Author: Nichon Vogue  

Tags: knitting   needlework   creativity   crocheting  

ISBN: 0-87040-951-4

Year: 1995


CONTENTS Delicate Beauty: The Pineapple Doily-3 Dinner Table Elegance: Table Centers with Joined Motifs-14 Easy Pineapples with Mesh Crochet----20 Square Pineapple Doilies-24 Harmonies of Cloth and Lace-26 A Variety of Charming Knickknacks----30 Lace Crochet Basics-70 Copyright © 1995 by Nihon Vogue Publishig Co.. Ltd. All rights reserved, including the right to repro- duce this book or portions thereof in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Published by Nihon Voge Publishing Co., Ltd. Tokyo. Japan. First Edition, First printing; July 1995 Sole overseas distributors; Japan Publications Trading Co.. Ltd. 1-2-1 Sarugaku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan, Distributors; United Slates: Kodansha America, Inc., through Farrar. Straus & Giroux. 19 Union Square West. New York. NY 10003. Canada: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd., 195 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario L3R 4T8. British Isles and European Continents: Premier Book Marketing Ltd., I Gower Street, London WC1E 6HA. Australia and New Zealand: t Book wise International. 54 Crittenden Road. Findon. South Australia 5023. The Far East and Japan: Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd., 1-2-1 Sarugaku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan, 10 9 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 0-87040^951-4 Printed in Japan
Delicate Beauty: The Pineapple Doily Instructions on Page 35 42cm (16 5/8”) in diameter. —> 3
©Work chain stitches (ch). Slip stitch into the firs: chain nitca to form a ring. Work out from the center in a circular pattern. ©To finish the round, join with a slip stitch ir. ths tt? of the fuming chain. Delicate Beauty The Pineapple Doily । । Ф Make a ch-3 turning chain. For round 1. work double crochet (de) with th» end of tho thread into too ring. © For rounds 3-9. mcrease the number of sh»l cs! eham stitches. formic# a circle In round 10. make * « pmcopplo base Ф To finish the round, join into a cirek with a £ip stitch fa the top of the turning chan-, at the beginning of the round. © 'Die de stitches forming the pineapple base must be an odd number. Starting with row 12. work in tst «Utcbcs on top of the ba» '.V For round 2, make a ch-3 turning chain, followed by ch 2. Repcct "I de. ch 2*. ® Decrease the number of net stitches, forming the crown of tho pineapple In row 17. mako the base for the next pintMppls
Instructions on page 36 31cm (12 1/4”) in diameter.
Instructions on page 37 30cm (11 3/4") in diameter.
Instructions on page 38 30cm (11 3/4") in diameter.
Instructions on page 39 25cm ( 9 7/8") square.
Instructions on page 40 32cm X 34 cm (12 5/8" X13 3/8") 1 9
-----------ч Instructions on page 41 24cm ( 9 1/2”) in diameter. ID t
Instructions on page 44 27cm (10 5/8”) in diameter. II i-
Instructions on page 42 A (Top) 24cm ( 9 1/2”) in diameter, В (Bottom) 30cm (11 3/4”) in diameter. 12 h 4
Instructions on page 43 A (Top) and В (Bottom? 26cm (10 1 4 ) in diameter. . 13
Dinner Table Elegance: Table Centers with Joined Motifs Instructions on page 44 A (Bottom) 29cm X 42.5cm (11 3/8” x 16 3/4”), В (Top) 13.5cm (5 1/4") square. 111—

C'Make the first anohf. and jo si startd^ wish the «•xnd motif. Work to the pm position it. the final re’J nd of the motif. SPCor.tstu» working m th» »«№ manner, joining where appropriate with a shp stitch. Dinner Table Elegance Table Centers with Joined Motifs (.{ Work to the end of th» final round. ftrashing with a ihp abtdi m tbo top of the first turning chain This completes th» second motif. ф Inter: the took from the wronj; side into the bundle at the ,oin potation of the first xzr.if ф Yarn over. puB the thread through. and join with a slip nixa. •b For the third motif, in-rt the hook into th« bottom of the slip stitch of ths second motif, puli through and X>ui with a sip stitch. ‘ Cont-ur working the motif. rod join at the next position in the same manner. * 'Wonc the fourth motif while joining it to the wcond and first motifs where it ad.vini them l>o the sanw with л» third motif. 4 16
Instructions on page 46 28cm X 44cm (11” X17 3/8”)
Instructions on page 48 13 (Top) A and В 15cm ( 5 7/8” ) square, 14 (Bottom) 34cmX44cm (13 3/8" X17 3/8”) 15. A, Band C (Top, Left) Instructions on page 46 11cm ( 1 3/8") square, 16, A and В (Top, Rightt) Instructions on page 48. 15cm ( 5 7/8”) in diatermetr 17, (Bottom, Left) Instructions on page 50 16cm ( 6 1/4”) square, 18, A and В (Bottm, Right) Instructions on page 52. 12cm ( 4 3/4” ) square

ч 20 ь
‘«ншБТ М 2 4<« Easy Pineapples with Mesh Crochet *<<«rrVr< ii'ffitu Instructions on page 50. 19 (Bottom, Left) 12cm ( 4 3/4”) square 20 (Top, Right) 29cmX44cm (11 3/8" X17 3/8”) <<н«л< << HUH «нон 21
Easy Pineapples with Mesh Crochet Mesh crochet (also known as filet crochet) allows you to be creative by filling up meshes with double crochet to form a variety of patterns in your work. Here we will work pine- apples within a mesh pattern. (D Make a foundation chain, then ch 3 as а turning chain, followed by ch 2. Work de ir. the 4th stitch counting freer, the base of Uk> turning chair.. ® Repeat ch 2. I de. At the end of the row. work de in the first stitch of the foundation chain. ®Start row 2 in the same manner as Step !. <4-Fill in a block with de as indicated in the pattern chart. Ch 13. then fill in another block on the left side it the same manner. @At the end of row 2. de in the top of the 3rd stitch of the timing chair, of row 1, inserting the hook toward the back of the work and under the first loop tn the stitch. (6) Work a pineapple pattern as indicated in the chart. фТо begin the edging, insert the hook in lino final de of row 1 nnd lint bottom cf the turn- ing chair, of row 2. Work an incomplete de with a single decrease. ®Work a ch-3 picot. ®To make a corner, insert the hook in the same stitch with the single decrease. work I de. and work a ch-3 picot

J Square Pineapple Doilies Instructions on page 54 25cm ( 9 7/8”) square. -J 24 1-
Instructions on page 54 32cm (12 5/8”) square. — 25 -

A Harmonies of Cloth and Lace |Л^у Instructions on page 57 30cm (11 3/4") square.
26 A Instructions on page 58. 34cm x 59cm (13 3/8” X23 1/4”) 27 B,C Instructions on page 60. 12cm X 13cm ( 4 3/4" X 5 1/8”)
A Variety of Charming Knickknacks (Bottom, Left) Instructions on p (Top) Instructions on page 62. (Bottom, Right) Instructions on 1 30 ь
J 31}—
31 (Left) Instructions on page 62. | 32 (Middle, Top) Instructions on page 65. <23 and 34 (Right and Bottom) instruction on page 66. - 32 ь

35, 36 and 38 Instructions on page 68. 37 and 39 Instructions on page 69.
MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art 991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 25g white. Steel cro- chet hook size 2.0mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd !: Ch 8 and join into ring. Ch 1 (turning chain), work 8 sc and si st. Rnd 2: Repeat “2 de. ch 2". Rnd 3: Work 1 sc. repeat “ch 9. 2 sc, ch. 3, 2 sc"; ' work 1 sc and si st to begin- ning of rnd. Rnd 4: Work si st up to top of ch-9 of previous rnd, then repeat "5 de, ch 7". Rnds 5-9: Work in combination of shell st (de and ch sts). 3-dc puff st with ch-3 net st, and sc with ch-5 net st, as indicated in chart. Rnds 10-11: Work in shell st (3 de, ch 3. 3 de). Make base of pineapple with 7 tr, inserting ch 1 between tr in rnd 11. Rnds 12-19: Work up to rnd 14 as indi- cated in chart Work rnds 15-19 sepa- rately in 8 blocks.
Shown on page 7 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200. 30g off white. Steel crochet hook size 2.0mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 10 and join into ring. Ch 2 (turning chain). 23 hdc, and si si. Rnd 2: Ch 4 (turning chain), continue with ch 5, and repeat “1 tr, ch 5". Rnd 3: Work in si st up to ch-4 of pre- vious rnd. Ch 4 (turning chain), 1 tr. then repeat “ch 8. single decrease in tr". Rnds 4-5: Work alternately in 11-tr pineapple base and tr shell st. Rnds 6-10: Work pineapples in ch-3 net st, increasing number of interven- ing ch sts as indicated in chart. Rnds 11-16: Continue working in ch-3 net st. Work 2-dc puff sts and ch sts in mesh pattern, increasing number of ch sts as indicated in chart. Rnd 17: Repeat I sc and 5-dc scallop st. Work picot at center of scallop st. 30 er ---------• (11 3/4") 3S
Shown on page 8 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991. Hermina crochet cotton Mo. 5200, 20g off white. Steel crochet hook size 1.75mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Make ring with thread. Ch 3 (turning chain), 1 de. Repeat “ch I, 3 de" three limes. Ch 1. 1 de. and si st into lop of turning chain. Rnds 2-3: Work in shell si, increasing number of de and ch sis according to chart. Rnds 4-5: Work in shell si (2 de, ch 4). Work base of pineapple with 7 de. inserting eh sts between de in rnd 5. Rnds 6-11: Continue working in same manner, increasing shell sts as indi- cated in rnd 6. Work body of pineap- ple in ch-5 net st. Work pattern between pineapples as indicated in chart. Rnds 12-14: End shell sts wilh 3 2-dc puff sts in rnd 13 and 1 3-dc puff st in rnd 14. Work in net st (combination of ch sts, picot, and de), increasing number of ch sis according to chart. 1 = Cut thread here ® =Ring - 25ct.---------- (9 7/8")
Shown on page 9 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 25g off white. Steel crochet hook size 2mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 6 and join into ring. Ch 4 (turning chain), 1 tr. Repeat “ch 5. 2-tr puff st”, ch 2, and join to begin- ning of rnd with 1 de. Rnds 2-5: Work in net st, increasing number of ch sts. Work in shell st in rnd 5. Rnds 6-7: Divide shell st into two: make pineapple base with 7 de, insert- ing ch sts between de in rnd 7. Rnds 8-9: In rnd 8. work in shell st (2 de. ch 2, 2 de), and work body of pine- apple in ch-3 net st. In rnd 9. work 9 de to begin fan pattern. Rnds 10-14: Continue with shell st. fan pattern, and pineapples, changing number of intervening ch sts accord- ing to chart. •----------3-lan ---------------• (12 5/8") 10
Shown on page 10 7 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Ari # 149. Maeva crochet cotton. No. 5200, 25g off white. Steel crochet hook size 1.25mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Make ring with thread. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by ch 3. Repeat “I de, ch 3". and si st into beginning of rnd. Rnd 2: Ch 3 (turning chain), work •! de into ch-3 of previous rnd. for a total of 30 sts. Rnds 3-6: Work in shell st. changing number of de and ch sis according to chart. Rnds 7-13: Work 2 shells in shell*, work body of pineapple in ch-5 net st, increasing number of intervening ch sts. Connect shell sis by repeating “net st with ch-3 si st picot, 1 de". Rnd 14: W’ork in de. then repeal "ch 6, ch-3 si st picot. ch 5’ 9 times. Repeat entire pattern 5 times, then si st into beginning of rnd. •---------24 cm- (9 1/2“) 11
Shown on page 12 9 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : A DMC Art # 149. Maeva crochet cot- ton No. 5200, 15g white. Steel crochet hook size 1.25mm 8 DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, off white. Steel crochet hook size 2.0mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Make ring with thread. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by 2 de. Repeat “ch 3.3 de". ch 3, and si st into beginning of rnd. Rnd 2: Work 2 de each in first and 3rd sts of 3-cc in previous rnd. Repeal “ch 2. 1 de. ch 2“. working 1 de in ch-3 space of previous rnd. Ch 2. 1 de. then join to beginning of rnd with single decrease hdc. Rnds 3-15: Increase number of de to form base of pineapple. Work in ch-5 net st to form body of pineapple, changing number of shell and ch sts between pineapples as indicated in chart. For rnds 12-15, work combina- tion of de and ch sts to form mesh pattern. Rnds 16-17: Repeat “sc. ch 6". In rnd 17. work ch-4 si st picot in bottom of sc. - 24 an-------- -------- 30cni- (9 1/2“) (113/4*-) 42
Shown on page 13 10 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : A DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5125, 25g blue. В DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5119, 25g blue. Steel crochet hook size 2.0mm for both A and B. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Make ring with thread. Ch 4 (turning chain), followed by 1 tr. Repeat “ch 5, 2 tr", ch 5. and si st into 4 th st of turning chain, Rnd 2: Repeat "1 3-dc puff st. ch 3, 1 puff st, ch 5". Rnds 3-9: Work in shell st (puff st, ch st) and work pineapples. Work 7 de for base of pineapple, and work in ch-4 net st for body of pineapple. See chart for pattern between pineapples, Rnd 10: Continue working in shell st (puff st, ch st). Work tr tr in top of pineapple. Rnds 11-14: Continue in same man- ner. In rnd 14, repeat “ch-3 si st picot in top of puff st, ch 5". 26 cm --------- (10 1/4") IS
[P.44] MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5103. 25g pink. Steel cro- chet hook size 2.0mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 8 and join into ring. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by ch I. Repeat “1 de. ch 1". and si st into 3rd si of turning chain. Rnds 2-3: Repeat “1 sc. ch 4. 5-dc pop- corn, ch 4". In rnd 3. increase number of sc and ch sts as indicated in chart. Rnds 4-11: Work base of pineapple in de. increasing number of de accord- ing to chart. For body of pineapple, work in ch-3 net st. increasing num- ber of shell and ch sts between pineap- ples according to chart. Rnds 12-18: Continue in same man- ner. From rnd 12, work 2nd pineap- ple. with 11 ir for base. Rnd 19; Repeat combination of sc and ch-3 si st picot. changing number of sc between picots as indicated in chart. Shown on pege 14 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, A 60g white and В 9g white. Steel crochet hook size 1.50mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Make ring with thread. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by 1 de. Repeat "ch 3. 2 de", ch 1. and join to beginning of rnd with hdc. Rnds 2-3: Work in shell st. Rnds 4-5: Make base of pineapple with 5 de. In rnd 5. increase number of ch sts between de, and number of shell sts. Rnds 6-10: Work pineapples in shell st and net st. Work pattern between pineapples using ch. de, puff, and popcorn sts as indicated in chart. Joining motifs: Join starting with 2nd motif. While working final rnd, si si to edge of adjoining motif. Edging: Work first rnd in popcorn, de. and ch sts. Finish with 2nd rnd of sc. II
«5 ССГГГЛ uitt X\tTf\\t/-X\t/\XttXXtf-XXtr XVfW/АШ W^WMIVWMVM*^ Xtf/XWXW '-----------xx> ^ое-х^-сО'^ОМ» — «ж -- --- —--П. 42.5: (14X4*' 135.-—• ( 5 1/4") 135>х f ®«- Rin« °™ Join thread here T — Cut thread here
Shown on page 19 15 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5954. 6g yellow-green, No.5103, 6g pink and No. 5200, 6g off white. Steel crochet hook size 2.0mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 8 and join into ring. Ch 1 (turning chain), 16 sc. and si st into beginning of rnd. Rnds 2-3: Work in net st (ch 3 in md 2, ch 5 in rnd 3). Rnds 4-5: In rnd -1. repeat "1 sc, 2 de, ch 2, 2 de". In rnd 5, work alternately in net st and base of pineapple. Rnds 6-9: For body of pineapple, work in ch-3 net st. On each corner, work fan pattern in combination of picot and ch sts. Ch 4 between fans and pineapples. Rnd 10: Repeat “1 sc. 1 modified scal- lop st" 5 limes, followed by 1 sc, ch 5. ch-3 net st, ch 5. ( 4 3/8”) MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Ar: # 149, Maeva crochet cotton No. 5200, 50g off white. Steel crochet hook size 1.25mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnds 1-2: Make ring with thread. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by 2 de. Repeal “ch 3, 3 de” .ch 1. and join to beginning of rnd with hdc. For rnd 2, work in shell st. Rnd 3: Work alternately in shell st and base of pineapple, changing num- ber of intervening ch sis as indicated in chart. Rnds 4-7: For body of pineapple, work in ch-3 net st. Work pattern between pineapples in combination of de and ch sts according to chart. Joining motifs: Join to previous motif starting with 2nd motif. While working final rnd of motif, si st to edge of adjoining motif. Edging: After joining 3 motifs verti- cally and 5 motifs horizontally, work 3 rnds of edging in ch-7 net st. with corners in ch-9 net st. 4b

Shown on page 19 16 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, A 10g white and В 10g off white. Steel crochet hook size 1,50mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 6 and join into ring. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by ch 2. Repeat "1 de, eh 2", and si st into beginning of rnd. Rnd 2: In ch-2 of previous rnd, work “2-dc puff st, ch 2, 2-dc puff st", fol- lowed by ch 2. SI st into beginning of rnd. Rnds 3-4: Increase number of puff sts to form shell st. Alternate with base of pineapple (6 de, with ch 1 between de). Ch 3 between pineapple and shell st. Rnds 5-10: Work pineapple pattern in combination of puff-si shell st and ch-3 net st. Increase number of ch sts in intervening not sts according to chart. Rnd 11: For top of shell sis, work picol on triple decrease in de; finish with sc. (5 7/8") 13 14 Shown on cage 18 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : 13 DMC Art #991. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 9g each of white and off white. Steel crochet hook size 1.50mm. 14 DMC Art #149. Maeve crochet cotton No. 5200, 55g white. Steel crochet hook size 1.25mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 4 and join into ring. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by 1 de. Repeat “ch 5, 2 dc“. Ch 5 and si st into beginning of rnd. Rnds 2-3: Repeat "2 de, ch 3. 5 de, ch 3“. In rnd 3. insert ch 1 between de in 5-dc. Rnds 4-9: Work pineapples (ch-5 net st): work pattern between pineapples in net st and de as indicated in chart, increase number of ch sts in net st according to chart. Joining motifs: Join starting with 2nd motif. While working final rnd, si st to edge of adjoining motif. Edging: Work in sc for # 13, net st for #14. 48
Shown on page 19 17 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art -991. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 10g white. Steel cro- chet hook size 1.50mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Make ring with thread. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by 2 de. Repeal “ch 3. 3 de", ch 1. and join to beginning of rnd with hdc. Rnds 2-3: Work in shell st (de and ch sts). Rnds 4-5: Divide shell st into 2 pat- terns. Make base of pineapple with 7 de In rnd 5, insert ch 1 between de. Rnds 6-11: Work in shell sts (2 de, ch 3, 2 de). For body of pineapple, work in ch-3 net st. Increase number of ch sts between pineapple and shell st according to chart. Work block pat- tern (de and ch sts) between shell sts. Rnd 12: Work in sc around edge as indicated in chart. Insert hook under ch sts of previous rnd. Shown on page 20-21 I MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : 19 DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 9 g white for one peice. 20 Same materials. 60g white. Steel crochet hook size 2.0mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Both # 19 and #20 are worked in the same manner. Work in rows (back and forth), not rounds. Row 1: For # 19. make ch-16 founda- tion chain. For #20, make ch-118 foundation chain. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by ch 2. Repeat "4 de, ch 2". End row with 1 de. Rows 2-4: Work mesh pattern (1 de, ch 2). Fill squares indicated by "X" in chart with 2 de. Rows 5-13: Work pineapple pattern from row 5 in # 19 or row 11 in #20. Work 7 de for base of pineapple, and work in ch-3 net st for body of pineap- ple. Change number of ch sts around pineapple according to chart. Rows 14-17: Work in same manner as rows 1-4. For #20, work up to row 65 as indicated in chart. Edging: Work in net st and sc with picot. 51)
19 1 1(2 row») «, , JOcni{ 15«;илпм)^. work 46 ch sts т = Cut thread here ; »(2 rows) l < fOcm etf липттттттттпн| X '>Г{“ГГ1~ГГШПП"ПП”!а<< X /НП“ГППУПУ/~ПТ’ПШ X '.S< >r rrrrMiX /Of/nqrri Ч( асо^^;<^даш )> C-f i I ^6 w/ I I rx\ ®tiy< .............V \Xvz“n“iT^<< ®cf ЛН~ПТТЛУГТСППТ°ПН1 To •'JT 4pcojco^co^eoja>yeo-ao^^co^co^ ooTCOj-cOj у ПНПНПИГННТИ“>1НГЩ; rw— ЛПТГ- ПТЛП7 ЛИТТЛ пттг лнттг пттт лтгпт пттт ЛИТТЛ лПТЛПУ /XfiOTT ххп ГЛП7 ktoi 3 rows. ~тйут<т~T~;Ht cXwGjozh уту.111/ !' пщ глгЛЛм// i i i tn rrw ттгптвнн г п-^тлтт rnv/~w/”n~rntH ГЮЮ’ТОХП Т17/ I f П УУ 1ПТНИ ххссо^тж □□ХОХОЛ ГЛ1// \\1/ I I 2S<ni(39iqunrw>; work 118 ch sU I 5rrr.(3 rows) 41cmt65rowa) 1.5 cm(3 rows) T SI 4
чх Stiown on page J9J 18 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 9g each of A off white and В white. Steel crochet hook size 1.50mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 10 and join into ring. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by I de. Repeat "ch 5, 2 de" Ch 5 and si st into beginning of rnd. Rnds 2-3: SI st up to first st of ch-5 of previous rnd. Alternate shell st (2 de, ch 2, 2 de) and ch-5 net sts. Rnds 4-5: Increase shell sts by work- ing 2 de in center of previous shell. Make base of pineapple with 7 de. inserting ch I between de in md 5. Rnd 6: Divide shell st into 2 patterns. Work in ch-3 net st for body of pineap- ple. Rnds 7-9: Work fan pattern between shell sts. Work in 2-dc puff st for pineapple. Work picots in Rnd 9. •---- 12 пл------ ( I 3/4") MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art # 149, Maeva crochet cotton No. 5200. 45g white. Steel crochet hook size 1.50mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Row 1: Make ch-118 foundation chain. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by ch 2. Repeat “1 de. ch 2" mesh pattern. Row 2: Turn work and continue in same manner as row 1. Fill squares 12 and 14 with de. Ch 13 in square 13. Rows 3-21: Work pineapples in midst of mesh pattern. In rows 3-7, make base of pineapple with sc and ch sts. Work row 8 in ch sts, 3-dc puff sts, and si st picots. Work row 9 in ch sts and de; work row 10 in ch sts and sc. Work in ch-5 net st for body of pineap- ple, increasing number of surround- ing clasts as indicated in chart. Rows 22-68: Continue in same manner as previous rows according to chart, working 3 pineapple patterns in 2 columns. Edging: Repeat “single decrease in de. ch-3 si st picot, ch 2" around edge. 52
TTttrttTttt -Tttf ttttt- rtrttttttt------ГИТ TtTtrttrt—----- I 11 I пгт шт ч!3сп1(89 equarwl; work 118 ch яи im ( row .' tttttotTtt HHtftf- A Cut thread hero * - J<r_n thread here »-jcc & ЩГ / Х...1И! !!!!!. Л \.w i; I h I i ij .... --ГПТП 8 Т11Г1 I! I I II I !®l ГПТП ПГГГГГГТГГГПЖ ?{ГГГГГГГГГГП ОТГГПНГП ГП rrnffn Н1П ггп rrrrf ШП’ТТТШГГГГГГПНГГГГГШГГГПППТ’П 1--------nnoorr^rfHf---^if(C^fffrrrrrrrrf —А^^^ПНГППШ^ТЛА^ШГГргрГП —ж—! h-ЬШЬ—х>5с^ н- пЛхЦ—шг гпт"Д«М 1шптптп ptW “nfrrrrrrn ' РГГГГВ —wrrnn! / 5 ffirrf гггп »ww>. ,<t }ИГГГ1„ГП„ГГИИ J j ifirrrrrrrrrr 'oopp,oop4~ ^^ooje^oo^joojcojcojeo co,- ,^л-«-л-гг>. лп. гл- no- «»- n>- Глл- J-OO. СОт<ж>тООтСОт <-<«тОЭтСОгСд>»ОЭтСО»СОет1сг,_Гл!. Work 118 ch sts (.39 squares
MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #99J. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 20g off while. Steel crochet hook size 2mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd I: Make ring with thread. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by 1 de. Repeat “ch 1, 3 de", ch 1, 1 de, and si st to beginning of rnd. Rnds 2-3: Work in shell st (combina- tion of de and ch sts). Increase num- ber of ch sis between shell sts, and number of de at corners, as indicated in chart. Rnds 1-5: Make base of pineapple with 7 de. In rnd 5, insert ch 1 between de. Work shell sts in same manner as rnd 3. Rnds 6-13: For body of pineapple, work in ch-5 net st. Surround pineap- ple with shell sts. Work mesh pattern between.pineapples in tr and de. At each corner, work ch-3 si st picot. Rnds 14-16: Continue mesh pattern in same manner. In rnds 14 and 16. work si st picot in center of chain. Shown on page MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991. Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200. 40g off white. Steel crochet hook size 1.75min. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 6 and join into ring. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by eh I. Repeat “1 de, ch I" and si st into be- ginning of rnd. Rnds 2-4: Work in net sts I eh 3 and ch 5). Rnds 5-6: Work in ch-5 net st and 7 de; increase number of ch sts between de as indicated in chart. Rnds 7-11: Work in net st and scallop st. Rnds 12-24: Make base of pineapple (9 de) in same manner as rnds 5-6. Work body of pineapple in ch-3 net st. Surround pineapple with shell sts, and work new pineapple pattern be- tween first pineapples. Rnds 25-27: Work in net st, increasing number of ch sts at corners according to chart. Rnd 28: Work in net st. but make ch-3 si st picot at top of each chain.
24 ош oi га Shown on page 26 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art # 119. Maeve crochet cotton No. 5200, 35g white. Linen 31cm X 19 cm. Steel crochet hook size 1.25mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Make ch-330 foundation chain. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by eh 2. Work once around in mesh pattern (I de. ch 2), increasing number of sts nt each corner. Work 110 squares and join with de to top of turning chain at beginning of rnd. Rnds 2-3: Work in de pattern and net st. changing number of intervening ch sts as indicated in chart. Rnd 1: Make base of pineapple with 6 de. inserting ch 1 between de. Rnds 5-10: Work body of pineapple in ch-4 net st. Work pattern between pineapples in ch-3 net st. and ifasten off] with de. Rnd 11: Work double decrease in de: use ch 5 for net st. Edging: Work in sc once around foun- dation chain. Work double decrease at corners. Finishing: Fold edge of cloth over 1 cm and blanket stitch. Overlap edging 1 cm on front of cloth, and half- backstitch over sc so as to bo incon- spicuous from front. Hem edge of cloth to crochet work from back. > i g a г - й 56
MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art # 149, Maeve crochet cotton No. 5200. 20g white. Linen 20cm X 20 cm. Steel crochet hook size 1.25min. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd I: Make ch-304 foundation chain. Ch 3 (turning chain), followed by ch 3. Work once around in mesh pattern (1 de, ch 3), increasing number of sts at each corner. Work 76 squares, ch 2. and join with 1 de to top of turning chain at beginning of rnd. Rnd 2: Ch 1 (turning chain); repeat "3 sc. ch Г once around, increasing number of sts at each corner. Rnd 3: Work in shell st (2 de, ch 3. 2 de) alternately with. “1 de, ch 7. 1 de" pattern. Ch 7 between patterns. Rnds 4-5: Make base of pineapple with 9 de. inserting ch 1 between de in rnd 5. Change number of ch sts be- tween pineapple base and shell sts as indicated in chart. Rnds 6-10: Work body of pineapple in ch-3 net st. Surround pineapple with de. From rnd 8. work fan pattern from lop of shell st. Work double decrease in de in rnd 10. Change num- ber of ch sts between de according to chart. Rnd 11: At top of fan pattern, repeal “2-dc puff st, ch 5". At top of pineap- ple, repeat “1 sc, ch-3 picot”. Work similar pattern with 1 de and si st picot at corners. Edging: Work “1 si st, ch 3. 1 de" into first ch st of foundation chain, and repeat once around. Finishing: Fold edge of cloth over 1 cm and blanket stitch. Overlap edging 1 cm on front of cloth, and half- backstitch so as to be inconspicuous from front of edging. 57
Shown on page 28 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art # 149, Maeva crochet cotton No. 5200, 35g white. Linen 49cm *24 cm Steel crochet hook size 1.25mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Work 24 patterns, with 8 rows per pattern. For the 9 patterns in the curved portion, see the sections of the chart marked by a circle (o). For patterns in the straight portion, see the sections of the chart marked by a triangle (). Row 1: Make ch-22 foundation chain, then work in shell st (2 de. ch 3. 2 de). For base of pineapple, work 6 de with ch 1 between de. Work another shell st at end of row. Ch 4 between shell sis and pineapple base. Rows 2-3: For row 2. turn work, ch 5. and work in manner of Breughel. Work in ch-4 net st for body of pineap- ple: work in shell st on either side. Row I: Continue working in same manner. On inside of sections marked by circle (o), work shell st as follows: 2 de. ch 3, 1 hdc, I sc. Rows 5-8: Work in shell st and net st in same manner. In row 8. make base of next pineapple with 6 de. Joining: In final row of 24th pattern, ch 5: work incomplete de with single decrease in ch sts of shell st at end of previous row and in ch sts of next shell st. Work shell st, ch 4, pineapple base, ch 4. shell st; use si sts to join this pattern to ch sts of foundation chain. Ch 5 and si st to turning chain of row 1 to fasten off. Edging: For inside edging, alternate sc and ch-5 net st. For outside edging, work in net st. puff st. and picol. Finishing: Cut cloth in oval shape. Fold edge of cloth over 1 cm and blan- ket stitch. Overlap edging 1 cm on front of cloth, and half-backstitch over sc.

•------------------ 59cm - • (13 3/8’) portion ?2cm (8 5 8-)
Shown on page 29 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5103. 5g pink. No.5954 5g yellow-green and No. 5200, 5g off white. Steel crochet hook size 2.0mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rnd 1: Ch 10 and join into ring. Ch 1 (turning chain). 24 he, and si st into beginning of rnd. Rnd 2: Repeat “2 de. ch-3 si st picot, 2 de, ch 2”. Join to beginning of rnd with 1 hdc. Rnd 3: Repeat “1 de, ch 2, 1 de, ch 7": then ch 3 and join to beginning of rnd with 1 tr. Rnd 4: Make base of pineapple with 5 de, inserting ch 1 between de. Rnds 5-7: For shell st pattern, work 2-dc puff sts. For body of pineapple, work in ch-3 net st. Rnd 8: Work picots, puff sts, and ch sts. Shown on page 30 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art # 149, Maeva crochet cotton No. 5200, 30g white. Steel crochet hook size 1.50mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Work 15 patterns, with 12 ch sts of the foundation chain per pattern. Row 1: Make ch-181 foundation chain. Ch 3 (turning chain); insert 1 de, ch 2. 2 de in same ch st of foundation ch. Repeat pattern of ch 2 followed by “2 de, ch 2. 2 de" shell st. Rows 2-4: Turn work starting with row 2 and continue working in shell st, ch st pattern. Row 5: Work in same manner: make base of pineapple with 7 tr. inserting ch 1 between tr. Rows 6-13: Work in ch-3 net st for body of pineapple. Surround pineap- ple with shell sts. Work fan pattern in tr between pineapples. In rows 12-13, work si st picot in net st. bO
foundation chain 6]
Shown on page 32 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991. Ilermina crochet cotton No. 5200. 15g white. Linen handkerchief 30cm X 30cm. Steel cro- chet hook size 0.90mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Work edging directly on cloth. Rnd 1: Insert hook into corner of cloth. Ch 1 (turning chain), followed by 1 he. Repeat “ch 5, 1 he": ch 2. then join to beginning of rnd with 1 de. Work a total of 172 arches in rnd I. Rnd 2: Work in ch-5 net st. Rnds 3-7: Start base of pineapple at corner with 5-dc scallop st. Work in net st for body of pineapple. Work in fan pattern and net st between pineap- ples. Rndg 8-10: Work 2 extra rows (back and forth) following row 8. but only for corner pineapple patterns. Rnds 11-12 (9-10): Work in net st. but work shell sis at corners. In final rnd. work si st picot at top of net st. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991, Ilermina crochet cotton No. 5200. 25g off white. Steel crochet hook size 2mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Rows 1-3: Make ch-133 foundation chain. Ch 1 (turning chain), followed by 1 he. Repeat "ch 5. 1 he" net st. Turn work for row 2; insert 2 de be- tween net sts and work modified scal- lop st. Work row 3 in same manner as row 1. Rows 4-5: Make base of pineapple with 9 de, inserting ch 1 between de in row 5. Work in shell st around pine- apple. with ch 3 between shell sts and pineapple. Rows 6-10: Work in ch-3 net st for body of pineapple. Rows 11-15: From row 11, separate into individual patterns. Join new thread for 2nd pattern. Work a total of 8 patterns. Edging: Work in net st along founda- tion chain. For final row. work in combination of picot and ch st once around. Ь2

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT : DMC Art #991, Hermina crochet cotton No. 5200, 25g white. Steel cro- chet hook size 2mm. INSTRUCTIONS: Row 1: Make ch-185 foundation chain. Ch 3 (turning chain); work V st by inserting I de, ch 1. 1 de in 1 ch st of foundation ch. Ch 2, then work shell st (1 de, ch 3, 1 de). Alternate shell and V sts and end row with 1 de. Row 2: Turn work and continue in same manner as row 1, [inserting hook under' ch sts of previous row. Make base of pineapple with 5 de, inserting ch 1 between de. Rows 3-6: Work in ch-3 net st for body of pineapple, increasing number of ch sts around pineapple as indicated in chart. Rows 7-14: Change de in shell st to 2 de. Make base of 2nd pineapple with 11 tr. Increase number of ch sts around pineapple as indicated in chart. In row 14, work in ch st with ch-3 si st picot. Edging: Continuing from row 14, work in sc along both sides and foun- dation chain. л = Cut thread here 61
•Making a chain stitch (ch) ch 5 — first stitch ® Hook the thread by moving the hook as shown by the arrow. © Draw the thread through the loop, following the arrow. •Making a ring with chain wstitches © You have completed one chain stitch (ch 1). Now make a second chain stitch in the same manner. © Here you have completed a five-stitch chain (ch 5). Work as many chain stitches as you need. i Work as many chain stitches as you need (ch 6 shown here) ic with the © Form a ring, and insert the hook in the first loop of the first chain stitch. © Hook the thread and draw it through both loops, following the arrow. © You have completed a ring. 1 Wind the thread around your index finger twice. ^Turning chains and the height of crochet stitches At the beginning of each row. you must work a chain having the number of chain stitches required to reach the height of tho stitch used in the new row. This chain is called a turning <?' Remove the ring you have formed, let the long rnd of the thread hang from your left hand, and press the ring between thumb and middle finger. Insert the hook in tho ring, hook the thread . and draw it through the ring, following the arrow. chain. Depending on the height of the stitch, tho turning chain may or may not be counted ns tho first stitch of the row. It is counted as the first stitch ir. a row of half double crochet ГТШГГУ2 oooooood] ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 (Base of turning chain) ©Once again, hook the thread over), draw it through, and tighten the loop. © You have completed the first stitch. However, this stitch is not counted as the first stitch of a chain. or longer stitches. hut not in a row of single crochet because it docs not match the length of a single crochet stitch. (Base of turning chain) ch I ch 1 i Bare of turning chain) 71
Stitch Symbols and Techniques ^British Terminology Chain stitch (ch) Single crochet (sc) * Double crochet (de) T Half double crochet (hdc) • Half treble (htr) T Double crochet (de) * Treble crochet (tr) T Treble crochet (tr) * Double treble (dtr) Double treble (dtr) ♦ Triple treble (dtr) 72
Slip stitch (si st) * (ss) 2-double crochet inclease (2-dcinc) *2treble increase (2 trine) When worked in I stitch of previous row 3-double- crochet puff (3-dcpuff) * 3 treble puff (3tr puff) Double- crochet puff Bottom is open) O'" 5-double- crochet popcorn (5-dc popcorn) • 5 treble popcorn (5 tr popconi) 73
☆Finishing Your Work • Drawing guidelines on a finishing sheet Prepare a finishing sheet and. if your work is circular, draw a circle to the finished size. Divide the radius into 3 to 5 parts and draw inner circles depending on the size of the work. Then draw division lines according to the number of radial patterns. If your work is made with 8 •Pinning the work Place a white doth on an ironing board, then the finishing sheet, and finally the work on top, wrong side up. Pin it at the center first. Position the patterns along the guidelines on the finishing sheet and pin the work at intervals, stretching the work slightly. Adjust the patterns as you add more pins closer together. Spray starch uniformly over the work, and leave it to dry in the shade. When it is dry, remove the pins. 74
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