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Year: 1990

                    Index to Volume
How to Use This Index
Items are listed according to the monthly column in
which they appeared and/or under any category (or
categories) that generally describes them. The
name ot the author(s) appears in parentheses ,
followed by a colon, then the page number and
issue. Examples: ’‘The 160-Meter Antenna Dilemma"
appears under Feature Articles—Technical and under
Antennas and Transmission Lines. "Earthquakel"
appears under Feature Articles—General Interest
and under Public Service. Some items have
additional subject-description information in
parentheses after the Hile.
1990s: Decade of Hard Choices?, The—Pert 1
(Rlportella): 76, Mar
1990s: Decade of Hard Choices?, The—Part 2
(Rlportella): 63. Apr
90s Begin, The (Fliportella): 71, Jan
Ask a Simple Question... (Ward): 70, Aug
DOVE Satellite Resuscitated: 61. Sep
DOVE; The Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder
(Loughmiller): 40. May
Drlven-Elemant Efficiency in the 432-MHz Circular
Quagf (Overbeck): 30, May
Flawless Launch Yields Six OSCARs: New &a in
Amateur Satellite Communications Begins:
60, Mar
Introduction—Pari 2 (Loughmiller): 71, Sep
"MBA" Rescues DOVE, Then Gets Destroyed:
56, Jun
Mfcrosats and You (Loughmiller): 40. Sep
One Small Step for a Ham, a Giant Leap for
Hamkind (McGwierp 68, Nov
HS-14: The Rest of the Story (Loughmiller); 01, Dec
Tale of Two UoSATs, A (Ward): 62. Jul
Word ot Introduction, A (Ward): 60, Jun
160-Meter Antenna Dilemma, The (DeMaw):
30, Nov
Antenna Switchers—Part 1 (Bint!iff): 31, Jun
Antenna Switchers—Part 2 (Bintliff): 21, Jul
Алгола Hams Exempt from Tower Rule: 54, May
Audio Equalizer for Communications Use, An
(Rumbolt): 22, May
A-Frame Mast for Home and Field Day, An
(Kaplan): 36, May
Balanced Balanced Antenna Tuner, A (Measures):
26, Feb
Bamboo Source (Frohna): 44, Mar
'BRD Zapper, The: A Quick. Cheap and Easy "ZL
Spsciai" Antenna (Newkirk); 28, Jun
Broken-Shield Coupler Can Eliminate TVi, A
(Cooper): 37, Jul
Changing Antenna Ordinances—The Easy Way
(Walsh): 43, Sep
Circularly Polarized Quagt Antenna for Space
Communications, A (Marcus): 24, Jan
Closer Look at Horizontal Loop Antennas, A
(DeMaw),' 28. May
Constructing Ladder (Open-Wire) Transmission Line
(Measures): 35. Feb
Converting the Ну-Gain 2Q4BA for 17-Meter
Operation (Соф 59, Dec
Correction: May 1990 OST Antenna-Radiation
Patterns (Healy): 30, Sep
Dirty Deeds (Anlenne Restrictions) (Sweeley):
64, Oct
Driven-Element Efficiency in the 432-MHz Circular
Quagi (Overbeck): 38, May
End-Fed Double Schwarz, The (Jablin): 62, Apr
Evolution of the Short Top-Loaded Vertical, The
(Michaels); 26, Mar
Feedback: Broken-Shield Coupler, A (Newkirk):
42, Oct
Feedback: Make Your House Antenna Ready
(Murphy): 37, Sep
Feeding an 0O-Meter Delta Loop at 160 Meters
(Koeppe): 37, Apr
Fix for Cable Leakage at Connectors, A (Locher):
37, Jul
Folding Dipole 1or 2 Meters, A (Bergeron): 26, Jun
G5RV Coax (Noecker); 37, Feb
Impact of Current Distribution on Array Patterns,
The (Lewallen): 39, Jul
Keeping Beams on Portable Masts Aimed Correctly
(Lau); 30, Aug
K6STI’s МЛ/ and Yagr Optimizer Antenna-Analysis
Software'. 41, Aug
Loading Coils for 160-Meter Antennas (Michaels):
28, Apr
Longer Life for Your Quad Antenna (Atkins):
39, Nov
l-oop Coupling for J Antennas (Davis): 42. Mar
More on Tree Supports (O'Toole; Clark; Amos):
37, Feb
More on Tree-Supported Antennas (Raffaele):
44, Mar
Off-Center-Fed Dipole Revisited, The: Broadband,
Multiband Antenna (Belrose and Boullane):
20, Aug (see Feedback: 40, Oct)
PRB-1 Victory in Texas: 62, Aug
PRB-1 Victory (Lunebach); 62 Jun
PRB-1 Works Winders (Butler): 64, May
PVC-Pipe Guy Protectors (Hood): 37, Aug
RFI Case Dismissed In Washington Superior Court.
60, Mar
Simple Coaxial-Cable Measurements (Smith)*.
25. Sep
Stabilizing the Mobile Whip (Gregory)*. 44, Jan
Tower Anti-Climbing Shields (Brown): 44, Jan
Trrband Microwave Dish Feed (Hili): 23 Aug
Water Makes Driving Ground Rods Easier
(Hinshaw); 37, Aug
Will the Real Verna Loop Gain Figures Please
Stand Dpi (Healy)'. 39, May
YAGINEC Update (Gordon): 37, Feb
ARES/Data: A Packet Data Base for Emergency and
Public Service Communications (Moemsr & Palmer);
75, Dec
3rd ARRL RTTY Roundup Announcement; 102, Dec
Cheap and Quick RS-232-C-to-Keying-Line Interface
(Swancara): 36, Feb
Computerized Logging in Sweepstakes (Halprin):
50, Oct
Computerized VHF Data Base. A (Tynan): 66, Nov
Digital Signal Processing of Packet Radio. The
(Horzepa): 66, Jul
DOVE'.The Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder
(Loughmiller).* 40, May
DX Operating Partners: Your Station and
Packetcluster® (Horzepa)*. 67, May
HF Packet SRO Redux (Horzepa): 72, Sep
KSSTt's MN and Yagl Optimizer Antenna-Analysis
Software; 41, Aug
Mind of the Contester, The (Cain)*. 14, Jul
More on Baud Rate—Ugh I (Lackey): 44, Mar
Packet Radio Basics—Part 1: Computers Acting
Like Terminals (Horzepa): 73, Aug
Packet Radio Basics—Pari 2 (Horzepa): 67, Oct
Packet Radio Basics—Part 3-. The ABCs of TCP/IP
(Horzepa); 80, Dec
Packet with a Purpose (Cain)' .54 Aug
Programming in C (Purdum): 4S, Mar
Propagation Predictions and Personal Computers
(Hall): 58, Dec
Space Environment Laboratory Public Computer
BBS( Fbsen thali 41, Nov
Standing-Room Only on HF Packet (Horzepa)*.
65, Jun
TNG Connect Alarm, A (Smardon)' 41. Oct
TNC Message-Waiting Alerter, A (Hansen); 66, Dec
Weather-Facsimile PackagetorthsIBM PC—Pat I,
A (Dahl): 15, Apr (see Feedback: 25, June)
Weather-Facsimile Package for the IBM PC—Part 2,
A (Dahl)*. 1 7, May
Winter Won derland of Software (Horzepa): 72, Jan
Yagj-Design Software: 57, Dec
YAGiNEC Update (Gordon): 37, Feb
Contest Announcemerts/Rdes
3rd ARRL RTTY Roundup Announcement
102, Dec
57th ARRL November Sweepstakes Announcement:
93, Oct
Announcing the Fifth ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative
Contest: 82, Jun
ARRL international DX Contest Plaque Program;
70, Feb
ARRL June VHF QSO Party Plaque Program:
05, May
Club Competition Rules and Contest
Disqualification Criteria*. 80, Jan
Field Day Rules: 84, May
Major ARRL Operating Events and
Conventions—1990: 55, Jan
Rules, 1990 ARRL UHF Contest 80, Jul
Rules, 1990 CRRL Fall VHF/UHF Sprints: 78, Sep
Rules, 1990 Novice Roundup: 81, Jan
Rules, 1990 School Club Roundup: 80, Jan
Rules, 1991 ARRL International DX Contest:
100, Dec
Rules, 44th January VHF Sweepstakes: 101, Dec
Rules, 5th IARU HF World Championships: 78. Apr
Rules, ARRL 10-Meter Contest: 84, Nov
Rules, ARRL 160-Meter Contest: 85, Nov
Rules, ARRL International EME Competition:
78,	Sep
Rubs, Jline VHF QSO Party: 80 May
Rules, September VHF QSO Party: 82, Aug
Contest Results
Field Day 1990 (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 75. Nov
Results. 13th Annual ARRL International EME
Competition (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 87, May
Results. 1989 ARRL 10-Meter Contest (Lunt &
Stankiewicz): Jul, 73
Results, 1989 ARRL November Sveepsbles (Lint
8 Stankiewicz)*. 76, May
Results, 1989 IARU HF World Championship (Lunt
& Burke): 72, Feb
Results, 1989 September VHF QSO Party (Lunt &
Burke): 76, Jan
Results. 1990 ARRL International DX Contest (Lunt
8 Stankiewicz): 76, Oct
Results, 1990 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (Lunt 8
Stankiewicz): 92. Dec
Results, 1990 ARRL UHF Contest (Lunt &
Stankiewicz): 98, Dec
Results, 1990 ARRL VHF January Sweepstakes
(Lunt & Stankiewicz): 75, Jun
Results, 19Э0 Novice Roundup (Lunt &
Stankiewicz): SO, Jun
Results, 1990 School Club Roundup (Malchlck);
79,	Sep
Results, 20th ARRL 160-Meter Contest (Lunt &
Siankiewicz)*. 74, Apr
Results, Fourth Annual ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative
Contest (Lunt 8 Stankewlcz): 83, Mar
Results,Second ARRL RTTY Roundup (Siegen &
Lunt): 78, Aug
Straight Key Night 1989 (Lunt)*. 77, Apr
Amateur Radio Goes to the Goodwill Games; 61, Sep
ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau System.The*.77,Dec
Computerized Logging in Sweepstakes (Halprin):
50, Oct
"Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide I' The*.
57, Jan
Contests* .Everyone Can Play to Wlnl (Prescott)*.
80,	Oct
First Time in a Contest (Battles): 50, Aug
Friendship Radio Sports Games (Portland ARC):
14, May
(Vbn'tine M) bb Ns t List (IARU News) (Baldwin);
Mind of the Contester, The (Cain): 14, Jul
More Ideas tor Enhancing Chances tor Working DX
on 50 MHz (Tynan): 68, Jan
Packd with aPurpose(Calr):54,Aug
PINS—Participation /п November Sweepstakes
(achievement pin): 93, Oct (see Up Front in QST:
11, Nov)
Sweepstakes for the Beginner (Halprin); 49, Oct
World RadioSport Team Champronshlp (Crovelli);
43, Oct
DX Century Club Awards—Column (Search)
65, Jan; 67, Mar; 61, Apr; 63, May; 61, Jun; 81,
Jul*. 67, Aug*, 65, Sep; 63, Oct; 61, Nov; 77, Dec
DXCC Honor Roll: 62, Nov
17 Meters: One Fine Sand (Monkewrch): 62, Apr

Ambassador Ham (Kushner): 62, Jan Back to the Future (Technology) (Wlesen): 64, Ort Bardstown Experiment/G, The (Evans): 62, Apr Beware: Cable-Chomping Canine (Bates): 68, Jul Big Brother Was Listening (Goldman: Roberts; Watts; Siegel): 63, Mar Bioeffects Clarifications (Shulman): 68, Nov (see 62, Sep) Bouvet Madness (Samuels): 64, May Braaten, Arthur M, W2BSR SK (Shipley)1 64 May Code Still Works (Ring): 64, Oct "Confrontation" Confronts the Issue (Ragain)1. 68, Nov Dad's a Believer (Evenson): 62, Jun Deja Vu (Laughlin): 64, Aug Different View, A (Laidman): 64, May Dirty Deeds (Antenna Restrictions) (Sweeley): 64, Oct Disabled Testing Procedures: An MD’s View (Heimansohn): 74, Dec Do What You Say You Will (QSLing) (Boiler): 58. Jul Don't Go Down Without a Fight (220 MH2) (Forbes; Carso): 64, Oct Don't Step on the Pros' Toes (Ferguson); 64, Oct Don't Tune on Me (Furlow): 64, Aug Down the River (Goldwater): 62, Jan Dummy Load, The: Buy One and Use It (Brock): 63, Mar DX-asperation (Thomson): 62, Jun End-Fed Double Schwarz, The (Jahlin): 62, Apr Faster The a Speeding IRC (Richards): 74, Dec Forest Service Fees (Chadwick): 62, Apr From Russia with Thanks (Kaploun): 63, Mar Geography and the Radio Amateur (Beverage): 63, Mar Gift That Keeps on Giving, The (Janicek): 68, Nov G/asnosf: The Great Awakening (Bennett): 63, Mar Good Show, QST (Staffo; Spaulding): 56, Feb Grouch Wins Friends, The (Ferreira)1. 64, Aug Ham Radio and the Metnc System (Strack): 62, Jan Ham Radio with a Smile (Stephens): 64, May Hang in There (Stanfield): 57, Feb How to Recruit New Hams (Martin): 62, Jun Hugo the Horrible (Denbow); 64, May Hugo! (Feeham; Levis): 57, Feb Hurricane Hugo (Young): 62, Jan ft Helps to Care (Milliken): 57, Feb It Must Be Magic Ink (Laskowski): 64, Aug Just Sign Here (Otis): 68, Nov Let My People Phone (Hovey)1. 68, Nov Linguistically Speaking. .. “You Know?" (Lewis): 56, Feb Listen Before You Tune (Wootton)’. 62, Jun Lost Art ot Radio, The (Nichols): 56, fob Magic of Radio, The (Pifke): 62, Jan Montserrat Update (Glaser): 62, Jun Move Toward Metric (Rideout): 62, Jun NE2Q "For ID," or "How to Sound Like a Jerk" (Kolinsky): 64, May New FCC Rule Book: FBI (Race)1 5 6 Fe b One Small Step tor a Ham, a Giant Leap for Hamkind (McGwier): 68, Nov Our Common Destiny (Kawai): 57, Feb Pass it Along (Flintoff): 58, Jul Patch Keeps Spirits Afloat (Longwall)1. 64, Aug Paternity Issue (Glevanik): 74, Dec Poignant Pilgrimage (Bellingerl): 68, Jul PRB-1 Victory (Lunebach)’,62,Jun PRB-1 Works Winders (Butler): 64, May Present and Future State of Amateur Radio, The (Myers): 57, Feb Public Service or Ego Trip? (Pfeiffer): 74, Dec Put Ham Radio into the Classrooms (Ekstrom): 63, Mar QRP Articles are Great (Czuhajewski): 54, May QSA? (Bowden): 74, Dec QSL Morality (Tscharner): 57, Feb QSL Quandary (Васкуs): 62, Jun QSLing—Accuracy Counts (Aitkin): 62, Jun Recruit our Youth (Gallagher)1.64. Aug Recruitment: You Can Make the Difference (Meuse): 62, Jan Repeaters Regale (Prevrty): 58, Jul Rotten QRM (Cooper)1.64, Aug Rotten Radio (Masterman; Cote; Smetona): 62, Apr Saints of the Air (Flynn; Mack; Taylor; Rideout): 56, Feb Space: The Final (Finial1?) Frontier (Brown): 5S, Jul Strays Round up a Herd of Replies (Everding): 58, Jul Thanks from Ft Bragg (Benfield): 64, May Thanks (Bissett): 62, Jan US Operators Do QSL* (Mcmot)' 62 Apr VEs Venerated (Blankenship): 74, Dec Watch Those Band Edges (Erb): 64, May Who's Using 220 MHz? (Kiel): 58, Jul Why QRP? Because it Works (Liles): 62, Apr Your Local Library (Zadoraznyj): 62, Jan FEATURE ARTICLES General Interest 1989—A Second Look (Kleinschmidt): 40, Feb 6Y5EE on Disaster Communications (Palm): 51, Aug 75 Years of QST (New Krk) 13 Dae Almost There on 2300 MHz (Jablin)-.43 ,Jun Amateur Radio is Back on the Shuttle (White): 46, Feb Amateur Radio Roots (Gold): 45. Jun And the Winners Are. .. (White): 51, Jan Are You Ready for SET? (Ewald); 45, Sep Avianca Crash: Disaster and Discord,The (Cain)1. 14, Jun Beginner's Tou r to and Through AMTOR (Mortensen); 53, Nov Best Field Day Ever, The (Tice): 54, Jun Board Affirms Code-Free License Stance (Palm): 54, Sep Board Steers Course for WARC-92, Future (Palm): 53, Mar Calling Home from Vietnam—Part 1 (Vernacchta): 44, Nov Calling Home from Vietnam—Part 2 (Vernacchia)-. 64, Dec Changing Antenna Ordinances—The Easy Way (Walsh): 43, Sep Christmas Regained (Vaughan): 02, Dec Club Bouvet, 3Y5X, Story, The (Enderud and Pedersen): 14, Oct Confessions of a Boyhood Bootlegger (Hall)1.37, Dec Congress: No Fees For Amateurs (Williams): 54, Jan DOVE: The Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder (Loughmiller): 40, May DX from Tarawa (Hess); 49, Nov Earthquake! (Ewald): 15, Mar Father and Son DXpeditlon,PorWleC6A (Wilkinson): 5Q Step FCC Releases Codeless License NPRM: 38. Apr First Time in a Contest (Battles): 58, Aug Friends are Deal FfeopfeiAsh) 15 Arg Friendship Radio Sports Games (Portland ARC)1. 14, May From Texas to the DDR: Che Ham's Heritage (Najork)- 44, Apr Grouch, The (Vaughan): 48, May Growing a Fresh Crop of Hams (Whrte ) 47, Aig Hams Organize Communications for Winter Special Olympics (Hugo): 49, Feb Hams Without Fail (Massata & Pritchett): 45, Aug Helping “Techies” Become Hams (Hale): 43, Aug hbw Ham Radio Changed My Name (Cooper): 50, Jul How One YL Got Started (Miller): 44, Jun How to Have Fun in Ham Radio (Pescatore): 50, May Hugo the Horrible (Palm): 14, Feb IARU Region 2 Finds The Magic in Orlando (Sumner)1 15, Jan In the Blink of an Eye (Curt) .44, Jul In the Spotlight—Amateur Radio Education (Simpson & White): 69, Dec Jim (Flippin); 34, Dec (reprinted from Apr 1935) JOTA Needs You (Dansby): 52, Sep Love My Son, Love His Radios (Gardner): 48, Mar M V Island? (Spino): 67, Dec Maritime Mobile with NP2AZ (Evans): 15, Nov Mlcrosals and You (Loughmiller): 40, Sep Mind of the Contester, The (Cain): 14, Jul Month of Ham Visibility, A (Eksten): 52, Jun Montserrat Memoir, A (Caln): 60, Mar Morse Gode From the Heart (Burch)-.45 ,Jul New Look at 200 Meters & Down (Nash): 50, Nov Outstanding Amateurs Honored at Dayton (Battles): 27, Jul Packet with a Purpose (Cain)- 54, Aug Radio is More Than a Merit Badge (Eichel): 49, Mar Radio Roulette in the Soviet Union (Cain): 50, Apr Recent Disasters Punctuate PurposeforTest (Ewald): 41, Jul Retread, The (Vaughan); 52. Oct Salt, Sentiment and Solid-State (Cotterman): 52, Jul SAREX Boosts Schools' Interest in Ham Radio (White): 72, Aug SAREX Update: Please Stand By (Simpson): 52, Nov Scouting the Future (Booth)1 44, May Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) Generates High Enthusiasm (White): 53, J ul Sister Alverna O'Laughtin, WA0SGJ, 1988 ARRL International Humanitarian (Palm): 53, Jan Successful OSCAR Launch Ushers in the '90s (Loughmiller): 52, Apr Sweepstakes for the Beginner (Halprin): 49, Oct Thh At (Ctopih) 46 fipr Valentine’s Day DX (Massey): 47, Feb VHF/UHF Advisory Committee 13-cm Band Plan Proposal (Kirby): 52, Feb Visit to Headquarters, A (O'BbnJt 51, №v What Do You Get For Your Membership Dues? (Sumner): 18, Mar Wfy QRP? (Chaffin)1 43 Feb World RadioSport Team Championship (Crovelli): 43, Oct Technical 160-Meter Antenna Dilemma, The (DeMaw): 30. Nov 903MHz Lhear Anpifiers— Part 1 (Mascaro)- 18, Jun (see Feedback: 31, Jul) 903-MHz Linear Amplifiers—Part 2 (Mascaro): 28, Jul Antenna Switchers—Part 1 (Bintliff): 31, Jun (see Feedback: 35. Oct) Antenna Switchers—Part 2 (Bintliff): 21, Jul Audio Equalizer Io г Communications Use, An (Rumbolt): 22, thy Balanced Balanced Antenna Tuner, A (Measures): 28, Feb 'BRD Zapper, The: A Quick, Cheap and Easy "ZL Special" Antenna (Nev&iik): 26, Jun Cheap and Easy Control-Signal Level Converters (Galm): 24, Feb Qrcui t tnprovemen b br tte Heath SB 220 Amplifier—Part 1 (Measures): 25, Nov Circuit Improvements (or the Heath SB-220 Amplifier—Part 2 (Measures): 41, Dec C ircdarf у Polar zed Quagi Antennas for Space Communications (Marcus): 24, Jan Closer Look at Horizontal Loop Antennas, A (DeM аи): 28, M ay (see Tech tied Correspondence1 30 Sep) CMOS Super Keyer 11, The (Russell and Southard): 18, Nov Compact "Brick" for 6 Meters, A (Bunn)- 18 Oct Cubic Incher Mods + 30 Meters (DeMaw): 28, Sep Elevator, The: A Simple 220-MHz FM Transverter (Again ) 32 Jan Evolution of the Short Top-Loaded Vertical, The (Michaels): 26, Mar Experimental Band-Switching Dip Meter, An (DeMaw): 18, Jul Folding Dipole for 2 Meters, A (Bergeron): 26, Jun Hands-Off Mobile Operation (Hickox): 25, Apr Intraural Microphone System for Mobile Operation, An (BergerarJ: 22, Nov Laser Conmunica tons Rimer— Part 1, A (Bergeron): 19, Sep Laser-Communications Primer—Part 2. A (Bergeron) 2? Oct Loading Coils for 160-Meter Antennas (Michaels): 28, Apr Microcomputer-Controlled NiCd-Battery Charger, A (Ahrens): 16, Aug More "QRP" EME on 144 MHz (Soifer): 36, Oct Off-Center- Fed Di pole Revisited The- Broadband, Mul- tiband Antenna (Belrose and Bouliane): 28, Aug (see Feedback 40, Oct) Parasitbs Revisited—Part 1 (Measures): 15, Sep Parasitics Revisited—Part 2 (Measures): 32, Oct Portable QRP CW Transceiver, A—Part 1, (Breed).' 44, Dec Practical Battery-Back-Up Power lor Amateur Radio Stations—Part 1 (Thurston): 34. Mar Practical Battery-Back-Up Power br Ana bur Rado Sb tons—Part 2 (Thurston)- 32 Apr, 32 (see Feedback: 39, May) Practical Battery-Back-Up Power for Amateur Radio Staions—Part 3 (Thurston): 25, May, 25 P r 3d cal R alio A urora(Pocock) :20 ,Mar QRP SSB/CW Transceiver for 14 MHz—Part 2, A (Hayward): 28, Jan (see Feedback: 27, Apr) December 1990 203
Simple and Accurate QRP Directional Wattmeter, A (Lewallen): 19, Feb Simple Coaxial-Cable Measurements (Smith)' 25, Sep Single-Board Bilateral 5760-MHz Transverter, A (Campbell): 27, Oct Surface-Mount Technology Primer, A—Part 1 (Bergeron): 48, Dec Tester For Crystal F, Q and R, A (DeMaw); Jan, 21 (see Feedback: 41, Mar) Triband Microwave Dish Feed, A (Hill)*. 23, Aug Using the MC2831A FM Transmitter Subsystem IC (□eMaw): 31, Mar (see Feedback: 39, May) Weather-Facsimile Package tor the IBM PC—Part 1, A (Dahl): 15, Apr (see Feedback: 25, June) Weather-Facsimile Package for the IBM PC—Part 2, A (Dahl): 17, May FM/RPT—Column CTCSS Debate (Battles): 67, Nov FM/RptFl (Repeater-Frequency Interference)—Part 1 (Battles): 70. Sep FM/RptFl (Repeater-Frequency Interference)—Part 2 (Battles): 69, Oct How to Get a Free Repeater Site (Battles): 69, Jun Linking Your Repealer to 10 Meters (Battles): 69, Jun National DTMF Tone Squelch Frequency'?, A—Part 2 (Horzepa): 65, Feb (see Dec 89) National DTMF Tone Squelch Frequency?, A—Part 3 (Horzepa): 76, Mar Radio Daze (Horzepa): 69, Jan Reverse Autopatch (Battles); 79, Dec Simplex, Anyone? (Battles); 63, J d Unpredictable and Fun—10 FM (Ball): 70, Apr HAPPENINGS—News 420-MHz Restrictions Emphasized: 59, Oct 80-Meter Novlce/Tech Subband May Move: 52, May 902-MHz Restrictions Eased: 56, Jul Amateur Fined for Interfering with Commercial Station: 62, Mar Amateur Radio Aims for the Olympics: 56, Nov Amateur Radio Goes to the Goodwill Games: 61, Sep Arizona Hams Exempt from Tower Rufe; 54, May ARAL Awards First Grant For HF Packet Radio Research: 62, Mar ARRL Comments in Docket for 220-222 MHz; 53, May ARRL Comments in FCC WARC-92 Inquiry: 56, Apr ARRL Comments in NT1A Spectrum Management Inquiry: 52, May ARRL Commerts in PCS Docket; 72, Dec ARRL Comments on Proposed Relocation of Novice Subband: 61, Sep ARRL Favors Ruling Against Restrictive Statutes*. 61, Aug ARRL Files Proposal for Automatic HF Operafan of RTTY and Date Transmissions* 54, Feb ARRL Northwestern Division Director Drake, W7RM, Resigns: 61, Mar ARRL Opposes PELTS Proposal (220 MHz): 56, Jun ARRL Receives FEMA Development Grant: 60, Jan ARRL Seeks Relief from "Scanner Laws"; 52 May ARRL "All-Risk" Insurance; 57, Apr Article Rekindles EMF/Cancer Debate: 62, Sep (see 68, Nov) Behind the Diamond: Eddy Pollock, W6LC: 62, Aug Behind the Diamond: Rick Palm, K1CE: 58, Jun Blind Ham Honored at White House (LaBarre. KT0U): 58, Oct Bootleggers Hit Where it Hurts (FCC enforcement).* 57, Jun Browning, Gus, W4BPD, SK: 57, Nov Canada Adopts New Rules; 73, Dec Cartsen, Captain Kurt, W2ZXM, SK: 60, Jan Civilian Ham Gets Army Award: 61, Sep Club Supports WARC Fund: 63, Aug Code-Free Stance Confirmed: 71, Dec Comment Deadline Looms for New Methods to Test Disabled: 58. Oct Commission Eases Code Requirements for Disabled: 60, Sep Communications Act Changes: 73, Dec CRRL President and Counsel Retire: 82, Mar Dannals, Harry, W2HD, Named QCWA President: 61, Jan Death Knel for Cycle 22?: 57. Jun Digital Contol Petition Withdrawn1.57 ,J un DoD Pulls Out of Drill; 56, Nov DOVE Satellite Resuscitated: 61, Sep 204 OSK Equipment Insurance Rales Rise: 60, Oct Extra Class Name Change Petition Denied: 60, Jan FAR Scholarship Winners.- 59, Oct FAR Scholarships Announced; 57. Apr FCC Acte in 20-Meler Disputes: 56, Nov (see 53, May) FOG Allows Call Sign Changes; 61, Sep FCC Atlanta Office Moves: 58, Nov FCC Changes VHF/UHF Beacon Subbands' 53 May FCC Comments on Amateur Feedback to McNamara's Letter: 61, Mar FCC Confiscates CB Gear; 57, Jun FCC Denies Appllcafon for 6 Meters: 54, May FCC Denies Request I orH econsd eeti on'in88-139 ; 62, Sep FCC Enforcement Actions: 57, Jul FCC Enforcement Actions: 58, Nov FCC Enforcement Actions 61, Sep FCC Enforcement Actions: 62, Mar FCC Field Office Address Changes (San Francisco): 55, Feb FCC Forbids Local RF1 Regulations*. 53, May FCC Grants Extension of STA for Automatic HF Packet: 61, Mar FCC Proposes Hiker's Locator Service on 220-222 MHz: 62, Mar FCC Proposes Preferences tor Innovators (220 MHz): Aug 83 FCC Proposes Service Rules for Land Mobile Operation on 220-222 MHz; ARRL Court Battle Continues'. 53, Feb FCC Seeks tnput/Assistance In Resolution of Amateur Dispute; ARRL Responds; 53, Feb (see 56. Nov & 53, May) FCC Shuts Down 75-Meter Pirate , 57 , Jun FCC Shuts Down Unlicensed Broadcaster: 53, May FCC Starts on ARRL “Part 97 Clean-up Petition"; 56, Apr FCC Upholds Bureau-Imposed Forfeiture Against Amateur 62, Mar FCC Watches Cable TV: 57, Nov FCC Widens 5-meter Repeater Subband: 57, Apr FCC Won't Protect Unlicensed Devices at 900 MHz*, 58, Nov Flawless Launch Yields Six OSCARk New Era in Amateur Satellite Communications Begins: 60, Mar Former Ham Convicted (Burton, WB6JAC): 61, Sep Gibbons, Mike, W7KV, SK: 73, Dec Griggs, John. WEKW, SK 54, May Growth in Amateur Ranks* 72 Dec GTE Gives Residential Rates to Autopatches: 61, Mar Ham Aids Hunt for Jammer: 73, Dec Ham Fined, Jailed for Mail Fraud (Harrison, WB2PT1)*. 56, Jun (see 57, Nov) BAM RADIO Magazine Sold: 57, Jun Ham Wins in RFl Lawsu it: 56, Nov Hams Fined lor Willful h terterence: 56 Jin Hams Relay Medical Aid for Soviet Amateur*. 62, Sep ‘ Harrison May Lose License: 57, Nov Harvard Club Hosts Soviets 73, Dec Holmes Appointed as State Department Coordinator tor international Communications and Policy: 61, Jan HQ Staffers Reassigned (W4R1, AA2Z, W1GNC): 58, Oct IARU President Honored (Baldwin, W1RU): 57, Jul Insurance Available to Clubs: 57, Jun hternatibn alAmateu r Radio Arrangements: 58, Jun Judge Dismisses Su it Against Ham.* 62 Aug League Continues 220 Campaign: 56, Jul League Protests Comment Deadline to FCC: 71, Dec League Responds to Telecommunications Inquiry: 56, Jun LeMay Curtis, E.. W6EZV, SK* 72 Dec Lower Phone Rates for Autopatches: 62, Sep "MBA" Rescues DOVE; Then Gets Destroyed: 56,Jun Medrow. Karl. W3FA, SKi 54, May Mich igan Bill Expands Exemption from "Scanner Laws": 56, Jul Milius, Gay . Director Emeritus, W4UG, SK; 62, Aug Moskey, Joe, W1JMY, SK: 54. May Nets Get More Time lo Resolve Disputes: 58, Oct New Jersey Hams Sipport Receiver Law Reform- 53, May Edw art s.D ou^ as. Newsman; 72, Dec Pacific Bell Offers Residential Rates to Amateur Repeaters. 61, Mar Past Delta Division Vice Director Graham Hicks, W5IHP. SK: 82, Mar Petition Supports AM Users* 56 Jj 1 Plaque Presented Honoring 1921 Transatlantic Test Site: 55, Feb PRB-1 Victory in Texas: 62, Aug OST Managing Editor Laird Campbell, W1CUT, Retires: 55, Feb Radio Amateur Caflbook Sold to BPI Communications Inc: 60, Jan Rad' ioCI ib d A mei caEI ectsF d ows: 72, Dec Ratcliffe, Robert H., KB3KC Named Assistant Chief, FCC Mass Media Bureau; 62, Mar R epeatersG et Price Break: 58, Jun RFl Case Dismissed in Washington Superior Court*. 60, Mar Scholarship Winners Named: 73, Dec SGRRBA Suspends Coordination on 902-928 MHz; It Plans Operation In Certain Cities: 60, Mar Simplified Reciprocal Licensing in New Zealand- 60, Jan Threas Bring Amaeuris Arrest 59, Oct WARG Groups Consult 71, Dec WARC Specialist Joins HQ Staff (Bergeron, KB4IYK): 58, Jun W1AW Not in 20-Meter "Dispute": 53, May (see 53, Feb; 56, Nov) WlAW Renovation Update: 63, Aug HINTS AND KINKS AAA NiCds in an AA Charger (Devenish); 39, Nov AGC-Threshold Control for the Heath HW-9 Transceiver, An (Douglas): 43. Mar A-Frame Mast for Home and Held Day, An (Kaplan). 36 ,May Battery Backup lor the HW-5400 Transceiver (Smardon): 37. Jul Bridge Rectifier Solves Keying-Polarity Proble ms (Alexander): 42, Oct Broken-Shield Coupler Can Eliminate TVf, A (Cooper)' 37, Jul Built-In Grille Eases Mobile-Speaker Mounting (Clemons): 41, Oct Cheap and Quick RS-232 C-to-Keyi ig-LI nel it ef аса (Swancara): 36, Feb Cigar-Lighter Polarity Tester, A (Cook): 37, Jul Connecting an Old Microphone to a New Transceiver (Fentern): 41, Oct Constructing Ladder (Open-Wire) Transmission Lane (Measures); 35, Feb Curing Erratic Power Output In the TS-430S Transceiver (Miller): 37, Sep Curing Frequency Drift and Indicator-Light Dimming in the Yaesu FT-101ZD Transceiver (Gamble): 37, May Curing Key Clicks in the Yaesu FT-102 Transceiver (Lacey): 57, Dec Diodes for RF Probes (fsenrlng): 42, Mar Dade-Based QRP TR Switch, A (Garr): 38, Jul Don't Be Foaled by Talking Capacitors (Newkirk)*. 38, Jul Extend the Resistance Measurement Range at a DMM (Nouei); 37, Sep Fast-Attack AGC System lor QSK CW. A (Hayward): 37 (Sep Feedback: Broken-Shield Coupler, A (Newkirk): 42, Oct Feedback: Make Your House Antenna Ready (Murphy): 37, Sep Feeding an 80-Meter Delta Loop at 160 Meters (Koeppe); 37.. Apr Fix for Cable Leakage at Connectors, A (Lacher)' 37, Jul Gauge Fine Wire Simply (Lau): 37, Sep Hardware-Store Special Code-Practice Set, The (Zavarelta): 45, Jan (see Feedback, 41, Jun) Inpravislng a Calibrated Audio Generator (Cardwell): 44, Jan Inexpensive Work Lamps (Jablin)*37, May Keeping Beams on Portable Masts Aimed Correctly (Lau): 36, Aug Longer Lite for Your Quad Antenna (Atkina)' 39 Nov Loop Coupling for J Antennas (Davis): 42, Mar Make Your Own QRP Carry-All (Stlvison); 38, N ov Matte Finish and Panel Labels for Homemade Projects (Mitsuma): 57 , Dec More on Resetting the I COM IC-02AT Tansca Ver Microprocessor (Palmer): 41, Jun More on Reusing Polaroid Polapulsa Batteries (Kimbell): 38,Aig
More on Using TV-Ftyback-Transformer Cores for Filament Chokes (Barton; Myers): 38, Aug More “Low Power1' Power Output for the Yaesu FT-23R Transceiver (Hanburger): 42, Mar Narrow IF Filter for the Heath HW-9 Transceiver, A (Niedermeyer): 40, Jun Narrow RTTY Filter for the Kenwood TS-430S Transceiver, A (Flint): 42, Mar Neat Panel Mount for LEDs, A (Van Ness): 57, Dec New Face for a Recalibrated Meter, A (Lewallen): 35, Feb PVC-Pipe Guy Protectors (Hood): 37, Aug Reducing "Other-VFO" Leakage with the Ten-Tec 243 External VFO (Frey): 36, Apr Remote Up/Down Frequency Control for the ICOM IC-735 Transceiver (Krugaluk); 37, Jut Replacing Battery-Circuit Fusible Links (Klaus): 37, Apr RF Feedback in the Kenwood T8-130S (Blackburn): 37, Apr Stabilizing the Mobile Whip (Gregory): 44, Jan Teaming the W60WP Keying Interface with the Heathkit HW-101 Transceiver (Zvolanek): 38, Nov TNC Connect Alarm, A (Smardon): 41, Oct TNC Message-Wailing Alerter, A (Hansen): 56, Dec Tower Antr-Climbing Shields (Brown): 44, Jan Tracking Down Diode-Intermodulation Interference (Humphreys): 37, Aug TS-440S Selectivity Modification for CW (Elson): 37, Aug Use Your Soldering Gun to Demagnetize Tools (Jablin): 37, Aug Using the Kenwood BS-8 Panoramic-Display Module with Generic Oscilloscopes (Hunter): 43, Mar VCR Batteries for Ham Gear (Falls): 36, Feb Voltage-Variable Audio Oscillator, A (Hunt): 41, Jun Warning on Using a Grass Edger to Cut Concrete (Burch): 41, Jun Water Makes Driving Ground Rods Easier (Hinshaw): 37, Aug Winding Large Coils on a Motorized Barbecue Spit (Comfort): 43, Mar HOW’S DX?—Column (White) Baltics, The: 61, Oct Digital DXing: 59, Nov DXotlc Visages: 61, May expedition Pileup Management: 65, Aug Gus (Browning, W4BPD, SK): 83, Dec Novice Band DXCC: You Can Do It!: 59, Jul Timeless DX Friendship with YK1AA, A: 63, Sep Vanuatu Voyagers: 59, Jun W1FH—Role Model: 63, Jan WA4DPU—Honor Roll at Age 28: 61, Feb XT2CW—A One-Man DXpedition to Burkina Faso: 65, Mar YASME/The Colvins: 59, Apr IARU CRRL President and Counsel Retire: 62, Mar IARU President Honored: 57, Jul IARU Region 2 Finds The Magic In Orlando (Sumner): 15, Jan IARU Newa—Column (Baldwin) 60 Years of PZK: 70, Feb Amateur Radio at WARC-92: 74 ,Aug CCIR Celebrates 60th Anniversary: 73, Jan IARU President Honored: 57, Jul Maritime Mobile Net List: 85, Dec Membership in Your National Society—Hie Long-Term Benefits: 69, Jul Responsibility: 74, Oct Singapore SEAnet of 1989, The: 71, May Sixty-fifth Anniversary of IARU: 71, Apr INFORMATION ARRL Outgoing OSL Bureau System, The: 77, Dec ARRL Publications Acceptance Criteria: 20, Jan Audited ARRL Financial Statements Released: 57, May Board Affirms Code-Free License Stance (Palm); 54, Sep Board Steers Course for WARC-92, Future (Palm): 53, Mar Committee Submits “Strawman" Position on Docket 90-55 for Board Consideration: 54, Jul Communications Procedures in Disasters: 15, Feb “Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide," The: 57, Jan FCC Releases Codeless License NPRM: 38, Apr Frequency Allocation Chart: 58, Jan Hitting the Limit (Lindhoim): 57, Oct League Advisory Committee Members: 58, Apr League WARC-92 Preparations Continue: 55, May License Renewal information: 57, Jan Moved and Seconded. , .: 55. Mar, 59, May; 56, Sep New Land Record on 3.4 GHz (Libby); 69, May US Amateur Frequency and Mode Allocations. Power Limits: 58, Jan VHF/UHF Advisory Committee 13-cm Band Plan Proposal (Kirby); 52, Feb W1AW Schedule; 84, Jan; 71, Jun; 81, Aug; 85, Nov WARC-92 Draft US Proposals Released (Sumner): 42, Nov What Do You Get For Your Membership Dues? (Sumner): 18, Mar IT SEEMS TO US—Editorial Amateur's Code, The: 9, May Automatic Control (proposal for HF); 9, Feb Communicator (codeless license): 9, Apr Confrontation (on-air conflict): 9, Sep (see Correspondence: 68, Nov) Farewell to an Old Friend (HAM RADIO magazine folds): 9, Jun Goodwill Dream, The: 9, Oct (see 43, Oct) It Seemed Like A Good Idea (RM-7248, automatic control on HF): 9, Jun Potpourri (WARC-92, DXCC, 220 MHz): 9, Nov Rotten Operating (Bouvet 3Y5X QRM): 9, Mar WARC-92 Agenda, The: 9, Jul WARC-92 Agenda Released: 9, Aug WARC-92: 9, Jan WARC-92 Model Microwave Pressure Cooker, The: 9, Dec KEYING AND CONTROL CIRCUITS AGC-Threshold Control for the Heath HW-9 Transceiver, An (Douglas): 43, Mar Bridge Rectifier Solves Keyfng-Polarity Problems (Alexander): 42, Oct Cheap and Easy Control-Signal Level Converters (Galm): 24, Feb Cheap and Quick RS-232-C-to-Keying-Line Interface (Swancara): 36, Feb CMOS Super Keyer II, The (Russell and Southard): 18, Nov Code Still Works (Ring): 64, Oct Curing Key Clicks in the Yaesu FT-102 Transceiver (Lacey): 57, Dec CW6805 CW Keyboard Update (Oscarson): 39, May Diode-Based QRP TR Switch, A (Carr): 38, Jul Fast-Attack AGC System for QSK CW, A (Hayward): 37, Sap Hands-Off Mobile Operation (Hlckox): 25, Apr Hardware-Store Special Code-Practice Set, The (Zavarella): 45, Jan (see Feedback, 41, Jun) Remote Up/Down Frequency Control for the ICOM IC-735 Transceiver (Krugaluk): 37, Jul Teaming the W60WP Keying Interface with the Heathkit HW-101 Transceiver (Zvolanek): 38. Nov TNC Connect Alarm, A (Smardon): 41, Oct TNC Message-Waiting Alerter, A (Hansen); 56, Dec TS-440S Selectivity Modification for CW (Elson): 37, Aug MEASUREMENT AND TEST EQUIPMENT Cigar-Lighter Polarity Tester, A (Cook): 37, Jul Diodes for RF Probes (lsenring) .42 ,Mar Experimental Band-Switching Dip Meter, An (D Л1 av) :18 ,J ll Extend the Resistance-Measurement Range of a DMM (Nouel): 37, Sep Improvising a Calibrated Audio Generator (Cardwell): 44, Jan Microcomputer Controlled NiCd-Battery Charger, A (Ahrens): 16, Aug New Face for a Recalibrated Mater, A (Lewallen): 35, Feb Simple and Accurate QRP Directional Wattmeter, A (Lewallen): 19, Feb Simple Coaxial-Cable Measurements (Smith): 25, Sap Tester For Crystal F, Q and R, A (DeMaw): Jan, 21 Feedback: 41, Mar Voltage-Variable Audio Oscillator, A (Hunt): 41, Jun NEW BOOKS Complete DXer, The (White): 39, Feb Fine Tuning's Proceedings 1989 (Newkirk): 30, Jun From Spark fo Space; A Pictorial Journey Through 75 Years of Amateur Radio (White): 70, Feb Genius at Riverhead: A Profile of Harold H. Beverage (Healy): 31, Jul Laser Cookbook: 88 Practical Projects, The (Alkins): 39, Jun McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms (Kleinschmidt): 60, May Microwave Handbook, Volume 1: Components and Operating Techniques (Hailfdy): 69, Jun Night Signals (Schetgen): 51, Feb Radio Frequency User's Guide to the Space Environment Services Center Geophysical Alert Broadcasts (Pagel): 41, Nov Space Almanac (Nelson): 48, Feb Talk to the World: Canadian Amateur Radio Licensing Manual (Wolfgang): 38, Oct NEW PRODUCTS A & A Engineering 450-MHz Spectrum Analyzer: 50, Jan Alabama Amateur Electronics Quad Antennas: 23, Jan Alpha Delta Rotator Control-Line Surge Protector: 50, Jan Ampire Mast-Mount VHF/UHF Preamplifiers: 39, Feb Computer CW-Keyboard Program and Interface Kit: 53, Sep Connect Systems, Inc, Products; 36, Jun CSI Repeater/Duplex-Autopalch Controller: 38, Feb Dual-Band VHF/UHF Quad: 42, Aug Engineering Systems DX Window Program: 29, Jun Etched-Glass Desk Placard: 63, Feb FCC Data Base on CD-ROM: 35, Apr Ham Radio Novelty Tee Shirts and Caps: 35, Apr Hand-Held Frequency Counter: 53, Jun HD-73 Rotator Available Again: 59, Dec Heights Towers Again Available*.27 ,Aug Improved ONV Safety Belts: 39, Feb (also see Product Review, Dec 89) Improved Philiystran Non-Metallic Tower Guys: 53, Jun K6STI's MN and Yagl Optimizer Antenna-Analysis Software: 41, Aug LTA HF and VHF Yagi Antennas: 52 Feb M2 Enterprises is Again Distributing its Own Products: 36, Jun Microprocessor-Controlled Miniature DTMF Decoder: 27, Aug Packet Radio Cartridge tor Commodore 64" Computers: 31, Apr Parasitic-Suppressor Kits for MF/HF Amplifiers, Telephone RFI Kits: 75, Apr Portable Alternative Power: 30, Jun Quorum Communications Downconvertera: 32, Nov RF Concepts Dual-Band ''Brick'': 53, Sep Rotating Tower Systems for Rohn 25 Towers: 35, May Rotator Spike Protector; 53, Sep TCE Laboratories RFI Piters; 38, Feb Telephone RFI Filters: 36, Jul Yagi-Deagn Software: 57, Dec NOVICE NOTES Hamfests—A Great Tradition (Hale): 54, Apr Murphy’s Law and Self-Defense (Booth): 47. Jan Pagalu Safari (Kearman): 42, May VHF/UHF FM Repeaters—Part f-.Ham Radio .Local Style (Booth): 48, Jul VHF/UHF FM Repeaters—Part 2*.What You’ll Need to Play (Booth): 59, Aug VHF/UHF FM R epela ers-₽ art ЭА D ay intt d_'fi e of Six-Four (Booth): 48, Sep Your Novice Accent (Williams): 38, Dec (reprint from Nov 1956 QST) ON LINE—Column (Horzepa) Taking the Bulletins by the Horns: 66, Feb Winter Wonderland of Software: 72, Jan OP-ED—Column Case lor Tolerance, The (McCarthy); 70, Oct Is Urban Amateur Radio Doomed? (Vandermay): 82, Dec New Op-Ed Column in OST (Sumner): 70, Oct QST Op-Ed Policy: 70, Oct ORGANIZATIONAL Board Affirms Coda-Fres License Stance (Pa/mJ.1 54, Sep December 1990 205
Board Steers Course for WARC-92, Future (Palm): 53, Mar HQ Staffers Reassigned: 53, Oct Visit Io Headquarters, A (O’Brien): 51. Nov VHF/UHF Advisory Committee 13-cm Band Plan Proposal (Kirby): 52, Feb What Do You Get For Your Membership Dues (Sumner): 16, Mar At the Foundation—Column (Schetgen-Carcia) Back to School with a Double-Header: 73, Sep Good News For Scholarship Seekers: 65, Jul In Service To You, the Member: 64, Mar Look At Your Generous Spirit, A: 58, Feb Our New Treasurer: 64, Apr Rocketing Into The Nineties: 70. Jan VkYIP Challenge, The: 70, May Want Some Money for School?: 73, Nov Ciub Spectrum—Column (Palm) Awareness Day '69!: 72, Apr Amateur Radio Public Awareness Day: 74, Sep Fort McHenry Station Sings Anthem’s Praises: 69, Feb Remington Elementary School ARC: 74, Sep Thompson Island: DXpedition on a Budget: 86, Dec Welcome New Special Service Clubs: 72, Apr Elections ARRL Members Elect Representatives: 59, Jan Division Director Elections: 57, Nov League Members to Choose Board Representatives: 55, Jul Repeat Nominating Solicitation: 55, Feb Repeat Nominating Solicitation: 61, Jan Second Notice: ARRL Board Elections Call for Nominations: 61, Aug Section Manager Ejection Notice: 61, Jan; 55, Feb; 54. May; 57, Jul; 63, Aug; 58, Nov; 60, Oct; Section Manager Election Results: 61, Jan; 57, Apr. 57, Jul; 80, Oct Vermont SM Recalled; New SM Named: 57, Apr Moved and Seconded.-. 55, Mar; 59, May; 56, Sep PACKET RADIO ARES/Data: A Packet Data Base for Emergency Public Service Communication (Moemer & Palmer): 75, Dec ARRL Awards First Grant For HF Packet Radio Research: 62, Mar BPL for Digital SysOps? (award): 68, Aug More on Baud Rate—Ughl (Lackey): 44. Mar INC Connect Alarm, A (Smardon): 41, Oct TNC Message-Waiting Alerter, A (Hansen): 56, Dec Packet Perspective—Column (Horzepa) Digital Signal Processing of Packet Radio. The; 66, Ju! DX Operating Partners: Your Station and PacketClustert 67, May HF Packet SRO Redux: 72, Sep Packet Radio Basics—Part 1; Computers Acting Like Terminals: 73, Aug Packet Radio Basics—Part 2: 67, Oct Packet Radio Basics—Part 3: The ABCs of TCP/IP (Horzepa): 80, Dec Standing-Room Only on HF Packet: 65, Jun Welcome to Packet Perspective!: 79, Mar Winter Packet Projects: 71, Nov Your Gateway to PACSAT Radio: 57, Apr PRODUCT REVIEW AEA AT-300 Antenna Tuner (DeMaw): 35, Aug AEA MM-3 Morse Machine (Kilgore & Wolfgang); 32. Jul Cushcraft D3W World Ranger 12, 17 and 30-Meter Rotatable Dipole (Newkirk): 40, Oct Cushcraft R5 Multiband Vertical Antenna (Sumner): 39, Oct Down East Microwave 23-cm and 13-cm Loop Yagis (Wilson): 35, Jut Garant Enterprises GD-8 "Wfidom” Antenna (Hall): 30, Sep (see Clarification: 37, Nov ICOM 1C-2GAT Hand-Held 2-Meter FM Transceiver (Battles): 37, Jun ICOM 10-725 MF/HF Transceiver (Kleinschmidt) 38. Mar ICOM 10-765 160- to 10-Meter Transceiver (Wilson): 52, Dec ICOM IC-731 160- to 10-Meter Transceiver (Wilson): 39,Jan SHF Systems SHF 1240K 1296-MHz Transverter Kit (Lau): 33, Feb Solicitation for Product Review Equipment Blds; 73, Jan; 34. Feb; 39, Jun; 37, Nov Ten-Tec Omni V Model 562 160-10 Meter Transceiver (Kleinschmidt): 33, Nov Yaesu FT-470 Dual-Band Hand-held VHF/UHF Transceiver (Hale): 32, Sep Yaesu FT-736R VHF/UHF Transceiver (Wilson): 30, May PUBLIC SERVICE 6Y5EE on Disaster Communications (Palm): 51, Aug Amateur Radio Emergency Service—Southern Style, The (Grant): Jul, 63 ANEROOM Final Report, January 1990—Part 1 (Kandel): 74, Mar ANERCOM Final Report. January 1990—Part 2 (Kandel): 65, Apr Are You Ready tor SET? (Ewald): 45, Sep ARRL HQ Emergency Operations Plan: 52, Aug Avianca Crash: Disaster and Discord, The (Cain): 14,Jun BPL for Digital SysOps? (award): 68, Aug Communications Procedures in Disasters: 15, Feb Disaster Communications Procedures: 52, Aug DoD Pulls Out ot Drill (NDMS): 56, Nov Don’t Step on the Pros’ Toes (Avianca crash) (Ferguson): 64, Oct Earthquake! (Ewald): 15, Mar Hama Help After Murphy Delivers Ice-Covered Valentine’s Day (Craig): Jun, 63 Hams Organize Communications for Winter Special Olympics (Hugo. M.); 49, Feb Hams Relay Medical Aid for Soviet Amateur: 62, Sep How Public Officials View Amateur Radio (Turner): 65, May Hugo the Horrible (Denbow): 64, May Hugo the Horrible (Palm); 14, Feb Hugo' (Feeham', Levis)'. 57 , Feb Hurricane Hugo (Young); 62, Jan International Assistance and Traffic Net (Palm): 53, Aug NTS in Disaster Communications: Does it Do the Job?—Part 1 (Gmelin): Aug, 66 NTS in Disaster Communications: Does it Do the Job?—Part 2 (Gmelin): Sep, 67 PSAC Roster; 69, Nov PSHR Revision: Your Input Needed Now (Staples): 69, Nov Public Service or Ego Trip? (traffic handling) (Pfeiffer): 74, Dec Recent Disasters Punctuate Purpose tar Test (Ewald); 41, Jul Sierra In term curtain Emergency Radio Association Relays for Pony Express Rerun (Uebele): Jan, 66 Texas Amateurs Get On-the-Job Training in Chemical Explosion and Fire (Rowlett): 69, Nov There's More Than One Way To Skin A Cat (hams operating commercial radio gear) (Eggers): 59, Feb Tornado Alley (Hensley); Oct, 65 Traffic Topix: ARL Nineteen (Patience): 59, Feb QST PROFILES Bob Locher, W9KNI—The Key to Success (Cain); 46, Sep Cliff Stoll, K7TA: The Sky's No Lim it (Cain): 49, Aug Dick Ehrhom, W4ETO—The Man trom Alpha- 47, Nov Future Shock: A Conversation with Phil Karn, KA9Q (Booth): 48, Apr Ham of Note, A: Larnell Harris, WD4LZC (Cain); 49. Jan Jerry S evick, W2FMI: Coiled to Strike (Caln): 47, Oct Meet a Legitimate Triple Threat—Bill Wilkinson, N3GTW (Halprin): 46, Jul Sleightly Delayed (Pat Kelley, KA3THS) (Caln); 46, May The Write Stuff: A Conversation with Cindy Wall, KA7ITT (Booth): 46, Jun Tony Bonglovi, KX2Z (Kleinschmidt): 46, Mar SPECIAUZED COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIQUES 220-MHz SSB Activity Directory: 52, Jan 3rd ARRL RTTY Roundup Announcement: 102, Dec Almost There on 2300 MHz (Jablln): 43, Jun Amateur Radio is Back on the Shuttle (White, R.): 46, Feb Beginner’s Tour to and Through AMTOR (Mortensen): 53, Nev Laser Communications Primer—Pert 1, A (Bergeron): 19, Sep Laser-Communications Primer—Pert 2, A (Bergeron); 22, Oct Microwave Amplifier Update (Ward): 37, Feb More “QRP" EME on 144 MHz (Soifer): 36, Oct New Land Record on 3.4 GHz (Libby): 69, May Results, 13th Annual ARRL International EME Competition (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 87, May Results, Second ARRL RTTY Roundup (Blegen 8 Lunt): 78, Aug Rules, ARRL International EME Competition: 78, Sep SAREX Boosts Schools' Interest in Ham Radio (White): 72, Aug SAREX Update: Ptease Stand By (Simpson): 52, Nov Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) Generates High Enthusiasm (White): 53, Jul Successful OSCAR Launch Ushers in the '90s (Loughmiller): 52, Apr Triband Microwave Dish Feed (Hill): 23, Aug Weather-Facsimile Рас kage for the IBM PC—Part 1, A (Dahl): 15. Apr (s ее Feedback; 25, June) Weather-Facsimile Package for the IBM PC—Part 2, A (Dahl): 17, May STRAYS 220-MHz SSB Activity Directory: 52, Jan AACS Roundup: 61, Jun Abegwett Award Update: 71, Apr Air Force Supports Amateur Radio (Skoch): 72, Jun All in the Family: 47, Sep Amateur Memorial (monument Io fallen hams) (Turner): 73, Oct; 87, Dec Amateur Radio License Plates (Pennsylvania and Virginia): 71, Jul Amateur Radio Marches On (FCG statistics): 94. Oct Amateurs Wanted tor Study (license exam preparation): 52, Feb Anchors Aweigh (SS Lane museum): 47, Apr Apple* Code Practice Software Needed: 59, Sep ARRL and RSGB Commemorate Transatlantic First (plaque dedication): 65, Sep Belay that Captionl (Wlchels); 66, Sep Birdman of Escondido: 45. Sep CAAR Races Ahead in New York City; 40. Dec Call in the Family: 72, Jun Canadian Award; 49, Jun Closing on Half a Million (FCC license statistics): 94, Oct Communications Museum (Texas): 94, Oct CQ Dr Howard , Dr Fine ,Dr Howard ... (hospital communications): 66, Mar CQ Eagle Scouts: 71, Apr Dearing, Bill. W5QN: 71, Jul Do You Need a Man? (Isle of Man): 82, Sep Dori 11 Know You? (Cantrell): 94, Oct Don't Leave Home Without tt (Rosenthal): 66, Sep "Down East" NTS Nel Needs You [Maine net): 17, Nov DX Aid for Sightless Hams: 51, Sep Eico Address; 79, Mar Electric Avenues: 46, Aug Elk Call (BPOE net):63, Oct Family Field Day: 71, Oct Final Resting Place: 53, Jun First with the Fax (Todd): 66, Sep Friend Remembered, A (Hullck): 66, Sep GB2 Science Museum: 65, Nov Get in Touch (Genthner): 63, Oct Goldwater. Barry, K7UGA (QST congratulates on 60-year ARRL membership)* 76 Mar Government Counts on This Ham (census taker W5RQK); 61. Oct Ham in Space (SAREX—Ron Parise ,WA4SIR)-. 60, May Hamming with Your Sisters (sister cities) (Turner): 66, Sep Her Majesty’s Hams (British peers): 46, Aug Improving the Odds 'in Alaska; 36, Dec ti brna ton al Himan lir dn о t th Йаг Aar d (Sister Alverna O'Laughlin): 51, Jul Johnson, E. F,, Happy Birthday: 55, Jun 206 П5Ъ
Licensing Relaxed for Immigrants to South Africa: 49, Jul Make Your Meetings Sparkle (public speaking): 67, Aug Maroonedl (Schiller): 69, Jun Married... with Tickets (Bozarth): 66, Sep More Computer Enthusiasts: 51, Sep N6KW QSL Cards Calls it Quits: 39, May Nail Those Gs: 61, Jun NASA/Goddard ARC: 58, Jul New Book Tells the W6AM Story: 71, Nov New Magazine for Vintage Radio Fans (British magazine Haoto Bygones): 59, Jun Nonagenarian Ham: 65, Jun Not Just Chasing Roos (visit to Australia): 49, Jun Not Wasting Any Time (Sheldon): 76, Sep Now, Where Did She Get That Idea?: 61, Oct Penn 250th Anniversary: 51, Jul Pitcairn, Bicentennial (Smith) 80, Sap Please Don't Everyone Climb Up at Once: 40, Dec Publicity Tips: 49, Jun Publicize Amateur Radio (Amateur Radio Public Awareness Day) 61, Jun QST Congratulates Dr John D. Kraus, W8JK: 81, Mar Radio Museum (Minnesota): 30, Mar RID Reunion: 79, Mar SAW Battalion Reunion: 25, Jun Small World (Ash): 46, Nov Special Education Scholarship: 67, Aug St Nick's ATV Visit: 80, Dec Stop Calling Me, I Can't Hear You (QRP): 53, Aug Buch a Deal! (ARRL publications value): 62, Jun Suncoast Seniors Brochures and Poster Experiences: 74, Jan Sunspot Spotters: 69, Jun TA Profile: Bob Rose, K6GKU (Pagel): 63, Feb Thirty-Year Dream Come True (Hawaii expedition) (Page): 94, Oct Transatlantic Northampton Greetings: 53, Jun UF-U6SR Oblast 013: 37, Jul United Nations Assigns Call to World Bank: 71, Jan Up, Up and Away (balloon experiment): 59, Dec User Groups (ham gear nets): 61, Jun Veteran Post (American Legion radio post): 73, Oct Wanted: VE in VE-Land: 49, Jul WAS in Mexico: 33, Nov Write About Slow-Scan TV for QST and OEX; 46, Jan WWII Spy Radios (British museum): 71, Apr Wyoming Celebration: 27, Jun TECHNICAL CORRESPONDENCE , Bamboo Source (Frohne): 44, Mar Cail tor an Audio-Interface Standard (Bruninga): 40, Aug Chemical Imbalance (Wqclechowskf): 40, Aug Converting the Ну-Gain 204BA for 17-Meter Operation (Cox): 69, Dec Correction: May 1990 QST Antenna-Radiation Patterns (Healy): 38, Sep CW6805 CW Keyboard Update (Oscarson): 39. May Designing Spectral Purity into a Band-Imaging Transceiver (Hayward): 39, Aug Driven-Element Efficiency in the 432-MHz Circular Quag! (Overbeck): 38, May G5RV Coax (Noecker): 37, Feb ICOM IC-22S Replacement IC (Brian): 44, Mar I COM Service Connection (Schetgen): 44. Mar Impact of Current Distribution on Array Patterns. The (Lewallen)- 39, Jul Improved input Circuit for Parallel-Tube VHF Power Amplifiers. An (McGee; Evan^: 40, Nov Microwave Amplifier Update (Ward): 37, Feb More on Baud Rate—Ugh! (Lackey): 44, Mar More on Tree Supports (O'Toole; Clark; Amos): 37, Feb More on Tree-Supported Antennas (Ratfaele): 44, Mar Programming in 0 (Purdum): 45, Mar Propagation Predictions and Personal Computers (Hall): 5% Dec Safety First! (Czuhajewski): 41, Nov Space EnViranmart Laboratory Public Computer BBS (Rosenthal); 41, Nov Transceiver Audio-Frequency Response (Measures): 44, Mar Tube-Number Cross Reference (Walsh): 44, Mar Tunable Receiver Preselectors—Worth the Trouble? (Lau): 38, Feb Using the NE602 (Zavrel)- 38 May Will the Real Versa Loop Gain Figures Please Stand Up! (Healy): 39, May YAG1NEC Updat e (G oidon): 37, F eb VHF AND MICROWAVES Announcing the Fifth ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest: 82, Jun ARRL June VHF QSO Party Plaque Program: 65, May Microwave Amplifier Update (Ward): 37, Feb New Land Record on 3.4 GHz (Libby); B9, May Results, 13th Annual ARRL International EME Competition (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 87, May Results, 1969 September VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Burke): 76, Jan Results, 1990 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 92, Dec Results, 1990 ARRL UHF Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 98, Dec Results, 1990 ARRL VHF January Sweepstakes (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 75, Jun Results, Fourth Annual ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest (Lunt & Stankewlcz): 83, Mar Rules, 1990 ARRL UHF Contest 80, Jul Rules, 1990 CRRL Fall VHF/UHF Sprints: 78, Sep Rules, 44th January VHF Sweepstakes: 101, Dec Rules, ARRL International EME Competition: 78, Sep Rules, June VHF QSO Party: 86, May Rulas, September VHF QSO Party: 62, Aug VHF/UHF Advisory Committee 13-cm Band Plan Proposal (Kirby): 52, Feb World Above 50 MHz, The—Column (Tynan) 1990 Central States VHF Conference—Another Success: 69, Sep 1990 Es Season Gets Underway—in a Big Way: 71, Aug 1-1/4-Meter Standings: 64, Feb 2-Meter Standings: 69, Jan; 72, Aug 50-MHz DX Standings: 68, May; 66, Nov 70-cm Stand ings: 77, M ar; 71, Sep Beacons QSY, The- 66 Jun Can We Talk?: 66, Oct Computerized VHF Data Base, A: 66, Nov EME Annals: 67, Jun G'Day. Mates: 68, May Microwave Standings: 69, Apr More Ideas for Enhancing Chances for Working DX on 50 MHz: 68, Jan New Group of VHFers, A: 67, Jul New Way to Report, A: 68, Apr Over the Top, at Last: 64, Feb Reporting: 77, Mar VHF/UHF—At the Crossroads-. 78, Dec VHF/UHF Century Club Awards (Kustosik) 70, Apr; 65, Jul; 47, Aug; 96, Oct VHF/UHF Gentury Club Awards Annual Listing (Kustosik): 90, Dec Note; Beginning with the Dec issue, the 50 and 25 Years Ago column became 75, 50 and 25 Years Ago. December 1990 207
Index to Volume LXXV—1991 Compiled By Brian Battles, WS10 QST Features Editor How to Use This Index Items are listed according to the monthly column under which they appeared and/or under any category (or categories) that generally describes them. The name of the author(s) appears in parentheses, followed by a colon, then the page number and issue. Examples: "Building-Supply Yagi, The (Morgan): 22, Mar" appears under Feature Articles—Technical and Antennas and Transmission Lines. "Mayday! There's Been a Plane Crash! (Cary): 50, Mar” appears under Feature Articles—General Interest and Public Service. Some items have additional subject-description information, or the name of a department in which it appeared, in brackets after the title . AMATEUR SATELLITES Commission Seeks Further Comment on WARC-92 Satellite Issues (Happenings): 59, May DXCC Satellite on a Shoestring (Douglas): 67, May Heil Joins Satellite Show: 62, Jul Phase Adjustment Technique for a 4-Element Square Phased Vertical Array (Lahlum): 39, Mar Reflections of a M crosat Lab Volunteer (Hine): 14, Aug Sixth AMSAT-UK Colloquium, The (Rinaldo): 59, Oct Weatherfax Software Update (Pagel): 46, Jun Weather-Satellite Publication: 42, Oct Tuning OSCAR with Separate Radios (Summers): 25, Mar Young Voices from Space; 17, Jul Amateur Satellite Communications— Column (Loughmiller & Ward) Imagining the Global В ill etin Board (Ward): 72, Mar It's Only Software (Ward): 59, Jan Look at Satellite Modes, A (Loughmiller): 68, Aug Look at the Easybird: RS-10/11, A (Loughmiller): 75, Feb More Mode A and a Look at Operating Etiquette (Loughmiller): 73, Apr Trials of Satellite Testing, The (Ward): 80, Jun Tune in to Telemetry (Ward): 87, Dec UoSAT-OSCAR-22 in О rb't (Ward): 70, S ep ANTENNAS AND TRANSMISSION LINES 160-Meter Antennas (Belrose): 49, Jul 20-Meter Money Eater, The (Munroe): 60, Apr Alternative Antenna Insulators (Raffasle): 39, Oct Antenna Here is a Dipole (Healy): 23, Jun Better 7- and 21-MHz Operation with a 7-MHz Dipole (Raffaele): 43, Dec BNC Connectors Handle Switching in a Flexible Antenna Tuner (Lau): 31, Oct Build a Portable Groundplane Antenna (Lau): 33, Jul Building-Supply Yagi, The (Morgan): 22, Mar Clothesline Dipole, A (Galgan): 32, Sep Connectors for (Almost) All Occasions— Part 1 (Newkirk): 35, Apr Connectors for (Almost) All Occasions— Part 2 (Newkirk): 34, May Corrections to W2DU's Reflections (Maxwell): 42, Aug Curtains for You (Cain): 26, Oct Dress Up Your Antenna Farm for the Holidays (Wertz): 44, Dec EZY Launcher, The (Calvert): 34, Jun Feeding Dipole Antennas (Healy): 22, Jul Florida Amateurs Knock Down Municipal Antenna Regulations: 58, Jun Frequency Counters and Feed-Line Information (Hare): 45, May Glass-Mounted 2-Meter Mobile Antenna, A (English): 31, Apr Inexpensive 6-Meter Loop Antenna, An (Hecker): 37, Jan Inexpensive Connectors Can Be Costly! (Collins): 46, May It’s a Standoff (Ettenhofer): 39, Oct Light and Sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 Meters, A (Wellenius): 30, Jul Limited-Space Dipole Support, A (Dion): 22, Sep Mag-Mount Surface Maintenance (Boles): 39, Aug Match Bandwidth of Resonant Antenna Systems (Witt): 21, Oct MININEC: The Other Edge of the Sword (Lewallen): 18, Feb (see Feedback: 46, May) More on Feed'ng Dipole Antennas (Kleinfeld): 42, Oct More on the Glass-Mounted 2-Meter Mobile Antenna (English): 41, Sep More cn the Half Sloper (Belrose)1 39 Feb (see Feedback: 46, Apr) Murphy's Laws: Antennas and DX (Schoenery 48 Sep "My Feed Line Tunes My Antenna!" (Goodman): 33, Nov Proposed "Tree Ordinance” Put Seattle Ham on a Limb: 58, May Quick Rower and Antenna Dsconnects br Equipment Lightning Safety (Lang): 43, Jun Replace the Connector, Not the Antenna (Al : 38 .Sep RFD-1 and RFD-2: Resonant Feed-Line Dipoles (Taylor): 24, Aug Rugged Side-Mounting for Rotatable Antennas (Keown): 30, Feb Simple 50-0 Feed for Three-Element Mono- band Beams (Zavrel)' 43 Dec Simple, Effective Dual-Band Inverted-L Antenna, A (Monticelli): 38, Jul Some Thoughts About Transmission Line Myths (Lau): 45, May Strengthening the Cushcraft 40-2CD (Leeson): 36, Nov Super Rover, The (Comly): 26, May SWR Doesn't Vary Along a Feed Line (Maxwell): 53, Nov Tower Victory: 61, Aug Transforming the Balun (Belrose): 30, Jun Trees and Verticals (Whiffen): 53, Nov Using a Nose Bridge to Measure Coaxial - Cable Impedance (Althouse): 45, May COMPUTERS APLINKINTS—The AMTOR/Packet Traffic Solution (Comstock, Jennings, Thompson): 57, Jan APLINK: The Delivery Systems—Part 1 (Mortensen): 73, Oct APLINK\ The Delivery Systems—Part 2 (Mortensen): 81, Nov Computer Program Update Available (Dion): 45, Jun Computer Remote Control of an Amateur Radio Station (Amodeo & Schultz): 25, Nov "Go Fetch My Mail" Solution, The: 62, Jan (Horzepa) Imagining the Global Bulletin Board (Ward): 72, Mar Inexpensive Compute г/Radio Interface, An (Kalata): 24, Sep (see Feedback: 46, Dec) MtNINEC: The Other Edge of the Sword (Lewallen): 18, Feb (see Feedback: 46, May) National Traffic System Embraces Digital Systems: Digital Coordinators Appointed to NTS Official Roster: 75, Apr Ohio EC Offers Free Commodore Logger-. 86, Feb New HF Digital System Unveiled: 70, Dec NTS-Affiliated APLINK Stations: 81, Nov Packet Hardware lor Beginners (Hale): 20, Jan Packet Radio Basics, Part 4: Beyond the ABCs of TCP/IP: 74, Feb Packet Radio Basics, Part 5; The XYZs of TCP/IP: 75, Mar Packet Radio Basics, Part 6: Now Know Nodes: 82, Jun Packet Radio Basics, Part 7 Continued: Getting Aboard Bulletin Boards: 74, Sep Packet Radio Basics, Part 7: Getting Aboard Bulletin Boards- 73 Aug Packet Radio Basics, Part 3: Are There Any Questions? 80, Dec Software/Hardware Information and Sources (Horzepa): 62, Jan Using Packet to Process Radiogram Traffic (Comstock): 69, Feb Weatherfax Software Update (Pagel)-. 46, Jun CONTESTS AND OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contest Announcements/Rules 58th ARRL November Sweepstakes Announcement 103 Oct Announcing the Sixth ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest: 57, Jun Announcing th eW dk er A .T ompkins Writing Award and Contest (Turner): 45, Jan Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria: 78, Jan Field Day Rules: 92, May Rules 1991 ARRL UHF Contest; 83 Jul Rules, 1991 Novice Roundup: 79, Jan Rules, 1991 School Club Roundup: 78, Jan Rules ,1992 ARRL International DX Contest: 98, Dec Rules, 4th ARRL RTTY Roundup- 101, Dec Rules, 6th IARU HF World Championship: 84, Apr Rules, ARRL 160-Meter Contest: 80, Nov Rules, ARRL 10-Meter Contest' 98, Nov Rules, ARRL International EME Competition: 87, Sep Rules, June VHF QSO Party: 94, May Rules .September VHF QSO Party.81 ,Aug Samuel F. B. Morse Commemorative Award (Pollock): 54, Apr Contest Results Reid Day 1991 (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 99, Nov January VHF Sweepstakes Corrections: 73, Jul Results, 1990 ARRL 10-Meter Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 84, Jul December 1991 217
Results, 1990 ARRL 160-Meter Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 80, Apr Results, 1990 ARRL International EME Competition (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 90, May Results, 1990 ARRL November Sweep- stakes (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 79, May Results, 1990 ARRL September VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 74, Jan Results, 1991 ARRL International DX Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 85, Oct Results, 1991 ARRL January VHF Sweep- stakes (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 89, Jun (also see p 73, Jul) Results, 1991 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 92, Dec Results, 1991 ARRL UHF Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 90, Dec Results, 1991 Novice Roundup (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 95, Jun Results, 1991 School Club Roundup (Malchick): 85, Sep Results, Fifth ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 85, Mar Results, Fifth IARU HF World Champion- ship (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 79, Feb Results, Third ARRL RTTY Roundup (Blegen & Lunt): 77, Aug Straight Key Night 1990 (Lunt & Stankiewicz): 84, Apr Contestlng/Operating ARRL International DX Contest Plaque Program: 84, Feb ARRL June VHF QSO Party Plaque Program: 93, May Code Contest; 61, May “Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide, The": 65, Jan Frequency Allocation Chart: 66, Jan Maryland Wallpaper: 90, Sep Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1991: 63, Jan New Jersey Counties Award: 74, Apr; 79, Jun Siow-Speed HF CW Traffic Nets: 50, Feb Technicians Can Have a Field Day (Stankiewicz & Battles): 54, Jun UK Postcode Award: 86, Feb DX Century Club Awards—Column (Search) 55. Jan; 67, Feb; 69. Mar; 69, Apr; 75, May; 67, Jun; 67 Jul; 65, Aug; 66,Sep; 69, Oct; 79, Nov; 78, Dec DXCC Honor Roll: 70, Oct CORRESPONDENCE Amateur Radio Is for Kids (Spranger): 66, Apr Beacon Babel (Grazier): 75, hbv Better 80-Meter Band Plan? (Vaughan): 75, Nov Birthday Greetings (McDonough): 64, Feb Brain is Faster Than the Chip, The (Renardson): 66, Oct Breed's Content (Cutter): 77, Jun Code Must Survive (Smith): 64, Feb Comedy Commended (Williams): 74, Dec Contester Misses the Point (Williams); 66, Mar CW: Optional but Practical...and Fun (Bostedor, Webbenhurst); 67, Aug “Dear Abby?” (Harmon): 66, Mar Digital Dials and Nets (Paplawsky): 66, Oct Disabled Ham: Keep the Code Test (Hammell): 64, Feb Drop in Anytime (Cooper): 52, Jan DXCC Satellite on a Shoestring (Douglas): 67, May DXDC Countries List (Doherty, McGinn, 218 D5T* Just, Hoffer): 74, Jul Everybody Starts Somewhere (Bentz): 87, May “Ex-venting” Radio (Argentini): 64, Feb FCC Rule Book Mandatory Reading? (Hurd); 67, Sep First-Aid Training for Hams (Riegel): 74, Dec For Love or Money? (Kosbab);66 ,Apr Future of Amateur Radio, The (Fleagle, Burdick, Bock, Cohen): 66-67, Aug Gone, But Not Forgotten (Melucci); 75, Nov Good Ham-Aritans (Corron): 64, Feb Green Stamp Mix-Up (Hollander): 66, Oct Hamming's F un H ere and Ab road (M artir): 67, Sep Hams on Net Were Wrong (Lowrey)1 77, Jun High Cost of Hamming? (Smith): 67, Sep Honorable Japanese Ham (Blumenfeld): 52, Jan Hooked on AMTOR (Emerson)’. 67, May If Scanners are Outlawed... (Dahl): 75, Nov Inspired to Try Again (O'Neal); 77, Jun Is This Frequency In Use? (Warwick): 66 Aug Keeping Up with the Changes (Peterson)-. 74, Dec Keeping Up with the Young Squirts (Taylor): 67, Sep Kudos to Incoming QSL Bureaus (Novy): 66, Apr Let Everyone Have a Try (Hightower): 68 Aug Lithuania Revisited (McCarthy): 74, Jul Living in a High-Tech World (Drake); 52, Jan Measures Measures Up (Czuhajewskl): 66, Mar Member Gets the Message (Cohen)1 74, Dec More Praise lor VEs (Strussenberg);67, Sep Morse Cloud (Weed, French); 77, Jun Mt Pinatubo Claims OSTs (Cz ih g ew&): 68, Oct Museum Sparks Memories (Dennison): 74, Jul Mysterious Benefactor (Astmann); 66, Oct New World..,New Frontier! (Bushong): 67, May Newsspeak on CW (McKinney): 66, Mar No Stamp of Approval Field): 67, May N ovice Old-Timer (V eres): 66, A ug Op-Ed Reply (Kennedy): 67, Aug QRMing an Emergency (Mountain); 52, Jan QST Classics (Mlccolis): 66, Mar Rainbow Leads to Ham Radio (McCarthy); 67, Sep Ratings for Service (Riedel): 77, Jun Rapeater Autopatch Saves Lives (Forster): 75, Nov Reviews Beyond Compare (Debow): 66, Apr Room at the Top (Riley): 52, Jan Satisfaction or Apathy? (Winter); 64, Feb Save the Bullfrog (Ellis).1 77, Jun Show and Tell (Roecker): 67, May Student Elmers (Duffield): 64, Feb Thanks from Desert Storm (Byrd): 66, Mar Theft Deterrent (DeMers): 67, May Training by Mail (Motes): 74, Dec View from Under the Pileups (Kiss)1.66 ,Aug "Vox. Anyone?" (Piller): 64, Feb Wall Opens the Door (McDonald): 66, Oct Welcome Code!ess Techs (Danley, Brown, Sharp, Cleveland, Miller); 66, Apr Where Are the Ragchewers? (Blumenfeld); 74, Dec Word From the DX End ,A (Hallen)i.74 , Dec Work on Your Delivery (Robertson); 52, Jan You Meet the Nicest People... (Belcastro): 66. Aug FEATURE ARTICLES General Interest 1990—Was it Only One Year Long? (Battles): 41, Feb 1991 ARRL Convention .The1, Saginaw , Michigan (Duncan, Turner, Martineau) 20-Meter Money Eater, The (Munroe): 60, Apr Amateur Radio in the Kingdom ol Bhutan (Smith); 14, Feb Amateur TV, SAREX and “Real Television" (Steffen); 18, Jul Amateur's Code in the 1990$ The (Davis)1 47, May Announcing the Don Wallace Radio Communications Museum (Wolf & Locascio); 50, Jun ARES in the USSR (Palm).1 16, Oct A-1; It’s Not Just for Homeburgers (Lindquist): 54, Sep Bridging the Language Gap (Gartenbergy 47, Jun Bright Star and the Radio Rustlers (Griffith): 64, Nov Bullfrog, The (Moren); 46 , Mar Case of the Underage Felon. The (Moren): 55, Nov Central StetesVHF Sodety, The: A Happy 25th Birthday (Kleinschmidt): 61, Dec Challenge: Getting Ted on 20, The (Todd); 53, Jul Country Store (Orsburn): 59, Apr CW Traffic Nets: Take the Plunge! (Noel): 49, Feb (see Feedback: 46, Apr) Discovery Center Ham Radio Museum Exhibit (Oppenheimer)1 57, Nov DXDC Countries List (Battles): 61, Apr DXer, The (Vaughan);56 ,Apr Father of Modern Radio, The (Eisenberg); 49, May F‘i4d D ayf or aF' ir$ T imer M aC onid) : 55 Jun Flaming (Potts); 48, Oct Focus on Emergency Response (Ewald): 45, Sep Get Out of the Shack and into the Action (Battles): 51, Jul Hamfest and League Renewal in “YLA - YLZ“-Land (Neimers): 55, Jul Hams Against the Inferno (Jerome): 14. May How Many Rigs Can You Hold in One Hand? (Battles): 49, Apr If Something Goes Wrong... (Ewald): 58, Jul "It Seemed Too Easyl" (Patashnlck); 55, Apr Kayaking QRP (Powlowski); 14, Jan (also see Feedback: 63, Feb, and 27, Mar) Last Voice from Kuwait (Cain); 18, May Letter to Your XYL. A (Rogers); 42, Jan Magic of Christmas, The (Vaughan): 56, Dec Mayday! There’s Been a Plane Crash I (Cary)1 5Q Mar Media Game, The (Booth): 52, Feb Metamorphosis of a Contester: Dave Zeph, W9ZRX (Cain); 55, Oct Moonbounce from Peru (Heraud); 56, May Motivating Newcomers (Filiplak): 56, Sep Murphy's Laws; Antennas and DX Schoener): 48, Sep New Era for DXCC, A (Hutchinson): 46, Sep Notes from a "No-Coder” (Leon): 67, Dec Old Guard ,The (Booth)1.57 Jul Oldest Crystal House in Texas, The Musgrove); 59, Dec
Оле Ham's Introduction to "Top Band" (Peterson): 68, Nov One of the Best Amateur Radio Traditions: Elmering (White): 43, Sep Pearl Harbor Remembered (Cain): 47, Dec QST Profile: How’s Rod? (Cain): 52, Mar Rediscovering Shortwave Listening (Halprin): 52, May Reflections of a Microsat Lab Volunteer (Hine): 14, Aug SAREX: Sharing the Exploration of Our World and Beyond (White): 44, Feb Senator Gore introduces Amateur Radio Spectrum Act (Williams): 48, Aug Some Old Friends from the Past (Nash): 48, Mar Soviet Hams Rally Against Coup (Kritsky); 15, Nov Spectrum Management Dominates Board Actions Slate (Palm): 55, Sep Spectrum Management in the ’90s and Beyond—Part 1 [2 meters] (Wilson): 43, Aug Spectrum Management in the ’90s and Beyond—Part 2 [10 meters] (Wilson): 50, Sep Structurally Sound Idea, A: The Volunteer Consulting Engineer (Hennessee): 67, Nov STS-37: The Educational SAREX Mission (White & Battles): 14, Jul Technicians Can Have a Field Day (Stankiewicz & Battles): 54, Jun To Russia with Love (Biekert): 44, Jan Togo Pileup (Thurtell): 43, Mar Tompkins Writing Contest Winners Announced (Kleinschmidt): 47, Oct Touch of Morse, A (Parskey): 60, Oct Trip to "BY-Land,” A (Wen): 14, Sep VHF Traffic Nets are for Everyone (Battles): 51, Aug WARC-92: What it Means to You (Kleinschmidt & Rinaldo): 16, Jun What's Cooking for Field Day? (Wilson): 52, Jun Why Join a Ham Club? (Battles): 51, Oct You’re Killing My Husband! (McCarthy): 70, Nov Technical Antenna Here is a Dipole (Healy): 23, Jun Basic Steps Toward Eliminating Telephone RFI (Krieger): 22, May Basic Steps Toward Tracing and Eliminating Power-Line Interference (Trescott): 43, Nov BNC Connectors Handle Switching in a Flexible Antenna Tuner (Lau): 31, Oct BP-80: An 60-Meter CW Transceiver, The (Agsten): 23, Feb Build a Portable Groundplane Antenna (Lau): 33, Jul Build a Universal VFO (DeMaw): 27, Jun Building-Supply Yagi, The (Morgan): 22, Mar ChipTalker (Jarrett): 17, Dec Clothesline Dipole, A (Galgan): 32, Sep Computer Remote Control of an Amateur Radio Station (Amodeo & Schultz): 25, Nov Connectors for (Almost) All Occasions— Part 1 (Newkirk): 35, Apr Connectors for (Almost) All Occasions— Part 2 (Newkirk): 34, May Curtains for You (Cain): 26, Oct Diode-Switched Band-Pass Filter, A (DeMaw): 24, Jan (also see Feedback: 63, Feb) Double-Tuned Circuit, The; An Ex- perimenter's Tutorial (Hayward): 29, Dec ESD—Electrostatic Discharge—Part 1 (Bergeron): 19, Apr ESD—Electrostatic Discharge—Part 2 (Bergeron): 28, May E2V Launcher, The (Calvert): 34, Jun Feeding Dipole Antennas (Healy): 22, Jul Glass-Mounted 2-Meter Mobile Antenna, A (English): 31, Apr Going Mobile—Part 1 (FoTd): 23, Dec Hand-Held Digital Multimeters (Bergeron): 19, Jun H'icji ₽erf ormance, E ast -t oB uld 432-MH z Transverter, A—Part 1 (Krome): 19, Aug High-Performance, East-to-Build 432-MHz Transverter, k—Part 2 (Krome): 18, Sep High-Performance UHF and Microwave System Primer, A (Mascaro): 30, May Inexpensive Computer/Radio interface, An (Kalata): 24, Sep (sea Feedback: 46, Dec) Infrared Keyer Interface, An (Conklin): 33, Aug Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, An (Hale): 35, Jul Light and Sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 Meters, A (Wellenius): 30, Jul Limited-Space Dipole Support, A (Dion); 22, Sep Making Soldering Safer (Bergeron): 28, Mar Match Bandwidth of Resonant Antenna Systems (Witt): 21, Oct Midrange Forecasts of Solar and Geo- magnetic Activity (Pocock & Blake): 22, Apr (see Feedback; 46, Jun) MfNINEC: The Other Edge of the Sword (Lewallen): 18, Feb (see Feedback: 46, May) “My Feed Line Tunes My Antenna!" (Goodman): 33, Nov Packet Hardware for Beginners (Hale): 20, Jan Portable QRP CW Transceiver—Part 2, A (see Part 1 in Dec '90 QST, p 44) (Breed): 17, Jan Propagation Broadcasts and Forecasts Demystified (Healy): 20, Nov Quality Desk Mike for Under $25, A (Klimas): 26, Dec RF Power Amplifiers and the Conjugate Match (Bruene): 31, Nov RFD-1 and RFD-2: Resonant Feed-Line Dipoles (Taylor): 24, Aug Rugged Side-Mounting for Rotatable Antennas (Keown): 30, Feb Simple, Effective Dual-Band Inverted-L Antenna, A (Montlcelli): 38, Jul Simple and Inexpensive 23/24-Centimeter Signal Combiner, A (Angle): 28, Apr Simple VHF/UHF Diplexer, A (Jenkins): 18, Oct Single-Board, No-Tune 902-MHz Transverter, A (Campbell): 25, Jul Strengthening the Cushcraft 40-2CD (Leeson): 36, Nov Super Rover, The (Comly): 26, May Surface-Mount Technology Primer—Part 2, A (see Part 1 in Dec '90 QST, p 48) (Bergeron): 27, Jan Transforming the Balun (Belrose): 30, Jun Tuning OSCAR with Separate Radios (Summers): 25, Mar What Your Frequency Display Really Tells You—Part 1 (Newkirk): 28, Aug What Your Frequency Display Really Tells You—Part 2 (Newkirk); 26, Sep FEEDBACK (to 1991 and pre-1991 articles) Cheap and Easy Control-Signal Level Converters (Johnson) [see Feb ’90, p 24]: 27, Mar Daiwa Telephone No. [see Feb '91, p 33]: 46, Apr Evolution of the Short Top-Loaded Vertical (Michaels) [see Mar ’90, p 26]: 54, Nov Kayaking QRP [see Jan '91, p 16]: 27, Mar Kenwood MC-48/TW-4000A Receive-Only Up/Down Operation (Leval) [see Nov '88, p 39]: 44, Jun More on the Half Sloper [see Feb ’91, p 41]: 46, Apr Receiver IMD [see Jan *91, p 38] (Lahlum): 46, Apr Utah Code Net [see Feb '91, ,p 49]: 46, Apr Yaesu Telephone No. [see Mar '91, p 31]: 46, Apr FM/RPT—Column (Battles) Game’s Afoot!, The; 72, Jan Integrated Repeaters I: Southwestern Lifesavers: 57, May Integrated Repeaters II: Evergreen Intertie: 83, Jun Integrated Repeaters 111: The Flathead Valley Repeater Group: 68, Jul Integrated Repeaters IV: The Highest FM Repeater Network in the World (Colorado Connection): 76, Sep Integrated Repeaters V: The Condor Connection: 80, Oct Listening on the Input: 88, Dec LiTZ Alert: One Solution that Works: 91, Nov New Technicians Offer Opportunities: 71, Apr Non-net Procedure: 73, Mar Philly Hams Help Track Jammer: 73, Feb What if We All Agreed?: 83, Aug HAPPENINGS—News 20-Meter Net "Disputes" Laid to Rest by FCC: 60, May 216-220 MHz Deadline Extended: 61, Sep Albania Issues More Licenses: 71, Dec AM Petitions Denied: 61, Sep AM Petitions Turned Down: 48, Jan Amateur Radio Returns to Albania: 62, Oct Amateurs Urged to Respond to "Scanner Law" Questions: 61, Jun ARRL Board to Seat Two New Members: 46, Jan ARRL Offers to Maintain "Tech-Plus" Data Base: 63, Oct ARRL’s Tune in the World SK After Successful 15-Year Run: 60, Jun "Baltic Information Net" a Voice for Freedom: 63, Mar Be a Good Scout (JOTA): 62, Sep Beware of Suspicious New Gear: 62, Jul Buxton, George, N7EZJ, SK: 65, Mar Comments Back Plan for 40-Meter Band: 55, Feb Comm ission Acts on Proposal for Television, Maritime Use: 64, Mar Commission Seeks Comments on "Inter- active TV" Proposal: 61, Jun Commission Seeks Further Comment on WARC-92 Satellite Issues: 59, May Commission Seeks input on Local "Scanner Laws": 59, May Committee Reports Favorably on Amended NJ Scanner Law: 70, Dec Conference Honors Armstrong: 48, Jan Congressional Update: 74, Nov Convention Hosts Awards: 64, Oct Cosmonaut on the Air Again: 56, Feb Court Denies 220 Appeal by "Deferring" to the FCC: 55, Feb DARA Awards Scholarships’.61 ,Aug Dayton HamVention Names 1991 Amateur Award Winners: 59, Jun Decision in Interference Case: 60, Aug Diehl, George, W2IHA, SK: 60, May FCC Chairman Sikes Discusses Future in Newsweek Article: 65, Mar FCC Clarifies Disability Exemption: 64, Oct FCC Clarifies Position on "Business Communications": 70, Dec FCC Conference Will Discuss Spectrum Use: 72, Nov December 1991 219
FCC Denies Appeal for Relief from RFl: 54, Feb FCC Dogs Iditarod Communications: 59, May FCC Drops PELTS Plan for 220-222 MHz: 64, Oct FCC Eases Morse Code Testing for Dis- abled, Sidesteps Issue of Examination Integrity: 54. Feb FCC Enforcement Actions: 64, Oct FCC Fee Proposal Outlined: 59, May FCC Gives First Impressions of Amateur “Power Audits”: 59, Jun FCC Inspectors Make Surprise Visits to Hams: 58 May FCC Maintains Stand in Testing of Disabled: 72, Nov FCC Moves Novice Band: 64, Mar FCC Notes Anniversary: 60, Aug FCC Seeks Comments on Home Auto- mation Systems: 72, Nov FCC Sends Message to Packet BBS Operators: 58, Jun FCC Survey Seeks to Link Amateur Power, RFl: 61, Jul FCC Tweaks Amateur Rules: 47, Jan FCC WARC Recommendations Include Better 7-MHz Band: 59, Aug FCC “Missing the Issue" on Scanner Laws: 59, Aug Fellowship Available to Engineers, Scientists: 74, Nov Florida Amateurs Knock Down Municipal Antenna Regulations: 58, Jun Former FCC Commissioner Visits HQ: 64, Oct Former SCM W4MS, SK (Collins): 61, Sep Gandhi, Rajiv (VU2RG), Remembered: 62, Jul Groups Asks Review of AM Power Rule: 56, Feb Gulf War Puts Amateur Radio in the Spotlight: 62, Mar Ham Radio Aids Israel's Flood of Soviet Immigrants: 73, Nov Hams Assist in Rescue of 720 Swimmers: 74, Nov Hams to be Ordered Off 220-222 MHz: 60, May HamVention Lost and Found: 61, Jul "Happy Ham" is MARS Mainstay. 62, Mar Heil Joins Satellite Show: 62, Jul HQ Staffers Honored for Service: 65, Oct Hurlburt, Clyde, W5CH, SK; 60, May IARU, Nature Help Return Amateur Radio to Bangladesh: 69, Dec IARU Region 3 Societies Meet in Indonesia; Write Packet Guidelines, Greet Bangladesh: 68, Dec Industry Unveils PSAs: 60, Aug Intruder Watch: 61, May K32J (Siddall) Named to Head FCC Frequency Branch: 62, Sep League Pushes for “Scanner Law" Preemption: 60, Sep League Replies to Proposal to Rewrite Amateur Rules: 65, Mar League Represented at Japan Ham Convention: 73, Nov League Seeks Access to 216-220 MHz: 58, Aug Montserrat Amateur Knighted for Hurricane Hugo Efforts: 56, Feb More Congressional Support for H. R, 73: 64, Oct More in Congress Back H. R. 73: 59, May More in Congress Back H. R. 73: 60, Jun Nebraska Repeater Owners Fined for Use of Towers: 58, Jun New Cosponsors for H. R. 73: 62, Jul New Cosponsors for H. R. 73: 62, Sep New Rim More Than Radios is More Than Just a Film: 64, Mar 220 авк New Head at HANDI-HAMS: 62, Sep New HF Digital System Unveiled: 70, Dec New Jersey RFl Case Spurs Criminal Charges: 60, Sep News From Canada: 48, Jan Ohio Amateur is Charged with Making False Distress Calls: 59, Jun Ohio Amateur Sentenced for False Trans- missions: 73, Nov Please Go Away: 48, Jan Pozzani, Michael, W3SV, Dies in Mid-Air Collision: 59, Jun Proposed ‘‘Tree Ordinance” Put Seattle Ham on a Limb: 58, May Public Relations Specialist Joins HQ Staff: 70, Dec Repeat Nominating Solicitation: 61, Aug; 51, Jan; 63, Jul Retailer Instructs Staff in Sales of Amateur Gear: 73, Nov San Bernardino Amateurs Avoid Restrictive Rules: 62, Jul San Francisco Amateurs Aid in Tracking Jammer: 64, Oct Scholarships Announced: 65, Mar Second Gall for Nominees, ARRL Board of Directors; 61, Aug Section Election Notice: 63, Jul; 65, Oct; 74, Nov Section Election Results: 63, Jul Section Manager Election Notice: 61, Aug; 51, Jan Section Manager Election Results: 48, Jan; 65, Oct Section Manager Second Election Notice: 60, May Shuttle Astronauts Add Two to Ranks of Amateur Radio: 73, Nov Sikes PI ed ges E nfo rcement t о S enate Oversight Panel: 60, Aug Silent Keys—Albright, Carpenter, Sterling, Campbell: 56, Feb S ovet H ams I nst rumert el ’in R esistance to Coup: 63, Oct Taiwanese Official Visits HQ: 60, Aug Tennessee SM Harry Simpson (W4MI). SK: 62, Jul Tower Victory: 61, Aug Trio Charged in NYC Heist: 61, Sep Two Honored by Division: 63, Jul US, Philippines Sign Third-Party Agree- ment: 62, Sep US-Mexico Reciprocal Pact: 61, Sep VK VE Program Begins; 71, Dec Volunteer Examiner Coordinators Reject Incorporation of Group: 73, Nov W1AW Notes: 65, Oct W1AW to Shift 15- and 10-Meter Frequencies: 48. Jan Washington State Amateur Hailed in Boating Rescue: 61, Jul HINTS AND KINKS—Column (Newkirk) 10-Minute ID Timer, A (Conklin): 37, Feb 15 Meters and Better CW Audio for the Neophyte Receiver (Burdick): 51, Nov Alternative Antenna Insulators (Raffaele): 39, Oct Ai is h tc Tr eatment for Meters and Uqui’d Crystal D isplays (Koutnik): 39, Oct Backup-Battery Replacement for the ICOM IO271H (Gruenwald): 37, Jan Better 7- and 21-MHz Operation with a 7-MHz Dpole (Raffaele): 43, Dec Better Operating on Noisy MF/HF Bands (Whitney): 47, Jul Beware of Erroneous Meter Readings in RF Fields (Baker): 36, Jan Buffer for the Handbook Bridged-T Oscillator, A (Swenson and Jensen); 39, Sep Coax-Shield Choke Cures Transceiver Self- Oscillation (Jeffery): 48, Jul Curing DC-to-DC-Converter Spurs in the Drake TR-7 Transceiver (Agsten); 38, Feb Curing Panel-Light Brightening in Modified- for-160 Heath SB-220 Amplifiers (Measures): 38, Feb CW-Pitch-Control Modification for the Kenwood TS-440S Transceiver (Signorelli): 38, Sep Dress Up Your Antenna Farm for the Holidays (Wertz): 44, Dec Ford's Fix for I nT arkFud-PumpNdse (Hesselbrock): 52 Nov Hump Mount for Mobile Rigs (DeMaw): 39, Aug Improved Performance in Older Variable Capacitors (Shrock): 48, Jul Inexpensive fi^Meter Loop Antenna, An (Hecker): 37, Jan It's a Standoff (Ettenhofer): 39, Oct LED Overvoltage Indicator for Zener-Dlode Protective Clamps (Lovell): 43, Jun Magnetic Reed Switch Illuminates Hand- Held for Mobile Use П"итег): 37, Mar Mag-Mount Surface Maintenance (Boles): 39, Aug Make Boxes from PC Board (Newkirk)\51 , Nov Milk-Crate Mobile (Cotterman): 38, Aug Mobile Cooling Fan Senses RF (Hamlin): 40, Aug Modifying the WB4WF Accu-Кеуег for Positive-Keying Solid-State Transmitters (Libbin): 43, Dec More on 3-5002 Filament Pins (Mills ,Van Bolhuis): 37, Feb More on Curing TVI with 300-1) Filters and 4:1 Transformers (Lund); 42, Jun M ore on I nterfacing S d id-State Transceivers and the SB-200 Amplifier: A Power-MOSFET Source (Jaeger)-.37 Jan More on Safe АС-Wiring Practices (Baker): 47, Jul More on Solving Ground-Fault-Circuit- Internjpter Problems1 (Hollenbeck Healy , Fullmer): 38, Mar Noise Cured in Ford Taurus Mobile (Schuster): 40, Aug One Protective Case for Many Battery Packs (Norikane)-. 38, Feb Operate and Recharge Your ICOM IC-2GAT Hand-held at the Same Time (Cleveland): 40, Oct Quick Mobile SWR Measurements with Radio Shack's HTX-100 10-Meter Transceiver (Kramer): 38. Feb Quick Power and Antenna Disconnects for Equipment Lightning Safety (Lang): 43, Jun Reducing TVI in Cable-Fed TVs (Graalman): 42, Jun Replace the Connector, Not the Antenna (Atlas): 38. Sep Replacement Battery-Protection Plate Indicates State of Charge (Lane): 48, Jul Rs-Cementing Tube Grid and Plate Caps (Bryant): 47, Jul RF Not the Cause of Mobils-DIgipeater- Tnggere d (hr Ahrm ( F^nn) 38, Sep Shunt for Remote Load Sensing in High- Current Power Supplies, A (Smithmeyer): 48, Jul Simple 50-0 Feed for Three-Element Monoband Beams (Zavrel)- .43 .Dec Simplifying the October 1990 GLB TNC Message-Alert Alarm (Christensen): 40, Oct Smoother Control with the U-100 Rotator (Guimont): 47, Jul Switch-Selectable Subaudible Tones with the ICOM UT-30 Tone Generator (Mann): 38, Sep
Two Bands. Shortwave-Broadcast. Utility and WWV Coverage for the Neophyte Receiver (Cromwell): 36, Jan Vacuum Tugs Leader Rope Through Conduit (Jacobs): 48, Jul Variable-Bandwidth Tuning for the ICOM IC-765 Transceiver (Guski): 37, Mar VCR Belts Drive Capacitors (Beaumont ARC): 44, Jun HOW’S DX?—Column (White) 210 DX Club, The: 67, Apr Dinner, Wife, Kill!: 67, Mar DX Advisory Committee, The: Making the Rules: 67, Oct DX Newsletters: 65, Feb Fiji on 30, 17 and 12 Meters: 65, Jun JA1NUT: DXing, the Right Rx: 76, Nov N5GGO, Honor Roll in Six Years!: 75, Dec Signs of the Times: 53, Jan That's DX!: 65, May Two New DXCC Countries; 63, Sep VE8PW, The Far North: 65, Jul YK1AA, SK: 63, Aug IARU NEWS—Column (Baldwin) Africa Telecom '90; 70, May Amateur Radio is Growing; 86 Dec ARAC—Tokyo, April 1991; 76, Jul Government and Administrators, The: 82, Sep iARU and CCIR (Owen): 67, Jan IARU Monitoring System, The: 74, Apr Modus Operandi at WARC-92: 79, Oct PICON: 79, Mar Radio Regulations, The: 92, Nov SEAnet ’90—The Continuing Saga: 86, Jun INFORMATION Announcing the Walker A. Tompkins Writing Award and Contest (Turner): 45, Jan ARRL Incoming DX QSL Bureau Addresses: 64, Sep ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System: 64, Sep ARRL Outgoing QSL Service, The: 77, Nov Bill in Congress Would Protect Amateur Frequencies (Kleinschmidt & Williams)’. 41, Mar Board Adopts 13-cm Band Plan: 56, Mar Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria; 78, Jan "Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide, The": 65, Jan FCC Clarifies Disability Exemption: 64, Oct FCC Clarifies Position on ‘‘Business Communications”: 70, Dec FCC Moves Novice Band (80-meter subband): 64, Mar FCC Releases Codeless License Report and Order: 57, Feb Foreign Language Aids for Hams (Battles): 49, Jun Frequency Allocation Chart; 66, Jan Hams Reach Half-Million Mark: 54, Mar How to Find—Or Start—A Ham Radio Club: 53, Oct Joining MARS: 81, Dec Please Use Standard ITU Phonetics (Stewart): 46, Oct Siow-Speed HF CW Traffic Nets: 50, Feb Spectrum Management in the ’90s and Beyond—Part 1 [2 meters) (Wilson): 43, Aug Spectrum Management in the ’90s and Beyond—Part 2 [10 meters] (Wilson): 50, Sep Ten Mobile CW Operating Tips (Linguist): 54, Sep Texas Ham License Plates (Taormina): 80, Oct Tima Conversion: 65, Jan Tompkins Writing Contest Winners Announced (Kleinschmidt): 47, Oct US, Philippines Sign Third-Party Agreement 62, Sep US-Mexico Reciprocal Pact: 61, Sep VK VE Program Begins: 71, Dec VK3 QSL Bureau: 41, Jul Volunteer Examiner Coordinators Reject Incorporation of Group: 73, Nov WARC-92: What it Means to You (Kleinschmidt 1 Rinaldo): 16, Jun W1AW Notes: 65, Oct W1AW Schedule: 65, Jan; 51, Mar; 69, May: 72, Jul* 89, Sep; 110, Nov W1AW to Shift 15- and 10-Meter Frequencies: 48, Jan "What’s Your 10-10 Number?11 (Ford): 50, Sep Exam Info—Column (Jahnke) Exam Info: 71, Sep Morse Code Examination, The—What is it intended to Prove?: 83, Oct Using Form 610: 66, Nov Advanced-Class VEs:104, Dec Washington Mailbox—Column (Hennessee) Codeless Technician License, The: 94, Nov IT SEEMS TO US—Editorial (Sumner), p 9 220-222 MHz: Aug Codeless Amateur License, A: Feb "Digital Broadcasting”: Mar Don’t Ask the FCC: Aug First Hundred Days, The: Jul Good News (Price): May New Deal for Volunteer Exams, A. Apr Next Breakthrough, The: Oct No Range Wars, Please; Sep Power: Jun Public Relations: Nov Spectrum Congestion: Solutions on the Horizon?: Jan A Voluntary Noncommercial Communication Service: Dec KEYING AND CONTROL CIRCUITS Build a Universal VFO (DeMaw): 27, Jun CW-Pitch-Control Modification for the Kenwood TS-440S Transceiver (Signorelli): 36, Sep Infrared Keyer Interface, An (Conklin): 33, Aug Modifying the WB4WF Accu-Кеуег for Positive-Keying Solid-State Transmitters (Libbin); 43, Dec NegativeН‘|ф V Л ageK eyingC troiii (Foster): 45, Jun LAB NOTES—Column (Ford & Staff) Creating a Technical Library: 35, Dec MEASUREMENT AND TEST EQUIPMENT Antistatic Treatment for Meters and Liquid- Crystal Displays (Koutnik); 39, Oct Beware of Erroneous Meter Readings in RF Fields (Baker); 36, Jan Digital PEP Wattmeter Accuracy (Schetgen): 45, Dec Frequency Counters and Feed-Line Information (Hare): 45, May Hand-Held Digital Multimeters (Bergeron): 19.Jun Quick Mobile SWR Measurements with Radio Shack's HTX-100 10-Meter Transceiver (Kramer): 38, Feb Using A Noise Bridge to Measure Coaxial- Cable Impedance (Althouse): 45, May What Your Frequency Display Really Tells You—Part 1 (Newkirk); 28, Aug What Your Frequency Display Really Tells You—Part 2 (Newkirk): 26, Sep NEW BOOKS [Author] (Reviewer) Art of Electronics, The [Horowitz] (DeMaw): 24, Mar Building Power Supplies [Lines] (Gruber): 31, Sep Collins Bocks: 35, Jun Complete Guide to Understanding Electronics Diagrams [Lacy] (Hale): 40, Aug Don C. Wallace, WSAM; Amateur Radio’s Pioneer [Perkins] (Battles); 42, Sep Hafficrafters Story, The [de Henseler] (Battles): 42. Nov Ham Stuff KSarrett] (Battles): 27, Aug inside the M. С. C.: A Technical Guide to the Mission Control Center at the Johnson Space Center [Nicholson] (Battles): 71, Nov Legacies of Edwin Howard Armstrong, The [Morrisey] (Battles): 50, May Shortwave Listening Guidebook [Helms] (Halprin): 34, Dec Vibroplex Guide [French]: 46, Jun Where Do We Go Next? [Laine] (Crovelli): 76, Dec NEW PRODUCTS 500-W MF/HF Linear Amplifier: 48, Feb Alpha-Delta Coax Switches: 39, Jan Antenna Feed System: 35, Jun Antenna Program for Macs (Smolinsky)’. 54. Nov ATV Filter 21, Sep Beam Indicator: 28, Dec Boom-Mike Headset 44, Jun Breadboard Computer Card: 19, Nov CMOS Super Keyer II Update: 23, Sep Controller Upgrade’. 40, Oct Current Baluns: 71, Nov Custom Earsets: 46, Jun Custom World Maps: 51, Jun CW Keys: 27, May Dual-Paddle Key: 32, Oct Frequency Counter: 56, Nov Generator. 21 Sep Ground Enhancer 40, Oct Ham Mail-Order Directory: 27, May Hand Built CW Keys’ .37 .Sep Hand-Held Mobile Mount: 44, Jun Heavy-Duty Towers: 25, May In-Line Power Protection; 40, May Magazine Indexes: 27, May Micromini CTCSS EncoderlDecoder: 21, Sep Mini Tone Encoder; 61, May Mobile VHF/UHF Antennas: 25, Dec Monoband Yagls Redesigned: 27, Aug M orseC d dD er25 D ec NEC FETs: 40, Oct PC Card Frequency Counter: 40, May Penetrant-Solvent’. 21, Sep Postage-Free Stateside QSL Bureau: 27, Aug Power Amplifier: 17. Oct QRP Transceivers: 35, Jun QSL Organizers: 21, Sep Receiver Bandpass Filter: 44, Jun RF Concepts Dual-Band Amplifier. 26, Jan Rotator Control-Line Protector: 23, Jan Simplex Repeater: 22, Feb Software Upgrade for Ten-Tec Paragon: 21, Sep Transceiver Upgrade: 42. Nov Thin Crystals: 21, Sep Tiny Video Camera: 61, May Tone DecodertDisplay; 28, Dec VHF/UHF Groundplane Antennas: 23. Jan Yaesu Light-Duty Rotator: 48, Feb NOVICE NOTES CW Traffic Nets: Take the Plunge! (Noel): 49, Feb (see Feedback: 46, Apr) December 1991 221
Talk Radio (Halprin): 43, Oct Transceiver Features That Help You Beat Interference (Collins/Newkirk); 16, Mar What Your Frequency Display Really Tells You—Part 1 (Newkirk); 28, Aug What Your Frequency Display Really Tells You—Part 2 (Newkirk): 26, Sep OP-ED—Column Basis and Purpose (Cheves): 85, Dec Clubs and the Codeless Techs (Johnson): 78, Oct CW (Renardson); 81, Jun Packet Messages are Not Broadcasts (Topolski): 75, May Restructuring Amateur Radio Publications (Beers): 74, Mar ORGANIZATIONAL 1991 ARRL Convention, The: Saginaw, Michigan (Duncan, Turner, Martineau) ARRL Board to Seat Two New Members: 46,Jan Audited ARRL Financial Statements Released: 62, May Board Declines to Seek Reconsideration of Codeless Tech Decision (Palm): 55, Mar “Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide, The": 65, Jan HQ Staffers Honored for Service: 65, Oct Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1991: 63, Jan New Era for DXCC, A (Hutchinson): 46, Sep Nominees Sought for ARRL Board of Directors; 64, Jul Public Relations Specialist Joins HQ Staff: 70, Dec Repeat Nominating Solicitation: 61, Aug; 51, Jan; 63, Jul Season's Greetings from the ARRL/IARU Staff and Contributing Editors; 84, Dec Second Call for Nominees, ARRL Board of Directors: 61, Aug Section Election Notice: 63, Jul; 65, Oct; 74, Nov Section Election Results: 63, Jul Section Manager Election Notice; 61, Aug; 51, Jan Section Manager Election Results; 48, Jan; 65, Oct Section Manager Second Election Notice: 60, May Spectrum Management Dominates Board Actions Slate (Palm): 55, Sep Structurally Sound Idea, A: The Volunteer Согь suiting Engineer (Hennessee); 67, Nov Tompkins Writing Contest Winners Announced (Kleinschmidt): 47, Oct Tennessee SM Harry Simpson (W4MI), SK: 62, Jul Two Honored by Division: 63, Jul W1AW Notes: 65, Oct W1AW to Shift 15- and 10-Meter Frequencies; 48, Jan WARC-92; What it Means to You (Kleinschmidt & Rinaldo): 16, Jun Why Join a Ham Club? (Battles): 51, Oct At the Foundation—Column (Carcia) Commitment to Preserve, A; 89, Nov Faces of the Future: 71, Jan General Fund, The; 80, Mar Meet Our 1991 Academic Scholarship Recipients; 80, Sep Our Heritage on Display: 81, Jul Please Pass the Incentive; 77, May Club Spectrum—Column (Palm) Amateur Radio and the 1990 World Economic Summit: 69, Jan 222 Clubs Celebrate Diamond Anniversaries: 90, Nov College Club Serve Cosmopolitan Menu: 81, Mar Expedition to Paradise (Hollister); 87, Jun Library Set, The: 70, Feb Potpourri: 80, Jul Special Service Clubs (Welcome and Welcome Back): 87, Jun US/Soviet Goodwill: 79, Sep Elections ARRL Board to Seat Two New Members: 46, Jan Repeat Nominating Solicitation: 61, Aug; 51, Jan; 63, Jul Second Call for Nominees, ARRL Board of Directors; 61, Aug Secion Election Notice; 63, Jul; 65, Oct; 74, Nov Section Election Results: 63, Jul Section Manager Election Notice; 61, Aug; 51, Jan Section Manager Election Results: 48, Jan; 65, Oct Section Manager Second Election Notice:' 60, May Moved and Seconded... 49, Jan; 58, Mar; 62, Jun; 57, Sep; 72, Dec PACKET RADIO APLINKINTS—The AMTOR/Packet Traffic Solution (Comstock, Jennings, Thompson): 57, Jan APLINK: The Delivery Systems—Part 1 (Mortensen): 73, Oct APLINK'. The Delivery Systems—Part 2 (Mortensen): 81, Nov FCC Sends Message to Packet BBS Operators: 58, Jun Imagining the Global Bulletin Board (Ward)1. 72, Mar IARU Region 3 Societies Meet in Indonesia; Write Packet Guidelines, Greet Bangladesh; 68, Dec National Traffic System Embraces Digital Systems; Digital Coordinators Appointed to NTS Official Roster: 75, Apr NTS-Affiliated APLINK Stations: 81, Nov Packet Hardware for Beginners (Hale); 20, Jan RF Not the Cause of Mobile-Digipeater- Triggered Car Alarm (Flynn): 38, Sep Simplifying the October 1990 GLB TNC Message-Alert Alarm (Christensen): 40 Oct Software/Hardware Information and Sources (Horzepa)' 62 Jan Using Packet to Process Radiogram Traffic (Comstock): 69, Feb Packet Perspective—Column (Horzepa) “Go Fetch My Mail” Solution, The; 62, Jan Increase Efficiency: The Virtual PBBS; 88, Nov Packet Radio Basics, Part 4: Beyond the ABCs of TCP/IP: 74, Feb Packet Radio Basics, Part 5; The XYZs of TCP/IP: 75, Mar Packet Radio Basics, Part 6; Now Know Nodes: 82, Jun Packet Radio Basics, Part 7; Getting Aboard Bulletin Boards: 73, Aug Packet Radio Basics, Part 7 Continued: Getting Aboard Bulletin Boards; 74, Sep Packet Radio Basics, Part 8: Are There Any Questions?: 80, Dec Smart TNC Tricks: 77, Oct Sottware/Hardware Information and Sources: 62, Jan Update; The Digital Signal Processing of Packet Radio; 75, Jul You Can Work U2MIR: 72, Apr (see also 80, Dec) PRODUCT REVIEW AOR AR2500 Scanning Receiver (Kleinschmidt): 33, Sep Audio-Filter Roundup (Kearman): 36, Oct Command Technologies Commander HF-2500 Linear Amplifier (Wilson): 41, May JPS Communications NIR-10 Noise/lnterference-Reductlon Filter (Kearman): 37, Oct j-Com Magic Notch Automatic Audio Notch Filter (Kearman): 36, Oct Kenwood TS-850S 160-10 Meter Transceiver (Healy): 42, Jul Kenwood TS-950SD MF/HF Transceiver (Healy); 31, Jan MFJ-948 “Deluxe Versa Tuner 11” Antenna Tuner (Wilson): 36, Aug Modular Systems Corporation Smart Filter (Kearman) 37, Oct Mosley TA-34-M Triband Yagi Antenna (Healy): 43, May OST Compares: Dual-Band Hand-Held FM Transceivers (Healy): 36, Jun QST Compares: Peak-Reading MF/HF Wattmeters (Healy); 33, Feb (see Feedback; 46, Apr) QST Compares; Mobile 2-Meter FM Tran sce vers (Healy)1 37, Dec Rotating Tower Systems Rohn 25 Rotation System (Healy): 35, Sep Yaesu FT-1000D MF/HF Transceiver (Healy): 31, Mar (see Feedback; 46, Apr) Yaesu FT-650 6/10/12-Meter Transceiver (Bloom): 33, Oct Solicitation for Product Review Equipment Bids; 36, Mar; 46, May; 46, Jul; 37, Aug; 50, Nov PUBLIC SERVICE CW Traffic Nets: Take the Plunge.1 (Noel): 50, Apr Focus on Emergency Response (Ewald): 45, Sep Get Out of the Shack and into the Action (Battles): 51, Jul Hams Against the Inferno (Jerome): 14, May Hams Assist in Rescue of 720 Swimmers; 74, Nov If Something Goes Wrong... (Ewald): 58, Jul Maydayl There’s Been a Plane Crashl (Cary): 50, Mar VHF Traffic Nets are for Everyone (Battles,); 51, Aug WashingtonS tateA mateurH al ed in Boating Rescue:61 .Jul Work on You r Delivery (Robertson); 52, Jan Public Service—Column (Hurder/Ewald) 1990 SET Results Update: 68, Sep APLINK/WS—The AMTOR/Packet Traffic Solution (Comstock, Jennings, Thompson): 57, Jan APUNK: The Delivery Systems—-Part 1 S (Mortensen): 73, Oct APLINK’ The Delivery Systems—Part 2 (Mortensen); 81, Nov BPL Debate—Again, The: 70, Mar City Prepares, A; Amateurs Assist— Everyone Benefits (Boyd): 69, Aug Illinois SKYWARN Team Alerts Threatened Community (Barton) 69, JLi I J olnlng MARS: 81, D ec Look at NTS and the Traffic Scene, A (Sharp): 75, Apr Madison Amateurs Help in Evacuation (Regent, Stone): 68, Sep
National Traffic System Embraces Digital Systems; Digital Coordinators Appointed to NTS Official Roster; 75, Apr New Public Service Honor Roll—Again , The: 71, May NTS-Affillated APLINK Stations: 81. Nov Operation: Holidays (Matthew): 01, Dec OSCAR and the Public Service Communicator (Harder): 69, Aug PSHR Clarification: Б9, Jul Real Bad Dude, A (Craw): 68, Sep Reaping the Benelits of Amateur Radio Public Service (Boyd): 70, Mar Using Packet to Process Radiogram Traffic (Comstock): 69, Feb VIP: Amateurs on the Fire Line (Rich): 75, Jun Voices from MARS (Trachtenberg): 81, Dec OST PROFILES French, David, N4KET (Halprin): 40, Jan How’s Rod [Newkirk, W9BRDJ? (Cain): 52, Mar Jeantarvre, Roger, KI PAI; A Special Weather Observer (Clede): 47, Feb Metamorphosis of a Contester; Dave Zeph, W9ZRX (Cain): 55, Oct Old Guard, The (Booth) . 57, Jul Oldest Crystal House in Texas, The (Musgrove): 59, Dec SPECIALIZED COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIQUES Amateur TV, SAREX and “Real Television" (Steffen): 18, Jul APLINKMTS—The AMTOR/Packet Traffic Solution (Comstock, Jennings, Thompson); 57, Jan ATV BBS: 75, Jul Deaf Use TDDs as Link to Ham Radio (Galley): 75, Sep New HF Digital System Unveiled: 70, Dec Moonbounce from Peru (Heraud): 56, May STRAYS 16% Ham Wedding: 49, Sep 1990 QST Cover Plaque Award Winners; 36, Mar 220-MHz SSB Activity Directory: 61, Jan 6th-Grade Sked: 45, Sep 70 Years QRV and Going Strong (Snow): 86, Sep 71/j-Month Journey (Schricker): 61, Jan ATV BBS: 75, Jul В Battery Bunch, The (Thompson): 63, Aug Bermuda Contest Seeks Suggestions: 80, Oct Bring a Kid to Dayton: 78, Apr Buckmaster Donates CD-ROM to W1AW: 57, Aug Call for Nominations, A (Atlantic Div convention): 68, Mar Calling All Shriners: 75, Jul Celebrity Net: 41, Jul Code Contest; 61, May Communications Ship Reunion: 37, Aug CQ Racal Hams; 79, Jun CQ Vietnam-Era MARS Ops: 81, Mar Dad Used Morse Till the End (Yoh): 82, Oct Dayton Repeater Pal: 76, Oct Deaf Use TDDs as Link to Ham Radio (Galley): 75, Sep Don’t Mouse This One . 49, Sep Environmental Awareness Net; Pla/Net: 57, Aug Eyeball QSO with 1/5 of SUs (Cann & Tober): 85, Jun Fine Business Birthday Celebration (Samuel Morse): 77, Feb For Nonham Spouses Only (Edmonds): 55, Aug Free WB6NOA Training for Elmers: 80, Mar Full Duplex: 44, Sep Gintas (Pine): 50, Dec Hams Help Children: 53, Feb Hams Reach Half-Million Mark: 54, Mar Hams Support Oldest Parade: 54, Oct Hip Copycats: 90, Sep Holiday Reunion: 48, May In Memory of Those Who Served: 57, Aug KDKA Anniversary. 86, Feb KG4 OSLs (Donley): 41, Jul Korean Nets: 80, Mar Like Father, Like Son...and Grandson: 90, Sep Maryland Wallpaper: 90, Sep = Merry Band of Woodsmen-.74 ,Apr Mom Pounds the Brass: 90, Sep Morse the Matchmaker (Caci): 67, Jan Mr & Mrs Ken Wood?: 66, Nov My Introduction to Ham Radio (Cassidy): 54, Mar New 10-Meter Net: 53, Feb New England Wagon Train (Stern): 98, Jun New Jersey Counties Award: 74, Apr; 79, Jun No Cash, Please (Curacao award): 80, Jan Nominations Sought for 1991 Dayton Awards: 26, Jan Nominations Sought for Atlantic Division Awards; 36, Mar Ohio EC Offers Free Commodore Logger; 06, Feb Oldest and Youngest?: 66, Dec OK-QRP-Club-.84,Aug OMIK Keeps Growing: 49, Jun Phrenetic Phonetics: 02, Jan Powerful Interest in QRP; 37, Aug QCWA Banquet at Dayton.- 78 Apr QRP News; 85, Dec QSL Sure ViaSna'I (Bas^ :80, M ar QST Congratulates Old-Timer: 73, Mar Radio Club Bestows Grant; 45, Sep Radio Shack Founder Dies (Deutschmann): 87, Sep Recycle SK QSLs: 68, Feb Resonant Circuit: S3, Feb Ruocco, Lillian, W2PMA, Remembered: 83, Jul SAREX Flies Again (White): 36, Mar Scholarships Available: 54, Mar Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Workshop: 17, Oct Soviet Scientists Seek Stateside Sked: 36, Mar Soviets to Organize Vets (Lindblad): 80, Mar Talk to the Students: 75, Jul Ten-Meter Net: 67, Jan Texas Ham License Plates (Taormina): 80, Oct Thanks, MARS Hams! (Godlewski): 81, Mar Three Decades of Support: 58, Oct UK Postcode Award: 86, Feb VE3 Family. 76, Mar VK3 QSL Bureau: 41, Jul White-Water Rafting in the USSR: 77, Mar WWII South Pacific Pilots Reunited After 45 Years (Evans): 87, Sep Young Hams Foster Goodwill: 86, Feb Young Voices from Space: 17, Jul TECHNICAL CORRESPONDENCE 160-Meter Antennas (Belrose); 49, Jul Cable Measurements Revisited (Buchan, Grebenkemper, Rife, Nadovich, Chase): 41, Oct Computer Program Update Available (Dion): 45, Jun Corrections to W2DU’s Relections (Maxwell): 42, Aug Digital PEP Wattmeter Accuracy (Schetgen): 45, Dec Diode-Switched-F liter Corrections and Amplifications (Wetherhold): 41, Aug Does Path Loss Increase with Frequency? (Campbell)-. 38, Jan Effective Receiver Dynamic Range (Lau): 39, Jan (see Feedback: 46, Apr) Frequency Counters and Feed-Line Information (Hare): 45, May Improved HF Weather Facsimile Programs (Vester) 40, Sep Inexpensive Connectors Can Be Costly! (Collins): 46, May IR Detector (Pagel): 42, Oct More on Feeding Dipole Antennas (Kleinfeld): 42, Oct More on Safer Soldering (Myers)1. 42, Aug More on the Glass-Mounted 2-Meter Mobile Antenna (English): 41, Sep More on the Half Sloper (Belrose)- .39 .Feb (see Feedback: 46, Apr) Negative High-Voltage Keying Circuit (Foster): 45, Jun Phase Adjustment Technique for a 4-Element Square Phased Vertical Array (Lahlum); 39, Mar RCA Discontinues 40673 Dual-Gate RF MOSFET (Newkirk): 53, Nov Reverse-Biased-Diode Switching System (Fowler); 45, Jun Some Thoughts About Transmission-Line Myths (Lau); 45, May Surface-Mount Soldering (Husby): 46, Jun SWR Doesn't Vary Along a Feed Line (Maxwell); 53, Nov Trees and Verticals (Whiff an): 53, Nov Using A Noise Bridge to Measure Coaxial- Cable Impedance (Althouse): 45. May Weatherfax Software Update (Pagel): 46, Jun Weather-Satellite Publication: 42, Oct VHF AND MICROWAVES 220-MHz SSB Activity Directory: 61, Jan Board Adopts 13-cm Band Plan: 56, Mar Central States VHF Society, The; A Happy 25th Birthday (Kleinschmidt): 61, Dec Does Path Loss Increase with Frequency? (Сатф dl):38 .J an Glass-Mounted 2-Meter Mobile Antenna, A (English): 31, Apr High-Performance, East-to-Build 432-MHz Transverter, A—Part 1 (Krome): 19, Aug High-Performance, East-to-Build 432-MHz Transverter, A—Part 2 (Krome); 18, Sep High-Performance UHF and Microwave System Primer, A (Mascaro): 30, May How Many Rigs Can You Hold in One Hand? (Battles): 49, Apr Moonbounce from Peru (Heraud); 56, May Simple and Inexpensive 23/24-Centimeter Signal Combiner, A (Angle); 28, Apr Simple VHF/UHF Diplexer, A (Jenkins): 18, Oct Single-Board, No-Tune 902-MHz Transverter, A (Campbell): 25, Jul World Above 50 MHz, The—Column (Tynan) 222-225 MHz; Vertical or Horizontal? (Owen): 72, Sep Getting Started: 68, May Meteor Scatter: Long-Distance VHF Workhorse: 71, Aug Newcomers to the World Above 50 MHz— Let’s Welcome Them: 76, Mar Six Meters and the Solar Cycle-. 75, Oct Something We Can Do; 83, Dec Sporadic E—A Familiar Mystery: 71, Jul Tropo: Bread-and-Butter VHF Propagation: 78, Jun Our New VHF Band: 125 cm; 84, Nov W5UN Passes the 100-Country Mark on EME: 60, Jan What Can We Do?: 72, Feb What Do We Do Now?1. 70, Apr VHF/UHF Century Club Awards (Kustosik) 85, Feb; 79, Jun; 102, Dec YL NEWS-Column (Dunn) Hamfests; The YL Connection; 83, Sep Let the Contesting Begin: 77, Jul Space Age YLs; Pioneering the Next Frontier: 78, May YL Organizations Offer Encouragement and Friendship: 78, Mar YLs, Amateur Radio and Education: 93, Nov YLs—Heart and Soul: 68, Jan December 1991 223
Index to Volume LXXVI—1992 Compiled By Brian Battles, WS1O QST Features Editor How to Use This Index Items are listed according to the regular column under which they appeared and/or under any category (or categories) that generally describes them. The name of the author(s') appears in parentheses, followed by a colon, then the page number and issue. Examples: "How to Build a Computer—Cheap? (Heil): Aug, 48” appears under Feature Articles— General Interest and Computers; “Control Your Transceiver by Voice (Bergeron): Aug, 35," appears under Feature Articles-Technical and Keying and Control Circuits. Some items have additional subject-description information or the name of a. department in which it appeared, in brackets after the title. AMATEUR SATELLITES Latest Proceedings Available? Nov, 75 Satellites in Public Service Communications; Apr, 78 Webersat—Step by Step (Ford): Dec. 63 Amateur Satellite Communications— Column (Loughmiller, Ward, Ford) KITSAT-OSCAR 23 Reaches Orbit! (Ford): Oct, 93 Packet Satellite for the '90s, A (Ward)'. Apr, 87 Phase 3D: High-Performance on the Horizon (Loughmiller): Mar, 87 Satellite on a String: SEDSAT-1 (Ford); Nov, 113 ANTENNAS AND TRANSMISSION LINES Active Attenuator for Transmitter Hunting , An (Eenhoorn): Nov, 28 Build a Budget T.1 Choke Balun (Wilson)'. Nov. 65 Build a Space-Efficient Dipole Antenna for 40, 80 and 160 Meters (Buxton): Jul, 35; see also.Sep, 88 Connectors for 1-lnch, 72T2 CATV Hardline (Benny): May, 89 Dipoles Above Real Earth (Michaels): Nov, 67 Home-Brewing Large Antenna Coils (Johns); Oct, 45 Impossible Dream Whip HF Mag Mount, The (Karsin): Dec, 40 Limited Space Antennas (Lau): Dec, 85 Minimum-Hassle Coax-Cable Storage (Lee): Aug, 60 More on Strengthening Yagi Elements (Weber): Oct, 66 Notes on the Kenwood AT -250 Automatic Antenna Tuner (Wes.com): Oct, 64 Notes on Wire-Antenna Construction (Zavrel): Mar, 92 Product Review: AEA IsoLoop 10- to 30- MHz Loop Antenna (Battles): Nov, 71 Product Review; Cushcraft 13B2 2-Meter '“Boomer" Yagi Antenna (Lau); May, 59 Product Review: Cushcraft A50-6S 6- Meter Beam (Wilson): Feb. 62 Product Review. Cushcraft R7 Multiband Vertical Antenna (Wilson): Aug, 54 Product Review: M^ Enterprises 2M-CP22 and 436-CP30 Satellite Yagi Antennas (Jansson): Nov, 69 Product Review: Maldol 28HS2HB 2-Element 10-Meter Beam (Jahnke): Dec, 75 Product Review: Mosiey TA-53-M Multi- band Yagi Antenna (Bauer): Nov. 72 Product Review: Telex Ну-Gain 155CA 15-MeterYagi (Sumner): Apr, 71 Pull-Chain Switch Changes Antenna Directivity (Grimes): Jun, 64 Reluctant Steeplejack, A (Webster): May, 77 Resistors Help Troubleshoot Antenna- System Faults (Fattaele): Jun, 64 SWR and the Feed Line (Winter); Sep, 88 Trap Construction Information for Al (W8NX) Buxton’S July 1992 Dipole (Healy): Sep, 88 Trap Drainage Solves Rain-Related SWR Rise (Caplan): Apr, 75 Try an Extended Double Zepp Antenna (Baird): Feb, 75 Umbrenna, The: The Ultimate Portable Groundplane Antenna for 2 Meters and Up (Gaeta); Nov, 64 Why an Antenna Radiates (Macleish): Nov, 59 Writing an Antenna Ordinance: A Model Case (Hammond): Mar, 63 COMPUTERS ABC; The First Electronic Digital Computer? (Hale): Sep, 69 Big Hits at Dayton (Horzepa): Jul, 75 Family of Federal Standards for HF ALE Radios, A (Adair, Bodson): May, 73 How to Locate Amateur Radio Software (Bloom): Apr, 59 Inexpensive Computer Radio Interface, An (Kalata): Mar, 86 (see Sep '91 and Dec “91) Kansas City Keyer Control (Gecewicz): Mar, 88 Logger and Dupe-Checker Programs for the HP48SX (Osburn): Dec, 83 How to Build a Computer—Cheap? (Heil): Aug, 48 RS-232-C Serial Interface for the Yaesu FT-747GX/Heath SB-1400 Transceiver, An (Stone): Jan, 91 RTTY Roundup: A Little Fun for Every- Baudy (Blegen): Jan, 30 Silencing of the LANs, The (Horzepa): Jan, 89 CONTESTS AND OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contest Announcements/Rules 59th ARRL November Sweepstakes Announcement: Oct, 121 Announcing the Seventh ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest .Jun ,78 ARRL June VHF QSO Party Plaque Program: May, 127 ARRL November Sweepstakes Plaque Program: Oct, 123 Clih Competition Rules and Contest. Disqualification Criteria'.Jan ,108 Field Day Rules: May, 124 Rules. 1992 ARRL UHF Contest: Jul, 97 Rules, 1992 Novice Roundup: Jan, 109 Rules, 1992 School Club Roundup: Jan, 108 Rjbs, 1993 ARRL ih ferna lb nal DX Contest: Dec, 126 Rules, 46th January VHF Sweepstakes: Dec, 124 Rules, 5th ARRL RTTY Roundup; Dec. 125 Rules. 7th IARU HF World Championship; Apr, 98 Rules, ARRL 160-Meter Contest; Nov, 132 Rules, ARRL 10-Meter Contest: Nov, 129 Rules, ARRL International EME Competition: Sep. 124 Rules, September VHF QSO Party: Aug, 90 Contest Results 1992 School Club Roundup Results (Malchick): Sep, 122 Field Day 1992 (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Nov, 118 Results, 1991 ARRL 10-Meter Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jul, 89 Results, 1991 ARRL 160-Meter Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Apr, 95 Results, 1991 ARRL EME Competition (Lunt & Stankiewicz): May, 121 Results, 1991 ARRL November Sweepstakes (Lunt& Stankiewicz): May, 110 Results, 1991 ARRL September VHF QSO Party (Lunt 4 Stankiewicz): Jan,103 Results. 1992 ARRL International DX Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Oct, 104 Results, 1992 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes (Lunt & Stankiewicz'): Jun, 88 Results, 1992 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Dec, 118 Results, 1992 ARRL RTTY Roundup (Blegen & Lunt): Aug, 85 Fbsuls, 1992 hivice Bun dp (Un t& Stankiewicz): Jun, 94 Results, 6 th IARU HF World Champ lonship (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Feb, 104 Results, ARRL UHF Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Dec, 116 Results, Sixth ARRL 10-GHz Cumulat ive Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Mar, 98 Straight Key Night 1991 (Lunt & Stankiewicz):.Apr, 99 Contestlng/Operating 1992 “Handy Reference" Section: Jan, 57 6-Meter Band Plan. The: A Closer Look (Wison):Jan,68 ARRL 1 ncorrimgQSL В ureauS yst em: Jan, 58 ARRL International DX Contest Plaque Program: Feb, 103 ARRL June VHF QSO Party Plaque Program: May, 127 ARRL November Sweepstakes Plaque Program.’Oct, 123 ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau Service: Jan, 59 DXCC Notes: May, 86 Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria: Jan, 108 “Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide, The"; Jan, 61 Frequency Allocation Chart: Jan, 64 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1992: Jan, 62 Meet Me in the Novice Roundup! (Stern i; Jan, 38 Л/CJ Turns 20, The (Cain): Jan, 65 Spectrum Management in the '90s and Beyond—Part 3 (Wilson): Jan, 67 (see Part 1 in Aug '91 and Part2 in Sep '91) Time Conversion (table): Jan, 61 240
What's So Special About HF? (Pescatore): Mar, 45 DX Century Club Awards—Column (Search/Zimmerman): Jan, 88; May, 86; Apr, 83; May, 86; Jul, 86; Aug, 63; Sep, 99; Oct, 98; Dec, 95 DXCC Annual List: Feb. 82 DXCC Honor Roll: Dec, 98 CORRESPONDENCE 35 mm QSLs (Poland): May, 101 A&A Gets an ,‘A" (Franklin): May, 101 Accidental Juxtaposition? (Jablin): Aug, 68 AM—A Friendly NostdgicM cd e(BI aiz0 : Dec, 87 AM is Alive (Martin): Mar, 65 Amateur Radio: Buy American (Cooper); Sep, 109 AMTORisOkay (Roy); Sep, 110 And Now, the Rest of the Story... (Lynch): Nov, 102 Appreciation Appreciated (Larson): May, 100 April Foolishness (Barker, Stewart): Jun, 70 April Fool’s Backlash (Burlingame); Aug, 69 Article Comes Under Fire (Hoffman): May, 100 ATV Ingenuity (Rosenthal): Sep, 110 Bioeffects Overkill (Derbacher): Aug, 69 Business is No Place to Relax (Buffington): Oct, 88 Buy American? Let the Fax Decide (George): Nov, 102 Call for Ragchewers, A (Christiansen): Jul, 68 Can’t We All Get Along? (Johnson): Aug, 68 Car Trouble (Harman): Feb, 80 Change the Exchange (h/brs fa I) Mar, 66 Clean Up Your Act! (Patashnick): Oct, 88 Clearing the Air (Juge): Jan, 87 Cooperation 'isth eKey(Edrerl): Jun, 70 "Cops" Gets Mixed Reviews (Boyd, Collins, Baer, Chernin): Dec, 67 Courtesy Expressed (Ward): Aug, 68 Digitally Speaking (Hausen): Feb, 80 DingD oncj. RFI C dl ing/Th'immesb) : Sep, 109 DXCC Honors (Beatty); Feb, 80 DXCC Meaningless? (Burr): Jan, 87 Eidson Puts a Bug in His Ear (Brewer): Mar, 66 Every Letter Counts (Estes): Jan, 87 Farewell, Old Friend (Premena): Sep, 110 Field Day: A Wedge of Discord? (Froehling): Sep, 109 Field Day Incentive (l-tetchsr) Sbp, 109 "Friendly-Tech” Articles are Just Right (Anthony): Jul, 68 From Russia With...Chain Letters? (Delagnas): Aug, 68 Get a Life! (Anderson): Oct, 88 Great Seeing You, Ben! (Riley): Sep, 109 Ham Heritage (Weite); Jan ,87 Ham Heroes (Lynch): Mar, 66 Ham on a High Dark Roof (Riehl); Feb, 80 Ham PoliceBrutd'iy(Norns):Sep, 109 Ham Store Update (So ter): Step, 110 Hams Halt Van Thieves: Mar, 65 Happy Customer (Schwabenland); Mar, 66 Helping Kids Play in Traffic (Mills)'Jun ,70 HF Packet Bytes... (Adkinson, Carver. Moore, Hauskins, Keck, Wight, Mackey): Nov, 102 Impersonal QSL Caids (Badey): Aug, 69 Indoor Antenna: RF Hazard? (Shulman): Jun, 70 Il's Just Good Publicity (McCaffrey): Sep, 110 Keep the WARC Bands Net-Free (Gundry)-. Jun, 70 Key Unlocks Door for Disabled (Tice): Mar, 65 Kudosfor E rtry Level Art'ides(C ocfc); Aug, 69 Lacks in the Stacks (Matthews); Jun, 70 League of its Word, A (Filho): Dec, 88 Life After Heathkit... (Mason, Milburn): Dec, 88 L’i el mitates “Wally and Mike" (Harriman): Nov, 101 Long Live the King (Thomas): Jun. 70 Mobile Misery (Campbell); Mar, 66 Mobile Solution: Shop Carefully (Eicher, Atkins): May, 100 Morse Code: Send it or Lose It (Atkins); Dec, 87 Morse Code: The Second Time Around (Jones): Sep, 109 Morse Code’.The Universal Language (Evans): Nov, 101 Nevada Prestige (Peterson)' Aug 68 Nice Guys Don’t Always Finish Last (Wageman): Aug, 68 No Credt for Imaginative Prefixes? (Robinson)-. Oct ,88 Novice Enhancement II—Nay........and Yea (Newell, Blank, Carpenter, Barnett, Reed, Levasseur): May, 101 Now Hear This’ .(Brown)’ Oct ,88 Now He's Talking! (Conway): Mar, 66 Opposing Viewpoint (Bolin): May, 101 Pacemaker Wearer Doesn’t Miss a Beat (Srvo)‘. Feb, 80 Packet Encroachment (Keen); Aug, 68 "Practical" Modems for Hams (Farkas); Dec, 88 Praise for a “Super" Regen... (Pilz, Jacobs, Wetzel): Nov, 101 Praise for the FCC (McCann): Mar, 65 Print Your County on Your QSL (Hansen): Aug, 68 Profiler Feedback (Cassidy Eckert)' Jul, 68 QS T Authors Go Extra Mile (Tracy): Feb, 80 RFI Isn’t Always Bad (Hocking)' Sep 109 RST: Past its Prime? (Grob); Dec, 87 Shorten Your CQs (Johnson): Mar, 65 Shuttle Shenanigans (Mackee); Aug, 69 Simplex isn't so Simple (Moul): Nov, 101 Six Meters: Plan Needed (Репс): Jul, 68 Spectrally Stunning (Cohen); Aug, 69 Teacher Earns High Marks {Franzino): May, 100 Those Insurance Blues (Thall)’.Oct 88 Three Cheers for Atanasoff (Starosta): Dec, 87 Turn Down the Volume (Simpson): Dec, 88 Update Your License Address (Kurth)’. Jan, 87 VHF and Up’ .It's About Time’ .(Jansson)-, Jul, 68 Voodoo Economics (Plotnick); Dec, 87 Wally and Mike, Colorado Style (Falcone): Dec, 88 Warm Heart in Alaska A (Sussman)’. May, 100 What’s Wrong with QSLing? (Waits): Nov ,101 Youngsters Hear You (Scott)’ Jug 70 ZA: Expedition or Exploitation? (Aymon): Mar, 65 FEATURE ARTICLES General Interest 160 Meters: You Can Go Home Again (Davis): Nov, 91 40 Days of GB5QM/MM The (Lee)’ Dec, 29 ABC: The First Electronic Digital Computer? (Hale): Sep, 69 Amateur Auxiliary The1 Myth Versus Reality (Palm); Dec, 55 AMTORih tte Classroom (Hammer): Nov, 89 Annual Report to the Members of the American Radio Relay League for the Year 1991: May, 65 Are Hams Being Priced Out of the Market? (Scipione)'.Oct ,76 Atop St Elena Island (Reinert): Apr, 57 Board Elects New President (Palm)'. Mar, 53 Case of the Clockwork Noise, The (Elliott): Jun, 51 Chirps (Chopin): Mar, 49 Committee Studies ARRL VHF Band Planning (Craigie); Jul, 43 Desert Wheels (Griffith): Oct, 79 Dream Flight Wausau (Prehn): Oct, 20 Equipment Donations as Tax Deductions (Friedman): Nov, 79 Excellence in Recruiting (White)-.Apr ,58 Family of Federal Standards for HF ALE Radios, A (Adair, Bodson): May, 73 Father’s Day With a Fourth of July Bang (C aS’II ф :J ii ,39 FCC Proposes to Relax Rules on Permissible Amateur Communications'. Sep, 62 Final Days of Ham Spark.The (Hyder)-. Mar, 29 Finest in Amateur Radio Education, The (Simpson): Jan, 43 First Worked All Continents Award ,The (Brown): Oct, 38 For Information, Dial 713-488-4HAM! (Heil and Hawley); Sep, 73 Future of Ham Radio, The (Mastroianni): Oct 70 Ham Adventure in the North [Greenland] (Alford): Feb, 57 Ham Cop (Kolinsky): Oct, 73 Ham Heaven [Vanuatu] (Tinley)-. Jan, 51 Hams Put to Test in Huge Oakland Fire (Girard): Feb, 23 HANDI-HAMS Mark 25 Years of Helping Others (Hennessee): Noy Г6 Hang-Gliding Hams (Williams)- Jun ,19 Heil, James D., KB5AWM, Wins the McGan Public Relations Award (Mansfield): Sep, 58 How to Build a Computer -Cheap9.(Heil)-. Aug, 48 IARU Albania Project, The (Mills): Jan, 17 In Andrew’s Wake (Kandel): Dec, 20 Inside Job at the 5 9 Club Repeater An (Smith): May, 63 Introduction to Gray Ln d>X‘ mgA n (Russell)- Nov 60 ITHE: Alive and Well in New Zealand (Mayhew); Jun, 21 JOTA ’92 (Simpson): Sep, 61 Junk Box The (Daso)- Nov 94 Landline BBSrng (Battles): Aug, 45 Last Heathkit, The (White); Oct, 74 L f i e on 44 egacycle (Kleinschmidt); Apt; 25 Man the Word Processors’.(Williams)-. Jul, 44 December 1992 241
Me? Teach a License Class? Sure, it's Fun! (Bowles): Dec, 67 Meet Me in the Novice Roundup! (Stern): Jan, 3B Mmi-DXpedition to Enderby Island, A (Hoover): Mar, 38 Morse Coder A Place in the Mind (Ross): Mar, 51 Mysterious 6-Meter Band, The (Neubeck): Dec. 59 NCJ Turns 20, The (Cain): Jan, 65 Not Really Alone (Coulter): May, 23 OSCAR-13: Portable from the High Sierra (Hobson): May, 20 Passing the Rapids of the Katun River. The White-Water Adventures of R9Z (Shepelin): Sep, 26 PRB-1: Seven Years Down the Road (Imlay): Oct, 35 QSL Via the Statehouse (Moseson): Apr, 19 QST Profile? Who's Harry Helms? (Halprin): Apr, 50 Quick Trip to the Top, A (Babcock): Oct, 71 Radio-Control Primer, A (Wilson): Feb, 18 Rebirth of W3TKQ, The (Kovalchek)’. Jul, 47 Reluctant Steeplejack, A (Webster)’. May, 77 Rocky Mountain Aerial Foxhunt (Wyatt): Jun, 46 RTTY Roundup: A Little Fun for Every- Baudy (Blegen): Jan, 30 SAREX is on the Launch Pad! (White); Mar, 76 SAREX: Talk to the Crew of Atlantis During 1992’s International Space Year (White): Feb, 46 SET: A Chance to Prove our Readiness (Ewald): Sep, 90 Shuttle Mission STS-45: SAREX QSOs and Solar Studies (White)’. Aug ,29 Simulated Emergencies Test the System (Ewald) :N ov,50 Smile—You’re on Ham Radio! (Battles and Ford); Oct, 42 St Charles County ARES/RACES Mobile Communications (Schuchardt)’. Nov, 26 Unattended HF Opeiation Tops Board Agenda (Palm); Sep, 91 Voice of America Amateurs Mark 50th Anniversary (Cain): Feb, 70 VP8SSI: A expedition to “The Most Awful Place in the World" (Hernandez): Nov, 21 W3USS; The Amateur Radio Voice of the L1S Senate (Halprin): Nov, 83 Wally and Mike: Happy Holidays (Kearman): Dec, 70 Wally and Mike’- Mildred’s Exam (Kearman): Nov, 86 Wally and Mike: Ths Flood (Kearman)’. Sep, 40 Wally and Mike: The Footrace (Kearman): Aug, 33 Wally and Mike: The Podunk Repeater Club (Kearman): Jul, 41 WARC-92 Declines to Designate Interim Frequency for Wind Profilers (Sumner)’. Apr, 23 WARC-92: Inside the US Delegation (Rinaldo): May, 9 WARC-92 Finds Room for New Radio Services (Sumner): May, 25 What's New at Dayton? (Battles): Jun 31 When You Turn on the News and it Turns on You! (Mansfield): May, 63 Wind Profiler Frequencies (Barth); Apr, 22 242 □№- Wind Profilers: Applications and Characteristics (Law): Jun, 48 Wind Profilers at 449 MHz (Palm): Mar, 20 World Apart, A (Raub): Sep, 66 Would a League by Any Other Name Work the Same? (Sumner): Nov, 77 Technical 12-V, 15-A Power Supply, A (Oscarson): Nov, 36 20-Meter VXO-Controlled Transmitter, A (Lau): Apr, 35 40-Meter Regenerative Receiver You Can Build, A (Newkirk): Sep, 35 Active Attenuator for Transmitter Hunting , An (Eenhoorn): Nov, 28 Active Audio CW Filter You Can Buiid, An (Ulbing): Oct, 27 AMTOR-Speak Dictionary, The: Jun, 40 Audio-Noise-Based Voting Circuit, An (Kolber): Oct, 24 Basic Steps Toward Suppressing Power- Supply Surges (Tighe): Jul, 25 Build a Space-Efficient Dipole Antenna for 40, 80 and 160 Meters (Buxton): Jul, 35 Build it Yourself from QST—Part 1 (Hale); Apr, 31 Build it Yourself from QST— Part 2 (Hale): May ,35 Build it Yourself from QST—Part 3 (Hale): Jun ,42 Build it Yourself from QST—Part 4 (Hale); Jul, 31 Calibrating the Signal Generator in the Sky (Shuch and Wilson): Nov, 42 Choosing a Digital Frequency Counter (Bergeron)’. Dec ,42 Control Your Transceiver by Voice (Bergeron); Aug, 35 CW68HC05 Keyboard/Keyer, The (Oscarson): Jul, 19 CW Cbmpetftbn: JUn, 45 Do You Know Where Your CW Signal Is? (Henderson): Mar, 40 Double Duty for Your Transceiver’s Power Supply (Bergeron): Oct, 50 Dual-Radio Speaker, A (Ramhorst and Cady): Nov, 56 Easy Computer Control and Bandwidth Switching with Kenwood Transceivers (Baranski): Jun, 23 Eleven Years of Sporadic E (Pocock , Dyer): Mar, 23 Experimental Solid-State Kilowatt Linear Amplifier for 2 to 54 MHz, An (Paladino): Sep, 19 FET Charge Controller, The (Bryce): Jan, 45 Ffe Id- Streng th Me ter with Deci to I Dsp by, A (Fowler): Jan, 33 Five-Band Two-Element Quad for 20 through 10 Meters, A (Stein): Apr, 52 Flawless VOX Operation with the Smooth Voice Controller (Cowanj: Apr, 37 Fold-Over Mobile Mount, The (Dickinson): Mar, 43 Getting Started in Digital Communica- tions—Part 1 (Ford); Mar, 33 Getting Started in Digits I Communica- tions—Part 2 (Ford)’ Apr 44 Getting Started in Digital Communica- tions— Pari 3 (Ford): May, 41 Getting Started in Digital Communica- tions—Part 4—AMTOR.„and Beyond (Henry): Jun, 34 Getting Started on the Microwave Bands (Campbell): Feb, 35 Getting the Most out of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries (Stuart): Feb, 40 Going Mobile—Part 2 (Ford): Jan. 53 (see Part 1 in Dec '91) High-Performance Direct-Conversion Receivers (Campbell): Aug. 19 Home-Brewing Large Antenna Coils (Johns): Oct, 45 Impossible Dream Whip HF Mag Mount, The (Karsin): Dec, 40 Inexpensive, Easy-to-Build ESQ Probe, An (Bergeron): May, 31 Inexpensive, Expanded-Range Analog Voltmeter, An (Grebenkemper): Dec, 52 IROESK—An Infrared Optoelectronic Straight Key (Cebi ’k): Feb, 30 I emonized QSO (Cu Iter, Hayward): Mar, 18 Line Noise “Sniffer" That Works, A (Leavitt); Sep, 52 Low-Cost'D’ig’ial Signal Processing for the Radio Amateur (Hershberger): Sep, 43 Low-Cost PC Interface tor ICOM Radios, A (Thompson): Jul, 37 Measuring SSB/CW Receiver Sensitivity (Sabin): Oct, 30 No-Tune Transverter for the 2304-MHz Band, A (Davey): Dec, 33 Noise Bridge, The (Althousei: Sep, 75 Off the Grid and on the Sun (Bryce): Dec, 45 Perseids Meteor Storm, The (pocock): Jul, 29 Phased Driven Arrays for ths Low Bands (Christman); May, 49 Piumbei's Deficit Dipdefor2 Meters,A (Thompson): Aug, 43 Portable Antenna Support, A (Fishman and Buus): May, 78 Propagation Predictions for HF—A New Look (Hall) Feb, 48 Receiver Spectral Display Using DSP, A (de Carle): Jan, 23 Recent Advances in Shortwave Fteceiver Design (Rohde): Nov, 45 Remote Control Using Your H-T (Caruso); Nov, 31 PTTY Speak Glossary .An’.May ,46 Selecting and Using Digital Frequency Counters (Bergeron): Dec, 42 Simple Au do h fe See dr the ICOM IC- 2AT and Realistic HTX-202, A (Latta): Sep, 56 Soldering Basics ( TA A): Mty, 36 "Ugly Weekender” II, The: Adding a Junk- Box Receiver (Hayward): Jun, 27 Webersat—Step by Step (Ford); Dec, 63 What's a Mixer? (Kazdan): Aug, 39 Why an Antenna Radiates (Macielsh): Nov, 59 Working the Easy Sats (Ford): Sep, 30 FEEDBACK (to 1992 and pre-1992 articles) AEA VSB-70 Amateur Television Transceiver’ Jun 76 (see Product Review, May ’92) AM is Alive (Martin): May, 130 (see Corres pondence: Mar. ’92) Central States VHF Society, The: A Happy 25th Birthday (Kleinschmidt): Jkn, 94 fcee lie ’91) Connectors for 1-lnch, 72Q CATV Hardline (Newkirk): Oct. 64 (see May ’92) Corrections to Accurate Single -Layer Solenoid Inductance Calculations (Meyer): Jul, 73 (see Technical Correspondence, Apr ’92) Cushcraft 13B2 2-Meter Yagi Antenna: Jun, 76 (see Product Review, May ’92) Drake R8 Shortwave Receiver, The (Kearman): May, 62 (see Mar '92)
FET Charge Controller (Bryce): Mar, 86: May, 96 (see Jan '92) Finest in Amateur Radio Education, The: Mar, 86 (see Jan ’92) Flawless Vox Operation with the Smooth Voice Controller (Cowan): Jul 28 (see Apr '92) Getting Started in Digital Communications—Part 4 (Ford): Oct, 66 (see Jun '92) Getting Started on the Microwave Bands: Jul, 28 (see Feb '92) Inexpensive Computer Radio Interface, An (Kalata) :M ar,86 ( seeS ep’91 ad Dec’91) MARS Addresses (Trachtenberg): Jan, 82 (see Dec '91 Public Service column) LOGIC II and LOG'ic JrLogcjingS dt ware: Jun, 76 (see New Products, May ’92) Perseids Meteor Shower (Pocock): Sep, 89 (see Jul '92) QRP Three-Bander,The (Lau)r. Jan,55 (see Oct ’89) Remote Control Using Your H-T (Caruso): Dec, 84 (see Nov ’92) Single-Board, No-Tune 902-MHz Transverter, A (Campbell)’. Feb ,39 (see Jul ’91) SWR Doesn't Vary Along a Feed Line (Maxwell): Jan, 55 (see Tech Correspondence, Nov ’91) What Does Code Get You (Pe scat ore): May 130 (see Mar ’92) What Your Frequency Display Really Tells You (Newkirk): Jun, 64 (see Aug ’91) Voice of America Amateurs Mark 50th An- niversary (Cain): Apr, 77 (see Feb ’92) Yaesu FT-650 (Healy): Jan, 82 (see Product Review, Oct ’91) FM/RPT—Column (Battles) 2 Meters from 12,000 Feet (Long): May, 105 Colorado 14ег Radio Event, The (Witte): Aug, 76 Flight of Repeat ?, The (Mayenschein): Apr, 90 Frequency Agile Crossband Repeating and Remote Control (Macionski): Sep, 113 Ham Foxhunters Find Sheriff's “Rabbit" (Haley): May, 105 Hiker’s Story, A (Walker): Aug, 76 Listening on the Input II (Sfvo, Sparrow): Jan, 92 Listening on the Input III (Witte, Katona): Feb, 96 Listening on the Input IV (Stern, Jaeger, Rogers, Spencer): Mar, 89 It's LiTZ!: Oct, 82 Making 911 More Effective (Green): Jul, 81 Repeater Courtesy: Jun, 76 Reporting Emergencies via Repeater Autopatch: Jul, 81 Spur! (Dease): Dec, 109 Teacher's Helper (Martino): May, 105 Toward Adopting a Standard: Jan, 92 ZERO: An Alerting Device for Repeater Users (Newland); Nov, 108 HAPPENINGS—News (Cain) AEA Presents Trophy: Dec, 90 Amateur Instrumental in Sea Rescue, Credits QSTfor Shipboard Radio Post: Sep, 100 Amateurs Concerned About RF Lightbulbs’ Design: Nov, 49 Amateurs Connect with Latest Space Shuttle: Nov, 97 Amateur Transmitter Hunters Help Nab Thieves (Downey): Apr, 65 ARRL Atlantic Division Makes Annual Awards: Aug, 50 ARRL Board to Consider Digital Committee Ideas: Dec, 90 ARRL Digital Committee Reconsiders Position on HF Automatic Forwarding: Nov, 96 ARRL President Noted in United States Senate; May, 82 Associate Technical Editor Jerry Hall, K1TD, Retires: Dec, 91 A stronaut Comms: Jun, 57 Best, R. O., W5QKF, SK: May, 84 California Appeals Court Rules In Favor ot Satellite Dish Antenna: Nov, 98 C anadian Amateurs Vote on Organizations' Merger: Sep, 101 Canadian Groups Continue to Work Toward Merger; Dec, 91 C anad ian H ams to Merge; Oct, 84 Commercia I Stations Fined for Broadcasts of "Indecency"’.Dec ,92 Commission Drops Fine in Alleged CSCE Change: Nov, 98 Com miss'o nM oves, Consolidates private ' Radio Bureau Functions: Dec ,93 Commission Opens Door to “Smart House" Development: Aug, 50 Commission Reaffirms Position on RFI: Feb.77 Committee Sets Timetable for HF Packet Deliberations: Oct, 83 Congress Adjourns with No Action'on Bills: Dec, 89 Controversial Caribbean Ham Sentenced in Fraud Case: Oct, 84 Corrections (see Feb ’91): Mar, 64 C udi craft F ounder Dies [Lester Cushman, W1BX]; Feb, 77 Dayton Amateurs Cited in Highway Rescue: Nov, 97 Deed Restrictions Doom Texas Amateur's Tower; Jul, 63 Digital Band Plan Hammered Out; 40 Meters Only Stumbling Block: Nov, 96 Documenting Changes in Russian Ham Life (Howe): Dec, 92 Early Christmas in Lab: Nov, 98 Earthquake Clarified: Jun, 59 Fall From Tower Claims Life of a Young Amateur [Bill Carter, KM5R]: Feb, 79 FCC Commends Amateurs in Sea Rescues; Net Credited with Saving Lives; Jul, 61 FCC Fines Tennessee Amateur for 20- Meter'Indecency"; Nov, 99 FCC Plan Would Ease Public Service Rules; Aug, 49 FCC Sticks to Position on Increased Fines: Jul, 62 Federal Judge Denies New Ham Ticket to Ex-Ham with History ot Radio Violations Five Get FCC Notices for Alleged Violations: Nov, 99 Foundation for Amateur Radio Offers Annual Scholarships; Apr, 64 Former Division Director L. Phil Wicker, W4ACY, Silent Key at Age 83: Mar, 63 Former Missouri SM Ben Smith, K0PCK, SK’ May 84 Former SCM, Vice Director T. Hunter Wood, W4ANK, SK: May, 84 Foundation Picks Students for 1992 Scholarships'.Od ,83 Freeman, Otis, W2VSC, Dies’ Called Television Pioneer: Dec, 91 Government Inquiry Will Ponder Spectrum Needs: Aug, 51 Hallicrafters Founder Dies at Age 93 [William Halligan, W9AC]’. Sep, 104 Ham Faces $15,000 Fine as FCC Turns Up Heat: Aug, 51 Ham Faces Loss of License: Oct, 83 Ham Faces Loss of License tor Not Responding to FCC Letter: Dec, 91 Ham Radio: It's the Law (Oppedahl): Aug, 52 Hams Tell Story of Finding Jammer’ ,QRM Elim' mated, $15,000 Fine Results’ Sep, 102 Healers Hea 'T d e d H eroicH ams: Jup 60 Heath Company Officially Announces Demise of Kits: Jul, 61 Heavy Fines Levied Against Several Amateurs’ Jun 57 IARU President Named Dayton Amateur of the Year [Dick Baldwin, W1RU): . May, 80 Interactive TV Interests G’feAII ocS ron a 218-219 MHz’ May, 81 Interference Comments Sought: Jan, 76 ITU Secretary-General Sets Tone of Conferen cefWARC 92] :A pr,62 K4DNJ SK’ Ran Radio School [Carl Peters): Feb, 79 Kuwait Honors Amateurs for Role During Occupation; May, 82 Last Voice Documentary Honored By Press Club: Jun, 59 Leads Sought in Bogus SOS: Feb, 77 League Advisory Committee Members; May, 85 League Calls Licensing Scheme Flawed, Suggests Alternatives for Foreigners: Dec, 89 League Continues Search for Solutions to Loss of Amateur Spectrum at 220 MH z: Apr, 62 League Rec eives Gift of Circuit-Design Software: Oct 83 League Volunteers Unite to Get Scanner Law Changed; Mar, 63 Letters Support Return of Special Call Requests; Sep, 102 Long-distance Biker Visits HQ; Nov, 98 Long-Term QST Columnist Retires [Tynan] Nov, 100 Man Seeks Reinstatement oi Revoked Ham License: Sep, 101 Marks .’’Un d eD ave," W2APF ,SK at88; Founded Operation Goodwill: Apr, 64 McClenon, Don, N4IN, SK; Director of CO 160 Contest; May, 84 Members Reelect Seven L eague Directors; Four New Vice Directors Take Office January 1: Jan, 73 Moran, Father Marshall, 9N1MM, Dead at 85.Jun,58 Mr Rinaldo Goes to Washington: Aug ,50 New "Business Communications" Rule Proposed: Mar, 62 New Gear for Maxim Station’. Dec,, 93 New Handout Helps Explain Radio- Frequency Interference: Jul, 62 New Yorker Profiles N2KS, The [Kenny Schaffer]: Feb, 79 Nominees Sought for ARRL Eba rdo f Directors: Jul ,65’ ,Aug ,53 Ohio Hams Brave the Elements io Oper- ate from VOA Site (McKay): May, 83 Parts Store Employee Honored for Saving Customer'^ Life1 Jut 61 Proposal Would Streamline Novice Examinations: Apr, 63 December 1992 243
Proposed FCC “Business Rule" Changes Enter Comment Phase: Apr, 65 Public Service Monument' Feb, 78 Repeat Nominating Solicitation: Apr, 65 RSGB Hosts Exhibit at Dayton HamVention: Jun, 59 Russian Hams Rush to Regroup-, Many Club Stations Shut Down: Oct, 85 Section Election Notice: Jan, 76; Feb, 79; Apr, 65; May, 84; Jul, 64; Aug, 51: Oct, 86 Section Election Results: Jan, 76; Apr, 65 Section Managers Chosen: Oct 86 Section Managers Elected in Indiana and Maine; Jul, 63 Sponsor Reaffirms Backing for Amateur Radio Bills:.Jul, 63 Support Still Needed for Spectrum Protection Bills: Oct, 83 Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Appeal of Indecency Ruling: May,81 Television Expose Puts Seattle Hams on Alert: Feb, 78 Three League Petitions Seek Relefon 222-MHz Band: Jan, 73 Three Operators Socked with Major Fines for Interference, Exam Irregularities, Unlicensed Operation: Sep, 100 To Track a Jammer (Vaughn): Sep, 103 Two Volunteer Examiners Strike Plea- Bargain with Commission: Dec, 90 U2MIR Visits US: Jan, 75 US to Seek DAB Allocation: Jan, 76 WARC-92 Adopts No Change in 40-Meter Band; Calls For Future Conference to Consider Realignment: Apr, 61 Westt/rnk Honoree [Fischer]: Jun, 59 Writer and Editor Andy Anderson, K0NL, SK at 82! Jul, 62 Writer Robert Hertzberg, K4JBI, SK’ Sep, 102. Writing an Antenna Ordinance1.A Model Case (Hammond): Mar, 63 HINTS AND KINKS—Column (Newkirk) Beating Static Crashes (Lau): Jun, 64 Black Conductive Component-Protection Foam Damages Parts (Mitchell); Feb, 75 Build a Budget 1:1 Choke Balun (Wilson): Nov, 66 Computerized CW Terminal Checks Sending Errors (Richardson): Mar, 85 Connectors for 1-lnch, 72-Q CATV Hardline (Benny): May, 89 Cure for “Wrong VFOI" A (Levin); Oct, 64 Curing Erratic Antenna-Relay Operation in the TS-830S(Ruplenasi: May, 90 Curing Instability in the TS-830S (Stahl)-, May, 89 Curing Oscillation in the MSA-0885 MMIC Amplifier (Akimov): Aug, 60 Curing RFI in the ICOM IC-SM6 Desk Mike (DeMaw): Jul, 66 Current-Sensing Transmit Indicator,A (Hoyt): Nov, 66 Debouncer for Semiautomatic Speed Keys, A (Cuthbert): Sep, 87 Don't Lose the Little Bits (Jablini: Jb I 67 Eliminating AM-Broadcast Interference on 160 Meters (Lau): Apr, 75 Finding Your Frequency in Keyboard Modes (Koppl): Jun, 63 Fishing Rod Casts Antenna Lead Over Tree (Glunt): Jun, 64 Glass Dielectric Increases Variable- Capacitor Capacitance (Lovell): Apr, 74 Go Ape on Four HF Bands with One 20- Foot Antenna—Indoors (Norris): Oct, 63 Interfacing the AlincoALX 2T C^Meter 244 USb- Transceiver with a Packet TNC (Holt): Jan, 89 Light Bulb Converts Power Supply into a Battery Charger (Covington): Mar, 85 Load-Tracking L Network, A (Michaels): Apr, 74 Long Tone Zero for the ACC RC-85 Re- peater Controller (Herrmann): Dec, 82 Measure of a Man, The (Brash): Nov, 66 Measure RF Power with a Lamp and Photocell (Klaus): May, 90 Minimum-Hassle Coax-Cable Storage (Lee): Aug, 60 Modifying the CMOS Super Keyer II (O’kane): Sep, 86 More on Building A-Frame Masts (Rogers): Dec, 81 More on Curing RFI in the Quality Desk Mike (Hoskinson): Jul, 66 More on Why Solid- Sate Rgs ft dice Their Output Power with Rising SWR (Lau): Oct, 63 Multifilar-Coil Winding Tip (Jablin): Jan, 89 Notes on the Kenwood AT-250 Automatic Antenna Tuner (Wescom): Oct, 64 Notes on Wire-Antenna Construction (Zavrel): Mar, 92 Oscillating TV PreampsC auseTVI (Millar): Mar, 86 Protect Your Tower Crank-Up Motor from Moisture (McCaffrey): Apr, 75 Pull-Chain Switch Changes Antenna Directivity (Grimes): Jun, 64 Putting the Heath SB-1000 Amplifier on 10 Meters (Klein): Dec, 81 Quick Fixes (Freeston, Grider, Bryant, Crandall): Jan, 91 Resistors Help Troubleshoot Antenna- System Faults (Raffaele): Jun, 64 Restoring TS-830S Receiver Sensitivity (Czuhajewski): May, 89 RS-232-C Serial Interface for the Yaesu FT-747GX/Heaih SB-1400 Transceiver, An (Stone): Jan, 91 Slower Receiver Recovery Time Improves Ten-Tec Argosy QSK (Garrett): Jan, 89 Small Mobile-Rig Mount, A (Denike); Feb,76 Sorting Ferrite Materials by Resistance (Lau): Mar, 86 Spinner Knob for the Yaesu FT-747GX/ Heath SB-1400 Transceiver, A (Potter): Apr, 75 Stopping Unwanted AFSK Output in the PK-232 (Syler): Nov, 66 Stubs Clear Third-Harmonic TVI (Labaj): Jan, 90 Tape Heater Softens Stiffened Coaxial Cable (Mollentine): Oct, 63 Tone Injector for CW Zero-Beating, A (McCaffrey): Aug, 59 Trap Drainage Solves Rain-Related SWR Rise (Caplan): Apr, 75 T ry anE tfeitl ed D auble Zepp Antenna (Baird); Feb, 75 Tune-Up “Ditting" Eases Strain on Finals (Stavenhagen): Sep, 87 Two Keying hterfac esforthe Kenwood TS-830S Transc eiver (Japha): Jan, 90 Umbrenna, The: The Ultimate Portable Groundplane Antenna for 2 Meters and Up (Gaeta): Nov, 64 Use a Stick-On Electronic Calendar (Ray): Jun, 64 Use Your Existing Car Sound System for Better Mobile/Hand-Held Audio (Brown): Feb, 75 lie Yiur Tansceiver as а Щ5 M er (Beers)’ Jan 89 Use Plastic Bag Closures as Wire ID Tags (Meyer): Dec, 82 Using the Yaesu FT-411 on Packet Radio (Jeffery): Apr, 75 Zero-Beater, The (Boswell): Jul, 67 HOW’S DX?—Column (White) Andrew: Nov, 103 CE3AG, SK [Luis Desmaras]: Feb, 81 Common Sense: Nov, 103 DX Contests and the New DXer: Feb 81 DXAC Actions: Jun, 81 DXAC Status Report Mar. 77 DXpedition Reply (Rowe): Jun, 81 Fast Runner on the DXTrack kbv, 103 International Reply Coupon, The: Jun, 81 Islands on the Air Apr, 81 JA1ACB Makes Mixed Honor Roll—on RTTY! (Caln): Aug, 61 Warm' l-fcm toree DX Program1 Jag 85 New ARRL DXCC Countries List. Jan, 85 North America....Stand By! (Altig): May, 97 PacketCbsters (Denton); Feb 61 Pileup Management’. Jan ,85 Spratlys, The: Dec, 101 Sun Clock: Oct, 89 Other Side, The (Neill): Sep, 107 Vist wth S omeR ussianHams, A ( Rita к’) Шу, 98 VP8SS1 Operator Notebook: Jul, 82 VP8SSI Update: Oct, 89 YU: Oct, 89 Zone 2 Diploma: Dec, 101 IARU NEWS—Column (Baldwin) 19th Southeast Asia Net Convention, The (Huatl: Aug, 75 Amateur Radio Administration Course: Aug, 75 Amateur Radio at TELECOM '91 in Geneva: Jun, 77 Amateur Radio Call Signs: Jul, 85 Can I Join the IARU?; Jan, 99 Jottings From Here, There and Everywhere; Feb, 99 INFORMATION 1992 "Handy Reference" Section: Jan, 57 1992 "Handy Reference” Section Addendum (Farley): Apr, 93 6-Meter Band Plan, The: A Closer Look (Wilson): Jan, 68 AMTOR-Speak Dictionary, The: Jjn, 40 Announcing the First Annual Philip J. McGan Memorial Award [WA2MBQ]: Mar, 52 ARRL Incoming DX QSL Bureau Addresses; Jan, 59 ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System, The;Jan,58 ARRL Field Service: Jan, 57 ARRL Outgoing QSL Service, The; Jan, 59 Automatic Unattended Operation Sirvey (Rinaldo)’.Jan ,41 Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria: Jan "Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide, The"’, Jan, 61 Educational Activities; Jan, 59 FCC Proposes to Relax Rules on Permls- sibleAmateurCommuriica ions: Sep, 62 Frequency Albcatibn Cha rt >An, 64 How to Contact the ARRL: Jan, 57 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1992: Jan, 62 Membership Information: Jan, 57 Membership Services: Jan, 58 QST Editor aT Jan Regulatory Information1 Jan p8
RTTY-Speak Glossary, An: May, 46 Technical Information: Jan, 58 Time Conversion (table): Jan, 61 Unattended HF Operation Tops Board Agenda (Palm): Sep, 91 Volunteer Examinations: Jan, 58 WARC-92 Declines to Designate Interim Frequency for Wind Profilers (Sumner): Apr, 23 WARC-92 Finds Room for New Radio Services (Sumner): May, 25 WARC-92: Inside the US Delegation (Rinaldo):May, 9 W1 AW Schedule: Jan, 61; Mar, 83; Apr, 86; May, 125; Jul, 88; Sep, 124; Oct, 126; Nov, 95; Dec, 93 Exam Info—Column (Jahnke) Examination Community News: Aug, 79 Examiner Notes: Oct, 49 FCC Proposes to Bring Novice Examinations into the VEC Program1, Sep, 116 FCC Proposes Special Licensing for Visiting Foreign Hams; Oct, 49 Correction .’Aug,79 (seeE xaml rf o,M ay '92) I’m a Technician Licensee—What Privileges Do I Have?: Jul, 24 Lost and Expired Licenses and Grace Periods: Feb, 97 Publicizing What Credit is Acceptable at VEC-Coordinated Test Sessions?: Mar, 91 Question Pools: Update: Apr, 101 Things to Bring to Examinations: May. 107 VE Service Gets High Marks: Dec, 112 When to Use ARRL License Manuals'. Aug, 79 Washington Mailbox—Column (Hennessee) Amateur Radio in the Classroom: Avoiding the FCC Dunce Cap; Aug, 72 Part 97; Have You Read it Today?: Oct, 95 "Who's in Charge Here?": May, 93 Who's in Control of Your Field Day Station?: Jun, 73 IT SEEMS TO US—Ed itorial (Sumner), p 9 Action on Indecency: Aug Are You Ready for Field Day?: Jun Best Defense, The: Apr Democracy: Jan Extending Your Horizons1. Oct Making the Most of the Microwaves: May Matter of Personal Privilege, A (Price): Mar Nominations are Open: Jul Our Place in the World;Dec Running on Automatic: Sep WARC-92; Feb What Do You L'ke About QST?'. Nov KEYING AND CONTROL CIRCUITS CW68HC05 Keyboard/Keyer, The (Oscarson): Jul, 19 Control Your Transceiver by Voice (Bergeron): Aug, 35 Debouncer for Semiautomatic Speed Keys, A (Cuthbert): Sep, 87 Kansas City Keyer Cort rd (G ecewrc^; Mar, 88 Keyer Update (Pagel): Jul, 91 Low-Cost PC Interface for ICOM Radios, A (Thompson): Jul, 37 Modifying the CMOS Super Keyer II (O'Kane):Sep,86 RS-232-C Serial Interface for the Yaesu FT-747GX/Heath SB-1400 Transceiver, An (Stone): Jan, 91 Two Keying Interfaces for the Kenwood TS-830S Transceiver (Japha)’. Jan, 90 LAB NOTES—Column (Ford & ARRL Lab Staff) How fo Locate Amateur Radio Software (Bloom): Apr, 59 How to Locate Manuals and Documentation (Gruber): Jun, 67 Interfer ence Primer—Part 1: Feb, 73 Interfe renoe Primer— Part 2: Mar, 81 Interference Primer—Part 3: Oct, 67 Limited Space Antennas (Lau): Dec, 85 Substituting Parts (Lau); Aug, 66 MEASUREMENT AND TEST EQUIPMENT Calibrating the Signal Generator in the Sk y(Sh u<h ad W fi sot) : Nov, 42 Choosing a Digital Frequency Counter (Bergeron): Dec, 42 Current-Sensing Transmit Indicator, A (Hoyt): Nov, 66 Fie Id-Strength Meter with Decibel Display, A (Fowler)'.Jan ,33 Measure RF Power with a Lamp and Photocell (Klaus): May, 90 Use Your Transceiver as a Dip Meter (Beers)1. Jan ,89 NEW BOOKS [Author] (Fteviewer) 1992 Transcripts and Proceedings The1. The Unofficial Proceedings of Certain Dayton Events [Boyd] (Battles): Nov, 74 Aerials [Sterba and Paddle] (Battles): Nov ,41 All About Ham Radio [Helms] (Kleinman); Nov, 25 Antenna Experimenter^ QjiYfe, The [Dodd] (Hale): May, 96 ATV Secrets for Aspiring ATVers (Battles); Oct, 72 Buying Used Shortwave Receivers [Osterman] (Battles); May, 64 Cahier D’Antennes pour Debutants (Novice Antenna Notebook) [DeMaw] (Bergeron): Jan, 56 Communications Receivers: The Vacuum Tube Era: 1932-1981 [Moore] (Battles): May, St Electric Radio [Wiseman] (Newkirk)1. May, 55 Empire of the Air; The Men Who Made Radio [Lewis] (Cain): May, 40 En Ondes (On The Air) [Sondack] (Bergeron): Jan, 56 Ham’s Book of Knowledge, The [Schneider] (Battles): Nov, 90 Hidden Signals on Satellite TV,3rd Edition [Harrington] (Hale): Nov, 58 La Radioarnateur Universe Fascinant (Amateur Radio, a Fascinating Universe) [Guevin] (Bergeron); Jbn, 56 Low Power Communications: Volume I— QRP Basics [Arland] (Kearman): Noy. 88 Modern Amateur’s Mobile Handbook, The [Ingram] (Ford); Nov, 93 Secret Signals: The Euronumbers Mystery [Mason] (Battles): May, 47 Troubleshooting Analog Circuits [Pease] (Hale)'.Mar ,19 US Repeater Mapbook; 1992-1993 Edition [Smith] (Battles): Sep, 113 USSR Merchant Ship List, 4th Edition [Berfj (Kleinschmidt); Jan, 37 Wireless Communication in the United States: The Early Development of American Radio Operating Compan’ tes [Mayes] (C an) :M ay,48 NEW PRODUCTS 1992 H amPh doC d end ar: Feb, 29 2-Meter Mobile Antenna Aug. 42 Attenuator Box for Transmitter Hunting: Mar, 75 Audio В oost er.A ug,81 Automatic Antenna Selector Nov 85 Big Hits at Dayton (Horzepa): Jul, 75 Call Sign Data Base [j-Com]: Jul, 49 Cheaper ChipTalker Chip; Sep, 65 Classy Certificates-Dec ,51 Clear Coax: Oct, 95 Coax Waterproofer; Mar, 86 Code Practice Oscillator: Oct, 53 Computer Add-Ins: Feb, 34 Computerized Weather Station: Jul, 60 County Hunters’ Software: Dec, 66 CT UtTtes: Mar, 37 CW Transceiver Kit; Aug, 55 CYRIL: Mar, 37 Digital Mode Decode/Display System: Nov, 85 Digital V diceR ecoid er Nov, 55 Dipole and Yagi Current Baluns: Mar, 75 Dual-Band Brick: Mar, 42 Dummy Antenna: Feb, 34 EPROM Protectors: Mar, 86 FCC Data Base for Packet1 Ma,r 44 Field Service Multimeter; Aug, 42 Filter and Protecfo iCat la ogP ec84 Filter and Transverter1 Mar 75 Four-Band Mobile Antenna: Aug, 38 Free Design Software: Dec, 105 Grounded Soldering Iron: Aug, 63 Guy-Wire Analysis Software-.Aug ,81 Ham Shack Goodies and T-Shirts: Dec, 51 Ham Software Utilities1.Oct, 95 Ham Test Generator for Macs; Jap 91 Handy Reference Cards: Jan, 91 Handy World Time Reference: Mar. 75 Hex Base Phono Jacks: Oct, 95 j-Com Computer/Radio Interface/Radio Cables; Dec, 110 Kenwood All-in -One Utilities'. Dec, 66 Keyer and Micro-Sized Key; Aug, 67 Keyer Update (Pagel): Jul, 61 LOGic II and LOGic Jr Logging Software (Wilson Kleinsch hdt) M ay)06 Low-Band Sloper: Dec 84 Low-Cost Frequency Counter: Feb, 29 Mail Order Directory; Aug, 81 Message Memory К eyer:J an,52 Miniature ATV Transmitter- Feb 69 Mobile Antenna Adapter; Mar, 75 Mobile Antennas: Mar. 44 Modular Windows^ eft ware:D ec,54 Monthly ATV Magazine (Amateur TV Todayl): Oct, 78 Morse Magazine (Morsum Magnificat}: Jul. 34 Musical CW Tape: May, 40 New Call Sign Data Base: Oct 34 PC-GOQSL Manager System Software (Garcia); Jan, 56 Power Supply, Duplexers'. Nov, 85 QST Index Search Software: Sep, 5 Reading for Female Hams (YL World)'. Oct, 78 Repeater Kits Now A vat iri e:S ep, 65 RTTY Software’ Jan, 52 Rubber Duck Window Mount1 Feb, 34 Self-Tuning Radio; Apr, 43 Shortwave Receiver .Oct ,53 December 1992 245
Spread Spectrum Experimenters' Newsletter (Spread Spectrum Scene}". Aug, 38; Sep 78 Stainless Hardware: Mar, 42 Super Conductor (Kleinschmidt): Sep, 120 Synchronous AM Detectors: Sep, 65 Tone-Activated Monitor: Oct, 97 Tone Decoder/Display: Dec, 84 Turns Counter: Mar, 44 Universal Packet Cable: Sep, 65 Video Tapes: Aug, 55 Vintage Radio Classified (Wireless Trader]: Aug, 63 What's New at Dayton? (Battles);, Jun ,31 NOVICE NOTES Meet Me in the Novice Roundup! (Stern): Jan, 38 What’s So Special About HF? (Pescatore): Mar, 45 OP-ED—Column Heart of Darkness (Mastroianni): Feb, 90 Novice Enhancement 11? (Schnepf)'. Mar, 93 Special Event? Or Business Advertising? (Bowles): Jun, 86 Use Your Political Influence (Boyd): Oct, 87 ORGANIZATIONAL 1992 “Handy Reference” Section: Jan, 57 Amateur Auxiliary, The: Myth Versus Reality (Palm): Dec, 55 Annual Report to the Members of the American Radio Relay League for the Year 1991: May, 65 ARRL Incoming DX QSL Bureau Addresses: Jan.59 ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System, The: Jan, 58' ARRL Outgoing QSL Service, The: Jan, 59 Audited ARRL Financial Statements Released: May Automatic Unattended Operation Survey (Rinaldo): Jan, 41 Board Elects New President (Palm): Mar, 53 Committee Studies ARRL VHF Band Planning (Craigle); Jul, 43 “Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide, The": Jan, 61 Finest in Amateur Radio Education, The (Simpson): Jan, 43 Ham Instructors Honored [Hensley and Hammond]: Sep, 93 How to Contact the ARRL: Jan, 57; with League Lines in other issues “Last Voicefrom Kuwait" Named International Humanitarian of the Year (Hennessee): Sep, 93 . League Advisory Committee Members: May, 85 ' Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1992: Jan, 62 Man the Word Processors! (Williams): Jul. 44 Members Re-Elect Seven League Directors; Four New Vice Directors Take Office January 1: Jan, 73 Membership Information: Jan, 57 National Strategy on Receiver Preemption, The (Mendelsohn)-. Apr, 21 Nominees Sought for ARRL Board of Directors: Jul, 65 Season's Greetings from the ARRUIARU Staff and Contributing Editors; Dec, 127 Section Election Notice: Jan, 76; Jul, 64; Nov, 99 Section Election Results: Jan, 76 Section Managers Elected in Indiana and Maine: Jul, 63 Three Technical Excellence Awards Given by ARRL Board [Lewallen, Hale, Campbell]: Sep, 94 Unattended HF Operation Tops Board Agenda [Palm]: Sep, 91 At the Foundation—Column (Carcia) Autumn Message to our Friends, An: Nov, 114 Harvest of New Hams, A; Ju] 74 Look Ahead, A: Mar, 94 Only the Best Selections: May, 108 Outstanding Achievers: Sep, 127 VicYIP at Work in New Hampshire . The: Jan, 100 Clu b Spe cturn— Ob Umn (ft tn ) Amateur Radio at Discovery Place'.Apr ,92 Clubs Make it Happen: Jan, 97 Club Pride: Sep, 118 Honolulu Hams Remember Pearl Harbor (Shaver): Oct, 99 Message from Space; Nov, 115 New Tech Enjoys First Field Day: Jun, 85 Puerto Rico Rediscovered; Dec, 113 Recognition for Special Service Clubs1. Aug, 78 SAREX: Shuttle Mission STS-47 Scheduled for Fall (White); Mar, 93 (Un filed); Feb, 90 Elections Nominees Sought for ARRL Board of Directors: Jul, 65; Aug, 53 Repeat Nominating Solicitation: Apr, 65 Section Election Notice: Jan, 76; Feb, 79; Apr, 65; May, 84, Jul, 64; Aug, 51; Oct, 86 Section Election Results: Jan, 76; Apr, 65 Section Managers Chosen: Oct, 06 Section Managers Elected in Indiana and Maine: Jul, 63 Moved and Seconded...: Mar, 57; Apr, 65; Jun, 61; Sep, 95; Oct, 75 Section News; Jan, 113; Feb, 109; Mar, 103; Apr, 103; May, 131; Jun, 99; Jul, 101; Aug, 91; Sep, 129; Oct, 127; Nov, 133; Dec, 129 PACKET RADIO Automatic Unattended Operation Survey (Rinaldo): Jan, 41 Interfacing lhe Allnco ALX-2T 2-Meter Transceiver with a Packet TNG (Holt): Jan, 89 Packet Etiquette (Ford): Apr, 45 Packet Satellite for the ’90s, A (Ward); Apr, 87 Packet Perspective—Column (Horzepa) ALE: A Cure for What Ails HF Communications9: .Nov ,107 Big Hits at Dayton (Horzepa): Jul, 75 Let Packet Radio Roar: Apr, 84 New Name for AX.25?: Nov, 107 Packet Encroachment (Keen)'.Aug ,68 Packet Radio Networking Basics: ROSE, Part 1: Aug, 74 Packet Radio Networking Basics". ROSE, Part 2. Sep, 114 Packet Radio Networking Basics: TCP/IP: Dec, 111 Packet Radio Networking Basics'.TexNet. Oct. 102 Packet Radio Basics—Part 9: Networking Basics: Feb, 93 Packet Radio Basics—Part 10: More Networking Basics’.Jun ,79 Packet Software Sampler, A Mar, 92 Silencing of the l-ANs.Thc, Jan ,89 PRODUCT REVIEW Advanced Electronics Applications Fast- Scan Television System; VSB-70 Video/Audio Transceiver and RLA-70 Power Amplifier/Preamplifier, MPS-100 Power Supply and 430-16 Wideband 70-cm Yagi Antenna (Taggart); May, 56 AEA-Fax НЁ-Facsimile Receiving System (Kleinschmidt): Apr, 72 AEA IsoLoop 10- to 30-MHz Loop Antenna (Battles): Nov, 71 Ameritron AL-811 MF/HF Linear Amplifier (Jahnke); Feb, 61 Command Technologies Commander II 2- Meter Linear Amplifier (Healy): Sep, 83 Cushcraft 13B2 2-Meter “Boomer" Yagi Antenna (Lau): May, 59 Cushcraft A50-6S 6-Meter Beam (Wilson): Feb, 62 Cushcraft R7 Multiband Vertical Antenna (Wilson): Aug, 54 Drake R8 Shortwave Receiver, The (Kearman); Mar, 72 Down East Microwave Transverter IF Switch (Healy); June, 56 Е ГО Alpha 87A MF/HF Linear Amplifier (Wilson): Jun, 53 HAL PCI-3000 Multimode HF Data Modem (Kleinschmidt): Dec, 77 Japan Radio Company J ST-135HP MF/ HF Transceiver, The (Newkirk); Mar, 67 Kenwood TS-450S and FS-690S Transceivers (Healy): Apr, 67 Kenwood TS-950SDX MF/HF Transceiver (Healy): Dec, 72 Kantronics All-Mode (KAM) Software Version 4 j0 Upgrade and Host Master II Terminal Software (Wolfgang): Jan, 81 M* Enterprises 2M-CP22 and 436-CP30 Satellite Yagi Antennas (Jansson): Nov, 69 Maldol 28HS2HB Two-Element 10-Meter Beam (Jahnke): Dec, 75 Mosley TA-53-M Multiband Yagi Antenna (Bauer); Nov, 72 Oak Hils Research 40-Meter QRP Transceiver Kit (Kearman): May, 61 QSTCompares: 2-Meter Hand-Held Transceivers (Healy)'. Oct, 54 QST Compares; Heil BM-10 and Telex Contester He adsets (Wilsony Feb 67 QST Compares: Mid-Priced MF/HF Linear Amplifiers (Wilson and Healy): Jul, 53 QST Compares- The Radio Shack HTX- 100 and Ranger Communications RCI- 2950 10 Meter Mobile Transceivers (Hale and Healy): Feb, 63 Telex Ну-Gain 155CA 15-Meter Yagi Antenna (Sumner): Apr, 71 Ten-Tec Argonaut II and Delta II MF/HF Transceivers (Newkirk): Jan, 77 Yaesu FT-890 MF/HF Transceiver (Newkirk)’ Sep -'9 Solicitation for Product Review Equipment Bids: Jan, 82; Feb, 75; Jun, 56; Oct, 62 PUBLIC SERVICE Amateur Auxiliary, The: Myth Versus Reality (Palm): Dec, 55 Ham Instructors Honored [Hensley and Hammond]: Sep, 93 In Andrew's Wake (Kandel); Dec -?0 “Last Voice from Kuwait" [Marafi] Named I rt ernlioniH umarii arian <6th dfear (Hennessee)' Sep 93 Public Service Monument' Feb, 78 SET: A Chance to Prove our Readiness (Ewald): Sep. 90 Simulated Emergencies Test the System (Ewald); Nov, 50 Public Service—Column (Ewald/Palm) 1991 SETUpdde; Nov, 105 Amateur Satellites as a Resource for Public Service Communications (Burden): Apr, 78 246 ПБЬ-
Amateur TV: Public Service Eye in the Sky (Beck-Meyer): Jul, 76 ARES and NTS: Fun, Function, Fraternity: Пес, 103 ARRL NTS Modifies Traffic-Ha nd ling Procedures: Nov, 105 From Drill io Disaster in an Hour and a Half! (Goltz): J an, 83 Gas Explosion Rocks Texas Counties (Ham): Oct, 91 Los Angeles Police Department Challenge Cup, The (Coulter): Mar, 79 National Traffic System: An Anachronism? (Palm): Jun, 65 Net Directory: Call for Registration: Jul, 77 New England Escadrille Warbirds Airshow, The (Keller): Feb, 91 NTS Forum (Godrie, Kersten, Bort, Sharp, Noel, Johnston, Bruno, Fuller, Hack, Zorn, Hatherly, Palm): Aug, 56 Operation Holidays II: Each One Reach One: Nov, 105 Packaged Emergency Station (Aurick): Sep, 105 Pumpkin Patrol Succeeds in New York (Topalian): Oct, 91 Spotlight on Service; Radio Amateurs Help in Texas Flood Relief (Wolf): Apr, 79 SPECIALIZED COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIQUES ALE: A Cure for What Ails HF Communications?; Nov, 107 Family of Federal Standards for HF ALE Radios, A (Adair, Bodson): May, 73 Product Review: Advanced Electronics Ap- plications Fast-Scan Television System; VSB-70 Video/Audio Transceiver and RLA-70 Power Amplifier/Preamplifier, MPS-100 Power Supply and 430-16 Wideband 70-cm Antenna [Taggart): May, 56 Product Review: AEA-Fax HF-Facsimile Receiving System (Kleinschmidt): Apr, 72 RTTY Roundup: A Little Fun for Every- Baudy (Blegen): Jan, 30 STRAYS 10-Meter Horse Trots (Chatham ,Dunker)‘. Mar, 97 25 for 25 [Courage HANOI-HAMS certificate): Jan, 98 2-Meter Ground Bound (Pearce): Feb, 60 Academic Grants Available [RCA]; Sep, 74 ACES Call for Papers: Oct, 53 African 10-Meter Beacon: Sep, 85 Attention Apple Computer Users; Ju), 70 Attention Extra Class Licensees [ARRL certificate): Jan, 29 Balloonist to Attempt Record [Eidsnessp. Jul, 70 Barcelona Olympic Award: Jun, 86 Canadian Ham Museum: Jun, 50 Drake Service Dept Moves; Jun, 26 Case of the Free-Running Booster, The (Dannals): Sep, 65 Coincidence (L ynn); D ec, 45 Dutch Ham List: Sep , 74 Eddystone User Group (Moore): Mar, 52 EE BBS: Sep. 74 Fax it Up (Glidden): Jun, 26 Finnish Stations Use OG Prefix (Kelzenberg): Jun, 69 Four Hours Late (Frost); Nov, 78 Ham Balloon Launch: Jul, 28 Ham Radio Almost to the Rescue (Bonina): Jun, 47 Ham Radio Titans (Lovarco): Jul, 30 Hamming in Ukraine (Rinaldo): Jun, 50 Hands-On Experience; Ma r,21 Hearing Aid RFI: May, 62 Honeywell Net: Oct, 53 How to Become a Ham in PJ8-Land (Hall): Sep, 104 IARU DF Contest: Jun, 51 International Event Organizers: Jun, 45 Landing the Train (Richards)’ Aig, 77 Latest Proceedings Available; Nov ,75 Latvian Radio League Formed (Neimers): Feb, 45 Mangled Mail (Garcia); Dec, 39 Midwestern Wireless Pioneer (Hutchinson): Nov, 25 Military Ham Data Base (Godlews ki): Feb, 89 More Than 400 Years of Ham Radio (Hunter): Aug, 84 Military Celebration (Feild): Apr, 89 Milsap Newest Member of PARK, Ronnie: May, 34 Motorcycle Mobile: Aug, 73 New Magazine from RSGB (D-i-Y Radio)'. Jan, 40 New Sacramento Ham Store: Jul, 34 New Video (Your HQ at Work)-. Jun 50 Off to a Fast Start: Aug, 83 On the Air Before 1952?: Aug, 83 On the Air in the Air: Jun, 84 One-Man Ham Factory (Taylor): Nov, 114 P.rotect Your Equipment (Hennessee): May, 62 Pse QSL de NTT (Perkins): May, 76 QCWA Banquet at Daytorv Apr, 89 QSO in Proportion to Frequency; Jun, 69 QST Cover Plaque Award Winners: Feb, 29 Russian ARES Goes Digital’ Jug 51 SBE Certification for Extras: Jan, 99 Siow-Speed CW Traffic Net (Martell): Jg p 00 Small World (Felder).- Dec 32 Stamps for Kids (Smith): Oct, 53 Swan Net: Jun, 84 Talk ing Car Foils Burglar (Forster): Feb, 45 Thank Your Elmer: Oct, 69 Third Generation Extra Class (Gammon); Mar, 52 Toys for Tots Raily; Nov, 74 TU (Thank You) (Finch): Feb, 97 US/USSR Bcc tenge Program: Jan, 112 USSR Radio News; Jan , 112 Vintage SSB Net: Apr, 89 West Chicago BBS: Feb, 22 WWII Merchant Marine Reunion; Jul, 36 TECHNICAL CORRESPONDENCE Accurate Single-Layer-Solenoid In- ductance Calculations (Meyer): Apr, 76 (see Feedback: Jul, 23) Beware of Mike RFI (DeMawp Mar, 88 Communications Equipment Interface Standardization in th eUK (В ей) ; Mar, 88 Dipoles Above Real Earth (Michaels): Nov, 67 FET Charge Controller Comments and Catches (Bonkowski, Bryce); May, 95 FM or SSB? (Lau): Dec, 84 JESAUG—Journal of the Environmental Satellite Amateur Users Group (Pagel); Jan, 96 Kansas City Keyer Control (Gecewicz): Mar, 88 Logger and Dupe-Checker Programs for the HP48SX (Osburn): Dec, 83 Long Long-Delayed Echo (Cannon); Sep, 89 Match Bandwidth Revisited (Griffith, Witt): Jun, 71 Microstripline Design Calculations (Shuch): Jul, 71 M odfication for the FET Charge Controller, A (Ulbing); Sep,88 More on Line-Side Regulators (McIntire): Jan,95 More on NiCd and Gel Cells (Shaper, Stuart, Ellis): Aug, 65 More on Strengthening Yagi Elements (Weber): Oct. 65 New PropagafionT £bl eC omments—Pro and Con (Altig, Seiler, Gosnell, Blocher): Aug, 64 Power-Supply Fix (Monkewich): Sep, 89 Power-Supply Growl (McCarter): Sep, 89 R and the Conjugate Match (Bruene).- T/lay, 95 Simple RFI Cures (Ellington);. Jan, 96 SWR and the Feed Line (Winter): Sep, 88 Trap Construction Information for Al (W8NX) Buxton's Jul у 1992 D‘ipde (Healy); Sep, 88 VHF AND MICROWAVES 6-Meter DX Standings: May, 88 Latest Proceedings Available: Nov, 75 Mysterious 6-Meter Band, The (Neubeck): Dec, 59 No-Tune Transverter for the 2304-MHz Band, A (Davey): Dec, 33 Product Review: Down East Microwave Transverter IF Switch (Healy): June, 56 X-Band EME (Swedblom): 14, Oct World Above 50 MHz, The—Column (Tynan: Jan-Nov, Pocock: as of Dec ’92) 1992 VHF Conference Season Shaping Up; Apr, 85 6 Meters Erupts with Activity- Mac 90 East Coast EME Meeting-.Aug ,70 EME Annals: Mar, 91 Golden Opportunity, A: Jun, 74 How Go the Cumulatives?: Mar, 90 More on Transverters-.Aug ,70 N6AMG expedition Results: Mar, 90 New 4-Meter Awards; Mar, 91 New Overland 3456 MHz Record Chimed (Ward); Aug ,71 New Standings Box Schedule: Jan, 93 New VHF/Microwave Society Formed: Aug, 70 Passing the Baton!-Noy 111 Perseids Resurge in 1992: Oct, 96 Tropo Blowout! (Pocock): Dec, 105 Updating the DX Records: Feb, 94 VHF Conferences: Information and Fellowship: Sep, 111 VHF/UHF/Microwave News: Dec, 106 Want to Have a Really Good Time?: Jul, 69 Weak-Signal VHF for Everybody.May ,87 What Do We Do Now?: Aug, 70 VHF/UHF Century Club (Zimmerman): Feb, 97; Apr, 86; Jun, 63; Aug, 71; Oct, 97; Dec, 107 W1AW SCHEDULE: Jan, 50; Mar, 83; Apr, 86; May, 125’, Jul, 88; Sep, 124; Oct, 126; Nov, 95; Dec, 93 YL NEWS—Column (Dunn) Calendar of YL Events: Nov, 116 Emergency Preparedness: An AII-YL Field Day Passes Muster: Sep, 115 Finding the Time and Motives to Upgrade; Nov, 116 How YLs C anS регк О utAb out Ham Radio-Dep 114 International Goodwill; Adopting a Foreign YL; Jan, 101 Packet and YLs: Jul. 84 Sharing the Rig: YL/OM Teams: Aug, 77 Too Technical to Touch?: Jun, 80 Trip cf a Lifetime!, The: Apr, 91 P.e*?cn?ber 19Э2 247
Index to Volume LXXVII—1993 Compiled By Brian Battles, WS10 QST Features Editor How to Use This Index Items are listed according to the regular column under which they appeared and/or under any category (or categories) that generally describes them. The name of the author(s) appears in parentheses, followed by a colon, then the page number and issue. Examples1. "Honey, I Shrunk the Antennal (Newkirk)'. Jul, 34" appears under Feature Articles—Technical and Anten- nas and Feed Lines; "Packet for Lunch (Larsen): Mar, 38" appears under Feature Articles—General Interest and Packet Radio. Some items have additional subject- description information or the name of a department in which it appeared, In brackets after the title. AMATEUR RADIO WORLD—Column Africa is Focus of Region 1 Conference: Nov, 108 Amateur Radio Returns to Lebanon: Apr, 82 Canadian Amateurs Unite; Jul, 95 CCIR Working Party Approves Amateur Papers; Apr, 82 Czech, Slovak Amateurs "Divorce": Mar, 103 FAIRS Bangladesh Project: Sep, 86 French Change Call Sign System'.Oct,97 IARU News: Jun, 82 IARU Success in Bangladesh: May, 102 ITU Restructures, The; Mar, 103 JARL Membership Profile-'.Jun, 82 New License in Swaziland; Jun, 82 New Zealand Joins CEPT Common License Program: Apr, 82 Omani Society Marks 20th: Mar, 103 Qatar Organizes: Mar, 103 Regon 1 Prepares for Conference: Mar, 103 Slovenia, Croatia Join IARU: Feb, 90 Sweden Introduces Entry Level Code-Free License: Feb, 00 Uganda Reintroduces Amateur Radio: Jun, 82 University Station Opens in Lesotho’. Feb,90 W1RU Visits Thailand: May, 102 White Nights in St Petersburg; Oct, 97 WIA President VK1RH a Silent Key.Jun,82 AMATEUR SATELLITES AND SPACE COMMUNICATIONS Amateur Radio Aboard Space Shuttles'. T+10 Years and Countingl (White): Nov, 22 (see Feedback; Dec, 93) Big LEOs (Hale): Apr, 40 Getting Started with RS^10 (Daniel)'.Aug ,53 Ham Radio at Soviet Space (Dakin): Feb, 47 KICE’s Secret OSCAR-20 Station (Ford): Mar, 47 Phase 3D—A Satellite for AHI—Part 1 (Jansson & Tynan): May. 49 Phase 3D—A Satellite for All!—Part 2 (Jansson & Tynan): Jun, 49 Russians Come to St Louis (Koenig)'. Feb, 49 Satellite-Tracking Software: Dec, 89 Satellites and Field Day (Ford): Nov, 59 232 qsb- Shuttle Mission STS-55 Highlights: Feb, 42 You Have a Date with OSCAR 21 (Ford): Nov, 70 Amateur Satellite Communications— Column (Ford) AMRAD-OSCAR 27: Dec, 107 ARSENE—An Orbiting Packet Digipeater: Feb, 97 ARSENE—The First Amateur Radio Satellite of 1993: Jul, 94 Footnote in Satellite History: Dec, 107 Fuji-OSCAR 20 Mode JA: Sep, 104 /WirQSLs at Last!; Sep, 104 Satellite DXpedition to Aruba; Dec. 107 Satellite Straight Key Night: Dec, 107 Two More PACSATSI Mode В tor Phase 3DI: Oct, 08 UNAMSAT-1: A New Microsat for 19931: Jan,97 What's the Frequency?; Apr, 94 ANTENNAS AND TRANSMISSION LINES 7?Wavelength Multiband Dipole, The (Griffith): Sep, 33 Better Than a Rubber Duck (Kleinman)' . Mar, 56 Disguised Flagpole Antenna, A ( Parker); May, 65 Earth Detunes My Antenna, The (Hall): Oct, 41 Easy, On-Glass Antenna with Multiband Capability, An (Rumbolt): Mar, 35 Effects of Continuous, Conductive Guy Wires on Antenna Performance, The (Gordon): Aug, 22 Fighting Antenna Corrosion (Roleson): Apr, 24 Hams Test Antennas Aboard Space Shuttle Columbia (Siwiak); Oct, 53 H igh-Directivity Receiving Antenna for 3.8 MHz, A (Koontz): Aug, 31 Honey, I Shrunk the Antenna! (Newkirk): Jul, 34 Lure of the Ladder Line ,The (Ford)'. Dec, 70 NRY, The, A Simple, Effective Wire Antenna for 80 Through 10 Meters (Olsen): Mar, 22 Remotely Controlled Antenna Switch, A (Thompson): Apr, 32 Simple Broadband Dipole tor 80 Meters A (Witt): Sep, 27 Small Loop Antenna for 160 Meters, A (Mozzochi): Jun, 32 Two 2-Meter Antennas (Bowles): Jul, 62 Two-Element Duoband Beam, A (Mansheim)’.Apr,36 Yagi: The Man and His Antenna (Welsh): Oct, 45 COMPUTERS Board Embraces Semiautomatic Digital Operation at HF (Pal rr? :S ep,48 Computer-Controlled Electronic Test Equipment—Part 1 (Portugal): Dec, 42 Contest Card, The (Sutcliffe): Sep, 31 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Hardware for Computer-Controlling Modern Radios (Blackburn); Feb 37 Introducing METCON, a New Remote Control and Telemetry System (Newland): Jan, 41 Satellite-Tracking Software: Dec, 89 Schematics at Your Fingertips (Schofield): Oct, 39 \bur h brmation Connection: The ARRL BBS (Ford)1 Jun ,60 CONTESTS AND OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contest Announcements/Rules 60th ARRL November Sweepstakes Announcement: Oct, 122 Announcing the Seventh ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest: Jun, 113 ARRL June VHF QSO Party Plaque Program; May, 124 ARRL November Sweepstakes Plaque Program: Oct, 88 Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria: Jan, 52 Field Day Rules: May, 123 Rules, 1993 ARRL UHF Contest'. Jul ,109 Rules, 1993 Novice Roundup; Jan, 116 Rules. 1993 School Club Roundup: Jan, 103 Rules, 1993 ARRL International DX Contest: Dec, 125 Rules, 47th January VHF Sweepstakes: Dec, 128 Rules, 6thARRL RTTY Roundup: Dec, 127 Rules, Sth IARU HF World Championship’. Apr, 105 Rules, ARRL 160-Meter Contest' Nov ,127 Rules, ARRL 10-Meter Contest: Nov, 126 Rales, ARRL titernaional EME Competi- tion: Sep, 93 Rules, June VHF QSO Party; May, 125 Rules, September VHF QSO Party: Aug ,102 Contest Results 1993 ARRL RTTY Roundup, The (Kleinschmidt & Lunt): Aug, 98 Field Day 1993 (Lunt & Stankiewicz): N ov, 114 Results, 1992 ARRL 10-Meter Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jul, 102 Results ,ARRL 160-Meter Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Apr, 100 Results, 1992 ARRL November Sweep- stakes (Lunt & Stankiewicz): May, 109 Results, 1992 ARRL September VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jan, 110 Results, 1993 ARRL International DX Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz); Oct, 105 Results 1993 ARRL January VHF Sweep- stakes (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jun, 107 Results ,1993 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz'): Dec, 114 Results, 1993 Novice Roundup (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jun, 114 Results, 1993 School Club Roundup (Malehick); Sep, 46 Results, 7th IARU HF World Championship (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Feb, 104 Results, ARRL UHF Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Dec, 122 Results, Seventh ARRL 10 GHz Cumulative Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz); Mar, 108 Re silt s,S=i* eerth ARRL I rt ernti oniEME Competition (Lunt & Stankiewicz)' May, 120 Straight Key Night 1992 (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Apr, 104 Contesting/Operating 1993 “Handy Reference" Section: Jan, 57 30 Years Between Novice Roundups (Leutzeishwab): Jan, 80 ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System: Jan, 58 ARRL International DX Contest Plaque Program: Feb, 110 ARRL Ju пё/HF QSO P йу PI aque Program: May, 124 ARRL November Sweepstakes Plaque Program'..Oct ,88
ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau Service: Jan, 59 Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria: Jan, 52 "Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide, The": Jan, 61 Earn an ARRL Friendship Award (Hutchinson): Nov, 50 First Contest, The (Cotterman)’. Oct ,66 How Does a Section Manager Spend Field Day? (Bowles): Nov, 61 How Many Times Can You Say “CQ Contest" in 24 Hours? (Bushor): Jan, 111 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1993: Jan, 57 Satellites and Field Day (Ford): Nov. 59 Sweepstakes Shack on Wheels (Lindquist)'. Nov, 57 US Amateur Bands (chart); Jan, 64 VHF Participation Pins: Aug, 102 DX Century Club Awards—Column (Zimmerman/Kennamer); Jan, 95; Feb, 89; Mar, 88; Apr, 85; May, 93;. Jun, 85; Jul, 83; Aug, 80; Sep, 97; Oct, 87; Nov, 93; Dec, 97 Annual List: Jun, 85 DXCC Honor Roll; Sep, 99 CORRESPONDENCE Article Comes Through with “Flying" Colors (Wehr): Jun, 52 Better Than Disneyland? (Roy): Mar,84 Can’t We All Just Get Along? (Kiss): Feb, 81 Cause for Mutiny? (Young): Jul, 89 City Code No Longer Restrictive (Kleinberg): Apr, 52 Classic Rigs and AM: Nostalgic and Controversial (Morehead, Martin. Richmond, Greenwood, Green): Apr, 52 Cop Responds (MacDonald): May, 94 "DIN" They Take the Hint? (Applegate); Aug, 80 DIN-Size Mobile Rig, A? (Ellis); Sep, 85 Divide (Your Power) and Conquer (Loomis): Aug, 79 Do Me a Favor; Crank Up the Powerl (Spencer): Oct, 58 Don't Forget About ".52" (Wiesen): Jan, 89 Don't Forget About CB Radio (Barnat): Jan, 89 Dream Come Truel, A (Hollenbeck): May, 94 Elmer Appreciation Week (Sullivan): Aug, 79 Field Day: It Restores Faith in Ham Radio (Jeswald); Nov, 62 Finders Keepers (Dekker):Oct, 58 Flight 201, Descend to "BRAAAAAAAP" (Sohl); Oct, 58 Give Us That Old-Time Radio (Friis)’. Nov, 62 “Go Ahead, Make My Dayl" (Miller): Oct, 58. Good Old Days are Here Again, The (Moser): Oct, 58 HAL FEC-Friendly Error Correction (Henry); Jan, 88 (see Product Review: Dec 1992, 77) Ham License and Registration .Please ... (Vekinls): Oct. 58 Ham Radio: On a Collision Course? (Tortorella): Jan, 88 Hey Gang, Lighten Up! (Kolinsky): Feb, 81 Heyl Do You Need the Whole Band? (Olson): Jan, 88 How About an SASE? (Allen): Apr, 52 How Low Can You Go? (Troster); Jun, 52 I Could Do That with One Hand Tied Behind My Back... (Pulitzer): Nov, 62 I'd Like Mine Candy Apple Red! (Miller); Oct, 58 International Licenses (Price): Feb, 81 Is There Any Defense Against the Hoggerino? (Edwards): May ,94 It's Never Too Late (Wagner): Jan, 89 It's Never Too Late! (Willard): Jun. 52 Kudos Cover to Cover (Schreiber): Jul, 89 League of its Word, A (Filho): Jan..88 Lucky Lineage (Bickels): Aug, 80 Mind Games (Yonker): May, 94 More 20-Meter SSTV: Apr, 52 More Kudos... (Bibby): Jul, 89 Morse Murdered? (Moxey, Thompson): May, 94 Morse Pen, The (Mileshosky): Aug, 80 Motorcycle Mo bile Could Be Hell on Wheels (Shubert): Sep, 85 N2OVA: Inspiring (Staffo, Hearne): Jul, 89 Nifty Little Booklet, A (Lundy): Aug, 79 No, Thank You! (Tibbets): Nov, 62 Now That’s ServiceL(Kennedy');.Jul. 89 Offense of Jurassic Proportions, An (Mershon): Sep, 85 Old-Fashioned Service (Jorgensen): Mar, 85 Packet Ate My Beacon (Cooper): Oct, 58 "Parroty" of the Code, A (Malott): Jul, 89 Point is:Get ontheA,ir,The(Aufick): Nov, 62 Power Hungry Hams—The Rule? (McLeod): Aug, 79 Price of Admission, The (Wood): Sep, 85 Price of Admission is Sometimes Free, The (Lynch): Oct, 58 QRS QRU QRT? (Kennedy): Jan, 88 "Real Ham World’' in Dispute (Bean): Nov, 62 Reflections on “Reflected Waves" (Bernier- Gawle): Nov, 62 Reinventing the Wheel (Antonuk): Mar, 84 Rescue Comes in All Sizes (Szakoni): Jun, 52 Road Less Travelled, The (Carver): Jan, 89 RST? Who Cares? (Calbick): Jul, 89 Sage Advice (Dirling): Feb, 81 Slow Down for a Good Time (Carmichael): Mar, 85 Solar Power: Future Benefits (Hagerty): Apr, 52 Some Natives are Friendly,.. (Falcone, Dimisko); Mar, 84 Someone Noticed! (Dix): Jan, 88 Special-Event Ops, Listen Upl (Chamber- lain): Jan, 88 SSTV: Courtesy Counts (Weston, Scheid): Mar, 85 SSTV: Forever Changed (Glidden): May, 94 Stop, or He'll Get a Big Headl (Keller): Apr, 52 Thanks for the Memories (Flowers): Sep. 85 Time-Tested Advice for Beginners (Golden): Apr, 52 Touch6l (Sahl): Aug, 79 True Confessions (Wonoski): Aug, 79 Two Meters: Newest “Air Band?" (Rosenthal): Aug, 79 Ugly Side of QRP, The (Appel): Mar, 85 “Wally and Mie ’’ %n dome lofenffed (Velon): Jan, 89 What—The Emperor Has No Clothes? (Brown): Jun, 52 What a Racket, Already! (Craig); Feb, 81 What Every XYL Should Know (Grayson)’. Sep, 85 What's Happened to Ham Radio? (Dunmyer): Mar, 84 What's the Fuss About AM? (Oriskany, Feder); May, 94 When is Junk not Junk? (Traub)'.Feb ,81 Where are All the Japanese Old-Timers? (Fujita): Aug, 79 World Above 50 MHz is Full of Surprises!, The (Tynan): Mar, 85 You're 5 By 9, But Please Repeat Your Call Sign Several Times Slowly... (Lindley): Mar, 85 FEATURE ARTICLES General Interest 10,500 Miles of Mobile CW—On a Motorcyle (Brogdon): Jul, 21 1992 The Year in Review: May, 79 30 Years Between Novice Roundups (Leutzelschwab): Jan, 80 Amateur Radio Aboard Space Shuttles: T+10 Years and Counting! (White): Nov, 22 (see Feedback: Dec, 93) Amateur Radio's Most Rewarding Activity (Morris): Jul, 56 Announcing the Second Annual Philip J .. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award; Jan,56 ARRL Volunteer Appointees of the Year (Palm): Oct, 56 Australian Connection, An (Prudhomme): Nov, 55 Beatd aD'ff erentD rum,The: TheCop MacDonald Story (Booth)’.Jan ,31 Big LEOs (Hale); Apr, 40 Board Embraces Semiautomatic Digital Operation at HF (Palm): Sep, 48 Bringing Back t>e Good Old Days (Seginski): Aug, 39 Classic Rigs and Amplitude Modulation: Friendly, Nostalgic Ham Radio Partners (Courson & Ickes): Feb, 43 Cold Season, A (Vaughan): Dec, 56 Coming of the Law, The (Newkirk); Nov, 47 Crossband-Repeater Operation (Witmer): Mar, 43 Don’t Get Blown Away by Your Mobile Rig! (Battles): Apr, 38 Earn an ARRL Friendship Award (Hutchinson); Nov, 50 Endurance (Mastroianni): Feb, 51 Eritrea: A Nation Reborn (Enderud &. Wiig): Dec, 27 Excellence in Recruiting (White)’Jan ,55 Festing (Notes of a Hamclogist) (Hale); May, 48 First Contact and the Unpaid Debt (Elliott): Sep, 44 First VHF Contest from Cuba (Coro): Dec, 58 Five Meters or Bust (Syverson): Apr, 46 Full Circle (Slaughter): Aug, 45 Gatti-Hallicraffers; The First Grand Ham DXpedition (O'Brien): Dec, 59 Good Day at Effingham, A (Johnson): Jan,76 Ham Radio as a Second Language (Huizinga)': Jul, 57 Ham Radio at Soviet Space (Dakin): Feb, 47 Hamming on the “Sunny Side of the Alps" (Sumner); Nov, 53 Hams Test Antennas A board §заое S hJtt fe Columbia (Siwlak): Oct, 53 Hello Again, to an Old Friend (Brady- Ciampa); Nov, 30 Heroics in the Heartland (Palm): Dec, 21 HF Auf omcficD igt й S ibb art s-A ye; Name Clangs— My (®rh): Mr, 73 Hola, Enrique! (Hopkins & Paniagua): Aug, 41 How Does a Section Manager Spend Field Day? (Bowles): Nov, 61 How to Be a DXer (Mastroianni)’.Oct ,51 December 1993 233
Hurricane Iniki Rallies Amateurs (Hashiro): Feb, 19 Inspiration: N2OVA (Lorito): Mav, 52 JOTA ’93 (Bedlack): Sep, 45 KICE’s Secret OSCAR-20 Station (Ford): Mar, 47 Life After Death: A New Beginning (Steele A Wadsworth): Jan, 77 Lure of Classic Radio, The (Drift & Musgrove): Mar, 39 Maritime Mobile, Love Boat Style (Tinley): Jan, 79 "Ocean Hopper" Reunion, An (Barthel): Jul, 54 Packet for Lunch (Larsen): Mar, 38 PacTOR Phone Home: Mobile from the Australian Outback (Mehalfey): Sep, 20 Perseids Meteor Shower in 1993, The (Pocock): Jul, 51 Persistence Gets lhe Derelict (Williams): Aug, 35 Phase 3D—A Satellite tor Alli—Part 1 (Jansson & Tynan): May, 49 Phase 3D—A Satellite for All!—Part 2 (Jansson &.Tynan): Jun, 49 Predicting Transatlantic 50-MHz F-Layer Propagation (Pocock): Mar, 33 PSE QSL for 5BWAS! (Kay): Sep, 39 Radio Clubs of Romania, The (Pataki): Oct, 48 Radio is My Passport (Sharma): Jun, 46 Reflected Waves (Hanson): Sep, 42 Return to the Arctic and on to the Pole (Gleason): Mar, 19 Roving for VHF Gold in the Colorado Rockies (Nerger): Jun, 21 Russians Come to St Louis (Koenig): Feb, 49 Salute the Centibell (Gibilisco): Aug, 43 Satellites and Fidd D ay( Ford): Nov, 59 Simulated Emergency Test Results (Ewald): Jul, 50 Solder to 'T alk (Nichols): Nov, 52 Sweepstakes Shack on Wheels (Lindquist)-. Nov, 57 Tall Ships Pose a Tall Order for Boston Hams (Booth): Jan, 73 Transmitter Hunting: Tracking Down the Fun—Part 1 (Moell): Apr, 48 Transmitter Hunting: Tracking Down the Fun—Part 2 (Moell): May, 56 Visiting Amateurs in the Far East (Pataki)’. Apr, 42 VP2MFA “Do-able" DXpedition, The (Stephens): Oct, 21 Yagi: The Man and His Antenna (Welsh): Oct, 45 You Can Operate HF Mobile (Burch): Feb, 29 Technical $5 Headset Mike, A (Brede): Jan, 48 vS-Wavelength Multiband Dipole, The (Griffith): Sep, 33 13,8-V 5-A Regulated Power Supply, A (Spencer): Nov, 27 Accurate Dip M et er U sing th e MFJ -249 SWR Analyzer, An (Barton): Nov, 45 Add Tracking Sidetone to Your ICOM IC-765 Transceiver (Mraz): May, 39 Automated Mobile Radio-D‘irect‘ion-F‘inder, An (Flanagan & Calabrese): Dec, 51 Automatic RF Power Control for AMTOR Operation (Gregory): Mar, 25 Build the HANDI-Finderi (Leskovec): May, 35 Comparison of Solid-State and Tube-Based Receiver Systems Using CAD, A (Rohde): Jun, 24 Computer-Controlled Electronic Test Equipment—Part 1 (Portugal).’ Dec, 42 234 [J5b_ Contest Card, The (Sutcliffe): Sep. 31 Dual-Range AC Voltage, Current and Frequency Monitor, A (Oscarson): Aug, 25 Earth Detunes My Antenna, The (Hall): Oct, 41 Easy, On-Glass Antenna with Multiband Capability, An (Rumbolt): Mar, 35 Effects of Continuous, Conductive Guy Wires on Antenna Performance, The (Gordon): Aug, 22 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Hardware for Computer-Controlling Modern Radios (Blackburn): Feb, 37 Fighting Antenna Corrosion (Roleson): Apr, 24 High-Directivity Receiving Antenna for 3.8 MHz, A (Koontz): Aug, 31 High-Dynamic-Range MF/HF Receiver Front End (Makhinson): Feb, 23 (see Feedback: Jun, 73) High-Performance, Single-Signal Direct- Conversion Receivers (Campbell); Jan, 32 (see Feedback: Apr, 75) Home-Brewing a 10-GHz SSB/CW Transverter—Part 1 (Lau); May, 21 Home-Brewing a 10-GHz SSB/CW Transverter—Part 2 (Lau): Jun, 29 Honey, I Shrunk the Antenna! ( Newkirk): Jul, 34 Inside the Grounded-Grid Linear Amplifier (Bruene): Oct, 28 Introducing METCON. a New Remote Control and Telemetry System (Newland)’. Jan, 41 Introduction to Amateur Television, An— Part 1 (Taggart); Apr, 19 Introduction to Amateur Television, An— Part 2 (Taggart): May, 43 Introduction to Amateur Television, An— Part 3 (Taggart): Jun, 35 IROESON’.An Infrared Optoelectronic Keyer (Cebik): Jul, 36 Iron ng 6 d Y oi.irO wnP hrt ad Circut В oad s (Grebenkemper): Jul, 42 Long-Haul H-T Battery System (Smithey): Sep, 23 Low-Voltage Disconnect, A (Bryce); Nov, 31 Measuring and Compensating Oscillator Frequency Drift (Hayward); Dec, 37 Mu limo db Phas hg Bcciter for 1 to 500 MHz, A (Campbell)’.Apr ,27 New Standard for Amateur Radio Facsimile, A (Taggart): Feb, 31 NRY The, AShnple, Effective Wire Aitenna for 80 Through 10 Meters (Olsen);.Mar ,22 Remotely Controlled Antenna Switch, A (Thompson): Apr, 32 Reverse-Polarity Protection for Your Gear (Covington): Jul, 40 Rise of Frequency Modulation, The (Hyder); Jun,42 Schematics at Your Fingertips (Schofield): Oct, 39 Simple, Two-Tone Audio Generator, A (Lee): Nov, 35 Simple Broadband Dipole for 80 Meters, A (Witt); Sep, 27 Single-Conversion Microwave SSB/CW ’Transceivers (Campbell): May, 29 Slow-Scan TV—It Isn't Expensive Anymore! (Langner): Jan, 20 Small Loop Antenna for 160 Meters, A (Mozzochi): Jun, 32 SunSwitch, The (Bryce): Oct, 24 Synchronous Detector for AM Transmis - sions, A (Vermasvuori): Jul, 20 Taking the Mystery Out of Diode Double- Balanced Mixers (Joshi): Dec, 32 TAPR’s Digital Deviation Meter (Johnson)'. Oct, 31 Technical Solutions in the Field (Hurdar): Jul, 72 Transmitter Power: What It Is. What It Does and How to Use It (Martin & Newkirk): Mar, 28 Two-Element Duoband Beam, A (Mansheim): Apr, 36 Under the Hood (Newkirk): Sep, 36 Under the Hood II; Resistors (Bergeron): Nov, 41 Update on Compact Transmitting Loops ,An (Belrose); Nov, 37 FEEDBACK (to 1993 and pre-1993 articles) Amateur Radio Aboard Space Shuttles: T-i-10 Years and Countingl (White): Dec, 93 (see Nov, 22 Build it Yourself from QST—Part 3 (Hale)’. Jun, 73 (see Jun 1992, 42) Calibrating the Signal Generator in the Sky (Shuch & Wilson): Mar, 72 (see Nov 1992, 42) Correction: May, 42 (see New Products: Mar, 46) Dipoles Above Real Earth (Michaels)’. Jan, 54; Feb 78; May, 78 (see Technical Correspondence: Nov 1992, 68) Dual-Radio Speaker, A (Ramhorst & Cady): Jan ,54 (see Nov 1992 ,57) Expanded Range DC and AC Voltmeters (Lau & Grebenkemper): Aug, 69 (see Technical Correspondence’.May ,Tf) High-Dynamic-Range MF/HF Receiver Front End, A (Makhinson): Jun, 73 (see Feb, 23) High-Performance, Single-Signal Direct- Conversion Receivers: (see Jan, 32) How’s DX?: Feb, 78 (see How's DX?: Nov 1992,103) Inexpensive, Expanded-Range Analog Voltmeter, An (Lewis): Feb, 78 (see Dec 1992, 52) Northern Florida Amateurs Aid Coordina- tion Effort (Thurston): Mar, 72 (see Dec 1992, 27) Product Review (Healy)’.Feb ,78 (see Product Review: Dec 1992,75) Product Review: May, 74 (see Apr. 65) Sporadic-E Causes (Spokes): Jul, 50 (see Technical Correspondence1.Apr ,73) Unified Approach to the Design of Crystal Ladder Filters, A [Hayward] (Halbert): Nov, 81 (see May 1982) Up Front in QST.Dec ,93 (see Nov ,11) Up Front in QST. Oct, 80 (see May, 12) FM/RPT, FM—Column (Battles) Autopatch: Use it or Lose it: Nov, 107 LEARN Teaches Boaters About Ham Radio (Bonfanti).' Oct 94 LiTZ Debate: Will ZERO Work on Your Repeater (Newland & Smith): Mar. 98 “Open CTCSS-ame’*.- Jun, 98 PC Board Boo-Boo: Jan, 104 (see FM/RPT, Nov 1992, 108) Repeaters: An Eavesdropper's Paradise; Apr, 92 Reserving a Frequency (Blanchard); Sep, 106 Santa’s Visit; Dec, 106 Standard CTCSS Override System9. ,A — Part 1 (Hillger, Klein, Quayle, Estes. Wonoski); Jul, 93 Stone Butte Odyssey (Wood); Sep, 106 Tech Notes (Crowl): Mar, 99 “There is Nothing Wrong with Your Radio!' Jun, 98 Universal CTCSS Bypass’.May, 101 Universal CTCSS-Bypass?— Part 2. Aug ,91
Universal CTCSS Bypass Update; Oct, 95 What Do You Say?: Jun, 98 When is a Scanner not a Scanner? (Clarke); Jan, 104 HAPPENINGS—News (Caln) 2-Meter Rig Used Illegally in New York Accident Hoax: Apr, 79 220 Notes, a Periodical for Aficionados of the 222-MHz Band, is Looking for New Management: Mar, 83 Accreditation of 11 ARRL VEs Temporarily Suspended: May, 90 Amateur Fined $2000 on Charge of Interference: Jan, 83 Amateur Loses Licenses for Jamming Satellite Signal: Feb, 84 Amateur Radio Service Joint Resolution Update: Aug, 75 Amateur Sentenced for Interference to Police: Jan, 83 Amateur’s Skillful Rescue Effort Makes National News: Feb, 84 Amateurs’ Needs Outlined for Government Study: Jan, 82 Amateurs’ Responsibility for Content of Messages: Sep, 81 ARRL Backs HF Data "Autocontrol" Plan: Aug, 73 ARRL Backs Proposal for 219-220 MHz; Says Additional Spectrum "Urgently Needed": Aug, 72 ARRL Calls FCC’s Proposal on Wind Radars Confusing: Sep, 81 ARRL Calls for More Study Before Adding to 902-Й28 MHz: Sep, 82 ARRL Concerned About Delays in Call Sign Administrator Plan: Oct, 81 ARRL Efforts Protect Hams in Budget Bill: Oct, 81 ARRL Moves to Predict Amateur Privileges: ARRL Seeks Relief from Restrictive Local Scanner Laws: Aug, 74 ARRL Seeks to Administer Call Sign Program: Jul, 75 ARRL Supports Changes in HF Digital Rules: Jul, 75 ARRL Supports Sharing of VE Responsibil- ity: Nov. 86 ARRL Wants Clearer Definition of Hams' Responsibility: Oct, 82 Australia has Completed its First Year of Using Volunteer Examiners (VEs) to Administer Amateur Exams: Mar, 83 Behind the Diamond: ARRL Assistant Technical Editor Jim Kearman, KR1S: Sep, 83 Behind the Diamond: ARRL Chief Financial Officer Barry J. Shelley: Aug, 74 Behind the Diamond: ARRL Senior Assistant Technical Editor Dave Newkirk, WJ1Z: Nov, 87 Behind the Diamond: Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH; Jun, 78 Behind the Diamond: Regulatory Informa- tion Specialist John Hennessee, KJ4KB: Dec. 93 Broadcasters Flock to League Booth at NAB Convention: Jun, 80 California Woman Named 1993 AEA Award Winner: Nov, 89 Call for Nominations: International Humanitarian Award: Nov, 88 Canadians Called to Arms Over Rules Proposals: Nov, 88 Canadians Seek to Thwart Threat to 220-222 MHz: Jun, 78 Clinton Gets a Message from Shuttle Amateurs: Aug, 74 Coast Guard Honors Ham for Volunteer Service to Kure Island Outpost: July, 80 Comments ot VECs Cited in Foreign License Plan: Feb, 84 Commission Fines Amateur $10,500 for Interference: Mar, 82 Court Upholds FCC Fines for Broadcast Indecency: Jul, 75 CO Contest Hall of Fame Inducts New Members: Jun, 80 Dayton Ham of the Year: Harry Dannals, W2HD: May, 89 EPA Calls for Research on Electromagnetic Fields: May, 90 Fake SOS Brings Sentence, Loss of License for Ham: Jul, 76 Fake SOS Costs Virginia Amateur $50,000: Apr, 79 FCC Acts on ARRL Proposal, Eases “Business Rule": Sep, 81 FCC Announces Results of Cable System Tests: Jul, 77 FCC Backs Hams Against “Scanner Laws": Nov, 85 FCC Bans Scanners that Cover Cellular Telephone Frequencies: Jun, 77 FCC Chairman Sikes Steps Down: Feb, 85 FCC Clarifies Position in 902-MHz Proposal: Jul. 75 FCC Denies Ham’s Request to Clear Record of Letters: Jun. 79 FCC Denies Petition for Restructuring: Oct, 83 FCC Explains Rationale for Reduction in Fine: Jun, 79 FCC Fines Retailer for Offering Modification: Nov, 89 FCC Office Lauds Amateurs for TVI/RFI Resolution: Nov, 87 FCC Plan Would Open New Band at 219-220 MHz: May, 86 FCC Plan: Instant On-the-Air Privileges: Dec, 92 FCC Proposal Would Change 222-MHz Band: Feb, 82 FCC Proposes Greater Use of 902-928 MHz Spectrum: May, 88 FCC Proposes New Guides on Effects of Radiation: May,. 90 FCC Proposes to Change Message-Content Policy: May, 88 FCC Reduces Fine in Interference Case: May, 90 FCC Reduces Penalties Against Two Amateurs: Jan, 83 FCC Rejects Petition for 30-Meter Novice/Tech Band: Jun, 78 FCC Releases Proposal for New 902-MHz Service: Jun, 79 FCC Turns Up Heat in QRM Case; Oct, 83 FCC Upholds Forfeiture in Illegal 40-Meter Operations: Jun, 79 Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) Has Opened Nominations for the 1993-94 Academic Year, The: Mar, 83 Four Hams Fined for Malicious Interference: Dec, 92 Free Exams for Novices Questioned by W5YI-VEC: Nov, 86 Ham and Former Ham Share 1993 Nobel Prize (Karpf): Dec, 91 Ham Fined for Alleged Malicious Interfer- ence: Oct, 83 Ham on the Run: Nov, 86 Ham With Scanner Overhears Apparent Plot: May, 88 Hams Help Bail Out Southern California Town After Rains Cut Off Access, Communications: Mar, 80 Hams Help Squelch 420-MHz Interlopers: Apr, 78 House Bill Passes, Could Affect Amateur Radio: May, 88 Jensen, Lenore, W6NAZ, SK: Jul, 76 Joint Resolutions Presented to Congress Commend Amateurs, Urge Protections: Jul, 73 Kenwood Rips FCC for Fining Dealers: Sep, 82 League Asks FCC for New HF Digital Rules: Mar, 82 League Backs FCC on Indecency: Jun, 77 League Defends Stance on Call Sign Administration Program: Nov, 85 League Moves to Reopen Club, Military Call Sign Plan: Jan, 82 League Renews Support for VEC Novice Testing: Jan, 64 League Seeks Fine Tuning of Scanner Proposal: May, 87 League Supports 220-MHz Weak-Signal Subband: May, 86 League Supports New “Business Rule"; Opposes Broadcast Media's Attempt to Broaden Scope: Feb, 82 Longtime Director W0FIR, SK: Aug, 72 Lucky Day!: Dec, 92 Mississippi Ham/Balloonist Wins Big Prize for Flight: Dec, 92 National Contest Journal Changes Editors: Mar, 81 Never Too Late: Aug, 75 New Amateur Communications “Business Communications” Rule: Oct, 82 Nomad in Newinglon: May, 86 Nominees Sought for ARRL Board of Directors: Aug, 76 One-Year Timetable Set for Ban on Tele- phone Scanners: Jul, 75 Police Fear Foul Play in Young Ham’s Disappearance: Nov, B9 Proposed FM Tower Stirs Concern in Arizona Town: Nov, 89 Proposed Law Would Protect Ham Volun- teers: Oct, 81 Rafferty, Jim, N6RJ, SK: Aug, 73 Receiving Radiotelephone Privileges: Mar, 83 Reexaminations Ordered in Upstate New York: Feb, 85 Senate Bill Includes Protection for Amateur Radio Operators: Apr, 78 Shuttle Hams Garner National Press Coverage: Dec, 93 Slater, Al, G3FXB, SK: Jan, 84 “Spectrum Auctions" Portend Little Effect on Amateurs: Jul, 76 Still Active at 91 Years Young [W2IP]: Sep, 103 TA Profile: Bill Shaheen, N1CQ: Jun, 80 Tennessee Amateurs Lead in Mobile Rescue (Gold): Feb, 83 Three Men Fined $2000 for Unlicensed Operation: Jul, 75 Town Honors Headquarters on Ham Awareness Day: Nov, 88 Two Amateurs Feared Dead in Branch Davidian Fire: Jun, 78 Wire Service Reports Hams in India ‘Quake Relief: Dec, 91 HINTS AND KINKS—Column (Newkirk) 1 Watt In, 30 Watts Out with Power MOSFETS at 80 Meters (Wyckoff): Jan, 50 10-Minute ID Timer Revisited (Conklin): Nov, 82 2-Mefer Coaxial Antenna, A (Raftae/e); Feb, 76 December 1993 235
Audio Patch Cords and RF (Swynar): Dec, 85 Build a Quick PVC-Supported Quad for About $50 (Evans): May, 75 Corona, Anyone? (Thurston): Jun, 75 Curing Multimode Communications Processor Distortion with the Kenwood TS-850S (Frost): Nov, 82 Curing RFI in the Ham IV Control Unit (Pataki): Jan, 51 Curing VU-Meter Pinning in the MFJ-624D Hybrid Phone Patch (Stauffer): Oct, 75 Dummy Load/Power Indicator, A (Klaus & Forster): Jun, 75 Fix for Faded Blue-Green Drake Dial Lighting (Ross); Dec, 86 Fix for Wind-Fatigued Wires, A (Buell): Jul, 49 Garden Hose as Cable Conduit (locona); Jul, 49 Grid-Current-Trip Circuit for the Ten-Tec Titan LinearAmplifier (Gow): Jun, 74 Ground-Radial Installation Tool, A (Hoyt): Jun,75 How About Not Using a 555? (Newkirk): Dec, 85 How to Connect aivlCOM SM-8 Mike to the Yaesu FT-990 Transceiver (Grandison): Nov, 82 How to Work the Mir Space Station on Packet (Mann): Aug, 65 Improved “Psycho-Regulation" and Arc Protection for High-Voltage Power Supplies (Levin): Feb, 75 Improving the Heathkit HW-5400 Trans- ceiver (Akimov): Jul, 48 Inductance of Small Coils Wound on Machine Screws (Zinder): Nov, 83 Installing a Huskier 160-M Fixed Capacitor. in the Ten-Tec Titan Amplifier (Lynch)’, May, 75 Is Your Radio Equipment Realty Grounded? (Cardwell): Dec, 85 Keep Your QST Binders in Shape (D’Antonio): Nov, S3 Lemon Power Revisited (Sayre): Aug, 67 Light-Operated Switch for Solar Panels, A (Harbison): Jan, 51 Low HW-8 Power Output (Czuhajewski): Apr, 72 More on Coax-Cable Connector Installation (Collins): Oct, 75 More on Winding Multifilar Toroids (Lau)-. Jul, 49 Multi-Tuner, The (Wilson): Oct, 76 No-Guesswork Method for Finding the Correct Length tor ’A-л Stubs (Healy); Jun, 75 Operate QRP with an Easy-to-Build Attenuator (Jeffery),- Feb, 75 Paddle in a Pill Bottle (Kearman): Jul, 49 Positive and Negative Keyer Keying— Simply (Boyars): Apr, 71 Putting Variometry to Work in Matching Networks (Zavarella): May, 76 Receiver Muting for Vacuum-Tube Trans- ceivers (Wescott): Mar, 69 Recentering the Ten-Tec Century/22 Audio Filter at 750 Hz (Garrett): Jul, 49 Relays Make Sure Mobile Radios are Really Off (Wells): Jul, 49 Replacement Battery Pack for the Santec ST-142 Hand-Held, A (Forster): Jul, 49 Selective Mike Muting During Data Opera- tion with Some Kenwood Transceivers (Sittner): Mar, 70 Solving RFI in the RCA Model F271888T Television (Leming): Aug, 67 Steel-Wool Baluns? (Maxwell)-, Sep, 77 236 ЦЕК Take Notes with a Camcorder (Jones): Jan, 52 Tool Pouch Holds Hand-Held Transceivers (Hendrey): Dec, 85 Tracking a Defective Doorbell Transformer (Schneider): Jun, 75 Tubing Helps Identity Hand-Held Controls By Touch (Murphy): Aug, 67 Updating the Hy-Galn HDR-300 Rotator (Harbach): Mar, 69 When Antennas Should /VotBe Resonant (Aitken): May, 76 When Your SWR Meter Acts Like a Field- Strength Meter (Samuelson): Mar, 70 Yaesu FT-901 Band Information Selects Antennas (Swancara): Aug, 67 HOW’S DX?—Column (White Jan-Aug; Kennamer Sep-Dec) 10 Most Popular Countries, The: Oct, 85 100 “Most-Needed" DXCC Countries, The: Sep, 94 9G1AA: Ghana Returns to the Bands: Oct, 84 9M0S: Why is it Spratly? Nov, 90 9M6 on 50 MHz: Oct, 85 AA2X: Jul, 81 Bangladesh: May, 91 Chernobyl Doctor: May, 91 Direct QSLing: Some Thoughts By Roger Western, G3SXW: Jun, 83 DXCC Honor Roll, The—Universal Appeal: G3NSY; Jul, 81 Ethics for QSL Management: Jan, 93 Green Stamps: Jun, 83 Honor Roll Record?: Feb, 87 How to Escape from a New Zealand Winter (Sutton): Mar, 86 Jan Mayen: Aug, 77 Meet Bill Kennamer K5FUV' .Sep ,94 More Common Sense: Feb, 87 Most Wanted Countries; Jan, 93 On the Air from Albania: Radio in the Land of the Eagle (Langdon): Feb, 86 Sao Tome: Jan, 93 Spratly {Again!}; Feb, 87 Ubiquitous IRC, The: Nov, 91 WB4CSK: Jul, 81 Working by Call Areas: May, 91 Yugoslavia: “Balkanization" of the Coun- tries List?: Apr, 83 INFORMATION 1993 “Handy Reference" Section: Jan, 57 Announcing the Second Annual Philip J. McGan Memorial Award [WA2MBQ]; Jan, 56 ARRL Incoming DX QSL Bureau Addresses: Jan, 59 ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System, The: Jan, 58 ARRL Outgoing QSL Service, The-. Jan, 59 Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria: Jan, 52 "Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide, The": Jan, 61 Guide to ARRL Services: Jan, 57 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1993: Jan, 57 Membership Services: Jan, 57 US Amateur Bands (chart): Jan, 64 Volunteer Examinations: Jan, 58 Exam Info—Column (Jahnke) Examination Process, The: Sep, 107 FCC Drops Station Location from Amateur Licenses: May, 55 National Exam Day: Feb, 96 New Novice and Tech Question Pools Released-. Apr, 103 Novice Examinations Join the VEC System: Jul, 85 What’s New in the Examining Community?: Aug,94 Washington Mailbox—Column (Hennessee) ARES and RACES: Two Flavors of Amateur Radio Emergency Service: Nov, 102 Break tor Station ID, A: Mar, 96 Reciprocal Licensing: May, 100 Repeater Rules: Aug, 88 What’s Your "Sign?"; Jan, 105 IT SEEMS TO US—Editorial (Sumner), p 9 Amateur Radio’s Public Face: Nov FCC Bares its Teeth, The: Apr How to Win the Nobel Prize: Dec Kitchen-Sink Band, The: 902 MHz; Jun Life Preservers: Feb New QST Features for You: Feb Our Achilles' Heel: Oct Our Gateway to the 21st Century: Aug Public Service: Not Only Good, But Legal; Sep QRP?; Mar Spectrum for the 21st Century: Jan Sunspots, and Tolerance; Apr Where are the Novices?: Ju! Wise Compromise, The: Aug KEYING AND CONTROL CIRCUITS Add Tracking Sidetone to Your ICOM IC-765 Transceiver (Mraz): May, 39 Automatic RF Power Control for AMTOR Operation (Gregory): Mar, 25 Contest Card, The (Sutcliffe): Sep, 31 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Hardware for Computer Controlling Modern Radios (Blackburn): Feb, 37 Introducing METCON, a New Remote Control and Telemetry System (Newland): Jan, 41 IROESON; An Infrared Optoelectronic Keyer (Cebik): Jul, 36 Measuring and Compensating Oscillator Frequency Drift (Hayward): Dec, 37 Remotely Controlled Antenna Switch, A (Thompson): Apr, 32 LAB NOTES—Column (ARRL Lab Staff & Ford) Curing Interference to Non-Radio Equip- ment: Jun,64 Emergency Power: Apr, 76 Kits Galore!: Aug, 70 Printed-Circuit Board Circus: Oct, 79 Satellite-Tracking Software: Dec, 89 What Rig Should I Buy?; Feb, 79 MEASUREMENT AND TEST EQUIPMENT Accurate Dip Meter Using the MFJ-240 SWR Analyzer, An (Barton): Nov, 45 Computer-Controlled Electronic Test Equipment—Part 1 (Portugal): Dec, 42 Dual-Range AC Voltage, Current and Frequency Monitor, A (Oscarson): Aug, 25 Measuring and Compensating Oscillator Frequency Drift (Hayward): Dec, 37 TAPR's Digital Deviation Meter (Johnson); Oct, 31 NEW BOOKS [Author] (Reviewer) Amateur Radio RV Antennas [Benson] (Ford); Jun, 34 Antique Radio Boys and the Garrulous Grebe, The [Dryer] (Wall): Jun, 34 Art of Electronics, The [Horowitz & Hill] (Sabin);.Mar ,67
Audio Dictionary, The [White] (Battles): Apr, 75 Complete Amateur Television Workbook, The [Stone] (Ford): Nov, 44 Easy Wire Antenna Handbook, The [Ingram] (Schetgen): May, 51 Ham Radio Horizons: The Book [O'Dell] (Wall): Nov, 49 Hamsat Handbook, The [Curtis] (Ford): Aug, 24 Heath Nostalgia [Purdue] (Battles): May, 70 HF Antennas for All Locations [Moxon] (Hall): Nov, 34 Howto Get Started in Packet Radio [Ingram] (Ford): Jun, 41 Lenk’s Digital Handbook: Design and Troubleshooting [Lenk] (WolfGang): Dec, 65 Long-Path Propagation [Brown] (Kearman): Mar, 50 Monitoring NASA Communications [Curtis] (Battles): Aug, 24 Pse QSL! An Expert’s Guide to Amateur Radio QSLing [Welsh] (Halprin): Feb, 54; May.. 70 There are No Electrons; Electronics for Earthlings [Amdahl] (Battles): Feb, 30 View from Low Orbit [Lobel] (Ford): Jun, 28 Weather Radio [Curtis] (Ford); Jun, 28 NEW HAM HORIZONS (Feb)/ NEW HAM COMPANION (Mar-Dec) 7 dB for 7 Bucks (Loucks): Apr, 54 And the Most Popular Frequency is... (Mabey): May, 60 Annie Get Your Gunnplexer (Lau): Sep, 68 ARRL Wants YOU!, The (Hurder): Nov, 68 Better Than a Rubber Duck (Kleinman): Mar, 56 Beyond FM (Kearman & Healy): Nov, 61 Bicycle-Mobile Antennas (Gerwin & Juhre): Mar, 52 Confessions of a Conversation Hunter (Elliott): Apr, 59 Day the Repeater "Broke", The (Wolfgang): Mar, 59 Disguised Flagpole Antenna, A (Parker): May, 65 Do You Need an Audio Filter? (Gill): May,62 Falling in Love With Ham Radio for Less Than $200 (Gold): Feb, 65 Finding My Niche in Ham Radio (Castaldo): Jul, 71 Fine Art of QSLing, The (Ford): Jul, 66 First Contest, The (Cotterman): Oct, 66 Frequency and Deviation Conspiracy, The (Leahy): Dec, 66 Get Ready for Field Day! (Ford): Jun,54 Getting Started with RS-10 (Daniel): Aug, 53 HF Mobiling: Taking it to the Streets (Gold): Dec, 67 How Much Will it Cost? (Ford): Sep, 61 I Passed My Code! Now What? (Bowles); Mar, 61 Joy of Building, The (Gold): Sep, 64 Just the Fax (Battles): Aug,48 Long Delayed Echoes—A Ham Mystery (Ford): Aug, 57 Loivfingon 1750 Meters (Ford)’.Oct,67 Lure of the Ladder Line, The (Ford): Dec, 70 Mountaintop VHF: A New Adventure (Putman): Oct, 60 Nobody Talks to Me! (Ford): Oct, 63 Pack-in-the-Box (Levin): Jun, 59 Paper Chase, The (Fordj'.Mar,54 Radio and Railfanning (Clark): Dec, 72 Remedial Radio (Kleinschmidt)'. Nov, 64 Rockets and Radio (Patterson): Apr, 61 Scanning the VHF Aviation Band (Ford): Apr, 56 Standard 12-Volt Connector, A (Ardai): Aug, 50 Tall Stacks ’92 Special-Event Station (DiGennaro): Jun, 57 Troubleshooting Your Radio Equipment (Ricker): Nov, 65 Two 2-Meter Antennas (Bowles): Jul, 62 Two-Meter FM Mountaintopping...Sort Of (Brook): Feb, 58 VHF/UHF Contesting (Ford): May, 67 W1 AW at the Flick of a Switch (Richey): Feb, 56 What's Your Grid? (Owen): May, 68 When You're the Victim of Intentional Inteference (Ford): Nov, 64 You Can Copy 30 Words Per Minute! (Aurick): Sep, 60 You Have a Date with OSCAR 21 (Ford): Nov, 70 Your Information Connection: The ARRL BBS (Ford): Jun,60 Doctor is IN, The—Column Feb, 64; Mar, 58; Apr, 63; May, 64; Jun, 63; Jul, 65; Aug, 52; Sep, 67; Oct, 69; Nov, 67; Dec, 76 Radio Tips Are You Overdeviating?: Sep, 63 Autopatch Etiquette: Feb, 57 Bending Dipoles: Mar, 57 Coordinated Universal Time: Feb, 60 Courtesy Beeps: Aug, 51 DC Power Supplies Hamfest Shopping Techniques: Mar, 60 Hooked on Phonetics: Jul, 69 Ionosphere, The; May, 66 Is Amateur Radio Safe?: May, 69 Joys of FM Simplex, The: Dec, 75 Lightningl: May, 63 Mobile Grounding: Jul, 64 Monoband HF Dipole Antenna, The: Apr, 64 Right Polarization for the Job, The: Oct, 62 Secrecy and You: Aug, 56 Sending Packet Bulletins: Apr, 55 Stalking the Fox (Kearman): Oct, 64 SWR: Oct, 70 Using an Autopatch to Report an Accident:. Oct, 65 VHF/UHF Propagation Beacons: Aug, 56 What is AMTOR?: May, 60 What is Packet?: Apr, 58 What Type of Feed Line Should I Use? Apr, 60 What’s Happening on the 2-Meter Band?: Apr, 60 What's Your RST?: Jun, 62 Working the World on 10 Meters: May,.69 NEW PRODUCTS 2-Meter Power Amp: Apr, 39 2-Meter Quad: Apr, 45 3-D Antenna Software: Apr, 45 5 Bands in One: Apr, 23 AEA Debuts Accessories, Upgrades: Jun, 76 Aluminum Tubing: Dec, 31 Amiga Code Tutor: Aug, 64 Antenna Mobile Mount: Feb, 74 Antenna-Design Software: Oct, 44 Antennas for Hand-Held Rigs: Jun, 51 Attenuator Update; Oct, 55 Automatic Coax Switch: Jul, 53 Bandpass Filters: May, 47 Call Sign Pen: Oct, 78 Circuit Boards: Jun, 45 Code Trainer: Jul, 53 CW From Your PC: Nov, 34 DC Power Pack: Nov, 34 Digital Communications Card for PCs: Aug, 90 Digital Display for Classic Rigs: Jun, 45 Digital Voice Mailbox: Feb, 41 DSP Filter Aug, 67 Dual-Band “Invisible” Antenna: Jul, 44 Foxhunting and ATV Gear: Aug, 64 Getting Started in Ham Radio [Video review] (White): Jun, 76 Ham Calendar. Jan ,72 Ham Headphones: Jul, 33 Ham Horseshoes: Mar, 67 Ham Radio Video: Jan, 96 Ham Shareware CD-ROM: Apr, 39 Ham Videos: Apr, 45 HamWindows Update: Oct, 44 Hand-Held Transceiver: Jun, 65 Handy Test Clip: Apr, 23 Heavy Duty Power Supply: Aug, 44 HF Antennas: May, 42 HF Mob‘I eArtennas: Dec, 86 Hi-Mound Code Keys: Mar, 27 High-Speed Packet System: Jan, 54 Informative Catalog: May, 42 Integrated Packet PC: Oct, 38 LITZ Box: Jul, 33 LITZ-Ready Controller: Jan, 72 Low-Cost Spectrum Analyzers: May, 47 Low-Loss Coax: Nov, 40 Map Software: Nov, 40 Meter Add-On: Jan, 96 Mobile HF Rig: Jun, 51 Multiband DX Antenna: Sep, 80 N6RJ Memorial Keys.Dec,84 Noise Eliminator: Jun, 65 On-Glass 23-cm Antenna: May, 42 Peewee Paddle: Apr, 23 Plug-In Packet Card: Dec, 105 Portable Charge/Boost System: Dec .86 Preamps, Transverters: Jun, 76 Premium Coax: Oct, 27 QRP Kit: May, 47 Radio Kits: Jan, 96 Repeater-Control Add-Ons: Aug, 64 Rig Remote Control: Apr, 39 RTTY Contest Software; Aug, 64 Sensible Solutions' WB2OPA Logmaster Plus/Plus: Apr, 47 “Silent Key”: Oct, 38 Simplex VOX Patch: Jul, 44 SSTV Explorer: Dec, 88 Telephone RFl Filter: Jan, 49 Telephone Swap Net: Oct, 55 Tiny Antenna: Apr, 23 Tone Decoder/Display: Jan, 30 UHF ATV Twins: Dec, 31 UHF Transceiver: Oct, 79 Versatile DSP Box.- Jan, 96 OP ED —C d umn Ham Radio on $100 a Year (Chatham): Oct, 102 Living in the Real Ham Radio World (Szabo); Jun, 81 Times They are A'Changin’ (Boyd): Dec, 111 ORGANIZATIONAL 1992: The Year in Review; (Annual Report to the Members of the American Radio Relay League): May, 79 1993 'Handy Reference" Section: Jan, 57 Announcing the Second Annual Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award: Jan, 56 ARRL Incoming DX QSL Bureau Addresses: Jan, 59 ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System. The: Jan, 58 December 1993 237
ARRL Outgoing QSL Service, The: Jan, 59 ARRL Volunteer Appointees of the Year (Palm): Oct, 56 ARRL Wants YOU1, Ths (Harder): Nov, 68 Audited ARRL Financial Statements: May, 83 Board Embraces Semiautomatic Digital Operation at HF (Palm): Sep, 48 "Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide, The": Jan, 61 Excellence in Recruiting (White): Jan, 55 HF Automatic Digital Subbands—Aye; Name Change—Nay (Palm); Mar, 73 How Does a Section Manager Spend Field Day? (Bowles): Nov, 61 Instructors of the Year (Bedlack): Sep, 51 Job Description: ARRL technical Coordina- tor: Jul, 72 League Advisory Committee Members-, May, 81 League Moves to Reopen Club. Military Call Sign Plan: Jan, 82 League Renews Support for VEC Novice Testing: Jan, 84 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1993: Jan, 57 McCauley, James, AB6EU, Wins ARRL Excellence “in Recruiting Award (White): Sep, 51 Meet 1992 Maxim Award Winner Chris Anziano, KD1OX; Sep, 49 Meet Bill Kennamer, K5FUV: Sep, 94 Membership Services: Jan, 57 Nominations Open for Philip J. McGan Memorial Stiver Antenna Award (Mansfield): Mar. .46 Pearce, Gary, KN4AQ, Wins the 1993 McGan Silver Antenna Award (Mansfield): Sep, 50 Season’s Greetings from the ARRUIARU Staff and Contributing Editors: Dec, 99 Technical SdLfions inth eF'idd (H ud er): Jul, 72 W1AW Schedule: Jan, 61 W7TX Wins 1992 Technical Excellence Award: Sep, 52 Elections ARRL Section Manager Second Election Notice: May, 90 Ballots Tallied in Annual ARRL Board Elections: Jan, 84 Nominees Sought tor ARRL Board of Directors: Jul, 73 Repeat Nominating Solitication: Apr, 80 Section Election Notice: Jan, 85; Apr, 80; Jul, 77. Oct, 83 Section Electron Results-.Jan ,85-,Apr ,80-, Jul. 76 At the Foundation—Column (Carcla) Family-Style Scholarships: Mar, 101 Here Come the Hannibal Hams!: Jul, 97 Join Us for the Celebration!: Jan. 108 Radio Home in Pioneer Country, A: May, 105 Rewarding Excellence: Nov, 104 Your ARRL Foundation at 20 Years!: Sep, 108 Club Spectrum—Column (Ewald) Amateur Radio at Jesse James Festival (Midkiff): Apr, 96 Amateur Radio at NY State Fair: Mar, 100 Andrea, Ralph, WOFCO, SK: HANDI-HAM Radio Camp Instructor: Feb, 99 ARRL Library Sets Promote Amateur Radio: Sep, 110 ARRL Special Service Clubs Recognized'. Jan, 102 238 Ц5Ь- Boles Junior High School ARC: Jul, 96 Challenger Junior High School ARC: Jul, 96 Clubs Gain Corporate Cooperation: May, 104 Clubs Take Amateur Radio to the People: Mar, 100 Field Day at Pithole (Clinefelter & Menk): Jun, 105 Footsteps to the Future (Perry): Aug, 93 Ft Pierce ARC Flies Low (Sammis): Dec, 108 Great Balloon Launch, The (Huish): Oct, 99 Groundhog Day is Special in Punxsutawney (Sweeney): Jan, 102 High-Speed CW Contest: Oct, 99 Keeping in Touch with Goddard College-. Jul, 96 Radio Appreciation Program in Three Steps (Gercken)-.Feb ,99 School Clubs Active in Operating Events: Jul. 96 Space Shuttle Flight is Cause for Celebra- tion (Force)-. Nov ,110 Transmitter Hunting is Alive in the Bay Area (Shappe): Dec, 108 Welcome to Sanibel! (Rosenheck)-. Nov, 110 Moved & Seconded...- Jan, 86; Feb, 54; Mar, 75' Jul ,79- Sep J53 PACKET RADIO A-orR- X.25?: Jan, 107 ARSENE—An Orbiting Packet Digipeater: Feb, 97 Board Embraces Semiautomatic Digital Operation at HF (Palm): Sep, 48 Midwest Digital Conference '93: Jan, 107 Pack-in-the-Box (Levin)-Jun 59 Packet for Lunch (Larsen): Mar, 38 Packet Perspective—Column (Horzepa) CLOVER: The Future of HF Data Communi- cations?: Jan,. 107 Deviations in Packet Radio; Sep ,105 Internet Gateways Expand the World of Packet Radio: Dec, 105 Is High-Speed HF Packet Possible Z Nov, 106 New Packet Goodies; Oct, 96 Packet Questions (And Answers)' Aug ,90 PacTOR: Better HF Digital Communications for the Rest of Us?: Feb, 98 PBBS Basics, P zrt 1: M ar, 102 PBBS Basics , Part 2: Apr 93 PBBS Basics, Part 3: Jun, 102 Тгаск-lt Radio; Jul, 92 What's New .May ,103 PRODUCT REVIEW A&A Engineering Viewport VGA Slow-Scan TV System (Taggart): Feb, 72 AEA DSP-2232 Multimode Communications Processor (Ford)-.Apr,65 AEA PK-900 Multimode Communications Processor (Ford): Oct, 71 AlphaLab TriF'ield Meter (Overbeck): May, 73 Down East Microwave 432PA 432-MHz Amplifier Kit (Healy): Mar, 66 Down East Microwave DEM432 No-Tune 432-MHz Transverter (Healy); Mar, 64 HAL Communications PCI-4000 CLOVER-II Data Controller (Ford): May , 70 ICOM АТ-16П Automatic Ant enna Tuner: Feb, 71 ICOM IC-728 and IC-729 Transceivers (Wolfgang & Healy): Feb, 67 ICOM IC-737 MF/HF Transceiver (Healy)- . Aug, 59 ICOM R-7100 HF/VHF/UHF Communica- tions Receiver (Newkirk & Healy): Apr, 67 K1EA Software Digital Voice Processor (Healy): Jan, 71 Kenwood TS-50S MF/HF Transceiver (Healy): Sep, 71 Lowe HF-150 LF/MF/HF Communications Receiver (Newkirk): Aug, 62 М2 Enterprises EB-144 Eggbeater Antenna (Ford): Sep, 75 MFJ9017 18-MHzQRP CW Transceiver (Hale): Jul, 45 MFJ-249 and MFJ-207 SWR Analyzers (Gruber): Nov, 75 PacComm PacTOR Multimode Controller (Ford)-. Jan ,58 PacComm PSK-IT Satellite Modem and TNC (Ford): Jul, 46 OST C ompares: D ud -B and M cb'i e FM Transceivers (Healy)'.Jun ,66 QSTCompares: Packet TNCs (Ford): Dec, 80 Ramsey Electronics FX -146 2 Meter Transceiver Kit (Bloom): Oct, 73 SGC Inc Model SG-230 “Smartuner" Automatic Antenna T it er(B auei): Nov, 80 SSB Electronic SP-70 Mast-Mount Preampli- fier (Jansson); Mar, 63 Tejas RF Technology Backpacker II Model TRFT-550 Single-Band CW Transceiver (Bauer): Nov. 76 Ten- Tec Onnf VI MF/HF Transceiver (Healy): Jan, 65 Ten-Tec Scout Model 555 MF/HF Trans- ceiver, The (Newkirk): Dec, 77 Teriin Outbacker JR8 HF Mobile Antenna (Bauer): Apr, 70 Solicitation for Product Review Equipment Bids: Feb, 74; Jun, 71; Nov, 81; Sep, 76 PUBLIC SERVICE ARRL Wants YOU!, The (Harder?: Nov, 68 ATV Tested on Earthquake Scenario (Schaefer)- Jul 58 Caribbean Encounter (Reid): Mar, 90 Hams Ffe |b on Hg h S&as ( Tiorne): Jan, 100 Hurricane Iniki Rallies Amateurs (Hashim? Feb, 19 Hurricane Watch Net Founder Honored (Herman): Feb, 92 Landers Earthguake (Spaeth): Jan, 100 Medicd Mayday (Hickman): Mar, 90 Mountain Rescue (Ragain)1 Feb 91 Navy Cites Amateurs for Distinguished Public Service. • Mar, 90 New Hams- Get Involved in Emergency Communications: Sep, 89 NTS Inter-Area h/beting Held at HQ: Feb 92 Search1 (Thurston? Mat; 90 Simulated Emergency Test Results (Ewald): Jul, 58 Standard 12 -Volt Connector,A (Arda ) : Aug,50 Tampa Responds After New Madrid Earthquake (Nassar)-. Jul, 59 W4SG1, OBS Emeritus, SK (Keaton):Feb, 91 Public Service—Column (Palm) Alabama Tornado (DeJarnette): Oct, 9D Amateur Radio Week in Kansas; Dec ,100 ARES: Santa Cruz Case Study (Thalls): Apr, 86 ARES; Topeka Case Study (Lutes? Apr 86 Blizzard of ’93, The: Sep, 87 Field Organization Profile: Telesforo Figueroa, KP4P:Aug, 83 Hams Help on the High Seas (Thorne)-,. Jan,100
Hams Track Solar Vehicles in Sunrayce '93 (Basore & Hlssam): Oct, 89 Hams Who Serve (Lovell): May, 94 High Adventure (Pulis): Aug, 82 Incorporating Amateur Radio in Local Emergency Plans (Reed): May, 95 KICE's NTS Notes: Fred’s First Try at BPL (Wiedeback): May, 96 KICE's NTS Notes’.New Awards for New Hams: Apr, 87 Landers Earthquake (Spaeth): Jan, 100 Maritime Hams Save Heart Attack Victim (Weston): Nov, 97 New Hams to the Rescue (Egbert): Nov, 97 New Hams: Get Into the ARES Scene: Dec, 100 NTS Notes; Why Traffic Handling is the Most Important Ham Activity (Wiesen): Nov, 96 Operation Holidays III: Each One, Reach One (Matthew): Nov, 96 Samoan Crisis (Hardman): Jan, 99 Special Invitation for New Hams: Register Now for Simulated Emergency Test This Fall: Aug, 84 What’s the Latest on the Digital NTS? (Zorn): Jul, 87 Wide-Area ARES Message Switch , Part 1 (Colbert): Jun, 99 Wide-Area ARES Message Switch, Part2 (Colbert): Jul, 86 SPECIALIZED COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIQUES CLOVER: The Future of HF Data Communi- cations?: Jan, 107 Introducing METCON, a New Remote Control and Telemetry System (Newland): Jan, 41 Introduction to Amateur Television, An— Part 1 (Taggart)-. Apr, 19 Introduction to Amateur Television, An— Part 2 (Taggart): May, 43 Introduction to Amateur Television, An— Part 3 (Taggart): Jun, 35 Just the Fax (Battles): Aug, 48 New Standard for Amateur Radio Facsimile, A (Taggart): Feb, 31 PacTOR Phone Home: Mobile from the Australian Outback (Mehaffey): Sep, 20 Slow-Scan TV—It Isn't Expensive Anymore! (Langner): Jan, 20 STRAYS (Almost) Instant Extra: Oct, 23 Amateur Radio Freemasons: Nov, 103 Attention Scouters: Apr, 23 ATV Quest Awards: Oct, 101 BC High School Reunion-.Aug ,94 Broadcasters Net: Jun, 104 Cable Company Helps Hams: Mar, 31 Chicago Ham Hotline: Apr, 107 CQ Chemists: Mar, 42 CQ Young People: Jun, 51 Crossmode Contact (Weber Stamm): May, 51 Direction-Finding System: Nov, 54 Edge of Space Symposium: Jul, 99 Family of Hams (Brelsh): Mar, 37 Free Ham Software: Oct, 23 GERATOL Net: Mar, 72 Ham Awareness Gala in Western Theme Park: Sep, 26 Ham Hippies Help?; Jul, 99 Hamfest for Kids: May, 122 HamVenture Guest Speaker: Aug, 94 Hollywood Ham Radio (Nothelfer): Mar, 89 Korean War MARS Ops Reunion: Jan, 85 Lead Hazard? Don't Chew Those Wires: Oct, 23 Macintosh Net: Jun, 102 Marconi Wallpaper: Apr, 92 M ay isREACT M orth :M ay,51 More Morse (120) Most Volunteer Exam Sessions?: Sep, 109 NARFE Net: Aug, 42 Naval Failsafe Device (Haddad); Dec, 120 Northwest QRPers: Mar, 89 Northwestern Ops Invited for Multistate Special Event: Aug, 44 Old QSLs Available: Jan, B5 Pennsylvania Hamfest Announcement: May, 51 Pinelands BBS Closes: Nov, 54 Place for Space, The: Mar, 31 Proclamation in Georgia (Runkle): Nov, 105 Pump’s OK, The (Kazdan): Mar, 106 Radio-Control Net: Jul, 44 Repeater Directory Error (Mabey); Dec, 120 SAREX in 1993: Jan, 85 Signal Corps Net'.Jun ,104 Smoke Test (Bilyeu): Mar, 37 Special-Event Net: Aug, 38 Sports Broadcast First? (Schultz): May, 94 Tesla Net: May, 70 Three Generations'. Nov, 105 VE Exam Results Negative (Boudrie): Aug, 91 Wanted: Key Employees: Aug, 38 Will the Real Father of Radio Please Stand Up? (Eisenberg); Apr, 41 WWll Reunion: Aug, 94 TECHNICAL CORRESPONDENCE Adapting the NU1N Voice-Control Program to the Yaesu FT-747GX (Lamendola): Feb, 77 ...And Againl (Greenway): May, 78 Antennas: Fundamentals of Radiation, Near Fields and More (Belrose): Aug, 68 At the Races (Vogt): Feb, 77 Automobile RFI Solved (Hare): Dec, 88 Conductivity in the Cold, Cold Ground (Lewallen): Jun, 73 Expanded Range DC and AC Voltmeters (Grebenkemper): May, 77 (see Feed- back: Aug, 69) FAX480 Program Marries the Pasokon TV SSTV Interface (Pagel): Jun, 73 FAX430 Updates (Taggart): Dec, 87 Getting to the Core of the Problem (Czuhajewski ,Lau)-.Jun ,72 High-Dynamic Range Receiver Elicits Comment (Zavrel): Sep, 79 I Like the Meter! (Lepine): May, 77 I Like the Mike! (Kimble); May, 78 L-C Constants (Nashlund): Feb, 77 More on “Hands-Off Mobile Operation” (Wilson): Nov, 84 More on Elevated Radials (Christman): Mar, 72 More on Measuring SSB/CW Receiver Sensitivity: Apr, 73 No Ions in the Cold, Cold Ground (Jones): Nov ,84 Real SI8901 Story, The (Zavrel) Revisiting the 12-V Power Supply (Oscarson): Mar, 71 Sense the Right Way to Go with the Handl- Finder (Moell): Oct, 77 Small Antenna Efficiency (Lewallen): Nov, 84 Some RFI Sources I've Known (Colten): Feb, 78 Sporadic-E Causes (Spokes): Apr, 73 Touch Lamp RFI Cured (Hallock): May, 78 To u<h C ortrol -Lamp RFI (Wley)-Feh ,53 Updated Tandem Match, An (Grebenkemper): Jul, 5 (see Jan 1987, 18) Yaesu FT-990 Computer-Controlled Interface (Lemmon): Nov, 84 VHF AND MICROWAVES First VHF Contest from Cuba (Coro): Dec, 58 Perseids Meteor Shower in 1993, The (Pocock): Jul, 51 Predicting Transatlantic 50-MHz F-Layer Propagation (Pocock): Mar, 33 Roving for VHF Gold in the Colorado Rockies (Nerger): Jun, 21 Wbr Id Above 50 Mrt, Ths— Do Umn (Pocock) 144-MHz Standings; May, 99 1993 Perseids, The: Nov, 99 222-MHz Standings: Jul, 91 432-MHz Standings: Sep, 93 Coaxial Cables for VHF and UHF; Aug 86 Distance Calculations; Jun, 96 Distance Records: Apr, 89 EME Annals: Mar, 95 EME for the Single-Yagi Station; Feb, 94 Greetings from Eastern Connecticut!: Jan, 90 HF for the VHFer: Mar, 93 Ionospheric Forward Scatter.Sep ,91 Meteor and Propagation Monitors: Jul, 90 Micro wave Standings: Jan, 92 Moonbounce for Satellite Operators: Oct, 92 Owen, Michael, W9IP: Jun, 96 Standings Boxes—Questions and Answers: May, 98 VHF/UHF Century Club Awards (Zimmerman): Feb, 96; Jun, 118; Aug, 96 W1AW SCHEDULE* Jan, 61; Feb, 101; Mar, 97; Apr, 51; May, 126; Jul, 112; Sep, 113; Nov, 113; Dec, 113 YL NEWS—Column (Dunn) Breakfast with Carole: Aug, 92 “Foxy" Ladies Like to Outfox the OMs, The: Oct, 103 Getting Your Netsworth: Apr, 95 Hamfests. The International Connection-. Sep, 109 HANDI-HAM Nets: Feb, 102 Papering Your Wall with YL Certificates: Jul, 100 Toto, Are We Really in Kansas?: Nov, 109 YLs Handy in HANDI-HAM System; Feb, 102 YLs Head Up the Ranks: From Club President to “Shining Star": Mar, 104 YLs On the Road and On the Air; Dec, 109 December 1993 239
Index to Volume LXXVIII—1994 Compiled By Brian Battles, WS10 QST Features Editor How to Use This Index Items are listed according to the regular column under which they appeared, and/or under any category (or ca legorbs) that generally describes them. The name of the author(s) appears in parentheses, followed by a colon, then the issue and page number. Example: “Epics from the Epicenter" appears under Features— General Interest and under Public Service, Some items have additionalsulgecf description information or the name of a department in which it appeared, in brackets after the title. AMATEUR RADIO WORLD—Column Amateurs in India Join Forces: May, 102 Asla-Padfic Seminar Highlights Amateur Radio's Contributions-. Aug , 70 IARU Considers New Members: Jun, 99 IARU Council Prepares for WRC-95 and Beyond: Dec, 106 IARU Officers Reelected: Jul, 92 IARU Regional Executive Committees: Apr, 94 IARU Reps Confer in Miami: May, 102 IARU Volunteers; Apr, 94 International Convention Calendar: Jun, 99 Meeting in Markdorf: Sep, 106 Preparations for Radio's Centennial Begin: Aug, 70 Progress in Lesotho: Jan, 112 Progress Report on International Amateur Radio Permit: Dec, 107 Promoting Amateur Radio in Peru: Mar, 110 RAC Gets Rolling in Calgary: Oct, 101 SEAnet Convention: May, 102 'Winds of Change" Highlight Singapore Conference: Nov, 108 WTDC-94 Recognizes Value of Amateur Radio: Jun, 99 AMATEUR SATELLITE COMMUNICATION—Column (Ford) Amateur Satellite Frequencies: Apr, 110 AMSAT-NA Space Symposium: Jan, 115 Another FM Repeater in Orbit: Jun, 100 Balloons at the Edge of Space: Oct, 102 DOVE Returns to the Air Feb, 102 End of OSCAR 21, The?: Dec, 105 Fuji Award, The: Apr, 110 Historical Revision: Feb, 102 How Low Can You Go?: Aug, 91 More Analog Time on Fuji-OSCAR 20: Feb, 102 Phase 3D Propellant Tanks Delivered’. Jun, 100 Phase 3D Update: Dec, 105 PoSAT-OSCAR 28 Opens to Amateurs'. Apr, 110 Russian Birds, The,..and Mir: Dec, 105 Working OSCAR 13 Mode S—QRP! (Lau): Jun, 100 CONTESTS AND OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contest Announcements/Rules 1994 “Handy Reference*1 Section; Jan, 97 1994 ARRL RTTY Roundup, The: Aug, 96 61st ARRL November Sweepstakes Announcement: Oct, 125 Announcing the Eighth ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest: Jun. 94 Announcing the Hiram Percy Maxim 125th Birthday Celebration (Stankiewicz): Aug, 46 ARRL International DX Contest Plaque Program: Feb, 105 ARRL June VHF QSO Party Plaque Program: May, 133 ARRL November Sweepstakes Plaque Program: Oct, 124 Club Competition Rules and Contest Disqualification Criteria: Jan, 124 Eighth Annual School Club Roundup: Jan. 126 Field Day Rules: May, 132 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions—1994: Jan, 102 Rules, 7th ARRL RTTY Roundup: Dec, 121 Rules, 9th IARU HF World Championship: Apr, 122 Rules, 48th January VHF Sweepstakes: Dec. 119 Rules, 1994 ARRL UHF Contest Jul, 116 R des, 1994 N ovice Round up: Jan, 125 Rules, 1995 ARRL International DX Contest Dec, I22 Rules, ARRL 10-MeterConteSt: Nov, 130 Rules, ARRL 160-Meter Contest: Nov, 131 Rules, ARRL Internationa) EME Competition: Sep, 128 Rules, June VHF QSO Party: May, 134 Rules, September VHF QSO Party: Aug, 100 Test of Performance, The [SET] (Ewald): Oct, 49 Contest Results 1993 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Results (Ewald): Sep, 95 (see Jul, 54) Field Day '94 (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Nov, 118 Results, 8th IARU HF World Championship (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Feb, 106 Results, 1993 ARRL 10-Meter Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jul, 117 Results, 1993 ARRL November Sweepstakes (Thompson & Lunt): May, 119 Results, 1993 ARRL September VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jan, 119 Results, 1994 ARRL International DX Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Oct, 108 Results, 1994 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jun, 109 Results, 1994 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Dec, 112 Results, 1994 ARRL RTTY Roundup (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Aug, 96 Results, 1994 Novice Roundup (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Jun, 116 Results ,1994 School Club Roundup (Malchick): Sep, 123 Results, ARRL 160-Meter Contest (Lunt &. Stankiewicz) Apr, 117 Results, Eighth ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest (Lunt & Stankiewicz): Mar, 117 Results, Seventeenth ARRL International EME Competition (Lunt & Stankiewicz): May, 117 Straight Key Night 1993 (Brogdon): Apr, 121 Test of Performance The [SET] (Ewald): Oct, 49 Top 10 Reasons for Using a Straight Key: Apr, 121 Contesti ng/Operating Amateur Satellite Frequencies: Apr, 110 “Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide, The": Jan, 101 Enchanted Sweepstakes Expedition, An (Margelli): Apr, 21 Jamboree on the Air 1993 (Bedlack); Jun, 53 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions 1994: Jan, 102 Six-Meter Spectrum, The: Mar, 63 UHF Participation Pins-.Jul, 116 US Amateur Bands (chart): Jan, 104 VHF Contesting: Jan. 113 VHF Contesting for the Average Guy (Pfister): Dec, 114 VHF Participation Pins: Aug, 100 DX Century Club Awards (Kennamer): Jan, 91; Feb, 90; Mar, 99; Apr. 101; May, 100; Jun, 93; Jul, 96; Aug, 79; Sep. 101; Oct, 90; Nov, 101; Dec, 94 DXCC Honor Roll (Kennamer): Jul, 99 VHF/UHF Century Club Awards (VUCC) (Sapko): Feb, 97; Apr, 105; Jun, 104; Aug, 86; Oct, 99; Dec, 111 CORRESPONDENCE Amp Wars (Cardinal): Sep, 97 ATV Comments (O'Hara): Nov, 89 Bedrooms or Beverages (Marshall); Dec, 86 Better Late Than Never (McFadden): Dec, 86 Big Brother and Amateur Radio (Johnson): Jul, 109 Cellular Radio Tricks of the Trade (Huenmann): Jun, 56 Code Controversy (Michaels): Jul, 109 Codeless Kudos (Barfield): Jan, 60 Come Back Anytime, Ya Hear? (Bipes): Feb, 92 Comments on “Forward to the Past" (Jaworski, Kelley, Gibson): Oct, 56 CRFI—Contest Radio Frequency Interference (Horneff): Mar, 58 Credit Card Security (Tucker): Nov, 90 Credit Where Credit Is Dus? (Uckfeld): Jan, 60 CW QSOs: Revel in the Primordial Sounds! (Kofler): Jun, 56 Darth Vader? What About Kitehen Shfe?l (Turk): Nov, 91 Do I Really Need an Amplifier? (Melcher); Jun, 56 Domestic QSL Bureau, A? Absolutely! (Wolfe, Kornacki. Hodges): Jut, 109 Don't Be Ugly Americans ( M; Lajg hln) Oct, 56 Elmer Comes Clean, An (Truhlar): Feb, 92 First Ham in Space, The (Putnam)-. Oct ,56 First-Contact Jitters (Jenkins)’ Mar, 58 Flying High on 6 Meters (Wilson): May, 60 Fbllow-Up on Auto Interference (Hoover): N ov,90 Forecast, The? You Don't Wanna Know... (Sommers): Jun, 56 Friendly Forces (Stockwell): Aug, 50 Friend^ Ftemincbr, A(l-brper) Oct 56 From Cyprus, With Love (Nicolaou): Jan, 60 Garlands from Brussels (Vekinis): Sep. 97 232
Gooch’s Paradox Proved; “RF Gotta Go Somewhere!" (Bartucci): Jan, 60 Good PR (Kendrick); Dec, 86 He's in Good Company (Fairfield)’. Sep, 97 Holiday Point to Ponder, A (Wolf): Apr, 62 Hom Honkers (Brakob);Oct, 56 HPM Birthday Celebration (Fallon)'. Dec, 86 Inappropriate Use of Ham Frequencies (Barnett): Nov, 89 International Beacon QRM (Reed); Dec, 86 It's About the Benefit of the Doubt (Stalls): Feb, 92 It's Also the Old Ham's Companion (Snow); Oct, 56 It's Not Just for New Hams Anymore... (Mann): Jul, 109 Keep WIAW's Frequencies Clear, Please (Bradford): Dec, 86 Lack of Holiday Cheer?, A (Miller)’. Feb, 92 Lauds for the Ladder Line (Lacey); Feb, 92 Let's Keep Darth Vader Out of It1. (Preston); Apr, 62 Let Everyone Know About Our Good Deeds (Crowhurst); Mar, 58 Likes What He Seesi (Kerr): Apr, 62 Low-Power Omissions? (Lowe): Apr, 62 Make Friends the Easy Way (Dillon); Jan, 60 More on Pacemakers (Powell): Nov, 90 Never Too Late (Shuey): Sep, 97 Notify the Inspector? (Haskell): Aug, 50 Novice Classes—With an Attitude1. (Ripley)’. Mar, 58 Old-Time Volunteer Examiner Program, An (Interdonato)’. Nov, 89 Oldies But Goodies (Goodman); Aug, 50 Oner Transmitter, The (Kelsey): Dec, 86 Open Forum (Kleronomos): Apr, 62 Ouf of Africa...and Into OST! (Leo, Porter); Feb, 92 Out of the Mouths of Babes (Chamberlain); Jun, 56 Public Service ATV (Jones): Oct, 57 Put a Stop to Traffic Slop! (Goldweber); Feb, 92 QRP Philosophy 101 (Latta): Feb, 92 QSL the 50-Year Plaque (Dorrance): Oct, 56 Relieve the Boredom, Please (Stray)’. Mar, 58 "Religious" About Ham Radio (Callendrello); Aug, 50 Remembering Nose (Crutchfield): Sep, 97 Roses for Rohde (Kessler): Oct, 56 Sage Advice Revisited (Dirling): Jan, 60 Sailor of the Airwaves (Burnet).’ Sep 97 Samuel Morse: Art Painter (Lien): Aug, 50 Secret of Our Success (Hallidy): May, 60 Spirit of Field Day, The (Hums); Jun, 56 Stamp Therapy (Sheldon): Mar, 58 Stress Management (Homrig); Nov, 90 Sweet Tears of Laughter (Painter): Aug, 50 Thanks to NHCs Doctor (Sullivan): Apr, 62 Thanks! (Hodge): Aug, 50 They Should Have Known Better? (Aurick)’, Apr, 62 To QRP, or Not to QRP? (Wiseman); Dec, 86 Translator Would Be Helpful, A (Gorski): Sep, 97 Trip to the Old Neighborhood, A (Toback): May, 60 Two Decades of Amateur Radio (Anderson): Nov, 89 Use it or Lose It (Jacobsen, Beckwith); May, 60 Vintage Curriculum, A (Soled): Mar, 58 Warm Thanks for UA Cold Season11 (Hess): Aug, 50 Wouff-Helds? (Kunde): Aug, 50 YL Solidarity—and Hilarity! (Hayes): Jun, 56 Young Ham Speaks Up, A (Guhl): Sep, 97 Your Voices in Washington (Cain): Apr, 47 EXAM INFO—Column (Jahnke) ARRL Sponsors Two National Exam Days in 1994: Feb, 103 Credit for Passing Your Examination’. Jun,106 FCC's New Form 610, The: Mar, 106 National VEC Conference '94 Annual Meeting Highlights; Aug, 88 New FCC Form 610: Feb, 103 Question Pools—Update: Apr, 111 Special Circuits and Techniques Used to Administer Examinations: Sep, 75 When Will Your License Expire?: Aug, 89 FEATURE ARTICLES General Interest 144-MHz Sporadic E (Pocock): Jul, 37 1993, The Year in Review: May, 73 1993 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Results (Ewald): Sep, 95 (see Jul, 54) 3Y0PI; The Peter I Island 1994 DXpedition (Schmieder): Nov, 57 Activating a Rare Island on CW: ZD9SXW (Western); Jul, 19 AMSAT-NA Space Symposium (Ford): Jan,115 Amateur Radio Direction Finding in China (Baldwin): Mar, 23 Amateur Radio Goes to the 1993 Boy Scout Jamboree (Wolfgang): Feb, 55 Amateur Radio Postage Stamps (Welsh): Jan, 22 Anatomy ofa 10-GHz Record (Swedbbm & Lee): Mar, 48 Announcing the Hiram Percy Maxim 125th Birthday Celebration (Stankiewicz): Aug, 46 Automotive Interference Problems: What the Manufacturers Say (Hare): Sep, 51 Back to the Future: Pick Your Own Call Sign? (Palm) fed 84 Beacon Hunting from Northwest Connecticut (Bauer); Nov, 50 Bedrooms or Beverages? (Cain): Oct 51 Before Spark (McElroy): Jan, 57 Being an Elmer (Young); Mar, 44 Board Preps for 219-220 MHz (Palm): Mar, 85 California's Burning (Palm): Feb, 23 Camel Trophy '93 (Diamond): Feb, 29 Cellular Radio and the Modem Amateur (Stone): Mar, 50 Christmas Card, A (Silver): Dec, 55 Cuba: A Week to Remember (Margeirj; Dec, 58 Digital Signal Processing: The Final Frontier (Moseley): Apr, 54 Do Amateur Radio (and Yourself) a Favor (Palm); Jan, 54 Electromagnetic Reids and Your Health (Overbeck); Apr, 56 Enchanted Sweepstakes Expedition, An (Margelli): Apr, 21 Epics tom ths фсеп ter (Palm) Aug 21 Exploring the Internet—Part 1 (Ford)’. Sep, 43 Exploring the Internet—Part 2 (Ford): Oct, 43 Exploring the Internet—Part 3 (Ehrlich): Nov, 52 Exploring the Internet—Part 4( Ehrlich: Dec, 47 Forward to the Past; Fixing Radios for Fun and Profit (Carn): Aug, 42 General-Class Code Speed in One Weekend or How Sweepstakes Saved the Day (Stephens): Oct, 54 Ham Radio in the Pacific at the End of WW II (Veregge): Jul, 46 Hams of Ability: Nov, 46 Hear the Impact? (Owen): Jul, 62 Hello, Zak—This is Ray (Rushing); Sep, 48 “Help, the Sky is Falling!": Antenna Restrictions in the 1990s (Hennessee): Feb, 50 In the Line of Fire (Wall): Nov, 62 Interview with Robert W. Jones, VE3CTM, An (Rinaldo): Dec, 53 Jamboree on the Ar 1993 (Bedlack): Jun, 53 JOTA ’94, Jamboree-on-the-Air (Bedlack): Sep, 96 Landmark Legislation in New Hampshire: House Bill 1380-L (Bowles): Au g, 39 LARC's Mode-S DXpedition (Kel ly & Bledsoe): Jul, 52 Letter to My Elmer, A (Guenther): Sep, 50 Look at Digital Audio Broadcasting A (Kleinschmidt); May, 27 Modern Classic Test: Yaecomwood T-Max All-Mode Transceiver (Randazzo)’. Sep, 57 Monitoring the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet Impacts (Pressler)-.Dec,51 Moonbeams on Montserrat: An EMExpedliion (Brittain): Jun, 47 NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Network, The—Part 1 (TrosterS Fabry): Oct, 31 NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Network, The—Part 2 (Troster & Fabry): Nov, 49 New Outlook on Ham Radio, A (Kirkendoil); Mar, 44 Operating Backpack Portable (Andera & Sample): Apr, 21 Overview of Amateur Call Signs ,An—Past and Present (Sager & Palm): May, 54 Pacemakers, Interference and Amateur Radio (Weber); Jul, 34 Peter I Souvenir Items (Brogdon)'.Nov ,61 Portable S5 (Gartenberg): May, 50 Reading Radio Fiction (Lisle): Apr, 51 Real Fun Interference (RFI) (Buffington): Feb,79 Rewards of Ham Radio (Bridgman): Nov, 46 Smooth Sailing at Rocky Hill (Palm): Sep, 82 St P ail R evist al (A rch b eld) :J un,7.1 Strange Signals from the Land of the Midnight Sun (Luchi): Sep, 46 Test of Performance, The [SET] (Ewald): Oct, 49 Toppling Restrict' ive Zoning Ordinances (Altman): Feb, 49 Tower Safety Tips (Cook)’ Aug ,40 Updated Official Field Day Report Form (Palm): Apr, 60 Volunteer Examiners Mark a Decade of Service (Holsopple): Jul,57 Wally and Mike: Changing Times (Kearman); Mar, 56 W Л у aid M'k ef ate 4t oG o(K earmark : Aug, 48 Wally and Mike: Wally Meets the Internet (Kearman): Jun, 50 What isQRP? (Ariand): Oct, 46 Wheeling Through Field Day with Cleve LeClair, N7IXG (Myers); Nov, 46 Where are the Novices?: League Members Respond (Kleinschmidt): Jan, 52 December 1994 233
Why I Like Field Day (Miccolis): Jun, 55 Wire Antenna, The (Schmidt): Nov, 55 Wired for Wireless: Ted Rappaport, N9NB, and His Vision (Cain): Jul, 48 World's Greatest DXer, The (W4DR] (Cain): Nov, 43 X-Banding From an XYL's Perspective (Lee): Mar, 49 Yukon DXing with Flair (Reisenauer); Apr, 24 Technical 160-Meter Sloper System at K3LR, The (Christman, Duffy & Breakall): Aug, 36 Amateur Use of Telescoping Masts (Haviland): May, 41 Anatomy of a Club Homebrew Project-. Nov, 39 ATV Station for 915 MHz, An—Part 1: A Miniature 1.5-W ATV Transmitter (Graf & Sheets): Nov, 23 ATV Station for 915 MHz, An—Part 2; A Tunable ATV Downconverter (Grat & Sheets): Dec, 28 Automatic Temperature-Controlled Fan, An (Kelts): Jun, 41 Beginner's Boomers: Two Phased Vertical Arrays for 30 Meters (Borich & Logan); Jun, 37 Build Your Own Lowfer Transceiver (Curry): Apr, 26 Calibrated Noise Source for Amateur Radio, A (Sabin): May, 37 Computer-Controlled Electronic Test Equipment—Part 2 (Portugal); Jan, 35 (see Dec '93, 42) CW '‘Stamp" Identifier, A (Bunn): Oct, 41 Direct Digital Synthesis—An Intuitive Introduction (Cahn): Aug, 30 Easy-to-Build 25-Watt MF/HF Amplifier, An (Breed): Feb, 31 Elkhart County Tone Alert, The (Drudge): Apr, 43 Exploring htermocLihibn Dsbrbn in RF Switching and Tuning Diodes (Thompson); Dec, 25 Function Generator with a Frequency- Counter Digital Readout, A (Spencer): Apr, 35 Home-Brew Loop Tuning Capacitor, A (Jones); Nov, 30 Inexpensive Interference Filters (Bloom)-. Jun, 32 Inexpensive SSTV System, An (Vester): Jan, 27 (see Feedback: Feb, 77) Inexpensive SSTV System Continues to Grow, An (Vester); Dec, 22 Introducing ARRL Radio Designer. New Software for RF Circuit Simulation and Analysis (Newkirk): Oct, 21 Just Enough Radio—The БР-750 Spider Junior (Agsten): Nov, 33 KD7IK’s “Quad Lite" (Bock)-. Oct ,39 Key Components of Modern Receiver Design—Part 1 (Rohde): May, 29 Key Components of Modem Receiver Design— Part 2 (Rohde): Jun, 27 Key Components of Modern Receiver Design— Part 3 (Rohde): Jul, 42 Key Components of Modern Receiver Design: A Second Look (Rohde): Dec, 38 Lead-Acid Battery Charger, A (Spencer): Mar, 25 Mother Nature's Radio (Schneider): Jan, 49 Nearly Perfect Amplifier, The (Measures): Jan. 31 Nickel-Metal-Hydride Batteries in Amateur Radio Applications (Kuusisto): Sep, 38 Null Steerer Revisited, The (Michaels): Jul, 29 On Center-Fed Multiband Dipoles (Belrose & Bouliane): Mar, 35 Overvoltage Protection for AC Generators (Paquette): Jun, 43 Pfeiffer Quad Antenna System, The (Pfeiffer); Mar, 28 Pocket Si zed, Talking Morse Code Practice Computer, A (Staton): Jul, 26 QSOcorder, The (Reyer): Feb, 45 QST Product Reviews: A Look Behind the Scenes (Gruber): Oct, 35 Quick Powerhouse, The (Miller): Dec, 33 Radio Gear of Yesteryear (Shrader): Mar, 41 Reevaluation of the Caron RF Impedance Bridge, A (Camillo): Sep, 28 Revisiting the RF Ammeter (Stanley); Feb, 35 Ringmaster Ring Decoder, The (Rumbolt)-. Apr, 40 Simple Dummy Antenna for ATV Transmitter Testing, A (Sheets): Nov, 27 Simple, Effective Elevated Ground-Plane Antennas (Russell): Jun, 45 Simple Equipment for HF Fox Hunting (Villard, Hagn & Lomasney): Aug, 33 Simple,Generd-Purpose/T Amplifier (Spencer): Dec, 43 Single-Board Superhet QRP Transceiver for 40 or 30 Meters, A (Benson): Nov ,37 Smart Charger for Nickel-Cadmium Batteries, A (Avritch): Sep, 40 So What's New in the ARRL Antenna Book? (Straw): Sep, 24 Stacking Tribanders: A Super Station— Sorta (Straw & Hopengarten): Feb, 38 SWR Detector Audio Adapter, An (Spencer); Jul, 24 Thermoelectric Power for QRP Transmitters (Sayre): Sep, 33 Those New QST Propagation Charts (Hall): Q J 27 Trigonal HF Beam, A (Bird): Apr, 32 Two New Multiband Trap Dipoles (Buxton): Aug, 26 Uncle Albert’s Unique Keyer (Ulbing)'. Jan, 43 Under the Hood III: Capacitors (Bergeron)- Jan, 45 Under the Hood IV\ Inductors (Bergeron)-. Mar, 37 Under the Hood V; Solid State Devices (Bergeron): May, 46 Under the Hood: Lamps, Indicators and Displays (Bergeron); Sep, 34 Using a VU Meter for Phone-Patch Adjustment (Lorona): Mar, 32 You Can Build: A Compact Loop for 30 through 12 Meters (Capon): May, 33 FEEDBACK 1993 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Results (Ewald): Sep, 95 (see Jul, 54) Amateur Use of Td escop'mg Masts (Haviland); Jul, 83 (see May, 41) Calibrated Noise Source for Amateur Radio, A (Sabin): Jul, 83 (see May, 29) ComputerCortrdled Electronic Test Equipment—Part 1 (Portugal)' Feb 77 (see Dec '93, 45) Function Generator with a F requency- Counter Digital Readout, A (Spencer): Dec, 85 (see Apr, 38) 1 nexpensiveSSTV S уй em,A n(V ester): Feb, 77 (see Jan, 27) New Products: Oct, 45 (see Aug, 70, and Sep, 39) Null Steerer Revisited, The (Michaels)- Sep, 95 (see Jul, 30) Plug Into PacTOR-.Jun ,78 (see Mar ,67) Product Review: JPS SSTV-1 DSP Filter: Dec, 85 (see Nov, 81) Radio Gear of Yesteryear (Shrader): Jun, 78 (see Mar,41) Reevaluation of the Caron RF Impedance Bridge, A (Camillo): Nov, 88 (see Sep, 28) Smart Charger for Nickel-Cadmium Batteries, A (Johnson); Nov, 88 (see Sep, 41) So What’s New in the ARRL Antenna Book (Straw): Oct, 80 (see Sep, 24) SWR Detector Audio Adapter, An (Lones): Aug, 69-, Nov, 88 (see Jul, 24) Wise Owl Worldwide Publications: Jun. 78 (see Strays: Apr, 107) FM~Column (Battles) ATV: Not as Easy as it Looks, But Still Fun (Lee): Oct, 95 Crossband and Linked Repeaters; Their Potential in Emergencies—Part 1 (Magness): Jun, 98 Crossband and Linked Repeaters-.Their Potential in Emergencies—Part 2 (Magness): Jul, 107 Love of Amateur Radio and His Fellow Hams (Gartenberg); Aug, 88 One Cool Radio (Staponski); Aug, 88 PC Voice on FM (DCI): Apr, 109 Santa Is a Ham: A Christmas to Remember (Foble)- Deq 103 VHF Contesting; Jan, 113 Wilderness VHF FM Protocol A (Alsup)-. Feb. 99 Wilderness VHF FM Protocol, A: Your Comments—Part 1;Apr, 109 Wilderness VHF FM Protocol ,A: Your Comments—Part 2: May, 103 With a Little Bit of Planning: A High-Speed QSO (Lee): Nov, 64 Your Dream Rig? Here's What You Said.... Sep, 113 Your Dream Rig?: Mar, 109 HAPPENINGS—News (Cain) 222 Mht: tovices ft t Mre; Wa к $gna I Band Okayed; Jan, 83 1993 QSTCover Plaque Award Winners Named: Feb 83 1994 Dayton HamVention Names Award Winners: May, 90 Adi on U rgad onC dl Si gnS d edl on: Jul, 84 Amateur's “Black Box" is Government Gold Mine: Mar, 93 Amateur Radio BHs H angl nB a ance as 103rd Congress Nears its End- Nov, 93 Amateur Radio Resolution Gains Majority in House: Jun, 83 Amateur Radio Show Goes National: Feb, 81 Appeals Court Sides with Minnes ota Amateur; Antenna V'cbry Refifcrcas Federal Declaration: Mar, 91 AMSAT-NA Annual Meeting Draws 240 to Orlando: Dec, 88 ARRL and FCC Agree to New Cooperative Agreement May, 91 ARRL Congress Watchers Remain Optimlstkr Oct 85 ARRL, Lambda ARC Agree, Issue Joint Statement Dec, 88 ARRL Mem b ers Pick N ew В oard Repres entatives- Jan 83 ARRL Ombudsman Debuts- Jul 87 234
ARRL Petitions FCC for Lifetime Operator Licenses; Mar, 93 ARRL Seeks Primary 902-MHz Allocations for Amateurs; Mar, 94 ARRL Testifies at New Jersey Hearing on RF Registration: Mar, 92 ARRL Urges Alternative to Instant License" Plan: Mar, 94 ARRL Volunteers Help Head Off NY Plate Fees: May, 93 Backer Vows to See Reintroduction of Bill: May, 93 Behind the Diamond: Bill Moore, NC1L: Nov, 94; Brian Battles, WS10: Aug, 73; Contest Manager Billy Lunt, KR1R; Jun, 84; DXCC Assistant Paul Shafer, KB1BE: Feb, 81; Field Services Manager Rick Palm, K1CE: Sep, 92; Jay Mabey, NU0X: Jul, 86; John Nelson, W1GNC: Apr, 90; Norm Bliss, WA1CCQ: Dec, 89; QSL Service Manager Joe Carcla, NJ1Q: Mar, 92; W1AW Chief Op Jeff Bauer, WA1MBK: Jan, 84 Call Sign Administrator Plan Canceled: Feb, 80 Chambers, Vern, W1JEQ, Former HQ Tech Staffer, SK: May, 93 Colvin, Lloyd, W6KG, SK: DXer Visited 223 Countries: Feb, 81 CQ Names Four to Halls of Fame; Jun, 83 DC Group Plans World Radio Event; , Oct, 84 Delays Predicted in Club Call Sign Plan; Jan, 83 Digital Enthusiasts See New Techniques: Oct, 84 FCC Acts on Three Amateur Radio Petitions: Jul, 86 FCC Cancels a Fine: Ju (8 6 FCC Clarifies Action on Message Relays: Aug, 72 FCC Denies Morse Code Exemption: Nov, 91 FCC Establishes New International Bureau; Dec, 88 FCC Extends Comment Period in “Vanity" Call Sign Plan: May, 92 FCC Okays More Time for RF-Exposure Proposal; May, 92 FCC Opens Toll-Free Phone to Field License Questions: Nov, 95 FCC Orders Retests of 59 Amateur Licensees; Jun, 83 FCC Private Radio Chief Name to PCS Task Force: May, 93 FCC Proposes HF Digital Changes; Would Allow Some Automatic Control: Aug, 71 FCC Proposes “Instant' Commercial Licensing: Aug, 73 FCC Proposes to Change RF Authorization Rule: Aug, 74 FCC Receives Award for Spectrum Auctions: Oct, 86 FCC Releases Details of “Instant License” Plan: Jan, 84 FCC Reverses Stand on Wireless Licenses: Oct, 85 FCC Says Phone Makers Could Reduce Interference: May, 90 FCC Seeks Changes at 2400 MHz: Dec, 87 FCC Seeks Comments on UHF Reallocations: Jul, 85 FCC Sets Date for Electronic FTtng; Faster Licenses, Renewals Expedited: Dec, 87 FCC Surveys Examiner Coordinators; League Defends “Wall of Separatiorf: Nov, 91 FCC Surveys Telephone Interference (Hare): Jul, 85 FCC Upholds a Fine; Jul, 87 FCC Views ARRL-VEC Figures: Jun, 82 Federal Court Next Step for NY Tower Case: Dec, 88 Fire on Storm King Mountain (Radio ff): Oct, 83 Flooding Mobilizes Georgia Hams (Keith): Sep, 90 Floods Bring Out Texas Volunteers: Dec,87 Georgia Bill Would Outlaw Restrictive Covenants: Apr,91 Government Study Eyes 2300 MHz: Apr, 90 Ham-Boater Credits Amateur Radio in Rescue: May, 90 Hams, Stargazers Find Hobbies a "Fitting Mix"; Nov, 95 Hams Aid Cuban Refugee Boat (Martinez): Sep, 91 Hertzberg, Joe, N3EA, SK: May, 93 Ideas Sought for ARRL Novice Roundup: Jul, 85 Joint Resolution Makes Crucial Progress in DC: Sep, 93 League Advisory Committee Members: Apr, 93 League Seeks Tighter Club License Standards: Jun, 81 League Sets Stand on Preferred Call Signs; Jun, 81 Licenses Withdrawn in Probe of VE Exam Irregularities: Jan, 84 Mississippi Hams Respond to February Ice Storm: Apr, 92 Mobile Oregon Ham Helps Thwart Suspected Thieves: Aug, 73 More Changes in Japan’s Licensing of Foreigners: Feb, 82 NASA Names Astronaut-Ham to Top Post ih Russia: May, 92 NASA Stations Mark Moon Landing: Sep, 90 New Hampshire Antennas get Property Tax Relief: Jul, 85 New Jersey Seeks to Register and Tax RF Sources: Feb, 80 New Message-Forwarding Rules Begin: Jun, 81 New Year Sees Return to Ham License Renewals: Feb, 82 Newsman Bill Leonard, W2SKE, is Dead at Age 78; Dec, 87 NomineesSoucJitfor ARRL Board of Directors: Jul, 88; Aug, 75 Nose, Katashi, KH6IJ, a Silent Key at Age 78: Jun, 82 One in Your Backyard? (G5RV): Feb, 82 Opposition to “Instant Licensing" Plan Grows; Apr, 89 QCWA is 501(c)(3)'.F * , 82 Repeat Nominating Solicitation: Jan, 85; Feb, 83; Jul, 87; Aug, 74 Repeater Trustee Fined', Awaits Outcome of Appeal: Jan, 85 Report Backs Amateurs on 2300 MHz: Oct, 83 Revised Pact Links Amateurs, Red Cross: Jun, 82 RF Exposure Plan Wrongheaded, League Says: Apr, 91 Running for Charity: May, 92 Section Election Notice: Jan, 85; Feb, 83; Apr, 92; May, 93; Jul, 87; Aug, 74; Oct, 86; Nov, 95 Section Election Results: Jan, 85; Apr, 92-, Jul, 87 Section Managers Chosen: Oct, 86 Seven Decades an ARRL Member (W9FKC): Feb, 83 Software Writer Settles with CD-ROM Distributors; Aug, 72 Space Center Hams Mark Apollo Anniversary (Hadley & Smitt): Nov, 92 Spectrum Proposal Unfair, League Says: Aug, 72 Students Lunch with Ham-Astronaut (Lynch): Jul, 84 Survey Measures Young Ham’s Interests: Dec, 90 Tech License Renewals May Show Wrong Class: Nov, 95 Telecommunications Lawyer Named New FCC Chairman: Feb, 82 Three California VEs Face License Loss: Nov, 91 US, Russian Amateurs Link on 2-Meter Band: Jun, 83 US and Russia Give Shuttle Last-Minute Lift, Agree to Reciprocal, 3rd-Party Privileges: Apr, 89 Visit to Cuba, A'. Apr, 89 W6KG-ARRL Fund Aimed to Foster Goodwill: Jun, 82 Washington Update (Mansfield): Aug, 72 You'd Smile ,Too[K1JT]-Feb 32 HINTS AND KINKS—Column (Newkirk) Adding a Bypass Switch to the Ten Tec 291 Antenna Tuner (Sayre): Aug, 66 Adding a Noise Filter Can Be Worse Than No Filter at All (Shelhamer): Apr, 82 Adding Unsquelching Audio Output to the ICOM IC-228A Transceiver (M d_dl ar(L' Jan, 79 Another Approach to Buried Radials (Booth): Aug, 66 Another Simple Interlace for Transceivers with RS-232-C Ports (Shelhamer): Jan, 78 Antistatic Treatment for Meters and LCDs (Koutnik): Oct, 76 Be Sure to Clean and Exercise Plugs and Conn ectors (Rainville): Feb, 75 Веере r Madness (Hoyt Moller Reinke)' May, 86 Better Adhesion for Suction Cup Mounted Antennas (Gibson): Aug, 66 Better Linearity During 50 MHz Transmit with the Kenwood TS-690S Transceiver (Pelham)-. Jun, 75 Calibrated Trimmer Capacitor, A (Rowe): Oct, 76 Car-Engine Heater Keeps Rotator Lubricant Flowing (Moltentine): Feb, 75 Cleaning Up the Beep Tone in the Ten-Tec Omni V Transceiver (Perras): Mar, 78 Connecting Tape-Recorder Audio to the Kenwood TH-27 Hand-Held Transceiver (Crenshaw); Feb, 75 Constant Carrier AM for the Drake Twins (Thomason): Nov, 85 Cooking Up a Custom Cab inet (Higs)- Oct, 76 Cork Your SO 239 Connectors! (Berkowitz): Oct, 77 Counting Bar Graph for the WD0OID Timer, A (Aughenbaugh): Jun, 75 Curing a Glitch in the N0HPK Low Cost Frequency Counter (Agsten): Feb, 75 Curing Intermittent Meter Operation in the Telex Tailtwister T2X Rotator (Doherty)-. Nov, 86 Curing RF Noise in a Fluorescent Shop Light (Lee)- Apr 32 Curing RFl in a Digital Voice Recorder (Clark): Feb, 75 Curing RFl in the Cornell Dubilier Rotator Control (Swyner): Oct, 77 Curing “Wrong VFO" in the Yaesu FT-101E (Schick): Dec, 82 December 1994 235
Cutting Printed Circuit Board (Gibson): Jan, 79 Determining inductance or Capacitance Using SWR Measurements (Booth): Oct, 75 Dummy-Load QRP Wattmeter, A (Morrison): Sep, 95 Experimental Va-W CW Transmitter, An (Smith): Nov, 84 Ferrite Shield-Current Chokes Cure Stray RFon Vertical-Antenna Transmission Lines (Palmer): Jan, 78 Fine Tuning the MFJ 207 HF SWR Wattmeter (Merschrod): Sep, 95 Handy, Padded H-T Case, A (Norman): Apr, 83 Hardwood Dowels Strengthen Antenna Elements (Miller): Oct, 76 Hear Better with the Heil BM-10 Boomset (Thomas): Feb, 75 Holes Make Soldering Sponge Work Better (Trigilio): Feb, 75 How to Remove Connector Sealant from Coaxial Hardware (Reihl): Jun, 76 Improved Receive Performance for the Kenwood TS-450S/AT Transceiver (De Coons): Jul, 80 Is That Hardware Stainless? (Mandeville): Mar, 79 Keeping Your QST Binders in Shape II (D'Antuono): Jan, 79 Kinky Line Aids Building Open-Wire Feed Line (Yingling): Sep, 94 Laundry-Detergent Boxes Store QST (Steinhorst): Jan, 79 Lower Monitor-Mode Current Drain for the CMOS Super Keyer II (Vogel): Jun, 76 Minimizing TVI from the Yaesu FT-757GX Transceiver (Lee): Jan, 79 Mobile Radio Cut-Out (Conklin): Aug, 67 Modified Grounding Cures RF Feedback in a GM Mobile (Melanson): Jun, 76 More “Don't Lose the Little Bits” (Roux): May, 87 More on Slingshot Antenna Installation (Ashworth): Dec, 63 Mouse Pocket Mike Holder (McCarthy): Aug, 66 One Feed Line, Two Antennas (Isard): Aug, 66 One-Switch Compact Loop, A (King, Galindo): Nov, 86 PacTOR Backspace with the Kantronics KAM+ (Schwartz); Jun, 75 Plug-In Bypass Capacitor Stops Keying Glitches (Van Horn): Dec, 83 PTT Line Protection for Radios In Packet Service (Stahl): Dec, 83 Putty Good Solution (Burlingame): Sep, 94 Reduced Frequency Drift During CW Operation with the Ten-Tec Scout (Broadwell): Jul, 81 Repairing Heat-Cycling Failures in VHF/UHF Rig Output Modules (Stockton): Nov, 84 Replacing the ICOM IC-271H Backup Battery (Carino): Oct, 75 RF Causes Erratic Rear Wiper in Ford Explorer (Campbell)-. Aug, 67 RF Sniffer Meter, An (Hoyt): Apr, 82 Silent Full Break-In Transceiver TR Switching for the Alpha 87A (Jeutter): Jul, 81 Simple Audio Attenuator Solves TNC Overload Problem (Booth): Mar, 79 Soldering-Iron Tips (Covington): Oct, 75 Speaker Connectors as Power Terminals (Bauer): Apr, 82 Spinner for Kenwood Tuning Knobs, A (Nollet): Apr, 82 236 Stopping Bug and Paddle Skids (Thurston, Moretti): Mar, 79 Tips on Installing and Connecting to Ground Rods (Edwards): Jun, 76 Toothbrush + Candle = Custom Cleaning (Ellers): Nov, 76 Tower-Mounted Streamer Shows Wind Direction (Mollentine): Oct, 76 Transceiver Mount for Motorhome (Christensen): Sep, 94 Transmission-Hump Mount for VHF Transceivers (White): Oct, 77 Try Diversity Reception and Transmission (Weber): Jul, 81 Use Coax Braid as Ground Strap (Leggette): Aug, 66 Use IC Sockets as Connectors (Ocfemia): Oct, 76 Using Computer Graphics for Equipment Construction and Repair (Whitsitt, Fowler): Apr, 83 Wrist Rest for Keyboard Operators (Seaton): Nov 86 HOW’S DX?—Column (Kennamer) 3Y0PI: The Book: Jul, 95 Amateur Radio tn the Sudan: Jun, 91 Branson, Joanie, KA6V/7, SK-.Aug ,77 Cameroon: Dec, 91 Contests and the DXer: Feb, 87 Countries List, The...More: Dec, 91 CQ from 3B8RS—Mauritius Island (Fry): Jun, 90 DX Antennas; Selecting the Height- Sep, 98 DX Operating and QSLing Guidelines: Nov, 98 DXCC Yearbook Apr, 99 DXing from Bulgaria: Mar, 96 “EdgeThe-. Dec, 92 Electronic DXCC, The: Apr, 99 Errata: Sep, 99 (see Jul, 94) Foreign Exchange and the DXer.Sep .99 Ham Radio: Friedrichshafen 1994: Oct, 87 Home-Brewing is Alive and Well in SV5: Mar, 95 Low-Band News: Mar, 96 Mauritius Follow-Up-. Dec, 92 New Club Officers [NJDXAJ: Jun, 91 New DXpeditioning Book: Apr, 99 New JA Airmail Rates: Aug, 77 New JA Frequencies on the 80-Meter Band, Jul, 95 New Stations in the United Arab Emirates: Mar, 95 No, l’mNdLJd,94 Northern Alabama's DXer of the Year [KZ4VJ: Jul, 93 Northern California DX Foundation Tape Library Change: Dec, 92 Operating Topics- Mar, 96 P5RS7—From a Supporter’s Perspective; Nov, 99 Perseverance Pays: Feb 88 Peter I Island- Jan, 88 Plea to DX Contest Stations, A: May, 98 Russian Prdixes:May, 98 Solar Cycle 23 May Begin in Early 1996 (Pocock): Jul, 93 Some Spratly Remembrances: Dec, 91 Special Austrian Call Signs: May, 97 Story of a Chinese Ham, The (Wang): Jul, 94 Thanks to Amateur Radio [book]’ Nov 99 They Do Arrive—Eventually: Mar, 96 TN0CW: The Congo on CW: Nov, 98 Upcoming DX Conventions-.May ,98 Update on Bangladesh: Apr, 99 VP2MFA “Do-Able" DXpedition, The— Part 2 (Stephens): Apr, 98 What Price Glory? Jul, 94 Where on Earth is Tonga?: Aug, 76 Why are These Rocks Called Countries, Anyway?: May, 97 YA1AR Story, The: Feb, 88 Youngest DXCC Member? [KD4OZC]: Jan, 89 Zero Beat: Dec, 92 INFORMATION 1994 “Handy Reference" Section: Jan, 97 Amateur Satellite Frequencies: Apr, 110 ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau Addresses: Jan, 99 ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System: Jan, 98 ARRL Outgoing QSL Service, The: Jan, 99 Back to the Future: Pick Your Own Call Sign? (Palm): Feb, 84 “Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide, The": Jan, 101 FCC Emission Types: Jul, 64 Headquarters Internet Addresses: Oct, 45 IARU Regional Executive Committees-. Apr, 94 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions 1993: Jan, 102 QRP Clubs and Organizations: Oct, 48 Shop the ARRL Electronically1.'.Oct,45 Six-Meter Spectrum, The: Mar, 63 US Amateur Bands (chart).- Jan, 104 Where to Find Examination Opportunities in Your Area: Jul, 60 WASHINGTON MAILBOX—Column (Hennessee) Emission Types, Bandwidth, Splatter and Spurs: Technical Standards—Part 2: Jul, 63 FCC E ml ssion Types: J li, 64 New “Business Rules" are Here( The- Jan, 95 Our Spectrum-, Technical Standards — Part 1: May, 105 Power, Type Acceptance and Modifications: Technical Standards—Part 3: Sep, 107 IT SEEMS TO US—Editorial (Sumner) Coordination: Mar Expectations: Dec Instant Licensing: Jan Medium or Message?: Nov Noise: Aug NTIA’s Magic Act Sep QSL?; May Responsibility: Jun Strategic Planning: Jd “Vanity" Calls: Feb Wake-Up Call for 13 cm: Apr Welcome, Newsstand Readers: Jul Wly life tern tors hp.? Oct LAB NOTES—Column (Ford) Lightning Protection—Part 1 (Tracy): Oct. 81 Ughtning Protection—Part 2 (Tracy); Dec, 45 Setting up br FbldDay (Lau); Jun, 78 TVI, CATVI and VCRI (Hare): Mar, 82 Where Am I? (Gruber): Apr, 86 NEW BOOKS [Author] (Reviewer) Amateur Radio Encyclopedia [Gibillsco] (Wolfgang): May, 49 Beginner’s Handbook of Amateur Rad! о [Laster| (Battles): Mar, 31 Behind the Front Panel: The Design and Development of 1920s Radios [Rutland] (Kearman): Dec, 27
Build Your Own Shortwave Antennas [Yoder] (Kleinschmidt): Oct, 74 Code Book, rhe: Amateur Radio CW Operating [Halprin] (Battles): Feb, 53 Code Book, The: Morse Code Instruction Маша/[Butt] (Battles): Jun, 74 Communications Receivers, The Vacuum Tube Era: 1932-1981 [Moore] (Kleinschmidt): Oct, 74 CQ 1994 Amateur Radio Almanac [Grant] (Battles): May, 54 DOS for Dummies [Gookin] (Battles): Jul, 41 Easy Target [Wall] (Dunn): Nov, 36 Emergency Radio! [Schrein] (Battles): Sep, 42 Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits, Vol 4 [Graf & Sheets] (Hale): Mar, 31 Ham Radio Contesting [Halprin] (Kearman): May, 115 Hidden Ham Antennas [Hughes] . (Kearman): Sep, 58 How to Get Started in QRP [Ingram] (Kearman): Jun, 74 Internet for Dummies, The [Levine & Baroudi] (Battles): Jul, 41 Just When Tom Had Jean Convinced That His Friends Were Normal, He Took Her to a Hamfest! [Irwin] (Battles): Jun, 44 Low Power Communications Volume 2, Advanced QRP Operating [Arland] (Kearman): Jun, 42 MARS: Calling Back to "The Wbrld”fom Vietnam [Scipione] (Kearman): Nov, 102 Mastering Radio Frequency Circuits Through Projects and Experiments [Carr] (Kearman); Sep, 37 Mobile 2-Way Radio Communications [West] (Battles): Jan, 59 More About Cubical Quads [McCarthy] (Cain): Oct, 34 National Radio Club AM Radio Log [Chatterton] (Kleinschmidt): Sep, 45 NOSlntro [Wade] (Battles): Mar, 107 OS/2 for Dummies [Rathbone] (Battles): Jul, 41 Power Up! [Strom] (Battles): Jul, 47 Receiving Antenna Handbook, Joe Carr's [Carr] (Kearman): Oct, 82 Riding the Airwaves with Alpha and Zulu [Abbott] (Battles): Feb, 37 Sam and Erin Go to a Hamfest [Wall] (Battles): Jul, 108 Satellite Communications and DBS Systems [Wood] (Ford): Apr, 31 Space Satellite Handbook [Curtis] (Ford): May, 36 Tune to Satellite Radio on Your Satellite System [Harrington] (Kleinschmidt): Oct, 80 UNIX for Dummies [Levine & Young] (Battles): Jul, 41 WiFB’s Help for New Hams [DeMaw] (Ford): Sep, 64 What Is Your TNC Doing? [Medcalf] (Ford): Apr, 34 Windows for Dummies [Rathbone] (Battles): Jul, 41 NEW HAM COMPANION 10 Meters is Not Dead! (Ford): Apr, 68 2-Meter FM DXing (Ford): Sep, 60 Amateur Radio 101 (Hughes): Jul, 71 “At the Tone..." (Ford); Jun, 62 Backpacking, Troop 404 Style (Rowlett): Oct, 60 Be a Bone Yard PhD (Keith): Jun, 64 Build a 12-V Junction Box (Capon): Aug,54 Build a One-Watt Transmitter in a Kodak Film Box (Capon): Oct, 64 Build an HF Walking Stick Antenna (Capon): Dec, 72 Building and Adjusting Trap Dipole Antennas (Edwards): Nov, 72 Building Your Own Station Accessories (Gold): Feb, 61 But How Do I Use It? (Danzer): May, 66 Cheap Way to Hunt Transmitters, A (Rickerd): Jan, 65 Climatological Analysis of the Dayton HamVention, A (Friedman): Apr, 69 Conquering the Code (Bellamy): May, 64 Design Your Own Photographic QSL Card (Weisman): Sep, 63 Do I Need a Linear Amplifier? (Aurick): Apr, 73 Do You Nee dan Antenna Tuner? (Rorr$: Jan, 71 DXing with 2-Meter Packet Mail (Smith): Feb, 66 Easy Dual-Band VHF/UHF Antenna, An (Reynante): Sep, 61 El Dipolo Criollo (Meara)-.Aug ,58 Fishing Tackle HF Station to Go!, A (Capon); Nov, 67 FM Contesting on Taylor Mountain (Parmley): Dec, 71 Gain Antenna for 28 MHz, A (Beezley): Jul, 70 Get Out Your Calculators or Computers (Straw): Apr, 71 Cfe ttng M>re ftp tes Ф Yiur CW Q ft (Brogdon): Jun, 61 Getting Started on the Magic Band (Neubeck): Mar, 61 Go DigitalL (Kleinschmidt): Sep, 67 Hams ’RUs Kids Net (Bemotas)-.Nov ,69 Importance of Zero-Beating, The (Shrader): Oct, 58 Indestructible Dipole for 10 Meters,An (Bowles): Apr, 67 hter ference in Reverse (Freedom): May, 65 Make Your Mobile More Portable (Mendelsohn): May, 62 Modest Multiband Antenna, A (Brogdon): Jul, 68 NAVTEX and Your Multimode TNC (Ford): Aug, 52 NiCd Never Forgets, A. Or Does It? (Gruber): Nov, 71 О nth eWmgs <J aDOVE (Fold) .'Sep,65 Over-the-Dash H-T Mount, An (Leyson): Mar, 70 Over-the-Keyboard Desk Top (Leyson): Jul, 75 PACSATs from an Apartment!. (Schliemann): Mar, 65 Packet Without Computers (Wolf): Apr, 64 PC Shopper's Guide, A (Ford & Kleinschmidt): May, 69 Plug Into PacTOR (Gold): Mar, 67 QSL Cards? Before You Write That Check... (Bowles): Dec, 64 QSLing Through a Manager (Miller): Aug, 56 Repeater Eater, The (Murphy); Nov, 74 RS-12 Worked All States (Peschka): Oct. 67 Six-Meter Spectrum, The: Mar, 63 Such a Deal! (Ford): Jul, 73 SWR Obsession, The (Ford): Apr, 70 Test Day (Bowles): Jan, 62 Trusty Slingshot, The (Ford): Jul, 70 Understanding Signal Strength (Wilson): Jul, 67 "Universal" VHF/UHF Antenna, A (Miller): Dec, 75 View From Above, The (Ford): Dec, 68 Where's My Mail? (Patterson): Jan, 67 Worked All Palm Beach (Penn)r Mar, 60 Working Satellite RS-12—The Ultimate Satellite Primer (Capon): Feb, 58 You Never Forget the First Time (MacDonald): Jun, 58 Doctor Is IN, The—Column: Jan, 64; Feb, 65; Mar, 64; Apr, 66; May, 72; Jun, 60; Jul, 66; Aug, 61; Sep, 70; Oqt 59' Noy 66‘ Deq 67 Radio Tips 8-Band Backpacker Special (Andera): Jun, 68. 10 Meter Band Plan ,The'.Apr,68 Abbreviated Packet-Speak Glossary, An (Ford): Feb, 68 Activity Nights (Owen): Mar,63 Buying on the Packet Network (Ford): Jun, 67 International Third-Party Traffic—Proceed With Caution: Dec, 70 J dinth eQRP 0 raze(KI emsth molt) : May, 68 Log it or Lose it (Kleinschmidt): Jan, 72 Packet Snoop mg (Kleinschmidt); Jan, 69 Selective Calli ng (Ford)' Noy 73 Those Versatile Hand-Helds (Ford): Jan, 66 Traffic Handling is for Everyone (Kleinschmidt): May, 63 UHF and Microwave Equipment (Healy): Aug, 60 Wave Angles (Ford)’ Aug J57 What's DSP? (Ford): May, 71 Working the DX Pileups (Ford): Oct, 66 NEW PRODUCTS 300/1200/9600 bit/s TNC; Nov, 48 1994 CQ Ham C alendars: Jan, 128 AddOns for Yaesu FT-1000'Jul 28 Affordable FM Monitor Receiver Kits: Dec 52 AMTOR/PacTOR Software: May, 104 Amateur Radio Mail Order Catalog [Thompson] (Ford): Jul, 61 Amiga Code-Practice Software: Jun, 49 ATV Scan Converters, TNC: Sep, 31 Bases for Hand-Held R igs: Jul, 45 Boom Mike/Headset Ap ,r 42 Booster Speaker; Jan, 81 CodeKeys.'Sep, 39 Compact Crossband Repeater Controller: Mar, 36 Complete NCJ Reprints; Apr, 59 Computerized Rotator Controls: Sep, 39 CT Keyboard Labels: Oct, 45 CT Keyboard Templates' Sep 39 CT Version 9: Jul, 25 Digital Antenna Meter: Aug, 47 Easy Way to Build Classic Transmitters, The; Feb, 34 Free Antenna Software [The Antenna Specialists]: Apr, 46 Getting Started in Contesting [video] (St ankiewicz): Oct, 77 Getti ng Started on VHF [video] (Ford): Oct, 30 Globe on Your PC: Jun, 40 Grove SDU 100 Spectrum Display (Kleinschmidt); Jun, 36 Hamcall CD-ROM: Jul, 62 Help lor Shortwave Listeners: Mar, 111 HF and VHF/UHF Antennas: Feb, 91 Home-Brewer's Newsletter: Feb, 7 ISS Software for PacComm's PacTOR Controller [PTC]: Nov, 56 Jade Products “Jade Pole” Portable J-Pole VHF Antenna: Nov, 90 Jade Products Keyer Kit: Nov, 63 Jones Straight Key; Jan, 51 December 1994 237
Jupiter Superknob: Jan. 81 Kits and Parts [RADIOKIT]: Mar, 40 Laptop PC Protector. Mar, 110 Low-Cost Digital Voice Recording/Playback Module: Nov, 63 Low-Cost TNC: Nov, 131 Mac Software:. Apr, 59 Maldol Opens US Office, Fax Service: Aug, 70 Microwave Antenna: Aug. 35 Neon Call Sign: May, 89 New Catalog, Address [Tejas RF Technologies]: Jan, 81 New Digital Mode [G-TORj: Apr, 1994 No-Hands Hand-Held Holders: May, 89 PC and PC-Compatible DOS Software for Radio-Electronic Synthesis and Analysis: Apr, 85 PC Audio Analyzer: Oct, 73 PC Control for Ramsey Rigs: Jun, 49 ProGold Contact Cleaner/Enhancer: Nov, 41 Propagation Prediction Software [CAPMAN\: Jul, 44 Radio Amateur World Clock: Sep, 31 Radio Console: Oct, 40 Remote-Control HF Mobile Antenna; Sep, 95 Repeater Maps: Mar, 110 RF-Shielded Boxes: Aug, 35 Roof-Mount Towers: Mar, 33 Russian Power (Tubesl): Nov, 104 Satellite Magazine [Satellite Times]: Aug, 35 '‘Secret" Earphone-Mike: Jun, 46 Short Vertical Antenna for 160, 80, 40 and 17 Meters: Nov, 104 Sound Enhancer: Aug, 47 Techsonic “Convertible" QRP Transmitter Kits: Dec, 54 Ten-Tec Kits: Aug, 35 Ten-Tec Kits: Jul, 25 Tower Mate Accessory Pouch: Nov, 56 VHF Power Amplifier; Oct, 38 VHF/UHF Antenna: Nov, 109 VHF/UHF Antennas: Sep, 39 VOX for [COM Rigs; May, 89 Wall Clock: Nov, 131 Wattmeter Conversions: Sep. 39 Weather and Data Monitor Instruments: May, 44 Yaesu FT-990 Control Software: Jul, 25 OP-ED—-Column In the Beginning (Chatham): Nov, 109 Just Ask (Chatham): Aug, 90 Sitting 'Round the Global Campfire (Elliott): Jun,105 ORGANIZATIONAL 1993 QSTCover Plaque Award Winners Named: Feb, 83 1994 ARRL National Convention, The: Jun, 25 Anatomy of a Club Homebrew Project: Nov, 39 Announcing the Third Annual Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award: Feb. 105 ARRL Audiovisual Library: Mar, 112 ARRL Members Pick New Board Representatives; Jan. 83 Audited ARRL Financial Statements: May, 76 Board Preps for 219-220 MHz (Palm): Mar, 85 Guide to ARRL Services: Jan, 97 Headquarters Internet Addresses: Oct, 45 Imlay, Chris, N3AKD: Our Capital Attorney (Cain): Apr, 48 League Advisory Committee Members: Apr, 93 Major ARRL Operating Events and Conventions 1994: Jan, 102 Public Service Awards Program; Jan, 109 Rinaldo, Paul, W4RI: The Technical Front (Cain): Apr, 49 Season's Greetings from the ARRL/IARU Staff and Contributing Editors; Dec, 57 Shop the ARRL Electronically!: Oct, 45 Smooth Sailing at Rocky Hill (Palm): Sep, 82 At the Foundation—Column (Carcia) ARRL Foundation Proudly Presents... , The: Sep.120 IARU Beacon Network to Benefit From Grant: May, 112 Land of Lincoln has New Club-Sponsored Scholarship: Mar, 111 Meet Me in Your Mailbox’: Jan. 117 New Scholarship to Honor a Tall Texan: Jan, 117 Program for the Disabled Gets a Boost from the Foundation (Carcla): Nov, 1994 Remembering Silent Keys: Jul, 112 Club Spectrum—Column (Ewald) Amateur Radio Exhibits at New York State Fair: Jan, 116 Amateur Radio Welcomes Travelers (Marlon): Oct. 103 ARRL Audiovisual Library: Mar 112 Cedar Valley ARC is Cooking (Harah): Jul, 111 Clubs Create Workshop Program (Dunkle): Oct, 103 Genesee County RC Celebrates 60 Years (Coale): May, 111 Girl Scouts "Make New Friends" On the Air (Steinhurst & Ferland): Jul, 111 Great Race of 1994, The (Murphy): Dec, 108 Gwinnet ARS on the Move: Nov, 113 Ham Radio at the County Fair (Murphy); Aug, 92 Ham Radio Goes to Camp: Jan, 116 Iowa Club Receives Governor's Award; Sep, 118 It's Football Time Again! (Urbas): Oct, 103 Learning Experience, A (Baird): Mar, 112 Planes Fly In and Messages Fly Out: Nov, 113 RESPOND to the Rescue (Montgomery): Apr, 112 School Ham Radio Station Dedicated (Crips): Jun, 102 Smile, You're on Candid ATV; Sep, 118 STARS Brightens the Future: Sep, 118 Telco ARC Donates to General Fund; Sep, 118 Turner, Ralph, W6TN, Honored; Nov, 113 Elections Nominees Sought for ARRL Board of Directors: Jul, 88; Aug, 75 Repeat Nominating Solicitation; Jan, 85; Feb, 83; Jul, 87; Aug, 74 Section Election Notice1. Jan ,85', Feb .83', Apr, 92; May. 93; Jul, 87; Aug, 74; Oct 8Q‘ Nov. 95 Section Election Results: Jan, 85; Apr, 92; Jul, 87 Section Managers Chosen-.Oct Л6 Moved & Seconded...: Jan, 86; Mar, 86; Jun, 85; Sep, 87 PACKET PERSPECTIVE—Column (Horzepa) @USBBS (Battles): Sep, 114 9600 bit/s Out of the Box'?: Feb. 98 Amateur Digital Signal Processing Kit Ready: Oct, 100 ARRL Digital Conference: Jan, 111 Beatniks to Byteniks: Aug, 87 Bits in the Cards: Mar, 108 Chicago Packet People: Aug, 87 DOS Plug ’N1 Play Systems TCP/IP Needed: Jul, 110 DOS TCP/IP Plug 'N' Play: Oct, 100 FCC Changes Message-Forwarding Rules: Jun, 97 Fish Ate My Homework, The: Jun, 97 Freeborn, Andy, N0CCZ, SK (Johnson): May. 110 Frustrations of “Lives Packet Operating , The: Feb, 98 G-TOR: Heading for HF Data Communications Stardom?; Jun, 97 Gold in Them Thar Disks: Aug, 87 Hamblaster Address, Correct; Apr, 108 (see Mar, 108) Help Wanted: Oct, 100 Holiday Greetings: Dec, 99 Macintosh TCP/IP Turn-Key: Jun, 97 Mora Internet Lists: Dec, 99 N4QN's HP-48 Packet Calculator (Gerheim): May, 110 No Packet Address; Dec, 99 Now the Bad News... (Bitterlich); Jul, 110 Packet by Air (Smith): Jan, 111 Packet Cue and Aye; Nov, 111 Packet Node Project, The (Sisson): Dec, 99 PaKet Version 6 is a Go: Oct, 9 SummertimeB'ts and Pieces; Aug, 87 Wanted, Dead or Alive: Real-Time Packet QSOs; Apr, 108 PRODUCT REVIEW (Wilson) AEA SWR-121 HF Antenna Analyst (Ford): Nov, 77 AS APS and САРМАЛ/'.HF Propagation- Prediction Software for the IBM PC (Straw): Dec, 79 ETO Alpha 89 Linear Power Amplifier (Sumner); Jul, 76 Heil Pro-Set Headset (Wilson): Jan, 77 ICOM IC-707 MF/HF Transceiver (Ford): Apr, 75 (see New Products: May, 89) Jade Products 160-Meter Twin-Lead Marconi Antenna (Ford): Aug, 64 JPS Communications NRF-7 and NF-60 DSP Audio Filters (Healy): Feb, 71 JPS SSTV-1 DSP Filter for Slow-Scan TV (Taggart): Nov, 79 Kantronics KAM Plus Multimode TNC with G-TOR (Ford): Jun, 70 К enwocd TS -60S 6 -M eter All -M cd e Transceiver (Wilson)1. Sep .80 Ladder-Loc Center Insulator/Straln Relief for Ladder-Line Fed Antennas (Ford): Aug,65 MFJ-1786 High-Q Loop Antenna for 10 to 30 MHz (Kleinschmidt): Aug, 62 MFJ-1796 Half-Wave Vertical Antenna (Cain): Nov, 82 MFJ-8100 Shortwave Ftegeneratve Receiver Kit, The (Newkirk): Jan, 76 Nye Viking MB-V-A Antenna Tuner (Cain); Jun, 72 QST Compares; 1200/9600 biVs Dual TNCs (Ford): Sep. 77 QSTCompares: Dual- Band Hand-Held FM Transceivers (Ford ): Mar, 71 QST Compares: SSB Electronic UEK-2000S and Down East Microwave SHF-2400 2.4-GHz Satellite Downconverters (F oid); F da ,69 QST Product Reviews: A Look Behind the Scenes (Gruber): Oct, 35 23B U&Tx
Л. L. Drake SW8 General-Coverage Receiver (Kearman): Oct, 66 Radio Shack DSP Communication Noise Reduction System (Kearman): Jul, 78 Radioware SSTV Explorer (Pagel): Apr, 80 S & S Engineering ARK 40 CW QRP Transceiver Kit (Gold): May, 83 Solder-И Soldering Kit (Gruber): Apr, 78 Timewave Technology DSP-9+ and DSP-59+ Digital Signal Processors (Healy): Oct, 71 Trimble Scout GPS Hand-Held Global Positioning System Receiver (Wilson): Mar, 77 Watkins-Johnson HF-1000 General- Coverage Receiver (Newkirk): Dec, 77 Willco Electronics ICM-1024 Memory Replacement Board (Kearman): Jul, 79 Yaesu FRG-100 General-Coverage Receiver, The (Newkirk): Jan, 73 Yaesu FT-840 MF/HF Transceiver (Ford): May, 80 Solicitation for Product Review Equipment Blds: Jan, 77; Feb, 73; May, 85; Aug, 65; Oct, 73 PUBLIC SERVICE 1993 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Results (Ewald): Sep, 95 (see Jul, 54) California's Burning (Palm): Feb, 23 Epics from the Epicenter (Palm); Aug, 21 Test of Performance, The [SET] (Ewald): Oct, 49 Public Service—Column (Palm) ARES in the Big Apple (Schwartz): Dec, 97 Behind the Diamond: Meet New Western Massachusetts Section Manager Dan Senie, N1JEB (Palm): Feb, 94 Colorado Amateurs Win Award for Support During Papal Msi't (Wllams) Gbt 93 Disaster in Burlington (Feist): Aug, 81 Drill Turns into Real Thing, Tests New State Plan in Northern Florida (Thurston)’. Mar, 100 From the Ashes of the California Fires (Reinhardt): Mar, 100 Ham Radio Rides the Great Circus Train (Romelfanger): May, 94 How I Got Hooked on Traffic Handling (Brogdon): Sep, 104 KICE's NTS Notes: Dec, 97 Ku Klux Klan, the Black Panthers and Ama- teur Television ,The (Mallettey Feb ,93 NTS Notes: New Hams: Try Traffic Handling! (Brogdon): Mar, 101 NTS Wide-Area VHF Net Attracts New Hams (Booth): Apr, 95 Oakland Fire Department Recognizes ARES/RACES: Jun, 88 Public Service Awards Program: Jan, 109 Rewards of Being a Ham, The (Paohaly): Sep, 103 SATERN Rings Salvation Army (Shaver)’. Jun, 87 Simulated Emergency Test Results (Ewald): Jul, 54 Sky King Saves the Day; Apr 96. SKYWARN Award Presented: May, 95 Special Olympics-, The Supreme Public Service Event (Finch): Sep, 103 Supporting Public Service Events—Pad 1 (Fishman): Oct, 92 Supporting Public Service Events—Pad 2 (Fishman): Nov, 96 Trial By Fire’. Washington State Firestorms (Price & Johnson): Dec, 96 Truly Worst “Worst-Case" Scenario, The (McCallum): Jul, 89 Word Up, NTS? (Palm): Sep, 103 World University Games (Weir): Apr, 96 STRAYS Attention WW II ETO Vets: Sep, 117 Bicycle Mobile Event May, 135 Coast Guard Net’, Apr, 107 Coincidence: Dec, 111 Columbia Alumni Wanted: Aug, 50 County Hunters Convention: Jun, 105 CO Girl Scout Hams: Jul, 112 Crank 'Em Down: Jan, 41 Diabetes Bike-A-Thon (Adamovich)'. May, 112 Digital Audio Broadcasting-. Oct, 128 Drive-Through QSO (Kremer): May, 115 Emerald Isle Event (Walsh): Sep, 75 Extra Class Couples: May, 115 Fast Code in Florida: Jun, 40 Florida Ham Hotline (Holcomb): Dec, 85 Flying, With and Without Wmgs(B ooer): Mar, 24 Glad to Meet a Ham (Leyson): May, 115 Ham BBS: Dec, 111 Ham Radio in the Blood: Jan, 56 His Master's VOX (Vilms): Sep, 112 Hospital Alarm QRM? Jun, 80 Iceland Awards: Jul, 114 League Anniversary Pins; Sep, 121 Magazine for Classic Radio Fans [Electric Radio]: Jun, 108 Northwestern Trail Bicycle-Mobile Adventure: Jun, 51 Novel Features Ham Hero (Craswell): Jun, 92 Nursing Home Resident Goes to the Top (Friesner); Mar, 116 Perseverance Pays [Project PENEX] (Rose): Mar, 99 Portuguese Handbook: May, 109 QCWA Banquet at Dayton (Dingle); May, 135 QRO Maritime Mobile (Terry): Oct, 34 QRP Wallpaper (Wendell)’.Mar ,83 QST de Gallery: Apr, 34 Radio Magazines: Apr, 107 SAREX QSLs and Upcoming Missions’. Feb, 101 Secret Signals (McCallum): Sep, 108 Shuttle Successes: Jul, 36 Some Things Never Change; Jun, 54 Theramin, Leon, SK (Egelberg): Oct, 91 Transatlantic Tests: Jan, 96 US Islands Awards’ Dec 104 VHF/UHF Conference: May, 112 Yo! Getcha Red-Hot Radio-Astronomical Data!: Sep, 75 Youth Net on Internet’. Jun ,51 , Correction; Jul, 114 TECHNICAL CORRESPONDENCE— Column (Pagel) Automatic Antenna Tuners for Wire Aifennas ( Bafose ) Apr, 84 Beginner’s Boomers Revisited (Lewallen): Oct, 78 Computer-Aided Design of Loaded Short- Doublet Antennas (Ellers): Oct, 79 Correlating Solar Flux and Sunspots (Hall)’. Feb, 76 Eclipse-Enhanced HF Propagation (Lewis)- . Nov, 87 Elevated Radials Workl (Bowen)-. Dec ,84 HF Mobiling: Mag Mounts and Grounding (Brogdon): May, 88 Large Antenna Coils (Eddy): Jan, 80 Maximum Bandwidth Monopole Antennas (Formato); Mar, 80 MININEC Bugs: K6STI Plays Exterminator (Beezley): Feb, 76 Modem RFI (Applegale): Aug, 69 More on Current Distribution and Pattern Nulls (Michaels): Oct, 78 More on Electrical Protection Devices (Hart): Jan, 81 Mae on Radio Gear of Yesteryear (Byron); Oct, 79 More on the Si8901/SD8901 (Carver): Feb, 77 More Tower Safety Tips (Burkhart): Dec, 85 North Shadow (McNally): Jul, 83 Practical, Compact Multiturn Transmitting Loop Antenna for 80 Meters, A (Jones): Nov, 87 Relay Chatter (Huston): Jun, 78 Revisiting the "Nearly Perfect Amplifier0 (Telewski, Brandon, Clemow, Fakan, Katz, Rauch): Sep, 71 RFI From Household Electronics (Crabil): Aug, 6 8 Sniff. Sn iff! I Smell Line Noise! (Thorington): Apr, 85 Sound of a Spark transmitter, The (Belrose): Aug, 68 Subject; MOVs (Sandoz); Jul, 82 Telling Time (Bessette): Oct, 79 Terminated Folded Dipole (Belrose): May, 88 Toroidal-Core Color Codes (Czuhajewski): Mar, 81 Vester SSTV/FAX480/Fax System Upgrades (Vester): Jun, 77 VLF Listening Can Be Rewarding (Fischer): Jun, 78 World Above 50 MHz, The—Column (Pocock) 50-MHz Standings: Dec, 102 144-MHz Standings: May, 109 222-MHz Standings: Ju ( 106 432-MHz Standings; Oct, 99 Beacons on 144 MHz and Higher: Aug, 84 CATV Cable on VHF and UHF: Jun, 94 Claimed North American Distance Records (Ward): Apr, 105 EME Annals: Mar, 104 How's Your Horizon?: Mar, 103 Invitation to an Aurora Experiment: Dec, 100 Limits of DX,The; Apr, 103 Meteor Season, The; Jul, 104 Microwave Standings: Jan, 107 OneYearand Counting!: Jkn.105 Reallocation of the Microwave Bands: Nov, 105 Sporadic E Mapping-.May , 107 Strange Doings in the E Layer; Sep, 109 Transpacific Duct Breaks the Record Book: Oct, 97 VHF and UHF in Cuba: Feb, 97 VUCC Awards Update: Nov, 107 W1AW SCHEDULE; Jap 10Г Feb 44’Mar 105’Apr 103’ May, 135; Jun, 119; Jul, 33; Aug, 80; S ep,117 ;O Ф ,55 ;N ov,115 P ec,12 0 YL NEWS—Column (Dunn) Ain’t Nothin’ Wrong with Radio: Dec, 109 ATV: What is It, and What Can YLs Do with It?: Jan 114 Becoming an Elmira: Jun, 101 CQ Cyberspace! Is There a YL Connection?: Nov, 111 Falling in Love with QRP: Apr, 113 Mhi- Hsfery о f YL Opera tons, А Mr, 113 Mom, Morse & Language Skills: Sep, 119 YLs; You’ve Come a Long Way: Oct, 104 December 1994 239