids are heated. (Or l11aybe he was just being whilllsical.) The stuff we burn today is cdlled natural gas to distinguish it frOIl1 l11an- ufactured gas, which cal11e first historically. All through the nineteenth century and up until about lY5(), gas was nlade by roasting coal or heavy oil residue to drive off a mixture of conlbustible gdses-l11ostly carbon Illonoxide but also sonle hydrogen and Illethane and traces of nluch else. The gas was a poor fueL not to l11ention a dead- ly poi'\on. The residue left behind at the gas works. called coal tar. was even nastier. Effort'\ to find a use for the '\tuff or somehow get rid of it were so assiduous and enduring thdt they pretty l11uch created the discipline of organic chel11istry, and then the dye'\tuff and phan11aceutical industries. MelI1utactured gas hasn't been Inanufactured for decades. but In any of the cOlllpa- nie thelt once made it Jive on clS distributors of natural gelS. COInpanies such as l3rooklyn Union (;a'\ and Public Service of New Jersey converted their old gas works to '\torage (lCilities for the new fuel flowing in trom TeXe1S elIH.l (JkL1honu. The most ditlicult P,lrt of the conversion We1S reeH.ljusting millions of stove burners ,md fUrIlclces. The storage of gasoline and other fuels at retail outlets has also undergone significant change. Originally stored in elevated tanks, gasoline was later put under- ground for safety reasons. But in many jurisdictions, tanks are now being installed above ground again because of the risk of underground leaks. The tanks below are at a gas station in western Missouri. I  " B II 'I 
Rigid-walled gasholders loom over a residential neigh- borhood in Genoa, Italy. Most tanks of this kind were built in the years before 1950 and originally held man- ufactured gas. Often they are the tallest structures in the area and therefore serve as important landmarks.lnside the tanks, a floating piston separates a layer of natural gas below from air above. N.1tur.11 g.b i... .1 ...impler tuel th.1I1 m.lI1uLH.. turcd g.I. It i l11ot1y mctluHc. the m.dl est of the hydroc.lrboH molecule... \\ ith few impuritie... e:\.cept water. The only nUJor products of combustion .Ire carbon dioxide .1I1d \\".1ter. l )ne impurity is deliber.1tely added to the g.1S before it enters the distribution pipelines: methylmercapt.1I1. the mer- cury compound giveo; g.1S its characteristic '\mell. (The meth.1I1e itself is odorles...) g.lS became a pr.1Ctical fuel only with the construction of long-distance pipelines. Other forms of tr.msport are imply too expensive. which means that g.1S fields not served by a pipeline can't be developed. The g.1S in the AL1sK.m North Slope. for example, h.1s no W.1)" of getting to nurket, and so it is reinjeCted into the wells, where it helps push oil to the '\utt1Ce. A few oceangoing t.mkers carry 11.1tur.11 gas .1S a cryogenic liquid (temperature -259 degrees E1hrenheit), but commerce in liquefied lutural gas (LNG) Ius not t.1ken ofT the way the world petroleum market Ius. Gas received through the pipeline system is stored in the equivalent of tank farms. The traditional storage [lcility i a gig.mtic. coII.lpsible canister, or holder, dut rises J , I ' \-'-, t' - !  . . ,\ -L \. \ t . I' II J I . I I I' . r \ I t-- I.:.. -  : ',.. T . II I 10 L.J , 1 I 1..11 I I 1.1 - , r;21 .I'-u "II 1 11I1 I' .,."'1 _ 1. .- IUU" _ lL": II . I 111I' I II . \ \" \ !. , jJ ' i ' 
\ [ [' ) \ I , . -... j I L I j I j] and falls with ch,lnges in the supply and den1and for gas. In New York City, genera- tions of conllnuters came to know two such gas tanks near the Long Isbnd Expressw,lY in Ehnhurst, Queens. The Ehnhurst tanks have been demolished, like Inany other around the country. The holders are essentially infbt,lble structures, but made of telescoping sections instead of elastic [lbric. The walls are concentric rings called cups, linked together by flcmges. As the empry tank starts to tIll with g,lS, the innermost cup (which supports the slightly dOined roof) starts to rise. A tlange at the base of the innermost cup engages a nl.ltching t1.mge at the tOp of the next cup. which is therefore pulled up as the tIlling continues. The joint between sections is sealed with water. which is ste,un-heated in winter to keep it frOlll freezing. At full etension a typical holder stands nlore than 200 feet high and hold roughly 1 n Inillion cubic teet of gas. The sections ,lre held in align- ment ,md br,Ked ,lg,linst wind lo,H:is by a cylindrical exoskeleton of steel trusses. 13ec.mse of the inllnense volU111e, the pressure needed to intlate the holder and lift the cups is very slight-only about one-h,llf pound per square inch above ,ltlll0- spheric pressure.You could blow up the holder with your breath, like intlating a giant be,lCh tov, but it would uke .l while-perhaps J()() nli11ion lungsful. There ,lre ,llso rigid g,lS holders, which look from the outside like pbin steel t,lnks \\ithout l110ving r,lrtS. but inside they h,lVe a tloating piston that separ,ltes gelS in the lo\\er part of the holder from ,lir ,lbove. (Keeping ,lir ,md gelS ap,lrt is the point of ,Ill the ,tor,lge ,lff,l11gements. (,.IS is re,lSOl1.lbly s,lfe ,IS long ,IS there's no oygel1 present.) The hig low-pre,sure g,lS holders ,lre being repLtced by high-pressure t.l11ks ,111d bv insuLlted t,l11k, for liqudled ,lS. The typic.ll t:lcility tor high-pre'\sure tor,lge is ,I b,l11k Telescoping gasholders in Elizabeth, New Jersey, rise and fall within their skeletal framework as gas is stored and withdrawn. In this photograph the gasholders are fully deflated. They had probably been emptied in preparation for demolition; since the photograph was made in 1998, the gasholders have disappeared, like many others of their kind. High-pressure cylinders store natural gas in a smaller volume than the low-pressure rigid and telescoping gasholders. The cylinders are in Ljubljana, Slovenia. ... '  '. --...... . ... 'Ill . -- 
liquefied natural gas (lNG) is stored at even greater density than the high-pressure gas. The LNG depot at right, shrouded in foggy vapors on a winter afternoon is in Everette, Massachusetts. A vent stack on a city sidewalk serves as a pressure- relief valve for the gas distribution system. Ordinarily the valve is dosed and nothing escapes through the vent; if a malfunction causes higher-than-normal pres- sure in the mains, it is better to release the gas through a vent like this one than through leaks in underground pipes or inside buildings.  p .,.. I z C' C' p VI '" =i ...  z ... If.1 :,1 .". I ,I "I ,Iii   -- --==-=i li_ ./ , iiiiI ,.. ..  -." .- of cylindrical tanks with hemisphrical nd C.IpS. Each tank is about the SIze of a hous trailr. A dozen of the tanks have .IS Inuch capacity as one of the gi,mt old telescoping holders. That's about a d,ly'S supply for a major city. Larger stocks ,Ire "tored in liquid fOTIn. Six hundred cubic feet of natural g,lS con- denses into a 5ingle cubic foot of LNG. T,lnk for LNG don't have to withstand pres- sure, but they have to be insulated to kep the fuel cold and be built of materials th,lt retain their strength in the deep freeze. In addition to the storage t,lnks. ,m LNG depot will have a refrigeration plant. and an evapordtor. which accomplishes the opposite task-making the gas a gas ,lgain. Although storage technology has ch.Inged. the gas-distribution svsten1 remams Inuch as it has been for the past century. The gas n10ves through underground pipes at very low pressures-roughly 0.2 pound per squ3re inch over atmospheric pres"ure. This is less than the change in barOlnetric pressure when the weather turns frOJn fair to stormy. Thus, the gas is very gently wafted through the pipes. The low pressure entails much larger pipes than a high-pre"sure sy"ten1 would need SOlne of the gas mains in New York are six feet in diameter. Low pres"ure is a safety feature; it rduces the leakage rate when a pipe faih or a pilot light goes out. The tr3ditional n1aterial for gas Inains is iron pipe, but di"tribution lin ldid in the past few year" are n10"tlY plastic, colored bright yellow for easy identification. FUTURE FUELS Petroleum is routinely called the life'" blood of the industrial economy. The n1etaphor is not far-fetched. Societies rely on oil and gas to meet a sl13re of al1no",t all energy denunds, and transportation in p,lrticular would go nowhere without petroleUln. The 
least hiccup in upply ets off international alarnls. Nations do not hesitate to go to war over oil. But given the central and essential pla ce of petroleUlu, it's startling to reflect that oil i'\ a neWCOll1er to the world econOll1Y. The industry sprouted up onlyalittIe l110re than a century ago. What's nlore, in another century or so it will have disappeared. The petroleunl age is a brief episode in hU111an history. No one knows how nluch oil rell1ains in the ground, or how Iuuch of it can be recovered at acceptable cost. There is surely l110re to be found and l110re to be punlped than the oil companies kno\,v about-or teIl about. Nevertheless, it is beyond dispute that the resource is a finite one. We are burning petroleunl l11uch, nluch faster than the earth is lllaking it. And there is reason to suspect that we are near the high-ti de luark in oil production and consunlption. In the United States, petroleunl production peaked in 1970. Production elsewhere has continued increas- ing since then, but Kenneth S. Deffeyes, a geologist with close ties to the oi] indus- try, has argued that the upward trend cannot last nlore than a few years; indeed, he has gone on record predicting that the peak will conle on Thanksgiving Day in 2005. Af ter that, he says, it's all downhill-although the decline nlight take as long as the build-up did. The prospect of running out of oil a few decades fronl now should not be cause for panic or despair. Given that the whole infrastructure of the petroleUll1 industry was built in less than a hundred years, there should be plenty of tinle to create its replacell1ent. It wil] be interesting to see what that replacell1ent is, and what new fea- tures it adds to the technological landscape. And if a world without gasoline seenlS unill1aginable, look back to the 1850s, when a world without whale oil and a whal- ing industry nUIst have seenled equally unlikely and forbidding. THE HYDROGEN ECONOMY? In one popular vision of the post-petroleum future, automobiles powered by fuel cells will convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, producing only water as exhaust. President George W. Bush endorsed this idea in his 2003 State of the Union address, and proposed a $1 .2 billion program of research. The two main elements of this plan-the use of fuel cells and the use of hydrogen-are almost independent. If fuel cells turn out to be the best way of powering automobiles, they can probably be made to work on fuels other than hydrogen. At the same time, if hydrogen is readily available as a fuel, it could be put to work in many ways, including burning it in engines much like those of cars today. The big question is where the hydrogen comes from. Some envision splitting water mole- cules either electrically or by applying intense heat. Thus, the hydrogen economy would be a closed cycle: water would be broken down into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen molecules, which would later recombine to make water again. It's an attractive scheme, but an energy source is needed to make the cycle run. The electricity or the heat for prying apart water molecules would have to come from a power plant of some kind. In other words, hydrogen is not an energy source in this plan; it's merelyan intermediate or carrier, a way of turning coal or nuclear power into automobile fuel. There is another source of hydrogen. Almost all hydrogen used in industry today is made from methane, by stripping the four hydrogen atoms away from the single carbon atom in a methane molecule. There's a well-developed technology for doing this, and it could be scaled up to supply larger quantities of hydro- gen as fuel. Nevertheless, this process will not sel ve the problem of what to do after the oil and the gas run out. The methane from which hydrogen is made comes from natural gas. 
-r\ ".- . .., 
CHAPTER 5 HEN HEN RY A DAM S. the one-of-a-kind An1erican historian, w<1l1ted to contrast the medieval with the n10dern, the emblel11s he chose for thoe two eras were the Virgin and the I )ynan1o. The earlier age, he said, expreed its highest aspi- rations in building cathedr,lb consecrated to a spiritual ideal; in our till1e we exalt the generation of electricity-another invisible but powerful esence. The votaries of the electric cathedral certainly agree with this asseSSlnent. A textbook for power-plant operators says of the generating st<ltion, ..It is like a shrine or source of untliling lil1t which n1ust be given ceaseless attendance once it is brought into being." AdJms encountered the dynamo at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1 <J()(). A century later the electric power plant is no longer a novel piece of n1achinery that can attract a crowd at a fair, but it is more central than ever to daily life. And the dynan10 (or generator, or alternator-they are all terI11S for the same machine) still seems an Jpt symbol of both the hopes and fears invested in industrial progress. Electricity has become the standard currency of the energy economy. It is not in itself a lutural reSOl11-ce dut you can dig out of the ground or pl11np fi-Ol11 a weIl, but other fOrIns of energy are converted into electricity for convenience of distribution and use,just <IS the body converts a v<lriety of foods into a few silnple sugars that cir- cu late to all the tissues. Thus, the power plant doesn't create enerb'Y; it merel)' trans- fOrIl1s it. The chemical enerb'Y locked up in coal, for eX<ln1ple, is captl11-ed in the heat and pressure of steam. then p<lssed on to the kinetic energy of a spinning turbine, and finally converted into electric current in the generator. Three kinds of power plants <ue scattered around the An1erican bndsLIpe. Fossil- fuel pLl11ts, which burn CO<I!. oil, or lutur<11 gas, make up ahllost two-third" of the nation's generating cap<lCity. Nuclear pL111tS t<lp energy fi-om the disintegration of ura- nium ato111S. IIydroelectric pLl11ts <Ire fÓund only where the water is-or more specificIlly where the \\'.Iter runs dowllhill. POWER P LA N T S The John E. Amos power plant (opposite page) presides over a moody moment on the banks of the Kanawha River, a few miles from Charleston, West Virginia. From left to right the major structures are cooling tow- ers; the blue-clad buiidings that house boilers, turbines, generators, and other machinery; two smokestacks; and a tower for the transmission line that delivers electric power. The coal-fired plant, operated by American Electric Power Company, has three units, each with its own boiler and generator. The total capacity is 2,900 megawatts, which makes the plant one of the 10 largest in the United States. 
GETTING A LOOK Few power plants today are ready to welcome the casual visitor, but some will accommodate you if you call ahead. For a long time, nuclear power stations were more readily accessible than fossil-fuel plants. Companies in the nuclear industry were eager to promote and explain their technology, and so they offered tours on a regular schedule; some plants had educational exhibits and even souvenir shops. All that changed in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 _ Security is now very tight at nuclear A tew other energy source" ,m: ,11,,0 "l}ucezed to produce..' the juice of electricity. Their contrihution are ,m,lHer, but the m,1chinery is no le... intere-;ting to look ,1t. Wind power. in p, create h,lllllting Lllh.hc1pe.... Thi" ch,lpter di"cu"...e... only generating plants: the tr,msmission and distribution lines th,lt c.1rry electricity to the consumer are the subject of Chapter (). FOSSIL-FUEL POWER PLANTS A big co,ll-fired power plant going tiI11 blast burns ,I thousand ton of coal ,m hour, or 30,O()() pounds of coal ,1 lllinute. [t generates a billion watts of electricity-in round numners, enough for a million hou"ehokb. The...e inputs and outputs ,In' con- spicuou features of the plant. l)n one "ide you'll "ee long trains of hopper cars unloading co,ll, which is heaped up in mount,linou, hbck ...tockpile s . (.)n the other side i a high-voltage s\\"itchyard, with electric,11 tran"misIon lines di.1ppe,lring over the horizon. Another "output" of the pLmt IS al...o obvious: ,1 t,lll mok.e-;t.1ck, ur- rounded .It its b,lse by pollution-control equipIllent. Wh,lt's not so easy to see-at le,lst tI-om the outside-i everything that Il.lppelb bet\veen the burning of the coal ,111d the generation of the electricity. The paragraphs follow describe a power plant in terms of three n1.ljor Hows. First, we f()llow the fuel from the coal pile through the furn,lce to the exll.lust plume ,1l1d the ash pit. Then, we trace the circuLnion of \Vater ,111d steam. Finally, we consider the tlow of electricity fi-mll the gener,ltor into the transmission network. Coal Handling.When you need to move co,11 ,It a relte of3().()()() pounds per minute. it'" not done with shovel..., or even with bulldozers ,11ld trucks. Large power pLmts all have conveyor "ystenl"; one of the most dl.lracteristic sights at a coal-fired pL111t is ,I conveyor "lanting acro..." the skyline. Cloely related to conveyors .Ire the ...t,lCker that power plants, and visitor programs have been shut down, at least for the time being. by public agencies. Similarly, the operators of wind power and solar power installations are accustomed to getting queries from the public and requests for tours. In areas where the climate isn't too severe many coal-fired power plants are built on an open, unsheathed framework, so that the fur- nace and boiler are visible. Even when the boiler is enclosed the coal-handling equipment is exposed, and so are smokestacks, cooling towers and some pollution-control devices. --- -- - .... -- --- -- Hydroelectric power stations are more likely to be open to visitors especially plants owned 
/.,{I ----- -' . " ( . ril co.1l into "torage he.1Ps .l11d the unst.lCkers tlut e\'entu.1lly retrien it ti'olll those he.1p\. The" nuchine'\ h.lVe immense piyoting booms that nod up .md do\\ nand S\VJY fi-om side to '\ide like long-necked dinos.lllr ponderously grazing on the CO.1l. Th Lm't jut be piled up .md t()rgotten. It need w.Hching beclll"e of .1 proc c.1lled we.1thring, which i" just oxid.Hion, or, in other \\ord, low-Illotlon burnll1g. If the pnKe" gets out of lund, the burning will no longer be slo\\'. The lJrge\t pile .1re 1l1pected d.1ily tt)r hot spot\. A workr probe" the co.1l with.. long sted rod, in"erted like .1 c1ke tster. If.1 "ection of the rod COInt''' out too hot to hold in the lure hand, the pile need .1ttention. From the "torage pile the co.1l n1ove by conveyor to .} bunker l)r "ilo, .md then .mother conveyor c.lrrie" it into the pLlI1t. You might im.lgine lump" of co.}1 bell1g sho\eled into a tllrnace by "we.1ting, "hirtle"s men, hut\ not ho\\ it\ done. All the big pLlI1ts burn pulverized co.}\' which is blo\\ n r.1ther than "hovded into the tllr- IUce. 13ig lumps .He broken into sn1.1ller lumps by rumbling in a crusher, which look" like the drum of.1 clothes drier. Then the "nuller lumps .1re puh-rized in .mother rotating drum, this one with '\ted b.1lls inside or h.1mmer" on hinge". 1 he re\ult is .1 powder .1S tIne .1S be.1ch Oil-Fired and Gas-Fired Plants. ('0.1] i\ the tlld of choice .H mo"t u.s. po\\er plant", but there .1re exception", e"K"ci.llly in the New EngL1l1d "t.He" .1l1d "omt" .1lT.}S of the \\test CO.1"t. The olwious diHerence .u .m oil-burning pLl11t is tlut you']] "ee .1 t.lIlk tlrm in'\te.ld of.1 Co.l] pile The oil burned by utilitie" i" nothing like the Iigh tild oi]" lIed t()r home ing. YlHl']] ]uve .1 more .lCcur.He llnpre<;"lon if you thillk of rootIng ThICk. b1.lCk, .1l1d COrrO"I\'L", it I" the "bottom" product of the rdlnery, ill hoth the liteL11 <;ell"e (it The Homer City power plant, 40 miles east of Pittsburgh, is a startling apparition when it suddenly comes into view as you come over the crest of a hill. The buildings housing the boilers and generators are dwarfed and partly hidden by ancillary equipment: three smokestacks in the center, three cooling towers at right, and a series of storage bunkers and conveyors for coal, receding into the distance at the left. The plant has its own coal-cleaning facilities. It was designed to burn coal mined in the immediate vicinity but now gets some of its fuel from more distant sources. Owned by a subsidiary of Southern California Edison, the plant's three units can produce more than 1 ,800 megawatts of electricity. Lights glimmer within the "exoskeleton" of the Mayo plant, operated by Progress Energy near Roxboro, North Carolina The plant has two coal-fired boilers supplying steam to a single turbine and generator. Most of the photographs on the next 10 pages were made at the Mayo plant. jt' . 1. ._... ,r 
The coal pile at the Mayo plant could keep the boilers fired for a few weeks if supplies were interrupted. The two conveyors in the background carry coal to and from the stockpile; it is piled up by a device called a stacker, with a swiveling arm. The coal is retrieved from the pile by an underground auger and then is brought into the plant by the upward-sloping conveyor line in the foreground. A pulverizer on one of the lower levels of the Mayo plant grinds coal to a powder fine enough that it can be transported by blowing it through a conduit. Almost all of the coal-handling equipment inside the plant is tightly sealed, so you can walk through galleries of machinery that process thousands of tons of coal each day and never see any sign of the coal itself. " L I \ , . , I :;. ." .. .. conle'\ out of the lowet tap 11l the di'\tillation tower) ,1Ild in the '\ene tlut it com- manci'\ the 10\Ve'\t price (ee C]upter ..J.). The m,or problem in ]undling he,1vy oil is tlut it \\on't How in cold \Ve,1ther it needs to be melted. To run through the fuel pipeline, the oil has to be ,lbove 1 n() degrees Elhrenheit to be sprayed as tiny droplets fi-om a burner nozzle, it needs to be ,lbout 2()() degrees. Thus, steam he,Hing coils ,Ire inst,llled in the stor,lge t,lllk. The tl.1el pipeline nuy ,llso have ste,lm traCer lines to keep the oil Huid. Narur.ll g,lS is a less troublesome fuel and much cle,lller. but ,llso more expensive. It i burned mainly in urb,lIl power plants where air pollution levels allo\\' no ,llter- native. A utility-scale plant t,lkes its g.lS not fi'om the municipal gas m,1ins, which oper,lte at low pressure, but directly ti-0111 high-pressure transmission lines. The Firebox. When you think of ,1 co,ll-burning tlun,lCe, it',\ n.lturJ] to inugine ,1 bed of co,ll'\ glowing on ,I hearth, but tlut\ the wrong image tor .In indu"tri,l]-'\Llle hurn- er. The powdered CO,l] i tre,lted like ,1 tluid, not ,I '\oliJ. It i" '\prayed into the firebo. The idedl i" to burn it all, eVe'ry Jaq p,lrticle. ( 'omple'te combu"tion not only get" full value out of the fild; equ,llly important, it minimize... w,lste-di'\po...a] ,llld pollu- tion problem'\. Anything thJt J06n't burn will eventually have to be hauled ,lway. The key to full combustion i nuintaining the right ratio of tild to ,1ir, ,1Ild nuk- ing sure they .Ire' mi'\.ed thoroughly. [n mo'\t large funuce... there .Ire t\\O ,lir tre,lIlh. A hig t:m blows the powdered CO,l] into the firebox ,1Ild '\tarts the combustion proce'\. Then ,HI even bigger tlll add '\econdary ,lir, with .In etrect ,\omew]1.1t like tlut of the afterburner on ,1 jet engine. The [lIlS are ul1ally of the centrifilgal type, with a snail s]upe, like the hlower in ,1 lund-held hJir drier. 13ut the po\\"er-pLlIlt [1Il... .Ire built on ,1 totally Jitrerent '\cale. They are .IS hig ,i ,I two-'\tory hou...e, ,1Ild the duct work that carrie" their output i" big enough to drive .1 truck through. Plants of thi kind run 24 hours ,I d,lY, not so much hecau'\e there.... ,llway... demJnd f()r electricity but becll1se ,hutting them do\\ n ,md sLlrting them up ag,lin t.lke hours. 
The -;t,lrtup proee-;s-cilled lighting ot1is nor ju-;r ,1 Ill,nrer of srrikmg ,I Ill,neh. 13urning ,I -;peci,ll ignition fllet u...u,l11y kerosene, W,lrms up the t1rebo enough to esr,lb- li"h ,1 -;t,lble fllIne p,ltkrn bdore the prim'lry flle1 i-; -;wirehed OIL It'..; a dit11cult proce-;s to n1.lnage. If the tbme goes out, the fun1.lce h,1<., to be purged with .lir to get rid of unburned fuel, which otherwi-;e might explode on relgnition. l)nce the flln1.lCe i... lit, another I () or 12 hour, m,lY P,I-;-; before the pLmt conk" up to fll11 power. Flue Gases. In-;ide the fun1.lce ,1 pillar of fire ries I ()() feet or more. Even where the tl,lIne zone end-;, the ga-;e-; remain extremely hot-up to 3,()()(} degree\ Fahrenheit. The ide.l guiding the de-;ign of the plant b to let none of thi heat go to w,hte. The p,lthway of the combu-;tion g,he<; IS arch-<;11.1peJ: up through the boiler, then horizont,llly ,lCrew, the top of the fllnl.lCe building, then p,lrtway b,1Ck down again. All ,llong thi, route the g,lses P,ISS through dence... that extract he,1t in \-,triou, ways. First is the boiler, where-obvIOusly enough-the he,lt i... u...ed to boil \\"lter ,md m.lke ste,un. Then, ne,lr the top of the arch i... .1 -;uperhe,lter, which rai,es the tenl- perature of the ste,lm llr ,Ihove the boiling point. Farther along, on the down\\,m.i arc, ,lre rehe,lter" which pour more he,lt into <;team that Ius .dready passed through the tlr...t st,lge-; of the turbine. Then comes the econ0111izer, where w,lter is prehe,lt- ed on ih \\-,lY to the boiler. And even ,lfter ,111 this superhearing ,md rehe,lting and prehe,lting, the flue gases ,lre still not quite done with their d,lY's work. Their lasr t.1sk i, to prehe,lt the air that blows the fllel into rhe fIrebox. Air Pollution Control. ()nce upon a time. the spent flue gases would 11.1ve gone straight up the smokestack, carrying .l substanti,lllo,ld of unpleas,mtness with them. The problem is not smoke. ,IS it would be fi-om ,1 m,llfunctioning fireplace. Snloke - .' ....-  .,.. Coal burners are lined up along one wall of the fire- box. The coal-and-air mixture ascends through silver- colored conduits from the pulverizers three floors below; it passes through a scroll-shaped fan housing and is injected into the furnace. The green pipe carries liquid fuel used only in starting up the boiler. 
Air-handling equipment at the Mayo plant includes a maze of immense ducts. The green machine at lower left is a fan with intake filters that reach a height of about 20 feet. This "forced-draft" fan pushes air into the furnace. An "induced-draft" fan-the smaller green device at ground level right of center-sucks air and flue gases out of the furnace. The effects of the two fans are balanced in such a way that the pressure in the firebox is slightly negative; thus, any small leaks draw air inward instead of spewing fumes outward. The path through the maze of ducts proceeds upward from the forced-draft fan, through a regenerator, then to the left and downward into the boiler building. Flue gases emerge from the furnace in the uppermost duct. They can make a circuit through a selective catalytic reactor at the upper right, or they can bypass this device and descend directly through the regenerator to the induced-draft fan. From there they flow on to the stack just visible in the background. The regenerator, which sits at the intersection of the two streams of gases, is an air-to-air heat exchanger. The housing, just above the forced-draft fan, is an octagon; inside, a honeycomb disk some 30 feet in diameter rotates slowly. The disk absorbs heat from the exhaust gases and gives it up to the combustion air. , .. '" .... '   .. ,- ....... -. - ......- . .--..-- -. .- --- ...-....-- - , ;::::;L;; - Ir" - -- O -. -  'a' .L ; -  -  r::....w comes nl.linly 1-om incomplete burning of carbon. which isn't toler,ned in utility- sclle power pLmts. But cO,ll is not pure Llrbon. For one thing. it includes a mineral residue dut just won't burn. The he,wier part of this residue, called bottom ,Ish. winds up in ,I p,m ,It the bottom of the tIrebox. The lighter p,lrt is fly ash, ,ll1d it is carried along by the lue g,l\eS ,1S ,I tIne gray dust. Coal also includes ,It le,lst a little ...ulfur, which burns to produce suItllr dioxide, the precursor of sulfuric ,Kid ,md ,Kid 1".lin. Power pLmt... tod,lY are required to Llpture nearly ,Ill the fly a\h het()re it escapes up the stack. The two n1.1in technologie" ,Ire b,lghou,e'\ ,md electro\tatic precipitd- tor,_ The b,lghouse 1 just ,1 tIlter. The bags are long ,md thin-maybe six inches in di,lmeter ,md 2() eet long. Each b,lg IS clo...ed at the top but open ,It the bottom, where the dirty ga\ l\J\\"s in tl.J keep the b,lgS inllted. (;,le\ ra\ through the lbric. le,lving the ,lh behind ,1 ,1 dut LIke on the mner urface. A with ,I vacuum clean- er. the b,lgs need to be emptied fi'om time to time. In mot plants thi\ i... done by bridly reversing the flo\\ of ,lir, driving the dust out of the b,1g and down into a hop- per; ...ome unib .tho have a luker thrashes the bag back and forth. Electro\t,ltic precipit,ltors rely on subtler phy...ics tlun ,1 vacuum-c1e,mer b,1g: they \\ork on ...utic cling. the force tlut nukes a toy b,dloon \tick to the \vall ,1fter you rub it on your clothes. ,md tl1.1t sometimes nukes your clothes stick to you. Inide the precipit.ltor ,Ire nl.lny p,lrallel ro\\s of verticIl met,d plate..., with flue ga flowing hor- i7ont,dly through the Lme... bet\\een them. H,mging down into the p,lCes between pbte ,1re fine \\ ire energi2'ed with several thou\,md volts of electricity. Electron... ,1fe repelled i-om the wire... ,md flee to the met,ll plate; ,Ilong the W,lY they ,1ttach them- elve.. to P,1''\ll1g p,lrtide.. of fly ,I\h, which then stick to the plate.... A "r,lpper" mech- ,mism h,lkes the collected dust loose, ,md it f1lls illto ,1 hopper below. 
Thl' precipit.ltor nuy sound like .111 e:-..otic piecl' of machinery. but electrost.1tic .Iir ck.1I1l'rs for thl' home work. the s.lme w.IY. 1 .Iser printer .1I1d photocopier .Ire ..Iso b.lsed on the S.1I11e principle of lending .111 electric c11.1rge to fine p.lrticle. Neither baghouses nor precipitators ('.111 c.lprure the sulfur diO''\:ide in the flue g.les. TI1.1t's <1 job for .1 scrubber, which relies on chemistry r.1ther th.1I1 physics. The scrubber spr.rys the flue g.lses with .1 Iurry oflime; suHllr dio:-..ide combines with the lime to tc)rm c.1lcium suHlte, or gypsum. The scrubber is .1 set oflarge cylindrical ves- sels (typically ()() feet high .1l1d 2() teet in di.lll1eter) where the flue gases enter .It the bottom .md tr.lvel upw.lrd through the descending mist of lime slurry. The scrubber comes last in line in the processing of the tlue g.lS, .1fter the precipit.ltors or bag- houses. A tellt.lle sign Of.1 scrubber in operation is pure white ste.U11 pouring out of the st.Kk. in the summer. (1n cold we.lther the flue g.lses nuy form .1 visible v.lpor trail even without the l110isture .H.ided by scrubbing.) Not ..II plants l1.lve crubbers. Some utilities 11.lve been .lble to meet .lir-qu.tlity st.1ndards without .1 scrubber by burning low-sulfur coal (n1l1ch of it fi-0111 the Powder River 13.1sin in Wyoming). More controversi.llly, .1 number of older pI.ll1ts .Ire "grandf:1thered:' or exempt fi-om reguI.ltions enacted .lfter the plants were built. In recent ye.lrs yet .mother pollution-ab.ltement technolo'Y begun to at co.ll-fired power pI.ll1ts. Selective reduction treats the flue gases with ammonia to de.ll with o'\:ides of nitrogen (usu.llly denoted NO,} The N()x is cre.1t- ed when nitrogen and oxygen in the air combine in the high-tel11perature tllll1e of the furn.lce. Ammoni.l re.lets with the NO" to form nitrogen .lI1d water. The Stack. Even fi-om miles .1\VJY, the st.1Ck OLl power i, .m ilnpre"ive structure. Up close, wlut een1" mOl\( renurkable i, not the height but the girth Jnd the bulk. ---- -- " t 11I1!UPIll · , II f .. --- ... -.. . . 111 I. I --- "Rappers" on the roof of the electrostatic precipitator knock the accumulated dust free, letting it fall into the storage hopper. Each rapper is the size and shape of a baseball bat. Inside is an electromagnet that pulls a steel plunger upward, then allows it to fall again, pro- ducing a sharp knock. The rappers are energized at seemingly random intervals, producing a haunting, syn- copated music. (The rhythm seemed more modern jazz than rap.) Electrostatic precipitators at Mayo remove fine particles of ash from the flue gases. The gases enter through the vertical duct at right, pass through the precipitators from right to left and exit downward through the verti- cal duct at left. Inside the four-story-tall precipitators are electrically charged plates and wires, which trap the particles and deposit them in hoppers below 
A scrubber in action at the Homer City power plant produces a characteristic white plume, which consists of water vapor from the scrubber condensing as it cools. Only one of the three units at Homer City is equipped with a scrubber, and so only one of the stacks emits a plume. Utility companies occasionally get complaints about these conspicuous emissions, but it is the stacks without a visible plume that are probably releasing greater quantities of sulfur. ;: _...1 j , , ... .. . IH The funenun of the ';L,iCk h", dunged O\LT the )"e,lp,. E.,lr1y indll',trul moket,lek worked much like ,1 firepLlce chimney: buoy,mt. W,lrm ,Iir roe through the ,uck.. crc- ,ning ,1 n,nur,l] dr,ltt to dr.1\\" t1'eh ,1ir into the tl.1rn,lce. The u]]er the 'L1Ck.. the more po\\"erful the n,ltur.l1 dr,ltt. Tod,lY. WIth ,1 ]ong twi,ting l'ath\\,lY from the firebox to the st,lCk. n,ltural dr,lft i not ne,lrly enough to keep the ,1ir mo\'ing. ,1I1d Llrge fms force the flue g,lse into the b,lse of the st,1Ck. The height of the st,Iek l determined not by the need for n,ltura] dr,ltt but by the requirement to rele,l...e et1luenb high in the ,1ir. where they wi 1] be diluted ,1I1d dispersed. A pL1I1t h,ls three or f()tlr st,Icks h,Is ,1 corresponding numher of firebox-boiler- turbine units. l3ut ,I single t,1Ck doen't necesarily nle,l1l th,lt ,1 pLmt h.1 only one unit. Sometimes the st,Kk is divided intern,llly into multiple thle.... In ,1dditIon to the gig,1I1tic l11ain stack. most plants l1.1\'e .1 few smaller, 'tubbier t,1Cks a well. fhey ...erve small ,1l1xiliary boiler. What look... like ,I 111all mokest,1Ck m,l)" ,1]...0 be ,1 ste,l111 vent. The Boiler. The hoiler of a toy <;te,l111 engine i ,1 little ...teel t,1l1k with ,I tIre under it. L3ut outside of toyland. .1 boiler i... all ,lbout tube.... not t,l11ks. The power-plant boiler is one of those ,lrtifacts wh<"he evolution is so compliclt- ed th,lt you cm't really understand how it works without ,1lso knowing where it came from. The distant .111cestor of the modern boiler Iud ,1 tIrebox of brick.. with ,1 bundle of w,lter-filled steel tubes running through the middle of the cOl11bustion zone. Flames swirled among the rubes. boiling some of the w,lter. As boilers got big- ger ,md hotter. the firebrick lining beclme ,1 f..1Ctor limiting perf(Hmance. No m,lte- ri,1I could withst,md the heat of the furnace f(x very long. As ,1 strategy f<Jr cooling the brick. some of the boiler tubes were run vertically down the inner 6ce of the furn,lCe w,llls. Today. boiler tubes have been removed entirely tJ-om the interior vol- l1l11e of the combustion chamber; all the tubes ,1re insulled in "w,lterw,llls" tl1.1t line the furnace. The tubes are closely sp,1Ced and welded together with ,1 webbing of steel to form solid, ,lirtight panels. The brick that the w,lterw,tlh were once protecting h,l'" now been eliminated ,Iltogether. ('onsidering the inferno inside the firebox, the enVirOl1l11ent surrounding ,1 big furnace i... "urprisingly benign. The waterw,lll, ,Ire swaddled in insuLltion. You cm get up clo...e to them. ,tanding inche, away from .1 2.1)( )()-degree torch ro,lring 1 () l)r 15 ,torie, tall. The ,p,Ke is warm, but not uncomfort,Ible. The tubes in the waterwall ,Ire called riser..., because heated W,lter ,md ...te,ull rie through them. Another of tubes. called do\\.ncomer..., clrry water tloW1l1g in the oppo...ite direction. Risers and Jo\Vncomer ,lre Joined ,n both the bottom .111d the top of the boiler to form a continuolh loor. The entire ,l......embly of boiler tubes, weighing hundreds of ton,. h.mgs 6'om the roof of the building. with no rigid ...up- port underneath. Thi.... ,lrr.1l1gement ,Ill ow... f()r exp,msion ,1l1d contraction-the length may change by ,1 toot or more-,l'" the hoiler heat, up and cools down. At the verv bottom of the boiler. where the do\\;ncomer, ,111d ri"er... meet. some pL111b ]1.1ve " mud drum. ,1 cylindric.l] vessel th,lt ukcs its 1l,1111e tJ"OI11 wh,n you find 
, ... " .... , ". IIIII! !III  I I! III I II' Ir \ '11I11 I" ., <i1 . , - --L-- .. .., in "Ide when the boiler i ,hut down t(")}" .m overhaul. All the rust .md scale accumu- late there. The corre,pOIH.iing ,tructure at the top of the boiler is the ste.1m drum, which in tlCt 1 more than .1 dnll11; it\ .1 complic.lted piece of, with lots of nl.lChinery inlde. The n1.1in bu,iness of the "te.llll drum is to "ep.lrate ,te.Ul1 tl-om W.lter o the v.lpor C.1n be drawn off .lIld piped to the turbine, while the liquid i, recirculated through the downcomers. To tho'\e of us \\-hose experience of ,team comes mainly 6-0111 teakettles, sep.uating steam 6-om water '\eenl"i e.1SY: the just wafts otr the top. Uut under the conditions in"iide .1 power-plant boiler-temper.1ture 675 degrees Fahrenheit, pre,sure 2,600 pounds per squ.lre inch-steam and w.lter .lre lurd to tell .lpart. It t.lkes a kind of centrifuge, or cyclone, to ,ep.lrate then1. A fe.Hure of all boilers, required by L1W, engineering codes, .1Ild insurance regula- tions, is .1 pressure-relief valve. Early in the age of ,team, boiler explosions were .1 notoriou, technological luz.ud. Uoth]ro.H:llocomotives .lIld the st.ltiol1.1ry boilers of [lCtory ste.1m pLlIlts \vere blowing up with enough regularity to inspire public dread comp.lrab]e to modern worrie about accidents. Those .It great- est risk were the engineers who tended the boiler" .lIld yet they resisted regul.1tion of their worL Nevertheless, ,1 safety me.lsure W.l il11posed and ren1.1ins universal today: every boiler has a valve tlut .lUtom.ltic.llly vent off ste.1nl at some preset pres- sure not too [u- .lbove the norn1.1] working pre,sure. The valve i int.llled on the ste.Ull drum. It relies on the simplest kind of spring-loaded meclunism. which pops open if the intenu] pre,sure ever exceeds the ,trength of the spring. Modern boilers .lre eqUIpped \\-ith other v.l]ve,. tied into the centr.l] computer cOl1tro] sv,tem, tlut .1llow finer regul.1tion of pre,ure. But the mech.miLl] .lfL'ty v.l]ve i there in c.1e the computer ever cr.1he or ...omeone tl]]S .1"i1eep .ll the switL'h. A boiler hangs from the roof, allowing it to expand and contract with changes in temperature. The full weight of the boiler is supported by a forest of steel rods that hang from the uppermost girders of the frame and connect to the roof of the boiler structure. The cuplike objects at the very top of the frame are steam vents used for either routine or emergency releases_ The cups are filled with baffles meant to reduce the noise level of high-pressure releases. Downcomers form part of a loop of piping that allows water to circulate through the boiler. The photograph looks upward along one side of the boiler. Behind the metal sheathing and a layer of insulation is the water- wall, where pipes called risers are heated by radiant energy from the furnace Some of the water in the risers turns to steam, but the rest is recirculated through the downcomers. --- . -- II 
The steam drum (be/ow) is where risers and downcom- ers join at the top of the boiler. Visible here is just one end of a long drum, filled with machinery for separat- ing water and steam. Pressure-relief valves (above) are on the roof just above the steam drum. They are simple mechanical valves, which discharge steam whenever the pressure in the boiler is great enough to compress a spring that holds the valve dosed. " . The Turbine. I he ste,1l11-driven turbine 1 ,1 dose COUS1l1 of ,1 Jet engine In both n1.1chines. ,1 hot. high-pressure g,1'; .;pins ,1 .;erie of t:1I1like turbine \\ heels. In the proce.... the g,h exp,1I1d.; ,1l1d cools. It\ ,1 simple idl',l. but power-pI.1l1t turbine.; r,Hed ,It ,1 billion \\",nt... of meCh,111lc.l1 power ,1re not ...imple to build or oper,He. The turbines ,1l1d the generator... they drive are the 1110t epenive hardware in ,1 po\\"er pL1l1t. t )ften. they are built atop their own .;peCl.11 concrete-,1l1d-ted found,l- tion. epar,ne 6-0111 the rest of the pLmt. This i done to control vibr,Hion 111 the rot,It- ing machinery and to maintain preci.;e ,11igl1l11ent in the be,lrings th,H upport the long. "pinning "ted "hatt that n1l1" through both the turbine and the generator. A "ingle stage of the turbine con,it.; of.1 .;tator whed (which b rigidly tlxed to the frame of the turbine) and .1 rotor wheel (attached to the rot,lting '\h,ltt). Ste,ll11 i" ...teered through vanes 111 the '\t.1tor ,md then p.1'ise through the hLlde... of the rotor. turning it by the "',llue principle... that run d windmill or ,1 waterwheel. The blade, ,1l1d vanes have gr,lceful airfoil shapes. and they are c.1retl1lly nl.1chined 6-0111 tmcy steel alloys that can withstand extrenle" of ten1perature. pre,sure. ,md mech,mical .;tre,s. as well as .1 corrosive envirol1l11ent. A single bLtde breaking off would destroy the entire machine as the debris crunched through the do\\"n"tre,lln rotor, ,1l1d .;t,ltor,. Typic.l11y a turbine has three units. all mounted on the S,llne sl1.1ft. Ste,lln straight fi-om the boiler and superheater is fed into the high-pressure turbine. where it expands ,md cools sonlewh,lt. The ste,lln then goes b,lCk to .1 rehe,lter unit. where its tenlperature conles b,lCk up to about 1.()()() degree.; Fahrenheit. ,dthough the pres- sure is not restored to its origin,11 level. This warmed-over steam then goe, through the intermediate-pressure turhine, where again it expands and cools. Finally. the .;tean1 p.1s.;es into the low-pressure turhine. Note that the S,l1ne quantity of steam- the "ame m,l';S of water molecule"-goe" through ,Ill three turbine.;. but because the pre.;.;ure drop.; in each unit, the voll11lle of increase,. As .1 re.;ult. the intennedi,lte- pressure turhine h,lS to be bigger than the high-pres"ure unit, ,mJ the low-pre.;...ure turbine is the largest of all. Judging 6-om their rd.1tive ,izes, you might gue".; that the big low-pressure turbine i... doing n10,t of the work. hut the truth i... just the oppo- site. The little high-preure turbine puts out ()o percent l)f the total horsepower, ,md the nl,h...ive low-pre...ure unit ...upplie only about 15 percent. Turbine... .Ire o large .111(.1 cOl11plex that their mO'it n1l1l1d,me auxili,lry equipnlent is more il11posing than any of the machine... nlost of u Ineet in everyd,IY lite. Pump... and motors Luger than an ,1l1tomobile engine are needed ju'\t to keep the turbine supplied with lubricating oil. The be,n-ings and ,e,tl ,11ong the l11.1in ...haft a]...o require Ltrge ,1cce,sory pumps. Another vital ,1l1xili,lry is the governor that regulate turbine peed. The cl,lic speed-controllnedunism is the tlyball governor. which became an icon of the indu'i- tri,d .1ge ,md ,1 textbook exal11ple of the concept of feedb,lLk control. The governor Ius two weights (the flyb,l11s) ,lttached to hinged arm... that spin ,1round J vertic.!1 sh,Ift ,It the ",l1ne speed ,IS the turbine. A the sh,lfi turns t:hter. the b,lll" ,Ire flung outward, ,md the hinged ,ums ,Ire lifted up. A link,lge ,1tt,lChed to the Uyball arms then close the 
...  '" , ''- I . II --............ " . r:!I . I - II :: I.. 1T --- ste,lll1 vake .1 little, ,lowing the turbine .1Ild .lllowing the tlyb,llls to sink b,lCk toward their re,ting po,ition. In thi, W,l)' the turbine i" slowed every time it trit>, to speed up .md j, sped up every time it trie, to ,low down, ,0 .1 steady ,peed is nuintained. The flyb.lll glwernor wa the world"" tlr,t ver,ion of cruise control. The feedh.tek principle i still Jt the he,lrt of turbine control. ,1Itl1<)ugh now it's .111 done by computer. The Condenser and Feedwater System. To m.1k.e a turbine spin, it"" not enough to push ste,1Il1 into the inlet port; )'OU ,11'\0 have to let it out .It the exhaust port. Lowering the pre,sure and temper,lture ,1t the outlet is the job of the condenser, where the :\te.lm gi\"es up the bst of its he,lt. As the steam cOlHiense" its volume i, gre,ldy diminished, ,md ,0 the pressure [lllS too. Indeed, the pressure in the condenser is Ie,s th.m .ltmo- spheric: there's .1 p,lrti.ll V,lCuum. which .lCtu,llly sucks steam out of the turbine. The water th,lt collects in the bottom of the condenser is di,tilled w.lter, which i, usually con,idered the ultim,lte st,md,ln.i of purity. But the \yater needs further treat- ment, Lllled polihing. before it can be returned to the boiler. Any miner,lls deposited inside the tube of the boiler would clog up the arteries ,md could cause ,1 dramatic kind of he.lrt attack: the deposits would .lCt .1S an insuLlting bLmket. ,11lowing the met,ll \\ .111 of the tube to overhe,lt" If ,1 tube splits open, e\"eryone within a few miles of the pLlIlt it. To remove ,uspended ,oli<..h. the W.lter is filtered through s,md or clurcoa1. and n1.lgnetic ,, extr.lct p.lrticles of rust. An ion-exclunge column works ju,t like .1 residellti.d W.lter softener to dimin.lte trouhle'\ome m.lgnesil1m .md cllcil1m com- p0l111lh. ()ther chcmiL11 trc.ltmellts .IlljU'it the pi I-the .lCidity or .1Ik.llinity-.mJ remove dissolved o'\ygell. whICh Lm .Itt.lek meLtls. The high-pressure turbine is the smallest but most pow- erful of three turbine units at the Mayo plant. The tur- bine itself is hidden under a thick blanket of insulation. Governors and throttle valves mounted on the high- pressure turbine control the speed and the power out- put of the entire turbine-generator unit. . A I 
The condensers are among the largest devices in the plant, because they receive steam at its lowest pressure, when it has fully expanded. Here only the end caps of two condenser units are visible; they are the gray metal structures with flanges that look somewhat like gear teeth along their side walls. The giant blue ducts carry spent steam. The feedwater pump is mounted at the low point of the plant in terms of elevation, but it is the point of highest pressure in the entire boiler system The pump has to attain this pressure in order to force water into the boiler against the head of steam. 't. 1\ \1 :r --- -. ..., I I \ t I I  .. . '1 ....... ..- ,.. -.   -............ 1I.ln l w I ITIH1   ',\  .....: -  -------..----.-.-  I .. , ,. & . The treated condensate, ,1S well ,1'\ fi-e'\h "m,lkeup w,lter," goes b,lCk around the loop to be boiled into ste,ul1 ,lg,lin. Pushing the teedwater into the boiler is not e,lSY, however; the feedw,uer pump has to overcome the entire head of '\te,lm pressure. The feedwater pump is the biggest of the m,lI1V pumps in ,1 power pLlI1t. It is usu,llly mounted on the tloor below the turbine ,1I1d generators ,111d is driven either by ,1 very large electric motor or by a '\te,lm turbine of its own. In either case the pump con- sumes 2 or 3 percent of the r,lW power output of the pLlI1t. Generators. The ultin1.1te purpose of everything in the power pLlI1t, fi-0111 the co,ll pile through the t"lunace ,1I1d the boiler to the turbine, is to spin the shaft of the gen- erator ,1I1d create an electric current. (;ener,ltor'\ rely on an eftect c.dled e1ectron1.1g- netic induction, discovered IS() ye ,1 p; ,1gO by Mich,lel Elr,ld,lY ,1I1d Jo'\eph Henry. Induction create'\ ,I volt,lge in ,1 loop of \vire whenever ,1 magnetic tield 1110ve'\ through the loop. In a generator, the nugnet tlut create, the 6eld i'\ on the '\pinning rotor; the loop of wire i wound on the unmoving '\tator that '\urround, the rotor. In the type of gener,ltor u,ed with ,1 '\tea111-driven turbine, each turn of the nl.lg- netic rotor produces one cycle of ,1ltenuting current (AC) in the '\t,ltor coik The current tlow'\ tlr'\t one \\"(1)" through the coil and then the other, like ,1 tide ,lo'\hing in ,mJ out. A rotor turning at 6() revolution\ per \eColh.i generate, altern,lting cur- rent ,It ,I frequency of 6() cycles per econd, or ()j I hertz. Thi, 'peed-uu,llly ,t,lted ,1'. 3,6()() revolution, per In in ute, which ,11110UlH' to the ,;une thing-i'\ the ,t,ll1d,lrd throughout North Americ,l. Every gener,ltor connected to the U.S. p()\ver grid i\ ,1dju'ted to thi, r,lte of rot,ltion. In Europe '\imiLtr generators turn ,1t 3,()()() revolu- tions per minute, producing powcr ,l( ,I SO-hertz trequency. 
Htre \, "ometh1l1g to puz711' over: to generate ,Ill electriL current, you need ,1 ,trong nugnetic 6eld, but to cre,lte ,1 "trong m,lgnttic field, you need ,Ul dectric currtnt (because the m,lgnet on the rotor i, ,Ul clcctrom,lgnet, ,1 big coil of wire with ,1 cur- rent tlowing through it). Where doe, the current for the rotor m,lgnet come ti-om? The ,ms\\'er i tlut it come ti"om ,mother, ,m,lller gener,ltor cilled the e'\:cittr, mounted on the s,lIne sll.lft ,1'" the nl.lin gener,ltor. But the exciter ,lho h.l' a rotor magnet that needs a current-where doe, thllt come ti-om? It comes tJ-om ,m even sm,lller gener.ltor, the pilot exciter. At thi, point it ,olmd, like we're going to h,lve ,m infinite regress of smaller and smaller gener,ltor..., but in tlet there'" ,1 stop to it. The pilot exciter i... small enough to operate with ,1 permanent-nugnet rotor. In thi, way the many meg,lW,ltts of the m,lin gener.ltor ,lre boot,tr,lpped 6"Onl the teeble ,tirrings of permanent magnet like the one, hold notes on your retrigerator. Big gener,ltor, ,lre rem,lrk<lbly etlicient. l)ut of ,Ill the mechanical enerb'Y cranktd into turning the ,hatt, the generator converts betwetn lm ,HId l)l) percent lIltO eltC- tricity. l3ut if ,1 gener,ltor\ output i, ,1 billion watt", intenl.ll 10..."e" of just 1 percent add up to 1 () million watt, of htat-the t'quivalent l)f 10,()( III tO,lster oven... running at the S,Hllt time. t;etting rid l)f thi" he,lt b <1 m<ljor cl1.1llenge. The stator winding, where the he,lyit'st currents tlO\Y, .Ire water-cooled. The con- ductor... in the...e coil... art' hollo\\ copper tube" .md w,lter is pumped through them ,It high ,peed. If running \\.\ter through a high-volt,lge machine seems contrary to com- mon Stlhe, the cooling medium for the rest of the generator will strike you ,1S even more unlikely. It is hydrogen g,lS.  Iydrogen is chosen because ,unong all g,lse... it is the best possible coolant; the lightweight molecules carry otf heat lllore etfectively tlun those of he,lVier elements. The lightness ,llso reduces "windage" losses, the energy ,pent moving the rotor through the ,ltmosphere. l3ut hydrogen ha... had a reput.ltion tcx d,mger ever since the Hindenburg ,1Ccident in 1937: infusing the tlmmuble g.lS into a gener,ltor full of hot met,ll and high volt,lges seems to invite di,aster. But hydro- --.. .. \ '. Pumps and valves below the turbine deck circulate gaseous hydrogen through the generator cooling the rotor windings. The single generator for the Mayo plant is rated at more than 750 megawatts. The generator is inside the cylindrical shroud in the foreground; the similarly shaped housing behind it is the low-pressure turbine. 
The switchyard of the Gordon Evans Energy Center in Colwich, Kansas, is a thicket of transformers, switches, circuit breakers, lightning arresters, and other high- voltage devices. The main function of the switchyard is to raise the voltage to a level that can be transmitted long distances. ! I hili ..... , -' i "'" I ( - " "\ , , -fr . , r [ -  . .. =-. .- - - i- 1\ ,. n - U' I . ,,-   ,I 'I L. ' e" " I" - .. r .. ., - -,  -- , - ,IL, 1! i  -U I Ft it . '. .  L I rfl l!I '. -I I " . - .. .... . -' gen burns only in the presence of o ygen: the key to using it ,lfely i to exclude ,Ill air. l3efore the generator is filled with hydrogen. it is purged with Llrbon dioide. Electricity is Llrried aW,IY fi'om the generator on bus b,lrs, heavy copper or alu- minum conductors rated to Llrry as much as 4(J,(J()(I amperes of current. (The he,lv- iest wires you'll find in your home are limited to 1 (1(1 or 2()() amperes.) The bu b,lrs are a, thick a, tree lilllb" and they m,IY be encl'\ed in protective tube, tlut mJke them look even thicker. They le,ld to a \\'itchyard outside the pLmt. The Switchyard. Although the gener,ltor ruts out prodigiolh nlrrent, the \'olt.1ge level i.... only 11l0derate by power-comp,my ....t,md.lrds-u,u,llly between It I,non .1nd 30,()()() volts. R..ight outside the wall, ,1 tran....tormer boots the voltage to .1 much higher level-often 23(),()()() or 345,()()() volts, and in .1 fe\\ case .IS high ,IS 765,()()1) volts. The high volt.1ge .1llows the power to be transmitted long dist,mces with reLI- tively little loss ,dong the way. The transformers ,md their reLtted switches ,md circuit breakers ,Ire set up in ,1 fenced-off ,lrea Lllled the witchyanl which Lm be ,IS l.1rge ,1 the rest of the pL1l1t. The devices here ,He essenti,llly the S.1me ,IS those in the subst,uion ,It the other end of the transmission line, where the power is brought b.1ck down to lower \'oIrage f()r ditribution to neighborhoods. This m,lchinery is discussed in the ne'\:t clupter. The \\'itchyard bring power il/TO the plant a well ,IS providing ,1 W,I)' out. A typ- iLll generating st,uion ,lbsorbs 4 to 7 percent of its own elecrriL11 output for running l11,lChinery such as fans ,ll1d pumps. When the pL1l1t i st,lrting up. much of rlUt equip- ment Ius to be running before the n1.1in tl1rbine ,md generator ,Ire cut in. The st,lrt- up power i supplied by other st,nions on the power grid. ,111d brought in over the ,lme tr,msmission lines rlut norn1.1lly export the pLmt's own output. WI1.1t h,lppen if ,Ill the power pL111t in .1 system .1IT hut down ,It the s,lIne time? Until 1 <)65 plant opelator thought they would never l1.1ve to ,mWL"r thi question 
bec.llI..,e "uch .111 event ..,eemed ..,0 unlikely. 13ut lHl November 9, Il)()5,.1 bbckout in the northe.l<;tern United State.., left ..,ome cine.., d.lrk fix more th.111 12 hour.... (. )ne re.l- son it took \0 long to re...tore power \Vb gener,lting sutions didn't luve enough emergency power to rest.lrt without help tram their neighbors-who were. of course. in the "'.lme predicllllent. The utilities comp.11lies promise it \\"on't h.lppen .1g.1in. COMBUSTION TURBINES The dell1and for electricity tluctlutes by the millisecond. When vou turn on the cof- fee pot .1l1d the tO,lster in the morning, .1 power pL111t somewhere has to respond by opening the throttle a little. ] }emand .llso fluctu.1tes on longer time scales. People u...e nlore electricity during the day tlun at night, ,111d in nlost places they use nlore dur- ing the SUnl1l1er tlun the winter. It would be .1 gre,lt convenience to l1.1ve generat- ing unit" tl1.1t could be run only ,It tinles of peak dem.1nd. L3ig cO,II-fired <;t,ltions ,Ire "'I" -fI" In .. .. ,. 6'  .,6' ,6''' ,6' ----.".,, , . ..,.L_  .. "" .. '''1 A power plant in a different architectural style, with all the machinery fully enclosed, the Ravenswood Generating Station is a well-known landmark for New Yorkers; it occupies a conspicuous site in Queens, just across the East River from Manhattan. It is also a land- mark for power engineers, the home of a generator known as Big Allis (built by the Allis-Chalmers Corporation), the first generator capable of producing 1 ,000 megawatts. The plant burns natural gas, with oil as a backup fuel. *  - .. . ""'. . I -:1 I ;. I  .... I' .  I '- "1-- --... 
A combustion turbine at the Gordon Evans Energy Center supplements the capacity of the plant's main steam units. The tan duct extending horizontally to the right is the air intake. It arches over the generating unit. The turbine itself is in the square tan enclosure; it is fol- lowed by a flared horizontal exhaust duct, and then the large gray exhaust stack, which discharges vertically to reduce noise. -f'  -- r ....... .-.., , . -, - -' I" ."r:- ; , ,,- - ... ..' '- J  \. - == -....;:,. - F""--...-..r---- rit _ .: '1 I  ,-- .... .....  -=-  I . . -. :;t ->,. , -.., . J." '\..1. .  I j II  III \ - ;r _' " not well <;uited to this duty, because they take hours to <;t.l1"[ up and <;hut down. 11ydroelecrric p1.l11t<; .1re much more tlexible in this respect, but, on the other h.l11d. you can't build 1100ver I )am just .l11)'where. The <;olutioll .1dopted by m.l11V uti1itie is a machine known .1S the combustion turbine or gas turbine. Power comp.l11V employees cl11 them jets. .l11d for good re.lson: they evolved directly fi'om the engines po\ver jet .1ircraft. A combustion turbine relies on the .lme physical principle .1 the steam turbine in .1 coal-fired p1.l11t: hot, high-pres<;ure gase exp.l11d .1gain<;t the v.l11e'" of.l turbine wheel, exerting a force C.lU<;e<; the wheel to <;pin. L3ut in<;te.H1 of <;team, the hot gae .1re the product" of combu"tion. Fuel .l11d .lir .lre mixe'd, compre"ed, .l11d ignit- ed ilhide the turbine, where' they expand .l11J thereby turn the rotor vanes. The fuel i... uu.tlly ll.ltural g.l.... A "ingle comhu"tion turbine' h.l a power output of I () to I ()() l11eg.lwatt..., hut it\ e.l<;y to build clu"ter" l)f them with 1.lrger .1ggregate power. CL)mbution turbine .lre le efficIent th.l11 the be-;t te.lm turb1l1e..., but the) }l.lve comrelh.lting .1Lh'antage. First, of cour...e, they el11 be "tarteJ .l11d 'ihut do\vn in .1 nl.ltter of minute, ,ometime... just by puhing .1 buttL)n in .1 dit.l11t control room. Furthermore, beellhe they don't require .1' much Llnd .b a full-...el}e power p1.l11t .l11d becll1,e they burn de.l11er filel, they Cl11 be put doer to citie<;, \yhich relieve, con- getion on electric tranmiion line. And jeb el11 upply ...tart-up power for 1.u"ger conventional plant. For thi" Ll-;t re.lon, n1.1ny 'ite.U11 p1.l11t... h.lVe .1 few combution turbine... on the ite. The ')t.l11d.lrd l110de of operation l to keep the big, ethoent "b.l,e 10.ld" plant running .111 the time, .l11J <;t.lrt the Jets only .It time of peak Jen1.1nd. Combuti()n turbine" vJ.ry in, but .1 common fe.lture IS that the' turhine itelr is oversll.1do\\ed hy .1ir int.lke... .l11...t eX}l.lust st.1Cks. One re lson for the large 
int.lke .md exh.H1st structures is th.1t ti-ee tlow through the system improve., efficien- cy. 13ut there's .mother re.1son: the structures .lre engineered to suppress noise. If the turbine Ius neighbors. noise is likely to be ,I m,or issue. Jet engines ,Ire no qui- eter on the ground dun they ,Ire on airpI.mes. NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS It began ,IS the technology of megade,lth. Then in the 1 t)SOs .md 1 t)()lls "the pe,1Ce- tt.l ,ltom" prOl11ised ,I lite of ease through boundless energy-electricity so che,lp no one \\ould bother metering it. 13y the 197()s the tide Iud turned ,lg,lin. ,md nude,lr pI.mts were regarded as ,1 menace, ,1t le,lst in the United States. Who cm say where this rolkr-n},lster history will end. At the moment nuclear power looks like a zero- growth industry, but even if no one ever builds ,mother nucle,lr plant. the existing ones will rem,lin a m;or P,lrt of the energv infi..lstructure for decades. Almost I ()() conlllle]-Ci,ll power reactors supply ,lbOtH 1-+ percent of the ]ution \ electricity. A nude,lr generating st.1tion h,ls much in C0111mon with a coal-fired power plant. They .lre both dosed-loop steam cydes. The generators and electric1l switchgear ,1re almost interchangeable. .111d the turbines .lre \"ery similar. The only import,l11t differ- ence lies in ho\\ the ste,l111 is produced. The energy source in ,I is the disintegration of ur.mium, the he'3viest of the n,ltur,llly occurring chemical elements. In certain uranium .ltom, the' nucle- us-the dense core of protons and neutronS-C1n "pont.l11t'ottsly plit in two. The splitting, or 6ssion, i... e s peci,lllv likely to luppen after ,1 l1udet.... ,1horb... an extra neu- f I!'  , -- .. ..-, - ,- ...' .- - .lill.n -L... II ---.. "L -J .... 'I - \ ,I.: - . 't " 'or - Four new combustion turbines in Kearney, New Jersey, are seen under construction in 2002. The air intakes are atop the buildings that house the turbines. Eight combustion turbines are lined up along the East River north of the Ravenswood plant; there are eight more elsewhere on the site, as well as a new "com- bined cycle" plant that uses the hot exhaust from a combustion turbine to produce steam. In the units seen here, the brick-red stacks are air intakes, and the taller corrugated metal ones are exhausts. Visible in the background is the Queensborough Bridge. 
Two pressurized water reactors stand side by side at the Arkansas Nuclear One site on lake Dardanelle near Russellville, Arkansas. The domed cylindrical struc- tures are the containment buildings; behind them are the fuel-handling facilities At left in the foreground is part of a large cooling tower. The two units are siblings but not twins; they were built a few years apart from slightly different designs and components. trOI1. As the nudeu bre,lk ,1P,lrt. it give<; otf ,\ sm,l11 jolt of energy. which is wh,1t ulti- mately gets turned inro electricity. ,md it ,1lso emits ,1 few sp,lrc neutron<;. \\ hich em go on to induce the <;plitting of other ur,lnium nuclei. In this \\,lY ,1 c11.1in re,Ktion gets started. It's jut like one of tho...e pyr,unid InJrketing ,cheme. except it work. To keep the ch,lin reaction going, ,Ill tlut'<; needed l d <;uHiClent number of ,us- ceptible nuclei in a snull enough sp,lce. It's ,llso essenti,ll to control the re,Ktion.l)ther subst.lnces COIlle into play here. Water tends to enhance the re,Ktion heelU<;e it ,low, down neutrons, and slow neutrons are nl0re likely to be ,lbsorbed by uranium nuclei. Carbon and boron tend to danlp out the cluin reaction by ,lb....orhing neutrons and nuking theln unav,lilable. All three of these suhstances h,lVe role<; in power reactor<;. For use a<; reactor fuel, uranium oxide is molded into cylindrical pellet' a third of an inch in dialueter. The peller, are very heavy, and ,II ways warIn with a glow froln within. Or <;0 rnl told. I've never held them in nlY hand. l)utside of ,I few fuel-pro- cessing instaILltion<;, the bare pellets .Ire never seen. They are <;tacked up inside tubes nlJde of ,I high-telnperature zirconimll ,l11oy, and then the tube.; ,Ire welded hut. Nucledr power has certainly not nude electricity too cheap to meter. The urani- unl fi]el i<; not free, .md the c.lpital costs of building .1 pLmt luve turned out to be . I , ,. \ , 1 ., J l L I  . I  . - l' - "'\ "\ II. , - . I 
daunting. All nuclear construction is governed by special engineering codes, with elaborate schedules of inspection and l11aintenance. Every pipe and valve n1lIst bear a "Code N" stal11p, which raises the price Blore than gold plating would. SOll1eday, disluantling the plants nuy wind up costing even nlore than building thenl did. And there's also the cost of dealing with radioactive wastes and spent fuel. Worldwide, there is considerable diversity in the design of nuclear plants, which nlay signify that engineers have not yet built enough of thenl to reach consensus on how best to do it.Just two designs dominate in the United States: the pressurized water reac- tor (PWR) and the boiling water reactor (BWR). Only those types are described here. The Pressurized Water Reactor. The distant ancestor of the PWR is the U.S. Navy's program to develop nuclear power for ship propulsion. The defining feature is a reactor core fully inllllersed in liquid water, which is kept under so nluch pres- sure that it cannot boil even though the tenlperature reacl1es óuO degrees Fahrenheit. About two-thirds of the operating Al11erican reactors are PWR types. The PWR. relies on ,ln indirect, two-stage process to drive the turbine and gener- ator. Water heated in the reactor core is plll11ped to a steanI generator, where it heats and boils water in an entirely separate circuit; it is the £luid in this secondary loop that drives the turbine. There is no exchange of fluids between the two loops; this is the safe-sex version of nuclear power. Because the steal11 that drives the turbine never enters the reactor, the chance of radioactive contan1ination should be slight. A PWR has a distinctive profile. The containment building, which houses the reactor, is a tall cylinder with a JonleJ lid. Deep inside is a nlassive steel pressure ves- sel, and inside that is the reactor itself.Also in the contail1l11ent building are the steal11 generators ,lnd pl1l11pS to drive the circulation through the prinlary loop. The pl1l11pS stand three stories tall and are powered by electric nlotors of 4,000 to 7,000 horse- power. Each pl1l11p has a £lywheel that will keep it running for a few seconds af ter a power failure-Iong enough for other el11ergency cooling systenls to kick in. The reactor vessel is shaped like a l11edicine capsule standing on end, 40 feet high with steel walls nine inches thick. It weighs close to a nlilliol1 pounds, which l11eans it can only be shipped by barge or rail. (There are no 500-ton highway trucks.) The inner surface is clad with half an inch of stainless steel a<; a defense against corrosion. And corrosion is a seriolls worry. In 2002 a work crew at the Davis-Besse nuclear plant near Toledo, Ohio, discovered a spot on the lid of the reactor vessel where acid had eaten a\vay the entire thickness of the \vall except for the stainless-steel cladding. Within the reactor itself, several thousand fuel rods are packed into a vol unIe about the size of a high-ceilinged bathroonl. There are also control rods l11ade ofboron car- bide-a cOlllpound of two neutron "poisons," or absorbers. With all the con trol rods in place. neutrons are blotted up quickly enough that a chain reaction can't sustain itself. The control rods are lifted out through the top of the pressure vessel to start the nucleclr re,lCtion. In the event of a power f:ïilure or same other n1.l1functioll. the rods f.lH b.lck. into plJ.ce by gravity. 
THREE MILE ISLAND Sometimes an industrial accident seems to have the fatal momentum of a Greek tragedy. Terrible things keep happening, but nobody understands why until it's too late. March 28, 1979, was a bad day on Three Mile Island, in the Susquehanna River south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In the small hours of the morning, a shift foreman and two other workers were doing routine maintenance in one of the two nuclear power plants built side by side on the island. Both plants are pressur- ized water reactors. The maintenance work was in what would seem to be a noncritical section of the plant-the polishers that remove minerals from feedwater in the secondary cool- ing loop. But events in that obscure corner of the plant had consequences the whole country soon heard about. The work crew was blowing compressed Adj,IL'el1t to tilt' cont.11l1mL'l1t building l' tlw tlld-lundling buildil1g-ottL'n Ltrger in volume though les distinctivc in -dupe. 11ere tllcl-rod ,Isscmblies ,Ire stured. both tJ-esh one, ,1\v,liting inst,dI.uion ,111d dcplcted ont', removed during refucling. fhe tl1e1 rod, em't ,imply be "t,lCked on ,1 ,helf fhe\' ,Ire kepr in1111er,ed in \\,ner both ,IS ,1 radi,ltion -;hield and ,b a cool.1nt. The deep V,lt of w,Uer. kno\\ n ,IS the '\\'ll111111ng air into one of the polishers, and apparently the pressure drove water into an instrument air line, one of many small pneumatic tubes used for sensing and controlling conditions in the plant. The clogging of this particular air line had the effect of closing valves that controlled the flow of feedwater through the polishers. With the supply of water cut off, the main feedwater pumps shut down automatically (or, in power-plant argot, "tripped"). Three emer- gency feedwater pumps immediately started up, but they were unable to deliver any water because another pair of valves had mistakenly been left closed. The improper position of these valves was discovered and corrected eight minutes later, but by then a great deal else had happened. Less than a second after the main feedwater pumps tripped the turbine and generator i t. tripped in turn. In the next three seconds, the pressure within the reactor and the primary coolant system rose to 2,255 pounds per square inch, at which point a relief valve opened up, draining steam and water from the reactor vessel into a tank at the bottom of the containment building. After another five sec- onds, the reactor itself tripped, and control rods were automatically inserted to halt the nuclear reaction. Although this fast-paced cascade of emer- gencies sounds quite dire, there was as yet no reason for alarm. Turbine and reactor shut- downs are not routine events, but operators are trained to deal with them. In this case the two operators on duty in the control room immediately set out to perform what seemed to be the most urgent tasks-double-checking the status of the turbine and generator to be cer- " I 
pool. i" .1 be.1l1tiful "ight. The \\ .lter i\ \till .Illd technici.m" te"t it" purity .l11d cLtrity by re.lding tIne print .It the bottom through binocular.... The fuel .N,emblie... hang on rack... 2S feet below the "urtace_ The mo"t .Ictive element, .lre enveloped in the luunting blue glow of C erenkov light. which is emitted when electrons through the w.lter flster dun the speed of light in w.lter. tain that these expensive pieces of machinery would not be damaged. The all-knowing cho- rus in a Greek tragedy might have warned them that bigger worries were looming, but the operators at Three Mile Island did not have the benefit of such a warning. Over the next two hours the scene in the control room grew more hectic; at one point 60 operators, supervisors, engineers, and oth- ers struggled to stabilize the system. The main focus of their attention was maintaining the right water level in the primary cooling system. Most of the time, the level seemed to be too high. A vessel called the pressurizer is sup- posed to be kept half full of water and half full of steam; the operators thought it was filling with liquid water, which would make it hard to control pressure in the system. Hence, they throttled back emergency systems that were pumping water into the reactor. Actually, the water level in the pressurizer was never too high; it was dangerously low. The operators had been misled by their instruments. The underlying source of the problem was yet another valve malfunction: the pressure-relief valve that had popped open three seconds after the start of the accident should have closed just 10 seconds later, but it remained open, allowing a massive leak. The stuck valve was not discovered until more than two hours later, by which time most of the primary coolant had boiled away. By now it was too late to avoid serious damage to the reactor. Although inserting the control rods had halted the nuclear chain reac- tion, radioactive decay was still producing about 30 megawatts of heat, which could not be removed fast enough. Parts of the reactor core crumbled and melted. Also, the overheat- ed zirconium-alloy cladding on the fuel rods reacted with steam to produce hydrogen gas, raising fears that a hydrogen explosion might rupture the containment building. The explo- sion never came; it turned out there was too lit- tle oxygen present to create an explosive mix- ture. Throughout the accident there were only small releases of radiation. It took a month to coax the reactor into a safe state, and it took more than 10 years to   ". I.. ... ,,' ,'!'.. . ",. '.,: .4 ...., I .' -.. . i >t. .. - :.( .'. .. ',. CD) . ...:-. -.r 1 '.;," ., "I clean up the mess. Several commissions investi- gated the accident-Greek choruses chanting of catastrophe after the fact. Factors cited as contributing causes included management poli- cies that allowed the plant to run with emer- gency feedwater valves closed, operator train- '4, ing that put too much emphasis on one kind of accident and neglected other possible failures, and a reactor design that may have been too skittish for reliable control. Most of all, the investigators criticized the man-machine inter- face. The operators could easily have averted the damage if only they had known what was happening inside the containment building, but the hundreds of meters and gauges in the con- trol room failed to communicate the information they needed. The indicator for the crucial relief valve showed that it had been ordered to close but did not register its true position. What lessons should be learned from Three Mile Island? Opinions vary widely. Opponents of nuclear power interpret the accident as a demonstration of just how dangerous and uncontrollable the technology is. Proponents look at the same evidence and argue that the accident shows the inherent safety of nuclear reactors, since just about everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong, and yet there was no serious harm done to public health. Both sides would rather not see any further demonstrations of this kind. Today the empty shell of the failed reactor still stands on Three Mile Island, next to its older sibling reactor, which was shut down after the accident but was restarted in 1986. (In the photograph on the opposite page, the active unit is on the right, the corpse on the left.) General Public Utilities, the operating company, built a visitor center and souvenir shop, where you could buy Three Mile Island tee-shirts and cookbooks. But at last report the visitor center was closed. 
A nuclear generating station built around boiling water reactors also has two independent units, but the entire plant fits under one roof. The reactors are in the wing of the building at the left; the fuel-handling facilities are in the lower wing at right. The multicolored forms in the foreground, which look like picnic tents, are actually the roofs of tanks for holding various water-treatment chemicals. The power plant, operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority, is in Browns Ferry, Alabama. t  I::very ye.u- or two, the re.lctor need, tn be rdlleled. fhl'- I'- not likL' g.I"mg up the Clr; it"" more like a major engine overh.llIl, \\ ith the .H.lded complic.ltion it\ done under\\'.Her. The first step i to pop open the top of the re.tetor vessel. The cont.lin- l11ent building .1 cr.llle built in tor lifting off this ISO,OOO-pound item. Then a ec- tion of the building above the open re.\Ctor ve'\sel i'\ Hooded to .1 depth of 15 teet; thi, pool of \vater connect Vi.l .1 tunnel with the wimming pool in the fuel- handling building. l)ld fuel .1el11blie\ are pulled out of the re.lCtor and tran,ferred through the water-filled tunnel to the fuel-h.ll1dling building. Ne\\ fuel elements COl11e back in through the anle tunnel, which vou l11ight think of .1.... sOl11ething like a p.lss-through between kitchen and dining room. Another building houses the control rOOl11. It\ airtight and pre....urized ('\0 .my leakage is outward). The ventilation ytem can close otT.Ill .Iir int.lke in '\econds. The reason for these fe.Hures is not hard to gues: in the .lfterm.lth of.m accidental release of radiation. it's helpful if the operator can t.lY on the job, .lnd survive. One peculi.lrity of nucle.n power can l11.1ke the oper.ltor's job epeci.llly tense. When sOl11ething goes wrong in a fossil-fuel plant. shutting otT the fuel and .lir puts .+) I , I I II I , ..._t; . l'n\ii'1i I ( , .hl, ,il.1  :. tnlnni1. . .._ . . \ ....... . I' I \ I -- '..  
out the tIre. With .1 nude,lr re,lctor, dropping the control rods quenche<; the nude,lr chain reaction, but that's not the end of the '\tory. The fuel elements continue to pro- duce megawatt of heat for hour afterward beclllse of the ongoing radio.lCtive decay of filon proJucts. There' no switch or valve dut turns this proce'is ofT. As a result, the redctor nJ'\ d continuou suprly of water for cooling even after a shutdown. The '\tandarJ operating nightI11are for nuclear plants i the dreaded LOCA-the lo'\<;-of-coobnt dccidnt. With a 1l1.or in the prinury loop, the water in the reactor vessel will quickly boil dWdY; if the coolant i not replaced \\ ithin 'ieconds, the fuel rod will ovrhat and 111elt. The Boiling Water Reactor. A... the nan1e suggests, the 13WR systen1 allows the pri- nury cooLmt to hoil on contdct \yith the hot filel in the core, so tlut liquid water and stdn1 coexist 111 the reactor vesel. The ste.lm is piped directly to the turbine .md then condened cmd pumped b.lck to the reactor. Thus, the <;te,u11 circuit has only a single loop, r,lther than the two-stage process of the PWR. The 13WR.. design has the virtue of simplicity. On the other hand, stean1 running throughout the pLl11t will rou- tinely pick up low levels of radiocKtivity f)"om its passdge through the reactor. And if something goes wrong-such ,IS the sudden f.lilure of a fuel rod-Luge quantities of radio,lCtive mdterial would enter the steam circuit. A 13WR.. power plant looks very different fi"om a PWR. Gone is the domed con- tainment structure .md the separate fuel-handling building. The redctor, the swin1- ming pooL ,md .lll the rest of the nudedr machinery are in a single large building. M,my BWR pbnts do have one visu.llly distinctive feature: a very tall stack-as tall ,IS one you might see at a fossil-fuel plant, though not as big around. The function of this unusual stack. is explained bter. The 13WR does have ,I contaim1lent structure; it's ju<;t snuller thdn th kind used in a PWR, so it tits in'\ide .l conventional building. Th BWR.. contaimnent is either cone-shaped (with the pointy nJ up) or lightbulb-shaped (with the screw-in end up). The reactor vessel i<; suspended near the top of this structure. Below it is a pool of water 11lant to .lbsorb and condense stecH11 released in the event of.m accident. The presence of steam in the redctor vessel require<; S011le changes in the way the reactor core is designed. 13ecduse stean1 lines nlllst connect to the top of the re.lCtor vessel, the control rods cm't enter the core fr0111 overhead: they have to COl1le up fr0111 the bottOl1l. 13ut if the control rods are under the re,Ktor, you cm't count on gravity to insert thel11 in .m en1ergency. The emergency hutdown mechanisn1 uses hydr.llllic pressure to drive in the rods. then latches then1 in place mechanicllly. The reli,lbility of the hydraulic systen1 is criticll. Bec.lUse the \\.lter driving the turbine in ,l 13WR pLmt p.lses through the inten'\e r.ldiation of the re.lCtor. it become<; 111ildly rcldioactive even when nothing is le.lking. W.lter qUdlity is criticll. Any minerab present will be tr,l11smuted to radio.lCtive ele- ments: if they ,lre there,ltter deposited in the turbme or elsewhere in the system. they Ccl11 m.lke the whole "hot." But even pure w,lter is susceptible to irr.ldi.ltion; both The elegant spire at Browns Ferry is designed to launch trace releases of radioactive gases high into the atmo- sphere where they should disperse. The form of the chimney-a slender hyperboloid-is calculated to give the gases maximum upward velocity..  r. .. I 1 q -. I -tJ- ...... 
Fan-driven cooling towers at the Browns Ferry nuclear station have a trapezoidal form, wider at the top, so that warm water cascading down the side will wash away any ice buildup. Each of the 16 shrouds atop the cooling unit houses a large fan blade that draws air in through the sides of the structure and discharges it upward. 1 I I I J ;:!' I :;  ' . I ... ......, ".I ..-..- ... ,#.#   f" --- --- ---- -- - ... ...& .. ...  the hydrogen and the oxygen .ltoms of the w.lter molecule can be converted to radio.lctive forms. Worse still, radi.ltion em break ap.lrt a water molecule, so the hydrogen .md oxygen .lre in g.lseous torm. TIlt' g.lses sep.lrate fi-om the in the condenser, and a whole subsystem of the pLlIlt is needed to capture and dispose of theln. That's the t.dl st.lck is for. It i designed to bunch the emissions well up into the .ltmosphere, where the g.lses disperse. The rde.lse of radio.lCtivity is quite small. The Regulatory Commission sets the m.lximum .lllowable .111l0unt at .1 level believed to be completely s.lfe, and pLmb routinely stay below 1 percent of that st.m- cLtrd. But doesn't always set the neighbors' minds .It e.lse. COOLING TOWERS Ever since the accident .It Three 1'vtile Island, the cooling tower h.l" been the ,inister sYInbol of nucle.u PO\\ er. TelevisIon reports on nuclear i"ue set the mood with .1 h.1l11lting iIll.1ge of the to\\ ers. otten with .1 cloud of white vapor dritting .lbove them. hlllting at ...ome toxic rele.lse. ThI choice of icon could not be less .1ppropri.He. In the firt place, not all power t.Hion have cooling towers. .md not all cooling tower, are inst.dled .H pl.mts. econd. mot cooling towers look nothing like the tall. tapered chimney' 11.lve .lcquired such meIl.lcing .1s,oci.Hion,. Fin.llly, the cooling tower i not where the ...tinger i, in nucleJr technology. Nothing radioactive p.bes through it, Jnd .Uly rele.he of radiation would h.lVe to come trom ebewhere. There i .Ulother irony in the evil reput.ltion of the cooling tower. The re,lson for building the towers is not utility comp.mies e.lrn money trom them. ()n the 
contrary. they .1re .1 concession to environmcnt.d preerv.ttion. fheir m.lin tl1l1ction i the protection of .1qu.ttic life. A perfect power p1.lIlt would convert .1ll the liber.lted by burning fuel or by .1 re.tetion into electricity. Re.l1 power pLmts tlll hort of For a co.ll- fired pLmt, only .1bout -H) percent of the energy is captured in electric power; nudear pLmts do even worse, with .m eHiciency of only .1bout one-third. All the rest is waste. A plant with .m electric.l1 output of I,()O() meg.1\v.ltts must get rid of 2,()(I() meg.1\v.ltts of W.lste The tlow of water needed to LllTY ofT c.m .1lnount to :;()() million g.lllons per day. This is more th.m enough W.lrm water to provide .1 luxurious d.lily bath for the popuLttion of New York City. It\ .1!sO enough to parboil the fish in .1 snull river or Ltke. The cooling tower dissip.lte some of tl1.1t to the .1tmosphere. Cooling towers come in t\H) b.1Sic types: the fm-driven tower, which is more common but less conspicuous. .md the natural-draft tower, which is the one entered the public im.tgin.ttion. The choice between them is one of b.llancing oper- .1ting costs .1g.linst capiLlI costs. Fan-Driven Towers. The typical fm-driven cooling tower is .1 long. boxy structure. roughly 5() feet wide .md 5() feet t.ll1 .md .IS much .1 several hundred feet long. The end walls are of solid construction. but the long side \Vall consist of louvers to .111ow for the inflow of air. The wartn water i pumped to the top of the tower .md f:l11s ,/ " ...... - ---. . A variation on the design of the forced-draft cooling tower wraps the structure into a circle and puts the fans in the center, drawing air through from the perimeter. This tower is at the Coal Creek power station in Underwood, North Dakota. 
The natural-draft cooling tower at Arkansas Nuclear One has the classic hyperbolic form, tapering to a nar- row throat and then opening to a slightly wider diame- ter. The shape is designed to produce optimum air flow for a given temperature difference between the water and the surrounding atmosphere. At the base of the tower (detail on opposite page), the water is broken up into fine droplets to maximize evaporative cooling. through ,i L\byrinth of wood or pL\stic sLns c\llcli till. Mc,mwhile ,1 Cm pull... ,1Ir through the fill into ,1 central void. ,md then eh,nIsts it upw,lrd. 1 hus. in the fill there is ,i cros...-t1ow w,lter trickles do\\ nW,ln.i while .Iir i, dr,lwn inw,lrd. Seen frol11 the end. the cooling to\\er Ius the form of cln up,ide-down trapezoid. It is wider ,1t the top than at the b,l"e, Jnd '0 the louvered \\-all... slore il1w,\rd. This sl1.lpe i chosen to control icing in the winter. L3ecau"e of the inwarJ slope, the lou- vers are continu,llly washed bv \\,\r111 w,lter. , ."/1  .\\\"\ \ \ \ \ I \ \ - " --- 
The m in ,I power pL1I1t-<;ize cooling tower can be 3() teet in diell11eter, driven by a motor of 200 hor\epower or more. A tbred ,hroud <;urrounding the bLlde.... incre.lS- e\ the velocity of the and reduces noi\e. Along the inner .;;urface of the fill, lining the central void, are <;pecial louver, called drift elimineltor". .. Drift" is the Iniq of tiny droplet" thelt get Ce1l1ght in the elirHow. The drift eliminator" torce the 'lir"tre.Inl to make a <;11.1rp turn a it accelerate" toward the fan, ,hedding entrelined droplet. Natural-Draft Towers. The 20o-hor"epower motor in el fem-driven cooling tower con<;ume" about 1 SO,()()() watt", which is .1 lot of power even tor the electric compel- ny. l)n el nlUggy day the fans can claim 3 percent of .1 generating "tation's electric.Il output. A cooling tower that need, no [m ha\ em obviou') .1dve1l1uge in delily operat- ing co"t; the di"advantage i" that it co<;ts more to build <;lKh a tower in the fir<;t place. A lutural-draft tower work.;; jut like the chimney elbove .1 tlreplace. In both cases there is a ,ource of heat .It the base-hurning logs in the fireplace, water trom the condener in the cooling tower. Air i, warmed by the heat <;ource e1l1d expands, there- by becol11ing les den"e than the <;urrounding elir. The buoYe1l1t elir ri,es insIde the chinmey or the tower, e1l1d nev..- .1ir is drawn in ,It the bottOl11 to replace it. The new air i, heelted in turn, o that a ...ustained draft is est.1bJished. The optin1l1l11 size ell1d ')hape tor a chimney depend on the temperature of the heat source ,1I1d the outside air. With a very hot fire (as in el modern home fUrI1.1ce) even a 11.1rrOW, straight chilnney Ccln draw eflectively. The lower temperature of ,I log fire den1.1nds el wider Hue. In a cooling tower the temperature difference is only about 10 degree<;. which means the chimney must be wide. ul!. and cardil11y shaped. The Ltrge<;t towers elre 300 feet in diell11eter elt the base ,md SOO feet high. The cluracteristic shape of el natural-dr,lft tower, which nlaxil11izes the airflow, is a hyperboloid (based 011 the 1113then1.1tiLl1 curve Ll11ed a hyperbola). Rising air tends  .-. - 
J *"'  ;.;;===:; T ..... ( " A small hydroelectric installation at the base of the Monticello Dam west of Sacramento, California, exploits a high head (about 400 feet) to extract about 11 megawatts of energy from a modest flow of water. The turbine is a Francis wheel, a hybrid type that draws on both the impulse and the reaction principles. The discharge is above the level of water in the tailrace. to cool heLlllse of the lower ,lt1l1ospherJl pressure ,It incre,I"11lg ,tltitude: ,I" .1 result the ,Iir lo"e" it" huo) ,mcy ,md its .Iscent ...10"",,. I he hyperbolic t,lper of the cuoling tower c01l1pen",lte" t(H this tendency by n1.linuinil1g ,I ne,lrly con" pre"sure up to the, the n.IITOWe"t ...ection of the to\\ er. The ....light outw,ud tl.tre ,1bove this point .1llows the .Iir to .md .Icceler.lte upward. The exluu"t n07zle.... of rock- ets .md jet engines h.we the S.mle "Iupe tor the ....lIne re.l"on,. W]ut i.., inside .1 n.ltura]-dr.ltt to\\"er? 1\1.1in]y nothing. The "hell of the tower 1... rai"ed up on concrete pi]l.1rs or on .1 tri.mgu1.lted tru""work of ...teel, ]e.wing ch.mnel... on .Ill "ide" tor air to tlow in. Ju"t in..,ide thi" perimeter i" .m .1""emb]y of ]ouver'... tI]1. and drift elimin.1tor" little different fi"om the one in .1 t()}"ced-draft to\\er. All till'.. appar.ltUI\ occupie'\ .1 n.lrrow ring .1t the bottom of the towec the re'\t h .1 c.lthedra]- like empty "p.lce, open to the sky. HYDROELECTRIC POWER Watl'rpower h.1S .1 history going b.lCk to antiquity; it W.IS a thriving .md sophisticlted technology long bet()}"e electricitv entered the scene. W.1terwheels dri\'in e1.1borate systems of belts .md shafts ran the textile f:lCtories of New s,lwed timber in the West. .md ground gr,lin into tlour everywhere. Some of the"e early mill" have been preserved or restored. .md .1 few of the \\ .lterwheels .1re still turning. N everthe- less, .1part fi"om sites of antiqu.lrian interest. waterpower no\\ means hydroelectric gener.ltion. The waterwheel has evolved into the turbine. much ,IS the paddle wheel of early "te.lln"hip... h.l" evolved into the propeller. The belts ,md s]ufts for power tr,m"mis"ion have been repl.1ced by electrica] lines. In the 1l)30, waterpower "upplied about 4() percent of the electricity in the United State". llydroelectric cap,lcity ha" incre,l...ed ,ince then, ,md vet the proportion of .111 power coming ti"om hydroelectric p1.mts h.l" t:dlen to only ,1bout 15 percent. The rea- son is tl1.1t other po\\'er ....lHllTe'" h.lve grown much t"J,ter. The trend i" likely to con- tinue, "imp]y'\e the be'\t "pot.... for hydropower ,Ire .1]ready occupied. Two (lCtor... determine the power ,1V.libb]e 6"om t:llling w,lter: the height of the tlll (cal1ed the he.Hl) .md the qu.mtity of water. A ]ittle W.lter plunging otf.l high cliff can produce the ...ame .11110unt of power ,1'> ,1 large m,l"" of water t:l11ing over a low ledge. The he.H.i ,md the quantity of W.lter determine wh,lt kind of turbme ,1 hydroelec- tric i" likely to use. With .1 high he.ld but only a mode...t volume of water, the turbine of choice is ,1 Pelton wheel. It work" on the impulse principle: nozzle.... direct high-speed stre,lll1S of water .1g.linst curved buckets on the rim of the turbine \\ heel. The \\ heel-or runner, as hydr.1U]ic engineer" prefer to c,dl it-i.... not immersed in W.lter but turn" in .lir. Pelton \\ heel" spin very t:1'>t, ,md ,,0 they .1re u..,ed with the "',llne kind of gener,ltor enlp]oyed in power p1.mts. The Pelton wheel ,md the gen- erator ,1re mounted lm ,1 horinmu] ,11.lft, \\"hieh turn" .It I ,X()() or JJ)()() revolutions per minute in order to produce the North A1nericm,ll-d ()C)-hertz power. 
for lower hc.llh .md higher tl OW<.i , turbint''\ of .mother rypL' work bct[cr. fhL' run- ner. which h.l curved v.l11e rather th.111 buckets. i<.i immer<\ed in .1 '\trL'.llll of W.lter f]o\V<.i through it. The runner I... mounted on .1 vertiL1I ...h.ltt .l11d enclosed 1ll .1 spiL1I scroll Ll,e. '\11.lped like .1 'Iuil ,hell. Water enter horizont.lll) .l11d tlow... inw.lrd to the runner. then make, .1 l)( I-degree turn a it i ddlected bv the v.lIIe.... .l11d exits - r  ,. -f "'t'  '. ,  . "'- \ 't. .. ,- 01 ..   - 1)i . Y '- ..... ............ , , "  -- '"  At the Shasta Dam in northern California, five large penstocks emerge from the face of the dam to drive turbines in the powerhouse below. 
"". 01 .  ... ;, " .  . -. .. !II. , .) - .' A surge tank at the crest of a hill helps to smooth the Row of water through penstocks feeding a small hydro- electric plant below the Fontana Dam in North Carolina. dOWn\\,lrd, p,lr,dld to the ,1xis of thc turbinc "luft. 1 UI"bincs of this type-c1lkd ,1 re,lCtion-wheel turbine-turn much slower th,m the Pelton wheel. The low rot .It ion speed of the re,lCtion-wheel turbine call" tor a ditferent kind of generator, one that CJn produce ()O-hertz ,1ltern,uing current when turning ,u only a few hundred revolution" per minute. In the high-speed generator" used \\ ith "team tur- bines, the rotor Ius a single pair of nugnetic pole" l11uch like .In ordinary bJr nlJgnet. The generator produce one cycle of ,1lternating current tor e,1Ch revolution of the rotor; thus, 60 cvcles per second requires 6( I revolution, per "econd, or .\h()() revolu- tions per nlinute. To generate the same output fi-equency with a nl.Ichine that turn... nlore slowly, you need a rotor with l110re pair, of pole". If the rotor is a cluter of 12 pair" of north and "outh pole", "paced equally ,lround the peril11eter, then on each rev- olution the output current will go through 12 alternating cycle,. The generator produce (}()-hertz power when turning at only 5 revolution per second, or 3110 revolutions per minute. The generator, el11ployed in low-turning hydroelectric plants have as m,my as 60 pair" of poles, yielding 60 hertz .1t a rotJtional peed of just 60 revolutions per minute. These generators are larger in diameter th,m the high-speed nuchines, in order to nuke romn for the l11any rotor windings, but they CUI be shorter in the other dimen- sion. BeC1Use the generator is mounted on a verticIl "haft, it takes the fonn of a "qu,lt cylinder on the powerhouse floor, with a sm,l11 turret ,It the center tlut houses the main thrust bearing supporting the sl1.1ft of both generator and turbine. Often the powerhouse of a hydroelectric project is built into the "tructure of a concrete danl, usually at the foot. Water drops down through P,lss,lges within the body of the d,ull, turns turbines inst,l11ed near the b,lseline. and then rushes out into the t,lilrace. In other C,lses the powerhouse is a structure sep,nate fi-01n the danl. pos- sibly Inile" Jway. Water is conveyed {i"om the reservoir to the powerhouse through a penstock, which is typically a welded "teel pipeline 1 () or 15 feet in diameter. Look for a surge tank above the penstock "omewhere along the run. It i" needed to "nlooth changes in the rate of t10w a" the 10,ld On the turbine v,lrie". The tank i" de"igned to be about h,df ti.lll during nornlJI, "teady-state operation". If the g,Ite" "uddenly open \\"ider, calling for more water, the "urge t,mk IS dr,1\vn down m01nent,Irily to help l11eet the denl,md. When the gates doe "uddenly, the surge tank is even nlore imp01- t,mt: it gives the Inoving water ,onlewhere to go ,IS it decelerates, preventing the hard knock called water hanllner. The enviromnent in the generator g,l11ery of a hydroelectric plant l cahner than the turbine hall of a fosil-tllel pLmt. (;one is the hriek of steJm. The noi"es are ,Ill low notes-hunls, buzzes, gro,ming, rhythmic vibration... thJt you feel rather than hear. Workers-if there are any-cm conver"e ,1" quietly a, in an otEct'. The control of a hydroelectric plant 1"; also less hJir-rai'ill1g th,lll that of either .I to""il-tllel or a nuclear pIJnt. Power output I regulated by gate" control the flow of water through the penstock and into the turbine. An ,1Utonutic governor system ,1djusts the gates to track variations in IO,Kl and keep the gener,uor turning ,It ,1 com.t,mt speed. 
()ne of the te,1ture of hydroelectric pLl11ts mot welcome to power disp,\tchers i th,1t they cm be started up and shut down ,1t a moment's notice. It t,1kes as little ,1S t\\0 minute to get ,1 unit up to peed ,1lld ynchronized wirh the power grid. Thi In,\ke'\ hydroelectric power ,1ttractive ,1S ,1 me,lllS of ,1tifying short-tenn pe,1k 10,1ds. When you come home in the evening ,llld witch on the lights and the TV, ome- \\-here ,\ g,ne in a penstock Ius opened very slightly and ent a few g,\llons n10re do\yn the pentock. OTHER ENERGY SOURCES Fossil-filel plants, nuclear reactor, ,llld hydroelectric plants account for 99 percent ot the electric power generated by utility comp,lllies in the United States. Everything else-all the ",1lternative" enerry technologies-,lll1ount to jut 1 percent. ,1l1d o they are pretty m,1rgil1.11 in economic terms. 13ut the ,1ltern,1tive enerbry ources h,1Ve a con- spicuous pl.1Ce in rhe land"c1pe ,llld in public consciousnes. even if they don't yet n1ake much of a dent in rhe enerry budget. And rheir contriburions ,1re growing. Three of these technologies ,1re described here: wind power. sol.u power. and geothermal power. B/owin I in the Wind. Wind power. like w,1terpower. has a long history. The Old World windmill, with its bro,1(l cloth-covered blades. or sails, goes b,1Ck ,1t least H()() year. But wind technology Ius been evolving rapidly in recent decades, and mod- ern windmills look nothing like their ,1llcient prototypes. They are tall and pindly, with 11.11TOW blades like those of ,m ,lirpl.llle propeller but on a v,1Stly larger ...cale. ':. I' , ",'I ...=-.:=f . \::J :- -- :u = , ... "'" 'III. . '''a .;. ... "  -"!III I , .; II r ," f"" ;, " -- . I --- ..1 _ --'III J&. 1   Generators at Hoover Dam are mounted with the shaft vertical. Each generator has 60 pairs of magnetic poles and turns at 60 revolutions per minute to produce 60- hertz alternating current. The eight generators seen here are on the California side of the dam; there are nine more on the Nevada side. 
They 3H:'n't even cllled windmills .mymore; the prdL'rred term i\ ",illd I"rhilll'. Moreover, they 3re usu.llly brought together in Ltrge wind £:lrms, \\ ith hundreds of turbines lined up .110ng ridges or sc.lttered .lCross a bro.1<.1 pLlin. In the United St3tes, wind fanning got its St3rt .1S a Calitorni.l thing; t(x .1 tinle, dut one st.1te produced h.llf of the world's wind energy. The three biggest C3liforni3 wind-energy are.lS 3re .1t Tehachapi P.lSS, 1 (II) lniles llortheast of Los Angeles, where a range of hills the Central V.llley from the Mojave Desert; Altaulont Pass, the to\\"n of Livennore e.lst of San Francisco Bay, where dnother range of 10\\ hills divides the coastal plain fl-OI11 the Central Valley; and San Gorgonio Pa:'\s, in the southern California desert near Pahn Springs, where once again the wind has to rie over hillsides to reach an interior valley. All three areas have lnajor highwdYs running through thenl, so you can easily get a look at the nlachinery. (SOIne European wind- energy develoPll1ents are even nlore tourist-friendly, with visitor centers and picnic areas out among the tlelds of turbines.) The great boom in California wind power was l.umched b) tax laws in the 197()s that encouraged experiments with alternatives to fossil-filel and nudear power pl.mts. Uut the tlrst gener.ltion of wind turbines proved to be expensive .md unreli- able, and they h.ld a hard tinle competing against the nlore nuture smokestack tech- nologies. The result was .1 slump in the wind-power industry during the 19HOs. Today the wind is rising again, however, even though same of the tax incentives luve expired. The new gener.ltion of wind turbines-l11any of them built in Europe or inspired by Europe11l designs-3re more efficient 3nd cheaper to m.lintain, 3nd they also work in a wider variety of wind conditions. One resuit is that wind tlrms are no longer just a C.lliforni.l crop; you 'lI tlnd them in Texas and Minnesot3 31H:l Iowa and Vermant, and in years to come they may well sprout on hillsides everywhere. Th state with the richest potential for wind power is North D.lkota; if the (Inners of North Dakota fanned \Vind instead of, in principle they could supply a third of the electricity consl1l11ed in the United States. As of 2()()3, the total capacity of wind turbinec; in the United St.ltes W.lS about 6,UUU megawatts-the equivalent of five or six pLtnts. Europe has £lr 111ore wind-energy capacity: welI over 14,()()U meg3w.ltts in Germany alone, and another 6,UUU in Spain. When you look at the spindly propeller-like rotor of a modern wind turbine, and compare it with an old 111ultiblade £:lrm windmill, you might conclude that the new technology is letting most of the wind slip by without getting any benetlt fi-OI11 it. Uut that's 3n illusion; the new wind turbines rely on ditTerent physical principles. The older \vindl11ill\ are drag devices: theyarrange the bl.1des so that the wind pushes 3gainst a broad surf.1Ce. The lnodern ones are lift devices: the air pases over an airfoil, like an's \Ving, and pulls the blade through the air. Drag devices produce higher torgue (turning force), but in nlost conditions they extract less energy fr0111 the dir. Just as engineers have v.lried the thickness of the bl.1des over the ye.lrs, so too have they dis.lgreed over the ide.l1 number of bLtdes for a wind turbine. The blades are 
/   } " ..  -----.- ",-. "- Wind turbines are planted in strict military rows along a northern California hillside, but their twirling blades are not to be disciplined. The wind farm is near the town of Tracy. 
A wind farm near T ehachapi Pass in California had more than 600 turbines spinning when this photograph was made in 1999. The machines are planted like orchard trees in a rectangular array; many other wind farms line the machines up along ridges. e\.pl'nsivl'. ,lIld "0 ,1 dl'"ign \\ ith t"L'\\cr of them might be e\.pl'ctl'd to reduLe the cost of the m,Khint' rhe minimum number. ob\'iously. i" onl'. ,lIld one-bbded rotor" h,lve actu,llly been tried. They luok funny. to ...av the le,I'\(; even though d sm,lll counter- weight keep... the nl.1chinery in b,l1.l1H. e, the V1ual llllpre...SlOn h of '\Olllething dr,l- nl,ltically out of kilter. But tlut\ not the big problem with one-bladed de"'lgns; more serious is that the one-bbded rotor Ius to turn taster to proJuce the ".lIne ener output as ,1 turbine with Inore blades. ,md higher "peed brings more ,tr.1in .111J nOhe. Two-bladed rotors luve a subtler problenl. The b,llance of the bLlde, i, perfect. but trouble COInes whenever the \vind shifts direction ,llld the turbine lu to ,wivel-or yaw-to ,t.lY pointed into the wind. When both blade... .Ire verticIl, there" no tance to yawing, but a" the bbdes turn toward the horizont,ll, the inerti.l increases. Thi" cyclic change in re,i,t,mce to yawing-going trom lllaxinll1m to Ininimum tWIce in every revolution-create, vihration .1nd "tre", shortening the lite of the hLlde.... The V.l"t Inajority of modern wind turbines lldve exactly three blades. App.1rently three i" just enough to solve the problenls of "peed, haL1nce, .md vibration; .my more th.m three would be .1 needles" epense. .. .  \. ,- ): ,.,  . ,.. Jr-- , " I ., . I _ I \. . , I \ . 1 ., - ( :.: . ( 1 rr .. I I Jo-' r r. r \ '1\ I' 1  d 
Still .mother contentious issue in \\ lIH.{-tl.rbine dcsign i... \\ hcther to mount thc bl.1dcs on the upwind or the do\\ nwind sidc of the n1.1chinc. Lettin the bl.1des tr.1il behind the rest of the turbine h.1s one big the bl.1des cm .tct like .1 wt'.lth- er vane. .llltom.1tic1I1y turning the n1.1chine to bee into the \\ indo When the bl.1des .1re Inounted in ti-ont. some kind of steering mech.mism is needed to ..,en...e the wind .md forcefully pivot the turbine whenever the direction shift.... Neverthele..,.... the prev.liling design has the rotor in the fi-ont. with .1 complex power-steering unit to keep it prop- erly pointed. The re.1son is one I never \\ould ]1.lve gue..,...ed: \\ ith .1 re.1r-mounted rotor. the turbine bbdes p.1SS through the .\\ ind ..,]udo\\ .. of the tower structure on every revolution. The result is ,1 cyclic vari.1tion in wind force tlut cm ..,et the bLI<.:k'", vibr.lting. thus creating yet .mother source of f1tigue and pren1.1ture tlilure. All this to .1 portr.1it of the typic.11 wind turbine. It ]us three bl.1des. e.tch .1bout 50 teet long. nude of carbon fiber or some other lightweight ultrastrong m.1te- ri.11. The blades .1re .1tt.lched to .1 hub. which in turn pokes out the ti-ont of.1 stre.1m- lined housing called a n.tcelle. Inside the n.tcelle. \\'hich is the size of.1 moving van. .1re the gener.1tor. a ge.1rbox. .md other m.lChinery needed to control the turbine. rhe nacelle is moulHed .1top .1 hollow steel pylon. I no teet high. 2() feet in diameter .1t the b.lse. and t.1pering gradu.ll1y toward the pil1l1.1clc. l)n top of the n.tcelle you might notice a sn1.111 airpLme-sh.1ped we.1ther vane-just like the ones you see on suburb.m lawlh. This is the sensor t()l" the mech.mism th.1t keep... the turbine flCing into the wind. EI...ewhere on the wind tlnn. ...c1ttered among the massive turbine..., .1re tiny. spinning cups of .memometers on t.\11 m.1sts. These instnmlent, .1re there to keep record... of wind speed tc)r use in analyzing turbine per- formance Jnd also to ,hut the turbines down if winds .1ppro.lCh dangerou, levels. Every wind turbine is designed t()1" .l limited range of wind ,peeds, Too little wind. and it\ not worth st.lrting up. Too much. .md the n1.1chine could destroy it,elf. t)n snme turbine... the bl.1de... Cdn be "feathered:' or tWIsted ,0 that the \\"ind \\on't spm the rotor. when speeds get into the d.mger range. Others have aerodyn.lInic '''''poil- ers" with the same purpo...e. The fin.1lline of defense is a mech.ll1ical br.1ke tlut binds the n1.1in slufi:-but the operators .1t .1 Teh.1c1upi wind tlrm told me they're not e.1ger to use th.1t one. l 'limbing the tower in .1 g.lle to tighten do\\"n the brake is more excitement tlun they're looking for. In norm.1] operation most \vind turbines spin .1t .1 tl\:ed r.1te. You might think they \H,m]d speed up .md slow do\\ n .1S the wind v.1rie.... but inste.1d they .1re designed to adjust the pitch of the bl.1des so th.1t the speed st.I\'''' const.lnt even .\S the energy out- put ch.mges. Running .1t .1 const.ll1t speed nuke... it e.hier to n1.1int.lin the ...te.1dy ti-e- l}uency of the .tlten1.1ting current th.1t the turbine supp]ie... to the power grid. The speeds .Ire sIo\\' enough th.H you cm count the revolution.... At one big wind t1rm in northern (',lliforni.1 I t<'Hlnd th.\t the turbine" \\'ere nuking 4() turns per minute: .It another t:1rm down the ro.1d the ...peed \\'.1S Tl. revolutions per minute. J\lost wind turbines turn c1ockwl...e. .1" ....een ti-om the hub idl' of the rotor. Uut thcrL ... IW tlIlHlul1cnt.t1 rC.I"on f()r this, .md .1 tL'\\ m.1Chines spin the other \\'.1)". The three-bladed propeller of the wind turbine drives a generator inside the nacelle, atop the mounting mast. Within the range of operating wind velocities, the tur- bine rotates at constant speed, adjusting the pitch of the propeller blades to regulate power output, .. I ",,(SliP/Sill 
fhe most unusu,d of ,Ill \\ ind turbinL' dco.;iglls i the vertlLll-,IXis nuchinc dcvel- oped by Il C. M. I ),lrrieu.... In,>te,ld l)f ,111 ,lirpL1I1e propeller. it'.., ,111 eggbe,lter: ,I ver- ticIl "Iutt with two thin bLtdeo.; bent into bow ...h,lpe" "'0 they L1I1 be ,ltt,lched ,It the top ,llld the bottom. The big ,ldv,1I1t.lge of the I ),lrrieus design i.... th,lt it re"pond.... egu,llly well to wind ti-om any direction. with no need to pivot \vhcll the \\.ind "hitts. Also. the generator cm be mounted ,It ground level. which nukes it more convenient for m,lintenance and ,lllows a lighter structure. Nevertheles\. the design seems to have gone out of [lshion. In the northern (',llitornia \\ ind fann,>. the few I ),urieu\ nuchines still running were looking pretty tired and Clreworn when I Ltst S,lW them. A Ltrge wind [lrm. \vith hundreds of turbines. makes a powerful visu,ll impreo.;slOn. From a great distance. they look like cheerful daisies or sunflowers pLmted in ne,lt lONG BEFORE THE WIND FARM, THE FARM WINDMill The multibladed, pinwheel-like farm windmill was an American invention in the middle of the nineteenth century that became an icon of American rural life. By the 1890s the windmills were a standard item in the Sears catalogue, and traveling salesmen peddled dozens of brands to farmers throughout the Midwest and Southwest. An estimated 100,000 of them are still at work in the United States, mostly pump- ing water on ranches in the western states. In aggregate they may put out 250 megawatts. The most famous brand of farm windmill is the Aermotor, designed by Thomas o. Perry. At the peak of production in the 1890s some 20,000 per year were being made. The com- pany is still in business, in San Angelo, Texas, where they manufacture about 500 windmills annually. Most farm windmills are erected directly over a well shaft. A crank arm connected to the fan wheel operates a piston down in the well tube. Some later models have gearing to reduce the speed of the pump and increase the force available. The windmills come in many sizes, but the most common ones have a rotor eight feet in diameter and can pump up to 10 gallons per minute. As with other styles of wind machines, the big challenge in building a farm windmill is making sure it doesn't fly to pieces when the wind blows too strongly. Over the years, designs were equipped with spring-loaded vanes or centrifugal weights or other contrap- tions to furl the blades or turn the fan wheel parallel to the wind when the speed reaches dangerous levels. Another engineering issue is the need to grease the bearings of a windmill mounted atop a tower 20 or 30 feet tall. Nobody ever wanted to climb up there in the r  \ ;;..- - ., '- "  .......... - middle of the winter. A number of tricks were tried (including hinged towers that fold in half to bring the works down to ground level), but nevertheless there are a lot of squeaky old windmills out there. The Fairbanks-Morse New Eclipse model pic- tured below was still twirling cheerfully, despite a peppering of bullet holes, when I photo- graphed it in northern California in 1999 ,?U I' IDR - - EW rJ J. '  
1 \ t 1 o"!.'  .... .;...... "'t ,_...... ..  row'\. A" you get do"er, their g.ugantu.m ....cale becomes .lpp.lrent. And when you finally "troll .mlOng them on .m .ltternoon with .1 fj-e"h breeze, there is something almo"t comical .lbout their .lppe.lrance: they "eenl to be waving their .1rms ti-antical- ly, ignaling to l1lht:'t.'n ti-iend.... on tht:' nt:'xt hill, or d....e tllt:'y .lre turning clrtwhed" along tht:' ridgdine like overe'\:citeJ ehildrt:'n. Tht:' sound of the turhint:''' .ue t:'qual- Iy t:'xtr.l0rdin.lry: the '\wi...h of the bLlde" "lieing through the .1ir, the whir of tht:' gt:'.lr- box, the hum of the gener.ltor, .m occa....ional gro.ming or bOO1ning as turbine... yaw with the shitting \\ indo Some wind machines produce .1 deep-b.lss wh01np-whomp- whomp .IS the bLtdes pass through the wind shadow of the "upport pylon. And ['ve even he.lrd .1 fe\\ sque.lky wheels. A'\ it l1.1ppens, these very sights .md sounds l1.1ve become an impediment to fur- ther development of wind energy: people don't want to '\ee wind turbines on the skyline, or theIn.There's.m irony in this.1\.lodern wind power beg.m as a "de.m" .11rern.nive to .Hld fossil-fuel plants. promoted by environmental acti\"ists .1nd resisted by utility comp.mie.... that were sk.epticl1 of the econ01nics. Today the oppo- sition to wind power comes tl-om environmental groups that see the turbines as despoiling the l.mdscape. There is .llso concern .1bout the turbines .1 a h.lz.lrd to birds, which '\onletimes w.mder into the bLtde'\ .It night or in fog. Iv1eaIH\Ohile, the utilities h.l\"e begun to W.lrm up to wind energy, .1" costs have COIne down. Wind Ius pro\'ed itself .1'\ .1 ....upplement to conventiOl1.11 power sources. But if we W.lnt to rely on it tor .1 Ltrge fi-.1Ction of the b.lse 10.1(.1. there's .1 problem: you cln't tell the wind when to blow. In the .lrgot of the power engineer, wind is not .1 "dis- p.ltch.lble ener,:- ...ource. Thi.... puts .1 limit on wind's tot.l1 contribution to the ener- gy budget, but we .lre '\till t:l1- fi-om re.lching tl1.1t limit. wind energy: by mounting the rotor on a vertical axis, they eliminate the need for a turbine to swivel to follow changes in wind direction. These four Darrieus turbines were photographed in the Altamont Pass of northern California. 
if   -. - - -  . .". --- (1' \ , ' , , , -- + L, \ r -.,r ,. \  .. _ .._...a.- ------ "- -......---...  ------ -- - ._ ..l. - ..... --------, t --------- Mirrored-trough solar collectors cover a square kilome- ter of the desert floor at Kramer Junction in southern California. The peak output of the array is about 150 megawatts. The mirrors appear deep blue from this point of view because they are reflecting the sky. Let the Sun Shine In. The trindly ,t,11- who'ie neighborhood we inhabit ,eIH.h plan- et E,lrth ,1 ,te,ldy nrgy flux of 175 hill ion Ing,lw,ltt', which I' equiv,llent to the output of ,1 few hundred million nuclear power pLll1t,. Now, ,H.hnittedly, ,1 third of that ener'y i retlcted b,lck 1I1to p,lce hdore it ever reache th ground, but thre'" still plenty left over if \ve could on Iv figur out ho\\" to collect it. But, ,l of 2()()(), U.S. utility comr,ll1ie... were gathering only ,lbout 5,()()() megaw,ltt'i of sobr nrgy. There are t\\O quite ditTerent type... of ...olar power pbnt. In a ...olar-thnl1al 'iY'itenl, sunlight i simply .1 ...ource of hl',lt. Photovolt,lic pLll1t\ gener,lte electricity directly from light, with no moving p,lrts. The ...implest ...obr-thermal technology u...e... fbt-pl.lte collctor\, which \vork ,1 lot like greenhoue. Pipe c.lrry w,ltr or ome other tluid through d gbss-coverc'd box tiltd toward the ...un; th pip' ,ll1d the ilbld 'iUrtlCe' of the bo are p,linted black to ,th,orb ,1' much h,lt .1' po"ible, .md the gb" cover ret.tin, the he,lt. [t\ ,imple ,md reli,lble, but the nuximum temper,lture i wel1 below the hoiling point of W,tter, so 
you em't produce steam to turn .1 turbine .md gener.ltor. Most tl.\t-pbte collector .1re rooftop insu]Lltions used for w.lter he.lting .md sp.lCe heating. To re.\Ch higher temperatures, you h.\ve to concentLlte the sunlight, collecting over .1 wide .1re.l, .md focusing it on .1 smaller p.ltch. In principle, ]enses might be used to do the focusing, but in pr.lCtice it's .1]ways done with mirrors. The idea] s]upe tor a rdlective soL1r collector is .\, bec.mse this curve h.1s the property that parallel rays of sunlight striking the mirrored sur\Ce .He .11] reflected to the ame fOLl] point. (Jne style of collector is a long trough with .\ p.\rabolic cross section, mirrored on the upward-Etcing surflce so as to focus sunlight on .1 tube dut runs p.\ra11el to the trough .\t just the right position to receive .111 the concentr.\ted light. The biggest insta]Lttion of p.\r.lbolic troughs in the United St.ltes is .It Kramer Junction, a cross- roads in the southern C.ditorni.l desert near the city of l3.\rstow. Each trough is .1bout 15 feet across .md 15() teet long, .1ssemb]ed fi'om JOO curved gLtss p.mes. Altogether there .In:' 546,()()() panes, with .\ total are.l of one squ.lre kilometer (.lbout 250 .teres). At the focus of e.teh trough is .1 receiver pipe housed in .1 glass VaCUl1111 tube [0 ret.lin heat. The receiver pipe is painted black for best .1bsorption, but when the plant is operating .md the sun is shining, the pipe glows bright white, like .\ fluorescent LU11p. The receiver pipes .1re filled with oiL which is he.lted under pressure to more dun 75() degree Fahrenheit. The hot oil is pumped to .1 exch.mger. where it gener- ate ste.l111 at o7() degrees; the steam then runs a fairly conventi011.1] turbine .md gen- er.ltor. The KLmler Junction sobr arr.1Y is divided into five independent pLtnts, e.1<.-h c.1pab]e of producing 3() meg.\w.\tt'i of electricity in tl111 Sl1111mer sun. It wou]d be more eHicient to run one big unit rather than tlve sn1.111 ones, but clt the tilne the plant W.1" built, ta incentives tor "olar power were ]il11ited to plants of 3() megawatts or less. - ( t\\\\'\\ \ \ \ . , \  "' 1 '.. ._. _'JJ'a"".I_il'l '$:- . .,., .-' - 4 .. B \ \ -- -  \ . \ - .-' _... :--=--..:. - - --   --.iiI - Each trough collector at Kramer Junction has a para- bolic cross section, which concentrates the sun's rays on a tube installed at the focus of the parabola. The tube is painted black, but it glows white when the collector is operating. Oil pumped through the collector tubes gath- ers the solar heat and generates steam to run a turbine. 
The Solar One and Solar Two projects at Daggett, California, achieved higher temperatures by focusing the sun's light on a point rather than a line. The last of the California experiments was shut down in 1999, but the program continues in Spain. The troughs .It Kr.1llH.T Junction .11T ..Jigned on .1 north-south .1i". ,l1ld during the cour"e of the d.1Y they tilt. ftCing e.l...t in the morning. then directly l)\"erhe.ld .n I<K.l1 solar noon, .l1ld tIn.l11y turnl1lg tow.lrd the wet .n ,un'e't. fhe tracking i... done .ll1to- nutieilly with .1 sensor tlut tries to keep the focu...ed inuge of the sun centered on the recei\"er pipe. St.mding ne.u a trough. vou can he.1r it alust itself every fe\v seconds. With 23( I .1Cres of glass in the middle of a dusty deert. w.lshing the mirrors is .1 full-tin1e job. It's done at night. with high-presure hose". It t.lke's .1bout two \veeks to wash otT the entire field of collector: then the washing st.lrts over again. Even with a brge p.lrabolic trough. the tel11peratures .lre not .IS high as power- plant engineers would like to see for maximun1 eHiciency. To re.lch till higher ten 1- perature" the trick i to focus the sun \ light not on a line of pipes but on a "ingle point. One way to do thi is with a mirror in the slupe of .1 paraboloid. like .1 s.nel- lite-dih antenna or a radio telecope, but building .1 really big paraboloid.l1 mirror that c.m tilt to track the sun is .111 engineering challcnge. A better ide.l is to set out lots of <;111all n1irrors, called helio,tats, which can be adjusted individually so they all ret1ect sunlight onto the ame point. According to legend, the principle wa... invent- ed by Archimedes in 212 L3C, \vhen he 11.1d .1 troop of Creek .;oldier... .1t Syracuse use their bronze shields as helio"t3ts to burn the "hip of an invading Rom.1ll Heet. Heliostats were the basis of the Solar One project .It I hggett, .mother town near Barstow in southern California. SOll1e 1 ,H()() flat mirror..., with a total area of 17 acre", were continually adjusted o that they .111 reHected the "un\' in1.1ge onto a black receiver .1t the top of a 300-foot tower. W:1ter pumped through the receiver boiled to produce ste.ll11 at about <)()() degrees Fahrenheit, which then drove .1 turbine and gen- erator at the base of the tower. Solar ()ne operated as a pilot project in the Il)(). Later, a new receiver W.IS fitted to the tower .md the pLmt W.IS reconl111i......ioned .h Solar Two. Intead of boiling water directly. the sobr energy was now absorbed into  - - .... "'" " "C. '\ .. ..'!'- '''''t  ...."  
molten .llt, \\ hich could be ,tored tor a fe\v hour" "'0 the pbnt could continuc gen- erating electricity even .1fter 'l1l1"et. Solar Two was "hut down in 1 ()()().A "imilar pl.1l1t called Solar Tre, i... under construction in (:ordob.1, Spain. Photovoltaic technology Ius .dmost nothing in common with ,0Lu-therm.d power beyond the basic t1Ct tl1.1t both rely on "11l1light as the ultimate "ource of ener- bJY. A photovoltaic device dispenses entirely with boiler", turbines, and generator,,; it converts light directly into electricity in one step. The tran"form.1tion i, accomplished with no moving machinery. All the complexity is hidden in the microscopic "truc- ture of the photocells, which are high-tech products of the ,emiconductor industry. The photoelectric effect was tlrst noticed more dun 150 year, .1g0, .111d the tlr,t good explanation ClI11e fi-om Einstein in 19()5 (that\ what he won his Nobel Prize for-not tor relativity theory). The key ide.1 is that light comes in p.lckets, or p.uti- cle" cLlIled photons, e.1ch of which carries some definite energy. I f a photon's energy is great enough, it can kick L111 electron out of its stable orbit inside L111 atom, making the electron avaibble to carry an electric current. These forced evictions are hap- pening all the time; a coin "itting in the sunhine is seething with liberated electrons. But in most C1es .111 the activity comes to naught because the electrons just wL111der around tor L1 while and then fall back into the atomic orbits thev came fi-OJ11. A photovoltlIc cell i designed to clpwre the ejected electrons .111d put them to use. Most photovoltaic cells are made of ,ilicon, and if you can get a closeup look, you 111.1Y tlnd thel11 to be quite beautitill objects, with crystal facets like fi'ost on a win- dowpLl11e, in vL1riou ...hade, of blue. Stripe<;, or grids of l11etal electrodes are laced across the surface to collect the electric current. The output of a photovoltaic collector is direct current (DC) rather than the alter- nating current (A(:) of the nationL1l power grid. Also, the yoltage produced by L1I1 individuL1l cell is closer to that of L1 tl1shlight battery tlun that of a power-plant gen- erator. Thus, connecting a panel of cells to the utility grid call" tor pecial electron- ics to boost the volt.1ge and to convert fi'om direct to altern.1ting current. Then there's the matter of cost. Even though the fuel is free, photovoltaic power remains ,ubstL111tiLllly more expensive than electricity fi-om coal-fired power plants. A, .1 result, you are n10st likely to see arrays of photocells in places where utility line, haven't reached-powering emergency telephones along highways. powering the light, on 111<1rine buoy" powering remote homesteads. And most ren10te of .111 are the many ,pacecraft that h<lVe relied on photovoltaic power. The co...t of photocells hL1s been coming down ...teadily for two or three decades. and intere,t i, finL1lly growing in utility-,cale project,. The pioneer in thi, field in the United State, i, the S<lCramento 1\1unicipaJ Utility Di,trict in California, which oper- ates more tlun eight megawatts of photovoltaic collectors. L)ne big <lITay of photocells is next to a dec0111missioned nucleLu plant. but most of the collectors are distributed around the utility's territory on residenti<ll rooftops and in p<1rking lots. It\ "ometimcs "L1id tlut to run the country on "obr power we'd luve to pave the whole Ll11Jc.1pe with collector. It\ not l1<:L1rly tlut bad. According to one estilllate, ..:J. ). -' photovoltaic cells, which generate electricity directly from sunlight, are made of polycrystalline silicon. The array of cells above is installed at Montgomery College in Germantown, Maryland. A detail, below, shows the grain structure of the silicon material and the grid of metallic conductors laid down over it to collect current. I! I 1IIIIIIIIIIIr.. II III ..!I-;lllIj IIIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rl 11 . II I p.1 " I IIli I   I 1111 I IL . . 11.1 I 
.... : If " ;i . .9 U The A. w. Hoch geothermal power plant (right), near Calipatria in the Imperial Valley of southern California, generates electricity from steam and hot brine brought up from several thousand feet below the Earth's surface, The fluids come out of the ground at a temperature of 450 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. One of the insulated pipelines that carry well fluids can be seen in the fore- ground. The remaining equipment is needed to sepa- rate steam from water and to remove salts and other impurities. At one of the nearby wells (above) the pres. sure gauge reads 110 pounds per square inch. photovuluic pLl11t" th.H could meet the e1ectncity need... of the United St.lte" \\ould occupy .\ little les th.\11 1 .()()() square mile....\ .\ lot of I.\])d. but it'" onlv .lbout one-third of 1 percent of rhe ror.111.1I1d .lre.l of rhe nation. So rhere's no need to p.lve over the \\,hole countrv. jU'it the 'it.lte of M.lry1.\])d. Warmth from the Earth. Why bother burning co.ll to nuke "te.Ull when you em just drill .1 hole in the ground. .111d let the steanl cOIne whitling out? This is the idea behind a geothern1.ll po\\er pI.l11t. It.... J great ide.1. It di...pene... with the whole fuel ...upply .1I1d the tlun.lCe .1I1d the boiler. The trouble i, it only works .It .. few places in the world-rJre hot ...pot" ,,"here the heat of the deep earth bubbles up lll1usu.\lly close to the "urface. The 'iimplest geothern1.l1 planh take '\te.Ull 'itr.light from the well and, .lfter mini- mal proces'\ing to remove .1 few impurities, pipe it to the input port of.l turbine to generate electricity. In rhe e.lrliest pLmt'\, the '\pent ste.lm le.lYing the turbine W.IS just vented to the .ltlllosphere.'s no longer done, tor two re.lsons. Fir<;t, the "te.1I11 car- ries some obnoxious cont.lmin.lI1ts. chiefly hydrogen sulfide. could nuke .1 geo- thermal pLl11t .1 worse polluter th.\]) .1 coal-fired one. Second. it turns out the supply of underground ste.Ull is [lr f.'om inexh.lllstible. To keep it flowing. you have to recycle it, pumping water down recharge wells to prevent the reservoir f.'om dry- ing out. Recapturing the spent ste.lm requires a lot of .H.idition.ll equiplllent: a con- denser, pt1lllp" and v.11ve'\, .111d cooling towers to get rid of excess he.l[. The cooling .  ,.. -Iiiri q""" I"'.... ,. t....J . b , . .. ...r_ I  ... · ji :,- . \ , .., ... ,/ \ ., . .-:- .. , . -' I - .... 'I' - r. '0 it J :!O.. '4 ." ',. II II , _ I '   ' . ..,H i . r .- . r. -.. .  ......  . I,  . : I ''':. _..._- ., - ::, .... I . " Lit 1; d: 1 . .., !!, - :. .1t'ij.j[, . - ".' !.. r r,t&1'l'\L PI!!'!f- - ' ' -1I1::;"<;iiOI f"""   - ........_  ,_if , II"!'_ it- -1t --- I u. -II 1- " 1. '"1 . _t' d .( .. - .1 ' "  , 'I - ---- --  
.  -.  . JII .' j. I=: -- - 1,. " 4'\. . -- I .. L tower tend to be the brgel\t component of the entire pLmt. .111d their plume of ris- ing yapor Inake them even more conpicuou'i. Piping 'iteam trom the ground directly into .1 turbine is a plan \Vork only if the steam is uperhe.lted to .1 te-w hundred degree .lbove the boiling point. It\ Lilled dry te;Il11, ince it's too hot tor water to condense in pipelinel\ or holding t.lI1ks. Unfortunately, few geotherm.ll ite produce enough dry steam for commerci.ll power production. ( )ne of the'ie areas i Llrderello, Pi.l in northern It.lly, where power production began almost 1 ()() ye.lf'i "go. The one pot in the United State \\ here drv 'iteam comel\ out of the ground is the Ceyser, a landscape of hot srring and hi'ising fumaroles tucked .1l11ong the wine-growing v.llley'i north of San Fr.mcisco. At the Geysers geothermal power plants have been running, off and on, since the I 96()s. Although dry team i .1 scarce resource, elreas of the world have enough sub- terr.lne.lI1 heat to produce I.1rge quantities of mied hot water .md ste.lm. Uut getting u...eful power out of these lower-temperature fluids calls for more elabor.lte n1.lchin- ery. Ste.H11 .md W.lter helVe to be sep.lrated. .md then some of the hot \\.Iter c.ln be peru.lded to v.lporize by lowering the pressure in el device called .1 tl.1sher. In .moth- er type of pLUH, trom the geothernul fluids is used to boil a more volatile liq- uid ....uch ,IS but.lI1e or .1l1111l0nia that circuLltes through a turbine in el dosed cycle. In In) geothernul .He.l, one thing you're 'iure to notice is .1 network of pipelines that feed 'ite.U11 or W.lter trom widely "'LIttered wells to the centr.d power pLllH. The pipe, .lre often of Ltrge di.ll11eter, .1I1d they look. evel fltter bec.ll1'ie of .1 thick bbn- of 1l1ulation. At there .Ire big inchworm-like loop to allo\\" tor c'"\:pan- slon ,llld cuntr.ILtion J thl' tL'mper.Iture of the pipe ch.ll1ge. Geothermal steam at higher temperatures allows a sim- pler energy cycle at the Geysers in northern California. This "dry steam" can be piped to a turbine with little preprocessing; then it is condensed ad reinjected into the earth. 
t-- --- --- - - - - - - - -  = -;. ,r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - =  ::::= -J ,  .. ., -  -- - .. , v-- -::- =  - -- -=  J  - ,I ,. -- = - - --  . \ . II i t i i H . - = - .,9 J  --=--  =- - -_-r l ,.T Ti - ;-.... f i 4 '- iU ' '-r -r - r   - --- -- - "- --:.;;- 5-.J ..  c- .- "'--19 I _  II II 
CHAPTER 6 THE lECTRICITY IS INVISIBlE STUFF, and yet it 111akes quite a 111ark on the nlodern landscape. The power plants that generate it, the transll1ission lines that carry it Jcros the countryside, and the substations that dispatch it are all giant structures, hard to hide frOll1 view. The slnaller-scale wires, utility poles, transformers, and other hardware that distribute electricity to hotlles and businesses are less impressive indi- vidually, but they are se en everywhere on city streets Jnd rural ro,ldways. In built-up areas, it's hard to make a landscape photograph that doesll't take in a power line. The whole country hmns with the 60-cycle-per-second note of the electric power grid. Generating plants are described in the preceding chapter. Thill chapter covers everything else electrical: power line, substations, and the local-distribution network. SOME ELECTRIFYING CONCEPTS The network that brings power to ,1 l1,ltion is not fundall1entally different trOln the electrical systenl in your hotne. Wires carry electricity frOll1 city to city,just as they dis- tribute it to lalnps and oudets. The national network has switches, circuit breakers, and fuses that work nmch the same as those in your basell1ent fuse box. They're just bigger. The basic unit of all electrical technology is the circuit. Current £1ows out trOln a source (such as ,1 generator), along a conductor to ,1 load (such as a motor or a light bulb), and then along ,lnother conductor back to the source. Without the complete rOlll1d-trip path, nothing happens; breaking the circuit open at any point stops the current. (The opposite of an open circuit is a short circuit, when the outbound and inbound conductors touch, bypdssing the load: pttlt!) The simplest electrical circuits operate on direct current, or I )C, in which elec- tricity £1o\\'s steJdily in one direction ,lrol11l<.i a loop. Direct current i" wh,l( come" POWER GRID Fluted porcelain insulators, shiny aluminum conductors, posts and frames that lift all the machinery high over- head-high-voltage electrical gear has a characteristic look to it that could never be mistaken for anything else. The equipment on the opposite page is in the switchyard of the Salem Creek nuclear power plant in southern New Jersey. The large devices in the middie of the image are air-blast circuit-breaker switches, designed to interrupt a 500,OOO-volt circuit in emergen- cies.The large curved structure in the background is a cooling tower. 
direct current single-phase alternating current three-phase alternating current . . Direct current provides a steady flow of electricity, but in an alternating-current circuit the voltage and current rise and fall rhythmically. Household electricity is single phase, with just one sinuous wave, but power is gener- ated and transmitted with three overlapping waves in a three-phase system. out of ,1 tb...hlight b,tttery. rhe world's power sy...tcll1s ,1 H.' h,lsed on ,1Itcrn,tting cur- rent, or AC the current tlow.; tlr.;t clockwise ,1round the loop ,md then counter- c1ockwI,e, rever\ing direction ll1,my time... e,lch .;econd. Nothing ever moves \en' Elr in ,m AC circuic the current ju"t ,lo...he, b,lCk ,md forth. In the United Sute... and (',mad,l the current complete... hI) cycle\ per ,econd; the power fi-equencv i... "ud to be 60 hertz. In Europe ,md most of the rest of the world the 't,md,lrd fi'equency i... 50 hertz. Oap,m is split down the middle. with both 5U-hertz ,lnd h()-hertz are,l'\.) A gr,lph of the voltage in ,m AC circuit looks something like ,111 ocean \\'ave, with peaks and troughs. Fr01n ,I positive pe,lk. the volt,lge fIll... otr smoothly, pas,e, through zero, re,lches ,1 neg,1tive peak, then cliInbs through zero ,lgain to return to the po...i- tive pe,lk. The intennittent nature of ,llternating current h,l'; ,1 relnark,lble conse- quence: twice in every cycle, there i.; no current-everything ,tops. In other words, 121) tinle, a '\econd, the electricity you P,lY tor is .;l.lCking otlju'\t ,itting there and doing nothing. And the po\\er c01np,HlY is no happier about thi situation dun you are. Bec.llle of ,tll the tilne spent idling, a '\inlple A( system the, only ,lbout 7() per- cent of the c,lpacity of the \vire... and other equipIllent. The renledy for this W,lste i three-phase power. Think of three oce,lll W,lYe, fol- lowing one another so closely they overlap. ()ne \\lave re,lChes its crest, and then before its trough arrives, the '\econd W,lYe crests, ,111d then the third. In ,1 three-pluse circuit. whenever one pluse is ,lt zero voluge, the other two pluses ,Ire still c.lrrying power. ,md the .;ystenl is never idle. T od,l)' virru,l11y all commeITi,l1 electric power is three-pluse. Industrial equipment (such as the big motors drive elev,1toro; ,HId large w,lter ptnnps) is built to run directly on ,1 three-pll.lse circuit. For other use.; (including household consumption). a single-phase loop is .;plit ofT fronl the three- phase sign,11 sinlpl)' by forming a circuit between conductor.; clrrying ,my t\\O of the three phases. The wide'pread use of three-pll.lse circuits gives the electric-power infi-astructure one of it, nlo...t di.;tinctive fe,lture,:ju.;t about everything is done in triplicate. A power tran'\Il1is,ion line IS nude up of three conductor.;. At ,I ...ub.;t,ltion, switches or circuit bre,lkep '\tand in b,lnk'\ of three. On utility pole.;, trio, of transtormer.; ,Ire g,mged together. When you ,t,lrt around at electrical ge,lr. you begin noticing th,lt ,llmot everything COll1e in threes. TRANSMISSION LINES Steel to\ver, nurch ...ingle file ,lcro...... the countrY'\Ide, with he,lYY c.lble, draped 6'om their ...houlder'\. If yOU folIo,,; the line of towers, ,It one end you ,Ire likely to tind ,1 gener,lting pl.1nt; in the other direction the line will probably lead you to ,1 .;ubst,l- tion, or '\witchyard, on the out,kirt.; of ,1 city. Power-comp,ll1y engineer, c.lll the tr,msIlli"ion line, "feeder"';' and the eneq.,')' they supply is indeed ,1 fornl of nourish- ment for the W,lY we live tod,lY. 
The Grid. Hundreds of tr.msmi...sion lines lace together to form a network spanning .1Il but the rel110test territories of the North Americm continent. It's known as the grid. Power flows freely throughout most of this network, tlnding its own best path fi-om source to consumer. Thus, you cm never S.lY for cert.lin where the electricity comes trom wh en you flip a light switch or plug in the hair drier. In Los Angeles a major share of your power C0111es from the river gorges of Washington State and the coal beds of WY0111ing; New York City draws on the hydroelectric reources of and northern Quebec. Having l11any sources of power and n1.lny pathways for it to foIlow inlproves reli- ability. If one generating station has to sluIt down, another CUl pick up the load. If a transnlission line [liIs, the power it W.lS carrying is instantly diverted onto other feeders. The far-flung grid can also have economic beneflts. Utility c0111panies can buy power fronl the cheapest source, even if it is thousands of miles away, and gen- erating plants in renlote areas cm seIl surplus power to distant cities. The North Anlerican grid is divided into two large zones, the eastenl and the western interconnections, which l11eet at a line that runs along the eastenl flank of the Rocky Mountains. Two snlaIler regions are relatively isolated from the eastenl and western networks: Quebec and most of Texas. Inside any one of the tour zones, the power system can be looked on .1S a single gigantic l11achine. Every gen- erator connected to the grid tunlS in perfect lockstep with all the other generators, as if they were all attached to the Sa111e rot.lting shaft. Once upon a tinle, the lnotors in electric clocks also turned in lockstep with the power system, so that you could VOLTS, AMPS, AND WATT-NOT One way to understand electricity is to think about plumbing. Electrons flowing through a wire are like water flowing through a pipe, but the water is something you can see and hear and feel, so its behavior is alittie less mysterious. In the plumbing analogy, voltage is the electrical equivalent of water pressure; it is the force that drives electrons through a wire, measured in volts. Current in an electrical cir- cuit corresponds to the rate of flow in a pipe. In a plumbing system, flow might be measured in gallons per minute; the electrical unit is the ampere, or amp. Resistance is what opposes the current and dissipotes the voltage. When water flows through a pipe, friction slows it and reduces its pressure; the same thing happens to electrons flowing through a wire. In general, the thicker the wire or pipe, the lower the resistance. The unit of electrical resistance is the ohm. The power passing through an electrical cir- cuit depends on both the voltage and the cur- rent. Think about water turning a turbine. A small volume of water under high pressure pro- duces the same amount of power as lots of water at low pressure. likewise, in the electrical world, high voltage and low current produce the same amount of power as low voltage and high current. The unit of power is the watt. The volts, amps, ohms, and watts in a cir- cuit are all related; you can't change one without affecting the others. The most impor- tant relation is called Ohm's law. It says that - \. \ r I..  r "'" The geography of power: the electrical network in the United States and Canada is broken up into four main regions, called interconnections. The eastern and west- ern interconnections cover most of the territory, but parts of Texas and Quebec are off on their own. Inside each region, electricity flows freely from whoever has it to whoever needs it. Transfers of power across bound- aries between regions are actively controlled. current increases with voltage and decreases with resistance. Mathematically, the law is 1 = E/R, where 1 is the current, E is the volt- age, and R is the resistance. In other words, 100 volts across a resistance of 50 ohms pro- duces a current of 2 amperes. The formuia for power is W = E x I: the power is equal to the voltage multiplied by the current. Thus, 100 volts and 2 amperes yields 200 watts. All of these units of measure are named for people-Alessandro Volta, André-Marie Ampere, Georg Ohm, and James Watt. There are a few more electrical eponyms as weil. The unit of capacitance is the farad, after Michael Faraday; inductance is measured in henries, for Joseph Henry; and frequency is expressed in hertz, named for Heinrich Hertz. 
h,IVC 011 your kitchl'1l \\",Ill ,1 tin) rot,Iting <..kVKl' \\ nh ,1 dirl'ct. sl'cond-by sl'cond link to the m,Iive rurbine-; ,It Ni,Ig,Ir,I or Hoover 1),1111. (lod,IY. motor-dri\"en electric clocks ,lIT ,lIltique.... l'v10dern clock... h,we ,1 digit,d mech,llli...m, ,md their timekeepin doesn't depend on the power-line frequency.) Ties between the four North Americ.lIl zone\ ,Ire loo-;er than the dense network of connections within ,my one zone. Power is transferred ,lCro-;... the bound,lrie by direct-current links. This ,lllows closer control of the transter" and eliminate" the need to keep generator" synchronized ,Ill the way fi-om CO,lst to CO,I"t. V-shaped towers, held upright by guy wires, carry one of the largest power transmission lines in the United States, operating at 765 kilovolts. Branches of the transmission line extend from Michigan and Indiana into southern Virginia; this photograph was made near Ashland, Kentucky. High Voltage. The 1110st ilnport,lllt thing ,Ibout a tr,lll111i,,-;iol1 line is the volt.lge it carrie\. It is the voltage tlut detennines the height of the to\Ver, the ize of the insu-  \  " - 't 4 \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ '\ '\ '\ ,'" "\. "   x 2 \   , / f 'i ,.. . ." '" . .. . " 1 . ,'1 w \. <:; \ ." ..... 4 r "  \ \ .. ", ,/ III 1:1 ", I  
lators. the width of the right-af-way, and nluch else. Short-haul tranSl11issioil lines- up to 4(1 or 50 miles-of ten operate at 115,()()() or 1 JH,Olln volts (more convenient- ly expressed ,IS 115 or 13H kilovolts). For longer lines the f.1Vored voltages vary from region to region. Along the West Coast, in the Mid-Atlantic states. and in the Southeast, the comnl0n voltages are 230 and 500 kilovolts. In New England. New York, and the Midwest. most long feeder,; run at 345 kilovolts. with a few high- capacity lines oper,lted .It 735 or 765 kilovolts. You nlight think of 115- <md 13S-kilovolt feeders as the two-lane rural roads of the electric-power systenl. The 230- and 345-kilovolt lines are like I11ajor U.S. high- ways, and the 500- and 765-kilovolt lines are Interstate routes. Why are the voltages so high? Electricity come<; out of the generator at 10,000 or 2U,OOO volts, and it reaches your household light socket at 120 volts. So why go to the troubIe of boo';ting the voltage to such a high level. if you then have to reduce it again at the end of the line? The answer lies in the way voltage, current, and power are related. To push more electricity through a power line, you can either inn-ease the current or increase the voltage. But higher currents heat the conductors,just ,1S they heat the filament in a light bulb or a toaster. For any given conductor, there is a max- inllll11 sale current. Once you reach tlut point, the only way to transl11it more power is to keep the current constant and go to higher voltages. At the saIne current, a 345- kilovolt feeder carries Inore than () tillles as nmch power as a 138-kilovolt line, Jnd a 765-kilovoIt translllission line carries 30 tillles a'; much. Using higher voltages instead of higher currents reduces the waste of energy that goes into heating the transmission-line conductors. A 345-kilovolt line that carries 1,()()() megawatts of power I11ight lose 20 Inegawatts, or 2 percent, in overc0111ing the electrical resistal1Ce of the conductors. In other words, the eHiciency is 98 percent, which is pretty good c01npared with other parts of the power systenl. Still, the \vast- ed 2() megawatts is enough to run .1bout 40,000 toasters. If kilovolts is good, I11<1ybe l11egavolts would be better? Why not just keep raising the voltage until you cut the resistive losses to al most nothing For one thing, anoth- er kind of energy loss, c.1lled corona. becomes more troublesome as the voltage goes up. But there is an even Inore iInportant constraint. Higher volt<1ges require talIer tow- ers, bigger insulators, and a wider swath of Lmd. All of these factors increase the cost ofbuilding the line, ,uH.i at SOlne point they outweigh any possible energy savings. How can you judge the voltage of a tranSl11ission line frOl11 its appearance? When I was a kid. the neighborhood lore \vas that you just had to count the seglnents of the insulators. <lnd then nmltiply by a certain number; the re,;ult would be the volt- age. But no one could tellI11e the nmltiplier. And no wonder. There is no sil11ple and foolproof l11ethod to determine the voltage of a tr,msmission line just by looking at it. In panicular, lines with the s,une voltage can have insuL1tors with verv ditterent '-- J nmnhers of segl11ents. depending on the design of the insuLltors. Still. there are a few thing,; you can look for to make a rough gue about .J line's volt,1ge. The hest indic.ltor is the dist<1l1ce hetwl'en the conductors. If the conductors 
v f', ' J?t 10::-  \ ). '\ '\ r , 1 1 f  .  \ ""u" t4 444........... I \I \\ \ \ '\  "\,./' II r- lit 1 1.1 I f>-t mi i f j  . . 'I '. 
elre less thelIl 15 or 20 feet apart, the feeder probably operates at 200 kilovolts or less. Most 345-kilovolt transmission lines have conductor-to-conductor sepelrcltion of about 25 feet. The giant 765-kilovolt lines are easy to ,;pot because the distance between conductors is nlore than SO feet. (To make a rough lneasurell1ent of the ep- aration, pace off the distance between the shadows of the wires.You nlay need to cor- rect for the angle of the sun.) Another clue to a feeder's voltage is the use of"bundled" conductors. At voltages below 23U kilovolts, each phase of the circuit is alnlost always carried by a ,;ingle con- ductor, but above 345 kilovolts each ph ase has a bundIe of two, three, or even four wires held together by "pacers. Circuits at 23U clnd 345 kilovolts can use either sin- gle or bundled conductors. Transmission T owers. The transnlission-line tower everybody know is an Erector Set latticework of steel girders and diagonal braces. The techniques for designing and builJing these towers are the ,une ones ued in constructing teel bridge trusses or crane booms. The individual pieces can be made cheaply from rolled steel and then bolted together on the site. This last point is more illlportant than it nlight seeIn: trans- porting a fully asse111bIed tower 100 feet tall is an awkward ,md expensive business. Although the steel-lattice tower has long been [lVored by utility companies in most parts of the country, it is also one of the least-loved objects on the industrial landscape. (Telling people it is built on the salne principles as the Eiffel Tower doesn't seem to change their opinion.) And there are lots of other designs. On a SundclY drive you might spot a dozen species. Many of the ,llteflutive towers are single-pylon designs, nmch like lnodern stI-eet- lighting poles but larger. The pylon is typically four or five feet in diall1eter at the base and tapers to half that thickness at the pinnacle. The conductors are hung fronl "boughs" that branch frOln the nlast near the top. I'-Jewer single-pylon towers are constructed from hollow steel sections 15 or 2U feet long that fit together like the sections of a fishing pole. A pylon generally has a snuller footprint than a steel-lattice tower, and so the nl0nopole designs are favored in built-up areas, where the cost of land is high. Out in the countryside, on the other hand, the COlllpactness of the nl0nopole can be a disadvantage. A pylon design requires a deeper and nlore lnassive foundation, which nleans nlore concrete has to be trucked to the site. This not only raises costs but ,llso does nlore dalllage to f:lflnland. Another drawback of the single-pylon tower is that the conductors generally must be arranged one above the other. Because safety considerations (and govermnent standards) pecify the lnininlunl heigIlt of the IOll'CSf conductor. a tower that carries three conductors in cl vertical row has to be taller than one with the ';,l1lle three con- ductors arrayed horizontcllly. One way of achieving the horizontal byout is with a double-pylon tower, nude up of two poles (usually wood) set a few yards apart. The conductors .lre suspended fi-om .1 crossbe.lll1 ne,lr the top. A gallery of transmission-line towers suggests the vari- ety of forms that can be adapted to the task of holding high-voltage conductors aloft. From left to right and from top to bottom: The red, white, and green steel- lattice tower is in Redipuglia, Italy; the single pylon is in Raleigh, North Carolina; the two-Iegged colossus car- ries a 50o-kilovolt feeder near Dixon, California; both the X-shaped and the Y-shaped towers are at New Hope, Pennsylvania; and the wood goalpost is in the southern California dese rt east of Glamis. 
Since the basic function (Jf a tr.lnsl11iion-line tower is really 110 more complex than dut of a pole used for stringing clothesline-it just ha to keep the conductors £1-0111 touching the ground or one another-man)' shapes and materials can be adapt- ed to the purpose. There are giant bobby pins and tripods, wishbones and hangll1an's derricks. Much of the .:llphabet has been exploited: there are tower in the fornl of the letters A, H, I, 7; X and Y, as weIl as in the sh.lpe of the Greek letter TI. Of ten nvo feeders-a total of six conductors-will be strung on the sal11e line of towers. Doubling up in this \vay has obvious money-saving potential-towers that carry two feeders cost liule nl0re than those that carry one-but it also nleans that a single lightning strike could knock out both feeders. SOI11etil11es multiple lines of towers run side by side along the sal11e swath of land, presm11ably because it's easier to assel11ble one wide power-line corridor than several narrow on es. North of Uu£I:ïlo, New York, where several power lines fr0111 Canada join those coming fronl the American side of Niagara Falls, nine separate lines of tower run in parallel for a few l11iles, carrying a total of 16 feeders. I t's quite a forest of steel and almninm11. Not all the towers along a translnission line are identical. Look closely at a tower where the line 111akes a sharp turn and you willlikely find it is wider and beefier than other tower along the route. The added strength and weight are needed to resist the unbalanced pull of the conductors, which nlight overturn an ordinary tower. These special towers are called deviation or angle towers. Also, at each end of a transnlission line there is a heavy-duty termination tower, which serves a'\ an anchor against the trenlendous tension in the conductors. And s01netilnes unusually tall towers are installed where the line crosses a river. From the, the pathway of a tranSl11ission line stands out as a series of straight lines and abrupt turns, very different from the sweeping bends of roads and railroads. Electricity has no troubIe turning sharp corners or clil11bing steep hills. If you're driving along a highway parallel to a power line, here's something to w.ltch for: the transposition of conductors, where two of the three conductors exchange places. When three conductors are arranged in a row, the one in the l11id- dIe has a somewhat different electrical environment; it "feels" the presel1Ce of the two flanking conductors, whereas those on the outside each have only one neighbor. On a long feeder, this imbalance can distort the £low of power. The cure is to braid the conductors so that each one is in the middIe for about a third of the route. The trans- positions usually require a tower with a design different fr0111 the rest. When an engineer lays out a transmission line, one of the basic starting points for the design is the nlinimum height of the conductors. For a 34S-kilovolt feeder, the lowest conductor has to be kept at least 2(, feet above the ground; for a 76S-kilovolt line the 111inin1l1l11 height is 33 feet. The lowest point is usually in the middIe of the span between towers. To increase the height of the conductors, the engineer nlight choose taller towers, or else the towers could be plaeed closer together, so the con- ductors don't sag a much at midspan. Another way to reduce sag is to stretch the conductors tighter, but then the conductors, the inulators, and the towers have to be 
 \ . , '\ ,, .. ---,\ \.:..... \,, \ .. J6 - .1 - '\1 'Wf 1 "  . .. , ( 1,,/ I l' I'  l /'l , -I.' jj..4   po  nlade stronger to withstand the force. All of the"e options entail "onle expense. and in pr.1ctice the designer "eeks the lo\vest-cost cOIllprOIllise. There are also .1esthetic cmllpromises: which looks better-fewer taU towers or nlore short ones? And the engineer t:lCeo,; yet .mother cOll1plication: the lllidspan S.lg is not .1 con- stant. A the conductor" heat up (both fi-ml1 hut we.1ther .1lH.i from the current Haw- ing through them), they e'\ .md droop; .1 thy cool, they contrelct .md ,tretch tighter. fo compens.lte for these cl1.lnges. the power r.iting of.1 feeder depends on the . . \  ... I' \ . ..'" \ -, J .r ,  . ,. '- " A brawny "deviation tower" absorbs the unbalanced forces where a transmission line makes a sharp turn. In this case the deviation tower has a design totally differ- ent from that of the rest of the towers along the route. The transmission line, which operates at 500 kilovolts, carries the output of the Mayo generating plant in North Carolina. 
Fat cigars in the middle of a conductor are splicing sleeves, holding together two pieces of wire. Dumbbells hanging from the underside of power con- ductors {be/ow} are installed to absorb wind-induced vibrations that might weaken and fray the wires. This design is known as the Stockbridge damper. Another device with the same function {bottom} looks like a snake crawling out onto the wire. r r 4 '" r., I 1 I , wl'.lther. A tr.msmission linl' \\ ith .1 nOJ nul r.lting uf I. HI J() ml'g.I\\.ltt em c.lrry 2,2( J(' meg.lw.ltt in cold wl'.lther but Ius .1 limit of I.5HO meg.lw.ltts in hot we.lther. The hot-weather ""derating" i untortun.lte, ...ince the elp.Kity is ]owet just when denund i... gre.ltet, .IS everyolle turn... on the air conditioner. Conductors. The conductors .lre the p.lrt Ot.l PO\\ er tr.l11mi"ion line tl1Jt mo...t of us would call wires (although word seems to be little used by inlders). The Job of the conductors is to carry the electric current, and '\0 they '\hould be nude of ...onle- thing with very low resistance. Alnong all sub'\t.mce" the very best conductor i'\ ilver, but that i not a very practical choice. The ne"\:t-be'\t nletal, copper, was once the "tan- dard n1aterial for transllli......ion-line conductor" and i, still een in older low-voltage di'\trihution lines and in household wiring. All modern high-voltage tr.l11mission lines, however, use ahllninun1 conductor. Aluminum is onl) about ()O percent .1S con- ductive .1S copper, but it IS nluch lighter .md cheaper, and that nuke... all the diHerence. To cOlnpensate for the lower conductivity, the wires are imply m.lde thicker. In n10'\t household wiring, the conductors .lre .lbout .IS thick as a pencille.ld. Even the heavy-duty wires that supply a clothes dryer or .111 electric "tove .1re no bigger around than a crayon. The conductors of a high-volt.lge feeder can be as thick .1S a b.lsel1.lll They .lre made up of nuny strands of aluminum twisted together, as in a hemp rope. For ex.lmple. one type of conductor has 61 strands. each about .m eighth of .m inch in di.lmeter: the complete conductor is an inch .md a third thick. has a rated current-carrying cap.ICity of Inore th.m 1. 100 .1l11pere'\. .md weighs about a pound per foot. Curiously, the various sizes .md types of all11ninl1ln conductors .1re named for flowers. The () 1-strand ex.llllple is known .1S n.ucissus; there are about 50 other stand.lrd types, with names '\uch as ,neezewort, valeri.m, sn.lpdragon, .md lupine. The biggest '\tandard size i, bluebonnet, which i'\ nlore than two inche'\ in diameter .111d c.m s.lfely carry more than 2,( II I() .1lnperes of current. SOlne tran'\lnision-line conductor... conist of .11111ninum '\trands wrapped .1round a teel core. Steel i... only a mediocre conductor, but it .ldds medulllcal strength. The teel-core conductor .lre n.ll11ed for birds rather than flowers. The type designated tar1ing, for ex.llnple, h.l 26 .1luminUln strand surrounding seven finer "teel "trand. The strength of lnodern transmiion-line conductor" was demonstrated dran1.lti- c.llly in an ice '\torm that hit N e\\ and Quebec in the last few days of 1l)l)7. [n ...everal pLlce the ice-lo.lded conductor" didn't break; intead, they pulled down the '\teel tower... supported them. Thi'\ wa not the intended mode of [lilure: rebuilding the towers t.lkes much longer than replicing .. conductor. On the highest-voltage transmi...ion line..., each phase is c.lrried not by .1 single conductor but by a bundle of two or three or four ...ubconductors. The reaons tor this ,Irrangement are e'\.plained later in the discusion of corona discharge. M.lllY 345- kilovolt feeder" have two '\ubconductors per pha'\e, -.ep.lrated by "pacers .1bout a foot long, '-"0 the bundle looks lik.e .1 '\pindly l.ldder with wIdely spaced rungs. At SOO kilo- volts .llld .1bove, nl0st tr.lllmission line have three or tour sl1bconductor per phase. 
( =onductor f()]" power line .lre hipped on wooden spools tlut hold .l much .1S a few miles of wire-but not ne.lrly enough for .1 long feeder. Where two length of wire have to be joined, the splice is not Ilude by twisting the conductors togeth- er, the way you might splice household wiring. Instead, the two end .Ire slipped into ,111 aluminum sleeve, which is then c01npressed so it tightly grips both conductor<;. S01netilnes the sleeve i<; compresed with.! powerful hydraulic r,un; in other Llse<; the compressive force come<; 6.-om .i specially shaped explo<;ive ch,lrge, which is set ofT on the ground before the conductor is r.Ii<;ed into position. In either case the resulting splice is e.Isy to "pot: it is a cig.Ir-sh.lped enLtrgement, nuking the conductor look like the snake tlut sw.Illowed the pig. The conductor<; of a high-voltage translnission line are bare metal; they have no insuLtting sheath of rubber or pLtstic. Adding <;uch a byer would ,lCcomplish noth- ing. If you were to grab hold of a live 3-t-S-kilovolt conductor, the thin co.Iting tlut insulates ,1 Lllnp cord would not protect you; the voltage would instantly "punch through" the layer. 13,ue allllninllln conductor" glint brightly in the sun when they are new, but later they grow a layer of oide that turns thenI dull gr.1Y. Wlut are those little dumbbell-like objects .lttached to the conductors near each supporting tower on SOtne feeders? I wondered about them fix<; before I le.lrned the answer. They .ue vibration dalnpers. In a steady wind, the tightly stretched con- ductors of.1 translnission line Lm begin to vibrate like "iolin strings (or perh.Ips nlore like the strings of a double bass-their natural note is a very deep one). The oscilla- tions caue tres and (ltigue in the lHetal of the conductors .md can even hake bolts loose in the supporting towers. I )alnper'\ suppre'\s the vibrations much like a thlllHb held lightly clgain<;t a violin string. The conunon dumbbell design io; known a .I Stockbridge d.nHper, after George Stockbridge, .1Il engineer with Southern Californi.I Edison \\"ho canle up \\"ith the deyice in the 1 Y20s. There are IHany other styles, including one tl1Jt wrap<; a long <;piral tube around the conductor-it looks just like a <;nake winding around the line. Armor bars .Ire another defensive Ine.1SUre against damage fronl wind-induced vibration". Actu.llly they are not bars but reinforcing wires wr.1Pped around the con- ductor at the point where it is cLllnped to .111 insulator. FrOtn the ground what you \villnotice i<; a bulge in the conductor at each tower. Still ,mother curiosity you might spot is a series of brightly colored sphere. the size of beach balls, attached to a power line. They are often seen near airports. where they nuke the conductors Inore visible to the pilots of low-flying .1ircr.lft. At river cro'isings, devices alert the skippers of t.lll-nusted s.lilboats. In Europe neon tube'i ,1nd fluorescent bulbs luve been hung from power lines to W.1rn off swans and other nligr.ltory birds tI1Jt fly at night. The lights dr.lw their energy from the electric field urrounding the conductor. (I'm surprised no one thought of eXploiting this effect for .1dverti"ing.) In the Americ.lI1 West, bird problem.... t.ike .mother form: e.lgle.... like to ....urVe)' their territory from .HOp tr,1l1smission towers, .1l1d with their tremendou WII1gsp.1I1 LUI ::- Armor bars {above}, which are extra strands of wire wrapped around a conductor where it is clamped to an insulator, are another mechanism for dealing with fatigue and vibrations. Colorful globes attached to a power line where it crosses a river {below} have a quite different function. A bystander guessed that they might be meant to keep the wire afloat if it should fall in the water. In fact, they are a warning to pilots of tall- masted boats and low-flying aircraft. 
1 Double, triple, and quadruple bundles of conductors help to control the sizzling of corona discharge, which becomes more of a problem as the voltage gets higher. From the point of view of an overexcited electron trying to escape, the bundle acts almost like one big conductor. l)l11etil11e, bridge the g,1p bet\\een t\\O condllnor<;. R.,lther th,m try to dri\'e the r,1p- tor ,IW,1Y, <;Ollle lItilitie... h,we built pl.1tf()rl11s well ,1bove the conductor'" \\ here the binh em perch in ,lfety. Corona. Near the '\urf..lce of ,1 high-volt,lge conductor, the electric tIeld em be o intene th,1t molecule of the ,1ir ,1re torn ,1P,lrt. Electron..., which have .1 negati\ e elec- tric ch.lrge, ,1re stripped from nlolecule, of nitrogen ,md o\:ygen in the air, le,lving behind positively ch,uged fi-agments called ion. When the electron, ,md the ion recombine, they emit light ,md r,ldio waves. The light give, the corona it'i n,lIne: {(JfO- 1It1 i Greek for" cro\\ n" or '\\Te,lth," ,111d the disch'lrge take'i the fornl of a taint blue or Lwender 11.110 around the conductor. St. Elmo"" tIre on the nlat of .1 ship is the ,ame phen01nenon induced by lutur,tl electrical 'Ictivity in the ,ltInosphere. To see ,I corona discll.1rge, tlnd a pot ,ilong ,I high-voltage lme well ,1way fr01n treetlights. The ide,11 condition\ are ,I moonles, night with ,I \ott rain or mist. Let YOllr eyes ad,lpt to the dark, then look ,llong the under...ide of the conductors. The glo\\ is lhually fuzzy or diHi.1se and may be mottled. Sometime, the discl1.1rge is noticeably tronger ,It the cLlInr'" \\ here the conductor, are held f..lSt to the insula- tor,. Even in daylight, when you can't ,ee the coron,l, you may be ,Ible to hear it. The characteristic note lS ,1 hi...sing or \izzling, like b,Kon trying, ,md it may be intermit- tent. You can dlso hear the radio-trequency emissions .lssoci,ned with corOI1.1: just tune your car radio to the A1\.1 band and drive under a high-voltage line. That ll.1rsh buzz i the mating cry of atmospheric electrons ,md ions. ('orOl1.1 becOInes ,I problem only ,1t very high voltages. At less than 1 ()() kilovolt or ,0, the discll.1rge is undetect,lble, but ,It 345 kilovolts and ,1bove, it can W,lte meg,lwatt\ of power. Furthermore, the r,ldio emissions-,1Ild sometimes even the audible noise- are subject to regulations. And corona gener,ltes mall qu,mtitie, of ozone ,1Ild nitrogen o)o,.ides, which are smog-causing pollut,mts ,11"'0 attract the ,lttention of regulators. Tlu1s, power companies work hard to minimize corona etfeers. The intensity of a corona discll.1rge depends on the ,hape of the elnitting object. Sharp points or edge are trong corona r,ldi,ltor'\ bec.H1'\e the electric tleld has to bend and stretch around thenI. Accordingly, high-volt'lge ll.1rdware tend to be designed with gentle curve, rounded corners, ,md ,mooth urt:lce,. But nature can spoil the designer's etlort,. When ,I \\.,ltc'r droplet dings to the under,ide of a con- ductor, the electric tleld di,tort, the droplet into ,I '\1l.1rp \pike, haped like ,1 ro\e thorn, \\"hich become, an excellent corona source. Thi i, why coron,l i \0 much worse in wet weather. One W,lY to reduce corona elnisSlOns i to nuk.e the conductor ,IS thick ,IS po\si- ble. so th,1t the surtace i, more gently curved. Expanded conductors h,lve ,. 1l1,1t of light, nOlllnetallic fiber, between a ted core ,md the current-carrying ,1luminum str,1Ilds: the nut nukes the conductor thicker without gre,ltly incre,hing it weight or cost. Bundled conductors, as described e,lrlier, h,lve the 'i,lIne purpoe. When two, three, or four ubconductors run p,lr,1lld to one ,lI1other ,1 t()ot or t\Vo ap,1rt, the elec- 
.  ... ..'-' ..., ",  '., ., .... ,:, ;:\   \  , . . . , . . . . !; " ],J, .,!,J,J,!,.J," J,.,' "'" wi. """'"  """""'- """""'- """""'-oJ..... """""'- """""'- .....  ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... .... , . ." .  " . ..--- ... -:.............."".........  .- . .. , oJ ..J .J, .J, I .J, 1, 1, !" .,/ t tric fields of the subconductors combine emd overlap so the bundle acts much like el single f:lt conductor. almost elS big elS the entire bundle. Corona elllissions are greatly reduced. The troublesome corOlU hot spots where conductors elre clamped to insulators are sometimes protected by coronel rings. or shields. These smooth nletcll rings look just like great handles attelChed to the end of the insubtor. as if they might be used for nlaneuvering it into place. Thelt is definitely not their function. They work much like a bundled conductor to spreeld out the electric field and 11linimize corona losses. Incidentally, becHlse of corona you will not see birds perching on the energized conductors of a high-voltelge transmission line. A bird would not receive a shock frOlll the wire, d long elS it didn't touch something grounded at the same time, but evidently the izzling dischelrge nukes the wire an l1l1COllltortelble or unpleasant pbce to .;it. Uirds do perch on the aeriell ground wires strung above the active conductors. Insulators. Whereas conductors are meant to celrry electricity elS efficiently elS rossible, insulators helVe the opposite job: blocking the flow of current. They are nlade of porce- lain, glass, or pbstic-nlelteriells thelt present em impenetrable barrier to electricity. The most common insubtor on high-voltage lines is em elssembly of porcelain seg- ments, called disks. linked together into an insuLnor string, which looks lik.e sonle gigemtic melrine worm. something tlut might helVe washed up on a prehistoric beelCh. One end of the insubtor string is hung from the transmission-line tower: the other end supports the conductor. The segnlents in the string eue held together by metal bellls e111d sockets that interlock. like the links of a keychelin. allowing the assembly to flex as the conductors move in the wind. A good insubtor is one thelt doesn't Ie elk-one that lets no electricity escape frOlll the high-voltelge conductors to the supporting tower e111d the earth. As a rule, leelk- age through the body of el gbs or porceLtin insuLt tor is not a problenl: it seldom helP- pens. 13ut sometimes there is troublesome leelkelge ellong the surf.lCe of em insulator. especiellly when it is wct or dirty. I >esigners combelt this problem by nuking the sur- f:lee "mooth el11d "lick '0 n.>ntelminemb won't stick. to it, ,md by celreful elttention to the ...hape of the il1SlILltOL 10 111.1k.e the le,lk.,lge p,lth over the slIrt:1Ce-k.nOWI1 ,IS the Three strings of insulators (left) are rigged in parallel to sustain the weight and the tension of a transmission line near Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. Each string consists of 22 disks of translucent green glass the size of salad bowls. The ring at the IIhot ll or high-voltage end of the insulator helps to suppress corona discharge. Conductors can be suspended from a single string of insulators, From a V-string, or anchored to the tower in a IIdead-end ll arrangement. 63 8 '. " '. " . . 
AC/DC One of the great pitched battles in American industrial history was the fight over alternating and direct current. It was bigger than Coke vs. Pepsi, or Ford vs. Chevy. The DC forces were genera led by Thomas Edison, with the AC insurgents commanded by George Westing- house. Each side argued that its own system was better for everything-with one exception: they both conceded that the other kind of cur- rent was more deadly and thus would be bet- ter for electrocuting prisoners. In the end AC won total victory-even for the electric chair. But in recent decades DC  .:"'"--  . I , . , ,I t,  '"Ii \ 'I creep p.lth-.1 long .1S possible. most insuLttor di'\k\ h.1Ve ring\. ridge..., or crenelations so any str<1Y current has to t.1ke a circuitous route. The ploblenl of le.1kage is worst in industrial area, where oot and grime co<1t the inulators. .1J1d along the sea- coast, where depo'\its of sdlt build up. Power compdnies in thee pldces 0111etil11es grease the insulator or el'\e w<lsh theln regularly with high-presure hoses has made a surprise comeback in one area. Some of the longest, highest-capacity power transmission lines carry direct current. It's easy to recognize a high-voltage DC transmission line. There are just two conduc- tors, whereas all AC lines have three conduc- tors. A DC line operating at 500 kilovolts runs 846 miles from The Dalles in northern Oregon to Sylmar, California, in the suburbs north of Los Angeles. During summer peaks in electrici- ty consumption it carries more than 3,000 megawatts. Another major DC link extends from the hydroelectric plants of northern Quebec to Waltham, Massachusetts. Still more DC ties have been built in Manitoba, North Dakota, and Minnesota, and along a route from Utah to Los Angeles. The reason DC lost favor a century ago is that you can't build DC transformers to change the voltage level. So how do DC trans- mission lines work? The power is generated as AC and raised to high voltage by convention- al transformers, then it is converted to DC for long-distance transport. At the far end of the line, another station converts the current back to AC again. The first ACjDC converter stations, built in the 1960s, were based on a device called a mercury-arc valve. It looks and works much like a vacuum tube in an old radio, except that it stands three feet tall, handles 1,000 amperes or more and 100,000 volts, and needs a constant flow of water to keep from burning up. In more recent stations, mercury- arc valves have been replaced by a solid-state device called a thyristor (just as transistors long ago replaced vacuum tubes in radios). The thyristors are smaller than mercury valves, but they're still enormous as semiconductors go-the same silicon "wafer" that might hold a few hundred microprocessor chips, each with a million transistors, makes a single thyristor for power-grid duty. Unlike most substation equipment, ACjDC converters have to be kept out of the weather, which means you can't see them from out- doors The Celilo Converter Station, at the northern end of the Pacific DC Intertie, has a visitor center where you can look into one of the enclosed galleries filled with mercury-arc valves. At Celilo you can also stroll around outside the fenced yards of conventional trans- formers and switchgear. Some of this equip- ment even has helpful labels, just like the plaques that identify trees and shrubs in a for- mal garden or arboretum. (The Celilo station, operated by the Bonneville Power Administration, is on a hill above the dam at The Dalles on the Columbia River.) Why all this bother to convert from AC to DC and back to AC again? DC transmission has a number of advantages. For a given con- ductor size, resistive losses are lower. And only two conductors are needed; on a long intertie, this is not a small cost savings. The number of insulators is reduced as well, and since the towers have less weight to support, they can be built lighter. Perhaps even more important, two conductors take less space than three, allowing the use of a narrower right-of- 
()fien, e.Kh conductor is hung trom .1 single illuLuor string .It e.lCh tower. In other case you will notice two insuLuors per conductor, .1rr.mged in a V shape. The extra string is not there to provide n10re electrical insulation; as a nutter of tlCt, it doubles the current. The purpose of the V-string is Inechanical: it prevents the conductor frOl11 swinging fimn side to side. At smne towers the line HUlst be way. And DC transmission lines are sometimes easier to control. With an AC line, the only way to regulate the flow of power is to change the throttle setting at a generating station. With DC, it's just a matter of turning a dial that con- trols the mercury valves or thyristors. Still another advantage of DC is that there's no need to synchronize the distant power sys- tems. (With AC, all the interconnected genera- tors must turn in lockstep.) For this reason alone, several utilities have built back-to-back converter stations, where an AC-DC-AC link transfers energy between two nearby power systems that do not run synchronously. All the links along the east-west divide in the United States work this way, and so do many stations along a similar boundary in Europe. Along a high-voltage DC transmission line you may be able to figure out which conduc- tor carries a positive charge and which is neg- ative. Corona loss is much greater from the positive-polarity conductor. On a dark night, if the corona discharge is visible, the negative conductor will have just a uniform glow, but the positive conductor will give out plumes and streamers. An AM radio may also be able to detect the difference; the positive side produces a stronger rasp of interference. You may even be able to hear the difference in ordinary audible noise. DC transmission lines sound quite different from AC ones. They click and crackle rather than buzz; the DC line sounds just like a Geiger counter. And when you walk under the conductors, the pace of the clicking accelerates, as if you were radioactive. Your own body is disturbing the electric field around the wires overhead. The electric fields on the ground near DC conductors are also different from those asso- ciated with AC transmission. With DC there is a sustained current of ions flowing from the conductors to the ground-a slow rain of slowly moving charged particles. Standing under the line, you intercept some of this charge. If you are well insulated-wearing r sneakers-and you wait to accumulate a charge, you'll draw a spark when you touch something grounded. Those who regularly work near high-voltage DC equipment report that they can feel the charge: it repels the fine hairs on the nape of the neck and the tips of the ears, producing a "crawling" sensation. It is the same feeling you get when you place the back of your hand near the television screen.  ,.: I 
" )\ \ ' '\ '>\ I , \,1 \.\ The Iron Cross of insulators: rigid struts (above) are increasingly popular with power-line builders.The core of the strut insulator is fiberglass, which gives it the strength to hold up the conductors with arms outstretched. The same fiberglass is also turning up in the newest, slimmest suspension insulators (be/ow). <III de,ld-cndcd: (\\<o scp,lr,lte insuLnor string t,lk.e up the tidl tcnsion of the conductor on e,lCh sH:le of the towcr, ,md often ,1 third string is needed to guide the sbck. loop of conductl)r ,lround the tower ,tructure. With verv he,wy line\ or long 'ip,lll, even Inore elaborate ,lrrangement" nuy be needed. For a long time nlost tr,lllsinission-line in"ulator.. were brown or black. J\,lanv of the porcebin ones Iud ,1 hands01ne red-tinged gLlze that would h,lVe looked good on a tine china te,lpot. But [lshions have changed. The color of choice tor newer in"utltor" (and for n1llch other electrical equipment) i neutral gray, a "hade that one lnanufac- turer call Sky tone. The lnakeover has no tlll1ctional significance; it.... ju"t "olnebody' ide,l of what look best, or what looks le,lst-as the n,une suggest", Sky tone insulator" are "uppo"ed to hlend into the b,lCkground when seen fr01n below. The latest thing in high-voltage inulator" is the "ingle-piece rigid post or "trut. In"teaJ of a "tring of jointed disks suspended from (werhe,ld, J strong insulating rod juts out directly tr01n the tower. The nlechanical strength C01nes fr01n J fibergla'is be,un ,lt the core of the ll1ulator, but there is often ,1 glazed cerainic co\-ering to cre- ate .1 'imooth 'iurtace ,md cut down on leakage. Lightning and Other Hazards. A steel tower poking 100 teet out of the landscape is an obvious target for lightning. Transinission towers ,1fe struck thouS,lllds of tiines a ye,lr, in most c.lses without dan1.lge ,md without even interrupting the flow of power. The main defense agdinst lightning is to ground the tower-to connect it electri- cally with the e,lrth. At the base of a steel-lattice tower you will generally find a heavy copper wire bolted or cLunped to each leg. (You can tell the wire is copper because of the green copper-oxide patina.) Each ground wire is ,lttached to a copper rod dri- ven deep into the soil. Metal towers of other designs have siinilar provisions for grounding, ,md wood poles have ground wires that run fi-01n top to bottonl. The ground wire cannot prevent lightning fi-01n striking; all it c.m do is otTer the lightning current a direct and hJf1nle,s route to the ground-and a route that's sup- po"ed to be more in\"iting than the power-line conductor". The ground wire i" anal- ogous to ,1 drain pipe th,lt carries exces water aW,lY before it can tlood your basement. Grounding the tower protects the tower itelf, but \\'h,lt if lightning "trike, the transmiIon line between towers? The power-line conductors thelnselves c.lnnot be grounded; ,ltter ,111, the entire editlce of tower... and in"ul.uor" i" intended to prevent the conductors fr01n conling in contact with the earth. The answer is to provide ,1 kind of dectricalll1nbrell,l, a nletallic hield at ground potential that extend" over the power-cJrrying conductor". The ll1nhrella cOlhist of aerial ground \\ ire" that ,ue "trung fr01n the pinnacle of one tower to the next, p,lralld to the nlain conductor" but ,lbove thein. The ,lenal ground, ,Ire eay to di"tingui"h tronl current-carrying conductor" bec,lllse they have no "trings of inubtor,. They are al"o the highe"t wires on ,1 to\\er, and they are thinner dun the nl.lin conductor". The role of the ,leri,l) ground wires is to interccpt a lightning stroke before it reaches the power-line conductor. Aeri,ll grounds work best when they ,lre directly 
ahove the conductors. Where the n1.l111 conductors .lre in .1 verticd .lrrangemellt. a single .leri.ll ground can be mounted directly ove] them. With a horizontal configura- tion the usual pr.lCtice i to inst.lll two .leri.ll ground wire<; spaced to provide cover.lge for .lll three conductors. The grounding str.ltegy sometime<; Llils. A powerful lightning bolt cm deliver sev- er.ll million volts, which is £lr beyond the r.lting of the power-line insulators. The usual result is .1 flashover, an arc trom the tower to one (or n10re) of the phase con- ductors. The .lrc it<;elf C111 d.lln.lge insulator<; .1l1d conductors; a n10re serious worry is that the voltage surge traveling .llong the conductors can dam.lge generators, formers, .111d other equipment .It the end of the power line-including, perhdps, the television set you've plugged into the wall outlet. To de.ll with these perils there L1re further lines of defense-circuit bre.lkers, lightning .1lTester<;, .111d <;urge suppressors at substations and throughout the power-distribution <;y<;ten1. At operating voltages up to about SOU kilovolts, lightning is the only likely cause of flashovers. At still higher volt.lges the power sy<;tem can becOIne a hazard to itself. The source of this self-destructive behavior is the energy stored in the magnetic field that surrounds .1 current-carrying conductor. If the current in the line <;tops sudden- ly (for example, when a circuit bre.lker opens), the m.lgnetic field collapses. and the stored energy is transformed into a high volt.lge. (The pi inciple is the S.n11e one that fires an autOl11obile's <;park plugs when the hre.lker points interrupt the current to the ignition coil.) The transient voltage<; induced in this way C111 be three times the nor- n1al operating voltage of the line. Protecting again<;t them would be expensive: d 765- kilovolt teeder would have to he inl\ulateJ as if it were operating at two million volts. A better solution is to design the circuit bredker<; <;0 that they cannot interrupt the current so suddenly. In recent year'i there been n1Uch controver<;y about possible dangers of expo- sure to the electric and n1agnetic fields urrounding high-voltage power lines. Certain rare disease<; .lre .llleged to be slightly less rare an10ng people who live transmission line<; .1l1d .llnong n1aintenance workers. Personally, the<;e alarms leave n1e unconvinced, but I'm not a Inedical expert. In .111Y case, the casual explorer of the industrial 1.1l1dsclpe-someone who occasionally <;pends .1 few minute<; near .1 power line-should h.lVe nothing to worry .lbout: the supposed effects of electric and n1.1gnetic field.., are attributed only to 10ng-ten11 exposure. The fields in question certainly do exist. If .1 conductor 35 feet overhead is at 350,000 volts. the voltage gradient-the rate of ch.111ge-between the conductor .md the ground is 10.000 volts per foot. In other words. if you're six feet tall. then when you stand under a tr.111smission line. your head is 6().f)( 10 volts .lbove your feet. 110\\ c.m people walk through such .111 inten<;e field without being electrocuted? Becmse air is <;uch an etfective in <;tll.ltor, the field rem.lins .1 <;t.ltic one; no electric current flow<; through the body in spite of the enormous volt.lge diHerence. Anyw.1Y, power lines are not the only -.I.)urce of such fields. <')n .1 dry \\ inter liLlY you cm cre.He a field just as intl'nse by rubbing your tl'l't on .1 wool ClI"pl't. 'r r  ' , . - '.\ - P4,:' , I 't, \ - - - - :\ - !" .. Aerial ground wire {above}, at the very top of the tower, provides a perch for pigeons, which avoid the high-voltage conductors lower down. But the aeriol ground is not put there for the convenience of birdlife; it protects the power conductors from lightning strikes. Another form of lightning protection {be/ow} relies on an arrester-the slender rod to the right of the insulator string-to divert voltage surges through the tower and safely into the ground. Arresters are common in substa- tions but rare on power lines; this specimen was pho- tographed in Spartanburg, South Carolina. . 
An electric personality lights up the night: the electric field emanating from a high-voltage transmission line can be made visible with apparatus no more complicat- ed than a fluorescent tube. Electrons are set in motion by the field beneath the conductors and stimulate the phosphors inside the tube to emit light. The power line used for this experiment operates at 500 kilovolts. You C1n detect the electric field under a power line with a Silllple instrument: a t1uore-;cent light bulb. When [ fir-;t read about this, I was skeptical. but ,l1l experil11ent on a dark night, ,n ,I spot where ,I SOO-kilovolt feeder lungs low over a countrv road, soon nude a believer of nle. As I approached the conductors, the 1 H-inch t1uorescent tube suddenly G1l1Ie to life. elllitting ,I mottled blue glow. dimmer than the bulb's full normal output but quite easy to see. Running my h,1l1d over the glass. I could chase the glow frol11 one end of the tube to the other. Holding the tube near the ground extinguished the light; it reignited at a height of about four feet. When I stood direct- ly under the l11iddle conductor, the light became feeble and irregular, presunubly because the field, from the three pha-;e, nearly Llncel out there. (H lYll;'fZ: If you try this experiment, use a ,hort t1uorescent tube-no more than two or three feet long. Holding an eight-footer up over your head could too ea,ily cau,e YOIl to light up. And no baton-twirling!) SUBSTATIONS A rower-\ystenI \ubstation timction-; like the fue box in your bael11ent. Power enter the sub\tation on large, hlgh-cap,Kity teeders, and it leave\ \ ia snuller distrib- ution lines, nluch ciS electricity enter<; your honle througn a hecl\-y-duty cable (with a capacity of 1 00 clnlrere or l11ore) ,l1ld i distributed in the fuse box to -;evera] IS- and 20-ampere circuits. Large circuit breaker-; ,It the substation protect the power "y-;tem from overload, and <;urge"just a fu,e, or ,maller circuit bre,lker, at honle diconnect circuit\ if something goes wrong. l)ne point where the analogy breaks down is that 
the home fuse box has no equiv.llent of the o;ubst.ltion's tr.l11o;t{xmers. which reduce volt.lges trom tr.l11smission levelo; to more m.lI1.1geable dio;tribution levels. A good pLlce to look for a l.trge SUb"it.ltion is on the outskirts of a city. l)ften two or three m.or feedero; will converge on the st.ltion, with multiple lineo; at lower volt- age clrrying the power on to o;n1.111er substations closer to town. There the voltage i reduced o;till filrther, tor the many distribution lines that Em out through the city. -, 1 .. - '  _.. .. ...... :--- ,---y- .. -,  , , J \ .- , ',--.  ..' I . ,  ., I t r III .a   ,.. ... ,." t  .. .. ... .... I . . . . .. .. --.& .. : ' '1 r- " t -  IA r - --- B..____ -=-=- --- -*'::-- -:-- r;- .- - ,-.... - n """'\ -- o """ 1-- .. - : , ;;;;'1- : :=J. -= " - -- -- H   ... ',1   Nine massive transformers are lined up at the Celilo substation in northern Oregon. 
H I, !  tt ---- .- : il :' r i, : I I "i ii . L- A substation "bus" is a set of parallel conductors that carry electric current from one component to the next. Here two buses (with a total of six conductors) are formed out of aluminum tubing held aloft on insulated pedestals. The columnar devices at the left are instru- ment transformers that monitor voltage on the two buses. The substation is in Redipuglia, Italy. At tlP\t gtmce. .1 ...ubsl.ltion is .1 bewildering .1IT.1\' of hulking ...teel Iluchines \\ hose function I'" t:n- !i-om obviou. Ponderou t.l1lklike or boxlike objects .Ire lined up in rows. Some of them 11.1ve cooling fin... or [11l-;; nuny luve fluted porcelain insul.nor... poking out in .111 directions. ()verhe.ld is .1 clutter of met.l1 KaHolding. tudded with still more insulators. There are no nlo\.ing parts to oller .1 clue to ho\\ it all work...; ,111d mo...t of the tilne. there is no one to be seen tending the eguipnlent; the anI} sign of life is .1 ste.H:ly. droning hum. If you look closer. you will find there is a logic to this mel.lnge of eguipnlent. You can nuke sense of it. The subst.ltion Ius inputs .111d outputs, and with .1 little ...tudy you can trace the pathways between thenl. Catching the Bus. The organizing principle in .llmo...t all ...ub"tation... IS the idea of a bus, which i... a of three conductor... that run p,lralld to one ,lnother, c.lrrying the three pl1.lse5> of the electric current. Inc01ning and outgoing transmilon lines. trans- fOrIners. breakers, dnd other eguipnlent are all connected to the bus conductors. Why is it called a bus? S0111eone tned to tellIlle once it \V,lS because city buses, like trains, used to h.lVe conductors. It wa a bad joke, but there is .1 connection: in both of it... meanings, bus is ,111 abbrevi.1tion of the L1tin word olllllilms, which means "tor SONG OF THE SUBSTATION America hums at a slightly higher pitch than Europe and most of the rest of the world. The power grid in the United States runs at 60 hertz-or 60 cycles of alternating current every second-whereas Europe is on a slower 50-hertz beat. If you have a good musical ear, you will be able to tell the difference. (The tones you hear are actually double those of the power frequency- 120 hertz and 100 hertz. That's because each half-cycle of the power wave causes the transformer core to vibrate.) Technically, there is no strong reason to prefer either 50 or 60 hertz; it's just one of those annoying nonstandards that makes life a little more difficult for everybody. In the early years of the twentieth century, 50 hertz was proposed as an international standard, and U.s. utilities adopted it along with everybody else. A few years later, though, American manufacturers of electrical equipment persuad- ed Congress to mandate a switch to 60 hertz, as a way of protecting the home market against European competitors. But a few islands of 50-hertz service survived until after World War II the largest of them being the city of Los Angeles. Nearly two million electric clocks, record players, washing machines, refrigerators, and other motor-driven appli- ances in Los Angeles had to be rewired or replaced before the great switchover on October 26, 1948. Several other frequencies have had their vogue. The first big hydroelectric plants at Niagara Falls produced AC power at 25 hertz, and a few of them on the Canadian side continue supplying customers who have ancient equipment operating at this frequency Some electrified routes of the New Haven and Pennsylvania railroads also ran on 25 hertz for nearly a century. The trains themselves have converted to 60 hertz, but at last report there were still sump pumps deep in the bow- els of Grand Central Terminal that required a 25-hertz feed. Many European railroads use power at a frequency of 16L hertz. Lower fre- quencies have advantages for running large motors, but they won't do for electric lighting because people can detect the flickering. Low- frequency power also requires heavier and bulkier transformers; aircraft use 400-hertz power to save weight. In one respect, the frequencies chosen for the world's power grids couldn't be worse. If you accidentally touch a live wire, your mus- cles may seize, so that you can't let go. This involuntary contraction is more severe with alternating current because the pulses of cur- rent mimic the firing of nerve cells. It so hap- pens that the most dangerous frequencies are near 50 and 60 hertz. These hertz hurt! (Of course this wasn't known at the time the fre- quencies were chosen.) 
alL" Just .1S the vehicle cllled a bus c1rrie" allY .111d .111 p.1ssenger"i. the electric-power bus carries currents fr01n all "iources to .111 de"itinations. (L.1tely, the word has .11so becOIne fl1niliar to tho')e who tinker with computer"i; the pdrallel conductors carry signals throughout a computer are al')o cllled a bus.) The conductors of a subtation bu are usually rigid alurninun1 tube, called bu bars, rather than flexible wires. The tubes are hollow and look nluch like the ones used in cheap lawn-and-beach furniture, although they are larger in di.lnleter. You might Inistdke thenl for the kind of metal conduit that encloses electricdl \\ iring in sonle buildings, but the bus bars do not have \yires (or anything ebe) insIde; it is the tubing itself that carries the current. Smne utility conlpanies favor square rather than round tubes, or channels with an L-shaped or U-haped cross ection. ()ccasionally the bus bars are painted bright colors to tnake them nlore conspicuous to worker"i. In older substations you nlight still find a few ')olid copper bus bar, recognizable by their distinctive green patina. A long run of bus bar is usu.llly interrupted every 50 feet or so by a length of flex- ible copper br.lid. This .lllows for thennal exp.lnsion and contraction. In earthqu.lke country it also itnproves the chance that the substation will survive a shaking with- out nlajor danlage. Holding the bus bar"i aloft is the purpose of the tnetal scaffolding. or super"itruc- ture, that towers over the rest of the substation equiptnent. The classic design relie"i on beatns and girders assetnbled frOI11 the s.llne lacy. Erector-Set fran1ework "ieen in transtnission-line towers, but tnany t110dern substations use solid stanchions or poles that create less visual clutter. In either case the bus b.lrs are supported by porcelain insulators sitnibr to the ones that clrry transmission-line conductors. The sitnplest substation design would have a single set of bus bars running the length of the station. High-voltage feeder"i tnight be attached to each end of the bus, and several tran"ifonners would draw off current frOIn intennediate taps, reducing the voltage for distribution. Unfortunately, this simple design is not workable in practice. m / ,\.. , I -t- "'It :, - I '--' I   j ,. -i! ..   :_,  ; A I f.  I I- I I : I : ,"- - ..'-- --.. a_. a_ "--:- _ ;  '.45 j ,I -. i =:. I 'I  t b., I I  1 '  I '  I -' r. l _ -..- .-I.;-j . -.. fft  I I  hi. r :1 , 1 I   , I' 'r====I=,;iaii;.======:; ;" .:h .._< __ __ _ 4' I ..,.' .. :,' ._ _. .. ,- _ _ _- _ 'I. _ t . . ' i! 4'---" .- ......--_ .'e..."',.... -  .---.... ----,-::- n ' .. II, t _.j,! ...!'  _. -\ Ii --.I II I = I;:_'... '--.' iii  ..., I i.., I'"  _.._ J__I! . I;II-__' '.. .. :  I!: \1 f II ..- Ii,  : I - ' 11 --1    . ....:.  I ;; -''-:  . I - .:". 11, r..' ....., ,, !lf :' - ' . "4    I : I. ! i....-. ;;;:"'-i', , 2 1 '. I: 5 II r \ 1" \1  [;: _ _. - w.,. _ _ _ . I." I:i. " . !II If'i . . 3B - - . e. - " I I  ,  _ :j j ..  !' . II:! I! I Q.I'.! .'. · "I ... I  .. " " ,..,pgl" J;j" I, Multiple buses crisscross to form a confusing gridwork over many substations. At a substation in Durham, North Carolina, the steel members extending from left to right merely support the structure; the conductors-set off on insulated struts-mainly go from front to rear. 
Th re.1son is that .1 single tr.l11sformt'r f:\ilure, or .1 lightning strik.e on either of the incoming feeders, would probably shut down the entire system. So wouk" routine Illaintenance anywhere in the substation. At hom this situ.1tion m.1Y be acceptabIe: when the toaster blows a fuse, no great hdrm is done if the reti-igerator and the n1icrowave shut down as well. Uut in a municipal power systenl, no one fault should knock out an entire substation. The solution is redundancy. Most substations have two buses, which can be gdnged together or isobted frOlll each other as Circtllllstances require. The inconling power can be directed onto either of the buses, lunch as trains are switched onto various tracks in a rail yard. SilUibrly, the transfonuers supplying the low-voltage distribution systeul can draw their power trOI11 either bus. In the event of a mishap, power can be rerouted around a failed device. And if necessary an entire bus can be shut down for Inaintenance without cutting off power to custOlllers. Where space is extrenlely tight, the buses nuy run directly over the transfonuers, breakers, and other equipluent, but that plan nlakes access awkward when sOlnething has to be nloved or replaceli. More conlluonly, the heavy equiplnent is off to ont' side of the buses or in a gallery between thenl, connected by conductors running at right angles to the Inain bus bars. Adding to the visual cOluplexity of a substation, sOllletinles there is a low-voltage bus, where the outputs of several transforIners are gathered for connection to the dis- tribution system. The low-voltage bus bars are general1y at a lower height and art' supported by sIllalIer insulators. SOllletil11es the low-voltage circuits are carried by underground cables, to keep theln out of the way. Often they emerge from the grol1nd onto pole lines at the periIlleter of the substation. Transformers. The jUlubo itelllS at a substation-the biggest boxes on the lot, and also the I110St expensive-are the transfonllers. Much of the other equiplnent is there to protect the transforIners in case sOluething goes wrong. Size is the first due when you try to pick out the transfonuers amid all the other gear in a substation. Even a sl11all substation transfornler is bigger than the faluily refrigerator, and sonle of then1 would not fit inside a two-car garage. Another iden- tifying sign is the presence of both high-voltage and low-voltage connections, with differently sized insulators. Provisions for getting rid of excess heat are "till another distinctive feature. The transforIner casing nlay have fins or tube, or it could have a complete radiator systenl, with banks of fans turned on during periods ofheavy load. Finally, if you can't identify a transfonner by "ight, you lnight recognize it by sound: of all the substation equipluent, the transforIners hmu the loudest. What's inside the big box? As a boy I cracked open a doorbell transfonner and was disappointed to find nothing but a wad of varnished wire and a stack of E-shaped metal plates that I never got back together properIy. Nothing inside seellled to do anything. That's because there are no 11l0ving parts in a transfonner. The mechanisll1 rdies entirdy on the ethereal throbbing .md pulsing of invisible magnetic fidds. 
f -=::!I i '\ f k' '" ,. "'..J  "- I . .\"J'" .  -- t t   . I  .. ,.  ===s I - I ;« - "! ;j 1 .;j -   ...  -  '1  .. -'  , -::1 , " " '" J t t: .l .. .. ...... '\ , - The mam cOlnponents of a power transforIner .lre two coils of insuLlted copper .wire. like spools of twine. wound on .In iron core called .1 yoke. The coils are usual- ly concentric. with the lower-volt.lge one slipped inside the higher-voltage coil. The iron core is 1nade of n1.1ny thin laminations instead of one thick IUlnp of teel. This method of construction reduce'\ the little whirlpools of electric current in the iron- called eddy currents-tlut would othen\ ise \V.lte Lu-ge amounts of power. The He"\.- ing of the Lmllnatilm .1" they .lre m.lgneti7ed .1Ild demJgnetized 120 ti1nes per second is \d1.1t produces most of the tr.lllst()rJl1er's hUIll.   . J f -4 1'C". II - ..,  J 'I - -1- -.  .  . 1* .  _  r =.-" - - .-j   ,..,. 1- ,", v___  - " a: ;-- ,I -1 ... " I . . 'J of. .'. i)r' ;:;=    ;. ....  ,  , .. \, 1 j I " - --=:::: - Large transformers at Marysville, Ohio, take in power from long-distance 765-kilovolt feeders and deliver it to a 345-kilovolt network. The bank of transformers seems to violate the fundamental rule that elements of the elec- trical infrastructure come in groups of three. But of the four transformers here, only three are active at any given time; the fourth is a spare. Also note the walls separating the transformers, meant to contain oil fires. 
The whole point of a transfonner is to change (or trdnsfonn!) the voltage and cur- rent in a power line. The change is governed by the turns ratio, the relative nunlber of turns in the two coils of wire. Suppose the prinlary (or input) winding has twice as many turns as the secondary (output) winding. Then the output voltage will be half of the input voltage. When the voltage is halved, however, the current is dou- bIed, so no power is lost (except for snlall inefficiencies). A transfornler that reduces voltage is called a step-down transfornler. [n a step-up transfornler, the secondary winding has more turns than the prinlary one, so the voltage is increased. The switch- yard of a generating plant has step-up transfornlers to boost the voltage for long- distance transmission; substations near cities have step-down transformers to lower the voltage for distribution. I know of no way to determine the turns ratio of a transfornIer simply by look- ing at it from a distance. But you can make a rough guess by comparing the special insulators (called bushings) that poke out of the top or side of the transfornler and guide power conductors through the steel casing. The size of a bushing depends on the voltage it has to handle. If all the bushings on a transfornIer are about the sanIe size, the turns ratio nIust be near 1; there is not nIuch difference in voltage between primary and secondary windings. If one set of bushings is nIuch bigger than the other, there is a substantial change in voltage. What I have described so far is a single-phase transfornIer. It has one prinlary winding and one secondary winding. For three-phase power, three single-phase transfornlers can be ganged together; they are usually lined up in a ne at row. An alter- A MIRACULOUS TRANSFORMATION The idea is ca lied electromagnetic induction, and it' s so important it had to be discovered twice-by Michael Faraday in Britain and by Joseph Henry in America. Today, electricity and magnetism are known to be close cousins, but their kinship was still a secret 150 years ago. It was Faraday and Henry who established the fami- ly connection. They found that whenever an electric current flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field. likewise, wh en a magnetic field moves across an electrical conductor, it "induces" a voltage. The two kinds of energy, electrical and magnetic, are convertible, like two different currencies. The simplest transformer is just two wires near each other. A fluctuating current flowing through one wire produces a fluctuating mag- netic field, which induces a voltage and cur- rent in the other wire. As a practical matter, to make the transformer more efficient, the two wires are not simply laid down next to each other. They are wound into coils and wrapped around an iron core, which intensifies the magnetic Field. Faraday discovered something else impor- tant: only a changing current or a changing magnetic field gives rise to the induction effect; a steady current or a steady field, no matter how strong, doesn't do it. That's why alternating current is essential for making a transformer work. The continually chang ing current in the primary winding generates a continually chang ing magnetic Field, which in turn induces a continually changing voltage in the secondary winding. Personally, I find it a source of amazement that transformers work weil enough for all the world's power systems to rely on them. Consider what this means: There is no con- ducting pathway to carry electricity from a power plant to the lamp by your reading table. Wherever the electricity passes through a transformer-and there might weil be half a dozen of them between a generating plant and your home-all the electricity must be converted into the wispy energy of a magnetic field, and then instantly converted back to electric current again. It's like a relay race, where every transformer has to pass the baton from one runner to the next 
- I  - .1.  native is to install a three-phase transfonner, which is essentially three single-phase transfonners inside one big housing. There .lre six coils inside-three prilnaries and three secondaries-wound on a three-legged iron core. The three-phase transformer is easy to spot because it has six bushings poking out like porcelain horns-three for the prinlary windings and three for the secondaries. One three-phase transforlner is cheaper than three single-phase ones, and often it is a little nlore efficient too (wasting less electricity al\ heat). So why aren't three- phase units always used? One reason is that the very biggest ones are truly gigantic, and tranporting thenl to the site of a substation can be quite a challenge. Also, keep- ing a spare unit on hand is less costly with single-phase transfornlers, where only the faulty phae needs to be replaced. Modern transformers are alnazingly efficient. Of the power cOIning in the prinu- ry side, 9<) percent or more conIes out the secondary side. But even a loss ofless than 1 percent can alnount to a few nlillion watts-several thousand tOdsters' worth- which is a lot of heat to get rid of. For cooling, the transfornler casing is filled with oil, which circulates through the windings and carries off heat to fins. tubes. or radi- ators, lllllCh the way circulating water cools an autonlobile engine. Isn't there sOlnething risky about this-putting hot, live wires into a tank with thousands of gallons of flanllnable oil? Fire is indeed a worry, and every now .md then a transforlner does blow up. For a few years it looked like there was an ideal answer to the transfonner-cooling problenl: t1uids called polychlorinated biphenyl", or PCBs, which .lre good coolant" and electrical insubtors but don't readily burn. Unfortun.uelv. PCB" turned out to be nasty dnd persistent toxins, and they have been banned frOln electricll equiplnent since the 1 <)70s. M,my tr,lnsfonners are inst.llled .lbove .1 concrete '\Ulllp or basin. big enough to cont.lin the entire loaJ of cooling oilm Cl"e of d leak. The b.lsin lllay be filled with gr,lVel or crushed stone to help suppress fires. In Knoxville, Tennessee, a three-phase transformer comes equipped with a fanny-pack for cooling. The higher-voltage, primary current enters through the taller bushings atop the casing at right; the lower, secondary voltage exits through the smaller bushings at left. 
 ...... .. L ... :M. ..--.. .' . , '0 ;. ;- I' ___. f I, I,  =-:. ... f  -'! .  =   r ,  . .. : Oil-filled switches, or circuit breakers, are a common sight at American substations. The switches can be used to open a circuit under manual control, but they also operate automatically in the event of an overload or a lightning strike or an equipment failure. The hundreds of gallons of oil in the tanklike enclosures help to snuff out the arc that forms when a large current is interrupted. fhe big cylindriLl1 on top or <;ub<;t.ltion tr.m:-.forInt"r-., i:-. Ldled .1 ( vator. .md it holds oil overtlow<;. fhe oil e)..p.mds when it he.wI up. .md the con...erV.ltor gives it a place to go without '\pilling; when the oil cools .1g.1in. it i .1l1tom.1tically sucked b.1Ck into the n1.1in transforIner tank. Sensors continually monitor the t.lte of the oil. IIydrogen bubbles area <;ign of arcing within the transforIner windings. If a sensor detects a few snull bubble, it will alert maintelunce crew\ to have a look at the tr.msformer. A lH_iden <;urge in oil pressure indicates more ...erious trouble, .1nd immediately triggers .1 circuit breaker that disconnects the tr.U1sfonner. Transfonner hum is another diagnotic sign. Old hand in the switchyard say they can hear the difference when a transformer IS .1bout to go b.ld. { )ne last thing to look for on a big transfonner is .1 mechanisl1l, called a tap-changer. for adjusting the output voltage. A tap is a connection to one of the tral1sforIner windings not at the end of the coil but to one of the interior turns. Changing frOln one tap to another changes the turns ratio and thus the output voltage. Adjustlnents of this kind .1re needed to n1.1ke sure the voltage reaching customers stays reasonably close to what is prOlnised. Once upon a tilne. ch.mging a tap meant sending SOlne- body out in the yard to shove a big lever on the side of the transforlner casing. Nowaday it's done by remote control, and all you see is a met.1] box hanging on the ide of the tr.ulsforlner: it houses a motor-driven switch. ()ften the tap can be changed only when the transformer is off-line. Circuit Breakers and Switches. A switch seelns like such a sinlple piece of h.lrd- ware. Take two conductors and join theln together:The switch is closed, dnd current flows. Pull the conductors apart and the current stops. This is how a light switch works. nut the switches in substations have to handle thousands of dnlperes and hun- dreds of thousands of volts, and they .ue not so sin1ple. The basic problenl in building a switch for high voltages dnd high currents is that lnerely pulling two conductors apart does not necessarily stop the current frOln flow- ing. Electricity will cheerfully jl1lnp across the gap, forming a white-hot are, which then proceeds to melt the whole mess. If you want your witch to work Inore than once, you need a way to extinguish the arc. Fortunately for the power engineer. the ue of alterndting current nlakes this task easier. 13ecause the current .1nd voltage fall to zero 120 tinles a second, you don't actually have to stop the current: you just have to wait for the arc to die out at such a "zero crossing" and then cool it quickly enough that it can't reignite. Most substation switches in the United States use oil to quench the arc-the saIne kind of oil that cools transfonners. The switch contacts are ill1mersed in a deep tank of oil, and when the contacts pull apart, the oil fills the space between theln and smothers the arc. Actudlly, it's not the oil itself that puts out the arc. The extrenle heat of the drc break down .1 little of the oil into its chemical components and creates a bubble of hydrogen gas. The hydrogen bubble carries away he.1t so efficiently that- if all goes according to plan-the arc fails to reignite after the voltage crosses zero. 
Usu.tlly a few cycles of .lltern.1ting current-l.lsting nl.lybe .1 tenrh of.1 second .1Ito- gether-.1re needed before the current stops t<-)r good. I 11.lve to admit th.1t when I fir')r heard .1bout oil-tIlled \\-itche, I thought they made as much sense as dousing .1 tIre with gasoline. C.lll you re.1lly put out an elec- tric arc by covering ir with tlamnl.lble oil .1I1d exploive hydrogen gas? It does work: there are thous.l1lds of the switche') in ')Ubst.1tion... all over North AlneriCcl. (In the other hand, they are the most trouble,ome equipment on the lot. They need tJ.-equent maintenance, including .m oil change at interv.1k And when they tail, they fail spect.1cuL\r1y-wirh a b.\l1 of tlul1e .1nd a column of sllloke. You Cclll recognize .111 oil switch .1S .\ t.\l1 cylindrical tank with two tluted porce- lain bushing insuLnors poking out of the top .1t .1n .mgle, like horn or an insect'.., antennae. Since an oil-filled switch .llld a transtormer .Ire both, ti-om the out'\ide, 'II '.. .. .. .. .. , " ." U' ') .. .. .. .. » . " ..  .. "  \ ... .. ... ">  ... .. ':> \. )'- .' / -. , :::::::- - - '" - "   . ... ...... ,r _ ' -- .. ..... , - ,....--- « .. - . .,.,' --- . - - , --L . , - '"  ... .  .-.. Air-blast switches rely on a supersonic wind to blow the arc out, rather than a bath of oil. The switches are the nine tall, T-shaped structures. Porcelain insulators form both the vertical stalk and the lateral arms of each T; the switching elements themselves lie in the football-like pod where the vertical and horizontal members intersect. The air blasts come from the tanks mounted directly below each switch. Three switches are rigged in series on each phase of a 345-kilovolt circuit. The installation is outside the Ravenswood power plant in Queens, New York. " '"T . ...  ... , - - \ -=- - \ :, ...- .,,- r- - 't 
"Metalclad" switches use a heavy, inert fluid, sulfur hexafluoride, to smother the arc. Metalclad switchgear is more popular in Europe than in the United States, but these units are in a substation at New Madrid, Missouri. - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - -- E = = = - -- - -' " -- == - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - .,   I - i I , - - I --  - - -- - -  - - -= - - - a g =f- \ .i  "- - - \ - - ;:::. :;::. , -......  II . \. . I \ '. . ... '. I I ..-  ....... :::--  r;.. .,. -- M- nothing but a big oil tdnk, it's possible to confuse theIn-but look closely and you can tell the difference. Switches are distinguished frOln transfornlers by the absence of cooling fins and by the presence of just two high-voltage bu<;hings, which are of equal size. Three identical switches will be lined up in a row, one for each of the three phdses. (Three-phdse oil <;witches-with three sets of contacts in one vat of oil-do exist but they're pretty rare. Thy have ix equal-size bushings.) The oil-filled switch is the kind you are nlost likely to pot in Alnericdn substa- tions, but there are other types. They use other nlechdnis111S to quench the arc, dnd they are quite ditlerent In appedf.1nce. 
Air-hbst bre.lkers blenv out the electric arc the way you blowout a candle- except it take supersonic bre,lth to do it. The witch is ,I Y - or T -shaped structure, most of it m,lde up of fluted porcelain insulators. The actual switch contacts ,Ire inside d sma]] housing at the intersection where the three ann of the Y or T meet. When the contacts open. air under high presure hlow the heated g.lses aWdY with such force and speed that the arc can't reignite. Air-blast switches eliI11inate ,1H the prob- leI11s of oil-fi]]ed equipn1ent-not only the explosion hdzard but also the danger of leaks and spiHs and the cost of oil changes. The most serious drawback of air-blast switches is noise. No brge switches could be described as quiet. but air-bbst switch- e produce d noise like the report of a cannon. They are not a popular choice for sub- urban substations with litigious neighbors. You're more likely to find thenl in the switchyard outside a generating plant. In another kind of high-voltage switch. the ,HC is quenched by sulfur hexafluo- ride, an eotic heavy gas that does the job n10re effectively th,l1l either oil or ,lir. with the result that the switch can be n1ade smaller. Sulfur hexafluoride switches are usu- ,Illy Y -shaped. but they differ from air-blast switches in tlut most of the housing is made not of insulating porcelain but of conducting metal. (Indeed, sulfi1r hexafluo- ride eguipInent is sometimes ca]]ed met,llclad switchgear.) Sulfur hexafluoride has the big advantage of being nonflanunable; on the other h,l1ld, it breaks down into sulfur ,Ind fluorine, which are na"ty and corrosive. In recent year, sulfur hex,ltluoride has also becOll1e fabulously expenive. You're n10st likely to see metalclad equiplnent in downtown ubstations where space is at a pren1iUl11. It is n10re COn1n1011 in Europe than in North An1eric.1. The circuit breakers in your hon1e can be used in two ways. ()n dn overload or a short circuit, the breaker "trips" autOInaticdlly, but you can also throw the lever l11dn- ually if you need to shut down a circuit to nuke a repair. Substation breakers have the saIne dual role. Instruments throughout the systenl continually n10nitor volt,lges. currents, and frequencies; when anything goes wrong. the sensors transmit signals thdt trigger the appropri,lte breakers. A breaker can also be tripped manuaHY-,llthough "manuaHy" ,llmost never means sending SOlneone out into the yard to pull a lever. The witches are operated from inside a control roon1, which I11ight be on the grounds of the substation or n1iles aWdY at a power-company central £lcility. The network of instruments and controls tor what the power c0111panies ('aH sys- ten1 protection is n10re cOll1plicdted than the power network itself. The sensor" have to detect £mlts-such as a lightning trike, or .In in"ulator that ha tlashed over-in thous,l1ldths of a second, so that transfon11er, generator", and other expensive equip- ment-not to Inention custOlnerS-C1I1 be disconnected before any dalnage is done. What nukes the problem of protection difficult is that you wdnt to "hut off only the faulty segment of the s)''\tem. not puH the plug on an entire city. Rigging up a set of control'\ tlut will trip just the right bre,lker'\ is d highly re'\pected ,lrt in power engi- neering. Fur decade... it Iud tu be done with nothing hut electromechanicil relays- switches operdted by lll.lgnetiL coib. Now computer" ..llIow f,hter re<;pl)}lt'S ,lI1d nll)re 
The special insulators called bushings are an essential (and often troublesome) component of many substation devices. Like the rubber grommet that guides a power cord through the casing of a toaster or a vacuum clean- er, a bushing carries electricity along an insulated passage through the metal housing of a switch or transformer. These are spares, photographed in the switchyard at the Fontana Dam hydroelectric plant in western North Carolina. The glass globes at the top allow inspection of the insulating oil that fills the interior. 7\  I(!- . '\ .i:::.. '- "- <t" r .4 , ..... .. -.:"- ,c. -" ""',,",.. . . ..t. .  ? t '- I : "1'i  '-1 ' ." .:., \ .., I .. ... :;< .... .J .  . ....w - r- " .. 'I I r" I  r  .; '{  - , .. el.1bl)r.1te t1l1lt <m,1IY:--l"; on the other h,md. the power grid itsdfh.1'\ gotten more com- plex ,ll1d 11.lrder to control. A number of m,or power out.lge" h,lve been tr,Kcd to 111.l1functions of the equipment W,1 '\uppo'\cd to protect ,1g,1inst power out,1ge'i. l\ power-system t:1l1lts ,1re momentary: .I tree limb touche'\ ,1 conductor <HId then f:1ll" to the ground. Accordingly. most bre,1ker') ,1re set to ,lUtomatically reclose dfter <1 'ieColH.l or two. If the fault h,i de,1red itselC ,1ll you notice ,it hOllle i'i a brief dinlllling of the lights (unles. of cour')e. you are 'itaring at a '\uddenly blank computer screen). If the [lult peri"ts. the bre,1ker inllnediately reopen and waib a little longer before trying to clo...e yet ,Ig<lin. After t\\O or three unsuccesful attempts, the break- er locks out ,md has to be re'iet manually. If you h,1ppen to be near a ')ubstation when all this opening and reclosing is going on, you'll know it: the noi...e i... like <1 very large nlachine gun. The switches in J power network have to be cardidly pLmned <md pLlCed so that every piece of equipment can be isolated frOl11 the live circuit for l11.lintenance and repair. That includes the switche') themselves: you need to be ,Ible to 'iwitch ofT power to the switches ')0 that vou cm work on the ')witches! But then don't you need switches for the switches for the switches. and so on? It's not quite hopele')s. If you trace along the overhead bus bar feeding a m,or breaker or tr,msformer. you will probably notice a hinged link, called ,m isolator or cutout or disconnect. which serves as the silnplest kind of "witch. You can see <It a glance how it works: when the 11letal gate ')wings open, current cannot cro"" the gap; when the gate is closed, the circuit conducts. But the sinIplicity of the isolator rJise" ,mother question: if it's so easy to build a switch, why bother with all those huge oil-filled or ,1ir-blast breakers? The answer is tholt an isolator cannot be opened or doed when the circuit is under power; trying to do so would produce ,1 fireworks show and a denIon')tration of the principle of the arc welder. Before opening an l"ol.1tor. you fir"t have to "hut down the circuit by opening the breaker; once the iolator IS open, the breaker can be reclosed to restore service to other aredS. A ')ubstation l1.l scores of iolators, arranged so that every item of equipment can be taken ofT line independently. More Substation Sights. Transfonners ,l11d circuit bredker'i ,ire the big-ticket itenIs at a ')ubst,1tion. but there ,1fe also other kinds of equiplllent. BIIS/iillgs. The bushing-type insulators poke out of the top of every transforIner ,md breaker are worth <1 closer look. Superficially they olre much like other insulators: a ridged colUlnn of glazed ceranlic. But the bu')hing has a hdrder job to do. Other insulators merelv block the flow of all current; a bU'ihing must conduct current through its core while preventing leakage from the inside to the outside. A high-voltage bushing is not just .l hollowed-out cer,lll1ic in')ulator with a cop- per conductor through the middle. It h,1s ,1 complex inten1.l1 structure, v. ith alter- luting layers of conductor and insulator that help to distribute electrical ')tresses equally. Most bushmgs ,1re oil-tIlled. ()Ider ones hJve a gLISS globe at the top for nlOll- itoring the qu,l11tity and quality of the oil. Just like the oil in your car's engine, the 
oil in a bushing insulator turns from t.l\vny to hLtck .1S it .lges. But the c.lllse of the...e ch.mge is lightly different: it i not dirt .md mech.mical wear does the d.ullage. but chemical bre.lkdown caused by microscopic electric.ll discharges. Bushings .lre .1 common trouble pot in substation oper.nions. Because replace- nlents might be needed on hort notice, you .ire likely to see spares kept in open r.leks sOlnewhere on the ubstation grounds. The sp.1res may .lllow vou to get a look at the lower half of the bushing, which i'\ norm.llly concealed inside the transformer or breaker housing. L((!.htllillg arresters. You Inight think of .1 lightning arrester as a kind of antifuse. An ordin.lry fuse is a weak link thar tops conducting when the current gets too large. A lightning .1n-eSter works the opposite way: it St.lrtS conducting when the voltage gets too high, thereby closing a circuit .md shunting the excess volt.lge into the ground. Under norm.d oper.ning conditions .1 lightning arrester is .111 insuLttor: when exposed to .1 lightning surge. it brieHy becomes a good conductor. The typical .1ITester is yet another t.1ll .md slender column of ribbed porcebin insu- lators, stacked up in .lltern.nion with snl.1ller. disklike objects. Passing through the mid- dle of e.leh insuLtting segment is a high-resistance conductor lilnits the maximum current passing through the arrester. In older arresters the disks are spark gaps, which .1IT over when the voltage gets too high. [n newer arresters the dib are blocks of the semiconductor material zinc o"'\:ide, which switches abruptly fronl being a good insu- L1tor to a t1ir conductor at a certain threshold voltage. (The saIne zinc-oxide device, by the way, is the working Inechanisnl of the "surge suppressor" that protects your home cOlnputer or television ti-on1 bad juju conling down the power line.) Look tor lightning arresters where each feeder enters the substation. Addition.!l arresters are often installed close to edch piece of expensive equipnlent. With large transforn1er..., the arrester may even be mounted directly on the case. Choke coils. What is that washing machine-size, concrete-and-nletal basket-like thing .It one end of the high-voltage bus? It is .mother line of defense in the war agdinst t:mlts. When a short circuit develops f:lr out on a tr.111slnission line. the fault current is lilnited by the resistance of the miles of conductors between the substa- tion .11ld the trouble spot. L3ut when the short circuit is nearby. or even inside the substation, the current can climb to dangerous levels so fast that a breaker does not have tilne to open the circuit before d.l1llage is done. A choke coil-known nlore fonnally as a current-lilniting reactor-chokes ofT the highest peak currents. The coil is usually open to the weather, so you can see just how it is built. A fev.: dozen turns of very heavy copper wire or bar stock are wound in a helix two or three feet in diameter. At ordil1.lry current levels, this coil has little effect on the electricdl system; from .m electron's point of view, it\ not Inuch ditTerent frOlTI d traight wire. But the very sudden surge of current through a nearby ...hort circuit generates ci tremendou'i n1.lgnetic field in the coil. which S.ipS energy from the current .md there- by limits it. It's the uddenne'is tl1.1t make'i the diHerence. rhe [lster the current tries to grow, tht.' more the choke .lets to limit It.  '.' \ ,._ I \ (  -   .3-; . t  \\ k 1 : Lightning arresters are installed near every transformer and other items of expensive hardware in a substation. The arrester is the tall strut in the foreground, with the skirt at the top. Ordinarily, the arrester acts as a simple insulator, but when voltage on the system rises to extreme levels, the arrester becomes a conductor, shunting the excess current into the earth. The strange lampshade at the top is an arc ring, meant to limit the damage if a lightning bolt "flashes over" from the arrester to the ground. 
Choke coils provide another form of protection from lightning and current surges. The choke coils are the six brown cylinders suspended from the steel framework at this Ohio substation. Under normal operating conditions the coils have little effect on the current flowing into the substation. But when lightning or a malfunction causes an abrupt surge, the coil chokes it off, like a constriction in a garden hose. . . '- "   ! I 1, t --  1   1 . ,I It) I : .,- - 7 t r - \ t \ni I I  - l  -''' J  -:. II! I' }, J ..':11'1',,\!. I I- } " . I  , f t "1f 1 I 'r -.. : . 1J1. \ A,,,;(\f.h u II \ 1  1& :.: ., .t..!l!..: I.,. - if'__ "====;>- " " I I .1 , \ \r \ ,m , -- 1 l' 1 " r ll l:J  i i ',: ,I,;jf' V n ", t '"  #' t, '- . ;. . .. tr  \.'1: -. \' .' ' ., I 'A(  I :' - I 'I t . ,;i _ .' J, r  .. - '1 --. .. ... - You'11 note that the coil is built very sturdily, with the conductor" threaded through notches or holes in a heavy concrete franle. The structure needs to be strong because the nlagnetic field that chokes off the fault current also exerts tons of force, tending to collapse the coil. Failures are rare but spectacular. S0111e reactor coils give off d distinctive, pure-pitch tone, Inore musical thdn trans- fonner hum. Capacitors. One of the trickier aspects of an AC power systenl is thJt the voltage and the current Cdn get out of step with each other. Since voltage is the force that pushes current, you might think the two things would always st.lY synchronized, but that's true only in the sill1plest circuits. Voltage .lnd current would rell1ain well l11atched if no one ever plugged in .lnything but toasters dnd incandescent light bulbs. These devices offer an ahnost purely resistive load-all the electrical energy goes into overconling the friction-like forces that oppose the nlotion of electrons. But the power supply nlust also run 1110tors. transfonl1ers. and fluorescent la111ps. and these devices have not only resistance but al"o propertie" called inductance .lnd capaci- tance.An inductor stores Jnd eventually dissipates energy in a nldgnetic field: a capac- itor does the sanle in an electric field. When an AC signal hits a large inductance. the current conles out lagging behind the voltage: high capacitance has the opposite effect, making the current peaks lead the voltage peaks. In practice. inductive load" are nlore Conll110n than capacitive ones. 1110StlV because so l11uch electricity goes to run 1110tors. Every refrigerator. air conditioner, washing nlachine, and garage-door opener adds a bit of induct.lnce to the power cOll1pany's load, and the Inuch bigger l11otors that drive industrial pumps and machinery <ldd a gredt deal l1lore. As d result, current tend to lag behind voltage at nlost place in the 
nLitional power grid. This is not a good situation. The .1l110unt of work you can get out of electricity is 111ea'\ured as voltage nlultiplied by current, but in AC systen1s that simple forn1uld holds true only if the voltage and the current are present sin1llltane- ou'\ly. When they are out of '\ync, the work is reduced by a percentage called the power factor. One way to fix a lagging power factor is to attach capacitors to the systeln, to bal- ance out the inductive load. Conceptually, a capdcitor is two metal plates separated by an insulating layer; the bigger the plates and the thinner the insulator, the greater the capacitance. For the capacitors used in the power system, the plates dre metal foils and the insulator is a plastic filn1. These are rolled up together jelly-roll style dnd stuffed into a rectangular box the size of a briefcase. Substation capacitor banks dre usually easy to recognize because there dre dozens or hundreds of these boxes lined up side by side on steel racks, like SOlne big luggage checkroOln. When you look closely at how the capacitors are wired, you'll see "jUl11pers" going fronl one capacitor to the next all down the row. Only one box at the end of the row is connected to one of the overhead bus bars; the capdcitor at the opposite end of the row is connected to a grounding strap. In other words, the capacitors are wired in series. This arrangel11ent is necessary because a single capacitor could not withstand the full voltage of the power line it has to be divided up an10ng the lO or 20 capac- . . . ltors In senes. InstrulIlcnt trall.ifor11lcrs. Voltages and currents have to be l11easured in a substation, but it would be inconvenient (not to l11ention dangerous) to bring wires carrying II ':' " "  .... .. I I I -*' = ... . -  I - -.    ;..;.-- _;1 1- - =. .. I I   I  .:.-# f  -  \' II'..JI)-- .. · I . ..d .  ..r:: .L, - I It:- - --:9\ . I := . :ii; F:- __- .;..... ., /' ' I... '0 - ... ; ..' ....-@ - Iii I _ . j: (- -,_  -ii  .-. .{ -.......... -s:;; r- ___ ;-..., . IiiI'" I I .- ,. - - .. -. ":if ---;--;- . t  - ::::. ,.1 . .. ......, Banks of capacitors at a substation help to keep voltage and current in synchrony. Evidently no one has figured out how to make capacitors on the same gargantuan scale as substation transformers and switches, so hun- dreds of smaller ones are stacked like books on a shelf. 
  .... .. " -_.-  , r--. 1 .. " ..- . -..-..- .. --. - :;- . , ,- ... '-- -: ... . 1 ,: ' .. .-' JI6I1", .', .  Mystery item: What are the bright red perforated pie plates? I noticed them and puzzled over them at a num- ber of substations, until a worker at this Louisiana instal- lation explained: squirrel shields. SIIO,OOO \"olr, or 10.000 ,Bllpen.'s into the control room. fhe ,olution I to use much sl11,lller ,ign.llo; ,Ire proportion,ll to the ,tctll,ll volt.1ge ,md currents. f'or ex,\ll1ple. .1 power-line current em r.mge tr0m () to 1,1 II 10 ,lll1pere, might be repre,ented by .1 current between 0 .1l1d 1 .lmpere; .In m,trument monitor, the snull current can be calibr.lted to re.ld out in unit'\ of the larger current. Voltage ,Ire ll.lndled in the same way: the North Anlerican custom i'\ to reduce all voltage to .1 r.mge of u to 110 volts. The reduced-nl.lgnitude sign.lls needed by nleasuring instruments conle fronl cur- rent transformers .md volt.lge tr.ll1stormers. The'\e de\'ice" work on the '.lIne rhysietl principles .IS the hefty power tr.lnsfonners at the hedrt of.l '\ubst.ltion, but there's no chance of confusing theln. A current transfonner i'\ often built directly into the bushing in,ulator that enter, a circuit breaker or a power tranfonner. The primary "winding" of the current trans- fOrIner i not .1 winding .lt all but sinlply the high-voltage conductor bores straight through the core of the bushing; it count a a winding of one turn. The sec- ondary winding consIsts of nl,ll1Y turns of fine copper wire spun around the core of the buhing. Reducing the current by a tICtor of 1,000 calls for a second.lry wind- ing with t,OOO turns. From the outside you can't ,ee much of a bushing transfonner. The tellt.lle sign is snlall-gauge wiring coming out of .1 bushing near its b.lse. The wire will be housed in a ,m.dl nlet.ll conduit, which typically either disappe.lrs underground or leads to a steel cabinet. Some recent current transformers .lre easier to spot. They are doughnut-like col- lars that surround a bus bar in free air. The collar is in [lct .I coil of fine wire, which nlonitor5 the current p.1ssing through its interior. A volt.lge or potential tr.msfonner is designed the opposite way. Its primary wind- ing, which gets connected to the tr.l11smission-line voltJge, h.l'\ thousands of turns of fine wire, .1l1d the secondary ha, ju'\t ,I few turn'\. The two windings are usually housed inside what looks like an l1l1u'\u.Illy fut porceLlin insulator, 1110unted on a pede'\t.ll .1l1d (onnected at the top to a bus bar. Batteries. An electric-COlllp.lny sub,tation IS the last pl.1ce in the world you Inight expect to find equipment running on battery power. But it makes ense. Think. of all of tllo'\e relays ,Ind COlnputers that protect the ystenl dgain,t malfunctions: the 1110nlent when they .Ire nlost needed l the very nlonlent \\-hen the regular power supply i mo,t flaky. A a conequence, much of the substation is powered by a rOOIl1- [ul of lead-acid batteries. These .lre the ame kind of batterie'\ tart your car, although they don't look it. Each cell of the b.lttery i, a he,lYY gla'\s ve...el the ize of a large diction,lry, .md 50 or ()O of thee cells are lined up on wood racks like book on a bookshelf A "trickle ch.lrger" keep, them topped up. Groll1ldi1\!. the found.ltion line of Jny substation equipInent, you '11 likely find a hea\)' strap of hraided copper or .I thIck copper wire entering the earth. With '0 nmch high voltage .Iround, good grounding is a m,uor preoccupJtion of suh'\t.Ition designer'\ .md oper.ltors. I f the outer c.lsing of .1 tr.mfonner were not grounded, then 
,1 fault in one of the winding could cl1.lrgc thc Cclsing with thous,md of volts: thi-; would be ,1 very unple,ls,mt discovery fix the next person to touch the case. Grounding provide two kinds of protection. First, ,IS long .1S the ground str,lp is int,lCt, the Ll-;ing "imply cmnot helVe a volt,lge very different from that of the ground. Second, if a high-volt.lge conductor ...hould come in cont,lct with the casing, the Lll1lt current flowing into the ground would trip J bre,lker. (Thee ,lre the sal11e argument th,lt f.wor grounding kitchen appliances and home power tool,,-this i" why you're not supposed to dete,lt that ,mnoying three-pronged plug.) Even the cluin-link fence th,lt urrol1lHh the substation n1,lY have "pecial ground- ing provision... in case ,1 conductor "hould £:111 on it. The fence n1a)' also helVe insulat- ing links ,It certain roilus ,lround the periphery of the "tation, which have the effect of dividing the fence into electric<llly isolated "egn1ents. In this case the ,lim isn't pro- tection ,lg,linst the high volt.lge of a Llllen conductor. In"tead, the segl11enting insu- Lnors lil11it the voluge induced into the fence by the electric and magnetic fields surrounding the conductor-;. The grounding str,lps atuched to equipment ,md tences connect to an array of long rods driven into the ground on .1 grid p,lttern, or to a network of rods or pipes th,l( were buried before the station W,I" built over them. In dry and rocky soil. where getting a good ground can be difficult. the ground electrodes l11ay be bonded to the steel Llsing of wclls drilled down into a deep aquifer. The rC,lson for all this trouble becomes apparent when a -;ubstation ,lbsorbs a really he,lVY fault, such as a direct lightning strik.e. Currents through the ground ne,lr the point of entry Ccm be intene enough to light grass fires. I lot sticks. Somewhere on the grounds of a "ubstation there hould be "on1e long fiberglass poles with metal tltting-; ,It one end. They .1re not for pole-vaulting over the bus bars! These hot sticks .1re used for opening or closing isolators, and in en1ergen- cies tor clearing tlllen debris ti"OI11 equipment. A con11110n place to st,lsh them IS in a length of pla"tic pipe attached to ,1 building wall or the rerin1eter fence. DISTRIBUTION: POWER TO THE PEOPLE The final 'egn1elu of the electric-power ystem Cclrries current fr0111 the substation to your h0111e. The distribution network h,IS two m,lin P,lrtS. Pril11ary distribution lines cover di'\tance of ever,ll mile-;, and in rur,11 ,1re,lS may tretch to 50 l11iles or more. They c0111monly oper,lte ,l( voltage... of 2,-+O() to ,lbout 25,()()() volts. or occa- sionally ,1\ high ,IS -H),c)()() volt". Second,lry distribution circuits bridge the bst few hundred y,lrd, trot11 the utility pole or the underground clble to the electric n1eter on the w,lll of vour hOl1,e. The ...econd,lry volt,lge are the t:ll11ili,u one you tlnd at "'  , hou"ehold Ol1rlet: 12( I volt ,md 24( I volt-; 11l North America. Somctimes there is no need tcx .1 distribution network.. A l.lrge cu,tomer, ,uch ,1 .1n ,11uminum smelter or ,1 mtlllicip,ll pumping pLmt will buy the entire output Of.l I ",; IJ 111 \ " I ,'", Even the chain-link fence that surrounds a substation has its points of interest. The fence above has a twine thread running through it to block currents induced by power lines crossing overhead. The fencepost below has multi- ple grounding straps to drain away any stray voltages. , -  ..J "" .. , -- .,.- "' ./ ..... .  '.- .4 
Power lines fanning out to neighborhoods of Durham, North Carolina, are draped over the crossbars of more than a dozen utility poles. D -:: ,- -J r  -y I-  ,- ' ! I " , -- - .r .. "4- 1t:.. .. . . ,! ,,' ., ,., " s' ...' If;. r  suhst,ltion. But most suhst,ltion" serve ,1 tOVo.n or ,1 neIghborhood of "'c'ver,11 hundred or ,1 few thol1s,md homes ,md businesses. I )istrihution lines r,H1i,lte trom the SUbSLl- tion to ,Ill parts of this territory. Poles. Most distribution line are carried on wood poles. which h,lVe thus becOl11e one of the most conU11on <;lghts of the modern roadside dnd streetscape. We live in a fore,t of these leafles trees. In North AI11erica there dre 1 no l11i11ion of them-ahnost as n1any as there are house or car. Yet we eldOln notice then1. When I was growing up, we called then1 telerhone poles. The ten11 has historic,ll l11erit-telephone service can1e before electricity in n10t areas. and so the tlr,t pole lines were put up to carry telerhone wires. ToddY. though. the nujority of poles are owned by power cOl11pdnies. which le,le sp,lCe to telephone cOll1panies and other utilities <;uch ,IS cable-TV operators. The poles are most conunonly ced,lr. yellow pine. or I )ouglas tlr-trees that grow t,lll and straight. They are tre,Hed with creo<;ote or other preservatives to stave off decay and insects. (Nevertheless, rot is the eventual (He of l110st pole: they tend to  --===---------- / ./ ........ ./ .. "'- '" --- ... . \ ...  ---   - .......... ..,  .......... \. , "  - - .;- .. / /.. f  ,  ---  r'- - ---------- ----  r: " " . ," . * "Ii 
o soft .It the ground line.) l)n high-voluge tL111"missio)) lines. you might ee wood ole" .1'\ much as <)0 feet long. but the poles set .llong the curb of a "uburb.111 street .lrL more likely to be 30 or -t-o feet. with 5 or () feet of this length below the ground. doesn't "eem like much of.111 .111chor.1ge. hut I have never "een a pole uproot- ed; when they come down in .1 storm, they are Il10re likelv to break th.111 to over- turn. Poles carrying an unu"ually he.1vy 10.1(1 .Ire braced WIth guy wires .111chored in the soil or to another pole. M.ll1Y utilities t.lg their poles with inventory number". The identit)'ing ug is an alUlllinUll1 or plastic pLlte .It about eye level-if you can tlnd it among .lll the lost- dog notices and yard-s.lle poster". When vou report .1 power out.lge, you might gain a bit of credibility with the di"p.1tcher if you can give the pole number of the trou- ble "pot. Another t.lg on nuny poles gives the d.lte of inst,llLltion or LIst inspection. Primary Distribution Circuits. Prim,lry distribution lines are inv.1ri.1bly the topmost wires on .1 utility pole. following the general rule that higher volt.lges clll f()r high- er elevations. In the arrangenlent seen most often. the three prinury conductors ,Ire arrayed horizontally on a crossh,lr ne,lr the top of the pole. but there ,Ire m,my vari- ations. Inste,ld of a single horizontal crossb,lr, there Il1ight be an X- or K-sluped arrangeIl1ent of he.1111s, or the conductors nl,lY he hung in a vertical row from insu- I.lting struts bolted directly to the pole. Sometime" metal brackets hold the three con- ductors in .In equilateral tri.1ngle-one conductor above the top of the pole ,md the others on either side. If a line of pole" cUTies two or three prim,lry circuits, there will be "ix or nine conductors near the tor of the pole, uually on multiple cro"sbar". In recent construction, the conductor" theIl1,elve .Ire bare "tranded aluminum, perhaps half an inch in di,lll1eter. But there ,Ire '\tillmany distribution circuits in er- vice with solid copper conductors. The conductors .1re usu'llly "ul'ported b) porcelain insuLItOl-" th,lt perch on top of the cro"sb,lr (unlike the under"lung su"pension in"ulator" of high-voltage transIllis- sion lines). Pin-type inQd,1tors are threaded onto ,1 \Yood or metal pin "et into the top of the crosbar. They have ,I di"tinctive shape: a broad skirt flIres outward £i-om the W.1I"t; underneath it ,Ire circular ridges that n,lturally enough ,Ire called petticoats. Post-type in"ulators bolt directly to the crossbar: the insulator is a tall cylinder \\"ith corrugations ,lround it" circumference. As with tr,msmission-line insulators. the pur- po"e of all these skirts ,111d pettico,lts ,lnd ridges is to incre,le the creep length of the insulator-the dist,mce th,lt a le,lk,lge current would h,1Ve to tr,1Vel over the surtlCe. Both pin-type ,md po"t-rvpe insuLltors h,l\ e ,I groove ,llong the upper surt:lce to receive the conductor. With binocuLlr" you m,1Y be ,lble to see how the conductor is [lstened lIno this groove. V,lrious kind" of clips ,ll1d cLu1lps ,Ire nudc for the purpose. but there ,Ire also '\till plenty of di"tribution liIll.>" where the conductors ,Ire lashed on \\ith t\\ i"ted length of WIre. ('re,uing .111d ....enIre LIshings tr,lditiOll.llly been ,111 element of the linetll.ln\ cr.ltt ,md tr.linlllg. It\ p,lrticuLIl-lv impressive to see it done with eight -t{){)t hot"tid,,, whc)) the wlll-ker Is rcp.liring .1 live linc. Not all poles are wood: This one, in western Virginia, is made of cast concrete. The thin copper wire running down the surface is a grounding strap. - .\\.:. v .., ','. \';L 
There is no e.lsy \\',lY to judge thc volugc of ,1 prinury distribution linc. ,llthough Ltrger ,md more d,lbor,lte in,ul.nor\ 11u.111y '\ignit") higher volt,lges. I )istribution volt- ,1ges h,lVe been climbing ste,ldily over the year ,1' the """tem h,lS been tretched to '\upply greater 10,lds over longer dist,mces. The ll1o'\t wlde'pread volt.1ge \\ a once 2,4()() volts; then 111,lny systems migrated to -1-.1 (')() volts, 7,62() volt'\, and 13,1()() volts. Utilitie'\ give c.1reful thought before going bevond thi'\ level becall'.e it b nedr the limit for doing live-line n1.linten,mce with rubber gloves; P rocedure'\ for n1.lintainin(r < v higher-voltage lines are more awb.v,lrd and expensive. Neverthele"", nlore ,md 1110re distribution systell1s operate at 23.000 or 34,500 or even 46,()()() volts. THE INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY OF A UTILITY POLE In the tropical rain forest, ecologists study the communities of plants and animals that live in vertical zones, from the leafy canopy of the tallest trees down through the understory to the rotting litter on the forest floor. Utility poles also have a series of vertically stratified habi- tats, each with its own characteristic inhabi- tants. From top to bottom, here are some of the species you might observe in the utility- pole ecosystem: · Primary distribution lines for electric power, These are the topmost wires. They are usually hung on a crossarm, and they come in groups of three, mounted on big insulators. · Switches, fuses, and surge arresters. These connect to the primary distribution lines. · Transformers. They are mounted below the primary distribution lines but above.the secondary ones, with connections to both. · Secondary distribution lines. Just below the transformer level, they are rubber-sheathed conductors carried on spool-type insulators or twisted around a steel messenger cable. · Street-lighting fixtures. They draw their power from the secondary circuits. · Traffic signals. These too are powered by the secondaries. The signal lights are often hung from a steel cable stretched between util- ity poles. Everything from the top of the pole down to this level is the domain of the power com- pany. Below is the realm of communications lines, which operate on lower voltages and therefore don't need to be kept quite as far out of reach    \....=-- .... ....;.r  --=-- - .\ '- \ -.  I' " -"  · The municipal zone. Cities and counties that allow poles to be set on public land some- times demand a bit of utility-pole real estate in '\.. compensation. This zone was once used for the wiring of fire alarms and police call boxes; today those signals are more likely to go over leased telephone lines. · Cable television feeders. These may be finger-thick coaxial cables, in either a black plastic sheath or a bare metal jacket. In newer systems the trunk lines that carry signals over longer distances are fiber-optic cables. · Telephone cables. Often the thickest of all the wires strung on a pole, they are actual- ly bundles of dozens or hundreds of pairs of fine copper wires. Fiber-optic cables also show up at this level. Still lower-indeed reaching the ground- are some wires that ought to have no voltage at all on them. · Guy wires. Their function is strictly mechanical; they help to hold the pole up. There may be an insulator inserted into the guy wire for safety, in case a power conduc- tor should touch the upper part. · Grounding lead. A pole with a trans- former generally has a copper grounding wire that runs down the side of the pole and into the ground. Finally, at eye level, comes the bottommost ecological stratum of the urban or suburban utility pole: · The yard-sale zone, where the wood bris- tles with a thousand rusty staples. 
(Jn a crossbar carrying a prim.lry distribution line, you might notice snull plac- ards labeling the three conductors A, H, and C. Or there may be three colored tabTS, usually red. yellow. and blue. These n1.1rkers are to identify the three pluses of the electric current. Why would anyone Llre which is which? In a household with single-phase service, it nukes little difference which of the three phases you t.lp into. But a factory that draws on three-phase power cannot be so inditferent. If a lineman were to accident.l11y transpose two of the pluse conductors. every three-phase Inotor on that circuit would suddenly begin running: backward. So far, a primary distribution circuit looks just like a nliniature transInission line. but there is a tllndaInent.l1 ditference, apart frOln the lower voltage levels. In the United States most distribution lines are actually four-wire systems. in contrast to the three-wire standard prevails throughout the transmission network. The fourth wire is lower down on the pole. less conspicuous, set off on snuller insulators, and usually shared with the secondary distribution systen1. The preseI1Ce of this fourth conductor calls for a bit of explanation. It is in the nature of an electrical circuit that all the power that flows out has to How back in; indeed. that's why it's called .1 circuit. In a three-wire, three-phase sys- tem, there is no problem balancing inflo\v and outflowas long as the loads on the three conductors are equ.ll. But in distribution circuits, individual custOluers drav, power frOln ditferent phases. If you happen to be burning the luidnight juice while your neighbor is sleeping, the loads will be iInbalanced. The fourth conductor, calIed the neutra!, carries any lef tover currents created by the ilnbalance. Because the power c01npany tries to equalize loads on the three phases as best it can, the currents in the neutrJl conductor are generally sn13ll. There are distinctive national and regional custonlS in the engineering of power- distribution systems. In North Anlerica, each branch circuit that supplies electricity to houses and sInall busineses is wired between one of the phase conductors .md tht" neutral conductor. In Europe single-phase service is usually wired between two of the phase conductors. You can teIl the diHerence by looking at the connections to the pole transforIners (see section below) . Also, three-phase service is n1l1ch mort" conlnlon in Europe. In the United States only industrial or large conunercial build- ings are likely to have a three-phase connection, but in several European countries many homes have three-phase service for running the Inotors in refriger.1tors, air conditioners, and other brge appliances. The three-phase motors are Blare efficient, although Jlso more expensive. Along rur.1l or suburban in some areas you lnay see a prilnary distribution line that violates the sacred rule-of-three: instead of three priluary conductors at the top of the pole. there is just one. along with a neutral sOlnewhat lower down. Even in these are.1S the b.lsic power system is still three-pluse. I t's just that the power co nl- pany lus aved onle wiring cast by running only one of the pluses .llong a given road, and teeding .lIl the houses there frOl11 it. Other streets draw their power from the other pl1.1ses. so dut the over.l11 lo,lcl ren1.lins bJLmced. ---- -- )..'...... , ' f Post-type insulators (top) are heavy porcelain castings bolted to the crossbar. Glass pin-type insulators (bottom) are now collector's items, but a few are still in service. Here the conductors are also vintage equipment: The green patina shows they are copper, whereas all new power lines are strung with aluminum. 
LIVE-WIRE GUYS Electricity has become such a 24-hour-a-day necessity that the power company has a hard time shutting down transmission lines for repairs. As a result, a great deal of mainte- nance is done on live wires. For distribution circuits up to about 12,000 volts, the work can be done with rubber gloves. These are nothing like the supple latex gloves of the surgeon, or even the gloves you might use to wash dishes. They are as heavy and thick as galoshes, and they come with sleeves that go all the way up your arms and link together behind your back. You test them by blowing them up like a balloon; no leaks are allowed, since electrons will wiggle through even the tiniest hole. You say you wouldn't touch a live wire with a 10-foot pole? That's exactly how it's done at higher voltages. The poles are called hot sticks, and they are made of fiberglass or plastic, materials that provide excellent insula- tion as long as they stay clean and dry. Hot sticks have various kinds of tools and hooks on the busi ness end so a work crew can do jobs such as replacing insulators while staying a safe distance from the energized conduc- tors. But doing any kind of close manipulation with a long pole is pretty awkward; it takes practice, skill, and strength. And the higher the voltage, the longer the pole needs to be. Pole-Mounted Transformers. The big ,tl'd l',m bolted high over11L'.ld on .1 utility pole-I've he.1rd workers c.l11 the thing ,1 "pole pig"-i the l.t,t st.lge in the' long series of tr.msfc)}-n1.ltion, that tIn,l11y delivers electricity .n household voltage,. Thi, is \'vhere the volt,1ge drops fi-om the prin1.lry di,tribution level (typi- c.111y .1 few thousand volts) to the t.nner .md more 120 or 240 volts. (SOll1e big customer') take their jolts at 4HO volt.) Like the tn-ger tran')fonner\ at substation. the pole-mounted transfonner has windings of correr \'vire \,vrarred .lrOl1l1J a ')tee] core. The windings dre immer')ed in oil tor inulation and cooling. Larger units are festooned \yith tubes or fins to radi- ate away excess heat. Filled v.-ith oil, .1 transfonner can weigh 5( I() pound') or nlore. The most impressive kind of live-wire work is also the simplest. It is called bare-hand mainte- nance. It's possible because electricity flows only when there is a difference in voltage. If you touch a transmission-line conductor and a grounded steel tower at the same time, you're toast. But you can safely hold onto either one if you keep your distance from the other. The bare-hand worker leaves the grounded world behind and lives at high voltage. The challenge is getting there. Sometimes a bucket truck with an insulated boom will reach high enough. Or workers can climb a trans- mission-line tower and then make their way to the live conductors using insulated fiberglass ladders. Still another choice is to lower a worker from a helicopter. Strictly speaking, bare-hand work isn't done with bare hands. You wear a conductive suit, with booties, gloves, and a hood covering everything but your face. The suit is made of a fabric woven with silver or carbon threads, and it has a "tail" that you clamp onto the live wire, to ensure that your body is always at the same voltage as the circuit. Those who have done such work tell me there is a strong tin- gling sensation at the moment you bond onto the conductor, but it fades in a second or two. Who could fail to admire the mettle of these workers? Even when you understand the physics of the situation-even when you believe beyond question-it is surely a test of faith to grab onto a sizzling 500,OOO-volt power line. ..'  f . \ 
 loisting it up the pole with block ,1I1d Ltck]e W,1S once he,1VY labor for the lineman: now the lifting is done by the hydr,1l1lic boom of the bucket truck. When you ,1re Q,lI1ding on the o;idewa]k looking up .1t ,1 pole transformer, the firq things to check out ,1re the "high-side" connections-the wires running from the top of the tr,lI1sformer to the prim,1ry distribution conductoro; overhe,1d. If you're in a residential neighborhood in North America, you'll prob,lb]y ')ee just one high-side wire, connected to one of the three prim,lry ph,lse conductors. Thi') is the o;ign.1ture of a o;ing]e-phdse tr,lI1sformer connected between ,1 "hot" prim.1ry conductor ,111d the neutral, or ground, conductor. Another kind of single-pll.lo;e transformer has two high-')ide leads, connected to two of the overhe,ld conductors. These are r.1re in North AmeriLl but common in Europe. Fin,llly there ,lre three-phdse trano;tormero;, which have wireo; going to all three of the primary conductors. Three-phase tr,111S- formers tend to be larger, and they mostly serve conl111erci,ll or industrial cus- tomer')-.1 superm,lrket with ,1 lot of refrigerators to run, or ,111 office building with ,1 heavy-duty ,lir conditioner. Sometimeo; a three-phase lo,ld is served by three single-ph,lse transformero;, all hung on the S.1me pole. If you look closelv, you'll see th,lt e,tch tr,lI1sformer is wired to ,1 different prim,lry conductor. Each of the high-voltage connections enters the tr,111sformer through a porcelain insulating bushing on the lid of the Lll1. But often there is other l11iscellaneous hard- ware up there as well, such as fuse') and lightning ,lrresters (see below), so it L111 be a little confilsing to count the bushings. The "low-side" wiring generally connects to lU6YS on the side of the casing, with- out any need for big porcel,lin insubtor'). In the '\t,ll1dard American configuration tor single-phase power there are t\Vo hot \\'ires and .1 neutraL Usually the hot 1.1ds are heavily ')heathed in black ruhher insulation, \\'heras the neutral is bare n1taL Ths wires are th ones that loop from th utility pole to your hOl11e. American practice in most reidential neighborhoods is to use lots of tairly small pole transtornlers, each feeding just three or four houses. Thus, when you drive down a suburban ')treet, you nuy see ,I transtOrIller hung on nearly every pole. European util- ities use fewer but bigger tr,111sformers, e,lCh of which might supplv 50 or 1 ()() homeo;. I low can you tell the power r.1ting of.1 tr,lnsformer? More often than not, the rat- ing is stenciled on the side of the Llse: it's a number such ,1S 25 or 37.5 or 75. This is the tranSfOrIller'S power-ll.lndling limit in kilovolt-amperes. which is the number you get by multiplying the m,lximl1111 current in l111pereS bv the operating volt.1ge in thous,111ds of volts. Kilovolt-amperes ,lre roughly equiv,llent to kilowatts, and so a 25- kilovolt-dmpere tr,lI1stormer could run 25 to,lsters COnSl1111e a thous,111d \\'.1tts apiece. The tr,ll1sformer') you see on poles Lll1 be ,1S snl,lll as 1 () or 15 kilovolt- ampere') ,lnd oCLlsionally ,1S brge ,1S 3()(). Fuses, Arresters, Switchgear. Like their big iblings b,lCk at the subst,ltion, po]e- mounted tr,ll1stormers need to be protected trom overlo,ld, ...hon circuih, volt,lge surges, ,1I1d lightning. Moreover, the rest of the power syste111 (including the p,ln tlut It  4 - ..... j \  I . \ .(' , , . '"'" ".. .  ....  I '" ..-   ""- , ," - I Pole-mounted transformers-also known as "pole pigs"-are such commonplace elements of urban street furniture that we tend not to notice them at all. In resi- dential neighborhoods, there is a transformer for every few houses. The six above supply power to a small shopping district. They are single-phase transformers ganged up in threes to handle three-phase power. 
" -1' Distribution transformers are now highly standardized items, but there is still room for occasional variation. The ice-cream cone atop the street lamp above, in Liver- more, California, is a disguised pole transformer. European distribution grids often have fewer but larger transformers. The Siovenian one below is a mini- substation, built into a concrete tower. \ \ ::3 run... through the walls of your hUllle) h.l... to be protected ti-oll1 1ll.lltllllctlons inside the tr.111st(Jrlller. Both kinds of protection .Ire provl(..ied by tll...e... .111d ...urge .In-ester..._ The kind of fuse you'llll1ost likely see the top of.1 power pole is .1 clrdho.lrd tube the ...ize of.1 Llrge The tube Ius .1 thin lllet.ll rod running through it, .111d the circuit I... arranged ...0 current h.h to p.lSS through the rod on it5 W.l)" from the prin1.lry conductor5 into the transformer. In the event of.111 overlo.ld or .1 short cir- cuit, the rod nldt, interrupting th current. But that' not the end of the 5tory. The melted fue elenlent i, replacd by an elctnc arc, which \Von't necessarily die out anytime ,oon: it hJ' to b extingui...hed ...onlehow. That\ where the cudbo.1rd tube come in. It\ a low-kch '\olution to the arc problenl, but .1 ...urprisingly drective one. What h.lppens I that the heat of the .lrc v.lporize... ...onle of the org.111ic m.lteri.l1 on the inner ,\urt:1Ce of the tube. The hot g.he... produced in this way .lre e:-..pelled from the ends of the tube with enough force to blow the .1lT out. The force i5 .1150 enough to create quite .1 loud bang. People often report that .1 transformer has blown up when the noise they heard was actu.llly an expulsion-tube fuse blo\Ving. Expulsion-tube fuse5 occlsion.llly f.lii. allowing current to continue flowing even .lfter the fuse has blown. To deal with this problem 50nIt' utilities install backup fuses in series with the regubr fuses. The current h.lS to get through both fuses in order to reach the transformer. (Jne style of backup fuse look.s something like .1 brge tube of caulk. or perhaps .In .wtOll1obile shock absorber. Inside. a silver filament is enc.lsed in pure QU.lrtZ sand: when the silver melts, the surrounding 5.111d is baked into .1 fcxnl of gbss t11.1t quenches the arc. Silver-sand fuses are bigger, he.lVier, and more expensive th.lI1 e'i:pulsion-tube fllse5, which is why they are u5ed 111.1inly for b.lCkup. They .lre de5igned not to blow during an ordinary brief t:wlt; their protection kicks in only when the prinlary fue t:lils. Switches placed at interv.lls along .1 priinary distribution lin are 111.1lnly an .lid to n1.1inten.mce and rep.lir. If.l tree gets fouled in th wire near the end of a long line, shutting it do\\ n trOln the sub'\tation \yill leave everyone along the W.l)" in the dark.. If a repair crew can open up .1I1 intenl1eJi.lte witch, power can be restored to .It lea...t SOine customers. The iInplet s\\-itche5 .lre knife-blade switche..., similar to the i...oLltor5 5een in sub- station.... Unlike so much other electrical equipment, you Lm ee .It a glance exactly how they work: when the witch is closed, current flows through the bLlde to com- plete the circuit; when the switch is open, the in the conducting p.lth is obvi- ous. This property is import.lI1t to the linenun who W.mt5 to nl.lke sure that the equipinent he \ about to 6:-.. is shut down. Knife-bl.1de witches generallv can't be used to open .m energized circuit. The idea is to hut the circuit down with the breaker .It the subst.1tion, then open the .Ippro- pri.lte switche... to i...olate .1 ection of the line, then clo...e the bre.lker .lg.lin ...0 power j... re5toreJ to the rest of the systen1. Opening most knife-bl.1de ...witche require, climbing th p()l or going up in d bucket truck. A fe\\- of th switches Ildve .1 lever or cr.lnk at ground level. 
The more el.1bor.lte .md more .mtomated switche" in the di"tributioll system .lre c.l]]ed rel..-Iosers. rhev .lre "imiLIl- to the high-volt.lge circuit bre.Ikers .It '\UbSt.ltiolls. but ,n1.1]] enough to on .1 pole. Like .1 subst.ltion breaker. .1 reclo'\er L111 be oper- .ltt:'d by remote control or triggered .mton1aticl]]y when it senses .111 overlo.ld or '\hort circuit. And like .1 bre.lker it 11.1... .111 .1IT-quenching medium-oil or vacuum or 5ul- fur he'\:.tfluoride-so it L111 interrupt both normal 10.1<1 current<-. and fault currents. In extern.Il .lppearance ,I is .1 nondescript bo'\: or cylindrical can. painted the usu.ll gray. You might mist.1ke it tor .1 transtormer. Even utility \\orker5 get con- fused. which is pre'\umably why at le.Ist one po\\er comp.111Y '\tencils the \\ord RECLOSER on the L1...e of everyone. If your locl1 utility i... not so helpfuL the be,t W.IY to identity .I i... to look Llrdidly .It the connections and think like .111 elec- tron. A recloser will be wired \0 tl1.1t current can get past it only by going through it. (A tr.mst<wmer, in contra"t, otters .111 optiOl1.l1 p.lth to the current, like an exit r.lIllp ti-om .1 highw.lY, which you can either LIke or p.lSS by.) A '\ingle-pluse recloser h.I'\ t\\O equal-size bushings on top; .I tluee-ph.lse recloser has si equ.ll-'\ize bushings. It's Lilled .1 recloser beLmse it not only interrupt, .1 circuit when something goes wrong but .1lso .1lHom.1tically tries to re,tore ,ervice. 13ecause many [mlts .1re only moment.lry. this strategy cm '.lYe .1 lot of service cl11s. Typicl11y the recloser is set to try three times. When it tlrst detects .1 [mlt. it opens the circuit and then immedi- ately trie'\ to close it again. If the [mlt is gone. then fine. If the tmlt is still there. the recloser opens .1gain. .111d this time it w.lits .1 few seconds before closing the switch .1g.lin. If the [mlt per,ist<-.. the recloser waits .1 little longer before trying a third time. At this point if the [mlt has not cleared itselt the recloser "locks out," and .1 linen1an h.1\ to come out and reset it manu.l11y. When the lights rapidly flicker on and otT dur- ing a thunderstorm, that's a reclo,er in .lnion. The last items of mi,celLlI1eous l1.1rdwJre to look f()r near the top of .1 utility pole .Ire Llp.1Citors. Like tho...e in '\ub'\t.ltion..., their role is to correct power factor-to bring the alterIuting W.Ives of voltage .111d current into ...ync when big motors or other such lo.ld'\ get them out ofb.ILmce. The indiyidual Llp.Kitors ,Ire oblong boxe" the shape of .1 telephone book .lI1d Ju,t .1 little Ltrger. They .1re usually mounted in r.lcks hold three, '\ix, or .1 dozen lined up side by ,ide. Short circuits in'\ide Llp.1C- itor... .Ire not rare, ,lI1d ...0 there i... likely to be .1 tllse in the le.ld connects the c.Ip.1citor to the' di'\tribution conductor. ()r there nuy be .I tiny recloser, which not only protect... ag.linst f.1l1lts but .1lso allows the c1pacitor b.Ink to be switched in and out of service as the power factor on the line cl1.lnges. Secondary Distribution Circuits. Secondary circuits carry power .Kross the LIst few feet to your home. It\ e.l"y to tell them trom the prinury circuit'\. They .1re ,trung lower down on the utility pole, below where tr.111...t<)rmers .1re n10unted (.llthough .1bove telephone .111d other communic.1tion... wiring). The '\ecOlH:lary circuib nuy ..I,o be ,he.lthed in insul.1ting rubber. unlike the lure conductors '\een Llhnost everywhere else in the electric-power system. --L - \ " Fuses protect power-line equipment just as they do home appliances. On the pole above, three expulsion-tube fuses are bolted directly to the crossbar; they are wired in series with three silver-sand fuses farther to the left, which serve as a backup. On the pole below, a helpful placard reveals that each phase has two BO-ampere fuses wired in parallel, for a capacity of 160 amps. r4 " ... '" '35S ,. \ -t  . , ..:. ,  
.. --  j\ - " , --  Cut-out switches (above) have such a simple and open mechanism, it's easy to see how they work: put a hook in the loop at one end of the blade, and pull to break the circuit. A recloser (be/ow) is a pole-top version of the switches and circuit breakers found in substations. Reclosers can be hard to recognize. The three cylindrical objects below might be mistaken for transformers-but note the two equal-size bushings on the top of each can. (The smaller devices behind the bushings are lightning arresters.)  .1 i '\ \ 1', . 1 /, I ...;: J I i -J I _ 111 , L '( "- __I_  In the United St.ltt'". homes ,Ire \\ ired f"(x du.ll volt.lge: 2....() .lIld 12( I volt. The t\\O voluge level" .lre supplied bv three wirL,,,-two hot" .lIld .1 neutr.ll. rhe w.lter he.lter .md electric "tove .lIld perh.11''' .1 fe\\ othl.'r big .lppli.1I1ces .lre connected to both hot le.ld. which -;upply 2-+() volt.... All the other hou...ehold circuit" .lre fed by one or the other of the hot conductor.... .U1d the neutr.II, a combm.ltion yield jut lulf the volt.1ge, or 12() \'olts. The second.lry conductor are strung pole to pole (or sot11etinle along the b.ICk walls of buildings) on spool-type insulators. The "pool is just like the one holds sewing thread but larger (the size of a cotTee nlUg), .Ind I nude of porcelain. It is nlounted on a stee1 skewer th.It p.I"se" through the hole down the l11iJdle of the spool. In one con1nl0n .Irr.mgement, three ....pool" Jre nlounted one above the other to c.1rrv the two hot conductors and the neutral. In .lnother style of wiring, the two rubber-coated hot line are twi,ted .1round the b.lre neutral, and they .lre .111 lashed to .1 -;ingle -;pool. (The bundled conductors .lre called trirlex.) Why are the econdary conductor..., which carry only .1 couple hundred volts, thicker and he.1vier than the prim.lry conductor... c1t "everal thou"and volts? l3cCcH1"ie the size of.l wire depends on the .11110unt of current it carries, not the volt.lge. And for a given amount of power, the lower the volt.1ge, the higher the current.' wiring practices var)' widely. In a downtown commercial district, there nuy be a secondary bus or grid: Lots of transformers all pl1111p power into the sallIe set of secondary conductors. which In turn "ierve buildings. This wav no build- ing goes d.lrk if a single transformer t1ils. ()n the other hand. a severe twlt might knock out the entire secondary grid. In the suburbs, each transformer generally feed its own set of secondary conduc- tors. ()ften, the wires run straight £i-om the tranSfi)nller to each of the houses being served. If there's a problenl with a trantormer, only those few h()}lleS willlo...e power. Electric Meters. A glJs bubble filled with brightly polihed, spinning gears is fJs- tened like cl suction cup to the side of ne.lrly every house in AIllerica. Would a visitor trom Mars ever guess what that glass pod IS there for? 1'vlayhe, indeed, the tr.U1sparent globe IS ome kind of M.lrtian ...urveilLmce de\-ice? The purpose of the pod i... indeed ...urveillance-though the infornution gathered goe... not to 1'v1.1r" but to the local utility Cot11rany. Technically speaking, the mecha- niSlll inside the glass i.... J w.Itt-hour Illeter; rower-COmp.U1Y in"iders kno\y it cb c1 rev- enue meter; to the rest of us, it \ jut the e1ectric l11eter. I t i the device that reports your ener!:,'Y consl1111Ption to the e1ectric cOl11pany ...0 they can "end vou a bill .It the end of the month. The l11eter l11echcminl i a kind of electric motor, calibrated "'0 its speed is directly proportional to the anlount of power tlo\\ ing through the meter. The spin- ning dik who-;e edge i, viib1e through the glas is the core part of thi, motor. The clock dials record enerb'Y consumption just count the revolutions of the disk. The reading on the dictls continu.llly increaes, r.lther th.1I1 being reset each month. 
Your bill is c.1lcul.1ted by subtracting thi month\ re.H.iing froml.1st month's. Th.1t W.1Y. even if the meter re.1der 1ll.1kes .1 mist.lke .md you .1re overch.1rged one month. you .1Utom.1tically get it b.lCk the next. The latest electronic w.1tt-hour nleter have no moving parts and displ.1y their re.1ding in odometer-style numbers instedd of on d series of clocklike di.1Is. And Ollle LIGHT UP THE NIGHT These days, street lighting is nobody's idea of a high-tech, high-growth industry, but a centu- ry ago it was a driver of technological devel- opment. The impetus for building the First municipal electric systems was not the urge to make better toast and coffee; the systems were built exclusively for street lighting. Only years later did electricity find its way indoors. Street lighting was a tough problem for a long time. In eighteenth-century New York, every seventh house was required to hang out a lantern on moonless nights. Later, whale-oil lamps were installed along the streets, and then came the gaslight era. (The gas industry, too, got its start as a street-lighting utility.) The First electric street lights were carbon arc lamps, working on the same principle as the World War II searchlights that still see duty when a used-car dealer decides to adver- tise a sale with a roving beacon in the sky. In an arc lamp, two carbon electrodes are briefly brought together and then held at just the right distance to maintain a brilliant, blue-white arc. In Los Angeles in the 1880s arc lamps were mounted atop 150-foot-high towers, remark- ably similar to the towers that now illuminate major interstate highway interchanges. Fifty thousand fascinated Angelenos clogged the streets when the lights were first turned on. (It's been a while, I think, since new street lights drew a crowd in southern California.) Arc lamps were a high-maintenance item. Someone had to come around every night to get the arc started. The tungsten-filament incan- descent bulb finally put the lamplighter out of work; an engineer at the central station could throw a switch and light up an entire town. Incandescent street lights have been sup- planted by more efficient designs Fluorescent tubes had a vogue in the 1950s and 1960s, but now most street lights use either mercury- vapor bulbs or sodium-vapor bulbs. Both types work by passing a current through a heated gas of metal atoms (either mercury or sodium). , ) Compared with a tungsten-filament lamp, the metal-vapor lamps convert more energy into light and less into heat. Mercury and sodium lights are easy to tell apart. The mercury ones put out an icy blue- white light that turns your lips purple. Light from sodium-vapor lamps is pink or orange. Actually, there are two kinds of sodium-vapor lamps The low-pressure ones are more efficient (and also favored by astronomers worried about "light pollution") but the color is a deep orange. The high-pressure lamps emit a broader range of colors but use more electricity. The colors of mercury and sodium lamps are exaggerated when you see them from a great distance, because the light is filtered by the atmosphere. If you look down on a cityscape from an aircraft at 10,000 feet or so, sodium- vapor lamps look almost buttery yellow Mercury-vapor lamps remain white or blue. Recent street-lighting Fixtures have a color- coded label that indicates the kind of bulb to be installed-blue for mercury, yellow for sodi- um, and red for a less common type called the metal-halide lamp. A number on the label encodes the wattage: 10 for 100 watts, 25 for 250 watts, 40 for 400 watts, and 1 K for 1,000 watts. When a metal-vapor bulb is nearing the end of its life, it may begin to cycle off and on every minute or two. What happens is that the vapor grows too cool to maintain the light- producing electric discharge, but once the lamp goes out, a starter filament automatically comes on to heat the vapor again. The whole process then repeats, usually with a fairly sta- ble period. If your timing is good, you may be able to persuade your more gullible compan- ions that by mental effort alone you have the power to turn street lights off and on. Electric street lighting has eliminated not only the lamplighter's evening rounds but even the central-station engineer throwing the switch at dusk. Almost all street lights are now con- trolled by a photocell that detects the fall of night. The detector is the little cap or turret mounted atop each light fixture. 
'"'" , I ( 1tf \ .' 1) \1 I -,.,... - --  Two three-phase power lines duck underground in bun- dles of inch-thick insulated cables. The cables can be isolated by cut-out switches where they join the primary lines overhead; they are also protected by lightning arresters-the six dark-brown cylinders mounted on the lower crossarm. Also note the red, blue, and yellow bands wrapped around the six cables; the colors identify the phases. new meter'\ cm be rl',H.llTmotel). \\ ithout '\elH.ling out ,1 \\orker to \\,,1Ik t)'om h()ue to hou'\e. Some of them coml11unicne with their home b,I'\e directly over the power line'\; ....ome h..l\e ,I connection to the telephone '\y'\tem; some transmit 1".1dio '\ign,1k Underground Distribution. W,mder ,lround ,m up,c..lle new hou'\ing development ,md vou will see no power lines strung trom pole to pole. Electric.11 wiring and other utilities run underground. either bec.1l1se the dn'eloper believed tlut would help to '\ell houses or bec.1l1se a zoning bo,1rd required it. You might get the impression tlut underground electric serVICe 1 a rather ne\\" idea. Th,u\ not the case ,u all. In the downtown core of the large'\t Anlerican ,1nd European citie'\, power ,1nd conullunic..ltions line have been buried under the '\treet ,11mo'\t from the beginning of the wired ,1ge. [n New York, for example, overhe,1d lines were outlawed following the blizz,1rd of 1 xxx (when ,I great nuny of the lines came down in the streets). Lo Angeles elucted ,1 similar law in 1 WJ(). In another ense, the uburban underground ) stem... of recent ye,1p, ,Ire indeed a new technolo'Y. They differ in several ways from the older city deigns. Urban underground power systenlS ,1re all ,1bout m,mholes and buried conduits. Tr,msformer'\ ,md oil-filled circuit bre,1ker'\ ,Ire in'\t,tlled in the manholes, or in larg- er underground ch,lI11ber'\ called vaults. Some of the equipment is housed in speci,II se,1led casings so it can continue operating even if the m,mhole tloods. Insulated cable'\ for both primary and '\ecOlHbry distribution ,ue pulled through the conduits fi-om one n1anhole to the next. The newer '\uburban systems are built in a ditferent style and by different meth- ods. There are no m,1nholes; transformers ,md switchgear are housed in met,11 cabi- nets (usually painted a grasy green, ,md perhaps hidden ,1I11ong the azale,ls) that sit on concrete p,1d ,It ground level. There ,1re also no conduits underground. Inste,1d, the power c..lole i, buried directly in ,1 narrow '\lit trench The oig i,sue in underground distribution is insulation. With overhead wiring, insu!.ltion is ,1 lot eaSIer because the conductors Cdn be kept ever..ll teet away trom anything grounded. Th,lt\ obviou'\ly not pos...ible underground, and '\0 the conduc- tor'\ h,1Ve to be '\w,1ddled in el,lbor,ue layer... of high-perfonllance in,ulation. In older underground circuits, e,1Ch ph,le of the three-ph,1...e service is carried by " separate cable, which i insu!.lted by wrapping the conductor with oil-5.oaked p,1per and sealing it in a lead she,1th. Splicing these c.lble requires the electrici,lI1 to nuster some of the plU111ber's skills, '\ince the le,1d jacket ha... to be closed with molten ...older. Ne\\ in'\talLltiolb Lbe a l110re tlexible c,lble \\ ith polvethylene inulation; no le,ld she,uh i... needed to keep water out, ,llthough ...ometimes the cable 1'\ armored with steel rods for protection against the rogue b,Kkhoe (princip,11 foe of ,1llunderground utilities). Intead of three eparate c.lhle..., ,111 the conductors are bundled into" single f..'1t c,lble. In the late'\t de'\ign, the three phalle conductor... ..lre given a pie ....lice-lihaped cross '\ection so dut they tit together ne,ltly, and a fourth, neutral, conductor is wr,1pped ,lround the ,lssenlbly ,IS ,I concentric sheath. 
When ,1 distribution systcm is entirely underground. there is not much to see. But in m,my Clses the prin1.1ry distribution lines run underground only for P,lrt of thcir route. On the bound,lries of ,1 downtown district or ,llong ,1 main road ne,1r subdivi- sions with underground service, you might see a number of risers, where a line m,lkes a tr,msition between overhe,ld ,md underground. The .1ctu.ll tr.l1lsition between insu- lated cable ,md b,lre conductor t,lkes pbce inside ,I device called ,I pothead. (Honest. Th,lt\ \\ h,lt they cl11 it. I wouldn't kid you.) The pothe,ld e,ll the end of the cable to keep moisture out. There m,lY be three sep,lr,lte pothe,ld (one for each ph,le) or a three-pll.1e unit with three bushing-type insulators poking out of the top like the legs of ,11l inverted stool. The potheads ,Ire mounted ne,lr the top of , 1 pole; the cable descends into the e,lrth ,110ng the side of the pole, otten through ,I pLtstic conduit. There will usually be fuses ,md surge .lrresters on the lines feeding the pothe,lds, and tags or tapes to bbel the pluses V-I, 13, C or red, yellow, blue) since it's ,Ill too easy to get them mi'\:ed up in an underground clble. Whv ,lren'r all distribution lines underground? The power companies S,lY it's a m,ltter of money. 13urying ,1 line cm cost five times ,IS much as stringing it up on overhe,ld poles, largely because the insul.Hed clbIc is n1l1ch more expensive than bare wire tor overhe,ld use. The cost pen,llty has been coming down in recent years. but it n1.1Y never be reduced to zero. Proponents of underground service ,lrgue that the premium is worth p,lying bec1l1se it not only eliminates ,11l eyesore but also improves rdi,lbility, since lines are not brought do\vn by ice, tree lil11bs, or auto accidents. Power comp,mies counter th,lt when an underground conductor does fail, finding and fixing the EwIt takes l11uch longer.  '" ..t ,.- ,"  \ { . Underground utility service is not totally invisible; equip- ment that might otherwise hang on poles squats on con- crete pads at curbside. Here an electrician has opened up the green box that houses a power transformer. 
The three-legged, three-headed, red-and-white-striped colossus looming over this hillside neighborhood is the Sutro broadcast tower, where most of the television sig- nals in San Francisco come from. Broadcast towers are among the tallest of all man-made structures, but other elements of the communications infrastructure are less conspicuous and seldom noticed. (This particular tower, of course, could hardly be more conspicuous.) . . , , ...... - '+ -1 If- 1 .J.- . ,..  1 ....... I __ I  H HI' . I -.. , .-... .:: . .   I '.. III _.:...: I  .,.1:".: , 1'-: . .. I .....1  I '. ....." 1M .... ..... -- .. .. III... . 1- _.1 . , . ':{.' '"':. .. .,-r . -.... .. .1 r. II 
CHAPTER 7 COMMUNICATION VERYBODY'S WIRED. [fwe're not talking on the phone, \ve're checking our e-nlail. Everybody's wireless too. We carry cell phones and pagers, and we browse the Internet while lounging on a p.lrk bench, connected to the £1rthest corners of the world through an untethered laptop computer. No aspect of the industrial infr.lstructure has been changing nlore rapidly than conl1uunications technology. In North AnIerica it took a hundred years for the web of telegraph and telephone lines to spread over the whole of the continent and extend tel1tac1es into every inhabited place. Then, starting in the 1950s, nlany of those long copper wires were ripped out Jnd replaced by other kind of conuuunications channels, chiet1y 11licrowave and satellite links. And now the whole continent has been restnIng yet again, this tilue with a filigree of glass fibers carrying digital sig- nals. What took a century the first tinle wa conlpleted in hule nlore than a decade. THE TELEPHONE In the Hollywood version of telephone history, Alexander Grahanl Bel] is about to run next door to fetch his assistant wh en it suddenly dawns on hinl, Hey, I just invented the telephone! And so he speaks the £1teful words into the brand-ne\Y instrlllllent: "Mr. Watson, COllIe here. I want you." Maybe it really happened that way. In any case, sOluetinle in March of 1 R76 Bell did have a working asselllblage of bat- teries, wires. magnets, and other electricll doodads that could tranSlllit the hlllllan voice frOlll rOOlll to room. Toda) the idea of getting sound tronl electricity no langer excites llluch wonder. but building a telephone systenl with the techllolobYJ' of the nineteenth century c.llled for genius. Bell's hright idea-which also occurred to his rival Elislu Gr.lY- 
Open-wire telephone circuits are rare today; the photo- graphs on the opposite page were made in 1999 along an open-wire line that runs about 50 miles through southern Nevada, from Hawthorne to T onopah. The line has eight pairs of wires, stretched very taut on closely spaced poles to avoid clashing. The middle photo shows a transposition, where the two conductors in a pair trade places, which helps to avoid crosstalk between adjacent circuits. There are also transpositions where entire circuits exchange position. The bottom photograph shows the T onopah end of the line. Each pair of conductors is connected to a small aluminum box with four cables plugged into its under- side. Presumably the boxes are multiplexors, and each open-wire pair of conductors can carry four circuits. Thus, the system would accommodate 32 simultaneous conversations. GETTING A LOOK A 1923 pamphlet published by the Bell System offered this hearty invitation: "Subscribers and the public generally are always welcome at the telephone central office where they never fail to be impressed by the intricate apparatus and equipment and the efficient and systematic way in which the telephone traffic is handled." Sad to report, the public generally are no longer quite so welcome at the local switching center. By all means, ask your telephone com- pany for a tour, but don't be surprised if you are turned away. Major nodes in the communications net- work tend to be high-security areas these days. W.IS .1 method t(W llsing 'iOllIH.i .IS .1 kind of throttle v.llvl' to control the tlo\\ of.1I1 electric l'urrent. P.Irt' of Uell's b.l'iic ...cheme .1re 'itill in ue, .1Ild telephone'i are 51) or ()I) old work perfectly well when you plug them 111to the modern net- work. On the other 'iide of the plug, however, in the central office, and the long- dist.lI1ce networks. everything h.Is changed. The Local Loop. Your persolullink to the glol1.ll telecomnll1nication intr.Istructure COI1- 'iists of t\,vo 'ilender copper wires, which run lrOn1 your home to the nearest telephone witching center, known a'i .1 centr.ll office. The wire... have nl1nes. They clre called tip .lI1d ring, terms that conle trom the two parts of the plug tlut switchbo.ud operators once used to make a connection in the day... before di.Il-it-your'ielf telephone. The local loop re.llly i .1 loop: it's .1I1 electrical circuit. When you litt up the tele- phone handset trotn its cradle, you cloe J \\ itch completes this circuit, allowing a current to £low through it. In the old d.lYs, that current h.H1 .1 very 'iimple effect: it lit a small light bulb on the oper.ltor's switchboard .It the central office. The operator then plugged into your line and asked who you w.lI1ted to talk to. What happens today is a little more complic.lted and requires no human intervention, but it's still the closing of the circuit and the flow of the current tells the phone company you're ready to nuke a call. Open Wires. In the earliest telephone system the wires that connected subscribers with the central office were bare copper conductors .ltt.Iched to glass insulators on the crOS'iarms of utility poles, nlUch like the electric power lines of tod.IY, Those old- fa'ihioned open wires gave excellent voice tran'illlission, carrying signah farther .lI1d with less interferellce or di'itortion than modern wiring can. But there was .1 prob- Some of them have adopted the strategy of "security through obscurity"; rather than building, and the address is not made public. Other parts of the infrastructure, however, are out in the open and in full view. Wires are strung up everywhere, and antenna towers would be very hard to hide. The intimidating sign in the photograph at left is posted outside a small building with a large antenna tower in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, on a hilltop a few miles from down- town Washington. A worker assured me that although the sign prohibits photography inside the fence, it would be all right to photograph the sign itself. But he told me nothing of what goes on inside the facility. -.:.. \ --- .. \ WARNING TIIS rMllTf us ElIBUID 1 II5TII1D MIA  ). "I SlmTIIT.1OII![ IETM II5ID ZOIMST ItS4 .. 1II...-s.1OII Z1.11Tta11. 5KImY ACT. ' 1950 IITIYIS.-m. AU. PII!II5" WIIlI5 on. lIB .. UAa1" suo. PIII8tIIY._II&IWS. YAM IIPIISIITITIIS . TIIS lI£A.m IiIJS IS .-ro.msSPUIIAU.' &mEII1Y II( (DII1Wm. ..., 510 1U1OIAL  11II1'IB!I!II. ..-!D I. . 111. (DIf15{A . 1 't putting the facility in a guarded or fortified installation it is housed in a nondescript office 
lem. The wire Iud to be kept .1 fl)ot .1p.lrt ...u tlut the) \\olJldn't cl.1sh together 111 the wind. At this ",p.1Cing .1 ,;ingle crO',.lrm could clrry only five p.lir" .1l1d .1 pole with 1 () crO".lrm wa... limited to s() p.lir.... If a modern city were wired in this way, whole fore,t'\ would have to be cut down .1l1d repL1I1ted .1'" utility poles. ()pen wiring re.1ched it, limit early in the hitOJ) of the telephone systeln. 13y the end of the nineteenth century, nuny downtown districts were enveloped in a den,e web of telephone .1I1d telegr.lph wires, like a growth of jungle vines overhead. There were poles on both "ides of e\'ery street, ,md ,onletimes on rooftop as well. In New York, the blizzard of 1 HHH brought do\\"n hundred, of poles, creating an impenetr,lble tangle of copper on ,treet corner,. The city soon ordered ,111 utility lines underground. Open wire, l.1,ted longer in rural ,1rea" where they have .ldv.1I1t.lges on very long loop,. 13ut even in the remote countryside .1lmo,t .111 of them luve no\\ been repLtced by nlUlticonductor cables. Multipair Cable. The key to 'quee7ing nlore wires into .1 ,nlaller ,pace i, inulation, so that the wire" cm be bundled together without ,;horting out ag.lin';t one another. Early in'iulation \\'.IS p.lper or cloth; now it is .1 thin co.1ting of pl.1stic. Cables are nude with up to 4,2()() pairs of\ H,4()() sep.lrate wires. Cables \vith 2,7()() p.lirs are (lirly common; they're a" thick .1'" the bu"ines, end of a baeball bat. 13ut the clble is not just a bUllch of wires lashed together; quite a lot of thought and .1rtistry go into its construction. Two problems need to be solved. First, when long wires run p.lrallel to e.lch other, ,;ignals leak fi'om one pair into another, and a priv.1te converllation begins to ,olmd like a crowded p.lrty. This crosstalk can happen even if the insulation on the wires is perfect: the separate circuits are coupled by their magnetic fields. which go right through insul.1tion. The solution is to take each pair of wire,; and twist them .1round e.1Ch other, so wires frOlll different pairs won't run parallel to each other over long distance. For added protection the various pairs are twisted .1t different pitches, some .1S tightly .1S one ftJll turn every two inches, some as loo,;ely .1'; one turn every ,;i inches. The ,econd problem is how to find a ,pecific p.lir of wires in a cable with thou- sands of p.lirs. Color coding l the In,\\;er, hut there's more to it than that. Even if you could give eJch wire a ditferent color, .md even if the eye could dilltinguish .111 tho...e thou,.1llJ of hues .md sh.ldes, riffling through X,4()() wire.; in search of the right color would he exqui,ite tedimn. To preserve the ,;anity of line worker..., the clbles are organized hierarchicilly. The twi'ited p.lir'i of conductors .Ire wr.lPped in bundles of 25: then .1' nuny .1 2-+ bundle, .1re formed into a ,uperbundle of up to 600 p.lir'i: the largel\( c.lble,; are a"embled fi'om multiple superbundle'i. With this J.rrangenlent, every \\"ire can be indivldu.llly Identified lw looking tor combinations of just 10 col- or,;. The pLt,tic in,lJl.ltion on each \vire h.I" .1 ...olid b.lckground color .1nd .1 contJ-.l,t- ing "tr.lCer"-,l stripe spir.l1s .1round the insuLttion. The t\\O conductors within a p.lir u,e the s.lme colors. but \\ ith the b,lCkground .1I1d tr.leer reversed. For eX,1I11- pie in p,lir no. 1 the tip (ondu<:tor h,ls .1 \\ hite b.lckground .l1ld ,1 blue tr,lCer. where- -. ,  "   . i ii-- ... " ... -, ... 
A telephone lineman in southern Virginia (right), work- ing from a bucket truck 15 feet over the roadside, sepa- rates pairs of wires while installing a new splice case. Many older multipair cables (be/ow) have an outer sheath of lead rather than plastic, and splice cases have to be soldered in place. The two thick cables are lashed to steel messenger wires, which support their weight. - - .!- -  .-.r' " ..., " " , ..  - \ "-... '\:; ...  -:... ...  a" the ring conductor has a blue background and a white tracer. Dividing the "et of 1 () colors into two contr.lsting groups of 5 allow" for exactly 25 combin.ltions with one color frOJ11 each group; tln1s, each pair in a bundle can be uniquely colored. A si111ilar color code is applied to the ribbon that bind together .111 the pair" in a bun- dle, .md to thoe of the superbundles. The result is highly festive! A "pecific wire Inight be identified as the blue-red conductor within the orange-bbck bundle with- in the brown-yellow superbundle. According to old repair In.ll1u.lls, line workers rel11enlber the 10 colors by me111- orizing two five-word sentences. The color series blue, orange, green, brown, sL.te is encoded in the "logan "Bell operators give better service." For the series white, red, black, yellow, violet, the nlnemonic device is "Why run b.lCkw.lrds you'll vomit." But I fear these traditions have f:lded. When I tried the btter sentence on the rep.lirman who ClI11e to fix t11Y phone line, he gave l11e a very quizzical stare. All those party colors are hidden away inside a r.lther dull outer wrapper. (Jlder cable" luve a lead sheath, gray or dun in color. Newer one" luve a shield of corru- g.lted aluminum to protect .lgainst electrical interference, with a bLlck. pLlstic cover to keep out the weather. When big cable" are strung on poles, they are lashed to a "teel nle"senger wire, so that the conductors don't "tretch under their own weight. Multip.lir cables can ..Iso be in'it.llled underground, either buried directly in the '\oil (the usual suburb.l11 practice) or pulled through conduits (the preferred nlethod in cities, since the cable can be repaired or replaced without dIgging). Underground 
cables ,Ire usu,tl]y prL'surizL'd. so dut if ,lilY snu]] ho]e" develop in the outer casing. air will le,lk out. which i, better dun h,lVing w,lter leak in. The Llrge"t mulrip,lir cable, ,Ire "lowly dis,lppearing fr0111 the LlI1dcape. Whenever one of them £lils, the repLlCement is unlikely to be ,mother]e with thous,mds of copper wires. A route with th,l[ l11uch conll11unications traffic is a candid,lte for some other high-cap,lCity medium. such as an optical fiber. The Splice Case. The big lU111p in the overhead telephone]e. which ]ook" like the snake that sW,lllowed the pig, is Ll]]ed a splice case. It is where the telephone wires fi-0111 your home join others on their W,IY to the centr,ll office. In ,1 large cable. ,I splice LIse can be the size of an ,lUtomobile n1l1ftler. Under the hinged cover ,ue hun- dreds of connectors for joining wires. In current practice the individual splices are lllade with plastic cril11p-on connectors that linenlen ca]] chiclets. Of course the trick is connecting the r(ehr pairs. For underground service. splices are made in a pedestal, which genera]]y pokes up out of the ]awn ne,lr the curb. It's a met,t1 box ,1 foot or two high, USU,l]]Y 1.linted an insipid green-as if one might l11istake it for shrubbery. Don't Everybody Talk at Once. In the ]ocalloop described earlier, the pair of wires running frOtll your telephone to the central office i" reserved for your exclusive U'ie 24 hours a day. No one else can talk over thoe VI ires. Since you're probably not on the phone all day ,lnd a]] night, this arrangement doesn't mak.e very efficient use of  '.  .. - " '" '-..  ------ ... II ... N ii_ -"'i :a. !  If o .. 0.. i  :t I ..=; z!l' 2..s o= ,III Z .  ,uI!, c ... - II .. ... '" ..... ... N .- ii_ ;11 '"  iJE ") z :c. "i- e.. i= :t 11II iii f 51: c- o .. i .. C :t Many buried telephone cables are pressurized to keep out moisture, which means that splice cases and other connection points must be pressure-tight These cases are on a rural road in eastern Kentucky. Burning up the wires? of course it is merely a trick of the light at sunset, which makes the multipair cables draped from the poles along this roadway more con- spicuous than they would otherwise be. Heavy cables like these, filled with hundreds of copper wires, are gradually fading from the scene, replaced by fiber- optic technologies. The photograph was made near Greensboro, North Carolina. 
equipment. Ifsomeone else could use those wires when you don't need them, every- one would save a little money. Schen1es for sharing equipn1ent or other resources are known in the cOInlTIunications business as lllultiplexing. The grandmother of all nlultiplexing nlethods was the party line. (My own grand- lTIother, as a lnatter of fact, was a party-line participant.) Think of the way extension phones work: if you pick up the phone in the kitchen while OllleOne ele 11lakes a call from the bedroonl, you both beCOllle parties to the conversation. That's the way a party line worked too, except that the extension phones were in someone else's houe. All the parties shared a single pair of wires going back to the central office. Actually, a party line was not quite the sanIe as an extension phone: there were spe- cial ringing arrangenlents so you would know which inconling calls you were sup- -.. -.. .- ... .... Western Union, the telegraph empire, once had an opportunity to buy the rights to Alexander Graham Bell's telephone. They passed up the chance, saying the telephone would never amount to much. Perhaps the company' s arrogance is under- standabie. At the time, the telegraph was everywhere and seemed indispensable. The wires crisscrossed the continent and even reached overseas. large cities had hundreds of operators tapping out messages. Urgent or important news always came by telegram. It was part of the culture. The technology of telegraphy was remark- ably simple, which may explain why it worked so weil and lasted so long. The sending key was merely a switch that could open or close a circuit. At the other end of the line, the tele- graph sounder had an electromagnet that attracted an iron bar when current flowed; when the circuit opened again, a spring pulled the iron away from the magnet. The resuit was a pair of clicks for each press of the sending key. The telegrapher heard these rapid-fire clicks as the dots and dashes of Morse code. Reminiscences of former operators teil of attaching a Prince Albert tobacco can to the sounder to make the clicks lou der. The system was not supposed to be so sim- ple. The first telegraphs were equipped not with a sounder but with a contraption called a register, which automatically recorded the dots and dashes on paper tape. The idea was that a clerk would read the dot-dash markings from the tape and transcribe them for delivery to the customer. But the register apparatus was tem- peramental, and the clerks listening to its tick- ing were soon writing down the message before the paper tape emerged. (Years later, though, the telegraph companies were using teletypewriters, which tapped out readable messages directlyon paper, leaving not even the job of transcription to the operator.) Samuel F. B. Morse, the American portrait artist whose name is so closely linked with the telegraph and its code, sent his first message in 1837 in his studio on Washington Square in New York. The famous "What hath God wrought!" message from Washington to Baltimore was sent in 1844. (The second mes- sage on that line was less bombastic and more gossipy: "Have you any news?") A t,ranscont,i- nentallink wa.s 0Een by 1861; i,t. took just four months to string ire from Chicago through Omaha and Salt lake City to San Francisco. The charge for sending 10 words was $6, which was then equal to a laborer's weekly wage. Nevertheless, it put the Pony Express out of business. The telegraph has a prehistory that goes back long before Morse. Signaling from hill- tops with flags or bonfires or mirrors was an art known centuries ago; a relay of fire bea- cons, supposed ly, brought the news of the fall of T roy back to Greece. The first communications infrastructure to be called a telegraph was begun in France in the 1790s by Claude Chappe. The system flour- ished throughout the Napoleonic era and remained in use until 1853. Chappe's tele- graph had no wires or electrical gadgets. The signaling was done with mechanical sema- phores, flaglike arms that could be set at various angles to indicate numerical codes or letters of the alphabet. Semaphore stations were set up on high ground at intervals of several miles. The attendant at each station would observe the next station down the line with. a telescope, write down the symbols transmitted, and then relay them to the next station. At one time there were more than 500 stations, stretching from Paris to Venice. In the United States a few semaphore sta- tions operated briefly. Telegraph Hili in San Francisco gets its name from such an instalia- tion, and Massachusetts has seven places named Telegraph HilI. As for Western Union, the name survives, but the last telegraph operations in the United States were shut down in 1989. 
posed to answer, and which ones you were supposd to "ecretly eave....drop on. Th party line may not h.lVe Iud much to recollunend it technically, but it wa" an inter- esting social institution. Since my grandmother's day, telephone cOtllPe1llies have found other WelYS to share local-loop circuits. In a suburban housing develoPIl1ent you may spot a lnetal cabinet labeled .\It 'X or .\1X( T. I've he.lrd line workers refer to these boxes as mues or nlUX- ers (short for n1l1Itiplexors); they're also known .1S concentreltors. Their function is to funnel .111 the local loops frOtn a neighborhood into a snuller allotment of wire p.lirs. Suppose the houses in the neighborhood h.lVe 100 telephone lines overall. In a conventional systell1. 100 twisted-pair circuits would run all the way to the central oftIce. but with nutltiplexing these wires extend only as [11' as the mux cabinet. FrOtl1 there, cables carrv a sn1.lller nl1111ber of circuits-perl1.lps 30. When a neighborhood resident wants to place a call. equipment in the n1l1X cabinet connects the resident's local loop to one of the 3U central-office circuits. When the call ends, the circuit is made aVelilable for SOtlleOne else. What happens if more dun 30 people try to use the phone at once? Somebody is out of luck; the 31 st call won't go through. Multiplexing is not a new idee1. There were 1l1l11tiplexed telegraph lines in the 1 HHOs. Another early fonn of multiplexing carried Muzak into offices and £1Ctories. (I t's a rell1arkable [lct that there was elevator nlusic ahnost as soon as there were ele- vdtors.) In the telephone systenl, multiplexing has long been used in the "trunks" that run between centrdl offices and in the long-distance network, squeezing hundreds or thousands of conversations into a single circuit. The Central Office. Even in smaller towns, the telephone exchange building is like- ly to be a substantiell edifice, not ostente1tious like the county courthouse or the First National13elnk, but built of solid brick and two stories ull. Why the inlPosing build- ing? In part, no doubt. the phone cOtllpany just wanted to make an illlpression. But it dlso needed a lot of space. In the early years the sp.1Ce was for people: dozens of switchboard operators. clericdl enlployees. and maintel1.lnCe staff. Later it was for l11.lchinery: the long racks of click-clacking nlechaniCell switchgear that displaced the operators. Now. n1l1ch of the space is silnply ell1pty. The electrOll1echanical switches have been hauled .1way to the scrapyard, replaced by elec!rooic ones that are getting steddily sll1aller, like everything else in the world of 9Inputer.s. A lnachine the size of a piZZ.l box can handle a town's telephone syst, en 1: The offices are lonely as w,ell as ell1pty. uite  fe\y are "lights-out buildings"- entered so infrequently thJt they are lett ddrk. The J1lc1cnines run thenlselves and CellI for help when they need it. Telephone offices have <;0 nlllch extra roonl now that they're taking in boarders. It's called colo sp.ICe, short for colocation. If you sell Internet access, tor ex.l1nrl, or pro- vide p.lging services. the b.lsement of .1 telephone centr.ll office is .1 convenient emd secure spot to put your equipment. where it can be wired directly into the telephone network. The orange labels identify the contents of this cabinet as 'MXU 10" and "MXU 11." The multiplexing units pro- vide telephone service to an outlying neighborhood without stringing a separate pair of wires all the way from the central office to each house. 
A telephone-exchange building is distinguished by what it lacks: windows. This switching office, in Durham, North Carolina, evidently once had windows, but they were bricked in. ; -. \ '\....  . .  ),.. - :;. .  :--.-, , " 1 4 ..., 'j >-. \;.. I . .l- "'" t. -,..- :-. , . ,! ,;-4 '11' . -- GTE L.. . .- SOll1ething el<;e to notice about central othces and other telephone switching facilities: they are windowless. Recent offices are built without window5; older ones have had th window openings brickd up. Ths bL1nk-facd fortresses are said to be a legacy of th Cold War; windows wre dill1indtd to ilnprove th odds thdt c0111nlunicdtions links would survive a nuclar attack. (I have been unable to find any docun1entary evidence of regulations or legislation Inandating this policy.) For a few years, the highest-priority telephone tlcilities were given even n10re serious bbst hardening. A nationwide defense network built in the 1960s and 1970s had its switching offices built in underground concrete bunkers, with the lllachinery hung frOlll the ceiling on springs. These buildings were supposed to survive a 20- Inegaton explosion two nliles away. Most of theln are now abandoned or converted to less dran1atic uses.A bunker in western Massachusetts serves as overflow book stor- age for the Anlherst College library. Batteries Included. AU the on-line equiplnent in the central office runs on batteries. As a Inatter of fact, the entire glob,ll telephone network is battery-powered. As you n1ight guess. the batterie5 look nothing like the ones you put in your flash- light. They are lead-acid batteries. the 5ame kind that stan your car. but are housed in glass or plastic cases about the size ,lnd sh,lpe of a "jerry can" for gasoline. Each case is a single lead-acid cell that produces a little l110re thdn 2 volts of electricity. The cells are wired together in groups of 24 to generate 4H volts overall. (A Cdr battery has six cells in eries, producing 12 volt.) Depending on the ize of the office, there 
may be sever.ll banks of 24 ceBs each. They are usuaBy arranged 011 tiered shelves, lower in the front and higher in the back, like gymnasimn bleachers. Why batteries? Why not just plug into the power grid? Part of the reason is hi,,- torical. The telephone entered American life before electric power was widely avail- able.And once the telephone system was designed to operate on the 48 volts of direct current supplied by batteries, it WelS too late to change over. But in any case batter- ies also have an .ldvantage in reliability. After all. they are what you use when the lights go out! The batteries have to be continuaBy recharged. elnd the energy for that does come from the national power grid. If the utility power fails. the batteries have enough capacity to keep the phones working for "everal hours. Long before the batteries run down, an elnergency backup generator kicks in. Rings, Beeps, and Buzzes. When you pick up the telephone. it hmns at vou. At other times it goes "brng-brng-brng" or "bzzz-bzzz-bzzz." Remarkably. we aB seem to understand these weird noises and respond to theln appropriately. At the other end of the line, the switching equipment in the telephone office apparently understands the signals wc send, such as the Inelodic "touch tones" of the push-button dial. The dial tone is actually two tones-two audible frequencies sounded at the sanle time, like a chord on the piano. In North America the standard frequencies are 350 and 44() hertz, which correspond closely to the notes F and A above middle C The busy signal consists of 4() hertz Jnd 620 hertz, interrupted 6() tinles per nlinute. There's also a "fast busy," which uses the same tones but switches on and off 120 times per minute; you get this signal-fornlally known as "all-trunks busy"-when I ----------------- "'-.....-- ------ -\1- ------------- ----- ------- ,---    1IIi I . I . . - In Knoxville, Tennessee, a much larger and somewhat newer central switching office was windowless from the outset. 
THE NORTH AMERICAN NUMBERING CRISIS Of all the shortages that might afflict us, who could have guessed that we would be running out of numbers? Surely that's an inexhaustible resource if ever there was one. But numbers of one particular kind-telephone numbers-have been desperately scarce for the past decade. A North American telephone number has la digits: three for the area code, three for the central-office code, and four for the local-line number. The 1 O-digit format seems to allow for 10billion telephone numbers, starting at 000- 000-0000 and running through 999-999- 9999. That ought to be plenty-enough to give every person on the continent 20 or 30 telephones. But it turns out that not just any 10- digit number can be a phone number. For example, no area code or central-office code begins with a a, because 0 is reserved for dialing the oprator. Forbidding an initial o wipes out 100 possible area codes and a million potential phone numbers within each area. For slightly different reasons, a first digit of 1 is also not allowed, eliminating another 100 area codes and another million phone numbers per area. In part, the prohibition of initial 0 and 1 digits is a legacy of Almon Strowger' s switch- ing mechanism from the 1880s. That device and its descendants were "step-by-step" switch- es, meaning that the machine had to decide what to do with the dialed digits one at a time, without waiting to see what might come next and with no opportunity to go back and change its mind. When you dialed a a, you were immediately connected to the operator, so any subsequent digits would be ignored. For many years there were lots of other restrictions on the format of a valid phone num- ber. Central-office codes avoided 0 and 1 in the second digit as weil as the first. This was because the codes used to have names, such as BUtterfield 8, and on the telephone dial 0 and 1 have no alphabetic equivalents. Area codes, in contrast, always had a 0 or 1 as the middie digit to help distinguish them from central-office codes. In 1947, when the system allowing people to dial their own long-distance calls was First set up, North America was divided into 86 area codes, with another 50 codes held in reserve. The plan allowed for a total of 696,320,000 phone numbers. This is only 7 percent of the la bill ion that would fit in a 1 O-digit format, but it seem ed like more than enough. There were fewer than 50 million numbers in use then, and 213  AZ CA 1947 661 805 1-. ,!18 ru, 626 323 .... 310  714 662 .. . 760 .1." CA 858 AZ 2004 619 planners thought the scheme would last for 300 years. They didn't count on cel! phones, fax machines, beepers, and modems. And they assumed that the system would continue to be controlled mainly by one company, not shared with hundreds of competitors, each demanding its own allocation of numbers. By the late 1980s the miscalculation had become obvious, and the planning authorities began scrambling to find more numbers. They relaxed the restrictions on the format of both central-office codes and area codes. Only the prohibition of 0 and 1 as the leading digit remains inviolate; apart from that, anything goes. The effects of this change have been most dramatic in the case of area codes. Instead of 136 available codes, there are now 800 possi- bilities (all three-digit numbers from 200 to 999). Some of these codes are reserved for special purposes (for example, 411 and 911), leaving 675 "assignabie" codes. More than 350 of these are in use, and most of the rest are spoken for in one way or another. Only 29 uncommitted area codes remain. The proliferation of area codes has changed the telecommunications landscape. In 1947, area code 213 covered all of southern California from Santa Barbara down to the Mexican border and from the ocean to Arizona. Today, 213 designates a few blocks of central Los Angeles, and the rest of its for- mer territory has been carved up into 14 new area codes, with more to come. For a while, it looked like we would run out of numbers completely within just a few years, but conservation measures have eased the cri- sis somewhat. The most important steps have prevented telephone companies from stockpil- ing numbers they don't actually need. Under the old system, numbers were allocated in blocks of 10,000, even if a company needed only a few; the new rules avoid this waste. The latest projections suggest that we'lI use up the last available 1 O-digit telephone num- ber sometime in the 2030s. At that point American telephone numbers will have to grow beyond the traditional 1 0 digits-unless by then we have figured out how to dispense with telephone numbers altogether. 
the system c.m't find an avaibble circuit to reach your destination. Then there's the receiver-oft-=-the-hook tone, the obnoxious noise that grates on you when you forget to hang up. It is made up of four discordant frequencies (1 AOO, 2,060, 2,450, and 2,600 hertz) at a higher volunIe than other 'iignal tones. An earlier off-the-hook warning was a siren-like "howIer" that was so loud there was a risk of ear danldge. The most deceptive ignal is the ound of the te1ephone ringing at the other end of the line, while you're \vaiting for a call to be's a total fake.Yes, it sounds just like a n1Ufiled verliion of a standard te1ephone ringer, but think a nlinute. Telephones these Jays make all sorts of strange bleeps and warbles, but the "ring- back" tone you hear while \vaiting for a call to be answered is always the standard old Bell Systenl ring. In fact, the sound does not COllle fronl the other te1ephone at all; it is generated in your own central office. It consists of tones at 440 hertz and 4HO hertz, cycled on for t\vo seconds and then off for four seconds. The classic old pre-electronic ringer had SOllle lore associated with it. There were two brass gongs, tuned to slightly different pitches, and a steel clapper that bounced back and forth between then1. As the story goes. the 13ell Systenl wanted to encour- age people to answer the phone more quickly, since a ringing ph one ties up equip- ment but generates no revenue. An advertising campaign helped, but what WelS most effective was a ringer so loud, unpleasant, and inlperious that no one could stand to ignore it.As the story came down to tlle fronl a 10ng-titlle Bell employee, "Atllericans are the only people in the world who will internIpt sex to answer the telephone." Dia/ing and Switching. SOllle of the latest, fanciest telephones boast of a voice inter£lce. There's no need to dial a nunlber; you just pronounce out loud, "Call the office." My grandnlother's phone had the sanle feature nlore than 5U years ago. It didn't even have a dial. She just picked up the receiver and said, "Hello Jenny. Would you ring Noretta for nIe, please? Thank you, dear." Jenny and 250,000 other operators (nearly all wonlen) conlprised the principal switching nlechanisnl of the telephone system in that era. What Jenny did in response to nlY grandnl0ther's request was take a plugwire connected to tny grandmother's localloop and insert it into a jack connected to tny Aunt Noretta's line. The possi- bility of autonlating this process had been explored as early as the lR,ms. The story has a quality oflegend about it: Almon 13. Strowger was an undertaker in Kansas City who worried that calls meant for him were being diverted to one ofhis rivals.1t seenlS the operator for the local telephone exchange was the rival's wife. Strowger found a technological fix: a machine for directing calls without human intervention. The heart of Strowger's mechanism was a 10-position selector switch, with a pivoting central arm dut could rotate to connect with any of 1 U electrical contacts arranged in a semicircle. The pivoting arm was nl0ved by an electromagnet, with the help of vJrious springs Jnd ratehets. Each tinle the electromagnet received a pulse of current, it ,ldvanced the ann by one position. In the first network to try Strowger's ide,l, the customer opcrated the switch hy me,ms of push buttons. To di,}l a 7, you 
pressed .1 button sevcn times. thereby scnding seven pulses of currcnt to the electro- lllagnet. The push buttons were soon rcplaced by <1 rot.1ry di.11. which .wtonuted the counting of pulses. Strowger's electrOll1echanical lllarvel nlade "chun-ka-chunk" noises as the rotary switches stepped through their 10 positions. In SOllle later technologies the circuit switching was done by tiny 111agnetic ree& sealed inside glass viaIs; they nlade a quite different sound, like the rustling of insects. Now switching is done by cOlllputers that have no nl0ving p<lrtS, and <111 you hear is the whoosh of ventilating fans. Whatever the switching technology, the control panel that puts you in charge of all this nlachinery is the dialor the nUIllber pad on your telephone. The original dial-the round one with Il' finger holes-works by repeatedly opening a switch and thereby briefly interrupting the local-Ioop current. The schelne behind touch- tone dialing is known officially as DTMF signaling, for Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (a phrase that seenlS vaguely redundant). Each button produces two musical notes at the sanle tinle; the central office listens for these sounds to identify the nUIl1ber you are dialing. The pair of tones asigned to a button depends on the button's position in the keypad: each row .1nd each colml1n has .1 separate frequency. For exanlple, all the buttons in the top row share a frequency of 697 hertz, .wd .111 those in the left- l110st colml1n luve a frequency of 1.20<) hertz; when the central office hears these two frequencies in combination, it knows th.1t a I has been dialed, since that is the button .H the intersection of the top row and left columl1. Four rows and three colmnns provide 12 combinations of tones-two nlore than the 10 digits needed to dial a telephone number. The two extra cOll1binations are the * and # keys. What do you call the # key?You might hear it referred to as the pound sign, the sharp sign or the ha'\h 111ark, but according to official standards of the International Teleconlnlunications Union it is the square. Insiders, however, like to call it the octothorpe.And you thought the phone company had no sense oihmllor! LONG DI STANCE The technology of the localloop really is lowl. There is no boosting or alnplifying of the voice, which linlits the range to a few nliles. Trying to conununicate coast-to- coast with local-Ioop technology, you nlight as weIl just shout. Because of this prob- lenl, telephone conlpanies were essentially disconnected islands for 40 years. The first coast-to-coast telephone call wasn't nlade until 1915. What nlade long-distance service possible was the vacuum-tube amplifier, which works nluch like the audio anlplifier in a hOlne stereo systenl. A faint signal COlnes in one end, and a Inuch stronger copy of the signal goes out the other. Of course, ampli- fiers don't use vacumn tubes anYlnore; the glass bulbs with their glowing filalnents have long since been replaced by transistors and integrated circuits. (It's not a coincidence th.1t the transistor was invented by three employees of the telephone company.) 
To keep the volume up. long-distance calls have to be hoosted again <md <1gain as they make their W<1Y cross-country. SOIl1e lines have an amplifier every eight miles: in others the <unplifiers are as closely spaced <1S one per mile. When you place a call over one of thee wires, your voice decays and is restored to full volUlne hundreds of times along the signal path. In some areas of the country, telephone amplifiers are a cOInmonplace-though generally little noticed-element of the industrial landsc.lpe. They are typically housed in bright stainless-steel canisters, about the size and shape of a five-gallon paint bucket, mounted on a post or attached to a utility pole a few feet above ground level. The cables-one cOIning and one going-enter through the bottOIn of the housing. Both the cables and the c.mister are pre"isurized to keep out lnoisture, so there's an airtight seal <1nd a label warning the repair crew to bleed off the air pres- sure before unlocking the latches, or else the lid lnight fly into the air. An amplifier is a one-way device. Like a telescope, it h<1s <1 snull end and a big end, and you don't want to put a signal through it backward. For this reason anlplified lines can't work the s<une way as local loops. where signals flow in both directions over a single pair of wires. The long-distance network is 111ade up of "four-wire" cir- cuits, with a separ<1te pathway for each half of the conversation. It's quite possible for the two parts of a connection to follow different routes. If you're in Philadelphi<1 and talking to SOIneone in Seattle, wh<1t you say 11light go through Omaha, whereas what you hear lnight conle back via St. Louis or Dallas. This is why you sOInetimes get a connection that's noisy in one direction but clear in the other. - t ,  .  '\'. " - :>; ... " \.' ::'1 .. ,. "'4 r,' ," , \ Aluminum "lobster pots" by the roadside house ampli- fiers for long-distance telephone lines. The amplifiers and the cables they connect to are pressurized to keep out moisture. 
Mult;plex;ng.Although it's called a t()lJr-wire connection, doesn't mean there are tour physical wires between your telephone Jnd the one you're calling. As a nutter of [let, you don't even get one wire all to yoursdf. The phone company syueezes thousands of ca lis onto e.1Ch wire. This is another fornl of the process called lnultiplexing, discussed earlier in the context of the localloop. Multiplexing for long-distance lines works a lit- tIe differently. There are several variations. Frequency multiplexing is much like radio broadcasting. A radio receiver picks up different stations when you turn the dial; all of those signals are in the air at the sanle ti111e, but they don't get lnixed up because they occupy different frequency bands-dif- ferent places along the electrOlnagnetic spectrulll. Telephone frequency nlultiplexing is just the salue. Each conversation rides piggyback on a different frequency band, then all the frequencies are 11lixed together and transn1Ïtted over a single wire. At the far end, the jUluble of signals is delivered to a bank of receivers, each of which is tuned to a sep- arate carrier frequency. In effect, each receiver listens for just one voice, extracting it fronl the hubbub of other conversations. A second forn1 of nlultiplexing is even nI0re bizarre. When you're talking on the telephone, you have the illlpression that there's a continuous, uninterrupted connec- tion between your phone .Ind the one at the other end of the line. Uut on 11l0st out- of-town calls, this is an illusion. The truth is that your voice is bei ng chopped up into thin 'lalallli slices so your conversation can be shumed together with hundreds of oth- ers. You actually hold the line for only one eight-thousandth of a second before you have to surrender to the next party waiting for a chance to talk. In one conUllon schellle for time nmltiplexing, 24 calls are sliced and diced in this way. There's 1110re. The 10ng-dist.l11ce network has gone digital. It's not your voice that goes out over the telephone line. It's not even an electrical analog of your voice. It's just l1Ulllbers, bits, Oll-off pulses like those that race around inside COlllputers. To dig- itize your voice, the telephone syste111 lueasures the height of the sound wave 8,n()() tilnes per second, then translnits the lueasurenlents in the fornl of binary (base-2) nUIllbers. The streanl of data for one digitized conversation anlounts to 64,000 bits per second. At the far end of the line, the nUlllbers are read off the line and used to reconstruct your voice. Digital phone calls can be nlultiplexed even nlore easily than analog ones. You just need to send nlore bits per second. Coax;a/ Cab/eo Wh en telephone engineers first tried squeezing lllultiple conversa- tions onto a single circuit, they used ordinary twisted pairs of copper conductors. They soon ran into problenls. Multiplexing conversations produces high-frequency signals-not just the few thousand hertz that the localloop was designed for, but a nlillion hertz or nlore. High frequencies do weird things to electrical circuits. We tend to think of a wire as a kind of pipe for electricity:The electrons flow through the solid lnetal the way water flows through the interior of a pipe. The electrons are kept fronl leaking out by the insu- lating lnaterial that surrounds the wire, just as the w.lter is confined by the w.llls of 
the pipe. But the metaphor breaks down with high- trequency signals, which are lllore like waves than flowing water. The waves want to spread out in space like rip- ples that spread across the surface of a pond. As a result, less of the wave reaches its destination; the energy is dissipated. Running two closely spaced conductors side by side, as in the twisted-pair arrangelllent. reduces the energy loss to some extent. The waves are partially con- fined to the space between the two conductors. In effect, each conductor shields one side of the other conductor. The scheiBe would work even better if you could shield <Ill sides of a conductor. That's wh<lt coaxial c.lble does, by a clever trick: it puts one conductor in'\ide the other. The conductor in the nliddle is a thin solid wire, which runs through a hollow metal tube. The two conductors are separated by an insulat- BREAK GLASS, PULL LEVER The bright red metal box on the street corner that summons the aid of the fire department is a living fossil among communication systems. The technology goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century, when the telegraph was still a novelty and the telephone undreamt of. The First alarm turned in by a call box was transmitted on April 26, 1852, in Boston. The simplest fire-reporting system would run a separate pair of wires from a central station to each alarm box. Pulling the lever on a box would close a switch and thereby light a sig- nal identifying the specific box. But wire was expensive in 1852, and large cities needed thousands of boxes. To economize, the design- ers of the early systems devised a means of sharing wires, a technique that would now be described as code-space multiplexing-the lat- est trick in cell-telephone systems. In a typical alarm system, one pair of wires runs through many call boxes in series. Under normal circumstances, a current IS always flow- ing through this circuit. Any box can signal an alarm by interrupting the current, but the sys- tem needs some way of identifying which box was activated. The answer is a marvel of nineteenth-century clockwork ingenuity. Inside the box is a spring-driven wheel, with a dis- tinctive pattern of notches on the perimeter When you pull the lever you set this wheel in motion, and each notch momentarily opens a switch that interrupts the circuit and thereby rings a gong at the station. Firefighters are expected to learn the pattern of bells that iden- tifies each call box, although from early years FIRE T J,I OWN -- there have also been devices that record the box number, usually on paper tape. The wheel for call box 312 would have three closely spaced notches, then a blank space, a single notch, a second space, and two more notches. At the station, the box would sound the pattern: "ding ding ding- ding-ding ding." Having the alarm mechanism interrupt a normally closed circuit (rather than close a nor- mally open one) is a fail-safe feature. A break in the wiring is immediately apparent. On the other hand, the alarm system is susceptible to some other kinds of failure. If two alarm boxes are pulled at the same time, the signals they transmit will be garbled. (In the vocabulary of modern networking, the system has no protec- tion against collisions.) Now that telephone service is nearly univer- sal, many cities have dismantled their fire- alarm networks, but others are maintaining them. New England is particularly rich in bright red boxes, but they can also be found in San Francisco, Atlanta, and Buffalo. In many places, the boxes now communi- cate with headquarters over conventional tele- phone wires or even over radio instead of private circuits; and instead of ringing a gong the alarm signal may go directly into the com- puter that runs the municipal 911 system. Interestingly, the company that built the First alarm-box network in Boston in 1 852 is still in the business of making and selling emergency- reporting equipment. It is the Gamewell Company of Ashland Massachusetts. Its emblem can be found on most of the surviving alarm boxes, including the one in the photo- graph, spotted In Concord, New Hampshire. 
\  : ). ....: - On a hilltop in western New Jersey a tower holds aloft a dozen of the sugar-scoop antennas that are the trade- mark of microwave relay links used for telephone traf- fic. The antennas come in pairs, one for transmitting and one for receiving. Each pair is carefully pointed at a matching pair of antennas on another tower 20 or 30 miles away. The configuration of the antennas on this tower suggests that it lies at the intersection of three microwave relay routes. At each of three levels, a set of four antennas is arranged to pass signals along a route aligned on a different compass direction. Hundreds of towers very much like this one were built all across the United States starting in the 1950s; most of them are still standing. A few microwave towers are different in appearance although identical in function. The upper photograph on the opposite page shows a tower in Greensboro, North Carolina, which was given a fancier architectural treatment. Many European microwave towers are even more elaborate. The one in the lower photograph on the opposite page stands in the Italian city of Verona. The large windowed structures below the antenna level hold transmitting and receiving equip- ment that in American practice would be installed in a separate building at ground level. .. .... ., C"I::-::__ .. ......- ...  J '''' 'r . .... . ,..--...-. . I, !.----....--. .. ,  ! I'  ....,,, .: " ., I '"== a - !!  . !-- k  , , , \ 't i , .. V.  'I  ' ,. .' t '0, '. " : " " .. to., I, - 
ing layer, which keeps the inner conductor precisely centered, or coa)o.ial--hence. the nalne. To those who work. with the sHItT, it's just CO<lX (pronounced with two sylla- bles-it's what Aristoplunes thought tl1.1t frogs S<lY), Coaxial cable was an invention of the 19....0s. The first uses were not for ordinary voice telephone circuit but for high-grade broadcasting links, such as a connection in New York City between Radio City Music flaIl <lnd transInitters at the Empire State Building, Olne 15 blocks away. The first long-distance telephone link on coa "( ran frotn New York to Philadelphia and W<lshington. MICROWAVES Pushing on to still higher frequencies. even coaxial cable reaches its lilnits. In the gig<lhertz range-a billion cycles per second or more-the metal conductors of CO.IX begin to disrupt the waves more than they conduct then1. R.uher than try to con- fine the signal to a wire. it would be better to send it through the open air <lS a radio wave. This is the idea of Inicrowave tr<lnsmission. Microwaves get their nalne because their wavelength is short compared with other radio signals. Wavelengths go from a fe\v inches down to less than an inch. Microwaves have a built-in econOlnic advantage. When you lay down thousands of Iniles of coaxial cable, you have to p.l)' not only for the cable itself but also for a right-oF-way across the land. Microwave technology is wireless.You need to buy sites for the towers that translnit the signals, but there's no charge for the use of the air between towers. Out in the countryside, the InicrowJve relay towers of the long-distance network are hard to nliss. They are those giant "ears" or "sugar scoops" pointing in various directions atop a steel tower on high ground. They have to be high becaue Inicrowave links require a clear line of sight between transInitter and receiver. The waves can't go around corners or follow the curvature of the earth or tunnel through a hill that happens to be in their way. The sugar-scoop antennas <Ire properly called horn-reflector antennas. and they work sonlt'what like a nlegaphone to efficiently transInit and receive waves. The dis- tinctive shape is designed to fOrIn the Inicrowaves into a well-defined beam Jt the translnitter end, .lnd to gather in such a bealn at the receiver. (The tr.lnslnitting and receiving antennas look. the same: there's no way of telling thenl apart.) The business end of the antenna is at the bottotn, where the hOrtl tapers down to a narro\v throat. There the sign<ll frotn the transInitter <It ground level is fed into the antenna and trav- els upward. spreading out through the conical or pyramidal part of the horn. At the top the waves bounce otT a surtlCe tilted <It a ....S-degree angle. This surface is not a fbt rlane but a ection of d p<lraboloid-<l '\urface [h<lt, like .l t1ahlight ret1ector. cre- att''' .1 he.lnl of p.lralld ray"_ fht' ht'<Ul1 t'111erge... through the opening at the tront of tht' horn. But the opening l1sl1.Il1y In't re<l11y open: <1 cover of tlbergLtss or fibric . .. : ;jij:P'-'tI" _ 'i IItItI Rgh 'i:: -11-\  11 · II -1 f1 1  
An especially handsome conical horn antenna, made of satin-finished metal, is installed on a low tower in Yuma, Arizona. The fabric cover over the face of the horn is transparent to microwaves. The pipe joined to the bottom of the horn is a wave guide for conducting microwaves; a second wave guide next to it continues up the tower to another antenna. On the opposite page, a small tower at a television station in Norfolk, Virginia, (upper photograph) sprouts multiple microwave antennas in a different style: they are dish- es, drums, domes, and cones. Antennas of this kind are used mainly for private communications links. (The tri- angular structure in the middle of the tower is not a micrDwave antenna but a cellular-telephone antenna.) Another rum antenna (lower photograph) has lost its cover and ence provides a rare glimpse of what's inside the drum. The device on the central stalk emits and receives microwaves, which are then focused by the parabolpidal surface a the back of the drum. The side walls are lined with q fabric that absorbs micro- waves, in order to supprs stray reflections. The anten- na is on a i1illtop commYflitions tower in Trieste, Italy. , \ i t .  : .I .I , --,) I . . ,\  Y I \ \  , .  , I  " . , .. . ... . keeps out nesting birds and insects. The cover materi.ll is transparent to the microw.lVes, and so they escape the horn .1S if through a window. At the receiving end. the waves follow the opposite path. They enter through the window, bounce off the p.lraboloidal b.lCkptll1e. .1I1d are funneled into the throat of the horn; troln there the signal travels down to the receiver below. 
In mot horn rdlectors the horn is a four-sided upside-down pyr,ullid, with a square cross section. But some LIter ,mtennas have a conicl1 horn, with a circular cross section. They .Ire known as circular cornucopia antel1ll.1s-or simply ,IS ice cream cones. Telephone n1icrowave links .Ire one-way circuits, so the horn ,1l1tennas usually con1e in pairs to create .I two-way channel. (SOllletimes ,I third 3ntenn,1 is ,ldded as a spare.) The beams going in opposite directions along the S,l1lle route are oper,lted at slightly different frequencies so .IS not to interfere. WI1Jt limits the distance between towers is not just the need for .In unobstructed line of sight. The nuin lin1it is "rain fade." It turns out that water is a good ,lbsorber of Inicrowaves, and so a he,1VY shower could interrupt transmission. The problem gets wore as the operating frequency goes up. The telephone system uses frequencies near the bottom of the microwave spectnl111, at four gig,lhertz and six gig,lhertz, where the maximum practicdl distance is about 30 miles. Some 11licrowave towers are built next to (or on top of) telephone switching ot1lces, but out in the countryside they tend to st,1l1d in lonelv isolation on hilltops. At the b,lse of the tower you'll find a small building. or hut. that houses the tr,l11S- mitters, receivers. and other electronics. Between the antenn,IS ,It the top of the tower and the hut at the bottom, microwave signals tr,1Vel through wave guides. As noted e,lr1ier, wires are not much good for cIrrying sign,lls in the microwave r,l11ge; they ,let more like ,l11tennas than conductors. A W,1Ve guide is an inside-out wire-a tube with met,ll walls and a hollow interior. In other words, it's a lot like a pipe, and people who work with microw,1Ves refer to wave-guide systen1s as plU1llbing. But the W,IY ,I W,1Ve guide works is n10re complicated than the way a pipe carries water; it's n10re like an organ pipe than a w,lter pipe. The wave guide has to he just the right shape for the 111icrowave signal, typically with an inside didll1eter of half the wavelength. Since the four- and six-gigahertz signals of the telephone systen1 have wavelengths of two or two-and-a-half inches, the wave guides are ,lbout ,HI inch in diall1eter. Wave guides generally go straIght up the tower, without l11aking ,lny bends or turns. Every change in direction can cause disruptive reflections. Indeed, wave guides have .1 reputation for being finicky and temperul1ental-a dent CIn be disastrous, and even .1 tiny spot of corrosion or a loose joint can block transl11ission. The lowest few yards of eelch wave guide are sOllletimes surrounded by 111etal- mesh shielding, which is meant to ,lbsorb any leaks. The shielding protects el11ploy- ees working close to the wave guide. . hgh-intensity l11icrowaves are nasty; thev're what cooks a meal in the l11icrowave oven. Microwave cOll1munication has a surprisinglv long history. A l11icrowave link between I )over and C,llais clrried phone calls (one at a time) as e,lr1y ,IS 193 I, and in the I Y40s a similar connection provided phone service to C,ltalin,1 IsLInd. ofT the CO,lSt of California. But microw,lVe entered the lu,linstre,un onh in the 19S0s. with the completion of the first en,ist-tO-CO,ist chain of rel.ty towers. fhere were 106 of them. Telephone comp,mies h.lve no monopoly OJ} micrnw.1Vt' communic.ltion. Priv,lte Inicrow,lve links USU.ll1y Il.tve ,mtcnn,lS .lre nothing like the sug,lf scoops of \ \ \ . .. .,. ' . .. .. I  f " , L ,  " t II !I ..  . I I 41 I t:  -  I  I  II t. I' I i- ,III  ': II I I;:". I I  I.. " , i-j I :- . . 0  I! ,"oJ: ,  
One of the strangest of microwave antennas sits at ground level below a more conventional microwave tower in Monrovia, Maryland. The antenna is made of concrete and formed part of a communications network design to survive a nuclear attack. I  .- -  .- - - .....  \ ...   " - , , .. . .. the phone COmp,lllY'.; towcrs. Instc,ld, thcy ,lrc mo'\tly '\tnlCtllrc'\-dishes, dome..., drllm ,md cone.... The p,lr,lbolic dih i the b,lil form: ,l conClVe met,ll reflec- tor g,lther parallel ray ,llld brings them to convergence ,It ,l focal point. I )i...h antennas ,Ire better known for their use in ,\,ltellite COmllll111icltioll. Where,ls s,ltellite dishes are usually built at ground level ,Ind point upw,lrd. dishes for terrestridl microwave circuits are l1lounted on towers or rooftops ,md ,Ire ,Iinled horizontally at a sil11ilar unit a few miles aW,IY. The dnll11s, dOt11es, and cones are re,llly dishes in disguise. In each case the rear sur£'lce of the antenna is .I Pdrabolic reflector, with the sal11e shape ,IS a dish. The rest of the structure just offers protection. Private l11icrow,lVe links generally operate ,It a higher frequency than those of the telephone systel11-in bands at about 18 and 23 gigahertz. Rain fade is a nlore serious problenl in these b,mds. Users put up with that nuisance because the antennas are sm,lller and che,lper. In ...Otlle dish antennas the reflector is not a solid sur£'lce but is nude up of tubes or wires arranged in a grid pattern. Looking at this sievelike structure, you l11ight think the micrOW.Ives would just slip right through, but in f.let the porous ...urface nlake d good ret1ector .IS long as the grid lines .Ire cloer together than half a wave- length. Grid reflectors .Ire popular becau...e, while stopping microwaves, they allow the air to sift through. As a result they creclte less wind load thdn a solid retlector, and C.In be nlounted on a flil11sier tower. FIBER OPTICS . All the historical shift... in teleconu11unications technology through the P,l'\t 100 years- frOt11 copper wires to co,lxial cable to l11icrowaves-are wholly oversludowed by the revolution now under way. ()ptical fiber reduces every other transmission l11ediw11 to insignificance. The first fiber-optic telephone link was installed in Chicago in 1976. Within 2() years, nlore th,m 90 percent of all long-distance voice circuits were fiber. I. t Light Pipes. The optical fiber itself is silnple to describe, ,Ilthough making the stuff is a high art. The tiher is a fine ...trand of glass with two concentric byers-the core in the nlidd]e and the cladding surrounding it. 130th layers are glass, but they differ slightly in chelnical cOI11po...ition and phy...ical properties. In particular, the core has a higher index of refraction, which measure... the ,lbility of the glass to bend light rays as they enter or leave. The difference in refractive index has an extraordinary conse- quence: light can beconle trapped inside the core of the fiber, with no leakage through the cladding. In effect, the core is a pipe for light, a pipe whose inner sur- faces are perfect nlirrors. An ordinary lllirror is far frOln perfect-,md the problenl is not just that you always look 1 () pounds heavier ,uld 10 ye,lrs older than you Inight prefer. At the reflecting surface of the mirror, SOlne light is ,Ibsorbed, some is transl11itted, and SOl11e 
gets sc.lttered in the wrong direction. But in\ide the fiber .ll1 effect clUed tot.l] inter- na] reflection eliminates .111 the"l' losse". Light fays in the core bounce off the cbdding without lo"ing .ll1Y of their intensity. Nothing leaks out. Total intern.ll reflection sOl11Hh like magic, but it's really not "0 exotic. If you win1 under\vater .111d look up at the surf:1ce, the silvery p.ltches are areas of tot.ll internal reflection, \\-here light can- not esclpe fi-OIn the \\".lter into the .lir. The gl.1"s in optical fiber" to be extr.lOrdin.lrily transparent. When you look through .l windo\\ pane, it seems enough, but you are looking through .1 thicknes of only an eighth of.ll1 inch. If you try looking into the edge of a heet of gla\, all you will see is a deep, dark emer.lld green. Not much light gets through fr0111 edge to edge, eyen over a distance of only a foot or two. Trying to push light through thouands of mile" of such glass would be tot.llly impr.lCtic.ll. like ro\\ ing a boat acros\ dry Lmd. It is the development of e)o,.ception.llly clear glass that has Inade long-distance tlber optics possible. The fiber is not only nl0re transp.lrent than window glass; it i\ also more transp.lrent than the cleare"t water or the clearest air; the only thing clearer is nothing at .lll-the V.lCuum of outer sp.lCe. The key to .lChieving this clarity i to elim- inate all impurities from the glass. since even rare contaminant atOlns absorb light. The impurity that's hardest to get rid of is water, which Iowly sneaks into the fiber throughout its life, no matter how carefully the glass is sealed. Apart from absorption, another problenl is '\c.lttering, where light strikes tiny iIHperfections and bounces out of the fioer. 130th causes of attenuation have been reduced to such a low level that light can go through 51) miles of fiber .1nd lo"e only 1 percent of its strength. Alnlo'\t all opticll fiber today carries digital rather than analog signals. At the input end of the fiber .1 laer Hashes on .1Ild ofT to represent the ones and zeros of the dig- ital ignal. At the other end is a detector 'OInewh.It like the photocell in a burglar alann. The ba\ic ide.l i\ not fund.l1llent.dly different frOl11 the flashing lights used to comnmnicate between "hips .It e.l. But the laser flashe ofT and on far faster than any sailor could blink .1 ign.lllight. There are fiber" clpable of carrying 129,024 eparate voice ch.l1lnels an .It the '\ame tiIHe-the telephone chatter of a brge city funneled into a single fine thre.ld of glass. In terIns of digit.ll data, that's about 10 billion bits per second. Fiber on the Landscape. Delicate glass fibers are not just strewn across the coun- tryside b.lre. They come P.1ckaged in many layers of protection. One etTect of .111 this c.1sing is fiber clbles don't look at all glaslike. They look so nluch like ordinary copper wires that many phone companies put special colored tags or markers on then1 to \\".un rep.lir cre\\". lest a ha"ty snip of the lineI11an's pliers cut off a hundred thous.l11d phone cllls to Clevel.1nd. B.lre optical tIber i .1S fine .lS .1 luir, but stiffer .111d more fi-.lgile. The outer di.lm- eter of the gLls" cl.ldding is 125 miLTometers. which is .lbout one two-hundredth of .11l 111ch. rhe core i, anI)  or <) micrometer, 111 di.lmeter rhe tIr'\t rrotective Llyer surrounding the fiber IS .1 co.lting of lurd .1crylic pbstic .1Pplied .IS the fiber i<; I I \ I .' --  Fiber-optic cable strung on utility poles often bears yel- low or orange warning tags {above}. The warning does not signify that there is anything dangerous about the cable; rather, it is meant to warn off repair crews who might mistake optical fiber for an ordinary copper cable. The sheath of a fiber-optic cable may also offer identifying information {be/ow}, including distance in feet or meters. . . o I I ! 
"""- ..... -- ,/- . Spare hanks of fiber-optic cable, stored on various overhead fixtures, have become one of the most visible signs of the rewiring of the communications infrastruc- ture. The extra cable is left in place to facilitate repairs or minor rerouting of the line. It has to be stored in a manner that avoids sharp kinks, which could damage the fiber. The most common fixture is the eyelet or thim- ble seen in the top photograph; usually, a pair of thimbles is installed, and the spare cable is looped around them in a figure-eight arrangement. There are also various other loops and coils. being nunufactured. 1 he pbstic helps tc, keep out moisture ,Illd to prevent nick or breaks. It brings the thickne...s of the fiber up to either 250 or 5()() micrometer...-.l qu,lrter or half a 111illin1eter. The coated fiber i... encased in a ...till thicker LIver of platic called a nuffer. Then n1ul- tiple buffered fibers are gathered together in group'" to 111ake a fiber-optic caHe. Cables include as l11.lny as 96 fibers. along with a steel or Kevlar ...trength Inell1ber, all ...ur- rounded by plastic ,1nd fabric sheaths. In some buried Cc1bles there.... al...o a layer of '-Iteel armor. The arn10r ,1fford SOl11e protection against the hazard... of pick and ...hovel, but it... n1ain purpose is to discourage the scourge of all buried wiring: gopher.... A fiber-optic cable with 9h fibers represents a conll11unication flow of Amazonian diluensions. Each fiber carries ...ignals in only one direction, ,0 there are 4 pair for two-way cOl1ununication. If all 4 pair... were running at the InaxinlUlll rate in COl11- n10n use today, they could carry n10re than six l11illion converations; in other words, nearly everyone in the city of New York could talk to SOlneone in Lo.; Angeles, all over a single cable roughly an inch thick. Fiber gets in...talled both underground and up on utility pole.;. The buried cable, of course. is out of sight. but there are often clear signs on the surface to indicate what's below-n10re so than with many other kinds of underground infrastructure. Most telecollllnunications cOll1panies put up plastic posts or pylons along the route. SOluetin1es the cable is buried directly in the soil by digging a slit trench with a power tool that looks like a jumbo chainsaw. [n built-up areas the fiber cable may run through a conduit, which is often a colorful, flexible plastic pipe. about two inch- e... in dian1eter. The conduit offers a bit of extra protection, but its m,lin purpose is to allow the cable to be replaced or supplemented with ,1dditiOlul cables without hav- ing to dig up the entire right-of-way. Small concrete vaults every few hundred feet proyide points of access where the fiber can be fi...hed out if needed. COlnpanies take pains to protect fiber cables against dal11age- Fiber is in1nlune to the rain fade that aillicts nlicrowave conll11unication, hut it is vulnerable to "backhoe fade." When a single ...trand of glass can carry such an enorn10US volUl11e of traffic, a cable cut can be very diruptive. Fiber-optic cables strung up on utility poles look renurkably like ordinary copper wires, but there are several ways to ditinguish them if you know what to look for: · At each pole there is likely to be a little ...lack to allow for thennal expanion and contraction. Son1etin1es the steel lllessenger wire that upports the fiber-optic cable is clalnped directly to the pole, but the fiber itself i allowed to droop a few inches below it. · Lengths of extra cable are coiled like a garden ho...e near a pole or looped around teardrop-haped eyelets, called thilnble. The thil11bles are grooved metal guides that ensure the cable bends sn100thly, without .;harp kinks. Why are lengths of extra fiber hung all along the route? After all, you never '-lee ...uch ...pare footage in a Inetallic cable. The nlotive for providing extra fiber is to 111ininuze the number of splice.... Without a spare loop, a break in the cable would have to be repaired by inserting a p,ltch, which 
... \ ,F. 4 -  t't I'll 10-' w" IT I " 111 1 . -r-.  "- ? / I III.   ..... - ,  ; 1 I  " .. Ineelnl\ ddding two splices. If sonle slack cable is available nearby, it can be pulled through to close up the break with just a single splice. · A fiber-optic cable hal\ no shdrp turns or kinks. Because glass is nl0re brittle theln copper, a sharp turn can break the fibers. As a rule of thunlb, the nlininlum bending radius is 1 () time the dianleter of the cable. · SOlne cOlnmunications cOll1panies 1nark fiber lines with a bright orange or yel- low tag attached to the cable or the pole, Inainly for the benefit of repair crews. · The cable itselfhds identifying nlarkings printed on the outer jacket by the nlan- ufacturer. The letters ()F are part of the product code for all the COlnnl0n fiher types. SOlne nunu£lcturers aha nlark the cdble with sequential nunlbers every foot or every Dleter, to help in tracking down breaks or defects. Fiber-optic routes tend to follow existing rights-of-way, such as highways elnd rail- roads, pipelines <lnd power transll1ission lines. One long-distance communications cOlnp<lnv begdn <lS an operator of natural-gas pipelines. In the 1980s they found thenlselves with several thousand Iniles of pipe that was no longer adequelte for carrying high-pressure gas. Rather than refurbish the pipe, they decided to run fiber through it and becOlne a wholesaler of conununications bandwidth. (Later, they returned to pumping gas.) Several electric-power utilitie<; have also gotten into the conlnlunications business. Typically they enlploy el <;pecial cable with fiber in<;ide a conductive alunlinunl sheath. The cable il\ hung at the pinnacle ot electric transnli<;sion towers, above the nlain power conductor..., where it doe... double duty: carrying comnlunications traffic and I\erving a" an aerial ground wire to protect the power systenl fronl lightning strikes. Anlazingly, this h<lzardous electrical environment has no effect on the streanl of data bit" and chitchat Howing through the gL1SS fiber. Getting Spliced. With copper wiring it's very edSY to Inake connections. You can just twist two conductors together. and the electrons will find their way through. With fiber optics, in contr.1St, <;plicing is a delic..lte .md difficult operation, calling for the kind of mi<Tol\urgery rejoin.. ..evered blood ve<;sels or nerves. Another way that fiber has brightened the industrial landscape is with multicolored coils of plastic conduit. When several fiber cables are all buried in the same trench, each runs through a differently colored conduit as an aid to identification. These reels of conduit were photographed in a supply yard in Toledo, Ohio. Marker pylons warning of buried optical fibers have sprouted like weeds along many roadsides. 
First, you hLlve to se.MrLlte the individuLll tlber, remo\ ing the outer shedth dnd the buffer tube. Then, the Llcrylic pla"tic cOLlting on the gbss fiber Ius to be stripped away. Thi i a trIcky tep becau....e dny nIcks or "crdtche" in the fiber could le.lVe .1 wedk IN SEARCH OF CYBERSPACE Surely the most remarkable recent development in communications-both technologically and sociologically-is the sudden blooming of the Internet. A few. years ago it was the exclusive playground of an academic and government elite, but now almost everyone makes frequent visits to the place called cyberspace. But where is that, exactly? The Internet has become a part of our daily lives, and yet there's scarcely any physical evidence of its existence. There are plenty of telephone wires and cable-TV wires out there, but where are the Internet wires? The short answer to this question is that most Internet traffic goes over the same hard- ware facilities as telephone conversations. The high-capacity Fiber-optic cables that crisscross the continents don't know or care what kind of information they transmit. It's all just bits-tele- phone calls, Web surfing, e-mail, download- ing an MP3 file. The same fiber carries it all. At a higher level, however, the Internet does have an infrastructure distinct from that of the telephone network. The telephone system is described as a circuit-switched network. When you dial a phone number, a circuit is dedicat- ed to your conversation for the duration of the call. The Internet is different. It's a pocket- switched network. Messages of all kinds are broken down into small bundles of bits called packets, which navigate the network indepen- dently from source to destination. Each packet has to be individually addressed so that the nodes of the network, called routers, will know where to send it From this point of view, the best answer to "Where is the Internet?" might be "Wherever the routers are." The biggest concentrations of large routers are at sites called peering points, where inde- pendent networks come together to exchange packets. When an Earthlink customer sends e- mail to an America Online subscriber, the mes- sage crosses from one network to another at a peering point. But where are the peering points, and what do they look like? A decade ago, when the Internet was first cut loose from government control, a few peer- ing points were set up as cooperative under- takings by major network operators. In 1997 I had an opportunity to visit one of those places, called MAE-East, which was then the largest peering point in terms of traffic volume. On maps of the Internet, MAE-East appeared as a grand hub, where dozens of lines converged from all directions. When I got there, I found that this center of the virtual universe was a cinder block enclosure in one of the under- ground levels of a parking deck in suburban Virginia. Inside, floor-to-ceiling steel racks were lined up like library bookshelves, and great multicolored rivers of cable-orange and yellow Fiber optics, creamy thin coax, gray-jacketed bundles of copper-flowed through overhead trays and cascaded down the sides of the ---- racks. Harsh light poured out of fluorescent tubes; the air was filled with the white noise of a hundred computer cooling fans and a hint of battery fumes. Soon after my visit, MAE-East moved out of the parking deck, and today most peering points occupy digs that are decidedly upscale. The machinery is installed in the kind of look- but-don't-touch glasshouse where corporate mainframe computers were kept on exhibit for so many years. A raised floor keeps all that beautiful wiring out of sight. But in one respect nothing has changed: Peering points and other major Internet facilities still try to be inconspic- uous. If they don't actually conceal their whereabouts, they don't advertise it either. Nevertheless, a few clues sometimes give away the secret. If you discover a nondescript office building with two huge diesel generators for backup power and dual air-conditioning systems, that building may well house more than clerks in cubicles. The windowless con- crete building in the photograph below mayor may not be a peering point in Pennsauken, New Jersey.  ..  
spot. Next, you need to cre.1te s11100th. tlat, clean surfaces on the end<; of the fibers to be mated. The fiber is sn.1pped to get a fresh surface, then polished using tech- niques that go back to the centuries-old art of grinding lenses and n1irrors. Now COlnes the lnost crucial stage: aligning the fibers. It's not enough just to line up the outer edges; what counts is that the fiber cores lneet head-on. The actual fusion of the two n1ated fibers is fairly simple. It's done with an electric arc that heats the glass to near the Inelting point so the fibers grow together in a pern1anent bond. Fiber-optic splicing is not the kind of job you would want to do while hanging fron1 a climbing belt 20 feet up a utility pole. It's an operation that needs a clean roon1 and a l11icroscope. I t's usually done in a specially equipped truck or trailer. OVER AND UNDER THE SEA Surprisingly, the first transatlantie telegraph cable was laid in 1 S57, four years before the United States was spanned by a coast-to-coast overland line. On the other hand, the first transatlantic telephone cable was not completed until 1956, a century later. For the first undersea telegraph cables the key probleIll was insulation. The plas- tics used today were unknown, and rubber wouldn't last in sea\Vater. The nlaterial of choice turned out to be gutt.1-percha, a reddish resin extracted £i-0111 an Asian tree. Gutta-percha still has uses in dentistry but is not a n1ajor c01111nodity in world trade. However, the plan to wrap 2,3uO luiles of capper wire in gutta-percha created quite a bonanza for the sl11a11 London cOlupany that in1ported the stuff. They did not let the opportunity slip through their fingers: the Gutta-Percha COlllpany is now known as Cable & Wireless, one of the largest international telecon1111unications cOlllpanies. The first transatlantic cable was the project of Cyrus Field, an Alnerican entrepre- neur oflegendary patience and persistel1ce.When the 1857 cable was conlpleted after n1any trials and n1ishaps, there \vas a jubilant celebratiol1 on both si des of the ocean, with an exchange of Inessages between Queen Victoria and President Buchanan, and newspaper editorials predicting a new era of perpetual world peace. Then, a n10nth later the cable stopped working. The failure was not fron1 natural causes; the cable had been operated at too high a voltage and essentia11y had burned out. RUlnors cir- culated that it had never worked in the first place-that the whole project had been a hoax and a stock-lnarket fi-aud. Nothing daunted. Field raised 1110re capital to lay another cable .1nd, af ter many nlore adventures, finally established reliable transat- lantic telegraph service in 1 R66. Because of the great length of an intercontinental cable, the crisp on-off pulses translllitted from one end \\ere sn1eared out into mushy, gradual changes in voltage by the tin1e they were received at the £1r end. This degr.1d.1tion of the signallilnited the ending speed to about 1 () \Vords per minute. Prices were high, roughly $10 a word. And yet there was no short.1ge of customers; Field's cable paid for itself with- in a ye.1r. Dy 192H there were 21 telegr,lph cahles across the Atlantic. 
A Stonehenge of long-range radio antennas at Dixon, California, seems as mysterious-and perhaps as anti- quated-as the stone circle on Salisbury plain. The site once handled all telephone calls to Hawaii and Japan. Outgoing signals were transmitted from Dixon; the incoming half of the conversation was received at Point Reyes, California, 50 miles away. It is now a Navy installation. I Telegraph cables worked '" ith'-.HJt repeater\ or <lll1plitlers, but telephone sign.lls could not travel nearly enough without being hoosted, .md so undep,ea telephone service could not begin until vacuum-tube .1lnplitler'\ were .lv.liLlble. Furthennore. an1plifiers working on the botton1 of the ocean would have to be extraordinarily reli- able; you couldn't just send out a repair crew every time a tube burned out. Because of the an1plifier problen1, the first overseas telephone service was based on radio rather than subn1arine cables. For transatlantic traffic a translnitter ')t'ltion was built in 1927 at Rocky Point on the north shore of Long Island; the corresponding receiving station was at Houlton, Maine (nowadays the end of the road for Interstate 95).These were "long-wave" stations, operating at frequencies below the l110dern A:\.l broadcast band. They could accon11110date just one call at a til11e, and only if the weather and sunspots cooperated. A three-111inute ca)] to England cost $75. The trans- n1itting and receiving installations had to be separated <;0 that the signal fron1 a near- by translnitter wouldn't swall1p the receiver and drown out the fainter signal fron1 across the ocean. A few years later high-frequency (or short-wave) radiotelephone service began. For transatlantic links, all the stations were in New Jersey, with trans111itters at La\\Tenceville and Ocean Gate and receivers at Mdnahawkin and Netcong. On the I 1  1 1 . ! . 
West (:O<lSt, for c<Ills to I b\\<Iii and JIP<ll1. .1 gre<It comple"\: of powerful tr<ll1smitters was built at I )ixon, Californi<l. near Sacramento. with receivers at Point Iteyes, north of San Francisco. An early tet of amplifier for 5ublnarine telephone cables W.lS nldde on the route from Key West, Florida, to I bvana, a distance of 125 nliles. The cable, bid in 1 <)50, rell1ained in service until 1 <)H<), overcOIning politicdl as well a technological odds. The first truly oceanic telephone cable was T A T- 1, which crosed from N e\yfound- land to Scotland and was completed in 1956. It could handle 35 sinlultaneou two- way conversations. The technology of T A T-l \vas analog translnission over coaxidl cable, with amplifiers spaced every 40 lllile. The 102 submerged repedters had .1 total of 1,608 vaCUllln tubes-not one of \vhich f.liled in the first 10 years of operation. Fiber optics has transfoflned undersea telephony just a it has the dry-land kind. No one will ever again build a cO<l"Xial sublnarine cable. The first transatlantic fiber cable, TAT-S. was conl1nisioned in 1987 and is still operating. It runs from Tuckerton in outhern New Jerey out <lCros the Atlantic and then branches to Widenl0uth, England. and PeI1l11<lrch. France. The clble include three pair of fibers-two for active service <l11d one as a sp<lre. The cable also has l11etallic conductors to supply power to 125 <unplifiers. p<lced every 31 miles. The latest TATs-numbers 12 <ll1d 13-have just a single p<lir of fibers. but their capacity is five billion bits per second, equivalent to almost 80,000 voice channels. Furthermore, they are all-optical systeills, with no nletallic conductors. Instead of conventional electronic repedters, they have optical alnplifiers, which use a special laser to boost the light signal without converting it to electronic fOrIll. By their very nature, suhnlarine cables don't otfer the industrial sightseer nluch to look at. After all, they're at the bottom of the ocean. And where the cdble conles ashore, it doe not just enlerge ti-OIll the \yaves on d bdthing beach. Cable cOlnpdnies look for a heltered landing site. On the East Coa"it of the United States, nlost cables COlne ashore in bays behind andy barrier islands. CELLULAR TELEPHONES Along with the Internet. the cell phone has totally changed the way we conlllluni- cate. But whereas the Internet is almost invisible on the landscape, the cellular tele- phone system has clunged the skvline as well as the ainvaves. The antenna towers stand out-nl0st of theln are ISO or 2uO feet high-and they are everywhere. Cellubr service in the United States began in 19x3. Twenty years later there were Inore than 100,nOO to\vers. A whole new infrastructure h<ls InushroOlned up. The key to the cellular-phone system is not just building a wireless telephone: the portable two-way r<ldio-the w<llkie-talkie-h<ls been <lround for decIdes. The trick j, to build <1 ",.irele..., phone '\ytem that can handle nlillion!\ of call '\imultaneously. and do it with no more dUll ,1 few hundred ,lV,liL1hle ti-equency ch,mnels. The cellular telephone tower, an artifact utterly unknown to the public a little more than 20 years ago, has become so commonplace that visual clutter from the towers is a contentious issue. The classic specimen shown here was photographed in 1996, when it was sparkling new, against the pure blue sky of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The white pods are direc- tional antennas, pointed toward three cells that meet at the site of the antenna tower. The tall masts extending above the rest of the structure are omnidirectional antennas used for tracking the location of cell phones.  \ I l- I. .,   .... ,; I l  . . : "'- 
A gallery of cellular telephone towers (opposite page) suggests both the variety of designs and the features they have in common. The main common element is the prevalence of triangular motifs: most of the towers have antenna elements pointing toward three adjacent cells. From left to right and top to bottom, the towers were photographed in Richmond, California; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Berlin, New Jersey; lincoln, Nebraska; Vaughn, Ontario; and Durham, North Carolina. The tower in lincoln is notabie in that it has seven decks of antennas, the most I have seen on a single tower. Mobile-telephone service W,lS otrered in l.1rge ei ties long hetore the cellul.1r ide,l canle .:tlong. I::ach city Iud one centr,ll st,ltion with a t,lIl anten na tower. ,md every nIobile phone in the area conul1unicated through that tower. To keep ca lIs separ,lte- so you could hear only your own conversation-each caIl had to be Jssigned .1 sep- ar,lte frequency. Actually, a caIl needed two frequencies, one for the uplink (nl0bile to base st.ltion) and the other tor the downlink (base to nlobile). In each city there were only 2.... frequencies available, so there could never be nl0re than 12 caUs active at any one tiIl1e. This situation put asevere constraint on the nunlber of Inobile- phone subscribers. In all of New York City there \vere never nl0re than a thousand- and most of theIn sp ent nIore tinle waiting for a free channel than they did talking. Adding nl0re frequencies is an obvious way to ease this problenl, and the Federal Conlnlunications COlnnlission (FCC) has allocated several new blocks of frequencies for nlobile service. But the electromagnetic spectrunl is a finite resource; there are sinlply not enough channels to go around. What's needed is SOllle kind of nlultiplexing so that nlany phones can use the saI11e fiequency. The solution adopted in the cellular- telephone systenl aI110unts to spatialmultiplexing: a region is divided into nlany sl11all territories called cells, each with its own base station and antenna. Then the SU11e fi-e- quencies can be used in nuny difierent celIs. Two nlobile callers can occupy the sanw channel provided they are not too close together. As long as you can keep subdivid- ing the cells to cover snlaller ,lnd snlaller ,lreas, there's really no linlit to the nUll1ber of sinlUltaneous calls. And the process has an incidental benefit: since the transll1ission range is shorter, the nlobile phone doesn't need as nlUch power, allowing it to be l11ade snlaller and lighter. The price for this expanded capacity is an increase in cOlllplexity. When SOllleone calls you on your cell phone, the systeul has to figure out where you are at the nlO111ent so it can route the call to the appropriate cell tower. If you ae cruising down the freeway as you chat, the phone nlay leave the initial ceU and cross over into another. At that point the systenl has to c0111plete an intricate handotf operation, transferring control to a new base station, instructing your phone to switch to anoth- er pair of frequencies, and rerouting the land-line part of the call. The whole hand- off process takes place in nlilliseconds; it can happen in the nliddle of a word and you'll never knov.- it. (It can also fail totally, dropping the call without warning.) The Cel/u/ar Honeycomb. If you were going to l11ap out an array of ceUs for tele- phone service, your first inlpulse nlight be to carve up the territory into a neat grid of squares, like city blocks. But nature offers a better model: the hexagonal honey- C0111b pattern. Why is it better? With a tower in the nliddle of each cell, you want to reach the farthest corners but intrude as little as possible into neighboring celIs. Hexagons produce nluch less overlap than squares. lteal cells are Seld0111 perfectly regular hexagons, because hills and buildings diC\- tort the radiation pattern. Besides, you can't always put a tower exactly where you w,mt one.And because thc population ofll1obile-phone users is not spre,Ki unifonnly 
I. I , . '"  ", 11 I i 'I. I I I. It I  - .' : 'l , I f' I , I' *I I .  I d I, f, I I r:' ;. I J I, [, \ 1 11 r i J . -, " I I  ):J j II   iJ.. ,. I r I . "(... 'f.. , .. " . .iI 
Cellular towers incognito (opposite page) have become more common as opposition to the prolifE>ration of antennas has grown more adamant. The preternaturally tall pine tree is in Cary, North Carolina, although there are a number of others like it. The stand of saguaro cactus (one is the real thing, two are fakes housing antennas) is in Fountain Hills, Arizona. The mast with the swept-wing weathervane is part of an artwork by Tom Grubb commissioned by the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Many other cellular antennas take advantage of tall structures that would poke up into the skyline in any case. Shown here are antennas fitted to a shopping center sign near Media, Pennsylvania, a smokestack in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and a water tower in Metuchen, New Jersey. Of the disguised tow. ers, only the cactus would be likely to fool anyone. I found the illusion convincing, but the detail photo below reveals the truth. 'I . .t'",.; . .i ' , . . I . 1 t \ -- \ I \ I> 8t..  .  over the country. some pL1ce<; need 11l.l1lY 1l1.111. closely p.lCked cell" where.1s other .1rea can get .llong with just .1 few big ones. In spite of .11l these distortions. though. e1 nup of cel1 boundaries is "till recognizable .1S a honeycomb, even if it's one made bv slightly drunken bees. There's one Inore trick to the geometrv of the cellular sy<;tenl. Putting el tower in the nliddle of each cell obviously calls for one tower per cell. It nlay seen1 like there's no way to reduce this investInent, but in f.lct it's possible to do much better, proyid- ed vou can use directional antennas, which radiate preferentially on one side. A tower erected at the point where three hexagonal cells conle together can carry direction- al antennelS pointed toward each of the .ldjacent celk This 'trateg)r requires only one- third as nlany towers on average. fvlo,t cell-phone sy,tenlS are lelid out in this way, and that's why you u'ually see a triangular array of antennelS atop a cell-phone tower, a ,ort of three-cornered hat. I3ecau,e of overlap elnd interference, nearest-neighbor cells Celnnot use the saIne sets of frequencies. Sonle celreful planning is needed to nuke sure that all the cells get theIr fair share of the available frequency sp.lce. You can think of the problenl as one of coloring the cells on a Inap so that no two adjacent cells have the saIne color. Mathe111aticians know this can .llWelYs be done with no nlore than four colors. nlean- ing that the cOInplete list of frequencies could be ,plit up into just four sets. A given hexagonal cell might use only the red frequencies. elnd it would be surrounded by cells assigned green. blue. and yellow frequencies. The neare<;t cells also using the red frequencies would be one cell beyond the innermost ring of neighbors. In practice. designers try to ensure even greener distcl11ce between cells that share a fi-equency clssig111nent. COInmon plans use either seven or nine colors-that is, they divide the available frequencies into seven or nine groups. The Base Station. Cell-phone towers COllle in all description". Sonle are built out of a <;teel lattice like the ,tanchions of electric power translni"ion lines. SOl1le are tubular pylons, like over,ized ,treetlight poles. Most dre about ISO feet high. The antenna, at the top of the tower COIne in two ba,ic types (with dozen of Ininor variations). Directional antennelS are lelrge, rectangular, podlike structures t) p- ically hung on the outside of a triangular fralnework as if they were bmnpers fend- ing off ,tray Celr" and trucks. They radiate or receive in the direction they elre facing, usually covering a £It wedge equivalent to one-third of el full circle. The other anten- nel type IS a pole, or whip, roughly 1 () feet high and l1lost often sticking up above everything else. This is an O1llnidirectional elntenna; it radiates or receives equally well in all directions. In form it' not much different fimn a car radio antenna. A given cellular tower could have either directional or OIllnidirectional antennas or, very frequently, smne of both. ( )ne arrangelnent hels three directional antennas at the vertices of an equilateral trielngle, \.vith three omni antennas poking up above them. The directional antenna, are for receiving, emd the omni antennas for trans- mitting. Another uses a total of nine directimul antennas, with three bolted to 
BEY BUP&.R _ W AJi!:,.A GE -;: ...... = DAIo4S AND 'L $1999WINTER LAGER 5 CAli a.LV sl 9 .. \.. . "  , " , I" " .. .- SIG I !C Patmark  r MIID"'" II RadioS hack  >f I < , '",.""  .....--, ;. . , ", J, ,I, II-II . ;/ !I [I "  -' -, " ':',   I :. 'II   .  1\. 1 t . .. .c .. . . . .. T .' r -f' _ t \ I I 
Even the base station that provides service to mobile phones can itself be made mobile. These truck-mounted cellular antennas were on duty in Lower Manhattan in November 2001 . ,I., t   I l J ..,..... ...., . +-  . =.=-- .,. - " I) . e.Kh Ide of the tn.l11guL1r tJ-.l111e. Two of the .111tenn.b t.King in e.Kh direction Ire tor receiving. .1I1d the third (usually set \Iightly .1p.lrt from the other,) 1\ for tr.l11smitting. Tower, that use directional .11ltennas for both tr.l11mitting .111d receiving usu.llly h.we at least one O1nnidirectional .111tel11lcl a, well. It's used for measuring the sign.II strength of mohile unit, in the area; infof1nation fi-om this .111tenna tells the svstem when to hand a call off from one cell to anothel. It you look carefully at the directional antennas, you m.l)' notice th.1t they point downward slightly. as if they've drooped a little. Thi i, not sloppy installation. The angle is caretlllly calculated, cllong \\ ith the antenna height and the signal ,trength. to cover the entire cell as uniformly a, possible while Ininimizing overbp with other cells. SOlnetilnes you can see the c,lbles that feed the ,mtennas. They are thick.. bbck- sheathed coaxial c1bles, one tar each antenna, fonning a bundle that em be more conspicuous against the ,ky than the structure of the tower itself. At ground level the cable, lead into a hut or equipment cabinet housing the transmitters. receivers, and other gear. The equipment racks in the hut hold one transmitter .111d one receiver for each channel the ceI] can handle. Also in the hut is the equipment needed to con- nect the cell-phone systen1 to the Lmd-line network. The ceI] needs the equivalent of one voice circuit for each tWO-W.11' radio channel. Mo,t often the connection i, nude over a buried coaxial cable or optical fiber, but ,ln ,llten1.ltive is J Inicrowave link. In the latter ca,e you'l1 ,ee a dnllu-type or dOlne-type Inicrowave ,l11tenna nlounted partway up the tower. The ba,e ,tation is a cell phone's point of contact with the global network, but it's not where the intelligence of the systenl resides. All the cells in an area funnel their c1lls through a central £'lcility, ctlled a Mobile Telecommunic,ltions Switching ()ffice, where cOlnputers keep track of phone locations .111d choreogr,lph the h.l11doffs. They alo handle the billing. . Cellular Proliferation. Most of the telecommunications industry is gLlCidlly con,er- vative ,md ,hy of novelty. (:onvention,ll telephone lurdw,lre has evolved so ,lowly tlut you cm ,till plug in a 19....0, desk telephone and expect it to work. with the mod- ern network. But the cellular-telephone business Ius not inherited this philosophy of comp,nibility in perpetuity. In the cell world. every shiny new idea gets its chance. No one seems to be afraid of Inaking last ve,lr's model obsolete. The oldest cellular-phone sy,tem. called A;\1PS. or Adv,l11Ced Mobile Phone Service. use, ,malog comnn1l1ications technolob'Y. In the United St,ltes it is the lowest- common-denOlnin,ltor systenl th,lt nlost phones [llJ back on if they are out of r,lnge of other services. A1\t1PS has a total of 666 frequency ch,l11nels. but 42 are used for control rather th,m comnlunication-tar tracking phone, ,., they move anlong the cells-\vhich leave, 624 frequencie, for voice circuits. Since t\vo frequencie, are needed for each cOllvers,ltion. J system consisting of one big cell could serve 312 L1ller, at once. J Jividing the cOlnplete et of frequencie into even groups le,lVes e,lCh cell wIth the 
capacity to handle 40 to -1-5 tWO-W<lY convers<ltiom.. This is the number tlut govern... the size and the Ltyout of the cells. E<lch cell should be s111all enough that it will sel- dom conuin more dun 411 or 45 subscribers who want to use their phones at the same time. In a busy downtown neighborhood, a cell just a few blocks across might strain this limit. Out in the countryside, you might go for miles before meeting a cowboy holding a phone to his ear. Mo...t of the newer cell systems transmit digital signals between the mobile phone and the base station, unlike the <malog Atv1PS system. They also <ldd new kinds of mul- tiplexing to increase the number of simultaneous calls per cell. One n1Ultiplexing scheme is cl11ed Time 1 )ivision Multiple Access, which <111ows up to 24 telephones to share the same band of frequencies. It's done by compressing your voice into a burst of data that lasts about half a millisecond; then your phone waits politely while the other 23 take their turns before sending the next burst. Another multiplexing process c<l11ed ( 'ode Division tv1ultiple Access spreads the voice signal over <1 wide band of fi-e- quencies, then reassembles it at the other end of the connection. For a dec<lde, several inc0111p<ltible digital cellular systenls in the United States have been c0111peting for subscribers as well <IS for places to erect their <lntenna towers. Although the contest is not quite over, it looks like the winner will probably be GStv1. a sundard imported from Europe-although the American implenlentation is inc0111- patible with equipment ill the rest of the world. Base stations for 111any of the newer digital cellular systems are more c0111pact than older ones. The antenna nlast 111a)' be ju...t a... high, but the antenna eleI11el1ts are snlall- er and Hlore closely spaced, and the equipment hut at the base of the tower looks nlore like a file cabinet and less like a house trailer. Another new developI11ent is a kind of 111iniaturized cellular system meant specif- ically for use in center-city neighborhoods, with "'nlicrocells" that cover only d few hundred yards. The Il1icrocell antennas are "'quare, book-size panels being hung on streetlight pole... and trattic signals and tucked away under the eaves and cornices of buildings. Keeping the antenna below rooftop height helps limit the signal to a small radius. The...e ventures are in flux, and it's not clear whether they will succeed in conl- petition with the larger cell systenls. The sudden blooming of cellular antenna towers all over the landscape has pro- voked a backlash. Neighbors organize to oppose new towers, and local zoning boards resist granting permits. In response. the telephone companies have bec0111e a little nlore creative about where to put their antennas. A first approach to reducing the number of new towers ha... been to double up and triple up antennas on the existing towers. M<lI1)' towers have been fitted with extra decks of antennas so several c0111peting companies can use the sanw tower for dif- ferent kind... of cellular ...ervice. Towers built tor other reasons have <11so been pressed into service. TelevIsIon and radio bro<ldca...t towers, for example, which <ue much taller th<lI1 the typical cellular I11ast, have acquired a girdle of cell-phone <lI1tennas at the appropri,lte height. Microcell networks take the cellular concept a step fur- ther, with base stations whose range is just a few hun- dred feet. The white box suspended from a streetlight bracket in Berkeley, California {above}, is an antenna unit for a microcell network called Metricom, focused on data communication. On the brick facade of a building in Midtown Manhattan {be/ow} the four large green tiles are merely decorative elements, but the two smaller appendages are microcell antennas. , .- -... -- .. - -1 - --- .- - I 1 , -i-;;:"-=--S- .,. 1Iii""!IIooOllliii ..............!IIo. ............"\"........ ......., !IIoo Olllii """..........;:. .,.,...."\" i5--.;-...""-  ....-=-....-..:  -=--s..-s: -- :.. -:.,....-;...... ;;:.,.... ..,:00 .... ........-=.,.....  - ...._........ ........""".... .....,:0 ....1IIi_..: ........ ......"':, ..,:00 ::-;s..-:.. 3-"-- ::.-=. .... .. - ....-:.. - --- -::.......,: -. ..., .. 4" ......-..... ':. .._-"_ ... i! ;:. -::: ....-----.. ...."':... -=--- '"5- J..--:"-=.- ..-=-....ii---:.. -----....--... ..-:..-:.".;:..-::....... --:.,, ... -'":..-:..-- II ---":..1:-. --:"'"':..'"':".- --:""":..-- -... -:;:"i':S-i _--:..i:--:e-iF - - ..'":.."':.'":..-  : -:.:- -- -:..,.:- - :'" .. - .. --.. - - 
. . I :. .;\ ,. > I .,If  r i....,..: . Ir__' 1.1 " /1 1 "i I . .' II 'I : j  . 1"1 '''f I At the base of an 1 ,SOO-foot-high broadcast tower, looking up at the top puts you at risk of falling over backward. The tower is a new one, built to transmit Public Broadcasting Service signals in Columbia, North Carolina, near the Outer Banks. The tower could not stand without the three sets of guy wires that lend it sta- bility. The red balls attached to some of the guy wires are intended to make them more visible for low-flying aircraft. Soon after the tower was completed, several of these balls were damaged in a storm. An engineer on the site explained how they were replaced: a worker ascended the tower (there's an elevator part way) and then descended by sliding down the guy wire, removing broken balls as he went and leaving new ones behind. L , I t: I , d I . i III I'1 Ill l .  \. I , .1 I   "-4\ 'III'P, j' , It 1-.. 1 \ . . I .. " , to \ V '" , 
Indeed, altnost any t.lll tructure h.IS become a likely pot tor a cell site. I hmdreds of nlunicipal water tanks are fe<;tooned with .lntenn.IS, and 0;0 are high-voltage power- line pylon. (Apparently, interference frOlll the power-line currents is not a problenl.) Antennas are bolted to the walls or roofs of hotels, office, and apartIllent buildin!:,rs. I have seen them attached to snl0kestacks, church steeples, flagpoles, billbodrd, sta- dium lighting stanchiono;, dnd those long-legged gas-station <;ign at rural inter- changes on Interstate highways. And there are cell towers in disguise. The nlost populdr costunle eenl to be the phony pine tree. It's a hundred feet tall, the apotheosis of the artificial Christn13s tree, with plastic branches that fit into sockets in a brown steel trunk. When you look at the bac' of the trunk, there's an oval dcces<; panel where heavy bldck cables spill out. Near Phoenix there's J fake sdguaro cactus that hideo; an antenna. RADIO AND TELEVISION The telephone is a point-to-point, one-on-one technology. Radio .md television broadcasting are different: The signal goes everywhere, and anyone is welcOlne to tune in. Also, for the moo;t part, r.Idio and TV are one-way channels: talking back is difficult. Broadcao;ting has a presence on the visual landscape because of the antennas that tranSlllit and receive the signals. Transnlitter towers are the tallest of all Illan-Il1ade structures. In the United States the legallinlit is 2,049 feet, or just under two-fifths of a nlile; hundreds of towers approach that ceiling. The liIllit is set by the Federal Aviation Adlllinistration, which takes the position that there has to he somc height where the land ends and the sky begins. Towers for broadcast antennas conle in two basic types: free-standing and guyed. The free-standing ones have a tapered forn1, like the Eiffel Tower, with a broad bde so the tower won't topple over in the wind. Guyed towers are so slender they could not possibly stand up without wires to support then1. The tower is like a pencil stand- ing on its point; indeed, the base of a guyed tower otten narrows to a single point and is attached to the ground through a hinged bearing deliberately designed not to resist any bending nlotions. The reason for this design is that the tower inevitably sways in the wind, dnd rigid joints would be vulnerable to Illet.ll fatigue. The choice between a free-standing and a guyed tower is a nlatter of engineering trade-offs. A free-standing tower needs more steeL but a guyed tower nla)' need Illore land to make room for the cable anchorages. As height increases. guyed o;tructures become more conlnlon. In any case, for new construction a large tract of land n13)' be needed regardless of tower type. Many insurance conlpanieo; now insist that a tower be sited where it can't hit anyone else\ property if it ever falls over. Thus, a 2,()()()-foot tower needs .1 circular plot of land almo"t a mile In diameter. Several Europe.m citie have Il1ade broadcasting tower... into a "howplace or bnd- nl.lrk, building not a minimalist steel structure out in the countryside but .l sculptural At its base the Columbia tower narrows to a point, so that it stands like a dancer rising on one toe. The rationale for this design is that the tower will sway in the wind no matter how strongly it is braced; if the legs were rigidly anchored to the ground, the swaying might cause metal fatigue. The single-point connection to the earth functions like a hinge, allowing the tower to sway without damage. , 's , II i "  II 1/ rill) y, - , j. j' , ... .....# " .  , 1.1 1\  i  1 , 
spire right in the middle of to\\ n, otten \\ ith an ohserv,nion deck ,md other tourist ClCilirie'\. This custom h,lsn't c.mght on in the United Sute'\. but l ,IIUd,l h,lS t,lken it to new heights-'\pecific.1llv to I,X 15 teet 5 inches. fhe CN lower in Toronto bro,ld- C.It the lgn,lls of ,,>even television st,nion... ,md nine F 1\ 1 r,ldio st,nions, but tl1llC- tion seem... secondary to the tower\. role as touri...t attraction. Every t,1Il tower in the United St,lte h,I'" ,1 '\nl,lll plaque th,n ,lY' ,,>onlething like "FCC ID# 1 ()0670R." The plaques .Ire there mainly o that people C.In report burned-out light bulbs in .Iviation-warning light. If you Llll the FC 'C, they will tell YOt1 \\r110 O\\Pl1S a to\\.er \,:itll a give11 regi'\tfc.1tio11 11l1111l1er; tIle intorl11atiol1 l dlso ,IV.Iildble on an FC(' Web site. Antennas. An dntenna's role h .Il1.l10gous to that of a loudspeaker or ,1 l11icrophone. Just a a 10udspe,lker take .Ilternating currents tlo\\"ing through ,m electric circuit ,md converts them into ound W,lve, .I transl11itting ,1l1tenn,1 converts currents into elec- tromagnetic W.Ive. And just ,IS the l11icrophone converts sound waves into electric currents, a receiving antenna produces l11e,lsurable currents ti-ol11 electrOl11agnetic W,lVes. The analogy Lln be taken ,1 step tllrther. Loudspe,lkers cOlne in v,lrious sizes to reproduce sounds in different tJ-equency ranges-big wooters for the long b,lsso waves ,1l1d tiny tweeters for the small treble waves. Antenn,ls ,1Iso need to be nlatched to the wavelength of the ignals they send or receive. In [lct. the '\ize of the antenna is your best clue to what kind of signal it conducts. The archetypal antenna is the dipole: t\Vo conductors extending in opposite direc- tions, with a connection to the transmitter or receiver where they ,1Imost l11eer in the l11iddle. (They don't quite l11eet; there h,1\ to he ,1 '\nl,lll insul.1ting gap.) Each half of the dipole i, a quarter wavelength long, ,0 the cOl11plete ,mtenna i, half a wavelength. TI1U, if you can recognize a dipole antenn,l ,md estinl,lte it length, you'll know ,1pproxinl.Itely what wavelength it i'\ tr,lIls111itting or receiving. A dipole directs nlot of its energy to the sides-perpendicuLtr to the a'(is of the two conductor. If the .Intenna run north and ">l>Uth, it will radiate trongly only to the eat and west. The pattern IS the ,lI11e when the ,1ntenI1.l i used a ,I receiver: it is sensitive to sign,lls triking the conductor... bro,llhide but not to those cOI11ing ti-0111 the ends. The rabbit e,lr... antenn,l that was once a conlmon sight on top of the living- rOOl11 television cabinet is an exanlple of a inlple dipole. If you're old enough to remel11ber that quaint device, you will also renlenlber the struggle to get better reception by adju,ting the length of the two edr... ,111d by turning the ,lI1tel1l1.l to face in various directions. Those .lttempts relied on the ll1tenna',\ wavelength reS011.lnCe ,md its directiOl1.l1 radiation p.Ittern. "4 AM Radio. AM tand\ for Anlplitude ModuLltion, which decribes the way an ,mdio-trequency ">lgnalls inlpre...sed on the radio-fi-equency carrier W,lVe. The ,1111pli- tude i, the height of the radio wave, ,md '0 ,lIl AM ,ign,ll v,lrie... in height with the n1USlc. 13ut all this h,ls little to do with wh,n gives ,1l1 AI\I r,ldio bro,ldcasting anten- 
na its di....tinctive tl'.lture..... Wlut m.lttl'r\ more is the b.l11d of fi-equencie.... and wave- lengths as....igned to AM bro.H.kasting in North AmeriLl. The AM band runs from 535 to 1,61 () kilohertz, which me,lllS the w,lVelengths r,mge fi-om about 1 ,HO() feet down to about 6()() feet. The ,1lHennas ,ue correspondingly large. Often the broadclst antenna for ,m AM radio station is not mounted on a tower; the antelllu is the to\ver. In other words, the entire structure is electric-a]]y "live" and radiating energy. The best W,IY to recognize such an antenna is to get a look at the base of the tower: it wi]] be insulated fi'om the ground. This take\ quite J hefty iIbU- 1.ltor. [n the Llse of ,1 fi'ee-t.lnding tower, an inu1.ltor is inta]]ed at the base of e,lCh leg; a guyed to\ver Ius a single big inuLttor at the foundation. The insu1.ltors are impressive cer,llllic structures, .my\vhere fi'om a few inche to 10 feet high. The guyed to\ver ,llso needs insu1.ltor\ in the guy wires. The height of ,m AM bro,ldclst tower is usua]]y one-fourth of the wavelength of the station's ign.ll. Tl1.1t \vorks out to -t-50 feet for \tations ,It the bottom of the dial and diminishe.... to ISO feet ,It the other end of the band. (lncrea<;ing frequency cor- responds to decre,lsing wavelength.) An antenna tower with an insulated b,lse dmounts to half of a dipole. Where is the other lu1t? [t is created with mirror..... (Jut of ....ight in the earth surrounding the tower are buried conductors th,lt form wl1.1t is known as ,I ground plane or counterpoi....e. For radio W,lve<;, the ground p1.Ule act.... as a reflector, just as silvered glass doe.... for light. The presence of this radio mirror create" a "virtu,ll iIllage" of the tower that effectively turns the antenna into ,1 dipole. The ground p1.lne is con"tructed by lay- ing down a unburst of copper conductor one-fourth of a wavelength long, radiat- ing away from the toot of the tower. Al'vl broadcast dntenna.... generally have 12() buried radials, p1.lced every three degrees around the compa. A vertica]]y mounted ,mtenn,l r,ldiate.... equa]]y in a]] horizontal directions. For Illany purposes, tlut's exactly wlut's wanted-equal "ignal strength a]] around-but SOllIe AM stations ,Ire required to be,lm their broadcats preferentia]]y in one direc- tion or ,mother, to ,lVoid interfering with other st,ltions. One way to steer the beam is to transmit with a horizontal dipole, which emits nlore strongly broadside than at the ends. The horizontal dipole is a wire suspended between two towers spaced half a \vavelength apart. The feed line fi'om the transIllitter is hung frOlll the midpoint of the antenna. Another cheme for direction,ll broadcasts requires multiple vertical antennas. Several towers in a line are sp,lCed half a wavelength apart. The directional effect conIes from interference between the wave.... emitted by the "epar,lte towers. Where the waves ,Ire in phase (pe,lks lining up with pe,lk.... ,md troughs with troughs), they reinforce e,lch other; where thev ,1re out of ph,lse, they cancel. Unfortunately_ vou can't te]] just by looking ,It the towers which way the be,lm is being steered. That depends on the pll.lse" of the "ignals being ted to the various towers. [f all the pl1.1s- e" ,Ire identicll, the ,mtt'1llU ,IIT,lV 11.1:-. ,1 bro,ldslde p,lttern; if the sign,ll.... are of oppo- site ph.l....e, the ,lrr,lY product'" "end tire." The red and white stripes required on many tall towers have to be repainted from time to time. In the photo- graph on the opposite page a painter toting red and white buckets is working down from the summit of a tower in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Most broadcast towers are utilitarian structures but the CN Tower in Toronto is obviously more than the bare minimum needed to elevate an antenna. At 1,815 feet it is lithe world's tallest building and free-standing struc- ture," according to the owners. 1  ..',,> (" . -. 1 , ..  . ,,\\,. t- .,.' . ..... " 
Porcelain insulators installed in the feet of a tower (right) allow the entire structure to function as an anten- na; this is the usual practice with antennas for AM radio stations, where the waves are hundreds of feet long. On the insulated base of another antenna (be/ow) the metal bracket shaped like a backward J is a spark gap for lightning protection. It allows the antenna to remain electrically isolated during normal operation, but shunts a lightning surge into the ground. '\ . , .  ,  ---" . ......... so. . .- - -  'l  .\  ..   .. !\  , ," " ... -. .. T elev;s;on. Television channels are at frequencie a hundred tiI11es higher than those of AM radio, and so the wavelengths are 100 times snMller. I t follows that television transn1itter antennas are cOl11paratively sn1all-only a few feet long insteld of hun- dreds of feet. It's ironic, then, that the television broadcasters put up the tallest of all towers for their .mtennas. Hut they don't do it just for the bragging rights. Higher frequencies allow smaller antennas, but they have .mother effect as well. The lower frequencies of AM radio can bend lrOlll1d the curvature of the earth to sonle extent, and they bounce off a layer of electrified particles high in the atlllosphere (the ionosphere) to reach distant receivers. But at television frequencies, conlnlunication is line-of-sight. A transnlitter can reach only those receivers thlt are directly in view. To cover an entire nletropolitan area. the antenna has to be way up in the lir. Television transI11itter masts are l11erely I11ech.lnical supports Illeant to elevate the antenna. which is a 11luch snlaller structure at or near the top of the tower Hence, there is no need to insulate the base of the tower or the guy lines. On the contrary, the builders go to sonle trouble to nuke ure the tranlework is securely grounded. The antenna elelnent at the top of the tower conle in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are dipoles and crosed dipoles (two dipoles arranged like a plus sign), often n10unted in front of a reflecting panel. Batwing antennas take their naI11e frOl11 the scalloped trailing edge of a bat's wing. They are alo known as turnstile antennas, which is a better description of what they look like when mounted on the mast. Helical antennas spiral around the mast like a morning-glory vine cliIllbing a fence post. The pitch of the helix-the vertical distance traversed by a conductor in nlak- ing a ingle 360-degree turn around the pole-is equal to the signal wavelength. Slot antennas lre a kind of inside-out dipole: instead of fonning a Illetal rod or wire into 
the slupe of a dipole. you cut <1 hole of .;imibr dimensions into <1 continuous met<11 p<l1lel. ()ften there <Ire lots of these dipole lots, giving the <lCtive parr of the <lIltemu the look of a cheese grater or coLlnder. The size of the <ultenna elelnents depends on the signal w<lvelength <ll1d, hence, on the station's ch<ll1nel a.;signment. Channel 2, at the lowest frequencie, has a wave- length of about 1  feet; channel 13, at the top of the VHF (very high frequency) allonnenb, corresponds to .l wavelength of less than 5 feet. The UHF (ultra-high- frequency) wavelength .Ire still shorter, down to .lbout .l foot for channel 3. Thu, the ba.;ic building block of nlost <U1tenna elelnents-a qU.lrter-wavelength conductor- can range in length from four-<lIld-a-h.Ilf feet down to about three inche. Sites for new bro.Idc<lst towers are in short supply. As a result, existing towers have becOlne electronic high-rise tenenlents for the con1l1lunic.ltions industry. A tower nlay luve been erected by a broadcaster prinlarily for its own use, but over the years it will h<we accumulated dozens of other telunts, who lease sp<lCe for a v<lriety of pur- poses.A TV tower can <11so be hOlne to an FM radio station. (The FM bro<ldcast band lies just <lbove television ch,lllnels 5 <HId 6, o the antenna structures are siIniLlr.) Lower down on the tower there nl<lY be a girdle of cellular-telephone antemus. Paging services. police <lIld elnergency dispatchers. and truck and ta",i f1eets all seek a few feet of tower space. At a tower in the western suburbs of Washington. D.C.. I was ,1ble to count 31 separate antennas. and I probably nlissed a few. One problenutic challenge is putting two TV tr,lnsInitting antennas on the sanle tower. SOlnetiInes <1 single antenna C<ln be designed to broadcast both signals, and sOlnetimes two antennas can be st<lCked up totenl-pole style. But when thoe approaches don't work, another option is aV<lilable; it creates sonle of the world's nl0st unuual tall tower. Two or nlore antennas can be nlounted side-by-side on a healn or platfonn that gives the tower the t'onn of d candebbrmll. Such forked towers are distinctive Lllldnlarks in the cities that h.lve thelll, including San Francisco, [3oston, and Washington. The market for tower space has gotten even tighter with the introduction of dig- ital high-definition television (HDTV). For year to COllIe, 1110St stations will be broadcasting both HDTV and the tr<lditional <U1alog sigllals. Antennas for receiving radio <l11d television signals are not nearly as big or eLlbo- rate the transInitter <llltennas, but they can still have a visual iIHpact because there are so I11allY of theI11. Television receiver antemus once grew on every urban roof. Cable dnd satellite TV have now lllade thenl rare in nlost places. but they are not quite extinct. The type seen nlost often is known as the Vagi or Yagi-Ud<l. It h,ls sev- eral parallel dipole-like rods. of gr<lduated length. all ,Htached to a IHetal bOOln. If you look careflIlly, you'll find th<H only one of thee p<lrallel elenlents is <lCtually con- nected to the Llble that lead.; to the receiver; ,Ill the others ,Ire p<lssive elelnents th.It iI11prove the .Intenna'" ,ensiti\-ity ,11ld Illake it highly direction<ll. For optinlUnl recep- tion the dipoles I1lUt be broadIJe to the <lppro<lChing waves; lI1 other words, the antcnn<l boom h,lS to point to\V,lrd the tLlIlsmirrer. ?t ?it' 1]It, ?  1 Television antennas are mounted on a tower but remain electrically isolated from it. The tower above, in Pleasantville, New Jersey, has a single antenna with five elements. (They all broadcast the same signaL) The tower below, in Oklahama City, is a candelabrum struc- ture with separote antennas for at least three stations. I. I I' Sj I ..I  ;1, .:...  .t' (I:'.."  . -"- , .'t ,Iii  ,;., -' ,. .. In..,'....'" ........ . ,;AI ..,' ,.. ....:. :....-.. .&:,,.,  ', \ ;:-  , .\ t: ;I il '! 
Rooftop television antennas have disappeared from most American neighborhoods, but there are still forests of them in some European cities. The grove of antennas at right is in the Italian city of Monfalcone. Most of the antennas point toward Venice and the rest toward T rieste, the two nearest places with television broadcasts. A direction.ll .mtellll.1 is for tdevI...ion rCLcptioll bCLllIse of thc problcm of"multip.nh" .md "ghost." When .1 bro.ldclst sign.ll bounces otr.l building, your set l11ay receive both the direct .md the reflected W.lVe';,.ll1 .lp.lrt; both ..ign.lls dis- play on the creen, dipLlCed lightly along the horizont.ll axi of the picture becmse of the delay. A directional antenna exorci"ies the...e gho'\h by eAcluding the reflected waves. Incidentally, gho...t"i allow you to turn your TV into .1 di'\tance-me.buring instrl1lnent. On a 19-inch ...creen, l11easure the di"itance in inche<, between the pri- l11ar)' inldge and the ghost; two-third<\ of that number i"i the .lpproinlate extra dis- tance in l11ile traveled by the reflected <\ignal. CABLE TELEVISION Among conll11unication technologies, Llble TV is a strange .u11alg.l1n. It ,hares ')ome characteristics of the telephone infrastructure, 111 that million... of homes are wired to central oflice. But cable alo ha much in common with broadclsting, "ince the communication is al111o<\t entirely one way, and the s.une signal-more or less-goe') to everyone. Cable TV began in the 1950s .1S "community .mtenna television," and occasional- ly you still see the abbrevi.ltion CATr T. The idea W.l<\ hatched in "fringe" .ue.lS, 50 or 100 111iles from the ne.lrest big city. where reception W.IS difficult but not quite illlpossible. Those who happened to live high on a hiHside. or who were willing to invest in a t.lll antenna tower, could get at least a m.lrgin.ll picture, but others were blacked out. And so the idea arose to put up one super-duper .1l1tenna .It the best site -4 ("" ..,..' r  T r -;r f r t:(J. If \ 'if f I "' "l  III "P  ______ , ,. I'   I- ]t-  
in town, ,1Ild di"tribute the "ign,l] over clblc" to al1 who w,lIlted it and were wil1ing to P,IY ,1 sl1.lre of the cost. There's some di'\pute over where CATV W,I'\ invented, but there's no doubt early system" were built both in northwestern ()regon Gust out of reach of both Portland and Seattle) ,lIld in the co,11-mining region of northe,lstern Pennsylvania (beyond the range of New York ,md Philadelphi,1 st,nions). The first Oregon '\ystel11, in A"toria at the mouth of the (:olumbi,1 River, was set up by an ,lPpliance dealer to help sell tele- vision sets; in 1949 it W,IS bringing Seattle's ...ole TV station to 25 ...ubscribers. Could ,111yone have looked ,It modest beginning ,1Ild foreseen CNN and HU()? The world of broadclsting didn't have to evolve in just this way. To ...ome extent, the birth of Llble TV was ,m ,lCcident of history, or of feder..l regul.ttion. When sm,l11 towns in fi-inge ,lre,IS began to denland access to television, there were other possible re'\pon"es. The entrepreneur" who built CATV network" l11ight have started up local, independent television bro,ldca'\ting station". Or the big-city stations might have set up additional tr,111smitters or repe,ners in outlying ,1reas as a way of e"\tending their territory. As it 11.1ppen", neither of these options was ,lV,lil.1ble. From 194 through 195 the F(:C h,ld a moratorium on new television broadclsting licenses while it reconsidered how besr to allocate the av,lilable spectrum. Modern cable TV systems have two main components: the head end. where pro- grams are received. and a distribution network. Typically the distribution network has a treelike structure: trunks lead fi-om the he,ld end to l11or hubs, then feeder lines spre,ld out through nt'ighborhoods, ,md drop lines clrry the signal to individual homes. The Head End. What beg,1I1 ,1S ,1 comnllmity antenna h.1" evolved into a nlajor com- munication'\ g,111glion, with tentacles reaching out to regional, national, dnd interna- tion..l networks. In many communities you can spor the head end from d distance becau"e of the tall tower bristling with antennas pointed in various directions, ,l11d on the ground a duster of bright white satellite dishes, l11uch larger th..n the kind you '\ee in b,1LkY,lrds. For a small system all this equipment may be clustered around an un,lttended cinder block hut. A big metropolitan he,ld end will be a more sub- stantial establishment, po"sibly including a studio for locl] televi"ion productions. Signdls from local TV "t,nions are plucked out of the air by ,1I1tennas that aren't much ditTerenr fi-onl ordinarv rooftop models, but they're built nl0re robustly and can be tuned to pick up .. p,lrticul.1r cl1.1nnel. More import,111t. they are mounted high enough to h,lVe ,I direct line of "ight to the tran"mitting antenna. and they are care- fully pointed toward it. For e,lCh cl1.1nnel there's a "eparate receiver. The head-end tower may ,11'\0 "upport ,mtennas. Some television stations "upply their sign,11 directly to the clble system over ,1 microwave link. S,ltellite communication was nor p,lrt of the origin,11 pLm for cable TV, but today ir\ the l11.1ill "ource of progr,1I11111ing. 1'V1ultiple di...hes ,Ire net'ded becmse each dish cm lock. on to only one s,nellite ,It ,1 time. ,md typic.1l1y can receive no nlore than t\\;O ch,lIlnels simult.meously. There's prob,lbly ,1 sp,lre dish too, just in Clse. The head end of a cable system in Fairfax, Virginia, includes a multitude of satellite dishes as well as a tower with antennas for broadcast signals and microwave links to local stations. .\ J \  --- 
Hardline is a metal-sheathed form of coaxial cable popular with operators of cable TV systems. In the photograph at right, rivers of hardline make smooth bends around a utility pole. The U-shaped dips in the hardline allow for thermal expansion and contraction. The photograph was made in Fairfax County, Virginia, which seems to have a notable abundance of cable infrastructure. A "strand-hung amplifier" for the cable system (upper photograph) is powered by voltages transmitted over the cable itself. The amplifier is the large metal box with ribs or fins for cooling. Customer taps (lower photo- graph) connect individual houses with the distribution cable. Bar-coded tags identify subscribers. un If " t - i ;. .i- '" r,..  t;.. \  J ...........  (J _J ........ .......... -- r,;. .  .-..--- -   / Distribution. The early cable di'\tribution networks were quite siIllple. All the chcln- nels were fed into a coaxial cable, which was '\trung up on utility poles. EclCh sub- scriber had a tap, which was pretty nluch what the word suggests: a device that cut into the cable and diverted a share of the signal. just cIS a tap on a pipe drains otT a fraction of the water flowing through it. To l1uintain the power level, booster cll1lpli- fiers were needed every quarter or half Illile. Even with the boosters, cable run could not be longer than a few Illiles. All of this infrastructure remains in place, but new levels of interconnection hJve been built on top of the local distribution network. In recent cable sy'\tems, signals are dispatched fr0111 the head end in "supertrunks" of optical fiber. The '\upertrunks fan out to regional hubs, where they connect with trunk lines, which can be either coax or tiner. The trunk lines continue to neighborhood distribution node'\, where the local coax with taps for '\ubcriber'\ takes over. The hardware of the cable system hangs on the SJnle crowded utility poles that carry electric-power Jnd telephone line, but cable TV equipIllent IS pretty easy to recognize. It usually rUl1 just clbove the telephone wires Jnd well belo any power line. In 11lany conlnlunities the cOclxial cclble tor cable TV is a distinctive type called hardline, which ha no insulating outer sheclth (unlike the coax favored in the tele- phone systenl). The silvery, satiny ahllllinUlll cable stands out amid all the black plas- tic on a typical utility pole. Most hardline is half an inch in diaIlleter inside the Illetallic outer conductor is a layer of foam plastic insuLltion, surrounding the copper wire that fornls the center conductor. Because of the foanl, the cable is surpriingly light. Hardline is fairly stiff and can't survive sharp bends or kinks, so you.ll see it fornled into careful, lclrge-radius turns wherever a change of direction IS necessary. Taps into the local coax line Jre snull boxes, the size of a pclCk of cards, with indi- vidual hou'\ehold drop lines attached. The drops are nude of a narrower, tllOre flexi- ble COclX, which carries the ignal the last 50 feet or so to the television receiver. 
AI11plifiers are somewhat larger boxes, sOlnetimes bolted to a utility pole but more of ten suspended from the messenger wire that supports the cable. (Cabie guys talk about "strand-hung anlps.") A I1lodern cable cunplifier is the size and shape of a half- gallon nlilk carton. The cast metal housing is sealed against nloisture with a rubber gasket and of ten has fins I1lolded into the lid to carry off heat. Anlplifiers are pow- ered by 60-hertz current transl11itted through the coaxial cable along with the video and audio signals. SATELLlTE CO MM UNICA TI ONS The first COllUllunication s,ltellite, Echo I, was an overSIze verslOn of those shiny Mylar Happy Birthday balloons. For launch it was folded up in the nose cone of a rocket and then inflated in orbit to a dia111eter of about 100 feet. The name Echo was well chosen: high-frequency radio signals simply bounced off the metallized surface. A cOlnnlunications satellite of the current generation is a different aninlal alto- gether. If you go look at a hilltop lnicrowave relay station and then inlagine all that hardware lofted into the sky, your ilnage won't be far off. Like a relay tower, a satel- li te receives nlicrowave signais, alllplifies thenl, and then rebroadcasts the salne infor- nlation. Many of the satellites work in the sanle four- to six-gigahertz band elnployed by terrestrial microwave teleconlnlunication links. Satellite conlnlunication has had a roller-coaster history: The idea was dreamed up in 1945 by Arthur C. Clarke, who wcl then an engineer working for the British Post Office; he went on to becOllle better known as an author of science fiction (2001:.LI Space Odysscy). SOllle experilnental satellites were launched in tinle to beanl broadcasts of the 1964 Tokyo OIYlnpics back to the United States. The first conu11ercial satellites calne just in tilne to put the Vietnam War on the nightly news. By 1970 satellites had nlore transoceanic capacity than cables. Many observers took it for granted that orbit- ing relay stations would be the nlainstay of all future long-distance conll11unications. Then along came optical fibers, which soon surpassed satellites in both bandwidth and glanlour coefIicient. The contrary view took hold: the conll11unications satellite was seen as a has-been technolob'Y. But it hasn't turned out that way either. Today the re are nlore satellites than ever before. Geostationary Satellites. The conlnlunication I)atellites with the longest history are geostationary satellites, known in the trade as GEOs. They seenl to hover stationary over a fixed point on the earth's surface. Actually, they've got to keep running at alnlost 6,000 I1liles all hour just to stay in the sal11e place. A satellite's orbitcll speed depends on its alti tu de. In the lowest possible earth orbit, just above the edge of the cltlll0sphere. a sp,lcecraft cOll1pletes one revolution in abol1t an hour and a half. A ,ltellite 240.000 l11iles ur (nanlelY' the 1110011) takes 2H d,IYS, nlore or less. to circle the earth. SOlllewhere between these e'\:trenles there Blust be 
..  ,.. - .. ........... At a sports stadium, 10-foot dish antennas are equipped both to transmit and receive broadcasts via satellites in geosynchronous orbit, 22,250 miles above the Equator. The curious metal brush atop the dish is apparently for lightning protection. .lll ,1ltitudc where ,1 '\,nellite compkte e',lctly one revolution per d,lY. I f the s.ltellite I orbiting e,lstbound .lbove the Equator ,1t just this ,1ltirude, it will ,1ppe,lr to stand still in the sky, the way the qUI did tor Johua. The geotationdry ,1ltitude turns out to be 2.250 miles above the earth's surtace, .I region of p,lCe now called the Cl.1rke Belt. (In Arthur C. Clarke\ vision. however, the s,ltellite would h.Ive been manned space stations. Evidently it W.IS easier to iI11agine putting a crew in orbit th.In it was to inlagine an electronic conll11unications system that would run unattended.) What l11.Ikes a CEO ideal for c0111munication is that it's alwavs in the ,n11e spot. Other satellites rise and set: a CEO stays put. But GEO also have drawbacks. I3ecaue the orbit is so high. boosting tons of electronic gear to the geotationary ,lltitude costs nmch more than launching a satellite into a lower orbit. C0111nllmication \\ ith the satellite also takes a lot of power because of the distances to be crosed. And the dis- tance has still another disturbing effect. Even traveling at the speed of light (1 H6,OIIO nliles per second), a signal takes about a tourth of a econd to nuke the round trip 6-om an earth tation to a CEO and back down to another earth tation. If the signal h,lp- pens to be your voiCt saying"} Iello hello hello" on an international phone call, it \vill be t\.l1ly half a econd before you hear the other p,lrty's ,111swer, which nlake conversa- tion awkward. For this reason, GEOs have lost ['war for voice telephony. The delay are not a problenl in television transInission or in S0111e kinds of dat,) c0111munication. The business end of the satellite is .1 cluster of dish antennas and a package of elec- tronic transponders. Each transponder is a receiver-amplifIer-transmitter built as a kind of bucket brigade: anything that con1e in the receiver\ antenna is inll11ediate- ly ,1111plified. shifted to a new frequency. and rebroadcast back to the home planet. The frequency shift is needed so that the high-power signal fi-0111 the satellite's trans- I11itter will not leak into its sensitive receiver. 1\10st of the s,ltellites no\\' dying have either 24 or 36 transponders, each working on a slightly different pair of frequencies. The electricity to run this equipment comes fi-0111 solar power. In spring and fall, each s,ltellite passes through the earth's shadow once a day. I hIring thi eclipse, which lasts up to 70 minutes, the tranponders are kept dlive by batteries. Spring and fall also bring a different kind of .Istron0111ical interference. As viewed fr0111 the earth, each GEO pases in fi-ont of the un, cutting off the downlink for about 2() minute. There are over 151) active satellites in geostati01ury orbit, tanning d jeweled belt around the planet's Inidriff. The I11ajor linlit facing the technology is that there\ no roonl for nlore. Not that the atellites .Ire jotling against each other in orbit; distrib- llting 150 satellites at equal intervals .Iround the Clarke Belt would leaye ahnost a thousand nliles between them. The problenl is that with closer pacing, ground std- tions can't focus their beanls narrowly enough to select just one satellite. "Slots" in geostationary orbit are 01lle of the nlost prized re,ll estate not on earth. Earth Stations. The control centers for a Inajor satellite ytenl have multiple anten- nas. including some very large ones, roughly 10U feet in diameter, much like the radio telecopes th,lt NASA uses to track interpl.1netary probes. At a smaller 
sLlle, a television st.ltion or the he.H.i end of.l Llble sYstem m.lY have dishes 30 feet .lcross, equipped both to tr.msmit .md to receive. The 10-foot dish .mtenn.lS dot rural .md uburb.m neighborhoods are receive-only devices. So are the even 'muller plastic dishes cLl111ped to windowsill'\ .md high-rise .1p.lrtll1ent patio. l)ther things being equaL '\ize determines pertorm.mce. In recei\ ing IHode, .1 dih with a larger area can collect more of the eneq.,')' elnitted by the satellite, just a a larger net catches more fish. When tr.1I1snlitting, .1 bigger dish ha<\ higher "gain'" it concentrate more of the transnlitted power in the desired direction. Even with .1 large signal-g.lthering reHector, however, detecting the ...atellite' dis- tant whi'\per is still an impressive One '\trate'Y i to nlount the first stage of the signal-processing electronics-.l device Lllled a low-noie .11nplifier-right on the antenna, o it can immediately boost the ign.ll to .1 higher level. A converter also shifts the received sign.l1 down to a lower band of frequencies so it can be Luried back to the receiver by a co.n::i.ll cable inste,H.i of a wave guide. If you're ever lost in the wilds of suburbia, backyard dishes can be a u'\eful .lid to getting your be.lrings. In the Northern I Iemisphere they always point gener.l11y southward (although the e",lct compass bearing could be anywhere tJ.-om southeast BELLS AND WHISTLES (AND SIRENS) There was a time in the history of Western civi- lization when the most important instrument of mass communication was the church bell. In part that's why the village church had a tall steeple- not just to satisfy architectural or spiri- tual sensibilities but to get the bell up in the air where people could hear it. It was rung rou- tinely to mark the passing of the hours, as well as in celebration and alarm. For a time the factory whistle took over the role formerly played by the church bell-a transition that did not go unremarked by those who believe we have all sold our souls to the company store. But church bells still ring, whereas I don't know of a single town where people continue to live by the factory whistle. If anything has taken the place of the church bell in modern life, it is the siren. The great age of siren building was the 1950s and 1960s. The sirens were meant to warn of incoming Russian bombers and missiles, telling us it was time to duck and cover. Some of those Civil Defense sirens can still be seen on rooftops, although they're looking a bit rusty, and I wouldn't count on them for early warn- ing of Armageddon. a \ But lots of other sirens are well maintained and tested. On coastal plains sirens warn of hurricane floods. Near nuclear power plants they sound the alarm when radiation escapes. On the prairies they warn of tornadoes. The siren in the photograph at left summons volun- teer firefighters in Bryson City, North Carolina. The traditional siren is a disk or cylinder with a pattern of holes around the periphery. When the siren turns, air blowing through the holes is periodically interrupted, producing the characteristic wail. The noise can be extraordi- narily loud, rivaling a jet engine. Another design works more like an automobile horn than a siren: a stack of vibrating diaphragms puts out basso profundo blasts of sound that you feel in your gut. For some years I lived in a Minnesota town equipped with tornado sirens, including a unit just a few hundred feet from my house. The sirens were tested every Wednesday at 1 :00 p.m. I quickly got used to this routine. When the siren started up, I would glance at my watch, note that it was one o'clock on Wednesday, and go back to my business. But I would also wonder, every week, how the town was going to warn us if a tornado was spotted at 1 :00 p.m. on a Wednesday. 
\ . .    I ..... , I -'1 I III] ----- 'I "'\\\ IIATA N' 11 The little gray dishes, the size of a pizza pan, sprout everywhere from yards, balconies, rooftops, win- dowsills. The cluster above is in Zagreb, Croatia. The prototype of the satellite dish antennas that are now being molded in plastic by the millions was the radio telescope, with a history going back almost to the beginning of radio itself. The dish antennas in the pho- tograph at right are 82 feet across; 27 of them are arranged on a plain near Socorro, New Mexico, to form a listening post of exquisite sensitivity. to ...outlnve...t). At the pre-;ent time. ,111 of the I H-lI1dl dish ,mtenn,b in the United SClte... point to ,I p,lir of s,ltellitc-; at 1 () 1 degree... west longitude. which is the mcrid- i,ll1 of North Pl.ltte. Nebr,lsk,l. If you're ,my where in the 1\1idwe-;t, ,Iny of those mini- dihe i a pretty good pointer toward due o;outh. Sometimes .l dish Lm also give a rough estinldte of latitude. When a di...h l pointing -;outh, its ,ll1g1e with re-;pect to the vertical is approxinlately equell to your latitude. The very idea of hOI11e o;atellite receiver... \vas not ,onlething thelt the luarketing v. izards of the conllllunications industry dreal1led up. The firt hOl1le dishe... were built by tinkerers, and the early cOl1lmercial nlodds were bought by people too io- bted to get either broadcast or Llble TV The ubequent evolution of the technolo- 'Y has followed a fal1liJiar but interesting pdth. Just a cable started in null to\\ ns ,mo then c,ll1ght on in the city because it offered l110re than the local broadcast stations, so satellite receivers are now cOl1lpeting with cable tor urb,U1 ,Uld suburb,Ul custOl1lers. Indeed, there are now several s,ltellites aloft th,lt do nothing but beanl progr,l11lS directly to honle receivers. Low-forth-Orbit Satellites. Since the 1960s. giant. high-power GEOs ll.lve domi- luted the satellite comnlunic.ltions industry. but ,mother scheme altogether h,ls late- ly gone into orbit. The new type of conll1lunications -;,Itellite is LIl1ed a LE(l which o;tando; for 1011' cllrth orbit. LEC>S are only a few hundred 11liles up-just high enough to avoid being brought down by the drag of the earth's a01losphere. LE()s hdve 'onle big adv,lntages over G ECh. They don't suffer the long deLtys of waiting tor a signal to bounce back frolll 22,()()() 111ile... away; when you conlllluni- cate via ,I LE(), the o;ignal p,lth is not much longer dun it would be on the ground. 1 , , I \ ...  ..... ..,... :'\ = .' .: --...  , --. .. r.. 11. .:1 aI" . '- , 
Launching the satellites is cheaper because they don't have to go as high. And conl- 111unicating with a satellite that's buzzing by at treetop level (relatively speaking) doesn't require a high-power translnitter and a high-gain antenna. The LEOs also have an obvious drawback: they do not hover over a fixed point on the ground. On the contrary, they zoonl by quite rapidly, staying within sight of any one spot on the earth's surf ace hardly long enough for a phone call. But even this trait can be turned to advantage. The key idea is to adopt the philosophy of the cellular-telephone systenl. You put up lots and lots of LEO satellites, just as a cell- phone operator has lots of anten na towers. Each satellite comnlunicates with those callers who happen to be directly below at a given nl0ment, then hands off the call to another satellite. The orbits are arranged so that there's almost always at least one satellite over any point on the earth. The pioneer anl0ng LEO projects was the Iridiunl system. The original proposal called for a "constellation" of77 satellites, which gave the system its name-the ele- nlent iridiunl has atmllic nUlllber 77, meaning that an iridium atom has 77 orbiting electrons. Before the satellites were launched, the plan was scaled back to 66 active satellites, but no one wanted to change the name to Dysprosium. Maybe they should have. IridiUlll was a technical success but a conlnlercial disaster, at least initially. It was rescued frOln bankruptcy with support frmn the Departnlent ofDefense. TALK OF THE FUTURE Over the course of the past century, the conul1unications infrastructure has been evolving faster than the infrastructures of other industries. A Victorian engineer would have no troubIe understanding a 1110dern nlunicipal water supply, or the Interstate highway network., or nlost of the hardware for electric-power distribution. Ratlroads have changed all toa little, and even airplanes have looked much the same for 40 years or more. But fiber optics, cellular telephones, the Internet, and satellite comnlunication-these technologies did not exist when I was born. They have developed so rapidly that they are now utterly conlnlonplace and unremarkable. Children use them every day. And the evolution is by no means over. One of the nl0st puzzling aspects of the conlnlunications world is the continual interplay of wired and wireless technologies. For a while it seem ed clear how they would sort thenlselves out. l3roadcasting, or one-to-nlany conlnlunication, would occupy the airwaves, while telephony, or one-to-one conlnlunication, would be con- fined to copper or glass. This division seemed to nlake the most efficient use of resources, balancing the scarcity of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrunl and the cost of laying down wires. But the continuing success of cable TV and the growing inlportance of cdlular telephones and wirdess cOl11puter networks argues that some other principle is at work here. I don't know how it will COl ne out in the end 
CHAPTER 8 EEP YOUR EYES ON THE RaAD" is fUlliliar advice, but almost no one does it. We l11ay be alert to traffic, or we may take in the scenery along the roadside, but we SeldOlll pay much attention to the road itself. And what's to see <lnyway? It's just a paved-over path, iSll't it, a featureless strip of concrete, a way of getting some- where else-and the quicker the better, please. Learning a little sOInething about the design ofhighways has given me a new per- spective when I sit behind the wheel. R.oad building is an engineering profession, henulled in both by codes of practice and by ecol101nic constraints, but there is also astrong tradition of aesthetic sensibility alnong high way designers. They pay a lot of attention to the visual experience of the driver. The placenlent of turns and grades is partly prescribed by the terrain, but highway engineers till have a lot of latitude in working out the details of how the road will unfold before you as you follow the dotted line at 60 nIiles an hour. Of course, this aesthetic judgIllent is based mainly 011 what the road looks like from the driver's seat. To critics of high way policy, that's just the problem: road builders con si der only the needs of nI0torists, and the rellledy for any problem is always to build another road or else to widen one-l1l1til the countryside is sliced to ribbons by nIultilane highways, the cities are choked with cars, <Ind we all choke on the fUllles. There's no question that the autOlnobile has altered our landscape and our lifestyle more than any other technology of lllodern times. It's not just a nIatter of the acreage paved for roads and parking lots, or the number of hours per day we spend in the car. Even more important, the autOlnobile has transfonned where we live ,md work. For more than a century, cities h,lVe been sucking people out of the rural coul1try- side, but the cities thelnselves have <llso heen sprawling beyond their boundaries. Especially in North America, many cities luve become hollow at the care while they ON THE ROAD Over, under, and thróugh: The ramps of the highway interchange have become such a familiar everyday sight that they go largely unnoticed. We forget that before the age of the automobile, the idea of making a left turn by going right, right, and right (as in a clover- leef intersection) would have seemed quite bizarre. The steel-girdered ramps and overpasses on the opposite page were photographed at an interchange in Durham, North Carolina. 
A network of streets and highways spans the United States, although it gets sparse in the Mountain states. The image below was created by dividing the area of the nation into squares 1 kilometer on a side, then assigning a color to each square according to the total length of roads found in the square, as recorded in a geographic database compiled by the Bureau of the Census. The colors range from black (for areas with no roads at all) through blue and red to yellow (for areas with the highest density of roads and streets). Although no individual roads are plotted in the image, only the density per square kilometer, it is easy to pick out some major thoroughfares. In the detail at right, the route of Interstate 70 passes through Denver, Colorado, which is the brightest of the major blobs. To the north, Interstate 80 forms another prominent east-west corridor through Cheyenne and laramie, Wyoming. The original image was created by Patrick J. Hayes of the National Geo- physical Data Center; the color coding is by the author. A  .... 4" \  ., '. . w  
grow concentric rings of suburbLl11 housing deve10Plllents and shopping nulls. lt's LIS if everyone wants to be Ilcar the central city, but nobody wants to live ;11 it. We value the amenities of city life-the restaurants, the shopping, the big-lea!:,'ue sports and n1l1seums-but we prefer a house set on a woodsy acre or two. Strategies for recon- ciling these conflicting urges tend to re1y heavily on the autOlllobile. The house on the woodsy acre has a two-car garage. Still, the inlage of the autonlotive juggernaut is sometillles exaggerated. It's true that we're continually surrounded by cars and car culture, but that's partly a result of our own choices. If you go everywhere by road, then you'll find roads everywhere you go. A few unpaved patches of the planet still exist, but you have to get out of the car to see then1. It's also worth noting that the exodus from the central cities was not initiated by the automobile. It began well before World War I, when few falnilies had cars. The first suburbs were streetcar deve1opments-in many case designed, financed, and prOllloted by the owners of trolley lines. THE PUBLIC THOROUGHFARE SOlne of the roads we trave1 today have been well-worn paths since antiquity. A fev.; of thenl predate humanity altogether; they were aninlal tracks before people discov- ered thenl. A nmnber of the oldest roads are ridgeways: routes that stay weIl above valleys, fol- lowing high contour lines, typically on the warm, sunny side of ridges. It's easy to see whya road would tend to follow a contour line (that is, a line of constant e1evation). There's no sense in clilllbing up and down hills if you can avoid it. But why did those earliest trailblazers choose higher rather than lower contours? The answer, apparent- ly, is nlud: The valley bottonI tends to get soggy and overgrown with vegetation. "Ye'll take the high road and 1'11 take the low road, and 1'11 be in Scotland before ye," says the old ballad of Loch LOlllond-but the historical evidence suggests the high road has usually been the quicker way. In Europe and 13ritain there are ridgeways known to be 7,000 years old. One of lnany surviving examples in Britain is a 90-111ile trail called the Rudge, which lnean- ders frOlll Avebury to Ivinghoe in Buckinghanlshire. In Alnerica, the Natchez Trace is a ridgeway route that supposedly began as a track created by bufL110 lnigrating fronl the lower Mississippi to salt licks near the present site of Nashville, Tennessee. New York Route 5 between BufT.:ïlo and Albany follows the route of the Iroquois- Mohawk Trail, a ridgeway footpath 400 nliles long. Later roads were not all fitted so carefully to the contours of the land, either high or low. The clearest counterexample is the gridded rOLId systenl of the American Midwest. The Land Ordinance Act of 1785, passed at the initiative of Thonl3s Jefferson, divided new territories beyond the 13 original states into townshirs six llliles square. Each towllship was dividcd in turn into 36 one-lllile-square sections, 
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and each section was divided into four quarter-section [lrms. The owners of prop- erty on either side of a section line were required to donate a 33-foot-wide strip to public use, creating a óó-foot-wide right-of-w<lY at one-mile intervals. (Why óó feet? That's the length of the Gunter's cluin, a standard me<lsuring device in surveying.) H...oads in n1uch of the Midwest still contorm to this rectilinear pattern: they run straight and parallel and <ue <lligned to the cardinal points of the cOl11pass, heedless of hills and valleys and all but the most extrel11e obstacles. And yet the lauice of squares within squares isn't quite perfect. It can't be because even an act of Congress can't repeal the la\v of mathel11atics that says a lattice of squares won't 111ap sn100thly onto the surface of a spheric<ll pLmet. 13eclUse lines of longitude converge toward the pol es. the parallel north-south roads have to deviate to the left or right every few townships. City planners also have a fondness for the rectilinear grid-perhaps understand- ably since the nucleus fi-Oln which many cities h<we grown is a crossroads. In some cases the determilution to have streets intersect <tt right angles is powerful enough to triumph over the lnost difhcult terr<lin-and even over C0l1ll110n sense. The obvious example is San Francisco, where str<light-arrow streets clin1b hills so steep that the sidewalks luvt" to be carved into stairw<lYs. City blocks, unlike rural quarter sections, are seldom actually square; houses fit together more eftlciently ii the grid consists of skinny rectangles. But whatever the shape of the blocks, organizing space into colU111ns and rows 111akes it easier to find your way, especially when the nalning or nUlnbering of the streets follows SOl11e deci- pherable system. (There are a few Alnerican cities where you'lI have an easier tilne navigating if you know the chronological sequence of presidents.) Among real-estate developers, straight lines and right angles went out of £'lshion sOl11etil11e in the lniddle of the twentieth century. If you look at a town or a resi- dential neighborhood bid out since then, you are 1110re likely to find sinuous, er- pentine roads-whether or not the topography offers any excuse for the curves. M<my of these roads go nowhere: they are loops th<lt bring you back to where you started, or they are cul-de-sacs. Making it easy to find your way through the network of su-eets is obviously not a high priority. This is an interesting devel0pl11ent in urban geography: having redel\igned the city to accommodate the autOl11obile, we now search tor ways to discourage people fron1 driving on the su-eets. OCEAN TO OCEAN In North Americ<l. thous<lnds of miles of roads d<lte to the colonial era. On the West CO<lSt, the Sp<lllish built El Call1ino Re<ll (The Royal R.O<ld) from Mexico City to Sononu. north of San Francisco. P<lrts of that route now to rI 11 the n1ain dr<lg in dozens of towns <lnd cities trom S<mu UJrbara through Silicon Valley. (Much of El C.ll11ino H....e<ll coincides with U.S.lligh\\'<\y lOl.) On the E<lst Coast, the Uritish built The geometry of city life underwent a major transfor- mation sometime in the twentieth century. Where earlier generations of planners drew ruler-straight streets, all crisply intersecting at right angles, later architects have favored soft curves, loops, and cul-de- sacs. Both of the aerial photographs on the opposite page were made by the u.s. Geological Survey in their Urban Areas series. The upper image shows Oak Park, IlIinois, and adjacent neighborhoods of Chicago, an area built up in the years just before and after 1900. Although Oak Park, as the birthplace of Frank Lloyd Wright, is famous for its "prairie style" houses, the lay- out of the streets is relentlessly urban. The lower image shows part of North Highlands, California, a community near Sacramento where building began in the 1950s. As in Chicago, houses are lined up side by side along all the roads, but the texture of the landscape is quite different because the designers have twisted and warped the grid so that almost all the roads have smooth curves. 
A milestone on the old National Road in Ohio is one of hundreds still surviving. The legend at the top gives the distance west of Cumberland, Maryland. On the right flank, westbound traveiers see they have 29 miles to go to Columbus, Ohio; eastbound travelers, approaching from the left, are 98 miles from Wheeling, West Virginia, and 24 miles short of Zanesville, Ohio. The places listed as "H." and "J." were evidently too small to bother spelling out; they probably refer to the vil- lages of Hebron and Jacksontown, Ohio. u",aERl. G 2.28 " E( 1: 98 . L - ZAESVILLE 24 "- J' II ..  . , \\1  \' \ \ ,  .'\. l ........ 'I ...... '\ ' ", their own version of the RoY,ll RO,ld, ,md J tew sec ti ons in New England are still called the King's Highw,lY; elsewhere it is the Boston Post Raad and U.S. Route 1. After Anlerican independence, there was a spurt of raad building directed toward the interior of the country. The Lancaster Turnpike, running 60 llliles west from Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was an entrepreneurial venture in the 1790s. Private investors laid c1ailll to a network of preexisting roads and began charging ton to travelers; at each gate a carriage drawn by two horses paid 25 cents-not a small sunl in those days. The lllany nearby roads that still bear the nanle "Shunpike" attest to the ingenuity of toll avoiders. Another project of this era, the National Road, was public1y funded under an act of Congress passed in 1806. The original plan was for a wagon road running west fronl Cunlberland, Maryland, across the Appalachians to Wheeling, West Virginia. Once this section was completed, however, the builders plunged on enthusiastically across Ohio and Indiana, aiming for the Mississippi River at St. Louis. But the raad never quite got there. Federal funding ran out early in the 1 H40s, when the National Road had reached Vandalia, Illinois, about 5011liles short of the goal. Here's another fascinating fact about the Nationallload: until 1 HSO it mandated driving on the left, long af ter the rest of the country had ettled on the keep-right convention. The failure of the National Road was not an isolated incident. Road building had lost llluch of its luster by the llliddle of the nineteenth century; public interest had hifted to can als and then to railroads, which seem ed nlore glalllorous. It was ahllost a century later before the autOlllobile finally brought roads back to the top of the public-works agenda. A revival of interest in the 1920s and 193()s led not only to the construction of new roads but also to the paving and widening of older ones. And what was lllost distinctive about this era was the fad for nlapping networks of desig- nated long-distance routes. The National R.oad becallle part of this nlovenlent, incorporated into a route with an even nlore grandiose name: the National Old Trails Ocean-to-Ocean Highway. lts nlain riyal was the Lincoln Highway, championed by Carl Fisher, whose other notabIe pronlotions were the Indianapolis 500 and Mialnl Beach. Fisher's Lincoln Highway followed a more northerly route than the Ocean-to- Ocean Highway, incorporating the old LancasterTurnpike and passing through Chicago instead of St. Louis. Eventually both of these routes were co-opted or superseded by the system of numbered U.S. highways. Roughly speaking, the Ocean-tc-Ocean Highway became U.S. Route 40, and nluch of the Lincoln Highway was designated U.S. Route 30. But that's not quite the end of the story. U.S. Routes 30 and 40 and other roads of the sanle era-such as Route 66 in the Southwest-relnained the primary choices for long-distance travel through the 1950s, but with the conling of the Interstate systelll, they reverted to back-road status. For exalllple, Interstate 70 runs parallel to U.S. 40 for well over a thousand miles, and in many places the roads are only a nlile or two apart. The older road is of ten designated the business route or the scenic route or the historie route-all ways of saying, "I)on't go that way if you 're in a hurry." In the West, 
several sections of U.S. 40 were completely obliterated, bec.1use the Intertate was built over the san1e right-of-way. Indeed, U.S. 40 no longer reaches the West Coast; it sim- ply disappears, like a river drying up in the desert, son1ewhere in Utah. A final note on the rivalry between highways and railroads. In the 18Os, when rails of steel were still the epiton1e of high technology and the darlings of the stock n1arket, the railroad barons began planning a new rail route from Philadelphia and New York to Pittsburgh. Over the next 50 years they invested millions in acquiring land, surveying the route, and digging several tunnels through the Allegheny Mountains. But by the 1930s the plan had collapsed. What was eventually built along the right-of-way (and through the tunnels) was not a railroad but a highway: the Pennsylvania Turnpike. GEOMETRIC DESIGN To build a road, you obviously have to know where you 're going and how to get there, but beyond these basic decisions about the route, there are countless slnaller- scale choices to be lnade: How sharp will the curves be? When hills get in the way, will the road go over, around, or through theIn? What is the width of the lanes? Issues like these are known in the road-building trade as elelnents of geometric design. They have a lnajor effect on what it will fe el like to drive the road. Typically, a highway layout begins with the choice of a design speed. The curves, hills, Ian es, and so on are then designed so that you'll feel safe and con1fortable dri- ving the road at this speed. Incidentally, the design speed has nothing to do with the ....... ) A highway cut in western Maryland creates a groove 800 feet deep where Interstate 68 passes through the ridge known as Sideling Hili. The cut allows the high- way to take a direct route over (or through) the ridge; u.s. 40, the earlier road that follows the same corridor, takes a three-mile detour to climb over the crest. 
Two styles of roadbuilding can both be found in the Interstate highway system. In one approach the design- er begins by laying out long straight segments and then connects them with relatively short curves. The alterna- tive is to start with sweeping curves and join them with short straight sedions. The contrast is apparent here between a view of Interstate 10 near Casa Grande, Arizona (this page), and Interstate 77 near Odd, West Virginia (opposite page). A feature Jo note in the lotter photograph is the coordination of vertical and horizon- tal profiles. A "sag," or volley bottom, in the fore- ground coincides with the apex of a Curve. Designers today increasingly favor the curves-first method, but of Course the terrain has much to say about the options available. A series of wiggling S-bends on the flat expanse of southern Arizona would look silly. ..L- "[ft. jo  -..,  {I I ---- --- . - -- - \ . ...... . . 4- IJ - , ---=- --,  . legal speed linlit; engineers base their calclllations on surveys of how (1st people actu- ally drive on roads of various kinds, not on what the sign says they should do. Curves and Grades. Highway engineers Illeasure curvature in a curious way. They pace off 100 feet along the centerline of the road and nleasure the road's change in direction over this distance. If the direction of travel changes by 5 degrees in the course of 100 feet, that is called a 5-degree curve. The larger the degree, the sharper the curve. As the design speed of a road increases, the I1laxinllll11 allowable curvature has to decrease. For ordinary roads the usual lilnit is 5 to 7 degrees, but highways design ed for high-speed travel will have nuves no sharper than 3 degrees. Following a 3-degree trajectory, you have to travel nlore than half a nlile along the road to nlake a fullleft or right turn of 90 degrees. Linlits on slope, or grade, also depend on the design speed, because heavy trucks cannot l11aintain speed while climbing steeply. (They cannot "Illake the grade.") For a design speed of 30 nliles per hour, the nlaxinlunl grade is 12 percent (that is, the road gains 12 feet of elevation for every 100 feet ofhorizontal travel).At 70 Iniles per hour the steepest allowable grade is only 5 percent. What does the engineer do when a road with a 5 percent grade linlit needs to cross a series of hills with 20 percent slop es? One choice is to trade horizontal for vertical distance: take a roundabout route, spreading out the climbing over a longer span. The ultinlate expression of this strategy is the Alpine switchback roadway. A sec- ond approach is called cut-and-fill.You excavate a trench through the hilltop, .:md use the earth removed from these cuts to fill in an embanklllent across the adjacent val- leys. If you plan it just right, cut and fill are balanced: there's just enough nlaterial 
ren10ved fro111 the cut to bring the filled eIl1bankment up to the level of the road- way. A final option replaces cuts and fills with tunnels ,md bridges, which call for less earthI110ving but l110re engineering. LiIl1its on curv,lture and grade are easy to express in nl1l11erical fornl, but n1any other criteria for highway design reflect aesthetic principles as much as engineering rules. For exaI11ple. Illany designers believe that if a road has long straight sections, they '\hould be connected by long sweeping curves, not short sharp ones. Designers also try to avoid "broken-back" curves. where two curves in the saI11e direction are connected by a short '\traightaway. On the other hand, "reverse curves"-the two parts of an S curve-should be separated by a straight section of a few hundred feet to ease the transition. The idea is to induce a sn100th rhythl11 for drivers on the road, with changes in direction cOl11ing at a predictabIe pace. Another guiding principle suggests that the point where a road's '\lope changes direction (the peak of a hilI or the bOttOll1 of a valley, called a '\ag) is also a good spot for a change in horizont.ll direction (the apex of a curve). On the other hand, a turn at the crest of a hilI can't be too sharp, because the driver cannot see the turn COl11- ing, especially at night. The maXiml1l11 vertical curvature at a crest is of ten deter- nlined by Il1iniml1l11 sight distance: if the road bends too sharply over the brow of the hilI, a driver cannot see [lr enough ahead to Il1aintain the design speed. Near inter- sections, too, the road should be as straight a possible in both the horizontal and the vertical dimension'\ to improve sight distances. Until recent years Ill0St roadway'\ were designed by first laying out a series of straight lines across the landscape, then adding curves as transitions. On two-lane  _ i3 I I - -" .", 
The fashion for curvaceous roadways affects even access ramps. This elevated serpentine connector car- ri es traffic from a bridge across the James River just south of Richmond, Virginia. :. - .,. \ ", ./ .;.. ..t . ot -, . ----:--- _I III ".. "': roadways this style of layout is still favored because the long traightaways nlaxinlize unobstructed vision for passing; unfortunately, they also create an unpleasant sensa- tion of veering first in one direction and then .1nother. On roads with four or mure lanes, sight distance for passing is of less concern, but nevertheless the sallle design rules prevailed for 11lany years on these highways toa. Modern practice, however, increasingly favors laying out a series of long sweeping curves, which are then con- nected by short straight seglnents or spir.l1ing transitions. I had been driving both kinds of roads for years without ever being aware of such stylistic distinctions. Once a highway engineer pointed them out, however, the dif- ferences were umnistakable. On a road built in the older style of long straightaways, where you can aften see a 111ile or two ahead, a trip is experienced something like a slide show: a sequence of still photographs, shown one af ter the other. On a newer road with sweeping curves and short straights, your destiny unfolds gradually and continuously, so travel is lllore like a rHovie. By the way, a persistent legend says that one n1Ïle out of every five in the Interstate highway systell1 has to be straight so the roads can be used as runways for 111ilitary air- craft in tinle of enlergency. If you think this nlight be true, keep a record during your next highway trip ofhow lHany 111ile-long sections are free not only of curves but also of signs, light poles, overpasses, and other obstructions to aviation. In the vertical dinlension, a road is laid out as a series of straight lines-in other words, sections of unchanging slope-connected by either circular or parabolic curves at the peaks and sags. The parabola has been the traditional choice, because it has an especially simple equation, nuking it easy to Ll1culate the elev.ltion of the raad .lt each point. A par.lbola is also the trajectory followed by .1 free-flying projectile- 
such as Evel Knievel junIping his lllotorcycle over a line of £1aJlling cars and buses. But take it for granted that if you get airborne at the crest of a hilI, you 're going weIl over the design speed. With the cOlllputers available to designers today, the calcula- tional convenience of parabolas is no longer an issue, so Jllaybe the shapes ofhills and valleys will change. PARKWAYS AND FREEWAYS In the design of nlost roads built before the twentieth century, the reference vehicle was an ox cart, and the design speed was a few nIiles per day. There was a brief but shining interlude, around 1900, wh en the needs ofbicyclists canle to the forefront in roadway engineering, but ')ince then cars and trucks have been totally in conulland. Many of the biggest roads exclude all other traffic. In the United States, the first roads specifically nIeant to expedite autOl11otive traf- fic were parkways built in the years just before and af ter World War I. These roads had 1110St of the features that we now associate with freeways and expressways: a dual- carriage highway with a barrier or a grassy luedian strip to separate counterflowing streams of traffic; entrance and exit ralllpS; overpasses and underpasses for intersect- ing roads; so me of thenl even had rest stops with gas stations and restaurants. Most of the parkways also had at least two lanes in each direction, which is probably the Blost ilnportant innovation for the driver. Because you can pass without waiting for a break in opposing traffic, a four-lane road has much nlore than twice the capacity of a two-lane road. You can still see and drive on parkways built in the style of the 1 <;20s and 1930s. Perhaps the best place in the world to do this is New York City and its suburbs, where nlany of the early parkways seenl to be frozen in tillle. The first link in the systenl was the Bronx River Parkway, built between 1916 and 1923; it runs fronl the Bronx Zoo up to White Plains in Westchester County. The success of this road inspired sev- eral nlore of ')inIibr design in Westchester (the Saw Mill River, the Sprain Brook, the Hutchinson River) and the Merritt Parkway in nearby Connecticut. Later, Robert Moses-the l11aster planner of llluch of New York's road network-built half a dozen nlore parkways on Long Island. A biography of Moses relllarks, "He deliberately nlade the overpasses low to keep out the buses used by the lower class non-car own- ers." It's also worth noting that Moses hinlself, while paving over so nluch of Ne\v York, never learn ed to drive a car; he had a chauffeur. Parkways of silllilar design in other parts of the country include the DuPont Highway in Delaware (1924). a "superhighway" in Michigan frOl11 Pontiac to Detroit (1925), and Lake Shore Drive in Chicago (1933). Driving these roads is an interesting experience for anyone who has grown accus- t0l11ed to the scale and rhythnl of the lJter Interstclte high way systenl. Although the parkways have the appurtenances of modern freeways-ranIps, overpasses, and so Older parkways and newer Interstate highways are built out of the same basic elements, but they create a different impression from behind the wheel. On the Garden State Parkway near T oms River, New Jersey (upper photograph), the narrow right-of-way and the massive concrete overpass encroaching on the shoul- ders creates a slightly claustrophobic feeling. The more recent Interstate 75 near Wapakoneta, Ohio (lower photograph) offers wider vistas. T --- I 1. 
Which way is up? It will come as no surprise to learn that this section of rood, which seems to go north and south at the same time, is actually aligned east-west. g"g ilnibl=, EI:iiiL  . "'l 11 :52 on-,ll1 these e1ements seem to be in mini,lture because the design speed is lower. The tmes ,1re n,urower, the curves sharper, the grades <;teeper, the sight di<;t,l1lces shorter. The tlrst ro.1ds that approached modern st,mdards of freeway practice were the early autobahns in Gern1.lny and the .1l1tostrad,ls in 1t,1Iv. The first such AnIerican road was probably a stretch of the Meadowbrook State Park way leading to Jones Beach State Park on the south shore of Long Isbnd, opened by R..obert Moses in 1934. Today lllOSt U.S. freeways are part of the Interstate highway systenl. This network of roads was first conceived in braad outline during the Roosevelt adnIinistration in 1937; the authorizing legisbtion was enacted in 1944; but COl1struction was not start- ed until 1956, af ter nluch prodding by General Motors, the road-building lobby, and other interested parties. The systenl now has nlore than 45,OU() l11iles of highway open to trafEc. If you had a big enough ga" tank (and a big enough bbdder!), you could drive coast to coast without ever getting off the highway. But the Jreanl of a transcontinental freeway \vas a long time in cOllling-nluch longer than transconti- nental rail and air service. The Interstate systenl is all about standards and uniformity. The red-white-and- blue shield is supposed to certify that the raad was designed and built according to federal nlles that spell out the nIinutiae of geOllletric design-from the width of traf- fic lanes to the height of underpasses-as weIl as construction details such as the strength of the concrete in the roadbed. In other words, the road you drive on is just as uniform and predictabIe as the nIotels and the burger joints clustered at every exit. Or at least that was the plan. In practice, road builders have been allowed a lot nIore leeway than [ist-food franchisees. There are two-bne Interst,ltes; there are Interstates with trafEc lights; there are even Interstates with drawbridges and railraad crossings. The ilnpulse to renovate and rebuild the raad network seeIllS to be a recurrent one. There was the early spurt of work at the tinle of the National Road, then we creat- ed the U.S. highway systenl in the 1920s, and just a few decades later started all over again with the Interstates. I" it safe now to sit back and say, '"We'lI never have to do that again"? Maybe. In 2uul the governor of California dedicated a new section of Interstate 21U that he said would be the LIst freeway ever built in the state. Whether or not that prediction conle'\ true, it seenlS unlikely that today's superhighways will be replaced by SOBIe whole new network of ultrahighways, built to even higher standards and design speeds. Uut a nIajor upgrading of the roads is not unthinkable. Route Numbers. There's a lnethod to the nunIbering of the Interstate routes. If you wake up with alllnesia at a truckstop where two Interstates cross, you should be able to figure out what part of the country you 're in ju'\t from the road signs. The basic idea is that east-west routes get even numbers, and north-south roads odd nmllbers. The n13jor, long-distance routes are assigned nunlbers less than 100, ending either in U (for the east-west highways) or 5 (for north-south). The nmnbers increase from south to north and frOln west to east (which is the opposite of the scheme was adopted for the U.S. highw,IYs in the 1920s). Thus Interstate 10 runs ,110ng the coun- 
 I I *' .r . .... . ..,. ........... ---- . - . try's southern tl1nk. whereas 1-90 crosses the northern tier of states; 1-5 is the prin- cipal thoroughf.lre along the P.1Cific coast .md 1-95 along the Atlantic. So far so good. Uut in between, the grid gets .1 little twisted. For eXlJnple, I-HS, which ought to be a north-south route west of 1-95, veers off on a diagon.11 .1nd has intersection'\ with 1-65, 1-75, and 1-95. Route nUll1bers higher dun 100 are reserved for shorter spurs, loops, and con- nectors. Where the leading digit is even, the ro.1d is supposed to be a loop or bypass; an odd first digit indicates a spur that does not return to the nldin road. For exanl- ple, 1-495 in Maryland and Virginia is the Washington Ueltway-the tll110US loop road outside of which the rest of the country lives. 1-395 in the same area is an expressway to downto\vn Washington. Uut these nlles too luve not been universally observed, and a community of"ro.1d geeks" delight'\ in collecting exceptions. Their f.lvorite exalnple seenlS to be 1-23H, a short connector south of Oakland., California. According to the approved numbering scheme, this ought to be a loop off of 1-3H, but in fact it runs between 1-5HO and I-RO. There is no 1-3. INTERSECTIONS The crosro.1ds is one of those ancient artil1ct'\ nobody Iud to invent; it just hap- pened. Uut later generations ofhighway engineers lu ve worked S01lle eL1bor.1te v.1ri- .1tions on the basic ide.l. Ye.lrs ago. two unp.1Ved country roads 111ight have had a totally "unprotected" meeting. 1 )river'\ were left to their OWll resources to negotiate who had the right-of- W.1Y. As tr,1me got he.1vier. stop signs l11ight l1.1ve heen ,1dded to the intersection, ,lnd The simple idea of the erossroads has evolved into elaborate geometrie fantasies like this intersection in Maryland. The lowest roadway is the Baltimore Beltway (Interstate 695) and the uppermost level, crossing at right angles, carries Interstate 70, just a mile or two from its eastern terminus. The diagonallanes threaded through the intersection are ramps carrying left-turn traf- fie. The structure is known as a directional interchange. 
A diamond-type interchange is the usual choice where a major highway crosses a les ser road. Cars enter and leave the larger route via high-speed ramps, but at the smaller road the ramps terminate in conventional sur- face intersections, where drivers must contend with cross-traffic. The interchange shown is on Interstate 40 south of Raleigh, North Carolina. All of the photo- graphs on these two pages are from the U.S. Geological Survey Urban Areas series. ""  >-. I 0,/' . , ' ", I ....."*   , L'" J - ---- - j ,]'t. . then signallights. If the streets continue to get busier, it might be worthwhile to add dedicated lanes for right and left turns, so that through traffic doesn't pile up behind vehicles waiting to turn. Still another step in this evolution could be to "channelize" the intersection, installing raised islands or concrete baniers to separate strean1S of traffic going in different directions. On a two-din1ensional surface, it's an obvious fact of life that whenever two roads cross, there 111USt be son1e patch of paven1ent that belongs to both of then1. One way AROUND AND AROUND WE GO A quite different approach to managing traffic at intersections is the device known variously as the rotary, the traffjc circle, or the round- about. Over the years it has come in and out of fashion several times; at the moment it seems to be on the upswing again. Some of the grandest traffjc circles serve as hubs for the spokelike boulevards of cities such as Paris and Washington, D.C. (shown at right is Dupont Circle in Washington). A circle is perhaps the only plausible choice for such an intersection, where cars are entering from a dozen directions and might choose as many destinations. A conventional system of traffic lights and turn lanes would be a nightmare. Early in the twentieth century, circles were also popular for rural intersections in some states. They seemed more efficient than signal lig hts or stop signs because cars could zip through without pausing. But many of the cir- cles were found to have a high aGcident rate, and traFFic in them would sometimes free ze (- .   " t. ,,)  .' '" . , "- .... -, ..' , \ .... . \ ' l :.. solid; no one could get in because no one could get out. By the 1960s, state highway departments were ripping out circles.  . \.... The European experience was better, at least in part because the rules of the road were slightly different there. Under the American system, drivers inside the circle were asked to yield to those trying to enter, but European practice gave the right-of-way to those already in the circle. Apparently, this change greatly lowers the chance of a packed- solid traffic jam. European designers also avoided multilane circles, so drivers would not get trapped on the inner ring. Starting in the 1990s, there has been a new wave of circle building in the United States, adopting European designs and traffic patterns. To emphasize that the new circles are something different, they are usually called "roundabouts," which seems to have quaintly British connotations. Whether they'1I work for American drivers remains to be seen. ;p. 
or another, the roads have to allocate access to this shared territory, usually by hav- ing drivers take turns. The only way to eliminate this contention for the right-of- way is to escape into the third dilllension. This was already apparent to Frederick Law Oltl1sted in the 1 SSOs, when he built overpasses and underpasses for the carriageways in New York's Centra] Park. Today such "grade-separated intersections" are a defin- ing feature of freeways everY\\There. Actually, the overpasses and underpasses are the easy part; they merely carry the through traffic. Where things get tricky is in the arrangeInent of ralllps that allow drivers to 111ake turns-to switch fronl one raad (and one level) to the other. There are dozens of designs for such highway inter- changes, but they £111 into three 111ain categories, known as the diamond. the cloverleaf, and the directional intersection. The diailland is the usual choice where a snlall, low-traffic raad connects to a free- way. Cars leave the freeway via a high-speed exit ramp, and they enter it by nIerging frOIn another ramp. At the slnaller raad, however, the ralllps tenllinate in conven- tional right-angle intersections, usudlly equipped with stop signs or signallights. A troublesOIne feature of this arrangenlent is that drivers on the minor raad who are turning left to enter the freeway have to cross oncOIning traffic. As a result, the strip 8 ... ,  , ..  " .: II' ..J ... k . . , '--I li' ,  '" " - :f: I :1 .. I I " I. , ...... , - '{' j- m,' '" T \{ , - f "IJl'" .,\., . , t' v.,\, : !!I.t .. = - ,.. ,[  .,1 , :' -..t · ... - 101 , r: . \os' - .. Jo' ,. . .  The cloverleaf, with its four symmetricalleaves, is the classic among highway interchanges. This example, squeezed between shopping mails and a residential neighborhood, is on Interstate 405 in Kirkland, Washington. A drawback of the cloverleaf configura- tion is that cars taking an exit have to weave their way through traffic entering the highway just upstream. Here this transition has been eased on the major north- south route by giving the weaving zones a separate roadway. Also note that traffic entering the southbound lanes is being "metered": Cars are lined up behind sig- nallights on the ramps and are released one at a time. 
The directional interchange (this page) is by far the most elaborate scheme for getti ng one rood over anoth- er. At the center, the two levels of through lanes are surmounted by two more levels of "flyover" ramps, car- rying left-turn traffic. This is the intersection of Interstate 20 and Texas Route 360 in Arlington, Texas, between Dallas and Fort Worth. The area visible in this image is more than half a mile on a side. On the opposite page is another series of intersections a few miles north along Texas Route 360, with variations and elaborations on both the diamond and the cloverleaf, and a complex braiding of local and express lanes. Both photographs are from the u.s. Geological Survey Urban Areas series. " \     #" .,.  ..=: ". I ;;: I -i ii g t  "C r,i  I!QI ",."\- - '=:!1   0'-0-  '"  \ \ - ---- r> ./ ----- -- of road between the ranlps can becoll1e badly congested. But the diall10nd is nl0re cOlllpact than the other designs and thus costs less. ClolJcrlcqf is a word SOll1etill1es used for any highway interchange with rall1ps, but it really refers to aspecific four-Ieaf geOlnetry. The first true cloverleaf interection was built by Eugene Henard in Paris in 1 06, and there are even earlier precedents in railroad practice. In 1928 a cloverleaf was built in Woodbridge, New Jersey, not far fronl the present site of the nlassive interchange between the Garden State Park way and the New Jersey Turnpike. The 75-year-old Woodbridge cloverleaf is still carry- ing traffic today where u.S. Route 1 crosses New Jersey Route 35. Nearby, SOll1eone has built a cell1etery called Cloverleaf Melnorial Park. A cloverleaf elinlinates all cross-traffic nloven1ents; no one ever has to nlake a left turn across onconling lanes. As a lnatter of fact, no one ever nlakes a left turn at all. To turn 90 degrees left at a cloverleaf, you turn 270 degrees to the right. (Two wrongs don 't make a right, but three rights nlake a left!) If you need to nlake a U- turn, you '11 do a fuIl 540 degrees, .md you l11ay be a touch dizzy at the end. 
One drawb,lCk of the c1overle,lf design is that the loop roads have to turn rather sharply, and so cars-and especi,llly trucks-h,lVe to slow down substantially. Even more troubling, each entr,111ce loop disgorges c,lrs onto the roadway just upstream of the point where other drivers are trying to re,lCh an exit. Thus. the stretch of road between the loops becomes a "weaving zone" where the entering and exiting threads of traffic cross over. Anlazingly, drivers seen1 to handle this tricky maneuver quite well, but it can nuke for a nervous nl0nlent. The directional interchange is the brute-force solution to ,Ill these problems.As you drive toward the intersection frmn any of the four directions. you get a choice oflanes going left or right or strclight through. All of the exit r,u11ps depart the main roadway before you reach the crossroads, and they lnerge back into the lnain road downstreanl of the crossing, so there ,Ire no awkward weaving sections. Or one 11light say that the ralnps do the weaving, rather th,111 the drivers. Also, no one ha') to turn 270 degrees in order to 111ake a 90-degree turn; ,IS a result the Cllrvature of the ralnps is n1l1ch les,; severe, and speeds ,Ire therefore higher. Uut the price for all this convenience is a fur- ther leap into the third dimension: In a directional interchange, even the overpasses and underpasses have overpasses and underpasses. Threading the left-turn ramps through the crossover requires two more levels of roadway, nlaking a four-Ievel struc- ture altogether. The resuiting concrete confection is visually very ilnpressive when seen fron1 the air; lllany directional interchanges have the elaborate synllnetries of a fancy bow tied on a birthday package. Driving through the structure on the flyover ralnps can be like an al11uselllent-park ride. But erecting a four-tiered tower of high- ways is expensive, and the interchange sprawls over an expanse of real estate bigger than lnany entire towns. The design is seldom considered except where lllajor free- ways come together. (Jne other n1inor annoyance:There's no way to lllake a U-turn. THE ROAD SURF ACE For at least a couple of thou,;and years, paved road') were built as if they were walls laid flat on the ground, with large stone blocks or bricks fitted together like tiles to nlake a level surface. This style of paving was supposed to be a cure for HIts and nllld, which nlade dirt roads il11passable to wagons during spring rains. Uut of ten the paving stones didn't do their job very well. Wheels cracked thel11 or jarred thenl out of aligl1lnent; frost heaved thenl up; floods undennined theIn; people stole then1. The raad builders tried setting the stones flat (flagstones) or setting thenl on end (cobblestones); they tried bedding then1 in sand and bedding them in nl0rtar. Nothing nlade lnuch difference. It was a bUl11py ride every tinle. This is one of the more draInatic instances of a technology going a very long way down the wrong alley. Running heavy loads over big pclving blocks WdS just the wrong answer. The first hints of a better way came frmn Pierre-Marie Jéróme Trésaguet in France and fronl Tdford (,I f..lnlou') bridge builder) in Britain. Trésaguet and Telford r-- ., 1 '  . r ---- I CP'-' --- / .:: r_ f ..J r ... " .....  I I. , I . ..... 1 I ..' . .. \ r . I: . . 'Jr. . "p (". . , ". " 1 . '..: f"II  -t' J.. J. -Ol , , "'''..  &-- ,\ - - {6 "- - , c ."", 4* \ , . r.;--J . ; -"  f. r-- . - Jl _1 .:  I ' ,." f' ,.,\\ , ..-Iii I" 
both suggested covering a toundation of carefully set stone blacks with tlner pebbles to provide a snl00th sur[lce. Uut the real innovation was the idea of John loudon McAdanl, who dispensed with the foundation of stone blocks. McAdanl showed that a well-conlpacted layer of tlne, broken stone can be strong ,lnd durable when laid down directly on the natural roadbed. (The paving n1.lterial nalned for McAdam is generally spelled macadam, but the change is of no great consequence. McAdam wasn't the man's real nanle anyway. He was bonI John loudon.As the story goes, he added McAdanl to poke fun at Scots who boasted of their clans' great antiquity; McAdan1 was laying clainl to an ancient ancestor of his own.) McAdanI's idea of paving roads with crushed stone seems toa silnple. Surely sonIe enterprising RonIan road builder would have figured it out, if only by chance. In fact, there is a trick to McAdanl's l11ethod. The key is the use of stone crushed to the size of pebbles, l10t naturally occurring pebbles. Crushed stone has sharp, angular edges and corners that dig into each other and fornl astrong, interlocked network. Natural gravels (and especially river stones) tend to be nIore rounded, and they do not bind as tightly. On McAdanI's raad crews, nlen, wonlen, and children sat on staals by the wayside breaking stone with hanlnlers. This was not an econOlnically sound TRAFFIC CALMING AND THE ASPHALT REBELLION Highway engineers work to make traffic flow faster and smoother. They straighten and widen roads and remove bottlenecks. But in many places they are now being asked to do just the opposite: To make streets narrow and crooked, and to build obstructions that compel drivers to slow down. It's ca lied traffic calming. Many of us are a little ambivalent about ideals of road design. When we're sitting behind the wheel, impatient to get home from work, we see things differently than when we're sitting on the front porch watching cars speeding down our own street. Traditionally, highway departments have tended to take the driver's si de in this conflict. But the balance of power is tipping, and transportation officials have begun giving greater weight to neighbor- hood concerns. Advocates of traffic calming have come up with quite an array of sedative devices. There are speed bumps, speed humps, and speed tables; there are bulbs, knuckles, islands, chok- ers, and miniroundabouts; there are chicanes where the driver must negotiate a slalom course (see photo). In ma ny cases, all it takes to slow down drivers is narrowing the traffic la ne by having cars park diagonally rather than parallel to the curb. Sterner measures include closing off I . !. - - .,;;...- .  , '- one end of a street-or even closing both ends to make a pedestrian mail. Fire-and-rescue services often oppose traffic calming, but residents have voted for the mea- sures even when warned of slower responses to emergencies. Traffic calming is mainly an issue in resi- dential neighborhoods, but similar questions are also being asked about larger roads. Is widening and straightening a highway always an improvement? Does building more and big- ger roads accomplish anything but attracting more and bigger cars? A signa I event in the debate over these issues came in 1973 with the collapse of the West Side Highway, an elevated expressway along the Hudson River in Manhattan. (Ironically, what brought the structure down was a cement truck, on its way to make over- due repairs.) Plans for replacing the highway with an even bigger road, called the Westway, had the backing of city, state, and federal officials. Nevertheless, the Westway was never built. Persistent community opposi- tion derailed the project, and today a more modest surface road occupies the space, along with parks and a bicycle path. Resistance to repaving has not always been as successful elsewhere, but no road-building project today gets approved without the scrutiny of environmental and community groups. 
lnethod, to say nothing of its inhununity. Widespread nlacadanlizing of roads calne only with the advent of the steanl-powered stone crusher. The original nUCadalTI had no adhesive binder to hold the stones together. Today, however, the ternl macadam usually refers to asphalt, in which sand and crushed stone are mixed with bitumen, the tarry residue of petroleum refining. FresWy laid hot asphalt is a gooey semiliquid that remains somewhat flexible even af ter it cools. This resilience helps the pavement resist damage, but it also means that any defects or irregularities in the underlying foundation will "telegraph through" to the surface. Also, asphalt softens in hot weather. At a busy intersection it can be pushed up into waves like ocean swelIs by the horizontal forces of cars stopping and starting. Where the winters are severe, it erodes into giant potholes. The alternative to asphalt is concrete, which is also made of crushed stone and sand nlixed with a binder, but the binder is portland cement instead of bitunIen, and the final product is very different. Where asphalt is like taffy, concrete is hard candy. Under stress, asphalt yields slowly and snloothly, but concrete fornls a rigid slab that resists bending. Stiffness and strength sound like they would be virtues in apaving nuterial, and generally they are, but they are not without drawbacks. If a weak spot develops under a roadway, asphalt paving will gradually slunlp into it, producing a S11100th dip. A concrete slab forIlIs an ill1pronlptu bridge over a void in the founda- tion, concealing the flaw entirely, but when the concrete finally reaches its breaking point, it cracks open, leaving a hole with jagged edges. A distinctive feature of a concrete roadway is the series of tar strips that set up that annoying "thunlp-thump-thunlP" as you drive the high way. People generally call these strips expansion joints, but nlost of them are contraction joints. Here's the dif- ference: An expansion joint has a built-in gap so two blocks of concrete can nl0ve either toward or away from each other; a contraction joint is closed solid when the roadway is first poured. The contraction joint starts out as a groove sawn partway through the slab and filled with something pliable (hot-poured tar is the traditional choice) to keep water out. During the first winter, as the roadway cools and con- tracts, a controlled crack forms through the rest of the thickness of the slab. There may be dowels in the joint to distribute traffic loads across it. Expansion joints, which go all the way through the slab, are generally found only at intersections or other breaks in the pavement. (Bridges also need expansion joints, sometinles elaborate ones.) Whatever you choose to call the thunlping joints, they are typically spaced every 15 feet or 22 feet or 30 feet. If you are really bored on a long trip, try counting the thunlps between nlileposts; there will be about 350 if the spacing is every 15 feet, 235 if the spacing is 22 feet, and 175 for every 30 feet. I have read about roads built with joints at staggered intervals (for example, 13, 19, 18, and 12 feet) to avoid cre- ating rhythmic stress es in the concrete, but rve never found one. Roadways built with embedded steel reinforcing bars need fewer contraction strips. They still crack upon cooling but on a finer scale, and the steel hold the faces of the cracks close together. Some concrete pavement has no expansion or contrac- -. \J. tf...,)... \ '".J.. '.. 'i-\"\.,,t I '\..c'" ''" \. .! }' .  \,. :J.I, \' .'1.. L  :1.l,:. . . ,!ti . ,:i'i 'r' "0 t,..) " , . .;. , :6.. 1\ - . <'-..... ;t ..i.. "\.. -....."..... ....... """'2 -- ..  r -  t "' ".- A Roman road 2,000 years old is paved with flat stones carefully fitted together like jigsaw puzzle pieces. The deep grooves, seen in many such ancient roads, look as if they might have been dug by generations of passing oxcarts. But in fact they were probably carved deliberately with axes or chisels, creating tracks to guide carts that had no steerabie wheels. The preserved segment of road is in the city of Cassino, halfway between Rome and Naples. 
,. .. t..  Construction details: Above, steel dowels protruding from the end of a newly poured concrete slab will form a rigid joint with the next slab in the roadbed. Below, a contraction joint is formed by sawing a groove partway through the slab and filling it with a plastic cord and liquid sealant. A crack propagates the rest of the way through the slab. I \ Jr . ..,  " "  A paving crew lays down a new topcoat of hotmix macadam on a residential street (right). The paving machine and the dump truck up ahead, carrying a load of hotmix, move along in tandem. The two workers on the platform at the rear of the machine regulate the width and the thickness of the layer. The fresh pavement is soft enough to show footprints. tlon strip... ,It ,tli over long interv,tls-,l nlllc or mon.'. r his continuously reinforced concrete \\.IS tlrst tried shortly ,1tter World \N,tr II. but it didn't begin to c.ltch on t<J]" free\\ ,IY'" ulltil the 1 LJ7( I.... By now '\ome 1 J,I 11)( I miles of U.S. ro.Hhv,lY h,lS been built this \\',1). The key to nuking it \\'ork. i" installing ...teel reinforcing throughout the sl.1b. .md welding it together into ,1 m,lt or mesh. Even with this intt'nul skeleton. the concrete still cracks under therm,11 stress. but the cr.1Ck form every fe\v feet, dnd they rem,lin sm,lll.You (".m see them if you get down on your h,md" and knees .1t the rO.1d- side. but .n highway speed they ,Ire undetectable. ()ne final note ,lbout p,wing: w]ut re,llly m,lkes it work is the pnel1l11,ltic tire. If the vehicles running o\er modern rO.1d" still Iud iron-rinll11ed whed. both ,hphalt .md concrete wou]d quickly be reduced to rubble. L3ut the pneum.nic tire h,h a rem.ukab]e Jbility to spre,ld ]0,u1 evenly over the '\urtace. Within limits. the pre- sure .1 pnel1l11.1tic tire ,1pplie" to the rO,ld depend only 011 the int1ation of the tire, not on the weight of the vehicle. It\ h,lrd to believe, but a skinny-tired bicycle c.m ,1Pp]y 11lore pres...ure to the road -;urface dun .111 1 H-whee1 tractor trailer. How c,m this be? The k.ey f..iCtor to keep in mind is th.1t we're t.l]king .1bout pressure, not force. The total force exerted on the rO,ld is simply the weight of the vehicle. which is per1ups ISO pounds tor a bicycle ,1I1d rider ,md 50.000 pounds for .1 big rig with its cargo. Pressure. on the other h.1nd. is force per unit ,1rea-pounds per squ,lre inch. The bicycle produces more pressure because .111 of its weight is supported on two tiny spots. where.1s the truck re-;ts on bro,u.i p,ltches under each of its I H wheel. If the bicycle tires are pumped up to ISO pounds per square inch. then they will squish where they meet the ro,ld just enough to distribute the IS( I-pound load over an ,1re,1 of 1 squ,lre inch. If the truck tires .1re infllted to 50 pounds per squ,lre inch, then they will spre,ld the 50,()()()-pound 10,u1 over .1 tot,ll of I ,()()( I squ,lre inches. "......;,   \ '  , , .04 .. I. . 
Roadside Hazards. In <111 alpine pass where a car that leaves the road will plunge hundred of feet into a r.lVine, guardrails nl.lke obvious sense. Elsewhere. the situ<ltion is not ')0 cle<lr-cut. A rail so stiff it stops you dead in your tracks 11lay do lnore hann than good. And a rail that sends you bouncing back into traffic or flips your car on it') roof also does you no favors. The guardr.lils you see out on the highway are designed with these considerations in nlind. The nlost conlnlon kind of rail is the W bean1, nlounted on wood, steel, or concrete posts. The W -shaped cross section gives the steel beanl just the right resiliency: it yields somewhat. absorbing energy, without letting a car crash through. The 1l1etal beanl is generally nlounted on wood or rubber supports that hold it sev- eral inches away frOin the posts so even after the bealn has crulllpled sonlewhat, a car will not snag the posts thelnselves. Guardrails nlade of wire cables work the sallle way. restraining the car without stopping it too .lbruptly. SOinetill1eS there are springs built into the anchorage of the cables to .ldd resiliellcy. Barriers of solid concrete or rigid steel pipes are used nuin- ly where the consequences of going through the guard rail would be truly dire. such as on high bridges. In recent years there has been a lnajor effort in SOine areas to lnodify the upstrealn ends of guardrails so they do not "spear" a car that strikes thenl. SOinetilnes the end of a W heanl is bent into a big curl like a violin scroll. Sonletil1leS it is tapered away frOin the road or buried in the ground. Still another solution is a blunt cap lnount- ed on <In energy-absorbing rail. Barriers in the 11ledian strip of a dual-carriage highway are 11luch like other gUolrdrails, but it is especially ilnportant that vehicles not clil1lb over them since that could turn ol one-Colr accident into ol 1l1ulticar crash. The concrete Ne\-\' Jersey barri- er (which probably originated in California) has ol tapered cross section designed specifically to turn vehicles back without flipping thenl over. Crash cushions are installed where cars nlight slnash into unyielding obstacles such as bridge abunnents or ret.lining walls. and in the aptly nalned gore area where an off ralnp splits .lway frOll1 a nl.lin road. One type of cushion consists of barrels filled with sand or water and restr.lined by cables. Old tires also work well. These days you even see crash cushions on the trucks used by construction or lnaintenance crews. The cushion is typically a low lnetal or plastic box, about six feet square and two feet thick. slung from the back of the last vehicle in a convoy. Signposts that need to be installed close to high-speed traffic usually have a breaka\vay link in their structure. If you look near the base of the post. vou will see a joint held together by bolts or rivets that have a thin neck. deliberately designed to yield under ilnpact. Many of the nletal lnasts that support streetlights also have such ol weak link; when you hit one, it is supposed to shear off and tUll1ble safely behind your car. This i el1lph.ltically not true of tandard wood utility poles, whose ue is therefore di'\couraged along nlajor arteries unless they can he set well holck frotH the traffic 1.1I1es. . :4'! "'. .- ,'1! , ; Guardrails are meant to protect motorists who stray off the road, but in recent years much attention has focused on the hazards presented by the protective structures themselves. Above, a guardrail is fitted with an energy- absorbing blunt face plate, so that cars will not be impaled on it. Below, Jersey barriers are stockpiled near a construction zone. \ I . (2 (2 (2 (; 6 A trucker on Interstate 40 considers taking the runaway ramp (below), but then veers back on the roadway despite clouds of blue smoke from the brakes and tires. The escape ramp is one of three on the eastern flank of Mount Pisgah on the border between Tennessee and North Carolina.  J-'" I I . .....,. ,;'!t'lD  r :  - 
, \ Breakaway signposts on the margin of a highway are mounted on bolts with a built-in weak point, designed to shear off if hit by a car. The sign is in Sparrows Point, Maryland, on Route 158. The pedestrian-crossing sign in the foreground sports the new fluorescent-yellow-green color, in contrast with the older orange sign in the background. "n ':J.'. .,1t . '",-. :"'" ..,... .: . ,.. ..:- . ... - J . A . 'J. . . .. .   .&  r-. a  rOI really hg sign'>, ...uch a... the overhc.1d minibillbo.1rds th.H .mnounce n1.ljor Interst.1te exits .md inter...ection, the bre.1k.JWdY str.1tegy won't work. fhe sign'\ .md '\upporting '\tructures .1re so he.1vy that d weak link \\ould breclk under the weight of the sign itself, or from wind loads. The altenutive is to move the '\upporting pylons back fron1 the rOcldway out of harm's way. The sign is hung on a long cantilevered boonl or on a bridge stretched acro'\s the tratTic lanes. Runaway truck lanes .1re built on long mountain downgrades where truck nlay overheclt their brakes and be unable to stop. The lane is filled with loose sand or grav- el and sOll1etill1es slopes upward. Once a truck is in there. it nla)' have to be towed out, but that's a 111inor nuisance cOll1p.lfed with the alternative. SIGNS AND SIGNALS The stop sign, the red light, the one-way drrow-these are among the nlost recog- nizable icons in the civilized world. Yet not one at them exi'\ted a hundred year ago. Even directional signs-those indicating where a road goes-were rare until the 1 S9( Is. At that tinle it was the bicyclists who took the lead in rosting signs, followed shortly by the AutOll1obile ('lub of America. State governments didn't take over until the 1 Y20s and 1 Y30s. SOll1e international standclrds for highway signs were adopted in 1 Y31 by the Leclgue of Nations (and you've been wondering all this time just the League of Nations did!). The abstract white bar on a red disk, 111eaning "do not enter," was one of the signs created at this time. In the United States, both the shapes and the colors of road signs are supposed to carry meaning. The stop sign is the only octagon: the yield sign is the only equilat- eral triangle: and a dialllond is always a warning sign. Alllong background colors. red is reserved for ill1perative messages. such .1S stop. yield. do not enter, and wrong way: yellow is for warnings: and or.lnge, for temporary construction or lllainten.ulCe signs. On the Interstates and lllany other roads a green background is Llsed for directional signs (officially known as guide signs) and for Illileposts; brown signs nlark points of interest sucn as p.lfks; and blue signs advertise food, fuel, and lodging. Recently, an intense, fluorescent yellow-green has been introduced for '\igns warning nlotorists of pedestrian crossings and bicycle lanes. A few other colors have been reserved for future use: purple, light blue, and coral. Most signs are printed on an aluminum panel by the '\ilk-screen proce'\s-the sanle way that tee-shirts are printed. In cities and at major highway interchanges, the signs may be lighted at night, but elsewhere they rely on retrore£lective coatings. Thee materials don't simply reflect light the way .l mirror would; they have the special property of bouncing the light back in whatever direction it came frOlll. Thus, when your headlights are shining on a sign. the letters look bright to you but not neces- s.lrily to someone in another car. Up close. you n1.lY be .1ble to see glass be.1ds or prisnls embedded in a tr.ll1s1ucent pbstic byer. (If you're ever feeling down on your- 
se1t park your car with the lights shining on J retroreflective sign and then stand in the beanl. You '11 see the shadow of your head surrounded by a Jazzling halo.) Special reflective coatings are also an essential part of the strip es that nlark lanes, centerlines, and road edges. The stripes were once luerely painted on the road sur- THE SCIENCE OF TRAFFIC JAMS You're cruising along at the limit wh en sudden- ly the road ahead becomes a red glare of brake lights. For the next mile or two, you inch forward impatiently, wondering what's respon- sible for the tie-up-an accident? a stalled car? construction? But when you finally come out the other side of the jam, there' 5 nothing there to explain it. The traffic reporter on the radio merely says the highway is "congested," as if it had a stuffed-up nose. No one enjoys getting stuck in traffic, but if you're forced to endure a major jam, you might take some satisfaction in knowing that these spontaneous slowdowns are interesting enough to attract the notice of physicists and mathematicians. It seems that traffic patterns can be explained by the same kinds of laws that govern waves in fluids and transitions between the phases of matter, such as the freezing and boiling of water. The idea that traffic flows like a fluid stream goes back at least 50 years. And yet there has to be more to it: A freeway at rush hour is not just a river of cars. For one thing, when a river swelIs with the spring flood, it doesn't slow down; the velocity increases along with the volume of water. We can only wish that high- ways worked the same way. A clue to what makes automobile traffic such a peculiar fluid comes from looking at events on a microscopic scale. In a river, indi- vidual molecules of water jostie against one another. When a fast-moving molecule hap- pens to come up behind a slower one, they collide and bounce off in new directions like billiard balls. On the highway, the molecules are cars, and they behave alittie differently. Even the most aggressive drivers don't routine- ly bump slower cars out of the way. They may flash their high beams and beep the horn, but they also take their foot off the gas. Physicists who study traffic flow distinguish three main modes of motion, roughly analo- gous to the gaseous, liquid, and solid phases of matter. With very sparse traffic, drivers are free to change lanes and pass at will, so cars move almost like independent molecules in a gas As traffic gets heavier, there is a transition to a more liquid-like state called synchronized ... q- - . -, ,,- - --r flow. Under these conditions drivers are forced into follow-the-Ieader mode, keeping a constant distance from the car in front. They can't readi- ly change lanes. The final transition to the solid phase comes when cars get so closely packed that traffic comes to a complete stop, at least momentarily. In this bumper-to-bumper state you are like a molecule locked in the rigid lattice of an ice crystal. On ce traffic slows down, the jam has a life of its own, persisting long after the original cause disappears. At the trailing edge of the jam, cars slow down and then inch their way through the stop-and-go zone. At the leading edge, they are suddenly liberated and speed away onto the open road, but in the meantime others have piled up behind them. Depending on the rate of new arrivals, the wave of con- gestion can remain stationary or propagate back up the highway. We tend to think of a traffic jam as the inevitable resuit of too many people trying to travel the same route at the same time, but that' 5 only partly true. In many cases, the road could accommodate all the cars trying to squeeze in, if only they could be organized a little more efficiently. T raffic engineers monitor the throughput of a road, which is the number of vehicles multiplied by their average speed. When traffic is light, throughput is low: cars move freely, but there are few of them on the road. When traffic is jammed up, through put is low again: although there are lots of cars, their average speed is low. Evidently there's a condition of optimum throughput somewhere between these extremes. Field studies suggest that if 20 percent of the roadway is covered by cars, congestion threatens. At 30 percent, traffic slows signiFi- cantly, and throughput begins to fall. Thus, if you see the average distance between cars dropping below three or four car lengths, you may be about to experience the physics of con- gested flow. One device meant to prevent unnecessary jams is the metered entrance ramp on freeways, which dribbles cars onto the highway at a con- trolled rate. Drivers held up by metered ramps tend to resent the delay. Why should they have to wait wh en those already on the highway are allowed to pass without interference? But if the scheme is working, and the road stays closer to the condition of maximum throughput, then everyone gets home sooner, even those who have to pause on the metered ramp. 
At an intersection near Albany, I\.ew York (right), near- ly 40 signal-light units and about a dozen signs direct traffic. Below is a new signa I head with light-emitting diode (LED) elements, in Chapel Hili, North Carolina. " ., .-:::::.. ....:.:.:.: :::::.:.:-:.-. .:-:-:.:.:::: :::::::::.:. .*.:.:.:.:. - -.:..  . ... -. ... -. AX«.::; T ,.. -- - I - _ lf1 1 i - rr ONLY I .J face. Now they are coatings of plastic, melted and extruded onto the roadway in a thick ribbon. To form a reflective layer, glass beads are spread over the surface while the plastic is still warm and soft. For a few days af ter the striping is done, parts of the road may have a glorious iridescent coating of tiny glass beads. The plastic reflectors eIl1bedded in the centerline and edges of Il1any roadways are known as Botts Dots, af ter Elbert Dysart Botts, who invented thenl. Because they protrude above the road surface, the Dots are nluch n10re visible in heavy rain than any paven1ent stripes could be. For the saIl1e reason, they provide not only visual guidance but also a tactile and auditory warning if you stray out of your lane. The Dots come in anlber and white, and many of thenl also have a red rear face that shows up if you should go the wrong way up an exit ranlp. The occasional blue Dot identifies fire hydrants. The key problenl in developing Botts Dots was not creating a plastic reflector that could survive being run over by cars and trucks; it was finding a way to attach it to the road. Spikes and bolts driven into the road surface didn't work; the reflectors would break off, leaving a tire-threatening shaft protruding from the pavel11ent. The answer turned out to be an adhesive, applied af ter sandblasting a patch of road to clean it. But there's one thing even modern adhesives can't tand up against: a snow- plow. Hence, Botts Dots are less comnlon in the north than in areas with mild win- ters. Even in warm climates they are a high-maintenance itenl. In California I once watched a road worker inspecting the Dots with a go-cart. Riding an inch or two off the road surface, he tested each Dot by banging it with a rubber n1allet. The ones that rattled or moved were marked for replacement. Traffic Lights. Whereas roadside signs and symbols are passive markers, signallights take an active role in regulating traffic. The familiar system of red, yello\\T, and green traffic lights evolved from earl ier railroad practice, although the meanings of high way and railway signals have diverged somewhat. A single assenlbly of traffic lights is called a signal head; a set of lights shining in a specific direction is called a face; each light within a face is an optical unit. The col- 
ored gLtss lens is known elS a rounde1-a word I find curiously <;onorous. Older sig- nal heads were made from iron or <;tee1, but the modern ones are either aluminum or polyclrbonate pLl<;tic; these lighter lllaterials make it easier to hemg the signal<; over the Ll11e they regulate, rather them mounting them on a po<;t beside the road. The heads u,ed to be painted black or dark green, but now the standard color is some- thing c.111ed federal yellow. Optical units conle in two conl111on sizes-both of which are bigger than they look frOll1 the driver's seat. The snldller ones are 8 inche in diameter and the larger ones 12 inches-the size of a dinner pldte. Traditionally, the lalllp inside the unit Wd an ordinary incandescent light bulb (60 to 150 watts) nl0unted in d reflector, like a fldshlight bulb. But since the late 1990s, light-enlitting diodes (LED<;) helve been replacing light bulbs everywhere. Instead of one big bulb filtered by colored glass, the LED signal has a geOllletric array of sll1all, semiconductor devices that emit various distinct colors of light. Red LEOs entered the nurket first; anlber and green ones weren't quite bright enough. The LEI)s still cost nl0re than light bulbs, but they Llst longer. Moreover, if one small elllitter burns out, the re<;t continue to shine. The controller for a set of signal lights is usually in a nearby llletal clbinet, which CeU1 remge in size fi-OIll a medicine chest to a Slllel11 refi-igerator. Running the signals is more cOlllplicated than you 111ight think.. A 111ajor crossroads with turn lanes and pedestrian signdls nlight have 15 to 20 signal [lces and perhaps 50 optical units. The simplest control algorithnl goes through a cycle with just four phases, but when left- turn signals and pedestrian crossings elre included, the control cycle can easily grow to six or eight phases, and occasi011c111y more. Sensors that detect the presence of a vehicle and change the <;ignal only when needed add elnother cOlllplication. For decldes, traffic-<;ignal controllers were clockwork nlechaninlS that operated much like a music box or player piano. A motor slowly turned a set of disks that held e ,.-. e $ . " ",..... ., ) --. .......' .... -= - --... r _Ii ':   = [) . [) .  - ....;---] I . .. ... I )' A traffic-signal control cabinet holds the electronic modules that determine the timing and sequence of sig- nals. Each signal face and other device (such as the pedestrian push-button in the foreground) has a plug-in module in one of the racks in the lower part of the cab- inet. The programmable master controller, at the top, governs overall timing. The cabinet was opened for the installation of a module controlling audible signals for pedestrians. Newly installed vehicle-detection loops are buried in the pavement at an intersection in San Diego. The conduc- tors sense the presence of the large mass of metal in a car and trigger a traffic signal. 
That's not a bird perched on the boom next to the sig- nallight above. It's a sensor pointed toward oncoming traffic; when it detects flashes from a strobe light mount- ed on fire engines and other emergency vehicles, it overrides the normal signal sequence and gives the emergency vehicle a green light. The tower below car- ries video cameras for traffic surveillance. Both of these devices are in Nashua, New Hampshire. I , . ..I I -  t '''''ft' hump\ ur dcpre...."wn' III their perimeter. S\\ itch lever... nding ,lg,11Iht the edge uf e,lch di"k. would turn the sIgn,11 lights on ,md otl in ,1 t1ed '\equence. Some of thest' electromech,11licl1 controllers ,Ire still in oper.nion: if you '\t,md dose to the Llbinet. you Lln he,lr the dock nlotor hunl1lling or grinding and the switches cbcking. The 111c'chanisnls are very reli,lble. but they ,Ire ,llso intle,ible. Controllers based on digiul electronic'\ began to ,lppe,lr in the 1 <J70s. ,Hld a stan- d,lrd tor C0111putc'rized \ystem'i was publihed in 19l). 13y now the I11ajority of Con- troller'\ have been converted to digital technolu6'y. The task of issuing conlnund to tr,lthc lights is one tor which cOl11puter\ ,Ire obviously well suited, but it is also a task where d COl11puter bug coulJ be fatal. The big no-no in tr,lffic signaling is allowing two conflicting streanlS of traffic to both get ,I green light at the sanle tilne. The main line of Jc'fense against such ,I disa\ter is a conflict-nl0nitoring unit built into every conlputerized controller c,lbinet. The module directly nlonitors the electrical cur- rents flowing in the wire that feed the signal lamps so it Lm tell with cert,linty if two greens are incorrectly lit at the same time. no I11atter wut caused the error-a subtle programming bug, a stuck switch. or crossed wires. Tratlic lights ,Ire ,It their mo,\( .mnoying when they stop Llrs on the nl,lin thor- oughf.ue ,It ,I moment when there's no one to t,lke advantage of the green on the cross street. The remedy for this situ,ltion is a sensor that trigger'\ the cross-trathc green only when a car shows up to use it. Quite a v,Iriety of ensor technologies have been tried. including micro\\',lVe. ultrasonic, infi-ared, video, and l11agnetic. By £lr the nl0st conlmon type, however, is the induction loop, which is ,I coil of wire buried in the rO.llhvay. The loop carries an electrical signal at ,1l1dio frequencies (a te\\' thou- sand hertz). The frequency is altered by the presence of the l11etal in an autol11obile. The S,l1lle principle i'\ ,It work in the l11etal detector,\ that beachcOl11ber'\ u'\e to find lost coins and bottle C,lpS, as well ,IS in the meta] detectors in the security checkpoint ,It the ,lirport. fvlo'\t of the loops ,1fe instdlled by sawing a groove in the p,ivement, tiying in the coil of wire, and then '\e,lling it with a watertight epoxy. The st,InJard inductive detector h,1\ a single loop for e,lch lane of traffic; thi'i ,1rrangel11ent is called a dipole detector. SOl11etinle'i you might notice a lane th,it ha.... two luop\ side by 'ilde in a ...quared-otT figure-eight geOl11etry. This double loop is called d qUddrupole detector. It provides greater 'ien'iitivity-detecting motorcycle ,md SOl11e bicycles as well ,1'\ cars-and hds ,I 'iharper cutoff at the edge so th,lt d left-turn-lane signal, for exam- ple, will not be triggered by traffic in ,In adj,lcent through lane. Another kind of detector allows fire engines and anlbulances to preel11pt normal traffic sign,lls; the light autOl11atiLllly turns green for the emergency vehicle as it ,lppro,iChe'i the intersection. Public-tran\it bu...e'i may also be equipped to trigger the green light. These '\y'\tem rely on .111 optic,ll senor-a photocell I110unted on ,1 '\talk-th,lt detects distinctively tiI11ed t1ahes trom a strobe light on the vehicle ['ve hedrd people cLlim to h,lVe triggered the preel11ption by fl1shing their high bea111s at just the right frequency. The 111,lnut:lCturers tell me it's just not so. 
In nlust citie today, trafllc signals are linked together in a citywide network con- trolled from a central comn1and post. This is not a new idea. In Manhattan a central trafllc-control station was operated as early as 1929. Of course the nlodern systenls are nlore highly autOlnated, but this is not to say that a central cOlnputer takes direct charge of individual faces or optical units at each intersection. As a safety Ineasure, the local controllers continue to operate the signals and 1110nitor for conflicts. The central station Inerely issues orders to alter the tilning of the various signal phases. During rush hours, Inany cities time their signallights to fonn "platoons" of cars on one-way arterial streets. Waves of alternating green and red sigl1als propagate along the street at a set speed. Vehicles traveling at the sa111e speed are not stopped by red lights; the vehicles spontaneously fornl platoons that stay together frOln one signal to the next. It turns out that sllloothing the £low of traffic in this way nlaxinlizes the capacity of the roadway. SMARTER ROADS? SMARTER CARS? DUMB ER DRIVERS? At the 1939 World's Fair in New York, a General Motors exhibit called Futurama offered a famous vision of travel by automated autom0- bile. In the morning you would read the news- paper as your car navigated the freeways and took you to work. After a long day at the office, you could nap as the car drove you home. Several technologies that might be seen as steps toward such a future are already on the scene. Cars and trucks can be equipped to receive navigational signals from Global Positioning System satellites and show the vehi- cle's location and velocity on a moving-map display. In-car radar units that monitor distance to the vehicles ahead and behind are becom- ing available. Cruise con trol has long since ceased to be a novelty. Most major highways have embedded sensors and video cameras to monitor the density and speed of traffic. (Chicago' s freeways, for example, have some 1,600 built-in sensors.) Computer software can calculate a route between any two addresses. In 1997 the idea of the smart car was given a test drive on a sedion of Interstate 15 in San Diego. Two lanes of the highway-separated from normal traffic by concrete barriers-were studded with "magnetic nails" driven into the pavement every 100 feet. Eight cars were equipped with sensors for these magnetic lane markers, as weil as radar, video cameras, and a computer to interpret all the sensor readings and drive the car accordingly. On the first day the system was tested, a platoon of cars sped down the highway in close formation (see photoJ, with the drivers-or rather the nondrivers- '1'. ..., .. . ., holding bo th hands out the window, like kids showing off on a roller coaster. It's a long way from this test of the concept to routinely entrusting human lives to a suppos- edly intelligent vehicle. Skeptics ask, What happens when the car has a flat tire? When the roadway floods? When a child runs into the street? Most of all they point out that one of the things computers are known for doing is crashing. The proponents of the system say they are weil aware of these hazards and believe they can be overcome. Given that auto accidents in the United States kill 40,000 peo- ple a year, it might be argued that human dri- vers aren't doing such a hot job, and the machines deserve a chance. Another argument for smart cars is that they could use highways more efficiently, at least in the case of roads open exclusively to vehicles under automatic control. Because the cars could coordinate all their movements, they could drive with much closer spacing at any given speed, effectively increasing the capacity of highways. This leads to an economic argument for the technology: even if retrofitting roads for smart vehicles costs $100,000 per mile, that is far less than the co st of building new freeways. The social and psychological effects of adopting such a neV{ mode of travel are harder to fathom. In a society where what you drive and how you drive have so much to do with self-image, surrendering the car keys to a com- puter will call for some major readjustments. (Photograph courtesy National Automated Highway System Consortium.) 
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CHAPTER 9 F YOU WANT TO SEE NIN ETEEN TH-CENTURY technology still hard at work today, just go stand by the nearest railroad crossing and watch the past roll by. Not that you'll see stean1 10cOlnotives and antique rolling stock; n10st of the equipment on today's railroads is quite up-to-date. But the industrial style and culture of the rail- roads have changed renurkably little in the past hundred years. Railroad technology was the centerpiece of the nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution, and it still is. The basic idea of railroading is steel wheels on steel rails. COlnpared with rubber tires on a concrete roadway, this 11letal-to-n1etal contact allows heavier loads to be carried with less friction. R..educed friction 1nakes for greater energy efficiency, but it has other consequences as weIl, not all of which are entirely welcon1e. For one thing, less friction lneans the driving wheels can't get n1uch of a grip on the rails, so trains have only li1nited acceleration.You'll never see a 10cOlllotive n1ake a drag-race start. And for the sanw reason, trains don't stop very well. The engineer's nightnlare is seeing a catastrophe waiting to happen a mile up the track, and knowing the train can't be stopped before getti ng there. Running on rails has another obvious effect: You don't have to steer. In fact, you can't steer, even if you want to. The train's n10tion is one-dilnensional; it goes wher- ever the track goes. The switching point where one track branches away frOln anoth- er nuy look sOlnething like a highway exit ralnp, but it works differently. On the highway, it's the driver who decides whether to go straight or turn off, but on rails it's the switch in the track that nukes the decision. More than other 1110des of transport, railroads attract a111ateur enthusiasts and col- lectors of lore and 111emorabilia. SOl11e of these "rail['lns" have nostalgic or antiquar- ian interests, conu11only focused on the Age of Stea1n or the era of luxury pasenger trains in the 1920s and 1 <)3(). Other are fascinated by modern train operations; they 11lonitor railroad radio frequencies and keep life lists of lOCOlllotives spotted, in the THE RAILROAD A lonely looking gram elevator looms over train tracks in the Texas panhandle (opposite page). Although much of the drama of nineteenth-century American railroad building focused on the effort to span the continent and link the two coasts, the major role of the railroads for many years was carrying farm produce from the nation' s interior to urban markets. But the grain elevator seen here is shuttered, and the train passing by below consists entirely of oil tank cars. 
Rail markings (below, enhanced with chalk] show that this section of 132-pound rail was rolled in November of 1985. A cross section sawn from a rail (opposite page] is shown at actual size. It's a hefty slice of steel, and yet when you think that the half-inch thickness of the web has to support locomotives and freight cars weighing hundreds of tons, it seems quite delicate. ) -\  111,\l1ner of bird-w,Hchers. T he int'()f111.ltion collected 111 this cl1.lpter does not re,lch the level of det.lil tlut would atity ,. railt\l1. My ,lim is 1nerdy to pre"ent Olne of the comlllonplace elelnent of railro,lJ mfr.1"tructure. TRACKS The steel rail is an ,1rtifact whose fOrIn has been carefully optilnized. This gradual refinelnent of the design was done not by a single brilliant engineer but by more than a century of industrial evolution. The rail W,lS never me,lllt to be an object of beauty, but its cross section h,1s all the elegance of fine typography. It is called T rail, but it's a pretty oddlv fOrIned T. The upper p,1rt, which actually supports the wheels of the train, is called the head; the horizontal piece at the bot- tOlll i the base; the vertical Inenlber connecting these parts is the web. Not all rails have exactly the sallle shape, and the dilllensions and weight vary considerably. lligh iron rails-those that carry the heaviest loads at the highest speeds-weigh 13() to 140 pounds rer yard dnd stand nlore than six inches tall. The rail on a sl113ll branch line ll1ight weigh less than 100 pounds per yard and be less th,1n five inches tall. Every rail is eI11bossed with its date of nunufacture and sonle other inforI11ation that's not hard to decipher. Look on the web of the rail on the sIde facing away frOJ11 the center of the track. You'll see markings sOl11ething like these: 13()() RE CC CF&[ 1975 1111 Here. 1360 indicates a rail weight of 136 pounds per yard, RE design,1tes the partic- ular shape of the rail cross section. CC stands for "control cooled" (a nl,l11ufacturing step that enhances strength). CF&I is the nlanuf.:.cturer (CF& [ Steel Corporation of Pueblo, Colorado), 1975 is the ve,lr the rail W,1S rolled. and IIII indicates ApriL the fourth month of the year. A standard rail in the United States is 39 feet long ,1l1d weighs sOJnewhat less than a ton. Why 39 feet? Because the cars on which the rails are tr,111sported are 40 feet long. Except on high-speed and high-load main lines, the 39-foot rails are bolted together end to end through connecting steel links called fishpL1tes. The fishplates nestle into the web area between the base and the head of the rail so that holes in the fishplates line up with holes predrilled in the r,lils. Either four or six bolts pass through the sand\vich of fishplate, rail, dnd fish plate to hold the assel11blv tight. A few railroads have been experimenting with boltless joints; the fihplates are glued to the rails with an industrial adhesive. In a fishplate joint, the two rails are not butted tightly against each other: a gap allow for expansion and contraction of the rails as the temperature changes. In cold weather the gap can open up to a quarter inch or more. Each of these gaps is felt as a distinct bU1np in every r,lil car passing over it. This is the source of the ul1lnistak- ,lble "clickety-clack" of a train in motion. 
-  "'"' ... r V.  \ !' ,=- . "  .. . 1"\ . .  .  -- Wi  . 6Ir '\ , .. i. . Rail joints: In a standard fishplate joint {top}, 39-foot sections of rail are bolted together. An insulated joint {mIddle} has the same structure, but a plastic inserf keeps the two rails electrically isolated. Welded rail {bottom} eliminates the rhythmic ka-chunck ka-chunck Note the empty bolt holes, suggesting this is probably recycled rail. ..: At most tlshpbte joints ,l copper wire 1\ ,ltt,\dled t\.) the r,\il on both sIde's of the joint. rhis bonding wire en<;ure<; e1ectricll continuity of the tr,lck, which is vit,ll to the operation of signaling sy<;tems. At bound,lries between <;ign,lling block. two sec- tions of tr,lCk have to be e1ectricdly ioL\ted, ,111d so special joints ,Ire inst,llled. with- out a bonding wire and with plastic insulators between the fishpLttes ,111d the rails. On most of the main-line tr,lCk in the United St,\te\, joinb h.lve been e1ill1inated by the instalLltion of continuously welded rail. The idea of welding rails together into one long ribbon of steel was once considered totally unworkable. When the rail heat- ed up on a sunny day, the forces of expansion would be irresIstible, people thought. and the rails would buckle Or in cold weather the rails would contract and straight- en out curves, or else the rail would simply fracture. Thee fears turned out to be unfounded. If a welded rail is anchored to the ties in the normal way, the ties and their foundation can resist the thernul forces. When you see welded rail on a cold day, it is under great tenlon, tretched taut like a giant violin string. On a hot day the rail is under tremendous cOlllpression, like a spring re,ldy to uncoil. But the stress- es are held in check by the nlass of wood ,111d stone in the roadbed. Welded rail is constructed from the usual 39-foot sections. Most of the welding is done in a shop or yard with ,\ flash-welding machine that passes electric current through the joint. Welded sections of rail 1.440 feet long are then loaded on special r,lil cars and transported to the prep,lred ro,ldbed. In tr,l1lsit. the r,lils bend ,IS the train carrying them goes ,\round curves. But the train cannot accommodate more than ,lbout 40 rails ,It a time, or the spring tension might snap the tr,lin off the tracks. Additional welds ,Ire done in the field as the track is laid. One n1ethod uses ther- Illite: a mixture of powdered ,\IUll1inum and iron that burns hot enough to weld the he,\Vy steel rails. The track laying has to be done when the weather is moderate, to ,\Void extremes of expansion and contraction. A glance at the surface of the rail... can tell you whether a track 1S in frequent use. On main lines the load-bearing surf.:1ce ha a bright polish or luster. Depending on the weather, it take anywhere from 24 hours to two week for a fine layer of rust to coat the polished steel. Something else to look for on the r,lil surface are corrug,l- tions caused by braking forces or fi-iction on turns. You 11light .llso <;pot the occasional 10cOlllotive burn, a cOIlca\-ity where an engine has <;pun its wheels. Gauge. Take a tape nleasure to your nearest railroad tracks. If you find the distance between the inner edge of the two rail he,\ds is anything other than 4 feet 8M inch- es (plus or minus a quarter-inch or o), then either you are not in North America or you have discovered a great rarity. Why th,lt specific distance? It goes back to the very beginning of railroading: 4 teet HM inches was selected by George Stephenson. the English engineer who built everal of the e,lrliest steam railway<;. starting in the 182Us. Stephenson probably b,lsed his chOIce on the wheel spacing of Engli\h tr,l1llS and w,lgons. (A popular legend tr,iCe" the ancestry of Stephenson's gauge back to H...onldn W,lr chariors, but experts are skeptic,ll.) 
Not aU railro.ld builders followed Stephenson's lead, and the standard gauge of 4 feet 8 inches was not alway universal. When railroads were a growth industry in Alnerica, in the 1830s and 1840s, gauges ranged frOln 4 feet 3 inches up to 6 feet. Much of the Alnerican South adopted a gauge of 5 feet-a choice that lives on today. strangely enough, in Russia, because the first Russian railroads were built by G. W Whistler, an An1erican southerner (and the father of the artist Janles McNeill Whistler). For rail lines that were not interconnected, the variations in gauge didn't n1atter 111uch, and sOlnetiInes there was a cOlnpetitive advantage in being nonstan- dard. The Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad, between Montreal and Portland, Maine, was built with a gauge of 5 feet to discourage shippers frOln sending their goods on to Boston over standard-gauge lines. There were also disadvantages to incOl11patibility. A nonstandard railroad n1ight hold its own custOlners c.1Ptive. but it also gave up all hope of gaining a share of the competitors' busines. In the years after the Civil War. n10re and nlore railroad were forced to confon11 or perish. By 1886 virtually aU tracks in the United States had been converted to standard gauge. But that's not the end of the story. The question remains why other aspects of rail- road operation have reisted the forces of standardization. For eXl1nple, electrified rail- roads do not all use the saIne voltage and frequency. In Europe, a train going frOln Sweden to Portugal would pass through six or seven different voltage regimes. Signaling systell1s and even such ordinary iten1s as speed-lilnit signs also vary from one railroad to another (unlike the highly standardized signs and <;ignals of the highway). A hypothesis that 11light explain these oddities is that a uniforn1 gauge works to the advantage of individual railroads by allov.:ing rolling stock to Inove freely throughout the North An1erican systeln. At the san1e tin1e operational idiosyncrasIes n1ean that crews and 10cOlnotives are not interchangeable. Each railroad thereby pre- serves its exclusive right to haul trains over its own tracks. It will be interesting to see if n10re uniforn1ity develops following the series of n1ergers that have been consoli- dating the An1erican railroad industry in recent years. Even 125 years after the first transcontinental rail journey, it is still not possible to cross the country on tracks owned by one company. For rail cars to be interchangeable. it's nor just the wheel gauge that has to nlatch up. The load gauge defines the n1axin1Um dilnensions of rolling stock. so trains can pass through tunnels and under bridges. and so trains on adjacent tracks do not scrape against each other. In North All1erica the Inaxin1un1 height is 15 feet. the nlaxi111un1 width 10 feet R inches. (European trains are generally sn1aller.) Ties and Ballast. What I find n10st ren1arkable about a railroad track is not the steel rail, who,e trength IS readily apparent, but the tilnber crossties and crushed-tone balla,t that <;upport the rails and maintain their alignnlent. For carrying loads of 1 n,ooo tons .It a time, I would have expected something 1110re elaborate, Olnething more Llrefully constructed-perlups .1 bed of reinforced concrete or .1 ffclll1ework of A bonding wire ensures that electrical signals for train control can pass through rail joints. At this Connecticut train station someone has helpfully sprayed a bonding wire bright green, for ease of identification.  ,. .... ---. -  ---  .-:.-  --- 
Track-laying machinery refurbishes a section of Southern Pacific right-of-way near the Arizona- California border. The plow on the opposite page spreads and smooths the ballast stone; the tamper below seats the ties in the ballast and aligns the rails. steel becl111s. But the tImber-and-stone toundcltion. despite its impromptu .Ippearance. works remarkclbly well. If you stand near a trclCk and watch ,1 slow ti-eight lUlnber by. you can see the r,lils sag under each set of wheels. The sag is typiCellly dbout a qu.lrter of ,UI inch. This flex- ing of the rail absorbs energy;just liked \\agon wheel sinking into soft sclnd or Illud. it Blakes the train harder to pull. Anlerican railrodd engineers say the energy cost is worthwhile because it saves wear dnd tear on equipnlent. A more rigid substrate would be battered to pieces by the pounding of the trains. European and Japanese railroaders evidently '\ee thinbTS differently. They build many of their rail lines v..'ith steel-reinforced concrete crossties. At least parr of the reason for this difference is surely that wood is scarce and expen'\ive in Europe and Japan, whereas North Anlerica is infested with trees. Incidentally, what Alnericans Celll ties or crossties. the British call sleepers-a tenn evocative of bodies in their graves. Tilnber crossties are most often oak, sawn to a width of .lbout R inches and a length of eight or nine feet. They are treated with creosote or coal tar to prevent rot, a process that has nlade a trelllendous difference in track 111aintenance. Before the preservative treatInents were introduced, ties had a lifetinle of 5 years; now they last 30 years or nlore. Typical spacing frolll one tie to the next is 2() inches, which works out to about 3,000 ties per nlile. ltails are fa'\tened to the crossties through steel tie plates, sOlnetilnes with dn added cushioning pad of plastic or rubber. The rail and tie plate ,lre spiked into the tie by a nlachine. John Henry, the steel-driving Inan who raced a steanl hanlnler, lost that race a long time dgO. ..... .L ....It...- I.-  , Ii .A - ---  t  I"  \1 , R, I .. 'Iii-"- \" 'I  1' --'. r.. - .... . -..I. I j. . I . I I I t - i I ..,. ( . .... , .  .; ....,. . \ .... .. ,. - }.!l L , 'I _... , .., ,,1 .... J - ...' - - " .?" . r '\> " .,",-, - - /f -' iJ f )I" .' !I. f' - .. -I . .:- 
J r f I f t / 11 u A( I . I . t \ . , /, \.': 1 " :; --1 ..' -. t- The ties rest in a thick, heaped-up bed of crushed stone: the ballast. (How this rather nautical word entered railroad usage is not entirely clear, but it goes way back. Ships used to be ballasted with stone, so perhaps that is the source.) On l110st An1erican tracks the ballast is either lilnestone, which is light gray when it's clean, or the darker, heavier and harder traprock, crushed into angular fragn1ents an inch or two across.As in l11acadan1 paving (see Chapter 8), the angularity of the crushed stone is in1portant: it helps the pieces interlock to fonn a stable and cohesive mass. The rails, ties. and ballast work together as a structure to support and guide a n10V- ing train. The weight of the train-the sil11ple, downward gravitational force-is dis- tributed by the rails over a few nearby ties. When a wheel is centered over a tie, 40 to 50 percent of the wheel's weight goes directly to the tie below. with ahl10st all the ren1ainder taken up by the two nearest adjacent ties. The tie in turn distributes the weight to the ballast stones below. Lateral forces (when the train is turning) and lon- gitudinal forces (from acceleration or braking) also get transferred fron1 the rails to the ties to the ballast. And it is the ties, providing a rigid link between the rails every 2() inches or <;0, that nlaintain the proper gauge between the rails, resisting the train's tendency to split them apart. The rail-tie-and-balla'\t structure is not n1aintenance-free. Rails get out of align- Inent-wiggling in both the horizontal and the vertical dil11ension. Wood ties rot. and concrete ones crumble. The ballast gets worn. filled with n1ud. and loses its resiliency. It used to be that track was re<;tored by crew of gandv dancers. who would l11uscle the rail back into position with long iron levers. Now track-nlaintenance machine" lift the very rails they are running on, replal-e worn-out tie..., snuffie up the ball.1st like .1 h.lrve<;ting combine, and ck.1I1 it-.lll in one oper.ltlOn. 
Looking up the steepest hill in American railroading: the Saluda Grade, on a raute from Spartanburg, South Carolina, to Asheville, North Carolina, climbs at a slope of 4 or 5 percent. For trains descending, the track is equipped with a switch that diverts any train going faster than eight miles per hour onto an emergency escape route, which works much like a runaway truck ramp on the highway. Track Layout. Rules f()r the geometri< desIgn of.1 r.1ilro.1d .1re t:11" more stringent dun thL)e tor highw.1YS. TI din imrly L111not nuke sh.1rp turns or climb teep hills. and the tr.1ck has to be bid out ,Kcordingly. LiIllits on curvature .1re ,1bout the same ,1" those tor .1 hIgh-speed freeway: deign- ers try to .lvoid curves .111Y tighter than 3 or ..J. degrees (llledning that if you pace otT 100 feet along the curve. you will turn by an angle of 3 or ..J. degrees). Sharper curve" require trains to slow down or risk deraihnent. But there are further constraint"; even at a crawling pace. there are turns too sharp for a train to negotiate. [n practice, the lilllit is a I3-degree turn. which is equiv,11ent to a radius of about 450 feet. If a turn were any nlore severe, the 11liddle of a long car would hang over the in5Ide of the curve so far it could interfere with trains on an adjacent track or with other track- side ob"tacle". (On the highway, "onle truck trailer" carry warning sticker" that read: "This vehicle nlakes wide right turns:' That goes douhle tor a rail car long enough to hold two trailers in tanden1.) Like high-speed roads, SOll1e railways hdve banked, or superelevated, turns. The banking ,1llows higher "peeds ,md reduces the danger of tipping over. Equally iIl1por- tant, it reduces wear. Without b.lnking, wheel flanges tend to rub hard against the outside rail of a curve, to the detriIllent of both the rail and the wheels. Banking equalizes the wear. Wor5e than curves are hills. A 2 percent grade th.1t J car would hardly notice. c1nd that even a bicyclist could easily cliInb. t,lIl make a 7.000-horsepower 10cOlllotive look like a real Willlp. On nuin-line tracks designers try to keep the grade to 1 percent or less. And the standards for high-speed railroads, like the French Trclin a Grande Vitesse. CellI for grades no steeper dun 0.25 or 0.35 percent. (At a slope of 0.25 percent, gain- ing 100 feet in altitude takes seven and ,1 half Illiles of horizontal travel.) Leveling the landscape for .1 railroad requires more cuts and fills, nlore bridges and tunnels than grading for a highway does. Driving a road parallel to a rc1ilway, you dre likely to see the tracks at one nlonlent below you and at the next above you, ,1" the road follows the undulations of the terrain, while the rails nlaintain their 5teady course. The absence of hills also explains why abandoned railroad lines are 50 popu- lar as bicycling paths. (:arefully designed railways have cOlnpensated grades: Where an acending track enters d curve, the grade is nlade a little less steep, since friction on the curved rails tends to hold the train back. When turning and clinlbing dre properly coordinated, the train 111aintains a 5teady speed. The steepest grade on U.S. main-line track is at the snlall town of Saluda, on the Norfolk outhern line between Spartanburg, South Carolina, clnd Asheyille, North Carolina. The grade goes on for three mile" at a "lope of 4- or 5 percent. SOlne trains get over the top with the asistance of extra engine", linked either as helpers at the front or as pu"her" at the rear. Other train" 11lUst "double" over the hill: the crew break" the train in two at the bottOln of the grade. hauls half the cars to the sunlluit, then goes b.lCk for the rest, finally re.1sseInbling the train at the top. 
Where,ls nl.ljor highw,l)'s ,llways h,lve multiple l.1nes. it is not unusu,ll t())" long -;eg- ments of ,1 nl.lin-line railro,H.l to consist ofjllst ,\ \ingle track. sh,lred by trains mov- ing in both directions. I once -;pent a d,lY \v,uching trains go by on the Southern P,lCitlc in New Mexico, which is ,1 single-tr,\ck line for m,my miles. All through the morning the eastbound tr,lin-; b,lrreled through, with no \vestbound tratltc at ,lll. J beg,m to wonder if this w,lsn't a OIle-W,lY thoroughtlre, with ,mother track elsewhere to Llrry trains he,lding we-;t. Then, in the ,lfternoon, ,lfter ,m idle period of ,m hour or -;0, ,1 westbound fi-eight ,lppe,lred, then ,mother right behind it, ,md ,mother. Fin,lllv 1 caught on to the plan. (It's embarrassing how long it took me.) ()n a long single tr,lCk, you cm't very well ,lltern,lte tr,lins going in oppo-;ing directions. The tr,lins run in platoons, ,111 e,l-;tbound for ,1 while, then ,lll westbound. Even with the pl.1toon system, ,m)' long o.;tretch of -;ingle track rel}uire-; sidings, or sidetracks, 0.;0 tlut opposing trains cm pass when they meet. For that m,uter, double- track line-; ,dso need sidings to ,dlow t:lster trains to oVl'rt,lke slower ones. A siding branches otT the nl.lin line and then rejoins it f.lrther on, -;0 ,1 train being passed doe-;n't h,lve to b,lCk up. The siding Ius to be long enough to hold the entire train, which cm mean ,1 mile or more for long-Iuul fi-eight.... The de,ld-end branch tracks th,lt serve tlCtories ,md other fi-eight customers are often called sidings. but the proper term for one of these tracks is ,1 fetln. Another important track feature i... ,\ \\ ye-a three-way intersection with turnouts le,\ding fi-om each track to both of the other track.... By turning ,It ,1 \\ ye, then tlipping ,1 -;witch ,md lucking up, then flip- ping ,mother \witch and going t(J}"ward, ,\ train can turn around ,md come b,lCk the way it wa\ going. (It', like pulling into a driveway to make a U turn.) Switches, Frogs, and Diamonds. A railro,ld witch is one of thoe mech,mism... tlut lu... no ecret'. All of ib p,lrt are out in the open for ,myone to ee. There i no my- tery to ho\v it \Vork. And yet \ometime\ 1 t1nd it hard to believe tlut it doe \Vork- th,lt merely by ...hitting ,1 lever, thous,mds of tons of train cm be deftly diverted fI-om one track to ,mother. Fir-;t, ,1 minor m,ltter of terminology. Americms call them -;witches, but the Uriti-;h call them points. ()r at le,lst th,lt\ what I ,dways thought. But it turns out th,lt real railro,ld workers both in the United St,ltes and abroad seldom call them either s\vitches or point-;; they cdl them turnouts. Wh,lte\"er the n,lIne, the he,lrt of the mechanism is ,1 pair of flexible. t,lpered r,lils (ometime-; called -;witch points, ,1S if m,uters weren't confused enough ,llready!). The-;e spec-i,ll r,lils h,lVe the norm,ll T-r,lil cross -;ecrion ,It one end (the heel of the switch) and thin down ,llmost to ,1 -;h,lrp point ,lt the other end (the toe). Consider ,1 turnout \vhere the m,lin line goe-; -;tr,light ,lhe,ld ,md ,\ siding veers off to the left. The nghth,md r,lil continuL undi-;turbed ,tr,light through the switch structure, while the lefth,md r,lil curves to the left. 1 he two t,lperc'd ,witch poinb-,lbo known ,1\ tonguc r,lil,-lie bet\\t:Tn the\e -;tOt:k r,lit.... When the -;witch }\ c\chel.I. the ldrh,md -;\\ itch point nc-;rlcs up ,lg,linst the ktth,lIld stock r.lil ,1Ild Llrrie ,1 tram ,1ppro,lChing . .) (J : 't:  c  . , " . . ,'" . -,;' ........... "'IOIt -'---  --   - _ .:;"1  .......... .  .   -'OJ --..f...-- .. . . :- -.J. -I' .  ,.:.   oM-'t 'J...J '.tl  .  .} .1...- ,, ..., , }\ .... t_ .. i" The tapered tongue rails (above) are shifted left and right to determine a train's direction. But the most criti- cal part of the switch is the frog (be/ow), where two rails cross over.  ('11 ,.  .,), -'.,-  .-:\ . - . ;, )  EE;  -  ... -r .d....' '-''#:'4- .' ...,'"  '. ,.. .-  At ... J {  } : ;:.:.. ........- £.  !': "''':-... -"t4- .. -:. I! "- "'jI ..4. '" . .\ . "'t  "J - - -.. , ri\. 7 ..\ "" ,   .J.PJ- . 
In a freight yard in Greensboro, North Carolina, a worker throws a switch by hand to turn a locomotive into a side track. .. -- - -I J I_ I . JP \ II  J..' j , 1 - = 3 f III ..- Pi . - ,_ the switch straight through on the n1din line. When the witch is open. the lefthand switch point is moved out of the way. .lnd the rightlund switch point lie up ag.linst the righthand stock rail. Now a train coming into the switch is diverted to the left. onto the siding. To get a train through the turnout. another problenl has to be solved: whichever way the switch is set. one rail has to cross over .Blother. The crossover is a problem because the flanges of the train wheels can't climb over a rail. (That' why the flmges are there-to keep the train on the tr.lcks.) The solution is to inst.lll .1 n1.lssive steel forging where the two rails cross. with groove cut to .lllow the fl.mges to p.lSS. This X-shaped steel structure at the point of interection is called a frog-a term whose source is an utter mystery to me. Becaue of the grooves cut through the frog, wheel fl.mge have nothing to bear JgJinst there, and a train could slip off the rJib. fo prevent this, guarJraib. are installed 
just inside the two tock rails opposite the ti'og. The gu,lrdrails prevent the OpposIte \\ heel from drifting inw,lrd. The <;witch-point rail<; dre hifted fi'om one posirion to the other by steel rod<; rh,lt P,lSS under the rails berween the ties. Originally, switching was done by a member of the tr,lin crew, who cliIl1bed down from the engine cab or the caboose ,1I1d moved a clublike lever that h,ld a he,wy iron weight on one end. The weight was there to ensure th,lt the lever would turn a full I HO degrees, flopping frOl11 one horizontal position to the other. (A switch left in ,111 intermediate position hds a good chdnce of derailing any tr,lin th,lt tries to go through it.) Tod,lY, manual switche<; are seen only on low-tr,lffic branch line ,1I1d lead. Other switches are moved by electric motors under remote control fi'om ,1 ign.lling tower or a dispatcher's office, which might be hundreds of miles ,1\\,lY. Turnouts conlt' in various sizes. which ditTer in how sharply the tracks veer ,lway from e,leh other. A No.6 turnout measures a little less than 50 feet fr0111 the toe of the switch to the middle of the frog. On a No. 20 rurnout this distance is almot 100 feet. The long turnouts take up more space. cost more to build. ,1I1d require more force to change position, but trains can negotiate thenl at higher <;peed. A turnout is not the only way for two rail lines to interect. There is ,11so a dia- mond, where the tr,leks I11erely cross, without any provision for trains to switch fr0111 one line to the other. A diamond is basically made up of four fi'ogs, arranged at the four points where pairs of rails intersect. If the tracks cros at right angles, the dia- mond is actually a quare; as the angle between the track gets hallower, the diamond gro\V more elongated. Standard frogs are nlanutactured tor angles down to 3 degrees, which yields a Jiamond 1 H() feet long. ,  " -.;. -.  'v . . -.. ". ... 1.J .'.Ii  _ "4.. .....¥< .,....  .-  '''!1 ,-,' '). .-"...r<. ,,' .   -1" 7'" - -..  . . _ .oL.  .. ' \ . - .- ...'  .... ..4 .... . ., -/"-..rp-- ;... . ..  "_#  Changing the switch position requires flexing the steel tongue rails, and thus it calls for a good deal of force. The heavy weight at the end of the lever arm helps ensure the switch is always locked positively in one position or the other, not floating in the middle. A diamond is an intersection of railroads where no turns are allowed: The tracks cross but all paths go straight ahead. 
*f  () <  . v<f. q,c y I E L o  .. " What the car driver sees {above}: a colorful variation on the traditional crossbuck sign. What the train driver sees {below}: a "paddle" whose markings make sense when you listen to the pattern of horn toots at a crossing. Highway-Railway Crossings. rwe I \\orld... mcct .It the high\\.\)' 1".lilro.ld crossing, .md not .tl\\.ty... on tt-iendly term". In the tlr'\t pl.\Cc, therc i... the phy"ic.l1 problem of getting tl.lllged "ted wheel, .1l.TO" .lll .I"plult ro.ld\\ .1Y, .md rubber tire... 0\ er ,teel r.lils. More ch.l11enging is the t.lsk of getting tr.lins .md'" to cro'\... p.lth'\ ....lfdy. The main trick in constructing the crossing itself b to build up the ro.ldway so that it's Hush with the top of the raik but to leJve .1 groove t()}- the tLlin's wheel tlanges. The filler between the rail'\ can be ordinary aspll.llt or concrete. but these nl.nerials h.l\'e to be jackh.ullmered out when track nuinten.lllce i... needed. An .llter- native i... to b) timbers p.lrallel to the r.lils. (Uicyclists lute these.) And there are pre- tlbricated solutions with rubber or polyethylene m.lts of various kinds. Warnings to nlotorists Llllge fi-0111 .1 '\imple cross buck sign to blinking lights to g.ltes. In general, the signs .md signals .lre erected by the railroad r.lther than bv the highway department-and it Stylistically, railroad is just diHerent fi-0111 anything el'\e you '\ee .llong the highw.lY, For exalllple, the vi...or that sl1.1des the blink- ing red light, fiTH11 the ...un i... much longer than the one on .\ '\t.llld.lrd tradlc ,iglu1. The train detectors that .lCtivatc .1l1tol11atic warning light... and g.lte'\ have to be flirly el.1bor.lte .llld ...ophi"tic.lted. The cro'\sing needs to be clo...ed well hefore the train reache... the a mile .\way for high-...peed train,-but it\ not accept.lble ju'\t to c1oe the g.lte whenever there i" .1 tram \\ ithin that range. I >river... epect to cross .1'\ soon .1'\ the end of the train ha... cleared the road. Uut if the tr.lin goes through the (Tos'\ing, then stops, .llld b.1Cks up? 1 )ealing with .111 such con- tingencics requires complic.lted logical cakul.1tions, .lnd fc)}- m.lllY years it was all done with nothing bur relays, motors, .llld tilller,-no computers. Gate-protected crossings usually block off only two qu.ldrants of the roadway-in the United States. the righthand Lllle'\ of each .1ppro.lCh to the crossing. The ration.lle f()r not blocking the entire ro.ld\\.ly-ap.lrt fi-Ol11 s.IVing the cost of extra gates-is to allow .11l eSClpe route f()r any vehicle'\ that might be tr.lpped between the gates when they come down. Uut drivers .llso use the openings to .1round the g.ltes .llld try to beat the train. For those who don't nuke it, the consequences .1re grim. Experiments .1fe now under way with t<H1r-qu.H.irant g.ltes and with Illedian b.lrriers to discour- .we the overe.wer driver. t""»  (Hint: if you "hould ever get trapped behind a gate in a Llilro.ld grade crossing,ju...t drive through it! The g.lte i, just .1 thin ...l.1b of wood, .l1ld it will '\nap right ofT. You n1.1)" well scratch the p.lint on your hood, but's nothing comp.lred with the dam- .\ge .1n oncoming train will clOse.) Under federal regulation" tr.lin, .Ire suppo'\ed to '\olmd their horn or whi'\tle when .1Ppro.lching a grade cro'\sing. The ...t.l11d.lrd ...ign.ll i... two long blasts, .\ short toot, and .\ fln.d long wail la,ts until the engine Ius c1e.lred the inter...ection. (This p.lttern of long, long, ...hort, long IS the 1'vlor...e code ...ymbol f()r the letter Q. .1lthough as fu- .1' I know's mere coincidence.) There lre m.l1lY other \vhisde sign.lls tr.lin crew'\ u'\e to conlmunicate .mHmg themselves. (Jne short toot stop. Two long bl.\sts me.m... rele.lse the brakes, or go. The generic .lCknowlcdgment sign.ll, equiv.l- 
- ...... .i - .. - .., L. I -J -J I . J \ \ t I 91 t I - \. ----- 4  -- -r -f It!- -L--.. . . 1 .'!. if.,' . \. . '!-. \h - . I . \ . , ) .- Q \  --- lent to .1 wave of the lund, is two short toots. I f you nuke the whistle-pulling ges- ture to .1 friendly engineer, thi is usu.llly what you'll get. Every grade crossing in the United Sutes ha .m inventory number assigned by the Department ofTransport.ltion .md the Al11eric.m As...ociation of R.lilroads. The num- ber is often posted on a m.ll1 pLlque ...omc'where near the crossing. It c.m be useful if you need to report .m emc'rgel1l'Y, 'Iuch .IS .1 Llr ...tuck on the tracks. More Track Hardware. 11ere .lre a few more item you might notice .llong the r.lils. Dl'rtlilers. Given all the eft(xts railroads expend to prevent derailments, you might be surprised to find tr.lCks fItted with devices whose very purpose is to dump rolling stock on the ground. TIlt' derailers .lre installed on industri.ll le.Hh to prevent p.lrked treight c.lrS fi'om wandering onto the main line and c.ll1sing an accident. fhey .lre .llso set up on .1 temporary lusis to protect work crews. The derailer is a steel wedge or ramp cLllnped to one r.lil: it lifts up the wheel tll11ge and drops the wheel outside the rails; the wheel on the opposite side simply fIlls into the sp.lce between the r.lils. A lever much like the one oper.ltes .1 turnout raises the derail wedge into posi- tion or retracts it out of the \\'.lY. A nurker or sign.lllight shows tr.lin crews whether the device is set. BlIlI/pers. fhis is .1 Llse where one Ll11ce .n the object tells you \\"lut the function is. A bumper or bumping post is erected .n the end of the line to keep Llrs or tr.lins from rolling ofT the end ot the r.lils. fhe\ tend to be very sturdily vou might epect tor ,>omething to top .1 tr.lln-but even '0, they c.ll1l10t .1 high- speed run.l\v.1Y. rill' p.H.ided ht.'.ld 1 .lbout thrce feet .lbove the r.lib. .111d .1 little to the right of the tr.lCk ccnterline, so it mcet... the coupler. A double-gated, four-quadrant barricade with flashing lights and clanging bells guards a grade crossing in San Diego, 
 :....< " ;, . ." ...,,\- , \j -. " ot -'  -..\" ... ""'..... .....  --"" > --"',. :.... "t .").-- . <..."'-., .".. " . - t., - '. \. End of the line. Both the energy-absorbing bumper {be/ow} and the derailer {above} are never supposed to see service, They're a safety net for trains that wander where they shouldn't.  :1  be continued... t .... .. '--- 1$/'11: I ...;:£ :;'J---- .;.:"l:: - :5== /jj j F fj t t g '\ ...,' - ,.- \ - U..tlil /,,/Jr;rtlfors. R.lilro.ld'\ h.lvc solid .l'\.k. which me.\Il'\ [hl' [\\0 whech 011 oppo"ite end" of .m .1le .ilw.1Y'" turn .it the ".lIne '\peed.\ fine on .i str.lightaw.1Y, but on a curve the wheels tr.wel ditrerent dit.lIlces, .md sOlllethmg h.l... to give. ()ne result is a terrible screeching as the \\ heels ...crape over the r.lik Another re"lllt is excess wear, especially on the outer r.lil. To reduce the, .1 railro.1d IndY install a lubricator near the entrance [0 a problenl curve. The lubricator pl1IllpS grease onto [he wheels of passing trains, .1nd [he wheel '\pread it out over the rail. SIGNS AND SIGNALS On the highway, stop signs and traffic lights are n1.linly intended to prevent cross- traffic colli"ions at intersections. Some railroad signals also address this problenl, but the l11ajority are meant instead to forestall head-on and rear-end collisions-acci- dents that truck and autOIllohile drivers are nlostly expected to avoid on their own. Train need nI0re help in this respect becaue of their trelnendous mOIllentUIn. It tdkes so long to stop a train th<lt by the tinIe you see another train up dhead on the sallIe track, it's probably too late. When r<1ilroading began in the 1 H30s, signaling was dithcult for a fundamental rea- son: the train itself was the f.lstest thing around, .md ')0 110 nle..,sage could outrun it. Under these conditions, the s.lfest W.lY to operate was to run by a '\trict tillletable. (Modern COlllllluter'\ nlay long for a return to regilne.) [f trains are started at ..s..  .! \j   " " ---............ ".. 
hourly intervals .md they .111 move in the S.lme direction at the S.lme ...peed, they hould rem.lin s.lfcly ep.lrated .1£ .111 times. In pr.lctice. of course, speeds v.lry. some trains m,lke 10Ll1 stops while other ,Ire expres, and .1 single track may have to carry traHic in both directions-.l11 (tetor gre.ltly complicate the tilnet.Ible. Worse, a breakdown or .1ccident can le.we a tr.lin helplessly blocking the tr.Ick, regardless of \\ here the till1et.lble s..ys it's supposed to be. A better way to run .1 r.1ilro.1d emerged .1S 'mon as the electric telegraph .111owed communic.1tions to speed .1head of the tr.lin. The protocol that evolved is called block signaling, .Ind v.1riations on it .1re till in use toeby. The idea is to divide the track into segll1ents, or block, with a sign.l1 .1£ the entr.lI1Ce to each block. In the implest ver- sion of the system, only one tr.1in .1t .1 time is allowed in a block. The entrance sig- n.l1 gives a "do not enter" w.lrning to .my appro.tehing train if the block is occupied. Initi.1lly, block ign.11s were set m.mually by workers in tr.lckside towers who telegraphed word of train mOVell1ents up .md down the line. M.U1Y of these towers still exist, ..lthough few .1re in routine use. They .1re typically two-story wood or brick buildings erected every few mile .110ng the track. As e.1rly as 1872 automation L1me to block sign.11ing. using the track itself as an electrical circuit. Within each block a voltage is applied across the two rails. In the absence of.1 tr.1in, no current t1ow between the r.1ils bec.lUse they are insulated by the wood crossties. When ,1 train enters the block, the wheels ,md axles close the cir- cuit, .1llowing a current to tlow. The current betr,1Ys the presence of the train and sets the block sign,11s accordingly. To avoid interference between .1djacent blocks, the track joints at block boundaries have to be inulated. Although the concept of .IutOlnatic block sign.Iling is sill1ple, making it work is quite .1 trick. A steel r.1il is not an ideal conductor of electricity, .Ind wood ties and stone ballast .Ire not the best insulators. Thus, the task of the sign.1ling systenl is not just to detect whether or not a current is flowing but to discrill1inate between a background le.Ikage current that is .Ilways tlowing .lIld the slightly larger current that indicates the presence of.1 train. Detecting the train gets harder till when the r.1ils are ruty or the track is wet. And on an electrified railway, with the enOrInous cur- rents that power trains flowing through the rails, signaling is still nl0re problematic. The early autOlnatic block systems relied on sill1ple direct-current (DC) circuits- basically, .I battery \V.1S connected across the r.1ils. ,1I1d a relay Ineasured the current flowing between them. L.lter came block ystenls based on alternating current (AC), then on high-frequency .11ternating current (the frequency is a few thous,1I1d hertz, or cycles per second), ,1I1d fin,llly on pulsed currents. where the current is turned on and otr.I few tilnes per ...ecOlHl Thee more cOlnplic.1ted circuits detect trains Inore reliably and reduce interference between .1<.ij.teent blocks. Assigning different fre- qUe'ncie s or ditterent pube' rates to ne.lrhy block... C.1I1 even elimin.lte the need for insul.tted r.1il joints ,It the block bOUlllhries. In thi ca...e the current le.lks through fi-OI11 one block to the ne:\.t. hut the sensors in e.lCh block are tuned to respond only to one frequency or onc pulse r.lte.   '. '.I( ,;. -:.r    . :J; J ... .;.. }1 I .. .1, ,;;..'_ __ 3 . ",i; ';; ....,. :-. '1(>' · I, ;:. .' 0 .,' . - "10""( , "J . 0 'to..  T rackside signals can be perplexing to those who know only the red-yellow-green routine of the highway. The semaphore above says "go slow'" the lights below mean "stop." . --1 . , ,. 
\ :a. a. i  A double loop of wire detects the passage of a train across this block boundary and sends a signal to the dispatcher. Ifvoll Iupl'cn to '\ee the bOllnd..ry between two block" (it i" often 111.1rked \\ ith .1 \ign, 11.1l11ing the blocko;), you 111..y he .lble to tell whcther the block \ign,tl... .lre b.lsed on 1)(' or one of the Al technologies. With I )C blocks, there 1\ .1J] in\ubted r.lil JOlJ1t with no electricl] connection between the 1".1i]s on oppo'\ite sides. With the other methods there is uSl1.111y o;ome o;on of iron box buried in the b.l] or .ut.lched to the tieo; between the Llils, with he.1YY wires feeding into it f)"0111 the two blocks. In either Llo;e, there io; likely to be a closet-sized cabinet ne.lrby. where the tr,lin- detecting hardware is housed. With o;ol11e of the more ebbor,lte block-control methods. the two r.lils Llnnot carry .111 the information tlut Ius to be p,lssed up ,111<.i down the line 6"om block to block. therefore erected lines of poles .110ng the side of the tr.lck, typiC1lly carrying a dozen or so bare copper wires on crOSS,lrI11S. (The copper we,lthero; to ,1 bright green.) The poles tend to be lower th,m those set up by telephone and elec- tric utilities. Lots of theo;e pole lineo; can o;ti11 be seen, and SOl11e of them are still in lISe. ()n the other hand, many railro,lds have also laid fiber-optic cables along their right-of-way, which have a vastly larger capacity. The fiber-optic cables ,1re buried, but there are uo;ually nurkero; at grade crossings to show where they ,1re. In an ,1ut0111atic block systel11, adjacent blocks comn1unicate with each other, but there is no one point fr0111 \yhich the positions of all trains can be monitored. A tech- nology called centralized track control, or cT c, provides just such dn overview. Under cTc, every block throughout a wide area reports its status-whether or not it is occu- pied by a train-to a control room, where dispatchers set the signals Jnd switches that govern all train movements. Railroading with cT c is sOl11ething like flying with ,lir- traffic control. A single control room Lln l11anage a railroad spre.ld out over several states. For example. ,111 disp,uching for the CSX Railroad. which stretches over the entire e.lstern United States. is done 6"om J1Cksonville. Florid.1. The big adv.mtage of cTc is that it allows traffic to be planned .md coordin.tted better. Whereas other block systems .111ow movement when they know where ,1 train isn't (n.l1nely, in the next block), cT c bases its action\ on knowledge of where .t tr.lin is. As a result, trains cm be run closer together without risk of collision. The increase in tr,lffic density is big enough that installing cTc has ,111owed sonle railroads to sClle b,1Ck sections of double track to '\ingle track. The n10st visible parts of ,1 railro,ld '\igna1ing system are the sign.l1s themselves. I find it highly curious that ,tfter IS() years of railro,tding, there is still no national stan- dard (much les... an international one) tar how signals ought to be displayed and inter- preted. ()n the higlnvay, red, yellow, and green look the S,l111e and mean the same thing everywhere, but each railroad has its own set of signals, and even within .1 rail- road there's room for variation. The earliest railway signal in the United States W.IS a white ball hoisted up a n1.1\t to indicate the way is dear-hence the phrase "giving a tr,lin the highb.l11." In New EngLmd .l few of these ball signals remained in use as late as the 1 <J50s, but they are ..11 gone tod.1Y. 
Another e,lrly sign,lling device \",IS the senl.lphore. which \V,l ,Id,lpted ti-om the optic.ll telegraph "y"tems th,lt preceded the electric telegr.lph. The sem,lphore i... ,m ,lrm pivoted on ,1 m,lst "0 it em be turned to various positions. General1y. a horizont,d sem,lphore ,lnll means stop. ,1 \"t'rtiell ,lrm me,ms go. ,md ,111 ,lrm ,lt the 45-degree intermedi,lte position me,m" elUtion-proceed ,It reduced "peed. Under federal reg- uLltions ,em,lphore" ,He "til1 leg,ll r,lilro,H.i ,ign,lls. but I h,l\.en't ,een one in use for ye,lr" except in r,lilro,ld n1l1seums. The sign,lls in wide,t use tod,l)' encode their meanings m [he color, of lights, much like highway [raffic sign,lls. In [he firs[ yer,ion of [his sys[em, a red liglu nle,mt stop. a green light t11e,lIH cau[ion. ,md ,1 light wi[h no colored lens meatH go. The problem wi[h [his schenle W,IS ,1 broken or missing lens would be in[erpre[ed as ,1 go "ign,ll. perh,1ps wi[h tH,ll consequences. The ,lhern,Hive of red. yel1ow. and green lights. now ,0 f:ll11iliar to motorists ,1S wel1 ,lS locomotive engineer,. was in[roduced in 1 H99 on the New I ttven R,1ilro,ld. L3ut the simiLtrity of highw,lY ,md r.lilroad color-light signals is ,lightly deceptive. In the first pLtce. the railro,H.i signals apply to ,m entire block. not just to ,111 intersec- tion; ,1 yel10w light, for e,l111ple. restrict... ,1 train's speed throughout the block. Also, a red light otten has ,1 me,ming more like a stop sign than ,1 highw,lY red light; the train stops hut em then continue ,lowly. Wh,lt's mo,t confusing (to ,lUtomobile dri- vers) is m,my railr()ad in"tJl1 multiple light, ,lt each "ignaling po"ition, to pro- vide tlner control over train movemet1t". You might well 'ee red and green lights shining ,It the ,anle tit11e; this would he nonsen"e on the highway, but to the train driver it n1eatb proceed but e'\.pect to "top ,lt the next ,ign,ll. An entirely different 'ystenl of "ign'll lights \\",lS tlVored on the fon11er Pennylvania R..ailroad ,md ,til1 oper,lte, in p,lrts of it, old territory. In the...e sign,11s, meaning come\ fi:om the po\ition or orientation of the lights, not their color. In e"sence, the sign'lls mimic a "en1.lrhore ,1rn1. A horizont,1l array of lights ,ignals ,top; a diagonal line of lights mean, proceed with elUtion; ,1 vertical line of lights is the go ,ignal. (In the Pennsylvam,l tracks, ,tll the lights were the S,l111e ,lmber color. The L3altimore ,l1ld (Jhio combined the posi[ion ,md color sy"tems. using horizontal. diagonal. and ver- ticll ,lIT,IY' of red. yel1ow. ,md green lights. Ahhough "ign,ll lights ,Ire "til1 inst,ll1ed ,It tr,lCkside every" here on At11eriGl1l rail- ro,lds, m,my tr,lins no longer need thenl. They h,lVe "ign,ll indic,ltors in the locomotive clb [h,lt pick up nle,s,lge... tr,msmitted through the track from ,I central disp,Itching station. A big ,ldy,mt,lge of elb sign,lls is when a block ,ign,1l goe, from red to yel10w or ti-om yellow to green. [he tr,lin does not h,lve to wait until it re,lche, the next [r,lck,ide ,,[,mchion before 'peeding up. The rule, for in[erpreting ,md obeying ,ign,lls are ,,[riner for p,lssenger tr.lins th,m they ,lre tor ti-eights. A ti-eight tr,lin c,m cross into ,1 block. occupied by ,mo[her fi-eigh[ ,It low "peed (2() mile, ,m hour i... the limi[). hut p,l\\enger tr,lins ,lre ,1bsolu[ely pro- hil1ited ti-011l occupying the ',lIlle block. ,1\ ,mother tr,l1n. ome \ign,lb, on commuter r,l1lro,Hh ,md other p,ISSl'nger lines ,liT equipped with ,1 trip-"top mech,lIlism: \X.r hen Railroads have strung up thousands of miles of signal wire along their rights-of-way. In recent years much of the signal wire has been abandoned, but this stretch in New Mexico appears to be well-maintained. 
the sigJul goes red. .1 lever .1rl11 is r.1ised ne»,.t to the track. If a tr.1in tries to p.1SS, tht' trackside lever snags .mother lever on the tr.1in, which .1l1tol11.1tically applies the brakes. A technology that has h.1d a big inlpact on railroad operations is two-"way radio. Once upon a time, dispatchers could conu11unicate with train crews only by telegr.1phing ahead to signal st.ltions, where written orders were passed up to the train (or grabbed on the fly fr0111 a hoop). Later, telephones were installed at inter- vals .110ng the road so a train crew could stop and report troubie. Now radio keeps the tr.1in crew in constant touch with the dispatcher. Furthen11ore, handheld radios allow conul1unications among 111enlbers of a crew on the sallle train. No longer does the engineer signal by blowing the whistle, and brakenlen need not wave flags or lanterns. LOCOMOTIVES AND ROLLING STOCK The Anlerican 10COlllotive has undergone a strange evolution. The starting point is the nineteenth-century "team locomotive, which had a long barrel-like firebox and boiler in front, and a boxy cab for the engineer and other crew 111embers at the rear. Putting the driver at the rear of the engine has .111 obvious drawback: you can't see where you're going. In nlost steanl locomotives the only forward visibility is through narrow "Iits on each side of the cab. There was a reason for this arrangement in the age of '\team: tht' cab had to be adjacent to the coal tender, which W.1S hitched direct- ly behind the engine so the crew could stoke the fire. When the diesellocOlllotive GUlle along in the 1930s, the coal tender disappeared. Diesel fuel is carried in tanks slung under the frallle of the 10cOluotive itself. Nevertheless, the first diesel engines reproduced the layout of the steanllocOlllotive. They are known as rear-cab switching engines, and they again put the driver in the backseat, looking around or over a long hood that covers the power plant. (They are switching engines because they were 111ainly used in switching yards, for pushing cars around while nlaking up trains.) In 19..J.5 the ElectrOl11otive Division (EMU) of General Motors introduced a dra- luatically different diesel 10COl11otive called the F series. It put the crew in front of the nlotor, with forward visibility through a windshield much like that of a car or truck. The F series was a treluendous success, especiaIly for pulling pasenger trains. More than 3,( 100 of thenl were built, and perhaps a hundred are still in service today. They define a classic era in Alllerican railroading. And yet the F series, in spite of its success, was not the model for the design of nlost later 10cOlnotives. Instead, the engines that pull lUO st American trains today evolved frOl11 the rear-cab switchers. There have been several steps in this evolution. An early developl11ent was the .1dditiou Of.1 null pod behind the cab, which typically housed a steam generator for 
4 .-   'I, , " ,II, I. .  '. I 11 IT ! - Q f . \  \ , 11 1h lll I ....."'.- i ;1 l _ \ .. ," I .;..-- . to, ... Ir' I \ . I .\ .'\1 ," ,. .. heating p,lenger car. With thi, ,Kidition, the cab was no longer ,It the very reolr of the locomotive, but it still h,ld 40 or 50 teet of engllle in front of it. Moreover, the visibility problenl grew worse as the engine.; beClI1le nlore powerful-the long hood in front of the engineer W,IS continu,l11y getting t,l11er ,lnd broader ,HId longer, once ag,lin leaving only '\lits for forward visibility. Then '\omeone had ,I bright idea. (Whv did it take '\0 long?) If you '\imply turned the loconlotive around. it could run with the cab near the fl-ont. The snl,l11 pod that used to trail behind the cab now bec.ll1le ,I low '\noot" out in front. This is now the nlost conlmon design for locomotive'\ pulling fi-eight train'\ in North Al1leric.l. as well as nl,my passenger tr,lins outside the denser metropolitan corridors. The '\witcher-derived locomotive'\ tend to be very bu'\:y or blocky. with no ,1[ten- tion to aerodyn,llnic efliciency. Thi'\ i'\ ,mother hi'\torical an on l.1ly. The F '\eries of the 1940'\ was a llmch de,mer design ,lerodyn,llllic.l11y. .md for that matter there were cel- ebrated .,te,llll locomotive, of the 1920., ,Illd 19J()., tll.1t Iud elaborately "tre,llnlined cowling. (They sure looked, whether or not the line., of the bodywork Iud ,my scientific h,ISis.) So it's not the C,ISt' th,lt r,lilro,ldcrs wert' Un,l\V,lre th,lt the e,lrth 11.1., to." "" .- Three diesel locomotives-they are General Electric C44-9Ws-haul a fast freight along one of the main rail corridors from Texas to Southern California. 
The evolution of the American locomotive has followed a curious path over the past 50 years. The pre-eminent stylistic statement of the 1950s was the General Motors F series; the two examples at right, after a long career with various Canadian railroads, were observed sitting idle and forlorn on a siding in Keokuk, Iowa. Although the F series was highly successful, it was not the proto- type for most of what followed. Instead, the model was the humble switching engine, whose usual job is to move freight cars short distances at low speeds. The switching engine in the photograph below is a 50-year- old General Motors product, now marshalling freight cars in southern Nebraska for Cargill, the grain mer- chant. A modern long-haul freight locomotive, the General Motors GP50 (bottom photograph] owes more to the boxy switching engine than to the streamlined F- type. In essence, the GP50 is a switching engine turned end-for-end, so that the cab is at the front. .. "" -.r  ... rl   .  , ! /' .     ;;:;: a;:    :::;::    r- .. ,lIl ,ltmosphere tlut trains n1l1'\t puh thir way through; it ...em... they cho...e to ignore that bct. S()m of the late'\t locomotive deign, uch ,1S the (eneral Electric Genesis (otten '\en luuling Amtrak r,lsenger train), ,lre notice,lbly 'dil'perier. Undr the ...heet metal, ,111 diesel locomotive work on much the same principles. The long hood covers ,I 11l,1ssive die'\e] engine with 12 or 1 () or even 20 cylinders. which turns ,1t ]ow speed but produces ,1S much ,1S 4.00() hor'\epo\\"er. The engine turns a I)C generator. which is wired directly ro electric nl0rors in rhe ,l\:le'\ of the drive \vheek Why the round,lbour conver'\ion from nleclunica] energy to electrical ,1Ild luck to mech,l11iell? Why nor just use ,1 drive h,lft ,1Ild ge,1rbox. the W,lY power tlO\v'\ {i-om moror to \vheels in ,1 el1- or truck? Because no one has built ,I ge,lrbox dut em withst,lIld rhe loads of railroad service. ()ne of the best places to get 3 look ,It a locomotive is {i-om ,1Il overp,1SS, where you em see the top deck. In ,1ddition to the diesel exh3ust suck (you I1UV not w,lIlt to be directly overhe,lLi), there 3re tms tor cooling the engine. In nuny Llses a sec- ond et of t:lIlS cools the regenerative-br3king equipment. Regener3tive braking works something like slt)\ving 3 truck on ,1 mount.lin descent by I\hitting into low ge,lr: the locomotive's electric motors operate .1S gener3torl\, producing power inl\te,ld of consuming it. ,md in the process they slow the tr,lin. The electricity gener3ted il\ dissip,lted in ,1 network of big wire-wound resistors, which 3re kept tram melting by the roof-mounted (ms. Rolling Stock. There .Ire more tlun ,1 million fi-eight L1rl\ rolling ,1round North Americ.l. The kinds you see depend a gre3t deal on where YOll ,1re. Coming out of Wyoming or We<;t Virginia. you might see trains with ,1 hundred opcn hopper cars 
h.\lIling 1 0.000 ton of CO.ll. In the Midwt.''\t the hopper .In.' covered .md filled with grain. In CalifcJrni.l. train of rdi-iger.lted boxcar'\ ("reeft'r,,") clrry product' to points el'\t. Along the Gulf ('O.lSt the bLtck t.lnk Llr'\ .In.' filled with petroleum products or molten '\ldfilr. In othet .lre.1S you might notice train'\ Llrrying ore. lumber. .lUtomo- biles. Lltde. steel, crushed stone, or chemicals. I )espite .111 the'\e differences, most of the Llrs .lre the '\ame'r the '\kin-they run on essenti.1lly the '\.une underLlrri.lge. There \ a '\wiveling two-.lxle truck, or bogie, at e.lCh end so that the Ln i'\ '\upported by eight wheels overall. As noted ear- lier. wheels on opposite sides of the Clr are connected by '\olid axles, which is what GlU'\e') awfitl sque.ding on .. tight turn: one wheel or the other has to ')lip since they are being .lsked to rot.lte .It different '\peeds. A 10.H.ied car. groaning .md '\\\'aying down the tr.ld,.s, can press down with .1 weight of 30 tons on e.lCh .1'Xle. which is close to the maximum weight that ,. tractor and '\emitr.likr distributes over its 1 H wheels. For nuny') all fi-eight Clr'\ Iud journ.ll be,lrings: the a'Xles turned in ,1 lubri- clted bronze '\leeve. If .1 journal bearing is overloaded. runs out of lubricant. or become'\ cont.lmin,lted with grit. it Lm .md f.lil '\pect,lCuLtriy. It glo\\"s cher- ry red .md then ')hoot flames that could ignite ,1 wood boxcar floor. Train crews had to be constantly on the lookout for such "hotbox" problems. Newt'r cns have roller be.lrings or ball be.lrings. like thoe in bicycle \\'heel .md roller skates; the car" ,.re said to be Til11kenized. after tht' Til11ken COl11p,my, ,1 m.mutlCturer of the be,lrings. Roller bearing .lre much les trouble'\ome. When you're '\itting ,lt ,1 grade cro'\ing \\".ltching ,1 '\low freight trundle by, it\ ea'\y to tell the t\Vo kinds of bearing apart. ..'  f  ",'" .................... ...." . . . . .- ,',L ..--- -I >6 1 111I  ---=== '$ ...:;10.' ..s ..s  }. ---  .........,,-. "... .---.... I  - ----J .. .. '-' rr' "- I , .. .\ ,. -  "'\. -...  ,  '; #t II  A few of the million-plus freight cars that roll across North America await sorting at a marshalling yard in Roanoke, Virginia. 
-'" \\\\\1 . .. J .. I - I -- It1 .., r I I - - -1   ' - ""'" " -. \. .. ..t,.: 4..... .. t". . , ....... . .»w- Standard hardware mounted at the end of this hopper car (above) includes an air reservoir for the pneumatic brakes and a crank wheel for the hand brakes. All newer cars have roller-bearing wheels (below left), but a few journal bearings are still on the road (below right). Note that only gravity holds the wheels onto a rail car; if you were to lift up the body, the wheels would stay behind. \ o f it .}t- .  ......1.:."  " ,. '''. .. ..... _ A:.. h Look. ,It the center uf ,I wheel. where it \ fitted to the ,I'\.lc. A journ,11 be,lring lie within .1 <;teel bo).,. Ius ,1 fLIp door on the fi'OI1t. hinged ,It the top <;0 lubricmt Lm b added, The roller beanng h,l\ ,I round or cap 011 the end of the ,lxle, which turn\ with the wheel. While you're checking be,lrings, you might .11<;0 li<;ten for tht wheel. Evn a very snIall flat spot-created when the brakes lock up-produce<; ,111 llllIl1i<;t,lkable thUlnp- ing as the train lumbers by-"kabunk k,lbunk kabunk." The suspension systeIl1 that supports the Llr usuallv include... two of coil <;prings on each <;ide of e,lCh bogie, Sn1all spring<; ,He placed between the axle<; and the fralne of the hogie; large ones, between the bogie and the body of the car. Some boxc,lr<; al<;o have pneUlnatic dalnpers, which work like' the ,hock ,1bsorber') of ,1 car. The coupler<; that join American treight car<; work like two h,l11d clasping with fingers curled; railro,ld workers call them knuckle<;. The official Iunle is the Jmney coupler, after Eli I L Janney, a nineteenth-century inventor whose de\ign won out over hundreds of rivals. The fIngers link autOlnatically when the Llr') are pushed together; then ,I pin drops do\\ n by gravity to lock theln into place. The ,lir hose<; that operate the brakes still h,lVe to be connected nunually; the fittings on the mating ends of these hoses ,Ire called gladh,ll1ds. To uncouple a car, a crew nIeIl1ber pull<; .1 lever at the side of the car. which lifts the pin and allows the coupling to open. The brake cables autonutically pop ap,lrt as the cars sep,u',lte. Each coupler has half an inch to ,1l1 inch of slack, and so a train with 100 cars might be six feet longer when stretched out than when bunched together. The slack <;erves a purpose: if a train is bunched up when it conIes to a stop (as it usually is), then when it <;tarts up again, the 10cOll1otive doesn't have to start every car moving at the ,Ul1e instant. It's Il1arve1ous to ,tand near a stopped freight cl11d li<;ten to the wave' of noise propagating trOll1 end to end a the train get, under way. It can take several seconds ,Ifter the engine' starts mo\-ing before the la,t car feel, the pull. :. 'w.. l -- -  - :.-.....;. .. / ;o. ... .;,. .. " ,  ... 
The couplers on Europe.m treight Clrs .lre quite diHerent from those used in North Americl. The coupler itself is a simple cllT.mgement of two loops or eyes clre joined when a worker inserts a pin m.mually. Uut wh.n's most distinctive .lre the bufters-spring-lo.lded bumpers that keep the coupler under tension, so the train .llmost never bunches up. The railroad brdking system is a remark.lble technological fossil. The schenle George Westinghouse <;ketched out in I H6Y is still in almost univers.ll use, hardly ch.mged after d century. The brakes Jre pneunutic, powered by a compressor in the 10c01llotive that pumps air into a reservoir. The <;t.llH.brd working pressure is 70 pounds per square inch, or about twice the infLttion pressure of .m automobile tire. If you near an idling locomotive, you'll likely hear the compressor cycling on .md otT, .lnd the pressure-relief valve occasionally releasing a snort of excess air. The<;e sounds, punctuating the steady drone of the diesel itself, can nuke a 10C0111otive seenl d living thing, with not just horsepower inside but something like horses. The air pressure is carried fi'om the locomotive throughout the tr.lin by an air pipe that runs under all the cars, .md is joined by rubber hoses at each coupling. In the e.lrIiest air-brake sy<;tems. the brakes were .1Pplied by letting pressure into the pipe: the pressure moved pistons. which in turn forced brake hoes ag.linst each wheel. There is .111 obvious problem with this scheme: if the compressor quits or the air pipe springs a leak, the train is left without br.lkes. Westinghouse turned the whole idea upside down. The brakes are activated not by applying pressure but by relea<;ing it; that W.lY, most lllaltt1l1ctions will lock up the brakes and <;top the tr.lin-an inconvenience, but preferable to not stopping. When the train i, first a"en1bled, the locomotive pUlllp' air through the brake pipe to reser- voirs nlounted on each car; it is the air stored in these canisters that will be used to power the brakes. As long .1S the brake pipe renuins presurized, however, a v.llve on the car holds back the air in the clnister, keeping the brdkes off. To <;low the tr.lin, the engineer Illoves d brake lever that reledses a little .lir ti-om the main brake pipe; the lowered pre<;sure slightly opens the v.llve on edch Clr, pressing the brake shoes lightly against the ,yheeb. In an eI11ergency, all the air is dumped 6-0111 the br.lke pipe. .md the brake<; grip hard. A major or the uncoupling of a car has the <;.lll1e effect. The main parts of the braking systen1 are readily visible on most freight cars. The brake shoes are wedged between the wheels on each truck. although they may be pard) hidden by the fi-.lllle and springs of the truck. The air canister-which look like a heavy-duty beer keg-is usu.llly tucked up under the body of the car, but on some hopper Clrs .md t.111k Clr<; there\ more room for it dt one end or the other. The brake pipe runs along the underside; the hoses tlut connect the pipes of ddjacent cars hdng down .1 little belo" the coupler. At one end of the car there is .1 h.mdwheel operates a nIanuaI brake, ,\ hich can be ued when the car is nor .lttached to .1 tr.lin .111<1 the air 'y,tem IS elnpty. Perh.lps the re.lson the We<;tinghouse .lir br.lke h.l" endured so long is ..imply it \vorks. (.)n the other, the br.lkes .lre not perfect. A p.lrticuLuly nd<;ty problem    ... -..- fI w -':-'- - -a: A Janney coupler, or knuckle, links rail cars with a grip like two hands with hooked fingers. The black lever extending toward the left foreground pulls the pin that uncouples the cars. In addition to the coupler itself, the brake hoses must be connected. 
S )UTHERN S2 89 43 ... - 1 . I II -40 ". :-"   ... '.1\ ,.- SC T If I.:RVI S TH SOUTH I .   .  +- ( Four types of rolling stock: a boxcar, a doublestack well car carrying two freight containers that fit directly on truck chassis, a gondola for bulk goods such as scrap iron, and a tank car for liquids. COllle up \\ hen tr.lins get very 101lg-1 ()() (.Ir or lllore..' I t em t.lke I () '\eClme..h or longer tor a dunge in .lir pre,ure to prop.lg.lte .lll the W.l\' through thL' brlke pipe ti'Olll the engine to the Lbt Clr. As .l re..,ult, when the br.lke" come on up ti-ont. the of the train is still mo\ ing with full lllomentum. rhis i" not .l comt()ruhle situ- .ltion; in extreme Clses the tr.lin could j.\Ckknife .1l1d der.liL cre.ltin!! .\Ccordion folds of fi-eight car sluking back .md tonh .H.TO rhe rr.\Ck. A remedy for thi problem has been kno\\'n t()r decH.ies: continue to rely on .lir pressure ro power the brakes, but use .m electrical iglul r.lther than .1 pneum.ltic one to trigger brak.e .lnion. Since electricity C111 cover the length of a train in microsec- onds, all the br.lkes respond to the engineer\ comm.111d .llmost inr.111r.Hleously. Electropneumatic brakes have been tested on .1 nunlber of inregr.Hed rr.Iins, in which .1 set of identical cu .md locomotive .lre perm.111ently coupled .md .1Iw.lY luul the ame commodity (uuallv coal) over the S.lme route. Equipping other trains with electro pneumatic brakes runs into a logistical problem beclL1se older Clr c.111not be converted all .It once, and the two kinds of b1".lke would h.Ive to coexist for ,I long time, even within a ..,ingle train. Nevertheles, the first step" toward creating a new electropneun1.ltic st.HHbrd for train brake.., h.lVe already been t.Iken. Types of Freight Cars. There .Ire freight cars "pecially equipped f()r carrying every- thing tl-Oln railroad rails to pickle", .md I CJn 't po,,ibly catalogue them .111 here. What f(JIlows ,Ire note on a tew of the common v-arietie". 13oxctlrs. For ,I long time the ...J.O-toot boc,l1' W.l" the n1.l1l1stay of rail freight, able to carry ,my thing that would tIt through its liding doors-ack" of tlour, crated machinery, livestock, m.lil, even ,lL1tonl0biles. There .lre still hundreds of thou".l11ds of boxcars in circulation, but dem.111d Ius Ll<.-ked off Some commodities luve gone to more specialized rail cars-flour to hopper Clrs, auromobile to ,lL1tomobile clrri- ers-.111d much of the rest now goes by truck or intermodal tl1tcar. 1\le.mwhile, the size is no longer so tandard. There are 50-foot boxclrs .md even 90- t()oters. All of the newer ones have steel bodie; .111ything m.lde of wood is .1 genuine ,mt1que. [ncident,llly, the l11,lrkings on boxclrs can also be antique. As 1".lilroads luve busily merged .Hld reorg,lnized, they h.lve tried to keep their loc01notive up-to-d.lte in paint ,md ignJge, but m.111Y of their boxclr still CllT)' the identifying logos oflong- ddlmct ('omp.mie. If you fed not.llgia for the outhern Line. the Nortolk ,md We"tern, or the Milwaukee Ro,ld,just by the tr.lCks and watch the f..lded glo- rie roll by. Fl,ltctlrs. A pl.Itform on \\'hed, thee .lre the simplest of r.lil Clrs-or .It le,lst's how they beg,Hl. In recent year", tlatclrs 11.lve begun to mutate .1l1d interbreed with other kind, of rolling ...tock, cre.uing ,I strange protllsion of tluclr subspecies. The bulkhead tl.ltcar Ius talllurriers .It e,\Ch end. to keep clrgo tiOl11 shifting )on- gitudilully. The centcrbe.ll11 tlltc.u Ius ,l pine do\\ n the middle .lS well .lS bulkhe.Hls .ll the c..:'nds. It often clrrie" lumber, sheetrock, or sil11iL1r l11.lteri.ds; the central be.lll1 
,Hlds stitliIess for these he,wy Then there ,lre the v,lrious kinds of piggyback .lnd intermod,ll container tlatcar<;. The piggyb.lck C,lr<; c,lrry cOl11plete truck tr,lilers, com- bining the advantages of r,lil tran<;port (lower fuel costs and labor cots) with deliv- ery fr0111 door to door. Cont.linerized freIght travels not only by rail and by truck but ,11'0 by se.l. When these intermod,ll transport sy...tenls began in the 1 YS()" and 1 LJ6()5, tr.lilers or containers were ...imply l.1shed down on ...tandard t1eltcars. No there are flatcar ...pecially adapted for the purpose-and they are not particularly tht. A spine car is a skeletonized flatcar, with just a beanl do\\"n the nliddle and platfornls at either end to <;upport the wheels .lnd the hitch of a senlitrailer. A welJ car ha a deep rece'\s between the wheels 50 cont,liners can be stacked two-high. (But these doublestack cars require a 22-foot overheeld clearance, so they have to be restricted to nuin-line tracks that can pass thenl. Most tunnels are out of bounds.) GOllrf(l/tlS. Anlong the e,lrliest railroad freight Celrs, gondoLls h.lve a flat bottm11, an open top, and lo\v sides. Like boxcars, they are not as conl111onplace .IS they once were, but S0111e c,m still be seen hauling "crap iron destined to be reI11elted in steel 111i11s, or wood chips on their way to p<lper mills. (The naI11e of this very utilitarian rail car apparently does come fr0111 that of the r0111<lntic, $1 OO-an-hour Venetian boat; the two vessels don't have much else in conlmon.) 1{lIlk cars. The fIrst t<Ulk cars were built to carry petrolem11. but today pipelines have taken over that trade, <lnd little crude oil is hauled by rail. Nonetheless. tank cars are in gre<lt deI11and. They transport <In iInpressive variety ofliquids and gases: refined petrolemn products. prop.lne. <llcohol. anl111onia. carbon dioide, hydrogen. chlorine, liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, nlolten sulfur, acids, dyes, detergents, ink, corn syrup, honey, chocolate, fruit juice, wine and gin and whiskey. A list of SOI11e 1 ,()()O tank-c,lr commodities even includes an entry for "cucmnber... in hrine," although [ have never seen a r,lil car claiIning to carry that cargo. On the other hand, I did once have a look at the receiving dock of a bubblegunl factory, where spills during the unloading of tank cars had left oozing I110unds of pink goo. The typical t,mk car is a cylinder with rounded end cap-a fonn known as a bul- let tank. Atop the Iniddle of this cylinder is a "dome," which covers up valve gear, gauge, and usu,l11y a hatchway through which workers can enter the tank for clean- ing ,md inspection. There Inay <11so be valves and nozzles under the tank so it can be unlo<1ded by gravity flow. Fluids such as asphalt have to be heated before they will flo\y, ,md so tank cars for these conl1nodities are equipped with steaIn pipe<; that coil through the interior volmne; the <;teaIn connections <lre generally on the underside. Smne t<mks are aha built in a swayback shape so they are easier to drain through the center outlet. BeC,lU,e tanker, often carry hazardou'\ cargoes. they are subject to more stringent regubtIon<; than other treIght car<;. Cap<lcity 1S limited to 3-t-,S()() g<lllons; I1l0st tanks c.lfry from 1 u.()()() to 20,()( I() gallon,,_ The actu,11 capacitY-Jlong with I11uch other inf()nI1.ltion-i" "tenciled on the "Ide... <md the end, of the tank. 0111e tanks tell you e:\.<lctly \ thev cont<lin, with ,1 m, "uch ,1<; "phosphoric ,lnd only" or "molten Hopper cars for coal {above} and grain {be/ow} load from the top and unload from sawtooth hatches in the bottom. In some cases coal hoppers are simply turned upside down to dump them. rr I r f 1" . ., ., . 4\ .- r--- - _---=--:...: -,.... r --- -----....--..- --- .  
A unit train is made up of cars going to a single destination; in this case the train carries coal for a Missouri power plant. The cars are unloaded in the shed at the extreme right by unceremoniously flipping them upside down. - sulfilr." l:.ven if the conrenrs .In.'n't sLued, you nuv be .lble to gle.1ll .1 few clue" f]"om a luz.lrdous-n1dteri,ll pl.lcard or other markings. ror e"\:;ullple, the u.s. I )ep.lrtmenr of Transportation cLtssifies tank cars, ,mJ <:'0 you LIre likely to ee a nU111ber such LIS DOT IIIA60Wl. The most interesting part of thi legend is the nun1per 6(), which is the car's pressure raring in pounds per square inch. If the car i, carrying a volatile liquid such as anhydrous anll110nia or liquefied pt'troleum gas, the pressure rating will be higher-perhaps 340 or 500 pounds per square inch. Even the color of the tank can be significant. An uninsulated tank holding a heat-sensitive liquid such as anhy- drous anu11oni,l has to be painted a light color over the upper two-thirds of the body. Tank cars rated for hazardous cargoes have special couplers with a "shelf'" above and below the coupler itself. The couplers prevent the car fron1 cOIning adrift in n1any kinds of accidents. SOlne tankers also have hulkheads at the car ends to reduce the chance of puncture in a derailn1ent. Hopper ((/r5. Since the 1 9H()s hoppers have taken over frOl11 boxcars as the n10st con11110n freight cars. The characteristic feature of a hopper is the series of chutes or discharge gates underneath. The car is loaded frOln above and then unloaded from below. Open-topped hopper cars haul coal, crullhed stone, and ore. Covered hop- pers-with a row of loadmg hatches in the top-carry gr,lin, portland cen1ent, and other bulk c0I11n10dities that need to be kept out of the weather. Coal hoppers COIne in three varieties. The sawtooth hopper has a series of snull, angled unloading doors in the bott01n; it gets its name fr01n the shape of these doors seen in profile. In the borton1-dump hopper, the entire botton1 of the car ['Ills away L.-- i ' . 
WHERE'S THE CABOOSE? Every child knows that a train ends with a caboose, just as a sentence ends with a peri- od and a dog ends with a tail. But no more. Trains march shamelessly cabooseless over the American landscape. Already, a working  IO[ IJ . <1 . #', I -. -.... . --- caboose at the end of a train is almost as rare and quaint as a steam locomotive at the front. The caboose was a standard fixture of freight trains for more than a hundred years. It provided office space for the conductor and storage for tools, as well as a place for the " crew to rest, eat, and get warm. Perched in the raised cupola-or leaning into bay windows protruding from both sides-the crew could keep an eye on the train ahead. There was also a gauge for monitoring brake pressure. What has replaced the caboose is the End of Train Device, or ETD, also known (I'm not sure how seriously) as the Flashing Rear End Device, or FRED. Whatever you call the thing, it's a small box with a blinking light hung on the rear coupler of the last car in a train. At first glance it looks like nothing more than one of those battery-operated highway flashers that you see in a construction zone, but in fact there's a little more to it than that. If you look closer, you'll see that a brake hose is attached to the box, and there is also a radio antenna. A major responsibility of the ETD is to monitor brake air pressure. The device continually broadcasts pressure reports to a receiver in the locomotive cab, which will alert the engineer of a malfunction. Some ETDs also have a radar unit to monitor train speed and direc- to dUlllp the 10Jd. FinJlly, tOp-dUll1p carl) are overturned bodily for unloading. l)n these, look clody ,H the courIer, which has a big disklike rotary joint that allows individual Clr to be flipped over without breaking the train. At .1 large coal-fired power plant you lnight be able to see the unloJding opera- tions. Typicllly the Clr\) are moved through the unloader not by a loconlotive but by a winch that autOll1aticllly "spots" each C,lr ,H the right position. Sawtooth hoppers require a shaker to get ,lll the co,ll out. This is ,In electrically driven vibrator; even frOln h,llf J l11ile away. you can hear its distinctive buzzing. Unloading a sawtooth hopper can take 10 minutes. Bottom-dump cars unload faster and require no vibra- tor. The top-dump Clr\) are f.lster still. Each car rolls onto a turntable, where it is clal11ped in pbce: then the turnt,lble pivots around the ,lxis of the car couplings. The cycle take\) .lbout 30 -;econds: J lO()-car tr,lin can be unloaded in less than ,In hour. In northern clill1ate\) you nuy find .1 duwing shed ahe,ld of the dumping \)tation. It looks sOinething like .I drive-through Llr wash, but inste,ld of spraying the carl) with water. it W.lrm' them with electric or gas-fired radi,lnt he,Hers. Ore hoppers ,Ire simiLtr to tho"t.' for co,lI, ,llthough they hJve not evolved quite ,l rapidly. Where,\ co,\1 L\r grown ste,\dily tn"ger, iron ore is still luuled in 2-1-- tion: if the rear end of the train isn't going the same way as the front end, something is prob- ably amiss! The ETD is one of the few wholly new tech- nologies introduced into railroading in recent - . I ,; years. It seems to do the job, and already some of the more ardent railfans have learned to decode ETD radio transmissions. Still, the lit- tle box with the blinking light is going to have a hard time displacing the caboose in railroad lore and romance. 
---  ....... .  A series of tank cars wend their way through the fan of tracks in the Norfolk-Southern hump yard at linwood, North Carolina. As each car navigates through the "fan" of classification tracks, switches are set automatically to direct it to the appropriate track. The car's speed is also regulated, so that it collides with cars already on the track just firmly enough to engage the couplers. """ -- - .... · ":'..,e{-  ¥ - , '. .  '- '--.............. \. -.::;:    . .. T , foot hopper cars, oecause that length n1atches the spacing of loading pockets and hatche" on the Great Lakes ore bo,ltS. Covered hoppers have revolutionized the shipl11ent of grain and especially of flour and other powdered products, which previously had to be n10ved in b,lbTS or barrels rather than in bulk. The Hour hoppers are unloaded pneUl11atically. A conveyor tube four to SIX inches in dian1eter is connected to an outlet near the botton1 of the hop- per, dnd d pressurizing dir hose is connected to an inlet, also neJr the bottom. The incOl11ing air t1ow through a perforated deck, fluidizing the powder and driving it out the discharge tube. Pressure-relief valves keep the pressure differential at about five pounds per squ,lre inch. At one end of the car you'l1 see a rupture disk, which prevents the car from splitting its sides in case the relief valve malfunctions. Flour cars hold about 200,000 pounds. FREIGHT YARDS Freight railways work on a hub-and-spoke "ystel11 (which they adopted long before the Jirlines discovered the ided). Trains from various cities converge on a hub, where their cars are <;eparated ,Ind reshutBed into new trains, which then depart for new dstinations.1 he hub IS J frlght YJrd-,llso known as a classificdtion yard. 
There .lre two type... of cbssitlGltion v.lrds. Lllled )'.lnh .l1ld hump y.lrds. In .1 fbt y.lrd. .1 switching engine gr.lbs onto individu.ll car.... dr.lgs them to the .lppropri- ate track, and shoves theln together. It's the obvious solution. The idea behind a hump y.ud is n10re daring: it's r.lilroading on .1 roller coaster. Engines push el line of cars slow- ly up a hill. elscending .It a walking pace. At rhe cret. rhe Llrs .lre uncoupled one by one .wd roll down into a "bow)" where m.wy rr.lCks t:l1l out to the left .wd right. (Jnce uncoupled, the cars roll under graviry power. with no brakes and no one aboard. A series of switch points directs e.lCh Llr to the tr.lCk for the correct outgoing train. The .lrrangelnent of tracks in the bowl of the hl1lnp yard is called a [In. The Inain tr.lCk cOIning over the hump splits inro left. middle. .wd right br.lnches. and then each of these branches splits in turn. .111(1 the ramifiLltions continue until there are dozen of tracks spread our in a bro.ld pl.1in .n the bottom of the bowl. 1\tl.tking this hl1lnping sytem work requires delicate control. In the firsr place. e.lCh \Vitch point in the fan h.1S to be set correctly before the free-rolling Llr re.1Che' it. What's more, the speed of the descending Llr has to be precisely righr. If it rolls down the slope too slowly. it won't have enough mOInentuIll to couple with cars .llre.ldy on the classification track: it Illay even get tuck on one of the switche. where the next car in line could n.lg it. On the other hand, if the Celr moves too fast. it will stUll into the cars alre.ldy waiting on the tr.1Ck, possibly wrecking the rolling stock or the cargo. (You'll occasiOll.llly see a r.lil car stenciled "])0 Not Hump.") In the earliest hUlnp yards, a century ago, the control WelS entirely in human hands. A worker rode JIang on each car to regutlte the speed with the hand brake. This was a falllously dangerou job; if you happened to get a car with defective brakes, your ,,. , - 'I".. .. - , ---:- -'.  - ..,. An aerial photograph in the Urban Areas series of the U.s. Geological Survey maps out the hump yard in Blue Island, Illinois, near Chicago. The hump and the fan of classification tracks are at left; completed trains are pulled out to the right. Various bypass tracks allow for traffic that need not or should not go over the hump. '. r- '-  ---- - ---- r-----:--:--_ --- .. -.. ..  _ ..- ;....  _ or-- - ;.... -:---7 - ..   -=-. - -=--=--- -+ --  . , " .- -:.. - " - - -L-__ I I  =  
As a brakeman pulls the pin, cars separate at the crest of the hump at Linwood {above}. The master retarder {be/ow} squeezes the wheel flanges to control the cars' speed. Masts next to the retarder are for speed- measuring radar guns. L j  .- J '1/ , choices were few <lIld un<lttr<lCtive. Another group L)f WOrklT\ stood by the switch points, flicking gredt levers b<lCk ,lIld forth to direct the p<lssing Llrs. Ldter, .I mechanis111 Lllled the retarder elimiluted the br<lkenun's haz<lrdous job. The retarder IS a section of track with nloveable clamping jaw nlounted just inside the nornlal running rails. As a car pases through the ret,lrder, the jaws <Ire closed to queeze against the car\ wheel flanges. Varying the pre\'\ure controls just how nIlleh the car i lowed. l)riginally, worker'\ stood next to the track and gauged edch car's spt'ed by eye and ear, then pushed on a lever to cause what they judged would be the right a1110unt of deceleration. Now the whole proces'\ is totally autonlated. A a car COn1e over the hU111P, rad,lr units, 111uch like those used by the highway patrol, 111e,lSUre its '\peed. The l11easure- 111ent nuy be repeated at two or three points in order to e-;tinute acceleration <lnd rolling resistance ,1S well. Then a cale built into a ection of track determines the car's weight (which has an effect on its momentU111). 13ased on all this information, a COl11- puter determine how much to slow down the car, <lI1d sends the ,lppropri,lte signal to a hydr,lulic actuator in the master ret,lrder, just downhill frOnl the radar sensors and the scales. The computer also sets the switches that steer the car to the appro- priate track. And the cOl11puter can fine-tune the Llr's velocity by operating "group retarders" built into tracks [1.rther out in the fan. Just about the only part of the process that's still done by hand is "pulling the pin" to uncouple cars at the cret of the hill; everything else is controlled from a few conl- puter keyboards in a trackside tower. Seen from a distance, a hunlping operation looks like a l11agical ganle of pinball. The cars are launched onto their downhill journey in quick succesion, e,lCh one beginning well before the last has finished, so ,It any nl0111ent there are five or six car in 1110tion. The s\\-itch settings are not viible from far off, and o the cars in tht' tan veer left and right unpredictably, as if, eerily, they had a will of their 0\\ n and knew just where they wanted to go. Everything happen in -;tately slow nlotion; it can take nlinutes for a car to roll down the hump and reach the end of a clasification track. For the nlost part, the yard is quiet, but occasionally a reOIunt boom echoe up out of the bowl when two cars couple h,lrd. I low do the computers in the control tower know where to end e<lCh car? The answer is easy to find if you know where to look. Facing either side of ,lIlY freight car, focus on a point about wait high and a few teet from the right-h,lnd end. You'll notice a snlall gray lunlp, which on closer examination turns out to be a bullet- shaped piece of plastic riveted to the car body. It i Lllled an AEI tag, tor AutOl11atic Equipl11ent Identification, and it is a l11iniature radio tr,lI1sponder. Just about every freight car in North Al11erica has one (actually two-one on each side). When a scan- ner by the ide of the track el11its an interrog,lting signal, the AEI tag replies, identi- fYing the car. It even nlanages to do this without b,ltterie, drawing on enerb'Y in the received '\ignal to pl'wer the re\ponse. (SOl11e of the tags you nlount in your car for paying bridge or turnpike tolls work the S.Ime way.) 
What the AFI telg broadclsts is simply the clr's idL'ntif)'ing number. which is ellso stenciled on the body. Every freight Clr in North America Ius a unique number; it usually consists of two to four letters (identifying the car's owner) followed by four to six digits. The car's nUlllber is all that the hump Ydrd's c0111puter needs to know in order to nuke decisions dbout the clr's fate; the c0111puter consults a ddtabase to find out where that car ought to be going. AEI tags were introduced in the early 1 <)<)()s. A fe\\ freight cars still bedr the Illarks of an older tagging technology. In the 1 <)6()s the railroads experiIllented with an early fornl of bclr codes, sinlilar in purpo'\e to the ones redd by grocery-store '\Cdnners but very different in appedrance. The belr code was a foot-high block of nlulticolor stripes printed on the '\ide of each car at about eye level. Specially outfitted camera'\ sensed the stripes as the cars rolled by. But they didn't sense thenl very well. With grinle and grdffiti, the o;ysteIll proved unrelidble and was abdndoned after only a few years. But there are still cars out there with a peltch of fdded stripes. After a batch of cars is asseIllbled in a freight yard and hauled to e1 distemt city, they helve to be broken apart agelin for delivery to various destinations. Now another kind of sorting is needed. In this case you can weltch the process in elny industrial neigh- borhood where severell plants have rail service. As the local freight nlakes the rounds. it has to drop off and pick up cars from various sidings cHId leads. Finding the most efficient sequence of deliveries and pickups is a difficult mathel11atical problem, which the train's conductor is chclfged with solving. Consider a sinlple exanlple: A trclin of five Llrs is to deposit its first two cars on dn el11ptv siding. The train stops short of the siding ell1d uncouples between the second and third cars. Then the engine pulls the front two cars onto the siding and uncouples fr0111 thenl. Now the engine can continue out the far end of the siding onto the I11ain line, back up to recouple with the remaining three cars, and continue on to the next stop. Altogether, the 111aneuver requires two uncouplings dnJ d recoupling, four changes of switch position, dnd two changes of locomotive direction. It gets much nlore c01nplicdted if the cars being delivered are not all at one end of the train, if the siding is not el11pty, if cars need to be pIcked up as well as left off, or if cars have to be pushed onto a dead-end lead. SOl11etil11es the trclin nlust go miles out of its way to find ell10ther sid- ing to use dS d temporary holding area. The puzzles can get really tricky-noted mathenlaticicms have tested their 111ettle on thenl-ell1d I am full of cH.ill1iration for the railrodd workers who solve them routinely day elfter delY. ELECTRIFIED RAILWAYS Fronl the point of view of fuel consumption cmd eneq..,')' costs, the best WelY to run cl raihvelY is to plug it in. COlnpared with diesel engines, electric trclins also oHer lower melintelunce cost'\ ellH1 less elir pollution. And they cltt.lin higher speeds. So why dre few Americ.lIl electrified' An AEI tag is mounted on every rail car in North America. When interrogated by a trackside scanner (bottom), it responds with the car's identifying number. MTEC'" MTEC'" 
R IU' n 3. II .)1 0" -14 Sli 00 81 11'1Caa;11!IIJI I · tU . .. t,' .. "", ....  . '- An older boxcar carries both an AEI tag and the tat- tered remains of an older identifying technology-a multicolor barcode. I he u11.l1 .1I1swer IS the Lost of cOI1'\tructiol1 b too high. .lI1d the del1ity of tr.1f11c too low. In Europe .1lmost .111m.or r.lilline .1re equipped tor electric propul- ion. but route .1re horter there .111d more he.lvily tr.weled. Higher fuel cost" in Europe aho put .1 greater prel11ium on ener'Y etticiency. Fil1.l11y. the higher peeds attained by electric railway are must import.lI1t for pa...enger I\ervice. which is a m;uor concern in Europe but of very little intere...t to nlost Alnerican r.lilroads. Most of the electrified tracks in the United State radiate trOnl New York City. There's a ilnple reason: All rail traffic into Manhattan passe through tunnels. Running a coal-burning locomotive through ,1 long tunnel would choke the cre\\ ,Hld paenger, or at leat blind the engineer to trackside ignal. Hence. the New York lines began electrifying their track very early on. at a tinle when large electric nl0tor and the equipl11ent needed to power and control thenl were brand-new con- trivances. The Pennsyh-ania R.ailroad began electric operation when it opened the trans-Hudson tunnel to Penn Station in 1 <} 1 (). At firt, only the few miles of track in and near the tunnel were electrified. Trains bound for the city traded a steanl loco- nl0tive for an electric one-or else passengers were shuilled fr0111 one train to anoth- er-at an isolated station in the Hackensack Meadowlands called I'v1anhattan Transfer. This station in the nliddle of nowhere is gone now but not .1ltogether forgotten; Manhattan Transfer becanle the title of a John I )os P,lSS0S novel and later the name of a pop singing group. In the 193Us the Pennsylvania Railro.1d extended electrification south to Washington. I >.C:., and west from Philadelphi.l to llarrisburg. The Long IsI.l11d Railroad, which enters Penn St.ltion from the opposite side of Manhattan. had begun electrification even earlier, with 3H miles of track powered in 19()5. The New York Central and the New Haven Railroads, whose trains tunneled under P,lrk Avenue to Grand Central Ternlinal, followed oon after. The network of electric railway in New York and the other cities of the Northeal\t Corridor is still running, and indeed it ha changed little after almost ,I century You can still see thel11 working today. As ,1 nlatter of fact, they are jut about the only electric railro,lds you will ee in the United Statel\. After the great purt of electrification in the early year of the century, the railroad seenled to 10l\e interest. There are a few electritied cunu11uter lines dt'where, but not long-haul routel\. Becaust' the evolution of electric-railway technology talled at an early stage, l11any weird variations have been trozen in place. Even with only a handful of electrified line, sonle trainl\ run on alten1.lting current and some on direct current, and at volt- age level... ranging frol11 60(} to 25,()()O volt.... In ,1ddition, there are nlany ways of con- necting a nl0ving train to a '\tationary electric power ...ource. I )irect current was £lvured in the earliest sytem" because I)C nl0tors are eaier to control than AC ones. But direct current ..Iso ha a erious drawback: there il\ no con- venient way to shift 1)( voltages up and down (I\ee Chapter h). Power ha to be delivered to the train at the sal11e volt.lge ul\ed bv the nlotor in the locomotive. The conU11on voltages dre 6()(), 750, 1,500, ,111d 3,()()() volts. The usual arr.lngement i to 
distribute power up .llld down the r.lil line hy .1 high-volt.1ge A(' tr.llllllission CIr- cuit, carried on pole or towers the tr.lcks. Every few miles along the route. a booster station draws power fi-om the high-volt.lge line .llld teeds it to the traction system. The booster station has a transformer that reduces the voltage to the train's working level and .1 p.lllel of rectifiers that convert AC to DC. This equipment is usu- .1lly housed in a fenced enclosure next to the track; the rectifiers nuy be inside a sIllall building or cabinet. The booster st.nions have to be sp.1Ced closely because the low- voltage traction power cannot be tr.lllsmitted f.1r without unacceptable losses. The lower the operating volt.ige. the shorter the distance between booster stations. Much of western Europe relies on I)C traction: trains in Italy and Sp.lin run on 3,000 volts DC. IreLllld and the western p.lrtS of France are wired for 1.500 volts l)(:, and an .lrea of southeastern England Ius 750-volr DC service. In the United States. DC power is used nuinly by comn1Uter AC traction systenls run at Illuch higher volt.lges: 11.000 volts. 15.000. volts or 25.000 volts. At these volt.lges. power can trave] for much greater distances. .1nd booster st.ltions .1re needed only every 10 or 20 miles. (And. of course. the st.nions have no rectifiers.) A(' C111 be distributed .1t these high volt.lge levels becmse the locomotive itself includes .1 tr.lnstormer reduces the voltage to a more re.lson- able level for running a large motor, such as 600 or 2,-t-OO volts. Much of the equipnlent for an AC traction system-transtonners, circuit break- ers, insulators, and "0 on-i ju"t like the equipInent of a utility power grid and can be bought otT the shelf trom the sanle sources. But there's a complic.ltion. The world's electric utilities have standardized on two power trequencies: 6() hertz in North Anlerica and 50 hertz in most of the rest of the world. Electrified railroad are more various. For example, the railroads of Switzerland and Gennany fun on 15,()()() volts at a frequency of 16 hertz. And until recently OIne An1t'rican trains required 25- hertz power. operating at a nonstandard frequency cannot sinlply draw power from the local utility. They nUlst either run their own coal-fired or oil-fired generating station or somehow convert one fi-equency to another. On 57th Street in New York, .Bnong Jrt galleries and boutiques. there is .1 baseInent r00111 where for many ye.lrs large electric motors took in 60-hertz current and turned dvnanlos to gener.lte 25-hertz power for tr.lins of the New I Liven line running out of Grand Centr.l1 Tenninal. The nuchinery is idle now: all the trains luve fin.llly been con- verted to 60 hertz. The trickiest part of designing .1n electric r.1ilw.1Y is getting the power tr01n the stationary source onto the moving tr.lin. I )r.lgging a cord behind the train is not an option. One .lllswer is the caten.lry-and-p.llltograph systen1. The ide.l is to string up an overhe.ld wire (the cHenary). centered over the tracks .1t .1 height of 1 H or 20 feet. and "uck in the power through .1 sliding electric.ll Cont.1Ct (the p.111togr.lph). Uut for this arrangenlc'nt to work reli.1bly. the overhe.1J wire to be .1t .1 const.lllt height all .1long the rail line. .llld tll.1t\ h.lrd to .lchieve. No m.1tter ho\-\ tightly .1 wire i stretched, it .dW.1YS S.lgs between it supporting posts. (Indeed, the word The overhead power supply for a European railroad is held taut by a system of counterweights, chains, and pulleys. ...... "  ---- \ 
THE LAST TROLLEY STOP In 1917 the United States had almost 45,000 miles of trolley tracks and almost 80,000 trolley cars. Trolleys were the main way of getting around in most American cities, and some of them also provided service from one town to the next. By hopping from trolley to trolley to trolley you could get from Maine to Boston to New York, then on to Philadelphia, and as far west as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In 1904 newly- weds Clinton and Louisa Lucas took a 500-mile honeymoon entirely by trolley. Los Angeles, now famous as a city where you can't get anywhere without a car, had one of the best streetcar sys- tems in the world, with a thousand miles of trol- ley tracks and 2,700 daily runs. '-. / V   ..t- " I '- II r .  -- I .--, u ) - """  ____I "7.71 [tUCIlIII}' rder to the curve ,ISSlIllHXi by ,1 ,lgging wire or cll.lin.) fo cOInb,lt this ten- dency. the c.ltenary is built ,IS.! kind of long uspension bridge with m,my sp,ms. An upper wire. called the mesenger. i hung from posts or fr.lInes every hundred feet or so along the tracks .1l1d as,mne, the c.ltenary profile. A lower \\ ire. the trolley wire. is su"pended helo\v the n1e""enger .Ind connected to it b) trut" that vary in length so that the trolley ren1.lin'\ nearly level throughout its length. The entire catenary struc- So where have all the trolleys gone? Their demise is generally blamed on the automobile. Indeed, some critics have argued that the trolleys were done in by a perfidious conspiracy of automobile, oil, and tire compa- nies, led by General Motors. In the years just before and after World War II-so the story goes-GM and its allies bought up urban trol- ley companies deliberately to bankrupt them. They raised the fares and curtailed the service; then, having chased away the customers, they complained that they were losing money. They substituted buses for trolleys. To make sure there was no going back, they ripped up the rails. As conspiracy theories go, this one is more plausible than most. In 1949 GM and several other companies, including Standard Oil of California, Phillips Petroleum, and Firestone Tire and Rubber, were convicted of illegal anti- competitive practices under the Sherman Antitrust Act. (For a balanced account of the controversy, see David J. Sf. Clair's Motor- ization of American Cities.) But a plot by the automobile interests can- not be the whole story. The decline of the trol- leys began before any conspiracy could have gotten organized. Track miles were already falling before 1920, and by the end of that decade, the number of passengers was also dropping sharply. Trolleys were reviled and ridiculed even in places where the campaign could not have been coordinated from the GM boardroom. In New York City, for example, two mayors who were champions of public transit (they built most of the subway system) nevertheless called trolleys "useless junk" and boasted of finally getting them off Madison Avenue. In Britain-far from GM's power base-a royal commission decided trolleys were "in a stage of obsolescence" and recom- mended that they be allowed to gradually dis- appear. The commission got its wish. France, too, dismantled its tram systems. Even when trolleys were new, they were never seen as an elegant way to travel; 30 years later they were considered distinctly old- fashioned, and many of them were simply old. And in trying to upgrade and modernize their operations, the trolley lines faced a tremen- dous economic disadvantage. Trolleys were run by private companies, which had to lay their own track. Cars and buses, in contrast, could run over roads maintained at public expense. By the 1950s and 1960s, few trolley lines survived, and public transit of all kinds had become a charity case. Trolleys were no sooner swept from the streets, however, than they began to make a comeback under a new name, with a new image and a new constituency. Where earlier generations knew them as trolleys, trams, or streetcars, the new term is light rail. (At least it's not "lite rail. ") It is a favorite instrument of those who want to save cities from being stran- gled by automobiles. In North America more than 300 light-rail systems have been built since 1980. The technology of modern light rail differs in many details from that of the older systems but there is also much that a veteran trolley 
ture is insul.1ted tI-om the supporting poles with porcel.1in in<;utltors, much like those used in the electric power grid. The catendry system hd to be kept under constant tension, whICh Cdn be tricky \\ hen the wire\ <;tretch and contract with changes in tenIperature. C>n sonIe of the supporting stanchions you n1.1)" see counter\yelghts hung trom insulated cables; these weight rie and [.II] to t,lke up any slack in the overhead wire... motorman would recognize. The light-rail cars are generally powered by direct current at 600 volts. Higher voltages are considered too dangerous for city streets. The electric current is collected from overhead catenary wires, with return flow through the rails. For trolleys of the earlier generation, the current collector was a small grooved wheel held against the underside of the catenary wire by a spring- loaded pole. This mechanism was not always reliable; most of the recent systems use a pan- tograph with a broad, sliding current collector. The driving motors of a light-rail car are mounted in the bogies, close to the wheels. Some designs provide separate motors for wheels on the left and right sides, with no solid axle connecting them. This allows the wheels to turn at different rates and eliminates squealing when the car turns a corner. The brakes on a light-rail car are different from those on conventional trains. Electrical braking, in which the drive motors are run as generators, slows the cars; the energy recov- ered in this way can be fed back into the cate- nary wire if another car elsewhere can absorb it at that moment; otherwise, it has to be dissi- pated in big resistors mounted under the floor or on the roof. To bring the car to a stop, the driver relies on disk brakes much like those of an automobile, operated either hydraulically or pneumatically. A third type of brake, used only in emergencies, is a heavy steel electromagnet slung between the wheels of each two-axle bogie. When this brake is energized, magnetic attraction pulls it down to the steel rail and drags the vehicle to a stop (see photo be/ow). Weaving through the grid of city streets, light-rail cars have to round much sharper turns than standard trains. Many of the newer cars are articulated; they have a big hingelike joint in the middle so they can snake around cor- ners. On the outside of the car, the joint is concealed by a pleated, accordion-like cover; inside, the joint is marked by a large disk in the floor, which the two ends of the car pivot around. (The disk is an irresistible attraction to children, who will invariably be found strad- dling the floor joints.) Another strategy for dealing with tight corners is to taper the ends . '\ I. . t L ,I _ lI_ T'" · l . ;... .n..;) :l.t  '.t , .- 1- .,"!'." \;.f":..,A. --, of the cars, which reduces the swept area that has to be kept clear of traffic. The modern revival of light rail began in Edmonton, Alberta, in 1978. San Diego built a line south to the Mexican border at Tijuana in 1981, and has since extended it in several other directions. Portland, Oregon, has anoth- er notably successful system, which carries more than six million passengers a year. Baltimore has a line with some technical inno- vations, such as AC drive motors (see photo on opposite page). In Los Angeles-allegedly ...; -. the main victim of the GM conspiracy-a new light-rail line runs to Long Beach, and there are plans for another 150 miles of track. A few cities never lost their trolleys altogether and have now revamped them; Boston's Green Line, which has handsome new articulated cars, is a notable example. The resurgence of light rail is rich in ironies. Early trolleys were disliked most of all because they snarled traffic and disrupted street life; now light rail is seen as a solution to traffic congestion and a way to get people out of their cars. In the 1920s there were complaints about the tangle of wires over the street; now cities that have banished all other utilities underground allow new wires to be strung for light rail. Early trolleys charged lower fares than buses and were seen as transport for the working class. Now, light rail is the darling of yuppies, and it's the bus that has taken on the stigma of the poor-person's vehicle. A final irony is that light rail should come back into American life as a counterbalance to automotive culture and suburban sprawl. It was not the automobile that created the first American suburbs and drew people away from the central city; it was trolley lines. I grew up in such a community-a suburban develop- ment begun in the early 1900s and centered on a transit terminal where the subway line from downtown ended and half a dozen trol- ley lines radiated into the surrounding country- side. When I lived there in the 1950s and 1960s the trolleys were still running. We were a household without a car. 
The folding, spring-loaded apparatus that collects power from the overhead wire is called the pantograph. ........ -  - ,  ., .. ----- I- t , -  :... \ - M__.......... By the \\-ay, the trelli-like teel frames that support the catenary wires on the old Ne\\ Haven Relilroad look renurkably like the toy girders of an Erector Set. The reselnblance is not coincidence. A. C. Gilbert's invention of the Erector Set WelS inspired by looking at those fralnes \-vhile riding the New I laven line. The pantograph is the spring-Ioelded apparatus on the roof of the train th.It I\lides along the trolley wire of the c.ltel1.lry emd collects the electric current. The springs allow the nlechanisnl to follow any tluctueltions in the height of the catenary wires. On high-speed trains the pantograph nla)' have specially strealnlined sections to keep it I\table in the airstreel1n. The strip that actuel11y slides on the trolley wire could be nude of brass, but it nlight etlso be carbon, which nlakes good electrical contact with- out wearing the wire envay too quickly. Near the peIntograph are insulated porcelain bushings to carr)' the current through the I\hell of the car or 10cOlnotive. There nlight also be a lightning arrel\ter The ellternative to the catenary emd pantograph i" a third rail and shoe. A heavy conductor nlounted about a toot off the ground on inulated posts or brackets runs parallel to the Inain rails. The shoe is a Inetal paddle that reache out frOln the under- carri.lge of the train to contact either the upper or the lower '\urface of the current- carrying rail. Third-rail "ystenls are lilnited to relatively low voltage'\, cmd even so the right-of-way ha" to be fenced otT to keep stray aninlals .lnd people away from hanll. Subway and sonle other fOrIns of urb.ln nlas tranl\it are conullonly built with a third rail, but overhead power 1 the ul\ual choice tor other kinds of Whatever the voltage, trequency, and 11lethod of power delivery, there i just one conductor upplying electricity to the train. 110w i the circuit c1oed? I lo\\" does the current return to the source? It tlows down through the wheels into the raib ellld then continues both through the rails .111d through the e.lrth. H.lVing Ltrge currents 
coursing through rai]<; at ground level luight <;een1 to pose an electrocution hazard, but the dlnger is relllote precisely bec.ll1se the rails are bid on the ground. Their volt- age can never differ very much from ground voltage. PASS ENGER TRAINS Does passenger rail service deserve to be relegated to a brief appendix at the end of a long description of rail freight-like S01ne quaint and obsolete caboose? Americ.ln railroads seen1 to think so. Plssenger trains forn1 a lninuscule frlCtion of the total rail THE FAST TRACK Making a train go fast takes a lot of horse- power, but getting up to speed is not the biggest challenge. The hardest part is keeping the passengers alive and weil as the train goes hurtling down the track. Oh, and making it pay is achallenge too. The leaders in high-speed rail technology are Japan and France. Japanese railroads have been running trains at 150 miles an hour or more since the mid-1960s. The high-speed routes are known as Shinkansen, which means "new trunk lines," but the rest of the world knows them as bullet trains. The French project is the Train CJ Grand Vitesse, or TGV. The first line, running southeast from Paris to Lyon, opened in 1981. There are now three more lines, including a connection to Britain through the Channel tunnel. Both the Shinkansen and TGV can take you for a ride at 300 kilometers per hour, or 186 miles per hour. In their most basic technologies, it's remark- able how conventional the Japanese and the French high-speed railroads are. They bo th re ly on ordinary welded rail. The French rails are laid on concrete crossties and ballasted with crushed stone; most of the Japanese tracks are built on concrete slabs. Power is delivered through an overhead catenary sys- tem of conventional design. Where the high-speed lines depart from usual practices is in the layout of the tracks. The route is straighter than normal, and curves that can't be avoided are gradual as weil as steeply banked. This layout is not meant just to keep the trains from rolling over or derailing; the most stringent limits are set by passenger comfort. At an amusement park, passengers might pay for a ride that throws them violently from side to side, but on the railroad they expect to drink their morning coffee. The Shinkansen and TGV routes are sealed corridors dedicated exclusively to high-speed passenger service. There are no highway crossings at grade. In most cases the entire route is fenced or walled off to keep out ani- mals and pedestrians. lf you get a look at a TGV train from the side-and if you're able to notice anything before it whooshes out of sight-you'lI see the most unusual feature of the design: the arrangement of the wheels under the passen- ger coaches. Instead of having each car ride on a bogie at each end, the TGV places a sin- gle bogie between each pair of cars. This strategy saves weight (the number of bogies is cut almost in half) and reduces aerodynamic drag. Even more important, it improves the sta- bility of the cars and reduces their swaying. The passenger compartments are slightly pressurized, like the cabin of an airplane, but for a different reason. There's no shortage of oxygen along the rail route, but entering a tun- nel or passing a train on an adjacent track could cause an abrupt pressure change that might be annoying. Both the French and the Japanese high- speed trains seem to be commercially success- ful. Passengers by the hundreds of millions are willing to pay premium fares to ri de them. Accordingly, the idea has begun to spread. Germany has built 300 miles of Intercity Express (ICE) high-speed lines, and Spain has plans for a network based on French TGV technology. The French TGV itself may be extended into Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In the United States there have been dozens of high-speed rail proposals, including routes in Florida, Texas, the Chicago area, and on the West Coast. The one place where work has begun in earnest is in the Northeast Corridor between Washington and Boston, but the project there is an upgrading of an old line rather than the construction of a new one. New rolling stock and locomotives run on the existing right-of-way, which has been straight- ened and regraded here and there, with cate- nary power extended north from New Haven to Boston. But the track does not approach TGV or Shinkansen standards, and neither do the speeds. The new trains knock about 15 minutes off the travel time from Washington to New York. 
The Coaster, one of Amtrak's passenger trains along the Pacific coast, has double-decker coaches and a locomotive reminiscent of streamliners from the 1930s. (Under the skin, however, the locomotive is the same F59 that pulls many freight trains.) industry in North Americ.1. There are fewer th.m 2,000 p.lssenger r.lil LU opere1ting in the United States, COll1p.lred with 1.2 111il1ion freiglu cars. About 350 locolllotives pull passenger trains, compared with ahl10st 19,000 in ti-eight service. In any case, the technologies of fi-eight and passenger service are sinlilar. People aren't nluch different fi-Oll1 other cargoes, just fussier. Freight trains and passenger trains run over the sall1e kinds of treIck, and of ten over the very sall1e tracks. They respond to the sall1e signals (although the rules are stricter for passenger trains). One distinguishing feature of passenger trains is that they carry very light loads, as judged by railroad standards. A whole trainload of people, with their suitcases, golf clubs, and presents for the grandkids, weighs less than one loaded coal hopper. Because of the lighter loads, passenger cars can be built with 11luch softer springs in their suspension than freight cars. As a result, the cars tend to sway frOlD side to side (or sOlnetinles even waIlow like a ship in heavy seas) rather than jolt or bounce. If you ride passenger trains frequently, you may weIl notice differences in their spring rates. You can quantify the differences by counting the nUlllber of fuIl side-to-side oscillations in 10 seconds, then dividing by 10 to get the frequency in cycles per sec- ond, or hertz. On nlY last Allltrak trip, the natural frequency of lny car seenled to be about 1.2 hertz (that is, I counted 12 cycles in 10 seconds). A New York City ub- way car, in contrast, swayed at ahl10st twice that rate, about 2.0 hertz. Another difference between passenger and freight cars is in the coupIers. Like tank cars, passenger coaches have coupIers with a '\helf" .lbove and below the knuckle so they can't jiggle apart on rough track. They are also 111c1chined to fit together nlore closely, reducing the slack between LUS, which makes starting up less jarring.  ..... '\ , ::  " ". ,   " \ ot . . ,  . . o' , f 1 \ \  D.E:."'\ ---  ... / : I ;--- ,i.. \\   J I I l ....1 1" Il I I _'" \- I .',\' .  I . H I..J " " 
Many electrified COnln1l1ter lines run se1f-propelIed rail cars. There is no separ,lte locomotive; instead, every car has motors in the undercarri,lge. Every car mayalso have a cab at each end for controlling the train. WAITING FOR A SLOW TRAIN S01lle closing thoughts: To put it kindly, railroading is a technologically conservative industry. To put it bluntly, r,lilroading is fossilized. It's renlarkable how nluch of the technology described in this chapter has gone unchanged for 50 ye.lrs or 111ore. If I had been writing about railroads in the 1940s, I would have discussed welded rail, electric and diesel-electric propulsion, in-cab sig- nal systenls, and hl1Illp yards with aut01natic retarders. Aut01llatic block control goes back a fulI century, and centralized track control was first demonstrated on a work- ing rail li ne in 1927. It's true, there have been sonle recent innovations-the end-of- train device, a C01llputer database for tracking freight cars-but mostly one marvels at the longevity of railroad hardware. And it's not just the equiplnent that renuins unchanged; so does the perfonn.lIlCe of the Consider the "Saladbowl Expres"," a high-priority freight train th.1t carries fresh produce fr0111 California to the East Coast in refrigerated boxcars. The train takes a fulI week to cross the continent fr0111 Salinas to New York City, for an average speed ofless than 15 nliles an hour. Trucks cross the country in half the tinle. Through the nineteenth century and on into the 1 <)20s, railroad c01llpanies were powerful, innovative, high-growth-rate, glanlorous enterpries, a little like computer and biotechnology c0111panies today. The Pennsylvania Railroad ran one of the coun- try's largest industrial research laboratories at Altoona, Pennsylvania. Railroads nlade the first use of VaCUl1I11 tubes outside of radio, weIl ahead of uses in aviation or telephony. The pulse-coded train signaling systenl was ,111 early precursor of nlodern digital C01n- nmnication techniques. But the Altoona lab closed long ago. even before the rest of the Pennsylvania Railroad followed it into an oblivion of 111ergers and bankruptcies. What folIows fossilization, of ten, is extinction. There was aperiod when it appeared Anlerican railroads nlight die out altogether. They were losing freight traffic to trucks, and passenger traffic to aut01110biles and airplanes. The crisis is not over yet, but in recent years the railroads have begun a resurgence. Coal trains shuttling between west- ern strip nlines and e.lstern power plants saved sever.ll railroads. [nternlodal freight- trains carrying trailers or containers-h,ls also nlade a difTerence. And nlany railroads have found new ways to exploit what has always been their nlost inlportant asset: their vast land holdings. Running alongside the tr,1Cks are power lines, pipelines, and fiber- optic cables; for all of these l.1nd uses, the railroad colIects revenue. Still, the recent resurgence in r.1ilroading is aho a IetrencllIllent. In the 1 <)20s there were 4()(),()()() 11liles of track in the United States. The total now is less tlun ] 50.000 IIliles; more th.1I1 lulf the track in the country has been .lb.lIldoned The state of the American railroad: more than half the track mileage has been abandoned. } I. .  '" r ....-c . . ., , . . .. '., ,f 9 . . . , '. . f . .. ..... . .., , .. '-'. \ ,. ,  '-  ., . '" / t , 
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CHAPTER 10 BRIDGES RDINARY ROADS AND RAILROADS <;n100th our passage over the sur£lce of the earth, but bridges and tunnels create a path where none existed before, either spanning free sp,1Ce or burrowing through the solid earth. l3ridges l11ake connections; they bring people together-a role that has made them a traditional emblen1 of triendship. Consider the town of Mostar in L3osnia- Herzegovina. When fighting between ethnic tactions broke out there in the 1990s, nothing SYl11bolized the social disintegration l110re clearly than the destruction of a sixteenth-century stone-arch bridge that had linked the two pans of the town on opposite banks of the Neretva River. And the el11blen1 of efforts to heal the divisions is a rebuilt bridge, open ed with fireworks and [ln£lre in July of 2004. Bridges thel11selves, in n1.lny cases, are looked upon with affection. Whereas l11any other large engineered structure-refineries, power plants, highways, airports-tend to be se en as a blot on the landscape, bridges are granted an exel11ption. San Franciscans don't complain that the Golden Gate l3ridge is a desecration of the Bay. And Sydney, Australia, considers its Harbour Bridge one ot the city's n1ain tourist attractions. Even SOll1e tunnels have a bit of ron1ance attached to then1, although it tends to focus more on the perilous process of digging the passage rather than on the finished artifact. BRIDGES There ,1re 5H9,6H5 highway bridges in the United States. I haven't counted then1, but the statistici,ll1s ,lt the Feder,ll Highway Administr,ltion 11.lve. They have counted, measured, rated, cbssitled, and t,lbut1ted, ,md 5H9.6H5 W,lS the tot,ll they ClIne up with in the most recent census, at the end of 20U I. Across town at the Feder,ll AND TUNNELS From deep beneath the tidal How Two granite towers proudly rise To held the pendent span oIoft- A harp against the sunset skies. Each pylon frames, between its shafts, Twin Gothic portals piereed with blue And crowned with magic laced design Of lines and curves that Euclid knew. It' s not the best poetry ever written about the Brooklyn Bridge-the subject has attrocted literory notables such as Hart (rane, Marianne Moore, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and Jack Kerouac-but these lines were written by an engineer, David B. Steinman, who designed some of New York' s other landmark bridges. Painters, too, have been drawn to the gothic towers and the steel-rope web of the Brooklyn Bridge: It appears in works by Frank Stella, Georgia O'Keefe, and thousands of Sunday afternoon amateurs. And the bridge itself, Far more than most industrial artiFacts, is taken seriously as a work of art. The photo on the opposite page looks toward the Brooklyn side. 
'- --  - " - , Even small girder bridges built as highway overpasses can make an aesthetic statement. A spare, rectilinear design {top} was observed on the Italian autostrada north of Rome. In Maryland between Baltimore and Washington {middle}, girders blend into triangular struts. In Arizona north of phoenix {bottom}, a concrete box girder picks up motifs of the desert environment. At a construction site in western Virginia {right}, work- ers prepare to hoist a girder into place during the widening of a bridge that carries Interstate 77 across the New River. The girder's span between support points is 300 feet. ICulro.ld AdI11inistr.\tion no one d.li111S to 11.\vl..' .111 e.Kt umllt -l it .l less obesive bure.lUcr.\Cy, or just le'is well tlll1ded?-but in 19()) they estiI11.\ted there \\ere .lbout 1 00,000 bridge carrying r.1ilro.1d tr.1ck. When we think of bridges, it I the dr.l111atic and 1110nunlental long 'jp.\l1S conle to mind first, especially the gracetllI \uspenion bridge such .1 the Golden Gate and the Brooklyn Bridge. 13ut the great l11.\jority of tho\e hundreds of thou- s.1I1ds of bridges in the United States are not sllch pect.lCular tructures. They are ordinary overpasses, with sp.1ns of 30 or -t-() feet, c.1rrying roadways or raib Jcro other thoroughfares or over snull stre.1ms. You see such bridge by the dozen on any drive down the Interstate. They n1ay be lacking in gldn1our, but they .1re mO'it repre- entative of the bridge huilder\ Jrt. Girder Bridges. Consider how a three-year-old build J bridge out of toy blocks: two blocks are set upright, Jnd then a third block 1'\ laId horizontally acros the top. This I the principle of the girder bridge-although the engineering details of real bridges do extend a bit beyond the preschool level. Often, the role of the upright blocks is taken by reinforced concrete colUlnns, or piers. The toddler's horizontal block is trans- fonned into several long girders called stringers, laid parallel to the axis of the bridge. For a highway overpass, the stringers are likely to be steel I-beams three to four feet deep. Concrete I-bean1s and box bean1s .1re also conlnlon. Railroad bridges carry heavier loads than highway bridges. and so the girders .1re deeper in cross section and spaced nlore closely. The deck of a girder bridge is constructed much like the floor of a house. The supporting piers correspond to the building found.1tion, and the stringers are like floor joists. Laid crosswise to the stringers are snlaller bearlls or pbnks that corre- spond to the subfloor of the house, and finally the concrete or nlacadanl road surface is like the finished floor. " ...............-:--... ,--- \ \ :1 \ · J\ I , ..... ' "" --S:- 4  ...... 
- ..', When you think ,lhout how one of these bridges works, the crucial point is that all the beams ,md girder'\ are '\upported ,lt both ends. This means that all the forces fronl the weight of the bridge (and frot11 the weight of traffic on the bridge) can be transl11itted directly downward. If you put a hea\,. load in the I11iJJle of the span, the beams would sag, ,lnd eventually they Inight even break, but the weight would not cause any seesaw-like pivoting or twisting that could tip the bridge over. A structure with thi') property is said to be t,ltically stable. To a first approxiI11ation, the bridge would hold together even if the pieces were just bid on top of each other, with no fasteners. (In practice, of course, fasteners ,lre essential because the bridge has to han- dle other forces in ,lddition to gravity. The forces come fr0111 "live loads"-the traf- fic Inoving over the bridge-as well as fr0111 the wind and even earthquakes. One potential f:lilure mode of a girder bridge is Gmili,lr to toddler engineers everywhere. If you build a bridge out of blocks and then push horizontally on the top of the deck, parallel to the bridge axis, the structure will collapse by "racking" ,lS the upright tip over. A defense against r,lCking seen in some tall girder bridges is di,lgonal bracing between the uprights, but Inost highway overpasses adopt a sir11pler olution. Both ends of the bridge ,lre fitted into nMsive ,lbunnents so the deck can't move horizont,llly. The engineering ,md construction of girder bridges ,lre prettv routine these days, but the bridges ,lre not quite st,lIld,lrd item you order from the Sears cat,llogue. The girders, whether of "teel or concrete, .Ire cu"tom built for e,lch bridge, then trucked to the site ,l11d hoi,ted into pLlce with ,I cnne. The designer ')till h,ls scope for v,lri- ation ,l11d cre,ltivity, ,lIld It ,how, out 011 the highw,lY: 'ollle overpdSe\ ,lrt' prettier dun others. ()J)e ,UiV,lIlt,lge of girder hrIdges over other type" 1" it's e,lsy to Not all girder bridges are small and shyly utilitarian. At left the Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge rises 140 feet over the Patuxent River in southern Maryland. Girder-bridge construction makes use of the same principle over and over: spanning space with a beam supported at both ends. A bridge still under construction (top) shows the curvature of the girders, custom-fitted to the site. The "spikes" atop the girders will hold crossbeams supporting the concrete road deck. A similar bridge is seen from the underside (middle); a railroad bridge (bottom) needs deeper girders more closely spaced.   , '-', ...... 
 Town Howe Pratt L""'/ Warren Parker Whipple bowstring A rough taxonomy of bridge trusses is based mainly on figuring out which elements of the truss act in compres- sion (heavy !ines) and which are in tension (fine !ines). The Town and Warren trusses have elements that can work either way. dcsign thcnl with .} Cllrved or 'iloping ro.H.ibed so they do not intcrrupt thc ll1ooth How of a highway's aligl1ll1ent. Truss Bridges. A.. the span to be crossed gets langer, the stringers in a girder bridge need to be made deeper and stouter, lest they sag toa nluch in the middIe. 13eyond same critical length, the giniers beCOll1e il11practically nussive, and it luakes sense to start thinking about .lnother kind of bridge. The next candidate is nlost likely a truss, which you might view as a kind of lacework girder-a structure that's design ed to nuxil11ize strength and stiHiless while minimizing the qu,mtity of 1113terial. lf the basic ide,l of the girder bridge is pil ing blacks one on top of another, the key idea in a truss is the triangle.AI11ong all the sil11ple geOll1etric tlgures with straight sides, the triangle has a unique property: natural rigidity. A square can squin11 into a diamond shape and then collapse into a flat line, but a triangle can Ot be bent without breaking sOl11ething. Bridge trusses are therefore built out ofbealus, bars, or rods con- nected in triangular arrangeluents. A typical truss has two luain horizontal ele- nlents-called the upper and lower chords-connected by nmuerous vertical and diagonal elelnents arranged in rigid triangles. I3ridge-tnlss designs have been evolving and proliferating for at least two or three centuries. As a resuIt they have a cOlnplicated family tree, with several nlor branch- es and dozens of nlinor varia ti ons. Learning to recognize and nanle thenl is one of those activitiesolike wine-tasting and bird-watching, where expertise is always threat- ening to degenerate into mere showing off. Uut you needn't be a connaisseur of bridges to understand how a truss works. The key is to figure out which elel11ents of the structure are in cOlnpression (the ends are being pushed toward each other) and which are in tension (the ends are being pulled apart). Take a long box or tube of cardboard, by it across the space between two chairs, and press down in the nliddle. Wh en the force exceeds the strength of the nlaterial, the cardboJrd wi}] tend to buckle along the upper surf:1ce ,lnd tear along the battOlu. This i a clue that the upper part of the cardboard bridge is under cOl11pression and the lower part under tension. Analysis of just this kind is an essential part of trul)s design: You figure out which parts of the structure will be cOlupressed and which parts stretched. The cOlnpression nlelubers need to be stiff enough to resist bending or buckling, and so they nlust be beanls of substantial cross section. Tension 111el11bers can be thin rods or even flexible chains or cables-strength 111atters in these parts, but not stiffiless. The differences between cOl11presl)ion Jnd tension cOlnponents are aften conspicuous enough that you can look at a bridge and inll11ediately perceive which are which. The principles of truss design were first learned in the construction of wood- fral11ed houses and other buildings. The first truss bridges were also nlade of wood. The fonn really caught on, however, when iron and steel becanle econOl11ically attractive 11l,ttcri,1Is for bridge building. The railro,}{1s erected thous,mds of steel truss bridges, ,md the basic ide,l of the steel truss lus spre,ld through out industrial tech- 
II'" t" , - ,\ I, I .  1 1 . 4 ," ' <t#II ..' . .. 0..    . 'i' r 4 " t .  ,  , , I u -;.- .. . 4 \ , c ,- , . \'''' -s. ., I . -'. , Truss design is a recursive art: Very often the structural members assembled to form the truss are themselves truss-type girders assembled out of still smaller pieces. This principle is visible here both in the red latticework of the Center Street Swing Bridge in the foreground and the gray girders of the larger arch bridge that looms over it- both in downtown Cleveland. The Center Street bridge is a variation on the Pratt truss. The rigid vertical braces operate in compression, whereas the diagonal elements-flexible rods tightened by turn- buckles-carry only tension. 
THE OLD COVERED BRIDGE Why do the back roads of America have so many nineteenth-century covered bridges? Part of the answer is that the bridges were built to last: The whole point of the cover is to keep the wooden framework of the bridge out of the weather, thereby protecting it from rot. But another factor may be even more important: covered bridges have survived because people consider them worth preserving. They are seen as charming and picturesque; they remind us of stories about buggy rides and innocent secret kisses. And so a rescue committee quick- ly forms whenever a bridge is threatened- whether by physical deterioration or by the bulldozers of the state highway department. Under the covers, most covered bridges are truss structures. (Among the important early builders were Ithiel Town and William Howe, whose names survive today in the truss designs Ilologv. [rllsslike "trllctllJT" ,Ire (ollspiclIOW. ill IlUIlV uther killd... of bridges ,md ])] de,'ice... ,"uch ,1\ cr,me". Here ,1re some Ilote" 011 J few of the truss type<; <;eell ill bridge<;. The Town tnJS. invented by [thiel Town, of New I {dven, Connecticut, is d di,l- mond bttice made up entirely of di,lgonal<;, ,111 the ....une ...ize. (Thlh, there's no di,,- tinction between compression ,md tension Inember...) Town received ,1 pJtent on the design in 1 H20 and charged royaltie<; for its u\e b,lsed on the length of the bridge- a dollar a foot. The Howe trus is nanled for Willian1 flowe, a I\L1ssachu<;ett\ fanner (and uncle of Elias I lowe, the <;ewing-n1achine guy). It has diagonal cmnpre<;<;ion n1enlbers Jnd vertical elelnents in tension. The original design from I q.() called for tilnber diago- nals, with iron rods for the verticals. The Pratt trus<; (named for Caleb and Thonla, Pratt, father and son, who patent- ed the idea in l x..t-4) i, es...entially the opposite of the Howe trus<;: the vertic,lb dre in compres<;ion and the diagon,lls in ten<;ion. (The douhlecro\\ ,md triplecross variations luve di,lgOluls that extend ,KrO\s two or three panels of the tru\s.) The Warren tru<;s (the inventor, Captain Junes Warren, was 13riti...h) Ius only di,lg- onal brace\, without verticals. The di,lgOJlcll be,lll1s are designed to take both cOIn- pressive and tensile loads, so they <;hould ,111 be the same size. Although the ab<;ence of vertical elements is the defInitive tr,lit of a Warren truss, there is ,11so sOlnething called ,1 W,lfren truss with verticals Gust to keep you on your toes). they patented.) From the inside, you can usual- ly see the truss members and how they are fit- ted together. Many of the original structures had elaborate joints assembled with wooden England, down the eastern seaboard, and later in areas of the Midwest. There was plenty of timber in this region, and a wood bridge could be thrown across a river faster and at lower cost than one of masonry. Even after iron became widely available, wood was still the material of choice in many places. The bridge in the photograph, in Philippi, West Virginia, was built in 1852, then modernized in 1938, and restored after a 1989 fire. A rare two-lane covered bridge, it carries heavy traffic on U.S. Highway 250. Today, old covered bridges are viewed with such fond affection-especially by local tourism boards-that there are not enough of them to go around. And so we're building them again. For example, Ashtabula County, Ohio, boasts of 16 covered bridges but 4 of them have been built in the past 25 years. pegs rather than metal nails or screws, but some of that workmanship has been lost in restorations. The covered bridge was not an American invention, but nowhere was it more popular. Thousands of the bridges were built in New 
,. ..... ' t I I I' I I". j .  <IIi. ........... A yj r ......... t- ;1 -.....-  A '... ,.., I ,  .. r   :., A!I ../,' ...... ' , tI   .  4 off , . ;. 4il;'./J   j' ,I\'  :t _. ., .. :  \ , .';., : , II ' J . j , ji . " 'of i j" ----: In all of the truss styles discussed so £lr, the m,lin horizontal members-called the upper ,wd lower chord-are straight beams. But this geometry is wasteful. The bend- ing stress on the bridge is greatest in the middle but diIllinishes toward the ends; thus, it nlakes sense to give the truss its maximum depth and strength only in the center, and to let it t,lper away near the aDutI11ents. This is the idea behind the Parker truss, which has a humped profile, thickest in the Iniddle. As in the Pratt truss, th verticals are comprssive and the diagonals are tensile. Many variations on the Parker tnIsS were popular with the railroads. Another truss that looks d little like the Parker but works in a totally different way is known as the Whipple bowstring truss, after Squire Whipple, yet another Yankee inventor and the first theoretician of bridge-truss design. The bowstring is lulf arch and half truss. The upper chord is a curved arch held in compression and prevented fronl spreading out by tension in the lower chord. which also forms the deck of the bridge.Verticll and diagorul braces connect the deck with the arch, all of them work- ing in tension. Sonle bowstring-truss bridges are beautifully light and lithe. almost like the suspension bridges of a later er,l. Apart tror11 this cbssification based on ho\\ d truss is put together. there ,1fe ,llso differences in ho\\ the truss is ,lrr,wged with respect to the rest of the bridge. In a deck truss the entire 'itructure is underne,1th the roadw,IY: in essence. the truss sim- ply replac th stringers in ,I girder bridge. A through truss is like ,I box ,lfound the ro,ldway' you drive right through the Illiddle of it. This ,irrangement ,dlows the tnl';S to be much deeper (,wd therdc)fl' strongcr) without reducmg de,lrance under the bridge. It ,llso, incident.IIly, gives you .1 better vicw of the bridge structure .is you drivl' The bridge that carries the California and Arizona Railroad across the Colorado River is a Parker truss, and it is located in Parker, Arizona. Could the town be named after the inventor of the bridge truss? No, it is mere coincidence. The bridge designer was C. H, Parker. The town was laid out by another railroad engineer, Earl H. Parker, But the municipality is named for a third Parker, General Eli Parker. 
The cantilever principle is unmistakably at work in the Crni Kal viaduct, seen here under construction in Slovenia. (The viaduct, now completed, carries a high- way from the port of Koper to the capital, Ljubljana.) The hollow concrete box girders grow outward in both directions from their supporting columns until they meet. The tallest of the piers is more than 300 feet high. .. "'..  --":.- ",  I .. -- J ,  ./reTif"i"iT;TI . ,- r- ..:!:-- .prlmorje I " j J.  t l  I", ... I' '. . Il. l.iII ''.. ..... , \I 1 ;:J II I ,1  J  . t\.l " 1 J:: l' ' '..i .  1 .,. . . ., 
oyer the bridge-,md ,1 correspondingly worse view of the cenery beyond A pony truss is .I through truss without ,1 roof: the trus e"tend ,lbove the ro,H.hv,lV on both side bur h,ls no cross br,lCing to connect the two top chords. Cantilever Bridges. As the SP,l11 of ,1 rruss bridge incre,lse. the truss h,ls to be built '\tronger to keep the bridge fI-om '\agging in the middle. Uut ,. stronger trus is ,llso ,1 heavier one, which Lmses the bridge to '\,lg more. so the truss has to be nude tronger still. which ,H.ids even more wei.d1t to the ]0,1<1 ()ne W,l)' out of this \'icious cycle is the c.mtilever truss, which through some clever geometry m,lkes the center of the sp,m the ]ighte'\t part of the tructurc r,lther dun the heaviest. A girder or ,1 '\imple truss has to be propped up ,It both ends. A cantilever is ,1 struc- tur,l] member supporred ,lt only one end. like ,111 ,11"111 held outstretched: it ]1.l to be anchored or balanced oml'how so it won't topple over. To return to the world of kinderg,lrten blocks. in'\te,ld of p,mning the gap between two uprights with one long plank. you b,d,lI1ce a block on e,lch upright. If you ,lrrange these two balanced blocks to meet in the middle. you ]uve ,1 bridge made up of two cantilevered be,lms. If you need to etend the clI1tilever to span a larger dist,lI1ce, you nl,lY need to add counterwcights on the opposite enc.h of the beam. or else pile up m.1S over the point where e,lCh bcam rests on its upright anchorage, Both of the...e technique ,lre employed in clI1ti]ever bridges. A cantilever truss io;" easy to recognize. Where ,111 ordin,lry tnl'" is either uniform in depth throughout it length or ]u a hump that m,lke'\ it thickest in the middle, ,1 clI1ti]ever tnl'" i thinne...t in the middle ,l11d uua]]y ]1.l its deepe-;t section directly over the "upporting pier'\. The enLugel11ents ,lt the pier... ,lre needed to reist the over- turning f()rce'\ ,lCting on the LlI1ti]e\'ered ection of the truss. A "peci,d property of _J ':;::- .:s..... ,t £  , , ..  " . l ........... The telltale characteristic of a cantilever truss is that it's deepest over the supporting structures and thinnest in the middle (in contrast to a truss supported at both ends, which is often thickest in the middle). Here the twin spans of the Greater New Orleans Bridge-the longest cantilever-truss bridges in the United States- cross the lower Mississippi. The two bridges were built 30 years apart, in 1958 and 1988. The Queensborough Bridge (aJ.a. the 59th Street Bridge) is the best-known work of Gustav lindenthal. patriarch of New York bridge builders. The span shown here (there are two more) has cantilever arms reaching out from Queens (on the right) and Roosevelt Island (on the left), shaking hands over the East River. 
The superstructure of the Bayonne Bridge arcs high above the roadway, which is suspended from the arch by steel cables. The arch may look something like a truss, but its operating principle is different. Instead of relying on stiffness to hold up the bridge, it exploits its geometry to convert vertical forces (the weight of the bridge) into horizontal thrust. The Bayonne Bridge con- nects Staten Island, New York, with Bayonne, New Jersey, to the north. The span was designed by Othmar Ammann and completed in 1931 , At 1,675 feet it is a foot longer than the very similar Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia, which was built at about the same time. ,t, " \:V\  , ...  , ., ' ,.. 'C, "'  .. I , 'I \, . , ' .f ...  I, .6 -.  '. ,........ .I · f. ......... 4 ", .'" . W:.,.y . .. .... . .1.'. ...,. ...... ....  ..;.. ....t!..: :..... '...... ...-  r.u II II III 11111' 1111 1111 " I I 11111 II , I .'J/  ... 4 .1 ..  ,.: - .. , .... .." ..." ,.. 6o  .'... . -.-  ... - .;, '''",'' .. .: '#  -- ......",.... , .. .: .. . ..  . :._--. ":.. .. . .- .............. ... ..' .... ... , , ... \ , I '. \ '. '. '. a. '. " ) '. .. \ ....,... .. :,  r I  I - .. :4 . .,. .,.. - .. . .'.' .. ;r-- ..".: ., .. .. . ..... .. .. .. ... ,-...... . .... .....,.' .   "k,," ..  I ..- ......... · --: ft.' ",.. I.- . . .... :.:.  . 10.... ..' ....-. .::.:....- '\'I" . .. ..... II ,. ,,,.... ..4 :....; '..,..... . t'.,-'" t' .:-. .-.    &.. . 7.....:7 . "I ....... ' V-III \ ..' .. ' -:"" I "r. 1 !:--" - '. . ; ,\1=1 ! ,\tl '-::  '\,  \ -: ,\,;! \;,' . \t: : \1  i  .I!  . I ..:   4 4 -.-. II II j . .. , 1111 .. 1'/ :. E . . r. . e.: '.     l J'!I . il  .  \11  .-:: f... 
....... "'-i '4 11 cantilever trusses i'\ that they are st.lble .1l1d self-I\upporting structures even while they are being built. Typically tnll\se'\ trom opposite I\idel\ of.l river .1re extended to\\.lrd each other piece by piece; when they h.1Ve almost met in the nliddle. .1 short section of ordin.lry truss is hoisted into pLlce to connect theln. C.l11tilever trusse'\ set records for bridge '\p.l11S in the eLl before the great suspen- sion bridges. Among the L1ntilevers still standing (.1l1d much revered) are the Firth of Forth Bridge near Edinburgh (1 H(0) .111d the Queensborough Bridge in New York City (1910). In recent decades L1l1tilever bridgel\ built of concrete rather tlun steel trusses h.1Ve .11so become popuL1r. especi.llly in Europe. Arch Bridges. An arch works on .1 different principle 6-om a girder or .1 tnl'\l\. In'\te.ld of tr.l1lsferring loads straight down into the fouml1tions. .1n arch detlect" vertiLl1 fi)rces to the side'\. The arch is among the oldeq of bridge technologies; the Ronuns were pr.lCticed in its con'\truction. It has the distinction tl1.1t the structure operates entirely under cOlnpre'\sion; this is an .H1v.1l1t.lge if YOU .1re building with materi.lh. such .1" stone or brick, which don't h.1Ve much strength under tenion. II I ' "'I"  \  .  - . ,,\.. . \, 1  " . ..  ""- The tandem steel arches of the Hernando de Soto Bridge carry Interstate 40 across the Mississippi at Memphis, Tennessee. On first glance, this bridge presents a mystery. An arch converts vertical to horizontal thrust, and yet there is nothing but thin air at the ends of these arches to absorb the thrust. Where does it go? The answer is that these are "tied" arches: The road deck, acting in tension, holds the ends of the arches together. Arches of stone predate the lacy steel structures by at least a few thousand years. And the mere fact that an arch can be built in stone shows that all parts of the arch are held in compression. Or, as the poet Heinrich von Kleist put it: "Why, I thought, does the vault not collapse, though entirely without support? It stands, I replied, because all the stones want to fall down at the same time." Shown here is the Thomas Viaduct in Relay, Maryland, crossing the Patapsco River just south of Baltimore. It was built in the 1830s by Benjamin Latrobe and has been carrying railroad traffic ever since. (The nearby Carrollton Viaduct is a few years older but smaller.) 
The Hell Gate Bridge is famous for its obscurity; among major New York City bridges, it's the one nobody can find. It hides out in the upper reaches of the East River carrying four railroad tracks from Astoria Queens (at the right here) to Randall's Island. In terms of weight per unit length it is probably the heaviest steel arch bridge ever built. Some aesthetic critics suggest it may be heavier than it really needs to be. Perhaps the lightest and airiest of all steel arch bridges is the New River Gorge bridge, near Fayetteville, West Virginia. When it was built in 1977, it was the longest arch bridge in the world, with a span of 1,700 feet. In 2003 it was surpassed by the Lupu bridge in Shanghai. -\ , '. \\ J ..  i  ';. ..-.- I, . I ;( \, '( It.. . ,. '-- \. ',., , ...........,y .  \. 'i.. '1'" n II " 1 - .,.  ,  " \ In the playroom you could build ,1 toy ,11Th bridge out of nunv '\m,tll, wedge- '\haped blocks. 13ut if you try this experiment. you m,l)' well di'\cover the two big problems of ,11Th-bridge construction. Fir'\t. the arch is ,1 st.1ble structure only when it' complete. As you build it up. working fi-om the two ends toward the middle. you need to '\upporr ,111 the blocks until the Ltst one (the keystone) is dropped in place to lock the structure together. Second. there is ,111 outw,lrd thrust ,1t the base of the ,11Th, which Ius to be resisted somehow or the arch will spre,ld out and colLtpse. In bridge- building pr,1Ctice, the usual ,111swer to the first problem is ,1 caft()ld L111ed t:1lsework or centering: You build ,1 tempor,lry bridge of timber to '\upport ,1 maonry ,1rch until the m,1'\011ry e111 upporr itself. A tor the problem of horizontal thnl'\t, ,111 arch bridge need, nl,lsive ,1butment, to puh ,1g,linst. If the ,ite of the bridge luppens to be ,i rocky <:'111von, the vertical w,l11s will erve thi purpo,e l )therwie, 'onle kinLI of heavy anchorage will have to be built. A trick for ,olving the problem of horizontal thrust i:\ the tied ,1rch. which work lik.e ,1 trung bo\v: ,1 ten'\ion l11ember ,1lros,," the bOtt0111 of the ,1rch ,lets like ,1 bow- tring to retrain the ends. A bridge of thi kind 1 generally built ,i ,1 through arch (or rainbo\y ,1rch), with the ro,ld deck itself ...erving b the bow:\tring. Although the ,uch began ,1S ,1 trick tor making he,wy '\tone le,lp through the air, the form 1 ...0 ,1ttractive ,1nd :\,ltistying tlut arche... ,1re ,tl\O built of other l1uterial, including ,uch l110dern ...t,ilwarts ,b :\teel ,111d pretres...ed concrete. Whereas the ,111cient nusonry ,1rche, were impresive tor their nus'\, m(111)" of the modern ones ,ire light ,111d ,1iry. The Sydney  [,lrbour 13ridge in Au,tr.lli,i ,111d the very ,il11iLtr 13,lyonne l3ridge bet\\<een Staten I'\L111d ,111d New Jer,ey (two feet longer) ,1re ,Ul1ong the mn,t Cl1110US ex,ullples. The E,lds Bridge in St. louis (the firt crosing of the Mississippi 
helow it LontlunLt.' with th 1' hL1' tl1re stt.'el-Ll11d-iron Lln-he.... thLlt look I11L1ssive todL1Y but were considered rLH.iicllly lightweight when they were built in 1 H7-1-. And one of the most drLlI11atic and elegLl11t of L1ll ,lITh bridges is the N,lVaho l3ridge over ML1rbie Canyon in northern Arizona. Suspension Bridges. The biggest load that L1 bridge ever Ius to support is itself. And so the key to stretching bridges ,Kross ever longer spans is to make the bridge as light as possible to reduce this self-burden. For the longest Sp,l11S. the bridge design with the lowest weight is the suspension bridge. A suspension bridge has the admirable property of fimctiona] tr.msparency: how it looks is ho\\ it work. TL1ll towers-gener,llly three or four tinles the height of the road- wL1y-are built on opposite side of the channel to be crossed. Stout cables are dr,lped across the tops of the tower_ then snuller wire ropes, L1lled L1ble stays, are hung ver- tically 6-0111 the m,lin suspension cables. The bridge deck is ,1ttached to the cable stays. --  .......  .... '"  . " ,.  The Wheeling Bridge, between West Virginia and Ohio, was the world's first bridge to span more than 1 ,000 feet and started a notable American tradition in suspension bridges. The first version was completed by Charles Ellet in 1849, but it was partially rebuilt a decade later by John Roebling, who made his fame with the Brooklyn Bridge. .. ,. . . 
Skeletal steel towers with a busy pattern of X-shaped braces are the distinguishing feature of the George Washington Bridge-but an accidental feature. When construction began in 1927, the plan was to cover the towers with a veneer of granite, but the Depression forced a postponement of this step. As the years went by, many people came to prefer the unadorned steel. The bridge, which crosses the Hudson River from Manhattan to Fort Lee, New Jersey, was designed by Othmar Ammann. The view is from the New Jersey side. .  " ;1' , I i I " I ...- .¥, - -- 1 · , t  .f A uspl'llsioll bridge both looks ,md \\ork 'lllllethillg like ,Ill upsIde -dowll ,In.-h. Where,ls ,m ,11Th is held in comprl'-;-;ion throughout ib length ,md thrusts out\\ ,1rd tow,lrd the bridge ,1butment-;, the Iluin Llbles of ,1 -;uspension bridge ,Ire in tension everywhere and pull in\Y,lrd on their ,mchor,lges. The big Llble ,Ire olwiously the nlost vit,11 P,lrt of the whole structure. fhey ,Ire woven in pl.1ce out of much sn1.111er 'teel cords, which ,Ire looped b,lCk and forth over the tower, thou".1Illh of tillles. Al1 the "trands ,Ire caretlIl1y hundled together in .1 \Va) that di,tribute, ...tre"e<;. equal1y .1nlong theln. In most c.lse .1 met,11 -;he,lth i... wr,lpped ." l' ,  I,  j  ,I'. .e. ,, "-. . ... ,  . II : 111 ,II  L  ,  I , . "  . . " ::  t I : I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \. II II " I . j j 
THE BRIDGES OF THE FIVE BOROUGHS No city in the world has a richer collection of bridges and tunnels than New York. Some 20 bridges and at least as many tunnels (plus sever- r- "'-     I   . h' . J. , ... \ al ferry lines and an aerial tramway) link Manhattan Island with the rest of the world; the outer boroughs also have some noteworthy specimens of bridge engineering There are trusses, cantilevers, arches, and eight major sus- pension bridges. (All that's missing is a modern cable-stayed bridge.) Under the rivers, the ground is riddled with tunnels-enough to carry 18 lanes of automobile traffic and 36 railroad and mass-transit tracks. Some of the great personalities of American civil engineering worked here. John Roebling and his son Washington, the builders of the Brooklyn Bridge, are probably the best-known figures. But the keystone of New York bridge building was Gustav Lindenthal, an autodidact immigrant from Brno (in what is now Slovakia), who built three of the major crossings. Linden- thai was also mentor to Othmar H. Ammann, who went on to install three monumental bridges of his own in the metropolitan area, and David B. Steinman, who built two more Suspense. On a cruise through New York waters, you can sail under a century of suspen- sion-bridge history and evolution. Three early spans cross the East River between Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Bridge {see photo on page 392} with its distinctive gothic towers, was completed in 1 883 by the Roeblings. The Williamsburg Bridge came 20 years later, and the Manhattan Bridge {see photo at left} after another decade. Lindenthal supervised construction of the Williamsburg and was the principal engineer of the Manhattan. Lindenthal's lifelong ambition was to bridge the Hudson River, but it was his assistant Ammann who accomplished this with the George Washington Bridge {see photo on the opposite page}. Around the corner from the George Washington, on the upper reaches of the East River and the adjacent Long Island Sound, are three more suspension bridges: the Triborough, the Whitestone, and the Throgs Neck. For some reason, none of them have inspired the kind of affection lavished on the downtown East River crossings. The Triborough (which includes arch and lift bridges as well as the suspension span) was designed by Steinman.  \1 ' (I" I' \ II The Verrazano Narrows Bridge (see roiny- day photo above) wh ich crosses New York Bay between Staten Island and Brooklyn, speaks again of drama. It was Ammann s last major project. When it opened in 1964, it was the world's longest suspension span and it remains the longest in the United States. 59th Street Bridge Song The Queens- borough Bridge {see photo on page 401} is a sentimental favorite of New Yorkers. It's not the 7:;..:.:....-.-....q . . . all ... . .,',...I f' , f biggest or the highest, but maybe it's the funki- est. As the songwriter Paul Simon put it, "Feelin' groovy!" The bridge, a cantilever truss, is anoth- er of Lindenthal's designs. Three Arches. These bridges would be better known if they were not tucked away in corners of the city that few visit. The Hell Gate Bridge {see photo on page 404} is one that millions have crossed but few have noticed; it carries the Northeast Corridor rail line across the East River at Astoria, Queens. The massive steel arch-some com- plain it is too massive-was built by Lindenthal and completed in 1917. The Bayonne Bridge {see photos above and on page 402} is Ammann's homage (or rebuke?) to his master. Like the Hell Gate, it is a steel arch, but it is all spiderwebbery lightness where Lindenthal's bridge is ponderous. (In fair- ness, the Bayonne carries only highway traffic, whereas the Hell Gate groans under four rail- road tracks.) The Henry Hudson Bridge across Spuyten Duyvil at the northern tip of Manhattan is a steel arch 800 feet long. It is another David Steinman creation 
,\rollnd the tlnished L\hle to prevent conn'l()n lInt()l-tlIl1,ncly it ,\Iso cOl1ce,lls tht.' constrllCnOl1 of rhe Llhle 6-0111 viL'\\. When the Llble\ ,\re tlr\t draped over rhe towers, they ,lSSU111e rhe \,Hlle gr,lceful curve ,l power wire\ hung ti-0111 utility poles-or t(.H" th,n Dutter a clothe'dine in the b,KkY,H\.1. The curve 1'\ known 11l m,nhL'1l1,nic\ ,\\ ,\ cnen,lry, ,1 \\'ord th,lt comes fi-om {lltCIIII, the Lnin for uduin:' A '\U\pelhIOn bridge I' often cited ,I' the archeryp,ll ex,llllple of ,1 c.nenary curve, but it turn\ out tlut once the bridge deck i\ hung fi-om the cable\, the ,lupe of the curve clunge\. In Cd'\e ,myone ever ,hk you, it i\ closer to a paraboLt thdn to a true cnenary. The anchor,lges where the Llbles termil1.lte \erve the S,Hlle tl1l1Ltion ,1\ tent pet-,TS: they hold up the bridge. If ,m ,mchorage pulled out of the ground or broke like a fliling tent peg, ,It lea'\t one of the bridge tower\ would likelv t:ll1 in\\',\rd towdrd the center of the '\pm, and the bridge would collap\e. You'll be rea...sured to kno\\' rh,lt the ,mchorage\ are mas\ive ,tructl1re'\ dug deep mto bedrock. Try to take ,\ doe look ,It where the roadbed p.l\\e through the towers. In gen- eral, the bridge deck doe\ not re,t rigidly on the tower, but it 111,lY be connected by an arrangement of pivot arm\ or hinge, or even roller,. (You can get the best view of these ,md other structural details on bridges th,lt ,lllo\\ pedestri,ms. Some of the bigge,t and most tllnol1, bridges .Ire ,1Iso among rhe mosr ,lCce,sibk in this respect. THE LEGEND OF GALLOPING GERTY Like the dog that didn't bark in the Sherlock Holmes story, the bridge that isn't there any- more has a powerful presence in the minds of civil engineers. On November 7, 1940, the Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge, 30 miles south of Seattle, shook itself to pieces. It is cer- tainly not the only bridge that ever failed, but it is the most famous. Part of the reason for its notoriety is that the collapse was caught on film. The best-known images were made by F. Burt Farquharson, a professor of engineer- ing at the University of Washington. His pres- ence at the bridge with a movie camera that morning was not a mere coincidence. He was there to study the alarming undulations that had been noticed during construction of the bridge and from the moment it opened to traffic, four months before. The violent flap- ping in the wind had earned the bridge the nickname "Galloping Gerty." Still, no one expected it to crash into the water that day. The causes of the disaster have been debat- ed ever since. There was a strong wind that day-about 40 miles an hour-but the bridge structure. Another candidate is aerodynamic "flutter," a different kind of self-reinforcing behavior in which the twisting of the bridge, by altering the wind forces on the deck, causes more twisting. A mathematical theory focuses on the periodical tightening and slack- ening of the vertical cables from which the deck is hung. The one point on which all seem to agree is that the road deck was too light, slender, and flexible. The remedy adopted by designers of future bridges was to build heav- ier, thicker, and stiffer decks. The pedestrian in the photo at left reached safety; a cocker spaniel did not. The lost bridge at Tacoma Narrows was replaced a decade later with a bridge whose deck is braced by a very deep and stiff truss; the engineers were taking no chances. (Photo credit: University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, UW20731 .) Q - should have withstood much worse. One oft- cited culprit is "resonance," where a small force produces large effects by periodically reinforcing natural vibrational motions of the 
\ r .,. .-- ,. : 4 Ii ....... -. "'-  For x.ll11ple, the 13rooklyn Bridge .md the George Washington in New York .md the Golden in Calitorni.1 .111luve w.llkways.) LIghtn is th great virtue of "upen"ion bridges, but it Ius also been the main worry about then1 ver ,ince th Tdconla Narrows Bridge in W.lshington twisted ibelf to ribbon in .1 hIgh wind in l l )4(). Although the eX.lct Il1echanism of that f..lil- ure renuins controverial, upicion h.l focu\d nuinly on the rather hallow girders of the bridge deck. Long-\p.l11 \uspension bridge" built in the decades ince luve "till been lightweight, but the deck h.l\ been stitfened by a deep tru, and the aerody- n.ll11ics of the bridge 11.lve been looked at clrefully through wll1d-tunnel \tudies of cale I110dels or through computer simulations. The 13rooklyn. George Washington. Golden G.lte, M.lckinac, .l11dVerraZ3no Narrows Bridge .111 in turn held the record for the world\ longest bridge. 1\1ore recent cbim.ll1ts of tlut title luve been the Hl11l1ber 13ridge. in Brit.lin. with a span between the towers of 4J)26 feet. .1l1d the Great 13elr E.lst Bridge in I )ennurk. which wa, the first to pdSS the mile-long with .1 sp.ll1 of 5.32H teet. Both of those bridges luve been tl1- surp.lssed b} the Ak.lshi K.likyo Bridge in j.lpan. which Ius a center p.m of 6,529 teet. The Ak3,hi K.likyo is p.lrt Of.l neckbce of 1 H .1l11bitious bridges rlut will link the isLmd of Shikoku with the nuin j.1p.lnese isLmd of llonshu. Cable-Stayed Bridges. There'" .1 W.1V to build .1 bridge even lighter th.l11 .1 su"pe11- ion bridge: elimin.lte the suspen"ion clble (which cm be almot .h h.lVY .1 the bridge deck the) uppnrt). Inte.H.i of h.mglllg Llble "t.1Y' vertic.l11y from the dr.lped c,lbl". let the ...t.1Y'" LIl1 out directly ti-om the tower" to the deck. fhe modi- tIed dL'''lgl1 i cI11l'd .I clh1c st,lved bride. The Mackinac Bridge (left), which links the two pieces of the state of Michigan, is ranked by some bridge fanciers among the most graceful suspension spans, but others consider the deck truss to be obtrusively thick. The ultra-stiff deck was in part a reaction to the earlier failure of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (see box on opposite page). The Mackinac Bridge was designed by David B. Steinman. The ivory-and-green color scheme was his choice. Ever since the Roeblings built the Brooklyn Bridge, wire rope has been closely associated with the very idea of a suspension bridge, but many earlier bridges used chain rather than rope or cable. In the example below, the chains are more like bicycle chains than anchor chains; they consist of flat metal plates bolted together to form links that can flex only in the vertical plane. The bridge connects the cities of Buda and Pest in Hungary. It was designed by an English engineer, Adam Clark, and built in the 1840s. 1_ II'  
Even lighter and more transparent than suspension bridges, cable-stayed bridges are the new passion of civil engineers" This one lies between the gloomy skies and the still waters of the Columbia River at Kennewick, Washington.  " If clhle-'iuyed de'\igns 'i.we the weight- ,md the co\l -of the thick c.1ten.lry clhles, \Vh) ,1rcn'l .tli '\uspension bridge... built tl1.1t \\.lY? There.... .1 geometric problem tlut begin' to get 'eril)tb when the Llhle-st.lyed tedmiL)ue IS .1dopted for re.l11y long sp.m,_ A clble ,t.l)' ,upporting the deck .1 tower i'\ .1lmost verticil <md \\"ork much like one of the St.1YS on ,1l1 ordinary '\uspen,ion bridge. 13ut .1 the St.1VS re.1Ch out farther trom the to\\"ers, they become less etllcient bec1llse they .Ire pulling hor- izonully .1\ well .1S vertically_ When the ,mgle gets beyond 45 degrees. the stays eert more horizont.l1 force tlun verticl1 force .md d1l1s tend to buckle the roadway r.1ther dun hold it up. As the bridge sp.1n incre,lses. keeping the stay .mgle in .1 reasonable r,mge requires 11l,1king the towers t.tller. but there are costs .md technologic1l limit, of tlut '\tr.1tegy too. .. -- . 'IIiiiiiiiib... ....  
  ......... . " "' 't:t' I I 1 I I i 1 1 Until recently, L1hle-t.1yed bridge were een .1S a kind of intermedi.1te technolo- gy, filling .1 g,lp hetween the longer .1IThe .md Lmtilevered truse ,md the horter supension bridges. Not m,my of them were being built. Uut engineer have devel- oped ,1 udden int:1tu,ltion with L1ble-t,lyed bridges, and the design has been choen for ,1 number of longer 'ip.m that \\oldd once have been l"onsldered the uncontet- ed donl.lin of the 'iuspenion bridge. (Jne ex.u11ple b the Hale Boggs Uridge, which Llrrie Inter'itate J 1 () .1cros<; the 1'v1i'isissippi ,1 tew t11iles wet of Ne\,y (Jrlt'.m. Completed in 1 <)HJ, it Ius an unobstructed sp.1n of 1,222 feet. There wa') a speci,ll re.1son for choosing a light\veight design in thi IOL1tion: the soil are so 'iott tlut .1 heavier structure would luve "unk. into the Another spenacuL1r L1ble-t.1yed bridge L1rries the Sunshine P.1rk\\ .1)' .Kross T.1mp.1 13,1)" in Florida. The L1bles ,1re wrapped in bright yellow pL1stic, so the bridge looks like .1 pair of glowing s.lils in the sunset. At le.1st two more bridge" of very similar design-right down to the yellow L1ble wrappers-have since been built. The (:Ltrk. Uridge, which crosse the Mississippi .1t Alton. I11inois. is the longest cable-stayed bridge in the United St,ltes ,It 1.J()() feet. but builders elsewhere h,lVe gone much t:lrther. In France. the Pont de Norm.mdie is a L1ble-st.1yed design with a centr.11 p,m of 2.H()() feet. It W.1<; built .Kross the n10uth of the Seine in 1 <)<)5. The T.1tar.1 Bridge, one of two m.ljor L1ble-st,lyed bridge 111 the J1p.mese Shikoku-  [onhu project. 11.1" .1 p.m of 2. <)2() teet. It's worth noting the 13rooklyn Bridge i both .1 'il1spenSioIl bridge .llld cl L1hle-"it,lyed bridge. Although the weight of the deck I') L"arried 1l1.1Inly b\ the t()llr L1tcn.lrv LlhIcs. di,lgoll,l] ...t.1}'S tm out t"j-Olll thc towers to ,ldd st.lbility. The criss- Diagonals are dynamic and dramatic in the geometry of cable-stayed bridges. At left, following a model introduced by the Sunshine Parkway Bridge in Tampa Florida, the Varina-Enon Bridge near Richmond, Virginia, raises bright yellow triangular sails. In Boston, the towers of the new cable-stayed bridge (be/ow) echo the obelisk shape of the nearby Bunker Hill monument. It's not the longest such bridge, but it may be in contention for the longest name: the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge. , I , .  
The Clark Bridge, which crosses the Mississippi at Alton, Illinois, north of St. Louis, spreads tentlike stays from central towers to the edges of the roadway. The visual effect is a little like that of the Brooklyn Bridge. crossing of vertic.1l ,md di,1gon,11 dcmcnts i one of the lJlluslul te,ltures tl1.1t h,lS m,lde tl1.1t grand old bridge so popul.1r with p,linters. photogL1phers. ,md sightseers. Floating Bridges. 1\1L)t long bndge\ ,1re humps in the ro,1d: you have to drive uphill to reach the level of the deck. ] 1e,lding eat out of Seattle there ,1re t\\ 0 bridges. e,lCh more tlun ,1 mile long. who\e ,1ppro,lChe... ,Ire steep declines. The) are tloating Lll1Se- \V,lYS tlut carry m,or highw,1Y\ acros\ L1ke W,1shington. The larger of the bridges i supported by 25 concrete pontoons, e,lCh 3S() feet long, ()() feet wIde. ,llld 14 feet deep. (:ables ,llld concrete ,1nchors on the bke botton1 hold the pontoon in pLlCe A third tloating bridge the Hood C .111.11, west of Se,1ttle. Two of the bridges have telescoping sections that can he retracted to let '\hip P,bS through. The Se,1ttle bridge\ are not quite unique, but they ,Ire rarities. Flo,1ting structures ,1re vulner,1hle to currents, tides, tlood, and ice. Section\ of two of the Se,lttle brid{Tes  have sunk when onle of the pontoon tlooded. Moveable Bridges. A \V,lterway represents ,1 barrier to ro,1d tr,lHic, but .l bridge obstructs ship movements. The stam.brd compromise is a moveable bridge. which closes to let eus or tr,1ins through and opens tcx ships. There ,1re three n1.1in types: the bascule bridge. the lift bridge. ,llld the swing bridge. As machines go. they are fair- ly simple combil1.1tions of levers. gears. ,llld be,1rings. but building them to survive the b,lttering of both ro,1d tr,lffic ,llld the marine environment is a ch,lllenge. The b,lsntle bridge is wl1.1t most people think of ,1S the archetypal drawbridge. Htlswlc is French for "SeeS,l\\," and that pretty well describes ho\\, the bridge works. Part of the deck pivots upward, like an alligator's snout or the hood of a car; this rep- resents the rising ann of the st'esaw. A counterweight on the [1r side of the pivot point luLlllces the weight of the deck and thereby rt'duces the amount of physical work done in opening ,lIld closing the bridge. Some bascule bridges 11;1ve a single moving leaf; on larger bridges ,1 p,1ir of le,lVes meet in the middle. Quite ,1 variety of mechanisms can be een ,1t work in bJscnle bridges. (When I notice such variety. ] ,11ways wonder if it Ine,lllS the "right" Jnswer han 't yet been  I!   I  Another cable-stayed bridge over the Mississippi, at Burlington, Iowa, has a pronounced asymmetry: the western span (at the left in this photograph) is 40 per- --a cent longer than the eastern one. The number of cables is the same on both sides (indeed, they are the same cables, looped over the tower), and so some of them have to be bunched closely together at the eastern end 
." J\ ..  ! ' . ' I .;  ,.t ! r, I '! -.' ..'1 ,. "1 , 15'' [ G 4 <" 'iT JY lIT ,. ( - '\ -', . r ,7" :TJ:?:. r " ';/  r:  ' J.....'{ ., ,'.{ .. _ ----=:::;ii . f, !.. -!. "V _-21 / ; ! _ J /jit. ", '\ I  _L I_  . -=L-:.- -  ......)',." 1 .j... . LA ::1--- I 1: . -..;;:: -- found.) Sometimes cables or chains attelched to the deck elre pulled up into towers, as in a medieval castle drawbridge. Or a brge gear, attached to the ,lxle around which the deck pivots. is slowly driven by a sl11aller pinion geelr. The axle gear need not span a full circle, "ince the bridge is never tilted more dun 9u degrees. Other bel"c111e bridges are raised by a hydLll11ic piston. Ah110st always the ultimate "ource of power is electricity. SOl11ewhere neelr the bridge you're likely to see a diesel generator tor emer- gencies, since a stuck bridge is sure to elnnoy SOl11eone, either on land or on water. The deck of a basc111e bridge is often dn open steel grid-\vhich i murder on bicycle tires, not to Inention high heels or bare feet. The elJvantage of steel over con- ventional paving i lightness. A lift bridge is essentially elll elevator for a section of road or railroad. Twin tow- er are the characteristic ignature of the lift bridge. The deck between the tower" is winched straight up out of the way of passing ships. The l110ving deck is guided by rails or channels and counterbalanced by weights on cables. which you l11ay be elble to see decending as the bridge rise,. Lift bridge are particularly common on railroads beLlllse they Lln support very heavy 10elJs and because the problem of maintaining track aligm11ent seemed e,lsier to solve with a lift tlun \yith el ba"'Cll1e mechani,nl. A drelwbelck. of the de"ign is tlut even in the raied po"ition, it restricts the height of ,hip, (whereas an open bascule is open to the sky). Also, if the lift mecluni"ms on the two end.... get out of sync the bridge Lm get jammed in ,m intennedi,lte positioll tlut block" both ,md water trelHlc. A "wing bridge pivots horizontellly, lik.e el comp,ISS needle. This etlTemge111l'llt di,- penses with countl'rwcights ,md the strugglc clg,lillst grelvity, hut it opells two ll.llTOW At the mouth of the Pascataqua River, a lift bridge opens wide and high for a fishing boat. Note the mas- sive counterweights inside the towers, which descend as the lift span rises. The bridge lies between Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Kittery, Maine. Proud bridges of yesteryear: a rolling bascule bridge in downtown Cleveland points permanently at the sky, leaving the waterway unimpeded but the rail line it once served blocked forever. f ''' j a i ',. I ' , 1 I ,./ I ;;rA , .  I D.t :. ifY , : : , _4 , " - \ .,'" ..... t" t'  _r j \. ... .. 
A swing bridge pivots like a composs needle to open a passage for boats. This one, seen here open for mainte- nance rather than for traffic, is on U.S. Route 90 in southern Louisiana. . ....  I  I  "t · ,  1 a . ;.a "   . \ .I  t::1 \ , , /- .I : .-. ------- ---= -- - clunnels t()1" ...hipping rather than one wid channel. And th bridge itself b vulner- able to co11i,ion d.1l1l.1ge if.l boat pilot ml...calculates. 1'vh)Ve.lblt bridges of .111 kinds .1re out of t:lhion the...e ltlyS \vith ...t,lte departments of tranportation. The reaon lie... in the co,t of oper,ltions, both for nl.lintaining a finick. y mech.l1lism .11ld tor keeping a worker on duty to open the bridge. These costs come out of thl" state budget, whereas the capital tor building a new, highl"r, t.ltion- ary bridge oftl"n comes in p.Irt fi-om feder.l1 fllllds. Under the circumst.lllce, it's no surpri'\e that dr.lwbridges an.' disappe.lring. The Underbelly of a Bridge. Even bridge tlut .1re not meant to move-the ta- tionary ones. with no opening mechanism-do .1 ,urprising .1mount of squirming around. Walking .Kross .1 bridge, you nl.l)' be .1ble to feel it tbpping in the wind .md bouncing under he.1\')' truck traHlc. 13ut the most important movements .ire too slow to be perceived dirl"ctlv: they are the eXp.msion and contraction of the deck a... the templ"rature c1unges, a k.ind of d.lily and ,\<..'.lson.l1 bre.lthing. The tructure Ius to accommodate these motion" without breaking or pulling .lp.1rt. The most visible me.m, of coping with thermal movemellt, .1re expan,ion joint, within the roadwJY, ()n maller p.m, the joint, .1re not much ditferent trOln the strip, in .1 cancrete highway, but tn-ger bridge, Lm require more elaborate joint, with me,hing steel teeth or finger, '0 the deck can contract hy '\verJI inche, without cr- ating a g.lp in the ro.Hhv.1Y. Undl"rne.lth the bridge there', more gear tor dealing with movemnt, becau th deck Ius ta be .1ble to grow .md hrink while the ,upporting pir, or towr, or abut- ment... renuin ,till. The contr.lptions allow the piece, of the bridge ta move with- out fl11ing .1part .Ire Ll11ed bridge be.1rings. A tremendou... variety of de,ign, h.we been tried over the ye.u,-agLlin, .1 tipoff tlut none of theln work very well. There are steel p1ate ,Jide over each other, sted pLttes sl"p.1rated hy lubricating pads of v.uious kinds (porous hronze, Ie.ld, Teflon), "nests" of snl.l11 steel rollers, single Ltrge 
rollers, hinged bar tl1.1t suspend the brIdge deck like .1 porch swing, pinion tructure", .md da"tic rubber p.1ds. All of these mech.mim" work well enough when the bridgt' is fir"t built. The trouble is without regul.1r maintenance, they tend to deterior.1te. The Illoving p.lft... get welded together by rust or clogged with I I Between and beneath the piers of a cable-stayed bridge in St. Georges, Delaware, is a cathedral-like space. The bridge's central tower is visible through the gap between two approach roads. The triangular struc- tures nested in the space between roadways are the cable anchorages that support the open-span portion of the bridge deck. 
 .. . ... ,. "'Ji ... ... ... . -  f!- .11. .. .  I  ,. .. ... ' .'. . .. II. . ...... .. ... .. .. . ..:IIIt. . -....,. .. .. ......... . ..... .. ,.. # A sliding finger joint in a bridge deck allows the two sides to expand and contract independently without leaving a gap that vehicles or pedestrians might fall into. The joint is on a small bridge connecting Roosevelt Island with Queens in New York City. Hinges allow an arch bridge to flex under both thermal cycles and changes in load, without causing stress or fatigue where the beams meet the bridge foundation. These hinges support one of a pair of matched arch bridges that take the New York State Thruway across the Mohawk River near Albany. dirt, and tlTCZe- up. I hen <;oll1cthing In to give, .1I1d cr.H:b be-gin to eithe-r in the bridge deck or in the tCHmd.1tion. The rubbcr p.Hh eel11 to be the trouhle- <;ol11e .1I1d .1re to be t<'Hmd in nun)' newer bridge<;. To ,ee .1I1Y of the....e devlce<;, you'll need to be under the bridge; look .1t the joint where the deck rests on the pier". M.1I1Y .uch bridges 11.1ve another kind of l110ve.lhl1" joint. When the ends of.111 .1rch .1re .1ttached rigidly to the .1butl11ent<;, motion of the bridge LltlSe she.1ring and tor- <;ion <;tresses in the arch. Thee unwanted force<; L111 be elimin.1ted by inst.1lling a hinge joint .It each end of the .1rch, allowing it to pivot .1t the .1butments. t linge<; Jre comnlon in steel arches; they're ll.lrder to build in .1 l11a<;onry <;tructure. The hinge itself100ks something like a heavy-duty door hinge, with a steel pin sever.11 inche in diameter. In earthqu.1ke countrv. the joints .1I1d be.1rings ofbridge get still more cOlllplicat- ed. The bridge deck ha to be allowed to move freely over the found.1tions, but not <;0 t:ll" tll.1t it t111 off when the e.uth begins sh.1king. In C .1Iiforni.1 .111 new bridges are equipped with re<;traints nleant to hold the joints together. .111d older bridge" .1re being retrotltted with earthquake protection. From the underidc of the bridge, look for stout <;teel c.1ble, interlocking sills, .111...1 "ted co11ar<; .u'ound concrete pier. TUNNELS Tunnels have their rom.l1lce just L1S bridges do, but obviou<;ly there 's les to ee. Still, .. tunnel i more than just a hole in the ground. Keeping the tunnel venti1.1ted, drained, lighted, and SL1te from flood .111d fire ca11s for L1 t:1irly elaborate infrastructure. . .. .. .  .. .. " , "\. .,:..;,'. ........... . , .e: --; ':'-..  \\ 't  
 . ... '-., Slullow tunnels on Lmd JIT usually built by the cut-JIH.i-cover technique: dig ,I trench, put the road or r,lilline in it, ,H1l.1 a roof Most city SUbW,lYS are exclv,lted this way, Jnd '0 W,I' much of the recent" L3ig Dig" in Bo,ton. ()ccasiOlully something simibr is done tor ,I river-cro"ing tunnel: a tube is ,Is,enlbled on the ,ur6ce ,md sunk into ,I trench dredged into the river bottom, then it is covered over t()}- protection fi-Olll '1hip ,mchor'l ,md the like. Uut ml)'t tunnels ,Ire dug fi-om the ends, either by blasting in hard rock or by J roury boring m,lChine that chew through the ground like an eJrthworm, grinding the rock ,It the ,H1vancing tICe of the tunnel ,md spew- ing out the digeted debri behind it. Sometime'l the work hJS to be done in pre<;- surized air to keep groundwater fi-om int1ltrating. Geometric Design. If you ,Ire ,I highway tunnel engineer, you w,mt to nuke your tunnels JS short ,IS possible becmse cLtwing your way through solid eJrth costs more dun any other kind of ro,ld building. But there JIT tr,lde-otT<; to be m,lde. Shortening ,I mountain tunnel usu,llly mt',ms going higher up the mount,lin. which nukes the ,Ipproach rOJds longer or steeper or both. For ,I river crossing. minimizing the length of the tunnel is even trickier. The "hortest routing would put the portal Jt the w,lter's edge. but then the tunnel would ha\Oe to descend too steeply to St.I)" beneJth the river bottom. PLlCing the port,ll" f.uther luck tlatten" the p,lth but requires more eXCJva- tion. f\,loreover. the strategy of moving 6rther back doe<;n't ,llw,IY<; work, since the riverb,lnks may rise steeply. One solution i<;, to build ,I turn into the tunnel ,0 dut p,lrt of the descent em be nude p,lraIlel to the riverlunk. The Tyne Tunnel in Urit,lin Ius a cork,crew LImp ,It one end. like the ramps th,lt serve multilevel p,lrking deck,. The New Jersey ,Ippro,lch to the Lincoln Tunnel ,Ilso spiLlls into the ground. For r,lilro,H1 tl1l1nel" the constr,lint, on ,lope ,Ire e\Oen 1110re severe becllIse tr,lin" just don't climb ,teer hill... As ,I result, uIH.ierw,1ter rail (To"sings ,Ire uncommon. Not.1ble eXLeption<;, ,Ire till' tunnels th,1t Llrry r,lil line' under the Hudson River ,l1ld the E,lst RIver in Ncw York ('ity. I hose tlll1l1eJ... ,Ire rr,1ctic11 0111y becllIse thc r,lilro,1<.h IT111,lin Bridge bearings make the connection between the gird- ers of a highway overpass and the supporting founda- tion. A rigid connection between these parts would fail because of thermal expansion-contraction cycles or because of shock and vibrations from traffic. The bear- ings, which have a synthetic rubber pad inside a metal housing, provide a flexible cushion. 
The New Jersey portal of the Lincoln Tunnel squeezes traffic into three tubes leading under the Hudson River and into Manhattan. The middle tube opened in 1937, the north (left) tube in 1945, and the south (right) tube in 1957. c'..).......: -'" l   . \  011 ., or ,.., .... , ......'-!..... "' f'l . -, .."1 ... \'"' " "; ... '" " II """"UI < \ I "-+ < . '" . .' \  ,'....... .. -J. .l.-=..i. 'J1,JI;', . -...' .I "  .....- .... ". _ . : :4" _ I .-.1 U.1:" ... I - "'"T'" =- - ..  underground all the way through Manhattan. .md thus trains do not have to clilllb back to sur6ce elevation until they reach 13rooklyn or Queens. Breathing Space. At Illany times in the history of tunneling. the limiting f..lctor in going deeper and longer W.IS not the difliculty of penetrating the earth but the chal- lenge of upplying air for people ussing through. In the first r.1ilroad tunnels, the problenl was how to get rid of smoke and heat frolll coal-burning steanl engines. In highw.IY tunnels it's the exh.H1st fumes frOlll thous.mds of car and truck engines. The first tunnel where ventilation was seen as a matter of life and death was the Holtlnd Tunnel, which passes under the Hudson River trOIll Lower Manhattan to Jersey City, New Jersey. When it was built in the 192Us, it not only W.1S the longest underwJter highway tunnel (it runs for nlore than J Illile) but also \vould carry very dense auto and truck traffic. The builders gave a lot of attention to renewing the air. The tunnel consists of two circular tube. each carrying two lane") of traffic. When you drive through the tunnel, however. the circular cross section is apparent only at the portals; inside the tubes. the roadway is housed within a flat rectangular box. That leaves space belo\v the road deck and above the ceiling, nlost of which is used for ventilation. The supply duct runs under the road, pumping fresh air out of vents in the sidewalls at tailpipe height. The fouled air is withdrawn through ceiling vents into an overhead exhaust duct. The fans for the Holland Tunnel are housed in four ventilation buildings. Two are on land near the portals; the other two are on piers built out into the river. Drainage. Driving through an underriver tunnel, it's only natur.ll to think about the tons of water flo\ving over your he.H1 ,md to wonder wll.1t it would be like if the tun- 
nel \\Tre to 'ipring ,1 leak. A... it luppens, k,lk.s ,1re more of ,} problem in moullt,lin tunnels, where the rock is fissured ,md porous. The 'itrat,1 underlying rivers tend to be n,1tur,llly w,1terproof (Think. ,1buut it: if they weren't, the whole river would leak aw,lY!) Neverthde,, ,111 tunnel need ,1 dr,lin,lge -;y-;tem. It Ius ta h,mdle Ilot only le,lks hut ,:d,a r,linwater come, in through the part.l1s. And the Luge"t volumes of water come ti-om w,l,hing the tunnel w.llls. (The w.llls .1re crubbed by a kind of in-;ide-out car w.l,h: .1 truck with big rat,1ting brushes.) Dr.lins .1re in<;t.dkd .1t the curb, much like ...torm-\V.lter inlets in an ardin.lry road- W.IY. From the inlet, .1 dr.lin pipe runs dawnhill ta .1 low point in the tunnel profile, where it emptie, into .1 sump .md i... pmllped b.Kk up ta .1 dich.lrge near the portals. Fire. Although it nm... caunter ta intuition, the hig luzard of driving under .} river is not W.lter but fire. Tunnel fire .1re rare, but when they h,lppen, they're doozies. The Tunnel Iud ,1 tamlHls one in 19..J.9, when a truck c.1l1ght tIre deep in one of the tube.... Smoke, fumes, and traveled uphill, igniting other vehicles. What even- tu.llly cont.lined the bl.1ze \\as the coll.1pse of the ceiling, which created ,m over'iize exh,1l1st port ...0 th,lt the ventiL1tion system \\ ,IS ,1ble to suck out the smoke. There were no de.1ths, but ()() people were hurt. Fifty ye.lrs later the  lolLmd Tunnel W,lS fitted \\'ith .1 ceiling deliber,1tely designed to collapse the way the fir"t one did fortuitously. In 1 <-)<-)<-), .1 fire in the l\.10nt Blanc tunnel between It.lly and France killed 39 pea- pIe .md closed the route far three Now the seven-mile tunnel has 37 emer- gency "hdrers, pressurized ta keep out "'llloke. .11. . I 11I HHI 111111 .J -. J  . .: J iii .  . -, : -, -===-- - il", - ".It -( -- . ....:-'-  j . -.. Ventilation towers for the Holland Tunnel, three miles south of the Lincoln Tunnel, are a conspicuous and yet strangely unnoticed part of the cityscape. The brick tower in the foreground, built on a pier reaching into the Hudson from Lower Manhattan, has a twin on the far bank; two more towers are farther inland, dose to the tunnel portals. The louvers on the face of the tower are air intakes; exhaust air goes straight up. 
THE FRENCH CONNECTION Underground you go, and when you come up again half an hour later, you're in another coun- try, where they speak a different language, use a different currency, and drive on the wrong side of the road. It's an extraordinary cultural journey (although some might say it's nothing compared to the trip through the Holland Tunnel from New York to New Jersey). Officially the cross-channel tube is the Eurotunnel, but at the English-speaking end everyone calls it the Chunnel. It is a project with a history. Schemes for tunneling under the Channel go back to the Napoleonic era. By the 1970s, political and technological impedi- ments had been overcome, but economic obstacles still proved insurmountable: the dig- gers had hardly gotten started when they went broke. The abandoned workings from that effort served as a base of operations when a new consortium started digging in the late 1980s. Eleven boring machines whirred away through the chalk strata under the seabed, with the main shafts driven from both coasts toward the middle. The French and English teams met at the end of 1990. The first passengers made the undersea crossing in 1994. The Chunnel route is more than 30 miles long, with three tubes running in parallel: a pair of operating tunnels and a smaller service tunnel that also provides emergency refuge. The link is by rail only; you can't drive through, although you can load your car onto "Le Shuttle" and drive off again on the farther shore. Heavy trucks go through the same way. The most obvious challenges in such a pro- ject have to do with the sheer scale of the earth- moving effort- including where to put the 300 million cubic feet of spoil pulled out of the exca- vations. The logistics of operating the tunnel are also challenging. At maximum capacity (which, admittedly, has not yet been approached), 30 trains per hour could run through the tunnel in each direction, and there might be 15,000 peo- ple underground at the same time. The trains could produce 100 megawatts of heat-enough to cook all those passengers unless an efficient cooling system intervenes. An early proposal called for dumping shaved ice from the back of trains, but in the end a more conventional chilled-water system was installed. The worst fear was fire, under circumstances where the nearest help might be more than 10 miles away. In November 1996 the worst fear came true: a fire broke out on a train carrying trucks from France. Following instructions, the train driver tried to continue through to the far side but was forced to stop 10 miles from shore. The crew and the 31 truck drivers aboard the train got out safely, but it took another nine hours to extinguish the fire, and the tunnel was seriously damaged. Among policy changes made in the aftermath: Trains will now stop immediately when smoke is detected. The Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel. The ch.1llenge to vision in tunnels is not that they're d.1rk; people drive in the dark all the tinle. The problem is one of contrasts. Full daylight is about 4,000 tilHes as bright as a well-lighted highway at night. On entering a tunnel, cl driver has to make .1 tr.lIlsition between those levels in seconds. The problem zone is not inside the tunnel but on the approach to the entrance portal, where the tunnel ahead .1ppears as a black hole. Often. the first 50 feet or so of the tunnel are lighted much more brightly than the rest. Another trategy is to screen the portal with shades or louvers over the roadway so the outdoor light is dinuned gradually and the eye has a better chance to adapt. At night the lighting problem i reversed. It's the tunnel exit that becOll1es a black hole. Again, there are two strategies for amelioration: dim the lights in the last few hundred feet of the tunnel, so the eye will begin adapting, or install brighter-than- nonnal streetlighting outide the portal. Traffic Control. (tiding through the Lincoln Tunnel as a child, I W.1S fascinated by the guards st.ltioned in gl.lSS booths .110ng the n.urow elev.lted walkw.1Y that parallels the road. It seemed such a strange and mysteriou occupation. The w.1lkways and glass booths are still there in the Lincoln Tunnel, but they h.lVe not been occupied for years. Nowadays the tunnel staff keeps an eye on traffic with 
television ClmtT.1S. The in1.1gl'''i .Ire lhspLtyed in .1 celltr.ll control room. which .llso m.m.lges the tunnel inf]-.lstructure-ventiLnion, drain.le, electric power, lighting. In .lddition to the rv cameras, v.lriou"i sensor"i report their readings back to the control room. C,n-bon monoxide "iensor"i provide the prin1.1ry inf(Hm.ltion needed to alljust the \entiLnion "iytem. The en...or ihelf i likely to be out of "iight in .1 utility c.Ibinet, but nedr the ceiling you n1.1Y pot .1 ...ampling port-a tube with .1 "icreen or filter where .Iir i drclwn in. A viibility ...enor h.l two unih mounted on the ceiling, pointing .It edch other dlTO the width of the tunnel. An infi-.Ired beam bounce... between then1, ib dimming being .1 me.lure of the murk in the air. Air-velocity n10nitor... \vere once ...pinning .1nemometer"i. No\v .Iir"ipeed is mea- sured with ultraonic ...enor"i, \\ hich detect the I )oppler shift in sound fi-equency c.lUed by air motion. A p.lir of unit"i i"i mounted high on the walls on oppo"iite "iide"i of the tunnel, pointed .It a ....S-degree angle .lCrOS"i the ro.ldw.1Y. Perlups the most "iensor"i in the tunnel are inductive-loop vehicle detectors buried in the p.lVement, which monitor the motion of the cars p.lssing over them. These "ien"iors work just like the ones th.n trigger traffic lights. rhe loop "ien- sor"i .Ire watched carefully beLlUse ,m .lCcidel1t or .1 dis.lbled vehicle will 11.1lt traffic in ,n least one Lme. For .111 this surveilLll1ce to do ,l11Y good. the control crew need a \\ ay to commu- nic.lte with driver"i, especi,llly in an emergencv. Overhe.ld Ll11e marker"i (showing .1 red .'\ or a green .lrrow) provide a me,m of communieltion with ,1 pretty mininul vocabulary. M,m)' tunnd now have more vers.ltile signboard. (hdinarily the)' .l)' something bLl11d like "St.1Y in Ll11e," or "1\1aint.lin ....5 M Pi I," but they c,m be repro- grammed inst,mtly to warn "'Accident Ahead.' or even uEv,lCuate!" Another way of communicating with driver... i<; by radio. In ,ome tunnel the car radio doe<;n't work .It ,111; this ,hould not COIlle ,1'" ,1 "iurprie becaue r,ldio wa\Oe... can- not penetrate f.Ir into the earth or water. In other tunnel'i, however, bro.Idcast ignal come through loud ,l11d c1e,lr. 110\\ doe h,lppen? It\ not an ,lccident. The tun- nel operator... h,lVe put up an ,l11tenn,1 to receive both the bro.ldc.lst sign.ds, which they retranl11it through "im,dl .1l1tel1l1.lS mounted in the tunnel ceiling. They don't go to ,111 th,lt trouble jut to keep you entert,lined. They ,dso h,lVe the ,Ibility to inter- rupt the bro,ldca'it on .111 tt-equencie"i with emergency ,l11nOUnCemelHS. I )river"i tend to be very c,lUtiou"i in tunnels, which keeps the accident rate low but aho m,lke"i it .1 struggle to keep tr,lffic moving. ()n the downgr,lde entering an under- water tunnel, a driver touches the br,lkes: the drivers behind overre,lct ,md slow down further. At the other end of the tunnel. driver"i let their "ipeed sLtck otT on the upgr,lde. As ('.lr"i bunch clo"ier together, prudent drivers "ilow down "itill more. The re,ult i a spont.meously gcnerated tr.tfhc j,lI11-the ro,ld is clogged for no good re.l- son. The...e tr,lthl" ilbt,lbilitie ,do develop 011 "iUrflCe roads, but they .Ire p,lrticuLlrly severe ,llld long-lived III tUllllt'b. The tl)r de,tling with them is simply to "itop tr.ltlic .dtogetheJ ,It the entLmce porLlI, not rde, ,I new "pLnoon" ut C,lr, until they em get through the entire tllllnd without re,tching the tr.liling cnd of the .].1n1.  \ \ III \ ' ---       '" .1 . .. The transition zone at the entrance to a tunnel {above} can become a black hole. At the Gran Sasso tunnel in central Italy brighter lights are installed over the first 50 or 100 feet, and the walls are painted white. The white hole at the end of the tunnel {be/ow} can be just as much an impediment to vision. This is the T uscarara tunnel on the Pennsylvania T urnpikeo . . I ." , , .'-. .............. , \ \ \ \ \ \ " ...-' 
. /,,, .. . . . __1- t  . .   ---.. :-- \ \ \ \ \  -" --=  -- -----  - .. .....  ., =- - ....... - -. := -- _!- = -=: - - - .. --====- - ,..- . -1-1- '" 0- =-- - 
CHAPTER 1 1 S THE P Il 0 T MAN E U V E R S into position for final approach, the air- craft banks to the right and you get your first clear view of the airport below. Lights leading up to the runway threshold flash in sequence like a rapid-fire 1110vie nur- quee. Crossbars of bright red and white lights draw the eye toward the touchdown zone. The runw.lY itself is outlined in nlulticolored laIUPS, with another row of lights down the center. As the airplane descend, you notice the rotating beacon atop the control tower, fbshing alternately white and green. Once the aircraft is on the ground there are stilll110re lights-a forest of dinl blue ones 111apping out the taxi- ways. What are all these lights and signals? And what about the stripes, bars, chevron, nUlllbers, and other lnarkings painted on the pavelnent? What do they allillean? Aviation breaks free of the earth-that's what it's all about-,Ind yet it has left large nlarks on the landscape. Major airports are highly conspicuous; sonle of them are as big as cities, with populations to 111atch. Away fi-Ol11 the airport are other tellt,lle signs of the airplane's influence, such as the flashing beacon lights ,HId the red-and-white stripes or checkerboard patterns on water towers and the tall masts of radio ,md tele- vision transl11itters. Another il11porunt part of the aviation infrastructure is ah110st invisible: the network of air routes that most aircr,lft follow £I-Ol11 city to city. Even though the air routes themselves are out of reach far overhead, you 111ay conle upon sonle of the navigational beacons tIut act as signposts along the way. THE AIRPORT Airports are not al110ng our best-beloved public places. R,lilro,ld terminals get pre- served .IS historic LU1dl11ark even as the p,}senger thenbelves wither aw,}y, but airports ,Ire at be'\t toler,ned ,IS ,} necessary evil to be hurried through 011 the way AVIATION like the minaret of a mosque, the control tower soars above the vaulted roofline of Reagan National Airport, just outside VJashington, D.C. The tower and terminal were designed by architect Cesar Pelli. Controllers in the windowed "cab" at the top of the tower direct air- craft on the ground and while taking off or about to land; other flight operations are handled from a regional center. The "hat" atop the tower covers a radar antenna used to monitor aircraft movements on the ground. Since this photograph was made, that radar has been moved to another part of the airport. 
 \ '("" ...  .. ':" :,. ... -r-  ...-    New terminals at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris reflect the "inside out" structure favored in many recent airport designs. Passengers arriving by road or by rail are deposited in the middle of the complex and then fan out toward terminals and gates, which in turn are surrounded by taxiways and runways. Seen here in a photograph made in September 2003 are terminal 2F (in the foreground) and 2E (in the background). On a Sunday morning in May 2004 a section of the roof of terminal 2E collapsed, killing four travelers. ...- ....-:. 'b" ., ........    ,.,.. .- ;;;;::...... ..... :.:.:r'';:'' .. - - "- "  I I I- - -'I  , r_ ""..  ... '-:-... .. .......... " ,.I'f . " , , \  ':-' -=--. ;::.-  ... - ,. .,... fi-om here to there. Passenger complain of the inhuman "clle. the sterile architecture, the un\\'elcoming environment. It will be interesting to see whether the didain f()r .1irport persists in generations to Cotne. Who knows-n1.1ybl' 50 ye.lrs ti-om now there will be .1 popubr movement and"ing clmp.lign to "ave (YH.lre Internation.l1 tium the wrecking b.l11. Airport termin.l1" have undergone .1 "urpri"ingly complicated evolution ,inee commerci.l1 .1ir travel began in the 19]( )\. The prototypical p.l"enger tennin.l1 \\'.1" jut .1 building that ,erved .1' the butTer bet\\een ground tran:-,pl)rt .md air tranport. You drove up to the ground sIde of the tennin.l1 building, hought your tIcket .1l1d checked your bag", then you w.llked through to the .1ir Ide, gOll1g out the b.lck door. acros'l. the t.lrm.lC, and up the ...tair:-. into .1 w.liting aIrliner. At the end of the Hight vou'\ed through .1 similar building in the oppo:-.ite direction. A\ the voll1l11e of p.henger tr.lt11c incre.bed, termin.l1 had to gro\\ more elabo- rate. l)n the land sIde, the building b often '\plit into t\\ 0 level. .1rrivll1g and dep.lrting p.henger\. The"upper Hoor u'iu.l11y ha the ticket counter; the lower floor, the b.lggage-claim c.lrouds. ()n the air '\ide, the n1.1in problem is t1nding p.lce to park more .111d more .liIyraft, \\ hich gro\\' brger .111d Ltrger. A... .1 rule of thumb, a p.lrking sp.lCe for .1 wIde-body four-engll1e Jet t.lke'\ up 130,()(H I '\l}ll.1re feet-wlllch would make .1 flir-slzed lot t()r .1 suburb.ll1 hOlhe. In re"pone to the den1.1nd tor more sp.lce on the .lir 'Ide, m.1I1Y grew v.lriou, protuber.111ce... .md e'l:cre,- cence'i-long tInger pier, Y -sh.lped or T -h.lped branching tructure, bulbou loops 
on the ends of piers, Llnd isolated s.ltellite terminals reached by buse,; or underground passages. And p.lssengers learned to tly trom New York to ChicLlgo you have to w.llk. as f.u .1S Cleveland. The next major transformation of the .lirport W.IS prompted by the sp.lte of air- plane hijackinbTS and bombings in the 19()Os .md 1970s; it intensified after September 11, 2001. Security screening created a new set of zones in the passenger terminal. Now you pass not only from the land side to the air side, but also from the nonse- cured to the secured zone. The secured zone is a lot like the sterile field of a surgi- cll operating room: everything "outside" is oflicially classified as unsafe until it h.lS passed through the metal detector or the x-r.lY n1.lchine at the security checkpoint; inside, everything is assumed to be s.lfe. Note the secured zone includes the inte- rior of the aircraft, which me.ll1S that the zone extends .\Cross whole continents. When you are cleared to bo.lrd an .lirplane in MiLuni, you are still considered safe, .md therefore you are .ldmitted directly to the secured zone when you get off in Seattle. L3ut if you stray a few steps back to the land side of the tenninal, you are con- tLuninated and nlUst be inspected agLlin for readnlission. St.lndard airport security practices actually create three zones. The outside world, where nothing can be trusted and where anyone lnay go, extends into the ground- side area of the terminal L1S far as the security checkpoint. The secured zone, where all persons and carry-on bags hLlVe been examined, includes the air side of the ter- mil1.l1 and the interior spaces of the gLltes .l11d jetways and the aircraft. The third zone is the part of the airport outside the passenger lounges-the aprons, taxiways, run- GETTING A LOOK Once upon a time, my father would take me to the airport on Saturday afternoon. We weren't flying anywhere; we just parked the car at the end of the runway and watched the planes roaring overhead as they landed and took off. Times have changed. Several years ago our spot near the runway threshold was posted with No Parking signs, and eventually the entire road around the airport perimeter was closed to traffic. (Another change is that ten- year-olds these days probably don't consider a trip to the airport as proper Saturday-afternoon entertainment.) More than any other realm of daily life, avi- ation has been transformed by worries over security and the threat of terrorism. The airport is definitely not the place for casual trespass- ing. Just opening the wrong door could land you in jail. I WARNING THIS FACilITY IS USED IN FAA AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL lOSS OF HUMAN UFE MAY RESULT FROM SERVICE INTERRUPTION. ANY PERSON WHO INTERFERE S WITH AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OR DAMAGES OR TRESPASSES ON THIS PROPERTY WILL BE PROSECUTED UNDER FEDERAL lAW On the other hand, the public areas of air- ports remain very public indeed. Thousands of travelers pass through them every day. Much of the aviation infrastructure is readily seen from the departure lounge, or from a window seat on any flight, or even from the upper lev- els of the parking deck. A few airports still have observation areas open to the public. Navigational aids installed away from the airport are always fenced off and bear the kind of stern warning sign reproduced at left. Unlike most such signs, it not only tells you to keep out but also explains why it's important that you do so. The reasons are certainly good ones, but if you stay outside the fence, you'll do no harm-and come to no harm. (Note, however, that some countries consider air- traffic-control hardware to be militarily sensitive, and they frown on picture taking.) 
I r, ,t. ( ( ..  . .. . f  I , r-. .. I'  jL__ \.: - . . , , r I -r- l.. . Atlanta's Hartsfield Airport is the prototypical design for the age of hub-and-spoke airline operations. Ground-side facilities are at the far left, surrounded by parking lots and decks. Most of the boarding gates are in the five concourses in the middle of the field, which passengers can reach only via an underground rail link. Eliminating automotive connections to these con- courses allows aircraft free access to all sides of them, maximizing the number of gates in a given area. The layout is ideal for passengers making connections between flights; it is less than optimal for those whose trips start or end in Atlanta. The airport has four paral- lel runways, which can all be active at the same time. In this aerial photograph, made as part of the u.s. Geological Survey Urban Areas series, the runways and taxiways form an elaborately perforated gasket- like pattern. - '\. ways, ..lI1d other area" with acce"s to the exterior of airplanes, .1S well .1S to luggage holds. These places c.1re off liIllit to everyone but eIllployees with the right kind of identifying badge. (International terminab with cu"tOlllS and inlllligration inspec- tions have .111 even Illore elaborate diviIon into zones.) Airport c.lrchitecture ha .1lso been altered by the shift to hub-and-spoke opefc.1tion" by most scheduled c.lirline. In decade" p..1st, an airline tlut served 1 () cities Blight have flown nlost of the yo possible routes connecting pairs of those cities. Designating one of the citie a hub and flying only between the hub .1nd each of the spoke citie reduces the number of routes to <J. ThIS strategy "iBlplifies operations for the dirline, but it c.11so mec.1ns that nl0st trips require two tlights, with c.l change of plc.1nes at the hub. Accordingly, ne\\- denlc.1nds c.1re ITIc.lde on the hub c.1irport.At a poke c.1irport, nlo"t pc.1ssengers are either beginning or ending their journey, Jnd the main imperative is to mininlize the distance from the gate to the parking lot or the tc.1xi stand. At hubs, nlany passengers ..lre merely dunging pLmes, and they never use the bnd-side f.:lCil- ities. For them the highest priority is to minimize the dist.lI1ce between gates. 
1 )esigners have reponded to this new traffic pattern with a wholly new style of airport, one that would have seemed quite improbable 20 years ago. The new hub airports divorce the land side frot11 the air side, isolating the two functions in sepa- rate building as much as a l11ile ap<lrt. This stratebry allows cars free access to the entire perimeter of the land-side building, while aircraft can taxi up to gates all .uound the air-side concourses. Moreover, putting the air-side building out in the middle of the landing field reduces taxi distances to <lI1d frotH the runway, allowing quicker turnarounds for connecting passengers. The price is paid by those passengers whose trip begins or ends at the hub airport: they have a long trek between the land side and the air side. In the United States the two main eX<lnlples of this design are Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta and the new Denver International Airport. In both C.lses an autotnated underground rail line carries passengers frot11 the land-side building to the isolated gate concourses out in the l11iddle of the field. The largest nletropolitan airports are hubs of economic activity as well as trans- portation. They employ tens of thousands, and at a busy hour their population can be that of a medil1ln-size city. SotHe fraction of the purchase price of every airline ticket goes to support the airport's operation through landing fees and rents charged to the airlines. But this revenue streaIll is generously supplenlented-and sOllletil11es exceeded-by incot11e froIll snack bars, newsstands, souvenir shops, and nlost of all frotH autotllobile parking. Frotll an econotHic point of view, an airport is a de\'ice for persuading people to pay $5U to leave their car over the weekend or $5 for a warl11ed-over slice of pizza. It's no accident that sonle of the cotnpanies that build shopping 111alls are expanding into airport 111anagenlent, and vice versa. THE TERMINAL APRON Standing <It the g.lte, you look out the windo\v at the aircraft you're about to board. It stand on the termilul apron. the area where aircraft while loading, unload- ing, and preparing for their next tlight. Parking a vehicle that's 2UO feet long and ahnost <IS wide presents a considerable challenge. On the paven1ent you l11ay see painted l11arks indicating the correct position for the nosewheel. Often there are several Illarks, labeled for different aircraft-Boeing 727, 737, Airbus 30n, and so on. However, the pilot steering the airplane cannot ee any of these nurks when they are needed 1110St because the nosewheel is under and behind the cockpit. Usu.l11y, the pilot follows the signals of a worker with flashlights or bright or.lI1ge paddles. Sotlle airports have a systenl of nlarker signs nlounted on the w.l11 of the tennin.l1 building that guide the pilot directly. Each sign is split into two pieces. with one piece mounted a few feet f..1nher frotll the wall thdn the other piece. The two p.Ins .llign correctly only when seen from the cockpit of a properly parked aircraft. Another syste111 uses lights th.1t change frUIn red to green .IS the air- craft pulls into position. 
'<::>"',<;\'e.\."-"::" , , '" ,. . II .. II/!!=.  s.r..c.  SKY OWls -.\   . , ,;  a .10.. <-. , At most ,lirport... the t"ip;t item connl'cted to ,m ,lrriving ,lircr.ltr I'" the telc",copIllg p,lss.lge you v\,llk through whell you enter or lc,lVe the .1irpLme. Thi... .Irticubted ,'ppeIHl1ge is P,lrt building, p.lrt vehicle, .md p.lrt bridge. It Lm nod up .1nd down, extend .1I1d retr.tet, ...weep from ,ide to ,ide, .md in LIse, pivot at elbow-like .md wrist-like joint.... All of the"e nl0tion, are controlled with ,1 joytick trom .1 st.uion ne'\:t to where pa,enger board the pbne. (Jther connection... to the p,lrked ,Iircraft ..lre for utilitie... (filel, w,Iter, electric power. air conditioning) ,1Ild deliverie... (lugg,lge, meals). Fuel. At 1110'( large ..lirports today, fuel i, delivered by ,1 hydrant y...tem. The driver of a small truck opens up an .1ccess pand in the pavenlent ,lnd connects .1 ho,e frOlll the truck to ,1 fitting in .m underground vault; ,1 "econd hose goes trOlll the truck to ,I socket OIl the underside of the , wing. Actually, plugging in the hose is not the firt thing the driver does; bdore nuking any fuel connections, the driver dips on grounding wires that run from the airplane to the truck ,md to the underground vault to prevent sp.1rks frolll static electricity. Once all the connections are double- checked, .1 valve is opened and fud tlow under pressure into the wing tanks. The truck doesn't ll.1ve to pump the fuel; the pressure is supplied by large, station- ,lry pumps .It the Illain fud depot, which is gener,llly on the periphery of the ,lirport grounds. The machinery on the truck is m,Iinly for tlltering out .1ir, water, or other cont,1ll1in,mts in the fuel. The truck ,11so llleasure the qu,1lltity of fud ddivered so tll.1t the airline Lm be billed. A few airports have filters ,md meters in each under- ground v.1ult. This dimin,ltes the need for the hydrant truck; the refuder just pulls ,1 hose out of the vault and plugs it in. Some .lirports have no underground fuel-distribution system at all. The fud is delivered by tanker trucks-sometime... c.111ed bow...ers-much like the trucks th,lt bring gasoline to the corner gas station or fuel oil to home. l3ut the ,lirport fuel trucks ,Ire larger, c,lrrying a... much JS X,()()() gallon... each. nukes thenl too big tor the public rO.1ds, ,1lld yet they still can't carry nearly enough to quench the thirst of the higge...t Jetliner.... A l30eing 747 holds roughly 5(),()()() gallons of fud; in the long-range 747 -...J.( H) tllode!, the weight of the fuel IS roughly equal to th.It of the air- plane itself---nll)re than 35(),{)()() pounds. The refueling r.1te can reach 2,(HH) gallons per minute. If you h.ld to fill up the t.l1lks of.l 747 t1-OI11 a g,ls-station pUlllp, it would t.Ike the better P,lrt of a week. l '01ll1llerci,11 Jet ,Iircraft burn a fud called Jet-A, which is e-;sentially kero-;ene .md is ...illlilar to hOIl1e-he.lting oil .1nd die...d fuel. Pi...ton-engineJ propdler pLme... burn high-octane gasoline (called ..l\-gas). Electric Power. The he.Ivy black cable th,lt looks like .1 big exten-;Ion cord IS ,I big exten...ion cord. It\ u,ually dr,lped ,dong the under"'ldc of the jetw.IY .Ind plugs into ..l ,ocket the no,e or on the underbelly of the .1irplane. If power isn't ,lV.1ibble trom the termill.1l, the .lirline m,IY roll up .1 gener.ltor cart th,lt plugs into the S,lIlIe 
 ..... ... } ""t .r  :& ./  -'- -1 \ -j "  ").- . } J if- , -.... J -j ;/ ....... " outlet. Alll.l1-ger aircraft h,lVe ,m on-bo,lrd source of electricity-it\ ,1 sn1.111 jet engine running an decrric generator-but getting juice fi-om the ground S,lves fuel ,md cuts down on noise. Air, Water, Food, Baggage. A floppy hose ,lbout a fi)ot in di,l111eter, looking like ,1 grown-up version of the hose tlut connects to the b,lCk of your clothes drier, clrries chilled air to the plane and thereby t,lkes the lo,ld ofT on-ho,lrd air- conditioning equipment. As with the electricity, the chilled ,lir L"ould come trOln a source in the termil1.ll or trom ,1 mobile cart. W,lter comes in a t,mker truck, otten prominently marked "Potable Water." Perhaps that's to distinguish it fi-om the lIther tanker truck, which pumps out the sew,lge. The cltering truck is ,I van whose body is l110unted on ,I hydr.1l1lic lift, like an oversize version of the j,lck you would use for fixing a tln tire. The truck rises so that Clrts of meal trays cm be rolled directly onto ,md otT of the passenger deck. For wide-hody aircraft, b,lggage trucks use a similar lift: mech,mism. The b,lgs are preloaded into ,llummum or fiberglass containers, which ,Ire then hoisted up into the beny of the ,lirplane. On sm,lller ,lircr,ltt, b,lgs are IO,lded individually. using an inclinc-d L'onveyor belt. The bags are h,ll1led ,lround in tr,lins of rubber-tired clrts. \v-Iut'.., most notable ,1bout all these trucks ,md other vehicles that buzz ,1round tending the ,lirplane is their speciaIiz,ltion: thev would h,lve no use off the airport grounds Tugs and Tractors. Although Jet ,lirplanes luve thrust reversers, the) ,Ire used only to slow the ,lirpbne right ,1tter touchdown; they Lm't be used ,IS ,I reverse ge,lr f()r b,lCking out of ,1 p,lrking pl.lce. Thus. ,lirpI.11les usu,l11y h,lVl' to he pushed ,1way fi-om the g,lte. The ll1,lChine dut does the pushing is ,1 low-sh11lg tug or tLlctor with ,1 pole The apron-the area just outside the terminal building where aircraft are serviced between flights- is the busiest part of an airport. At left, three aircraft nuzzle up to telescoping jetways at Miami International. On the opposite page, aircraft are guided and towed to parking places on the apron, and are connected to vehicles supplying air conditioning, fuel, and food. Below, deicing operations are seen from the point of view of one being deiced. 
--* 34 L I I 4 R ill link., onto the IHhcwhcd strut. I<.,l.'cping enough tup oper.lting I .1 critiC.ll requircment of .lirport m.lI1.lgelnent. .1S .1 short.lge Com deby tlight .Ifter flight. Deicing. Accumubtions of now and ice Com cru'\h buildings .md topple trees. so it\ no '\urpri'\e that they e,m aha keep aIrcraft on the ground. (The problem isn't just the weight; ,1 layer of ice can also ch.mge the ....lupe and hence the ,lerodyn,lmic of a wing.) At many airport" deicing is done ,It the gate by worker, in bucket-lift trucks. They spr.lY warm antifreeze to \\"l,h the Ice otTo The trouble with thi ytem is the wings Lm gather a new coat of ice hy the tilne ,In ,lirpLme t.lxie, out to the run- way; then it has to cotne back to the gate to he deiced .lgain, .1 proce, that obviou- ly could go on indefinitely. SOine airport' where ICing i a fi-equent problem h,we a permanent deicing p.ld, '\0111ething like .1n automated car wa....h, out near the depar- ture end of the rUI1\Vay. Doing all the deicing in one pot ,lho n1.lke it e.lsier to recover ,md recycle the .mtifreeze. THE AIRFIELD 13eyond the gate and the termin,d apron is the of runw.1Y and t,lxiways. (Jut in these wide-open sp.Kes. aircratt enter their own element. ." Runways. The runwa)' is where the rubber rm/l}' 111eets the road: it is the eX.lct point of interf..Ke between air and ground transport. At first glance a runway looks just like .l road-but it's a ro.ld writ large. A full)' lo,lLkd Boeing 747 Com weigh as nmch ,IS 75(),{)(){) pound (more than 1 () times the weight of a big tractor-trailer rig). and it lumbers down the runway at 130 miles per hour or more. A surf..lce built to highway '\pecific,ltion would not hold up tor long under uch trl'.ltment. Accordingly. the concrete lab of a runway Inay be ,IS much as two feet thick, bid .ltop a carefully pre- p,lred foundation. SOll1etinle'\ .1 thin byer of .lphalt i, bid down over the concrete to improve traction. (People are alway.... talking ,lbout "the t,lrmac" in connection with .lirport p,wing, but ,lctu,llly there i very little of the m.lC.ld.l111 that properly goe'\ by that name.) A runway i'\ not only thicker th,m a highway but ..1...0 wider-up to 2()() feet. or the equivalent of ..bout 15 lane, oLlUtomobile trattle. All in ,Ill, ,I heavy-duty rUn\V,l)' two miles long conl1mes enough concrete to build ()() Iniles of two-Lme ro,ld\v,w. The length of a runway derenJ n1.1inly on the kind of ,lircr,lft ,m ,1irport erve'\: ol"wiously, bIg jets need more r0O111 them n1.l11 private pLmes. The critical factor is t,lke-otf rather than landing, becau....e .In airpLme need, more room to g,lther '\peed them it Joe to stop. l)ther factor" aho enter the equation: high elev,ltion ,md high tenlperature both call for a longer takeotF roll. The re,l'\on i he,lt and .tltitude reduce the density of the ,lir, which me.m'\ they also reduce the lift gener.lted by ,m airpLme's wings. The difference can be dram.ltie. A Boeing 727 tlut needs 4,000 feet 
of runway .It se.1 level on a cool (by might require .111 X,()()()-t()ot takeotr roll .1t an elev.1tion of S,()OO feet in 1 ()(}-degree we.lther. ()n an unusually hot (by .1irlines ma) Il.lve to reduce load in order to t.1ke ofT s.lfely, with the .1I1noying reult tlut your lug- gage may not get out of I )enver with you. Most .1irport th.H lundle jet aircraft luve .1t leasr one runway of C),()OO feet or more. For "he.lVy"jets, uch .1S rhe Boeing 747 .1I1d rhe Airbus A-320,lengths ofH,()()O to 10,000 feet are common. John f. Kennedy Inrenurional Airport in New York Ius .l rUl1w.1)' l.-J.,S()O feer long, or ne.1rly rhree miles. And rhere is an even longer run- W.1Y at I )oha Inrern.lrion.11 Airport in Q.ltar, where summer remper.lture common- ly reach 120 degrees E1hrenheir. I low can you derermine the lengrh of a runway? From rhe air, look for cts of whire srripes, laid our in p.1irs on either side of the runway centerline. Typically there .1re ingk, double, .md rriple stripes, .1S we]] as bro.1d white bar that mark the touch- down 70ne (the point pilots are supposed to .1im fi)f when landing). Although there is some v.1riation in the det.1ils of these m.1rkings. the distance fi-om one set of stripes to the Ilext is always S()O feet. and so you can use them .1S a ruler to estimate the total length. -... .... "'""" Aircraft spend very little time on runways-takeoff and landing are the briefest phases of a flight-and yet those moments of transition between airborne and earthbound status are obviously crucial. On the oppo- site page, a U.S. Geological Survey aerial photo shows the markings on runways 34l and 34R at Fort Worth Alliance airport in Texas. The "34" designation means the runways are oriented with a magnetic bearing of approximately 340 degrees, or just west of due north. The stripe patterns are at intervals of 500 feet and thus can be used to estimate the length of the runway. At left, a runway and a taxiway are seen in the dawn light at phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. A consistent marking scheme-white striping on runways, yellow on taxi- ways-helps avoid potential confusion. 
......  _rE.  _7 Wt .  9]- . .. - . . .. ., . Red-and-white signs mark numbered runways; black- and-yellow signs point the way to lettered taxiways. At the bottom is a hold-short line, marking a point where aircraft must wait for clearance before entering or crossing a runway. t)n the ground, during the uk.eotr roll, m.lttl'P, 1110\l 1\ not the tot.ll length of the nll1\vay but how much you h.lVe lcti:- .lhl'.ld of you. For white-knuckle tlyer... \vho worry .lbollt \uch things, nujor .lirports h.lVL' Ilude the countdown e.lsier. rhere .lre pL1card .110ng the edge of the runw.lY with thL' number'\ H, 7, (), 5, .111d o on. marking otr the rem.lining dit.111ce in thous.111lh of feet. The pLlcard h.lVe l.1rge white nl1luber\ on .1 black b.1Ckground. It \ jut like the C .Ipe C.111.lVer.l1 countdo\vn. but you want to redch liftoff bf()r(' you get to n. Another runw.lY Il1drking i .1ll identifying number, p.linted 111 nunH'ral'\ 20 feet high. The number represent the approxinute nugnetic compass direction of the runway. hut there \ a trick to re.lding it: the direction i rounded to the ne.lrest. 1 n degree .md then the tilul zero 1... dropped. Thu.... Runway 5 points tow.lrd SO degrees. which i roughly northe.lst; Run\v.IY 1 H Ius .1 be.lring of 1 XO degrees. or south. Where .m airport h.l two runways. they .lre 111arked L .111d R tor left .md right. Runway'\ cm be used in either direction. so tll.1t RUn\v.l)' <.JR. pointing e.lst, wou]d be marked at the opposite end as Rl111\vay 27 L. heading \ve'\t. Pilots learn to men- t.l]]y calculate a "reciproca] bearing" to l11.1tch up runways going in opposite direc- tions. The arithmetic is simple: if the bearing is 1 H or less, add 1 H: otherwise subtract 1 H. 13ecHlse the bearings given are magnetic. they do Ilot correspond exactly to geo- graphic directions. .tlthough throughout the ]ower 4H st.lte the difference between magnetic north and true north is no more than 20 degrees. The centerline of a runway is marked with .1 (bshed white line. and the edges of the p.lVed area are outlined in solid white. These markings .lre similar to those of a highw.lY. hut they ll.1ve a different meaning. They do l10t divide the runway into two lane\ going in oppo...ite direction; on the contrary. the pilot i e'\:pected to drive down the centerline. which would be L1nwil\e in .1ll .1l1tomobile. P.lVed runw.lY hou]ders .111d p.lVed .ne.l beyond the nll1\v.lY thre...ho]d .lre paint- ed in bl)ld di.lgon.l] tripe or in .1 herringbone p.1ttern. Thee .Ire places where the p.lVemellt i... not strong enough to the fll]] weight of an .lircr.ltt. .md the stripe warn pilots not to venture onto them. Why p.l\-e ...uch pL1ce if you C111't drive .m .lir- plane on them? The nuin re.lon i to prevent couring of the ...oi] by the bLIst fi'om jet engine.... There are variou other tr.ltegie... t()r dc.l]ing with the jet-bL1t problem. such as covering the .1re.1 with \tones or building .1 r.l111p.lrt ofj.lgged concrete b]ock At the toot oLI rl11H\ay you may sce a bLIst ddlcctor. which ]ook\ like d giant immo- bi]ized no\vplow. with .1 curved surt1Ce tl1.1t direct\ the jet blast ul'w.lnL Taxiways. The taxiway\ tl1.1t ]e.ld .m .lircratt to .111d from the runw.lY .lre like trontage .110ng .1 fi-eew.lY. And .IS with frcew.lY\. \omc .lirports have high-speed exit... tlut veer .lway fi'om d nUH\ay .It .1 Il.l]]ow .111gle. .1]]owing .lircratt to clear the rt1l1W.lY before they h.lVe ...lowed do\\ n to the UU.l] t.lxiing l'eed of 20 or 3/1 mile an hour. EIXiw.lY .lre lurrower th.111 runw.lY but .lre otherwise ...imiLIr in contruction .l1ld .lppe.lrance. Indeed. one of the h.lz.lni of .lirpon operation I'" tll.1t .1 contll\ed pilot will try to t.lke otT 6:om or L111d on .1 t.1'\.i\,-,.IY. 10 help dispel such confusion. .111nl.lrk- 
ing on t.1XIW.1Y .1IT ycllow, unlike the white m.1rkings on runw.1Ys. Moreover. the t.l'\:iwa)" centerline i.. not d.l...hcd, .md the edges .1rt' nurked by double yellow linc.... Where,l'" runw.1Y'" .1re Illlmbt'red. t.lXiW.lYS .1rc lettered. (Pilots .1I1d controllero; pro- nounce the letters ".tlfl," "br.wo." .md so on. in the internatiOll.l1 phonetic .11plubet.) Runway signs luve white lettero; on .1 red background; t.lxiw.lY <;igns are black .md yellow. Where .1 t.lxi\\ay mel'to; or crosses .1 rtll1W.lY, there i<; .1 "hold line": two <;olid ...tripe... .md two dashed ...tripe... p.linted .lCross the t.lxiway 1 ()() feet short of the nmw.lY. Aircraft: stop .It the hold line until the control tower gi\'es the pilot cle.lrance. At ious points .lround the .lirport you might also notice .1 hold lint' .md .1\\'hite sign \\ ith the legend "IL S." Theo;e nl.lrk positions where .m .1ircr.lft would block the tran<;mi...o;ions of an ino;trument landing syo;tem. Layout of the Airfield.The mapnl.lker\ S)'l11bol for an .1irport is three nmwayo; cross- ing in .1 tri.mgubr configuration. This design was once f.wored beclllse it gives pilots six choice.. in <;elt'cting .1 run\V.l)" .tligncd with the wind. (Uoth t.lkeoff .md Lmding are be...t done heading into the \\ ind.) I f the tri.lngle is .m equilater.ll one. there mu...t alw.1Ys be .1 runw.1Y tIut devi.lte... no nlore tIun J() degree... ]'om the wind direction. The drawback of the tri.mgular gt'omt'try is only one runw.1Y cm bt' .Ictive at .1 time. Tlut limit<; the Llpacity of tIlt' .lirport during pe.1k periods, .1S a single run- W.1Y cm .lccommod.lte only .Ibl>ut J() t.lkeotTo; or landing.. per hour even undcr the best of circumstance.... To boo...t cap.Kity, .Iirport de"'lgner.. have turned to byout... with multiple rtmway..., o;p.lced t1r enough .lp.lrt tIut they Lm be in l1<;e <;inlt11ta- neouo;ly. One popuL1r o;cheme put<; tht' tenllil1.11 in tht' middle, \vith p.u.l11el rtmway<; on either side. A fc.lture of p.ILdlel runwayo; io; whilt' coming in on final approach, you Lm sometinH.'o; look out the window .md see .mother .1irpLme pertorming the ...ame maneuvers .1S your o\\'n. It's like luving .1 mirror in the o;ky. An .1irport's m,lin rtmw.1Y<; .IIT lined up with the locll prevailing winds. If sp.lCe permits. an additiOll.l1 p.lir of cross runw.lVs can be built for those d.lYS when the wind <;hift:s out of it... usual qu.lrtt'r. Airport Grading and Drainage. Airports tend to be I'(T)' tllt. The earthmoving needed to level the ground Lm be .1 m.jor item in the cono;truction budget. but there is not much choice .1bout thi... investl11ent. For e.tch 1 percent incre.lse in the slope of .1 nm\\'.lY. the length of the runway Ius to be incre.bed by 1 () pt'lTent t()r jet .1ir- cr.lft .md by 2(' percent t(X piston-engine .IircLlft. Extending the runway would coo;t even more th.m tllttening the ground. This i... one reason 0;0 .Iirports .1re built on nurshco;, me.ldowo;, .md dry Ltkc beds. With V.lst e\:p.ll1"l''' of tbt, p.lVcd Lll1d. .1irports often have serious dr.1in,lge prob- lems. Runway.... .md t.t:\.iW.lY .1re lTl)wnl'd to help ..hed \\.lter, .md l)ttcn thL'Y .1IT gnhwL'd to prevent hydropLming. just .1'" soml' highw.lY" .1IT. W.1ter dr.1ins into sh.11- . ," One of the longest-running traditions in aviation is the rotating airport beacon light, green on one side and white on the other. The one above beckons pilots in Hays, Kansas. The classic triangular layout allows pilots plenty of options when choosing a runway headed into the wind, but only one of the runways can be active at a time. The landing field seen below is Flagler County Airport in Bunnell, Florida. .- ,y "'I  
WHIRLYBIRDS Igor Sikorsky, the helicopter pioneer, flew his prototype machines dressed in a suit and a Homburg. No crash helmet for this test pilot. In old films and photographs he sits in the open cockpit looking like a lawyer or accountant on his way to the office. And, in fact, Sikorsky's dream was that the helicopter would become the everyday conveyance that ordinary folks would fly to work or the grocery store. The family helicopter would replace the family car. If you live anywhere near a public heliport- or even a landing pad where hospital or TV- station helicopters touch down from time to time-you are probably grateful that Sikorsky's vision never came true. Helicopters have improved a great deal since the early days, but they still make a fearsome noise. If you look around a large city and imagine replacing low ditches or collecting ponds .1I1d then is cIrried aW.IY either by open cl1.1nnel" or by an underground stonn-sewer system. The inlets to these sewers are not set .It the curbline, .IS they would be on a city street, but are wel] b.ICk fr0111 the runway. More Airfield Doodads. Here are a few more itell1S you might spot as your plane taxies out to the departure runway. The fuel depot. For a big airport, a 1110nth's supply of fuel is dose to 100 ulil]ion gallons, which 111eans there wil] be a sizable tank £1I"m. Finding the best place to put the tanks is a delicate problenl. On the one hand, they should be as close to the ter- 11linal as possible to ll1ininlize pipeline and pumping costs; on the other hand, stor- ing 100 11lil]ion gal]ons of thnullable hydrocarbons under the path of arriving and departing flights is not ideal. The lI'cather statioll. Pilots, like sailors, keep a close eye on the weather, and often the official weather-reporting site for a city is at the airport. The iustrUlllents are instal]ed in a grassy area (the National Weather Service requires it) sonlewhere well .Iway frOlll jet blast. The standard package includes a then110111eter, a barOllleter, and a hygrOlneter (for 11leasuring hUl11idity), all hidden inside a louvered shelter, as well as a funnel-like rain gauge and a spinning anenlOllleter for nleasuring wind speed. But for a quick check on the wind, pilots prefer a glance at the wind sock, which indicates both speed and direction. Every airport has one, sOlnewhere out on the field near the runways. every car on the streets with a helicopter whomp-whomp-whomping through the skies, this is not a trade that most of us would welcome. In principle, helicopters can land just about anywhere-a backyard, a supermarket park- ing lot, a rooftop. But in practice they often land at a facility specially built for just that pur- pose. The typical heliport is a fenced-off con- crete pad with a big letter H painted inside a square. The H signifies a public heliport; pri- vate ones often substitute a company logo. A hospital landing pad may show a white cross with a red H in the middle. Still another kind of marking is seen on the roof of a tall office building or a high-rise hotel: a circle with a number in the middle. The rooftop structure labeled in this way is not meant for routine helicopter operations, but it can be used for emergency evacuations; the number indicates the maximum weight the platform will support, in thousands of pounds. The FAA suggests that heliports be paved with concrete rather than asphalt. The reason is that the skids or wheels of a helicopter might sink into a softer material, especially in hot weather. Apparently there have been a few accidents where a helicopter tipped over on takeoff because it was stuck in its own ruts. Although a helicopter doesn't need a run- way, it does require an approach and takeoff zone cleared of tall structures. The direction of the recommended final-approach pattern is indicated by the alignment of the H or other marker. Wind is also important on takeoff and landing, and the heliport will have a wind sock somewhere near the touchdown zone. 
I "isi"i!if}' IIIl'tlSIll-cIIIl'lIfs. Flying blind is routine the"e lLlYS; .Iirline pilots seldom need to look out the \\ indo\v while they're .Iloft. ()n the ground, however, it\ d different story. Airpl)rts ometime... have to clo,e bec.lUe the tog i" too thick tor pilot... to feel their w.lY to the termin.11. For .1 long time vi,ibility W.l'" Umea"ured" by looking out the window of the to\ver .It "ome di"t.lnt I.mdm.lrk. In"truments now give nlore con- si,tent re.lding" of RVR, or runway vi"l1.11 r.mge. The in"trument con,ists of two pods alongside .1 runw.IY. A light "ource in one pod i" beamed toward .1 reflector in the other, \\'hich bounce, the be.1111 back to .1 photocell in the first pod. The photocell measure, how much of the eI11itted light conle' b.lCk, which is an indieltor of .Itmo- spheric cbrity. A rel.lred in,trument Ille.l,ure, the height of the "ceiling:' or the bot- tom of the lowe"t of cloud'\ overhead. Ag.lin, the in'\trument consi,t" of two pods, hut they point upward rather dun .It edch other. ()ne pod ,hine" a beam of light .It .1 ,light .mgle fi'om the vertic.Il; the other pod tilts until it detects the retlec- tion of the heam. The angle of tilt indic.ltes the height of the retlecting cloud layer. l3ird wl1fn J !. Fl) ing n1.lchine... .md flying .mimal... don't Illix. A collisIon with .1 se.l- gull cm crack .1 jet transport\. w1l1dshidd; "ingesting" .1 flock of '\maller birds, such as st.lrlings, em de"troy .111 engine. And the grassy exp.l1lse... of.111 .Iirport nuke .m .Ittr.lC- tive l1.lbitat for binh. A wide variety of "olutions 11.lve been offered-which i, .1 pret- ty '\ure indicator that none of them work. There .Ire noisem.lker'\ .111d '\carecrow", phony owls, mech.111icII hawks, and recordings ofbird-distre'\s LIlls. One of the com- mon device'\ is the g.IS C111non, .1 '\tout pipe .1 tew inche'\ in diameter connected to .1 Ll11ister of prop.111e just like the one that tIres up the backyard b.lrbecue. Gas trickles into the b.lse of the pipe, then a '\p.lrk fi-Olll a b.lttery-oper.lted controller ignites it. The boom is of chest-thumping intensity. Nevertheless. gulls quickly le.lrn to ignore it. Ifbloodless measures [IiI. the .1irport .lUthoritic'\ n1.lY seek permission to use de.ld- Iy force. They might set out poison-baited feeders: introduce foxes. skunks. or other predators on birds .111d their eggs; bring out tr.lined talcons; or hire hunters with shot- guns. (Uut the hunters l1.lve to be careful not to ,hoot the big silver birds.) BEACONS AND BEAMS The crucial diHerence between avi.ltion .md other mode of transport h th.It an .1ir- plane c.m't pull otf to the "Ide of the ro.ld or drop .111chor \\ hen the pilot geh sleepy or the weather turn... ugly. In an, once the fuel runs out,  ou ",ill come back to earth, re.ldy or not. 1-lence, .lvi.ltilHl puts a lot of emplusis on guiding the pilot to a ".Ife bnding even through d.lrkne', or ckJud cover. Runway Lighting. L111ding lights do not shine down on I run\V.IY the W.I)" street- lights i11umin.Ite .1 ro.ld. Inste.ld. the lights .Ire embedded in the concrete .111d point up\\.lrd. guiding the pilot to .1 ".Ife rouchdo\\ n. The light'\ .Ire mounted tlush \\ ith the surbct: or the runw.IY, powered hv huricd clh]c'. AlrpLl11e tire" run over them .111 the .-..4 " , -.. The twin pods staring at each other, above, measure runway visual range, or atmospheric clarity. Below is the most basic of all aviation weather instruments: the wind sock, t 
lights of the deepest cobalt blue, mounted on foot-high stalks, mark taxiways. 7130-I( time the tI-\:tures are built to this abuse. (But tire rubber has to be deemed otf the lenses from time to time.) The lights outline the nmw.1Y. giving the nighttime pilot the same clues to posi- tion and orient.ltion that painted m.u-kings offer in tbylight.Along the centerline. 200- watt lights are installed every 50 feet. At the Jrriv.ll end of the runway, the centerline lights e1re white. Starting at 3,()( IU feet before the departure end, alternate lights are red and white; in the last 1 ,U()( 1 feet they are all red. The centerline lights are only the beginning of the runway lighting systen1. There are also edge lights, which are white over most of the length of the runway but yel- low in the last 2,000 feet. Also, at each end of the rmnvay is a row of lights installed across the full width of the pave111ent e1lld spaced closely enough that from a distance they merge into a continuous bar oflight; this threshold m.uker is green at the arrival end of the runway tor el pilot about to land .1l1d red .It the dep.lrture end for a pilot about to run out of roonl for takeoff N eelr the arrival end. still more rows of lights extend perpendicular to the runway centerline. There are six lights in each row. and there are typically 30 rows spaced 100 feet apart. The nuin purpose of these lights is "roll guidance "-helping the pilot to keep the wings level in the last few seconds before landing. On the main runways oflarge airports the lighting system extends a further 3,OOu feet ahead of the runway threshold. These approach lights consist of "barrettes" of five lamps erected at 1 OO-foot intervals. The barrettes also hold flash tubes, which are fired in sequence to create the effect of a ball of light rolling tow.lrd the runWdY. This eye- catching display leave'\ no ambiguity about where to land. On a cross-country flight at night you can often spot these beacons f..1r below .lnd at great distances. For lighting taxiways, the current preference is tor '\l11all, flush-mounted green centerline lights. like a necklace of emeralds, but many airports still confornl to an older standard, with blue edge lights nlounted on foot-high stalks. Yet mother systenl of landing lights is called VAS IS, for "islIl1ll1pprol1ch slope i1ldicator systcm. What VASIS tells the pilot is not where the airport is but rather where the .Iir- craft is with respect to the runw.1Y. Specific.llly, it conveys information about the glide slope, the .U1gle at which the aircratt is descending toward the ground. The custonury glide slope is three degrees-which works out to a descent of 277 feet per 1nile of for- ward motion-and V ASIS \varns if the descent is either steeper than this e1llgle or shal- lower. Horizontal bars of light'\ are nlol11lted on e.leh '\ide of the runway at 500 feet .1l1d 700 feet fi-om the .lrrival threshold. These specially rigged lights have lenses .U1d colored filters drranged so that each light emit'\ a split be.un. white in the upper seg- 1nent emd red below. When the pilot is on the correct glide slope, the more distant bars (the "upwind bars") appear red, and the nearer ones (the "downwind bars") .lre white. If the .Iircraft is too high, both bars are white; if too low, both .Ire red. Fr0111 a passenger seat in .1 jetliner I have never m.11laged to glimpse the VASIS lights changing color as the pilot adjusted the landing trajectory, but you can watch them from a sm.lller aircraft by sneaking a peek over the pilot's shoulder. ()n the 
,  ............... a , , /" -£- I I , '1 ! ground, the light fixtures ,Ire eLlS)" to ...pot a your flight begins its t.lkeotT roll. They are low structure off to either side of the runway, installed on concrete pads ,md p,linted-like nearly everything ehe on the airport grounds-bright red .md white. Instrument Landing Systems.l\tlulticolored lights and p.linted m,u-k.ings ,lren't much use if the pilot can't see them because of fog or r.lin. The instrument landing system. or I LS, is to work in any weather. The pilot is guided by indicators on the con- trol p.mel and looks up fi-om these instruments only .It the LIst minute, when the run- way should be straight ahead and just below. It is .m ,let of [lith. The ILS works much like VASIS, but instead of colored lights, the sign.ll... that guide the ,lirpLme are radio waves. The hasic idea is to cre.lte a radio be,ll11 pointing upward at a shallow angle from the runw.lY; the incoming Jircraft slides right down the beam to the touchdown zone. But there's .1 problem with thi idea. The radio be,ll11 has to C0111e fi-OJl1 ,m dtTay of antenn,l"', which are large metal structure... tlut can't be buried in concrete the W,IY a centerline light t. So how do you arrange to have the ,lirplane fly toward the ,mtennas but not crah into them? The ingenious solution is to divide the IL beam into two p.lrb, for horizontal and vertical gui(bnce, .md build two antenna system. The one tlut .llign the Jpproaching airplane horizontally-keeping it tI-om "traying otT to the left or right-ha to be installed along the runway centerline, but longirudilully it doesn't [uve to be in the touchdown zone. In pr.lCtice it's put bevond the fu- end of the runw.lY. The beanl for vertic.ll guid.mce-keeping the .lirnaft descending .It the correct r.lte-h.l to come from jut the right distance down the runw.1Y, but it doesn't h.we to be centered Ln- erally; the .11ltenn.\ to.; built otf tn onl' stJe of the n1llW.l\ .It the touchdown 7one. Approach lights held aloft on breakaway stanchions extend 3,000 feet ahead of the runway threshold. The airport is Raleigh-Durham in North Carolina. 
A glide-slope antenna provides vertical guidance to pilots making a landing on instruments. It is mounted near the touchdown zone of a runway, but off to one side. The three trough-shaped reflector antennas on the tower project radio beams that help the pilot maintain a three-degree descent toward the runway. The installa- tion shown is at Raleigh-Durham. The po,itil)ning of the"e .1I1tenn.b n1.1kc" the111 e.1sy to recognize. The hori7<.Hlt,d be.1111, called the IOL1lizer, C0111e\ fi"om ,lJ1 .l1T.1Y of .1I1tel1l1.1" often tretche the ti1ll width of the runway. perpendicul.1r to the centerline, sever.11 hundred feet beyond the threshold. The .1I1tenna elements v.1ry in slupe; some look like .1 l.1dder, some like .1 picket fence; 1110\t of the newer ones resemble a grape .lrbor. with irregubrlv sp.1Ced round b,lrs poking out frOnl both sides of a central be.ll11. The glide-...lope ,l1ltenna i\ nlounted on ,1 m.lst ,lbout 30 feer high. offset to the right or left of the runway £lr enough to be outside the wingsp,ll1 of .1IlY aircraft. When your flight pulls into position for t.IkeofC the glide-slope ,ll1renna is up ahe,ld .1 little way\, .md SO you P,lSS it early in the takeoff roll; when you land. ir ought to be prettv ne,lr- ly abeanl the aircraft at the moment the wheels thump down. The antenna element... ,Ire multiple b,lrs or paperclip-shaped loops or bow ties. mounted in two or three groups ,It various heights along the mast. with mesh reflectors behind them. To say that the I LS produces ,1 beanl for ,lIl .1irpLme to toll ow is ,1 bit of an over- simplification. Uoth the horizontal p.lth and the vertical one are re,l11y defined by the intersection of two beams. The localizer antenna radi,lte" two signal" ,lt the saille radio fi-equency but with different audio tones impre,,"ed on them; the lett side of the tln- "h,lped pattern is modulated ,1t t)() hertz ,lIld the right side at IS() hertz. The aircratt is on course when the two signals are received at equal intensity. Similarly, the glide- slope antenna tralbillits wayes tlloduLned at l)() hertz above the correct slope and at IS() hertz below; ,lgain, the pilot follows the boundary line between the two regions. ()f coure the pilot doesn't have to do all thi\ by ear; instrwllents ,lUtomate the proce'is. The radio ti-equency of the localizer beam is in the band fi'-OI11 1 ()H to 112 meg.l- hertz, which h,lppens to lie inllllediately ,lbove the st,lndard FM bro,ldcasr band. You might be able to he,lr the signals by tuning your car radio to the rop of irs r,1I1ge as you drive under the appro,lCh p,lth. (()lder r.ldios work besr for this. The new ones with digital tuning ,1re just too good ,It rejecting off-fi-equency sign.1k) The localizer and glide-slope sign,lls keep an ,lire raft on track ,1nd he,H.ied toward the rt1llW.1Y. but the pilot also needs ,1l10ther piece of inform.1tion: an indication of how much distance rem,lins to the touchdown point. This third dimension is ,H.ided by ,1nother set of radio be,lcons. called the outer. middle, and inner nurkers. Each of the three marker be.lCons comes from a transmitter directly below the flight path. They r.ldiate upw.lrd in ,1 f:ln-sluped pattern oriented perpendicular to the approach path. The outer marker IS about four tlliles £i-0I11 the rt1llW.1Y threshold, where the incoming aircraft i\ expected to cross at an altitude of 1,2()() feet. The tlliddle nurker is 3,()()() feet £i"0111 the threshold, where the ,1ircratt should be ,1t an altitude of 3()() feet. The inner marker-which many airport\ have not installed-is about 7S() feet from the threshold. corresponding to ,111 .1ltitude of about 5() feet. Many nurker-be,lCon ,1I1tt'nn,lS luve ,1 distinctive Y slupe: the upr.1ised ,1I1d out- stretched ,1rms credte ,1 fllt. t1l1like radi,nion p.1ttern. Sometimes the design i\ simpler. just .1 few horizont.ll bars or loops on a vertical m.1St. Some be.lCon ,1lH'I1Il.lS could 
.. I 'lii[iiil be mistaken for the kind of television aerial that used to decorate .llmol\t every rooftop in All1eric.l. But there's a clue to the identity of the .lViation markerl\: the antenna will alwavs be painted either solid red or red and white-the only colors the FAA buys. HIGHWAYS IN THE SKY The instrument landing I\YI\tem guides .111 .lircr.1ft only in the Ltst few minutes of its flight, but other .lid... to n.Ivigation provide a fr.ul1e of reference all the W.lY ti-om t.lke- ofT to landing. These electrOll1agnetic landm.Irk, ere.lte .In invisible network of aeri- al routes that the North Americ.ln continent .md much of the reI\( of the world. In the e.\rly ye.\r, of .lVi.ltion, .Iids to n.\\Oig.ltion were .\11 viu.\l-town n.\me painted on factory roots, .md .\ network. of be.lcon lights nl.\ recommended routes through mount.un p.\:-.e:-.. A remnant uf the be.leon-light system survives tod.IY. A localizer antenna provides the horizontal component of the instrument landing system 0 The antenna elements which might be taken for some strange sort of gym equipment, point down the runway and keep an arriv- ing aircraft on the centerline. (The aircraft above is departing rather than arriving and hence is not using the landing system.) The localizer in the photograph is at Reagan National Airport in Washington. 
*1 ( ..... I --- \ ORTH1OUTH ' .  L+- JI I" I I Marker beacons are another component of the instru' ment landing system, which tell the pilot how much dis. tance remains to the runway threshold. Above is an outer marker, four miles away from the touchdown point, on one of the approach paths to Dulles airport in Virginia_ Below is a middle marker, 3,000 feet out from the threshold_ 1\ 10..,. ,1irporh h,lve ,1 rOl,ltmg he,lCon. grccn on Ollt.' '\ide ,lI1d \\ hitl' on thc othcr. so \\ lut you "'LT tl-om ,1 dist,1I1ce i\ ,1 ..,equence of ,tltern,uing grccn ,lIld whire tl.l'dll''\. Ar ]11iEt,lry ,1irtidd.. the white be,lm ]'" 'pht, lTe,lting ,1 double \\ hite tb..h. At .1 \e,lpL1I1e ,lirport the hC,ll11S ,Ire yello\\' ,1I1d \\,hite. Uut ViSU,l] "ign,lb. have mostly been "uppL1I1red by Lldio-tJ-equency U n ,Iv,l1d"," The sim1)]e"t of these de\'iccs i" Lilled a nondirectiOJ1.1] be,lcon, or NI )B.A" the n,lmt' ...U\T- r-  gests. the be,lCon emit" ,1 sign,I] rh,lt\ the S,Ime in a]] directions. An in"trument in the airer,Ift home" in on the be,lCon by turning ,1 ,,111,1]] loop ,lI1tenn,1 until the "Ignal 1" strongest, From thi'\ inf()rm,ltion, the pilot C1I1 determine the be,lring of the be,ICon with respect to the he,lding of the ,Iircr,1fi. For ex,llnple, if you ,Ire tlving "trHght to\\',ud the be,Icon, it" be,lring i" () degree"; ,It ,I be,lring of l)() dcgree\, the be,ICon ]" off your right wingtip, If you kno\V the be,lring.. to two or more be,lcon", you C1I1 draw inter\ecting line\ on ,I clurt to fix your o\vn po"ition, There are more than 1 ,Soo N D l3... operating in the United St,lte\. The typiCI] ground lIht,I]Lltion tl)l- ,I nondirectJona] be,lCon i" a verticil tower ,lbout 30 feet t,tI], \ometime" with ,111 umhrdb-like arrangement of rib" ,md '\piral wire" at the top, 11igh-power be,lcons l1l,lY ust.' ,I horizont,l] dipole ,mtenn,l-,l wire or ,I '\et of p,lra]]el wires "tretched between t\Vo po]e". Any of these ,Irrangement" could be misraken for rhe rransmitring antenn,I of a "mall r,ldio "t,ltion, or perl1.lps the communic.ltion f..lCilitie" of ,I police dep,lrnnenr or t,lxi company-if ir \Veren't for the FAA's do-not-touch sign, NOlldircctional be,ICons bro,H.k,Ist at low fi-el]ut.'ncies-bl'twecn 20() ,1I1d 500 kilo- hertz, \Ve]] below the AM broadcast b,l1Id, But ,1" you get close to the transmittl'r. you m,lY be .Ib]e to he,lr the "ign,II\ anyway. even on an ordin,lry car r,ldio, Spin the dial ,1lTO"... the AM b,1I1d and listen f()r ,I tew letter" of 1\10rse code repe,Ited over ,1I1d over. The \ign,11 you pick up will be ,lt double or triple the bl'acon \ 'Issigned tJ-el]uency. The Mor..,e code i\ ,lIl idcntitler tor the beacon. Every n,lVaid in the world i" ,ls\igned ,I unique LIbel. u"u,llly con"I"ting of three letter,,; t()l" ,1 be,Icon ,It ,111 'Iirport, the let- ter" ,Ire the \,llne ,IS tho..e you find on vour lugg,Ige t,IgS. The ,IlterI1.ltive to ,I nondirection,ll be,lcon surely ought to be ca]]ed ,I direction,d beacon, but lIhte,Id it's c.dkd ,1 V<..)} or ,I V()} TAL.  !ere we enter the dIzzy world of ,lviation Icronynh, wInch fi]] whole diction,Irie.... ['( JR "tand\ tt.)r ['H F oIl111;d;,-a- f;ollal rill/gc, where ['H F in turn '\t,md.., for I'Cl Y ht!.h j;C£}IICl/(Y. A V( H TAl' combine\ .I V()R \\ ith the military I1.lV,Iid Lllled ,1 TACAN. which 1'" ,m ,Ibbren,ItIOn l)f faeth-al 11;'- l/lll't!.llt;(Jl/. Note ['()R i" pronounced a" three ..,ep,Ir,lte ]etteI.." but r '( )R.T IC' is "aid ,IS .I \\ ord. Wl1.ltever you Ll11 it. a V()R upplie... din:,ctiunaI1l1tor1l1,ltion by sending out two c,1refull) timed '\ign,I]" on the \ame Llrrier wave. To under"t,md how it work\, it'.., helptll1 to think in term" of light be,lm" r,lther thJn r.ldin w,lve,. ImJgine ,I lighthou"e \\-ith ,I be,m1 ..,weeping clockw]"e ,Iround the Lmd\Llpe. ,md ,1 ...epar,lte ..,trohe light th,lt sends out brief tl.lshe" in .Ill direction" ,It once. The ..trohe tIre.. once per minute, ,md the rot,lting bC,U11 t,lke" c:-..actly ,I minute to swecp ,1 ttdl circle; ttlrthcrmorc, the 
tlashing ,lJ1d the rotating Ire coordinated o th,lt the tbsh always comes ,It the i]}ta]}t when the rot,lting beam is pointing due north. With this ystem, determining your direction with re"pect to the lighthouse would require nothing more dun ,1 ')top- watch.You t.lrt the watch ticking when you ee the f1ah of the <)trobe light, and you stop the w.1tch when the rotating be.ll11 sweep pat you. If the delay i 15 econd, you are due east of the lighthoue; if 30 econds, you are outh; .lnd o on. ]n a VOR, the rotating lighthouse beacon i a radio be.U11 that sweeps .1round the hori- zon 30 tilllt''i a second, or 1 ,HOO tinles per nunute. The ynchronizing i)lu]-the con- ceptudl equivalent of the strobe f1.Ih-i encoded in a warbling modulation of the s.une radio wave, with one cycle for each revolution. A pecial-purpose receiver in the aircraft disentangles the timed signals o .lJ1 instrument in the cockpit C.In silnp]y point tow.1rd the VO R transmitter. STRIPES AND CHECKS Aviation leaves its mark on the land even miles from the nearest airport. Under regulations enforced by the Federal Aviation Administration, anything poking up into the sky far enough to snag an airplane gets paint- ed red and white, or else it is decorated with blinking marker lights, or both. (Actually, the "red" paint has the official name aviation orange. It's the color of a ripe tomato.) How high does a structure have to be before the FAA starts choosing your color scheme? That depends on where you are. On the airfield itself, an equipment shed the size of a dog- house or a knee-high lighting stanchion may get the red-paint treatment. At the airport boundary line, the height limit is usually 50 feet. Elsewhere, anything taller than 200 feet is a likely candidate for the paintbrush. This includes radio and television broadcast antennas, water towers, smokestacks, large oil and gas tanks, and high bridges. The standard treatment is to paint either the entire structure or the upper part of it in red-and-white stripes or checks. This pat- tern makes the object stand out in daylight. For night visibility, there are slowly winking red lights. In some cases only the lights are required; this is the common practice with tall buildings, which have enough bulk to be visible by day without the garish paint scheme. (The New York City skyline would certainly be a dif- ferent place if every building had to be decked out in FAA plaid.) In recent years the FAA has introduced an alternative to the red-paint and red-light I I r I I l ' I scheme. Many tall towers are now equipped with high-intensity strobe lights that emit brief but brilliant flashes of white light. The strobe flashes are easily visible by day as well as at night, and so there's no need for special paint. As a matter of fact, the strobes are so bright they have to be dimmed at night, or pilots might be dazzled by them. A tall antenna tower will have three to five strobe units at roughly equal intervals along its height. They all flash simultaneously, at a rate of about 40 times a minute. A less common spectacle is a set of strobe lights timed to flash in rapid sequence from top to bottom so that a ball of light appears to be descending the tower. This distinctive marking is used on near- by pairs of towers to warn pilots that some- thing is strung between them-usually a high- voltage power line-and so it wouldn't be a smart idea to fly through the middle. At left is a water tower on the grounds of Andrews Air Force Base, just outside of Washington, decked out in gay FAA stripes and checks. Since this photograph was made, however, the tower has been repainted plain white. A flashing strobe light mounted at the top of the tank is all that remains to warn off low-flying pilots. 
It's not a UFO that landed overnight in the Nevada desert. It's the Coaldale VORTAC, midway between Las Vegas and Reno, with the Silver Peak Mountains in the background. Inside the conical hat is an antenna twirling at 1,800 revolutions per minute, broadcasting a signal that aircraft instruments interpret as a direc- tional beacon. The flat brim of the hat is a metal reflec- tor, beaming the signal upward. Pods around the perimeter of the brim monitor and calibrate the signal.  - 'fA ()n the ground. .1 \'()I{ illstllLltlOll luok.s like .1 hro.H.i-brimmL'd lur-usu.llly .1 conic.d \\ itch'.; lut. hut 'l)mt'time .1 cvlindric.ll. Abc Lincoln- -tyll' top Jut. fhl' brim is .1 circuLtr reflector of solid meelJ or meh tlut bounce LIdio iglUh .IW.lY from the earth and tow.lrd the sky. The cone or cylinder in the 11liddle-n1.1de of raJio- tr dnsparent fiberglass-shield\ .111 .mte1111.1 spinning at 1 ,H( "' revolution.. per minute. If you can get close enough. you nuy be .1ble to the motor whirring. At the edge of the brim there may be .1 dozen or o podlike attachment; they are .1nten- n.1S for monitoring .md calibrating the VOR emissions. The whole apparatus usually sit atop .1 shed housing the tranmitter and power supplies. A newer style of VOR transmitter. called Doppler V()R, dispenses with the mechanicl1 rot.ning p.lns (which are high-m.linten.mce items). Intead of one spin- ning antenna. it has numerous st.ltionarv antennas arranged in a circle around .1 cen- - . ....:5 - - I; .. r j - I at -- t . -.  --.. - 
tr,ll emitter. The ,mtenn,l in the middle radi,ltes ,It ,Ill times, and the perimeter ele- ments ,Ire dctivated in opposite pairs in ,I p,lttern that rotates at the stand,lrd 30- revolutions-per-second rate. For the ,lirborne receiver, this electronic rot,ltion is indis- tinguishable from a standard V()R ign,ll. The circular array of antennas in a Doppler VOlt would be hard to mistake for anything else. There are 52 antenna elements placed in a circle 44 feet in di,uneter, mounted on talks above a metal reflector plane. Much of the infratructure for ,leri,11 navigation relies on machines that could gualify as antiques. The technolo'Y of the VOR date back to the 1 'J50s, and so does the I LS. Some of the r adar'\ ,md computers in ,lir-traffic control centers are nlore than 30 yedrs old. The FAA has been '\truggling to catch up, but technology has been mov- ing [ister th,m the Jgency can. For ex,llnple, a replacenlent for the ILS, called the Microwave Landing System or MLS, was considered obsolete by the time the FAA finished testing it, ,lnd '\0 the project was canceled. In the long run, all of the navaids de'\cribed here will surely disappear. A long-r,mge radio-navig,ltion ytem called Omega has alre,ldy been shut down. Another '\ytenl called Loran (discussed in Cll.lpter 12) is on the endangered-species list. According to one tentative plan. Vl)R and I LS services will be withdrawn sonletilne before 201 n. What will replace all these vintage technologies? The way of the future is satellite Il.lvigation. The reason becomes obvious when you consider that a passenger sitting in the back of ,111 ,lirplane, using ,I handheld GPS receiver that costs a few hundred dollars, can track the progress of a flight just as accurately as the pilots up front, who rely on Inultilnillion-dollar avionics. All the thousand, ofVORs and ND13s world- wide can be replaced by a few dozen satellites in the (;looal Positioning System. Already the ....atellite <\ignal are sOlnetilnes Llsed tor en route navigation. With jut a little enhancelnent they'll he accurate enough to guide a pbne right down to the runway threshold. (Some people worry about mJking transport so dependent on satellite, which are vulnerable to various kinds of attack ,111d interference.) Air Routes. The three-dilnensional freedom of the skies is what's most alluring ,lbout aviation; you roam through the wild blue yonder, free as a bird. And yet. in practice, nlost flying is not so unfettered. Large tr,lcts of ,lirspace are regulJted. and you Inay enter thenl only if you agree to abide by the instructions of air-traffic controllers. And most flights do not he,ld out willy-nilly ,lCross the landscape. They follow well- worn track'\ through the '\ky. invisible highways. where pilots are expected to stay in the correct Lme, sign..l their turns. and obey traffic signs. There are t\\O sytems of Jir route over North AIllericJ. The Victor airways are analogou to local bLlCktop roads. They get their n,l1ne because they are designated V-21 ,V-44, and the like. J T;ctor i pilot lingo for the letter '. as in VOlt. The jet routes, with name uch ,IS J-14 ur J-39, ,Ire the Inter'\t,lte highways of the air. used by longer-range, higher-flying, ,md f:hter aircraft. The Victor rOlltes. ,It ,11titllde of 1,20() to 1 X,()()() feet, rlln in straight lines trom one \ (JR to ,1I10ther. so YOll can lock onto ,I specific Hr.H.hal" ,1I1d then simply  Doppler VOR {above} emits essentially the same signals but without the spinning antenna. The telltale mark of the Doppler VOR is a ring of 52 podlike antennas mounted above a metal reflector plane. The tall stalk next to the VOR is the antenna of a distance measuring equipment (DME) station. Whereas signals from the VOR tell the pilot what direction to steer to reach the site, those from the DME indicate how far away it is. A nondirectional beacon {be/ow} is an even simpler navigational device. It merely broadcasts an identifying signal uniformly in all directions; a direction-finding antenna in the aircraft is needed to estimate the bearing. , I " . . .. 
L The pagoda control tower at Dulles airport, designed by Eero Saarinen, is one of the most admired towers in aviation. Nevertheless, it has apparently outlived its usefulness. With ongoing expansion of the airport, Dulles has undertaken to build a new, higher tower. On the opposite page are some other distinctive towers: the bipedal design at Logan airport in Boston and a round glass tower at Charles de Gaulle in Paris, topped by a very French beret. Ij  , - .. TP II: .. follow that course until the plane pas'\es directly over the nclVaid. The jet routes are at altitudes of 1 H,OOO feet el1ld up. They also run fr0111 one VOR to another, but gen- erally they nuke longer hops. Air routes are multilane highways, but the LlI1es are not side by side as they are on a terrestrial freeway; they are stacked up one above the other. Furthen11ore, LInes going in opposite directions are interlaced. For example, a flight heading east on a certain elir route might be assigned an altitude of 9,000 or 11,000 or 13,000 feet, whereas a westbound flight would hdve to choose 10,000 or 12,000 or 14,000 feet. Although air routes are invisible. if you're patient you can ,ometilnes notice air- craft tracing theI11 out eKross the sky. Years ago I used to bicycle out to E1nnington. Minnesota, south of the Twin (:ities. where several air route, converge over a VOR at <1 I11ajor air-trame-control f..lcility. When the weather was right, high-altitude jet, left condensation trails chalked against the dry midwe,tern ,ky. As the e1ircre1ft switched from an inbound to an outbound radied, I would see dozen of white trails pivoting on the saIne invisible pole directly overhead. 
But aerial n.1vig.ltion is not the rigid, point-to-point discipline it used to be. For a long time .pilot" had to hop fr0111 one n.lV.lid to the ne'\:t because it W.IS too 11.1rd to calcul.lte a direct course from departure to destill.ltion. With the simple cockpit instruments of earlier .lircr.lft, you could steer straight toward a VOR. or directly away frOlll it, but more compliclted routings required too much figuring. All that has ch.ll1ged with the advent of computers in the cockpit. Now a computerized instru- ment called .1 tlight director or tlight-m.ll1agement systenl continually monitor sig- nals from several V()Rs and plot" the .lircr.lft's coure with respect to all of then1. The system is cllled RNAV, which is the avi.ltion indutry's strange way of .1bbrevi.1ting mea 1I111'(i,?l1t;OIl (or nl.lybe it means mlldolll IIl1I'(i,?l1t;oll-sources differ). When you hear your pilot announce, "We've been cleared direct from U.lltimore to (:Ievel.1nd," that word d;rc{( probably means you'll be following an RNAV route instead of skipping frOl11 one V()R to the next. Air-Traffic Control. The controller, with a headset clamped over his e.lrs. peers into the radar scope .md calmly reassures the 12-year-old who has taken the controls of the airplane after the entire flight crew beclI11e stricken with ptomaine poisoning. flow many times Ius this scene been played in the movies? Surely more than it in real life. And vet it is not outside the job description of an .lir-traffic controller. The .lirport landmark asoci.lted with air-tr.lffic control is the tower, .llthough only a small percentage of all controllers work in the gbss-walled rOOl11 at the top of the tower. This room is cllled the cab. It i where controller handle flights that .lre just about to land or are ready to take off, J well a aircraft on the taxiways-basically all moving aircraft .lre within sight of the tower. It's for this reason, of course, that the tower is .1 tower: the controllers have to be able to see e\-erywhere on the airport grounds, which necessarily l11eans the tower itself can be seen from just about everywhere. The bigger the .lirport, the tJller the tower. The one at the new I )enver InternatIonal Airport is 327 feet high. Usually the windows of the cab are tilted inward .It the bottonl to avoid distract- ing reflections, or the glass may have a curved profile. (The same trick is sometimes employed with department-store display windows.) Sunscreens of various colors and degree'i of transparency can be pulled down like window shades when needed. All towers .1fe tall, but .lp.lrt frol11 that they .lre .111ything but st.ll1dardized. Airport architects h.lVe not been shy .lbout making these structures distinctive as well as con- spicuous. There is the two-legged (' olossus of Log.ll1 in Boston, .111d a bright new nlin.1ret .It N.ltional Airport in Washington: nearby I )ulles InternatiOll.ll's tower is a kmd of elevated pagoda: the ne\\ tower at Kennedy Intenl.ltiOll.l1 in New York look" like an .lxe roised to £1]]; ('hiclgo (Yt Llre has a golf tee covered with bright cer.lIl1- ic tiles. Some other Jeigns look .1 bit too much like the gu.lrd tower of a prison. The roof of the tower often h.b .1 ,nl.l]] foret of antennas. These .lre mostly sim- ple whip .mtenn.lS used f()}" radio c011llllunic.ltiol1 with .llrcr.ltr .1Ild with various ground vehicles (tllel trucks, SIlO\\ plows, tIre trucks). fhere n1.1)' .11,,0 be .1 rot.lting - .,/ -..- , .1 =--- II II - - - If' . , 
.. \  . Still more airport control towers: at Venice {top}, at O'Hare in Chicago {above}, and at St. louis {right}. r,ld,lr ,lI1tenn,i on the roof. perh,lps endo<;ed in ,1 protective r,ldome. And the <;pinning green-,lI1d -whitt' beacon light n1.lY be up there too. The t,lllest <;tructure on the ,1irp0rl grounds is ,m obvious <;pot tor inst,llling ,Ill the<;e items. Mo<;t controllers trdck dircraft with radar rather dun binocular\, and their <;ur- roundings are just the oppo<;ite of tho'\e in the tower cab; they live In a dinl, win- dowless r00111, the better to the blips on the ,creen. In ,onle Cdses the radar r00111 is on a tower floor below the cab, but it could al,o be in a nonde\cript building eI...e- where on the ,1irport grounds, or even ,ome mile, away. The controllers here work with aircraft at .I somewhat greJter range th,m their colleague in the tower L1b. They handle dpproach and departure patterns, 1l1dking sure that ,ill the tlights convergmg on the airport ,1nd radiating from it don't get in each other's way. It IS the ,lpproJch controller who puts you in a holding pattern when traffic backs up. There is still Jnother cadre of controllers whose place of bU'iiness is generally nowhere near the ,lirport. They work in en route centers, directing traffic In the wide-open spaces .It altitude. There are 20 en route centers in the United St,ltes. They ,1re lllainly inconspicuous government buildings-there's no need for a tall tower-,llthough some of thenl are IOL1ted ne,lr VOR<; or other nl,or n,lViga- tional facilities. One distinctive feature you nlay spot near an en route center is j nlast with a ladder-like array of long dipole ,1ntennas. Typically there are about 20 ,1nten- na elelllents. and the biggest of them is roughly 5U feet long. The whole contraption looks like a nl0nstrous rooftop TV ,1erial. It is used for voice radio comnlUniccltions. Controllers SOll1etimes help with cert,lin aspects of navig,nion-on request they will issue "vectors" telling a pilot which way to steer-but their m,lin function is to .i , 
SMALL-AIRPORT ETIQUETTE Instrument landing systems and stroboscopic runway lights are standard fixtures at airports serving commercial airlines, but there are also hundreds of smaller airports that have no need for such high-tech facilities. At some of these airports, the most important maintenance task is mowing the runway. Protocol at a small airport is very different from the rules that govern metropolitan flight operations. Here there is no control tower, and there are no air-traffic controllers keeping watch on radar scopes to prevent collisions. With no central authority to adjudicate the right-of-way, pilots must negotiate among them- selves, much as drivers do at an intersection without traffic signals. If you watch the skies for an hour on a sunny Saturday afternoon, you may be able to figure out the etiquette of your local airstrip. Most often, landing aircraft follow a three- legged, left-handed pattern. An approaching plane enters the pattern on the downwind leg, parallel to the active runway but in the direc- tion opposite to the landing (and takeoff) direc- tion. The aircraft makes a left turn, and then a second left turn lines it up with the runway cen- terline for the final approach and landing. How does the pilot know which runway is active and which way to land on it? Even air- ports without a control tower may have a radio service offering such information, but there is also a visual indicator. It is called the segmented circle (segmented because it is drawn with a dashed line). Look for it at a conspicuous spot on the landing field, such as near the intersection of two main runways. It's at least 100 feet in diameter, and the individ- ual segments making up the circle are at least three feet wide and six feet long. Most often the segments are painted markings on a paved surface, but sometimes they are beds of white stone laid in a grassy field. (It can look a little like Stonehenge, and no doubt future archaeologists will speculate about its ritual significance.) In the middle of the circle, mounted on a mast, is the wind sock. This device looks just like what you would expect from its name: a long cloth cone held open at one end by a hoop, and allowed to swivel so that the open- ing always faces into the wind. A sock is pre- ferred over a simple weathervane in that it Blake sure that aircraft don't run into each other. Aircraft flying at the saIne altitude are kept at least three 111iles apart. When flight paths cross each other, the Ininin1u111 vertical separation is 500 feet. Radar. The revolving radar antenna is one of the nlost readily recognized features you're likely to spot at the airport. It's also one of those objects with the pleasing property that how it looks tells you what it does. You can learn a lot about a radar's purpose and operation just fron1 the appearance of the antenna. The idea of radar is simple, although getting it to work reliably was an engineer- ing challenge that took the better part of a century. The twirling radar antenna sweeps a narro\v beam of radio waves .lrol1l1d the horizon, then litens for echoes reflected frOtn aircraft or other «targets." Fron1 the echoes, the radar unit determines hoth the direction and the range of the target. (The tenn radar began as an acronyn1 for radio directioll 1111d r/lllge.) The direction p.lrt is e.lsy: it is the direction the antenna indicates the force as well as the direction of the wind. As the wind grows stronger, air fills more of the sock and extends it to a greater length. A fully horizontal wind sock indicates a wind of about 30 miles an hour. In the absence of any more definitive infor- mation, an arriving pilot will prefer to land into the wind and will look at the wind sock to choose a runway accordingly. But some airports have a device within the segmented circle to visually indicate the current active runway. It is a T-shaped or arrow-shaped sign made of wood or metal, big enough to be seen clearly from a few thousand feet up and mounted under the windsock. The arrow or the long arm of the T is turned so that it points along the active runway. If the wind shifts, someone has to go out on the field and spin the indicator around to establish a new traffic pattern. Around the perimeter of the segmented cir- cle, you may see a few L-shaped markers ori- ented in various ways. These tell the arriving pilot what kind of an approach pattern is cus- tomary for each runway-whether to make all right turns or all left turns when approaching the runway. 
. I i .. Voice communication between pilots and controllers on the ground is the function of much radio hardware you might spot near airports. At top, a cluster of five towers in North Carolina provides a link between aircraft en route and a regional air-traffic control center. The struc- ture in the middle photo looks much like a rooftop tele- vision antenna, but it is built on a larger scale; the longest of the crosspieces is about 50 feet long. At the bottom is a direction-finding antenna. Both of the latter devices are installed near MacArthur Airport in Islip, Long Island. i.. pointing ,it the monK'llt the echo ,lrrive. fo cllcuLlte the dist,lIlce, the r,ld,lr n1l1..l me,lsure the time needed for a radio pul..e to nuke the round trip fi'om ,lIltel1ll.l to target ,md back. Two f:lctors make the job of th radar diHicult. Fir<;t, only d minu<;cule fraction of the transmitted signal is reflected back to the antenna. Thu, the ystem hJ<; to emit megaw,ltts and detect microwatts. Second, beCclU,e the \ignal lnove at the ..peed of light, the timing of the r,ldio pules has to be controlled and lnasured \\ ith an accu- racy of microseconds. (Bouncing a pulse off a target one nautiCcll mile aWdY tdkes 12.36 millionths of a second.) When you look at a radar antenna, mo\t of what you're <;eeing i.., a curved reflec- tor that fonn<; the radio signal into a narrow bean1 in much the same way as the reflector in a flashlight does. The shape of the reflector Cdn tell you something about the shape of the radar bealn. The larger the reflector in anyone dill1ension, the more narrowly it focues the bean1 in that direction. In 1110st radars for air-tratlic controL the antenna reflector i a low rectangle, longer than it is high. As a result the beam is strongly focued horizontally but not vertically: it is a thin wedge ,lS seen fi'om over- head but a brodd (In when viewed frOll1 the side. This beam geOlnetry allows the radar to locate ,lircraft precisely in the horizont,ll plane while sweeping up targets at all alti tu des. For some short-range radars the antenna is more a bar than a rectangle: it looks <;onlething like a rotating log. At airports these r,ldars are often used for ground sur- veillance-that is, for keeping track of aircraft on runways and ta:\.iways. Similar rad,lr units are installed on bo,1ts ,ll1d ..hips. More often than not, the reflective <;llrf:lce of a radar antenna is a lattice or 111e<;h- like a window screen or chicken wire fence-rather than a <;olid panel. A reflector full of holes wouldn't work very well for a tlashlight, so how does it 111anage for radar? I )oesn't the bealn ju<;t leak through the <;ieve? The explan,ltion lies in the dif- ference between light and radio signals. For a reflector, hols and other irregularities don't matter much as long a they are smallr th,ln the waves being retlected. For vis- ible light, that nleans th <;urtace has to be smoothly polished down to a .;cale of well under a millionth of an inch. But Inost radars operate at wavelengths of a fe\\ inch- es or even a foot or more, and sO the openings in the me<;h reflector c.mse no trou- ble. ltoughly ..peaking, the wave\ are too big to pass through them. l3y reducing weight and wind resistance, the lnesh e,lses the burden on the l11echdnical ..y..tenl that twirls the antenna. The parabolic reflecting surfdce is the largest and n10st conspicuou.., part of d radar antenna, but the real business end of the "ystenl is a nluch smaller device called the feed horn. It i.., nlounted in front of the reflector (that i<;, on the concave ..ide) ,lnd rotates with it. If you can get a clear look-this is easier if the radar is ..hut down and not spinning l11adly around-you'll see a 111etal pipe connected to the feed horn. The pipe IS called a wave guide, and it carries the radio-frequency \ignals frOln the trans- 1l1itter to the ,mtenn,l and then trOln the antenn,l bdck to the receiver. 
(Jne of the tricky parts of building .1 radar is connecting rhe ror.Hing .lllremu to the <;t.1tionary tr.ll1-;mitter .1I1d receiver. The cruci.1l componenr is L1lled the rot.1ry coupler joint; like something in d lawn "'prinkler, it ha to be loo...e enough to allow rotdtion but tight enough to prevent ledks. It tend to be a high-n1.lintenance item. The rad.1r unit you are n10t likely to see at <111 <lirport is <1 short-range surveillance raddr, dlso known a\ .1 tennindl control raJar. "Short range" n1eans 5() to 100 Iniles; it cover<; .111 the traffic drriving .It and departing frOln the dirport, or perhap.., frOln a ... , .. 0 '.. ' j L:i I h - ,. J   I " - - - ... .... " .- ..._.. - . j "I .fIa ..... I . I I' r/ J . - .... ... , ... .. - _:......  1"   - .... . ...- - -- ... .  :; Ii!  II/ , : WP J"'''' , 0 -1 .. . -_I." .J  ., -..  , I." - -,L .i r · i  -. .II" n .:i- ,or 1'_ \ 1' ,.... - .11.' III ..."'.-. - \- ' 4 \: ,j I I  - ..., I.I::. "- i I  i .- .......1,._p  ii'I.;. I . I  ... '1 _:: I.  ' ..,:- .  .I- :-  / = :'!  ' c I t:! I \ 1/.." ..,J= .1 . .IJlII.'.. -.._ 1(' . _"I".' .."' · -..C \. . . ,,,  I -- I ( ,I . ,. II . Airport surveillance radar keeps track of aircraft within 50 or 60 miles of an airport. The unit shown here is on the grounds of Miami International Airport. The most important components have helpfully been painted avi- ation orange for ease of identification. Atop the tower is the rotating antenna, which turns at 12 revolutions per minute. The curved, concave reflector is for the pri- mary radar, which bounces microwave pulses off the surface of airplanes and detects the faint echoes. Note the two "feed horns" pointing into the reflector; they emit and receive the signals. The flat "picket fence" above the primary antenna interrogates a transponder installed on all larger aircraft; the signals returned by this device allow the radar display to identify individual aircraft and give their altitude. The two orange tubes installed along the near side of the tower are wave guides that carry microwave signals between the anten- na and an electronics shed at ground level. 
. - , , I, , .- I It 1 r II II I .. Long-range surveillance radar, reaching out several hundred miles, requires larger antennas, which are almost always protected from the weather by a " ra dome." The site shown here, on a hilltop near T onopah, Nevada, was built for military purposes, but at the time this photograph was made, in 2000, it was being operated by the FAA. cluster of neJrby .1irport (a 111 New York., where there are three nlajor .1irports with- in an .1rea .lbout 20 Inile., acros). An important characteritic of a radar I the "weep rate, the ')peed at which the .lntenn.1 rotates. A typicdl airport radar turn .1t roughly 12 revolutions per Ininute, or 5 ')econds per sweep. (Thi Ineans that the controller ')ee') .1irpLme') moving in jump') every 5 seconds.) All'), incidentally, rot.lte clockwise. A.... f.u- .1S I can tell, there'" no law of nlan or nature tlut requires thenl all to turn in the saIne direction, but th.1t's the W.1Y it i". They go the S.lllle W.1Y in the Southern Henli')phere .IS in the Northern. So if you ever see one going counterclockwise, you'll know you l1.lve crossed over into a nlirror univere. .Iirport radar\ luve .I ')econd antel1ll.l-either a Hat nlesh screen or an elon- g.lted "hog trough "-nl0unted .1bove the nuin reflector .md rotating with it. Thi... I p,lrt of a bedcon-and-tranponder "ytel11 tlut .1110w aircratt to identify thelnselve indinJuJlIy on the controller's rad,lr ....creen. A ..p.1.......ive" radar merely bounce... ,ignal\ otT the skill of 111 Jircr.1tt .1I1d detects the flint echoe. With nothing ]nore dun this 
to go on..l glider .111d .1 77 look much the '\.lll1e. Furthermore. the r.\ echoe'\ clrry no indicltion of altitude. The beacon and transponder solve both of these prob- lems. The transponder is installed in the aircraft. When the r.ltbr be.ul1 '\weeps p.1St it, the tran'\ponder broadclsts ,1 coded mess.lge identities the aircraft .111d give'\ the current re,lding of the .1ltimeter. With this inform.ltion .1v.liLIble, the controller's dis- ptlY can bbel each blip of light with a flight number ,1I1d an .1ltitude. The r.ltbr tlut keep ,111 eye on ground movements of .lircr.lft need a range of only a few miles, but they luve to give controller ,1 detailed m.lp, accurate to within a few feet. The ,lI1tennas are '\n1.1ll, r,lpidly pinning, and often mounted .ltop the control tower, since the radar, like the controller themselve'\, needs to h,lVe an unob'\tructed line of sight to ,Ill import,111t ,ue.l of the airport. Aircraft .\t high ,11tirudes ,Ire tracked by long-range '\urveiltlI1ce radar'\, which C111 reach a radius of250 miles or more. It t.lkes about 20 such radar installations to cover the lower 4H states. The .lI1tennas ,Ire tu-ger and rot.lte slower: about 5 revolutions per minute instead of 12. Unfortunately. you are unlikely to see any details of the ,111ten- na bec1Use it is usu.tlly enclosed in a radome. .1 housing tlut protects the l1.1rdw.ln from wind .111d weather. (A rot.lting .lI1tenn.l the size of a large billbo,lrd is not some- thing you'd W.lI1t to h.lVe out in .1 gale.) The radome looks like a gi.lI1t golf ball or soccer ball .lI1d is m.1(.ie of flbergbss or a plastic transp,lrent to r,ldio waves. The entire structure to be asembled without met.ll components, which would produce strong ret1ections bouncing around inside the dome. In recent yeJr, nuller rJtbrs have also been covered up hy radomes, mostly to reduce nl,\inteIunce cots. The btest thing is the "pinning radOIlle, often een ,1top an ,Iirport control tower housing the ground-control r,1dJr. Surpriingly-and per- h,lps disappointingly-the spinning of the raJOIlle ha nothing to do with the rot,l- tion of the ,mtenn,l inside. The radome's rapid twirling i, Il1e.lI1t merely to hed rain, snow, and ice, which ClI1 distort the radar signals. Some of the fanciest radars have no Illoving p.lrts at all. They are called pluse-,\rray radars: the ,mtenn,l is ,111 ,luay of hundreds of sm,lll ,mtennJ element'\, and the beam is '\teered by electronically controlling the phase of the ign.lls fed to these elements. A ph.lsed-au,lY can Hick its be,ul1 across the sky much f:lster than ,1 mechani- cally teered ,mtenn,l. but building big arravs is expensive. Some aircr.lft have .1 sm,l11 phased-au'lY .mteI1l1.1 in the nose. hidden behind an aerodyn.unically '\I1.1ped radome. On the ground, most ph.lsed-array radars are operated by the militarv. The big ones tlut t,111d on .1lert for missiles .1rcing o\.er the North Pole look appropriately omi- nous and m)'sterious-pyr,unids in ,111 arctic de'\ert. The w.lVelengths used by r,ltbr '\Y'\tems are the same .1S those of microw,lVe ovens. (Indeed. .111 earlv br,1I1d of microw,we oven was the R.ld.\r R.mge.) The power output of the r.lLbr IS thous,mLh of time... gre,lter tlun of the kitchen .1Ppliance where you pop your popcorn. The h.lzard thi" ,ugge"ts b quite re.l1. If you ...tood directly in the be.llll elllitted by .\ brge r.ld,lr fl.'ed horn, you too \\ould pop. But the intensity f.\l1s on Llpidlv with dist,lIlce. St,lY out'\ide fl.'nced ,\re,lS ,1I1d you ...hould he ,lfe. Radomes like this one in Pennsauken, New Jersey, also house antennas for weather radar. --- " '\. I '  
/- f'".    .  .". ",  ---- - . , . .. o- f .   "'" \ '-.. .....- ., ' I \ " 'I.., II 
CHAPTER 12 OT so VERY LONG AGO, the clipper ship sailing before the v;ind was the 747 and the Federal Express of transport. People and goods traveling frorn New York to San Francisco would pay a prellliUln fare and go 10,000 miles out of their way, sailing all the way around South Arnerica, rather than travel over land. And they got there faster, powered only by the wind! Shipping today has a very different cOlnplexion. It's not the tastest way to get any- where. The passenger liners that once plied the Atlantic are either gone entirely or rel- egated to the cruise industry, n1aking voyages to nowhere, like glorified alnusernent- park rides. And Inany of the waterfront neighborhoods where sailors and stevedores used to prowl have been transfonned into fancy real estate. New York has its South Street Seaport and 13altilnore has its Inner Harbor, but in neither of those places will you find a freighter or a tanker unloading its cargo. When those areas were working ports, few outsiders ventured into theln; now tourists COlne to celebrate what's no longer there. Yet the shipping industry has not sunk. Parts of it are thriving. The ports of Ne\v York and Baltimore handle far Inore cargo today than they ever did when Inerchant ships tied up at the finger \vharves of Manhattan and spice boats anchored in the Inner Harbor. It's just that shipping, like so Inany other heavy industries, has fled frOln the high costs and constrictions of the central city for wide-open spaces elsewhere on the waterfront. In the New Yorl area, for exalnple, the biggest port facilities are across the Hudson l:tiver in Newark and Elizabeth, New Jersey-places where sight- seers seldOln go (if they can help it). The new nlclrine tenni11.lls would be alien terrain to a sealnan stepping out of the pages of Hennan Melville or Joseph Conrad. All the nautical kitsch has been left behind at the gentrified downtown harborfront. Near the working port, you won't find restaur.\nts decor.\ted with antique buoys .md fishing nets and lobster pots. A SHIPPING On the waterfront: the story is no longer about steve- dores with cargo hooks toting sacks of coffee beans. In the new port all cargo comes prepackaged in steel con- tainers, which are loaded onto ships and unloaded from them by distinctive cranes of a design seen nowhere else. The photograph on the opposite page looks out over the Seagirt cargo terminal in Baltimore from atop one of those cranes. 
S\Y F'II HS 3  s 2 I 0 " . 22 21 20 19 .18 17 16 15 14 13 12 -11 10 9 8 load marh on the hull of a 5hip in Toledo, Ohio (upper photograph), mea5ure the 5hip'5 cargo capacity. If the hull i5 50 deep in the water that the applicable load line i5 5ubmerged, then the 5hip i5 overloaded. Thi5 particu- lar 5et of load line5 i5 u5ed only on Great lake5 5hip5; oceangoing 5hip5 have 51ightly different marking5. Draft marh (lower photograph) indicate what depth of water the 5hip need5 to navigate 5afely. Thi5 5hip, in Cleveland, i5 riding high in the water, drawing le55 than eight feet. modern port i ,1 V,lst ,1Ild depopuLlted p,lved-over pl.1in. ,IS hig ,IS the p,lrking lot of ,1 meg,ll11.11l ,1Ild ,11 most ,IS desoLlte. But there's .1 lot going on there tor the .1tlciOl1.l- do of the industri..1 L1l1dscape. SHIPS A noted in e.lrlier ch.lpters, the machinery of every industry ha, its own distinctive technological tyle. No one would mist,Ike .1 lightweight aluminum aircr.lft part trOll1 the sort of m.lssive ted casting found on .1 railro.ld 10COll1otive. I Llrdware tor ...hip- board use is n10re like that of the locomotive-but even larger dnd heavier. 13olt ,11ld rivets .1re .1'\ thick .IS ,.1U,.lge. Light ,witche, .Ire mounted in:-.iJe explo'lon-proof ...ted caings, and deLtrical outlets have ,crew-on bra,s cap,. Watertight doors look like they could protect a bank V.lUlt. And perhaps most char.lCteri,tic of .111, everything in '\ight is slathered with paint; indeed, on .In older '\hip there\ not .1 '\h.up corner .11lywhere because every edge has been rounded over by year'\ of pamting and repainting. llere are ,ome more m.lritime idiosyncrasies to watch for when you're neal the \V.ltertrOnt. Hull Markings. [ can never pass by .1 ship without checking its Plimsollline. This is a painted mark-a circle or di.ullond with a horizontal slash through the middle, like a cartoon of a closed eye-somewhere on the hullll1idway bet\veen bow dnd stern. The n1ark is the maritime equivalent of the Hnlaxinmm gross vehicle weight" th,l( you see stenciled on the side of a truck-except there's no need for .1 ship to stop at .1 weigh st,ltion to nuke sure it's within leg,lllill1its. If the ship is overlo.H.ied, it will ,ink "'0 lo\\' in the water that the rlin1soll n1.11"k. drops bdow the w.lterline. Thus. the \"iolation is inl111ediatdy vi,ible to .wyone. (Tlut's w11.1t's so clever about the laws of physics-you don't need the highway patrol to enforce them.) Next to the Plin1,01l mark there m.l)' be a little music.II st.lff of other lines that give alternative loading leve1s for v.lriou, conditions-tre,hwater, ...e.lwater, summer, winter. Why .111 the variations? S,llt water i, Jener dun treshw.1ter, .11ld cold \Vater is denser th.111 warm W.lter. A a reult, a ...hip dut take, on cargo in New York in Febru.lry will ,ink deeper in the water .IS it head into the tropic... on .I voyage to 13ueno, Aire,. The nl.1xinll11ll .1fe 10.H.i depends on when .mJ where the ,hip will be ,.Iiling. Who decide ,,-here to put the Plim,oll mark? Placing it higher on the hull would .1110\\ more cargo to be loaded, but it would also put the ,hip .It greater ri,k. in heavy sedS. The regulatIon .1re enforced not by a govenUl1ent agency, but by in,urance comp.mie... and the rating bureaus they have created for ju,t this purpo,e. The most inHuential insurer, .Ire tho'\e who used to do busine" at .1 cafe Lllled Llovd's of London. Tod,lY you IlUY ,till see the letter, LR ,tr,lddling the J>lil1lollnurk, ing the ,hip i, li...ted in Lloyd's R({!,isfl'Y (?f Ships. Americ.ln vesse1s carry the let- ter AB, tor the Americ.lIl of Shipping. 
The Plim<\olllnark is nleant to ensure that a vessel has enough "freeboard"-that it pokes far enough out of the water so the waves don't swanIp it.lJraft nlarks address the opposite worry, nanlely, that the ship may extend so far under the waterline that it scrapes bottonI. The draft marks are like a ruler measuring distance fronl the low- est point on the keel. Sometilnes there are two sets of draft marks, at the bow and the stern. Draft is usually lneasured in feet, not nIeters, even on ships registered in countries that otherwise use the lnetric systeln; occasionally both units are shown. For a long time, the nurks were old-fashioned in another way as weIl: they were wriuen in Rornan numeraIs. Today lnost are in the nlore readable Arabic nmnerals. Each nurnber is six inches high. If the water just laps the bottonI of the nmnber 20, the draft is 20 feet; if the water covers the 20 mark, the ship is drawing 20 feet. Tonnage. How do you weigh a ship? Archinledes knew the answer more than two thousand years ago. IInagine a gigantic bathtub filled to the briln-at the very thresh- old of overt1owing. Now gently float a batdeship in this basin. If you catch all the water that sloshes over the sides of the tub, the weight of the displaced water is the shir's tonnage-also known as its displacelnent. So where can you see ships being weighed in this way? Nowhere. Ship tonnage is never nleasured directly; it's calculated fronl blueprints. Furthern10re, it turns out that displacenlent is only one of several kinds of tonnage. And how nlany pounds there are in a ton depends on what kind of tons you 're talking about. And just to nuke things as confusing as they could possibly be, for sorne ships tonnage isn't a llleasure of weight at all. but a measure of volmlle. The original ton was the tun-a big wine cask. The standard English tun was a barrel th,1t held 250 gallons of wine, had a volunIe of 57 cubic feet. and weighed 2,240 pounds. That weight of 2,240 pounds is a unit of llleasure still in use today, called the long ton, but there are other kinds of tons as weIl. The usual Alllerican ton (known as the short ton) is 2,000 pounds, and the nIetric ton is 1,000 kilograms, equal to 2,200 pounds. For naval vessels and pJssenger liners, displacelllent weight is GETTING A LOOK The migration of port facilities away from downtown waterfront areas has taken the ship- ping industry out of the public eye. The new ports tend to be in out-of-the-way, little-visited, pedestrian-hostile, industrial areas. You may have to make an effort if you want to get a look at what's going on there. Sometimes there' s a good spot on the opposite bank of a river or harbor. From a boot, of course, you can get an excellent view-but be careful maneuvering your kayak in the wake of a supertanker. Many ports are operated by quasi-public agencies (such as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey). In some places, group tours can be arranged. Along inland waterways in the United States, navigational facilities such as locks are operated by the Army Corps of Engineers. Many of them have public observation areas. Security has always been an issue at ports. In years past the major concerns were the pil- fering of shipments and smuggling, but since September 11, 2001, new worries have come to the fore. Container ports are now high- security zones much like airports, where everyone entering must present identification. 
Mustard-yellow lifeboats hang from davits on the cruise ship Navigator of the Seas, photographed in port in Miami. The ship requires lifeboat capacity for 5,000 passengers and crew. expressed in short ton, so a 50,OOO-ton b.lttleship weighs IO(),O()(),()()() pounds. Uut oil t.mkers .He measured by a schellle c.l11ed deadweight tons, using the long ton of 2,240 pounds. And for freighters, t01l1l.lge represents s01l1ething else entirely, based not on the weight of a tun but on its size. Very roughly speaking, a freighter's ton- nage is how l11any tuns it has roonl for in the cargo holds. Lifeboots. In the 1110vies, a lifeboat is a wooden rowboJt in which shipwreck sur- vivors suffer sun and thirst, and contenlplate cannibalisnl. Reallifeboats are not so prinlitive. They COllle equipped with nlotors, .tils, and enclosed cabins. and if the accOlnnlodations are not quite ur to the tandards of an oceangoing yacht, they would probably suffice for an adl11iral's Blotor launch. These are the big lifebaats hanging fronl davits on the boat deck of a cruise ship, where the pasengers asse111bIe for the drill on the first day out of port. A ship l11ay also have inflatable ratts or boats, housed in fiberglass pods lashed to the deck. They are designed to float free and intlate automatically if the ship sinks. An inflatable raft lllay sound a little illlprOlllptu for a disaster at sea, but these are no pool toys. They hold as nlJny as 150 people. Power Plants. S(calllsl1ip is the generic ter nl for any ship doesn't hoist sails, but few of thenl todayactually nlake steanl. The power plant of choice is a big diesel engine. There's an interesting story behind this. Through the 196us two kinds of power plants were widely l1sed in large Blerchant ships. The diesel engine was one choice; the other was a steanI turbine, a SIllalIer version of the nlachines that drive I 1..( 11 I -I ,.., I - .! -. II 1 ...fl !-" b.4 " r I ,j, ,I I I ....., - -I -I r .... I J...r rl I..... I ,.l.J I I. 11'1'1 4 _ - 1-1 .. , I I ,I "" .p( I ....... I f' __ ,.... t- TDJE SEAS -  ......-------. .t .t .t 0 .. .t .t .t ..  .  . ..I . .J .J .J .J TUG - 
the gener,ltor... in electrIc power pLlIlts. The thesel got better filel mileage. but the boiler tor the turbine could burn ,1 cheaper grade of fuel. so the two choices clme out ,lbout even economicllly. Uut then in the I 970s the price of both diesel tllel and boiler fuel shot up to ] () times their e,lrlier levels, and the equ,ltion suddenly tlVored reducing tllel consumption. That was the end of the steam turbine. I )iesels ,tlre,l(1y Iud ,lJl ,1dv,lJlt.lge in efficiency, ,md they were soon nude even nlore llliserly in their consumption of fuel. Then they were ,ldapted to burn the che,lper oils that used to power the ste,ull turbines. These oils are the bottom of the barrel or resid traction fi-Olll oil-refinery oper,ltions (see Chapter 4). They look and smell more like t,lr dun oil, ,lJld nobody else wants anything to do with them, so the price is right. The diesel engines propel ,1 Llrge ship \\'ork the same as the ones th,lt power ,1 truck or ,1 locomotive, but on ,Ill entirely different sClle. A marine engine towers t\\'o or three stories tall. The starter motor is bigger than an automobile engine. Where,ls the pistons of a Ltrge truck engine might be the size of ,1 gallon p,lint CUI. those OLl m,lrine engine ,lre like 3()()-gallon drums. The p,lrts of this hulking engine move ,lt ,1 stately, deliberate pace: cruising speed is about] on revolutions per minute. (An ,mtomobile engine would ...tall if you tried to run it this slowly.) FREIGHTERS AND BULK CARRIERS For close to ,1 century, the treighter was the 11lainst,lY ,md the jack-of-,lll-trade, in the world's lnerchant ...hipping fleet. Freighters clrried everything everywhere: ...acks of sugar fi-om Urazil, crates of shoes trom New EngLmd, bottles of wine trom Uorde,lUx, electrical nuchinery trom Schenect.ld}. It W,l'" all Pdcked ,lway in the c,lrgo holds, or sometime... Lt...hed to the decks, by the ...hip's crew and by an ,lrmy of stevedores, or long...horemen. Thi... "break-bulk" f)-eighter h,ls not totally disappeared from the seas, but you may hdve to visit ,m out-of-the-way port to tInd one. In the prosperous harbors of Norfolk, ] 10ng Kong, or Rotterd,ull. freighters have been displaced by cont.liner ships. Ure,lk-bulk tJ-eighters survive only by cllling on the world's smaller ports. which LIck the expensive shoreside equipment needed for lo,lding and unloading cont,liners. Even in this role they ,lre being elbowed ,lside by other kinds of ships. such as the RoRo. A break-bulk treighter carries its own equipment for loading and unloading: der- ricks or deck. cr,mes. The cLtssic derrick has changed little since the days of sail- indeed, it evolved from the rigging of s,liling craft. A derrick has ,1 vertical nl.lst on the ship', centerline. Uooms mounted ne,lr the base pivot for both up-and-down and ldt-to-right motion so they cm swing out over the side of the ship to hoist cargo. ()per,lted bv ,1 ...k.illed cre\\. ,I derrick. i... ,1 ver"',ltile in...trument. Uut running it takes pr,lctice, coordin,nion. ,md m,my h,lIlds. ()n newer ...hips the derrick... ,lre gone, repLlced hy CLme... not much ditferent from the ones you see ,lt ,1 con...truction site. Derricks are the traditional instrument for loading and unloading cargo on freighters. These were photo- graphed aboard the Global Mariner, a training ship operated by the International Transport Workers Federation. The photograph was made in 1998; two years later the Global Mariner sank after a collision in the Orinoco River. The bright yellow fittings on the deck are an addition allowing the ship to accommodate a few containers. \ , 1 H c 'C -;::.. I .0: . f - .- - , t" .. - 1i - II . - 
Cargo hatches cover the entire deck of the William A. Irvin, a retired ore ship berthed in Duluth, Minnesota, and maintained as a museum. As a bulk carrier, the ship has no on-board facilities far loading and unload- ing; it must rely on shoreside facilities. - , \ \ -- - "'--- ...&.... (',Irgo i... 10,H.kd into ,\ fi-elghter\ hold'\ through dcck lutches. ()n ,\ ple,hUIT bo,n. ,1 lutch i'\ ,1 door you luve to duck to get through. hut the h,nches on Llrgo ships Lm he the ...ize of ,\ tenni... court. The h,nch opening... .1re not tlu'\h to the deck but ,Ire r,li'\ed up by ,\ w,li..t-high rim c.IUed combing. whidl help... to keep ,my \\,Iter th,lt might wash over the deck ti-om dr,lining into the hold. The h.1tche'\ ,Ire held c1o'\ed by he.lvy bolts or cl.1mps; tightening the'\e bolt... i... Wh,lt you do when YOU Hb,ltten down the h,nches." The cl.1ssic fi-eighter design, built ,my time up until the 1 <J7( I..., I" the three-isl.1nd fi-eighter. The ship get" it" name becau'\e it has three elevated structure"-,l forec.1tle (or fo'c'sle) ,It the bo\\", ,\ bridge ,ll11ilhhips. ,llld ,I poop or ,1fterhoue ,It the '\tern. Seen a" a ,ilhouette low on the horizon, the fi-eighter look, like ,1 ell.1in of three The three deckholhe... reflected the ,oci,ll structure of the merch,ll1t nurine. Tr.1diti01ully, the I1.1ng,ltion otl1cer... (including the capt,lin) lived in the poop, the engineering offi- cer... lived in the mid...hip bridge (which wa... built over the engines), ,md the e,ll11en or lkckl1.lnds occupied the toreLbtle. ()n newer ...hip..., crew... ,Ire dr,ll11atic.llly ...n1.lller, and social distinctions 11.lve blurred. The three sep,uate living qU,lrter... have been con- ,olidated in .1 ,ingle deckhouse and bridge ,tructure, which i, uSl1.llly tow,ln.l the stern. leaves a ,ingle uninterrupted exp,lllse of deck f()}" loading cargo. A tew commodities ,Ire ,hipped in such large volumes that it m,lke, sense to build specialized ships ,md shoreside equipment that lundle nothing else. (In the Great LIkes. ore boats L1rry iron ore 6:onl 1\linnesota to the steelmaking centers of Ohio ,ll1d Pennsylvania. The grain trade is also large enough to justify its own tleet of ships. which load up ,It ports on the Cre.1t LIkes or in Ne\\ l)rle,ms or Se,lttle and voY,lge to Europe, A...ia, or Africa. Roughly spe,lking, .1 bulk carrier i... a Ltrge fi-eighter stripped of the derricks or cr,me,. There\ no need for on-bo,lrd loading ge,\r bec.1l1se the port... ,Ire equipped for tho,e t,l"k,_ In the iron-,hipping port, on L,lke Superior, for e'X,llllple, ore bo,us pull up ,Ilongside high pier, with rail "pur... on top. llopper LIP.. ti-om the mines dump their 10,\(:1 of ore directly into chute" tll.1t le.1d to the hold of the waiting ship. At the other end of the voyage, in l leveLIl1J or Erie or Toledo. the hatche... .1re opened, and the ore i... ...cooped out by gig,mtic cr.1nes or eXCl\'ator,. which ,Ire not very ditTerent fi-om the m,lChine... th,lt were lhed to mine the ore in the tlr,t pl.1ce [n the C.1,e of grain, the cargo i ...onletinles ...ucked out by V.1CUUnl hoses t\\ 0 teet in di,ll11eter. I once w,ltched an ore c,ln-ier being lo,lded in the northern Wi,con,in city of Superior. Along the top of the deckholhe, red ,md green light... were blinking on and otT.1t interval... of ,1 Illinute or two. Atter I Iud puzzled over the...e qgnal light... tor some minute.... it became ele,lr wlut they ,Ire for and how they \York. A" chute... poured ore peller... into comp,lrtment... 011 the ,t,lrbo,lrd ...Ilk of the "hip. it gradlully heeled over ...lightly tow,lrd tll.1t '\IJe. Although the tilt wa... imperceptihle to an ob...erver on "hore, it W,b detlted by a 'c'n,or on ho,lrd the ...hip, which illuminated ,I rc'd light on the ,tarbo,lrd sIde. The chute... were then shifted to .1 port-side com- p,\rtment to continue the lo,lding ,IIHf restore h.ILmce. 
TANKERS T,111ker<; are the tlrge<;t of .Ill move,lble man-m.Ide objects. They dwarf even other brge <;hips, including ,lircr,ltt carrier\ and p,Ienger liner\. The largest t,111ker i" the jahre I Tikill,{!, which is jut over 1,5 00 feet long .111d .Ibout 2S feet wide. It need water YO feet deep, comp,lred to 30 or 35 feet for a big freighter or contdiner <;hip. When fully 10,lded, mot of the tanker i belo\\ the wdterline. It\ ,111 oilberg. The jahre I Tikill,{! has ,111 intere<;ting hitor). When it was built in Japan and launched in 197Y as the Sellll'ise r;iclllt, it W,l.... not the largest \hip .Ifloat. It gdined that distinc- tion only three ye,lr<; LIter, \\ hen it was ....ent b,lck to the ....hipyard and cut in half '0 dut .1 new section of hull could be welded in, ddding more th.m 500 feet of length. In other words, the tanker is ,I <;tretch limo. In 1 YHH the SeaLl'ise Ciallt became .1 vic- tim of the Iran-Iraq war when it wa<; hit by E'\:ocet mis<;ile. Although it W,lS decldred a tot,tlloss, the t,mker was LIter salv,lged ,md ret1l1l1ched, and after <;everal ch.111ge<; of name ,md ownership is sailing ,lgain. Empty. the jahre I'ikill,{! weighs about 235,000 tons, but it can carry more dun twice its own weight in cargo. Tanker c1p,lCity is measured in deadweight tons, equ.II to ,2-t-O pOl1lHh. ()ne deadweight ton ,1l110unts to roughly seven b.llTels of crude oil, and each barrel is -t-2 gallons. If you do the m,1th. you'll find th,H ,I ship loaded with half a 111illion tOlb of crude is clrrying almost ISO nlillion g,l11ons-enough to fill the t,111k, of about even million L1rs. The cargo is worth well over $100 million- give or take ,I few ten, of millions, depending on fluctuations in the market. You won't 5ee the Jahre I "ikill,{! ,liling into ,111 Americ.111 harbor. For most ports, receiving <;tlCh <;hip\ is not even ,111 option: the waterways leading to cities like Phibddphi,l and New ( )rle.1I1s are not nearly deep enough to tloat a supert,111ker. The few Americ,111 ports that do luve <;utficient draft (such as Se.Itde) exclude the large,t crude c.lrrier because of fe.1r<;, of spills. A ,I result, sonle of the oil destined tor the United St,1te'i arrive via C,111adi,111 or C,lribbe.ln tank t:lrnh and refineries. Another option is to tr,111<;ter the cargo of one big t,111ker into ....everal <;maller ones, ,I proces called lightering. When I le,lrned how lightering is done, I wa'i taken by ....urprie. If you wanted to tr,111ster cargo between two trucks, the first thing you'd do is park them. But that's not the be<;t strate')' with thous,111d-foot-Iong tankers at <;e,l. It\ eas- ier to keep the ve'isels under control if they .1re making he,1dway, <;0 the ships come to p,1r.1llel cour<;e'i ,1I1d keep moving while the oil is pumped through connecting hoses. A modern t,111ker h,l" ,1 deckhouse or bridge at the <;tern of the ship; the engine room is also tar ,lstern, .110ng \\ ith the large pumps dut 10,1(1 .Ind unload the cargo. The rest of the ,hip-the whole vast length ,md width ,111d depth of it-is e"senti.l11y hollow. There\ nothing much in there but empty "pace tor c,lrgo ,1I1d b,l11ast. ()n the other lund, it\. nut ju"t one big t,mk. The volume b ,ubJinded into .It le.1st three t,111k" cro",- way.... ,l1ld ,It le,lt five 10ngitudin,llly. There ,liT several re,lsons t<Jr these partitions. fhey ,egreg,lte ditlL'rent product" or gr,H.ies of oil; they help k.eep the ship upright when the --.. . )-' -...   . f'- :" ..... = I. .:"_ ____-:- j ... ...... --... . II "if ....- II . !!!!!.. - - - .....- - -- --" - - u r :.=.r:.=.r -- jtf . . . E) @ o . " :: ..:: ;:: oe:j... :: t :.. . Three hinged booms called hard arms (upper photo- graph) swing out from a dock to plug into the piping manifold of a tanker. Aboard the ship (lower photo- graph), the piping header has three corresponding con- nection points, numbered and color-coded to distinguish three sets of tanks: port, center, and starboard. The crane above the pipe header is used to handle hoses at ports that do not have hard-arm equipment. Note the draft marks and load lines painted on the hull. The ship extends another 52 feet below the surface; only about 25 feet of the hull are exposed. Water cannons both ashore and on the ship are for firefighting. The ship is the Aldowho, owned by the Arab Maritime Petroleum Tanker Company of Qatar; the port is T rieste in northern Italy. The Aldawha's unloading at Trieste is further docu- mented in the photographs on the next two pages. 
Riding low in the water, the loaded Aldawha (right) is towed into the harbor by tugboats and then eased into the dock. The ship is 880 feet long and rated at a little more than 150,000 deadweight tons. Ships of this size are classified as Very Large Crude Carriers; there is a still grander class of Ultra Large Crude Carriers. The bridge of the Aldawha is five stories high the size of a small hotel The engine room is aft of the bridge; the pumps are just forward of the bridge. """" . .   I  . .. -. I f. !!III .; 'tiill " \; . or L' I f- ------- - . . .". . .. t " '"  1 ,j IW .IT ...', '-..:Io ..\. , r  T C,  cargo starts sloshing in the tanks: and they limit th loss if the ')hip springs a All the ').une, the tanks are enormous-like the inside of a Gothic c.nhedral. Up on deck. r.teks of pipes run fore .md .lft, connecting every tank with the pUll1p room in the stern and with .1 connecting he.lder used tor lo.lding .md unloading. When the t.mker ties up in port, either the cargo is pumped through tlexible hOl\el\ I\lung over the side of the ship, or else the connection is made through a "lurd .1rIll," a metal g.lntrv with swivel joints tlut re.tehel\ ti"OIll the dock to the pipe he.lder on bo.1rd. What\ that big electric.ll cord that .111\0 connect, the- '\hip to the dock? It\ not .1 power cord to run nuchinery ,lbo.lrd I\hip: it\ .1 grounding strap, to prevent sp.lrk... fi-OIll ')t.1tic electricity. Some-thing dse- you're '\ure to notice on .1 t.mker l .1 big warn- ing I\ign .Ibout the- fire h.lzard. Frede-rick Alle-n, the editor of  "illlcrictlll Hcrit(i,!,c (?f [1Il'Clltioll (llld 7i.'cllIlOlci,!,)" l1.l renurked .111 tanker\ eenl to be named :\.0 SlIIOkill,i,!,. The re,lon people- ..ire aW.lre of tankers-even people who .lre oblivious to the other kind of ship'\ ply the \\ orld\ the h.lzard of oil spills. When the 1:.\".\"0111 iIldc;:: veered otTcom....e cllHl ran aground in M.lrch of 19H9, '\pilling 36,1 II 10 ton of crude oil into Prince Willi.un Sound on the ')outhern CO,lst of Alask.l, the images of oil-so.lked be.Khe') and ')ea otter'\ .md w.lterfowlleft a powerfid imprint on public consciou')ne')s. 13y world '\tand.lrds, the t'.\"XOII 1 {Z/dc;::- spill wa')n't even p.lrticu- l.1rly big. rhe record loss was that of the ,tltllltic ElIlprcss, which dumped 257,nO() tons .1fter .1 colli')ion in the West Indies in 1979.  [orrendous .1S tho')e events were, mOl\t of the oil in the oceans doesn't come fi'Olll t.11lker .lCcidents. The L.rge')t '\hare come 6"0111 air pollution ')dtles into the se.l .md froIll ro.Hhvay runotf gets w,I')hed into it. For .1 long time, there W.IS moth- er m.ljor ...ource of oil cont.l1nin.1tion .It 'iea. The t.mker tr cltk is a one-way proposi- tion: Wllt.'n .1 ship c.Irrie" crude- ti-om the Perl\i.m (;ulf to the- Gulf of Mexico, there\ no p<lying c.lrgo on the return Yoy.lge. But the ship cm't sclil completely e-mpty, or it 
would bob ,lround like.. cork; it needs b,dLl";t. r he ball,l..;t is se,lw,lter. ,md until the 197( Is ir was Llrried in the ,lme unks u..;ed to hold the oil Llrgo. Furthermore. in the cour..;e of the voY,lge, the crew would use the b,lll,l..;t w,lter to w,lsh out the t,lllks, <lW,lY .. \\axy sludge (they call it c1ingage) th,lt builds up inside. Somewhere along the \V,lY, they'd pump the dirty w,lter overbo,lrd. The result. for decade..... \\ as million.... of tarbalb \\ashing up on <... ',lribbe,m be,tehe..;. Under regulation.... dut beg,1ll to take effect in 1973, tanker..; now ...egreg,lte oil ,Illd \vater. There .Ire ....ep,u,lte l1.llla....t tanks dre ne\.er u\ed to hold Llrgo. The b,llLlst tank.... ,Ire placed at the perimeter of the ship to provide some protection in colli..;ion.... or groundings. Tank wa....hing i.... done with the c.lrgo oil itself It i..; ..;pr,lyed under pre..;- sure to di..;lodge the cling,lge, which \vind..; up in the refinery rather dun the ocean. LIWS passed in the <ltternuth of the Exxoll 1 illd(' ..;pill require t,mkers entering U.S. welters to luve a double hul1-esenti,llly ,1 bo,lt within .. boat. In 2003 the Europe,m Union adopted imiLlr regulations. The ide,l is the inner shell will sur- vive a grounding or collision and thereby prevent ,I spill. The d,mger that t,mker crews fear most is not a ..;pill but ,1 tIre. The worry seems only natural when you 'n:' living ,HOP a few hundred thousand ton..; of tlul1m,lble liq- uid. L3ut the fire hazard is not the liquid itself: it's the vapor ,lbove the liquid surf.lCe. l\1i'\:ed with ,lir in the "ullage"-the empty space ,It the top of a cargo t,mk-the vapors could be explosive. The solution is to tIll the ullage with ,1 g,ls th,lt has too lit- tle oxygen to support combustion. And there's ,I lundy source of such an inert g,lS: the exhaust from the ship's engine. The machinery fi)r the inert-ga.... system is ne..r the exluust sucks above the deckhouse. A scrubber rel110ves carbon monoxide, then large-hare pipe carry the gas to the cargo t..nk..... 01ne tanker, have.. 5eparate inert- g,lS generator that burn" tllel "pecific,llly to U5e up the oxygen in the ,1ir. I )oe' a tanker burn p.lrt of it" cargo to fud its engine? No. ..nd for -;everal rea- sons. In the fir..;t place, the cargo dl)eSn't belong to the shipowner; it' being Llrried I ' -,Jd .', __-: .....: .  =- 1.[ .. I< .. -------. - -;-:-.v. ....- _ _: .. r tI. M."F' ._.- : .  . T. C. . ......JJI ALDAIWIA .... ....... -. :J  .A" .AMA . II . ..:.&:.._-- During all tanker unloading operations, a boom boat- the small yellow vessel at left in the photograph above-patrols the harbor, ready to unreel a floating boom to confine any spills. Twenty-four hours later, the Aldawha is nearly empty and riding much higher; the draft marks al the bow indicate 22 feet. 
; , -=.,.  . ....,...... - ----- ----- ;:;_;;:;:I :;i1'JI' . . i '!ilIA . " "  . p /r '1- ; "-- ,,- .=::' ..If: J\ . i1 / " I.  :;:  r:' "I? _ 111111111111 . I - I.a  I'__ .- , r .. .:. l-e I J ,.. ,,- A "' ",...? .",r I -t,  ,,  2rn"l ii_. _ -.-/ -- If ...t.. -'-:.. .'S ,-: , ti." .,. ,-.. a.. ..._----I-'t L- . ::r,:,-'  , ,. j Je. t rq , .. I j 'M' la .. l II " '::i IlttI' III  1 I '-=310 , III L \t .L "l \ .' . ..... 0 0 = l  ----- The height and the reach of the cargo cranes at a port, and the depth of the water, determine the maximum size of the ships the port can serve. The cranes at the Seagirt terminal in Baltimore can reach 140 feet out- ward from the dock and can load containers up to a height of 110 feet. -(  J r :.  L.,  ..,. I .- .,.. , !!,,//. ..... . 11111 ,..1.. ....:.;jIIpI.1 -  +; ,' '..,,\ .Jwo I ::n"  I, IT J' -= "'If  . . :r - .111   ___Sl.. ) .., R .rf ,. If 1 ' . " ,7.r ,.1,\ . f' I\ I  =." I '\I". j 1t:i\ J I IN L ....,q- ... "=IIJ. \ ..- I 't"j'''''1\ · I . .,!, If t _ ..:; r -  '- - I -' "... .: l   \ . for hire, and the owner would not ,1ppreci,lte having part of it u<\ed c1" fuel. Second, crude oils ,Ire too v,lriab]e to erve ,1<\ good fuc1. Filully, burning the cargo wou]dn't make economic snse, Crude oil 1\ worth more tlun the "bunker oir' tlut big t,111ker<\ do burn-th are esntially w,lste product of the oil retinery, and \0 they ,letua]- ]y lost ]s... tlun th raw nutri,l] trom which thy are nude. Years ,1go, a bIg tanker wou]d ]1c1ve .1 cre,,' of 25 or 30, roughly half of them a- men v,,-ho work on dck ,1l1d the rest "oi]rs" in the engine room. Newer ...hips nuk do \\ ith only h,l]f ,1 many ou]s, ,111d the traditional divi'ilOn between seunen and oi]- er ha" di,lppe,lred. All the cre\\ member\ are listd ,h "med1c1nic"; 111 port the) do deck work, ]o,lLling ,111d di...charging the cargo, and at e,l thy nuintain the power pL111t-,llthough for the nl0st part it rl11h l11uttended. The navigation otlicer have to st.l11d \\,ltch .Hound the clock in four-hour "hifb, but the ngineering crew \Vork dn eight-hour d,l), tIvt' day\ a week. Much of the tim, the ntire \hip i... controlld by on pron, ,1]one on the bridge. All "hip\ are ghot \hip<\ th"e daY'''' , Life on .1 tanker 1 ",lid to be \OI11ething like .1 long "p,\Ce<\hip voY,lge to Mar" ,111d b,1Ck.l,l11kcrs ,He not t:lt hips, ,11ld ,1 round trip trom uropt' or North America 
around the Cape uf Goud 110pe to the the Persi.l11 Gulf takes two or three months. The crew are out of sight of land for .lhllost .111 of th.1t tillle; even when the "hip re.lches port, they stay only long enough to lo ad or unlo.1d. There's no tillle to go .lshore .lnd tour the night spots of 13ahraill. CONTAINER SHIPS AND CONTAINER PORTS The idea is so silllple: put the clrgo in boxes before you stow it aboard the ship. And the advantages are so obvious: tlster loading and unloading, and better protection against breakage .md pilferage. So why did the hipping industry need centurie to introduce such a sill1ple and obvious concept? Not because shippers are hide-bound and backward. It took until the 1 Y70s for cont.1iners to catch on because they work only if everybody .1grees on how to use thell1. To nlake the containers stack neatly, they all have to be the same shape and size (or at least have only a few variations); ships have to be built to acconul1odate the containers; ports need special equipment to handle theill; and on land there n1Ust be SOllle convenient way to nl0ve thenl around by truck or rail. One component of the systenl is of no use without the uthers. The container system that finally did catch un wa invented in the 1 <)50s by Makoltl1 McLean, who uwned a trucking that eventually becallle a major shipping line, the Sea-Lmd Corporation. And the connectiol1 with the trucking industry is no accident: the standard container that McLean introduced was basical- ly a truck-trailer body without the whee1s. This il11l11ediate1y solved the land-transport part of the problenl: containers are driven to and fr0111 the loading dock by ordinary tractor-trailer rigs. The first voyage of the first McLean container ship was in 1 <)56. No one paid n1l1ch attention for 10 years or 111ore, but then suddenly the scheme taak off in a big I J _!. I _  f CA .  .. ....1 E9' ::"' _! l.-j!=' . CA' L .. ."I[ :: I = , =-:1 ( --' '"='- . .- I' :- . r -"""'4Q:"::,,;,",,, --:P"':"'.... 1 . .. j..;.1 I -- 1 -1 =- III .:' -I L J_' t; ..:J....... . ' =- 11. , 3 -. 1 1 ---' .....- l . I · , . I -":"":r:- r --I :--1..... " ,[--I:j':--' .:: . . . '-. ,....lJ! ' ï - i.. . U-41 ,,- -' ii  :"' ) A  ljT ;-. A  -i.".f 4  1. '1 j l1::J Ir _'  - --' I I -.....! -:....:- , I j I I r ......:::j, -... I-!, --.-. =.i ' ] ..J_ '::j ::;: = -....., , [ ::I' r ':_'" r 111 i fJ:' t ::':' 1_:' hJ r:: i:ï '1 3 :" - . I -  - -...., I -...... '--1_' I \ --' '-- 11 -' '--I-' I ,I--il I -, "'"" -, I .1 - .' -I I -. It; lll' ...."'"", ==-:- - r! I  i -= - t:(  ;;.(j""'J  --  Al I ..,  ;. ;-I I( r : -,' m - I I ::::: I ;'..:: 1-- :,-L" l l{ ( . !.:. .- ,I I - "It 1 , . _.l.___ _  --t. - .;....... li --: - ;:,,'Iw -11 -'fJ '-". -;-',,, , i1J - -;'{; 'I" ' I I .  -n-:- ;... r - I :-': I. 1- · J , lf I .. . 1 . r - - : ..J :1ftj- --I' --Ir " I I _ .,..J , "" , . rI ' Since the 1970s, great walls and embankments of stacked cargo containers have become a commonplace element of the industriallandscape. They are uniform in size and shape (or nearly so; note the differing heights in this stock at Seagirt) but highly variabie in color, producing random checkerboard patterns. 
large ports handle more than 100,000 containers a year, so storing and retrieving them without waste motion is a significant challenge. When loading and unloading a ship or when dealing with stacks of containers on land, only the topmost container is imme- diately accessible. If the container you need is at the bottom of a stack, all those above it must be moved, one at a time. Organizing the task to minimize such movements is a kind of mathematical puzzle. At right, a straddle carrier at the port of Sorrento is shuffling containers in order to retrieve one further down in the stack, which will be loaded on a waiting truck. Below, a vehicle that looks like an overgrown forklift tends stacks of empty containers at a storage yard in Genoa --.  ., :/. "1111"11 . .1-... I I I II _ I , -:.1 , I "1- , i I.' m Ii! t t  :-= , 1 I. 11. T I . . .. g k .1 \II. c S A V c L IN j 5 - - " - 8C.. .. -EJ "'1"1' _ - a::  .:. JII .. r -- . ---- T - , ..  ,.  T --- -- 'II  --- 8 - I I Tr. "I, . ''I! ': 11:1 -'." -'-J.  - - :>-  W,lY. 13y the 1 lJROs. more than HO percent of ,Ill fi-eight was being shipped in cont.lin- cr'\. Today. in any port city you'll see gre,n multi color heaps of cont.liner. often stacked six or seven high. like gi,111t Lego bricks. You see them also on tilt' highw,lY ,111d carried piggyback on railroad cars. Containers h,1Ve become part of the every- day furniture of modern life. Containers. To make '\ure that containers work with equipment the world over. their dimcnion' ,md the det,lil, of their contruction are detlned hy internatiOlul t,111d, The origin,d ide,l wa, th,1t ,Ill cont,liner' would be H teet wide ,111d X ft'et high. and they would come in length of 1 (I, 2t I, J( I, ,111d 4t I teet. 13ec1U,e the lengths are .111mul- tiple\ nf I (I feet, you can mix ,111d m,ltch when you ,t,1Ck them up; ,I ,pot that would hnld ,I 4( I-footer c,m equ,l11y well be filled by two 2( I or tour 1 t Is. The clpacity of container ,hip' b me,bured in twenty-foot-equivalent units, or TEU-in other worth, the number of 20-foot container that could be loaded on bo,ud. Stand,lrdization has clear benefits: if everyone follow the rules, you C,U1 be 'ure that .1 cont,liner lo,lded in Sll.1ngll.1i will be compatible with the equipment in Se,1ttle. ()n the other hand, there are ,110 pre,ures to make exception to tand,lrds. Sometimes ,1 cargo jut won't fit in any of the '\tandard boxe. A ,I re,ult of the\e preS'll1"e..., con- tainer... ,Ire not ,1'\ standardized a'\ ,hipping comp,111ie would like them to be. There ,Ire v,lriation in height, a well ,1 odd length, \l1ch a, 43 feet Jnd 4H feet. 13ut apparently there\ ,tiB enough uniformity th,lt the boxes p,1Ck together efficiently. Every container 1l.1 ,I LIbel or stencil that telb who own it. The owner code i four letters, hut the LIst letter is alway' ( For ex,lIl1ple, cont,liners nurked SEAU belong to Se,lLmd Services of New York, ,111d tho,e with the l.1he1 J IAMU come fi"om J 1.1P,lg 
Lloyd of ll.llllburg. A '\ix-digit '\eri.llnulllber idcntitle'\ the '\pecitlc cont.lmer. .l11d then there\ a chcck digit used t<Jr cltching typographical error'\. 1'v10'\t Clmt.liner,\ .lre .llso marked with their '\ize .md weight. The maximum gross weight is C> 7 .2(1() pounds" (Jut on the highway. the '\urnt way to tell J e.lgoing cont.liner fi-om .m ordin.lry truck body 1 to look .1t the corner\. A f1-eight cont.1iner h.1 pecial reinforced tltting at .1ll eight corner\. with hole\ are ued .IS grab point\ to lift the box during 10.H1- ing operations. The .llne hole in the corner block eng.lge \\ ith pin on the deck of a hip or on ,1 truck or rail-car d1ab to hold the cont.1iner\ in pLtee. When multi- ple container are tacked up. tWIt-lock key d.1mp the '\tack together. (It re.llly i like pL1ying with Lego brick.) In addition to the common endoed boe. other kinds of ti-eight containep'i .Ire built to the '\ame st.llH.bnh. Flatracks carry Ll1-ge .md heavy itenlS \uch .IS nuchine tools tank cont.liner hold liquids .md g.lSe\ t<)r peri'\hables there are reti-iger.1ted containers. cllled reefers. Imbalances in world trade can produce '\imiL1r imbalance'\ in container inventorie'\. 13eC.1use the United St.lte'\ buy'\ more '\tutr ti-om Asi.m l1.ltions dun it '\ells there. con- tainer'\ tend to pile up on the West Coast. whereas they .ire '\ometimes SLlrce in Japan. The Container Terminal. ('ontaineriz,ltion h.l forever ,1ltered the LmdsLlpe and the working life of clrgo ports. Fifty .1go. it took .1 lot of n1l1sde to 10.lt1 .1 .md so the waterfi-ont W.IS crowded with lonrshoremen and other workers. S.lcks .md l1.1r- re1s .md cr.ltes were piled up on the wl1.lrves. The street nearby were lined with the offices of hipping agents. ti-eight fi)rwarders. and union hiring h.llls. not to mention the occasional tavern for sailors .md stevedores. The modern cont.liner port i a ditferent kind of place. For one thing. it\ bigger: a va'\t expanse of reint'orced concrete where container'\ .1re '\t.1cked up in polychrome profu'\ion. And it'" .I lot les, crowded: .1p.ut fi-om the gU.1rd at the gatehou'\e. the place seenlS deserted. The crane d1.1t 10.ld" ,md unlo.Hh the hip i run by a '\ingle opera- tor in a cab high above the deck. A fe\, truck driver '\huttle cont.liners around the lot. and .In otlice st,lff 11.lndle paperwork. but the crew'\ of longshoremen .lre much depleted. Unloading a Ll1-ge ship used to keep .I of 3()() bu'\y f(w .1 week no\' it\ the \\ork of.m afternoon for .1 couple of dozen. The he.1rt of .my cont.liner port is the row of g.mtry cranes. speci.llly built fin- lift- ing containers. The crane'\ are crucial to the oper.1tion of the port .md .1re .11so the nl0t conspicuous Lmdm.lrks. [)own on the waterfi-ont. where the terr.lin tends to be flat. ,1 m,live crane to\\"ering 2()() feet high re.llly st.llHh out. And-in a world where so much industrial equipment ha'\ been p.linted disappearing gray-I'm delighted to report that In,my container cranes .lre decked out in tlamingo pink. robin's-egg blue. or other proud color. In port citie like 13.1Itimore .md ().lkLmd. the cr.mes .In" prominent monument, ldentit)"ing indu"tri.ll neIghborhood.... A cont.lincr i ditferent ti-om .1 typical COI1'\tructlon For UI1L' thing. it\ .1 lot beetler so it Lm handle he.lviel lo.llis .md move Llrgo in .1 hurry. l)n the other At Seagirt, a container unloaded from the ship Ever Gaining is gently nestled onto the frame of a truck known as a hustler. The spider-like device that grabs the containers from above is called a spreader; it engages fittings at the corners of the containers, which are also used to link the containers to one another like interlocking Lego bricks. ------ --- , ;.,1 ,II I". lit t .1 II '. EVER... 0 II I EVERIIIE .. i Eft ' E'a l r- -i fi 0 ., u I jl .I .-. 
 , 0 ,.. V - . . ... \ II [ I  I i . \ I -   " I , I  , , M' " .... ... ".. - ',. -- "'If! ... :;;;  'w" ; ..............-...- ,: ,," f  , II I /',,' ... .,. - Idle cranes in Seattle (top) and Camden, New Jersey (bottom), retract their booms to leave clearance for ships. With their long legs and crooked necks, they look like wading birds-cranes of another kind. h,md, it\ ,llso Ie"s ver",nile: thL' cont.linL'r IT,lIlL' h,I" to dL',tl WIth only onL' kmd oflo,ld, ,md it only h,l" to move conuinlT" in ,1 "traight linL' t.'om the ship to the dock or vice ver,I; there i no net'd to 'WIVel ,lround to v,lrious P,lrtS ot ,1 building "ite When cont,linL'r cr,l1le ,Ire idle, the boom that readw.... out over the w,lter i" tilt- ed up or retr,Kted to keep it out of the wav ,1" ship.... m,l11t'UVer into ,md out of their berth. When the crane i ,H work.. the bo0111 extends horizont,llIv over the :-.hip':-. deck. The "outreach" of ,1 horizont,tl dist,mce it can re,Kh fi'0111 the dock-,md the Inaxi111u111 height to which it can lift a conuiner determine the l.1rge"t hip tlut ,1 port can ,Kcon1n10<.bte. (There \ no point in building ships th,\t are too big for ,my ,w,lil.1ble Cr,me, or in building cr,me" bigger than ,my e"'\pected \hips.) Large cr,ll1e\ today h,we ,111 outreach of ,1bout I-t-() teet ,md a n1.1ximum lifting height of over 100 teet; the bigge"t cont,liner ....hip" use every inch of this cap,Kity. To operate the crane, you sit in ,1 glas-bott0111ed booth lide:-. back and forth along the under"lde of the bool11, trailing loop" of ,1 big electric-power cord.You look. down between your knee.... at the container dangling below. Motion" of the hoist ,1re controlled by fingertip pre....sure on "mall joystick, as in ,I video g,l1ne. It\ ex,lCting work. You 11.lve to pbce -t-O-foot, () 7 ,()OO-pound steel boxes with ,1 preci"ion of an inch or so, being careful not to bash anything or ,mybody neu-by, and you h,lve to do it quickly. An operator in good tonn moves two cont,liners ,1 minute. When 10,lding and unloading ,1re going welL there's no wasted motion. A truck. brings up an outbound cont,liner and waits on the dock. below the crane. The crane operator lowers the spreader-a heavy "teel platform th,lt cbmps onto the corner fit- tings of the container like some giant insect seizing its prey-and plucks the con- tainer otT the truck bed. Lifting high enough to clear the deck of the ship and any other containers already aboard, the operator swings the cont,liner into its ,111otted space, ,md workers on board lock together the corner fittings. Then the crane picks up ,I container to be 1I1110aded, carrie, it back to the dock, ,l1ld places it on the bed of the truck "till w,liting below. This inbound cont,liner is h,mled dW,lY, ,md ,mother truck pull" up with the next outbound unit, so the \vhole cycle C,In begin ,1g,lin. Watching this b,lllet high ,1bove the wh,lrves, you can't help ,1dmiring the fines:-.e of the crane operator and the other performer", hut there is ,tlso ,1 choreographer behind the ,cenes who,e work deserves notice. For the process to go ....moothly, the container\ h,we to be "tacked ,md unst,lCked in Just the right order. When ,I "hip dep,lrt for Se,lttle with tiuther" in (hkland ,1l1d Lo.... Angele...., you don't \\ ,mt the Seattle-bound cont,liners buried under tho:-.e going on to the later ports. And there are other constraints on container placement: ditTerence in weight have to be taken into dccount to keep the ,hip in balance, ,md cert,lin cont,liners-such ,IS those that need electric power to run a refi'iger,ltion unit-em be loaded only in cert,lin pots on the ship. PLll1ning ,1l1d coordin,lting the 10,l<.1ing of ,1 container ship i, like ,oIving J dit11cult puzzle; these d,lY it'..., done with C0111puter ,1ssist,U1C The truck" that ,huttl cont,liner.... ,1rounJ on the docks ,1re called hu,tlers. And hustle they do: when I've visited container termin,lb, the haz,lrd I've been w,lrned 
 - --- -:- -- ........ =- .- - '.. - --, :-"":: ..  - r \ -- -- - -- - --_-..JI   .... :-  ...:.. :-fJ ;...; , '" _ ,- _' r ' -  #- ' ,  ',......, " '. . : ,-- -.. ,--- "  ;  '.........  .. .. -  -- . .... 6 ....-.. ---- - . ...,1 ')-III!C- _ . ...   ....... -..- '. -...:.-  ". ,  "':- - .....,',..... - about nlot is not tlut I'll t:lll in the water or have ,1 crane drop ,1 cont.liner on lny he,H1. but that ,1 hutler will run me down. The hutler<; move inbound cont,liner to a t,lging .lre,l, where they cm be lo,H.ied onto ,mother truck tor .In over-the-road journey or onto rail car" for Llelivery to inland destination. The loading is often done by ,HI awkward-looking device cllled a tr,H1dle carrier. \\ hich pulls the container up into its belly ,lnd crawls ,Hound on widely outstretched leg. so tlut truck cm drive bene.lth. There ,ue ,1]SO forklift \\-ith giraffe-like elong.lted necks to "t,lCk the cont,liner'i in neat piles. Container Ships. You'll luve no trouble distinguishing container 'ihips fi:om other kinds of cargo-clrrying. oce.mgoing vessels. Just look for the towering 'it,lcks of brightly colored boxes. Up dose, it i'i the height of container ships tlUt nuke'i the nl0st powerful impre'ision. They are not ,1S long or ,1S wide ,1S big tankers, but they tower over them. eclipsing the sun, f:lr uller in tlet dun .mv of the "t,lll ship" that ro,Hlled the 'ie,lS in the ,lge of s,lil. ()n most hips. cont,liner'i .lre fir'it 'itacked four or five deep inside the hull. then the holds ,Ire covered with watertight l1.1tche'i, ,md ,mother tour or five tiers of con- tainer'i .lre piled ,HOP the hatches. Uut newer cont.liner ships luve no lutches: the cont,liner\ ,lre t.lcked up continuou'i]Y tI-om the bottom of the hold [0 high above deck. Thi, 'peed ]o.lding ,IIlJ un]o.lding. bur it ,lbo me,m tlut .my \\,lVe'i bre,lking over the deck will ,Josh rIght in[o the hokL fo keep trom filling and sinking. the ship Ius to rely 011 cnormous high-speed bilge pumps. To serve places that have no container pori, ships such as the T asmina (left, photographed in Sorrento harbor) are equipped with on-board cranes capable of loading and unloading containers. The Cartour Reggio Calabria (below also in Sorrento) is a roll-on/roll-off vessel, or RoRo, which transports entire trucks. , , ....   WIllI , .lIt.. \ .   - 
BARBIE OVERBOARD! Anthropologists write of "cargo cults" among island peoples who supposedly venerate objects that wash up on their shores, like mys- terious gifts from the gods. In an age of global commerce, when a single container lost at sea can launch 67,000 pounds of flotsam, the gods are offering many mysterious gifts. And the devotees of cargo cults now include a few oceanographers who trace the course of winds and ocean currents by gathering reports of lost merchandise found on the beach. Perhaps the most famous such incident was the loss of 80,000 Nike sneakers when a con- tainer went overboard in the mid-Pacific in 1990. Over the next two years, thousands of the shoes came ashore on beaches in Canada and the western United States. Many of them were said to be in wearable condition, although finding a matched pair was a chal- lenge. A few years later some of the same Pacific beaches were littered with hockey gloves (34,000 lost at sea) and another batch of 30,000 sneakers. Accidents elsewhere have spi lied rubber duckies and toy pieces described as "Barbie- doll butts." In 1997, some 62 containers en route from Rotterdam to New York were swept off the deck of the container ship Tokio Express. One of the lost boxes held 4,756,940 plastic Lego pieces, a fewof which soon found their way to British beaches. (The prevalence of sports gear and toys in these incidents is curious, and probably reflects a certain amount of reporting bias.) Curt Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer in Seattle, has been gathering beachcomber reports of recovered cargo for more than 15 years as a means of studying ocean circula- tion. He can apply his knowledge in the other direction as weil: He correctly predicted that the hockey gloves would come ashore wee ks ahead of the sneakers that went into the drink at the same time. The rea son is that hockey gloves float with one finger poking up into the wind. The largest container ship so £lr is the S(Jl1crc(<!1I 4\JacrsR, launched in 199H, at 1,138 feet long. It carries 6,600 TEUs. A container ship of the kind described here is s0111etimes called a LoLo, for f[lt 011 II!# c1(.The alternative is a RoRo, which stands for mil 011 Imll (if(.Think of d ItoRo as a floating parking lot, with nlUltiple parking levels, and spiraling ranlps for nlOV- ing between thenl. Instead of standardized containers, the Rolto carries truck trail- ers, wheels and all. At the departure port, a tractor hauls each trailer up a ramp to its assigned deck, then parks it for the voyage. At the other end, another tractor drives the trailer off. This schenle elil11inates the need for cranes and all the other dockside hardware of the container port; the price is that the ship can't be packed as densely. In same cases a RoRo carries entire trucks-tractors as weIl as trailers-and the truck drivers too. E<;sentially it is a ferry for trucks. S0111e cargoes C0111e with their o\vn wheels attached-nanlely, autolllobiles. Special car-carrier ships are variants of the RoRo. The biggest of thenl transport ll10re than 6,()()() autOl11obiles on 13 decks. At the port<; where they unload, a conl- nlon sight is a vast parking lot full of identical new cars, protected by a security fence festooned with the ll1eanest-looking razof\yire. PORTS AND HAR BORS The basic probiellI that a port has to solve is how to get a big ship, which needs lots of deep water, right up against the land so people and cargo can go back and forth. There <lre two solutions. One is to extend the land into the water; the finger pier jut- 
ting out l'erpendicuLlr to the '\horeline is the '\[.lIld.lrd e'\..ll11ple of thi:, .lppro.1Ch. Alternatively. the water can be brought to the L1l1d b) scooping out .1 deep pool right next to .1 ret.lining W.l)] .llong the emb.lllkment of a lurbor. In thi LI'\e the '\hips must do p.lrallel p.lrking. like car\ .110ng .1 curb line. Two tool, are indi'\pen'\.lble tcw port buIlding: the pile driver .llld the dredge. Pile are long Iuft, looking very much like teleplll)ne pole, pounded deep into the ...ofi: muck .It the bottom of a body of water. 1\10"\t pile .lre wood, he.lvily tre.lted \\ ith creo'\ote or ....ome other na'ty goo to prevent rot; there are teel .llld concrete l'ile too. The pile driver i, es,enti.llly .1 h.lll1mer: it repe.1tedly lift .1 bIg weight to the top Of.l fi-ame .llld then drop'" it on the end of the pile. I )redging is needed in nun)" port .lIld harbor\ to make clunnels .llld b.1sin'\ deep enough for ships to enter without risk of running .Iground. The dredge is .1 lurge with .1 large pump .lnd engine. The mt.lke end of the pl1l11p is connected to a pipe a foot or two in di.lll1eter dut\ lowered over the side to 1100ver up '\ediment fi-om the bottom. The other end of the pump connects to a much longer pipe, which Llrries the dredged 111lld .llld debri.... to .1 dumping site. Where to dump it is the whole prob- lenl with dredging. For .1 long time, the practice was to pick a nearby nur'\h to fill in; a few year'\ later, the "reclaimed" land would '\prout a strip mall .1I1d a housing development. This is less common today. A dredging project in New York ll.1rbor has been delayed tor dec.ldes because the '\poil is considered haz.lrdous \v.lste. One of the all-time championship dredging projects cre.lted the Port of Houton 50 miles inland fi-om the Gulf of Me'\:ico. Ships reach the port through the Houton Ship Channel. which was once a 11.11TOW SW.lIl1PY bayou a few feet deep. A hundred and fitty years of dredging has transformed it into .1 nl.1ritime thoroughtare 4() feet deep and more dun 100 feet wide. "" \ \; ( i ..,- .I ,  -1\ ..,.  \,  - ..... A dredge at work off the coast of Santa Barbara is employed in "beach nourishment"-moving sand from offshore onto the beach, at least until the next storm blows in. The dredge itself is mounted on the swiveling boom at the near side of the barge, with the pump mounted in the red enclosure at the top of the arm. Dredged material is carried ashore through the floating pipe at the stern of the barge 
i ....   . Ii _ '" ., :II , I I I: I II II  - , , -, ,', I   ,- r - \\.{ If. I, 1 i. '''''r L. .  .4Ir \.1 \ .If. ... r A bright orange tug (above), backing the tanker Aldawha into a berth in Trieste, looks like such a jolly vessel it could be a bathtub toy. A tug of an older gen- eration (below) at South Street Seaport in New York has a front bumper crafted from old rope. But the two tugs have something in common: old tires as fenders. P t I( I tIIG \\. \\ \ \\ \\ \ .. «:"\1. "4:";" fill I' t '.., , I . , - _ AJ,Us . , I .jri. J!!II '\ '. \ I - -, r .J j  I In:;;JIII( - - J 5 . I. _ \ I t ,' :I-- , i \ t & .1;. - --- ..111 . ... r. III ... , I iii_I .. .:m \ . .1 .\v,. · i1 , ",,\. I l' '. ,-  r ., ., \I I!(,\  . \  , ...J " ALDAW ." ?' " t.  .. .. '* D D':' , I R1 I " - R1 .' 47 / iii ,,,, . . u :  .. - "'I. !. . .,.... 9- '..... - ..,. ..:..,. - . '" ,.. .,f' ..'. .....:. It\ worth noting dut dredging i, one of tho....e .uea, of life where .lVer.lge, don't count; it\ the 111;11;11111111 depth that m.lttero... Mor \v.lterway, are nuint.lined at .1 pec- ified "controlling depth." In the CreJt Llke.... .md the St. Lawrence Sel\vay, the con- trolling depth I 27 feet; on the l'vli''\Isippi, it.... ju,t l) tt't. Jetties, Breakwaters, Seawalls. The port h a place \vhere land emd w.lter come together-but it'.., 31....0 import.lI1t to keep theln ,1p.Ht. l' harbor... .lre gu.lrded by variou kinds of barrier to keep out torIn) ....e.l.... A typicll jetty or bre.lkwater look.... like nothing nlore dun a pile of rock ,md rub- ble dumped into the water, but there nuy be more '\tructure thelI1 meet.... the eye ()ften there's a core of more clrefull) comp.lCted cru...hed tone .1I1d gr.lVel, or e\"en concrete; the boulder'\ '\tre\\ n on the urf..lce Jre ,lrmor me,lI1t to protect the core Jnd diip,lte the enerb'Y- of the w.lve..... l-.lI1CIer Jettie... are elrInored not with mere rock, but \\-ith melI1utlCtured block in '\peo.ll ....lupe... lock dbow... ,0 .l to better resI....t the force ,)f the ,urL Se.l\vall... .lre built of concrete or of sheet piling-interloLking steel st.lves driven into the lurbor tloor. 
Port Furniture. All the miscell.meou fitting ,md fixtures on w]urvt's ,md piers ,lIld elsewhere in nautical neighborhoods ,1re known by the dunning term portfllmitllrc Fenders .Ire meant to protect both the ship ,md the w]urf. In the simplest Clse, tor a fishing boat, a fender might be ,m old tire slung over the side of ,1 wood dock. For bigger \Y)urye... and bigger vee1s, the tenders become elaborate structures built out of timber, spring, ,md rubber bearing. They don't appe,1r to luve any give at ,Ill-if you ran into one of these bUlllper... with your C,lr, you'd find them quite unyielding- but they bend re,ldi]y enough when nudged by a ship that weighs 3()(),()()() tons. A dolphin is l big post out in the middle of the water that ,1 \hip can u\e ,1S ,1 bumper, mooring post, or pivot point-and th,lt .1 pelic,m cm use ,1S ,1 roosting spot. The typical dolphin is ,1 cluster of either 7 or 1 <) pilings lashed together with wire rope. (Why 7 or ] tJ? If you W,1I1t to nuke s01nething's approximately round, those are good number\ to choose. Try it with ,1 handfll] of pencils.) Bigger dolphins are nude of steel or concrete. The name do/phill is ,1]SO sometimes used tor the post on a wl1.1rf where mooring lines fi-om the ship ,1re ,1ttached, but this item of pon tl.lrniture is nlore fi-equently called a boll,ln.L Modern bollards ,1re cast steel, weigh several hundred pounds. ,1I1d come in a variety of slupes, all designed to hold a loop of h,lwsl'r. They have to be incredibly strong-but not too strong. If a ship cannot be hdd t:lst to the dock, you w,mt the bolL1rd to give way. llOt the whole structure of the pier. Dry Docks. A dry dock is the m.lritime counterpart of the hydraulic lift that raie'" your Clr so th,lt the meclunic can get underne,lth to change the oil and fi'x the muf- fler. The traditiOl1.l1 drv dock (also called ,1 graving dock) is .1 huge L'oncrete basin, connected at one end to ,1 river or harbor. A ship needing work on the underide sails into the dock, then a \VJtertight gate is cloed behind it. A, the water IS pumped out, the ship settle" onto ,1 cradle erected on the hottom of the b,lin. Fe\\ graving docks ,1re still in use, They have been nl, obolete by ship-litting technology. The ne\v procedure i to float the ship into position over a submerged cradle, or dolly. Then electric winches pull the cradle-and the ship-out of the W,lter onto a bro,H1 sloping deck. The sytem i called ,I synchrolift, bec1l1se the ,lCtion of m,my winche has to be carefully synchronized. The big adv,mt.1ge of the new scheme is one lifting dock can be ued to bring Illan)' hips on, where they can all be rep,lired at once, whereas the old graving dock could ,lCconllllolbte just one vesel at a time. T ugboots. Tugbo,lt ,Ire ,11nong those tew industrial ,1rtitlCt that ,1re looked on as cute. charming, or endearing. The origin of this cultural fondness is mildly m)'sterious- but it has produced .1 succesion of songs, stories, ,md even ,1 movie clnd TV series. The CLtsslC tugboat of 50 ve,lr-. ,1go-in the er,l of Tilgbotlt ,lIl1il'--had the look of ,1 lion or ,1 but1l]O: ,n the bow W,lS ,1 gre,lt golden m,me-,l bumper or te.nder nude fi'om worn-out ]uwsers tl..',lsed into bristly fibers. The humper provIded h,)th tr,lCtion ,md cushioning when the tug W,lS nudging ,1 ship into place. No\V,H1IY the s,lmc - -=-::-........ -   -- - --  ---.- I J - , -- \ - Port furniture: a dolphin in Baltimore (top), a bollard in San Diego (middle), a bollard of another type in Philadelphia (bottom). 
.. -  -  1 ,/  -" --- -- ----- l _.j r -  .' - =-- --'> ; : ll . I. .a - More port furniture: a steel bollard for tying up barge trains in Baton Rouge (top), a fender made of wood, steel, and rubber in New York (bottom). tll11dion i\ pertcJr1l1ed bv old tirc... Ltshed tu the hu]l. or by \PCCl,tl]) 1l1,ldl' rubber cu...hions. There h no l}ue\tion th,lt tUgl"ll),lt\ ,Ire ,11] br,lwn. ,, ,111 engine ...trong enough to 1l1ove ,I supertanker cr,1I11111d into ,I a,ltt the size of ,I ti\hing bo,lt. Yet m,my of them ,11so h,lve ,I certain geometric gr,1Ce. The\' h,l\Oe ,H1 up...wpt ...heer line-the cUnoe tr,1Ced out by the upper edge of the hull when ...een in profile-tl1.1t would be at hOlne on .1 classic racing y,1Cht. The most common ,l1ld tHnili,lr tugboah ,Ire 11.1rbor tug.... Their m,lin Job i to ,I\\i...t in docking brge ships. helping theln maneuver in cllhc' qu,lrtr.... In many place.... the prel\ence of ,I 11.1rbor tug is required by 1.1\\. whether or not it'l\ ,1Ctu,ll1y needed. rhere ,Ire .111\0 oceangoing tug\. which ,Ire much brger cr.1tt th,lt usu.111v pull theIr Lugo on .1 long tow rop rather than Plbhing or nudging it \\ ith their no...e. INLAND NAVIGATION Some of the world's busie...t ports are in citie... hundred... of miles fi'om the neare...t S,llt w,lter-in 13utll10. Pittsburgh. Minneapolis. In ...ome cases. oce,1I1going vessels s,lil upriver all this distance. but more commonly the inL1I1d tr,lftlc is carried by distinc- tive boats or b,lrges ...peci,l11y ,Hl1pted to river ,1I1d c1I1al n,lVig,ltion. Barges. 13mg£' was once a term for ,I very cbssy ve...sel. It W,b a b,lrge that carried ('leopatra down the Nile; later. in the 13ritish n,lVY. ,I b,lrge was a motorbo,lt reserved tc)r the use of ,111 Jdlniral. 13ut what we know ,II., ,I barge tod,lY is utterly utilitari,1I1. A modern b,1fge is about .1\ plain as ,1 watercraft can be: it Ius no pointed bow to cut through the wave.... no keel tcw ...t,lbility in the wind. no motor. no rudder. cer- tainly no poli...hed bras... railing' or nuhogany deck...-it\ jU\t ,I rect,l11gubr box. tllt- bottomed. ...qu.1re-ided. tough. Hopper barges h,1UI he,lp' of co,d. ore. cru...hed ...tone. \I.T.1p metJI. and othr I\tutf that doe...n't need protc'ction fi'om the weather. I )ry-c.1rgo barge... have covered lompartmnts; nlost of thlll tr,Hhport grain. There ,lre ,.Iso t,U1k b,lrge... tor petroleUln ,md othr liquid.... AlneriLm barge... con1e 111 two stJnd,1fd \ize.... The Pitbburgh b,lrge b 17 by 2() teet Jnd C,ln be loaded with ,lbout a thou.1nd ton... of CO,l1. The jumbo barge 1\ 195 by 35 feet and hold... 1.5/)/) ton. 13ut ,I single b,lrge \eldOll1 tr,lvel\ ,llone. Ivlultiple barge, ,Ire 1.bhed together \\ ith ...teel clble... to nuke ,I "to\\_H or "hitch." <-)n ...ome partl\ of the ,I tow cm be l\e\Oen b,lrge... long ,md ...ix or ...even bJrge... \\"lde. which nuk.e, it roughly the "',ll11e ize .1\ the brgest And where,b bIg tanker... st,lY out in the 0ren ...eas. the barge train h,1\ to \lir between the pier... of bridges while contending with ri\-er currenb ,ll1d \hift111g ...,mdb,lr.... Towboats The boat th,lt pushe, a tow of b,lrge... i, Ll11ed ,I towbo,lt. The tugbo,lt ,1I1d the towbo,lt 11.1ve ,I lot in COl11mon ,U1d ,Ire often contilscd: they ,Ire both SI11,l11 cLIft 
with big engines, and they both make their living by pushing bigger vessels around. But it's easy to tell then1 apart. The tugboat has a a pointed prow, whereas the tow- boat is squared off in front so that it can be lashed olidly to a train of barges. At the bow of a towboat are two upright triangular structures called knees that Inake con- tact with the tow; they Inay have a staircase built in to n1ake it easy to reach the deck of the barges. The cabin of the towboat is three or four stories high, with the navi- gation bridge at the top so the pilot can see over those five acres of barges. Canals. In the early years of the nineteenth century, before the railroads were built, water transport was so Inuch faster, cheaper, and easier than overland travel that there was a great spurt of canal building, taking boats and barges where the rivers don't go. In the United States the most famous of these canals was the Erie Canal through Upstate New York, connecting the Hudson River (and thus the city of New York) with BufTalo and the Great Lakes. Proposed in 1 H09 and cOlnpleted in 1 H25, it was the first great civil engineering project in the nation. The original channel was 40 feet wide and 4 feet deep; the route covered 363 111iles. Barges specially design ed for the canal were pull ed by tean1S of lllUles treading a tow path along the banks. The heyday of the Erie Canallasted just a few decades, until it was supplanted by the railroads. The waterway feIl into disuse and disrepair. Then, a century after its orig- inal construction, it was rebuilt as the New York State 13arge Canal, with an enlarged channel. In this fOrIn it is still navigable, although it's now used mainly by cruising plea- sure craft, and the tow paths are the territory of joggers and bicyc1ists. Europe also has a long tradition of canal building, as wel1 as one relllarkable recent addition to the world's navigable waterways. Tributaries of Europe's two greatest rivers, the Rhine and the Danube, arise just a few miles apart in the German province of Bavaria. The idea of connecting theIn goes back to the tillle of Charlemagne, who tried digging a trench across the watershed in AD 793. That dream was final1y realized in 1992, with the cOlnpletion of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, also known as the Europa Canal, along a route frOln BaInberg through Nuren1berg to Regensburg. With ! .,.- - - I. I 4 .. I ... I,. . _' IX . . -  -.ii= - I......---- ...  -..-......--.-- .. . ;- - _ lig INGRAM BARGE co. ....: ..  .. .. ... . .J ' . . . '\ T"") \ \ \ 'T""\ -.ï.. I . 0 Jir. t  The towboat Dennis C. Bofforff pushes a tow upriver on the Mississippi at Baton Rouge. 
.....iI..... ... .{oll! .'''..P.1 ...i.' T ., thi... link in pI.KC. ship... ,1Ild b,lrgc... LlIl s,lil oVl' fj-om the I >tItch ports o( Rottcrd.ll11 or Amsterd,ml ,111 the W,I)' to the Bl.1ck e,l. ,1 dist.lIlce of 2.200 mile.... [n the proCl:"S... they climb ,md de...cend .1 hil1 who...{:" pe,lk is some I.JOO teet ,lbove sea level. ( )f cour...e. the moq t:1l110U" clll.ll, of ,111 ,Ire the one... in Suez ,md P,m,ml.l. \\"hich otfer a shortcut between oce,m,. Technologicll1v ,md commerci,llly. both h,l\'e pro\'ed uccessful. At times. ship... line up f()r d,I)"' \\',liting their turn to p,b... through. A t,mker or cOlH,liner hip might pay ,1 tol1 of morl" dun S I OO,!)()() f()r ,1 smgle p,l...s,lge-,m ,lmOl11H CoI1culated to be jut ,1 little Ie" dun the co,t of s,liling the long W.l) .lround At"i-ica or South America. But in de,cribing the Co 111 a)... . succe.... I ...hould not neglect to mention that their conqruction \\',1' ,1 ,lg,l of hum,m h,lld...hip. ,b \\-ell ,IS .1 ource of bitter political ,md ....ocial turmoil. The c.ln,ll... were built bv coloni,tl power; W,lrs h,lVe been tought in both p1.lCes over control of the route. ()wner...hip of the c.lIlals h,b no\\" been returned to the countries they ClTh.... Mo...t can ,11... ,Ire Ie...... contentioth-,md Ie...... ,1l11bitious-than those of P,m,lll1,1 ,md Suez. They ,Ire the n,1l1tic.ll equivalent of ,1 highW,IY byp,lss. For example. the (',m,ll carries shipping tratlic ,1 round Ni,lgar,l Ellis. Along the At1.mtic ,md Gulf CO,lsts of the United St,ltes. d07ens of Co 111 ,lIs link various n,ltural b,IYs ,md ch,mnels to form the Intracoast,ll Waterway. which ,1110\\'s vessels to s,lil most of the way t]-om Ne\\' Jersey to l\lexico without venturing into the open oce,m. 1 Locks. The c.mal builder's dre,ll11 is ,1 level route fi-ol1l st,lrt to tInish. so the c.mal is l"ssential1y just a big ditch tIl1ed with w,lter. This design is often feasible in flat CO,ISt,tl ,lreas; t()}- ex,lmple, the Capl" Cod (:,mal cuts ,111 the way ,1(TOS... the base of M,ISS,lchusetts peninsula ,It sea level. (If you t,lke ,1 boat trip through the c,mal. you see ,1 complete cross section of the (:,lpe.) The Suez C,m,ll i... ,11"'0 ,It se,1 level. Steeper terrain pre,ents a challenge. A Col11.11 Com't just run up ,l11d down l11oun- t,lin...ide.... the \Vay a ro,ld would; the water would drain out of the high ,pot... ,1nd over- tlow the low "pots. (;oing around or cutting through ,I hil1 i... not ,llw.lYs pr.lctic,l1. If the two ends of the c,mal are ,n ditferent elev,ltions-in the C,le of the Erie C,1l1.11. the we...tern end l more th,m 2()() teet higher-then ,1 level route 1"1 ...ill1ply not an option. The ...olution h ,1 lock. a dence that looks like ,I gIant ...t,lirtep in the coure of the C,I11,11 but works more like ,111 elev,ltor. A lock ...its between two ...ecrion... of a c,111.11 .it different elev,ltion.... The lock itself i... d with w,Itertight g,lte... ,It e,lch end. Suppose initi,tlly that the lo\\er gate l open .md the upper one is c1o...ed; thth. the \\ ,Iter level ilhide the basin i... egu,11 to of the downtre.lm C,1Il.l1. A ...hip he,lding upstre,1111 enters the lock, .1I1d the do\\ n...tre,l111 g,ne i... c1o...ed behind it (so th,H both g,Hes are c1o...ed). No\\-. p,l......ages called ...Iuices .Ire opened up between the ul'...tre,lm c.m,1I ,md the lock chamber. ,1110wing water to tIll the ,md r,li...e the ship to the level of the upper C.1I1.l1. ()nce the water level... equ,1Iize, the upper g,lte Com be opened, ,md the ship proceed... on its W,IY. At thi point ,I ,hip he,lding down,tre,lm Com enter the ch,lll1ber trom the upper Com ,1 I. ,md the upstre,1111 g,ne b closed ,lg,lin. The W,lter insIde the ch,lIl1ber dr,lin... 
through ,mothcr set of sluicc<; into the lower <,<m,l\. the lower g,lte opens, .md the downstream <;hip continue<; on. A lock is like .1Il eiev.uor heLlllse ship<; .lre LIi<;ed .md lowered vertically. But note there \ no need for motor<; or hoist<; or even pumps to do the lifting: the <;y<;tenl i<; gr.lVity-powered, .lllowing the \vater in the upper can.ll to do the work of lifting .1S it i<; rele.lsed to now downhill, one lock fi1l1 .It d time. (It's crucial the two gate<; of the lock never be open .It the s.llne time; if they were, the lock would bec01ne a \vatertlll.) Locks are gener.llly the narrowest choke point on a L.ln.ll, .1nd so they limit the <;ize of the ships th.It can p.l<;S. A cbs<; of <;hips known .IS Pan.ll11ax are built so th.It they Lm just b.lrdy squeeze through the Pan.1ll1.l C.l11.l1. The narrowe<;t lock in P.ll1.ln1.1 is 10H feet wide, and some of the ships have .1 106-foot be.l1n. The lock length IS 1,000 feet. and P.ll1.lmaX vessels leave le<;s than 25 teet of room .It each end. The P.ll1.ln1.l locks were designed in 19WJ to .lCcommodate the I.1rge<;t ship then .ltloat, the u.s. b.lttleship J>CIIIlSylr ' 11llit1, as well .1S .1 <; brger ve<;sel was then under con- struction in Irel.1nd. As it turned out, the Litter <;hip never passed through the Lll1.l1; it W.IS the White Star liner TiTt1llir. You get the best closeup view of.l lock by "locking through" on .1 bo.It. I f you get a chance to do this, nuke note of the system for mooring vessels within tile lock chamber. In sn1.1ll locks, this nuy be no more d.lborate tl1.ln .1 series of ropes hang- ing down the w..Ils. 130.1ters are instructed to hold onto .1 rope by l1.lnd but not to tie it f.1<;t to the <;tructure of the would be a p.lrticubrly embarrassing mis- take on the down<;treanl transit, when the water level is Lllling. Locks th.It accom- modate larger craft have tlo.lting bitts-tie-off point<; that rise .md tIll along with the water level. Locks .1re found not only on LU1als but .11so on rivers that have been dammed. On the upper Missi"sippi there .tre lod,.s at e.lCh of the 27 d.l111S built fr0111 Minneapoli" down to St. Louis. AIDS TO NAVIGATION On Lmd we can tlnd our way .lround by looking out for Lmdmarks. but on the water there are no \\ .iterm.lrks. The bLmkne<;s of the sea made n1.1rine navig.ltion .1 <;erl- ous .Irt .1nd <;cience tor centuries. Inventions like the n1.1gnetic comp.lSS, the <;ext.lnt, .md the chronometer h.lVe .lltered the cour<;e of hi<;[ory bv 1ll.1king possible long- range thereb) long-T.mge commerce .md conquest. 1\1.1riner<; today still le.un to use tho<;e In<;truments. but they .tlso 11.lve other devices to rely OIL Buoys and Channel Markers. The ro.ld qgn" .md gu.lrdr.lil, of the "e.l, huoy" .md ch.mnd m.lrker" ddine.Ite ....lte route.... \V.un s.lilors .IW.l)' ti-om roc}..<; .md sho.lls. .md regul.1te tr.ltlic in crowded ports .md rivers. As with highw.IY signs .md sign.lls. the locking through: On the opposite page a towboat with a small hitch of barges comes upriver on the Mississippi through lock and Dam No. 16 at Muscatine, Iowa. Below is a floating tie-off in the wall of a lock at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River near Portland. The device allows a vessel to stay firmly tethered to the wall even as the water level rises or falls. r- - " 
Channel markers at Gulfport, Mississippi, provide guid- ance to mariners and a perch for herons. According to the rule "red right return i ng," it appears we are not returning. .. nautical nlarkers rely on conlbinations of color, shape, and lights to convey lneaning. Sonletimes sounds get into the act too. Rules of the road are a bit more complicated at ea because the road itself is invis- ible. Instead of the sill1ple keep-right rule of the (non-British) highways, lnariners are taught the fornlula "red right returning." When entering a bay or river frOln the sea-or in general when going upstrealn-you keep red signs Llnd lights on your right. The other boundary of th safe channel. on the left, is indicated by green nlark- ers. When you're going downstreanl, of course, you have to remelnber that red right returning means "red left wh en not returning." And to further cOlnplicate ll1atters, it's not always obvious which direction is "returning."The Intracoastal Waterway, for exanlple, runs parallel to the shore so neither direction is clearly upstreauI. There's a special set of signals for just this case-yellow triangles and squares added to the usual red and green signage. It gets even worse if you sail your boat across the pond. All the above rules apply in North and South Anlerica, and in Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, but the rest of the world has adopted exactly the opposite convention: when you are nlotor- ing up the Seine toward Paris, it's "rouge a gauche revenant." Color isn't the only clue to what a channelmarker means. The ll1arkers are also numbered in sequence, much like houses, with odd nUI11bers on the green side and even nunlbers on the red side. SonIe markers have lights (also red and green) that blink in distinctive patterns. Finally, port and starboard buoys are differently shaped: The green ones are cans, which are essentially cylindrical; the red ones are nuns, tapered at both ends to form a double cone. SonIe of the busiest waterways now have trafIic-control facilities I11uch like those of the air-transport industry, with control towers and radars. At Harwich on the English Channel, a ship cannot enter the harbor without advance pernlission fronl the vessel trafIic systenl,just as an airline pilot cannot land at Chicago O'Hare with- out clearance fronl air-tratIic con trol. SinIilar rules govern parts of the Intracoastal Waterway in the United States. Sections of this chanllel on the Gulf Coast sport TV calneras on l11.lsts,just like the ones that monitor expressways at rush hour. 
Lighthouses. Few of us luve \V.lnn-.ll1d-fuzzy fedings .Ibout cont.liner ports or <\upt'rtankt'rs, but when it comes to lighthouses. we go positively gushy. A typic.Il lighthouse is roughly the s.lIne size and '\hapt' .l .1 factory sn10kest.lCk-but you don't find many smokestacks on souvenir postcard\ or calendar art. Lighthouses .Ire seen .IS rOlnantic monuments .md emblems oflaLll identity. A few year') .IgO when the COdSt Guard thre.ltened to alundon the Cape H.lttera'i Light in North C.Irolina to encroaching seas, there was tremendou\ public outcry; t'ventudlly the lighthouse wa moved inland a few hundred y,lrds. The technology is ,mcient, the most [unous example in antiquity being the light- house at Alex,mdria, Egypt, built in the third century l3C The Alexandrid light \VdS on the island of Pharos, .md words derived fi-om this pLlCe name .lre tod,lY the gener- ic terms for .1 lighthouse in French, It.lli.ll1, ,1l1d Spdnish. According to SOl11e reports, the Pharos tower \V.IS more than 4()() feet high (twice ,IS t.lll .1S any modern light). The light itself W,lS ,m open wood tIre \vith a curved tocu\ing lnirror behind it. The Pharos W.IS a 11t',lCon me.ll1t to guide ships crossing the I\1editt'rranean into the lurbor of Alexandria. LIter lighthouse') luve the opposite function, warning sailors .l\V.lY from h.lz.lrdous sho.lls or rocks. Nineteenth-century lighthouse'\ burned LImp oil or .lCetylene g<IS. Modern lights, naturally, are electric. The beacon typically uses a 1.000-watt quartz-halogen light bulh, much like the one in the projector <It your local cinelna. The big innovation in modern lighthouse design is not the bulb that provides the source of illUlnilution hut the lens tlut fi)nns it into a IUlTO\'v bean1 sweeping across the sea. The lens need<\ to he \evera] feet in di,l1neter, and casting or grinding it as a single piece of gl.lss would make it too thick to be practical. The <\olution to this proble111 C.In1e from Augustin-Jedn Fresnel, ,1 French engineer, who <\howed that light could be tanned into a be.un by d elrefully pLIced .Irray of 111311Y '\null rings and prisms of gLN. Fresnellenes the 'iize of <.1 g.Irden gazebo bec.In1e stdndard equiplnent of lighthouses by 1 H50, <l1ld SOlne of the origindl gb,s elell1ents renuin in use today. In response to the public tondne\s for lighthou\es-(md perhap' abo because of their declining ilnportance to n.lVig.ltors in this <lge of radar, sonar, and global posi- tioning satellites-many lighthouses luve been opened to tourists. If you h.Ive the stalnina, you can climb the \pira] 'it,lirGl'\e. Radio Aids. Even the brightest .md t.llle\t lighthouses fade fronl view once you get 1110re than a few miles from '\hore. Thous.ll1ds of miles of featureless ocean lie beyond. How do '\hips find their W.lY? For two or three millennia, the ,mswer was celestial navigation-estinuting your position bv observing the st,lrs, the sun, and the nloon. The invention of radio .1 century .1gO opened up some new po'\sibilities. Ordinary cOl1llnerci.ll radio bro.ldc<.lsts em provide .1 little navigatiOlul hdp. [n principle, you em get .1 ti"\. on your po\ition at <\e.l by 111.lking <1 cro'\s-cOI11p<lri'\on of he.lVY nlet<11 with country-.l11d-wl"stl'rn. All tlut \ needed is ,I radio receiver with 1 directional .1I1tl"nna-one t1ut gives .1 stronger sign.ll when it's pointing towald the The color-coding of nautical markers is totally different in European waters. These red and yellow hazard markers, warning of submerged rocks, are in Sardinia.  -- ....,. ......... 
The Cape Henry light in Virginia marks the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. The black and white pattern is meant to make the tower visible during the day, and distin- guishable from other lighthouses along the coast. The cast-iron structure was put up in 1881. Officially, it is the New Cape Henry light; the old one, from 1791, is still standing, though not lit. tr.lIl\mitter. By twirling the .mtenn.1, you c.m tlnd the comp.lss he.1ring\ of two \t.l- tions whose tr.msmitter<; .Ire .1t known loc.1tions. ()n .1 ch.1rt, dr.1w lines through the site of e.lCh st.Hion oriented .1long the me.1sured directions; wherever the two lines cro...\, th.1t\ \\ here you must be. This schenle works, but it\ crude .md inaccur.lte. A better y"te1l1, Co1lled Lor.m-.lI1 ..bbrevi.1tion tor IOllg-ral1gc 1111 u('.!11t;o11-\\".1 <; invented during World I I. The verSIOn in u\e ince the 19S()" i... Lor.l11-C. A Lor.lI1 receiver doesn °t nle.lsure the direction to .. translnitting ...t.1tion; in\te.1d, it Ine.1sure'\ the ditference in the tinle of arriv.ll between '\ign.ll.., from three or nlore ...t.Hions. I I -- r 1 . III . !II ... - I . I j . 
Think uf two lh:'l)pk '\t.mding .1t the opposite gO.l]pOtS of .1 f()()tb.l11 fIeld .md slowly cLlpping in pertl'ct unison. You .1IT somewhere on the fIeld between them. It cbps fi-om the two ends re.1Ch your e.lrs .1t ex.1Ctly the S.lme instant. then you know you must be on the SO-y.1rd line. If one cbp .Irrives .1he.ld of the other. you .1re er one end. With just t\\'O people doing the rhythmic clapping. you can determine your position only .1]ong .1 single dimension. in this else the length of the field. If.l third person cbps in synchrony fi-om the sidelines. you em .dso estimate your ]oca- tion .110ng the cross-tleld dimensIon. The Lor.m-( system relies on the S.l1ne princi- ple on a much LlI-ger scale. Tr.msmitters '\end out r.H_iio pulses (ana]ogous to clapping hands), and receivers me.1sure the difTerences in time of .lrriv.11. le.lst three trans- mitters .1re in range. the receiver em ellcuLtte its position on the e.lrth's surf..1Ce. There .1re 29 Lor.m-l transmitters in North Amerie1. e.1Ch with .1 range of rough- ly .1 miles. With help fi-om .1 couple of Russi.m '\rations. they cover .111 of the continent and its coast.ll water except f()r the remote north. St.1tions else\\'here cover much of Europe. the l\1ide.lst, .1nd the P.1Cific Rim. The typied loran range of a thouand miles allows the system to re.lch wel] ofT the coastline, but it leave'\ V.1st bLl11ks in the open oceans. The need f()}- navig.ttion ill thoe area" wa.... addressed by .111 .1lten1.1tive set of radio transmitters ellled Omega. The b.lsic ide.1 was the s.l1ne-lne.lsure reLltive time of .1rriv.1] at the receiver-but the sigl1.1ls were .1t lower radio trequencie'\, which carry farther. ()meg.1 covered the globe \\ ith just eight st.ltil)11'\. They were pl.1ced in North] )akota, I L1\v.1ii, Argentina, NOf\\-ay, Liberi.l, Austr.1li.1, Jap.m, .md the French island of Reunion in the Indian ()cean. Uecau....e of the 10\\ tl-equencie .111d long \V.1Vdength, the tran"111itter ....tation" required very tall .111tennas; the tower.... in Liberi.l .md Argentin.l were the tallest struc- tures in Att-ica .md South America, re'\pectively. They became touri....t de"til1.1tion. ()meg.1 W.1S bunched ill 19H3 .md \\-.1'\ a technological '\ucce, but it didn't lat long; in 1 ()()7 the system was shut down perm.mently. rhe North ]).lkot.1 st.1tion \\a in the tiny to\\ n of Ll I\loure. 1 ()() miles 6-om F.11-g0. When I visited, I found .m ()meg.1 I\ 1otel. .m ()mega C.lfe. .111d an ()lnega Ma]l. but no l)meg.1 transmitter. The future of Lor.m-(' is .1]SO in jeop.1rdy. cl1.1llenged by the Glob.l1 Positioning System. or G PS. which relies on orbiting s.ttellites instead of t.1ll-n1.1sted e.1rth st.l- tions. From the user's point of \ iew. the ch.l11ge is equ.1lly revolutiol1.1ry: .m ()meg.1 receiver W.1 .1 bo.ttload of equipment costing thous.mds of dolLus. but .1 G J>5 receiv- er i something you can slip in your pocket when you go emoeing. And yet GJ>S uses the S.mle underlying mech.mism .b the older svstems. E.1Ch of the s.ttellites bro.H.k.lst precisely timed sign.l]s. .md the receiver compares their time of .Irriva] to calcubte the dist.mces to three or four .ltellites, tl1l1 pinning down its OWI1 position on the e.lrth. Ordin.lrih' there .1re 2--1 oper.ltion.l] G PS ".ltellites (p]us .1 few sp.1res), .111 .It .m .1]ti- tude oLlbout 11,f)()() mi]e..... From .lIly point lm the e.lrth \\ ith .1 vie\\ of the ....k v. .1t tlve of the .....lte11ite" "hou]d he in r.mge .1t .111 time. How 11lten:"ting .1frer all the....e ye.lrs \n' h.lve returned to cde"ti.ll n.1\'ig.ltion. hut with .1rtittel.l] st.lrs. This Coast Guard base is 200 miles from the nearest coast in need of guarding, It is one of 29 t'-Jorth American transmitter stations for the Loran-C naviga- tional system. Two of the towers that sUFport the anten- nas are visible. COAST GUARD LOIAN $TATIOH Sl:AltCNJGHT. Nf.VAOrIA.   
-----  . . ..-. . ", - I " "",...... ....". I ' , dlllllllillllllllm 11111111111 III 1111111, 11'11111 · III' I 11111::iilllll"IIIIIIIIIIIIIlllii, - t-1 SYD ty 1 . .. . .  J., . , .. , ... ." .. - ..  , . . - I. - " .. f! , " . - KEEP NEW YORK CITY CLEAN DON'T LITTER - .f"'- _ _ _ I , ) , - ) .. " " . " . . . - . .... \' \ ...." "\p .'i"  - ...J " 
CHAPTER 1 3 WAST ES AND HE STORY TOLD IN THIS BOOK began with the extraction ofra"v materi,lls frolll deep in the earth. We end by closing the cycle, looking at what beC01nes of the leftovers, the wastes, the stutf nobody wants anynlore. More of ten than not, the ulti- nlate fate of these nlaterials is to go back into the earth. It's nlining in reverse. When we enter the world of refuse and waste, we cross over into a lllirror-inlage economy. In the "normal" world, we pay to acquire things; on the other side of the looking glass, we pay to get rid of thenl. Junk isn't nlerely worthless; it has negative value. A chenlical engineer once told l11e clbout a recent il11provel11ent in a lllanu£lc- turing process; by fine-tuning a chenlical synthesis he had increased the yield of a certain COllllllOdity frOln 98 percent to 99 percent. I congratulated hinl, but I couldn't help renlarking that this seelned like a rather slna11 inlprovelnent. "Ah, you nliss the inlportant point," he <;aid. "The alllount of waste goes frOln 2 percent down to 1 per- cent. It's cut in half. We save tremendouslyon disposal costs." RUBBISH English has some fine, forthright words for it: tras", rllbbis", rfllse, ,(?arbagc. For waste professionals, shades of lneaning distinguish these tenllS. Trash is dry stuff Uunk nlail, el11pty cans, ashes, gUln wrappers) and garbage is \vet stutf (nloldy cheese, orange peels, used chewing gUln). l-lefuse is a broader tenn, enc01npassing both wet and dry; it's everything you'd ever put in the trash can or the recycling bin, including grass trinunings and other y,lrd scraps. l-lubbish lneans about the S,llne as refuse, but SOll1e- tinles it also includes debris frolll construction sites, such as broken concrete. These are all fine words, but sanitation workers I've BIet talk about MSWThe ini- tials st,md fi)r IIl1l1liril'tl/ so/id lI'aste. RECYCLING Household refuse collected from the streets of New York City (opposite page) tumbles out of a truck and plops into a barge waiting below. wh en the photo- graph was made, New York's trash was being sent by barge to the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island. The landfill was closed at the end of 2001, and so was the system of truck-to-barge transfer stations. The city' s refuse is now trucked so me hundreds of miles to out- of-state disposal facilities. 
A decendant of the Dempster Dumpster is emptied by a truck equipped with hydraulic lift arms. This mechanism was probably the first successful example of automation in trosh collection, and it remains in common use. , ..- " , .. y .../' . - Ll  lik. .,. . \ \ J ......."'" .. ;-. I , .. ... .. II .... ;i .......... -*.. The Environment,ll Protection Agency (EPA) keeps t,lhs on just ho"v much MSW Americ.1l1s produce, ,1S well ,1S w}1.1t's in it ,md where it goes. The Lttest figures ,1re for 2()() 1. Tot,l} collections that year were just under 230 mi1lion tons, which works out to 4.4 pounds ,1 day for every person in the n,uion. Is that a lot? Is it too much? Are we scandalously w,lsteful people? A throw,1\vay society? The historical context is hard to interpret. ()ver the 4() years that the EPA lus been keeping records, the total annu,11 tonn,lge has more than doubied. Although p,lrt of dut increase can be expLtined away as a consequence of popuLltion growth, the per capit,l discard rate h,lS also risen slurply, from .lhout 2.7 pounds a day in 1960 to the 4.4 pounds of 2()() 1. It's interesting to note, however, dut ,111 of the increase in rubbish per person was recorded before 199(); the rate lus been steady since then. And, look- ing f.lrther back, it seeIllS likely that our forebears a century ago \vere even trashier than we are. In the era of wood-burning and coal-burning stoves, ,1shes alone .1mount- ed to 1110re than 3 pounds per person per day, according to some estimates. Collecting lt. In many cities the agency clurged with co11ecting rubbish is cl11ed the Department of Sanitation, a name that takes us b,tck into the nineteenth century. Wh en I looked into the history of these departments in a few cities, I W,lS surprised to learn that emptying trash bins was not given llluch emphasis in the early d,lYS. Instead, the principal task of sanit,ttion workers was cleaning the streets. Of course, this task still needs to be done, and most cities have specialized eqllipment for it- sweep er trucks with rotating brushes and water sprays-but street clean ing no longel' Claill1S a big slure of the sanit,ttion budget and labor force. I wondered why it was so much more important in those days, ,md then I caught on: in the nineteenth centu- ry, street clean ing il'as trash co11ection. No one put the rubbish out ne.ltly packaged in .1 hlack plastic bag closed with ,1 twist-tie or a bright yellow dr.lwstring. There were no 40-ga11on roll-out bins. Much of a city's retuse \Vound up Jirectly in the gutter, .lnd so that's where it h,ld to be collected. And it wasn't just househokl waste and lit- ter that needed sweeping up. New York City h,H.i nlore than 100,000 horses in 19()(), each producing 2() pounds of manure per day. S,1l1itation workers who cleaned the streets circa 1900 were equipped with a cart, a can, and a broom. Working conditions have improved since then, or at least the tools have. The key innovation was the compactor truck, invented in the late 1930s and widely adopted by the 1950<;. The classic version h,15 a lo\v, round-bottOll1ed hopper at the rear, where workers toss' b,lgs or dump cms. When the hopper is fu11, a steel blade driven by hydr,1l1lic fams decends fronl overhead in a scooping motion and stuffs the trash up into the body of the tfuck, sqlleezing it down to less than half its original volume. I have had .ln opportunity to spend a morning working alongside the crew of a compactor truck, and I must confess I was awestruck by its power. Seeing bags of ordinary houo;ehold refuse disappear into the nuw of the 111achine was ill1pressive but not surprising; I could not ren1.1in so bLtsé, however, when we heaved a three- 
F..  \. "'" " , , '.  J ?; , .', :1:.',' .":,"' ".;j..", .."';":- - :. :"' . :."4 L  I , . -;- ":;--...  " J oTb", ..c a t:TAY'BAl. b ' f.  '...._ - 50Ft. ,\ --- -..,.. -. --- t.. . ;. ;::é: "i. .,. - ..t-  .'  - ---. ..;..... ... I:, .. " , ;.,; "  'r . '-., . . 1.- I - . . M , "' , I , , .. - :\ .  _--I \ " .: \... \ lj , '- cuhion, blue velour SOf.1 into the hopper, and the cOlupactor swallowed it whole without so 11ll1ch as a burp or a hiccup. Hydraulics help to 1llll0Jd the truck as well as lo ad it. The entire rear sction of the body, including the hopper, the cOlnpacting blade, and the ]nech.1nisl11 that drives it, swivels upward and out of the way like the rear door of a hatchback car. Then another hydraulic ranl pushes the load of refuse out of the bin. The introduction of the cOlnpactor 1113de a big ditTerence in trash collecting. A truck without thi device would fillup quickly and sp end nmch of the day shuttling back and forth to the unloading site. A cOl11pactor that can squeeze the trash down to half its original voll1l11e also cuts the number of trips in half. In recent years, collector trucks have seen a number of further experiments and innovations, nl0stly directed to improving worker productivity. (Or. to look at it from the other side, mostly aimed at queezing more tons per hour out of each worker.) The traditional collecting crew consists of a driver (who does nothing else) and two loaders (who can ride standing on s]l1all platforJns at the rear of the truck, but who in practice walk nl0t of the route since they are busy lifting bags or cans into the hopper). One approach to redllCing the size of the crew is the "standup truck," designed to be driven from a standing posture so the driver L111 get in and out f.1st enough to help with loading. If the driver is to h,lVe loading du ties. it ,11so helps to redesign the truck so that the lo,1ding hopper is at the side,just behind the cab, rather than in the rear. Another strategy i to replace ordinary cans or b.1gs with standardized roll-out carts dut ,1re hoisted into the hopper by a hydr,1l1lic lift. The benefit in this cae is not just productivity hut also lower risk of in jury. The ulti1l1,lte in garh,lge ,H1t01l1,l- ,," A hydraulic lift on the back of a compactor truck dumps the contents of a 96-gallon roll-out cart, designed explicitly for this system of collection. The trash being collected in this photograph is the author' s own, 
On the tipping floor of the Tinker Creek Transfer Station in Roanoke, Virginia (right), locel collection trucks dis- gorge their loods; th en the rubbish is pushed through an opening in the concrete floor into rail cars waiting below. Tampers compact the trash. Before the rail cars are hauled the 30 miles to the county landfill, they are fitted with lids (be/ow). II _ 1, or:'"o ", ' mi :':\ ri 1111 I "- Ir.'"" ;5 .. \ , , I  . Jl .. . .. 1 ti... ". "  '\ . - " \ , . "'....  - ,1., " . - .... ..... ..... .'  ..-..4 .. .. 1 . -... , "" .. -.. -1', .. -- \  - .? , 4. , t g':. " I " I'" ::' ...\. I JJ' ,J.  \ . -..:.. ,.. . I _ '  . oe ,  .q-" " ..  -- '--<2::.:-?: _ .:-  i ..- ,..... II \ S".. .. tion is a truck equipped with a robotic ann that reaches out to the curb to elnpty specially designed carts; a driver alone can thus handle an entire route without ever leaving the cab of the truck. This sounds like a futuristic vision-and attelnpts to Inake it work for residential collections are still at the experinlental stage-but there is a well-established precedent going back to the 1 <;5Us called the Delnpster DUInpster. SOIne of the large steel trash bins used by cOlnnlercial buiidings are elnp- tied by a truck that lifts the bin high overhead and upends it. Transfer Stations. The logistics of trash collection get nlore cOlnplicated when the ultilnate destination of the trash is nlore than a few nliles away. lJriving farther to unload obviously leaves less tilne for loading. This is the rationale for building refuse transfer stations. which have beconle very con1nlon in the past decade or two. as Inore of our trash is hauled to outlying disposal sites. At first glance, the idea of a transfer station seenlS inefficient, or even futile. What good does it do to transfer trash from one truck to another if th,lt second truck is just going to have to drive to the sanle remote disposal site anyway? But the second truck can be nlUch larger because it doesn't have to Inaneuver through city streets to nlake collections. Furthennore, the long-haul truck has only a driver, not a crew of loaders. And sOlnetinles the second truck is actually a rail car or a barge. A transfer station usually has two levels. The collection trucks drive to the upper level, called the tipping floor. where they dump their loads on a concrete deck. Meanwhile, the long-haul trailers line up below a slot or chute in the tipping floor. Bulldozers or front-end loaders push the trash into the slot, where it £l11s into the waiting trailers. Crane-like hydraulic arms pound the trash to con1pact it. 
At the R_oanoke Area Resource Authority in western Virginia, the landfilJ is about 30 11liles from the city-not an extreme distance by any ll1eans, but compactor trucks would spend 45 minutes each way driving out there. The city found it advantageous to build a down town transfer station, where the trash is loaded into rail cars for the trip to the landfill. The cars are specially designed for hauling trash, with tall bodies to increae the volunIe and removable lids so they can be loaded frOln overhead. At the unloading station, they are turned upside down by a giant rotary table. The tipping floor of a transfer station is achallenging enVirOl1l11ent. Noise and du st ll1ake an immediate ilnpression-both 11lade 111ore intense because the space is enclosed. The fine gray dust billows up frOln the floor as each load spilIs out of a truck; SOllle transfer stations have a nlisting system to help suppress it. As for the noise, the nlost insistent and annoying sound is the constant beeping of trucks and other vehicles as they back up. Also, when a collection truck is elllptied, some of the drivers bang the hydraulic ranl the way you would pound on a can to shake the last bits out. The falIing garbage nlakes only squishy, well-cushioned noises. The space is enclosed to keep birds, rodents, and insects out, and to keep sluells in. Since transfer station are usually close to town, these are likely to be nonnegotiable delllands of the neighbors. BURYING IT Don't call it a dun1p, or you'll get a stern lecture on the distinguishing traits of the n10dern sanitary landfill. In a nutshell, a dUlllp leaves garbage exposed to the weath- er and to scavengers. At a landfilI. each day's deposits are covered with a layer of oi1. GARBOLOGY William Rathje and his students at the University of Arizona in Tucson know more than anyone else about America's garbage. They learn it the hard way: by sorting through the contents of trosh cans, and listing what they find, piece by piece. They have also drilled and dug into landfills to see what happens to the garbage after it' s buried. (The answer, usually, is not much. aften they can still read newspapers buried 20 or 30 years ago.) Rathje is an archaeologist, and he applies to landfills and to fresh garbage the systematic techniques that would be used in excavating an ancient city or burial site. Most of the garbage sorting is do ne by students at the uni- versity. They have a secret for making the work a little less daunting than it might other- wise be: they free ze the garbage before they pick through it, and they work fast so it doesn't thaw before they finish. What the Garbage Project finds in the trosh is not at all what most people expect. They once asked a group to guess how much of the tra sh in a landfill would be made up of fast- food wrappers, disposable diapers, and Styrofoam cups. People estimated that these three kinds of things together would amount to at least two-thirds of the landfill contents. Actually, they make up only about 3 percent, so even if we got rid of all of them, it wouldn't make much difference in how fast landfills fill up. What takes up most of the space in land- fills is paper (especially newspapers), gross clippings and other yard waste, and construc- tion debris, such as concrete and lumber from buiidings being torn down. The Garbage Project also reports some stronger results. For example, after Halloween they find lots of candy wroppers in the trash, but not much candy. After Valentine's Day people throw away the candy too. 
T rash deposited in a landfill is dumped in a small, slop' ing reg ion called the active face. Aday's worth of fresh refuse is spread over the face of the slope, compacted, and finally covered with soil, to form the substrate for the next day' s active face. The load about to be dumped in this photograph is at Fresh Kills in 1997.  ... --- -... -  -7- ...r .. . f ""  . '\.. -  "jo <, - .""" . . ,; - - ; --..-  I' . -,   . --.s: v-  Q:I -r I .l- f -. II , ., I ..... --- ,. . . " -y. 'L .... ':4 ... --.... ': .4. ,- -..:-  -   ...... . ".......  - .. ..:... ' ...."  "' . "..... .. . '....... !r-. . ... . ........-..'" .,  ......":;,.. "'- ,. . . '.......,- . ..._,. ...... '....-.... - ''1-'''' . ___ ... ,' '.'.. .... '" ., _ L. :-....... - - '. '. Jo .. H .... . · - .. ...... - '. .  . .......  ,. . " . .... . .., .... ...i _  . :.  . .. -- ,,)! ,. . . .-'..:.' . .... " _.  . . .. 0(' t:'" _4.-,' . . j . ...; ';' -. ... ...'9' ::....._ .. ___: . · ... ).:....,..  . . I I ,_ t...\.. .J . "'....M. "". " Aft.... .  ,..: .;'. , ...-. h' . "-....'1't.:;.; .- . ,i . .. . .' . tt  't_ .. _.. 0\' 7  . . ï..... .  . '':  . -l' ,... --.. Al'  ..,.. . - - ..... . .... . '.'.  - .' .. .... -  - '-1 .. I )umps .lre ancient, even prehistoric, but the sanitary landttIl is a modern idea, apparently unknown betore the twentieth century. Exactly where .md by whonl it W.1S invented is a slightly contentious issue. So me t:lctions daim .1 13ritish origin in the 1920s, but M.u-tin V Melosi, in a history of urb.l11 waste disposaL .lrgues that oper- .ltions much like sanitary Iandfil1s were alre,ldy running in Champ,lign, IIlinois, in 190-1-; in I ).lyton, ()hio, in 1906; and in I ).wenport, lowa, in 191 ó. The term sal/ira,.)' 1(1111(1/1 is attributed to Jean Vincenz, commissioner of public works in Fresno, Colliforniol, in the early 1930s. In any case, the ide.l re,llly cllIght on during World II, wh en the Anny Corps of Engineers adopted the Iandfill as the disposal method for Inilitary bases. By 19-1-5 a hundred American cities Iud landfiIls. In years polst, both land6.11s and dumps of ten had the dual purpose of getting rid of trash and creating something new .lt the s.lIne tilne-namely, land. Rubbish wa lIsed to fiIl in sw.unps and Inarshes, with the intent of leve1ing the sur[1ce and build- ing on the new land. In the New York City areol, for exanlple, most of the land for al1 three major airports-LaGuardia, Kennedy, and Newark-wols cre.lted by landfil1- ing. Those projects "vould not get regulatory olpprovoll today. The typical bndfil1 of recent years begins as a broad, t1olt-bott01ned pit ,lbout 25 feet deep. Excavating this depression has two purpoes: it increases the c'lpacity of the site and it provides a stockpile of earth for lIse as daily cover when the Iandfil1 begins operating. In an earlier generation, digging the pit was the extent of site, but the process has becOllle much Inore eIabor.lte. All the tilrther steps concern the problem of W.lter dut f:1Ils on the l.mdfill and percolates through the l.1yers of rubbish, pick- 
ing up v.Irious contamin.mts along thc way. The fluid that drips down to the bottom is known as le.lCh.Ite, since it lus le.lChed chemicIIs ft-om the strata above. The night- mare of the landtIll operator is that le.lChate will continue infiltr.Iting the soil belo\\', cont.l111inating groundw.lter .md showing up in the neighbors' wells or the public w.lter supply. The strategy oftmdfill builders now is to contIne and collect leach.Ite. Th.It means se.Iling the bottonI of the pit; it is built like a b.Ithtub, with an il11pervious shell ,:md a drain at the 10\V point. The shell consists of several layers. On the bottom COllles cl thick liner of clay, which resists water penetration. Uut the clay is .Ictllally the second line of ddense; above it is a complete membrane of"geo-textile," a he.lVY waterproof f..1bric or plastic. The te'\:tile comes in rolls 20 feet wide. It is llnfllrled in strips ori- ented vertically down the sides of the pit. Adjacent strips overtIp a few inches and are then either sewn together or joined by sealing (depending 011 the type of " - - .- .,-- .-....,... -- - ¥ - '"" - , -I I"' - ..- r . . . ""'- . , -1. -I.' . .. t;. OJ \ li I, i   " ,..A -c..' --- 64G-001 - .  ALL .,'. -.  . 'i' .  ....- - . ..- :': , I.  . ., _\ r;,,:J .. "'\. ,,. 4 1 .", ,,4 .. :? .Jo- - 4. - ,', '--(' : \ \,. .. . . .. '.. 4 -. . : ,. , : ;l . , , , '. ..  ir. :i "'!!L.,. , ,..-. ,-. . "".... 'f - 't: -- ... -. etd'_ ,.- - . " r- J , " . . '. '1. -..... ....:.! -. .'. - " ''\ " ... · e' ,.... ; , .;;. I . i .. [ :. ;, .,. r- - ; . .. :.- .;.." '\ Of ;... ,'" r- t . "'I -:. :  .) *" . , , .. ... "" .,. !.;..' .... . .'" ... .  . ;;. .- . .... ';, ... ., ... ... .... , . "'" ,-  --.. A Heet of bulldozers driving on toothy steel wheels drove over the day' s lood to compact it ot Fresh Kills. Seogulls were 0 constant presence. ..... 1_' I f ....- III ' .. !  .,. I  .. J...., I :t. ,.. , '.,....... ,. ...... .d ' . '!I. ... 1 - "'" .. -=-- " I lo  . . .. !-1.11, ;.  '::' . :  · J ,.   I ..i, ' TERP.w .5-! '1.'" ...  II: '; r ...1 'i:' t II # . ,   ,- . ........... :-r  ,- . 4. , . "'  ... ,. ... .. -, - .. ... . . ,  . "\...  .:;. " , .. .......  , ., .  £ f.". -, Y. .\ ';a t '0 ..r  '<'I. \.. ",,_' f' . ",,' ," 4  .-- .. .t-" .. .. . - .... ...... . . , "-. ' ..., 
The daily cover of soil was spread over each day's receipts at Fresh Kills, so that the internal structure of the landfill is finely striated, with alternating layers of refuse and soil. Securing an adequate supply of cover soil can be a major challenge of landfill operation.  ,..-  -:;..  ..-........ ft -::.0- ',. II , t . -,......... ".,. -   .Aa  .::. ---=- ,-- ---t ' . -'-'_"", k  _.,.1 - , . -. _"""- ,f  '-, -_ '- !!J".---- I ..  ' ':.:.!' ,... . .- ...  . .', :..;. :".. / "'- . ,   . - .. -or ':'  ,., -...., " _ . -- '''''- .,' ,...." ' ... . .. l1li '.C';  .  "'k ... ,,_... .. ..  .. ,.... ....;.. \ ............. ... .. r" . ..... .J:", ..,.-:',, t'...p" ".':'fo","'I!.....- __ _'... r;::, .' .1>..... ..- -...:. -.  " ,.. 4Ir _ ,. o:'.....,  .... "y .  .... "'. - -.... .  . " . "'-':-' --.  - ....-- . '} -..., "->\ '\r ". -.:.. -=:;'--" ..-  . .  ':  " wr.  -1<_ tIIIiIt..... - _ 1iII1 -ti: . ..:  f' ..... ...  . .:    ..;: ;.. -- .... - - ->, . - ':.. .--..; ." ,.' . .:..- '--.  .. I . 0- ......... ...... .t....;; . -. --':':.... - _.... - .... ., ...", -" .........' . ...... \.-'" . ....  - -.... .,.\' ....... .' ..-. ...... . -' . _:- :. ---:' -. ...., " ,_ '-: "".\ ':-" :;.:- &'\oi"....   .-:"', -- . . - '.. - ' F: - , _ _". -  " t.. fabric). Placing, sealing, and inspecting the geOlnelnbrane is a delicate operation, and workers have to be careful not to rip or puncture it in subsequent construction steps. The nlelllbrane is covered with a few feet of crushed stone and gravel, both to pro- tect the fabric and to create a pernleable zone where the leachate can circulate. Perforated plastic pipes installed with in this layer collect the lelChate and c1rry it to the low point of the structure. There a StUUP pump brings it back to the surface. What becOlnes of the leachate? One possibility is to spray it over the surf.lce of the landfijI so it circulates continuously and keeps the refuse saturated with nl0isture. This strategy encourages biodegradation of the organic cOlllponents in the refuse-in other words, rotting. There is a faction that f.lvors this bio-reactor approach to l.1nd- fill operation, but the EPA recommends keeping the interior oflandfills as dry as pos- sible. Accordingly, the leachate has to go sOlllewhere else. In SOlue cases it can be pumped to an existing sewage-treatlllent plant. Otherwise, the landfill will need a snlall treatnlent plant of its own. As with sewage, the treatment is l11ainly biological, l11eant to digest the organic nlatter dissolved and suspended in the £luid. Uut the treatlllent does not work on le,1Chate heavily contaminated wih old crankcase oil, paint, insecticides, battery acid, and all those other things we are told not to put in the trash. Enforcenlent is probleluatic. Wh en the landfill goes into operation, the refuse is not spread out in a uniform horizontaJ layer over the bottOlu of the pit. Instead, it is fonued into an embanklllent with a steep slope. Trucks drive to the top of the el11bankIuent and dUlUP their load over the edge so it tumbles down the slope. The dumping is confined to a small ,1rea, called the active face, which is typically no n10re than a hundred yards wide even in 
THE HIGH POINT OF THE EASTERN SEABOARD It seemed only fitting that a city of skyscrapers would have a high-rise garbage dump, a mound of refuse touted as the highest point of land on the eastern seaboard and the largest landfill in the world. This was Fresh Kills, on the western shore of Staten Island. Fresh Kills opened in 1948. It was such a success that several landfills and incinerators in other boroughs were closed one by one, until by the 1990s Fresh Kills was receiving all the residential rubbish of the entire city. Staten Island residents did not feel blessed by this dis- tinction, and at a moment of political advan- tage they extracted a promise that Fresh Kills would be shut down by the end of 200 1 To everyone's surprise, the promise was kept. I first visited Fresh Kills in 1997, soon after the plan to close it was announced, and I went back again two years later. A number of pho- tographs made during those visits appear else- where in this chapter. In those days, Fresh Kills was receiving 13,000 tons of rubbish every day, six days a week. Almost all of this material was delivered by barge. Seeing the barges heading down- river doubtless helped perpetuate the belief that New York dumped its garbage at sea. In fact, that practice was outlawed in 1888 and actually stopped, for the most part, in 1934. At the far end of the voyage, a hydraulic crane lifted the rubbish out of the barge, and it was loaded into giant off-road dump trucks, called pay-haulers, for a trip to the top of the hill. The trucks were much like the ore haulers at an open-pit mine, reinforcing the sensation that a landfill is a mine working in reverse. Atop the growing heap, the trucks dumped their loads, which tumbled down the active face and were immediately attacked by bull- dozers, graders, compactors, and other heavy equipment, not to mention sea gulls. At the end of the day the new layer of refuse was sprayed with a deodorant and covered with about a foot of earth. What surprised me most about Fresh Kills was not any aspect of the actual garbage- handling operation, but rather the amount of infrastructure needed to support it. There were garages and maintenance yards for all the varieties of heavy equipment. Refueling trucks circulated throughout the site 24 hours a day to keep the cranes, trucks, and bulldozers run- ning. A stone-crushing plant supplied material for the internal network of roads. The landfill had its own Fire department. At the time of my visits, the tallest of four mounds at Fresh Kills had reached an eleva- tion of about 150 feet. If waste shipments to Staten Island had continued for another 20  years, the hills would have been approaching 500 feet, which was considered the safe limit. It was not to happen. When the closure was announced, I asked a supervisor at Fresh Kills what New York would be doing with its trash in the future. "Oh," he scoffed, clearly not believing that the landfill would really close, "they'll just load it in a rocket and send it to the moon." As far as I can tell, the moon shot has not been given seri- ous consideration, but there was talk at one point of a semisubmersible ship that would ferry the garbage to the Caribbean. The official plan is to compress and "containerize" the rub- bish for easy shipment by rail or sea, sending it wherever it might find a low-cost welcome. A necessary first step is to rebuild the transfer sta- tions that used to send refuse to Staten Island as container-packing stations. But three years after Fresh Kills closed, work on the transfer sta- tions has not yet begun. So all of New York's residential rubbish (the total is down to about 11,000 tons per day) leaves town by truck- some 500,000 trips per year, half of them by tractor-trailers and half by ordinary sanitation collection trucks. The city trash is reloaded at transfer stations in New Jersey and then hauled over the highways to landfills in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Meanwhile, back at Fresh Kills, life is calmer and quieter, but work at the landfill is far from done. First, the mounds must be fitted with a multilayer "cap" structure. Directly above the garbage itself is a porous layer of stones threaded with perforated pipes that carry away gases generated in the decompos- ing organic matter. Another porous layer drains rainwater from the hill. Between these two layers are a series of impervious mem- branes, liners, and clay Fillers meant to keep the gas from percolating upward and water from infiltrating downward. Finally, the whole layer cake is iced with two feet of earth and six inches of topsoil, on which tall grass is growing. (The photograph at left was made in 1999, on the First section of the landfill to be capped and reclaimed.) Eventually, Fresh Kills is to become New York City's largest park. But the key word is eventually. Although some areas can be opened for public use soon, it could be 30 years before the hills are completely stable and ready for skiers. 
A deep storage pit next to the tipping floor at the Covanta Fairfax waste-to-energy plant holds a stockpile of refuse and is also used as a mixing basin. Loads of refuse differ in fuel value (especially because of differ- ences in moisture content). Cranes grappie through the refuse to mix it before loading it into the furnaces.  --r-- ,' i.., , "I .__r . -...... lf.. ' . .... :S _ 'i" I.' " , \   t.1 . ,,::.k> -(k, - -, .;..  . - -"', ... li- <\ Lu-gc Lmdfill. l3ulldozers and other he,lvy vchiclc'\ nc<ncn up the pile <Iround the edges and repe<\tedly drive over the rubbish to cOlllpact <md consolid<\te it. Then at the end of the day they spread the daily cover. The layer of rubbish 111ight be a foot or two thick, the daily cover aliuie less. lf you could cut <\ cross section through a landfill that Iud been operating for some ye<lrS, wlut you would see would be alter- nating stripes at <lIl angle. The <lctive face. as the n<l111e suggests. is a hectic place. The haul trucks, COl11- pactors, <lIld bulldozers wallow through the rubbish like awkward grazing animals. Again, there is the constant bleating of vehicles in reverse ge<ll-. Uut there's sOlllething else as weIl, at least at the landfills rye had a chance to visit: the air is full of sea gulls- soaring, c.lwing, diving, quarreling. People worry about r<lts <md roadIes wh en it comes to garbage, but the nlost visible scavengers <lre birds. Unless you get very close, the rubbish itself is just gray mush in black babTS. You can't recognize individual banana peels or Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes envelopes. Up close, what attracts the eye are those things that glint in the sun or flut- ter in the wind. A few years ago, at one landfill, what I noticed nlost was magnetic recording tape, both the narrow audio kind and the wider ribbons of video tape; it was tangled in all the equipnlent, blowing across the surf..'1ce of the landfill and dec- orating the fen ces like tinsel oll a Christ111as tree. More recently, at another location, I caught sight of the bright, Illulticolor iridescence of a CD. Presulllably, this will becollle more commo. and the tape rarer, <IS the years go by. What about smelI? If it were a wine, I would describe it as fruity, sour, grassy, a lit- tie overripe. Workers teIl nIe that some days are worse than others. but in general what bothers the nose is not stench but dust. BURNING IT The advantages seenl obvious: Take a large heap of ul1tidy and perh<1ps smelly rub- bish and reduce it to a nluch snlaller pile of inert ash. Along the way, produce a quan- tity of heat that can be converted into electric.11 el1ergy. So why <lren't we burning 1110re trash? In 2()() 1 only about 15 percent of the MSW collected was incinerated, and the percentage has been declining. There are two big reasons. First, burning trash isn't as easy as you nlight think; many of the facilitie<; that do it have high operating costs, so that bl1rning turns out to be more expensive, even wh en <;Ollle of the costs are recovered by sales of electricity. Second, incinerators or w<lste-to-energy plants are no Illore welcOllle in nlost neighborhood<; than landfills are. R..esidents worry in partiClllar about what nlight come out of the snlokestack. The Covanta Fairfax f..1cility in Lorton, Virginia, is one of <1 newer generation of waste-to-energy plants, conullissioned in 1990. One end of the plant looks just like .1 transfer station or any other w<\ste f..'1cility: there's a Llrge tipping Hoor where trucks disgorge their loads. The other end is jl1st like <\ convcntiOl1.l1 <;te<l111 power pLlIlt, with 
\ I ""f ..\ ,', "  ..... , " I '" 11 il I - .. - -,.-..  -;......:;.. -, ...  -'.... A - ...,  turbines, generators, and a high-voltage switchyard. lt's where these two reahlls ll1eet in the nliddle that things get cOluplicated. MSW is not a fuel that a power-plant engineer could love. For one thing, it's just toa 1111upy: one batch is all paper and plastic, which burn fiercely, but the next is all wads of wet grass, which will barely slllolder. SOlne cOlnponents are totally non- combustible (ashes and cinders, glass, plaster). To reduce variations in fuel value, the refuse is thoroughly lllied in a huge pit adjacent to the tipping floor. The process relies on the judgInent and experience of a crane operator, who grappIes the fuel out of the hopper and feeds it into the furnace. What about aerosol spray cans, batteries, and other products that carry a "])0 not incinerate" label? In the brge and very rugged furnaces of a waste-to-energy plant, the explosion of such small items is of no consequence. What does cause trou bIe is the occasional autOlllobile engine or large tree stump that can get jamnled in the fur- nace grate. Crane oper,ltors are supposed to spot such artifacts and set thenl aside, but sOluetilues a brge item slips by. (It says sOluething about the volUllle of rubbi.;;h that an autOlllobile engine can escape notice.) At J co,ll-fired power plant, the fuel is blown into the furnJce as a fine powder, which burn much like a gas or an aerosol spray. There's no hope of turning rubbish into such a well-behaved fuel. In EIir£lx the MSW is loaded onto the upper end of a long, sloping grate, which has a lllech,l1lical agitator. The tllel slowly makes its way into the flall1e zone of the funuce, gradlully drying, then igniting and burning for SOlue 45 minutes or an hour before the LIst of it is reduced to ash. V,lri,lbility in the tllel i" unwelcOlne becau<;e it lead to variations in power out- put, hut th,lt 's not the worst of it. To el1sure complete combu<;tiol1 of the W,lste A damshelI grappie drops a lood of refuse at the top of an indine leading into one of the four furnaces at the Fairfax plant. The rubbish -which from this point on can be considered fuel-will slowly be drawn into the furnace, dried, heated, ignited, and eventually reduced to ash. 
The stoker grate furnaces at Fairfax (upper photograph) burn the refuse as it travels down an inclined grate. The sloping feed chute can be seen where it enters the fur- nace at the top of this image. To ensure complete com- bustion, the fuel is mechanically agitated, and air is blown in both over and under the grate. A small glass port offers a view of the flame zone (lower photograph). The turbines and generators of the Covanta Fairfax plant recover 79 megawatts from the heat of burning rubbish. One of two generator units is shown here. The turbines are in the background; the generator is the large blue oblong casing; the smaller device at the near end of the generator is the exciter generator which supplies the magnetic field needed by the generator itself. I 1  :-1--":- --- - ! -...' ------ -- . .  4 1 .. -..... I ....... 4 , .--.  . , I '11 t / f1 stream, the furnace is required to ll1aintain a temperature above 1,(I(ln degrees Fahrenheit. A wet mattress traveling down the grate could soak up enough heat to momentarily depress the temperature below the linlit. Temperatures that drift too high are also a problem. When overheated, the ash can begin to melt, or at least turn gooey, and clog the grate or other parts of the machinery. Aluminum in the fuel caus- es a similar problem even at normal operating temperatures: it melts and needs to be cleaned off the grate. The Fairfax plant has four furnaces, each of which burns 750 tons of refuse per day. This is essentially all of the trash from residents of the surrounding community. From this fuel, the plant generates 7Y megawatts of electricity. An alternative to burning raw MSW is to upgrade it to a slightly enriched fuel called R.DF (Refuse-Derived Fuel). Processing machinery breaks open the garbage bags, then workers at a manual picking station remove noncombustihle and non- shreddable items (including recyclables and especially nletals). What's left goes to a 
 ... I'- I  . , I I-  I " y . , ' .AI "" _!:.  I- ... . lip; \ -  i' III shredder. The chopped-up trash can be much n10re thoroughly mixed, n1aking the burn more unifonn, and the mere LlCt that it's reduced to smaller pieces also helps. But the drawhack is the labor-intensive prelilninary processing. Also, shredding trash is nlore exciting than one nlight wish: with aerosol cans and butane lighters in the lnix, explosions and fires inside the shredder are routine. RECYCLING IT The blue recycling bin out for curbside collection; the neighborhood dropoff point for newspapers, phone books, and cardboard, with sepdrate receptacles for clear, brown, and green glass; the nickel deposit on soda bottles in smne states-these have all becmne falni1i,lr social institutions. We associate theln with the flowering of envi- romnental consciousness that began in the 1970s. But recycling was not invented on Earth Day. The Scrap Trade. Not lnany junkyards are called junkyard dnyn10re. They have renalned thelnselves salvage yards or disll1antlers. Outside Portland, Oregon, I saw one whoe ign advertise "auto recycling." The nature of the buine5 ha changed along with the n:une. The old autml10bile graveyard had acres of rusting hulks th,tt would be kept on the lot tor decades. Customers would buy ,I t,lillight from one car ,111d a door ti-om ,111other. (Jnly after m,1l1Y ye,\rs of thi slow nibbling at the c.\redSS would the skdetol1 be sold .\S ser.\p Pollution-control equipment of a waste-to-energy plant is illustrated by the RESCO facility in Baltimore. Flue gases from the plant's three furnaces pass through scrubbers, which are the tall cylinders mounted on an upper level of the building. The scrubbers treat the gases with lime to neutralize acids. The scrubbed gases then pass on to electrostatic precipitators (the large, white rectangular structures), which remove particulates. 
THE WORST WASTES Ordinary household rubbish, the sort of thing collected once or twice a week at curbside, can be assigned an economic value some- where in the range of -$10 to -$100 a ton. The dollar amounts are what it costs to get rid of the refuse by incineration or burying in a landfill-in other words, it's what you have to pay someone to take the stuff off your hands. The range is wide because these costs vary quite a lot from place to place. (New York City is now paying more than $250 a ton.) As a point of reference, the price of coal is gener- ally around $20 a ton; the price of steel, from $200 to $300 a ton. The worst wastes are hazardous materials that have negative values of much greater magnitude. For routine household hazardous wastes-half-full containers of paint, pesticides, drain cleaners, and so on-the cost of dispos- al could be in the range of $1,000 a ton. Biomedical wastes- known as red-bag wastes-could run as much as $10,000 a ton. And then there are high-level radioactive wastes, whose negative value remains incalcu- lable because at this point there is no one who can dispose of them for you. Landfills remain an option for some haz- ardous wastes, but red-bag wastes are mostly incinerated. Much of the cost of disposal is really a payment for assuming risks and legal liability, but there are also higher direct costs of operating the incineratof. Hazardous-waste incinerators are smaller than those for run-of- the-mill refuse, and they do not rely on the iron. Tod,lY thc turnover r,lte is much f.lster. VIIu,lhIc ,md e,lsily s.1le.1bIe p,lrts are removed right away: r,ldios. gener,ltors. ,lir b,lgS. Those parts go into ,1 w.1rehouse ,md a computerized inventory. The ret of the car is then fbttened or baIed or shredded. and the 111etal is soId back to the mill. What tr,lnsformed the junkyard was a change in the econOll1ics ,md strllctllre of the steel industry. When nlost steel was 111ade from iron ore reduced in the blast fllr- l1aCeS of Pittsburgh and CIeveland, there wasn't much of a l11arket for recycled steel. waste itself to serve as fuel; they are gas-fired burners. The wastes must reach a temperature of at least 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit and remain above that level for a second or two. The challenge to the operator is that the tem- perature is very close to the point where ash begins to soften and form slags that clog the hearth of the furnace. The largest hazardous-waste incinerators are being constructed by the U.s. Army, which has stockpiles of chemical weapons to be destroyed. The first facilities are in Tooele, Utah, and Anniston, Alabama. The most problematic of all wastes are rad- wastes, especially the lef tover radioactive materiaIs from dismantled nuclear weapons and the spent fuel rods from the nation's nuclear power reactors. The ultimate disposal of these materiaIs has been a contentious issue for at least 40 years. Deep burial has been the basic plan since 1956, but the first site select- ed-a salt mine in Kansas-was very quickly shown to be unsuitable. It took another 30 years, until 1987, before the Department of Energy settled on a new site, at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, about a hundred miles from Las Vegas. The facility to be built there was legally obligated to start accepting waste in January 1998. That date came and went. The projected date of opening is now 2010, but many legal and political challenges to the plan are still pending, and it is far from certain that Yucca Mountain will ever become a rad- waste repository. lf an ordinary landfill is an open-pit mine in reverse, then the plan for the Yucca Mountain repository would create a deep underground mine in reverse. It has all the same equipment you'd see at hard-rock mines throughout the surrounding Nevada region-hoists, ventilation shafts, and fans. The difference is that the cav- ern is being excavated so that we can put things in it rather than take them out. The radwastes are hot both in the thermal sense and in the radioactive sense. They pre- sent some unique challenges in waste disposal For example, it's imperative to keep fissionable materiaIs in separated, small parcels, lest they form a critica I mass and start a nuclear chain reaction. And the canisters holding the waste will need to remain intact for 10,000 years or so to prevent contamination of air or water. It's worth noting that few man-made artifacts beyond the simplest stone tools have survived so long. Proponents of the Yucca Mountain plan have endeavored to show that the repository can meet the requirements, and opponents have been diligent in pointing out flaws in the analysis. When it comes to making a decision, however, the question in the background is always, What' s the alternative? The reactor wastes are now stored at more than 100 power-plant sites scattered throughout the coun- try, mostly in "swimming-pool" tanks where they will remain safe only as long as they are submerged in water. The survival of these faciIi- ties for 10,000 years is extremely unlikely. 
I- _ -0!t,I, J li' J, 1'1  j \ I .'ft --- ,  .( -..--  """" r . . ,'j . I \ . . \. I  r=-.. _..  'y. rr lf' '01 "'" '\ 1- . -. ..... -,.. " (" . , " -  .c iii \ ,. ,- . ... \ .;. . 'C', . - . . '\ .. '- ,.,.. ,'" . . "- .C'. .. .t". l3ut for the new steel-lllaking furnaces of the nlininlills, scrap is the prilllary r.lW ingredient. Suddenly it beculle a cOllullodity in dellland, and perhaps the nl0st inlpressive exanlple of a succel\sful recycling progru11 in nl0dern tillles. The technologieal cllallenge of turning an .1l1tomobile back into a raw nl.lterial is not to be taken lightly. You nlight think that the hardest p.lrt would be grinding up the heavy itenl sueh as the engine block, but in fact the nlost troubleOlne problenI is "flutf"-the industry's derisive term for .111 the nonnletallic components of J car, the upholstery, the carpets, the plastic steering wheel, perlIaps even the burled-\valnut dashboard. Years .1gO, hulks of cars were burned to remove the flufT, but pollution- con trol .1l1thorities did not smile on this praetice. The current solution is to sh red the entire car, redltcing it to chunkl\ an inch or two across, and then sort the resulting stre.l111 of mi"ed material. l3efore a Clr goes into the shredder, the dismantler is supposed to renlove .111 flu- ids (gasoline, mt)tor oil, antifreeze, refrigerant from the .lir-conditioner). Of ten the body is eit11er tllttened or squeezed down to a hay bale-size brick for convenience of shipping. Flattening was once done by dropping a he.lVY steel pbte on to the car with a Then hydr.1l11ic tlatteners were introduced: they pressed a beu11 down onto the roof with r.lnlS .lt both ends. Uut now there's a nlJchine that e.lts the car the way a sll.lke swallo\Vs .1 rat: opening the jaws wide and chomping down. crushing it gr.ldu.llly from end to end. Af ter tllttening, .1 dozen or so cars fit on .1 fl.ltbed truck.. l3.11ed cars are even 111ore dense .md comp.lCt. Hydraulic rams press in from three directions. ( rhe s.t1l1e m.lchines .lre .llso used for recycled p.lper.) The tIrst successful hredders tor JutOl11obilel\ were built in the bte I 95()s. The heJrt of the hredder is a 11.1nll11er nIill. The 11.lnullers .lre bell-I\h.lped pendulUllls Composting-the recycling of organic materials such as lawn clippings-can be done on a municipal scale. Here a specialized vehicle called a scarab (named for the dung-burying beetle) turns a row of compost at a Staten Island facility. 
The car was once somebody' s pride and joy, but now it' s a pancaked hulk, ready to be recycled, treated with- out ceremony by a grappling crane. The auto recycling operation is at Atlantic Scrap and Processing in Kernersville, North Carolina. nlo11nted on a sluft driven by d hllge Inotor (typic.llly 1,l)OO horse power). As the rotor turns at 500 or 600 revolutions per minute, the hammers clang ag<llnst a sta- tionary breaker bar, or anvil, battering into small pieces anything that gets in their way. All this lllechanized lllayhem happens inside a protective steel housing with walls as llluch as four inches thick. Whole £latten ed auton10biles are fed into the 11Iaw of the shredder, and they COllle out as popcorn-size lunlps. This includes the engine, translnission, drive train, axle, frame, and springs. Shredding is the brute-force step in autOlllobile recycling; the rest of the process calls for more subtlety and ingenuity. The ainl is to so rt all the materials that went into buil di ng the car into separate streanlS for recycling. The steel is easier to isolate than other nletals because it is strongly nlagnetic. The nonmetallic £luff is also rela- tively easy to separate, because it is light; a blast of air will renlove n10st of the fluff while leaving the n1etal be hind. Separating llletals such as copper, zinc, and alUlllinUlll is n10re difficult. Tires. If autOll1obiles and steel are the poster children of nlodern recycling, then tires dl1d rubber are the problcm children. R.oughly 250 Illillion new tires a year are sold in the United States, which 111eanS that 250 n1illion old ones need to go sOl1lewhere.Yet nIore than half the states ban tires from landfills while offering no alternative dispos- dl or recycling options. As a resuIt, vast l1Ulnbers of worn-out tires-perhaps as 111any as a bill ion-are nlarooned in illegal dumps. These towering heaps regularly beconle the sites of spectacular fires. -.....- ,I { . \ , .' .' .... \ I ( I, , \ '""'" f  I . .. .... '1 - I 111-. '---. ""   --- \:l.. " ., I . -- - -... '\ ": ,\.- . . ,- I " ... -   ".. . .. ,  .. . - " " ""'I , . 
".fJ  \ .. 1 " I 1 -;;y::.- -. e. 0, , ( "  .. r-.. .  J) , \.' / I - II m I ' RII.. u. \. . \' \ . r-' . L "I\t"_' I The tires are not without uses. As a fueL they have a heat value slightly better than that of coal, with less sulfur. L30th whole tires .md shredded ones have been used to fire cel11ent kilns. Household Recycling. Thirty percent of the MSW collected, according to the EPA, is diverted fi-0111 the waste streanl by recycling. [n tenllS of the 4.4 pounds of waste per peron per day, that's 1.3 pounds that doesn't go to the landfill or the incinera- tor. Breaking it down further, n.3 pound consists of y.lrd tril1ullings and other org.\ll- ic wates that are C0111posted and subsequently reused as n1l1lch; the renuining 1 pound is refue that's succesfully recycled. Most of this consists of collections 6'-0111 curbside or dropoff recycling progranls for newsp.lpers and cardboard. gLISS and plas- tic bottles, dnd alUl11inUl11 can. Recycling is dn infonnation-intensive process. The v.llue added by inforl1ution is illustrated nlost clearly in the ca'\e of glass for making bever.lge bottles. The bulk r.lW nlaterial, consisting of broken glas, is called cullet. It is clasified in three color Cdte- gories: clear, green, dnJ brown. Mixed cullet, cont.lining .111 three ('olor, is essential- ly worthless; glassl1ukers lldve no use for it. But exactly the '\dl1le nldterial, eparated into three separ.lte bins. is a .lle.lble commodity-it can be useJ to nuke new 110t- ties. In other words, the v.llue lies not just in the n1.1teri.l1 ite1t but in the knowledge or intorl11.ltion goes into keeping it sorted bv color. An automobile at the end of its life slides into the jaws of the shredder at Atlantic Scrap, to be reduced to metallic confetti in a matter of seconds. The hammer mill at the heart of the shredder is inside the heavy steel housing flanked by yellow-painted stairways. The apparatus just above the mill is a feed roll that forces the scrap into the mill. Metal fragments emerge on the conveyor belt at the bottom of the mill; the large- diameter pipe carries the "fluff" on a current of air. The principal product of the shredding operation is steel scrap, which tumbles off the end of a conveyor belt after various other metals have been separated from it. ....,. , ,. . \ , .. ".. ....  -.- ."" .... ' - !- . '.. . ....I  ",. ,. .. :r , - -. 
Corrugated cardboard is loaded into a baling machine for recycling at Asheville Waste Paper Co in North Carolina. The value of glass for recycling depends critically on keeping it sorted according to color. In the photograph at right, brown, green, and clear glass bottles are stockpiled at Asheville Waste Paper. Close examination shows that the separation by color is not perfect. On the opposite page, various recycled commodities are baled for shipping: three kinds of plastic bottles, steel cans, egg cartons, mixed paper, cardboard cartons. '" I I t I I "- -O r -- ':" 11 .q . ".' . ..... .. , \ . .. , ;'..' I -, \. ". . , 5 - - - J -- ";::--- ""t.. The Sl111e principle <1pplies 11l0re broadly to recycling as a whole. The key step that COllVerts a waste strealll of zero or negative value into a commodity with positive value is '\eparation, classification, u1ll11ixing. A physicist would describe it as redllCillg the entropy, or disorder, of the waste streml. The separation can be done at m::my different points in the handling of the n1.1te- riaIs. At one extrel11e, the responsibility to classify discll-ds is put entirely in the hands of the individu al conSUl11er. This approach has been tried in some dropoff recycling centers, which provide separate receptlCles for various kinds of paper, pLlstic. glass. steel, aluminU111, and other materi.lls. The other extreme allows .111 solid W.lstes to be collected in .1 nlixed streanl, .lnd then relies on postprocessing to extract recyclabie materi.lls.ln recent ye.lrs no programs of this kind luve been attempted in the United States, but in SOI11e parts of the world. conmnmities support thenlselves by clVeng- ing salelble materials fr01ll rubbish dumps. Of course there are l11any possible l11id- dIe courses between the two e"\':treme policies. . #'" ,". ,.. 1 ...-..... ..,... - . "" -., f_..a,' -c ... '.'. ' ,,,, ---. (. . " . .j..  I -, . - - . \:  :' i " . "' '. . ,.- , - . .,., . - . . ..'- ) .. ". .i ... r- _ ., ....: á . .... ,... ., "',., " . ." , ,. '" " 'f \. - " r ..     t. 0, ..... "" " ., -I . I' .... , I' . i" . - ...... '- " \:'\ """'1"' - .. ;- , _ r. \ ,. ill " . . , .. -- . . ...,. 
Most of the blue bin curbside recycling programs t,lke an intermedi,lte ,lppro,lCh to sOl-ting. The consumer is expected to separ,lte recycLtbles tl-om trash, ,md in some c.lses to do ,I litde pre1imin,lry cLtssifie1tion, such ,IS sep,lrating p,lper tI"om botdes, but the bulk of the sorting is done ,It ,I centr,ll nl.lteri,IIs recovery t:lCility, or MRF (pro- d " f H ) nounce nnlr . The ,lUtomated classification of recyclables remains a fond dream ,It MRFs today sorting is a hands-on, labor-intensive process. Typically there is ,1 tipping floor, where 10,Hh ,Ire dumped and given ,I pre1imin,lry inspection; then a conveyor system spreads out the m,lterials and elnies thenl ,Ilong a sorting table, where they are cbssitled by the skilled hands and eyes of worker who can instandy teIl the ditTerence between an HDPE botde and ,I PTE one. NIMBY, BANANA, AND NOPE There is a widespre,ld sense th,lt w,lste dispos,11 is one of the pressing problems of modern times, dut we risk going down in history ,IS the civiliz,ltion th,lt was buried by its own w,lste. No one could re,lsOJl.lbly argue dut we are liremIl}' running out of room for g,lrbage; even in the nlost dense1y populated states, landfills have never occupied ,IS llluch ,IS one-tenth of 1 percent of the ,lre,1. Still, ,IS ,I pr,lcticallllat- ter, there's no question th,lt finding a place to put a new landfill or ,I rubbish burn- er, and getting the ,Ipproval to build it, h,1S becOllle fiercely ditlicult and contentious. Waste-dispos.11 f..ïcilities of all kinds-landfills, incinerators, even transfer stations- are sure bets for generating the NIM13Y response: 1I0t ill IIlY belckyard. In its nlost cyni- cal form, NIM13Y is the attitude of citizens who acknowledge the need for a f.ïcility, sOJllewhere, but who oppoe a plan for building it Silllply because the selected site is too close to their own property. Uut opposition to landfills and many other kinds of development goes weIl beyond cynical NIMUY. The new catch pluase for this phe- nomen on is L3ANANA: lmild absollltcly 1I0thillg 1111ywhere lIeLl,. 11l1ybody. Or else it's NOPE: 1I0t 011 pleIlIer carth. For lllany of those abnlled ,Ibout the disposable society, the motives are not self- interest and property v,llues the deb,lte is ,Ibout at1luence, nl.lterialism, sust,lill.lbility, culture, lifestyle. To reduce waste, they are prep,lred to reduce consl1l11ption. This is a crucial test. In the long run, ,I society's inputs and outputs are necess,lrily in equilibrium. If you go on acquiring new stufT ,md never throw mything away, then eventu,llIy the clos- ets and cupbo,uds will be stufTed so tight dut you can't ,Hld even one more item. Conversely, ,md even more obviously, if you keep throwing things ,IW,IY ,md never replace them, then at some point there's nothing left. Neither W,IY of life can be m,lintained indefinite1y. Like it or not, over some Jrchaeologic.ll period, our w,lste will b,l1.Ince our ,Icquisitions. We 'Il put b,lCk into the e,lrth ex,lCdy ,IS much ,IS we t,lke out: dust to dust. ,Ishes to ,lshes. , , .....   <  ,. - l "' I ,  ' . 'IG"'1t I,  .., r "  , ",,\ / J :--- d' .f .   , .' ., ,i \' , ! ,I ,. o ,ilt I ,."". , 1 \ ,.. , -" -... / " "',' ,; . "', " , :,"  \ .  ,--  I i  \ Ju -'- .....  -....::-';;..  , / lE=> .... ....' -...... .. "\- , , . . ' \...  ,.)..- f;'" ....../ jil _ ;-- -'--/ '"'1 .....- "" .... _:.. ' :p -1. J. ...,  I. , . f  (", ..  "..\' .- "'1 " ::   .. ,/ - Jf\  f V\)( , ,  rfj f' ,L"  f T"+'- I "'\' )ft \, f. ... q 1 '1.1 ),', ".t.,. , ' , . 4..y\ .. . r 0 . . . .. 'J ,.) {/I"A' \ 0 ,,,, ':\ , (  ' .. \ ',', 1.1 \,." I.  1, I" . \ l\tE'" " '('\.-"' J-.. ... \ "\'i" ,  , .\ Ir"'1; ,.  "J'  '1 ).   1'" '" \: ,.j I ''i, \..It." 'i . - r. t; t..' 'II :\ -r:l t 1 :IJ/:' ),-", !\;I:..) ,,:j j,l %" ...J "\._""<I\ sk-.\.t.. !..., vr--- .\, .....ho \. -"--   \ f, , . ;.. .\\ i t \.  I \ 'I \ t I \ \... 
- -.....---- -- .....q  I . . . " .. ..  ., '1. '(. . . 1 OUJ T -- 
AFTERWORD THE POSTINDUSTRIAL FE WYE ARS AG 0 I had an epiphany in a parking lot. J was visit- ing a railroad yard where freight cars are sorted according to their destinations and asselllbled into trains. It was a big place, a hub of the national rail network, and when I drove through the gate, I wasn't surprised to £ind a parking lot with space for 200 cars. But the lot was empty except for a dozen cars huddled near the entrance to the main building. The superintendent who was showing me around soon explained. At one time, the yard employed a large nunlber of brakeInen, who rode along on each of the freight cars to control their speed during the sorting process. But the role of the brakemen has been taken over by nlechanical "retarders" installed in the track and operated by conlputer control. In the old days there was also a large room filled with clerks, who handled the paperwork that accOlllpanied every freight car on its jour- ney across the country. But the routing of cars is now acconlplished by electronic comnlunication fronl one cOlnputer to another, and so the sorting yard is paperless and clerkless. The roonl where the clerks had their desks is as enlpty as the parking lot. What struck nIe that 11l0rning was just how lonely a place the industriallandscape has beconle. It's not just railroad freight yards; I found the sanle haunting depopula- tion al most everywhere I looked. On the docks of a cargo port, gangs of longshore- men used to swarnl over a ship to load or unload it; now nlost of the work is done by one artful crane operator, perched high overhead, lifting 60,OOO-pound contain- ers at the rate of two a nlinute. Where nliners used to toil underground, drilling and blasting, the earth is now ripped open by gargantuan shovels and draglines; these nlachines, too, are controlled by one worker in a high glass booth. Telephone switch- ing centers, once filled with the voices of hundreds of operators, are silent, dark, and deserted. On the high pIains of Kansas, a solitary fanller in .l tractor plows and plants a thousand acres ofland. At an oil refinery, the rows of tall distilling towers and chem- ical reactors give the place the look of a city of skyscrapers, but it is a vacant city, LANDSCAPE An unwritten rule of urban development says: Always celebrate what' s no longer there. In the Inner Harbor area of Baltimore, what' s no longer there is a neigh- borhood of wharves, warehouses, and heavy industry. One end of the harbor is dominated by the brick buiId- ing in the photograph on the opposite page. In case the carefully preserved smokestacks on the roof are not a sufficient due, the owners have put up a helpful sign identifying the building's former function: Power Plant. The other sign, the guitar attached to one of the smoke- staeks, advertises the new function: Hard Rock Café. 
Where the Homestead mill of United States Steelonee stood on the banks of the Monongahela River in Pittsburgh, a dozen briek smokestaeks were left as orna- ments to the shopping mali that now oeeupies the site. with no one on the stI-eet'\; every th ing is w,\tched over by a tew engineers ,md tech- nici,ms inside ,\ windowless con trol room. Fifty ye,\rs ago. "autonution .. w,\s a nutter of consider,\ble public interest. ,\ sub- ject tor academic white p,\pers. newsp,\per editori.1ls. and congressiOlul he,lring<;. The prospect of replacing hunun labor with machines seenled both attractive ,1Ild for- bidding ,H the sanle tinle. According to one (lCtion. autonlation would liberate us ,\11 from drudgery. giving us the time and econ01llic fi-eedonl to cultiv.lte higher cal1ings; we would be a society of poets and scholar:'l at leisure. The other ,i de asked: If our jobs are taken by sleepIess nuchines, how slu11 \ve live? At the tillle when these conl- peting visions of the future were being debated. nlost people prob,lbly believed nei- th er of thenl. The idea that automation might either displace or liberate sonle l.lrge fraction of the work torce was one of th use fantasies that \vould ,llways remain just beyond the horizon, lik.e the nuclear-powered tlying automobile. Wh ether it W,lS a threat or ,1 promise. autonution was for the future. not the present. Uut now automa- tion is here, even though the word itself is seldom spoken anymore. M,lChines have insinuated themselves into our lives in W,lYS dut the tt1turists of the 1950s couki not h,lVt' anticipated, and as aresult whole c.ltegories of jobs have al1 but disappe,ued. Elev,Hor operators, typesetters, ,md airpLme n,lVigators have followed milkmaids ,md 1amplighters into oblivion. The social ,1Ild economic consequences of these developments are not yet ful1y under'\tood. So (lr, autonution has not made us a nation of poets and '\chol.1rs. So far, anllies of the dispossessed ,1Ild unemployed are not roaming the streets. I wouki not attempt to predict how the illlportant questions of work, livelihood, ,md incomt' .-. c' . 0. _t.; :..:. u. . . . .... 
r-- I r I r- t r: r I r- r: . r r   r r; .,. .ei - . "  .. - - - - -- . l ,'-. distribution will ultinutely be settled. Dut ] do feel I can say something .lbout the effect of all these change on public perceptions of the industrial landscape. Now that so few of us spend our ddily working lives in agriculture, mmutlCturing, and tending the in<.hlstrial infrastructure, those occupation have begun to eem more exotic .Ind specialized, and the locales where they are practiced are more alien and lUYS- terious. In a sense, that's what makes a book like this one possible. When most of us were out there getting our hands dirty in the industrial landscape-mining coal, nlaking steel, growing crops, lo.lding ships-,l field guide to that landscape was hardly needed. We were producers as well as consumers of industrial goods, ,md so \ve knew ome- thing .Ibout where the raw materi,lls of life came trOln. Now, we spend our working d.lYs in offices, and we never see the in<;ide of a mine, a mill, a tlCtory, d power pLmt. The f:lcilities that support our W,IY of life hdve become invisible. Your home is prob,l- bly connected to an electric-power subst,ltion, a telephone switching oflice, d water 6.1- tration plant, a sewage treatment pLUlt, and a natural-gas distribution depot. Have you ever been inside any of those tlCilities? 1)0 you know where they are in your com- munity or what they look like, even from the outside? H,1Ving lo<;t contact with indu<;try on a day-to-day b,ISis, one common response is to ronunticize or sentiInent.llize wh.1t we luve lett behind. We don't want to tear down the old water-powered Illills along New England's rivers, where generation of factory \Vorker n1.l-produced shoes dnd textiles instead we turn them lllto restaurants or shops where we buy expen-;ive cratt good, l1ude by hand. The brickfront w.lrehouses and tlCtoril'-; of urh,m industri,ll districts hecome .lrtists' lofts or condominium ,lP,lrt- In Akron, Ohio, the storage silos of the Quaker Oats grain elevator are converted into novelty hotel rooms. 
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the gates and buil ding the fences higher. Their secrecy, naturally, tends to confirnl public suspicion that they n1llst have sonlething to hide. It i a spiral of distrut and anill10sity. This estrangell1ent frOln indutrial enterprise is not going to be reversed anytinle soon. Our children and grandchildren will live in a world where nearly everyone works in an office or a classroom or a retail oudet or sonle other sort of service estab- lishlnent; only a tiny nlinority of workers wilJ be needed to keep factories, milJs, mines, and fanl1s running. Already, nlost of us work more with "bits," the funda- lnental units of infonnation, than with atOll1S, the units of matter. Manufacturing tangible, ponderabIe objects is now secondary to the creation and lnanagenlent of "intellectual property"-words, numbers, data, ilnages, accounts, progranls-infor- 1l1ation in all its lnanifestations. There is sOll1ething of a paradox here. On the one hand, people today deal with machines on a much 1l10re frequent and intinlate basis than earl ier generations did. We pUlnp our own gas; we get cash fronl the ATM instead of frOll1 a bank teller; we check out our own groceries at the supennarket and our own books at the library; we 1l1ake our own airline reservations over the Internet instead of consulting a trav- el agent. But nl0st of us know less and less about how all these nlachines work. We know how to use thenl, but not how to build or fix them. As for the nlore renlote luachinery-the turbines, pmnps, generators, transfornlers, switches, anlplifiers, trans- mitters, and all the rest of the apparatus that keeps an industrial econolny hUl11- ming-all that is quite out of sight. The technological infrastructure is sonleone else's responsibility; we just want the lights and the phones to work when we need thenl. Is this situation something to be worried over? After all. nlost of us will never need to know how to run a nuclear power plant or how to operate a strip-nlining dragline. Vet there is sonlething sad about a society in which large nunlbers of peo- ple don't understand the basic substrate of their own world. [n the case of the nat- ural world, everyone ought to have at least a rudimentary grasp of the laws of physics and those ofbiology, such as Darwin's principle of evolution by natural selection. The sallle ill1perative applies to the world of technology. Without a sense of how materi- als and energy flow through an industrial eCOn0111Y, you n1Ïss something basic about the world you live in. And cutting people off frOln the indutrial infrastructure has practical conse- quences. too. SOOller or later, decisions about the direction of il1lportant technolo- gies have to be nude by a de1110cratic process. People who have never seen a power plant, who know nothing of how it works, who have never nlet anyone who works there, are poorly equipped to judge the relative nlerits of nuclear and coal-fired tech- nologies. or to seek alternatives that might allow us to dispense with both. To nlake good decisions about such issues. citizens need to get better acquainted with the technological underpinnings of their own conlll1unities. To alJow that to happen, those who own and operate the various element of the infrastructure will have to open up the gates and invite the people in. 
- Before and after: The image above is an unaltered and unadjusted scan of a photograph of the Ravenswood power plant, made August 24, 1997. The image at right is the corrected and adjusted version of the same photograph; it also appears on page 199. The changes made include slight adjustments to color and contrast; in addition, the geometry has been altered somewhat. In the original image the smokestacks and the walls of the building seem to lean inward; in the final version, this apparent tilt has been removed. -- 'I II ',,11111 r I. I.  . -f'L ............... &.  .... I , ;, I , . ".". . I , I I Iv;_,T w. .. 
A NOTE ON THE aST OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS in this book were made by the author between 1992 and 2()()4. (Photos nlade by others are identified in the captions.) In SOlne cases the photography was done with the pennission and assistance of the ov;ners of the site being photographed. In those cases, a representative of the con1- pany was usually standing beside lne as the photograph was n1ade. Thus, the conlpa- ny had Olne control over what I could and couldn't ee, although in practice those cOlnpanies that allowed n1e to photograph their operations put few constraints on n1Y n10ve111ents. (Many other cOlnpanies refused to allow n1e access at all.) The nlajority of the photographs were nlade without invitation or authorization, by searching out a vantage point on the public side of the fence where I could get a clear view of the operations. In one instance I chartered an airplane to lnake aerial photographs, but nlost of the aerial photos were lnade through the windows of com- lnerciJI aircraft during ordinary airline flights. A few photographs were l1lade frOln behind the wheel of a moving car. Until 2000, the images were recorded on 35-n1illilneter color fihn and later digi- tized by scanning a print or the negative. More recent photographs were recorded with a digital cainera. The (lCt that the photos have been digitally processed raises questions about veri- silnilitude. Have I altered or enhanced the ilnages? I have not abided by the strict regilnen of SOlne docUlnentary photographers, who contend that the call1era cap- tures truth, .1nd any change nlJde outside the cainera is a falsification. I disagree. I would argue, on the contrary. that sOlnetilnes it takes a good deal of h.ud work to undo the canlera's lies and restore SOlne selnbLInce of truth. In preparing the photos tor publication, [ have n1.lde ch.l11ges of the following kinds: · [n inlJges sc.1nned from .1 film original, I have renloved dust, scr.1tches, finger- prints. Jnd other bleinishes. PHOTOGRAPH 
A NOTE ON THE PHOTOGRAPHS · I have corrected colors, contrast, and brightness. Neither filn1 nor the electron- ic sensors in digital calneras detect light in the san1e way as the hun1an eye and brain. To n1ake a picture "look right"-in the sense that it matches what the photograph- er saw through the viewfinder-it is ahnost always necessary to adjust the color bal- ance of an in1age and its brightness or contrast. · Sharpening. The process of creating a digital ilnage-reducing a continuous scene to discrete dots of color-always sacrifices inforInation about the finest details in the in1age. Sharpening restores son1e of that inforn1ation. · Geon1etric correction. Just as filn1 does not always render colors in the salne way that the eye and brain perceive then1, can1era lenses do not always record the shape of objects and their geon1etric relations in the salne way that people see then1. Indeed, different lenses can give very different views of the salne scene. Son1e of the geOlnetric effects are sin1ply flaws that would not be present in an ideal lens; an exan1ple is the barrel or pincushion distortion that transforIns straight lines into curves. Another geon1etric issue-the treatn1ent of perspective-is not so clear-cut. Son1e cameras can be set up so that parallel lines in a scene relnain parallel in the image. But with n10st calneras, a photograph of a tall building will show the walls converging toward the top. Which is the truth? I don't believe there is a definitive, universal answer. Aesthetic judgn1ent has to be applied on a case-by-case basis. I have tried to do just that, although I adn1it to a strong bias in favor of rectilinear forms. The geo111etric corrections were n1ade not by using a perspective-altering camera but by transforming the digitized in1age with con1puter software. Another contentious issue is the "doctoring" of photographs. If you are about to click the shutter and you notice a distracting beer can in the foreground, is it accept- able to ren10ve the can, or would that an10unt to tan1pering with the scene? lf you notice the beer can later, in the photograph, is it acceptable to ren10ve it with the electronic equivalent of an airbrush? Making such changes soon puts you on the slip- pery slope that leads to pictures of aliens elnbracing n10vie stars on the front page of supern1arket tabloids. I have not been a purist in these lnatters, but I have exercised restraint. There are neither aliens nor n10vie stars in these pictures, and I believe they convey a faithful impression of what the photographer was looking at when they were n1ade. 
FURTHER OME 0 F THE li TER A TU R E of the industrial landscape is n10re exotic and obscure than the landscape itself. Textbooks for the power-plant operator and trade magazines for dairy fanners or landfill n1anagers are not itelns that turn up on n1any reading lists. Any library will offer inforn1ation on the general principles or theories behind the operation of the electric-power grid or the telephone network, but it's harder to come by the nitty-gritty, hands-on, inside dope about what particular machines look like and how they work. The best resources belong to the blue-collar literature, such as rep air manuals and training guides for technicians and operators. What follows is not a comprehensive or scholarly bibliography but n1erely a selec- tion of readings that may be useful for those who would like to pursue a topic fur- ther. lten1s followed by the symbol KIDS are suitable for younger readers; the notation GEEKS flags 111aterial that is technicalor specialized but may interest enthusiasts. The Internet also offers boundless resources on many of the thernes in this book, but Web pages come and go too quickly for citation here. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WOR KS Axelrod, Karen. and Bruce Brumberg. VVatch It l\.1ade in the US.A.: A Visitor's Guide to t/ze C011lpal1ies T/zat Make Your Favorite Products. 2nd edition. Foreword by Richard S. Gurin. Santa Fe, NM: John Muir. 1997. KIDS Brain, Marshall. and the staff at \Jars/zall Brain 5 How Stuff JVorks. New York: Hungry Minds, 2001. KIDS FeldInan, Anthony, and Bill Gunston. 1eclmology at VUJrk. N e\ \' York: Facts on File, 19RO Graedel, T. E., and B. R. Allenby. Illdustrial Ecolo.RY. Engkwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. READING 
 \ -." , .,. , .(; .. \f '\4 t: . 4  'It J li" ': I 'j  t:  \\\ : \ ..- 1',:, I ,'. !: J  } . '.  I --r . Jones, 1>.lI11el.1. Uil der the Cit}' Streets. New York: Holt, R..inehart and Winston, 1978. Mac.1l1lay, )).1Vid. The vr ;,}' Thillgs lJ ink. Boston: Houghton Mifllin, 19HH. McKibben, Bill. «A R..eporterat Large: Ap.lrtment." J'\Tew'á)rker,March 17, 19R6,pages 43-91. Stilgoe,john JC Commol1 Landscape qf America, 1580 to 1845. New H.1Ven: Yale Uni- versity Press, 19H2. . Owside Lies JJagic: Rc.t,zailliIl L {! History alld All'arelless ill Everyda)' Placcs. New York: Walker, 1998. SuIl ivan, R.obert. The _Headowlands: fYildeY1less Adl'elltllres at the E:c({!e of a City. New York: Scribner, 1998. Zukin, Sharon. Landscapes (if Power: From Detroit to DisIle)' Hinld. 13erkeley: University of California Press, 1 YY 1. PICTORIAL WORKS Arthus-13ertrand, Yann, with text by the editors of the annual L'ctat dil mOllde. Earth from A/JOve. New York: Harry N. Abranls, 1999. Becher, 13ernd, and HiIla 13echer, with text by Annin Zweite. T}'pologies lif IlldIlstrial B"ildillgs. CaInbridge: MIT Press, 2004. Corner,jalnes. 7aking Measllres: A cross the American Landscape. Photographs by Alex S. MacLean. Foreword by Michael Van Valkenburgh. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996. Greenberg, Stcmley. lllvisible Ncw YÓrk: TIle Hiddel1 11{rastYllctllre if the City. Introduction by ThOlnas H. Garver. BJltinlore:johns Hopkins University Press, 199H. Higgins,jJlnes jeffrey. Images q{ the Rllst Belt. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1 99Y. Jackson,John Brinckerhoff. American Spacc: The Centellnial )i>ars, 1865-1876. New York: W W Nonon, 1 Y72. Levy, 13uilder. Images lif Appalachiall Coaljiclds. Introduction by Helen Matthews Lewis. Foreword by Cornell Capa. Philadelphia:Telnple University Press, 1989. Plowden, David. Illd"strial Landscape. New York: Chicago Historical Society in asso- ciation with WW Norton, 1985. CHAPTER 1: OUT OF THE EARTH - Bartlett, Robert W Sol"tiol1 A1illing: Lcachillg alld FI"id Recol'cry ({ \laterials. Philadel- phia: Gordon and 13reach Science, 1 Y92. GEEKS Davis, E. W Piolleerill.f!. with 7acolliteo. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1964. E. I. du Pont de Nenlours & Co. Blasters' Halldbook. 16th edition. Wihnington, DE: E. I. du Pont de Nelnours, 1980. GEEKS 
--  - -.  - ...... ., .. , I  .l.- ! ' \ \\  ,;\::..- '" .  '- ", ----- '- I' ,\ .....t 1 1 1  ......, of --- .- . , ..' Francaviglia, Richard V. Hard Placcs: RCc1d;llg the Lc1lldsmpe of Amer;m: H;stor;c .\1;Il;'i,! D;str;cts. Foreword by Wayne Franklin. lowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991. Gani, M. S. J Cemcllt alld COllcretc. New York: Clupman and Hall, 1997. Gregory, Cedric E. A COllcise H;story (?l/l.Iillin,i,!. New York: Pergalnon Press, 19HO. Gunn,John M. Restoratioll cllld Recovery (?f all llldllstrÏL11 Rcg;oll: pf({!ress ;11 Restor;llg thc Smclter-Dal1laged Lalldsmpe IIcar SlIdlJllry, Callclda. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995. Hartn1an, Howard L. (editor). SAlE lv[;Il;llg EIIg;lIeerill,i,! Halldbook. 2nd edition. Littleton, CO: Society tor Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, 1 <)92. GEEKS Husband,Joeph. LI Year ;11 li Coal /I.[;lle. New York: Arno Press, 1977. (Original pub- lication: Houghton Mit11in, 1911.) Isalski, W. H. Scpc1rat;oll (?f Cascs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 19H9. GEEKS Kroll-Sll1ith,j. Stephen, and Stephen R..obert Couch. The Real D;saster Is above CrOlllld: A Alillc F;re alld SOcic11 COI!/lict. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1990. Stack, 13arbara. HlIlldbook (if Alill;llg aluI1111I11CI/;Il,i,! .\lc1ch;llcry. New York: Wiley, 19H2. ThOlnas, Rich,lrd (editor). //l.IJ Opcrclt;Il,i,! Hc1lldbook (?f.\l;lleral Proccss;llg: COllccmrat;Il,i,!, Agglomcrat;Il,i,!, Smclt;Il,i,!, Rcjlll;llg, Extract;"e -I.\lctal",i,!Y. New York: McGra"v-Hill, 1977. Voynick, Stephen M. Thc J\lc1k;llg of a Hc1rdrock .\Iillfr. l3erkeley: Howell-North Books, 197H. CHAPTER 2: WATERWORKS Berk, SI1.lron G., and John H. Gunderson. I VastefIJatcr Oi,!clll;sms: A C%r At/as. 130ca Raton, FL: Lewis, 19<)3. GEEKS Davis, MJrgaret Leslie. Ril'crs ill the Descrt: fT ,llia", 1\luI/wI/c11111 alld t/ze lllvelltillg (?f Los Allgcles. New York: t LlrperCol1ins, 1993. , .1 'r . c.. I  \ ..  . f . .. .  -... - . .. (   .  .. 
.. , III .,-, r  " i7" ----- -1-_ i 11  ;::1;-- _._ ....A..- '"lIK" -=- --r ....."  - -- ...... 'OT ----. . . ,:' 1\ r, il.. \ ") "  , -- --,- - pt = ;=:; . r & . . I  , . _.L.-- _ , . '-" _ ___ . ,. ow-. I JJ.. -. ':'""':!..... '°l. . t I " r r"'::..:.."..,..,. - ' ....:.-.  "1.1 ' ".. I' 6. I 'I'. Fair, Gordon Maskew, John Charles Geyer, and I )aniel Alexander Okun. Elcmcllts (if VVáter Suppl)' alld VUzstet/later Disposal. 2nd edition. New York: Wiley, 1971. Golzé, Alfred R (editor). HalldbooR (if Dam EIl.'t?illeerill.'t? New York: V.m Nostrand R.einhold, 1977. Hanll11er, Mark J. Water alld Wastcrl'atcr 1êdllloh{!)'. SI version. 2nd edition. New York: John Wiley, 1986. Hundley, Norris, Jr. The Great Thirst: Califomialls alld Water, 1770-19905. 13erkeley: University of California Press, 1992. Kahrl, William L. (editor). The Califomia TU1ter Atlas. Sacramento: Governor's Office of Planning and Research, distributed by Willianl Kaufinann, Inc., 1979. McGhee, Terence J. VVáter Supply alld Sct/lera,{!e. 6th editiol1. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991. McPhee, John. "Atchafalaya." In The COl1trol of Nature. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 19H9, pages 3-92. Melnick, Minli. Mallhole Co liers. Photographs by Robert A. Melnick.. Foreword by Alan Sekula. Can1bridge: MIT Press, 1994. Metcalf & Eddy,Inc. rVastell'ater Ellgilleeri11.'t?:1i'eat11le11t, Disposal a11d Reuse. 3rd edition. Revised by George Tchobanoglous and Franklin L. 13urton. New York: McGra\v- HilI, 1991. Pattison, Kenl1it. "Why Did the Dan1 Uurst?" bWClltioll alld 1êdlllOlo.f!)" SUlll111er 1998, pages 23-31. Petersen, Margaret S. Riller E11.f!iIlCcrillg. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1986. Petroski, Henry. "Hoover Dan1." Americall Scielltist, Vol. 81, No. 6, Novenlber-Decenlber 1993, pages 517-521. Snlalley, Ian. "The Teton Dan1: Rhyolite Foundation + Loess Core = Distaster." Geology 1Oday,January-February 1992, pages 19-22. GEEKS Van Veen, Johan. DrefIe, Draill, Rec/aim: The Art of a Natio11. 5th edition. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1 \}62. 
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access ramps, 334 acid rain, 190 acre-feet, 140 activclted sludge, 99-100, 99 reactor, 99 active face (landfill), 486, 4HH Adams, Henry, 1 H5 AEI tags (Automatic Equipment Identification tags), 382-83, 383, 384 aeration: in sewage treatment, 99 in water treatment, 76 aerial navigation, 439-51 Africanized bees, 133 Agent Orange, 147 agitator (water treatment), 81 agricultural chemicaIs, 144-47 air-blast switches, 255, 257 air brakes, 375-76 air canister, 375 airfield(s), 430-35 layouts, 433 airplane fueling, 428, 429, 434 airport(s), 423-27, 486 drainage, 433 fuel depot, 434 grading, 433 air routes, 443-45 air traffic controllers, 446-47 air-velocity monitors (in tunnel), 421 Akdshi Kdikyo I3ridge, 409 Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Alexandria light, 477 alkylation, 174-75, 175 All American Canal, 140 Alpine switchback roadway, 332 alternating current (AC), 230, 23U, 242-43, 248, 260 three-phase, 230, 230 alternative energy technologies, 215-27 geothermal power, 226-27, 226, 227 solar, 222-2ó wind, 215-21 alternator, see generators altimeters, 451 alum, 81 alumina, 56-57 aluminum smelting, 56-58, 57 AM antennas, 313 American Bureau of Shipping, 454 Ammann, Othmar, 406 ammonia, anhydrous, 144, 145-46 ammonium nitrate, 20, 146 ampere, 231 Ampere, André-Marie, 231 amplifiers, 318-19 AMPS (Advaneed Mobile Phone Service), 308-9 AM radio (Amplitude Modulation), 312-14 anaerobic bacterid, 76, 1 (JO anemometers, 219 ANFO (ammonium nitrate fuel oil), 20 INDEX angle towers, 236, 237 anhydrous ammonia, 144, 145-46 anoxia, 76 antennas, 312, 314-15,315 airport, 437-38, 445-46, 448 cable TV, 317, 317 CATV,316-17 directional, 306-7 marine navigation, 477-79 radar, 447-51 roof top, 315, 316 shared space on, 315 see also broadcast transmitter towers; specific alltellna types aqueducts, 78-81 aquifers, 61 arch bridges, 403-5, 403, 404 Archimedes, 455 armor bars, 239 Army Corps ofEngmeers (Ace), 62, 103 asphalt, 44, 173, 342-43, 344 Atchafalaya channel, 103 Atlaut;c Express, 460 atmospheric press ure distillation column, 171-72, 172 autobahns, 336 autogenous mills, 46 automation, 502 Automobile Club of America, 346 automobile graveyards, 493 dutomobile recycling, 493-96, 496, 497 
.luto<;, 3J() avgas, 42H avi.ltion, 423-51 airfidds and, 430-35 airports .md, 423-27 beacons and beams in, 435-39 navigation in, 439-51 terminal aprons Jnd, 427-30 axial £1ns, 14-15 backup fuses, 270 backwashing, H3-R4, 8J bagasse, 13 1 baggage handling, 42Y baghouses, 190 balers, 115 b,lll.lst, 357-59, 461 b,lll bearings, sel' roller bearings bali mills, 45-46 BANANA (build .lb'iOlutely nothing anywhere near anybody), 499 barbed-wire fences, 110-11 bdre-hand n1.lintenance, 26M barges, 472 bdrns, 111-15, 112 barrels, 162 barrettes, 436 bdscule bridges, 4J2-13, 41 J basic oxygen furnace, 54 batch plams, 42, 43 batteries, 262, 2H4-H5 batwing antenn,lS, 314 bauxitc, 56 B.lY0l1l1e 13ridge, .J02, 404 beacon-and-transponder system, 450-51 beacon light (airport), .JJJ beef cattle, 135-39 beehives, 133, IJJ bees, 133 Bell, Alexander Graham, 277-78. 282 bells (blast furnace), 52 benches (in mining), 19-21, 19, 36 benzene, J60 Berkeley Pit, 15-16 Bessemer, Henry, 54 Bessemer converter, 53 Big Allis, 199 bilge pumps, 467 Bingham Cdnyon copper mine, 18, 19,20-21 biodegrad,ltion, 4HH-90 biofuel, 127-2H bird con trol (.lt airports), 435 bitumen, ........... .H, 3......1 13Ltck Angus steers, 136 bLtcktop, sec .1spl1.llt bl.1st furnaces, 50. 51. 504 blastinF:, 19, 20 block and t,lCkle, 152 block signaling, 3ó 7-()H, 368 blowout preventer, 154, 155, 155 blowouts, 154-55 bogies, 373-74 boilers. 1 H9, 192-93, 193 boiling w,lter reactor (BWR), 203, 206, 207-H boll.1rd, 471, 47/, 472 Bonneville Dam, 69, 70, 71 boom boats, .J61 booms, 466 booster amplifiers, 31 H boot (grain elevator), 123 bore-hole mining, 30-31 boron, 202 boron carbide, 203 Boston Post ROdd, 330 bottom ash, 1 Y() bottom-dump hoppers, 378-79 bottom unloader, 117 flotts, Elbert Dysart, 348 Botts I )ots, 34H boutique £.lrms, 147 bowsers, 42H boxcars, 376, J76 brake pipes, 375 brake shoes, 375 break bulk freighter, 457 breaker boys, 33 breakers, coal, 32-33, J3 breakw dters, 470 bricks, 4G-41 bridges, 333, 393-421 bearings for, 414-16, 417 cab les for, 40ó-H broadcasting, 311-16 broadc.lst transmitter towers: radio, 3 10, 311-13, 313 television, 276, 314-ló, 314 "broken-back" curves, 333 Brooklyn Bridge, J92, 394. 409, 409,411-12 Brown Swiss cows, 135 bucket-wheel excavator, 23, 2() bufTers in fiber optics, 29H on r.lilro.ld Clrs, .175 bulk. clrriers. .....5H bulkhe,ld ttltC.lrS, 37() bullet tank.s, 171, 171,174, 175,377 bull et trains, 3H9 BulIwinkIe oil platform. 157 bumpers, r.lilro.ld, 365, 366 bunks, 137 buoys, 475-76 Bureau of Recl.1n1.ltion (BuRec), 62, ()ó,1.....4 bus bars. 19H, 24H-50, 2-18, 249 buses, 3H6, 3H7 Bush, George W., JH3 bushings, 252, 25H, 258 bustle , 51 busy signals. 2H5 butane, 1 ()O, 172, 173, 176, 179 cable-stayed bridges, 409-12, 410, 411, 415 cable stays, 405 cable television, 316-19 cable television feeders, 266 cabooses, 379 cabs, 370-71, 445 cab sigl1.lls, 3()9 call boxes, 291, 291 canal-and-ditch irrigation. 140, 1-10 canals, 140, I.JO, 473-75 can buoys, 476 cantilever bridges, 400, 401-3, .JO I cantilevered booms, 34() capJcit.lnce, 2(){) capacitors, 2()0-() 1, 271 Cape Cod Canal, 474 Cape Holtteras Light, 477 Cape Henry Light, 47H carbon, 202 carbon arc street Lunps, 273 carbon monoxide. 179 carbon monoxide sensors, 421 Carson, Rachel, 14() casings, well, 155 cJtalytic cracking, 173-74 catenary, 3H5-HH, 40H cdtenary-and-p.lntograph system, 3H5-8R cattle guards. 13H. 138 cattle ranches, 135-36 CA TV (community antenn.1 television), 316-17 ceiling (in dviation), 435 celestial navigation, 477 celluLlr ,1lltenn.1 tmvers, .103, JOJ, 304, J06 
cellubr b,lSe st,ltiOJl, J()()-H, 3U8, 30l) honeycomb, 3()-I--ó telephones, 303-11 cement, -1-1, -1-2, -1-3--1--1-, 155 centerbe,ull tlltclrs, 376-77 centering, -1-0-1- centerline lights, -1-36 center-pivot irrigators, 1-1-0--1-1, 1-11, 1-12 centralized tr,lek con trol (cTc), 36H central oHice, 17H, 1H3-H-I-, 28-1, 285 centrifug.ll tms, 1-1--15 Cerenkov light, 105 duin-link nces, 111 dunneling m,lChine, 4(' dunnel nurkers, -1-75-76, -176 Cluppe, Claude, 1H1 dut (mine w.lste), 17 Chic,lgO l3ridge ,md Iron (CUl), H() chicken wire, 111 chidets, 2H 1 Chief Ironside, 2-1, 25 chimerical vines, 11<)-30 chlorine, H-I-, 100 choke coils, 15<)-60, 260 chords, 39(), 399, -1-01 Christmas trees (oil weIl), 157, 157 chronometer, -1-75 Chunnel, 410 circuit bre,lkers, 25-1--5H, 254 circul.1r cornucopi,l ,mtem1.lS, 1<)5 circular stone barns, 112, 11-1- city street grids, 32<), 32l) claritlers, 100, fOO Clark llridge, -1-11, 412 Cl.lrke, Arthur Co, 31 <) Clarke Belt, 316 classificltion yards, scc freigin yards claw, 135 clingage, 461 clinker, 4-1- doverle.lf interchanges, 33l), 34{)--I-l, 3-10 CN to wer, 311, 313 coagubtion, R2 coal, I H5-H7, 1 HH scc also co,ll mimng; tossil-fuel pO\Vt'r pl.mts coal cleaning, 33, 35 coal conveyor<;, 1 H()-H7 coal mining, 31-3() coal t,lr, 17<) CO,l] tender,;, 37() co,lxi,ll clbk (coax), 2()()-<)3, 31 H-I<), 318 cobbkstones, J-I-I Code I )ivision Multiple Access, 30<) coke, 51, 175-7() coking, 175-7(), 175 coldbox, 58-5<), 59 colocltion space, 1H3 color coding. 17<)-H() combine lurvesters, 11<)-21, Ill), IlO combing, -I-5H comminutor, 97 commlmic.ltions, 177-313 broadclst, 311-1 () c,lble television, 316-1<) cellular telephone, 3()3-11 fiber optics and, 2W)- 301 intercontinental, 301-3 long dist,mce, 2H8-93 microwaves and, 1<)3-<)() s,ltellite, 317, 319-23 telephone, 277-93 comp.lCtor trucks, 4H2-H3, -183 comp,lss, nugnetic, 475 composting, 4-95 compression, 39(), -1-03 concentrator, -1-5 concrete, -I-I-J.-I-, 3-1-3 condensers, I 95-<)() , 196 conductors, e1ectrical, 238--1-0, 238, 241 scc also tr,msmission lines cone roof t,mks, 167 connected b,lms, 11 J conservator, 154 container(s), 46-1--65, -164 lo,lding and unlo,lding of, -1-66 terminals, -1-65-67 cont,liner cranes, -I-()5-()(), -166 container ships, -I-63-M continuous casting nuchine, 5-1-, 54-, 55, 56 continuo us-mining machines, 32 contour mining, 36 contr.lCtion joints, 64-65 controlling depth, -1-70 control room, 20() control towers, 4-22, -1-1-1, 4-1-5--I-(), -1-76 conversion (smelting), -1-7 conveyor beits, 13, 1-1,11, 23, 32, 32, 37, 37, 113 cooling towers, 20H-l1, 2()R, 20l) fm-driven, 2(1<)-1 1 n.ltur,ll dratt, 11(), 211-11 copper mining, 27, 28, 29 com, 12()-1H com-ted Lltde, 13() coron,l disdurge, 133, 23H, 2-1-0-41, 24-0, 143 coron,l rings. 2-1-1, 241 coron,l shields, 1-1-1, 24-1 corrals, 136, 13 () Cottage Grove cO,ll mine, 26, 27 cotton, 131, 1-1-7 cotton b,lles, 131, 132 cotton combines, 132 cotton gin, 132, 132 counterpoise, 313 coupIers, 374-75, 37R, 379 Cov,mt,l Elirtlx plant, 4<)0-<)3, 4l)(), 4l) I, 492 covered bridges, ]9H, 39R covered hoppers, 37H, 3HO cr,me outreach, 46() cr,mes, 457 crash cushions, 3-1-5 crawler tre,lds, II R creep p,lth (electrical), 2-1-2 crossed-dipole antel111.lS, 31-1- crossroads, 237 Croton Aqueduct, HO Croton 1 );ml, HU cru de oil, 1 ()() crudt' units, 171-73, 172 crushed stone, 37-3H crushers, 37, 37 cullet, 497 culm b,mks, 27 cups, gasholder, 1 Hl current-limiting reactors, scc choke coils current tr,msf(xmers, 2()1 curves, highway, 332-35, 332, 334- cut-and-cover, 417 cut-and-fill, 331 cutout, 25H cyberspace, 30U cydone, I, 4-, 33, 17-1-, 193 cydopentane, 1 ()O dalns, 61-71, 21-1- arch, 61-63 concrete, 6-1--65 e,lrth, 6-1-, ()5-67 gr,lViry, 62, 63 l),lrrieus, l)o Go M., 220 l),lrrieus \Oerticll-,lXis \\ ind turbines, 220 l)D1, 1-1-() de,ldweighr rons, 45(), -1-59 dec.lI1L', 1 ()() 
dcckhouscs. 45H. 459 I )dTeyes. Kenneth S.. 1 H3 deicing. 429, 430 I )empster Dumpster. 482, 4H4 I )enver Internati0I1.l1 Airport. 327 Department of Sanit.ltion. 4S2 depopulation. 501-6 derailers, 365, 366 derricks, 38, 39, 149-53. 151. 175.457. 457 detention pon ds, 1 LJ 1 deviation towers. 23ó, 237 dialing. 287-88 touch-tone, 288 dial tones, 285 diamond, railroad, 363. 363 di.ul1ond interchanges, 338, 33l)-40, 340 dicotyledons, 147 diesel engines: in locomotives. 370-72. 37/, 372 in ships. 456-57 digital phone calls, 2<)0 dikes, 74 dimension <;tone. 38-40, 37 dipole antenneIS. 312. 313 dipper, 26 direct current (DC), 22l)-3U, 230, 242-43 directional antennas, 306-7, 315-16 direction.ll interchanges. 339, 340, 341 discJrd r.He, 482 disconnect, 258 dish antennas, sce s,ltellite dishes disinfectants, 100 disks, insulator, 241-42 displacement. 455 distillation. 58 distribution networks, 263-76 OME (distance me.lsuring equipment), -1-43 doghouse, 151, 154 Doha International Airport, 431 dolphins. 471, 471 DoppIer VOR. 442-43, 443 double-pylon towers, 235 downcomers. 192. 193 down-hole motor, 152, 153 downlink. 304 dr.lft marks, 454, 455 draglines. 23. 24-26, 24, 25 drainage. mine. 15-16 drawbridges, sec moveable bridges dredges. 469, 469 drift e1imin.ltors. 211. 212 drill bits. 150-53 drill coll.lrs. 150-52 drilling (in mining). 1 Ó drilling jumbo. 16 drilling mud. 150. t 53. 153 drilling rigs. t 49-55. 151, 152, 153 drilling sites. 154 drill strings. 150-53. 153 drinking water, 75-H 1 sources of, 75-76 drop-inlet spillway, 68 dry-cargo b,lrges. 472 dry docks, 471 dry milling, 126 dry steam, 227 DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) signaling, 288 dump, sec Lmdfill. sanitary Dutch barns. 113. 114 dynamos; t 85 see also generators Eads Bridge, 404 earth stations. 320-22 eastern interconnection, 23 t Echo I, 319 economizers, 189 eddy currents. 25 t edge lights, 436 Edison. Thomas. 242 Einstein, Albert, 225 El Camino Real, 32lJ- 30 electrical circuits, 229-30 electrical power distribution. 22l)-75 distribution networks in. 263-76 substdtions in, 246-63 transmission lines in. 230-46, 232, 235 electrical power grid, 231-32, 23 1 electric arc furnace, 52, 53, 54, 56 electric current, 231, 233 AC vs DC, 242-43 electricity: distribution of, 229-76 generation of, 1 H5-227 electric meters, 272 electric railroads, 383-89 power for, 384-SlJ, 385 electrified fences, 111 electromagnetic induction, 196, 252 electromagnets, 197 electrons, 19( J, 225 ckctropncul11.1tic br.lkcs, 37() dcctrost,ltic precipit,ltors, ]<)()-() t, Il) I, -1-93 End of Train Devices (ETD). 379 engine rooms, 459 en route centers. 446 Environmental Protection Agency (EP A), 482 Erie C,mal, 473, 474 escape rJmps, sec flU1.lWay truck bnes ethane, 1 ()O, 172, 173 ethanol, 127-28 Europa Canal, see Rhine-Main-DJnube Can al Eurotunnel, 420 evaporation ponds. 144 excÏters, 197 expulsion-tube fuses, 270 extractive industries, l) Exxoll Valdez, 163, 460, 461 F AA colors, --1-41, 441 [lces: in mining, Il) on trafIic signaIs, 34S Ellkirk mine, 36 tllsework, 404 £ms (hump yard), 381-Q Elraday, MichJel, 1l)6, 231, 252 farnling, 105-47 barns and, 111-15, 112 beef cattle and, 135-39 dairy, 133-35 decline in, 105-7 fences and, 109-11 granaries and, 121-24, 121 irrigcltion in, 139-44 land and, 107-9, 107, 108 machinery of, 1 17-21 milling .md, 124-28 pig, 137-39 poultry, 137, 13l), 139 tlrll1land, 107-9, 107, 108 tlrI11 n1.lchinary, 117-21 Elrquharson, F. Burt, 408 f.1St busy sigl1.l1s, 285 Federal A viation Administration (F AA), 31 1, 441,443 Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 304,312 feeders, sec trcll1smission line'i feed heJter, 170, 170, 171-72, 174 feed hom, 44H teedlots, 13 ()-37, 137 
feedw.ltcr pumps, ] 95-<)(), 196 fences, ] ()9-] I fenders, 47], 472 fertilizers, ] 45-46 tiber optic(s), 296-301, 319 cables, 297-99, 297, 298 conduit, 298. 299 Field, Cyrus, 301 fill (coolingtO\vers), 210,2]2 Fillmore, Millard, 145 fllters, water, H2-H4, 84 filtration ptmts, 81-85 fire alarms, 291 fire berms, 167, 169 fireboxes, 1 HH-H9 fire flghting, 91-92 tlre hydrants, 91-92, 9 I Firth of Forth Bridge, 4113 Fisher, Carl, 330 fish ladders, 6H-69. 71 fishplates, 354, 356 fission, 20] flagstones, 341 flameholders, 177 flan ges, 362 flare stacks, 176-77, 176 flash er bottoms, 173 flashers, 227 see also vacuum distillation columns flasher topS, 173 Flashing Rear End Devices (FRED), 379 flash tubes, 436 flatcars, 37(-,-77 flat-plate collectors, 222 flatracks, 465 flatteners, 495 flat yards, 3H 1 flight director, 445 floating bitts, 475 floating bridges, 412 floating-roof tanks, 167-6H flocculation, 82 flocs, H 1-82 floodgates, 67, 70 floodwalls, 73-75, 73 flour. 124-26 flue gases. ] HY-91 fluid cat.llytic cracking unit. 173-74, 173 fluorescent street lamps, 273 fluoride, H4 tluted colunllls (water t,mks). H6 fly ash, 1 <)0 flyb.lll governors, 194-95 FM r,ldio, 315 torec.lsde (fo'c'sle), 45H fossil-fuel power ptmts, 1 H6-99 air pollution control in, I H9-91, 190 coal-fired. 186-99. 189 gas-fired, 18H oil-fired, 1 H7-HH tour-wire circuits, 2H9, 2Y() tracking, 155-56 tr.lctionating columns, 170, 17 1, 174 Fr.lsch, Herm,m. 30 freeboard. 455 free-stall barns. 134 free-standing broadc.lst transmitter towers, 3] 1, 311 freight car numbers, 3H3 freight C.lrs, 372-80, 373 freighters. 457-5H freight y.lrds, 3HO-H3 trequency multiplexing, 2<)0 Fresh Kills landtill, 487, 488, 4H9 Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 477 Fresnel lenses, 477. Friesian cows, sec Holstein cows frogs (railroad), J 6 I, 362-63 froth flotation, 33-34, 35, 46 F-series diesel locomotives, 370, 372 fuel celIs, 1 H3 fuses, 266. 269-70. 271 Futurama. 351 Galatia coal mine, 14, 35 Galloping Gerty, sec Tacoma Narrows Uridge gangue. 27. 30 Garbage Project, 4H5 gas, manufactured, lól-62, 173, 179 gdS, natural, 173, 179-H2, 1 H5 g.lS C.lnnon, 435 gasohol, 127-28 gas oil. 172 gasoline product blending, 176 gasoline pumps, 17H. 178 gasoline tanks. ] 7H-79, 179 ga stations. ] 77-7H. 178 gas turbine, sec turbines, combmtion Gates, John W., ] 10 gauges, (>9 gener.ltors, ] <)()-<)H. 197, 203. 214. 2 15 sec a/so dynamo," geomembrane, 4HH George Wa<;hington Uridge, 406, 409 geostatiOll.lry satellites (GEO), 319-20 geothernl.ll power, 22()-27, 226, 227 geothernl.ll wells, 226, 226 ghosts, in TV reception, 316 girder bridges, 394-96. 394, 395 gladh.lnds. 374 GI.lss. Joseph. I] 4 glass recycling. 4<)7, .J.9}? Glen Canyon Dam, 7] glide slope, 436 glide-slope antennas. 43H, 438 Global Positioning System (GPS), 119.351, 443. 479 gob piles, 27 Golden Gate Uridge, 40Y gold ore, 10, 3 I gondolas, 376, 377 gophers, 29H Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge. 395 grades: high way, 332-35 railroad, 360 gr.lde-separated imersections, sec interchanges gr,lin elevators. J05, 121-24. 122, 123. 124, 353 granaries, 121-24, 121 Gr.lnd Coulee lhm. 71 gravel, 342 graving docks. sec dry docks gra\ tty separator. 160-61 Gr.lY, Elisha, 277 Great Uelt East Bridge, 409 Cre,uer New Orleans Uridge, 40 I grid. electric power. 230. 231-32 grid-reflector antennas, 296 grit chambers, 97 grounding, 244-46, 245, 262, 263, 266 grounding str.lps, 460 ground plane, 313 GSM.309 gu.1Il0, 145 gUdrdr.ltl<;, 345, 3.J.5 Gunter's chain. 329 gushers, 154-55 gutta-percha, 301 guyed broadcast transmitter towers. 311 guy wires, 26() gyp "tacks, 2H gypsum. 2H. 191 
H.lle Boggs Bridge. 411 h.\I11mer mill. 495 h.1I1dwheels. 375 .mll. 4()O l1.\rdline. 31 H H.lrtsfield-J.1ckson InterI1.\tion.11 Airport. 426, 427 H.lrvestore silos, 117, 117 h.nches. 45H. 458 h.lY b.lles. 1 15 h.1Y hood, 113, 114 h.lylofts, 112. 114 h.lym.lking, 115-17 h.1Z.lfli n1.lrkers, -+77 h.lz.lrdous w.lstes, 4lJ4 HDTV (high-definition television), 315 he.ld. hydr.mlic, 212 head ends (c.lble TV), 317 h e.ldti-.lI11 es. 11-13. 12, 13 he.ldgates, 140, I-/-O heads, tr.lthc singal. 354 he.IP le.lChing, 2H. 29, 2lJ-31 he.lnh. 53 he.ner-tre.lters, 159, I () 1 heat exch.lIlgers, SY, 59, 171, 175 hedges, toy-lO heels, r.lilro.ld switch, 3() 1 helic.ll .Intennas, 314 helicopters, 434 heliost.lts, 224 heliports, 434 HelI's Gate 13ridge, 40-/- hem.ltite. 4Y-51 Hen.lrd. Eugene, 340 Henry. Joseph. 196. 231. 252 hept.lne, 16() herbicides, 147 Hen1.lndo de Soto 13ridge, 403 hertz, 230. 24H Hertz, Heinrich. 231 hex.1I1e, 160 highb.lll railro.ld sign.lls, 3()H high-fi-equency (or shortwave) radiotelephone service, 302-3, 302 high-side connections, 26Y high-speed tr.lins. 3H<:) highway cuts, 33 I high\vay interch.lIlges, see interch.lnge highway l.1yout, 331-35, 332 highw.lYS, 326 Hill Annex Mine. 15 hiteh. (h.lrges), 472 hog trough .mtenn.I, 450 110ist. mine, 11-13 hold-short lines. 432, 433 Holl.lIld Tunnel, 41 H. 41 Y, 419 Holstein cows. 133-34, 134 Homeste.ld mill. 502 Hoover )).\111. ()2. C>3. 64, 71, 77 hopper b.lrges. 472 hopper C.lrs, 377, 37H-HO hoppers, ore, 13 horizont.ll dipole 313 hom-reflector 292, 2Y3. 294, 295 horse's he.ld. 15H-5'J hoses, br.1ke, 375 hot mix, sec asphalt hot sticks, 2()3, 268 household recycling, 4'J7-99 separ.ltion of, 4YH-'JY Howe, William. 3YH Howe trusses, 396, 3'JH hub .lirports, 42() llllb-and-spoke system, 380, 42()-27, 426 huil m,lrkings. 454-55 Hull-Rust-Mahoning iron mine, 1 Y hun1, 24H, 251, 254, 2) Hum ber 13ridge, 40Y hump y,, 380, 381-H2, 381,382 hustlers. 466-67 hydr,lIlt truck, 42H hydr,mlic drills, 16, 3H hydr,mlicking, 11, II hydroclrbons, 160, 161, 172, 174 sec a/so spc(ifh lt)'drocarbollS hydrocr.lCking. 174, 174 hydroelectric power plants. 212-15 hydrogen. 1 HJ, 1 <J7 h) drogen sulfide, 177, 226 ice cre.lm con es, scc circular comucopi.l antelUl.lS ILS (instrument LlIlding system), 433, 437-3H, 443 Imperial )).1m, 70 incinerators. 4YO INCO (Intem.ltiOn,ll Nickel Comp.1ny) nickel smelter, 46, 47 induct.lIlce, 2(>0 inductive-ioop vehide detectors. J50, 421 inductors. 2()O n,lvig.ltion. 472-75 Inner H.lrhor, B.lltimore, 50 I inner n1.1rkcrs, 43H insecticides. 14()-47 insect tr,lps. 1-/-5, 147 instrument tr.1I1sformers, 2() 1-()2 insulators, 241-44. 241, 244, 265. 274 insulator string. 241 intakes, water, 76-77, 77 imegrated steel pLlIlts. 51. 5C> intellectu.1l property, 5U5 interch.lIlges. 325, 338 cloverle.lf, 339, 34(J-41, 3-/-0 di.lIllond, 338, 33lJ-40, 340 directiol1.l1. 33'J, 340, 34] imermudel transport systems, 277 Intem.ltion.ll Steel Group mill, 51 Internet. 300 intersections. 237-41 Interst.lte highw.lY system, 3JO, 33(,-41 Interstate route number system. 336-37 Intr.lCo.lst.1l Watcrw.lY, 474, 475 iom, 241 Iridium s.ltellites. 323 iron ore, 4Y-51 see a/so steel mills irrigation. 13<)-44 isoI.nor, 258 isooct.lIle, 160 J.lCkling, I). E., 20 j.1ck-up rig, 156, 157 Ja/m' ['ikillg, 45Y J.lIlney, Eli II., 374 J.1I111ey coupier. 374. 375 Jefferson,, 107, 327 Jet-A fuel. 42H jet-blast, 432. 434 jet-blast detlector. 432 jet routes, 443-44 jetties, 470 jib cranes, see derricks John E. Amos power pLlIlt, 1 HS John F. Kennedy Internationdl Airport, 431 joints: bre.ILnv.lY sign, 345, 3-/-6 contr,lction. 343 drilling pipe, 150-53, 151, 152 exp,lIlsion. 343, 414 hinge. 41(), 416 r.lil. 355-56. 356, 357 jourI1.l1 he,lrinbTS. J73-74. 374 
jumbo b.lrges. 472 jumpers. 26 t junk Ydrds, scc salv.lge y.lrds kelly, 150-52, /53 Kennecott smelter, 47, 48 kerosene, t Tl. Ke"terson Reservoir, t-+-+ keystone. 404 kllns, 41, 4/, 43-44, -13 kilovolt-amperes. 269 King's Highway, 330 knees (towboat), 473 knife-blade switches, 270 knuckles, r.lilro.ld car, 374 Kr.l111er Junction "olar .lrr.lY, 223-24, 222, 223 Lactohacilll/s, t t 7 ladle, 54, 5-1 ldgoons, t 39 Lake Pontchartrain, t 03 Lmc,lster Turnpike, 330 lance, 54 ldndfill, sanitary, 4H5-l)(), -186 Ldnd Ordinance Act of 17H5, 107, 327-29 Langstroth, Lorenzo, t 33 lasers, 297 laterals, 93, t 40 Ldvender Pit, /0 ledchate, 4H7-HH lead, 36 t League of Nations, 346 Le Corbusier, 124 leg (grain elevator), 123, 125 Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge, 411 Le Shuttle, 420 levees, 71-75 drdinage in, 72-73 lifeboats, 456, 456 lift bridges, 412. 413. 413 liftgate, 67 lift stations, 93, 94-95 light-emitting diodes (LED), 349 lightering. 45<) lighthouses. 477, 478 lighting off. 1 H9 lightning. 244-45 lightning .lrresters, 259, 259 light pipes. 29()-97 light r.lil linc.,. 3H()-tH Lincoln Higll\\.lY, J.30 Lincoln Tunncl, 417, 4/R, 420 Iinemen, 26H liquified n.ltural ga., (LNG), t HO-H2, /82 L1oyd's Rl)istcr (?f Sl1ips, -+54 lo.ld gauge, 357 load marks, -15-1 localizer antenna..., 43H, 439 locdl loop, 27H locking through, 475. -175 locks, 474-75, 475 locomotives, 370-72, 372 LoLo (lift on/lift oft). 4óH long-dist.mce telephone service, 2HH-93 long-range surveillance radar, 450, 451 long"horemen, 4()5 long-w.lll mining, 32 Loran, 443, 47-79 Los Angeles Aqueduct. HO loss-ot-:"cooldnt accident (L<. )CA), 207 low-earth-orbit satellite (LEO), 322-23 low-noise amplifier, 32 t low-side connections, 2ó9 mac.ld.l111, SCl' asplult McAdam, John Loudon, 342 MeC orl11ick, Cyrus, 119 Mackin.lC Bridge, 409, 409 McLean, Malcolm, 463 nuin shafts, 13 M.mhattan Transfer, 3H4 l11.mhole covers, <)4, 95, 95 l11.mholes, 95-<)6, 274 nun shafts, 13 manure. t 45 nurine n.lVigational aids, -+75-7<) marine radio navigation, 477-7H mdrker-beacon .mtennas, 43H-39 marker pylons, 299 l11eeh.mics (ships' crew), -+62 medi.m strip b.lrriers, 3-+5 Melnick, Mimi and Robert A., l)4 Melosi, Martin V., 4H() mercury drc valves. 242 mercury vdpor street 1.1I11pS, 273 Mesquite mine. 3/ messenger wire, 2O. 36 met.llcl.lli switches. 256, 257 met.ll-Iulide street 1.1111pS, 273 met.ll-she.lthed sheds. //4, 1 t 5 mctcrcd cntr.mce r.lIl1ps. 347 mcth,lIlc. 95, \(lO. I ()O, t 72. t 7.3. 17(J-HIJ. I H.3 mcthyl merc.lpt,m, 1 HO microcells, 309, 309 microw.lVe dntenn.lS. 293-95. 292, 294. 296 microw.lVe di.,hes, 29() microwave reldy towers. 292, 2<)3, 2l)5 microw.lVes. 293-<)(). 3 t 7 middIe markers, 43H, 440 middlings, 125 midship bridge, 45H milking p.lrlors, 134-35 milling, grain, t 2-+- 2H mills, ore, 13-14. 4-+-46 millstones. 125. /26 mine sh.lfi:s, 13 mini mills, steel, 54-5() mining, 9-5<) of the dir, 5H-59 aluminum, 56-5H coal, 31- 3() history of, 34 ore milling and, 44-4() placer, t 0- t 1 reclam.ltion and, 22-23, 29, 36 smelting .md. 44, -+6-49, 56-5S solution, 29-31 steel and, 4l)-5() stone qUdrries and, 36-40 surflCe, 17-2() underground, 11-17 w.lstes from. 26-29 Minnesota Iron Range, 4l)-51 mirrored-trough "obr collectors, 222, 223, 223 MLS (microwave landing system), -+43 Mobile Telecommunic.ltions Switching Office, 30H mobile telephone service, 304 l11onocotyledons, t 47 Monticello I )dm, 6-1 morning-glory spillway, ()H, 69 Morse. S.l111Uel F. B., 2H2 Moses, Robert, 335, 33() mountain topping, 3ó, 3 () moveable bridges, -+ t 2- t 4 scc also bascule bridges; lift bridges; swing bridges MRF (materi.lls recovery system), 4l)9 MSW (municip.ll solid w.lste), 4H t inciner.ltion o( 490-93 scl' also rubbish; W.lste n1lH.'king out, 1 () mud drum. 1 (JJ 
mud pumps. 153-54, /54 l11ukh. 497 Mulholtmd. Wil1i.un, HO l11ulticolor barcodes, 3H3. 38.J. mulrip.lir c,lbles, 279-H I, 280, 281 multip,lth imerference, 316 multiplexing, 2H2, 2l)(), 304, 3()\) multiplexors, 283, 283 muxes, muxers, see multiplexors M uz,lk, 2H3 nacelle, 219 n,lphtha. 172 Natchez Trace, 327 National Old Trails Oce,m-to-Ocean Highway. 330 National Road, 330. 330, 336 natural gas storage, 1 HO-R2, / SO, 181, 182 Navaho Uridge, 405 navaids, 440-..J.3 Neen,lh Foundry, 94 NetherLmds, 74 neutral conductor, 267 New Jerse) barriers, 345 New River Gorge bridge, 404 New York State Barge C,U1.l!, 473 NIM13Y (not in my b,1Ckyard). 499 nitr,ltes, 1-1-5-46 nitrogen, 145 non,me, 160 nondirectional beacons (NOU), -1-40 NOPE (not on pLmet earth). 499 Norris D.un, 71 nosewheel, 427 nucle,u power plants. 201-12 boiling w,lter reactor (UWR), 206, 207-H pressurized water reactor (PWR), 202, 203-7 Nucor steel mill, 52, 53, 5-1-, 56 mm buoys, 476 nurse tanks, 144 oct,me, 160. 176 octopus (grain elevator), 123, 125 octothorpe, 288 otEhore drilling, 156. 157 Ohm, Georg, 231 ohms, 230 011l11's law. 2.')() oil, 1-1-9-79, IHS field processing of, 15<)-62 supply of, 1 H2-H3 oilers (ships' crew), -1-62 oil fidds, /6 / oil-tlIIed S\\ itches. 254-5(J oil pollution, 4()O-() 1 oil pumping station, /64, 165, 165-()6 oil refineries, 16\)-77, /69, 177 oil spilIs, 460 oil t,mks, 149, 159, 1 t)6-69, 166, 167, 168 oil wells, 1-1-<)-62 Old River Control Structure, 70, 72 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 339 Umega. 443, -1-7<) omnidirectional antennas, 306-7 on-tmn drainage ponds, 143 open cast mines. see strip mining open-hearth furnace, 53 open-pit mines, 1 H, 1 \)-21, 23 open-wire telephone circuits, 278-79, 278 opticdl units (trdffic signaIs), 3-1-8--1-9 orch,uds, 128, 129 ore bOdtS. 45H ore milling, -1-5-46, 45 ore transport, 13-14 Oroville O,un, 68, HO outer markers, 43R, 44(\ outflows. 67-6H outhouses, 92, 92 Owens V alley, HO owner codes, shipping container, 46..J.--65 ozone, 84 p,1Cket-switched network. 300 P.mama C,ma!, 474 Panama"\., 475 Pdl1l1ing (mining), 10-11 p.mtograph, 3H5-88, 388 paper m,lking, 129, 130, 130 troughs, 223, 223 p,lr,lllel runw,lY byout. 433 P,uker Dam. HO P,lrker trusses. 396, 39<), 399 p,lrkways, 335-36, 335 P,lrty lines, 2H2-H3 p,lssenger tr,lins. 3R9-91. 390 paving stones. 341. 343 PC13s (polychlorinated biphenyls), 253 peering points, 300, 300 Pclton wheel turbines, 212 Pennsylvania barns, 113 penstocks. 213, 214-15, 214 pent,me, 160 pesticides, 146--1-7 petroleum. I (JO Sl'l' also oil Ph.Hos rower, 477 pl1.l<;ed-,lrray r,ld,lr, 451 photocelIs, 273, 297, 350, -1-35 photons, 225 photovoltaic celIs, 225, 225 phorovolraic power, 222. 225-26 piezometers. 67 pig f.1rming. 137-39 piggyback flatcars, 377 pig iron, 51, 53 pig launcher. 165-66, 165 pigs (in oil pipelines), 165-66. 165 pig tr,lp. 166 pile drivers, 469 piles, 4ól) pilot exciters, 197 pin-type insuLltors, 265 pipelines. 162-66, 162, 1 (), 1 R2, 227 ,md communication technology, 164-65 corroc;ion of, 163-<>4, 164 pipeline surface markers, 162, 163 pipes (in refineries), 171 piping (in d,uns), 66 pitchforks, 115 Pittsburgh barges, 472 placer mining, 10-11 pbtoons, 351, 3() 1 Plimsoll lines. 454-55 plug and feathers, 3H-3<) pneumatic drilIs, 16, 3H pneumatic tires, 3-1-4 polders, polderlands, 74 pole-mounted trdnsformers. 268 pole pig, 26H polyethylene. 173 Pont de Norm,U1die, -1-11 Pony Express, 2H2 pony trusses, 401 poop, -I-5H port building, 46R-70 port furnirure, 471.471,472 portland cement. 42. 3-1-3 Port of Houston, 469 ports, 46H-72 pmtindustrial landscape, 501-6 pot-type imuhtof\ 265, '1.67 potentiJl transformer<;, see voltage transformers potheads, 275 potlines, 57, 57 poultry £mning, 137, 139. 139 
power factor, 261 power plants, 185-227, 185, 187,230 fossil-fuel, 186-99 hydroelectric, 212-15 nuclear,201-12 power system protection, 257-58 power take-ofT shaft (PTO), 11 H Pratt, Caleb and Thomas, 396, 398 Pratt trusses, 396, 398 precision farming, 11 <j preemergel1Ce herbicide, 147 pregnant liquor, 29 pressure-relief valve, 1Y3, 1 Y-I pre<;sure-sphere tanks, 1 ()8 pressurized water reactor (PWR), 202, 203-7 primary distribution circuits, 263, 265-67 produced water, 162 propane, lhO, 172, 173 proppant, 155, 155 Pugh car, 51, 53 pulp-and-pdper mill, 130 pumping stations, water, 81 pump rooms (tdnker), 460 pumps (refinery), 171 pushback, 19, 19, 21 pyrethrum, 146 quadrupole detectors, 350 Quaker Oats silos, 503 quarter-wavelength conductor, 315 quartz-halogen bulbs, 477 Queensborough Bridge, 401, 402 rabbit ears antenna, 312 racking, 395 radar, 447-51,4-19, -150, -151,476 radar rooms, 446 radio, see AM radio; FM radio radioactivity, 207, 208 radomes, 450,451, -151 radwastes, 494 rail lubricators, 366 rail markings, 35...., 354 railroad crossings, 364-65, 364, 365 r,lilroad gauge, 356-57 railro,ld pole lines, 368, 36Y railroad<;, 363-91 electrified, 383-89 treighr yard<; and, 38( )-83 locomotives ,md, 370-72 p,lssenger rr,lins, 389-l) 1 rol1ing stock. .md, 372-8() railroad signais, 366-70, 367 lights, 369 railroad ties, 357-59 railroad tracks, 354-66 layout, 36G-61 rain Gde, 295, 296, 298 rams, hydrdulic, 495 range wars, 111 rapid sand filters, 82-83, 82 rappers, 190, 191 rasp bars, 120 R,lthje, William, 485 razor wire, 111 RLJF (Refuse-Derived Fuel), 492 reactor core, 207 reactor vessels, 170-71, 207 ready-mix trucks, 42-43 reaping, 119-20, 124 reaping machines, 115 rear-cab switching engines, 370 reciprocal bearing, 432 reclosers, 271, 272 rectilinear rodd grid, 329 recycling, ....93-99 reefers, see refrigerated containers retlective coatings, 347-48 retlectors, 348 see a/so Botts Dots retonners, 174, 174 refrigerated containers, 465 regenerator, 174 reheaters, 189, 19.... reinforced concrete, 343-44, 3-1-1 reinforcing b,lrs, 343-44, 344 reservoirs, 75-76, 76, 77 resid (residualoil), 173, 187-88, ....57 resistance, 230, 260 rerdrder, 382, 382 revenue meter, 272 reverse curves, 333 RFID tag (radio frequency identitication tag), 13.... Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, 473-74 ridgeways, 327 rime box, sec <;luice box ring tones, 285-8() ring wire, sec tip and ring riprdp, 65 risers, 192, 193 RNA V (area navigation or random navig.ltion), 445 ro.ld..., 325-5 1 Cd luis vs., 330 design of, 331-35 haz,lrds of, 345-46 history of, 327-29 intersection design in, 337-41 interst,lte, 336-37 parkwdYs, 325-26 railro,lds vs., 330, 331 sigm and signals on, 346-51 surface of, 341-44 U.S. rr,mscominemal, 329-31 ro,ld signs, 346-48, 3-16 ro,ld surf.1ces. 3....1-46 robotic milkers, 135 Rock of Ages granite quarry, 8, 39, 40, rod mills, 46 rods (in nucle,lr reJctors), 203, 207, 208 Rogue River, 11 roller be,lrings, 373-74, 374 roll guidance, 43() rolling mill, 54, 56 rolling stock, sec freight cars roll-out carts, 483 room-,md-pillar system, 32 RoRo (roll on/ron off), 457, -167, 4()8 rotaries, sa traffic circles rot.lry coupier joint, 449 rotary table, 150, 153 rotors. 194. 196,21....,218 roughage, 136 roughnecks, 150 rounddbouts, sec traffic circles roundels, 349 Route 66, 330 routers, 300 Rowan Gorilla Ill, 156 rubbish, 481 collection, 482-84, -181 Rudge, the. 327 runaway truck ldnes, 345, 3....() runner, hydroelectric, 212-13 runway(s), 430-32, 431, -IJ2, 433 lighting, 435-37, -136, 437 nldrkings, 431-32 pLlcLlrds. 432 rupt Irc disk.. 3HO R VR (runway visudl range), ....35, 435 sdcrifici,ll dnodes, 164 sdddle d,un, 68 S,lg bends (Trdns-AIJskd Pipeline), 163 SLIg<;, highway, 332, 333 
St. ElnlO's tlre, 2-t1J St. fr,mcis D,u11. HO S,llinity. soil. 1-t3--t-t. 143 S,llud,l Gr,lde, 36(), 3óu s,lh-age y,lrd... -t<J3-<J6 sand boils, 7 J s,md filtr,ltion. 100, lOO s,md sepJr,ltor, 155 sanitJtion coIIecting crew, 4H3 s,mit,ltion works, 92-1 () I. 92 scc also W,lstes SJn Luis 1 )r,lin, l-t-t S,mt,l Rita mine, 17, 29, 30 S,ltellite communications, 317, 31 tJ- 23 S,ltelIite dishes. 317, 317, 320-22. 320, 322 s,lwtoorh hoppers, 37H, 37<J Sd1llIl/tdC(kc, 2 scour sluices. 70 scrubbers, 191, 192. 493 scythes, 115 Seagirt cargo terminal, 453, 462 seJ gulls, -t90 se,lw,llls, 470 Sctlll'isc Giallf, 459 second,lry distriburion circuits. 263. 2()6, 271-72 secured zones, airport, 425 segmented circle, 447 selective cat.llytic reduction, I <) I senl.lphores, 2H2, 36<) sep,lr,ltOrs. oiI-field. 16( )-() I settling b,lsins: in sewJge treatment, 97, 97-<)H, 100 in WJter tre,ltI11ent. 81, H I-H2 sew,lge pumps, 93, 94-tJ5 sew,lge tre,ltI11ent pl.mts, 96-101, 96 sewer interceptor... 93 sewer nl.lins. 93 sewers, 92-93 ,md torll1 drJins, 1112 se\\ er trunks, tJ3 set,mt, 475 shJtt mines, 12-17 Sh,lSt,l D,H11, 63. 68. HO. 213 she,lVes, 12, 13 l1ink,msen" H<) shipping, 453-7<) in bulk. -t57-5H cont.liner.. and, -t63-()H inland navig,ltion ,md. 472-75 navig,ltiOll.l1 ,lids in, 475-7<) port.. ,md. 4()H-72 ..hips ,md, 454-57 t,mkers, 45<)-63 ships. 45-t-57 power pl.mts in, 45ó-57 shoes (w,llking dr,lgline), 25 "hort circuits, 229, 271 short-r,mge surveill.mce rad,lr, 449-50 short ton, 455-56 shovels, 26 shunpikes, 330 shurotT v,lkes, <JO-<) 1, 90 sic kle, 115 side-roll irrig,ltor, 142. 143 sidings, r,lilro,ld, 3() 1 sitting, 125-26 sigl1.l1 he,lds, 34H-4<J Sikorsky. 19or, 43-t sil.1ge, 115-17, 13() Silcllf Sprillg (C,lrson), l-t6 silos. 35, -11. 43, 4-t, 57, 116, 116-17, 118. 121, 122,123-24, 124,135, lH7 silt, ()<)-70, 76, Hl single-pll.lse tr,msfÓrmer, 251-52 single-pylon towers, 235 singIe-tr.Kk r,lilro,Hk 3() 1 siphons, 7H-7<) sirens, 205, 321 ..kips, 12, 13, 13 sl.1g, 27, 52 sleepers. 35H slick ens, 2H slips, 152 slot ,mtellll.lS, J 14-15 slow s,md filters, H2 ..ludge digestion, 100-10 1, 101 sluice box, 10. 11 sluices (in c,ul.lI locks), -t7-t slurt)" pipeline, l-t snl.lrt c .Irs, J51 smelting. 4()--ttJ, 5ó-5H snoots, locomotive, 371 sodium v,lpor street I.Ul1pS, 273 Sol.1r One Jnd Sol.1r Two project... 22-t-25, 224 power. 222-26 photovolt.lic. 222. 225-2() sol.1r-thernl.ll, 222-25 SOI'('fC(1I A lacrsk. -t()H soybeal1S, 12H- 2H, 147 spillwJYs. ()7-()H spine Clr, 377 spinning r,ldomcs, -t5 I spir,ll concemr,ltor. 33 splice cases. 280, 2H I. 281 splices, 238, 23<), 2<)<J-301 split-r,lil fences, III spoke airports, 426 spool-type insulators. 272 sprin kIer irrigJtion, 140-43 squirrel shields, 262 st,lble floor, 112 staeks. -t7, 47, 48. 1 <)1-tJ2, 192,2()7 stanchion barns, 134 stators, 1 <)-t, lW), 1 <)7 "te,U11 drum, IlJ3, 194 ste,u11 locomotives, 370 steel-lanice towers. 235 steel mills. 49-56 steel recycling, 54-5() step-down tr,mst"(mner, 252 Stephenson, George, 356-57 step-up tr,msformer, 252 stilling b,lsin, () 7 Stockbridge, George, 23<) Stockbridge d,unper, 238. 23<) stone w,llls, 10<) stop signs, 337, 33<), 34() storm-\\'.lter dr,lin,lge, 1 () 1-3 in New ()r1eans, 10J storm-WJter inlets, 102, 102 str,Kidle carrier, -t67 str,light-run g,lsoline, 172 str,md-hung ,u11plifiers, 318. 31 <) straw w,llkers, 12() street lights, 2()(), 273 stringers, 3<)-t, 3W) strip mining, 1 H, 21-24, 21, 22, 23 of co,ll. 35-3() stripping shovel. 2J, 24 Strowger, Almon IL 2H(). 2H7-HH subconductors, 23H submJrine cables, J03 substJtions, 23(), 24()-()3 SUbW,lVS, 3HH, 390 sucker-rod pumps. 15H-5tJ, 158 Suez C,m,ll. 474 sug,lr, 13()-31 sug,lr mills. 13 1 sug,lr-scoop ,mtennas, sec horn-rdlector ,mtelll1.lS sulfur dioxide, 47, I <)() sulfur hexatluoride, 257 sulfuric,lCid,47-4H,48, 1<)0, 1<)1 sulfur recovery, 177 SUJl'\hine P,lrkw,lY Uridge, 411 superhc,ltcrs, 1 H9, 19-t 
supertrunk.s, 31 H SUr£1Ce mining n1.1chinery, 24-26 surge ,1lTe<;ters, 2()(), 2()9 <;uspemion bridges, 405-9, -I()5 swimming pool, 204-5, 207 <;wing bridges, 412, 413-14, 41-1 <;witches: electricJl, 254-5H, 266, 269, 270-71, 272 r.1ilro.1d, 361-63, 361, 362 see tl/so hump Y.1rds switching office, see centr,11 office swi tc h points, 3() 1-63, 363 switchY,lrds, electriclI, 19H-99, 198, 229 scc tl/so substations Sydney H.1rbour 13ridge, 404 synchrolift, 471 synchronized tr,lffic tlow, 347 T .1con1.1 N,lrrows 13ridge, 40H, 409 taconite, 49-51 t.1ilings, 2H, 30 t,linter g,ltes, 67, 70 t,mk 11.1rges, 472 t,mk cars, 376, 377-7R tank conuiners, 4()5 tanker tIres, 4() 1 tankers, 459-63, 459, -160, -161 tank (mm, 123, 166-69, 166, 167, 168, lHI-H2, 434 tap-changers, 254 taps, cable TV, 31 H, 318 tarm.1C, 424, 43() t,lr strips, 343 TAT-l,303 TAT-H,303 Tatara 13ridge, 411 taxi\vay m.1rking..., 432-33, -Ij2 taxÏ"w.1Ys, 432-33 Tea W.1ter Pump, HO telegr,lphy, 2H2, 301, 367 telephones, 277-93 telephone cables, 266 telephone number.., 2H6 telephone oper,ltors, 2H7 telephone poles, scc utility poks telc<;coping jetw,IY, 42H, -129 tc!l.typt'writns, 2H2 tclcvision, .,14- H) c.1ble, 3 ]()-llJ T eltord, Thon1.1s, 341-42 tcnsion. 3 l )() termin,11 ,lprom, 4.::n-30, -I2CJ terminal control rad,lf, scc ...hort-range surveil- I.1nce r.1dar termin,lls, 424, -12-1, 427-30 rermination towers, 236 terr,1Ces, scc benches Teton Dam, 66 TE Us (t\venty-foot-equiv,llent units), 4()4 tl1.1wing shed, 379 thenn,11 movement (bridges), 414 thermite, 35() thimbles, 29H third r,lil ,md sh oe , 38R three-b,lY barns, 113, 113 three-isbnd treighter, 45H Three Mik IsLmd, 204-5, 205 three-ph.lse transtom1er, 253, 253 three-pronged plug, 263 threshing, 119-20, 124 throughput, highw,lY, 347 thrust reversers, 429 thyristors, 242 tied ,1rches, 404 tie pLltes, 35H timber processing, 130 Time Division Multiple Access, 3()9 Timkenizing, 373 tipping tloors, 4H4-5, 48-1, 499 tipples, scc breakers, coal tip and ring, 27H tires, 496-97 TMR (tot.11 mixed r,1tion), 134 toe, railroad switch, 361 toll roads, 33() tongs, 152, 152 tongul' rails, scc switch points tonnage, 455-56 top-drive motors, 152-53 top-dump hoppers, 379 toul internal retlection, 297 touchdown zone, 431 tO\V (ofb,lrges), 472 towbO,ltS, 472-73, -173 tower drier. 123 tower silos. 1 I ()-17, 116 Town. I thiel, 3lJH T 0\'-' n tru<;ses. 396, 39H tr,ld.-tlying n1.1chinery. 35X tr,ld.-I1l.lintcn,1I1ce nuchinery, J5 l ) trKtors, II H-IlJ, 118 tr,lthe calming, 342 tr.1mC circles, 33H, 338 tr,lttIc j,lIHS, 347 traffic lights, 23H, 2()(i, 33lJ, 34H-51, 3-18 ...ensors, 35( )-51 tr.1Hic-<;ignal control cabinets, 349, 3-19 trattIc-signal controllers, 34lJ-51 tr affic-sigl1.1lnet\\ orks, 351 tr,lffic surveilLHIce camer,lS, 350 T r,lils, 354, 35-1 Tr,lin :. Gr,mde Vitesse, 360, 3H9 tr,lin whistle sign,lls, 364 tr,lit plots, 10h Tr,ms-Absk,1 Pipeline, 163, lh3, 164 tr,ms,ltbntic c,lbIe, 301-3 tr,HIsfer sutions, 4H4-R5 tr,HIst(mners, 19H, 247,2-17,250-54,251, 2M) tr,HIsit-mix trucks, scc rc,ldy-mix trucks transmission lines, 230-4(), 232, 235 tr,HIsmission towers, 235-3H tr,HIspondcrs, 326 tr,lsh, scc rubbish tr,lsh racks: in sew,lge tre,1tmeIlt, lJ7 in w,lter drain,lge, 103, 103 in w,1ter tre,ltl1lent, 76, Hl treIlises, 128, 129 Trésaguet, Pierre-M.lrie JérÓme, 341-42 tri,HIgubr fUnway byout, 433, 433 trickle clurger, 2()2 trickle irrig,ltion, 143 trickling tilters, 9-99, 98 tri er, 123, 123 trip-stop mecl1.1nisms. 3()9-7() trolleys, 3H6-H7 trolley wire, 3H6 truss bridges, 3l)()-401, 396,397 tugboats, -170,471-73 tugs (,1 i rcr,l ft) , 429-30 tun, 455 tunnel mines, 11-12 tunnels, 333. 416-21 communication in, 421 dr,lil1.1ge in. 41 H-llJ tire in, 419 lighting and, 420. -121 mount,lin, 417 Llilro,ld. 417 river, 417 tr,lthe control ,md. 420-21 vcntibtion in, 41 H, -119 turbines, 207, 22()- 27 eomhustion, 1 9lJ-20 I, 200, 201 hydroclectric, 212-14 Pclton whccl. 212 
re.lction-whL'cl. 213-1-1- steam, 1 <)-1--95, I CJ5, 2()3 wind, 215-21, 2/7, 22/ turns r,ltio, 252 turnstile ,mtennas, 314 2,....-0 (2A-dichlorophenoxY,lCetic acid), 1....7 two-way radio, 370 Tyrone mine, 27, 28 UHF (ultr,l high frequency), 315 ullage, -1-61 ultrahighways, 336 ultraviolet disinfection, 100, 100 underground distribution circuits, 274-75, 274, 275 underground mines: drainage in, 15-16 functioning of, 16-17 ore transport in, 13-14 structure of, 12-13 ventilation in, 14-15 undersea telephony, 303 upland crib b,lrns, 112, 112 uplinks, 304 uranium, 201-3 U.S. Bureau of Recl.l111,nion, scc Bureau of Reclamation utility poles, 2()....-65, 264, 265, 266, 31 H, 318 vacuum distillation columns, 171-73, 172 vacuum-tube telephone ,111lplifiers, 28-9, 289, 302 valves, 7-80. 90-91, 90. 155. 157, 171, 193, 194, 195, 195,20....-205 van Helmont, jan Baptista, 179 vapor-recovery systems, 179 Varina-Enon Bridge, 411 V ASIS (visual approach slope indicator system), ....36 vectors, 446 vegetables, 131-32 vehicle-detection loops, 349 ventilation, mine, 14-15, /5 Verr.lzano Narrows BrIdge, 409 VHF (very high frequency), 315 vibration d,l1llpers, 239 Victor airways, 4....3-........ Vincenze,jean,4Hó vineyards, 128, 129-30 visibility measurements (airport), ....35 visibility sensors (tunnels), -1-21 Volt,1. Akss.llldro, 231 volt.1ge, 231 high, 232-35, 2-16 voluge tr.l11sformers, 262 VOR (VHF omnidirectional range). -1--1-0-45, -1-12 VORTAC, scc VOR walking beam, 158 w,lrning systems, scc sirens Warren. jolmes, 39 Warren trusses, 396, 39H Washington Beltway, 237 wastes, ....81-99 haz,lrdous, 494 w,lste-to-energy plants, ....90-93 sec also Covanta Fair£1x plant Watauga Dam, 67, 69 water: distribution, 88-91 drinking, sec drinking water water hammer, 79-80, 214 water mains, 90 Watersphere, 86 Waterspheroid, 86 W,lter t,mks, 85-8, 85, 86. 88 water towers, 5-88 waterwalls, 192 waterworks, Ó 1-1 03 of Los Angeles, 80 of New York, 80 Watt, j al11es, 231 watt-hour meter, 272 watts, 231 wave guides, 295, 448 wavelengths, 315 W -beal11 guardrails, 345 weathering, of coal. 187 weather stations, ....34 weirs, 14() welded rail. 356 weIl cars, 376, 377 wells, 77-78, 78 development and "timul.ltion of, SCC fracking western interconnection, 231 Western Union, 282 Westinghouse, George, 242, 375 Westinghouse braking system, 374, 375-7() Weq Sidc Highw.lY, 342 Westw,1Y, 3-1-2 wet milling, 126-27, /27 Wheding Bridge, 405 Whipple, Squire, 399 Whipple bowstring trusses, 396, 399 Whisder, G. W., 357 white-board fences, 111, / 11 wildcatters, 150 winches, 68 wind farms, 216, 218. 219-21 wind girder, 168 windmills, 215-16, 22() scc also wind turbines wind power, 186,215-21 wind soeks, 434, 435, 490-93 wind turbines, 215-21,217,219 blad es of, 216-19 Oarrieus vertical-axis, 220, 221 winnowing, 120, 12.... wire cable guardrails, 3....5 wire saw, 40 Woodbridge cloverleaf, 3....0 woml fence, 109, 109 wye, 361 Y,lgi (Yagi-Uda) antennas, 315 yokes, transformer, 251 Yucca Mountain, 494 zebra lllUSSelS, 76 zeolites, 173, 174 Zuider Zee, 74 Z ybdch, Frank, 1....1-....2 
INFR STRUCTURE A FIELD GUlDE TO THE INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE ... BRI. I H. C I C. .  , O , ,. ,  f. uT  r  1- 0 ,. ..'  ' , - , .... -- I - \. . . I .. · . : . " I .. .  . j' ot___ ...:"' :....... , j '... _I ' 'I . t ., _ ,- -\ .\. \ . \ . . I,', o. p- ,_ I - 1 ' J r 
Copyright (Q 2005 by Brian Hayes All rights reserved Printed in China First Edition For infornlation about pennission to reproduce selections fronl this book, write to Permissions,WW Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, Ne\rYork, NY 10110 Manufacturing by South China Printing Co. ltd. Book design by Brian Hayes Production nlanager: Julia Druskin Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hayes, Brian. Infrastructure : a field guide to the industriallandscape / Brian Hayes. p. cnl. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-393-05997-9 (hardcover) 1. Industrial buildings-Landscape architecture. 1. Title. TS 190.S.H39 2005 711 '.6-dc22 2( )()S004640 WW Norton & Conlpany, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 www. wwnorton.conl WW Norton &. COlllpany Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London Wl T 3QT 123456789 0 
PREFACE CHAPTER 1: OUT OF THE EARTH 8 CHAPTER 2: WATERWORKS 60 CHAPTER 3: FOOD AND FARMING 104 CHAPTER 4: Oll AND GAS 148 CONTENTS 4 ." I  - . - .  - - - _:!.."\t. .... " p"" 4. .J.  -. .., )  . . "- I' ;r - - - t,  "J _' . . 
li:, "'ii I . .:! L .E J  = :; H ___-- ! · r ., I _'_ ." , . I I .  - )/ - . .. . I I ,-  t:J- ::... - '<SI \. " J! \" y/   I \''- '4 \  \J  t . - 1- _ I.  j -  _'I., ] CHAPTER 5: POWER PLANTS 184 CHAPTER 6: THE POWER GRID CHAPTER 7: 228 CO MM UNICA TI ONS 276 CHAPTER 8: ON THE ROAD CHAPTER 9: 324 THE RAILROAD 352 CHAPTER 10: BRIDGES AND TUNNELS 392 
CHAPTER 11: AVIATION 422 CHAPTER 12: SHIPPING 452 CHAPTER 13: WASTES AND RECYCLING 480 AFTERWORD: THE POSTINDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE 500 A NOTE ON THE PHOTOGRAPHS 506 FURTHER READING 509 INDEX 525 .. .. , In, . ,-- I I' i' \ iiii I 111:' < Ir' :t" . ,. ..J  Iii. . .. \. ., -L ALOAW "':' '--' j. . '.. ')... .... - , ... -,., , . . . ").. \. ,. .:.s!"':.. J f"'''' ... .  ".../""z . ... ':\ . .'f ' ,P 
\, , . .  .- -- I · "I  .... - .-.. e. __ \ \  . .. 4 . \ I t' \' L-' # \'\iA A , " I '\ .\JA  ,.. , -\ - A. \ , ,  r -- I -   , " " \ \ , .". . - -  \ r .. _ --   , . .. ...,   4  " ,