Tags: needlework   embroidery  

ISBN: 0-942237-66-8


TABLE OF CONTENTS YOl VG',47 HEART Young at Heart Ornaments Young at Heart Stocking... GOOD CHEER ELVES "Good Cheer' Pillow. . . Twig-Framed Elves....... Stiffened Mushrooms.... Mini Log Can lts........ CHRISTMAS PERENNIALS Poinsettia in Frame........ W hile Mum Pillow ........ Chustmas Cactus Shaker Box . Mistletoe Sachet........... Ilolh Cracker.............. PHOTO CHART QVILTS OF THE BIBLE Quills of the Bible... THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS The Sight Before Christmas Pillows. Clock Face in Frame............ SCHOOLGIRL EMBROIDERIES "It Won't Be Long" Ornament . Tree Ornament............... Stocking Ornament............ W reath Ornament...... Spool Ornaments............. HEARTFELT MESSAGES Heartfelt Mvssag< s. HEAVENLY HOST Heavenlv Host Pillow
PAPER DOLL TEDDY Paper Doll Teddy. PHOTO CHARI 26-2".......68-69 PRETTY SAMPLING Corded Tree Ornament.. Corded Peace Ornament Petite Samplers.... White Coat Santa..... sain t Profiles...... Christmas Village.. 28 71 28 71 29 74 30 70 31 ...72 VICTORIAS AYGILS Stiffened Victorian Angel Victorian Angels.... 32............75 33........ 75-77 FROSTY FRIENDS Frosh Friends Ornament Frost) I riends Mittens.. RADIANT NATIVITY “The Glory of the Lord Ornament Nativity Figures............. ...36. 57-39 . ...80 .80-83 MERRY MLM STOCKINGS Beaded Stocking Ornaments.... Santa Slocking Ornaments. NOAH S ANIMALS Xoah’s Animals. 40........... 85 .41............84 .43..........86-87 SLVZIS TOY LAM) Sama at Work............. Square Old-time Toys Ornaments Oval Old-time Toys Ornaments.... Old-time Toys Poem........ .45 ....... 88-89 .46.........90-91 .46.........90-91 .47.............90 ENDEARING A VOWBABIES Snow Babies m frames .. 48 49 General Instructions 93-96
• т rodaiming sentiments о] t fie season, fudfij- trimmed ornament* bring tiding, ove, hope, pence, andfondness to the cefe.6rat.ion. (The expressive tree-trims also mafe fieartfeft hofiday tokens to share until famdy and tends.
Char* Oipazes 5B-51
1)сл\ем1у t>osT
I l)c Kiiс;I и вероие Cl?RLSTCDAS Lzz’(/5 the night. before. Christmas, when all through the fiquse ‘Jfpt a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; ‘The. stockings were hung by the chimney with care, hi hopes that St. ffic/iofas soon would be there. ‘The children were nestled afl snug in their beds, ‘H’/iile visions of sugar-plums danced through their heads; Andmamma in her kerchief, and I in my cap Siad just sett fedour brains for a long -winter’s nap, — 1 Then out on the fawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed. to see what was the matter. Away to the zvindow I flew life a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon, on the breast of the new-faffc.n snow, (fave the lustre of midday to objects below; ll-hen what to my wondering eyes shoufd appear, ‘But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, D’ith a fit the. ofd driver, so fivefy and yuidfl fne.w in a moment it must be St. ‘Tficf. ‘More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled and shouted and cal fed them by name: "ffow, ‘Dasher! now, ‘Dancer! now, ‘.Prancer and Di^en! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Dander and‘Bfilzen! ‘To the top of the porch, to the top of the waif! f-jgw, dash away, dash away, dash away aff! As dry leaves that before the wild hurricanefly, 'll icn they meet with an obstacfe. mount to the sfy, So, up to t ie house-top the coursers they ffew, 'U-ilh the sleigh jufl of toys, — and St. 'Sfichofas too. And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, ‘Down the chimney St. Tfic/iofas came with a bound, ‘die was dressed afl in fur from his head to his foot, And his clothes were afl tarnis ied with ashes and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his bacf And he loafed lif? a peddferjust opening his pacf. dlis eyes how they twinffed! his dimpfes how merry! !riis cheeks were life roses, his nose life a cherry; 'Jlis draft little mouth was drawn up life a bow, And the beard on his chin was as while as the snow. ‘The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And t ie smoke it encircled his head life, a wreath. ‘Tie had. a broad face, and a Tittle round be.ffy That. shook when lie laughed, fife. a bowf Juff of jeffy. ‘Ле was chubby and plump, — a right jofly ofd elf — And I faughed, when I saw him, in spite oj myself. A win fof his eye and a twist of his head Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. The spoke not a word, but went straight to his work. And fiffed aff the stockings; then turned with a jerk And laying his finger aside of his nose, Atul giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. Tie. sprang to ltd sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they afl ffew life the down of a thistle; ‘But I heard him e\cfaim, ere he drove out oj sight: Dlappy Christmas to afl, and to aff a good-night!" — ссг^1т:\'ГС£-‘^:кг мот

I. he tale of Santa’s mayicaljourney is immortalized in the classic рЛт penned by Clement Clarke ^foo^e. Illustrated with whimsical scenes, these tiiheless verses will raise Hopes that St. \nlis.', ri-will^appe^r

CpRlSTCPAS PCKCMKIIAI S ^rou ned in holiday sj. cndor, vibrant tinnier blossoms and berries provu a joyous contrast to the jrosty fandscape. of the season. ‘These bountifuf gifts from nature — white chrysanthemum, poinsettia, holly, CJp'istmas cactus, and mist/itoe — have (ong beenfavorite ‘Уик tide adornments.

qcnlis op i l)c uiBLe CJn/f/m о/yesteryear bestowed upon us a beautijuf legacy for the 'Juletide celebration. ‘Ifteir fianif-piececf expressions of faith recounted the Christmas story through patterns such as Carpenter's ‘U-liecl, Staroj the 'Magi, Shepherd's Crossing, 'J\pad to Jerusalem, and (Bethlehem Star. ‘Clearing these rich mosaics today, we can sti I imagine each wondrous tale unfolding. \.-sxa4 j rmcvn He <TU€Bll JrZ yro it came Aiat al ,\>e VaxeA. 2(And/ VraaAe vA» |&»жЯ |hfh« )ртЛ K-J& я Я wl ^1Я И | а'Л*. V Л U^1'1 цл| \ 4°' vid- Л v^45Nb- L \ ,11 'An’У •Геэ'А* • ______tYwi«v. ®” ^.AW. rt^\''w W * Ifct ot 1Ъеъс«оге W«> Bhu VV S 4 ^-r<-c5i Bu*d to P c otAee.] №Kl. sav\ гз M e OJ \£b.e\itlS raercy^A^ *• ‘ ce tbcil tl e n. saWl i anA s?.1 1 Г’^- w r»”al'S- ^слЦ ?^гЛ1 n h*ihcl bn' C The‘% c’A^A \^<jc4 »4 ui >1Ж ”°“Я г «»h 4Ъе^(аеЧГаЯ akeputvlessc*i (3 A°Jod 'vfO дпА th® i »»ld’ Лъ »"?'table» ?? i6b«- * S й I» " d "^''dV-s e,oUd' ®S ’ id1'"’81’ ' \“'^;^гДАъе ы»\ ДлуЧв$5 ^Ав№ ~ct\he \ДДп«лХл<;“6 \cYn\a. , _ Ur 'Ч ртт?' .- J’ ~уУс SVaVte’ ^HjTvcb.W' (й),’ ап®. „и thatV&SG Godly t ей. 4 м* Aiir»i <=»го: SeS Н SSSUere. joy-. she Уи‘а>Й • > ;еА ,sJva\ '?еД\аЪГ«АА оу 16
a& «? Fear uirt vWcb aViffl For unto in tbeJ iour, vrtn iScnA thJ to к. owv a\so v at ot to JCw >a'vvj К Лго^г*. jknt out ?b»r.gM A.ynth 1 fcetofi ? j.ertt кегф tro Уои-’, ibe wrat Lothes. 'У yj fvno wito fhtti theheay* anasayw i\ \4 tA«
РТлито you coj 0LL THOSE riEOR □ДО DEOR T О УСУ /•>/ •’«f . *<- ’ •1 %r ***,•• ’ Ch^rt on page 62 к qooO cl^eeR elves rched among lfie Branches of their woodland iome, these riterry efves are eagerjor an evening of frolic fing fun. Qoodducf toadstools and twigs for the fire are gathered from the forest as the tiny woodsmen prepare to worf their elfin magic. According to me lie-oaf lore, if you feave them a bowf of rue pudding to enjoy, they fl grant you good cheer throughout the year!
w »

уоимс; at Ъелкт our childhood. ‘Precious memories of innc .ent games and handcrafted treasures feep us young at heart, knowing that we I iclive those cherished times и ith our children. 'J landcraj teif mementos preserve those special memories of a child’s first holiday season. t'W ЬИ К < ж Ж ' J

scboolc;iKL eooBRoideRies lipioneer homes, fatuities trimmed,their freshly cut Christmas trees with ornaments as primitive as their lifestyle. Scraps of fabric, emptij thread spoofs, and stray buttons often providedsimpfe. yet charming accents. Perhaps most touching of aft were hatuferafted ornaments bearing t ie cat efid, deliberate stitches and chifdisfi sentiments of schoolgirfs 24

рлрек OoLL теООу dO?'tnories of childhood ('liristmases await with these nostalgic decorations, dong ago, a paper doff idith a quic ^change wardrobe. Idas sure to 6c found among a youngster s pfayt tings. ‘With this charming teddy bear doff and Sarita t 'fans i lot fling, we/vc recaptured t tc magic of those imaginative hours.

ркетту sag эр Uнс; leg ant silhouettes and tiny samplers offer charming tributes toD'uletide traditions. Depicting holiday scenes or symbols, these ornaments are simple reminders oj t ie peaceful blessings Heston ed upon the earth i is Charts on ркде
13 if ore becoming the crimson-dad elf we fyww today, Saint hoi as was often shown robed tn snowy white or iranquit blue, dint atwais he has been the generous yentieman who delivers his abundant gifts around the wortd while wintry milages stum her.
VLCTORIAM AKlCJCl S C~ebestiaf messengers who he rabded the good news of the Christ Child's birth, angels arc behoved members of the Christmas pageant. Crowned with golden stars and halos of greenery, our sweet-faced cherubs recall the joy oj the first lJfoed.

PROSTY pRieMOS winter, we share our children s delight create a whimsicaf personalityJor each snowman usi tg old caps, scarves, and brooms. 41'het her peering through an icif windowpane or adorning liny mittens, these chiffii chap's wifi bring that wintry fun indoors. . •> /> /z rt£* |л -tv*, la Ди Л s^'. S
КЛСНЛНТ mat ivity ^^cattered among the houghs of the Christmas tree orassemhhed in a humble manger scene, headed '^fglivity figures offer an endearing portrait of the ‘Jfcdy ‘Birth. dfeavetdy angels, adoring shepherds, andgift-bearing (Magi cehcbratc the wondrous moment as ‘Mary and Joseph watch over the peacefid babe. 56

ChaifeWi ffigebi SO л this shaft be a sign unto you; Je shaft find the. babe гита ped in swaddfing ctothes, tying in a manger. Andsuddeidy there zoos with the anget a muftitude of heaventy host praising (fid, and saying, Qtory to Qod in the highest, and on earth peace goodwift toward men. — 1Я1‘К£ 2:12-14 «.MM
(Пекку cnlnii STOckiKiqs C-nHancetf utitfi elegant tatuAes, tfiese stoctytgs are tiny treasure troves for sweet surprises. ‘The beaded coffection shimmers with Tictonan- style patterns, andscafi oped face trims our < isions of Santa. Mis Jfowiny w tile beard creates swirls of softness on the stoefinys. 40
\Jiinng tJte fioGdays, our hearts and minds arc fitted with thoughts ofthe ‘Bible 's miracles. fft onby do we celebrate the story oj Christ's holy birth, but we also reflect on other javonte passages, <uch as the account offloah and the Ijreat ‘flood. In years past, when only ’Biblicafp aytfiings were permitted on the Lord s (Day, flgah's Arfjoys were often favorite choices.
! Ш
SAKHA'S тоуЪлнО L lere 's nothing Santa more enjoys Than making t oys for girts and boys. Sind in his way he s wondrous wise Tor he faurws just what tptease your eyes. - я-лсоеч>--Т1^-£. I'i'ssr
on pages 88-89

ckiOcarimc; SNOW BABieS playful snowball fight, a few teetering strides on news fates, a cushioned tumble in new-fallen tin ts — these are just a few of the youtfifu delights re ived through these endearing snow babies. 'Bundled up forsnugglii warmth, these chubby toddlers have charmed us with their antics since the early 1900s

t>GARTpeLT CDGSSAQGS Heartfelt Messages (shown on pages 6-7): Each design was stitched over 2 fabric threads on an 8‘ square at Cream Belfast Linen (32 cf) Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Backstitch. For each ornament, you will need on 8й square of Cream Belfast Linen for backing. 10’ x 5" piece of adhesive mounting board, fracing paper, pencil, 10’ x 5' piece of bolting. 2* x 18’ bios fabric strip for cording, 18’ length of A" dio. purchased cord, two 18’ lengths of A’w ribbon for hanger, and clear-drying craft glue For pattern, fold tracing paper in half and place fold on dashed line of Heart Pattern, page 96. trace pattern onto tracing paper Cut out pattern, unfold and press flat Draw around pattern twice on mounting board and twice on balling, cut out Remove paper from one piece of mounting board and press one batting piece onto mounting board Repeat with remaining mounting board and batting Referring to photo, position pattern on wrong side of stitched piece,- pm pattern in place. Cut stitched piece Г larger than pattern on all sides. Cut backing fabric same size os stitched piptece gl Clip T Into edge of stitched piece al ‘A’ am wrong sit Center wrong side of stitched piece over tJ ends of о on one mounting board piece, told eogaB For h stitched piece to back of mounting boon iplocemer glue In place For ornament back, repeo (of orna backing fabric and remaining mounting br sides g For cording center cord on wrong sidedfiogethe ship, matching long edges fold strip ove мнdesire Use a zipper loot to boste along length с! Я close Io cord; trim seam allowance UsnfHs Beginning and ending at top center of snfl 50
62w x 46h ЗЧС В ST 67w x 4511 3021 1Z. '3328 [J Biis oreo indicoles first row d right section of design. I’ns fry Ijmiti Cnlf> Calhoun. tched piece, p glue cording seam allowance to V/ intervofcj over b tt ng Id edges ol board and I repeat witn ng board. I side of bids p over cord, igth of strip nee to Л". of siilcheflI к side of ornomeni Iront. overlapping t cording. hr honger, referring to photo tor Ement glue ribbons to wrong side krnomenl front Matching wrong glue ornament front and bock her Tie ribbons in a bow; trim ends wet 51
hGAveKiLv 1?ost зГИс Won STITCH COUNT (3(Xv x 58h) 14 count 16 count IBcouni 22 count STITCH COUNT (31W x 55№ 14 count 27/ l 41 16 count 2* x JI 18 count 1У/ x И 22 count 17/ x 3i
н х 55h) B'ST DMC 3072 3721 3722 3756 3770 3829 АогИ harp strings m tog stitches. ❖ о о м3 D’o ~O;<- STITCH COUNT (28w x 57h) 14 count 2' x 47/ 16 count IV/ x 3V/ 18 count IV/ x 3// 22 count IV/ x 2V/ Heavenly Host Pillows (shown on pages 8-9) Each design wos stitched over 2 fabric threads on an 8‘ x 14’ piece of Cream Belfast Linen (32 ct) Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Backstitch For pillow, you will need two 8' x 7" pieces of fabric for pillow front and back and polyester fiberfill. Centering design. Irim stitched piece to measure 6" x 117/. For band, fold stilched piece in hall matching right sides and long edges and use a /?* seam allowance Io sew long edges together; turn stitched piece right side out Wilh seam af center bock, press seam ond stitched piece. Matching right side and short edges, use a h* seam allowance to sew short edges together; press seam open and turn bond right side out For pillow, match right sides ond row edges of pillow front and bock Leaving on opening for turning, use a /?" seom allowance to sew fabric pieces together; trim diagonally at comers. Turn pillow right side ouf, carefully pushing corners outward; stuff pillow lightly with polyesler fibenill ond blind stitch opening closed Referring to photo, place bond around pillow. Nci’dlework adaptations by Nancy Dockter.
тЪе MiqbT вероке сТжгвтоэлв Clock Face in Frame (shown on pages 11-13) The clock face design was stitched over 2 fabric Ihreods on о 6’ square of Cream Belfast Linen (32 cl) One strand of floss was used far Backstitch and French Knots II wos Inserted in a purchased round gold frame (2’/f dio opening). Referring to photo for placement, glue sprig of miniature holly, small wooden mouse, and red satin bow Io Irome. The Night Before Christmas Pillows (shown on pages 11-13): Each design wos stitched over 2 fabric threads on 9“ square of Light Mocha Belfast Linen (32 ct) Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Bockstilch and French Knots To complete pillows, see The Night Before Christmas Pillows, роде 57, for finishing instructions Designs by flolly DeFount of Kooler Design Studio.
49w x 58h B'ST ecru 47w x 5011 3371 30w x 30h OILS 3326 3371 3755 3756 3815 3816 3817 3820 3821 btonc DMC Dtanc D,tl a -11 L il J-'fl French Knot French Knot French Knot
TbG MIQbT вероке CbRISTCDAS 45w X 4* 54w x 54h 436 666 3371 56w x 36h ЕПЙ The Nigh Iwos stif feelfast ond 1 st i For e Unen fc J floss for Motet fobric t piece 1 [use о | allowon ! pushing stitch O| For t\ knot 2" I floss ur Kit cent* Release 898 899 938 948 963 3326 3371 3755 3756 3815 3816 3817 blanc French Knot French Knol French Knot DMC blonc ecru 304 ww^MKsai
t Night Before Christmas Pillows (shown on pages 11-13): Each design • stitched over 2 fobnc threads on a 9” square of Light Mocha Host Linen (32 ct). Two stronds ol floss were used for Cross Stitch fil strand for Backstitch ond French Knots. r each pillow, you will need a 9" square of Light Mocho Belfast ?n for backing, polyester fiberfill, ond five 4 yd lengths of CMC 321 s for twisted cord latching right sides ond row edges, pin stitched piece and backing ifc together. Referring to photo, trim backing fobr c and stitched ce 1" larger than design on oil sides Leaving on opening for turning, >a seam allowance to sew peces together; trim seam ance diagonally ot corners Turn pillow right side out, carefully hing corners outward. Stuff pillow with polyester fiberfill ond blind :h opening closed for twisted cord, place lengths of floss together ond fold in half; tie о Bl 2“ from each end Place the loop avei о stationary object; pulling 5$ until tout, twist floss in a clockwise motion until tight Holding floss tenter to keep tout, fold floss in half matching knotted ends (Fig. 1). ease floss ot fold; floss w I twist together Secure knotted ends by tying an overhand knot. Pull card through fingers to evenly distribute twists. Beginning and ending ot bottom center of pillow, blind stitch twisted cord around edges of pillow
c1?Ristcdas peReMMiALs
DMC blonc 304 7« X LSI B'ST 3)8 319 3 z 321 326 335 367 з 368 414 z 415 з 498 666 762 □ 781 z 815 з 890 а 899 902 / 904 905 906 907 3031 0 3781 3 3790 3 3799 3801 3 3820 3822 3031 French Knot Mill Hill Bead - 00557 Mill Hill Bead - 40479 Mill Hill Bead - 40557 Poinsettia in Frame (shown on page 14) Design wos stitched over 2 fobnc Ihreods on an 8й square of Antique White Belfast Linen (32 ct) Two strands of floss were used for Cross Slitch ond 1 strand tor Backstitch To attach beads use 1 strand of DMC 676 floss see Altoching Beads page 94 It was inserted m a round gold frame (3 /dia. opening) White Mum Pillow (shown on роде 14) Design #4 wos stitched over 2 fabric threads on on 8" square of Antique While Belfast Linen (32 ct). Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stilch and 1 strand for Bockstitch. For pillow, you win need a 47/ x 4‘ piece of Antique While Belfast Linen for backing, 2" x 167/ bios fabric strip for cording, 167/ length of 7/ dia. purchased cord, and polyester fiberfill. Centering design, trim stitched piece to measure 471" x 4' Center cord on wrong side of bias strip, matching long edges, fold strip over cord Use a zipper foot to baste along length of strip close to cord, trim seam allowance to 7/ Matching raw edges, pm cording Io right side of stilched piece ond moke о V/ clip in seam allowance of cording ot corners Ends of cording should overlap approximately 2", pin overlapping end oul of way. Starting 1 tram beginning end of cording and ending 27/ from overlopping end, baste cording to stitched piece On overlapping end of cording, remove 2“ of basting, fold end of fabric bock and Irim cord so thol il meets beginning end of cord. Fold end of fobnc 7?" to wrong side; wrap fabric over beginning end of cording Finish basting cording to stitched piece. Matching righi sides ond leaving on opening for fuming, use a '// seam allowance to sew stilched piece ond backing fabric together Trim seam allowances to 74" ond trim diagonally at corners; turn pillow right side out, carefully pushing comers outward Stuff pillow with polyester liberfiH and blind stitch opening closed Christmas Cactus Shaker Box (shown on page 15) Design #2 wos stitched over 2 fabric threads on on 8” square of Anlique While Belfast Linen (32 ct) Two strands of floss were used for Cross Slitch ond 1 strand for Backstitch ond French Knots. To attach beads, use 1 strand of DMC blonc floss see Attaching Petite Beads page 73 For Shaker box. you will need a 3” dia round Shaker box, 3* dia circle of batting for lid, 10’ length of 5/e"w ribbon, 10' length of //w gold broid, fabric marking pencil, ond clear-drying croft glue Centering design, trim stitched piece to 0 47/ die. circle. Clip 7c” into edge of stitched piece al Г intervals. Glue batting on top of lid ond place wrong side of stitched piece on batting, fold edge of stitched piece down ond glue to side of lid. Referring to photo glue ribbon ond braid to side of lid Mistletoe Sachet (shown on page 15) Design #3 wos stitched over 2 fabric threads on 0 9" x IT piece of Antique White Belfast Linen (32 ct) Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch ond 1 strand for Backstitch. To attach beads, use 1 strand of DMC 895 floss; see Attaching Petite Beads, page 73. For sachet, you will need 0 4 /4“ x 6’// piece of Antique White Belfast Linen for backing. 16’ length of 7 crw ribbon, 16" length of /ie“ dia gold cord, polyester fiberfill, ond scented oil. Trim stitched piece to measure 4 A* x 67/, allowing 0 3* margin ot top of design ond 17/ margins at sides and bottom of design. Matching right sides and row edges, use 0 7/ seam allowance to sew stitched piece and backing fabric together (bockstitch ot beginning ond end of seam) Trim seam allowances diagonally at corners. Fringe top edge of sachet '/>' Turn sachet righi side oul and stuff sachel with polyester fiberfill. Place 0 few drops of scented oil on 0 small amount of fiberfill and insert in middle ot sachet Tie nbbon ond cord in a bow Ground sachet, he overhand knots 7/ from each end of cord ond trim ribbon ends as desired. Holly Cracker (shown on page 15) Design #5 was stitched over 2 fabric Ihreods on 14" x 11" piece of Antique White Belfast Linen (32 ct) Two slronds of tloss were used for Cross Stilch and 1 strand for Backslilch For cracker, you will need 0 15* x 67z* piece of plaid fabric, 5" length of 17г’ dia cardboard tube, two 9‘ lengths of 7m’w ribbon, two 9' lengths of 7/w ribbon, two 9' lengths of 7i/ dia gold cord, ond fabric glue. Centering design, Irim stitched piece to measure 10" x 67?’. Fringe each short edge of stitched piece 7/. Press each short edge of fabric 2" to wrong side; glue in place. With stitched piece centered, place wrong side of stitched piece on right side of fabric. Glue one long edge of stilched piece fo one long edge of fabric; repeat with remaining long edges; allow glue to dry. Press one long edge of stilched piece ond fabric 7г" Io wrong side; glue m place Insert candy or small gift into lube ond center lube lengthwise on wrong side of fabric ond stitched piece. Glue unpressed edge of fabric and stilched piece to tube Wrap fabric ond slitched piece smoothly around tube, glue pressed edge in place Referring lo photo, tie a bow ot each end of slitched piece with one length of each ribbon ond one length of gold cord, tie overhand knots from each end of cord and trim ribbon ends os desired. Designs and needlework adaptation by Nancy Dodder. 59
qulLts of tT?g bibLe Quilts of the Bible (shown on pages 16-17): Each design was stitched on a 7' square of Dirt)' Aida (16 cl). Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 s‘rond for Backstitch For each ornament, you will need two 5’ squares of wool fabric, two 5" squares of fusible web, and a 5‘ length of '/b'vj ribbon far hanger. Center one square of fusible web on wrong s de of one square of wool fabric; center wrong side of remaining square of wool fabric on fusible web. Following manufacturer's directions, fuse wool squares together Trim sttched piece five squares larger than design on all sides; fringe to within one square of design. Trim rema ning square of lusble web slightly smaller than cross-stitched design area; center fusible web on wool fabric ond center wrong side of stitched piece on fusible web. Fuse stitched piece to woo fabric Trim edges of woo! fabric with pinking shears 3/b’ from edge of fringe. For hanger, fold ribbon in half, referring to photo, tack ends ta back of ornament X [ Designs bi/ Kathf Elrod. g q;q q q о о o’ 10 О О 01 ко o,o о о гст в; lopooj oooq* о о'о о о| 0 6(0 0 о Штвд (орРр’рЪр Го о 0'0.1 бо о? Цррр;> боюоТЯ О О О О 0,1 оОООо1 *(00 00 0'1 * wtoooli * * *2.6 oi •Joo'ooo * о'обоо' ♦ Й.О.ООР * o p,up а *joo о ос»**** □ oobo q * * * * 00.000 J * * * * ООО o'o J * * *.* гагат o.o о pa PiP-ojaF ooofT* • * * ’ vUr-ii o,. _ j.. * ★ * * *|Ь0 0 0 0 0000 Ouv * * * «poo'oopoo’ooooo * *‘jojoopooopdoooo oj * *jo010 O 0,0 6 О О О О О ОРГ f oojo орооойобоаТ Road lo Jerusalem (40w x 40h) th Star of the Magi (48w x 48h) Shephe «’’000:0 poo Гс!о О 0 0 OP о о co q:o о 0,0,0 о о O' O'C.'OiO'o 0'0,0 Об p 0 о'6'о o o O O ООО.О^ Vopp’o о p.o'o p'o o.o
В ST DMC Carpenter's Wtieel (48w x 48h) 3371 kpherd s Crossing (40w x 40h) Bethlehem Star (40w x 40h) oo о о о о о сГо (Ооооооо То о О Qо о Jo о о о'оря (оооо 3 01° о о оо6[о оОбосо« oooIooop ооообоо 6 о о о’р о о ооооооо .Joe о о о <Я_ BSwo'oo’S оооооооо оооооооо Iqooqo oo d н Гостя >! йроооТТ .Моо ообо от, Jooooooo’o'o Чорроооофо Гкooooood ТоО о о боорооооб обоборе оо ооооооооо ооооооооо ооооооо 0'0 ооооооооо ооб о о оооо I. о о обо ООО к.».».» .~»,ь ... Оооо' OOOQ. о'оо о обок ооооо o.oTJ ЕГооооТЯ КГоб'обЪба оооооооо оооо о о о'о lop ООО О o’oj Тор о о'о of^ Торсов ТУР'а’&'б'бД'ббб бор'о'оббоо « ооооооооо» об б о ооо ос « об обооооо* ооор оооо Of-» о о'сто о р'о'о'О • о оfro ооооо« б о,0'0 ОООО » ООО 0'0’0 foe о о > оa Tooooooj^ о о o'opi о о ppp б? о бо о б’о/Ч, ooopOooi 00ООООбI a'.flSP.g.gQl * О'ёр’б 6'6'0756 6 • ОбОбОООООО * б'О!О 0,0 0 00.0 о * ООООООО'ООО . РФ о о ооооо с * Ор ор оро рро •рооброообо о о 0 a .а'да.з ооообоб OOOOOOjj o'o'ooodr о'О о O\J“ oooPp бо Jr :<нпнс :e::ss:h: ypr'crai
qooO сЪеетг eLves 1 (42w x 35h) x SI 6 S E a B8 E E E S 760 Mill Hill Bead 03003 I Bead placement Use 347 for mouths and 3031 tor all other. *2 (23wx 18П) '5 (34w X 57h) '7 (31 w 3 (23wx 18h) "4 (19w x 19h) E 62
В ST Designs Ы/ Nancy Dockier. Twig-Framed Elves (shown on pages 19-21): Designs #5. #7. and #8 were each stitched on a 7" x 9* piece ot Fiddler's Lite (14 ct). Three strands ot floss were used for Cross Stitch ond 1 strand for Half Cross Stitch and Backstitch To attach beads, use 1 strand of DMC 498 floss; see Attaching Beads, page 94. To complete ornament, see Twig-Framed Ell Finishing, page 87. "Good Cheer" Pillow (shown on page 18) Design #1 was stitched on a 10" x 9" piece of Fiddlers Lite (14 ct). Three strands of foss were used for Cross Stitch ond 1 strand for Backstitch. Centering design, torn stitched piece to measure 51// x 5* To complete pillow, see 'Good Cheer* Pillow Finishing, page 87 Mini Log Carriers (shown on pages 19-21). Designs #2, #3, and #4 were each stitched on a 7* x I Г piece of Fiddler's Lite (14 ct) with top of design 31// from one shod edge. Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch Centering design horizontally and leaving a 17/ margin at top of design, trim stitched piece to measure 37Г x 77Л To complete tog carrier, see Mini Log Corner Finishing, page 87 iw x 43h) •8(28wx57h) 7~t llw x 56h) : 4 Stiffened Mushrooms (shown on poges 19-21). Design #6 was stitched on a 6“ x 7‘ piece of Fiddler's Lite (14 ct). Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Backs! tch. For each mushroom you will need a 6" x 7* piece of lightweight cream fabric for backing, fabric stiffener, small foam brush, eight 4mm ivory beads, and clear-drying croft glue Apply a heavy coat of fabric stiffener to back of stitched piece using small foam brush. Malching wrong sides place stitched piece on backing fabric, smoothing stitched piece while pressing fabric pieces together allow to dry. Apply fabric stiffener to backing fabric; allow to dry. Cut out close to edges of stitched design. Referring to chad for placement glue beads to mushroom.
VOUMQ лт Ik-art 2 (2
5 5|5;5 ❖ x* ex 5.5.515 5:515.5 I 8® ®E 55 55*5.5 515:5.55 5.5:5 51515,55 5 5,5 55. 5,5 5 55.5. 5.5 5 .555 '4 (58w x 52h) (26w x 61h) .+ . '3 (22w x 61 h) nriDnnnnfinnrUKinnrax^LlLXJl^LlOL. X B'ST I j 1 I 1 I zj° I I I - 002 ench Knot ench Knot 521 1 use itrows. ana s of first Jed and ’co d ted. I use 356. *2 ond Far se 938 1, use 646; *2 ond I use 826 ) for Sonia, all e I use 3818 1 844 tor Des gns "% use 3818. of 9e 23): threads h Linen ;sed for 'ch and Young Young at Heart Ornaments (shown on page 22) Designs *2, *3. and '4 were each sttched on a 6" square of Biown perforated poper (14 ct) Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch, 2 strands for Backstitch, and 6 strands for French Knots, unless otherwise noted in the color key Attach beads using 1 strand of DMC ecru floss For ornaments, you will need '/«“w ribbon in desired colors, 214" length of %"w lace for girl, and clear-drying craft glue. Referrng to pholo, cut out slitched pieces close to designs. For boy ond girl, tie ribbon into small bows. Referring to photo for placement, glue bows and lace to ornaments For rocking horse, cut a 9" length of ribbon for reins; at bead placement, thread ribbon through perforated paper Match ends and tie an overhand knot 2" from ends of ribbon. Referring to photo, tack reins in place, trim ribbon ends as des ed Designs fry Patrick Nasers.
SChOOl QIRL eCDBROlOeRLGS X X □ 1 (72w x 50h) 7 (33w I none For Designs*! end’ll work n long s itches. For Designs *2 *7. er J *8 use 2 strands ettaj Use 2 slronds of flea I □ an *2 (37w x 50h) *3 (34w x 50h) 66
"It Won't Be Long" Ornament (shown on page 24) Design #1 was stitched over 2 labrc ihreads on a 9‘ x 8" piece of Light Mocha Cashel Linen (28 ct). Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch, 1 strand for Backsl'tch, 2 slrands for French Knot, and 4 strands for Blanket Stilch, unless otherwise noled In the color key For ornament, you will need a 6’ x 4 A" piece of lightweight cream fabric for backing, 6 Л" x 4 A* p ece of natural batting. DMC 642 floss for Blanket Stitch, two 6“ lengths of #20 jute twine, and 8‘ stick for hanger. Centering des gn irim stilched piece to measu e 6" x 47?.". To complete omamenl, see В anket-Stitched Ornament Finishing, page 94 Tree Ornament (shown on page 25) Design #2 was stitched over 2 fabric th eads on a 7" x 8' piece of Light Mocha Cashel Linen (28 ct). Three slrands of floss were used for Cross Stitch, 2 strands for Bockstitch, and 4 strands for Blanket Stitch For ornament, you will need a 37" x 4 A’ piece of lightweight cream fabric for backing, 3 V x 43A" piece of natural batting, DMC 642 floss for Blanket Stitch, two 6* lengths of #20 jute twine, 57/ stick for hanger, and 6 assorted buttons Centering design, trim stitched piece to measure 3 /?" x 4 h” To complete ornament, see Blanket-Stilched Ornament Finishing роде 94 Stocking Ornament (shown on page 25): Design #3 was slilched over 2 fabric threads on a 7" x 8" p ece ot Light Mocha Cashel Linen (28 cl) Three strands of f oss were used for Cross Stitch, 1 strand for Backstitch, and 4 strands for Blanket Stitch For ornament, you will need a 7' x 8" piece of lightweight cream rabnc for backing. 7' x 8' piece ol nalurol boning, tracing paper, pencil, DMC 642 floss for Blanket Stitch, 5" length of #20 jute twine fabric marking pencil, and 3 assorted buttons Trace Schoolgirl Stock g Paltem, роде 96, onio tracing paper, cut out pattern. Referring ia photo, position pattern on wrong side of st Iched piece; pin pattern in place. Use fabric marking pencil to draw around pattern remove pattern and cut out on drawn line Use pattern and cut one from backing fabric. Adding 7e" to all sides, use pattern and cut one from balling To complete ornament, see Blanket-Stitched Ornament Fin snmg, page 94 Wreath Ornament (shown on page 25): Design #8 was stitched ovei 2 fabric threads on an 8" square of Light Mocha Cashel Lnen (28 cl). Two strands of floss were used for Backstitch and 4 strands for Blonkel Stitch. For ornomenl yau will need a 4' dia. c rcle of lightweight cream fabric far backing 47/ dio. circle of natural batting, DMC 642 floss for Bonket Stitch, 5' ength of #20 jute twine, ond 6 assorted buttons. Centering design, trim slitched piece to a 4' da. crcle To complete ornament see В ankel-Stitched Ornament Finishing, page 94 Spool Ornaments (shown on page 25): Designs #4. #5, #6, ond #7 were each stitched over 2 fabric threads on a 6" x 4’ piece ot Light Mocha Cashel Linen (28 ct). Three strands of floss were used lor Cross Stitch, I strand for Backstitch, and 4 st ands for Blanket Stilch, unless otherwise noted in the color key. For each ornament, you will need о 1 7/d' wooden waisted spool, wood stain. DMC 642 f oss for Blanket Stitch, 3/b" dia bead, and 22" length of #20 jute twine. Centering design trim stitched piece to measure 3’// x 2" Apply wood stoin to spool; allow to dry Press lang edges of stilched piece V?" Io wrong side. Starting 7?" tram one short edge, Blanket Stitch pressed edge to within 7?" of opposite end: see Blanket St tch Instruct ons, page 93. Repeat for remaining long edge. Press one short edge 'h* to wrong side Wrap s tched piece around spoo and whipstitch in place For hanger, th eod jute through spool, bead, and then back through spool Refer ng to photo, tie ends of jute in bow, trim ends as des red Designs by Jane Chandiet 67
paper OoLL тейду 48w X 74h 31W X 34h яииж 50w x 60h 68
’/<X B'ST 50w x 53h o'oi. -a : 4E® 48w x 55h e 0 0 French Knot DMC blanc ecru 310 321 433 434 435 437 498 645 648 666 725 738 801 814 844 930 931 932 3033 3072 3750 3752 3782 S Я II •i 310 * Use 2 strands of floss. Paper Doll Teddy (shown on pages 26-27). Each design was stitched on an 8" x 10” piece of Ivory Aida (14 ct) Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Backstitch and French Knots, un ess otherwise noted in the color key For each ornament, you will need an 8" x 10" piece of lightweight cream fabric for backing, fabric stiffener, and small foam brush Apply a heavy coat of fabric stiffener to back of stitched piece using small foam brush Matching wrong sides, ploce stitched piece on backing fabric, smoothing stitched piece while pressing fabric pieces together; allow to dry. Apply fabric stiffener to backing fabric; allow to dry Cut out close to edges of stitched design Designs by jane Chandler. W
р кет ту SAcnpLiKiG 1 (41wx97h) 2(4 3/<Х □ 2 2 2 Use 2 strands of floss and strand of Kremlk Blending Fi ament 032 DMC blonc blonc French Knot French Knot I2U • 1*1а *©6 с г I. *>; <1° т * ф с< О О'-Г ъ е ♦ е е ф ф ft ф ф ъ - ф ф ® ф ф’ф » <0 р. о оК ? ' о ф ф, 'ф г- 'L-lX-T ® «I ?ёг№.‘,У^' а- г ~ L = = Г J !' Ф ♦ s « C ,CQ в • * . • • • ,0 » = := 0 f air ♦ - = v <0 с Ф ,Лф ф)= ф = — '1Ч -: ф “ I — *L-‘ "'йе ; — » “ 0 е Ф о Ф с е е о ф о &<• »*Ф0|С- няг 'ЛХ И 1= X □ * 7 1 UJ ecru 318 319 320 367 368 370 371 372 498 501 632 640 642 644 666 676 754 758 760 761 762 762 822 927 928 938 948 3031 3760 3766 3768 3782 3790 676 938 *3 ('
White Coot Sonto (shown on роде 30): Design #1 was stitched over 2 fabric threads on a 9" x 12* piece of Cream Irish Linen (32 ct). Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Bockstitch and French Knots, unless otherwise noted n the color key For ornament, you will need a 9" x 12‘ piece of Creom Irish Linen far backing, 9" x 8” piece of adhesive mounting board, tracing paper, pencil, 9' x 8‘ piece of baiting, 25" length of 3Л* dia. purchased cording with attached seam allowance, and dear-drying craft glue Trace pattern onto tracing paper, cut out pattern Draw around pattern twice on mounting board ond-twice on botting cut out Remove paper tom^ne piece of mounting rd and press one batting piece oh о mounting board Repeal with remdYfeig mounting board arMfbotlmg. X. Referring to photo, position pattern on wrong side of stitche8>piece; pimjoottern tn place Cut slitched piece 1" larger lhan pattern oil all stfes Cut backing fabric some size os stitched piece Clip 7/ into curved edge of stitched piece at 7/ intervals Center wrong side at stitched piece over batting on one mounting board piece; fold edges’ of stitched piece Io back of mounting board and glue in place For ornament back, repeat with backing fabric and rajMining mounting board Beginning and ending ot bottom center of stitched piece, glue cording seam allowance to wrong side of ornamenl front, overlapping ends of carding Matching wrong sides, glue ornament tront and back together Needlework adaptation by Donna Vermillion Giampa Corded Tree Ornament (shown on page 28) Design #2 wos stitched on a 9' x 10’ piece of Ivory Aida (14 ct). Four strands of floss were used far Cross Stitch and 2 strands for Backstitch. To complete ornament, see Corded Ornament Finishing below Corded Peace Ornament (shown on роде 28): Design #3 was stitched on a 9’ x 10’ piece of Teal Green Aida (14 ct) Four slrands of floss were used for Cross Stitch To complete ornament, see Corded Ornament Finishing below. Designs by Linda Culp Calhoun. CORDED ORNAMENT FINISHING For each ornament, you will need a 57в* х 55/b" piece of Aide for backing (same color as stitched piece), two 35ЛГ x 4 /s’ pieces of adhesive mounting board, two 3s/«* x 47b’ pieces of batting, 19’ length of A" dia. purchased cording with attached seam allowance, and clear drying craft glue Centering design, trim stitched piece Io measure 57b" x 57b’. Remove paper from one piece of mounting board and press one balling piece onto mounting board Repeat with remaining mounting board and batting Center wrong side of stitched piece over botting on one mounting board piece; fold edges of stilched piece to bock of mounting board end glue in place. For ornament back, repeat with backing fabric ond remaining mounting board Beginning and ending at bottom center of stitched piece, glue cording seam allowance to wrong side ot ornomenl front, overlapping ends ot cording. Matching wrong sides, glue ornament front ond bock together.
ркетту SAcnpLiKiq 1 (41wx53h) — •2 (46w X 56h) X DMC 7.X В ST X DMC AX bionc a 906 352 a й 907 E 353 □ я 930 r 356 a ♦ 931 632 а Z 932 Q • 640 а Й 935 642 □ 938 □ S 644 □ в 948 a 754 □ ffi 3328 a Я 758 3371 ♦ 760 s 3712 а 761 я 3750 E 822 □ 3778 а H 895 3790 ♦ 904 3824 a AX B'ST X DMC 'AX B'ST E ц 840 □ 895 904 0 ffi 906 a 907 935 a __ 948 а Щ 3031 И / H 3064 а а 3371 Z a Is 3713 и 3755 a s 3772 а □ » 3778 а 3781 • Mill Hill Bead 42013
DMC 'AX B'ST Dione 319 <:| J 321 □ 610 □ 611 ^1 647 IZ 648 □ 722 & 3340 745 746 1 818 1 869 IJ 934 [Zi 945 № 986 □ 8 987 a S 3023 □ 3031 [J и 3032 a 1 3072 □ 3347 □ 3781 □ и 3801 □ 3823 □ 3825 □ 3828 □ В ‘ Use 2 strands at first В Boss color listed and strand of second 1 floss color isted B Profiles (shown on роде 31): Designs #1 and #2 were each slitched 1-. 2 fabric threads on a 9’ square of Teo-Dyed Irish Linen Bet) Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and I strand tor B>sh ch To attach beads, use 1 strand of DMC 3781 floss, see Attaching № Beads below. iweoch ornament, you will need a 9“ square of Tea-Dyed Irish Linen for г i ig and polyester fiberfill Mchi ig right sides and raw edges, pin stitched piece ond backing fabric fcltier. Leaving an opening for turning and stuffing, sew backing fabric to tied piece 7/ away from edge of design. Trim seam allowance to I and clip curves; lurn right side out Stuff ornamenl lightly with polyester Mil and blind stitch opening closed. ttdleuwrk adaptations by rty D‘A$oshiw. Victoria's Needk *£& ’ACHING PETITE BEADS %r to chart for bead placement and sew bead in place using a fine needle will pass through bead. Bring needle up al 1, run needle Ihrough bead i down al 2. Secure floss on back or move to next bead os shown Christmas Village (shown on page 31): Design #3 was stitched over 2 fabric threads on an 8" square of Tea-Dyed Irish Linen (28 ct) Three strands of f oss were used for C oss Stitch and 1 strand foi Backstitch For ornamenl, you will need a 6 A" da. circle of Tea-Dyed Irish Linen for backing, two 47.i‘ dia. circles of adhesive mounting board, two 4 A‘ dia. circles of balling, 17" length of W dia. purchased cording with attached seam allowance, ond clear-drying craft glue Centering design, trim stitched piece to a 6'A" dio. circle Remove paper from one p ece of mounting board and press one batting piece onio mounting board Repeat with remaining mounting board and batting. Clip 7/ into edge of stitched piece at 7/ intervals. Center w ong side of stitched piece over batting on one mounting board piece, tofd edges of stilched piece to bock of mounting board and glue in place. For ornament back, repeat with backing fabric ond remain ng mounting board. Beginning and ending ot bollom center of slilched piece, glue cording seam allowance to wrong side of ornament front, overtopping ends of cording. Matching wrong j des, glue ornament front ond back together Needlework adaptation by Nancy Dockh r.
PReTTY SACOpl.lKIQ B'ST it x И lA. E |O * • center Initiols | center yeor 'I (41wx51h) '3 (41wx56h) '2 (37w x 47h) Dcsz Designs by Deborah Payne tinker Petite Samplers (shown on роде 29) Designs #1, #2, ond H3 were each slitched 2 fabric Ihreods on a 7" x 8" piece of Teo-Dyed Irish Linen (36 ct) Two strands of I were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand lor Backstitch ond French Knots Referrir pholo and chart, personalize Designs #1 and #3 using alphabet ond nunn provided. They were custom framed. G-MIJKI. Я ’Й‘ И i Й s«« кки ау ни анк еея яле аян 1 “ “ ~ ._________. » 1е-. I ♦ DMC blonc 221 223 501 502 503 610 729 838 924 927 3721 3768 3774 221 Frenctii 223 French Hi 74
B'ST French Knor French Knot; ~ПГ 'ICTOR1AH ANQelS STITCH COUNT (78w x 5%- 4’i" 44“ 3V 14 COun* 16 count 18 count 22 couni 72h) 5T 4Г i" 3V x x .3 DUp fle ptfopp al jx HbiCjC.ojc 1HM PCX x ’ “o’ p Op 5.5, нй\с'в lCCHH IxcCI Л|х.С X. -frpfr_ *1222 1б^ЗорЖТ З.СР;ЗЖШ к. ЗДж..,. Е8а ЗАЗ 3 З'ЗРАЙВ АЗо.ЗЛ&З.З io АО Ар 3 Д® о ЗА 3AQ л |АЛДМО 3c|V iD'3n Bfy Una о ;ЗВД д □ i.PiA^AOP.Ol j0 Ж bo QO2J02AQ . N,H./C lu'.-O2/tl*P,Z!x.cKeHjH I» . Oft*ftppx<£<H|e!cC рор.ор 0 0г ХН/СС,- ' a 3 ор.*3| 1 9P OPP Op J fcipI3l .-A5.S :£ PPQ10PP. О сор! ООрр; Р' £,о£р;орк J9Q? ззззз j □ г по 3.3 А«ИвЯ □'3:3.3 no,aia~^i К -зззз^аЦий 2 зянЦ □ □ з гад азз1дАг ооо obbboppjop ООО 000000(0 ОЮОООО1 □’З'Вр’й"’ ata’. □ \ □ □о □ ah__—..__ □ ДАЛ/; 1ДДД даШпДДЬ'зд ЗД Зада'а З.Д 3 aj.3. рь-зо з.зЕаа! . _ ХЮ „ CFJ37] зр'зД л!3р 3 8f AoSB' дпЛа'зИ n'$A' з[а Afel. Зад E&odJ гтЗДД м3 3.u 3> АЗА [□□□13 L33’3iX Victorian Angel (shown on page 33); The design was stitched on a 9" square of Antique White Aida (18 ct). Two strands of f oss or blending filament were used for Cross Stitch ond 1 strand of floss or blending filament for Backstitch, unless otherwse noted in the color key To complete ornament, see Stuffed Ornament Finishing, роде 76 Stiffened Victorian Angel (shown on page 32) The design was st tched over 2 fabric threads on a 10" square of Antique White Lugana (25 ct). Three strands of floss or 1 strand of fine braid were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand of floss or fine braid for Backstitch, unless otherwise noted in the color key To complete ornament, see Stiffened Ornament Finishing, page 76. B'ST DMC 3042 3045 3046 3047 3064 3328 3740 3743 3770 3772 3773 3774 X DMC blonc ecru 320 367 368 422 434 504 550 632 666 725 & 002 Ы1 727 & 002 ° 754 X О * C stitched over tnds of floss Referring to j numerals El ЙХ B'ST X DMC /4Х BSl □ □ 2 760 □ * 761 3 @ 762 з H1 783 & □ E 002 □ 801 /• Б 869 3 □ 895 / И * 924 3 0 926 3 3 938 и 3* 950 & [7] 758 Б 3041 3 М* 3041 & H 3 5. 4X □ metallic Use 2 strands of floss and work in long stitches I Use 1 strand of Kremik Blending Filamenl-002 wilh floss color listed ♦ For Aida, use 1 strand of each floss color I sled For Lugona. use 2 strands of first floss color listed ond ’ strand of second floss color hsled Д For Aida, use Kreinik Blending Filoment-002 For Lugona, use Kreinik Fine Braid-002
victoriam akiqcLs Designs In/ Donna Verntillidn Giampa Match short edges ond fold ribbon in half, referring to photo, и ends to bock of ornament Victorian Angels (shown on page 33): Designs *1 ond *2 were each stitched on a 9" square < f Ant que White Aida (18 cf). Two strands of floss or blending filament were used for Cross Stitch and I strand of floss or blending filament for Backstilch, unless otherwise noted in the color key They were made into stuffed ornaments. 1» N’N ©.□ 2:212 л £ (t>0 ВД-Г V2 Г <!□©□ & Ф>Гр'оЫ ’прс-д ДдЕ lafog'n-fr ДБ Д ц УеоФеТТ >& >®6-Э ’1O + + 4 + +© 7&+4Т+4 "Ьо + дд > оо+ * ОООоо ’ frss’sg. л s£F“ OO ’ fefeocb 'obobl' 16Ю000, 4Y 4 V 34 x x X DESIGN -1 STITCH COUNT (68w x 74h) 14 count 16 count 18 count 22 count STUFFED ORNAMENT FINISHING For each ornament, you will need a 9" square of Antique White Aida for backing, 6" length of %"w ribbon for honger, and polyester fiberfill Matching right sides and raw edges, pm stitched piece and backing fabric together Leaving an opening for turning and stuffing, sew backing fabric to stitched piece close to edge of design Trim seam allowance to V and clip curves, turn right side out. Stuff ornament with polyester fiberfili ond blind stitch opening closed. STIFFENED ORNAMENT FINISHING (Shown on page 32, chart on роде 75) For ornament, you will re« 10" square of lightweight white fabric for backing, fobnc sMi smalt foam brush, and angel hair. Apply a heavy coat of fabric stiffener to back of stitched ₽ using small foam brush Matching wrong sides, place stitched p on backing fabric smoothing stitched piece while pressing I pieces together allow to dry Apply fabric stiffener to backing fc allow to dry Cut out close to edge of stitched design. Referred photo, arrange stiffened design in angel hair. “6
Ohoto, tack ^'У'~ $ g й 5’4 4!4' 4" 3V 5’4“ x 4 i* x 4' x 3»” x DESIGN *2 STITCH COUNT (71w x 72h) 14 COun’ 16 count 18 count 22 count w need a c stffener, :hed piece :hed piece »ing fabric ;ing fabric, eferrmg to ’ ОС _1L rt Hr I TT X □ %x в ST 0, C blanc □ ecru □ 320 Э 326 335 3 367 a 368 | ..-*1 433 3 434 Q 435 3 437 □ 504 1 1 518 598 Q 632 X DMC IS 666 И* 725 & 002 5 * 727 & 002 738 747 754 760 761 776 801 819 825 895 A О В ST X E3 й © DMC 899 936 938 °95O & 758 3031 3032 3064 3328 3346 3347 3348 3371 3713 3716 «X В ST X о у 'N '/<X В ST DMC 3753 3760 3766 3770 3772 3773 3774 3781 3782 3790 Kreinik Blending Filament • 002 For Design '1, use 326. For Design *2. use 825 1 Use 2 strands of floss ond work in lang stitches * Use 1 strand of Kreinik Blending Fil ament-002 with floss color listed * For Design r2, use 938. For Desgn *1 use 3371 ° Use 1 slrond of each floss color listed
pROSTY pRiexiOs 72w x 72h X t. о Frosty Friends Ornament (shown on page 34)- The design wos stilched over 2 fabric threads on a 9' square of Antique While Belfosl Linen (32 ct). Two strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 slrand for Half Cross Slitch, Backstitch, and French Knots. For ornament, you will need a 67/ dia. circle of Antique White Belfast Linen tor backing, two 47/ dia circles of adhesive mounting board, two 47/ dio circles of baiting, 2' x 17 // bias fabric strip for cording, 17 h" length of Л" dia purchased cord, 6" length of 7/w ribbon lor honger 10“ length of 7/w ribbon tor bow ond clear drying craft glue. Centering design trim slitched piece to a 67/ dfa circle. Remove paper from one p ece of mounting boaid and press one batting piece onio mounting board Repeat with remaining mounting board ond batting Clip 7/ into edge of stilched piece at 7/ intervals. Center wrong side of stitched piece over batting on one mounting board piece fold edges of stitched piece to back of mounling board and glue In ploce Repeat with backing fabr c and remaining mounting board for ornament back For cording, center cord on wrong side of bias strip, matching long q fold strip over cord. Use a zipper foot to baste along length oi strp cord, trim seam allowance Io 7/. Storting at bottom center ot slitchwl and 2* from beginning of cording, glue cording seam allowance to и Г side of ornament front; stop 3' from overlapping end of cording Er Г- cording should overlap approximately 2" On overlappng end of dm | remove 27/ of basting, told end of bias str p back ond trim cord sc ч Г meets beg nn ng end of cord. Fold end of bios strip // to wrong side r bias strip over beginning end ot cording. Finish gluing cording to 4 p piece For hanger, match short ends ond fold 6“ length of ribbon dl referring to photo glue ends to wrong side of ornament front Nca г wrong sides, glue ornament front ond back togelher Tie 10' length of я f in a bow and glue bow to ornament, trim ends as desired N'eetileuvrk adaptulion bi/ Nancy Dockter. Dh blc 31 34 35 35 41 41 42 43 43 43 43 50 50 64 64 67 72 72 72 72 72 72 78 80 81 81 82 82 82 82 84 93 93 99 99 30 37 37 38 38 38 81 37 78
:к. ig tong eager ' strip close I stitched pieo ince to wron ding. Ends £ id of cordlnr cord so that ng side; wra ng to stitctid Ibbon in hoi anl Matchin ngth of ribto 'AX AX B'ST French Knol French Knol 25w x 45h 25w x 45h 26w x 45h aoal DMC Clone 318 349 350 351 413 414 420 433 434 436 437 500 501 646 648 676 720 721 722 725 726 729 783 801 813 817 824 825 826 827 844 930 93) 991 992 3072 3790 3799 3814 3815 3829 817 3799 Frosty Friends Mittens (shown on page 35): Each design was stitched on a 6“ x 8" piece of Oatmeal Floba (14 ct). Four strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch, 2 strands tor Backstitch and French Knots, and 6 strands for Blanket Stitch For each m Iten, you will need a 6" x 8“ piece of med urn weighl coordinating fabric lor backing, tracing paper, pencil, fabric marking pencil, 6" length of ’A'w ribbon for hanger, and DMC 817 floss for Blanket Stitch. Trace Mitten Pattern, page 96, onto trocing papei cut out pattern. Referring to photo, posit on pattern on wrong side of st 'ched piece, pin pattern in place. Use fabric marking pencil to draw around pattern; remove pattern Matching right sides, pin st tched piece end backing labr c together. Leaving top edge open, use a short stitch length and sew directly on drawn line (backslitch at begin- ning and end of seam)- remove pins. Trim top edge along drawn line and Irim seam allowance to '/д’; clip curves and lurn mitten right side out. Press top edge of mitten 7?" to wrong side. Referring to photo and В onket Slitch Instructions, page 93, Blanket Stitch top edge of mitten. For hanger, fold ribbon in half and tack ends to inside of mitten at seam opposite Ihumb. Dt’srgns by Nancy Docktcr.
RADIANT MATIVITY ОО !о о г cjg №ох'«33 |О'6'8К'-5? ctloo «coo о ООО о ООО м? SS О О йй 3/ О О|о'й/ 7 ЯОО*< л •otir i ; лд < £rk:i iB + ДД + ir й>Сг g|« ♦ + ♦ Ч *> <>•♦ ♦♦♦ + •♦- ♦ 55w x 55h 25w x 4 X DMC B'ST Mill Hill Bead-ОДЙ MH Hill Bead- 00 J f*1 24w X t 31wx30h Design. by Linda Culp Calhoun. Designs by Man/aiuw Mvrcck. Nativity Figures (shown on pages 37-39): Each design was stitched on a 57г' x 87/ piece of Ivory perforated plastic (14 ct). Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and I strand for Backstitch and French Knots. To attach beads, use 2 strands of DMC 676 floss; see Attaching Beads, page 82 Trim perforoled plast c close to edges of stitched design. 3 O blonc 208 310 321 433 550 646 648 677 699 702 729 754 824 826 895 899 Mill Hill Bead-0C6l Milt Hill Bead ШЯ Mill Hill Bead-OMl Mill Hill Bead -Ocd Mill Hill Bead Ни Mill Hill Bead -0201 Mill Hill Bead 0201 310 Rench "The Glory of the Lord" Ornament (shown on page 36): The design was slilched on a 57/ x 87/ piece of Ivon/ perforoled plastic (14 ct) Three strands of floss were used for C oss Stitch and 2 stronds for Backstitch To attach beads, use 2 strands of DMC 676 floss; see Attaching Beads, page 82 Centering design trim perforated plastic lo a 47/ dia. circle For ornomenl, you will need a 17” length of // dia. satin cording wilh attached seam allowance, 17" length of 3Ле’ dia. god metallic cording with attached seam allowance, A7/« dia. circle of ivory paper, ond clear drying crolt glue. Beginning at center bottom ond 1" from end of satin cording, glue seam allowance of satin cording to back of ornament; overlap ends of cording and glue lo back of ornament. Beginning at center bottom and I ’ from end of gold cording, pl ce gold cording an outs de edge of satin cording and glue seam allowance of gold cording to seam allowance of satin cording. Overlap ends of gold cording and glue to bock of ornament. Glue paper lo back of ornament 80
о 36w X 3711 x 40h Пии DO I .ч » C JO П ; □ О DOC □□□□□□ |D □ □ □ □ □□□□□□ПО ♦ +OO □□□□□□ + + □□□□□□□□□□ + юпопопаооД ♦ + □к io tii дд □опоДлдДд ♦ I АДДДДАд '♦ ’АдД’Д’ДДа ЩС)й.А’ААДДА в+ о Дд Дадда •ддоп* ♦ДДОПД ♦ДДпЛА + О < » • I»'-*" 4“ О ОинИ 1ЙД+ »со • • .(• ♦ ооппо опп о О'» • □ хх X х'х х’х х х Л<х ДХ-- яе. . о ДАО ОДО ОАО О ОДА-- О до о О ОДД-- ОДО о д- о ддо □. 0.9 JJ □ □□□о о □ а ооо о□оооос ОООопое !+ Ор О □ О □ ♦ооооо л >— л хЛхД: Xxxsk : о о оддо ОДООАО о!д О О АО ооДаоо О|О о о о о I I I I I н 24w х 40h +Р4 В------гг jx40h I end 00020 еоа- 00146 ead 00167 =id 00332 Sod 00479 aad - 00557 30d - 00968 Md- 02005 K»d 02011 f inch Knot
RAOlAMT MATIVITY X DMC V-’ Dione I 9 208 • 310 * 321 433 434 л 550 й 646 PI 648 A 677 + 699 • 702 + 729 ® 738 - 754 824 + 826 v 827 895 - 898 ® 899 9 Mill Hill Bood-OOie □ Mill Hill Bead-oom] ° Mill Hill Beod-OOffl ° Mill Hill Bead-OOHS И Mill Hill Bead - ООЗЗЯ ° Min Hill Bead-005» ° Mill hiii Bead 00561 * MH Hill Bead - 0201 E 310 French Knoll • 898 French Krol 28w x 4 I9w x 4 I9w x 4 Nativity Figures (shown on pages 37-39)- Each design was stitched on a 57?* x 87г* piece of ivory perforated plastic (14 ct). Three strands of floss were used for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for French Knots To attach beads, use 2 strands of DMC 676 floss; see Attaching Beads Trim perforated plastic close to edges of stitched design For each shepherd’s staff, you will need an 8’ length of #2 round reed, 3 rubber bands, ruler, and wood tone stoin Soak reed in water for 10 minules. secure reed to ruler using 2 rubber bands; fold reed down 3" from one end and secure with remaining rubber band. Allow to dry completely and remove ubber bands, apply wood stain to reed Referring to photo, trim ends of reed and glue lo shepherd Designs !>y Maryatmc Morcck Attaching Beads*. Referring to chart for bead placement, sew bead in p using a fine needle that will pass through bead Bn g needle up ot l.j needle through bead then down at 2 making a Half Cross Stitch Fij. Secure floss on back or move lo nexl bead as shown in Fig. 1 Fig 1 82
?ad 00145 sod-00)46 iad-00167 Kid-00168 rad - 00332 >ad - 00557 cd - 00968 Cd - 02005 'ench Knol wch Knot bead in piaci ? up at Г, rui titch (Fig. 1) 28w X 42h V*fX 41 h 19w x 39h о В VIV пм Ч* Q ОДОДАЛО ОААЛААЛ ОАЛЛС АЛ о ОД • Ф ф ОАО ААЛ ОДЛА ААЛ О АЛДА АЛЛО ДАЛО v' о 21wx 32h ОЛЛАЛО оде О + в s О - ® !? 3 О О 83
60w x 75h 60w X 73Л ж Nirtilneork adaplati/M by Donna Vermillion Ciumpa. Santo Stocking Omoments (shown on page 41): ! design was stitched over 2 fabric threads on a 9' x 12' f of Row Cashel Linen (28 cl) Three strands of floss werei lor Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Bocks itch For each ornament you will need a 9’ x 12’ piece of Cashel Linen for backing, 5’ x 8" piece of Raw Cashel L lor cuff, 2" x 5’ piece of Row Coshel Linen for hoi 8" length of 1 'A"w flat lace froc ng paper, pencil, and It marking pencil To complete ornament, see Santa S4 Ornament Finishing, page 85 ЮОк бймк aa пек 'AX B'ST DMC blonc 321 498 632 640 642 644 666 760 761 814 822 839 926 8-1
DMC 498 895 Mill Hill Bead - 00332 Mill Hill Bead-02013 ge 41), Each 9" x 12" piece j toss were used | ’ piece of Raw i / Cashel Linen ’ n for hanger, * oil and fabric ~ 25w x 61 h 25wx61h anta Stocking by Mary Scott. i. i l i—i -i”. »0w X 73h ГО1итаЯД1ВМааЬид <• ».* *«>* * » J Beaded Stocking Ornaments (shown on роде 40): Each design was stitched over 2 fabric threads on о 6" x 9” piece of Row Coshel Linen (28 cl) Three strands of f oss were used for Cross Stitch Mtach red beads using 1 slrond of DMC 498 floss ond green beads using 1 strand of DMC 895 floss. See Attaching Beads, page 94. For each ornament, you will need a 6* x 9“ piece of Row Cashel Linen for backing, and nylon thread and beads for hanger. Mate ng right sides and raw edges, place stitched piece ond backing fabric together. Using a zipper foot ond backst fching at beginning and end of seam, start W above top edge of design (leave lop edge open) ond sew fabric pieces together 7e" envoy from design. Trim top edge 3A* from design and trim seam allowance to 'A" clip curves ond turn ornament right side out. Turn lop edge of ornament 7/ to wi ng side ond press; turn %* to wrong side ond hem. For hanger, refer ig to photo, string о 4" length of beads on a doubled length of nylon thread Bring ends together to form a loop and knot ends; tack to inside of ornamenl at right seam Inns by iittipa. STOCKING FINISHING Santo Stocking Ornament Finishing (shown on page 41, charts and supplies on page 84); Trace Santa Stocking Pattern, page 95. onto Iracing paper, cul out pattern. Referring to photo, pos lion polte n on wrong side of stitched piece; pin pattern in place Use fabric marking репс I Io draw oround pattern, remove pattern Matching right sides ond row edges, pin stitched piece ond backing fabric together. Leaving top edge open ond backstitching at beginning ond end of seam, sew directly on drown line; remove pins. Trim lop edge along drown line. Trim seam allowance Io 7/ ond clip curves, tarn stocking r ght side out. Matching right sides ond short edges of cuff fabric, use о 7г* seam allowance to sew short edges together. Matching wrong sides and ong edges, fold in half ond press. Matching row edges, place cuff inside stocking with cuff seam ot center back of slocking. Use о 7г’ seam allowance to sew stocking ond cuff together; press seam allowance Iowa d cuff. Fold cuff 17«* over stocking and press Press short edges of lace 7г* Io wrong side. Malching long edges fold face in half and press. Beginning and ending al center bock, refer to photo and slip lace over edge of cuff ond pin in ploce; on wrong side of cuff, blind slitch loce in place. For hanger, press each tong edge of fabric strip 7г' Io wrong side Matching long edges, fold str p in half; sew close to folded edges. Matching short edges, fold hanger in half and blind stitch to inside of stocking at right seam Ь5
MOAlyS ahicdaLs 32w x 25h 29w x 27h 32w x 24h 32wx21h 32w x 32h 32wx21h FINISI 'Good 18, ctic a 51/? and it jcordinc overtop out of cordinc baste c end of of fabi beginr to end c stitche DMC 435 20" le> polyest Cent motcbi zipper cord, Ir
Noah's Animals (shown on page 43) Each design was stitched on a 6' square of Ivory Aida (14 ct). Three strands of floss were used for Cross Slitch and 1 strand for Backstitch For each animal, you will need a 6" square ol lightweight cream fabric for backing, fabric stiffener, small foam brush, poster board, corrugated craft paper, 5' length of 7i6"w ribbon for hanger, 7/ dia wooden bead, and clear-drying craft glue. Apply a heavy coat of fabric stiffener to back of slitched piece using small foam brush Matching wrong sides, place stitched piece on backing fabric smoothing stitched piece white pressing fabric pieces together allow Io dr/. Apply fabnc stiffener io backing fabric; allow to dry. Referring to photo, cul oul stiffened piece in a rectangle 7/ larger than stitched design on all sides Cut poster board in a rectangle slightly smaller than stiffened piece Center poster board on wrong side of stiffened piece ond glue in place. Cul corrugated craft paper in a rectangle // larger on all sides than stiffened piece. Center stiffened piece on corrugated craft paper ond glue in place. For hanger, motch short edges and fold nbbon in half; referring to photo, glue ribbon to back ot ornament and place wooden bead on hanger. Designs by Jane Chandler. (shown on роде : Chori on роде 62): For pillow, you will need 57/ x 5" piece of tobric for booking, x 20' bios fabric strip for cording length of 7/ dio. purchased cord and fester fiberfill. Center cord on wrong side of bios strip, ching long edges, fold strip over cord. Use a pa fool Io bosfe along length of strip close to ; trim seom allowance to 7/. Matching raw es, pm cording to right side of stilched piece make a V/ cip in seom allowance of ing al corners Ends of cording should lap approximately 2', pin overlapping end of way Starting 1 “ from beginning end of ding ond ending 27/ from overlapping end, !e cording io stilched piece On overlapping of cording, remove 2’ of basting; fold end fabric back and trim cord so thal il meets inning end of cord Fold end ot fabric 7 Io wrong side; wrop fabric over begmn ng of cording. Finish basting cording to ched piece Malching right sides ond leaving on opening for turning, use о 7/ seam allowance to sew stilched piece ond backing fabric together Trim seom allowances to 7? ond trim diagonally ot corners turn pillow righi side out carefully pushing corners outward Stuff pillow wilh polyester fiberfill ond blind stitch opening closed. Mini Log Carrier Finishing (shown on pages 19-21, charts on page 62): For each carrier you will need a 12’ length of jute twine, 37/ lengths of twigs (enough for a 17/ dia. bundle and 2 for handle), and rubber band. Turn one long edge of slitched piece 7/ to wrong side ond press; turn 7/ to wrong side ogam and hem. Repeat with remaining long edge. For cosing, turn one short edge 7/ to wrong side and hem 7/ from folded edge Repeat with remaining short edge. For handle, insert one twig through one casing of carrier, repeal with another twig and remaining cos ng. Referring Io photo, brng casings together ond tie twine around twigs to secure. Gather remaining twigs in о bundle and secure wilh rubber bond; place bundle of twigs in carrier Twig-Framed Elf Finishing (shown on pages 19 21, charts on pages 62 63) For each elf you will need a 7" x 9‘ piece of lightweight cream fabric far backing, two 7' lengths of twigs, two 5“ lengths of twigs four 6“ lengths of jute twine, clear-drying croft glue, fabric stiffener and small toam brush. Apply a heavy coat of fabric stiffener to wrong side of stitched piece using small foam brush. Matching wrong sides, place stitched piece on backing fabric, smoothing stitched piece while pressing fobnc pieces together; allow to dry. Apply fabric slftener to backing fabric; allow to dry. Centering design, Irim stiffened piece fo measure 37/ x 57/ Center one 7’ twig on one long edge of stiffened piece ond glue in place, repeal with remaining 7* twig and long edge; allow to dry. Center one 5" twig ot one short edge ol stiffened piece and glue to vertical twigs. Repeat with remaining twig and short edge; allow to dry Referring Io photo, lie one length of jute twine at one corner of stiffened design ond trim ends of Iwne; repeat at each remaining corner 8”
SANTA'S ТОуЬЛМй 2 (54w x 73h) ;UA № jx<x *t. x -- aJgS'fe вЛКг 'х*д Л’.'ЗгВД'Ц л'х'х'л Sf Y л'-'Ла 57^ ‘'’ЯИГ 6 в * •/ -W- я х х |JifcS-?xlR!vx<-:. ««*;« ’, ЙЗД-. ...XXX М«|« МН I S3*:.-.; «айДГ _ х х w* »!».« н DMC ’/.X Ыопс Е 317 А 318 □ 321 407 а 415 420 А 434 436 й 437 а 498 500 504 □ 561 j 562 а 564 Е 632 X DMC 'ЛХ В ST X ОМС 640 а Е ’ 892 642 а 913 Е8 642 & Ld 927 927 Е 928 S 644 а Е 950 666 а 3021 738 □ • 3032 S 739 □ |х} 3033 ® 760 й вэ 3045 !vj 761 3046 А 762 □ S 3047 ♦ 783 3 Е 3072 807 й 3760 814 И й 3761 8 822 а 3766 869 21 Е1 3770 S 890 й 3772 88
ill and tor tC' Santo ot Work (shown on page 45): Each design wos stitched over 2 fabric threads on an 8' square of Tea-Dyed Irish Linen (36 ct) Two sfronds of floss were used for Cross Stitch ond 1 strand for Backstitch For each ornament, you wiljjiaea-ea^gquore of Tea-Dyed Irish Linen tor backing, 10" x adhesive mounkao board, tracing paper, pencil, 10J x 5’pjede of bating, 2’ x 16" bios tcbqc strip for cording, 16" length of У/ala. purchased cord, 6" length огХЖ jute twine for hanger, and cirar-drying craft glue For pattern, fold tracing paper n half and place fold on atehed line of pattern Ir^ce pattern onto tracing paper Cut out pattern unfolomnd press flat Dear around pattern twice on mounting boord and twee oh batting; cul ouy Remove popei from one piece of mounting board and press one batting piece onio mounting boord. Repeat with remaining mounting boary2nd batting. \ Referring lo photo pos tian pattern on wrong side of stilched piecl pin pattern in place. Cut stitched piece Г larger than pattern on all sided Cut barling fabric same size os stitched piece. Clip У? into edge ot stitehed piele at 'Л* mten/ols. Center wrong side of stitched piece over batting on one mounting board piece; fold edges of st tched piece to back of mounting board and glue in place. For ornament bock, repeat with backing fabric and remaining mounting boord For cording, center cord on wrong side of bias strip; matching long edges, fold strip over cord. Use a zipper foot to baste olong length of strip close lo cord; trim seam allowance to '//. Storting ot bottom center of stitched piece and 1’/?" from beginning of cording, glue cord ng seam allowance to wrong side of ornament front, stop 3“ from overlapping end of cording. Ends of cord ng should overlap approximately 2’ On overlapping end of cording, remove 2'/i" ol bast ng; fold end of fabric bock and Irim cord so that II meets beginning end of cord. Fo d end of fabric ’/?' to wrong s de; wrap fabric over beg nning end of cording. Finish gluing cording fo ornament front. For hanger, fold englh of jute in half ond referring to photo for placement, glue to wrong side of ornament front Matching wrong sides, glue ornament front and bock together Needlework adaptations by Donna Vermillion Giampa. 89
SANTA'S ТОуЬАМд [4 (29v X ’AX В ST 3 r* 6(32’ '3 (30w x 37h) '1 (51wx5 Ih) '2 (30w x 39h) x Work In long stitches. For Designs *2 ond *5, weft wheel spokes in tong stitches For Design *3, work drum locrg In long stitches French Knot French Knol >1 1 1/ 2. A ‘S - 4 DMC btonc 317 321 415 434 436 437 498 500 561 562 564 640 642 644 666 738 760 761 762 783 807 814 822 913 938 950 3032 3760 3761 3766 3773 3790 3799 3801 3820 3822 321 938 a a и и 90
!9w x 43h) 5 (32w x 38h) B'ST (32w x 47h) ‘5, work j stitches. Knot Knot Old-time Toys Poem (shown on роде 47) Design #1 was slitched over 2 fobnc threads on an 8‘ square of Teo-Dyed Irish Linen (28 ct). Three strands of floss were used for Crass Stitch ond 1 strand for Backstitch and French Knots For ornament, you will need on 8" square of Tea Dyed Irish Linen for backing, two 33Л* squares of adhesive mounting boord two 33A“ squares of batting, 2" x 18" bios fabric strip for cording, 18’ length of 7? dia. purchased cord, 6” length of '/s’w ribbon tor hanger, and clear-drying craft glue To complete ornament, see Old-time Toys Finishing, page 94 Square Old-time Toys Ornaments (shown on page 46) Designs #2 and #5 were each slitched over 2 fabric threads on a 7' square of Tea-Dyed Irish Linen (28 ct). Three strands of floss were । iserl for C-toff andl strand for Bockstitch For each ornamem^yetTwiilneed a 7’ squaraTJbteQDyed Irish Linen for backing, two 3^>*$quares of adhesive mounting boord squares of batting, 2'x/tf? bios fabric strip for cording. 15* length of 7<bio purchased cord, 6‘tertglh of 'A’w ribbon for hanger, and clear-drying craft glue Incomplete ornomytT see Old-time Toys Finishing, page 94 \ OvaT Old-time Toys Ornaments (shown on page 46); Designs #3, #4Aond ff^were each stitched over 2 fabric threads on a 7" square of Tea-Dyed Irish Lhen (zfe ct). Three strands of floss were used tor Cross Stitch and 1 strakd for Backslitch 1 |For each ornoment you will need a 7’ square of Tea Dyed Irish Linen fir becking, 10’ x 5* piece of adhesive mounting boord, tracing paper, penal. Iff x 5" piece of batting. 2’ x 14" bios fabric strip for cording, 14" lengtlyof 7«*\dia purchased cord, 6“ length of 7« w ribbon for hanger, and cleor-dr/ng craft\tue. / Trade pattern onto tracing paper; cut oul pattern. Draw around pattern j/Zce on mountin^board ond twice on batting, cut oul Referring to photo positofi pattern on wrong sMe of stitched piece; pm pattern in place. Cut slitched pia6e 1" larger than pattern ohsjHsides. Cut backing fabric same size os sjifefted piece. Clip '// into edge ot sTfohe^wece and backing fabric otW>it6rvals To complete ornoment, see Old-time Tny^Hwhing pggp Q4 /X’si^ns bi/ Dontm Vermilluvi Ginnipn. 91
gm Scaring; snow babigs GE 26w x 30h 25w x 30h 23w x 30h 27w x 27h 33w x 24h 32wx 19h (stitcl WOR How showi the c Half C colon One-C Block bead lines Frencl symb How size c coum deteri differs (strict the If chorl workt Needlaiwk adaptation; by iVrtKci/ Dockter. Each key lr stitch key a (DMC Stitct Backs read \ of sir inclui such The n or US! in о appro Wher cente arrow Choris centei by fol to П£ numb the ct the fc count (stitc three fabric Snow Babies In Frames (shown on pages 48-49) Each design was slitched on a 6* square of Tile Blue Aida (18 cl). Two slrands of floss were used for Cross Stilch and 1 strand for Backstitch They were inserted in purchased round gold fromes (2'/a* dio. opening) the n count + you V Z Whip: ] preve ♦. • • • • X DMC 'AX B'ST S:i blanc 13 + 353 a ss 642 □ ♦ 644 645 И 646 A 647 a 0 648 1 4 0 754 I**"’ 758 11 lfc 822 a 844 / 3021 a 3023 3328 u zi 3778 / [ -1 3779 a 3787 a / 92
lENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ORKING WITH CHARTS - bw to Read Charts: Each of the designs is Z mown in chart form Each colored square on - je chart represents one Cross Stitch, one df Cross Stitch, or a bead placement. Each tlored triangle on the chart represents one le-Quarter Stitch or one Three-Quorter Sntch cck or colored dols represent French Knots or tad placement The black or colored straight les on the chart Indicate Backstitch When a ench Knot or Backstitch covers a square, the jnbol is omitted flch chart is accompanied by a color key. This №/ Indicates the color of Hoss to use for each rich on the chart The headings on the color gy are for Cross Stitch (X), DMC color number JMC) One-Quarter Stilch (7<X) Three-Quarter bitch (e/*X), Half Cross Stitch (’AX), and lockstitch (B'ST). Color key columns should be ;od vertically and horizontally to determine type f stilch and floss color Some designs may iclude stitches worked with metallic thread jch as a Blending Filament Braid, or Cord. Hie metallic thread moy be blended wilh floss r used alone. II any of these threads ore used i a design, the color key will contain the pproprlote ntormation ^J/here to Start: The horizontal and vertical ^renters of each charted design are shown by ^rrows. You may stort at any point on the jrted design, but be sure the des gn will be itered an the fabric. Locate the center of fabric folding in half, top to bottom and agoin left right. On the charted design, count the H j4iumber of squares (stitches) from lhe center of J3ie chart to where you wish to start Then from Zizttfce fabric's center, find your starling point by 11 (Zfbunting out the same number of fabric threads (^stitches). (Note: To work over two fabric ireads, count out twice the number of ibric threads) iHow to Determine Finished Size- The finished fsize of your design will depend on the thread Tcounf per inch of the fabric being used To terermine the finished size of the design on different fabrics, divide the number of squares -Ustitches) in the width of the charted design by tie thread count of the fabric. For example, a charted design with a width of 80 squares worked on 14 count Aida will yield a design 53A’ wide. Repeat for the number of squares (stitches) in the height ol the charted design Note To work over two fabric threads, divide •he number of squares by one-half lhe thread count.) Then odd lhe amount of background you want plus a generous amount for finishing or zigzog the edges of your fabric to prevent raveling. STITCH DIAGRAMS Note: Bring threaded needle up at 1 and all odd numbers and down al 2 ond all even numbers. Counted Cross Stitch (X): Work one Cross Stitch to correspond to each colored square on the chart For horizontal rows, work stitches in two journeys (Fig. 1). For vertical rows, complete each stilch as shown (Fig. 2). When working over two fabric threads, work Cross Stitch as shown in Fig. 3 When the chart shows a Bockstitch crossing о colored square (Fig. 4), о Cross Stitch should be worked first; then the Backstitch (Fig. 9 or 10) should be worked on top of the Cross Stitch. Fig 2 Fig. 3 Quarter Stitch ('AX ond 3AX): Quarter Stitches ore denoted by triangular shapes of color on the chart and on the color key For a One Quarter Stitch, come up ot 1 (Fig. 5); then split fabric thread to go down at 2. When stitches 1-4 are worked in the same color the resulting stitch is called a Three-Quarter Slitch (3AX) Fig. 6 shows the techn que for Quarter Stfches when working over two fabric threads. Half Cross Stitch (7zX): This stitch is one journey of the Cross Stitch and Is worked from lower left Io upper right os shown in Fig. 7 When working over two fabric rhreads, work Holf Cross Stitch as shown m Fig 8 Fig. 7 Bockstitch (B'ST): For outline delail, Backstitch (shown on chart and on color key by black or colored straight lines) should be worked after lhe design has been completed (Fig. 9). When working over two fabric threads, work Backstitch os shown in Fig. 10 Fig 9 Fig 10 French Knot Bung needle up at 1 Wrap floss once around needle and Insert needle ot 2, holding end ot floss with non-sntchmg fingers (Fig. 11). Tighten knot; then pulf needle through fabric, holding floss until it must be released. For larger knol use more strands of floss, wrap only once Fig 11 Blanket Stitch: Knot one end of floss. Bring needle up from wrong side al 1, even with edge of fabric. Go down at 2 and come up at 3, keeping floss below point ot needle (Fig 12) Continue to stitch in this manner, keeping tension even ond stitches evenly spaced (Fig. 13) Fig. 8 Fig. 12 Continued on роде 94 93
STITCHING TIPS Working over Two Fabric Threads: Use the sewing melhod instead of the stab method when working over two fabr c threads. To use the sewing method, keep your stitching hand on the right side of the fabr c (instead of stabbing the fobric with the needle and tak ng your stit :hmg hond to the back of the fabric lo pick up the needle). With the sew ig method, you take the needle down and up with one stroke Instead of two To add support ta stitches, it is important that the first Cross Stitch is placed on the fabric wilh stitch 1-2 beginning and ending where a vertical fabric thread crosses over a horizontal fabric thread (Fig. 14). When the tirst stitch is in the correc position, the entire design will be placed properly, wilh vert cal fabric threads support ng each stitch Fig. 14 Working on Perforated Poper: Perforated paper has a right side and a wrong side The right side is smoother and stitching should be done on th s s de To find the center, do nol fold paper; use о ruler ond mark lightly with a pencil or count hales. Perforated paper will tear if handled roughly; therefore, hold the poper flat wh le stitching and da not use a hoop Begin and end stitching by runi ig floss under several stitches an back; never tie knots. Use the stab method when st Iching and keep stitching tension consistent Thread pulled oo tightly may tear the paper. Carry floss across back os little as possible. Attaching Beads: Refer to chart for bead placement ond sew bead in place using a line needle that will pass through bead Bring needle up at 1, run needle through bead lhen down at 2 making a Half Cross Stitch (Fig. 15) Secure floss on back or move to next bead as shown in Fig. 15 FINISHING INSTRUCTIONS Young at Heart Stocking Finishing (shown on page 23, chad on page 64) For stocking, you will need a 9" x 12' piece of Teo-Dyed Irish Linen for backing 1 ‘ x 37?‘ piece of Tea-Dyed Irish Linen for hanger, (racing paper, pencil, and fabric marking pencil Trace Young al Heart Stocking Pattern, page 95, onto tracing paper; cul out pattern. Referring to photo, position pattern on wrong side of stitched piece; pin patte n in place. Use fobric mark ng pencil to draw around pattern; remove pattern Matching right sides and raw edges, pin stitched piece and backing fabric together. Leaving top edge open and backstitching al beginning and end of seam, sew directly on drawn line; remove pins. Trim top edge along drawn line; trim seam allowance to 7? ond clip curves. Turn lop edge of stocking ’Л" to wrong side and press; turn W to wrong side ogam and hem Turn stocking right side out For hanger, press each long edge of fabric strip 7.1 “ to wrong s de. Matching long edges, fold strip in half and sew close to folded edges. Malching short edges, fold hanger in half and biind stitch to ins de of stocking al left seam. Blonket-Stltched Ornament Finishing (shown on pages 24-25. charts and supplies on pages 66-67): Center batting on wrong side of backing fabric Center wrong s de of stitched piece on botting and backing. Pin all layers together Referring to photo ond using an irregular stitch length. Blanket Stitch around ornament through all layers. See Blanket Stitch instructions page 93. For *lt Won't Be Long' and Tree Ornamenl hangers, fold lengths of jute in half and fie an overhand knot 'h" from ends of jute. Referring to photo, tack jute loops to ornament front; insert stick through loops. For Stocking and Wreath Ornament hangers, fold length of jute in half and referring to photo, lack ends of jute to ornament back. Old-time Toys Finishing (shown on pages 46-47, charts and supp es on pages 90-91). Remove paper from one piece of mounting board and press one batting p ece onto mounting board Repeal with remaining mounting board and batting )enle w ong sfe of stitched piece over battir g on one mounting board piece, fold edges of stitched piece to bock of mounling board and glue in place. For ornament back repeat wilh backing fabric ond remaining mounting board. For cording, center cord on wrong side ol bios strip; matching long edges, fold strip over cord Use a zipper foot to baste along length ct strip c ose to cord; trim seam allowance to 7/. Starting at bottom center of stitched piece and 1’/»“ from beginning of cording, giue cording seam allowance to wrong side of ornament front, stop 3’ from overlapping end of cording Ends of cording should overlap approximately 2‘. On overlapping end of cording, emove 27? of bar t ng; fold end of fobric back and trim cord so that it meets beginning end of cord. Fold end of fabric 7/ to wrong side; wrap fabric ave- beginning end of cording. Fin sh gluing cording to stitched p see For hanger, match short ends ond fold riobon in half; referring to photo, g ue ends to wrong side of ornament front. Match g wrong sides glue ornament front and back together Fig. 15 Instructions tesied ond photo items mode by Janet Akins, Lisa Arey, Kondi Ashford, Marsho Besoncon Vicky Bishop, Cecilia Carswelt, Alice Crowder, Kotny Elrod Vanessa Edwards, Jody Fuller. Joyce Graves. Neiwyn Gray, Judy Gr m Murel Hfcki Jayce Holland. Pai Johnson. Arthur Jungnicke* Melome Long, Phyllis Lundy, Suson McDonald. Colleen Moline, Jill Morg n, Margaret Mose ey, Rar Ellen Odle, Patricia O'Neil, Dave Ann Pennington, Joyce Robinson. Suson Sego, Lovonne Sims Amy Taylor, Tnsh Vines, Jane Walker, and Mane Williford
|on pages es 90-91) mounting •iece onto remaining wrong side e mounting ece to back place For fabric and ng side of J strip over ig length of jnce to A‘ piece and ue cording ornament of cording Koximalely «move 2 // d trim cord J Fold end fabric over ng cording told ribbon 5 to wrong ong sides, r made by d Marsha welt, Alice Jody Fuller, unel Hicks, ungmckel JcOonold, iseley Roy ennington 5<ns. Amy । Williford ©©© Young at Heart Stocking Pattern Instructions on page 94 Santa Stocking Pattern Instructions on page 85. Continued on page 96 95
©©© Schoolgirl Stocking Pattern Instructions on page 67 Heart Pattern Instructions on page 50 96
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