Author: Kulikov V.  

Tags: mathematics  

ISBN: 0-521-62060-0

Year: 1998

                    Valentine S. Kulikov
Moscow State University of Printing
Mixed Hodge Structures and Singularities

Contents Introduction page xi I The Gauss-Manin connection 1 1 Milnor fibration, Picard-Lefschetz monodromy transforma- transformation, topological Gauss-Manin connection 1 1.1 Milnor fibration 1 1.2 Cohomological Milnor fibration 1 1.3 Topological Gauss-Manin connection 2 1.4 Picard-Lefschetz monodromy transformation 2 2 Connections, locally constant sheaves and systems of linear differential equations 3 2.1 Connection as a covariant differentiation 3 2.2 Equivalent definition: a covariant derivative along a vector field 4 2.3 Local calculation of connections. Relation to differen- differential equations 5 2.4 The integrable connections. The De Rham complex 6 2.5 Local systems and integrable connections 7 2.6 Dual local systems and connections 8 3 De Rham cohomology 10 3.1 The Poincare lemma 10 3.2 Relative De Rham cohomology 11 3.3 De Rham cohomology for smooth Stein morphisms 11 3.4 Coherence theorem 12 3.5 On the absence of torsion in the De Rham cohomology sheaves 12 3.6 Relation between i?f(/*Q/) and f*J&P(Qy) 13 ^ 4 Gauss-Manin connection on relative De Rham cohomology 14
VI Contents Contents vn 4.1 Identification of sheaves of sections of cohomological fibration and of relative De Rham cohomology 15 4.2 Calculation of the connection on a relative De Rham cohomology sheaf 16 4.3 The division lemma. The connections on the sheaves .%?PiR(X/S)forp^n-l 17 4.4 The sheaf 'JT = /*aj/5/d(/*Q^) 19 4.5 Meromorphic connections 20 4.6 The Gauss-Manin connection as a connecting homomorphism 21 Brieskorn lattices 23 5.1 Brieskorn lattice ".Зё 24 5.2 Calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection V on 'Ж 25 5.3 Increasing filtration on .M@) 25 5.4 A practical method of calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection 27 5.5 Calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection of quasi- homogeneous isolated singularities 28 Absence of torsion in sheaves Зв(~Ъ of isolated singularities 30 6.1 The presence of a connection implies the absence of torsion 30 6.2 A theorem of Malgrange 31 6.3 Connection on a pair (E, F) 32 6.4 Sheaves J&(~p> are locally free 1'* 32 Singular points of systems of linear differential equations 33 7.1 Differential equations of Fuchsian type 33 7.2 Systems of linear differential equations and connections 34 7.3 Decomposition of a fundamental matrix Y{f) 35 7.4 Regular singular points 36 7.5 Simple singular points 36 7.6 Simple singular points are regular 37 7.7 Connections with regular singularities 39 7.8 Residue and limit monodromy 41 Regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection 42 8.1 The period matrix and the Picard-Fuchs equation 42 8.2 The regularity theorem follows from Malgrange's theorem 44 8.3 The regularity theorem and connections with logarithmic poles 44 The monodromy theorem 46 9.1 Two parts of the monodromy theorem 46 9.2 Eigenvalues of monodromy 47 9.3 The size of Jordan blocks 49 9.4 Consequences of the monodromy theorem. Decomposition of integrals into series 49 10 Gauss-Manin connection of a non-isolated hypersurface singularity 51 10.1 De Rham cohomology sheaves 51 10.2 Coherence 52 10.3 Relation between 3ffP(f*Qy) and /*J?f(Q/) 53 10.4 A general method of extension of a singular connection over the whole disk 53 10.5 The sheaves 3@?„ and the Gauss-Manin connection д,:Зё[_2)^.Жх) 54 10.6 The sheaves -M^-, and the Gauss-Manin connection dt:M[_x)^M(^ , 56 10.7 A generalization of diagram E.3.4) " 57 П Limit mixed Hodge structure on the vanishing cohomology of an isolated hypersurface singularity 60 1 Mixed Hodge structures. Definitions. Deligue's theorem 60 1.1 Pure Hodge structure 60 1.2 Polarised HSs 61 1.3 Mixed Hodge structure 61 1.4 Deligne's theorem 62 2 The limit MHS according to Schmid 62 2.1 Variation of HS: geometric case 62 2.2 Variation of HS: definition 63 2.3 Classifying spaces and period mappings 63 2.4 The canonical Milnor fibre 64 2.5 The Schmid limit Hodge filtration F's 67 2.6 An interpretation of F's in terms of the canonical extension of Зё 69 2.7 The weight filtration of a nilpotent operator 70 2.8 Schmid's theorem 73 3 The limit MHS according to Steenbrink 73 3.1 The limit MHS for projective families: the case of unipotent monodromy 74 3.2 The limit MHS for projective families: the general case 75 3.3 Brieskorn construction 77 3.4 MHS on a vanishing cohomology 78 3.5 The weight filtration on Hn(Xoo). Symmetry of Hodge numbers 79
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.2 5.3 5.4 viii Contents 4 Hodge theory of a smooth hypersurface according to Griffiths-Deligne 82 4.1 The Gysin exact sequence . 82 Hodge theory for a complement U = X\Y. Hodge filtration and pole order filtration 83 De Rham complex of the sheaf B[y]x and the cohomology of a hypersurface Y 85 The case of a smooth hypersurface Yin a projective space X=Pn+l ¦ 86 Generalization to the case of a hypersurface with singularities 87 The Gauss-Manin system of an isolated singularity 88 5.1 Hodge theory of a smooth hypersurface in the relative case 89 The Gauss-Manin differential system 90 Interpretation of the complex DRz/s (#[r]z) in terms of the morphism /: X —> S 91 Connection between the differential system .3$ x and the Brieskorn lattice Ж{Щ 94 Decomposition of a meromorphic connecf ion into a direct sum of the root subspaces of the operator tdt. The F- filtration and the canonical lattice 95 6.1 'Block'decomposition 95 6.2 Decomposition of a meromorphic connection .Ж into a direct sum of the root subspaces 96 6.3 The order function a and the V--filtration - 98 6.4 Identification of the zero fibre of the canonical extension SS and the canonical fibre of the fibration H 99 6.5 The decomposition of sections со е Ж into a sum of elementary sections 100 6.6 Transfer of automorphisms from the Milnor lattice H to the meromorphic connection УМ 101 The limit Hodge filtration according to Varchenko and to Scherk- Steenbrink 103 7.1 Motivation of Scherk- Steenbrink's construction of the Hodge filtration ' , 103 7.2 The definition of the limit Hodge filtration FSs according to Scherk-Steenbrink 106 7.3 The Scherk-Steenbrink theorem 108 7.4 Varchenko's theorem about the operator of multiplication by / in Q/ 110 7.5 The definition of the limit Hodge filtration F~ on Hn(XO0) according to Varchenko 111 Contents ix 7.6 Comparison of the filiations Fss and FVa 111 7.7 Supplement on the connection between the Gauss- Manin differential system JKx and its meromorphic connection.^ 112 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 115 8.1 The definition of the spectrum of an isolated singularity 115 8.2 The spectral pairs Sppif) 117 8.3 Properties of the spectrum 118 8.4 The spectra of a quasihomogeneous and a semi- quasihomogeneous singularity 119 8.5 Calculation of the spectrum of an isolated singularity in terms of a Newton diagram 122 8.6 Calculation of the geometric genus of a hypersurface singularity in terms of the spectrum 127 8.7 Spectrum of the join of isolated singularities 127 8.8 Spectra of simple, uni- and bimodal singularities 129 8.9 Semicontinuity of the spectrum. Stability of spectrum ' for ц-const deformations 130 8.10 Spectrum of a non-isolated singularity 132 8.11 Relation between the spectrum of a singularity with a one-dimensional critical set and spectra of isolated singularities of its Iomdin series 134 Ш The period map of a //-const deformation of an isolated hypersurface singularity associated with Brieskorn lattices and MHSs 139 1 Gluing of Milnor fibrations and meromorphic connections of a /f-const deformation of a singularity 139 1.1 Milnor fibrations 140 1.2 Cohomological fibration 141 1.3 Canonical extension of the sheaf 3$ and the meromorphic connection 142 2 Differentiation of geometric sections and their root components wrt a parameter 144 2.1 Geometric sections and their root components 144 2.2 Formulae for derivatives of geometric sections and their root components wrt a parameter 146 2.3 Decomposition of the root components of geometric sections into Taylor series for upper diagonal deforma- M tions of quasihomogeneous singularities 148 2.4 The sheaves Gri^@) 150
Contents The period map 3.1 Identification of meromorphic connections in a /г-const family of singularities The period map defined by the embedding of Brieskorn lattices Example: the period map for En singularities The period map for hyperbolic singularities Трл<г The period map for simply-elliptic singularities The period map defined by MHS on the vanishing cohomology The infinitesimal Torelli theorem 4.1 The V- -filtration on Jacobian algebra. The necessary condition for /г-const deformation Calculation of the tangent map of the period map. The horizontality of the MHS-period map The infinitesimal Torelli theorem The period map in the case of quasihomogeneous singularities The Picard-Fuchs singularity and Hertling's invariants 5.1 The Picard-Fuchs singularity PFS(f) according to Varchenko The Hertling invariant Her\(f) The Hertling invariants Her2(f) and Her3(f) Hertling's results 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.2 5.3 5.4 References Index 151 151 152 154 156 159 163 165 165 167 169 171 172 172 174 177 179 181 185 Introduction The aim of this book is to introduce and at the same time to survey some of the topics of singularity theory which study singularities by means of differential forms. Here differential forms associated with a singularity are the main subject as well as the main tool of investigation. Differential forms provide the main discrete invariants of a singularity as well as continuous invariants, i.e. they make it possible to study moduli of singularities of a given type. A singularity is a local object. It is a germ of an algebraic variety, or an analytic space, or a holomorphic function. However, the majority of the ideas and methods, used in the theory under consideration, originated in the 'global' algebraic geometry. Therefore we first give a very brief and schematic description of these ideas. The idea of using differential forms and their integrals to define numeri- numerical invariants of algebraic varieties goes back to the classic writers of algebraic geometry. It will be important for us that holomorphic and algebraic forms can be used to calculate the singular cohomology of a smooth algebraic variety over C. Developing the ideas of Atiyah and Hodge A955), Grothendieck A966) showed that H\Xan, С) ~ Н'Ш(Х/С), where Н'Ш(Х/С) is the De Rham cohomology. Grothendieck defined Н'Ш(Х/С) as the hypercohomology H^X, Q'x) of the complex of sheaves of holo- holomorphic differential forms on X. The comparison theorem enables us to calculate the cohomology of the complement to a hypersurface in projective space by means of the cohomology classes generated by rational differential forms. Algebraic differential forms have also proved to be useful in the study of the monodromy of a family of complex varieties, using the Gauss-Manin connection. The monodromy transformation is the transformation of fibres
Xll Introduction (or their homotopic invariants) of a locally trivial fibration corresponding to a loop in the base. This notion appears when studying the multivalued analytic function, where it corresponds to the notion of the covering or sliding transformation. Very often the monodromy transformation appears in the following situation. Let /: X —> S be a proper holomorphic map of an analytic space to the disk in the complex plane. Let Xt be the fibre f~\t), t€S,S' = S\{0} and X' = f~\S'). By reducing the radius of S, if necessary, we can make the fibration /': X' —> S' a locally trivial C°°- fibration. The monodromy transformation Г associated with the loop in S' surrounding 0 is called the monodromy transformation of the family / The action of the monodromy Ton the vector space H*(X,) is obtained by the parallel displacement of the cohomology classes in the fibres of the locally constant fibration H= \_},е3'Н'{Х,, С) = R'f^CX'. Grothendieck also defined the relative De Rham cohomology sheaves ^^(X/S) ~ R'f*(Qx/s). If /: X -> S is a smooth proper morphism of algebraic varieties/C, then from Grothendieck's theorem it follows the existence of the canonical isomorphism of coherent analytic sheaves Жш(Х/Буп ~ «7*an(C) <g>c ^s». The presence of the locally constant sheaf Я = R'f*(C) in J?'m(X/S) defines a topological connection on the sheaf 3#'m(X/S). Katz and Oda A968) gave an algebraic definition of the canonical connection (the Gauss-Manin connection) on the sheaves J%'DR(X/S) such that the sheaves of its horizontal sections are R'f*(C). They calculated this connection explicitly and showed that it reduces to the definition orginally given by Manin A958) for the case in which X/S is an algebraic curve over the field of functions. The family of varieties X, defined by the morphism /degenerates at the point OeS, and the Gauss-Manin connection has a singularity at the point 0. This singularity is regular. The notion of a regular connection generalizes the classical notion of a differential equation with a regular singular point, and is the subject of Deligne's book [Dl]. Katz gave an algebraic proof of the regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection A970). Analytic proofs were given by Griffiths A971) and by Deligne [Dl]. The regularity theorem is related to the monodromy theorem. When the space X as well as all fibres X,, t ф 0, is smooth, the monodromy theorem states that T is quasi- unipotent on H*(Xt, Q), i.e. there exist positive integers к and N such that (Tk — l)N = 0. There are several proofs of this basic theorem (Clemens 1969; Katz 1971; Griffiths & Schmid 1975). Many of the characteristic features of the degenerate family/: X —> S become apparent in the proper- properties of the monodromy. The monodromy of the family / is closely connected with the mixed Hodge structure (MHS) on the cohomology Introduction Xlll H*(X0) and H*(X,). The Hodge structure and the period map of a family of algebraic varieties defined by the Hodge structure on the cohomology of fibres H*(X,) are the second most important notions used in this book. The concept of a pure Hodge structure is a formalization of the structure of the cohomology groups of a compact Kahler manifold. From the theory developed by Hodge in the 1930s it follows that H"(X, C) = = Hq'p, where the cohomology vector space is identi- identi®p+q=nHp'q, fied with the vector space of harmonic forms, and harmonic forms, and consequently the cohomology, can be decomposed into the direct sum of components of the type (p, q). Under a variation of a variety X in a family X, the variation of subspaces Hp'q(Xt) is not complex analytic. For this reason it is more convenient to study the Hodge filtration FpH"(X, C) = @r^pHr'n~r, which does depend analytically on the parameter t. One can give an equivalent definition of the Hodge structure in terms of the Hodge filtration. Using the isomorphism H"(X, С) ~ HqR(X), we can express the Hodge filtration in terms of the stupid (obvious) filtration o^pQ'x = {0 -» Q.px —> Qx+i -+...} on the De Rham complex. One of Griffiths's discoveries [Gr] was that the Hodge filtration is related to the pole order filtration: if со has a pole of order not greater than к + 1 along a non-singular projective variety X, then the residue Res со is a sum of forms of the type (p, q) with q =? k. This gives a purely algebraic definition of the Hodge filtration. The theory of MHS developed by Deligne [D2, D3] is used more and more. The definition of the MHS includes, besides a decreasing Hodge filtration F-, an increasing weight filtration W. Deligne showed that the cohomology of any algebraic variety (possibly non-proper and singular) has a natural MHS. The MHS also appears in investigations of degenera- degenerations of algebraic varieties. Let a morphism f:X—>S define a family of non-singular projective varieties over the punctured disk S', and let Xo =/-'@) be the degenerate fibre. Schmid [Sm] and Steenbrink [SI] investigated the question of what happens with the Hodge structure on H"(Xt, Z), when t is limited to the point 0. The limit object appears to be a MHS. The Hodge filtration of the limit MHS is in a sense the limit of the Hodge filtration on Hn(Xt), and the weight filtration is related to the monodromy. The study of period maps goes back to the investigations of Abel and Jacobi on integrals of algebraic functions. A tempestuous development of the theory of periods of integrals begins after Griffiths's papers A968). Griffiths studied the properties of integrals in terms of the notions of the period matrix space and the period map which he introduced. Let us
xiv Introduction consider a family Xt of non-singular projective varieties depending on a parameter t € S, and defined by a proper morphism /: X —> S. Using the connection on the fibration Я = |J tesHn(Xt), we can displace the Hodge structures on H"(Xt) to the cohomology space H = H" (Xto) of a fixed fibre. Considering the Hodge filtration FpHn(Xt) only, we can associate a flag F'(t) in Я to every point t e 5, Я = F°(t) D F\t) D ... D Fn+\t) = {0}, and hence obtain a point F'(t) of the manifold of flags of given type. We obtain the period map Ф: S —»&~. In coordinates the period map is given by the periods of integrals (we have to choose a basis in the homology space consisting of continuous families of cycles, and to define the subspaces Fp(f) by bases of differential forms). In fact the definition of Ф is not correct, since as t moves round a loop in S, the identification of Hn(Xto) with itself need not be the identity. So we have to consider either a map Ф: S —> &" of the universal cover of S, or a map Ф of S to a quotient of .^"by some group. Griffiths found that to first order, Fp is deformed only into the subspace Fp~l. In terms of the Gauss-Manin connection this can be interpreted as VFP С ?2ls <8> Fp~l (the horizontality theorem). In fact, Griffiths consid- considered polarized Hodge structures on the primitive cohomology groups P"(Xt). He constructed the period matrix space D of all possible polarized Hodge structures of given type, which is a submanifold of the flag manifold distinguished by the Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations. It turns out that D is an open homogeneous complex manifold, there is a naturally defined properly discontinuous group Г of analytic automorphisms of D such that M — D/T is an analytic space, and then we obtain the period map Ф: S -> M. The period map can be used for the description of the moduli of algebraic varieties. Here there are problems about Torelli-type theorems. The global Torelli problem is the question of whether the period map Ф: Ж —> M of the moduli space of algebraic varieties of a given type is an embedding, i.e. whether the period matrix uniquely characterizes the polarized algebraic variety. The affirmative answer to this question in the case of algebraic curves is the usual Torelli theorem. The local Torelli problem is one of deciding when the Hodge structure on H*(Xt, C) separates points in the local moduli space (Kuranishi space) of Xt. The infinitesimal Torelli problem is one of deciding when the tangent map dФ to the period map of the universal family is a monomorphism. The criterion for the infinitesimal Torelli theorem to hold, which was obtained by Introduction xv Griffiths A968), stimulated the appearance of many papers on this theme. We are not able in this introduction to go in detail into the problems touched upon above, and we refer the reader to one of the surveys on the theory of Hodge structures and periods of integrals, e.g. to [K-Ku] and [B-Z], where one can find other references. The aim of this book is to transfer the ideas and notions, described above, to the local situation - to the case of isolated singularities of holomorphic functions/: (C+1, 0) —> (C, 0). Again we have a morphism /: X —> S, but now the fibres are local analytic hypersurfaces in an open set X С C+1. In Chapter I we introduce the main personage of this book - the meromorphic Gauss-Manin connection Ж of a singularity /and the Brieskorn lattice ^@) in it. We prove the regularity of the singularity of the Gauss-Manin connection and the monodromy theorem. The discussion in Chapter I is based on the classical papers of Brieskorn [Br] and Malgrange [M]. In Chapter П we consider the limit MHS appearing on the vanishing cohomology Hn(Xt, C) of an isolated singularity/ In the main we follow the development as it occurred historically. Here the main contribution comes from the papers of Steenbrink, Varchenko and Scherk. Initially the MHS on the vanishing cohomology H"{Xt) was constructed by Steenbrink [S3] following a suggestion of Delinge. He used an embed- embedding of the morphism /: X —> S in a projective family Y —> S and the limit MHS in the case of a degeneration of projective varieties [SI]. Then Varchenko [V2, V3] proposed and accomplished the direct introduction of the limit Hodge filtration F~ on Hn(Xao, C) (by means of asymptotics of integrals), without using an embedding to a projective family. Following this idea Scherk and Steenbrink [Sc-S] introduced the filtration F' in a different way. They showed how the filtration F' is obtained from the embedding of the Brieskorn lattice Ш^ in the meromorphic connection. Finally, in Chapter III we consider the period map of a //-const deformation fy(x) of isolated singularities parametrized by points у € У of a non- singular manifold. The basis of this chapter is the papers of Saito [Sa8], Karpishpan [Ka2] and Hertling [Hel, He2]. First we consider the period map defined via embedding of Brieskorn lattices but not the one defined via the limit MHS on Hn(Xt, C) as it should be according to the ideology presented at the beginning of this introduction. Instead it is connected with the following. Firstly, the limit MHS is determined by the embedding of Brieskorn lattice, and, secondly, the limit MHS on H"(Xt, C) is a rougher invariant than the embedding M^ С Ж is (because the filtration F' is defined not by the embedding ^@) С ~Ж but by the embedding of adjoint objects Grv3@^ С Grv^M). We give examples of the explicit calculation
XVI Introduction of the period maps for the deformations of unimodular singularities and prove the horizontality theorem and the infinitesimal Torelli theorem. Now we give a detailed description of the contents of this book. In §1 of Chapter I we recall the definition of the Milnor fibration [Mi] /: X -> S of an isolated singularity /: (C"+1, 0) -> (C, 0) The restriction of/over the punctured disk S' is a smooth locally trivial fibration. We introduce the cohomological fibration H=\J teS> H"(Xt, C) defining the topological Gauss-Manin connection V,op on the sheaf of sections Ж — H®6S = Rnf^Cx' ® &S1- In §2 we develop elements of the theory of connections on locally free sheaves, the presentation of which one can find in Deligne's book [Dl]. We pay special attention to the relation between V and the dual to it connection V*. For Gauss-Manin connections, deter- determined by the homological and cohomological fibrations, this leads to the period matrix of a singularity / being a solution of system of linear differential equations - the Picard-Fuchs equation of the singularity. In §3 we introduce the De Rham cohomology sheaf M^R(X/S) = J$?n(f%Q'x/s), which is a natural extension of the sheaf 3@ to the whole disk. This sheaf establishes the connection between topology and algebra and analysis, and reflects the analytic nature of the singularity /. §4 contains Brieskorn's calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection of the sheaf .Ж(~2) = ^^R(X/S) in terms of differential forms. This calculation naturally leads to the sheaf Ж^ = /*Q?/s/fl7(/*Q?^) which contains .Ж(~2) and is also an extension of the sheaf 3@. We introduce the notion of the meromorphic Gauss-Manin connection on the sheaf .Ж = ,^(-2) ф &s[t~1]- We also explain how to give a more conceptual descrip- description of the calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection on Ш(~2) as a connecting homomorphism in an exact cohomology sequence. In §5 the main personage of this survey appears. This is the Brieskom lattice J%(°\ the third natural extension of the sheaf Ж to the whole disk S. The lattice 3%щ is defined in terms of (n + l)-forms. The identification of M@) and J^) on S' is realized by means of the Leray derivative (the Poincare residue), со >-> co/df = Res [co/(f - /)]. All three lattices ^~l\ i = 0, 1, 2, are the terms of an increasing filtration on Ж. The correlation between them is contained in the diagram shown in A.5.3.4). In §6 from Malgrange's theorem, which claims that the periods of an и-form со have the limit limr_>o J y(t)O> — 0, we obtain a result of Sebastiani about the absence of torsion in the sheaves Зв^1*, and hence we obtain that these sheaves are locally free ^-modules of rank /л. In §7 we recall the classical definition of a regular singular point of a system of linear differential equations and Sauvage's theorem on the Introduction xvu regularity of a simple singular point. We give the definition of a connection with regular singularity and of the residue of such a connection wrt a saturated lattice. In §8 we prove a fundamental theorem on the regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection. We give two proofs of this important fact. Firstly, we prove that periods of holomorphic forms give solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equation. Then from Malgrange's theorem it follows that horizontal sections of the Gauss-Manin connection have a moderate growth. Secondly, using a resolution of the singularity and the sheaves of differential forms with logarithmic poles, we construct a saturated lattice in the meromorphic Gauss-Manin connection. In §9 from the regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection we deduce the monodromy theorem claiming that all eigenvalues of the monodromy are roots of unity. We give a beautiful proof of this due to Brieskom, based on the positive solution of the seventh Hilbert problem. The part of the monodromy theorem concern- concerning the size of Jordan blocks is proved in (II.3.5.9). We obtain corollaries of the monodromy theorem about the decomposition into series of the periods of integrals of differential forms. In §10 we consider non-isolated hypersurface singularities. Starting from the construction of the Gauss-Manin connection as a connecting homo- homomorphism in an exact sequence of complexes and in the spirit of [Sr], we obtain a natural generalization of Brieskom lattices 3?M to the case of non-isolated singularities. We give Van Straten's criterion on the absence of torsion in the sheaves ,Ж@ and its application to the non-isolated singularities with a one-dimensional critical set. In Chapter II we consider the limit MHS appearing on the vanishing cohomology H"(X,, C) of an isolated hypersurface singularity. In §1 we recall very briefly the necessary basic definitions from the theory of MHS developed by Deligne. In §2 we introduce the limit MHS constructed by Schmid [Sm] for a variation (H, &') of pure Hodge structures F) on a vector space H, parametrized by points of the punctured disk S'. The limit Hodge filtration F- appears on the zero fibre S§ItSS of the canonical extension 3S of the sheaf Ж' = H®3Sf to the point 0. The weight filtration W. is the weight filtration W(N) of the nilpotent operator N = -(\/2m) log Tu. In §3 we introduce the limit MHS on the vanishing cohomology H = Hn(Xoo, C) (Xoo is the canonical fibre of the Milnor fibration) according to Steenbrink. Steenbrink used an embedding of the Milnor fibration X —* S to a projective family Y —> S. He introduced the limit MHS on H"(YOO, C) using a resolution of singularities of the zero fibre and the complex of relative differential forms with logarithmic poles. We give Steenbrink's construction only very schematically, without going
XV111 Introduction into technical details. The limit MHS on H"(XOO, C) constructed by Steenbrink can be considered as a quotient of the MHS on Я"(Уоо, С). From here it follows the symmetry of Hodge numbers of the MHS on H"{Xoo, C), and also the monodromy theorem on the size of Jordan blocks. In §4 we consider the Hodge theory of a non-singular hypersurface Y'm a non-singular manifold X developed by Griffiths and extended by Deligne to the case of divisors with normal' crossings. This theory enables us to calculate the cohomology of Yand of the complement X\ Y by means of differential forms on X with poles on Y, and also relates the Hodge filtration F' to the pole order filtration P\ When У has singularities, the filtrations F' and P- do not, generally, coincide [Kal, D-Di]. We apply this theory for the description of H"(Xt), where the hypersurface Xt С X is the fibre of the Milnor fibration. The relative variant of this theory enables us to obtain a natural extension S@x of the sheaf Эв to S. Then ^ is described as the cohomology sheaf Эвх = J*$n+l(K-, d) of the bicomplex (K", d\, d2), the terms of which are differential forms with poles, and the degrees are defined by the order of a differential form and the order of its pole. In the bicomplex K~ • the Poincare complex and the Koszul complex are intertwined, and its differentials are exterior differentiation d( = d of differential forms and exterior multiplication by the form df. The Gauss- Manin connection and the Hodge filtration F' on S& x are defined in terms of this bicomplex. In fact Ж'х is a Z)-module, or a differential system, which appears in the papers of Pham [Phi, Ph2], Scherk and Steenbrink [Sc-S]. The study of this is extended in the papers of M. Saito [Sal-SalO] in the frames of the theory of Z)-modules and of the 'monstrous' theory of mixed Hodge modules developed by him. This latter theory raises the level of abstractness by at least one more order, and moves further from the soil, in which all this began to grow. The 'new' homological algebra, derived cathegories, perverse sheaves, the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, etc. are essentially used in it. Under Saito's influence the theory becomes more and more abstract and technical. One of the aims of this book was not to follow this line but to evolve the theory using the 'traditional' (i.e. habitual to algebraic geometricians) language of sheaves, connections, spectral sequences etc. and to avoid using the language of the theory of Z)-modules, the theory of mixed Hodge modules etc. This is possible because of the following circumstance. As is shown in §5 the operator d, is invertibli 3SX, $@x contains the Brieskorn lattice .Ж@) = FnS&x as well as canonical lattice 2§, Jlf<0) С 3? С Mx. That is the pair J?m С 32 < tains all the information which is of interest to us. The localization oi Introduction xix differential system JM'x leads us to the classical frames of the mero- morphic connection ^S = C&x\t)> and as is explained in the supplement to §7, the pair ^@) с 22 happily stands localization and removes to ^M, J%?m С 32 С Ж. All this enables us to work in the classical frames of the meromophic connection ^M. In §6 we study the structure of the meromorphic connection Л6, its decomposition into the sum Л& = ©a Са of root subspaces of the operator tdt, the F-filtration on Ж. We determine the isomorphism гр: Н^э 32'/t32 = ©_i < а^оСа between the canonical fibre of the fibration H and the zero fibre of the canonical lattice 32 = V>~X^S, and it enables us to introduce the MHS on Я in terms of the lattice 32. In §7 we introduce the MHS on H = Нп{Хж, С), according to Varch- enko [V3] and Scherk and Steenbrink [Sc-S]. At first we define the limit Hodge filtration F' according to Scherk and Steenbrink, who transformed the approach of Varchenko and gave the definition of F' in terms of the differential system 5&x and the embedding ,Ж@) С 5%, and then we define F% according to Varchenko. Such an order of exposition is connected with the fact that, in our opinion, the constraction of Scherk and Steenbrink has genetically a more natural motivation. In the beginning we observe the sequence of steps leading to the constraction of F' by Scherk and Steenbrink. In §8 we study the main discrete invariant of a hypersurface singularity - its spectrum Sp(/), and a more detailed invariant Spp(/) the set of spectral pairs. To give Spp(/) is equivalent to giving Hodge numbers H^'q. The spectrum Sp(/) is a set of (x rational numbers d\, ..., a^, where a, = —A/2яп)Л, are logarithms of the eigenvalues Xj of the monodromy T. It codes the relation between the semisimple part of the monodromy and the limit Hodge filtration F\ We study the properties of spectrum. We show that Sp(f) с (-1, и) and that the spectrum is symmetric wrt the centre of this interval (n — I)/2. We develop the techniques for the calculation of the spectrum. We explain: how to find the spectrum of a (semi)quasihomogeneous singularity; how to find the spectrum in terms of the Newton filtration defined by the Newton boundary; and in particular, how to find the negative part of spectrum, the degree of which, !С-1<а«о"а = Pg, is equal to the geometric genus of the singularity [S3]; how to find the spectrum of the join of isolated singularities, and in particular, how the spectrum changes under adding squares of new variables. This technique enables us to find spectra of all the simple, uni- and bi-modal singularities, which we gather together in a table. Finally, we study variations of MHS of families of hypersurface singularities. We deal
XX Introduction with this more widely in Chapter III, but in §8 we consider the behavior of discrete invariants under deformations. We give the results of Varchenko and Steenbrink on the semicontinuity of spectrum and on its stability under ц-const deformations. At the end of §8, following Steenbrink, we define the spectrum of non-isolated singularities and give a theorem on the relation of the spectrum of a singularity with a one-dimensional critical set and the spectra of isolated singularities of its Iomdin series. In §1 of Chapter III we begin to study ц-const deformations fy{x) of isolated singularities parametrized by the points у е У of a non-singular variety. We explain how to glue the objects, associated earlier with an 'individual' singularity, to a family parametrized by Y. In particular, we obtain the family of Milnor fibrations X(y), the family of cohomological fibrations H = \J H(y), the family of meromorphic connections ~& = ®pCp, etc. In §2 we obtain the formula for differentiating wrt parameter у geometric sections s[co](t, y), defined by a holomorphic (n + l)-form a) = g(x, y) dx. The same formula is used for differentiating the root components s(co, /?) of the geometric sections s[co](y) = J2p>-is(a>, Р){у). In the case of upper diagonal deformations of a quasi- homogeneous singularity f(x) from this formula we obtain a formula for decomposition of s(a>, /3H0 into Taylor series in degrees of y. In §3 first we define the period map Ф: Y —> П defined by the embedding of Brieskorn lattices. For all Brieskorn lattices JgW(y) we have inclusions V> -' з M@){y) D Vn~x. The period map takes a point у to the subspace J#@H>) mod V~x in the finite-dimensional vector space V>~l/V~x, i.e. to the point in the Grassman manifold П. Then we define the period map Ф defined by the MHS on the vanishing cohomology. This period map takes a point у to the Hodge filtration F(y) of the limit MHS, i.e. to the point in the flag manifold. We give, following Hertling, explicit calcula- calculations of the period maps of universal families of unimodular singularities. In §4 we calculate the tangent map of the period map and prove the honzontality theorem and the infinitesimal Torelli theorem for the period map Ф. We compare the period maps Ф and Ф of the miniversal /i-const deformation of a quasihomogeneous singularity. From this comparison it follows that the Torelli theorem for the period map Ф in general is false. Finally, in §5 we consider the 'global' Torelli problem. Varchenko intro- introduced the notion of the Picard-Fuchs singularity PFS(f) of a singularity / in terms of framed Picard-Fuchs equations. Hertling reformulated this in terms of embeddings of Brieskorn lattices. We interpret it as a point in the quotient П/Gi of the period space by the group Gx с GL(Hz) of automorphisms commuting with the monodromy. Then the Torelli problem Introduction xxi for the family fy, у € Y, concerns the injectivity of the map Ф1: YI ~ -> П/Gi, where '—' is the equivalence relation induced by the R- equivalence of singularities. We give Hertling's results [Hel, He2]. The reader is expected to have the knowledge and training usual in algebraic and analytic geometry. This includes knowledge of sheaf theory and the technique of spectral sequences. The list of references reflects the development of singularity theory. It includes: firstly, the original papers of E. Brieskorn, B. Malgrange, J.H.M. Steenbrink, J. Scherk, A.N. Varchenko, F. Fham, M. Saito, Ya. Karpishpan and С Hertling, directly connected with the considered topic; secondly, some general papers on MHS and periods of integrals (P. Griffiths, P. Deligne, W Schmid); thirdly, some books and surveys [Mi, AGV, Phi, Dl, Di3, B-Z]. Some other references are also included. Now about numbering and cross-references in this book. Each of three chapters is divided into sections, and each section is divided into subsec- subsections. In a subsection all claims, remarks and displayed formulae are numerated successively in a uniform way by three numbers, the first of which is the number of the section and the second the number of the subsection. For example, the tag A.3.2) means claim (or formula) 2 in subsection 3 of section 1. To refer to a claim etc. we use three numbers within a given chapter, and four numbers, the first of which is a roman numeral, to refer to other chapters. Thus (II.7.5.2) refers the reader to claim 2 of subsection 5 of section 7 of chapter II. The preparation of this book was partially supported by Grant. No. 95- 01-01575 from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research and Grant No. 4373 from the INTAS.
The Gauss-Manin connection .41 1 Milnor fibration, Picard-Lefschetz monodromy transformation, i topological Gauss-Manin connection | /./ Milnor fibration | A.1.1) Let /: (C+1, 0) ->(C, 0) be a germ of holomorphic function } / = f(xo, x\, ..., х„). We assume as a rule that / has an isolated critical ; point at 0 e C+1, in other words, / has (or is) an isolated singularity. Let В = {\x\ < e} С C"+1 be a ball of radius e, and let S = {\t\ < д} с С be a | disk of radius д. Put X = B(~)f~l(S) and let / also denote the restriction I of / onto X, f: X -> S. Let 5" = 5\{0} be the punctured disk, j X, — f~\t) be the fibre over the point t € 5", and Xo =/"'(()) be a | singular fibre, Jf' = X\Xo. Denote by /' the restriction of/ on X' I XDX' D X, \ /I if | 5D5"9f. j As is shown by Milnor [Mi], if ? and 6 <€. ? are sufficiently small, then /' ! is a smooth locally trivial fibration, the diffeomorphism type of which only depends on the germ of/ at 0. Usually the fibration /': X' —> 'S' is called the Milnor fibration. In the following it will be convenient for us to call the | whole morphism /: X —> S the Milnor fibration. Any fibre Xt, t 6 5", is t called a Milnor fibre. We can think of the singular fibre Xq as a degenera- | tion of a family of manifolds Xt. Replacing the fibres X, by their [ (co)homology we get a 'linearization' of the family X,. i I 1.2 Cohomological Milnor fibration | A-2.1) A Milnor fibration /' defines a vector bundle H—* S' on 5", or a locally constant sheaf (or a system of local coefficients, in different terminology) i ! 1
/ The Gauss-Manin connection /65' and it also defines a dual vector bundle Я, = Homcr (Я, Cs.) = (J НР(Х„ С). res' We call Я the cohomological, and Я* the homological Milnor fibration of a singularity /. 7.5 Topological Gauss-Manin connection A.3.1) Denote by Jg = Я <g> ^V c the locally free sheaf of sections of the fibration Я A local section w of Я can be viewed as a family of cohomology classes w(t) depending on parameter t. The flat system Я in the sheaf Ж allows us to translate cohomology classes w(t) from a fibre X( to a nearby fibre and, con- consequently, allows us to differentiate the cohomology classes wrt parameter, and to define a connection on the sheaf (see the §2). This connection is called the topological (or transcendental) Gauss-Manin connection and is denoted by Atop. 1.4 Picard-Lefschetz monodromy transformation A.4.1) A locally constant bundle Я (or Я*) defines (and is defined by) an action of the fundamental group n\(S', t) on a fibre H, = HP(X,, C). Let y: [0, 1] —> S' be a loop representing an element of Я]E', t). The inverse image of the locally trivial fibration f: X' —* S' defines a locally trivial, and consequently, trivial fibration y~lX' —>[0, 1] on the segment. A trivialization of this family defines a diffeomorphism hy: Xt — (p~l@) -> Xt = cp~l(l). We thus obtain the monodromy representation A.4.2) я,E', 0 - А\йН"(Х„ С), [у] -> (A*). Let [у] е Я]E', /) be the generator of the fundamental group represented by a counter-clockwise oriented circle у around the origin. The linear transformations A.4.3) M = (hy)*: НР(Х„ С) -> Hp(Xt, С) A.4.4) T = (h*yl: НР{Х„ С) -> Н"(Х„ С) 2 Connections 3 are called the (local) Picard-Lefschetz monodromy transformation of homology and cohomology, respectively. A.4.5) The Milnor fibration, the Gauss-Manin connection and the Pi- Picard-Lefschetz monodromy are the main objects associated with a singu- singularity / and they contain a great deal of information about this singularity. These objects can be studied by topological methods. In the case of isolated singularities the most important fact ([Mi]) is that the fibre X, has the homotopy type of a bouquet S" V ¦ • ¦ V S" of ц spheres of dimension n. In particular, the Betti numbers b, = dim H'(X,, C) = 0 for i ф 0 and n and, consequently, H= R"f*Cx' is the only non-trivial fibration among the fibrations Rpf*CX'- The number ju = dim Н"(Х„ С) = Ь„ (the rank of this fibration) is called the Milnor number of the singularity /. We refer the reader to other surveys ([AGV], ch. 1; [Di3]) for topological methods for the study of singularities. In this survey we'll be interested in the study of singularities by algebraic methods in which the main subject as well as the main tool of investigation is the differential forms associated with a singularity. 2 Connections, locally constant sheaves and systems of linear differential equations 2.1 Connection as a covariant differentiation Let S be a complex manifold of dimension m, and '? be a locally free sheaf of rank n on S. The presence of a connection on <? enables us to differentiate sections of '6 along vector fields on the base S. On the other hand, the notion of a connection on '? is a way of having an invariant definition of S of a system of homogeneous linear differential equations with n unknown functions in m variables. In the following we'll be mainly interested in the Gauss-Manin connection. First we briefly recall the necessary facts about connections. An excellent exposition of this subject can found in Deligne's paper [Dl]. B.1.1) Definition A connection on a quasicoherent sheaf of ^-modules (S is a C-linear homomorphism V: $ -> Q^ ® 8' = Qls(g) Г- s satisfying the Leibniz identity = dg <8i s+ gVs,
/ The Gauss-Manin connection B.3.5) k=\ where the holomorphic functions Г,*(х) are called the connection coeffi- coefficients (wrt the basis e and coordinates x). Denote by 9, = 9/9x, the differentiation wrt the coordinate xt, and let V,- = Vg.: ? —> ? be the covariant derivative wrt the vector field dj. Then B.3.4) turns into a system of equalities B.3.6) 7=1 " i = 1, ..., n, к = 1, ..., m B.3.7) Definition A local section s of the sheaf Й" is called horizontal if Vs = 0, i.e. s € KerV, V: ? —> Q^ <g> r6. The condition of horizontality of section s can be written in the form VkS = 0, к = 0, ..., m, i.e. in the form of system of homogeneous linear differential equations of the first order B.3.8) This is a system of nm equations with n unknown functions yi{x) in m variables x\, ..., xm. If dim S = m — 1, Hs a coordinate on S, &>,;,¦ = r,y(f)ctt, and Г = (Г,у@) is the matrix of connection coefficients, then the operator D = dt acts on a section s = ey according to the formula: B.3.9) Dy = dy/dt + T(t)y and the condition for horizontality of 5 is written in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations B.3.10) dy/dt = -T(t)y. 2.4 The integrable connections. The De Rham complex B.4.1) A connection V = Vo: '& —> Q.\ <8> % can be extended to a C-linear homomorphism of sheaves f' s f-s by means of the equalities V,(uj О s) - dcu (Э s + (-1)'u> Л V0(s). B.4.2) The C-linear homomorphism 2 Connections Д = Vi о Vo: # -> ? is called the curvature of the connection V on <?, so that R is a section of the sheaf .Уёгт^б, Q|(?T)) ~ Q^S{'S^/с {'<€)). A connection V is called integrable if R = ViV0 = 0. One can show that for vector fields X\, X2 ? 0s and a section s ? & one has R(Y, JMM — Vv Vv V — Vv V v ? — Vrv vl? and the condition of integrability of connection V is equivalent to the condition 4[x,Y] — [Vx, Vy] for arbitrary vector fields X and Y. If dimS=l, then any connection is integrable. A local calculation of curvature R shows that the condition of integrability of V is equivalent to the classical condition of integrability of the corresponding system of linear differential equations. B.4.3) One can show that V,-+] V,(ai <g> s) = со Л R(s) (the Ricci identity). Therefore the condition of integrability of a connection V, R = 0, is equivalent to the condition that B.4.4) Qs(%): 0 -» &s О Z ^Qls О %^-* ¦ ¦ ¦ "^ Q™ О $ -> 0 is a complex, i.e. V,+iV,- = 0. The complex Q,'s{rf) is called the De Rham complex with values in a locally free sheaf % with an integrable connec- connection V. 2.5 Local systems and integrable connections B.5.1) Let S be a connected and locally connected topological space. A locally irec sheaf of vector spaces E on S, i.e. a sheaf locally isomorphic to a constant sheaf C", is called a local system on S. B.5.2) The fundamental group H\(S, xq), xo ? S, acts on the fibre Ещ — С". The functor E \—»?^ establishes an equivalence of the category of local systems on S with the category of complex-valued representations of the group 7i\{S, xo). B.5.3) Now let E be a local system on a complex manifold S. Consider a locally free sheaf %> of holomorphic sections of E, К = fi s ®c E. Then there is a canonical connection V on % for which the sheaf of horizontal sections coincides with E, Ker V = E. Here V is defined by the formula V(gs) = dg s
10 / The Gauss-Manin connection We have (a>j, y,)' = 0 = (Daij, y,-) + (coj, D*yt) = Tv + Г*. ¦ B.6.6) Let«i, ..., u>u be a basis of local sections of the sheaf J@, and let у be a section of Ж*. Then the functions /,@ = (coby>, ...,/„(/) = <<»„, Y) can be considered as coordinates of у in the basis dual to {со,}: In particular, if у is a section of #*, i.e. a horizontal section of J^ , then V*y = 0 and the coordinates of у satisfy the system B.3.10) of differential equations of the connection V*. Thus if у is a section of #*, then the functions I\(t), ..., Ift(i) satisfy a system of differential equations B.6.7) | : |=Г'@| ! |, Л where Г = (Г,,) is the matrix of coefficients of V in basis a)\, ..., <oA. If у\,...,Уц form a basis of sections of H*, then the columns Q; = (Q^j(t), ..., Qw(/))', Qy = («,, yj), form a basis of solutions, and the matrix B.6.8) Q(i) = (Qij(t)) is the fundamental matrix of solutions of the system /' = Г'(/)/. 3 De Rham cohomology 3.1 The Poincare lemma We return now to our main subject of investigation - the Milnor fibration /: X —» S of a singularity of holomorphic function / and the connection on the locally free sheaf Ж = Rpf*Cx' ® &s' on S', defined (topologi- cally) by the local system Rpfjf<Cxi- In order to pass to differential forms we have to use the Poincare lemma. C.1.1) The Poincare lemma (in its holomorphic version) asserts that if X is a complex manifold, then the De Rham complex (Qx, d) is a resolution of the constant sheaf Сл-, i.e. the sequence 0 —> Cx —> 6'x —»Qx —> ... is exact. This implies that for a complex manifold X we have an isomorphism HP(X, C) ~ MP(QX), where UP(QX) is the hypercohomology of the De Rham complex. If, moreover, .AT is a Stein manifold, then (see below for the relative case) the cohomology HP(X, C) is isomorphic to the De Rham 3 De Rham cohomology 11 cohomology, i.e. to the cohomology of the complex (H°(X, Qx, d) (closed forms/exact forms on X). Turning to the relative case, we have the following generalization: 3.2 Relative De Rham cohomology C.2.1) Definition The sheaves J^^R(X/S) of hypercohomology of the De Rham complex of relative differential forms of a morphism /: X —> S C.2.2) Qx/S: 0 ¦ wrt the functor of direct image /* are called the relative De Rham cohomology C.2.3) ^^{X/S) = Upf^Qxls). Here Qpx/S = QP = Qpx/f*Qxs Л Qf". The main tools for working with hypercohomology are the first and the second spectral sequences of hypercohomology, which for the complex Q'x/s are of the form 'ЕГ = np+"MQx/s), C.2.4') C.2.4") Here J&p(-) denotes the cohomology sheaves of a complex of sheaves, and Л«/*О>/5 is the complex ... -+ Л«/*О^ -> R4f*®x/S ~* 3.3 De Rham cohomology for smooth Stein morphisms C.3.1) A connection of the relative De Rham cohomology with topology is established by the relative Poincare lemma: Proposition If a morphism /: X -*S is smooth, then C.3.2) Sg Proof The relative Poincare lemma asserts that if / is smooth, then there is an exact sequence 0-+f-l<9s -»• ?2>/s, i.e. the De Rham complex QX;S is a resolution of the sheaf f~x&s- Hence Wf^(Qx,s) = ^p/(/1^>)- It can be shown that the canonical homomorphism
12 / The Gauss-Martin connection is an isomorphism. И C.3.3) Corollary If /: X -* S is the Milnor fibration, then the sheaf of relative De Rham cohomology J^0K(X/S) is a natural extension to the whole S of the sheaf 3V = Rpf*Cr <8>cs. &? on S', This follows from the smoothness of the morphism /': X' —» S'. C.3.4) Proposition For the Milnor fibration /: X —» S we have i.e. the sheaves of De Rham cohomology are the cohomology sheaves of the direct image of the relative De Rham complex. Proof The morphism / is Stein and hence the first spectral sequence C.2.4') degenerates 'Ep'q = Rif*(Qx/s) = 0 for q s* 1 and hence •f 3?Qp) WM&) ' " 3.4 Coherence theorem This is one of the fundamental technical results of the theory. Brieskorn [Br] proved that if /: X -* S is the Milnor fibration of an isolated singularity, then the sheaves JtZg^X/S) are coherent sheaves of ^-modules. For proper morphisms coherence follows from Grauert's famous direct image theorem. Brieskorn obtained the proof of the coherence by embed- embedding the morphism /: X —> S in a projective morphism /: Y -+ S. Later generalizations and other proofs of the coherentness theorem were ob- obtained by Hamm [H], Buchweitz-Greuel [B-G] and van Straten [Sr]. 3.5 On the absence of torsion in the De Rham cohomology sheaves C.5.1) The next important question is one about the absence of torsion in the sheaves J@gR(X/S). We'll discuss this in §6 after introducing the Gauss—Manin connection on these sheaves. For an isolated singularity /: (C"+1, 0) -> (C, 0), the absence of torsion in $fgR(X/S) forp = n was proved by Sebastiani [Se]. For p < n, torsion is absent by virtue of the 3 De Rham cohomology 13 presence of a connection on these sheaves. From this, C.3.3) and A.4.5) it follows that for an isolated singularity we have { 0 for p = 0, for 1 *? p < n, for p = n. The absence of torsion in the sheaves J&'m(X/S) is also important because in such cases the Milnor number, pM = dim H'(X,, C) = bt (the i th Betti number of fibre X,), is given by the formula and the germ of the De Rham cohomology sheaf yff'm(X/SH can be calculated 'upstairs' as shown in the following proposition. 3.6 Relation between У@р{/*пу) andf*J%fp(Qy) C.6.1) Proposition If /: X-л S is the Milnor fibration of an isolated singularity / (or, in the more general case, of a concentrated non-isolated singularity, see §10), then the De Rham cohomology sheaf Jf enters into the exact sequence C.6.2) where the last sheaf is concentrated at the point t0 = 0 € S, and the two first sheaves are locally free of rank ц(р) = bp{X,) on 5", and at the point to = 0 the first of them has a zero fibre and C.6.3) Jtf</tQy)h = where (X, xq) = (C+1, 0). Proof Consider the second spectral sequence of hypercohomology C.2.4") • = y)) => As /' is smooth, the sheaves $?i(Qy) are concentrated on Xo =/-'@) for q э= l and hence ИЕ{Л = 0 for q э= I and p s* I. For q = 0 we have and "Epfi =
14 / The Gauss-Manin connection This involves the exact sequence C.7.2). The germ Лр/*(/ l&s)ta = Hp(Xo, &s,t0) = 0 is zero because Xo is homeomorphic to a cone over the point x0 and hence is contractible. ¦ Thus we obtain that for an isolated singularity / the Milnor number is equal C.6.4) (because .3$ the result of Sebastiani has no torsion). 4 Gauss-Manin connection on relative De Rham cohomology Let /: X ->• S be the Milnor fibration of a singularity /: (C+1, C) —> (C, 0). We have local systems - cohomological fibrations H = RPf'*Cx- = U Ks'Hp(Xt, C) on S' = S\{0}, and hence there are corre- corresponding connections on Jff = H ®cs. &*$• which we call topological. On the other hand we have an identification of 3% with the De Rham cohomology (§3), J& ~ $?z>K(X'/S') and a natural extension of this sheaf over the whole S, .%fgR(X/S) ~ JtSp<J*Gxls). We want to calculate the connection on 3&gK(X'/S') corresponding to the topological connection on Je and to extend it to M^{X/S) 4 Gauss-Manin connection on relative De Rham cohomology 15 4.1 Identification of sheaves of sections of cohomological fibration and of relative De Rham cohomology D.1.1) The identification of .M with .3fgR(X'/S') is obtained by means of integration of differential forms (De Rham's theorem). Let Я* = U teS-Hp(X't, C) = HomCj. (Я, Cs>) be the homological fi- fibration on 5". This is a local system dual to H. We have a non-degenerate pairing X , where = H* с? Consider a local section a of the fibration H*. We can think of a as a continuous family of cycles o(t) € Hp(Xt, C) on hypersurfaces X,, which is obtained geometrically by continuous deformation of a cycle o(t0) on one of the fibres Xh. The homology classes of cycles o(t) do not depend on the deformation (if о is a section over an open set lying in some sector with the center at the origin 0 € S). Now let со be a local section of the sheaf .%j?,r(X'/S'). The cohomology class со is presented by a cocycle, i.e. a p-fovm со such that d<y = d/ Л rj. Consider the function I(t) which is the integral of the form со over the cycles of the family a, i.e. the value of I(f) at a point t is equal to the integral of the p-form a>\x, over the /?-cycle o(i) С X, D.1.2) -f J<7 -. We obtain a non-degenerative pairing D.1.3) Jff^jiX'lS1) X Зё* -» ^y, (o>, a) which identifies J!?gR(X'/S') with the sheaf dual to M*, i.e. with the sheaf 3f. D.1.4) To verify that /@ is, in fact, a section of the sheaf <9$'> i-e. that /@ is a holomorphic function, and also to calculate /'@> we need Leray's residue theorem. This theorem and its application are natural general- generalizations of the integral Cauchy formula g(z0) = (l/2jri)Jg(z)dz/ (z — z0) and its application for the proof of the existence of g'(z) and decomposition of a holomorphic function into series in the standard course of complex analysis. A fibre Xt С X is a submanifold of complex codimension 1 and hence of real codimension 2. There is defined the coboundary Leray operator D.1.5) d: Hp(Xt) -+ Hp+1(X\Xt). One needs to consider a tube neighbourhood N of the submanifold Xt in X
16 / The Gauss-Manin connection (fibered on disks). Then the boundary dN С X\X, is a fibration on circles over X, and д assigns to a cycle in Hp(X,) its pre-image on dN wrt the projection dN —> X,. D.1.6) Lemy 's residue theorem asserts that /@ Ja@ 2OT dfAco E<7@ f — This theorem is called the residue theorem because co\x, is the Poincare residue of the form d/ Л co/(f - t), co\Xl = Res*, [d/ Л co/(f — t)]. In- Indeed, we can consider the equation у = /(*) - t = 0, of a smooth fibre X, as a local coordinate on X. Then dy-df (t = const). However, the Poincare residue is defined in the following way: we- 'chip' a multiplier dy/y = df jf — t and restrict it to the subvariety Xt: у = 0. D.1.7) Theorem The function I(t) = \O(t)<» is holomorphic on S". To prove this, we apply the integral presentation of I(t) in D.1.6). If t varies in a small neighbourhood of a fixed point t0, we can assume that Eст@ = Ect are the same for different t. The form d/ Aco/[f(x)- t] depends holomorphically on t and we can apply the standard theorem of analysis asserting that an integral of a form depending holomorphically on a parameter t over a fixed chain also depends holomorphically on t. The same presentation enables us to calculate /'(?) as the derivation of an integral depending on a parameter. 4.2 Calculation of the connection on a relative De Rham cohomology sheaf D.2.1) We proceed to the calculation of the connection on 3@gR(X'/S'). Both this connection and the topological connection on M are dual to the connection on 38* = H* ®cy<^V. defined by the homological fibration Я*. By B.6.3), if D = Va/dr is the covariant derivative of the connection on ?fgR(X'/S') and o(t) is a local section of if, then {со, о)' = {Deo, o). We will calculate the derivation {со, о)' of the function I(t) = I<o,o(t) = {со, о). We use the integral presentation D.1.6) and differentiate the integral wrt the parameter t 4 Gauss-Manin connection on relative De Rham cohomology 17 /'(o=-f --d (l f <*/лвЛ_i f dfAa> 6oU)f{x) - t Thus {Dco, a) = {rj, o) for any section о and hence Dco = 77. D.2.2) We obtain the following rule for calculation of the connection on Jt?gR(X'/S'), which one can (try to) carry word for word to the De Rham cohomology sheaves M^K{XjS) to obtain the Gauss-Manin connection defined by Brieskorn [Br]: V: or Wd/dl = D: Take a p-fona со representing a cohomology class in .>$qR(X/S). As this is a cycle in the complex Q'x/s> we have dco — 0 in ?2^, i.e. dco = df А т], where г] е Qx. Then D.2.3) D(co) = a class of the form r\ or V(cw) = d/Л D(cy) = df Ar/. 4.3 The division lemma. The connections on the sheaves $f?R for p ^ n — 1 We have not yet obtained a connection on the sheaf .3@gR(X/S) because we have not yet varified that the form г] represents a cohomology class in 3ggR(X/S), i.e. that it is a cocycle in /*Q>/S, i.e. that drj = df A ? is divisible by df, i.e. dr] is a coboundary in the Koszul complex (see A0.5.1)). It is only clear that dt] is a cocycle in the Koszul complex, i.e. that d/ Л drj = 0. Indeed, we have dco = df A rj, hence d(dcw) = —df Adri = 0. D.3.1) The so-called division lemma is the assertion about the vanishing of the cohomology of the Koszul complex. Recall the definition. Let A be a commutative ring and g\, ..., gm € A. The cohomological Koszul complex K'(g) is the complex
18 / The Gauss-Manin connection О _> А -» Лт -» Л2Лт -»...- in which the differentials are homomorphisms, ЛМт ^-> Лр+1Лт, which send <pto gAcp,g = gxe\ + ... + gmem ?Am - ®Т=]Ае>. In our context the Koszul complex appears in the form of the complex of differential forms. Let ХЪе a complex manifold of dimension n + 1, and f(x) be a holomorphic function on X. Consider the complex (Qxis, df): D.3.2) d/Л, Qpx d/Л оГ1 0 in which the differential is the exterior product by the 1-form df. The cohomology of this complex is called the Koszul cohomology. It is obvious that for a point x ? X the complex ?i'XtX is the Koszul complex, in which A = 6}x^ = «^o+'.o. A>n = &x,x ~ ®"=o^x,x&Xi> and the sequence g is the sequence of partial derivatives f'^, ..., /*„> d/ = f'xq dxo + ... + f'Xn dxn. There is a well-known lemma: D.3.3) Division lemma (De Rham) If g\, ..., gm is a regular sequence, then the cohomologies of the Koszul complex are Hp(K-(g))=l°' P<J^ i.e. if to € ЛЛ4 m and p < m, then gA со = О <$Ф со = g/\ rj, for some rj € Л^'Л. ¦ D.3.4) If 0 € X is an isolated critical point of a function /, i.e. 0 is a unique solution of the system f'^ = ... = f'Xn = 0, then f'^, ..., f'Xn is a regular sequence, and the division lemma asserts that Жр(/) = О for p < n, and the sheaf ,%n+x(J) = Qnx+ x/df Л Q"x = Q?^ is concentrated at the point 0 and Qnx/ls ~ <9x,o/Jf, where J/ = (/^, ..., f'xJ is the Jacobi ideal of/ The algebra D-3.5) Qf = <9Xfi/Jf is called the local ring of the critical point 0 of / [AGV] or the Milnor algebra or the Jacobi algebra of the singularity / The gy-module Q "x+}s ~ Qf is often denoted by D.3.6) Qxfs = Q/ or Qf. 4 Gauss-Manin connection on relative De Rham cohomology 19 Thus if/ is an isolated singularity, then we have the exact sequence 0 —> @x —-> Q^. _>...—> Q^. —+ QJ+1 —> Qf —+ 0; and if u> € й? and p *? «, then df Лео = 0 ¦& <x) = df Arj. D.3.7) We now return to the definition of the connection on J%?R(X/S). We saw that the (p + l)-form drj is a cocycle, df Adrj = 0. However, if/ has an isolated singularity and p+ 1 =s n, i.e. /? < n — 1, then drj is a coboundary as well, drj = df A ?. This means that the form 7 defines a cocycle in the complex f*Q'x/s and we indeed obtain a connection D.3.8) It is easy to verify the correctness of the definition of D = Vd/dt, i.e. that the class rj = D(co) is independent of the choice of the form со in a class of .M^K{X/S). Moreover, D really is a covariant derivation, i.e. it satisfies the Leibniz identity. We have: dco = df Л rj, rj = D(co); d(gft>) = dg Л со + g-dco = d/ Л (dg/df)co + d/ Л grj, i.e. D(gco) = g'co + gD(co). (Here /is a local coordinate on S and dg = (dg/df) df.) 4.4 The sheaf •Jg = /*Q?/s/d(/"*Q$) The previous construction does not work for p = n, because in this case the (n + l)-form drj need not be a coboundary, i.e. it may not be divisible by d/ We obtain that the operator D = Vd/rf, = dt acts from . not to itself but to a greater module, D.4.1) V: Ж The sheaves J^r 0 „_,. and 'yg are defined from the complex * dii—1 n d,. f * у Ж XfS J ^ л. I о J * 1 = Kerdn/Imdn_i, '^f = Cokerdn_i = Дй^ Hence there is the exact sequence d _i_i D.4.2) 0 —> ^5dr(a/o) —> .Ж —* J if^xlS ~* ' and since the sheaf f*Q"x+/\ — /*(Q/) is concentrated at the point 0 6 5, the restrictions of J^f^R(X/S) and '.%! coincide on 5'. D.4.3) We obtained a connection in some more general sense [M]: let E С F be two (9 = ?f'^-modules; then a C-linear map D: E —> F,
20 / The Gauss-Manin connection satisfying the Leibniz rule D(ge) = (dg/dt)e + gD(e), e e E, g € @, is called a connection in the pair (E, F). Using localization, we obtain the connection in the old sense. 4.5 Meromorphic connections Let б = @s$ = C{f} and let Ж = 6(t) = 6\rx\ be a field of germs of functions meromorphic at the point 0 € S. Here Ж is a field of fractions of the ring &. Let M = Же\ ф ... Ф Ж^е^ be a vector space over Ж, dim^ M = ц. The definition of a connection transfers word for word to this situation. D.5.1) Definition A meromorphic connection on M is a C-linear map V: M —» Qs,0 ®^ Mora C-linear map D = Vd/rf/: M^M, satisfying the Leibniz rule: D(grn) — g'm + gD{m). D.5.2) As in §2 a meromorphic connection D is defined by the matrix T(t) = (Г/Д0) of connection form coefficients in a basis e\, ..., ец of a vector space M, D{ej) — 5^f=ir,y(f)e(-. The condition of horizontality s = ey € Ker Z) is given by a system of linear differential equations y' = —T(f)y with a singularity at the point 0 € 5, in which coefficients are meromorphic functions. D.5.3) Now if V is a connection on an 6>-module E, then it is naturally extended to a connection on the vector space M = E(t) = E ®^ Ж by the 'rule of differentiation of a product (fraction)' s D.5.4) In the same way we can localize the situation in the case of a connection Don a pair (E, F), where E с F and F/E is torsion, i.e. dime F/E < oo. In this case E ®r Ж = F ®f Ж = M and the connec- connection D: E —» F defines a meromorphic connection on M. D.5.5) Definition A lattice in a vector space M, dim^- M = ц, is an @- submodule E с M of rank /г, i.e. a finitely generated submodule E such = M. 4 Gauss-Manin connection on relative De Rham cohomology 21 D.5.6) To return to our discussion: let /: S' С S be an inclusion and Ж = ЯФсу <^s' ^ .^dr(^75') be a locally free sheaf on 5'. Denote by Ж[0] С г* (Ж) a subsheaf of the direct image of Ж, in which the germ at 0 e S coincides with the localization of the module .^R(I/5H as well as 'Жо. We obtain a meromorphic Gauss-Manin connection V on the sheaf Ж[0], in which the locally free submodules Ж^Х/Б) С 'Ж С ЖЩ are lattices (we will prove in §6 that there is no torsion in the sheaves and 'Ж and hence they are locally free). 4.6 The Gauss-Manin connection as a connecting homomorphism D.6.1) We can give a more conceptual definition of the Gauss-Manin connection V: Ж^Х/S) -^>Qlx<Sirs '¦%¦ Denote by Qx/S a 'shortened' complex Q'x/S' m which the term Qnx+}s is changed by zero: v: 0 &X/S ^x/s ~~* ®x/s ~~* 0- Then .%ff(f*?lx/s) = 3&p(f*?lx/s) = for p « л - 1, and х/8 By the definition of the sheaves of relative differentials there is an exact sequence of complexes 7=T.-1 4> S 0, where d/ Л If/ has an isolated singularity, then the division lemma means that q> is a monomorphism, i.e. the sequences D.6.2) со) = d/ Л to = 0, then ш = df Arj, i.e. ш = 0 are exact. Indeed, i in ?2^, i.e. Ker <p = 0. Applying the hypercohomology functor IR/,,, to the exact sequence of complexes, or in our situation of Stein morphism /, applying functor /* to the sequences D.6.2), we again obtain exact sequences and hence an exact sequence of complexes D.6.3) 0 or in more detail:
22 0 - i f x—> II fx —, I 0 0 i Qi®/*'' I ftQx i i 0 / Tfte Gauss-Manin 0 i *\ " —>...—> /*QJ,j —>...—» I 0 connection 0 i* ^/s /,QJ —» i /* ^J/s ~* I 0 0 1 i* i 0. t —> 0 -.0 -.0 5 Brieskorn lattices 23 Consider the connecting homomorphism д in the exact cohomology sequence of this exact sequence of complexes D.6.4) Remembering the rule of calculation of the connecting homomorphism д in an exact cohomology sequence, we obtain that d: &&l(X/S) -> Qls® Jf^X/S) or d: . &l(X/S) -> Qls® Jf^X/S) or (if we identify Q^ = 6>s&t with <^',y) exactly coincides with the Brieskorn definition of the Gauss-Manin connection V, i.e. it coincides with the operator d, = Vd/dt: .3fgR(X/S) -> .%?gR(X/S). For p = n we obtain accordingly the Gauss-Manin connection д = V, д: J^^iX/S) -*Q\2> 'Jg. f' s Now note that X is smooth and by the Poincare lemma the complex Q^ is a resolution of the sheaf Cx and hence .%fp(f*Qx) = RPf*(Q-x) = Rpf*Cx- However, this sheaf has a zero germ at the point 0 6 S by C.7.1). From D.6.4) we obtain: D.6.5) Corollary The Gauss-Manin connection on the De Rham co- cohomology gives the isomorphisms d,: 0). (and 0 - С - J^m(X/SH D.6.6) Remark As noted by Malgrange [M], this enables us to calculate the Betti numbers bp = dim Hp(Xt, C) of the Milnor fibre (i.e. the Milnor numbers) purely analytically without appealing to a result of Milnor about the homotopy equivalence of X, to a bouquet S" V ... V S" of spheres. The presence of a connection on J^^R(X/S) for 1 =? p ^ n — 1 involves (see F.1.1)) that .Ж^Х/S) are locally free sheaves of rank bp. Moreover, Ker<9, is a local system of rank bp (by the Cauchy theorem on solutions of a system of linear differential equations). But dt is an isomorphism and hence Ker<9, = 0 and bp = 0 for 1 =s p ^ n — 1. D.6.7) We give one more proof of the coincidence of the Gauss-Manin connection on JtfpR(X'/S') (defined by Brieskorn) with the topological connection on Ж = Rnf*Cx' ® @s'- To prove that under an isomorphism of sheaves the connections corre- correspond one to another, it is sufficient to show that horizontal sections of each of them correspond one to another. Again consider the exact hypercohomology sequence D.6.4) corresponding to the sequence of complexes D.6.3) on S', i.e. for/': X' -> S', Hence Ker V = Kerд = Im (Ки/*(й>) -> R"/*(Q>./SO- Complexes Q^-. and Q'x'/s' are resolutions of the sheaves Cx' and f~ld?s', respec- respectively. Hence Ker V corresponds to Cs i.e. to horizontal sections of the topological connection. S Brieskorn lattices First we summarise briefly the results of §4. Let /: X —» S be the Milnor fibration of an isolated singularity and H = Л"/*Сл" = (J KX'H"(Xt, C) be the cohomological fibration on S'. The locally free sheaf Jg = H ® (9S' on S' is identified with the De Rham cohomology sheaf .$@pR(X'/S'), to which we transfer the topological connection on .Ж. The sheaf .M^R{X'/S') naturally extends to the locally free sheaf J%pR(X/S) on the whole of S. The attempt to extend the connection V onto JtfnR(X/S) leads us to a locally free sheaf 'j^f D :Ж?К(Х/Б) coinciding with J%fpR(X/S) on S'. The covariant differentiation gives an isomorphism d, = Vd/dr: JefgR(AT/5)^'J8f. The identification of the sheaf <M = f*Qx/s/d(f*Q'x~/ls) as well as of the sheaf ^^{X/S) with the sheaf 3% on S' is realized by means of the De Rham theorem: a local
24 / The Gauss-Manin connection section of 'Зё is represented by a class of an и-form со on X, the restrictions (O\x, (these are forms of the largest degree on X,) give a family of cohomology classes w(t) € H"(Xt, C), i.e. a section w = s[co] of the sheaf 36 = R"f*CS' ® cfS: The germs of the sheaves 36?R(X/SH and '36q at the point 0 ? S have the same localization wrt t, which is a germ of the sheaf 36[0] с /*(.Ж). The connection V defines a meromorphic connection on 3&[0], and 3$qK{X/S) c '-^ c 3?Щ are two lattices in 36[0]. 5.1 Brieskorn lattice 6 E.1.1) Brieskorn considered one more natural lattice, 6 in 36[0], associated with (n + l)-forms for which the identification with 36 on S' is realized by means of a Poincare residue. The division lemma implies the exact sequence Q Л+1 X/S 0. Taking the quotient by the subsheaf dQ"X/s С QX/s an(* applying /*, we obtain an exact sequence E.1.2) where the sheaf E.1.3) 6 = f is called the Brieskorn lattice. ^ 0 -4 '36^ 6-^f*Qf -* 0, E.1.4) The sheaf /*Q/ = f*Qx+/s is concentrated at the point 0 € S and so the sheaves '.96 cd/A "j^ coincide on S'. The sheaf "Jgf is free of torsion (§6) and so 6 С 36[0]. E.1.5) The identification of ".^^ with 36 or with 'J#|S- is realized in the following way. The inclusion '36 с % in E.1.2) is given by multi- multiplication by d/, hence the inverse mapping must consist of division by d/. This is possible on X' because the Koszul complex is exact there. Namely, let со be a (n + l)-form on X representing a section of ".M. The fibres Xt are hypersurfaces defined by equations f(x) — t = 0, t = const. For t ф 0 the fibres X, are smooth and we can consider the function f(x) -(as a local parameter у — f(x) — t; dy = d/ because t = const. The form со of the largest degree can be represented in the form со = d/ Л гр. Then the 5 Brieskorn lattices 25 restriction ip\Xi does not depend on the form гр and it is nothing but the Poincare residue of the form co/[f(x) — t], CO f-f We obtain a family of forms on fibres X,, i.e. a relative и-form (more exactly a section ofQx,,s,/dQx~L,) which is denoted by E.1.6) CO „ CO — = Res df f-t and is called the Gelfand-Leray form of the form со. Hence we obtain a section w = s[co] of the sheaf Jtf, where w(f) € Hn{Xt, C) is represented by the form V|jr, = Res^-, co/[f{x) — t]. The section s[a>] Varchenko [AGV] calls a geometric section of the sheaf j^f. Thus we obtained the identification "J^fp- = ^. 5.2 Calculation of the Gauss—Manin connection V on ' .9ё E.2.1) We defined the covariant derivative D = dt = Vd/dt of the Gauss- Manin connection on J/fpK(X/S), dt: .M^R(X/S) -> '36, which to an n- form со representing a section of Зё^уЯ{Х/S) assigns an и-form dt(co) defined by the rale dco = df A dt(co). Taking into accoun/the inclusion 3if^R(X/S) с "Зё, we see that the covariant derivative dt: J^f^R(X/S) —» 6 reduces simply to the differen- differential d, d,(co) = dco. The same formula defines the extension of the connec- connection on 36^K(X/S) to '3?, E.2.2) 5,: 'Зё -»• 'Ж д,(со) = dco. 5.3 Increasing filtration on E.3.1) We join together the exact sequences D.4.2) and E.1.2) connecting the sheaves .%?pR(X/S), '3f, ".Ж and operators d,. However, before this we introduce new notation for these sheaves following that used by K. Saito [SK] (the reason for this new notation will become clear below). These sheaves are first in a series of sheaves forming an increasing filtration.
/ The Gauss-Manin connection 26 Put E.3.2) All these sheaves naturally coincide (are identified) with the sheaf 3$ on S", and their germs at the point 0 € S can be calculated on X by means of complexes of germs at the point x = 0 e C"+!: = H\Q-x/SiX), E.3.3) E.3.4) Proposition There is a commutative diagram 0^ j?f(-i)dZ>A Л ltd, = d QX~J + dQ x~J where Q/ = Qx+}s, and r is a mapping to the quotient. Both operators dt in the diagram are isomorphisms. Proof The commutativity of the diagram is obvious. Let us verify that d,: 3@(~X) —> J3?(O) is an isomorphism. Analogically we can verify that the second operator д,: ,Ж() —> .Ж(~1} is an isomorphism and, moreover, besides this was already verified in D.6.5). It is useful to carry out such reasoning by means of the following commutative diagram E.3.5) 0 T T-d/ T-d/ fQ" o, T T T which we will call a 'fragment' because it is a part of a double complex, in which the complexes (f^Qx, d), and (f^.Qx, —d/Л) are bound and whose natural origin will be explained in (II.5.3.10). Obviously, dt: J^' —> .Л^0) is an epimorphism because an element of .Ж@) is represented by an (n + l)-form a> on X and it can be represented in the form a> = drj because the complex (Q^, d) is exact in dimensions 5 Brieskorn lattices 27 5= 1. Let us show that dt is a monomorphism. Let ш € f*Qx represent an element of J^' and let d,([(o]) = 0 in J??@), i.e. dw = d/Ad?7, t] G /*Q?"'. We have to prove that [со] = О in ^(~1), i.e. <u = d/A?+d?i, ?, and ^le/^QJ. We have dco = d/Arf?7 = —d(df Л rj), i.e. d(co + d/ A 77) = 0. Again from the exactness of (Q^, d) we have that w + d/ A rj — d^i, i.e. ш = —d/ A 77 + d?i. ¦ It follows from Proposition E.3.4) that we can restore of dfA: J&-V с .^@) anda,: J&~1) ^M°\ E.3.6) .Ml~2) = {co€ M(~X): d,(w) This enables us to define an increasing filtration on E.3.7) j?<-« = {« g J^(-*+1): d,(w) g 2^ by means We obtain a commutative diagram E.3.8) ... с .у^(-к) с ... с )dc:A с J?f(-1)dc:Aig?@)-:>/*Q/ -»о ц 0, ... С Ж(-к~1) С ... С ^-9> С ^(-2> С f where, as it is easy to see, all inclusions have the same quotients, E.3.9) 0 С ^ 0. 5.4 A practical method of calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection E.4.1) Let V,//,/, = dt: ^S —> ^M be a meromorphic Gauss-Manin con- connection on a vector space ^M = ^@) <8>^s,0 ^ over the field ^ = <fs,o['-1] D.5.6). To calculate the connection dt practically it is convenient to use the Brieskorn lattice 3^ = Qx^/df Л dQ^1 because Q x+q is a locally free module of rank 1 and differential forms w = g(x) dx, dx = dxb A ... A dxn, are identified with functions, $ ~ ^,0, 01 = g(x) dx Consider the exact sequence E.1.2) 0 d/Л С f f in Under these epimorphisms the module Q? = with the local Artinian algebra g/ = @ D.4.6) is identified
28 / The Gauss-Manin connection As we know E.2.2), the connection d, on the lattice Л?<-~1) С Лву"' is calculated by the formula: E.4.2) for d/ Л ? 6 d/ Л M~X) we have d,(df A ?) = d|. On the other hand, the ^o-module /*Q/ is concentrated at the point 0 e S. Hence there exist such jfc that /к.Ж{0) с ^(~u. Hence to calculate 9, for an element ш € .Ж@), we need first to 'drive' w into Зё(~х^ and then to use the previous rule: if / ku> = d/ Л ?, then d,(fka)) = dg; but 9,(/ *a>) = kfk~]a> +f kd,u> and hence we have in ^Ж E.4.3) d,a> = --<y + ^|. ^ / /* The (^5,o-module .Жт is generated by a class of the form dx. So to 'drive' .M@) into M{~X), it is sufficient to find such A: that E.4.4) /*dx = d/A?, where ? = JXo^'OOdxo Л ... Л dx, Л ... Л dxn € QJ0 is an и-form. However, &f f\% = Y^i=0(—X)lhi(x)f'Xlux and so the calculation of the connection of J^@) is reduced to the question of finding к such that E-4.5) fk&(f'xo>--->f'xJ = Jf and explicit expression of/* by the derivatives f'x. (the calculation of the form |). The identification of QJ^1 with 6>x,o, oj = g(x) dx <-> g(x), enables us to rewrite the calculation of the connection dt in terms of functions g{x) € б x,o. Let us consider an important example. 5.5 Calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection of quasihomogeneous isolated singularities E.5.1) Let /(x) = J^mcmxm e C[xo,..., xn] be a quasihomogeneous singularity of degree d = 1 with weights wt(x,) = w,, where for m = (mo, ..., mo), xm denotes x™0 x™«. In this case the connection d, on .Ж@) is calculated explicitly and completely. This arises from two circumstances. Firstly / € J, i.e. к = 1, and from the Euler identity YLi=owixif'xi = f(x) f°r tne form ^ such mat /W dx =. d/ Л | we have an explicit formula E.5.2) Л ... Л dx,- Л ... Л дх„. (=0 Secondly the image of the inclusion M^~X) с -%fm coincides with fj&<® = t.%f(°\ i.e. with a submodule of ,Ж@) generated by the maximal ideal (t) с ^^o- So (by Nakayama's lemma) to find a basis a>\,..., w^ of 5 Brieskom lattices 29 the ^5,o-module .^@), it is sufficient to find a basis in a vector space /*Qr '=QT~Qf= &xfi/Jf. Let xm = x™° ... x™" € g/ be a monomial basis in g/, m e A,\A\= [i. Then the forms <um = xm dx, m ? A, represent a basis of the i^^o-module J%{0\ From /(x)dx = d/A| we have f(x)com =d/Axm| and this implies that 1 /0 Putting E.5.3) we then obtain: [-co -ш ;=o con i=0 E.5.4) Proposition For a quasihomogeneous singularity f{x\ deg/(x) = 1, wt(x,) = wt, the monomial basis a>m € Ж(№>, m € A, \A\ = /л, is a basis of eigenvectors of the operator /9,, гд,а>ш = [а(?и) - l]com. ¦ Thus in the case of a quasihomogeneous singularity the Brieskom lattice J^?@) is saturated, and the residue of the connection Resj^mV is a semisimple operator (see §8). E.5.5) Corollary The monodromy Tof a quasihomogeneous singularity is semisimple and its eigenvalues are E.5.6) Remark In general the Brieskom lattice J^@) is not saturated, i.e. in its basis the system of differential equations defining horizontal sections has a pole of order > 1. Scherk [Sc4] developed methods of construction of the saturation j^@) of the lattice :Ш®\ the choice of a convenient basis in j^(°) and explicit calculation of the connection dt. The calculations are rather non-trivial. Scherk carries out his method in detail for the singularity x5+y5+x2yz in [Scl]. This is a singularity of type Тг,5,5 in the classification of Arnold [AGV]. It is equivalent to the singularity (x3 + y2)(x2 + у3). This was the first singularity whose monodromy has infinite order to be discovered [A]. For the results of the calculation for the singularities Tp^r (see (II.7.3.5) and for the singularity ax5 + y6 +xAy, a € C, see [Sc-S]).
30 / The Gauss-Martin connection 6 Absence of torsion in sheaves .M^'^ of isolated singularities /: X —* S be the Milnor fibration of an isolated singularity fibration of an isolated "') be the sheaves introduced in E.3.7). = /*Q"/'/d/ Л d(/* Let /: X —* S be the Milnor /: (C+1, C) -+ (C, 0), and let .^ In particular ^() = .Щ^Х/S the Brieskorn lattice. These are coherent ds-modules on a disk S. We'll prove that these sheaves are torsion free (this is a result of Sebastiani - see [Se, M]) and it involves that they are locally free sheaves of rank /л. 6.1 The presence of a connection implies the absence of torsion F.1.1) Lemma Let ? be a finitely generated (^-module, & = @o$. If there is a connection on E, then E is free. Proof Assume for simplicity that r = 1. Let e\, ..., ep be a minimal system of generators of E. To construct this one can consider a basis ёь ..., ~ep of a vector space E/mE and the pre-images e, € E of elements в/. Then by Nakayama's lemma e\, ..., ep generate E. We next prove that e\, ..., ep are free generators, i.e. there are no relations between them. The proof is by reductio ad absurdum. Assume that f\e\ + ... +fpep = 0 is a non-trivial relation, fi(t)E(9. Then /i@) = ... = fp@) = 0 because otherwise the system of generators is not minimal. Let к be the minimal order of vanishing of functions /,@. which can appear in such relations. Then k> I. Let us take the relation J2fiei — 0 with minimal к and apply the operator D = Vd/d, to it. We obtain a relation between the e, for which at least one of the coefficients has the order of vanishing =? к - 1, and this contradicts the minimality of к. Indeed, if D(ej) = ?Г=1Гуе<> then If/}0 has order к at 0, then /H as well as the entire coefficient has order 6 Absence of torsion in sheaves M< l) of isolated singularities 31 F.1.2) Lemma A.1) implies that the sheaves J^^K{X/S) are locally free for p «? n - 1, because there are Gauss-Manin connections on them. Before passing to the sheaves .Ж(~1) we prove an important result. 6.2 A theorem of Malgrange F.2.1) Theorem [Ml] Let со be an n-form on X (a section of the sheaf ^(~1)), and let у be a section of the homology fibration Д* (a family of n- cycles) in a sector containing the zero ray, arg t = 0. Then lim co = 0 Proof Consider a preimage Y — f the axis arg t = 0. Let Г be Y(t0) € Я"(*,о, С). !([°. А)]) С X of a segment [0, t0] on an и-cycle on X,o of a class 0 f f0 Sinee Xo is contractible, 7 is also contractible and H"(Y, C) = 0. There- Therefore Г = дА, where Д is an (n + l)-chain on Y. Then by Stokes-Herrera theorem I(to) = co= \ со = \ dco. Jy(<0) Jr Ja Consider an (и + l)-chain Д, = /"'([0, ty DA,t6 @, t0]. Then /(?)=[ со = [ rfco. Jy(O Ja, Indeed, Д = Д, + Д', where Д' is a chain on /"'([*, fo]) and 9Д' = Г —Г,. Hence Г, is a cycle representing y(t) and /(fo) = /дско = JAf dco + jA. dco = JAf dw + Jrw - Jr,o> = Jд, dw + 7(r0) - 7@- It follows that 7@ = /д, dco. Now by a classical theorem of analysis lim,_o J д, dco = J д0 dco, where До = Xo П Д is an и-chain on JSTq- How-
32 ever, Xo\Sin; Hence /До dco = 0. / The Gauss-Manin connection is an и-manifold and dco is an (n -I- l)-coboundary. 6.3 Connection on a pair (E, F) F.3.1) We make one more general remark. Let E с F Ъе ?f-modules, & = &s,o, and let D be a connection on the pair (E, F), i.e. D: E -* F is a C-linear homomorphism satisfying the Leibniz rule. Denote by E* and Fx the torsion submodules of ? and F. Then F.3.2) D(ET) С FT. Indeed, assume that e e P and tke = 0, then 0 = D{tke) - ktk~le + tkD(e). Multiplying this equality by t, we obtain tk+lD(e) = 0, i.e. D(e) € F\ F.3.3) Going to quotients E = E/E1 and F = F/Fz, we obtain a connec- connection D on the pair (E, F). Moreover, if dime F/E < oo, i.e. F/E is a torsion, then D defines a meromorphic connection on the space ?\ where Ж is a field of fractions of &. 6.4 Sheaves.^-p) are locally free F.4.1) Theorem .^f<-2> = .i?fDR(X/5), ,i?f<-!> ^QJ/rfC/^QJ-1) and j^(°) = /+QJ+!/d/ Л dC/^Q^) are locally free ^-modules of rank p. Proof It is sufficient to prove that these sheaves are torsion free. As J^f(-2> с Jg(~X) С Jtf@) are submodules it is sufficient to prove that Jgf@) is torsion free. Let J^~l) = E, .^0) = F. We then have E с F and Z): ?^ F is an isomorphism by E.3.4). Assume that the torsion module FT^0. Then ETCFT and from F.1.1) and F.3.2) it follows that E* ф Fx otherwise there is a connection on ET = FT and hence Fx = 0. As D: E~c-> F is an isomorphism, there exists cufi E1 such that D((o) e FT. Here со is represented by a section of .Ж'' such that <У|5' t^ 0 and D(w)|5' = dco\S' = 0. Let y(f) be a local section of the homological fibration. Then (d/dt) /j,(()«y = /У(,) da; = 0. This means that the function I(t) = $y(t)(O = const. However, by Theorem B.1) lim,^o I(t) = 0. Hence I(t) = 0 for any section y(t) of the fibration Я*. This means that со is zero as a section of the sheaf .^f = ^1' со e ET.We therefore obtain a contradiction and hence FT = 0. i.e. 7 Singular points of systems of linear differential equations 33 7 Singular points of systems of linear differential equations 7.7 Differential equations of Fuchsian type We begin by recalling the notion of a regular singular point of a linear differential equation of order fj. or of a system of linear differential equations of first order. G.1.1) In the 1860s L. Fuchs A833-1902) investigated linear differential equations «<"> + +... + pM-i(t)u' + Pll(t)u = 0, in which pi(t) are meromorphic functions on the complex plane (or on some of its domain) having a finite number of singular points. We are interested in a local case and so we'll assume that pt(t) are holomorphic on a punctured disk S' = {0 < \t\ <6} and consider a singular point t = 0. By Cauchy's theorem, in a neighbourhood of a point t0 € S' the equation has a fundamental system of solutions u\(t), ..., ицA), which can be continued along a counter-clockwise oriented circle around the origin. Returning to the initial point we get a new fundamental system of solutions which is obtained from the initial system by multiplication by a mono- dromy matrix T. G.1.2) Fuchs proved (see below) that if Ab ...,A* are roots of the characteristic equation \T —XE\ = 0 of multiplicities m\, ..., m^, ctj = (l/2jri)logA,, then we can choose a fundamental system of solutions in the form of linear combinations of functions taJ(pfl(t), f logt-cpj2(t), ...,ta>log' t-cpjmj, j=\,...,k, where (Pji(t) are holomorphic on 5". G.1.3) A singular point t = 0 for which functions (pj\(i) have only poles (but not essentially singularities) was later called a regular singular point. G.1.4) Fuchs proved A866) that for a singular point t = 0 to be regular it is necessary and sufficient to have aj(t) = pj(t)tJ holomorphic at 0, i.e. to have pj(t) of the form pj{i) = aj(t)/tJ. If all dj(t) = a, = const, then we obtain the so-called Euler equation. Linear differential equations in which all singular points are regular, are called equations of Fuchsian type.
34 / The Gauss—Manin connection 7.2 Systems of linear differential equations and connections Consider a system of linear differential equations G.2.1) I : [Ум = Ъ or G.2.2) У = At)y, where у = {y\, ..., ум)' is a column of unknown functions, A{f) = (<zy@) is a matrix of system, and <z,y(f) are functions holomorphic on the punctured disk S'. By Cauchy's theorem on the existence and uniqueness of solutions in the neighborhood of any point t0 € S' there exists a fundamental system (basis) of solutions Ji J^, where ~y~j — {y\}- Ум])'- Writing solu- solutions 7y as columns of a matrix Y(f) = (yij(t)), we obtain a fundamental matrix of solutions. Going around the origin 0 € S in a counter-clockwise direction we obtain a linear transformation in the space of solutions of system G.2.2) in the neighborhood of the point to. This is the monodromy operator T. Let Г also denote the monodromy matrix wrt basis y~\, ..., J^, i.e. columns of T consist of coordinates of the vectors Tyj. Then after a complete revolution around the point 0 E S the matrix transforms to Y(t)T =&,..., у„)Т. In other words a space of solutions of the system y' = A{f)y defines a local system E on S'. The local system E defines a connection V on the trivial sheaf g1' =E®r-y<9s- ^ &%¦ = @%x6»vej. If T(t) = (Г,у@) is the matrix of connection V coefficients wrt the basis e, then we can consider the system G.2.2) as a system of differential equations denning horizontal sections of the connection if we set G.2.3) A(t) = -T(t). Then the monodromy of system G.2.2) is nothing but the monodromy of the connection V. G.2.4) The matrix A{i) of system G.2.2) (the connection matrix) depends on the choice of a basis in <%. If Q(t) is a transition matrix to a new basis and new coordinate finctions v are connected with old coordinate func- functions by у = Q(i)v, then a substitution in the equation y' = A{f)y shows that this equation transforms to v' = B(t)v, where В = Q~XAQ - Q~x Q. 7 Singular points of systems of linear differential equations 35 7.3 Decomposition of a fundamental matrix Y(t) The matrix function Y{i) has a singularity at the point 0 e S. As in the case of functions the singularity is characterized by: (i) a revolution around the point 0, i.e. by ramification; and (ii) approaching 0 e S. We can separate these effects. Let Г be a monodromy matrix of system G.2.2) wrt a basis J\, ..., j^. Let us represent the invertible matrix Г by the form G.3.2) T=zbl{R. Recall that using series we can define functions f(A) in matrix A. In particular, for a matrix R € М{ц, С) we can consider a matrix function x,(R\nt)k G.3.3) = gR\n, = k=0 II The function tR has the same monodromy as Y(t): after rounding 0 € S the function tR is multiplied by e2mR = T. Hence we can represent Y(t) by the form G.3.4) 7@ = Z{t)-tR, where Z{f) is a single-valued analytic function on S'. The matrix Г and hence the matrix R depend on the choice of the basis Уи ¦¦ ¦ ,Jfi, i.e. on the choice of the fundamental matrix Y(t). Changing Y(f) to Y(f)C, where С € GL(n, C) (transition to a new basis), we obtain c~lRC Y(t)C = Z(t)C(C-ltRQ = Z(t)C-t i.e. the matrix R transforms to a matrix C~lRC. Hence changing the basis У\> ¦¦¦ ,~Уц, we can assume that R has a Jordan normal form. In particular, if R is a Jordan block of order к with eigenvalue a, G-3.5) „, la \ 1 a 0 = aE + N, where N = 1 1 a then / 1 G.3.6) tR = e*ln/ = ta- (lnf) n-1 V(n-l)! ¦" ,0 ... 1 0, \ 0 lnr 1
36 / The Gauss-Manin connection T= where A = е2л:1а is an eigenvalue of the monodromy, and Tn is an unipotent part of the monodromy, G.3.7) N = — logTu. 7.4 Regular singular points G.4.1) Definition A singular point 0 € S of system G.2.2) is called regular, if in the representation of the fundamental matrix У(/) = Z(t)tR the matrix function Z(/) is meromorphic, i.e. functions z,y(/) have only poles (and haven't essential singularities). G.4.2) This definition can be reformulated in terms of the rate of growth of solutions as / —> 0. Let g(i) be a multivalued function on S'. Let us make a cut along the real ray U+ П S'. Let Si be S' with this cut. One says that a function g(t) has a moderate rate of growth at 0, if any branch of g{f) on S\ grows at most as a degree of \/\t\, i.e. |g(/)| ^ Л/|/|" for some и. A vector function has a moderate rate of growth, if all its coordinates have a moderate rate of growth. G.4.3) It is easy to see that a singular point 0 € S of system G.2.2) is regular if and only if any of its solutions has a moderate rate of growth atO. We have characterized regular singular points in terms of solutions of the equation. Now we'll do it in terms of the equation G.2.2) itself. 7.5 Simple singular points G.5.1) Definition The point / = 0 is called a simple singular point of system G.2.2), if its matrix A(t) has at the point r=0a pole of at most first order, i.e. if A(t) can be written in the form A(i) = A0/t + Ai(t), where Aq is constant and A\(t) is a holomorphic matrix. The matrix Aq is called a residue of system G.2.2) at the point 0. A system G.2.2) with a simple singular point is written in the form G.5.2) tdly = [A0+tAl(t)]y, where d, = d/dt. G.5.3) Proposition If t = 0 is a regular singular point of system G.2.2), 7 Singular points of systems of linear differential equations 37 there exists a meromorphic change of unknown functions у = Q(t)v (Q(t) is a meromorphic matrix) which transforms system G.2.2) to a system with a simple singular point. Indeed, let Y(t) = Z(t)tR, where Z(t) is a meromorphic matrix. Let us take Q{f) = Z{t), i.e. make the change у = Z(t)v. As Y = Z-tR is a solution of the system y' = Ay G.2.2), we obtain that this change trans- transforms system G.2.2) to the system v' =-R-v, with a simple singular point. Moreover, we obtain a system of special (Eulerian) type, for which A\(t) = 0. Obviously, these singularities are regular. G.5.4) Lemma A system of linear differential equations У =-У> G-5.5) where R € М(/л, С) has a fundamental matrix of solutions Y(t) = tR and, consequently, has a regular singularity at the point 0 € S. The proof of this consists of an explicit solution of system G.5.5) by 'school' methods. Namely, a system of linear equations y' = Ry with constant coefficients and in variable z has a fundamental matrix of solutions Y(z) = e& (it is a 'differential equation with separable vari- variables'). A change of the variable z = In / in system G.5.5) leads to a system y' =Ry. Hence system G.5.5) has a fundamental matrix of solutions Y = Vn' =df tR. A linear change of unknown functions у = Су in system G.5.5) leads to a transform of the matrix R, R i—> C~XRC. By such a change we can transform R into a Jordan normal form. Thus, system G.5.5) falls apart into several disjoint systems corresponding to Jordan blocks. Denote by <%a'q a system G.5.5) where R is one Jordan block of order q with eigenvalue a: {&«'<>) о" = Ry, where R = aE + N is a triangle matrix in G.3.5). 7.6 Simple singular points are regular The classical Sauvage theorem (Sauvage, 1853-1920) asserts:
38 / The Gauss-Manin connection G.6.1) Theorem (Sauvage, 1886) If / = 0 is a simple singular point of system G.2.2), then it is regular. This theorem follows from the following theorem, a proof of which can be found in the [C-L]: G.6.2) Key-Lemma (Lemme-clef) If the residue Ao of an equation ty' = [Ao + tA\(i)]y with a simple singular point has no eigenvalues, which differ by an integer, then there exists a holomorphic change of unknown functions Q(t)y, which transforms this equation to an equation G.5.5) (i.e. reduces it to the Eulerian case). The condition about eigenvalues in this lemma can be satisfied by means of the Lemma about shift G.7.6). We'll prove this below. G.6.3) Thus, a singular point 0 € S of a system y' = A(t)y is regular if and only if there exists a meromorphic change у = Q(t)v, transforming the system to a system with a simple singular point. G.6.4) Remark Moreover, by the classical Horn theorem (Horn, 1892) such a matrix Q(t) can always be found in the form of a polynomial Qit) = Qo + a / + ...+ QNtN, Qt G M{n, C). J. Moser and D. Kutz (see [Br]) obtained an estimate for the degree N expressed in the order of pole it of matrix A(t). Namely, let A(t) = t~k(^2°l0Ajt') be a meromorphic matrix with a pole of order к > 1 and a nilpotent matrix AQ of rank r. Then we have: G.6.5) Proposition A system y' = A(t)y with a regular singular point can be transformed into a system with a simple singular point by means of a change у = Q(t)v, where Q(t) is a matrix of polynomials of degree N « 2[(k - 2)(л - 1) + r]. A practical method of finding the matrix Q(t) is reduced to a solution of a system of algebraic equations. Unknowns of this system are the elements of matrices Qo, ¦¦¦, Qn- Equations of this system express the condition that after the change у = Q(t)v we get a system with simple singularity, i.e. the matrix QTX AQ — Q~x Q' has at most a pole of the first order. 7.7 Connections with regular singularities Let 3G = @\t~x\ be a field of fractions of the ring <9 = <9s,o, M = ф;=1.Же, be a vector space over Ж, and V: M -> Qlsfi <g> M be a 7 Singular points of systems of linear differential equations 39 meromorphic connection on M D.6.1). If a basis e in M is chosen, and Г = (Г,у(/)) is a matrix of coefficients of connection forms in this basis, then the horizontality condition V(w) = 0 of a section m = ey is written in the form of a system of linear equations G.2.2), where A(i) = — Г(/). G.7.1) A connection V is called regular at the point 0 € S (or 0 ? S is called a regular singularity of a connection V), if the corresponding system G.2.2) has a regular singularity at 0. Taking into account the relation between regular and simple singular points and the fact that Г(/) is the matrix of operator dt = ^d/dt in basis e, we obtain the following reformu- reformulation: G.7.2) Definition A lattice IcMis called saturated, if it is stable under the operator tdt, i.e. td,(L) С L. A meromorphic connection V on M is called regular, if there exists a saturated lattice in M. Indeed, if a lattice L is stable under tdt, then the matrix of the operator dt, i.e. Г(/), has at most a pole of the first order. The converse follows from a commutator relation G.7.3) [tdt, g] = tg' for g G &. Indeed, if in a basis e\,..., e^ of a lattice L the matrix Г(/) has at most a pole of the first order, then for base elements td,(ej) € L. Then for € L we have tgfa € L, i.e. L is stable under tdt. Again from a commutator relation [td,, t] = t it follows that for a saturated lattice L its ^-submodule tL is stable under tdt. G.7.4) Definition The residue of a meromorphic connection V on M wrt a saturated lattice ? is the endomorphism Res0 V = td,\ L/tL -* L/tL of the vector space L = L/tL, dime L = /г. If a connection V has a matrix of connection coefficients Г@ = T0/t + T\(t) in a basis of L, where Ti@ is a holomorphic matrix, then ResoV has the matrix Го in the corresponding basis. We can change the eigenvalues of the transformation Го by adding integers by means of a change of L. This is based on the commutator rule
40 / The Gauss-Martin connection [d,, t] = \, i.e. dtt= td,+ \. It is straightforward to verify that the following commutator rule is satisfied G.7.5) [td, - {a + \)]r-t = t{td, - a)r. From this we obtain: G.7.6) Lemma about shift Let L be a saturated lattice and let a be an eigenvalue of the linear transformation Reso V = td, on the space L — L/tL. Consider a root subspace E in L corresponding to a. Namely, if r is the multiplicity of a (the multiplicity of a as a root of characteristic equation), then there is a partial Jordan decomposition X = Ker{td, - a)r © Im(id~, — a)r = 1 © F. Let L = E © F be a decomposition of L, which gives this decomposition mod {tL). Then a lattice U = F © F, where ?" = ?? is also saturated. The eigenvalues of Reso V wrt V i.e. the eigenvalues of Reso V: L'/tL' —> V/tL' are the same as wrt Z, except the eigenvalue a. And a for L becomes a + 1 for L'. Analogously, if we change E to E' = (l/f)?> then a is changed to a-1. Prao/ Let g G ? С L. This means that (fd, - a)rg G fZ,, i.e. (fd, - a)rg= t-h, h ? L. Consider the element tg G E' = tE. Then from G.7.5) it follows that {td, -{a + l))r{tg) = *-(rd, - a)rg = *2A. This means that zg G Ker(*d, - (a+ l))rmod(*2Z,), i.e. mod (*?')• Thus subspace tE = E' gives a subspace in L'/tL' corresponding to an eigen- eigenvalue a + 1 of the residue Reso V on the lattice L'. Ш G.7.7) To summarise: if V is a meromorphic connection on a vector space M over Ж, then there exists a basis e in M such that M = ®Ma'4, where Ma'q denotes a subspace, generated by q basis vectors, with respect to which the matrix -Г is Jordan with the eigenvalue a. If we wish, we can change a by adding integers. For example, we can assume that all a belong to the interval — 1 < a =s 0. 7.8 Residue and limit monodromy Let % = (B^&s'tj be a free sheaf on S and V be a connection on ?T|y. The monodromy operator Г is a linear transformation on the fibre 8 Regularity of the Gauss—Manin connection 41 = %, ® @s,t/"*- Properly speaking, it depends on the point t, T=T{t). G.8.1) Proposition If V is a conneetion meromorphie at the point 0, i.e. it is a connection on the sheaf &[0] = % ®r 6\_\/t\ and if t = 0 is a simple singular point, then the monodromy transformation T ean be extended to the point 0, Blim^o T{t) = To, and To is eonneeted with Res0 V by the relation la —e Proof In a basis e\, ..., e^ the matrix of eonneetion eoeffieients T{t) has the form T{t) = T0/t + Ti{t), where Го is eonstant, and Ti{t) is a holo- morphic matrix, and Tq = Reso V. Horizontal seetions s = ey satisfy a system of differential equations y'=—T{t)y, or dy = — T{t)ydt. To calculate the monodromy we restrict this equation to a eirele. Let {p, cp) be polar coordinates on the complex plane t = pe"p. Then dt = ip el<p dcp + Q19 dp, and on the circle p = po = eonst we have dt = ip el(p dcp. Substituting for t and dt to the equation for dy we obtain dy = — {T0/peiq> + Ti)yipeil?> dcp, i.e. on the eirele the differential equa- equation has the form dcp The monodromy transformation Tat a point (p0, <Po) is obtained if we take the value of a solution Y of this equation at the point {po, cpo + 2л), satisfying the initial condition У\(ро,щ) = E, where E is a unit matrix. We see that the differential equation depends continuously on p and cp, and there exists Hir^o T = To, where To is obtained from the equation with- p = 0, i.e. dy/dcp = -iToy. It follows that Y = е41»1? and Го = у — _-2тГ0 т 2\(р=2я — e • ¦ G.8.2) Remark Properly speaking, it is wrong to say that To is eonjugated with T{t) for t near to 0. However, if a eharaeteristie polynomial of the monodromy T is independent of t, then it ean be ealeulated by means of Го = Res0 V. 8 Regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection Let /: X —> S be the Milnor fibration of an isolated singularity /: (C+1, C) -+ (C, 0), and let Vd/d, = d,: J& -> Ж be the meromorphie
42 / The Gauss-Manin connection Gauss-Manin connection on the sheaf Ж — Жт ®< s &s[t~l]> a restric- restriction of which to S' coincides with Ж = Rnf*Cx <8>cS' &sl- A fibre at the point 0 € S is a vector space Жо = Ж\' ®r s0 Ж of dimension (x over the field Ж - ?.{t}[t~x], see D.6.6). A fundamental result about the Gauss-Manin connection (Ж, dt) is its regularity. There is a filtration on Ж consisting of lattices Ж(~^ E.3.7), where To prove the regularity of the connection one can either construct a saturated lattice L in ./M G.7.2) or show that in some basis any horizontal section has a moderate growth G.4.3). We'll use both methods. 8.1 The period matrix and the Picard-Fuchs equation Let Ж* = Я* ®Cs, @s, it = U t€S-Hn(Xt, C), be a sheaf dual to Ж, and let V* be a connection dual to the Gauss-Manin connection V on Ж. Horizontal sections of the sheaf Ж are families of cycles y(t) € Hn(Xt, C), obtained by spreading a cycle in one fibre to nearby fibres. (8.1.1) Definition Let w be an и-form on X or a section of the sheaf Ж(~х^ represented by this form, and let y(t) be a horizontal (multivalued) section of the sheaf Ж*. A (multivalued) function on 5" W = is called a period of the form <w. i = CO )y(t) (8.1.2) This name originates from the following classical situation. Let со be a closed 1 -form on a manifold X. Let us consider a multivalued function F(t) — J^ со, the integral of со over a path connecting a fixed point to with a point t. Then the values of F(t) at the point t differ by periods, i.e. integrals of со over closed paths, i.e. over 1-cycles y. (8.1.3) Let ct)i, ..., Wf, be a basis of (local) sections of the sheaf 3& represented by и-forms on X. If classes of these forms generate the germ at 0 of the sheaf Ж(~1) (or Ж(~1)), then coi ш^ is a basis of sections in a neighborhood of the point OeS. Let T(i) = (Г,у(ф be a matrix of the Gauss-Manin connection coefficients wrt this basis B.3.5). Then the horizontality condition of a section о in coordinates y\, ..., Уц wrt a basis Regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection 43 o)\ Wft is written in the form of a system of linear differential equations B.3.10) / = -T(t)y. In a dual to the coi, ..., 0^ basis of sections w*, ..., w* of the sheaf Ж* the matrix of the connection V* is equal to Г* = -Г' by B.6.5). By B.6.7) we obtain: (8.1.4) Proposition If y(t) is a horizontal section of the sheaf Ж*, then the period integrals /i@= f o>i I/,(t)= (ом Jy(O Jy@ are solutions of the system (8.1.5) y' = T\t)y. This system is called the Picard-Fuchs equation of the Gauss-Manin connection in the basis u>\, ..., (Of,. Indeed, Ij(t) IM(t) are coordinates of y(t) in the basis со*, ..., со* and system (8.1.5) expresses a condition of horizontality of a section y(t) of the sheaf Ж*. (8.1.6) If у 1, ..., уM is a basis of horizontal (multivalued) sections of the sheaf Ж*, then the period matrix Q@ = (QjKO), where Щ = [ a,, \^i,j^n, hi is a fundamental matrix of solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equation (8.1.7) It is easy to see that the matrix (Q')~'@ is a fundamental matrix of solutions of the system y' = -T(t)y expressing a condition of horizon- horizontality of a section of the sheaf Ж in basis co\, ..., coM. 8.2 The regularity theorem follows from Malgrange's theorem (8.2.1) Regularity theorem Iff: (C+1, C) -> (C, 0) is an isolated singu- singularity, then the singular Gauss-Manin connection V on Ж^К(Х/Б) has a regular singular point at 0 € S. (8.2.2) Originally the regularity theorem was proved by P. A. Griffiths A968) in the global case, when/: Y -* S is a projective morphism. Recall
44 / The Gauss-Martin connection that the regularity theorem means that periods of integrals of the family /: Y —> S have a polynomial growth 1/1*1^ at the point 0, and Griffiths obtained an estimate of the integrals' growth. Brieskorn [Br] obtained the desired estimate of integrals' growth in a local situation from the corre- corresponding Griffiths's result about meromorphic differential forms on fa- families of algebraic varieties. (8.2.3) From (8.1.7) and from Malgrange's theorem F.2.1) asserting that for any period I(t) = J7(,)u>, lim,^o ДО = О, it follows that horizontal sections of the Gauss-Manin connection have a moderate growth. This proves the regularity theorem (8.2.1). (8.2.4) Afterwards other proofs of the regularity theorem were obtained, some using a resolution of the singularity and others not. There are two proofs in [M]. The second of these is based on Malgrange's criterion for the regularity of a singularity, using the index of the operator dt- We'll sketch one more proof of the regularity theorem (P. Deligne, see also [H]), using a resolution of the singularity and logarithmic differentials. 8.3 The regularity theorem and connections with logarithmic poles (8.3.1) The Gauss-Manin connection is a meromorphic connection V on the sheaf where 6's[Q] = &s[t~x], and Va/d/ = d, is a connecting homomorphism in the hypercohomology exact sequence D.7.4). Now let /: X —> 5 be a morphism but not necessarily the Milnor fibration. When / is Stein, we have To prove the regularity of the connection V we have to find a saturated lattice in 3f[0] G.7.2). (8.3.2) Denote by QX/S[XO] = Qx/S ®/-^s f~lS>s[0] a complex of relative meromorphic differential forms on X with poles at Xo = f~l@). We have an isomorphism 8 Regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection The sequences of complexes 45 Q x/S 0 is exact on X', because the restriction /to X' = X\X0, /': X' —» 5", is a smooth morphism. Hence the kernel Ker(d/A) is concentrated on Xo and is killed by ®y-i^,. /~'<^ s[0]. We obtain an exact sequence of complexes 0 -» Q-x/s[X0] -» QX[XO] -» QX/S[XO) -» 0 and the Gauss-Manin connection dt = Vd/dr is a connecting homomorph- homomorphism V: R"/*Q> in the exact hypercohomology sequence corresponding to this exact sequence. (8.3.3) Consider a resolution of the singularity of the morphism/ X0CX Л XDX0 7\l/ S i.e. a proper morphism лг: X —¦ X such that л: X\Xo^*X\Xq, where Xq — jTx (Xo) and (Xo)red is a divisor with normal crossings. Let QX(XO) = Q^(logXo) С Q|[X0] be sheaves of differential forms with logarithmic poles, and let Qpx/S(xo) = ? be the corresponding locally free sheaves of relative differential forms. Locally we have f = z1?, ..., zvkk and df/f = ?*=iv/dz;/*; e QX(XO) can be completed to be a basis of QX(XO). Hence the complex (QX(XO), (df/f) A is exact. We have an exact sequence of complexes 0 QX(XO) -+ Q-X/S(XO) -» 0 (8.3.4) Furthermore, the sheaves U'f^Qx.s{Xo) are coherent ^j- ules and there are isomorphisms ® Thus we can change the sheaf ЗёЩ = U"f*Q-x/s[X0]. "f*Qx/s[X0] to the sheaf
46 / The Gauss-Manin connection (8.3.5) We assert that a sheaf L = Unf*Qx/s(X0)/Tors is the desired saturated lattice in M"f*Qx ,S[XO], i-e. it is stable wrt the operator tdt. (8.3.6) Indeed, we have a commutative diagram Д / l-j Г Г о -> Щ}8[х<л й^ &к[х0] -> ®x/s[Xo] -> о where the columns are exact sequences of complexes. We obtain a homomorphism of the exact hypercohomology sequence of the upper line to the analogous exact sequence of the low line. A fragment containing connecting homomorphism is It 1<p We have that Im cp is the desired lattice L because this diagram shows that д,Щ С (l/f)I. ¦ (8.3.7) Remark Arguing as above Hamm [H] proved the regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection on sheaves R'f'*Cx' ®cs¦ @s' — Rif'*(f~i&s') — №'f'*QX'/s' m *e case °fa non-isolated singularity / 9 The monodromy theorem 9.1 Two parts of the monodromy theorem (9.1.1) Let /: X —> 5 be the Milnor fibration of an isolated singularity, and T: Hn{X,0, C) -> Hn(X,0, C), t0 ? S' be the monodromy transforma- transformation. This is an andomorphism of a vector space of dimension ju. As is well known, T can be reduced to a Jordan normal form, i.e. one can choose a basis in which Г consists of Jordan blocks /a i 0\ 0 1 A/ where A is an eigenvalue of the monodromy on cohomology. The monodromy theorem consists of two parts: (i) the first concerns eigenvalues of T and asserts that all Я are roots of unity; 9 The monodromy theorem 47 (ii) the second concerns the sizes of Jordan blocks and asserts that they do not exceed n + I (we'll indicate a more exact estimate later). In other words (i) means that the monodromy transformation Г is quasiuni- potent, i.e. 3 integer N, such that TN is unipotent, and (ii) means that the index of quasiunipotency of T, i.e. the least к such that (TN — E)k = 0, does not exceed n + I, (TN - ?)"+1 = 0. 9.2 Eigenvalues of monodromy Theorem I All eigenvalues of Гаге roots of unity. Proof We give a beautiful proof due to Brieskorn [Br], based on the regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection and on the positive solution of the seventh Hilbert problem. (9.2.1) Eigenvalues Ay of the monodromy Гаге algebraic numbers because they are roots of a characteristic polynomial Д(А) with integer coefficients (because Г originates from an automorphism of a lattice H"(X,0, Z)). (9.2.2) The eigenvalues Ay are of the form Ay = e23""', where aj are eigenvalues of the matrix Aq = — Reso V. Indeed, the characteristic poly- polynomial A(/) of the monodromy Г = Г(/о) has integer coefficients, thus it is constant under varying f0, and hence it is the same as for To = e-^iv (9.2.3) The positive solution of the seventh Hilbert problem @. A. Gelfond and Th. Schneider, 1934) is given by the following theorem: If a and A = e2ma are both algebraic numbers, then a € Q. Therefore it remains to prove that ay are algebraic numbers. If they are, ay € Q and A = e2ma/ is a root of unity. The algebraicity ofay follows from the algebraicity theorem. (9.2.4) Algebraicity theorem of the Gauss-Manin connection. Let x0, ..., х„ be coordinates on X at the point 0 and let / be a coordinate at the point 0 € S. Then functions of (f s,o — C{ t} and of &x,o — C{x0, ..., xn} are identified with converging power series. Now let cp: С —> С be any automorphism of the field C. Applying cp to coefficients of series, we obtain an extension of <p to an automorphism of functions &x,o —* @xja- Let (pf be a function obtained from /in a such way. Denote
48 / The Gauss—Manin connection by Hf = H"(Q'X/SO) a germ of the De Rham cohomology, and similarly for the function cpf. The algebraicity theorem asserts that the diagram 1(P v Hvf- where V is the Gauss-Manin connection, is commutative. (9.2.5) It follows from this theorem that if a matrix Го = Res0 V is the residue of the Gauss-Manin connection for f, then the corresponding matrix (pTo for (pf is obtained by applying <p to all elements of Го. Hence, if e2™"; is an eigenvalue of the monodromy for / then е2лг'*>(а-/) is the eigenvalue of the monodromy for q>f, and consequently, е2л")>(а-') is also an algebraic number for any automorphism ср. Now if ay were transcendental, then we could transform a, to any transcendental number (p(aj) by some automorphism cp: С —> С, and (because the set of algebraic numbers is countable), we could choose cp such that e2mi>(.aj) js transcendental. However, because e2m<f>(aj) is an algebraic number for any cp, it follows that a.j is an algebraic number. This concludes the proof of the monodromy theorem I. ¦ (9.2.6) Remark The theorem about eigenvalues of a monodromy was conjectured by Milnor A968) based on calculation of A(A) for Pham singularities. This theorem can be obtained from the corresponding theo- theorem in the global case, when /: X —> S is a proper morphism. In the global case the monodromy theorem was proved by A. Grothendieck, A. Landman (Thesis, 1967), С. Н. Clemens A969) and others. As noted by P. Deligne (see [Br]) the above proof (integrality of A(A), regularity, algebraicity, seventh Hilbert problem) also gives a proof of the theorem about eigenva- eigenvalues of a monodromy in the global algebraic case. 9.3 The size of Jordan blocks (9.3.1) Theorem II (the second theorem about monodromy). If fr+leJf = (f'Xo,...,f'Xn), then the size of the Jordan blocks of the monodromy Tis at most r + 1. (9.3.2) Remark Initially it was proved that the size of the Jordan blocks is at most n + 1 (N. M. Katz, 1970). Brieskorn conjectured that the estimate n + 1 is connected with the following result of J. Briancon and H. Skoda 9 The monodromy theorem 49 A974): For an isolated singularity, /n+1 6 J/. J. Scherk conjectured theorem (9.3.1) in [Scl] and proved it in [Sc2]. His proof is based on an embedding of the Milnor fibration /: X —> S in a projective family Y —> S and on an application of the limit MHS on H"(Y,, C). We'll return to this question in chapter 2, (II.3.5.9). Now we only note that the condition f+l e J/ means that f'+1Qx^ С df AQX0 and is equivalent to the condition tr+l-.J^f) С -^о^- When r = 0 the condition / 6 J/ is equivalent to quasihomogeneity of a singularity f, and the monodromy theorem asserts that all Jordan blocks are of size 1, i.e. the monodromy T is semisimple. We have already obtained this in E.5.5). B. Malgrange [M2] gave an example of singula- singularities who monodromy T contains a Jordan block of maximal possible size n + 1. Such an example gives the singularity л:8 + y% + z% + x2y2z2 for which N2 фи (see also [S3] and (II.8.5.15)). 7 9.4 Consequences of the monodromy theorem. Decomposition of integrals into series Let Л = {Alt ..., Xr} be a set of eigenvalues of monodromy T on the cohomological fibration H= R"f'*CX' = U tes'Hn(X,, C). Then A^\ ..., A~' are eigenvalues of the monodromy Mon the homological fibration if = U tes- Нп{Х„ С) which is dual to Я Denote by (9-4.1) «У = -гк^ the eigenvalues of a matrix R, M = е2л'я. By monodromy theorem I (§9.2) the eigenvalues A, = e~2jria> are roots of unity, and so ay- 6 Q are rational number defined mod Z. Denote by (9.4.2) L(Aj) = {a.j, a.j + I, a^ + 2, ...) an arithmetical progression with one (suitable) value of a;. Let ?Oi, ...,а)м be a basis of (local) sections of the sheaf 3% = Я® 6>s\ and let y(t) be either the local or multivalued section of the fibration ff, i.e. a horizontal section of the sheaf .Ж* = Я* ®сс. @s'- Then the column > = Qy@= I ал, ..., шЛ \iY(t) Jy(O J is a solution of the system y' = T'(t)y (8.1.5), where Г@ is the matrix of coefficients of the Gauss-Manin connection V on J& in the basis coi, ..., co^. By G.3.4) we have у = Z(t)tRC, where e2MR = M and С is
50 / The Gauss—Martin connection a column of constants. By the regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection, the matrix Z(t) is a matrix of functions meromorphic at the point 0 € S. From the structure of the matrix tR G.3.6), we obtain: (9.4.3) Corollary If со is a section of the sheaf. ffl and y(t) is a horizontal section of the homological fibration //*, then the integral 7@ = IY,o, = f со Jy(t) is decomposed into the series (9.4.4) 7@ = У] 1 k=o K- and, moreover, if for an eigenvalue Я the monodromy Г (or M) has Jordan blocks of dimension =s r + 1, then the inner summation goes only up to r, (9.4.5) Corollary If in (9.4.3) со is a section of the sheaf M(~x) in a neighborhood of the point 0 € S, or ш is a holpmorphic и-form in a neighborhood of the point 0 € X representing this section, then in the decomposition (9.4.4) all a s* 0 (all progressions L(kj) consist of non- negative numbers), and, moreover, if a — 0, then a^a = 0 for к s= 1. Proof This follows from Malgrange's theorem F.2.1), where it is proven that lim,^o 7@ = 0. ¦ (9.4.6) Corollary If in (9.4.3) со is a section of the sheaf J&m in a neighborhood of the point 0 € S, or со is a holpmorphic (n + l)-form in a neighborhood of the point 0 € X representing this section, and w = s[oj] is a geometrical section of the sheaf .^ corresponding to the Gelfand-Leray form co/d/ = Res [co/(f — t)], then in the decomposition (9.4.4) for integrals 7@ -j „-j Jy(O Jy 0,/d/ Proof By proposition E.3.4) the operator 9,: ^"'^^fC) is an iso- isomorphism. Let [со] = dt([r]]), where rj is an л-form. We have calculated the derivative of the function F(t) = 10 A non-isolated hypersurface singularity 51 In the decomposition of F(t) all a 3= 0, and for a = 0 we have only constants by (9.4.5), hence in the decomposition of I(t) = F'(t) all 10 Gauss-Manin connection of a non-isolated hypersurface singularity Let /: (C+1, 0) —> (C, 0) be any, not necessarily isolated, singularity of a holomorphic function / In this section we'll consider how the notion of the Gauss-Manin connection of the cohomology of the Milnor fibration, the sheaves ^f(-/) and other notions and results obtained above for isolated singularities are transferred to a general case [Sr]. 10.1 De Rham cohomology sheaves A0.1.1) The Milnor fibration /: X —* S of a singularity / is defined word for word as in the case of an isolated singularity [Di3]. Xis an intersection of a ball В = {\x\ <e} С Cn+1 of radius ? with the preimage of a disk 5 = {|f|<E}cC of radius <5 < ?. Here Xo = f~l@) is the single singular fibre. The morphism / is a smooth locally trivial fibration over S' = S\{0}, /': X' -> S'. It defines cohomology fibrations № -* S', where Hp> = \J t&s'Hp(Xt, C) = Rpf*CX', denning topological Gauss- Manin connections V on locally free sheaves of sections Ж" = Hp <g> &S' = RpftCx- О ^V- The monodromy transformation Г corresponding to a standard generator of Я!E') acts on a fibration Hp. The Betti numbers bp = dim Hp(Xt, C) are called Milnor numbers /г р of the singularity /. A0.1.2) By the relative Poincare lemma the sheaf f~x@s' has a resolution Q'X'/s'> a complex of sheaves of relative differential forms. Thus sheaves Л?р are identified with sheaves of relative De Pham cohomology Су These sheaves are naturally extended to sheaves J%f?R(X/S) =
52 / The Gauss-Manin connection Rp'/'*(QX/s) on S, which we'll denote by -Ж^_2) in analogy with the case of isolated singularities. A0.1.3) The morphism/(as well as/') being Stein, these sheaves are isomorphic to the cohomology sheaves of complex f*Q'x/s- Thus we obtain (De Rham theory) a connection between the sheaves ^fp and sheaves of differential forms (the connection of topology with algebra and analysis). 10.2 Coherence A0.2.1) There is a question about the coherence of sheaves This is one of the fundamental technical results. Since it is technical, we'll not consider this question here and we'll assume that the singularities under consideration are such that these sheaves are coherent. We mention only the papers of Hamm [H], R. O. Buchweitz and G. M. Greuel A980), and also that of van Straten [Sr], in which Brieskorn's proof of the coherence of sheaves .^f^K(X/S) for isolated singularities is transferred to the case of non-isolated concentrated singularities. We restrict ourselves by a definition of this notion. A0.2.2) Let X -?¦ S be the Milnor fibration, where X = XE<&, with s and д radii of a ball and a disk, respectively. Denote by dX = dB? r\f~l(Sj) and X = X U dX the relative boundary and closure of X. A sheaf L of C- vector spaces on A"is called transversally constant (relative to the boundary dX), if it is constant along transverses to dX. This means that there exists an open neighborhood U of the closure dX in CN and a C00-vector field 9 on C/such that: A) в is transverse to dB; B) the local 0-flow in [/leaves X and the fibres X, invariant; C) the restriction of L to the integral curves of в is a constant sheaf. Consider a finite complex (K\ d) of ^V-coherent modules with /~1(^sHinear differential d. Van Straten proved that if the cohomology sheaves .Ж'(К-) are transversally constant, then the sheaves U'f*(K-) are бVcoherent modules. A complex of sheaves (K\ d) is called concentrated if for all e' ? @, e] there exists d' € @, d] such that the cohomology sheaves .Ж'(К') are transversally constant on AV,<y- A singularity /is called concentrated if the complex Q'x/s 1S concentrated. Examples of concentrated singularities are: 10 A non-isolated hypersurface singularity 53 A) isolated singularities; B) quasihomogeneous singularities (with a good С -action); C) singularities such that for some X —> S there are only a finite number of isomorphism classes of germs among germs (X, x) -»• (S, f(x)). Note that the sheaves .%f'DK(X/S) may be non-coher- non-coherent, as is the case, for example, for/ = yA + xy2z2 + z4. 10.3 Relation between .%/p(f*Q-f) and j\Л''f'(Qy) A0.3.1) Proposition C.6.1) can be generalized to the case of non-isolated singularities. As in the case of isolated singularities, from the second hypercohomology spectral sequence C.2.4) we obtain an exact sequence containing the De Rham cohomology sheaf .%?'DR(X/S) = .Jtf'if+Qy), A0.3.2) 0 -* (Л'ДС*) ® ts -* jy'CAQy) - U&i&f) - 0 Cx J J where the first sheaf has a zero germ at 0 e S, and the last one is concentrated at 0 € S because J^'(Qy)\S- = 0 by virtue of the smoothness of/over S'. It follows that Jr'(QyH ^ f*.%?'(Q-f)o. If/ has a concentrated singularity at the point x0 = 0 e X, then A0.3.3) /*(.Ж'(?2у)H ~ ЖЩ)* * НЩЛ) Van Straten [Sr] adapted Brieskorn's proof of this fact for isolated singularities to the case of concentrated singularities. A0.3.4) If the De Rham cohomology sheaf Ж'(/*Qy) is torsion free, then it is locally free of rank fij and we get a formula for the calculation of Milnor numbers Below we'll obtain a criterion for the sheaves .M'(f*Qy) to be torsion free. 10.4 A general method of extension of a singular connection over the whole disk A0.4.1) The topological connection on the sheaves :MP = Rpf*Cx' <8>Cjr @s is carried to the sheaves .^?qR under the isomorphism :%" ~.%$>K(X'/S'). The calculation of this connection V on ¦^mW/S') is based on the Leray residue theorem and this was carried out in §4. We obtained the following result. If a local section [a>] of the sheaf .Ж^Х'/S') = .%fp(f*Q-r/s-) is represented by a /?-form со of A" then d,([w]), d, = Vd/dr: JffpR(X'/S') ->¦ JSfgR(*'/?'), is defined in such a way. We take the form dci>; w represents a cycle in Qx,,s,, and therefore
54 / The Gauss-Manin connection dco = d/ Л т], where tj e Qx. Then df /\dr] = 0 and hence d?7 = d/ Л ? by the division lemma (morphism/' is smooth), i.e. tj is a cycle in ?2>y5'. The class [77] e ЛС^К{Х'/S') is correctly defined and just this class is <9,([a>]) = [77]. Note that [rj\ = dco/dt € JV^X'/S') is a derivative of <w in t in the sense of Leray. A0.4.2) We can interpret the operator d, as a connecting homomorphism in an exact cohomology sequence. Namely, there is an exact sequence of complexes 0-+Q- d2?Q- by virtue of the smoothness of/': X' A0.4.3) 0-+/*Q>-' "ЛЛ. 0 S'. The sequence О —i f O-*3* ¦"Л" "-* J *^?X'/S' ¦0 is exact since /' is Stein. The sheaf .Ж^К(Х'/S') is the cohomology sheaf .3%p(f*Q,X',S'). A choice of a p-form со € /^Qj, representing the class [со] e Jg^X'/S') is a lift of this class from f*Qx,/s,) to /*Q?,. We see that taking dco, etc. is exactly the description of the construction of the connecting homomorphism <5: J A0.4.4) Now it is clear how to extend the Gauss-Manin connection over the whole disk. We have to extend the exact sequence of complexes A0.4.3) to an exact sequence over S and then the connecting homomorph- homomorphism in the exact cohomology sequence is an extension of the Gauss-Manin connection dt. A0.4.5) A meromorphic Gauss-Manin connection V on the sheaf ¦%p[0] = J^?p(/"*Qy)®r.s <^s[0] is obtained if we take a connecting homomorphism dt coming from the exact sequence The regularity of the connection singularity at the point 0e5 can be proved as in (8.3.1)-(8.3.6). We proceed (see [Sr]) to the construction of sheaves .^^./) on 5 - the analogs of the sheaves .^'"'' in the case of an isolated singularity / 10.5 The sheaves -%>(-\) and the Gauss—Manin connection dt: A complex Q> = QV/<r of sheaves of relative differential forms is defined ' X'S d/Л at the Coker of the homomorphism Q' —> Q', where (Q" = Q^, d) is the 10 A non-isolated hypersurface singularity 55 De Rham complex of differential forms on X. Let (Q', d/) be the Koszul complex of a function / A0.5.1) n 0 Q n+\ 0 This is really the Koszul complex (K\f) constructed from the sheaf Q^~<$J+1 and the sequence of partial derivatives /,=/.v,, i=0, ..., n. Denote by 5' = Im (Q- d-^A Q) = d/ Л Q' the complex of sheaves of Koszul coboundaries. We have an exact sequence of complexes 0 -» B- -» Q- -» Qy -» 0 and we get an exact sequence on S A0.5.2) 0-»/*?• ->/*Q- ->/*Q)-->0 because/is Stein. This sequence extends the exact sequence A0.4.3) over S. We set ПО 5 3^ Wp Wp(f O* ^ = i$^p (X~I*}Л In the case of an isolated singularity the extension of the Gauss-Manin connection dt: .Ж(~2) -> :Ж(~Х) = f*Q"f/d(f*Q"f]) is found to be a connecting homomorphism in the exact cohomology sequence for A0.5.2) and by identification (using the division lemma) of 5' with Q^ ,s and the inclusion В' С Q' with Q^ ,s —* Qx. Therefore by definition we set A0.5.4) and the Gauss-Manin connection d,: -^l-%) ~* ^%(-\)t0 ^e a connecting homomorphism д in the exact cohomology sequence corresponding to the sequence A0.5.2). The next local description of d, shows that dt really is a connection, i.e. the Leibnitz identity is fulfilled. A0.5.5) If [со] e .%?p(f*Qy) = Эв[_1у where со € Qp, then 3,(M) = [do,] € .^"+1 (/*Я0 = Щ_ху where dco e f*B- and can be presented in the form dco = d/ Л tj, tj e Qp. A0.5.6) Lemma dt: ^_X) is an isomorphism. Proof Using the exact cohomology sequence corresponding to A0.5.2), we obtain
56 / The Gauss-Manin connection Since X\s smooth, the complex Q" is a resolution of the sheaf C^, i.e. it is acyclic for p э= 1. Since / is Stein, the complex /*Q' is also acyclic for 10.6 The sheaves 3%?Q) and the Gauss-Manin connection d,: @) For an isolated singularity the sheaf .Ж/@> = Q"+1/d/A d(Q"-') coin- coincides with д,(.Ж/(~])). Therefore in order to generalize sheaves Ж(й) to the case of non-isolated singularities following our recipe in A0.4.4), we have to extend the exact sequence A0.4.3) over S to have the complex B- = d/ Л Q~' on the right. Consider the exact sequence of complexes A0.6.1) where A0.6.2) Z- Z" = 0, is the complex of sheaves of Koszul cocycles. As the morphism /is Stein, we have an exact sequence of complexes on S A0.6.3) 0. Consider the exact cohomology sequence corresponding to A0.6.3) A0.6.4) Therefore, by definition we set (Ю.6.5) ) and the Gauss-Manin connection d,: Ж?_Х) -* Ж^0) to be the connecting homomorphism in the exact sequence A0.6.4). We can also see that d, is really a connection, i.e. the Leibnitz rale is fulfilled, from the following local description of d,. A0.6.6) If [w] € .MP+x{f*B-) = .i?f(% and со = dfArj (rj is a 'lifting' ofo> to /*Q- in A0.6.3)), then d,№) = d,(W Л r,}) = [Arj\ G Jg" +i(f* Z-) = .^f0). Since .%fP(f*Q-) = 0 for p > 1, we obtain from A0.6.4): A0.6.7) Lemma д,: -Ж^^.Ж^ is an isomorphism. 10 A non-isolated hypersurface singularity 57 10.7 A generalization of diagram E.3.4) We can join the exact sequences of complexes A0.5.2) and A0.6.3) in one big diagram. A0.7.1) Definition The sheaves Ж? = .3%p(Q\ d/Л) are called the sheaves of Koszul cohomology of the singularity / We have a complex (Ж', d) of sheaves of Koszul cohomology Ж' = Z-/B- =Ker(Q-^Q-)/Im(Q-^Q-). Obviously we have a commutative diagram of complexes with exact lines and columns 1 в- ?• 0 T Td/Л СЙ' —> и cz- -» T 0 0 T Td/Л Qy -» и Ж' — т 0 0 • 0 A0.7.2) The morphism /: X -* S being Stein, we can apply the functor /* to A0.7.2) and obtain the diagram of/* A0.7.2) (in which all the sheaves are exchanged with their direct images), in which the lines and the columns remain exact. The exact sequences A0.5.2) and A0.6.3) are the exact sequences in diagram /* A0.7.2) which go through the 'centre' /*Q\ Now we consider two exact sequences which 'go' through /*Ж\ These give us the connection between the sheaves Ж^_^, i = 0, 1,2. Write the exact cohomology sequence corresponding to the sequence 0 —»/+ В' —> /* Z' —> /*Ж' —> 0 in the upper line and the one corre- corresponding to 0 -* /*.Ж' -»¦ f*Q following commutative diagram A0.7.3) 0 in f*B '+l 0 in the lower line of the я-' it Л' ¦* '(/,«>)•
58 / The Gauss--Manin connection In this diagram the homomorphism A0.7.4) MV(_X) = .%f+1(f*B-)± is induced by the inclusion f^B' —> f*Z\ A0.7.5) [2) y +1 y > is induced by the epimorphism f*Qy —> f*B+1, and д denotes the connecting homomorphisms. Moreover, in diagram A0.7.3) we included the operators A0.7.6) аг1: .Ж(% - i??(%, i = 0, 1, 2, which make it commutative, and C-linear homomorphisms A0.7.7) a: A0.7.8) Proposition The following conditions are equivalent: (i) the homomorphism a = 0; (ii) one of the homomorphisms d~x (and thus all of them) is a mono- morphism; (iii) i or j are monomorphisms. Proof This is obvious by virtue of the exactness of lines in diagram A0.7.3) and the fact that dt are isomorphisms. A0.7.9) Corollary If a = 0, then diagram A0.7.3) falls to the following pieces with exact lines A0.7.10) Ад. \?'~' Ад, Diagram A0.7.10) generalizes diagram E.3.4) to the case of non-isolated singularities. A0.7.11) In [Sr] Van Straten proved that -i?^,) are ^'s-coherent modules if/is a concentrated singularity. He also obtained the following criterion. Theorem The condition a — 0 is equivalent to the absence of torsion in the sheaves -J^^,y 10 A non-isolated hypersurface singularity 59 The proof of this consists of carrying Malgrange's proof of §6 to the case of non-isolated singularities. Van Straten [Sr] verified the condition a = 0 for the non-isolated singularities with a one-dimensional critical set, which is a reduced complete intersection. For these singularities /л"'1 = 1 or 0 and ixn = dim Нп+\.Ж-) = dim(Q"+1/d/ Л Q" + &Ж"). This formula generalizes the celebrated formula for the Milnor number of an isolated singularity [Mi] jx = dimQn+1/d/ л Q" = &m@c»,fi/Jf.
II Limit mixed Hodge structure on the vanishing cohomology of an isolated hypersurface singularity 1 Mixed Hodge structures. Definitions. Deligne's theorem We first recall very briefly the necessary basic definitions (for a more detailed survey see, for example, [K-Ku]. 1.1 Pure Hodge structure A.1.1) Definition A pure Hodge structure, or simply a Hodge structure (abbreviation HS) of weight n is a pair {Hz, Hp-4} consisting of a lattice Hj of finite rank and a direct sum decomposition of the space H = Я = p+q=n such that HM ="~ The motivation for introducing such a concept lies in the Hodge decomposition into (p, ^)-types of the cohomology of a smooth projective variety or a compact Kohler manifold. A.1.2) Defining the HS in the form of a Hodge decomposition {Hi, Hp'4} is equivalent to giving the Hodge filtration {Hz, F-], where F' is a finite decreasing filtration of H such that H = FP@ F"~P+l for all p € Z. The filtration F' defines a Hodge decomposition by A.1.3) H"'4 = fnR The Hodge decomposition defines the Hodge filtration by 60 A.1.4) F" = 1 MHSs Hr,n-r = Hp,n-p Q 61 i.e. F" = Hn'°, F" = Я"-0 ® Я"-1, ...,F° = H. In what follows we'll write an HS by its filtration F* (assuming that a lattice Hz is fixed). 1.2 Polarised HSs A.2.1) Definition A polarized HS of weight n is is an HS {Hz, F'} together with a non-degenerate integral bilinear form Q: HZX Нж-> Z, symmetric, if n is even, and antisymmetric, if n is odd, and satisfying the Riemann bilinear relations: in terms of a decomposition A.2.2) Q(Hp'", Я>'-*') = 0 for (//, q>) ф (р, q), ip~4Qbp, V) > 0 for VV e Hp-\ грфО or in terms of a filtration Q(Fp,F"-p+l) = A.2.3) where С: Я -* Я is the Weil operator C| WM = i"~q. The bilinear form g is called a polarization of the HS F\ The origin of this notion is the bilinear form Q(q>, ip) = (—1)"("~1)/2 \xLd~" Л ср Л i/» on the space of primitive n-cohomology of a smooth projective variety of dimension d. 1.3 Mixed Hodge structure A.3.1) Definition A mixed Hodge structure (abbreviation MHS) is a triple (Hz, W,, F'), where Я/ is a lattice, W. is a finite increasing filtration on Hq = Hz <8> Q, and F' is a finite decreasing filtration on Я = Яг <g> С, such that the induced filtration on the quotient Gr^H = Wk/Wk_\ defines an HS of weight k. Here F^Gr^H is the image of Fp П ^Я in Grf H, FpGrwkH = ^Я r\Fp+ Wk_xH/Wk-X H. F~ is called the Hodge filtration and W. the weight filtration. The notation for an MHS may be abbreviated to: a pair of filtrations (W,, F). A.3.2) Let Нр'Ч = GrpFGrJ+qH. Then Grf = 0,+,=* Я^«. The num- numbers hp-4 = dim Яр-« are called the Hodge numbers of the MHS (W., F-).
62 IILimit MHSs A.3.3) If there are two MHSs on spaces Яand H', then the space of linear mappings Horn (Я, Я') is endowed with a natural MHS, fF;nHom(tf, #')q = {<p: HQ -> H'u\cp{WkH) С Wk+mH',Vk}, FpKom(,H, H') = {q>: H-+ H'\cp(FkH) С Fk+PH', Vk). It is easy to verify that Нот(Я, H')™ = © Нот (#'•*, H'r+p-s+i). In particular, a morphism cp: H —> H' is called an MHS morphism of type (r, r), if ф(Я2) С #i, <р(Ж*Я) С ^+2гЯ' and cp(FpH) С F^+^'; <р is called an MHS morphism if r = 0. One of the most important properties of an MHS morphism is its strict compatibility with both the filtrations F- and W_, i.e. A.3.4) cp(WkH) = Wk+2rH' Dlmcp, cp(FpH) = Fp+rH'Dlm<p. A.3.5) It implies that if H' ->• Я ->• Я" is an exact sequence of MHSs, then it remains exact after application of Grf, GrpF and GrpFGr^. 1.4 Deligne's theorem A.4.1) Theorem The complex cohomology groups H'(X) of projective varieties/C carry MHSs which are functorial. In the case of a non-singular variety this MHS reduces to the ordinary HS of pure weight. When proving this theorem Deligne introduced the filtrations W. and F" on the level of resolutions 0 —> C* —» K- of a constant sheaf C* (or Cq), which induce filtrations on the hypercohomology Hi(^r, K~) ~ Hk(X, C). 2 The limit MHS according to Schmid 2.1 Variation ofHS: geometric case Let ж: Y —> S be a family of smooth projective varieties Y, = я"'@ С Pm, parametrized by a complex manifold S (У С S X Pm and л is induced by a projection). Then cohomology groups of fibres H"(Yt, C), 0 « n «s 2d (d = dim Yt), are glued to a locally constant fibration (local system) H=R"n*CY ={J tesH"(,Yt, C) on S. Let .%? = &S(H) = H ®cs ^s be a sheaf of holomorphic sections of this fibration. The local system H<ZM defines a connection V on .^f. This connection is called the Gauss-Manin connection of the family л. The local system Я contains a real subsystem Нц = К"л*Шу and even a sublattice Hz, fibres of which are images of Hn(Yt, Z) in H\Yt, U). There is a Hodge filtration (a flag) F; on each fibre H, = Hn(Yt, C). Griffiths showed that this family of flags 2 The limit MHS according to Schmid 63 depends on t holomorphically. We obtain a decreasing filtration of holo- holomorphic subsheaves in a locally free sheaf Ж ... С .Гр+Х С .Гр С ... С Ж. The Griffiths transversality theorem asserts that V(.5^p) С .9'р~х ® Q^. This geometric situation motivates the following definition. 2.2 Variation ofHS: definition B.2.1) Definition A variation of Hodge structure (VHS) of weight n on a complex manifold is a pair (Я, .T'\ where Я is a locally constant fibration (or a locally free sheaf Ж with an integrable connection V, Ker V = Я) defined over U (or Q), Я = Нц <g> С, and a decreasing filtration .^- = {.^p} of locally free subsheaves i^ С Ж = H<g>Cs @s- These objects have to satisfy the following two conditions: (i) for each point t € S the filtration .9~' induces a filtration .9'\ on the fibre H, at t constituting an HS of weight n; (ii) V(J^) С Q^ ®^x .^^-' for each p. B.2.2) Moreover, if there is a flat, non-degenerate bilinear form Q:HXH-*Qs defining a polarized HS, then the VHS (Я, .T') said to be polarized. If in the geometric case we consider P = \J /е5Р"(Уь С) instead of И^= U tesH"(Y,, C), where Р"(У/, С) is a primitive cohomology, then we obtain a polarized VHS. It is convenient to consider the polarized VHS for technical reasons. However, an HS on Hn(Yt, C) is completely defined by HSs on Р*(Уг, С) and so no information is lost. 2.3 Classifying spaces and period mappings B.3.1) Let JT be a set of all filtrations (flags) F- in a vector space Я of fixed dimensions fp = dim Fp = J2r^Phns. It is a closed subvariety of a product of Grassman manifolds. Let Q be a bilinear form on Я defining a polarization. Then the set of polarized HSs of given type is parametrized by the set of F- ejf satisfying condition A.2.3). The first bilinear relation defines a closed subvariety D С JF, and second bilinear relation defines an open subset D С D; D is called a classifying space of the polarized HS of given tjpe. B.3.2) Let G={g6 , go) = ), Vii, о € Я} be an
64 IILimit MHSs orthogonal group of the bilinear form Q, and Gr С GL(Hu) the corre- corresponding real subgroup, Gj_ — {g € G^\gHi = Hj\ an arithmetic sub- subgroup of Gr. The group G transitively acts on D, D ~ G/B, and the group Gr transitively acts on D, D = Gr/ V, V = Gr П В. For clarity it is useful to have in mind the simplest example of an HS of weight n = 1, Я = Я0-1 ф Я1-0, A0-1 = Au0 = 1. In this case Gc = SLB, C), Gr = 51B, R), D = Р'(С), and D = U С Р'(С) is the upper half-plane. B.3.3) The group Г = Gi acts on D properly discontinuously. Hence there is a structure of a normal analytic space on D/Г; D/T is called a period space of a polarized HS of the given type. B.3.4) Now assume that there is a variation of the polarized HS (Я, .У') on a manifold S, for example a VHS corresponding to primitive n- dimensional cohomology of a family of projective varieties л: Y —> S. Let e: S —> S be a universal covering. We can lift the VHS to S: e~xH = HX s S = His a locally constant fibration on 5" defining a connection V on the sheaf.Ж = e*.M and &"' = e*.?~' is a decreasing filtration on 3@. Since S is simply connected, V defines a canonical trivialization of the flat locally constant fibration H, Я ~ H X S, where Я is a vector space (a canonical fibre). This trivialization defines a family of filtrations F-s с Hs ~ H on the space H{Hs~Ht,t= e(s), F's = F;). We obtain a mapping Ф: 5 —» D, 5 н-> F's to a classifying space D. If 5 and 5' € S, e(s) = e(s') = t, then it is easy to see that F-s and F-s, differ by an element у € Г, F's< = yF-s. Hence, the mapping Ф is reduced to a mapping Ф: S —> D/T; Ф is called a period mapping of a given variation of Hodge structures. We'll be mainly interested in one-dimensional variations of the HS. Let us consider more carefully a period mapping in this case. 2.4 The canonical Milnorfibre B.4.1) Let (Я, ,9~-) be a variation of HS over a punctured disk S' = S\0, 5={|^|<1}, where .T' is a decreasing filtration on the the sheaf Ж = Я<8>с5. (9s1- Let V be a connection on :%f defined by the locally constant fibration H = Ker V. In a geometric situation we have a projective morphism л: Y —> S, which is smooth over S', and H = В."п*Сг = (J ,€х'Ял(У;, С) (to have a polarized VHS we need to consider primitive cohomology Pn{Yt, C) С H"(Y,, C) instead of H"(Y,, C)). The connection V on the sheaf 2 The limit MHS according to Schmid 65 s' = U^^Qy4s,) = .^R(Y'/S') is the Gauss-Manin connection. B.4.2) Denote by ht: Y, —> Y, the Picard-Lefschitz monodromy cone- sponding to a canonical generator of Л\ (S't t). This is a diffeomorphism of a fibre Y, = n-\f), t ф 0. Let and Г = (А*)-1: H"(Yt) - Hn(Yt) be, respectively, monodromy transformations for homology and cohomo- cohomology, T = (M* Г'. ы B.4.3) To define a period mapping we have to identify fibres at different points t € S'. This can be done by fixing a fibre Ylo, t0 € S', and transferring filtrations to this fibre. To avoid dependence on the choice of a point /0 and to make the construction more invariant, we introduce the notion of a canonical fibre Y^. Let U = {u e C|Im и > 0} be the upper half-plane B.4.4) e:U-*S',u = e(u) = e2jri" df be the universal covering of S'. Denote by Г = л'\Б')тге an inverse image of B.4.5) i U э и X s Ye(u) SDS'^UBu ,Ш = (х,и). Denote by j'u: Y, с Yx an embedding of the fibre Y, onto a fibre over a point и € U, ju(x) = (jc, и) б Уоо, ^ = е(м). Here У^ —» U is a locally trivial fibration with fibres diffeomorphic to Y,. Since U is contractible, the embeddings /„ are homotopy equivalences and, consequently, B.4.6) Hn(Yt) 04* ), Я = are isomorphisms. Via these isomorphisms we'll identify Я"(У,) with a fixed space Я = Я"(Уоо)- For this reason Уо, is called a canonical fibre of a family jr. For an abstract variation of the HS we have B.4.7) К*-Ки = е-1Н=НХ. S't-U h
66 II Limit MHSs B.4.8) We obtain an identification Я = H°(U, Ни)^Н, of the space Я with a fibre H,. We can consider the space Я as a space of (single-valued) horizontal sections of the fibration Ни or as a space of multivalued horizontal sections of the fibration Я The identification j*: H-=iHt consists of a restriction of a section A e H = H°(U, Hjj) to a fibre Hu = Я/, t = e(«). The inverse isomorphism consists of an extension of At ? H, to a multivalued section Л over U with the initial condition A(u) = A,; #also is called a canonical fibre of the fibration//. We obtain a canonical trivialization B.4.9) 5" х u, , и). B.4.10) Let us carry the monodromy T: H, —»H,, which exists on every fibre Hj and is obtained by parallel transference along the canonical generator of n\(S', t), to the canonical fibre Я by means of the identifica- identification Consider a diffeomorphism B.4.11) h: Ни -* Ни, (со, и) н-» (о>, и + 1), and the corresponding linear transformation transferring a multivalued section A such that A{u + 1) = Ao to a multi- multivalued section h*A such that h*A(u) = Ao. Obviously, this implies: Л B.4.12) Lemma Under the identification H-^H, for any и the mono- monodromy T on H, corresponds to the transformation h*, i.e. there is a commutative diagram h*A?H&H, A € H ^ Н, Э Ао. f. Proof. Let Ao G Я,. Then (/*)~'(^o) = Л € Я is a multivalued section such that Л(и) = Ao or A{u + 1) = 7M0- By the definition of A* we have h*A(u) = A(u + 1) = 7^o, and this means that h* A = (/*)""' (TA0). ¦ 2 The limit MHS according to Schmid 67 Thus, on the canonical fibre Я the monodromy T = h*. Moreover, two identifications j* and j*+x of the canonical fibre Я with Я, are connected with the monodromy on Я in the following way: there is a commutative diagram B.4.13) Я Jt h* = T H *t The proof is obvious: if Ao € H,, then (/*+i)~'^o = A is a multivalued section such that Л(м + 1) = Ao, and this means that h*A(u) = ^0, i-e. 2.5 The Schmid limit Hodge filtration F's A variation of the HS (Я, .^') defines a family of filtrations F\ on fibres Ht, t G 5'. We can lift this family onto U and by means of a trivialization B.4.9) Hjj ~ Я X t/ we get a family of filtrations F-u on the space Я B.5.1) u^F-u = U*ur1F;,t=e(u). We obtain a period mapping B.5.2) U-?> D, и >-> F-u. B.5.3) Lemma The mapping ф satisfies a condition Proof. We have Д, =.? A* B.4.13), hence , = T-'F If we take a quotient of D by a cyclic group {Г*}, we obtain a period mapping tp B.5.4) U-^D 4 -I S'-^D/T 1 By the monodromy theorem ([Sm] and Theorem I of §1.9.2 all eigenvalues of Гаге roots of unity. Hence, if T = TSTU is a Jordan decomposition, where Ts and Tu are semisimple and unipotent parts of the monodromy, then there exists m such that 7\m = 1.
68 II Limit MHSs Let T — е2л[к. By means of a family of automorphisms g(u) = е2отЛ" of the space Я having monodromy T, g(u + 1) = Tg{u), we can 'untwist' the mapping ф and make it periodic: set гр(и) — g{ii)y{u), then гр(и + 1) = g(u+ \)-ф(и+ 1)= g(it)TT~l ф(и) = гр(и) and hence, гр is 'des- 'descended' to 5", B.5.5) U -X D S' ^ , г~р{и) = е2-т'л"-ф(м). A matrix R{ = (l/2m)log Г) such that T = e2jtiR is not defined un- uniquely, more exactly its semisimple part is not defined uniquely. Let R = —Rs - N, where -Rs is a semisimple part, and —N is a nilpotent part of R. Then Г = eb*(-R.-N) = ^.^ j e ^ = e-2jri^, Ги = е~2"ш. The nilpotent operator B.5.6) N= rlogru, the logarithm of the unipotent part of the monodromy (divided by —2m), is defined by T uniquely. Here for an unipotent operator Tu we set by definition B.5.7) log Tu = log [E + (Ta -E)] = X> B.5.8) Theorem-definition Let (Я, .Я") be a variation of an HS over a punctured disk 5", let T = TsTa be the monodromy and let ?m = 1. Consider a covering 5" —> S', t = ~tm, killing the semisimple part of the monodromy. Consider a mapping гр: S' —> D, defined for a variation of HS on S' in B.5.2) (to simplify notation we can assume that the monodromy T = Tu is unipotent, R = —N). then the mapping гр: S' —> Z) can be continued holomorphically over the point 0 ? S. The point гр(О) g Z) is a fixed point of Ts. The filtration F$ = F-x corresponding to this point is called a limit Hodge filtration (according to Schmid). By construction F's is invariant wrt Ts. A generalization of this theorem for the case dim 5 > 1 is part of Schmid's nilpotent orbit theorem [Sm]. In our one-dimensional case this theorem follows from the regularity of the connection V A.8.2.1). Indeed, the regularity of a connection means in essence that гр is meromorphic, i.e. it has at most poles (see below). Then the map гр is regular at the point 0 € S because D is a projective variety (we can 'get rid' of denominators). 2 The limit MHS according to Schmid 69 2.6 An interpretation ofFs in terms of a canonical extension of Ж B.6.1) It is known that any locally free ^л-module Ж on a punctured disk iS" is free. Trivializations of the sheaf Ж are in one to one correspondence with extensions .Ж of the sheaf.X over the whole disk S: if a trivialization of .Ж is chosen, i.e. a basis of sections a>\, ... , соц of Л? over S', then the fibre Жо consists of those со = YlsA^j, for which gj(t)€^s,o- A sheaf Ж = Я ®cs, б s' with a connection V has a canonical (privileged) extension over S. We'll denote this by Z. We'll consider the canonical extension in more detail in §6. Now we assume that the monodromy T = Ги is unipotent, and let T = e-2;lW, N = -a/2*ri)logrn. Let A g Я, i.e. A — A{t) is a multivalued horizontal section of Я (or A = Л(е2лгш) is a horizontal section of Hv). The generator у е n\(S, t) acts on A by means of monodromy yA(t) = ^(e2jti/) = Щ/) Consider a family of automorphisms 'untwisting' multivalued sections g(t) = = /" loe' or = e2jri№, B.6.2) where w = (l/2tti)log /. Then у transforms g{i) to e2*1"g(t) = Г Therefore, sections B.6.3) s = s[A] = ^@ are invariant wrt у and, consequently, define single-valued sections of the sheaf Ж. B.6.4) Definition The canonical extensions % of the sheaf Ж (with V) onto S is an extension corresponding to a trivialization of Ж by means of the basis sj = s[Aj], j = 1, ...,//, where Ль ... , Ам € Я is a basis of horizontal sections. Thus, we have a trivialization B.6.5) &S(H) = Я ®c ^Js -=¦ Jgf, Л •-» 5[Л]. Now we can interpret the limit Hodge fibration F's B.5.8) in the following way. F.6) Theorem Let (H, .F") be a variation of HS and let .9" - {F;} also denote a filtration on Ж = JZ\S- ~ Я (g>c &s- Then the filtration .9'' is extended to a filtration of i?, and F's is the filtration on the zero fibre F\ = lim F\. Proof. Defining Fms we first lifted the family of filtrations F) С Я, on U
70 II Limit MHSs and, using a trivialization Hv = H Xs. U ~ H X U, we obtained a family of filtrations on the space H, ф(и) = F'u = (/*)"' Ft, t = e(u), satisfying the condition ф(и + 1) = Т~1ф(и). In the same way, this trivialization permits us to consider any section 5 e Ж of the fibration H, after its lift 5 = s(e2-Ti") to a section of Ни, as a section s € б u(H) of a constant fibration H X U: u*->su = (/*)"'s(f) € H, where ~su = su(w) (considered as a horizontal section of Hy, w € U) is such a horizontal section, which satisfies an initial condition su(w)i^u = s(t) = s(e2™"). As for filtrations we have ~su+l = T~lsu. In particular, if 5 = s[A] = tNA(t) = ebANu А(е2л™) е Ж is a section constructed by a section A e H, then 3 (w\ — e2--ri№/ 4(ebn«\ Indeed, it is a horizontal section of Ни as a function in w, and it satisfies the required initial condition. (This shows why 5M+i is transformed to 5u+i = T~lsu (and not to Tsu) - it is a dependence upon the initial condition.) The same formulae show that horizontal sections 5 = ^(e2311") of Hv correspond to constant sections s = A = const of the fibration H X U. Now we return to a family of filtrations F;, i.e. to a family of subspaces Ff С H,. Here Ff is generated by base elements. Let a» be a base section of.^P, a>(t) e Ff. Let us express it by a basis sy = s[Aj], j = 1, ... , (i, of the canonical trivialization of.^ = M'y. Let со — J2%icjO)sj(t), where Cj(i) € 6's'. Then the family of filtrations ф(и) = Fu on H consists of f_, subspaces Fu, generated by base elements со = 1]у=1с,(е2лш)Eу)ц. The ~ 'untwisted' family of filtrations Fu = xj){u) = e~2mN" ф(и) is generated by base sections e~2ltiNu-cb = Y,%xcj(ebl'")Aj> where A} is a constant sec- section of H X U. Now by definition Fps is generated by sections lim^oZwLi^CO^y. and this means that F§ corresponds to a filtration lim,_*o Ff on the zero fibre 3'o of the canonical extension, which is generated by base elements lim^o'o = l»m,_oZ]y=icX0^> where Sj are base vectors of a canonical trivialization of if?. ¦ 2.7 The weight filtration of a nilpotent operator B.7.1) Lemma-definition Let N: H —> H be a nilpotent operator on a vector space H, Nk+l = 0. Then there exists a unique increasing filtration W. = W(N) on H, ... с W-x с w0 с wx с ..., 2 The limit MHS according to Schmid characterized by properties 71 is an (i) N(Wt) С (ii) Nr: Gr*'¦ This filtration W. = fF(A^) is called the weight filtration of a nilpotent operator N (with centre 0 or with central index 0). The filtration W(N) can be constructed by different means, for example, by means of an iteration process. However, the most down-to-earth method of construction of the filtration W{N) is the following. Choose a Jordan basis щ, ... , Up of the operator N on H, i.e. such a basis that wrt it the matrix of N has a Jordan normal form, i.e. consists of blocks of the form N = /0 1 ••• 0\ . Vo ... 1 o/ , Nuq-x — u4, Nuq = 0 Number basis vectors correspond to each block in such a way that their numbers are symmetric relative to 0 and that N decreases the index by 2 (i.e. N(ui) = M,-_2): . if q = 2k+\ is odd, then u2k, ¦ ¦ ¦ , u2, uo, m_2, • ¦ ¦ , И-2*; if q = 2k is even, then u2k-x и-ь Mb ... , и_B*-1). In such way we attach a weight to each base vector - this is its number in the numeration, and we have N(ui) — м,-_2. Let Wk = & subspace generated by vectors of weight =s k. Obviously, properties (i) and (ii) are then fulfilled. ¦ We can visualize the filtration W, by means of the following schematic diagram. In this a base vector is represented by a square with a weight written in it. Base vectors of any block are set in a line at a distance from a fixed axis which is equal to their weight:
72 IILimitMHSs 3 2 1 N 1 0 N 0 -1 iV — 1 -2 B.7.2) Definition A weight filtration of a nilpotent operator N with centre n (or with central index n) is a filtration "ff. obtained from W. — W{N) by a shift of numeration "W. = W\-n\ i.e. "Wk = fF_n+*. For the filtration " W. property (ii) can be written as: B.7.3) Nr: Gr"n\r-^> Gr"nZr is an isomorphism for all r. Let us make a simple, but very useful, note needed in the next section. B.7.4) Let H = H/KsrN, and let N be an operator induced by N on H. Denote by W a weight filtration (with centre 0) of the operator N on H, and by f a filtration induced by the filtration " W on H. B.7.5) Proposition »W= n+1W, i.e. a filtration induced on H by the weight filtration on H with centre и coincides with the weight filtration of the operator N on H with centre л+1. Proof This is shown in the following diagram 3 The limit MHS according to Steenbrink 73 -1 — -2 -3 and so on. Here KerN is generated by base vectors represented by the unshaded squares, and H by shaded squares. ¦ 2.8 Schmid's theorem B.8.1) Theorem Let (H, J<~) be a polarized variation of an HS of weight n over a punctured disk, // be a space of horizontal (multivalued) sections of H, and ГЬе the monodromy operator. Let F's be a limit Hodge filtration introduced in B.5.8), W. be a weight filtration of the nilpotent operator N = — (l/2jri)Iog Tu (the logarithm of the unipotent part of the mono- monodromy) with centre n. Then the filtrations (W., F's) determine an MHS on H, which is called the limit MHS of the given variation of HS. With respect to this MHS the operator 7У: H —> H is a morphism of the MHS of type (-1, -1), i.e. NF§ с Fps'\ NWk с W^2. The proof of this theorem follows from the Schmid's SZ,2-orbit theorem [Sm]. 3 The limit MHS according to Steenbrink In this chapter we are mainly interested in the problem of introducing the MHS on the cohomology of a canonical fibre ^(X^) = H of the Milnor fibration /: X -* S associated with an isolated singularity /: (C"+1, 0) -»¦ (C, 0). This was first done by Steenbrink [S3] by using an embedding of / into a family of projective hypersurface тс: Y —> S and
74 II Limit MHSs then resolving the singularities of this family. He used the limit MHS of a variation of an HS constructed by him in the geometric situation of a family of projective varieties. In §2 we saw that according to Schmid a limit HS of a variation of the HS (Ж, V, .У') over a punctured disk naturally appears on the zero fibre of the canonical extension S? of the sheaf Jig to the point 0 € S. In the geometric situation in order to extend the sheaf 30 and filtrations .9'' over S Steenbrink used sheaves of relative differential forms with logarithmic poles. The filtrations F~ and W. of the limit MHS are introduced in the spirit of Deligne by means of filtrations on complexes of sheaves whose hypercohomology coincides with H. Our goal is to introduce the MHS on the vanishing cohomology without using an embedding in a projective family and resolution of singularities (this is Varchenko's idea). Therefore here we'll give only a very schematic account of Steenbrink's construction, without going into technical details. 3.1 The limit MHS for projective families: the case of unipotent monodromy Let ж: Y —> S be a family of projective varieties (induced by a projection У С PN X S -»¦ S), which is smooth over a punctured disk S' = S\{0}, and let Уо = лг'(О) be a degenerate fibre. Resolving singularities of Yq, we can assume Уо to be a divisor with normal crossings. First we'll consider the case in which Yq is a reduced divisor. C.1.1) The family ж defines a variation of HS (.^f, V, i*"') on the sheaf Зё = R"n*Cy ®c $'s' — Wn*Q'r,s,, where ж: У —> S' is a restriction of ж onto У = У\Уо- The connection V is defined by a local system H = R"n*CY', and the Hodge filtration &"', as is well known, corresponds to a stupid filtration on the De Rham complex Qyy5., which is a resolution of the sheaf n~l6>'s' (the relative Poincare lemma), .9~p = M"n*FpQr,s,, where Fp = oSp:...-+ 0 -»¦ Q',,., p+1 C.1.2) Steenbrink proves that a sheaf.Ж = R"jr*Qr/s(log 70) is locally free on S and, consequently, is a natural extension of 3i? over S. The connection V is extended to a connection on Ж with a logarithmic pole at 0 € S, V: ~Ш -+ Q^Gog 0) ® ~M, (i.e. Ж is a saturated lattice in the sense of A.7.7.2)). The eigenvalues a of the connection residue Res0 V on 3% satisfy the condition 0 =? a < I (N. Katz). (In our case, when Уо is reduced, the monodromy T = Tu is unipotent and hence a € Z since A = e2ma = I, and, consequently, 3% coincides with the canonical extension S? F.3.5) for 3 The limit MHS according to Steenbrink 75 which -I< a =s 0.) Sheaves Wp = Iflj/', where j: S' -* S, ex- extending the filtration .2~' over S according to Schmid, coincide in our geometric case with sheaves jR"^FpQ'r /5(log Уо). C.1.3) The limit MHS in a natural way 'lives' in the vector space H — Н1"(Уо, Q'jy5(log Уо) ® @y,) isomorphic to the zero fibre of the sheaf Ж. The Hodge filtration F- on H is induced by the filtration ~W- on Ж. It corresponds to a stupid filtration on Q'y/,s(log Уо)® &y0. The weight filtration W. on H can be defined in the same way as in §2 (the weight filtration of the logarithm of unipotent part of the monodromy). Steenbrink proceeds in the following way. He defines a complex A\ quasiisomorphic to the complex Q"y/5(log Уо) ® (9Yo, and defines two filtrations W. and F~ on it. Then he proves that (A\ W, F) is a cohomological mixed Hodge complex in the sense of Deligne, which induces an MHS on H = Н"(У0, А-) coinciding with Schmid's limit MHS. 3.2 The limit MHS for projective families: the general case Let ж: Y —» S be a family of projective varieties and лг'@) = Уо = moEo + ... + m/cEk = E be a divisor with normal crossings. Let us perform a base change S—*S,t = tm, where m = Icm (mo, ..., mk). Let У be a normalization of У X5 S, and я: Y —> S and (p: Y —» У be natural mappings: C.2.1) =Y0CY Yoo = U. 5' Let Z),- = ^-'(?/), j = Q,...,k. Denote by У^ = У X5. J7 = У' X-s, U the canonical ('general') fibre of the family ж. Here U is the upper half- plane, and e = pe: U -* S',t— e2", is the universal covering. C.2.2) Lemma [S3] У is a ^-manifold, i.e. it has at most finite quotient singularities, and тг"'(О) = D = Д + ... + Dk is a reduced divisor with ^normal crossings on У. ¦ C.2.3) Steenbrink extends the theory of the previous item [SI] to V- manifolds [S3]. The role of sheaves of differential forms Q? on a ^manifold У is played by sheaves (axQp)G, where (locally) У = Z/G, a: Z-*Y, i.e. sheaves of invariant differential forms on a smooth manifold Z covering У. Analogously one defines sheaves Q?(Iog Уо), Щ,-$> Щ
76 II Limit MHSs Projective ^manifolds behave in all respects as non-singular protective varieties. In spite of the fact that the ^have weak singularities, the MHS on H"(Y,, C) is pure of weight n, there is a Lefshetz decomposition and so on. C.2.4) The sheaf .Я? = Mnn*Qy-s(logYo) is locally free and gives a natural extension of the sheaf Ж = р1'Ж = R"Jr*Qp,,s, to the point 0_e S. The limit MHS in a natural way 'lives' in the zero fibre of this sheaf Jg?o = H"(Y0, Gf/sQ-og Yo) ®r -r f y0). In the same way as in C.1.3) one defines a complex A' quasiisomorphic to the complex Qj,,^(log Yo)®r-Y б Y and also two filiations W. and F\ etc. We thus obtain an MHS on the space W(Y0, A'). A choice of local coordinates t and r, xm = t, defines the isomophisms C.2.5) H"(?o, Qp/S(log r у #y0) , C) tr Yo) This enables us to carry the MHS to the cohomology of the canonical fibre Я"(Гоо, С) of the family л. Denote by T and t = Tm the monodromy operators on #"(Уос, С) corresponding to generators of Я[E") and Jt\(S'). Then the monodromy f = fu is unipotent. Denote the logarithm of the unipotent part of the monodromy by C.2.6) m m- C.2.7) Theorem [S3] There exists an MHS on H"(YX) such that (i) N: Я'Ч^оо) -> H^Yoo) is an endomorphism of the MHS (Я W., F-) of type (-1,-1), i.e. N(Wk) С Wk_2, N(FP) С F"'1. (ii) For all г Э= О, is a MHS 45ф (iii) The semisimple part Ts of the monodromy is an MHS isomorphism. ¦ Let us consider Hodge numbers of the MHS on #"(Уоо) C.2.8) hM = dim GrpFGrwp+qHn{Yoa). By the monodromy theorem (A. Landman and others, cf §1.9) we have Nn+l = 0 and, consequently, from the definition of W. we have 3 The limit MHS according to Steenbrink 11 0 С Wo С Wx С ... С Wlu-\ С Wln = H"(YX). For the limit Hodge filtration F- as well as for the Hodge filtration on the cohomology of a non-singular projective variety of dimension n we have OCF'C F"-x с ... С F° = H"(YX). From this and by the definition of Hodge numbers it follows that: C.2.9) hp'q not equal to zero are contained in a quadrate [0, n] X [0, и]; C.2.10) hM = hq'p (this is a symmetry relative to the diagonal - the bisector of the coordinate angle); C.2.11) hp<4 = h"-^"-p (this is a symmetry relative to the second diag- diagonal); it follows from the second part of theorem C.2.7) because there is an isomorphism -: GrpGrJ+q - Gr"pGrl_p_r 3.3 Brieskorn construction Let /: (C+1, 0) -> (C, 0) be an isolated singularity of a holomorphic function. Brieskorn [Br] proposed the following construction of an embed- embedding of/to a family of projective varieties я: Y —> S. The singularity / being isolated, we can assume after a change of coordinates that / is a polynomial. If we add a homogeneous polynomial h(x0,... , xn) of suffi- sufficiently large degree d to / then, on one hand, we obtain a singularity analytically isomorphic to the initial singularity at 0 e C"+1 because /is isolated. On the other hand, if d is sufficiently large and h is chosen sufficiently general, then the hypersurface in P"+1 with the equation f(x) = 0 will have singularities only at the point 0 € C"+1 (the Bertini theorem). Let us consider a family of hypersurfaces Y с P"+1 X С with affine equations f(x0, ... , х„) = t or with projective equations Xn+U ~» • • • . ~ 1 ~ tXn+\ - »• X Л J Let я: Y —> С be induced by projection. Then я has at most a finite number of degenerate fibres Y,, and, choosing a disk S Э 0 of sufficiently small radius, we can assume that я has a single degenerate fibre To over S. We obtain the following picture
i \ li\ 78 C-3.1) jn+l II Limit MHSs D7 D }. s J' where я is a projective morphism, smooth over 5", which has in the fibre jf"'(O) = To a single singular point 0 6 70 analytically equivalent to the germ of hypersurface Xo: Дх) = 0, and X = 7h В is the intersection with a ball В of small radius centred at 0 6 Cn+1, and /: X -* S is the Milnor fibration of the singularity / 3.4 Limit MHS on a vanishing cohomology Let /: (C+1, 0)-> (C, 0) be an isolated singularity. Embed it in a projective family by means of the Brieskorn construction C.3.1). Let a: Y —> 7 be a resolution of the singularity of the map я, i.e. Y\o~]@) i> 7\0 is an isomorphism, and the zero fibre of the map л = яо: Y —* S is a divisor with normal crossings лг"'@) = Yo = Eq + m\Ex + ... + mkEk. Then я: Eo —> 70 is a good resolution of the singularity (To, 0) with exceptional divisor С = \J Cj, where Cj = Eo П Ej, j = 1, ... , k. We find ourselves with a projective family я: Y —* S, in the cohomology of the canonical fibre Yx = Y^ of which the MHS was denned in C.2.7), C.4.1) yZ-yz ~я\1я S Outside the ball В э 0 the map я: Y\B = Y\X -»5isa locally trivial C°°-fibration. The fibre Xo =/"'@) is a cone over К = Xo П OB with a vertex at the point 0. Therefore the fibre 70 has the homotopy type of a quotient space 7,/X, = Y,/X,, t ф 0. Thus Я'G0) ~ H%Yt, X,). The CA exact cohomology sequence of the pair (У,, X,) gives an exact sequence: C.4.2) 0 -» Hn(Yo) - Hn(Yt) Я"+1G0) 0 because Xt has the homotopy type of a bouquet of [i spheres S" and Я'^Х,) = 0 for i: ^ 0 and и. Here /* is induced by the embedding i: XXL Y, and r* is induced by the retraction r: 7 —> 70. Homomorph- isms in this exact sequence are equivariant wrt the monodromy T because one may take the geometric monodromy h,: Y, —> Yt to be the identity outside X,. 3 The limit MHS according to Steenbrink 79 Let Уоо = Y Xs. U = Y X-s, U and X^ = X X5- I/ = X X-s. U be the canonical fibres of the maps л: (which is the same as of maps "n or я) and / The exact sequence C.4.2) can be rewritten in the form C.4.3) С »(Гоо) ^ Д"(^оо) - Яя+1G0) - Я-'+ЧУо 0 - Я"Gо) 0. All the terms of this sequence except Я"(АгО0) already carry a MHS structure. Уо is a projective variety with a single singular point 0 6 70 and a complement У<Д0 ~ E$\C, where С is a divisor with normal crossings. In the spirit of Deligne Steenbrink [S3] constructs an exact sequence 0 —> A(Y0) —> A' —у А\ХЖ) —> 0 of cohomological mixed Hodge com- complexes, the hypercohomologies of which are Я?G0), H9(Yoo) and НЧ(ХЖ). This implies the following theorem: C.4.4) Theorem The vanishing cohomology Я"(Аг0О) carries an MHS such that the exact sequence C.4.3) is an exact sequence of the MHS. The MHS on Я"(АГОО) is invariant wrt the semisimple part Ts of the mono- monodromy. ¦ C.4.5) One can show [S3] that the MHS on Ял+1G0) is pure of weight n+1. 5.5 The weight filtration on H"(Xao). Symmetry of Hodge numbers Scherk and Steenbrink [Sc-S] showed that if in the Brieskorn construction we choose deg/ = d sufficiently large, then i* is an epimorphism, i.e. we have an exact MHS sequence C.5.1) 0 -> ЯЛ(УО) -> Я^Уоо) -U Л"(ЛГоо) -> 0, and we can consider the MHS on H"(Xao) to be a quotient of the MHS on C.5.2) The weight filtration Won #"(*«,) as well as that on Я"(Уоо) is the weight filtration of the nilpotent operator N logarithm of the unipotent part of monodromy Ta. The local invariant cycle theorem [SI] asserts that the MHS sequence C.5.3) Яя(У0)^Ял(Уоо)Дяя(Уоо) is exact (it is also a part of the Clemens-Schmid exact sequence). There- Therefore the image of r* coincides with KeriV = Кег(Ги — id) =
80 II Limit MHSs KerNП Hn(Yx)x (and KerNП Н"(Ух)ф1 = 0). Here H"(YX) = ©л#"(Уэс)л is a root decomposition corresponding to the eigenvalues Я of the monodromy T, H"(Yx)^i = ®д^ Я"(Гэс)а. Since the MHS is invariant wrt the semisimple part of monodromy Ts, we have from C.5.1): C.5.4) A) Нп(Хк)ф1 = Hn(Yx)^i and the weight filtration W. on #"(^00M*1 as wel1 as on H"(Y°c)is the weight filtration of the operator N with centre n; B) H"(Xx)i = #"(roc)i/Ker(W)i and the weight filtration W. on Hn{XO0)\, as was noted in B.7.5), is the weight filtration of the operator N with centre и + 1 (!). Now let hp>i be Hodge numbers of the MHS on H"(XX) C.5.5) Л"« = dim Gr'pGr^inXn). We have a decomposition into a sum /гр-« = Yli-K'" = АГ* + *?'* over Hodge numbers corresponding to different eigenvalues of the monodromy T. As with #"(Уоо) the Hodge numbers h™ ^ 0 are contained in a quadrate [0, n] X [0, и]. There are two types of symmetry for Hodge numbers, and for the second type the symmetries for Я = 1 and Я ^ 1 are different: (i) Since the Hodge filtration Fm induces on Gr J+<? an HS of weight p + q, we have C.5.6) Ал« = h"'p, or in more detail h%'4 = h-'p, иРЛ _ ifl'P UPA — hq'p-  —  . "/1 — "/1 > in the matrix (/гр>?) this is a symmetry relative to the accessory diagonal, (ii) From the second part of theorem C.7) we have NP+q-n. Gr^H^X^ - Gr^^H^X^u and (taking into account the shift of the central index) We obtain isomorphisms NP+4-n. OrpOr^If and and, consequently, n + C. C. я, 5.7) 5.8) &." О \ 3 The limit MHS according to Steenbrink _ i,n-q,n-p — пф\ 81 1 P In the case of A^f this is a symmetry relative to the main diagonal of the matrix (hp'q), 0 =s p, q =e n, and in the case of hp'q it is a symmetry relative to the main diagonal of a (n + 1) X (и + l)-matrix. It follows that F0#"(^oo)i = ^#"(^00I = ° and we obtain the following more precise version of the monodromy theorem A.9.1.1). C.5.9) Theorem The Jordan blocks of the monodromy Ton H"(Xoo) are of size at most и + 1. The Jordan blocks for eigenvalue Я = 1 of Гаге of size at most п. Ш It is clear that the following conditions are equivalent: (i) there is a Jordan block of size n + 1 (and therefore necessarily with Я Ф 1); (ii) Gr2nHn(Xx)^i ^ 0 (correspondingly: (i) there is a Jordan block of size и with Я = 1; (ii) Gr^H^X^i ^ 0). Van Doom and Steenbrink [DS] obtained the following: C.5.10) Supplement to the monodromy theorem: Gr?nH\Xx)^ ± 0 => Gr*nH*(X^x ± 0, i.e. if the monodromy T on Ял(АГОо) has a Jordan block of size и + 1
82 11 Limit MHSs (necessary for an eigenvalue Я Ф 1), then Talso has a Jordan block of size n for the eigenvalue Я = 1. C.5.11) This supplement is a generalization of the following result of Le Dung Trang [L]: The monodromy Г of an irreducible one-dimensional singularity/: (C2, 0) —> (C, 0) is of finite order. Indeed, the finiteness of order of T is equivalent to the absence of two- dimensional Jordan blocks. However, if there is such a block (of size и+1=2), then T has the eigenvalue Я = 1. And as is known, f(x, y) is irreducible if and only if T has Я = 1 as an eigenvalue. 4 Hodge theory of a smooth hypersurface according to Griffiths- Deligne Our main subject of study is the Milnor fibration /: X —» S of an isolated singularity/: (C"+1, 0) —> (C, 0) and the linearization associated with it - a local system H-> S', in which H = {J teS-H"(Xt, С) = Д7*Сд-. is the cohomological fibration. Fibres of/, X, =f~l(t), as well as fibres of its projective embedding n: 7 —> S, Yt = Jt~l(t), are non-singular (for t Ф 0) hypersurfaces in a complex manifold X (correspondingly, in Y), and fibres H, = H"(Xt, C) are a cohomology of such hypersurfaces. Therefore before we proceed, we consider how to calculate the cohomology of a hypersurface or its complement by means of differential forms on the ambient manifold with poles on this hypersurface and how the Hodge filtration is connected with the pole order filtration. The answer to this problem is supplied by Griffiths-Deligne theory ([Gr] or in the MHS context [D3]). Temporarily we change our notation. 4.1 The Gysin exact sequence Let ХЪе a complex manifold, dimX = n + 1, and Y С X be a hypersur- hypersurface defined by the (local) equation s = 0, U = X\Y, and j: U с X be an embedding. The cohomologies of X, 7 and U are connected by an exact sequence Hk~2(Y, C) -> Hk(X, C) -> H\U, C) -> Hk~\Y) D.1.1) which is called the Gysin sequence. From the topological point of view this sequence may be considered in one of the following three ways: 4 Hodge theory of a smooth hypersurface 83 A) As an exact sequence obtained from the degenerate Leray spectral sequence for the embedding j: U —* X D.1.2) E{« = H?(X, RqUCu) => H"+"(U, Си). In our case j^Cv = Cx, Rlj*Cu = Cr (locally), and Rqj*Cu = 0 for q > 1 because for a ball neighborhood V с X at a point у е Y the inverse image j~l(V)= V\Y has the homotopy type of a circle S1. B) As an exact cohomology sequence of a pair (X, U) or an exact local cohomology sequence -^ D.1.3) Hkr(X) -» Hk(X) -> Hk(U) where HkY(X) = Hk(X, U). The cohomology HkY(X, C) may be con- considered as derived functors of the functor H°r(X, •) of sections with a support in 7 of a sheaf on X. From a spectral sequence connecting sheaves of local cohomology .%?Чу(.9~) with local cohomology D.1.4) E{* - ЩХ, ЗРГ(.Г)) =»• HPY+\X, .Г). In our case for & = Cx we have .Щ{Х, Сх) = 0 for q ф 2 and .%?2Y(X, С) ~ Су (locally) because for a neighborhood Xof a point у we have H"Y(X, Cx) = НЦХ, X\Y) = Я'02, ?>2\{0}), where D1 is a 2-disk. The terms E%'q vanish except when q = 2 and this gives an identification D.1.5) H\{X, Cx) = Нк~\х, Cr) = Hk-2(Y, CY). C) As an exact Gysin sequence associated with a spectral sequence of a fibration with fibre Sl. One needs to consider a tubular neighborhood of 7in X. D.1.6) Remark A non-singular hypersurface Y С X is a particular case of a divisor with normal crossings in X considered by Deligne. The Gysin sequence D.1.1) is a particular case of a Leray spectral sequence for an embedding/. 4.2 Hodge theory for a complement U = X\Y. Hodge filtration and pole order filtration Deligne considered a case in which 7 is a divisor with normal crossings. Any non-singular quasiprojective variety U may be presented in the form X\Y, where Xis a non-singular projective variety and 7is a divisor with normal crossings. This enables us to introduce an MHS on H-(U). D.2.1) By the Poincare lemma we have a resolution 0 —* С у —> Qy and
84 II Limit MHSs hence H'(U, C) = Hl"(Qy). The embedding j is a Stein morphism (because У is a hypersurface) and hence Qv is a j* -acyclic resolution, №j*-7~ = 0 for q > 0 for coherent sheaves, and, consequently, #•(?/, С) = №(/*^). Denote by ?2}^-(*У) С j* Q.'v a subcomplex of sheaves of meromorphic differential forms on ^fwith poles along У Let Q>(log У) be a complex of sheaves of differential forms on ЛТ with logarithmic poles along Y. If Y is a divisor with normal crossings, then these three complexes are quasiisomorphic, i.e. their cohomology sheaves are isomorphic. Conse- Consequently, D.2.2) #(?/, С) ~ H-(Q^(log У)). * If У С X is a non-singular hypersurface, then there is an exact sequence of complexes of sheaves on X D.2.3) 0 Q>(log У) 0, where R is the Poincare residue which takes the form со = ip Л ds/s 6 Q^-(log Y) to the form V|y € Я*. The exact hypercohomol- ogy sequence associated with the sequence D.2.3) is nothing but the exact Gysin sequence D.1.1). D.2.4) Remark The inclusion О С Qx = Wo С Q>(log У) = W\ in the case a non-singular hypersurface У is a particular case of the weight filtration W, on Q>(log У). D.2.5) Now we come to the Hodge filtration F- on #(?/)¦ As is known, under the isomorphism H'{U, C) ~ H'(Qx{\og У)), filtration F' on #(?/, C) corresponds to a stupid filtration стЭ/, on the complex Q^log У), where for a complex AT" by definition o^pK' is a complex 0 —». -+ 0 —» ^ —> Kp+l —».... Now we define a />o/e order filtration P' on the complex Q^+y). First we define an increasing filtration P. on the zero term of this complex D.2.6) 0 С &X{Y) с I С ... С + 1)У) С ... II II II II P-\ Po . Pi Pk&x(*Y). Let P' be the corresponding decreasing filtration, P* = P_*, D.2.7) Р*^>(*У) = ^((-* + 1)У), Рк = 0 for к > 0. 4 Hodge theory of a smooth hypersurface 85 A differentiation leads to an increase in the pole order of 1. Hence, to spread this filtration to Q^(* У) respecting d, it is natural to set D.2.8) Р*Я?(*У) = Pk-?6X{*Y) ®QX = Qx((p - k+ \)Y). We obtain a filtration on QX(*Y) by subcomplexes P* D.2.9) и и и P1: и P2: и и Р*: и и и и 0 0 0 и Й^(ЗУ) и It is obvious that on the subcomplex Q^log У) с ?2>(*У) the filtration coincides with the stupid filtration o^p, D.2.10) PP D.2.11) Theorem The inclusion filtered quasiisomorphism. (log У), (?2>(*У), Р) is a 4.3 De Rham complex of the sheaf B\y\x and the cohomology of a hypersurface Y We may use the inclusion Q^log У) С QX(*Y) and embed the exact sequence D.2.3) into a commutative diagram with exact lines D.3.1) 0^Q> -» Qx(logy) -Д./*Яу[-1]->0 II *П |a O^Q-^ Q>(*y) -^DR(B[Y]X)^0, where by definition D.3.2) DR(B[y]x) = ^V(*y)/Qv = ^Vig) (d?x(*Y)/&x). Df /« The quotient complex DR{B[Y]X) is the De Rham complex of the sheaf of the principle parts of meromorphic functions with poles along У D.3.3)
86 II Limit MHSs The mapping a is defined by commutativity: if со € Qy is a p-form on Y (locally), then first we lift it to Qx(\og Y) getting a (p + l)-form a> Л ds/s, where a> is an extension of a> to X, and then we consider a class of the form cbAds/se QP+[(*Y)modQx+] as an element а(ш) € DRP+i(B[Y]X). The pole order filtration on Qx(* Y) induces a pole order filtration P~ on DR(B[Y]x)- Since the homomorphism b is a filtered quasiisomorphism D.2.11), we obtain the following theorem: D.3.4) Theorem The homomorphism a: (/*Qy[-l], a») -> (DRB[Y]X, F) is a filtered quasiisomorphism. ¦ D.3.5) Corollary H\Y, С) ~ Hk+\X, DR-(B[Y]X), and under this isomorphism the filtration Fp on Hk(Y, C) is induced by the filtration Pp+X on the complex DR(B[Y]X). 4.4 The case of a smooth hypersurface Y in a projective space A. — Vr On the cohomology of the complement U = P"+1\Y Hd(U, C) = Ud(X, Q>(log Y)) = UdX, QX(*Y)) the Hodge filtration Fp is induced by the stupid filtration ст3 on Q> (log Y) or by the pole order filtration P~ on QX(*Y), i.e. subspaces FpHd{U) are images of spaces Ud(X, PPQ.X(*Y), where D.4.1) P"QX(*Y): 0-»...-»0- (QjG) stands on the pth place). By Bott's theorem D.4.2) H\X, Qx(kY) = 0 for к > 1, i 3= 1, p. ** 0. This means that the complex PPQX(*Y) is acyclic wrt the functor of sections, and hence to calculate the hypercohomology we may take the corresponding complex of global sections D.4.3) Hd(X, PPQ^Y) = Hd(T(X, F'Q^Y)). It follows that the cohomology classes с € FpHd(U) are represented by 4 Hodge theory of a smooth hypersurface 87 closed rf-forms a € H°(X, Qx((d ~p+ 1O) with poles of order =e d-p + l. Let us consider the middle cohomology Hn(Y, C) of a hypersurface Y, dim Y = n. In the Gysin sequence D.1.1) ...->л-Чг) -* H"+[(Pn+l) -> Hn+\U) А Я"(У) Л Я"+2(Р"+1) -* • • • the homomorphisms g sends с to /г Л с where h is the class of the hyperplane section. Denote by Pk(Y, С) С Hk(Y, C) the primitive coho- cohomology of Y Then P"(Y, C) = Kerg and we get an isomorphism Hn+\U)^i P"(Y). From the above it follows that the Hodge filtration on P"{Y) is of the following sort: D.4.4) Hn+\U) = JW?\(Y) D P"(Y) = F°P"(Y) D where D.4.5) Л-^-Н (ЦР ' О F»P"(Y)D ... D 4.5 Generalization to the case of a hypersurface with singularities D.5.1) Let Xbe a complex manifold, dimX = n + 1, and let Y С X be a hypersurface, possibly with singularities, U = X\ Y. In the same way as in D.2.1) we have H-(U, С) ~ U-(&X(*Y)). There is a pole order filtration P~ D.2.9) on the complex QX(*Y), which induces a pole order filtration P' on the cohomology of the complement H'(U, C). We want to compare this with the Hodge filtration F' from MHS theory. In the global situation of D.2.11) and D.4.1) we make the following generalization: D.5.2) Theorem [D-Di] If Y is an hypersurface in a projective space X — P"+1 or even in a weighted projective space P = P(w0, ... , wn+1) and F- is the Hodge filtration on H'(U, C) ([D3]) then for all к and m we have PkHm(U) Э FkHm(U). Ш If a hypersurface Y is (quasi)smooth, then P- — F\ In general, this is not the case (see, for example, (VI.1.33) in [Di]).
88 II Limit MHSs The position is not quite the same in the local case as it is in the global one: D.5.3) Let /: X —> S be the Milnor fibration of a hypersurface singularity and Y = Xo - /~'(°) be the singular fibre. In this case U = X\Y plays the role of a knot of the singularity. Usually the intersection К = /-'@) П S2"+l with a sphere S2n+l = dB2n is called a knot of a singul- singularity. The pair (X, Y) is homeomorphic to the cone on (S2n+l, K) with the vertex xo=OeI Hence, Y\xq and X\ Y are homotopy equivalent to К and S2n+1 \K. Applying the Alexander duality to^c52"+1,we obtain Thus from the homological point of view we may consider U = X\ 7 as a knot of the singularity. D.5.4) Embedding 7in a projective variety as in C.3.1) and applying the excision axiom, we may assume that 7 is a projective variety. In this case there is an MHS on H(Y\x0) ([D2]). Let F~ be the Hodge filtration of this MHS. The filtrations F~ and Pm are connected by the following relation: D.5.5) Theorem ([Kal, Di2]) If f X -> S is the Milnor fibration of an isolated singularity /: (C"+1, 0) ->(C, 0) and F- and P- are the Hodge and the pole order filtrations on H(X\Xo, C), then (i) for all к (ii) for all* D FkHn+l(X\X0); PkH"(X\X0) С FkHn(X\X0). 5 The Gauss-Manin system of an isolated singularity We now study the Gauss-Manin connection on the sheaf.Ж = #<Эс <^V> H= Л"/*Сл" = U teS'H"(Xt, С), associated with the Milnor fibration /: X -> S of an isolated singularity f. (C"+1, 0) -> (C, 0). A fibre of the sheaf Ж is the cohomology H"(X,) of a non-singular hypersurface X, с X. In the previous section we saw how one can study the cohomology of the hypersurface by means of differential forms on X with poles along X,, Hn(Xt, C) ~ U"+l(X, DR(B[Xi]X)). Now we want to extend this to the relative case - to a family of hypersurfaces X,, t e S", and then to apply this to get a natural extension of the sheaf .Ж onto the whole disk S. 5 The Gauss-Manin system of an isolated singularity 89 In this section we try to explain of the appearance of the differential system Л?х in [Sc-S], without using the language of the theory of Z)-modules. 5.1 Hodge theory of a smooth hypersurface in the relative case Let /: X —> S be a morphism of a complex manifold X, длтХ = n + 1, to a curve S. For any t e S we have an embedding of a hypersurface f~](t) = Xt С X. Varying t we glue the fibres X, together into a graph Г in the manifold Z = X X S. A graph Г С X X S is a smooth hypersurface in Z defined by the equation f(x) - t = 0. The mapping / factors to a composition of an embedding i: X С Z onto the graph and a projection p E.1.1) f The intersection of the fibre p '(/) = IX{;} with the hypersurface Г is the fibre X, = f~l(t), and the pair X, с X is isomorphic to the pair Г, с Z,. The sheaf v E.1.2) Blf]xxs = %]Z = б z(*ry?z of principal parts of the sheaf of meromorphic functions <^z(*r) = <^'z[l/LA*) - t]] with poles along Г: f(x) - t = 0 on Z is a relative analog of the sheaf B[X,]x in D.3.3). Consider the relative De Rham complex of this sheaf E.1.3) DRz/s(B[r]Z) = Qz/s ®r- z %]z = Q-z/5(*r)/Q-z/s. E.1.4) Proposition If /: X —> S is smooth, then Rkf*Cx ® &s - Uk+lp*(DR-z/s(B[r]Z)) (this is a relative variant of corollary D.3.5)). Indeed, if / is smooth, then the sheaves Q?,s are locally free and we have the commutative diagram 0 -» Q-z/s -> Qz/S(logr) | 0 la 0 -» Q-z/s -> Q'z/S(*r) -» DRz/siB^z) -» 0 generalizing diagram D.3.1) to the relative case. In this diagram a is a quasiisomorphism. From this and from the relative Poincare lemma (for
90 II Limit MHSs smooth /there is a resolution 0 —> / X6> s —* &x/s °f me sheaf/" we obtain Zx®cs6's = 5.2 ГАе Gauss-Manin differential system In the general case, when /is not necessarily smooth, we define a complex E.2.1) \&x = №p*(DR-z/s(B[T]Z))[n + 1]. E.2.2) Its cohomology sheaves f* ^ = Ukp*(DR-z/s(Bir]z))[n + 1] = n»+l+kp*(DRz/s(Blr]z)) are called the (&th) Gauss-Manin differential systems of a morphism f In particular, in the case of isolated singularities we are interested in the sheaf E.2.3) = U"+l U"+lp*(DRz/s(B[T]z)), where /: X —> S is the Milnor fibration. This sheaf is called the Gauss— Manin differential system of the singularity f Since the morphism f\xr- X' —+ S' is smooth, it follows from proposi- proposition E.1.4) that E.2.4) 3%x\s' = Rnf*CX' ®c @s = Ж, i.e. the sheaf *%?x is a natural extension of the sheaf Ж to the point 0 6 S. E.2.5) Proposition If/is a Steinian morphism, for example, if/is the Milnor fibration of a singularity, then +1 where $fk(.) denotes the ?th cohomology of a complex of sheaves. A standard deduction of formula E.2.5) from definition E.2.3) is the following. Since / = ~p is Stein, we obtain by Cartan's theorem В that the complex DR'z,s(B[r\Z) is acyclic relative the direct image functor. This enables us to calculate hypercohomology by applying p* directly to this complex. However, here the sheaves Q4Z,S(*T)/Q4Z,S are only quasicoher- ent (not coherent) «^-modules, and Cartan's theorem В does not hold in 5 The Gauss-Manin system of an isolated singularity 91 general for quasicoherent sheaves, but one can overcome this difficulty [Sc-S]. 5.3 Interpretation of the complex DRz,s(B[r\z) in terms of the morphism f:X—+S The De Rham complex DRz/s(B[r]Z) = QZ/S(*T)/QZ/S E.1.3) is con- concentrated on the graph Г because QZ/S(*T) and ?2Z/S coincide outside Г. By means of the isomorphism i: X -^ Г С Z = X X S we carry to X the complex DRz,s{B[Y]z) and all its natural structures (i.e. differential d, the structure of the ?>s-module, the pole order filtration inducing an HS on fibres of/in the case of a projective morphism). Obviously, we have an isomorphism E3Л) Q>[/(^] ^ rlQZ/5(*n/?2z/5- Indeed, if a q-fona co/(f(x) — t)k represents an element of the right-hand side, where cd is a «7-form with coefficients depending on x and t, then changing t by f(x) — (f(x) — t) and redecomposing coefficients we can assume that cd G Qx. Complex E.3.1) naturally is a complex of ZVmodules, where on a form cd/(J{x) — t)k, cd G Q^, the operator d, acts as a differentiation wrt the parameter t. E.3.2) d, This implies that E.3.3) d\ = k if(x) - i UCD (here the brackets [ ] mean the class of an element in the quotient complex in the right-hand side of formula E.3.1)). Formula E.3.3) shows that we can consider the complex Qx[l/(f(x) — t)], elements of which are polynomials in l/(f(x) ~ t), as a complex Q^[Z)], elements of which are polynomials in a formal indetermi- indeterminate D interpreted as the differentiation operator dt, i.e. there is an isomorphism E.3.4) - t CD 1У ^ d\ CD f{x) - t V.CD (fix) -
92 II Limit MHSs The structure of the ?>s-module Qx[l/(f(x) - t)] carried to QX[D] is of the following form. Since i\co d, .(/00- ¦V+l ¦(/(*)-. (/oo- ¦ = (/00-(/00-t) i\co (/(*)-'> ,'¦+1 = /(*); -— г- the action of the ring Ds on Q>[?>] is given by the formulae E.3.5) d,wiy.=(oDi+\ tcoEt = f(x)coLV - icoD'-1. The differential d on the complex Qx[l/(f(x) - t)] (i+l)\df/\w (/(*) - O'+2 (d(/(x) - 0 = d/ - df, but d? = 0 in Qz/S) transforms to a differential d on the complex QX[D] given by the formula E.3.6) dicoD) = dcjLV - d/ Л wDM. The pole order filtration P- on complex E.3.1) (see §4) transforms to a filtration F' on Q>[?>] defined below in proposition E.3.11). Taking into account the identification E.3.1) of the complex DR-z/s(B[r]z), concentrated on the graph Г, with the complex QX[D] on X, we obtain an expression of the Gauss-Manin differential system E.2.2) in terms of the complex Q'X[D] &x = nn if p*(DRz/s(Bir]Z)) E.3.7) = W+l+kMQx[D]). Let /: X -> S be the Milnor fibration of a singularity /: (C+1, 0) * (C, 0). Then by proposition E.2.5) we have E.3.8) f &x=. if ?n+\+k/ Consider the complex (f*Qx[D], d) = (K\ d). From formula E.3.6) it follows that this complex can be considered as the single complex associated with the double complex (K", du d2), where E.3.9) Ю* = f^qIf, q^Q,Km= f*Qx[D], 5 The Gauss-Manin system of an isolated singularity 93 and the differentials are: di = d is exterior differentiation, d2 = -d/Л is a Koszul differential, i.e. exterior multiplication by the form -d/ E.3.10) о T T T T T \ T-d/л -o T */*nj+1 N. о- /.я ,0 A T ^x T ч T-d/Л f*ax Д/,? T-dfA \d, T - d/Л T- d/л /,o;-' - ftax -ij We summarize: E.3.11) Proposition Let /: X -* S be the Milnor fibration of a singular- singularity / Then the Gauss-Manin differential system J* & x = ¦%n+x+k(f*&x[D\) is the (n + 1 + fc)th cohomology of the single com- complex (f*Qx[D], d) associated with the double complex E.3.10), +?, d, -d/Л), and, in particular E.3.12) The complex /*Q^[?>] is a complex of ?>s-modules with operators of multiplication by d, and t defined by formulae E.3.5). Under the identifi- identification E.3.4) the pole order filtration P' corresponds to the Hodge filtration F- on the complex f^Qx[D], the second filtration of the double complex E.3.10), FT =®r*p+lKr's, E.3.13) FPf*Q"x+l[D] =/*QJ+1 +/*QJ+1?» + ... + /*QJ+ID"'?. This filtration induces a filtration F4 on Жх. Ш The operator dt — D corresponds to a shift along the diagonal of the double complex K-. It takes Fp to Fp~\
94 E.3.14) II Limit MHSs 5.4 Connection between the differential system Жх and the Brieskorn lattice Ж{0) The Brieskorn lattice .JS?<°> = "Ж = f*Qnx+l /d/ Л dU^QJ) of an iso- isolated singularity /is defined in A.5.1.3). It is a locally free ^-module of rank ц extending Ж onto S. Obviously, FnK' = Kn+[fi coincides with /*Q?+1 (F- is the second filtration of the double complex E.3.10)). E.4.1) Lemma The inclusion morphism С К' onto F"K- gives an iso- isoProof To prove this we have to find those elements со 6 /*&J+1 = FnK' which are cohomologous to 0 in K\ a = d#. An easy search of the diagram E.3.10) shows that these are exactly those со having the form со = d/ Л d0, where в € f*Qx+1. ¦ E.4.2) Lemma The operator 9, is invertible on .Jf^-, 9,: Ж*- -* -^x- The Hodge filtration on Жх coincides with the filtration by powers of the operator d, applied to the lattice Жт: F" Жх = d,F"JVx, • • • , F*- x = Proof This again is reduced to a diagram search in diagram C.10). Let E.4.3) Ж(к) = F*-kJffx = dkF".%fx- Then the decreasing Hodge filtration on Жх, 0 С FnMx С Fn~x3@x С ... , becomes the increasing filtration E.4.4) Жт С Ж(Х) С ... i??(i) С i?f(*+1) С ... С Мх E.4.5) д,\ Ж(к) ^ 3Z(M\ We have already met an extension of this filtration to the left in A.5.3.7), D.6) Remark Scherk and Steenbrink [Sc-S] introduced the limit Hodge filtration of the MHS on the vanishing cohomology based upon the theory of As-modules with regular singularity at the point 0 6 S. The invertibility 6 Decomposition of a meromorphic connection 95 of the operator d, on .Жх.о then implies [Phi] that Жх — ®j=\.y^a>'4>, а,ф-\,-2, where. = Ds/'Ds(td,-af. 6 Decomposition of a meromorphic connection into a direct sum of the root subspaces of the operator td,. The F-ffltration and the canonical lattice 6.1 'Block' decomposition Let {.Ж, V) be a meromorphic connection on a disk ScC, regular singular at the point 0 € S (see A.4.6.1), A.7.7.2)). .Ж is a sheaf on S such that Ж\$ — Ж is a locally free sheaf of 6 S' -modules of rank [i, and the zero germ Ж§ ~ .i?f is a vector space over the field Ж = C{/}[?~'], the field of meromorphic functions with poles at 0, i.e. the field of fractions of the local ring 6>sja (for simplicity we'll often write .Ж instead огуМ^). In the following applications .Ш is the meromorphic Gauss-Manin connec- connection and .Ж = Жл^ = Ж^ <g> г- 5,0Ж' is a localization of the Brieskorn lattice Ж(й) wrt the maximal ideal »> С &$$¦ Let dt = Vd/d<: Ж —» Ж denote the operator of covariant differentiation (the sheaf ^-M may be considered as a sheaf of /^-modules). Let H = Ker V с Ж be the local system of horizontal sections and Г be the monodromy transformation. Recall A.7.7.2) that a connection V is regular, if there exists a lattice 3$ in ..Ж invariant wrt the operator td,. A residue of V wrt such a lattice is a linear operator Res</ V on the vector space 5f/tJ? induced by the operator tfv,. From the classical Sauvage theorem A.7.6.2) it follows from A.7.7.7) that Ж decomposes into a direct sum Ж — ®\_хЖа"ч> of standard blocks corresponding to the decomposition of the monodromy T into Jordan blocks. Here r is the number of blocks and qt their sizes, Y^i=\4i = fi = дхса.,хЖ- Or in other words, there exists a basis щ, ... , u^ in Ж in which the operator tdt matrix consists of blocks each of the form aE + N, where ? is a unity matrix, and N corresponds to a nilpotent operator, Nit\ = иг, ... diagonal), F.1.1) 1дг(щ, This also means that wrt the basis u\, ... , uq the connection V has a matrix of connection coefficients of the form Г(/) = (\/t)(aE + N). If y= (y\, ... , yq)' is a column of coordinate functions wrt the basis u, then the horizontally condition for a section u-y reduces to a system Nuq-\ = uq, Nuq = 0 (units are under the main F.1.2) у =—y, where R = -(aE + N).
96 II Limit MHSs This system has a fundamental matrix of solutions F.1.3) Y(t) = tR=eRl0Sl. This implies that the monodromy on H_ is of the form F.1.4) T = е2т1я = е-Мо-е-млг = TSTU, F.1.5) Я = e~2ma is an eigenvalue of the monodromy T, and F.1.6) a = -T-r logA, N = -—- log Tu. 2m 2m From the definition of a residue A.7.7.4) it also follows that wrt the basis щ, ... ,uq or wrt the lattice ®f=1^s-«/, the residue is equal to F.1.7) ResV = aE+N and a is an eigenvalue of Res V wrt the lattice ®]=хб $щ. 6.2 Decomposition of a meromorphic connection Ж into a direct sum of the root subspaces First let Ж - .J6a'4 = .Жщ® ... ®.Жич, i.e. let Г have only one Jordan block with the eigenvalue Я = e~2jna. Let со be an element of Ж with coordinates q>(t) wrt a basis u, со = u-q>(t), where cp(t) = (<p\(t), ..., cpq(t))' is a column of coordinates. Decomposing cp(t) into the Laurent series cp(t) = ^cp^-t', where <pw are constant columns, we obtain a decomposition F.2.1) со = It appears that this decomposition has an invariant sense. Recall that a root subspace La of a linear operator A on a vector space L corresponding to an eigenvalue a is the subspace La = {со € L: 3 r, (A - a)rco = 0}. Now note that on the subspace В = ©?=1Си,- С .Ж the operator tdt = aE + N, and hence, the operator tdt — cl — N is nilpotent and hence В С Са, where F.2.2) def Cp "{со eJTy.3r, (tdt -p)rco = 0} is the root subspace of the operator td, on ^ffl corresponding to an eigenvalue /3. Moreover, the relation [dt, t] = 1 implies by A.7.7.6) the following lemma: F.2.3) Lemma On the space Д<*> = tkB = ®1=lC-tkUi we have td, = (a + k)E + N. 6 Decomposition of a meromorphic connection 97 This means that 2?(i) С Са+к and, consequently, the decomposition Ж = ®ktkB is the root decomposition of the operator td,, F.2.4) = ® Ca. Here a runs over an arithmetical progression, a = — (I/2m log Я with step 1, which is infinite on both sides. Here the sum sign ® means that there are inclusions ®aCa С .J6 с \[аС and Ж is generated by ®Ca over ?5 = ^5;c,o- Note that all spaces Ca have the same dimension dim Ca = q. In general, when Ж — ®\=х.Жа''4' is a sum of blocks, we obtain: F.2.5) Theorem If Ж is a meromorphic connection with a regular singularity, then where Ca is a root subspace of the operator td, on Ж, and a (for those Са ф 0) runs over к arithmetical progressions a = —(l/2ni)Xj, where X\, ... , X/c are all different eigenvalues of the monodromy T. ¦ F.2.6) Corollary Any element со € form is uniquely represented by the where coa e Ca. We call this the root decomposition of the element со, and the compo- components coa are called the root (or homogeneous) components of order a. If со = coa, the element со is called homogeneous. Obviously, the operator of multiplication by t F.2.7) /: Ca ^ Ca+i is an isomorphism for all a. Since on Ca, td, = aE + N and d, = (l/0(a? + N), we have that F.2.8) d,: Ca - Ca-x is an isomorphism for all а ф 0. In particular, on the subspace F.2.9) SS= © Ca a>-\ there exists an operator which is inverse to the operator dt, F.2.10) д~1: Я -> %, 0,-0,-' = id.
98 II Limit MHSs 6.3 The order function a and the V'-filtration Now let V be a quasiunipotent connection as is the case for the Gauss— Manin connection, i.e. the monodromy operator Г is quasiunipotent: there exist integers m and n such that (Tm - E)"+l = 0. Thus all eigenvalues Я = e23ri/? of the operator Гаге roots of unity, j3sQ. Then all members of the arithmetical progressions a = — (l/2OT)logA are rational numbers and hence are naturally ordered. F.3.1) Definition If со = ^ша € Ж, then a rational number a((o) = min {a: coa ф 0} is called the order of the element со. The first non-vanishing term F.3.2) CO\ - COa(a>) is called the main or leading part of an element со. The graduation ^S = ©Ca is called the root graduation. F.3.3) Definition Natural decreasing nitrations, the V'-filtration and the V>-filtration, are associated with the root graduation on Ж: def = {со e .Ж: a(co) 2= a} = © C& and def V>aJ& = {со е Ж: а{со)>а) = © С/». The corresponding joined objects are F.3.4) Grav = Va/V>a~Ca. From the description of ^S = ®Ca in F.2.5) it is obvious that all terms of the filtration УаЖ and of У>аЖ are free ^-modules of rank /г F.3.5) VaJ6 > invariant wrt tdt, i.e. they are saturated lattices. The lattice F.3.6) df is called canonical. F.3.7) In other words, S с ^Ж is a locally free ^-module extending the sheaf 38 to the whole disk S, SS\S- = 3V. The sheaf ^ is uniquely characterized by two conditions: A) the connection V has a logarithmic pole on S?; and 6 Decomposition of a meromorphic connection 99 B) the eigenvalues of Res / V, i.e. the eigenvalues of the operator tdt on 5Slt3Z = Ф-KccsoCa, satisfy the condition -1 <a « 0. The sheaf 5% is called the canonical extension of the sheaf ,Ж. 6.4 Identification of the zero fibre of the canonical extension 5? and the canonical fibre of the fibration H By a canonical fibre of the fibration H we mean a vector space H of its multivalued sections over S', or a space of multivalued horizontal sections of the sheaf 36 = Я®с &'s< = ^|ss or a space of single-valued horizon- horizontal sections of the lift of 36 to the universal covering e: U —> S' B.4.8). There is a natural isomorphism of the space H and the space 5% It2% = ©-KasoCa, the zero fibre of the canonical extension SS. First let us consider the case of one block. Let the monodromy Ton the space H have one Jordan block with eigenvalue X. Then for any choice of one of the values of logarithm a = — (l/2;ri)logA we have an isomor- isomorphism H~Ca. The mutually inverse isomorphisms cpa: Ca —> H and ipa: H —> Ca are arranged in just such a way. A choice of a corresponds to a choice of the basis щ, ..., uq in in which td, = aE + N = -Ra- In this basis the space of horizontal sections H is a space of solutions of the system of differential equations y' = (Ra/t)y which has a fundamental system of solutions F.1.3) r*¦, and an element A € H is represented by the form A = t^-yo, where j0 6 C* is a constant column. Then: F.4.1) q>a: Ca -» H takes a> = u-y0 ^ A = tKyu € H, A = Л". Conversely, if Л € Я is a multivalued horizontal section, then the multivalued family of matrices f1^ = ta-eNbgt having the monodromy е-2тъ _ j-\ 'unravels'the multivalued section^: F.4.2) s[A,a\ = r*°.A is a single-valued section of the sheaf 36. An immediate calculation shows (because d,A = 0) that tdts[A, a] = as[A, a] + s[NA, a] and hence, s[A, a] e Ca. Then: F.4.3) ¦фа: Н —> Ca takes A >-* s[A, a]. The same formulae are valid when the monodromy T consists of some Jordan blocks with the same eigenvalue X. We obtain:
100 II Limit MHSs F.4.4) Let Ял С Я be a root subspace of the space of multivalued horizontal sections corresponding to an eigenvalue X of the monodromy T, dim Ял = fa. Then for any value of the logarithm a = -(l/2^i)logA all root spaces Ca have the dimension dim Ca = fix and there are isomor- isomorphisms F.4.5) ipa: Hx^t Ca, A i-> y>a(A) = s[A, a] = tatNA, where tN = cNhs'. A section s[A,a] of the sheaf Л? is called an elementary section of order a corresponding to a multivalued section A = A{t) e Ял. Calculation F.4.2) shows that under the isomorphism ipa the operator N = —(\/2л1) log Tu on Ял transforms to the operator tdt — a on Ca, ie. there is a commutative diagram td,-a F.4.6) (td, - a)-ipa = ipa-N. F.4.7) In the general case let H = ©JL, Ялу be the root decomposition of the monodromy T. Choosing for every Xj the value a.j = —A/2тп) log Xj in the interval -1 < a} ^ 0 and applying the above construction to each Ca, block, F.4.8) which we obtain takes A = an isomorphism ip: H^* %/tJg - E*=,4 e я = ©я,- = © -1<а«0 to к F.4.9) The isomorphism ip is extended to an isomorphism of sheaves F.4.10) ip: Ss(H) = H <g> ES^ ST and we obtain a natural trivialization of the sheaf %. F.4.11) Remark The canonical extension % of the sheaf J& constructed in B.6.4) is the canonical extension F.3.5) when all Xj = 1, and then a = 0 (cf. formulae B.6.3) and F.4.5)). Recall that4 in §2 we made a covering of the base S such that the monodromy became unipotent (all Ay = 1). 6,5 The decomposition of sections a» € .Ж into a sum of elementary sections Let o) = ^2°>а € ^, a>a € Сa, be a root decomposition of the element со. 6 Decomposition of a meromorphic connection \ 01 By means of isomorphisms F.4.5) гра: Ял^ Са we can represent homo- homogeneous components a>a in the form of elementary sections F.5.1) coa = s[A%, a] = /-*¦•< = taeN 1о«' Аша, where A® e Яя, А = e-2jria, are multivalued horizontal sections. In more detail F.5.2) r2log2t 1! 2! or using Varchenko's notation ([VI, AGV]) + ... + N"- F.5.3) logt/ where Ашка = NkA%. Now if у е Я* is a multivalued horizontal section of homological fibration H*, the dual to Я, then = (со, у) = Y.icoa, У) = ',e y) where ala = (^, у). We thus obtain the decomposition into series of period integrals Iy,co(t) = Jy(t)CO (see A.9.4.4)), from which one usually begins the exposi- exposition. The advantage of the above approach (the inverse order of exposition) lies in its invariant character. From corollaries of the Malgrange theorem (A.9.4.5) and A.9.4.6)) we obtain F.5.5) Corollary If we :^-x\ then a(co) 3= 0. If со е .^@), then a(co)>-l. Thus, F.5.6) 6.6 Transfer of automorphisms from the Milnor lattice Hto the meromorphic connection ..Ж Let Я be the cohomological fibration of a singularity /: (C+1, 0) -> (C, 0). Then Я = Яя(Дг0О, С) is the cohomology of the canonical Milnor fibre B.4.6). In the study of singularities which follows, the meromorphic connection .Ж, a topological invariant of a singularity, will
102 II Limit MHSs play greater role. Ж is a 'universum' in which all Brieskorn lattices of singularities /of a given topological type live. F.6.1) The isomorphism F.4.8) V>: Я те © Сц С ^ = -1<а*0 а enables us to carry different structures from Я to Ж. F.6.2) We will now carry automorphism of Я to automorphism of Ж. Obviously, any automorphism g € GL(H) is uniquely extended to an automorphism of Ж as a (Ж = C{t}[r]])-modnle in such a way that the diagram Я ^ © Са С ->Ж Я CaC is commutative. We denote by ip(g) 6 Aut.^ this automorphism of Ж which on ®_i <«so Ca is equal to rp{g) — ip-g-ip~l. F.6.3) Lemma The automorphism on Ж corresponding to the mono- dromy Гоп Я is Proof It follows from F.4.6) that the operator td, —aonCa corresponds to the operator N = -(l/2m)logTa on Я A power of td, -a corre- corresponds to a power of the operator N. Hence, the operator on Ca corre- corresponding to the monodromy operator T and coinciding with XTU = X s-bAN on Яя is given by ^ -2лЦ1д,-а) _ ^ e2ma e-2mtd, __ ^-Imtd, It follows also from F.4.6) that the operator e'2™'9' defines ip(T) in the sense F.6.2) on Ж. ¦ Ж is in a natural way also a C[3f]-module. F.6.4) Lemma An automorphism g € GL(H) commutes with T if and only if V(g) commutes with d,, i.e. V(g) is an automorphism of ^-Ж as a C[3,]-module. Proo/ If V(g) commutes with dt, then V(#) also commutes with td, 7 The limit Hodge filtration 103 because ip(g) commutes with t. Then V(g) commutes with e~2jn'a' = V(r), and, consequently, g commutes with T. Conversely, if g commutes with T, then ip(g) commutes with е~2л'9', and, consequently, with td,. However, since ip{g), as an automorphism of the Ж -module, commutes with t, ip(g) commutes also with d,. ¦ 7 The limit Hodge filtration according to Varchenko and to Scherk- Steenbrink At first the MHS on the vanishing cohomology of an isolated singularity /: (C+1, 0) -> (C, 0), i.e. on the cohomology H"(XX, C) of the (canoni- (canonical) Milnor fibre, was introduced by Steenbrink C.4.4) by means of an embedding of the Milnor fibration X —» S in a projective fibration Y —> S. By a result of Scherk C.5.1), this embedding can be chosen such that the homomorphism Hn(Yoo, C) —> Нп{Хж, С) is an epimorphism and the limit MHS on Я»AЮ, С) is a quotient of the limit MHS on H^Y^, C). The weight filtration W. on Нп{Хж, С) is a quotient weight filtration on Я"(Уоо, С) and is defined by means of the nilpotent operator N = — (l/2;ri)log Ги, the logarithm of the unipotent part of the mono- monodromy on Н"(ХЖ, С) C.5.2). It is explained in C.5.4) why this filtration has different 'centres' on subspaces H"(Xoo, C)^i and H"(Xoo,C)x=\. Varchenko proposed the idea of introducing the Hodge filtration F~ on Я'Ч-Л'оо, С) directly (by means of integral asymptotics), without using an embedding in a projective family. Following this idea, Scherk and Steen- Steenbrink [Sc-S] introduced the filtration F- in a different way. We begin by introducing the filtration F~ = Fss on H"(XX, C) according to Scherk- Steenbrink because it gives a genetically more naturally motivated con- construction of the limit Hodge filtration. 7.1 Motivation of Scherk-Steenbrink's construction of the Hodge filtration The sequence of steps leading to the construction of filtration F'ss is as follows. A) The sheaf Ж = H®S' (9? = Ж^Х'/S') has a canonical exten- extension 5? on S, and there is a canonical isomorphism F.4.8) V: Я = Н'ЧХ^, C)^ %lt% = Ф Са. =t<x
104 II Limit MHSs of the space H"(XX, C) considered as a space of multivalued horizontal sections of the fibration Я and the zero fibre of the sheaf 2". B) The Hodge filtration F' on H"(YX, C) according to Schmid (see §2.2) (coinciding with the Hodge filtration according to Steenbrink) is the limit Hodge filtration on the cohomology of the projective varieties H"(Y,, C) B.6.6). Let a bar denote an object for Y -> S analogous to the corresponding object for X -> S, ~Ж = Я®с5. Г' s = J%qR(Y'/S') and so on. Then the limit Hodge filtration T- on Я = H"(YX, C) is a filtration induced by the filtration on the zero fibre c/C/tc/ of the canonical extension of the sheaf .Ж on S, though after a preliminary lift of the base S —» S 'killing' the semisimple part of monodromy Ts. The filtration on if is obtained by an extension of the Hodge filtration .T- on Ж, where .9~- is the variation of the Hodge filtration on H"{Yt, C). The consequences of the necessity of a base lift 5 —> S are discussed below in E). C) One can calculate the cohomology of a hypersurface by means of a complex of principal parts of differential forms on the ambient manifold with poles along this hypersurface D.3.5). The sheaf.Ж is identified with the sheaf Jgy]s,, Л'у = Un+^(DR^/S(B[T]1)), where fcZ=7x5is the graph of the morphism 7-»5 E.1.4). The Hodge filtration is identified with the pole order filtration. We obtain an extension of the Hodge filtration .9~' on Ж to a filtration on the sheaf .Ж у and in particular on the canonical extension Я> = ¦& of the sheaf. Ж to S. D) We can repeat the construction in C) for the morphism f:X—>S (§5). We can use this to introduce the limit Hodge filtration on the zero fibre of the canonical extension % of the sheaf 3% from 5" to S, without using an embedding into the projective family. Thus, we have to consider the differential system E.3.12) where x x , coff l\U) -O'+1J' to take its Hodge filtration F~ E.3.13) induced by the pole order filtration, and to consider the induced filtration on the canonical extension if с Ж х of the sheaf.Ж on 5". We have an inclusion of the Brieskorn lattice .Ж@) С .Жx onto the и-th term of the filtration F"MX, ш >-* [co/(f(x) - t)] E.4.1). Moreover, the remaining terms of the Hodge filtration are obtained from .i^<0) = Р".ЖХ by applying the operator д„ Fn~k.Mx = dktFn.Xx = д)Ж^ E.4.3). 7 The limit Hodge filtration 105 Thus, the Hodge filtration is defined by the inclusion of the Brieskorn lattice .Ж@) С Жх. Consider a filtration on % С -Жх induced by F' on Жх, fpz = n jgf = д"~ржт пя = д"-"^ n-p The last equality is valid because % = V>~1 and the operator dt takes Va to Va~x. By definition FPSZ is generated by elements of the form d"~ps[ca], where s[co] = Yla»a(aj)>-is[c4, a] € J??@) are elements of or- order a{wi)> n — p - 1. On SC/t^ = Ф-1<а«оСа the induced filtration is of the form This is the desired limit Hodge filtration for the unipotent monodromy T = Tu. Scherk and Steenbrink defined it in this way in the initial version of the paper [Sc-S]. However, in general, it is still not the desired filtration [Sa2, Ph2] because we have not yet dealt with the base lift 5 —» S. E) The necessity of having a base lift S —» S 'kill' Ts leads to the following. In the above definition instead of using the elements d"~ps[co] to generate FPM we have to take their leading parts d"~ps[a), а(со)]. Let us explain this. Without the base lift the filtration term FPSA is generated by elements of the form Q) = 1?a>-\tatNA" such that dj(n~p)<o € .Жт, and for the filtration induced on Я = Фа Ял ^ ®-i<a=soCa the subspace FPH is generated by the elements J^-i < aso^a • According to Schmid's theorem we have to do the following. We have to take a covering ж: S —> S, t = ~tm 'killing' the semisimple part of the monodromy, T™ = id, and making it unipotent, t = Tm = T™ = fa (a tilde denotes the corresponding object on S). We have to take the inverse image .T' on :Ж = л*.Ж of the Hodge filtration .9"- on 3% and to consider a filtration on ^ induced by the filtration on S?, where n*{Fp,SZ) = (Fp5f)®rs &s- Then, finally, we have to take the filtration F' induced on the zero fibre % /t%' ~ Я. This is the limit Hodge filtration according to Schmid. Since the monodromy f is unipotent, we have that in the decomposition ,^~фа>_1Са all a are integers, X = ®keN0Cic, and the mapping i? —> s?/t% reduces to a> = Хд»ош* ь^ cbQ. The filtration n*(FpS5} = (Fp%)®r-s 6-s is generated by elements from С{7}лг*ш = С{1}-^а>_11та1тМА%. То obtain Fpk = n*(Fp,%) П SjC we have to take elements of degree > 0 in ~t. We
106 II Limit MHSs see that the subspace Fp of 56 ftS% ~ // is generated by elements A^^, i.e. by first summands in ^2-\<a^oA". F) Lastly the final note: instead of operating in the context of the Gauss—Manin differential system Jlfx we таУ operate in the more usual classical context of the meromorphic connection Ж — ,Ж@' <8>^s Ж. This follows from the fact that the canonical lattice S? lies in .%§x as well as in Ж, if С .Жх and 5? С Ж. We'll talk about the relation between Mx and Ж in more detail in the supplement to this section in G.7.9)—G.7.11). The sheaves SZ', 36x and Ж are topological invariants of a singularity defined by the Jordan structure of T on H. Analytic invariants of a singularity /(moduli) are reflected in the inclusion of the Brieskorn lattice to the canonical lattice, ^@) С 56, which defines among other things the MHS on the vanishing cohomology. The above explains the following definition: 7.2 The definition of the limit Hodge filtration F$s according to Scherk— Steenbrink Let Ж = ®Ca be the meromorphic connection of a singularity / if = V>""' = фа> -i Сa С Ж be the canonical lattice, and J^@) be the Brieskorn lattice. By F.5.6) we have J%<-0) С 5§. G.2.1) Definition The Hodge filtration F' = F'ss according to Scherk— Steenbrink is defined on the zero fibre 56/t56 — ®-i<asoCa on each Ca separately, FpCa, G.2.2) df - where G.2.3) G.2.4) ¦ppr — r)"' -¦ VPn.%fi0)/V>P С G/уЖ - Cp is a subspace gen- generated by the leading parts of geometric sections s[co] € 36^ of order /?. Since i^@) cV>~\ws have Gr^.J^@) = 0 for 0 « -1 and hence: G.2.5) FpCa = 0 for p > n, FpEf/t56) = 0 for p > n. If /? > — 1, then there is an isomorphism dj1: Cp^* Cp+i, inducing inclu- inclusions 7 The limit Hodge filtration (recall that d~x takes .Ж@) into itself and dj\.MiQ)) = J A.5.3.4)). 107 by G.2.6) We can schematically visualize the inclusion .Ж^ с Ж, more exactly Gry.y^@) С вгЖ, and the Hodge filtration F- on Ca, —l<a«0, by means of the following diagram [Hel] (see picture below). Let us picture S? = ©a>_i Ca as an infinite set of columns C^ of height G.2.7) dim Cp = dim Hx = Их, where Я = J F" T- s s 37' -—- "«+2 s в ^ 37' "a „ ¦ч T u с с 37' сГ - и 37' * 37' 1 a + 2 з ¦» n-p •* о j. + I The columns Cp and C^+i are identified by means of the isomorphism d~x. The parts of the columns corresponding to Gr^y.M^ с Cp are hatched and the parts corresponding to dy1Grey~l.^fm = GrBv.^-1) С G^^) are shaded. The 'figure' Gr-у.Ж^^ is obtained from Grv(:Mm) by a shift of 1 to the right. Part of G>>(J^@)) correspond- corresponding to one eigenvalue Я of the monodromy is shown in the picture above, and as an example the whole of G/-K(.^@)) is shown for the singularity Ej — Xg = Гг,4,4 in picture on the next page.
11Limit MHSs c_% c.Vl c_Vi -1 -'A -V, -V, 0 7.3 The Scherk-Steenbrink theorem G.3.1) The filtration Fss on Grv{Z/t?) — ®_i<a<oCa is carried to H"(XX, C) by means of the isomorphism V: #"(^oo> С)те Jgyfif ~ Gr-Y{J?11&\ By construction, t/>: Н"(ХЖ, С)а -^ Ca> where Я = e~2jria, -1<а«0, Hn{Xx, C)x is a root subspace of the operator Г, corresponding to an eigenvalue A. The filtration F- being defined on each Ca separately, F" is invariant wrt Ts- G.3.2) There is a weight filtration W = W(N), N = -(I/2m) log Tu, on Н'ЧХоо, С) defined in C.5.2). Under the isomorphism ip it corresponds to the filtration W = W{N) of a nilpotent operator N on the space Ф-i<a«oCa, where N = td, — a on Ca. The filtration Wis also invariant wrt Ts by construction. Let Fj denote the Hodge filtration on Hn(Xoo, C) according to Steen- brink in theorem C.4.4), which also coincides with the limit Hodge filtration according to Schmid ([S3]). G.3.3) Theorem ([Sc-S]) The Hodge filtration Fss according to Scherk- Steenbrink on Н'ЧХоо, С) coincides with the Hodge filtration Fs accord- according to Steenbrink. Consequently C.4.4), the filtrations W. and F- = Fss define an MHS on Н"(ХЖ, С). This MHS is invariant wrt the semisimple part of monodromy Ts, and it decomposes into a direct sum of MHS Let us consider examples of calculation of the MHS on the vanishing cohomology. G.3.4) The MHS in the case of quasi homogeneous singularities Let f(x) € С[ло, ..., xn] be a quasihomogeneous singularity of degree 1 with weights wtjc/ = wt. We use notations from A.5.5.1- The 7 The limit Hodge filtration 109 differential forms com = xm dx, m € A, \A\ = /л, represent a basis of the <^5-module Ж@) = ®meA^ sc>m- We use the same symbol to denote differential forms, geometric sections defined by them, elements of the space i?/ti6 = ®_i<a*o = C, etc. In A.5.5.4) we showed that wm € JffW are eigenvectors of the operator tdt, dm € Ca(m)-\- Thus the nilpotent operator Af is zero and the weight filtration is as follows: о с ж„_, с wn с wn+l = c,wn= e ca, wn+l/wn = Co. -Ka<0 The Hodge filtration F' = Fss, С = F° D F1 D ... D F" D Fn+l = 0, is defined as follows. Let us take the partition of the set of indices (= the set of exponents of monomials) A into subsets, A = L)AP, where Ap — {m & A, n — p — \< a(m) — 1 =? n — p). We have that if m € Ap, then rjm = d"~pct)m € Ca, where — 1 < a =? 0. The elements rjm generate a basis of the lattice 5f, Ж = ®тел^ sVm, and correspondingly of the space С = ©телС»7т. Then by definition FPC= © Cr)m, where A*p = ApUAp+l U... U А„. €A G.3.5) The MHS in the case of singularities T' M<r ([Sc-S]) The unimodal singularities of series TM>r are defined by equations fix, y,z) = xp + y4 + zr + axyz, а ф 0, where p~x + q~x + r~x < 1 ([AGV]). These are simplest not (semi)quasi- homogeneous singularities. For them /x = p + q+r— 1, and the mono- monomials Mi 1, xyz, xki0<k<p), yki0<k<q), zki0<k<r), form a basis of the Jacobian algebra Qf. The differential forms w, = M,co, 1 =? / «fi, where ш = dx Л dj Л dz, form a basis of the vector space Qf = .y%W/.%f(-l\ Applying the method developed by Scherk [Scl], one finds that a basis of the canonical lattice J? consists of the forms о, td,eo, d,ixkeo) @ < к < p), d,iykeo) @ < к < q), d,izkeo) i0<k<r), (by (III.3.4.14) we can replace td,ct) by d,ixyza))). Moreover, except for a few small values of p, q and r, the operator tdt on С = S§/tSZ has the following form relative to this basis: td,itd,co) = 0; td,id,xkeo) = ^—^-d,xkm forO<k<p;
по II Limit MESs tdt{dtykw) = Э,уксо forO<k<q; к — r td,{d,zkco) = d,zkco for 0 < к < r. Thus, this basis is a Jordan basis for the operator tdt. The space С = ®-]<a^oCa = C-to © Co, where the space Co is generated by vectors со and td,(o. The weight filtration Won С is the weight filtration W(N) of the nilpotent operator N with center n = 2 on C^o and with center и = 3 on Co- On C^o the operator N = 0 and hence ff i C^o = 0, W2C-to = C^o. On Co the operator N Ф 0 and N2 = 0, and we have W\ Co = 0, Ff2C0 =W3C0 = Ctd,co, W4C0 = Co. Therefore the weight filtration is as follows: 0 = Wx С W2 = Wi С W4 = C, where ff2 = C^o Ф Ctd,co is generated by all base vectors different from a>. By definition of the Hodge filtration we have С = Fl D F2 Э F3 =0, where F2 is the subspace generated by w. 7.4 Varchenko's theorem about the operator of multiplication by fin By the definition of the filtration F- in G.2.1) we have G.4.1) GrpCa = FpCa/Fp+lCa where Qf = 3&®/j&-V = QJ+J/df Л Qnxfi, and V~ also denotes the filtration induced by Vй on Qf. Thus, G.4.2) d"~p-- Gr^Qf^* GrpFCa, where /3 = a + n - p, and G.4.3) ®d"~p: Gr-yQf=*GrF( ® Ca) = GrFHn(X0O). a,p \l<a«0 / Moreover, since the operator N is equal to td, — a on Ca, the mapping induced by it, GrFN: GrFCa -> Gr^~'Ca, coincides with td,, and we have a commutative diagram G/K+IQ 1 G.4.4) 7 The limit Hodge filtration 111 However, under the identification of the C{f}-module Q/ with QjV/ d/ Л Q."x 0 the operator of multiplication by f reduces to the operator of multiplication by /(*). This implies the following theorem [V4, Sc-S]: G.4.5) Varchenko s theorem The operator of multiplication by f(x) on GryQ.f and the operator N =-(l/2m)logTu on Н"(ХЖ) ~ ф_1 <a=soCa have the same Jordan normal form. 7.5 The definition of the limit Hodge filtration F' on H"(X <*,) according to Varchenko The filtration F'ss on H"(XX, C)-^®-x<a^0Ca was defined by Scherk and Steenbnnk after Varchenko had defined the asymptotic Hodge filtra- filtration Fya. Varchenko defines this filtration F^ on fibres of the cohomo- logical fibration H, — H"(Xt, C) or the corresponding filtration .9~'Vz on the sheaf Ж = H <g> 6'$' in such a way that ,^f^a is generated by leading parts co\ = s[co, a(w)] of geometric sections s[co] € .^@) of order a{co) ^ n — p. In terms of the canonical extension ie = V>~] of the sheaf Ж this means that on % the induced filtration .^"уа is generated by sections tkco\, where к is such that -1 < a{tkco{) =s 0. In other words: G.5.1) Definition The Hodge filtration F' = F'Va according to Varchenko is defined on the zero fibre S?/t.% — ®-\<a^oCa and on each Ca separately G.5.2) F and G.5.3) pP q _ f-(n-p)Qra+n-p 7.6 Comparison of the filiations Fss and FVi From formulae G.2.3) and G.5.3) it follows that to get filtrations F'ss and irVa on 561 tSZ we have to take the same geometric sections s[oj] € :M(K), n- p-\< а(а) s? n - p, take their leading parts s[co, ft] = ^1МАШ, a(co) =p = a + n-p, -Ka =s 0, and then carry them into .5?/tJ? = Ф-\<а^оСа firstly by d"~p and secondly by dividing by t"~p. It follows from F.4.2) that dt: Cp -» C^_i takes s[A, ft] to
112 П Limit MESs G.6.1) d,s[A, p] = Ps[A, Р-Ц + s[NA, /5-1] = s[(fiE + N)A, P - 1]. Hence, G.6.2) drPs[A, p] = s[((a + \)E + N) X ((a +2)E +N)...(J3E + N)A, a] = ((a + \)E + N) ... фЕ + N)A-r(n-p)s[A, p] and, consequently, G.6.3) F&Ca = ((« +l)E + N)...(J3E+ N)F$tCa. This formula shows that G.6.4) FyZ/tSS) = F$AZ/t&) mod N, or F^tf"^) = FPaHn(Xoo)modN-H"(XO0). Since N(Wk) С ^t-2. we obtain: G.6.5) Corollary The filiations Ffs and F^a on Grf H"(Xao) = Wk/Wk-\ coincide. This corollary and theorem G.3.3) imply Varchenko's theorem [V3]: G.6.6) Theorem The filtrations W. = W{N) from C.5.2) and F' = Fva define an MHS on the vanishing cohomology Hn(Xoo, C) We emphasize once more that the idea of defining the Hodge filtration F- = Fya by means of the Brieskorn lattice Ж<0) (and the proof of this theorem) are due to A. N. Varchenko. 7.7 Supplement on the connection between the Gauss-Manin differential system Ж х and its meromorphic connection ^M In this review we have tried to avoid appealing to the theory of ?>-modules. Nevertheless we want to give some feeling of how the sheaves Ж х and Ж are related. Let S С С be a disk centered at the point t = 0, D = Ду0 = C{t}[d,] be the ring of differential operators in one variable, and Ds be the sheaf of differential operators on S. If M is a ?>-module then an operation of localization M(t) = M®r Ж = М[Г{] is defined. Here Ж = C{t}[t~l] is the field of meromorphic functions - the field of fractions of the ring &' = &s,o = C{?}. M(t) is naturally a ?>-module, where the action of дt on M(t) is defined by the rule of differentiation of 7 The limit Hodge filtration 113 fractions. One can find in [Sa7, Sa8] a survey of the theory of ZMnodules finite over Д with its localization M(l) being a regular meromorphic connection in the sense A.7.7.2) (i.e. the theory of regular holonomic D- modules). Let MTh(D) be the category of such ?>-modules. ?>-modules Жх = M and .Л = M(f) e Mrh(?>) (see E.4.5)), and by E.4.2) the operator of multiplying by d, is invertible on Жх, and the operator of multiplying by t is invertible on .//6. The main fact is that any such D- module is a direct sum of indecomposable ?>-modules G.7.1) Жал = D/D(td, - aL = D/D[d,t - (a + 1)]*. One can assume that up to isomorphism (see the lemma about shift in A.7.7.6)): if a ? Z, then M = .Ла-\ a € A', where Л' с С, a set of representatives of non-zero classes of C/Z; and if a € Z, then either a = 0 (for a s= 0) or a = -1 (for a < 0), i.e. we have: G.7.2) either M = .Ж0'4 = D/D-(tdt)q, or M = J/r1'4 = D/D{d,tL. Moreover, for a ? A' both operators t and dt are invertible on the D- module .Жа'4, д, is (and t isn't) invertible on Ж%ч, and t is (and d, isn't) invertible on ,Жх>ч. To understand better what happens when we pass from Жx to Ж, i.e. from M to its localization M(/), we consider a ?>-module M = ^#°'« and for simplicity we'll assume that q = 1. In general there is a homomorphism of a Z)-module Mto its localization M(/) and we have an exact sequence G.7.3) 0 -> XM -»¦ M Л M(o -> M* -> 0, where rM = Ker q> is an 6> s,o-torsion of M, and M* = Coker <p. The following simple lemma plays an important role in clarifying of the structure of ?>-modules. G.7.4) Lemma If Q = qro(O + ?i@^ + • • • + qm{i)d? 6 ?> is a differ- differential operator of order m, then for any a € С it can be presented in the following form Q = dmd? + dm^d?~l +... + did, + c(t) + P(tdt - a), where dk e С are constants, c(t) — Y^%ocjtJ e ^s,o is a holomorphic function, and P e Da differential operator. Proof This easily follows from the commutator rule G.7.5) [dt, t] = 1, i.e. d,t -td,= \.
114 II Limit MHSs Thus, let M = ЖаЛ — D/D(td, — a) — D-u, where и is a generator satisfying the relation (td, — a)u = 0. Let us consider a D-module Ж-е, which is a vector space of dimension q — 1 over the field Ж = C{ ?}[?"'] with a generator e, on which d, acts such that (td, — a)e = 0, i.e. G.7.6) d,e=% and then <?> a<*»-0 •••<(«-'" + l)e (i.e. we can assume that e = ta and 9, is the differentiation in t). Then it is easy to see that Ж'-е = M(,j is the localization and the homomorphism <p: M -> M(t) = Ж-е, u^e, takes Qu = (dmd? + ... + dld,+ c{t))umod D{td, - a) to the Laurent series -+c(t))e. G.7.7) From this formula we obtain: G.7.8) Corollaries A) If a fi Z, then q> is an isomorphism, i.e. M coincides with its localization M(,j and, moreover, d, is an isomorphism, d,: Cp-^i Cp~\, where M(/) = ©C^, Cp = C-tke is a root subspace of the operator td, on M with the eigenvalue /3 = a + k. B) If a = -1 (a e —N), M = ^~1>1, then again <p is an isomorphism, but d, is not invertible because Cp -& Cp-\ is an isomorphism for ft ф О, and 9»: Co —» C_i is a zero map. C) If a = 0 (a € No), M = ^C0>1, then q> is not an isomorphism: Kercp = {(fl/md,m + ... + dxd,)u}, and lm<p = {c(f)e} = C{r}eC .Же and Coker <p = C{t}[t~l]/<C{t} = M* is a space of principle parts of meromorphic functions. G.7.9) Let us consider this third case M = ,/Ж0'1 — D/Dtd, in more detail. By G.7.4) elements Qu e M can be written in a form (dmd™ + ... + d\d, + c(t))u. Such a representation corresponds to a root decomposition of the operator td, on M: M = ®Ma = ... © M-i © Mo © Mi ... Э ... + d\d, + c0 + ci / + ... d, is an isomorphism: the central place is d,\ Мо^з M\, c0 y-> cod,. Conversely, the operator t is not an isomorphism: since td, = 0, we have that t: M_i —v Mq is a zero map. Consequently, ©ae_^Ma = Kercp is а C{ ^}-torsion. Let M(,) = ®Ca Э J2cktk, к s= A:q, be a root decomposition of M(,). 5 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 115 We see that in going from M = ®M* to M@ = ©C^ in G.7.3) we 'cut off the tail' ф*<оМ* = Mr in M and 'change' it by ф*<оС* = M*. lies () Note that the canonical lattice <? =¦ V>~x = in Mas well as in M^,y. G.7.10) iT с M and J^f С Mw. G.7.11) Therefore, if for a ?>-module M = ©.,Ma-q the operator d, is invertible, then the transition from M to M(,j consists in changing the summands ^Q'q by .Ж~х'4. (Conversely, if the operator t is invertible, M = M(,), then the transition to a D-module with invertible operator d, (microlocalization) consists in exchanging .Ж~х'4 and л 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity The spectrum Sp(f) of an isolated singularity /: (Cn+1, 0) -»(C, 0) is a set of ^ rational numbers a.\, ..., a^, which is its most important discrete invariant. It codes the relation between the semisimple part of the mono- dromy land the asymptotic Hodge filtration F- of the MHS on H^X^). The numbers ay- = — (l/2m) log A/ are the logarithms of the eigenvalues of monodromy Ay = e~2maJ, and the choice of values (branches) of logarithm is defined by the filtration F~. More detailed information about the MHS on H"(Xoo) is given by a set Sppif) of spectral pairs (a,, lj), which, in addition to the Hodge filtration, takes into account the weight filtration W. on Hn(XO0). Giving the Sppif) is equivalent to giving the Hodge numbers hpx'4 of the MHS, which are the main set of discrete invariants of a singularity. The initial definition of the spectrum for isolated singularities [S3] was extended by Steenbrink to the case of non-isolated singularities [S6]. 8.1 The definition of the spectrum of an isolated singularity Let F-, H = F° D ... D Fp 3 Fp+x D ..., be the Hodge filtration on the vanishing cohomology H = H"(X0C) of an isolated singularity / The filtration F' is invariant wrt the action of the semisimple part of mono- monodromy rs G.3.3). Hence, Ts acts on GrpFH = Fp/FP+x and GrpFH = ®k{GrpF)x, where {GrpF)x = {GrpFH)x — GrFHx is the eigensubspace cor- corresponding to X. Let (8.1.1) цр
116 II Limit MHSs x. ~ i"a Then Y^pt*p — t1 is tne Milnor number, ]Гд,"Г = Ир> and the multiplicity of an eigenvalue Я, ,мд = dim Щ. We can consider the set of eigenvalues of a monodromy Aj, ..., A^ as a 'divisor', i.e. as an element of a free abelian group Z(C) with generators (A), A S C, (8.1.2) (A,) + ... + (Л„) = ][>-(A) = ?>f-(Л). A X,p Thus, all eigenvalues A are distributed to levels p according to the filtration F-. Now to each eigenvalue A we juxtapose its logarithm a — -A /2m) log A. Since A is a root of unity, a is a rational number defined modulo an integer. We normalize a (choose a value of the logarithm) according to the level p of A wrt F~ by the condition (8.1.3) a = г log A, n — p — 1 < a < и — р 2л1 -1 0 n — p - I n — p n - 1 We obtain an element of the group Z(Q) (8.1.4) which is called the spectrum of the singularity /. The numbers aj are called spectral numbers, and na = fi^ the spectral multiplicities. By G.4.2) we also have (8.1.4') tip = dim GrpFCa = dim where ft — a + n - p, — 1 < а *? 0, and (8.1.4") dim G^ i^°> = na + na+1 (see picture, p. 107). = f{ np = f (8.1.5) The choice of logarithm values (normalization) (8.1.3) is motivated by the definition of the filtration F~ in the previous section, G.2.3),: Fp is generated by leading parts of geometric sections of differential forms weJ^@) with orders a(co) ? (n -p - 1, n - p]. Thus, if cou ..., (OftP € ~^@) are such that n — p—\<a(<wy) < n — p and s[(Oj, a(ct)j)] form a basis of Fp/Fp+X, then the orders a(a>i), ..., а(шир) are the part of the spectrum belonging to (и — p - 1, n - p]. 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 117 The spectrum defined as a set of (i rational numbers, or as a 'divisor' Sp(f) = Xlna(a) ? ^(Q) can als0 be considered, following M. Saito [Sa9], as a fractional Laurent polynomial (8.1.6) Sp(f) =ta> + ...+ ta> = Y^nata & Z[tl/m, Г1/т], a where m is a common denominator of the numbers а,, Г™ = id. (8.1.7) Remark M. Saito normalized logarithms in a different way: the spectral number a corresponding to an eigenvalue A of level p satisfies the condition (8.1.8) a = ——; logA, n - p<a *? n -/? + 1. 2от If we denote by Sp(f) the spectrum of a singularity according to Saito, then Sp is obtained from Sp by 'a shift by 1 to the right' or (8.1.9) The spectral numbers contained in Sp(f), i.e. numbers a + 1, Saito calls the exponents off. 8.2 The spectral pairs Spp(f) The spectral pairs, or characteristic pairs as Steenbrink called them in [S3], give more detailed information than the spectrum does. They take into account a distribution of eigenvalues of monodromy A not only wrt the Hodge filtration F\ but also wrt the weight filtration W. Since both nitrations F' and W. on the space H =¦ Hn{Xoa, C) are invariant wrt the semisimple part of monodromy Ts, Ts acts on Gr^Gr^^H and GrpFGrwp+qH = @iGrpFGrwpJrqHx. In C.5.5) we denoted Hodge numbers by h{*= dim GrpFGrwp+qHx. (8.2.1) Definition Let us juxtapose these hf'4 eigenvalues A and the set of «a,i = hp'q spectral pairs (a, /), where a = -(l/2m)logA is a spectral number normalized by the level p by formula n — p — Ка^л- р (8.1.3), and / is a weight number (8.2-2) l={P + «' %X/\> K ' \p + q-l, if Я = 1. As in the case of the spectrum we can consider the set of spectral pairs Spp(f) as an element of an abelian group with generators (a, 1) € Q X Z,
II Limit MHSs 118 (8.2.3) Obviously, giving Spp(f) is equivalent to giving the set of all Hodge numbers hp'4', and their spectral multiplicities are (8.2.4) «a = , na,l- 8.3 Properties of the spectrum The symmetry of Hodge numbers in §3 implies the following symmetries of multiplicities of spectral pairs of an isolated singularity /: (C+1, 0) -> (C, 0). (8.3.1) Proposition @ "a,l = »2n-\-l-a,l, (Ю naj = na-n+it2n-i, (iii) «o>/ = nn-i-a,2n-t- Proof The proof of the first formula follows immediately from the symmetry C.5.6) h%'q — hjP, and that of the second from C.5.7) *?* = h"~x4'"-p and C.5.8) hp'q = h1+x-4'n+l-P. The second number of a spectral pair is defined by formula (8.2.2) in such a way that for both types of second symmetry of hp'4 the symmetry for spectral pairs is given by the same formula. The third formula in (8.3.1) follows from the two first. Similarly, any two of these formulae imply the third. ¦ (8.3.2) Corollary (symmetry of the spectrum) The spectrum Sp(f) of an isolated singularity /: (C+1, 0) —> (C, 0) is symmetric wrt the point (8.3.3) na = «„_!_«• This follows immediately from (8.2.4) and formula (iii) in (8.3.1). ? (8.3.4) Corollary (range of the spectrum) The spectrum (as a set of rational numbers) is contained in the interval (—1, ri) (8.3.5) Sp{f) С (-1, и). О Moreover, (8.3.6) F'H^X^ С) = #-(*<», С) 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity and (8.3.7) V>~1 D.JffmDV"-\ where „?f@) is the Brieskorn lattice and V- is the root filtration. 119 Proof By Malgrange's theorem A.6.2.1) it follows from F.5.6) that j^o) c F>-i; and hence GrPvj?m = о for /3 =s -1 and, consequently, Fn+l = 0. Hence, na = 0 for a =s -1, i.e. Sp(f) С (-1, oo). The sym- symmetry (8.3.3) implies that Sp(f) С (-1, n). It follows that GrpFHk = 0 for p < 0 (and, moreover, GrpHx = 0 for p < 1, if X = 1), i.e. F°H = H. Furthermore, Gr^yM^ = Cp for /3 ^ n — 1 (otherwise there exists a spectral number 3= n), i.e. leading parts of geometrical sections generate Cp for p s* n - 1. It follows that .^<°» D Vn~l. ¦ 8.4 The spectra of a quasihomogeneous and a semiquasihomogeneous singularity Let f{x) =,xm, m = (m0, ..., mn), xm =x™°- ... •**", be a quasi- homogeneous singularity of degree 1 with variables of weights wt^- = wj. The (quasi)degree of monomials xm {oo}, (8.4.1) defines the order function (valuation) v: 6>Xfi = С{*ь, • • •, *„} -+ Q where for a series g(*) = ^fcm;tm we set (8.4.2) v{g) = min {v(xm): bm ф 0}. The inclusion QJ^1 С @x,o-№olxo) Л ... Л (ск„/;сл) defines an order function on the space of germs of differential forms Q J+o', which we also denote by v: ?2J+o —*• Q>_i U {схэ}, and where for a form a> = g(x) dxo Л ... Л йх„, g € C{x0, ..., х„}, we set (with a shift of — 1) (8.4.3) v(a>) = v(g-xo- ... -х„)-\. In particular, for a monomial com = xm dx (8.4.4) 7=0 df The order function v defines a decreasing filtration on Qx*q ¦ We want to transfer the order function and this filtration to the quotient Ж^ = Qx+d /df Л d?2J~0'. In what follows we'll meet this situation of coming to
120 II Limit MHSs a quotient space more than once. Therefore we make the following general remark. (8.4.5) On the order function and the filtration on a quotient. Assume that on a group (module, ring etc.) M there is an order function a: M —> Q^o U {oo} satisfying the condition a(m\ + mi) ^ min{a(mi), а(тг)}, Vm\, тг € M, where the equality holds if a(m\) ф а(тг). With an order function a one associates a decreasing Q-filtration V\ VPM ={meM: a(m) s= ?}, with V>$M defined analogously. The joined object Gr'vM has compo- components Gr®vM = V^M/V>^M. The order function a may be recovered by the filtration V. a(m) = max {j3: meVp}. Now let N С M be a subgroup and M — M/N its quotient group. We can define a function a: M —> Qs0 U {00} on M, a([m]) — max {a(m + n), n € N}. Then we can consider two filtrations on M: (i) a filtration V- associated with a, Щ~М) = {[т], Щт]) s* ?} and (ii) a quotient filtration V\ fp(M) = (VPM + N)/N с M/N = ~M. It is easy to verify the following proposition. Proposition. V' = V' Therefore in the following we denote by a and V' the order function and the filtration on a quotient. We now return to the Newton order function v on QJ^1. Let v: .^f@) _> q30 и {00} be the corresponding order function on the Brieskorn lattice .^f<0). We showed in A.5.5.4) that for monomial forms com = xm dx we have td,[com] = (a(m) - l)[<om] = v(wm)[(om], i.e. [сот] е CHu)) and (8.4.6) a([(om]) = v(wm) = v([Q)m]), where a is the order function defined by the root decomposition *Ж = ©Ca in F.3.1). It follows that (8.4.7) a(co) = v(co) for all со е 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity This implies the following proposition: 121 (8.4.8) Proposition If {xm}, m 6 A, \A\ = /л, is a monomial basis of the Jacobian algebra Q/ = б x,o/Jf, then the forms com = xm dx form a basis of the б 5,о -module J?m, and their orders a(com) = v(com) = a(m) - 1 form the set of spectral numbers, (8.4.9) W) = 5>(а>„)). meA For the spectrum as a fractional Laurent polynomial we have the elegant formula: (8.4.10) Гр(Л=Цг^] (see [S3] and (8.5.8)). (8.4.11) Example Let f(x, y) = x3 + y4 be the singularity of type Ев- Then wtc = \, wty = |. The following monomials xm form a basis of Qf, and for the values of v(ct)m) = a(m) — 1 we have xm: 1 у x у2 xy xy2 v(com): -f2 -± -± ± ± Jl By the formula (8.4.10) we have = f(r5/12 + Г2/12 + Г1/12 + f1/12 + /2/12 + ?5/12). As shown by Steenbrink [S2], GrwkHn(Xx) = 0 for к ^ n, n + 1 and < (8.4.12) {com: и - p - К v((«m) < и - /?} is a basis of GrpFGrwnHn{Xao\ {com:v(com) = n - p] is a basis of Gr?Gr?.,tf"(Ar00). In particular, for quasihomogeneous singularities all second numbers / of spectral pairs are equal to n. A singularity f(x) is called semiquasihomogeneous with weights wo, ..., vvn, if f{x) = fo(x) + g(x), where fo(x) is an isolated quasi- homogeneous singularity of degree deg/0 = v(f0) — 1, and v(g)> 1. A semiquasihomogeneous singularity is a ,M-const deformation of its quasi- homogeneous part fo(x). By Varchenko's theorem (see (8.9.11) below) the spectrum is constant in ^-const deformations. Thus, for a semiquasi- semiquasihomogeneous singularity f(x) the spectra Sp(f) and Sp(fo) coincide.
122 II Limit MHSs 8.5 Calculation of the spectrum of an isolated singularity in terms of a Newton diagram (8.5.1) Let / = ?cmxm € 6 = ^c-',o = <?{xo, •••,*»} be a germ of an isolated singularity, supp/ = {m e Nq+1: cm Ф 0} be its support, Г+(/) be the Newton polyhedron, i.e. a convex hull of U mesuppfim + R"+1) С U"+l, and T(f) be the Newton boundary (or the Newton diagram), i.e. a union of compact faces a of T+(f). We assume that /is Г-non-degenerate (non-degenerate with respect to Г(/)), i.e. for each compact face a of Г(/) the polynomials dfo /dx0, ..., dfa /дх„ have no common zeroes on (C\{0})"+I. Here fo =Y.mecone@,a)Cmxm, cone @, a) is a cone over the face a with a vertex at the point 0. Moreover, we assume that Г is convenient, i.e. Г intersects all coordinate axes or f(x) contains monomials xj', j = 0, ..., n. This doesn't affect the generality, because /has an isolated singularity and for large mt the germs /and / + J2j=ox7J are -^-equivalent. (8.5.2) Let us consider a homogeneous function h: ри+1 ь h{la) = Xh(a), such that /г(Г) = 1. Г defines a decreasing nitration on the ring @ = ^'c»+i>0 (8.5.3) y/ •"<«' = { g(x) e C-: A(supp g) > a}, called the Newton filtration, and correspondingly Л'>а@ and Gr"r = Жа/Ж>а. The nitration .///-- defines an order function v: @ —> Qao U {oo}, where the Newton order or the Newton degree of an element g € & is given by (8.5.4) i<S) = max {a|g еЛ''в}. The Newton filtration Ж' induces an order function v of a quotient filtration on the Jacobian algebra Qf = &/J/. The filtration.// ' and the order v on v induce the Newton filtration and the Newton order on Q^+o', where v: Q^1 —> <Q> _j U {oo} is defined by (8.5.5) v{(o) — v(g-x0 ... xn) - 1 for со - g(x)dx0 Л ... Л дх„. Correspondingly one defines the quotient filtration .///- and the Newton order v:.jy@)->?&>_, U {oo} on the quotient J?f@) = Q^+0V (8.5.6) v(M) = max {^G7): [77] = [a,]}, a], and analogously for Qf = .Ж^/.Ж'-ч = QJ+0'/d/ Л Q%. With a filtration F" on the vector space H there is associated the Poincare polynomial 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 123 (8-5.7) where ga - dim Fa/F>a. M. Saito [Sa6] proved Steenbrinks's conjecture [S3] on the calculation of the spectrum in terms of the Newton filtration (8.5.8) Theorem For a Г-non-degenerate function / with an isolated singularity the root filtration V~ and the Newton filtration Ж' on the Brieskorn lattice .Я?@) coincide and therefore (8.5.9) Sp(/) = ? ta> - pQ,,v.(t) = Pa,,. 1 @- 1=1 Varchenko and Khovanskii [V-Kh] gave an elementary proof of this theorem. (8.5.10) Steenbrink [S3] obtained, using results of Kouchnirenko [Ко], the following formula for the calculation of paj4..i @ in terms of the Newton diagram. Let a be a face of T(f). We define Aa to be the C-algebra generated by the monomials xm for m € cone@, a). The Newton filtration on О induces a filtration on Aa с S:'. Let pAa (/) be the Poincare series of Aa associated with this filtration. Then (8.5.11) a where the summation is taken over all faces a of T(f), and k(o) is the dimension of the minimal coordinate plane containing a. The function h from (8.5.2) is linear on cone@, a), and if this cone is 'basis', i.e. it is generated by a part of a basis of the lattice of monomials, then Aa is isomorphic to a polynomial algebra, Aa = C[y), ..., ук], graded by the condition wtyt = w, = v(yi), i — 1, ..., &. In this case the Poincare series is well known ([AGV]), (8.5.12) Рл.(*)= 1/A-t»')... (I-I)**, (8.5.13) Example Let f(x, y) - xr + x2y2 + ays, афО, г, s э= 4, r or s > 4. This is the singularity of type T2tr,s [AGV]. In this case T(f) consists of two segments Оц and 023 joining points O\ and аз, and o2 and аз where O\ = (r, 0), o2 = @, s), a3 = B, 2). There are five faces in П/): °\> °2, Oi, On and а2з. For them the number k(o) equals 1, 1, 2, 2 and 2, respectively. The cone cone @, Оц) (respectively
124 II Limit MHSs cone@, cr23)) is generated by m\ =A,0) and тг = A, 1), and it is 'basis'. Since v{x) = \/r, v{xy) = |, we have by (8.5.12) that p^ = A _^i/2)-iA_^A)-i The cones COne@, a,), cone@, a2) 'and cone@, 03) are generated by A, 0), @, 1) and A, 1), and also are 'basis'. We have рАа> =(\-&Т\ Рл„2 =(\-txly\ pAai = (l-tx'2T Theorem (8.5.8) and formula (8.5.11) give that Sp(f) is equal to Pq,,.i H) = О - 02(l - '1/2Г'A - tx/ryX Tl - A - 0A - tl/r)~l ~ A - 0A - tl/')~l (8.5.14) Example Let f(x, y, z) = x? + y* + zr + axyz, а ф 0, p~x + q~l + r~l < 1, be a singularity of type T p,q,r- In this case T(f) consists of three triangles cr]24, огъл, оъи defined by three of the four points ox{p, 0, 0), ст2@, q, 0), ст3@, 0, r) and ст4A, I, 1). There are 13 faces in Ц/): СП, СГ2, СГ3, СГ4, O\2, О23, СГ31, СГ14, 024, СГ34> СГ124, 0234, СГ314. For 04 and for the last six of these faces k(a) = 3. The cones over all the faces are 'basis'. Hence, by (8.5.12) we have Рл.п = О - РА„Н = A - etc. Calculating pah.r(t) using the formula (8.5.11), we obtain by the theorem (8.5.8) Sp(f) = ti/p) (8.5.15) Example Let f(x, y, z) = *8 + yg + z8 + x2y2z2. The same calculations as in (8.5.14) will give 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity -w + зг3/8 + 6r2/8 + 9r'/8 +13 25tx/2 + 24t5/* + 21 tbli + Ш7/8 + 125 In particular, we obtain that fj. = 215 and the characteristic polynomial of the monodromy is (f8 — \J1(t - \)~x. See also Danilov's paper [Da] about the calculation of the Hodge numbers hpx'q in terms of the Newton diagram. (8.5.16) The calculation of the negative part of spectrum. On the Brieskorn lattice .Ж'@) = Q?+o' /d/ Л dQ?"„' as on a quotient, the Newton order v is defined by formula (8.5.6) v([a>]) = max {v(o) + rj), rj e d/ Л dQ$r0'}. The function v satisfies the property v(a> + 77) 5= min {v(a>), v(?7)} and v((o + fj)~ Ч60), if viw) ^ vG/)- Hence for со such that v(a>) < min {v{rf), r/ € d/ Л dQ?"„'}, we have (8.5.17) ' v([o)]) = v(a>). Let (8.5.18) s = min{v(cy), w €d/AdQJ0} df ' = miniv(-—xo- ... ¦ х„) - 1,7 = 0, ..., и I. L \axj / ) It is obvious that s>0 (because v(df/dxj-Xj) = v(f) — 1) and that min {v(co), w € d/ Л dQ?'}. We then obtain: (8.5.19) Proposition If v(w)<s, then (8.5.20) Let у4 С Mq+' be a set of exponents m of monomials xm for 1 which v(A:mxo-... xn)-Ks and correspondingly /4o с A be a set of exponents of the underdiagram monomials
126 II Limit MHSs A0={m:v(xmx0- ... -хя)-1 « s]. Ao is a set of those m for which m + A, ..., 1) doesn't belong to the interior of the Newton polyhedron. Then for the forms com =xm due, m € A, we have a(com) = v(com) = v(x"'x0- ... -х„) - 1. Now note that the images of monomials хт,т€А,ате linear independent in the Jacobian algebra Q/ and hence forms com, m € A, are linear independent modd/AQJ0, i.e. they are linear independent in Qf=.Mm/.J9?<--lK Indeed^ by definition of the set A for any linear combination Х)телс„,хт we have v((Y,meACmxm)x0 ...xn)—l<s and Y,m4ACmxm dx = J2>»?ACma)m ? d/ Л Q"x0 by the definition ofs. Moreover, any form со = g(x)dx, g(x) = Y^n,cmxm = Y , can be written in the form CO = ^ CmXm + T), meA where v(jj) =* s and, consequently, a([rj]) = v([rj]) s» v(rj) s= s. We obtain: (8.5.21) Corollary The images of forms com, m € A, form a basis in the space ®-\<a<sGrav.Jtf@), and also in ©_i<a<JG^Q/, and their orders a(co), m € A, are exactly the spectral numbers in the interval (—1, s). In particular, a(com), m ? Ao, is exactly the part of spectrum in (-1, 0] and hence (8.5.22) -\<a<0 Moreover, the least spectral number is given by (8.5.23) (8.5.24) Corollary (8.5.21) enables us to calculate the spectrum completely in the cases of curves (n = 1) and surfaces (n = 2): A) If n = 1, /: (C2, 0) -> (C, 0), then Sp(/) С (-1,1) and Sp(/) is symmetrical wrt the point 0. Knowing the part of Sp(/) in (—1, 0] we know Sp(/) completely by symmetry. B) If и = 2, /: (С3, 0) -»(С, 0), then Sp(/) с (-1, 2) and Sp(/) is symmetrical wrt the point |. Knowing the spectrum in the interval (—1, 0], we find it in [1, 2) by symmetry. For the other eigenvalues A of the monodromy the numbers a =—A/2m) log A give the part of spectrum in the interval @, 1). 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 127 8.6 Calculation of the geometric genus of a hypersurface singularity in terms of the spectrum Recall that the geometric genus pg of a normal isolated singularity (Y, 0) of dimension n is defined by means of its resolution я: Y —> Y, (8.6.1) pg = dim R"~] л^-у, if n ss 2. For curves (n — 1) pg = д is the й-invariant of the singularity, 6 (8.6.2) M. Saito's theorem [Sa3] For an isolated hypersurface singularity (У, 0) с (C"+1, 0) with equation/(x) = 0 Pg = dimF"H"(XO0,C)= i.e. the genus is equal to the degree of the non-positive part of spectrum. 8.7 Spectrum of the join of isolated singularities Let /(x) € C{jco, ..., х„} and g(y) ? C{ya, ..., ym} be isolated singula- singularities of n + 1 and m + 1 variables, respectively. (8.7.1) Definition The join (or the direct sum) of singularities /and g is the singularity f ® g in л + ю + 2 variables defined by the function /(*) + g(y) € C{x0, ..., х„; yo, ..., ym}. This singularity is also isolated. Let X-f -> S, Xfx, J^ etc. be the Milnor fibration, the canonical fibre, the Brieskora lattice etc. for the singularity / (and analogously for g and / ф g). Singularities of the form /®g and the results about them are called Sebastiani-Thom singularities and 'Sebastiani—Thorn' results, respectively because Sebastiani and Thom [Se-T] proved that the Milnor fibre x?^s has the homotopy type of the join of the Milnor fibres of / and g, XfJ>s ^X^* Xg,, and in particular (8.7.2) Hn+m+l(X^s, С) ~ Hn(Xi, С) ® Я"ЧЛ^, С) and (xf®s = /г?-/*8. They also calculated the monodromy of the singularity /eg, T'®s = Tf ®Tg (See also [AGV]). (8.7.3) Theorem If {a,} and {/?,} are the spectra of isolated singularities f(x) and g(x\ then (8.7.4) {a,+ft + l},/=l,...,//,y=l ц*, is the spectrum of the singularity/ Ф g, or
128 II Limit MHSs (8.7.5) Sp(/ ®g) = tSp(f)Sp(g), if we consider the spectrum as an element o /~l/m ]. e c p ^ This formula isj>f a more symmetrical form Sp(/ ® g) - Sp(/)Sp(g) for the spectrum Sp(/) = tSp(f) according to M. Saito. This theorem was conjectured by Steenbrink [S3] and proved by Varchenko [V3] and Scherk and Steenbrink [Sc-S] for the case of isolated singularities. M. Saito proved it for the general case [Sa9]. (8.7.6) The spectrum of the zero-dimensional singularity Ah g{y)-y2, consists of one number -1/2, Sp(g) = (-l/2) or Sp(g) = Г1'2. We obtain the useful consequence: (8.7.7) Corollary If a singularity/^) has spectrum {a,}, then the singu- singularity f(x) + y2 has spectrum {a,- + 1/2}, i.e. adding a square of a new variable leads to a shift of the spectrum by 1/2. Actually Scherk and Steenbrink [Sc-S] expressed the limit MHS on Hf®g = #«+'«+i(x?fg, C) in terms of the MHS on H' = #"(*?,, Q and Hg - Hm{Xgs, С). They proved the following theorem: (8.7.8) Theorem Let (Hf, W., F) and (#*, W., F) be limit MHSs on #/ and Hg and let Hf = @хн{ = 9-ка«о^, Hg = Ф-кр^оЩ be root decompositions of the monodromy operators on H^ and Hg. Then the MHS on Hf®g = H= Hf <g>€ Hg is the join of the MHS on Hf and Hg in the following sense: (i) the weight filtration W. on H WkH = \ а+р-ф-1, either афО or (ii) the Hodge filtration F- on H FpH = 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 129 As a consequence of this theorem we obtain the formula expressing Hodge numbers hpx'4 for the singularity/ © g by means of Hodge numbers for the singularities/and g. 8.8 Spectra of simple, uni- and bimodal singularities The methods of calculation of spectra considered in (8.4.8), (8.5.8), (8.5.10) and (8.7.3) enable us to calculate spectra for a wide class of singularities. In particular, there are tables of spectra of simple, uni- and bimodal singularities [Go]. We give such a table in (8.8.1) for the case of simple and unimodal singularities /: (C3, 0) —> (C, 0), n = 2. In this case the spectra are contained in the interval (—1, 2) and are symmetric wrt the point 1/2. Table (8.8.1) show the singularity notation of according to Arnold and the products (Na\, ..., Na^) of spectra {a,} and the num- number N. (8.8.1) Table Type of singularity N (Nau...,Na/l) Л + 1 Еь En E% TP,4,r En Е\з E\4 Z\\ Zn Z.3 Qio Qu On w\l Sn Sn U,-, 12 18 30 pqr 42 30 24 30 22 18 24 18 15 20 16 16 13 12 A,2,..., /i) A,3,..., Ifi - 3,|<-2) A,4,5,7,8,11) A,5,7,9,11,13,17) A,7,11,13, 17, 19,23,29) @, pqr, kqr, l-pr, mpq) 0<k< p,0< Kq,0<m<r (-1,5,11, 13, 17, 19,23,25,29,31,37,43) (-1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31) (-1,2,5,7,8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17,19,22,25) (-1,5,7,11, 13, 15,17,19,23,25,31) (-1,3,5,7,9,11,11,13,15,17,19,23) (-1,2,4,5,7,8,9, 10,11, 13, 14, 16,19) (-1,5,7,8, 11, 13,16,17,19,25) (-1,3,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,15,19) (-1,2,4,5,5,7,8,10,10,11,13,16) (-1,3,4,7,8,9,11,12,13,16,17,21) (-1,2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 13,14,17) (-1,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,17) (-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14) (-1,2,3,3,5,6,6,7,9,9,10,13)
130 II Limit MHSs This table contains, in particular, the spectra of simple elliptic singularities Еь — Р% = ?3,3,3, Ej = Xg = ?2,4,4 ai*d E$ = J\a = 72,3,6- Now we proceed to the investigation of variations of Brieskorn lattices and MHSs in families of hypersurface singularities. The next chapter is devoted to continuous invariants (moduli), but here we'll consider the , behaviour of discrete invariants under deformations. 8.9 Semicontinuity of the spectrum. Stability of the spectrum for ц-const deformations Let /: (C+1, 0) —»(C, 0) be a germ of a holomorphic function. Assume , that 0 is an isolated singularity. Let F\\ C"+1 X Y —» С be a deformation of / i.e. a family of functions fy — F\(., y): C+1 X {y} —» С parame- parametrized by Y. Let (8.9.1) F:i'->5X Y, F(x, y) = (F, (x, у), у) be good representative of the deformation of the corresponding hyper- hypersurface singularity (/"'@), 0) = (X, 0), where S={teC: \t\<6}, Y = {уеСт:\у\<д'}, ./' = {(д:^)бС"+1ХУ: |x|<e, |F,(x, jO|<<5}, 0 < 6, 6' < 1. It appears uncertain how the spectra of singularities vary under deformations. ; (8.9.2) ArnoPd was the first to discover the importance of the spectrum for deformation theory [Ar]. He conjectured that the spectrum behaves semi- continuously under deformation in the following sense: if a singularity P adjoins a (simpler) singularity P' with /л' <ц and a\ =? a2 *s ... =s aM, a\ =? ... =? a'p! are their ordered spectra, then a.k *s a\. From this (and from the symmetry of the spectrum) it follows that when /г' = /г — 1 the spectrum of P' 'separates' the spectrum of P: a\ =s a\ =s 3 <Хг =? а'г «s ... =? a^_i =s a^. We formulate the property of the semiconti- semicontinuity of the spectra in terms of the notion of the semicontinuity domain [S5]. (8.9.3) Definition The degree of the spectrum Sp(f) singularity f relative to a subset В С IR is the number degB Sp(/) = of spectral numbers contained in В. In particular, if В = R, then of a 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 131 (8.9.4) degB Sp(f) = ^ na = fi is the Milnor number, and if В is a half-open interval of the form В = (и — p — 1, n — p], then (8.9.5) degBSp(f)= Y, na = dimGrpFH'l(Xx,C). n—p—l <a*in—p When p = n, В = (-1, 0], we obtain by M. Saito's theorem (8.6.2) the geometric genus of the singularity: deg(_i,o] Sp(/) = pg. It is known that the geometric genus is semicontinuous under deformations of the singular- singularity [E]. This is a particular case of the semicontinuity of the spectrum. Assume that there are several singular points x\, ...,xr in the fibre F~\z) = .?\, z — (t, y), of a deformation F: .?' -> Z = S X Y of a singularity (X, 0). Denote by Sp(/Z) = ?,r=isP(/r> *<) the sum of all the spectra of the function fy: C+1 X {y} —» С at the critical points x\, ...,xr having the same critical value t. We define the degree (8.9.6) degB Sp(fz) = Sp(fy, xt). (8.9.7) Definition A subset В С R is called a semicontinuity domain for deformations of isolated singularities, if for every deformation F, the function z i—> degB Sp(fz) is upper semicontinuous on Z, degB Sp{f) > degB Sp(fz) on some neighborhood of the point 0 € Z, f — /o. (8.9.8) Theorem [S5] Every half-interval В = (a, a + 1] of length 1 is a semicontinuity domain for deformations of isolated hypersurface singula- singularities. The theorem is first proved for the case В = (n - p - 1, n — p], i.e. the semicontinuity of the function &xmGrpFHn{XO0, C) is proved. Then the theorem is proved for any a by means of Varchenko's trick [V8] using the relation between the spectra of the functions /(x) and/(x) + z4, (8.9.9) Sp(f(x) + z«) = {a+ k/q\a € Sp</), * = 1, ..., q - 1}, (see (8.7.3) and (8.8.1)). (8.9.10) Arnol'd conjectured that any half-line В = (—oo, a] is a semi- continuity domain. Theorem (8.9.8) implies the validity of this conjecture. Varchenko's conjecture which is stronger than theorem (8.9.8), is that any open interval В = (а, а + 1) is a semicontinuity domain. He proved this [V8] for low-weight deformations of quasi-homogeneous singularities.
132 II Limit MHSs Theorem (8.9.8) also implies the low semicontinuity of the smallest spectrum number amjn (or, equivalently, of the complex singularity index), which was conjectured by Malgrange [Ml]. Finally theorem (8.9.8) implies a new proof of the following theorem of Varenchenko [V5]: (8.9.11) Theorem The spectrum is constant under a deformation of iso- isolated hypersurface singularities with constant Milnor number (= under a /г -const deformation). Indeed, ju = J2na remains constant and degB Sp(f) = ?aes«a, В = (a, a + 1] and degB Sp(f) can only jump. Hence, degB Sp(f) remains constant for any a. This is only possible if the spectrum remains constant. 8.10 Spectrum of a non-isolated singularity The spectrum Sp(f) of an isolated singularity /: (C"+1, 0) -> (C, 0) was defined in (8.1.4) by the following data. Given a vector space H = Яи(^0о, С) of dimension ft, an operator у = Ts acts on H with eigenvalues X\, ..., Xf, which are roots of unity, and there is a decreasing y-stable filtration F- (the limit Hodge filtration). The operator у also acts on GrF(H) - ®pGrpF(H) = ©pF'pIF'p+i. By definition the spectrum Sp(f) is associated with the triple (#, y, F), Sp(f) = Sp(H, y, F-), and it is a set of logarithms of the eigenvalues yj, cij = -(l/2m)logXj, j = 1, ..., ft, which are normalized according to the distribution of Xj in the decomposition ®pFp/Fp+] by condition (8.1.3). The choice of the normalization (8.1.3) is motivated by the definition of the filtration F' on H. In addition this choice depends on n. We can consider a more natural normalization: (8.10.1) a = — logX and [a] = p, i.e. p < a<p + 1, if an eigenvalue X corresponds to Fp/Fp+l. Let Sp' = Sp'(H, y, F') be the spectrum obtained according to normal- normalization (8.10.1). Just as in (8.1.4) and (8.1.6) we can think of Sp' in three ways: (8.10.2) as a set of spectral numbers Sp' = {a\, ..., a^}; as a 'divisor' Sp' = J2<xna<a) € Z(Q); as a Laurent polynomial Sp' = ^anata € Z[fI/m, t~^m]. The way in which the spectrum Sp' is considered is always obvious from the context. In the group Z(Q), respectively in the ring Z[f1/m, Гх/т], there is an 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 133 involution / defined by (a) >-> (-a), respectively, ta ь-> ra. Under the change a i-> n - a the condition p «s a <p + 1 (8.10.1) transforms into condition A0.1.3) or equivalently n — p—\<n — a^n-p. Thus, if we define (8.10.3) Spn(H, y, F) = tn/(Sp'(H, y, F-)), we obtain that for an isolated singularity Sp(J) = Spn{H, y, F-) where H ^{"(X^, С), у = Ts, and F- is the limit Hodge filtration. We recall that Sp(f) = tSp(f) is the spectrum according to M. Saito (8.1.9). Now let/: (Cn+1, 0) ->• (C, 0) be any, not necessarily isolated, singular- singularity, /: X —» S be the Milnor fibration, which is defined in the same way as in the case of isolated singularities, and Xx be the canonical fibre. Then <i there is an MHS \N) on the cohomology #*(ЛГоо) which is invariant wrt U the semis imple pa"rtof the monodromy у = Ts. ' The spectrum of a singularity / is defined [S6] by the formula (8.10.4) Sp(f) = *=0 + • • • where Hk(X0o) are reduced cohomologies. In the case of isolated singularities this definition coincides with the previous one. (8.10.5) Examples A) A^. f: (C3, 0) -»(C, 0), f(x, y, z) = xy. In this case Sp(f) = -A) or Sp(f) = -t since the fibre X^ is homeo- morphic to the affine variety xy = 1 in C3, i.e. to C* X C, and T — id. B) Г,».,,...,». /: (С3, 0) -+ (С, 0), f(x, у, z) = xyz. In this case Хж ~ {xyz = 1} ~ С* Х С*, Т = id and the MHS on HXXoo) is pure of type (j, /), i = 0, 1,2. Hence we obtain that Sp(f) = @)-2-(l). These examples show that unlike what happens with isolated singula- singularities the spectrum Sp(f) need not be symmetric wrt the point (n — l)/2. (8.10.6) Remark The Sebastiani-Thorn formula (8.7.5) Jor the join of singularities, which Jor thejpectrum according M. Saito Sp(f) = t-Sp(f) reads Sp(f ® g) = Sp(f)-Sp(g), was also proved by M. Saito [Sa9] in the
134 II Limit MHSs case of non-isolated singularities. This formula also remains valid in the rase of a zero function in к variables, if for such a function we set Sp(g) = (—\)ktk. In particular, for к = 1 we obtain (8.10.7) Sp(/-©0) = -fSp(A i.e. if/: (C, 0) -»(C, 0) has the spectrum Sp(f) = X>«-(a), then the function g: (C+1, 0) -* (C, 0), g(x0, xu ..., xn) = /(*,, ..., х„) has the spectrum Sp(g) = -J2na-(a + 1). 8.11 Relation between the spectrum of a singularity with a one- dimensional critical set and spectra of isolated singularities of its Iomdin series Let/: (C"+1, 0) —¦> (C, 0) be a singularity with a one-dimensional critical locus 2 = Singf = Singf~l@). Let 2 = 2i U ... U 2r be decomposition into the union of irreducible components. Let m, be the multiplicity of the one-dimensional singularity B,, 0) There are two ways to relate / to a deformation of isolated singularities. Firstly, /can be considered as a limit (degeneration) of one-dimensional families fc, e —> 0, of isolated singula- singularities as follows. Let / be a general linear form (coordinate) on C+1. We consider a deformation (8.11.1) /E of the singularity / Then for all к sufficiently large and 0 < |e| <§: 1 the functions fe have an isolated singularity at 0. We call the series (8.11.1) of isolated singularities /* (with variable k) the Yomdin series, since Yomdin [Y] obtained the relation for Milnor numbers of singularities /and/t (8.11.2) /Kfk) = M(f)+k-mC?), where fj.(f) = {in(f) — Mn-\(f) is the Milnor number of the non-isolated singularity /which, by (8.10.4) is equal to the degree of its spectrum ju(f) = deg Sp(f) (as in the case of isolated singularities), and тиB) is the multiplicity of the singularity B, 0) Steenbrink [S6] generalized this result and obtained a formula relating the spectra of singularities / and /*. Steenbrink proved this formula in different specific cases, and M. Saito [Sa9] proved it in the general case. (8.11.3) The second way to relate /to deformations of isolated singula- singularities is to consider / as itself a deformation / = fy of isolated singula- singularities fy of one less dimension. Let us take a general linear form / on C+1 to be one of the coordinate functions, which we denote by y. Let (jci, ..., х„, у) be coordinates on C+1, f(xit ..., х„, у) = 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 135 fy(x\, ..., х„). We can consider a function /: C+1 —» С as a family of functions fy. С X {у} -* С. The hyperplane С" = С X {у} intersects the curve 2 transversely in r points P,¦ = 2,- П C", i — 1, ..., r. For у ф 0 we get r isolated hypersurface singularities: (8.11.4) gi: (C;, Pi) -> (C, 0), gi =fy,t =/|C». The /л-class of the singularity g, depends only on / (for general I) and is called the transverse type of the singularity f along 2,-. СЭ/ Let2* = 2Д{0}. We can (locally) consider/: C"+1\(C X {0}) -> (C, 0) as r ^-const one-parameter deformations fy: U[=i(C", Pi) —»(C, 0) para- parametrized by the curves 2*, i = 1, ..., r (or by C\{0} Э y). In the (8.11.5)—(8.11.8), we will make a small digression about one important general question: Deligne's method of vanishing cycles. Deligne 's sheaves of vanishing cycles (8.11.5) Let/: X —> S be a morphism of an analytic space Xonto the unit disk and let its restriction /: X' —> S' be topologically locally trivial over S' = 5'\{0} and let there exist a retraction r: X —> Xq onto the zero fibre, compatible with the trivialization. By Thorn's isotopy theorem any proper morphism / is of such a topological type in a neighborhood of the zero fibre (see [Di3], Ch. 1). The situation is the same for the case in which /is the Milnor fibration of a germ of a holomorphic function. Let X, = /~'@ and let r,: X, —» Xq be the restriction of the retraction onto the fibre X,. The local triviality of / over S' defines the monodromy transformation h: X, —> X,. From the topological point of view the map /: X —> S is reconstructed by the quadruple (Xt, Xo, h, rt): first we get the fibration /': Xх —> Sl over the circle S1 ghung Xt X [0, 1] by means of h, and then we get las a cone cone(X* ^* Xo) of the map r1 defined by the
136 II Limit MHSs retraction r,. The map /: X —> S corresponds to the map of cones cone(Z' -^ Xo) -> cone (S1 -> pt) = S. (8.11.6) Deligne's method of vanishing cycles consists of obtaining infor- information about the difference between the cohomologies of Xo and X, by means of the Leray spectral sequence of the map r,: X, —> Xo, which for the sheaf F = Cx, on X, reads as follows: Ef - Я'(*о, **(»•/)*€*,) => Я'+*(Х„ С). The sheaves <py-(C) = Rq(r,)*Cx (or V*) on Xo, which appear here, are just Deligne's sheaves of vanishing cycles. By the definition of the direct image the fibre of the sheaf <p'(C) at the point x ? Xo is equal to Hg(XtrX, C), where XtyX is the Milnor fibre of the function /at the point x (we take the intersection with a ball of small radius centered at the point x etc.). The sheaves V* are cohomology sheaves of the complex ¦фу = Щг,)*Сх (the object of derived category). Finally to make the construction independent of the choice of the fibre X, we have to pass to the canonical fibre Xx (see B.4.5)): consider the diagram (8.11.7) J0Cl t- XOO = XXU = X'XU 'fi I s Л и, where U-^S' is the universal covering of the punctured disk 5". The canonical fibre Xx has the homotopical type of fibres X, since Uis simply connected. The space X has the homotopical type of Xq by virtue of the retraction r. X —* Xq- So we can consider the map k: Xx —> X instead of the map r,\ X, —* Xo- We now come to the final definition of the sheaves of vanishing cycles. (8.11.8) Definition The sheaves of nearby cycles ip4f(Cx) are the co- cohomology sheaves of the complex This complex of sheaves ip/(Cx) on Xo (or more exactly, the object of the derived category DXo) is also called the sheaf of nearby cycles. The sheaves of vanishing cycles (pqfCx are the cohomology sheaves of the complex <P/(C*) = сопе(Сл-0 -> ipf(Cx)), the cone over the natural morphism CXo = i*Cx —> ip/(Cx). Fibres of the sheaves 'фу'Сх at points x € Xo are the vanishing cohomo- 8 Spectrum of a hypersurface singularity 137 logy, i.e. the cohomology Hq(Xt,x, C) of the Milnor fibre at the point x, and fibres of the sheaves q>4j-Cx are the reduced cohomology Hg(X,j, C). According to the ideology of the 'new' homological algebra we can change Cx by an arbitrary sheaf .T or a complex of sheaves on X and obtain functors of nearby and vanishing cycles ip/, cpf. Dx —+ DXo. These functors are used in the construction of perverse sheaves on X out of sheaves on Xo and X' by 'gluing' [G-M]. We now return to singularities with a one-dimensional critical locus. (8.11.9) Vertical and horizontal monodromies Let /: X —> S be the Milnor fibration of a singularity /: (C+l, 0) —> (C, 0). There is a sheaf of vanish- vanishing cycles cpf(Cx) on Xo- This is a complex of sheaves with the constructable cohomology q>qf(Cx) = -J^q{cpf{?x)\ where (ру"(Сх) = 0 on Zo\2 for all q and (p}(Cx) = 0 on 2* = 2\{0} = X* U ... U 2* for } n—l, and the fibre q>"f~x{Cx)pl at a point P,- = I,- П x{ C is H"~x{X{gi), C), the vanishing cohomology of the isolated singularity gr- (C", Pi) -> (C, 0). Thus on 2* = 2Д{0} there are local systems Hi = cpnf-l(CXl)p* with fibres H"-\X{gi), C) at points P,- 6 2*. On the space H""i(X(gi), C) there are two monodromy transforma- transformations: the monodromy Г, of the singularity g,: (C^, P;) —> (C, 0) corre- corresponding to a circuit around the origin in the complex plane С with coordinate t, which is called the horizontal monodromy; and the mono- monodromy T,- of the local system Я,- on the curve 2* с Xo = /~'@) corre- corresponding to a circuit around the origin in the complex plane С with coordinate у (t = 0). The monodromies Г, and r,-, i = 1, ..., r, commute with each other (since the group Л\{С* X С*) = Z ф Z is abelian). (8.11.10) Let us consider one of the branches 2,-, i = 1, ..., r. Let ^, be the Milnor number of the singularity gh Sp(gj) = YTjL\ta" be the spec- spectrum of the singularity gh and A,,y- = е~2л^-7'"!' be the eigenvalues of Г,-. Let k;,i, ..., Kij/ti be the eigenvalues of T/. Since Tt and r,- commute, we can make the eigenvalues A,-,y and /c/,y- consistent, i.e. set them in one to one correspondence in the following way. Choose a common eigenbasis ?;,i, •••> Zi,fi of the commuting semisimple operators (Г,M and (t,)s, and associate to the eigenvalues A,,y- the eigenvalues /с,-,у- of the operator (t,)s corresponding to the vector ey. Finally take a number j8,i7 such that KUj = e-2*^", fa e @, 1]. (8.11.11) Theorem If/: (C+1, 0) -> (C, 0) is a singularity with a one-
138 II Limit MHSs dimensional critical locus ? = (J|=i s< and fk=f + e-lk is the isolated singularity of its Yomdin series, then for sufficiently large к 2= k0 the spectra of/and fk are related by the formula L (8.11.12) Sp{fk) - Sp{f) = U where /и, is the multiplicity of the branch B,, 0) and a,y and 0У are defined in (8.11.10) by /г-const deformations of isolated singularities along 2,-\{0}, i = 1 r, which are defined by the function / The number k0 is determined by the discriminant of the map defined by (/, /> This theorem was conjectured by Steenbrink [S6] and proved by him for n = 1 and for some other cases. M. Saito [Sa9] proved the conjecture in general. He reformulated and proved the conjecture in the more general context of his theory of mixed Hodge modules. D. Siersma [Si], proved by topological methods a formula relating ^-functions of the singularities / and fk, which can be considered as 'expBjri[formula (8.11.12)])'. Ill The period map of a /г-const deformation of an isolated hypersurface singularity associated with Brieskom lattices and MHSs Until now we studied each singularity /: (C+1, 0) —>(C, 0) individually. From now on we'll be concerned with families of singularities. Accord- Accordingly to the general ideas of moduli spaces and period maps for non- singular compact varieties in algebraic geometry, we have to consider the set of all algebraic (or analytic) structures on the same underlying topological variety. The period map is connected with the 'linearization' of these objects: we replace the variety by its cohomology space, and the algebraic variety structures by the spaces of differential forms on algebraic varieties and HSs defined by them. In our case the underlying topological object connected with a singularity / is its Milnor fibration /: X —> S and the corresponding linear objects, viz. the cohomological Milnor fibration H —> S' of rank fi = dim H"(X,, C) equal to the Milnor number, the topological Gauss-Manin connection V on H, the monodromy transforma- transformation T on the cohomology, the meromorphic connection ^#, the type of which is defined by the Jordan structure of the monodromy T, and so on. The complex structure of/is reflected in the Brieskom lattice J1'0' and in its embedding in ^S, and in the corresponding MHS defined by this embedding. 1 Gluing of Milnor fibrations and meromorphic connections of а /г- const deformation of a singularity Let /: (C+1, 0) -»(C, 0) be an isolated singularity. In chapters I and II we associated to each such individual singularity the following objects: the Milnor fibration f:X—*S; the corresponding cohomological (homologi- cal) fibration H = \J tes'H"(Xh C) on S'; the vector space of multivalued horizontal sections H of the fibration H, which can also be considered as the canonical fibre Я;» = H"(XO0, C); the sheaf of sections 139
140 III The period map of a ц-const deformation Ж = #®cs. <9s~ ^ J&qK(X'/S') of the fibration Я with connection V D Rh hl sheaf s defined by this = 3?^R(X/S) fibration; the De Rham cohomology sheaf M 3?^R(X/S) which is a natural extension of 3% on S; the Brieskorn lattice :M(<S) which is another natural extension of 3% defined by the geometric sections s[a>], where w runs through the set of (n + l)-forms on X; the meromorphic connection on S, Ж = ^(~2) ®^s &s\rx\ = Jg?@) ®^s ^[r1], ^# is a sheaf on S such that Ж\$' = 3% and its fibre at the point 0 e S (denoted again by Ж) is the localization of the fibre .%fQ0); Ж has the root decomposition Ж = ®aCa, where Ca is isomorphic to the subspace Hx С Н corresponding to the eigenvalue А = е~2яш, and the subspace Ca С Ж consists of the (single-valued); sections s[A, a] = ta-tNA(t) of the sheaf Ж, where Л = A(t) e H, and N = ~(\/2m)logTu; and finally, the canonical lattice (extension) 2! С Ж, 5% = У>~1Ж = фа>_|С„. Now we wish to consider the corresponding objects for the singularities of a ^-const deformation of the singularity /and to glue them to form a unified family. 1.1 Milnor fibrations Let A.1.1) F: (C+1 X Cm, 0) -» (C X C", 0), t = Fi(x, _y), у — у, be a ^t-const deformation of the singularity /with a smooth base space Cm э у = (y\, ¦¦¦, ym). To simplify the notation, we'll often write t= F(x, y) instead of F\(x, y), if this does not lead to an ambiguity. Thus, we have an ти-parametric family of isolated singularities of functions A.1.2) fy: (C+1 X {y}, 0) - (C, 0), fy(x) = F(x, y), with constant Milnor number /j. for у in some neighborhood D С Ст of the point 0, where fo(x) = F(x, 0) = f(x). A.1.3) For every fixed у € D the singularity fy has the Milnor fibration fy: X(y) —> S(y) = S, the corresponding cohomological fibration H(y) on ¦S" and so on. The letter у in parenthesis means that we are considering the corresponding object for an individual singularity fy for fixed y. We want to show, following Varchenko [VI, V5], how we can glue X(y), H(y) etc. to form a uniform fibration over S' X D. The problem lies in the fact that when constructing the Milnor fibrations X(y) —» ?(_у) of singularities fy one chooses the radii 6 = 6(y) and e = e(y) for each у separately. Recall 1 Gluing of Milnor fibrations and meromorphic connections 141 the notation: В = Be = {x € C+1: |x| <e}, S = S6 = {t € C: \t\ <<5} andD = Dv = {y ? Cm: \y\<v}- Choose ?>0 such that the spheres dB?- intersect the hypersurface f{x) = F(x, 0) = 0 transversely for s' € @, e] and that the point 0 is the unique singular point of the function f(x) in Be. Choose r\ > 0 and д > 0 such that: A) for any yo € ?>7 the function fn(x) has no critical points in B? distinct from 0; B) for any yo € Д, and any t e S^ the sphere dBe intersects the hypersurface /л(х) = t transversely. Put 3S~ = F~\SXD)D (B X D) and consider the map A.1.4) F:3'->SXD. Then over S' X D we have a smooth locally trivial fibration F': Ж' -* S' X D. We get the family of fibrations: A.1.5) . НУ) = /,: ^"(У) -» 5 X M, where JF(y) = F~l(S X {у}), у е D. To construct the Milnor fibration X(y) —> ¦S'a^j of a singularity /,: C+1 X {j}, 0) -»• (C, 0), we have to take 0 < 6{y) < e(y) < 1 and to consider the restriction of F onto the subset F^^) x {y}) П (BE(y) X {у}) П ^"(j) С Щу). The next theorem follows from the paper of Le and Ramanujam [L-R]. A.1.6) Theorem The embeddings of fibres X(y), С ¦SS'ifit are homotopic equivalences. ¦ Thus, from the homotopic (homological) point of view we can consider F in A.1.4) as a family of Milnor fibrations X(y) —> S of singularities fy. 1.2 Cohomological fibration The locally trivial fibration F'\ ЛГ' —> S' X ?) defines a flat cohomological fibration over S' X Д A.2.1) Я = U H"(JT(t,y), С), where -%"(t,y) = F~x{t, y) is the fibre of the mapping F. Since S ^"() i l h b pg is also the fibre of the fibration Ж(у) = F~l(S X {y}) at the point t, we have from A.1.6) that the restriction of Я to <S" X {y}, A-2.2) Я|5-хМ=ЯМ is the Milnor fibration of the singularity fy. One can say the same about the dual homological fibration
142 HI The period map of a fi-const deformation #*= U &№.», С). (t,y)eS'xD Denote by Я, respectively H(y\ the vector space of multivalued horizontal sections of the fibration Я, respectively H(y). Obviously, Я and H(y) are canonically isomorphic: the isomorphism H(y) -^ Я is realized by extending sections from S' X {y} to S' X Z). The vector space Я is also identified with the space of single-valued horizontal sections of the fibration (e X id)~lH, where U-^>S' is the universal covering of S', respectively U X De—» S' X Д and with the cohomology space Я"(^оо, С) of the canonical fibre ^ = & XSxd (U X D) of the mapping F. Let -x A.2.3) j*r = Я ®c,xa ^xo = *"F*C./- ® &S-XD be the sheaf of holomorphic sections of the fibration Я, and V be the integrable connection on Ж defined by the local system Я, i.e. the Gauss- Manin connection. Obviously, the restriction of Ж to S' X {y}, Ж <8> (9's'x{y} = -^(y), is the sheaf of holomorphic sections of the fibra- fibration H{y). By the relative Poincare Lemma we have a resolution 0 —> F~1(9's'xd —* Q>ys'x№ and the sheaf Ж is identified with the sheaf of relative De Rham cohomology (chapter I, §3) ?' X D) = R-Fi(Q>/s,XZ)) = ^"(Fi(Q; 1.3 Canonical extension of the sheaf Ж and the meromorphic connection Recall ((II.6.3.5), (II.6.4.5)) that in the case of an individual singularity fix) we constructed the canonical extension S§ of the sheaf Ж from S' to the whole disk S by means of the trivialization of the sheaf Ж by elementary sections s[A, a] = ^а(Л) = ta-tNA corresponding to multi- multivalued horizontal sections A =A(t) € Hx, a = —(l/2yri)logA. We pro- proceed in the same way for the sheaf Ж in the case of a family of singularities. Now let H be the space of multivalued horizontal sections of the sheaf Я A.2.1) over S' X D. For an eigenvalue Я of the monodromy ? a section A = A(t, y) € Hx and a value /J of logarithm —(l/2ra) log A, we define the elementary section A.3.1) s[A,p](t,y)=t^-tNA<<t,y). This is a single-valued holomorphic section of the fibration H, i.e. s[A, /3] 1 Gluing of Milnor fibrations and meromorphic connections 143 is a section of the sheaf Ж. Since A is a horizontal section, it is clear A1.6.4.2) that s[A, /3] satisfies the conditions A-3.2) (tdt-p)H+x-s[A,P\ = Q, dys[A, P] = 0,j=l,...,m, where d, = Vd/d,, dj = Vd/dyj. A.3.3) Definition Choose bases in the spaces Hx and let A\, ..., Ац be the corresponding basis in the vector space Я = фНх. If we choose the values cij of logarithms a = -(l/2;ri)logA of the eigenvalues correspond- corresponding to the vectors Aj, we obtain sections, s[Aj, aj\ defining a trivialization of the sheaf Ж over S' X D. If a.j are chosen such that condition — 1 < a.j «s 0 holds, then the extension of the sheaf Ж corresponding to this trivialization is called the canonical extension 3$ of the sheaf Ж to SXD, ® 9{A ] 1< < 0. Let A.3.4) ^S be the localization of the sheaf S along the subvariety {0} X D с S X D defined by the equation / = 0. It is obvious that the restrictions of SS and Ж to S X {y}, are the canonical lattice and the meromorphic Gauss-Manin connection of the singularity f/. (C+I, 0) -> (C, 0). For any of the logarithms /? = — (l/2;ri)logA of an eigenvalue of the monodromy we denote by Cp the constant sheaf on S X D generated by sections s[A, /?], A e Hx, and let Cp be the sheaf of holomorphic sections of the fibration C)s|{o}xr>; Cp is a free ^o-module of rank fix = dim Hx- We can also consider the sheaf Cp as the sheaf of germs of sections of the sheaf Ж of the form s[A(t, y), /3] = t^-tNA{t, y), where A(t, y) depends holomorphically on у and for a fixed у A{t, y) is a horizontal section of my)- Any section of the sheaf Ж can be written in the form A.3.5) s = Y^gj(t,y)s{A3, aj], where gfit, y) are meromorphic functions with poles along {0} X D. Decomposing gj(t, y) into series in /, gj(t, y) = YlkgjA*' У)*к> and
144 /// The period map of a fi-const deformation taking into account that tks[A, a] = s[A, a + к], we get a decomposition of the form A.3.6) s-- Thus, we have a decomposition A.3.7) where /? runs the arithmetic progressions —(l/2m)logA. The components sp in A.3.6) are the (holomorphic) sections of the sheaves Cp. The restriction of A.3.7) onto S X {y} gives the decomposition (II.6.2.5) Ж(у) = ФрСр(у) of the meromorphic connection of the singularity fy into the sum of root subspaces of the operator td,. As in the case of individual singularities fy we often do not distinguish between ^M and the restriction ^M\{q)x.d- There is a filtration V' (II.6.3.2) in Ж, and 2 Differentiation of geometric sections and their root components wrt a parameter When studying individual singularities in A.5.1.5) we associated with each (и + l)-form со the section s\ui\ of the sheaf Ж, the geometric section of Зв. The geometric sections generate the Brieskorn lattice .Ж@) С Л&. Now we want to extend this to families of singularities and to learn to differentiate the obtained geometric sections wrt the parameter. 2.1 Geometric sections and their root components Let fy be a /г-const deformation of a singularity /: (C"+1, 0) —> (C, 0) as in §1 and let w ? T(S\ Q"?)SXD) be a relative (и + l)-form represented by the differential form B.1.1) (o = g(x,y)Axof\...l\uxn, where g(x, y) is a holomorphic function. As in A.5.1.5) for a fixed y? D the restriction coy of the form со to J&(y) defines a section s[et)y] of the fibration H{y) over S' X {y}: the form (cy/d/y)@ = Resj-^Xco/ify — i) defines the cohomology class s[(oy](t) in the fibre J?{y)t = &(uyy Varying у we obtain a section ,s[cy] of the fibration H: 2 Differentiation of geometric sections 145 B.1.2) s[co](t, y) = CO Wy € Hn{jS\tty), C). In the same way as in A.4.2.7) one can verify that this is a holomorphic section of the fibration H, i.e. s[cy] is a section 3@. We call s[co] the geometric section of the form со. We now consider the root components. By (II.6.5.6) for a fixed у € D, s[ot)y] € SZ{y) and the root decomposition (II.6.2.6) for s[(oy] is written in the form B.1.3) where the root components s(co, p) e Cp(y). By varying у we obtain a section s(a>, /?) of the fibration Cp on D. B.1.4) Remark s[eo] and ^(cy, /?) can be considered in two senses. On the one hand s[(o](y) as a function of у only is a section of •^\{o}-x.d = @pCp. On the other hand, these sections are considered as germs of sections of the sheaf.Ж = ^\S'xd> S' X D = S X D\{0} X D, i.e. s[co], as a function in t and y, is a section of M of the form ', y) = B.1.5) Finally, we note that the sections s(cy, /S) of the fibrations Cp are holomorphic, i.e. the s(a>, p) are sections of the sheaf Cp. Indeed, if we present s[cu] as a section of the sheaf 3% in the form A.3.5), then the functions gj(t, y) are holomorphic functions on S' X D because s[cy] are sections of Ж and s[Aj, aj] is a basis of sections of this sheaf. On the other hand, the functions gj(t, y) are holomorphic on the whole of S X {y} for every fixed у because s[Aj, aj] is a basis of S§{y) and s[(oy] e M@)(y) С Щу). Now by Hartog's theorem it follows that the functions gj(t, y) are holomorphic on the whole of S X D. Decomposing gj(t, y) into series in t as in A.3.6) we obtain that s(a>, p) are holomorphic functions. We now want to learn to differentiate s[ou](y) and s(oo, fi)(y) wrt the parameter y.
146 /// The period map of a fi-const deformation 2.2 Formulae for derivatives of geometric sections and their root components wrt a parameter To differentiate s[co](y) along the parameter yj we have to consider s[w] as a section s[co](t, y) of the sheaf J&, take its covariance derivative dyj = Чэ/dyj and then again consider dy.(s[co](t, y) as a section of Consider the following function on S' X D B.2.1) 1шА*'У) = o(t,y) \-?V,y) where a(t, y) is a flat section of the homological fibration. Since dyjo(t, y) = 0, it is sufficient by A.2.7.3), in the same way as for calculat- calculating d, = Vd/d/ in (I.4.3.I), to find B.2.2) /, y) = (dyjs[co](t, y), a(t, y)). In the same way as in A.4.3.1), to calculate the derivative we can use Leray's residue theorem A.4.2.6) to present the function 1ш,о(и у), 2.2.3) f "¦ ' Г ,,,» fy(x) - t' where d is the Leray coboundary and coy = dfyAT), t}\^-(ly) = (a)y/dfy)\j[-{ly). We can assume that the cycle d(o(t, y)) is the same in a neighborhood of the point (t, y) and we can apply the standard theorem of analysis when differentiating an integral wrt a parameter. The derivative of the integrand on the right-hand side of B.2.3) is 9 ( wy \ _ д ( w \ -.dw 1 dF w dy~ \Mx) - t) ~dy~j[F(x,y)-t) ~dy~j"FZ~t~dy'j'WrW' We can transform the second summand using that wy — dfy Л rj and dF From this 8F {fy(x)-tl fy(x)-t dm ?«ЛЛ, _ dyj •v \fyix) ~ t) fy{x) - ! fy(x) - t \fy(x) - tj Integrating along d(o(t, y)\ we obtain by B.2.1) and B.2.3): 2 Differentiation of geometric sections {dyjs[w](t, y), a{t, у)) =(*[Я('> У)' о('> 147 It remains to note that by A.5.2.1) d,((dF/dyj)co) = d,(dfy Л = d(dF/dyj)V), i.e. s[d((dF/dyj)V)] = dts[{dFldyj)wl giving B.2.4) dyJs[co](t,y) = sl9w РуА \dF Finally, we obtain: B.2.5) Theorem If a function F(x, y) defines a //-const deformation of the singularity /: (C+1, 0) -> (C, 0), у € D с Cm and w - g(x, y)dxo Л ... Л dxn is a holomorphic (л + l)-form, then for the geometric section € Л& we have B.2.6) dy.s[w](y) = s И (y)-d,s Щ- J (y). For root components s(w, a){y) this gives B.2.7) dyjs(w, a)(y) = s(^-,a\(y)- d,s(^w, a + \\y). Formula B.2.7) is obtained by comparing root components in B.2.6) since dt: Ca -> Ca-i. B.2.8) Corollary If a form со — g(x, y)dxo Л ... Л йх„ does not depend on y, then B.2.9) B.2.10) dF dys[w] = -d,s\—w\, dyjs(co, a) = jZ-a, a+l\ i.e. to find dyp we ought to multiply со by —dF/dyj, and then to apply dt. Since the operators dy\, ...,dym and d, commute, we can iterate formulae B.2.6) and B.2.7) to find higher derivatives, and use them for decomposition into Taylor series. As an example, examined by Hertling [He], we consider the following.
148 III The period map of a fi-const deformation 2.3 Decomposition of the root components of geometric sections into Taylor series for upper diagonal deformations ofquasihomogeneous singularities B.3.1) Let /: (Cn+1, 0) -> (C, 0) be a quasihomogeneous singularity denned by the polynomial f(xo, ¦¦¦ ,xn) of degree deg/ = 1 with weights wtx, = w,-. In this case by proposition A.5.5.4) the section s[w] defined by the monomial (n + l)-form со = xk dx = Xq°- ... • x\" dxo Л ... Л dxn is homogeneous, i.e. it contains only one root component B.3.2) s[a>] = s(w, v{co)) e CK(u), where B.3.3) = a(k) - 1 = i=0 In this case the order function a defined by the roof decomposition (II.6.3.1) coincides with the Newton order v A1.8.4.4), a(s[co\) = v(w). For later use it is useful to reformulate B.3.2) in the following form: B.3.4) Lemma If со = xk dx, and M = xl = x!Q°- ... x[" is a monomial of weighted degree v(M) = wolo + ¦ • • + wnln =: b(M) + 1, then s[Mco] = s(Mco, v(Mco)), where v(Mco) = v(M) + visa) = b(M) + 1 + v(w). B.3.5) We now consider a //-const deformation of the singularity / Let Mj = xlJ = Xqj- ... xnnJ, j = 1, ..., m, be monomials of weighted degree v(My)>l.Then bj = b(Mj) = v(Mj) - 1 > 0. Consider the m-parametric deformation f t f B.3.6) fy{x) = F{x, y) = /(*) + of the singularity fo(x) = f(x\ which is, as is well known [AGV], а /л- const deformation. Consider the geometric section s[co](y) induced by a monomial form w = xk dx on D = Cm, and consider its root components s(w, a)(y), which are sections of sheaves Ca on D. Let us find derivatives of sections s(w, a)(y) and their decompositions into Taylor series at the point у = 0. Formula B.2.10) applied to the deformation B.3.6) gives 2 Differentiation of geometric sections dyjs(co, a)(y) = -dts(x'Jco, a + lH>), and iterating we obtain B.3.7) dys(co, aXy) = (-5,)l'U(M'w, a + \i\)(y), where the standard notation is used for i = (/i i») € NJ1, |/| = и + ... + /m, i! = ii! ... /„I, 149 The decomposition of s(w, a) into Taylor series at the point у = 0 is of the form or applying B.3.7), B.3.8) s(a>, a)(y) = ^H,I'1^^ a + ф^ i€N0" '¦ By B.3.4) it follows that s[M>w]@) = sW'w, v(M''<w@))), where v(M'(w@)) = |i| + biii + ... + bmim + visa), bj = b(Mj) > 0. Hence, s(M'a>, a + |;|)@)^0onlyif B.3.9) a = bih+...+ bmiM + v{w). Finally, we obtain: B.3.10) Proposition For the deformation B.3.6) of a quasihomogeneous singularity and for a monomial form со = xk dx the root components of the geometric section s[a>] have a decomposition into Taylor series of the form B.3.1 s(co, a)(y) = ^(-d,) where the summation is taken only over the multiindices i € N™ satisfying B.3.9). In fact the Taylor series B.3.11) contains only a finite number of non- nonzero terms. Indeed, the set of i e N™ satisfying B.3.9), i.e. the set of integer points of the hyperplane b\z\ + ... + bmzm = a — v{m) in the positive 'octant' is finite because all bj > 0. In particular: B.3.12): if a < v(w), then s(w, a)(y) = 0; and B.3.13): if a = v(<w), then s(w, v(a)))(y) = const = s[<w]@).
150 III The period map of a //.-const deformation 2.4 The sheaves We have considered how the geometric sections vary under ^-const deformation of a singularity. We recall (II.7.2.1) that for an individual singularity fy the Hodge filtration of the MHS on Hn(X(y)oo, C) is defined by means of Gr^v.^°\y). So now we consider how the Brieskorn lattices J^@\y) and their subfactors GrPv.j%@)(y) generated by the main parts of geometric sections vary under the variation of y. B.4.1) The geometric section s[w] of the sheaf 3? С -уМщхО on D was denned for a relative (л + l)-form со in B.1.1). It has the root decomposi- decomposition B.1.3) s[co] = where s(w, /3) is the holomorphic section of the filbration Cp B.1.5). Let С 5§ be the subsheaf generated by geometric sections. The fibre Мф) <g> &sx{y] is the Brieskorn lattice of the singularity fr B.4.2) Definition The order of 'a geometric section s[co] is One should distinguish a(co) from the orders of geometric sections 5 at points у B.4.3) a(s[w](y)) = min {p\s(w, $){y) ф 0}. For a geometric section s[co] = s(co, a(co)) + ... the main part s(co, а(ш)) € Са(ш) can vanish at some points. Thus for all points у е D B.4.4) a(s[co](y)) 3= a(co), and the equality holds apart from a closed subset in D. Thus the orders a(s[w](y)) of geometric sections at points can jump on closed subsets. Nevertheless the subspaces Gr^yM^°\y) С СР(у) gener- generated by s(w, a(w)) behave well. Indeed, by Varchenko's theorem (II.8.9.11) the spectral numbers na remain constant under /г-const deformations. Hence by (II.8.1.4") the dimensions of spaces B.4.5) dim Gr^M(\y) = na + na+l + ... + nfi = /f, also remain constant. Thus we have: B.4.6) Proposition The vector spaces GrevJif{0)(y) С С&(у) form a sub- 3 The period map 151 fibration in C^, and the sheaf of holomorphic sections of this is a locally free subsheaf Gri^<°> с Ср. B.4.7) Corollary. For any /3 there exist relative (n + l)-forms (O\fi, ..., штф, m = тф) = dimGrv3@W(y) — f%, on some neighbor- neighborhood Uyv of a point yo € D such that a(coyjs) = a(s[a)j, ff](y)) = /3 for all у е Un, and the main parts s((Djtp, /3) form a basis of Gr^^@). B.4.8) Corollary For any (n + l)-form cdq € Q?t+i 0 in the neighborhood of a point yo € D there exists a relative (л + l)-form со such that s[w](yo) = s[coQ] and a(s[co](yo)) = a(co). Indeed, if a(s[coo]) = /3, then it is sufficient to take со generating the class s[coq] in Gr^v J^@) at the point y$. B.4.9) Remark The vector spaces GravM°\y) ~ {s(co, a)(y)\ a(s[co](yo)) = a} are generated by the main (leading) components of geometric sections. One can consider larger vector spaces {s(co, a)(y)} generated by components of order a (not necessarily leading order) of all geometric sections. The dimensions of these spaces unlike dim Grav.W^\y) can jump. Their behavior is related to the Bernstein polynomials. 3 The period map Before considering the 'natural' period map denned by the MHS on a vanishing cohomology we will first consider the period map defined by M. Saito [Sa7] via embeddings of Brieskorn lattices 3@®\y) С Л> because such an embedding defines the corresponding MHS. 3.1 Identification of meromorphic connections in a /г-const family of singularities Let F = FY: (C+1, 0) X Y -> (C, 0) X Y be a m-parametric /г-const deformation of a singularity /: (C"+1, 0) -> (C, 0) with base Y, dim Y = m, not necessarily local, / = /Л, y0 € Y. Let C.1.1) F=FY: J&V-^SX У be the corresponding 'Milnor fibration' arranged locally as in A.1.3). If the base У is simply connected, then the elementary sections A.1.3) s[A, /3] = t»tNA(t, y),
152 /// The period map of a ft-const deformation where A(t, y) € Яд are multivalued horizontal sections of the fibration H, make it possible to identify all meromorphic connections yM{y) — (BaCa(y), у € Y, and all their homogeneous components Ca(y). The sections s[A, P\ are horizontal along y, (d/dyj)-s[A, /3] — 0, and using these we can form a basis of sections at every point y. Then the canonical isomorphism ^M{y\) ^* Ж(уг) takes an element, which has some coordi- coordinates relative to the 'elementary' basis, to the element with the same coordinates relative to this basis. More explicitly, if A\, ..., Ацх is a basis of Hi and s(y) is a section of the sheaf Cp, е~ъ"^ = X, then s(y) can be written in the form C.1.2) s(y) = ? gj(y)s[Aj, fi = J2 ^^ШЧ*, У) and we can consider s(j) as a family of elements of the space CP(yo) with coordinates gj(y) relative to the basis s[Aj, /3](yo). Thus we have the canonical isomorphisms .Ж(у\) —* -J&iy?) for any two points y\ and У2 € Y, which are isomorphisms of C{/}[r"']-modules commuting with dt (or isomorphisms of C[<9(]-modules). Under the isomorphisms the V'- filtration goes to the V- -filtration and, in particular, 2S(y{)—*Sg(yi). Further we shall assume that a point yo is chosen, and we'll often write *Ж{уо), 3?(y<y), etc., simply as ^#, 3>, etc. If the base Y is not simply connected, then for any у € Щ(У, yo) we have the automorphism hY: ,Ж(уо) —> ^Ж{уо) defined by extending sec- sections along y. In this case to identify the connections .Ж{у) we have either to consider ^S(jo) up to automorphisms hY, or to turn to the universal covering Y -* Y (to consider the canonical fibre in the sense of §2, chapter II). 3.2 The period map defined by the embedding ofBrieskorn lattices Assume that we have a /г-const deformation C.1.1). Then we have the Brieskorn lattice .%fm(y) at every point у е Y. Taking into account the canonical identification ^S(y) -^ -Ж(уо) = Л6 we obtain a family of Brieskorn lattices 3%®\y) С ^Ж in the meromorphic connection ^Ж associated with the deformation C.1.1). By (II.8.3.7) we have C.2.1) % = V>~1 D M\y) Э Vn~l and the embedding Л?(°\у) С ^М is completely defined by the embedding of finite-dimensional spaces C.2.2) J^@)(y)/V~l С V>-l/V"-1 =: V. 3 The period map 153 Let us find the dimensions of these spaces. Since X]-i<aeo dim Ca = /г and 2_1<а=гл-1 dim Ca = и/г, we have dim V = dim Ca = Щ —ц\, where ^ = dim Cn = dim H'iX^, C)i. From the symmetry of spectral numbers na = я„_1_а (П.8.3.3) it is easy to obtain (one can see this visually in the picture on p. 107) the following lemma: C.2.4) Lemma dim.%f@\y)/V-1 = Denote by П' = Grass(k, V) the Grassman manifold of it-dimensional subspaces in a vector space V, dim V = 2k= пц- }X\. Then П' is the 'space of periods' containing all Brieskorn lattices J^@)O)mod V"~x of singularities fy /г-equivalent to the singularity / We obtain the period map C.2.5) Ф^-^П',^ M@\y)/V"-1 associated with the deformation FY of the singularity / defined by the embedding of Brieskorn lattices. By B.4.6) Ф is a holomorphic map. In general, Ф is multivalued if У is not simply connected. C.2.6) The space П' is too large. We can construct a more 'economical' space П с ГГ containing all Brieskorn lattices. Let Sp(f) = ?иа(а) be the spectrum of the singularity/ Let «min = min {a\na Ф 0}, araax = max {a\na Ф 0} be the smallest and the largest spectral numbers, respectively. It follows from (II.8.3.4) that amin and amax € (-1, ri), and from (II.8.3.3) that Omin + «max = n — 1. In the same way as in (II.8.3.7) we can prove a refinement. C.2.7) Lemma Э . Э Vn~l. Proof By (II.8.1.4") we have GrPvM®\y) = 0 for ?<amin. Hence m С Ka»». Furthermore, GrpvM0){y) = Cp for ?>amax-l
154 /// The period map of a fi-const deformation because otherwise there exists a spectral number э= /3 + 1 > amax. This yields М(й\у) D V>a™-\ ¦ C.2.8) It follows from C.2.7) that Ф(У) С П с П', where П is the Grassman manifold of vector subspaces in Vam{n/ V> a'a"'1 of dimensions C.2.9) To calculate the period map Ф: Y —* П explicitly, we have: (i) To calculate the spectrum Sp(f) and to consider the vector space V = Fa™»/F>a™'~1 = ®a,=eastf,Ca, where a\ = ат\а, and fa = amax-1- (ii) To take enough relative (n + 1)-forms coi(y), ..., a>\{y) so that corresponding geometric sections s[a>\\ s[a>\] define the position of the subspace JW(-0)(y)/V>^1 = (s[ct)i], ..., s[a>\]) in V. The problem now is to learn how to find the vector functions s[a>j](y). Here we give two methods which we'll use in what follows: A) if Fy is a semiquasihomo- geneous deformation B.3.6), we can use proposition B.3.10) to decompose s[co] into the Taylor series; B) one can find differential equations such that the vector functions s[ct)j](y) are their solutions, and then solve them to find these functions. If one succeeds in finding the vector functions s[coj](y), then in order to write explicit formulae for the period map, the Pliicker coordinates ? of a point in П, corresponding to the subspace 3e(V()(y)l V>$x, have to be expressed as functions of y. Now we examine some examples in detail. 3.3 Example: the period map for E\2 singularities * Let us consider a two-dimensional singularity /: (C3, 0) —> (C, 0) defined by the function f(x, y, z) = x3 + y1 + z2. This is a quasihomogeneous unimodular singularity of type ?12 in the classification of V 1. Arnol'd. The normal form of singularities ?12 is ([AGV]) C.3.1) axy +z2. This function defines a semiquasihomogeneous /г-const deformation of the singularity / with base Y = С Э a. We want to calculate the period map Ф associated with this deformation. The singularity / is quasihomogeneous of degree 1 with variables of weights w0 =^,wl= k, w2 =j. We have wt(xy5) = 22. By A1.8.4.8) the forms C.3.2) сокл =xkyla>o,co0 3 The period map form a basis of the ^j,0-module .Ж@), and the numbers 155 form the spectrum of the singularity / If we order the spectral numbers a,- = ki/42,1 =? i =? 12, the numerators &,- give the set {-1, 5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 37, 43}. Thus, amin = ai = -? («, = a(s[wom and amax = f2 and fa = amax - 1 = j2- The spectrum Sp(f) is symmetric wrt the point (n - l)/2 = \. From A1.7.2.6) we schematically visualise Ж and the inclusions (Щ С Ж with the following picture V J_L R » + Here J& = ©Ca, where a runs 12 progressions fa + n, a2 + n, ..., an + n, a\ + n + 1, « 6 Z, and the root subspaces Ca are depicted as columns of height dim Ca = 1. Those parts of columns correspond- corresponding to Gr^y.^0) с Са are hatched and those corresponding to d-'Gr^\%^ = GrtyJlH-» с GrtyJgW are shaded. In this case from C.2.8) the space Fis :^ C.3.3) V=Cai eC>,,diinF = 2, and the space 3?(°)(a)/V>a™>-1 is one-dimensional. Therefore, the Grass- Grassman manifold П = P1 is a projective line. The embedding of a Brieskorn lattice J%m(a) С Ж is defined by the geometric sections s[ctH](a), i?f@)(a) = С-(ф>о, сцХа) + s(aH, fa)(a)) ф V>^ and the point Ф(а) е Р1 corresponds to the line C.3.4) C-(s(co0, aiXe) + s(w0, fa)(a)) с Ca, e Сл = V. To calculate s(a>o, a.])(a) and s(coo, fa)(a), we use their decompositions into the Taylor series B.3.11). In this case m = 1 and monomial M= Mi=xy5. By B.3.13) we have C-3.5) s(oH, ai)(e) = ф>о](О), because a(w0) = v(wu). To decompose s(w0, fa)(a), we have to find i from B.3.9) for a = fa, 6, = v(M) - 1 = v(xy5) - 1 = i i.e. from the equa- equation ^ = bi- i. This gives i = 1, and from B.3.11) we have C.3.6) ф>0, fa)(a) = -dts[xy5(o0]@)a.
156 III The period map of a fi-const deformation We take the vectors b0 = s[wo](O) e Ca and bx = -d,s[xy5aH]@) e Cfit as a basis of the space V = Cai © CPr The line C-(§obo + Z\b\) С К corresponds to the point (§0: ?1) G P1. It then follows from B.3.4), C.3.5), and C.3.6) that the period map is given by the formula C.3.7) Ф: 7 = C->Pl =П, он (ha). If По: §o Ф 0 is the open subset По = С С P1 with coordinate ? = ?i/?o, then Ф: Y —> По С П is simply the identical map, % = a. C.3.8) 77ге general case The singularity ?12 is one of the 14 exceptional unimodal singularities of V I. Arnol'd. Normal forms of these singularities are of the form [AGV] fo(x, y, z) + a-M, where fo(x, y, z) is a quasi- homogeneous monomial, and M is a monomial of weight wt (M) > 1. The spectra of these singularities can be found in Table (II.8.8.1). For all these singularities we have: all dim Ca = 1, amin = a.\ <0, amax = аи > 1 and a,- >/?i = а„ — 1 for j = 2, ..., fi. The remaining calculations and the result are the same as for the singularity ?12. These calculations are carried outin[Hel]. 3.4 The period map for hyperbolic singularities Tp^r The unimodal (two-dimensional) singularities of the series Tp^r have the following normal form [AGV] C.4.1) fa=xp + yq +zr + axyz, афО, where C.4.2) 111, p =:_ + - + -< 1. p q r This is a ^г-const deformation with the one-dimensional base Y = С = C\{0} Э a. Let us find the corresponding period map (see [Hel ]). The singularities fa are not quasihomogeneous, but they are non- degenerate with respect to the Newton boundary., For them fi = p + q + r — 1, and the monomials C.4.3) 1, xyz, xk@ <k<p), /@ < к< q), zk@ <k<r), form a basis of the Jacobian algebra Qfa, and the forms C.4.4) MiCJo, (o0 = dx Ady Adz, 1 « i « ft, where M{ are the monomials C.4.3), represent basis vectors of the space Qf = J&0\a)/Jg<-l)(a). From (II.8.5.8) we obtain that 3 The period map C.4.5) a([wo](a)) = 0, a(s[xyzco0](a)) = 1, a([xkco0](a)) = у a([ykco0](a)) = -, a([zka>0](a)) =\, and the spectral numbers are C.4.6) Sp(/a) = 157 It follows from this that dim Co = dim Н"(ХЖ, C)^=! = 2. A diagram based on (II.7.2.6) is of the form (the example shown is for the singularity Jhh -1 0 'Л'/з For the singularity fa we have a, = amin = 0, amax = 1, ^ = am -1=0 = a,. Therefore, V = Ka'/F>^ = C0) a) D V >0 , 0)(a) ® V >0 C.4.7) V° and the embedding .Ж<0)(а) с Ж is defined by the embedding of the one- dimensional space C-s(w0, 0)(a) into the two-dimensional space V = Co. To find s(co0, 0)(a), we will obtain a differential equation which has this vector function as its solution. Since dfa/da = xyz, we have for a>o = dx A dy A dz from B.2.8) that C.4.8) das[w0](a) = -dts[xyzaH](a), We now have to find a relation between the derivatives of the function s(co0,0). Actually we already have a differential equation: since s(co0, 0) e Co, Co is a root sub space of the operator td, and dim Co = 2, we have C-4.9) (tdtfs(u)o, 0)(a) = 0. It now remains to express the operator C.4.10) (tdlJ = d2tt2-3d,t+l as da and d\ by means of C.4.8) and to use that the function fa = tin Ж. To do this we employ an obvious identity which follows from C.4.1) and C.4.2), C.4.1 fa = a(\ - p)xyz.
158 /// The period map of a [i-const deformation To express dtts[wo](a) we multiply D.4.11) by co0 and apply the operator d, to the corresponding geometric sections C.4.12) d,ts[wo]{a) = d,s[fa(o0](a) = d,s\ f-x/v + ... + a(l We then have C.4.13) dts[xf'a,xw0](a) = s[co0](a) and analogous equalities for the derivatives wrt у and z. This follows from the identity xf'xa)o = d/ Л т], where t] = x dy A dz, and from the rule of calculation of the Gauss-Manin connection A.5.2.2), dts[xf'xco0] = s[dt}], dt] = dx Л dy A dz = <y0- It follows from C.4.12) and C.4.13) that C.4.14) dtts[co0](a) = ps[a>0](a) + a{\ -p)dts[xyzw0]{a). To express 6\ t2 s[wo](a), we multiply C.4.11) by faco0 and apply the operator d,, C.4.15) dtt2s[w0](a) = d,s[f2aco0](a) } ...+ -rZfaf'a,z + fl(l - («)• fJaj, r The terms on the right-hand side (except the last one) are transformed by means of the formula C.4.16) d,s[xf'ajJa(Oo](.d) = s[faco0 + xf'ajOdKa) = (t + d;l)s[w0](a), which follows from the formulae xfaf'atXWo = dfa A (fax dy Л dz), and d(fax dy Л dz) = faWo + xf'ajWo. We substitute fa from C.4.11) in the last term on the right-hand side of C.4.15) and apply the formula C.4.17) dls[x(xyz)f'a,xw0](a) = 2s[xyzwo](a), which follows from the formulae x(xyz)f'atXco0 = d/ Л (x2yzdy Л dz), and d(x2yzdy Adz) — 2xyzco0. Applying C.4.16) and C.4.147), we obtain from C.4.15) that dtt2s[co0](a) = p(t + a-'M[wo](a) + a{\ - p)BPs[xyz(o0](a) + a(\-p)-dts[(xyzJco0](ay). Applying d, to both sides of the equality, we obtain C.4.18) 3 The period map 159 d2t2s[co0](a) = pd,ts[wo](a) + ps[wo](a) + 2a(l - p)pd,s[xyzco0](a) + a2(l-pJd2s[(xyzJu>ol(a). Substituting C.4.14) and C.4.18) into C.4.10), we obtain C.4.19) с^2ф>0](а) = A - p2){a2d2s[(xyzJco0](a) - 3adts[xyzw0](a) + s[co0](a)}. Finally taking C.4.8) into account, we rewrite the differential equation C.4.9) for the root component s(co0, 0)(a) in the following form C.4.20) a2d^(a>0, 0)(a) + 3adas(aj0, 0)(a) + s(w0, 0)(a) = 0 or C.4.21) {ada + V2s((o0, 0)(a) = 0. The differential equation C.4.21) has the general solution cta~l + c2a~l In a. Taking into account the initial conditions satisfied by s(co0, 0)(a) for a = 1, we obtain that C.4.22) s(w0, 0)(a) = bxa~x + b2a~x he, where b\ — s(w0, 0)(l), b2 = b\ + das(co0, 0)(l), are vectors in the space To summarize: the period space for the singularities Tp,q,r is the projective line P1 of lines in Co. Take vectors b\ and bi as the basis in Co, and let (|o." ?i) be coordinates of the line ?ob\ +%\b2. Then the period map Ф: Y = C* -> P1 = П takes a t-+ (a~l: a~l lna) = A: lna). The map Ф: C* —> С С P1 is multivalued since C* is not simply con- connected. If Y = С —> С* = Y, a »-> a = e°, is the universal covering of Y, then the map Ф: У —» С С Р1 is the identity map, ? = a. 3.5 The period map for simply-elliptic singularities The simply-elliptic singularities can be characterized from the point of view of their desingularization in the following way. They are normal two- dimensional singularities such that the exceptional curve of their minimal resolution is a smooth elliptic curve E. The hypersurface singularities among them are the singularities Ё$, Ё7, Ё6. These are those for which (E2) - — 1, -2 and -3 respectively. In Arnol'd's classification of critical
160 /// The period map of a ц-const deformation points of functions they are the unimodal singularities Jio = ^2,3,6. X9 = Г2>4,4, Ps = 7з,зK respectively. The Л-equivalent (or J2f-equivalent) classes of these singularities corre- correspond exactly to the isomorphic classes of elliptic curves E defined by the y'-invariant. Each elliptic curve can be written in the Legendre normal form C.5.1) z2 = y(y - l)(y -X),Xe C\{0, 1}, and its y-invariant is j = j(X) = ±(X2 -X 4- \f/X2{X - IJ. Each of the singularities Eg, Elt E(, has the corresponding Legendre normal form /я, where Я € Y = C\{0, 1}. However, to calculate the period map it is convenient to use another normal form. We'll review in detail the case of the singularity E-i for which the calculations are the most simple. The results for the singularities E(, and Eg are completely analogous [Hel]. C.5.2) The simply-elliptic two-dimensional singularities of type E-] have the Legendre normal form yx(y - x)(y - Xx) - z2, A € C\{0, 1}, and the corresponding stable equivalent one-dimensional singularities gx = yx(y - x)(y - Xx). For the construction of the period map we'll use another normal form: C.5.3) /,(*; y) = x4 + ax2y2 + /, a 6 C\{-2, 2}. The singularities /„ and gx are Л-equivalent for a = AX — 2. Form C.5.3) is more convenient for calculations because the parameter a appears only in one monomial. Let us calculate the period map for the /г-const deformation C.5.3) with the one-dimensional base Y = C\{-2, 2}. The singularities fa(x, y) are quasihomogeneous with weights wo = w\ = \, the Milnor number ц is equal to 9, a C-basis of ^@)(a)/ J&(~l)(a) is given by the forms C.5.4) хку'ш0, where a>0 = dx A dy, 0 =s k, I =? 2, and the spectral numbers coincide with the orders a(s[xkу1 сой](а)) of the geometric sections of these forms, and by (II.8.4.8) these orders coincide with the Newton orders v(xky'(o0). Hence, C.5.5) Sp(fa) = {%k+ D + K/+ 1)- l|0 < k, /< 2} — \ 2> 4' 4> u> U> ' 4' 4' 2J A diagram based on (II.7.2.6) is of the following form: 3 The period map 161 -1 -У,-Уг -V* 0 Уг 3Л 1 ai=amin = -j, Pi=anax-l = -$ = a1. Hence, V= C_i/2, dimC_!/2 = 2, and C.5.6) У1'2 э .Ж@\а) D V>-x>2, M\a) = C-s[wo](a) © V>~xl2. Note that the geometric sections s[co0](a) are homogeneous s[aH](a) = s((D0, -^)(a). It follows from Taylor's formula C.3.11), s[wo](y) = Т,&ъ(-д,Уз[х2у2У(о0]@)(у1/^, because all (a,)'s[(*V)'e>o](O) 6C-1/2. Thus the embedding Ж(Щ(а) СЖ\% defined by the disposition of the line C-s[co0](a) С C_1/2 = V. The period space П = P1 and the period map is C.5.7) Ф: Y = C\{-2, 2} -> P1, a ~ [C-s[<o0](a)]. To determine s[co0](a) we have to find a differential equation which has this vector function as its solution. Since dfa/da — x2y2, we have from B.2.8) that C-5.8) das[co0](a) = -d,s[x2y2(o0](a), and %s[a)o](d) = d]s[{x2y2Jw0]{a). We want to find relations between these derivatives. To do this, we express (x2y2JaH in x2y2(o0 and co0 in :M/{0\a). First, we can write x2y2 from the equation /„ = / C.5.3), and (x2y2J from equation C.5.3) squared C.5.9) f\ = (x4 + y4J + 2ax2y\x4 + /) + a\x2y2J. Second, we use relations which hold for the Brieskorn lattice .%?(°\a) = Q2x/df A d&x A-5.3.3) in the case of one-dimensional singu- singularities (n = 1): for any function g € C{x, y} we have d/o Л dg = 0modd/a Л d&x, i.e. C.5.10) (faXgy -fa,y-gx)w0 = 0 in :^°\a). Applying this for g = x5y, xy5, we obtain relations in . C.5.11) (х8-5Л>о = О, Subtracting the second relation from the first, we get
162 or /// The period map of a (л-const deformation % + / - 10*V - 2ax2y2(xA + /))a»0 = 0, = О. 1 - 12л:4/ - 2ох2/(л-4 + . From this and from C.5.9) we obtain />0 = (A2 + aV/ + 4ал-У (л-4 + /))a>0 = 0. Substituting x4 + y4 = fa - ax2y2 from C.5.3) gives />o - (A2 - 3aV/ + 4а/ал-2>-2)шо = О, or Now from C.5.8) and C.5.12) we obtain C.5.13) 1 4a Since the singularities ?7 are quasihomogeneous, the monodromy Г is semisimple. Hence the root spaces Ca are eigensubspaces of the operator td, with eigenvalues a. From the commutator relation [dt, t] = 1 d,t=td, +1, it follows that the operator djt2 - d,(d,t)t = d,(td, + l)t = (<9//J + 3,/ is equal to (-iJ +± = f on the space C_1/2, and the operator d2/ = dt(tdt+ 1) is equal to jdt on the space C1/2. Finally, since the geometric sections s[co0](a) — s(co0, -j)(a) € C_\/2 and ¦у[*Ушо](а) € С\/2 are homogeneous, relation C.5.13) is rewritten in the form 1 4a dls[coQ](a) = u2H]() or, from C.5.8), in the form C.5.14) D - a2)d2as[co0](a) = \s[co0](a) + 2adas[co0](a). Returning to the Legendre parameter Я = \ + \a (a = 41 — 2, да = \дх, 4 - a2 = -16A(A - 1)), we obtain that the function is a solution of the differential equation C.5.15) X(X — 1)дхи + Bл - This is the hypergeometric differential equation with а = @ = \, у = 1. C.5.16) Now let Аи А2 be a Z-basis in Я'^оо, С)-ь and let A{(t, a), A2(t, a) be the corresponding multivalued horizontal sections of the 3 The period map 163 fibration H-\. Then the elementary sections e\ = s\A\, — j](a), e2 = s[A2,-±](a) from A.3.1) form a basis in C_i/2. Now if s[co0](a) = I\(a)e\ + I2(a)e2 is a representation of s[wo](a) in this basis, where I\(a), I2(a) are (multivalued) holomorphic functions on Y = C\{-2, 2}, then the period map C.5.7) is given by the formula Ф(а) = G,(а): /2(а)). Since the basis e\, e2 is horizontal, dae\ = dae2 = 0, and s[wQ](a) is a solution of C.5.15), we have that /,(a) = /,DA - 2), I2{a) = I2DX - 2) are also solutions of the hypergeometric equation C.5.15). Thus, the period map Ф is given by hypergeometric functions. The classical theory of such functions enables us to obtain more detailed information about Ф. C.5.17) The same results occur for singularities of types ?8 and E6. Analogous but more tedious calculations were done by Herding [Hel] who showed that as in the case of E-, the function s[co0](X) satisfies the hypergeometric equation C.5.15). We refer the reader to [Hel] for the details. It is useful to compare the period map Ф, obtained above, with the period map of the modular family of elliptic curves, described in detail in §9.3of[Br-K]. C.5.18) Hertling [Hel] has also calculated the period map for the bimodal singularity WXfi (and other bimodal singularities in [He2]), which has the normal form Л*(*, У) = х4+у6 + ах2уъ + Ъх2у\ аф2, -2. This is a two-parametric /г-const deformation with the base Y = (C\{-2, 2}) X C. Herding showed that in this case the 'true' period space П is a two-dimensional manifold which is a Stein fibration over Pl with a Chera class equal to 2. The calculation of the period map leads to the hypergeometric equation with a = ^, E = j, у = ~. 3.6 The period map defined by MHS on the vanishing cohomology A natural development of the ideas related to the period map of a family of non-singular projective manifolds leads to the period map which in the case of the ^-const deformation A.1.3) F: .?' —* S X Y of isolated singularities fy = F(., y) sends a point у б Y to the mixed Hodge structure on Н'^Хуоо), Z), у >-> MHS on Hn(^\y)x, Z).
164 III The period map of a fi-const deformation However, we began with the period map defined by embedding of Brieskorn lattices because the MHS is defined by the embedding .Jf?{0)(y) С .Л and the V--filtration on ..M by virtue of A1.7.2.1). The weight filtration of the MHS is defined by the monodromy (i.e. by topology) and it is unchanged under /г-const deformations. We haven't considered yet the question of the polarization of the MHS on the vanishing cohomology [S3, V10, Ka2]. Disregarding the question of the variation of the MHS (see the review [B-Z]), we mean the period map here to be a map which sends a point у to the Hodge filtration F'(y) of the MHS on #я(лГООос, 2). C.6.1) Denning the period space П' = {.^<°>(>;)|V>-1 D M°\y) Э Vn~1} = Grass(k, V) in C.2.5) and C.2.8) we viewed M0)(y) only as a vector space in Ж. However, Ж@)(y) is a C{ ?}-module invariant wrt the operator d~x acting on % = V>~x (Жт(у) is a f' }}-тоAи1е), and there is a V~ -filtration on .Ж. Let П be the subset of vector subspaces W in J6, V>-1 D WD V"-\ i.e. W € ГГ, such that If is a C{ t} { {<9~'} }-module, and such that the dimensions C.6.2) ma = dim Grav W, oeQ, are given. Recall A1.7.2.1.) that the Hodge filtration F'(y) on Нп(Ж(у)х, С) t- ,<?{y)lt.c?{y) = <В-1<ачоСа(у) is defined by СгуЖт(у). Namely, by A1.7.2.3) we have and C.6.3) = dim FpCa = ma+n C.6.4) Let П be the manifold of flags F' for which the dimensions f = dimF'' are denned by equalities C.6.3) as mp. Here П is the period space for Hodge filiations. The rule A1.7.2.1) defines the flag F'{W) in terms of W e П, and therefore defines a holomorphic map П —¦ П. C.6.5) Definition Let fy, у € Y, be a //-const deformation of an isolated singularity. The map where F(y) is the Hodge filtration on H"{.?\y)oo, Z), is called the period map defined by MHS or, for short, the MHS-period map. 4 The infinitesimal Torelli theorem We have a commutative diagram Y Д П 165 П The period map Ф, is a holomorphic map by B.4.6) in the same way of Ф is. C.6.7) The Hodge filtration F(y) is a rougher invariant than Ж@){у). In going from the embedding of the Brieskorn lattice .Ж40)(у) с .Ж to the Hodge filtration F'(y), i.e. in going from Л'т(у) to GrvM(K){y) с Grv. M, we lose information. As an example let us look at the period map Ф for the /г-const deformation C.3.1) of the singularity .Ei2. For E\2 all spaces Ca are one-dimensional, dimCa(y)= 1. Hence FpCa{y) is either 0 or the whole space Ca{y). Thus Fp(y) does not vary and ФG) is one point, and at the same time Ф: Y = С —> П is an embedding by C.3.7). This example is a particular case of the behavior of period maps for /л- const deformations of quasihomogeneous singularities which we'll con- consider in the next section. C.6.8) Remark The information lost (when we go from .3$?(°\y) to Grv.%?@\y)) is expressed by M. Saito in terms of some linear maps cpa in [Sa7]. 4 The infinitesimal Torelli theorem 4.1 The V-filtration on Jacobian algebra. The necessary condition for fi-const deformation Let D.1.1) fy(x) = FY(x, y): (C+\ 0) X (C", 0) -+ (C, 0) be an m-parametric deformation of an isolated singularity fo(x) = f: (C"+l, 0) —¦ (C, 0). There is a canonical map of the tangent space T0Y to the base of deformation Y = Cm at the point 0 e Y to the Jacobian algebra Qf — ?/c+\o/Jf (the Kodaira-Spencer map), д 3FY D.1.2) ToY-+Qf, — dyj mod Jf. The deformation D.1.1) is miniversal if this map is an isomorphism. The miniversal deformation is usually obtained in the following way [AGV].
166 /// The period map of a fx-const deformation We choose functions (monomials) M\(x)=\, M2(x), ..., M^x) € <?C"-',o representing a basis of Qf, and consider the deformation fx(x) = F(x, X): (C"+1, 0) X (C, 0) - (C, 0), defined by the function D.1.3) F(x, X) =f(x) +Ai + X2M2(x) + ... + ЛрМц(х). The base Л = С of the miniversal deformation is identified with the Jacobian algebra as in D.1.2) D.1.4) 7оЛ ^ Qf, j-»Mj(x). Any deformation D.1.1) is induced (modulo isomorphism) from the miniversal one by a base change cp: Y —> Л, X — X(y), FY(x, y) = F{x, X(y)). The map of the tangent spaces d<p@): T0Y -> ГОЛ, 4~d("@)G Wdx, is interpreted under identification D.1.4) as the map D.1.2) д dFY ——i—> dyj dyj Now we introduce the V'-filtration on the Jacobian algebra Qf ~ 7оЛ. There is a V- -filtration on the Brieskorn lattice .Ж/@) с .Ж induced from the meromorphic connection .Ж (И.6.3.2). The filtration on .Ж<0) induces the quotient filtration (II.8.4.5) on The filtration on Qf defines a filtration on End Qf, where Qf is a Qf- algebra. The multiplication by an element of Qf defines the endomorphism of Qf. We define the V'-filtration on Qf, the filtration induced from End Qf, D.1.6) VйQf = {g€ Qf\gVpQf С VP+aQf, Щ. Now let D.1.1) be a ,M-const deformation as in A.1.1). D.1.7) Theorem [V-Ch] If fy(x) D.1.1) is a m-parametric ^-const defor- deformation of a singularity /with base Y, then d(p(T0Y)c VlT0A=VlQf, i.e. D.1.8) j= infinitesimal Torelli theorem 167 Proof. Let an element [&>o] € Й/- be represented by an (n + l)-form Wq- Since .M{~^ = д~\Ж@)), we have by (II.8.4.5) to prove that for idfy/dyj)\y-Q there exists an (n + l)-form rj such that Let a) = co(y) be a relative (n + l)-form such that condition B.4.7), s[(o]@) = s[w0] and a(s[(o](yo)) = a(w), holds in a neighborhood of the point 0 € Y. Then a(dyjs[a)](y) 2= a(i Apply the operator djl to formula B.2.6), da> dys[a)](y) = We obtain Hence Ш = a(s[co0]) D.1.9) Corollary If f(x) is a quasihomogeneous isolated singularity, then singularities fy{x) of its ^-const deformation are quasihomogeneous or semiquasihomogeneous. This follows from the fact that the ^nitrations on .Ж@), Qf and Qf coincide with the Newton filtration defined by weights wq, ..., wn (II.4.4.7), and Vх Qf = {g€ Qf\v(g) > 1}, and ГЦ) = 1. 4.2 Calculation of the tangent map of the period map. The horizontality of the MHS-period map Let fy(x) be an m-parametric ^-const deformation as in C.1.1), and Ф: Y ~* П', П' = Grass(k, V), be the period map defined by the embedding of Brieskorn lattices C.2.5). D.2.1) As is well known, the tangent space to the Grassmann manifold ГГ at a point [W] ? П' where W с V is a subspace of dimension dim W = k, is identified with the space
168 /// The period map of a/i-const deformation T[W]TL' =nom(W, V/W) in the following way. If a vector ? e T[W]TL' is represented by a curve W(t), W@) = fF, in IT, then the homomorphism §: W -+ V/W corre- corresponding to ? takes a vector v e W to the vector ?(u) = (d/dt)v(t)\i=0modW, where z>(/) is a curve in V such that v@)=v, v(t) € fT(O. Now let us calculate the tangent map <№@): T0Y-> T[W]TL', where W = .Жф\0) / V "~1 CV = V>~x/V, D.2.2) Lemma If ? = Hcjd/dyj € Г0Г, then 4 The infinitesimal Torelli theorem 169 i.e. if an element of fF is represented by the geometric section s[w0], coo 6 fic*+'.o>then D.2.3) d<E>@): s[co0] >-> -9,5 w0 • Proof By D.2.1) to calculate dФ@)(?) we have to take v(y) e .Ж^\у), and then to differentiate (cto/<9?)|r=0. Let us take the section v(y) = s[ao](y) = Res [co0/(fy(x) - /)]. Then by B.2.9) we have ds[a>0](y) D.2.4) 77ie tangent map to the period map defined via MHS Now let П С П' be the submanifold defined in C.6.1), П be the flag manifold, and Ф: Y —> П be the MHS-period map from C.6.5). The tangent map d4> is calculated in the same way as d4> in D.2.2). Since П С П?=1 Grassif", H), where H = H^XX, C) = F°, we have Г*П С ®J=1 Hom(F», H/F"), where * e П corresponds-to the flag F'@). The Hodge filtration F' on H was defined in (II.7.2.1) by the filtration on J?'jt5S = Ф-KasoCa and by the isomorphism CA/t lA-^ H, where ~ F?Ca = с Са+Я.р, ~\<a =? 0. Therefore, to calculate D.2.5) d<F(O): Г0У-^Г*П, we can take s[co0] € К"""-''.^*0*, the section s[co0](y) = Res [шо/(/у(д:) - /)], and apply formula D.2.3) to it. By D.1.8) we have s[(dfy/d%)\y=0(Oo] € Уа+"-Р+1Л/@)тоАУа+"-Р+х.Ж(-х\ and hence AФ@) takes F* to Fp^/F" С H/F?. We define the horizontal subfibration ThH of the tangent fibration 7TI to the flag manifold П by the condition: at the point * € П corresponding to a flag F" we have Г'ПС ф Hom(Fp, Fp-l/Fp)= 0 Hom(Fp/Fp+\ Fp~l/Fp) * +i +i = ф Horn (Gr?, +i We have then obtained the following: D.2.6) Proposition The MHS-period map Ф: У —> П of a ^t-const defor- deformation/^ is horizontal, i.e. 6Ф takes values in ThTL. This means that for the variation of MHS defined by a /г-const deforma- deformation, Griffiths' transversality condition С QlY <8> Cf holds. 4.3 The infinitesimal Torelli theorem Let Dft С Л be the /г-const stratum in the base of miniversal deformation of a singularity / Then DM can be viewed as an analog of the moduli spaces of projective varieties. Let Ф (or Ф) be the period map DM —> П. Assertions about the injectivity of Ф, i.e. assertions stating that a singular- singularity is uniquely determined by its periods, are called Torelli (type) theorems. We saw in C.6.7) that in general Ф is not an embedding. We'll show that Ф is an embedding locally at non-singular points of D^. D.3.1) Theorem ([S7]) If fy is an m-parametric /г-const deformation C.1.1) of an isolated singularity / = /o such that the images of (<9/y/<9yi)|r=o, ¦••, (dfy/dy^y^o in Q/ are linear independent, i.e. by D.1.5) dcp(O) is a monomorphism for the map <p: Y —> ГГ inducing fy from the miniversal deformation, then the tangent map dФ@) of the period
170 /// The period map of a /г-const deformation map Ф: Y —» ГГ defined by the embedding of Brieskorn lattices, is also a monomorphism, and hence, Ф is locally an embedding. Proof If ^ = J2cj(d/dyj)eT0Y, and § ^ 0, then d<p(O)(§) = (dfy/d%)\y.o?O in Qf, i.e. (dfy/d?)]y=0? Jf. Consequently, for w0 € .Ж@> the product @/,/0|)|,=oroo $- •^fM) С .^f@) or /у/д?)|>=о<Уо] ^ •^(~" if •^f<0> is viewed as a submodule of Ж. But -'> = 9-'J??@). Hence <9,s[(d/v/(9%=ocyo] ? .Ж@), i.e. this element is not equal to zero in V/W= У>-1/.Ж^\0). Thus, <№@)(?) 7^ 0 by D.2.3). In particular, if D^ is the /г-const stratum in the base of miniversal deformation, D.3.2) D^CA, Dl = D then Ф: ?>° —> П locally is an embedding. D.3.3) In [Sa8] M. Saito defined the period map Ф: Y -» П for the case of a /г-const deformation Fy: (C"+1, 0) X Y -* (C, 0) X Y with a not necessarily non-singular base Y To avoid problems with the topological triviality of /г-const deformations A.1.3)-A.1.5) M. Saito uses Deligne's sheaves of vanishing cycles A1.8.11.8). Let X С C"+I be an open subset containing 0, У be a reduced analytic space, and F — Fy: X X Y —> С be a holomorphic function. Assume that fy — F\xx{y}' X x {у} ~* С nas an isolated singularity, and Smgfy = {0}, fy@) = 0. Then F is a /<-const deformation of an isolated singularity with base Y Instead of the fibration H on (C\{0}) X Y in A.2.1) M. Saito considers Deligne's sheaf of vanishing cycles q>fCxxs which is concentrated on Y = {0} X Y. This is a constant sheaf, and its fibres at points ye У are a vanishing cohomology of singularities fy. This enables us to identify the vanishing cohomology at different points у e Y. Again using Deligne's sheaves M. Saito shows how to glue the Gauss-Manin differential systems of singularities fy to a locally constant sheaf on Y Operating in the category of D-modules he proves theorem D.3.1), and its generalization to the case of an arbitrary base У as a corollary of this theorem. D.3.4) Theorem [Sa8] If D^ С A is the /<-const stratum in the base of miniversal deformation of an isolated singularity /, then the period map Ф: Dp —> П has zero-dimensional fibres, and by restricting to an open subset in Dp, we can assume that the fibres of Ф are finite. 4 The infinitesimal Torelli theorem 171 4.4 The period map in the case of quasihomogeneous singularities D.4.1) The /<-const stratum. Let f(x) be a quasihomogeneous singularity of degree 1 with weights w0, ..., wn. Let M\(x) = 1, M2(x), ..., MM(x) be a monomial basis in Qf and F(x, X) be the miniversal deformation D.1.3). The quasihomogeneity of f(x) means that the morphism /: (C"+1, 0) —> (C, 0), t = f{x), is equivariant with respect to the action of С*Эг on Сй+1, то(х0, ..., х„) = (zw"x0, ...,тк"х„), and on C, r(t) = zt. We can make the deformation D.1.3), F(x, X): C"+1 X С -> С, equivariant also if we define weights of A7 such that wtA7A/7(x) = 1, i.e. we put D.4.2) Vj = wt A7 = 1 - wt M7(x), and define the action of C* on the base С = Л by the rale г о (A,, ...,Xn) = (tv>Xu...,Tv>'Xli). We can decompose С = Л = Л+ХЛ°ХЛ" into a product according to the weights of the C*-action. The deformations from Л0 are quasihomo- quasihomogeneous and are defined by the diagonal monomials, and the deformation from Л~ are defined by the upper diagonal monomials. By corollary D.1.8) ([V6]) for the quasihomogeneous singularity the /<-const stratum Dp = {0} X U° X Л~, where U° is an open subset in Л0, is therefore non-singular. Let us consider the period map Ф and the MHS-period map Ф for the stratum Dp. Let л: U° X Л" -» U° be the projection, and j: U° = U° X {0} -> U° X Л" be the closed embedding. We have the diagram D-4.3) Л_ П \Ф | U° -+ П By theorem D.3.1) Ф is locally an embedding. In [S7] it is shown that the Hodge filtration F- on H"{XX, C) is unchanged under upper diagonal deformations, i.e. when we add upper diagonal monomials to a quasihomo- quasihomogeneous singularity. Hence the period map Ф is constant on the fibres of л, and consequently, Ф factors through ж. In particular, if the dimension of a fibre is greater than 0, then the Torelli theorem is false for Ф. On the other hand, if a singularity is quasihomogeneous, then on passing _^@) h_> Gr'yJ&W we do not lose any information, and the maps Ф and Ф are equivalent on U° <-*• D^. We thus obtain the following result of M. Saito: J D.4.4) Theorem [Sa8] If D^ is the /i-const stratum in the base of the
172 /// The period map of a fi-const deformation miniversal deformation of a quasihomogeneous singularity, then there is a projection n: DM —> U° to a closed submanifold U° С Dp, such that the MHS-period map Ф: Dp, —» П is constant on fibres of n, and the map Ф is locally an embedding on U°. 5 The Picard-Fuchs singularity and Hertling's invariants In this section we'll be concerned with the 'global' Torelli problem. In §3 for a //-const deformation fy, у е Y, of isolated singularities we defined the period map Ф: Y —> П to the Grassman manifold П, taking a point у to the Brieskorn lattices .^@)mod V"~x in the vector space V>~1 /V"~l (or in a more 'economical' space). If the base Y is not simply connected, then the map Ф, in general, is multivalued. So before going into the question of the injectivity of Ф, we ought to consider the analog of Griffiths' modular space D/T, i.e. to take the quotient of П by an appropriate group. There is another reason for this. In singularity theory singularities are usually considered within equivalence relation. For exam- example, the Л-equivalence is considered for function germs. This leads to the equivalence relation '~' on Y. To have a map from Y/ ~ to П, again we have to take a quotient of П by some group. 5.1 The Picard-Fuchs singularity PFS(f) according to Varchenko E.1.1) The Picard-Fuchs equation and the period matrix Let /: (C"+1, 0) —* (C, 0) be a germ of a holomorphic function with an isolated singularity. With a misuse of language we will not differentiate between a holomorphic (n 4- I)-form w and the geometric section s[co] determined by it. Let cou ..., cOf, be a basis in the lattice .Ж/@) which we'll write as a line Ш = (со i,..., (Dpi). Let F(t) be the matrix of connection coefficients of the Gauss-Manin connection wrt the basis со. Then T(t) is the matrix of the operator d, wrt the basis су, д,Ш = a>T(t), д,ш} = The system of linear differential equations y1 = A(t)y, where A(t) = T\t), is called by Varchenko [AGV] the Picard-Fuchs equation of the singu- singularity /wrt the basis со A.8.1.5). This rystem has the following meaning. It expresses in coordinates the condition of horizontality of a section у = ш*у of the sheaf Ж* = #* <g> 6 $¦ wrt the dual connection V* wrt 5 The Picard-Fuchs singularity and Hertling s invariants the basis To* 173 (со* . со*) dual to the basis Ш. Here у = (ух ... y^y is the column of coordinates of у wrt the basis Ш*. If у — y(t) is a family of homology classes, i.e. a horizontal section of the sheaf Ж*, then the integrals y(/) is a give a solution of the Picard-Fuchs equation A.8.1.4.). If yx, ..., basis of horizontal sections, then the period matrix Q@ = Qj,@, where Щ. = [ ^ = (ш„ у}), hi aJ is the fundamental matrix of solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equation. Let Я* be the vector space of solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equation. H* can be regarded as the space of multivalued horizontal sections of the homological fibration #*. The homology with Z-coefficients defines a lattice #| с Я*. The lattice H\ is invariant wrt the monodromy M. E.1.2) The Picard-Fuchs equation, i.e. the matrix A{t), depends on the choice of the basis ы. The change to a new basis transforms this matrix as follows. If cb = ((o\ ... <Ьц) is a new basis in .Ж@) and C(t) e GL(ji, &s,o) is the transition matrix to this basis, cb = coC(t), then the matrix Q{i) = (C'@)~' is the transition matrix to the basis &*, о) = Ш*Q(t). If у is the column of new coordinates, у = со*у = со*у, then the new coordinates are related to the old ones by y=Qy- The substitution у = Qy transforms the equation y' = Ay into the equa- equation У = A~y, where A = Qr'AQ-Q-'Q1. E.1.3) Definition A system y' = A{i)y with a lattice Wj_ с W in the space of solutions W of this system, invariant wrt the monodromy M, is called the framed system. The lattice Wz is called the framing of the system. E.1.4) Definition Two framed systems {A{t), Wj) and 04@, Wj) are called equivalent if there exists a substitution of coordinates у = Qy, Q € GL(pi, 6>'s,o) which transforms the system y' = A{t)y to y' = A(t)y, and the lattice Wz С W to Wz С W, Wz = QWZ. The singularity of a framed system is the equivalence class of this system.
174 III The period map of a /u-const deformation E.1.5) Definition The Picard-Fuchs singularity PFS(f) of a singularity / is the singularity of the framed system (A(t), Wj), where A(t) = T'(t), and F(t) is the matrix of connection coefficients wrt a basis ¦'* = Hic н*. E.1.6) The Picard-Fuchs singularity and the period matrix. Choose a basis у = (уь ..., у ft) in Wi and write coordinates of the basis vectors, Yj 6 ^z to columns of a matrix Q. We can call the matrix Q the period matrix of the framed system (A(t), W-?). In fact to give a framed system is to give its period matrix. The matrix A(t) and the lattice Wj_ are uniquely determined by Q(t). Indeed, since Q(t) is the fundamental matrix of solutions, we have Q' = AQ and hence A(t) = Q'(t)Q~l(t). The lattice Wz is the lattice generated by the columns of the matrix Q{f). The matrix Q depends on the choice of the bases w and y. The passage to new bases w = WC, С e GL(ju, f- s,o), and у = yU, U 6 GL{fx, Z), transforms the matrix Q to the matrix (one can obtain this very quickly by writing Q as a product of matrices Q = w о у, where со,- о yj = (со,-, yj)). Thus, we can regard the singularity of a framed system (A(t), Wj) as the equivalence class of its period matrix wrt the action of group In [AGV] Varchenko proposed the following conjecture. Varchenko's conjecture The Picard-Fuchs singularities of non-/?-equiva- lent germs of functions with isolated singularities are different at least locally, i.e. when the germs of functions lie sufficiently close to each other. We wish to reformulate this conjecture in terms of the period map. For this we need to introduce an equivalence relation on the set of Brieskom lattices (to introduce an action of a group on the manifold П). 5.2 The Hertling invariant Herx (/) There are two reasons for introducing an equivalence relation on the set of Brieskom lattices. The first is connected with the period map of families of singularities with non-simply-connected bases, and the second with the construction of invariants of/^-equivalence classes of singularities. 5 The Picard-Fuchs singularity and Hertling's invariants 175 E.2.1) The horizontal monodromy. Let F = Fy: (C"+1, 0) X Y -> (C, 0) X У be a ^-const deformation of an isolated singularity / = /л, yo € Y. In the case of a simply connected base У we defined in C.2.5) and C.6.1) the period map Ф:Г-.П,^ .Жт(у) с.Л = .Щуо), and also the MHS-period map Ф: Y -> П, у н-> F-(y), where F'[y) is a flag in the vector space H = Hn(X00(yo), С). If У is not simply connected, then for any у &n\{Y, y0) there appears the monodromy transformation p(y) of H, which we'll call (to distinguish it from T) the horizontal monodromy corresponding to y. We obtain a representation p of the group n\(Y, y0) on the vanishing cohomology Я of the singularity /л. If Y is the base of the miniversal family, i.e. if Y = Z)" с Л is the manifold of non-singular points of the ^-const stratum in the base of this family, then we can call the group G/, = р(л\(О0)) the group of horizontal monodromy of the singularity f. The horizontal monodromy commutes with the monodromy T (this follows from the group n\(Sl X S1) = Z2 being abelian) and, obviously, preserves the lattice Hz С H. Hence Gh С Gi, where E.2.2) G, = {g 6 GL(Hz)\gT = Tg} is the subgroup of integral automorphisms of H commuting with the monodromy T. The group Gi naturally acts on the set of flags in H and, consequently, acts on the manifold П. In order to be able to define the period map in the case of a non-simply-connected base Y, we can consider the quotient П/Gi, as is usually done in the theory of period maps A1.2.3.3). We can proceed similarly in the case of the period map defined by embedding of Brieskom lattices. For у 6 Jti(Y, yo) this is the monodromy transformation p(y) of the space .Ж = . /6{yo). We can define the action of the group G\ on .Ж and, consequently, on П. We'll return to this presently. E.2.3) The invariants of ^-equivalence classes. The point Ф(у) б П or Ф(у) 6 П in the period space is not an invariant of the /{-equivalence class of a singularity fy. Let us consider how these invariants transform under a change of coordinates. Let /i and /2: (C"+1, 0) -> (C, 0) be two /^-equivalent singularities. This means that there exists a holomorphic change of coordinates g: (C"+1, 0) -> (C"+I, 0) such that/, =/2og, i.e. /,(*) = f2(g(x)). The morphism g induces an isomorphism of the Milnor fibrations X\ —* S and
176 /// The period map of a fi-const deformation X2 —» S which commutes with the monodromy T and preserves other topological invariants (i.e. preserves the intersection form, the bilinear Seifert form, transforms one distinguished basis to another distinguished basis). Now if f\ and f2 belong to a ,u-const deformation, f\ = /V|, f2=fy2, then under canonical isomorphisms Щу\) ~ H ~ H(y2) (respectively, . ?6{y{) ~ . /6 ~. /6(уг)) the filtrations F\y{) and F\y2) (respectively, the Brieskorn lattices .Ж<0)О>1) and ¦^{0\у2)), in general, do not coincide, and again we see that there exists an automorphism g € G\ such that F-(y\) = g(F(y2)). Thus, under the map Ф,:7^ П/G, the points Ф^уО and Ф\(уг) coincide, and Ф\(у) gives the real invariant of /^-equivalence class of the singularity fy(x). E.2.4) Now we consider the action of the group G\ on .Ж. Recall that we have constructed (II.6.4.8) an embedding of the vanishing cohomology vector space in the meromorphic connection rp: Hn(Xx, C) = tf ^ Ф Ca С . 10 The automorphisms g € GL(H) are transferred by means of \p to Ф-i <a^oCa, g *-> ^ ° g ° V~'> and *hen are extended to C{t}[rl]-auto- morphisms of .Ж. We obtain an inclusion GL(H) —> Aut.J%, g 1—» ij>(g). We showed (П.6.6.4) that g € GL(H) commutes with the monodromy Tif and only if r/j(g) commutes with dt, i.e. ip(g) is a C[9,]-module auto- automorphisms of.Ж. Let Г1 = ^(Gi) be the subgroup of Aut.^ correspond- corresponding to G\ с GL(H). The group Г| preserves Ca and hence acts on the vector space V = V>~1 /Vn~x and, consequently, acts on the Grassman manifold П. E.2.5) Hertling defined the Picard-Fuchs singularity in [Hel] as follows: Definition The Hertling invariant Her\(f) of a singularity / is the set i.e. the 'orbit' of its Brieskorn lattice in .Ж wrt the group Fi. E.2.6) Lemma The two invariants of a singularity /, the Picard-Fuchs singularity PFS{f) and the Hertling invariant Her\ (/), coincide. This is almost a tautology, since both these invariants are given by the period matrix Q(t) to within the equivalence relation. If y(-^°\y)) € Her\(f), then choosing a basis s\, ..., s^ in y(^i0\y)) and a basis 6], ...,6ц in the space H* of multivalued horizontal sections of the 5 The Picard-Fuchs singularity and Hertling's invariants 177 holomorphic fibration H^,, we obtain the matrix ((s,(J), <5/0))> which determines an element of PFS{f). E.2.7) Now if fv(x) is a /г-const family of isolated hypersurface singula- singularities, parametrized by a manifold Y, we obtain the map Ф,:Г-П/Г,, and we can regard the Hertling invariant Her\ (fy) of the singularity fy(x) as the point Ф\(у) е П/Г] in quotient space. E.2.8) Denote by '—«' the equivalence relation on Y given by the in- inequivalence relation of functions. У\ ~уг ¦& the germs fyi (x) and fn{x) are /{-equivalent. R By E.2.3) we obtain the map Ф,:Г/~-П/Г, R (we are not interested here in the structure of quotients as analytic spaces). Now we can formulate the Varchenko's conjecture as follows. Conjecture The map Ф) is (locally) injective. 5.3 The Hertling invariants Her2(f) and E.3.1) As was shown by Hertling's calculations [Hel] for unimodular singularities the local form of Varchenko's conjecture holds, but the global form doesn't always. Example Let us consider the /г-const deformation of the singularity E\i from C.3.1). Let m0 = min(m\Tm = 1) = 42 be the order of the mono- monodromy, and mR - mo/2 = 21. Let Ф: Y = С -> P1 = П, a i-» A: a), be the monodromy map C.3.7). It is obvious that if (a\/a2)m« = 1, then fai and fa2 are Л-equivalent. The converse is also true. Thus, /a, and /a, are ^-equivalent <?» (a\/a2)m* = 1, and at the same time, as Hertling showed, PFS(fai) = PFS{fai) «¦ №- =: 1. Consequently, for the singularity E\2 the period map Ф1: Y/ ~ —> ГТ/Г1 is two-sheeted, for every Picard-Fuchs singularity there are exactly two in- inequivalence classes of singularities with given PFS. E.3.2) Thus, the invariant PFS(f) = Her\{f) is sufficiently rough, in the
178 /// The period map of a fi-const deformation sense that it does not separate the Л-equivalence classes. This led Herding to consider finer invariants, which were, as before, invariants of R- equivalence classes, but which separated the Л-equivalence classes. We have to consider subgroups of G\ which respect more topological proper- properties than G\ does. For g* € GL(Hn(Xx, Z)) we denote by g* € GL(H"(XX, Z)) the automorphism of the dual Milnor lattice H\XX, I). Put G2 = {g* € G\\g* preserves the intersection form on Н„(ХХ, Ж)}, Gi — {g* € G\g* preserves the bilinear Seifert form}. Since (see [AGV]) the Seifert form determines the intersection form and the monodromy, we have G\ D G2 D G3. Denote by Г3 СГ2 С Г, с Aut.-Ж the corresponding groups of automorphisms of the meromorphic connec- connection .Ж. E.3.3) Definition Hertling defined the invariants Нег,(/), i = 1, 2, 3, of a singularity / as the sets Her,(f) = {у(.Ж@))|у € Г,}, i.e. the 'orbit' of its Brieskorn lattice in. /6 wrt the group Г,-. Thus, the invariants //er,(/), i= 1,2,3, are the invariants of R- equivalence classes of increasing fineness, jg(f) = .?(g) => Her3(f) = Her3(g) => Her2(J) = Her2{g) => Heriff) = Hen{g). From the point of view of the period map of a family of singularities fy(x), we can consider the following commutative diagram of quotients and maps Y -~ П/Г, П П/Гз We can regard the Hertling invariant Яег,(/У) of the singularity fy(x) as the point Ф,0>) € П/Г,-, i = 1, 2, 3, in the quotient space of the period space. 5 The Picard-Fuchs singularity and Hertling's invariants 179 5.4 Hertling's results E.4.1) In [Hel] and [He2] Hertling considered the invariants Her\ and Her2 for all uni- and bimodal singularities. He proved the following theorem. Theorem (i) The invariant Her2 separates the Л-equivalence classes (i.e. Ф2 is injective) for all uni- and bimodal singularities, possibly with the excep- exceptions of the series .Zi.ub ?i,iob Sf ]Ok, к € M, in the classification of Arnol'd (see [AGV]). (ii) The invariant Her\ determines the Л-equivalence classes for the simple-elliptic singularities E6, ?7, E%, for the hyperbolic singularities Tp,q,r and for the exceptional unimodal singularities ?13, Z\\, Z\2, Z^, Qu, W\-$, S\\,S\2. (iii) For the remaining exceptional singularities, E\2, E^, Q\o, Q\2, W\2, U\2, there are two Л-equivalence classes of singularities with equal invariants Her\. For the series Z\^k, S\^Ok, SflOk the methods used are not sufficient to calculate Her2 explicitly. However, Hertling believes that Her2 also determines the Л-equivalence classes for them. Hertling's results are formulated in more detail for the unimodal singularities as follows: E.4.2) For the 14 exceptional unimodal singularities we can take the fi- const deformation fa(x) in the normal form fa = fo(x, y, z) + aM, where /0 is a quasihomogeneous polynomial of weight 1, wt(M)>l, aeC. Let m0 be the order of monodromy T, and {mo, if mo is odd, m0 .. —, if m0 is even. Two singularities/Ol and/02 are Л-equivalent, i.e. -f?,(fa^) = ,rt(fai) if and onlyif(ai/a2)m* = 1. Theorem (i) Her2(fai) - Her2(fa2) «• @1/02)"* = 1 & -Щ/.х) = Mf*d- (ii) For eight of exceptional unimodal singularities ?13, Z\\, Z\2, Z13,
180 III The period map of a fi-const deformation Qw, Wn,SiuS\z we have /аЛ* Hen(fai) = Hen(fa2) «¦ f-ij = 1. (iii) For the singularities ?12, ?14, Q\o, Qn, W\2, and U\2 we have Яег,(/-в1) = Herx(Ja2) «¦ №\ ""= 1. E.4.3) For the hyperbolic singularities Tp,q,r consider the //-const defor- deformation given in the normal form C.4.1). Theorem Herx<Jax) = Herx{fai)&[-± \cm(p,q,r) E.4.4) The simple-elliptic singularities E6, E7, E% can be given in, for example, the Legendre normal form, see C.5.2). The Л-equivalence class of such a singularity is determined by the ./-invariant of the corresponding elliptic curve. Theorem Hen(fXl) = Herx(fh) «¦ /A,) = /(A2) «¦ ./%fly) = jg{fXl). E.4.5) The results obtained by Hertling enabled him to modify Varchen- ko's conjecture as follows: Conjecture The invariant Her2 (or Her{) of an isolated hypersurface singularity determines its Л-equivalence class. The methods applied by Hertling, which use the classification of singularities and explicit calculations (which even in the case of bimodal singularities are very cumbersome and difficult), cannot be applied to the proof of this conjecture. It is not yet clear how to prove this conjecture in a general form. References [A] A'Campo: Invent. Maths, 1973, 20, 147-69.1 [Ar] Arnol'd, V I.: On some problems in singularity theory. Geom. and Anal., papers dedicated to the memory of V. K. Patody, 1981,1-10. [AGV] Arnold, A. I., Gusein-Zade, S. M., Varchenko, A. N.: Singularities of ¦ Differentiable Maps, Vols. 1 and 2, Monographs in Mathematics 82 and 83, Birkhauser, Boston, 1985 and 1988. [Br] Brieskorn, E.: Die Monodromie der isolierten Singularitaten von Hyper- flachen, Manuscripta Math., 1970,2, 103-61. [Br-k] Brieskorn, E., Rnorrer, H.: Ebene algebraische Kurven, Birkhauser, 1981. [B-Z] Brylinski, J.-L., Zucker, S., An overview of recent advances in Hodge theory, Encyclopaedia of Math. Sciences, VINITI, 1991, vol. 69, pp 48-165. [B-G] Buchweitz-Greuel, Invent. Maths, 1980, 58,241-81. [C-L] Coddington and Levinson, Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, McGraw Hill, New York, 1955. [Da] Dam'lov, V I.: Newton polyhedra and vanishing cohomology, Funct. Anal. Appl, 1979,13, No. 2, 32-47 (in Russian) [Dl] Deligne, P.: Equations Differentielles a Points Singular Regulier, Lect. Notes in Math., Springer, Berlin, 1970, vol. 163. [D2] Deligne, P.: Theorie de Hodge, II, Publ. Math. IHES, 1971,40, 5-58. [D3] Deligne, P.: Theorie de Hodge, III, Publ. Math. IHES, 1974, 44, 5-77. [D-Di] Deligne, P., Dimca, A.: Filtrations de Hodge et par l'ordre du pole pour les hypersurfaces singularities, Ann. scient. Ec. Norm. Sup., 4 serie. 1990, 23, 645-56. [Di 1 ] Dimca, A.: On the Milnor filtrations of weighted homogeneous poly- polynomials, Compos. Math., 1990, 76, No 1-2,19-47. [Di2] Dimca, A.: Differential Forms and Hypersurface Singularities, Lect. Notes Math., Springer, Berlin, 1991, No 1462, pp. 122-53. [Di3] Dimca, A.: Singularities and Topology of Hypersurfaces, Springer Verlag, 1992,263pp. [DS] Doom, van, M. G. M., Steenbrink, J. H. M.: A supplement to the monodromy theorem, Abh. math. Semin. Hamburg, 1989, 59,225-33. [E] Elkik, R.: Singularites rationnelles et deformations, Invent. Math., 1978, 47,139-48. 181
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186 Index key-lemma A.7.6.2) 38 Koszul cohomology A.4.3.2), A.10.7.1) 18,57 Koszul complex A.4.3.1) 17 lattice Brieskorn A.5.1.3) 24 canonical A1.6.3.6) 98 in a vector space A.4.5.5) 20 saturated A.7.7.2) 39 leading part of cu € . Ji A1.6.3.2) 98 Leibniz identity A.2.1.1K Leray operator A.4.1.5) 15 Leray residue theorem A.4.1.6) 16 limit MHS A1.2.8.1), A1.3.2.7) 73, 76 monodromy A.7.8.1) 41 .Л A1.6.1.1)95 MHS morphism A1.1.3.3) 62 -period map A11.3.6.5) 164 Milnor algebra A.4.3.5) 18 Milnor cohomological fibration A.1.2.1), A.2.6.1J,8 Milnor fibration A.1.1.1) 1 Milnor fibre A.1.1.1) 1 Milnor homological fibration A.1.2.1), A.2.6.1J,8 Milnor number A.1.4.5), A.10.1.1) 3, 51 monodromy horizontal (II.8.11.9), (Ш.5.2.1) 137, 175 logarithm of the unipotent part A1.2.5.6) 68 theorem A.9.1.1), A1.3.5.9) 47, 81 supplement A1.3.5.10) 81 transformation A.1.4.4) 3 vertical (II.8.11.9) 137 N = (l/2m)log Tu (II.2.5.6) 68 order fimction A1.8.4.5) 120 function a A1.6.3.1) 98 Newton A1.8.4.1), A1.8.5.2) 119, 122 of a geometric section A11.2.4.2) 150 of an elements 6 .Ж(И.6.3.1) 98 period map A1.2.3.4) 64 defined by embedding of Brieskorn lattices A11.3.2.5) 153 defined by MHS in vanishing cohomology A11.3.6.5) 164 MHS A11.3.6.5) 164 matrix A.8.1.6) 43 of a differential form A.8.1.1) 42 space A1.2.3.3) 64 space for Hodge filtrations П A11.3.6.4) 164 space П A11.3.2.8) 154 space П' A11.3.2.5) 153 Picard-Fuchs equation A.8.1.5), A11.5.1.1) 43, 172 Picard-Fuchs singularity A11.5.1.5) 174 regularity theorem A.8.2.1) 44 residue Leray theorem A.4.1.6) 16 of a meromorphic connection A.7.7.4) 39 of a system A.7.5.1) 37 root decomposition of. Ж A1.6.2.5) 97 component of order a A1.6.2.6) 97 section elementary of order a A1.6.4.5) 100 geometric A.5.1.6), A11. 2.1.2) 25, 145 horizontal A.2.3.7) 6 semicomtinuity domain A1.8.9.7) 131 sheaf of nearby cycles A1.8.11.8) 136 vanishing cycles A1.8.11.8) 136 singular point of a differential equation regular A.7.4.1) 36 simple A.7.5.1) 36 spectral multiplicities (II.8.1.4) 116 spectral numbers A1.8.1.4) 116 spectrum of a singularity A1.8.1.4), A1.8.10.4) 116, 133 pairs A1.8.2.1) 117 properties A1.8.3.2), A1.8.3.3) 118 Torelli theorem infinitesimal A11.4.3.1) 169 variation of Hodge structure A1.2.2.1) 63 Yomdin series A1.8.11.1) 134