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Warm up
Discuss the questions in pairs or small groups.

Have you noticed your energy bills increasing recently?


Are there any power plants near your home?


Would you consider putting solar panels on your house? Why/why not?


Why do you think we still depend on fossil fuels like oil or gas?


Can you think of any advantages and disadvantages to solar power?

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HEAAADERLOGORIGHT INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2) SOLAR FLOWERS TO REPLACE COAL 2 Vocabulary focus Match words with the correct definitions. 1. reservoir (n) a. a natural or man-made lake where water is stored before being used by people 2. arrange (v) b. the basic systems and services, such as transport or power supplies, that a country or organisation uses in order to work effectively 3. float (v) c. produce energy in a particular form 4. generate (v) d. stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink 5. carbon-neutral (adj.) e. in which the amount of carbon dioxide produced has been reduced to nothing or is balanced by climate protection actions 3 6. resident (n) f. feel or express opposition to or dislike of something or someone 7. object (v) g. accept or start to use something new 8. infrastructure (n) h. put a group of objects in a particular order 9. adopt (v) i. a person who lives or has a home in a place Listening for specific information Listen to the report. Match the numbers mentioned with the things they relate to. 12 17 21 375 41 600 92,000 a. : the number of solar panels on the surface of a reservoir in South Korea b. : the number of giant flower shapes the panels have been arranged into c. : the length in miles of the reservoir d. : the amount of energy in megawatts that the floating panels can generate e. : the amount of energy in gigawatts that South Korea will need to produce to become carbon-neutral f. : the amount of energy in gigawatts that solar power is currently responsible for in South Korea g. : the amount of energy in megawatts that a solar power plant in India hopes to generate FOOOOTERLEFT Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Maria School's lessons. 2/7
HEAAADERLOGORIGHT INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2) SOLAR FLOWERS TO REPLACE COAL 4 Listening for comprehension Listen to the report again. Mark the statements as true, false or not given. 1. The panels South Korea has placed on a reservoir have allowed the country to meet its renewable energy targets. 2. The solar panels can be seen from the air. 3. The flower-shaped panels are in danger of floating away. 4. The Green Energy Institute has said that there are many benefits to investing in floating solar power. 5. Residents may object to power plants being built in their area for various reasons, including tourism being damaged. 5 6. Floating solar power panels can help to avoid problems with residents. 7. The technology is only being adopted by Asian countries. Reading: general vocabulary Match the words and phrases in bold with the correct definitions. 1. During the pandemic, many clubbers have been unable to go out as much as they used to. 2. My city is adding more cycle lanes in an effort to be more eco-friendly. 3. Some tennis players wear pieces of cloth around their heads in order to absorb sweat. 4. We went camping during winter once, and had to huddle around a fire because of the cold. 5. Some scientists are trying to work out how to harness the power of the sea in order to generate energy. 6. Having a good ventilation system is important if you aren’t able to open your windows and doors. It can help to prevent viruses from spreading. a. collect and control something so that it can be used effectively b. come close together in a group, for example, to stay warm c. parts of the road that only bicycles are allowed to use d. people who go to nightclubs e. take something in, especially gradually f. the movement of fresh air around a closed space Now, complete the short text with the correct words from Part A. You may need to change the form of the words. FOOOOTERRIGHT Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Maria School's lessons. 3/7
HEAAADERLOGORIGHT INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2) SOLAR FLOWERS TO REPLACE COAL My city is becoming greener every day, and I love it! I used to commute to work by car, and sometimes it would take hours. The roads were full of vehicles and the air was thick with 1 pollution. Offices needed to have good systems to deal with the poor air quality. A few years ago, the local government changed and things started to improve. 2 They started to add 3 and even a special type of train which the power of the sun rather than using traditional fuel. A few months ago, I sold my car, and now I walk to work instead. As well as being the healthier option, it allows me to 4 the sights, sounds and smells of the city. On my way to the office, I can smell fresh coffee beans from the little cafés on street corners. Over the winter, I would see people Sometimes, early in the morning, I walk past 5 together outside bars on my way home. 6 returning to their apartments. We share a look, and I smile and remember my younger days. Discuss these questions in pairs. 6 1. Has your workplace changed its ventilation system due to the pandemic? 2. Does your city have many cycle lanes? Would you rather cycle to work, or drive? Reading for general understanding You are going to read a text about strange ways of generating energy. Scan the text quickly and match the methods mentioned with the correct heading. One method cannot be matched to any of the headings in the text and should be marked ‘Not given’. a. Using leftover food material b. Using the power of the sun c. Using energy created by movement d. Using the power of the ocean e. Using something similar to a plant FOOOOTERLEFT Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Maria School's lessons. 4/7
HEAAADERLOGORIGHT INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2) SOLAR FLOWERS TO REPLACE COAL Strange energy Unusual ways of generating energy Dancing 1. Fuel from waste A popular way of keeping fit and having fun around 4. the world, dancing could also help to solve the energy traditional fossil fuels, such as oil or gas. By using crisis. Clubs in Japan have experimented with special waste material, for example, leftover coffee beans dance floors that generate a type of kinetic energy or fat from chocolate production, vehicles can be using crystals. While this sounds a little strange, there powered and homes can be heated. Using leftover has already been a success in creating lighting effects materials from food production is a good way to avoid through the movement of clubbers as they enjoy a some of the disadvantages of biofuel production, Saturday night out. Imagine being able to create your including the high cost of growing special crops and own disco lights with your dance moves! 2. Biofuel is one of the more promising alternatives to associated pollution. However, most kinds of biofuel Glowing roads will contribute to global warming, even if they are less Also known as smart roads, this technology involves destructive than traditional fuel sources. covering roads and bicycle paths with a special light- Algae sensitive material. The technique has been used in the Netherlands, in which cycle lanes absorb solar 5. A tiny organism that can be found in sea and energy during the day and, using the collected power, freshwater around the world, algae could be a glow at night, reducing the need for street lights. potential solution to our energy problems. With a Smart road tech could also power electric cars with high heat content compared to food sources such as glass solar panels, although replacing road surfaces sugar or corn, algae could have many applications, around the world could take quite a while! including use as biofuel to power planes or cars. These plant-like organisms use a natural process to Body heat convert sunlight into energy, creating fatty acids and 3. Human bodies let off a lot of heat. Just think of the nutrients which, in turn, can be converted into fuel. last time you were feeling cold, and huddled with This alternative energy source has been studied for a loved one for warmth. A crowd of people can over 50 years, and could offer a reliable method turn a nightclub in winter into a sweaty, unpleasant of generating power. Drawbacks include additional experience. In Stockholm, engineers have figured out ingredients, like fertilisers, which may not be easy to a way to harness the body heat of people commuting get hold of, and a large amount of land and water to work. The city’s railway station has been fitted that is necessary in order to grow the organism at an with a special ventilation system that captures this industrial level. collected heat and transfers it to a nearby office 6. building. Sources: Bloomberg, BBC, goodnewsnetwork.com FOOOOTERRIGHT Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Maria School's lessons. 5/7
HEAAADERLOGORIGHT INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2) SOLAR FLOWERS TO REPLACE COAL 7 Reading comprehension Read the article again. Complete the sentences with between ONE to THREE words from the article. 1. the energy As well as being popular as a method of keeping fit, dancing could help crisis. 2. Clubbers enjoying a Saturday night out have been able to create 3. Smart road technology can involve by moving. roads and cycle lanes with a special light- sensitive material. to be powered with glass solar panels. 4. The technology could also allow 5. Too many people can make a trip to a nightclub a sweaty, 6. A method of harnessing commuters’ body heat has been discovered by 7. By using experience. in Stockholm. from coffee or chocolate production, homes can be heated and vehicles powered. 8. Most kinds of biofuel tend to be less 9. Found in both 10. There are some 8 than traditional fuel sources. environments, algae could be a solution to the energy crisis, , such as the need for additional ingredients like fertilisers. Talking point In pairs or small groups, discuss the following questions. 1. Which method of generating energy do you think was the most unusual from the list? 2. Which of the methods on the list do you think would be the most/least successful as an energy solution? 3. Can you think of any other strange methods of generating energy that should be on the list? 4. Should we focus more on reducing our energy needs, rather than looking for solutions to the problem? 5. Do you think that all of our energy will come from renewable sources in 100 years, or will we still be using fossil fuels? 6. Is your country becoming more green, or less? 7. Do you think that people, in general, are more interested in environmental issues than they were 30 years ago? FOOOOTERLEFT Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Maria School's lessons. 6/7
HEAAADERLOGORIGHT INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2) SOLAR FLOWERS TO REPLACE COAL 9 Extended activity: post-reading/scientific vocabulary Complete the definitions of the words below by filling in the gaps with the correct words from the list. added to soil animal sources electricity extremely small found moving need water 1. biofuel (n): fuel made from plant and 2. fatty acid (n): an acid that is 3. organism (n): a living thing, especially one that is 4. fertiliser (n): a substance 5. kinetic energy (n): energy that an object or system has because it is 6. algae (n): very simple, usually small plant-like organisms that grow in or near 7. nutrient (n): any substance that plants or animals and used in engines in fats and oils to make plants grow more successfully in order to live and grow 8. solar panel (n): a device that changes energy from the sun into Part B: Complete the sentences with the correct word from Part A. to power cars. 1. In some countries, sugar is used as a 2. It’s important to make sure that your diet contains all the necessary 3. Fitting 4. Some electronic devices use 5. Some very small fish eat 8. to your home can be expensive, but may save you money in the long run. to recharge themselves as you walk or run. to survive. can be found in many garden centres. 6. 7. . Some are so small that you can only see them with a powerful microscope. can be found in fish, fruit and nuts, among other food groups. FOOOOTERRIGHT Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Maria School's lessons. 7/7