
T Arkhangelskaya, (..Barkova ГОА 1Ш ГОА 1ИЕ U1HE ОШ «ЗАНИМАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДЛЯ МАЛЫШЕЙ» Выпуск I Москва Издательство «Книга, лтд» ГФ «Полиграфресурсы» 1994
НАШ МАЛЕНЬКИЙ ДРУГ! Открой книгу и посмотри на героев, нарисо^анн здесь. Девочку зовут Алиса. Она приехала издалекой-дале- кой страны, которая называется Англией. Англия находит- ся на островах и со всех сторон омываем •прями. Все люди там говорят по-английски. Да и не только люди Все животные — собаки и кошки понимают, когда к ним обра- щаются по-английски, и выполняют все, что им говорят. Ты, конечно, знаешь, что люди хотят иметь много дру- зей, и не только у себя дома, но и в другой стране. Вот и Алиса приехала в гости к Коле и его маме, учи- тельнице английского языка. Ребята очень хотят подру- житься, но они не понимают друг друга. И тогда все решили — будем учить английский язык! Коля будет учить английский язык, а помогать ему вместе с Алисой будут мама и папа. о А тебе нравитс^Йлиса? Ты хочешь с ней дружить? Тогда иди к нам в компанию, не медли, поскорей открывай книгу — и в путь! У тебя будут верные попутчики — Алиса, Коля, его мама, их друзья. Ты много узнаешь: как называ- ются по-английски предметы и вещи, которые окружают тебя дома, научишься считать по-английски, выучишь стишки, п и, игры, которые так любят английские ре- бятишки! Желаем успеха, наш маленький друг!
ALICE: Hello, I’m Alice. My name is Alice And what’s your name? NICK: Hello, I’m Коля. ALICE: You are Nick. Your name is Nick. Как тебя зовут?
NICK: His name is Миша. ALICE: Oh, he’s Mike. ALICE: And who is this? NICK: This is my Mummy. ALICE: What’s her name? NICK: Her name is Аня. ALICE: Oh, her name is Ann And this, who’s this? NICK: This is my Daddy. ALICE: What’s his name? Who Is... = Whcfs... He is... = He's... She is= She's... Who’s this? Кто это? What’s his'her name? Кек его /ее зовут?
NICK: Mummy, Daddy. Meet Alica Mum, Dad, this is Alice. She’s English. MOTHER: Hello, Alice. FATHER: Hello, Alice. MOTHER: Stay with us, Alice. ALICE: Oh, thank you very much. Hello! How are you doing? Привет! Как поживаешь? Thank you (very much). Спасибо (большое спасибо).
This is my Mummy, This is my Dad. Oh, you’re Alice. We’re very glad. You are... = You’re... We are... = We’re...
Oh, well, you see Now we know the
м Good morning. Доброе утро. Glad to see you. *-*«жд(а) тебя видеть Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you. Good morning, good morning, I’m glad to see you.
ALICE: Good morning, Nick. How are you? NICK: I’m fine, Alica Thank you. And how are you? ALICE: I’m fine, too. NICK: Alice, let’s speak English. ALICE: O’key. Come here. Listen, please. What’s this?
a boy and a dog a house mouse a hen a fox a broom bloom a pig mat a cat ALICE: And now, Nick, look here and say:
orange, " egg, ice-cream BUT apple, lemon, banana, И plum Choose the right article: What’s this? What’s this? What’s this? It’s [a] H It’s [a] fan] It’s [a] [an egg lemon pear
IS IT YOUR BALL? Ask and answer ALICE: Now, Nick, answer. Is it your ball? NICK: Yes, it is. ALICE: Is it my pen? NICK: No, it is not. It’s my pen.
THIS AND THAT This is Nick and that is Alice. This is Mum and that is Dad. This is a boy and that is a girl. This is a dog and that is a cat. This is a pen and that is a pencil.
One, two, three, four, 7Mary at the cottage door, (Five, six, seven, eight Eating cherries from a plate
NICK: Good morning, Alice ALICE: Good morning, Nick. How are you today? NICK: I’m fine, thank you. I see you are fine, too. Today, Alice, I want to learn numbers. ALICE: O’key. Listen and repeat. one our me
Find the right answers on the tree: One, one, one Little dog run. Two, two, two Cats see you. Three, three, three Birds in a tree. Four, four, four Rats on a floor.
One - Th ее Five - Seven Nine two, look at my shoe. - four, look at the door. 1 six, look at the chicks. - eight, look at the plate, ten, say it again. 9v\e — 1, two — 2, three Boys and girls are we.
NICK: Alice, come here. Meet my friends. This is Masha, Sasha’s her brother. She’s his sister. They are twins. And this is Alice. Shes English. ALICE: Hello, I’m glad to meet you. SASHA AND MASHA: Hello, Alice. We’re glad to meet you, too. How old are you, Alice? ALICE: I’m six. And you? SASHA AND MASHA: We’re five. What about you, Nick? How old are you? NICK: I’m seven. t my friends. Пот-а’СМк-я с мои
Find the riyht number: MASHA: Listen, Nick. We’ve got a telephone now. Call 1-2-3-M-7-4/one-two-three-five-four-seven-sixZ NICK: I <ave a telephone, too My elezho' number is 4-6-5-1-0-9-8. Call this number. ALICE: I’ve pot a telephone in England, too. Call in I. ndon 3-5-3-2-I-6-7. SASHA AND MASHA; O’key. Good-bye now, Nick and Alice. NICK AND ALI Bye, Sasha and Masha. Come again. We’re glad to ее you. SASHA AND MASH> Thank you.
A TELEPHONE RING Ting —a — ling — a — ling. A telephone ring. Hello, hello, Who are you? Jumbo Joe, I live at the Zoo. What can I do for you? Send me some cake For my little Sam. How many kiloes of cake Would you like to take? Only twenty and no more. My little Sam is only four.
0№B a dog a doll a bird a car a fox a balloon
COUNT WITH NICK AND ALICE one kitten — three kittens — many kittens one doll — four dolls — many dolls one balloon — six balloons — many balloons one car — two cars — many cars one robot — five robots — many robots C Paint up and count:
Имя are bikes These are kites and These are kittens and are dolls ©
NICK AND ALICE IN THE TOY DEPARTMENT ALICE: Look! Monkeys! What funny monkeys! What funny teddy-bears! NICK: Look! Bikes! I like bikes! I want to have a bike!
Give me .. Дайте ми? .. Неге you агж Вот, В0ММ1 1 LET’S PLAY WITH NICK AND ALICE NICK: Give me two balloons, please. ALICE: Here you are. NICK: Thank you. ALICE: Oh, I want a bear. Show me this bear, please. NICK: Here you are. ALICE: Thank you very much. Find and point to: five kittens, three birds, two teddy-bears, six puppies, four foxes Point to... Укажите на
©п</ This is his car bike airplane
WiSE Two littte dicky birds, Sitting on a wall; One named Peter, The other named Pau1 Fly away, Peter! Fly away, Paul! Come back, Peter! Come back, Paul!
Help the rabbit to find the carrots
Big as an elephant Little as a mouse Tall as a giraffe Long as a snake Short as a turtle Fat as a pig
A NEW TOYEajyjjgKAND ALICE Guess what it is Is it a ca No, it isn’t. Is it a boat? No, tt isn’t. Is it 1 Yes, it is. Is it hinny? Yes. it is. What’s this? I s a bike. Oh, Mum, I like it! We hke it!, he children fce j
I’m not small, I’m so tall, I can carry a lion on my back. When it roars, I roar too. That’s not very Hard to do. I’m not small, I’m so tall, I can carry a lion on my back. Connect with the right word:
ЛЯГ ЬЧ. MY DEAR MUMMY My dear, dear mummy, Let me kiss your face. I want you to be happy Today and always. Be happy, be happy Today and always. Be happy, be happy Today and always.
FAMILY ALBUM ALICE: What’s this, Nick? NICK: It’s a family album. ALICE: Show it to me, please. NICK: All right. Come here, sit down. Look, this is my mother and this is her mother. It’s my grandmother. I call her granny. Her hair is long and grey. She’s very kind. ALICE: And who is this? NICK: This is my granddad. He’s got a big nose and big kind eyes. ALICE: Look here. Who is this? NICK: This is my dad when he is ten. And this is his brother. He His lAncle Hick. Grandmother — Granny — бабуля. Grandfather — дедушка. Granddad — дедуля. Grey — содой. Uncle — дяди. Brother — брат. is my uncle. name’s Nick, too. I’ve got— = I have got... We've got- « We have got- He’s got-, = He nas «ot.. She’s got.. = She has got..
Who is very lazy? It is my cousin Daisy. Who is very small? Of course, my cousin Paul. And who is short and fat? It is grandmother Pat. Who is always happy and never sad? is my dear, dear Dad. And who is very tall? It is my uncle Paul. And who is very thin? Of course, my auntie Lynn.
ALL ABOUT ME Ten little fingers, Ten little toes, Two little ears, Two little blue eyes That shine so nice And always so bright. One little mouth To kiss Mum good-night.

WILD ANIMALS a zebra a wolf a bear
DAD, NICK, ALICE AT THE ZOO DAD: Look there. Can you- see tho lion? NICK: Yes, I can. It’s so big! DAD: Can you see the tiger? NICK: No, I can’t. I’m so small. DAD: O’key. Come here. Can you see it now? NICK: Yes, I can. Wow! The tiger is very big!
DAD: Look there, Alice. Those are monkeys. Can you see them? ALICE: Yes, I can. They are funny and nice. What funny monkeys!
WHO EATS WHAT? Draw a line between them:
ALOUETTE W Alouette, little Alouette, Alouette, play the game with me. Put your finger on your head, Put your finger on your head, On your head, On your head. Alouette, don’t forget. Allouette, little Alouette, Allouette, play the game with me. Put your finger on your nose, Put your finger on your nose, On your nose, << On your nose, On your head, On your head. Don’t forget, Alouette.
COMMENT: Th Well done, you’ve just climbed up step 1. COMMEN rancJimb the tree and you’ve just climbed step3. 'eady for a dive пшгоп step 5. . m
CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve climbed step 10. We want to meet you in book 2 again
A. A as in I am My n Bird I ъшthe letter C. G. as in I am My name Jug — кувшин, Jumper -1 i свитер, Jacket — жакет. etter J. J as in M*j name is C as in Л t — кошка, 0>w — ко^ва, Chifr — стул. My nam ice-cream Iron F. as in лягушка, палец. I am etter I. I as in ороженое, юг. I am My Frog I am the letter L. My name is L as in timer — лимон, Liorl— лев Leal — лист.
I am My Pig Pear I am My Sun Shoe My Yacht Yolk - Yard Violin Violet груша, S. as in Це, ька, Y as in яхта, Z as in зебра, зоо к, ия. My name Zebra Zoo Zi
Дорогие мамы и папы! В конце нашей книжки для малышей мы поместили небольшой словарь, куда вошли слова и выражения, перевод которых не был дан в уроках. all—все, всё all right—все в порядке answer—отвечать aunt—тетя clock—часы настольные, настенные соте—приходить come back—возвращаться come here—иди сюда count—считать cousin—двоюродный брат bag—сумка balloon—воздушный шарик big—большой bike—велосипед blue—голубой boat—лодка, кораблик bone—кость book—книга boy—мальчик dad, daddy—папуля, папочка dear—дорогой department—отдел dive—прыжок в воду, нырять do—делать do sums—решать задачи draw—рисовать, чертить draw a line—провести черту cabbage—капуста call—звонить call this number—позвони по этому телефону сап—мочь, уметь саг—машина carrots—морковь children—дети circle—круг, обвести в кружок ear—ухо
1 face—лицо family—семья father—отец, папа find—находить fine—прекрасный, хороший friend—друг funny—смешной, забавный С glad—радостный good-bye—до свидания guess—догадываться Ж hand—рука happy — счастливый be happy—будь счастлив have—иметь help—помогать idea—идея, мысль It’s a good idea—хорошая идея kiss—целовать & lazy—ленивый like—любить, нравиться listen to—слушать кого-либо listen to me—слушай меня little—маленький (по возрасту) look at—смотреть на кого-либо S many—много (с исчисл. сущ.) match—подобрать пару, сочетать meat—мясо meet—знакомиться milk—молоко mum, mummy—мамуля, мамочка mother—мать, мама monkey—обезьяна much—много (с неисчисл сущ.) mystery—тайна, загадочный К name—имя new—новый
nice—милый, приятный night—ночь по—нет now—теперь, сейчас number—номер, цифра 81 paint up—закрашивать pencil—карандаш picture—картин(к)а play—играть please—пожалуйста (при просьбе) puppy—щенок puppies—щенки а rain—дождь right—правильный (но) That's right—верно $ say—сказать see—видеть 1 see—понятно You see?—понимаешь? short—короткий sing—петь sister—сестра sit—сидеть sit down—сядь, садись small—маленький (по размеру) song—‘песня speak—говорить разговаривать stand—стоять stand up—встать step—шаг, ступенька X tall—высокий toe—палец ноги today—сегодня toy—игрушка twins—близнецы а uncle—дядя V very—очень иЗ wall—стена we—мы well—ну. вот; хорошо well done—отлично with—с wow—выражение восторга удивления