                    CODE PISREVWEBA
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•38-INCH, MARK 4.
APRIL 1947.
E.B. 962
By Command of the Army Council

— i - наглев This list has the principal parts of the equipment arranged alphabetically, the components of these parta being shewn indented under their appropriate heading. laoh item ia identified by a designation (i.e. the noun and any other words on the same line) and a catalogue number. ЛИ itema indented under an assembly or sub-assembly designation, are to be regarded aa integral parta of the aaaembly etc. Bvery item and aaaembly is shown in the text, and each is given a plate reference number. The numbers which do not appear on the plates are indicated thus /. The equipment is divided into a number of groups each capable of being dealt with on one page of the text. To each of theae groups an identification letter ia allotted. The key plate facing page IV displays theae letters with arrows indicating the various groups. The Section Letter and number indicated against Catalogue numbers denotes the iaauing section e.g. - Bl/BB 7OJJ e V.A.O.S. Section Bl Catalogue number BB 7033* Itema provided for normal maintenance and held in Ordnance atorea for «issue, are indicated thus % . Mote, - ЛИ dimensions are in inches except where otherwise stated. INSTRUCTIONS Ш SUBMITTING DOENCS AND DEMANDS 1. Identify part required by its designation in column 2, and note its catalogue number in column 3. 2. Quote the vocabulary section at the head of indent or demand aheet, then show the catalogue number, the designation or part thereof as shown in capitals and quantity of the item required. The nature and mark of the Pistol, Revolver wiH be shown aa remarks. 3* When indenting or demanding by telegram or telephone, the code shown in the top right hand corner of the cover, the catalogue number, the noun only, and the quantity of the item required, wiH be quoted. E.B. 962
— ii— The following abbreviations are used A.C.I. - Amy Council Instruction Amendt. - Amendment Cat. - Cataloerue Contd. - Continued In. - Inch Mk. - Mark Mo. - Nuaber Patt. • Pattern Ref. - Reference Sect. - Section W.E. - Webbing Equipment It is essential that the list should be kept carefully amended and the particulars recorded below. AJEND'T SERIAL NO. A.C.I. BY WHOM amended DATE OP INSERTION AIEND'T SERIAL NO. A.C.I. BY WHOM amended date cf INSERTION Any correspondence with reference to this list should be addressed to Chief Inspector of Armaments. Ев. 962
-III- CONTBNTS be&Jis Accessories - equipment, weDoing .......................................................... 4 Lanyara, pistol ....................................................... ... 4 Rod, cleaning ...................................................... 4 Tools, armourer's ... .............. ••• ........ ••• ... ........... ... 4 Index to catalogue numbers ........................................................... & Pistol, revolver, Webley, • 38-in., Mk. 4 - Barrel ••• ••• ••• •• • • • • •• Body ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• •• Cylinder ............................ Hammer .............................. Levers ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • •• Springs ........; ................ Stock ••• ••• •••• ••• ••• •• Stop, cylinder ...................... Trigger ............................. н H H oi N rt to to JO £B. 962
— IV — INDEX TO KEY PLATE Plate Pistol, revolver, webley, .>d-in., Mk.4 - A Barrel A Body A Catoh, barrel A Cylinder В Hammer В Levers C Stock C Trigger Facing Page 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 EB. ‘>62
Key Plate. ЕВ 962
1 PLATE REF.№ ▲ 1 2 5 4 5 • 7 8 9 10 11 12Г 13 14 15 16 17 DESIGNATION PISTOL, REVOLVER, WEBLEY, .38-IN., MK<4 / ... BARREL ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• , ojrUnder ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• BARREL ... ••• ••• ••• ... ••• ••• BODY ••• ••• ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• GAM, cylinder ... ••• ••• • • • ••• CATCH, Bexrel ... ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• CUP, count er smile ••• ••• • • • ... • • • ••• CYLINDER f ••• t • • • • • • • • ••• ••• CYLINDER ••• ... ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • Extractor ... ••• ... • • • ... ••• ••• nut ••• ••• ••• ••. ••• NUT, ex tr&c^os* ... ... • • • ••• ••• ••• PIN, extractor f ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• PIN, fixing, nut f ••• ••• ••• ••• SPRING, extractor ••• ... ••• ••• GUARD, trigger ... ••• ••• ••• ••• •••
V.A.O.S SECT. 4 PARTORCAT.N6 № OFF DR AW INC NO 05(E) » • • • Bl/Ж 5ОА 1 1861/1/74 WEBUEX & gnOTTUD • • • • • В1/ЙВ 7054 1 л л л а л Bl/BB 7093 1 Ж IV 380/2B • • • • • Bl/BA 10124 1 MK IV 38G/2 а л а а а Bl/BB тозз 1 IK IV 380 Д я Bl/BB 7048 1 Ж IV 380/16 % Bl/feB 7035 1 Ж IV 38G/3 • • • • • Bl/BA 10125 1 Ж IV 38G/41 • • • • • Bl/BB 7047 1 • • • • • Bl/BA 10126 1 Ж IV 38G/15B • • ♦ • • Bl/BA 10127 1 Ж IV 38G/L5D • • • • • Bl/BA 10128 1 Ж IV 380/150 Bl/BB 7072 1 Ж IV 38G/32 % В1/ЙВ 7092 1 Ж IV 38О/15В Bl/BA 10129 1 Ж IV 38G/15P ... % Bl/BB 7074 1 Ж IV 380/54 • • • • • Bl/BB 7056 1 Ж IV 38G/24
Plate A E В 962
2 PLATE REF.NQ DESIGNATION В 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PISTOL,REVOLVER,WEBLET, .38-IN., MK.4 (oontd.) - HAMMER ... ••• ... ... ... ••• •• CATCH ••• ••• ... ... ... ... ... •• HAMMER ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• •• PIN, striker.• • ... ... ... ... • • • ... SCREW, catch.•• ... ••• ••• ... ••• •• SCREW, swivel ... ... ... ••• ... •• SPRITCr, oatoh ••• ••• ... • • • • ... •• STRIKER ••• ••• ... ••• ••• ••• •• SWx VEL ... ... ••• ••• ... ... •• LEvER, cam ... ... ... ... ... ... •• LEVER, extractor ... ... ••• ... ... •• LEVER, main spring ... ... ... ... ... •• NUT, stock soraw ••• ... ... ••• ••• •• PAWL ... • • • ... ... ••• ••• ••• •• PIN, positioning, stock ... ... ••• ••• •• FIN, joint ••• ••• ... ... ••• ••• •• PIN, axis, cylinder stop....................... PIN, swivel, butt •••• ••• ... ... ••• •• ROLLER, -extractor lever ••• ••• ••• ••• •• 3CR19V, cylinder cam ••• ... ••• ••• •• SCREW, bans 1 catch ... ••• • • • • • • • • SCREW, fixing, cam lever....................... SCREW, trigger guard .......................... SCREW, hammer ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• •• E.B.962
V.A.O.S SECT, a part OR cat.no N9 OFF DRAWINC NO Bl/BB 7038 Bl/BB 7039 1 1 WEBLEY & SCOTT LTD. MK. IV 38G/7 • Bl/BA 10130 1 MK.IV >8G/6 Bl/BB 7045 1 MK.IV 38G/13 Bl/BB 7043 1 MK.IV J8C/11 Bl/BB 7044 1 MK. IV 38G/12 Bl/BB 7046 1 MK.IV 38G/14 Bl/BB 7041 1 MK.IV J8G/9 Bl/BB 7040 1 MK.IV 380/8 Bl/BB 7078 1 MK.IV 38G/38 Bl/BB 7071 1 MK.IV 380/31 Bl/BB 7059 X MK.IV 38G/27 Bl/BA 10131 1 MK.IV 38G/49 Bl/BB 7060 1 MK.IV 38G/28 Bl/BB 7090 1 MK.IV 38G/48 Bl/BB 7087 1 MK.IV 380/45 Bl/BB 7052 1 MK.IV 38G/20 Bl/BB 7090 1 MK.IV >80/48 Bl/BB 7073 1 MK. IV 38G/33 Bl/BB 7054 2 MK.IV 380/22 Bl/BB 7036 1 MK.IV 38G/4 Bl/BB 7084 1 MK.IV 38G/40 Bl/BB 7058 2 MK.IV >8g/26 Bl/BB 7042 1 MK.IV 38G/IO
3 PLATE REF.№ DESIGNATION V.A.O.S SECT.A PARTORCAT.Nfi N9 OFF DRAWINC № c PISTOL, KEVOLVSB, WffiLSY .38-IN., MK.4 (contfl.) - 4EBLEY it • SCOTT LB). 1 SCREW, саш lover ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• /© Bl/feB 7079 1 L3c.IV 38G/39 2 SCREWjoint pin ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/BB 7088 1 Mk.IV 38G/46 3 SCREW। 8lixoId £ • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • Bl/PB 0458 1 Mk.IV 38G/30 4 SCREW, stock. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• /(• Bl/BB 7089 1 Mk.IV 38G/47 5 SCREW••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• °jo Bl/BB 7057 1 Mk.IV 38G/25 6 SHIELD ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/BB 7061 1 kk.IV 38G/29 7 SPRING, barrel catch ••• ••• • • • ••• • • • y<p Bl/BB 7037 1 Mk.IV 38G/5 8 SPRING, extractor lever $ Bl/fcB 7075 1 Mk.IV 38G/35 9 SPRUNGmain ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/BB 7085 1 Mk.IV 38G/43 10 SPRING, cylinder stop Bl/BA 10132 1 Mk.IV 38G/195 11 STOCK, left side (a) ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/BA 10133 1 Mk.IV 38G/51 12 STOCK, right side (^a) • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/BA 10134 1 Mk.IV 38G/51 13 STOP, CILINDEB / Bl/fcA 10135 1 Mk.IV 38G/17 14 PIN, plunger ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/bB 7053 1 Mk.IV 38G/21 15 PLUNGER ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ... ... ••• Bl/BB 7050 1 Mk.IV 38G/18 16 SIRING, plunger ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/bB 7051 1 Mk.IV 38G/19 17 STOP ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/BB 7049 1 Mk.IV 38G/17A 18 SWlVEij, butt ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Bl/BB 7086 i Mk.IV 38G/44 19 TRIGGER Bl/BB 7055 L Mk.IV 38G/23 (a) Hela ana issued in pairs under Cat.No. Bl/BB 7091 LB.962
Plate С DETAILS. L h 962
4 PLATE REF.№ DESIGNATION V.A.O.S SECT. 4 PART ORC AT. № N9 OFF DRAWING NO D ACCESSORIES 1 EQUIB.1ENT, WEBBING - / 2 ATTACHMENT, BRACE, W.E. BATT *44 Al/AA 2000 2 3 BELT, WAIST, W.E. BATT '44 LARGE Al/AA 2001 1 4 BEIT, WAIST,. W.E. BATT '44 NORMAL Al/AA 2002 1 5 BRACE, W.E. BATT *44 Al/AA 2003 1 6 BRACE, W.E. CAVAW^ BATT '40 Al/AA 5295 2 7 CARRIER, CARTRIDGE, W.E.CAVALRI BATT ’40,45 ROUIffiS RIGHT Al/AA 5297 1 8 CASE, PISTOL, W.E. BATT '44 Al/AA 2005 1 9 CASE, PISTOL, W.E. CAVALRI BATT '40 Al/AA 5304 1 10 FITTING, BRASS, W.E. CAVALRI BATT '40 Al/AA 5299 1 11 POUCH, AMMUNITION, PISTOL, W.E. BATT '44 Al/AA 2010 1 12 STRAP, BACK ADJUST1.IE1 FT, W.E. CAVALRI BATT '40 Al/AA 5302 1 13 FLANNELETTE, 4-INS. WUE / B2/BC 3491 1 14 LANIARD, PISTOL / > Bl/AA 1160 1 15 ROD, CLEANING, PISTOL, NO. 2, UK.l . ‘,i Bl/BB 3911 1 S.A.I.D.833C 16 TOOLS, ARMCURKRb - Z 17 BRACE, ARMOURER'S, MK.3 / •E2/BC 3052 1 18 BIT, cleaning, No.2 / E2/BC 3056 1 19 WIRE, ARMOURER'S, BRASS, 3-DI. LENGTHS / E2/BC 4127 1 e.E.%2 -
CATALOGUE NUMBER page CATALOGUE NUMBER AA 1l60 4 BB 7036 AA 2000 4 BB 7037 AA 2001 4 BB 7038 AA 2002 4 BB 7039 . AA 2003 4 BB 7040 AA 2005 4 BB 7041 AA 2010 4 BB 7042 AA 5295 4 BB 7043 AAJ297 4 BB 7044 AA 5299 4 BB 7045 AA 5302 4 BB 7046 AA 5304 4 BB 7047 BB 7048 BB 7049 BB 7050 BA 10124 1 BB 7051 BA 10125 1 BB 7052 BA 10126 1 BB 7053 BA 10127 1 BB 7054 BA 10126 1 BB 7055 BA 10129 1 BB 7056 BA 10130 2 BB 7057 BA 10131 2 BB 7058 BA 10132 3 BB 7059 BA 10133 3 BB 7060 BA 10134 3 BB 7061 BA 10135 3 BB 7071 BB 7072 BB 7073 BB 0458 3 BB 7074 bb 3911 4 BB 7075 BB 7033 1 BB 7078 BB 7034 1 BB 7079 bb 7035 1 BB 7084
2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 PACE CATALOGUE NUMBER PACE BB 7085 3 bb 7086 3 BB 7067 2 BB 7068 3 bb 7069 3 bb 7090 2 bb 7092 1 BB 7093 1 вс 3052 4 BC 3056 4 BC 3*91 4 BC 4t27 4 PART RIMER - CB 3 CA 1