                    Network Rail
Acceptance Services
Network Roil
Floor 3, 40 Melton Street
London NW1 2EE
Certificate of Acceptance
Certificate No:	PA05/03303
Effective date:	12 Aug 2009
Issue: 1
Date 12 Aug 2009
Page 1 of 6
Product:	Gotcha Wheel Impact Measurement System (mobile)
Manufacturer	BAAS R4D BV, Kouwe, Hoek 8 2741 PX Waddinxveen, The Netherlands
UK Supplier:	Lloyds Register Rail Europe B.V. Catharijnesingel 33, 3511 GC Utrecht. Postbus 201Й, 3500 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Project:	ROMS Network Rail. 1 Eversholt Street, Euston, London NW1 2DN		
П>» product above I* accepted for ««• on railway infrastructure tor which Network Rail la the Duty Holder (at par
th» ROOS regulations) within the defined Scope of Acceptance and any specific conditions In tha certificate
Where tha product fa to be used as part of Intrastruc tun tor which NR la not tha duty holder (eg. Leased station),
this certificate may b« taken as evidence that the product la compatible with NR Infrastructure (within Uta Scope
ol Acceptance), however » shall not absolve the sponsor from complying with any product acceptance
requirements of that duty holder before committing that product to use.
Failure to abide by the certlltcan requtremerrta may lead to acceptance by Network Rail bottoming Invalid.
Scope of Acceptance: The equipment is accepted for use as a motnle remote condition
monitoring system for the measurement and reporting of wheel impact loads and associated
Specific Conditions:
•	Suitability of locations for Gotcha shall be assessed against "Gotcha site assessment
requirements. Lloyds Register Europe, 03-299708'
•	This certificate is for the Gotcha system 'Gotcha UK1” (see Gotcha UK1 system listing)
Future changes will be only mpiemented in accordance with Network Rail’s and Lloyds
Register Rail's change control procedures (Gotcha UK1 system devices, Lloyds Register
Rail, TL/IV/Golcha/03-348381)
•	After a short penod of test-operation, each systems performance will be reviewed to
confirm that the system performs correctly Subsequently, the system will be formally
handed over into live operation
•	The Hazard Log is a five document, and will continue to be reviewed and developed
throughout the life of the Gotcha system on the Network Rail network. (Gotcha Hazard
Log, Uoyds Register Rail Europe. 03-311277 (version 9)
•	Clamping of sensors to the track shall be performed with local S&T personnel to reduce
the risk of track circuit failures or failure of existing signalling equipment.
Refer to the pages which follow for the product configuration and detailed conditions of use
James Allenden
Head of Plant
Authorised by:
IMe4wr> к Я al IrrfiavtrucJut e Lid Registered C«*ce Khjs P3»ce «0 Vori AN у leniten Nt BAG ReqiHenKf te Гr0.»-sl trui lAUles No 2904547 wvn* wtocrtrM ui ua

Network Rail Certificate of Acceptance Certificate No: РА05ЮЗЗОЗ Issue 1 Effective date 12 Aug 2009 Date 12 Aug 2009 Page 2 of 6 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS MANUFACTURER • Ensure that the latest relevant standards/ drawings are available and worked to. and that the product is compliant. • Notify Network Rail Acceptance Services: о Within 48 hours, of any deficiencies affecting the product quality, functionality and safety integrity of the product (including corrective action undertaken or proposed). о Of any intended change to the accepted product. Changes include a) a change to the product configuration (to the actual product or its application), b) a variation to or addition of manufacturing fixations or processes; and c) a change in the name or ownership of the manufacturing company • Provide all documentaton m the English (UK) language • Provide operating and maintenance manuals In ptirchasers/users of the product • Provide train ng manuals and an appropriate level of training to purchasers/users of the product. USER CLAUSES • The Gotcha installation andr " .та manuals shall bo foHowods£‘!'“<i' 'nd rnairiteriaricw of the svsfuir^. • All worn to be earned out in accordance wth Network Hails Safety Management System • All work earned out on or near the line shaH be carried out in compliance with the rule book andWARA 2-12 • Users of the product are responsible for ensuring compliance with the certificate conditions If a condition is not understood guidance must be sought from Network Rail Acceptance Services • Users are responsible for ensuring that the product is fit for purpose and that the application of use complies with the scope of acceptance Any product defect should be taken up immediately with the supplier If the defect is a design or manufacturing fault likely to affect performance and/or the safe operation of the railway this shall be reported in wnting to Network Rail Acceptance Services. • Anyone becoming aware of a change to the product configuration (to the actual product or its application) should inform Network Rail Acceptance Services in writing. • All staff required to install and use the equipment shall be suitably trained and. where appropriate, qualified as competent to use it. • Products shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations • Products shall be repaired / serviced by the manufacturer, Network Rail or its nominated agent only Issued by HQ Acceptance Services, engineering Directorate. Network Rail. 40 Mellon Street. London NWi 2EE
Network Rai! Certificate of Acceptance Certificate No PA05/03303 Effective date 12 Aug 2009 Issue 1 Date: 12 Aug 2009 Page 3 of 6 NETWORK RAIL ACTIONS SUPPLY CHAIN ARRANGEMENTS • If a product is accepted for use, Network Rail (or its formally appointed agents) may wish to purchase the product rkrect from the manufacturer or alternatively contract an installer or other contractor who will purchase the product from the manufacturer • Network Rail s approach to sourcing products following acceptance will vary across different product categories However it is not necessary (and it is not a requirement of Network Rail) for a manufacturer to enter into an exclusive supply anangement with a reseller or other supplier in order to supply your products/equipment to Network Rail Network Rail INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT (NR II) or INSTALLER Responsibility shall not be transferred to the Maintainer unless the project has been completed or contingency plans agreed for outstanding work • NR II or the nstaller shall ensure that the maintainer has received training to a suitable and acceptable level prior to commissioning and handover to maintenance of new installations Network Rail INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE (NR IM) • Before accepting maintenance responsibility the Maintainer shall be assured in writing by NR II or the Installer that the project has bean completed or shall agree contingency plans for outstanding work • Maintenance must be carried out in accordance wrth Network Rail Company Specifications and the manufacturer's recommendations • Training to be undertaken for all maintainers to a suitable and acceptable level. Training and competence of the maintainer Shan be confirmed prior to handover to maintenance PRODUCT CONFIGURATION о уsm or uompieie Part No. Mssem u ly Description PADS No. Gotcha Wheel Impact Measurement System imobile) (comprising of the items below) 086.0114650 Hardware Code Version Manufacturer Name Description PADS No. ' 070808 2007-1 Hapert T ratler GMT Gotcha Mobile Trailer 086/044651 070456 7173720 49941 Vetus FAN 12 Trailer ventfation unit 086/044652 070409 EV3600 Honda EV3610 Generator 086/044653 070410 .Baas Honda RC/sp Generator start panel 086/044654 070411 Dakar Mastervolt DGC Automatic generator control 086/044655 070412 6100030 Boos PMC Power management console 086/044656 Issued by HQ Acceptance Services, Engineering Directorate, Network Rail. 40 Melton Street. London NW1 2EE
Network Raif Certificate of Acceptance Certificate No: Effective date РА05Ю3303 12 Aug 2009 Issue 1 Date 1? Aug ЖЮ Page 4 of 6 Code Version Manufacturer Name Description PADS No. E002b 070413 3601200 5 Mastervolt 12/2000 Chargerfl n verter 086/044657 070414 6400200 0 Mastervolt MVG 2/2020 Batteries ЛЯ6/П4465Я 070415 6200055 0 Mastervolt 55 Ah Start Battery 006/044659 070416 7900900 5 Mastervolt 25QA Battery switches 086/044660 070420 6100030 мои Liquid Storage 140 L Fuel tank 086/044661 070430 6100030 E010 Baas Haspei 220 BS Mains cable 08>3/044662 050417 6100030 •10 Baas PDR Power Detnbution Rack 086/044605 050427 6100030 -10 Baas LPU Local Processing Unit 086/044633 050440 7857 430 Rittal UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply 086/044629 050455 LDS21 Cl- ip Baas KNM Keyboard. Video and Mouse Console Drawer 066/044663 । 050406 1 0 Baas CIR Connection interlace rack 0X6/IM46I5 050410 1.0 Baas RSI Rack Status Indication module 0861'044616 I 050420 10 Baas ROM Receiver Optical Module 086/044617 050420-1 1.0 Baas ROM 1 Receiver Optical Module 1-4 OX6/(MI6I8 050420-2 1.0 Baas ROM 2 Receiver Optical Module 5-8 0X6/044619 050421 10 Baas Transmitter Optical Module 0X6/044621 050421-1 1.0 Baas TOM 1 Transmitter Optical Module 1-4 0X6/044622 050421-2 1.0 Baas TOM 2 Transmitter Optical Module 5-8 0X6/044623 050430 1M1301- 7R Power One IM1301 Power Supply 12VDC 0X6/044626 050431 LM1601 7R Power One LM1601 Power Supply 24 VDC 0X6/044627 080495 6100030 -0.1 Haas RMC Remote communications controller 050484 MC35. Siemens GPRS GSM/GPRS modem 0X6/044643 050487 60244 Netgear HUB 4 Port Network HUB 10 Mb/s 0X6/044641 050476 2818973 Phoenix Contact □LAN Data Trab 0X6/044642 050429 _0 Hrschmann ANT GSM antenna 086/044665 Isiued by HQ Acceptance Services. Engineering Directorate. Network Rail. <0 Mellon Street. London NW1 2EE
Network Rail Certificate of Acceptance Certificate No: PA05/03303 Issue 1 Date: 12 Aug 2009 Page 5 of 6 Effective date: 12 Aug 2009 Code Version Manufacturer Name Description PADS No. 070403 6100030 1010 Baas FOCC-M30 Fibre optic connection cable 086/044666 070401 6100030 1011 Baas FOC-MUK Fibre optic connection box Gotcha mobile 086/044667 osoeoi 10 Baas G2OV Gotcha G2QV Rai Sensor OSMM4A2N 080531 LR6-HD TagMaster LR6 Tegreader LR6-HD OS6/O44638 070404 6100030 1012 Baas IKH I agreader cable 086/044668 070535 6100030 MO12 Baas PAALMUK Pole for tagreader 086/044669 Software Part No. Description Version No Gotcha Release (Overall): 1 2.4 5 DAQ server 1 3 0 0 COM server 1 3 0 0 RUN server 1300 Analysis Software 02 43 ASSESSED DOCUMENTATION Reference Title Date and Applies to Cert issue No. TUIVGOTCHAW3- 315354 Gotcha Mobile Gotcha Mobile Safety Acceptance Strategy 15 May 09 1 Engineering Recommendation from Amanda Hall re the Gotcha systems 1 PA05/03303 GM/RT1310 Schedule - GOTCHA Mobile Wheel Impact Detection System З"* Oct 2007 1 ITLR-T21154-001 Noise Assessment of Gotcha mobile measurement system 15 Oct 2007 1 07/17 ISRP minutes 23 Aug 2007 1 W123-166 EP- R EP-005001 Report - Gotcha wheel impact load detector system -Trial Report 11 Aug 2008 1 CERTIFICATE HISTORY This certificate is the first issue and supersedes and previous trial certificates. Issue Number Date Issue History J 12 Aug 2009 First accepted for use. Issued by HQ Acceptance Seivtces, Engineering Oiiecturate, Network Rail. 40 Meltun Street. London NW1 ZEE
Network Rail Certificate of Acceptance Certificate No РА05ЛЭЗЗОЗ Issue: 1 Date: 12 Aug 2000 Effective date 12 Aug 2009 Page S of 6 DISTRIBUTION Manufacturer Project Manager North Jeremy Jackson Project Englneenng Mana ter |Asset| Network Rail Infrastructure Investment »rems.iacMonMnefrtorkrai co yft Jonathan Salisbury JonatnanSg ^gv-yffiNetWOrkr»'W.u.k Sponsor David Ruihorfon»@oo wortraa couk South Simon Pears Protect Englneenng Manager (Assotl Network Rail Infrastructure Investment PCif;q tA uk Supplier Lloyds Register Rail Dav a B'ShoQ^Irral com Orry King Protect Engineering Manager |Assei| Network Rai Infrastructure Investment Omr kmognetwonrail souk For PADS records Fath Ajriahun Acceptance Co-ordinator Network Rail Floor 3 40 Meitor Street London NW 2EE Fa «t.RjMebWieiwtwvtN an.vg uk DHL Ltd. Blackpose Tradmg Estate BUckpote Worcester VUR3SSG inventosvfWItl com Mark Coley Sere» Raddata Ltd Derwent House Rte Business Park London Road, Derby DE24 SUP HarK.Coey Stereo, com Nigel Draper Document Services technician Serai Assurance - Railoata Lid ndraper fit sereo com For Infonnation/briefing Niqel BeecroR (Programme Manager (Telecoms)) Network Has i 'jci teecreWr'CtwrtiaS co vk Pa J Mobtri Telacoms Maintenance Standards Ensyneer Network Rad MW mgtXlvSIoefrrorkml co gk Andrew Ridley (CMS Planning & Configuralion Manager) Competence and Г raining) Network Rad Amdmvjiaiovffinetwpnrraii с» uh Ian Barber Geometry & Track Components Engineer. Glasgow ign MiterffneMcrkrod co uk Chris Major PnncpW Signal Equipment Enpneer Network Rad chr s maie rgnetwcrkrail cp.pk Paul holtz@lrrail.com llse.vermeij@lrFail.com Amanda. hall@networkrail.co uk Helen coxon@networkrail co uk Issued By HQ Acceptance Services, Engineenng Directorate. Network Kail 40 Melton Street London NW1 2FE