Author: McElmuray P.  

Tags: english  

ISBN: 978-1-4080-9692-5

Year: 2016

Ph»ll'p МсЕ^тнхау


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□ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING CENGAGE •* Learning’ Close-up A2 Teacher’s Book Phillip McElmuray Publisher: Gavin McLean Editorial Manager: Claire Merchant Commissioning Editor: Kayleigh Buller Senior Development Editor: Alan Duty Editor: Adele Moss Head of Production: Celia Jones Content Project Manager: Melissa Beavis Manufacturing Manager: Eyvett Davis Cover Designer MPS Limited Text Designer: Wild Apple Design Compositor: Wild Apple Design Audio Producer: James Richardson Recorded at: Soundhouse Studios © 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. "National Geographic", “National Geographic Society" and the Yellow Border Design are registered trademarks of the National Geographic Society ® Marcas Registradas For product information and technology assistance, contact Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support at For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at Further permissions questions can be emailed to ISBN; 978-1-4080-9692-5 National Geographic Learning Cheriton House, North Way, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 5BE United Kingdom Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia. Mexico, Brazil and Japan. Locate your local office at Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd. Visit National Geographic Learning online at Visit our corporate website at a.---------------------------------------------------------------------- Photo credits Cover image: (front cover) ScubaZoo/Getty Images, (back cover) Karen Gowlen-Holmes/Getty Images Video credits Unit i:National Geographic Creative Unit 2: National Geographic Learning Unit 3: National Geographic learning Unit 4: Unit 5. National Geographic Learning Unit & National Geographic Learning Unit 7: National Geographic Learning Unit 8: National Geographic Learning Unit 9: National Geographic Learning Unit 10: National Geographic Learning Unit it: National Geographic Learning Unit 12: National Geographic Learning National Geographic Channel. To see more videos, please visit www.natgeotv ci Printed in Greece by Bakis SA Print Number 01 Print Year 2016
Contents Contents of Student's Book 4 3
Contents Unit Reading Vocabulary (topic vocab) Grammar 1 Who Am I? p 5-16 right, wrong, doesn't say, reading for main ideas numbers, dates, months, nationalities, family, word completion, identifying a set of words present simple, adverbs of frequency, question words, present continuous 2 Look At Me! p 17-28 multiple-choice, finding the information you need appearance & personality, prepositions past simple, used to, past continuous REVIEW 1: Voc;ibu!ary & Grammar p 29-30 3 _ot's Get Together p 31-42 multiple-choice & matching, understanding the context party & technology, phrasal verbs, multiple-choice sentences, identifying collocations present continuous for future plans & arrangements, prepositions of time, place, direction & prepositional phrases, open cloze, choosing the correct preposition 4 A Day in the Life p 43-54 » multiple-choice, finding the right part of the text quickly everyday jobs, shopping, money & food be going to & will, countable & uncountable nouns, quantifiers REVIEW 2: Vocabulary &. Grammar p 55-56 5 Home Sweet Home p57-68 multiple-choice, justifying your answers home & room, phrasal verbs, open cloze, focusing on words before & after the gap present perfect simple, for & since, possessives, multiple-choice doze, identifying the kind of word you need 6 i he Place to Be p 69-80 multiple-matching, using context to understand sign? town 8< country, phrasal verbs, buildings, giving directions demonstratives, articles REVIEW 3: Vocabulary & Grammar p 81-82 7 Time Out! p 83-94 multiple-choice & matching, looking for connections (pronouns) hobbies, multiple-choice cloze, using prepositions conditionals: zero & first, gerunds & infinitives, open cloze, looking at the whole text 8 Personal Best p 95-106 matching, looking for words with similar meanings sport, collocations, phrasal verbs medals for advice, permission, ability, intention, necessity & obligation REVIEW 4: Vocabulary & Grammar p 107-108 9 Take a Break p109-120 10 Road Trip! p 121-132 right, wrong, doesn't say, checking lor enough information matching, looking for words with similar meanings holidays, word completion, looking for clues travel & transport, phrasal verbs, collocations relative pronouns, adverbs, open cloze, choosing the correct word type the passive voice: present simple & past simple REVIEW 5; Vocabulary & Grammar p 133-134 11 It’s Raining Cats & Dogs p135-146 multiple-choice & matching, understanding questions weather, open cloze, deciding what kind of word is missing comparative adjectives & adverbs, superlative adjectives & adverbs, open cloze, writing the correct word 12 The World Around Us p147-158 mulitple-choice, looking for specific information environment & animals, phrasal verbs, prepositions ordering adjectives, adjectives ending in -ing and -ed REVIEW 6: Vocabulary & Grammar p 159 160 Grammar Reference: p 161-169 Writing Reference: P170-175 Speaking Reference: p 176-177 4
Listening Speaking 1 Writing Video I «jap Illi (ilinluque), Il Ifinil 1 < III',li III lions asking & answering questions, giving details about yourself, talking about yourself completing a form, focusing on accuracy, understanding & completing forms Animal Families multiple choice, и li'iiiil^iiip the wiong answers asking & answering questions, giving a description of a friend, describing a person an email, writing about personality, answering all the questions, giving examples, describing personality & appearance Happy Elephants multiple choice (pictures), • hoo'.uui I he correct picture asking & answering questions, talking to a partner, asking for details about events, checking information a poster, writing important information, finding the correct information, expressing time, giving contact details Fat Tuesday multiple choice, пи li 1 1 Hiding what to listen for prompt cards, asking questions correctly, eating out, taking an order, ordering food 8< drink an informal email, using adjectives in emails, using short forms, punctuation & greetings, talking about plans, giving opinions, inviting A Grizzly Encounter niiiliiplc matching, 1. l>-iiiilyui9 the two incorrect options asking & answering questions, making your descriptions interesting, describing different rooms, describing my bedroom a note, explaining why, checking your spelling, making excuses The Horse Nomads of Mongolia ijnp til monologue, Ir.ieiiing lor days, times & numbers asking & answering questions, understanding what peop'e say, asking for & giving directions, checking understanding a formal email, using formal language, sequencing, describing a route One of a Kind mull lung, li .1. 1 hi и । lor clues prompt card activity, answering in complete sentences, giving detailed information an advert, making suggestions & persuading, understanding who & what, suggesting & persuading Mechanical Lizard Car lap till (monologue), .! din) for numbers & dates asking about likes, maxmg & responding to suggestions, asking about likes, giving advice, responding to advice a blog, using the correct tense using appropriate vocabulary, positive emotions & negative emotions A Muni Adventure iiullipli hoice (pictures), p Hu ) i<Mily lu listen asking & answering questions, getting information about places, asking about a holiday, describing a holiday a social media post, making your writing flow, using correct punctuation, greetings, saying where you are, arriving, talking about activities The Travelling Photographer gap fill (dialogue), I In in>4 the answers before prompt card activity, asking for & giving travel information an invitation, using modals, responding correctly to questions, inviting, accepting & declining an invitation, explaining why, responding to a request Travelling in India ‘in|i lilt (пнinologue), < i"iu| 1. о numbers, adjectives & ' HIIIIII II 1 W< III Is asking & answering questions, expressing differences & similarities, asking questions a postcard, using a variety of tenses, planning your answer, talking about present, past & future activities Snow on Tigers uiiilllple < hoice, ih< 1 in । boose the right option asking & answering questions, •formulating questions, wh- questions, other questions a report, structuring a report, readmg both texts, giving background information, recommending Mega Green Museum ' >| н 1. ikii iq Information for Student A: p 178 ' >| иг ikn iq Information for Student B: P179 Irregular Verbs: P 180-181 5
Introduction to Close-up Introduction to Close-up Welcome to Close-up, an exciting pre-intermediate course which brings English to life through spectacular National Geographic photography and facts carefully selected to appeal to the inquisitive minds of students. Course Components Close-up A2 Student's Book with online student zone The Student's Book is divided into twelve topic-based units. Each unit starts with a stunning photograph linked to the theme of the unit and a summary of the contents of the unit. There are five tWb-page lessons in each unit covering reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening & speaking and writing. The unit ends with a video page to accompany the National Geographic video clips found on the online student zone. The video clips are designed to expand students' knowledge of the world they live in, and the tasks in the Student's Book aid comprehension and further discussion of the topic. Each unit also contains: • tasks that actively develop students' reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. • Exam Close-up boxes and Exam Tasks that provide step-by-step advice and strategies for how to best approach exam tasks and have the opportunity to put the advice into practice. • UsefukExpressions boxes in the speaking & writing sections that provide students with appropriate language when doing communicative tasks. • plenty of opportunity for discussion of the topics in the Ideas Focus sections. Close-up A2 Student's Book also contains six reviews, one after every two units, which consolidate the vocabulary and grammar taught within those units. At the back of the Student's Book, there is a wealth of reference material. The Grammar Reference and Irregular Verbs list support the Grammar Focus within each unit. The Writing Reference provides a summary of the important points to remember for each genre of writing as well as a checklist. There is also a Speaking Reference, bringing the Useful Expressions presented throughout the course together in one place. In addition, the collocations, expressions, prepositions and phrasal verbs actively taught in the Student's Book are also listed for easy reference. The online student zone includes the Student's Book audio and video, and the Workbook audio available to download. Close-up A2 Workbook The Workbook accompanies Close-up A2 Student's Book. Like the Student's Book, it is divided into twelve units and six reviews. Each unit consists of reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening. Use your English and writing. The reviews include multiple-choice grammar and vocabulary items. The audio on the online student zone contains the recordings for use with the listening tasks. The Workbook's clear and simple format means that it can be used at home as well as in class. The Workbook is available with or without the Online Workbook. Close-up A2 Teacher's Book with audio + video Close-up A2 Teacher's Book provides clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and tips for teachers on how to make the best of the material in the Student's Book. The key to all tasks in the Student's Book and Workbook are included, along with the Student's Book transcripts with justification for the answers to the listening tasks underlined. The Teacher's Book also includes the Student's book audio (on CD) and video (on DVD). Close-up A2 online teacher zone The online teacher zone contains a comprehensive testing package in printable PDF format. The multiple-choice quizzes, one for each unit of Close-up A2 Student's Book, focus on the key vocabulary and grammar items presented in the unit. Progress Tests, one for use after every two units of Close-up A2 Student's Book, include a reading comprehension task, a writing task, as well as vocabulary and grammar tasks. There is also a Mid-Year Test (Units 1-6) and an End-of-Year Test (Units 7-12) that provide a written test covering reading comprehension and writing, as well as a listening test. There is a section of photocopiable vocabulary and grammar tasks which can be used with students who finish early in class, as a way of revising prior to a test, or as extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar. All keys to these tests are included. 6
The C.hi'.c up Л2 online teacher zone also includes the Workbook audio and transcripts, plus the Workbook lirtiiM wiih justification for the answers to the listening tasks underlined. In addition, there is a Student's Record t|t »< niiit'iii. which can be printed for each student, where test results can be recorded. Close up A2 Interactive Whiteboard Software ( /ом- up A2 Interactive Whiteboard Software includes content from the Student's Book, plus the audio and video. Hie Interactive Whiteboard has easy-to-navigate, interactive tasks, word definition functions, grammar animation and .1 -.<4 ins of games for further practice. lu'.iilic ation for reading comprehension and listening tasks is available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all i.r.k'. Closeup A2 Interactive Whiteboard Software also contains the Content Creation Tool, which allows teachers to «ionto their own interactive tasks to use in class, and is compatible with any interactive whiteboard hardware. I he Intin active Whiteboard is available on disk or downloadable from the online teacher zone. 7
'’J Who Am I? Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: Writing: right, wrong, doesn't say, reading for main ideas numbers, dates, months, nationalities, family, word completion, identifying a set of words present simple, adverbs of frequency, question words, present continuous, multiple-choice cloze, choosing the missing words gap-fill (dialogue), listening to instructions asking & answering questions, giving details about yourself completing a form, focusing on accuracy, understanding & completing forms Uni+ opener • Ask students to tell you what the title of the unit is. (Who am I?) Ask them what kind of sentence this is - a statement, a question or a command (a question). • Ask students to answer the question, prompting as necessary. (You are students. You are a student. I am a teacher.) • Ask them to say something else about themselves. Write the following words on the board: First name: Last name: Age: Town: Country: Interests: • Invite a student to come to the board to write their information to the side of the categories. • For the category of interests, encourage other students to complete this information with their own ideas. Get them to talk about either their own interests, or the interests of someone they know well. Write their answers on the board. • Ask students to look at the photo and to describe what they see (an African woman with a purple thumb). Ask students to read the caption, and explain any unfamiliar words to them. (Someone who is Maasai is part of a group of people who live in Kenya. Ink is what we use to write with. To register is to sign up to do something. An election is when you choose a leader.) • Ask the following questions and encourage students to guess the answers. Give them a few seconds to answer, prompting as necessary Why is the woman's thumb purple? (She wants to vote in a future election.) - What can you say about her interests because of this? (She is interested in her country and who leads it.) - What does this say about this person? (She cares about her country and her future.) - Do you think people should vote? Why? / Why not? - What does the person you vote for say about you? • Give students some background information on the photo if you like, using the information provided in the next column. Background Information________________________________ The Maasai of Kenya are a nomadic tribe of people; for hundreds of years they have resided within Kenya and moved round Kenyan lands as part of their cultural traditions. Recently, activists in Kenya have made efforts to get the Maasai to participate in government and be more of an integral part of the country by encouraging them to register to vote. It is especially challenging for women of the Maasai, as family customs mean it is the husband who often does the voting. For the Maasai women to register to vote, it is a powerful symbol of change in Kenya, and of hope that they too can shape their country's future. A ___________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Read through the activities in the yellow wordbank and ask students if they are familiar with any of them. • Explain to students any unfamiliar activities without giving away any answers. For example, with swimming, you can say it is a sport that happens in the water. • Ask students to do the task with a partner. Then check answers as a class. • Check that students have the correct answers in their books. Answers g 1 painting 4 swimming 2 photography 5 playing football 3 playing in a band 6 playing cricket В___________________________________________________ • Ask students to work with their partner again to talk about the activities in the photos that they like. • Encourage them to say why they like a particular activity and who, if anyone, they like doing that activity with. Elicit reasons for why a student does or does not like an activity. • If time allows, you can have a student come to the front of the class and write the activities on the board. Then, have the student ask the class to show their hands if they like a particular activity. Count the show of hands and write the number on the board for each activity. At the end, students can learn which activity is the most popular in their class. 8
____________________________________Answers » » Sliid<’hl,i* * own .inswors fciMi । "tnww<—щи-г, .. /^ае/ЛЛЛЛашшШЯЯШШШЯШШЯШЯШШШЯШЯЯШШШШШ c ___________________________ • I xpLniti i<> 'Undents that they are going to read an online । >f< >|ile A'.k •.Indents if they know what an online profile 14, лч>1 explain the concept if necessary. (It is a list of 4. пне < >1 youi personal details such as name, age, city, < ouitiiy and interests.) • Ask •.tudcMits to read the instructions, and check that il»«-y understand what they have to do. • Road through the words in the yellow wordbank and make sure students understand them. • lull '.indents they have one minute to do the task on their own. Then they will work with a partner to check ihrii answers. • M.rko sure all students have the correct answers once ihuy have completed the task. Answers e 1 Name 4 Pets 2 Aye 5 Hobbies / Activities 3 (’.ountry 6 Dream D •______________________________ • lull '.indents that they are going to look for information in .i -.hort text about a teenager named Lucky Mbele. I hey are not going to read the whole text just yet. • A-.k '.indents to look at the photo and to guess what the I oxi will be about without reading it (a young girl who I i/.-iy. football). • I h«»r» ar.k students to read the instructions, and check they understand what they have to do. • Л-.к ‘.tudents to look back at task C and ask them words from that task they need to answer the । |iiP'.tion in the instructions of task D (the words from ihrr wordbank). • A'.k '.tudents to work with a partner to answer the । |ut-.iion in task D. Check answers as a class. Answers e Nennu Lucky Mbele Age: 10 < ountry: South Africa I lobbies / Activities: art/drawing/painting/spending time* with her friends (at the beach, playing sport, •jiiiiki to I he cinema and to cafes) Ihenm: io become a well-known/famous artist Word Focus_____________________________________________ • Л<л %iiidi'nl'. to look at the words in red in the Word I .и ня 11<ix and then go back to the text to find the hull (oik o’i that contain those words. • i bvu Hudnnts work with a partner to guess what the win।h moan by reading only the sentences that contain iIioim I xpl.tin lo students that if they do not know the muuiuiKi ol a word, they can look within the rest of the nniitoiH n io try to work out its meaning. Let them know Ihal ii r. Im<‘ if they if they cannot figure out the meaning ..I 11 jo w< nJ (torn the sentence, but to try to guess rttiywny • After they have finished trying to figure out the mn.nnin< । of the red words, ask students to look at the Word I <>< us box again to see if they guessed correctly. Teaching Tip_______________________ Have students create a separate section in their notebooks for new words. Tell them to write down the new word, and to the side write a definition for the word in their own words in English. Their definitions can be a single word if the word has exactly the same meaning as the new word. Encourage them to write at least eight new words for every lesson and to review all of them every week. • Draw students' attention to the Exam Close-up box and tell them that these boxes are used throughout the book to give them tips about how to do specific tasks. • Have students look at the Exam Close-up and read the points aloud. • Check that they understand every point in the box. • Have students work with a partner to identify the main ideas of each paragraph in task D. Remind students that they are not going to read the text, but will only look for main ideas and key words. • Ask students to write key words for each paragraph in their notebooks. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have completed the task correctly. ______________________________Answers..^ Paragraph 1: name, age, town and country, hobbies, dream. Paragraph 2: friends, free-time activities, spurt. Paragraph 3: selling paintings as souvenirs, tourists. • Now explain to students that they are going to read the whole text and answer the questions in the Exam Task. • Have students do the task on their own, as it is an exam style task and students must get used to doing these task types individually as they would in an exam. Check the answers as a class. • Ask students about the photo again, and if what they thought at the beginning was true. (It was about a girl who plays football, but it was more about how she paints as a hobby.) 1A 2C 3B 4A 5B 6C 7B 8C G • Ask students to read the instructions, and check to make sure they understand what they have to do. • Have students work with a partner to answer the questions. Then check answers as a class. 9
Who Am I? G Ideas Focus • Read the Ideas Focus box aloud for students, and ask them to give their opinions about the questions • Make sure that students explain why they agree or disagree with an idea. If they disagree, encourage them to express what they do agree with. A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Explain to students that they have to write numbers in the gaps, but they do not need to do any maths. • Ask students to do the task individually, but check answers as a class. ___________________________......Answers^ 1 five, seven, twelve 2 eight, sixteen, twenty-four 3 ninb, twenty-nine, thirty-eight 4 nineteen, twenty-six, forty-five 5 twenty-one, thirty-eight, fifty-nine 6 thirty-three, forty-four, seventy-seven 7 eleven, eighty-five, ninety-six 8 forty-three, fifty-seven, а/one hundred • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Explain to students what a national holiday is. (It could be a day of independence, or to celebrate an important person or event.) Ask students what day is a national holiday in their country, or if they see their country in the table. • Ask students to do the task in pairs, with one student reading the date aloud and the other student writing the answer in the gap, in alternating roles. Answers g 1 the second of June 2 the twenty-fifth of March 3 the twelfth of October 4 the fourteenth of July 5 the fifteenth of February 6 the twenty-first of September 7 the first of December 8 the third of May 9 the first of August 10 the twenty-eighth of November C • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Do the task as a class, with students saying each month aloud and writing them in their notebooks. • Ask students which months of the year are not in task B. __________________ Answers g January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December January and April are not in B. D • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Look at the first item and ask students to identify which word in red is a noun and which is an adjective. • Ask students to do the task individually, but check answers as a class. • Have students look at the photo and talk about what they see. Ask them to try to guess which country the photo is from and what nationality the people from that country are. • Ask students to say as a class what country they live in, and then individually, what nationality they are, if time permits. f1 Greece, Greek 2 China, Chinese 3 Italy, Italian 4 Spain, Spanish 5 France, French 6 England, English 7 Switzerland, Swiss 8 The Netherlands, Dutch Answers • Ask students to read the instructions, and then ask one student to give you the name of another country. • Then ask the class, or another student, what the nationality is of a person from that country. • Write the countries and nationalities adjacent to one another on the board as students say them. Write as many as time permits. As a bonus, you could work with students to guess the names of every country in the continent in which they reside, and to guess the nationalities. Answers e { Students' own answers F • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud as a class before beginning the task. • Do the task as a class, with the students saying aloud what the answers are for each gap and which answers are correct for the last two questions. • Write the answers on the board as you go along. 1 grandma, granny 2 grandpa, grandad 3 mum, mummy Answers 4 dad, daddy 5 grandparents 6 parents • Ask students to look at the photo and talk about what Ihr-y A-.k them Io liy to use the words from the yn||<iw box in l.r.k I to say who some of the people in ill»? | illoll । • Л-.k wIik Ii two people are inthe photo that the words In nt। tank I do not describe. • Л-Л .hnlr-iit-. to read the instructions, and check that ihuy utidnp.l.tnd what they have to do. • Ituad t|i<* wotds in the yellow wordbank aloud as a class licfuto you begin the task. • A-.k .tudents to do the task individually, but check .iir.wris as a class. 1 1.unify 5 twins 2 *.ir.|er 6 surname 3 1 Mother 7 married 4 grandchildren 8 granddaughter 11 ______________________________________ • I the information in the Exam Close-up box to 3lin li-i its and explain anything they don't understand. I hon ask them to read the Exam Task instructions and । иi< Iodine the vocabulary topic for the task. Check the air.wui as a class. Answer lamily members I __________________________________________ • Aik -.Indents to look at the Exam Close-up box again. <io 11 m nigh the information in the box as a task. As you wink through the bullet points, ask students to look at u-.k I and identify what each bullet point is referring to. • A-.k -.indents to read the Exam Task instructions, and h<’< к that they understand what they need to do. • A-.l -.Indents to do the Exam Task individually, but check Ilin answers as a class. • When they have finished, ask students to say what the link r. between all the words (family members). uncle aunt cousin l 4 Will' husband Idea* Focus ___________________________________________________ • A-.k tain Innt', to look at the Ideas Focus box and explain that tlmy ,n«• going to talk about a time in their past, pt.iiuip% ,i niiinth ago, a year ago, or many years ago, Hint limy would like to go back to. • A ,k iitudniiii date they would like to visit and to h«| ilain why • think । -I a d.iti' yourself and ask if students would like ..i nil lik«’i<> go back to it. Ask them to explain why or why in it • I tl>n quote frown the second bullet point of the Mo n I in и-, box aloud to the class. Ask what students iIhi.I. jI.m.ii tl.r; idea and to say what is good or not l«.i<d .iIkhiI big and small families. • Write the following exchange on the board and ask students which is a sentence and which is a question. Then ask students to identify the question word, the verbs and the adverb of frequency. - How does your mum get to work? (question. How, does ... get) - She often takes the bus. (sentence, often, takes) • Revise the negative form of the sentence with the class A________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at sentences 1-4 and quickly identify the verbs in each sentence. • Tell them that all the verbs are in the Present Simple. • Do the task as a class and make sure students underline the verbs. ; .... , - .... . . 1 live 2 drives 3 freezes 4 go - ........................- В ______________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at task A again and go through each sentence, asking if it is a fact or a routine. • Ask students if they can think of other facts or routines. Write them on the board and encourage students to form full sentences. c • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Have students do the task individually. Then check the answers as a class. • Make sure all students have got the correct answers before moving on to the next task. ____________________ Do ... walk, don't walk, drives, don't have, walk, cycle auxiliary verb: do D__________________________________________________________ • Ask students for an example of an adverb of frequency that they have used in class already (often). • Write a line on the board, with 0% of the time on the left and 100% of the time on the right, and place often in the middle. • Ask students if they can name another adverb of frequency. Prompt them with answers (rarely, never, always) if necessary. • Ask them where the adverbs of frequency should go under the line, or point to the line and ask if a particular adverb of frequency goes there. • Have students do the task individually, and check the answers as a class, making sure all students have correct answers before moving forward. 10 11
Who Am I? ___________________________Дпа&£Г£>„<а 1 often 4 sometimes 2 never 5 always 3 usually 6 hardly ever • Ask students to read the instructions and the rule in task E. • Do the task as a class, and prompt students with the answers (after, before) if necessary. • Then ask students to write the adverbs of frequency on the line in their Student's Books, as was done on the board, but without looking at the board. Answers • before, after never (0%), hardly ever, sometimes, often, usually, always (100%) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check to make sure they understand what they have to do. • Have students do the task individually. Then check the answers as a class. • If time permits, ask students where the verbs are in the sentences. ______________________Answers.... a What time b When c Where d Who e What f Why G • Ask students to look back at task F and look at the question words in the sentences. • Go through 1-6 as a class and ask which question word from the previous task answers each question. Answers 1 who 4 why 2 what 5 when 3 what time 6 where Now read the Grammar Reference on page 161 (1.1 & 1.2) with your students. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they need to do. • Read the first question aloud with the class to check that they understand the task. • Have students form pairs, taking turns to think of the questions for the answers provided. • Check the answers as a class. Г7 2 3 4 Suggested answers Where do you usually go on holiday? What food do you like best? What time do you go to bed? How do you get to school? Who do you hang out with at break times? • Before moving on to task J, write the following sentences on the board. Ask students which sentence is in the Present Simple and which is the Present Continuous. Ask which sentence describes a routine, and which describes something that is happening right now. - Marco often studies in the library. (Present Simple; a routine) - Marco is studying in the library. (Present Continuous; happening right row) • Revise the negative and question forms of the Present Continuous with students, using the second sentence on the board. (Marco is not/isn't studying in the library. Is Marco studying in the library?) • Ask students to read the instructions and do the task individually. • Check the answers as a class and make sure all students have got the correct answers. Answers now, be, ;ng • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Have students do the task individually. Then check the answers as a class. f 1 we're living 2 We're lying; We're reading; listening Answers й 3 is working 4 We're studying 5 are making H • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they need to do. • Have students do the task individually. Then check the answers as a class. Answers 1b 2a 3b 4a 5b 6b L________________________________________________________ • Go through the task as a class and ask students to give you the answers aloud. • Read the first sentence in task К aloud, and then read each of the uses a-c in task L. Ask students to say yes or no after each use. • Continue with all the sentences as time permits, or ask students if a, b or c is the correct answer. Ask students to explain why they chose a particular use for the sentences. 12
N><w if »/ the Grammar Reference on page 161 (1.3) with yum '.hi< Ho careful!_______________________________________________ • Itortd the information in the Be Careful! box aloud wiili students • Wi Ho the following verbs on the board: hit, shop, let, hl <ltnp, sleep, listen. Ask students to form the Present < unlinuous with the verbs, and write their answers on llio bo.iid Be mindful with the words sleep and listen -.indents do not double the consonant. Ask them to oxpl.iin why we do not double the consonant for these vo| | >•. [We do not double the consonant if there are two v< >wo/s before the consonant, like with wear or read, or if the vt’ib has two syllables, like with answer.) • Wnui the following verbs on the board: lose, write, m.ikc, lake, have. Ask students to form the Present < oniinuous with the verbs, and write their answers on IIuj boaid. N • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box before task O. Read the information aloud to the class. • Then ask students to look at task О and ask them how many gaps are in the text (8). • Ask students to look at the first gap in the text. Write the first part of the first gapped sentence on the board (I (1)______enjoying ...) and ask students to try to guess the answer without looking at the answer choices. Then ask them to look down at the choices to see if their guess is there fC - am). If time permits, work through the second and third gapped sentences before moving on to the Exam Task. -_____________________- Students' own answers О _______________________________________________________ • Now ask students to complete the task individually. • Check the answers as a class and make sure students have chosen the correct answers. M _______________________________________ • Л%к -.tudents to read the instructions, and check that 11 iay understand what they have to do. • I l.iv<- students do the task individually. Then check ntr.weis as a class. 1C 2A 3B 4A 5A 6C 7B 8C Answers Answers 1 ue, studying 7 .пн», speaking .4 .mi having 4 .ini sitting 5 6 7 8 am taking is flying are chatting are not / aren’t feeling lunching Tip vmi < ould ask students to form Present Simple and pfubani ( Continuous sentences using classroom actions .iiul vrdr, such as sit, read, listen, talk, learn, use, do, etc. W- и.. ..ue of the verbs on the board and ask students to h.iiu .t I’f. .ent Simple sentence and a Present Continuous ’uiithiti. i. wiih each verb. Practise with question forms and Lis+enin4) A • Before you start the task, briefly talk about spelling names. Ask a student to come to the board to spell cuiullier sluder it's I cis I name. Ask a student in the class to give their last name and to spell it for the student at the board. The student at the board should write the letters they hear. Check that the rest of the class agrees with what they have written. Continue with another student as needed or as time permits. • Tell students that in this task, they are going to hear people give the names of people and places. • Begin the listening task and have students work individually. Check answers as a class. h...|hIivc foirns as well. t ‘.ontences could be: •It We sit at desks in < lass every day. land We often read books in the library. I to we listen to our Itwichers? talk We do not talk <luiing exams. We are sitting at our desks right now. We are reading sentences on the board. Are we listening to our teacher at the moment? We are not talking right now. 1 Leicester 2 Jack Gough 3 Vanessa Baxter —Answers 8 4 Faversham 5 Zayn Wood 6 Quentin Pimm • Explain to students that they are going to hear two words that sound alike or sound similar, but are spelt differently. • Make sure students know that they need to listen very carefully to how a name or place is spelt in order to choose the correct answer. • Have students complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers 1a 2a 3b 4a 5a 6b 13
Who Am I? Teaching Tip Work with the class to think of words that sound alike but are spelt differently. Prompt students as necessary with the following words by saying them aloud and asking students to spell the words aloud Write their answers on the board and check to see that all students agree. eight red ate read to two too your you're there their theyТе who's whose • Ask students to look at the sentences and underline the question words or phrases (When, What time. How much, Who). • Then read the phrases in the yellow wordbox aloud and ask students which question word will have that type of word as an answer. • Complete the task as a class and check answers as a class. 1 a date 2 a time ,., Answers 3 a price 4 a name • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box to the right of task D. Read the information to the students and check that they understand what it says. • Explain to students that they will listen to the instructions to the Exam Task first and decide if the sentences about the instructions are true or false before they do the Exam Task. Make sure students do not look at the Exam Task instructions and that they listen instead. • Have students do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1F 2T 3F 4T E____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the photo in the Exam Task and to say what the person is doing and where she might be. • Then ask students to look at the Exam Task and the five gaps in the task. Elicit from students what kinds of words they will need to listen for a name, number, date, etc. (name, number, date, time, price). • Remind students that they will hear the recording twice. Play the recording, pausing after the first question to allow students to write down the answer before continuing. Check the answer with the class; ask students to spell the name aloud and write the name on the board. Continue playing the recording, pausing as necessary. • Have students complete the gaps individually, but wait until after task F to check answers. F __________________________________________ • Play the recording again and ask students to check their answers with a partner. • When they have finished, check answers as a class. ________________________Answers.« 1 Franchetti 4 5.30 pm 2 10/ten 5 £90.50 3 21st Speaking A • Ask students to look at the two photos to the right of the task and to briefly describe the differences between the photos. Prompt students if necessary. (Photo A is a small family of three; Photo В is a large family of eight, with grandparents also.) • Ask students to read the instructions for the task, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Do the task together as a class. ______________________________Answers^© Photo A: 2, 4 I Photo B; 1, 3, 5 Sentence 6 could match both photos. В ♦ Explain to students that they are going to read some other students' answers to a speaking exam. • Ask students to work with a partner to decide which sentence in each pair is correct. • When students have finished, check answers as a class. ________________.Answers^ 1b 2a 3b 4b 5a c • Explain to students that for this task, they will think of the questions that go with the students' responses in task B. • Have students do the task individually, and check answers as a class. _________________________________Answers, 1 How many people are (there) in your family? 2 How often do you go to English school? 3 Which year are you in at school? 4 Do you watch TV every evening? 5 How often / When do you meet your friends? v ...................................-......------- Useful Expressions • llcloio you I >ri |iu task D, ask students to look at the I lii-hi| I box below the Exam Task. * Rca<| ihc Iic.hIhui ,ind the first expression aloud to the । l.i-.n < oifiplolr the lirst expression; then gothrough Hi» teinatnitKi nxpiessions and try to get students to । oni|ilol» ilinm hi to give you a different answer to the on»t< wullati iii the box. IJ __________________________________ • Лч1> -.t ।и Inni•, to look at the Exam Close-up box, and tjo ihiiiiiqh the information as a class. Make sure the utin Inni', understand each point. • A%|. vl-ulents to explain what each point means in their <>wn wonls, or to give examples. For example, ask itiid«mls what they should say about themselves that is nnl jir.t yes or no (where they're from, how old they are, h- iw liwf I heir family is, etc ). • A-.i. -.i-k louts to form pairs and look at the Exam Task. I -I -lain one student will be Student A and the othot will be Student B. They will take turns asking and ai -.wot и иj questions aloud with each other. Ask students Ач я • । iv, to come up with a question for the first couple . >1 pioniptr.. (Where do you live? Have you got any hinlhr-f; or sisters?) • Л-.1» ^indents to begin the task, and walk round the class t<> i lim к that students are participating in the task and - oinploting it appropriately. If necessary, and if time lieiinit1., do the Exam Task with a student, either before , >i । Ln mg the task, to show the others how it should I ic c li >ne. -—_____________Answers ф *.lu*loiil'/ own answers lilon» Focus________________________________________________ • Л-л ..indents to look at the Ideas Focus box at the I xtttnin of the page. • I the questions aloud and ask students to give Iheti opinions. • I nt, iiiage students to give supporting information for ihon answers and opinions. Make sure they explain why il>«»y do t>i do not agree with the first question. If they du in it agree, ask them for alternative ideas that they Ihink dir ijood and to explain why. Wn I ini’): бс-vhple+iv)^ -form I eaininy Focus • Л-Л uh , Innts to look at the Learning Focus box. Read fl-iniKjh the inlormation together and ask students to qivo you examples of information, such as a title, hi«i iMinn and surname, a date of birth and interests. < ..fitr in-with the other types of information as • '•>>»» puiniil',. A________________________________________________________ • Anl- »iin letib. what a form is and what it's used for. ! M>>< uua th» t lilferent types of forms in the task. » tnlt Ii.ijciIxji .ibout the different types of forms and '.i и bill-, io say if they have completed any of these I.-xor. A'J them what might happen if they put the wKitHj inliHtn,iiion into a form. • I lavu btiidrni-, < omplete the task with a partner, and ask ilintu io । ho< к each other's answers. 1 all of them 2 an application for a passport; a membership for a club; an online profile 3 an application for a passport; an online profile 4 an application for a passport; a membership for a club; to enter a competition; to buy something online 5 could be on all of them, but maybe not on an online profile for security reasons 6 could be on all of them, but maybe not on an online profile for security reasons В _____________________________________________ • Ask students read the instructions, and check that they understand what they need to do. • Have students complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. _____________________Answers..^ 1b 2b 3a 4a 5b C • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to answer the questions. Then check answers as a class. ______________________Aosws®.^ 1 Mrs; Miss 2 Ms 3 Reynolds 4 house number D • Ask students to read the instructions and then look at the details in the box. • Work together with the class to answer the questions underneath the box. ______________—_______Answers e 1 my personal information 2 to order a monthly magazine 3 information about the price E • Ask students to read the instructions and then look at the online form. • Ask students to look at each gap and say what goes in each of them. • Then have students answer the question in the instructions as a class. ..... Answer wants to know if there is a discount for students. F • Ask students to look back at the form in task E and answer the question in the task.
Who Am I? . ...........Suggested answer Based on her interests, she might choose Sporty, Your I Pet and Video Garries Now. Useful Expressions • Ask students to quickly read the Useful Expressions. • Ask students to complete the expressions orally with their own ideas. Pay attention that they use the -ing form of verbs where appropriate. Teaching Tip _______________________________________ Encourage students to look over all the information in a writing task before they begin. This includes reading the instructions and then looking through the information that they see in the task. Remind students to get in the habit of doing this so that they do not immediately start a writing task and then realise halfway through that they are completing it incorrectly. G • Ask students to read the information in the Exam Close- up box quickly, and then go through the points together. • Remind students that when they complete forms, they should look at the whole form before they begin to complete it. • Elicit from students some examples of interests that you can write on the board. Answers Students' own answers • Ask students to read the instructions in the Exam Task and the details in the form before they begin the task. • Have students do the task individually and then work with a partner to check each other's work. Walk round the class and check that students have filled in their forms correctly. Write any mistakes on the board, without saying who made them, and ask students to tell you the correct way of writing the information. Suggpstedjm^ers.^ Title Ms Name \ Julie (First)', Smith (Surname) Age 16 Address 21 Henley Road (Street Address) I Oxford (City / Town) 0X10 1 HD (Postcode) I UK (Country) Choose your prize Epic headphones [/] Tell us about your interests. I enjoy reading. I like books about history because it's my favourite subject at school. I also love swimming because it's fun and it helps me to stay fit and healthy. Question: Why do you like Sporty magazine? I like Sporty magazine because it gives me information about how to be better at swimming. It also has lots of good ideas on healthy food to eat. Extra class activity______________________________ • You can write the following completed form on the board while students are completing the Exam Task. • After students have completed the Exam Task and you have checked the answers, ask them to look at the board. As you point to each detail, ask what information is given (title, first name, last name, age, address, city, postal code, country, interests, prize) and what question was asked at the end (Who are you giving the second ticket to and why?); Win 2 free tickets to an event of your choice! - Mr Ross Daly, 18 - 10 Hillside Road, Manchester - V16 2EE - UK - I like listening to rock music and going to outdoor concerts. I also enjoy playing the guitar at weekends - Concert at Manchester Park - I'm giving the second ticket to my best friend Kyle because he enjoys music as much as I do. 16
Video 1 Animal "Families си era I No+e Ilin N.ihitnal < if. xp.iphic videos are an excellent tool ho 4t<nli4it% iii tjnl acquainted with other cultures while li-... I nglish. They contain genuine National । ;n>i.p.i| i/n< < <intent, and students do not need to । in> l*>i e*t ли I everything in the videos in order to take <vlvaii'<4<|ci n| ihcm as a learning device. Some tasks Im nt. mint, nn ihc visual content rather than the audio. A . ,n< h, -.hull nis do not have to listen to answer every giiutiboH, i>ni can simply watch what is happening. The Io. Aif ,i|.,o meant to inspire students to watch other IV । hi 4ji.-iiiuni'*, and films in English so that they can g.uimn. n spoken English more often. Naturally, the more uapiiMim thf '.indents have to the language, the more gun My limy will acquire it. Йж к уround Information l Ли people, many animals live in family groups, and one «...»n| >|o < .1 this is lions. A pride of lions usually contains l. ,i i.. %t>vfn female lions and one single male - the only • milt, io oxi'.i within any one particular family of lions. The m.»lu lion h.v. thick, handsome fur round his neck, and he ••> tin i.ii'if । ol all the cubs in the family. Another example • Л йн hi hi family can be seen in meerkats, in which Инн» hi,- 70 30 in one family. There is a mother and a I vl-ut in ihf family - the alpha parents, who are in charge •I .ill il .о i ill-.pring. Gorillas also form animal families. Like 1...ПН ihuif г, one male gorilla and several females, who . a, > I. >i m.iny baby gorillas at once. Йм1ою you watch A__________________________________________________________ • Auk uiuilnnis to look at the photos and see if they can twiu» ill.- animals. Write the names of the animals on the I.xai11 (ami person for the young child). You may need to pnimpl ihftn lor several animal photos (cheetah, polar Leal /bin, cjo/ilfa, meerkat). » Ant ..ini Innt', if they've ever seen any of these animals. • hna.i thf in'.Unctions for the task and elicit answers from •tudimK I in outage them to guess which animals live in liitnilion • Tell mihIaiiI*. that they will watch a video about some of il.« rtiiniu»b in ihc photos. ___________________________Answers ф I xiii.InnH iiwu answers While you watch В __________________________________ । L.piAH, i.( %iin l. nts that they are going to watch a short и>1*>. animal families. • While limy wait h, ask students to focus on the animals that livn in families. » I Ia, ilm vidt'i, all ihc way through without stopping, and *i<i«IdhI% in rnakp a note of their answers as they are <rvai. iiiiitj • Il on i-Л MudtHil*. to tell you which animals live in lamihn and pul a tick by the animals' names on the h-.A" I Make мне everyone in the class agrees. • Ask students if they guessed correctly in task A. c, d, e and f C _________________________________________________ • Ask students to quickly read through the sentences, and explain that they will watch the video again in order to answer the questions. • Explain to students that if they think they know the answer to a sentence, or they feel like guessing, to do so. Then they can check their answers while they watch. Г' ...... 1c, eandf 2c 3c 4c 5f 6f 7e 8e D • Explain to students that they will now watch the video again. • Pause the video after the first sentence in the task is mentioned. Ask students which word they believe is the correct answer. • Continue playing the video, pausing where necessary. • When the video has finished, check answers as a class. 1 2 3 4 groups females male neck 5 6 7 8 Answers family pair back father After you watch • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud with students, and check that they understand their meaning. • Ask students to look at the paragraph and try to figure out which words go in the gaps. Encourage them to place words in the gaps to see if they make sense. If they do not, then they can try another word. • Ask students to complete the paragraph with a partner. Check answers as a class. 1 alone 2 handsome 3 daughters 4 mother 5 leader 6 hair 7 young 8 important Ideas Focus • Read the Ideas Focus box aloud with students and encourage them to express their opinions about family. • Make sure students explain why they agree or disagree with the questions. If they disagree, encourage them to say what is important to them concerning families and family leaders. 17
2 Look At Me! Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: multiple-choice, finding the information you need appearance and personality-related words, prepositions past simple, used to, past continuous multiple-choice questions, identifying the wrong answers asking & answering questions, describing a person, giving a description of a friend an email, writing about personality, answering all the questions, greetings & sign-offs, giving examples, describing personality, describing appearance Writing: Unit' opener • Ask students to read the unit title (Look At Mel) and ask them if it is a question, a statement or a command (command). • Ask students to give you reasons as to why someone would say something like that. Prompt them with Answers as necessary (because they have an interesting look, because they are wearing something interesting or amazing; because they want to make a person laugh). • Write the following words on the board. Then point to your own hair, eyes, skin and clothes, asking students to say which word you are pointing at. Encourage them to guess if necessary. - hair - eyes - skin - clothes • Write the words 'good' and ‘not good' in two columns on the board. Encourage students to tell you some words that describe how we feel if we feel good, or not good. Write words on the board if you like (happy, sad, angry, upset, cheerful, excited, friendly, mean), and ask students to guess which column they go into. • Ask students to look at the photo. Ask them the following questions about the person's appearance: - Does this person look happy or sad? Is it hard to say? (students' own answers) - What do you think about this person's clothes? Where do you think this person is going? (students' own answers) - Do you like this person's hair? Do you see hair like this very often? (students' own answers) - What colour are this person's eyes? (brown) - Would you like to meet this person? Why? / Why not? (students' own answers) • Give students some background information on the photo if you like, using the information provided in the Background Information box. Background Information-____________________ The woman in the photo is getting married by way of a Japanese Shinto wedding ceremony. In this type of ceremony, the woman is painted all white, to declare her maiden status to the highest spiritual being of the Shinto religion. A Shinto priest performs the wedding ritual, which involves the priest saying a few words to the bride and groom, and the marital couple sharing sips of sake, or rice wine, from ceremonial cups. Gifts are left at the wedding altar, where the rings are held. The ceremony lasts 20 to 30 minutes. It is a small affair with family and close friends only, and is followed by a larger reception. A__________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the photos to the right of task A and to say if these people look happy or sad (А-D, sad; E and F, happy). • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the sentences. Explain any unfamiliar words if necessary. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. ____________________________Answers t 1F 2B 3C 4A 5D 6E В_______________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions and the adjectives in the task. Explain that they will use the situations in task A to complete the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. .. ............. ... ..... .Answers , 1d 2a 3f 4b 5c 6e Word Focus • I «plain to students that before they do task C, you w<ink! like them to look at the words in red in the text • A'.k '.Indents to work with a partner and try to figure out what the words mean from the sentences they are hi I xplain that it is fine if they cannot work out the ' । «•.inmg, but they should at least try to guess. • Alien they have looked at all the words, ask them to look •it tin* definitions in the Word Focus box to see if they went < orrect. • loll •.indents that they are going to read about three I i₽i iplc and their jobs. Ask students to look at the pin >!<>•;, and ask if they think the people in the photos (ink h.ippy or sad. • A-.k -.indents to read the instructions, and check that ihny understand what they have to do. Explain that as limy the texts, they should underline the adjectives lif >11» l.isk В • i iiv- -.tudents one minute to complete the task, and tomind them that they are only answering the question it । ili< instructions and underlining adjectives from 1мик B. • < h₽i к answers as a class. Answers e < jihy works for her parent's business, designing and uuikuKI didgendoos. Ahl.c. .i professional surfer. I l.niy r. .i police dog trainer. Ai l|Pi lives from В in the first text - surprised, happy A.i|o< lives from В in the second text = scared A. I|of lives from В in the third text — angry, sad, bored ♦ Л4 students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read Um if* и motion together as a class, and explain anything Ин» hiiiflrnts don't understand. • r.p’l.ini ih.ii for task D, they are not going to answer Hit! . |m",iions, but instead, they are going to read the qiiwhtitui*. and underline the key words. • you begin, ask the following questions. I h >w many questions are in the task? (7) 11 iw answer choices are there for each <|Ht»lii>n? (3) Whn Ii questions go with which texts, and how do you к in iw (1 and 2 go with the first text, 3 and 4 with lltu •*€.•, <>iid text, 5-7 with the third text. The names of tiiu w/Ui r-. are in the questions.) • -,1ц. kmis one minute to complete the task ни Iivii |u.illy I lien check answers as a class. • Млкп шип '.indents have underlined the correct key WMidit I mil nt* moving onto task E. Suggested answers | ll>< II.IW i why 11 и nisi*,, buy, didgeridoos 1 whu'itj, wm, competitions 4 tun». 'jiundl.itlier whiil, |ol i Л why dnij'., like people i whn, I laity, .ingry • Now explain to students that they are going to find llm answers to the questions in the text. • Have students work individually, and give them two minutes to find the answers. Make sure that they know it is fine to make a guess, and that they should not leave any questions unanswered. • Check the answers as a class and make sure students have circled the correct answers in their books. Answers t I 1c 2b 3c 4a 5a 6b 7a I-.....- ..............Г----T—тгг-п-г-птгпп-тгтт-птпптгпттг-1 F_________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud. Ask if any students do not understand the meaning of the words, but wait until after they finish the task to explain the meanings. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask students if they still do not understand the meaning of any of the words, or if they have worked out the meaning through the task. Explain any words that students still have a problem with. 1 unkind 2 weird 3 beautiful 4 great b traditional 6 smart Ul—........................................... II..... Extra class activity_____________________________________ • If time allows, tell students that you are going to write some jobs on the board and you would like them to use the adjectives in task В to describe how the person may feel while doing their job. • Write some or all of the following professions on the board: bus driver game show host firefighter travel writer night watchman/watchwoman fitness trainer video game programmer pilot delivery driver animal trainer • Explain any jobs that students do not understand. (For example, a night watchman/watchwoman is someone who works at night in a building to make sure the building is safe.) Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box at the bottom of the page. • Have students ask and answer the questions with a partner. Encourage them to give supporting information for their opinions. 18 19
Look At Me! • Allow students to speak freely, and make a note of any common errors that students make in their language. • Discuss the ideas with the class briefly, and ask students to explain why they would like or not like to do a particular job. Go over any mistakes you heard while they were discussing their ideas. A ________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the pictures, and ask them some questions about the people's appearance, for example, what colour hair they have, or if their hair is long or short. • Then ask them to read the descriptions and try to match the person with the picture. Do the first one with the class, and then ask students to complete the others on their own. • Continue on to task B, after which you can check answers as a class and make sure all students have the correct answers. Answers e 1 Jessica 2 Matheus 3 Oliver 4 Katie В _______________________________________ • Ask students to look back at task A and label the parts of the pictures with the words in bold. Read the first bold phrase aloud (short, straight brown hair) and ask students where they see that feature (picture 3; the boy's hair). Continue with the rest of the phrases, or let students work on their own. • If time allows, and if appropriate, you can ask which students in the class have any of the features. • Check answers as a class and make sure all students have the correct answers. Answers Students label the photos • Ask students to read the instructions, and make sure that they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • You can also ask students to come up with more descriptions for the categories (blue, green, hazel eyes; dark, black, grey hair). Answejs..-S Hair: Skin: brown brown, curly, blonde, wavy, straight, long, short, red pale, tan, freckles • Ask students to work with a partner and take turns to describe one of the people in the pictures. Their partner must guess who it is. • Give students a couple of minutes to complete the task before moving on. Answers f Students' own answers • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they need to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ________________________________Answers 11 1b 2a 3b 4b 5b 6a Ask students to read the instructions, and then read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud. Explain any unknown words to students before you begin the task. Read the first sentence aloud and elicit the correct answer from students. Ask students to work with a partner to complete the rest of the sentences. Then check answers as a class. 1 funny 2 shy 3 cheerful 4 kind 5 sociable 6 silly G ____________________________________ • Ask students to work with a partner and to take turns describing people they know, such as family members or friends. • Encourage students to describe what the people look like and their personality, using the vocabulary from the lesson. • Give students two to three minutes before moving on to the next task. Answers p Students' own answers H ____________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to do the next task as a class. • Ask students to look at the first noun and then at how it changes in the adjective form. • Write the next noun on the board and elicit the adjective from students, prompting as needed. Work through the rest of the nouns, making sure students understand how to use different word endings to form adjectives from nouns. • Point out that some nouns that can form more than one tive (annoying, annoyed; caring, careful, careless; invi-iy, loving; shocked, shocking; worried, worrying), an<l explain the differences carefully to students (careful лк I c .unless are opposites; careful, careless and caring all describe how people behave; lovely describes how imnone looks or behaves, and loving describes how •.аккчню behaves; annoyed, shocked and worried • les» tibe how people feel; and annoying, shocking and w^uying describe actions and events). I annoying, annoyed 2 beautiful 3 < .ireful, caring, i .unless 4 liiendly 5 lazy 6 lovely, loving 7 shocked, shocking 8 worried, worrying • Auk -Undents to read the instructions, and check that I hey understand what they have to do. • A-.k •.indents to work with a partner and give them two пинии-, to complete the task. • < Lu. к answers as a class and make sure everyone I.аз lh«* correct answer. Ask students why they used a I mi lu ul.и adjective in a sentence and why a different fniui t>l that adjective would be wrong (shocked instead uf slim king, for example). I annoying J Irirndly 3 lovely '1 la/y 5 worried 6 shocked 7 beautiful 8 caring • A-ik uhidi uts to look at the picture to the right of the txik A-.k them the following questions, and prompt as Hth Wl •.it does this picture show? (a spider) 11< .w would you describe the spider? (It's large with uh. ч l biown hair and black skin.) I low does it make you feel? (scared) * Ank 4i..d«>ni . to read the instructions and to complete r .»%! individually. • । tv,, к «lowers as a class and make sure students have н.п i in«3. i answers. with rtln ill! 5 6 7 8 Answers about by with about И _____________________________________ • A*k bi.iiinnf-i to quickly read the text. Then ask them a l»w i|ii«i4lii nr. about the text before they start the task. iliu following questions on the board and ask H.idfttiiIni Пн- answers one at a time. Win। ib the text about? (Uncle Ed) Wiirtt >i,ir-. Ili и Io Ed look like? (He's got curly brown tl4ll .111. I .1 I H'.IH I.) W>mI «.then family member does the writer talk about in ihr> tout f (his/her mum) - What did Uncle Ed do in the writer's bedroom7 (Ho danced.) - What kind of person is Uncle Ed? (kind, funny, sociable, silly) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ................ Answers 1c 2b 3a 4b 5c 6b 7a 8c Ideas Focus__________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the first question aloud. • Encourage students to give their opinions about the question. Make sure they explain their answers. • Ask a student to read the second question, and invite other students to give their opinions. Then ask the student who read the question to give their opinion, again making sure that all students explain their answers. • Keep an ear open for any structural mistakes that students make in their pronunciation or grammar at this stage. Without pointing out who made mistakes, write any mistakes on the board and ask students what the correct way of saying it is. • Before beginning the section, do a review of the Past Simple and the Past Continuous with the class. • Write the following sentences on the board and, with the help of students, change them to the Past Simple and the Past Continuous. - I talk on the phone with my aunt. - They eat breakfast in the kitchen. - Sarah runs two kilometres at the park. - Adam tries hard in maths class. - We leave for work at 8.00 a.m. A • Ask students to read the sentences and to say aloud the verbs that are in the Past Simple. • Move round the classroom to make sure they underline the correct answers in their books. (a bought b worked В • Tell students that they need to look at the sentences in task A to answer the questions in this task. • Explain the difference between a past state and a past event. (A past state is something that was true in the past, and a past event is something that happened at one time.) Write the following sentences on the board (and leave them on the board for task C). Ask if they talk about a past state or a past event. - My mum taught Spanish in her twenties, (past state) - My dad flew to Miami for work yesterday, (past event) - My sister ate all the cereal, (past event) - My brother took piano lessons as a child, (past state) • Go through the questions as a class and make sure students have the correct answers in their books 21 20
Look At Me! • Ask students to read the instructions, and make sure that they understand what they need to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. • Ask students to look at the sentences on the board and to form negative and questions forms. (Did your mum teach Spanish in her twenties? My dad didn't fly to Miami for work yesterday.) ___________________ Answers e didn't see, Were; wasn't, left; Did ... see; didn't, went out D • Explain to students that you will do task D as a class. • Read items 1-3 aloud and ask students which sentences in task C match the statements. Make sure they understand the grammar in all of the statements. 1 infinitive verb 2 did 3 to be • Before you begin the task, write the following sentences on the board. - I used to study for four hours a day. - He used to be a police officer. - They used to have seven dogs. • Ask if the sentences describe past states or past events (past states). Explain that used to is used to describe past states, habits and routines, but not past events that happened one time. • Ask students to read the instructions and to complete the task individually. Check the answers as a class. a no b no c read d yes F • Ask students to use the information in task E to complete task F • Ask students to work with a partner and give them one minute to complete the task. Check answers as a class. ____________________ 1 now 2 verb (infinitive without to) 3 use to 4 verb (infinitive without to) ..................................................— 22 Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 161-162 (2.1 & 2.2) with your students. G __________________________________ • Write the following headings on the board Infinitives Past Simple • Write the verbs from the task in the Infinitives column, and ask students to tell you the Past Simple form of the verb. • Continue until you have completed the task, and check to make sure that students have spelt the irregular verbs correctly in their bobks. Remind students to use the Irregular Verbs list at the back of the book to learn all of the irregular verbs. Encourage them to keep a page in their notebooks where they can write irregular verbs. Answers^ Infinitive Past Simple bring brought buy bought catch caught eat ate drink drank go went teach taught think thought • Explain to students that in this task they are going to correct mistakes in the sentences. • Ask them to work with a partner and give them one minute to complete the task. Check answers as a class. ____________________________Answecs-a 1 used to play ... 2 Did you use to like ... 3 Whore did you go ... 4 I ate ... 5 I didn't use to ... 6 Were you at school ... I ________________________________________________________ • Remind students how to form the Past Continuous (by using the past tense of the verb be followed by the main verb with -ing). • Write the following sentences on the board. - Alex ran for the bus, but he fell down. - We worked on our projects; then the bell rang. • Ask students to form the Past Continuous with each sentence. (Alex was running for the bus, but he fell down. We were working on our projects when the bell rang.) • Ask students to complete task I individually. Check answers as a class. • । •plain lu students that you will do this task as a class. • | <<,k h rule aloud and ask students to provide iha answers. • M.ii-o Mim that the students understand the rules lb и Highly and that they have the correct answers wiitl«4i in their books. ______________________Answers,< rt | i.V.I li ih<’ -..ime time « inhumation il л< lion о lo hr К___________________________________________________ • Auk %Ui<l< nts to look back at the sentences in task I to iduulily which ones are examples of rules а-d in task J. Answers I I < , <1 7 I», i 1 я < .................................... г<м.1 the Grammar Reference on page 162 (2.3) with >oi>i atii</cnts. • Ar,к •-.tudimts to read the instructions, and make sure d.rii iI ny understand what they have to do. • • •<¥<• * *.1111 Irnls one to two minutes to do the task и»hvii lu.illy Walk round the class to assist any students, wliiHM nut essary. • • hr» к Aiwwers as a class. wuun'l loeling was swimming wi h кing • hiving 1 4 Answers e 5 was shining, was blowing 6 was playing, was burning * A«l «shidonir. io look at the photo and to say what they •co «и» I iho people in the photo are looking at (a Hid daughter; a photo album). » A<k *i<><Iniii% b> do the task individually and give them мне itiinuiu io finish. I i l.fc. к lint air.wris as a class. Ask students to tell , in with Ь voilr. are in the Past Simple (took, didn't Ue i.i«»o*ri 1м</, (always) listened, looked), which are *c«n«plnh ol ii-.rd to (used to have, used to think, used Im ui< । wl I h are in the Past Continuous (wasn't tmihtig л.it %hr wearing). If time permits, you can pi«. ihu <if.imm.ii further by asking students to e«plaiu why ihc in< Orrect answers in the task are wrong. ..................Answers e 1 w.v. making 2 w.v, snowing, was showing, weren't moving 3 was going Answers 1 took 6 always listened 2 used to have 7 wasn't smiling 3 didn't like 8 used to hate 4 used to think 9 was she wearing 5 never had - 10 looked Lis-f-evnvir) A • Explain to students that they are going to practise their listening skills in this section, but that with listening tasks, it's always important to read the written text first. • Ask students to look at the sentences in task A. They will not complete the answers just yet, as they will hear the answers in the short dialogues that they are about to listen to. • Go through the sentences and, importantly, the answer options. Ask students what they are going to listen for in the short dialogues based on these sentences and answers (1 - eye colour or size; 2 - height or hair colour; 3 - clothing; 4 - time of day; 5 - a place; 6-a reason for liking someone). В_______________________________________________________ • Now tell students that they are going to listen to the dialogues, but they should not answer the questions just yet. • Make sure you inform students that they are going to hear both a and b answers in the dialogues. They will have to listen carefully to decide which one is correct when they answer the questions. • Play the recording and remind students after hearing the first dialogue not to answer the questions. C • Play the recording again and tell students that this time they are going to circle the correct answers. They should complete the task individually. Pause the recording after the first dialogue to make sure students have answered the question. • Continue with the recording, pausing where needed. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have chosen the correct answers. ___________________Answers t 1a 2a 3a 4b 5a 6a • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class. • As you read each bullet point, refer to task A, and practise the steps in the Exam Close-up using the first sentence. Get the class to participate; for example, with the second point in the Exam Close-up, ask students what words in Question 1 of task A they will definitely hear in the dialogue. Elicit the correct responses (blue, big). • Remind students that they will always hear the recording twice, so they need not answer the questions the first time they hear it It is better to make a note of the answer to the side and then check if it is correct when they hear the dialogue the second time. 23
Look At Me! • Go through the sentences in task D with the ciass and ask students to say their answers aloud and write the correct answers in their books. Answers 1F 21 3F 4Г E _____________________________ • Ask students to look at the photo below the Exam Task. Ask them who they see in the photo (two girls), what they look like (young, one with brown curly hair, the other with brown wavy hair), where they are (at someone's home) and what they are doing. (They are looking at a tablet computer.) • Ask students to read the instructions for the Exam Task. Write the following questions on the board and elicit answers from students. - Who is speaking in the listening task? (Lisa and Sue) - How do they know each other? (They are friends.) - What are they going to talk about? (a video) - How many questions are there to answer? (5) - How many answer choices are there for each question? (3) • Give students one minute to read through the questions as well as the answers in the task. • Ask students what they are listening for with each question (1 - hair colour; 2 - clothing; 3 - appearance or age; 4-a type of music; 5 - a person who went to a concert). • Play the recording for students and remind them that they will do the task individually. They will hear the recording twice and they need not hurry to answer the questions the first time they listen. • Move on to task F before checking answers. • Tell students that they are going to listen to the recording again. Ask if they would like you to pause after the speakers mention answers to the questions, or if it is OK to listen without pausing. This is to introduce the idea of listening to the recording without breaks, since they will not have them in the actual exam. Naturally, if they need you to pause the recording at this early stage of the course, do so. • Play the recording and ask students to circle the correct answers in their books. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers. Answers e 1C 2B ЗА 4B 5C A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. Explain that one student will choose a person in the photo and they will not tell their partner who it is. Then, their partner has to ask questions to find out who it is. Their partner can use the example questions in their books to help them. • Ask students to work with a partner to complete the task. Walk round the class monitoring students to check that they are using the language properly. • Write any mistakes you hear on the board without saying who made them, and ask students to give you the correct way of saying the information. Answers t I Students' own answers • Ask students to read the instructions. Then go through a couple of the questions as a class to work out the answer. • Ask students to work with the same partner to answer the rest of the questions. • Check the answers as a class when students finish. Answers t IP 2L 3LorP 4A 5L 6L 7P 8L C • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read each point aloud and make sure students understand the information. • Remind students know that they should avoid giving very short and simple answers to an examiner's questions. If an examiner says Tell me about your best friend, students should not answer with just three or four words; they should use complete sentences and say their best friend's name, what they look like, and give a couple of other details such as how long they have known each other, what they do together, or what their friend likes and does not like, if time permits. • Stress that it is a good idea to use linking words such as and, but, so and because because it shows that they know how to use English properly. They must learn what these words mean and how to use them. • Ask students to work with a partner to choose the correct linking words in the text. Walk round the class to make sure students are choosing the correct answers. Discuss any common mistakes that students make. Teaching Tip It is a good idea to ask students to switch partners periodically. This gets them used to speaking to new people, which will be helpful for when they have to face an examiner that they do not know. Also, by having students work with different partners, they have the opportunity to share different ideas. Furthermore, it creates a classroom environment where everyone knows one another a little bit better. 24
Uwlul Expressions • lleltirn you begin the Exam Task, ask students to look *»i ihr Useful Expressions and read the expressions with a prtllner. • A-.L -.1 udents to look back to these expressions in the / Mrtiir task and try to use them in their dialogue. D________________________________________________________ • Ad. ’.indents to take a minute to read the instructions nnd ihe sentences in Tasks 1 and 2. ♦ Г -I il.iin that one student will ask their partner questions In >n i l.isk 1, and then their partner will ask them । |ii₽*.lions from Task 2. • • i<> i. Hind the class and listen for any mistakes that tittiil.’iits make in their speaking. Use the board to write any । ommon mistakes you hear and ask students to give iho < orrect way of saying the information. __________________________Answers p I '«bitlouis'own answers hlaas Focus • Aqk ►.indents to look at the Ideas Focus box and to work with their partner asking and answering the questions. • tin (Hii.igc students to ask each other why they feel or du not feel a certain way about the subject. ♦ l •Лги to students and make a note of any mistakes. When |hoy have finished speaking, write any errors on it io I и >.ii d and correct them as a class, if necessary. learning Focus_____________________________ • Win о the words friendly, kind, sociable, loving, careful, l>r>,iiifih/f, worried, annoying, shy and cheerful on the I••«и11 Remind students that they saw these words in the v<i< section of the unit * ph. ii in .in students the meaning of these words. Ask if thuy h.ive good or bad meanings. • Anh Mudi-rits to look at the Learning Focus box, and iwt! th» information together with them. Then write the follow n< (sentences with gaps on the board: ’«liulley is friendly,she's good In t>< luxil. Mhiliii r, very nice,he's also »(tillо diy. I hiflp !•>•»<• with his homework,he • l<№>ll in class. Iahu is wniried she didn't pass ll**l «>»ЛП1 i Wud with ^Indents to complete the sentences with linkin' । w in 1% Ask students to explain why they chose 4 рш lb ului word, or help them with explanations, if n»i !><i^H'у A__________________________________________ i A*k iini |un|.. io lead the instructions and to work with a P*«l net In । In и r>e the correct words in the sentences. c • iivw «inilnut*. one minute to complete the task. Then Ji<m !• rtimwor. .is a class. ------------------------------tern* 1 so 2 because 3 and 4 that's why 5 for example 6 but Vi—................HUI................. В • Ask students to look at the writing task and to work with a partner to answer the questions. • Check the answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers circled in their books. • As a follow-up, you can ask the following questions: - What is the subject of the email? (meeting Julie's cousin, Chloe) - When is the party? (Saturday) - Where is Chloe from? (London) _______________________Answers < 1 an email 2 Alice 3 3 c ____________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the email in the task to answer the questions. Encourage them to look for the answers without reading the whole text. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task, and then check answers as a class. Answers e 1 yesterday 2 She has long red hair, blue eyes and freckles. 3 She's very nice and has lots of friends. She's chatty too and sometimes doesn't stop talking! D • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner again to find the answers. • Check answers as a class, and make sure students have the correct answers in their books. and, that's why, but E_____________________________________________________ • Tell students that they will now look at both emails again. Before you begin, ask students if they will find the answers to the task in Alice's email or Julie's reply (the reply). • Tell students that you will do this task as a class. Work through the task by reading the questions aloud and asking students for the answers. Ask students to justify their answers. • Check that all students have the correct answers in their books. Students should tick the following; 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 25
Look At Me! F • Tell students that in this task they are going to use the reply to create sentences about Chloe • Ask students to work with a partner, and give them one to two minutes to write sentences. Encourage them to use the linking words that they have learnt in the unit. • Walk round the class to check that students are using the language correctly. Wr ite any mistakes on the board without saying who made them, and discuss them at the end. 1 Chloe is a good student because she studies a lot. 2 Chloe loves animals; that's why she wants to be a vet. 3 She's very friendly and is always relaxed and happy. 4 Everyone likes her, so she's very popular. G • Now explain to students that they are going to look at Alice’s email to see how she wrote it. Tell students that you want them to pay attention to the order of the information, so that they can use this plan for their own email writing. • Have students work out the plan in pairs, and check answers as a class. 4 Say what Chloe is like 5 Sign off 2 Say when Chloe arrived 1 Greet 3 Say what Chloe looks like Useful Expressions • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions box. Explain to students that the box contains a list of the linking words that they have been learning in this lesson. • Encourage them to use these expressions while they are writing their emails for the Exam Task. H • Now ask students to read the information in the Exam Close-up box. Give them 20 seconds to do this. • After they have finished, ask them to look at the Exam Task in task I. Ask the following questions. - Where are the three questions that you have to answer? (in the email) - What are the question words that you should underline to help you? (When, What, What) • Then ask students to make a plan for their email, using the plan in task G to help them. Suggested answer 1 Greet 2 Say when I met Pedro 3 Say what Pedro looks like 4 Say what Pedro is like 5 Sign off I_________________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Have students do the task individually. When they have finished, ask them to give their work to a partner to check. • Walk round the class to make sure students are able to make a start with their writing and that they are organising their emails appropriately. Give help where needed. Write any mistakes on the board without saying who made them, and review them as a class. swer. Hi Max I met Pedro on holiday last summer. He's really tall, with wavy brown hair and brown eyes. He's really funny and he's always making me laugh. You will really j like him. Teaching Tip_________________________________________ Get students into the habit of checking their writing for errors before they hand it in. Give them the following checklist of items so that they review their writing thoroughly. Encourage them to check each point one at a time, rather than trying to check the whole list in one review. In other words, they should check the spelling throughout the whole text, then the punctuation, and so on. Write the checklist on the board. - Organisation - Word limit - Proper grammar - Proper use of vocabulary - Spelling and capital letters - Punctuation
Video 2 4/дрру ::иегя1 No+e 11♦<• National Geographic videos are an excellent tool ’•I Mu kills to get acquainted with other cultures whil* earning English. They contain genuine National u«s...ji,»|>hi< content, and students do not need to iHiiluiMmid everything in the videos in order to take adv.ini.11 ]< • of them as a learning device. Some tasks <••• in> linn»' on the visual content, rather than the audio. An >hi< 11, •.Indents do not have to listen to answer every <|чг-.ц. hi, but can simply watch what is happening. The I»'"- .-»!<’ also meant to inspire students to watch other IV |in»ijiarnmes and films in English so that they can c.|u4irtn <• .poken English more often. Naturally, the more ««ринит 11 io students have to the language, the more qni, Hy thny will acquire it. kyround Information _____________________________________ kin । ili.ilit vid people have worked together for over ,* immi уи.н Sadly, the way most elephants know people I* ". । p| ibyiiy. How can we keep elephants happy when »l.ey live in /nos? Animal trainer Mike Hackenberger works . ill. i.Ib[ >h.mis in the Baltimore zoo in the USA. He talks u. iliutu .hh| believes he knows when they are happy. Xmi.h. । •«•. >| Jr wonder how we can know whether animals I., .». | and what those feelings are. ft seems true *l»wt ,, nphrtiit'; are happier if their zoo environment most inrtiihos the wild. Elephants are social animals; limy live n tiinilies and they need to be around other el«pl iK 11.к kenberger thinks that keeping elephants ь jnihui i .i natural setting makes them happy. ttohun you watch A____________________________________________________________ • A*k ’.ini Iwnu. to look at the photos and ask them the l.tlk .Will.J I |IIOStionS. Win. h photo shows elephants in the wild? Who I» photo shows an elephant doing a job? Wlin h photo shows an elephant in a cage? (Explain < n.p. it ih4 <'ssary as a place where someone or M*iiu>lliin<| r innot leave.) • Atl. hinduiif'. lo read the instructions. Then ask them .l.c,, u.,-. ihn । -hotos with a partner and to match the «•i.tbix i»«. wihi I he correct photos. Before students begin thu , Kiviewthe words captivity and circus, win» li :ipi и items 2 and 3. Ask students what these им .vi .n»d explain the meanings if necessary. t* «pt.vily inrsirr, to be in a place that is not your real hntxt ли.I you i .Hinol leave. A circus is a place where I .j.. i.i •.«•<• .i/iimals perform in a show.) I • и .£ ii% ..и.' io two minutes to do the task. Check «I '»wш » и-, j < lav.. I hen ask students to say some •Imilaitlirv. .пн |. Ifllorences that they found in the photos. SmM.inhv. .«id Differences on the board and «|ц<|..|||ч' if.ponses in the appropriate columns. FiHiiipt Mu. lune. с. necessary. (Do the photos all have Ilui r. .i similarity.) Answers g Similarities: all show elephants Differences: elephant in the wild; elephant as a method of transport; elephant in captivity in a circus; elephant in captivity in a zoo 1B 2D ЗС 4A While you watch В _______________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to watch a video that is three and a half minutes long. • While they watch the video, they will decide if the statements are true or false. Tell them that you are only going to play the video once, but that you will pause it after the speaker says an answer to the task. • Play the video, pausing after the narrator mentions the first statement. Check that students understood the narrator, and replay the statement if students have trouble understanding it. • Continue with the video, pausing as necessary until students have answered all the questions. Check answers as a class. 1T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T After you watch • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand the words in the yellow wordbank. Go over any words that are unfamiliar before students begin the task. • Ask students to look at the text and answer the following questions. - How many gaps are there in the text? (8) - What part of speech goes in the first gap? (an adjective) - Where does Mike Hackenberger work? (the Baltimore zoo) • Have students work with a partner to complete the gaps, and check answers as a class. _____________________________Answers < 1 intelligent 5 happiness 2 wild 6 happier 3 closely 7 similar 4 feelings 8 normal Ideas Focus____________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box and to work with a partner to discuss the questions. Encourage students to say their opinions and to ask each other why they feel a certain way about the subject. • Walk round the class to make sure students are using the language correctly. Write any common mistakes on the board without saying who made them, and discuss them with students at the end. 27
u 'Review I Units 1 & 2 Objectives __________________ • To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 1 and 2. Revision ___________________________ • Revise for the review the day before using the vocabulary and grammar revisions below. This will also give students a framework for revising at home. • Explain to students that they will do a review and explain how the reviews will work. There will be one review after every two units in Close-up A2. Tell them that Review 1 will cover the vocabulary and grammar from Units 1 and 2. • Emphasise to students that the review is not an exam. Explain that they will complete the review mostly on their own and not with a partner, but they will be able to ask you for help and to use their books to find answers. • You can administer the review however you like. You can go through each question one by one, asking students to fill in the answers, and then check the answers as a class. You can allow students to do entire exercises, ancTthen check answers as a class. You can split the vocabulary and grammar sections into two parts, giving students 10 15 minutes to do one part and the same amount of time for the second part. You can let them do the entire review on their own, and then check answers at the end. If you decide to do that, remind students in the middle of the review how much more time they have got lek. • Encourage students to guess any answers they do not know, and not to leave any gaps blank. • When students have completed the review, check the answers as a class. Do some extra task work on the board for any areas that students seem to be having trouble with. Vocabulary Revision____________________________________ • Write the following dates on the board, and ask students to write the day and month in their notebooks: 22/4, 3/11,15/8, 1/9 (twenty-second of April, third of November, fifteenth of August, first of September) Ask students to tell you the remaining months in the year. (January, February, March, May, June, July, October, December) • Write the following countries on the board, and ask students to tell you the corresponding nationalities: Spain, Greece, the Netherlands, England, China (Spanish, Greek, Dutch, English, Chinese) • Draw a family tree on the board and ask students to fill it in. Remind them to review the other family vocabulary words in Unit 1 Vocabulary. • Draw a face on the board and ask students to tell you where the following would be found: hair, freckles, beard, braces, glasses, moustache Remind students to review the other words associated with appearance in Unit 2 Vocabulary. • Write the following words on the board: annoy, beauty, care, worry Ask students to give you all the adjective forms and to explain the differences between annoyed, annoying; careful, caring; worried and worrying. Grammar Revision____________________________________ • Write the following sentences on the board and ask students what tenses are used: - Tim's best friend travels to Australia. (Present Simple) - They are studying French at a language school. (Present Continuous) - Sarah did her homework at 7 p.m. (Past Simple) - Tom used to be a teacher. (Past tense - used to) - Michelle was making pancakes when you called. (Past Continuous, Past Simple) • Ask students to look back at the sentences and to say them aloud as questions. (Does Tim's best friend travel to Australia? Are they studying French at a language school? etc.) • Write the words who, what, when and where on the board, and ask students what these words ask for (a person, a thing, a time, date or day, and a place). Then ask students to form questions from the sentences on the board using these question words. (Where does Tim's best friend travel to? Who travels to Australia? What are they studying at a language school? etc.) • Ask students to form negatives with some of the sentences, and to place different adverbs of frequency into the first sentence. Revise what the different adverbs of frequency mean by copying the diagram from Unit 1 Grammar, task E on the board. Revise where the adverb of frequency goes in relation to the verb be. (It goes after the verb be.) Уо£ЛЬм1лГЦ A • Read the instructions for the task aloud and check that students understand what they have to do. • Do the first couple of questions as a class, and then as< students to complete the remaining questions on their own Remind students that they can look back at their books to find answers. 1 the twenty-first of January 2 the fifteenth of March 3 the second of July *- 4 the twenty-third of August 5 the fourth of October 6 the thirtieth of December В • Explain to students that they are going to complete the gaps with nationalities. You can read the countries aloud and go through the questions one by one, or allow students to do the task quietly on their own. 4 Chinese 5 Spanish 6 Dutch 1 Italian 2 Greek 3 English 28
с ___________________________ • h«»h>r<- '.Indents begin, ask the following questions: Win> г. the text about? (Nick) 1l> >w old is the writer? (13) I low rn.iny questions are in the text? (10) nil I . fMUMi 1 urilers 6 7 I Mother 7 I I mi efits 8 4 qi .indparents 9 % son 10 . Answer^ aunt daughter husband uncle cousins t) • fr.«I th" words in the yellow wordbank aloud and make mho slndunts understand them. • A J. siudonts which words are nouns (beard, braces, ha, LI,-,, moustache, tan) and which are adjectives (blue, /.,i/f, .httii, straight). Anwes... 1 sii.ught, blue, freckles 7 |м1г, Ian, braces l Jimi l, moustache, beard • Ask students to read the sentences carefully before writing their answers. Tell them that in one sentence, there is more than one possible answer. • Tell students to look back at tasks D and E on page 10 and Grammar Reference 1.2 on page 161 for a reminder if they need to. 1 usually get up 2 is hardly ever late 3 always goes to 4 are often busy 5 never visits us Answers 6 sometimes go / Sometimes my friends go / the cinema sometimes • Ask students before they begin the task what the question words ask for (Who - a person; Why - a reason; When - a day, time, date; Where - a place; What time - an exact time). • Remind them that for some sentences, more than one answer may be possible. • Tell students to look back at tasks F and G on page 10 for a reminder if they need to. t___________________________________________________________ ’ A ,1. >.iii. louts to look at the words in red and say what prttU of speech they are (1 - verb/adjective; 2- noun, a. I|u. i ivt>; 3 verb or noun/adjective; 4 - noun/adjective; '< vor 11 or noun/adjective; 6 - verb or noun/adjective). Answers t 1 Who, Where 4 When, What time 2 What 5 Who, Where 3 Why, When, Where 6 Why I <1111 ioy 7 htacillllful 1 < MtilKJ 4 friendly 5 love 6 worry r .______________________________________________________ * I '.indents that more than one preposition can follow iho adjectives in the sentences, so they will also пени 1.1 look at what follows the gap to find the correct snivel и the wordbank. D • Do the first sentence as a class, and ask students which action interrupted another action. (The second action interrupted the first.) • Tell students to look back at pages 22-23 and Grammar References 2.1 and 2.3 on pages 161-162 for a reminder if they need to. 1 2 I In 2 with 3 by 4 about 5 of —— 111 wi । —a <. ...^кммшшшшшмашввнмммннммавин 3 4 bMMMI were walking, saw was washing, was making was, wasn't sleeping called, were going 5 6 7 8 went, didn't buy was shining, were singing came, was watching Did you forget, left МЯМММШ A ______________________________________________ I l-.plr । to -undents that they should read through the wl»«l<- r-iihmi e before making their choice. They should ImmIi fut ilm -.object of the sentence, what person it's in •nd .I и д «iriqnliir or plural. They should also look for ••••thmy voi l>-. in the sentences, such as am, is and are. • lail shtdi’iii-. t<> look back at pages 10-11 and Grammar Helainiu n-. I 1 .ind 1.3 on page 161 for a reminder if lliey nr»" I li । E • Remind students how we form used to in sentences. (I used to live here. Did you use to live here? I didn't use to live here.) • Tell students to look back at tasks E and F of page 22 and Grammar Reference 2.2 on page 162 for a reminder if they need to. I liU i d»ui I w.inl 1 Atb 4 dnFr H l Answers 5 1 Did you use 2 didn't use 3 used 4 didn't use 5 use 6 be ММММЙ lives 6 studying 7 buy 8 aren't 29
2 Let’s Get Together Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: Writing: multiple-choice & matching, understanding the context party and technology-related words, phrasal verbs, multiple-choice sentences, identifying collocations present continuous for future plans & arrangements, prepositions of time, place, direction & prepositional phrases, open cloze, choosing the correct preposition multiple-choice (pictures), choosing the correct picture asking & answering questions, talking to a partner, asking for details about events, checking information a poster, writing important information, finding the correct information, expressing time, giving contact details opener • Ask students what the title of the unit is (Let’s Get Together). Write the title on the board and ask if it is a statement, a question or a command (command). • Write the following activities on the board. - Having coffee in a cafe - Studying for an exam - Taking an exam - Listening to music - Throwing a party - Watching TV - Having breakfast Going on holiday • Ask students if there are any phrases that they do not understand. Then ask them to comment on whether or not the activity is something you always, usually, sometimes, rarely or never do with other people. Ask them what we call it when we ask someone to do something with us (an invitation). • Ask students to look at the photo and describe what they see without looking at the caption. Ask students if they think animals need each other's company, or if they like to be alone. Ask them to look at the caption and guess what a puffin is (a bird /the birds in the picture). • Give students some background information on the photo if you like, using the information provided below. Background Information Horned puffins make their home in the far northern reaches of the Northern Hemisphere - in Siberia, Alaska, and British Columbia, Canada. Specifically, they live on islands, such as the one in the photo, Round Island, Alaska. They live in colonies with hundreds of other horned puffins and they spent their days hunting for fish in the Pacific Ocean. On Round Island, they have plenty of company; the island is a habitat for walruses, sea lions and hundreds of other types of birds. In the summer, foxes come out to the shores and play, and the nearby ocean waters contain massive grey whales. A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students 20 seconds to do the task individually. Then discuss answers as a class. • Make sure students have the correct answers in their books. Answer . b invitations В • Ask students to look back at the invitations in task A. • Ask them to work with a partner to decide what different ways of inviting someone to an event are used in task A. Look at the first one together as a class, to help them get started. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Then discuss answers as a class. Use the board to write down the different ways of inviting someone to an event. 1 an email 2 a text message 3 an invitation 4 a Facebook post 5 a phone call • Now explain to students that they are going to invite their partner to an event, and then their partner is going to do the same. • Encourage students to use the text in task A to help them with their invitation. • Walk round the class to check that students are doing the task correctly. After they have completed the task, go over any common mistakes without saying who made them. .... . Answers t Students' own answers 30
Word Focus • At»l. ^Indents to look at the Word Focus box. Ask Ilium lo look at the words but not the definitions. Ask Miidcmb. lo find the words in the text. • А«Л ihcm to read the sentences with the red words and t-> by io guess the meaning of the words. Let them know UmI it c, fine if they are not sure of the meaning, but to li у b > < juess anyway. Ask them if it is a person or place, oi и noun or adjective. • At.1. -.indents to work through all the words in red on Ilnur * iwn. Once they have finished, ask them to look nt ih«’ Word Focus box to see if they worked out the • ••uni I definitions. __________________________Answers..^ Part 1:1- asking for a reason; 2 - saying no to .in invitation; 3 - inviting someone to an event; 4 - asking for information; 5 - asking someone to do something now. Part 2: inviting someone to an event ЬИИИИИШММИИМИММИМШИВШИИМИМИ. i -, «гага • Tell students that they are now going to complete the Exam Task. • Give students two minutes to complete the task. Then check answers as a class. • Йп1< не beginning the task, ask students the hill< >wiug questions. WI1.1l is the title of the article? (Australia Day) When is it? (26th January / January 26) happened in 1788? (British ships arrived with file iirsf white settlers.) What do people do on Australia Day? (They take a 1иэ.)к from work.) is a lamington? (a type of cake) • A-Л -.indents to read the instructions, and check that thuy understand what they have to do. s i ;ivn ^indents one minute to complete the task u»i Iivh Iti.illy. Then check answers as a class. ______ Answers p I Wii«m is this special day? J I).i people work on that day? 1 I low do they celebrate? 4 do they usually eat? 6 do they celebrate? • *4 (iidi nts to look at the Exam Close-up box, and « i. they understand what the context of a is I xplain that context is what kind of situation is firtppoiniig in the text. Say the following questions to givii «I tn louts examples of context. In bnnicione asking for information? h. шишюпе asking for a reason? Ir( aiinuKine thanking someone else? •*» vimoone inviting someone to an event? h vimcone saying no to an invitation? 1ь i».iiHH<)ric making an apology? Ih 4<iiiu»(inc asking someone to do something now? e и«л.| thiuuijh the rest of the Exam Close-up box wilh Hip ’.indents. Check that they understand all U>n infinm.ition. e A»k tn. louts to read the instructions to the task. II iuii i lo work with a partner to decide what is heppuiiii g in the six dialogues in the Exam Task. I hi .»hi.»i|h -.indents to underline any key words or guBitii иm in the dialogues that help them decide what the । onion I is (1 - Why didn't you; 2 - I can't come; • W. и ih I you like; 4 - Who; 5 - Shall we; 6 — Would you like I »<%• и-.-, .mswers as a class. 1A 2B 3C 4B 5A 6C 7H 8A 9D 10F G • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers 1 spend 2 make 3 go 4 take 5 have Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Have them work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. • Encourage them to ask for and give supporting answers to the questions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. A • Ask students to look at the words in the list and see if they understand any of them without reading the information to the right of the words. • Ask students to read the information to the right of the words and, as a class, ask them to match the words with the pictures. Ask students to tell you what helped them match the words to the pictures. • Make sure students have written the correct answers in their books. Answers 1 streamers 2 balloons 3 candles 4 sparklers 5 presents 6 confetti 31
Let’s Get Together • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Go over the other phrasal verbs in the task that students did not choose as answers, and explain the meanings using definitions and example sentences on the board. Encourage students to write down the verbs in their notebooks. _____________________________Answers e 1 hang out, get on 2 go out, stayed in 3 ask for, take her out 4 call off, looking forward c______________________________________________ • Tell students that they are going to complete the task using the answers that they did not use in task В • Give students one minute to complete the task, either individually or with a partner. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers in their books. 1 take ...away 2 go around 3 look up to 4 stay up 5 hang up 6 call back 7 ask about 8 get together • Read the words in the yellow wordbank to students and check that they understand the meanings of the words. • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them one minute to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers in their books. ____________________________Answers . 1 fun, great time 2 friend, company 3 free, sharp 4 have, make 5 getting, having • Ask students to look at the email very briefly and then to read the questions to the right. • Ask students to identify the question words and key words in the questions before they start the task (1 - Which, Fred’s folders; 2 - Who, received; 3 - Which, folders, email in; 4 - What, if they don't want to keep; 5 - attachment; 6 - What, think; 7 - Read out, email addresses, boys). • Ask students to try to answer the questions using the key words and without reading the entire email. Give them one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 1 Sent 2 Barney Rabble and Jeremy Bell 3 Inbox 4 delete it 5 yes 6 a photo of the tickets 7 'Fred Flint at got mail dot com; Barney r at boohoo dot com; Bell boy at mail for you dot com' Teaching Tip_______________________________________ Encourage students to find answers to questions quickly and accurately by scanning for information using key words. They can do this by looking at question words and key words and then quickly looking over the text to see what words might answer the question. Then they should read a bit more closely to see if they're correct. This can help them save time in an exam in order to focus on more difficult exam tasks. F • Before students begin the task, write the following questions on the board. - Who is the text about? (the writer's grandmother) - What is the subject? (technology) - What device does the writer’s grandmother have now? (a smartphone) — Where did the grandmother's cousins live? (Canada) - Who does the grandmother chat with? (her sisters) • Ask students to look at the questions and tell you what the question words and the key words are (Who, text about; What, subject; What device, grandmother have now; Where, cousins; Who, chat with). • Ask students to find the answers to the questions in the text. Give them one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers , devices 6 snail digital 7 laptop landline 8 contact make 9 click post 10 web Extra class activity If time allows, ask students to work in pairs or small groups to think about the advantages and disadvantages of digital technology. Give them five minutes to discuss and to write down their thoughts. Review their ideas as a class and write up the complete list of advantages ano disadvantages on the board. These may be useful for the Ideas Focus section later in the lesson. G _________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read through the information together. Make sure students understand what collocations are, and give them some examples from task F if necessary (e.g. mobile phone, send texts, go online).
• Л4 students to read the instructions, and check that limy understand what they have to do. * Г и outage students to look at the words before and nlioi the gaps in the Exam Task to see if they can think ol word goes in the gap without looking at the rtir.w<«i choices. В • Ask students to look back at the sentences in task A to find the answers for this task. • Give students one minute to work out the answers with a partner. Then check answers as a class. • Make sure students fully understand the grammar at this point, and check that they have the correct answers in their books. M<id«nts' own answers H______________________________________________________________ • lull -students that they will now complete the Exam I hey should look at the answer choices to see if any < >1 them match their suggestions in task G. If lluiit suggestions are not there, they should follow the tpii l.nice in the Exam Close-up to choose the best word fi ч o.n li answer. » ' nvf -.indents one to two minutes to complete the task indiviilually. Check answers as a class. ------------------Answers t 1< 2Л ЗВ 4C 5A Itliai Focus • Ail- students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Discuss the giwbiiiitr. is a class, and encourage students to explain ilmi- opinions with supporting information. For example, *4 tlioni lo give you an example of what happens when pnopio -.pend too much time online. (They don't spend ₽n. Hiijli lime on more important things like homework ut huu/ly lime.) i Wuiu I lie following statements on the board. Flight to New York: leaves at 3.15 p.m. hm\ I nind: plays at 9 p.m. Ijiiuinr /.30 p.m. t»rtin ’.l.irl time: 10 a.m. sharp e Л4 m«i< louis if these things are happening in the p»e»nnt oi the future (future). • Ил Un । iiidet I he examples: The flight for New York lea veil uf I 15 p m. and The flight for New York is leaving ar i Г> i m Ask students which is the Present Simple (the fio>t -.ri nonce) and which is the Present Continuous (♦he ioi <>nd '.(vitence). Explain to them that they are ♦••bun plan*» .uid we often use the Present Continuous »h tali, aliiiul future plans. Gothrough the remaining e»4<<»pii.'. .uid elicit Present Continuous sentences for м*Ь н..».>рк., (Tim's band is playing at 9 p.m., We're ha. dioiKv .it 7.30 p.m., The exam is starting at |(» win ahaip.) A ______________________________________ • A«u «hidfi» read the instructions, and check that tti»dt>it»i.-ind what they have to do. • tpwe tfirm «те minute to complete the task. Then check BH9W»rt <i-> л < lass. 1 the future 2 plans 3 can 4 be, be Now read the Grammar Reference on page 162 (3.1) with your students. C • Ask students if they know what a diary is. Ask if anyone keeps a diary and to suggest what sorts of things we write in them. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students two minutes to do the task with a partner. Check answers as a class. 1 is she studying 2 she's doing 3 Is she going 4 she's going 5 is she getting 6 She's getting 7 She isn’t buying ______-Answers 8 She's downloading 9 She's buying 10 is starting 11 is she helping 12 She's helping, are tidying up D • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer questions about their weekend plans. Direct them to the prompts below to get them started. • Walk round the class to check that students are using the language properly. • Go over any common mistakes with students without saying who made them. __________________ALlSW££S-® Students' own answers E_______________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the images in task E and ask them what they show (a concert ticket, a ticket for a sporting event, an airline ticket). • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task with a partner. Check answers as a class. Whet «<o yuu doing ta uuli’U At* tunilll'j t' IН» уШУпи ... 33
Let’s Get Together 1 The band is playing at the US Bank Arena. 2 The band is playing on 1 October at 7.30 p.m. 3 The match is starting at half past two / two thirty 12.30 p m 4 They're playing at Wembley Stadium. 5 The passenger is flying business class. 6 The passenger is sitting in seat 19A. F ______________________________________ • Before you begin the task, write the following information on the board and leave a space below each item. - Prepositions of time - Prepositions of place - Prepositions of direction - Prepositional phrases • Ask students to tell you a time phrase. Prompt them if necessary (e.g. in the morning, at noon, on Monday). Continue with prepositions of place fat school, at home, in 5 building, on the pavement); direction (onto the bed/table, into a Ьок/cafe, through a door/window, towards the exit/entrance); and prepositional phrases fat the end of, in front of, in the middle of), prompting if necessary. This is to help them understand the difference between prepositions of time, place and direction, and prepositional phrases. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Leave the information on the board for task C. 1 at 2 at 3 on 4 on 5 onto 6 in 7 in 8 into 9 inside 10 to • Ask students to go back through task F and decide if the prepositions are of time, place or direction. • Prompt them to use the information on the board to help them find the correct answers. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers in their books. Answers e 1T 2P 3T 4P 5D 6P 7T 8D 9P 10D Be careful! ________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Be careful! box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Give students some spoken examples that illustrate the differences between into, onto, towards, etc. and at, in and on (e.g. jump into a box, run towards a person, run from a criminal versus be at a place, work in an office, live on a boat). H ________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them one minute to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers in their books. Answers • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them one minute to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers in their books. Answers t 1 at the end of 2 at the front of 3 in the middle of 4 at the back of 5 at the bottom of 6 at the top of 7 on the right / left of Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 162-163 (3.2-3.5) with your students. • Before they begin the task, ask students to look at the wuids tlial follow the gaps and say wlial kind of prepositions they think they will write in the task (prepositions of time). • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them one minute to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class and make sure students have the correct answers in their books. .... Answers 1 at, in 6 on 2 on 7 in 3 in 8 in 4 in 9 at 5 at 10 on ММММММММКЛ» К • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Reac the information together as a class, and check that they understand it. • Write these questions on the board (or ask aloud). - What is the text? (an email) - Who is it to? (colleagues) - Who wrote it? (James) - What is the text about? (a museum exhibition) - How many gaps are in the text? (10) - What nationality do you see in the text? (Egyptian, • Ask students to read the Exam Task instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do • Give students two minutes to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class.
1 in 6 in 2 of 7 to 3 at 8 of 4 in/inside 9 On 5 from 10 in Answers A • I qil.iin to students that in this part of the lesson they will listen to short conversations and look at pictures to ninwor the questions. • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with л । mitiier to discuss the similarities and differences lit»iw<* *on the sets of photos. • < iivn -.indents one minute to discuss the photos. Then havo them say their findings aloud. | n < wn answers Answers h____________________________________________________ • Ai»k -.indents to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. » t iivo Undents one minute to complete the task with a l<ni tnei. Check answers as a class. * Wnte <in (he board the brainstorming ideas that »liiduni‘. ( ome up with for the task and encourage or (hern to add as many ideas as possible. Elicit *••• nbnl.ny fiuin Unit 1 un appeaiance (hair, eyes) to Jpm nl i«> (he first set of photos. I Ь . .i । a sister 9 a, J» ni < a month л |ilnilfigraph I Aik Kiulonl-, to read the instructions, and check that they uiidri-.i.ind what they have to do. | ihr. i.isk to students, or do the task as a class if lh»y hrtvn (KMible working out the answers. I I h«* к .in^wors as a class and get students to explain h«w ih»>y at lived at their answers (a - What present is lalkii.u .«I и nil ,i gift; b - When is a time and goes with Ihs »ahnii Ini, < Who is talking about a person). I l<bl»in Undents that they are going to listen to three bIimii i iinvei sations and they need to decide "hirh ph.itii atr.wcrs the question at the start of 1 fcttllVt’l UAll< >IL I » bi ti«.d«ni<* know that they can look back at the ф1в»Цм<<ч in ta*.k C If they need help understanding t>*'*"dlli<j I M.e к bihwuib a-. ,i class and make sure students have Й-® *ын=. i atiHWHi*. in their books. Answers e J 1a 2c 3b E • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Ask students in which task they practised these things (looking carefully at each set of photos - task A; brainstorming - task B; thinking about similarities and differences - task A). • Ask students to look at the pictures in the Exam Task and write down any vocabulary that connects each set of pictures, and any similarities and differences that they see. Prompt them with the first set of pictures, if necessary (three women, one with brown hair, two with blonde hair, one looks very young). Give them one to two minutes to do this with all sets of pictures. F • Ask students to read the instructions in the Exam Task, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Remind students that they will hear the recording twice, so they do not need to hurry to write down the answers. • Play the recording. After the first question, ask students if they want you to pause the recording after each question. Continue without stopping if students seem to handle the task adequately, but pause the recording if they seem to be struggling. • Move on to task G before checking answers. G J ,,________________________________________________ • Play the recording again and check answers as a class. Answers 1c 2b 3a 4:: 5c A____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions individually, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Tell them that they will first do the task on their own, and then explain their choices to a partner. • Give them one to two minutes to discuss before moving on to the next task. Students' own answers • Explain to students that they are going to plan an invitation. Ask them about invitations and what they are for. (They tell people about an event and that they are welcome to come.) • Ask students for what reasons we use invitations (for parties, dances or a get-together). Ask students to write down any other details that they think an invitation should have. • Give students one minute to do the task individually Then have students give you their ideas as a class. 35
Let’s Get Together Suggested answers Possible answers: time, what to bring, what to wear, telephone number/email address to reply to • Explain to students that they are now going to write an imaginary invitation for an event that they can choose from task A. • Encourage them to include the details on their invitation from task B, if appropriate. • Let students know that after they finish their invitations, they will work with a partner to ask about and give details about their invitations. Give them one minute to complete them. Students' own answers Useful Expressions • Before you begin Task D, review the Useful Expressions. • Read the expressions aloud and ask students if they understand what the questions are asking. D_________________________________________________________ • Now tell students that they are going to work with a partner to discuss their invitations. Explain to students that they will ask questions to find out the details about their partner's invitation. • Before storting the task, remind students to use the Useful Expressions in the right-hand column to ask questions about each other's invitations. • Give students one minute to do the task. Walk round the class to check that students are using the language appropriately. After they have completed the task, write any common mistakes on the board and ask students to give the correct way of saying the information. Answers Students' own answers • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to them. • Ask them questions related to the information to ensure that they understand. (How can we prepare questions for the exam? Should we just give yes and no answers? What do you do if you don't understand your partner?) • Ask students to look at the sentences in task E and to do the task individually. • Check answers as a class and make sure that students have the correct answers in their books. Answers • Now explain to students that they are going to do a speaking Exam Task. • Read the task instructions to students and check that they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to do the Exam Task with a partner, and remind them to read through the information in the invitations before they start the task. Give them two to three minutes to complete Task 1. Ask if they have finished Task 1, and tell them to switch roles and continue with Ta^k 2. Give them two to three minutes to complete the second task. Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. • Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. _______________Suggested ^nswrs.;J Task 1, Student B: Where is Tom's birthday party? What date is Tom's birthday party? / What is the date for Tom's birthday party? What time is the party? What is the phone number? What should I bring? / What do I need to bring? / What shall I bring? Task 2, Student A: What date is Mel and Luke's wedding? / What is the date for Mel and Luke's wedding? What time is the wedding? Can I take my partner? Where is the wedding? Where will we eat? / Where are we eating? What is the email address? V..... .................. I Teaching Tip Students are often most nervous about the speaking part of the exam, especially if they have trouble with speaking | Remind them that there are some things they can do during the exam to manage it better. For example, they are allowed to ask the examiner to repeat a question by simply saying, Can you please repeat the question? They are free to speak slowly during the exam, if that helps them, and they can correct their speaking mistakes if they I realise that they have made one. Naturally, if they have trouble speaking, that is a skill that they need to focus on more. Encourage them to watch videos in English or listen to English on the radio, and remind them to practise! speaking English as often as possible. Ideas Focus_____________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. • Encourage students to ask each other to explain their answers. • Go round the class to check that students are using the language correctly. Write any common mistakes on thw board without saying who made them, and elicit correct speech from students. 36
Writing & pos+er I onrning Focus • Ait -.indents to look at the Learning Focus box. Read the information aloud to your students. • Aik ihem a few questions about posters and notes. kinds of posters do they often see? (film adverts, not» es about events, museum exhibitions, performances, nli I What do posters and notes contain? (dates, times, pU< ns, events, phone numbers, addresses, etc.) Do we пип complete sentences when write posters and notes? |ni>J Do we have to pay close attention to the details? Ivc”.) Why? (The wrong information leads to people l/чнн/ to the wrong place, arriving at the wrong time, tj. unii on the wrong day, etc.) A__________________________________________________ • Ail- -.tudents to read the instructions, and check that thwy understand what they need to do. » < nvr -.tudents one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. I. 3c 4f 5b 6d P______________________________________________________ • Aik Qtiidcnts to work with a partner to do task B. Aik llicun to read the two texts and discuss with their pmiuoi what kind of information is in each text. • fin utit.HjL' them to use the headings in task A to help ihcm) identify the information in the poster and ths i ( hw< к answers as a class. evsnf >i hool fair pie» *» W.iverley High School d*Y Siitid.iy 4a»s L’lh June liitia 111 in. - 10 p.m. item* Ii .<»< I. jewellery, CDs, DVDs, video games ei-tivihc-i < oncert Small u. Ik к>1 fair ft*.tiyi|y I >Aiid/concert HteeHnu pl.ii i- in the town HibbIiimj tun*- 4.30 p.m. |)0П8|><>1| llll'i рсыпв uuinl ><•!-. - mobile and home phone I they are now going to look at two itude-iii и .’i”, about the email and poster. » Аи •tudnnli io work with a partner to discuss the notes 'delitily .iily mistakes. hark atr.woc. .is a class and ask students what mistakes и» tho in>iif,. (Student 1 wrote the date, concert hte «nJ li. мне phone number instead of the day, meelinu «ню .uulTnobile phone number.) в».----------------- Answ e butte..'millpled the notes correctly. ................... - ’огяиии ".^.«^чттвмч|пнмавзмвнвамвньамммаммив1 • Tell students that they are going to make llinii own poster. Remind students to make sure they inrhide» .ill the details in the task. • Give students one to two minutes to create then posters. Then ask them to exchange posters with a partner and check to see that all the details from th<• task are included. Alternatively, students can hold onio their posters and ask and answer questions about each other's posters by forming questions from the details in the task. (Where is the event? What day and time is f/ie event? What will be at the event?) Answers.. Students' own answers E__________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box and to quickly read the information. • Ask students the following questions. - How many items do you have to complete in the note-taking task? (five) - What's the first thing you do with the two texts? (read them) - What kind of information do you usually have to find? (a time, a place, a person) - Will the text contain one option for a piece of information, or more than one? (more than one) • Check that students understand all the information in the box. • Ask students to look at the Exam Task, but let them know that they will not complete the task just yet. • Ask students to read the instructions of the Exam Task. As a class, say which details in the yellow wordbank they will have to find to complete the task. ___ date, place, name of something/someone, price, email address Useful Expressions ____________________________________ • Ask students to read through the Useful Expressions. • Check that they understand all the expressions before moving on to the Exam Task. F • Now tell students that they are going to complete the Exam Task on their own. • Before they begin the task, encourage students to circle the pieces of information that they need to complete the task. Remind them that there are often two pieces of information in the texts that are alike, but only one of them is the correct answer. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 Saturday 19th December 2 the school playground 3 The Oakford Gang 4 £3 each for adults, £1 50 for children 5 37
Video 3 general Nofe The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool for students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other TV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information. Mardi Gras is a world-famous party that takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. The tradition began hundreds of years before today, in ancient Rome. It was a time when the religion of Christianity was growing in Europe, and some ancient celebrations were turned into religious holidays. The ancient Roman festival of spring gave us Mardi Gras, a festival celebrated by the French. When French people arrived in New Orleans in the 1700s, they brought Mardi Gras with them. Mardi Gras means 'Fat Tuesday', and the celebration takes place before Lent, a time when people avoid fatty foods. So, before Lent, people would use up all their butter in their cooking, and this is where the name 'Fat Tuesday' comes from. Today's Mardi Gras celebrations are different from the original Mardi Gras in the 1700s. It's the largest celebration in the USA, and the traditional colours of Mardi Gras - purple, green and gold - appear everywhere. Before you watch__________________________________ A • Ask students to look over the words and the definitions in the task. • Explain any unfamiliar words to students, especially in the definitions. Ask students to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words before defining them. • Give students one minute to complete the task on their own. Then check answers as a class. • Before moving on to task B, ask students if they have any celebrations throughout the year in which people gather on the streets. Ask them to say if they go to these celebrations and what they usually do While you watch В_____________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are now going to watch a short video about Mardi Gras. • Ask students to read the instructions and also the sentences in the task. Check that they understand what they have to do, and help them to work out the meanings of any unfamiliar words. • Play the video, padsing after each answer is spoken so that students can write down their answers. • Check answers as a class and make sure that students have the correct answers in their books. 1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 6T After you watch C _________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Read through the words in the yellow wordbank and check that students understand their meanings. • Ask students to look at the first three gaps and elicit from them the types of words that may go in each gap (noun, adjective, noun). • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and check answers as a class. Answers t 1 celebration 5 biggest 2 rich 6 green 3 French 7 cake 4 modern 8 next ............ Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Ask if students understand the questions and tell them to work with a partner to discuss the questions. • Encourage students to give supporting answers to their opinions and to use linking words to link their ideas. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 1b 2d 3e 4a 5c 38
4 A Day in the Life Reading: multiple-choice, finding the right part of the text quickly Vocabulary: everyday jobs-, money , shopping & food-related words Grammar: be going to& will, countable & uncountable nouns & quantifiers Listening: multiple choice, understanding what to listen for Speaking: prompt cards, eating out, taking an order, ordering food & drink, asking questions correctly Writing: an informal email, using adjectives in emails, using short forms, punctuation & greetings, talking about plans, giving opinions, inviting opener • Wnin A Day in the Life on the board, and explain to fonts that the unit will be about activities that people du ovt-iy day. » W»<1я / 00 am. on the board and ask students to tinw nix' something they do first thing in the morning. I>> lli«» side of the time, write their suggestions on the Iwirtid, prompting them as necessary (get up, have a ♦li.iwr’f, get dressed, have breakfast). Continue writing •aliPf limes of the day on the board, as appropriate, and aiHiihi i.isksto the side, either as students guess them, л . you prompt them. n (iu .i.m. - leave for school, catch the bus II) 00 <i.m. - go to history/English/science lessons L* IX) p.m. - have lunch, chat with friends <1 tn) p.m. - leave school, go home, practise a sport f no p.m. - have dinner, watch TV, read a book Hi 00 p m. - get ready for bed, go to bed I niiH huts which activities they like the most, and wIik h limy like the least. Ask them if there is anything they would like to change about their day, and what ►lijinjn-. they would make. htudi’uts to look at the photo and to describe wi'xi ihoy see. (e.g. I see a man who is in a cold place, h Intils Itkr he's getting ice from the ground.) Ask •ludeniti nbout the everyday lives of other people and if »H««y Hunk some people have harder or easier lives than lithcr.. (e.g. Some people have to live in very cold я» uni I work very hard. Others do not have to do min li work <» get up early.) i tliv» «tin lonls some background information on the pliM».. il у.ш like, using the information provided below. ftdukui mind Information_________________________________ Hiati in ili« photo is a young Inuit living in Hiv.iu. .ikujik, Greenland, an area on the east coast и? the it<uilion। half of the island, hundreds of kilometres ..........Ih "I I celand. One of his daily routines involves li ii uni ul an area of frozen freshwater, which he I,l<i *y aud use as drinking water. Greenland's yc«i Haaliw.гм, it packs provide the perfect source of ehie wniei lor the Inuits, as rainfall in the region r niy '.p,n •.»• and unpredictable. The year-round lempoi.iiiiies also pose problems for modern pit king ice for drinking water is a more ^•Ui . uplii hi I. >i Inuits living in this extreme region. TZead'mq A ___________________________;_____________ • Ask students to work with a partner to ask each other about their daily routines. Encourage students to use the words on the board as well as the photos on the page • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Write any common mistakes on the board without saying who made them, and elicit correct speech from students. Answers Students' own answers Word Focus • Before starting task B, have students look at the Word Focus box. Ask them to look only at the words and not the definitions. • Ask students to find the sentences in the text that contain the words. Then ask students to guess the meaning of the words. Prompt them if necessary, (e.g. Is a capital a house or a city?) • After students have tried to guess the meanings of the words, ask them to look at the definitions to see if they guessed correctly. Explain any words that give students problems. В • Ask students to look at the photo and to describe what they see. (It's a photo of a teenage boy, and he's wearing headphones and holding books. He's probably a student and he's going to school.) • Explain to students that they are going to read the text and find the activities from task A that Fu talks about. Encourage students to find the activities without reading the text closely and to underline them when they find them. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Check answers as a class, and ask students to point out the activities in the text. Answers get up, go to school, do homework, play basketball 39
A Day in the Life • Now explain to students that they are going to read the text again, this time more closely. • Before they read the text, go over the questions as a class and make sure they understand them. • Ask students to complete the task individually. Give them one to two minutes to answer the questions. Check answers as a class. Answers 1 congee - a rice porridge 2 about 15 minutes 3 in the school cafeteria 4 yes 5 8:30 p.m. D • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Explain to students that they are going to do an Exam Task, but first they will look at the questions and underline the key words. • Go through each question with the class and find the key words (1 - Fu, makes breakfast, before school; 2 - students, not Chinese; 3 - learns, language, morning; 3 - students, don't have a lot of time, eat lunch; 4 - Fu, become, basketball player; 6 - Fu, goes home, as soon as school finishes; 7 - dinner, after, five o'clock; 8 - Fu, tired, goes to bed.). Make sure students underline the correct words in their books before proceeding to the Exam Task. __________________Аожесц Students should underline the key words. • Explain to students that they are going to read the text about Fu's daily life again for the Exam Task. • Encourage them to use the words they underlined in the questions to find the answers in the text. Remind them that they do not have to completely reread the text, but they should focus on using the key words to decide if the statements are right, wrong, or the text doesn't say. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. _________________Answers < 1B 2A ЗА 4B 5C 6B 7A 8C F • Explain to students that the word get is used very often in English, and its meaning changes when it is used with other words. • Write get on the board and ask students to look back at the text and find every time they see the word get. Ask students to tell you what words in the text go with get to form a phrase. Write their answers on the board. • Ask students to circle all the instances of get in the text as you go along. 40 _______________________________Answers^ I get up, get dressed, get to school, I don’t get, get some snacks, get home, get a lot of homework, get tired G ________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Check answers as a class. • If time permits, ask students if they can think of other uses of get. Prompt them if necessary (get ready, get in a car, get off the bus, get married, get good marks, get in trouble, etc.), and encourage them to write down rew phrases in their notebooks. [Id 2a 3f 4c 5b 6e -... - - - Ideas Focus. .__________________________________________ • Ask students to read the Ideas Focus box, and check that they understand the questions. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to ask each other why they feel a certain way. • Go round the class and check that students are using the language appropriately. Go over any common language errors on the board without saying who made the error. If time allows, get students to talk about a person they admire and what a day in their life must be like. This car be a person who works in their neighbourhood, a relative or a famous person. This is a good way to stimulate students' minds and encourage them to think about other people and put themselves in someone else's shoes, so to speak. VofAbHlArvf A • Ask students to look at the pictures, and ask them if thny do any of these everyday jobs at home. Ask them who does the job, if it is not a job that they do. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task, and then chc< к answers as a class. 1 sweeping the floor 2 ironing 3 dusting 4 vacuuming the carpet 5 making the bed 6 doing the washing 7 cleaning the bathroom 8 doing the washing up И________________________________________________________ • Л-.к students to read the instructions, and give them one minute to complete the task individually • ( heck answers as a class and make sure students have fho correct answers in their books. • 'I time allows, explore some of the answer choices that «Indents did not choose. For example, ask students how we use do, make and put, and write phrases on the ho.tid. (e.g. We do homework. We do dishes. We do the washing up. We make the bed. We make coffee. Girls I mt make-up on. We put clothes on.) Encourage them to wtile new phrases in their notebooks. 1 got 5 make 2 lake 6 make 3 brush 7 have 4 < jet 8 do » A’ib '.indents to work with a partner to complete the dlnh igucs, with students taking turns at being Speaker A and Speaker B. • । live .indents one minute to complete the task. Check enuw<>rs as a class. 1 li<ly i hang out 1 w.Her „..Answers 4 wash 5 do D ________________________________________ I Aok «Indents to remain in pairs and work together to ^«>mpleie the dialogues. Ask one student to be Speaker A and one student to be Speaker В throughout the whirl*» task. I «indents one minute to complete the task. Check jutivvoi . ,is a class. 1 »)!₽>nd, pay i rjo, do 1 rani, buy 4 lend, borrow 5 make, save i ________________________________________ I Alb «tudnnls to look at the photo above the text and to йе«» ride what it shows. (A teenage girl is working in a e»*peuitu/k(‘f and she’s helping a customer.) I Ajh siudoni'. the following questions: Wh.ii r. the title of the text? (Lizzy's Saturday Job) H»«w । «Id is Lizzy? (16) WhtJiu does she work? (a supermarket) When does she work there? (every Saturday) I tiivc «1н«i«>nis one minute to complete the task individually I hen check answers as a class. • Ask students to look at the pictures. Ask them il ||м»м» are things that they buy often, and what things they buy the most. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 loaf 2 bottle 3 packet 4 can 5 jar 6 carton 7 tin 8 bar G • Ask students to look at the text and tell you what products they see in the text (lemonade, orange juice, bread, cheese, jam, cornflakes, chocolate). • Ask students to read the text and complete the gaps with the words in the yellow wordbank. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Check answers as a class. go buy trolley cans carton loaf jar Answers 8 packet 9 bars 10 till 11 customers 12 cashier 13 receipt 14 spend Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the questions in the ideas Focus box and work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. • Encourage students to support their opinions with examples. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. fyravnfaAr • Explain to students that they will learn about future verb tenses in this section. • Write be going to and will on the board. Ask how we say do the dishes when we want to talk about a future event. Write do the dishes on the board; then prompt students by writing We are going to------------ tomorrow under be going to. Continue with will, writing We will tomorrow. Continue with another example, using previous vocabulary. • Explain that we can use both be going to and will to talk about future actions, but there are differences in meaning that they will learn in the lesson. 41
A Day in the Life A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers We're going to visit ... Are you going to stay ...? We're going to take ... you're going to need ... В • Tell students that they are going to look back at task A to answer the questions in task B. • Do the questions as a class and discuss any issues that students have with the grammar. • Check that students have the correct answers in their books. Answers 1a 2b c • Tell students that for this task, they will think about how we use be going to. • Have students complete the task individually. Remind them that they can look back at the dialogue in task A. • Check answers as a class and discuss any issues that students have with the grammar. 1 the future 2 before 3 at the moment 4 verb (infinitive without to) D • Explain to students that they are going to read the dialogue and underline instances of going to and will. • Give them one minute to do the task individually. Check answers as a class. • Have students do the task individually, and then discuss the answers as a class. Check that students have marked the correct answers in their books. 1b 2d 3a 4c Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 163-164 (4.1-4.2) with your students. F_____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Г / 1^ V -V <7 4 'II buy 1 will win 2 's going to 5 'II have 3 l^ 'm going to 6 'm going to play G • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers 1d 2a 3c 4f 5e 6b Teaching Tip The differences between be going to and will can be difficult for some students. Providing examples can be extremely helpful in understanding the difference. If time allows, use the board to explore the differences further using examples. You can begin by writing plans, quick decisions, predictions and think/know/be sure on the board, and then ask students what we use with each (be going to, will, will and will). Continue by asking or prompting students to provide two or three examples of each, using words and phrases that they have learnt in the unit Answers I'jULgaing to. take - I'll help ... Will you drive ...? Your dad will need ... I think I will need ... You'll have ... E • Now explain to students that they are going to learn about the rules of how we use will. Explain that the rules for using will are sometimes different from how we use be going to. Explain that it is a bit difficult to understand the differences sometimes, and it may take a bit of time before it makes sense. • Before beginning task H, ask students to name some nouns in the classroom, and write them on the board (chair, desk, book, pencil, board, projector). • Then ask students what we call chairs and desks (furniture), what we find inside books (information), and what the board and the projector are (equipment). • Ask which ones we count and how we do it (e.g. one chair, two chairs; one desk, two desks). Ask if we can count things like furniture, information and equipment. (Do we say furnitures or informations? No.) Explain that students are going to learn about nouns we count (countable), nouns we do not count (uncountable), and how we use words such as how much, how many, a few and a little (quantifiers). 42
• А4 fii<l<>nls to read the instructions, and check that they tinder stand what they have to do. » Givu eludnntS one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ____________________________Answers ф I liiiniiure У inloiination J litul 4 itiuch » A->l> '.indents to read the instructions, and check that ihuy understand what they have to do. • < live -.indents one minute to complete the task individually. Then check the answer as a class. _______________________Answer e uni mintable • Aok students to read the words in the yellow wordbank, and check that they understand the meaning of all th» words. • Ask -.indents to read the instructions, and check that th«>y understand what they have to do. • < live students one minute to complete the task iuIividually. Then check answers as a class. Be careful! • A-.k students to look at the Be careful! box. Read the nformation aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to tell you the singular forms of the nouns in the third point (man, woman, child, person, sheep). Ask them which word does not change (sheep). К . ________________________________________________________ ♦ Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • ( jive students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. • As an extra task, ask students to name countable nouns associated with money and homework. Prompt them J necessary (coins,-notes, pounds, dollars, and papers, tasks, exercises, answers). __________________________Answers e money (uncountable), game (countable), euros (countable), homework (uncountable), food (uncountable), fruit (uncountable), biscuits (countable), strawberries (countable) L • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. __________ 1 can, can 2 cannot, cannot, do not have • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask an extra task, ask students to look at the nouns that follow the quantifiers in the dialogue. Ask them if the nouns are countable or uncountable. __________________________________Aosftsca* * a few strawberries, How much money ...?, How much fruit...?, some money, I’ve got some ..., some homework, some fruit, some biscuits, a little homework, How many biscuits ...?, He hasn't got any money!. Have you got any food?, Have you got any chocolate ones?, a lot of homework ..., ... lots of biscuits • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers *' ... 1 uncountable 2 countable 3 both countable and uncountable 4 both countable and uncountable 5 both countable and uncountable I 6 countable 7 uncountable Now read the Grammar Reference on page 164 (4.3-4.5) with your students. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 43
A Day in the Life _______________________Ашта 1 many, lots of 2 much, a few 3 any, some 4 a little, lots of Lis+eninr) A • Ask students to look at the picture next to the task. Ask the following questions and prompt as necessary: - Where was this photo taken? (Venice, Italy) - What is a gondola? fa boat) - Who is in the gondola? (tourists) - When (or at what time of day) was this photo taken? (afternoon) • Ask students to say what question words you have asked them (where, what, who, when/what). • Ask students to read the instructions for the task. Give them one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask students to compare their answers with a partner. ------------------------Answers » a Who b When c How much d Which e How f What -.. .. ---------- ।..... • Explain to students that they are going to look back at task A to find the answers for task B. • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them one minute to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class and encourage students to explain how they arrived at their answers. __________________Answers e 1f 2a 3d 4c 5b 6e c • Now explain to students that they are going to look at the multiple-choice answers that go with the questions in task A. They will work with a partner and write a question from task A for each set of answers. • Give them one minute to complete the task. • Check answers as a class and encourage students to say how they arrived at their answers. _______ Answers e 1 Which city is she going to visit? 2 Who is she going to travel with? 3 What does she order in the cafe? 4 How much money has she got now? 5 How are they going to get to the museum? 6 When will they leave the hotel? D______________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to listen to six people talking about their travels. Tell students that each person is going to say one line for each question in task C. They will listen and choose the correct answers. • Play the first question, then pause and ask students to choose the correct answer. Discuss the correct answer as a class before moving on to the next question. • Play the rest of the recording and continue pausing after each question, or allow the recording to play in its entirety, as appropriate. • Check answers as a class. _________AQSAifiEa.,) 1C 2B 3B 4C 5C 6C E_____________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and ask students where they have seen question words in the lesson so far (task A). • Check that students understand the information in the Exam Close-up box before moving on to the next part of the task. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ___________________________________Answers e Who (a person's name); What (clothes); Why (a reason); How (a form of transport); What (time) (a time) F • Now explain to students that they are going to listen to a dialogue between two people and choose answers as they listen Remind them that they will hear the recording twice. • Play the recording. If necessary, pause after the first question and check that students have answered the first question. • Do not check answers as a class yet, but move on to task G. • Now play the recording again, and ask students to check their own answers. • Check answers as a class and replay any parts of the recording for questions that students answer incorrectly, so that they can hear the correct answers. 44
1А /h 1Л 4H 5C • Now ask students to look at the Exam Task and to think about the five questions they will ask a purloin Encourage them to use a variety of question worth., мн h as when, what, who and how much. Allow them to tiuik«> notes about the questions, but not to write out the full question. I A*k Miidents io look at the pictures, and ask them which itgnu llwy would have in the morning (2, 3, 6, 9, 10), the (I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) or the evening (1, t 4 I 5 /, 8, 9, 10). Let them know that we may eat or Utinl* м nut» items at more than one time of the day. • ui»n Miidrnts one minute to complete the task iiulivii h i.illy. Check answers as a class. I । h0i**.e and tomato l»i//.i (main course) i । Inn <>late brownie (llrv.<jrt) 1 -.р.п к ling water (i li ink) 4 и r-< i earn (dessert) h olives (starter) ______Answers 9 6 espresso (drink) 7 spaghetti with prawns (starter/main course) 8 garlic bread (starter) 9 still water (drink) 10 orange juice (drink) Ih«ful Expressions_______________________________________ • At>l* «undents to look at the Useful Expressions. Explain Hi.ii we often say and hear these questions and •biicinents when we go out to eat. » rtnoil the headings, questions and statements aloud, and . ho< к that students understand them. • lr innr allows, ask students to guess answers or replies o.K.h question or statement. Do this as a class, and pninipt students with answers as necessary. И________________________________________________________ • Г-pl.iin to students that they are going to look ar dialogues between speakers who are out in msi.iurants. Explain that the questions and statements in ihc dialogues use the expressions from the Useful I ч press ions box. • < nv«> students one minute to complete the task individually. Remind them that they can look back at the I Im-ful Expressions to help them, if necessary. • < heck answers as a class. ________________________Answers e 1 would, starter, I’ll 3 any have, can 4 kind 2 much, We'll have 5 tip, bill c________________________________________________________ • Л .к students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read (In? information aloud to the class, and check they understand it. • II time allows, ask students to look back at task H and ask them which questions have question words (questions 1, 2 & 4), which use auxiliary verbs (question 3) and which one has an incomplete question (question 2). Students’ own answers D ...______________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to work with a partner to complete the Exam Task. • Explain that Student В will first ask five questions about Student A’s menu, and then Student A will ask five questions about Student B’s menu. • Tell students to begin. Go round the class, listening to check that students are using the language correctly. Encourage them to use the notes they wrote in task C, and remind them that they can look at the Useful Expressions box, if necessary. • Give students two minutes to complete the task, and go over any common language errors on the board without saying who made the error. Suggested answers Task 1, Student B; When does the bistro open? / What time does the bistro open? Are there any starters? How much is the apple cake? / How much does the apple cake cost? Who should I call to book a table? What’s the telephone number? Task 2, Student A: What time does the cafe open? How much is the garlic bread? / How much does the garlic bread cost? Are there any desserts? What kind of coffee is there? / What kind of coffee do they have? Who can I call for a takeaway lunch? / Who should I call for a takeaway lunch? Ideas Focus___________________________________________ • Now ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Ask students to work with a partner to answer the questions. Encourage them to give reasons to support their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they are doing the task properly. Use the board to review any language errors without saying who made them. WrVHn£): 6\y\ informal evnzail Learning Focus_______________________ • Explain to students that in this lesson they will l< un about writing emails. Explain that we often »<«.»•» adjectives in emails to make them mon* inti'K-.iinq ь > read and to express how we feci. 45
A Day in the Life • Ask students to think of some adjectives that they have learnt so far (e.g. from Unit 2: traditional, great, weird, beautiful, smart, kind/unkind, funny, cheerful, shy, sociable, silly, annoying/annoyed, caring/careful, friendly). Ask what we used those adjectives for {to describe people, objects or experiences). • Ask students to look at the Learning Focus box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. As a follow-up question, ask in what order we write adverbs and adjectives that go together (adverb, then adjective). A • Ask students to look at the activities in the task and order them from best to worst in their own opinion. Remind them that 1 is the best and 10 is the worst. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and then continue to task B. Answers St idnnts' own answers В • Ask students to work with a partner to discuss their opinions for task A. • Encourage them to ask and answer questions about the activities, rather than just look at what numbers they put. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Continue with the Extra class activity below it time allows. _________________ Students’ own answers Extra class activity Get to know the class better by surveying their opinions from task A. Write the first activity on the board and ask how many students chose this as their best activity, and how many chose it as their worst. Place ticks and crosses to keep a tally. Continue through all the activities to learn the favourite and least favourite activity in the class. You can also invite a student to the board to perform the survey, if appropriate. D __________________________________ • Ask students to work with a partner to answer the questions in the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Check answers as a class. 1 last month 2 yes 3 her cousins 4 5 6 at 10 o'clock at the beach cafe sunbathe and swim yes • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. .............. ©: great fun, exciting, relaxing, I'm really looking forward to ... awful, really boring, I'm not looking forward to, terrible • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Ask them the following questions before reading the information, and prompt students as necessary: - What are short form expressions? (two words that make one, e.g I'll, you'll, he'll, don't, can't. I'm, he's, she's, etc.) - What are some examples of punctuation? (full stop, question mark, exclamation point, comma) - What common greetings do we use in emails? (Hi, How are you?) • Then read the information aloud, and check that students understand it. • Give students one minute to complete task F individually. Check answers as a class. —----------------- Answers! I I'm, I'm, it'll, we're, it's, awful!, washing up!, weekend!, | won't, I'm, I'm, too!, We're, I’m, it'll • Ask students to look at the texts in tasks C and D, and ask the following questions: - What are these texts? (emails) - Who wrote the first text? (Katie) - Who received the first text? (Julie) - Who wrote and who received the second text? (Julie wrote it, and Katie received it.) • Now ask students to do task C. Give them a few seconds to read the email, and ask the class to give you the answer to the question. Useful Expressions_______________________________ • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions. Give them one minute to read the expressions to themselvm • Ask students what verb tenses they see in the expressions that they have learnt in the unit (be going to, will). G • Now explain to students that they are going to write an email in the Exam Task. • Before they begin the task, ask them to find the questions they have to answer in the Exam Task. Then ask them to circle either happy or unhappy in the fir.i two questions, based on what they read in the email from Mum. 46
j * loll students to begin the Exam Task. Explain that they will do the task individually, and remind them to stay within the word limit. Ask them to tell you what the word llnul is (25-35 words). • ' nve students two minutes to complete the task. Then uak them to exchange their work with a partner, so they can check each other's work. Remind them to । h₽< к that all three questions were answered. Go round iho ( lass and look at students' reply emails. Go over ntiy < ommon errors on the board without saying who iiiaik them. Hi Iuni t in going to do my homework on Saturday. I'm not I<hiIuiicj forward to it! On Sunday I'm going to go to thr Iieac.h with my parents. It'll be great fun! Can you I Ornc? Ъвм< hing Tip Г muni ,-iqe students to check each other's answers when 9f«P<oj>r iare This gives them a chance to correct or disiujp 1 heir own answers before a whole class check. H ah> । pucourages students to reflect upon their own 5<>.l ihi’ii partner's answers, thereby helping to foster a pHiitivr i issroom environment where students can learn lioio imn .mother as well as from the teacher. 4/
4 Л ^irifefcly ^counter general No+e The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool for students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other TV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information Welcome to the Grizzly hotel! This video takes you on a journey through the daily routines of grizzly bears who reside in a unique bear reserve - the Montana Grizzly Encounter - that's part reserve, part hotel of sorts. The bears enjoy a comfortable interior environment, with plush beds and 'room service' feeding troughs, but they also have access to a natural exterior habitat. Their handlers utilise both habitats, feeding them high quality food indoors, and using the same food to stimulate them outdoors. I hey hide the food In the outdoor environment, under logs, in the snow and in ice sculptures, and they let the bears forage for it, almost as they would in the wild. This keeps both the physical and mental abilities of the bears in top form. Before you watch________________________________________ A ______________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the photo. Ask them what animal they see in the photo (a bear). • Ask them to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Remind them that they may not know the answers to the questions, but they should try to guess. • Check answers as a class. While you watch______________________________________ В _______________________________ • Explain to students that they are now going to watch a three-minute video on grizzly bears. • Play the video and pause after the first question. Give students a few seconds to write down their answers. Check the answer as a class. • Continue with the video, pausing as necessary • When the video has finished, check answers as a class. Answers t 1 seven 4 16 2 meal 5 comfortable 3 oranges 6 noses After you watch C ........... ... • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Check that students understand the meanings of the words in the yellow wordbank. Review any unfamiliar words before students begin. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. Ideas FqcjuSl____„____________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner and to ask and answer the questions. Encourage students to support their opinions with reasons and examples. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 48
Review 2- Units 3 & 4 Ob|s< fives _______________________________________ I U mvi'.n vt>< abulary and grammar from Units 3 and 4. Isvlalon ___________________________________ I N»vn»« Im the review the day before using the v»« nhnl.ilу <>nd grammar revisions below. This will also ?ivr ituilonts a framework for revising at home. •plain to students that they will do a review of Units 3 •ini «1 dining their next lesson, just as they did for Units I Hl id ;> • Memind students that the review is not an exam. Explain ll<яt thny will complete the review as they did the last limn, they will be able to ask you for help and use their Ьи»Лъ iо find answers. I Ytni < .in administer the review however you like. You can gu Ihiough each question one by one, asking students lu fill m the answers, and then check the answers as • । lav. You can allow them to do entire exercises, and then check answers as a class. You can split the vin «biliary and grammar sections into two parts, giving Itudents 10-15 minutes to do one part and the same nun Hint of time for the second part. You can let them do Ihu ontire review on their own, and then check answers #t ih«- end. If you decide to do that, remind students in Ihu middle of the review how much more time they have uul lull. • onrage students to guess any answers they do not Lu >w, and not to leave any gaps blank. » Wlmti students have completed the review, check the •mwers as a class. Do some extra task work on the hoard for any areas that students seem to be having In ruble with. Vornbulary Revision » Wiitc these letters on the board and ask students to hum nouns. nnollabs (balloons) - bew (web) tetifnoc (confetti) - riecahs (cashier) tseprens (presents) lesdnac (candles) potsked (desktop) gidilat (digital) - tceiper (receipt) - tracon (carton) - faol (loaf) • Wide the following words on the board and ask •Indents to tell you what prepositions from the unit go alter them. Then ask students what the phrases mean: hang (up - end a call; out - meet with friends) . isk (for - get information, about - learn about a person) look (forward to - be excited about something that will happen; up to - admire and respect someone) get (on - enjoy being with someone; together - meet) go (around - visit someone's home; out - meet someone socially) call (back - call someone that called you first, off - cancel) stay (in - not go out; up - not go to bed) • Ask students what we do to tidy up the following: - a bed (We make it) - a carpet (We vacuum it.) - the dishes (We do them.) - the floor (We sweep it.) - the bathroom (We clean it.) • Ask students to look at the photos in task F on page 47 and to cover up the words below. Ask them to say what each picture, using complete phrases (e.g. a loaf of bread, a bottle of water). • Remind students to review the differences between the word pairs in task D on page 47. Grammar Revision._____________________________________ • Recreate the diary from task C on page 36 on the board. Ask students to form sentences using the details of the diary. • Write the following words on the board, and elicit which prepositions can go with them and what the prepositions are used for: - noon (at - to say a time) - Monday (on - to say what day) - school (in, at - to say a place) - July (in - to say a month) - her desk (at, on - to say a place or position) - Germany (in, to - to say where a person lives or is going) • Write the following on the board and ask students if we use be going to or will with each: - plans (be going to) - quick decisions (will) - think/know/be sure (will) - future facts (will) • Write countable and uncountable on the board. Say these nouns in the following order and ask students to tell you what column they go in: - apple (countable) - information (uncountable) - chair (countable) - people (countable) - women (countable) - book (countable) - news (uncountable) - luggage (uncountable) - advice (uncountable) - sheep (countable) • Ask students if a few or a little goes before each noun. Prompt them if necessary (a few apples, a little information, a few chairs, a few people, a few women, a few books, a little news, a little luggage, a little advice, a few sheep). W
\Л>6АЬи1йГЦ A • Ask students to read the sentences without circling any answers and to underline the words just before or after the words in red. • Then ask students to choose the word in red that completes the collocation. Encourage students to read the whole sentence to see if they have got the correct answer. Answers 1 sparklers 7 tidy 2 good 8 got 3 sent 9 customers 4 contact 10 can 5 make 11 borrowed 6 getting 12 do • Go through the words in the yellow wordbank and ask students what other words go with the following words; bru^h (your hair); click (a mouse button, on a website); pay (a lot of money); surf (the net); waste (time). • Ask students to try to find those words in the sentences to quickly match the words in the wordbank with the correct sentence. • Alternatively, you can ask students to underline the words surrounding the gaps in the sentences and ask what words collocate with them. • Quickly review the meanings of the phrasal verbs in the yellow wordbank. • Encourage students to read the sentences for gist so that they can understand the situation in each sentence and fill in the gaps more easily. Answers • 1 hung up 6 hang out 2 call off 7 stay up 3 go around 8 looking forward to 4 stay in 9 call ... back 5 gets on 10 asked for fyrnvwnAr A___________________________________ • Ask students to quickly tell you how we form the Present Continuous (the correct form of the verb be plus the -ing form of the main verb). • Encourage students to pay special attention to the subjects that go with each gap, so that they write the correct form of the Present Continuous. Also remind them that sometimes they are being asked to form questions and negatives. • Tell students to look back at page 36 and Grammar Reference 3.1 on page 162 for a reminder if they need to. 1 am not meeting, am studying 2 Are you going, am getting 3 are flying, are sailing 4 aren't coming, are staying 5 isn't having, are taking В___________________________________________ • Ask students to first look at the sentences and see if there are any gaps they can answer without looking at the yellow wordbank. • Tell students to look back at page 37 and Grammar References 3.2-3.5 on pages 162-63 for a reminder if they need to. 1 from 5 towards 2 at 6 into 3 inside 7 on 4 onto 8 in c \ • Ask students to read the sentences and decide what the situation is in the sentence; a plan, a quick decision, a prediction, a future fact, or if the words think, know and be sure appear somewhere in the sentence. • Remind them to be careful of how they write the negative form in the gaps. • Tell students to look back at page 48 and Grammar References 4.1-4.2 on pages 163-164 for a reminder if they need to. 1 am going to go 2 will make 3 aren't going to send 4 will do 5 is going to wash 6 will drive 7 is going to take 8 will be D • Ask students to underline the nouns in the sentences before doing the task. Ask if the nouns are countable (sentences 1, 3, 8) or uncountable (sentences 2, 4, 5, 6,7). • Tell students to look back at page 49 and Grammar References 4.3-4.5 on page 164 for a reminder if they need to. 5 much 6 information 7 a little 8 any 1 many 2 this 3 a few 4 is 50
5 Home Sweet Home Reading: multiple-choice, justifying your answers Vocabulary: home- and room-related words, phrasal verbs Ooen cloze, focusing on words before & after the gap ' H Grammar: present perfect simple, for & since, possesses multiple-choice cloze, identifying the kind of word you need Listening: multiple matching, identifying the two incorrect options Speaking: describing different rooms, asking & answerino Questions, making your descriptions interesting, describing my bedroom Writing: a note, explaining why, checking your spelling making excuses ЦЙ+ opener • Л-.k students to look at the picture and ask the billowing questions, prompting when necessary: • Where is this house? (Suffolk, England) • I low many people do you think live there? (students' own answers) • । low many floors are there? (7; 2 behind the small itiucture in front, and 5 that can be seen) • Where do people sleep? (students' own answers) • Where do people have breakfast? (students' own answers) • h it in the city or the countryside? (countryside) • Would you like to live there? Why? I Why not? (students' own answers) • tell students that this unit is going to be about homes .„id rooms in a home. Ask them to explain the title l lome Sweet Home, or to make guesses as to what и means (a place that feels good because something iwcet is something that tastes good). • A-.k students to name a few rooms in a home, if they < .m’ Prompt them if necessary, (e.g. What do we call the тот where we have breakfast? The kitchen. Where do wn sleep? The bedroom. Where do we watch TV? The living room.) • II you like, you can give students more information about tho photo from the background information below. flockground Information Ui«- House in the Clouds was once a water tower, used l< -.tore water for nearby Thorpeness village in Suffolk • minty, England. The watertower was built in 1923 and wa-. not a very attractive building, so at some point the h>wn folk met to decide what to do about such an ugly •tincture. They creatively decided to turn it into a house, will: the help of architects and engineers who made •пт the tower would be safe as a place of residence. I of a house and more of a hotel, it is now used as «• । ommodation for holidaymakers. The number of rooms in ihc house has changed over time, but it has currently (jut five bedrooms and three bathrooms that are all • onnected by a total of 68 stairs. ell students that you will discuss as a class th ’--- , 7erence between 'needing' and 'wanting' e ,Ve students an opportunity to try to exp|J 5°rcePt on their own at first. Then provide e ™'ngs that we need (food, clothing, a hom* XarpPles of 3rr>'ly, friends) and things that we want (gs' sc^00^, films, concerts, trendy clothing, meals i^5' 9Oln9 lots of friends). restaurants, В Iе** students that they will work with a partn ' tho items in the pictures are things that w tO dec'de . «hat w. want. need or "Courage students to explain to each otht.r e Lf.lrikitem is something we need or warit Why the* ,IVe students one minute to discuss the ph " t sir partner Walk round the class while the °S lsten to see if they explain their answers, у0Уta*k and review any language errors on the board whU СЭП ha*e finished. n theV Word Focus Asf: Students to look at the words in the 1% 7 ------ ^ithout looking at the definitions. n Focus box . en ask students to find the sentences in tk at COntain those words and to read the e artic*e p° see they can guess the meanings of thentences Grr>ind them that it is fine if they cannot fjQ Words- Waning of the word from the sentence, b.„? Out the 9*Jess anyway. 1 to trYto Give students one minute to figure out the Swords, and then ask them to look at th/l° an,n9s nf to see if they guessed correctly. ' definitions 51
£ Home Sweet Home c • Tell students that they are going to quickly read the article to learn if the items in task В are in the homes in the text. Remind them not to read the article closely, but to quickly look for the information. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Check answers as a class. 1 satellite dish 2 carpet 3 wardrobe 4 floor 5 blanket None of the items would be in the igloo; there would be beds in the ger and a TV, but not necessarily a 3D TV; all of the items would probably be in the houseboat. • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to read the Exam Task, and ask the following questions: - What are you going to read? (an article) - What is the text about? (the homes of three teenagers) - How many questions are there? (8) - How many answer choices are there for each question? (3) E___________________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to do the Exam Task. Remind them that for this task, they will read the text carefully. • In order to explore the Exam Close-up, do the first question as a class. Read the question aloud and give students 20 seconds to find the answer. When they think they have found the answer, ask a student to try to justify it. (The only home that can be moved is a houseboat because it's on the water, and the others are on land.) • Now tell students to complete the remaining questions. Remind them to try to justify their answers as they go along. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task, and then check answers as a class. • While you check answers, ask students to give justifications for their answers. ............. Answers 1C 2A 3C 4B 5A 6C 7A 8C F • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud and ask students to tell you where the words are in the text. • Then ask students to complete the sentences with the words. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. • Ask a follow-up question, ask students which of these items we need, and which we want. Encourage them to explain their answers. Ideas Focus______________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to them. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Remind them to say why or why not and to give supporting examples and reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class and check that students are using the language correctly. Use the board to review any common language errors without saying who made them. A_________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the pictures and choose the correct answer from the options below. • Give students 20 seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • As a follow-up question, ask students if these homes would be in the city, the countryside, or both (1 - both; 2 - city; 3 - countryside, 4 - both). 1 house 2 flat 3 cottage 4 villa Teaching Tip It is a good idea to recycle themes from one section of the unit to the next. For example, with the unit Home Sweet Home, you can, where appropriate, ask students if a particular item is something they need or something they want, and encourage them to explain why. When you plan your lessons, try to see what ideas from other units you can repeat. В _______________________________ • Ask students to work with a partner and look back at th pictures in task A to talk about the homes they would most like to live in. Encourage them to explain their answers with examples and reasons. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. • Go round the class to make sure students explain their answers. Review any language errors on the board without saying who made them. Answers Students' own answers 52
с ________________________________________________________ • < »ive students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • Л* *. л follow-up question, ask students if they have all nt these rooms in their homes, if they have their own brtdroom or bathroom, or if they would like to have thrir own. • Ask students to work with their partner again to find ilm items in the photos in task F. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. Answers Answers 1 dining room 2 bedroom 3 living room 4 kitchen 5 bathroom 6 hallway D____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the pictures, and elicit from them if they have these features in their home. * (live students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • I ncourage students to say what key words in the texts they used to answer the question (1 - garden, tools, old hike; 2 - weather is warm, flowers, trees, garden, table; I size of a small bedroom, wet clothes). Answers 1 shed 2 patio 3 utility room t_________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the items in the yellow wordbank. I xplain any unfamiliar words. • < live students one minute to complete the task udividually. Then check answers as a class. • Use the Teaching Tip in this section to explore these items further if you like Answers 1 utility room 7 living room 2 kitchen 8 utility room 3 bathroom 9 patio 4 living room 10 dining room 5 bedroom 11 kitchen 6 shed 12 hallway ......-nil - - - ...... r_______________________________________________________________ • Inll students to discuss the rooms in the photos with я partner and to say which one they like the best. I ncourage them to give reasons fortheir opinions. • (io round the room and check that students are using the language appropriately. Go over any common errors on the board without saying who made them. •thidents' own answers Answers ;S, a rug 1, 3 b mirror 2 c mat 2 d poster 1 e painting 3, 4 f curtains 4 g blinds 3, 4 h lamp 2, 4 i pillow 1, 4 j duvet 4 к shelves 4 I coffee table 3 Extra class activity_______________________________— You could consolidate the room-related vocabulary by playing a short game in class. Put students into pairs or small groups, and ask them to close their books. Say one of the rooms from task C on page 60, and ask students to write down as many items of furniture or equipment that they can think of that might be found in that room. Set them a time limit of 30 seconds. Continue with as many rooms as time allows, and award one point for each correct answer. The pair/team with the most points at the end wins. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. ___________________________Answers > 1 switch on 2 put away 3 hang up 4 pull up 5 put up • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to look back at task H and say which words from the yellow wordbank would probably be missing in an exam task that is described in the Exam Close-up box (away, up, on, up, up). • Now ask students to look at the words before and after the gaps in the Exam Task and elicit from them what kinds of words they are (personal pronouns, past participles, -ing verbs, possessive adjectives, nouns, time words and expressions, the verb be). 53
Home Sweet Home C _________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. 1 have 2 like 3 there 4 at • Ask students to complete the Exam Task on their own. Check answers as a class. .Answers . 6 own 7 yours 8 in 9 lots 10 take Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage students to give reasons to support their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. Mow read the Grammar Reference on page 165 (5.1-5.3) with your students. ^гаткилг A • Explain to students that they are going to learn about the Present Perfect Simple verb tense and how to form and use it. • Ask students to look at the sentences and, as a class, say what the verbs are in each sentence. • Point out the've form in sentences 2 and 3 and ask students what word that is (have). • Ask students to underline the Present Perfect Simple verb forms and remind them that it is fine to guess if they are not sure. 1 has slept 2 I've been, I've never been 3 I've just seen Teaching Tip_____________ Past participles, especially irregular ones, require memorisation on the part of students. Encourage students to copy the bare infinitives of verbs from a reference table of past participles, and then to complete the table without looking at the reference material. Then they can check their own answers and study the verbs they got wrong more closely. Encourage them to challenge themselves to write all the past participles correctly without making a single mistake. E__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions, with one student as A and one as B. Give students one minute to complete the task, and then check answers as a class. • Ask students to work with a partner to match the rules to the sentences in task A. • Encourage students to explain to their partner why they chose their answers. • Go round the class and check that students are justifying their answers sufficiently. Check answers as a class. a2 b3 c1 Be careful! • Ask students to read the Be Careful! box, and check that they understand the information. • Use the Teaching Tip in the next column to encourage students to learn past participles on their own. 1 2 3 4 ever, never already yet, still just, yet F __________________________ • Ask students to look at the pictures, and elicit what homes these are that they saw in the reading section (houseboat, ger). • Tell students that they are going to practise using the Present Perfect Simple in this task. Encourage them to guess their answers, and then to check the Grammar Reference in the back of their books to see if their guesses are correct. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 54
1 have visited 2 (have) returned 3 Have ...been 4 have never tried 5 have never had _______Answers., 6 have just found 7 has changed 8 have stayed 9 have learnt 10 have chosen The word your comes before a noun It is a possessive adjective. The word mine is a possessive pronoun. 0___________________________________________________ • I xplain to students that the words and phrases in the yellow wordbank often go with the words for and since. • I >o the task as a class, and encourage students to guess tlic answers if they are not sure. • It'll students to write the answers in their books as you no along, and check that they have the correct answers. _____________________ Answers 9 lor: a few days, a long time, years, 24 hours, three minutes •Ince: 1991, November 5“', 8 o'clock, yesterday, last week H ______________________________________________________________ • I xplain to students that they are going to leam about I к issessives - what they mean and how we form them. • A-.k students to read the instructions, and check that limy understand what they have to do. • A-.k students in which sentence they see an irregular plural noun and what it is (sentence 3 - children). • < live students 20 seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 John's 2 The man's 3 The children's 4 The boys' !> Jess' • A-Л students to work with a partner to complete the iil<’. using the sentences from task H. Encourage them t< > justify their answers. • < live students one minute to complete the task Check answers as a class. • Ask students to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • As a follow-up, ask students to name the other possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. Use the board to write the personal pronouns in one column, possessive adjectives in the second column, and possessive pronouns in the third column, as follows: I my mine you your yours he, she, it his, her, its his, hers, - we our ours you your yours they their theirs • If time allows, ask students which possessive adjective and possessive pronoun are the same (his), and which possessive adjective does not have a possessive pronoun form (its). Answers a sentence В b sentence A Be carefull__________________ • Ask students to read the Be Careful! box, and check that they understand the information. • Ask students to tell you the difference between it's and its. (It's means it is and its is a possessive adjective.) Now read the Grammar Reference on page 165 (5.4-5.5) with your students L_______________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. Answers 1 's 2 s' 3's 4 ' 5 s' 6 s' д singular I) s < plural, irregular M_________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. I I >< । the task as a class. Ask two students to be A and В •»i< I lo read the dialogue aloud. » Auk students which word comes before a noun (your) •nd which word is a pronoun (mine). » < lire к that students have the correct answers written in tho.i books. ____________________________.Answers-e 1 their, theirs 2 her, hers 3 his, his 4 our, ours 5 my, mine 6 your, yours 55
Home Sweet Home N _________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to look at the words in the answer options of the Exam Task. As a class, discuss what kinds of words are in the answer options (1 - time words; 2 - possessives; 3 - possessive adjectives/pronouns; 4 - time words; 5 - time words; 6 - pronouns; 7 - time words; 8 - past participles). О • Ask students to look at the text. Ask the following questions: - What kind of text is this? (an article) - What is the title? (Little Helpers) - What are 'little helpers'? (children who help adults) — In the text, who is a fisherman's helper? (his son) • Ask students to read the instructions, and then give them one minute to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class. As a follow-up, go back through the text and ask students to tell you the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple (have helped, have never seen, have walked, have already learnt, have gone) and which past participles are irregular (seen, learnt, gone). 1A 2C ЗА 4A 5B 6A 7B 8C Lis+eninr) A _________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to practise their listening skills in this lesson. • Ask students to look at sentences 1-6, and ask them if they see activities that people want to do, or need to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Check answers as a class. Answers t 1 Mary • 2 father 3 Mike 4 Tim 5 dog 6 Mrs Green's car C __________________________________j • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Then ask students to read the Exam Task and to answer the question about the Exam Task instructions. _______________________Answer g i It asks about where items should be. D_________________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to do the listening Exam Task. Explain that they will hear a dialogue between two people who will talk about several items and where they belong in the house. • Explain to students that in this type of task, the speakers will mention the seven items in A-G, but will only choose five of diem as their answers. Remind students to listen for negative words like no, doesn't and don't, and items in A-G said before or after these negative words, as they are probably the answers that they will not need. • Before beginning the task, remind students that they will hear the recording twice and that they need not hurry to answer the questions. • Play the recording and pause after the first question to check that students choose the correct answer. Continue with the recording, pausing when necessary and especially when a negative sentence is said so that students can get used to hearing them. E • Replay the recording and check answers as a class. 1F 2C ЗВ 4D 5A • Explain to students that they are going to listen to six very short dialogues. They should circle the name of the person or thing who owns the item in the dialogue, or is responsible for doing a job. • Play the recording and pause after the first dialogue to check that students understand what they have to do. • Continue with the recording and check answers as a class. Replay any segments in which students had difficulty choosing the right answer. Spezakivitf) A ___________________________________________ • Explain to students that they will work with a partner to practise their speaking skills for this section. • Ask students to ask and answer the questions with their partner and encourage them to explain their answers. Students' ow ar swers 56
• Now tell students to remain with their partners and discuss the photos. One student will describe picture A and the other student will describe picture B. • I ncourage students to note what is similar and what is different about the two photos, as this is a key aspect in st leaking exams. • (live students one minute to discuss the photos. < io round the class to check that they are doing the task appropriately. Answers I Students' own answers C _________________________________________ ♦ Now ask students to do task C on their own. Give them one minute to complete the task. Then check answers as л class. • II time allows, ask students to tell you what key words in the sentences helped them find their answers (1 - small, not much space; 2 - white, very light; 3 - paintings, have boats in them [stress in]; 4 - tidy, get annoyed ... untidy; '» armchair, chair, 6 - favourite room, TV is there, Xirox). Answers t I 1b 2e 3a 4f 5c 6d U»eful Expressions • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions box. Read the phrases aloud to them or read them together as я class. • I ncourage students to use these expressions when they describe their bedroom or any other room in their home. D ’________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class. • Ask students to look back at the photos at the top of the page and list adjectives for picture A (tidy, clean, light, hiight, beautiful) and picture В (messy, untidy, dirty) on the board. Prompt as necessary. • Ask them to read the instructions in the Exam Task. Then । jive them one minute to think to themselves about what they like and dislike about their bedroom and any adjectives they would use to describe it. Answers^ | iiudents'ownanswers t__________________________________________________ • I xplain to students that they are now going to do a practice speaking Exam Task. * Read through the instructions together, and check that -.indents understand what they have to do. Remind them that one student will have a set of questions, and the other student will have a different set of questions. • (io round the class monitoring students as they t omplete the Exam Task Check that they use the language appropriately, and provide assistance when necessary. Review any common errors on the board wthout saying who made them. .. Suggested answer ; Student A: What colour are the walls? How long have you had this bedroom? How often do you tidy your bedroom? Would you like to change anything in your bedroom? Student B: What's your favourite thing in your bedroom? Have you ever put posters or pictures on your walls? How much time do you spend in your bedroom? What's the best thing about your bedroom? -...... F__________________________________________ • Ask students to work with their same partner to describe their dream bedroom or living room. • Encourage them to use adjectives from the lesson, and any other adjectives they can think of to describe colour and size. • Go round the class and check that they use the language correctly. Review any common errors on the board without saying who made them. Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give reasons that support their opinions. • Go luutid lhe class monitoriny students lo make sure they are using the language correctly Review any common errors on the board without saying who made them. Wri+ivu): л no+e Learning focus__________ _________ • Ask students to look at the Learning Focus box. Explain that for this writing lesson, they will practise writing notes. • Read the information aloud and check that students understand it. • Ask students to look at the photo, and ask why these people are out in the rain. Elicit language used in the Learning Focus box. (Because they want to celebrate something important.) A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then ask students to check one another's work. • Remind them to look back at the Learning Focus box to check that they have answered the questions correctly. _________________________Answers.^ 1 that's because 2 That's why 3 Because 4 Because of 57
. Home Sweet Home В___________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to work with the language rules to explain why we have or have not done something. • Do the task as a class, reading the sentences aloud and then completing the rules together. When you read rule 1, ask where that's why appears in the sentence above before asking students to complete the rule. • Explain any rules that students do not understand as necessary (eg. It was raining is a cause, and we used my umbrella was the result) 1 resu It 2 cause 3 cause 4 cause Answers^ c • Ask students to quickly read the schedule and the to-do list. Ask students if this seems like a lot of things to do in one day (yes). • Ask students why it's not good to have too many tasks in one day. Elicit a structure from the Learning Focus box. (Because you can't finish them all.) ------ w J Liam/He is very busy on Saturday. / He has a full I schedule, and he will have no time to do the jobs. D______________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. Before they begin the task, ask students to underline the phrases Liam used to explain why he couldn't do some of the jobs (Because, That's why, That’s because, because of). • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 yes 2 yes 3 Because, That's why, That’s because, because of E_______________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to write a short note as a practice before the Exam Task. Explain that you will do the task as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. Then ask them to read the note, and ask them which tasks in the note they will not do. (Buy some milk and bread ...; Do your maths homework; Make your lunch for school...) Ask students why they will write explanations for these tasks and not the others. (Because we didn't do them.) • Write the note on the board with students. Ask them how to begin the note (Hi Mum,); how to write the explanations using a variety of forms (I couldn't buy milk and bread because I didn't have any money. I didn't do my maths homework. That's because I need your help. I had to go to my tennis lesson. That's why I didn't make my lunch for school on Monday); and how to end the note (Love, [student's name]). Students' own answers Answers Useful Expressions_________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions box. Reac the information aloud to the class. • Explain to students that these are polite ways of making excuses and that they are useful when writing notes. As an example, ask a student to complete one of the phrases with an excuse, (e.g. I would like to, but I've got football practice.) • Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box, and check that they understand the information. • Ask students to look at the Exam Task and to skim through the texts to look for similar pieces of information. » Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Students underline times (3 o'clock, 6, 3:45 p.m., 3 o'clock); names (Jane, Cathy, Uncle Tom, Dave, Tony); the name of the football match (Liverpool vs Arsenal) as well as football match in the note. G_____________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to complete the Exam Task. Explain to them that they will not write the whole note, but will just complete pieces of information in the note. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Then check answers as a class. 2 3 4 5 1 the rubbish milk because of 3:45 (p.m.) Uncle Tom Video 5 Morse NoVhaJs of Wten/jolia general No+e The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool Ini students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to inn lerstand everything in the videos in order to take fltlv.intage of them as a learning device. Some tasks Ini ns more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The vs loos are also meant to inspire students to watch other IV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more «mposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information Mongolia is home to a group of people known as the In iise nomads, whose way of life differs from many others. N- unads move every few weeks in the spring and summer tn search for fresh pastures. This means they pack up all tlw’ i belongings into carts made entirely of wood, hitch Ihu carts to animals, and go on their way. Their portable home is called a ger, and to the horse nomads, the ger 'op'esents the natural world. The roof is the sun; the beams that hold it up are sunrays; the walls are mountains «'id the floor is the Earth. The ropes that hold the ger fuijether twist and turn, and to the horse nomads, they topiesent luck and fate, which can change for better or worse, as seen in the events of one horse nomad's life. Before you watch A • Ask students to look at the map of the world and ask them what continent Mongolia is in fAs/a). ♦ Ask students to look at the pictures and to describe what they see. Encourage them to guess. (A place with lound homes and a device that carries large things; a tound opening in the top of something; a young boy on a horse with a man beside it; etc.) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that ihey understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers., 1Л 28 ЗС 4A MM While you watch _____________________________ В • Explain to students that they are going to watch a three-and-a-half minute video about the horse nomad-- of Mongolia. • Ask them to spend a few seconds reading over the true/ false statements and to make a note of any key words in the statements that they think will help them answer the questions. • Begin playing the video, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. • Continue with the video, pausing where necessary and check answers as a class. Replay the video if students have difficulty answering the questions. 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F After you watch C ______________________-___________ • Explain to students that they are going to comp|ele a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. 1 2 3 4 summer trucks nature 5 6 7 8 life luck race Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Reacj t^e questions aloud to the class. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give reasons that support their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are using the language correctly. Go over any common errors on the board without saying who made them. 58 59
ф The Place to Be Reading: multiple-matching, using context to understand signs Vocabulary: town- & country-related words, phrasal verbs, buildings & giving directions Grammar: demonstratives, articles Listening: gap fill (monologue), listening for days, times & numbers Speaking: asking & answering questions, understanding what people say, giving directions, checking understanding Writing: a formal email, thinking about sequence, using formal language, describing a route UniT ореиег • Ask students to keep their books closed. Explain to them that this unit will be on cities. Ask students to tell you what they know about things in a city. Prompt with the following questions: - Do cities have a lot of buildings? (yes) - What are these buildings? What are we in right now? What kind of building do people work in? Where do you go when you are sick? (a school; an office building; a hospital) - What fun places can you visit in a city? Where can you go to watch a film? / to see a play? / to go shopping? / to see a football match? (a cinema; a theatre; a shopping centre; a stadium) - What's it like in a city? Is it quiet? (not usually) Is it always noisy? (no) Is it clean? (Some places are; some places aren't.) • Now ask students to open their books to page 69 and to cover the caption at the bottom of the photo with their hands so that they cannot read it. Ask students what they think this building is. Ask if they think it's a place to work, to have fun, to study, and to explain their answers. (It's a place to have fun because there is a ride on the front of the building. It may be a place to work because it also looks like an office building.) • Now ask students to uncover the caption. Ask them to read the caption and tell you what the building is (a university). Ask if they think universities should have rides like that (students' own answers). • If you like, you can give students more information about the photo from the background information below. Background Information The Batumi Technological University Tower is located in the Georgian city of Batumi, in the region of Adjara on the country's Black Sea coast. The building is a one-of-a- kind, featuring a Ferris wheel built into the structure of the building at a height of 100 metres. The Ferris wheel features eight riding cabins, each one holding up to 40 people, and the cabins are air-conditioned. The architects of the building had to do wind tests before constructing it, and earthquakes are common in the region, so builders put great effort into creating a very strong and stable foundation, all to ensure the utmost in safety. • Explain to students that they are going to look at signs that they may see in buildings in a city. • Ask students to work with a partner to find out what buildings these signs are in. Explain that they may not know every word in the sign, but to look for key words that can help them make a choice. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and check answers as a class. • As a follow-up question, ask students what key words in the signs helped them to choose their answers. Then explain any unknown words in the signs to students, asking them to guess the meaning first, if they can. Answers a 1D 2E 3C 4B 5F 6A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they need to do. • Ask students to look at the questions quickly and to underline the key words (1 - not make a noise; 2 - wash; 3 - have to pay; 4 - where; 5 - what to do with something, used) Ask students to tell you what key words they underlined. Explain to students that it is a good idea to use key words to answer questions in tasks such as this. • Now ask students to do the task individually. They should use the key words in the questions and the key words in the signs in task A to answer the questions. Give them one minute to complete the task. Check answers as a class. ..................................Answers |g ME 2A, В 3C 4F 5D c • Ask students to look at the words and phrases in the yellow wordbank and to underline them in the signs. D___________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to use the words from task C to complete the sentences. The words in bold are another way of saying the words in the yellow wordbank. 60
» ( । vo students one minute to complete the task, and thrn check answers as a class. Answers 1 return 2 Clean 3 entering 4 display 5 in progress leaching Tip A* * teachers, we quite often have to explain the meanings ♦ Л words. As a result, we often have a better command of the language than other native speakers. Encourage your ♦Indents to do the same Explain to them that they should never just think that they know what a word means; rnther, they should be able to explain it in their own winds. Remind them that when they write new words or (ilnases in their notebooks, they should also write a short ilohnrtion of the word or phrase in English, and check with tonieone else - an English teacher or a native English •peaker - that it's correct. Word Focus____________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the words in the Word Focus box without looking at the definitions. • I hen ask students to find the sentences in the article lhat contain those words and to read the sentences to •.ее if they can guess the meanings of the words. Remind them that it is fine if they cannot figure out the meaning of the word from the sentence, but to try to guess. • Give students one minute to figure out the meanings of the words, and then ask llieni lo look al llie definitions fo see if they guessed correctly. E_____________________________________________________ • hell students that they are going to read a story about u ghost who lives in a castle. They will answer some questions about the story in the next task. • First, ask them to say what they see in the photo (a castle). Then ask them to look for the answer to the question without reading the text. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and check the answer as a class. • As a follow-up, ask students what word helped them to find the answer to the question (hear). ____________________________________Answer e I She hears someone laughing. F____________________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to read the text again more closely to answer the questions. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • Ask students if there are any words in the text that they do not understand. Ask them to try to guess the meaning of the words, and prompt them if necessary. (e.g. A ghost is a person who died but still lives in our world.) _________________________Anawera » 1 over 650 years old 2 mad 3 weren't allowed 4 scared 5 could not • Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box to themselves. Check that they understand the information. Remind them that the tasks that they have done in the unit so far help them to use context to understand signs. • Then ask students to read the Exam Task and to think about where they would see these signs. • You can either do the task as a class, or give students one minute to make their decisions. Discuss the answers as a class. _______________ Answers 9 Students' own answers H__________________________________________________ • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers 1H 2D 3E 4C 5B • Explain to students that they are going Lo look back al the ghost story to answer the questions in the task. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. ___ 1 spooky 2 interesting 3 evil 4 violent 5 crazy Ideas Focus ______________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons fortheir opinions. • Go round the class and check that students are using the language correctly. Review any common errors on the board without saying who made them Vof4thl4lAr4 A • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud and explain any unfamiliar words to students. 61
р III • G 1 The Place to Be • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • As a follow-up, ask students what key words in the sentences helped them answer the question ft - tank, empty, let's stop here, 2 - volleyball, join a team; 3 - milk, buy some here; 4 - tickets, thousands of fans; 1 relaxing 2 boring 3 noisy ___Answers । 4 peaceful 5 crowded 6 polluted 5 - play, 6 - buy trainers; 7 - workers, machines; 8 - dancing; 9-flu; 10- film). 1 petrol station 2 sports centre 3 corner shop 4 stadium 5 theatre _ „Answers s 6 shopping centre 7 factory 8 disco 9 pharmacy 10 cinema F • Now explain to students that they are going to read eight short texts. They will decide what place each text describes. Explain to them that as they read, they should try to imagine the place that the text is describing. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. В _________________________________ • Ask students to work with a partner to try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrasal verbs in task A. • Gi?e students one minute to complete the task with 1 police station 2 library 3 fire station 4 university Answers , 5 bank 6 museum 7 post office 8 hospital their partner. Then check answers as a class. G Students' own answers Answers • Ask students to look back at the texts in task F and to underline the key words that helped them choose their answers. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Now ask students to match the phrasal verbs from task A with the definitions on the right. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1i 2d 3f 4j 5a 6g 7e 8h 9c 10b • Ask students to look at the pictures and to discuss the similarities and differences with a partner for one minute. • Now ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers g 1 need help, do something bad or wrong 2 information, different subjects 3 dangerous job, save lives, save homes 4 Monday to Friday, 18-22, gain knowledge 5 machine outside, wall, go shopping 6 beautiful and interesting items, art, history 7 send and receive letters, buy stamps, pay bills 8 problem, health, staying there, not well H__________________________________________________ • Explain to students that in this task, they will practise using prepositions to describe how people and things move. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 3 Ben lives in the city. Daniel lives in the countryside. I Neither of them likes where they live. • Ask students to look back at the text in task D and to find the words in the yellow wordbank and underline them. • Then ask students to match the words to the correct definitions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 0 1 into 2 through 3 along 4 past 5 under 6 over 7 across V I • Ask students to look at the photo and to tell you what it shows (a castle). • Explain to students that the text is a set of directions for getting somewhere. Ask them what the directions are for (how to get from Paddington Station to the Tower of London). 62
• < live students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. * Л-. a follow-up, ask a student to explain how they get lioin their home to school, if appropriate. teaching Tip by lo make the material in each lesson relevant and 1«ч>.опа1 for students. Talking about their own experiences lu»l| rhem to remember the language they are being uuqht, while at the same time makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable. 1 take 2 get on 3 cross 4 got off . Answers 5 follow 6 turn 7 go 8 get to Idnas FOCUS____________________________________________________ • A-,k students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the t|tiestions aloud to the class. • к-ll students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting if.isons for their opinions. • < io round the class and check that students are using the Innguage correctly. Go over any common errors on the lio.ird without saying who made them. • (>n the board, draw a figure of a person with a box near tlu- feet and another box far from the feet. Write This/ I box is near the man. below the box near the man and This/That box is far from the man. below the other I mix Ask students to guess which demonstrative is < orrect (This, That, respectively/ Do not correct them at thi’i point. • I haw another box near the man and another near the box that's far away. Change the word box to boxes m your sentences. Then cross out This/Thatin both se ntences and write These/Those instead. Ask students to guess which demonstrative is correct (These, Those, i objectively). Do not correct them at this point. As Ihry will cover the rules in task C, it is not necessary to explain them at this point. A_______________________________________________________ • I xplam to students that this unit's grammar lesson will < over demonstratives and articles, and that you will start wiih demonstratives. • Aik students to read the instructions, and give them 20 •>r< onds to complete the task individually. • ( beck answers as a class, and check that students have th»' correct answers in their books. a This, that b These, those c This, these <1 That • Give students one minute to complete the i.r.k individually. Then check answers as a class 1b 2a 3d 4c C • Explain that task C covers the rules for demonstratives. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • Ask students if they believe they chose the correct answers in the lesson introduction. Answers t I this, these, that, those V. .......................... in,.... Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 165-166 (6.1) with your students. D • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Г7 1B 2A 2B ЗА ЗВ 4A 4B Answers this These, Those This that this, these This, that this that • Explain to students that they will do error correction in this task, and they will use their notebooks to rewrite these sentences correctly. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ______________________________Answers.^ 1 Can you see those that street number on the building opposite? No, it’s too far away! That This house here is number 24, and we know the office is in that this street. 2 Does that this bus go to the centre, driver? No, you want this that bus on the other side of the road. 3 Can you bring me these those keys from the hall downstairs? Are this these keys yours? You left them in the bathroom! 4 These This information about bus times is really useful! Yes, that this phone app has all the timetables, look! h______________________________________________________ • r xplain to students that they will use the sentences in In-A A to answer the questions. 63
The Place to Be F • Ask students to look at the text and to answer the following questions: - What is the title of the text? (Athens City Tour) - What will the text be about? (a bus tour of Athens) - How many questions are in the text? (12) - What is in the photo? (a very old part of a building) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. 11 an (the and no article are also possible) 2 a/an 3 a/an 4 the 5 the 6 no article 7 a/an/the I___________________________________________________________ Answers 1 this 7 That 2 This 8 those 3 That 9 This 4 This 10 This 5 This 11 This 6 those 12 these • Write the following sentences on the board: - I would like a banana, please. - I would like the banana over there, please. - Dad drives a car to work. - Dad drives the car he bought when he was 20 years old. • Ask students to guess what is different between banana and car in the two sentences in which they appear. Prompt them if necessary. (Du we know what banana the person wants in the first sentence? No. And in the second sentence? Yes, a certain banana; the one in a certain place. What do we know about Dad's car in the first sentence? Nothing, except that he drives one to work. And in the second sentence? it's a certain car that he bought when he was 20 years old.) G ____________________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they will now learn about articles. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students 20 seconds to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. —Answers e 1 @)town needs(a)park, but there isn't@park in the town. 2 Is there(a)river in London? 3 The river in London is called the Thames. 4 There's@)old bridge across the river. 5 Traffic is terrible in the mornings. 6 The traffic in London moves slowly. H • Explain to students that they will use the sentences in task G to complete the rules about articles. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students 20 seconds to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers < a2 Ы Be careful! • Ask students to look at the Be Careful! box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. • As a follow-up task, ask students where they have seen a city and a river in the lesson so far (in task G: London and the Thames). Now read the Grammar Reference on page 166 (6.2-6.3) with your students. Extra class activity Add a bit of geography to your lesson by reviewing as many geographical features as you can with students while they practise using articles. Use the Grammar Reference as a categorical guide, and if appropriate, you can split the class into teams, where Team A and Team В compete to name the most of something, such as most islands, rivers, countries, etc. J________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students 20 seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers .j 1 a 11 - 2 a 12 the 3 a 13 The 4 the 14 the 5 A 15 the 6 — 16 - 7 — 17 a 8 The 18 the 9 a 19 a 10 — 20 an К • Ask students to look at the picture without reading the accompanying caption. Ask students to guess what the picture shows (a canyon).
• Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • If you like, before students begin the task, you can go through the words after the gaps in sentences 1-6 and ask students if the word is a country, city, state, mountain range, etc. (1 - country; 2 - country; 3 - city; 4 US state; 5 - sea/region; 6 - mountain range, -) • < live students 20 seconds to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. 1 - a the, a 2 - b an, the 3 - c - 4 d the, the 5 the e -, the 6 the, the f the, a Answers ia • Explain to students that they will hear four people talking about some of the things in the pictures. I xpLun that they will not hear the word for the picture, but Ihil they must listen to understand which item the person is talking about. • Play the recording, pausing after the first question Ask students what word they heard in the recording that gave them the answer (ride). • Continue the recording, pausing as necessary, or playing it entirely. If you decide to pause after each monologue, ask what key words helped students answer the questions (2 - hundreds of them, stripy ones; 3 - china head, Polly; 4 - key at the back, make it move). • Repeat the recording, if necessary, and check answers as a class. L ____________________________________________________________ • Now ask students to match sentences 1-6 in task К with sentences a-f. Remind students to use key words to help them choose their answers. • < >ive students 20 seconds to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. _ Answers 1 tricycle 2 marbles 3 doll 4 robot 1r 2a 3d 4f 5c 6b Answers • I xplain to students that they will now do the listening p.irt of the lesson. • It’ll students that the lesson will have a focus on days, limes and numbers, as they often have to listen for these words in a listening exam task. • < live students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. E • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to read through the entire Exam Task carefully and to look at the gaps to see what kind of information is required (1 - time; 2 - day(s) / time of day / datefs); 3 - number; 4 - date; 5 - phone tiumbei). Remind students that they will hear the recording twice and not to hurry to complete their answers. • Begin playing the recording, pausing if necessary, or playing it entirely if students are comfortable with that. • Move on to task F before checking answers. F_____________________________________________________ • Now play the recording again, and check answers as a class. Answers 5, 11 2f 3c 4b 5e 6a 7h 8g 9d Й__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the pictures and guess what kind ol museum these objects would be in. Do the task as a ( lass. ♦ As a follow-up, ask students if they would like to visit д museum like this, and to explain why or why not. I ncourage them to explain their opinions. ______________________Answers g Museum of Childhood (a toy museum) • N> iw ask students to look at the pictures again and to ni.itch the pictures with the words. * (»ive students one minute to complete the task Individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers. Answers a 1 5.45 2 weekends / the weekend 3 300 / three hundred 4 September 6th / 6th September 5 060 8983 5204 A______________________________________________ • Tell students that in this part of the lesson, they are going to practise their speaking skills, particularly in regard to asking for and giving directions. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds to do the task individually. Then ask them to compare their answers with a partnei. _____________________ Answers Students' own answers 1H 2C 3F 4E 5B 6A 65
! The Place to Be F В • Tell students to continue working with their partner to complete the dialogue. • Explain that Sam is asking for directions, and Jo is helping Sam. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. / 1 1 1e 2b 3d 4c 5a Answers c _______________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions and the Exam Close-up boxes. Read the information aloud to the class. • Ask students to look at the photo at the top of the page, and ask them the following questions. Encourage students to refer to the Useful Expressions and the Exam Close-up boxes, if necessary: - What are the two people looking at? (a map) - Where was the photo taken? (on the street in front of a building) - Imagine the man is looking for an art museum. What would he say to the woman? (Where is the art museum? / I'm looking for the art museum.) What would she say in reply? (Students' own answers) - Imagine the woman doesn't understand the man. What does she say? (Could you repeat that, please? I'm sorry; I didn't understand.) Answers Students' own answers D • Explain to students that for this Exam Task, they will turn to pages 178 and 179 of their books and use the maps in the task. • Ask students to work in pairs and to choose who will be Student A and who will be Student B. Student A will look at the map on page 178, and Student В will look at the map on page 179. • Ask students to read the instructions and then to look quickly at the places on their map as well as the places in the Exam Task on page 77 before beginning the task. Remind students that they must tell each other where they are before they start giving each other directions. • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. Give students two to three minutes to complete the task. Go round the class to check that students are completing the task correctly, as well as using the language properly. • If time allows after students have finished the task, do the task as a class. You can assume the role of Student A and ask another student to be Student B, or ask the class as a whole to be Student В Then switch roles and repeat with the other map. Check that students are giving correct directions as you go along. ....... wi « i- । > । Task 1 A: I am on Farm Way. There is a blue building on my left and a yellow building on my right. A: Where is the bank? B: Turn left at the crossroads. The bank is (the first building) on your left. A: I'm looking for the post office. B: Go straight on at the crossroads. The post office is (the second building) on your left. A: Is there a cafe near here? B: Yes, it's on Farm Way. Go straight on at the crossroads and it's (the first building) on your right. A: Where is the museum? Do you know? B: Yes, that's easy. Turn right at the crossroads. At the end of the road/Broad Street, turn left. The museum is the second building on your left. A: How can I get from the museum to the post office? B: Come out of the museum and turn right. Turn right at/onto Broad Street. Go straight on and turn right at the crossroads. Walk along Farm Way and the post office is the second building on your left. Task 2 В: I am on Bell Lane, at the end of Dread Slieel. B: Where is the hospital? A: Go up/down/along Broad Street and turn right at the crossroads (onto Farm Way). The hospital is (the first building) on your left. B: Where is the school? A: Go up/down/along Broad Street and turn right at the crossroads (onto Farm Way). The school is the third building on your left. B: Is there a restaurant near here? A: Yes. Go up/down/along Broad Street and turn right at the crossroads (onto Farm Way). The restaurant is the second building on your right. B: I'm looking for the swimming pool. Do you know where it is? A: The swimming pool is on the corner of Broad Street and Bell Lane. Walk along Bell Lane and the swimming pool is on the left, next to the museum. B: How do I get from the hospital to the swimming pool? A: Come out of the hospital and turn right (onto Farm Way). Turn left at the crossroads (onto Broad Street). Go straight on and turn left (at/onto Bell Lane). The swimming pool is on your left, next to the museum. 66
f- Ideas Focus___________________________________________ • Л-.k students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • loll students to work with a partner to ask and answer fh<' questions. Encourage them to give supporting tc.isons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are using the language correctly. Go over any tornmon errors on the board without saying who made them. л -forkhal ewnzail Learning focus_____________________________________ » I xplain to students that in this section, they are going to practise writing a formal email. • A'.k students to look at the Learning Focus box and read the information with them. Explain that when we write •komething, we often have to organise it first so that we h.rve information in the correct order. • I ncourage them to write examples of the structures at Hu? bottom of the Learning Focus box so that they can I income more familiar with how we form those phrases. A__________________________________________________ • Ask students to work with a partner to correct the sentences. Tell them that they should tick the sentences that are correct and rewrite the sentences that are Ini orrect. Remind students to look back at the Learning I ecus box for help if they need it. » ( live students one to two minutes to complete the task with their partner. Then ask students to swap notebooks with their partner and to check each other’s work. • < heck answers as a class after students have finished < becking each other's work. p—_____________________________Answers.. $ 1 First, taking take ... 2’ / 3 After you to leave leave / After leaving ... 4 Next, walking walk ... 5 / 6 / 0__________________________________________________________ • Л*.к students to match the questions to the answers, paying close attention to the specific wording of the questions and the answers. • (live students one minute to complete the task inrfividually. Then ask students to swap books with a partner to check each other's work. • ( heck answers as a class after students have finished t becking each other's work. __________________Answers a Ii 2a 3b C • Ask students to look at the email, and ask I hum tin» following questions: - Who wrote the email? (Danny McKay) - Who is the email for? (W/nstone Hotel) - How does the writer begin the email? (Dear Sir / Madam) - How does the writer end the email? (Kind regards, Danny McKay) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Then check answers as a class. ________________________Answers 1 how to get from the train station to the hotel / how to get to the hotel from the train station 2 no 3 Dear Sir / Madam, I look forward to hearing from you., Kind regards D • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and then check answers as a class. Answers After, Then, Eventually • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Check answers as a class. _________________________Anamas. 1 turn left, walk along, take the first right, go straight ahead, you'll see the hotel on your right 2 Dear Mr McKay 3 We look forward to seeing you at the weekend. 4 Best regards Useful Expressions • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions box. Read the information aloud to the class. • Explain that the 'sequencing' words and phrases help us put information into the correct sequence. Explain any words or phrases that students are not familiar with. F____________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to work with a partner and they will pick a place in their town or city that they both know. This is their start point. Then they will choose another place and tell their partner how to get there from their start point. • Encourage them to use the Useful Expressions box lot help if they need to. • Give students one to two minutes before telling them to swap roles. Go round the class monitoring student*, to make sure they are using the language conm lly < n> over any common errors on the board without -.aying who made them. 6/
F t The Place to Be Students' own answers G • Now explain to students that they are going to write a formal email. • Ask students to look at the email and ask the following questions: - How does the writer begin and end the email? (Dear Sir / Madam, Kind regards, Joseph Cook, Headteacher) Are there any short forms in the writer's text? (no) How will you begin your reply email? (Dear Mr Cook) - How many words can you write? (40-60) • Explain to students that they can write whatever directions they like in their reply. Remind them to stay within the word limit and to look back at the Useful Expressions box for help with sequencing their information. • Give students two to three minutes to write their replies. Go round the class to check that students are doing the task properly, providing assistance where necessary. When they have finished, have them swap papers with a partner to check each other's work. - —--------- Suggested answer , Dear Mr Cook Thanks for your email. The hostel isn't far from the station so you can walk. After you leave the station, turn right and walk past the bank. Eventually, you'll see the hostel on your left. You can have breakfast at the hostel. It's £3.00 per person. We look forward to seeing you next week. Best regards 68
^46 One of a KW general No+e the National Geographic videos are an excellent tool hn students to get acquainted with other cultures while Earning English. They contain genuine National tipographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks fin us more on the visual content rather than the audio. Au such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other IV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quit kly they will acquire it. Background Information________________________ South African architect Shaun Killa is famous for designing й skyscraper that uses the windy conditions of Bahrain to power itself. Inspired by his love of sailing, his building ilpsujn looks like two tall elegant sails of a sailboat, through which the wind passes and powers wind turbines. I ha building is set to be Bahrain's new world trade centre, лги I with the help of engineers from Denmark, Killa's dip.iin is becoming a reality. Before you watch A_____________________________________________________________ 4 Ask students to guess what the title of this section means. (It means that there is only one of it, so it's vpry special.) • Ask students to look at the picture and to describe what they see. (There are two men on a boat in the sea. It looks like they are travelling somewhere.) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • (iive students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. —Answers 1 sails 2 yacht 3 sailor While you watch • Explain to students that they are going to watch a short video about building a special type of building. • Ask students to read through the sentences and to think about what they need to listen for in the video to choose the correct answers. • Begin playing the video, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. • Continue with the video, pausing where necessary, and check answers as a class. Replay the video if students have difficulty answering the questions. ... ' 111 ...... i w 1 Africa 2 sailor 3 wind 4 design 5 tall 6 team l......... After you watch _________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to complete a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class ________________________________Answers 1 first 2 windy 3 use 4 find 5 special 6 enough 7 make 8.....true к...... ......................-............. — Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are using the language correctly. Go over any common errors on the board without saying who made them. 69
'Review 2? Units 5 & 6 Objectives • To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 5 and 6. Revision • Revise for the review the day before using the vocabulary and grammar revisions below. This will also give students a framework for revising at home. • Explain to students that they will do a review of Units 5 and 6 during their next lesson, just as they did for the previous reviews. • Remind students that the review is not an exam. Explain that they will complete the review as they did the last time; they will be able to ask you for help and use their books to find answers. • You can administer the review however you like. You can go through each question one by one, asking students to fill in the answers, and then check the answers as a class. You can allow them to do entire exercises, and then check answers as a class. You can split the vocabulary and grammar sections into two parts, giving students 10-15 minutes to do one part and the same amount of time for the second part. You can let them do the entire review on their own, and then check answers at the end. If you decide to do that, remind students in the middle of the review how much more time they have got left. • Encourage students to guess at answers they do not know, and not to leave any gaps blank. • When students have completed the review, check the answers as a class. Do some extra task work on the board for any areas that students seem to be having trouble with. Vocabulary Revision • Ask students to tell you all the types of homes they can think of (house, cottage, flat, villa). Then ask them to tell you the rooms and areas of these places (bathroom, bedroom, dining room, hallway, kitchen, living room, utility room, patio, shed), and write them on the board. Ask which room the items on page 60, task E and page 61, task G belong in. • Review the phrasal verbs from page 61, task H and page 72, task C by saying a definition and the verb, and then asking students for the preposition, as follows. Say as many as time allows: - To place something in a closet - put... (away) - To open blinds - pull ... (up) - To make a light work - switch ... (on) - To stop working - break ... (down) - To start a new hobby-take ... (up) - To exercise - work ... (out) - To get sick - come ... (down with) • Ask students to name as many shops and businesses as they can in their neighbourhood or town (e.g. cinema, corner shop, disco, factory, petrol station). • Ask students to describe a city using as many adjectives as they can, and then to describe the countryside (city - noisy, polluted, crowded; countryside - peaceful, relaxing, boring). • Ask a student, or the class as a whole, to tell you how to get from one place to another, for example, from the school to a hospital, or their home to a bank, etc. Grammar Revision__________________________________________ • Write the following sentences on the board. Ask students to identify the verb in the Present Perfect Simple, to complete the gap with for or since, and then to identify the irregular past participle: - Rita moved house a year ago, but she has lived in Manhattan 2005. (has lived, since) - Michelle took a trip to South America, and she's been away from home six months, ('s been, for, been is an irregular past participle) • Write the following sentences on the board. Ask a student to come to the board and rephrase a sentence using a possessive noun or adjective Remind students that there may be more than one way to rewrite the sentence: - This watch belongs to Abby. (This is Abby's watch. This watch is Abby's.) - That pen belong to me. (That pen is mine. That's my pen.) - That's my family's car. (That car is ours. That's our car.) • Write the following nouns and their positions in brackets on the board and ask students to tell you the correct demonstrative adjectives: - chair (near) (this) - books (near) (these) -------------------------------------shoes (far away) (those) - umbrella (over there) (that) • Ask students what indefinite article goes with each of the nouns you just wrote on the board, (a, an). Continue with the following examples: - pencil (a) - university (a) - apple (an) - home (a) - hour (an) - ghost (a) • Ask what article, if any, could go before these words: - piano (a, the) - history (-) - United Kingdom (the) - Spain (-) - Joseph (-) - football (-) - Alps (the) - London (-) - Pacific Ocean (the) - Mediterranean (the) - earth (the) — Thames (the) 70
А ________________________________________________ * Ask students to pay close attention to what the sentences say in order to circle the correct word. Once they choose a word, they should look at the other two words to check that they do not work for the sentence. _ Answers g 1 flat 6 blanket 2 bathroom 7 sofa 3 washing machine 8 shed 4 cooker 9 lamp 5 dining table 10 painting • Read through the phrasal verbs in the yellow wordbank and ask students to give a brief definition of them. Answers 1 put away 5 work out 2 put up 6 take up 3 fill up 7 looking forward to 4 looking for 8 run out of c • Ask students to read the sentences for gist before writing the missing letters. • Remind students that there is one gap for each missing letter of the words they need to fill in. This can help them to check that they have not forgotten a letter and lhat their choice actually fits. 1 museum 2 corner 3 university 4 post Answers 5 library 6 centre 7 hospital 8 police ........ 1 1 just 2 for 3 still 4 already Answers # 5 never 6 since 7 ever 8 yet В • Tell students that thev will correct °ne miStake each of the sentences. There ^У Ье аП еГðà 'П Spe"'Пд °Г punctuation, such as a rn'ss'ng apostrophe^ • Tell students to look back at Pa9® 63 and 9rami??a[ References 5.4-55 on pag<? 165 for a rem,nder rf the> need to. „. . -Answers 1 hers - her 8 Les - Les' 2 my - mine 9 childrens - children's 3 yeu'ro - your 10 grandparents - 4 etfts - our grandparents' 5 him - his 11 sofa's - sofas 6 theirs - their 12 hospitals-' - hospital's 7 Уши eats - cat's c • Ask students to underline tbe ,h=’ ,oll°" W4 in each of the sentences and to think about what that noun is - a place, a country. ® » mourrtarn range, etc. • Tell students to look back 75 and “TT References 6.2-6.3 On page 166 ,or a reminder if the» need to. 166 for a reminder if they _______________ Answers 1 a, the — the 2 - the 6 a<- 3 an,- 7 The<a 4 the, - 8 - - _______ D_______________________________________________________ • Ask students to refer to the direction words they learnt on page 73, tasks H and I, if necessary. 1 cross 2 on 3 follow 4 through Answers й. 5 straight on 6 over 7 under 8 off A____________________________________________________ * loll students to read the sentences for gist and to try to i omplete the gaps without looking at the words in the yellow wordbank, if possible. • кН students to look back at page 62 and Grammar References 5.1-5.3 on page 165 for a reminder if they need to. /1
Time Out! Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: Writing: multiple-choice & matching, looking for connections (pronouns) hobby-related words, multiple-choice cloze, using prepositions conditionals: zero & first, gerunds & infinitives, open cloze, looking at the whole text matching, listening for clues prompt card activity, answering in complete sentences, giving detailed information an advert, making suggestions & persuading, understanding who & what, suggesting & persuading Unif opener • Write the unit title (Time Out!) on the board. Then ask students to look at the photo and guess what the title means. • Ask if they think the girl in the photo is having fun. Ask them if they would like to do this activity (students' own answers). Ask what the people in the background are doing; if the girl is the only one in the race; and if she will win something at the end Prompt if necessary. (The girl is in a race and the people in the background are watching her. She's probably not alone and she may win something if she takes first place.) Ask students to guess what the car is made of (soapboxes) and if they would like to make one (students' own answers). • Ask students to say a few things as a class that they do to have fun. Write their answers on the board and prompt as necessary. • If you like, you can give students more information about the photo from the background information below. Background Information _______ The Red Bull Soapbox Race is an event held in cities all over the world. Participants make their vehicles out of old soapboxes and the driver acts as the 'engine' of the vehicle. It begin in 2000 and, since then, over WO competitions have been held in Europe, Africa, America and Australia. Participants can be very creative with their soapbox vehicle entries; some have taken the form of a piano, a corn on the cob, the Golden Gate bridge, and a baby carriage. The winner of the race, naturally, is the first one to cross the finish line - if they can even get that far before their vehicle falls apart! It's a challenge not only in racing, but also craftsmanship and a heavy dose of personality. A • Ask students to look at the four singing teenagers in picture C at the bottom of the page. Ask them what they are doing (singing) and if something like this seems fun (students' own answers). Ask students if they have more fun doing things with others or by themselves (students' own answers). • Now ask students to look at the six small photos at the top of the page. Ask them to write the activities from the yellow wordbank under the correct photos. 72 • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 gardening club 2 circus skills 3 origami 4 baking 5 singing 6 robotics club В • Ask students to discuss the photos with a partner to answer the questions in the instructions. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. ________________________________Answers e • Students' own answers Word Focus_______________________________________ • Ask students to look at the words in the Word Focus box without looking at the definitions. • Then ask students to find the sentences in the adverts that contain those words and to read the sentences to see if they can guess the meanings of the words. Remind them that it is fine if they cannot figure out the meaning of the word from the sentence, but to try to guess anyway. • Give students one minute to figure out the meanings of the words, and then ask them to look at the definitions to see if they guessed correctly. c _______________________________________________ • Now ask students to read the adverts quickly to find out which is most expensive club. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. As a follow-up, ask students which advert they are most interested in, and which advert they are least interested in. Encourage students to discuss their ideas with one another as a class. ________________________________Answer ф I В - the circus skills workshop is the most expensive.
о______________________________________________________________ • Now tell students that they will look at the adverts more closely to answer the questions. » (live students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers a. 1B 2A 3B 4C 5A 6C t _________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to them and check that they understand it. » Write the following nouns and pronouns on the board. Ask students if the noun matches the pronoun that follows it. my parents -* them (yes) your shoes ~+ it (no) Jessica -* she (yes) Henry —* her (no) my pet -» mine (yes) Lisa's bag -♦ hers (yes) • I or the incorrect answers, ask students for the correct pronouns. Elicit all possible pronouns, (your shoes - they, them, these, those; Henry - he, him). • Ask students to look through the Exam Task to find names and pronouns. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Г__________________________________________________________ • Now ask students to mad the instructions for Part 1 and Part 2 of the Exam Task. Check that they understand what they have to do. If students have trouble understanding what they have to do for either Part 1 or Part 2, do the first one from either or both parts as a class and help them find the right answer. • Remind them to use the names and pronouns that they found in the previous task to help them find their answers. • Encourage students to read the question with each answer choice and think about whether or not it makes sense as a reply. Explain that if something does not seem quite right, it is probably the wrong choice. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. __________________Answers IB 2A 3C 4C 5B 6D 7G 8E 9F 10C • fell students that they are going to use the adverts from the previous page to help them answer the questions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. _____________________________Answers^. 1 build 2 practise 3 make 4 solve 5 join 6 program - .... mi....... - - - ......... Ideas Focus ___________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Ro.kI I lit» questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answri the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. A__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the photo at the top of the page. Ask the following questions, prompting as necessary: - What activity are these people doing? (camping) - Where do you do this activity? (the countryside) - Is this easy to do? Or does it take a lot of planning? Do you need a lot of things to do this activity? (it takes some planning, and there are a lot of things that you need to do it.) - Have you ever done this activity? (students' own answers) • Ask students to look at the hobbies in the left-hand column. Go through them as a class to check that they understand what they are. Describe them if necessary. • Explain that each of these hobbies needs two items from the yellow wordbank. Go through the items in the wordbank and explain what they are, if necessary. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. _____________________________Answers a 1 tent, sleeping bag 2 paint, brushes 3 controller, video game 4 camera, selfie stick 5 guitar, instrument В .. .... _____________ • Now explain to students that they will use the words from task A to complete the dialogues. Encourage students to look for key words in the dialogues to help them answer the questions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • As a follow-up, ask students what key words helped them answer the questions (1 - play; 2 - cold; 3 - photo; 4 - blue, sky; 5 - played, I want to play tool). _____________________________Answers v- 1 guitar, instrument 2 sleeping bag, tent 3 camera, selfie stick 4 paint, brushes 5 video game, controller C • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand the words in the yellow wordbank Explain any unfamiliar words to students using definitions or examples. 73
|F Time Out! • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. creative active exciting boring relaxing unusual • Ask students to look at the pictures. Ask if these are things they have ever done or would like to do (students' own answers). If time allows, go through each photo and ask the following questions (students' own answers): - Does this seem boring, creative or unusual? Why? - Do you have to do this activity with others, or can you do it by yourself? If the answer is either, is it better to do it with others or by yourself? - Does this activity seem easy or difficult to do? Do you need a lot of things to do it? • Now ask students to read the instructions and to complete the task individually. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and then check answers as a class 1B 2D 3E 4C 5A 6F Answers E • Explain to students that the words go, do and play often collocate with activities. Encourage them to write these collocations in their notebooks whenever they see them and to memorise them. • Ask students to read the instructions and to complete the task individually. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and then check answers as a class ——______________________Answers < go: hiking, sailing do: yoga, athletics play: chess, table tennis • Explain to students that the following sentences contain collocations and they will have to figure out which word collocates with the phrase in each sentence. • Ask students to read the instructions and to complete the task individually. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Check answers as a class. • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class. • Now ask them to look at the text in the Exam Task and to underline any words before or after the gaps that seem like they will need a preposition. Encourage students to think about what preposition might go in the gaps without looking at the answer choices, if possible. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Ask them to check their ideas with a partner before moving on to task H. H_____________________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are now going to complete the Exam Task. Encourage them to use the information they found in task G to help them find the answers. • Before they begin the task, ask the following questions: - What activity can we do in the photo? (hiking) - Does this seem dangerous, boring or exciting to you? (students' own answers) - Should you do this activity alone or with a friend? (students' own answers) - Do you need a lot of things to do this activity? What are two of the things you will need? (You don't need too many things. You will need water and good hiking shoes.) • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers I 1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6A 7C 8A Ideas Focus__________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reason for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Teaching Tip Try to revise language from previous units as much as possible throughout the course. For example, when students are talking about their hobbies, encourage them to include information about their daily routines so that they also revise the language from Unit 4. 74
fymWWnAr • Begin by asking students the following questions. Write the answers in zero conditional sentences on the board: What happens if you win a race? (If you win a race, you win a prize.) What happens if you heat ice? (If you heat ice, it melts.) What happens if you mix yellow and blue? (If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.) • I xplain that in each of these sentences, the result is a f.ict, and we call this a zero conditional sentence. • Ask students the following questions and ask them to tell you what is possible. Write their answers on the hoard as first conditional sentences. What happens if you study hard for an exam? (If you study hard for an exam, you will pass it/do well /get a good mark.) What happens if you are late to meet your friend? (If you are late to meet a friend, your friend will get angry / leave before you arrive.) What happens if you arrive early at the theatre? (If you arrive early at the theatre, you will get a good seat / have to wait outside.) • I xplain that in each of these sentences, the result is not a fact, but is likely to happen, and we call this a first conditional sentence. A '_________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them a lew seconds to do the task individually. » Check answers as a class and ask students what type of conditional sentence these sentences are - zero or first (zero). Answers.) a have, don't need b buy, get В_____________________________________________________ • I xplain to students that they will look back at the sentences in task A to complete the rules. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • Explain to students that they need to look at the sentences in task C again and then decide if the statements in task D are true or false. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers f 1F 2T 3F 4T Now read the Grammar Reference on page 166 (7.1-7.2) with your students. E__________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask students what word can replace if in these sentences (when). Ask them to refer to the Grammar Reference if necessary. Answers 1 paint, need 2 plays, wins 3 don't understand, use 4 sings, leaves 5 doesn't sleep, plays 6 do, feel F___________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read The Instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask students to look at the sentences again and ask the following questions: - Does will go with the if clause, or not. (no) - Does the if clause always come first? (no) - Where does the comma go in the sentence if the if clause is first? (after the if clause) - Where does the comma go in the sentence if the if clause is last? (There is no comma.) Answers 1 present simple 2 comma 3 facts 4 when ______________________________________Answers ® 1 finish, 'll/will win 2 join, 'll/will learn 3 answer, 'll/will win 4 read, 'll/will laugh 5 'll/will have, is c_ • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them a lew seconds to do the task individually. • Check answers as a class and ask students what type of conditional sentence these sentences are - zero or first (first). a go, 'II need b practise, 'II be с 'II find, don't have Answers...; 75
Time Out! К • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. 1b 2a 3e 4f 5c 6d • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them a few seconds to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class. __________________Answers э f1d 2b 3c 4a H • Now explain to students that they are going to leam about gerunds and infinitives. • Write the following sentences on the board: - I like to exercise at the weekend. - I like exercising at the weekend. • Ask students to say in which sentence there is a gerund, and in which is there an infinitive. The first sentence has a gerund, and the second has an infinitive.) Prompt them by saying to choose the infinitive first, since they will probably know it better. Explain that infinitives are the to form of a verb, such as to have, to know, to say, etc., and that gerunds are the -ing forms of the verbs, and the verb is used as a noun. • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them a few seconds to complete the task • Check answers as a class. • As a follow-up, ask students how else we use -ing verb forms (in the Present and Past Continuous). Explain that gerunds are different from -mg verbs used in the Present and Past Continuous. Answers • studying, swimming, hiking, Singing I______________________________________________ • Explain to students that they will use the sentences in task H to complete the rules about gerunds. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task, and check answers as a class. __Answers % a nouns b preposition c can J _______________________ • Now explain to students that they will practise using infinitives. • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them a few seconds to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class. .Answers % a to go b to stay c to drive d to buy L ________________________j____________________________________ • Explain to students that we use the infinitive without to with certain phrases. • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them a few seconds to complete the task individually. • Check answers as a class. ._______________________Answers^ a spend b try, get, help c practise • Now ask students to match the rules with the sentences in task L. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. .______________________Answers 3/ _ _______ Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 166-167 (7.3-7.4) with your students. N__________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions and to complete the task individually. • Give students one minute to complete the task. Then check answers as a class. Answers .3 1 to win a to pass 2 watching b see 3 9° c shopping 4 book d not lose 5 taking e Getting 6 visiting f to stay О • Explain to students that they will match sentences 1-6 in task N with sentences a-f. Encourage them to look for key words to help them match the sentences. • Ask students to read the instructions and to complete the task individually. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and then check answers as a class. 76
• As a follow-up, ask students to tell you what key words helped them find the answers (1 - team, win, lose; 2- horror films, comedy; 3 - museum, exhibition; 4 - hotel, too expensive to stay; 5 - exam, clever enough; 6 - hopping centre; shopping). Anawsis.,-; 2b 3e 4f 5a 6c • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class. • Ask them to go through the text in the Exam Task and underline the words that go with the gap (1 - bored of; 2 - worth; 3 - sporty; 4- a gymnastics club; 5 - you ... become; 6 - are ... interested; 7 - sports; 8 - would rather; 9- trying; 10- afraid ... try). • Ask students to complete the Exam Task. Remind them to check for any negative words that the gaps might require. ♦ Give them one to two minutes to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. 1 watching 2 trying/starting/doing 3 are 4 join 5 will/can/may/could 6 not 7 in 8 do/try/start 9 worth 10 to A_________________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to practise their listening skills in this section. • Ask students to work with a partner to match the hobbies with the photos. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1F 2B 3E 4G 5D 6A 0__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to work with their partner again to discuss the question in the instructions. • I ncourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Ask students to volunteer their ideas about the hobbies nnd the personality traits after you have given them a chance to discuss amongst themselves. _____________________Answers Q 1 1,2 2 5 3 1 4 3,4,6 C • Explain to students that they will listen Lo six shot t conversations. In the conversations, the two people either agree or disagree about something. • Ask students to listen and decide rf the speakers have the same opinion or different opinions. • Play the recording, pausing after the first question. Ask students to say the answer as a class, and ask them what one key word gave them a clue about the answer (actually). Play the first question again and prompt students if necessary. • Continue with the recording, pausing after the questions and repeating if necessary. Check answers as a class. Answers 1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6S V ................ D__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the phrases first and to choose their answers according to the instruction. Then play the recording and ask them to listen for the words. • Remind students that they will not hear all of the words. • Give students a few seconds to read through the phrases and write their answers. Then play the recording again, pausing after each question and asking students whether they heard the phrase or not. They should tick the ones they hear. Check answers at the end as a class. ______________________Answers э 1 W(/) 4 W (✓) 2 R 5 R (✓) 3 W (✓) 6 R E ________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Now ask students to read the Exam Task and to answer the question in the instructions. • Check the answer as a class. ________________________Answer the present ......... .................. • Explain to students that they will now do the Exam Task. Before you begin, remind students that there are five people but seven hobbies, so there are two hobbies that will not be used as answers. • Tell students that they will hear all seven hobbies in the dialogue, but to use what they have learnt in the Exam Close-up to decide which two they will ignore. • Remind students that they will hear the recording twice. Play the recording, pausing after the first question to check that students understand what they need to do. Continue with the recording, pausing as necessary or playing it all the way through if students are comfortable with that. • Move on to task G before checking answers 77
Time Out! G • Play the recording again and check answers as a class. • If time allows, ask students what words in the dialogue helped them decide which two answers they should ignore (but, actually). Replay the dialogue if necessary. _______________________Answers..,-. 1C 2B 3E 4G 5F • Explain to students that they are going to work with a partner. Ask them to look at the Exam Task and to decide who will be Student A and who will be Student В in the task. Ask them to look at the information on pages 178 and 179 as well. • Give students one minute to think about what questions they will ask each other. _____________________________Answers ф = Students' own answers A • Explain to students that they are going to work with a partner to practise their speaking skills, but first they will do a task on their own. • Ask students to read the instructions, and give them one minute to do the task individually. • Check answers as a class. Answers 1c 2d 3a 4b В • Now ask students to work with their partner to discuss the photos and answer the questions. • Give students one to two minutes to discuss the photos. Go round the class and check that students are doing the task correctly and using the language appropriately. • Use the board to go over any common language errors without saying who made them. Suggested answers » They enjoying dancing, magic and and playing | musical instruments. They are all performing for an | audience. Useful Expressions_________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions box. Ask them what these phrases are used for (giving detailed information). • Explain to students that they can use these phrases in a variety of situations and that they are useful in a speaking exam when you have to give your partner detailed information, as per the exam instructions. C • Ask students to look at the Exam Close up box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. • Write the following phrases and sentences on the board and ask students if they are complete answers: - yes (no) - Yes, in the centre, (no) - I live in the centre, (yes) - painting and music (no) - I enjoy painting and music, (yes) - at the sporting centre on Main Street (no) - No, not really, (no) - No, I don't enjoy going to the theatre, (yes) Teaching Tip_______________________________________ You can encourage students to use more than just the simplest way of saying something in order to make their speech sound more natural. For example, if they see Where? in their information card, they shouldn't just say Where is it?, but instead say the activity in the question, e.g. Where is the competition? Even better is if they can say Where does the competition take place?, which shows that they know the phrase take place and that it collocates with competition. Encourage students to take advantage of the language skills they've learnt in class whenever possible. D__________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they will now do the Exam Task. Tell them that each pair of students has about one minute to ask and answer the questions before they switch roles. • Go round the class to check that students are using the language appropriately and that they are answering in complete sentences. • Go over any common errors on the board without saying who made them. -________ Suggested answers e Task 1, Student B: ! Where does the talent competition take place? / | Where is the talent competition? What date is the talent competition? / When does the talent competition take place? ; Is the talent competition for teenagers? Is there a website? / What is the website address? | What can you win (in the competition)? Task 2, Student A: | Where does the photography exhibition take place? / Where is the photography exhibition? What date is the photography exhibition? / When I does the photography exhibition take place? Who can enter a photo in the exhibition? i What prize can you win? / What can you win? Is there a website? I What is the website address? Ideas Focus________________________________________J • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. 78
• Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Wh+iчу: m\ adver-b Learning focus____________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Learning Focus box. Explain that for this writing lesson, they will practise writing an • idvert and use language for suggesting and persuading. • Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. • Ask students to look at the photo and to describe what ii shows (a person learning how to be a DJ). A_________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to look at the two texts in the task. Ask them the following questions: What kind of text do you see on the left? (an advert) What do you see on the right? (an email) What words do they see in both texts? (lessons, DJ, Sam) • Give students one minute to complete the task 11dividually, and then check answers as a class. ___________________Answers 1 Andy 2 Max 3 Sam and Dave 4 Andy 5 Sam • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Ciive students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. —-________________________________Answers & 1 Join 2 doing 3 taking 4 start 5 to learn 6 Don't be » I xplain to students that they are going to use one text lo complete another. • Ik-fore starting the task, ask students to look at the gaps end to guess what type of word will go in each gap (1 - v₽rb; 2 - verb; 3 - time, 4 - cost/price; 5 - verb). » A-.k students to read the instructions, and check that thny understand what they have to do. Explain that they will get some information for the bulleted list, but other (japs will require them to guess the answer. • ( nvr students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. _________________________Answers ф 1 be 2 coming 3 5.30 p.m. 4 £8 5 try Useful Expressions ........................ • Ask students to read the Useful Expressions. • Explain that we often use these phrases when we suggest activities to people or when we want to persuade people to do something. Extra class activity________________________________ Ask students to look at the photo at the bottom of page 93 and to describe what it shows. Then ask students to create an advert (either at home or in class) based on the photo, adding any details they would like. Tell them to include times, cost, location, and any other information they can use to make their advert interesting. They can use coloured paper and illustrate their advert to make it more attractive. They can also create it using a computer, if they have access to one. Have students present their adverts in the next lesson. D • Now ask students to use the phrases in the Useful Expressions box to create an advert for the activity in the task. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they undeiblarid wlial they have lo do. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually. Then ask students to have a partner check their work. Go round the class to check that students are doing their adverts properly. Go over any written errors on the board without saying who made them. _____________________ Answers e I Students' own answers E ............................................... • Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box, and check that they understand the information. • Explain to students that in this Exam Task they will have two texts and they must complete an advert using the information from the other two texts. • Ask students to read the Exam Task instructions and to look at the texts. Check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask students to have a partner check their work. Check answers as a class after students have finished checking one another's work. . ...... Answers 1 don't 2 Come 3 9 p.m. 4 snacks 5 contact Julie 79
7 Mechanical Libartf Car Q Personal Best fyevieral No+e The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool for students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other TV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information Cam is on a mission - to create the best vehicle for having fun whilfe driving round the desert. He thought to himself, 'Why not design something that is similar to the animals that live there?’ One animal that makes its home in the desert, the lizard, seems to have the perfect body for getting round rocks and other types of desert terrain. So, Cam designed a vehicle that sort of behaves' like a lizard. He and his buddy, John, take the ‘mechanical lizard' on a run, with John at the controls and Cam telling him how to operate it. They get into some fairly tight spots - places only a lizard would know how to get out of. Before you watch____________________________________ A • Ask students to make a guess about the title of this section. (It's about a car, which may be like an animal.) • Ask students to look at the pictures and describe what they see. Encourage them to guess (two animals sitting on rocks and the bottom part of a car). • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. □ -... Answers B Il В 20 ЗА While you watch В • Explain to students that they are going to watch a short video about having fun while driving round the desert. • Ask them to spend a few seconds reading over the true/ false statements and to make a note of any key words in the statements that they think will help them answer the questions. • Begin playing the video, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. • Continue playing the video, pausing where necessary, and check answers as a class. Replay the video if students have difficulty answering the questions. --------------------------------Answers з 1T 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F I . - - ........ After you watch C ______________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to complete a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. r— Answers t 1 machine 2 idea 3 lizard 4 hand 5 hills 6 top 7 see 8 careful Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give reasons that support their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: Writing: matching, looking for words with similar meanings sport-related words, collocations, phrasal verbs modals for advice, permission, ability, intention, necessity & obligation gap-fill (monologue), listening for numbers & dates asking about likes, asking for advice, giving advice & responding to advice a blog, using the correct tense, using appropriate vocabulary, positive emotions & negative emotions opener ♦ Ask students to open their books. Write the title of the unit, Personal Best, on the board. First, ask students what the people in the photo are doing. Prompt students to read the caption if necessary (whitewater tufting). Ask where the photo was taken (Six Mile Creek, Alaska, USA). Then ask students how they think the title goes with the people in the photo. Prompt if necessary. (The people have to be really good at whitewater tufting because it's very dangerous to do rafting in that particular place. Perhaps they're training to be in t competition, and you have to be your best to win first place) • Ask students to tell you the different sports they know. Prompt if necessary and write the sports on the board (e.g. football, basketball, tennis, volleyball, swimming, ( ticket). Ask students to brainstorm ideas for howto get better at doing these sports. (You can train every day. You can work with someone who knows the sport really well, like a professional player, or a good coach. You can leafn new skills for doing the sport better. You can join a •.porting club to be with people who know many things about the sport.) • I xplain to students that in this unit, they will learn about port and the different words and phrases we use to talk .»bout it. • II you like, you can give students more information about the photo from the background information below. Background Information______________________________ $Ik Mile Creek is a stretch of river in the extremely mountainous region of southern Alaska. It is located at a t i nfluence of other waterways that can result in dramatic 'npids at certain times of the year, making it particularly «iff active for whitewater rafting opportunities. According tn the International Scale of River Difficulty, some sections ill Six Mile Creek are rated at Class V, the second most difficult out of six ratings. In the 1980s, the US forest letvice began allowing whitewater rafting enterprises to *pt up shop near the creek, and enthusiasts have been flocking to the area ever since. Although thrilling and wrmingly safe, whitewater rafting is classified as an BKireme sport and carries risk of injury. To keep the raft from capsizing into the water, you must learn techniques tin controlling the raft, such as 'punching', 'high siding' «nd 'low siding', to make it through treacherous stretches nl overs successfully. Ve^^io^ A • Explain to students that they will be looking at signs in order to find out information Explain that they may not know every word in the sign, but that they should be able to find the information they need by making guesses and looking for key words. • Ask students to work with a partner to match the signs to the correct sport. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. • Ask students to discuss the sports in task A with their partner. They should say which sport is their favourite and why. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Give students one minute to discuss the sports in pairs. Go round the class monitoring students to check that they are doing the task appropriately. Word Focus________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the words in the Word Focus box without looking at the definitions. • Then ask students to find the sentences in the article that contain those words and to read the sentences to see if they can guess the meanings of the words. Remind them that it is fine if they cannot figure out the meaning of the word from the sentence, but to try to guess. • Give students one minute to figure out the meanings of the words, and then ask them to look at the definitions to see if they guessed correctly. • Ask students to look at the photos surrounding the text without reading the text, and ask them what sport they see being played (cricket). 80
Personal Best • Tell students to continue working with their partner to discuss the questions in the task without reading the text. Then they should read the text quickly to find their answers. Encourage students to guess the answers to the questions before they read the text. • Give students one minute to do the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. ____________________ Answers > 1 The British brought cricket to Jamaica. 2 Baseball came from the USA. Teaching Tip Students often pair up with the same partner over and over again, but it's a good idea for them to pair up with different students. Not only does this foster a better classroom environment and gets students to break out of their habits, but it also allows them to get used to speaking English with new people. The more they do this, the more comfortable they will feel speaking English to strangers they meet if they visit arj English-speaking country. • Now explain to students that they will read the text more closely to find the answers to the true/ false statements. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then ask students to have their partner check their answers. • Check answers as a class after students have checked one another's work. ............... 1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F кмммммммшммммя Answers • Explain to students that they are going to learn set phrases that collocate with prepositions. Encourage students to write these in their notebooks to help them memorise the set phrases. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to have a partner check their answers. • Check answers as a class after students have checked one another's work. • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Then give students one minute to look at the statements and the signs in the Exam Task and to underline any words with similar meanings. • Remind them that they may not know all the words in the signs, but to try to guess anyway. G • Now ask students to read the Exam Task, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually. Then ask them to have a partner check their work. • Check answers as a class after students have checked one another's work- •Asa follow-up, ask students to tell you what words in the task are similar (help - assistance; safe - secure; cannot use - closed; time - timetable; new members - join now). 1H 2B ЗА 4C 5F Answers j Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. A • Ask students to look at the photos. Then ask the following questions, prompting if necessary: - Which pictures show a sport where you play against one other person? (4, 6) - Which pictures show team sports? (1, 2, 3, 5) - Which pictures show indoor sports? (2, 3, 6) - Which pictures show outdoor sports? ft, 4, 5) • Ask students to match the sports in the yellow wordbank to the photos. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. Answers ц 1 football 4 tennis 2 volleyball 5 cricket 3 basketball 6 table tennis • Explain to students that the words in this task are items that go with the sports in task A. Explain that some items go with more than one sport, but the three items together only go with one sport. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 82
F 1 tennis 2 football 3 basketball 1Н1ШШМПнммшшан^ 4 volleyball 5 cricket 6 table tennis • Ask students to read the instructions, and cho< !• they understand what they have to do • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. c____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. Explain any unfamiliar words before students do the task. » (iive students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 4 athlete 5 swimming 6 sailor 1 diving 2 cyclist 3 gymnastics l*tra class activity_____________________________________ You can consolidate the sports-related vocabulary by playing a short game in class. Put students into pairs or »m<ill groups, and ask them to close their books. Say one <il the sports from the lesson and ask students to write ilnwn as many items as they can think of that belong with tl r sport. Set them a time limit of 30 seconds. Continue with as many sports as time allows, and award one point Iih each correct answer. The pair/team with the most points at the end wins. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ____________________________Answers e 1 sailor 4 athlete 2 dive 5 cyclists 3 gymnastics 6 Swimmers Ё_____________________________________________________________ • Explain to students the verbs do and go often go with sports, but that they have to learn which verb goes with which sport. Encourage them to write the collocating phrases in their notebooks. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. ♦ Encourage students to read the sentences without filling in any answers first and to underline the subjects of the missing verbs and any time expressions. Explain that these will help them to get the correct tense in the correct form. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask students to look at the text and to answer the following questions. - What is the title of the text? (The Special Ks) - What is the text about? (famous tennis players) - Where are Nick Kyrgios and Thanasi Kokkinakis from? (Australia) - What are they called? (The Special Ks) • Now ask students to read the text and circle the correct words. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Encourage your students to make a note of the collocations in the text and to write them in their notebooks. 1 won 2 playing 3 train 4 hit I 5 keep going 6 go 7 stay 8 give up H • Ask students to look at the photos and to name the sports shown. Prompt if necessary (1 - American football; 2 - tennis; 3 - basketball; 5 - football; 6 - volleyball). • Explain to students that they will read the sentences and complete them using a word from the yellow wordbank to form a commonly used sporting phrase. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Encourage your students to make a note of the collocations in the text and to write them in their notebooks. 1 throw 2 bouncing 3 scored ___Answers 4 lost 5 missed 6 serve MMMI 1 went 2 going 3 doing 4 go 5 doing 6 go I__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task with a partner. Then check answers as a class. 83
Personal Best 1 race 2 beat 3 score 4 win 5 coach Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. J The infinitive without to follows a modal. May can replace can. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually or with a partner. Check answers as a class. 1c 2e 3b 4d 5a Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are using the language correctly. Go over any common errors on the board without saying who made them. • Write Modals (1) on the board. Explain to students that they are going to learn what modal verbs are and how to use them. • Write the following sentences on the board. Ask students to identify the modal verbs and say the function of the sentence: - Can I help you? (Can, to offer help) - You can call after 8 p.m. (can, to give permission) - You can't have that, (can't, to refuse permission) - Should I join a gym? (Should, to ask for advice) - You should eat more vegetables, (should, to give advice) • Explain to students that some modals have more than one use, so it's important to look at the rest of the sentence and understand the situation in order to understand the meaning of the modal. A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. a could, could e Shall b can f Should c Can g should d can't h shall В • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner to complete the task. • Explain to students that they will look back at the sentences in task A and decide what function the modal verbs serve in each sentence. • Do the task as a class and check that students have the correct answers written in their books. Answers , ; 1d 2g 3c 4a 5f 6e 7b 8h D ____________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner to complete the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Then check answers as a class. _______________________Aoaasrs-» c, d and e They are asking for permission. E ____________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner to complete the task. Go round the class and check that students are getting on with the task correctly. Provide assistance if necessary. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Check answers as a class. f_____________________________АОЭ\У£Г£.ф aandb - a friend c, d and e = a member of staff • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner to complete the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. Answers e 1 a, b 2 a, b 3 c, d, e Now read the Grammar Reference on page 167 (8.1-8.6) with your students. G__________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 84
—-----------------------------Answers 1 Motorcyclists should not/shouldn't wear trainers. 2 He cannot/can't play basketball. 3 They may not jump into the pool. 4 I shall not/shan't lose again! 5 She couldn't/could not run fast when she was young. H____________________________________________________ ♦ Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • (iive students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ----------------------------------Answers e 1 He should go to hospital. 2 She should have/take lessons. 3 He should buy new boots. 4 He should run every day. 5 He should find/get a new coach. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that I hey understand what they have to do. Encourage •.tudents to look back at task C to help them decide the function of the sentence, and then to refer to the Grammar Reference to find appropriate modal verbs. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. ---------------------------ADswera^ 1 Can/Could/May I go fishing? 2 Can/Could you run faster? 3 You should bring your swimsuit. 4 They can’t snowboard without snow! 5’ Shall we go to the sports centre? 6 Can/Could you bring me a drink of water, please? 7 I can't play rugby. 8 You shouldn't swim in this water, children. * Now tell students that they are going to learn about a different set of modal verbs. • Write Modals (2) on the board. Write the following sentences under the title and ask students to identify the modal verbs and say the function of the sentence. Inform students that more than one word in the sentence may be part of the modal: You have to do your homework, (have to, obligation) You must practise for the tournament, (must, obligation) You mustn't drive in bad weather, (mustn't, something is not allowed) You needn't bring your coat; it's warm out. (needn't, something is not necessary) You don't have to train today; it's Sunday, (don't have to, something is not necessary) • Ask students what they can see about the functions of this set of modal verbs. (Two of them have the same lunction, and two others have the same function.) • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with n partner to complete the task. Remind them to use the hoard to help them identify the modal verbs if necessary. • Give students one minute to complete the hnk with their partner. Then check answers as a d r.-. ____________________________„Answers 1 have to 2 must 3 mustn’t 4 needn't 5 don't have to, can I..... - ..... ....... К • Explain to students that in this task, they will decide the function of the sentences in task J. • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner to complete the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Then check answers as a class. Answers t a 1,2 b 4, 5 c 3 L • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner to complete the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Then check answers as a class. • Remind students of what they saw in the introduction - that two of the modal verbs in this section have the same meaning, as well as two others. Answers g must, have to, mustn't, needn't, don't have to Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 167-168 (8.7-8.11) with your students. M • Ask students to look at the photo and ask them what activity they can see (running). Ask them to describe briefly what's going on in the photo. (There is a large group of people in a park. They're running for a competition or just for fun .) • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with a partner to complete the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Then check answers as a class. f________________ Answers 1 must 2 mustn't 3 don't have to 4 mustn't 5 must 6 don't have to N • Ask students to read the instructions and to work with ,i partner to complete the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Then check answers as a class. 85
Э Personal Best 1B 2A 2B ЗА don't have to Do ... have to have to / must don't have to „ Answers 3B must / has to 4В must / have to 5A mustn't 6A must/have to Lis-teviintf) A • Explain to students that they will practise listening for numbers, especially tricky ones like thirteen and thirty. • Write thirteen, thirty, thirteenth and thirtieth on the board, and ask students to pronounce them. • Ask students to read the instructions and to complete the task with a partner. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Go round the class to listen for any pronunciation errors, and then go over the errors with the class without saying who made them. _______________________Answers^ LCheck students' pronunciation and pay attention to the stressed syllables. В • Now explain to students that they are going to hear ten numbers, one for each row in task A. Tell them to circle the number they hear. • Begin the recording, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. Continue with the recording, pausing as needed. • Ask students to have a partner check their work, and then check answers as a class. • Explain to students that the stress in certain numbers falls in different places Tell them that in this task, they will note where the stress falls. • Begin the recording, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer Continue with the recording, pausing as needed. • Ask students to have a partner check their work. Then check answers as a class. D ______________________________ • Explain that students will work with their partner again to pronounce words from task C. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Go round the class as students complete the task, providing assistance where necessary. Go over any pronunciation errors on the board without saying who made them. __________________ Answers t * Students' own answers E__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Then ask them to look at the Exam Task and the gaps. Ask them to think about what kind of information is missing in each gap (1 - number/age, 2-a sport, 3 - date, 4 - price/cost, 5 - number). • Give students a few seconds to complete the task, and go over their findings from the Exam Task as a class. • Explain to students that they will now complete the Exam Task. • Before playing the recording, ask students to read die instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. Remind them that they will hear the recording twice. Inform them that they will hear a monologue, which is when one person speaks. • Begin the recording, pausing after the first question. Check that students have the correct answer. Continue with the recording, pausing where necessary. • Move on to task G before checking answers. G • Play the recording again for students to check that their answers are correct. • When they have finished, check answers as a class. Replay any parts of the monologue that gave students difficulties. 1 18 2 windsurf 3 August 30th 4 £330 5 50 per cent Answers , 1 forty 2 a hundred 3 second 4 eighty 5 seven 6 sixteen fourteen a thousand twenty-second eighteen seventeen sixty A • Explain to students that they will be practising their speaking skills in this section, and they will focus on asking about likes and giving advice. • Ask a student to ask another student if they like a sport. Prompt if necessary, (e.g. Do you like playing tennis?) Ask the other student to respond. (Yes, I do. or No, I don 't.J 86
I Now ask the same student to ask the other student which sport they prefer and to give two options. (I Jo you prefer playing tennis or swimming?) Ask the other student to respond. (I prefer swimming to pl'tying tennis.) • I xplain to students that they are going to look at some sports and number them in order from the one they like Imst to the one they like least. ♦ I live students one minute to complete the task individually. _________________________Answers e 'Indents' own answers • Now explain to students that they are going to work with a partner to compare their answers from task A. I hey should ask and answer questions about the sports lhey like and don't like. • Lncourage them to use both question structures that you modelled in task A, and to ask each other if they like л certain sport, and if they prefer one sport to another. If lime permits, encourage them to explain why. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task. Go round the class monitoring students to make •.ore they are carrying out the task correctly. Go over .iny language errors on the board without saying who made them. Students' own answers c___________________________________________________________ ♦ Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they need to do. • Remind them that after they have chosen their answers, lhey should read the question and the answer together io check that they make sense. Encourage them also io look for clues in the pronouns to see if the response matches the question. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1A 2B 3C 4B 5B Answers.* Useful Expressions • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions box. Explain any phrases that students do not understand. • Check that students understand how to use the phrases. Ask them to pay attention to the modals in the phrases and the meaning they give to the phrase. 0 .... ________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. Ask them what word we don't use when giving advice (must). • Ask students to look at the instructions and the details in the Exam Task. Tell them to think about the kind of language they will use in the task. • Give them one minute to complete the task before beginning the Exam Task. Students' own answers I • Now explain to students that they are going to work with a partner to complete the Exam Task. Explain that they are going to ask about preferences and give advice about sports. Remind them that they will suggest a sport from the photos based on the responses that their partner gives them, so they should think about how their partner responds in order to suggest an appropriate sport. Encourage them to explain why they have suggested a sport to their partner, and encourage the partners to say how they feel about the choice. Then ask them to switch roles. • Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are carrying out the task correctly. Provide assistance where necessary. When they have finished, write any structural mistakes that students made on the board without saying who made them, and ask students to correct them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation that came up. Ideas Focus_____________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common error? without saying who made them. Students' own answers HMHHM Wn+iv)£): й hloz) Learning focus • Explain to students that in this lesson they will practise writing a blog. • Ask students the following questions, prompting when necessary: - What is a blog? fan online diary or journal) - Who can write a blog? (anyone who wants to) - What do we need to write a blog? (a computer (and ideas)) — Who can read our blog? (anyone who has access to a computer) • Ask students to look at the information in the Learning Focus box, and check that they understand what it says. A_______________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. Remind them to look back at the Learning Focus box and to pay close attention to the rules about verb tenses. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Й7
। Personal Best Ji 2 3 was waiting 4 caught was looking forward 5 finished to 6 won didn't start Answers 5 Positive: thrilled, a dream come true, couldn't stop cheering, confident Negative: a disaster, worried, upset Useful Expressions • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Alternatively, do the activity together as a class. Adjective: incredible Adverb: brilliantly c • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Alternatively, do the activity together as a class. • Ask students to look at the blog in task A again and to find the adjectives and adverbs that the writer used. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. • Ask students to read the Useful Expressions. Explain any unfamiliar words or phrases to them. G __________________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they will write a short blog using the instructions in the task. • Encourage them to use the Useful Expressions to make their writing more interesting. • Give them two minutes to complete the task, and then ask them to swap with a partner to check each other's work. Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are doing the task correctly. Go over any mistakes on the board without saying who made them. Answers t Students' own answers Teaching Tip Blogs are a very good way for students to learn English, so if you have computer access at your school, encourage students to read blogs in their spare time. They should look for something that interests them, and you can even assign a task for students to find the most interesting blog and talk about it in class. Students can also start their own blogs in English if they feel confident enough about their writing skills. Remind them, though, that it is public information that anyone can read, so they should not put any information in their blog that they do not want others to know about. 1 electric, exciting, great, impressive, amazed 2 well, quickly, truly, first, easily E • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 amazing 4 slowly 2 fast 5 suddenly 3 close 6 unbelievable F ____________________ • Ask students to work with a partner to discuss the underlined words in the text. Ask them which words and phrases show positive emotions and which show negative emotions. Encourage them to explain why they think a particular word or phrase means what it does. • Give students one to two minutes to discuss the words and phrases. Go round the class to check that students are doing the task appropriately. H • Explain to students that for the Exam Task they are going to write a short text message to a friend. Remind them of what a text message is, if necessary (a message that we send through our mobile phones). Read the Exam Close-up box with students. Emphasise that they should use words in their reply to make their text more interesting and to show how they feel. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task. Remind them to pay attention to the word limit and to plan their reply before they begin writing it. • After students have completed the task, ask them to swap papers with a partner to check each other's work Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are doing the task correctly. Deal with any writing mistakes on the board without saying who made them. , dl , Hi Emily! I watched the swimming at the Olympic Games. At first, the American John Water was winning - he was swimming so quickly. But then, Pedro Santos from Spain started to swim really fast. I couldn't stop cheering when he won. It was amazing! xxx 88
^3 8 fy vvuah’i general No+e The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool for students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take Advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other IV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information_______ Mountain unicycling, or muni for short, is basically what it sounds like - riding a unicycle down a mountain. In the mountainous areas of Utah, a father and his two sons have made muni a family affair. In the summer, they take their unicycles to the snow-free slopes of Utah's ski region, which is perfect for doing muni. The unicycles are specially equipped with pedals that you can fasten your shoes into, and helmets ensure head protection. It might seem like quite a dangerous sport, but muni might actually be safer than traditional mountain biking, because the unicycle can only go as fast as you can pedal. The unicycles are also quite agile, and you can use your whole body to move the unicycle from side to side and across cracks in rocks and the dirt. Muni has been around since the 90s, and has become a popular sport in recent years due to the full- body workout it provides. Before you watch A_________________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the picture and to make guesses about what they can see. (I can see a man on a type of bicycle.) * Ask students to read the instructions, and check that Ihoy understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • Begin playing the video, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. • Continue with the video, pausing where necessary, and check answers as a class. Replay the video if students have difficulty answering the questions. Answers 1 mountain 2 wheel 3 thick 4 summer 5 safer 6 strength After you watch_________________________________________ C ______________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to complete a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 2 3 4 popular pedals perfect crazy 5 6 7 8 -Answers bikes strength whole skill Ideas Focus_______ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give reasons that support their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Answers 1 helmet 2 unicycle 3 wheel 4 tyre 5 pedal While you watch к_____________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to watch a short video about a type of sport called muni. • Ask students to read through the sentences and to think rtbout what they need to listen for in the video in order to choose the correct answers. HV
'Review 4 Units 7 & 8 Objectives • To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 7 and 8 Revision • Revise for the review the day before using the vocabulary and grammar revisions below. This will also give students a framework for revising at home. • Explain to students that they will do a review of Units 7 and 8 during their next lesson, just as they did for the previous reviews. • Remind students that the review is not an exam. Explain that they will complete the review as they did the last time; they will be able to ask you for help and use their books to find answers. • You can administer the review however you like. You can go through each question one by one, asking students to fill in the answers, and then check the answers as a class. You can allow them to do entire exercises, and then check answers as a class. You can split the vocabulary and grammar sections into two parts, giving students 10-15 minutes to do one part and the same amount of time for the second part. You can let them do the entire review on their own, and then check answers at the end. If you decide to do that, remind students in the middle of the review how much more time they have got left. • Encourage students to guess at answers they do not know, and not to leave any gaps blank. • When students have completed the review, check the answers as a class. Do some extra task work on the board for any areas that students seem to be having trouble with. Vocabulary Revision_____________________________________ • Write the following hobbies on the board and ask students to name some items that go with them. Prompt them by writing the first letter of the item on the board and the number of gaps for the missing letters: - camping (tent, sleeping bag) - art (paint, brushes) - photography (camera, selfie stick) - music (guitar, instrument) • Write go, do and play on the board and ask students which one goes with the following activities: - yoga (do) - table tennis (play) - hiking (go) - sailing (go) • Ask students to review the collocations on page 87, task F and to circle the collocations they see in the task. • Ask students to say three items that go with these sports, prompting them as necessary: - basketball (basket, ball, court) - tennis (racket, net, court) - cricket (bat, ball, pitch) - football (goal, ball, pitch) • Write the following words on the board and ask students to give you the person and the sport that goes with it: - dive (diver, diving) - swim (swimmer, swimming) - cycle (cyclist, cycling) - sail (sailor, sailing) • Ask students to review the collocations on page 99, tasks H and I. • Say a definition and the verb of the following phrasal verbs, and ask students to give you the preposition. - to lose consciousness - pass ... (out) - to hurry - catch ... (up) - to decide not to participate - drop ... (out) - to do stretching before exercise - warm ... (up) Grammar Revision__________________________________________ • Write the following sentences on the board and ask students if they are zero or first conditional sentences: - If you put water in the freezer, it turns to ice. (zero) - You will get in trouble if you steal that candy bar! (first) - When you leave a gap empty, the answer is marked wrong, (zero) - If you want to go to the concert, I'll save you a seat, (first) • Write the following sentences on the board and ask students to tell you what's wrong with them: - I enjoy go to the beach in the summer, (go - going) - Play volleyball is his favourite sport. (Яау- Playing) - You should to give his baseball back to him. (togive - give) - He's not big enough playing rugby - he'll get hurt! (playing - to play) - I’m going to the supermarket getting some milk. (getting - to get) - Michelle's not interested in read, (read - reading) • Ask students to review the reasons for using gerunds, infinitives and bare infinitives on page 89 • Write the following sentences on the board, but do not write the purpose(s) in brackets. After writing the sentences, say the purpose(s) in brackets, and ask students to complete the sentence with an appropriate modal based on that purpose. Remind them to look at pages 100-101 if they need help: - You have the last piece of cake if you want it. (give permission) (can/may) - He wear warmer clothing in the winter, (give advice; obligation) (should, must) - We take first place at the weekend tournament, (express a strong intention; say that it is not necessary to do something) (shall, don't have to/ needn't) - I choose what we have for supper tonight? (ask for permission; offer to do something) (can/could, shall) - He-------------------run a kilometre in five minutes when he was in high school, (say what someone was able to do in the past) (could) - You eat right before you go swimming, (say that something is not allowed) (mustn't) 90
А • Ask students to read the sentences for gist before writing the missing letters. • Remind students that there is one gap for each missing letter of the words they need to fill in. This can help them to check that they have not forgotten a letter and that their choice actually fits. Answers 1 tent 6 cycling 2 guitar 7 referee 3 controller 8 athlete 4 volleyball 9 camera 5 racket 10 bat • Ask students to pay close attention to what the sentences say in order to circle the correct word. Once they choose a word, they should look at the other two words to check that they do not make sense with the rest of the sentence. 1 sleeping bag 2 creative 3 active 4 do 5 in 6 net 7 dropped out 8 go 9 at 10 into C_________________________________________________________ • Read through the verbs in the yellow wordbank and ask students to come up with words that could collate with that particular verb (beat... a team, an opponent; coach ...a team, an athlete; dive ... into a pool; lose ...a match, a game; score ...a point, a goal; spend... time, money; stay ... at home, in, healthy; throw ... a ball; train ... for hours; win ...a match, a game). • Fell students to read the sentences for gist and to try to complete the gaps without looking at the words in the yellow wordbank, if possible. 1 spends 6 scored 2 trains 7 win 3 beat 8 dive 4 threw 9 stay 5 coaches 10 lost • Remind students to study the rules of zero and first conditionals on page 88, tasks В and D. • Ask students to go through the sentences first and underline the if clauses before they answer the questions. • Tell students to look back at Grammar References 7.1-7.2 on page 166 for a reminder if they need to. • Tell students to underline the words that come before the gaps that determine whether they will complete the sentence with a gerund, an infinitive or a bare infinitive. • Tell students to look back at page 89 and Grammar References 7.3-7.5 on pages 166-167 for a reminder if they need to. 1 to do, becoming 2 eat, not to have 3 being, towin 4 not to come, going 5 buy, getting 6 watching, to enjoy c • Ask students to read the sentences for gist and to decide what the function of each sentence is. They can look at page 100, task C and page 101, task К to see a full list of functions. • Tell students to look back at Grammar References 8.1- 8.11 on pages 167-168 for a reminder if they need to. 1c 2a 3b 4c 5a 6b 7a 8c D • Explain to students that they are going to complete each sentence with a preposition. Ask students to underline the words that go with the gap and to try to guess the answers without looking at the wordbank, if they can. 91
Q Take a Break Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: Writing: right, wrong, doesn't say, checking for enough information holiday-related words, word completion, looking for clues open cloze, choosing the correct word type, relative pronouns, adverbs multiple choice (pictures), getting ready to listen asking & answering questions, getting information about places, asking about & describing a holiday a social media post, making your writing flow, using correct punctuation, greetings, saying where you are, arriving, talking about activities (ЛиИ opener • Tell students to keep their books closed, and ask them about where they would like to go on holiday and what they would like to do. Elicit as many holiday- and travel-related words as you can and write them on the board. Prompt as necessary (e.g. hotel, villa, camping, holiday resort, guided tour, see sights, go on a short trip, take photos). • Now ask students to open their books and to look at the photo. Ask them to describe the photo to you. (e.g. I can see a large ball in the trees. It's in forest and it looks like there are stairs to the ball. You may be able to stay in the ball for a holiday, so perhaps it's some kind of accommodation. The ball has a window also, so there must be light inside.) • Ask students to tell you where this is (the west coast rainforest of Vancouver Island, Canada). Ask students if they would like to stay in such an accommodation for a holiday (students'own answers). Ask them what kinds of things they could do while they stay in this accommodation (e.g. go for walks in the forest, go hiking, read, take photos, enjoy nature, see unique plants). • If you like, you can give students more information about the photo from the background information below. Background Information Free Spirit Spheres provide unique accommodation located in the rainforests of Vancouver Island's west coast. Most of the spheres are suspended above the ground at various heights, ranging from three to four metres off the ground. One sphere sits on the ground in a cradle, for holidaymakers who have a slight fear of heights. The spheres are tied to three separate trees and can sway gently if there is a breeze, although they move more abruptly when someone in the sphere changes position suddenly. There is a flat floor area inside the spheres to make it easier to get round. The spheres are about ten metres in diameter and contain one single room; there is a separate sphere that is used as a bathroom. The idea behind the spheres, as the owner puts it, is to stay in a free space, above the earth, free to dream and explore our existence within the universe. A__________________________________________________ • Before students begin the quiz, ask them to look at the four pictures featured in the quiz and to tell you what they see. (In the first picture, I can see a beach. In the second picture, it looks like the countryside. In the third picture, I can see a large building in a city. In the fourth picture, I can see a house/cottage/cabin on a mountain that is covered with snow.) • Now ask students to look at the questions in the quiz and to tell you the question words and any other key words they can see (1 - Where, stay, on holiday; 2 - What, activities; 3 - What, weather; 4 - Where (what), to eat). • Now ask students to do the quiz with a partner. After they have finished answering the questions, they should look at the right-hand column to see where they should go on holiday. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the quiz and to discuss the results with their partner. Then discuss the quiz as a class. Ask students if they agree with the quiz, and if they do not, ask them to explain why. Answers * * Students' own answers Word Focus __________________ • Ask students to look at the words in the Word Focus box without looking at the definitions. • Then ask students to find the sentences in the article that contain those words and to read the sentences to see if they can guess the meanings of the words. Remind them that it is fine if they cannot figure out the meaning of the word from the sentence, but to try to guess. • Give students one minute to figure out the meanings of the words, and then ask them to look at the definitions to see if they guessed correctly. В_________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the two blogs and to tell you the destinations described in each blog (Iceland and Santorini). Ask students which destination they would prefer to visit, and why (students' own answers). • Ask students to read the two titles and explain that they will quickly read the blogs, and then decide which title goes with which blog.
• Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers 0 1 The Land of the Midnight Sun 2 Where History Meets Geography C_____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class, and check that they understand it. • Explain to students that in some exam tasks, there is an option of Doesn't say. That means they need to read very carefully to check that the information is not actually in the text before they choose this option. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Ask students to explain why they have chosen Doesn't say. (Question 3 asks how Ellie feels about camping and hiking. The text talks about how British people feel about it, but it doesn't say how Ellie feels about it.) ________________________Answers % 1 Right 2 Wrong 3 Doesn't say D • Ask students to look at the questions in the Exam Task and to underline any key words they see (1 - wanted to visit Iceland; 2 - Star Trek, Iceland; 3 - Iceland, swimming; 4 - write another entry, blog; 5 - enjoys sunsets, Santorini; 6 - all beaches, red or black sand; 7 - see far, cliffs; 8 - Akrotiri, many tourists). • Ask students to complete the Exam Task. Remind them that if a question seems like the answer is Doesn't say to check very carefully that the information is not actually in the text. • Give students one minute to do the exercise individually, and then check answers as a class. ............... Answers e 1B 2C 38 4A 5A 6C 7A 8C E • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. AnSW££S..~ 1 awesome 2 unique 3 typical 4 weird • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and air.wnt the questions. Encourage them to give supposing reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to chcc к that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. \7о6й^и1агц A__________________________________._____________ • Before doing the task, ask students to look at the photos and to describe what they see. (In Question 1, I can see a beach with people. In Question 2,1 can see some animals (giraffes) in the countryside. In Question 3, I see a place high in the mountains with some animals (llamas) in the photo. In Question 4,1 can see a lake with a mountain in the background/behind it. In Question 5,1 can see a weird underwater animal. In Question 6, I can see a large city with many buildings and many lights.) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. . Answers P II —— 1 Europe 4 North America 2 Africa 5 Oceania 3 South America 6 Asia • Ask students to look back at the pictures in task A and to discuss with a partner where they would like to go. • Give students one minute to do the task with their partner. Go round the class to check that students are doing the task correctly. Encourage them to give reasons as to why they want to visit a particular place. Answers Students’ own answers • Read the words in the yellow wordbank to students and explain any unfamiliar words to them. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Ideas Focus ........................................ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Explain to students that this task involves holiday-related collocations. • Ask students to read the instruction-., ,п»<1« Ь<чк they understand what they have to do. 93
T( iko a Break • < >iv<> •slmlntil'. uiio initiate to do the task individually. I lien check answers as a class. Answers 1d 2b 3e 4a 5c • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers --------- J 1 daytrip 2 guided tour 3 amusement park 4 city break 5 excursion l F______________________________________________________________ • Before students do the task, ask them to go through each question and to underline any key words that they think will help them choose the correct option (1 - suitcase; 2 - at; 3 - around; 4 - a holiday; 5 - the sights; 6- a short trip; 7 - sightseeing; 8 - a lot of photos). • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 pack 2 stayed 3 wander 4 taking -Answers 5 see 6 go on 7 go 8 take G • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to them and check that they understand it. • Ask students to read the descriptions and to guess the words. Encourage them to use clues in the descriptions to guess what words are being described. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. If time permits, ask students what clues they found in the sentences (1 - hot time of the year, 2 - activity, sleep outside; 3 - pay to stay here; 4 - water all around it; 5 - fresh air and grass). p——— 1 summer 2 camping 3 hotel Answers 4 island 5 countryside H ______________________ • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. Encourage them to look for clues in the sentences and to underline them before trying to guess the answer. Remind them that there is one gap for each missing letter of the word, and they should double check that they have written all the letters of the word in the gaps correctly. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers a 1 postcard 2 tourist 3 passport 4 surfing 5 sunglasses Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are using the language correctly. Go over any common errors on the board without saying who made them. • Explain to students that this grammar lesson will cover relative pronouns. • Begin with a simple example and write the following sentences on the board: - This is a man. He lives across the street. - This is the man who lives across the street. • Explain to students that who can be a question word, but it can also be a relative pronoun, such as in this example The who replaces the personal pronoun he and makes it clear which person we are talking about. • Students may have trouble understanding this concept, so be sure to review the function and use of these types of pronouns throughout the lesson, if necessary. A ____________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers g a He d It b who e which c that f that • Explain to students that they are going to look back at the sentences in task A and answer the questions about the pronouns that they underlined. 94
• Do the task as a class, reading aloud each question and asking students to volunteer and discuss answers. • Explain any concepts that students have trouble understanding. . _____________________________Answers e 1 He, It 2 who, that, which 3 who, that 4 which, that C ______________________________________________ • Now ask students to look at the rules for relative pronouns and to complete the sentences using what they have learnt from tasks A and B. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. ________________ Answers t I personal, who, which D • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers ж Г1 a him b who c that d - 2 a it b which c that d - • Now ask students to look back at the sentences in task D and answer the questions. • Do the task as a class, reading aloud each question and asking students to volunteer and discuss answers. • Explain any concepts that students have trouble understanding. ______________________________Answers e 1 object 2 1b and 1c 3 1d and 2d V .... L. . - F________________________________________________ • Now ask students to look at the additional rules for relative pronouns and to complete the sentences using what they have learnt from tasks D and E. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers ф I object, which, object Be careful!__________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Be Careful! box. • Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. Now read the Grammar Reference on page 168 (9.1) with your students. • Ask students to read the instructions, and choc к they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually Then check answers as a class. __________________________________Answers. 1 that 2 it 3 who 4 he 5 it 6 they • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually Then check answers as a class. _________________________Answers 1 which/that 2 - 3 who/that 4 - 5 - 6 who/that «машнвммамамавшммшшшмммтаямммкмк.'. • Ask students to work with a partner to make their own relative sentences using the beginnings of the sentences provided and the pictures at the bottom of the page. • Give students one minute to do the task with a partner Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are using the language correctly. Go over any common errors on the board without saying who made them. .. Answers Students' own answers • Now explain to students that they are going to learn about adverbs. • Do a quick review with students on what adverbs do Ask them to tell you. (Adverbs describe verbs and tell us how we do something.) • Write the following sentence on the board. Ask students to identify the adjective and the adverb, what the adverb goes with, and what the ending of the adverb is. Prompt if necessary: - Can we always answer an easy question easily? (The adjective is easy; the adverb is easily and it goes will» the verb answer; the ending of the adverb is-ly.) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually Then check answers as a class. ________________________.._ Answers^ Adjectives: careful, easy, slow, fast, good Adverbs: carefully, easily, slowly, fast, well
I Take a Break Ask students to look at the answer choices in the • Now explain to students that they are going to complete rules about adverbs. Ask students to look back at the sentences in task J to help them complete the rules. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Now read the Grammar Reference on page 168 (9.2) with your students. L__________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. .Answers ф t beautifully, fast, happily, loudly, well, healthily M • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. --------------------- 1 fast 2 beautifully 3 loudly 4 happily 5 healthily 6 well N • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1b 2f 3c 4e 5a 6d О • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. Exam Task and to decide what type of words they see (1 - adverbs and adjectives; 2- relative pronouns; 3 - relative pronouns; 4 - adverbs and adjectives; 5 - adverbs and adjectives; 6 - adverbs and adjectives; 7 - adverbs and adjectives; 8 - adverbs and adjectives). • Remind them to look back at the Exam Close-up for a list of the types of words to look for. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. P ________________________________________________________ • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. Before they begin, ask the following questions: - What text will you read? (a postcard) - Who wrote it? (the grandparents / Granny and Grandpa) - Who received it? (a family) - What picture is on the postcard? (a mountain) — What's the name of their guide? (Raj) • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • If time allows, go back through the task and ask students what the adjectives and adverbs modify, and who or what the relative pronouns relate to (1 - time; 2 - mountain; 3 - guide; 4 - speaks; 5 - welcomed; 6 - meal; 7 - ate; 8 - sleep). Extra class activity_____________________________________ Writing postcards can be fun, so ask your students to use the model in the Exam Task of this unit to write a postcard. Tell them that they can write about anywhere they want, and they should use relative pronouns in two or three sentences to talk about the places they visited and the people they met. They can illustrate their postcards if they like. Have a few students read their postcards in the next lesson. Answers 1A 2C 3C 4B 5B 6B 7C 8B Lis+eninr) A • Explain to students that they are going to practise their listening skills in this section. • Ask students to look at the pictures and think about what they see. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Discuss answers as a class. _______ Students' own answers В • Ask students to work with a partner to talk about the pictures. They should say what is similar and different about the three pictures in each set. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Discuss answers as a class. 96
_______________________Answers 9 Students' own answers 1A 2B 3C 4B 5A Answers * Now explain to students that they are going to listen to three sets of dialogues, one for each set of pictures. They will hear the question that they can see on the page, and they will have to choose which picture answers the question. • Explain that the speakers will talk about all three pictures, so they will have to listen carefully to decide which picture answers the question. • Play the recording and pause after the first dialogue. Ask students to choose their answer, and discuss the answer as a class. Ask students to justify their answer. (They both decide on the villa.) Replay the dialogue, if necessary. • Continue with the next two dialogues, pausing as necessary. Ask students to explain their answers. (In the second dialogue, the man asks what the weather will be like that morning, and the woman says sunny and bright. In the third dialogue, the man says that the hat would be great for his dad.) ________________________________Answers a I 1C 2B ЗА • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. • Ask students to look at the pictures in the Exam Task. Ask them to identify what they are (1 - types of baggage; 2 - times; 3 - flags; 4 - scenes (in a city); 5 - people). Then ask them to read the questions to try to guess where the conversations take place (1 - at a baggage area / students' own answers; 2 - an airport; 3 - a specific country; 4- a place in a city; 5 - a tour). ______________________________Answers ф I Students' own answers E____________________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to do the Exam Task. They will hear five short conversations and they will have to choose which picture answers the question. • Remind students that the speakers will talk about all the pictures, so they have to listen carefully to hear the correct answer. Remind students that they will hear the recording twice. • Play the recording, pausing after the first question to check that students answer it correctly. Continue playing the recording, pausing as necessary. • Move on to task F before checking answers. F ___________________________________________________________ • Play the recording again and ask students to check their answers. Go over the answers as a class, and replay any parts of the recording that gave students difficulties. Speaking A___________________________________ • Ask students to match a word from the left-hand column with its opposite in the right-hand column. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check the answers as a class. 1e 2f 3a 4d 5c 6b Useful Expressions ______________________________ • Before students begin task B, ask them to look at the Useful Expressions box and to read the questions and statements quickly. Explain that we often use these phrases when asking someone about their holiday, or describing our holiday to someone else. • Encourage students to use these phrases with adjectives from task A to make their holiday descriptions more interesting and personal when they do the Exam Task at the end of the lesson. В • Ask students to read and complete the conversations on their own, paying close attention to their answer choices. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a dess. • If time allows, ask students to explain what was wrong with some of the answer choices. К1Ж 1A 2B 3B 4C 5A 6B • Now ask students to work with a partner to practise the conversations in task B. • Give students one minute to practise the conversations. Go round the class monitoring to make sure they are doing the task properly. Answers Students' own answers D _______________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. • Ask students to read the Exam Task and to take a mintiir to think about the best and worst holiday they have had. Encourage them to write notes about the holiday, in their notebooks and to look back at the adjec lives m task A to help them describe these holiday. Answers ^StudenP/ownanswers 97
F Take a Break • Now ask students to work with a partner to complete the Exam Task. • Ask students to decide who will be Student A and who will be Student B. Give students about one minute to do the first part of the task before you ask them to switch roles. • Go round the class monitoring students as they complete the Exam Task. Check that they use the language appropriately, and provide assistance when necessary. Review any common errors on the board without saying who made them. . Student A: Where was your favourite holiday? Did you stay in a hotel, a cottage or a caravan? * What activities did you do there? What was the food like there? Why did you like it there? Student*B: Where was your worst holiday? Who did you go with? What was the weather like? What activities did you do there? Why didn't you like it? Ask students to look at the information in the Learning Focus box, and check that they understand what it says A • Ask students to look at the two texts. Read the texts aloud to the class. • Ask students to comment on which text seemed more enjoyable to read and to explain why. • Explain to students that they should avoid repeating words in their texts; instead, they should think of a new way of writing something to make it more enjoyable for the reader. ________________ Answers, Text 2 is better because it isn't repetitive. В • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. .Answers t Here / the first is / that V -. C___________________ • Ask students to read the short text and to think about Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Teaching Tip Get your students to use their own town as a basis for a holiday discussion. Ask them to pretend that a couple have arrived in town and are there for a few days. Ask students what exciting things they would tell the couple to see or do, how to get to these places, where they should stay, eat and shop, what they should avoid and why. Wn+inr): л social vncd\a post Learning focus • Explain to students that in this section they will practise writing a social media post. Explain to them the concept of a social media post if they are unfamiliar with it. (A short piece of text posted as a status update or Twitter comment which all of your social media contacts can read.) • Ask students to tell you two or three sentences about what they're doing right now. Prompt as necessary. (Гт sitting in my English class. We're learning about social media posts. It will be fun to learn how to write them.) how they could rewrite it to make it more interesting. • Give students one minute to do the task individually before moving on to task D. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask students if the text contains any of the ideas they had in task C. __________________________Answers e 1 It's 2 got here 3 so E______________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they will make some notes about a place they have visited or would like to visit. They will use these ideas to complete the Exam Task later in the lesson. • Explain to students that they do not have to write complete sentences, but to just make some notes. • Give students one minute to do the task individually before moving on to task F. 98
^Students* own answers Answers F__________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. • Then ask students to read through the punctuation rules and to apply the rules to the sentences below in order to correct them. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. * As a follow-up, encourage your students to copy the punctuation rules into their notebooks so that they can learn them and use them as a future reference. Useful Expressions • Before beginning the Exam Task, ask students to mvirw the Useful Expressions. Check that they understand .ill the phrases. • Explain that they can use these phrases in the Exam la-.k to help their writing. • Now explain to students that they are going to complete the writing Exam Task. • Remind them to use their notes from task E. They can also refer to the Useful Expressions, and they should use the punctuation rules to review their social media post after they have finished writing it. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. _______________________________Answers g 1 Rome's (Rome is), Angela's (possessive), she's (she has) 2 If (start of sentence), comma after Paris (conditional), you'll (you will) 3 didn't (did not), grandparents' (possessive plural), Spain (capital letter for place name) 4 Helen (name of a person), Great Wall of China (name of a place) 5 They're (They are), plane's (plane is), full stop at end of sentence 6 Greek (nationality adjective), tourists' (possessive plural) J Hi all I'm in Berlin. I arrived three days ago. It's really cold ' here, but we still went sightseeing this morning. I Tomorrow we're going to go shopping. It's a really ’ interesting city! Teaching Tip_________________________________________ Give students a checklist for checking their writing and encourage them to check each point one by one. They should avoid checking everything all at once; instead, they should re-read it several times and check separately for organisation, content, grammar, use of vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. This will ensure they do not miss a single error. 79
9 Ute ^ayell'w) general No-be The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool for students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other TV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information_________________________ Steve McCurry is a photographer who works for National Geographic magazine. He began working in photography with a newspaper publisher, but his real ambition was to explore his field while travelling the world. One of his favourite places to practise his craft is India, and one particular place he's grown fond of is Rajasthan, a large state north of Mumbai. The people of the village are warm and welcoming, colourful and inviting; their ways of life are tremendously fascinating and they make terrific subjects for Steve's work. Before you watch A • Ask students what continent India is in (Asia). Ask them what they know about India and if they would like to travel there (students' own answers). • Ask students to work with a partner to discuss the photos and to answer the questions in the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Discuss their answers as a class. Students' own answers Ча While you watch В • Explain to students that they are going to watch a three-minute video on a photographer. Ask them what a photographer is (someone who takes photos either as a job or a hobby). • Before playing the video, ask students to read through the true/false statement^ and underline any key words that they think might help them answer the questions. • Play the video, pausing after each question if necessary so that students can write down their answers. • Check answers as a class. .Answers,» 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T After you watch C__________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to complete a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ___________________________Answers g, 1 photographer 2 places 3 colour 4 village 5 music 6 people 7 interested 8 face V .............. । ......... Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give reasons that support their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 100
llO R°acl Trip! Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: Writing: matching, looking for words with similar meanings travel- & transport-related words, phrasal verbs, collocations the passive voice: present simple & past simple gap-fill (dialogue), predicting the answers before listening prompt card activity, asking for & giving travel information an invitation, using modals, responding correctly to questions Uni-f- opener • Write the title of the unit, Road Trip!, on the board. Ask students to guess what it means and what kinds of things you would do on a road trip. Prompt as necessary. (e.g. A road trip is a trip you take in a car. You start from home or a friend's house and you travel to a certain place. It could be for a day or perhaps longer, to place near your town or a place far away. While on the road trip, you do sightseeing in the countryside, and you stop at places to have a look around. You go with friends and listen to music while you're driving. You stop somewhere to eat.) • Tell students that the unit will be on travel. Ask students to look at the photo and to describe briefly what they see. (e.g. I see a railway that goes to the sea. There is a station at the bottom of the railway.) Ask the following questions, reminding students to read the caption if they need to. Prompt for answers as necessary: - What type of transport is this? (a funicular railway) - Where is it located? (Saltburn-by-the-Sea, North Yorkshire, England) - Where does it end? fat a beach by the sea / at the bottom of the mountain) - Where do you think it goes up to? (the top of a mountain / students' own answers) - What other types of transport could pass through this area? fa boat, a car, a bicycle) • If you like, you can give students more information about the photo from the background information below. Background Information The Saltburn Cliff Lift opened in the summer of 1884 and is the oldest operating water-balance cliff lift in the UK. It was built to help tourists who were staying in the cliff- top village of Saltburn reach the newly built pier at the bottom. The two 12-person cars are linked with a cable that goes through a pulley system situated at the top of the cliff. The cars are equipped with water tanks; when one car is at the top, water is pumped from the sea into its tank. As it descends the cliff, its weight pulls up the other car, whose tank is empty. Once the 'full' car reaches the bottom, the brakes are set, the water is emptied, and the other car at the top is filled with water to complete the process in reverse. The design works so well that, aside from improvements to the cars, little has changed about the cliff lift in its 10O-plus years of operation. A ...................................................... • Tell students that they are going to learn about different forms of transport. • Ask students to look at the photos and read the questions about them. • Give students a few seconds to answer the questions individually, and then discuss the answers as a class. Answers e 1 electric car 2 rickshaw 3 reed boat • Ask students to work with a partner to discuss the questions. • Give students one minute to discuss the questions in pairs. Then go over the questions as a class, asking students for their opinions about the forms of transport. Encourage them to give support for their opinions. ___________________________Answers,. Students' own answers Word Focus_____________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the words in the Word Focus box without looking at the definitions. • Then ask students to find the sentences in the article that contain those words and to read the sentences to see if they can guess the meanings of the words. Remind them that it is fine if they cannot figure out the meaning of the word from the sentence, but to try to guess. • Give students one minute to figure out the meanings of the words, and then ask them to look at the definitions to see if they guessed correctly. C______________________________________________________ • Tell students they are going to read an article about basket boats. Before they read the article, they will look for the answer to the question in the instructions without reading the article in detail. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then discuss the answer as a class. 101
Road Trip! They're made from bamboo. AnflwArfig 1G 2E 3C 4F 5H D • Tell students they are going to read sentences related to the text, and they will have to circle the correct answer. • Encourage students to find their answers without reading the text closely. Tell them to look for key words in the sentences and to use those words to find their answers. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. If time allows, ask students what key words they used in the sentences to find their answers in the text (1 - father, fishing alone; 2 - Minh, floating market; 3 - mother, fruit and vegetables; 4 - basket boats, shape; 5 - boats, painted; 6 - bamboo, Vietnam). Answers 1 sojnetimes 2 doesn't take 3 grows 4 different shapes 5 stop water entering them 6 easy E____________________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to read some sentences from the text, and they will choose from the three options the one which is closest in meaning. Encourage them to read all three options and to think carefully about what each option means. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. _________________Answers^, 1b 2a 3b F • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to them and check that they understand it • Ask students to look at the Exam Task and to underline the similar words that they see in the sentences and the notices. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check the words that students underlined (1 - leave/depart; 2 - stand/wait; 3 - line/queue; 4 - take two different trains / change trains; 5 - wait longer / delayed). G _________________________________ • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. Remind them to use the words that they underlined in task F to help them find the answers. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then ask students to have a partner check their answers. • Once students have checked each other's answers, check answers as a class. • Ask students to read the sentences and to look back at the text to help them match definitions to the words in bold. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then ask students to have a partner check their answers. • Once students have checked each other's answers, check answers as a class. Answers 1c 2a 3b 4e 5d 6f Ideas Focus______________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to them. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. V обАЬи1^гч A________________________________________________ • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud to students and ask them to guess if it's a type of transport that goes through the air (plane, helicopter), in the water (ferry), or over land (coach, motorbike, taxi). Ask them to say which is the largest (plane or ferry) and which is the smallest (motorbike). • Ask students to complete the sentences with the words from the wordbank. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. __________________________ Answers e 1 taxi 2 helicopter 3 coach 4 motorbike 5 plane 6 ferry • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 102
Answers 1 timetable 2 petrol 3 lorry 4 captain 5 van 6 platform C_____________________________________________________________ • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud to students and explain any unfamiliar words. • Explain that they will look at the three words in each question and decide which place from the wordbank connects to each group of words. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 motorway 2 train station 3 airport 4 bus stop 5 port 6 petrol station Teaching Tip I ncourage students to use the words in the vocabulary lesson to think about where they can go using a plane, й bus, a train, a car, etc. Give them a starting point, such an their home, and get them to think about how they can yet from their home to an international destination; for example, what bus they can take to get to the airport, where the bus stop is, how else they can get there, etc. I ncourage them to be precise, so that they can use a variety of types of transport in their thought process. D ...................................................... • Ask students to look at the photo on the right, and ask them what it shows (a train). Ask them if it is a fast or slow form of transport and how they know that (fast, because it says 'high-speed' in the caption). • Ask students to work with a partner to choose the correct words in the dialogue. Then ask students to play Student A and Student В and to read the dialogues aloud. • Give students one minute to do the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. • As a follow-up, ask which dialogue relates to the photo (dialogue 5). Answers 1 licence 2 mechanic 3 miss 4 roundabout 5 journey • Ask students to look at the photo of the tickci and ask them the following questions: - What is the date on the ticket? (11 January 2014/11 JNR 14) - What is the price of the ticket? (Nine pounds and 20 pence / £9.20) - What stations are on the ticket? (Cardiff Central and Severn Tunnel Junction/JN) - What class is the ticket? (Standard/STD) - At what time was the ticket purchased? (9:17 a.m.) • Now ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. _______________________________Answers 1 destination 2 return 3 standard 4 first 5 adult 6 child 7 fare 8 cash F • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually Then check answers as a class. • Encourage students to write these phrasal verbs in their notebooks and to memorise the prepositions that follow these verbs to give them their meanings. • Ask students to work with a partner to choose the correct words in the dialogues. Ask students to play Student A and Student В and to read the dialogues aloud. • Give students one minute to do the task with their partner. Check answers as a class. _____________________________Answers 9 1 drive 2 flying 3 rode 4 sail 5 call 6 catch 103
Road Trip! Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. (JjravnVnzir • Ask students what they are going to learn about in this grammar section (The Passive Voice: Present Simple and Past Simple). • Write the following sentences on the board and ask students what the subjects are in these two sentences (first sentence - Many people, second sentence - London), and in which sentence the subject is doing the action (the first sentence): - Many people visit London every year. - London is visited by many people every year. • Explain that the second sentence uses the passive voice because it is more important to have London as the subject of the sentence than Many people. This is often the reason we write in the passive voice. A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. .Answers ф a active voice b passive voice Answers 1 1 b, c, d 2 be 3 bad weather 4 the action 5 d D • Tell students that they are going to look at the sentences in task C to complete the additional rules about the passive voice in the Present Simple. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. _____________________________Answers д I ' focus on, be, past, active, by Now read the Grammar Reference on page 163 (10.1-10.2) with your students. E _____________________________________ • Ask students to work with a partner to complete the sentences. • Give students one minute to do the task with a partner, and then check answers as a class. • Asa follow-up, ask students why they did not use the word by in some of the sentences (because it was not important to mention the agent). _____________________________Answers^, 1 are left 2 are made by 3 are (often) stopped by 4 is checked by 5 Are snacks sold 6 are checked В_______________________________________________ • Tell students that they are going to look at the sentences in task A to complete the rules about the passive voice in the Present Simple. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 my suitcase 2 my mum 3 my suitcase 4 my mum 5 by c _________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. = ___________________________________ I • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. .Answers.^ 1 are made 2 is not always checked 3 are stolen 4 is driven 5 is served 6 is not given кшммммияшвгавшммввиипяжммшмшшшявштмг G ___________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to practise the passive voice in the Past Simple. • Ask students to tell you the Past Simple of the sentences you wrote on the board at the beginning of the lesson, changing any other words as necessary. (Many people visited London last year. London was visited by many people last year.) 104
• Ask students what part of the passive sentence changed from the Present Simple to the Past Simple (the verb be, from is to wasj. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. ________________________Answers {g 1 was, taken 2 was taken V L • Before beginning the task, ask students to say i p.-ivuvr sentence about the photo. Prompt as necessary (< ,<j The bus is driven by a bus driver The bags were put top of the bus by the driver.) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. H • Tell students that they are going to look at the sentences in task G to answer the questions about the passive voice in the Past Simple. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers. 1 the place 2 Who was this photo taken by? / Who took this photo? Answers • 1 are needed 2 are connected 3 is sometimes called 4 are killed 5 was built 6 was changed 7 are caused 8 are protected 9 are lost 10 is used ♦ Tell students that they are going to look again at the sentences in task G in order to complete rules about the passive voice in the Past Simple. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers Encourage students to get into the habit of using the passive voice by asking them to think about things that are done around the house, who they are done by, and other common activities. For example, they can say: The dishes are done by my sister on Wednesdays. Or This photo was taken by my mum while on holiday. Or This furniture was built by my dad Get them to write down as many passive sentences as they can think of regarding common activities, and ask them to bring the sentences to uldss so you can check them. Mow read the Grammar Reference on page 168 (10.3) with your students. J___________________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute complete the task individually,, and then check answers as a class. .Answers 1 was stolen 2 were checked 3 was lost 4 were found 5 were not / weren't told 6 was booked 7 was ... closed 8 was built К • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute do the task individually. Then check answers as a class. £lb 2d 3e 4a 5f 6c Answers., Lis+enin^) A ............................................... • Explain to students that they will practise listening for numbers and times of the day in this section. • Explain that there are certain ways to express time in English and that many listening exam sections include spoken times. • Ask students to work with a partner to choose the correct time expressions in the task. Encourage them to read the expressions aloud. • Give students one minute to do the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 half past ten 2 five past eight 3 ten minutes to ten 4 quarter to six 5 a quarter past three 6 twelve noon • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. When you check air,w«»r>, read the times aloud to your students and gel them Io say the times along with you.
Road Trip! 1 2 3 4 5 6 a quarter past three ten minutes to ten half past ten twelve noon quarter to six five past eight Teaching Tip You can periodically ask students to tell you what time it is throughout the course of the lesson, both within this lesson and on other days as a review. Ask students to use a variety of ways of saying the time when they do it; for example, It's a quarter past eleven or It's eleven fifteen. C ____________________________________ • Explain to students that they will hear five short dialogues that involve times. They will hear more than one time phrase in each dialogue, so they have to listen carefully to choose the time that answers the question. • Play the recording, pausing after the first dialogue to check that students have got the correct answer. • Continue with the recording, pausing where necessary. Replay the recording and ask students to check their answers. Then check answers as a class. • Play the recording again and ask students to check that their answers are correct. • When they have finished, check answers as a class. Replay any parts of the recording that gave students difficulties. A______________________________________________________ • Explain to students that in this section, they will practise asking for and giving travel information. • Ask students to look at the photos and to guess where each photo was taken (A - a motorway; В - an airport; C -a train station). • Now ask students to work with a partner to decide which dialogues match each photo. • Give students one minute to do the task with a partner, and then check answers as a class. 1 8.30 a.m. 2 5.05 a.m. 3 5 p.m. 4 2.15 p.m. 5 5.55 p.m. • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to the class and check that they understand it. • Now ask students to look at the gaps in the Exam Task and to work with a partner to predict what kind of answer will go in the gaps. • Give students one minute to do the task with their partners. Then check their answers as a class. В ___________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Now explain to students that they are going to do the Exam Task on their own. Ask them to read the instructions for the task, and remind them to use their predictions from task D to help them answer the questions. • Remind them that they will hear the recording twice. Begin the recording, pausing as necessary. • Move on to task F before checking answers. Useful Expressions_________________________________ • Ask students to read through the Useful Expressions. Check that they understand all the phrases. • Ask them how they would complete the gaps in the phrases (a city or place; a city or place; a type of ticket). • Ask students to look at the Exam Close up box. Read the information aloud to them and check that they understand it. 106
Ask students to read through the Exam Task and the information on page 179. Explain that they will work with partner, with one student being Student A and the other Student B. Check that they understand what they have to do for the Exam Task, and give students one to two minutes to complete the task. Go round the class monitoring students to check that they are doing the task correctly. Check that they use the language appropriately and provide assistance when necessary. Review any common errors on the board without saying who made them. . . . Suggested answers Task 1 A: When / What time is the last train? B: At 11.35 p.m. / At twenty-five to twelve/midnight. A: How much is the single fare? B: €8. A: How long does the trip take? B: About 45 minutes. A: Where do I get off? B: Pireaus. P-l-R-E-A-U-S. A: What time does the ferry to Santorini leave? B: At 8 p.m. A: What is the fare? / How much is the fare? / What does the fare cost? B; €31. Task 2 B: How often do trains depart? A; Every half hour. B: How much is the return fare? A: €14. B: Which line do I take from Monastiraki / to Pireaus? A: The green line. B: How long does this part of the trip take? A: About 30 minutes. B: When / Which days does the ferry to Santorini leave? A: On Wednesdays. Ideas Focus ______ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Wri-Ни*): ли '»и\Л+л-Нои Learning Focus • Explain to students that they are going to learn how to write an invitation. • Ask students to explain what an invitation is. (It's used to ask someone to do something with you, or to go to .in event that you're having.) • Ask them to look at the Learning Focus box, and road the information aloud to them. Explain to students that we often use modal verbs to write polite invitations, so that you sound friendly when you invite people to do things. A • Ask students to look at the invitation and to describe the images that they see. (I see a beach, an umbrella, a chair, a ball and a ring. It's sunny.) • Explain to students that they will look at the invitation in task A and the email in task В to answer the question in the instructions. • Give students a few seconds to answer the question, and then check answers as a class. Mandy (and Brad) are having the party; Kate has been invited. В • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. __ Answers Cl'd (would), Could, Should • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers a, d, f D_________________________________________________ • Before beginning the task, ask students if the person who wrote this email has accepted the invitation (no). • Ask students to complete the reply using the modal verbs in the yellow wordbank. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 can't 2 have to 3 might 107
Road Trip! Useful Expressions............................. • Ask students to read through the Useful Expressions. Check that they understand all the phrases. • Ask them for examples of what they would say to complete the gaps in the phrases (... my party; party;... come to your party, somewhere else;... help my parents;... visit my grandparents;... I'd love to come;... I can't make it). E ....................................................... • Now explain to students that they will write their own invitations and replies. Remind them to look back at the invitation in task A and the replies in tasks В and D to help them. • Give students one to two minutes to write their invitations individually. When they have finished, ask them to swap with a partner and to reply to their partner's invitation, using either Plan A or Plan В in the task. Remind students to use the appropriate Useful Expressions in their invitations and replies. • Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are doing the task correctly. Use the board to go over any written language errors without saying who made them. _____________________Answers^ Students' own answers • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Read the information aloud to them and check that they understand it. • Ask students to match the questions in the left-hand column with the correct responses in the right-hand column. • Give students one minute to do the task individually, and then check answers as a class. G ____________________________ • Now ask students to read through the Exam Task and explain that they will write a text message to Bob. • Remind students to look at the Useful Expressions to help them with their writing, and to check the word limit for the task • Give students one to two minutes to do the task individually. Go round the class monitoring students to check that they are doing the task correctly. Use the board to go over any written language errors without saying who made them Suggested answer - Hi Bob! Thanks, I'd love to come to the music festival. Unfortunately, my sister can’t come. She has to study | for her exams. Of course you can borrow my wellies! , See you on Saturday! Extra class activity.________________________________ Like postcards, invitations are a creative way for students to practise their language skills. Ask students to come up with their own invitations (either at home or in class). The invitations can be for an event that they might want to put together themselves, or an over-the-top event that's just make-believe and fun. Encourage them to be as creative as they can, as long as they remember to provide all the necessary details. Encourage them to illustrate the invitation, either with computer graphics, stickers or hand-drawn illustrations. Read some of the best invitations aloud in your next class. 1c 2g 3e 4b 5f 6a 7d 108
Video 10 'Ifwellw) in nWid general No+e The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool for students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other TV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information The video begins with a focus on the Victoria train station in Mumbai, India, where some two million people pass through each and every day. Mass transit in India is often very crowded and stressful, but despite that, trains are the best way to travel in the country. India's railways were built by the British government in the 1800s, and with additional track built over the years, the Indian railways now cover a distance of over 38,000 miles. In fact, the tracks could go round the Earth almost one and a half times. The railway company is so massive and its employees so numerous that it's the largest single employer of individuals in the entire world. But more than just a railway, it's a slice of the real India, which can be seen in the varied lives of the travellers, who talk, laugh, play, eat, sleep and even perform on India's railways and in its train stations. Before you watch________________________________________ A_______________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the pictures and to describe briefly what they see (7 - a large building; 2 - a place for trains to travel / a railway track; 3 - a person / man; 4 - a train; 5 - another / an old train; 6-a station full of people). • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud to students. Then ask them to write the correct word under the photos. • Give students one minute to complete the task, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 station 2 track 3 passenger 4 carriage 5 steam train 6 rush hour While you watch • Explain to students that they are going to watch a two- minute video on travelling in India. • Ask students to read the sentences and to look for key words that will help them answer the questions. • Play the video, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. Continue playing the video, pausing where necessary. • When the video has finished, check answers as a class. -------------------------------------- 1 best 2 nineteenth 3 track 4 trains 5 world's 6 travellers V -.....................-..-..-...-.............. - After you watch C • Explain to students that they are going to complete a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 1 hour 2 passengers 3 staff 4 cities 5 station 6 food 7 carriage 8 adventure Ideas Focus___________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 109
'Review Ь Units 9 & 10 Objectives • To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 9 and 10. Revision • Revise for the review the day before using the vocabulary and grammar revisions below. This will also give students a framework for revising at home. • Explain to students that they will do a review of Units 9 and 10 during their next lesson, just as they did for the previous reviews. • Remind students that the review is not an exam. Explain that they will complete the review as they did the last time; they will be able to ask you for help and use their books to find answers. • You can administer the review however you like. You can go through each question one by one, asking students to fill in the answers, and then check the answers as a class. You can allow them to do entire exercises, and then check answers as a class. You can split the vocabuJary and grammar sections into two parts, giving students 10-15 minutes to do one part and the same amount of time for the second part. You can let them do the entire review on their own, and then check answers at the end. If you decide to do that, remind students in the middle of the review how much more time they have got left. • Encourage students to guess at answers they do not know, and not to leave any gaps blank. • When students have completed the review, check the answers as a class. Do some extra task work on the board for any areas that students seem to be having trouble with. Vocabulary Revision_________________________ • Ask students to name all the continents. Ask them to name six different places where you can stay on holiday, as in the wordbank on page 112, task C. • Write the following words on the board and ask students to come up with another word to form holiday collocations. Prompt with the first letter, if necessary; - tourg--------------(guide) - long w(weekend) - tou rist i c (information centre) - holiday r(resort) - city b(break) - day t-----------(trip) - amusement p(park) • Ask students for three things that you can find in the following places: - airport (plane, pilot, flight schedules) - train station (train, platform, track) - bus stop (bus, driver, passengers) - petrol station (petrol, cars, lorries) - port (ferry, captain, sea) • Ask students the following questions, prompting as necessary; - What do we call the amount of money we pay for a ticket? (fare) - What do we call a ticket that includes the journey to a place and the journey back home? (return) - What kind of ticket is for passengers aged 1-12? (child) - What's another word for the place we're travelling to? (destination) - What kind of seat on a plane is fancy and expensive? (first class) • Remind students to review the collocations on page 113, task F and the phrasal verbs and collocations on page 125, tasks F and G. Grammar Revision__________________________________________ • Ask students to combine the following sentences with a relative pronoun, if necessary. Ask in which sentences more than one relative pronoun is possible (all of them), and in which sentence the relative pronoun can be left out and why (third, because it is the object of the sentence). - This is my friend Jane. She lives across the street. (This is my friend Jane who/that lives across the street.) - This restaurant has pizza. It is the best in the world. (This restaurant has pizza that/which is the best in the world.) - This shop has the book. I want it for my birthday. (This shop has the book that/which/- I want for my birthday.) • Remind students to read the rules about relative pronouns on page 114, tasks C and F. • Ask students to rewrite the following sentences, using the adjectives as adverbs. Ask in which sentence there will be an irregular adverb (the second sentence). - Jill is a careful driver. (Jill drives carefully.) - Bob is a good singer. (Bob sings well.) - Planes are good for quick travel. (Planes are good for travelling quickly.) - The driver gave her a loud answer. (The driver answered her loudly.) • Write the following sentences on the board and ask students to write them in the passive voice. Then ask which sentence has an agent and why the other one does not. (The first sentence has an agent, and the second sentence does not because the agent is not important.) - Bad weather delayed their flight. (Their flight was delayed by bad weather.) - They check tickets on the train. (Tickets are checked on the train.) • Remind students to study the rules for the passive voice on pages 126-127, tasks D and I. 110
Х/облкм1лгц А ..................................... • Ask students to look at the sentences and to underline the words that go with the gaps to form phrases. • After they have underlined the words, ask them to think of a word to go in each gap without looking at the words in the yellow wordbank. Then they should look at the wordbank to see if the words they chose are there. Answers^ 1 packs 7 catch 2 stay 8 drive 3 wandered 9 sailed 4 take 10 ride 5 see 11 missed 6 going on 12 go В __________________________________________ • Ask students to read the sentences for gist and to see if they can think of the missing word without looking at the gaps. • Remind students that there is one gap for each missing letter of the words they need to fill in. This can help them to check that they have not forgotten a letter and that their choice actually fits. Answers 1 plane 7 ticket 2 ferry 8 flight 3 platform 9 journey 4 timetable 10 destination 5 airport 11 fare 6 passport 12 port • Ask students to read through the sentences first and underline any key words that they think will help them choose the correct option. • Remind them that after they choose what they think is the correct option, they should read the sentence with the other option to make sure that it is wrong. Answers^ 1 long 7 tour 2 got into 8 return 3 trip 9 stop 4 picked me up 10 bed 5 licence 11 guided 6 got off < 12 youth 1 who/that 2 - 3 which/that 4 who/that Answers e 5 - 6 - 7 who/that 8 which/that В • Ask students to look at the sentences and to tell you what type of word is incorrect in the sentences (the adverbs). Remind them that some of the words may have irregular forms, so they should make sure they write the correct form in their answers, and that some sentences are correct and do not need to be rewritten. • Tell students to look back at page 115 and Grammar Reference 9.2 on page 168 for a reminder if they need to. 1 slew - slowly 2 good - well 3 angry - angrily 4 beautiful - beautifully _ .Answers. 5 / 6 pelite - politely 7 / 8 Stupid - Stupidly c____________________________________________________ • Read through the first two sentences with the class and ask students to tell you the answers. Check that they have said the correct answers. Remind them to pay attention to whether or not the agent needs to be written in the sentences when they rewrite them. • Tell students to look back at page 126 and Grammar References 10.1—10.2 on page 168 for a reminder if they need to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ Answers । Train tickets are sold over there. Breakfast isn't served after 9 o'clock. Every day, drivers are delayed by the traffic. I am asked many questions. Where are these cars made? The tickets are checked by the driver. What language is spoken in Austria? The coaches aren't driven every day. • Remind students that they should read through the sentences for gist before circling any answers. Tell them that after they have chosen what they think is the correct option, they should read the sentence with the other option to make sure that it is wrong. • Tell students to look back at page 127 and Grammar Reference 10.3 on page 168 for a reminder if they need to. A ________________________________________ • Ask students to read through the sentences and underline words that will give them a clue as to which relative pronoun will go in the sentence. • Tell students to look back at page 114 and Grammar Reference 9.1 on page 168 for a reminder if they need to. 1a 2b 3b 4a 5b 6a Answers
11 It’s Raining Cats & Dogs Reading: multiple-choice & matching, understanding questions Vocabulary: weather-related words, open cloze, deciding what kind of word is missing Grammar: comparative adjectives & adverbs, superlative adjectives & adverbs, open cloze, writing the correct word Listening: gap-fill (monologue), listening for numbers, adjectives & common words Speaking: asking & answering questions about the weather, expressing differences & similarities Writing: a postcard, using a variety of tenses, planning your answer, talking about present, past & future activities Uh'U" opener • Ask students to keep their books closed and write the title of the unit, It's raining cats and dogs, on the board. Ask students to guess what it means (It's raining a lot/ heavily. /students' own answers). Ask students if they have a phrase in their own language that is similar. • Now ask students to open their books. Explain to them that this unit will be about the weather. Ask students to read the caption and to look at the photo. From the caption, ask them what they think the word stranded means (not able to go anywhere), which word is a type of vehicle (tractor), and which word means it has rained a lot (flooding). • Ask students to look at the photo and to describe what they see. (I see a man on top of a tractor. There is a lot of water around him, which is (rum the flooding.) • Ask students if they have experienced this kind of weather or any other kind of extreme weather in the past. Encourage them to describe it in their own words. • If you like, you can give students more information about the photo from the background information below. Background Information_______________________________ The county of Gloucestershire is located in southwest England on the Irish Sea. The River Severn, the longest river in the United Kingdom at a length of 354 kilometres, runs through the middle of Gloucestershire. The river carves out a green fertile valley, but it has the potential to cause severe flooding in the low-lying plains if there are heavy rains. In 2007, Gloucestershire was struck with severe flooding due to an unusually high amount of rain in the summer months - it was one of the wettest summers ever recorded. The floods destroyed roads, submerged towns and left hundreds of thousands of people without drinking water for more than two weeks. 'Rez^in^ A • Ask students to look at the photos and to say which of these weather events has happened in their town or country (students' own answers). • Read the words in the yellow wordbank aloud and check that students understand the meaning of the words. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask students to look at the emails in task C and to underline the problems that the writers mention in their emails. • Then ask students to look at the pictures and decide which picture matches the problems in the emails. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • Now ask students to look at the words in the left-hand column, and ask if they seem like we would use them to talk about good things or bad things. Encourage them to guess. • Ask students to look at Zach's email and to find and circle the words in the left-hand column of the task. Ask students to read the sentences that contain the words and to guess the meanings of the words. • After they have had a few seconds to think about what the words mean, ask them to look at the definitions in the right-hand column to find the one that matches each of the words. Ask students if the definitions matched the meanings they had first thought, and if they were correct about the initial question (students' own answers). • Check that students have the correct answers in their books. I We use these words to talk about bad things. 1b 2d 3c 4a ммтнжввввмннмднкятнтмямм 112
Word Focus • Ask students to look at the words in the Word Focus box without looking at the definitions. • Then ask students to find the sentences in the article that contain those words and to read the sentences to see if they can guess the meanings of the words. Remind them that it is fine if they cannot figure out the meaning of the word from the sentence, but to try to guess. • Give students one minute to figure out the meanings of the words, and then ask them to look at the definitions to see if they guessed correctly. D__________________________________________________________ • Now ask students to look back at the words in task C and to use them to complete the sentences. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. __________________________AosweLS-e 1 collapsed 2 trapped 3 injured 4 buried • Ask students to read the questions and to look back at both emails in task C in order to answer the questions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a few seconds to read the information, and check that they understand it. • Ask them to look at the questions in Part 1 of the Exam Task. Ask them which ones have yes/no questions (1, 3, 5) and which have Wh- questions (4). Ask them to look at the dialogue and answer options in Part 2 and to identify the yes/no questions (Has something happened? Are you sure about that? How about we watch a film at my house?) and the Wh- questions. (So what do you want to do instead?) As a follow-up, ask which question seems like a Wh- question but is in fact a yes/no question. (How about we watch a film at my house?) G______________________________________________________________ • Now ask students to do the Exam Task. Ask them to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the ideas Focus box !<«•.»<I the questions aloud to the class • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and .rrr.wri the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. VoC^bMl^rq A • Write the words from the table on the board. Ask students to guess the adjective forms and to spell them correctly. Prompt as necessary. • Check that students have the correct answers in their books. 1 rainy 2 cloudy 3 foggy 4 icy 5 snowy 6 stormy 7 sunny 8 windy • Ask students to look at the sentences. Explain to them that some sentences require the adjective form, and some require the noun form. Elicit from them which sentences require nouns (1, 2, 5) and which require adjectives (3, A, 6). • Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct word form from task A. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 1 sun 2 wind 3 icy _ Answers 4 foggy 5 storm 6 cloudy c • Before doing the task, ask students to look at the picture and to describe what they see. (A thermometer. / A device we use to tell the temperature. There are pictures on the thermometer/device that show it's cloudy, sunny, rainy or snowy. The numbers on the right are the temperatures that go with the weather pictures on the left.) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the Task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1A 2B 3C 4B 5C 6C 7G 8E 9B 10H 2 3 4 cool 5 cold 6 freezing 1 boiling hot warm Answers 113
It’s Raining Cats & Dogs D___________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1c 2a 3d 4b 1 spring 2 summer 3 autumn 4 winter The months are different in the southern hemisphere (e.g. Australia, South America, South Africa). • Now ask students to work with a partner and to use the questions from task D to ask each other about the weather events in the task. Point out that they need to change the questions to the past tense, as in the example dialogue in their books. • Go round the class to check that students are forming the questions correctly and giving appropriate answers. Use the board to go over any language errors without saying who made them. Answers t Students' own answers 1--------- F • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Extra class activity_______T_________________________________ If time allows, ask the students to work in pairs to talk about their favourite season. Encourage them to say why they like this season, using weather words from the lesson, and to describe what activities they do in this season. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and check answers as a class. ____________ Answers t 1 hot, freezing 2 autumn, spring 3 skiing, surfing 4 January, September ______________Апзше&ф 1e 2a 3c 4d 5b G • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 thunder 2 bush fire 3 drought 4 flood 5 Lightning • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. • Ask students to guess the answer to the question in the instructions. Give them hints to the answer by rephrasing the question and asking them about a specific place. (Where in the world are the months for the seasons different? What time of the year is summer in Australia?) • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a few seconds to read the information to themselves, and check that they understand it. • Now ask them to look at the gaps in the Exam Task and to guess if the gap is part of a phrase or collocation (1, 4, 6, 10), or a grammatical structure (2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9). К • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. Encourage them to use the information they found out from the Exam Close-up to help them answer the questions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers । 1 about 6 of 2 was 7 the 3 to 8 where 4 best 9 was 5 would 10 sure Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 114
• Write the following sentences on the board and ask students to complete the second sentence with a form of the adjective warm. Prompt as necessary. Keep these two sentences on the board for the preview on superlative adjectives later in the lesson: - Yesterday it was 19 degrees, and today it is 20. - Today is yesterday, (warmer than) • Tell students that this grammar section will cover comparative adjectives. Explain that when we compare things, we often use these types of adjectives. In some case, we form comparative adjectives using the ending -er, and in other cases, we use the word more before the adjective. We often use the word than to complete the phrase, and we form comparatives with adverbs also. Give students an example of this on the board. (Denise does her homework more quickly than her sister.) • You could ask students to try to compare things round the classroom. Prompt with examples and adjectives, as necessary, (e.g. This book is bigger/smaller than that book. This desk is higher/shorter than that desk.) A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then ask students to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. ____________________________Answers « 1 A mountain road is dangerous in bad weather; it'sffrjore danger©^)than a city street. 2 The climate In Africa is warm all year round, and summer is(warme?)than winter. 3 The wet weather continues, and this week is (wetter) th an last week. 4 TTils month the weather is dry, it's (ciTien than last month. 5 The climate in southern Europe is good. Is it jfjetterjthan the climate in northern Europe? В • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. Aoswrs, 1c 2d 3a 4b 5e c • Ask students to use what they have learnt in tasks A and В to complete the rules about comparative adjectives. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then ask students to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. • Ask students to use what they have learnt in task D to complete additional rules about comparative adjectives. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner Check answers as a class. as, adjective Answers F • Now explain to students that they are going to learn about comparative adverbs. Remind students that adverbs describe how we do something, and explain that a comparative adverb will compare how one person/thing does something with how another person/ thing does it. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask students to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. Answers, 1 The bus goes slowly. It goesrmore slowl^than the cars. 2 The cars go fast. They go(fastenthan the bus. 3 The motorbike doesn't go as~s[owly as the bus. 4 The motorbike goes (more quickly than the bus. 5 The cars behind the bus go as slowly as the bus. G • Ask students to look back at the sentences in task F to answer the questions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. 115
It’s Raining Cats & Dogs Answers 1b 2c 3e 4b I..... • Ask students to use what they have learnt in tasks E and F to complete the rules about comparative adverbs. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. Answers a f more, than, the same, as Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 168-169 (11.1-11.2) with your students, focusing on comparatives. Explain that you will cover superlatives later in the lesson. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers * * Adjective Comparative Adjective Adverb Comparative Adverb slow slower slowly more slowly fast faster fast faster careful more careful carefully rnoie carefully easy easier easily more easily good better well better bad worse badly worse strong stronger strongly more strongly • Ask students to look back at task I and to choose words from the table to complete the sentences. Encourage students to look at the gaps first and decide if the gap will require an adjective or an adverb (1 - adverb; 2 - adjective; 3 - adverb; 4 - adjective; 5 - adverb; 6 - adjective). • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. г 1 more slowly 2 stronger 3 more easily 4 better 5 faster 6 bad • Before moving on to task K, explain to students that we use superlative adjective and adverbs to compare one thing with many other things. • Write the following sentences on the board under the previous sentences, and ask students to complete the gap with a form of the adjective warm. Prompt as necessary Yesterday it was 19 degrees, today it is 20, and tomorrow it will be 21. - Tomorrow will be______day out of the three. (the warmest) • Explain to students that we form superlative adjectives either by adding -estto the ends of some adjectives or by putting the word most in front of other adjectives. • Explain that we also use superlative adverbs to say that someone did something better than anyone else. Give students an example. (Out of everyone in her class, Lisa sings the most beautifully.) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then ask students to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. ____________________________________Answers , a The hottest b the most frightening c The best d The earliest e the coldest • Ask students to look back at the sentences in task К to answer the questions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. Answers ; 1e 2d 3a 4b 5c M • Ask students to use what they have learnt in tasks К and L to complete the rules about superlative adjectives. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. ....-.......-....................... Answers » A. 9 the, the most • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. Answers ? 2, 4, 6, 8 116
о _____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to use what they have learnt in task N to complete the rule about superlative adverbs. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. Answers the, most Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 168-169 (11.1-11.2) with your students again, this time focusing on superlatives. P _____________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. _____________________________Answers fjf 1 the deepest 5 the longest 2 the worst 6 the shortest 3 the heaviest 7 the most difficult 4 the sunniest 8 the coldest ____________—___________Answer They are all connected to wind. • Ask students to work with a partner to choose the odd words out in each row. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task with their partner, and then check answers as a class. Answers e 1 light 4 strong 2 north 5 west 3 heavy 6 dark C • Ask students to look at the words and the picture of the compass. Ask them what a compass is used for. Encourage them to guess if they don't know. (It is used to tell which way is north, south, east and west.) • Do the task as a class, and ask what direction is 0, 90, 180 and 270. Elicit responses from students. • Check that students have the words written in the correct places on the compass. Q_________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a minute to read the information to themselves, and check that they understand it. • Ask students what the title of the text is (Extreme Weather) and if the general idea of the text is about a single weather event, a type of weather, or global climate change (global climate change). • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers Answers 1 more 6 as 2 heaviest 7 than 3 hottest/warmest 8 most 4 worse 9 the 5 drier 10 quickly Teach ing..Tip________________________________________ Get your students to use the superlative by asking them to look up weather records on the internet. Ask them to search for the hottest or coldest temperatures in their town, their country, their continent or the whole world, or the wettest place in the world, or the windiest, etc. Ask them to report their findings in the next class. Lis+enintf) A______________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to practise their listening skills in this section. • Ask students to look at the pictures and to discuss with their partner what they have in common. • Ask students to volunteer their ideas; then discuss the ideas as a class. D • Explain to students that they are going to hear parts of a weather forecast. For each part, they have to choose the correct answer in the sentences. • Play the recording, pausing after the first sentence to check that students have understood and chosen the correct answer. Continue with the recording, pausing where necessary. • Check answers as a class and replay the recording, if necessary. Answers । 1 30°C 4 1m 2 west 5 rain 3 cool 6 bright 117
It’s Raining Cats & Dogs E______________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a minute to read the information to themselves, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to read the Exam Task. Elicit from them what they think they will hear in each gap (1 - month; 2 - temperature; 3 - area; 4 - adjective; 5 - number/ distance) F • Now tell students that they will complete the Exam Task. Explain that they will hear a complete weather report, and they will need to listen for information to complete the gaps. • Remind students that they will hear the recording twice. Play the recording, either pausing after the first question to check that students chose the correct answer, or allowing the entire recording to play if students are comfortable with that. • Move on to task G to check answers. G • Play the recording again and ask students to check their answers. Replay the recording if any students have trouble with the answers. , Answers t 1 April 4 orange 2 20°C 5 2,000 3 south Teaching Tip Encourage students to use their language skills and weather-related words to record weather events for the week, either in their town or anywhere in the world. They can use the internet to find the information they need, if necessary. They should write down the temperature, sky conditions, amount of rainfall/snowfall and wind speeds. Encourage them to think about what activities would be perfect for these weather conditions. Ask them to give their weather reports at the beginning of next week's class. A • Now explain to students that they are going to practise their speaking skills. • Ask students to work with a partner to talk about the pictures according to the instructions. Encourage them to use comparative adjectives to compare two pictures, (e.g. It seems like it is colder in Picture 2 than Picture 1J • Go round the class to check that students are doing the task correctly. Ignore any language errors at this point. _____________________________Answers ? I Students’ own answers В _______________________ • Ask students to work with their partner again to ask and answer the questions in the task. Encourage them to alternate who asks questions and who answers them. • Go round the class to check that students are doing the task correctly. Ignore any language errors at this point. _____________________ Answers t 1 Thursday 5 Thursday 2 Thursday 6 Sunday 3 Tuesday 7 Monday 4 (Suggested answer) Sunday • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a minute to read the information, and check that they understand it. • Tell students to look at the Exam Task and pages 178 and 179 in their books. Ask them to read through the information in the task and the questions in the back of their book. In pairs, they should decide who is going to be Student A and who is going to be Student B. • Give students one minute to review the information and to choose their roles before moving on to the Exam Task. U sefu I Exp ressions. • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions. Explain that we use these expressions to talk about the weather. Check that they understand all the phrases. • Ask them to identify the comparative phrases (colder than, more rain ... than, hotter than, as sunny as). D ______________________________________________________ • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. • Give students one to two minutes to do the first part of the task, and then ask them to switch roles. Give them an additional one to two minutes to complete the task. • Go round the class monitoring students as they complete the task. Check that they use the language appropriately, and provide assistance when necessary. Review any common errors on the board without saying who made them. 118
Suggested aQWSES. Task 1, Student B: Where are the weather forecasts for? Which cities are the weather forecasts for? Which city will be warmer on Monday? What will the temperatures be? Which city will be colder on Tuesday? What will the temperatures be? When and where will it rain? Which city will have the best weather in your opinion? Why? Task 2, Student A: Where are the weather forecasts for? Which cities are the weather forecasts for? Which city will be colder on Monday? What will the temperatures be? Which city will be hotter on Tuesday? What will the temperatures be? When and where will there be a storm? Which city will have the best weather in your opinion? Why? Ideas Focus___________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Learning focus___________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to practise writing postcards. • Ask students to look at the photo and ask them where this picture was taken (Oxford) and how they know that. (It is written on the postcards.) • Ask students to look at the information in the Learning Focus box, and check that they understand what it says. • As a follow-up question, ask students how we write the future tense in postcards to talk about our fixed plans (with be going to or the Present Continuous). A • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and check answers as a class. 1 are having 2 went 3 are going to visit 4 hasn't been 5 are meeting / are going to meet • Ask students to look at the postcard, and ask tin; following questions: - Where is Phoebe writing from? (Anchorage, Alaska) - What was the weather like on Tuesday afternoon? (rainy) - What did Phoebe do yesterday? (bike riding) - What did Phoebe see at the zoo? (brown bears) - What is Phoebe going to see on her cruise? (26 glaciers) • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ________________________________Answers Thursday, 15th Sept = date Hi Phoebe = greeting How are you? = starting sentence I'll tell you more when we get back. = ending sentence Love, Lucy = sign off (top right-hand corner) = stamp 23 St Peter's Road, etc. = address c • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ____________________ Answers t I'm writinq, told, love, arrived, went, was raining, couldn't go, was, went, It’s, was, We've just visited, were, we're driving, we're going to get on, start, can't wait, I'm going to take. I'll tell, get Tenses = Present Continuous (some for present activities, some for future arrangements), Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, be going to, future (will) Useful Expressions • Ask students to look at the Useful Expressions. Explain that we use these expressions to talk about different activities that we have done, are doing or are going to do. Point out the variety of tenses that are used in these expressions. • Check that students understand all the phrases. D______________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they are going to write a postcard of their own. Encourage them to draw a shape in their notebooks that will make it look similar to an actual postcard. • Tell students to use the information in the table as well as the Useful Expressions to write their text. • Give students a few minutes to complete the task Go round the class to check that students are doing the task correctly. Use the board to go over any written language errors without saying who made them. 119
Answers Students' own answers E____________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 Tomorrow we visit we're visiting / we're going to visit the Eiffel Tower. 2 Yesterday we've done we did a city tour. 3 It +s was snowing heavily yesterday, so we couldn't go out. 4 Wegoing We are going to visit the art museum tomorrow. 5 We haven't went been to the beach yet. 6 I'm write writing from Mombasa in Kenya. G • Now tell students that they are going to complete the Exam Task. • Remind them to use their notes from task F and the Useful Expressions to help them write their text. Remind them also to stay within the word limit. • Give students a few minutes to complete the task. Go round the class monitoring to check that students are doing the task correctly. Use the board to go over any language errors without saying who made them. —Suggested answer f Hi Anna • How are you? I’m in Prague on a school trip! Right now, I'm drinking coffee in the main square. Yesterday I we had a guided tour of the city. Tomorrow we're going to go shopping. I'll buy you a souvenir! See you when we get back. Love, Karen F ___________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a nfinute to read the information to themselves, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to look at the Exam Task and to fill in some information in the notes. Remind them that they should write pieces of information and not whole sentences. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they are doing the task correctly. 120
11 Show oh Tujers general Note The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool lor students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other TV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information________________________ Staff at a zoo in Michigan complain about how weather during the winter months affects the zoo’s revenue. They're hoping a new addition to their family of animals - a female white tiger, who happens to be pregnant - can draw in more visitors before the season ends. Unfortunately, winter comes early to Michigan; the visitors have dropped off considerably, and the pregnant tiger is due to give birth in the middle of a blizzard. Staff complain about the conditions that the extreme weather has created, such as the increase in work duties and the decrease in volunteers, who leave when temperatures drop below freezing. Before you watch______________________________ A_____________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the photo and ask them to deScribe the photo, fit is a photo of a tiger that is mostly white.) • Ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions in the task. • Go round the class to check that students are doing the task properly. Discuss the answers to the questions as a class. ______________________________Answers g. Students' own answers While you watch • Explain to students that they are going to watch a three minute video on a special tiger that lives in a zoo • Ask students to read the sentences and to look for key words that will help them answer the questions. • Play the video, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. Continue playing the video, pausing where necessary. • When the video has finished, check answers as a class Answers 1T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6F I After you watch___________________ • Explain to students that they are going to complete a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 1 summer 5 end 2 money 6 new 3 future 7 help 4 snowstorm 8 meat Ideas Focus_______.__________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 121
12 The World Around Us Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: Listening: Speaking: Writing: multiple-choice, looking for specific information environment-and animal-related words, phrasal verbs, prepositions ordering adjectives, adjectives ending in ing and -ed multiple choice, preparing to choose the right option asking & answering questions, formulating questions, wh- questions, other questions a report, structuring a report, reading both texts, giving background information, recommending Unit opener • Ask students to look at the picture, but to cover up the caption so that they cannot read it. Ask them the following questions about the photo, prompting as necessary while encouraging them to guess: - What is this a photo of? (a forest/rain forest) - Is this place warm or cold? (probably warm / students' own answers) - Is it outdoors or indoors? (outdoors / students' own answers) - What does the weather seem like? (It's foggy and probably warm, / students' own answers) - Where in the world do you think this place is? (South America, Africa, southeast Asia / students' own answers) - Are there dangerous animals in this place? (maybe / students' own arrsweis) - Do people live in this place? (maybe / students' own answers) • Now ask students to look at the caption and to say if their answers to your questions were correct. Ask the questions again if you like, and ask students to explain their answers, if necessary (a rainforest; warm because the plants in the photo need that kind of weather to grow; indoors because it’s a botanical garden and it's probably inside a building in which plants can grow safely; foggy/misty and warm (humid); Atlanta, United States; no, because it's a place that people visit all the time; no, because it's a park and it's not a place that people can live in). • Say the title of the unit, The World Around Us, and ask students what they think that means (the environment / students' own answers). Explain to students that in this unit, they are going to learn about the environment and the things that live in it. • If you like, you can give students more information about the photo from the background information in the next column. Background Information________________________________ The Atlanta Botanical Garden sits on 12 hectares of land in midtown Atlanta, United States. Opened in 1976, the gardens feature numerous themed areas, such as the Japanese garden, the rose garden, two woodland areas and a children's garden with festive sculptures, fountains and exhibits on plant sciences and plant nutrition. Visitors can travel through the gardens on a canopy walk which is 12 metres high and 180 metres long. From there they can view one of Atlanta's last remaining urban forests, which consists of oaks, hickories and poplars. The 1,500-square- metre Dorothy Chapman Fuqua Conservatory houses rainforest and desert plants. It is populated with birds and turtles, and features exhibits of poisonous frogs. A • Ask students to work with a partner to discuss the photos. Encourage them to give explanations for their answers to the question in the task. • Give students one minute to discuss the photos in pairs. Then discuss the photos as a class. • As a follow-up, ask students the following questions, prompting as necessary: - Which animal seems friendly and not dangerous? (orangutan, panda, sea turtle) - Which animal seems dangerous? (polar bear) — Which animal lives near water? (sea turtle, polar bear) — Which animal likes the cold? (polar bear) Which animal might live in or near your country? (students' own answers) They are all in danger of disappearing / extinction / becoming extinct / dying out. В • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 22
..._______________Answers « 1a 2g 3h 4c 5b 6d 7e 8f c_________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the pictures in task A again and to work with a partner to describe the animals in greater detail using the words from task B. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partners. Go round the class to check that students are doing the task appropriately. Answers g Students' own answers Word Focus_________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the words in the Word Focus box without looking at the definitions. ♦ Then ask students to find the sentences in the article that contain those words and to read the sentences to see if they can guess the meanings of the words. Remind them that it is fine if they cannot figure out the meaning of the word from the sentence, but to try to guess. • Give students one minute to figure out the meanings of the words, and then ask them to look at the definitions to see if they guessed correctly. D _________________________________________________________ • Read the phrases in the yellow wordbank aloud to students. Explain to students that they will read the article to figure out the meaning of the phrases in order to decide which phrase goes with which picture. * Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. ___________________________Answers,^ 1 Finding the eggs 2 Protecting the nest 3 "Helping them reach the water 4 Experiencing the sea E___________________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they will go back through the article to find the words in the yellow wordbank and underline them. • After they have underlined the words, ask them to read the sentences and try to figure out what the words and phrases in bold mean. They will then use a word or phrase in the wordbank to replace the words in bold. • Give students one to two minutes to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers^ 1 become extinct 2 survive 3 protect 4 return 5 search 6 reach F • Ask students to look at the Exam Close up C nv<* * H <un a few seconds to read the information, and < li<*< к they understand it. • Now ask students to look at the questions in the / н.нп Task. As a class, ask students to tell you the answer. t<> the questions. __________________________Answers 1 1 = Jake, help, 2 = Caretta caretta, 3 = Why, sandy beaches, important, 4 - baby turtles, 5 - What, Jake, beach, 6 = How, Jake, feel, turtles left 2 Students' own answers 3 no • Now ask students to complete the Exam Task. Encourage them to use their answers from task F to help them find the answers in the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and check answers as a class. 1C 2A 3C 4A 5B 6C Ideas Focus.__________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. A • Ask students to look at the pictures. Then ask them which of these types of environments they can see in their country (students' own answers). • Now ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 ocean 2 desert 3 mountain Answers 4 rainforest 5 lake 6 river • Now ask students to use the words from task A to complete the sentences. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 123
The World Around Us t Answers t 1 desert 2 river 3 mountain 4 Ocean 5 Lake 6 rainforest • Before beginning the task, ask students what kind of facts they could find on an environment fact sheet (e.g. how big an area is, the temperature of a place, what kind of animals live in a place). • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ___________________________Answers e 1 cut down • 2 dried up 3 going down 4 running out of 5 using up 6 deal with it 7 turn off D • Explain to students that the sentences contain set phrases that are related to the environment. Before beginning the task, ask students to look through the sentences and to underline the words that go with the gaps to form a set phrase (1 - risk, damage; 2 - land, water; 3 - out... water, most; 4 - danger, this list; 5 - trees, the ground). • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. Remind them to use the words they have underlined to help them decide on the answers. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Check answers as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers » ЯР 1 grow 6 Spiders 2 plant 7 Bees 3 water 8 Flies 4 leaves 9 Ants 5 Snails • 10 Butterflies • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 snake 2 guinea pig 3 cat 4 canary ....Answers # 5 hamster 6 rabbit 7 dog 8 goldfish G • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Thon check answers as a class. • Ask a follow-up, ask students to use the words from Reading task В to describe the photos in task F to a partner. Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 1 snake 2 dog 3 rabbit 4 guinea pigs ... 5 goldfish 6 canary 7 cat 8 hamster ------------------------------------------- 1 at, to 2 on, in 3 of, at 4 in, on 5 in, on 1 - .. . । j E _________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the photo and to describe what they see. (I see a butterfly on a pink flower.) Ask if they have ever seen this type of insect (students' own answers). • Ask them what kind of text is in the task (a blog), the title of the text (Gabby's Garden blog), and the main idea of the text (how to start and take care of a garden). Extra class activity_____________________________________ If time allows, play a guessing game with your students. Students form Teams A and B; you pretend to be an animal and the teams ask yes/no questions to find out what you are. Team A asks three questions; they can then attempt a guess, or pass to the other team. A pass means no change in score, but an incorrect guess loses a point (-1), and the other team gets to ask questions and to guess. A correct guess gets one point (+1) and that team gets to volunteer a teammate to be an animal. Make sure that teammate doesn't tell anyone what they are! The round begins again and the losing team starts with their questions. The team with the most points wins. Encourage students to note the questions and answers that each team asks, to discuss their questions and guesses before presenting them, and most of all, to have fun! 124
Ideas Focus___________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. Teaching Tip You could expand the Ideas Focus section by asking students to keep a diary for a week, listing all the things they already do to help the environment. Students can present their diaries to the rest of the class the following week. • Tell students that they will read some rules .ihout llm order of adjectives, and then they will place the qiinhl-e-, in the wordbank in the correct order. They can telui to the sentence you wrote on the board at the beginning of the lesson if they need help. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 1 general opinion 2 specific opinion 3 size 4 age 5 shape Answers 6 colour 7 nationality 8 material 9 noun as adjective Now read the Grammar Reference on page 169 (12.1) with your students. • Explain to students that in this section, they are going to learn a bit more about adjectives. • Write the following sentence on the board and ask students to tell you what quality each adjective describes, prompting as necessary: - That ugly huge old square black Danish leather chair needs to go! (opinion, size, age, shape, colour, nationality, material) • Explain to students that we place adjectives in a certain order according to what they describe. A ______________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a Few seconds to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. ________________________Answers- a horrible, old, plastic, (fishing) b broken, wooden, (garden) c * old, giant, Chinese d big, orange, rectangular, plastic, (litter) D___________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually, and check answers as a class. A special little old square blue Chinese metal lunch box. E_______________________________________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Go round the class to check that they are writing descriptions correctly in their notebooks. When they have finished, discuss their answers as a class. Students' own answers В_________________________________________________________ • Now explain to students that they will decide which quality each adjective in task A describes. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. nationality: general opinion; shape: age: size: colour: noun as adjective: material: Chinese horrible rectangular old big, giant orange fishing, garden, litter plastic, wooden • Ask students to work with a partner to write two or three of the adjectives in the yellow wordbank next to the pictures, paying attention to the order they write the adjectives. They are free to use other adjectives besides the ones in the wordbank if they like, so long as they write them in the correct order. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner Go round the class to check that students are doing the task correctly. As a class, discuss what adjectives students decided for each picture. . , Suggested answers a scary massive brown bear a busy polluted city an ugly tall modern building a dirty crowded beach a cute little red squirrel a pretty round wooden box a beautiful green forest 125
F The World Around Us I • Ask students to work with a partner to play a guessing game. One student will describe something in the classroom, and the other student has to guess what it is. Remind students to order their adjectives correctly. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner. Go round the class to check that students are doing the task correctly. Answers д > Students' own answers H • Now explain to students that they are going to learn about the -ing and -ed adjective endings. • Write the following sentence on the board, and ask students to identify and explain the differences between the adjectives: - I can tell this movie is boring because I'm really bored! (boring, which describes a thing, and bored, which describes how someone feels) • Explain to students that it is common to get these differences mixed up, so they will need to pay close attention to how the -ing and -ed endings affect the meaning of the adjective. • Ask students to look at the sentences and the adjectives in bold. Ask them if the adjective seems to be describing how something or someone feels, or the effect something or someone has (interesting - the effect something has; interested - how someone feels). I • Now ask students to look back at the sentences in task H to answer the questions. • Give students a few seconds to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. 1 interesting 2 interested Ans.w.grs^ 3 b 4 a Answers t Г verb adjective -ing adjective -ed amaze bore excite frighten interest tire amazing boring exciting frightening interesting tiring . amazed bored excited frightened interested tired К _............................................................ • Before beginning the task, ask students to look at the sentences and to decide what noun the adjective will modify. Then ask students to choose the correct adjective. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. • As a follow-up, go back through the sentences and ask students why they chose their answers. Prompt them if necessary. Their responses should be either that the adjective describes how someone or something feels (-ed adjectives), or it describes the effect something or someone has f-ing adjectives). 1 frightened 2 frightening 3 tired 4 tiring 5 interested -Answers. g 6 interesting 7 amazing 8 amazed 9 bored 10 boring • Ask students to work with a partner to describe the photos in the task. • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then discuss answers as a class. Be careful! • Ask students to look at the Be Careful! box. Give them a minute to read the information, and check that they understand it. • Elicit from students examples of comparative as well as superlative adjectives using the sentences in task H. (e g. The documentary about dolphins is more interesting than the one about sea turtles Out of all types of wildlife, I'm most interested in the panda.) Now read the Grammar Reference on page 169 (12.2) with your students. J • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. 11 a tired man, tiring work 2 an excited woman, exciting news 3 interested children, an interesting book 4 a bored child, a boring lesson 5 a frightened cat 6 a frightening lion Us+еи'иг) • Tell students they will practise their listening skills in this section, with a focus on predicting what people will say. • Ask students to work with a partner and to discuss the similarities and differences in the photos. • Give students one minute to discuss the photos, and then discuss the similarities and differences as a class. 126
_______________________Answers Students' own answers • Now ask students to do the task individually (nw them one minute to complete the task, and lhr»n «ho< I- answers as a class. В ______________________________________ • Ask students to look at the photos individually and to answer the questions in the task. • Give them a few seconds to do the task, and then ask them to swap books with a partner to check each other's answers. • After students have finished checking each other's answers, check answers as a class. _________________Answers.^ 1 A, В 2 В 3 С • Explain to students that they are going to listen to three dialogues about the activities shown in the photos in task A. They will write the number of the photo next to the conversation in which the speakers discuss that activity. • Play the recording, pausing after the first dialogue to check that students choose the right answer. Continue playing the recording, pausing as necessary. • When you have finished with the recording, check answers as a class. ___________________________Answers^ Conversation 1 rope bridge Conversation 2 zip wire Conversation 3 segway D • Now explain to students that they are going to hear the first part of a longer dialogue. They will look back at the pictures in task A and choose a photo that the speakers are talking about. • Play the recording all the way through, and then ask students to write their answers. Replay the recording if necessary. • When you have finished with the recording, ask students to tell you the answer to the question in the instructions. ___ They are going to ride a segway. • Before beginning the task, ask students to cover up the questions in the right-hand column. • Ask students to look at answers a-g and to guess what questions they would answer. Prompt as necessary. (a - How much does it weigh?; b - How long does it take?; etc.) ________________ Answers 1d 2b 3a 4g 5e 6f 7c F________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a minute to read the information, and check they understand it. • Ask students to look at the questions in the Exam Task and to discuss with their partner what they would hear in the recording if answer choice A were correct. (Sally is afraid of heights.) Tell them to continue with the other questions and answer choices. • Give students a minute to go through all the questions and answer choices before beginning the Exam Task. ___________Answers^ . Students' own answers G ________________________________________________________ • Now tell students they will complete the Exam Task. • Explain to students that they will hear the complete dialogue from task D, and they should answer the questions as they hear the answers. Remind students that they are likely to hear all of the answer choices in the dialogue, so they will have to listen carefully to get the correct answer. • Remind students that they will hear the recording twice. Then begin the recording, pausing after the first question is answered to check that students choose the correct answer. Continue playing the recording, pausing as necessary. • Move on to task H to check answers. H_________________________________________________________ • Play the recording again and ask students to check their answers. • When they have finished, check answers as a class. Replay any parts of the recording that gave students difficulties. ___________Answers.. 1A 2C 3B 4A 5C TeachingUp_________________________________ Encourage students to listen to English as much as possible outside the classroom in order to improve their listening skills. You can suggest that they watch films and TV programmes without subtitles, and listen to radio programmes in English whenever they can.
12 The World Around Us A • Explain to students that they will practise their speaking skills in this section and learn how to formulate questions. • Ask students to look at the photos and to match them with the descriptions. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1B 2D ЗА 4C В • Ask students to work with a partner to discuss the effect that these issues have on our food. Read the issues to your students and check that they understand the phrases. Explain any phrases that students have difficulty with, (e g Food miles are how far food has to travel from farms to supermarkets.) • Give students one minute to complete the task with their partner, and then discuss answers as a class. Answers # Students' own answers Now ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a minute to read the information, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to read the questions in the task and to correct the mistakes in each question. Remind them to look at the Exam Close-up box if they need help. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then ask them to have a partner check their work. • When they have finished checking each other's answers, check answers as a class. 1 How much money do you spend on food every week? 2 Where do you buy most of your food? 3 How much food do you throw in the bin every week? 4 Why do people buy more food than they need9 5 What could you do to stop wasting food9 6 What should the supermarkets do to stop people wasting food? D • Now ask students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions in task C. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they are doing the task properly. Use the board to go over any language errors without saying who made them. —_______________ Answers д Students’ own answers Useful Expressions • Ask students to read the Useful Expressions. Check that they understand all the phrases. • If time allows, go through the Wh- question words and review what they ask for (e.g. What - a thing; Where - a place), • Now ask students to look at the Exam Task. Ask them which photos in task A the Exam Task refers to. • Check that students all agree with the answer before proceeding to the Exam Task. _______________________Answer,^ The Exam Task refers to photos C and D. • Now tell students that they will do the Exam Task. Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one to two minutes to do the first part of the task before asking them to switch roles. Give them an additional one to two minutes to complete the task. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they are doing the task correctly. Check that they use the language appropriately and provide assistance when necessary. Review any common errors on the board without saying who made them. _—_ , -Suggested Task 1, Student B: How much food is wasted in the UK? What is the cost of wasted food per UK family? Why do people waste so much food? What kind of food do they waste the most? Is there a website for more information? What's the website address? Task 2, Student A: Where is the Farmers' Market? What time does it start? What time does it finish? What can I buy there? Why should I buy food there? Why is it good for the environment? Ideas Focus • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 128
Wri+inz): л report Learning focus _____________________________________ • Tell students that in this writing section they will practise writing reports and focus on how to structure them. • Ask students what they think a report is. Prompt as necessary. (A report is a text that gives facts about a subject or results from a survey or study.) • Ask students to look at the Learning Focus box. Give them a minute to read the information, and check that they understand what they have read. • As a follow-up, ask students the following questions: - Do we use contractions in reports? (no) - Do we write reports like we’re writing to a friend? (no) - Do we write incomplete sentences in reports? (no) - Do we sign our name at the bottom of a report? (no) - Do we use first-person pronouns in reports? (maybe / students' own answers) A _______________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to complete a questionnaire. Ask them to read through the information, and explain any unfamiliar phrases. • Ask students to work with a partner to complete the questionnaire, taking turns to ask and answer the questions. They should write down the answers in their notebooks. If time allows, have students ask a second and third student. • To help them stay organised, ask students to write in their notebooks the name of the student they asked, the number of the question and the answer they gave, as follows: Tomas, 1 - most days, 2- my own reusable bags; 3—7-2 times a week Maria, 1 - hardly ever, 2 - other (cloth bag), 3 - hardly ever Answers^. f • Students' own answers В ____________________________________ • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one to two minutes to read the report. Then ask them to review their results from task A to see if the answers their classmates gave are similar to what they read in the report. • When they have finished, discuss their findings as a class. Ask students if they agree with the recommendations in the report. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. Answers R Students own answers * • • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. мамшмшмммм Answers 1b 2d 3a 4c • Ask students to read the instructions, and check they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers 1 2 3 4 5 is caused by is based on recommend However purpose of Useful Expressions __________________________________ • Ask students to read the Useful Expressions. Check that they understand all the phrases. • Ask students to look back at the report and to tell you which sections contain a phrase or similar phrase from the Useful Expressions. (Section 1 contains the purpose of this report is and it is based on the results. Section 2 contains are caused by. Section 4 contains I recommend.) • Explain to students that they will do another questionnaire like the one they did in task A, but with different questions. They will use the answers to write a report. • Ask students to ask four other students the questions in the questionnaire. Tell them to record their classmates' answers as before, with their name, question number and answer written in their notebooks. • After they have finished asking four other students the questions, ask the class to answer the following questions in order to help them get started on their reports. Encourage them to look at the report in task В for help: - How many sections will your report have? (4) - What do we write in the introduction? (The reason for writing this report...) - What is the reason you are writing this particular report? (to see how much energy people use in their daily lives) - What will you put in the background of this report? (People know they should use less electricity, but they may not do so all the time.) - If one in four students always leave the tap running, what percentage is that? (25%) - How many recommendations will you make in the end? (3) • It is up to you on whether you want students to write the report in class or have them do it at home. If in class, give students five to ten minutes to write the report, and go round the class to check that students arc doing the task correctly, assisting where needed. Thon use th** board to go over any written language errors without saying who made them. Go over their errors in their homework assignments on the board also, should you decide to assign this task as homework. 129
The World Around Us BEK Answers » • Students' own answers F___________________________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Exam Close-up box. Give them a minute to read the information, and check that they understand it. • Ask students to read the instructions, and check that they understand what they have to do. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually. Then check answers as a class. Answers gj 1 the email 2 the notes 3 the notes 4 the email G • Now tell students they will complete the Exam Task. Encourage them to use their answers from task F to help them. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. ,_____________.________________Answers..,,) 1 questionnaire 2 40% 3 30% 4 best before 5 price/cost 130
12 vAezya &геы\ Мивеит general No+e The National Geographic videos are an excellent tool for students to get acquainted with other cultures while learning English. They contain genuine National Geographic content, and students do not need to understand everything in the videos in order to take advantage of them as a learning device. Some tasks focus more on the visual content rather than the audio. As such, students do not have to listen to answer every question, but can simply watch what is happening. The videos are also meant to inspire students to watch other TV programmes and films in English so that they can experience spoken English more often. Naturally, the more exposure the students have to the language, the more quickly they will acquire it. Background Information__________ The California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, USA, was redesigned to be one of the most sustainable buildings on the planet. As a result, it is the largest green museum in the world. Along with solar panels and circular vents, the roof of the building is covered in green grass and looks like a rolling plain, with a series of small hills and valleys. Italian architect Renzo Piano drew a sketch of the building, which amazed the construction team with regard to the challenges it would create. Air travels through vents on the front of the building along the curvature of the roof and exits though the roof. All of the construction materials -steel, glass, insulation and su futlh-aie recycled from other building projects, and the structure is covered with an amazing 60,000 solar panels. Before you watch A • Ask students to work with a partner to describe the three pictures and to write the words and phrases from the wordbank under the correct pictures. • Go round the class to check that students are doing the task properly. Discuss the photos and check answers as a class. While you watch • Explain to students that they are going to watch a four-minute video about a museum in San Francisco, California. • Ask students to read the sentences and to look for key words that will help them answer the questions. • Play the video, pausing after the first question to check that students have the correct answer. Continue playing the video, pausing where necessary. • When the video has finished, check answers as a class. f............. 1 carpet 2 low 3 complicated 4 air 5 recycled 6 forest Answers After you watch c_____________________________________________________________ • Explain to students that they are going to complete a text based on the video. Review any unfamiliar words in the yellow wordbank with students. • Give students one minute to complete the task individually, and then check answers as a class. Answers 1 world 2 centre 3 animals 4 simple 5 flowers 6 roof 7 sun 8 happy /.................. 1 solar panel 2 living roof 3 architect Answers Ideas Focus_________________________________________ • Ask students to look at the Ideas Focus box. Read the questions aloud to the class. • Tell students to work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to give supporting reasons for their opinions. • Go round the class monitoring students to check that they use the language correctly. Use the board to go over any common errors without saying who made them. 131
'Review (/> Units 11 & 12 Objectives _____________________________________________ • To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 11 and 12. Revision • Revise for the review the day before using the vocabulary and grammar revisions below. This will also give students a framework for revising at home. • Explain to students that they will do a review of Units 11 and 12 during their next lesson, just as they did for the previous reviews. • Remind students that the review is not an exam. Explain that they will complete the review as they did the last time; they will be able to ask you for help and use their books to find answers. • You can administer the review however you like. You can go through each question one by one, asking students to fill in the answers, and then check the answers as a class. You can allow them to do entire exercises, and then check answers as a class. You can split the vocabulary and grammar sections into two parts, giving studehts 10-15 minutes to do one part and the same amount of time for the second part. You can let them do the entire review on their own, and then check answers at the end If you decide to do that, remind students in the middle of the review how much more time they have got left. • Encourage students to guess at answers they do not know, and not to leave any gaps blank. • When students have completed the review, check the answers as a class. Do some extra task work on the board for any areas that students seem to be having trouble with. Vocab u I a ry Revision_____ • Draw types of weather on the board, such as raindrops for rain and a cloud for cloudy, and ask students what weather it is and its adjective form, rainy, cloudy, etc. For words like fog and ice, give students the first letter and ask them to give you the weather condition and its adjective form. Use the table on page 138, task A as a reference. • Write the following on the board and ask students to unscramble the letters to form weather-related words: - zeefrign (freezing) - oginlib (boiling) - gurohdt (drought) - fodol (flood) - ecano (ocean) - freoristan (rainforest) - kale (lake) • Ask students these questions: - What insect has beautiful wings? (a butterfly) - What insect has eight legs? (a spider) - What insect can fly and sting you? (a bee) - What insect follows its fellow insects in a line? (an ant) - What moves very slowly and has a hard shell? (a snail) • Tell students to look at the photos on page 151, task F, and play the pet guessing game. Have students ask you yes/no questions such as Can you fly? or Do you live in water? to try to guess what pet you are. Alternatively, ask a student to pretend to be a pet that the other students have to guess. • Remind students to review the phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases and collocations on pages 150-151, tasks C, D and E. Grammar Revision_________________________________________ • Write the following sentences on the board. Then ask students to use comparative and superlative adjectives and phrases to make new sentences: - Marco is 160 cm. Vincent is 161 cm. Geraldo is 161 cm. Jose is 162 cm. (e.g. Marco is shorter than Vincent. Vincent is taller than Marco. Vincent is as tall as Geraldo. Jose is the tallest. Marco is the shortest.) • Write the following adjectives and adverbs on the board, and ask students to tell you the comparative and superlative forms: - friendly (friendlier, friendliest) - beautiful (more beautiful, most beautiful) - good (better, best) - bad (worse, worst) - slowly (more slowly, most slowly) - fast (faster, fastest) • Write the following phrases on the board. Then ask students to come to the board and write the adjectives in the correct order: a black new metal nice table (a nice new black metal table) - a Chinese red interesting old box (an interesting old red Chinese box) • Write the following sentences on the board and ask students to tell you the correct form of the adjectives: - Rachel sleeps with the light on because she's frightening of the dark, (frightened) - The gym was quite boring today, and on top of that, I'm also very tiring, (tired) Everyone says that film is so excited, but I thought it was quite boring, (exciting) - The teacher was amazed; everyone in her class was interesting in the lesson, (interested) УоблЬм1йГЦ A ......................................................... • Ask students to look at the sentences and to tell you what type of words are missing from them (adjectives) • Remind students to be careful when they write the correct form of the words to make sure that they spell the word correctly and use the correct ending. ___________________ Answers э 1 rainy/raining 4 freezing 2 boiling 5 windy 3 sunny 6 cloudy 132
в в • Ask students to read the sentences for gist and to see if they can think of the missing word without looking at the gaps. • Remind students that there is one gap for each missing letter of the words they need to fill in. This can help them to check that they have not forgotten a letter and that their choice actually fits. • Remind students to be careful how they write superlatives and to think about whether the l.r.t Hint in the word needs to be changed, or if we use the word most. • Tell students to look back at page 141 and Grammar References 11.1-11.2 on pages 168-169 for a reminder if they need to. 1 flood 2 thunder 3 bush fire 4 drought 5 lightning 6 desert 7 mountain 8 rainforest 1 the best 2 the wettest 3 the most dangerous 4 the fastest ... Answers 5 the most frequently 6 the loudest 7 the most slowly 8 the most hungrily C c • Ask students to read through the sentences first and underline any key words that they think will help them choose the correct option. • Remind them that after they choose what they think is the correct word, they should read the sentence with the other word to make sure that it is wrong. r 1 down 7 off 2 in 8 in 3 up 9 of 4 at 10 down 5 with 11 to 6 on 12 up Чижаоишммммм— D • Ask students to read through the sentences and underline any key words that they think will help them choose the correct option. • Remind them that after they choose what they think is the correct word, they should read the sentence with the other two words to make sure that they are wrong. • Ask students to name the qualities of adjectives in the correct order, and write them on the board. Tell students to keep this in mind as they complete the sentences. • Tell students to look back at page 152 and Grammar Reference 12.1 on page 169 for a reminder if they need to. 1 cute little French 2 scary long brown 3 miserable grey London 4 pretty round wooden 5 big square metal 6 old red Italian • Ask students to look at the sentences. Explain that they need to decide whether the adjectives are going to describe the effect something or someone has, or how someone or something feels. • Tell students to look back at page 153 and Grammar Reference 12.2 on page 169 for a reminder if they need to. __________________Aoawers 1c 2a 3a 4b 5c 6b 7c 8a 1 frightening 2 excited 3 tired 4 disappointing 5 annoying 6 shocked A • Ask students to look at the choices and to decide which choice of words fits the rules of how we write comparative adjectives and phrases. Remind them that in some cases, they will have to look at the other words in the sentence to choose the correct answer. • Tell students to look back at page 140 and Grammar References 11.1-11.2 on pages 168-169 for a reminder if they need to. 1 2 3 4 as cute as than worse harder _____Answers 5 more carefully 6 as furry as 7 quickly 8 hotter than 133
Recording Script Student’s Book A2 Unit 1 Who Am I? TRACK 1.1 N: Listening, Unit 1, Page 12, A 1. I live in a town called Leicester. That's L-E-l-C-E-S-T-E-R. 2. My name's Jack Gough. That's J-A-C-KG-O-U-G-H. 3. My name's Vanessa Baxter. That's V-A-N-E-double S-A B-A-X-T-E-R. 4. I live in a town called Faversham. That's F-A-V-E-R-S-H-A-M. 5. My name's Zayn Wood. That's E-A-Y-N W-double O-D. 6. My dad's name is Quentin Pimm. That's Q-U-E-N-T-l-N P-l-double M. TRACK 1.2 N: Listening, Unit 1, Page 12, В 1. M: Can you spell your name please, Miss Taylor? F: Yes, it's 'Taylor' with a 'Y', that's T-A-Y-L-O-R. 2. F: The address is 5, Cygnet Road. That's C-Y-G-N-E-T M: C-Y-G-N-E-T? F: That's right. 3. M: What's your first name, please? F: 'Lorraine'. M: 'Lauren'? F: No, Lorraine. That's L-O-R-R-A-l-N-E. M: Oh yes, Lorraine, with a double R. 4. F: OK, Mr Carey. Is that C-A-R-E-Y? M: No, it's not Carey. It's Curry with a double R: C-U-R-R-Y. 5. M: Did you say you live in 'Bristle'? Can you spell that for me? F: Yes, it's B-R-l-S T-O-L. M: Oh, yes, Bristol in the west of England. 6. M Hallo, is that Anna? F: No, my name is Anne, with an 'e': A-N-N-E. M: Oh, sorry, my mistake. TRACK 1.3 N: Listening, Unit 1, Page 12, D N: You will hear a man asking a woman about art lessons. Listen and complete the form. You will hear the conversation twice. TRACK 1.4 N: Listening, Unit 1, Page 12, E N: You will hear a man asking a woman about art lessons. Listen and complete the form. You will hear the conversation twice. F: Spring Arts Centre, can I help you? M: Yes, I'm phoning about the Art Club. My daughter paints and she wants some lessons. F: Well, we teach painting and drawing at the centre. M: That's perfect! Who is teaching the course? F: We have a new teacher, her name is Mrs Franchetti. She's Italian. M: How do you spell that? F: F-R-A-N-C-H-E-T-T-l M: How long is the course? F: The painting and drawing course, er, let's see; it's twice a week for five weeks, so that's ten lessons. M: And when does the next course begin? F: It starts on 21st January. M: Next Monday. And what time do the lessons start? 134
F: They start at half past five in the afternoon on Mondays and Fridays. Each lesson is one and a half hours. TRACK 2.2 M: Oh, and how much do the lessons cost? N: Listening, Unit 2, Page 24, E F: Well, the course is £80, but you also have to pay for paint and paper, that's £10.50, so it costs £90.50. M: That's great, thank you. I'll tell my daughter. Unit 2 Look At Me! TRACK 2.1 N: Listening, Unit 2, Page 24, В 1. GIRL 1: Jack is very good looking and he's got big brown eyes. GIRL 2: That's not Jack, it's Tom! Jack's eyes are blue. 2. BOY: Is your brother that blonde guy over there? GIRL: No, that isn't him. I'm blonde but he's got brown hair. He's the tall guy standing next to the door. 3. F: Hello, John, you look different without your uniform! JOHN: And I didn't use to wear glasses, do you like then? 4. M: What were you doing at eight o'clock last night? You were very quiet! BOY: I was still doing my homework. After that I went to bed, 5. F: When I came home last night, the dog was sleeping in the hall! M: I know, it used to sleep in the garden, but it prefers the hall. 6. GIRL: That new teacher is really good. Yesterday we were laughing because she said something funny. BOY: Oh, but the best thing is that she never gives us a lot of homework. N: Listen to Lisa talking to her friend Sue about a video. For each question, choose the right answer (A, В or C). You will hear the conversation twice. SUE: What are you watching, Lisa? LISA: Look, Sue. It's the new video by our favourite band, Backchat. SUE: Is that the singer? She looks really different! LISA: Yes, she used to be blonde, after that her hair was red for a while. SUE: Oh, but she looks cool now. I think her short black hair is great. LISA: But what is she wearing? SUE: I'm not sure, maybe it's a long skirt. No, they're trousers, but they're very wide. LISA: They look horrible! Why isn't she wearing a dress? She usually wears really nice shoes, too. I don't like those boots she's wearing. They are ugly. SUE: She's short and the boys in the band are very tall. She is quite young; she's a teenager and the boys are 20 and 21. LISA: She's very small, but she sings very loudly. Do you like their new song? SUE: It's good. I don't usually like slow songs, but this one is lovely. She's singing about love. LISA; It's a bit boring. We always used to dance to their music. We always played their songs at parties. They played at a concert in the town hall last year. I didn't go. Did you go, Sue? SUE: No, but my brother went and said they were amazing. Unit 3 Let's Get Together TRACK 3.1 N: Listening, Unit 3, Page 38, D N: 1 Who is the boy bringing to the party? i:n
BOY: I don't want to come to your party on my own. GIRL: Why don't you bring your cousins? BOY: All my cousins are on holiday in France, but my brother is here. GIRL: Bring him to the party, then. See you both on Friday! N: 2 When is the music festival? M: Are you going to the music festival? F: In June? M: No, it’s usually in June or July, but this year they are having it in August. N: 3 What present are they giving? BOY: Did you buy Mum some chocolates for Mother's D.ay? GIRL: No, she doesn't want chocolates and we gave her a photo for her birthday, so how about some flowers? BOY: OK, there's a flower shop next to the bank so we can buy some tomorrow. TRACK 3.2 N: Listening, Unit 3, Page 38, F N; You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (A, В or C). N: 1 Who is the girl bringing to the party? BOY: My brother and I are going to Joe's party tomorrow. Are you coming? GIRL: I know your brother, he's got a beard and his hair's really long! BOY: Are you bringing your sister, Annie? GIRL: No, Annie's my little sister, she's only five! I'm bringing Sally, my big sister. They look the same. She's also got long blonde hair, N: 2 What is the girl wearing to the wedding? MUM: What are you wearing to your cousin's wedding? GIRL: I'm wearing my new blue dress, but I'm not MUM: I'm wearing a hat and gloves. That’s OK, I'm just glad you're not wearing your old purple dress! N: 3 What are they giving to granddad? GIRL: Are we taking granddad a present for his birthday? DAD: Yes, I bought him a big box of his favourite chocolates. GIRL: So you didn't buy him a book? DAD: No, he doesn't like reading. Write your name in his birthday card. It's next to the chocolates. N: 4 What time will the concert finish? MUM: Don't be late for your school concert! It's already 7 o'clock. BOY: I'm leaving now! It isn't starting till 8. MUM: What time are you coming home? BOY: Well, the concert takes an hour, so we'll leave the school at 9. John's dad is bringing me home, but we'll stop for a burger on the way. I’ll be home at ten! Bye! N: 5 When are they going to the music festival? M: When is the summer music festival on? F: At the end of June, I think. Yes, here's the calendar, it starts on the last Saturday in June. M: Is that the 26th? F: No, it's the 27th June and I've got tickets for both days, Saturday and Sunday. And because we're staying the weekend, we're taking a tent. Unit 4 A Day in the Life TRACK 4.1 N; Listening, Unit 4, Page 50, D 1. I love Rome and Milan, but I've been to both before. This time we're going to Venice. 2. I'm going on holiday with my granny - we're going to leave my parents at home! 3. Er... maybe ГН have an espresso, ...wait - no, I won't. I'll have a cappuccino with lots of milk and sugar, please. 4. I had 10 euros, but that cappuccino was 4 euros, so I'll have to go to the bank. 136
5. We're not going to walk to the museum, we're going to get on a boat because there aren't any buses. 6. The boat leaves at nine and it takes ten minutes to get from the hotel to the boat, so we'll leave at a quarter to nine. TRACK 4.2 N: Listening, Unit 4, Page 50, F N: Listen to Dan talking to his friend Cate about going on a trip. For each question, choose the right answer (A, В or C). You will hear the conversation twice. DAN: Are you ready for the big trip, Cate? CATE: Yes, Dan, I'm packing my backpack today. I'm not going to take my old camera, it's rather heavy. DAN: I'll take the cameras. I've got two and I'll lend you one. CATE: Thanks. I'm taking a very light sleeping bag. It's going to be hot in Africa! DAN; Yes, and we won't need many clothes. Take a few T-shirts and some long trousers. CATE: I'm going to wear my boots and thick socks because it will probably be wet. DAN: No, it won't be wet, but strong, heavy boots are a good idea. They aren't very comfortable, but we'll find lots of insects and maybe we'll meet a few snakes in the jungle. CATE: And also I think we'll walk into the jungle, so we'll need our boots, not trainers. DAN: That's right. It's about 50 kilometres from the airport to the village. We're going to drive to the village, sleep there and then we’ll walk into the jungle the next day. CATE: How far will we walk? DAN: It's six kilometers, but it'll take US two hours to reach the place where the gorillas live, because we're going to walk slowly. That's why we need to leave at 5 am. CATE: It's going to be amazing! I hope we'll see some gorillas! Unit 5 Home Sweet Home TRACK 5.1 N: Listening, Unit 5, Page 64, В 1. GIRL: Is this your pen, Jack? BOY: No, I think it's yours. Mary. 2. DAD: Are you going to do the washing up? GIRL: No, that's your job, Dad! 3. MUM: Jimmy, put on your shoes! BOY: Those aren't mine, they're Mike's. 4. BOY: I' m not taking out the rubbish again! MUM: Sue did it yesterday, so it's your job today, Tim1 5. DAD: Is this my dinner in the fridge? MUM: No! That's not yours! It's the dog's dinner! 6. M: Is this your car, Mrs Green? F: Yes, it's mine, Mr Smith. M: Why have you parked outside my house? TRACK 5.2 N: Listening, Unit 5, Page 64, D N: Listen to a mother and father talking about tidying up. Where does each item belong? For questions 1-5, write a letter A - G next to each item. You will hear the conversation twice. DAD: Shall I help you tidy up? MUM: Yes, the ketchup on the dining room table goes in the kitchen. DAD: In this cupboard? MUM: No, we don't put it in the cupboard, we keep it in the fridge. And those towels don't belong in the bathroom, can you put them in the children's bedroom? 137
DAD: Yes, and what about your passport? I found it in the dining room. MUM: Oh thanks. I was looking for that! It goes in my desk drawer. And another thing, you know that old printer on my desk? It doesn't work, so I think we should put it in the garage. DAD: I'll do that. But where's the key to the garage? MUM: It's on the shelf in the dining room. That's where it always is! DAD: All right, I've got it! MUM: Great, now everything will be in the right place. We have about one hundred dolls' houses. Some of them belonged to princesses and the oldest is from 1673, and we have dolls' houses from the fast three centuries1 If you want to find out more aboui our dolls' houses, don't miss our 'Small Stories' exhibition. It tells the stories behind some of our dolls' houses. This exhibition is on from December 13th until September 6th next year. Why not have a children's party at the museum? For more information, call Alison Fielding. Her number is 060 8983 5204, To find .out more about what's on at the» museum, visit our website. Unit 6 The Place to Be Unit 7 Time Out! TRACK 6.1 N: Listening, Unit 6, Page 76, D 1 I used to ride it everywhere. When I couldn't ride it any more, my little sister rode it! 2. Ooh, I remember these! I had hundreds of them and I used to play with them for hours! The stripy ones were my favourites! 3. My grandmother had one like that with a china head. She was called Polly. We didn't play with Polly because granny didn't want us to break her. 4. I think my grandfather had one of these. I used to play with it. There’s a key at the back which you turn to make it move. TRACK 7.1 N: Listening, Unit 7, Page 90, C 1. GIRL: This dance music is really great. BOY: Well, actually, I'd prefer to listen to rock music. 2. DAD: I'm not a very good cook. GIRL: But I think your meals are the best in the worldi 3. MUM: Sam, I've brought you your favourite pizza! BOY: Qh no Mum! I don't like olives! BOY: Are you watching this boring quiz show? TRACK 6.2 N: Listening, Unit 6, Page 76, E N: You will hear some information about a museum. Listen and complete each question. You will hear the information twice. F: The Museum of Childhood has thousands of toys, including board games, dolls, teddies and dolls' houses. It's open every day from 10 o'clock in the morning until quarter to six in the evening. Admission is free. If you want to get up close to some of the toys, and play with them, don't miss the 'Explore' events. This is a chance to touch some of the toys in the exhibition. 'Explore' is between 11.15 and 11.45 on Saturdays and Sundays. If you love dolls' houses, we have an amazing collection. MUM: Actually, I'm enjoying it! DAD: Sue is very musical, don't you think? MUM: In actual fact, I think her sister has more talent, 6. BOY: George will be a great singer if he takes lessons. GIRL: Absolutely, He's got a beautiful voice. TRACK 7.2 N: Listening, Unit 7, Page 90, F 138
N: Listen to Mark and his mother talking about themselves and people they know. Which hobby does each person have? For questions 1-5, write a letter A-G next to each person. You will hear the conversation twice. BOY: Mum, I think I'd like to play a musical instrument. Did you know that my friend John has started playing the drums? MUM: Really, Mark? No, I didn't know John was musical. I thought he was very sporty. BOY: Well, that's true. He used to be good at football, but he hurt his leg, so he doesn't play now. MUM: So, Mark, what would you like to learn? The guitar is quite easy, I think. Your brother Pat plays quite well. BOY: That's true, he's played since he was very young. I used to like the guitar, but now I'd rather learn to play the piano. MUM: Actually, Mark, I'm not sure you have time. You are always so busy taking photographs! How is the photography going? BOY: Great! I'm really enjoying it. You're right, I'd rather do photography than music. MUM: Yes, you're so creative! You're like me. I love painting! BOY: Well, Mum, your paintings are good enough to sell. I hope I'll sell my photos one day! MUM: Putting them on the Internet is a good idea. Your friend Sandra has a website. She could help. BOY: Actually, she doesn't use her website now. She still makes jewellery, but she prefers to sell it in her shop. Unit 8 Personal Best TRACK 8.1 N: Listening, Unit 8, Page 102, В 1. It's Sarah's thirteenth birthday today. 2 The train leaves from platform fourteen. 3. The lesson lasts fifty minutes. 4. The journey takes sixty days. 5. Sue could drive when she was swunlvvn 6. We live at number eighty, West Strccl. 7. Look at page nineteen of your book. 8. It's Friday, July 31st. 9. This street is 32nd Street. 10. It's my thirty-third lesson. TRACK 8.2 N: Listening, Unit 8, Page 102, C 1. forty fourteen 2. a hundred a thousand 3. second twenty-second 4. eighty eighteen 5. seven seventeen 6. sixteen sixty TRACK 8.3 N: Listening, Unit 8, Page 102, F N: You will hear a man on the radio talking about a new sports club. Listen and complete each question. You will hear the information twice. M: It's summer and it's time to go out on the water! We are pleased to say that the water sports centre is open all summer for children from 11-18 years □Id. You can try lots of different water sports. There is sailing and surfing, or perhaps you'd like to learn to windsurf? Courses start on June 13th and go on until August 30th. There are courses for all levels from beginners to advanced. Lessons are twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, or Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lessons start at 10.15 in the morning and usually last for two hours. Our coaches are young and friendly and have helped lots of people to learn. Everything you need is available at the centre, all you need to bring is a swimsuit1 Prices start from £330 for a three-week course. II two children from the same family do lessons there is a discount of 50% for the second child. For mote information call Rita on 0243 587639. I I?
Unit 9 Take a Break TRACK 9.1 N: Listening, Unit 9, Page 116, C N: 1 Where are they going to stay? M: Shall we stay in a caravan? This campsite looks nice and it's right next to the beach. F: I'd prefer to stay in a hotel - it's more comfortable. M: I guess. But I like to cook our meals sometimes and I don't like sharing a swimming pool. F: Well, how about a villa? That would be good for both of us. M: Good idea! N: 2 What is the weather like today? M; The weather was terrible yesterday. F: I know - it was snowing all day. M: What's it like this morning? F: Look - it's sunny and bright - a great day for hiking I think. M: The forecast said it would rain today - I'm glad it was wrong. N: 3 What do they buy in the shop? M: Look at this hat - it's really cool. F: I love it! But does it look good when you try it on? M: Mmm. I'm not sure. Maybe I should get a jumper - it's pretty cold here. F: Maybe. But would you wear it at home? I think this cup is a better souvenir. M: I've got loads of cups. But I think this hat would be great for my d?d- Let's get it. TRACK 9.2 N: Listening, Unit 9, Page 116, E N: You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (A, В or C). N: 1 Which is the woman's luggage? M: I'll get your luggage! Is it this backpack? F: No, it's a big black suitcase; it might be this one. M: This one hasn't got wheels, is it yours? F: No, it's the next one! The one with wheels! Can you get it? N: 2 What time will their flight leave? M: Oh dear! Our flight is delayed. F: What? It's leaving in twenty minutes, at 8 a.m. M: No, it’s delayed by half an hour, F: So we're going to be late for the 11 o'clock meeting. N: 3 Which country are they visiting? GIRL: Let's send this postcard to our friends in England! BOY: The one with the cat? That's the island of Santorini and we are still in Athens! GIRL: Yes, but it looks lovely, and we're going there tomorrow. BOY: OK, then! But I'm choosing this one to send home to the USA. N: 4 What activity are they doing this morning? M: I Iove this ship! We'll be arriving in Venice after breakfast! F: Yes, and we're going on a gondola tour this evening. M: Shall we go sightseeing or shopping first? F: Sightseeing. We'll have time for shopping tomorrow. N: 5 Which person is the tour guide? F: You have to ask our tour guide to book the tour, she's usually at the hotel reception. M: The blonde woman with glasses? F: No, that's the receptionist. Her name's Polly. Our tour guide is Jan. She's got short brown hair and wears a yellow jacket. M: Oh, then who is the smart grey-haired woman whn welcomed us? F: That's Carol, the hotel manager. 140
Unit 10 Road Trip! TRACK 10.1 N: Listening, Unit 10, Page 128, C 1. M: What time does your bus arrive? F: Well, it leaves at eight o'clock in the morning and takes half an hour, so it'll arrive at about half past eight. 2. F: What time do you need to be at the station tomorrow morning? M: Well the train leaves at five past five, so I want to be there at five o'clock. 3. M: Good afternoon, can I help you? F Yes. How long is the boat tour? M: It lasts an hour. The next tour leaves at 4 p.m. and gets back at 5 p.m. 4. F: When does your plane take off? M: At a quarter past two in the afternoon, so I need to be at the airport at half past one. 5. F: I'll meet you in this cafe at the end of the tour this evening. GIRL: OK, what time? F: I'll meet you at five past six. The tour ends at five to six, and it's a short walk. TRACK 10.2 N: Listening, Unit 10, Page 128, E N; You will hear a man asking a woman about a river cruise. Listen and complete each question. You will hear the conversation twice. F: Good morning, Sir, can I help you? M: Yes, I want two tickets for a river cruise from here, Westminster Pier. F: Do you want to go on a circular cruise or do you want to stop and get off? M: How long does the circular cruise take? F: 45 minutes, because you go round and you don't get off the boat. M: Oh no, I want the kind of cruise where lean -.t• >| > and visit the sights. F: You need a Red Rover ticket. You can stop at four different places. It costs £18 per person. You can use the ticket all day until five o'clock, that's when the last boat leaves Greenwich. M: Where can I stop? F: The boat stops at the London Eye, near Tower Bridge and at Greenwich and it passes lots of other famous sights. M: And how often do the boats leave? F: Every half hour. The next one is in five minutes, at 10 o'clock. M: Great. Can I have two tickets, one adult and one child? F: That's £18 for the adult and £9 for the child. M: OK, here's £30. F: Here's your change and your tickets. Enjoy your trip! Unit 11 It's Raining Cats & Dogs TRACK 11.1 N: Listening, Unit 11, Page 142, D 1. We expect high temperatures tomorrow which will reach 30°C in the south. 2. The rain will be light in the north, but it will be heavy in the west. 3. The afternoon will be warm with some light, cool wind on the coast. 4. Heavy snow fell yesterday; it was almost one metre deep in some places. 5. There will be thick cloud in the afternoon and we expect some rain. 6. Wear sunglasses because the sun is very bright on the mountain. TRACK 11.2 N: Listening, Unit 11, Page 142, F 141
N: You will hear a weather forecast on the radio. Listen and complete each question. You will hear the information twice. M: It's time for the weather forecast! Here is the weather forecast for today, Saturday, 3rd April. The weather has been very strange in the last few days. It is warm for the time of year, with temperatures today of 2Q°C and there will be some light rain later, in the afternoon. It is possible the rain may be quite unusual in the south because of the dust in the air. This rain, which we sometimes call 'blood rain', is not really red, but when it dries it leaves orange dust everywhere. When there are sand storms in the Sahara, the wind can bring this orange dust as far as Europe, and even to the UK, which is 2.000 miles away. So get ready to wash your car later this week! Unit 12 The World Around Us TRACK 12.1 N: Listening, Unit 12, Page 154, C 1. M: Did you go on the rope bridge? F: Yes, it was scary, not because I'm scared of heights, but because it moves around when you step on it. 2. M: The zip wire was amazing! F: Isn't it frightening? M: No, it's not dangerous because you wear safety equipment, which means a harness around your body, and a helmet, of course. 3. M: What is that strange electric vehicle with two wheels that people stand on? F: It's called a segway, S-E-G-W-A-Y, it's really good fun to ride! TRACK 12.2 N: Listening, Unit 12, Page 154, D SALLY: Shall we go on a trip this weekend? JAKE: Yes, why don't we go to that place, 'Forest Adventure', I think it's called. There are all sorts of fun activities you can do there, things like rope bridges, rope swings and zip wires. SALLY: Oh, Jake, you know I'm afraid of heights. I hate the idea of being high up in a forest! JAKE: I think it would be exciting, but you don’t have to be high up, you can do something called a 'Segway Safari'. That's a way to explore the forest on the ground. You ride a segway through the forest. We could do that together if you like. SALLY: OK, what time shall we go there? TRACK 12.3 N: Listening, Unit 12, Page 154, G N: Listen to Sally talking to her friend Jake about a day in the country. For each question, choose the right answer (A, В or C). You will hear the conversation twice. SALLY: Shall we go on a trip this weekend? JAKE: Yes, why don't we go to that place, 'Forest Adventure', I think it's called. There are all soiH of fun activities you can do there, things like rope bridges, rope swings and zip wires. SALLY; Oh, Jake, you know I'm afraid of heights. I hato the idea of being high up in a forest! JAKE: I think it would be exciting, but you don't have’ to be high up, you can do something called a 'Segway Safari'. That's a way to explore the forest on the ground. You ride a segway through the forest. We could do that together, if you like. SALLY: OK, what time shall we go there? JAKE: Well, let's see what's available, I'm looking at the website now. If we go next Tuesday, July 3rd, we can start at 10.20 or 11.40 or even 1 o'clock in the afternoon. SALLY: Let's go at 1 p.m. How long does it take? About an hour and 20 minutes? JAKE: Every 'Segway Safari1 takes an hour, it says li«re including the short talk about safety before you start. Oh, and you have to wear a helmet. They lend you a helmet, you can't wear your own helmet. 142
SALLY: That's OK. Is there any age limit? Maybe we could bring my cousin, Jo. JAKE: Hang on. Yes, you have to be over 10 years old and you have to weigh at least 45 kilos. SALLY: He's too young, then, but we're OK, we're both way over 45 kilos! There's one more thing: How much is it? JAKE: The tickets cost £40 each. What do you think? Shall I book them? SALLY: OK, if you book them, I'll give you the money later.
WORKBOOK A2 KEY Unit 1 Reading A You should write the key words next to each paragraph of a text. В 1B 2A ЗВ 4A 5B 6C 7A 8A Vocabulary A 1 four, six 2 twelve, fourteen 3 ten 4 forty-two, fifty-one 5 sixty-eight, seventy-one 6 eighty-three, ninety В Jake: third of April Heidi: seventh of August Helen: nineteenth of February Mario: twenty-fourth of January Jose: eighth of May Michele: thirty-first of July Henry: first of March Beth: twelfth of September C 1 English 2 Switzerland 3 Greek 4 Italy 5 Spanish 6 France 7 Chinese 8 Netherlands D Roberto: grandpa Helena: grandma Giorgio: father Maria: mother Stephano: brother Lisa: sister E 1 grandparents 2 wife 3 husband 4 daughter 5 son 6 grandchildren 7 married 8 family F 1 aunt 2 uncle 3 cousins 4 surname 5 twins 6 daddy 7 mummy Grammar A My name is Alexis Blezos. I live in Greece. I am 12 years old and I go to Thessaloniki High School. I have two close friends there, Yiannis and Nikos, and we play football together during the lunch break. We sometimes go to the beach at the weekend or we watch TV at my house. Yiannis has a really cool bike. He rides it to school every day. Nikos doesn't have a bike, but he is really funny, so our other schoolmates like him a lot. В 1 Do you study 2 Does Jason play 3 don't/do not drink 4 doesn't/does not have 5 never talks 6 are always C 1 What 2 Where 3 Who 4 When 5 Why 6 What time D 1 Jake is a brilliant musician. He is playing the guitar right now. 2 Francesca likes the Chinese language. She is learning the alphabet at the moment. 3 George is riding his bike to school. His Spanish lesson starts at 8.20 am. 4 Yuri i$ running for the bus to the city centre. The bus is leaving straight away. 5 I am looking for some new shoes for school. My other shoes are quite old. 6 When are we going to the theatre? The show begins at 2 pm. E 1 is shopping 2 am writing 3 are you hitting 4 is making 5 is Claire sitting 6 are chatting F 1b 2c 3c 4a 5b 6a 7c 8a Listening A You can sometimes find out who will speak and where the speakers are. В 1 Johnson 2 24 (twenty-four) 3 V/21 one and a half 4 Tuesday 5 480 (four hundred and eighty) Writing A 1d 2a 3f 4e 5b 6c В 1T 2F 3F 4F C Brighton Sports Club Title (please tick) Miss /]Mr[^7]Ms______] Mrs First name John Surname Hendricks Date of Birth 7th May, 2000 ~ Street address 118 Montpelier Road__________ City, Postcode, Country Brighton, M27 2AB, UK| Interests I like playing all sports, but I especially enjoy playing tennis, so I want to have tennis lessons. I'm also interested in basketball. Questions Where can I buy good sports clothes? 144
D C D Suggested answer: 1 shocking 1 was sending, called First name 2 beautiful 2 were singing, was shining David 3 worried 3 went, was swimming Surname 4 friendly 4 was talking, was listening Smith 5 annoyed 5 was running, fell 6 were talking, wasn't/was not Age workino 13 D Country 1 caring E UK 2 lazy 1 Did you enjoy Nationality 3 annoying 2 was playing 4 loving/lovely 3 was dancing British 5 shocking 4 was studying Email address 6 scared 5 went 6 watched Why do you want to join SocialLife? E 7 did you see I want to join SocialLife to meet 1 to 8 was laughing new people. 2 about 3 with 9 Was it showing 10 drove Interests 4 lazy I enjoy listening to music, playing 5 smart F sport, meeting with friends and 6 caring 1b 2a 3b 4c 5b 6a taking photos. I'm interested 7 about in travelling to other countries 8 about Listening because I like to see new places and meet new people. F 1e 2a 3c 4d 5f 6b A You will hear the recording twice Unit 2 Reading A No, they aren't. В 1a 2a 3b 4b 5c 6b 7c Vocabulary A 1 braces 2 shy 3 blue 4 pale 5 moustache 6 funny 7 long 8 skin 9 sad 10 clever 11 weird 12 mean В 1 wavy 2 brown 3 cheerful 4 silly 5 curly 6 short 7 skin 8 red G 1 Aboriginal 2 culture 3 professional 4 traditional Grammar A 1 worked 2 bought 3 thought 4 went 5 ate 6 drank В 1 Did you catch the bus in time? 2 Did they bring enough food? 3 Did they leave work at 5 pm? 4 Was he at the doctor's all day? C 1 used 2 take 3 see 4 get 5 use 6 Did you В 1a 2c 3c 4c 5b Writing A 1 For example 2 so 3 because 4 but 5 such as 6 and В 1 3/three 2 Pavlos 3 no C 1 so 2 that's why 3 and 4 but 5 because D Suggested answer: Hi Sarah, My new teacher has got blond* l>,»n and green eyes. She’s a пн <» loai hci because she's very helpful W* d<> fun things such as piny with English and listen to nioiion 145
Review 1 Vocabulary 1c 2a 3b 4c 5b 6a 7c 8d 9d 10a lid 12a 13d 14d 15c 16c 17d 18c 19c 20c Grammar 1c 2d 3b 4c 5b 6d 7a 8d 9c 10b 11d 12d 13d 14c 15c 16c 17d 18c 19d 20a Unit 3 Reading A No, you don't. В 1c 2a 3c 4c 5a 6E 7A 8C 9H 10B C Part 1, corfversation 4 Vocabulary A 1 confetti 2 presents 3 streamers 4 candles 5 cake 6 going 7 barbecue 8 spectacular В 1 up 2 off 3 together 4 up 5 out 6 in C 1c 2e 3a 4f 5b 6d 7h 8g D 1 company 2 sharp 3 home 4 free 5 candles 6 forward E 1 online 2 laptop 3 click 4 contacted 5 web 6 landline F 1c 2a 3a 4b 5b Grammar A He's practising the piano on Tuesday. He's doing a/his weekly blog on Wednesday. He's studying with Dana on Thursday. He's having pizza with friends on Friday. He's visiting his aunt and uncle on Saturday. He's sleeping late on Sunday! В 1 Where is the concert taking place? 2 When/What time are you leaving? 3 How many people are going? 4 Who are you meeting? C 1 at 2 unto 3 towards 4 into 5 on 6 in D 1 at the front of 2 in the middle of 3 at the bottom of 4 at the end of E 1 are 2 at 3 of 4 on 5 in 6 inside/in 7 outside/out 8 to 9 on 10 from Listening A There are three pictures for each question. В 1c 2b 3c 4b 5b Writing A 1 phone number 2 event 3 address 4 time 5 date 6 email address В 1 .email 2 email 3 notes C Blackpool Music Party! We’re meeting this Saturday, 5th of April at 2 pm and it finishes at 6 pm It's in Blackpool Park Leisure Centre. Just look for the signs. Call Jo on 5592012 for more information, or contact her at Snacks and drinks for sale D 1 Newtown 2 Friday 3 12.30 pm 4 10.30 am 5 £12 Unit 4 Reading A You should underline the key words in the questions and the text. В 1A 2B ЗВ 4B 5B 6С 7А 8С Vocabulary А 1 got 2 made 3 had 4 vacuumed 5 dusted 6 did 7 swept 8 did 9 hung В 1b 2a 3c 4c 5a 6b 7a 146
с 1 up 2 school 3 snacks 4 tired 5 home 6 homework 7 get D 1 bar 2 jar 3 can 4 tin 5 carton 6 loaf 7 bottle 8 packet E 1 spend 2 go 3 buying 4 save 5 make 6 lend 7 pay 8 borrow F 1 cashier 2 receipt 3 trolley 4 till 5 customer 6 shelf 7 shopping 8 renting Grammar A 1 am/'m going to do 2 is/'s going to wash 3 are/'re going to get 4 Are you going to clean 5 are not/aren't going to help 6 Is he going to work В 1c 2b 3b 4c 5b 6c C 1 I’m going to 2 you'll 3 It's going to 4 I'll ' 5 will 6 He'll D 1 Do you have any ^formations information about art classes? 2 Traffic is bad here because everyone drives car cars to work. 3 Mum, I need some money to buy new shoe shoes. 4 There is absolutely no foods food in any of these cupboards. 5 Her house has sixteen rooms but hardly any furnitures furniture. 6 Hank plays video game games after he finishes his homework. 7 There were six child children at the party, but only five chairs. 8 Maths and science are my two favourite subject subjects. E 1 many 2 lot 3 much 4 some 5 little 6 few 7 any Listening A Question words can help you decide what kind of information to listen for. В 1a 2b 3c 4a 5b Writing A Suggested answers: 1 (really/very) boring 2 great/fun 3 boring/great/exciting 4 boring/fun 5 great/(really) fun 6 (really/very) exciting В 1b 2a 3b C 1 excited 2 fun 3 looking 4 really 5 great D Suggested answer: Hi Barbara, I'm going swimming with my .ninl on Monday. I'm looking forward to th.itI On Tuesday, we're going to clean the house. I'm really not looking forward to it, but can you help? Love, Review 2 Vocabulary 1a 2c 3c 4d 5b 6d 7c 8c 9c 10b 11c 12a 13a 14d 15d 16c 17c 18c 19d 20b Grammar 1c 2c 3d 4c 5d 6d 7b 8d 9b 10c 11b 12b 13c 14a 15a 16c 17d 18b 19d 20d Unit5 Reading A It helps us decide if the answer is wrong. В 1c 2a 3c 4b 5a 6b 7c 8a Vocabulary A 1 villa 2 flat 3 hallway 4 cottage 5 fridge 6 bathroom В 1 tumble dryer 2 armchair 3 barbecue 4 cooker 5 wardrobe 6 lawnmower C 1 mirror 2 poster 3 blinds 4 pillow 5 rug 6 blanket 7 coffee table 8 curtains 14/
D Listening Vocabulary 1 running A A 2 nomads Negative words or sentences 1 cinema 3 season connected with an answer option 2 theatre 4 stove sometimes mean it is not the correct 3 factory 5 shelves answer. 4 pharmacy 6 conditioner 7 dish В В 8 duvet 1F 2D ЗА 4G 5E 1 out of 2 down E Writing 3 up 1 got A 4 down 2 on 1 because of 5 on 3 up 2 why 6 up 4 up 3 because 7 along 5 put 4 because 8 across 6 out 9 past В 10 out Grammar 1 F A 2 T C 1 've/have gone 3 F Students should tick the following: 2, 2 's/has cleaned 3, 5 3 've/have walked C 4 's/has chosen Hi Mum, D 5 Have you bought Just got your email about Sunday. 1 post office 6 've/have never seen We're meeting at Nile's Neil's house 2 bank 7 hasn't/has not eaten at 11 am, so I can take the eat dog 3 university 8 Haven't you/Have you not been out for a walk first. We're arriving at 4 library 1.30 12.30 and having lunch straight 5 hospital В away. Then it's a hike to Mount 6 museum 1 since Simons Simmons. I'm sorry, but I 2 for won't be home for dinner. That's E 3 since why because I'm not getting back 1 off 4 for until 9. Could Dad get the potatoes? 2 cross Ryan 3 left C 4 get to 1 ever D 5 right 2 already 1 Skippy 6 Follow 3 yet 2 Aunt Leila 4 never 3 Debbie's Grammar 5 still 4 1.30 A 6 just 5 Scottish castles 1a 2c 3a 4c 5b 6c D Unit 6 В 1 neighbour's 1 This 2 James' Reading 2 that 3 children's 3 those 4 ladies' A 4 these 5 bird's No, they don't. 5 that 6 Linda's В 6 those E 1D 2G ЗА 4E 5C C 1 Their C the no article z Mine 3 ours Signs А, В, С, E, F, G and H Amazon Egypt 4 her earth London Himalayas lunch F moon Mali 1c 2c 3a 4c 5b 6c 7b 8a Nile Paris Pacific spaghetti 148
D 1 the a 2 a the 3 ae a 4 a an 5 the Europe Europe 6 an the 7 a an 8 the Texas Texas E 1 an 2 the 3 a 4 the 5 an/the 6 a 7 the 8 a 9 The 10 the 11 a 12 - D Suggested answer: Dear Victor, It is easy to get to the stadium from the city centre. Drive down Oak Street, and turn left at Duke Street. Go straight on, and the car park for the stadium is on your right. You cannot bring food into the stadium, but there are places you can buy snacks. Kind regards, Gerry Taylor Bolton Stadium Review 3 Listening A No, you should write phone numbers using numbers. Vocabulary 1d 2a 3c 4b 5d 6a 7a 8c 9c 10d 11c 12a 13d 14b 15c 16d 17a 18b 19d 20c Grammar 1b 2c 3c 4d 5b 6d 7d 8d 9d 10c 11a 12c 13d 14a 15c 16b 17c 18d 19c 20c В 1 11/11.00 2 0446728731 3 126 4 35/thirty-five 5 6th/sixth Unit 7 Reading A Pronouns can sometimes replace nouns in the answer options. Writing A 2, 4, 1, 3 В 1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6C 7H 8A 9E 10F В 1 no 2 3/three 3 formal C 1 Dear 2 Take 3 get 4 Then 5 After 6 regards C 1, 3 and 4 Vocabulary A Outside Inside brushes camera camping guitar photography sleeping bag tent brushes camera controller gaming guitar photography video game В 1 tent 2 video game 3 photography 4 guitar 5 brush 6 paint C 1 in 2 on 3 about 4 for 5 into 6 had D 1 active 2 exciting 3 creative 4 relaxing 5 boring 6 unusual E 1 chess 2 sailing 3 yoga 4 athletics 5 table tennis 6 hiking F 1b 2a 3b 4a 5c 6a 7c 8c Grammar A 1 When Stan finishes his homework early, he plays video games. 2 If I don't have (any) money, I stay at home. 3 When it snows, we don't go outside. 4 I always lose when I play chess with Dan. 5 Kyle wakes up late if his alarm doesn't go off. 6 You win free tickets if you guess the right answer. 7 When the bus is late, I walk to school. 8 Water freezes if the temperature is 0°C. 149
в C D 1 'll/will help Are you bored just watching TV? 1 won 2 comes Then why don't you come to 2 scored 3 'll/will buy Memford's juggling competition? 3 take part 4 don't/do not get The competition begins at 3 pm on 4 serve 5 ask Sunday at the usual place - Wilkins 5 coaches 6 won't/will not swim Park 6 race 7 'll/will cook Admission: £10 7 beat 8 doesn't/does not do Pizzas are on sale for £2.50 and 8 lose drinks are £1.50. C Join us - you won't regret it! E 1 Painting 1 giving 2 sailing D 2 drop 3 to join 1 Johnstown Hall 3 keep 4 to meet 2 3 pm / 3 o'clock / three o'clock 4 on 5 reading 3 10 pm / 10 o'clock / ten o'clock 5 pass 6 to hear 4 drink 6 up 7 starting 5 songs 7 work 8 to worry 8 stay/be D 1 If 2 to 3 better* 4 getting 5 did 6 to 7 not 8 would 9 for 10 at Listening A The speaker probably disagrees with the other speaker's opinion. В 1E 2A ЗВ 4D 5G Writing A 1 to see 2 calling 3 bring 4 going В 1 F 2 F 3 F Unit 8 Reading A Synonyms are words with similar meanings. В 1B 2H ЗА 4G 5C C Notices С, E and F Vocabulary A 1 pitch 2 court 3 bat 4 goal 5 ball 6 racket В 1 referee 2 opponent 3 diver 4 fan 5 manager 6 cyclist 7 goalkeeper 8 sailor C do go athletics gymnastics cycling diving sailing swimming Grammar A 1 can't 2 Shall 3 shall 4 May 5 could 6 should 7 can 8 can't В 1 They should practise cricket daily. 2 I shall win the competition on Saturday. 3 Mikey could swim when he wa, four. 4 Should I join the volleyball team? 5 You can't go in the pool tod.iy 6 Can/May/Shall I carry the rackai for you? C 1 must 2 don't have 3 have 4 mustn't 5 needn't 6 must 7 have D 1 must 2 needn't 3 don't have to 4 have to 5 mustn't 6 mustn't 7 must 8 don't have to 150
Listening A You should use seventh. В 1 sixteenth/16th 2 forty/40 3 thirteen/13 4 thirty-five/35 5 00448732 Writing A 1 Tom was playing football when he got hurt. 2 Yesterday I went swimming and (I) ran in a race. 3 I was looking forward to meeting the cricket legend. 4 We were winning, but then the other team scored. В 1 doesn't write 2 an event 3 have to C 1 Great 2 well 3 hard 4 upset 5 badly 6 disaster D Suggested answer: My first day at volleyball practice was great! We played for about an hour and a half. I was running to hit the ball when I fell over. I got sand all over my face. It was quite funny! Review 4 Vocabulary 1c 2a 3d 4d 5d 6a 7c 8b 9c 10c 11c 12d 13c 14d 15a 16c 17a 18c 19d 20d Grammar 1c 2d 3d 4d 5b 6c 7a 8b 9a 10d 11c 12a 13c 14d 15c 16c 17d 18a 19b 20c Unit 9 Reading A You should choose 'Doesn't say' if you can't find the answer in the text. В 1A 2B ЗВ 4C 5B 6A 7C 8B Vocabulary A 1 Asia 2 Europe 3 South America 4 Africa 5 North America 6 Oceania В 1 campsite 2 youth hostel 3 bed, breakfast 4 villa C 1 resorts 2 agents 3 tourist 4 parks 5 weekend 6 guide D 1 take 2 see 3 pack 4 taking 5 wandered 6 stay E 1 surfing 2 amusement park 3 sunglasses 4 passport F 1 tourist 2 hotel 3 postcard 4 guided tour 5 city break Grammar A 1 that 2 who 3 which 4 that 5 - 6 who В 1 who/that 2 which/that 3 whom/that/who 4 who/that 5 who/that 6 whom/that/who 7 that/which 8 that/which C 1c 2a 3a 4b 5c 6a 7c 8b D 1 loudly 2 angry 3 politely 4 fast 5 bad 6 warmly Listening A There will be two speakers in each conversation. В 1a 2b 3c 4c 5a Writing A Suggested answers: 1 I've been in Spain for a week now, and it's a great place. I'm happy to be here. 2 Our guided tour yesterday was quite fun. We went on the excursion to Machu Picchu, which is an amazing place! 3 I'm quite disappointed in Venice. The weather has been very rainy here, which is a shame. В 1 You should write an-email a social media post. 2 You will write about what you did yesterday you're going to do tomorrow 3 Philip is isn't in Bangkok
с Bangkok is an interesting place It is in sSoutheast aAsia. ive I've never visited this region beforex so this is an amazing experience. wWe are visiting some ancient sites tomorrow. Who wants to see a video of itv? I'll post one as soon as I get back. D Suggested answer: I got to my hotel a few minutes ago, and I'm in my room now. My flight was fine, but I'm glad it's over. The weather here is sunny and warm, which is great! Unit 10 Reading A The word exit has a similar meaning to go out. В 1F 2G ЗА 4C 5E C Signs C, D and F Vocabulary A 1 timetable 2 petrol 3 taxi 4 captain 5 motorway 6 port В 1 road 2 pilot 3 helicopter 4 reed boat C 1 fare 2 adult's 3 destination 4 return D 1 journey 2 bus stop 3 ferry 4 miss 5 lose 6 caught E la 2c 3c 4b F 1c 2f 3a 4g 5b 6d 7e G 1 call 2 catch 3 ride 4 fly 5 sail 6 drive 7 waterproof 8 hand Grammar A 1 is driven 2 are flown 3 are bought 4 aren't/are not served 5 is usually delayed 6 isn't/is not used В 1 This wall is visited by thousands of people. 2 The ticket office is closed for the moment. 3 The pilots are never scared by storms. 4 Your passport is checked at passport control. 5 Timetables are usually put in the information centre. 6 Mobile phones are not left on during flights. C 1 were hidden 2 was built 3 were sent 4 was stolen 5 were written 6 was, filmed D 1 Where was this photo taken? 2 Who was this email sent by? 3 When were these flowers bought? 4 How was this chair made? 5 When was this cake cooked? 6 Who were you given this necklace by? E 1c 2b 3c 4b 5c 6a Listening A You should put a line through the answer that you don't want. В 1 (about) 8/eight 2 7/7.00 3 restaurant 4 620 5 23 Writing A • 1 asking for advice 2 asking for permission 3 making an invitation 4 making an offer В 1 F 2 T 3 T c 1 would 2 can’t 3 Shall 4 can 5 should D Suggested answer: Hi Melissa, Thanks for inviting me to your party I'd love to come! Yes, of course I < .ш bring some snacks and drinks. I can help you decorate your living room too. See you Saturday! Review 5 Vocabulary 1c 2a 3d 4c 5d 6d 7c 8a 9d 10c 11 d 12d 13d 14b 15c 16b 17a 18c 19c 20b Grammar 1c 2c 3d 4a 5b 6c 7b 8c 9c 10c 11b 12c 13d 14a 15b 16<l 17a 18d 19b 20b
Unit 11 Reading A You should look for a place. В 1c 2b 3a 4b 5a 6E 7B 8C 9G 10H C Conversation 5 Vocabulary A 1 rainy/wet 2 foggy 3 snow 4 cloudy 5 sunny 6 windy В 1c 2b 3d 4a C 1 skiing 2 drought 3 thunder 4 flood 5 bush fire A lightning D 1 like 2 freezing 3 How's 4 warm 5 cloudy 6 ice 7 boiling 8 cool E 1 in 2 is 3 no 4 of 5 any 6 for 7 the 8 Why 9 between 10 like Grammar A 1 harder 2 stronger 3 better 4 fast as 5 so/as cold 6 more slowly В 1 not so warm 2 colder 3 foggier 4 sunnier 5 more quickly 6 more heavily C 1 rainiest 2 best 3 heaviest 4 most difficult 5 most strongly 6 most brightly D 1 colder 2 longest 3 most 4 brightly 5 beautiful 6 sunniest E 1 the 2 windier 3 than 4 as 5 an 6 more 7 most 8 the 9 not 10 as Listening A You might hear the word degrees. В 1 northeast 2 28 3 long 4 2,600 5 wettest Writing A 1 am writing 2 went 3 are going to 4 have eaten 5 saw 6 Say В 1 are 2 are 3 aren't C 1 'm/am sitting 2 have had 3 walk 4 travelled 5 are going to visit/are visiting D Suggested answer: Hi Paul, How are you? Greetings from China! I'm writing to you from my new bedroom, which is quite nice. I've got to know my host family this week. Next week, I'm doing some sightseeing around the town with the other exchange students. Hope you are welll Love, Unit 12 Reading A No, you don't. В 1b 2a 3c 4b 5b Vocabulary A 1 ocean 2 river 3 rainforests 4 mountain 5 desert 6 lake В 1c 2a 3c 4c 5b 6b 153
с 1 on 2 in 3 out 4 at 5 in 6 to 7 down 8 with D 1 bees 2 snails 3 ants 4 butterfly 5 fly 6 leaves 7 spider 8 branches E 1 dog 2 snake 3 goldfish 4 canary 5 cat 6 hamster F 1b 2a 3c 4b 5c 6c 7b 8c 9b 10a Grammar A 1 wooden 2 garden 3 sports 4 small 5 comfortable 6 metal 7 Italian 8 silk В 1 The city is creating a small Japanese tea garden in our park. 2 We went to a big crowded rock concert the other night. 3 She bought a used metal bed frame for her bedroom. 4 They're selling tasty little English muffins at the street market. 5 He lives in a massive grey stone house. 6 The museum has got beautiful ancient Greek vases. 7 The volunteers are planning to clean the dirty large metal sculpture in front of the cinema. 8 Can you pass me that round white plastic plate over there? C 1 tiring, tired 2 bored, boring 3 amazed, amazing 4 interesting, interested 5 frightening, frightened 6 exciting, excited D 1 frightening 2 interested 3 tiring 4 exciting 5 amaze 6 bored Listening A You should check your answers the second time you hear the recording. В 1a 2a 3b 4a 5c Writing A 1 caused 2 suggest 3 purpose 4 would 5 based В 1 student 2 a report 3 Richard C ’ 1 Introduction 2 Background 3 Findings 4 Conclusion D 1 wildlife 2 drink 3 pond 4 branches 5 summer Review 6 Vocabulary 1a 2d 3d 4d 5c 6b 7b 8c 9a 10c 11a 12c 13c 14d 15a 16c 17c 18d 19d 20b Grammar 1d 2d 3c 4b 5d 6a 7d 8c 9d 10c 11c 12a 13b 14c 15c 16d 17b 18d 19a 20b 154

Close-up A2 Student's Book Audio - Track List CD1 Track SB Track Reference Page 1 l*« 1 Co| >yrighl 2 1.1 12 A 3 1.2 12 1 4 1.3 12 l> 5 1.4 12 I 6 1.5 12 1 7 2.1 24 H/< 8 2.2 24 1 9 2.3 24 1 10 3.1 38 1> 11 3.2 38 1 12 3.3 38 G 13 4.1 50 D 14 4.2 50 1 15 4.3 50 ( ! 16 5.1 64 В 17 5.2 64 I) 18 5.3 64 F 19 6.1 76 1 20 6.2 76 E 21 6.3 76 F CD2 Track SB Track Reference Page Exercise 1 Copyright 2 7.1 90 C/D 3 7.2 90 f 4 7.3 90 it 5 8.1 102 1’. 6 8.2 102 ( 7 8.3 102 F 8 8.4 102 G 9 9.1 116 ( 10 9.2 116 1 11 9.3 116 1 12 10.1 128 ( 13 10.2 128 1 14 10.3 128 1 15 11.1 142 1» 16 11.2 142 1 17 11.3 142 I 1 18 12.1 154 19 12.2 154 20 12.3 154 < < 21 1Z4 151 11