Author: Coxeter H. S. M.  

Tags: mathematics  

Year: 1947

Professor of Mathematics in the University of Toronto
With eight Plates and numerous Diagrams
36 Essex Street, Strand, W.C.2

The four-dimensional polytope {3, 3,5},drawn by van Oss (cf. Fig. 13·6B on page 250).
PREFACE A POLYTOPE is a geometrical figure bounded by portions of lines, planes, or hyperplanes;e.g.,in two dimensions it is a polygon, in three a polyhedron. The word polytope seems to have been coined by Hoppe in 1882,and introduced into English by Mrs.Stott about twenty years later.But the concept, under the name polyscheme, goes·back to Schlafli,who completed his great mono- graph in 1852. The foundations for our subject were laid by the Greeks over two thousand years ago.In fact,this book might have been subtitled“A sequel to Euclid's Elements”.But all the more elaborate developments (roughly, from Chapter V on)are less than a century old.This revival of interest was partly due to the discovery that many polyhedra (including three of the regular ones) occur in nature as crystals.However, there is a law of symmetry(4.32) which prohibits the inanimate occurrence of any pentagonal figure,such as the regular dodecahedron.Thus the chief reason for studying regular polyhedra is still the same as in the time of the Pythagoreans,namely, that their symmetrical shapes appeal to one's artistic sense.(To be sure,there is a little more to it than that:Klein's Lectures on the Icosahedron* cast fresh light on the general quintic equation.But if Klein had not been an artist he might have expressed his results in purely algebraic terms·) As for the analogous figures in four or more dimensions,we can never fully comprehend them by direct observation.In attempting to do so,however, we seem to peep through a chink in the wall of our physical limitations,into a new world of dazzling beauty. Such an escape from the turbulence of ordinary life will perhaps help to keep us sane.On the other hand,a reader tivhoce standpoint is more severely practical may take comfort in Lobatschewsky's assertion that“there is no branch of mathe- *Listed as“Klein 1”in the Bibliography on pages 306-314. IX 2 03- 66
X REGULARrOLYTOPES matics, however abstract, which may not some day be applied to phenomena of the real world”. I have tried to make this book as nearly self-contained as is reasonably possible。Anyone familiar with elementary algebra, geometry, and trigonometry will be able to appreciate it,and may find in it some fresh applications of those subjects;e.9-,Chapter III provides an introduction to the theory of Groups.All the geometry of the first six chapters is ordinary solid geometry; but the topics treated have been carefully selected as forming a useful background for the subsequent developments.If the reader is at x:11 distressed by the multi一dimensional character of the rest of the book, he will do well to consultManning's Geometry I fo二r dimensions or Sommerville's Geometry of、dimensions (i.e。,Manning 1 or Sommerville 3). It will be seen that most of our chapters end with historical summaries,showing which parts of the subject are already known. The history of polytope一theory provides an instance of the essential unity of our western civilization, and the consequent absurdity of international strife.The Bibliography lists the names of thirty German mathematicians, twenty一seven British, twelve American, eleven French, seven Dutch,eight Swiss,four Italian,two Austrian,two Hungarian,two Polish,two Russian, one NorN、一egian,one Danish,and one Belgian.(In proportion to population the S-\`-iss have contributed more than any other nation.) This book grew out of an essay on“Dimensional Analogy”, begun in February 1923.It is thus the fulfilment of 24 years’ work,which included the rediscovery of Schld,fli's regular poly- topes (Chapters VII and VIII),Hess's star-polytopes (Chapter XIV) a·nd Gosset's semi-regular polytopes ('' 8·4 and 11·8). Probably my own best contribution is the invention of the “graph l c al”notation(' 5·6),Which facilitates the enumeration of groups generated by reflections (' 11·5), of the polytopes derived from these groups by Wythoff's construction(号11·6), of the elements of any such polytope(号11·8),and of“Goursat's tetrahedra”(号14·8).This last instance, which looks like some
PREFACE x1 bizarre notation for the Music of the Spheres,is essentially a device for computing the volumes of certain spherical tetrahedra without having recourse to the calculus.The same notation can be applied very effectively to the theory of regular honeycombs in hyperbolic space (see Schlegel 1,pp.360, 444, or Sommerville 3, Chapter X),but I have resisted the temptation to add a fifteenth chapter on that subject. In some places,such as '号8·2一8·5, I have chosen to employ synthetic methods where t·he use of coordinatos might have made the work a little’ easier.On the other hand,I have not hesitated to use coordinates in Chapter XI,where they greatly simplify the discussion,and in Chapter XII, where they seem to be quite indispensable一 Many of the technical terms may be new to the reader, who will be apt to forget what they mean.For this reason the Index (pages 315一321)refers to definitions by means of page一numbers in boldface type.Every reader will find some parts of the book more palatable than others, but different readers will prefer different parts:one man's meat is another man's poison.Chapter XI is likely to be found harder than the subsequent chapters. I offer most cordial thanks to Thorold Gosset,Leopold Infeld and B.Robinson for reading the whole manuscript a,nd making many valuable suggestions.I am gratOeful also to Richard Brauer, J. J. Burckhardt,J.D.H.Donnay, J. C.P.Miller, E.H.Neville and Hermann Weyl for criticizing various portions, to Mrs.E.L.Voynich for biographical material about her sister, Mrs.Stott(' 13·9),to Dorman Luke for the gift of his models of polyhedra(二:hich aided me in drawing some of t,he figures,e.g. in '6·4),to P.S.Doncliian for the eight Plates,to H·G·Forder and Alan Robson for help in reading the proofs,and to Messrs. T.&A. Constable of Edinburgh for their expert printing of difficult material. H.5.M.COXETER UNIVERSITY Apri OF TORONTO 1947
CONTENTS I.POLYGONS AND POLYHEDRA SECTION 1.1 Regular polygons 1.2 Polyhedra 1.3 The five Platonic Solids 1.4 Graphs and maps 1.5“A voyage round the world” 1.6 Euler's Formula 1.7 Regular maps 1.8 Configurations 1.9 Historical remarks PAGE 1 45689111占ZnJ -.书,.占1.︷ II.REGULAR ANDQUASI一REGULAR SOLIDS 5两了弓.onj41匀︻了0 IJL工.1.且IJL222223 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Regular polyhedra Reciprocation Quasi一regular polyhedra Radii and angles Descartes' Formula. Petrie polygons The rhombic dodecahedron and triacontahedron Zonohedra Historical remarks III.ROTATION GROUPS nJS,..JL46工了 nJ34444 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 035 555 8.8 8.9 Congruent transformations. Transformations in general Groups Symmetry operations The polyhedral groups The five regular compounds Coordinates for the vertices of the regular and quasi-regular solids The complete enumeration of finite rotation groups· Historical remarks x111
REGULARrOLYTOrES IV. TESSELLATIONS AND HONEYCOMBS SECTION 4.1 The three regular tessellations 4.2 The quasi一regular and rhombic tessellations 4.3 Rotation groups in two dimensions· 4.4 Coordinates for the vertices 4.5 Lines of symmetry 4.6 Space filled with cubes 4·7 Other honeycombs r.·8 Proportional numbers of elements 4.9 Historical remarks PAGE 58 59 62 63 64 68 69 72 73 V. THE KALEIDOSCOPE 589,.1246802 门了片才阿了88QnOO890tj 5·1 Reflections in one or two planes, or lines, or points. 5·2 Reflections in three or four lines 5·3 The fundamental region and generating relations 5·4 Reflections in three concurrent planes 5·5 Reflections in four, five, or six planes 5·6 Representation by graphs 5·7 Wythoff's construction 5·8 Pappus's observation concerning reciprocal regular polyhedra !+·9 The Petrie polygon and central symmetry 5·x Historical remarks VI.STAR一POLYHEDRA Star一polygons Stellating the Platonic solids Facetmg the Platonic solids The general regular polyhedron A digression on Riemann surfaces Isomorphism Are there only nine regular polyhedra? Schwarz's triangles. Historical remarks 93 96 98 100 104 105 107 112 114 VII.ORDINARY POLYTOPES IN HIGHER SPACE Dimensional analogy Pyramids, dipyramids, and prisms.
CONTENTS XV $ECTION 7.3 The general sphere 7.4 Polytopes and honeycombs 7.5 Regularity 7.6 The symmetry group of the general regular polytope 7.7 Schlafli's criterion 7.8 The enumeration of possible regular figures. 7.9 The characteristic simplex 7.x Historical remarks PAGE 125 126 128 130 133 136 137 141 VIII.TRUNCATION 8.1 8·2 8.8 8.砚 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 The simple truncations of the general regular polytope Ceshro's construction for {3, 4, 31 Coherent indexing The snub f3, 4, 3} Gosset's construction for {3,3,。} Partial truncation, or alternation Cartesian coordinates Metrical properties. Historical remarks 145 148 150 151 153 154 156 158 162 IX. POINCARE'S PROOF OF EULER'S FORMULA 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Euler's Formula as generalized by Schlafli Incidence matrices The algebra of k一chains Linear dependence and rank The k-circuits The bounding k一circuits The condition for simple一connectivity The analogous formula for a honeycomb Polytopes which do not satis勿Euler's Formula 165 166 167 169 170 170 171 171 172 X. FORMS, VECTORS, AND COORDINATES Real quadratic forms Forms with non一positive product terms A criterion for semidefiniteness Covariant and contravariant bases for a vector space Affine coordinates and reciprocal lattices The general reflection 173 175 177 178 180 182 ,几0习00心自甘000 八UnU八U八U八甘八甘 口二,几1占1山,几‘.‘
XV1 RE (1ULARPOLYTOPES SECTION 10.7 Normal coordinates 10.8 The simplex determined by”+1 dependent vectors 10·9 Historical remarks PAGE 183 184 185 XI.THE GENERALIZED KALEIDOSCOPE 11·1 Discrete groups generated by reflections 11·2 Proof that the fundamental region is a simplex 11·3 Representation by graphs 11·4 Semidefinite forms, Euclidean simplexes, and infinite groups 11·5 Definite forms, spherical simplexes, and finite groups 11·6 Wythoff's construction 11·7 Regular figures and their truncations 11·8 Gosset's figures in six, seven, and eight dimensions. 11·9 Weyl's formula for the order of the largest finite subgroup of an infinite discrete group generated by reflections. 11-x Historical remarks 187 188 191 192 193 196 198 202 204 209 XII.THE GENERALIZED PETRIE POLYGON Orthogonal transformations Congruent transformations. The product of”reflections The Petrie polygon of JP, q,·一‘{ The central inversion The number of reflections The structure of a plane of symmetry An algebraic formula for h/g in four dimensions Historical remarks 213 217 218 223 225 226 227 231 233 1占0习34甘O678Qtl 20习20曰0月0习0习22 .上.上,几11‘.上1占1人峨上1占 XIII.SECTIONS AND PROJECTIONS The principal sections of the regular polytopes Orthogonal projection onto a hyperplane Plane projections of an,13n,yn New coordinates for a,, and 13n The dodecagonal projection of {3, 4, 3} The triacontagonal projection of {3, 3, 5 Eutactic stars Shadows of measure polytopes Historical remarks 237 240 243 245 245 247 250 255 258 ‘上2345几0附‘sno :0…… 8383n03383 ,上1占,二1占.上1占1占.上1自
CONTENTS XVll XIV. STAR一POLYTOPES SECTION PAGE 14.1 The notion of a star-polytope.…263 14.2 Stellating i5, 3, 3}……264 14.3 Systematic faceting..…267 14.4 The general regular polytope in four dimensions二272 14.5 A trigonometrical lemma..…274 14.6 Van Oss's criterion……274 14.7 The Petrie polygon criterion.…278 14.8 Computation. of density..…280 14.9 Complete enumeration of regular star一polytopes and honey- combs.……284 14-x Historical remarks……285 Epilogue.……289 Definitions of symbols..…290 Table I:Regular polytopes.…292 Table II:Regular honeycombs.…296 Table III:Schwarz's triangles.…296 Table IV:Fundamental regions for irreducible groups generated by reflections…297 Table V:The distribution of vertices of four一dimensional polytopes in parallel solid sections二298 Table VI:The derivation of four一dimensional star一poly- topes and compounds by faceting the convex regular polytopes.…302 Table VII:Regular compounds in four dimensions.305 Table VIII:The number of regular polytopes and honey- combs..…305 Bibliography Index
PLATES .Facing page I Regular, quasi一regular and rhombic solids,.4 II Some equilateral zonolledra.…32 III Regular star-polyhedra and compounds二49 IV Two projections of {3,3,J}.…160 V f513) 3}.·……176 VI Projections of the simpler hyper-solids二243 VII Two projections of {3,3,J}.…256 VIII {5, 3, 3}.·……273 Photographs of models made by Paul S.Donchian of Hartford, Conn.
The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. Revelation 21.16
CHAPTERI POLYGONS AND POLYHEDRA Two一DIMENSIONAL polytopes are merely polygons;these are treated in ' 1·1.Three一dimensional polytopes are polyhedra; these are defined in ' 1·2 and developed throughout the first six chapters.号1·3 contains a version of Euclid's proof that there cannot be more than ,five regular solids,and a simple construction to show that each of the five actually exists.The rest of Chapter I is mainly topological:a regular polyhedron is regarded as a map, and later as a co顽guration. In号I·5 we take an excursion into“recreational”mathematics,as a preparation for the notion of a tree of edges in von Staudt's elegant proof of Euler's Formula. 1·1.Regular polygons.Everyone is acquainted with some of the regular polygons:the equilateral triangle which Euclid constructs in his first proposition, the square which confronts us all over the civilized world, the pentagon which can be obtained by making a simple knot in a strip of paper and pressing it care- fully flat,*the hexagon of the snowflake,and so on.The pentagon and the enneagon have been used as bases for the plans of two American buildings:the Pentagon Building near Washington, and the Baha'i Temple near Chicago.Dodecagonal coins have been made in England and Canada. To be precise, we define a p-gon as a circuit of p line一segments A1 A2, A2 A3,…,人AI,joining consecutive pairs of p points A1, A2,…,人·The segments and points are called sides and vertices.Until we come to Chapter VI we shall insist that the sides do not cross one another. If the vertices are all coplanar we speak of a plane polygon, otherwise a s}-ew polygon. A plane polygon decomposes its plane into two regions,one of which, called the interior, is finite.We shall often find it con- venient to regard the p一gon as consisting of its interior as well as its sides and vertices.We can then re一define it as a simply- connected region bounded by p distinct segments.(“Simply- connected”means that every simple closed curve drawn in the Lucas 1,p.202.(Such numbers after an author's name refer to the Biblio- graphy on pages 306一314. For some exquisite photographs of snowflakes, see Bentley and Humphreys 1· A
2 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 1.1 region can be shrunk to a point without leaving the region, i.e., that there are no holes.) The most important case is when none of the bounding lines (or“sides produced”)penetrate the region.We then have a convex p-gon, which may be described (in terms of Cartesian coordinates)by a system of p linear inequalities akx+bky c ck (k一1, 2,…,p)} These inequalities must be consistent but not redundant, and must provide the range for a finite integral ‘ff“dy (which measures the area). A polygon is said to be equilateral if its sides are all equal, equiangular if its angles are all equal.If p>3, a p-gon can be equilateral without being equiangular, or vice versa;e.g.,a rhomb is equilateral,and a rectangle is equiangular.A plane p一gon is said to be regular if it is both equilateral and equiangular. It is then denoted by lp};thus {3}is an equilateral triangle, {4} is a square,{5} is a regular pentagon, and so on· A regular polygon is easily seen to have a centre, from which all t,he vertices are at the same distance OR, while all the sides are at the salve distance 1R. This means that there are two con- centric circles, the circum一circle and in一circle, which pass through the vertices and touch the sides,respectively. It is sometimes helpful to think of the sides of a p-gon as representing p vectors whose sum is zero.They may then be compared with p segments issuing from one point, the angle between two consecutive segments being equal to an exterior angle of the p-gon.It follows that the sum of the exterior angles of a plane polygon is a complete turn, or 2-r. Hence each exterior angle of fp}is 2二/p, and the interior angle is the supplement, 7T. 2一夕 一 11.1 /了1\ 1·11 This may alternatively be seen from the right一angled triangle 020, 00 of Fig.1·1A, where 02 is the centre,01 is the mid-point of a side,and 00 is one end of that side.The right angle occurs at 01, and the angle at 02 is evidently二加.If 21 is the length of the side,we have
怪1·1] POLYGONS 3 000,=l, 0002 0102=1R therefore 1·12 OR=l 7T csc一, p =声I 1R=l cot二. p The area of {p}, being made up of纱such triangles, is 1,13 Cp=PI·1R一p l2 cot竺 p (in terms of the half-side l).The perimeter is,of course 1·14 S=助l. FI(3. 1.1A As p increases without limit,, the ratios SIOR and S/1R both tend to 2二,as we would expect. (This is how Archimedes estimated二, taking p一96.) We may take the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices to be 2k仃 cos— p 。.2lew, A sin—} ”p/ (k二0, 1,…,p一1). 五 0 Then, in the Argand diagram, the vertices of a fp}of circum-radius OR= 1 represent the complex numbers e2k7i/p, which are the roots of the cyclotomic equation 1.15 zp=1. n 0 g。 It is sometimes desirable to extend our definition of a p- allowing the sides to be curved;e·g·,we shall have consider spherical polygons,whose sides are arcs occasion of great 叮0 东U石切
4 REGULAR POLYTOPES 〔号1·2 circles P=2: sides. on a sphere.This extension makes it possible to have a digon has two vertices,joined by two distinct (curved) 1·2.Polyhedra.A polyhedron may be defined as a finite, connected set of plane polygons,such that every side of each polygon belongs also to just one other polygon, with the proviso that the polygons surrounding each vertex form a single circuit (to exclude anomalies such as two pyramids with a common apex).The polygons are called faces, and their sides edges. Until Chapter VI i`-e insist that the几ces do not cross one another. Thus the polyhedron forms a single closed surface,and decom- poses space into two regions。one of which,called the interior, is finite.We shall often find it convenient t,o regard the poly- hedron as consisting of its interior as well as its N2 faces, Ni edges,and No vertices. The most important penetrate the interior. case is when none of the bounding planes We then have a may be described (in terms of Cartesian of inequalities convex polyhedron,which coordinates)by a system a..二十bky -f- ckz心 (k=1,2, These inequalities must be consistent but not must provide the range for a finite integral N2)。 redundant.and ‘厂{”‘)‘/dy“· (which measures the volume). Certain polyhedra are almost as familiar as the polygons that bound them.we all know hOAAT a point and a p-gon can be joined by p triangles to form a pyramid, and how two equal p一gons can be joined by p rectangles to form a right prism.After turning one of the two p-gons in its own plane so as to make its vertices (and sides)correspond to the sides (and vertices)of the other, we can just as easily join them by即triangles to form an anti- prism,whose即lateral edges make a kind of zigzag. A tetrahedron is a pyramid based on a triangle.Its faces consist of four triangles,any one of which may be regarded as the base. If all four are equilateral,we have a regular tetrahedron.This is the simplest of the five Platonic solids.The others are the octahedron,cube,icosahedron,and (pentagonal)dodecahedron. (See Plate I, Figs.1一5.)
PLATE I 确 ’夸 24 臀今。 令。 今"5卵7 妙 !0 ‘黔 11 12 RE('VL AR, tit" ASI一REGULAR A-NI) RH()AIBIC SOLIDS
'1·3] POLYHEDRA 5 1·3.The five Platonic solids.A convex polyhedron is said to be regular if its faces are regular and equal,while its vertices are all surrounded alike.(We shall see in号1·7 that the regularity of faces may be waived without causing anything worse than a simple distortion.A more“economical”definition will be given in ' 2·1·)If its faces are fpj's,q surrounding each vertex, the polyhedron is denoted by {p, q}. The possible values for p and q may be enumerated as follows. The solid angle at a vertex has q face-angles, each(1一2/p)二,by 1·11.A familiar theorem states that these q angles must total less than 2二.Hence 1一2/p <2/q;i.e., 1上一q自 势 1.几工q + 1-尹 1.31 or (P一2)(q一2)<4. Thus {p, q} cannot have any other values than {3,3},{3, 4}, {4, 3},{3,5}, {5,3}. The tetrahedron {3, 3}has already been mentioned.’To show that the remaining four possibilities actually occur, we construct the rest of the Platonic solids, as follows. By placing two equal pyramids base to base,we obtain a dipyramid bounded by 2p triangles.If the common base is a {p} with p<6,the altitude of the pyramids can be adjusted so as to make all the triangles equilateral.If p=4, every vertex is surrounded by four triangles,and any two opposite vertices can be regarded as apices of the dipyramid.This is the octahedron, {3, 4}. By adjusting the altitude of a right prism on a regular base,we may take it·s lateral faces to be squares.If the base also is a square, we have a cube {4, 3},and any face may be regarded as the base. Similarly, by adjusting the altitude of an antiprism,we may take its却lateral triangles to be equilateral.If p一3, we have the octahedron (again).If p=4 or 5, we can place pyramids on the two bases, making幼equilateral triangles altogether· Up=5, every vertex is then surrounded by five triangles,and we have the icosahedron, {3, 5}. There is no such simple way to construct the fifth Platonic solid. But if we fit six pentagons together so that one is entirely surrounded by the other five,making a kind of bowl, we observe that the free edges are the sides of a skew decagon.Two such
6 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 1.4 bowls can then be fitted together, decagon to decagon, to form the dodecahedron,*{5, 3}. 1·4.Graphs and maps.The edges and vertices of a poly- hedron constitute a special case of a graph, which is a set of No points or nodes, joined in pairs by N1 segments or branches (which need not lie straight).If a node belongs to q branches, we have evidently 1·41 Eq一21V1, where the summation is taken over the No nodes.For a connected graph (all in one piece)we must have 1·42 NJ >'No一1· One graph is said to contain another if it can be derived from the other by adding extra branches,or both branches and nodes. A graph may contain a circuit of p branches and p nodes,i.e.,a p一gon (p >2).A graph which contains no circuit is called a forest, or, if connected, a tree.In the case of a tree,the ine quality 1·42 is replaced by the equation 1·43 N1=No一1; for a tree may be built up from any one node by adding successive branches,each leading to a new node. The theory of graphs belongs to topology(“rubber sheet geometry”),which deals with the way figures are connected, without regard to straightness or measurement.In this spirit, the essential property of a polyhedron is that its faces together form a single unbounded surface.The edges are merely curves drawn on the surface,which come together in sets of three or more at the vertices. In other words,a polyhedron with N2 faces,N1 edges,and No vertices may be regarded as a map, i.e.,as the partition of an unbounded surface into N2 polygonal regions by means of AT, simple curves joining pairs of No points.One such map may be seen by projecting the edges of a cube radially onto its circum- sphere;in this case No一8, N1=12, }T2一6, and the regions are spherical quadrangles. From a given map we may derive a second,called the decal map,on the same surface.This second map has N2 vertices See the self-unfolding model in the pocket of Steinhaus 1.
号1}4] DUAL MAPS 7 one in the interior of each face of the given map;N1 edges,one crossing each edge of the given map;and No faces,one surround- ing each vertex of the face of the given map, given map.Corresponding to a p-gonal the dual neap will have a vertex where p edges (and p faces)come together.(See,for instance formed by the broken and unbroken lines in Fig.1·4A is a symmetric relation:a map is the dual of its dual. the maps Duality 盆心.… 、 、 、 、 ......日. / FIG. 1.4A By counting the sides of all the faces (of a polyhedron or map), we obtain the formula 1.44 EP一2N1, where the summation is taken over the N2 faces.Dually, by counting the edges that emanate from all the vertices,we obtain 1.41.It follows from 1·44 that the number of odd faces (i.e., p-gonal faces with p odd)must be even.In particular, if all but one of the faces are even, the last face must be even too.
S REGULAR POLYTOPES [号1·5 1·5.“A voyage round the world.” following diversion.*Suppose that the Hamilton proposed the vertices of a polyhedron (or of a snap)represent pl二ces that edges represent the only possible we wish to visit routes. Then we while the have the problem of visiting all the places,without repetition,on a single J ourney· FIG.1·5A FIa. I·5B Fig.1·5A shotirrs a solution of this problem in a special case t which is of interest as being the simplest instance where the journey cannot possibly be a“round trip”.Fig.1·5B shows a map for which the problem is insoluble even if we are allowed to start from any one vertex and finish at any other.丰 *See Herschel 1;Lucas 1,PP.201,208一225 ;Ball 1,PP.262一266. For such a map having only three edg See the A?r?erican Mathematical Month at J3 each vertex,see Tutte 1,p.100. (1946),p·593 (Problem E 711)· 小..+十
' I"6] EULER’S一FORMULA 9 Although it is not always possible to include all the vertices of a polyhedron in a single chain of edges, it certainly is possible to include them all as nodes of a tree (whose No一1 branches occur among the N,. edges).This merely requires repeated application of the principle that any two vertices may be con- nected by a chain of edges.In几ct, every connected graph has a tree for its“scaffolding”(Geriist*),and the connectivity of the graph is defined as the number of its branches that have to be removed to produce the tree,namely 1一No+Nl. 1.6. Euler's Formula.In defining a polyhedron, we did not exclude the possibility of its being multiply一connected (i.e.,ring- shaped, pretzel一shaped,or still more complicated).The special feature which distinguishes a simply-connected polyhedron is that every simple closed curve drawn on the surface can be shrunk, or that every circuit of edges bounds a region (consisting of one face or more).For such a polyhedron,the numbers of elements satisfy Euler's Formula 1-61 No一N1+N2=2) which can be proved in a great variety of ways.t The following proof is due to von Staudt. Consider a tree whose nodes are the No vertices,and whose branches are No一1 of the N1 edges (i.e.,a scaffolding of the graph of vertices and edges).Instead of the remaining edges,take the corresponding edges of the dual map (as in Fig. 1·4A, where the selected edges are drawn in heavy lines).These edges of the dual map forn1 a graph with N2 nodes,one inside each face of the polyhedron.Its branches are entirely separate from those of the tree.It is connected, since the only way in which one of its nodes could be inaccessible from another would be if a circuit of the tree came between,but a tree has no circuits.On the other hand, a circuit of the graph would decompose the surface into two separate parts, each containing some nodes of the tree, which is impossible.So in fact the graph is a second tree, and has N2一1 branches.But every edge of the polyhedron corresponds to a branch of one tree or the other. Hence (凡一1)+(N2一1)一N1. 5 K6nig 16(Ed6 1,P.57, See torial Note). also the American Mathematical Monthly, 50(1943), fi Sommerville 3, Chapter Iii;von Staudt 1,P.`' 0(' 4).
10 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号I·6 This argument breaks down for a multiply一connected surface, because there the graph of edges of the dual map does contain circuits (although these do not decompose the surface).For instance, the unbroken lines in Fig.1·6A form the unfolded“net” of a map of sixteen quadrangles on a ring一shaped surface;the heavy lines form a scaffolding, and the broken lines cross the remai- ning edges.Two circuits of broken lines can be seen:one through the mid-point of AD, and another through the inid-point of AE. Any orientable unbounded surface (e.g.,any closed surface in ordinary space that does not cross itself) can be regarded as “a sphere with p handles”.(Thus p一0 for a sphere or any A B C D E F G ! 一诗一- I J _._ 一勺 碱 } 尸 卜 } ,! } 月 ,} l } 户 } ! . J目又 } . A E F G A B C D A FIG. 1·6A simply一connected surface,p=1 for a ring, and p=2 for the surface of a solid figure一of-eight.)The number p is called the genus of the surface. Lion of 1·61 is It can be shown*that the appropriate generaliza- 1·62 No一N1+N2=2一2p. The unbroken lines in Fig.1·4A form a Schlegel diagram for the dodecahedron:one face is specialized, and the rest of the surface is represented in the interior of that face (as if we projected the polyhedron onto the plane of that face from a point just outside). Such a diagram can be trade for any simply一connected poly- hedron.t We may regard the whole plane as representing the whole surface,by letting the exterior region of the plane represent the interior of the special face. *See, e.g.,Ball f Schlegel 1,pp 1,p.233. 353一358 and Taf. 1;Sommerville 3, p.164
号1.7] REGULAR MAPSn If a simply一connected map has only even faces (like Fig. 1·5A or B),we can show that every circuit of edges consists of an even number of edges.For, such a circuit, of (say)N edges, decomposes the map into two regions which have the .circuit as their common boundary. If we modi行the map, replacing one of the two regions by a single N一sided face,then the rest of the faces (belong- ing to the other region)are all even.Hence,by the remark at the end of号1·4, N is even. It follows that alternate vertices of any even一faced simply- connected reap can be picked out in a consistent manner (so that every edge joins two vertices of opposite types).For instance, alternate vertices of a cube belong to two inscribed tetrahedra (Plate I, Fig.6). 1·7.Regular maps.A map is said to be regular, of type {p, q},if there are p vertices and p edges for each face,q edges and q faces at each vertex, arranged symmetrically in a sense that can be made precise·*Thus a regular polyhedron (' 1·3) is a special case of a regular map.By 1·41 and l·44, we have 1.71 qNo一2N1一PN2 For each map of type {p, q} there is a dual map of type {q, p}; e.g.,a self-dual reap of type {4, 4} is produced if we divide a torus or ring一surface into n2“squares”by drawing n circles round the ring and n other circles threading the ring.(Fig.1·6A shows the case when n=4.The surface has been cut along the circles ABCD and AEFG, one of each type.) This example is ruled out if we restrict consideration to simply- connected polyhedra.Then the possible values of p and q are limited by the inequality 1·31,and for each admissible pair of values there is essentially only one polyhedron fp, q}. In fact, the relations 1·61 and 1·71 yield 一Q自 - llij口1上 + 1-夕 一一 一1二 11~丫以 1.72 which expresses N1 in terms of p and q. The inequality 1·31 is an obvious consequence of 1·72.The solutions {3,3},{3,4},{4, 3},{3,5},{5, 3} give the tetrahedron,octahedron,cube,icosahedron,dodeca- *See Brahan二1 or Threlfall 1·Unfortunately the latter (p.33) writes {q, p) for our j p, q}.
12 REGULAR POLYTOPES hedron. less {2, As maps we have also the dihedron {p, 2}* [' 1·8 and the name- 夕}formed by p digons or“lunes” 1·8.Configurations.A co喊guration in the plane is a set of 凡points and N1 lines,with Not of the lines passing through each of the points,aizd N1o of the points lying on each of the lines. Clearly No Not一N1 N1o. For instance,N1 lines of general position,with all their告N1(N1-.1) points of intersection,form a configuration in which Not=2 and N1o一N1一1.Again, a p一gon is a configuration in which No一Ni一p} NO1一N1。一2.(Further points of intersection, of sides produced, are not counted.) Analogously, a configuration in space is a set of No points, N1 lines, and N2 planes, or let us say briefly N, j-spaces (j一0, 1,2), where each j-space is incident with Njk of the k--spaces (j:/L- k).t Clearly 1.81戈戈、一戈叽· These configurational numbers are conveniently tabulated as a ,nzatrix Noo Nol Nio Nil N2o N21 where N-:is the number -Dreviously :Ii上“ No2 N12 N22 called Ni The subject of configurations belongs essentially to projective geometry, in which the principle of duality enables us to preserve the relations of incidence after interchanging points and planes. Thus,for any configuration there is a dual configuration,whose matrix is derived from that of the given configuration by a“central inversion”(replacing戈、 In particular, for each figuration by Ni, wherej+j‘一k;+k-‘一2). have a con- 吧尸幻8. V、‘gd 少ty人甲j'k' Platonic solid {p,q} 2 叮ZN No q 2 N1 p p *Klein 2, p.129. f Unfortunately Sommerville(2, p.9)calls this number The present convention agrees with Veblen and Young 1,p. instead of凡、·
夸1·9] rOLYHEDRA IN NATURE Here the relations and then 1·61 fixes 1·71or1·81 the precise determine the rati徽N, n I-W values 1.82 No= 4p 4一(p一2) (q一2)' l UT 人,I 2pq 一4一(p一2) (q一2) ' N2 4q 4一(p一2)(q一2) (See Table I,on page 292.) 1.9.Historical remarks.Sir D'Arcy W. Thompson once re- marked to me that Euclid never dreamed of writing an Elementary Geometry:what Euclid really did was to write a very excellent. (but somewhat long-winded)account of the Five Regular Solids, for the use of Initiates. The early history of these polyhedra is lost in the shadows of antiquity.To ask who first constructed them is almost as futile as to ask who- first used fire.The tetrahedron,cube and octa- hedron occur in nature as crystals*(of various substances,such as sodium sulphantimoniate,common salt,and chrome alum, respectively).The two more complicated regular solids cannot form crystals,but need the spark of life for their natural occurrence·Haeckel observed them as skeletons of microscopic sea animals called radiolaria,the most perfect examples being Circogonia icosahedra and Circorrhegma dodecahedra. t Turning now to mankind,excavations on Vlonte Loffa,near Padua,have revealed an Etruscan dodecahedron which shows that this figure was enjoyed as a toy at least 2500 years ago.So also to一day, an intelligent child who plays with regular polygons (cut out of paper or thin cardboard,、with adhesive flaps to stick them to- gether) can hardly fail to rediscover the Platonic solids.They were built up that“childish”二?ay by Plato himself (about 400 B.C.)and probably before hills by the earliest Pythagoreans,丰 one of whom, Timaeus of Locri,invented a mystical correspond- ence between the four easily constructed solids (tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron,cube)and the four natural“elements” (fire, air, water, earth).Undeterred by the occurrence of a fifth solid, he regarded the dodecahedron as a shape that envelops the whole universe. All five were treated mathematically by Theaetetus of Athens, and in Books XIII一XV of Euclid's Elements;e.g.,1·71 is Euclid *Tutton 1,pp.40一45(Figs.25 and 33). f Thompson 1, pp.724一1 26 (Fig. 340). tHeath 1,pp. 159一160. This was done systematically by the artist Ddrer(1), who drew the appropriate“nets”(analobous to Fig. 1·6A).
14 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号1·NJ XV, 6.(Books XIV and XV were not written by Euclid himself, but by several later authors.)The pyramids and prisms are much older, of course;but antiprisms do not seem to have been recog- nized before Kepler (A.D.1571一1630).* The Greeks understood that some regular polygons can be constructed with ruler and compasses,while others cannot.This question was not cleared up until 1796, when Gauss,investigating the cyclotomic equation capable of such Euclidean odd prime factors of p are practically- means that p 1·15, concluded that the only {pJ's construction are those for which the distinct Ferinat primes 22k+ 1.This must be a divisor of g n multiplied by any {5}and{17}have一225-1 power of 2.The simplest rules for constructi been given by Dudeney and Richmond.Riche- lot and Schwendenheim constructed {257}about Hermes wasted ten years of his life on {65537}.His is preserved in the University of Gottingen. The theory of graphs (so named by Sylvester) 1892, and manuscript began with Euler's problem of the Bridges in Konigsberg, and was developed by Cayley, Hamilton, Petersen, and others.Euler discovered his formula 1·61 in 1752.Sixty years later, Lhuilier noticed its failure when applied to multiply一connected polyhedra.The subject of Topology (or Analysis sites)was then pursued by Listing, M6bius, Riemann,Poincare,and has accumulated a vast literature. The theory of maps received a powerful stimulus from Mobius's problem of finding, the smallest number of colours that will suffice for the colouring of every possible map.The question whether this number (for a simply一connected surface)is 4 or 5,has been investigated by Cayley, Kempe,Tait,Heawood, and others,but still remains unanswered.Evidently two colours suffice for the octahedron,three for the cube or the icosahedron, four for the tetrahedron or the dodecahedron. The well一known figure of two perspective triangles with their centre and axis of perspective is a co叻guration (as defined in ' 1·8) with No一N1一10 and Nol一Nlo= 3,first considered by Desargues in 1636.The use of a symbol such as {p, q} (for“regular poly- hedron with p-gonal faces,q at each vertex)is due to Schlafli (4, p.44),so we shall call it a“Schlafli symbol”·The formulae 1·82 are his also. *Kepler 1,p.116· fi Ball 1,pp.94一96.
CHAPTER II REGULAR AND QUASI一REGULAR SOLIDS THis chapter opens with a new“economical”definition for regularity:a polyhedron is regular if its faces and vertex angles are all regular·In '2·2 we see how {q,pj can be derived from {p, q} by reciprocation.Much use is made later of the self- reciprocal property 。_12'(p+q)十7pq ,“一‘1—一1, V 2(p+q)一pq which is the number of、sides of the skew polygon formed by certain edges一(see ' 2·6).The computation of metrical properties (in ' 2·4) is facilitated by considering some auxiliary polyhedra which are not quite regular, but more than“semi-regular,”so it is natural to call them“quasi-regular.”'' 2·7 and 2·8 deal with solids bounded by rhombs or other parallelograms;these are described in such detail, not only for their intrinsic interest, but for use in Chapter XIII. 2·1.Regular polyhedra.The definition of regularity in号1·3 involves three statements:regular faces,equal faces,equal solid angles.(Regular solid angles can then be deduced as a conse- quence.)All three statements are necessary.For:the triangular dipyramid formed by fusing two regular tetrahedra has equal, regular faces;prisms and一antipri sins of suitable altitude have regular faces and equal solid angles;and certain irregular tetrahedra, called disphenoids, have equal faces and equal solid angles.(To make a model of a disphenoid,cut out an acute- angled triangle and fold it along the joins of the mid-points of its sides.The disphenoid is said to be tetragonal or rhombic according as the triangle is isosceles or scalene.) It is interesting to find that another definition, involving only two statements,is powerful enough to have the same effect:we shall see that regular faces and regular solid angles suffice.For simplicity, we replace the consideration of solid angles (which are rather troublesome)by that of vertex figures.* *Our vertex声pure is similar to the vertex constituent of Sommerville 3, p.100, and the frame figure of Stringham 1,p.7.It is a kind of“Dupin's indicatrix” for the neighbourhood of a vertex· 15
16 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 2.1. The vertex figure at the vertex 0 of a polygon is the segment joining the mid-points of the two sides through 0;for a沙}of side 21, this is a segment of length 21 cos 7T p (See the broken line in Fig. 1·1 A on page 3.)The vertex figure at the vertex 0 of *a polyhedron is the polygon whose sides are the vertex figures of all the faces that surround 0;thus its vertices are the mid-points of all the edges through 0.For instance,, the vertex figure of the cube (at any vertex)is a triangle. Now, according to our revised definition, a polyhedron is regular if its faces and vertex figures are all regular. Since the faces are regular, the edges must be all equal, of length 21, say.Similarly, since the vertex figures are regular, the faces must be all equal;for otherwise some pair of different faces would occur with a common vertex 0,at which the vertex figure would have unequal sides,namely 21 cos二加for two different values of p.Moreover, the dihedral angles (between pairs of adjacent faces)are all e qual;for, those occurring at any one vertex belong to a right pyramid whose base is the vertex figure. Each lateral face of this pyramid is an isosceles triangle with sides l, l, 21 cos二加.The number of sides of the base cannot vary without altering the dihedral angle.Hence this number, say q, is t·he same for all vertices,and the vertex figures must be all equal。 We thus have the regular polyhedron {p, q}.Its face is a {p}of side 21, and its vertex figure is a {q} of side 21 cos二加. We easily see that一the perpendicular to the plane of a face at its centre will meet the perpendicular to the plane of a vertex figure at its centre in a point 03 which is the centre of three important spheres:the eircum一sphere which passes through all the vertices (and the circum一circles of the faces),the mid-sphere which touches all the edges (and contains the in一circles of the faces), and the in-sphere二:hick touches all the faces.*Their respective radii t will be denoted by OR, 1R, and 2R. Let 02 this face, (i<j< k-) 2·11 be the centre of a几ce,01 the mid一point of a side of and Oo one end of that side.Since the triangle Oi 0j Ok is right一angled at 0;,Pythagoras’Theorem gives OR2一12+1R2一(l CSC 7r/p)2+2R2} i R21一(l cot二/p)2+:R22 German Urn Briiekner(1 Ankugel, Inkugel.See Schoute 6 P.123)denotes these radii by R, A,and P·151. P. His a is our 2l. *占1
务2.3] RECIPROCATION,TRUNCATION 17 2.2.Reciprocation.Consider the regular polyhedron {p,q}, with its No vertices,N1 edges,N2 faces.(See 1·82.)If we replace each edge by a perpendicular line touching the mid一sphere at the same point, we obtain the N1 edges of the rec勿rocal poly- hedron {q, p}, which has N2 vertices‘and No faces.This process is, in fact, reciprocation with respect to the mid一sphere:the vertices and face一planes of {q, p}are the poles and polars of the face-planes and vertices of lp,4}· Reciprocation with respect to another (concentric)sphere would 户eld a larger or smaller {q, p}.The mid一sphere is convenient. to use, as having·the same relationship to both polyhedra;e·g·, it reciprocates the tetrahedron {3, 3}into an equal {3,3}·(See Plate I, Figs. 6一8.)Moreover, when we use the mid-sphere, the circum一。ircle of the vertex figure of {p,q} coincides with the in一circle of a -face of {q, p},and these two {qJ's are reciprocal with respect to that circle. If properties of the reciprocal of a given polyhedron are dis- tinguished by dashes,we have 2.21 OR 2R‘一1R 1R,=2R ORI; for, each of these expressions is equal to the square of the radius of reciprocation.Hence this radius can be chosen so that OR一O RI and 2R= 2R';but then we shall not,in general,have also 1R一1 RI. This process of reciprocation can evidently be applied to any figure which has a recognizable“centre”.It agrees both with the topological duality that ewe defined for maps(号1·4) and with the projective duality that applies to configurations(号1·8). 2.3.Quasi一regular polyhedra.In the case when two regular polyhedra, {p, q} and {q, p},are reciprocal with respect to their common mid一sphere,the solid region interior to both polyhedra forms another polyhedron, say{\召卜which has N1 vertices, n一‘y the mid一edge points of either {p, q} or {q, p}. Its faces consist of No tqj's and N2 tpj's,which are the vertex figures of fp,qJ and {q, p}, respectively.There are 4 edges at each vertex,and so 2N1 edges altogether. Euler's Formula is satisfied,as N1一2N1 d- (No+N2)一2. . 为酬B 111 S a e m a S e h 于幻 S .1五 Of cours一兰{
18 REG七LARPOD.YTOPES When p=q= 3, this derived polyhedron is 「号2·3 evidently the octa- hedron;for all its faces are {3}'s,and four meet at each vertex: 2·31 (3(3}一{{3, 4}· Other cases the Ipj's and jqJ's are different;but still the e匆es all alike,each separating a fp}from a {q}. hedron, and{戮 {重}is the cubocta- the icosidodecahedron (Plate I, Figs.9 and 10). These are instances (in fact,the only convex instances)of quasi- re yu lar polyhedra. A quasi-regular polyhedron is defined as having regular faces, while its vertex figures,though not regular, are cyclic and equi- angular (i·e.,inscriptible in circles and alternate一sided).It follows from this definition that the edges are all equal,.say of length 2L, that the dihedral angles are all equal,and that the faces are of two kinds,each face of one kind being entirely sur- rounded by faces of the other kind.Moreover,by a natural extension of the argument used for a regular polyhedron in ' 2·1, the vertex figures are all equal·If there are r伽I's and r {qJ's at one vertex, then it is the same at every vertex,and the vertex figure is an equiangular 2r-gon with alternate sides 2L cos -irlp and 2L cos二/q. The face-angles at a vertex make a total of r(1一2加)二+r(1一2/q)二, which must be less than 27T;therefore ___一1 1 1 2.32二+立十二>1. p q But p and q cannot be less than ‘31}3} )4,一or(5,” 3;so r一2, and·{夸{is either O n examinlnga icosidodecahedron model of the octahedron,cuboctahedron,or we observe a number of equatorial squares, hexagons, the centre or decagons:polygons which,lying in planes through are inscribed in To study this vertex figure phenomenon in great circles of the circum-sphere. general terms,we observe that the of {p} of opposite ve (q! rtices is a rectangle (since r= 2), and that either pair of this rectangle are the mid-points of two
芬2.3) EQUATORIAL POLYGONS 19 adjacent sides of the equatorial polygon.If this polygon is an {h}, its vertex figure is of length 2L cos二/h. But this vertex figure, as we have just seen,is the diagonal of a rectangle of sides 2L cos二加and 2L cos二/q. Hence 7T一叮上 2.33 。7T n ?T。 n!% [`1‘_!l !1 Cti石1 nl1C‘ ~。h一U价l-牛V份 I工J! 9J5 !J‘1、 (31 We can thus verity that h=4 for}。{- ‘(5) (3、 ri for一,,一。and 10 for (4)‘ belongs to just one equatorial {h};so there 夕q (See Fig. 2·3A.) Every edge of 因件 !阳! njs 了.,︺1 、‘.万‘尸!护 nJ4 夕.,tJ仇1 、,一...了 nJOO ‘!月J..、 FIG. 2·3A The quasi-regular solids and their equatorial polygons are 2N1/h such JhJ's altogether (namely 3 squares,4 hexagons, and 6 decagons,in the respective cases). The equation 2·33 for h一is useful in connection with trigono- metrical formulae (such as those we shall find in'号2·4).But for other purposes it is desirable to have an algebraic expression for h. This can be found as follows.Since each of the 2N1/h equa- torial h-gons meets each of the others at a pair of opposite vertices, we have 2N, —全一1= h h 2 whence 4N1= 2.34 h(h+2),and h=斌4N1+1一1. In virtue of 1·72, this p and q, as desired. algebraic lsanajgis an Of course expression for h in terms of it is not equivalent to 2·33 for general values of p and q, but only for the values corresponding
20 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 2.3 to points (p, q) on the curve sketched in Fig.2·3B,whose equation is obtained by eliminating h and N1 from 1·72,2.33,2·34.Part of this is the rectangular hyperbola (P一2) (q一2)=4, corresponding to N1一OC.But we are more interested in the other part,which contains the points(3,5),(3,4),(3,3),(4, 3), FIG.2·3B Values of p and q for which 2·33 and 2·34 agree (5,3)corresponding to h are marked at these the Platonic solids fp, q}.The values of points.The two branches touch each 仃-4 一一 仃一2 肠-q Q曰-!. other at two points where sin 2仃 p viz.,(2·81,6·96)and(6·96, =sin 2·81). There is also an acnode at (2,2),where h=2. 2·4.Radii and angles.The metrical properties of {p, q} can be expressed elegantly in terms of p, q, and h.One ‘·‘。find first the circum-radius of一pq{,which, simple method being also the circum-radius of an {h} of side 2L, is L csc二/h, by 1.12. In our construction for)p、 (q) as a“truncation”of the regular polyhedron
METRICALrROPERTIES of edge 21, this circum-radius occurs as But the edge naively 21 cos 2L of一‘p”一is the vertex 7T加. L (q) Hence 21 the mid-radius of figure of a face of 4]好a}.扑 62.协扭扭 2.41 l cos叮 p and the mid-radius 2.42 of于2), 1R q}is 一l cos万csc万. 1) h It follows from 2·11and2·33 that the circum-radius and in-radius are 2.43 声一l sin71CSC 77n - esc - q h 2R一l cot叮CoS7TCsC ?Tcos - csc. p q h As a check,we observe that symmetrically, in agreement w the ratio OR12R involves p and q ith 2·21. Let势,X, 0 denote the angles at 03 in the respective triangles sin 9I sin: 碑1一b Sin;sin 4 I., ,_*I I sin万 买 X“ cos’cos二 P 9 FIG.2.4A sin cos Y cos 00 01 03} 00 02 03,01 02 03, 1.e.,the angles centre by a half-edge and by the circum一and Then the properties 0, x, 0 of {p, q} of {q, p};in fact, are subtended at the in-radii of a face.* properties 0, x,势 介︼口上 ee th韶 cot万 q 万一尹7T一尹 cos 势 cos 2.44 cos X cot cos 必 0103 1R 0003 0五 0203 2R 0003 OR 0} 03 I)R 01 03 1R 7T csc一cos 卯 q 尸口一口“一 These and other trigonometrical functions of势,X1必may con- veniently be read off from the right一angled triangles in Fig.2·4A (which are similar to the triangles Oi 0j 0,})·We observe also that sin势一110R) *Briickner 1,p.175.
22 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号2.4 and that二一20 is the dihedral angle between the planes of two adjacent faces.(This is easily seen by considering the section by the plane O1 02 03 which is perpendicular to the common edge of t二一o such faces.) The first of the formulae 2·44 expresses the fact that l cos势 is equal to the circum-radius of the vertex figure.This play alternatively be seen by considering the section of fp,q} by the plane Oo O1 03 (joining one edge to the centre),as in Fig.2·4B. 1? U, 必 必 0 () OU F1a.2"4B By 1·13 and 1·71,the sicrface-area of {p, q} is 2.45 S一NO CM一2N, 12 cot "r , p where N1 is given by 1·72 or 1·82.The volume, being made up of N2 right pyramids of altitude 2R, is ;Nl 13 cot2 7r cos 7r。、。7T. .p q h these formulae in the individual cases 子f 20 2·46 C=1S 一夕, q For the application see Table I the special 011 page 293,where frequent use .皿.‘J,.几 has been made of number ?T -% /5 '-1 7=2 cos二=v’=1·618033969… 5 2 which is the positive root of the quadratic equation 2.47 x2一x一1=0. Writing this equation as二一1+1/二,we see that 1 1 1 丁=1+一一二.… 1+1+1+ It is well known that,of all regular continued fractions,this
号2.5] converges slowest. are the Fibonacci t1NGULAR DEFICIENCY Its nth convergent is f,,+I Ifn,where f,,S:, numbers 1,1,2, 3,5, 8, 13, 21,34, 55,.… These can be written down immediately, as 1+1=2,1-}-2==3, 2+3==5, 3+5=8, and so on. Since T'‘一1十丁,‘=二,‘一卜', the integral powers of二 given by the formulae 23 are 2-r士儿- 工fII-N/5士(关‘一,+fn:一,) !(1ti‘一,+fn、,)士fl,,V5 (n odd), (n even) e.g., ?'3一A/5+2,二一c=9一4斌5. 2·5.Descartes’Formula.In the deduction of 1·31 and 2·32, we used the principle that the几ce一angles at a vertex of a convex polyhedron must total less than 2二.It is evident to anyone making models,that the angular deficiency is small when the polyhedron is complicated.The precise connection was observed by Descartes,who showed that, if the face一angles at a vertex amount to 27一5,then 万8=47r, where the summation is taken over all the vertices. If the vertices are all surrounded alike,this means that 2·51 No=4二/V, i.e.,the angular d桥ciency is inversely proportional to the number of vert-ices.In the case of {p, q}, we,have 8=2二一q(1一2加)二, whence No=却/(即+2q一Pq), in agreement with 1·82.If we measure 8 in degrees,the formula is No一72o/s; e.g.,the dodecahedron has three face一angles of 108。,totalling 3240, so the deficiency is 360, and N。一720/36一20. Descartes’Formula is most easily established by spherical trigonometry, using the well一known fact that the area of a spherical triangle (whose sides are arcs of great circles on a sphere of unit radius)is equal to its spherical excess, which means the excess of its angle-sum over that of a plane triangle (namely二).
REGULAR POLYTOPES [号2·5 4 9曰 Since any polygon can be dissected into triangles,it follows that the area of a spherical polygon is equal to its spherical excess, which means the excess of its angle一sum over that of a plane polygon having the same number of sides. By projecting the edges of a given. convex polyhedron from any interior point onto the unit sphere around that point,we obtain a partition of the sphere into N2 spherical polygons,one for each face of the polyhedron.The total angl。一sun. of all these polygons is clearly 27NO (i.e.,2二for each vertex). On the other hand,t,he total angle一sum of the flat faces themselves’is E (2二一5)一2 7NO一E6 (summed over the vertices).The difference,15,is the total spherical excess of the N2 spherical polygons,which is the total, area of the spherical surface,namely 4-,r. Spherical trigonometry also facilitates the derivation of 2·44. For, by projecting the triangle 00 01 02 from the centre 03 onto the unit sphere around 03, we obtain a spherical triangle PO P1 P2 with angles 7T一夕 7T一2 7T]9 and (opposite)sides 2.52 P1 P2一价,P2 PO一X) PO P1一0. The ordinary formulae for a right一angled spherical triangle give 2·44 at once. 2·6.Petrie polygons.We have seen that the vertices of {召{一‘·lie mid-points of the edges of{,,,}·In par“一‘ar, the vertices of an equatorial {h}are the mid-points of a special circuit of h edges of {p, q}, forming a skew polygon which is sufficiently important to deserve a name of its own:so let us call it a Petrie polygon.It may alternatively be defined as a skew polygon such that every two consecutive sides,but no three,belong to a face of the regular polyhedron.The above considerations show that it is a skew h一g on,where h i s given by 2.33 or 2.34.It is a sort of Zigzag,as its alternate vertices form two { 2 h}'s in parallel planes. In other words,its vertices and sides are the vertices and lateral edges of a告h-gonal aiitiprism.(See ' 1·3, where the icosahedron
洲O 2 }2.7] {3, 5}was pyramids. PETRIEPOLYGONS derived from a pentagonal antiprism by adding two Fig·2·3A shows the v二‘ous polyhedra{琴{ ally onto the planes of their equatorial {hJ's. corresponding plane h一gons, namely Petrie probe ctions of {p, q}. but now they are The probe〔 ,projected orthogon- Fig.2.6A shows the peripheries are still ions of skew h-gons, We saw, in polygons· '2·3,that (P} (q) the has Hence the regular polyhedron {p, q} (all alike).The reciprocal polyhedron 2N1 1h equatorial polygons· has 2N1 1h Petrie polygons Jq, p}has the same number of Petrie polygons;but these have a different shape,unless p=q 弃介 13 , 41 {3, 31 {4, 3) {3,5 } {o-, 31 FIG. 2.6A The Platonic solids and their Petrie polygons 2·7.The rhombic dodecahedron and triacontahedron.Con- sider once more the figure formed by solids {p, q} and {q, p}which are reciprocal with respect to their common mid一sphere (Plate I, Figs·6, 7,8,·Their solid of intersection is,as we have seen,{、琴}· On the other hand, the smallest convex body which will contain them both is a polyhedron whose faces consist of Nl rhombs· The diagonals of these rhombs are the edges of {p, q} and {q, p}. The polyhedron is easily seen to_have 2N1 edges and No+ N2 vertices;in fact,“is the recipro二‘of一、琴}(with respect‘。the same sphere).*When p=q一3, the rhombs reduce to squares,and we“一‘he cube. The reciprocals of{、:{and of{:}一the rhombic dodecahedron and the triacontahedron (Plate I,Figs.11 and 12).The former is shown by a Schlegel diagram in Fig.1·5B. *Pitsch 1,pp.21·22.
P, EG七LARPOLVTOPES [号2·7 the fact that its 户0 勺曰 The shape of the rhomb is determined by diagonals are 21 and 21',where,by 2·41 2·71 cos 1) This may alternatively be seen =l’Co、7rl' cos -. q from the fact that the rhomb is the reci-Drocal of the vertex fiorure of 1 v that its diagonals are in 仁J. O S 11! 尹q the same ratio as the sides of that rectangle. In particular, the face of the rhombic dodecahedron has diagonals in the ratio 1:丫2.This suggests an amusing method for building up a model.*Take two equal solid cubes·Cut one of them into six square pyramids based on the six faces,with their common apex at the centre of the cube.Place these pyramids on the respective faces of the second cube.The result- ing solid is the rhombic dodecahedron· Alternatively,- a model of the rhombic dodecahedron can be built up by juxtaposing four obtuse rhombohedra whose faces have diagonals in the ratio 1:丫2.(A rhombohedron is a parallele- piped bounded by six equal rhombs.It has two opposite vertices at which the three face一angles are equal.It is said to be acute or obtuse according to the nature of these angles.) By 2·71 again,the triacontahedron's face has diagonals in the “golden section”ratio 1:T. A model can be built up from twenty rhombohedra,ten acute and ten obtuse,bounded by such rhombs.丰(The thirty faces of the triacontahedron are accounted for as follows.Seven of the obtuse rhombohedra possess three each,and nine of the acute rhombohedra possess one each.The remaining four rhombohedra are entirely hidden in the interior.) Corresponding polyhedron has to the equatorial“一gon of{召卜 a zone of h rhombs,encircling it the reciprocal like Humpty Dumpty's cravat.The edges along which consecutive rhombs of the zone meet are,of course,all parallel.It follows that the dihedral angle of the“rhombic N1一hedron”is 7T 2一人 一 1.1 1.e.,90。 for the for the cube,1200 for the rhombic dodecahedron, and 1440 triacontahedron. *Briickner 1,P.130. 丰Kowalewski 1,PP.22一,)9 t Kowalewski 1,P.50.
怪2·8] STARS 27 2·8.Zonohedra.These rhombic figures suggest the general concept of a convex polyhedron bounded by parallelograms. We proceed to prove that such a polyhedron has n(n一1)faces,where n is the number of different directions in which edges occur. Since all the faces are parallelograms,every edge determines a zone of faces,in which each face has two sides equal and parallel to the given edge.Every face belongs to two zones which cross each other at that face and again elsewhere (at the“counter- face”).Hence the faces occur in opposite pairs which are congruent and similarly situated in parallel planes.So also,the edges occur ,in opposite pairs which are equal and parallel,and the vertices occur in opposite pairs whose joins all have the same mid-point.In other words,the polyhedron has central symmetry. Hence each zone crosses every other zone twice.If edges occur in n different directions, pairs of opposite faces, there are n zones,each containing n一1 j} n} ancu Hence一2一pairs of opposite races altogether. In fact,for every two of the n directions there is a pair of faces whose sides occur in those directions.Thus there are n、一1)faces.* Moreover, there are 2(n一1) edges in each direction:2n(n一1) edges altogether.By 1·61,there are n(n一1)+2 vertices. Let us define a star as a set of n line一segments with a common mid-point, and call it non一、ing-ular if no three of the lines are coplanar. Then we may say that every convex polyhedron bounded by parallelograms determines a non一singular star, having one line-segment for each set ,of 2(n一1)parallel edges of the polyhedron· Conversely, the star determines the polyhedron.To see this, consider n vectors el,e2,…,e,,,represented by the segments of the star (with a definite sense of direction chosen along each). The various sums of these vectors without repetition, say 2·81 x1 el+X2 e2+…+Xn en (xi=0 or 1), will lead from a given.point to a certain set of 2n points,not necessarily all distinct.The smallest convex body containing all these points (on its surface or inside)is a polyhedron whose edges represent the vectors ei in various positions.If the star is non- singular, the faces are parallelograms. *See Ball 1,p.1.13, where this statement appeared as an unproved conjecture.
28 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号2.8 To see which sums of vectors lead to vertices,consider a plane of general position through a fixed point from which the vectors el,…,e,, proceed in their chosen directions.The sum of those vectors which lie on one side of the plane is the vector leading to a vertex of the polyhedron;the suns of the vectors on the other side leads to the opposite vertex.Hence the number of pairs of opposite vertices is equal to the number of ways in which the n vectors can be separated into two sets by a plane.By con- sidering what happens in the plane at infinity, we can identi勿 this with the number of ways in which n points in the real pro- jective plane can be separated into two sets by a line.By the principle of duality, this is equal to the number of regions into which the plane is dissected by n lines.If the given star is non一singular, these n lines are of general position (no three con- 。二,,,」1In\. current),anct the num Der of regions is wen known Zo De(、2)十1, in agreement with our previous computation of the number of ver tices of the polyhedron. Here are determines opposite mines a ve some simple instances:the general star with n一3 a parallelepiped;and the star whose segments join rtices of an octahedron,cube or icosahedron,deter- cube, rhombic dodecahedron or triacontahedron,re- spectively. The analogous process in two dimensions leads from a star of n coplanar segments to a convex polygon which has central symmetry, its n pairs of opposite sides being equal and parallel to the n segments.Since such a flat star is a limiting case of a star of n non一coplanar segments, the“parallel一sided 2n-gon”can /n、、 be ctissectea (in various ways)into(、2)paraiieiograms· The general star (wherein various sets of m lines are coplanar) leads to a convex polyhedron whose faces are parallel一sided 2m一gons (e.g., when m一2, parallelograms). This is the general zonohedron.By a natural extension of the above argument, we see that every convex polyhedron bounded by parallel一sided 犷th 2m一gons is a zonohedron.Hence, hedron has central symmetry, so has every face of a convex poly- e whole polyhedron.* The expression n(n一1),for the number of parallelograms in a“non一singular”zonohedron,applies also to the general zono- hedron, provided we regard each parallel一sided 2m-gon as taking *This theorem is due to Alexandroff. See Burckhardt 1.
n冲 9目 2.8] PARALLELOHEDRA 。1?儿、, the place of(\2)parallelograms’ ever the pairs of opposite f aces Thus,if万indicates summation we have 2·82 习7)Z一今or E7n(m一‘)一72(7‘一‘). Plate II shows a collection of equilateral zonohedra, whose stars consist of equal segments.(The faces with m>2 have been marked according to their dissection into rhombs,in various ways simultaneously.The reason for doing this will appear’in 号13·8.) By removing one zone from the triacontahedron,and bringing together the two remaining pieces of the surface,we obtain the rhombic icosahedron, which has a decidedly“oblate”appearance. The corresponding star consists of five of the six diameters of the 7乙=3 ?乙=4 n=6 FIG.2·8A:Polar zonohedra icosahedron,i.e.,five segments joining pairs of opposite vertices of a pentagonal antiprism.More generally, the star which joins opposite vertices of any right regular、一gonal prism (n even)or antiprism (n odd)determines a" polar zonohedron (Fig.2·8A) whose faces consist of n equal rhombs surrounding one vertex, n other rhombs beyond these,and so on:n一1 sets of n rhombs altogether, ending with those that surround the opposite vertex.* Another special class of zonohedra consists of the five“primary parallelohedra”,each of which, with an infinity of equal and similarly situated replicas,would fill the whole of space interstices.t dodecahedron These are the cube,hexagonal “elon-yated dodecaledron” 〔一尹 prism, 13·8B without rhombic onpage g1 飞孟、、.矛尹 *Franklin 1,p.363. t See Tutton 2, p.567(F (properly tricncated octahedron See also Thompson 1,P.5:i 1. 448) or. must riot P· be 723 (Fig. (Fig 58动. His cubo一octahedron confused with Kepler's c2clioctahedron.
REGULAR POLYTOPES [号2·9 0 介O 257),and“truncated octahedron”.The last is bounded by six squares and eight hexagons;its star consists of the six diameters of the cuboctahedron,and the corresponding lines in the real projective plane are the sides of a complete quadrangle (giving twelve regions)· 2·9.Historical remarks.As long ago as 300 A.D.,the unknown author of Euclid XV,3一5,inscribed an octahedron in a cube,a cube in an octahedron,and a dodecahedron in an icosaliedron; this,in each case,amounts to reciprocating the latter solid with respect to its in一sphere (which is the circum一sphere of the former). He also inscribed an octahedron in a tetrahedron (Euclid XV, 2), thus anticipating 2·31.=But Maurolycus(1494一1575)was probably the first to have a clear understanding of the relation between two reciprocal polyhedra. The cuboctahedron and icosidodecahedron,described in号2·3, are two of the thirteen Archimedean solids.Unfortunately, Archimedes’own account of there is lost.According to Heron, Archimedes ascribed the cuboctahedron to Plato.* The number of sides of the Petrie polygon of {p, q} is given by the alternative formulae 2·33 and 2·34, the latter of which is published here for the first time.tWhen the general formulae of '2·4 are applied to the individual polyhedra,as in Table I on page 293,the results are seen to agree with van Swinden 1,pp. 378一390.But some of these results are far older.Euclid himself found all the circu。一radii (or, rather, their reciprocals,the edges of the solids inscribed in a given sphere;see Euclid XIII, 18). Hypsicles (Euclid XIV)observed that,if a dodecahedron and an icosahedron have the same circum一sphere,they also have the same in一sphere,丰and their volumes are in the same ratio as their surfaces,viz.,丫二2+1:丫3.Formulae 2·43 and 2·45 enable us now to make the snore general statement that the values of S/OR2 (or of C/OR3) for {p, q} and {q, p}are in the ratio 27.2-}T sin—:sin—· p q A line一segment is said to be divided Section if its two parts are in the ratio according to the 1:二.(See 2·47. Golden A con- *Heath 1,p.295. 十For 2·33, see Coxeter 丰Hypsicles attributed century r3.c.). 3,号5 (p.202). this discovery (cf 2·`} 1)to Apollonius of Perga (third
号2·9] struction for this century B.c.Since rIBONACCINUMBERS 31 section was given by Eudoxus in the fourth T2=二+1,the larger part and the whole segment are again in the ratio 1:T. sides are in this hedron)has the ratio (viz., In other words,a rectangle whose the vertex figure of the icosidodeca- property that,when remaining rectangle sequence of integers is similar to the a square is cut o代the original.The related waS investigated in the thirteenth century Leonardo of Pisa,alias Fibonacci.*More recently, the remarkable formula 【z )1] J )l}一,一E r=U 7Z一n., was discovered by Lucas(2,pp.458, 463).It was Schlafli (4, P.53)who first noticed the occurrence of various powers of T in the metrical properties of the icosahedron and dodecahedron (and of other figures which we shall construct in Chapters VI, VIII, and XIV). “Descartes’Formula”(号2·5),which is practically an anticipa- tion of Euler's Formula(1·61),was discussed in a manuscript De Solidorum Element、is.This was lost for two centuries, and then turned up among the papers of Leibniz·t Meier Hirsch(1,p.65)used spherical trigonometry in 1807 for his proof of the existence of the Platonic solids.The characteristic triangle PO P1 P, tiaras used extensively by Hess (3,pp.26一29)· The rhombic dodecahedron and triacontahedron(号2·7)were discovered by Kepler(1,p.123)about 1619.The former occurs in nature as a garnet crystal, often as big as one's fist. '2·8 has the peculiarity一of being concerned with af ne geo- metry.The theory of zonohedra is due to the great Russian crystallographer Fedorov(1),who was particularly delighted with formula 2·82.He does not seem to have realized, however, that a convex zonohedron is capable of such a simple definition as this: a convex polyhedron whose faces are centrally symmetrical polygons. John Flinders Petrie,who first realized the importance of the skew polygon that now bears his name,is the only son of Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie,the great Egyptologist.lie was born in 1907, and as a schoolboy showed remarkable promise of mathematical ability.In periods of intense concentration he could answer *For 十See thi Br botanical application known as phyllotaxis, iiel.:ner 1 ,1).60, or Steinitz andRademacher see Thompson 1,P.923. 1,PP.9一10.
32 REGULAR POLYTOPES「' 2.9 questions about complicated four一dimensional figures by“visual- izing”there.His skill as a draughtsman can be seen in his unique set of drawings of stellated icosahedra.*In 1926,he generalized the concept of a regular skew polygon to that of a regular skew polyhedron·(Fascinating as that idea is,there will be no room for it in this book.The theory is complete only up to four dimensions,t and the analogous“skew polytopes”have not been investigated at all.) *Coteter, Du Val,Mather, and Petrie 1,Plates I一Xx. f Coseter 9.
CHAPTERIII ROTATION GROUPS THIS chapter provides an introduction to the theory of groups, illustrated by the symmetry groups of the Platonic solids.We shall find coordinates for the vertices of these solids,and examine the cases where one can be inscribed in another. Finally, we shall see that every finite group of displacements is the group of rota- tional symmetry operations of a regular polygon or polyhedron· 3·1.Congruent transformations.Two figures are said to be congruent if the distances between corresponding pairs of points are equal, in which case the angles between corresponding pairs of lines are likewise equal.In particular, two trihedra (or tri- hedral solid angles)are congruent if the three face一angles of one are equal to respective face一angles of the other. Two such trihedra are said to be directly congruent (or“superposable”)if they have the same sense (right一or left-handed), but enantiomorphous if they have opposite senses.The same distinction can be applied to figures of any kind,by the following device. Any point P is located with reference to a given trihedron by its (oblique)Cartesian coordinates x, y,:.Let P‘be the point whose coordinates,referred to a congruent trihedron,are the same x, y,:.If we suppose the two trihedra to be fixed,every P determines a unique P‘,and vice versa.This correspondence is called a congruent transformation, P‘being the transform of P. If another point Q is transformed into Q‘,we have a definite formula for the distance PQ in terms of the coordinates,which shows that P'Q‘一PQ.In other words,a congruent transformation is a point一to-point correspondence preserving distance.It is said to be direct or opposite according as the two trihedra are directly congruent or enantiomorphous, i.e.,according as the transforma- Lion preserves or reverses sense.Hence the product (resultant) of two direct or two opposite transformations is direct,whereas the product of a direct transformation and an opposite transforma- tion (in either order)is opposite.(In fact,the composition of direct and opposite transformations resembles the multiplication of positive and negative numbers,or the addition of even and odd numbers.)A direct transformation is often called a displacement, C 33
34 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 3"I as it can be achieved by a rigid motion.Any two congruent figures are related by a congruent transformation, direct or opposite.Two identical left shoes are directly congruent;a pair of shoes are enantioniorphous.(Some authors use the words “congruent”and“symmetric”where we use“directly con- gruent”and“enantiomorphous”.) We shall find that all congruent transformations can be derived from three“primitive”transformations:translation (in a certain direction,through a certain distance),rotation (about a certain line or a二is,through a certain angle),and r叨ection .(in a certain plane).Evidently the first two are direct, while the third is opposite. There is an analogous theory in space of any number of dimen- sions.In two dimensions we rotate about a point,reflect in a line,and a congruent transformation is defined in terms of two congruent angles.In one dimension we reflect in a point,and 一叫一一一一心一一一一)~ 0 Reflection (opposite) 一-(卜今卜一代卜一-一一0-弓 0 Q O' Translation (direct) FIG. 3·1A a congruent transformation is defined in terms of two rays (or “half lines”).In this simplest case,if any point 0 is left in- variant,the transformation is the reflection in 0,unless it is merely the identity (which leaves every point invariant);but if there is no invariant point, it is a translation, i.e,,the product of reflections in two points(0 and Q,in Fig.3·1A). In two dimensions,a congruent transformation that leaves a point 0 invariant is either a reflection or a rotation (according as it is opposite or direct).For, the transformation from an angle XOY to a congruent angle X'OY' (Fig.3·1B)can be achieved as follows.By reflection in the bisector of乙XOX',乙XOY is trans- formed into /X'OY1. Since this is congruent to乙X'0Y',the ray OY‘either coincides with OYl or is its image by reflection in OX'. In the former case the one reflection suffices;in the latter, it has to be combined with the reflection in OX‘,and the product is the rotation through ZXOX' (which is twice the angle between the two reflecting lines)· In particular, the product of reflections in two perpendicular lines is a rotation through二or half-turn.In this single case,it
' 3.1] PRODUCT OF TWO REFLECTIONS 35 is immaterial which reflection is performed first;in other words, two reflections commute if their lines are is important to notice that the half-turn about 0 is the product of reflections in any two perpendicular lines through 0. A plane congruent transformation without any invariant point is the product of two or three reflections (according as it is direct or opposite).For, in transforming an angle XOY into a congruent angle X' 0'Y',we can begin by reflecting in the perpendicular bisector of 00‘,and then use one or two further reflections,as above. The product of two reflections is a translation or a rotation, Reflection (opposite) Rotation (direct) FIG.3·1B according as the reflecting lines are parallel or intersect.Hence every plane displacement is either a translation or a rotation.* In the product of three reflections,we can always arrange that one of the reflecting lines shall be perpendicular to both the others. The following is perhaps not the simplest proof, but it is one that generalizes easily to any number of dimensions.If we regard a congruent transformation as operating on pencils of parallel rays (instead of operating on points),we can say that a translation has no effect:it leaves every pencil invariant.Since each pencil can be represented by that one of its rays which passes through a fixed point 0,any congruent transformation gives rise to an “induced”congruent transformation operating on the rays that emanate from 0:congruent because of the preservation of angles. If the given transformation is opposite,so is the induced *Kelvin and Tait 1,P.F0.
36 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 3·1 transformation.But the latter, leaving 0 invariant, can only be a reflection,say the reflection in OQ.This leaves 0 and Q invariant;therefore the given transformation leaves the direction OQ invariant.Consider the product of the given transformation with the reflection in any line,p, perpendicular to OQ.This is a direct transformation which reverses the direction OQ;i.e., it is a half-turn.Hence the given transformation is the product of a half-turn with the reflection in p.But the half-turn is the product of reflections in two perpendicular lines,which may be chosen perpendicular and parallel to p.Thus we have altogether three reflections,of which the last taro can be combined to form a translation.The general opposite transformation is now reduced to the product of a reflection and a translation which commute, the reflecting line being in the direction of the translation.This kind of transformation is called a glide一r叨ection. In three dimensions,a congruent transformation that leaves a point 0 invariant is the product of at most three reflections:one to bring together the two x-axes, another for the y-axes, and a third (if necessary)for the:一axes.Since one further reflection will suffice to bring together two different origins (i.e.,the vertices of the two congruent trihedra), 3·11.Every congruent transformation is the product of at most four reflections. Since the product of two opposite transformations is direct,a product of reflections is direct or opposite according as the number of reflections is even or odd.Hence every direct transformation is the product of two or four reflections,and every opposite transformation is either a single reflection or a product of three. The product of reflections in two parallel planes is a translation in the perpendicular direction through twice the distance between the planes,and the product of reflections in two intersecting planes is a rotation about the line of intersection through twice the angle between them.Two reflections commute if their planes are perpendicular, in which case their product is a half-turn (or “reflection in a line”). Since the product of three reflections is opposite,a direct transformation with an invariant point 0 can only be the product of reflections in two planes through 0,i.e.,a rotation.Thus
' 3.1] E U L E R’S ROTATION THEOREM 37 3·12.Every displacement leaving one point invariant is a rotation.* Consequently the product of two rotations、with intersecting axes is another rotation. The three“primitive”transformations (viz.,translation, rotation,and reflection),taken in commutative pairs,form the following three products.A screw一displacement is a rotation combined with a translation in the axial direction.A glide- r叨ection is a reflection combined with a translation whose direc- Lion is that of a line lying in the reflecting plane.A rotato-ry- r叨ection is a rotation combined with the reflection in a plane perpendicular to the axis.In the last case,if the rotation is a half-turn,the rotatory-reflection is an inversion (or“reflection in a point”),and the direction of the axis is indeterminate.In fact,an inversion is the product of reflections in any three per- pendicular planes through its centre;e.g.,reflections in the axial planes of a Cartesian frame reverse the signs of x, y,:,respectively, and their product transforms(二,M:)into(一x,一y,一z). We proceed to prove that every congruent transformation is of one of the above kinds. An opposite transformation, being the product of (at most) three reflections,leaves invariant either a point or two parallel planes (and all planes parallel to them).The latter possibility is the limiting case of the former when the invariant point recedes to infinity;it arises when the three reflecting planes are all perpendicular to one plane,instead of forming a trihedron. If there is an invariant point 0,consider the product of the given (opposite)transformation with the inversion in 0.This direct transformation, leaving 0 invariant,must be a rotation. Hence the given transformation is a“rotatory-inversion”,the product of a rotation with the inversion in a point on its axis. By regarding the inversion as a special rotatory-reflection,t we see that a rotatory-inversion involving rotation through angle 9 is the same as a rotatory-reflection involving rotation through e一Tf. Hence every opposite transformation leaving one point invariant is a rotatory-reflection. *Kelvin and Tait 1,p.69. 卞Crystallographers prefer to take translation, rotation, and inversion as “primitive”transformations, and to regard a reflection as a special rotatory- inversion.See Hilton 1,Donnay 1.
38 REGULAR If, on the other hand,it is two the transformation is essentially POLYTOPES [夸3·1 parallel planes that are invariant, two一dimensional:what happens in one of the two planes happens also in the other and in all parallel planes.By the two一dimensional theory, we then have a glide-reflection.Hence 3.13.Every opposite congruent transformation is either a rotatory一reflection or a glide一r叨ection (including a pure reflection as a special case). In order to analyse the general displacement or direct trans- formation,we first regard the transformation as operating on bundles of parallel rays,represented by single rays through a fixed point 0.The induced transformation, leaving 0 invariant, is still -direct, and so can only be a rotation.The direction of the axis,OQ,of this rotation, must be invariant for- the original dis- placement as well.Let二be any plane perpendicular to OQ. The product of the displacement with the reflection in w is an opposite transformation which reverses the direction OQ,i.e.,a rotatory-reflection or glide-reflection whose reflecting plane is parallel to cv.Reflecting in w again, and remembering that the product of reflections in two parallel planes is a translation,we express the displacement as the product of a rotation or transla- tion with a translation,i.e.,as either a“rotatory一translation” or a pure translation.The latter alternative can be disregarded, as being merely ,a special case of the former.This“rotatory- translation”is the product of a rotation about a line parallel to OQ with a translation in the direction OQ (or QO),i.e.,a screw- displacement.Hence 3·14. Every displacement is a screw一displacement (including, in particular, a rotation or a translation).* 3·2.Transformations in general.The concept of a congruent transformation,applied to figures in space,can be general- ized to that of a one-to一one transformation applied to any set of elements·t When we speak of the resultant of two transforma- tions as their“product”,we are making use of the analogy that exists between transformations and numbers.We shall often use letters R, S,…to denote transformations,and write RS *Kelvin and Tait 1,PI).78一79. t See Birkhoff and MacLane 1,PP.1214一12.
' 3.2] TRANSFORMATION 39 for the resultant of R and S (in that order).This notation is justified by the validity of the associative law 3.21 (RS)T=R(ST). Since a number is unchanged when multiplied by 1,it is natural to use the same symbol 1 for the“identical transformation”or identity (which enters our discussion as the translation through no distance,and again as the rotation through angle 0 or through a complete turn).Pushing the analogy farther, we let RP denote the p一fold application of R;e.g.,if R is a rotation through 8, RP is the rotation through p8 about the same axis.A transforina- tion R is said to be periodic if there is a positive integer p such that RP=1;then its period is the smallest p for which this happens.We also let R一1 denote the inverse of R,which neutral- izes the effect of R, so that RR-1一1一R-1R. If R is of period p, we have R一1=RP一1.In particular, a transformation of period (such as a reflection,half-turn,or inversion)is its own inverse. The general formula for the inverse of a product is easily seen to be,。。m、lml自’“’ (RS…T) -1一T-1…S-1 R-1. If R,etc.are of period 2,this is the same as T…SR;e.g.,if R and S are reflections in parallel planes,the products RS and SR are two inverse translations,proceeding in opposite directions. The analogy with numbers might be regarded as breaking down in the general failure of the commutative law SR一RS;but there are generalized numbers,such as quaternions,which like- `rise need not commute. Let x denote any figure to which a transformation is applied. If T transforms x into x‘(so that T一1 transforms x' into x),we writex‘一X 'r. This notation is justified by the fact that (XT)s一X TS.If S trans- forms the pair of figures (x, xT)into (x1,X1 T,),we say that S transforms T into T1, and write T1一Ts. (We may speak of this as“T transformed by S”;e.g.,if T is a rotation about an axis 1, then TS is the rotation through the same angle about the transformed axis is.)Since x1一Xs and x1 Ti一(X T)S, we have XST,一X TS for every x.Hence ST1.= TS,and Ts=8一IT5.
REGULAR POLYTOPES [号3.2 0 4 Transforming a product,we find that (TU)5一S-1 TUS=S-1 TSS-1 US=TsUs. Hence,for any integer p, (Tp )s一(Ts)p. If S and T commute,so that TS一ST and TS=T, we say that T is invariant under transformation by S. The“figure number or vari ,’x need not be geometrical;e.g.,it could be a able, in which case XT is a function of this variable, and a more formations customary notation is T(x). e particular trans- where t takes various x'二xt, numerical values,are seen to combine among themselves just like the numbers t.)Again,x could be a discrete set of objects in assigned positions,and XT the same set rearranged; then T is a permutation. The two alternative notations currently used for permutations are illustrated by the symbols 一ac;c d ee d a;g}b } and (a。e,(b g) for the permutation of seven letters that replaces c,g,e,a,b,while leaving d and f unchanged. a,b,c,e, In the g, by latter e)a c.15 notation, and (b g) which we shall use are called cycles. exclusively, the two parts (a Clearly, every permutation product of cycles times desirable to involving distinct sets of objects. It is some- include all the objects,e.g.,to write 一(a c e) (b g)(d)(f) calling (d)and (f)“cycles’of period 1”· A transposition is a single cycle of period 2,such as (b g),which merely interchanges two of the objects. A permutation is said to be even or odd according to the parity of the number of cycles of even period;e.g.,(a c e)(b g)is an odd permutation· When a permutation is multiplied by a trans- position,its parity is reversed.For, if (al b1)is the transposition, al and b1 must either occur in the mutation or in two different cycles. same cycle of the given per- S lnce and (al…a. b1…bs) (al…ar)(b1…bs) it merely remains to observe that one or 二ar)(b1…bs) 二ar b1…bs), all of the three periods : IJLI aa 一一= 、、.产、、.,产 11 b,D IJLI人 (a(a
号3·3] r, s, r+ s must be even.* GROUPS 41 It follows (by induction)that product of an permutation. 己v已n [odd] number of transpositions is an even every [odd] 3·3.Groups.The subject of group-theory quately just the expounded many times,so we shall be has been ade- content to recall most relevant of its topics,in an attempt to make this book reasonably self-contained. A set of elements or“operations” group if it is closed with respect to is said to form some kind of “multiplication”,if it contains an“identity”,and if an abstract associative each opera- Lion has an“inverse”.More precisely, a group contains every two of its operations R and S,their product RS; holds for all R,S, T;there is an identity, 1,such that for 3·21 1R=R for all R;and each R has an inverse,R一1, such that R-1R一1. It is then easily deduced that R 1=R and RR一1=1. The number of distinct operations (including the identity)is called the order of the group.This is not necessarily finite. A subset whose products (with repetitions)comprise the whole group is called a set of generators (as these operations“generate” the group).In particular, a single operation R generates a group which consists of all the powers of R,including R0=1. This called a order is group of cyclic group; equal to the it is finite if R is periodic, and then is its period of R.’We may say that the cyclic order p is defined by the relation RY一1 ~,一一~, with the generally, relations; tacit understanding that Rn _741 for OC n< p.More any group is defined by a suitable set of generating e.9.,the relations 3·31 define R2 R1, R12一R,22一(R1 R2 )3一1 a group of order 6 whose operations are 1,R1,R2, R1 R2, andR1R2R1一R2R1R2" *This proof is taken from Levi 1,p.7. Note that Levi multiplies from right to left.
42 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 3.3 A subset which itself forms a group is called a subgroup.(For the sake of completeness it is customary to include among the subgroups the whole group itself and the group of order one consisting of 1 alone.)In particular, each operation of any group generates a cyclic subgroup· If a given subgroup consists of T1, T2,…,while S is any operation in the group,the set of operations STi is called a left cosec of the subgroup,and the set TjS is called a right coset.*it can be proved that any two left (or right)cosecs have either the same members or entirely different members.Hence the subgroup effects a distribution of all the operations in the group into a certain number of entirely distinct left (or right)cosecs. This number is called the index of the subgroup.When the group is finite,the index is the quotient of the orders of the group and subgroup. Two operations T and T' are said to be conjugate if one can be transformed into the other, i.e.,if the group contains an operation S such that T‘一Ts,or ST'=TS.The relation of conjugacy is easily seen to be reflexive,symmetric,and transitive.A sub- group T1,T2,…is said to be self-conjugate if, for every S in the group, the operations Ti are a permutation of their transforms Tis,i.e·,if the left and right cosecs STi and TES are identical (apart from order of arrangement of members).In particular, any subgroup of index 2 is self-conjugate.‘ If two groups,G1 and G2,have no common operations except the identity, and if each operation of G1 commutes with each operation of G 2,then the group generated by G 1 and G:is called their direct product, G 1 x G 2.(This clearly contains G 1 and G 2 as self-conjugate subgroups.)For instance,the cyclic group of order pq, where p and q are co一prune,is the direct product of cyclic groups of orders p and q (generated by Rq and RP, if R generates the whole group)· When the operations are interpreted as transformations,we have a representation of the abstract group as a transformation group.Since transformations automatically satisfy 3·21,we may say that a set of transformations forms a group if it contains the inverse of each member and the product of each pair.In par- ticular, a group may consist of certain permutations of n objects; it is then called a permutation group of degree n.A permutation group is said to be transitive (on the n objects)if its operations *Birhhoff and ALtcLane 1,1'.1-16
芍3·3] A GROUP OF ORDER SIX 43 suffice to replace one object by all the others in turn.The three most important transitive groups are: (i)the symmetric group of order n!,which consists of all the permutations of the n objects, (ii)the alternating group of order n!/2,which consists of the even permutations, (iii)the cyclic group of order n,which consists of the cyclic permutations,viz.,the powers of the cycle (al…a.). We easily veri斤that the alternating group is a subgroup of index 2 in the symmetric group (of the same degree).When n一2, (i) and (iii) are the same. When n一3, (ii) and (iii) are the same. The six operations of the symmetric group on a,b,c are 3·32 1,(a b),(a c),(b c),(a b c),(acb). In terms of the two generators R1=(a b)and R2一(ac),these are 1,R1) R2,R1 R2 R1, R1 R2,R2 R1· It is instructive to compare this with the group consisting of the following six transformations of a variable x: X一,1,::/一1一二,、,一里,、/ 劣'L x' 劣 x LV一1 1一x x一1 x Two such groups a,re said to be isomorphic, because they have the same“multiplication table”and consequently both represent the same a「bstract group.*In the present instance the abstract group is defined by 3.31. Let a group G contain a self-conjugate subgroup T. Then any operation S of G occurs in a definite coset <S>=ST=TS. The distinct cosets can be regarded as the operations of another group,in which products,identity, and inverse are defined by <R> <S>一<RS>, <1)一丁,<S>-1 - <S-1>. This new group is called a factor group of G,or more explicitly the quotient group G /T.If it is finite,its order is equal to the index of T in G. It ma,y happen that G contains a subgroup S whose operations *F'or an interesting diselission of the identification of see LF:、一i1,Y).i(). isomorphic systems,
44 马“represent REGULAR POLYTOPES ,’the cosecs of T, in the sense [号3·4 that the distinct cosecs are precisely<Sj>· Then S is isomorphic with G厂.For instance, if G is the 3·31,while T is the cyclic subgroup generated by R1 R2,then S could consist of 1 and R1. Again,if G is the continuous group of all displacements,while G厂is the same group regarded as“operating on bundles of parallel rays”(see page 38),then T is the group of all transla- tions, and S is the group of rotations leaving one point invariant. It may happen,further, that the subgroup S is self-conjugate, like T. Then Ti Sj = Sj Ti, and G一S x T. For instance; if G is the cyclic group of order 6 defined by R6=1,S and T might be the cyclic subgroups generated by R2 and R3, respectively. 3·4.Symmetry operations.When we say that a figure is “symmetrical”,we mean that there is a congruent transforma- tion which leaves it unchanged as a whole,merely permuting its component elements.For instance,when we say (as in ' 2·8)that a zonohedron has central symmetry, we mean that there is an inversion which leaves it invariant.Such a congruent transforma- tion is called a symmetry operation. Clearly, all the symmetry operations of a figure together form a group (provided we include the identity).This is called the symmetry group of the figure. Conversely, given a group of congruent transformations,we can construct a symmetrical figure by taking all the transforms of any one point.The group is a subgroup of the symmetry group of the figure一;in fact,it is usually the whole symmetry group.If the given group is finite,the figure consists of a finite number of points which the transformations permute.These points have a centroid (or“centre of gravity”)which is trans- formed into itself. Thus 3·41.Every finite group of congruent transformations leaves at least one point invariant.* It follows that the transforms of any point by such a group lie on a sphere. A group of transformations may be discrete without being finite. This means that every point has a discrete set of transforms,i.e., that any given point has a neighbourhood containing none of its transforms (save the given point itself). *Bravais 1,P.143 (Theoreme III).
目勺 4 号3·4] GENERALIZED REGULAR POLYGONS In the case of the cyclic group generated by a single congruent transformation S,the transforms of a point AO of general position are…,A_2, A_1, AO) Ax, A2,一 where A、一Ao sito,.These may be regarded as the vertices of a generalized regular polygon (cf. ' I·I). The various kinds of congruent transformation lead to various kinds of polygon.If S is a reflection,half-turn,or inversion,the polygon reduces to a digon。f2}.If S is a rotation,the sides are equal chords of a circle;if the angle of rotation is 2二加,we have the ordinary regular polygon,{P}.(The case where p is rational but not integral will be developed in ' 6·I.)If S is a translation we have the limiting case where p becomes infinite:a sequence of equal segments of one line, the apezrogon,{二}.If S is a glide- reflection,the“polygon”is a plane zigzag.If S is a rotatory- reflection,it is a skew zigzag, whose vertices lie alternately on two equal circles in parallel planes;if the angle of the component rotation is二加,the sides are the lateral edges of a p-gonal anti- prism.(Gases where p=2,3,5 occurred as Petrie polygons in '2·6.)Finally, if S is a screw一displacement we have a helical polygon,whose sides are equal chords of a helix. In every case except that of the digon, the cyclic group gener- ated by S is not the whole symmetry group of the generalized polygon;e.g.,there is a symmetry operation interchanging A,, and A_,, for all values of n (simultaneously).In the case of the ordinary polygon {p},the line joining the centre to any vertex, or to the raid-point of any一、ide, contains one other vertex or mid-side point;thus there are p such lines. The p-gon is sym- metrical by a half-turn about any of them,besides being sym- metrical by rotation through any multiple of 2二加about the “axis”of the polygon.Thus the complete symmetry group of {p} is of order即,consisting of p half-turns about concurrent lines in the plane of the polygon,and p rotations through various angles about one line perpendicular to that plane. The symmetry operations of a figure are either all direct,or half direct and half opposite.For, if an opposite operation occurs, its products with all the direct operations are all the opposite operations.Thus the rotation group formed by the direct opera- Lions is either the whole symmetry group or a subgroup of index 2. In the latter case the opposite operations form the single distinct coset of this subgroup.
46 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 3.5 The complete symmetry group of fp},as described above, is the rotation group of the dihedron fp,2}(号1·7),and is consequently known as the dihedral group of order 21).On the other hand,the complete symmetry group of {p,2}is of order却,as it contains also the same rotations multiplied by the reflection that inter- changes the two faces of the dihedron.As a symmetry operation of {p}itself, the reflection in its own plane does not differ from the identity.Thus the p half-turns can be replaced by their products with this reflection,which are reflections in p coaxial planes. The situation becomes clearer when we take a purely two- dimensional standpoint,considering rotations about points and reflections in lines.Then the symmetry group of fp}consists of p reflections (in lines joining the centre to -the vertices and mid- side points)and p rotations (about the centre);but the rotation group of fp}is cyclic. It is interesting to observe that the dihedral group of order 6 (or“trigonal dihedral group”)is isomorphic with the symmetric 、1产a b户州0一 C 、夕 飞‘.二 C么 a c;。AaCIAl) a co -1--},, 、J、叫,1 f‘ C a△ LU FIG. 3·4A group of degree 3.In fact,the six symmetry operations of the equilateral trian ale万3冬permute the vertices a。b,c in accordance 二v、少1/j with 3·32 (see Fig.3·4A).The transpositions appear as reflections, and the cyclic permutations as rotations. 3·5.The polyhedral groups.The most interesting finite groups of rotations are the rotation groups of the regular polyhedra, which we proceed to investigate. Every rotation that occurs in a finite group is of finite period; so its angle must be commensurable with二.In fact,the smallest angle of rotation about a given axis is a submultiple of 2二,and all other angles of rotation about the same axis are multiples of this smallest one.For,*ifjand p are co一prime,we can find a multiple of夕加which differs from 1加by an integer;so if 2可加 is the smallest angle of rotation that occurs,we must have j=1. The rotations about this axis then form a cyclic group of order *Bravais 1,p.1-l-?.
钾J.., 45 号3.6] POLYHEDRAL GROUPS p, so we speak of an axis可p一ld rotation.When p=2,3, 4, or the axis is said to be diffonal,triaonal,tetravonal,or -Dentavonal. 又夕/LJ/v -JLv symmetry 户1户1 OO Two reciprocal polyhedra obviously have the same group, and likewise the same rotation group.The {p, q} is joined to tale vertices faces,by axes of q一fold,2一fold: mid一edge points,and and p一fold rotation. centre centres Clearly, no further axes of rotation can occur.In other words,the direct symmetry operations of the polyhedron consist of rotations through angles 2k.0二/q,二,and 2j7rlp, about these respective lines· If we exclude the identity, these rotations involve q一1 values for k, and p一1 -for j. But the vertices, mid-edge points, and face一centres occur in antipodal pait-s. hedron, number each vertex is opposite to a (In the case of the tetra- face.)Hence the total of rotations,excluding the identity,is /t夕‘, 2 [No(q一1) d- N1+N9-(P一1)]=2 (Nod'一2+N2p)=2N1一1 (by 1·61 and 1·71),and the order of the rotation group is 2N1. The same result may also be seen as follows.Let a sense of direction be assigned to a particular edge.Then a rotational sym- metry operation is determined by its effect on this directed edge. Thus there is one such rotation for each edge,directed in either sense:2N1 rotations altogether.Still more simply, the order of the rotation group is equal‘。the numl)一f edges of{岑.1. for the group is transitive on those edges,and the subgroup leaving one of them invariant is of order 1. In particular, we have the tetrahedral group of order 12,the octahedral group of order 24(二:hick, is also the rotation group of the cube)and tOhe icosahedral group of order 60 (which is also the rotation group of the dodecahedron).In ' 3·6 we shall identify these with permutation groups of degree 4 or 5. 3·6.The five regular compounds.We define a compound polyhedron (or, briefly, a compound) as a set of equal regular polyhedra with a common centre.The compound is said to be vertex一regular if the vertices of its components are together the vertices of a single regular polyhedron, and face一reptlar if the face-planes of its components are the face-planes of a single regular polyhedron.For instance,the diagonals of the faces of a cube are the edges of two reciprocal tetrahedra.(See Plate I, Fig.G,or Plate T11,F j 0rn.石.)These form a compound,Kepler's
48 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号3.6 stella octangula, which is both vertex-regular and face-regular:its vertices belong to a cube,and its face-planes to an octahedron. We shall find it convenient to have a definite notation for compounds·*If d distinct {p, q}'s together have the vertices of {m, n}, each counted c times,or the faces of{,,t},each counted e times, or both,we denote the compound by c{m, n}[d{p,q}] or [d{p,q}]e{s, t} or c{m, n} [d{p, q}]e{s, t}. The reciprocal compound is clearly [d {q, p }] c {n, m}or e{t, s}[d{q> p}」or e{t, s} [d{q, p}]c{n, in}· The numbers of vertices of{,、,n} and {p, q} are in the ratio d:c, and the numbers of faces of {.s, t} and {p, q} are in the ratio d:e.For instance,the stella octangula is {4, 3}[2{3,3}]{3,4} (with c一e一1).Other examples will be obtained in the course of the following investigation of the polyhedral groups· In order to identify the tetrahedral group with the alternating group of degree 4, we observe that the vertices of a regular tetra- hedron are four points whose six mutual distances are all equal. FIG. 3·6A FIG. 3·6s This statement involves the four points symmetrically, so we should expect all the 24 permutations in the symmetric group to be represented by symmetry operations of the tetrahedron.In fact,the transposition(12)is represented by the reflection in the plane 034, where 0 is the mid-point of the edge 12 (Fig·3·6A). *This symbolism is admittedly clumsy, but the obvious alternatives be we more difficult to print. Note the different roles of the numbers c(or e) have d distinct {p, q}'s, but c coincident {m,、}'S. would and d:
I I I 严轰渔二.澎脚胜、义遥蔚四.肠猫口娜剔rF,0 氛毯.时姗成场4翻曦簇锐.飞, r翻黔口熟狠户办 A遗、 L P 必势命。 7 8 _} II' ST A R一PO 11、一HE1)P A二\1 L)(’《)}II'()t"\l)
n扑︶ 4 号3·61 REGULAR COMPOUND POLYHEDRA But any even permutation, being the product of two transpositions, is represented by a rotation.Thus the“tetrahedral group” (which we have defined as consisting of rotations alone)is the alternating group of degree 4. In the stella octangula, every symmetry operation tetrahedron is also cube has additional a symmetry operation of the cube; of either but the operations which interchange the two tetra- hedra.The rotation group of the tetrahedron 1234 evenly per- mutes the four diameters 11‘,22‘,33‘,44' of the cube (Fig.3·6B). But the odd permutations of these diameters likewise occur as rotations;e.g.,11‘and 22‘are transposed by a half-turn about the join of the mid-points of the two edges 12‘and 21‘.Hence the octahedral group (which is the rotation group of the cube) is the symmetric group of degree 4. If ABCDE and AEFGH are two adjacent faces of a regular dodecahedron,the vertices BDFH clearly form a square,whose sides join alternate vertices of pentagons.Moreover,these four vertices,with their antipodes,form a cube;and alternate vertices of this cube form a tetrahedron (such as 1111 in Fig. 3·6c or D).It is easily seen that the rotations of this tetrahedron into itself are symmetry operations of the whole dodecahedron, i.e.,that the tetrahedral group occurs as a subgroup in the icosahedral group (as well as in the octahedral group).The remaining operations of the icosahedral group transform this tetrahedron into others of the same sort, making altogether a compound of苏ve tetrahedra inscribed in the dodecahedron. (Plate III, Fig.6.)In other words,the twenty vertices of the dodecahedron are distributed in sets of four among five tetrahedra. The central inversion transforms this into a second compound of five tetrahedra,enantiomorphous (and reciprocal)to the first. The two together form a compound of ten tetrahedra (Fig·7), reciprocal pairs of which can be replaced by five cubes (Fig.8). Here each vertex of the dodecahedron belongs to two of the tetra- hedra, and to two of the cubes. We have thus obtained three vertex-regular compounds whose vertices belong to a dodecahedron.By reciprocation, we find that the compounds of tetrahedra are also face-regular, their face- planes belonging to an icosahedron.But the face-planes of the five cubes belong to a triacontahedron,so the reciprocal is a face- regular compound of苏ve octahedra whose vertices belong to an D
50 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号3·6 icosidodecahedron.(Plate 111, Fig.9.)The appropriate symbols are:{5,3}[:{3,3}]{3,。}, 2{5,3}[zo{3,3}]2{3, 5}, 2{5,3}[514, 31] and [5{3, 4}]2{3,5}. A very pretty effect is obtained by making models of these compounds,with a different colour for each component.The colouring of the five cubes determines a colouring of the triaconta- hedron in five colours,so that each face and its four neighbours have different colours.This scheme is used by Kowalewski as an aid to his Bauspiel (see ' 2·7). The two enantiomorphous compounds of five tetrahedra may be distinguished as laevo and dextro.They provide a convenient symbolism for the twenty vertices of the dodecahedron (or for the twenty faces of the icosahedron)as follows.we number the five tetrahedra of the laevo compound as in Fig.3·6c;those of the dextro compound (Fig.3·6D)acquire the same numbers by means of the central inversion.Then the vertices of the dodeca- hedron are denoted by the twenty ordered pairs 12, 21,13, 31, …,45,54, in such a way that叮is a vertex of the ith laevo tetrahedron and of the jth dextro tetrahedron.(For simplicity, the dodecahedron in Fig.3·6E has been drawn as an opaque solid. The symbols for the hidden vertices are easily supplied,as ji is antipodal to红.) Each direct symmetry operation of the dodecahedron is repre- sentable as a permutation of the five digits;e.g.,the permutation (123)is a trigonal rotation about the diameter joining the opposite vertices 45 and 54,(1,4)(35)is a digonal rotation about the join of the mid-points of edges 13 45 and 3154, and(12345) is a pentagonal rotation about the join of centres of two opposite faces.Since all these are even permutations,we have proved that the icosahedral group is the alternating group of degree 5. To sum up,the symmetric groups of degrees 3 and 4 are the rotation groups of {3,2}and {3,4}, and the alternating groups of degrees 4 and 5 are the rotation groups of {3,3}and {3,5}. 3·7.Coordinates for the vertices of the regular and quasi- regular solids.The only regular polyhedron whose faces can be coloured alternately white and black,like a chess board,is the octahedron {3, 4}. For, this is the only polyhedron {p, q} with q even.In Fig.3·6P we denoted the vertices of the cube by
·7] 2,3,4, 1‘ CORERENT INDEXING 51 2‘,3',4'.By reciprocation,the same symbols can used for the faces of the octahedron,and we no,e 又,。,上,0 the two sets of four faces as white and black. may distinguish (In other words, we colour the faces of the octahedron like those of a stella octangula whose two tetrahedra are white and black, respectively.)By assigning a clockwise sense of rotation to each white face,and a counterclockwise sense to each black face,we obtain a coherent FIG.3·6c FIG. 3·6D FIG. 3·6E indexing of the edges,such as can be indicated by marking an arrow along each edge.Then,if we proceed along an edge in the indicated direction,there will be a white face on our right side and a black face on our left. This enables us to define,for any given ratio a:b,twelve points dividing the respective edges in this ratio,so that the three points in each face form an equilateral triangle.In general, these twelve points will be the vertices of an irregular icosahedron, -Those faces consist of eight such equilateral triangles and twelve
52 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 3'7 isosceles triangles.Without loss of generality, we may suppose that a ---b.When alb is large,the isosceles triangles have short bases;in the limit they disappear, as their equal sides coincide and lie along the t-N relve edges of the octahedron.But when a approaches equality with h,the isosceles triangles tend to become right一angled;in the lil;it, pairs of them form halves of the six square几ces of a cuboctahedron,as in Fig.8.4A on page 152.* By considerations of continuity,we see that at some intermediate stage the isosceles triangles must become equilateral。and the icosahedron.regular.In几ct,the squares of the respective sides are a2一“b十h2 and 2b2, whid1 are equal if a2一ab一b2=0, so that alb一二.(See 2·47.)Thus the tzc;elve vertices of the icosa- hedron can be obtained by dividing the hc,elve edges of an octahedron according to the golden section.t For a given icosahedron,the octa- hedron play be any one of tale [5{3,4}]2{3,5}· In terms of rectangular Cartesian coordinates,the vertices of a cube (of edge 2)are 3.71(士1,士1,士1), those of a tetrahedron (of edge 2丫2)are 3.72 (l, l, 1), (1,一1,一1))(一1, 1,一1),(一1,一1, 1), and those of an octahedron (of edge丫2)are 3.73(士1, 0, 0), (o,,土1, 0), (0, 0,士1). If a+b一1,the segment joining(0)01 1)and(0, 1,0) is divided in the ratio a:b by the point(0,a,b).Such points on all the edges of the octahedron 3·7 3 are (0,士a,士b),(士b, 0,士a),(士a,士b, 0). Hence the vertices of a cuboctahedron (of edge丫2)are 3.74 (0,士1,士1),(士1, 0,士1),(士1,土1, 0), and the vertices of an icosahedron (of edge 2)are 3.75 (0,士二,士1),(士1, 0,士二),(士二,士1, 0). *See also Coxeter 13, p.,3百16. fi Cf. Schonemann 1.
几O 5 号3·8] COORDINATES The planes of the faces (0,二,1)(士1, 0,二)and (0,二,1) (1, 0, T)(二,1, 0) are respectively _-1 /I if I一,_,r 2。。!1、、,;。,1,_,r 2 J梦洲一‘命一‘CUilu“‘-I-夕-r ti一‘ (Remember that 'T'2一二+1.) dodecahedron (of edge 2二一1) Hence the vertices of the reciprocal are 3.76 (0,士二一1,士二),(士二,0,上二一,),(士二一1,士二,0),(士1,土1,士1). One of the five inscribed cubes is thus made very evident. The mid-point of the edge(二,士1, 0) of the icosahedron 3.75 is (二,0, 0), while tl}at of the edge (1, 0,二)(二,1, 0) is (2T2, 2, 2T). Hence hedron 1。不丫八。、、。,11+;。1;。n+;二、。11、二0,..-1` +1-,!1 TrfN'"+7。。。n-。。;/1. /l n7N11Annn_ 、cul UC1 1111,{1111F11VCU U1V11J‘I)U11G VU工U1l}UOV1O11 1Vljo1以U以C lJ。一 (of edge 2T-1)are 3·77 (士2, 0, 0), (0,士2, 0), (0, 0,士2), (士二,士二一1,士1),(士1,士二,士二一1),(士二一1,士1,士二). The [5- 13, vertices in the upper row belong to one of the octahedra of 4}]2{3,歼. 3·8.The complete enumeration of finite rotation groups.In 号'3·4 and 3·5 we considered various groups of rotations:cyclic, dihedral, tetrahedral, octahedral, icosahedral.The question now arises,Are these the only一finite groups of rotations ? If so,they are also t·he only finite groups of displacements (by 3·41and3·12). we shall find that the answer is Yes. Consider the general finite group of rotations.Since there is an invariant point 0 (lying on the axes of all the rotations),it is convenient to regard the group as operating on a sphere with centre 0,instead of the whole space.Each rotation,having for axis a diameter of the sphere,is then regarded as a rotation about a point on the sphere.(We must remember, however, that the rotation through angle 8 about any point is the same as the. rotation through一8 about the antipodal point.)We saw (as a consequence of 3·12)that the product of two such rotations is another. To determine the product of two given rotations,we make use of the following theorem: If the vertices of:spherical triangle PQR (like the triangle
REGULAR POLYTOPES 〔号3·S 4 5 PQ jR in Fig.3·SA) are named in the negative (or clockwise)sense, the product of rotations through angles 2P,2Q,2R abo id P,Q,R is the identity. To prove this,we merely have to express the given product of rotations as the product of reflections in the great circles RP,PQ; PQ,QR;QR,RP. It follows that about P and Q is FIG.3·8A the product of rotations through 2P and 2Q the rotation through一2R about R.In par- ticular, the product of half-turns about any two points P and Q is the rotation through 一2ZPOQ about one of the poles of the great circle PQ (or through+2/POQ about the other pole).This product of half-turns can- not itself be a half-turn unless the axes OP and OQ are perpendicular. Hence, if a rota- .tion粉oup has no operation of period greater than 2,it must be either the group of order 2 generated by a single half-turn, or the “four一group”generated by two half-turns about perpendicular axes;i.e.,it must either be the cyclic group of order 2 or the dihedral group of order 4. Secondly, if there is just one axis of p-fold rotation where p>2, this must be perpendicular to any digonal axes that may occur. Hence the group is either cyclic of order p or dihedral of order即. Finally, if there are several axes of more than 2一fold rotation, let one of them be OP,so that there is a rotation through 2二//p about P.The group being finite,there is a least distance from P (on the sphere)at which we can find a point Q1 lying on another axis of more than 2-fold rotation, say q-fold rotation.Successive rotations through 2二加about P transform Q1 into other centres of q一fold rotation,say Q2,…,马,lying on a small circle within which P is the only centre of more than 2-fold rotation.(See Fig. 3.8A.) The product of rotations through 2-}r/p and 2二/q about P and Q1 is the rotation through一2二/Ir about a point R such that the spherical triangle PQ1R has angles 7/p,二/q,二/r. We proceed to determine the position of R and the value of r. (We cannot yet say whether r is an integer.)Since the angle一sum of any spherical triangle is greater than ?T, we have 3·81 1 1 1、 一+一十一夕l. p q r
' 3.9] ENUMERATION OF ROTATION GROUPS 55 But p>3 and q>3.Hence r<3, and consequently q> r. Thus the triangle PQjR has a smaller angle at Q1 than at R, and the same inequality must hold for the respectively opposite sides. Hence R lies inside the small circle around P, and OR must be a digonal axis;so the rotation through一2二/r about R, which transforms Qp into Q1,can only be、half-turn.Hence r一2,and OR bisects the angle马OQ1,i·e·,R is the raid一point of the side Qp Q1 of the spherical p一gon Q1 Q2…马·Successive rotations through 2二/q about Q1 transform this p-gon (of angle 2二/q) into a set of q p一gons completely surrounding their common vertex Q1. Further rotations of the same kind lead to a number of p-gons fitting together to cover the whole sphere. Thus the transforms of Q1 are the vertices of the regular poly- hedron {p, q}, the transforms of P are the vertices of the reciprocal polyhedron {q, p}, and the transforms of R are the vertices of the “semi-reciprocal”polyhedron{召{·The inequality 3.81 (or 2·32)reduces to 1·73, and we have the three polyhedral groups of ' 3.5.(The triangle PQjR was called P2 P0 P1 in ' 2·5.) From our construction we can be sure that the p一gonal and q-gonal axes through the vertices of {q, p}and伽,q} are the only axes of snore than 2-fold rotation.But can we be sure that the axes through the vertices of{召{are the only digonal axes‘ Might not a further digonal axis occur midway between P and Q1, if p=q ? No:that half-turn would combine with the rotation through 2二加about P to give a rotation of period 4 about R, which is absurd. 3·9.Historical remarks.The kinematics of a rigid body (号3·1)was founded by Euler(1707一1783)and developed by Chasles,Rodrigues,Hamilton, and Donkin.In particular, 3·12 is commonly called“Euler's Theorem”. The theory of permutation groups (or“substitution groups”) was developed by Lagrange(1736一1813),Ruf ni, Abel(1802一1829), Galois (1811一1832), Cauchy (1789一1857), and Jordan (whose famous Traite des Substitutions appeared in 1870).Lagrange proved that the order of a group is divisible by the order of any subgroup.Galois made such important contributions to the sub- jest that he eventually became recognized as the real founder of group一theory;yet his contemporaries scorned him, and he was
REGULAR POLYTOPES 汇'3·〔 八O 州0 murdered' at the age of twenty. The notion of a self-conjugate subgroup is due to him,and it `gas he who first distributed the operations of a group into cosets (though the actual word“co一set” was coined in 1910 by G. A.Miller).The first precise definition of an abstract group was given in 1854 by Cayley(1). In号3·4二,e considered the set of transforms of a single point by a group of congruent transformations.This idea occurs in a posthumous paper of Mo bius(2).The rotation group of the regular polyhedron {p, q} was investigated in 1856 by Hamilton (1),who gave an abstract definition equivalent to RP=5“=(RS)”=1. The polyhedral groups also arose in the work of Schwarz and Klein,一as groups of transformations of a complex variable.The first chapter of the latter's Lectures on the Icosahedron (Klein 2) may well be read concurrently with '' 3·5 and 3·6. The compound polyhedra were thoroughly investigated by Hess in 1876.t But the stella octanqula {4, 3}[2{3, 3}]{3, 4} had already been discovered by Kepler(1,p.271)and may almost be said to have been anticipated in Euclid XV, 1 and 2.It occurs in nature as a crystal-twin of tetrahedrite.The existence of the remaining compounds is a simple consequence of Kepler's observation that a cube can be inscribed in a dodecahedron.It was Hess who first gave Cartesian coordinates for the vertices of all the regular and quasi-regular polyhedra,丰as in ' 3·7. We proved in ' 3._8 that the only finite groups of rotations are the cyclic,dihedral, and polyhedral groups.Our proof is essenti- ally that of Bravais,amplified by justifying his assumption】} “Le point A viendra en C.”Bravais's proof occurs as part of the more complicated problem of enumerating the finite groups of congruent transformations,which includes the enumeration of the 32 geometrical crystal classes.**This enumeration was *See Infeld 1. t Hess 1,pp. 39 (five octahedra), ‘,.夕 ,.八0 cubes)·Klein(1,p.1 old collections) models 丰Hess 3, pp. 295, remarks in 45 (five or ten tetrahedra), 52 and 68 (five a footnote that“one sees occasionally (in 5 cubes which intersect one another in such a way 340一343. For the regular polyhedra, see also Schoute 。155一159. }IBravais 1 p.166. For this amplification I am indebted to Patrick Du Val. ra quite different approach, see Ford 1,p.133 or Zassenhaus, 1 is interesting to recall that Bravais (at the age of 18) won the ,pp· prize 18. the Pb七 P万1 General Competition, on the occasion when Galois was ranked fifth! **Swartz 1,pp.385一394;Burckhardt 2,p.71.
号3.9] first achieved in SPACE GROUPS 1830, by Hessel(1), 57 whose book remained unnoticed till 1891.The next step in the same direction was Sohncke's enumeration of 65 infinite discrete groups of displace- ments.Finally, after Pierre Curie had drawn attention to the importance of the rotatory一reflection, the famous enumeration of 230 infinite discrete groups of congruent transformations was made independently by Fedorov in Russia(1885),Schoenflies in Germany(1891),and Barlow in England(1894).
CHAPTER IV TESSELLATIONS AND HONEYCOMBS THE limiting form of a p一gon,as p tends to infinity, is an infinite line broken into segments.We call this a degenerate polygon or apeirogon.Analogously, a plane filled with polygons (like a mosaic)may be regarded as a degenerate polyhedron,and so takes a natural place in this investigation.Conversely, we often find it useful to replace an ordinary polyhedron by the corre- sponding tessellation of a sphere.In号4·5,for instance,we consider both plane and spherical tessellations at the same time. The analogous honeycombs (i.e.,space filled with polyhedra)form a natural link between polyhedra in ordinary space and polytopes in four dimensions. 4·1.The three regular tessellations.A plane tessellation (or two一dimensional honeycomb)is an infinite set of polygons fitting together to cover the whole plane just once,so that every side of each polygon belongs also to one other polygon.It is thus a map with infinitely many faces (cf.号1·4). Let a finite portion of this map,bounded by edges,consist of N2一1 faces,-AT l edges,and No vertices (including the peripheral edges and vertices).By regarding the whole exterior region as one further face,we obtain a“finite”map to which we can apply Euler.'s Formula No一Ni+N2=2. This equation remains valid however much we extend the chosen finite portion by adding further faces.If the process of enlarge- ment can be continued in such a way that the increasing numbers No, N1, N2 tend to become proportional to definite numbers vo, v1, v2, we conclude that 4·11 vo一v1+v,=0. In particular, if all the faces are p一gons,and there are q of them at each vertex,the equations 1·71 hold approximately,with an error of the order of magnitude of丫N2.Hence qvo=2v1=p v2, 58
n冲 lO 若4·2] and 4·12 REGULAR TESSELLATIONS 1 1 1 + p q 2 or (2)一2) (q一2)一4. This result is not surprising, as it can be derived formally from 1·72 by snaking i}'1 tend to infinity.But that derivation could not be accepted as a proof;for there is no sequence of finite regular maps tending to an infinite regular map (like the polygons,{P}, which tend to the apeirogon,{,})· The solutions 'of 4·12,vlz.,{3,6},{4, 4}, {6, 3},are exhibited (fragmentarily)in Fig.4·IA.The second is merely“squared {3, 6} {4, 4} FIG.4- IA {6, 3} paper”;the first is likewise available on printed sheets;and the third is often seen as wire netting, or on the tiled floors of bathrooms.(The corresponding points in Fig.2·3B are marked with black dots.) The criterion '4·12 can alternatively be obtained from easy metrical considerations,as follows.The definitions for vertex 苏gure and regular are the same as in the case of polyhedra (' 2·1). More simply, a tessellation is regular if its faces are regular and equal.A vertex of {p, q} is surrounded by q angles, each(1一2/p)二, which together amount to 2二.Hence 1一2/p一2/q. Descartes’Formula (in the form 2·51)is immediately verified for any tessellation, as 8一0 while No is infinite. Since 6 is even,the edges of {3,6}can be coherently indexed like those of the octahedron (page 51).The appropriate ratio in which to divide them is 2:1,but the result is merely a smaller {3, 6}. 4·2.The quasi一regular and rhombic tessellations.If {3,6} and {6,3}are drawn on such a scale that their edges are in the
60 REGULAR POLYTOPES【' 4.2 ratio丫3:1 (see 2·71),they can be superposed to form dual maps· In fact,their respective edges can bisect each other, as in Fig.4·2A. By analogy with ' 2·2,we then call them rec切rocal tessellations, although there is no reciprocating sphere.The common mid- points of their edges are the vertices of the quasi一regular tessella- ,whose faces are triangles and hexagons arranged alter, as in Fig.4·2B.The crossing edges themselves are the no八n︸ 111 n O .11 手七 nately, diagonals of rhombs which form the reciprocal rhombic tessellation shown in Fig.4.2c. The corresponding results for {4, 4} are rather trivial.The FZG. 4-2A FIG. 4-2B FIG. 4.2c tessellation is another equal {4, 4}.The derived and its reciprocal are smaller {4, 4}'s (rotated 44 reciprocal tessellation through 45。)· 4.21 Thus the equation (cf. 2·31)holds when p一4 (p} 飞p)一 as well fp, 41 as when p=3.(This is obviously right,一{P'- has 2 {pj's and 2 {qJ'sq·‘each ver‘一, Two reciprocal {4, 4}'s together have the vertices of a smaller {4, 4}, and so can be regarded as forming a self-reciprocal“com- pound tessellation”{4, 4}[2{4, 4}]{4, 4}, analogous to the stella octangula('3·6)·Since alternate vertices of a {6, 3}of edge 1 belong to a {3, 6} of edge V/3, there is another such compound, {6, 31[2{3, 61],consisting of two {3, 6}'s inscribed in a {6, 3} (Fig.4·2D).The reciprocal of the {6,3}is a third {3,6}of edge -\/3, so we have altogether three {3, 6}'s of edge \/3 inscribed in a {3, 6}of edge 1·Here (Fig·4·2F) pairs of faces are concentric with the faces of a {6, 3},so the appropriate symbol is {3,6} [3 {3,6}]2{6, 3}.
' 4.2] C0 Al P0UND TESSELLATIONS 61 The and reciprocals of these compounds are of course,[2{6, 3}]{3,6} (Figs.4-2E and G). 2{3,6}[3{6, 3}]{6, 3} This is only the beginning of an infinite family of compounds,which some reader may be interested to develop. In virtue of 4·12,2·33 yields h一cc.Still more obviously, so does 2·34·The equatorial apeirogon of{:{is plainly visible in FIG·4.21):{6, 3}[2{3, 6}] FIG.4-2E:[2{6, 3}]{3, 6} FIG·4·2F:{3, 6}[3{3, 61]?{6, 31 FIG. 4.2G:2{3, 6}[3{6, 3}]{6, 3} Fig.4·2B,and the Petrie polygons of the regular tessellations are plane zigzags (emphasized in Fig.4·1A). According to 2·42 and 2·43, all the radii }R are infinite·This is natural, as any tessellation can be regarded as a“degenerate” polyhedron whose centre,03, has receded to infinity. The same explanation applies to the manner in which 2·44 yields m一X=0一0. Moreover, it is evidently correct to say that the dihedral angle is just“·
62 REGULAR POLYTOPES 4·3.Rotation groups in two dimensions. L号4·3 The following state- ments can be verified without difficulty.The symmetry group of a regular tessellation is an infinite group of congruent transforma- tions in the plane.It contains transformations of all four kinds: reflections,rotations,translations,and glide-reflections.(See page 36·)There is a subgroup of index 2 consisting of transla- tions and rotations alone,these being the only displacements. We call this subgroup a rotation croup even though it contains translations.(For these。after all, can be regarded as a limiting case of rotations.)The translations by themselves form a self- conjugate subgroup in either of the other groups.This translation group is a special case of the lattice group generated by two translations in distinct directions.The transforms of any point by such a group make a two一dimensional lattice, consisting of the vertices of a tessellation whose faces are equal paral- lelograms,all orientated the same way (unlike the rhombs of Fig. 4·2c,which are orientated three different ways).This notion is important in the theory of elliptic functions. The enumeration of discrete groups of displacements in the plane is closely analogous to that of finite groups of rotations in space,as carried out in号3·8.The conclusion is that there are eight such groups: (i)the finite cyclic group generated by a rotation through 2二加; (ii)the infinite cyclic group generated by a translation; (iii)the infinite dihedral group*generated by two half-turns (+-hose product is a translation); (iv) the lattice group,generated by two translations; (v) the group generated by half-turns about three non-collinear points, i.e.,the rotation group of a lattice; (vi) the rotation group of {3,6},or of {6,3},generated by a half-turn and a trigonal rotation; (vii) the rotation group of {4, 4},generated by a half-turn and a tetraoronal rotation,or by two tetragonal rotations: 、叭闷曰f吃沪‘一口, (viii) the group of (vi)· The last of these generated by two trigonal rotations -a subgroup arises from the fact that the equation 4·31 1 1 一d-- p q (p>3) q>3), which replaces 3·81,does not imply r一2,but has the“extra” solution p=q=r=3. *This can be regarded as the rotation group of the {‘,2}, which consists of a plane divided into two halves by improper tessellation an apeirogon.
芬4.4] POSSIBLE AXES OF ROTATION 63 One important fact which emerges from the above list is the “crystallographic restriction”: 4·32.万a discrete group of rotations in the plane has more than one centre of rotation, then the only rotations that can occur are 2一ld, 3一ld, 4一ld, and 6扣Id. This theorem (which is closely related to Hauy's crystallo- graphic“Law of Rationality”)can be proved directly, as follows. Let P be a centre of p一fold rota- tion, and Q one of the nearest other centres of p一fold the rotation through transform P into P‘, same kind of rotati rotation.Let 2二加about Q and let the on about ,‘、/P p‘0,----...-..~升‘J‘一、 .、衬 transform Q into Q‘ as in F 4 P‘ 3A. FIG.4-3A It may happen cide;then p= therefore 2) C4. that P 6.In and coin一 9、.咯 .11月.., all other cases we must have PQ‘>PQ (This simple proof is due to Wigner.) We have now reached a suitable place to introduce the important notion of a介ndamental region.For any group of transformations of a plane (or of space),this means a region whose transforms just cover the plane (or space),without overlapping and without in- terstices.In other words,every point is equivalent (under the group)to some point of the region,but no two points of the region are equivalent unless both are on the boundary. Thus the eight groups described above have the following fundamental regions: (i)an angular region (bounded by two rays)of angle 2二加; (ii) an infinite strip (bounded by two parallel lines); (iii)a half-strip (bounded by two parallel rays and a perpen- dicular segment); (iv)a parallelogram (with translations along its sides); (v)a parallelogram (with half-turns about the mid一points of its sides); (v1)an equilateral triangle (with a hexagonal rotation about one vertex, and trigonal rotations about the other two); (vii) a square (with tetragonal rotations about two opposite vertices,and half-turns about the other two); (viii) a rhomb of angle二/3 (as in Fig. 4-2c). 4·4.Coordinates for the vertices. unit edge may be described Cartesian coordinates are irate as the The vertices of a {4, 4} of points whose rectangular gers·
64 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 4.5 The vertices of {3, 6},which likewise form a lattice,may be similarly expressed in terms of oblique coordinates,with the axes inclined at either 3二or 3v. The vertices of a {6, 3} of the same edge-length can be selected from these by omitting all points (x, y) for which x士y is a multiple of 3.(The upper or lower sign is to be taken according as the inclination of the axes is号二or 告二.)The omitted points are the vertices of the reciprocal {3, 6}, of edge丫3. The vertices of{:{consist of those y are not both {3, 6}of edge the reciprocal those of {3, G} Returning represent the even.For, these are 2 for which x and y are points (x, y) for which二and the mid一edge points of the both even.The vertices of rhombic tessellation are of course,the same as it is the edges and faces that are different. to rectangular coordinates, complex number z=x+y2. let the point(‘,y) Then the vertices of {4, 4} represent the Gaussian integers (for which x and y are ordinary integers).The rotation group of {4, 4} is generated by the translation z'=:+1 and the tetragonal rotation 之尸=iz. Similarly, the rotation group of{3,6} is generated by the same translation along with the hexagonal rotation :‘一elri/3 z=一。2:一(1+w)z(。一e2,ri/3 ). Hence the vertices of {3,6} represent the algebraic integers、+:。 (where、and:are ordinary integers). 4·5.Lines of symmetry.By projecting the edges of a polyhedron from its centre onto a concentric sphere, as in号1·4, we obtain a set of arcs of great circles,forming a map.The theory of such neaps is so closely analogous to that of plane tessellations that one is tempted to call them spherical tessellations. In the following treatment of lines of symmetry, we shall consider both kinds of tessellation simultaneously;e.g.,{4, 3}will not mean the cube,but the map of six equal regular spherical quadrangles covering a sphere. Taking the sphere to be of unit radius we have,instead of a regular polyhedron {p, q} of edge 21, a spherical tessellation {p, q} of edge 2}, whose faces are spherical p-gons of angle 2二//q, as in
目勺 nO 号4.5] 号3.8. radius rLANES OF SYMMETRY The properties X and必of '2·4 now appear as the and in-radius of a face (measured as arcs of great circum· circles). Similarly, instead of the derived quasi-regular polyhedron of edge 2L, ewe whose faces are 势,respectively. have“spher‘二“一“ation I p )I, q ) of edge 2二/h, spherical p-gons and q-gons of circum-radii 0 and The reciprocal is a spherical tessellation of edge X, whose faces are spherical“rhombs”of angles 27r/p, 2二//q. If a plane (or.solid)figure is symmetrical by reflection in a certain line (or plane)w,we call w a line of symmetry (or plane of symmetry).We saw in ' 3·4 that the regular polygon {p}has p lines of symmetry.When p is odd, each joins a vertex to the mid-point of the opposite side.But when p is even,the lines are of two distinct types:告p of them join pairs of opposite vertices, and百 p of them join the mid-points of pairs of opposite sides· For each plane of symmetry of a polyhedron,there is a great circle which acts as a“line of symmetry”for the corresponding spherical tessellation,and we shall use this terminology even though such a line is not straight.Thus the lines of of a spherical polygon have the plane polygon. In Figs.4·5A and B*we have mid一points of edges,and centres tions {3,3},{3, 4},{3, 5},{3,6}, same description aS symmetry those of a marks 0, 1,2 at all the vertices, of faces,of the regular tessella- and {4, 4}. (The corresponding figures for t}he marks {4, 3},{5, 0and2.) 3},{6,3} In other can be derived by in优rchanging words,the points marked 0, 1,2 夕q are the vertices of the three related tessellations{,,,},{ {q, p},respectively.The lines of symmetry are easily picked out, as in the following list, where the periodic sequence (02120212) is abbreviated to(0212)“,and (01010101)to (01)4: {3,3}has 6 lines (010212); {3,4} has 6 lines (0212)“and 3 lines (01)4; {3, 5}has 15 lines (010212)2; {3, 6}has‘lines (0212)‘and oc lines (O1)00; {4, 4} has‘lines (01)‘,‘lines (02)‘,and‘lines(12)‘. *Dyck 1,Taf. 11;Klein 2, pp.130一137.
REGULAR POLYTOPES [号4.5 八O 八O {3, 3} {3,,4} {3, 5} FIG.4·5A We have not mentioned the“improper”tessellations,where porq=2,because much of the following discussion would break down if applied to them.The discussion will lead us to a simple expression for the number of lines of symmetry.For a plane
芬4.5] CHARACTERISTIC TRIANGLES 67 tessellation this number is,of course,infinite;so let us restrict consideration to a proper spherical tessellation fp,q}. The lines of symmetry divide the spherical surface into a tessellation of congruent triangles 012,like the triangle PO P1 P2 described at the end of号2·5.Since each point 1 is surrounded by four of the triangles,the total number of triangles is 4N1, where N1 is given by 1·72.Since each segment 01 or 02 or 12 belongs t·o two of the triangles,there are type altogether. N1 edges of伽, triangles which (The 2N1 segments 01 are 2N1 segments of each just the halves of the ,}.)Each edge of)理、!joins 、I/) leave a common hypotenuse the vertices 1 of two 02.Thus the eptator {3,61 {4, 4} FIG.4·5s in二·hich any equatorial polygon is inscribed (see page 18)contains h points 1 and crosses h segments 02. A line of symmetry is met by the 2N11h equators in the following manner.Any two antipodal points 1 belong to two of the equators, and any two antipodal segments 02 are crossed by one of the equators.*Since each point 1 belongs to two adjacent segments 01 or 12,it follows that the number of segments (or of marked points)on a line of symmetry of any type is equal to t二?ice the number of equators,tiTiz.,4N1/h. An equator is met by the lines of symmetry in the following manner.Each point 1 lies on two lines of symmetry, and each *甲卜;。;。xir1,nrn +1,n。,.。,,1"+、、一‘,1,1 CII;1 ;}'、,二。+,;n月+八n Y,}1、二;++八4-1,八习;卜n月,八。 11110 10VV 1工、Jl V V1主V(为Ly--11111V11V VV、11几Ill工《儿L1 11 Vv l/V11V1.几幻V CL.少U工V 1 V V V幻11C 1i111G111 V11, 、~产月卫‘产产 whose two equators coincide with a line of symmetry. In the tessellation,am equator and a line of symmetry may be parallel. case of a plaize
68 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 4.5 segment 11 (i.e.,each side of the equatorial polygon)is crossed by one line of symmetry.Since the equatorial polygon has h/2 pairs of opposite vertices and h/2 pairs of opposite sides,the total number of lines of symmetry is 3h12. Combining this result with 2·34, we may say that a regular solid. with N1 edges has盆 (1/4N1+ 1一1)planes of symmetry·This breaks down for the dihedron fp,2}.A slightly more complicated expression that applies to the dilledron as well is 4·51 This is 鑫(丫4N1(p十q一1)+1+1). found by considering the manner in which one line of symmetry of the tessellation meets all the others. 4·6.Space filled with cubes.A three一dimensional honeycomb (or ,solid tessellation)is an infinite set of polyhedra fitting to- gether to fill all space just once,so that every face of each poly- hedron belongs to one other polyhedron.There are thus vertices flo, edges H1, faces fl,, and cells (or solid faces)1 j3:in brief, 4一dimensional elementsn才(i=0。1.2。3、.As in } 1·8,we let 1V、,.(?:L k)caenote the number of,.s tnat are inciaent witna 孟,夕k \J)认幻uU叼勺‘11勺u认ui心勺J-UJL二JLk -“切‘,JL“叼‘认划JLxU,,JL“JLx‘ single几;e·g一 4.61 N1o一2, N23一2. For each H2 or 111,respectively, we have 4·62 X20=N21,N12一N13· A honeycomb is said to be regular if its cells are regular and equal.If these are {p, q}'s,and r of them surround an edge (so that N12一ly,13一r), then the honeycomb is denoted by {p, q, r}. The number r must be the same for every edge,as it necessitates a dihedral angle 2二/r for the cell.Moreover, Table I shows that the cube is the only regular polyhedron whose dihedral angle is a submultiple of 27.Hence the only regular honeycomb is {4, 3,4},the ordinary space一filling of cubes,eight at each vertex. This can alternatively be seen as follows. all the edges that emanate from a given vertex The mid-points of are the vertices of a polyhedron called the vertex乒gore of the hone are the vertex figures of the cells that surround yc th omb;its faces e given vertex. (For instance,the vertex figure of {4, 3,4} is an If the edges of the honeycomb are of length 21, the has a circum一sphere of radius l. If all the faces octahedron.) vertex figure are {p}’s,the
'4·7lTHE SCHL人FLI SYMBOL 69 edges of the vertex figure (being vertex figures of fpJ's)are of length 21 cos 7T/p.Thus the vertex figure of a honeycomb沙,q, r} of edge 21 must be a {q, r} of edge 21 cos 7r/p, whose circum-radius is l. But (by Table I again)the only regular polyhedron whose edge and circum-radius have a ratio of the form 2 cos 7r/p is the octahedron, for which this ratio is ,/2一2 co。二/4. Hence {p, q, r J can only be {4,3,4}· Incidentally,a regular honeycomb could just as well have been defined as one whose cells and vertex figures are all regular;for the cells would then have to be all alike,and so would the vertex figures.(Cf. ' 2;1.)We can regard the“5chldfli symbol” {P,q, rJ as the result of telescoping the respective symbols fp,q} and {q, r) for the cell and vertex figure· 4·7·Other honeycombs.A honeycomb is said to be quasi- regular if its cells are regular while its vertex figures are quasi- regular.This definition (cf. ' 2·3)implies that the vertex figures are all alike,and that the cells are of two kinds, arranged alter- nately.To find what varieties are possible,we have the same two alternative methods as in ' 4·6.Either we seek (as cells) two different regular polyhedra whose respective dihedral angles have a submultiple of 2二for their sum;these can only be a t·etrahedron and an octahedron,where the suns is -ir. Or we look at the possible vertex figures,admitting the cuboctahedron whose edge is equal to its circum一radius, and discarding the icosi- dodecahedron (for which the ratio of edge to circum-radius is 2 sin二/h一2 sin二/10=2 cos 2二/。)·From either point of view, `N-e conclude that there is only one quasi-regular honeycomb·* Each vertex is surrounded by eight tetrahedra and six oetahedra (corresponding to the triangles and squares of the cuboctahedron). All the faces are triangles;each belongs to one {3,3}and one {3,4}.Thus an appropriate extension of the Schldfli symbol is n04 OO !﹄一1 For the development of a general theory, it is an unhappy accident that only one honeycomb is regular, and only one quasi- regular.Of course,there are many with a slightly lower degree of regularity:“semi-regular”,let us say.For instance, t there *For a picture of it, see Andreini 1,Fig. 12, or Ball 1,P.147. t Andreini 1,Fig. 18.
REGIT LARPOLYTOPES 〔号4.7 0 脚了 is one called octahedra {3, ,3, 4、 (4 4} in which each vertex is and four cuboctahedra a cuboid (or square prism)with base 2丫2. The relationship of these aid of rectangular (artesian surrounded by two Its vertex figure is l and lateral edges figures is very coordinates. silliply All the three coordinates are integers are the vertices, of edge 1.Those whose coordinates seen with the paints w11ose 、}4, 3,4}of of edge 2.,nose ii'llose 14, 3,41·These two {4, as the vertices of either “,,’(,“11 even bel‘一,,Ig t「o a {4, 3,4} coordinate、are all()dd form another equal 3, 4}’、of edge 2 are said to be rec切vocal, are the centres of the cells of the other, AN-hile the edges of either are of the other.The inid一edge perpendicularly bisected by the faces points of either (which are the face- 犷工 O centres {3,4。 {4}’ of the other) are easily recognized as the vertices These are the points whose coordinates are one odd and two even, or vice versa.The octahedra arise {4, 3) 4}, and the cuboctahedra as truncations as vertex figures of of its cells.These results are Let the 0,1,2, or conveniently expressed as follows. points with integral coordinates(二,M:)be marked 3 according to the number of odd coordinates,as in a·4.7A.These points of one of our t,二,o reciprocal {4, 3, 4}'s,and to the elements n。.IT-1.汀。of the other.The -points 1 (or 2)are the vertices correspond to the elements IIo, 111, II'}, Moreover,一the points 0 and 2 together (or 1 and 3 tog 。3, 4} }. 4) ether pl了.1一.JLn+1 丁工了.IT..JLO are easily recognized as the vertices of}3,重{一;these are just the points whose coordinates have an even (or odd)sUm. Thus the vertices of一3,:{are ve CeS just as the vertices of {3, 3} the stella octangula).In fact are alternate alternate Ve ces of {4, 3,4}, of {4, 3}(in the cells of{3,重{consist of tetra- hedra inscribed in the cubes of {4, 3, 4},and octahedra the omitted vertices.The reciprocal honeycomb is the surrounding well一known space一filling of rhombic dodecaliedra.*The in-spheres form the 一a fact “cubic close-packing”or“norma·l piling” of its cells of spheres which is sometimes adduced as a reason for the resells- *Andreini 1,Fig, 33
号4.7] CHARACTERISTIC TETRAHEDRA 71 blance between this particular space一filling and the honeycomb actually constructed by bees. The planes of symmetry of {4, 3,4} are its face-planes and the planes of symmetry of its cells.They are thus of three distinct types (containing points 0, 1,2;0, 1,2,3;and 1,2,3)and intersect in axes of symmetry of six types:tetragonal axes (O1)' and(23)00,trigonal axes (03)',and digonal axes (02)00, (12 ) rr,(13)W.These planes and congruent quadrirectangular tetra- liedra 0123,whose edges 01,12,23 are mutually perpendicular.*(See Fig.4.7A.) Such a tetrahedron is in some respects a more natural analogue for the right一angled triangle than is the trirectarngular tetrahedron (where all the right angles occur at one vertex).Just as any plane polygon can be dissected into right一angled triangles,so any solid polyhedron can be dissected into quadrirectangular tetrahedra.A special feature of the characteristic tetrahedron 0123 is that the per- pendicular edges 01,12,2 3 are all equal (so that the remaining edges lines form a honeycomb of FIG.4·74 are of lengths丫2,丫3,丫2一;in fact the edge红is of length 灼一i。if i< j). All the points 0, 2, 3 (without 1)form a honeycomb of tri- rectangular tetrahedra 0023, whose face-planes are symmetry of{3,:{一(not that whose vertices are 0 the planes and 2,but of a larger specimen whose vertices are alternate points 0).This trirect}angular tetrahedron 0023, whose edge 00 is of length 2, can be obtained by fusing two quadrirectangular tetrahedra 0123 which have a common face 123. Finally,the points 0 and 3 together form tetOragonal disphenoids (or“isosceles tetrahedra a ,, honey )0033 *wythoff(1)called such a tetrahedron“double一rectangular”. “duadrirectang allgled triangles from one corner ular”draws attention to the fact that all four faces ,whereas。“trirectangular”tetrahedron (which of a cube)has only three right一angled faces. can comb of ,each of The word are right- be cut off
72 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 4.8 which is obtained by fusing two trirectangular tetrahedra 0023 which have a common face 002.The opposite edges 00 and 33 are both of length 2, and the four edges 03 are all of length丫3· The importance of these various tetrahedra will be seen in ' 5·5. 4·8.Proportional numbers of elements.We can extend 4·11 to a three一dimensional honeycomb as follows.Let a finite portion, bounded by faces,consist of N3一1 cells,N2 faces,N, edges,and No vertices.By regarding t11。whole exterior region as one further cell,we remedy the exceptional character of the peripheral elements.if Z戈、is understood to be summed over all the Hi's, we have 4.81 E戈、一I叽 (cf. 1·81).By Euler's Formula 1·61,applied first to a cell and then to a vertex figure,we have N3o一X31+N32=2, Not一Not+N03一2. Summing these expressions over all cells and all vertices,respect- ively,and subtracting, we obtain (E N30一E N03)一(EN31一ENO.))+(万N32一E N01)一2N3一2No. But E A73。一EAT03} ElNT31一E-AT13一EN12一I N21一E N20一E N02 (by 4.62), and EN32一I.ZATOZ一E `T 23一E N10一212一2N1 (by 4.61)· Hence 2 AV,一2vA.d一21V3一2 -V0, or NI O} 0一I-ATJ + INT2一N3一0.* If t·he chosen portion can be enlarged in such a way that the increasing numbers戈tend to become proportional to definite numbers v,,we conclude that 4.82 v0一v1 + v2一v3一0. This is the desired extension of 4·11. For a portion of a regular honeycomb,1·81 holds approximately, with an error of the order of magnitude of N3'-.Thus vi戈、一"k NO for the whole honeycomb.In particular, taking PO一1,we have 4.83 vi一Nod 1Njo· *For an alternative proof of this formula, see Cauchy 1,P.77·
nO 阿才 号4.9] NUMBERS OF ELEMENTS Here Not) Not,and N03 are simply the numbers of vertices and faces of the vertex figure.Hence,for {4, 3,4{, whose figure is an octahedron,we have edges, vertex 1.1 -一 818 v1一tu一3, v2一1护一3, v3一 In brief,。is equal to the binomia‘一fc‘一‘一:!,二d‘·82 is the expansion of(1一1)3.(5ce Table II on page 296·) The same formula 4·83 can be used for any honeycomb whose vertices are all surrounded alike,provided we consider the various kinds of几separately·Thus the numbers of vertices,edges, triangles,tetrahedra and octahedra in{3,:{are proportional to 4多 Q气电 1,一,子一6, and 4·82 is verified as =8.乃一=2 and f=1. 斗U‘ 1一6+8一(2+ 1)=0. 4·.,9.Historical remarks.Plane tessellations were discussed by Kepler, who seems to have been the first to recognize them as analogues of polyhedra.*But spherical tessellations,both regular and quasi-regular, were described by Abu'1 Wafa (940一998).t The notion of reciprocal tessellations (' 4·2)is due to an anonymous author(Isis)who is believed to have been Gergonne(1).His work on semi-regular tessellations and polyhedra was continued by Badoureau(1)and Hess(3).The latter made a very thorough investigation of spherical tessellations (which he called“nets”). In '4·3 we mentioned eight plane“rotation groups,”the last five of which possess finite fundamental regions.These five occur among the seventeen discrete groups of congruent trans- formations丰enumerated by Polya and Niggli in 1924. We saw in号4·5 that the planes of symmetry of a regular poly- hedron meet a concentric sphere in 3h/2 great circles,each decom- posed by the rest into 4N11h一h+2 arcs (altogether 6N1 arcs, the sides of 4N1 triangles),and that the“equators”consist of 2AT11h great circles,each decomposed by the rest into h arcs *Kepler 1,pp.116 (regular),117(quasi一regular and rhombic).See also Badoureau 1,P.93. t See Woepcke 1,PP.352一3a-7. 丰Polya 1;Niggli 1.For elegant drawings of ornaments having these various symmetry groups, see Speiser 1,pp.76一97.
REGULAR POLYTOPES L号4·9 4 斤了 (altogether 2N1 arcs, the sides of 1V2一2N1/p {pj's and N。一2N1/q {9)`s).The relevance of the number h does not seem to have been recognized before.Hess and Briickner*noticed that势一I- x+价is commensurable with }r. Actually 势一卜x一卜必一3h-,7/2N1. The expression 4·51 for the number of planes of symmetry is a special case of:、formula discovered by(一牙iu、 e-ppc Cesaro.But Fedorov claimed the latter as being itself a special case of his “zonoliedral formula in its second signification.”t Anyhow,’Fedorov(1)eras the first to make a systematic study of three一dimensional honeycombs (which he used in his enurnera- Lion of the 230“space一groups”;see the end of号3·9).Their interest was enhanced by the discovery of their relevance to the arrangement of atoms in a crystal.For instance,the atoms of iron,in one crystalline variety, occur at the vertices of two reciprocal and silver lattice). {4, 3, 4}'s (the“body一centred each occur in the manner of一3, ,’lattice).Copper, gold, :{一(the“face一centred” The atoms of sodium and chlorine in rock一salt form two +十 S !闷1 nQ4 介O complementary The notion of rec勿rocal honeycombs seems to be due to Andreini(1),whose monograph is handsomely illustrated with stereoscopic photographs.The present treatment is intended as a preparation for the study of four一dimensional polytopes in Chapters VII and VIII. *Hess 3, p.25;Briickner 1,pp.1251·126, 130· fi G. Cesaro 1,p.173 (with,、=2, N= IN1, P=IN2=NIlp, Q=P'10=N1/q)· Fedorov 1,号70;2. 士For a fine drawing of this arrangement of atoms, see Tutton 2, p.6 55.
CHAPTER V THE KALEIDOSCOPE THIS is an account of the discrete groups generated by reflections, including as special cases the symmetry groups of the regular polyhedra and of the regular and quasi一regular honeycombs.The analogous groups in higher space -}N-ill be found in Chapter XI. 5·1.Reflections in one or two planes,or lines,or points.when an object is held in front of an ordinary mirror, two things are seen:the object and its image.If Alice could take us through the looking一glass,we would still see the same two things,for the image of the image is just the original object.In other words,a single reflection R generates a group of order two,whose opera- tions 1 andR 5·11 There are no further operations,since R2=1 and consequently R-1一R. Instead of a plane mirror in space, we can just as well use a line-mirror in a plane, or a point一mirror in a line.A point divides a line into two half-lines or rays, and serves as a mirror to reflect the one ray into the other. But二?lien an object is held between two parallel mirrors,there is·theoretically no limit to the number of images;for there are images of images,ad infinitum.The mirrors themselves have infinitely many images:virtual mirrors which appear to act like real mirrors.In other words,two parallel reflections,R1 and R2, generate an infinite group whose operations are 1,R1,R7:,,R1 R2,R2 R1, R1 R2 R1,R2 R1 R2,.… As an abstract group,this is called the“free product”of two groups of order two;it has the generating relations R12=1, R2 2一1,or, briefly, 5.12R12=R22y一1. we can just as well regard the R's as reflections in two parallel lines of a plane,or in any two points on a line.The two points and their images (the virtual mirrors)divide the line into infinitely many equal segments,which can be associated with the operations of the group,as folloNvs.The segment terminated by the two 75
76 REGULARPOLYTOPES [号5.1 given points (i.e.,the region of possible objects)is associated with the identity, 1;and any other of the segments is associated with that operation which transforms the segment 1 into the other segment·(See Fig.5·1A.) Let any point and all its images (or transforms)be called。set of equivalent points.Then every point on the line is equivalent to some point of the segment 1 (including its end points),but no two distinct points of the segment are equivalent to each other. Thus the segment is a户mdainental region for the group generated by R1 and R2.(See page 63.)Similarly,the group generated by R alone has a ray for its fundamental region, and the two complementary rays are associated with the two operations 1 andR. Two intersecting mirrors form an ordinary kaleidoscope.This can be made very easily by joining two square,unframed mirrors (RA),R2R,Rq R, R2 R2 1 R, R2 R, R,R2R,(R2 R,), FIG. 5-1A with a strip of adhesive tape,so that the angle between them can be varied at will, and standing them on a table (with the taped edge vertical).Taking a section by a plane perpendicular to both mirrors (or considering the surface of the table一top alone),we reduce the kaleidoscope to its two一dimensional form,where we reflect in taro intersecting lines. Since the images of any point (save the point where the lines meet)are distributed round a circle,the group is discrete*only if the angle between the mirrors is commensurable with -r. It will be sufficient to consider 8u bmult勿les of二;for if the angle is j7rlp, where j and p are co -prime, we can find a multiple of jlp which differs from 1/p by an integer, and hence a virtual mirror inclined at二加to one of the given mirrors.(Cf. ' 3·5.) This may also be seen from the fact that the real and virtual mirrors form a set of concurrent lines which is symmetrical by reflection in each line,so that the angles between neighbouring lines must be all equal. *A geometrical group is said bourhood containing no other 1 we see only a finite number of i to be discrete if every given pint equivalent to the given point has a neigh- ages even when the angle point.Actually, incommensurable with 7r;this is because we would have to“walk through” is in order to observe all the images that theoretically occur.
号r·1]DIHEDRAL KALEIDOSCOPE 77 Accordingly, we place an object between two mirrors inclined at二//p, and observe 2p images (including the object),one in each of the angular regions formed by the real and virtual mirrors· (The case when p一3 is shown in Fig.5·1B.)Here the group is of order即,and its fundamental region is the angular region of magnitude二加formed by the two rays that represent the mirrors· Each operation has two alternative expressions (e.g.,R1 R2 R1 and R2 R1 R2 for the operation not named in Fig.5·1B)according to which generator we use first.But these expressions are equal in virtue of the generating relations 5·13 R12=R22一(R1 R2)p=1· We shall find it convenient to use the symbol [p] to denote this group of order 21} generated by two reflections,or the correspond- FIG.5-1B FIG.5-1c ing abstract group.This notation is sufficiently flexible to suggest the symbols[1」and[。]for the respective groups 5·11 and 5.12. (The relations 5.13 with p一1 imply R1一R2, and so reduce to R12一1;but the relation (R1 R2)'一1 must be regarded as stating merely that the element R1 R2 is not periodic.) The manner in which〔二]arises as a limiting case of [p] is most clearly seen when we take the section of the mirrors by a circle with its centre at their point of intersection, and regard the R's as reflections in points on this circle.Then the funda- mental region is an arc, as in Fig.5·lc.The transforms of one of the reflecting points (or of one end of the arc)are the vertices of a regular polygon {p}.(In Fig.5·lc,this is a triangle.)Conversely, [p] is the complete symmetry group of lp},i.e.,[p] is the dihedral group of order知,as defined on page 46·Its cyclic subgroup of order p is generated by the rotation R1 R2·
78 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 5.1 When p=2, the relations 5·13 can be expressed as R12一1, R22一1, R 2 R1= R1 R2. Thus [2] is the direct product of two groups of order two (generated by the respective reflections,which now commute).The appro- priate symbolism is 5·14[ZJ=}_1」X「1]. 5·2.Reflections in three or four lines.Tile group generated by reflections in any nuniber of litres is egl<ally well generated by reflections in these lines and all t1、cir transforms (the virtual mirrors).If the group is discrete,the whole set of lines effects a partition of the plane into a finite or infinite number of congruent convex regions,and the group is generated lay reflections in t}lhe bounding lines of a,ny ogle of the regions. The reader Avill probably be willing to accept the statement that this is a户,ndamental region,especially if he has looked at three or four material mirrors standing vertically on a table,with a candle for object.It is obvious that every point of the plane is equivalent to some point in the initial region,but not obvious that two distinct points of t1lis region cannot be equivalent.(In t·he ell切tic plane:t二’o such points can be equivalent.)However, 二,e shall postpone the complete proof till号5·3, where we discuss the general theory in three dimensions,from which this two- dimensional theory can be derived as a special case. The internal angles of the region must be submultiples of 7r, as otherwise it would be subdivided by virtual mirrors.Thus the possible angles are二/2,二/3,一,none of them obtuse. This remark fa·cilitates the actual enumeration of cases.In particular, it rules out the possibility that a region might have more than four sides, A triangular region with angles二加,二/q,二/,·satisfies 4.31, so (p q r) must be (333)or(2 4 4) or(236) (or a permutation of these numbers).We thus have an equilateral triangle,an isosceles right一angled triangle,and one half of an equilateral triangle (see Fig.5·2A).The corresponding groups are denoted respectively by 5·21△,[4,4],〔3,6].
' 5.3] PRISMATIC KALEIDOSCOPE 79 The two last are the complete symmetry groups of the regular tessellations(cf. Fig.4·5A). The other possible regions are:a half-plane,an angle,a strip, a half-strip, and a rectangle.The corresponding groups are [1],[p],〔‘I,【‘]x「1],[‘]x[‘」. The last three are the groups that occur when we have mirrors in △ /熬 。\1 、、. ..... O‘ ,、吸 百.... 1、 R / / 、、\112 R〕R2 、、 、、 R2 R3 "2、二 R, R3R2 R,R: ///R2Rl // 、、 R2 R, R2 、、 、、 ,、_ 、、 [4, 4] [3, 6] Fla.5·9A two opposite walls of an ordinary room,or in three walls,or in all four. 5·3.The fundamental region and generating relations·The group generated by reflections in any number of planes is equally well generated by reflections in these planes a,nd all their trans- forms.If the group is discrete,the whole set of planes effects a par- tition of space into a finite or infinite number of congruent convex
REGULAR POLYTOPES 【号5·3 0 OO regions, and the group is generated by reflections in the bounding planes of any one of the regions.Let these bounding planes or walls be denoted by w1,W2,…,and let Ri denote the reflection in w;.The dihedral angle between two adjacent walls,Wi and 玛,is 7T加。,where pig(一pji)is an integer greater than 1.The case when wi and玛are parallel may be’included by allowing p」ig to be infinite. The generating reflections evidently satis勿the relations 5.31 Rig一l, (Ri Rj )pij一1, where the period of R:,乓is specified for every edge of the region· We proceed to prove that the region bounded by the w'8 is a 介ndamental region for the group, and the relations 5·31 8?磷ce for an abstract d叨,,ition. (This means that every true relation satisfied by the R’s is an algebraic consequence of these simple relations.) The regions can be named after the operations of the group,as in号5·1.In other words,if the original region is o, the derived region o8 can be called,briefly,“region S”.Our only doubt is whether region S might coincide with region 8‘for two distinct operations S and S‘. The rule for successively naming the various regions is as follows:we pass through the ith wall of region S into region R,i S. This rule is justified by the fact that S transforms regions 1 and Ri,with their common wall wi,into regions S and Ri S,with their common wall wis.(In other words,S transforms o and o"i,with their common wall wi,into os and o--"is,with their common wall wis.The reflection in the latter wall is Ris,which transforms 0s into o8RiS一0R is.)For instance,we reach region R1 R2 R3 from region 1 in three stages:passing through the third wall of region 1 into region R3,then through the second wall’of the latter into region R2 R3,and finally through the first wall of this into region R1 R2 R3.Thus the different names for a given region are given by different paths to it from’ region 1.(By a path we understand a continuous curve which avoids intersecting any edge.)Two such paths to the same region can be combined to make a closed path,which gives a new name,say R。Rb…Rk-} for region l itself. If we can prove that the relations 5·31 imply Ra Rb…R、一1,it will follow that the naming of regions is
务5.4] THE CORRESPONDING ABSTRACT GROUP 81 essentially unique,that region 1 is fundamental, and that the relations 5·31 are sufficient. For this purpose,we consider what happens to the expression Ra Rb…Rk when the closed path is gradually shrunk (like an elastic band)until it lies wholly within region 1.Whenever the path goes from one region into another and then immediately returns,this detour may be eliminated by cancelling a repeated Rz in the expression,in accordance with the relation R22一1. The only other kind of change that can occur during the shrinking e e.八沙1 C赶一Ll十U process is when the path momentarily crosses an ed This change Rj regions …(or =1. vice versa), in will replace Rz accordance with (common R‘…by relation Rj)夕” .口侧 to几(R The shrinkage of the path reduction of the expression thus corresponds to an algebraic Rb…Rk by means of the relations 5.31.The possibility of shrinking the path right down to point (or to a small circuit within region 1)is a consequence the topological fact that Euclidean space is simply一connected. It follows that Ra Rb…Rk=1,as desired. Incidentally, every reflection that occurs conjugate to one of the generating reflections. in the group is For, if it is the reflection in the ith wall of region S, it is expressible as Ris. 5.4.Reflections in three concurrent planes.If any number of reflecting planes are all perpendicular to one plane, we can take their section by that plane,and deduce the theory of reflections in lines of a plane(号5·2).Similarly, if the reflecting planes all pass through one point (so that all the images of any object are equidistant from that point),we can take their section by a sphere with its centre at that point, and deduce the theory of reflections in great circles of a sphere.The fundamental region is now a spherical polygon (instead of a solid angle).As trivial cases,we must admit the hemisphere (when the group is〔1])and the lune (when it is沙]).In all other cases the fundamental region is a spherical triangle. For, since the angle一sum of a spherical n-gon is greater than that of a plane n-gon, namely (n一2)二,at least one of the angles must be greater than(、一2)二/、; so for n>4 at least one angle must be obtuse. The enumeration of groups generated by reflections in con- current planes thus reduces to the enumeration of spherical F
82 REGULAR POLYTOPEs triangles with angles 7/p,二/q,二/r. Solving 2.32, we possible values of (p q r) to be [号5.4 find the (22p),(233),(234),(235). (Tile last three are illustrated in Fig.4·5A.)The respective groups are denoted by 5·41 [p,2],[3,3],[3,4],[3,5]; for, as we shall soon see,they are the complete symmetry groups of the dihedron,tetrahedron,octahedron (or cube),and icosa- hedron (or dodecahedron).To distinguish them from the rotes- tion groups,these are known as the extended polyhedral groups.* The fundamental region for [p,2] is bounded by two meridians and the equator.Thus its kaleidoscope is formed by two (hinged) vertical mirrors standing on a horizontal mirror.Since the first two reflections both commute with the third,this group is a direct product: 5·42 [p, 2]=[p] x[1」· The connection with the dihedron is explained on page 46· Combining 5·42 with 5·14, we have [2,2]=[1]x[1]x[1]. This is the group generated by three mutually commutative reflections (i.e.,by three perpendicular mirrors). The fundamental region for [p,q] (which is the same as [q, p]) is a triangle with angles 7rl p,二/q,二/2, whose area (if drawn on a sphere of unit radius)is- 7T 77 7r / 1 1 1\ 一+一+二一7T =(一十一一二)7T . p q L \p q L,/ The order of [p, q] is the number of such triangles that will just cover the sphere (of area 4二),viz., 三、_-一一8pq一一-. 2’ 4一(P一2) (q一2) - 1.JLMW口上 + 1-夕 ///了 4 -一 g 5·43 By 1·72, this is four times the number of edges of {p, q}. In fact, the great circles which forth these triangles are just the lines of symmetry of the spherical tessellations considered in号4·5.Thus all the operations of [p, q] are symmetry operations of {p, q}; *Klein 1.-DD. 20. 24 尹11r
' 5.5] TRIHEDRAL KALEIDOSCOPE 83 and since its order is twice that of the rotation group(号3·5), [p, q] is the complete symmetry group of Ip,q}. Each of the three“trihedral kaleidoscopes”is formed by three mirrors (preferably of polished metal)cut in the shape of sectors of a circle (of as large radius as is convenient,say 2 feet)· The angles of these sectors are,of course,势,X1必.(See Table I on page 293·)The curved edges of the mirrors form the triangle PO P1 P2 of 2·52, which gives rise to a spherical tessellation as in Fig.4·5A.An object placed at the vertex PO (where 2q triangles meet)has images at all the points 0,viz.,the vertices of {p, q}. Similarly an object at P1 or P2 (where 4 or助triangles meet) has images at the vertices of -} plq{。· When {p,q} is a cube,so that {,,P},respectively. the angle at P2 is二/4, the triangle P2 竺 3 P0 P1 P r 0 F工G.5·4A FIG. 5-4B PO Pi P2 can be fused with its image in P1 P2 to form a right- angled triangle PO PO' P2 (Fig. 5·4A) which is the fundamental region for [3,3].The reflections in the sides of this larger triangle transform PO and Pa' into the vertices of two reciprocal tetrahedra. Thus the stella octangula arises from the fact that the fundamental region for [3,4] is one half of the fundamental region for [3,3], which shows that the group [3,4] contains [3, 3] as a subgroup of index two.Similarly, the infinite group [3,6] contains△as a subgroup of index two.(See Figs.4·2A and 5·4B.) 5.5.Reflections in four, five,or six planes.We have completed the enumeration of groups generated by one,two,or three reflec- tions.The groups generated by four or more reflections will be treated by more powerful methods in Chapter XI.It will then be seen that the following list is exhaustive.
84 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' W We may take one horizontal mirror with three or four vertical mirrors standing on it.Then the fundamental region is an infinitely tall prism,and the groups are the direct products △x[1],[4, 4] x〔1],L3,6] xL1],[00]x[,]x[1〕. (The last is the group that occurs when we have mirrors in all four walls of a room,and in the ceiling as well..) Or we may take two horizontal mirrors (the upper facing down- ii, ard)with two or three or four vertical mirrors between then, Then the fundamental region is an infinite wedge,or a triangular prism of three possible kinds,or a rectangular parallelepiped,and the groups are the direct products [p] x[二〕,△x[‘],[4, 4] x[00],[3, 6] x[OQ],[‘]x【‘」x[‘」. When p一2,-the first of these splits further into[1]x〔1]x[00]· Finally, we may reflect in all four faces of a tetrahedron (pro- vided the six dihedral angles are submultiples of二).The funda- mental region may be the quadrirectangular tetrahedron 0123 of 号4·7,or the trirectangular tetrahedron 0023,or the tetragonal disphenoid 0033;and the groups are denoted by 口. 几O f||﹂ 5·51 [4, 3, 4] The first two of these are the complete symmetry groups of the honeycombs {4, 3, 4} and{3,重{一The second contains the third as a subgroup of index two,and is itself a subgroup of index two in the first. 5·6.Representation by graphs一The various possible funda- mental regions are very conveniently classified by associating them with certain graphs (see号1·4).The nodes of the graph represent the walls of the fundamental region (or the mirrors of the kaleidoscope,or the generating reflections),and two nodes are joined by a branch whenever the corresponding walls (or mirrors)are not perpendicular. Moreover, we mark the branches with numbers A, to indicate the angles二加。(pi->3)·Owing to its frequent occurrence,the mark 3 will usually be omitted (and left to be understood).Thus the fundamental region for [p] is denoted by 二 份一一-~.-. P according as p=1 or 2 or 3 or more (including p一‘)·
号5.6] TETRAHEDRAL KALEIDOSCOPE 85 The case when p=2 (cf. 5·14) illustrates the fact that the group is a direct product of simpler groups whenever the graph is dis- connected.Other instances are the disconnected graphs 奋~~-...~~-.劝.-.~~.奋---~..-一-川.奋一~曰..-一一书..一~~州.今--户,奋-~-叫. 公。00 E) 00 0o CO a的00 representing the half-strip, rectangle, infinite wedge,infinitely tall prism on a rectangle,and rectangular parallelepiped,which are the fundamental regions for 【‘]x【1],[‘]x[‘],[p] x[00],[‘]x「‘]x[1],[do]x【ono]x[‘1· The reader can easily draw the graphs for the other prismatic regions in terms of the graphs 5·61 八 .~-一-闷卜一--一布 44 .~-~~一今一-~~-. 6 which represent the plane triangles that are fundamental regions for the infinite corresponding to groups 5·21.Similarly, the spherical triangles the finite groups 5·41 are represented by .-~-~叫.. P .一-曰..一口一劝 杏一~一一今一---. 4 .--一一州卜一一一一. S and the tetrahedra corresponding to the infinite groups 5·51 are represented by 5·62 ~< 口 The convenience of this representation is seen in the following theorem: 5·63.In the case of a connected graph without any even marks (e.g.,if no branches are marked),all the r叨ections in the group are co可agate to one another. To prove this,let R. and R,; be two reflections represented by 占产‘J 1‘ the nodes that terminate unmarked branch if m=1). a branch with踢一2m+ 1 (e.g.,an S ince Ri=(乓Ri)”‘乓(Ri (Ri乓) Ri)饥一 2m+1=1,we have R (RiRj)m. Thus Ri and几are conjugate·But the relation“conjugate”is transitive, so the same conclusion holds if the ith andjth nodes are number of such branches. case 〕nnec刃eQ0ya chain0l any of a connected graph without connected by acha 'nof any even marks,this In the means
86 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 5.6 that all the generating reflections are conjugate.Hence,by the remark at the end of ' 5·3, all the reflections are conjugate. For instance,the fifteen reflections in [3, 5] are all conjugate. More generally, 5·64.万we delete every branch that has an even marlo (leaving its two terminal nodes intact),the re&Oting graph consists of a number of pieces egical to the nu)nber of classes of cov j agate,,叨ections i二 th。grow p· To prove this,consider what happens geometrically when two generators R2 and R j are conjugate.It means that the ith wall of one region coincides with the jth wall of another, i.e.,that the ith face of t「he former occurs in the same plane as the jth face of the latter. These two faces can be connected by a sequence of consecutively adjacent faces in the same plane.If two such adjacent faces are the ath of one region and the bth of another, the period of the product R+ Rb must be odd.(For, if a fib, the two faces belong to a“pencil”of faces,pa, of each kind,radiating from their common side.If a一b,the product is the identity, and the two faces may, for the present purpose,be considered as one.)Such a sequence of faces corresponds to a chain of odd一marked (or unmarked)branches connecting the ith andjth nodes.It follows that,if two nodes are disconnected after the removal of all even一marked branches,then the corresponding reflections cannot be conjugate.Thus 5·64 is proved. Here we have used the language of three dimensions.For the two一dimensional case we merely have to replace the words“face” and“plane”by“side”and“line”.We have already observed, in ' 4·5,that the plane or spherical tessellation {p, q} has lines of symmetry of 1 or 2 or 3 types according as the symbol {p, q} contains 0 or 1 or 2 even numbers·As another instance,{4, 3,4} has planes of symmetry of three types (see page 71)because the graph卜 4今一峥 :t一确 is divided into three pieces by the removal of the two branches marked 4. 5·7.Wythoff's construction.In the graph " P - y for a right一angled triangle,the three nodes represent the three sides: the first and second inclined at二加,and the second and third at 二/q, while the fu-st and third (not being directly joined by a
号5.7] WYTHOFF’S CONSTRUCTION 87 branch)are perpendicular.These nodes can equally well be regarded as representing the respectively opposite vertices:one where the angle is二/q, one where it is二/2, and one where it is 二加.By drawing a ring around one of the nodes,we obtain a convenient symbol for the tessellation or polyhedron whose vertices are all the transforms of the corresponding vertex of the fundamental region,i.e.,all the points 0 or 1 or 2 in Fig.4·5A, Thus the modified graphs ④下4下确卜万母万,卜万令二@ which can just as well be drawn as C卜于, 尸U < a-一、--一一 (r u represent the respective tessellations fp, q}, In fact,the Schlafli symbols for the modified graphs. (p} !q{ may (or polyhedra) {q, p}. be regarded as abbreviations Simi,二‘y}△一‘s一“一“ve symbol for {3, 6},‘一二一 represents the polygon {p},and@is the analogous one- dimensional figure一一a line一segment· In any of the graphs 5·62,the four nodes originally represent the four faces of the tetrahedron,but can equally well be regarded as representing the respectively opposite vertices,namely (in the notation of Fig.4·7A): r七‘口 。口 0 1 2 3 奋~--一闷卜~一-一-月卜一~-~. n 0 24 3 By drawing a for the honey corresponding ring around one of the nodes,we obtain a symbol comb whose vertices are all the transforms of the vertex of the fundamental region.Thus the modified graph 0 4 0一 4-育闷or气~-~二沟
88 REGULAR POLYTOPES represents the regular honeycomb {4, 3,4};similarly d卜针丫|卜 n| a 卜丁矩)一州卜丁. 1网‘‘,声r 4 nO4 represents the semi一regular honeycomb 、『}_. or卜一灯@ or )、_‘、、 I011、 represents the. quasi一regular honeycomb (_3)_ 一3. .‘一In tact (’生) rd 、On I工Ja symbols{ and j 3,3} t‘4) may be regarded as abbreviations 4 nO4 two of these graphs,namely 《万 and (I&)-,-- It is important to notice that the honeycombs automatically contain faces and cells. graphs for the polyhedra the graphs for the various 5·8.Pappus's observation concerning reciprocal regular poly- hedra.In the fourth century A.D.,Pappus observed that an icosahedron and a dodecahedron can both be inscribed in the same sphere in such a manner that the twelve vertices of the former lie by threes on four parallel circles,while the twenty vertices of the latter lie by fives on the same four circles.What is the general theory underlying this observation ? In the trihedral kaleidoscope which illustrates the group [p,q] of order q (see 5·43),any object will give rise to g images, including the object itself. When the object, which we take to be a point, is moved towards a vertex PO or P, or P2 of the funda- mental region (or towards the line of intersection of two of the three mirrors),the images approach one another in sets of 2q or 4 or即,at all the points 0 or 1 or 2.This shows clearly that the numbers of elements of fp,q} are 5·81 No=9/2q, Nl一9'/4, N2=Y/纱 (c f. 1·71). For any discrete group of congruent transformations,and any two points P and Q,we can prove that the distances from P to all
QU 8 务5.8] RECIPROCALPOLYHEDRA the trap Qtoall equal (in sforms of Q are the transforms of P. some order) to the distances from In fact formation, }.0一1 r0 the point-pair P,QS is if S is any congruent trans- congruent to the point一pair ,Q,from which it can be derived by applying S.Letting S denote each operation of the group in turn, we see that the various positions of Qs are all the transforms of Q,while the various positions of PS一1 are all the transforms of P. In particular, if the group is [p, q],and P, Q are P2, PO, then the transforms of Q coincide in sets of 2q at the vertices of {p, q}, while those of P coincide in sets of知at the vertices of {q, p}; and we deduce that the distribution of vertices of {p,q} according to their distances from a vertex of the reciprocal {q, p}agrees with the distribution of vertices of {q, p}according to their distances from. a vertex of its reciprocal {p, q}·In other words, if we distribute the vertices of {p,q} in circles,according to their various distances from the centre of one face,and then do the same for {q, p},we will find that the two systems of circles are similar, and that the numbers of vertices occurring on corre- sponding circles are proportional (in the ratio p:q). For instance,the twelve vertices of {3, 5}lie by threes on four circles in parallel planes,and the twenty vertices of {5, 3}lie by fives on four circles in parallel planes;these can be taken to be the same four planes,provided the position and size of the two polyhedra are so adjusted that the planes of two opposite faces are the same for both.(This is二case where two polyhedra of reciprocal kinds are considered together without being in their actually reciprocal positions,) The corresponding result for{3,, 4} and {4, 3},where two opposite faces account for all the vertices,is an immediate conse- quence of the fact that two reciprocal polyhedra which have the same circum-radius have also the same in-radius (see 2.21).The case of {3, 6}and {6, 3}, where we distribute the vertices in con- centric circles,is again very simple,as the two tessellations can be so placed that the vertices of the former are alternate vertices of the latter (see Fig.4·2D). More complicated results of the same nature can be obtained by taking P to be P1,while Q distribution of distances from vertices of is still Po. We then compare the {p,q}, according to their various vertices of)P’) (q) the mid-point ·according to of an edge,with the distribution of their various distances from the
90 centre of a {q} in sets REGULAR POLYTOPES C' 5·9 e.g.,the vertices of the dodecahedron, distributed 2+4+2+4+2+4+2, can lie hedron in the same seven planes as the vertices of the icosidodeca- distributed in sets 3一6+3+6+3+6+3. Again,we may apply the same theory to the group [4, 3,4],taking Q to be a vertex of {4,3,4},while P is (say)the centre of“square face.we then find that the vertices of {4,3,4},distributed into sets‘4十8+8十16+12+8斗一24+… can lie on the same infinite sequence of concentric spheres as the 4 nO4 !︺1 vertices of distributed into sets 12+24一}一24十48一{一3 6 d- 2 4 -f- 7 2 d NI Q X1 () 、、\J \ \ L P N K K 一一rP () H; 0 [4, 4] [3, 5] FIG.5·9A 5·9.The Petrie polygon and central symmetry·Let R1,R2,R3 denote the reflections in the sides P1 P2,P2 POI PO P1 of the funda- mental region for the group [p,q],where p and q are greater than 2.(It would perhaps have been more natural to call them Ro) R1, R2.)To avoid confusing suffixes,let PO and P1 be re一named 0 and N.The group transforms these into further points K, L,M, P, Q,as in Fig.5·9A.In fact,R1 reflects 0 into M, R2 R1 rotates MN to KL,and R2 R3 rotates MN to QP.Now, KMOQ is part of a Petrie polygon for {p, q} (see ' 2·6),and LNP is part of the corresponding equatorial polygon for R1 R2 R3 transforms KLMNO into MNOPQ; step along the Petrie polygon,and one step {、公{·The operation i.e.,it takes us one along the equatorial polygon. transform, It thus consists of the translation or rotation LN into NP.combined with the reflection in that LNP.
号5·9J CENTRAL INVERSION 91 (This agrees with 3·13,where we saw that the product of three reflections is either a glide-reflection or a rotatory-reflection.) Since the equatorial polygon is an h一gon (see 2·33),the operation Ri R2 R3 is of period h. From 2·34 and 5·81,we see that this period is connected with the order of the group by the simple formulae 5.91 g一h (h -F- 2), g + 1一(h +1)2, h一1/q -f- 1一1. Since g is always even,so also is h. When [p,q] is finite,R1 R2 R3 is a rotatory-reflection involving rotation through 2二/h;therefore(R1 R2 R3)jh is a half-turn or the central inversion according as吉h is even or odd.In the former case the group cannot contain the central inversion unless it also contains the reflection in LNP;and this possibility is excluded by our assumption that p and q are greater than 2. Hence the central inversion belongs to the group沙,q] (p>2, q> 2) 犷and only了告h is odd, and then it is expressible as (R1 R2 R3)'h. The first part of this theorem provides an arithmetical explana- tion for the fact that {3,3}is the only one of the Platonic solids whose vertices do not occur in antipodal pairs. Having observed the connection between the Petrie polygon for伽,q} and the operation R1 R2 R3 of [p, q],we naturally ask what kind of skew polygon is analogously related to the operation R1 R2 R3 R4 of [4, 3,4].Since R1 R2 R3 R4 is a screw一displace- ment,this will certainly be a helical polygon (see page 45).If its sides are edges of {4, 3, 4}, we shall feel justified in calling it a generalized Petrie polygon for that regular honeycomb. Consider the helical polygon KLMNOP…(Fig. 5·9B)which is defined by the property that any three consecutive sides,but no four, belong to a Petrie polygon of a cell (i.e.,of a cube).This will serve our purpose,provided we define the generating reflec- tions as follows:R1 is the reflection in the perpendicular bisector of NO,and R2,R3,R4 are the reflections in the respective planes LMO, LNO,MNO.For these four planes form a suitable quadri- rectangular tetrahedron;and we have LRIR2R3一M一M R4, MRIR2一N一NR4R3, N R1一。一0R4R3R2 whence R1 R, R3 R4 transforms L into M,M into N, and N into 0.
92 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 5.x 5.x.Historical remarks.The general theory of geometrical groups and their fundamental regions was developed by Schwarz (2),Klein,Dyck(1),and Poincare.The sufficiency of the abstract definition 5·31 was established by Witt(1,p.294). The trilledral kaleidoscope(号5·4),which exhibits the trans- forms of a point under a group generated. by reflections,is due to M6bius.*As a means for constructing regular and semi- regular figures,it,s importance is more clearly seen in its extension to four dimensions,which Wythof considered.t The chief novelty 弓二一___,J F工G.J' 9B of the present treatment is the use of graphs('' 5·6, 5·7)·Witt has recently begun to use them too. In ' 5·8 we saw why it happens that the icosahedron and dodeca- hedron can both be inscribed in the same set of four small circles of a sphere.This fact was observed by Pappus of Alexandria (Book III,Props.54一58);it appeared to be purely fortuitous until Wythoff's construction revealed its inner meaning.丰 J·A·Todd(1,pp.226一231)worked out the period of the product of all the generators of each finite group generated by reflections· Its connection with Petrie polygons and the consequent formulae 5·91 are believed to be new. * (pp A1obius 1,pp. 374;3, pp.661,677, 691 (Figs.47, 51,54). See also Hess 3 262一265)and 5;Klein 1,p.24;Coxeter 13, p.390. The original “Kaleido- scope,”invented graph consisting t tivythoff 2; 丰Heath 2, pp by Sir David Brewster about 1816, is here represented by the of two nodes joined by a single unmarked branch. Robinson 1;Coxeter 7. 368一369;Ball 1,p.133;Coxeter 13, p.399.
CHAPTER VI STAR-POLYHEDRA THIS chapter is mainly concerned with the four Kepler一Poinsot polyhedra (which are the first four figures page 49). Having agreed that these are in Plate III,facing polyhedra (according to a slightly modified definition),we cannot deny that they are regular.Thus the number of regular five to nine.In’号6·7 we shall see (in there are no more. polyhedra is raised from three different ways)why 6·1 and let Star-polygons. Let S be a rotation through angle 2二/P) Ao be any point not on the axis of S.Then the points A、一A0 s2(‘一0,士1,士2)…) are the vertices of a regular polygon {p},whose segments Ao A1, A1 A2,A2 A3,…(cf. page 45)· sides are the When p is an integer (greater than 2)this definition is equivalent to that given 介吞书 }3) ‘奋、,︸ 8万 f、L 、.了少 尸‘一曰~ f、几 (尹决卜乒争,入_\}zf 廿誉下V布 Iyl 1己) I10飞 1一3, f旦飞 t11夕 f旦l t4) FI(I. 6-IA in号1·1. But the polygon can be closed without p being integral is merely necessary that the period of S be finite,i.e. rational.We shall still stipulate that p ]2,since ,that p positive .Ie itb rotation rotation through an angle greater than 7r is the same through exhibited in Fig. an angle less than -r. Some 6·1A. as a negative instances are 93
94 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔号6.1 When the rational number p is expressed as a fraction in its lowest terms,such as妥,we denote its numerator and denominator by np and d,·Thus p一n,,/d,,, where np and dp are co-prime in- tegers.(When p is itself an integer, so that the polygon is convex, we naturally write np一2) } dP一1·)The regular polygon {p} is traced out by a moving point which continuously describes equal chords of a fixed circle and returns to its original position after describing np chords and snaking dp revolutions about the centre.Thus there are np vertices and np sides: to一`AIT1一I1 p . When心>1,the sides of the“ extraneous points,which are star-polygon not included The digon,{2},is to be considered as having The number of different regular 1V一goes ,’intersect in certain among the vertices. two coincident sides. (N>2)is evidently 告势(N),where功(N) less than N and co is Euler’s function. -prime to it.* (N= np一dp are c。一prime.) the number of numbers 巧,to which both dp and The number dp is called the density of Ip},as it is the number of sides that will be pierced by a ray drawn from the centre in a general direction.(It is a happy accident that both words “density”and“denominator”begin with“d.”) The interior angle of Ip}is still given by 1·11,as the sum of the np exterior angles is 2d,二·The formulae 1·12 (for the radii) likewise remain valid,and the vertex figure is still a segment of length 21 cos二加;e·g·,the vertex figure of {5}is of length 二一‘l. (Cf. the vertex figure of {5}, which is of length Tl.) But instead of 1·14 we have The area is still S一’2巧l. 6.11 Cp一1 S 1.R一nP12 Cot 77/p (as in 1·13),provided we define it as the sum of the areas of the isosceles triangles which join the centre to the sides.This means that,in stating the area of a star-polygon,we count t times over the portions that are enclosed t times by the sides,for all values of t from 1 to心· The reciprocal. of a {p}is evidently another {p}.If we choose for radius of reciprocation the geometric mean of OR and 1R,the two reciprocal {pj's will be equal;when丐is even, this makes *Poinsot 1,P.23=Haussner 1,P.12
愁6·1]STAR一AND COMPOUND POLYGONS 95 them actually coincide.The simplest of such completely self- reciprocal polygons is the pentagram, {5}· The general regular polygon {p}can be derived from the convex polygon {np}by either of two reciprocal processes:stellating and faceting.In the former process,we retain the positions of the {6 5} {5,音} {2) 3} 131晋} FIG.6.2A sides of {np},and produce them at both ends,all to the same extent,until they meet to form new vertices.In the latter, we retain the vertices of {np}and insert a fresh set of sides,so that each new side The same polygons subtends the same central angle as d- old sides. v尸 two processes also yield the regular compound such as the equal triang Jewish {knp}[k{p}]{knp}, symbol {6}L2{3}]f6}which consists of two les in reciprocal positions.
96 REGULAR POLYTOPESL' 6.2 6·2.Stellating the Platonic solids.Just as the definition of a polygon can be generalized by allowing non一adjacent sides to intersect,so the definition of a polyhedron can be generalized by allowing non一adjacent faces to intersect;and it is natural at the same time to allow the faces to be star一polygons.We proceed to describe four such polyhedra,which are regular according to the definition in ' 2·1:the small stellated dodecahedron V L , 5} and the great stellated dodecahedron{晋,3},whose faces are pelota- grams (five or three at each vertex);and their respective re- ciprocals,「the great dodecahedron {5,霆}and the great icosahed ron {3,音},whose vertex figures are pentagrams。(See Fig. 6.2A and Plate III, Figs.1,3,2,4.)We can construct these“Kepler-- Poinsot polyhedra”by stellating or faceting the ordinary dodecahedron and icosahedron. In order to stellate a polyhedron, we have to extend its faces symmetrically until they again form a polyhedron.To investigate all possibilities,we consider the set of lines in which the plane of a particular face would be cut by all the other faces (sufficiently extended),and try to select regular polygons bounded by sets of these lines.For the tetrahedron or the cube,the only lines are the sides of the face itself. (The opposite face of the cube yields no line of intersection.)In the case of the octahedron,the faces opposite to those which immediately surround the particular face 111 meet the plane in a larger triangle 222 (Fig.6·2B) whose sides 22 are bisected by the points 1.The eight large triangles so derived from all the faces form the stella octangula {4, 3}[2{3,3}]{3,4}. (Plate III, Fig·5·) Let us now stellate the dodecahedron {5, 3},of which one face 11111 is shown in Fig.6·2c.*By stellating this pentagon we obtain the pentagram 22222,which is a face of{普,5}·The large pentagon that has the same vertices 22222 is a face of {5,晋一}· By stellating this pentagon we obtain the large pentagram 33333, which is a face of 15,3}·(Thus the great stellated dodecahedron is literally the“stellated great dodecahedron.”)The process now terminates,since the ten lines of Fig.6·2c account for all the other faces of {5, 3},the twelfth face being parallel to 11111. To make sure that these stellations are single polyhedra,not compounds like the stella octangula, we observe that adjacent faces of {5, 3}or {5, `;-} stellate into adjacent faces of{号,5}or *Cf. Haussner 1,PP.55-57 (Figs.97一3?).This little book has beautiful shaded dra xings at the end.
芍6·2] THEKEPLER一POINSOT POLYHEDRA respectively, so many faces as has twelve faces that in the old (as well each case the new 97 polyhedron {5, z }, being reciprocal to as twelve vertices). FIG.6·2B FIG.6·2c FIG. 6.2D Since{孚一,3}has the vertices of a dodecahedron,its reciprocal must be obtainable by stellating the icosahedron.*The eighteen lines of Fig.6·2D are the intersections of the plane of the face 111 *For a full account of all kinds of stellated icosahedra, see Coxeter, Du Val, Flather, and Petrie 1. G
98 REGULAR POLYTOPES ['6-2 of {3,5}with the planes of all the other faces save the opposite one.Their tangential barycentric coordinates,referred to the triangle 111,are the permutations of (1, 0, 0),(二,1, 0),(二,1, T-x), (1, 1,二一‘). They forth six concentric equilateral triangles,111,333,3‘3'3', 666,6'6'6',777, each of which leads to a set of twenty when we apply the rotations of the icosahedral group.The twenty triangles 333 have no common sides,but when taken along with the twenty triangles 3‘3'3' they form the compound of five octahedra, ["{3,4}]2{3,5}·(See page 49.)The twenty triangles 666, and the twenty triangles 6‘6'6',are the faces of the two compounds of five tetrahedra f55 3}[5{3, 3}」{3,5}, which are enantiomorphous and reciprocal,and which together form the compound of ten tetrahedra,2{5,3}[10{3,3}]2{3, 5}. Finally, the twenty triangles 777 are the faces of the“great icosahedron”{3,r}. Having now constructed all the four Kepler一Poinsot polyhedra, we can record their properties戈,as in Table I (page 292).We observe that N1一30 in every case;in fact,the edges of {5,z} coincide with those of {3,5},while fi-)2,3}has longer edges lying in the same lines·Similarly, the edges of{晋,5}coincide with those of {3,2-},and lie along the same lines as those of {5, 3}· The construction shows also that the six pentagonal polyhedra 、L‘少 ~介一2 ~月一91 r少t 6·21 {3,5},{5, 3},{音,5},{5,名}, 3},{3, all have the same symmetry group [3, 5],and the same (icosa- hedral)rotation group. 6·3.Faceting the Platonic solids.The above method is quite perspicuous when one has models to compare with the diagrams; but it would not be of much use to an inhabitant of Flatland.* The reciprocal method of“faceting,”however, lends itself more naturally to systematic treatment. It is sometimes helpful to employ the following terminology. The core of a star-polyhedron or compound is the largest convex solid that can be drawn inside it,and the case is the smallest convex solid that can contain it;e.g.,the stella octangula has an octahedron for. icosahedron has core and a cube for its case,while the great an icosalledron for its core and another icosa- *Abbott 1.
号6·3] SYSTEMATIC FACETING 99 hedron for its case.The compound or star-polyhedron may be constructed either by stellating its core (which has the same face一planes)or by faceting its case (which has the same vertices). Thus stellating involves the addition of solid pieces,while faceting involves the removal of solid pieces. For the systematic treatment of faceting, we first distribute the vertices of a Platonic solid n (the“case”)in sets, according to their distances from a single vertex, 0.This is easily done with the aid of coordinates(号3·7).If the v vertices at distance “from 0 include the vertices of a {q} of side a, then each side of this {q} forms with 0 an equilateral triangle,and we have a {3, q} inscribed in H.More generally, if the v vertices at distance a include the vertices of a {q} of side b,where b/a=2 cos二加 (for some rational value of p),and if a {p}of side occur among the vertices of II,then we have a {p,q} a is known to inscribed inn. If that the vertices '/ of {q} are the only verb ces ofn distant a from 0,then either with the same vertices asn, AVe find a single polyhedron {p,4j or (if lp,qj has fewer vertices than fl) we find several such polyhedra forming a vertex-regular compound II[d{p),}], as fp,q}. polyhedron include the On the other is ruled out. vertices of c W's (C>1),we find a compound cII[d{p,q}1, such that H has d/c times as many vertices as lp,q}.Then,if d/c is an integer, say d',it may be possible to pick out d' of the d {p, q}'s so as to form IZ[d'{p,q}],but we cannot assume this without geometrical investigation.(These details seem rather elaborate,but they will facilitate our understanding of the analogous four一dimensional procedure in ' 14·3·) To carry out the required distribution of vertices of 11,we observe that the first set (after the point 0 itself) is at distance 21, and belongs to a section similar to the vertex figure.If H is the tetrahedron or the octahedron,the distribution is then complete (apart from the single opposite vertex of the octahedron).Other- wise,there is another set, antipodal to the first,at distance 2 11?. If II is the cube or the icosahedron,the distribution is again com-
100 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 6.4 plete.There remain for consideration two sets of six vertices of the dodecahedron.Using the coordinates 3·76 for a dodecahedron of edge 2T-1, we find that the plane x+y+:=1 contains the six vertices (0,一二一1,二),(1,一1, 1))(二,0,一二一1), (1, 1,一1),(一二一1,二,0),(一1,1,1), which we are inclined to dismiss as an irregular hexagon,until we notice that they form two crossed triangles of side 2斌2.These vertices are distant 2 from(1,1,1),and by reversing signs we find another such set distant 2丫2. The various Platonic solids 14 (other than the tetrahedron and octahedron,which obviously make no contribution)are system- atically faceted in the following table.For simplicity we take the edge of II as our unit of measurement (so that l一2). 11 a v q b bla 夕 Result Cube 1 侧2 3 3 3 3 丫2 斌2 侧2 1 4 3 {4, 3} itself Two tetrahedra Icosahedron 1 丁 “{ “{ 5 5 5 5 ‘) 1 丁 1 丁 1 T 丁-1 1 3 5 3 {3,5} itself 15,普} I A2) 51 {3,合} Dodecahedron 1 丁 丁丫2 丁2 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 T 丁斌2 丁丫2 丁 了 斌2 1 丁一1 5 4 3 5 ·{5,3} itself Five cubes (c= 2) Five or ten tetra- hedra {鲁,3} The only case where the location of伽}is not obvious is in the last line of the table.Alternate vertices of the dodecahedron's Petrie polygon form a pentagon of side T, which has the same vertices as the desired pentagram of side二2.In Fig. 3·6E (where the peripheral decagon is the projection of a Petrie polygon),the pentagon is 12 23 34 45 51,and the pentagram is 12 34 51 23 45. 6·4.The general regular polyhedron.Most of the properties of Ip,q}, as described in Chapter II, hold with but slight modifica- tions when p or q is fractional.Pairs of reciprocal polyhedra can still be arranged so that corresponding edges bisect each other at right angles,as in '2·2;and the actual vertex figures of two such reciprocal polyhedra are the faces of a quasi-regular poly-
号6.4] hedron一P, 'q) the middle QUASI一REGULAR STAR一POLYHEDRA 101 (5/2)(5/2')__. 1.e.,‘一or一。A,一In TV. 6.4A, the -Doint seen in (‘0)LJ)lJ‘.L is really at the bottom of a pit (bounded by three FIG. 6-4A (12 pentagrams, 12 pentagons) FIG. 6.48 (12 pentagrams, 20 triangles) rhombs,which are parts of three large pentagons).Similarly, the small pentagon in the middle of Fig.6·4B is at the bottom of a pit
102 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号6·4 (bounded by five irregular pentagons,which are parts of five large triangles). As in the convex case, so here, the reciprocal of{、召{ has rhombic faces whose:diagonals are the edges of {p, q} and {q, p}·In Fig. 6·4c,parts of three rhombs have been made transparent to reveal one of the twelve internal vertices (whence the broken lines radiate).At the middle of Fig。6·4D we look down on a“rosette”,somewhat like a corner of 15,},protruding from.the bottom of a pit (bounded by parts of five large rhoinbs). The Petrie’ polygon of {p, q} can be defined as in ' 2·6,and the mid-points of its sides still form一quatorial polygon。‘{琴{一 which is ail {h}, where h is given by 2·33.The rational number h is not necessarily an integer, so the number of sides of the Petrie polygon is the numerator, ii,,, and the total number of Petrie polygons (or of equatorial polygons)is 2N1ln,,.But two equatorial polygons may intersect at other points than vertices,so 2·34 is no longer valid. Actually h is 6 for{晋,5} or {5, 5}, and ? J >- for f 06,)) 3} or {3,},while Ni一30 in each case, so the number of such polygons is 10 for the first two polyhedra, and 6 for the last two. (Figs.6·2A and 6·4A, B are analogous to Figs.2·6A and 2·3A.) Formulae 2·41一2·45 continue to hold,provided we interpret心 as in 6·11.Analogously, the volume is still given by 2·46, provided we define it as the sum of the volumes of the pyramids which join the centre to the faces一This means that,in stating the.volume of a star-polyhedron,eve count t times over the portions that are enclosed t times by the faces,enclosure by the pentagonal core of a pentagram counting twice.The maximum value of t, which occurs at the centre (and throughout the core of the polyhedron),is called the density of {p, q},and is denoted by dP1,·In other words,the density is the number of intersections the faces make with a ray drawn from the centre in a general direction (counting two intersections for penetrating the core of a pentagram). In order t一o obtain a formula for dA,,we compute the number of tunes the surface of the concentric unit sphere is covered when we make a radial projection of the faces,as in ' 2·5.Each face projects into a spherical {p}of angle 2二/q, which can be divided into np isosceles triangles by joining its centre to its vertices,
夸6·4] RHOMBIC STAR一POLYHEDRA 103 Fla.0·4c Small stellated triaconta- hedron (30 rhornbs) FIG.G-4D Great stellated triaconta- lledron (30 rhombs)
104 There are spherical REGULAR POLYTOPES【号6.4 two such triangles for every edge of {p, q}, and each has excess 7T. 、!// ,.1 一 _2仃万仃 万=一十一+-- - 7T =-- P q q 2 2 + p q ,l N \、! 11-2 一 1llq孟 + 1-夕 /1、\ The multiply一covered sphere 2N1E, obtaining 6.41 dp,,一 has area 47d-_,which we equate to P>笙'孟 Thus the 1/N1 of 1·72 has to be replaced by dp, q1-Y1·(Of course the density of a convex polyhedron is 1.)we note incidentally that心,,一dq,,:reciprocal polyhedra have the same density. Another way of reckoning the total area of the 2N1 isosceles triangles is to observe that their angles together amount to 2dg7r at each vertex of {p, q}, and 2心二at the centre of each spherical {p}.Subtracting二for each triangle,we obtain the total area 27r(dq No-+-丐N2一N1),whence 6.42 dq N。一N1-}-- dp N2一2dp,q . These two expressions for心,,,the latter of which is a generaliza- Lion of Euler's Formula,are deducible from each other with the aid of the obvious relations 6.43 nq No一2N1一np N (cf. 1·71). For the six pentagonal polyhedra 6·43 and 6·41,obtaining N2一60/巧, 即一q + 30一夕 dp,。一 6·21,we can write N1=30 in N。一60/nq, and 一15. Thus{音,5} density 7. and {5,一霆-} have density 3, This means e·9·, core that a while{音,3}and {3,晋}have ray drawn from the centre of {2, 5} penetrates the of one pentagram and one of the peripheral triangles of another. 6·5.A digression on Riemann surfaces.The multiply一covered sphere considered above is an instance of a Riemann surface;in fact it is a case where three or seven sheets are connected at twelve simple branch-points. The general Riemann surface consists of an 7n一sheeted sphere (or m almost coincident,almost spherical surfaces)with the sheets connected at certain branch-points (or“winding-points”).At a
RIEMANN SURFACEs 105 branch-point of order r一1, r sheets are connected in sucn a way that,when we make a small circuit around the point, we pass from one sheet to another, and continue thus until all the r sheets have been taken in cyclic order. Our path is like a helix of very small pitch,save that the rth turn takes us back to the starting point.(This makes it impossible to construct an actual model without extraneous intersections of sheets.)In other words,the total angle at an ordinary point is still 2二,but the total angle at a branch-point of order r-1 is 2r-r. The method used above,to establish 6·42,can be adapted to prove 6·51 the well一known formula p=-1E (r一1)一m+1 for the genus of a Riemann surface.*For this purpose,let us “triangulate”the Riemann surface by taking on it a sufficiently large number of points,say No, including all the branch-points, and joining suitable pairs of them by N1 geodesic arcs so as to form N2 spherical triangles.Since the sum of all the angles of all the triangles amounts to 27 for each ordinary vertex and 2r?r for each branch-point of order r一1,the total spherical excess is 2二〔1 \TO+E (r一1)]一N27T. Equating this to the total area 4-,Tm, we obtain N。一2N2+Z (r一1)一2m. Since the faces of the map are triangles,we have 2N1一3N2;so No一N1+N:一-AT。一2 N2+N:一No一2N:一2m一Y (r一1). By 1·62,this is equal to 2一2p.Thus 6·51 is proved· In particular, for any one of the Kepler一Poinsot polyhedra we have 7n一呜,, and E (r-1)一12;so the genus is (or directly from the value and {5, 1}are of genus 4, of N。一NJ+N2),the while the other two, 7一dP1,·Hence polyhedra{晋,5} in spite of their more complicated appearance,are simply一connected. 6·6.Isomorphism.A polyhedron may be described“ab- stractly”by assigning symbols to the vertices and writing down the cycles of vertices that belong to the various faces.For instance,the cube (Fig.3·6B)is given by the abstract description 12‘34',2‘31'4, 31'24',1‘23'4, 23‘14',3'12'4. *For the usual topological proof, see, e·g.,Ford 1,pp.221一227.
106 REGULAR POLYTOPES 【号’6·6 Two polyhedra that have the same abstract description (e.g.a cube and a parallelepiped)are said to be isomorphic.This means that they are topologically equivalent, or that they form the same map;e·g.,every zonohedron is isomorphic to an equilateral zonohedron(号2·S).Two isomorphic polyhedra evidently have the same genus,and their reciprocals are likewise isomorphic. A cycle of five vertices may represent a pentagram just as well as“pentagon·Also,{5,3}and{一二,3}have the same numerical properties (apart from density),and both are simply一connected. It is therefore not surprising to find that the dodecahedron and the great stellated dodecahedron are isomorphic.This is most easily seen by comparing the two dodecaliedra of Fig.6·6A.The first of FIG. 6"6A these is repeated from Fig.3·6E,and the second is derived by transposing any two of the_symbols 1,2, 3, 4, 5, faceting the first dodecahedron (as in ' 6· say 4 and 5.By abstract description 3) which has the same aS we the obtain second hedron;e·g.,the large pentagram 12 34 51 23 45 in appears as a face of the second. a{- 3} dodeca- the first We saw, in号3·6, that the rotation group of the dodecahedron is the alternating group on the symbols 1,2,3, 4, 5.(The whole group [3, 5],of order 120, is derived from this by adjoining the central inversion,which replaces each pair ii by ji.)A trans- position such as (4 5)is not a symmetry operation,though it transforms the rotation group into itself;i.e.,it transforms the icosahedral group according to an“outer auto niorphis in”.it is interesting to see this automorphism represented as the change from fa-,3}to{ri2,3},or vice versa. Reciprocally,the icosaliedron {3,5}and the. great icosahedron
号6.7] {3} 2 J ISOMORPHISll 107 are isomorphic. ,5}and the So also are the small stellated dodeca- hedron secutive great dodecahedron sides of the faces of these polyhedra of the faces of {5,3}and { ;,3},respectively. 2};for, the con- the alternate sides (See Fig.6-2c.) .”一2 rJ屯 Again,the phic,while quasi一re- ular -Dolvlledra 工t夕.Lf are isomor- d n a !11) 9口5 S ;.几 !lrl 9曰 广七J苦了了 尸O ,5/2、 (、5! 0r “automorphic” .!3) (5/2! in the sense that its pentagons and pentagrams can be interchanged without altering its abstract description. To sure up,any pentagonal polyhedron leads to an isomorphic polyhedron when we chauge 5 and二 into一and 5 wherever these FIG.6-6B numbers occur in the Schlafli symbol.It follows that the metrical properties of two such polyhedra (see Table I) are derived from each other by the interchange of二一2 cos -J二and二一‘一2 cos一 5.二· Fig.6·6B is a scheme of the six pentagonal polyhedra, arranged round a circle.Reciprocal polyhedra are joined by horizontal lines,marked with their common density;and isomorphic poly- hedra are diametrically opposite to each other.(Cf. Fig.14·2A.) 6·7.Are there only nine regular polyhedra? Platonic solids and the four Kepler一Poinsot Besides the five polyhedra, might there not be others,such as {;-)J,4}) 名一},or{晋,3}? We shall ~月一9曰 了,、L describe three methods for answering this question. The first and most obvious method begins with a proof that every regular polyhedron has the same vertices as a Platonic solid (and the same face一planes as a Platonic solid).For this purpose,
108 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 6·7 we observe that the rotation group of {p,q} must admit an axis of nq-fold rotation through each vertex (and an axis of n,一fold rotation through the centre of each face).But we saw in ' 3·8 that the only finite rotation groups admitting more than one axis of more than 2一fold rotation are the tetrahedral,octahedral,and icosahedral groups.Thus the rotation group of {p,q} must be one of these. Having established this lemma,we can appeal to ' 6·3, where we found all the regular polyhedra that have the same vertices as a Platonic solid. Since{52,4}){52,名},t 7-- } 31, etc.,are not among these,they must be ruled out.We can,of course,begin to con- struct such a polyhedron;but it will never close up.In other words,the density is infinite,and the rotation group is not discrete. Similar considerations enable us to assert that there are no regular star一tessellations.In fact,such tessellations as{福,10} or{爵,8}would have centres of rotation other than digonal, trigonal,tetragonal,and hexagonal, contrary to 4·32. This first method has involved a preliminary consideration of the Platonic solids and their rotation groups,followed by a deduction of the Kepler-Poinsot figures by faceting. It places the two sets of polyhedra in different categories.The following second method cuts across this distinction,allowing no privilege for convexity;in fact the 9 polyhedra arise as 3+6, instead of 5+4. If {p,q} has a finite number of edges,its Petrie polygon must have a finite number of sides;therefore h, like p and q, must be rational. that Instead of h, we use another rational number r, such 1 1 h 2 This notation enables us to write 2·33 in the symmetrical form + 7T一q + 7T一尹 6·71 cost ni-,n2 七t声i7) 。7T, 门了、。G_1 勺气少0——1 Every regular polyhedron {p,q} corresponds to a solution of this equation in rational numbers greater than 2. There are,of course,dihedra lp,2}(h一p)for all rational of p;but they them among the are not proper polyhedra,so we do not values count nine. There are also plane tessellations,for
96·7] THE PETRIE POLYGON 109 which r= 2 and h一00;but the present method fails to reveal those that are infinitely dense.In fact,6·71 is a necessary but not obviously sufficient condition for {p, q} to have a finite density, and it is only by“good fortune”that there are no extraneous solutions with r>2. Gordan showed long ago*that the only solutions of the equation 6·72 1+cos Y'1+cos }2+cos 03=0 (0<势;<二), in angles commensurable with 7r, are the permutations of (3二,3二,2二)and of (23二,25二,4二)·Putting 01一2,7rlp, }2一2Tr/q, Y'3- 2二/r, we obtain, as solutions of 6.71 in rational numbers p, q, r, the three permutations of(3,3,4)and the six permutations of(3, r), 55 5 2);these yield the nine polyhedra {3, 3},{3141, {4, 3},{3,5},{5, 3},{3,普},{晋一,3{},{5,5, 2},{5, 51, for which r=4, 3, 3,名,名,5,5, 3, 3, i.e., h一4, 6, 6,10, 10,号里,1爹1,6, 6· In spite of its elegance,this second method suffers from two disadvantages:first,it depends on the difficult theorem that Gordan's equation 6·72 has no further solutions;second,it is useless for the analogous problem of regular tessellations in the plane.The following third method,like the first,is valid for plane as well as spherical tessellations.}- Moreover, it depends only on the enumeration一of groups generated by reflections (' 5·4),which is considerably easier than the more familiar enumeration of rotation groups('3·8). Consider any polyhedron {p, q}, where p and q are rational numbers greater than 2.In ' 6·4 we projected its faces onto a sphere (covered dp,,times)and divided each of the spherical fpJ's into np isosceles triangles·We now subdivide each isosceles triangle into two equal right一angled triangles 012, where 0 is a vertex,1 the mid-point of a projected edge,and 2 the centre of a projected face.Clearly, the angles of such a triangle are二/q} 二/2,7/p, and its sides are lines of symmetry of the spherical tessellation,as in ' 4·5.The symmetry group of fp,q} is generated *Gordan 1,p.35. fi It is even valid for hyperbolic tessellations.See Coxeter 17, pp.262一264.
110 by reflections in REGULAR POLYTOPES「号6.7 these sides,and its operations transform one triangle into the whole set of 4N1 triangles,which cover the sphere dP,,times·In other words,we regard the group as operating on a Riemailn surface;if p or q is fractional, there is a branch-point of order d,一1 or d,一1 wherever an angle -jrlp or二/q occurs. In this sense the triangle is a fundamental region for the group (cf. ' ")·3)even when dp,、>1·The same group,considered as operating on the single一sheeted sphere,is generated by reflections in the sides of a smaller triangle ti0iose angles are submult勿les of二,i.e.,it must be one of tale groups L2,,*],[3,3],[3,4],[3,J], say[,,、,7z]. But the 4N1 small triangles (with angles二/,,,、,二/2, 二/n)cover the sphere just once,whereas the same number of large triangles (with angles -,T 二/2,二//q) cover dp,, t 1nles。 Hence each large triangle is issected mirrors 厂甲.11 声.J,.1 J产者了︸‘ into exactly d-_small triangles.(Cf. } 5 ‘尸,Y v、。 (by“virtual ·2.) Let(二Y:)denote a triangle with angle。二加, notation,a triangle so we write The two cases (p 2 q) is dissected into心,。 (p 2 q)一dp),(in 2n). -IT/y, 7T/z.In this triangles (7n 2 n), (名2句一3(325), (二23)一7(325) are illustrated in Fig.6·7A.This is the easiest way to see that the densities of f;-)2,5}and,3}are 3 and 7· Instead of deriving the triangle (p 2 q) froin a given polyhedron l7},q},二?e can just as well derive .the polyhedron(by Wythoff's construction)from a suitable triangle.In the notation of ' 5·7, 1P,、}i5 @~一闷卜一一 pU even when p or q is fractional.It remains to be seen what frac- tional values p and q may have. Since repetitions of one angle of the small triangle (m 2 n) must fit into each angle of the large triangle (p 2 q),the angles二加and -r/q must each be a multiple of either二/。or二/n;i.e., the numerators of the rational numbers p and q must each be a divisor of either,,*or n.Now, if m and n are greater than 2, one of them must be 3, and the other 3 or 4 or 5.Hence,setting aside the dihedron fp,2},which evidently occurs for every polygon {p},
' 6. the 7] THECHARACTERISTIC TRIANGLE 111 only possible regular star一polyhedra are {晋,5}, reciprocals,and Z}·But this last possibility is {音,3},their ruled out by 口aJ工 了,改t﹄ the consideration that the liiid一points of its edges would be the zA F1G,.6·7A vertices of 。5/21 (5/2, 一抬,外(See 4.21· In other words,we could bisect the right angle which is inadmissible. The impossibility of of the triangle )to obtain(音24), 5一2 2 5玄 辱飞may alternatively be seen as follows. u少%/ V ~a一2 r少1、 FIG.6·7B The fifteen lines of symmetry (or planes of symmetry)of the icosahedron divide the sphere into 120 triangles(325),fifteen of which form an octant (or trirectangular triangle)XYZ,as in Fig. G·7B.If any set of triangles(325)form a triangle (p 2 q), where p,q are rational and greater than 2, we can take the two
112 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 6.8 perpendicular sides of (p 2 q) to lie along ZX and ZY. The tri- angles ABZ and BCZ of Fig. 6·7A are the only possibilities.For, the three arcs AB,BC,CD,their images by reflection in YZ,ZX, XY, and the latter arcs themselves,account for all the fifteen great circles. The same method can be applied to plane tessellations {p, q}, using plane triangles instead of spherical triangles.Here the group can only be [3, 6] or [4, 4] (as A. provides no right angles, and〔二]x[二」no acute angles), so the numerators of p and q must occur among the rmlnbers 3,4, 6.Thus neither p nor q can be fractional,and, we see again that there are no regular star- tessellations. We could use an analogous argument to prove that there are no regular star-honeycombs.But it is simpler to observe that,if a honeycomb {p,q, r} has cell fp,q} and vertex figure {q, r}, as in ' 4.6, then the dihedral angle of the cell is 2二/r, where r一3, 4, 5, or雹·On referring to Table I we see that,of the nine regular polyhedra,only the cube has such a dihedral angle.Therefore fP,q, r} can only be {4, 3,4}. 6·8.Schwarz's triangles.The above considerations (especially Fig.6·7A)suggest a snore general problem which was proposed and solved by Schwarz in 1873:to find all spherical triangles which lead,by repeated reflection in their sides,to a set of congruent triangles covering the sphere a finite number of times.*Clearly the reflections generate a group [2,n] or [3,3] or [3, 4] or [3,5]· Hence the sides and their transforms dissect such a triangle (p q,’)into a set of congruent triangles(22n)or(323)or (324)or(325).We can thus distinguish four families of “Schwarz’s triangles”. Replacing each vertex in turn by its antipodes,we derive from (p q,’)three colunar triangles (p q' r' (p' q r' (p‘q' r), where 1一尸 十 1一r 1, 1, 1一了 + 1一q 一一 1一厂 止· 1一尹 In other words,two angles are replaced by their supplements.In Table III (on page 296),colunar triangles are placed together on one line,in increasing order of size. *Schwarz 2, p.321:“Alle spharischer Dreiecke zu finden…”
号s·8] SCHWARZ,S PROBLEM The largest triangles of each family, bein& col smallest, are u}} r七o theT (22、‘),(号一2鲁),(普24.>),(3 2备)· All the others can be obtained by systematic dissection four in accordance with the formula 6·81 (pqr)==(pxrj)+(二‘q r2), where and 1一r 一一 1一几 十 1一rl 7r/7r.7T 7r.7r\/_亡__7r 一={cos一sin一一cos一sin一1/s一 x'\q r1 p r2,1/r cos二/x (which is obtained by equating two cO:命 仃 cos一=一 x This expression expressions for cos RX in Fig.6·8A)need never be used in practice, since the particular triangles are all visible in Fig.4·5A on p·66· FIG.6·8A The following special cases of 6·81 will be used in ' 14·8: n dl+d2 卜'22影十一22分 9曰 2 ,产.了,沙,夕.了. 、、口产、,.声产、几./‘、.口了、..产.、‘万产、.口了 233 323 253 一墓一55 35 5恋5恋5一2 9曰n口gd 1。︸25一3.。一35一3 介09曰介OnQ 25.。一22 了叮几、了‘吸、2‘吸、了口、、 SOOnO 35512 姆协俘暗惜暗烤 +十+十+++ ‘、.‘.夕‘、.刃了、、.才夕、、.户.、.,产、、刀产、..了. 55555恋33 5︷2.打一425一235一25一2 怜佰暗浮浮怜浮 一-一-一---一一一一一- ‘、..声.‘、.刀产、、口尹、,.产‘、、,产‘.、.,了. 3一23恶 35 5一2 2 2‘‘、月矛.,、 、,J咨‘、..万了‘、,月J夕、..了产、、.了J、、,1、.11 ~介一25︷25 55n0 29曰2 J矛‘.、.了‘.、.了‘吸、了叮.、了‘.、、J了.、、了‘.、. +++++++ 、吸,了、、刀了、、.了‘、.口了‘、、刃声、!了‘、.,了 33355.。125 23玄23222 nOgJ59曰QJ5nO /‘.、2..、了了、、/‘龟、了‘.、.了.几、/..、、 一一-一-一--一-一一一- .、.口了、、,声、、.了、1刀尹、、刀尹、,.产、、,了 3一23一23一艺丘25一3互45一2 9J21O555nO 介000109曰nQ5nO 矛口.、‘了‘.、、了夕毛、了‘.、了口.、、了‘、、/百.、、 For gous the sake of to Schwarz’s completeness,here is :to find all plane another problem,analo- triangles which lead,by H
114 REGULAR POLYTOPES 「号6.9 repeated reflection in their sides,to a tessellation covering the plane a finite number of times.Since any such triangle can be built up from repetitions of(333),(424),or(326),there is, besides these three,only (6 6)一(623)+(2 6 3), and this leads t·o a tw。一fold covering of the plane.(Each triangle is counted twice,with opposite orientations,and there is a simple branch-point wherever the angle 2二/3 occurs.) 6·9.Historical remarks.One of the stellated polygons,the pentagram {_}2},may be as old as the seventh century B·C·,for it is said to occur on the vase of Aristonophus found at Caere.* The Pythagoreans used it as a symbol of good health.t The systematic study of star-polygons was begun by a fourteenth- century Englishman,Bredwardin (alias Bradwardinus),who obtained{n,)_ by stellatingd{六{·Kep‘二(‘,pp. 8‘一“3) made a deeper investigation.He observed,in particular (p.104),that the ratio(2l/0R)“for a regular heptagon satisfies the equation z3一7z2+14:一7=0, whose three roots correspond to the three heptagons {7},{2,}}{3}. It was lie also (p.122)who first stellated the dodecahedron to obtain{晋,5}and{音,3}·Strangely enough,although Kepler admitt·ed star一shaped faces,the reciprocal possibility of star- shaped vertices remained unrecognized for two centuries,until Poinsot discovered {5,号}and, {3,}(and rediscovered their reciprocals)in 1809.Cauchy soon proved that any regular polyhedron must have the same face-planes as one of the five Platonic solids,and deduced that no further regular polyhedra can exist·丰The two polyhedra {21,3}and {3,普}were rediscovered by Schldfli (4, pp·52,133),who called them(晋,3)and(3,5)· (I have taken the liberty of changing his round brackets into the more distinctive curly ones.)But against all the indication of his own general results,Schldfli refused to recognize the possibility of{窗,5}and {5,音}(p·134) because he believed that every poly- hedron must satisfy Euler's Formula without modification.The Heath 1, SeeBall .162. p.248, for a pleasant Poinsot 1=Haussner 1 anecdote about this. Cauchy 1=Haussner 1,Pp.49-72. p1, ,pp. 3一48 *条|+十
号6·9] BADOUREAU,HESS,PITSCH 115 modified formula 6·42 is due to Cayley (2,p.127),who is also responsible for the English names“small stellated dodecahedron”, etc.The French and German equivalents*are as follows: 王里,5l,dodecaedre de troisieme espece a faces etoiles, {5,二},dodecaedre de troisieme espece a faces convexes, Sterndodekaeder dritter Art; 、!卜!、、....胜‘..了 dodecaedre de septieme espece, icosaedre de septieme espece, Dodekaeder dritter Art; Sterndodekaeder siebenter Art; Ikosaeder siebenter Art. 、健r‘1、歹 qOS一。1 汽.竺no f、叹f、、 Thus in the present context the word“espece”or“Art” be translated“density”·The symbols{一2,5}and {5,晋 is to }(or rather,:; 5 and 5)were first used in 1915 The quasi-regular polyhedra{5/25{and ,by 。5/2) (3) van Oss (2,p.4). were discovered almost simultaneously by Badoureau in France,Hess in Germany, and Pitsch in Austria.-} Excellent photographs of them have FiG. 6·9A been published by Pitsch(1,Plate I, facing p·64)and Briickner (1,IX 13丰and XI 9).Hess and Pitsch described also their reciprocals (Briickner 1,X 2 8 and XI 17),whose faces are related to those of the triacontahedron in the manner of Fig.6·9A (which is part of the drawing of the“complete face”in Hess 1,Fig.3, Lucas 1,PP.206一208, 224 :夕 .产 、、.了吝L e。1 Badoureau ~占, (Fig Haussner 1,P.105. .117)and 134 (Fig. 120, incomplet *么胜! Pitsch 丰 Taf. 22. Plate 1,PP.132 IX,Fig. 13”,or, as Bruckner himself would put Hess 2; “Fig. 13 p“ ,. ,二。 e IX
116 REGULAR POLYTOPES【号6.9 or Briickner 1,11 18).The rhomb 1 2 1 2 is a face of the triaconta- hedron itself (our Plate 1, Fig.12),2 8 2 8 is a face of the small stellated triacontahedron (Fig.6·4C),and 8 14 8 14 is a face of the great stellated triacontahedron.The double occurrence of the diagonals 2 2 and 8 8 is explained by the observation that {3,5}has the same edges as {5,二),while{舀,5}has the same edges as {3,叠}. The interpretation of the Kepler一Poinsot polyhedra as Riemann surfaces('6·5)was suggested by Du Val about 1930.The notion occurred also to Threlfall(1,P.20),who considered the case of t5,晋}in detail·Riemann(1,pp.124一129)obtained the formula w一2n=2(p一I ), which is the same as 6·51 if we set、=I (r一1)and n=m. The isomorphism of{普,5}and {5,雹一}('6·6)tiaras noticed inde- pendently by M6bius (2,P.555)and Cayley (2,p.127).The explanation in terms of an outer automorphism of the rotation group appears to be new, though the automorphism itself was used by Goursat(1,p.62)in a different connection. In '6·7 tiff e compared three methods for the complete enumera- tion of regular polyhedra (including star-polyhedra).The first method is essentially Cauchy's.The second is based on Petrie's remark that,for a ,polyhedron {p, q} to close up, a necessary condition is the closing of its Petrie polygon.He found that this necessary condition is also sufficient.It is interesting to note that Gordan’s equation 6·72 arose in connection with the enumera- tion of finite groups of rotations;thus the first and second methods are more closely related than they seem. The third method appears to be new.Of course,the essential ideas are due to Schwarz;but he,like Gordan,was not concerned with star-polyhedra. Hessel (2,p.20) observed in 1871 that the Platonic solids are not the only convex polyhedra which have equal faces and equal vertex苏gures.There are also the tetragonal and rhombic di- sphenoids:tetrahedra with isosceles or scalene faces,all alike. If we denote an isosceles triangle by{1+2}and a scalene triangle by{1+1+1},appropriate Schldfli symbols for these disphenoids are{1+2,1+2}and{1+1+1,1+1+1}· Hess(1)considered the possibility of further isohedral-isogonal polyhedra, and found, besides the Kepler一Poinsot figures,the following eight:
号6.9] ISOHEDRAL一ISOGONAL POLYHEDRA 117 、行!产、 114 ++ ,.~4 ++ 1.︸4 、1‘户.夕2 9创 十 ,.工 3+6 一2’ !3+6 t4 {4+4+4 t5 9州 十 1..一 3+6} 2) 1d-2, 3+6) 一了) {1+1+1, t 1十1十‘} 4+4+4! 3) (1+1+1, k Q曰 + ,.几 isomorphic pairs:two These occur in- triacontahedra stellated icosahedra, two stellated two faceted dodecahedra and two faceted decahedra.The faces of the first enneagrams icosido- formed by the nine points 4 and the nine two* are irregular points 8 inFig. 6· 2D (which is Hess's Fig. 2 or 4). Hess remarks (p. 42)that the first has the same vertices aS Of one of the thirteen Archimedean solids,the rhombicosidodecahedron。 course all eight have described in Bruckner 1, the same symmetry group,[3,5].They are pp.207-212;and seven of them are shown in photographs: IX 17,XI 14, —XII 10 and 16 XI 4 and XII 7,XII 8 and 20, XIIIIand17.XII 12 and 21. In a later polyhedra. work Bruckner went further and found many These, however could be excluded by one case (Bruckner 2, mak ping other such some quite natural restrictions; e.g. in p.161)the face is a hexagram two of whose vertices coincide! *They and III). are called DandHin Coxeter Their reciprocals are called D Du Val,Flather, and Petrie 1 (Plates I and H' in Coxeter 15, p.302.
CHAPTER VII ORDINARY POLYTOPES IN HIGHER SPACE POL YT OPE is the general term of the sequence point, segment, polygon, polyhedron,.… Many simple properties of polytopes may be inferred by pure ana,logy:e.g.,2 points bound a segment,4 segments bound.a 、quare,6 squares a cube,8 cubes a hyper一cube,and so on.'7·1 contains some cautionary words about this process of“dimen- sional analogy”.In ' 7·2 we introduce the symbols a3, 93,Y3, and 53 for the tetrahedron,octahedron,cube,and“squared paper”tessellation,and define the general an,凤‘,y" 1 8..'7·3 is a digression on t,he general sphere,which is not a polytope! '7·4 is a more formal introduction to the subject.In ' 7·5 we define the n一dimensional Schlafli symbol, which enables us to read off many properties of a regular polytope at a glance;e.g.,the elements of Jp,q},·,…},besides vertices and edges,are plane faces {1)},solid faces {p,q},and so on.(The number of digits 1),q, r,…is one less than the number of dimensions.)In号7·6 we subdivide the general regular polytope into a number of congruent“characteristic”simplexes,a,nd show how this number is related to other numerical properties.In号7·7 we obtain a criterion limiting the possible values of p,q, r,…,with the con- elusion (in号7·8)that there can only be a few regular figures for each,、>2.In号7·9 we express the dihedral angles of the char- acteristic simplex in terms of p,q,r,…,and see why lp,q, r,…} reciprocates into{…,r, q, p}.The historical remarks in ' 7.x are dominated by the name of one mail,Scllldfli, to whom prac- t.ically all these developments are due· 7·1.Dimensional analogy.There are three ways of approach- ing the Euclidean geometry of four or more dimensions:the axiomatic,the algebraic (or analytical),and the intuitive.The first two have been admirably expounded by Sommerville and Neville,and we shall presuppose some familiarity with such treatises.*Concerning the third,Poincare wrote, Un homme qui y consacrerait son existence arriverait peut一etre a se peindre la quatrieme dimension. *Sommerville 3;Neville 1. 118
号7.11 THE FOURTH DIMENSION 119 Only one or two people have ever attained the ability to visualize hyper一solids as simply and naturally as we ordinary mortals visualize solids;but a certain facility in that direction may be acquired by contemplating the analogy between one and two dimensions,then two and three,and so (by.a kind of extra- polation)three and four. This intuitive approach * is very fruitful in suggesting what results should be expected.However, there is some danger of our being led astray unless we check our results i6th the aid of one of the other two procedures. For instance,seeing that the circumference of a circle is 2二,·, while the surface’ of a sphere is 4-,rr2, we might be tempted to expect the hyper-surface of a hyper-sphere to be 67rr3 or 87rr3. It is unlikely that the use of analogy, unaided by computation, would ever lead us to the correct expression,2仃 2r 37T r Many advocates of the intuitive method fall into a far more insidious error.They assume that,because the fourth dimension is perpendicular to every direction known through our senses,there must be something mystical about it.t Unless we accept Hou- dini's exploits at their face value,there is no evidence that a fourth dimension of space exists in any physical or metaphysical sense·We merely choose to enlarge the scope of Euclidean geometry by denying one of the usual axioms(“Two planes i}-hich have one common point have another”),and we establish the consistency of the resulting abstract system by means of the analytical model wherein a point is represented by an ordered set of four (or more)real numbers:Cartesian coordinates. Little,if anything, is gained by representing the fourth Euclid- can dimension as time.In fact,this idea,so attractively developed by H.G. Wells in The Time Machine, has led such authors as J.W. Dunne (An Experiment with Time) into a serious mis- conception of the theory of Relativity. Minkowski's geometry of space一time is not Euclidean,and consequently has no connection with the present investigation. After these words of warning, we proceed to describe some of the simplest polytopes,following the intuitive approach so far as is safe,and utilizing coordinates whenever they help to clarify the subject. *Abbott 1. f Accord also Hinton incy to Henry More(1614一1687),spirits have four dimensions. See
120 REGULAR POLYTOPEs 「号7·2 7·2.Pyramids,dipyramids,and prisms·In space of no dimen- sions the only figure is a point,110. In space of one dimension we can have any number of points;two points bound a line一segment, ill,which is the one一dimensional analogue of the polygon 112 and polyhedron II3. By joining 110 to another point,we construct fil.By joining Hl to a third point (outside its line)we construct a triangle, the simplest kind of r12.By joining the triangle to a fourth point (outside its plane)we construct a tetrahedron, the simplest 113.By joining the tetrahedron to a fifth point (outside its 3一space!)we construct、pentatope, the simplest II4.(See Fig.7·2A.)The general case is now evident:any n+1 points which do not lie in an(二一1)-space are the vertices of an n-dimen- ·_\介 0〕o--一----~---10 0}---一一----{0‘eeweweee-se一-‘毛 仪口以1 仪2 a3 仪4 FIG.7·2A:Simplexes sional simplex, whose elements of the n+ 1 points, namely the are ve tetrahedra simplexes formed by subsets /n+ 1\ ces themselves,气2尸eages, …,and finally, n-(-1 cells: 、入12/了 ,.上 +4 n 1、\ }triangles, in a single formula, 7·21 Nk n+1 k+1 一\、 r" "'l。.1.,」.j-n十1\ The iamiilar reiatiion(\k+1夕一 n k十1 )、一n)is illustrated by the ,。\\/C! construction of a simplex as a“pyramid” “base”and the opposite vertex as“apex k一dimensional elements belong to the base (with any cell as ,’).In fact,some while others are -Dvramids erected on沃一1卜dimensional elements of the base. A line一segment is enclosed by two points,a triangie by tnree lines,a tetrahedron by four planes,and so on.Thus the general simplex may alternatively be defined as a finite region of n一space enclosed by n+ I hyperplanes or (n一1)-spaces.
号7·2] SIMPLEX AND CROSS POLYTOPE 121 It may happen that the告n(n+ 1)edges are all equal.We then have a regular simplex,which we shall denote by a,,.Thus a。一110, a1-111) a2一{3}, a3一{3, 3}. Fig.7·2A shows a sort of perspective view of these simplexes. The equilateral triangle a2 has been deliberately foreshortened to emphasize its occurrence as a face of a3. One of the fundamental properties of n一dimensional space is the possibility of drawing n mutually perpendicular lines through any point 0;n points equidistant from 0 along these lines are evi- dently the vertices of a simplex a、一1.Producing the lines beyond 0,we obtain a Cartesian frame or cross.Points equidistant from }1 02卢3 FIG.7-2B:Cross polytopes 0 in both directions are the 2n vertices of another important figure,the cross polytope月,‘,whose cells consist of 2't a、一1's1.Thus 91一11P N2一{41 } 93一{3, 4}. The octahedron N3 is an ordinary dipyramid based on 92;similarly 94 is a four一dimensional dipyramid based on月3 (with its two apices in opposite directions along‘the fourth dimension).The 93 of Fig.7·2B is not an orthogonal projection of the octahedron but an oblique (parallel)projection,to emphasize its occurrence as base of the dipyramid月4. Since民is a dipyramid based on民一1,all its elements are either elements of /3二一1 or pyramids based on such elements. Thus all are simplexes,and the number of ak's in民is Nk一N,k+2N k_1, where Nk is the number of ak's in民一,(which vanishes when k=、一1).Also N。一2n. It is now easily proved by induction that \、、一. 1.JL n十 ︸人扣 7.22 V__9k+1 人’k—~
122 REGULAR POLYTOPES【号7.2 (For Nk, change n into n一1.)Thus P4 has 8 vertices,24 edges, 32 plane faces,and 16 cells. The derivation of a,‘一1 and月,‘from a cross shows that the permutations of 7·23(1,0, 0,…,0) are coordinates for the vertices of an a,,一1 of edge丫2,lying in the hyperplane万x一1,and that the permutations of 7·24(士1,0, 0,…,0) are coordinates. for the vertices of a风of edge丫2. A third series of figures may be constructed as follows.When a point flo is moved along a line from an initial to a final position, it traces out a segment 111.When fl, is translated (not along its own line)from an initial to a final position,it traces out a parallelo- gram.Similarly a parallelogram traces out a parallelepiped.The n一dimensional generalization is known as a parallelotope.It has 21 vertices.The remaining elements are k一dimensional parallelo- topes.Their number, N..,can be computed by considering the initial and final positions of a cell,which possesses,say, N龙 of them.*Since N、一2斌+N'A-1 we easily prove by induction that 7·25 N、一Zn一‘(n2,z-k Thus the four一dimensional parallelotope (the y4 of Fig.7·2C)has 16 vertices,32 edges,24 faces,and 8 cells.(It is instructive to look for the eight parallelepipeds in the figure,and to observe how each parallelogram belongs to two of them.) The n translations used in constructing the parallelotope define n vectors, represented by the n edges that meet at one vertex. In other words,all the vertices are derived from a certain one of them by applying all possible sums of these n vectors,without repetition.Similarly, by applying all possible sums of all integral multiples of the n vectors,we obtain the points of an n一dimen- sional lattice, which are the vertices of a special n一dimensional honeycomb whose cells are equal parallelotopes. If the n vectors are mutually perpendicular (as of course they *Sommerville 3, p.29
号7·2] HYPER一CUBEOR MEASUREPOLYTOPE 123 can be,in n dimensions),the parallelotope is generalization of the rectangle pendicular vectors all have the and the“box an orthotope, the If the n per- same magnitude,the orthotope is a hyper一cube or measure polytope, y,,,and the corresponding 今0乍1 今‘2 乍3 7 4 FIG.7·2c:Measure polytopes lattice determines the cubic honeycomb,8-n+1,of which the three- dimensional case (84)was described in ' 4·6.We write Sn+1 rather than 8n,because of the resemblance between n一dimensional honeycombs and (n+1)一dimensional polytopes (e.g.,between plane tessellations and polyhedra);in fact,we regard honeycombs as “degenerate”polytopes.Thus 7.26 Y。一n o, Y1一H 1 } Y2一{41, Y3一{4, 3; 7.27 5:一{二},83一{4, 4}, 54一{4, 3, 41. The name“measure polytope”is suggested by the use of the hyper一cube of edge 1 as the unit of content (e.g.,the square as the unit of area,and the cube as the unit of volume).The usual processes of the integral calculus extend in a natural manner; e.g.,the content of an n一dimensional pyramid is one nth of the product of base一content and altitude. We have constructed the n一dimensional orthotope by trans- lating the (7z一1)-dimensional orthotope along a segment in a per- pendicular direction.Clearly, the same process may be applied to any (n一1)一dimensional figure II,:一1, and we have the analogue of a right prism.In this construction,instead of regarding each point of a moving 11,‘一1 as travelling all along a fixed segment ill,we can just as well regard each point of a moving II;as travelling all over a fixed H、一1 (including the interior)·Accord-
124 REGULAR POLYTOPES【号7.2 ingly, we call the generalized prism the rectangular product of II,‘一1 and 111,and use the symbol 11。一,x H1. More generally,*any two figures,I1; and Hk, in completely orthogonal spaces,determine a 几x II。(or IL x I13 In particular +k)一dimensional figure the product of a p一gon and a q-gon is a four一dimensional figure whose cells consist of q p-gonal prisms and p q-gonal prisms. An intuitive idea of this may be acquired as follows. Let q solid p一gonal prisms be piled up,base to base,so as to form a column.In ordinary space the base of the lowest prism and the top of the highest are far apart.But in four一dimensional space,where rotation takes place about a plane (instead of about a point or a一line,as in two or three dimensions),we can bring these two p-gons into contact by bending the column about the planes into a of the intermediate bases.The column is thus converted ring, whose surface consists of pq rectangles.Another such ring can be made from p q一gonal prisms.If the lengths of the edges are rings can properly chosen (e.g.,if they be interlocked in such a way are all e qual),the two that the two sets of pq rectangles (or squares)are brought into coincidence.There are then no external faces,and we have constructed the rectangular product of two polygons.In particular, the rectangular product of two rectangles is the four一dimensional orthotope, and the rectangular product of two equal squares is the hyper一cube: 物 X Y2=Y4- More generally, Yj x Yk一Yj+k If II、is itself a rectangular product of two figures,then 11 , x II。 is a rectangular product of three figures,which may be taken in any order;for this kind of“multiplication”is associative as well as commutative.Similarly we may define the rectangular product of any number of figures.In particular, the rectangular product of n segments is an n一dimensional orthotope,and that of n equal segments is the n一dimensional measure polytope: Y1n=Yn· More generally, Yj x Yk x··一Yj+k+.… *Schoute 3. Cf. Sommerville 3, p. 113, where the product of j- and k- dimensional simplexes is called a“simplotope of type angula,·product is due to Polya. k)”.The name rect-
号7·3] THESURFACE OF A SPHERE 125 7·3.The general sphere.The word sphere (rather than generally used for the locus of a point at from a fixed point;thus a one一dimensional Sr .-.1 “hypersphere”) constant distance sphere is a point-pair, and a two-dimensional sphere is a circle. (Topologists,being more concerned with the dimension一number of the locus itself than with to call the point-pair a 0-sph that of the underlying space,prefer ere,the circle a 1一sphere,and so on.) Let an S,z denote the (n一1)-dimensional content or“ n一dimensional sphere of unit radius;e.g.,S1 surface”of =2) 52=2二. Then the“surface”of a sphere of radius r is,of course,Snrn一1, and the n一dimensional content or“volume”of a sphere of radius R is 7·31 厂R )Sn rn-i dr一 -} o S-__ 一些里If',F,. n When integrating anyfunction of:一丫x1”十x22+…+xn2 throughout the whole n一dimensional space, we may take the element of content to be either dxl dx2…dxn or Sn r”一1 dr. An expression for凡‘(as a function of n) can be obtained by comparing these two methods of integration as the special function e一r2.We have very neatly applied to }00,-r z Sn r it0一dr一‘70 r GO-00 J-00…cA-m 一00-m一‘’“甸 e一2a一xX22··一x;, dx, dx2…dx。 But the integrals involved are gamma functions: in fact r00 r0o 2)e,-r2 r 2m一‘dr一丈e一“n一‘d‘一 “0“u r(饥) and —口0 厂的 。一”dx=2 1_ e-z' dx=r(2). JO Hence 2Snr(2n)={r(2)}”. Since S2=2-r, the case when n=2 yields the well-known value r(告)=WI. Thus 7.32 Sn=2 7rjn/ I'(2n); e.g.,S4= 2二2. Since T(m+1)=mh(m),it follows from 7·31 that the n一dimensional content (for radius R) is 7.33 S,, Rn/n一7, n Rnl h (2n十1).
126 REGULAR POLYTOPES【号7.4 The particular values of S,2 are very easily computed with the aid of the recurrence formula S ,z+:一278,,/n which states that the (n十1厂dimensional content of the (n+2)- dimensional unit sphere is 27r times the n一dimensional content of the n-dimensional unit sphere;e.g.,S2/2一二and 83/3一4二,so 84一2二“and S5一3 77 2. With respect to the sphere x12+…+xn2一,.2, any point (yI)…,.y 7t)(other than the centre,which is the origin)has a polar hyper plane ylxl+…+y,1 x。一r2, which is a tangent hyper- plane if the point (pole)lies on the sphere.if夕points determine a (j一1)-space,their j polar hyperplanes intersect in a polar (n一J-space.It is easily seen (as in two or three dimensions)that the relation between two such polar spaces is symmetric· On comparing 7·22 with 7·25, we find that the value of Nn for,,。is the same as the value of戈_,for尽、,,namely 23 1 'it J三口,“ is no mere accident,but because /3., and -v,,, are f 7t , It n', l.This 夕/ rec勿rocal polytOopes: hyperplanes the vertices happens of either are the poles of the bounding of the other, with respect to a concentric sphere; consequently the (j一1)一spaces of the jh_1's of the one, being determined by sets of j vertices,correspond to the (n-j)-spaces of the II,、一’s of the other, which are determined by sets of j intersecting hyperplanes.In fact,the sphere x12+…+xn2=1 reciprocates the 2n vertices 7·24 of民into the 2n hyperplanes x1=士1,…,礼‘=士1, which bound the y,2 (of edge 2)whose 21 vertices are 7·34 Similarly, another 7·21.) a'ra (士1,…,士1). a,, is self-reciprocal (or, rather, reciprocates into in agreement with the fact that N ,t。一Ni _1. (See 7·4.Polytopes and honeycombs.After the introductory account of special cases in ' 7·2,we are now ready for the formal definition of a polytope.For simplicity, we assume convexity until we come to Chapter XIV.(A region is said to be convex if it contains the whole of the segment joining every pair of its points.)Accordingly, we define二polytope as a finite convex
号7·4] THE GENERAL POLYTOPE 127 region of n一dimensional space enclosed by a finite number of hyperplanes.If the space is Euclidean (as we shall suppose until '7·9),the finiteness of the region implies the inequality N,‘一1>n for the number of bounding hyperplanes· Analytically, a Euclidean polytope Hn is the set of all points whose Cartesian coordinates satisfy N。一1 linear inequalities bk1 X 1+bk2 x,')+…+bkn xn(bk0 (k=1) 2,…,Nn-1); which are consistent but not redundant,and provide the range for a finite integral (the content of the polytope)· in one of the hyperplanes is dxl dx2…dx,, The part of the polytope that lies called a cell.Since one of the in- equalities is here replaced by an equation,each cell is an (n一1)- dimensional polytope, 11,‘一1.The cells of the 1j,‘一,are H,‘一2's2 and so on;we thus obtain a descending sequence of elements 11、一1,II,:一2l…,111, 11。.All,;一:is given by two equations (and those of the remaining inequalities which continue to be effective);it therefore belongs to just two of the 14,一1's1. Thus a four一dimensional polytope II;has solid cells H 3,plane faces II:(each separating two cells),edges H1, and vertices H。. It differs from a three一dimensional honeycomb(号4·6) in having a finite number of elements. An n一dimensional honeycomb (or“degenerate H,;+1”)is an infinite set of 11?‘’s fitting together to fill n一dimensional space just once,so that every cell of each II。belongs to just one other 11。. If we reciprocate a polytope with respect to any sphere whose centre is interior, we obtain another polytope,whose H,‘一,'s correspond to the original H,一1's1,as in '7·3·Whenever the given polytope has a special interior point which can be called its centre, we naturally choose this same centre for the reciprocating sphere.We can then speak of the reciprocal polytope,as its shape is definite (though of course its size changes with the radius of reciprocation).In、 particular, if there is a sphere which touches all the cells, then the points of contact (which are the“centres” of the cells)are the vertices of the reciprocal polytope.By analogy, if the cells of a honeycomb have centres,we define the
128 REGULARPOLYTOPES [号7·4 reciprocal honeycomb For instance,the 8 ,,+1 as having those centres for its vertices. whose vertices have n even coordinates (in every possible arrangement)is reciprocal to the 8n+1 whose vertices have n odd coordinates. It is natural to regard an n一dimensional polytope as having one n一dimensional element,namely N7z itself;so we write 。。月·_______、_、1二_:__4-~-4-1-。I。。。。,。L,了君八1,。。八、、、二n、飞+;1-1. -"* neciprocatilon converts this jai to Ulu 1G}3;5 V IV V 1V u!) U"11 V vl1 U1"11 N_1= Both formulae are in agreement for k< n, and 7·25 only for k, >0. with 7·21;but 7·22 holds only we observe incidentally that, with these reservations,Nk for an is Nk for月。is the coefficient the coefficient of X k+1 in (1+X )n+l Nk for y,, of Xk+l in is the coefficient of Xk in(2+X) n.Hence (1+2X)”,and 卞 92+1 7·41 E N3-,Xj一 9=0 (1+X) n十1, (1+2X)“+X n+1 1+(2+X )nX, in the three sions in号9。 respe 1. ve cases.We shall make use of these expres- 7·5.Regularity.If the mid-points of all the edges that emanate from a given vertex if there are only n such edges, 0 of II、lie in one hyperplane (e·g., 0r and all the edges are equal),then if all the vertices lie on a sphere these mid-points are the vertices of an (n一1卜dimensional polytope called the vertex laure ofn_ .了毛尹,. at 0.Its cells evidently are the vertex figures (at 0)of those cells of II、which surround 0·(Cf. '' 2 Beginning with the regular polygons define a regular polytope inductively, 1,4·6.) {3},{4},{5}},…,we can as follows.A polytope 11、(,。>2)is said to be regular if its cells are regular and there is a regular vertex figure at every vertex.By a natural extension of the argument used in ' 2·1,the cells are all equal,and the vertex figures are all equal.(The equality of vertex figures is _* TI_1 is, the ", null polytope‘一乒_ of every other polytope, lust a·s the it has no “null set elements isa ntsat part of all, but is an element every set. t Cf. E.Cesaro 1,p·60.
号7.5] THE SCHLAFLI SYMBOL actually easier to establish in four dimensions than in For instance, the polytopes 129 three!) are regular 月。_1,、_1 a., 1`'n , Yn with cells a。一1,a。一1,Y。一1,and vertex figures、一1, There regular plicity. figures.) only in are,of course, several other possible definitions for a polytope.The one chosen has the advantage of sim- (We do not need to assume equality of cells,or of vertex But admittedly it has the disadvantage of applying more than two dimensions: a0, a1, declared regular by a special edict. The same definition of regularity can be though it is simpler to say (as in号4·6)that and {p}have to be if its cells are regular and equal. i6th cells y. and vertex figures风. used for a honeycomb, a honeycomb is regular For instance,Sn+1 is regular Since the cells of the vertex figure are a regular fl, Whose cells are vertex figures of cells, 伽,q} must have vertex figures (Here r is simply the number of cells that surround an Accordingly, we write {q}:}. edge.) e.g., 114=伽,q, r}; a4一{3, 3, 3 } } 94一{3, 3, 4} , V4一{4) 3, 3 } (cf. 7·27).Similarly, a regular have vertex figures {q, r, s}, 115 and =={P: 115 whose cells are {p, q, r} must we write ,q, r,;}. The same kind of symbol will describe a four一dimensional honey- comb. fk q1 {q}… Finally, v, the general regular polytope or honeycomb 、}has cells {p, :,w}.(Of course,both q}· 1P, q must be polytopes, even if {p, q,… In particular, for any n> 1, 二,:}and vertex figures …,好and {q,…,:,、} :,w} itself is a honeycomb.) a。一{3, 3,…,3, 3}, or, say, {3n-1}, fln一{3, 3,…,3, 4}一{3n-2, 4 Yn一{4, 3,…,3, 3}一{4, 3n-2}} 8n+,一{4, 3,…,3, 4}一{4, 3n-2} 4}. Carrying this notation back to one dimension, we write al一{}· The only“misfit”is 8:一{cc}.
13f) REGULARPOLYTOrES 7·6.The symmetry group of the general regular we are given the position in space of one cell and one 〔号I'6 polytope.if vertex figure, we can definite build up the whole polytope, cell are by cell in a manner.The various cells not merely e perfectly qual but equivalent,i.e.,there is a symmetry group which is transitive on the cells,and liketivise transitive on the ve t·he symmetry group of the regular simplex group of degree n+1 vertices (or n十1,vi7.,the group of all ',ices.In particular, a), is the symmetric periilutations of the Since Theorem of the,、月一1 cells). 3·41 is valid in any number of dimensions follows that every regular polytope leas a centre On,around which we can draw a sphere of radius、 JLJ R through the centres of all the II, 's,for each value of j from t一hese concentric spheres are, 0ton一1. of course, The first and last of the cireum一sphere and the in一sphere. we proceed to regular polytope, describe the“simplicial subdivision” beginning with the one一dimensional case. segment 111 is divided into two equal parts by its centre 01. of a The The polygon 112一{p}is divided by its lines of symmetry into助 right一angled triangles,which join the subdivided sides.The polyhedron cent 113 re fp} planes of symmetry into g quadrirectangular 02 to the simplicially q} is divided by its tetrahedra (see 5·43), which join the centre 03 to the simplicially Analogously, the general regular polytope fl,, subdivided faces. is divided into a number of congruent simplexes (of a special kind)which join the centre 0,, to the simplicially subdivided cells.A typical simplex is 0. 0,…0-,,where 0, is the ce U上7L/J ntre of a cell of the几+,whose centre is 0j+1 (j一0, 1,一,n一1). In other words,0,,一1 is the centre of a cell of 11,‘,0,一2 is the centreV 01 is the mid一point of an edge,and 00 of a cell of that cell,…, is one end of that edge. 夕礼 介b夕 了少、、 The edge{} is thus divided into N1o= 2 segments,the plane face {P}into N21 N1o triangles,the solid face tet,rahedra,…,and the whole polytope 外,, 。,。一Nn一;Nit一1,,‘一2… ,q} into N32 N21 N10 q)…,”,、}into N21 N10 simplexes. defined in (The“configurational numbers” 号1.8. An elementn、belon,as to J~ Njk or-1T Tf,Nj,r、were 1V,、llk s Ior each k>j,and contains戈、His for each k< j . ) This number外,、,…,:,w is an important property of the poly- tope fp, q,…,:,w}.In fact,it is the order of the symmetry group [ p,q,…,v, w]·We prove this by induction,beginning
号7·6] SITNZPLICI AL SUBDIVISION 131 with the obvious fact that the symmetry group of the one- dimensional polytope{}has order N。一2.We assume the corresponding result in n一1 dimensions,so that the symmetry group of a cell {p, q,…,:}has order 外 f,, 。一Nn一1,。一2 7·61 =外,,, …N21 N10 2。/N,‘一;. In the symmetry group of the whole polytope,this occurs as a subgroup of index戈:一1,viz.,the subgroup leaving 0,t_1 invariant. (The 1V二一1 cosets correspond to the Nn一,cells.)Hence 9p,,,…,。,。 is t}he order of the whole group. An alternative expression for this number is obtained from the subgroup of index No which leaves a vertex 00 invariant.This, being the symmetry group of the vertex figure {q,…,:,,。}, has order 7·62 Yq )…,。,、。一外,,,…,。,,。/1V0· By repeated application qh,、, of this equation,we find .,:,二一I -NO NoI NTO 01 12…戈一2,、一1· (Of course N,,一2,,;一1一2.) Just as the vertex figure {q, r,…,、}indicates the way二 vertex is surrounded,so the“second vertex figure”{r,…,、} (which is the vertex figure of the vertex figure)indicates the way an edge is surrounded.Thus the subgroup of [p,q, r,…,w] that leaves an edge absolutely invariant is [r,…,w],of order yr,…,w·But there is also a subgroup of order 2 that interchanges the ends of the edge (viz.,a subgroup isomorphic with the sym- metry group of the edge itself).The complete subgroup leaving 01 invariant is the direct product of these two.Hence 2gr,·” The general situation is 外 now ,,,:,…,211 IN,. clear:the number of ,·}in the regular polytope {p, r, s, t, u, elements .,、}is the subgroup leaving such an element invariant as a whole is direct product 。noe弓 、而匕刀Le 刀‘‘伙,随,n r上t厅1~‘上.令幻 [1), where the first factor is …,r] x「、,…,w], isomorphic with the symmetry group of
132 that element, invariant.In REGULAR POLYTOPES「号7.6 while the second leaves the element absolutely the case of an, the g's are factorials,and we have in agreement When n=2, 、了(n+1)! lV ,.:二二二— “(k+ 1)[(“一/c)! with 7·21. \、1/ 11一2 - ,﹄.上一口上 + ,任卜少 知到/ 一一-一 3,and 4, we have,respectively, N1一N。一gp /2, where gp N2一粉,N1一gp, q, ly4 '。一货,where a11d 7.64 N。一红q, r, N。一红q, r, N、一gp, q, r 9p,,‘“2g p“2g But there is no simple expression for外,,,,as gp), N。一gp,q,r. gq,, a function of p, q, r. The three一dimensional case may be written 11一Q曰 - ,..上iU上 + 1-夕 111-口上 llJL-9曰 1一夕 -一 N2:N1:No:2 in agreement with Euler's Formula N2+N0一N1=2.Applying IJL工口二 + 1一夕 1 N1 to the cell and vertex figure {夕,q},},we obtain 2 of the four一dimensional polytope 1 1 1 1 一=一+一一二 刀31 p q 2 1 1 1 1 and一=一+一一一 刀02 q r 2 Since N13一r一N12 a,nd N21=p一N20, eve can use 1.81 to show that -A73 N31=N1 r一N2 p=No Not, -1,弘。。no* VI 111"111.V 1 1 一+一 in agreement with 7·64. It follows 1 1 p r that 11一9曰 - 1-口二 + 1一夕 7·65 N3:N2:N1:N0= q 1 2 N3+N1=N2+N0 but this relation,unlike 1·61,is homogeneous,and so does not provide an expression for外,,,;· Cf. E.Cesaro 1,p, 63.
芍7·7] NUMERICAL PROPERTIES 133 In fact,the most practi thence外,,,,)is by actually four一dimensional polytope. cal way to determine No or N3 (and counting the ver This is not too ices or cells of each laborious,provided we count them in reasonably large batches,as in Chapter VIII· On the other hand,it seems more mathematically satisfying to compute than to count,so we shall give a general formula in ' 12‘8· The symmetry groups of the regular simplex and cross polytope may be considered separately, as follows.Since the symmetry group of a,, or {3n一‘}is the symmetric group of degree n+1,we have 7·66 9311-1一(n+1)!. Since & or {3,‘一2, 4} has 2n cells a,,_1,7·61 shows that 7·67 93n-2} 4一2n 93n-2一2n n In fact,the symmetry group of凤‘(or of y,,)is just the symmetry group of the frame of orthogonal Cartesian axes,and so consists of the 2n possible changes of sign of the n coordinates,combined with the n!permutations of the axes. 7·7.Schla$i's criterion.The angles m一Ooon01, X一00 On 0,‘一1) the natural generalization for the 4. We still have 0一0。一:On 0,、一1 angles价,X1价defined in 7.71 OR sin功一0001=l, 2势is the angle subtended at the centre by an edge (of length 21), X is the angle subtended一by the circum-radius of a cell, and 二一20 is the dihedral angle (between the hyperplanes containing two adjacent cells). We proceed to find a general formula for the property 0 of {p, q}…,:,、},and a necessary condition for the existence of such a polytope. Letting OR',l',势‘denote the values of OR, l,价for the vertex figure {q,…,:,、},we have and,from Fig 7.72 i.e., OR' sin }‘一l‘一l cos 7/p 2·4B (with 0,} instead of 03),OR '=t Cos }·Hence cos价=csc价‘cos二加, 。;。2 0 111 价=1一 cos“二加 sin m
134 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号7·7 If }" refers to the“second vertex figure,”and OR) to the“fh vertex figure,”we have similarly* sin“m sln2 }(”一3)一 1一 But }0Z-2)一 V q卜 一J口产,./ q;2 }L__ 0111甲一 1一 7/w 1一 cos”二/q 一m2 off’ Hence cos“二/尸 1一 cos“二/: 51112价(“一2) cos“二/q 1一 'cos- 7r/v 1--. r-. c, G_ 1—l一Vim "If 7·73 ,,,,。/刁,, v, Zv 多 尹 刁 where the d一function is determined by the recurrence formula 7·74 刁,,q,,,…,,。一d q,;,…,,;,一d r, ,。Cos2二/P with the initial cases 一 7T一叮 _。;、飞2_去。 一。111 / I/尸, 一Sii12卫一Cos2 -_sine 夕 q 一Sii12二sing -一COS2 - p r q Cost下, 夕 =Sin“竺Sing卫一S1112 - COS2 p s p 7T ?, Cos2万 q 。7T slit‘一. s It: is easily proved by induction that 00 00。11 00 0 9﹄ C 1 C工.1 ,上 1且C 7.75心,q, 秒,叨 0 0 Cn一2 0 c ,‘—JL c,;一1 1 00 00 wh 7T ere c1=Cos一 夕 follows that c',=Cos q 古 ︸梦L .才 , 八仁 ·,4', p ·,Cn--2= =刁,,Q,· 7T_?T一I,」 Cos一,Cn-1=Cos一;and 1Ti v汉夕 秒 刁 *Cf p, Q',· Sommert,ille 3, p.189. .;and his 01, 02,…are (His n is otl:工n一1;his 4^1, Z-2, are our our‘,0 
号7·7 SCHL人FLI’S DETERMINANT 135 Another explicit formula is ,:,,:=1一or,+U2一Cr3+…土U[n/2] 全 夕 刁 7·76 where 91一工Ci 2, Or2一I Ci2 Cj 2 with i< j一1, U3一Y, CL 2 C,2 Ck2 With i< j一1, and so min ant 011 (we shall leave occasion to generalize j<k一1, both the deter- and the ,series,in ' 12·3.)In particular,* 1,_、1,n一2、1,n一3 `, 口3it‘一‘一4(n一‘)+42 },:/)一43、 3夕’十 NJ-hence,by 7·74 刁3?,一2, 4一 n 2n一1 In一1 22It一2 c) n一1 and By 1 1 1 v.-n-3_=—一一—二U. 2n-2 2 211-3 repeated application of 7·73,we have sln2 Y' sln2 o'…sine 0(I1一2)一j P,,,…,。,,。· Hcnce 7·77』,,,,…,,,,2L})0, with the strict inequality for a finite polytope,and the equality for a honeycomb (where OR一二and }一0). This is“Schlafli's criterion”for the existence of a regular figure corresponding to a given symbol fp,q}…,:,w}· when n一3,we have刁,,。>0, -"-hick is equivalent to 1 1 1 This inequality, triangle PO P1 P2 or Euclidean. 一+一》二· p一q一2 multiplied through by二,simply states that the of 2·a -2 has the proper angle一suns to be spherical When n= 4、we have d__,》0,or 尸, Y),2 7.78 ?T。7r 7r sin一sin一>cos一 p r q Cf. Problem E 629 in the Anterican Mathematical Monthly, 52(1945),PP. 100-101;Lucas 2, p.464.
136 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号7·7 which states that 2二/r angle -,r一20 of伽,q}. is greater than or equal to the dihedral (See 2·44.)In other words,it states the ,八。。:队;1二手二,八V召 4-4-。从f。。),。、八,1,-, a。。八。。八。n月。。* 口Vk};!)1111111U V V1 11幻U111a Y、‘口,C/ t K}) 1 V Lt llu(为VU111111U11,C-,。 1 "/ V kl一,v When n一J,we have 4p,,,:,,》0, or 7·79 p r, r, 2_/.,. " 1", n 2_/, 生翌二卫兰Y+v丝 }一纽 。,;,、2一/。’。,;。艺一/0 '111 '1i/尸;7111 l l/0 《1, which states that the values of 0 for fp,q} and {s, r} are together greater than or equal to二/2.(A geometrical reason for this will be seen later.) 7·8.The enumeration of possible regular figures.When n一4, we have a Schla.fli symbol {P, q,呼,where both {p, qj and {q,呼 must occur among the Platonic solids 一{3,3},{3,4},{4, 3},{3,5},{5, 3}. The criterion 7·7 8 admits the six polytopes 7.81 {3,3, 3},{3, 3, 4},{4, 3,3},{3,4, 3},{3,3,5},{5, 3,3} and the one honeycomb {4, 3,4},but rules out 7·82 {3, 5,3},f4} } 3,5},{5,3,4},155 3, 5}· Then the criterion 7·79 admits the three polytopes 7.83 a。一{3, 3, 3, 3 } , f3。一{3, 3, 3, 41, y5一{4,3,3,3} and the three honeycombs 7·84 {3,3,4, 3},{3,4, 3,3},{ 4, 3, 3,4} (of which the last is 85),but rules out 7·85 {3,3,3,5},{5,3,3,3},{4, 3,3,5},1553,3,4},{5,3,3, 5}. Since the only regular polytopes in five dimensions are a5,95) y5,it follows by induction that in more than five dimensions the only regular polytopes are an,凤‘,y., and the only regular honey- comb is 8n+1· Since 7·77 is merely a necessary condition,it remains to be proved that the four一dimensional polytopes {3,4, 3},{3, 3, 5}, {5,3,3}and honeycombs {3,3,4, 3},{3,41 3,3}actually exist. This is usually done by building up the polytopes,cell by cell, an exceedingly laborious process in the case of {3,3,5}or {5, 3,3].} *This is the criterion used by Jouffret 1,P.111,and Sommerville 3, p. 168. j' Schlafli 4, pp. 46-50;Stringham 1, pp. 10-11;Puchta 1, pp. 819-822; Manning 1, pp. 317一324;Sommerville 3, pp. 172一175.
' 7.91 POSSIBLE REGULAR FIGURES Two superior methods of construction will be described: '' 8·2一S·5,and the other in号11·7. 7·9.The characteristic simplex.What kind of figure 137 one in is simplex 00 01… cell I1i of the Hi On of ' 7·6 ? We defined +1 Whose centre is Oj+1· qas the centre Henceq+:乌is pendicular to theJ一space On 0,一1,0、一1 of then:,and all the lines 一一J‘ Oil _ 2,…,0201, are mutually perpendicular. In fact,each triangle is right-an glee at 0,. Thus the j-space 00 01… orthogonal to the(“_j)一space 0i hyperplanes 00…0、一10k. +1… +1 … and 00,二 0100 OiqOk .(i<j<k) qis completely follows that the 0;一1 Oi+1…On, oj.久 二·hick contain these respective subspaces,are perpendicular (pro- vided is夕<k).In other words,the dihedral angle opposite to the edge Oi Ok is a right angle whenever i<k一1.Such a simplex is called an orthoschenze;e.g.,00010 2 03 is a quadrirectangular tetrahedron. The lines On 0i ( j一0, 1,…,n一1), which are“radii”of Hn, meet the unit sphere round On in points耳which form a spherical simplex*PO P1…P,‘一1.(See 2·52 for the case when n=3.) Such simplexes cover the sphere, and there is one for each opera- tion of the symmetry group沙,q1…,:,w],Thus the character- istic simplex Po P1…P。一1 is a fundamental region for the group. The reciprocal polytope naturally has the same symmetry group; it also has the same characteristic simplex, with the P's named in the reverse order. The dihedral angle of Oo 01…On opposite to the edge Oi Ok (-iCk<n)is the same as the dihedral angle of POP,…P。一1 opposite to Pi Pk.Hence (or by a direct argument similar to that used for 00 01…On above)the characteristic simplex is a spherical orthoscheme.We shall soon find that its acute dihedral angles, opposite to the edges Po P1, P1 P2 ,…,P,z--2 Pn-1 are 7T加,7/4,…,,r/wI. For this purpose it is desirable to project the polytope radially onto a concentric sphere,so as to obtain a partition of the sphere lnt o lyn一1 spherical polytopes, which we regard as the cells of a spherical honeycomb.The spherical honeycomb shares all the numerical properties of the polytope,and also,when properly *This is the Co C1…C,, of Sommerville 3, p. 188.
138 REGVLAR POLYTOPES 〔号}'9 interpreted, its angular properties.Pairs of adjacent vertices are joined, circles These not by Euclidean straight segments,but by arcs of great (which “edges” are the straight lines of“spherical space are of length 2Po P1=2势.The cells are (n一 ,’). 1)- dimensional spherical polytopes of in-radius P。一:P,‘一,一必· circum-radius P Prt,,=Y and V it—1 /1' We allow the Schlafli to have three different meanings:二Euclidean polytope,a spherical pol}17tope,and a spherical honeycomb.This need not cause any confusion,so long as the situa- tion is frankly recognized.The differences are clearly seen in the concept of dihedral angle.The dihedral azigle of a spherical polytope is greater than that of the corresponding Euclidean polytope,but a spherical honeycomb has no such thing (save in二limiting sense,where we might call it二).An infinitesimal spherical polytope is Euclidean; and as the circum一radius of a spherical polytope increases from o to 二/2, the dihedral angle increases from its Euclidean value to二,the final product being a spherical honeycomb. For instance,{4,3},qua Euclidean polytope,is an ordinary cube (of dihedral angle二/2),which may be a cell of the Euclidean honey- comb {4,3,4}.Qua spherical polytope (on a sphere in four dimensions) its faces are spherical quadrangles,and its dihedral angle may take any value between二/2 and二;in particular, when the dihedral angle is 2二/3,the spherical hexahedron is of the right size to be a cell of the spherical honeycomb {4,3,3}.Finally, qua spherical honeycomb it covers a sphere in ordinary space, and its faces are spherical quad- rangles of angle 2二/3. The arrangement of characteristic simplexes covering the sphere can be obtained directly as a simplicial subdivision of the spherical honeycomb.In fact,P t「he centre of a cell of that cell ,‘一1 is the centre of a cell, P,:一2 is ,and so on.From the corner Pn_1 of the characteristic simplex Po. P1…P、一;of {p a small sphere with centre P-,`rill }- rc—1 cut qI…,:,、}, orthoscheme P6P;…P二一2 (with P;on P7:一1 pi)which is out an similar to the char- 、、‘少 刃 acteristic simplex of the cell fp, corner PO a small sphere with centre Again,froth the will cut out 华P P11 P0 1…P"n一:(with Pi on Po P i+1)similar to simplex of the vertex figure {q,…,:,Zv· it an orthoscheme the characteristic The characteristic simplex of于V冬is an arc R, P, of length 书、占,阅J1(夕 m一XP一OV一-JT/p. That of {p, q} isa spherical triangle 二/2,-ir/p at the respective vertices POP,一九,,,PO P2一 and Po P1 P-),with angles二/q} sides 肠 whose trigonometrical functions can P1 P2一汽,,, be read off from Fig.2·4A.
' }}9J CHARACTERISTIC SIMPLEX 139 The characteristic simplex of spherical tetrahedron PO P1 P2 P3 dimensions by four hyperplanes q, r} isa quadrirectangular 口.C,.了 .门里/卜、斗七 r少、L| cut out from a sphere in four rough the centre 04),whose Fia.7·9A solid angles at the vertices P3 and Po correspond to the character- istic triangles of fp,q}and{q, rj.(See Fig.7·9A.)Thus the dihedral angles at the edges P2 P3,PO P3, PO Pi are 7r/P,二/q,二/r, while the remaining three are right angles.*Also the face一angles at the vertices P3, PO are ZPo P3 P,一价,,,, /Pi PO P2一0q,;, 乙PO P3 P2一场,,, 乙Pi PO P3一Xq,;, z Pi P3 P2一汽,,, Z P2 PO P。一Oq),, and the remaining acute angles,being equal to dihedral angles, are zP0 P2 Pi=一二加,/P2 P1 P3=二/r. Hence,from the right一angled spherical triangles Po P1 P2,PO P1 P3, P1 P2 P3, 犷 7T一,q, "-h n ;1 S /// 7T︼r 5了111/15 OT一,10 列刀-r只 cos Op,,, ”r IT 一cos ro“一cos - cse (p,p)一 7T 一sin p COs寿,。,r 一cos PO P3一cot九,,Cot Xq, r 7T =cos一cos p cos s in sin q 仃 hp), 7T hq., 、.且 飞l ;且 S /// 7T-夕 cos汽,,,:一 cos P, P3= 仃 cos一 r csc汽,、一 sin 7T hp,, *Cf. Todd 1,P.216.
140 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号7·9 We have seen that the characteristic simplex of {p, q,…,:,w}, being a spherical orthoscheme, has dihedral angles二/2 opposite to all its edges except Po P1, P1 P2 ,…,Pn-2 Pn-1 9 We are now ready to prove that the remaining dihedral angles are 7r加,二/q,…,7/w. This statement has already been verified in 2,3,and 4 dimen- sions;so let us assume it for n一1 dimensions and use induction. The derived orthoscheme P6P'1…P二一2 has dihedral angles 7T加,'r/4,…,7r/v opposite to_ its edges Po P1,P' P'1 29…,Pn - 3 Pn一:;similarly P" P"0 1一P"一2 has dihedral angles 7T/q,}r/r,…,r/w opposite to its edges Po P1, P犷P笠,…,P7111-3 pnit_2. But the dihedral angle of Po P呈…P'n一2 opposite to P?巧is the same as that of P0 P1…P,一1 opposite to Pi Pj (i C j C n一1), and the dihedral angle of Po P"…P"n一Zopposite to P2 Pi is the same as that of PO P1…P。一1 opposite to Pi+1耳+1(J>2>0)·Hence PO P1…P。一1 has the dihedral angles 7Tlp,二/q)…,二/:,二/w, as required. Since the reciprocal honeycomb has the same P's in the reverse order, it follows that The reciprocal可伽,q :,w} is {w,:,…,q}川. Most of the above theory applies to Euclidean honeycombs just as well as to spherical honeycombs.The characteristic simplex PO P1…P、一1 (or 00 01…0。一1) is then a Euclidean orthoscheme, the fundamental region for the infinite symmetry group· We observed that 7·78 is equivalent to 7·92 Since汽 that the 汽,,+.7/r>-j7/2. ,。一/P1 P3 P2 and二/r一z P3 P1 P2, this simply means angle一sum of the right一angled triangle P1 P2 P3 is greater
' 7-X] than given 7·93 RECIPROCAL PROPERTIES or equal to 7r. Exactly the to the inequality same interpretation 14. can b( OP),+08,,>二/2, which cozies from 7·79. we find Z-P1 P3 P2一汽,, For, in the orthoscheme P. P, P. P} P V 1白口‘ and, reciprocally, Z-P3 P1 P2一0s,,· The angles } and 0 are reciprocal properties,in the sense that OW)…,,一ort…,叨· Hence we can reciprocate 7·7 3 to obtain 7·94 sine o一d p,,,…,。,,/AP,,,…,。· This provides an expression for the dihedral Euclidean polytope知,q}…,:,、}.We a new criterion by remarking that a known angle二一2必of the might expect to find polytope沙,q}…,。} can serve as the cell of a possible polytope or comb伽,q} angle can be (Euclidean)honey- ”,、}provided w repetitions of its dihedral fitted into a total angle of 2-,r, i.e.,provided 刁,,…,。,:/ However, condition since d p,,二,。,:,。 is merely 刁,,…,二>COS2 '77/w. 一d p,…,,,:一AP,…,,‘COS2二/w, this a restatement of 7·77 7.x.Historical remarks.Practically all the ideas in this chapter (with the exception of Schoute's generalized prism or rectangular product, described on page 124)are due to Schlafli, who discovered them before 1853-a time when Cayley, Grass- mann,and Mobius were the only other people who had ever conceived the possibility of geometry in more than three dimensions.* Observing that g,,_.___,,,is equal to the number of repetitions of the spnericai orthoscheme Po P1…P、一1 that will suffice to cover the whole sphere,Schlafli investigated the content of such a simplex as a function of its dihedral angles.He showed how this function can be defined by a differential equation, and obtained many elegant theorems concerning it.In the four- *Mobius realized, as early as 1827, that a four-dimensional rotation would required to bring two p. 4. This idea was enantiomorphous solids into coincidence. neatly employed by H.G. Wells in The See Manning Plattner Story. e, LO‘.占
142 REGULAR POLYTOPES「苦7-x dimensional case (where the differential equation was rediscovered fifty years later by Richmond),he denoted the volume of the quadrirectangular tetrahedron PO Pl P2 P3 by 7T一r 7T一9 7T一夕 /丫/ “一夕 ,声‘、、、\ 厂材 。一8 _2 'id so that外,,,,=16 7T-r 7T一q It semis*that the simplest explicit formula for this“Schlafli function”is 之 一 仃一2 y 劣 一 7T一2 n于」 9曰一 万一2 一r一D-T ,奥x sin z m==1 L十sin x sin z ,,,cos 21nx一cos 21ny+cos 2」w:一1 饥2 一x2+y2一z2 where一D=,\/ COS2、CO52:一COS2 y. In ' 12·8二?e shall obtain a simpler formula for gP,,,;(although this will not throw any further light on the volume of a spherical tetrahedron). Ludwig Schlafli was born in Grasswyl,Switzerland, in 1814. In his youth he studied science and theology at Berne,but received no adequate instruction in mathematics.From 1837 till 1847 he taught in a school at Thun, and learnt mathematics in his spare time,working quite alone until his famous compatriot Steiner introduced him to Jacobi and Dirichlet.Then he was appointed a lecturer in Inatheinatics at the University (Hochschule) of Berne,where he remained for the rest of his long life. His pioneering work, mentioned above,was so little appreciated in his time that only two fragments of it were accepted for publication:one in France and one in England.t However, his interest spaces· waS by no He also did in various branches hypergeometric fun discovery of the 27 cubic surface·丰 means restricted to the geometry of higher important research on quadratic forms,and of analysis,especially Bessel functions and ctions;but he is chiefly famous for his lines and 36“double sixes”on the general His portrait great thinker. shows the high forehead and keen He was also an inspiring teacher. features of a He used the Bernese dialect,and never managed to speak German properly. *Richmond 1;Coxeter 6 十Schlafli 1 and 3. 丰Schlafli 2.
'7·x] SCHL父FLI’S LIFE AND WORK 143 He died in 1895.Six years later, the Schweizer-ische Xa,tur- forschender Gesellschaft published his Theorie der:ielfachen Kontinuitdt as a memorial volume.*That work is so closely re- levant to our subject that a summary of its contents will not be out of place. '' 1一9 provide an introduction to n-dimensional ana- lytical geometry, including the general pyramid and parallelotope (“Paralleloschem”).The genet、二1 polytope(“Polysellem”)is defined in号10.Our criterion 7·7 8 is used in号17 to determine the regular four一dimensional polytopes,which are then con- structed in a direct (though laborious)manner. Their numerical and metrical properties (see our Table I (ii) on page 292)are all computed very elegantly.The five一dimensional polytopes and four一dimensional honeycombs are obtained in ' 18,where it is also shown that the only higher regular figures are an,凤a} The“surface”and of an n一dimensional 7n) 8n. sphere are in号19. “volume (The simpler method which we use obtained 号7.3 is a 302一303. comparatively recent discovery.See Courant 1, '' 20一24 deal with the general spherical simplex (“Plagioschem”);号22 contains the crucial theorem.In ' 25 the general simplex is dissected into orthoschemes.'' 26一31 are concerned with the function which expresses the content of the spherical orthoscheme in terms of its acute dihedral angles.(The continued fraction 7·73 and determinant 7·7 5 are both used in号27.)The connection with regular polytopes is developed in ' 33·Coordinates for the vertices of {3, 3, 5} are tabulated in号34, and there is also a description of some of the star一polytopes which we shall investigate in Chapter XIV. The French and English abstracts' of this work,which were published in 1855 and 1858, attracted no attention.This may have been because their dry一sounding titles tended to hide the geometrical treasures that they contain,or perhaps it was just because they were ahead of their time,like the art of va,n Gogh. Anyhow, it was nearly thirty years later that some of the same ideas were rediscovered by an American.The latter treatment (Stringham 1)二一as far more elementary and perspicuous,being enlivened by photographs of models and by drawings similar t·o our Figs.7·2A,B,c.The result was that many people imagined StringhaYn to be the discoverer of the regular polytopes.As evidence that at last the time was ripe,we may mention their *Schli fii 4.
144 REGULARrOLYTOPES independent rediscovery, between 1881 and 1900, by 【号7-x Forch- hammer(1),Rudel(1),Hoppe(1,3),Schlegel(1),Puchta E.Cesaro(1),Curjel(1),and Gosset(1).Among these, Hoppe and Gosset rediscovered the Schlafli symbol {p,q5… Actually, Schlafli Gosset wrote and Hoppe used ordinary parentheses, (1), only ,w}. but The latter form has two I川引…}叫· advantages:the number of dimensions is given by the number of upright strokes,and the symbol exactly includes the symbols for the cell and vertex figure.In fact, Gosset regards}p as an operator which is applied to,I…}w} produce a polytope with p-gonal faces whose vertex …}叫· oq︷ 本L! in order figure is H0 funct ppe ion (2, pp.280一281)practically rediscovered the Schlafli when he showed that where cos”二/q cos“必 工W d 里甲才 ,q介一r 广 一 一2 一一 .r 9曰一, T一口二 the upper limit for d being Given by cos djM_= “,v v q/ I pig cos二行_·。」」 一一一一一一二二。as in z·44 少i, sin 7T/p But he used his geometrical knowledge particular cases directly. of qp,,,,in the various and did not attempt to evaluate the integral
CHAPTER VIII TRUNCATION WE have described three families of regular polytopes:the simplexes an (viz.,the triangle,tetrahedron,etc.),the cross polytopes月,(the square,octahedron, etc.),the measure polytopes y. (the square,cube,etc.);and the one family of cubic h oney- combs 8n.Besides these,there are the remaining regular polygons, the triangular and hexagonal tessellations,the icosahedron and dodecahedron.We proved (in ' 7·8)that the only other regular (convex)polytopes and honeycombs that can possibly exist in Euclidean space are the four一dimensional polytopes 13) 4, 3},{3, 3, 5},15,32 3} and the four一dimensional honeycombs {3,3,4, 3},{3,4,3,3}. In the present chapter we establish the existence of these“extra” figures by giving simple constructions for them.We also find coordinates for all their vertices.Metrical properties are com- puted in ' 8·8,first for the particular polytopes and then for the general fp,q)…,w}, in terms of a new symbol (j, k -),without which the formula for content(8·87)would be too unwieldy. Certain semi一regular figures,arising incidentally, are of some interest in themselves. 8·1.The simple truncations of the general regular polytope. The actual vertex figures of a regular polygon {p}are the sides of another {p}which we may call a truncation of the first (as it is derived from the first by cutting off all the corners).Its vertices are the mid-points of the sides of the first;in fact,the two W's are reciprocal with respect to the in一circle of the first,which is the circum一circle of the second.Somewhat analogously, the vertex figures and truncated faces of a regular polyhedron or tessellation {p,q} are the faces of a truncation {p!or }q)_I-___ }厂,W1.1V;5匕 (夕) vertices are 4.2.)Since the mid-points of the edges each edge of Jp,q} joins two of {p, q) qJ. ve ces (See号号2·3, and separates A 145
146 九EGULAR POLYTOPES [谷8·1 two faces, each vertex of{plq} W's,arranged alternately. Again,the No vertex figures is surrounded by two {qJ's and two and N., truncated cells of a regular U〔J polytope or honeycomb fp,q, rJ of a truncation 8·11 p, qI7’) or …the cells, {q,·}and{pq一 (q, r! ‘P’ which has N,_, vertices,the mid一points of the edges of {p, q, r}. The truncation of {4, 3,4},which we discussed in ' 4·7,serves to illustrate the following properties of the general 夕 (、q, r) Every edge joins the mid一points of two adjacent sides of a definite {p} FIG. 8·1A of {p,q, r };it is thus an edge of one vertex figure {q, r}, also a vertex figure of on common face of two cells face Ip}.But such a {p} ,q} of {p, q, r}.Hence the is and the edge of 今夕 以、了,、L (p ,q, and Fig !is surrounded by one于q, r冬and two r)“、一 (p},____:、二、__一 N,WIUil UWU (.q) jqj's one伽}as interfaces.(Sections of these are indicated in 8·1A.) This is as far as we need go for the applications in号号8·2一8·4; but the following generalization is irresistible.Since the vertices of 8·11,besides being the mid一points of the edges of {p,q, r}, are it is natural to let 、佗r少,,不L 0。r /J.e ,:V the centres of t,he trj's of a reciprocal {r, q S 哟.J州.ICe !﹄! 夕叨 8·12 {s, r,… }、t, u,… 0r denote the polytope (or honeycomb) of the I(p,…,r}'s of fp,…,,·,s, (t, u,. (s, r,· whose t, 2t,二 、},or are the centres the centres of
苦s'1] TRUNCATION 14'7 the {w,…,、}'s of {w,…,。,t, s, r,…,p}.Such“truncations” of a given regular figure arise at special stages of a continuous process which,in the finite case,may be described as follows. When a regular polytope {p,q}…,、}is reciprocated with respect to a concentric sphere of radius OR, its vertices are the centres of the cells of the reciprocal polytope{、,…,q} p}·For any greater radius of reciprocation,the former polytope is entirely ulterior to the latter.Let the radius gradually diminish.Then the sphere shrinks,and the reciprocal polytope shrinks too.As soon as the radius is less than OR, the bounding hyperplanes of {u'' }…,1'}cut -off the corners of {p,…,w}.What is left, namely the common part of the content of the two reciprocal polytopes,is (in a more general sense)a truncation of either. In gradually diminishing, the radius of reciprocation takes (at certain stages) the values oR, 1R,…,21一1R.In the last case,the vertices of {w,…,p}are at the centres of the cells of {p,…,、}; so here,and for any smaller values,the truncation is just {“,,…,p}itself. When the radius of reciprocation is hR (o<1.<n一1),the sphere touches the H、's of {p,…,w} and the fj,t_k_1’ s of{、,…,p l, or, let us say, the {p,…,弓,s of {p,…,w} and the{、,…,、}'s of{、,…,p}. At a point of contact, the {p,…,r} and{、,…,、}lie in completely orthogonal subspaces of the tangent hyperplane to the sphere,so their only common point is the point of contact its This agrees,therefore, fact,the radii A 1R, polytopes {p, q, r,…,、}, 8·13 (2c,…,1") (、v, u%) with 2R}. our previous description of 8·12. elf. In 、一3R}。一2R、一1R determine the . . ,产 勺J ;0曰 、.之少r..L .夕丁1 } w1 {w,”,“, 叨夕 whose 11。一3, ve cesare the centres of elements II。,II 1, H71一2,11,‘一1 of the original polytope. While oR, the the radius of reciprocation is diminishing from the value pol ytope {p, q,…,、 cut off and tilofen un衅呱 replaced by new cells {q, }has all its 、}.These corners increase in the radius 、夕 reaches the value 1R, are the actual vertex (q, 2刀{ when the cells {q, figures of {p, q,…
148 REGULAR POLYTOPES 「号8·2 they too begin to be truncated,appearing ,s in w) !q} p) {r,…,w)’ polytope get Meanwhile,the cells {p, q,… truncated likewise,appearing as口 (r,·“ ,:}of the (p as少‘ Lq,二’ original !'s in v) 尹叨 弘认 Thus it is ·一,v,W) of two kinds: clear that the cells of}:,’.’.’.’ 夕华re !.a 卯 口J衫 ,沪气2 8子乙︸ 1,二..龟, !s, {t, and In terms of properties of fp,…,、},there are No cells of the former kind,and戈一1 of the latter. By repeated application of this result,we see that all kinds of elements of,8·12 (except vertices)are obtained by shortening (from the right)either or both rows of the symbol.In particular, there are regular elements,{s, r,…,p}and {t,“,…,w}, which have a common edge,{}.The plane faces are {s} acid {t}; the solid faces are {s, r}, Besides these simple intermediate truncations (s、 l t) ft,、};and so on· truncations there are some interesting ;e·g· in the two一dimensional case,a certain radius between OR and 1R determines{纱}as a truncation of {p}.But the investigation of such figures would take us too far afield. 8·2.Cesaro's construction for f3.4.31. 七,,, The most interesting whose cells consist of 、112 4 nonO /1护-1、 is the truncated月4 、.t廿.j nonO 21~t 、11/ r instance of 沂p }q} 8 octahedra {3, 4} (vertex figures of 94)and 16 octahedra ,h 、川7吝L (truncations of tetrahedra Every edge belongs to just making 24 octahedra altogether. ree of the octahedra.(See Fig.8·IA Hence this truncation of 3A is regular: 口‘全‘一夕 =={3,4, 3}. 、、12 4 OOno 厂.,﹄1、 with p=q=3, r=4 8·21 If any confirmation were needed,we might observe that its vertex figure,being a be a cube. convex polyhedron with square faces,can only Thus t·he regular polytope {3,4, 3}(Fig.8·2A)has 24 octahedral cells.Being self-reciprocal (as its Schlafli symbol is palindromic),
'g·2] THE 24一CELL{3,4,3}149 it has also 24 vertices,namely the centres of the edges of月4. Since each octahedron has 8 triangular faces,while each triangle belongs to 2 octahedra, the total number of triangles is 24.S/2一96. Reciprocally, there are 96 edges.Thus No=24, N1=96,N2=96) N3=24. By 7·62,the order of the symmetry group〔3,4, 3] is 8.22 y3, 4, 3一2494,3一24.48一1152. This group is,of course,transitive on the 24 octahedra, so the partition into 8+16, which occurred in the above construction, Fia. 8.2A {3, 4, 3} FiG.8.28 尽;and y4 might just as well have been taken in other ways (actually in just two other ways, as we shall see in a moment). The construction exhibits [3, 3, 41 as a subgroup in [3, 4, 3]. Since 93, 3, 4一244卜384 (by 7·67),it is a subgroup of index 3. hyperplanes of three y4's. out,the remaining 16 lie in Hence the cells of月;lie in Linto 3 sets of 8, which are the vertex ,and consequently lie in the bounding Whichever set of 8 octahedra we pick the bounding hyperplanes of that /34. the bounding hyperplanes of two y4's, Hence the 24 octahedra fall figures of three distinct fl4's and the cells of {3, 4, 3}lie in the bounding hyperplanes of three y4’ s.Reciprocally, the vertices of y4 belong to two月4's, and the vertices of {3,4, 3}belong to three fl4's. Again,the bounding hyperplanes of {3, 4, 3} belong (in three ways)to one y4 and one P4;reciprocally, the vertices of {3,4, 3} belong (in three ways)to one月;and one 74- In the latter case
150 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 8.3 (Fig.8·2B)the 32 edges of the 74 occur among the 96 edges of {3, 4, 3};the remaining 64 fall into 8 sets of 8,joining each vertex of the月;to the vertices of the corresponding cell of the Y4·Thus the 24 cells of{3,4, 3}are dipyramids based on the 24 squares of the y4. (Their centres are the raid-points of the 24 edges of the 94.) We mentioned,in号2·7,a construction for the rhombic dodecc- hedron from two equal cubes.We now have an analogous con- struction for {3,4, 3}from two equal hyper一cubes.Cut one of the y4's into 8 cubic pyramids based on the 8 cells,with their common apex at the centre.Place these pyramids on the respective cells of the other y4. The resulting polytope is {3, 4, 3}. We shall refer to this as Gosset's construction for {3,4, 3}.It is related to Cesaro's by reciprocation:Cesaro cuts pyramids from the corners of月4, while Gosset erects pyramids on the cells of y4. Incidentally, we have found four regular compounds.By a natural extension of the notation defined in号3·6,these are Y4[2月41,[2741月4, {3,4, 3}[3月412{3,4, 3},2{3,4, 3}[3-/41{3,4, 3}. Other compounds will be found in ' 14·3. 8·3.Coherent indexing.We saw in号3·7 how the edges of an octahedron can be“coherently indexed”in such a way that the four edges at any vertex are directed alternately towards and away from the vertex.The sides of each face are directed so as to proceed cyclically round the face,and alternate faces acquire opposite orientations.In other words,the octahedron has four clockwise and four counterclockwise}faces (as viewed from outside). If the polytope {3,4, 3}can be built up from 24 such octahedra, so that each triangle is a clockwise face of one octahedron and a counterclockwise face of another, then we shall have a coherent indexing for all the 96 edges of {3, 4, 3}.But it is not obvious that such“building up”can be done consistently.We therefore make a deeper investigation, as follows. Let us reciprocate a coherently indexed octahedron,and make the convention that each edge of the cube shall be indexed so as to cross the corresponding edge of the octahedron from left to right (say).The consequent indexing of the edges of the cube is naturally not“coherent,”but each edge is directed away from a vertex of one of the two inscribed tetrahedra and towards a
号8.4] COHERENT INDEXII\TG 151 vertex of the other.The same kind of“alternate”indexing can be applied to the edges of 74, by means of its two inscribed月4's4. Now consider Gosset's construction,where {3, 4, 3}is derived from y4 by adding eight cubic pyramids.The“alternate” indexing of the 74, and consequently of each of the eight cubes, enables us to make a coherent indexing of the cubic pyramids, and consequently of the whole {3, 4, 3}· The general statement,of which this is a particular case,is that the edges of a polytope or honeycomb {p, q,…,w} can be coherently indexed if, and only if, q is even. 8.4.The snub于3,4,3冬.In }8·2 we derived f 3,4, 31 from 王3,3, 4圣.In ' 8·5 time shall derive {3,3,5}from {3, 4, 3},not directly but with the aid of a kind of modified truncation which we proceed to describe. By truncating {3, 4, 3}we derive the polytope 1-3、 t4, 3少 whose cells consist of 24 cubes and 24 cuboctahedra.Its vert the mid-points of the 96 edges of {3,4, 3}.Every edge cesare is rounded by one cube and two cuboctahedra.(See Fig. with p- squares, 3, q=4, r=3 Thus the plane faces are triangles each triangle belonging to two cuboctahedra and square to one cuboctahedron and one cube. 24 cubes has 12 edges and 6 faces,there are square faces altogether. triangular faces,which The 288 edges are Since each of the 288 edges and 144 the sides of the 96 are truncations Collecting results,- and 24+24 cells. j3、 }43 3 has 96 vertices of the faces of {3, 4, 3}. 288 edges,96+144 faces, Instead of bisecting the edges n ;.上 、11了 9d 介04 产121.又 them in any ratio coherent indexing. a:b (the same of {3,4,3},let us now divide for all)in accordance with their thus obtain a distorted each cuboctahedron hedron,as in ' 3·7. is replaced by a Since the edges (generally irregular) at a vertex of {3, 4, which icosa一 3} are directed alternately towards and away from the vertex, each cube of f3} 4, 3少 is replaced by some figure having the symmetry of a regular tetrahedron.We may suppose,without loss of generality, that a > b.In the limiting case when alb approaches 1,the irregular icosahedron becomes a cuboctahedron (Fig.8·4A)with
152 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号8·4 one diagonal drawn in each square face.But each square face belongs also to a cube.Hence in this case all the cubes likewise have one diagonal drawn in each face.The question arises, Which diagonal ? The only way to preserve tetrahedral sym- metry is to take those diagonals which form the edges of a regular tetrahedron inscribed in the cube (Fig.8·4B).The cube is then divided into five tetrahedra:the regular one,and four low pyramids.When alb increases,the regular tetrahedron remains regular;but the pyramids grow taller, and there is no reason to expect them to remain in the same 3一space. On comparing the new polytope with{:,。{-,AN?一‘hat there FIG. 8.4A FIG.84B are still 96 vertices.Besides the 288 original edges,there are 144 new edges,arising from diagonals of the 144 squares.Besides the 96 original triangles,there are the 96 faces of the new regular tetrahedra, and 288 isoscel-es triangles arising from the halves of the 144 squares.The 24 cubes become 120 tetrahedra (of which 24 are always regular),and the 24 cuboctahedra become 24 (generally irregular)icosahedra·At each of the 288“original” edges we find one pyramid and two icosahedra;at each of the 144“new”edges,one regular tetrahedron and two pyramids and one icosahedron. When alb一二一2(x/5+ 1),the icosahedra are regular, as we saw in号3·7;hence all the triangles are equilateral and all the pyramids are regular tetrahedra.We thus obtain a“semi- regular”polytope,say s{3,4,3}, having 96 vertices,288+144 edges,96+96+288 triangular faces, 24+96 tetrahedra, and 24 icosahedra.One type of edge is
'g·5] T”E 600一CELL {3,3,5}153 surrounded by one tetrahedron and two icosahedra,the other by three tetrahedra and one icosahedron. 8·5.Gosset's construction for {3,3,5}.Since the circum- radius of an icosahedron is less than its edge-length,we can construct,in four dimensions,a pyramid with an icosahedron for base and twenty regular tetrahedra for its remaining cells.Let us place such a pyramid on each icosahedron of s{3,4, 3}.The effect is to replace each icosahedron by a cluster of twenty tetra- bedra,involving one new vertex,twelve new edges,and thirty netiN- triangles.Thus we obtain a polytope with 96+24 vertices, 288+144+288 edges,96+96十288+720 triangular faces,and 24一-L96+480 tetrahedral cells.For the purpose of counting the number of cells that surround an edge,each icosahedron of s{3,4, 3}counts for two tetrahedra.Thus an edge of any of the three types is surrounded by just five tetrahedra.This,therefore, i5 the regular polytope {3,3,5}, and we have found that No=120, Ni一720, N2=1200, N3一600. (See Plates IV and VII. It follows by polytope {5, 3, reciprocation that the remaining four一dimensional 3}has 600 vertices,1200 edges,720 pentagonal and 120 dodecahedral cells.(Plates V and VIII.) 7·62,the symmetry group [3,3,5] (of either of these two 氏y CeB fa reciprocal polytopes)is一of order 8.51 Y3, 3, 5一" A..d'0 93,5一1202一14400. The construction indicates that a certain subgroup of index 2 in [3,4, 3] is a subgroup of index 25 in [3,3,5].In fact,the vertices of {3,3,5},each taken 5 times,are the verUines of 25 {3,4, 3}}s.(See Table VI (iii) on page 303.) We have 7.81.As for now established the existence of all the polytopes 飞厂y 4b the honeycombs 7.84, we begin with 85一{4, 3, 3, 4“ The centres of its squares are 8·21,consists entirely of {3, 4, the ver“一f一{;: 3}'S.Hence this 4 },which, truncation” is regular: ={3} 4, 3, 飞‘.少 44 qQnO 厂1‘..、 and the centres honeycomb of its cells {3, are the 3}; vertices of the reciprocal 3,4, 3}.
154 REGULAR POLYTOPES Thus four一dimensional space {3, 4, 3}'s,just as well as with the dihedral angle of either N4 Another case of a regular“ 厂3、 (、3,4,3少 can be filled with 94's,or Y4 's.It follows,incidentally, or {3,4,3}is exactly 2二/3. truncation”is 一{3,4, 3,3}. 8·6.Partial truncation,or alternation.We saw, in号号3·6,4·2, 4·7,and 8·2,that it is possible to select alternate vertices of {4, 3} or {4, 4} or {6,3}or {4,3,4} or {4, 3,3}in such a way that every edge has one end selected and one end rejected.Since this can also be done to any even polygon,it is natural to expect that it can be done to every polytope or honeycomb tp,q, r,…,w} with p even.(It obviously cannot be done when p is odd.)In fact,the argument used at the end of ' 1·6 may be extended to any number of dimensions,with the conclusion that alternate vertices of a simply一connected polytope or honeycomb can be selected whenever every face H:has an even number of s,ides. The details are as follows. A polytope or honeycomb is said to be simply一connected if it is topologically equivalent to a“map”drawn (without any overlapping of cells)on a sphere or a flat space,respectively. (This is certainly the case for all the figures so far considered, except those in Chapter VI.The honeycombs cover a flat space by definition,and the polytopes can be projected onto concentric spheres without altering their topology.)Hence a circuit of edges can be shrunk to a point without leaving the manifold (i.e., without leaving the“surface”of the polytope).In other words, such a circuit is (generally in many‘ different ways)the boundary of a two一dimensional region or“2一chain,”consisting of a number of 14 2's fitting together in such a way as to be topologically equivalent to a circle with its interior, or to the curved surface of an ordinary hemisphere.If the circuit consists of N edges, we can transform the 2一chain into a complete topological poly- hedron (or two一dimensional map) by adding one N-sided face. Hence,by the remark at the end of ' 1·4, if every 14:has an even number of sides,the number N must be even too.Finally, we ielect those vertices of the polytope or honeycomb which can be reached from a given vertex by proceeding along an even number )f edges.Since every circuit is even,this can never give an i,mbiguous result;we shall have selected just half the vertices.
号8.6) ALTERNATION 155 If 14,‘一{p,q, r,…,w}, where p is even, let us use the symbol 1114,;to denote the polytope or honeycomb whose vertices are alternate vertices of II,‘ h{p}一 b f4, 3}一 h f6, 3}一 11 {4, 3,3}一 e·g 11{4, 4卜{4, 4}, 、r.夕 n04 飞,J、佗了,飞广少 29)口”︸ fl)/ {3, {3, i3, 3,4},h f4, 3, 4}一{3, (The“11”may be regarded as the initial for either“half” or“hemi.”) These instances make it clear that l1 H、is a partial truncation in the sense that,when 11、is、polytope,the rejected corners are cut off by hyperplanes parallel to those of the corresponding vertex figures.In fact,h{p,q1…,:,、},with p even,has 1No vertices,古No cells {q,…,:,、}, and戈z_1 elements b {p,q}…,:}. The last are cells,except in the case of h{p} or h{4, q}. Since 11{}is a single point,while h {4}is a digon,the partially truncated sides of Ip}are not sides but vertices of h {p},and the partially truncated faces of {4, q}are not faces but edges of h{4, q}. Since 8·61 h{4, q}一位,q}, 二:hile in higher space the cells of h{4, q,…,:,、}are {q,.。.,。,、} and h{4, q,…,:},an appropriate extension of the Schlafli symbol is_,·一: h t4,,,r,一”·‘}一{q) For,we can now assert that the cells qr,…,:,、}· of this polytope or honey- 口上r 口丈 产!﹃、.又 comb are 毛q,r,…,:,、}and This notation covers every case except h{6, 3}一{3, 6}. But it is not so far-reaching actually q= r一..一v一3, and ewe have only by。一h{4, 3't-2}一h {4, 3, 3,…,3} h{p}一{p/2} as it looks, and since 介O 厂.,‘.又 h S,‘一1114, 3't-3, 4}一h{41 3一}__ 3,…,3少一 3,…,3,4} 3、 3,…,3, 4) 3 3n-3 no, /11、no 3 3n一4 八O /1、﹄.、 nO 广11、
156 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 8.7 The polytope hy,, is regular when n=1,2,3,4: hyi = ao } hY2一al } hY3 - a3, hY4一Pa The honeycomb 118n is regular when n=2,3,5: 1‘82一82, 118。一83) 118。一{3, 3, 4, 3 1. (The regularity of 1185 follows front the fact that its cells,月;and hy4,are alike.) The possibility of selecting alternate vertices of 8、一}一1 gives, by reciprocation,the possibility of selecting alternate cells of, say white and black cells.In other words,the chess一board has a,n n-dimensional analogue. When n一4, take a white Y4, and place on each of its eight cells a cubic pyramid consisting of one一eighth part of the neighbouring black 74.We thus obtain a{3,4, 3}(by Gosset's construction,page 150)·Such {3,4, 31's, derived from all the white y4's,will exactly fill the four一dimensional space,coming together in sets of eight at the centres of the black Y4’ s,as well as at the vertices of the 55.We thus obtain{3,413,3}. (The analogous procedure in three dimensions leads to the honey- comb of rhombic dodecahedra,which is the reciprocal of h54 or 厂。3、 一{_”,4少·See ' 4.7.) 8·7.Cartesian coordinates.Much of the above discussion can be simplified by the use of coordinates.If we take the vertices of 94 to be the permutations of 8.71(一士2,0,0,0), we immediately deduce the mid-points of its edges,which are the vertices of {3,4, 3},as being the permutations of 8.72(士1,士1, 0, 0) (cf. 3·74).The bounding hyperplanes of this {3,4, 3}are xi=士1,x2=士1,x3=士1,x4=士1,and士xi士x2士x3士x4= 2. Hence the vertices of the reciprocal {3,4, 3}(with respect to the sphere x1”+x2“+x32+x42=2)are 8·71 and 8.73(士1,士1,土1,士1), 二·hick we recognize as the vertices of 94 and y4 (Fig·8·2B)·
'8·7} THE 120一CELL {5,3,3}157 The coherently indexed edges of 8·72 are divided in the ratio a:b (where a+b=1)by points whose coordinates are the even permutations of (士1,士a,士b , 0). Putting a一T-1, b一T-2, and multiplying through by T, we obtain the vertices of s{3,4, 3}as even permutations of 8.74(士二,士1,士二一1, 0). The vertices of {3, 3,5}are these 96 together with those of a {3,4, 3}reciprocal to 8·72 and of the same circum一radius as 8·74, namely 8·71 and 8·73 together;i·e·,the vertices of {3, 3, 5}are 8·71,8·73,and 8·74.The edge一length of this {3,3,5}(or of the s{3,4, 3})is the distance between the two neighbouring vertices (二,1,士二一1, 0), namely 2二一1 Locating the centres of the tetrahedra of various types,and multiplying through by 4T-2, we obtain the 600 vertices of the reciprocal 15, 3, 31 (of edge 2二一2) as the permutations of (士2,土2, 0, 0) ,(土丫5,士1,士1,士1), (士T,士T,士T,士二一2),(士T2,士二一1,士二一1,士二一1) along with the even permutations of (士二2,士1,士二一2} 0) }(士丫5,士二,士二一11 0), (士2,土二,士1,土二一1) . The simplest coordinates for the n+1 vertices of the regular simplex an (of edgeV2)are the permutations of 8·75(1,0'2), i.e., 1 and n 0's, in the hyperplane E二一1 of (n+ 1) -dimensional space·An element aj is given by restricting the permutations so as to allow the 1 to occupy any one of j+1 definite positions. Hence the centre of a typical a; (after multiplying through by J+1)is (1,41, On一,). In other words,the truncation the permutations of of{3j+k} has for vertices 8·76 1j+1.ok+1
158 REGULAR POLYTOrES Similarly, the vertices mutations of 8·77 of the cross polytope [号8·7 民are the per- (土1, On-1 and those of the truncation are the permutations of 、11了 4 3) 3k 厂1‘ 、112 44 8.78(:二1i+1, Ok+1 Again,the vertices of the honeycomb 厂33 }3k ments of j+1 odd and k-;-1 even coordinates. vertices of {3,4, 3,3}have two odd and two are all the arrange- In particular, the even coordinates. The 2't points(士1't) are,of course,the vertices of the measure polytope y,, (of edge 2).From these we pick out the 2'‘一1 vertices of the“half二easure polytope”hy. (of edge 2丫2)by allowing only even (or only odd)numbers of negative signs.This rule is justified by the fact that every edge of y,, joins two points which differ by unity in their number of negative signs. The cubic honeycomb 5n+1 (of edge 1)is formed by all the points with 7z integral coordinates.From these,we pick out the vertices of h8n+,(of edge丫2)by restricting the coordinates to have an even (or odd)sum·For, an edge of 8n+1 joins two points whose coordinates differ by unity in just one place.In particular, the vertices of {3,3,4, 3卜h65 can be taken to have four coordinates with an even sum,in every possible arrangement. 8·8.Metrical properties.The circum-radius OR of each regular polytope is easily computed from the coordinates of the vertices. For instance,each vertex of the simplex 8·75 is distant 一11 n一十 -扑 /了叼 7、2“ - 一.工 ti/ n n十1 1) +一= (n+ 1)“ from its centre 典) n+ 1/ But the edge is丫2;hence for 一11 一.工︼土1 /、、、 J]! an an of edge 21, _,/2n 1九=乙/—. 叼、十1 Alternatively, we may use the general formula 8·81 OR which follows from 7·71and7·73.
谷8·8] METRICAL PROPERTIES The other radii jR can be deduced from the triangle 0o 0j 0,z is right一angled at 0i·(See ' 7·9 have to subtract the squared circurn-radius of a element from the squared circurn一radius of the tiv_ e.a.,for a;,, 159 fact that the .)We merely 、一二l.户n二 2j_2/一万一二 \/lz一 -1 i十1勺j十1 2 n一1 The are u1ar angI then properties }一000 it 01l X一000 it 0,‘一:,功一0,‘一2071 or‘一; given by R ,二 一 儿 Sill 0r OR last -一11?一_. uu一‘币,uu}s X一 01‘ OR and cos*一嗦· 儿一2书. From the of these we deduce the dihedral angle二一20. If cells, 认’e know the contentC。,of a cell,and the number of 产,,。二,‘ we obtain the surface一analogue as S一N111 -I CP)…,: By dissecting the polvtope into NM,pvramids with their common 一~~‘一.月,〔—1.三‘‘尹 apex at the analogue)as 8·82 centre obtain the whole content (or volume- 。,2U=,‘一1 R S/n. 僻味 These formulae enable us to prove by induction that the contents o f a,i,911,y,, are respectively (1-,/2)n,,//元} 1/n!,1 )1 2艺 n/n!,(21)n (Of course the last of these results is obvious from first principles. In t·he case of风,the cell is a,‘一1,so induction is not needed there. Other special cases can be seen in Table I, on page 293.) If general formulae are desired (in terms of p, q,…,w),the best procedure is to define n numbers (一1,1),(0, 2),(1,3), (n一2,n) so as to satisfy the relations (一1, 1) (0, 2)一see2 _, (0, 2) (1, 3)一see2 - 8·83夕 q (、一3,、一1) (n一2, n)一see 2 - . w
160 REGULAR POLYTOPES H 8 Further numbers (j, k) are then defined by (J,j+1)=1, .、.口产 无 00 01.1几 8·84(j, k)= 00 and (k, 8·85 =一(j, (h) ;,J+2)1 1(J+1,J+3) 0 0 0 0 k),whence* i)(j, k)+(h, j)(k, U} j)=0, 0 0 0 0 1 (k-一31 0 k一1) 1 1 (k-一2, 幻十(h,助(i,力=0. It follows that (0, k)/(一1,k) is the kth convergent of the continued fraction 1一(l,a)-- 1一卜 (一1, 1一) One of the n numbers(一1,1),. have any convenient value;the 8·83.It is convenient to arrange table 二,(n一2, n) can be chosen to rest are then determined by all the U, k)'s in a triangular (一1,1) (一1, (0, 2) (1,3) 2) (0,3) (一1,3) by means of the recurrence formula (;’,k)= (j, k一1)(j+1) k)一1 For instance,when n=3 we (j十1", k一1) might take (0, 2)一1 and deduce 7T工g7Tlg 。7T 叹一1, 1)==sec‘一 p (1,3)一sect ,八、:。7T 叹一1, Z)=tan‘一 p (0, 3)=tang 。、,。7T.11 ?T 吸一1, 3)=tan‘一tan‘一一I 夕 q *It is interesting to observe that 8·85 implies(j} j)=0 and (k, j )+(j, k)=0
号8·8] THEDETERMINANT 161 Dividing the kth row and column of the n (一1,n)= (一1,1) 1 1 0 (0,2)1 (i,k) determinant 0 0 0 0 1 (n一2, by \/(k一2,k),and comparing the result with 7·75,we find that 刁p, q.…,。 Similarly, d,,…,,。 Hence,by 8·81, (一1,、) =下1, 1) (0, 2万. . (n- 2, n)’ (0,n) :二二二一~一一一一一. (0, 2)…(n一2,n) ,R_‘/ 叼 (一1,1)(0, n) (一1,n) and by 8·85, 8.86,*一l了 (一1,1)(0, n) (一1,n) (一1,1)(0, j) (一1,j) 八一1,1)(j,n) 二二二G一二 V(一l, j)(一1, n) Another application of 8·85 gives tang势= (一1,n) (1,n) tang X=(一1, n) (0, n一1), tang o= (一1,n) (一l, n一2) Since Nn-1= 7p}…,Z, u P ,…” 9 and,;一1:一‘了 (一1,1) (一1, n一1)(一l, n) 8·82 gives C p, Cp There ending 公,z之, _N,一1,一1R n _外,. y p, V, 2v ln、/ v一万 (一1,1) (一1, n一1)(一1,、) are analogous expressions for吼,…,,,。/味, with ·…,‘,etc. (一1,1) (一1, 1)(一1, 2) 21一2l/ 1 11叼 (一1,1) ____~~~~~~~~~.~目..... (一l, 0)(一1, 1) /叼 112 外一2 -一 吼一21 Multiplying these n equations together, we deduce 、只:。_。In ““’"p,一”,‘a p,…,”,20 n! (一1,1)n/2 (一l, 1)(一l, 2)…(一1,、一1)V/(一1, n) We have seen that one of the numbers(一1,1),(o, 2) (n一2,n)can be chosen as we please.It happens that the best L
162 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 8.9 choice is (0, 2)=2, whenever、>3.Then the values for all the numbers (j, k)are as follows: for an, (j, k)一k -}; for gn, (j, k)一k-j (j<k<n-1), (j,,‘)一1 (j<7‘一1); for y,,2, (j, k)一k-j (0 <j <k-),(一1, 1;)一1 (k > 0); for {3, 4, 31, (j, ILK)一1L-j (j <k < 2), (j, 3)一1 (j <2), (j, 4)一j+2 (j《2); for {3, 3, 5}, (j, l)一k-j (j-<1c(3), (一1, 4)一二一s, (0, 4)一2二一45 (1, 4)一,\/5二一s} (2, 4)-2二一2; for f5, 3, 31, (j, k )一k-j (0 < j <k), (一l, 1)一2?-2(一1, 2)二丫5丁 -3,}/ 7 }(一1} 3)一2-r-4,(一1, 4)=二一6 In the last case, a concise summary is(一1, k)=1一k二一3 (/0 >0). 8·9.Historical remarks.In ' 8·2 we obtained{3, 4, 3} by taking, as vertices,the mid-points of the edges of the cross polytope月4.We have ascribed this construction to Ernesto Cesaro(1,p.65)because,although Schldfli must have understood it,he did not actually say so.The general“curtail” 8·91 was described by Gosset 厂P飞 _}q5…,W) in the first part of a most remarkable essay(1897)of which only a brief abstract was published (Gosset 1).In the s{3,4, 3}by same essay he constructed the auxiliary polytope vertices distorting actually lie in _}- . But he overlooked the fact that 3) the edges of {3, 4, 3},dividing them nO4 /1召t according to the golden section;this was pointed out by Mrs. Stott in 1931.* Gosset also obtained s{3, 4, 3} from another point of vie二一,as one of the“semi-regular”polytopes,which he defined as having regular cells (of several kinds)and a symmetry group that is transitive on the vertices.He made a complete enumeration of such polytopes,a·nd of the analogous honeycombs,using the fact that the vertex figure must be either semi-regular or“partially regular”(i.e.,having regular cells and a circum一sphere,without a transitive symmetry group).For instance,the vertex figure of (3 }_3, (,一3 or 5) is the semi-regular r-gonal prism{}x{,};and *See Coxeter 7, p.338. ﹄11了 r
号8·9] THOROLD GOSSET 163 the vertex figure of s{3, 4, 3}is a solid bounded by five triangles and three pentagons (Fig.8·9A),which may be derived from an icosahedron (the vertex figure of {3,3,5}) by truncating three non- adjacent corners,i.e.,by cutting off three pentagonal pyramids, just as s{3, 4, 3}itself can be derived from{3,3,5}by cutting off 24 icosahedral pyramids.The still more remarkable last part of Gosset's essay is concerned with the polytopes k21 which we shall construct (in a quite different manner) in ' 11·8. The general theory in号8·6 is new, but the idea of partial truncation was suggested by Mrs.Stott (2,p.15)and the sig- The cases hy, hSn FiG. 8-9A vertex figure of s{3, 4, 3} nificant (10, pp· were discussed analytically by Schoute 73,90).The identity h85一{3,3, 4) 3} may be said to have been anticipated by Gosset in his (reciprocal) remark that the cells of {3,4, 3, 3}are concentric with alternate cells of 85;this enabled him to construct all the regular polytopes and honeycombs without using any“deeper”truncation than 8·91. The general process of truncation(号8·1)is a special combination of沁s.Stott’s two processes of expansion and contraction,*which led to her discovery of a great variety of“uniform”polytopes. ~11了 nO qQ4 厂1、1、 Most of these,e.g. are not semi-regular in Gosset's sense, as they admit cells that are not regular (although there are still symmetry groups transitive on the vertices).In Mrs.Stott's *Stott 2;Ball 1,P.139.
164 REGULAR POLYTOPES[号8·9 notation,the truncation whose vertices are the centres of the fl k'S of fl. is cek fln.But she also defined other polytopes ei…ek 1I,‘and cei…ek rIn (0<‘<…<k<n) which,unfortunately, are beyond the scope of this book. The coordinates that we found for {3,4, 3}in ' 8·7 are due to Schlafli (4, p.51).He also obtained coordinates for {3,3,5},but with a different frame of reference (p.121).The coordinates chosen here are due to Schoute(6,pp.210一213),*though he failed to observe that the points 8·74 by themselves form a semi-regular polytope· We saw, in ' 4·4, that the vertices of {4, 4} may be regarded as representing the Gaussian integers.Analogously, the vertices of {3,3,4, 3}(whose coordinates are either four integers or four halves of odd integers)represent Hurwitz's integral quaternions (see Dickson 1,p·148).The vertices of {3,4, 3}(viz.,8·71 and 8·73,divided by 2)represent the 24“units” 士1,士i,士j,士lip,(士1士i士i士k)/2 of that arithmetic. It was Schlafli (4, pp.52一56)who found the radii, content of each attempt to give regular polytope,as in号8·8;but angles,and he did not a general formula for content,such as 8·87. Thorold Gosset was born in 1869.After a largely classical schooling, he went up to Pembroke College, Cambridge, in 1888.He was called to the Bar in 1895,and took a law degree the following year. Then, having no clients, he amused himself by trying to find out what regular figures might exist in n dimensions.After rediscovering all of them, he proceeded to enumerate the“semi一regular”figures.He recorded the results in the above一mentioned essay, which he sent to Glaisher in 1897.Glaisher showed it to Whitehead and Burnside. It is tempting to speculate on the possibility that some of its ideas, unconsciously assimilated,bore fruit in Burnside's later work.This,however, is unlikelv;for Burnside declared (in a letter to Glaisher, dated 1899) that he never found time to read more than the first half.“The author's method,a sort of geometrical intuition”did not appeal to him,and the idea of regarding an (n一1)-dimensional honeycomb as a degenerate n一dimensional polytope seemed“fanciful.”He thus failed to appreciate the new discoveries,and Glaisher was content to publish the barest outline.That published statement remained unnoticed until after its results had been rediscovered by Flte and myself. As he was a modest man, Gosset let the subject drop,and pursued his career as a lawyer. He has written books on the Investigation of Titles.At the present tinge(1947)he is still living in Cambridge. *To see how elegant Schoute's coordinates really are, compare them with Puchta 1,pp. 817·819.
CHAPTER IX POINCARE'S PROOF OF EULER’S FORMULA THE discoverer and (vlz.,Schlafli, observed that earliest rediscoverers of the regular polytopes Stringham,Forchhammer, Rudel,and Hoppe)all the total number of even一dimensional elements the total number of odd一dimensional elements are either e (as in the case of a polygon)or differ by 2 (as in the case convex polyhedron).Schlafli (4, p.20),like most of the others, attempted a general proof;but the dependence on simple- connectivity was not properly appreciated until 1893, when Poincare wrote a short note on the subject, which he expanded six years later.* This,like the last half of Chapter I,belongs to the realm of topology (or analysis sites).Incidentally, it seems odd that topologists have never adopted the word“polytope.”They continually use“simplex.”The antithesis,“complex,”means a collection of polytopes meeting one another at any kind of element;e.g.,a one一dimensional complex is a graph. 9·1.Euler's Formula as generalized by Schlafli.Consider the follmiring sequence of propositions. A line一segment fl, has two ends: A polygon 112 has as many vertices as sides An ordinary polyhedron 113一satisfies Euler's An ordinary polytope 114 satisfies No=2. :No一N1=0. Formula No一N1 + N2=2. No一N1+ N2一N3= 0. (We proved this in ' 4·8.) Schldfli exhibited these as special cases of the formula No一N1+N2一…+(一1)n一‘Nn_,一1一(一1)n or ,,,9·11 or No一N1 + N2一…干Nn一1士戈二1 N-1一No -f- N1一…士戈-1干戈=0, which holds for any simply一connected polytope H This is verified for the regular polytopes an,风 *Poincare 1 and 2.See also Veblen 1,pp. 76- yn by setting 81 165
166 REGULAR POLYTOPES[号9·2 x=一lin7·41.As an instance where the polytope is not regular, 二:e may take the s f3, 4, 3}of '8·4, for which No一96, Nl -- 432, N2一480, N3 = 144, or the hy, of号8.6, for which No = 16) N1= 80) N2一160, N3一120 , N4一26. But the general case is not so easy. The usual proof by induction (e.g.,Somerville 3, p.147)is the natural extension of Euler's own proof of 1·61,and involves the same kind of unjustified assumption about the manner in which a polytope play be gradually taken‘apart or built up.The following procedure is an attenuated version of Poincare's deduction of the analogous formula for a circuit (I.e.,a generalized polytope which may be multiply一connected). },,9·2.Incidence matrices.It must be emphasized that 9·11 is a theorem of topology, which is more general than ordinary geometry in that it is not concerned with measurement, nor even with straightness.The polytope fl,, may be distorted (by bend- ing and stretching, as if it were made of rubber)without changing the essential relationship of its vertices H。,edges fl,,plane faces 112,solid faces 113,…,and cells II。一1.In fact,its topological nature is determined when know whichn、一1's are cells of k Nk n each Il。(for k一 concisely in terms 1,、2, This information is _r ,.__。-a,,。。,。,。,。。t,。。。__k月八召。., l7 fl。 U1 Z'/GG'Gat7Guu '7GIG'f/cuGY。’11、;,UG1111C1A。。 ,0J expressed follows. Let the various II、,。(for each Ic)be named f 1l,ij 2k-, in any definite order.We write :令,一1 or·0 according as II笼一,does or does not belong to Ilk.For each k these numbers form an incidence 7natri二(or rectangular table)of N、一1 ro-Nvs and Nk- Columns.The ith row shows which H、,。 surround II孟一,,and the jth column shows which II、一1's bound fl孟.Since all the II、_1's are cells of the whole polytope H二,the final matrix{}:nj}{consists of a single column of 1's,1·e·, 9.21 qi1一1, (i一1, 2,…,-T二一1) Dually, as in ' 7·4, we regard all the elements as having a common “null”element II一1;in other words,二·e make the convention 9.22 770,一1 (j一1, 2,…,No) , so that j}:呈、}I consists of a single row of 1's·
号9.3] INCIDENCE MATRICES Consider, for example, a tetrahedron ABC D(、=3)with AD, B D,CD, BC, AC, AB,and faces BCD, ACD,ABD, Here the -q's are the entries in the following four tables: 167 edges ABC. AD BD CD BC AC AB BCD ACD 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 ABD ABC 刀3 ABCD ,.且11二 BCD ACD ABD ABC 0001.111.1几1.︷ 000se.JL ,一DDDC.cB 刀-ABCBAA For an obvious reason, we have chosen a incidence matrices for {3,3,5} would very simple example. The fill a bicr book:and in } 11·8 气于夕,.J we shall have occasion to describe (called 421)whose incidence matrices an eight一dimensional pol对ope would fill about a million books. 9.3. The algebra of k-chains. A k-chain is defined to be any selection of 1I、,s (for a definite k),considered as the sum of its elements,e.g.,II孟+11菜+11丈.(Thus a 1一chain is a graph. con- sidered as the sum of its branches.)The sum of the cells of二 II k+l is a special k一chain which we call the boundary of the 11k+1.The sum of two k一chains is defined as consisting of the distinct elements of both,with any common elements omitted. Thus a k -一chain is a formal sum ,产 ;Jk n 与 ,人,J N万1 where each x,一0 or 1 了=1 and the sum of two k一chains is 9·31 z马 fl 3xj k+E y; fl,一E (x?+对lik, n T1 with the coefficients reduced modulo 2. coefficients are not ordinary numbers but other words,the residue一classes,*“0” See, e.g.,Ball 1, pp.60, 73, or Birkhoff and MacLane 1,p.26
168 and“1” ing to the .,,9·32 REGULAR POLYTOPES[号9·3 meaning“even”and“odd.”These combine accord- finite arithmetic 0+0 This as the convention :0,0+1=1+0=1,1+1=0. enables us to define the boundary of a k一chain sum of the boundaries of itsn,., s.For, if the k一chain ——儿声 contains two 11k's which are juxtaposed to the extent of having a common rl。一1,this is naturally no part of the boundary of the k -一chain. In particular, the boundary of a II、 _F1 is a k一chain whose bounding (k一1)-chain vanishes;1.e.,it is an unbounded k一chain, or L--circuit. Sa also the boundary of any (1c+ 1)-chain is a k-- circuit. In the tetrahedron used as an example above,the boundary of the 2一chain ABC+BCD is AB+AC一十BC+BC+BD+CD=AB+AC+BD+CD; and this 1一chain is a 1一circuit, as its boundary is A+B+A+C+B+D+C+D=0. Returning to the general case,the boundary of 14贡consists of those II、一1's which are incident with it,namely Nk一1 E:j jlk一,; and the boundary of the k一chain E xj Il芫 is E E xj qkj } }一1 (summed for i and j). In particular, 万 '}k} x一0 }x, 1lk is a k一circuit if 9·33 for each‘.On the other hand,万x, IIk is a bounding if it is the boundary of some(、+1)一chain Z,‘11k+,,i.e exist coefficients y, (l一1,2,…,Nk+1)such that k一circuit if there },,9·34 x一万y‘ ,qk+a ji‘· We are regarding 9·33 and 9·34 as equations whose coefficients and unknowns belong to the finite arithmetic 9·32.But we could just as well regard them as congruences, by writing“三(mod 2)” instead of“=.” The convention 9·22 implies that the 0一chain Z x, rlo is“un- bounded”(according to the criterion 9·33)if万xi一0, i·e·,if the number of its points is even.In saying that the boundary of a
芬9.4] (k+1)一chain is a CHAINS AND CIRCUITS 169 k -一circuit tiVe implied vention makes this hold also when k=0. that k? 0;but our con- Conversely, any 0一circuit, consisting of (sav)2m vertices。is t少、U,, the boundary of a 1一chain consisting of m connected sequences of edges. When k=n一1,9·34 shows that the condition for Z x, IIn一,to be a bounding (n一1)-circuit is that all the二,s be equal (to y1). The case when they all vanish is of course excluded;hence xi一1, and the only bounding (n一1)-circuit is I IIn一,, bounds the whole H,‘. every which 9·4.Linear dependence and rank.The rule 9·31 suggests the abstract representation of the 1i’一chain E x3 . IZk as a vector (x1) x2,·一xyvk) whose components x, are 0 or 1 (mod 2). The linearly independent“vectors”11孟(J一1,2,…,Nk)form a basis,in the sense that every vector is expressible as a linear combination of these N. -.In other words,the class of k一chains can be represented as an N、一dimensional vector space*(over the field of residue一classes modulo 2). The class of k一circuits constitutes a subspace of this vector space.The number of dimensions of the subspace is the number of independent k -一circuits,or the number of independent solutions of the N、一1 homogeneous linear equations 9·33 for the Nk un- known x's. The bounding k一circuits likewise form a subspace.Its number of dimensions,being the number of independent bounding k,,-circuits, is the number of independent vectors (x1, x2,…,XNk ) urhich are expressible in the form 9·34. As a step towards the computation of these numbers,we pro- ceed to define“rank.”By selecting certain rows of a matrix, and the same number of columns,we obtain a square submatrix whose determinant may or may not vanish.The number of rows (or columns)is called the order of the determinant.The rank of the matrix is defined as the largest order, say p, for which a non一vanishing determinant occurs.This p may take any value froth 0(二·hen the matrix consists entirely of zeros)to the number of rows or columns (whichever is smaller).Since each determinant of order p+1 vanishes,every row (or column)can be expressed as a linear combination of p particular rows (or columns),namely of those which were selected in forming a non-vanishing deter- minant. *Birkhoff andMacLane 1,PP.167一180.
REGULARPOLYTOPES [号4.7 0 阿了 is one called octahedra {3, a cu boid (or !3, 4, (4 4} in which each vertex is )‘ and four cuboctahedra square prism)with base surrounded by two Its vertex figure is l and lateral edges 2丫2. The relationship of these figures is very siiiiply seen诫th the aid of rectangular Cartesian coordinates.All the points whose three coordinates are integers are the vertices of、f4, 3,4} of edge 1.Those whose coordinates are all even belong to a {4, 3,4} of edge 2.Those, ii.-hose coordinates are all odd form another equal {4, 3,4}.These two {4, 3, 4}'s of edge 2 are said to be recij)rocal, as the vertices of either are the centres of the cells of the other, while the edges of either are perpendicularly bisected by the faces of the other一The mid一edge points of either (which are the face- centres ;3,4, 。4)’ of the other) are easily recognized as the vertices of These are the points whose coordinates are one odd and two even, or vice versa.The octahedra arise as vertex figures of {4, 3, 4}, and the cuboctahedra as truncations of its cells·These results are conveniently expressed as follows. Let the points with integral coordinates (x, J, z) be marked 0,1,2,or Fia. 113 113, 4·i4. of one 3 according to the number of odd coordinates,as in These points correspond to the elements Ilo, rIl,112, of our two reciprocal {4, 3,4}’s,and to the elements 112, of }3,4, 4 fi l,HO of the other.The points 1 (or 2)are the vertices Moreover, the points 0 and 2 together (or 1 and 3 together)are easilv recognized。、the vertices of}3,冬,一:these 户‘v V{.’4{ are just the points whose coordinates have an even (or odd)szcm. Thus the vertices of一3,:{are ve ces .1上!﹃1 rt34 e, VnO !~1\ just as the vertices of {3, 3} the stella octangula).In fact are alternate alternate ces of {4, 3,4}, of {4, 3}(in the cells of consist of tetra- hedra inscribed in the cubes of {4, 3, 41,and octahedra surrounding the omitted vertices.The reciprocal honeycomb is the well-known space一filling of rhombic dodecaliedra.*The in一spheres of its cells form the“cubic close-packing”or“normal piling”of spheres 一a fa一ct which is sometimes adduced as a reason for the resem- *Andreini 1,Fig. 33
' 4'7] CHARACTERISTIC TETRAHEDRA 71 blance between this particular space一filling and the honeycomb actually constructed by bees. The planes of symmetry of {4, 3,4} are its face-planes and the planes of symmetry of its cells.They are thus of three distinct types(containing points 0, 1,2;0, 1,2, 3;and 1,2,3)and intersect in axes of symmetry of six types:tetragonal axes (01) (12) X and (23)',trigonal axe's(03)00,and digonal axes (02)00, ‘,(13)‘.These planes lines form a honeycomb of congruent guadrirectangular lhedra 0123,whose edges 01, are F ig mutually perpendicular.* 4·7A Such respects a a tetrahedron is in and tetra- 12,23 (See some more natural analogue for tOhe right一angled triangle than is the trirectangular tetrahedron (二:here all the right angles occur at one vertex).Just as any plane polygon can be dissected into right一angled triangles,so any solid polyhedron can be dissected into quadrirectangular tetrahedra.A special feature of the characteristic tetrahedron 0123 is that the per- pendicular edges 01,12,2 3 are all equal (so that the remaining edges FiG.4·7A are of lengths丫2,丫3,丫2;in fact the edge万is of length 灼一i,if i<力. All the points 0, 2,3 (without 1)form a honeycomb of tri- rectangular tetrahedra 0023, whose face-planes are symmetry of{3,:{(not that whose vertices are 0 the planes and 2,but of a larger specimen whose vertices are alternate points 0).This trirectangular tetrahedron 0023, whose edge 00 is of length 2, can be obtained by fusing two quadrirectangular tetrahedra 0123 which have a common face 123. Finally, the points 0 and 3 together form tetraffonal disphenoids (or“isosceles tetrahedra LJJ‘、 a honeycomb of ,’)0033, each of d卜ff 兀ho 侧gt 从·,lJn ,rt *AN'vthoff(1)called such a tetrahedron“double一rectangular”. “quadrirectang atlgled triangles ular”draws attention to the fact that all four faces The are from one corner ,,N-hereas。“tr1rectangular”tetrahedron (which can be e of a cube)has only three right一angled faces.
172 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 9.8 increasing numbers戈tend to become proportional to definite numbers 9·81 Vi,we conclude that v。一v1+v2一…+(一1)nv,一0. In particular, if the honeycomb has a symmetry group,transi- tive on its vertices (so that Noj is the same at all vertices),then we can apply 1·81 to the topological 11,;+,,obtaining X jIN。一No Noj一IN'i, where N岛is the reduction in the number of Hj’s at a peripheral vertex of the chosen portion.Since the honeycomb is Euclidean, the number of peripheral vertices is of a lower order of magnitude than the number of internal vertices·Thus Z戈。INo tends to the fixed value Noj· of vertices of a f1j, we may call v,/。。· In other words,if夕、。is the average number JU、一尸 戈INo tends to the fixed value Nod lNjo,which Hence 9·81 is valid in this case (which is just where we shall need it). 9·},,9.Polytopes which do not satisfy Euler's Formula.Schlafli (4, p.134)seems to have believed that 9·11 must hold for star- polytopes as well as for ordinary polytopes.Thus he rediscovered the polyhedra {3,}and J-7-)21,3},which are isomorphic to ordinary polyhedra,but refused to recognize {5,一瑟}and {,5},for which No一Nl + N2一12一30+12一一6. To see why Euler’s Formula breaks down here,we observe that {5,音 } contains 12 -一circuits which do not bound. Such a 1一circuit is formed by the sides of a face of the icosahedron that has the same vertices and edges as {5, 5}· However, Schlafli (4, p.86)has himself provided a suggestion for properly modifying 9·11 (as Cayley modified 1·61in6·42).In fact,the term Nk- has to be replaced by万dd‘,where d is the density of a 11、,and d' is that of the angular figure formed by the higher elements incident with the same H、(i.e.,d' is the density of the“(k+1)th vertex figure”).
CHAPTERX FORMS,VECTORS,AND COORDINATES THis chapter is a collection of various results in algebra('' 10·1- 10·3)and analytical geometry(号号10·4一10·8).Most of them are familiar, and the rest are closely related to known theorems. They are included here partly for their intrinsic interest,but chiefly for t,he sake of their applications to the theory of reflection groups,which will be developed in Chapters XI and XII.The algebraical part is mainly concerned with quadratic forms none of whose“product”terms have positive coefficients,especially with the condition for such a form to be incapable of taking a negative value.In the geometrical part we see how the position of a point,in n一dimensional Euclidean space,is determined by its distances from n hyperplanes (inclined to one another at given angles). 10·1.Real quadratic forms.A homogeneous polynomial of the second degree in n variables x1,…,xn is called a quadratic form.We shall deal only with the case where the coefficients and variables are real numbers.There are“square”terms such as all x12;and“product”terms such as 2a12 x1 x2,which we shall write as (a-12+a21)x1 x2.The whole form is expressible as a double sum 10·11 艺万ai k xi xh, where a2、一aki.The coefficients are the elements of a symmetric matrix II ajk· A quadratic form is said to be positive d娇nite if it is positive for all values of the variables except (0,…,0),and to be positive semid娇nite if it is never negative but vanishes for some values not all zero.It is said to be ind琪nite if it is positive for some values and (x1一二2)2 1S2 )2 negative for others.Thus for n=2,x12+ x22 is definite, Let A,,. I八 semidefinite,and x12一x22 denote the cofactor of aik is indefinite. in the determinant a一det(ai.)· 173
174 REGULAR POLYTOPES【号10·1 Then we know that* 10.12 Eaii A、、一a8} k, where the“Krone cker delta”凡、means 1 or 0 according as j= k or jok,. (When j一k) 10. 12 is the ordinary expansion of a by means of its kth column.When j }无, it is the analogous expansion of a determinant with two identical columns,) The first of the following theorems is very well known: 1013.The determinant of a positive definite form is positive. PROOF.This is trivial when n一1.So we use induction,and assume the result for every positive definite form in n一1 variables, such as that derived from the given positive definite form 10·11 by setting x,==0;i.e。,we assume that Akk>0.Being positive definite,10·11 must take a positive value when xi一Aik, in which case,by 10·12, 0 C E E air x2 xj一万a8jk x.3一axk一aAkk· Hence a> 0. 10·14.I f a positi二semidefinite form E E aik‘;xk vanishes for x‘一“(i=1,…,n),then E zi ai、一0 (k一1)…,n). PROOF.The form,being positive semidefinite,is positive or zero for all values of the x's;in particular, when x;一yi+Azi. Thus the inequality 0《EE aik (yi+Azi) (yk+Azk)一1 Z aik yi yk+2A万E aik“;yk must hold for arbitrary values of A, and the y's.But this is only possible if the coefficient of A vanishes,which means that,for arbitrary values of the y's, E(Z aik zi )y、一0. Thus 10·14 is proved. It follows that the values of (x1,…,二,乙)for which a semi- definite form equations 10·15 10·11 vanishes are just the solutions of the linear E ai、二.‘一0 (k=1,…,n). Wherex-er an unqualified互 occurs, the variable of summation is understood to be the one that occurs twice in the expression.
芍10·2] POSITIVE SEMIDEFINITE FORMS 175 These sets of values constitute a vector space of n一p dimensions, where p is the rank of the matrix}!aik}!.This number n一p is sometimes called the nullity of the form. In particular, if n一P=1,there is a solution (z1,…,z") such that every solution is a multiple of this,viz.,(Az1,…,Az)z)· We need one theorem 10·22. more definition,in preparation for the important bar) if it is“sure A form is said to be disconnected(German zerleg- of two forms involving separate sets of variables; if not,it is said to be connected:e.g.,'}1 201一}X22 is disconnected, but x12一x1 x2-1-x,2 is connected. 10·2.Forms with non一positive product terms. specially whenever concerned with those quadratic forms in We shall be Which ask- <0 iok.For brevity,let us call them a一forms. 1021.If a positive semidefinite a -form vanishes for xi一“、, it also vanishes for xi一}:;!. PROOF. The expressions Z Z aik:、:、and E E aik}:、i}:、】differ only in those terms for which:;:、<0.But for such terms aik c 0.Hence 0《E E aik}:、}i:。}(I Z aik:;:、一0 and we can put“一”in place of“(.” 10·22.Every positive semidefinite connected a -form is of nullity 1. PROOF.Let us first suppose that a given positive semidefinite Form vanishes for x、一:;,where z1 z2…“。‘}0 (m<n) and the By 10·21 and 10·14, eve have E}:、}ai、一0 and here the 2《”、.Thus only non一vanishing terms are those for which E E】:、!ai、一0 艺石饥k ->M and this sure contains no positive terms.Hence aik=0 whenever i《m and k ->In;so the form is disconnected. It follows that, if the form is connected, we must have 。,0 、、.了于丰L zi z2…之、00. Every solution of 10·15 must be proportional to (z1,…,:,‘ n T1 any two non一proportional solutions could be combined a solution with one (but not all)of the x's equal to zero. r,ve fo.91
176 REGULARPOLYTOPES [号10.2 other words,the solutions constitute a one一dimensional vector space, and the form is of nullity 1. Since every solution of万万aik xi xk= 0 is proportional to the positive solution(}:小…,}:。!),the二’s for which a positive semidefinite connected a一form vanishes are either all positive or all negative or all zero.The next two theorems follow at once from this remark. 10·23.For any positive semid哪nite connected a一rm there ex,ist positive numbers:;such that 0 (k=1, and these are multiplying all 10·24.If we apart from the …,n), obvious possibility of =e, U q 月气n 艺u by the mod梅 same constant. a夕os2 ma舰ng form in For definite of the variables vanish, we obta Zconnected a一rm by in a positive d桥nite tive semid挤nice remaining variables. instance,x, 2+x02+x,2 ‘1.自.d is semi- but x12+x22一x1 x2 is 一x2 x3一x3 x1一x1 x2 definite. Another forms share property which positive semidefinite connected a- with positive d娇nite forms is 10·25. The square terms of a positi二 all positive. the following: semid娇nite connected a一rm are PROOF. efficient aik respect to balance the For each k there is at least one non-vanishing co- (i o k),or‘else -the form would be disconnected with the term akk xk2.Hence we must have akk>0, to negative terms in I:、aik.(See 10·23.) On the other hand,the following property distinguishes these from definite forms: ·价for.23,=0. 10·26.A d幼nice when PROOF. positive semid叨nite connected a一rm becomes any of its co麒cients are decreased. By 10·25, the form takes the positive value (1,0,…, there are But if we Hence the values. 0),both before and after the modification.By 以11 10 positive numbers z1,…,:,such that万万aik:‘:、 decrease any of the aik's we decrease this expression. modified form is capable of both positive and negative
号10·3] CROSBY,S LEMMA 177 It is interesting to observe that the:'s can be expressed directly in terms of the coefficients a-.二: 奋砚奋 10·27.If a positive xi=zi,then where Aii is the cofactor ar厉trary constant. semidefinite connected a一rm vanishes for :、一}VlAii, of aii in the determinant a, and A is an PROOF. Solving the equations 10·15 by means of determin- ants,we any row see that z1, zn are proportional to k ,乞 A or column of the adjoint matrix A话=14zi zk, the elements of Hence where,by 10·13 and 10·24, 1u>0.The desired result follows when we set k0=i and [c=1丛“. Incidentally, since Aik=lU'zi:。,where 11 and the。’s are positive, 1028. The adjoint of a positive semidefinite connected a-matrix has entirely posit,ive elements. The corresponding“adj oint form”is IZ A、。二;x、一/(4zi xi)2. 10·3.A criterion for semidefiniteness.With a view to the applications we shall make in able to see at a glance whether next chapter, we wish to be ven a一form is suitable criterion is easily established by means lemma: semidefinite.A of the following 10·31. ZE I f sI. aik xi xk 一‘蚤aik-1(、- 一E sk xk2一 1, n) and aki=aik,then 晋万万aik (xi一xk)2. PROOF.We have EE aik xi xk一l (Sk一Z aik) xki+冬aik xd xk2 一E sk xk2一I Z aik (x,&-一xi) xk. Writing the same result with i and k interchanged (in the final sum)and adding, we obtain 21E aik xi x、一2E s、xk2一lEaik (xk一Xi as desired. M
178 REGULAR POLYTOPES 〔号10.3 Writing xi/zi instead of二、, instead of aik, we deduce 1032.If z1::…z,,:A 0 and :、sk instead of 8k,and zi“、aik E zi a1、一8k ( k一1 ,n),then that 、、1 。沃-k 2-之 一 长一气 EE adk IT, i IT, k 0,2 一EOk &"/ k--_ 之k 1VV,, 2‘曰‘曰气" 'k "2k We are now ready for the criterion 10·33.万there exist positive numbers z1,…,:,‘,such E zi ai、一0 (k一1,…,、), then the a一、、EE aik xi xk is positive semidefinite. PROOF.By 10·32 with 8k-=0 and:、>0 and aik《0 (i 0 k),the given form is equal to a sum of squares,and so cannot be negative. But it vanishes when x、一:、.Hence it is positive seinidefinite. Combining this result with 10·23,we have 10·34.A necessary and。哪cient condition for a connected a一rm to be positive semidefcnite is that there exist positive numbers z1,…,z,, such that万:、ai、一0. 10·4.Covariant and contravariant bases for a vector space. The inner product (or scalar product)of two vectors x and y,in n一dimensional Euclidean space,is defined by the formula x·y=lx}}y!cos 6, where!x{and}y}are their magnitudes,and 0 is the angle between them.In particular, x·x=!x}2. Since the space is n一dimensional,we can take n linearly inde- pendent vectors el,e2,…,e,,.These span the space,in the sense that every vector x is. uniquely expressible as a linear com- L二、、n+;n。* Omation-i,,。 心上“,‘一“一p l P _ -4- 'r2 p本--甲n ..c, `' 1 1一-ti ` 2 -1~…门一山‘n. The n chosen vectors e; are called a covariant basis,and the *Here x1, x2 will be a、一oided fusion. etc.,do not mean powers of x. save in such expressions as x For the where rest of this chapter po there cannot be any were con-
号10·4] VECTORS 179 coefficients xi are called the contravariant components of the vector x.The magnitude of x is given by 1041 1XI“一x.x一E二‘ei. Z二“e、一E E aik xi xk where 1042 ai、一ei ' ek(一aki) . In particular, the magnitude of ei is}ei}一咖、‘· The angle,0, between x and y, is given by 1043 I-XI jyj cos B一x - y = Z E aik x2 yk . In particular, non一vanishing vectors x and y are perpendicular if 万万aikxiy“一0. The; magnitude!x j cannot vanish unless all the components x2 vanistl;therefore the quadratic form 10·41 is positive definite, and by 10·13 its determinant a is positive· Now, defining A、。as in 10·12,let us write aik一A、、/a, so that 、订,_ik ‘aid a= (which means 1 or 0 according as j set of n vectors “{ :korjok).Consider a new 1044 梦=万aik ek. These again span the space,since 10·45 E aij e2一Z Z aij a'k e。一E 8k e、一马; may appropriately一call them the contravariant basis. vector x has covariant components xi, such that A 讹en 50·glv x=万xi砂二 These are related to the contravariant components by the formulae xj=万aij xi, xi一万aij xj, which are obtained by substituting 10·44 or 10·45 in the vector identity万xi e‘一万xj e;·In this notation the inner product 10·43 is simply 10·46 So the magnitude 10·47 x’J= of x is E xi Yi=万xk Y气 {xl一V/x - x一 丫E xi。 x. 乙
180 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 10.5 To find a geometrical meaning for the contravariant basis, we observe that, since ei·ej一E aik e..ej一E aik aj。一可, each ei is perpendicular to everv e,. except e:.In other words. e- is perpencicular t,o vie (n一1厂dimensional vector space spanned by,‘一1 of the en's;and ei is related similarly to the ej's.More- Fla.10.4A over, t·he magnitude of ei is such as to make ei·e‘一1.(See Fig. 10·4A for an example with n一2. When n一3, 1/a el is the familiar outer product,or vector product,e2X e3·) The components of x could have been defined as its inner pro- ducts with the e's;for x·e,一Z xi e2·e,一Ex i 82%一xi, and similarly x·ek=xk. Taking x一ei in this last relation, we deduce from 10·44 that ei·ek=ai气 (Cf. 10·42.)Thus the一reciprocity between“covariant”and “contravariant”is complete. 10.5.Affine coordinates and reciprocal lattices.As soon as we have fixed an origin, 0,each vector x determines a point (x) and a hyperplane〔‘],namely the point whose position-vector from 0 is x, and the hyperplane through 0 perpendicular to x. If we regard the co- (or contra-) variant components of x as coordinates for (x), then the contra一(or co一)variant components are tangential coordinates for[二].In fact, the condition for(二)and [y] to be incident, i.e.,for(二)to lie in [y], is x·Y=0.(Cf. 10·46.) The distance between points (x) and (y) is }x一纠一-\/E (Xi一yi) (xi一y2) .
号10·5] RECIPROCAL LATTICES 181 The distance between the point (x)and the hyperplane [y], measured along the perpendicular, is the projection of x in the direction of y, namely 一一 夕工J -夕 X-。 10·51 山 xi y` 丫万专:?/, 万 y ?/2 When [y] is the coordinate iy一可, and the distance is 10·52 hyperplane x、一0, we have y;一万aidla 8J一aik, xk 斌akk The points(二)whose covariant coordinates are integers form a lattice, i.e.,the set of transforms of a point by a group of trans- lations.(See号4·3.)The generating translations are given by the contravariant basic vectors ei. Similarly, the points whose contravariant coordinates are integers form another lattice. Crystallographers (such as Ewald 1)call these two lattices “reciprocal.”If y1,…,y" are integers with greatest common divisor 1,the hyperplane [y] or E y‘二;一0 and the parallel hyper- plane艺yix‘一1 each contain infinitely many points of the first lattice,but no such point can be found between them.By 10·51,the distance between these two parallel hyperplanes (or the distance froth the origin to the latter)is 1/}夕1,i.e.,the re- ciprocal of the distance from the origin to the point (y) which belongs to the second lattice.In other words,any“first rational hyperplane”of the first lattice corresponds to a point of the second lattice situated at the reciprocal distance in the normal direction.This point of. the second lattice is“visible from the origin”(i.e.,it is the first lattice point in that direction)because we have supposed the coordinates yi to have no common divisor greater than 1.By interchanging“covariant’一and“contra- variant”we see at once that the relation between the two lattices is symmetric:each is reciprocal to the other. The n一dimensional cubic lattice (consisting of the vertices of a Sn+1 of edge 1)is obviously its own reciprocal.On the other hand, the lattice of vertices of {3,6}('4·4) is reciprocal to another lattice of the same shape,rotated through a right angle about the origin (so that their vertex figures are reciprocal hexagons). Similarly in four dimensions,there are two reciprocal lattices
182 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔号10·6 formed by two {3, 3, 4, 3}'s with a common vertex at the origin, so placed that their vertex figures are reciprocal {3,4, 31's. The concept of reciprocal lattices must not be confused with that of reciprocal honeycombs, as defined in ' 7·4;e·g·,the honey- comb reciprocal to {3,3, 4, 3}is not another {3,3,4, 3}but {3,4, 3,3}(whose vertices do not form a lattice).On the other hand,the present use of the word rec勿rocal is not inappropriate, as the“visible point”(y)is the pole of the“first rational hyperplane”Ey‘二;一1 with respect to the unlit sphere E二‘x、一1. 10·6.The general reflection·Let(二‘)be the image of(‘)by reflection in the hyperplane [y].Then x一x‘is a vector parallel to y, of magnitude twice 10·51.Thus 。x’y 人一人=‘r.一 iMY) 分’分 。x‘J二 x’=x一z—梦, J‘y 10·61 ‘一。一2端yi- In particular, the reflection in the coordinate hyperplane xk=0 (where y=e-)is the transformation 10.62 xi一xi一2xk aik lakk . If we are willing to sacrifice the reciprocity between“covari- ant”and“contravariant,”we can take the ek's to be unit vectors.Then ak。一1,and a,ik is the cosine of the angle between ei and ek. By 10·52,the covariant coordinates of a point (x) are 」ust its distances from the coordinate hyperplanes x、一0, measured in the directions of the respectively perpendicular vectors ek. The lines along which these hyperplanes intersect (in sets of n一1)are in the directions of the vectors e' (which,in general, are not unit vectors).The contravariant coordinates of a point,being the coefficients in the expression万xkek for its position vector, are the familiar“oblique Cartesian”coordinates, referred to axes in the directions of the unit vectors ek.The transformation 10·62 is now simply 10-63 x?=二、一2ai。二。. This same result could have been obtained directly as follows. Since xk is now the distance of(二)from the hyperplane x、一0, the reflection in that hyperplane is given by x一x‘=2xk ek·
号10·7] OBLIQUE AND NORMAL COORDINATES Taking the inner product of both sides with ei, we deduce 183 xi一xi一2二。aik , which is 10·63 10·7.Normal coordinates. simplex 0, 0。…0-,.,,we ‘占‘7L,寸,1, With reference to an n一dimensional define the normal coordinates (x1, 1X2)…,x,‘-P 1)of a point to be its distances hyperplanes, with the usual convention from the n+1 bounding of sign (so that the coordinates of an interior point are “trilinear”coordinates when n=2,“ all positive).These are quadriplanar”when n=3. Let Ci denote the content of the cell the reciprocal of the opposite to Oi, and z2 corresponding altitude. times the content of the whole simplex.So also 01 x1+C2 1X2十…+Cn十11X71-{-1 Hence the identical relation Then C'/z' is n IS for any point(二). n一lx'sis satisfied by the 10·71 Let el,e2, hyperplanes, Then z1 x1+z2 x2+…+zn+l xn +1=1. …,en+1 be unit vectors perpendicular to and directed inwards (towards each opposite the n+1 vertex). and a;二is the 乙几 aii=ei·ei=1, cosine of the angle between ei and e. so the cosine of the corresponding dihedral angle of the 一ai. is Only n of the n+1 vectors ei are linearly find that the relation connecting them all independent. simplex. We shall is 10·72 z1 el+z2 e2+…+zn+l en +1=0. This is an important result,so we shall give two The first depends on the fact that, when a gonally projected onto any hyperplane alternative proofs. polytope is ortho- the sum of the contents of the projections of the cells is zero,provided we make a con- sistent convention of sign.Projecting the simplex onto a hyper- plane perpendicular to a vector x, we see that the content of the projection of the ith cell is Ci e;·x.Hence (C1 e,+C2 e2+…+Cn+1 en+1)·x=0. Since x is arbitrary, and the C's are proportional to the:'s,this implies 10·72. The second proof is more elementary but less elegant (in that
184 REGULAR POLYTOPES[号10·7 it specializes one of the e's).Let x denote the vector from On+1 to any point (x1,…,x22 ,0)on the opposite hyperplane x it+1=0.Then ei·x一xi(‘C n) and e,,+1·x一一I /Z11+1. Hence,using 10·71 with x,一。1=0, (z1 el+·" " _P. zn e,,+z n+1 e}a+1)·x一z1 x1+…+zn x、一1一0. As before,the arbitrariness of x enables us to deduce 10·72. It follows,by taking the inner product with ek,that 10.73万z2 aik=0 (summed for the n+1 values of i). It also follows that the quadratic form E E ai.、‘xk一Z二‘eL·Ex kek一}Exiei}“ vanishes when xi一分,but is never negative;so it is positive semidefinite.Moreover, it is of nullity 1,since any n of the n+1 e's determine a system of affine coordinates;in fact,we obtain a positive definite form in n variables by making any one of the x's vanish. The reflection in xk=0 is still given by 10·63, with the range of i the by and k extended to n+1. behaviour of x,,+1,and For, the only possible doubt lies in 10·63 is 10·73 E zi(、;一2aik xk) 乞 consistent with 10·71 since =E之‘Xi. 10·8.The simplex determined by n+1 dependent vectors·We have seen that vectors drawn inwards (or outwards),perpendicular to the bounding hyperplanes of a simplex,satisfy the relation 10·72,where all the:’s are positive.Conversely, given n--{-1 unit vectors ei,which satisfy such a relation (with positive:'s)while el,…,e,, are linearly independent,we can construct a corre- sponding simplex as follows. Represent the n+1 vectors ei by concurrent segmentsM、I, directed towards their common point I,as in Fig.10·sA (where n一2).Through the points Mi so determined draw respectively perpendicular hyperplanes.These bound a simplex (with in- centre I);for the first n of them determine a system of affine coordinates in which the remaining hyperplane has the equation 护xi+…+zn xn=1.
号10·9) WITT,MAHLER,DU VAL 185 10·9.Historical remarks.The only novelty about the treat- ment of quadratic forms in号10·1 is the avoidance of the reduction to canonical (or diagonal)form.The proofs of 10·14, 10·21,and 10·22 are taken from Witt 1,p.292.The first of these theorems is the natural extension of the geometrical statement that, if a cone has no real generators,its only real point is its vertex. Although ' 10·2 is largely due to Witt,some properties of these “a-forms”(which have ai。一aki(0 whenever i :}6 k), and of the corresponding“a一matrices,”had already been established by other authors.Mahler (about 1939)proved that if 万:;ai,>0 (k一1,…,n), where the a's are the coefficients of a positive definite a一form,then :、>0.Du Val(3,p.309)deduced that the inverse of a positive 01 M3 112 'J 2 M, Fla.10-8A 03 d护nite a一?natrix has no negative elements, and that a spherical simplex which has no obtuse dihedral angles has no obtuse edges either.Theorem 10·2 3 can be regarded as the analogue of Mahler’s result,when the a一form is semidefinite (and connected) instead of definite.Similarly 10·2 8 is the analogue of Du Val's result. Lemma 10·32,which facilitates the proof of 10·33 in a quite spectacular manner, was discovered by W.J.R.Crosby, a re- search student at the University of Toronto.It shows,further, that if there exist positive numbers:;such that万:‘aik>0, then the a一form is positive definite.(Cf. Minkowski 1.)These results are special cases of a theorem due to Tambs Lyche(1)for a matrix}}aik}lwhich is not necessarily symmetric.An elegant proof of that more general theorem has been given by Rohr- bach(1).
186 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号10·9 The treatment of vectors in号号10·4. and 10·5 is due to Hessenberg (1).It may be regarded as a very simple case of Ricci's tensor calculus (which Einstein uses in his general theory of relativity). But the essential ideas,in the three一dimensional case,occurred to the crystallographer W.H.Miller as early as 1839.In fact, if the covariant vectors el,e2, e3 o f ' 10·4 represent the three crystal axes*a, b, c, then the Millerian几ce一indices h, k, l are the covariant components of a vector perpendicular to the crystal face (hkl),i.e.,they are the covariant tangential coordinates (X10·5)of a plane parallel to the face.Also the zone一indicest u,v, w are the·contravariant components of a vector along the zone axis,or the contravariant tangential coordinates of a plane perpendicular to all the planes of the zone [uvw].Thus the zone axis is a diagonal of the parallelepiped formed by the vectors u e,,vet,we3, and the condition for the face (hkl) to belong to the zone [uvti87] is hu+kv+lw= 0. The formula 10·61 for a reflection is due to Weyl(1,P.367). *Miller 1,pp. 1一4; fi Miller 1,pp.7一10; Tutton 2, Chapter Tutton 2, Cllap 〕r V. ter VI
CHAPTER XI THE GENERALIZED KALEIDOSCOPE IT may be thought that we have wandered far froze the title of this book.But since the symmetry group of any regular polytope or honeycomb is generated by reflections,it seems desirable to complete the enumeration of such groups(}} 11·1一11·5)even though not all are related to regular figures.The simplest polytopes and honeycombs that arise (as having these groups for their symmetry groups)are described in号号11·6一11·8.From the polytopes we compute the orders of the finite groups.This computation is rather elaborate;so we take it up again (in '11·9)by a different method,due to Weyl,which is particularly useful for the groups not related to regular polytopes.The treatment in号号11·2一11·4 and 11·9 is analytical:we use the fundamental region (for a finite or infinite group)to set up a system of affine or normal coordinates,and we study the corre- sponding quadratic forms by the methods developed in Chapter X. 11·1.Discrete groups generated by reflections.In n一dimen- sional Euclidean space the reflection in a hyperplane w is the special congruent transformation that preserves every point of w and interchanges the two half-spaces into which w decomposes the whole space.In terms of rectangular Cartesian coordinates, the reflection in x1= 0 interchanges the two points (士x1, x2, x3,一,xn). In terms of oblique coordinates it is the slightly more complicated transformation 10·63 (with k=1).(The general theory of con- gruent transformations will be discussed in Chapter XII.) Any subspace perpendicular to w is transformed into itself according to the reflection in the section of w by that subspace. Thus the product of reflections in two intersecting hyperplanes, w1 and W2, can be investigated by considering what happens in any plane perpendicular to both hyperplanes.Now, the product of reflections in two intersecting lines is a rotation about their common point through twice the angle between them;so the product of reflections in w1 and W2 is naturally called a rotation about the(、一2)-space (w1·W2)through twice the angle between 187
188 REGULAR POLYTOPES[} 11·1 w1 and w,.If this angle is二加(p=2,3,4,…),the two reflec- Lions generate the dihedral group [p].(See 5·13.) The discussion in号5·3 generalizes in an obvious manner from 3 to n dimensions.The group is still generated by reflections in the walls of its fundamental region.The“walls”are no longer planes but hyperplanes,and the“edge”common to助ij regions is now an (n一2)-space, but the“path”remains one一dimensional. We shall find that the possible fundamental regions are such that two walls are always adjacent unless they are parallel.The convention 11·11 pig==1 enables us to write the generating relations 5·31 in the concise form 11·12_(Ri Rj)pij一1(‘《j), where it is understood that such a relation with p。一‘(indicating parallelism of wi and玛)can be ignored· If the reflecting hyperplanes fall into two or more sets,such that every two hyperplanes in different sets are perpendicular, then the reflections themselves fall into mutually commutative sets,and the group,being a direct product,is said to be reducible. This happens,for instance,when the fundamental region is the rectangular product of fundamental regions of groups in fewer dimensions,as in the case of△x[,]('5·5).On the other hand, if no such reduction can be made,the group is said to be irre- ducible.*Thus the irreducible groups in two dimensions are [1],[p] (P>2),一[00],△,[4, 4],L3,6], and the reducible groups in two dimensions are the direct products [1]x[1],[00]x[1],[,]X〔00」. The first step in the general enumeration is to prove that each of the irreducible groups has some kind of simplex for its funda- mental region.For this purpose we shall derive a corresponding quadratic form,and use the results of Chapter X. 11·2.Proof that the fundamental region is a simplex.The fundamental region is a finite or infinite region bounded by (say) m hyperplanes.Through any point within it,draw lines per- *Strictly, a collineation group is said to be reducible if it leaves a subspace invariant, and completely reducible if it leaves two complementary subspaces invariant. In the present case the collineations are congruent transformations, so the one kind of reduction implies the other.
夸11.2] GROUP GENERATED BY REFLECTIONS 189 pendicular to all the walls.Let el,…,e,1Z be unit vectors along these perpendiculars (directed inwards,from wall to point). Since the angle between ei and ej is the supplement of the dihedral angle二加。of the fundamental region,we have e2’ej一一cos vlpi;. By 11·11,this holds when i= j, as well as when i习. If the vectors do not span the whole space,but only a certain subspace,then the reflecting hyperplanes are all perpendicular to this subspace;so we can take their section by the subspace and consider the same group as operating therein.(For instance, the group generated by reflections in two parallel hyperplanes is essentially the same as that generated by reflections in two points,arising as the section of the hyperplanes by a line perpendicular一to both;thus[00]is to be considered a one- dimensional group.)Having made this remark, we shall assume that the e's do span the space under consideration,say n一dimen- sional space.Thus 饥》n. Any m numbers x1 x''z determine with the e's a vector x1 el+…十x912 eln一万xi峨 whose squared magnitude is 万x2 e,·万xk ek一艺万aik- xi xk, where 11.21 aik =ei·e.-=一 El aik xi xk cos二加,。· Thus the expression positive definite or Since,for i o k, can never be negative:it is a semidefinite quadratic form in m variables. 一cos 7/pik《0, this is an a一form,as defined in号10·2.For any pair of perpen- dicular walls of the fundamental region,we have pi.=2, and therefore aik=0;hence the a一form is connected or disconnected according as the group is irreducible or reducible.We now consider the two possible cases:m=n and m>”. If m=n, there are only just enough e's to span the n一dimen- sional space,so they are linearly independent, which means that E xi ei can only vanish when all the x's vanish;therefore the a一form is positive definite.In this case the n reflecting hyper- planes have a common point,say 0.(They cannot contain a
190 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号11·2 common atrectton lnsteau, as tnen all the e一s WOUIa De per- pendicular to that direction,and could not span the space。)We therefore consider the group as acting on a sphere with centre 0, and replace its angular fundamental region by an (n一1)-dimen- sional spherical simplex (e.g.,an arc when n=2,as in Fig.5.1c, and a spherical triangle when n一3,as in '5·4). On the other hand,if in> n, there are too many e's to be linearly independent, so they must satis勿at least one non一trivial,工elation 11·22 z1 e,+.,.+:”‘e,、一0, which implies工万ask:‘zk==0;therefore the a一form is positive semidefinite.By a familiar theorem in algebra the?、一dimensional vector space is spanned by n of the m e's;therefore the a一form has rank n, and nullity m一n. If, further, the group is irre- ducible, so that the a-form is connected,then 10·22 shows that the nullity is just 1,whencem一、+1. Thus there is essentially only one relation 11·22;and by 10·23 we can take the z's to be all positive.The construction described in ' 10·8 now gives a simplex which is similar to the fundamental region.Hence the fundamental region itself is a simplex (to be precise,an n一dimensional Euclidean simplex).As we saw in 号10·7,the z's are inversely proportional to the altitudes of the simplex. We see now that every irreducible group generated by reflections has a simplex for its fundamental region.Since spherical space is finite,whereas Euclidean space is infinite,the group is finite or infinite according as the simplex is spherical or Euclidean.Hence 11·23.Every group generated b y r叨ections is a direct product of groups whose fundamental regions are simplexes. The fundamental region of a苏nice group generated by r叨ections is a spherical simplex, and that可an irreducible i衫nice group generated by r叨ections is a Euclidean simplex. The reducible infinite groups have“prismatic”fundamental regions,such as those mentioned in ' 5·5.We shall not attempt to describe them further.(See Coxeter 5,p. 599.) Before enumerating the particular groups,it is worth while to record the following connection between finite and infinite groups。Let G be any infinite discrete group generated by reflections in n一dimensional Euclidean space.The reflecting
号113] LARGEST FINITE SUBGROUP 191 hyperplanes occur in a finite number of different directions;for otherwise we could find two of them inclined at an arbitrarily small angle,and the group would not be discrete.In other words, the reflecting hyperplanes belong to a finite number of families, each consisting of parallel hyperplanes.If we represent each family by a single hyperplane (parallel to those of the family) through any fixed point 0,we obtain a finite group S,which is generated by reflections in some n of the hyperplanes through 0 (because its fundamental region is a spherical simplex or n一hedral angle).These represent n particular families of reflecting hyper- planes of G.Instead of hyperplanes through an arbitrary point 0, we could have taken one hyperplane from each of these n families.Since there are just n of them,the hyperplanes so chosen meet in a point,and now the fundamental region for S occurs at one corner of the fundamental region for G (which is bounded by these n hyperplanes and one or more others).Thus, however many families of parallel hyperplanes may occur, the fundamental region for G has at least one vertex which lies in one hyperplane of every family. Let us call this a special vertex of the fundamental region,and S a special subgroup of G.Abstractly, S is the largest finite subgroup of G. To take a simple instance with n一2, let G be[,]X〔二],gener- ated by reflections in the sides of a rectangle;then all four vertices of the rectangle are“special,”and S is〔1]X[1],of order 4, generated by reflections in any two adjacent sides.On the other hand,when G is [3,6] there is only one“special”vertex (where the angle二/6 occurs),and S is【6],of order 12. 11·3.Representation by graphs.‘We have now reduced the enumeration of discrete groups generated by reflections to that of spherical and Euclidean simplexes whose dihedral angles are submultiples of二,and we have related such simplexes to the definite and semidefinite forms whose coefficients are given by 11·21.At this stage it is helpful to use the representation by graphs,as in号5·6.For any fundamental region we have a graph whose nodes represent the walls (or bounding hyperplanes)and whose branches (marked p if p>3)indicate pairs of walls inclined at angles二加(p>2).Their perpendicular walls are represented by nodes not joined by a branch.Thus the graph is connected or disconnected according as the group is irreducible or reducible. In the latter case the group is the direct product of several
192 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 11·4 “irreducible components,”corresponding to the separate pieces of the graph. The same graph may be regarded as representing the quadratic form.The nodes represent the variables,or the“square”terms, and the branches represent the“product”terms·(This explains our definition of connected and disconnected at the end of号10·1.) For instance,the graphs 5·61 represent the forms x“一xy+y“一yz+护一:二,x“一斌2xy十y“一丫2yz+护, x2一xy+y“一,\/3yz+2z. (For simplicity we have written x, y,:instead of x'-, x2, x3.) The graph for a spherical or Euclidean simplex has the property that the removal of any node (along with any branches which emanate from that node)leaves the graph for a spherical simplex. This is geometrically evident,as m一1 of the m walls form the angular region at one vertex of the original simplex.Algebra- ically it is a consequence of 10·24 that any m一1 of the m e's are linearly independent,even when all the m together are not.It follows that we can never obtain an admissible connected graph by adding a fresh node (with one or more branches)to the graph for a Euclidean simplex.Moreover, Theorem 10·26 shows that we cannot obtain one by inserting a branch between two nodes already present,nor by increasing the mark on a branch. 11·4.Semidefinite forms,Euclidean simplexes,and infinite groups.For the application of the above principles we need a standard list of Euclidean simplexes.This list is provided by the right-hand half(W2, etc.)一of Table IV on page 297, together with YS we 5 4 丫.1...X .J︸0. ︸ where PM,Q q rn, is defined by cos二/q一3· (The convenient symbols4' 二,Z4 are adapted from Witt 1.)We recognize P3,P4,R3,R4,'s4,风,叭 as fundamental regions for the respective groups △,口 of Chapter V. [4,、:,[4, 3,4],[3,3]4 [3,6], analogues [‘] Most of the rest are natural of these.
芬11·5] TEST All these graphs to be semidefinite. FOR A EUCLIDEAN SIMPLEX 193 represent quadratic forms which we shall prove It will then follow that they represent Euclid- can simplexes.Of course,the three simplexes凡,矶,Z4 (where fractional marks occur) are not fundamental regions of discrete groups;nevertheless we shall find them useful. Theorem 10·33 tells us that the form ZE az、二‘二his semidefinite if there exist positive numbers z1,…,:,,‘such that 11.41 艺沙azh=0 (10=1,…,7n). To apply this criterion,we represent the form by its graph,and associate the 7n z's with the m nodes. This procedure is easier than it looks,as the suin in 11·41 seldom has more than three non一vanishing terms.Suppose that the 1}th node is joined by branches to the ith,jth,etc.T11 en,if these branches are unmarked, so that ai、一一2) 11.41 implies 11·42 2zh=矛+沙+ 62 八O If the the zi 11·21. “i10” marked 4, 5, or q, in the branch is expression by }/2,二,,\/3,二一‘,or2 we must multiply in accordance with In particular, a simple“chain”of unmarked branches (with two branches at each node,except at the ends of the chain)* will satisfy 11·42 if its z's are in arithmetical progression. After these instructions,it takes only a few minutes to insert the appropriate:'s at the nodes of the graphs in the table on page 194, which shows that PM,QM,…,Z4 are in fact Euclidean simplexes (in space of m一1 dimensions). Since 11·41 is homogeneous in the:'s,we are at liberty to “normalize”these m positive numbers,dividing all by the smallest.When this has been done (as in the table on page 194), 11·41 is still satisfied,but the smallest z'=1 and all the z's are uniquely determined. 11·5.Definite forms,spherical From these by drawing Euclidean simplexes ewe simplexes,and finite groups. can derive spherical simplexes spheres round the vertices,i.e.,by removing a node from each graph.Since it will suffice to enumerate irreducible groups, nected. 从,e only remove such nodes as will leave the graph B 了removing one of the nodes marked 1 from *eve are here using the Nvord“chain”in not in the technical sense of号9·J,where any N the obvious sense of a broken line graph is a chain.
194 REGULARrOLYTOPES 〔号11·5 11 .-一一一寸 Mw `Y 2 么 1 令 P3 P4 1 1 1 1 1 1 \-/气:/凡。。广 /,\}Sl厂一入厂一\ Q5 Y6 ()7 ti'2 、'2 、“2 、/2 、2 、口 .--一-份-----. 4 4 4 .一----.一一--月卜-一一~一. 4J ·1一\ 1l3 ll4 1 1 卜)于 S4 S5 2x/2 X'2 .卜----闷卜-一--. 6 V3 2T 夕r X!5 夕了3 .----叫份-一-一叫乡一一一一口 S q "5 Z4 Cos艺一3) ︸ 5 4 了|.lLl’.X 弓︸一0舀 ︸
号11·5] POSSIBLE FUNDAMENTAL REGIONS 195 graph in the table on page 194, we find that the Euclidean simplexes W2, P7;十1) Q71+1) T7} T81 T q) Rn+1 or S7:一。1 1 U5} V3} -XI I矶, yield the spherical simplexes A1,All,B,1,E6,E7,Es,Ch,F4, D6,G3,G4,- of Table Iv. We recognise A1,A2,A3,C2,C3,D雪,G3 as fundanlcntal regions for the groups〔1],〔3],[3,3],[4],[3,4],[6],[3,;]of '' 5·1 and 5·4;but we shall riot need to utilize the partial enu- meration made there.To the above list of spherical simplexes we naturally add the arcs D2 (of length 7T11))which are funda-mental regions for the“non一crystallographic”dihedral groups [p] (P=5,7,8,…). To make sure that the enumeration of irreducible groups is now complete,we consider the possibility of a further graph,and employ the principle that such a graph cannot be derivable from the graph for a Euclidean simplex by adding new branches,nor by increasing the marks on old branches.Since PM is Euclidean, the new graph must be a tree (' 1·4).Since A1,W2,and D理 (including D呈一A2 and D2一C2) have already been mentioned, t·he tree must have at least two branches.Since Q,,, is Euclidean, there cannot be as many as four branches at any node,nor as many as three at each of two nodes,If there is one node where three branches meet, the tree consists of three chains radiating from that node,say i branches in one chain,j in another, k in the third,with i《J(k.Since SM is Euclidean,none of these branches can be marked.Since B,, has already been mentioned, i>1;since T7 is Euclidean,2一1;since T8 is Euclidean,i=2; and since T9 is Euclidean, k<5.But E6,E7,Es have already been mentioned, so the possibility of three branches at a node is ruled out. We now have to consider a single chain.Since An has already been mentioned,and R 2 is Euclidean, there must be just one marked branch.Since V3 and矶are Euclidean, the mark can only be 4 or 5,and must occur on an“end”branch or on the middle one of three.Since Cn and F4 have already been men- tioned, the mark can only be 5.Since矶is Euclidean (and 妥<3),the chain cannot consist of four or more branches with the
196 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号11.6 last marked 5.But G3 and G4 have already been mentioned, so we are forced to return to the case of a chain of three branches with t,he middle one marked.Since Z4 is Euclidean (and q<5), this last possibility is ruled out.To sum up our important result: The only irreducible discrete groups generated by r叨ections are those whose fundamental regions are the spherical simplexes An(,、》1),Bn(、>4),Cn (n》2),DP (p>5), E6,E7,E8,F4,G3,G4 (see Table IV on page 297)and the f; uclid can s i rnplexes W2,PM(。>3),Q,,, (m >5),RM(,。》3),sz (m>4), 矶,T7,T8,T9,矶. In the following paragraphs we shall relate each of the finite groups to a polytope,and thence compute its order. 11·6.Wythoff's construction.The nodes in the graph for a spherical or Euclidean simplex represent its walls (or bounding hyperplanes),but they can equally well be regarded as represent- ing the respectively opposite vertices.By drawing a ring round one of the nodes,we obtain a convenient symbol for the polytope or honeycomb whose vertices are all the transforms of the corre- sponding vertex of the fundamental region.(Some instances have already been considered in ' 5·7.) In the case of an (m一1卜dimensional spherical simplex,the polytope need not be properly nz-dimensional.If it is n一dimen- sional,where n < in,the group leaves invariant an n一dimensional subspace of the,,,一dimensional Euclidean space;then every reflecting hyperplane either contains this subspace or is perpen- dicular to it,so the group is reducible.Conversely, if the group is reducible,so that the graph is disconnected,suppose that the piece containing the ringed node has altogether n nodes.Then the group leas an irreducible component generated by the corre- sponding n reflections,and this yields the n一dimensional polytope represented by the ringed piece.The rest of the graph may be disregarded;for, the corresponding m一n hyperplanes each con- vain the whole polytope,so t,he reflections in them have no effect on it. In the case of an(,、一1)-dimensional Euclidean simplex,the honeycomb is necessarily (nz一1)-dimensional.For if the group were reducible its fundamental region would not be a simplex.
'11·6] WYTHOFF’S CONSTRUCTION 197 In order to treat polytopes and honeycombs simultaneously, we restrict consideration to irreducible groups,and regard the polytopes as having been projected radially onto their circum- spheres;i.e.,we consider (m一1)-dimensional spherical and Euclidean honeycombs.In either case,the symbol consists of a connected graph having m nodes,of which one is ringed。 A typical edge (of the honeycomb)joins the chosen vertex to its image by reflection in the opposite wall of the fundamental region. Thus every edge is perpendicularly bisected by one of the re- fleeting hyperplanes,i.e.,by an actual or virtual mirror of the generalized kaleidoscope.This holds,in particular, for all the edges of any cell, H:一1;but in their case all the hyperplanes pass through t·he centre,P, of that cell.We thus have at least m一1 linearly independent reflecting hyperplanes through P (e.g., those bisecting the edges of fl,,‘一1 that meet at one vertex). Hence P may be taken to be a vertex of the fundamental region, and the symbol for the cell is derived from the symbol for the whole honeycomb (or polytope)by removing the node that represents this vertex (and of at that node). Conversely, for a polytope course removing also every branch which occurs the removal of an unringed node from the or honeycomb leaves the symbol for an symbol element fl k,which is a cell (k -一M一1)if the graph remains connected. The only case (with m> 2)in which every unringed node yields a cell, is when the original graph is an mental region is the PM of Table IV) m一gon (so that the funda- ;in every other case the graph is a tree,and there is unringed node that belongs a cell for each free end, i.e.,for each to only one branch.Similarly, the removal of a free end from the symbol for a H,,:一1 leaves the symbol for a fl,。一2,and so on.Finally, the ringed node by itself represents an edge,fil,and its removal leaves the null graph (i.e.,nothing at all),·which represents a vertex,TT。. ‘门昌.了一一,J Thus every type of element H、is derivable by removing a certain number of nodes from the symbol for the whole polytope or honeycomb.So far as the element itself is unringed piece of the graph tray be disregarded. concerned,any But when we come to compute the number of elements of that t, pieces become important,and must be fully ype,the unringed restored (for a reason that will appear soon number of nodes that According to this rule,the maximum may be removed simultaneously is equal
198 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号11·7 to the number of free ends,except in the case of Pz,where it is two (although there are no free ends);e.ab.,an edge of the octahedron子一 4 is not merely@but@ The nodes of the ringed piece represent hyperplanes of symmetry of the II、,while the nodes of any u1,ringed pieces represent hyperplane、二?hicll con-ta -n the 1Z、.Thus the graph for the II、, regardless of the ring,represent、the fundamental region for the subgroup leaving then、invariant.The various equivalent n、’s correspond to tli。coset、of this subgroup.Hence the number of such 11、’、is. equal to the index of' the subgroup;e.g.,the number of edges of the octahedron is 48/4一12.(A more com- plicated example will be worked out in号11·8.)In the case of a Euclidean honeycomb the numbers of elements are infinite,but we may still一 consider them as being proportional to certain finite numbers (see ' 9·8),in fact,inversely proportional to the orders of the corresponding subgroups· In particular, the symbol for a vertex is derived by removing the ringed node.The resulting unringed graph could just as well be the null graph so far as the kind of element is concerned;but the corresponding group is the subgroup that leaves the vertex invariant (for it is generated by reflections in hyperplanes through the vertex).The number of vertices is equal to the index of this subgroup. When the ringed node belongs to only one branch,we can go a step further, and obtain a symbol for the vertex万y are(号7·5)· Let us call the ringed node the苏rst node,and suppose the only branch from it goes to the second.These two nodes represent vertices Po and P1 of the fundamental region,namely a vertex of the honeycomb (or polytope)and the mid一point of an edge.The vertices of the vertex figure are the mid-points of all the edges that meet at PO, i.e.,the transforms of P1 by the subgroup that leaves PO invariant.Hence we obtain the vert。二万gure by removing the first node (along with its branch) and transferring the ring to the second node. 11· that 7.Regular figures and their truncations.We can now prove the polytope or honeycomb 11·71 P 9 is rea2clar, being in fact the same t产,〔一, ·“-一叫卜一一一一.一一一一. 老’了才’ as Ip,q}…,:,w}.The simplest
夸11·i] THEGENERAL REGULAR POLYTOPE 199 cases have already been considered in '号5·1 and 5·4,`-here we saw that@ is the line一seLyment f I.that Q-" 〔夕、少产1, is the regular p-gon fp},and that 0 P---1 a is tlie regular poly- hedron or tessellation fl,,q}.The general result follows 1}y induction,spice the cell and vertex figure of 11·71 (only one kind of cell,as there is only of、(、free encl)are respectively (乡一一.一 1) q and C)一···一 9砂切 Each kind of element can be obtained by removing a single node,in fact the 1L一dimensional element is given by removing the (k,+ 1)th node一We thus see again,more clearly than on page 140, that the orthoscheme .卜-一-州.卜一~一刁卜-~ l' 9 一一闷卜一一一一奋-—书 乙1to is the characteristic simplex of the regular poly tope fp,q)…,:,,‘,}, Whose symmetry group 1p,q)…,:,、] is generated by reflections in the bounding hyperplancs of that orthoscheme.* The above rule for enumerating elements (page 198)evidently agrees with 7·63.In particular, No Y}P,、,…,,‘ Yq,…,,: Nl一 外 少尹, q,犷,…,w 2a Jr.。.。。YO _Y P,,,:。,,…,。 却YS,…,,。 We see from 7·75 that AP,,, a一form determinant of the 几﹄e 户h 丰七 S ;1 口 口︺ 22一2clx y+Y2一2c2yz+z2一.… Tip us 10·13 provides an alternative proof for 7·77. *In the〔·ase of[3,3,. ‘),、Zaccording as i-j or s}-mmetri‘·group(Moore C'oxeter(5,p.5 J'1)). 二,3, i-J一1 31,the aeneratina relations 11·12 have=lor3 一。。孟c_/ or 1).They <j一1.These are known relations for the were generalized by Todd(1,p.224) and
门了 1.JL -.1 n入丫U: 一..L~1 一P一W 200 REGULAR POLYTOPEs The polytope 奋一~~闷卜-- P _。r扩rsor }e w、一~… u whose vertices are the centres of the 11),…,>}’s of {p,…,w}, is just the truncation 8·12.Its cells are of two types,given by the removal of the two free ends in turn,except in the extreme case of F二,一..二~-} or公一·。.一 尸u, It, /i which is the regular polytope {w,…,p},reciprocal to {p,…,2v}· We have seen that the finite groups [3n-9} [3n-21 4], [p], [3, 4, 3], [3, 5], [3, 3, 5] have fundamental regions A,,,C ,z,D霎,F4,G3,G4 (defined in Table IV, page 297).By a convenient extension of this notation we shall use the symbols [3k-,1,11,[32,“,11,[33,“,11,[34,“,11 for the groups whose fundamental regions are B k+3,E6,E7,E8. In Fig.J·4A we split an isosceles spherical triangle into two equal parts,symbolically 11·72 A3一2C3, and deduced that〔3,3] is -a subgroup of index 2 in [3,4].An- alogously, the spherical tetrahedron B4 is symmetrical by reflec- tion in t,he bisector of one of its dihedral angles,and is thereby split into two C4's.More generally 11.73 B二一2 C,t , and therefore [3n-3, 1,1] is a subgroup of index 2 in [3'1-2, 4]. Thus t,he order of〔3't一3,‘,1] is 11·74 2n一1 n!. (Since B3 is the same as A3,11·72 is a special case of 11·73.) There is a similar relation between pairs of infinite groups,since P3一2V3} Q。一2Sn, and S。一2Rn.
号11·7] ALTERNATION 201 (We saw in Fig.4·7A that P4=2s4.The symbol Q4 has not been defined,so we are free to identify it with P4。The shape of the graph makes this quite reasonable.) It follows that the polytope and honeycombs 长一 are the sane as @一.~确一···一.一-一.-一-. 4 一价《卜 一...一卜 while t.he vertices of the third of the second.In几ct,these Sinlilarly,the_poly tope of them are alternate ve are凤、,3n,118n. (See ' 8 ces ·6.) 卜一 is hyn,as or下。· its vertices are alternate vertices of唇 0 _0 一,砂一—. The symbol 、 w夕 is a natural abbreviation for 叮工r q 产11、 \一‘”一 卢‘”“ 、11了 叨 令产 . . . ql’, 衬1‘.又 Hence the vertex figure of this“partial truncation”is This notation extends in an obvious most important case is when all the shall make the further abbreviation manner. branches However since are unmarked, the we kip一{3k 32, 13j) which implies 弄i0=ak+i+l, kl;一风+3,lkl=hYk+3. 2︸。,J gJOO \"1、 一一 二U 0 By removing two nodes from the graph,we find that the number of Oub's in 0ij is equal to the coefficient of X2-a Yj-b in (1+X+Y)i+9+2;e.9.,the number of edges 000 is the coefficient
202 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 11.8 of Xi Yj.But the number of vertices is the coefficient of Xi+1户+1.(Cf. 7·41.)By the rule at the end of ' 11·6) the vertex figure of kip is (k一1)。·To include the case where k一0) we may write(一1)ij一aixaj· 11·E"?.Gosset's figures in six,seven,and eight dimensions.The Simplest polytopes arising from the finite groups[32,“,1],[33,2】‘], 134,“,1] are 2,1,321,421;and the simplest honneycombs arising from the infinite groups[3 2,“,“],X33'“,1],[35,“,‘」are 2.,-,),331, 591·These polytopes and honeycombs (in six,seven,and eight dimensions)*are not related to any regular figures (of the same number of dimensions);but we shall consider them briefly as a means to compute the orders,say x, of the groups- [32,“,‘] y} 33,“,11 z, L34,“,11. The six一dimensional polytope has cells of two kinds,both regular: 220=a5, 221 211 The number of elements of any kind of the unknown order x by removing graph 月;. may be one or expressed in terms two nodes from the ~可一~ as in the following table: r e b m ll N @
11·8] GOSSET’s 6一DIMENSIONAL POLYTOPE 203 Thus 劣一48 一一 N x一72 No一 N4= 1920 N1 一+一 240 120 x、, =—一刀。- 240‘ and N,5一 x x 二一+一 720 1920 “Euler',s Formula”N0一-NJ -j-- N:一I -NT3+N;一N5==0 (which is 9·11 tivith,‘一6)is satisfied identically, and so does not help us to compute x. Not discouraged by this initial setback,we make a similar table for the honeycomb 2,2,and obtain the proportional numbers of element:s 9曰一劣 1 6.6.f 1 24.2.卫 2*2 :一二:一+一一;: 5!2 6!2 24 5! 一6 ,.1一 一2 1一劣 or, after multiplication by 24.6 24.6 vo=—一 x 、。。八,__、,,_,_48.6! Vi=1G,v2=6V5 V3=1 zSV, v4=144, v5=24+y, v6=-— x Euler's Formula,as adapted for honeycombs in 9·81,asserts that va一Vi+v2一v3 -{- v4一v,+Vs=0, whence 11·81 x=72.6!. Thus 221 has 27 vertices,216 edges,720 triangles,1080 tetrahedra, 216+432 a4’、,7 2 a5's and 27月。's.(See Coxeter 14.) Similarly, the seven一dimensional polvto-De 30, ~1 k/ 1 G 1 NTn=一竺一 72.6 V 人,4 5!2 l'1一 N5一 y 2.24 5! N2== N6= y 6.5! has Nei_一鱼生- 24‘6.2 y:y 二,了一代:士勺一丁 6!2 6! y,y 二二-二十二二二一二,二 7!20 6! (Tlle cells are 320=a0 and 311=月G.)The equation INTO一N1+N2一N3+N4一N5+Ns=2 yields 11·82 y==8.9!. Thus 321 has 56 vertices,756 edges,…,2016+4032 a5's,576 as's and 126月s’}.(See Coxeter 1,p *The `? here corner from the fact that two distinct nodes. 7.) a4 may be derived by removing either of
204 REGULARrOLYTOPES [号11·8 Again,the eight一dimensional polytope 421 has 之 6.24 5! 24.5! =一+一, 7!2 7!- N3一 N7= 一二一十一. 8!艺b7! 凡戈 nU 。一 2 6 -一一一 ︸n N 一9一 一QU之一众U 之一,一 一8一5 一一-- NN (with cells 420=a7 and 411一月7).Euler's Formula is satisfied, regardless of the value of:.But the honeycomb 521 has the proportional numbers z 2.8.9!6.72.6! 24.24 5’ 24 5!5 6!6.圣 2 1 7!2 一+一 9!2(8! 1一8! 十 -2 一00 or, after multiplication by 192.10 192.10! v0=— 之 v1=120 v2一2240,v3=15120 v4=48384 v二=80640 g v6= ation 69120 vn=8640+17280。vo=1920+135. ‘./0 From the equ we deduce vo一vi+v2一v3十v,一v5+v6一v7+v8=0 11·83 z=192.10!. Thus 421 has 240 vertices,6720 edges,…,69120+138240 a6's, 17280 a7's and 2160月7's7.(See Gosset 1,p.48.) This completes our computation of the orders of the finite groups generated by reflections,as given in Table 1V (page 297). 11·9.Weyl's formula for the order of the largest finite sub- group of an infinite discrete group generated by reflections.The above method for computing the order of[3k,”,1] is rather com- plicated,and involves the formula 9·81,which is itself difficult to establish.Accordingly, it seems worth while to describe the quite different method used by Weyl in his lectures on Continuous Groups.Weyl's formula gives the order of the“special”sub- group (see page 191)of any irreducible infinite discrete group generated by reflections,but it is most readily applicable to the tri yona l groups,which contain no rotation of period greater than 3.In this case all the dihedral angles of the fundamental region are either二/2 or二/3, and the graph has no marked branches.
' 11.9] THE ORDER OF THE GROUP S 205 We shall find that the order of the special subgroup of a trigonal group in”dimensions is 11·91 fz1 z2…z n+1 n!, where f is the number of special vertices of the fundamental region for the infinite group,and the z's are defined as at the end of ' 11·4.Corresponding to the special vertices,the graph has f special nodes,and we shall see that these are just the nodes for which z‘一1.The rest of the:,s are then given by 11·42 (so that the:'s along a chain are in arithmetical progression).Thus the computation is very simple. Let S be the special subgroup of an irreducible infinite group G,as in ' 11·2 (only nova we insist on irreducibility,so that the fundamental region for G is a simplex,and the corresponding graph is connected).Then S consists of those operations of G which preserve a special vertex 0 of the fundamental region,and this subgroup S is isomorphic to the quotient group G /T, where T consists of all the translations in G.(Cf. Burckhardt 2,p.103.) The fundamental region for G,being a simplex,is bounded by n+ 1 hyperplanes,n of which pass through 0.Reflections in these n generate S,while the remaining one serves to reflect 0 into another“special”point 0’.Thus 0 0‘is an edge of the honeycomb*whose symbol is derived from the graph by ringing the 0一node,and this edge is perpendicularly bisected by one of the reflecting hyperplanes of G.The reflection in the parallel hyperplane through 0 must likewise belong to G (in fact, to S). The product of these two reflections is the translation from 0‘ to 0.Since any vertex of the honeycomb can be reached by a path along a sequence of edges,the subgroup T is generated by translations along edges.Thus the vertices,which are the trans- forms of 0 by G,are also the transforms of 0 by T;this shows that they form a lattice. A typical cell of the rec咖rocal honeycomb is a polytope having 0 for in一centre.Its bounding hyperplanes perpendicularly bisect *When the fundamental region is几‘+1,so that the graph is an see at once that the cells of the honey simple truncations (n+1)一gon, we of all of every kind, viz.,Oij (2+j==n一1; titular honeycomb have n+1 integral The remaining follows: in 1908 =0, 1,…,、一1).Schoute (8) from a quite different point of discovered this par- view.Its vertices Cartesian coordinates with a constant sum (say zero fundamental regions and corresponding honeycombs are as R, 5M, h8m, T,, 222" Tg T9 qr, "31,"21, Ua,叭,W2; {3,3,4, 3},{3,6},{‘}· .J n 份口 ‘O 卜勺护八口 f﹀h
206 REGULAR POLYTOPES【号11·9 the lines joining 0 to the nearest other lattice points (which are the transforms of 0‘by S).Its simplicial subdivision consists of repetitions of the fundamental region for G,in number equal to the order of S.The polytope,being a fundamental region for T, has the same n一dimensional content as a“period parallelotope”. The order of S is the ratio of this content to that of the funda- mental region for G (in agreement with the fact that this order is equal to the index of T in G). We have seen that the reflecting lyperplanes of G occur in various families of parallel hyperplanes.Suppose the fundamental region has f special vertices.If f=1 the points of the above lattice are the only points which lie in representative hyperplanes of every family.But in general the totality of such special points 2) o) FJIG. 11·9A consists of f superposed lattices,which together form a single lattice of finer mesh. This is still a lattice.For, the reflecting hyperplanes through any two special points are respectively parallel;so there must be a translation carrying the one special point to the other, even if this translation does not occur in T. (In fact, the translation transforms G according to an automorphism,which need not be an inner automorphism.) The situation is illustrated in Fig.11·9A,where G is [4,4],so that S is [4], isosceles into the of order 8.Here triangle,and f = 2. the fundamental The two special region is a right一angled vertices “white are transformed These form two lattices, which are tope having 0 for and the “black”points,respectively. vertices of two reciprocal {4,4}'s.The“poly- in一centre”is a face of the black {4, 4}, and at the same time serves as a period parallelogram for T. 8 times that of the right一angled isosceles triangle. finer mesh”consists of the white and black points a smaller {4,4}· Its area The“ is plainly lattice of together, forming
号11·9] WEYL’S LATTICES 207 Since f lattices (of transforms of 0 by T or G)are superposed to make the lattice of all special points,the period parallelotope of the former is f times as large as that of the latter. The smaller period parallelotope is bounded by the hyperplanes of the n generating reflections of S and by n further hyperplanes parallel to these (the next in the respective families).We now choose a system of affine coordinates in such a way that these 2n hyper- planes are 二‘= 0 and xi = 1“一l, 2,…,n). Then the special points are just the points -NN,,here covariant coordinates are integers (as in Fig.11·9A).The contravariant vectors ei, which determine these coordinates,proceed along the edges through 0 of the fundamental region,and are of such magnitudes as, to reach the nearest special points along those edges.* The fundamental region for G is bounded by the n hyperplanes xi一0 and by one further hyperplane,say 11.92 y1 X,+…>- y'‘二,‘=1 (y; > 0). The edges through 0 represent vectors e1 /y1,…,en/Y11 which lead to the vertices(1 /y1} 0,…,0,0),…,(0, 0,…,1/y n)· The content of the simplex is 1/n!times that of the parallelotope based on these vectors.This,in turn,is 1 /(y1…yn)times the content of the parallelot·ope based on el,…,en, which is 1/f times that of the fundamental region for T.Hence the order of S is 11·93 fyl…yn n!, where yi is the number of tinges the ith edge through 0 (of the fundamental region for G)has to be produced before we come to another special point.In particular, y‘一1 if the edge joins 0 to a second special vertex,but otherwise yi>1. The hyperplane through 0 parallel to 11·92 is E yi x‘一0.Hence the family of hyperplanes to which these belong is given by E tY*X‘一il where j is an arbitrary integer.Since every special point lies in *mL,八。八。,。。,、二、。!I l )l。l9ll}7ATiA。手二,A+,._八、、八+.,。。 r.r..r-AA 1-._. c二 r1-。-4-1-八‘.,,,,~ -L 116 VV11,。IJVlll.i111片V kJ、认1 IC111 U、UVUV1。‘4 al弓U1 CL11;!31V1111G以UV J 111U" U11G 'UeCCUT ~~JU diagram of van der Waerden 1.Their magnitudes are the tances generat tween consecutive hyperplanes in by these vectors 10.5. ej is rec咖rocal to th,e the various reciprocals of the dis- families.The lattice lattice of special points, in the sense of号
208 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 11·9 one such hyperplane,万yi xi must be an integer for all integral values of t·he x's.Hence the y's are integers. Can these n positive integers be determined without a detailed examination of the reflecting hyperplanes ? Is there some algebraic rule for deriving them straight front the graph ? Such a rule has not been found in the general case,but only when G is a trigonal group (so that the graph has no marked branches).In this case we use unit vectors el,…,e,,+1,perpendicular to the bounding hyperplanes of the fundamental region 0,…0 ti+1,to set up a system of normal coordinates,as in号10·7.We may sup- pose,without loss of generality, that 0,2+1 is a special vertex·We may also take the altitude from this vertex as our unit of length, so that 11·94 z n+1一1. Then the bounding hyperplane x,,+1==0 or 1195 z1 x1 +.. .卜 z'I x、一1 is one of the reflecting hyperplanes of G,and the parallel hyper- plane through 0,2 + 1 is xn + 1一1 or z1 x1…+zn x。一0. By 5·63,all the reflections in a trigonal group are conjugate,so all the families of parallel hyperplanes are spaced at unit distances, and the special points are just the points for which二1,…,xn are integers. Comparing 10·72 with 11·22,we see that the z’s (which are the reciprocals of the altitudes of the simplex 01…0 11+1)are determined by 11·42 with the normalizing condition 11·94.In fact,10,27 implies 11·96 之1 一丫A、‘/A ;},,*, NA-here m=n+1. Thus 11·93 can Comparing 11·95 with 11·92,we see that*Y2一:‘. be replaced by 11·91. We now understand why it always happens that the:’s the t·rigonal groups)are integers· the table on Moreover, the special nodes are (See those for which Pabe 之2一1. (for 194.) Re- than In the general case, y‘一“‘/}ei I·Taut the numbers!ei I are no easier to find the y's themselves.
号11"x] COMPUTING THE ORDER 209 moving one of these in each particular case,we verify that the finite groups [3n-1], [3n-3, 1, 11 } [32 ,“,1]} [33,“,1], [34,”,1]l whose fundamental regions are An,Bit,E6,E7,Eg, are the special subgroups of the infinite groups whose fundamental regions are 尸,乙+1, Tg Using 11·91,we [3”一1]: [3n一3,1,1]: [32,“,1]: 「33,“,1]: [34,“,1]: QIi+1,T7, compute the orders (”+1).In+1 4.14 2n-3 3.13233. 2.12 23 32 4. I.I.223 2 422 3.6. as follows. n!一(n+1)! n!=2n一1n! 6!=72.6! 7!=8.9! 8!=192.10! (cf. 7·66). (cf. 11·74). (cf. 11·81).* (cf. 11·82). (cf. 11·83). Thus the computation of the orders of the trigonal groups no longer presents any difficulty.On the other hand,a glance at Table IV shows that all the finite non一trigonal groups are sym- metry groups of regular polytopes.These have already been Studied separately in Chapter VIII.The four一dimensional groups 11),q, r],which are the most interesting, will be covered by a new general formula in号12.8. 11-x.Historical remarks.、The finite groups generated by reflections in four一dimensional Euclidean space (or in three- dimensional spherical space)were first enumerated in 1889,by Goursat,t whose knowledge of the regular polytopes was derived from Stringhanl 1.The analogous groups in n dimensions were considered in 1928 by Cartan (2),who showed that the funda- mental region must be a simplex.The completeness of his enumeration was verified in a direct geometrical manner three years later (Coxeter 2),using the graphical symbolism of号11·3. *Witt(1,P.309)mistakenly gave the order as 36·6!· t GGoursat 1,PP·89一91·He shows the fundamental regions B4,C4,凡,G4, for the groups [31,1,1],[3, 3, 4],[3, 4, 31, [3, 3, 5] in hisFigs.3, 5, 6, 7,8. 0 A4, [3, 3,3]
210 REGULAR POLYTOPES 〔号11-X The present version olives much to Witt 1,though our procedure differs from his by not requiring the computation of det(aik)· In order to avoid considering a great variety of polytopes all having t,he same symmetry group,we have employed Wythoff's construction(号11·6)only vertex of the polytope is a in the simple case where the typical vertex of the fundamental region.This is s.yrnbolized by drawing a ring round one node of the graph. The general case (Coxeter 7),where the typical vertex of the polytope may have other positions in the fundamental region,is symbolized by ringing any number of nodes. When the funda- mental chain), 二、 region is an this process orthoscheme yields all (so that the graph is a single f工 0 the semi-regular polytopes Mrs.Stott 2. insertion of a In fact,her“expansion” ring, ring.The reason and her for this “contra on ek corresponds to the c to the removal of a was lucidly explained by B. Robinson(1,p.72).Wythoff himself was largely concerned with the group[3,3,5],but he added the remark that“a similar investigation…may be undertaken in the same manner with regard to the other polytope一families in four一dimensional and in other spaces”.(Wythoff 2,p·970·) Gosset's polytopes 1C21(} 11·8)were rediscovered by Elte*in 1911,along with the remaining polytopes k2j (except 142,which fail、to satisfy Elte’s rather artificial definition of“semi一regular”)· Their symmetry groups[31-,“,1] were investigated at about the same time by Burnside,qua groups of rational linear transforma- tions of n variables(?、一k-+4). His tables (Burnside 2, pp. 301, 304, 307)may be interpreted as an enumeration of the 72 a5'S of 221,the 576 a,,'s of 321, and the 17280 give them this interpretation himself. a7Is of 421;but he did not If he had finished reading Cosset’s essay (see page 164),he would surely have seen connection.Moreover, he and Baker described two dual the con一 figurationst 72 20 15 6 27 16 2 720 3 3 2 216 80 16 10 5 and 5 16 216 2 3 3 720 2 16 27 6 15 20 72 00 11Q0 *Elte 1.The +hieh +-e call' "2 they could be etih fi Burnside 1; last ,311, eight lines of his table (p· 2219 321, 231,132,C)2319 132,;1,421 It 128) describe the polytopes never occurred to him that ibited as members of one Baker 1,pp.104一112. family k2i·
号l l}x) DEL PEZZO SURFACES,LIEGROUPS 211 in projective four一space,which show a remarkable resemblance to 122 and 221.In 1932,Room(1,p.152)considered two five- dimensional configurations which are still more closely related to these polytopes (though lie was not aware of this).J. A.Todd(2) made use of Room's configurations in his proof that[32,“,1] is isomorphic with the group of incidence-preserving permutation、of the 27 lines on the general cubic surface.(For the earliest descrip- Lion of these lines,see Sclildfli 2.)Todd thus explained the fact, noticed by Schoute (9)in 1910, that the tactical relations bet二·een the 27 lines can be exhibited as relations between the 27 vertices of Gosset’s six一(dmensional polytope 221.Du Val(1,P·69) generalized this result,relating the vertices of(r一,,、)21 to the lines on the del Pezzo surface of order m in projective in一space. He showed also that the 28 pairs of opposite vertices of 321 corre- spond to the 28 bitangents of the general plaice quartic curve (cf. Coxeter 1),while the 120 pairs of opposite vertices of 421 (or the 120 reflections of[3",“,11)correspond to the 120 tritangent planes of t,he twisted sextic curve in which a cubic surface meets a quadric cone. The vertices of Gosset’s eight一dimensional honeycomb 521 (of edge丫2)have as coordinates all sets of eight integers or eight halves of odd integers,with an even sum.(See Coxeter 1,p.2, where 521 is called (PA)。.)This lattice not only has the same shale as its reciprocal (like the“self-reciprocal”lattices of {3,6}a·nd {3, 3,4, 3},mentioned in ' 10·5) but actually coincides til'ith its reciprocal (like the cubic lattice of edge 1).The same points,in a different coordinate system,represent the integral Cayley numbers (Coxeter 16)in the same way that the vertices of {4, 4} and {3,3,4, 3}represent the Gaussian integers and integral quaternions. Weyl(1)represented the operations of a semi一simple continuous group (or Lie group)by the points of a certain manifold.Cartan (1,pp. 215一230) deduced that for each semi-simple Lie group there is a corresponding infinite group generated by reflections, `6t·h a finite fundamental region.Our direct enumeration of such groups shows that he used them all.Thus there is a one-to- one correspondence between simple [or semi一simple] Lie groups and reflection一groups whose fundamental regions are simplexes [or rectangular products of simplexes] in Euclidean space.(This eras pointed out quite recently by Stiefel 1.)In particular,
212 the REGULARPOLYTOPES C' to simplexes 11·x classical”groups (Weyl 2)correspond aS follows: the unimodular linear the orthogonal group t·he symplectic group the orthogonal group group on 7n variables on 2n variables on 2n variables pin; Q11+1; Rn+1; on 2n+1 That same paper (Cartan 1) Cartan’、groups管 1,(sj‘,‘9(p fiindament·al region for G.H laid 228) variables二Si:+1. the founda,tiotis for our号11·9. are our G,S,T.His (P)is the is (R)is the wIf ile (R) that his although is the lattice coordinates of transforms of 0. lattice of special points, It should be emphasized for 222(“type E6”,p.230)are oblique, those for “connectivity,’of 331 and 521 are rectangular.His h (the the group manifold)is our f. Finally, his ,,,1,…,7ni(Cart an 2,p.256)are the y1,…,y'2 of our 11·92. These y’s have various other applications.Weyl's astonishing fornlula} 11·93 employs their product.Here is another, involving their sm)z:the total number of families of parallel hyperplanes in an infinite group G (or the total number of reflections in the special subgroup S)is 2(1+y1+y2十…+yn)n; e·g·,the number of families in [3“,”,11,or of reflections in [34,“,11, is告(1十2十2十3-E--3+4+4+5十6)8=120. This formula has never yet· been explained in general terms.It is equivalent to the state- ment that the number of parameters (Ghederzahl)of a simple continuous group is (2+y1+y2+二,.+yn)n· we have already seen that,in the important case of the trigonal groups,these y,、are the same as the:'s of号11·4.Du Val(2, p.456)has shown that the trees which represent the fundamental regions for the finite trigonal groups (i.e.,the unmarked graphs on the left side of Table IV)also represent the neighbourhoods of an important kind of singular point on an algebraic surface.The numbers z2 occur as the coe伍cients of the partial neighbourhoods in the expression for the whole neighbourhood.
CHAPTER XII THE GENERALIZED PETRIE POLYGON Iw ' 7.x we quoted a formula for the order of the group沙,q, r] as a Schlafli function,i.e.,as a rather formidable infinite series. In '' 8·2 and 8·5 we obtained the order in each special case by constructing the regular polytope fp,q, r}.The chief result of the present chapter is the new formula 12·81 in terms of elementary functions.On the way we find a simple expression (12·61)for the number of reflections in the group, i.e.,the number of hyperplanes of symmetry of the general regular polytope.The preliminary results obtained in号号12·1 and 12·2 are well known, but the proofs are not readily accessible. 12·1.Orthogonal transformations.In n dimensions, as in three,a congruent transformation is“point一to-point correspon- dence preserving distance.It consequently preserves collinearity, i.e.,it is a special kind of collineation.It is determined by its effect on an n一dimensional n-hedral angle (the analogue of a trihedron)·By a procedure analogous to that used in ' 3·1,we can express it as the product of at most n+1 reflections.Again it is direct or opposite (i.e.,a displacement or an enantiomorphous transformation)according as the number of reflections is even or odd. The special case when there is at least one invariant point is called an orthogonal transformation.This is the product of at most n reflections (in hyperplanes through the invariant point). In terms of afflne coordinates with their origin at the invariant point, it is a linear transformation 12·11 xj‘一E cjk xk(;’一l, 2,…,n), where the coefficients cjk are certain real numbers.This followq from the reflection general theory of collineations.Alternatively, is a linear transformation (see 10·61),so also since a is any product of reflections. The vectors whose directions transformation 12·11 are given 12·12 Axj are preserved (or reversed)by the by the n equations E cjk xk .
214 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号12·1 The first step in solving these is to eliminate the x's,obtaining a single equation of the nth degree in A: 0 一一 12·13 入一C11 一C21 一C12 入一C99 一C13 一C.,3 一‘1,‘ 一cZ,‘ 一C., ,+ 一Cn2 一c11 入一c91)d Each root of t·hi、。quation yields a value of A which we can sub- stitute in the n equations 12·12 (at least one of which will be redundant);then tiN -e can solve for the二’s and so obtain an in- variant direction. A real root gives a real vector, and ail imaginary root an imaginary vector.In order to take the latt·er into consideration, tive suppose our real Euclidean?‘一space to be embedded in a complex Euclidean?、一、pace. We shall find that the roots of 12·13 suffice to determine the nature of the transforiilation (e.trb.,if it is:、rotation they deter- mine its angle).Accordingly,they are called characteristic roots, the corresponding vectors are called characteristic vectors, and 12·13 is called the characteristic equation.The transformation preserves the direction of each characteristic vector, but multi- plies its magnitude by a definite number, which is the character- istic root.Being geometrical properties of the transformation, the characteristic roots are invariants, independent of the chosen coordinate system;in particular, they a,re the same whether the coordinates be rectangular or oblique. Any linear transformation has characteristic roots.One special feature of an orthogonal transformation is that its characteristic roots have unit modulus:}a}一1.This can be seen as follows. If 12·11 is an orthogonal transformation,it preserves the inner product of any two vectors.(Since the characteristic roots are invariants,we are at liberty to use rectangular Cartesian co- ordinates.)If two vectors x and y are transformed into x' and y‘,the inner products are x·y一E xk Y、一E E sk‘二、Y1 and x‘·y'一Ex j' yj‘一E (E cjk xk)(E Cjl Y1)一E E E cjk cjl xk y1· The conditions for these to be equal are 12.14 1 Cjk Cj‘一Ski (k, 1=1, 2,…,n).
芬12·1] Any ORTHOGONAL TRANSFORIITATIONS 215 characteristic root is connected with the corresponding vector by conjugate the equations 12·12·Multiplying A肠by its complex Axe一E Cpl ,7c- l and summing, we have A} E x, xj一I E E Cj, C'l x,;,一E E Sh.,二、;,一E二、,、. But E 2i -一I xk xk>U . Therefore as一1,and 1215 1 J1 I一(4)‘一1, as we -}%}ished to prove. Incidentally,the relations 12·14 are necessary and su伍cient conditions for the linear transformation 12·11 (of rectangular Cartesian coordinates)to be an orthogonal transformation.An important instance is the rotation (through angle 6) 12·16 劣1 x2 6一二: e+、2 sin若, cos e. Here roots the characteristic 一劣I cos =劣1 Sin equation is are cos苦士2 Sill若 林一COS 6)2+S1,12 e一0, and its =e士S},Z We proceed to show how airy orthogonal transformation can be expressed as a product of commutative rotations and reflec- tions.This is closely related to the algebraic theorem that every polyiioinial with real coefficients can be expressed as a product of real quadratic and linear factors. For an imaginary characteristic root eve can find at least one characteristic vector.(If there are many, choose one at random·) Its complex conjugate vector has likewise an invariant direction, and tale two together span二real invariant plane (through the origin).Let us choose two real perpendicular vectors in this plane as axes of x1 and x2, and insist that the remaining n一2 axes shall lie in the completely orthogonal(、一2)-space,which is like- 00 wise invariant. invariant plane such as 12·16. are now The congruent transformation induced in the leaves no real vector invariant,so it is a rotation The first two rows of the determinant in 12·13 A一Cos若 一sin苦 sin若0 A一cos苦0 After removing the factor (A一cos 6 )“一卜sine e一(A一ei})(A一e-it), `ire are left with the characteristic equation of the transformation
216 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 12·1 induced in the completely orthogonal (n一2)-space.If this (二一2)-ic equation still has an imaginary root, we repeat the process,choosing axes of x3 and x4 in a second invariant plane. Proceeding thus we see that, if there are q pairs of conjugate imaginary roots e士‘4 (k一1,…,、),and n一2q real root、士1) then we can analyse the orthogonal transformation into rotations through angles 6. in the planes of the axes of x2,,_1 and x2,., along with a specially simple kind of orthogonal transformation in the residual (n一2q卜space x1一··,一x,,一0, where the characteristic roots are only 1 1. Any real characteristic root provides a real characteristic vector which is preserved or reversed by the orthogonal transformation. We use this to define one of the remaining axes,and then turn our attention similarly to the perpendicular(、一2q一1)-space. We thus obtain orthogonal axes of x2q+1,…,x,2, each of which is either preserved or reversed: 与‘一士马(} = 2q + 1, . . . , n). The signs of the various xj's agree with the signs of the corre- sponding characteristic roots.Hence,if the n一2q real roots consist of r(一1)'s and n一2q一r 1's, so that the characteristic equation is (A2一2A cos e1+1)…(A2一2A Cos e.+1)(}+1)r (A一1)n-2q-r一0) then the transformation consists of q rotations and r reflections, all commutative with one another. Since a rotation preserves sense,while a reflection reverses sense,the above orthogonal transformation is direct or opposite according as r is even or odd.In particular, the general displace- ment preserving the origin in four dimensions is a double potation,* expressible in the form x1 '=x1 Cos el一x2 sin 61,x3 '=x3 Cos e:一二;sin e2, x2 '=x1 sin el+二:Cos el,x4 '=x3 sin 62+二;COS e2. The two completely orthogonal planes of rotation are uniquely determined except when e2一士e1, in which case only two (instead of three)of the four equations 12·12 are independent,and we have *Goursat 1,P.36
号12·2] CONGRUENT TRANSFORMATIONS 217 a Clifford displacement (analogous to the“Clifford translation” of elliptic geometry).The cases when two or four characteristic roots are real are covered by allowing el or 62 to take the extreme values 0 and -g. 12·2.Congruent transformations.As a temporary notation, let Q denote a rotation,R a reflection,T a translation,and let Qq Rr T denote a product of several such transformations,all coninlutative with one another.Then RT is a glide-reflection (in two or three dimensions),QR is a rotatory-reflection, QT is a sere二一displacen1ent, and Q2 is a double rotation (in four dimen- sions)·Having proved that every orthogonal transformation is expressible as Qq Rr(2q+r《n), we shall not find much difficulty in deducing that every congruent transformation is either Qq Rr(2q+,·《n) or Qq Rr T(2q+r+1《n). The complete statement is as follows: 12·21.In an even number of dimensions every displacement is either Qq Rr(2q+r《,‘,r even) or Qq Rr T(2q+r《n一2,r even) and every enantiomorphous transformation is Qq Rr T(2q十:《、一1, r odd).In an odd,、umber of dimensions every enantiomorphous transformation is either Qq Rr(2q+:《n, r odd)。:Qq Rr T (2q+r(n一2,r odd) and every displacement is Qq Rr T (2q+r《n一1,r even). (we admit Qq Rr as a special case of Qq Rr T by allowing the extent of the translation to vanish.) In号3·1 we proved this for the cases n=2andn=3.So now we use induction,assuming the result in the next lower number of dimensions.For brevity, we consider two cases simultaneously, writing alternative words in square brackets. If n is even [odd],the general direct [opposite] transformation, being the product of at most n reflections,leaves invariant either a point or two parallel hyperplanes (i.e.,either an ordinary point or a point at infinity).In the former case we have the orthogonal transformation Qq Rr, where 2q+r《n.In the latter the trans- formation is essentially (n一1卜dimensional;by the inductive assumption it is Qq Rr T, where 2q+r《n一2.
218 REGULAR POLYTOPES「号12.2 Again,n being even [odd],the general opposite [direct] trans- formation may at first be regarded as operating on bundles of parallel rays,represented by single rays through a fixed point 0. The induced orthogonal transformation is Qq Rr, where 2q+r(n; but r is odd [even],so 2q+r<、一1.Hence the induced trans- formation has an invariant axis(“the nth dimension”),and the original transformation has an invariant direction.Let W be any htiTperplane perpendicular to this direction.The pi-oduct of the original transformation with the reflection in w is:、direct [opposite] transformation which reverses that direction,viz,, Qq Rr or Qq Rr T, where one of the reflecting hyperplanes is parallel to cv.Reflecting in (-,-o again,and observing that the product of reflections in two parallel hyperplanes is a translation, we express the original transformation as either Qq R'‘一1 T or Qq Rr-1 T2, where T2 means the product of two translations,both commutative二?ith all theQ’、and R's, so that T- can be written simply as T. This completes the proof of 12·21.Since the product of two commutative reflections is a rotation through angle二,while the identity is a rotation through angle 0, an alternative enunciation (like 3·13 and 3·14)can be made as follows. In 2q dimensions every displacement is Qq or Qq-1 T,and every enantiomo7 phous transrn2ntion is Qq-1 RTfo.In 2q+1 dimensions every displacennent is Qq T,and every enantiomor phous transforma- tion is Qq R or Qq一1 RT. 12·3.The product of n reflections.A particular orthogonal transformation which is relevant to the study of regular polytopes (for a reason that will appear in ' 12.4)is the product R1 R2…R,2 of the generators of a finite group generated by reflections.This, being the product of n reflections,is of type Q "' or Q香 (n一‘)R according as?‘is even or odd.(Here the Q’s stand for com- mutative rotations,through angles ek which remain to be com- puted.)In terms of coordinates x1,x2,…,xt,which are distances from the reflecting hyperplanes,the reflection Rk is given by 10·63 or where一 and loth xi一xi‘一2ajk X. -‘, 、is the cosine of the dihedral yperplanes (and akk=1).Thus angle between the jth R1 R2…R、transforms 价知 (X,,二2, 二,,)into (x1(n),x }(n) …劣(,‘)、. 儿,J
务12·3] THE PRODUCT OF·n REFLECTIONS 219 where xj(n) is given indirectly by the n sets of equations xi一xj’一2aj1 x1 ', xj‘一xi一9a,2 `}2 与 (nxj一‘)一x.(11)一2ain xn(n). The general case i、treated elsewhere,*For simplicity, let us here restrict consideration to the case '"Then the group is [p, q1…,w],so that the only non一vanishing av.'s with j<k are 7T 7T a=一C=一Coy一,a。二二一C=一Cos一 切12一'1一七U’J一,切23一灯2一、U卜少一 1 q 7T an一,,、一Cn一‘一Cos - .w Then the above 122 equations become x.(了一2) J 一x .(.79一‘’十2C.3一,x.(j9-了‘’ X, 一一 段, 一 12·31 x. (j一1)= J (.7+1) 一}一1 =x (7+1)=x_(3十2)=...=x.间 劣 C., Q﹄ 一 whence,for any value of A, C, 9曰 - j) ,/., 及 一一 12·32卞戈 回一入x J XP +1).?+1+入(x (j)一“3一,班-1)19-1· Now,the characteristic equation 12·13 is the result of elim- mating the xj’s and x,‘’s.from Axe一xj' and 12·11·Hence the characteristic equation for R1 R2…R,,2 can be obtained by eliminating a·ll the xj(k)’s from- axe一x, (n) and 12·31·By means of 12·32,all the x,(k)'s for which i o k are eliminated automatically, and we are left with the n equations 可力一“j X-}-1‘’十入(叮9)一“c,.一,x.(j-J-1‘))一0, Or 一“A'i C.3一1马性-11,十(入‘--f-入一‘)可”一“入一‘C3马住+11,一0) or, in terni5 of y,一A一ii XP) and X7一1 (Ai2+入一i) I 一Cj一,Yj一,一干Xyj一Cj Yj、一,一o. Coseter 11. This is perhaps the neatest trick in the whole chapter! *千1
220 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 12.3 In the extreme cases whereJ=1 or n, the first or last term will be lacking. Eliminating the y's from Xy1一C1 y2一。, C1 y1一X y2 --f- C2 y3一0, 一C2 J2十X y3一C3 y4一0, 士c,,一1 Y,‘一1干X y,‘一0, we obtain the characteristic equation 12·33 0 c2 X 0 0 000 000 00气 U 亡.,X 1艺—1 clX气.0 XclOO in the notation of 7·76 X'‘一O'1 X n-2+Q2 Xn-4一..一0. 乙‘ nJ 几2. 0月.孟 Here X is an abbreviation for告(A!+A-1).In terms of the anLrles }二of the com-Donent rotations,the values of A are ‘夕目儿」,‘ e士‘bSk (k一1) 2,…,[2n]). Hence 12·33 or 12·34 has the roots X=士cos告6k. When n is odd, the last term of 12-34 is or.,(二一1 ) X, so there is an extra root X一0, corresponding to A=一1.This gives a reflection, v1Z.,the R in the symbol QI(n一‘)R.The extra root can be aligned wit·h the others by the device of defining 61(二+1)一7T, which is natural enough when we think of an n一dimensional reflection as an (n+1)一dimensional half-turn. The product of the generators of an i喊nite group [p, q,…,‘] (in、一1 dimensions)arises as a limiting case of the transformation considered above.The relations 12·31 continue to apply, pro- vided we regard the二,s as normal coordinates (' 10·7).Since
号12.3] THE COMPONENT ROTATIONs 221 up,,,…,,。=U (see -i -'i。,'i’7 6),the equation 12·33 or 12·34 now h as roots X=士1,which may be interpreted as giving a com- ponent translation, viz.,the T in the symbol Ql(n一2) T or QI(“一”)RT. For instance,in the case ofL3,6] the equation is X3一X=0 whose roots 0 reflection RT, and土1 which is correspond to the R and T of the glide- the product of reflections in the three sides of a plane triangle. when、一3, 1234 becomes X(X2一al)一0, where 91 一COS2二d- COS2 夕 ?T n 7T _n fl0‘ q一七U。h i n the notation of 2·33.Thus the angle of the rotatory-reflection R1 R2 R3 in [p, q] is 61一2二/h. When n=4, we have 12·35 X‘一!COS2 竺+COS2卫+COS2卫)X2+COS2卫cost卫一。 P q r' P r or(X2一COS2 夕 X2一Cos2 -)一X2 COS2 "r-.In each particular case r/y 二-的 a more elegant equation (With roots x=2 cos e1,2 cos 62)is obtained by setting X2一4(x+2).By一analogy with the three一dimensional case,we let h denote the period of the .double rotation R1 R2 R3 R4· The details are as follows: Group Equation for 2 cos }i,S ")弓9曰nUO 58止H义 岁tll.IOOc 4一 6,‘ 7T 314 7T 1口6 2_ 万廿1 7T7T7T7T0 。︸5141615 沪+x一1=0 x2一2=0 X2一3=0 x2一T -lx一T2= o* x2一x一2==0 ,...Jl..J一1.J工...Jl..J OO4qol04 q000400qO gjqonoqO4 ︸...Lr...Lree.Lr..Lr..L- *丁=2(A/5+1).
222 REGULAR POLYTOPES 【号I2-: When n>4, we make use of the Chebyshev polynomials* 扣艺 T(X)一n 2 (-1)r' n一r 儿一r、r )(2X)’‘一2”, U,i(L 1T)一 「Ail] E(一1) r r=() 7Z一r !(2 ,r111xllly)”一2r or卞 00 00 0 0…0 1 0…0 2X 1…0 0 0…1 0 2X Un(X)二1 0 0 ]0 0 2X 1 0 0 2工1…0 0 0 0…12 1鱿1一0 Xloo Tn(X)= In (NATlth the case of the symmetric group〔37‘一1],the egl]atlon 12·3q-} every一row of the determinant doubled)becomes Un(X)一0. since Un(cos 0)一 sin (n+1)e sin 8 identically,the angles L are the 住洲产、-夕‘J九 values of 20 for which sin (n+ 1)8一0 (0<e<1二),namely 4.一2k二 n+I (k -一‘,“,… \ 「n旦一{ L_2」 Thusthe period of R1 R2…R it representation of the reflections 1S aS ,‘+1,in agreement with the Iran即osi ti o718: R1==(12),R2==(23),…,R.n=(n n-+--1). In the similarly Case of [3n-2, 4] or [4, 3'z-2] (where c1一1/ 1), we have Tn(X)== 0)一。os n8, the angles 0 Since式(cos ek- are the values of 28 for which cos nB=0(0<e《告二),namely 刁1|一 +l一2 n一 厂leel卜 G 2k一1 72 Thus the period of R1 R2· (k -一I,2, \ R,z is 2n. * the ing Unhappily, we are using square brackets in two different senses dihedral group of order 2p, but「告n] means the greatest integer 告,:. :[p] means not exceed- Pascal(1,PP.155一156)ascribes these determinants to Studni0ka(1886 7). n口 E.l8 今!d 飞 、五 a
芬12·4] CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS 223 It happens that, when the 6's are arranged in ascending order, all of them are multiples of e1.Hence the period of R1 R2…R,z is always 2二/e1, where cos告e1 is the greatest root of the equation 12·33 or 12·34. 12·4.The Petrie polygon of fp,q)…,W}·We saw, in ' 5·9, that the product of the three generating reflections of the group 沙,q] takes us one step along a Petrie polygon of the regular polyhedron or tessellation fp, q},and that the product of the four generating reflections of [4, 3,4] has a similar effect on the regular honeycomb {4, 3, 4}.We proceed to generalize these results to n dimensions. We recall that a Petrie polygon of {p,q},as defined in ' 2·6, is a skew polygon such that any two consecutive sides,but no three,belong to,a face.The case of {4, 3,4}Suggests the appro- priateness of defining a Petrie polygon of fp,q, r} as a skew polygon such that any three consecutive sides,but no four,belong to a Petrie polygon of a cell.Finally, a Petrie polygon of an n-di7)?ensional polytope,or可an (n一1关dimensional honeycomb,is a skew polygon such that any n一1 consecutive sides, but no n, belong to a Petrie polygon of a cell.This,of course,is an inductive definition.We might have begun by declaring that the Petrie polygon of a plane polygon is that polygon itself. Moreover, instead of“n一1 consecutive sides”we could have said“n consecutive vertices”,and instead of a polytope we may consider the corresponding spherical honeycomb. Let A_1 AO A1…A*一2A二一1…be a Petrie polygon of the spherical or Euclidean honeycomb Ip,g}…,w},so that A-1 AO Al…A,‘一:and (say) B AO Al,…Aj‘一2 A,t一,belong to Petrie polygons of two adjacent cells.Choose the orthoschenne PO P1…P,‘一1 in such a position that PO is 4 P1 is the slid-point of AO Al,and Pk is the centre of the k -一dimensional element AO…Ak.Let Rk+1 denote the reflection opposite to Pk ('.e., the reflection in the hyperplane containing all the P's except Pk). We shall find that the operation R1 R2…Rn of号12·3 permutes the vertices of the Petrie polygon.Actually they are shifted backwards; it is the inverse operation Rn…R2 R1 that shifts them forwards, transforming Aj into A,+1 for every j·In fact,we shall prove that 12·41 A .Rn”‘R -) It‘一A;+1 (一1 <j <n一2). This transformation of spherical or Euclidean (n一1关space is com-
224 REGULAR POLYTOPES pletely determined by its effect on the n points A_z,AO,… so the restriction“j《、一2”can afterwards be removed. [号12·4 All一2; When n一2 we have a plane polygon AO A1… name for A., and P, is ..- L the mid-point of the arc PO is another AO A1 of the clrcum一circle.R1 and R2 are the reflections in P1 and PO (or in the radii to these points), as in Fig.12.4A. soR。R, is the rotation from A to A,. ~击U1, when n= 3 we have Fig.5.9A (on page 90) A_1 (as in Fig.12.4-B) a plane or but with K, so that A_1 spherical tessellation such as M,0,Q re一named A.,,Al,AO, AO AI and B Ao A1 A2 are two A A_, 1P711, ; R, A2 P \2’‘ A、 一一0 B FIG. 12·4A FIG. 12·4B adjacent faces.The rotation Ao, AO into Al,and A1 into A2. R2 R1 about P2 transforms B into Hence AR3R2R1一。R2R1一▲AR3R2R1一AR2 R1-一A_A_R3 R2 R1 =A, R2R1- 八-1--一=D-一=-'ILO)热 o-一=几。一品1)品 1一‘占I When n=4 we have the situation illustrated in Fig.5·9B, with L, M, N, 0, P re-named A3, A2, A1, AO) A_1. We -Drove the general case by induction, assuming the resul an (n一1)-dimensional }polytope, such as the cen 1s n.o·… of the given honevcom b.`l'lius we assume tnat nn_1…JD transforms B into AO,AO into A1,…,anca A、一2 into a NowR_。being the reliection in vie fyperplane &o n1…r transforms the cell B AO Al…Ay‘一2 into the aajacent A_, A} A,…A,_。.Hence :AZ. but 一I R, 1 一I cell A-1 RIIRn一I"二R2R1一BRn-I”“R2R1一Ao, A .RnRy2一‘’‘’R2、一A .R}z -”‘’R2R1一.A j+1 {o(J《、一2), and 12·41 is established.
夸12·5] THE REGULAR PETRIE POLYGON 225 Thus the Petrie polygon of {p, q, r,…,、}is a skew h-gon, where 7T.,了,,,P,7 cosh’s the greatest root of toe equation X 0 0 0 0 X 7T cos一 q X 0 0 0 0 0 7T cos 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 7T coS一 切 In particular, the Petrie polygon of {3, 4, 3}is a skew dodecagon, and the Petrie polygons of {3, 3,5}and {5,3, 3}are skew triacon- tagons.(See the table on page 221.)Since h一n+ 1 for a,,,and h一2nfor0,,,the Petrie polygons of these simplest polytopes include all the vertices of each. 12·5.The central inversion.We satin, in号5·9, that a necessary and sufficient condition for the group [p,q] to contain the central inversion,i.e.,for the polyhedron fp,q} to be centrally sym- metrical,is that告h be odd.Let us now extend this result to n dimensions,defining h to be the period of R1 R2…R,Z in [p} q5…,w],or the number of sides of the Petrie polygon of {1', qI…,二}. The odd polygons {p}(p odd)and simplexes a,. (n>1)are certainly not centrally symmetrical;for they have vertices opposite to cells.Hence their symmetry groups,[p] (p odd)and [3r‘一1] (n> 1),do not contain the central inversion.We proceed to prove that a·ll the other finite groups [p,q)…,w] do contain the central inversion,in the form (R1 R2…R,L)‘”. We have seen that the orthogonal transformation R1 R2…R ,t is a“multiple rotation”through angles el,e2,…,e};,,],with an extra reflection when n is odd.Moreover, 61=2二/h, and every ej is an exact multiple of e1,say ej一mj e1 (I一m1< m2< It follows that,when h is even P …<M H n.P (R1R:… all integers). R,2) }h is a multiple
226 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔号12·6 rotation through angles ni,二;combined,when n is odd, with the (告h)th power of a reflection.Hence the following three conditions are necessary inversion: and sufficient for(R, R.…R、、211 to be the central 、1 u is, (i)h must be even; (ii)every vzi must lie odd; (iii)when n is odd,鑫h must be odd too. Tile following table shows that these conditions are satisfied in each ease: C,roul> [p] (p ev ei’ [31‘一.,,4] }3,一r] L3,4,3] 「3,3,5] 1)11,M,,,))1 1 ],3,5,… 1 1,5 1,11 ,儿曰村9一n村 多2如上汐 9曰nQO4月吮 Thus all re b ular Dolvtopes are centrally symmetrical,exceiDt V 1 }/ 1 a/ }/ } 1 the odd polygons and the simplexes (n>2). 12·6.The number of reflections. polytopes are centrally symmetrical,we hyperplanes of symmet「ry each one has. Knowing which regular can easily find how many An odd polygon{1)}obviously has N1一p lines of symmetry, namely the perpendicular bisectors of its sides.Similarly, the simplex a,, has N1=告、(n+1)_hyperplanes of symmetry,which are the perpendicular bisectors of its edges.In fact,the symmetry group of the regular simplex AO Al…Alit is generated by the transpositions R1=(AO Al),R2=(A1 A2),…,R,2=(All_1 All), each of which is the reflection in the llyperplane joining the raid-point of an edge to the opposite a,‘一2;and 'all the reflections in the group are of this nature (by Theorem 05·63, which evidently continues to hold in n dimensions). In other二?ords, [3n-1] is the symmetric group of degree traiispositiorls. n._」、In+1\ n+1,ana its renections are tine、、2尸 、了__ 八0、、 opposite consider a cells II,‘一1 centrally symmetrical polytope fl,,.Two reflect into each other provided H,‘一1 is itself
号12·7] THE NUMBER OF REFLECTIONs 227 centrally symmetrical;there are then告戈、一;such reflections. Similarly,there are告 N,‘一:reflections relating pairs of opposite II,‘一2,’ s, provided IJ,、一:is centrally symmetrical.Reciprocally, there is a reflection for each pair of opposite vertices provided the vertex fibure is centrally symmetrical,and a reflection for each pair of opposite edges provided the“second vertex fibure”is centrally symmetrical.These remarks enable us to tabulate the number of hyperplanes of symmetry in each case,as follotii7s: jPj (2) even), 1(No+N,)一P; Ova,·一鑫-(No+ N1)一,Z2 ; 7,10 z (Nn--2+Nit -1)一,Z2; {3,5) ' o r{5,3},1-N,一15; {3,1,3},告(No-}-- Ns)一24; {3,3,升,么}2 -T o一00; i5, 3, 3,1N' 3一60. For instance,the above entry for月,‘means that there are、 reflections interchanging pairs of opposite vertices,and n(n一1) interchanging pairs of opposite edges.(There is no reflection interchanging a pair of opposite ac's for 1o>1,as such aj,'s are oppositely oriented.)By Theorem 5·64 the groups [p] (p even), [3'‘一2,4],and[3,4, 3] have each two types of reflection,while [3, 5] and[3,3,5] have each only one.Hence the above list is complete. It is remarkable that all these cases are covered by one simple formula: 12·61.The sy)ometry yroap of contains exactly孟nh,·叨ections. an n一dimensional regidar polytope The case when n一3 was proved by a general argument in 号4·5.we shall endeavour to extend that argument to t,he case when n=4.As an interesting consequence we shall obtain an algebraic expression for外,,,,in terms of p,q, r, and h· 12·7.The structure of a plane of symmetry.In Chapter II we were able to simplify the discussion of Petrie polygons of {p, q} by comparing them -\vith the equatorial polygons of- Ip、} }q少 Mane polti7} ons.No such simplification is possible 工J- C/ k--II~一 which are in higher space;on the contrary, -\N-e shall use a modified Petrie polygon
228 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 12"? which is still skew but neither equilateral nor equiangular. As a basis for suggestive analogy,let us begin by doing the same work in ordinary space,although the results will be familiar. Consider the simplicial subdivision of the spherical tessellation f1?,q}, i.e.,a sphere covered -with ,g一 modified Petrie polygon 012012二 外,,triangles 012.The (marked with heavy lines in Fig.4.5A) the ordinary every two (b is defined for this“irregular”tessellation just as Petrie polygon is defined for a regular tessellation; 1,10 This polygon is a R3 R2 R1 takes us three)consecutive sides belong to skew 3h一gon,since the symmetry three steps along it.In fact,the h a triangle. operation 毕七 U nU,上 ve belong to an ordinary Petrie polygon belong to an equatorial polygon of- belong to an ordinary Petrie polygon of Ip,qJ,the h ve ces ces IT) 1q{ and the h vertices 2 of {q,川. Each of the要g modified Petrie sides of the g triangle's is a common side of two polygons.For, if a modified Petrie polygon contains one side of a given triangle,it will also the other two sides.Thus the modified polygons contain one of together have a total of 3g sides. 洲h mod抓ed Petri e But each has 3h sides.Hence there are歹ust polygons. This number could also be found as the index leaving one modified Petri e polygon invariant,viz., generated by R3 Rz R,.Or again,it is twice the of the subgroup the cyclic group Petrie polygons;for,the half-turn about a number of ordinary vertex modified Petrie polygon without chap Incidentally,by 2·34(where 4A', can .洲护.尹、1 ping the ordinary be replaced by g), I changes the Petrie polygon. 列h=_h+2. Now, any two great circles of a sphere intersect at two antipodal points.A line of syn11netry is a great circle,and a modified Petrie polygon is approximately a great circle (deviating from an “equator”alternately to right and left).Thus every modified Petrie polygon penetrates a given line of symmetry twice.At e。、ch penetration a side of the modified Petrie polygon forms an arc of the line of symmetry. But,as we have seen,each arc is a side of t二?o modified Petrie polygons.Hence the number of arcs u, It i ch irzake up a ulhole line of symmetry is equal to the number of 1110d护e(I Petrie I)olyyons, namely ylh. Since there are琶y arcs altogether, it follows that the number of lines of symmetry is一盆h (as we saw in ' 4·5).In fact,二modified Petrie polygon has 3h sides,which belong in pairs to the various
12.7] THEMODIFIEDPETRIEPOLYGON 229 lines of symmetry. (See Fig.12·7A, where the case p=q= 3 is shown in stereographic projection.)The irregularity of the modified Petrie polygon is such that two sides which belong to the same line of symmetry need not be two“numerically op- posite”sides of the polygon,and need not be antipodal arcs of the line of symmetry. The analogous simplicial fp},,r} consists of,一9P) subdivision of the spherical honeycomb q,犷 tetrahedra 0123 covering a sphere FIG. 12·7A (i.e.,hypersphere)in 01230123…is a four dimensions.The modified Petrie polygon skew polygon of which every three consecu一 Live sides belong to a tetrahedron. (which is a double rotation through in two completely orthogonal The operation R1 R3 R2 R1 angles e1一27TIh and e2一m2 e1 this polygon,which is planes)takes us four steps along consequently is given by the table on page 221. a skew In fact 4h一gon,where h the h vertices 0 belong t·o the ordinary Petrie vertices 3 belong to that of the polygon of {p, q, r} (and the h reciprocal {r,,,p})·
230 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 12·7 For the purpose of eventually finding an algebraic relation between g,h。and p:q,:,we need a ribbon rather than a skew polygon:besides the arcs 01,12,23, 30, 01,12,…,which are sides of the modified Petrie polygon,we consider the triangles 012,123,230,301,012,…,as in Fig.12·7B.Every two con- secutive triangles are faces of a tetrahedron,namely 012 aund 123, or 123 and 230,or 230 and 301,or 301 and 012. Each of the 2g faces of the g tetrahedra can belong to either of taro ribbons.For, if a ri)一)bon contains oiie face of a given tetrahedron,it will also contain one of tu,o other几ces.Thus the FIG.12·7B ribbons together contain a total of 4g triangles.But each ribbon contains 4h triangles.Hence there are g/h ribbons. This number could also be found as the index of the subgroup leaving one ribbon invariant,viz.,the cyclic group generated by PL4 1113 R2 R,.It is again twice the number of ordinary Petrie polygons. Fig.12·7c shows part of a ribbon for the Euclidean honeycomb {4, 3,4}.(Fig.12·7B is the same ribbon,flattened out.)But here g,h, and y;'h are all infinite.(There is some justification for writing y一,“, h=ac 1,g/ h==二“.)However,the following argument is valid only for a spherical honeycomb,where g and h are finite. Any great circle and“great sphere”of a hypersphere intersect at two antipodal points.A hyperplane of symmetry of the four- dimensional polytope fp,q, r} intersects the hypersphere in a “plane of symmetry”of the corresponding spherical honeycomb, i.e.,in a great sphere.A ribbon is approximately a great circle in the plane of the smaller rotation 61;it deviates from that circle rather like a helix winding round its axis (see Fig.12·7c). Thus every ribbon penetrates a given plane of symmetry twice. To be quite safe,we should say at least twice;for the deviations might conceivably cause repeated penetration of certain planes of symmetry (viz.,those which cut the great circle at small
' 12.8] TRIANGULATION OF A GREAT SPHERE 231 angles)·*At each penetration a triangle of the ribbon forms part of tOhe plane of symmetry.But,as we have seen,each triangle belongs to two ribbons.Hence the number of triangles which make up the whole plane of symmetry is equal to (or possibly greater than)the number of ribbons,which is g/h. By 12.61 (with n一4), the number of planes of symmetry is 2h. Since there are 2g triangles altogether,the average number of triangles in a plane of symmetry is g/h.But we have just seen that the actual number is at least A.Hence every plane of sym- metry contains exactly y1 h triangles,二,id every ribbon penetrates FIG.12·7c each plane of symmetry exactly twice.In fact,a ribbon contains 4h tr-iawgles,which belong in pairs to the 2h planes of symmetry. When n>4 the analogous conclusion is that the modified Petrie polygon determines a“hyper-ribbon”,containing nh(,‘一2)- dimensional simplexes which belong in pairs to the告nh hyper- planes of symmetry. 12·8.An algebraic formula for h 1g in four dimensions.Of course,a plane of symmetry of the spherical honeycomb Jp,q, r} is a“plane”only in the language of spherical geometry.From the Euclidean standpoint it is an ordinary sphere,and the y1h *Could the deviations prevent any penetration at all?Certainly not if the ribbon is centrally symmetrical.Thus the only doubtful case is that of the simplex{3,3,3},`vhere the number of triangles in a plane of symmetry, being the same for all such planes, must be equal to the average, viz·,Jllh=24·(See the next paragraph.)In fact, the only case where the discussion of penetration is vital is that, of the cross polytope {3, 3, 4}, whose planes of symmetry are of two distinct types.
232 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 12·8 triangles form a map (' 1·4)on the sphere.This map,with g/h triangular faces, has 3gl2h edges,and therefore,by 1·61,(q+ 4h)/2h vertices (of various types:0,1,2, or 3).If we take all the ver- tices in all the 2h planes of symmetry,we shall have all the points 0, 1,2, 3, each one counted as many times as there are planes of symmetry through it.Now, each point 3, being the centre of a cell {p,,},lies in '气,,planes of symmetry;each point 2, being the centre of a face {p},lies in p+1 (one of which is the plane of the face itself);each point 1 lies in r+ 1;and each point 0 lies in盆 hq,,·Hence the properties,一gp,,,,and h一hp,,,are con- netted by the formula 0 N r q, h gd一2 3, 9十执一2气,N3十(p十1脚2+(r+1)N1十 2 玩 q g+ 3 gp,, (p+1)g.(r+1)g, -一——月一--—廿- 却4r 3 2 hq:g gq,, ,沪 、!产 .r+1.6 十一一一十一 r气,,十2 +一夕 夕一 + 一2 一+ 6一1 一气 9一4 -一 or 2 一 1.1一r Ll 一 12·81 16气,,,r gp,。,, 6 6 =;—-—+一+一 hp,。十一2 hq, r -{- 2 p This is the formula which eras -aromised on Da-yes 133。209 and 1工《孟夕, 227.Since(by 2·34 and 1·82) 2(p十q) + 7pq_1 2(p+q)一pq’ 犷. .矛 q it i;san algebraic formula for hp,,,,/9J,,,,;· cos 7T/hp, is the greatest root of the equation formula for外 “elementary” __itself (in terms ,q, r、 12·35,it of p, q, Since isat- r alone (yonometrical ‘‘, It is thus in contrast to Schlafli’。expression 16 If(,,7T,7T /、p q r (see page 142).Moreover, it is very easy to h3,3,5一30, use; e·9·,since 480 6 6 1 1 0 Qd 93.3.: —一朴一一二一卜一+一 4+2 10+2 3 5 一2=
夸12·9] THE FORMULA FOR 233 It may be regarded as the four一dimensional analogue of 2hp一1 and 8一扎2一1. 外外,。p q The five一dimensional analogue,* 1.JL + 1王-8 一 一...1一r 一 ~.1万口丈 - 1-P 16 8 8 2 一—一—+—一卜一一 9P Y,,,,:9P),,,q(I,:,。Ps is easily obtained by applying 7·63 to No一N1+N2一N3+N4=2。 In virtue of 12·81,this expresses外,,,,,,as“trigonometrical function of p,q, r, s. 12·9.Historical remarks.In号号12·1 and 12·2 we analysed the general congruent transformation in the manner of Schoute 1. In号12·3 we applied these results to the product of the generating reflections of the symmetry group of the general regular polytope. The period of the product is seen to agree,in each particular case, with Todd 1, pp. 227一231.In other respects '' 12.3-12.8 are new, though Schoute (4, pp.275一279)came rather close to 12·35 when he obtained formulae for the two distances between a pair of opposite edges of the general spherical tetrahedron,and applied them to the characteristic tetrahedra for {3, 3, 4} and {3, 3, 51. His results in those cases indicate that the two distances between the opposite edges PO P2 and P1 P3 are 2苦 } and 2e2· This last remark can easily be verified for the general quadrirect- angular tetrahedron PO Pt P2 P3 in spherical three一space.As before, we let Rk+1 denote the reflection in the face opposite to Pk.The transformation R2 R4 R1 R3(一R2 R1 R4 R3,which is evidently con- jugate to R4 R3 R2 R1)is the product of half-turns, R2 R4 and Rl R3, about the edges PO P2 and P1 P3.The two common perpendiculars of these edges (which are lines of the spherical space, or great circles on the hypersphere)are preserved by both half-turns,and so also by their product.Thus they are the two axes of the double rotation. Any point on one of these axes will be reflected in PO P2 and then in P1 P3;thus altogether it will be translated along that axis through twice the dis- tances between those edges.Hence the two distances between the edges (measured along the respective axes)are告e1 and告62· The results of '' 12·3 and 12·4 are in my Ph.D.thesis of 1931, but the method of号12·3 is more recent.It arose from the *Schldfl i 4, p.117.
234 REGULAR POLYTOPES observation that 12·33一 the characteristic equation duct of reflections in the bounding hyperplanes of an [号12·9 for the pro- 一can be derived from the determinant of between the hyperplanes,by putting X's cosines orthoscheme of the angles all down the main diagonal.I found (Coxeter 11)that it is not necessary for the hyperplanes to form an orthoscheme:the same rule applies whenever the corresponding graph is a tree.Thus the products of generators of the trigonal groups (see page 204)work out as follows: (A' roup Equation for X二Cos I睿 }I,}}0, -,.份」 -司.J t3,‘一1 甄‘(X)二一0 11+1 「3,‘一“, XTn一1(X)=0 2(n一1) 9曰000 llJLllnO ,...JlesJ工...weJ ,11.111 [32,2 [33, 2, [34, 2, (y一1) (y2一4y+ 1)一0 (y一4X2) X(尹一6y“十9y一3)=0 少一7y3+ 14y2一8y+ 1一0 0仃4万 元不1’n d- 1”” 万3万 示1’n一1,… }7T)且二,一言77 19一二,一云7T,二7T 11J,1I J II,1 1_77,1 Here,as before,h denotes the period of the product of the n generating reflections (in any order).Applying the rules (i), (ii),(iii)of ' 12·5,we see that the groups〔31‘一3,‘,‘」(n even), 〔33, 2,‘]and[34, 2, 1] all contain the central inversion,while 〔3“一“,‘,‘](,‘odd)and[32, 2,‘]do not.It is a remarkable fact (still unexplained)that for all these trigonal groups, h=护+…+zn+z'1 +1 in the notation of ' 11·4.(More generally,for the special sub- group of any irreducible infinite group generated by reflections, h一1+Y1+…+y}z,in the notation of号11·9.) We have compared 12·81 with the expression for外,,,:as a Schlafli function.In defence of Schlafli,it is only fair to draw attention to the fact that we could not have obtained 12·81 without first knowing the particular values of gp,,,:·For ' 12·6 makes use of the numbers Nk,which depend on g.It is therefore hoped that some reader will supply a direct proof that a ribbon cannot penetrate a plane of symmetry more than twice,or a direct proof that the number of reflections (when?、一4)cannot be less than 2h.
务12.9] P.H.SCHOUTE 235 It seems fitting t,o close this chapter with a few words about the life of Pieter Hendrik Schoute.He was born in 1846 at tivorlnerveer, Holland.He started leis career as a civil engineer, but in 1870 took his Leiden with a dissertation on “Honiography applied to the theory of quadric surfaces”.After eleven years of teaching lie became a professor of mathematics at〔;roningen,where lie worked until leis death in 1913.His uninterrupted series of mathematical papers (including some thirty on polytopes)began in 1878.The work on congruent transformations appeared in 1891,and from that time he became increasingly interested in n一dimensional Euclidean geometry. About 1900 H.Schubert asked him to write a couple of volumes for his Saininlung matheniat‘ischer Lehrh-iicher(Schoute 4 and 6). Die linearen Ra-ume appeared in 1902,and Die Polytope in 1905; they are still“classics”,though by no means easy to read.
CHAPTER XIII SECTIONS ANDPROJECTIONS THIS chapter provides some indication of the manner in which the more complicated illustrations in this book were constructed. The illustrations make no important contribution to the theor- etical development of our subject,but they have、psychologic二1 value in making us feel more familiar with the individual poly- topes.It play be claimed, also,that they have some artistic merit. Inhabitants of Flatland,*desiring to get an idea of solid figures,would have two general methods available to them: section and projection.According to the first method,they would imagine the solid figure gradually penetrating their two一dimen- sional world,and consider its successive sections;j- e.g.,the sections of a cube,beginning with a vertex,would be equilateral triangles of increasing size,then alternate一sided hexagons(“trun- cated”triangles),and finally equilateral triangles of decreasing size,ending with a single point一 the opposite vertex.According to the second method, they would study the shadow of the solid figure in various positions;e.g.,a cube in one position appears as a square,in another as a hexagon. The same two methods are available to us in our attempt to visualize hyper一solid figures.The method of section is described in ' 13·1.(The details,though rather complicated,are included for two reasons:they give a clue to the projections described in 号13·2,and we shall find them useful in the enumeration of star- polytopes in ' 14.3.)The rest of the chapter is devoted to the method of projection.This has wider application,as we may pro- jest an n一dimensional figure onto a space of any smaller number of dimensions,such as two(谷号13·3一13·6)or three ('' 13·7,13·8). In particular, the projections of 7n onto a three一space are found to be zonohedra. It is perhaps worth while to mention a third method for representing an n一dimensional polytope in n一1 dimensions:the unfolded“net”. Two instances will suffice.The cube y3 is unfolded into a kind of cross, consisting of a square with four other squares attached to its respective *The two-dimensional world imagined by Abbott 1 t Hinton 1,PP.106一108. 236
夸13.1]SECTIONS OF POLYHEDRA 237 sides and a sixth beyond one of those four. The hyper一cube y4 is unfolded into a kind of double cross,consisting of a cube with six other cubes attached to its respective faces and an eighth beyond one of those six.But we shall not have occasion to use this method. 13·1.The principal sections of the regular polytopes.The Flatlander's sequence of parallel sections of a regular solid might be taken in any direction,but it would be simplest to use planes perpendicular to one of the axes of symmetry 0i 03,which join a vertex (j一0) or mid-edge point (j一1)or face一centre (j一2) to the centre of the solid.Analogously, we three一dimensional creatures can get some idea of the appearance of the four一dimen- —/乃\ UD OOO \/一— Ieosahedron, vertex first OV00△ Dodecahedron, vertex first ‘口份口份口: 一 ,r:,, ︹叮啡 国 、:J 汁lee’.k︺ 矛..‘ Ieosahedron, edge first Dodecahedron, edge first △守必、仑介孕4) Ycosahedron, face first Dodecahedron, face first FIG.13-1A sional regular polytopes by observing a sequence of parallel “solid sections”,perpendicular to one of the four principal directionsq04 U一0,1,2, 3)·For the sake of completeness,we shall describe the n一dimensional generalization, where we consider the sections of a regular Hn by a sequence of parallel hyperplanes perpendicular to the line 0i O,, (which joins the centre of an element Hi to the centre of the whole IIn)·Thus the initial section is the II; itself. From the continuous sequence of parallel sections,it is natural to pick out the finite sequence of sections containing vertices of n,*.Each section is,of course,a convex (n一1)-dimensional polytope whose vertices are either vertices of H,2 or sections of edges.If any vertices of the latter type occur, the remaining
238 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔'13·] vertices (which are vertices of II,‘)determine an inscribed polytope which we shall call a simpl抓ed section.Fig.13·1A* shows the sections of the icosahedron and dodecahedron (n一3),with the simplified section drawn in full lines,and the rest of the section (when there is any more)i,,broken lines.To obtain the simplified sections ab initio (as in号6·3),we merely have to distribute the vertices of 11,‘in sets of parallel hypcrplanes perpendicular to 0j 0)t· When?*>3 we shall be content to describe those sequences of sections which begin with a vertex or a cell, so that j一0orn一1. The simplified sections beginning with a vertex are conveniently denoted by,。 00,to,20,…,k0 (so that 00 is the vertex itself, and 10 is similar to the vertex figure),and -those beginning AN-ith a cell by 1n-1 } 2。一1)… (so that 1,、一1 is the cell itself).In the case of al, the sections are quite trivial;so let us set that case aside and assume that lin has central symmetry.Then the last section in each sequence will be the same figure as the first,the last but one the same as the second,and so on;thus(k一i)。and io are alike,and ko is the vertex opposite to 00. It follows from Pappus's observation('5·8)that any two reciprocal polytopes have corresponding sections 1,‘一1,2,‘一1,…: the numbers of vertices are proportional,and so are the circum- radii.As a trivial instance,all the vertices of either凤‘or yn are included in the two sections 1,:一1 and 2,‘一1,which are two opposite cells. In tabulating the simplified sections io,it is convenient to let a denote the distance from the point 00 to any vertex of io,in terms of the edge of jI,‘as unit;e.g.,a一1 for 10,0R/1 for the “antipodes”k0,and 1R11 for (k一1)0.In other words,the edge length being 21, the vertices of i0 are distant 21a from 00. The simplified section i0 may be a regular polytope of edge 21b (say),or it may be irregular.In the latter case we shall be interested in the possible occurrence of inscribed regular polytopes (having solve of the same vertices);e.g.,the section 20 or 30 of the dodecahedron is an irregular hexagon in which we can inscribe two equilateral triangles of side 21-r1/2. (See ' 6.3.) *Cf. Sommerville 3,h.177.
夸13·1) SECTIONS OF THE MEASURE POLYTOPE 239 In the case of the cross polytope to 00,while 10 is the equatorial g,‘一1 A'Ve saw, in 7·34, that the verti 入are(士1,士l,·一 Shifting t·he origin to(一1,一1,二。 unit of measurement,we obtain 尽‘,20 is the vertex opposite (with a=b一1). ces of the pleasure polytope 、、夕/、,.口了 111.11 士1,士 ,一1,- .、,,2、.刃1 01.1 0,.1 ,护,了 01.1 111.1 子才.性、/叮吸、 13.11(0,0,…,0,0) (1,1,…,1,0) and doubling t,he (1‘,01‘一‘), with the coordinates permuted arbitrarily. have been distributed into sets of Here the 2'Z ve ces 1+叮一,一、…+n' /n },!十1 、n一1’ which belong to the respe 00,to,二 ve sections io,…,(n一1)。,no. Hence ,一f 3i-1、 } 3'2-i一1) 八n 门了 (with a b一丫2);e.g.,the section 20 of y4 is the octahedron On.鱿 y﹀ b-- !!2 nono 了.少1、 For the remaining regular polytopes in four dimensions,eve express the coordinates of the vertices of 11;in such a form that the line 04 00 or 04 03 may be taken along the x4一axis.Then the simplified sections are picked out b_y arran.ina the vertices ofn, 一‘v v一~生 according to decreasing values of x4;and in each case the values of (x1,x,X3)enable us to ascertain the shape of the simplified section (which is an ordinary polyhedron). The {3,4, 3}tivith vertices 8·71 and 8·73 can be derived from its reciprocal,8·72,by the transformation x1 which =x1一x25 x2=x1+X2) x3=x3一X4, X4‘一x3+x4, 1Sa Clifford displacement magnification.Applying the same with vertices 8·71,8·73,8·74 {3, 3, 5} (of edge 2二一‘,/2) * as (page 217)combined with a transformation to the {3,3,5} ces another nt︸1, O一 we obtain the verti the permutations of (-r2,二 and(二,二,二, with all odd 一一2 碑 with an even number of minus signs. ‘‘Jj number of minus signs, and(士2,士2) 0, (斌5, 0). 二一I,二一’) 1,1,1) *Schoute 2;Robinson 2, p.45
240 REGULAR POLYTOPES[号13·2 Similarly, the reciprocal {5, 3, 3} (of edge 2二一2-}/2) is given by the permutations of (丫5, 1/5} 1/5} 1), (T2,二n7",二一,A/5,二一1) ,1 with an even number of (9,二一1,二一1,二一1), (T"\ 5, T,二一2,二一2 )少 minus signs, ( Q,二,二,二),(3,丫5, l, 1) with an odd number of minus signs, and(士4) 0, 0, 0 )(士2,士2,士2,士2)1(士2-r,士2,土2二一1} O)7 where二一告(31/5-;-1), Q‘一1(3\/5一1). We observe, incidentally, t·hat 120 of the 600 vertices of {5,3,3}belong to an inscribed {3,3,5}. Using these results,and referring to ' 3·7,we obtain the sections exhibited in Table V (pages, 298一301).The latter half of Table V (v)has been omitted,to save space;but nothing is lost,as (30一i)0 is just like i0, and the value of a is given in the final column.Most of the sections of {5,3,3}are irregular, but some (viz.,30, 80, 110, 120, 150)are partially regular, in the sense that their vertices include the vertices of one or more regular solids. The pairs of interpenetrating icosahedra in the two similar sec- tions 30 and 110 are evident from 3·75 (since all permutations of the three coordinates occur, whereas the cyclic permutations give an icosahedron).The reciprocal pair of interpenetrating dodecc- hedra*occurs in 80.Here the two dodecahedra (one given by cyclic permutations of the given coordinates)have eight common vertices(士2,士2,士2), belonging to one of the且ve cubes that can be inscribed in either dodecahedron.The remaining eight cubes of the two {5,3}[5{4, 311's form a symmetrical set;each of the 8+24 vertices belongs to two of them.In other words,80 con- tains a set of 1+8 cubes (one special).Reciprocating again,we obtain a set of l+8 octahedra,as in 150. By 3·77,the same vertices belong to two interpenetrating icosidodecalledra,whose common vertices are those of the special octahedron.The re- maining 48 vertices of the two icosidodecalledra are distributed among the remaining 8 octahedra.Finally, the connection between 150 and 30 (or 11。)is as follows:the two overlapping compounds [15t3,4}]{3,5}in 150 have the same face一planes as a pair of icosahedra like 30 or 110. 13·2.Orthogonal projection onto a hyperplane.The general procedure for projecting an n一dimensional figure may be described *I3ruckner 1,VIII 31 and p.212.
夸13.2] PROJECTIONS OF POLYHEDRA 241 as follo二:。.Given an 8-space and an (n一s)-space which have only one colnnloil point (and therefore“span”the whole、一space),we project onto the s一space by drawing, through each point of the figure, an(、一、)一space parallel to the given(、一s)-space, to meet the s一space in a defiliite“image”point.This process of parallel Icosahedron.vertex first Dodecahedron, vertex first Icosahedron,edge first Dodecahedron, edge first Icosahedron, face first Dodecahedron, face first FIG. 13-2A projection is called orthogonal projection if the(二一s)-space is completely orthogonal to the s一space. The most familiar instance of parallel projection (with、==3 and 。=2)occurs when the sun casts a shadow on the ground.The projection is orthogonal if the sun is at the zenith.Fig.13·2A shows various orthogonal projections of the icosahedron and dodecahedron (i.e.,shadows of wire models of the vertices and Q
242 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 13.2 edges)·Comparing this with Fig.13·lA,we see how such a projection can be derived from a sequence of sections.Each section is projected (onto a parallel plane)without any distortion; so the whole projection can be constructed by superposing the simplified sections and joining certain pairs〔)f vertices (by f of c、j飞(}rtcr。d cdg(一、)· In the case of the“vertex first”projection,t。一‘)opposite vertices二’ould naturally be projected into coincidence at the centre of the plane figure.In h lg.13·2A we leave avoided this coincidence by making二slight distortion.We may j usti勿this distortion by pretending that the direction in which we project differs from the direction 0300 by a very small angle.A similar device has been employed to separate two opposite edges in the “edge first”projection.To save space we have omitted the analogous figures for the simpler Platonic solids;but it is worth while to mention that the neatest way to separate the nearest and farthest faces of the cube in its“face first”projection is to introduce a slight degree of perspective,making the one face a little smaller than t·he other.(The result,in this case,is a Schlegel diagram;cf. page 10.) Analogously,each sequence of simplified sections of a fl,, can be superposed concentrically,in their proper size and orientation, to form an (n一1)-dimensional projection.The only case of practical interest is when n一4, so that the resulting figure can be constructed as a solid model.Such models of the regular H 4's have been made by Donchian,using straight pieces of wire for the edges,and globules of solder for the vertices.(See Plates IV-VIII.)The vertices are distributed on a set of concentric spheres (not appearing in the model),one for each pair of opposite sections.Donchian did not attempt to indicate the faces,because any kind of substantial faces would hide other parts (so that the model could only be apprehended by a four一dimensional being). The cells appear as“skeletons”,usually somewhat flattened by foreshortening but still recognizable.Parts that would fall into coincidence have been artificially separated by slightly altering the direction of projection,or introducing a trace of perspective. The“vertex first”and“cell first”projections of {3,3,5} are shown in Plate IV (facing page 160)and again in Plate VII (page 256). The“cell first”projection of {11),:;,3} is shown in Plate V (page 176) and again in Plate VIII (page 273).
号13·3] PROJECTIONS OF POLYTOPES 243 The arrangement of figures in Plate VI is as follows: 一Vertex first Edge first 一 y4 or {4,3,3}1j 2 u4 or{3,3,3}{r一6 }4 or{3,3,4}一}7{8 {3, 4, 3}一}“一‘2 Some of these figures are quite easy to describe.Fig.5 is a tetra- hedron with all its vertices joined to its centre;Fig. 10 is a cube with its face一diagonals drawn;and Fig.14 is a cuboctahedron with its vertices joined to pairs of points near the centres of its square faces· Donchian claims,with some justification,that these models are more perspicuous than those of Schlegel 2,which are exhibited in certain museums.Donchian's are more like portraits,involving a minimum of distortion.As he says,“They hell) to remove the mystery from a seemingly complicated subject.…Each component part is distinctly visible and tangible,in practically its true position and relationship.” 13·3.Plane projections of a,,,I" 9b,Y1z.In Figs.7·2A,B,c,we assumed that the vertices of a4 and月;can be projected into the vertices of the regular pentagon {5}and octagon {8},and that Y4 can be projected isometrically (so that all the edges project into equal segments).One feels instinctively that such highly symmetrical figures are really orthogonal projections.We shall find that this instinctive feeling is in fact justified. We saw, in Chapter YII, that the vertices of the Petrie polygon of a regular polytope are cyclically permuted by an orthogonal transformation which consists of rotations in[告n] completely orthogonal planes,along with a reflection when n is odd.We saw also that one of the angles of rotation is 2二/h, while the rest are multiples of that one,say 2m二/h for various values of,.(See the table in ' 12·5.)It follows that the orthogonal projections of the Petrie polygon on the various planes are regular polygons 伍加},with m一1 in one case. When?、一1,so that the Petrie polygon projects into an ordinary regular h一gon,it is not surprising to find that the remaining vertices and edges of the polytope project into points and seg- ments inside the h-gon.(See Figs.2·6A, 7·2A, B,c,8·2A, 13·3A, and the frontispiece.)In other words,the h一gon is the periphery of the projection,like the shadow of an opaque solid.
244 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 13·3 When the polytope is a,, or凤‘,all its vertices belong to one Petrie polygon,a,nd therefore every edge is either a side or a diagonal of that skew polygon.Hence the vertices and edges of an can be projected into an {n+1}with all its diagonals,while the vertices and edges of g, can be projected into a {2n} with all its diagonals excel)t those that pass through the centre. The corresponding projection of y,,, is isometric;for every edge of y is parallel to one of the diameters of the reciprocal凤‘,and tOhese project into the diameters of the {2n},uYhich are all equal. The coordinates 13·11 (on page 23‘))show clearly that any vertex Ten rhombs in a decagon Isometric projection of , FIG.13·3A can be derived from a particular vertex by applying a vector of the form 1331 ei+ej+…+eZ (1(i<i<…<m(n), where the e's are selected from n unit vectors in perpendicular directions.In particular, the vectors el,e2,…,e,,2 proceed along n consecutive sides of a Petrie polygon (with一el,一e2,…,一en along the remaining n sides).We know that there is one plane on二?hich this skew polygon projects into an ordinary {2n}. Then the vectors ej project into vectors along n consecutive sides of this f 2n}.The projections of the remaining vertices and edges 。'1 -1.,1:。、.,,/n\ may De constiructea Dy nning tine }zn} witn一2)rnomps in possible wav.(See naffe 1盯、1 C-) 28.)The cases n一4andn=5 are respectiN-ely. every shown iii FiL's.7·2c and 13-3A 〔j
号13·5) SIMPLEX AND CROSS POLYTOPE 245 13·4.New coordinates for an and g,,.We found,on page 222, that the angles of rotation of the Petrie polygons for a,z and凡 consist of the first〔告n] multiples of 2二/(n+1)and the first〔告n] odd multiples of二/n, respectively.This remark suggests a new representation for these polytopes in terms of Cartesian co- ordinates. Let A,. denote the -Doint (x..… 几1、1, x2r一1=COs 2rk-,r n+ 1 x2r =sin .,二。), 2rk-rr n十1 where (r=1,2,…,〔告n]) and if n is odd,二,,一(一1)k/A/2. Then, if OC k< n+l, we have (人A;+k)“ 一【窗、、、rk-,r、2 sine k- -IT sin2 norn n一分2 sin 2 r"=1 n十1 G G r=1 rk 7 n+1 全乙 =n+1一万cos 2rk-ir n+ 1 n十1. 犷二0 Hence AO Al…Alt is a regular simplex of edge丫奋砰工 Again,let B., denote the point (x1,…,二。),where 劣2r-1=cos (2-r一1)k二 x2r=sin n (2r一1)k二 n (r=1,…,[告n]) and if n is odd,x it= by n, 「3)t] (Bj Bj+、) 2一E4 (一1)k-/丫2.Then,provided k is not divisible CI;。2 0111 r=1 (2r一1)k二 2n +2 sine肠sln2 n}- 22 一n:sin 2 (2r-1)k-a一二一n cos 犷=1 n 犷=1 (2r一1)k二 2n n Hence B1…B-971 is a cross polytope of edge丫n. We obtain the orthogonal projections,{n+ 1}and {2n}, by keeping the coordinates x1,x2, and discarding all the rest. 13·5.The dodecagonal projection of {3,4,3}.Other polytopes may be treated similarly·The 24一cell {3, 4, 3}has a Petrie polygon Ao A2 A4…A22,where Ak (k even)is 7T一)" 加一9曰 无-匕 曰0一. n .︸.几 S 厂_k -,r_.k7T }a cos-一,a sin一一,a cos 1 `}‘12- 5k仃 12 b
246 REGULAR POLYTOPES [谷13·5 Since the triangle Ao A2 A4 is equilateral, a丫3+1丫2 b丫2丫3一1 Thus,if the circuln-radius is 1,so that the edge also is 1,we have 13·51 20-=1-1-3一舀,2b2=1一3一玉. In other word、,a and b are the positive roots of the equation 6x4一6X2十1一0. Now,Ao A2_ A4 A6 is part of the Petrie polygon of an octahedron, tivhich leas an equatorial square AO A4 A6 B1,Where B1 is 1 一a 2 2一丫3 2 2+双3,、 v,一--一二一一v) 2/ 1llQ自 a 7T一2 曰公.1.JL ll ;1 S a Ur 仃 一b cos 12 b sin二 12 a cos 5?T 12 This is one of twelve vertices Bi B3 B5 …B23, 51;'7r —。a where B,_(1} odd、is 力尹\1 1} 7r U Sin—,a cos 12‘ 12 ,5k}7r、 sill-一一!. 12‘ The twelve {乙 24 ver- ces of {3,4,3}consist of the t”一elve A's and the ..B’、.The 96 edbes are: Aj Ak, 人B、, Bj Bk, !i一1i! lj一IC }j一10 三2 or 4 (mod 24), 三lor5, 三4 or 10. Iii other words,there are 12 like AO A2,12 like AO A4, 24 like AO B1 (and A2 B1),24 like AO B5 (and A6 B1),12 like B1 B5,and 12 like B;Bil.As for the 24 cells (octahedra),there are 12 like Ao A2 A4 A6 B。B1 and 12 like B1 B11 B21 B;A2 A6.(See Fig. 13·5A.)The twelve B's,taken in the order 13·52 B1 B11 B21 B7 B17 B3 B13 B23 B9 B19 B5 B15) form another Petrie polygon. After projection onto the (x1, x2)-plane,the A's and B's form two concentric dodecagons,inscribed in circles of radii a and b. The Petrie polygon 13·52 appears as“dodecagram·{」孑}.Since b cos 5二/12 a cos二/3
号13·6] THE the chord AO A10 of the contains the chord B1 B。 Fig. 8·2A (on page 149)is cagon AO A…A22 (rig .v 24一CELL{3,4,3}247 outer circle (subtending an angle霖二) of the inner (subtending号二).Thus quite easy to draw:within the dode- 13·5B)we locate B1 as the point where FIG.13·5A Two cells of{3, 4, 3} FIG.13·5B How to locate the B's AO A10 meets A2 A16.Triangles like AO A2 B1,and squares like A2 A4 B5 B1,are projected without distortion. 13·6.The triacontagonal projection of {3,3,5}.MO plicated considerations of the same kind give us the 120 of the 600一cell {3, 3, 5} in the form AO A2…A58, where,in terms Bi B3…B5。,Cl C3…C59,Do D2 of 0=二/30=60 nn ;1.11 SS dC Ak (k even) Bk (k odd) Ck (k odd) Dk (k even) (a cos k0 (b cos k0 (。cos k0 (d cos 0 a, sin b sin 汉cos c cos 一b 一a cos cos 11 k0, 11 k0, 11 k0, 11 k0, 一b 一a sin sin 口口口0. 无方无无 nn .11;.1 SS Cd 5555 .11.IJL.1二.1且 The numbers a, b,c, d are connected in various such as b cos 60 cos 110 a cos 0 cos 100 a cos 0 cos 70 c cos 80 cos 100 a cos 40 cos 120 d一而s120一cos一 140’ 2 cos 110, 2 cos 70 c cos 60 d cos 110 d cos 110 b cos 20 b cos 26 c cos 60 ways, cos 6 cos 108 cos 138 cos 106 cos 66 cos 80 2 cos e, 2 cos 136,
248 REGULAR POLYTOPES[' 13 If the circum-radius is 1, so that the edge is T-1, we have 2a2=1+3-15-1秒2, 9 VA-=I十3` 5-1 7--'/)3 2 2c2一1一3-1 5-1 T -l", 2d2=1一3一告5一圣下3/23-10 -1 T . In other words,a,b,c, d are the positive roots of the equation 45x8一90x6+60x1一15x2+1=0. The 720 edges are: !j一L!三2 or 4 or 6 (mod 60), 1 or 5, 90 120 60 30 120 60 30 120 90 720 9曰 9曰 r O ,1.JL6 00,.1,.几 rrr 000 ,了勺2.7.J qO69曰n0656 杯耳C&,巧CI,巧几巧nx, 人人人马耳耳q几几 Thus AO A2…A58 and 13·61 Do D22 D44 D6 D28 D50 D12 D34 D56 D18 D40 D2 D24 D46 D8 D3o D52 Dl4 D36 D58 D2o D42 D4 D26 D48 Dlo D32 D54 D16 D3。 are Petrie polygons· The various types of cell are all given by taking sets of four consecutive vertices of two further Petrie polygons: 13·62 and 13-63 (Fig. of the AO A2 A6 A4 A8 A10 B9 A14 B15 C17 A20 C23 B25 A26 B31 A30 A32 A36 A34 A38 A40 B39 A44 B45 C47 A50 C53 B55 A56 B1 DO D38 D54 D16 D32 D10 C21 D26 C15 B23 D20 B17 C25 D14 C1。 D30 D8 D24 D46 D2 D40 C51 D56 C45 B53 D50 B47 C55 D44 C49 13·6A).Thus the 600 tetrahedra consist of thirty of each “symmetrical AAAA ,’types AABB,CCDD,DDDD and sixty of each of the“asymmetrical AAAB,AAB C,ABBC, ABCC, BBCD ,’types BCCD,BCDD,CDDD (For instance,we regard A4 A8 A10 B9 as being of the same type
芬13·6] THE 600一CELL{3,3,5} as A6 A2 Ao B1,since either can be derived from the other subtracting respective suffixes froze 10.) 249 by After proiection onto the (x,。x"、--Dlane。the A's,B's, 上廿、-L,‘,1 I,, D's form four concentric triacontagons,inscribed in C's,and circles of radii a, b,c,and d. There is no need to compute these magnitudes; FIG.13·6A Two Petrie polygons of{3, 3,5} for, when we have drawn the outermost triacontagon AO A2…Ass (Fig. 13·6B),the relations cos 118 cos 108 c a cos 108 cos 78 d cos 128 a cos 49 一- ,口-a enable us section to locate B,。C,。D as the respective l' l' V 1 points of inter- (A2 A40·A22 AO),(A4 A44·A18 Ass),(A8 A44·A16 A52). The Petrie polygon 13·61 appears as a triacontagram{3011}.This projection eras first drawn by van Oss.(See the frontispiece.) The vertices of the reciprocal to-,3,3},being the centres of the 600 cells of {3,3, 5},project into the centroids of the projected
250 REGULAR POLVTOPE-S [号 13·7 sets of four points,e.g.,Ao A2 A4 A6.We thus have a plane figure in which 600 points occur on twelve concentric circles:thirty on each of four circles (including the outermost),and sixty on each of the remaining eight.The details are rather involved.An actual drawing was made by Wythoff but never published. FIG. 13·6B How to locate the B's, C's, and D's 13·7.Eutactic stars.So far, we have projected polytopes of more than four dimensions into two dimensions only.It is natural to expect that a clearer idea would be obtained by projecting them into three dimensions.The simplexes an are already so simple that there is not much ad.vantage in projecting them. (It is perhaps worth while to mention that a2p一1 can be projected into凡;e·g·,a5 into an octahedron·See Schoute 6, pp·253一254·) But we shall describe various projections of the cross polytopes and measure polytopes. We have seen that the vertices of月,can be orthogonally projected into the vertices of a regular 2n一gon in a suitable plane.We now ask whether they can also be projected into the vertices of a regular or quasi一regular polyhedron in a suitable 3一space. (Of course this could
' 13.7] STARS AND CROSSES 251 only happen for certain special values of n,such as 4, 6,10.For an icosahedral projection of月。,see Schoute 6,p.254.)There is no “Petrie polyhedron”to guide us in our choice of a 3一space.Never- theless,an affirmative answer is obtained by means of the following considerations,due to Hadwiger. We define a star (as in号2·8)to be a set of 2n vectors 士al,一,士ah issuing from a fixed origin in Euclidean 3-space.* A vector s (not necessarily belonging to the star) is called a sym- metry vector if the symmetry group of the star admits a subgroup under which the multiples of s are the only invariant vectors. We define a cross to be a set of n mutually perpendicular pairs of vectors土el,…,士e,, of equal magnitude, issuing from a fixed origin in Euclidean n-space. Thus the end-points of the vectors of a cross are the vertices of a cross polytope,风.The orthogonal projection of a cross on any three一dimensional sub- space is called a eutactic star.t If the vectors of the cross are of unit magnitude the projection is called a normalized eutactic star. For a given set of n vectors,a1,…,a,,,, we define the“vector transformation” T一E aj aj’ which transforms any vector x into Tx一E a, a,·x一E(ai·x) aj· This clearly has the properties T(x十y)=Tx -f- T y, TAx一ATx, Tx " y= x·T y, where A is any real number.In particular, if al,…,久are mutually perpendicular unit vectors (in n dimensions),the n numbers aj·x are the components of x in those directions,and T x= x. We proceed to prove一Hadwiger's principal theorem: 1371.Vector。士al,…,士风‘,in a 3一space, form a normalized eutactic star if, and only if, T x一x for every x in the 3-space. First,given a normalized eutactic star, we shall prove that T x= x. If it=3 the star is a cross of unit vectors,and the result is obvious.If n>3 let the given star be the orthogonal projec- tion of a cross of unit vectors士el,…,士en in an n-space con- *Cf. Hadwiger 1, where the takes only the n vectors a,,二 projecting onto a space definition of a star is slightly different, as Hadwiger a.,.He considers the more Lreneral problem of 了乙、~护J‘ t Eittaxy means p. 134. ace of any number of dimensions. “good arrangement, orderly disposition See Schlafli 4 丰Hadwiger 1,“Satz 1”. of his、一space. His proof is translated here, with a 3一space instead
252 REGULARPOLYTOPES [号13·7 twining the 3一space.Then the contains n vectors b,,…,戈 e3一aj+乌 completely such that (i一1,… orthogonal (n一3升space n) For all vectors x 3一space,we have But,for x in the Hence and in the n一space,and in particular for such in the E(ej·x) ej一x. 3-space,乌·x一0. E(aj·x) (a,+bi)一x, Z (a,·x)b;一x一Tx. Now, the vector on the right lies in the 3一space,while that on the left lies in the completely orthogonal (n一3卜space.Hence both vanish,and we have T x= x. Conversely, given a star such that Tx一x, we shall prove that it is a normalized eutactic star.If n=3 we take x to be per- pendicular to two of a1, a2, a3, and deduce that it is parallel to the remaining one,i.e.,that the three a's are all perpendicular;then taking x=a.., we deduce that ak2=1.If n> 3 we regard the 3-space as a subspace of the n-space spanned by n mutually perpendicular unit vectors p1,p21 p3}…,pit,of which the first three span the 3一space.In this n-space, consider the three vectors qt 4_-习a, ' p,)pj (/I一1,2,3). Since pj·Pk一8jk,we have q1.·q。一Z(a,·p,) (a,·PP)一T p,·p。-ptt·p。一8ta v· Thus the three q's are all perpendicular. Along with these,take n一3 further vectors q4,…,qn,such that qj·qk-马、(;’,k一l,…,n). Then any vector p may be expressed as E(qi.P) qi.Since qt,一习P}.·aj) pj, we have qll " pk= Z (pll - aj )8,k= p, - a.,, and 久一(A A·+P2 P2·+P3 P3·)气一(P, q,·十P2 q2·十P3 q3·)八· So,if we define bk一(P4 q4· we have +…+Pn qn·)Pk and ek= ak -F- b、一EPi qi·Pk ej·e,一E(qi.·Pj)(gi·Pk)一Pj·Pk一Sjk·
夸13.7] EUTACTIC STARS 253 We thus express the given star as the orthogonal projection of a cross士el,…,士et of unit vectors, and 13.71 is proved. The number effect of multiplvinLy all the vectors a,,…,a., by a 1 a/仁夕1'产 /D v c, is to multiply Tx by c2.Hence 13.72. Vectors士al…,士an, in a 3-space, form a eutactic star if, and only if, Tx一Ax, where the number A i8 the same for all vectors x(in the 3一space). if (a, al·+…+ an an,)x一Ax and (b1 b1·+…d一 bm bM·)x=}Ux, then (al al·+二。+an an·+blbl·+…+b72 bm·)x==(A+IL)x. Hence 13·73.Any tivo eutactic stars,with the same origin, form together a eutactic star. The next step in our argument is the following lemma: 1374. I f a star士al…,士an has a symmetry vector s, then Ts is parallel to s. PROOF.Any symmetry operation of the star, say K,permutes the n vector-pairs士ai ; -thus aiK一士马for some j, not necessarily different from i.This symmetry operation transforms Tx一万ai ai·x into (Tx)K一E aiK aiK , xK一Z aj aj·xK一TxK. If K belongs to the subgroup under which the multiples of s are the sole invariant vectors,then s"一s, and we deduce that (Ts)K一Ts. Thus T s is invariant under transformation by K, which may be any operation of the subgroup.Hence Ts is a multiple of s. We are now ready for our chief theorem: 13·75.A star is eutactic犷its symmetry group is transitive on a set of symmetry vectors which span the 3一space. PROOF.For each symmetry vector s, of the set considered,we haveTs=As for some number A.Since TsK=(Ts)K=A SIR,A is the same for all
254 REGULAR POLYTOPES〔' 13·7 Since T is a linear operator, and the s's span the 3一space,it follows that Tx=Ax for every vector x. Hence the star is eutactic. If the vertices symmetry group of the octahedron is[3,4] orL3,5],the vectors to the or icosahedron are symmetry vectors }}crhich span the space二Hence 13 e,? tac 76.Any star having octahedral or i cosahedral symmetry is In particular, the vectors (front the centre)to the vertices of the octahedron,cube,cuboctahedron,icosahedron,rhombic dodecahedron,pentagonal dodecahedron,icosidodecahedron,and triacontahedron,form eutactic stars.In other words,these polyhedra are“orthogonal shadows”of the respective cross polytopes 月3,月4,se,96 again,月7,910, 915,and P16· The first case is trivial,since月3 is the octahedron itself. When we say that the cube is a shadow of月4,we mean that月4 projects into a cube with its interior. Two opposite cells project (without distortion) into the two regular tetrahedra inscribed in the cube,eight proj ect into trirectangular tetrahedra (one for each corner of the cube),and the remaining six project into the faces of the cube (with their diagonals). If the vector aj of a star has components (cj1,Cj2,cj3) in terms of an orthogonal frame of reference,so that aj一cj 1 e1 -{--_ cj 2 e2+c, 3e3 , e,·e。一6}. v, then T e一E cj} aj一E cj, (Cj 1 e1+C }} e,}} 2+cj3 e3). Hence, by 13.71, 13·77·The vectors (C,11 cj 2,Cj 3)and their opposites form a normalized eutactic star if, and only if, E Cj. Cj,一8'4v (1k, v一l, 2, 3). When n一3 this is the familiar condition for an orthogonal trihedron of unit vectors.(Cf. 12·14.) Let us apply 13·77 to the case when 2i7._2i 7r c'! ,=a coy竺 --。c2=a sin --一。C-110=0 'I .L,'I自J,IQ 7Z一,n so that the vectors a, lie along n evenly spaced generators
号13·8] SHADOWS OF CROSS POLYTOPES 255 of a cone of revolution (like the ribs of an umbrella).We obtain the conditions a“艺COS2 万sin 肠一。2E,Si,12少一、b2一1, n n 肠一E。。、2j“一E。。、肠sill肠一。) 71 n n 7?, Which are satisfied if。一‘/2。一‘/ I- . It follows, by。change of 叼n叼n scale,that the unit·vectors 1378‘/;。。。少,/ ’叼3n‘\/ 2 一Sill 3 万7T , n euta 3 (i一0, 1,…,,‘一1), form (with their opposites)a c star.Thus the cone of semi一vertical angle arc tan丫2 has the remarkable property that vectors of equal magnitude,taken in both directions along n symmetrically spaced generators,form a eutactic star, for all values of n.(When n is a multiple of 3,the same conclusion can be deduced at once from 13·73,which shows that any number of eutactic stars,with the same origin,form together a eutactic star. In the present case we have n/3 crosses.)In other words, 13·79.A right regular n-gonal prism (n even)or an咖rism (n odd)i s an orthogonal shadow of P,,,provided its altitude is -\/2 times the circum-radius of its base. When n一4 the prism is a cube, which we have already recognized as a shadow of月4. When n=5 we have a special pentagonal antiprism (with isosceles lateral faces),which is the most symmetrical projection of月5. For 96, however, we have already found two other projections which,for most purposes, are preferable to the hexagonal prism. 13·8.Shadows of measure polytopes.On comparing 13·31 with 2-81,we see that every eutactic star determines a zonohedron which is an orthogonal shadow of y,,,,i.e.,the surface of an orthogonal projection.In particular, since a zonohedron has the same symmetry as its star, Every zonohedron which has octahedral or icosahedral symmetry is an orthogonal shadow of a measure polytope yn. The number of dimensions of the measure polytope is naturally equal to the number of directions of edges of the zonohedron;
256 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 13·8 e.g.,the rhombic dodecahedron is a shadow of 74, and the tria- contahedron of Y6.The fifteen equilateral zonohedra shown in shadows of y7, for the following e, ro︶ a心.刃 Plate II (facing page 32) values of n: 3,4, 6, 6,7,9,10 12,12, 12,13,15,21,24. (The numbers in bold type refer to zonolledra having icosaliedral symmetry;the rest have octahedral symmetry.)Each 21n-gonal face (in> 2)has been filled with overlapping rhombs (like Fig. 13·3A)so as to exhibit it as a plane projection (orthogonal or oblique)of an element y,z.The three shadows of 712, and the shadow of Y24,are capable of continuous variation, and any two varieties of the former may have their stars superposed to give a different shadow of y24.But the remaining eleven (along with shadows of 716,Y25,Y31,which have icosahedral symmetry) are unique,in the sense that no other isometric projections of the same y,,, can have the same symmetry.This happens because their stars are obtained by selecting one or more of the vertices 0, 1,2 of the spherical tessellations shown in Fig.4·5A. By considering the star formed by equal vectors along evenly spaced generators of a cone of semi一vertical angle arc tan丫2, we see that the polar zonohedra (Fig.2.8A) are orthogonal shadows angle、、’ rhombs of ith measure the axis polytopes whenever their edges make that of symmetry.The angles of the various are the angles between pairs of the vectors 13·78;i.e., there are n rhombs of angle arc一; ___2下7T. Cos一一十 n 3 、‘/2._下7T丫, =z arc sin(‘/- sin~) \'\/ j n, for each value ofjfrom 1 to n一1.When n is even,the value i一2n gives n“vertical”rhombs which have the same shape as the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron.When n is a multiple of 3, tOhe values告n and号n give 2n squares· The isohedral rhombic icosahedron (Fig.2·8A,、一5),whose edges make an angle arc tan T with its axis of symmetry, is too“oblate” to be an orthogonal shadow of y5;but this defect can be remedied by stretching it in the direction of its axis.The stretching has no visible effect on the particular projection shown in Fig. 2·8A (which is a“plan”);so I have drawn another projection (an
/);: . 价一: \ \ 咨廿,.,,丈少
号13·8] “elevation of angle SHADOWS OF MEASUREPOLYTOPES 257 ,’)in Fib. 13·8A. This solid. bounded by ten rhombs ,、‘护尹碑.2 arc cos二=570 22 3 (five at each“pole”,shaded in the figure)and ten rhombs of angle ~一1 ‘一_八_, arc cos_二7 8' 7‘ 3 (in the“tropics”),*is one of the most symmetrical shadows that can be found for y5.Another is derived from the five unit vectors (士斌一a,0,丫志),(0,士斌居,斌一入一),(0, 0, 1). (See Fig.13·8B.In this case the“plan”would be indistinguish- FIG. 13.8A FIG.13.8B Projections of y. able from Fig.2·8A, n=4.)This elongated dodecahedron is bounded by eight rhombs of angle arc cos着一800 24' (at the poles,shaded) and an equatorial zone of four equilateral hexagons,each having two opposite angles arc cos(一号)=131049‘while the remaining angles are all equal.It is of particular interest as being one of Fedorov's parallelohedra (or space一fillers)· For simplicity, we have restricted consideration to projections onto a3一space.But most of the above theory can be extended to proj ec- tions onto any subspace of the n一space. For instance, the four- dimensional shadows of yn will be“hyper一zonohedra”whose cells are parallelepipeds or,more generally, zonohedra. By an argument *The ratio of the tropical and polar in一radii is found to be(2,V+3)/x/55 =10075…,so this solid is practically indistinguishable from Fedorov 1,Plate X1, Fig. 107, which has a single in一sphere· R
258 REGULAR POLYTOPES analogous to dissected (in that used in ' 2·8 we deduce that a zonolledron 「号13·9 can be in\ various ways)into(3)paranetepipeus,one工or every tnree of the?*segments in the star. When the zonohedron is a shadow of y,1 the various parallelepipeds arise二s projections of elements y3 (i.e.,cubes). 13·9.Historical remarks.Alicia Boole Stott(186()一1940)was t「he middle one of Greorge Boole’、five damgllters。Her father, who is famous for his algebra of logic and his text一book oil Finite Differences,died when she AN-as four years old;so her mat}he- matical ability vas purely hereditary.She spent her early years, repressed and unhappy,with her maternal grandmother and great一uncle in Cork.When Alice was about thirteen the five girls were reunited with their mother (whose books reveal her as one of the pioneers of modern pedagogy)in a poor, dark,dirty,and uncomfortable lodging in London.There was no possibility of education in the ordinary sense,but Mrs.Boole's friendship with James Hinton attracted to the house a continual stream of social crusaders and cranks.It was during those years that Hinton's son Howard brought a lot of small wooden cubes,and set the youngest three girls the task of memoriziii g the arbitrary list of Latin words by ix-hich lie named them,and piling them into shapes.To Ethel,and possibly Lucy too,this was a meaningless bore;but it inspired Alice (at the age of about eighteen)to an extraordinarily intimate grasp of four一(dimensional geometry. Howard Hinton wrote several books on higher space,including a considerable amount of mystical interpretation.His disciple did not care to follow him along these other lines of thought,but soon surpassed hire in geometrical knowledge.Her methods remained purely synthetic,for the simple reason that she had never learnt analytical geometry· In 1890 she married Walter Stott,an actuary;and for some years she led a life of drudgery, rearing her t+,o children on a very small income.Meanwhile,in Holland,Schoute(2)二·as describ- ing the central sections (perpendicular to the principal directions q04)of the regular four一dimensional polytopes;e·g·,the sections 40, 83 of {3,3,5},and the sections 150,83 of fo-,3,3}· (See' 13·1 a,nd Table V.)Mr.Stott drew his二?fife's attention to Selloute's published Avork;so she wrote to say that she had already determined the whole sequence of sections i3,the middle section (for each polytope)agreeing -\A-ith Schoute's result.In an
吞13·9] enthusiastic reply, he and work with her. MRS.STOTT asked when lie might come over 259 to England of her dis- coveries in 1900 rest of his life. to her house at arranged for the publication and friendly collaboration continued for the Her cousin,Ethel Everest,used to invite them Hever, Kent,where summer holidays.Mrs.Stott’ they spent many happy supplemented Schoute's s power of geometrical visualization Inore orthodox methods, an ideal team.After his death in so they 1913 she attended the were ter- centenary conferred celebrations of his university of Groningen, which upon her and exhibited her models. She resumed her an honorary degree, mathematical activities nephew, G.I.Taylor, introduced leer to nle. her and simplicity of her character in 1930, when The strength interests to make her an combined with the diversity of her inspiring friend.She collaborated with me In the investigation of Gosset's four一dimensional s{3, 4, 3}('8·4),which I had rediscovered about that polytope time.She made models of its sections Cambridge. ,which are probably still on view in The work of Schoute and Mrs.Stott,on sections of the polytopes,is summarized (6, p.226)used the letters in Table V (on pp A,B, C, D, E, F) 298一301). regular Schoute G, H to denote the simplified sections 13,23, sketched described in his Fig.75. 33,435 53,63,73) 83 of {3,3, 5},which lie The corresponding complete sections were in detail by Mrs.Stott(1, and IV give the beginnings of“nets pp.8一21).Her Plates III ,’which can be folded and stuck together to form cardboard models.“ refer to the sections She also constructed nets in her Plate V. Diagrams I一VII” 23一83 (because 13‘is merely a tetrahedron the sections i3 of{5,3,3},exhibiting the Diagrams VIII-XIV”refer to the sections 13一73;but 83 is missing. a rhombicosidodecahedron Incidentally, Diagram XIII (our 63)is ,the Archimedean solid mentioned on page 117 (which is No.XV of Catalan 1,pp. 32,48, and Fig.51). discussed briefly by _少he simplified sections io of{“,”,”}were Nehoute(b, p.229*),who used the letters A,B,… P, Q for 00, 1。,…,901 100,…,140, K, L, *For t,he benefit of anyone who reads that Sehoute himself noticed page, between“12(12fq), quently, two lines later, our section 12(,.) 150. page, here is a correction (t oo late the middle and for (12) e pr 2hi inting):just insert insert below (24礴勿h, 289”between the two adjace 4e3 q,),”· nt 24's. which of the Conse- (This is
260 号13·2 regular graphed REGULAR POLYTOPESL号13·.,,9 was inspired by Donchian's solid projections of the four一dimensional polytopes,which have been photo- in our Plates IV-VIII. Paul S.Donchian is grandfather many of his was a Jew an American of Armenian descent.His great- eller at the court of the Sultan of Turkey, and other He was born in ancestors Hartford, were oriental jewellers and handicraftsmen. Connecticut,in 1895.His mathematical training ended with high school creometry 〔夕L夕气尸.丫 always interested in scientific subjects.He and algebra, inherited the established by his father, and has operated it since 1920. but lie vas rug business At about the age of thirty he suddenly began to experience a and challenging dreams of the provisionary 七yPC In number of startling soon to be described by Dunne in“An Experiment with Time” an attempt to solve the problems analysis of the thus presented,he determined geometry of hyper一space.His subject to its- simplest terms, so that anyone to make a thorough aim was to reduce the like himself with only elementary mathematical training could follow every purpose he devoted many years to the task of makin For this exquisite models mentioned above.Their construction required all the patience and delicate craftsmanship that could be provided by his oriental background.In the complicated cases it was not feasible to superpose sections in the manner suggested in号13.2,because frequently the edges of a section are not edges of the polytope.He took the central section as an“exterior shell”,but for the rest he made use of various plane projections published by Schoute and elevation,like an architect. and van Oss,regarding them as plan He observed that any solid projection may be proj ecti regarded as an intermediate stage in the formation of a plane on,which means that the solid projection should present the appearance of a plane projection when viewed(from far away) in any direction.To quote Donchian's own words:“My system is to build first the central grouping [e.g.,the cell 13, or 1。with 00 at its centre], then the. exterior shell,with the central grouping inserted at the last moment and suspended by temporary stay一cords·The process of connecting the innermost and outermost portions proceeds by constant testing of the results [by comparison with the known plane projections] and the plodding application of common sense·The models are fortunately fool一proof, because if a mistake is made it is immediately apparent and further work is impossible.The final joining of the inner and outer portions carries something of the thrill experienced by two tunnelling parties,piercing a mountain from opposite sides they finally break through and find in line.”In 1934 the models were that their diggings exhibited at the are ,when exactly Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago,and at the Annual Exhibit of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,in Pittsburgh. The plane projections described in '' 13.3一13·6, though not the same as those used by Donchian,are likewise due to Schoute (6, pp. 252一254) and van Oss(1).Van Oss inherited Wythoff's remarkable
'13·9] EUTACTIC STARS 261 drawhi g of于J,3,3},and showed me it when I visited him in 1932. Duti tine i zvu edges are too taint for photographic reproduction. The history of ' 13·7 goes back to 1864, when Schwarz(1)gave a simple proof for Pohlke's theorem to the effect that any two- dimensional star士al,士a2,士a3 may be regarded as a parallel projection of a three一dimensional cross.Recently Hadwiger(1) discovered the condition for an s一dimensional star to be an orthogonal projection of an、一dimensional cross。In 1372 we assumed s=3, but the same kind of argument is valid for any s-space.We can show, further, that A一E aj2/s· In fact, if p1,…,p8 are s mutually perpendicular unit vectors, so that ai一(A A·十…+ps ps·)马,then 艺 aj 2一E aj·(A A·+…+ps ps·)aj 一A·E aj aj·Pi十…+ps·E马a,·p$ 一A·Tpi+…+ps·Tps一A(pi2+…+A2)一As. The special case when the a's are unit vectors was considered long ago by Schlafli,*who defined such a star by the relation E(ajO x) (aj·y)一ax·y,A一n/s, for every pair of vectors x, y. (This is clearly equivalent to Tx=ax.)Schlafli showed that the vectors to the vertices of any regular polytope (from its centre)are eutactic;but he did not think of the eutactic star as forming. as a projected cross.That import一ant step was taken by Hadwiger. Theorem 13·75 remains valid in s dimensions,and then says rather more than Hadwiger's“Satz IV”.In three dimensions it can be expressed thus: 13·91.A star is eutactic扩its symmetry group is irreducible. We do not know whether, in higher space,every irreducible group of orthogonal transformations symmetry vectors spanning the space. is transitive on a set of Thus 13·91 may turn out to be a stronger statement than the s一dimensional form of 13·75. (Our Schlafli 3, p.107 (where“entactic”is a misprint for“eutactic” ,‘and s are his,\ and 7a.) ;4, p.138.
262 REGULAR POLYTOPES [号13·9 Even so,it is still true, in virtue of a very general theorem proved by Brauer.* The idea of projecting measure polytopes into zonoledra (号13·8)is due to Donchian,who made the models shown in Plate II.By an intuitive feeling for the fitness of things,he suspected, many years ago,that his“spherically symmetrical”zonohedra would be odhoyonal shadows of measure polytopes.That con- jecture is here,at last,justified. *Brauer and Goxeter 1 in n dimensions),set h=I Theorem 1”.To deduce 13·91(for a star of k lines and use 13·7:2 (with一k/n)。
CHAPTER XIV STAR一POLYTOPES THIS chapter deals with the higher一space analogues of the four Kepler一Poinsot polylledra described in Chapter VI.We verify the assert-ion of Hess (4)that there are just ten of them,all in four dimensions,and all having the same symmetry as {3,3,5} and {5, 3,3}.In fact,nine of them have the same vertices as {3,3,5},while the tenth has the same vertices as {5,3,3}·We are introduced to them one by one in ' 14·2,and again more systematically in ' 14·3,where we obtain as by-products several regular compounds,some of which are new.The star一polytopes are not all simply一connected,so it must be expected that some of them二·ill fail t·o satisfy the Euler一Schlafli Formula No一N1+N2一N3=0。 The modified formula that they all satisfy is 14·42. In号14·6,14·7,and 14·9 we describe three different methods for proving that there are no further regular polytopes beyond those already discussed.The second and third methods are original.The third shows also that there cannot be any regular “star一honeycombs”. The density of the star-polytopes takes the strange sequence of values 4, 6,20,66,76,191. These were computed laboriously by Schlafli and Hess.Some prettier methods that have been proposed more recently(Coxeter 3) rest on rather flimsy foundations;so it is hoped that the new method of号14·8 will be welcome. 14·1.The notion of a star-polytope.In view of the figures discussed in Chapter VI,it is natural to extend the definition of a polytope so as to allow non一adjacent cells to intersect,and to admit star-polygons and star-polyhedra as elements. Accord- ingly,ii-e proceed to investigate the possible regular steer-polytopes {p, q,,·},where the cell Jp,q} and vertex figure {q, r} both occur among the nine regular polyhedra of号6·7,while at least one of 263
264 REGULAR POLYTOPES p, q, r has the fractional value孚.I following tentative list of possibilities [号14.1 we find the 14·11 14·12 {-x,5,3}, {3 ,5,一;},{5,., 5}}{二 }3,5},{5}3,.2 {}> > 5,舀一 }} {5,音 , 3}, {3, L-, 5}, {霎, 3, 3}, {3, 3,一二}, 、L‘少 卜冲一.,1 13, 2,3},{4, 3,舀},{2,3, 4}, 3, 卜刁动~ ‘少t The existence of the ten four一dililensional star-polytopes 14.11 will be established by three different methods in号号14·2,14·3, and 14·8.But we shall see (in '' 14·6, 14·7,and 14·9)that all of 14·12 must b「e excluded as having infinite density· Selecting {p,’q, r} and {q, r, s} from 7·81 and 14·11,we obtain the following list of possible five一dimensional figures {p,q, r, s}: 14. 13 {3, 3, 3,叠 }, {窟, 3, 3, 3}, {4, 3, 3,雹一},{皿, 3, 3, 4}, f-5-1 3, 3,一r:, }, {3, 3,一叠,51, {5,窗 , 3, 31, {3,霎 , 5,_公 J' {舀 ' 5, 51 31, 14.14 {5,3, 3,霍},{霆,3,3,5},{5,3,音,5}, {5,:i2,3,5},{3,一二,5, 3}, {3, 5,舀, 3}, {'} , 5, 3,霎 }, {-5 , 3, 5,霆 }, {5,一y., 5, , 5} }, 1> , 5,名一 , 5}, 14·15 {3, 3,5,名},{2,5, 3,3},{3, 5,普,5},{5,召,5,3}· We observe that all of 14·14 nn n2一/。 上兰三、.I I /11+ 。;。2一/。 0111一,I/尸 satisfy cost困r_1 sin“二/s Each of 14·13 has a smaller value of p or s than one of 14·14, with the same values for the other three constituents; 14·15 has Schlafli's a greater value of p or s than one of 14 but each of ·14. Hence criterion 7·7 9 rules out could only be honeycombs.*But 14·15,and shows that subtler considerations us to rule out all these five一dimensional possibilities,as we see in号14·9. 14·14 force shall 14·2.Stellating {5,3,3}.The first stellation of{5,3,3}is constructed by stellatiog the 720 pentagons into{2}'s,and the 120 dodecahedra into f:-),5}'s·The result is,5, 3}·We still have r=3,because this is the number of cells meeting at an edge, ind the edges are merely“produced”.(The discussion can best be followed with the aid of solid models of the four Kepler一Poinsot polyhedra·)The vertex figure of,5, 3}is,of course,a dodeca- fiedron,whose edges and faces are vertex figures of pentagrams *The first of these four-dimensional honeycombs was 〕.119. considered by Schlafli 4,
号14.2] STELLATING THE 120一CELL 265 and of { ;J,5}’s·The second stage is to replace each pentagram by the pentagon that has the same vertices,and consequently each {妥,5}by a {5,舀}·In this process the vertex figure gets stellated from {5,3}to{皿,5},and the result is {5, ;J,5}·Stellating this again (and retaining r一5) we find{二,3, 5}. To make sure that these stellations are single polytopes,not compounds,we observe that adjacent cells of {5, 3,3} stellate into adjacent cells of{.,,5,3},and these in turn into adjacent cells of { 5,舀,5}and of{二,3,5}. The next stage is to replace each cell{2,3}by the ordinary dodecahedron that ha·s the same vertices.But without a good deal more geometric intuition than most of us possess it is not obvious that these dodecalledra will fit together to form a poly- tope.If we assume this to be the case,NNYe shall have twenty such dodecahedra surrounding each vertex;thus the vertex figure trust be a great icosahedron{3,二},and the result is {5, 3,-,}· On the other hand, the difficult step is not essential:we may alternatively derive {5, 3,一三}from{二,3,5} by the unexceptionable process of reciprocation. Stellating {5,3,雹},we obtain{舀一,5,}·Replacing each cell {霆,5}by the {5,}that has the same vertices,and allowing the vertex figure {5,音}to become stellated, we find {5,一叠,3}·Finally, the stellation of {5,音,3}is{一二,3,3},which reciprocates into {3, 3,名}· In {,3,3}there are only four cells {5, 3}at each vertex, and the ordinary dodecahedra that have the same vertices certainly do not fit together to form a polytope.This process of successive stellation has come to an end;but there are two by-products which must not be overlooked·If we replace each cell {5,}of {5},5}by the icosahedron that has the same edges,the effect on the vertex figure{ v,5}will be to replace each of its faces {}by the ordinary pentagon that has the same vertices;i.e.,the vertex figure becomes {5,一叠}·We thus obtain {3, 5,}·Similarly, if we replace each cell {,5} of {-;-, 5, z } by the great icosahedron that has the same edges,the effect on the vertex figure {5, z}will be to replace each of its faces {5}by the pentagram that has the same vertices;i·e·,the vertex figure becomes 15211,5}·We thus obtain {3, 5,5}. The last four sentences afford an instance of the phenomenon of isomor2)hisin*which二,as described in号6·6.Fig.14·2A is a scheme *van Oss 2,P.7
266 REGULARrOLYTOPES [号14.2 of the twelve“pentagonal”polytopes (which all have the same symmetry group [3, 3, 5]),represented as points Here,as in Fig.6·6B,isomorphic polytopes are on a circle. diametrically opposite to each other, while reciprocal polytopes are joined by horizontal lines,marked with their common density (which will be computed in号14·8).We note that the two isomorphic poly- {51195} 5一分 , 一j 自产 5一又 FIG.14-2A topes {5,3, 5) 2}and { z , 3, 5}are reciprocal,while {5,音,5}and {,5,z}are both self-reciprocal. We have derived all the ten star-polytopes; except {3, 3,一雪}} by stellating {5,3,3}.Reciprocally,all save 152,3,3}can be derived by faceting {3,3,5}.(This will be done systematically in ' 14·3·) we conclude that{晋,3) 3}has the same vertices as its isomorph {5,3,3},while all the other nine have the same vertices as {3,3,5}. Moreover,*it will be seen that the four polytopes {3,3,时,{3,5,升,{5,多歼,{0,3,升 *van Oss 2, p.7
' 14.3] THE 1 2 PENTAGONAL POLYTOPES 267 all have the same edges (see Plate IV or VII);so also do their four isomorphs {3, 3,一-7)一}, 13, 53} -21 517忱,5, 5},{舀, 3 , 51} -t2; and the pair {小5,3},f>> }},3}· Finally,the following pairs have the same faces: {3,3, 51,{3, 5,};{5二,5},{5,3,>_, 3, z}; {3,3,二}:{3,,5};{晋,5,音},抬一,3, 5}· The numbers of elements (see Table I on page 294)are given by 7.64 with gp,,,,一14400, q3,。一24, other y p,。一120, q。一6, and 入=Y5=10. 14·3.Systematic faceting.We proceed to investigate the cases where the vertices of a rcpilar polytope {p, q, r}occur among the vertices of. a convex regular polytope,114 or II·We shall thus re一derive t,he ten star-polytopes 14.11 and also discover a number of regular compounds.(The latter will arise when {p, qI,·}has fewer vertices than R.)The procedure is closely analogous to that of ' 6·3. We make use of“simplified”sections of n,viz.,io and i3, as found in号13·1.If the vertices of io are distant a from the initial vertex Oo,it may happen that they include the vertices of a polyhedron{3,,·}of edge a.Then each face of this {3,r} forms u-ith Oo a regular tetrahedron,and such tetrahedra are the cells of a {3,3,r} inscribed in 1l.More generally, if the vertices of io include the vertices of a {q,,,}of edge b, where bia一2 cos w/p (for some rational value of 1)),and if二{尹,q}of edge a is known to occur in some section of Il,then such lp,q}'s are the cells of a {p, q1,·}inscribed in H.In fact,the vertex figure of this {p, q, r} is a付,r} of edge a cos }/p一z b, similar to the {q, r} inscribed in io. If i一1 t·he edges (as well as vertices)of fp,q, r} belong to fj;in this case the vertex figure of lp,q, r} is obtained by faceting the vertex figure of II. Since {p,q} must be one of the nine regular polyhedra, the only admissible values for p are 3, 4, 5,一云,and so the only admissible values for bla are l, ti/2, and二士’=吞(丫5士1). If the vertices of the {q, r}of edge b are all the vertices of io, then二,e find either a single polytope fp,q1:}with the same
268 vertices as II,or compound where H has REGULAR POLYTOPES「号14.3 several such polytopes forming a vertex-regular II[d{p} R'> r}], ces as fp,q, r}· hand,if {q, of a single d times as }has only pol ytope is many verti some of the ruled out: vertices of io, if io includes On the other the possibility the ve ces of c {y, r}’s,we find a compound cn[d{p,q, r}], such that 1l has d/c times as many vertices as fp,q, r.If c and d have a common divisor m (m> 1),it may be possible to pick out d/m of the d {p,q, r}'s so as to form 刁||J 、‘J r d, 一1p,q) 刀z but such cases will require individual consideration. The various four一dimensional polytopes II (other than the simplex and cross polytope,which obviously make no contribu- tion)are systematically faceted in Table VI (on pages 302一304). As in ' 6·3,we take the edge of 11 for our unit of measurement· The values of b are those in Table V, multiplied by the values of a in ' 6.3 (viz., 1, A/2,二,T-V/2,T2);i.e., every b is of the form 二,‘斌,,where、=0, 1,2, 3,4,or5,and:=1,2,4, 5,8 or 10.But bla must be l,丫2,二or二一1. Hence the only sections io that concern us are those in which a has the form二“丫:,where a is an integer and”一?, l, 2,妥一, 4, 5, 8 or 10. Accordingly, all other sections (such as 30 for y4) where a一丫3)are omitted from Table VI. In the case of {05,3,3}we also omit sections 20, 40, 100, because they contain no regular polyhedra. After finding c {q, r}'s of edge b in the section i0, and deducing {p, q} from the relation bla一2 cos -,71p, we can complete the table without difficulty.To fill the column headed“Location”,we seek a section that includes one or more lp,q}'s of edge a.If this entry is j。,we obtain a polytope or compounc? whose cells (correspond- ing to the vertices of 1l)lie in the bounding hyperplanes of H’, the reciprocal of fl. 14·31 Such a compound is cII[d{p,q, r}je II‘, where e is the number that 11‘has d/e times of {p,qj’s as many in j。.We can veri行in each case cells as fp,q, r}.On the other
14.3] COMPOUNDS 269 hand,if the“ location”of {p, q) is k3,the result may be a “stel- lated II 1432 (where number ,’such as {3,3, u },or a compound cII[d{p,q, r}]ejI II has d/e of {p,q}'s times as many cells as {p,q, r},“ in is only vertex-regular k3),or a compound cII[d{p, (because H has fewer than being the r)] which e times as 卜,J.了‘了 刀生d. many cells of II only as {p, q,:},so that the fp,q}'s inscribed in account for some of the cells of the d {p, q, r} the ,5). k3's For instance,in the case of y4[2941 (see ' 8·2),16 of the 32 cells of the 2月4’ s 16 lie are inscribed (by pairs) in the 8 cubes of y4;the remaining in the bounding hyperplanes of another月4 (reciprocal to the y4).Again,in the case of 2{5,3,3}口0{3,3,5}] 1200 of the 6000 cells of the ten {3,3, 5},s in the 120 dodecahedra of {5,3,3};the less symmetrical situation. , are inscribed (by tens) remaining 4800 have a It is remarkable that the vertices of {5,3,3} include the vertices of all the other fifteen regular polytopes in four dimensions.The dodecahedron {5,3} does not have the analogous property in three dimensions;for,although we can inscribe a tetrahedron or a cube in it.we cannot inscribe an octahedron or an icosahedron,nor any of the Kepler一Poinsot polyhedra save {,3}· Whenever two reciprocal polytopes are R,their cells occur in the same section inscribed in the same {5,霆,3}and {3,号 This holds also for 5}occur in the salve Jo;e。 section g.,the cells of 30 of {3,3,5}· 14·31 and its reciprocal e II [d {r, q,p}]cII‘· Again,whenever two reciprocals cells occur in“corresponding” are inscribed in reciprocals,their sections k3 (with the same k); e.g·,the cells of {3,3, {3,3,5}and {5,3,3}, its reciprocal 升and 15 3,3}occur in the se on T, of O respectively· 。II‘[d {r, q, This holds also for 14·32 and p}ICn‘. These remarks are (pages 88 and 238). further illustrations of Pappus's observation We saw, on page 240,that the section an irregular compound of two icosahedra. of this section is,of course,the same as 30 of {5,3,3}contains The symmetry group that of 10,namely the extended tetrahedral group. The reflections that occur in this
270 REGULAR POLYTOPRS「' 14.3 group interchange the two icosalledra;therefore the rotations are symmetry operations of the separate icosahedra.Hence,if we take one of the ten {3,3,5}'s of 2{5,3,3}[10 {3,3,5}」,and apply the direct symmetry operations of{5,3,3},二·e shall obtain the simpler compound {5,3,3}[5f 3,3,51], which uses each vertex of fa-,3,3}just once.In other words, the tell{3,3,5}’s hiscrlbed in {5,3,3}fall into two enantio- m orphous sets of five (j i,st like the ten tetrahedra inscribed in the dodecahedron).Similarly we find {5,3,3}[5{3,3,音}],and also {V,3,3}叫夕,q, r}]j3,3,5} where f p,、,70} is {3,5,妥一} or{。,二,歼or {5, 3,}o r 15 , 5, 3 } or {115,舀,3}OT -(.7-)(2,3,5} or{J,r,二}or {3,J,斗 In view of the existence of the two reciprocal compounds J{3,3,5}[25 l3,4, 3}]{3,3,5},{5,3,3}[90-13,4, 3 }]5 {5,3,3}, it } i、natural to expect that five of the latter set of twenty一five {3,4, 3}’s二·ill be inscribed ill each {3,3,5}of {5,3,3}[5{3,3,51],* giving a simpler (self-reciprocal)compound 1433 {3,3,5}[5{3,4, 3}」{5,3,3}· This expectation can be justified by referring to ' 13·6.In fact, the vertices AO A10 A20 A30 A40 A50 B7 B17 B27 B37 B47 B57 C1 C11 C21 C31 C41 C51 Ds D1s Des D3s D48 D5s of {3, 3, 5} belong to one一inscribed {3, 4, 3}, from二·hich four others ma,y be derived by adding’in turn 2,4, 6, 8 to all the suffix一numbers (i.e.,by rotating Fig.14·3c through successive multiples of 12。)· The reader may be interested to see how the above selection of vertices was made.Fig.14·3A shows the dodecahedron 20 correspond- ing to t,he vertex 0。一AO of {3,3,5{.(Its vertices were found by going five steps from AO along various Petrie polygons.)Fig.14.3B shows one of the five cubes inscribed in this dodecahedron.This is the section 1。of the desired {3,4,3};the parallel sections 20 (an *Corresponding to the two enantio,二orphous sets of five{3,3, 5}'s inscribed in{5,3, 3),there are two enantiomorphous ways of separating either of the compounds of twenty一fi、一。{3, 4, 3}'s into five {3, 3, 5}[5<f 3, 4, 3.1]t5, 3, 3}'s. Thus Schoute(6, p.231)was right +,hen he said that the 120 vertices of{3, 3, 5} belong t‘)five{:;,4,J }.’、i:i ten different ways.The disparaging remark in the second room,》te to Coleter 4, p.337, should be deleted.
号14.3] THE 600一CELL {3,3,5} 271 FIG.14-3A A dodecahedral section of{3, 3, 51 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G . FIG.14· Parallel sections 3B of'{3,4,31
272 REGULARrOLYTOPES octahedron) and 30 (another cube) are shown too· cube to is an equatorial square of an octahedron (Each face of which 00 14·4 the ,!f几 阵咖oj. is vertex;the remaining easily completed,as in we can distinguish the vertex belongs to 20.)The {3 Fig.14.3c.By viewing this fi 4,3} is one then gure obliquely sections 13, 23, 33, of Table V (ii). FIG.14-3c One{3, 4, 3} of{3, 3, 51[5{3, 4, 31]{5, 3, 3} Inscribing P4's or 74'S in the{3,4, 3}'s of 14·33,we obtain the two reciprocal compounds {3, 3,5}[l5月4]2{5, 3,3},2{3,3,51 [15Y41{5,3,3}· Collecting results,we see that we have found six self-reciprocal compounds,twelve reciprocal pairs,and six compounds which are only vertex-regular.By reciprocating the last six we obtain six 二:hich are not vertex-regular but“cell-regular.”(See Table VII on page 305.) 14·4. results The general regular polytope in four dimensions. of号号7.7 and 7·9 remain valid for star-polytopes. The In
;今 协
芬14.4] particular, the given by 1441 METRICAL PROPERTIES 273 angles势=00 04 01 and 0一020403 are still cos 0 7T.7r/.7T =cos - sin一/sin 勺 r/几__ 孟梦)了 and cos功 ?r.?r/ =cos一sin -/sin r夕/ as in 7.91.From these we can derive the circum-radius OR一l csc 0, the other radii jR (as in ' 8·8),and the dihedral angle it一20. The relation 3R/2R一cos.必will serve as a check.Alternatively, Table VI (iii)shows that the four polytopes 、‘‘少 5.艺 {3, 3,5},{3, {5,3, ‘IJ 5一2 ,矛 5 all have the same circum-radius { 5, 5,5}, OR=21T. For the other polytopes inscribed in {3, 3, 5},the edge OR Defining the volume of {p, surface一analogue of {p, q, r}, S= 21 is not 1 but a;so =22二/a. q} as in ' 6·4, we obtain,for the N3马$,· With the analogous convention, the content is 一马 (as in 8·82).The values ,,,一3R S/4 in the individual cases 。‘J 、,.声了‘吸、 Table I (on page 295 the auxiliary function They may be checked ,k) of 8·84. can be seen in by employing The density d-__will be com-Duted ‘夕> q1 T占 express it by any such simple formula as the analogue of 6·42 is 号14·8.We cannot ·41or6·42.In fact, fl6 .一.几 1442 d q),N。一dr Ni+dp N:一dp,。N3一0, which does not involve d-__. P)蟹y i To prove 14·42, we consider the symmetry group of {p, q, r} and the subgroups which preserve one of the 0n. 00.0,。0 (viz二the centre of a cell or face 0,自,二,U、, :fundamental points or edge, or a vertex). By 6·41,the orders of the subgroups are respectively 、!/ 1上-Q自 一 IJL-r + ︸.︷-口二 ),4dp,,4dr·,4dq,,八 一2 -q 十 1一夕 了‘.龟、、、 /// 口占 丐 4
274 By 7·64, these REGULAR POLYTOPES are inversely proportional [号14·5 to the numbers of elements. ~ ︸.1一刀生 11一2 1一尹 11一9白 一 ,.︷一口生 1一夕 心,,N3 (cf. 7·6-), Hence :dp N2: and 14- dr N1:(1,,;NO一 42 follows at once. 14·5·A trigonometrical lemma·In ' 6.7 we enumerated the possible regular polyhedra with the aid of Gordan’s equation 1451 cos x7 + cos y7T + cos:二=一1 (0<二,J):<1), whose only rational solutions are the permutations of(12,号,号) and(莞,35含)·In '' 14·6 and 14·7 we shall treat polytopes in higher space analogously, using the equation 1452 cos x}r + cos Y-IT -i- cos:二一0 (0 < x, Y, z c 1) , whose rational solutions play similarly be shown*to be the permutations of (X1 2 5一X) where 0《二《2} (X,号一x,号-f- x) where 0《二C3) (l,劣,号)and(1, 23',45)· In most applications we shall be led to a slightly different form of this equation,viz., 1453 2 sin、二COs:二=sin、二(0《、,:,w <12), whose rational solutions are consequently (it) 2 s 0) } (0)。,0), (it, it, 2u),(、,it, 1一21t), (it, -3, it), (-1)”,12一”), (、,。。,大,告),(式,,`}, 1),(、 1。,、几,1 ]--)1(: 4, 1]}' 6 )} ( 1 (1' J' 6 )' ( 1 .' :i 'r U' 11 ( 1 5' :}一},I10)' (1 5' :"1u,一131 0 )' (71 J,17,了飞,)· 14·6.Van Oss's criterion.In号号14·2 and 14·3 we established the existence of the ten star-polytopes 14·11 which,with the six ordinary polytopes 7·81,make the grand total sixteen.We now ask why the apparently possible symbols 14·12 fail to represent finitely一dense polytopes.The simplest criterion is provided by the remark of van Oss (2,p.6)that势must be commensurable with 二、henever the vertex万gore has central symmetry. To see this,consider any regular polytope whose vertex figure has central syinnletry (e.g.,the octahedron,whose vertex figure is a square).The plane joining any edge to the centre 0 (or 0.) *See Crosby's solution to problem 4136 in the American Mathematical Month勿, 53(1946),pp.103一107.
号14.6] contains a VAN OSS’S CRITERION 9兮气 泊曰.叱少 number of edges,forming an“equatorial”polygon· Tivo consecutive sides of this polygon,say AB and BC, contain opposite vertices of the vertex figure at their common vertex B. If the equatorial polygon is a {k}, we have 2}一Z AOB一2二/k;so 1461 0='7T11C. Reciprocally, 0 (and the dihedral angle二一20) must be com- measurable with -,r whenever the cell has central ;yinmetry;for there is then a“zone”of cells.Moreover, when both cell and vertex figure have central symmetry,not only必and } but also x will be commensurable with -a. AVe can begin to construct any one of the would一be polytopes 14·12 by fitting cells together in the manner indicated by the Schldfli symbol.The question is,Will the figure eventually close up ? A necessary condition is the closing of the equatorial polygon,and we shall find that this necessary condition is also 。哺cient. Van Oss's criterion would not be of much use in three dinlen- sion s;for it would only apply to {P,q} when {q}has central symmetry,i·e·,when the numerator nq is even·But it is admirably suitable for the enumeration of polytopes {p,q, r} in four dil11ei1- siol1S,since eight of the nine possible vertex figures {q, r} do have central symmetry.In fact, it can be applied in every case except 伽,3, 3},where there is no question anyhow, as we already know this polytope does exist for p一3, 4, 5 or音· By 14·41 and 14·61,every polytope {p,q, r} (where q and r are not both equal to 3)must correspond to二rational solution of the On 万仃77。万 sin - cos -=cos一sin一, a 10 p r h一6 if匆,r} is {3,4} or h一10 if {q, r} is {3, 5} or h一?-3'- if {q, r} is {3,韶。 {4, 3}or{二,5}or {5,一霆}, {5, The most obvious solution is k as we never have h=r. Another = p, h=r; 3}, 3}. but this is irrelevant, 侧口一Ql 子.悦t possibility is 仃万 Sill -h一Cosr 7T。7T COs一=Sin一 k r 1..JL一9曰 人 1 1 1 1 一=一,二+一= P2‘k- r
276 REGULAR POLYTOPES[号14.6 By 2·33 (with {p, q} replaced by {q, r}),the numbers p,q, r now satisfy 6·71,and we have the nine polytopes {3, 3,4},{31 4, 3},{4, 3, 3}, 14·63 {3,5,J},{5)J,3},{15,3,5}, {3,:5"2,5},{二,5, 3},{5, 3,舀}, for which k.-一hp,,·(The occurrence of {4, 3, 3}, with q一r一3) may be regarded as an accident.) The remaining possibilities (according to 14·11 and 14·12)are {3,3},{3,二,3},{二,3,J},{5,二,5},{2,5,二},{.>,3,4} and the reciprocals of the first and last.Leaving the reciprocals to take care of themselves,we observe that the respective values of h一hq,;一are 1()1《) 一:于一,一3 7叹) :奋 6,6,6 and that in each case either p= 3 or p一rorh一6. Thus 1462 may be replaced by one of the simpler equations 2。in7T。05 7T2 sin cos7 7一sin-sin - (p一3), A ft; r 八.仃仃.2仃 L sin万 cos=sin一甲=r) i2 is 7" 2 7T sin一cos 7T_7T / z I-b、 p一cos - kit一n). 矛矛、. e‘八7 8Z Accordingly, we examine the rational solutions to 14·53,to whether there are any of the form 2-5 IWM4 了万.、、 r 0 、、,2 ,.5 公 ,夕 116 了J.、、 、、..产 2一5 公 116 2甘‘、 、1口产 15 31 11,v,.,5),(31U ”,13),(310,”, 工J巧 We recognize only( the criterion admits 33 1(),1 0, ),{5,名 2)5,(告,u,一兰 0 0 1《J, Therefore 116 {3, 3,音}(k-一103- 5}(k一10), {矛3,一霎一},{553,4} 份,5) } (k一j(), Since the existence of 、.f衬 qO 卜9’)J1 excludes {3, 3,4},we can now assert the 卜刁2 r少1、 but {4, 3, would imply that of 、佘」 ~.r)一Ql impossibility of all 14·12. Thus there are only sixteen rey z{ lar four一dimensional polytopes: six convex and ten starry.(See Tables I and VIII.)
号14.6] EQUATORIAL POLYGONS 277 By examining the distances between pairs of vertices in the notation of号13·6, we find the following equatorial polygons for the polyt·opes that have 120 vertices: 、1,j 、硬.‘少 甲匀12 {3,3,5},{3,5, {5,窗,5},{5,3,舀} {号,5, 3},{。,舀 {3 f 2 3,合},{3,.; 3} 5}) 5 3,51) 一decagon Ao A6 A12 A18 A24 A3o A36 A42 A4s A54; 一hexagon Ao A1o A20 A30 A40 A50; 一decagram B15 B57 B39 B21 B3 B45 B27 B9 B51 B33· 解月汀︺ r少.、 ﹄1、‘J ‘刁Q工 The transition from the decagon to the decagram affords an instance of the following rule for interchanging isomorphic polytopes: Al--}- B二15,一Bj--->. D7j-15,Cj一 -}-A7j+15,Dj一C7j+15· (It is understood that the suffixes are to be reduced modulo 60.) For the analogous consideration of 14·13, we apply van Oss's criterion to {3) 3,3, :), 2},{3,3,合,5}, {3,晋,5, ,5}2},{}, 3,3, 41, fi x , 3, 3,一叠}, whose vertex figures would all have central symmetry.We use 7·72 in the form sin势‘COs势 In the first three 一cos 7r/p, 0一 OVP,,犷,” cases P=3 and 0‘=汽?T. }all have the 0‘一04,,,,· (The three vertex same edges.)Thus 乃一艺 figures {3,3,晋},{3, .,,5},{音,5 But this 2 sin击二cos 0=I=sin 2二· 14·53 has no rational solution of the form (击,”,2)·Hence will not incommensurable with 7r, and the equatorial polygons close up. In the case 3,3, 4},we have 万 1-4 cos诱=csc cos舅二一 2 s in cos;7T J 方 14 ,、),so功is again incom- 3,3,二一}, 26, but 14·53 has no rational solution(毒, mensurable.Finally, in the case of cos 0=csc式,二cos凳7T _Q一一1_ —‘,. 1~ 百’1 -1_~一2_ 一‘— 1一二一1=1+2 cos 3 7r5) but 1451 has no rational solution with x一,一5,and we come to the same conclusion.
278 REGULARPOLYTOrES 〔号14·7 Hence there are no regular star-polytopes in苏ve or more dimen- sions. We shall see,in号14·9,that there are no regular star-honeycombs either.But van Oss's criterion is not strong enough to decide that question.The formula naturally gives势=0 for all 14·14. Incidentally, it makes势imaginary for all 14·15. 14·7.The Petrie polygon criterion.In four dimensions,van Oss's criterion amounts to this:if Ip,q, r} is a finitely dense polytope,its equatorial polygon must close.Here {p, q} may be any regular polyhedron,and {q, r} any one except {3,3}.An alternative criterion (cf. page 108),applying without any such exception,is this:if {p,q, r} is a finitely dense polytope,its Petrie polygon must close, i.e.,if cos告e1 and cos省e2 are the positive roots of the equation 12·35, then 61 and e2 must’be commensur- able with二.In other words, if cos二/h1 and cos二/h2 are the positive roots of 12·35,then the Petrie polygon projects into plane polygons{h1}and ,h,}in two completely orthogonal planes,so of course the numbers h1 and h2 must be rational.* From the sum and product of roots of the quadratic equation for X2, we obtain !士 一hl 。八〔,2 七气J乃 cost卫一COS2叮+ h2 P COS2叮+cost - q 7T 7T仃 Cos一COs一=COs一cos h1 h2 .p For the nine polytopes 14·63, which satisfy 6·71,二·e have 1 1 1 2 and 2仃 sin—= h, JL 断_2 cos 'cos -. h2 P Hence,for for {3,4, 3}or for and for {3, 3,4} or 3。31。h,=8 ,少,工 3,5}or hl=12 hl=20 5,3}or {5,一3}or hl 2() 3 *These two rational numbers have a number of vertices of the Petrie polygon. common numerator卜, This is the h of Table h2一号; h2一J2; h2一209-; h:一2(0· ,,,,which is the I (ii)· 、.r少 5一艺 卜口91 r,1气 、、J、、‘少 .刁9110 nOS ︸刁.,~ r少.、 卜OQ] .产,夕,产勺产 n4.5.nonO卜 ;且‘夕.、了,、、‘2.、‘少.、 S
14·7) PETRIE POLYGONS 279 The remaining possibilities may be treated by considering the suns and product of COs 2二/hl and COs 2二/h2 (i.e., of COs 61 and COs 62),viz., 一一 7T·2 2了力 s=cos h, 2仃 一?一十· COs 2仃, COS一十 夕 2仃. COS一一十 q 2仃 2万, COS—一十1 COS 一COs 2介 一1 q 仃? 乙一尹 2 Tr 2 rr P=COS一COS=COS h, 1c ,‘1“ '2 For {3,3,r}we have s一COs 一1一竺, 2 ,7T/r and P一一Cost 7T/r;so 2,2) h1 h2 卜匀.,1 must be a follows: solution of 14·52, r=3, and the values of h, and h. 1‘ areas h-1=5, h2: 4, 5, 8,30,; ;咬) ‘ 31) 01 3丁 8.3 in accordance with the solution 1又0 - In the last two cases (x,号一x,号+x)· In the case of {3, we have s=一cos 1 0 while 1一r飞妇 一-3 1一ltl6刃 P一4T-3. But the only rational solutions with x=-' again, are i告,5)' (一5一} 17},一13)1(去, 31 r 5) 5 )号 and the corresponding values of cos yTr cos z二are 0,一4二一2) 4二一1 all different from P. Thus {3,晋,3} is ruled out。 。一4’ and P=一4二一2, so h1=15 了 1一2 For {5,,5}, S一 For {- 5,升,S一 3, 41, s一一 2 T-1 and P=一4T2, so h;一誉- and h2一 and h2= 15 一下一 川月动1 户‘、、 For 2/h;二 告二一1 again, while P=一告.Thus u1, 2/h2=1一、2, where 2 cos u1-7T cos u27T=1 (0< u1,、:<香). Comparing this with 14·53, we see that the only rational solution is 8.3 u1=二2=J} h1 =8) h2 3,4} is 乃一2 了,、气 which Nvould make s=0.Thus ruled out.
280 REGULAR POLYTOPES Finally, Therefore in the case of V一。3. : J. we have s=一1 A/5 、乙,产乙少/仕, 「号14.8 and P一4二一1. 21h1 视17T =1一二1, 2/h2=1一、2, where 2 cos nna。,一_1, -1_Cr7Yl w} c沁0ij乃j—口111、 ‘白1 (0<u2<2t1<12) 7T 厂10 But the only rational values of (2t1,2t2)are(犷},,孔),(5,3), (3号,介),none of which satisfy cos u1“+COS u27T一k\//54·Thus {5E , 3,.52}is ruled out too· We conclude,as before,that the only regular star-polytopes in four dimensions are 14·11. The absence of regular star-polytopes in five dimensions may be verified analogously, using the equation 2 X 、!/. 二‘一COS2 COS2二+COS2卫+cosZ?TCost - q + 7T一夕 \ 。7T.。仃。7T。仃。仃\_ nr% 0 4』匕n !l d‘n !l d‘.」一nr%oZ fir-104 I_‘I w。一I w。一vv。一!w。一w0一/一v r p s q s/ 7T一夕 2 S 0 C 了1恤、、、 + instead of 12·35·The case of{2,3,3,雪}is unique,in that one of the two 6's is commensurable with二(actually 5二)while the other is not. It is only fair to point out that the Petrie polygon criterion, like van Oss's,is inadequate for the discussion of honeycombs. 14·8.Computation of density.Goursat(1,pp.80一81)proposed a problem analogous to that of Schwarz('6·8):to find all spherical tetrahedra which lead, by repeated reflection in their faces,to a finite set of congruent tetrahedra, i.e.,to a honeycomb covering the hypersphere a finite number of times.Clearly, the reflections generate a group,viz.(in the notation of号11·5), [m] x [n] or [3, 3] x[1]or [3, 4] x[1]or [3, 5] x[1] or [3,3,3] or [3,3,4] or [3,3,5] or [3,4, 3] or [31, 1, 1]. Hence the faces and their transforms dissect such a tetrahedron into a set of congruent tetrahedra of one of the following shapes: .卜--一劝.,,--劝 14·81‘,“‘ ....叫,.-.川卜.... .---一月卜-一-心. .~--州卜.~-心口~... 4 .~--叫介-.一~劝. 4 .卜~~.-书~.-一.. s ..~~-4户--~司卜~~~~心0-闷卜---闷卜~~-- 54 人
互14.8] GOURSATIS TETRAHEDRA 281 When we compare this with the corresponding statement for Schwarz’s triangles,we are not surprised to find Goursat's tetra- hedra running into hundreds.Their complete enumeration will (perhaps!)be published elsewhere.The essential tool for that formidable work is the following process for deriving them from one another. If one of Goursat's tetrahedra has a dihedral angle二/r, where r is fractional,one of the“virtual mirrors”will dissect it into two smaller tetrahedra in accordance with the formula 14·82 A r tq Ok's -U -一t tU·奉 where and (See 6·81 (p q r)=(p二r1)+(二,q r2) (t s r)=(t y r1)+(y'.3 r2)· and the special cases listed on page 113·)Here, as in '5·6, each node of the graph denotes a face, of the tetrahedron, and a branch marked p indicates the dihedral angle二加between two faces.Fig.14·8A一shows the dihedral angles at the various 、了一r 飞几..、、、.1. j/1 tJ产 r一引少口1 |夕.夕夕~ ‘‘叮,口」 ﹄口呀口,. 丁 军一q ,一p -X.分一“ ,.‘口一J产.尸﹄ FIG. 14"8A Dissecting a tetrahedron edges.The dissecting plane divides the angle二/r into two parts, 二{r1 and二/r2, and cuts the opposite edge at X. On spheres drawn
282 REGULAR POLYTOPES round the four vertices of the whole tetrahedron cut out Schwarz's triangles [号14·8 the trihedra (p q r),(t s,·),(p t、), The first two of these are dissected into (t y r1)+(y' s r2).But the other t二·0,vlz., (q s、). (p二r1)-(二‘qr2) and △ U and 沪李s are retained in the respective parts.(See 14·82.)In practice many of the dihedral angles are right angles,and then we omit the corresponding branches of the graph. branch will stand for a branch marked“3 Our present purpose is to obtain an existence of the ten star-polytopes 14 rather tiresome details of号号14·2 and 14 densities. As before,a·n unmarked ,’(meaning“angle二/3”)· alternative proof for the ·11 (independent of the ·3),and to compute their Let 04 be the centre of one of these polytopes,03 the centre of a cell, 02 the centre of a face of that cell, 0,. the mid-point of a side of that face,00 the vertex at one end of that side.We can project the tetrahedron 00 0102 03 from 04 into a spherical tetrahedron PO P1 P2 P3.Conversely, beginning with the spherical tetrahedron,we can reconstruct the polytope by combining the reflections transforms hedron (or in the tetrahedron's faces and considering all the of PO.Thus PO P1 P2 P3 is a quadrirectangular tetra- orthoscheme),a {p, q, r}一 (cf. 11·71).Accordingly, we are interested in the special tetrahedra 卜一闷一犷卜了,卜丁令下-` s} }卜-十一+ sQ 卜下扣s十了, }}--了今一卜下卜一卜一, which appear (as D, F, J, O, P, R) in the following list of seventeen particular cases of the dissection 14·82:
14.8] COMPUTATIONOF DENSITY 283 AA nO4 ,,勺了 AA 5八0 or, say, B==2A, C一且+B= D=A一}一C一 IV= A -f-- D二 ,沙,J AA 89 CD 9白2 =D+E= FGH I=F十G- J一F十I= K=F+J= L一D+K= M=H+L= 14A 20A 26A 30A 39A N=J+K=46A, O=J+N=66A, 尸=L+N=76A, Q=M+ P=115A, R=P+Q=191A. 么。未么么人么入入零零六么入么t人六么 +++++++十十+十++十十++ 车人么么水么人人本零人么人么t未人么 一一一一一--一一一一一一一一-一一一--一一一-一一一一一一一一一 么从么么人么人火么。零水么水么人八么
284 REGULAR POLYTOPES significant items O=66A,P=76A [号14·9 From this list we extract the D=4A,F=6A,J=20A, R=191A which reveal the densities of the regular star-polytopes,as re- corded in Fig.14·2A.In fact,since the 14400 characteristic tetrahedra of {3, 3, 5}fill the spherical space just once,the equation R=191A, for instance,shows that the 14400 characteristic tetrahedra of {3,3}must fill the same space 191 times· 14·},9.Complete enumeration of regular star-polytopes and honeycombs.A similar method may be used for excluding 14·12 (without appealing to ' 14·5, which is so difficult to prove).We dissect the corresponding tetrahedra as follows: (p=4 or音)· 八尊 十+ 森李 一一一一 人李 These cannot occur among Goursat's tetrahedra, since (5 2号)and (晋2 4) do not occur among Schwarz's triangles (Table III). In the case of the tetrahedron卜事‘一礴4一we could avoid the explicit dissection by arguing as follows.The group generated by reflections in its faces is evidently not reducible (in the sense of ' 11·1).If this group were finite,the tetrahedron could be dissected into repetitions of one of those in the second row of‘ 14·81.But none of these has,among its dihedral angles,sub- multiples of both二/5 and二/4. Hence in fact the group is infinite (not discrete),so that the“polytopes”{音,3,4} and {4,3,Z}are infinitely dense. Similarly, to exclude 14·13,we consider the spherical simplexes P s 兄 互 兄 5
284 REGULAR POLYTOPES significant items 0=66A,P=76A [号14·9 From this list we extract the D=4A,F=6A,J一20A, R=191A which corded reveal the densities of the regular star-polytopes, asre一 in Fig.14·2A.In fact of {3, 3, 5}fill the since the 14400 space characteristic tetrahedra equation spherical 191A, just once,the for instance R shows that the 14400 characteristic tetrahedra of must fill the same space 191 times. 、‘‘少 卜卫艺 {3,3, 14·},,9.Complete enumeration of regular star-polytopes and honeycombs.A similar method may be used for excluding 14·12 (without appealing to ' 14·5, which is so difficult to prove).We dissect the corresponding tetrahedra as follows: (P=4 or晋)· 八零 十+ 么零 一一一一 人本 These cannot occur among Goursat's tetrahedra, since (音 2号)and (音2 4) do not occur among Schwarz's triangles (Table III)· In the case of the tetrahedron卜 s4一神 4一we could avoid the explicit dissection by arguing as follows.The group generated by reflections in its faces is evidently not reducible (in the sense of ' 11·1).If this group were finite,the tetrahedron could be dissected into repetitions of one of those in the second row of‘ 14·81.But none of these has,among its dihedral angles,sub- multiples of both二/5 and二/4. Hence in fact the group is infinite (not discrete),so that the“polytopes”{音,3,4}and {4, 3,5Z}are infinitely dense. Similarly, to exclude 14·13,we consider the spherical simplexes P 5 兄 互 只 5
286 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 14-x the circum-radius, i.e.,X一二/3. We may justify his stopping there by remarking that,from the standpoint of topology, the six figures which he missed arc not manifolds but only pseudo- manifolds. Edmund Hess was born in 1843,took his doctorate at Marburg in 1866 (with a dissertation on the flow of air through a small orifice),wrote a number of papers on polytopes,edited Hessel 1 for Ostwald's Klassih}er in 18‘)7,and died in 1903,long before his discovery of the ten regular star-polytopes had received any recognition.The relevant paper is so brief that several of its results had to be left unproved.One such theorem (Hess 4, p.52) is that every regular polytope has the same vertices as a convex regular poly tope.Quite recently, Ure ch(1,p.43)made an unsuccessful attempt to prove this,and concluded that Hess probably made some unjustified assumption;thus Ure ch con- sidered the existence of{公,3,ri2}and {3,_z,3}to be an open possibility.Hess obtained the ten star-polytopes in a manner resembling ' 14·3.As he did not use the Schlafli symbol Ip,q, r}, we may be sure that lie was not aware of Schlafli’。work.But he computed all the densities,understood the relation between reciprocals,and obtained the formula 14·42. Independently again,Goursat(1,pp.100一101)used the method of stellation t,o derive 15, , 5, 3 }, {5,,5} and f-2-,3, , 5} from {05, 3, 3}, as in '14·2·He also rediscovered{3,3,2}·In 1915 van Oss denoted all the ten figures by their Schlafli symbols,and limited them to ten by a neat criterion(号14·6)which is free from any assumption about the situation of the vertices.However, he regarded as obvious the statement that the computed values of 0 for 14.12 (e.g., arc cos 2二一1}/3) are incommensurable with二. (van Oss 2,p.6.)Our ' 14·5 is designed to remedy that deficiency. (The above theorem of Hess is thus finally established.)' 14·7 provides a full account of the alternative criterion outlined in Coxeter 3, p.203. We sa二:,in 13·61,that {3, 3, 5}has Petrie polygons Ao A,) A4…Ass and Do D22 D44…D38, which appear as the peripheral {30}and the central{势i}in the frontispiece.That figure has been copied from van Oss 1,Tafel VIII.By taking alternate vertices we obtain the skew 15一gone AO A4 A8…A56 and Do D16 D32…D44,
夸14-x) which are HESS,VANOSS,SCHOUTE 287 Petrie polygons of {5,一叠,5}·Similarly,although van Oss eras not of his Tafel aware of this,the peripheral{12}and central{毕} VIa represent the peripheral Petrie polygons {20}and of {3,5,- ce Petrie polygons of {5,3,晋},while ntral{习‘}of Tafel VIIa represent 、十」 10今曰 In号14·8 we computed the volumes of the various character- istic tetrahedra by the strictly elementary process of dissection. It is interesting to recall that Sclllafli (4, pp.101一102,formulae (4)一(6), (8)一(11)) computed these same volumes in terms of his function f(7T/1),二/q,二/r),二:hick enables us to express the density of each star一polytope in the form 7T一5 7T一3 7T!3 厂U ///,/ c3=fi叮_竺 一,,q,r“、p’q 一900。 f( -,叮, -一 ’p q r/ But he applied this only to {3,3,2},{5, 3,妥一},and their reciprocals, because he believed that“der Cha.rakter{舀一,5, 3}kein echtes Polyschem darstellt”.(Schlafli 4, p·134·) Of the forty-two compounds that arose as by-products in ' 14.3, eleven were discovered by Schoute(6, pp.215, 216, 231;cf. Coxeter 4, p.337).The rest are new, except {5, 3,3}[120 a4113, 3, 5}, which is due to LTrech(1,p.47)and was almost anticipated by Hess (4, p.48)in his observation that [3,3,5] has a subgroup [3, 3, 3]. To save space,we have disregarded the possibility of compounds in more than four dimensions.Actually, there are none in five or six dimensions.In seven and eight we find CY7[]6ca7]cg7,CY8 [16Cp8l,[]6CY.I c月s, where c一1,15 or 30. The case c=1 can be generalized to Y1;一1 [day:一119,‘一1,Y. [dpn ],[dYn19n, where n一2k and d一尹一“一’(k一 2,3) 4,…).The theory of
288 REGULAR POLYTOPES [' 14"x these compounds is connected with orthogonal* matrices of 士1's.(For proofs of such statements,see Schoute 5,Barrau 1t and Coxeter 4.)Similarly, the theory of compound honeycombs MdSnlan is connected with orthogonal*matrices of integers. Here the word“orthogonal”is used in the loose sense, meaning merely that今、cjl一0 when k:Al. (Cf. 12·14. t Barrau's A,,, B921 C7z are our aW ,y,,, On
EPILOGUE WE have now reached the end of our journey.On the way, we visited most of the domains of elementary mathematics (and some not so elementary):algebra, synthetic and analytic geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry, integral calculus (in ' 7·3),the kinematics of a rigid body, the theory of groups,and topology· We began with the five Platonic solids, obtaining their numerical and metrical properties in Chapters I and II, their symmetry groups in Chapters III and V. We saw that they fall naturally into two classes:(i) the“crystallographic”solids a3 (the tetra- hedron),93 (the octahedron),and y3 (the cube);(ii) the icosa- hedron and dodecahedron, which form,with the four Kepler- Poinsot solids,a set of six“pentagonal”polyhedra (Fig·6·6B), all having the same symmetry group.We found that the crystallo- graphic solids have n一dimensional analogues,whose properties are just such as would be inferred by pure analogy.On the other hand,the pentagonal polyhedra are related to twelve pentagonal polytopes in four dimensions (Fig.14·2A),and there the family comes to an abrupt end. Another peculiarity of four一dimen- sional space is the occurrence of the 24一cell {3, 4, 3},which stands quite alone,having no analogue above or below. For a strict discussion of regular polytopes,this would be the whole story.But it seemed worth while (in Chapter XI)to show how the simplexes and cross polytopes occur, qua kio and kll,as members of an interesting family of“uniform”polytopes kid in n dimensions,where n=i+i+k+1>' * 'k13一I. Here the significant number of dimensions is not four but eight. A more detailed summary of our results can best be given in the form of tables.These are preceded by some definitions of the tabulated properties. T 289
DEFINITIONS OF SYMBOLS USED IN THE FOLLOWING TABLES Table I (i).Each polyhedron fp,q} has No vertices,N1 edges, N2 faces Jp},and vertex figure {q}.Its complete symmetry group [p,q] is of order g一4N1.The Petrie polygon projects into an {h}in a suitable plane.The density is d.The characteristic (spherical) triangle has sides 0, x, 0 (opposite to angles -,Tlp,二/2, 二/q)·These are, conveniently expressed in terms of the special angles K=晋arc sec 3,A一告arc tan 2,/'t=省arc sin号. The dihedral angle is二一2必.Taking the edge-length to be 21, the radii are OR, 1R, 2R, the surface is S, and the volume is C. These properties are connected by such formulae as 1·71 and 5.43 (when d=1), 2.21, 2.33, 2.42一2.46, 6.41一6.43. Table I (ii).Each polytope {p,q, r} has No vertices,Ni edges, N2 faces Jp},N3 cells Jp,q}, and vertex figure {q, r}.Its symmetry group [p,q, r] is of order g.The equatorial polygon (except when q一r一3), is a {k}. The Petrie polygon, a skew h-gon, projects into a,n Ih,}in one plane and an {h2} in the completely orthogonal plane.Three dihedral angles of the characteristic tetrahedron (Fig. 7.9A) are right angles;the other three are 7T/p,二/q}·二//r, and occur at edges of lengths必,X5功.These are conveniently expressed in terms of the special angle 17=告arc sec 4. The circum一and in-radii are OR and 3R, the sum of the volumes of the cells is S, and the four一dimensional content or hyper-volume is C.These properties are connected by such formulae as 7·64, 7·65,7·71,7·91,8·82 and 8·86 (with n一4),12·35 (which has roots cos二/h1, cos二/h2), and 1461. Table I (iii).The polytopes a,,,凤、,y,t occur for every positive integer n;when n>5 they stand alone.Their properties, analogous to those defined above,are connected by such formulae as 7·62,7·63,8·81,8·82,8·87,and 12·33 (which has roots cos二/气). Table II.The regular honeycombs fill n一dimensional Euclid- ean space hornlogeiieously,in the sense that the numbers of 290
NOTATION 291 j一dimensional elements in a large portion tend to be propor- tional to definite numbers vj (which are inversely proportional to gp,…,,9u,…,,。,in the notation of 7·63). Table III.(p q,,)means a spherical triangle `N产-itll angles二//P, 二/q,二/r. Each triangle listed here has the property that repeti- tons of it will fill the spherical sur几ce a finite number of times; e.g., the triangles (退一瑟 -), (2 2 2),(一霎一身一二), (罕母 }) are faces of tlh。spherical tessellat,ions {3,3},{3,4}, {3,J},{3,'-12· Table N.In the graphical" symbols,nodes represent walls or mirrors,perpendicular whenever the nodes are not directly joined by a branch,but otherwise inclined at an internal angle二/3 or 二/4,, according as the branch is unmarked or marked le. An stands for a simple chain of、nodes (and n一1 unmarked branches), P,;一、,for an (n+ 1)-gon, and so on. Far each spherical simplex we have given the order of the corresponding group,as computed in 7·66,7·67,8·22,8·51,11·74, 11·81一11·83. Table V (i),(iii),(v).For a regular polytope of edge 21, each section includes all vertices distant 21a from a given vertex. Among these vertices we seek regular polyhedra of edge 21b,for use in Table VI,as follows。 Table VI.Such a regular polyhedron {q,:},of edge b (taking 21=1), is the vertex figure of a polytope {p, q, r},二·hose cell 伽,q} occurs in the section listed under“Location”. Table VII.Here c{l, 7n, n}[d{p, q, r}]e{s, t, u}means a corn- pound of d伽,q5,·}’s having the vertices of an {1,、*,n}, each taken c tinges,and the bounding hyperplanes of an {s,‘,2G},each taken e times.
292 REGULARPOLYTOPES TABLE I: (i)The nine regular Name Schlafli symbol 1}T0 丫 人’1 1Y2 9 h d Gonus Regular tetrahedron, a.,, {洲了.J {3, 3} 4 6 4 24 4 1 0 Octahedron,X33 Cube, 'Y3 {3, 41 {4, 31 6 8 12 S一 6 { 48 6 1 0 lcosahedron Dodecahedron 一{3,“} {5,31 12 20 30 20 12 120 10 1 0 Small stellated dodecahedron Great dodecahedron {b,5} 15,一6} 12 30 12 120 6 3 4 Great stellated dodecahedron Great icosahedron {号,3} {3,号} 20 12 30 12 20 120 1杯) 3 7 0 } (ii)The sixteen regular Name Schlafli symbol Y 人’0 _1A 1 1Y-2 -N, r3 9 h h hl h2 d 5一cell, a4 13,3,3} 5 10 10 5 120 5 5 丘 e 1 16一cell, 14 Tessaract,几,。 8 16 24 32 32 24 16 8 384 4 8 8 8 3 1 一{3, 4,“} 24 96 96 24 1152 6 12 12 1之 百- 1 600一cell 120一cell {3, 3, 5 } {5, 3, 3} 120 600 720 1200 1200 720 600 120 14400 10 30 30 几o 丁1
IN THREE ORFOURDIMENSIONS 293 REGULAR POLYTOPES polyhedra lp, q} in ordinary space 一 0 一 X 沪 7r一2沪 ORll 1R11 2R/l S/(2l)2 C'i(2l)3 I,一、 2‘* 香7r一、 700 32' 312-1 2一蚤 6-蚤 3蚤 :‘:2蚤 I一 4I K 告T一K K 士7r 1090 28' 900 2f 31 1 2香 213一i 1 2.31 6 12'1 1 入 9 告1f一n一kt 拜 入 1380 12' 1160 34' 5fTl 3ir 丁fi 丁2 3-1丁2 5一香T- 5.3I 3.5.1 naT0s 肚 a(IT 告51丁‘ 2入 入 粤7r一入 1160 34' 630 26' 51丁一i 5卜i 丁-1 T 5一*T-*一 5-士二蚤 1 3.51T一: 3.5I丁过 -25 1T-2 15蚤:“ 晋7r一入 青7r一A 630 26' 410 49' 31T-1 5士了一蚤 丁一2 T-1 5-'T-全 3-}T-2 3.5l二一h 5.3蚤 151T-4 音T-2 香T一y 香二一入 polytopes{p, q, r} in four dimensions x 沪 ) r一2沪 一 JOR/1 All 3R/l 3R/1 S/(21)3 C/(21)a 1一, 百n一‘1 750 31’ 告T一,J } {2爹5一告 3蚤5一i 2.15-1 10-i Al21 1K丢 百订}'- 士7r 香A ;丢7r 一 告7T 14二 1200 900 ! 2蚤 2 1 3蚤 213-1 2香 2一i 1 音2蚤 S 香 1 11 s矛. 1一 万,11 .t 告7f 1200 2 3蚤 2梦3一二 2蚤 8.2蚤 2 i:二 ”一告T { 丢T一71 一 刀一6二 11-_1 ,j 7T 1640 29' 1440 2丁 2!'T 2'T 5士:n 31 T3 2.3-iT2 2.5一t4丁乙 2- IT3 丁4 50.21 60.5IT4 誉T 3=4-T 一5iT8 *K= Z t丁=1 丰刃=告 arc sec 3=350 15' 52", (5i+1)一1618033989. 。ro qpf,, 4=37' 45' 40". x=告arc tan 2=31“43' 3") ,cc=告arc sin号=200 54' 19".
294 REGULAR POLYTOPES TABLE I:REGULAR The sixteen regular polytopes 一{一 k - 一 h, h2 d 6 10 1 Il 10 12 丫 15 1 6’户66 13(,一 6一 20 竿旱76 、一 30一 l 1 丫钊191- iii)The three regular d一1一1 Name Schldfli svn-ibol IXT 人’0 I 'Vi 刃II‘一I h'k Ilegular simplex, an 132‘一1} ,,+1 +1 n-}-1、 才11 I ?z+ 1 ,,+1)! ?、+1 n+ I k 目! Cross polytope, }n {3?‘一“,4} 2n, 2,十‘(j n,) 2n Znn! 2n 2n 2k一1 22乙 \、、..尹 n;J 才才..、、 .刁 9曰 Measure polytope, yn {-t, P-2} 2n
INnDIMENSIONS 295 POLYTOPES一cont茗n舫ed 伽,叮,r}infourdimensions一cont艺n、e汉 势 X 。R/1 :R/1 :R/1 13·/乙 一“/‘2‘’3 ‘,/(21)‘ 2 2T 3蚤 51丁翌 2.5一奸蚤 2.3一香TZ 丁 丁2 60.5蚤丁一2 100丁2 ,护5蚤:一1 纷产 一几二 0二_圣全 白.口T 丁2 60.5蚤丁2 1。民弄,4 叱声‘1 畏7r 11。了万 2T 5飞书 11。犷 }恤莎- 5惫挤 13。了犷 丁1。了 丢7T 11,_,井 一1:,t,7r 1440 72。 2.5一卜一爹 2.5一气鳌 T一1 丁 60.5蚤了一4 60.5奸4 ,:户5告:一5 ,.-,55蛋:” :只f、7r{兰7T 1‘’1_。万 7 90 { 5士厂量 0二一士_一讨 ‘。元,T- 一印 丁- 60.5蚤T一2 1二气弄,一4 6.少.1 O 币’万万} { {., 云7T 二7T, 12了一‘ { 2 5惫:一毯 3香 2.3一蚤了一2 2.6一圣丁一告 } T一2 T一1 100:一2 60.5蚤丁2 粉丁一4 毕一6奸 刀+舌7r 孔一二 号7T一刀 2斗一“ ZT一1 3蚤T一3 5奋T月 2.5-一士:一通 2.3一蚤:一2 丁一4 2一蚤T一3 60.5奸一4 50.2蚤 。:户5蚤厂8 毕:一” PolytoPesinndimensions(n>5) 5/(21)n一1 C/(21)’‘ 蚤(二一arCSee aI’CSeC 去(二一arcsec n+1 (,2一1)! ( 牲 22卜1 生了竺卫、蚤 n!、22‘产 arccs。儿蚤 (2”+In)蚤 (”一1)! 7T 工4 aT’CSeC 2儿 7T 1丁 1胃. 儿 areCSe l
296 REGULAR POLYTOrES TABLE II:REGULAR HONEYCOMBS (号号4·1,4·8, 7·2,8·5, 9·8) Name Schlafli symbol 二一二一二一二一、一二 I I I I}}! 2 、、,J/ n;沙 /了.、、 3 4Q曰 2,.1 21tc犯 e-- Q曰 qO ,盗乙q自4 33刀U么 Apeirogon, 52· Tessellation of triangles Tessellation of hexagons Cubic honeycomb, 0-n+1 110-5. Reciprocal of 1135 {二} {31 6} {6, 3} {4, 3n-2} 4} f 3q 3, 4, 3 } {3, 4, 3, 3 } 3 TABLE III:SCHWARZ'S TRIANGLES (号6·8) (2 2 n),(22 n') (235),(235), (235),(2鲁54 3百 3万 。百 614 5一3 劲(2 5一4 3百 、.,产.、.夕了 nOS 32‘一4 .达吕介」 了‘龟、了汀、、 3 3), 55)9 3万- (233),(2鲁3),(23} (2号5), (2号5).9(2已象), 54 3万 5丁 3-33),(3一 3 3 ;35)1(号普5),(035'? 4 ) f 几一4 3万 3万1、1声口 誉3 5),(33 (一5会 54), .J 、、.产 6万 .0奋 5万翻 614 5一4 5一4 5 5), 5一4瑞日‘ .-Jl...、 了叮、、 4习 3石一 (234),(234),(23丢),(2 (2金3), 号3),(2号3 )'12(25 4一吕 4份匕 3万~ 才了.、、 勺户 、、.了 4 4畜 9J 夕夕..、‘ 已尸 ‘、..口产 4 4 ,万1 3万 6召 3),(J_号鲁),(号 r曰巧1 5分3
KALEIDOSCOPES 297 TABLE IV:FUNDAMENTAL REGIONS FOR IRREDUCIBLE GROUPS GENERATED BY REFLECTIONS (号虽11·4, 11.5) SPHERICAL SIMPLEXES (for finite groups) Order EUCLIDEAN SIMPLEXES (for infinite groups) W2 ..~-叫. 的 A 2, A 3 .卜~-杏一~尸~口 G, 2.1 P3, P4 △令 (n-{-1)! Pn+1 84, Bb 卜芳-l 192, 1920 Qb, Q6 2n一1n! Qrz+1 72.G 8.9! 192.10! C21 C3 .~~.-右协---右一一一劝 44 R3, R4一一 Rn+1 丫 J .。才 . 丫, S4, Sb S”十1 认Va 名洲2三 4不丈)广 ‘.以.﹄扫100 8,妙n知[2l121 D''2 卜一-叫卜---价---心 4 .~~-州. .~~~曰.~~~.. 5 ..~一-州卜一刁卜~-一口. 5
298 REGULARrOLYTOPES TABLE V:THE DISTRIBUTION OF VERTICES OF FOUR一DIMENSIONAL POLYTOPES IN PARALLEL SOLID SECTIONS(' 13.1) (i)Sections of {3,4) 3}(edge 2)beginning with a vertex ,______、一Number of }。,,_____一。7,、I: Ix。x.。 :2',1一’一—’二一--一}洲盆l `LUO}L乙01 D \山19山 2}“气 3!_____、:___}IJt玉(匆F幻I“。IL, _!_verLICes一}____{_}_ (0,0,0)1 Point (1,1,1)*8 Cube 2 1 (2, 0, 0) 6 Octahedron 2斌2 ti/2 (1,l., 1)8 Cube 2 1 ‘0, 0, 0 )‘Point 21a a 9曰Odll 0,1︷,人//9曰 (。VV‘. 2介0 02丫斌4 22 勺一210--l月 Sucti()I1 0000nU -0︸110自Q口4 (ii)Sections of {3,4,3}(edge丫2)beginning with a cell -)Q曰.) 八0比6 11.几1 (x1I x29 x3) (1,0,0)* (1,1,0) (1,0, 0 ) Number of vertices Shape Octahedron Cuboctahedron Octahedron (iii) Sections of {3, 3, 5} (edge 2二一1) beginning with a vertex on x4 (x1,。 ,。·2} 23) Number of vertices Shape a e O乃 2 (010,0) (1,0, T-1) t (1,1,1) (T, T-1, 0 ) (二,0, 1) (2, 0, 0 ) (T, 1,二一1) (Like 30) (Like 20) (Like 10) (Like 00) 1 Point 0 12 Icosahedron 1 1 Dodecahedron 27--1 1 2 O 91 00CU nUlio自 丁一1 12 Icosahedron 2 2-v/丁一1丫5 VIT}5 30 0 Icosidodecahedron 9、/9 ~、,~ 丁丫2 9、,/9 曰、目 二丫2 0 nO Q自OQ自11 110自,1 —了 -1 Icosahedron Dodecahedron (Like 30) (Like 20) (Like 1。) 2丁 2斌3 了, T斌3 Icosahedron 2,\/T-v /5 、/二3-/K v I "V” 11TQ工 --一 000︵U 41勺八b月1 Point 4 2了 nU 只以 *Permutations with all changes of sign. .f Cyclic permutations with all changes of sign. T一I(ti'S+ 1),T一’一i(v'5一1).
SECTIONS OF THE 600一CELL 299 .昆塌飞.。切u。乞洲州渭︸﹁娇suo~沪‘︺n日、。d。﹁1。卜Q朴 产口,、 亡刀 { 卜 C1 口 城 勺 GJ 、、曰沪户 产曰叭 口心 M L^} ~洲 4叫 0 的 日 二 …叫 冲曰 奋 匀 工 O 灿 侧 产叫 ,~明 关 日 0 白 日b 一~、J‘叫户叫 口vmm;甸户‘叫卜 0 0 } } o 向阳.C>.V ,.州 N一11-1 健翁r.. ti= rl v}} arc }}i "Oc?;'1 }cZ‘,i 屡奢鹰奢鬓音嚎普薯奢遣:H= O O·舀·日夕 八e-}, "", 100 v闷 卜~叫O 闷 国 灿r C刃 抽O CJ口 r1书 点‘ 0(71 1 CA cf}l 0 0 0霎 C) o.0 0co c}:0CA 尸口‘、 M 扮 C7 扮 二 扮 I--i ~一一~一~,,...~.-....,..月........,..-..神叫,.一-.~一一.一一~一一.‘..‘...一月.....‘...........,...,.一-...一‘一~~.、‘~-神.,...,.,.............,.月..户户..目..月.,.卜.......目...~护一一-— 咔一一 声口.、__ 一尸声.、』尸‘.‘. 产闷代二、_--\_二‘产门.、 I一,一一0一一从、洲宁、甲亡、_甲N~一 ‘卜C7 r'1宁户叫CJ几丫洲吮卜‘卜。公个二含’卜一I}之 m 1. r--q I屯二.},--:。__叭。、一_r"卜’.、曰‘一卜‘,,.月 n~叭._气~F,一’C7 w、一 f二 }w二 w’卜公二一1卜几犷}.+s。:F-‘二;厂^P"I:0 卜二二己全一卜L一’P"、从’r产_,户叫。户J刁 一二w毛丝;汾 ^、 iLJ二厂或。扛 I二厂或。扛;丝 ^ w ^ L且’ri i~-一-一}}~一~一车一一二一一一 ~、、沪尸 一。 {今 {沈 尸.闷 一澎 I‘- 卜一 CJ一 口{— 若{ U{‘峋叫 “!O功 布一_to. C.iQ} U _J、}一冲曰 盯忆{口i.+ 。{rr Gjrr 耸1点沪 吧币叫! O{ 'L}— 产司 卜叫r 幸{ 屯一尹口..、、 U'11」C7 {口刁 !扮 一矛 一 口 洲洲_P"! O a日日己C7六._一 日日:O岂E`.刘E- 1-1 ll-} 出悦之之谓之点索彭盛卜少一乡 7} ^I }=劝仑 }赎 C V兰 CV卜_州 。一’。“军场、月。一色一’‘、., 毛忿老没澎巴白备 -} a}·(1) ct_乙。cC }p书切 c3J巴J艺止巴J月.州 亡吮艺一公声罗哪杯育J妈.侧狱,侧‘叫一’r, 州丫日代二冲~r丈二土互n, O只‘】‘口 份口份U石 J。v。匕二匕二 Cr一CJ `}二:~},曲以 `i tir E-i~甲曰乙 _一-一一—一一,~~~~‘~...~,.~~,一一份~~,一一一.~钾州.,~‘,钾.一一一-....曰.,卜 洲州。c1 c1 c} 1-t cl ..1,:IRt 、咨习。~洲洲洲、洲一。- 一一一一一一~一一一一一一—一‘.............阅 关产口、, 百布二万二万二二:.东 i三夏二军万w上:七 二‘~1 、..砂 呀 扮 ;I-1>·一::。升:NI 口 c .尸叫 协曰 C.) O 叨 .M V-4 N M } L7 CD t- GO‘:日 洲洲。。昭 .曰誉。飞。。切u司七七、。q日nuu。卜。日‘tl︸~导。uo﹃祠‘和u日﹄。自 月︸叫莽沙1﹃uu叫切。q叭︷的叭的叭晚︸pu‘︷心叭仍叭票℃。渭0叫︸。。。洲︶。唱叫属日员︵卜荟
300 REGULAR POLYTOPES O ! 心) M 白 云 始 i4,} 望妙})梦六乡 rN M++}- ? l-l”嗜宕- 廿 。:誉。仁餐髦M} l- } I } I b CAI b 勺 节、妇 登! I心- 。I} fti Si' C'. h一立III,Ib 。,。,。,c} c} ca 卜‘匀 ci _1 C7 、、。;、、、护声 子户卜砂声0刀 卜卜卜 卜Q 户、白 C1 { 号:魁: ..一卜厂’卜州 ’卜洲丙州 口11 必 .V :a 迢霎 .户叫 自阳 UCC或 日口 卜叫切 公 c-4 昭, 昌恋o意 }' 书} } }0 c U ’只,S,'' cd ,.C.," U的 p-+曾 ^ } 'b+ 长 _ v '!-' O r-} W一于W,,叫 E'+ c7 E-}东 O 、J. 勺叫 O的 灿口 C>口 毛 .}J-4-m) 同L-4 卜州Q 昌卜 尸闷洲CA洲合7寸州cq因寸寸叶c7的 _产叫c1尸叫c刀尸川尸叫ci尸.闷尸州 尹口.、、 M 扮 N 扮 二 扮 、‘.沪户 口口州.、、月产..、、 性二.___丫_一甲 一沪护一、仁二产尹~、1一产卜)1一 甲甲屯p,.叫吮、卜尸叫一_二令~卜几~ 沪口.、._1_卜产叫丁户场、4叭p I卜卜甲一9一:才}才t才-。。,_,丫。“., 夏李万立i夏李万立CA二丈n三复三C' }^ CCA^ C' j I .。~~哟,、.口沪一卜 卜卜、.口声 、~口口.、知口尸 哪 扮 必.-一u: ”bl-‘m一匕t-)GV卜 口 O .护.叫 冲口 口 Q 叨 0 0 0 0户0 0 0 0 0 O r-i N M勺,to cc L` 00 m x。祠?。卜‘t[祠叫沐黔叫uu叫淤q︵扣洛甲卜闪跳嗯︶︷的。的卜车飞。uo叫祠。。。P。喇叫[dttl员︵卜︶ 飞铂n龚油钩龚。。1卜闰闷角州曰
SECTIONS OF THE 120一CELL 301 此阵洛 eI 卜 Oa 心匡阮洛 乃\洲.卜 址/的1 闪洛牛 N 卜 公 I cI 、认 _卜 口l 与补卜卜淤 U/,心,/甲 心\钾.卜 口\,N七 两份队旧洛 M .卜P曰招 今匕日﹁[已~日。日。日 沙冲日旧俩、泛扣 钾矛寸 帅比们洛引 陀盯吻洛引 二泛1 钱、、,今 心、\产1!卜分叶 们卜卜引 卜 01 晚千牛 引\产。卜 po曰渭p﹁﹄。卜。u。渭卜匕JO。nl昭卜。渭p君日。。渗 .口脚。飞。。切u日月。飞、。q日nuu。卜。口比月祠﹃沐 .丫六1二︵1!叻洛悠砌日、匕 的洛寸 二叫译日 产、L、、,0 祠曰﹃0山 ‘JP。q‘祠。05+1 tlo﹄P。[1弓﹄祠。曰 ‘﹄P。q日50。﹃引 !: 7 户叫合7 叶洲CA e, I ,:,I尸叫尸叫 洲 0卫 洲心洲 CV c刁 洲 O1 汽祠﹃。﹁工d日书J。国科 。uo﹁祠昭衬n日、。山朴 .︵1+心洛的︶吻11-o* ︵0叭0叭。︶ 甲卜叭卜叭帅洛卜乙 Tll引叭扣叭卜扣!︶ ︵O 叫1卜引 0卜之 叭扣叭卜引 卜叭卜叭劝洛卜︶ ︵丫卜仇丫卜.忽 ︵嵘洛丫卜.t.飞︶ ︵1叭叻洛叭的|︶ ︵晚洛爪嵘卜.晚洛︶ ︵0卜引卜卜的 .叫 { 卜 卜 } 寸 } 1卜 TI卜 tl卜们 心\了!卜 OO .匀尸叫 ,.闷甲叫 0 Cq ,叫 0 0 M阅 ,叫沪叫 0 0 以勺《口 ,.闷,~月 0 《二) C口
302 REGULARPOLYTOPES ︷的.郊.耸斗通艺︷的.寸.擎 ︷的.寸.蚁︹,卜也︷的 钠[。。︸﹁︷的.寸. 祠一口5。消 一程匕厂 铂一。的渭叫卜 祠工t洲明。国 .呼.的︸勃 的︸ c勺0 甲,门尸., 口c﹁祠比︶0,曰 目。﹃祠、沈。0闷 ︷的叭叶叭的︸ 气.‘勺尸 产,爪.) 勺 呻 ︷b.匆︸ 日口︵渭︶ 饱 闷之 C1 ) 互一夏一r^}M"-r 一 心一 v一互r}n一、 、一 一 ︷的叭的叭乙川甘卜?口三 1卜闰闷国州一 们 ) 0I \补 产、、产.~ 从C勺 Z-- c: 、叭,刁协产J 。凶一卯矛 。州一洲 日。﹃祠。。叨 ︵的·艺︸︶ 口功闰山0一钾闷0斗国州闷冲必国国州国卜冰OQ国国曰必名曰一国口州知卜答 的自之户0自昌OQ自才州更国自0曰卜月0自·国州一叨闷州名01功名闰洲1自。国po自匆0么01一州卜1闰国自闰国曰
FACETING 303 时︸忿︷的。心.叩︸飞霉比毛 产,脚~产.一产.叭产满, 1匀:创孙1匀,.:I:, 全口、护甲、 口勺嵘叫:‘口勺 口,甲、r、口、 哎;:。:训口yJ M 、一.刁,、,,尸,,-J ︷的.的.车段一逻哭︼︷心.的。巴吮 ......,Ilesf胜、...一一 ︷的.中.一。的 ︷的叭的.乌冷,卜羚︸︷心.帅.的 .改.改︸一︷的.洲。代︸晚;,’1︷心。的 产.、气 心苦 如1。。︺﹁︷心.怕。的 祠1[尸加。州1 心 O 号喇卜叫 1几 C^ O O 尸闷,.闷,.叫 O C勺C 甲叫C门口11 000M 口1C门C勺L勺 .︷心 00们1 口。一衬记。0闷 叭耸﹁︷寸.巴晚︸。q﹃。。5日﹃日‘。。沙 。心11祠﹃导。?﹃日d层。P﹁。u~0。 |后阵|IWWM|卜|| 产,分一一-I-产尹.、 C心】C.:=}G0 口、口、.、口、 mcrJUJL%} 、一.目场产曰、‘产甲与产副 r'一产、产由一尸月一, 心寸亡勺心:‘ 口、叭口、护 =.: , V' J叶 LrJ 场,产曰协丫勺产、.产“、,产曰 产决一产产~产产一产夕, 的帅,:小亡勺 口、口、卜口、 。:;,。二刀口弋口心 、气刁与.闯协.曰‘,刀 ︷b.匆︸ 艺 一~~ 闷之) ,叫 1rl r;1 、)卜 丫丫,, 渭。﹃q详月,口。﹄P。月‘。。PoP~50。﹃口‘渭日。﹁p。。5渭渭曰 尸!户次忿尸︷的.寸.的︸。们。tl?Jo留切p。00娜因。渭︸ ︷功叭的叭耸川口曰忿 11。1C1一 1.。1..\、口.1、\1二0A口J 心}洲洲卜卜!洲卜户卜}户}卜卜卜卜 二血二卫_ 飞劲啼︸龚喃~走。劫!1卜闰闷闰州一 ︷呻.的︸晚 产J-.1产护一~., 1几.几:,lf} 口、.、护、 亡佗i^ }:补 C勺 、~产“ C r-,产.、汽产么晰产曰卜 i0:。卜10心补 口、口、护、入 V' . 1匀。:;,C勺 1'Y-一一户,产目、气,.J ︷、.拿。 十。哪 (TA \\ 尹 卜
304 REGULAR POLYTOPE8 。内乃,冷.0丫105口日出叫0卜Qp卜口翻口1心口口00 。qp日﹃因。卜仁卜q。﹃[功二户的.寸.聋均的。月pJ。5目。。000。寸凶·劝凶。qpsn月LT,.刃口。、P。月‘。。PoP一500叫。曰祠口叫P。q叫?。su叫‘﹄P。渭‘祠。。11。n的。卜川。﹄‘。白。月日朴 产门,、产.、气产、、 心心心 口、口、口‘ 口勺勺0 尸j, e-^,心 心时 f。‘。‘冲 即﹄︺、尸0 ︹︷中.的.耸含︸︷的.的.母饥 ︷心叭的.耸魁一心.中.魏含﹂︷的.的.车饥 ︷心.的.耸斗︷中.心.架段﹂︷的.的.车勃 ︷心.的.的︸饥[︷心.的.卿︸01︼︷的.的.心︸如 ︷心.的.耸︻90如匕︷的.的.车 叭擎9卜︻通0毛︸一的 .的叭耸煞过次﹂︷改. .的︸议一︷︸.帅 ‘的︸饥一︷心.的 叭的叭车句 的卜车 ︷心.的.改︸饥︹︷的.叩.心︸0卜]︷的.的.晚︸灼 ︷心.的.帅︸00︻哪卜009︸︷的.的.晚︸心卜 ︷心.的.的︸︹呻卜晚卜︸︷的.的.晚︸饥 ︻︷的.洲.的︸00勃︸︷的.的.心︸句 ︷的.的.心︸晚︹︷的.寸.的︸心勃︸︷的.的.心︸ ︷帅叭的叭的︸勃一︷的.心.卿︸0卜]︷拍.的.帅︸如 口、.、 心 l0 、产J,曰 O忆 卜叫卜叫 l l l I 产以-广口..、 CtJ M .耸煞︷叩.心.帅︸0乙︷的 ︹{心.的.拍︸0卜︼︷的.的.﹃ 怕1。5祠﹁︷的.的.心︸ 祠一口因。川 104'J O ‘产J叭叭仇 C,,4 M c勺勺 护口、., lf}l0L-} 、,r协、-份产J cvc}C}I2 —;———卞一一1-}二-}一一1一屯二.二厂1一一一i一一一一一1—- M M O O O 甲叫CO‘勺心丈) __O o C7 M0M M o0昌 C匀 以〕 O1 甲.闷 O00笃曹M M 日。﹃润‘00闷 尸、气产、、产‘、户‘气 c0嵘心,的 护护口、叭 c勺C7 lf} l.^} 、气.J、、~场、曰‘产曰 产声一‘产“叭产产叭产户卜 mI匀told c0 尸泊, c口 .0户丹1乃’刹 、-l曰与叼 口、口、 口C口 ‘~产曰、,产r ︷的叭华 ︷的.的︸ ︷中叭票 ︷的.寸︸ *{寸.的︸ ︷心叭叩︸ |以映俘!1一,!se|卜||1一1|卜一1一|1泞博eeeewe一lsewe睡尸well一|卜|| ︷b叭认︸ 妞 、~, “匀 尸.叫尸叫卜卜 尸闷 ! 卜 Oq )卜 洲尸闷 !!尸叫尸叫 卜卜 护叫 I 卜 ︷的.仍叭半日目︵忿︶ 飞书获吵帕欢。幼|1卜闰闷国州日 M 闪洛飞 闪洛飞 们洛飞 凶洛。卜 与、训.卜 1/巴 卜 C刁 引洛。卜 。卜引 因洛t 凶洛卜 }rVG}7C7 一一}一}}二M}二}} 产八口、 口口 产夕.、 lqt ︷的叭耸 护‘卜产产一产八色产护,、 1口心,1口心, 口户叭口、护、 口心心心引口勺 、,产曰‘、目协产夕‘产夕 今2 r-11) 尹.八,产产,产产。、产‘气 10.:1。。10心户 .、口、.、口、 勺帅心ic i心 ‘份产夕、,产以、.产曰‘产J 办2今2饥勃 ︷的叭耸 叭耸︵句+匕 ︷的叭絮饥 .悠︵9卜+巴 卜忿︵00十匕 ︷的.心︸饥 ︷、.拿。 OM (, 以〕 .O ,.闷 00 甲叫 O ,.闷 嵘 口刁 日。渭。。工 牛 因洛。卜 与\训.卜 址/,2. 卜 CA 们洛t 们洛卜
305 TABLE VII REGULAR COMPOUNDS IN FOUR DIMENSIONS (怪14.3;cf.参3·6) (i) Self-reciprocal {5, 3, 3}[120 a4]{3, 3, 51 {3, 3, 51[5{3, 4, 3}]{5, 3, 3} {5, 3, 3}[5{p, q, p}]{3, 3, 5}* 2{5, 3, 3}[10{p, q, p}]2{3, 3, 5} ii) Reciprocal pairs ,朴J厅. l1I(lO、rJ户t 3}料洲歼:,53,,53, {3, 4, 3)[3 fi4]2{3, 4, 3} {3, 3, 51[15 }412{5, 3, 3} 5{3, 3, 5}[i5 }4110f,`), 3, 3} {5, 3, 31[75 t34]2{3, 3, 5} 8{5, 3, 3}[600041-16{3, 3, 51 {5, 3, 31[25{3, 4, 31飞5{5, 3, 3} {5, 3, 3}[5{p, q, r)]{3, 3, 5lt 2{5, 3, 3}[10{1, q, rl]2{3, 3, 5} 2{3, 4, 31[3 741{3, 4, 2{3, 3, 51[15 y4]{5, 3, 10{3, 3, 51['15 -y4]5{ 5, 3, 2{5, 3, 31[75 741{3, 3, 16{5, 3, 31[600 741813, 5{3 {5 ,3, 51[25{3, 4, 31]{3, ,3, 3}[5{r, q, p}]{3, 3, 2{5, 3, 3l[10{r, q, pl]2{3, (Vertex一regular but not y4[2 }4] (iii) Partially cell一regular) 8{5, 3, 31[20013, 4, 3}] {5, 3, 3l[5{3, 3, p}]丰 2{5, 3, 3l[10{3, 3, pl] regular (Cell一regular but not vertex一regular) [2 y4]月‘ [200{3, 4, 3118{3, 3, 51 [5{p, 3, 311{3, 3, 51丰 [10{p, 3, 31]2{3, 3, 5} *Here f p, q, p}stands for {5, 5,5} or{2,r, 5J 9 .,}· fi Here {1), q, r} stands for {3, 5, ,}or {5,,3} or{仑,3, 5 } 丰p=5 or· TABLE VIII THE NUMBER OFREGULAR POLYTOPES AND HONEYCOMBS IN 72 DIMENSIONS (INCLUDING STAR一POLYTOPES BUT NOT COMPOUNDS) 一一土一 ·I‘1 Honeycombs一丁一 21 3 4 0o 6 16 二下一丁 U
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314 REGULAR POLYTOPES Thompson 1.On Growth and Form.Cambridge,1943. [Thompson Threlfall 1. enbilder.Abhandlungen Physischen Klasse der Sachsischen Akademie 41·6(1932).(59 pp·) der Mathematisch- der Wissenschaften, Todd 1.The groups of symmetries of the regular polytopes of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 27(1931), pp —2.Polytopes associated with the general cubic surface. Proceedings .212一231. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 7(1932),PP.200一205. Tutte 1.On Hamiltonian circuits. matical Society,21(1946),pp.98 Journal of the LondonMathe- 一101. Tutton 1.Crystals。London, 1911. —2.Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement. London, 1922. Urech 1.Polytopes reguliers de l'espace a n dimensions et leers de rotations。Zurich,1925. van der Waerden.See Waerden. van Oss.See Oss. van Swinden.See Swinden. Vol.1. groupes Veblen 1.Analysis Situs (American Mathematical Society, Col- loquium Publications,5·2).New York,1931. Veblen and Young 1.Projective Geometry.Vol.1.Boston, 1910. von Staudt.See Staudt. van derwae呼en 1..夕ie班协ssifikat势der einfachen/ 7 ---乡ieschen Grup- pen·lvlatnematisene Geitscnritt,3'l(1933),PP.446一46. Weyl 1.Theorie der Darstellung kontinuierlicher halb一einfacher Grup- pen durch lineare T ran晌rmationen(11).Mathematische Zeit· schrift, 24(1926),PP.328一376. —2.The Classical Groups‘ Witt 1.枷iegelungsgruppen Princeton,1939. Ringe.Abhandlungen and Aufzdhlung halbeinfacher Liescher aus dem Hansischen Universitat, 14(1941), Mathematischen Seminar der pp.289一322. Woepke 1.Recherches sur l'histoire des sciences orientaux, d'apres des traites inedits arabes Asiatique (5),5(1855),pp.309一359. mathematiques chez les et persans.Journal hof 1.The rule of Neper in the four dimensional space.Konink- 1;;1,o e 17。ri。。;n、二0。'XATn+.cnYi c nh。。。。。+。e。c+nr}}。。prnnnn}};。no 0 2 —2.A relation between the polytopes of the (1918),pp.966一970. C60。一mily. Ibid. Zassenhaus 1.Lehrbuch der Gruppentheorie.Leipzig, 1937.
INDEX ABBOTT, E.A.,119, 236 ABEL, N. H.,55, 311 Abstract group, 41, 43, 80 AB UL WA FA,73 Acute rhombohedron, 26 Acljoint, 177 Affine coordinates, 180一184, 189, 213, 218一219;geometry, 27-28 a一form, 175一178 ALEXANDROFF, A.D.,28 Algebra, 167一178 Alice through the looking一glass, 7.5 Alternating group, 43, 48, 106 Alternation, 11,154一156, 201 Analogy, 118一124 Analysis situs, 14, 165 ANDREIN1, Angelo, 69,一70, 74 Angle of a polygon, 2, 94 Angular deficiency, 23 Antiprism, 4, 5, 14, 45, 255 Apeirogon{,},45, 58, 296 APOLLONIIIS of Perga, 30 Archimedean solids, 30, 117, 259 ARCHIMEDES of Syracuse, 3, 30 Area of a polygon, 2, 3, 94;of a poly- hedral surface, 22 Associative law, 39 Atoms, 7 4 Automorphism, 106 Axis of rotation, 47, 63 BURCKHARDT, J. J.,xi, 28, 56, 205 BURNSIDE, William, 164, 210 BADOL READ, A.,73, 115 BAKER, H. F., 210 BALL,认几W.R.,8, 10, 14, 27, 69, 92, 11-1, 163 BARLOW, William, 57 BARRAU, J. A., 288 BENTLEY,从几A.,1 BERTRAN D, J. L. F.,309 Bessel functions, 142 BIRKHOFF, Garrett, 38, 42, 169 Bitangents of a quartic curve, 211 Body一centred cubic lattice, 74 BOOLE, George, 258 Botany, 31 Boundary, 167 Bounding k-chain, 168一171 BRA DWARDINUS, 114 BRAIIANA,H.R.,11 Branch of a graph, 6 BRAUER, Richard, xi, 262 BRAVAIS, Auguste, 44, 56 BREDWARDIN, 114 BREWSTER, Sir David, 92 BR i}CKNER, Max, 16, 21,26, 31,74, 115, 117, 240 Calculus. integral. xi. 125. 144 CARTAN, Elie, 209, 211一212 Cartesian coordinates, 2, 3, 5?一53, 63, 70, 119, 122, 127, 133, 156一158, 205, 214- 216,239一2409245一247 CATALAN,E.C.,259 CAUCHY, A. L., 55, 72, 114, 116, 309 CAYLEY, Arthur, 14, 56, 115, 116, 141, 172,309 Cayley numbers, 211 Cell, 68, 120, 127, 197 Cell一regular compound, 272 Central symmetry, 27, 91,225一226, 234, 238, 274一275;see also Inversion Centre, 2, 130 CESAxo, Ernesto, 128, 132, 144, 148, 150, 162;Giuseppe(E.'s brother), 74 Chain, 167一171 Characteristic equation, 214一216,219一221, 225;root, 214一216, 220;simplex, 137- 141,199;tetrahedron, 71, 282一287, 290;triangle, 24, 31,66, 109一111,290; vector, 214一216 CHASLES, Michel, 55 CHEBYSHEV, P. L., 222 Chess board, 50 Chlorine, 7 4 Chrome alum, 13 Circogonia and Circorrhegma, 13 Circuit, 166, 168 Circum一circle, 2;一radius, 3, 21, 133, 158, 161;一sphere, 16 CLIFFORD, IV. K., 217, 239 Close一packing, 7 0 Coherent indexing, 51, 59, 150一151 Collineation, 213 Colunar triangles, 112 Commutative law, 39 Complex numbers, 3, 64, 214一216 Compound, 47, 60一61, 95一100, 149一150, 268一272, 287一288, 305 Cone, 255 Configuration, 12, 130, 210一211 Congruent transformation, 33, 213一218 Conjugate, 42, 81,85一86, 208 Connected form, 175;graph, 6 Connectivity, 9 Content, 123一127, 141,161,183, 273, 293, 295 Continued fraction, 134, 160 Continuous group, 44, 204, 211一212 Contravariant, 179 Convex, 4, 126 315
316 REGULAR Coordinates;see Afne, Cartesian, Normal, Oblique, Quadriplanar, Tan- gential, Trilinear Copper, 7 4 Core, 98 Coset, 42 COURANT, Richard, 143 Covariant basis, 178;component, 179 COXETER, H. S. M.,30, 32, 52, 92, 97, 109, 117, 142, 162, 164, 199, 203, 209- 211,234, 262, 263, 270, 286-288 CROSBY, W. J. R., 185, 274 Cross, 121,251 Cross polytope },,, 121一122, 129, 136, 145, 149, 225, 244, 245, 254, 294 Crystal, ix, 13, 31,74;classes, 56;twin, 56 Crystallographic restriction, 63;solids,289 Cube y3一{4, 3}, 5, 152, 236, 298 Cubic honeycomb &n+1, 123, 136, 145, 156, 181,296;surface, 142, 211 Cuboctahedron, 18, 52, 69, 152, 298, 299 CURIE, Pierre, 57 CURJEL, H. +'., 144 Cycle, 40 Cyclic group, 41, 43, 54, 62, 77 Cyclotomy, 3, 14 POLYTOPES Double rotation, 216, 221, Dreams, prophetic, 260 Dual maps, 6, 60 DUDENEY, H. E.,14 DUNNE, J. `''V., 119, 260 Dupin's indicatrix, 15 DURER, Albrecht, 13 DU VAL, Patrick, 32, 56, 185, 211,212 DYCK, Walther, 92 do,94;dP, a,102一105;dl,,。,?·,273; see also Density Decagon{10}, and Decagram{气犷‘}, 277 Definite form, 173一174, 184, 189, 193 Degenerate polyhedron, 61;polytope, 123 DEL PEZZO, P.,211 Density, 94, 102一105, 263, 266, 1273, 282- 287, 290 DESARGUES, Girard, 14 DESCARTES, Rene, 23, 31,59 Determinant, Schlafli's, 134, 161,199; (j, k), 160, 273 DlcxsoN, L. E.,164 Digon {2}, 4 Dihedral angle, 22, 61,133, 136一141,154, 273, 281一284, 293, 295;group[川,46, 54, 62, 77,188, 1959 222;kaleidoscope,76 Dihedron {p, 2}, 12, 46, 67 Dipyramid, 5, 121 Direct product, 42, 44, 78, 188;trans- formation, 33, 213 DIRICHLET, P.G.L., 142 Discrete, 44, 76 Disphenoid, 15;see also Rhombic, Tetragonal Displacement, 33, 213一218 Dodecagon {12}, 1,246, 287 Dodecagram{誉},287 Dodecahedron {5, 3}, ix, 6, 49一53, 88, 96, 100, 237, 298一300;see also Elongated, Rhombic DONCHIAN, P. S., xi, xix, 242一243, 260, 262 DONKIN, tip'. F.,55 DON-NAY, J. D. H., xi, 37 Edge, 4, 120, 127 EINSTEIN, Albert, 186 Elements I1j, 68, 70, 127, 197 Elements, the four, 13 Elliptic functions, 62;geometry, 217 Elongated dodecahedron, 2,9, 257 ELTE, E. L.,164, 210 Enantiomorphous, 33, 141,213 Enneagon {9}, 1 Equator, 67, 73 Equatorial polygon {h}, 18, 90, 275一278 Equilateral zonohedra, 28一29 Equivalent points, 76 Etruscan dodecahedron, 13 EUCLID of Megara, ix, 1,13, 30 Euclidean geometry, 119, 171,235 EULER, Leonhard, 55, 166, 311 Euler's Formula, 9, 58, 104, 114, 132, 165- 172, 203一2049 232, 263, 273;function, 94;theorem on rotations, 37 Eutactic star, 251一257, 261;see also Normalized Even face, 7;permutation, 40, 49 EWALD, P. P.,181 Existence of star polytopes, 282 Expansion and contraction, 210 Extended polyhedral groups, 82 Face, 4, 127;see also Even, Odd Face一centred cubic lattice, 74 Face一regular compound, 47 Faceting, 95, 98一100, 267一270, 302一304 Factor group, 43 FEDOROV, E. S.,31,057}749257 FERMAT, Pierre de, 14 Fibonacci numbers, 23, 31 Finite Differences, 258 Five cubes, 49, 100, 240;octahedra,49一5 50, 98一100,303}304;tetrahedra, 49, 98一100 FLATHER, H. T., 32, 97, 117 Flatland, 98, 119, 236 FORCIIHAMDIER, G., 144, 165 FoRD, L. R.,56, 105 FORDER, H. G., xi Forest, 6 Form;see Quadratic Four一colour problem, 14 Fourth dimension, 118一123, 141,258 FRANKLIN, C.H.H.,29 Free product, 75
rNDEX 317 Frontispiece, 243, 249, 286 Function, 40;see also Bessel, Elliptic, Euler's, Gamma, Hypergeometric, Schlafli Fundamental region, 63, 76一87, 188, 194- 197, 200, 205一212, 297 g,,,,,,82,91;9尸.。,…,,,.,130一133,141一144, 149, 153, 232, 290 GALOIS, Evariste, 55 Gamma function, 125 Garnet, 31 (iAUSS, C. F.,14 Gaussian integers, 64, 164, 211 (a eneralized kaleidoscope, 187·212; Petrie polygon, 91,2A23 Generating relations, 41, 75, 77, 80, 188 Generators, 41 Genus, 10, 105 (,ERGONNE, J GLAISHER, J. .D.,73 、\ 164 Glide一reflection GOGH, Vincent (g'old, 74 Golden section, ’.L., ,36; Van, 37, 221 143 HERON of Alexandria, 30 HERSCHEL, A. S., 8 HESS, Edmund, x, 31,56, 73, 74, 92, 115一117, 263, 286, 287 HESSEL, J. F. C.,57, 116, 286 HESSENBERG, Gerhard, 186 Hexagon {6}, 1,277 HILTON, Harold, 37 HINTON, C. H.,119, 236, 258;James, 258 If 1RSCH, Meier, 31 Honeycomb, 58, 68, 122, 127, 171一172, 264, 288, 296;see also Cubic HOPPE,Reiiihold, ix, 144, 165 HOUDINI, Harry, 119 HUMPHREYS,、\’.J.,1 120一cell {5, 3, 31, 153, 157, 162, 240,269, 292 If URWITZ, Adolf, 164 Hvnerbolic veometrv. xi。109. 171 且yper一cube, 116, n『 l;see acso measure polytope Hypergeometrie functions, 142 Hyperplane, 120 Hyper一sphere;see Sphere HYPSICLES, 30 162 pn,(碑 u]5 gl’o{3,300 八OX GORDAN COSSET, P.A., 30, 52, 109, 11 Icosag Icosah on {20}, 287 Thorold, x, edral 47一50, 162一164, 202一204, 210, COURSAT, Edouard, 1, 280一281,284, 286 Graph, 6, 84一88, 191一2029 GRASSMANNT, Robert, 141 Great dodecahedron {5, 274 144, 150一153, 211,259 116, 209, 216, Icosahedron 251,298, 5 52, also 98 88, 97, 117, 237 s已e Rhombic 280一285 Grent lcosa- 升 hedron {3,},and dodecahedron{b,31, Great 9一98, stellated 100 Great stellated triacontahedron, 102一103 Group, 41;see also Cyclic, Dihedral, Abstract, Alternating, 1cosahedral, Infinite, Octahedral Rotation, Orthogonal, Polyhedral, Space metry, Symplectic, gonal, Unimodular Groups generated by 280, 285, 297 Symmetric, Sym- Tetrahedral, Tri- reflections, x, 196 AOO JJJ 11,15, 19, 61,67, 73, 91,102, 108一109,221, 225一234, 243, 278 1111。,155, 201 HADWIGER, H.,251一252, 261 HAECKEL, Ernst, 13 Half-measure polytope 1i-,, 155一156, 158 Half-turn, 34, 36 HAMILTON, Sir W.R.,7, 14, 55, 56, 309 HAt SSNER, Robert, 94, 96, 114 HA i'Y, R. J., 63 HEATH, Sir T. L.,13, 30, 92, 114, 115 HEAWOOD, P. J.,14 HEDRICK, E.R.,310 Helical polygon, 45, 91 Heptagon {7}, 114 HERMES, Oswald, 14 Icosian game, 8 Icosidodecahedron, 18, 50, 53, 298, 299, 303, 304 Identity, 34, 39 Image, 75 Incidence matrix, 166一171 In一circle, 2 Indefinite form, 173 Index of a subgroup, 42 Indexing;see Coherent Indices of a crystal, 186 INFELD, Leopold, xi, 56 Infinite groups, 192一1961 205 Inner product, 178一184 In-radius n_1R, 3, 21, 161;一sphere, 16, 257 Integral calculus, 125, 144;Cayley num- bers, 211;quaternions, 164, 211 Intuition, 119 Invariant, 40, 214 Inverse, 39 Inversion, 37, 91,225;see also Central Iron, 74 Irreducible group, 188 Isolhedral一isogonal polyhedra, 116一117 Isometric projection, 243 Isomorphic groups, 43;polyhedra, 106- 107;polytopes, 265一267, 277 GOBI, C. F. A., RDAN, Camille, UFFRET E.P., C. G. J.,142
318 REGULAR POLYTOPES Kaleidoscope, Generalized, Trihedral 92 see alsoDihedral Prismatic, Tetrahedral k一chain and k一circuit, 167, 168一171 KELVIN, Lord, 35, 37, 38 KEMPE, A. B., 14 KEPLER, Johann, 14, 29, 31,47, 56, 73, 114, 310 Kepler一Poinsot polyhedra, 96一111, 263- 265, 269 Kinematics of a rigid body, 33一55 KLEIN, Felix, vii, 12, 56, 82, 92 K6NIG, Denes, 9 K6nigsberg bridges, 14 KOWALEWSKI, Gerhard, 26, 50 KRONECKER, Leopold,. 174 NEPER;see Napier Net, 10, 13, 236, 259 NEVILLE, E. H., xi, 118 NIGGLI, Paul, 73 NOBLE, C. A., 310 Node of a graph, 6 Non-existence of star一honeycombs, 285 Non一singular star, 27 Normal coordinates, 183,* 220 Normalized eutactic star, 251一254 Notation, 290 Null graph, 198;polytope 11_1, 128, 166 Nullity, 175 Number of elements, 13, 72, 131一132, 149, 153, 267, 274} 292, 294;of reflections, 68, 227 LAGRANGE, J. L., 55 Lattice, 62, 74, 122, 181,205一207;see also Reciprocal LEIBNIZ,G.W.,31 LEONARDO of Pisa, 31 LEvi, F.W.,41,43 LHUILIER, S. A. J.,14 LIE, M. S., 211一212, 313, 314 Linear group, 212;transformation, 213 Line of symmetry, 65一68, 86 Lines on the cubic surface, 211 LISTING, J. B., 14 LOBATSCHEWSKY, N. I., ix LUCAS, Edouard, 1,8, 31,115, 135 LUKE, Dorman, xi LYCHE, R-. Tambs, 185 Oblique coordinates, 64, 182, 187, 189 Obtuse rhombohedron, 26 Octagon {8}, 243 Octahedral group, 47 Octahedron f'3一{3, 41, 5, 50, 52, 121,150, 198}247,250,298一301,304 Odd face, 7;permutation, 40 Opposite transformation, 33, 213一216 Order of a group, 41,202一209;see also 9a),。,etc. Orthogonal group, 212;matrix, 288; projection, 243一262;transformation, 213一221,261 Orthoscheme, 137一143, 199, 210, 223 Orthotope, 123 Oss, S.L. van, iv, 115, 249, 260, 265, 266, 274一280, 286一287 MACLANE, Saunders, 38, 42, 169 MAHLER, Kurt, 185 MANNING, H.P., x, 136, 141 Map, 6, 58, 64, 232 Matrix, 12, 166一171,1759 210 MAUROLYCUS of Messina, 30 MCSHANE,E.J., 307 Measure polytope y, 123一124, 129, 136, 145, 150, 155, 239, 244, 255一258,262}294 Metrical properties, 158一162, 273, 293, 295 Mid-sphere, 16 MILLER, G. A.,56;J. C. P.,xi;W. H., 186 MINKOWSKI,Herma nn, 119, 185 Mirror, 175, 83;see also Reflection MOBIUS, A. F., 14, 56, 92, 116, 141 Models, 5,242-243,260,262;see also Plates MOORE, E.H., 199 MORE, Henry, 119 MORRIs, G. G., 310 Murder, 56 Music of the Spheres, xi, 283 Mysticism, 119, 258 {p}, 2, 94, 199; 69, 129, 136 [p], 77, 84;[p, q] 137, 1999 219 {p, q}, 5, 11;{pY q, rb ,82,290;[p} q9…,2v], Nl, No,, etc., 12, 132 vo, v1, etc., 58, NAPIER, Nature, 291 307 314 PAPPUS of Alexandria, 88, 92, 238, 269 Parallelohedron, 29, 257 Parallelotope, 122, 206 Parallel一sided 2n一gon, 28 Partial truncation, 154一156, 201 PASCAL, Ernesto, 222 Path, 80, 188 Pentagon {5}, 1,3, 243 Pentagonal dodecahedron;see Dodeca- hedron {5, 3} Pentagonal polyhedra, ix, 98, 104, 107, 289;polytopes, 266, 289 Pentagram{普},93一96, 114 Pentatope a4一{3, 3, 31, 120, 292 Period, 39 Permutation, 40, 46, 49, 222, 226 PETERSEN, Julius, 14 PETRIE, J. F., 31一32, 97, 116, 117;Sir `'N'. M. F.,31 Petrie polygon, 24, 61,90一99,102,108,223- 230,243一250, 270, 278一280,286一287,290 PEZZO, P. del, 211 hn,3l Jol3,
INDEX 319 Phyllotaxis, 31 PITSCH, Johann, 25, 115 Plane of symmetry, 65, 71,739 86, 130, 226一234 Plates, xix, 4, 32, 49,160,176, 243, 256, 273 PLATO, 13, 30 Platonic solids, 5, 20, 116, 289, 292 POHLKE, Karl, 261,313 POIxCARE, Henri, 14, 92, 118, 165一171 POIN SOT, Louis, 94一97, 114, 307, 309 Polar hyperplane, 126;zonohedra, 29, 256 POLY A,f' eorge, Polygon, 73, 124 see also Helical, Petrie, Regular, Skew, Star- Polyhedral groups, 47, 55 Polyhedron, 4;see’also Isohedral一iso- gonal, Kepler一Poinsot, Platonic, Quasi- regular, Regular, Star- Polytope, ix, 118, 126;see also Null, Pentagonal, Regular, Spherical Positive definite form, 173一17 4,184,189,193 Prism, 4, 123一124, 255 Prismatic kaleidoscope, 78, 190 Product, 38, 124;see also Direct, Free, Inner or Scalar, Rectangular, Vector Projection, 236, 241一262;see also Isometric, Orthogonal Projective geometry, 12, 28, 211 PUCHTA, Anton, 136, 144, 164 Pyramid, 4, 120, 123 PYTHAGORAS, 16 Pythagoreans, ix, 13, 114 Quadratic form, 142,173一179, 192;see also a一form, Definite, Indefinite, Semi-definite Quadriplanar coordinates, 183 Quadrirectangular tetrahedron, 71, 84, 137一142, 282 Quartic curve, 211 Quasi一regular honeycomb, 69, 88;poly- hedron,18,100一101,107;tessellation,一60 Quaternions, 164, 211 Quotient group, 43, 205 ,OR, 1R, etc.;see Radii RADEIIACHER, Hans, 31,313 Radii of a polygon, 2;polyhedron, 16, 293; polytope, 130, 159, 161,273, 293, 295 Radiolaria, 13 Rank of a matrix, 169一171,175 Ray, 7 5 Reciprocal honeycombs, 70, 153, 205; lattices, 181, 207;polygons, 94;poly- hedra, 17, 89;polytopes, 126, 127, 140, 200, 265一266, 269一272;properties, 17, 141,275;tessellations, 60 1 kectangular product of polytopes,124, 202 Recurrence, 23, 126, 134, 160 Reducible group, 188 Reflection,34,75一92,182,187, 213, 217一230 Region;see Fundamental Regular honeycomb, 68, 129, 136, 182, 198,296;map, 11;polygon, 2, 45, 93, 199;see also Apeirogon, Decagon, Digon, Dodecagon, Enneagon, Hepta- gon, Hexagon, 1cosagon, Octagon, Pen- tagon, Square, Triacontagon, Triangle Regular polyhedron, 5, 16, 199, 292;see also Cube, Dodecahedron, 1cosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron Regular polytope, 128, 136, 198, 209, 292- 295;see also Cross polytope, 120一cell, Measure polytope, Pentatope, Simplex, 600一cell, 16一cell, Tessaract, 24一cell Regular tessellation, 59, 296 Relativity, 119 Rhombic disphenoid, 15, 116;dodeca- hedron, 25一26,31,70,256;icosahedron, 29, 256;tessellation, 60;triaconta- hedron, 25一26, 49 Rhombicosidodecahedron, 117, 259, 299 Rhombohedron, 26 Ribbon, 230 Rlcci, M. M. G., 186 RICHELOT,F.J., 14 RICHMOND, H. W., 14, 142 RIEMANN, Bernhard, 14, 116 Riemann surface, 104一105, 110 Ring, 124;see also Torus ROBINSON, G. de B., xi, 92, 210, 239 ROBSON, Alan, xi RODRIGUES, Olinde, 55 ROHRBACH, Hans, 185 Room, T. G.,211 Rotation, 34, 47, 63, 124, 187, 215一221, 224, 243;see also Axis, Double Rotation group, 45, 53一56, 62, 108 Rotatory一reflection, 37, 57, 91,221 ROUSE BALL, W. `V.;see Ball RUDEL, K., 144, 165 RUFFINI, Paolo, 55 Salt, 13, 74 Scaffolding of a graph, 9 Scalar product of vectors, 178一184 SCHLAFLI, Ludwig, ix, x, 14, 31,114, 118, 135, 136, 141一144, 162一165, 172, 2119232一234, 251, 261一264, 285一287,307 Schlafli function, 142一144, 213, 232, 234; symbol, 14, 69, 87, 116, 129, 138, 146- 148, 155, 275, 286 SCHLEGEL, Victor, xi, 10, 144, 243 Schlegel diagram, 10, 242 sCH6NEMANN,P.,52 SCHONFLIES, A.,57 SCHONHARDT, E., 306 SCHOUTE, P. H.,16, 56, 124,141,163, 164, 2059 211,233, 235, 239, 270, 287, 288 SCHUBERT, Hermann, 235 SCHUR, Friedrich, 311 SCHWARZ, H.A.,56,92,112一113} 116} 2619 12 8 0一284,2 9684, '4d
320 REGULAR Screw一displacement, 37 Section, 236一240, 298一304;see also Golden Self-conjugate subgroup, 42 Self-reciprocal polygon, 95;lattice, 211 Semidefinite form, 173一178, 184, 189, 192一193 Semi一regular polytope, 15.2, 162, 210 ShadoNv, 236, 240一258 Simplex a,,,120-121,129, 136, 141159 225, 24.1, 245, 250, 294;、。。also Character- istic, Spherical Simplicial subdiv ision,130, 138, 2(一)(;,228, 229, 285 Simplified section, 238 Simply一connected, 1,9, 171 Singular point on a surface, 212 Six一dimensional polytope 221, 202一203 600一cell {3, 3, )1,153,157, 163, 167, 239, 247一2-x9, 290, 270一2 7 2, 292 16一cell }4一{3, 3, 4},121一122, 129, 136, 149, 244,254,292 Skew polygon,,1;polyhedron, 32 Small stellated dodecahedron{垂,5},96- 98, 100 Small stellated triacontahedron, 102一103 Snowflake, 1 Snub 24一cell s{3, 4, 3}, 151一153, 157, 162- 163, 166 Sodium atoms, 74;sulphantimoniate, 13 SOHNCKE, L. A.,5 7 SOMJIERVILLE, 1). Al. Y.,h, ti, 9, 10, 12, 15, 118, 122, 124, 134一137, 166, 238 Space groups, 5 7 Space一time, 119 Special subgroup, 191,205 , SI:EisER, Andreas, 7 3'EISER, Sphere, 119, 125一12G;see also Circum一, In一,Alid- POLYTOPES STRINGHAM,W.I., 15, 136, 143, 165 209 STUDNICRA,F.J.,222 Subgroup, 42 Summation convention, 174 Surface, algebraic, 211,212 Surface area, 22, 119, 125, 293 SWARTZ,C.K.,56 SWIND EN, J. H.van, .30an, . SYLVESTER, J. J.,14 Symmetric group, 43, 49, 133, 199, 222 22《1 Symmetry group, 44, 130一133, 172, 187 199, 210, 225一227, 253一256;operation 44, 253;vector, 251 Symplectic group, 212 Spherical 141,2?g 137一138 28.1一285, excess, 23:lio ;polygon, 3, 24 ney comb, 137- ,81;polytope, simplex, 137一143, 191 291;tessellation, 64一68, 291;tetrahedron, xi, 139, 142, 284;triangle, 24, 109一113, 135, 140 Square {4}, 2, 121 Star, 27, 251一258;see also Eutactic Star一polygon, 93一94;一polyhedron, 111, 264一265;一polytope, 263一287 STAUDT, G. h. C. vorn, 1,9 STERNER, Jakob, 142 196, 228, 280- 138- 9 T, 22 TAIT, P. G.,14, 35一38 Tangential coordinates, 180, 186 TAYLOR, Sir G. 1.,259 Ten tetrahedra, 45, 98一100, 270 Tessaract Y4一{4, 3, 31, 123, 237, 292 Tessellation, 58一689296 Tetragonal disphenoid, 15, 71,84, 116 Tetrahedral group, 47; kaleidoscope, 84, 92 Tetrahedrite, 56 Tetrahedron a3一{3, 31, 4, 52, 120, 167一171, 299一301;see also Characteristic, Quad- rirectan,uular, Spherical, Trirectan-aular 工HEAETETUS of Athens, 1_3 THOIrpsoN, Sir D'Arcy 11'.,13, 29, 31 THOmsoN, Sir William;see Kelvin THRELFALL, William, 11,116 TIirAEUS of Locri, 13 Time, 119, 260 TODD, J. A., 92, 139, 1999 211,233 Topology, 6一11, 81, 154, 165一172 Torus, 10, 11;see also Ring Transformation, 39;see also Congruent, ,Linear, Orthogonal Transitive group, 42 Translation, 34一38, 205, 217一218, 221 Transposition, 40, 222, 226 Tree, 6, 9, 1905, 212, 234 Triacontagon {30}, 349 Triacontahedron, 25一26, 49;see also Stellated STEINHAUS,Hug o, 6 31 48一51,56, 70, 83, 96, 98 acteristic, :{3},2, Spherical Triangle a2一{3}, 120 see also Char- STEINITZ, Ernst, Stella octangula, ellated dodecahedron, great or small 96一98,100;icosahedron, 59 varieties, 32 triacontahedron, great or small, 102一103 Stellating ST ST IEFEL ,95一98, 264一266 E.,211 OTT, Alicia Boole, ix, xi, 162, 163, 210 258一259;Walter, 258
INDEX 321 TuTTON, A. E.H.,13, 29, 186 94一。ell 13, 4, 3}, 148一154, 2245-2471 270- 272, 289, 292 LTnimodular linear group, 212 UREcH, Auguste, 286, 287 、一AN DER All’ AERDEN,B.L., 207 VAN f决 ocH, Vincent, 14.3 VAN 0SS, .5. L.,115 、一ANT SWIw,DENI .1'.H.,30 N'EBLEti-, Oswald, 12, 165 Veetcir, 2, 169, 178一1863}189,213一216, -2 4,1, 251一'157,261 WAERDEN,B.L. van der, 207 Walls of a fundamental region, 80, 188 WELLS, H. G.,119, 141 IVEYL, Hermann, xi, 186, 187, 204一2079 211一212 WHITEHEAD, A.N.,164 WIGNER, E.P.,63 WIJTIIOFF;seewythoff NVITT, Ernst, 92, 185, 209, 210 \`'OEPCKE, F., 73 NVYTHOFF, NV. A.,x, 71,87, 92, 110, 196一2041 210, 250, 260, 307 Veetor Vertex ]98, product, 180 YouNG, J. W., 12 fi n,ure, 16, 68, '128, 162一163, 172, 2:38, 274 Vertex一regular Virtual mirror compound, 47,268 :,75 ,102 G. K lel L. Volume, 4, 22, v U --NISTAL DT ,125, 14.2) 287, 293 C.,1,9 VOY -NICx, Et1 xi, 258 z1, z2,二,,176一178, 183-185, 190, 193一194, 205, 208, 212 ZASSENHAUs, Hans, 56 Zone, 26一29, 186, 257, 275 Zonohedron, 28, 106, 236, 255一258, 262; see also Equilateral, Polar
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