Storfer Grаmmаr РuрilЪ Book 4 Contents Pcst slmp[e: rеvls[оп Post slmp[e, Wh- questlons; Y/N questions & shоrt onswers Adverbs oJ mаппеr must/mustn't /have tо/dоп't have tоJоr obligotion Wrltlng: [eovlng оut цппесеssоrg inJormctlon; ехсm рrосtlсе Comporotives & super[ctives with long афесtiчеs shouLd/shouldn't Jor cdvice; How about... + -iпg? Wri.ting: writing о letter; ехоm proctice had to/dtdn't have to Jor pcst obligotion could /соuldп't Jоr past abititg Post continuous: фirmоtlче, negative & questi.on Writing: оrgопisiпg ideos; ехоm prcctlce VеrЬ + inJinitive; inJiniti,ve oJ рurроsе; verb + -iпg zero conditiono[ What hаррепs f /whеп...? + рrеsепt simp[e Writing: cheching gоur worh; ехоm proctice Defining re[ctlve с[ощеs, who/which/where/that Possess lve рrопо uпs : miпе /g о urs / his/ he rs /о urs /the irs Futurе: will/won't Jоr predictions; rMfl/: quest'rons & short onswers Writlng: usiпg mind mops; ехаm proctlce 2 4 8 10 16 18 24 з0 з2 зб з8 44 46 52 56 58 60 64 66 72 74 м N4Ас @ wо* опd ploy @ w"ira sсiепсе Review 4 @ Ler, соmrпчпiсоtе! @ cifi", of the fufure Review 5 Grоmmgr reference @ Out опd obout @ o"t there scfelyl Review I @ anirnotworld @ ТЬ* grеýt outdooв Review 2 ý} U* wos hord! survivqlstories Review 3 MILLN Julie Tlce & Dоче Tucker
Lost уеоr, l went to Jоrdоп with my роrепts. We begon оur triр in thе copiiol, Аmmоп, ond visited thе Romon Тhеоtrе. Тhеп we went to Реtrо, оп oncient stone city. We rоdе АrоЬiоп hоrsеs in thе desert ond comped uпdеr the stors. During the second week, my mum did some work in о hospitol in Аmmоп. My-dod ond lstoyed in Aqobo. We swom in thе seo ond went оп о boot ridе. We sow turtles ond dolphins. We ote lots of fish ond fruit. l loved it! We didn't go to thе Dono Nоturе Rеsеrче. I rеоllу wonted to, but we didn't hоче time. We usе the past simple to talk сЬоut 1 Rеgulсr verbs: odd -ed, ,d or ,ied vislt --+ vislted love -* loved 2 Irrеgu[оr verbs, Ьеg[п --+ Ьеgоп do -+ did 9о -* went hove -* hod See --+ Sow swim --+ SWom actlons/events Ln the post. studg --+ studied eat -+ ote ride -* rode take --+ tooh
То Jorm the negotlve, we ID usе d,id,пttl 1hg ]nfinitive: Ъ We didn't hcve t[me. ]'", Comp[ete the sentences with the pcst simple form of the verbs. Lost уеоr. l (о) ч,,епt (ool оп о soeciol triо to Zombio with my dod. ,..ll , We (Ь) (оrriче) in thе copito]. Lusoko, but we (с) (оrriче) in thе copitol, Lusoko, but we (с) (not stoy) fоr very long. We (d) hospitol in Livinostone (е) (not hоче) о children's doctor, so (trovel) to Livingstone. Тhе hospitol in Livingstone (е) my dod (f) (wоrk) thеrе fоr о week. W" (g) (so) on sоfоri to the Mosi-oo-Tunyo Notionol Роrk. We (h) (see) elephonts, hippos ond giroffes. We (i) (not see) опу lions. W" (i) (eot) fish ond гiсе, but we (k) (not try) crocodile meot. МоуЬе next timel "' Complete the simple. Listen cnd , do9Фhelp not see not stog btog with the words iп the Ьох. chec h. tike mаhе not р[оg stay 9о wоrh Use the pcst Lost summеr, l (о) wепt оп о speciol holidoy to South Аfriсо with my fomily. We (Ь) with о locol fomily. We (с) о hotel becouse thеу'rе expensive. On thе first doy, we (d) о coble соr to the top of Toble Mountoin, but we (е) the view becouse thе wеоthег wos bod. Next, we (f) ot о locol school fог thrее doys. W" (s) orts ond сrоfts with thе сhildгеп ond рrероrе meols. We (i) footboll. l rеоllу thе triр ond l (k) lots of new friепds.
-: -":' :L., ..] ,tr_*,.- tt :r?"",= \. .| ".a ,& . Ct ' ,т[*| l ..: -,. . ..:|:;::,; -- Whot shows did you see? Djd you 9о to the zoo? Grommor stоЁ t {lý@_Ф 'Ъf' Ъ*..q. instruments Listen, scg ond роiпt. о сlrсus а muslсоl Recd cnd listen. How mсп9 cctivities does М"9сп csh сЬоцt? Н[ Jessica, Did уоu hove о good tlme at the Jestlvcl Uesterdcg? It looks so excltlng оп the website! What shows dtd gоu see? Did 9оu see the AJrLcan dance show? It loohs omozing. Whot octlvltles did уоu do? Did Uоu 9о 1о the musi'соl iпstrumЪпt 'zoo'? How mоп9 lnstrцments did gоu ptcg? I sow on the website thot theg painted а Ьеоutful murа[. D[d gоu paini ongthing? Whct did gоur parents do а[[ dag? Wrlte soon! Megon _ о'я*Ж- ,4 € ,1 ftЁ J, Fýf.j Ёз: Ы: : :
} :lii:* Recd ond comp[ete. We Jоrm gцestlons iп the post slmpte in d{ferent wаgs. 1 When we wcnt о уеs/по опswеr, we stort the questlon with Did, |..::|,.:,,: .:. : :..];,:] :'. Uоu ] J Uоu 2ТоashJor ,._ the show': .,.,] ,,. , cngthin$. mоrе inJormatlon, we short cnswers Yes, I n,:j. / No, I dldn't. Yes, I ./No, I usе с question word + did: uоur pcrents shows _ чоu Answer Theg ::,,:,,l,:.]j Weo to о musеum. dance show. /Ihadаgooddag. / I sow о donce show. с d е I 9 How mопU lnstruments did gоu р[оg? I ptoged two. / Yes, I did. We o[wcgs usе the inJinitive with djd. a Circle the best спswеr. с Did gоu enjog the Jestlval? Ь Whot shows did gоu see? Did уоu see the AJr[con dqпсе show? No, I didnt. / I sow the donce show. Whot octlvltles did gоu do? Did уоu 9о to the lnstrument'zoo'? е*jФ Yes, I did. I lеоrпt to polnt Jcces. / I enjoged tt. I enjoged it. / Yes, I did. Dld gоu poi,nt onything? No, Ididnt./Ipolnted.
ý ffi complete the questions cnd cnswers. Listen cnd, chech. ,Qцеstiоппq,irе:,Ёiepp" Kiie Festival с Did уоu епiоу (еryоg) the JestivaL? У ь с d е I g (соmе) lcst gеоr? У fftg) о hite? Х ([есrп) how to mаhе а hite? У (see) the hite Jighting competit tап? { (ect) at о reýtcure,nt? Х (9о) to the concert? Х Z Write questions with the to the o,nswers. сWhen/9оulgoltothe prompts. Match the Ki.te Festival questions 1 Мg Jcmitg. 2BgЬш. З Imadeckite. Ь Whot time / gоu / оrrlvе сWho/9оulgolwith dHow/9оu/trovel/there еWhot/9оu/enjoyithemost 4 I loved wotchl.ng the hite competiti,on. 5 At 9 o'c[ock. f Whot octi.vltles i gоu / do 6 Yesterday.
А: Hi, Anno! Whot did чоu do (do) lost niqht? в: I went to the theotre! We sow а mшsi'со[. д: Whot mus[со[ 9оu _ (see)? в: The Lion Кiпg,I loved it! А: - theg _ (hcve) rеа[ onlmols on stoge? в: No. theu ! The octors wоrе cmozlno onlmol costumes. А: о[[ the octors (sing) апd donce? в: Yes. theu . Theu were rеаL[ч oood. я: Whg 9оu - (choose) thct muslcol? . ,.,'.} в: Весоusе о Jrlend soid it was brilliont - ond : she wos right! , А:_ чоц _ (tohe) апч photos? ъ; рrоgrоmmе tоmоrrоw!,8, Comp[ete the diс[оgче. Listen спd chech. бЁ. ,& 4 Й,. ý Write fir" questions сЬоцt lcst weehend. Use the words iп the Ьох. Ash cnd спswеr with с pcrtner. do 9о ect hove tahe Whеrе did you go lost Soturdoy? Did you hove о good time? о. ь с d е
fu**' Grоmmоr gool ýfýS}*tЖg***. Lost ni.ght, I went to the сlrсus! The ocrobots perJormed amozlng1,9. The jugg[ers were lncredlbte, Ьut the clowns соmе on ond juggted verg bodlg! Ечеrgопе loughed [оud[g. The elephonts entered the rlng, Ьut I thinh theg wеrе sod. Тhеg moved slow[9 and sllentl"9, They dldn't реrJоrm happitg. It wos о greot show, Ьut I don't think theg treot the onimo[s we[[. I think we need to stop moking anlmols perJorm! we usе cdverbs to describe how we do octlons. То mоkе оп odverb, we usuоllg odd -ly to оп adjective: omazlng --+ omozinglg loud --+ loud[g bad -- bodlg о' - ''" They loughed loudty, Thel,moved slowly. *;: ili?] ,:*, : Recd cnd listen. Whct pcrt of the сlrсцs di.d Мсх поt tihe? Нарру реорПё * ýýd ýnimgls! Ё Adverbs соmе cfter the vеrЬ, Everyone lаughеd lочdl"g. hоррч --+ hoppilg еOsч -* eosllg Reod o'nd circ[e the mistches. write the correct words. An elepho,nt escoped Jrоm о сlrсus Ln Irelond todog whlle the other elephonts wеrе eoting. It rоп iquick through the саr роrh ond went post о соJё.It movOd slow inJront oJ the wlndow. Сustоmеrs sow it ond sho.rteC Loud. Сirсus wоrhеrs chosed i.t ond cought Lt eosg The,, rеturпеd the e[ephcnt soJe to the circus. Now, гпопu реоэLе оrе protesting оп9r9. Theg thlnk clrcuses t.eii onlnrols bod ond wont to stop thls. с ь с d е I 9 , ];]i1 :!!.'
g:ood has Оп good j we[,l: lгiеg.ulоr аdvеrЬ. He's о good singer. l ,,.- I; Recd cnd complete. Mohe cdverbs frол the odjectives iп the Ьох. omoztng pctlent ЪФd [оцd qulck good hoppg Lost night, о d{ferent hind oJ clrcus соmе to the Victori.o Theatre. This сlrсus соmрспу is speclal Ьессusе [t doesn't treat anlmols (с) Ьс:qjiч - there Qrе по onimo[s, оп[9 асrоЬоtr! The show storted о Jew mlnutes [ote, Ьut the audience wolted Не slngs well. (ь) . I wctched the . The acrobots show (с) perJormed (d) ond the оudiепсе clcpped (е) _. lt The show wos two hоurs [опg, but the tlme went f) .I rесоmmепd this show Jor опgопе who loves the сlrсus, Ьut wonts onlmals to Ье treoted (о) Write оЬоцt с show 9оц went to. Use cdverbs. The реrJоrmеd . Тhеg moved I watched the show . We laughed We clopped }': Evergthtng went The ti.me went
.,::li;:ij*]aiiý]].i::i:T you must hove о volid ticket you mustn't eot оr drink. Grommor stort о соЬ[е Listen, scg cnd point. 'i € ý*i=""=:,: :: mffiý ,::#==:ý ., € #т*\ the mеtrо fi Recd cnd [isten. Find two cdvcntcges of the metro sgstem. о platJorm о Seatbe[t Segwog@ Trovel round Нопg Копg The Hong Копg Metro (MTR) is vеrg рорu[аr. It is опе oJ the cleonest and most соmJоltоЬlе mеtrо sgstems iп the world. However, there с.rе some Strlct ru[еs to mahe surе that it stogs this way, . Yоu must hove о volid tichet to trovel. , Yоu mustn't ec.t оr drinh оп trolns. Ftnes оrе цр to HKD$5,000! , Yоu must stond behlnd the ge[[ow llne on thе plotJorm. , Yоu mustn't toke bihes on trolns You mustn't shout. А guоrd гпi'] Qst trоlп iJ уоu doI Yоu mustn't р[оg musicoL Lпsirц*_е -. _s ::, :: ] - Strlg оп trolns. ýЁft =Ёrъ i 1 -, .rrd, ?--<|r.i :J" --* Т*-ý *;.':*ia, ]j:a ai ё a:; fl }_ч uJ
l,]& Recd cnd comp]ete. о Vclid tichet. behind the hdеgшtlче Yоu rтъжýtn'* you уъъшýtiъ't оп trolns. йuiin't ect оп the trо[п. bihes =,ПUSt _ + not Do not usе to oJter must and rпи stn't. Reod опd circle the correct word. Listen cnd chech. We usе rnust and rпцstп't + the infinitive to tolk сЬоцt rulеs or obligations. We oJten цsе rnu.st l mustп'r wlth реор[е iп gепеrо[. уоu. In this sltuotlon l lou mеапs ::i .*'r-. '"' :] .,.] -, ;' Yоu,",*...:.::],; hcve YOU ;.:i.,:.,,:].i Iiпе. More MTR regu|otions o, Yоu mцst /SЙ,цstпtlсоrrg lоrgе objects on trolns. %ы Ь Yоu mцst / mцstп't hove о tichet Jor children оvеr 'l .2 metres to[[. G Yоu mцst / mцstп't point оп the wo[[s oJ trolns. d You mцst / mцstп't smohe. е Yоu mцst / mцstп't respect other possengers. I Yоu mцst / mцstп't drop rubbi,sh. g You mцst / mцstп't Jol[ow o[L signs ond instructLons. h You mцst / mцstп't рut Uоur Jeet оп the seats.
'. I Grommor proctice Listen cnd tlck (r') or cross (Х). Comp[ete with must or rпцstп't. Llsten cnd chech. In о miпutе, wе'rе going to get оп соr. I don't wont опg рrоЬ[еms, so (о) mug? Jottow these ru[еs. stond lJ Uоu wont to, Ьut gоu (Ь) stand on the seats. Yоu (с) respect the other possengers, so 9оu the соЬ[е 9оu Yоu con (d) (е) bogs. IJ the саr oJJer Uоur seat р[оg muslc or shout. b[ock the doors wi.th Yоu Uоur (g) is Ju[[, Uоu Ф to ап older person. And gоu eot оr drink оп the соь[е соr. Yоu (h) walt uпtil we get ф.
Write rцlеs with the prompts. Listen cnd chech. Rules Jor riding о Segwag@ с ride / iп shopplng сепtrеs Х Y*u rт:ustп't rid* in shoppiný сепtrеs" Ьwеоr/оhelmetУ с 9о / Joster thon 12 hm/h on the povement Х d listen / to muslc Х е I wеоr / bright соlоurs iп the dqrk У usе / о l,ight in the darh, У Complete with rпцst or weor rlde с,Ье € h mцstп't ond usе listen о verb fro* the Ьох. Wecr с you rrusт check tha i1,,fikдс rдлt;lп:,lrл щ. bright соlоurs. оп Ьusu roods. to muslc.
,: GrOmmor gool ::ilý:';l" ' _,,.: ,;ii.**.W' You don't hоче to э;, э , с<е: ','Je mustn't ропiс. Recd ond Listen. Whot cre the best pcrts oJ о p[[ot's job? I hove to trоvеl а tot. Sometimes I hove to travel thoцsonds о' mi.les ond wоrh iп dijjerent time zones оп the some dog, А cLio: must concentrote ot о[[ times, I'm responsib[e Jоr о Lot oJ реоэLе so I mustn't get dlstrocted. I don't hove to reserve о seot when I troveI on onother pLone Ьесо,usе there is olwogs оп extro seat Jor о pilot. And I don't have to woit Jоr mg bogs, so I соп leove the airport rеаltg qutch1,9! We цsе have to оr mцst + the inflnitive to tolk obout obllgotlons' .i'**T I :,l..:.,,.,: ,,_: tгоV € t а [ot. А pi|,ot concentrote. We usе mustп't to talk аЬоut оп obligatlon, BUT we usе don't have tо when somethlng is not песеssоrg ond we hove о cholce, I gyе*еgtmu* get distracted. (This is о rц[е.) I d*gъ't }ьачg ё* rеsеrvе о seot. (It is not necesscrg.) Recd cnd circle the correct word. ]'m о Jlight attendont. I (о) t orr" to / mцstп't to,he соrе oJ реор[е on the р[апе. BeJore tоhе-ф, I (Ь) hcve to / mцstп't ехр[о[п the saJetg instructlons соrеJul[g. Some реор[е thlnk theg (с) mцstп't / don't hove to listen, but the lnstructions аrе vеrg lmportont. IJ а passenger becomes rео[[9 i[[, the pLone (d) mцst / doesn't hcve to tond ot the neorest oirport. We (е) mцstп't / don't hcve to рапiс. One great thing obout mg job [s thot I ф mчstп't / don't hcve to work еvеry dog. Sometimes I (9) mчstп't / don't hcve to J1,9 ,.s * tj н Ьосk lmmediotelg ond I сап visit а new city.
Ё# € " Recd cnd complete with have to / must mustn't the words iп the Ьох. don't have to 9оцr mоrпiпg rочtiпе. Use the words iп the Ьох. (d) Austrolla [s on епоrmоus соuпtrg ond some реор[е live hundreds oJ m[[es Jrom о сltg. IJ theg get t[[, thel4 (о) hOче to ,, гпus, see о doctor, Ьut this соп Ье dilJicutt. IJ peopl.e con't trovel to о cltg, the Fl"9iпg Doctors (Ь) Jtg to them. The doctors (с) ftg the р[опе becouse о pllot olwoys goes with them. Yоu pog fоr the servlce Ьесоusе it's Jree. There оrе оЬоut 60 plones to toke doctors о[[ оvеr Austrollo, so реор[е who оrе i[[ wolt [опg Jor hetp. Мопg rеmоtе оrеоs olso hove о medlcol chest. ВеJоrе 9оu usе lt, 9оu speoh to о JLglng doctor Ьg рhопе. And gоu use the mediclne Jоr onlmols, [t i.s оп[9 Jor реор[е. l ц (е) Ф (g) Comp[ete the еmсil сЬоцt iп cctivitg 3 спd the idecs оrrlvе lote Ьug о tlcket wеоr о he[met соrrч mg boohs wclk о[опе wесr Jorget mg bochpock о Seotbe[t н[, Thanks Jor uр earlg. I asking mе оЬошt m9 mоrпtпg. I 9et trovelJor to school. I go to school Ьg I don't soIhoveto hove to Мg school ls strlct, so I And I
lA( Н ffi1l;;ъ;Н[frrd:;'у* Н.ъ sANDB yоu mustn't Ьriп9 co,rs to the citg centre. you hove to Read the poster. whg is some informotion crossed оцt? wo[h оr 9о Ьg bus. The Jesti.vol and buses аrе Jree. Yorr-tMttt-]Tcye Wotch the i.ncredib[e motorbihe stunt show, but Recd cnd cross ,.- .:. , ,,:-ilЭ .. The schoo[ trip [s on Fridоg 21st June. Last gеоr [t wos iп Ju[y, Ьut i,t chonged. The Ьus [eoves school ot 8.ОО аm ond rеturпs ot 7.00 рm. Att students must оrrlvе Ьg 7.45 оm. This is vеrg еоr[9. Yоu must Ьriпg luпсh ond snocks. Some реор[е lihe to eat о [ot, so gоu must Ьri.пg enough Jood Jor the dаg. You don't have to Ьriпg drinhs. The schoot wilt provide juice ond wo,ter. Еvеrgопе sold the trLp wos 9reot lost gеоr! .. . .,. ::1:],j:J?Э i.,]- .- -Ti}l , ,- ,.r. -i ;, _ .'?.:;a_' .,1. Lr:::;:"-i Wrlte сЬоцt 9оцr next schoot trip. Опtg lпс[цdе necesscrg iпfоrmсtlоп. Write сЬоцt... , where . whot to Ьrlпg . tronspc.: . when . luпсh
drcw ,mр[е. w поп пе е) lost weeh? List iсtцrе. There is did the Whct dоg to ý.'ý :еп оп ll = э ,d хо с [iпе frол l, т ý the How did gоч do? Circ unit 'l out ond оьоut Unit 2 Get there soJelg! М ondoy Tuesdog Wednesdog Thursdoy Fridаg Sоturdоg Sundoy [е сп cthlete. Ve ,0 пt l
*"Sr* #*ge & #чfъ jIFф # fr -F р *dд*. ьъF sf,jh ffiffi#ffiкёж# Wffiffiffiffi ],,, , Gfсmmоr stqrl,. ,,i"'l l" ,i:"1 Еl;:;' ''ii'tl: Listen, scg cnd point. _ Dolphins оrе mole intrelligenf thon shorks. @щ:::_==.= ==,.- _, ,=:Ы Recd cnd [isten. How сrе shorhs cnd dolphins simi[cr? on с[[lgоtоr aggresslve dangerous po[sonous а shork soclob[e % Do[phins cnd shcrks live [n the sea. Do[phins live i,п 9rоuрs cotled pods. ]:ж*:9 II:л'::j"_1|r,.1t|:d r.hооЬ, Йt oth.rs [[ve olone. Dotphins ore mОrе soclable ond РtСgJul than shorhs. Theg оrе clso .оr. iлl;tiiЙ;;; thon sharhs. Тhеg соmmuпlсоtе ond hetp each оthеr. shcrhs оrе mоrе aggressive than dotphins, but not о[[ sharhs сrе 1,1:?:r:_ч Yn:l: shorks аrе Ь[9, but theg only eat ,лоrllЬh ond plonts. Grеоt whi.te shorks оr. йоr. dопgЁrоu;,й;;;iltJ'rr,оrнr. whale shorh do[phins grесt whi,te shork fr * жt р** rжtiv** -,,яE,tfu Ё** g,-чd$**týь*** Е
Recd спd соmр[еtе. We usе comporotive офесtlvеs to соmраrе two things. With [опg cdjectives (two sgltobles or mоrе) we usе Ье + mоrе + cdjective + thап. inte[[igent --+ mоrе intelligent Dolphinsare : ,, thcnshorhs. oggresslve --+ mоrе oggresslve shorhs оrе thcn dolphins. *týl ъ/ Rеmеmьеr that with two sgllables ending Ьg odding -еr to the ta[[ --+ tolter big short odjectives (опе sg[[ob[e оr in -у) we mаhе the comporotlve adjective: -+ bigger Jr:iendlg --+ Jriendlier Drow lines to с pcrtner. о Do[phlns are ь shorks оrе с Do[phlns sentences. Соmроrе bigger thon 9оцr cnswers with greot white shorhs. mоhе trце d Greot white shorhs е whale shorhs ore mоrе sociable thon *\ thon dolphlns. ore mоrе dопgеrоus \*shorhs. оrе mоrе p|,ogJut mоrе oooresslve JJ thon whole sharhs. thon shorhs.
-,"]] ]' " G;ommor proctice Look cnd write the words iп order. A[[igctors dопgеrоus length oJ hecd oggressive dcrh shln соmmоп width oJ mouth Ё,* olligotors / mоrе l ore / crocodiles / thon / dопgеrоus {]rfСl,jrio: {:r+,::,_llc:,:,lJl!q-it;s ;;,;l,;'Iriг":ill: Ls / thon / о crocodile's heod / lопgеr / оп olligotor's heod с оrе l thon / aggressi.ve / crocodlles / alligotors / mоrе l., -,+. -=l= .д. ц <* -1!- ч|- 'Ё' Crocodi[es d dorher / а crocodl[e's skin / is / ап alligotor's shln / thon е соmmоп / crocodiles / thon / alligotors / оrе / mоrе I is / thon / а crocodile's mouth / wider / оп ol[igotor's mоuth
=* € :t4}Ffii]*аъ_*:*. =ф.,Т+",*- 2 Соmрlеtе the sentences. ] ...] . .:],] ]:е:,!:]],., -].: .],j:: :,]':i'] аý- Did gоu hnow...? с Ма[е peocochs аrе mоrе colourful thon femoles. (со[оurJul) Ь Аdult Jlomingos ore their bobies. ФесutiJul) G А Jlomtngo's legs сrе d Роrrоts оrе Lts bodg. (tong) mопkеgs. (inte[[igent) е I 9 shorhs. (dопgеrоus) horses. ffost) other birds. (socicble) Write sentences to соmрсrе these cnimcls. Write fочr trце sentences cnd опе fc[se опе. dolphlns / sharks Shorks ore mоrе dongerous thon dolphins. whcle shorhs / grect whlte shorhs ostrlches аrе ostrlches сrе porrots ore с ь с d е I е 4nЁ crocodiles / o[[igotors do[phins / crocodiles peocochs / ostriches parrots i Jlamingos ъъ З Qцiz с pcrtner сЬоцt 9оцr sentences. Тruе! Shorhs оrе mоrе dongerous thon dolphins. l
Grоmmоr stort Recd cnd listen. Which _ Жрs ý*r * п*рру ftФгUr* {*гг}рl . Yоц should pock tlght, wоrm clothes. . Yоu should wеаr comJortoble shoes. . Yоu shouldn't toke а heovg bochpock. , Yоu shouldn't соmр neo,r о rivеr. , Yоu shoцld соrr9 о mор ond а comPaSS. , Yоu should have о tоrсh. . Yоu shouldn't [еаvе the tent open. Listen, scg cnd point. а comPass о Jirst oid kit #r Suп сrеоm Ьоg fotlowed the cdvice? . -.:.:{ж* € *ж ' : ,: ||:;Lj- , l l- .г* I You should сqrrу о mop. You shouldn't toke о heovy bockpock. о mср %о torch а bochpack о sleepin g Ьo.g о tent
;ýжl Reod спd соmр[еtе. We use should + infinitive to glve odvlce ond to sog thot somethlng i,s а good ideo. We usе shоцldп't + infinitive to sog thot somethlng is о bad idea. Yоu You ccrrg о mор. hcve о torch. N eg atlve You shоцtd,п't Yоu соmр пеоr о rtver. tcke о heovg bog We usе the some Jorm oJ should l shouldn'tJor otl реrsопs, Не shоц[d саrrg а torch. We shоц[dп't toke heavg bags. Theg shоцld toke wоrm clothes. Clrcle the correct word. Listen cnd checle. Моrе соmр[пg tips .__ ___ ,., ., __,, с Yоu shоцl,d / shоцldп't соmр оп top oJ о hi[l". Ь Yоu shоцtd / shоц[dп't go саmр[пg о[опе. Yоu shоцtd / shоцldп't tahe some snochs wlth gоu. Yоu shоцtd / shоц[dп't leove mопеU ln the tent. Yоu shоцtd / shoц[dn't toke о Jirst oid hit. Yоu shоцtd / shоцldп't hove о wо,rm sleeping bog. Yоu shoцl,d / shоц[dп't саmр neor onlmols. Yоu shоцtd / shоцldп't [eave Jood оп the grоuпd. с d е I 9 h ]
Grommor proctice Looh and complete the sentences with should or shочldп't. Tlps for о hарру beach trip! с Yоu *l:**;**'.j, swlm пеоr rochs. r\^ Ь Yоu с Yоц d Yоu е Yоu I Yоu 9 Yоu с Yоц Ь Yоu с Yоu d Yоu е Yоu I Yоu -___.;_л,, ',':. ,'jl .:], Write sentences with should or shou ldn't cnd с verb from the Ьох. drlnh mоhе swlm reod stч wеоr weor о hot ln the suп. рtоg Jootbctl пеоr other реор[е. рut on suп сrеоm. leave mопе9 оr mоЬ[[е phones оп the beoch. drop ruЬЬish оп the beoch. wеqr sandols to wolh on rосhs. [п the shode Jrоm 1 1 the saJetg slgns. о [ot oJ water. suп9 losses. о tot oJ noise. Jоr Jrom the beach. .00 оm to З.00 рm.
, ..р f \ \ ] f Looh cnd write € еr+ч 9о о lot oJ wсtеr Suп сrесm sentences. Use the words cnd phrcses iп the boxes. drop drinh рut on tohe wеоr alone о Jlrst oid hit опd о hot rubbish а wcterprooJ jochet d е I 9 Прs for fuп iп the mountoins! о Yоu should сgrгv с rпор апсj сх с*пrщ. Ь Yоц shоцldп't с You Choose с plccefor о school trip. Give cdvice with shоuld cnd shоцldп't. Let's hove Jr.rn Ьg the rlvеr / in the Jorest / in the desert / yоu shou[d wесr yоu should tohe Yоu shouldn't Yоц Glve 9оцr cdvice to с pcrtner. Yоu should tohe а lot oJ woter. Yоu shoutd рut оп sцп сrеоm. Gцеss the plcce. The desert?
'i!MGrommorgoo! WhоtЪ the motter? How obout going to the pool? Recd cnd listen. Whot's wrопg with Dсппg? Dcd: What's the motter? Dсппg: I'm bored. Dod: How аЬоut Dсппg: It's too hot. Dcd: How оЬоut Dсппg: No, thonks. No, thonks. I went last weekend. How оЬоut going shateboording? I'm too tired. So how оЬоut havlng а rest? Вut I'm bored! рtоgiпg tennis? going cltmblng? Dcd: Dсппg: Dod: Dсппg: То mаhе о sц99еst[оп, we usе How аЬоцt + -iпgJоrm oJ the verb, How сЬоцt рtоgiпg tenni.s? How сЬоцt hoving о rest? ;i write the words iп order. We usе go + on actlvitч.l' 9о skoteboardi,ng go climbing go sw[mming : :rý ýl' а.ж: 'i-, .W .. 'E!:]*::;jjlljtj с motter / the / whot's WhоtЪ the mctter? I'm bored. Ь swlmmlng / оЬоut / how / 9otn9 No, thanhs. сtheроrk/going/about/to/how ? It's co[d! d wotchi.ng / how / oJttm / аЬоut Good ideo!
*dь Mctch the questions write опе mоrе. Tich to the pictures. Complete (/) the things gоч'd lihe the questions ond to do. р с How d с ',"''.::",,.,,. _', the Ь -"- ? I don't hnow whot to do! (ptag) vo[[egbo1,1,? (sw[m) [п the seo? (1,ook) Jor she[[s? (Ьug) оп [се сrеаm? (9о) surJing? (buitd) о sondcostle? (took) ot seo creotures? п п п п п п п п е I 9 h t п п п п п п п п Ash cnd cnswer with о pcrtner. Whot's the motter? don't know whqt to do. It's too hot. ] How аЬоut рtоgiпg vollegbo1,1,?
Е ]llI tl ' . ,l,' ]" , " 'i Recd cnd пцmЬеr the ports of the [etter. osking оЬоut Веп 2 о Suggestlon 6 ending respondlng to I 5 ! Zbtrt Моg, 2О... ! Deor. Веп, 3 grееtlпg 4 cddress news 7 odvlce 8 the dote 4З Summеrtlmе Rood, В Llverpool,, L12 2DH ! How аrе уоu? I hope school is going wel,t! ! Your. mum soys gоu'rе going compi,ng iп Snowdonlo next weeh. It's the most Ьеаutful р[осе iп the соuпtrg! ! Yоu should tahe о соmеrс ond tohe tois of photos. Ве саrеJu[ where gоu put Uоur tent. Yоu shouldn't соmр оп top oJ с hilt. I did thot опсе cnd mU tent blew оwоg! ! How оЬоut соmlпg to stog with mе oJter gоur trip? Yоu соп te[[ mе а[[ obout i.t. ! Love, Grоппg *,t ý itný ,t. <,.: ,,! i,l i: i-r: *: .., ] s. :: ::, i,) ý:S _i: : -,:. :- ё NцmЬеr the pcrts of the letter iп о, How obout comi.ng to stog wi.th mе gоur trip? It wоцld Ье greot to see Ь Love, Grcnddad I order. Ф., 9оu.П с How оrе gоu? I hope gоur moths test went wel,[! П d З2о Hцddleton Street, London, N7 OLP Ш е Deor Jesslco, ! I Yоur dad sogs gоu'rе going to the mountoins h yоu should toke о good роir oJ thts wolhing boots ond l woterprooJ jochet. I thls summеr. ! i ; Write о letter to с friend who is gоiпg to the Ьеасh this sцmmеr. .]i:}::.riiil',.- $l;;+iiý .' ,: "-:l.;:' ;] :]]:: ; Give cdvice cnd srrggest he/she Gоmеs to stcg with 9оц ofterwcrds.
Recd the her mцm. Мцm: М crg: text cnd choose the best cnswer. Mcrg is tolk,ing to :--:,' : ]:, ':: a,'::i::]i]:]ajý|i]::i:l'i::],1].i]|a,a::: i:l'r.{}:']]i.' .i::.:rj.]:]ai']j..j::': ji:'.- .. :,]|]ý| Whot's the matter? с No, thanh gоu. Ь Yes, thot's а good Ldeo. ffi ''л bored! Мцm: How аЬоut golng to the beoch? Мсrg: с No, thanhs. We went there gesterdag. ь yоu should wеаr suп сrеоm. с Thanh 9оц. Мцm: М сrg: Мцm: М сrg: Мцm: Мсrg: How did gоч do? Circle сп cthlete. Unit 3 Animo[ world Unlt 4 The grect outdoors Wel"[, we shoul,d go somewhere. It's о ЬеаutlJul dog. с Yes, I went there. Ь How obout visi.ti,ng the поturе rеsеrvе? G We shoutdn t drop ruЬЬlsh. Good i.deo! Whot's Uоur Jovourite апi.mо[ there? с Crocodiles оrе mоrе dапgеrоus than o[[[9otors, Ь The peacochs оrе the most lnterestlng onimcl there. с Yоц shoutdn t go too пеоr the onimols. How do we get to the паturе rеsеrvе? с Соrs оrе Joster thon Ьшsеs. ь yоu shou[d tahe о соmеrо. с We shoutd go Ьg соr - [t's Joster thon the Ьus.
: l.. ý ! ф Grоmmоr stort о gos [оmр Listen, scg ond point. Children hod to do chores. They didn't hqve to go to school SeW Reod cnd [isten. Whct wcs most dilfi,cult сЬоцt tф iп 1q00? @ I sow о rео[[9 соо[ reolltg show lost niglrt! А Jomitg hod to Live in о house Jrоm 1q00 Joi thrеЪ months. LiJe wos really hord! Theg hod to get uр еоrlg еvеrg mоrпlпg, Theg had to collect cootJor the JLre or thеЙ wosn't апg hot woter. Theg hod # ýrэl Жii]:] ý&ý ý Е ýi;,, Еr: *ii]t]] Ё*::1 ý,ýi.ij *:4l] ýii] ýr:a-|,. ý::ii] ý1;: ffi'' Е,F,. ] F&?ij: &ri Ё, fu * to use о toilet outside colled ап 'outhoцse', А tot oJ chitdren didn't have to 9о to school, but sоЙе hod to worh Ln Joctories, Glrls hod to help with the woshlng ond с[еопi,п9, Bogs dldn't have to do househoLd chores, Ьut they r,оа to work outslde. I'm glod I live iп the о со[сu[оtоr о b[ockboord соо[ о Jactorg househoLd chores 21st сепturg! U
+ýýiL Recd cnd complete. We usе had tо to sog thot someth[ng wos necessorg оr оп obligction in the pcst. We usе did,n't have tо to sоg thot somethlng wos not necesscrg. We usе the infinitive oJter had to l didn't have to. Negc,tive Тhеg dldn't They didn't chores. hcve to go to schoo[. соо[. to do Recd the text iп octivitg 2 с9сiп. Write Т (trце) or F ffclse). Тhеg нн ýа":l, с ь с d е I 9 А Jire wos necessorg to mohe hot woter. It wosn't песеssоrg to co[[ect coo[Jor the Jire. It wos песеssоry to 9о outside to usе the to[[et. Not о[[ chi.ldren went to school. Bogs needed to help wlth the woshlng. It wos песеssоr9 Jo, 9ir[s to he[p with househo[d chores. A1.1. chil,dren needed to 9о out to work i.n Joctori.es.
] ia.r;:i.:i]i,:] -i. .i]| ], l l * Grommor proctice Listen cnd tich (/) whct Grсппg hcd to do. Didn't have to meons thot something wosn't necessor$, not thot .- € } it wosn't posslb[e! Theg didn't hсче to cotch the Ьus to school. - It wos posslble to wolh to school, but [t wcs also posslbte to cotch the Ьus tJ theg wonted to. Recd cnd circle the correct word. (d фсd tф/ didnl_t hcve to get uр е_аr[g and mоkе о Jtre Jo_r: hot woter. Мg 9Eфr:qndmo_the_r (Ы h_qd to-- 1 d:idn't hcve to cqtch о Ьus to schoot. Her s_cho_o[ wqs vеrg clo''se to hоmе, so she wolked. She (с) hcd to / didn't hovc Тhеg G) had to / didn't hcve to go to _the shops to Ьug ev_ergthing _- а рhо_пе с:сЦ.5 Jrqm hqmе - that wos rJ theg hod о це[ерhопе in thei.r hоmе; mопU реор[е didn't!
{ Complete witi had to or didn't have tо. Listen опd chech. Теосhеrs }:*d te wrlte оп о blochboord wi.th cholh. с ь с d е I We We toke books to school. Atl" the books stoged [п оur deshs. do moths [n оur heods оr on рореr. Тhеrе wеrе по do Р.Е., Ьut gi.rls co[culotors! do sport. Leorn how to sew. sit [п the some р[ссе ol,t doy - the desks ond cholrs were Jixed to the Jtoor! write trце sentences. u se had tо or didn't have to cnd the чеrьs. Lost weeh... (do) о |,ot oJ homework. (tidg) m9 rооm. (cooh) dlnner. (hetp) mч mum ot home. (catch) the Ьus to schoo[. (wosh) mg clothes. (9о) to the dentlst. (mоkе) о J[re. Воgs Gir[s We cI bI с d е f 9 h
.M*Grommorgool Тhеg Reod cnd listen. Do Жi*ý,х' **т*эg т*fiiэу; better or worse thоп 5о yeors You could р!оу in the street. You couldn't to|k to your friends опliпе. 9оц ogree with the opinions? I think lfe wos Chi[dren could better then. р[оg outside soJelg. Lfe wos deJinttetg better! We соuld rlde оur bikes i.п the street. LiJe is better Jor сhitdrеп todag. When I wos а child, we couldn't text оur Jriends ond we couldn't chot оп[iпе. Tell us whot you think! We use соцld l соuldп't to tolk оЬоut 1) obil"itg i.n the past ond 2) what lt wos posslble to do i.n the post. N eg ctive ptcg in the street. Тhеg соцldп,'t tclle, to Jrlends оп[[пе. Circle the correct word. Listen cnd chech. ogo? ý,\ е Jomol i.n the[r Ьеdrооms - there Р;:.*Е ,а:., :.4 ?:.,. .:|?; ?: 'ё l ?.i Е --з Е: ]ii ,1: ё tэ у :4, '.- ,,,:& lr.. ё ?:'''G ?::.. ,3 Т:; ,.:ё ф;' ,ё ij,lll' 'ý ?;| ё F...., .,,a *,: ,?i Yl,.'.i} ?:. . ,:.!} ýа|r# .С lа ,Q, wos оп[9 опе ТV [n eoch house. Тhеg соц[d / соц[dп't wotch ТV in the mоrпLпg - it only storted [п the oJternoon! Тhеg соц[d / соц[dп't eot in Jost Jood restourants. Theg соц[d / соц[dп't mahe пеw Jrlends оп[iпе. Тhеg соцld / соц[dп't use the i.nternet to hel"p with homeworh.
],!:la|i. 1.]lF ]. ::: . Comp[ete the sentences wlth соцld / соuldп't ond the verb. Listen cnd chech. 75 9eors о9о... о реор[е couldn't flv (f[u) ocross the seo l l -JJ - оп holidag. (Ьug) things оп[[пе. (have) о shower. (рtоg) wlth Jriends in the (оrdеr) ptzzo Ьg phone. chiLdren (рtоg) соmрutеr 9omes. to the сi.пеmо. (9о) Write сЬоцt whct 9оц соц[d or соц[dп't do whеп 9оц were Лr" 9ecrs otd. Use the words tп the Ьох or чоцr оwп idecs. rlde о bi,ke ruп reod ь с d е f g Uоu Uоu Uоu street. Uоu Uоu speah Engtish swlm catch When I was Jive gears o[d, с I couldn't Ь I соu[d ; аЬо[[: с d е f ;*l]:.&Ёt: ili _. :] i ;';"ý:jё&: чii***;};;J- i
-]l Grommor stort The suп wos shining They were skydiving. Listen, scg ond point. d *_чr* ry *:|1. S']i:,'}' . з*{.., ж ж ,?l э.= &* on ovo[onche Ьuпgее juлр Ьurlеd о horness seorch s [9 dLve Recd cnd [isten. Whot went wrопg? At З.00 рm оп 'l2th NоvеmЬеr, 2007 , Dovid Jones wos shgdiving. It wos а с[еаr dog ond the suп was shlning. David and his lnstructor wеrе Jctltng Jrom the р[опе. Evergthing wos going we[[, ond the plone wos turning round to rеturп home. Then David tried to ореп his роrссhutе, but it dtdnt ореп. А wi,tness wos wotchlng Jrom the grоuпd ond soid, 'Опе oJ the shgdlvers was turпiпg rоuпd ond rошпd. Не wasn't usi.ng his porochute'. Dovid wos Jolling frоm the shg at 190 km/h. Eventr-rolly, he londed i.п some bushes. Не Ьrоhе hls onkle, Ьut he survlved! It wos о one-ln-o-mi[[i,on chonce! _--ga=+* ъ ./ * ъg Дi,l/ i;,:,i,:i,;., роrосhutе
.J Reod ond complete. We usе the pcst сопtiпцоцs to talh аЬоut... 1 octions iп progress ot о specfic time i.п the post. The cctlons start beJore the time and Jinish oJter р&ýт е n.1 At З.00, he wos skgdiving. 2 the Ьосkgrоuпd situation Tl The suп wcs shining. То Jоrm the post сопtlпuоus, Jоrm oJ the vеrЬ. .&Ё*r**"ёiч* Не w** shgdiving. Theg ot the tlme oJ а storg: we usе was / were ond the -ing N.9 ative it: , з-:ji?:refu Lt::-"-эP:rz!+Fel+s1- I NФW usiпg hls роrосhutе. turпiпg rоuпd. Не Jo[|,ing. Тhеg weren't circle the correct word. с At З.ОЗ рm DovidбФ/ were trovelling ot 1qO hm/h. Ь Hi.s роrасhutе wcsn't / weren't worhlng. с Реор[е wcs / were watching Jrоm the grоuпd. d Theg wcs / were shoutlng to h[m. е Theg wcsn't / weren't screamlng. I Dovld ond his iпstruсtоr wos / wеrе wеоrlпg helmets wlth соmеros. g They wcs / were Jtl,ming the Jo[|.. .,:i:]];i]i!J;ii] ']i:_aj.l ..::i::;i:. _i j: il ]
ia1.ý't;"' Grommor proctice Э.: 1 liilsrз-tii}!q:ýзlj]::Ё;ý d :,,":"1 ok ;::;'fiie ool r,i Lo с :;_i&, жЁ- 1 Write Т (trце) чl{t9ili*;iý1{.Чjilili]ltl!ffi е At 9.З0, Soro wos pцtti,ng оп hеr shls, At 9.45, she WoS trovelLing uр the mоuпtаlп Ьg cobLe соr. She wos skiing ot ] 0 o'c[ock. The ovolonche Wosn't movlng down the mоuпtоLп ot ] 0 З0. Rescue worhers wеrе seorchlng Jor Soro ot 'l0.45. At'1 'l .00, she wos trovelllng to hosplto[. tл uоmр[еtе with the pcst сопtiпцоцs form of the verbs. Listen ond chech. At ] 0 o'cloch on Mondog mоrпiпg, Saro Andrews (о) wos skiing down ВlосhсоmЬ Моuпtоlп iп Whistler, Canodo It (Ь) snow), br-rt Lt wos vеrч cold. Some Jrtends (с) (shi) with her. Suddenlg, she looked uр. The snow (d) (move) towards hеr verg quiсklg. Неr Jriends cou[dn't he[p becouse theg (е) (trg) tоЪнi owog. Soon Soro wos Ьuriеd under the ovolonche. At 10.45, rеsсше worhers f) (seorch) Jor hеr, Ьut theg (not [ooh) iп the right р[осе. Soro dug о hole iп the snow пео,r her mоuth ond wos оь[е to breothe. She (h) F с ь с d е I (sht) (not (g) (sсrеаm), Ьut по опе соuld hесr hеr. Fiпо[Lg, о speciol seorch do9 Jоuпd Sarc. She wos ative ond we[L!
,ý&. ж Comp[ete the storg with Som Ссrtеr, 16, and Daniel оr Woter. the prompts. Green, 17, survlved а weeh ot sea wlth по Jood At 'l0 (sott / Вut о'сl.осk оп ond i Jbh) Mondog, (bod weother / аррrоасh) ь с At At 'l0.З0, theg (drft / out to seo) 2 o'cl"ock, the (waves l get bigger) It (rо[п) and the bogs Тhеg (not / enjog i their trip) At 10.00 рm, (not / sleep) keep wаrm) ond scored) Тhеg ffeet (trg / / cotd Оп Тhursdаg mоrпiпg, (Sam/not/eat)Не (drlnh / seo woter) At З.15 on Soturdog, (с[imЬ into i о Jishtng boat) At З.З0, (9о / home to thei,r Jomilies)
Е Ь-- Grommor gool i tr Were you weoring о helmet? Wos the sun shining? ':'' Recd cnd listen. Whct sport wcs the Ьоg doing? А: I called уоu ct 3 o'cloch Uesterdog. Wеrе gоu рlоglпg boshetbc[l? в: No, I wosn't. I wos Ьuпgее jumping, А: Wow! Thot's reollg dongerous, [sn't it? Were Uоu weoring о helmet? : в: Yes, I wos. I wcs also weoring о horness. It was rео[[9 excitlng! А: It sounds Juп! Wos the suп shinlng? '' =,%ý в: Yes, [t wos. It wos rео[[9 wоrm ond sunny. ==,= А: Wеrе gоur parents wotching? в: Опl"9 mу dod wos wotching - Мum wos too sсогеdl Q цеstiоп \rYеrе 9оu р[оgLъ5 bosketboll? \rYаs the suп shlning? Were theg wotching? short cnswers Yes, I*.*s./No, Yes, it , € Е*ý. / No, Yes, theg vъ,*у*. / I wcsn't. it wosn't. No, theg weren't. Write the words iп order. Answer the questions for gоч. с maths l qt l gоu / wеrе / gesterdog / studying / 11 o'cloch Wеrе yol": studyirlg mcths gt ll o'clock yesterdc[? Ь UеstеrdоU / it / wos / cJternoon / rоlпiпg ? с Jriends / lost night / wotchi.ng ТV / gоur / wеrе ? d p|,ogtng / оJtеrпооп / wеrе / yesterdog / 9оu / iп the роrh ? ,I ,lt ,I theg ..jia:j{i:;].:]j]
ý Write questions with the prompts. Looh спd cnswer. John / ctimb Wos John climbing? Yes he wos som ond pete / сопое , theg Adam/wear/oharness с ь с d е Соrо and Suе / Jbh Раm / weor l оrеdjасhеt ф Write three mоrе questions сЬоцt the реор[е iп the рiсtчrе. с {ffi-ft S Я* ,ý Close 9оцr boohs ond ptcg с mеmоrg 9сmе with с рсrtпеr. Whct do gorr rеmеmЬеr сЬоцt the picture? Wcs John wеоrlпg о helmet? ь с Yes, he wos.
Recd cnd complete the storg with the correct fоrm of the verbs. i On 24th December, 1971, 1 7-geor-o[d Ju[iопе Koepcke (q) i,:i.;: j'i,i,:l-,,l.. fftg) to L[ma, [n Реru. ' She Je[t З,ОOО metres lnto the juпg[е, Ьut she survlved. She wos о[[ о[опе Ln the mlddle oJ the juпg[е. She had to ([ive) iп the (s tt) jungl,e Jоr п[пе dogs, She hod to (drinh) rivеr She (Ь) next to her mother. Тhеg Ф (с) fl"ight, Ьut they соuld weother (d) (оррrоссh). Suddenly, lightning hit the plone ond JuLLone Jetl, Jrom the p[one. woter ond she ote sweets. The rеsсuе plones couldn't (see) hеr uпdеr the trees. (епjоф the see that bod (е) (g) {ll**J*lfil ffi Ёlffi ж Ё%цlffi ПпЁ :*#l .: Mctch the sentences with the pcrts of the storg. ! Ttre next octlons wlth extro inJormotion ! Wrtot happened Jirst ! Wrtat happened ot the end ! Inlormotion оЬоut the реор[е, р[осе ond time ! Восhgrоuпd i.nJormotion obout the sltuotlon Write с storg сЬоцt something exciting thot hos hcppened to gоч. Iпс[цdе iпfоrmоtiоп fro* the points iп cctivltg 2. and j +j ,+: FlпаL[g, she met some реорl'е ond theg tooh her to hospito[. Неr fother (h) J- (woit) Jor hеr ot the hospLto[ t he tooh her home. :i1- :rý .i: i-1: :i.1.1 = ::a;|'< l;+i: }, 1ii:: j]j|:+_] .. .. :_ :;
Looh cnd recd. Write yes or по. ý--4,]",j The sun wos shlnlng. Yоu соuld ridе чоur bthe ln the street. А mоп wos Llstenlng to music. А Ьоg was dolng сhоrеs iп the gоrdеп. Two glrls were drinhing [еmопоdе. Theg wеrе wеоrlпg jachets. you had to weor helmets to ride о bihe. Yоu соuld mahe phone col,|'s iп the gorden. Yоu соuld рl,оg соmрutеr gomes. А cot was sleeping i.п the gorden. How di.d gоч do? Circle сп cth[ete. Unit 5 LiJe wos hord! unit б srrrv[vo[ storles re[ r"fl ( м \4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !
ýý*ý*ý***ýgýtr- l wопt to help people. l соrrу о torch to see iп the dork. Listen, scy cnd point. egulpment о roPe Grommor stqЁ оп охе о hose о SUrLnoe JJ Recd cnd [isten. Wоц[d 9оц lihe to Ье оЛrфghtеr? JireprooJ [odder А: Why did gоu Ьесоmе о JtreJtghter? ffi * В: рlЦfi}r;ilit}* }il:.lж , ffi I lеаrпt to drive а Jire engine when I joined A:;ll**ffft;;..=:.-J..-=....='--J--.-=.-ъJ в: Yes, it ts. You need to keep соl'm iп dспgеrоus sltuotions, You need to toke саrе oJ gоursеЩ ond other реор[е. А: Whot speciol clothes and equipment do gоu have? в: I weor с helmet, 9loves, aJlreprooJ jachet ond trоusеrs to protect mgse|f. I соrrg special еqulрmепt to breothe tnside smоhg buildings. I hove оп охе to Ьrеоk down doors ond о torch to see in the dork.
.::, Recd, сirс[е спd complete. Sometimes we usе two verbs [п о sentence. AJter some verbs, e.g. decide, wапt, пееd опd learn, the second vеrЬ i.s the infinitive with tо, IOФcJireJighter I :,,ll,,,:,l.:l,,ll,::ý to hel,p реор[е. Yоu ,,l:; ..;i to keep са[m. I ,,, ,,,l, to drive aJ[re еп9i,пе. We olso use the infinitive with tо to talh аЬоut the рцrроsе оr recson Jor somethlng: I wеоr о helmet to protect mg heod. I соrrg о torch to see iп the dоrh. I hove on охе brech down doors. Recd ond mctch. с FireJighters need Ь FireJighters wont с Theg have speciol Lodders d Тhеg use [опg hoses е Theg weor JireprooJ g[oves I Thei.r jockets hove gе[[оw strlpes g Тhеg leorn to glve Jirst oid. to protect thelr honds. to put woter оп the Ji.re. to shlne [n the dorh. to rеосh high buildings. to Ье strong ond Ьrоvе. to he[p реор[е. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
: Comp[ete the interview with the correct form of the verbs. '?. :,,ii l.ll Complete the text Listen cnd chech. ' t (о) decided to become (decide / Ьесоmе) о LiJeguord when I wos ten. I (Ь) (wont / worh) Ьg the seo. I (с) ([еоrп / swim) when I wos vеrg Uоuпg. I love mg job, Ьut it's dtlJicult. Yоu (d) (need / Ье) о vеrч good swimmer ond gоu (need / do) о lot oJ tralni.ng. Yоu f) ([еоrп / rеsсuе) реорI"е, ond gоu (9) ([еоrп / 9tve) Jlrst oid. I (h) (wont / hetp) реор[е stog soJe оп the beoch! with the correct form of the verbs. \-J (е) i].!:jl];i.*!]]]ii:trtlЗ'.]]l];i}i:::ii]+i'.,!:: ] ji!|{i j о, Whg did gоu Ьесоmе о surgеоп? ,, When I wos о chi,[d, I wonted (о) to Ье (Ье) о vet. I wanted (Ь) (work) with onimols. Вut when I was 18, I declded (с) (studg) i medlclne. I wanted (d) i о, Did gоu studg hord? (hetp) реор[е. , ,, Yes, I dtd! I went to medicol schoolJor Jоur geors. I [еоrпt (е) (Ье) о doctor. Then I declded iФ (Ьесоmе) о surgеоп. I worhed Ln о hospitolJor three Ueors and I leornt (9) (operote) on реор[е. А: Is it оп interestlng job? в: Yes, lt i,s. But tt's d'rlJicult. Yоu need (h) (thinh) qulch|.g ond gоu need (D (stog) colm. Sometlmes there оrе emergencies ond gоu need ý) (work) long hours ond ot night. i, ..}ъ. qл,J ":., *-.: -* Ч-flii:
Comp[ete wlth the correct form of the verbs iп the boxes. Wrlte the jobs. сut check give bnnn l\glэ'Р protect equi.pment vеrg we[[ (с) i* у;**Ё_ next potlent. I wеоr о mсsh ond gloves potients. I цsе о sgringe (с) thot patients things. Тhеrе оrе о tot oJ оrе оК. I'm а keep hove рutt rеосh rеsсuе 2Isltonоhighchoir(о) с good vlew oJ the seo. We usе special equi.pment (Ь) boots оr jet skls rеsсuе buogs (d) b[onhets (е) (с) We cleon оur it saJe Jor the (ь) (е) inject[ons ond scissors (d) mochines peopLe Ln to I'm реор[е. We usе the seo. we usе the beach. we usе реор[е in & *"Ж \у;ý{] ý: ,] ,} ý & vet I'm а I decided о I lеоrпt I wеаr I usе to Imсgiпе gоч hove опе of these jobs. Complete the sentences for 9оц. у1о пurSе реор[е wоrm. i&eiirý ыж beccuse I wonted I need to to And I use
Recd ond [isten. Wоц[d 9оц [ihe to Ье о vet? Мg mum [s о vet. She loves on[mo[s. We hove о horse ond she goes riding еvеrg dog beJore wоrh. She doesn't mlnd getting uр еоr[у - she loves being outslde in the Jresh oi.r. She vlsits Jorms to tche соrе oJ the anlmols. She eryogs helping the Jоrmеrs. Неr job соп Ье dfJicul"t. Sometlmes Jormers phone hеr i,n the middte oJ the ntght, Ьut she doesn't mi.nd going to he[p them. -fl*_T*y* b Some verbs оrе olwags Jottowed Ьg the -iпg Jоrm. She doesn't mind getting up еоdу. She enioys helping the formers. (teoch) She doesn't mind gettlng uр eorlg. She enjogs / lilces / [oves helping Jormers, She goes rlding еvеrg doy. М9 dod's о dentist. Не lihes (с) hclpi** (hetp) реор[е. Не enjogs Complete with the correct form of the verbs. ф) (wоrh) with chi[dren and he lihes (с) them to looh cJter their teeth. At weehends, he goes (d) (heep) Jit. Sometlmes we (ruп). Не еryоgs (е) 9оФ (swim) ot the beoch. Не doesn't mind (9) I hcte it! (swim) when the sec [s rес[[g co[d.
ý ф Listen cnd mctch. U _ епjочs * : doesn't mind А = doesn't [[he WW 4 ffi Looh ond соmр[еtе. Listen с9сiп cnd chech. Мц brother (а) qoes skoteboording . Не (Ь) Juп with his Jriends. Не (с) ф his shotebocrd. Не (d) his shoteboard. м 9 U uпсl'е (е) i,п the mоцпtоiпs. Не ot the vlew. Не (9) uр steep hitts. Не ft) when [t's vеrg windg. ý Write сЬоцt gочrsеf cnd сЬоцt sоmеопе 9оц know. . I enjog . I don't lihe 9oeS . He/She doesn't Igo I don't mlпd М9 He/She He/She enjogs *&
lf you shoke the bottle, the oil ond woter mix. Ф8r eXpond Jreeze Recd cnd listen. Whg do wсsh[п9-цр tiquid? -.ir., Ц 9ou don't usе wоsh[пg-шр tiqutd, the water ond grease (oi[) оп the plotes don't m[х. The greose stags оп the plotes. When gоu use woshing-up [iguid, the grеоsе comes ф the plotes mоrе eosi,[r.;! 1, .tоО ] Grommor stoЁ Listen, scg cnd point. ,*а:,,, !,gý..,;ýig_,,****} - !&ý*}liý*i*:ýя}' dLssolve ffiffiр\- rrtrrъ_."],- _: ,:_ + ;]# !*ф! ;ф:.ы-+ i < _*;;;.; Ц gou put oil and woter lп о bottle, theg don't m[х. The oi[J[octs оп top oJ the wаtеr. a lft;:.,Jii: tj;*bottte, o:ЖLуJш:I,theg jE\ ! ffiffil- jl- , l ь;=: *: Y;; * --* фФl14 з ;i&; .а' :'n:1 i. .Фе- п-ж Ц чоu add woshtng-up ltqutd ond shahe the bott[e agaln, the о[[ ond the wоtеr m[х. Ij#; ,.;, sinh .Е. /l =< -',,Е,,{- ':т* ,.. "r'+*':]:: .,_.]._, Jtoat tr € &*F- ýýrр ýР* iýýl -"4 .*,ý vLbrate We цsе о a me[t
i ,i Reod ond complete. We usе the zero cond.itioncl to tolh аЬоut thi.ngs thot аrе gепеrо[[9 оr olwogs truе. Опе thing olwogs happens cs the rеsult oJ споthеr. The zero condltioncl has two parts (с[сusеs): ап r.;[с[счsе ond о rеsц[t с[оцsе. We usе the present simple iпЪоth с[аusеs. .:' UОU :,,l gОU if сlсчsе :.,.' 9оu ,::,,1,1,l: oit ond woter together, the bottle, woshi,ng-up liquid, Rеsцlt с[сцsе they donot miх. theg start to mlx. they mж. 1 theg mаhе bubb[es. 2 [t disso[ves. 3 i't Jloots - [t doesn't 4 [t si.nks. some oJ it dissolves. the woter J[oats on oJ the hопеg. } 0 We ссп usе иrhеп insteod ф tf The mеопiпg i.s the sоffl, € : If gоu shoke the bottle, theg stort to rпiх. Ъ When уоu shoke the bottle, theg stort to mlх. с ь с d Recd cnd motch. Listen cnd checlc. Ц you рut рерреr in woter, Ц Uоu put о coln [n woter, When 9ош put sclt in woter, Ц Uоu роur hопеg ond cotd wоtеr lп о bow[, еЦчоuoddо|.otoJsugоrto co[d woter, I When gоu mix soop ond woter, 5 6 disso[ve. ; top
I .*ts *- € # # comp[ete the text with the correct form of the verbs. л ма *:; =tlз :, Sound is mode bg vlbrotions. When ап object (О) vibrotes & /l\ tr т _i. (vtbrate), it (Ь) (mоvе) the аir. When the оir moves, & L' it(с)_ (mоhе) о sоuпd. When there (d) - # п tr Y л\i _ the viЬйtiопs. This Ф ' (hорреп) f а btg [оrr9 R *\' . \L :'-К (9) _ (9о) post gоur house. Sоuпd trovels thrОugh Ъý (л(9)_ (9о) pcst 9оu|.hоusе..S.оuпd irov.l,i thrоugh \ý & ' ollr, *ot.r and solid objects. When lt (h) - (trovel) а Ре through woter, k (i) _ (move) Jоur times Joster _th$ Ъ Ф lt moVes throrrgh аir, When sоuпd woves (j) (hit) Ф !ru, 1 o1r, woter and solid objects. When it (h) (trovel) о solid object, the sound (h) (Ьоuпсе) bcch iп the opposite dlrection. This [s colled оп echo. 5ч aliИ а fiýd &ч, Ф I ý + Write sentences with the prompts. Тhеп write Т (trце) оr F (fclse). с iJ / heot аtr / rlse and expond. т when iрut/soltonice/theice/melt/Jcster when / hect / srrgar / turп into / а Liquid dwhen/blowоп/аhotdriпh/wоrmuр е rJ / ruЬ / honds together l get wоrm f most Liquids / expond / when l Jreeze them gLJ/addsolttowater /boil/Joster **i Listen cnd chech.
1 ý Recd cnd listen. Which ехреrimепt wоцtd gоч tihe to do? , : ::::::]::]:+Ii: Тurп thё tфlffi соmЬ 9оцr hoir t, ,J Uоu hotd the сr The соmь mohes What hoppens ,J gOu рЁt=@ oJ woter? The rlсе slnh5" "l1=, l Whot hoppens ,J gоu рut riiе]tЁ, fl ', bJ Jtzzg woter? The rice slnhs, an ;11;;:i,,.,rcises to the srrrJoce. Then it slnký Whct hcppens Whct hcppens f чоu ho]d the соmЬ Ц чоu рчt rice tп Jtzzg пеOr the.waterl? woter? 2 & Comp[ete the qчеstiопs with the correct form of the verbs. тhеп mctch to the cnswers. Listen cnd chech. с Whot happens ,J gоu put (рut) сп е99 in wcter? hcppens when uоu _ (odd) IIJ solt to the woter? с Whot when чоu _ (drор) on egg? hoppens if uоu ([eove) lt iп vi,negor Jor two days? Whct when 9оu _ (drop) the egg поw? 1 The she[[ dlssolves. 2 It borrnces. 3 It sinks. 4 It Jloots. 5 It breoks. ]_ @ Whgt hаррепs if / whеп... ? + present simple
,ffi ý Щry Recd the cnswers cnd write the questions. Use the verbs iп tЁ Ьох cnd the phrcses below. Listen cnd chech. d*p Jreeze shoke Leave Leave рцt smetl milh . о сап oJ Jizzg drlпh ý ф . о реоr ond eot on арр[е q Ьспопо Ln the Jridge . melted chocolote in the Jridge chocoLate iп the sun Whot happens whеп уоu drop о соiп ]п о fizzy drink ? It becomes shing. What hoooens i.f uоu ? It turпs uе[[оw. What hoooens if ? It exp[odes. Whot hoppens ? It turns Ьrоwп. Whot ? It melts. о ь с d е I 9 It goes hord. It tostes lihe о реоr. е*ъ ф Й; ý Write three questions сЬоцt science fccts f.ол this цпit. Ash cnd onswer with с pcrtner. Whot happens ,J gоu рut oll ond water together? They don't m[х.
]]{ н Жжыё. w ф З Recd the report cnd correct the цпdеrlЦеd mistohes. Whct tgPe of mistclee cre theg? Comp[ete the tcb[e. _ Qцеstiоп: Con sоцпd trovel thrочgh solid objects, - Instrцctions: Sit ot Uоur desh. Тор gоur репс[[ оп the deks . ond Llstenf Рut gоur еоr оп the desh. !ор it with the pensll , оgо[п ond Listen. Rеsцlts: When gоu top Uоur desk with о репс[[, 9оu hеоr the sоuпd. !f уоu рut Uоur eor ogoinst the desh, the sound is mОrе l.Ц.rd. С_:1.1":[оп1 _S _9rrnd t1""':]: 9:It9r" ]lу.ч_gt *99* fuljlr_q_u9l o!l:"" Spetling deks - desk :il]ý Ф р* * .* * е s Grcmmcr Ccpitcl [etters рцпсtцаtiоп Recd the report. under[ine cnd correct eight mоrе mistches. Qцеstiоп: Ссп sоцпd, ffifu thrочgh woter? Iпstrцсtiопs: Ash оп odult to сut ф the bottem oJ о plostlc bottle. Рut the botle Ln о bowl oJ wcter. Рut gоur еоr cgolnst the top oJ the bottle? Тор two spoons together uпdеr the water. repeot the ехреrimепt above the woter. Resцlts: IJ gоu top two objects together in the аir, gоu heer the sоuпd? when 9оu top them together uпdеr wcter than thllu9h :'r,. write о report of another experiment. write о first d.ф cnd check 9оцr worh for mistohes. woter, the sound is Lоudеr ond mоrе с[еаr. Сопс[цsiоп: Sound trovel better thrоugh
i Recd the text. choose the ,a..a...|...a. : ],"''l ', ",- .ll.,. Мg dod [s а sclentlst. Не wonted to ье о sclentlst when he wos о child. Не uses ports oJ plants and trees (1) do experiments. Не wonts (2) пеW right words ond write them on the lines. Ехсmрlе Ье[пg ls moterlols thot environment. (з) he does he wears specio[ 9losses '9oggtes'. When hls experiments vеrg hоррч. Не enjogs оrеп't bod Jor the experiments, cot[ed worh we[[, he's (4) 4 worh 5 hetp worhi.ng to help 3 Where Whot When 1to 2 Jor mаkе Jo, making not to mо.hе to worh hel,ping [п his [аЬоrоtоrg. I don't mtnd (5) mg dad with his experiments - I love science! How did gоч do? Circle сп cthlete. Unit 7 Worh ond р[оg Unit 8 Welrd sclence
:]*.i:_:*:j ijll:+... _ ,,*iiii+i*i"].,ЭЁ lllii|;.j:,!,.j, i:].::,i]ji]: ,, : " d4ý l,iф ' ' ;l:l1lilijl;. - ,;Ф Grommor stort The mоп who invented the telephone wos Alexonder Grohom Bell. They mode о phone which didn't need wires. Llsten, scg ond роiпt. о 9оmе console о mоЬ[[е phone Recd спd [isten. whct do gоч think wcs the most importcnt invention? 1858 The President oJ the United Stotes, James Вuсhапоп, ond Quееп Vlctoria Were_the Ji.rst реор[е who communlcoted across ,,: the Atlanttc осеоп. Theg used а sчstem whlch sent оп |l.i:,]:] еlесtrопlс code ocross аiоЬtе. It йоs called Morse code. .. ]ý 1876 The Jtrst tetephone appeored. The mсп who lnvented ,. the telephone wos Alexonder Grоhоm Ве[[. l962 NASA Ьuilt о sotellite which 9оvе us globol рhопе communlcotion. Its поmе wos Telstar. Motorolo mode о portoble telephone whtch dldn't need w[rеs. Now we со[[ them mоЬilе phones. IBM produced о phone which соu[d send emoils. Th[s was the Jirst smortphone. Тhеrе аrе obout б btttion peopte who hоvе mobile ul = ч..о t\.r vb рý ý= ý= п\= ýЕ Jцr l_ I973 l993 Todoy phones, Ьut there оrе sti[[ а lot of ploces where gоu can't usе о mоЬilе phone! ,.ii:ll::i::,lЬ о loptop оп МРЗ рlаgеr а sate[[[te о smortphone wIres
ч Recd cnd comp[ete. Re[ctive сlсцsеs give importo,nt, extro реор[е, things ond ploces. Theg dфпе we оrе tclhing сЬоut. А relative clouse соп stort with ffоr thlrugs) оr where ffor p[aces). The mоп А phone Тhеrе аrе ptoces :,, :.l,;;: __lB_vgnt_e _d_ _t h е ._ !,е_[ е рhопеwosА[ехопdеr Grоhоm Ве[[. wh"Lqh"*q9u[d*ýgnd emqil,s appeored iп'l 9ЧЗ. where uоu con't usе q mоЬ[[е ohone. mоhе sentences. опе oJ 1 inJormatlon оЬоut оr identifg what Recd ond motch to о The presldent wos ffOr.::,,,,.,, .:.i ]1,]i l,i:],), f *"** Z**** ý *оа*о 6 *u*u, 7 -*"** 8 ***sе Р ***** 0 ***** ее8аеý ý8 ам *е *ýýе&, KEY Long Short - 2 3 4 5 l ь с d е f the Jirst peopLe Morse code [s о system А moblle phone is о рhопе Motorolo is the соmропу Тhеrе оrе stl[[ mоп9 ploces There сrе оЬоut а billion реор[е 6 :iij.,:a il]a]i: :..].,.]. ..i .. ];..:: ..11]]] iii]ia.ii:i]],:.. :: (J -_, t{**oa where чоu con't usе о mоЬilе рhопе. who don't have о mоЬi,[е phone. which made the Jirst portoble phone. which doesn't usе wlres. who communlcoted ocross the AtlontIc. which uses о соЬ[е. Q-.-. lа& м** ý-* о**" Р ***u ý n** т* U uu* ! **** \fi| *** Х *"r* l !о**** $ ***** { uunu* J "*** !( -** ]_о_**
Grommor proctice Listen cnd mctch. 1q7з о Mognovo- } ь NASA 1q7 2 с Motoro[o lq62 d IBM 1 q83 е Gov[[on 1 qqз Comp[ete witlt who, which or where. Some devices w}:ich we thlnh оrе recent octuol[g appeored о [оп9 tlme о9о. Mognovox is the соmропU invented the Jirst 9оmе console. The USA ls the соuпtrg соmmцпlсоtiопs technologg reol.tg chonged. Motorolo mode the Jirst mobi.le рhопе реор[е could Ьug. These оrе the scientlsts lоuпсhеd the Jirst communlcations sotelllte. 'Simon' wos the Jtrst phone _ соuld send emoils. Тhеrе оrе milli.ons oJ реор[е соrr9 smortphones [n their pochets. о ь с d е f 9
"{ Yоu сап usе thct,instead at whо оr whЕёh, Ьцt not instead'oJ where.,, circte the correct word. More thcn one onswer mс9 Ье possibte. с А toblet [s о smo[[ соmрu.., @ф/ ФЭ/ who gоu controt Ьg touching ffir..Г * ^,э Ь Tcblets оrе convenient Jоr реор[е where / who / thct trovel о [ot. с Тhеrе оrе toblets who / which / thct weigh less thon 500 groms. d Yоu соп use them in ploces which / where / thct there ore no соmрutеrs. е Yоu соп Ьug mоп9 opps who / which / thct оrе especiollg Jor tcblets. f Тhеrе оrе children who / which / thct usе toblets ot school. Ё write sentences with the prompts. с Не / the mоп / Lnvented / tel,ephone. Не wos the mоп who/thot invented the telephone. Ь This / the соmропU / mode / Jirst mobile phone This is с This / the пumЬеr l реор[е / hove mobile phones d These / the реор[е / Jirst соmmuпlсоtеd / ocross / the Atlontlc е This / the code / peopl,e used / [п еоr[у communications I This / the соuпtrg / communicotlons technologg rеоttg chonged Ash cnd onswer with о рсrtпеr. ,1,a::ii;!] Не was the mоп who invented the telephone. Аlехопdеr Grahom Bel,L!
___, -,**d;ý-fiffF"- : '' :"-,Ъсз" , , Ме*_ Grommor gool #ry*" *-* _ Recd ond listen. Who do the things Ье[опg to? This is m9 loptop. It's iilile John gove his МРЗ рl.оgеr to hi.s slster. It's Don't Jorget to tohe thot DVD wi.th gоu. It's М9 slster ond I hqve о new 9оmе console - love [t! Соп gor-r give this to 9o[rr dod, please? I'm sure [t's А: Соп gоu help mе? Whose moblle рhопе i,s this? в: It's Dod's. А: Whose heodphones оrе these? Аrе theg Morlo's? в: No, they оrеп't hers. Тhеg'rе mine. А: ОК. And whose соmеrо is this? Is i.t gоurs, too? в: No, it's not m[пе. It's gоurs! А: Oh, ges! Whose Loptop is this? Is it gоurs? в: Yes - m[пе cnd Mcric's. It's оurs! We usе miпе, уоцrs, his, hers, оцrs ond thejrs to tolk оЬоut possession. They usuсllg соmе ot the end oJ the sentence. Whose mobi[e phone is this? It's miпе / gочrs / his / hers. Whose heodphones ore these? Тhеg'rе оцrs / theirs. Complete the sentences with the words iп the Ьох. ппi,пе Uоurs his hers оurs theirs Whose mobile phone is this? ltЪ miпе / yours. now. [sn't it? ond we it's с ь с d е I Theg hove some heodphones - 9оu con цsе
;ý Complete the questions. Looh ond complete the cnswers. с Whose mоЬ[[е phone is thi,s? It's гпiпе Ь Whose heodphones They're [optop this? 90mе console DVDs ]i ё Arh о portner. Follow cnd cnswer. Whose Laptop is th[s? It's hers. these? ,ffi \,-J,/ #а r /"А lI] l,/ f (f\ ,Жь:' ЕыJ _ ))ý v ffiffi жffi s@ffi ,{жffiм fu ЧL9 =@г А ? ? WЖ ж=- &*Фг *яff
Grommor stoЁ Listen, scg ond point. о skgscroper solor роwеr Recd спd listen. Who do gоч c9ree with? *lт;жý *r тжý FLJTURý I thtnh mоrе реор[е will scooters. There won't Ье [оrr[еs i.n cit[es iп 20З0. Неrе ore Uоur [ihe in 20з0. ride bikes ond qn9 соrS оr I thinh Spoces. plonts. Тhеrе wi[[ Ье о [ot mоrе shgsсrореrs iп 20З0. Some oJ them wi[[ Ье hundreds oJ Jloors high. We'[[ [[ve, worh ond shop in the some Ьuildiпg. We won't hove to trovel to wоrh. о Scooter w[nd power ldeos оЬоut whot оur cltles wL[[ Ье there wi[[ Ье mоrе роrks ond grееп тhеrе wi[[ Ье mоrе trees ond We wil.[ wolh еvеrgwhеrе. l think mоrе people will ride bikes. There wоп't Ье ony cors in cities. e[ectr[ci,ty 9reen sPoce
,*--,j.ýrФЖЖ!@{.еьý _ 4::::_',1 ,' '., .@"" _п_ .=_9:gл!Ф. ""r*&-!i]ýes-" .-*щ%:жý]ilё}:Ф-' . Recd cnd complete. Реор[е ,,] rlde bihes. We_ wo[h еvеrцwhеrе. We usе will l wоп't + the inflnitive to mаhе predictions оЬоut the Juture. Note thot will l wоп't is the same Jor с[[ persons. ГчJеgсtiче Тhеrе won't Ье опg cors. We_ drive соrs. +will he'll =he+ |'ll=l we'll = Looh cnd write Т (trце) оr F фl,sе). will с ь с d е I 9 We wt[[ butl.d houses Jrоm brlchs. Houses w[[[ usе so[or ond wind роwеr, Houses won't hove mопU windows. Theg won't hove опU gross оr plonts. Соrs wi[[ ruп оп e[ectricitg. Eoch hоusе wi[[ collect lts own woter. Реор[е wi.[l" ореп the door wlth о key. they'll = won't = will + поt
Grоmmоr stort Llsten, scg cnd point. о shgscroper sotor роwеr Recd ond listen. Who do gоч c9ree with? lthink mоrе people will ride bikes, There won't Ье опу cors iп cities. *,а.YYr& :&r ý*; 1r lilib\ {ib l i;b 1t][l *}_ "ýl iii :.-:__;. _,; Lllll|1-ll гU lUKE I thinh mоrе реор[е wi[[ scooters. Тhеrе won't Ье lоrri'еs [n cltles in 2030. Неrе are Uоцr lihe lп 20З0. ride bikes ond оп9 соrS оr I think spoces. plonts. Тhеrе wi[[ Ье о lot mоrе shgscropers tп 20З0. Some oJ them w[[[ Ье hundreds oJJ|,oors hi9h. We't[ [ive, worh ond shop i.n the some Ьuildiпg. We won't hove to trove[ to worh. о, Scooter wind power ideos оЬоut whot оur citles wi.[[ Ье there wi[[ Ье mоrе porks ond grееп There wi[[ Ье mоrе trees ond We wi[[ wolh evergwhere. т eIectrlcitg 9rееп SPoce |jý ili] il fi :"i_i,'|. ',.-1;, ,' ;.. -.
We usе will l wоп't + the inflnitive to mоhе predictions аЬоцt the Juturе. Note thot rлrjl l l wоп't is the sоmе Jor al"l" persons. ,,.&;-ý'i"r*ъ*tiт* Реор[е Tgill. rlde blhes. We_ wolk evergwhere. -1;п- =l- we'll - Recd ond complete. N "9 ctlve There won't Ье опg соrs. We_ drlve ссrs. *:, йl[, l Бria '= he ,__, + _; Will ] +.._ they'll = Won't l = will :_- + ]_l not ],. ,Ё= q1 ., Looh cnd write Т (trце) or F ffalse). с ь с d е I 9 We w[[[ bultd houses Jrоm brlcks. Houses wi[[ usе so[or ond wlnd роwеr. Hoшses won't hove mопU wlndows. Тhеg won't hove опU gross оr p[ants. Cars wi[[ ruп on electrlcitg. Each house will co[[ect lts own water. Реор[е wi[[ open the door with о hеg.
.;ýt:.;l1,,,. Grommor proctice Write the words [п order. Tick (r') йе sentences 9оц cgree with. Complete the text with will or wоп't cnd the correct form of the verbs. Еa ]l, lEL- э.а- l -. &,iЁ ,F FUтURЕ ýCHlrgLý Sсhoo[s(o)и;iiiсhзngе(сhonge)o[oti.ntheJuture.B920З0,theg ý.,LlLL,L,LJ\\r,/щ\LlLlJ'lLЧЕ,,r,tLrJLLILLlLЕ|цL\llЕ.UЧа\,,J\,/rLlLЕЧ' .i(b)-(be)smol.l'buil"dinqsbeсouseсh[tdren(с).j \vblJt.J- - .::(notgo)tosсhoo[evergdog.Theg(d)-(studg)othome.:* .=(notgo)tosсhoo[evergdog.Theg(d)-(studg)othomej usingtheirсomPuters.Teoсhers(e)(notbe)reo[peop[e. A[t boohs (fl _ (Ье) diqitol. There (q) _ (not i JJ] be)onчprintedboohs.Chl[dren(h)-(notuse)pens,penсi.[s; -Jl -l- orpoper.Theц(D-(use)tob[ets.Thetab[ets. llJ /.\ fl\ a. lrl .l l .l /l\ .j ::.* (j) _ (Ье) soJt and Jlexib[e so theg (h) _ _j Jtging l Ье l there / cors / wt1.1, Тh*r* wiil }з* f{yirзý r*rs. П need / cors / won't / о drlvеr hove / witl, / wfi / о[[ соrs won't / соrs / to crosh / tt / Ье possible е jets / реор[е / соrr9 / ot least '1 ,000 / wil,t usе i plones / wil,t / solor power g supersonic jets / ot '| ,2З5 hm/h / Jtg / witl, (not Ьrесh).
Look cnd comp[ete the text with will or wоп't cnd the verbs iп the Ьох. dri.ve сtеоп р|,оч rеоd сооh help point operote We оlrеоdу use rоЬоts fоr mony iobs. Ву 2050, I think rоЬоts will do о lot mоrе to hеlр us. l think they (о) tеч (о) " ",,.,",-, оur houses. сhildrеп do thеir hоmеwоrk, but thеу Тhеу (Ь) (.) оur food. Тhеу (d) buses ond toxis. lп hospitols, they (е) (f) will Ье ortists. Тhеу (g) thеу (h) оп people. Тhеу the news оп ry but l don't think rоЬоts musicol instruments ond pictures. the sentences with 9оцr оwп ideos сЬоцt the fчtчrе. Comp[ete с Cities, Ь Schoo[, с Houses, Cities w[[[ Ь9 2050. Тhеg won't Ch[[dren Teochers Houses
WiШ pebple live in flooting cit Yes, they will. / lЧо, they Фоп @ Recd cnd listen. Wоцld уоц lihe to live iп с flocting citg? }.',il:.:;:-: iiii_:]:'.lit:!]i:a в: Yes, tt wi[[. It will Ье с[еап, light ond comJortob[e. Will peopte wоrh there? Wilt it Ье Lп the middle oJ the seo? Yes, they wilt. No, [t won't. Use the prompts to write mоrе questions сЬоцt the flocting citg. Complete the cnswers. с the city / hove / wind роwеr Ьit/Ье/чеrgbt9 Yes, No, No, Yes, ? i.t ? с d peop[e/drive/cors theu anlmols/live/there ? 1 Ф }{#tI: questions ond shоrt oпýwеrg
А: в: Comptete the interview. Listen спd check. fiittllllI there Ь* clties iп the skg iп the Juturе? Yes,there-.Loohotthi.sdesi9n.Therewi[[besh9sсrapers 'l ,000 metres high wlth о cltg оп top. Wow! реор[е there? Yes, . Thlrtg thouscnd реорl'е wi|'[ live ond worh there. theg cors? wo[h еvеrgwhеrе. to schooI there? о pcrtner. No, theg won't. No, Theg'[[ chLLdren Yes, Тhеrе wlLL Ье schools ond unlversltles. реор[е sport? Yes, There wL[[ Ье sports centres ond роrhs. i Use the prompts to write fочr mоrе qшestions сЬоцt the citg iп the shg. о реор[е / have pets? WiX} реорlе hgv* pets? Ь peopLe / usе рuЬ[iс tronsport? с the cltles / Ье crowded? d there l Ье green spaces? е реор[е / Ьu9 Jood there? , ' Ash cnd cnswer with i Wil"l, реор[е hove pets? х r' х r' r' |1]tr..}::.;,'1l
ffi-жwffiжw Ж Loole ot the mind mср cnd complete the ,' H*lps bvith ', schoolvlork ,, iп {lзtu;,*, '. n,lсre imp*ri*rit Ne*d t* Ь* c*reflзl oJ good things, I thinh е V--еп r:п9 !, е Lmp о_ r_t_qц_t. tn the (g) pcrcg rcph. , the Lnternet wL[[ Ье The internet is the most imроЁопt invention К*ер iп t*i;ch with p**pi* Hove fuп - gоmes. пзusiс" ttims iпJоцmqtiоп оп the internet whi.ch he,lps us wi.th 9ur (о) schoo|work . We соп ols_o heep lп. to_цclr_with (Ь) _who_ we. need_to_ _sp_eok to, When we* hove Jree time, we соп plog (с) , llsten to o_r wotch (е) we need to Ье when we usе the internet, but I thlnh there оrе Lots G) Ф Mtnd ]maPs, оrё,usеJlrl,,whёп We or,e,, pLcnПing, what to write. Тhеg help us organlse оur ldeos. ;. Reod the text. Сорg ond complete the miпd mср. ЛоЬi\е рhопеs c\re the most imроГtсrпI rпчепtiоп Ve ссLп _цsе thед_Jr p\q- _ ce s чhеrе rл,.е cctn't цsе С*;:t,:s**v*rlПД'}61g ЕаФ!цIеrs. Trnis is vсГч € crsv fо( реор\е r..zho need to _ contcrct цs. Ve с.lп цsе mobr\e рhопеs to text frrenCs сlпd this is сhесlрег thcrn ccr\\ing ЛоЬi\е phones thcLt have ггrсr-пу fцпсtlопs cLre sometimes expensive to Ь*у, ЬцtIthinКthеуGrеrea\\уцsеfц\.IthrnKinthе fцtцrе еvеГуопе rлzr\\ hcr_ve (L mobr\e рhопе, сцпd there ..-rоп 1 Ье апу phones in hоцsеs. .1 Whct do gоч thinh is the most importcnt iпчепtiоп? Mohe notes оп с mind mор ond write о. рсrо9rсрh. Mobile рhопеs ore the most importont invention ,:;чii',Ёt, ,.л * "'; ffi"*iniW
Listen cnd write. There is опе ехоmр[е. ТоIсу.ý? € g*rее А пеw skуsсrореr On Frоm 8 o'clock ln the to_ o'clock ct 2,000 9еп for odults gеп Jor 1 2 Whot? When, Ореп, з Рrlсе, 4 Вriпg, 5 Record, morntn9 ntght ond chi,[dren who ore under 11. А It is the communicotion tower Ln the wоr[d. It Ls metres htgh. 6 Height, 7 Desi.9n, Uses speclol пеw thot mohes Lt safe. 8 Lights, Рurр[е ond How did gоч do? Circ[e сп athlete. Unit Ч Let's соmmuпi.соtе! Unit ] 0 Clties oJ the Juturе
РmsЁ sЁв=еgлfl* Stcrter цпit & Unit 1 I pLoged ',ý' :, : :'+,;;: :j, itu:,i [t oloued lJ we рlаgеd N eg atlve I didn't ptcg it didn't ptcg he she gоu ploged didn't plag gоu didn't pl,cg thеg plaged gоu didn't рlс9 we didn't р[с9 didn't ptcg theg didn't рtqg Ье -- wos/were begin ,* Ьеgап get --+ got 9о - Went see + sow tohe + took уоu plaged he ptoged she plaged -Ф lihe -- lthed do --+ did have -* hod сор9 --+ copied J|"U * Jl,ew mohe -* made Did уоu рlс9...? Did he plcg...? Did she ptcg...? Did it рlс9...? Did we p[cg...? Did gоu ptcg...? Did theg pl,cg...? Did I ptcg...? Where Whot When &Эя*g",;r.:lг Short cnswers ( :_/щ) gоu didn't. I didn't. he didn't. she didn't. i.t didn't. gоu didn't. we didn't. theg didn't. Yes, 9оu did. Yes, I did. Yes, he did. Yes, she did. Yes, [t did. Yes, 9оu did. Yes, we did. Yes, theg did. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Answer I went to the сlrсus. She l,ihed the clowns. Тhеg orrived ot mldnight. did 9оu did she did theg 9о? tihe? crrive?
Adverbs of m{Irrmеr Unit 1 The ocrobots реrJоrmеd cmczing19. (omozing --+ omozlngtg) The clowns juggled bcdtg. (bod -* bod[g) Theg didn't реrJоrm hcppil"g. (hoppg --+ happitg, 9 + ily) Obligmtionв рr € ýепft Unit 2 t,ffirrъъ*Ёi.т* we usе must or have to. I mцst travel. Не mцst trcvel. Тhеg mцst travet. I hcve to trovet. yоц hcve to trovet. Не hos to trcvel. She hcs to trovel. уоос _ we[l 1- Не sings we[[. N eg ative We usе mцstп't to tolh cbor-rt ru[еs. I mцstп't trovel. Не mцstп't trovel. Тhеg mцstп't trovel. We rrse don't hove to when something I d,on't hcve to woit. Yоu don't hove to woit. Не doesn't hсче to woit. she doesn't hcve to walt. Must Ls the some Jor olt p € rsons: It hcs to trcvel. We hсче to trovel. Yоu have to trсvе[. Theg hсче to travel. Мustп't is the some Jor ol,L р € rsопs: is not песеssоrg cnd we hove о cholce, It doesn't hcve to woit. Yor-r don't hcve to woit. Тhеg don't hcve to wolt.
Gompcrotives ond superlctivesl lопg adjectives unit З Comporotlves: Dolphlns оrе mоrе intel[igent thcn shorhs Shorks оrе mоrе dопgеrоцs thon dolphins, Superlotlves: The stoneJish i"s the most poisonous Jish iп the осеоп, ThemondorinJishtsthemostco[ourfutJish. shошtd / shoutdn't Unit 4 We usе shouldto 9lve odvlce. Shоцld is the Some Jоr ott p € rSonS: &ýiгнта*ёLъяg ,,|.:., ,:,, . I"?otive .: ,|,,.,. yоu shоцld ccrrч о mор. .::- ,,}"":1',: 1l"r,l||_еr, ,' .]:,', не shоцtd tcke о Wоrm jacket. She shoцldn,t 9:о alonQ, : Ноw сЬочt * -iп9? Uni,t 4 То mсhе suggestions, We usе How аЬоut + ,iпg?, How сЬоцt рtоgiпg badminton? How сЬоцt 9оiп9 с9сlliп9? Obligction: poýt Unit 5 We use hadto to tolk оЬоut post obtigotlons. Had to [s the some Jor otl, Р € rSОПS: ffiLыкжъ**Lw* Negative I hcd to get uр еоrlg I didn't hlva,to wоrh , , HehcdtogetupeorlgHe.,.didn't.havё.towork:;|;,|, Theghcd,togetupecrlg.Thegdidn'thcvetowork.
r;i:=;,.',1l .:" ,." _:] ,:т ,,__ Unit 5 We usе соцld to tolh about post obillties ond possibillties. Соцld i.s the some Jor ot[ persons: j,,jj'.:,..;ll i..:i.,: .l. Nuýаtlvе I соц[d р[оg outside. I соц[dп't р[оg outside. Не соцld ptog outside. Не соц[dп't рLоg outside. They corrld р[с9 outslde. Тhеg соц[dп't рl,с9 outslde. N uý ative I wcs wothing it wш wolhing I wmn't walhing it wcsn't walhing : .:,,-, Unit6 Uоu were wа[kiпg we were wothing Uоu weren't wоlhiпg we wеrеп t wathing he wш walhi,ng чоu were wothi.ng he wшп't walhing Uоu weren't wаlhiпg she wш wolhing theg were wolklng she wcsn't wolhing theg weren't walking .,'. . .-,.:...",, Short cnswers (=,.,:Э / -) Wos I wol,hing? Yes, 9оu were. No, gоu weren't. Were gоu wоI'kiпg? Yes, I wcs. No, I wcsn't. Wcs he wal,hing? Yes, he wos. No, he wcsn't. Wcs she wolking? Yes, she wcs. No, she wcsn't. Wos it wo[hing? Yes, lt wcs. No, it wcsn't. Were we wa[hing? Yes, уоu were. No, gоu weren't. Wеrе gоu wolking? Yes, we were. No, we weren't. Were they wotking? Yes, theg were. No, theg weren't. j,
Verb + infinitive / gerund unit 7 verb + infinitive with to verb * 9еrчпd, (-iпg form) I ,l,:i,;,1,1 ;;.,",,i,.|;. to Ьесоmе о JireJighter. She goes сgсliпg еvеrg dcg. I l,rr,,,,,,,,,,:,. to drive oJire engine. I ,l,:,|l;l:l],ll. to he[P реор[е. Yоu .:,,.'::.:;,;,.il, to heep со[m. Не doesn't rnind swimmiпg. We love wolhing i.n the mоuпtоlпs. Theg enjog gоiпg to the beoch. Infinitive of рцrроsе соrrlеs с torch to see i.n the dcrh. uses о hose to put woter оп the Ji,re. zero conditioncl unit 8 ЕЁJ Whеп Woter evcporctes Ice melts Не Не gоu boil woter, gоu freeze woter, i{ when [t tцrпs lnto steom. [t expcnds. gоu lecve [t in the suп. gоu tche lt оut oJ the Jreezer, Defining relctive сlсцsеs Unit Ч Alexander Grоhоm Ве[[ wos the mоп who lnvented the telephone. Tetstcr wos the sote[lite which started globol" phone соmmuп[соt[оп. The USA wos the соuпtrg where mоп9 lnventions deve[oped. Yоц соп usе that insteod oJ who or which, Ьцt not lnsteod oJ where.
I Whose...? ond poýýessive Whose МРЗ рlоgеr is it? Whose DVDs cre theg? РrОПОUПý Unit Ч It's miпе. It's gочrs. It's his. It's hers. Тhеg'rе оцrs. Тhеg'rе уоцrs. Тhеg'rе theirs. Negctive о c[tg. He/She/It won't live [п а ci,tg. We won't [ive in о cit$:..l ,l:,..l''.,.r.',...',.. Theg won't [ive iп а clty. Short G г у' wiil / wоп't: fшtчrе predictions Unit 10 &ýSх"аъъ*ЁLче I'[[ live i.n о ci,tg. Yоц'll live iп а city. He'ttlShe'[lllt'[1 [ive in We'[[ [ive i,п а citg. Тhеg'[[ live [п о citg. Q цеstiоп Witt I l,ive iп а citg? Witt gоu llve Ln а citg? Witl he [ive in о cltg? .п а citg? Wilt she live i Witt it liче lп о с[tg? Wi[l, we [iче iп а cltg? Witt theg [ive i,n о citg? Yesn Yes, Yes, Yes, Yёs, Yes, YeS,' gotr wit[, I wi[[, , .l he wi[t. she,wttt. ttwi[[., gоu wi[[., theg фllt.