Title page
Short title
Other books by Prof. Landau
Translator's Preface
§ 2. The Decimal System
§ 3. Finite and Infinite Sets of Numbers
Chapter 2 Logarithms, Powers, and Roots
Chapter 3 Functions and Continuity
Chapter 4 Limits as $x=\xi$
Chapter 5 Definition of the Derivative
Chapter 6 General Theorems on the Formation of the Derivative
Chapter 7 Increase, Decrease, Maximum, Minimum
Chapter 8 General Properties of Continuous Functions on Closed Intervals
Chapter 9 Rolle's Theorem and the Theorem of the Mean
Chapter 10 Derivatives of Higher Order; Taylor's Theorem
Chapter 11 \
Chapter 12 Infinite Series
Chapter 13 Uniform Convergence
Chapter 14 Power Series
Chapter 15 Exponential Series and Binomial Series
Chapter 16 The Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 17 Functions of Two Variables and Partial Derivatives
Chapter 18 Inverse Functions and Implicit Functions
Chapter 19 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 20 Some Necessary Algebraic Theorems
§ 2. Decomposition of Rational Functions into Partial Fractions
Chapter 22 Basic Formulas of the Integral Calculus
Chapter 23 The Integration of Rational Functions
Chapter 24 The Integration of Certain Non-rational Functions
Chapter 25 Concept of the Definite Integral
Chapter 26 Theorems on the Definite Integral
Chapter 27 The Integration of Infinite Series
Chapter 28 The Improper Integral
Chapter 29 The Integral with Infinite Limits
Chapter 30 The Gamma Function
Chapter 31 Fourier Series

Author: Landau E.  

Tags: mathematics  

Year: 1951

                    DIFFERENTIAL AND

OTHER BOOKS BY PROFESSOR LANDAU: Handbuch der Lehre von der Verteilung der Primzahlen, 2 Vols. Einfiihrung in die Elementare und Ana- lytische Theorie der Algebraische Zahlen und der Ideale Darstellung und Begrundung Einiger Neuerer Ergebnisse der Funktionen- theorie Vorlesungen iiber Zahlentheorie, 3 Vols. Elementare Zahlentheorie {Vol. 1, Fart 1 of Zahlentheorie) Foundations of Analysis (English translation)
Copyright 1950, Chelsea Publishing Company Printed in the United States of America
TRANSLATORS' PREFACE We wish to thank Mr. F. Steinhardt for his generous help in the preparation of this translation of Edmund Landau's Einfiihrung in die Differentialrechnung und Integralrechnung. MELVIN HAUSNER MARTIN DAVIS
1 PREFACE TO THE FIRST (GERMAN) EDITION Over a period of 32 years I have lectured on analysis, among other subjects, at various universities; in 1930 I published a book Grundlagcn der Analysis [English translation, Foundations of Analysis, Chelsea Publishing Company, New York] which received tolerant and even some friendly reviews, and in which I gave a complete development—along classical lines—of the arithmetical laws for whole, rational, irrational, and complex numbers (i.e. of the foundation on which the differential and integral calculus must build and which is "familiar" to the student from his high school days) ; and now I take the next step. Having taught for such a length of time, I now feel ready at last to publish my lectures on the differential and integral calculus. There are a great many books on this subject. A reader whose main interest lies in the applications of the calculus and who can do without a complete presentation of the concepts and theorems of the subject, should not make this book his choice. The reader wrho wishes to practice on a great number of examples should supplement this book with a collection of problems, although I do, as a rule, give an example for every suitable theorem unless the theorem occurs again in a specialized form among subsequent applications. I have not included any geometric applications in this text. The reason therefor is not that I am not a geometer ; I am familiar, to be sure, with the geometry involved. But the exposition of the axioms and of the elements of geometry— I know them well and like to give courses on them—requires a separate volume which would have to precede the present one. In my lecture courses on the calculus, the geometric applications do, of course, make up a considerable portion of the material that is covered. But I do not wish to wait any longer to make generally available an account, rigorous and complete in every particular, of that which I have considered in my courses to be the mo^t suitable method of treating the differential and integral calculus. I need hardly mention that not a single one of all the theorems in this book- is new, and that at most one half of one theorem is due to myself. My task, not an easy one, was merely that of selecting among the many known facts those which I prefer to communicate to the student at the beginning of his studies, of arranging the selected facts in a suitable sequence, and above all, of bringing out into the open the definitions and theorems which are often implicitlv assumed and which serve as the mortar when the whole structure is being built up with all the right floors in the right places.
2 Some mathematicians may think it unorthodox to give as the second theorem after the definition of the derivative, Weierstrass' theorem on the existence of functions which are continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere. To them I would say that while there are very good mathematicians who have never learned any proof of that theorem, it can do the beginner no harm to learn the simplest proof to date right from his textbook, and it may serve as a useful illustration which will enhance his understanding of the concept of derivative. I do not follow any particular one of my courses on the calculus; I have, rather, taken apart the contents of the most recent of them and put them together again differently. I hope that, in the result, I have cut a suitable path for the beginner in traversing which he can learn, of the elements of the differential and integral calculus (including infinite series), everything he will need in the course of his further contacts with mathematics or with physics, and in his subsequent studies of the best literature on the more advanced parts of the integral calculus, on the applications of the differential and integral calculus, and on the rest of the field of analysis. Groningen, February 9, 1934. EDMUND LANDAU
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 1 Introduction 7 § 1. Residue Classes 13 § 2. The Decimal System 15 § 3. Finite and Infinite Sets of Numbers 18 PART ONE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS Chapter 1 Limits as n = co 23 Chapter 2 Logarithms, Powers, and Roots 39 Chapter 3 Functions and Continuity 49 Chapter 4 Limits as x = I 61 Chapter 5 Definition of the Derivative 69 Chapter 6 General Theorems on the Formation of the Derivative 79 Chapter 7 Increase, Decrease, Maximum, Minimum 87 Chapter 8 General Properties of Continuous Functions on Closed Intervals 92 Chapter 9 Rolle's Theorem and the Theorem of the Mean 108
4 Chapter 10 Derivatives of Higher Order ; Taylor's Theorem 115 Chapter 11 /0" and Similar Matters 128 Chapter 12 Infinite Series 146 Chapter 13 Uniform Convergence 168 Chapter 14 Power Series 179 Chapter 15 Exponential Series and Binomial Series 189 Chapter 16 The Trigonometric Functions 191 Chapter 17 Functions of Two Variables and Partial Derivatives 208 Chapter 18 Inverse Functions and Implicit Functions 223 Chapter 19 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions 229 Chapter 20 Some Necessary Algebraic Theorems 233 § 1. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 233 § 2. Decomposition of Rational Functions into Partial Fractions 243 PART TWO INTEGRAL CALCULUS Chapter 21 Definition of the Integral 253 Chapter 22 Basic Formulas of the Integral Calculus 259 Chapter 23 The Integration of Rational Functions 264
5 Chapter 24 The Integration of Certain Non-rational Functions 270 Chapter 25 Concept of the Definite Integral 280 Chapter 26 Theorems on the Definite Integral 289 Chapter 27 The Integration of Infinite Series 314 Chapter 28 The Improper Integral . 319 Chapter 29 The Integral with Infinite Limits 334 Chapter 30 The Gamma Function 348 Chapter 31 Fourier Series 357
7 INTRODUCTION This book presupposes a familiarity only with the basic rules of arithmetic; in fact, except in Chap. 20, § 1 (which will be used only in Chap. 20, § 2, Chap. 23 and Chap. 24), only with the arithmetic of real numbers. Thus, we shall use without further justification such theorems as a(b + c) = ab + ac. [ab)c = a(cb). ab = 0 a-0 or 6 = 0. a > b, b ^ c a > c. 1) 2) 3) then 4) If If then 5) 2u %v ^2 V„ I. (We use the familiar notation | x |, where ;r is real, to stand for the number x if x _" 0 and for the number - jr if ;r < 0.) 6) n #« = n i %v 7) In every set (scilicet non-empty; the expression set of numbers is always so intended) of positive integers, there exists a least. This theorem is important for the reason that, in order to prove any assertion formulated for all integers n _" 1, it allows one to state: It suffices to prove the assertion for n = 1 and to show that if it holds for n then it holds for n + 1 ("proceeding from n to n + 1"). In fact, the assertion then holds generally; for otherwise, consider the least number m of the (non-empty) set which consists of those n for which the assertion does not hold. Then m is neither 1 (for the assertion holds for 1), nor > 1 (since, holding for m - 1, it would have to hold for m). Contradiction.
8 In exactly the same way, Theorem 7) yields the following; Let k > 1 be an integer; an assertion formulated for the integers n which satisfy 1 f== n f§ k is true if it is true for n = 1, and if for each n such that 1 fg n < k its truth for n + 1 follows from its truth for n. Indeed, assume to the contrary that m is the smallest n satisfying 1 5= n ^ k for which the assertion does not hold; then m is neither 1 (since the assertion holds for 1) nor > 1 (since, holding for m -1, the assertion would have to hold for m). Contradiction. We now give five examples employing these applications of Theorem 7), all of which will be used later. In all of these examples n §: 1 is an integer, v is an integer, and / is an integer. i) if xv < Vv f°r * = v ^ n then n n S xv < S yv. . For, this is clear for n = 1; forn = 2 it is an elementary result (see F.o.A.). On the basis of these special cases the theorem for n + 1 follows from the theorem for n since >i+l n n n+1 2 xv = S #v + *n+1 < 2 y„ + y7?+1 - 2 )v II) Under the hypothesis of I) it follows, if in addition the xv ^ 0, that n n n xv < n yv. v=i v=l For, this is clear forn = 1; forn = 2 it is an elementary result (see F.o.A.). n + 1 follows from n (the meaning of this abbreviated terminology, of which we will make frequent use, is clear) since n+1 n n n\-l n xv = n xv xn+1 < n yv. yn+1 = n yv. v==l v = l v^l v=l III) In particular, if 0 <, x < y then For, in II) let all the xv = x and all the yv = y. It should be added that in the hypothesis, statement, and proof of I), II), and III), < may be replaced by fg . The converse of III) follows directly: If x =g 0, y ^ 0, and xn < yn, then x < y.
9 IV) If #vis defined for/ fg v ^ / + n — 1, then there exists an integer // such that I ti ft "^ I + n — 1, xv ^ x for I <^ v ^ I -{- n — 1. %,, is the so-called largest of the numbers x' notation: Max Xy orj eg, ^ l<Lv<l+n-l Max(a, fr, c) if I = 1, w = 3, % = a, #2 — b, *3 = c- Max is to be read maxitnum. For, n== 1 is clear; n = 2 is an elementary result (see F.o.A.). To proceed from n to n + 1, choose an integer ? such that J ^ g ^ / + n — 1, zv g; *e for / <^ v ^ / + n — 1, and choose jli = q or = l-{-n such that ^ = Max (xQ, xl+n). Then / ^ // ^ / + n, V) Under the hypothesis of IV), there exists an integer ^ such that l^fi<:i + n—l, xv^x^ior l^v<Ll + n—l. x„ is the so-called smallest of the numbers % • notation: Mm xv or^ e g Min(a, fr, c). Min is to be read minimum. For, let Max {—xv)=—xfJi\ then #„is as required. 8) (The deepest and most important of the fundamental properties of the real numbers.) Let there be given any division of all the real numbers into two classes, having the following properties: a) Neither class is empty. b) Every number of the first class is smaller than every number of the second class. (In other words, if a< b and if a lies in the second class, then b lies in the second class.) Then there exists a unique real number ? such that every rj < ? belongs to the first class and every rj > ? belongs to the second class. 9) For each x g; 0, there is exactly one y §^ 0 such that y2 = x. This y is denoted by \ x- .
10 As an exercise in the use of Theorem 8), I reproduce the standard proof of 9) here, proving, in the process, the following more general theorem (of which the special case n — 2 is 9)) : For every x §^ 0 and every integer n ^ 1, there exists precisely one y ^ 0 for which yn — x. However, in what follows I shall only use the special case n = 2, since the case of arbitrary integral n ^ 1 will automatically drop into our lap in Chap. 2. Proof: 1) For . ^ > 0 ^ yx < y2 we have by III) that yin < y2n> so that at most one of the numbers yxn and y2n can be = x. Hence, there exists at most one y having the desired property. 2) For x — 0, the requirement is fulfilled by y = 0. Hence, let x > 0, so that it remains to be shown that there exists a y > 0 (since y — 0 need not be considered) for which yn = x. We place rj in Class I, if rj > 0 and rjn < x, or if 77 ^ 0; and in Class II, if 77 > 0 and 77* ^ x. Then every real number 77 belongs to exactly one of these classes. The positive number 7] = I Min A, #) ies in class I, since rj < 1, 17 < ^, ^n-l ^ ]n-l = X ^w _ ^n-i .77^1.77 — 77 < %. The positive number 77 = Max A, x) lies in class II, since rjn = rj71'1 -r]^:l-r] = Y}'^x. If 77 is in class II, and ? > 77, then ? > *7 > 0, ?n > Tjn ^ #, so that ? is in class II. Therefore there exists a real number y such that every 77 < y belongs to class I, and every 77 > y belongs to class II. Since there is a positive number in class I, it follows that y >0.
11 We shall show of this y that it satisfies yn ~ x. Let 0° always be understood as meaning 1, so that for all c, c° = 1. (For, this holds for all c different from 0 by definition, even in elementary mathematics.) For all a, b, we have {a — b) jfaW1-* = a Is' avbn'^ — ft *S avbn~x~v v=o v=o v=o n-1 n-1 n n-1 = S a'4^"-1-* — S aW = S aW — E «"&"-" = a" — 6". Hence, for all h (setting a= l-h, b = I), (l — h)"= 1 —ft"! A — h)\ so that for 0 < h < 1, n-1 A — A)" ^ 1 — ft 2 1 = 1 — nft, so that if moreover 0 < ft < — (hence 1 - nh > 0), 1 1 < , A —h)n ~ 1 — nh (y \n yn yn 1 —ft/ == A — h)n = 1 —nft ' and furthermore (y(l — ft))w = yw(l — ft)n ^ yn(i — »A). Now, if we had yn < #, then it would follow that, for o<ft< -Mi — -) W \ XI ( since in that case ^ 1 ft<-, n yn\ l—nh>~) XI \1 — ft/ yw
12 y so that would be in class I, and yet > y. l—h y y If we had yn > x, then it would follow that for since in that case 0< h < - n 1 h<-. n \ yn) 1 — nh > y (y(l—A))»>y»-^ = *, so that y{\ - h) would be in class II, and yet < y. Therefore, yn — x. The remainder of this introduction is properly a part of the secondary school curriculum, and may be omitted by the reader who is familiar with the material involved. It was necessary that I include these matters (as well as the five illustrations in connection writh 7)) since they will be employed in what follows and are not treated in my book The Foundations oj Analysis [referred to in the sequel as "F.o.A."], in which not even the number 3 is defined. The material involved concerns § 1. The subdivision of all of the integers into residue classes with respect to a "divisor" n. § 2. The representation of the positive integers in the decimal system — a good preparation for the development of real numbers into decimal fractions in Chap. 12. I do not wish to pretend that the reader knows this from his secondary school work. For, I could just as well have assumed as known the concepts of limit and of infinite series, whose treatment occupies the greater part of those portions of this book which do not concern the calculus proper. § 3. The difference between finite and infinite sets of numbers and the concept of the number of elements in a finite set.
§ 1. Residue Classes Theorem 1: To every real number x, there corresponds precisely one integer n for which n fg x < n + 1. Proof: 1) There is at most one such n. For if r\A and n2 are two such, then % ^ x < n2 + 1, n2 fg x < nx + 1, so that % ^ n2 ' ^2 = ni y and hence nx = n2. 2) There is an integer g > x; for if x ;g 0, g — 1 is such an integer, while if x > 0, there is (a fact known to the reader) a rational number y > a* and an integer g > y. If this is applied to -x instead of to x, then we determine an integer k > -x, and thus an integer I — -k < x. The set of integers m (of necessity positive) for which / + m > ;r, is not empty (since it contains m — g-l). Therefore there is a least such m, and for this least m, n = / + m - 1 is as required. Definition 1: The n of Theorem 1 is called \x]. To be read : the greatest integer in x, or bracket x. Theorem 2: x — 1 < [x] 5g x. Proof: By Theorem 1 and Definition 1, [x]^x < [x] + 1. Theorem 3: If a and u arc integers, n > 0, then there exists precisely one pair of integers q,rfor which a = qn + r, 0 fg r < n. Proof: It is being asserted that there exists precisely one q for which qn ^ a < qn + n = (q + l)n,
14 i.e. for which a q rg- <q + 1, n and by Theorem 1 and Definition 1, this relation is satisfied by precisely the number [ a~\ q = \~ • Ln J Definition 2: 2=1 + 1. If we choose some fixed integer n > 0, then the totality of all integers a is decomposed into "residue classes with respect to n," determined by the value of the r, with 0 5= r < n, given by Theorem 3. None of these classes is empty. For, r = O.n + r. In the case n — 2, there are two such classes, and they have special names. Definition 3: a is called even if a = 2q, q integral', a is called odd if a — 2q + 1, q integral. Examples: -2, 0, and 2 are even; -1 and 1 are odd.
15 § 2. The Decimal System Definition 4: 3 = 2 + 1, 4 = 3+1, 5 = 4+1, 6 = 5+1, 7 = 6+1, 8 = 7 + 1, 9 = 8+1, Theorem 4: Each of the inequalities 0 ^ r < 10 and 0 <: r ^ 9 r = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 awe? for no other integers r. Proof: Obvious. Theorem 5:1) Each integer a > 0 is of the form a = ? V0*, v=o ^e % are integers, 0 ^ xv = 9, *»><>¦ 2) ^irf indeed, n and the xv are uniquely determined. a-l Proof: 1) 10a > 10a— 1 — A0— 1) 2 10v > Hence, there exists an integer m > 0 for which 10w > a. Let 7? + 1 be the least such m. Then n = 0, 10n ^ a < 10n+1.
16 For integral v for which O^ygw.we set %v ~~ Lio"J 10 Liov+1J" Then, xv is integral, a _10"_ — 10 a AQn+K = a JL0*J >o, and for 0 fj v ^ n ; so that 0 ^xv<, 9. Furthermore n n J S *,io* = Siio" n r a i n = [«]- 10* +1 I _ io^M = S io* 10w+1_ a [ a] Lio^J = a. ]) n+1 — Sio* a 1 _To"_ 2) If a= S^10»= 2 X„10", v~0 v = 0 where w and the #r, and N and the Xv, satisfy the conditions enumerated under 1) of the present theorem, then n = N, xv = Xv for 0 fg *> fg w; for otherwise we should have s 0 = a — a = S ev10v, s > 0, ^ is integral, es ^= 0, | ev | rg 9, i>=o so that s-1 s-1 1QS J 10s < I elO* 1=1—2 evW I < S 9 • 10* = 9 = 10s— 1 < 10s. — 1*11 v \ — 10 1 Definition 5: 77ze representation of Theorem 5 w written so that the "digits' (i.e. numbers of the sequence 0,1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) #v ar^ placed one ajter another, ordered according to decreasing v (the so-called decimal notation for a).
17 Definition 5 is in agreement with our old notation for a = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10. Example: 4 • 10° + 0 • 10 + 3 • 102 = 304. The possibility of confusion with products is eliminated by always placing a dot between factors which are numbers (not letters). For example, the calculation 13 . 13 = C + 10)C + 10) = 3 • 3 + 3 - 10+10 • 3+102 = 9 + 6 • 10 + 102 = 169 is unambiguous.
18 § 3. Finite and Infinite Sets of Numbers Definition 6: A set of numbers 9ft is called finite if there exists an integer in > 0 such that the numbers of 9ft can be mapped one-to-one onto the positive integers f§ ;;/. Theorem 6: If W is a finite set of numbers, then there is only one m in the sense of Definition 6. Proof: If both nu and m2 have this property, then the positive integers fg 1th may be mapped one-to-one onto the positive integers fg m2. Rut it is a familiar fact that this implies that mx — m2. Definitibn 7: If 3I is a finite set of numbers, then the number m ivhich is uniquely determined by Theorem 6 is called the cardinal number, or cardinality, of$Jl. One also says that 9ft consists of m numbers, or that 9W contains m numbers. Theorem 7: Let 9ft be a set consisting of m numbers, *ft a set consisting of n numbers, and let 9ft and 9i have no numbers in common. Then the union of 9ft and *)} (that is, the set which consists of all numbers which belong either to 9ft or to 91) is a finite set of numbers, and it contains m + n numbers. Proof: The numbers of 9ft may be denoted by aQ* 1 = Q = m< q integral, those of sft by br, 1 ^r ^n, r integral. If we set aq = bq_m for m -f 1 :g q fg m + n, q integral, then the numbers of the union of 3ft and $1 are dq, 1 — q ^ tn + n, q integral. Theorem 8: // k > 0 is an integer, sJftv a finite set of numbers for 1 fg v rg k and v integral and if no number belongs to more than one of the ^lvt then the union of all the 9)(r is a finite set. Proof: k — 1 is clear. To proceed from k to k + 1 : The union of the 9)?„ for lgv^ k is finite, and so, bv Theorem 7, is the union of this union and
19 Theorem 9: If W is a set consisting of m numbers, and if every number of a certain set 91 of numbers belongs to 9K (that is, if 9i is a "subset" of 9R), then W is finite, and consists of at most m numbers. Proof: 1) If /;/ = 1, then 9i is identical with 9ft, and so consists of exactly one number. 2) To proceed from m to m + 1 : Let 9ft be mapped onto the positive integers f§ m + 1. Thus the numbers of 9i are mapped onto a subset of these integers. If, first, m + 1 does not belong to the subset, then 91 is mapped onto a subset of the positive integers :§ m, and so is finite. Moreover, the number of elements of 91 is rg m < m + 1. If, on the other hand, m + 1 does belong to this subset, then either 91 consists of only one number (so that, since 1 < m + 1, we are through), or the set obtained by removing the ''image" of m + 1 from 9J is mapped one-to-one onto a subset of the positive integers ^ m, so that it is finite and consists of at most m numbers, whence, by Theorem 7, 9} is itself finite and consists of at most m + \ numbers. Theorem 10: There exists a set of numbers which is not finite. In particular, the set of positive integers is not finite. Proof: If the set 9R of positive integers were finite, and if m were its cardinality, then the set 9} of positive integers ^ m + 1, being a subset of 9ft, would consist by Theorem 9 of at most m numbers, whereas it actually consists of m + 1 numbers. Definition 8: A set of numbers is called infinite if it is not finite. One also says that it consists of infinitely many numbers. Examples: 1) If a is real, then the set of integers n > a is infinite. For, if k = fa], then the set of numbers n concerned is the set of all n = k + /, / g: 1 integral. 2) The set of even n > a and the set of odd n > a are also infinite. For, we are concerned in the one case with the set of numbers n of the form a n = 2q, q > — and integral, and in the other case with the set of numbers n 2 a—1 such that n = 2q -f 1, q > —-— and integral.
23 CHAPTER I LIMITS FOR n = oo Introduction In this chapter ;/, ;;/, N, wlt m2, k, v, and N always serve*to denote integers. As I have already stated" all numbers are to be real in Chapters 1-19, and from Chapter 20, § 2 to the end of the book (Chap. 31). If one says that the sequence of numbers i, i.it... approaches 0 as a limit, this statement has no proper sense as yet, for it has not been stated which numbers are given nor in what order they are given. Most readers will probaby assume that ? is to be followed by the number ? and that, more generally, we wish to say the following: Let 1 A) sn — — for n > 1; n then the sequence s„ approaches 0; it has the limit 0. Indeed, this will accord with the definitions we shall lay down. However, why shall we wish to say that this sequence approaches 0 ? Why shall we not say, for any s ^ 0, that it approaches s? Why shall we associate with every sequence sn, defined for n g: 1, either no number or precisely one number as its limit? In which case none, and in which case one ? Continuing to consider the above example, we note that 0 is not a number of the sequence, since for every n ^ 1 we have sn > 0, and therefore Sn ^ 0. But ultimately (i.e., from some number of the sequence on) s„ differs by little from 0. What do we mean by little ? Let any d > 0 whatsoever be given. Then, setting s = 0,
24 for every n > — we have a sn — s\ = n Thus there is associated with b an m (depending on b), namely m such that t] + ' (>t)- s ' < b tor all n ^ m. On the other hand, it would not suffice merely to note that infinitely often (i.e. for infinitely many n), | sn — s\ <b. For, for every b > 0, the sequence 1 1 for odd n ^> 1, 1 — for even n ^ 1 B) satisfies the condition sn - 0 j < b for infinitely many n, namely, for all even n > -f- 1 (as well as for certain other n, e.g. in the case b — % for n = 1, n = 3, and n = 5). However, it is not true that for every b > 0 there is an ;» for which I sn — ° | < $ i°r n ^ m. Thus, for b = %, there is no such m, since for odd n > 5, 1 n |*» —o| = |i- On the other hand, the requirement s„ ^z 0 for ;/ > 1 of example A) is unessential. For if we consider the sequence C) sn = 0for n > 1, then for every b > 0, there is of course an m (and indeed one which may he chosen independently of b, namely = 1) such that | sn — 0 | = 0 < d for n ^ m.
25 And if we consider the sequence [ 0 for odd n ^ 1, D) — for even n > 1 (infinitely many of whose terms are zero, and infinitely many of whose terms are non-zero), then 1 s„ — 0 < -- < d for n ^ i\ +1. The fact that,in example A), holds from some point on (indeed from the beginning on) is not essential. For in the example E) (— l)n s„ = - for n ^ 1 we have, for every d > 0, l(—l)nl 1 \Sr) — 0 = I = — < d for n 1 n ' ! n n ^ + 1. The sn of each of the five examples just considered are defined for all n ^ 1. However, this too is not essential. All that is required is the existence of an s such that for every d > 0 there is an m for which | sn — s \ < d for n g; m. Thus, sn must certainly be defined for all sufficiently large n (i.e. for all n ^ N, or as we shall say, ultimately). We shall thus say that the sequence F) sft=H —- for n ^ 3 approaches 1, in spite of the fact that ^4 is undefined. For, if we set and if d > 0 is given, then, for n > 4 + — + i L<5 J 1 1 (>4 + I), <d. \n — 4 I n — 4 Thus I have verified that the desired property is possessed by the number s = 0 in examples A), C), D), and E) ; by the number s = 1 in example F) ; and is not possessed by the number ^ = 0 in example B). We shall now convince ourselves that the desired property is not possessed by any s 9^ 0 in examples A), C), D), and E) ; nor by any s =? I in example F) ; nor by any s whatsoever in example B).
26 If some s ^ 0 had the desired property in example A), then, setting 6 = — and choosing m suitably, we should have for n^.m that •5 = S„. — S < so that 1 n s + (-¦) > \ s \ — s n \ s \ \ s \ > \s\ Y = ~2 which, for n ^ -j—. f s is certainly false. In example B), we have { ^ § ^r odd n ^ 3, 1^2 for even n ^ 1. For every .? ^ %2> we tnus have, for infinitely many n, ^=3 TY — T Is,,. S Jn l so that there is no suitable m associated with 6 = %2- For every .? > %2, we have, for infinitely many n, 1 2 1 2> ^ — s < 2 | Sn S j J> yy* so that there is no suitable w associated with d = y12. In example C), we have for every s ^ 0 that \ sn — s\ = \ s \9 so that there is no m associated with b = | s |. In example D), we have for every s ^ 0 the equality holds for infinitely many n, so that there is no m associated with 6 ¦ In example E), we have for ^ =? 0 that sn — s\ = (-1)" n - s ^> *\ 1 n
so that, for n ^ 27 Sn — S I ^ Hence there is no m associated with d — In example F), it s ^ I and n ^ 4 -f- 1 (!-«) + >U then 1 n ¦ so that there is no m associated with d = — — . And now, we can finally proceed from examples to a general definition (Definition 9). However, we shall first have to prove Theorem 11, which states that limits, when they exist, are unique.
28 Theorem 11: Let N be given, and let sn be defined for all n §: N (i.e. for all sufficiently large n, i.e. ultimately). Then there is either no number, or exactly one number s, with the following property: For every d > 0 we have, for all sufficiently large n, \sn — s \ < d. In other words, with each d > 0 there is associated an m for which | sn —' «y | < d for n^m. More concisely, for every d > 0 we have that, ultimately, | Sn J | < & Proof: Suppose that S^ T where both S and T fulfill what is required of s. Then we set IS — Tl ^hH (>0)- Then there would be an mx such that \ sn — S | < d for n^Wi and an m2 such that \ sn — T | < d for n g: m2. Thus, we should have for n ^ Max(wx, m2) that |S-T| = |(sn-T)-(sn-S)| ^|s„ —T|+K-S|<0 + a = 23 = |S-Tl. Definition 9: If sn is ultimately defined, and if there exists an s in the sense of Theorem 11, then we say that sn (the sequence sn) has ("as w—> oo") the limit s, or approaches s ("as n —» oo"), and we write lim sn = s, or, more briefly, oo is to be read: infinity; lim is to be read: limit.
29 Of course, any letter that stands for integers may be used instead of n. (Similar remarks hold for almost all other definitions.) Examples: 2) for we always 3) If then i) have lim 11 -| 1__) = lim c = c; n=cc \c — c\ = 0. sn = (—1)", n^O lim sn n— oc does not exist. For if s ^ 0, then we have for infinitely many n that sn-s=l-s>l, \sn — s\^l, and if $ > 0, then for infinitely many n we have sn — s = — l—s< — l, \sn — s\>h 4) If 0 <#< 1 then lim »n - 0. n= oo For if p > 0 and n ^ 1, then A +p)n> A +i>)n— 1 =# S A +P)V^P S l = ?n. If we set then so that, for w ^ 1, P> 1-1 = 0,
30 Hence, given any d > 0, then for n ^ — (i.e., ultimately) we have 5) If \i) I < 1, then #» — 0 I = I #" I < d. A> 1 lim 2 #w • k=O0 7? = 0 * " For if & ^ 0, then A — #) 2 #w - 1 — #*+1. This last equality actually holds for all #. Hence if # ^ 1, then 2 0" = —, 1 — 0 1 — 0 2 #" — I n = 0 If # = 0, then i —#: 1 —# #| * 2 dn = l -> l ~ •. i —* If 0 < | # | < 1, then, by example 4) (with we may associate with d > 0 an m such that 1 —#1 1 — # d instead of our usual d), | d \k < But then, for k g; m we have * j 2 0* — — & 6 for ? ^ w. 1 — 0 # rf = A Theorem 12 s ff7? /zaz/? if and only if Proof: Both state that for every d > 0, we have that, ultimately, \sn — s\<d. Theorem 13 s Let sn be defined for n g; N, and let lim sn = s. 71= CO
31 Let nv, v ^ N, he an increasing sequence of integers with nv ^> N. Then lim sn = s. Proof: Let d > 0 be given. Then, for suitable k §: N, | sn-s | < d for n^.k. Now for suitable m §: iV, nv ^ k for r ^ m. Hence for v^m we have Examples: 1) If then and For, let sn be defined for n ^ N. Then the nv = v — 1 with v §: N + 1, and also the nv — v + 1 with v §: N- 1, satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 13. 2) If Snv lim n— oo lim n= oo lim n= cc — S | Sn = sn-l ^n+1 < : 5 — = d. s s. a) then B) and C) For, nv = let. : 2V sn be defined for n + 1 withr N > IT N 1 lim sn = s ft — 00 lim s2n = s lim s2n+1 = s. N . Then the nv = 2> witha> > —, and also the v — 2 satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 13, so that lim s2v — s, V— GO lim s2v+1 = s. Hence, B) and C) follow from A). Conversely, A) follows from B) and C) (taken together). For, by B) and C), we have that for eveiy d > 0, I *w — s | < <3
32 holds for all large even numbers and for all large odd numbers, and hence for all large n. Theorem 14: // then For short: lim (sn + tn) = lini sn + lim tn, n = qo n = oo if the right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: Let d > 0 be given. Ultimately, (i) K-*l<|; and ultimately, B) l<»-<|<!" Hence, both A) and B) hold ultimately, so that |(Sn + <»)-(s + 0|=| (S--s) + («.-0| ^|stt-s|+|^-<|<T+- = *. Example: If | d | < 1 then lim (#n + 1 H ) = lim dn + lim (l H ) = 0+1 = 1. n=oo \ »— 4/ n==00 n==0O \ n — 4/ Theorem 15: If k > 0, and i/ <?ac/i 0/ ?/z<? fc sequences has a limit, then the sequence has a limit; and indeed, if s(v) _+ s(v) for \^v^k} then k k v=l v—1 For short; lim S #> - S lim #>, if the right-hand side is meaningful.
33 Proof: 1) If k=l, then SsW=silUsW = 2sW 2) & + 1 follows from fc by Theorem 14, since fc+l k k k+l Theorem 16: // sn ~> s> tn -> t ) then Proof: jn and ?w are defined ultimately. Thus, ultimately, sJn — st = sn(tn — t)+t{sn — s). Let d > 0 be given. Then we have that ultimately both \sn — s\ < 2(|<| + 1) and 8 \t»-t\<2\s\+6' so that |s„|=|s + (*» —«)| ^lsl +|s» —s|<|s| +-. I sntn — st\^\sn\\tn — t\+\t\\sn — s\ d , , 6 d 6 Example: Jim ((l + <=±>!) (l + _L_)) = lim (l + (~X) ) lim A H ) = 1.1 = 1. n==Qo\ » /n-co\ n~ 4/ Theorem 17: // ? > 0, and i/ SW -> SM /^r 1 = „ ^ ?, ?/j?n nsW-»- Asm. Proof: 1) If ?=1, then n sw = si1* - s'1' = n s<».
34 2) k + 1 follows from k by Theorem 16, since Jc+l k k k+l nsw = nsM -s^+i' -> ns"» -s(fc+i> = nsw. Theorem 18: // k > 0 and Sn* -> Sk. Proof: Theorem 17, with Sn] = Sn ^r 1 ^ v ^ *. Example: lim A H .) - ( lim (l -\ )) == lk = 1 n-=ao\ n —4/ \n=00 \ »— 4// Theprem 19: // sn ~* s> In ~* If then sv tn —> s t. Proof: By example 2 to Definition 9, and by Theorem 16, — tn= (— l)*n-> (— 1)/ = —^, so that by Theorem 14, Sn —tn = Sn+ (—tn) -+ S + {—t) = S — t. Theorem 20: // s ^0, then 1 1 sn s' Proof: For every d > 0, i i ™- /^2 lsl\ ultimately holds, so that I si I si K| =\s+ {sn — s)\ ^|s|— \sn — s\ > |s|_l_I = LJ.
35 1 l l Example: km —— = -—- = j = 1. n n=oo \ n I Theorem 21: // Sn —> 5, tn —> t, then L~* t' Proof: By Theorems 16 and 20, fn = ^_^ l = i_ L n L ~~* t t' 1 n —4 ° Example: lim = — = 0. n-cQj (-1)" 1 Theorem 22: // sn ~^ s> tn ~~*" *j awe/ ff ultimately holds, then s <t. Proof: By Theorem 19, K — *n "> ' — 5. Hence for every d > 0, we ultimately have S — * < <5. Thus s — * ^ 0 (since otherwise, <3 = s- t would yield a contradiction), and so s <t. Example: If then t ^c.
36 Theorem 23: sn -> 0 if and only if I s„ | - 0. Proofs Since |KI| = KI> both statements mean that for every d > 0 we ultimately have I sn | < d. Theorem 24: // and if I s, I =g *„ ultimately holds, then s„->0. Proof: Let 5 > 0 be given. Then ultimately, KI <«- so that, ultimately I s„ | < 6. Theorem 25: Le? sn -* 0. L^f ?n be defined for n^k, and let there be a g, independent of n, such that \tn\ <g for n^ k. Then sjn -> 0. Proof: Let d > 0 be given. Ultimately, Kl<? so that, ultimately I s AI < - g = *¦ o Theorem 26: // sn is defined for «§N; and if lim sn exists, then there exists a g, independent of n, such that I sn | < g for n ^ N. Proof: Let lim s7t — s. 71=00
37 There exists an m > N such that for n §: m |s„ —s| < 1, so that Is. | =|s+ (sn-s)| g|s| +K-s| <|s| + l. Hence g = | s | + 1 + Max | s„ | satisfies the requirements. Theorem 27: L^f sn be defined for n ^ N. Moreover, let sn ^ sn+l- Le? JAere be a g, independent of n, such that for n ^ N 1) TTiew lim sn exists. n==Q0 2) // fAw limit is called s, then Preliminary Remarks: I) Hitherto everything has been quite simple. However, Theorem 27, 1) is deep. II) The result is no longer true if the assumption sn = sn+l is removed. For, if we consider the sequence $n = {—l)n for n ^ 0, then, although the limit lim sn n— qo does not exist. Proof: l)We divide all numbers a into two classes as follows: a is in Class I if at least one sn > a, Class II if all sn ^ a. Then every a belongs to exactly one of these classes. Class I is not empty. For, since sN > sN 1, it contains sN - 1. Class II is not empty since it contains g.
38 If a is in class II, and if f$ > a, then for every n =g N, s„ ^ a < 0, so that j3 is in class II. Hence there exists an s such that every a < s belongs to class I, and every a > i" belongs to class II. We shall show that for this s. Let d > 0 be given. Then, since s -\ is in class II, sn ^ s + I < s + d. s- d is in class I. Hence for some m ^ N, For n^m (as is clear by 7) of the introduction) so that S ^ 9 s~d < sn < s + 6, \sn — s\ <d. Hence 2) For all n ;> N, so that, by Theorem 22, s. % ^ sn ^ g, % ^ lim sM = s :g n j Example: lim 2 exists. For if then and oo v = iv2 n | sn = S — for n ^ 1, S« < S„ w+1 1 »+l | n+1 /I I \ s„<i+ Z -<i + S _!_ = i+ s(-i--i n+l i n+l i n i n+l i i = 1+ s S- = i+ 2-- Si = 1 + 1 — <2. v=2>' — A v=2 v v=i>' v=2 v n-\-l
39 CHAPTER 2 LOGARITHMS, POWERS, AND ROOTS In this chapter, n and m denote positive integers and k is an abbreviation for 2". Theorem 28: // x > 0, then for each n, yk = x, y > 0 has exactly one solution. Proof: 1) If 0 < yx < y2, then yi* < yf\ hence there is at most one solution. 2) There exists at least one solution. For, we first note that y = y/x satisfies our equation with n— 1, since w -f- 1 follows from w. For, if we choose z such that and set then z2 y*n+1 = — x, z > 0, y = V~*> y>o, (y*Jw _ z*n = ^ K, Definition 10: The y of Theorem 28 is called -\/%. To be read: The fc-th root of x. Example: Theorem 29: Vl = 1. If x > 0 and 3/ > 0, then k V*y = fc_ A;
40 k __ k _ Proof: Vx Vy > 0, / *_ k-\k (k -\k ( k -\k Wx Vy) = Wx) Wy) = xy. Example so that (,. Theorem 30: Proof: so that i) if ^ //*: x> 1, If * > 0, then /I_-L Vx > 0, ?/*?w lim Vx == 1. n= oo then Wx) = * > 1, k _ V* > 1. Given d > 0, then (cf. example 4 to Definition 9) A + d)k > kd, so that, ultimately, (I + d)k > x = Wx) > k _ 1 < Vx < 1 + d, k \Vx—l\<d. Thus 2) If *=1, then k _ lim V# = 1. Vx = 1 -> 1. 3) If 0<*< 1, then by 1), k
41 that, by the example to Th< d hence, by Theorem 20, sorem 29, 1 Vx k Vx -> 1. Definition 11 (to be borne in mind a short while only—namely until the proof of Theorem 37) : For x > 0, we set a(n, x) = k\Vx — 1/. Theorem 31: // x > 0, then lim a(n, x) exists. n==cc Proof: 1) Let x > 1. If we set 2fr_ y = Vx, then y > i, x = y2k — (y2)**, k _ Vx = y2, a(n,x) = k(y2—l) = k(y + l)(y—1) > k - 2(y— 1) = 2MV* — l) — a(n + 1, #)• Hence, by Theorem 27, 1) (with g = 0), the sequence of negative numbers - a{n, x) has a limit. Thus, by Theorem 16, so does the sequence a(n, x). 2) Let x=l. Then a(n, x) = 0-> 0. 3) Let 0<* < 1. By 1), lim a In, — I exists. By the example to Theorem 29, we have /* — \ a{n, x) = (— l)k (|/- — l) Vx = (— 1) «/», -JVI From this, by Theorems 17 and 30, our assertion follows. Definition 12: log* = lim a(n, x) for x > 0. n— oo To be read: Logarithm of x.
42 Theorem 32: log 1 = 0. Proof: a[n, 1) = 0 -> 0. Theorem 33: log (xy) = log x + log y for x > 0, y > 0. Proof: By Theorem 29, kWxy — l) = k\Vx — l)Vy + kWy — 1/, so that, by Definition 12 and Theorem 30, log (xy) = lim k\Vxy— 1/ = lim k\Vx— 1/ lim Vy+ lim n=<x> n= oo n=oo n=<x> = log x • 1 + log y = log x + log y. Theorem 34: log — — log % — log y for x > 0, y > 0. y Proof: By Theorem 33, (# \ x — yI = log h logy. y / y Theorem 35: log II sv = ?> log xvfor positive xv. v=l v = l Proof: m = 1 is obvious, m+l from m by Theorem 33, since m+l / m \ m log II ^ == log II *„ • xm+1\ - log II *„ + log xm+1 V = l \V = 1 I v = l m m+l = 2 log xv + log *„}+1 - 2 log *„. v=i v=i Theorem 36: For a > 0 awd integral x, we have log (ax) — a; log a. Proof: 1) If x > 0, then this follows from Theorem 35 with m = xy xv = a. 2) If ^r = 0, then by Theorem 32, log (ax) = log 1 = 0 = x log a. 3) If x < 0, then by Theorems 34 and 32 and 1), log (ax) = log = log 1 — log (a~x) == — (— x log a) = x log a. a~x Theorem 37: log x ^ x - 1 for jit > 0. Proof: If y > 0, then
43 Thus if y > 0, then in any case, we have y* _ 1 = (y _ 1) tyv^k(y— 1). k _ Setting y = Vx, we obtain x — 1 ^ MV% — l) = a(», %). Hence, by Theorem 22, % — 1 ^ lim a(n, x) = log #. Theorem 38: log x ^ 1 forx>0 1 Proof: By Theorem 37 (with — for x), we have log ^^—log i ^ — (i— 1) = l_i. Theorem 39: log x > 0 for x > 1, = 0 for # — 1, < 0 for 0 < x < 1. Proof: Theorems 38, 32, and 37. Theorem 40: log x < log 3/ for 0 < # < y. Proof: 0 < - < 1, y so that, by Theorems 34 and 39, x log x — log y = log — < 0. V Theorem 41: For every x, log y = x has exactly one solution y. Proof: W.l.g. (i.e., without loss of generality—this abbreviation will be used frequently), let x > 0; for, ii x = 0, the only solution is y = 1, and in case x < 0 the given equation is equivalent to 1 log - = — x. y 1) By Theorem 40, there is at most one solution., 2) We place a in Class I if a ^§' 0 or if log a ^x, Class II if log a > x.
44 Then each a belongs to exactly one of these classes. Class I contains the positive number a= 1. For, by Theorem 32, log 1 = 0 g x. X (lass II contains a = 2m if m > , >. For, by Theorem 36, we have in this log 2 case ° log BW) = m log 2 > x. If a is in class II, and /# > a, then 0 > a > 0, log j8 > log a > #, so that [3 belongs to class II. Hence there exists a y > 0 such that every a < 3/ belongs to I and every a > y to II. I assert that log y — x. It we had log y < #, then, setting , . / rt\ 5 A = # — log y (> 0), we would have by Theorem 37 that log (A + h)y) = log A + h) + log y ^ A + log y = *, so that A 4- /?)y would be in class I, and yet > 3/. If we had log y > x, then, setting A = (> 0), we would have by Theorem 37 that y log TVh = log y ~log ^ + ^ ~logy — h > logy ~~ ^logy~~%>j ^ *' y so that y~r~T wou^ be in class II, and yet < y. Definition 13: e is the solution of log y= 1. The letter e may now no longer be used to denote anything other than this positive universal constant.
45 Definition 14: For each x, ex is the solution of log y = x. To be read: e to the x-th power, or simply e to the x. Nomenclature: A power with exponent x and base e. Definition 14 had to be preceded by Theorem 36 for a = e, since the definition of a power with integral exponent and positive base is an elementary matter (cf. F.o.A.), and it is precisely by Theorem 36 that we have, for integral x (with the original meaning of e*)t that log (ex) = x log e = x • 1 = x. Theorem 42: ex > 0. Proof: By Definition 14, e* has a logarithm, and so is > 0. Theorem 43: If x < y, then e* < ey. Proof: log ex — x < y = log ev and Theorem 40. Theorem 44: The equation e* = y has exactly one solution for each y > 0. Proof: By Definition 14, e* — y means the same as log y = x. Theorem 45: For a > 0 and integral x, Proof: By Theorem 36, log (ax) = x log a. Definition 15: ax = exloga for a > 0. To be read: a to the #-th power, or simply a to the x. Nomenclature: A power with exponent x and base a. This definition had to be preceded by Theorem 45. It should also be observed that this definition, for a = e, agrees with Definition 14. For, ex log e __ ex . i __ ex Theorem 46: 1* = 1. Proof: H = exlogl = e? = 1.
46 Theorem 47: If a>0 then a* > 0. Proof: Definition 15 and Theorem 42. Theorem 48: \o%{ax) = x log a for a > 0. Proof: Definitions 14 and 15. Theorem 49: ax \ < av for a > 1, == av for a = 1, > «» /or 0 < a < 1, * < y. Proof: For a > 1, we have by Theorem 43 that For a= 1, a* = 1 = a*. For 0 < a < 1 we have by Theorem 43 that ax ^ ^ log a > ey log a == ay Theorem 50: a*a* = 0*+* for a > 0. Proof: log (axav) = log (a*) + log (av) = % log a + y log a = (x + y) log a = log (a3**). Theorem 51: — = a*-*' for a > 0. a* Proof: By Theorem 50, we have ayax~y _ ay+(x-v) = ax Theorem 52: ?*«-* = 1 for a > 0. Proof: By Theorem 50, we have axa~x = #*+<-*> — a0 — 1. m m E xp Theorem 53: II axv = av=1 /or a > 0. v=l Proof: By Theorem 35, we have log (m E r — j. k —J. -— A ,r —* Theorem 54: (ab)x = a*** for a > 0, b > 0. Proof: (aft)* = e*log <a6) = ^ <los a+lo§ fe) = ^ log a ex log 6 = #*ft*.
47 Theorem 55: (ax)v = a*» for a > 0. Proof: (a*)* = evlog {a*] = ^logfl == a** = axv. Theorem 56: If 0 < a < 1 or if a > 1, ?/t?w av takes on each value x > 0 exactly once, namely for Proof: is equivalent to and so to log* y = log a a* = x eV log a __. ^log x y log a = log *. Definition 16: If x > 0, a > 0, awrf a 4= 1, ^w l°g<io) •*" denotes the solution y of a* = x. That is, log* To be read: The logarithm of x to the base a. Definition 17: logA0) x (for x > 0) is called the Briggs (or common) logarithm of x. It is "known" to the reader from secondary school. Theorem 57: log(c) x = log x for x > 0. log* Proof: = log x. loge Theorem 58:log(a) (*y)=log(o)*+log(a)y for x > 0, y > 0, a > 0, a^l. log (xy) log x + logy log * log y Proof: —; = : = : f- Theorem 59 """ \y log a log a log a log a log(a) y—J = log(a)* —log(o)y for x > 0, y > 0, a>0, a =?1. Proof: By Theorem 58, we have l0g(a) * = l0g(a) K y) = log(fl, (-)+ l0g(fl) y.
48 Theorem 60: // x =g 0, then for every mt y™ = x, y § 0 has exactly one solution. Proof: 1) For x = 0, it is clear that y = 0 is a solution, and indeed the only solution. 2) For x > 0, the positive number y — %m satisfies our equation, since by Theorem 55, we have / JLA" ±.m \xm) = xm = xl = x. Conversely, for x > 0 it follows from y** = #, y ^ 0 and Theorem 55 (since y = 0 need not be considered) that ill — — m.— xm = (ym)m = y w = y1 = y. Definition 18: 77u> y of Theorem 60 w called Vx. To he read: The m-th. root of x. Definition 18 agrees, for x > 0, m=;2n, with Definition 10. Theorem 61: Proof: Tlaeorem 62: Proof: Vx 2 _ Vx = = x for x xl = X. = Vx for . Vx^O (VxY = ^0. ^ ^ 0 a;.
49 CHAPTER 3 FUNCTIONS AND CONTINUITY Introduction We first wish to illustrate, by examples, the following concept: 3; "depends" on x or, 3; is a "function" of x. We shall then give a formal definition of this concept. We shall next seek to grasp, by means of examples, the following concept: 3; "depends continuously" on x or, 3' is a "continuous function" of x. We shall then give a formal definition of this concept. 1) The formula y = x2 assigns exactly one 3' to each ^r. For example, if x = 1 then y=l,iix = —1 then v = ?, and if x = V2 then y = 2. Thus y is determined by x. Of course, there is nothing to prevent different values of x from being assigned to the same y. 2) If c is fixed ("constant"), then y = c assigns exactly one y to each x. Of course, there is nothing to prevent all values of x from being assigned to the same y. 3) 3; = log* assigns exactly one 3; to each x ^ 0 (and no y to any x < 0). 4) y— Vx assigns exactly one y to each x ^ 0 (and no y to any x < 0). x 5) y = ~ x assigns exactly one 3? to each x ^ 0 (namely, y=l), and no 3? to x = 0. 6) If a, b, and c are fixed ("constants"), then y = a + bx + ex2 is defined for all x.
50 7) If y = 3 for x > 2, and y is not defined for x ^§= 2, then exactly one 3/ is assigned to each x > 2, and no y to any x g= 2. 8) If y {-. for # ^ 0, for x < 0, then exactly one y is assigned to each x. This example shows that it is not required that y be defined by a single formula. __ f 0 for rational x, ' y ~~ [ 1 for irrational x. 10) (contains 1), 2), and 6) as special cases.) Let w^O be integral, let av be given for integral v with 0 ^ v ^ n, and let (for all #). 11) y = Ya av%v V = Q y = I # I for all #. 12) 13) y = I for * = 0, II v for integral jt > 0. y — ^* for all jr. 14) y = y/x for x §: 0 if w is an integer > 0. We have now had sufficient preparation for the understanding of Definition 19: Let 9ft be a set of numbers. Let exactly one number y be assigned to each x of 9Ji. We then call y a function of x and write, say, x is called the independent, y the dependent variable. (We may, of course, use any letters instead of x, y, and /.) Definition 20: A function of the type given in example 10) is called an entire rational function or a polynomial. Definition 21: The function of example 12) is called x\. To be read: x factorial, x! is thus defined only for integral x ^ 0. The following are important examples of sets of numbers: If a<b, the set of x for which 1) a ^ x g b, 2) a < x < b, 3) a < x <J b, 4) a fj x < b\
51 for every b the set of x for which 5) x ^ b, 6) x < b; for every a the set of x for which 7) *^a, 8) x> a. Further examples are the sets consisting of 9) all x, 10) all rational x, 11) all irrational x> 12) a single number x = a. We now come to the examples which precede the definition of continuity. Continuity is a property which a function either has or does not have at any given x. 1) The function y = 2 for x ^ 1, y = x for x > 1, does not have the property at x = 1, but does have it for all other #. 2) The function y = 1 for 0 ^ * ^ 1, j = # for # > 1, has the property for all x > 0, but for no x ^ 0. 3) The function 3; = 1 for rational x, y = 0 for irrational # does not have the property for any x. 4) The function y = x! for integral # ^ 0 does not have the property for any x. 5) The function y = x2 for all x has the property for all x. What is the property with which we are concerned if x = I is any arbitrary number ? First of all, f(x) must be defined at x== ? and indeed in an entire uneigh- borncod" of I; i. e. there must exist an a < I and a /? > I such that /(#) is defined for a < x < /?. (This already enables us to settle example 4) in the negative. Similarly for the x :§ 0 in example 2) ). Crudely speaking, the property is the following: If x is near f, then f(x) is near /(I).
52 What is the precise meaning of this? Set /(*) = ?• Let 6 be any positive number. We then require that, in a whole neighborhood of I, we have both (i) K*)<m + t and B) Kx)>m-d. Taken together, these inequalities mean that \t(x)-f(t)\<6. By a "neighborhood" we mean a < x < 0, where a < I < /?. (Incidentally, x = | needs no investigation, since A) and B) automatically hold there.) But it is quite equivalent to require a neighborhood of the form g — e < x < f + e where ? > 0, i. e. to speak of the x for which | X — S | <?. For, if a < I < /?, then all x for which | * — f | < ? = Min @ — f, f — a) belong to a < # < /?, since for such x we have a = ?—(?—a) ^ f — ? < % < I + ? ^ f + (j8 — f) - fi. In example 1), we have /A) = 2. If 6 = y2> it would be required that in some neighborhood of 1. But if 1 < x < %, then so that there is no /? > I = 1 such that % < /(*) for 1< * < p. Therefore, f(x) does not have the desired property at ? = 1. It has the property at every f < 1. For, if x :g 1, then /(*)-/(*) = 2-2 = 0. Thus for suitable a, (I for which a < f < /?, we have I/(*)-/(?) 1=0 for a <*</?.
S3 f(x) also has the desired property for all I > 1. For if x > 1, we have I/(*)-/(*)! = I*-?|. If d > 0 is given, then for | x — f | < Min (| — 1, b), we have, since „ x = i+ (x — i) x— (f—i) = i, In example 2), if 1=1, then so that, for all # ^ 0, and hence, for every 5 > 0, I/(*)—/(?) I <«5 for |« — ? | < Min A,6). If 0 < |< 1, then /(*) —/(?) = 0 for O^at^I, and therefore for \x — ?\< Min(|, 1 — ?). If I > 1, then /(*) — /(?) = * — I for *>1. Thus if \x — ? | < Min(? — 1, d), then |/(*)_/(f)| = |*_f | <<5. As for example 3), we remark that if a < b then there is a rational jt between a and b, i.e. one such that a < jt < b. The reader who knows this fact through his elementary work (cf. F.o.A.) only for a > 0, may also obtain it for a = 0 by choosing a rational x between — and by and for a < 0 by choosing a rational y = — x between Max(— b, 0) and —a. Then if a < b there is also an irrational x between a and b. For let us choose a rational r such that a < r < b, and a positive integer- n such that V2 w > b — r*
54 a/2 Then r -\ is irrational (for otherwise V2 would be rational), and n V2 a < r -\ < o. n Thus for every |, and for every e > 0, there is an x such that Z-e<x<t;+e, \f(x)—f(?)\ = l, so that for <3 = 1, there is no e of the desired sort. In example 5), for each I, and for every <3 > 0, we have that if \ x — 11 < Minjl, :—r), then \x + ?\=\(x — e) + 2?\^\x — ?\+2\?\<l + 2\?\, so that |/(*)—/(f)H*a —fa|=l* + f I \* — ?\^ (l + 2\S\)\x — ?\<d. We have now had sufficient preparation to understand Definition 22: j(x) is said to be continuous at (for) x = | if for every d > 0 there exists an e > 0 (independent of x) such that |/(*)—/(?) | <d for \x — S\ <s. (It would be equivalent to require that this hold for 0 < \ x — | | < e.) In other words: If for every <3 > 0 there exists an s > 0 (independent of h) such that |/(? + *)—/(?) | <$ for | A| <? (or—as above—only for 0 < | h | < a).
55 Theorem 63: // a<S <b and f(x) = c for a < x < b (where c is independent of x), then f(x) is continuous at f. Proof: For every d > 0 and for | h | < M'm(b — f, f—a), we have a < f + h < b} |/(f + h)— /(f) | =\c — c\ =0<d. Theorem 64: // a<S <b and f(x) = x jor a < x < b, then f(x) is continuous at f. Proof: If \x — ?\<M.m(d,b — g,? — a), then a < x < b, [f{x)-f(S)\ = \x-S\<d. Theorem 65: Let f(x) and g(x) be continuous at f. Then f(x) + g(x) is continuous at f. Proof: For every d > 0 there is an fii > 0 and an e2 > 0 such that \f(e + h)-f(?)\<j for |A|<ei, \g(Z + h)-g(t)\<j for |A|<e2. Hence for | A | < Min (e^ e2), we have I (/(? + *) + g(* + *)) - (/(f) + g(*)) I = I (/(? + *)-/(*)) + (g(f + *) -g(f)) I ^ I /(? + A) -f(S) | + | g(f + A) -g(f) | < - + - = d. Example: c + x is continuous everywhere, by Theorems 63, 64 and 65.
56 Theorem 66: If m"^ I is integral, and if fn(x) is continuous at ? for m every integer n such that 1 ^ n ^ m, then ? fn{%) is continuous at I. n = l Proof: m = 1 is obvious. To proceed from m to m + 1: m+l m S /»(*) = S /„(*) + /TO+i(«) n = l n = l and Theorem 65. Theorem 67: // /(#) is continuous at ?, then cf(x) is continuous at I. Proof: For every d > 0 there is an e > 0 such that if | h | < e, we have |/(f + A) _/(f) [<_!_, I cl + l so that I c/(f + A) - c/(|) | = | c(/(f + h) - /(f)) | = | c | | /(| + h) -/(|) | < (| c | + 1) j^p^- = d. Theorem 68: Let f(x) and g(x) be continuous at |. Then f(x) — g(x) is continuous at f. Proof: f(x) — g(x) = f(x) + (—1) #(•*¦) and Theorems 67, 65. Theorem 69: L#? /(#) and g(x) be continuous at ?. Then f(x)g(x) is continuous at f. Proof: Let <S > 0 be given. Choose an fi > 0 such that if | h | < s, then l/B + ^-ZW^Min l.'-jj™) and "«+»>-««> i <„1+l/tf)l,- Then if | ft | < e, we have |/(| + A)g(| + A)-/(?)g(|)| = | (/(M-A)-/(?)) fg(l+*)-g(f)) +/(?) (g(f+*)-?(«) +g(f) (/(l+*)-/(^)l ^|/(f+A)-/(f)| |g(f+A)-g(f)|+| /(f)| |g(*+A)_g(|)|+|g(?)| |/(f+/*)_/(?)( c c c c c c < ' 'I + I'(l)| 3"(TT]7(^) + 'm 'sfl+jgtfjj) < T + I + F = * Theorem 70: If m^ I is integral, and if fn(x) is continuous at f for m each integer n such that 1 ^ n 5= m, fft^w H /n(#) w continuous at f. Proof: w = 1 is obvious. To proceed from m to m + 1: m+l m n/„(*)= n/„(*)./m+1(«) n = 1 n = 1 and Theorem 69.
57 Theorem 71: If f(x) is continuous at ?, and if m is an integer ^ 1, then fm{x) is continuous at ?. (fm(x) is a more convenient notation for (f(x))m.) Proof: Theorem 70, with fn(x) = f(x) for lfgw^w. Examples: 1) For integral m ^ 1, xm is continuous everywhere by Theorems 64 and 71. n 2) Thus every polynomial 2 avxv is continuous everywhere. For, avxv is continuous everywhere for v = 0 by Theorem 63, and for 0 < v ^ n by Example 1) and Theorem 67. Thus the polynomial itself is continuous everywhere by Theorem 66. Theorem 72: If f{x) is continuous at I and if /(?) > o, then there is a p > 0 and a q > 0 swc/i that f(S + h)>p for \h\< q. Proof: Choose q > 0 such that |/(| + A) -/(f) | <!/(!) for |A| <<?. Then if | h | < q, we have /(?+*) = /(?)+(/(f+A) -/(f)) > /(f) - i/(f) = */($) = />. Theorem 73: If f(x) is continuous at I awd i/ /(f) < o, then there is a p > 0 awd a q > 0 swc/i ?/ia? /(? + *)<—/> for |*l <«• Proof: Theorem 72 with —/(#) for f(x). In fact, —/(#) is continuous at I by Theorem 67. Theorem 74: If f(x) is continuous at ? awd ^/ /(f) # o, 1 f/tew rr-r is continuous at f. Proof: By Theorem 72 or 73, choose ? > 0 and q > 0 such that | /(f + A) | > p for | A | < q. Then if | h | < g, we have 1 1 /(* + *) m /(f + *)/(*) /(i + h) -/(f) /(f + ^ 11 /(f) < p\m /(f + A)_/(f)|.
58 For every d > 0 there is an e with 0 < e ^ q such that, for | k | < e, |/(f + A)_/(f)|<^|/(f)|, which implies Example: /(f + *) /(?) < P /(f) ** I /(f) I = »¦ is continuous at every ? ^ 0. Theorem 75: L#? /(jf) and g(x) be continuous at f. L#? *(*)#o. Tfon —— is continuous at f. g(x) 1 Proof: By Theorem 74, rem 69, so is g(*) is continuous at I. Therefore, by Theo- Example: Let f(^r) and g(x) be polynomials, and let *(*)*0. /(*) 1 + *3 Then is continuous at f. For example, is continuous at all I, and g(x) 1 + *2 1 ~ x* at all ? ^ 1. 1 — x Theorem 76: 7/ /(x) is continuous at |, ?/iew | /(#) | w continuous at f. Proof: For every d > 0 there is an e > 0 such that |/(? + *)—/(?) | <<5 for | A| <«. Therefore if | /t | < e, we have ||/(f + *) I -1 /(f) || ^ I /(f + ^) -/(f) I <«. Example: | x | is continuous everywhere. Theorem 77: Let g{x) be continuous at ?, g(?) = r), and let f(x) be continuous at 77. Then f(g(x)) is continuous at f. Proof: Let d > 0 be given. Choose C > 0 such that \f(v + k) — /fo) I <d for |*| <C, and then e > 0 such that |g(? + AJ —g(f)|<C for |A| <e. Then if | h | < e and if we set * = *(? +A)-*@,
59 we have | A | < C, so that I /(g(f + h)) -/(g(?)) | = | f(n + k)-M I < d. Example: | 1 + x— x* | is continuous at every ?, by Theorem 77 with K*)=\x\, g(x) = l+x-x\ Theorem 78: log x is continuous at every ? > 0. Proof: Let d > 0 be given. Then a = ?e-6 < ? < ?e6 = 0. And if a < x < /? then log f — E = log a < log x < log /? = log f + <3, | log a? — log f | < <3. Theorem 79: 0* w continuous at every ?. Proof: Let d > 0 be given and, w. 1. g., let it be < e$. Then a = log (? — d) < log ? = ? < log (^ + d) = /?. And if a < * < /? then ^ — <3 = ea < ex < eP = ^ + d, I e* — ^ I < E. Theorem 80: // a > 0, ffon a* w continuous at every x = ?. Proof: Theorem 77, with /(*) = ex, g(x) = x log a. Theorem 81: For all n, xn is continuous at every x = ? > 0. Proof: Theorem 77, with f(x) = ex, g(x) = n log #. Example: V% is continuous for every ? > 0. As might be expected, this example can also be dealt with directly. For h^.-~>?, we have ffi-viJ^U| = V? + h _+ V? V? + A + V? so that for A ^ — ?, \ h\ < d V? we have
60 Theorem 82: If n is an integer, then [x + n] = [x] + n. ([x] was defined in Definition 1.) Proof: [x]+n?x + n< ([*] + 1) + n = ([*] + n) + 1. Definition 23 (only a temporary one until we reach Theorem 86, and also for Theorem 100) : {%} = Min (x — [x], 1 — x + [x]). Thus { x } is the "distance" of x to its "nearest" integer. If x — y2 *s integral, then there are two integers (namely x—J4 and x + y2) which have the smallest possible distance from x. Theorem 83: If n is an integer, then {x + n} = {x}. Proof: By Definition 23 and Theorem 82, we have {x + n} = Min (x + n — [x + n], 1 — x — n + [x + n]) = Min (x — [x], 1 —¦ x + [x]) = {#}. Theorem 84: 0 ^ {%} ^ |. Proof: 1) By Theorem 2, we have x — [*] > 0, l —#+[#]> 0, so that ~ {*} ^ o. 2) 2{%} = {x} + {%} fg (* — [x]) + A — * + [*]) = 1, W ^ i Theorem 85: | {%} — {y} | ^ | x — y \. Proof: Since both sides remain unchanged upon interchanging x and y, let, w. 1. g., {*} ^ M- There exists an integer n suzh that This implies that {%} fg | x — n\ = | (x — y) + (y — n)\ fg |# — y\ + \y — n\ = I% — y\ + {y}> 0^W-M ^ | x — y\t \{x}-{y)\?\x-y\. Theorem 86: { x } is continuous everywhere. Proof: Let d > 0. For every | and for | h | < d we have, by Theorem 85, |{* + A}-{*}|^|(* + A)-?|=|A|<a.
61 1) The function CHAPTER 4 LIMITS AT x = Introduction X- is defined only for x ^ 3. We shall say that it has a limit, namely 6, at x — 3. Why? For those x which are near 3 but not equal to 3, f(x) is near 6. For if x 7^ 3, then /0) = * + 3, and x + 3 equals 6 at jt = 3 and is continuous there. It may appear like mere sophistry not to consider the function x + 3 in the ?2 —9 first place, instead of . However, the fact that there was a denominator x — 3 which could be cancelled in the neighborhood of x = 3, except at x = 3 itself, is a coincidence. In the next example, no such coincidence occurs. 2) The function log_(M-) X is defined for all x > — 1 with the exception of 0. We shall find that the situation here at x = 0 and for the number 1 is entirely similar to that in example 1) at x = 3 and for the number 6. For x > — 1, we have, by Theorems 37 and 38, -^— ^ log A + *) ^ *, so that for x > 0, 1 < log A + *) < 1( 1 + x ~ % ~
62 and, for — 1 < x < 0, 1 + x' 1 1 +x~ X log A 4- x) log A + x) 1 ^0, ^ 1, 1 + x~~ Thus if 0 < | x | < y29 then log A + x) log A + x) > _5J——L _ l > o. < 1 +x <2\x\, so that for any d > 0, if 0 < | x \ < Min("^> ^-)» then log A + x) < 3) /(*) = - is defined for x # 0. No number 77 has the desired property at the critical value 0. For, if there were an e > 0 such that 1 rj x < 1 for 0 < I x I < e, then we should have for 0 < x < s, which is not the case for 4) Let )t the case for = Min (-, 31—r). \2 1 + U/ /(%) = 0 for % ^ 5, 1 for % = 5. 0 has the desired property for the critical value 5. Indeed, \f(x) — 0| is even equal to 0 for all x ^ 5. Before we proceed to define the concept of limit, we shall prove a theorem which states that limits, when they exist, are unique.
63 Theorem 87. Let a < ? < b. Let f(x) be defined for a < x < f and for f < .r < b. Then there is at most one number rj such that Y( ) — I fW for a < x < % and ? <x <b, \rj for % = f i^ continuous at ?. Proof: Let 771 and 7/2 be two such numbers. Let ^i(x) and F2(^) be the corresponding functions F(.r). We need only show that g(x) = F1(x) — F2(x) is equal to zero at x = ?. By Theorem 68, g(^r) is continuous at x= ?. If we had then for a suitable /j we should have, by Theorems 72 and 73, 0 < h < Min (f — a, b — ?), g(f + A) # 0, while, for a < x < fe, # =? ?, we have g(*) = f(*)-/(*) = 0. Definition 24: L#? a < ? < 6. L#? /(#) fr# defined for a < x < ? and for ? <. x <C.b. If there exists an -q in the sense of Theorem 87, then we write lim f(x) — rj (lim is to be read "limit"), or more concisely f(x) ->??, and we say that f(x) has the limit rj at f, or that f(x) approaches 77 at x = f (or as #—»?). An equivalent condition (which makes no use of the previous chapter) is that for every d > 0 there exists an e > 0 such that |/(? + /t)_^1 <<5 for 0< \h\<e, or (equivalently) \f(x) — v\ <d for 0< |* —? I <c.
64 This wording of the definition shows that the concept lim f(x) , given in Definition 24, is independent of the particular choice of a and b. x2 — 9 Examples (see above) : 1) lim = 6. x = 3 x 3 2) lim = 1, x=0 x and therefore, evidently, r ^gx . lim = 1. cr=-{ X 1 Theorem 88: f(x) is continuous at ? if and only if lim f(x) exists and w = /(f). x=t Proof: Obvious. For the remainder of this chapter, all limits will be taken at some fixed f. Theorem 89: // then f(x) + g{x) ->rj + f. Proof: For a suitable p > 0, /(#) + g(#) is defined for 0 < \x — e \ < p. If we define F(*) = (^ ior °<\X — ?\<P> I r] for a; = f, cm - J^) for 0<l x~f I <^ GW~1 C for* = f, #(*) =F(«) +G(*) for \x — ?\<p9 then #M =-{/W +gW for °<h —f I <A V ; { 17 + f for x = |. F(jr) and G(.ar) are continuous at f. Therefore, by Theorem 65, so is $(x). Thus we have 0{x) -+<,) + ?, /(*) + gix) -> V + C. ,m/^-^ + log(l + ,U p= o ^ ^ — " X / Example: lim ^—^ + ^lilZL^ =3 + 1 = 4.
65 Theorem 90: If /(*)->^ g(*)->C then f(x)—g(x)->rj — C. Proof: Like that of Theorem 89, except with 0(x) = F{x) — G(x) and Theorem 68. Theorem 91: // f(x)->rj, g(x)->?, then f{x)g(x) ->???. Proof: Like that of Theorem 89, except with 0{x) = F(x) G(x) and Theorem 69. (%i 9\ x2 9 (x + 4) l=lim (* + 4) -lim =7 .6=42. X 3/ x==3 x = S% 3 Theorem 92: If /(%)-> rh g(%)->?, C #0, then g(*)~V Proof: Like that of Theorem 89, except with •w-in GW and Theorem 75. Of course, p is to be chosen so small that g(x) 7^0 for 0 < | x — S | <p. limlog(l+,) r , r log A + x) x=0 x 1 Example: lim — — = — — = — ^0 xB •+ x) lim {2 + x) 2 x = 0 Theorem 93: If m is an integer ^ 1, and if fn(x)~> Vn for 1 *^kn = m>n integral, then m m 2 fn(x) -> S rjn. n=l n=l
66 Proof: m== 1: Obvious. To proceed from m to m + 1 : m+1 tw w m+1 w = l n = l n = l n = l Theorem 94: // m is an integer g: 1, and if fn(x) —> Vn f°r 1 = w = m> n integral, then m m n /„(*) -> n ^. 71 = 1 tt = l Proof: m = 1: Obvious. To proceed from m to m + 1 : ra+1 TTi 7fl m+1 n/„(*)= n/,M'/,1+1(^ nr/„.»;m+1= n »?„. n = l 71 = 1 n = l n=l Theorem 95: // f(x) -> rj then, for integral m ^ 1, fm{x) -> Y\m. Proof: Theorem 94, with fn(x) = f(x) for \^kn%m. Theorem 96: // |/W|-->hl- Proof: Like that of Theorem 89, except without using g{x) and G(x), and with 0(x) = \F(x)\ and Theorem 76. Theorem 97: L*tf lim /(#) = 0, e > 0, UW| ^|/(*)| /or 0<|* —f | <*. lim g(x) = 0. *=* Proof: Let d > 0 be given. There exists a ? with 0 < C ^ e such that, for 0< |tf—f | <C, I K*) I < «, so that \g(*)\<*.
67 And now the reader is perhaps waiting for the analogue of Theorem 77 in the following form: "If then lim g(x) = rj, lim f(x) = c lim f(g(x)) = c." Here we have The attempt to prove this by the method of proof of Theorem 89, using Theorem 77, will prove unsuccessful. For, the proposition is false. Counter-example: f = 0, rj — 0, c = 0, f 0 for x ^ 0, /(*)== (l for* = 0. g(x) = 0 for all jit. lim g(x) = lim 0 — 0, x = 0 x=0 lim f(x) = lim 0 = 0, x — 0 x=0 f(g(x)) = 1 for all x, lim/(g(*)) = 1, x=0 1^0. An even gorier one is the following Counter-example: f — 0, rj = 0, c = 0, /(*) We have — 0 for x ^ 0, undefined for # = 0, g(x) — 0 for all #. lim g(#) = 0, x=0 lim /(*) = 0, x = 0 f(g(x)) undefined for all x. A weaker, but correct substitute is Theorem 98: For a suitable p > 0, let g(x)^ v for 0< \x — ? I <p.
68 Then if lim g(x) = rj, lim fix) = c, x=rj we have lim f(g(x)) == c. x=? Proof: Choose ag>0 such that f(x) is defined f or 0 < | x— rj | < q. Then choose an r such that 0 < r < /> and such that for 0 < | x — f | < r, we have and therefore Set \g(*)— n\ <<1> 0 < I g{*) —v\ <<?• F{x) = 1 /(*) for 0<|* — rj\ <q, \ c for x — r\, Gte) = f ^W for 0< | * — f | < r, [ rj for a; = f. Then F(^r) is continuous at rj and G(jt) is continuous at |. Therefore, by Theorem 77, F(G(x)) is continuous at f. Thus, lim F(G(*)) =F(G(f)) = Ffo) = c. x=$ If 0 < | x — | | < r, we have G(*) = g(*), F(G(*))=F(g(*))=/(g(*)). Thus, lim f(g(x)) =c.
69 CHAPTER 5 DEFINITION OF THE DERIVATIVE Introduction Let f(x) be defined in a neighborhood of x = I, i. e. for \x— I | < p with some suitable p > 0. If 0 < | h | < p, then f(? + h) — /(?) is the increment of the function f(x) as x changes from x = I to x + h. This increment is either > 0, = 0, or < 0. But the increment h of the variable x is thought of as either > 0 or < 0 (not ==0 since we shall soon divide by h). The quotient ("difference quotient") consequently represents increment of f(x) ,_, . , ,. —¦—- . This may have a lim . increment of x h=o Examples: 1) If then, for every f and for every h ^ 0, And since we have 2) If lim Bf + A) = 2?, {#2 for rational .r, 0 for irrational #, then for | =0, h ^ 0, we have /(f + *) —/(I) _ /(A) _ | A for rational A, 0 for irrational h. -T-{
70 Thus in any case, so that we have But, A) /(* + *)-/(*) h = 0 h lim'<* + *>-'(*> does not exist for any ? 7^ 0. For if ? is rational, then for every /> > 0 there exists an irrational ? 4- /i such that 0 < /r < p, and for this /r we have B) /(f + A)-/(f) On the other hand, if ? is irrational then for every p > 0 there exists a rational ? + h such that 0 < h < />, and for this & we have C) f(s + h) — f(e) (f + />J These remarks exclude the existence of the limit A) in either case. For, suppose it did exist and were = t. Then for a suitable e > 0 and for 0 < \ h\ < e, we would have so that /(g + *)-/(g) h /(? + />)-/(?) — * <1, A <M +i- But for a suitable choice of /> < e, the absolute value of the right-hand sides of B) and C) can be made larger than | t | + 1 for all h with 0 < h < />. 3) If (an everywhere continuous function), then for ? == 0 and /r 7^ 0, we have /(? + *)-/(?) J *j J 1 for A > 0, {— 1 for h < 0,
71 so that lim does not exist. On the other hand, if I > 0 and 0 < \h\ < I, then ft = 0 /(? + />)-/(?) (g + *)--? _ h h so that the limit exists and is = 1 for ? > 0. And if ? < 0 and 0 < | h | < — f, then /(g+ *)-/(?) = -(? + &)-(_?) = _ so that the limit exists and is — 1 for f < 0.
72 Definition 25: f(x) is difjerentiable at x = ? if /(f + A)-/(f) lim - exists. This limit is then called the derivative of f(x) at x = |, and is denoted by f (I). If y = f(x), then we also write f(x). For, the derivative, where it exists, is a function of f. And this independent variable may also be called x. We . dy df(x) d , , . P c . a/so wn^ ¦— or —— or — f(x)and, when there is no possibility of contusion, dx dx dx (f(x))'ory'. (Such confusion might be possible in cases such as the following: What is the meaning of Does it mean or (**)'? lim — (= z), (X X(a + h)z- h t + h)- — xz - xz lim (= xj? 7* = 0 h d(xz\ d(xz\ The first limit will be unambiguously designated by—^—', the second by——L dx dz However, we may employ the expression (x 3)' with a clear conscience whenever the meaning is unambiguous from the context. In other words (without making use of the previous chapter) : f(x) is differentiable at x = I and has the derivative t there if for every d > 0 there exists an e > 0 such that f(e + h)-m_t h Expressed in still another way, < d for 0 < I h I < e. f'(i) = lim x=z x — i
73 if this limit exists; i. e. if there is a t (the limit) such that for every 6 > 0 there is an e > 0 for which /(*)-/(?) , < <5 for 0 < I x — f I < e. Theorem 99: // /(#) u differentiable at x = |, ?/^w /(#) u continuous there. Proof: As /* —> 0, we have /(g + A)-/(g) so that, by Theorem 91, The third example of the introduction to this chapter shows that continuity does not imply differentiability. In that example, ]{x) was continuous everywhere and f(x) did not exist for one value of x, but did for all other values of x. One might think, and it was indeed thought for a long time* that an everywhere-continuous function must be differentiable somewhere. The following theorem of Weierstrass shows that this is not so. We shall prove it, using a recent example of Van der Waerden's. Theorem 100: There exists an everywhere-continuous, nowhere-differ- entiable junction. Proof: 1) By Theorems 86, 77 (with f(x)= {x}, g(x) = 4nx), and 67 ( with c= —), \ 4tnI Unx} is continuous everywhere for every integer n ^ 0. By Theorem 84, we have 0^fn(x)?—— <-. 2 • 4n 471 2) Setting m Fm(x)= Z/„(*) for integral m ^ 0, we have 0 JS Fm(x) 52 Fm+1(*). Since 1 1 m y 4«i+l
74 Theorem 27 yields, for any fixed x, the existence of lira Fm(x) = /(*). We shall prove all of the above for this function j(x). 3) We first prove that f(x) is continuous for every f. For integral m, k} with m > k ^ 0, and every x, we have m m y 4Jc+l ^.m+l 0 ^ ?m{x) - Fk(x) = S /„(*) < S - = — j— n = k+l n = k+l 4 1 — f 1 1 4&+1 ^fc' <i — < Let <5 > 0 be given. We choose an integer k ^ 0 such that 1 6 Then for every jr and for integral m > k, 0?Fm(x)-Fk(x)<±, so that (w-» oo ), by Theorem 22, 0^/(*)-Ffc(*)^i. Hence for every f and every h, we have |/(f + A)-Fft(f + A)|^l and |/(f)-Ffc(f)|^|. Now let | be fixed. By Theorem 66, Ffc(jr) is continuous at |. Thus for suitable e > 0, and for | h | < e, we have |Ffc(f+ A)-Ft(?)| < j. so that |/(| + A)-/(f)| = | (/(? + A)-F*(f + A)) - (/(f)_Ffc(f)) + (Ffc(f+ A)-Ft(f)) | ^ | /(* + A) - Ffc(f + A) | + | /(f) - Ft(f) |+ | Ffc(f + A) - Ffc(f) | d d d 3^33
75 4) Finally, we show that j{x) is not differentiable at any ?. If we had for some value I, then for suitable e > 0 we would have ¦ * < i for 0 < | x — f | < s. x — Z For every sequence ?k, k^.1 for which I, # f, ?*->?, there would exist a fc0 such that for k^ k0 we would have l/fo)-/(?) and therefore also so that ¦t <h —t <i »fc+l < 1. Thus to obtain a contradiction, it suffices to produce a sequence |fc, & ^ 1 and integral, with such that is an integer for all k, and in fact is even if k is even and odd if k is odd. For then we should have, for all k, that Sk — S ft+1-f And this can and will be done. For integral k §: 1, we set f -f 4-*, if [4*|] is even, 1. Evidently, we have f _ 4-*> if [4*|] is odd. | ft - 11 = 4-fc -> 0,
76 If n is an integer 22 k, then 4»ffc = 4"f ± 4"-fc = 4»| + an integer, so that by Theorem 83, {4»|fc} = {*»?}, /«(?*) = /»(«¦ Thus, for integers w, &, with w §: & g: 1, m A;—1 n=0 n=0 so that, for integers k g: 1, (i) /(?*)-/(?)= S1^^) -/»(!))• n = 0 If n is an integer such that O^n^k — 1, then 2 • 4~k = 21~2k < 21-2(n+1) = 2~2n_1. Thus 4~~^ < 2~2n-i 4~fc Setting a = [2^+^] , we have a <: 22w+1f < a + 1, B) 2-2^-ia ^ f < 2-2"-i@ + 1). I assert that we have (for our k which is ^ w + 1) C) 2-2»-10 ^ ?fc < 2-2"-1(a +1), and distinguish three cases for the purpose of the proof. I) If 2-2n-ia _j_ 4-fc ^ f < 2-2*-1 (a + 1) — 4-*, then C) follows, since |*fc-f| = 4-* II) If 2-2n-ia ^ f < 2-2w-1a + 4-*, then 22fc-2n-l^ <^ 4fc? < 22fc-2n-l^ + ! [4*?] = 22^-2^-ia = an even number, 2-2n-ia < ?fc < 2-2w-1a 4- 2 . 4~* ^ 2-2w-!(a + 1).
77 III) If 2-2w-i(a -f- 1) — 4-fc ^ f < 2-2^-1(« + 1), then 22*-2n-l(a _j_ 1) __ 1 ^ 4fc? < 22*-2n-l(a _j_ ^ [4*?] = 22fc-2*-1(a + 1) — 1 = an odd integer, 2-2n-ia ^ 2-2?l-1(a + 1) — 2 . 4-* ^ ^ < 2-2n~1(a + 1) Thus C) always holds. If a is even, then it follows from B) and C), setting that 2 b <, 4*| 6 ^ 4"?t {4"?} = {*"?*} = /,(?) = = 6, <& + i <& + i 4"! — 6, 4"f * — b, b D) /n(ft)-/»(f) = f*-f- If a is odd, then it follows from B) and C), setting a + 1 that & — i ^ 4wf < 6, 6 — i ^ 4-|fc < 6, {4wf} = 6 — 4nf, {4ttf*} = & —±*fA. /*(?*) = ^n — %k> E) /»(W-/n(« =-(**-«•
78 If 0 g w g & — 1, we have by D) and E) that, in either case, Thus if k g: 1, we have by A) that —r — = S (± 1) = S A + even number) = k + even number, and so is even for even k, and odd for odd k.
79 CHAPTER 6 GENERAL THEOREMS ON THE CALCULATION OF DERIVATIVES Introduction The purpose of this chapter is, on the one hand, to investigate the most important of the functions with which we are familiar (e.g. xn,\ogx,e*) as to whether, where, and with what result, they are differentiable, and on the other hand, given several differentiable functions, to investigate the same questions for their sum, product, etc. This alone would not, however, get us very far. The most difficult but also the most important theorem of this chapter, namely Theorem 101 (the so-called chain rule), with which we shall begin this chapter (although several later results will be obtained directly, without its use) enables us to differentiate "composite" functions f(g(x)) (e.g. log(l + jr4)) provided we can differentiate f(x) and g(x) (in this example, log x and 1 + x*).
80 Theorem 101: Let Then f(g(x)) is differentiable at f, and its derivative is xt. For short: ^/fe(*))=/'fe(*))f'(*)- Even shorter: Proof: lim /fa + *)~/W = , Hence there exists a /> > 0 such that if we set q>(k) = for 0 <\k\ <p, k x f or k = 0 , then <p(fc) is continuous at & = 0. If | fe | < p, then /fa + *)-/fo) = M*)- If we set k = g(S + h)-g(S), then k — k(h) is continuous and equal to 0 at h = 0. Hence there exists a q > 0 such that | A | < ? for | h | < q. If 0 < | h | < g, then /(g(f+*))-/(g(g)) /fa+*)-/fa) k(h) A = h = -*-*(*(*»¦ Now we have lim —— = f. ft=0 ^
81 By Theorem 77, q)(k(h)) is continuous at h = 0, so that lim <p(k(h)) = <p{k@)) = <p@) = t. Hence we have (Theorem 91) h = 0 h Theorem 102: Everywhere, we have dc dx Proof: If K*) = c, then for every | we have for h ^ 0 that /(g + A)-/(f) c-c a n h --jp-0^0. Theorem 103: For integral n > 0 and /or a// #, tt>? /ia^? -— = nx71-1. dx Proof: If f(x) = x», then for every | we have for h ^ 0 that /(* + *) - m __ <* + *r - ^ = - tf + h)V^_ h v=o n-l n—1 d log % 1 Theorem 104: . = - for x > 0. dx x Proof: By example 2) to Definition 24, we have HmlogJl±*) = 1- If jr > 0, then by Theorem 98 (with h log A + h) g(h) = -t v*=o, * = o, /(*) = \ » c==1)> log(l+^) lim = 1,
82 so that (Theorem 92) ,. l0gA + 7) , lim = -, h=o h x lim l°g (x + h)— lQg x = 1 ft=o h x' ™, ,,*- ^0g ( X) 1 Theorem 105: — = — for x < 0. Proof: By Theorems 101 (with f(x) = log*, ?(#) = — #) and 104, we have dlog(-x)=J_ r=s_l Theorem 106: Everywhere, we have dex —• = g*. dx Proof: By example 2) to Definition 24, we have lim = 1, * = ! #— 1 so that, by Theorem 92, ,. *~* lim =. 1. x=i log a; Since e* j± 1 for j^ 0, we have, by Theorem 98 (with x— 1 g(x) =e*, rj= 1, * = 0, /(*) - ** — 1 lim = 1. log x' x = 0 x Since *?+* — ^ teh—l = e* for A # 0 , h we have, for every f, lim Theorem 107: (cf (x))' = cf'(x), if the right-hand side is meaningful.
83 Proof: Suppose f (?) exists. Then for suitable p > 0 and 0 < | h | < pf we have c/(f+A)-c/(f) /(f + A)_/(f) A ~ C A * C/ (l)- Theorem 108: For every a > 0 <md /or a// *• w? /km7? dax —— = a* log a. Proof: By Theorems 101 (with j{%) =e*, g(x) = xloga), 106, 107, and 103 (with n= 1), we have (a*)' = (^log a)' = ^log a log a == a* log a. Theorem 109: If x > 0, then we have for any n that dxn dx Proof: By Theorems 101 (with f(x) = ex, g(x) = nlogx), 106, 107, and 104, we have (**)' = (enl0*xy = enloz* — = xn — = nxn~\ X x Example: If x > 0, then dVx 1 = nxn~x. dx 2Vx Theorem 110: (/(*) + g(*))' = /'(*) + g'(*), if the right-hand side is meaningful (i.e. if f(x) and g'(x) exist). Proof: Suppose f (I) and g'(f) exist. Then for suitable p > 0, we have for 0 < | h | < p that (/(I + h) + g(f + *)) — (/(f) + g(f)) _ . _ — _/(? + *)-/(?) , gtf + *)-g(g) : m + ^ A A Example: A + a4)' = 4%3, so that, by Theorems 101 and 109, (for all x) dVl +x* 1 , , 2x* 4#3 ^ 2Vl + ** Vl + tf4
84 / m Theorem 111: (m \ ' m s /.(*) = 2 /;<*) n=l ' n=l */ fAe right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: m = 1 is obvious. To proceed from m to m+ 1: m+l m / mj \' s /;(*) = s /;<*) + /;+1 w = s /„(*)) + rm+1(x) n — 1 n—1 \w = l ' (m w /m+l \' S/«(*) + /m+i(*) = 2 /«(*))• n = l / \n = l / Theorem 112: // w is a positive integer, then for all x (m \r m M = 0 / 71 = 1 Proof: ao' = 0 (Theorem 102), (xnY = n**-1 for « > 0 (Theorem 103), so that (anxnY = wa^-1 for w > 0 (Theorem 107), and Theorem 111. Theorem 113: (/(*)—?(*))' = f'(x)—g'(x), if the right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: /'(*) ~g'(x) = /'(*) + (- l)g'(x) = /'(*)+«- l)g(*))' = /'(*) + (-g(x))' = (/(*) + (-?(*)))' = (/(*)-?(*))'• Theorem 114: (f(x)g(x))' = /(*)g'(*) + f'(x)g(x), if the right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: Suppose f (I) and g'(!) exist. Then there is a p > 0 such that, for 0 < | h |< />, /(g+%(f+A)-/(g)g(f) ,/t| g(f+A)-g(g) , /(f+A)-/(f) -h =/(*+*) ^ +g(*> ^ ->/(f)g'(f)+g-(f)/'(«, by Theorem 99. Theorem 115: H7^ fow/? for integral m^.2 that (m \'m m n /.(*) = s /;(*) n /,w n = l / n, = l y = i except v = n if the right-hand side is meaningful. m (The meaning of U is quite clear; it is a product of m— 1 factors.) v=*i except v = n
85 Proof: The case m = 2 is Theorem 114. To proceed from m to m + 1: By Theorem 114, we have (m+i • V / m V n /„(*)) = (ni/n(*)-/m+iW) = n fn(x) -f'm+1(x) + s /;(*) n /„(*) •/„„(*) n = l n = l v=l except v=n m+1 m+1 except v = n Theorem 116: For integral m ^ 1, rf# = mfm-1(x)f,(x)) if the right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: m=l is obvious; m > 1 follows from Theorem 115 with fn{x) = f(x) for 1 ^ w ^ *«. Theorem 117: (-L) = — ^, \f(x)l f*(x) if the right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: Suppose /'(I) exists, and let /(f) * o. Then there is a /> > 0 such that, for 0 < | h | < />, /(? + A) # 0, so that i i_ m + *) - m ns + h) m h fa) Theorem 118 h fa + h)f(s) rw f(x)V g(x)f'(x)-f(x)g'(x) //(*)V g( ' \g(x)J \g(x)f g2(x) if the right-hand side is meaningful. g(*)f(*)-n*)g Proof: '¦^M-ffl+r^ -"•,(«-fe)'+mf-H-("*,is))'-D'- Theorem 119: If n is an integer and x ^ 0, then (xn)' — nxn~L.
86 Proof: The case n > 0 is contained in Theorem 103; the case n = 0 is obvious. If n < 0, then, by Theorem 117, / 1 V (x-nY —nx-11-1 (xnY = ) = — - = = nx"-1. (?)'_v* Theorem 120: If n > 0 is integral and if x > 0, then nx Proof: By Theorem 109, we have /» y / iy ii.! ii Vx I Vx I = \xn I = —xn == — xnx~x = . \ / \ / n n nx Theorem 121: If n > 0 is an odd integer and if x < 0, then the equation yn = x has exactly one solution, namely Proof: y must be negative. Our equation states that (—y)n = —xt and this is equivalent to n — y = V— x, i.e. y — — V— x. n Definition 26: The y of Theorem 121 is called Vx. i_ Theorem 122: Vx = x for x < 0. Proof: x1 = x. Theorem 123: // n > 0 is an odd integer and if x < 0, then nx Proof: By Theorems 101 (with n _ f(x) = — Vx, g(x) = —x) and 120, we have
87 CHAPTER 7 INCREASE, DECREASE, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM Introduction If h # 0 and if f(x) is defined in the interval ??= x ?= ? + h or in the inter- f(? + h)—f(S) val | + A ^ ^r ^ I, then the difference quotient measures, ft in a way, the steepness of the function in the interval. Consideration of the derivative (if it exists) will yield more delicate distinctions; the derivative at | measures, in a way, the steepness of the function at |.
Definition 27 and Definition 28 and Definition 29 f(x) is increasing at ? if there exists an e > 0 such that /(*)</(?) for ?-e<x<? /(*)>/(?) /*' ?<*<? + *• /(.r) w decreasing at ? if f/ier^ exists an e > 0 jmc/i f/ifltf /(*)>/(?) for ? — e<x<?, /(*)</(*) for ?<*<? + ?. f(x) has a maximum at I if there exists an s > 0 such that /(*)</(?) /<w 0<|* —5|<e. Definition 30: /(jr) ft as a minimum at <J rf there exists an e > 0 smc/i /ftai /(*)>/(?) /^ o< I* —?| <c. Theorem 124: For every f(x) and each fixed f, at most one of the following four possibilities can be realised: f(x) is increasing at I, f(x) is decreasing at |, f(x) has a maximum at f, f(x) has a minimum at ?. Proof: Obvious. It may also happen that f(x) is defined for \ x— ? | < p with some p > 0, and yet that none of the four possibilities is realized. Example: f = 0, /(*) = #2 for rational ;r, — #2 for irrational x. Here we have /@) = o, and for every e > 0, there does exist an x for which f(x) <0, — e <* < 0; /(#) > 0, — e < x < 0; f(x) < 0, 0 < a: < e; f{x) > 0, 0 < x < e.
89 Theorem 125: // /'(I) > o, then f(x) is increasing at ?. Proof: If f(S + h)-f(S) h then by Theorem 72 (applied to the function f/(! + A)_/(| F(*) = t > 0 , for 0 < | h | < />, t for A = 0 , for suitable /> > 0), there exists an e > 0 such that > 0 for 0 < \h < e, h ' ' so that /(f + A) </(f) for — e<A<0, /(? + A) > /(?) for 0<A<?. Theorem 126: // /'(?) < o, ?/t?n /(#) w decreasing at f. Proof: If we set g(*) = -/(*) then we have g'lS)=-f'(S)>0. By Theorem 125, g(x) is increasing at |. Hence there exists an e > 0 such that —/(*) <—/(?) for f — e <* <f, — /(*) > — /({) for { < x < | + e. Theorem 127: If f(x) has a maximum or a minimum at ?, and if f (!) exists, then /'(?)=o. Proof: Theorems 124, 125, and 126. However, it should not be thougKt that if f(x) has a maximum or a minimum at |, then we must have f(D = 0. f(§) need not even exist, as the example /(*)=| *),? = <)
90 shows. We know (example 3) at the beginning of Chap. 5) that f @) does not exist. In spite of this, f(x) clearly has a minimum at 0, since /@) = 0, f(x) > 0 for x ^ 0. When can we determine on the basis of our present knowledge, by considering /'(?), that we have a maximum or that we have a minimum or even that we have one or the other? Never. For, 1) If f (|) does not exist, then we know nothing; 2) if /'(?) > 0 or if f (!) < 0, then we know that neither a maximum nor a minimum is present; 3) if /'(<?) = 0, then we know nothing. For good measure, I shall give five examples which illustrate 3). In the first example, the function has a maximum, in the second, it has a minimum, in the third, it is increasing, in the fourth, it is decreasing, and in the fifth none of these situations occurs. In each of the examples, we have 1 = 0, f@) = f@) = 0. I) f(x) = — x2, and so is <0 for x ^ 0. II) f(x) = x2, and so is >0 for x ^ 0. III) j(x) = x\ and so is < 0 for x < 0, > 0 for x > 0. IV) f(x) = — x\ and so is > 0 for x < 0, < 0 for x > 0. V) f(x) is the example given after Theorem 124. Indeed, ± h2 /'@) = lim =— = 0. h=o n In spite of this indecisive (but not undecidable) situation, we shall now work out an example to the point where we have determined all maxima and minima. Of course, we shall rely not only upon the theorems we have proved, but also on the original definitions. (Later, we shall have more theorems at our disposal.) I x Example: f(x) — — . x —j~ x Now we have for all x that — A + x2) — A — xJx — 1 — 2x + x2 f (*) = (l + x2J = A + *2J f(x) is equal to zero only when (x — IJ — 2 --= x2 — 2x — 1 = 0, and hence for the two numbers x = 1 ± V2 and no others.
91 Thus, i (x) can have a maximum or a minimum only at 1 + a/2 and 1 — V2. I assert that it has a minimum at 1 -f- a/2 and a maximum at 1 — V2. In fact, if we set ? = 1 ± V2 , then for all h # 0, is positive, negative, or zero according to whether A _ f _ A)A + f2) — A —f)(l + fa + 2« + A2) = — A(l + f2) — A — f) B« + A2) - A(— 1 — f2 — 2| + 2f2) — 7*2A — f) = A2(f — 1) is positive, negative, or zero. Hence we have for all h ^0 that /(? + *) > /(f) ^ f = 1 + V2, /(? + A) < /(f) if f = 1 — V2. This example may be misleading in that f(x) has a value greater than all others at 1 — V2 , and a value less than all others at 1 4- V2 , while only a neighborhood 0< \ x — f | <e is taken into consideration for investigation of maxima and minima. However, the correct situation is apparent from Definitions ?9 and 30. An example of a minimum which is not smaller than all other values of the function is the following: f(x) = x2 — x*, f = 0. 0 is a minimum, since if 0 < | jit | < 1, then /@) = 0<*2A— **) = /(*); nevertheless, /B) = 22 — 26< 0-/@).
92 CHAPTER 8 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF A FUNCTION CONTINUOUS IN A CLOSED INTERVAL The contents of this chapter could have been discussed in connection with Chap. 3. However, I wanted to introduce the differential calculus first. Definition 31: A set of numbers fflt is said to be bounded if there exists a c such that, for every x of 3K, \x | < c. Definition 32: A set of numbers 3K is said to be bounded from above if there exists a c such that, for every x of ffll, x < c. Definition 33: A set of numbers SB is said to be bounded from below if there exists a c such that, for every x of 2R, x > c. Theorem 128: A set of numbers is bounded if and only if it is bounded from above and bounded from below: Proof: 1) If \x\ <c then C < X < c. 2) If cx < x < c2 then — x<—clt | # | = Max (x, — x) < Max (c2, — cx). Definition 34: If Wt is an infinite set of numbers, then I is called a limit point (point of accumulation) of 9TC if for every d > 0 there are infinitely many numbers of 9JJ for which ?-.d<x<$ + d. Warning: "limit point" and "limit" are two different concepts.
93 Examples: 1) The set fflt of integers does not have any limit points. For if a < b, there are never infinitely many integers x such that a < x < b. 2) If 3K is the set of numbers —, where n is an integer ^ 1, then it is clear n that no | ^ 0 is a limit point. For, if we set a_l*i. 2 then there are not infinitely many integers n ^ 1 such that f — d < - < S + d, n since either ? — <5 > 0 or I + <5 < 0, and L lim — = 0. n — cc M However, | = 0 is a limit point. For if d is an arbitrarily chosen positive 1 number, then for integral n > — we have 1 0 — d < — < 0 + <5. n This example shows that a limit point of 3K need not belong to 2R. (Indeed, that it belong to ffll was not required in Definition 34.) Moreover, in Definition 34 it would have sufficed to require only that there exist, for every d > 0, at least one x of 99? such that A) 0< \x — i\ <d. For, employing 7) of the introduction, we may deduce from this that for every integer w §r 1 there are at least n such x (hence that there are infinitely many). For, if x = xv, 1 ^ v fg n, v integral, are distinct numbers which satisfy A), then we set d1 = Min \xv — f | , and choose xn+1 in %Jl with °<|*n+l — f | <»i (<«). Then we have for 1 fg v ^ n that - I xn+l f I < I xv " f I» so that Theorem 129: Every bounded infinite set of numbers has a limit point.
94 Proof: There exists a c such that,for all x of the given set 9K, — c < x < c. We place a in class I if x < a does not hold for infinitely many x of 9JJ, class II if x < a holds for infinitely many x of 9R. Every number a belongs to exactly one of these classes. Class I contains — c, and class II contains c. If a lies in class II, and if /# > a, then we have for infinitely many x of 2R that * < a < /?, so that /? lies in class II. Hence there exists a ? such that every a < ? belongs to class I and every a > ? belongs to class II. This | is a limit point. For if 6 > 0 is given, then ? — d lies in class I, and ? + d lies in class II. Hence there are in 3K infinitely many „r < ? + <5, but not infinitely many ^ < | — 6. If there were not infinitely many x in SDJ for which I — <3<*<! + <3, then, by Theorem 7, SDJ would not contain infinitely many x < I + <3. Theorem 130: Suppose that a <b, and that, for all integers n ^ 1, a ^ I, ^ fe. (The fn need not be distinct.) TTz^n f/i^r? ?,mfa a | such that for every 6 > 0, ! — <$<!w<! + <5 /or infinitely many n. Preliminary Remark: Eo ipso, we then have a^Z^b. Proof: 1) If there are infinitely many distinct !„, then any limit point I of the bounded infinite set of points which consists of the distinct f n satisfies the requirement, and by Theorem 129, there exists at least one such limit point. 2) In the other case, there exists a I, by Theorem 8, such that for infinitely many n. This I is the desired number. Theorem 131: Let a set of numbers x be bounded from above. Then there exists exactly one number I such that every x ^ /, and, for every d > 0, at least one x > / — <3.
95 Proof: 1) There is at most one such /. For if both lx and U > lx have the required properties, then we should have every x ^ llf so that, if we set * = /» —/i(>0), we have no x > h = l2 — d. 2) We now show that there exists an / which has the required properties. We place a in class I if at least one x ^ a, class II if all x < a. There exists an a which belongs to class I, namely any x; by hypothesis, there is an a which belongs to class II. If a is in class II, and if ($ > a, then every x < a < /?, so that [$ is in class II. Hence there exists an / such that every a < / belongs to class I and every a > / belongs to class II. This number / satisfies our requirements. For, a) If we had at least one x > /, then such an x would lie in class II. Thus, we should have x < x. Hence, every x ^ /. b) If d > 0 is given, then / lies in class I. Hence there exists 6 at least one x > I > I — d. ~~ 2 Examples: 1) Let the ^s be the numbers f§ c. Then I = c. 2) In general, if the set contains a greatest number, then it is /. 3) Let the x's be the numbers < c. Once again l = c, but now / does not belong to the set. 4) Let the x's be the numbers 1 , and n an integer ^ 1. Then /= 1, n and / does not belong to the set. Definition 35: For every set of numbers which is bounded from above, the I of Theorem 131 is called the least upper bound (l.u.b.) of the set.
96 Theorem 132: Let a set of numbers x be bounded from below. Then there exists exactly one number X such that every x ^ X, and, for every S > 0, at least one x < X + 6. Proof: We apply Theorem 131 to the set of the —x's and set X = — l Then we have every (— x) ^ / = — A, at least one (— x) > / — d== — X — S. Definition 36: For every set of numbers which is bounded from below, the X of Theorem 132 is called the greatest lower bound (g.l.b.) of the set. Example: Consider the set of all numbers x of the form % = Vn2 +1 — n, w^l an integer. The set is bounded from below, since for each such x we have x >0. If 6 is given, then for n > — we have 26 n2 + 1 < n2 + 26n < [n + dJ, Vn2 + 1 < n + d, x < 6. Thus, X = 0. Definition 37: f(x) is said to be continuous on the right at I if for every 6 > 0 there is an s > 0 such that \f(S + h)~f(S)\ <d for 0<h<e. Definition 38: f(x) is said to be continuous on the left at I if for every 6 > 0 there is an e > 0 such that \KS+h) — f(S)\<6 for —e<h<0. Theorem 133: f(x) is continuous at I if and only if it is continuous on the left and on the right at f. Proof: Obvious. Definition 39: // a < b, then the set of x such that a :g x 5^ b is called a closed interval and is denoted by [a, b]. Definition 40: f(x) is said to be continuous on [a, b] if f(x) is continuous at a on the right, continuous at b on the left, and continuous at every I such that a < ? < b.
97 Example: Vx is continuous on [0, b] for b > 0. For, we already know that it is continuous at all I > 0. And Vx is continuous at 0 on the right, since for every d > 0 we have | Vx | < d for 0 < x < d2. Theorem 134: f(x) is continuous on [a, b] if and only if for every ? on [a, b] and for every d > 0 there exists an s > 0 such that | /(? + h) — /(f) | < d for | /* | < e, a ^ f + /* ^ 6. Proof: Obvious. Theorems 135 -138: If f(x) and g{x) are continuous at ? on the right, then so are 135) /(*) + g(x), 136) /(*)—g(«), 137) f{x)g{x), 138) f/ g(« # 0, Oi . Theorems 139 - 142: The same, but with left for right in both hypothesis and conclusion. Simultaneous proof of Theorems 135-142: In Theorems 135-138 or in Theorems 139 - 142, we define (by changing the old definitions if necessary, since nothing prevents f(x) and g{x) from being defined, for example, for all x < ? or all x > ? respectively) !\ ) J\$) I for jr <^ | or for ^r > | respectively. (This does not affect the hypothesis or the conclusion.) Then f(x) and g(x) are continuous at f, and the conclusions follow from Theorems 65, 68, 69, 75. Theorem 143: // f(x) is continuous at ? on the right, and if f(l)#o, then there exists an e > 0 si/c/i f/mf /(*)/(?) >0 /or I <*^| + e. Theorem 144: // /(.*¦) w continuous at ? on f/z? te/f, and if /E)#0, ?/i?n ?/^r? exists an e > 0 such that /(*)/(?) >0 /or f —e^^r<f. Simultaneous proof of Theorems 143-144: Both theorems follow from Theorems 72 and 73, if we define /(#) = /(?) for x < I or for x > I, respectively.
98 Common hypothesis of Theorems 145 ¦ 152, 154, and 155: Let f(x) be continuous on [a, b]. Theorem 145: The totality of values of f(x) on [a, b] forms a bounded set. Proof: Otherwise there would exist, for every c, an x on [a, b] such that \K*)\^c. Accordingly, for every integral n ^ 1, we choose a Jn on [a, &] such that IK*.)I si". By Theorem 130, there exists a I on [a, b] such that for every 6 > 0 we have, infinitely often, I — d<$n<? + d. By Theorem 134 (with 6=1, and with 6 in place of the e appearing there), there is a 6 > 0 such that, for I — 6 < x < | + 6, a^x^b, we have I/(*)_/(*) I <i, so that |/(*)|<l + |/(!)|. Therefore we should have »^l/(fn)l<i + l/(*)l, for infinitely many n> which is false. Theorem 146: f(x) takes on a largest value on [a, b]. In other words, there exists a y such that a ^ y ^ b, f(x)^f(y) for a^x^b. Proof: Let / be the least upper bound of the various values of f(x) on [a, b] ; this exists, by virtue of Theorems 145 and 131. (Cf. Definition 35). More concisely, / is the l.u.b. of f(x) on [a, b]. Then, for all x on [a, b], we have If there did not exist a y on [a, b] such that /(y) = i. then we should always have /(*) < i. l — f(x) > 0 on [a, b], so that 1
99 would be continuous on [a, b], by Theorems 136, 138, 140, 142. Hence, by Theorem 145, it would be bounded from above, so that Hence there would be no x such that f(x)>l-l, which contradicts the definition of the l.u.b. Theorem 147: f(x) takes on a least value on [a, b]. In other words, there exists an -q such that f(x)^f(v) for a^x^b. Proof: By Theorems 137 and 141, — f(x) is continuous on fa, b]. Hence, by Theorem 146, there exists an rj on [a, b] such that —f(x)^—f(v) for a^x^b. Theorem 148: // /(a)<0</F), then there exists exactly one ? such that a<?<b, /(f) = 0, f(x) < 0 for a^ x < ?. Preliminary Remark: Even the part of the theorem which asserts the existence of a I such that a<i=<b, /(!) = 0, though it is very plausible, is quite deep, and it is very important. Proof: 1) That there is at most one such I, is obvious. For if |x and f 2 > f i are two such, then we should have both /(fx) = 0,/(f1)<0. 2) To prove that there is one such ?, we proceed as follows. There exists an rj such that A) a^v^b, B) /(¦*)< 0 for a^x^v,
100 namely rj = a. Let ? be the l.u.b. of the ?/s for which A) and B) hold. Then we have We have C) fO)<0 for a^x<?. For, in case ? = a, nothing is asserted here. And in case ? > a, we choose, for every x0 with a 5^ ,r0 < f, an 77 with x0 < 77 ^ ? for which B) holds, so that K*o) < 0. I assert that (and hence a < ? < fr, so that everything will be proved ). If we had /(*)<o, then we should have a ^ f < b, so that, by Theorem 143, there would exist an e such that 0<e<b — |, D) /(*) < 0 for f ^ * <; f + e. Then C) and D) would imply that /O)<0 for a^x<:? + e, and there would exist an ?? > | with A) and B), namely rj= f + ?. If we had /(«) > 0, then we should have a < ? ^ b, so that, by Theorem 144, there would exist an -q such that a < v < S, f(v) > 0, contradicting C). Theorem 149: // f(a) >0 >/(&), //^n //^?t exists exactly one f ,ywc/& ?&a? a < f < b, /(f) = 0, /(#) > 0 /or a^ ;r < f. Proof: Theorem 148 with —f(x) in place of f(x).
101 Theorem 150: // f(a)<c<i(b), then there exists exactly one ? such that a<? <b, f(x) < c for af^x < ?. Theorem 151: // f(a)>c>j(b), then there exists exactly one ? such that a<? <b, f(x) > c for a 5= x < ?. Simultaneous proof of Theorems 150 and 151: Theorem 148 and 149 respectively, with f(x)—c in place of f(x). Theorem 152: // / is the greatest value and k the least value of f(x) on [a, b], and if X^c^l, then there exists a ? such that a^t^b, f(S) = c. Proof: This is trivial for c = l and for c = I. Therefore let X < c < I Choose u and v on [a, b] such that f(u) = X,f(v) = l, and apply Theorem 150 or Theorem 151 to the interval [u, v] or [v, u] (according to whether u < v or v < u). Theorem 153: // n f(x) = 2 avxv, n an odd integert then there exists a ? such that /(?) = 0. Proof: W.l.g. let an = 11 otherwise consider Ll__i). nd an a < f(a) < 0 a By Theorem 148 it suffices to find an a < 0 with
102 and a b > 0 with f(b) > 0. Setting n-l SKI=A, we have for I x I ^ 1 that so that, for | x \ = 1 + A, it follows that | f(x) — xn | < | x | | x J71 = | x \n. Hence we have for x = — 1 — A that f(x) < xn + | x\n = 0 and for x = 1 + A that /(*) > *n — | x\n = 0. Theorem 154 (theorem on uniform continuity) : For every 6 > 0 there exists an e > 0 ^/cA ?to | /(a) — f(P) \<d for a<^ a^b, a ^ p ^ b, | a — /8 | < c. Preliminary Remark: Theorem 154 is not a special case of Theorem 134, since in that theorem e depends on ?. Proof: If there were no such e for some S > 0, then for every integer n = 1 we could choose two numbers an, fi„ on [a, b] such that I /(«»)-/(/*») | ^-5, K-/*»|<-- Determine a I by Theorem 130 with ?n = an. Since /(jr) is continuous on [a, fr], there would exist, by Theorem 134, an e > 0 such that A) |/(*)—/(?)|<-| for a^*^6. |* —?|<2e. Choose n such that 1 n > — ? and I an — & | < e- Then we have I /»»-*! H(«n-«-(«»-A.)| ^|«»-*|+|«*-/U 1 < ? H < 2e ,
103 so that, by A), b f* | f(*n)-f(Pn) I = I (/(«»)-/(*)) - Wn) "/(*)) I ^ I /(«») -m i + i/(a.) -/(*) | < |+1 =«. n Example: [a, 6] arbitrary, f(x) any entire rational function S #v #v. v=o Here, however, the assertion of Theorem 154 may be verified directly, as follows. Set M = Max(|a|, \b |). W.l.g- let n > 0. Then if a and /? are on [a, b]f we have I /(«)-/(/») | = | S «, (a»- 18*) | = | a- /J | | ? «„ Sa^-V | V = l V = l ^ = 0 ^|a—0| S|a„| 'SM^-1M'' = | a — p\c, where c is independent of a and fi, so that |/(a)— /(j8)| <d for | a — fi\ < ——, a and ? on [a, 6]. c + 1 Theorem 155 (Weierstrass) : For every d > 0 ^r^ exists an entire rational function T*(x) such that |/(jr)-P(jr)| < 6 on [a,b]. Preliminary Remark: Theorem 155 evidently implies Theorem 154 (knowing Theorem 154 for P(#), which may be proved directly on the basis of the calculations of the last example). For, for d > 0 choose a P(x) with |/(*)_P(«) I <- on [a,b], and for this ?(x) (which depends on d), choose an e > 0 such that I P(a) — P(/8) | <— for | a — 0\<e, a and ? on [a, 6]. o Then we have for these a, /? that | /(a) - f(fi) | = | (/(a) - P(a)) - (/(/J) - P(fl) + (P(a) - P(/J)) | E E E < 1 1— =6. 3 3 3 The proof of Theorem 154 is not, however, unnecessary, since Theorem 154 is needed in the proof of Theorem 155.
104 Proof: For integral n >0, we set n / •z( 9>w(*) - L 1— - —* z w Kn = ,,B@) (^ 1), *»(*) 2K. ' and we begin by proving the existence of two positive absolute constants pv fi2 such that A) K„ > pxVn, B) l-A^Tn(*)^i for i^*^§. For this, we use the fact I known from Theorem 38 with x=l 1 that, --) n J M^2, log (l - -i)ai- n J n n — 1 1 2 > n — 1 n so that (i-iyw-i'-i. and that (n + l)#w is bounded for fixed # with 0 < # < 1 and for n ^ 1. Indeed, we have For w ^ 2, we have that n / V2\ n [V«] / V2\ n IVn] / ^ \n "¦-,?.('-*)* = ('-5) * = ('-*) = (IVn] + l) (l J > e-Wn, and for n = 1 that Kn = 1 > rV». Hence we have established A). For | <J # <; |, we set /== [nx] ;
105 then we have I fg nx < I + 1, / Z + i ~ ^ x < , n n 0 <[ / g | n < w, fcw-s(i^-iO+(LM(.-(i_,O ssA_(i_i)')' + s(l-(i-'-±i)T =A(i - ?)T+TC11 - ?)T ^ k»+k»=2K- If we further set then we have Li ft + 1 > /* + A2 1 I + 1 > nx > — > k, ~ 3 ~ w — Z > n — n# > -— > &, fcW^(,_f^_i)V+i(,_(i_i)y ^H;)K!;HiO-HlH^)" ^ 2 (Kn - 1 - » (|)") S> 2 (Kn - pa), where />3 is an absolute constant, so that rn(x) ^ 1 - ^ > 1 p{Vn
106 Hence we have established B). First case: Let fix) be continuous ) rA ., "Whs' r[(UI- We set and assert that for every d > 0 there exists an n independent of x (thus depending only on 6 and /) such that C) |/(*)-P„(*)|<d *>r i^*??f This will yield a completely general proof of the assertion of Theorem 155 in case a = ?, 6 = §. For, if F(#) is continuous on [J, |], let M be the largest value of | F(#)| on [ J, f ], and define F(x) = WTitor[i'i]' f{X) > /(?) for 0^*<?, /(§) for |<*^1. This /(.#¦) is continuous on [a, b] and is, in absolute value, f§ 1. If we choose n such that I /(*) -P„(%) | < ^i-^ for J ^ x =g f, then we have | F(x) — (M + 1)PW(*) | < 6 for J ^ x ^ |. And (M + l)Pn(^) is clearly an entire rational function of x. We shall now proceed to prove C). By Theorem 154, choose an e independent of x and I such that \f(x)—f{S)\<j for \^x^l \x-S\ <e. Then if an empty sum means 0, we have for ? fg x fg f that |/(*)Tn(*)-PB(*)| = il>>-«-(;Hr
107 < + 1 2K 1 2Kn i n n 1 t = 0 1 -x < e 1 n 1 f=0 1 ""-'(DIMWIT ^-x >< SA ? (i_(i_,)y+• i (.-(i-s)T 4Kn i=0 \ v« ; ' K„ f=0 \ V n II ^^T<Pn(x)+^- S (!-«•)" = 4T»W +F"(« + l)(l-eT *K« K» <=o K. 3 *(*,/) 2+ V« ' where p(d,i) depends only on d and /. Furthermore, we have f(x)-f(x)rn(x) | = | /(*) | | 1 -rn(x) \?\l -rn(x) \ ^ -* so that l/(*)-p„(*)l< d_ mn + p, 2 V» Hence C) is true for a suitable n independent of x. Second case: Let [a, b] be arbitrary. The function g(x) = j(a + Cx-l)(b-a)) is evidently continuous on f J, $]. Hence by the first case, there exists an entire rational function Q(x) with \g(x) — Q(x)\<d on [I §]. Hence we have on [a, b] that I l\x — a l\\ I l\x~a \\ fix —a l\\ \f{x)-^b^a + ^\ = H <6. ^ /I x — a 1\ . q i — 1_ i js evidently an entire rational function of x. \3 0 — a 3/
108 CHAPTER 9 ROLLE'S THEOREM AND THE THEOREM OF THE MEAN We now return to the differential calculus. Theorem 156 (Rolle's theorem) : Let f(x) be continuous on [a, b]. Let f(a) = f(b) = 0. Let f(x) exist for a < x < b. Then there is a I such that a<i;<b, f(!) = 0. Preliminary Remark: If a number ? is such that a < I < b, then we shall say that it lies between a and b or that it lies between b and a. Proof: 1) Let i{%) = 0 for a <L % ^ b. Then la + b\ 2) Let f(„r) be positive somewhere on [a, b]. Then by Theorem 146, there is a I such that a<g <b, f(x)^f(?) for a^x^b. If /'(?) > 0, then /(» would be increasing at |; if f (?) < 0 then /(*) would be decreasing at ?. In both cases, there would exist an x on [a, fc] such that Thus we have f(?) = 0. 3) Let /O)^0 for a^x^b,
109 but < 0 at some place in that interval. Then for —f(x) we have case 2). Thus there exists a ? such that a<?<bt -f(f) = 0. Theorem 157: If n f(x) = S «v^, 1> = 0 /(*) = o has at most n solutions. Proofs: The assertion is obvious for n = 0, since, if a0 ^ 0, then a0 = 0 has no solution. Let n > 0, and assume that our statement is true for n— 1. i) if f(x) = 0 has no solution, then we are done. Otherwise, let I be a solution. Then /(*) = /(*)—/(?) = ? ay- ? ave = ? av{xv-?) V = 0 V = 0 V = l n v—1 n—l n = {x — i) S av S x^e-x-il= (* — f) S xl1 2 a„r-1-'1 = (x — ?)g(*)> where If then If 71-1 /fa)=0, r/#f, to —?)?(>?) = o. gfo) = 0. /(*) = o had at least n + 1 solutions (i.e. an infinite number or a finite number ^ w + 1), then would have at least w solutions, which is a contradiction.
110 2) Suppose that f(*) = 0 had a system of n + 1 solutions. Then by Theorem 156, between any two consecutive solutions there would be at least one solution of /'(*) = o. But, since /'(*) = S (v + l)av+1xv, nan^0, V = 0 we see that /'(*) = o can have at most n — 1 solutions. Theorem 158: // and if (i) has exactly n solutions, then B) /(*)= iavxv, v—o n > 1, /ia^ exactly n — 1 solutions. Proof: By Theorem 156, between any two consecutive solutions of A) there is at least one solution of B). Thus B) has at least n— 1 solutions. But since /'(*) = S (v + l)aMxv, nan * 0, V — 0 B) has, by Theorem 157, at most n—1 solutions. Thus it has exacctly n — 1 solutions. Theorem 159 (The theorem of the mean, or mean value theorem) : Let f(x) be continuous on [a, b]. Let f(x) exist for a < x < b. Then there is a I such that b — a Proofs V(x) = /(*) -/(«) -~-a (/(») -/(«)) is continuous on [a, b]. If a < x < b, we have /F) - /(«) ?>'(*)•=/'(*)¦
Furthermore, 9{a) = 0 = <p(b). Thus, by Theorem 156, there exists a ? such that tip) - /(a) a<{ <6, 0 = ?'(?) = /'({) ft — a Theorem 160: Let f(x) be continuous on [a, b]. Let f'(x) ^ 0 for a <x < b. Then f(b) ^ /(«)¦ Proof: In Theorem 159, we have /'(f) ^ o. Thus /w-/o*) ^0> f(b) ^ /(«)• Example: If f(x) — ex — x, a = 0, 6 > 0, then /'(#) = ^ _ 1 ^ 0 for x ^ 0, e& — & ^ 1 for 6 > 0 (which is already known from Theorem 37 with .r = ?*). Theorem 161: Let f(x) and g(x) be continuous on [a, b]. Let /'(*) ^g'(%) for a <x < b. Then f(b)-f(a)^g{b)-g{a). Proof: By Theorem 160, using f(x) — g(x) in place of f(x), we have f(b)-g(b)^f(a)-g(a). Theorem 162: Let f(x) and g(x) be continuous on \a, b]. Let f'(x) = g'(x) for a <x < b. Then /(*) = g(*) + (/(«)—?(«)) for a^x^b (so that f(x) — g(x) is constant in that interval). Proof: Let a ^ I g b. If I = a, then
112 If a < f fg b, then by applying Theorem 161 to fa, I], we obtain f(?)-f(a)^g($)-g(a). But, since our hypotheses are symmetric in f(x) and g(x), we have g(f)-g(«)^/(!)_/(«) and therefore /(i)-/(«) = g(i)-g(«), /(f)=g(f) + (f(a)-g(a)). Theorem 163: Let f(x) be continuous on [a, b). Let f (x) = 0 for a < x < b. Then f(x) = f(a) for a <, x ^ b (i.e. f(x) is constant therein). Proof: Theorem 162, with Theorem 164: Let a < b, and let f (x) exist fpr a ^ x ^b. Let f'(a)<c<f'{b) or f'(a) > c > f'(b). Then there is a f such that a < ? <b, /'(?) = c. Proof: W.l.g. let c = 0. (Otherwise we would consider f(x) — ex). W.l.g. let f(a)>0>f(b). (Otherwise we would consider —/(•*')•) By Theorem 146, there is a <? such that a ^ ? ^ b, f{x) g /(?) for agjg&. Since /(#) increases at a and decreases at b, we have a < f < 6. If /'(*) > o, then /(#) would be increasing at <? and would be > /(f) somewhere on [a, b] ; if /'(?)< 0, then /(#) would be decreasing at I and would be > /(f) somewhere on [a, &]. Thus, we have fC?) = o.
113 Is Theorem 164 contained in Theorems 150 and 151 as a special case? No; for we have not assumed that f(x) is continuous on [a, b]. But can this perhaps be proved? No, as the following theorem shows. Theorem 165: There is an everywhere differentiable function f(x) such that f (x) is not everywhere continuous on the right. Proof: For all s, set <p{z) = ((«_[*])(!—a + [*]))«. Then, we have for all s that A) 0 ^ <p(z) ^ A • IJ = 1. If — 1 < z < 0, then <p(z)= {(z+l)z)*; if O^z < 1, then Thus, 9/@) = lim 3 = 0 Z cp{z) lim (z(l±zJ) = 0, <z < 0, »'M= f2(*+lM2*+l) f°r -1 ^W Bz(l—z)(l —2z) for 0< v'(i) # o- <p'(s) exists for | ? | < 1.. If « is an integer, then <p(s + n) = (p(z). Thus, <//(#) exists everywhere (since for every f there exists an integer n such that |C + w|<l).Ifsisan integer, then Now we set Then, by A), and if x 7^ 0, ?'(* + i) = ?'(*)¦ 0 for x = 0, #29? I —I for a: =? 0. /'@) = lim *<?(—) = 0
114 Suppose that f (x) were continuous on the right at 0. Then, since lim 2x(p (—I = 0, the function 0 for x = 0, ?(x) = ' > j^)for*>0 would be continuous on the right at 0. But for integral z > 0, = <p'(i) * o. v'(—r~ \ = v (* + i) = ?'(
115 CHAPTER 10 DERIVATIVES OF HIGHER ORDER; TAYLOR'S THEOREM Definition 41: Let j{x) be given. Then we set /,0)M = /(*) for those x at which f(x) is defined; p (*) = /'(*) for those x at which f(x) is differentiable; for those x at which /A) (x) is differ entiable; in general, if n ^ 0 is an integer (and if f{n)(x) is defined), then for those x at which f{n) (x) is differ entiable. If f{n) (f) exists, then we say that the function f(x) is n times differ entiable at **' . dnf(x) dn f(n)(x) is called the n-th derivative of f(x). We also write or f(x) V ' dxn dx"I{ } and, when no confusion is possible, also (f{x))(n). We also write f" (x) or (f(x))" forfW{x), and f"(x) or (f(x))'" forf™{x), and so on. If then we also write (when no confusion is possible) y@), yA), yB), ... or y@)> y', y"> •. • • Examples: 1) If y = xz then we have that, everywhere y' = 3%2, y" = 6x, y'" == 6, y"" = 0, so that yin) = 0 for integral n > 3.
116 2) For y =— , x ^ 0 we have x l—l)nn\ y{n) = l 1 m y xn+l For n == 0 this is given, n + 1 follows from » since y(n+l)= (y<n>y=li_JL—I =(—l)~w !^-i)'=== (—1)»»!(--»—1^-2 _ (— i)n^{n + 1)! Theorem 166: (/(#) + g(*))(n) = /(n)(*) + g(n)(*)> if ?/te right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: n — 0: Obvious. To proceed from n to n + 1: /<n+D + g(n+D = (/<*>)'+(g<*>)' = (/<*>+?<»>)' = ((/+g)(n)) ' = (/+g)(w+1). (w \(n) m 2 /„(*) - 2 /in)(%), i/ ffte right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: m== 1: Obvious. To proceed from m to m + 1 (for fixed w) w*+1 , . «* . v , . / w \ (n) / m \ (n) /m+1 \(n) 1> = 1 V = l \v = i / \V = 1 / \v=l / Theorem 168: (cf{x))in) = cf™(x), if the right-hand side is meaningful., Proof: m = 0: Obvious. To proceed from nt w + 1: c/<n+D = c(/<»>)' = (c/<»>)' = {(cfYn))' = (c/)<n+x>. Theorem 169: (/(*) — g(*))(n) = /Gl) (*) — g(n)(*), i/ ?/t? right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: /-g = / + (-!)?, Theorems 166, and 168. Definition 42: For integral n^Q and for every a, we define 1 , if n = 0, 0- II (a — w) m=0 «! if n > 0. To be read: a over n.
117 Example: For integral n ^ 0, we have 1. C) Theorem 170: Let a be an integer g: 0. Then for all x, if n is an integer ^ 0, (*«)<»> = l*\ n\ x*-n for n^a, so that (%a)<a> = a!, and (%a)<^).=: 0 for n > a. Proof: For n = 0, our assertion follows from (**)«» = x^ = (*) 0!%a-°. If the assertion is true for w, and if 0 fg n < a, then it follows for w + 1 since (*?)<«+!> = ((*«)<«>)' = //*J w! *«-*Y= M w! (a_ w)^-n-1 = („ "x) (" + !)! *a~(n+1). Theorem 171: For x > 0 awd ?tw;y a, we have for integral n §: 0 fto (**)<»> = (jn!^. // a «¦ aw integer, then this holds even for x < 0. Proof: n = 0 is obvious, w + 1 follows from n by the calculations occurring in the preceding proof. Theorem 172: For every a and integral v ^ 1, we have CK-.)-(*h Proof: Both sides equal a + 1 for v= 1. If v > 1, the left-hand side is V—1 V—2 V-2 II (a — m) II (a — m) II (a — w) ?! (v — 1)! v! (a+1) n(a-m) ff (a + 1 - k) = m=0 = fc=0 ___ = Ja + 1| v! v! \ v J
118 Theorem 173: IffM{x) and gw{x) exist, then (f(x)g(*))in) = X (") f{n~v)(x) gw(*)- Proof: n = 0: Obvious, because (/g)@) = fg = Q rsm- To proceed from n to n + 1: By Theorems 111, 107, and 172, we have (/g)(„+i, = ((/g)<»>), = (i(M)/(»-v)'= s (w)(/<»-*v*>)' = 2 (^ f(n~v+1)gM + IS ( W ) /(n-v+l)g(v) = /(n+l)g@) + J /|»j + (^ J) /(n+l^gM + /@)g<n+l) (the last 2 means 0 if n = 0) -sc:v n+l~v)„(v) Example: (/g)'" = /'"g + 3/"g+ 3/'g" + /g'", if both f" and g"' exist. Theorem 174: (f(cx)){n) = cnf{n)(cx), if the right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: n = 0 obvious. To proceed from n to n + 1: By Theorem 101, we have (/<»>(c*))' = c/<w+1)(c^), so that (jn+l/ln+l)^) _ ^(n)^))' = (^(n)^)) ' = ((/(c*)) <»>)' = (/(c*)) (n+1). Theorem 175: (/(a; + c))(n) = f{n){x + c), if the right-hand side is meaningful. Proof: m = 0: Obvious. To proceed from n to n + 1: By Theorem 101, we have /<*+«(* + c) = (/<*>(* + c))' = ((/(* + c) )<»>)' - (/(* + c))<»+».
119 Theorem 176: Let h > 0. Let /(w-1}(^) be continuous for O^x^h, and let f{n)(x) exist for 0 < x < h. Set * = /(A)— S '—^F. (This number is independent of x.) Then there is an x such that 0 <x <h, 0 = —fin){x). Proof: If we set n-l f{v) (Q\ %n (l) ?(*)=/(*)- s —^-^s > then by Theorems 167 and 170, we have for integral m such that 0 ^ m < h and for all .r such that 0 ^ x ^ h, that n-1/(V)@)/^\ 0 ln\ g<m*(x) = /(™>(%) — S -—— w! xv~m m\xn~m v=m v\ \ml hn \ml n-l f(V)(Q) n\ xn-m B) = /<*0(*) _ 2 ' v ; xv~m — 0 v==m(v — m)\ {n — m)\ hn If, in particular, m = n — 1 then B) becomes n\ gin-l)(x) = fin-D^x) _/U-D@) — 0 — x, hn so that, if 0 < x < A, C) g(n)(%)=/(n)(%)_0|l. From A) we obtain g(h) = 0, and from B), g(wl>@) == /{m)@) —/(m)@) = 0 for 0 ^ w < n. I assert that g<™>(*) = 0 has a solution between 0 and h for all m with X^mt^n. For w = 1, this follows from Theorem 156, since g@) = o = *(/o. If 1 ;g m < w, and the assertion is true for w, then it is true for m + 1 by Theorem 156, since g<™>@) = 0, gGn)(^) = 0 for an v with 0 < rj < h.
120 Thus there is an x such that 0 < x < h, g{n)(x) = 0. For this x, we have by C), n\ hn 0 = — fi»)(x). n\ Theorem 177 (Taylor): Let h > 0. Let fin-1}(x) be continuous for ? 5^ x ^ ? + h and let f{n) (x) exist for f < x < f + h. Then there is an x such that f < x < ? + h, Proof: Using Theorem 176 with F(x) = /(? + *) (in place oif(x)), we have, with the help of Theorem 175, that for a suitable y 0 < y < h, »;ip@) An /(? + A) = F(A) = 2 —^ F + — F»>(y) n-l f(v)(?\ hn = S-i-p-A' + -r /«*>(*+ y). Theorem 178: Let h < 0. Lef /i*-1^*) fo continuous for ? + h^x^gi; and let f(n)(x) exist for f + h < x < f. 77^w ?/^r? w aw .r jmcA ?/za? ? + h <x <?, n-lf(V)ft) %n /(?+ A) = 2 /—fF+ — /<»>(*). Proof: We apply Theorem 177 to F(*) =/(-*) (in place of f(x)), using — f in place of f and — h in place of A. Then, by Theorem 174 (with c = —1), we obtain a y such that — $ <y< — S — K
n-1 F<?>(—f\ (— h)n /(f + A)=F(-f-*)=S Vii(-^+A-^1- 121 F(n)(y) v=o r! ' ' ft! n-1 /<*)/? \ /»n Theorem 179: // n f(x) = S av*v, i>=o /(? + *) = S ^--^F. i> = 0 V! Proof: This is obvious for h = 0. By Theorem 170, (#")<n+i> = 0 for 0 g K w, so that /<«+!>(*) = 0. Thus, our assertion is obvious if /1 > 0 (or h < 0) by Theorem 177 (or 178), with w + 1 instead of n. Theorem 180 (the binomial theorem) : We have jor integral n^.0 that (a + b)"= ? in\an-vbv. Proofs: 1) By Theorem 179, with f(x) = xn, ? = a, h = b, we obtain, using Theorem 170, that (a + b)» = ? — (W Ma*^. v=0v\ \v / 2) (Direct proof.) w = 0 is obvious. By Theorem 172, n + 1 follows from n since (a + 6)»+i = (a + b)n(a + b) = ? ( ^ V~^> + 6) v=o \ r / = ? (M an+1-v6v+ ? (n\an~vbv+1 = ? (n)an+1~vbv+ S1 ( Ma""^ = an+1 +
122 (the last 2 means 0 if n = 0) = WS (n + 1)a»+1-*bv. 3) By Theorem 173, with f(x) = eax, g(x) = ebx and Theorem 174, we obtain (a _|_ Mng(a+&)aj __ Ma+&)a?\(n) _ /^aa^&zWw) _ ^ j ^ 1 Uaxyn-V) <ebx\(v) v=o \v / = S (n\an-ve™ bvebx = S (n\an~vbv - e^+^x. v=o\v / i>=o W Theorem 181: For integral m ^ 0}and x > 0, f/j?r? way «?wc/i ?/ki? w /1\ / 1 \ #w+1 1 < y < 1 + #, Vl + * : Proof: If then, by Theorem 171, /(*) = ** (a; > 0), f{v)(x) = (*\v\x*r-v for integral v ^ 0. Theorem 177 with 1=1, /& = #, and n =^m + 1, therefore insures the existence of a y such that 1 < y < 1 + x, m ]/JL\ vm+1 / 1 \ Vl+*= S — 2 *!** + * (w+l)!y*-«->. Theorem 182: 7/ 0 < # < 1 then m / 1 \ lim S M ** = Vl + *. Proof: For integral m ^ 0, we have \m+l n (i—*) n (*+*) n (* + i) fc = 0 < & = 0 < &=0 (w + 1)! - (m+l)\ (m + 1I 1,
123 so that, in the formula of Theorem 181, ( h )- < xm+l ^ Q> Theorem 183: For integral m ^ I, and x > 0, there is a y such that m / ;nv_1 ( i)m xm+1 1< y < 1 + x, log A + x) = 2 V — xv + V ' ¦ f(x) = log* (x > 0) 1 Proof: If then so that (by Example 2) to Definition 41) we have for integral v =S 1 that /<->(*) = (I) /<v>(i) (—l)^1 Theorem 177 with I = 1, h = jr, and w = m + 1, therefore insures the existence of a y with the desired properties. Theorem 184: // 0 < x fg 1, f/k?n lim s- L_ ^ = log (l + *). Proof: In the formula of Theorem 183, we have (— l)mxm+1 (m+ l)ym+1 < m + 1 0. Theorem 183 is true for every x > 1, but the formula of Theorem 184 is true for no x > 1. Indeed, suppose lim S -— xv = 9?(#) existed. Then it would immediately follow that, if m > 1, we would have (-i) m—1 ¦#" as w-» oo, or (-1)' (-1)' »=i v #* ->• <p(#) — 9?(%) = 0
124 0. But by Theorem 180, if m ^ 2 then (i+(*_i))m \ty%--v Xm m > m (x—lf (x—lJ = (m—iy- ^- '- ( Now, the following theorem expresses a very remarkable fact. Theorem 185: There exists a function f(x) which is everywhere trarily often differentiable, and for which lim i^V m= oo v = 0 v ¦ exists for every h, but has the value f(h) only at h = 0. Proof: Let /(*) 0 for x = 0, . e x* for x ^ 0. I first show that, fof every integral v ^ 0, ' 0 for x = 0, A) /<*>(*) ?'(tK* for x ^ 0, where Vv(z)\s a polynomial in z. By the example to Theorem 160, we have pb > b for b > 0. Thus for every x ^ 0 and for every integral n ^ 0, JL I I \n+1 / 1 \n+l x* = \e {n+l)x*) ^ J \(n + l)xV ' 1 -A ! r- 0 *2 < (fl + l)n+1 I X \n+2 , \ «., \<n. \ i / y so that, for integral n ^ 0, 1 -I lim — e x% = 0.
125 Thus for every polynomial P(^), B) lim P( —) e~** = 0. A) is obvious for v = 0 (with P0(«r) = 1). v + 1 follows from v, since f{V)(x) 1 /1\ -- /(*+D@) = lim -—^ = lim - Pv ( —I e *2 = 0, by B) ( zPv(z) is also a polynomial) and since,if .#• ^ 0, /'""<*> = (p, (±) «--•)' - p; (i)(-i) r* + p, (i)^"- -Ml)'""- Thus A) is proved. Therefore, 2 L-^ F = o, v=o v\ for all /i and all integral m g: 0, so that lim 2 m /«">@) 1 = oo v = 0 V - for all h. But 0 is, for /i^0, different from _i "ft* f(h) = e Theorem 186: L^? w /?? an integer ^ 2. L^? /<">(?) =0 for 1 ^v ^n—l, /(w)(f)^0. 1) If n is even and /<n> ({) > 0, then fix) has a minimum at ?. 2) // n is even cwd/(n)(f) < 0, then f(x) has a maximum at ?. 3) If n is odd cmd/(n)(f) > 0, f/i^w fix) increases at f. 4) // n is odd andf{n)(^) < 0, then fix) decreases at f. Proof: There exists an e > 0 such that /(w_1,(#) exists for | x — ? | < e. By Theorems 177 and 178 (with n — 1 for w), there is, for 0 < | h | <s, ay between I and I + /i such that #1-1 A) /(| + A) -/(f) = — /<»-«(y). (n — l)! /(r'_1)(%) increases or decreases at f according to whether /(n)(f) > 0 or < 0.
126 Thus there is an e, with 0 < ex < s such that for 0 < | h \ < ex and all y between I and I + h, we have B) /^-^(y)/<">(?) > 0. Hence, using A) and the y appearing in A), we obtain for 0 < | h | < st that A»/(w)(?)(/(? + h)—f(S)) = -^A/(»-i)(y)/(»)(|) > 0. \fi — 1)! 1) Thus if n is even and if /(n)(f) > 0, we obtain /(f+ *)_/(?) >0. 2) If n is even and if /(n)(f) < 0, then /(? + A) _/({)< o. 3) H n is odd and if /U)(f) > 0, then *(/(* + *)-/(?))><>. 4) If n is odd and if /(n)(f) < 0, then *(/(? + A) -/(f)) <0. Examples 11)- IV) are the same as those toward the end of Chapter 7 I: I) /(*) = — x2, f'@) = 0, /"@) = — 2 < 0: Maximum at 0. II) /(#) - a;2, /'@) = 0, f"@) = 2 > 0 : Minimum at 0. III) f(x) = %3, /'@) = 0, /"@) = 0, /'"@) = 6 > 0 : Increases atO. IV) f(x) = —Xs, /'@) = 0, /"@) = 0, /"'@)=—6< 0:Decreases atO. V) Let (x + lK f(x) = ^ -^- for ^ ^ 0. a;2 We wish to find all maxima and minima. Since f(x) is, evidently, arbitrarily often differentiable at x = 0 (as indeed, x~2 and (x + lK are), we need only worry about the zeros of f (x) (i.e. the x such that f(x) = 0). Now, if x ^ 0 then /'(*) = (x-2(x + l)*)' = — 2x-z(x+lf + 3x-2(x+iy2 = x-*(x+lJ(—2x—2 + 3x)=x-*(x+lJ(x — 2). Thus we need only discuss x = — 1 and x = 2. We shall now apply our criterion without, however, evaluating terms we do not need.
127 Investigation of x = — 1: /"(*) = ((* + lJ^=^) =(x+ lJ f^)' + 2(* + 1) /"(-i) = o, /'"(—1) =0 + 0 + 2^>0. Increasing, no maximum or minimum. Investigation of x = 2: Minimum.
128 CHAPTER 11 — AND SIMILAR MATTERS 0 Introduction 0 -— has had no meaning until now, nor will it be given one. Rather, its significance is as follows: We know that lim x^O lim #=o lim x = 0 lim x = 0 X X X2 X X X2 X2 X ~x^ = 1, = o, does not exist. = 1. All four of the expressions following the limit sign have the form V{X)=M' where lim f(x) = 0, lim g(x) = 0. x — Q x = 0 if g{*) where lim f(x) = r], lim g(x) = ?,
129 then for we have by Theorem 92 that 71 lim <p(x) = —. x = ? ? Thus only the case ? = 0 (as in the above four examples) is of interest. If C = o, 7, ^ o, then lim <p(x) evidently does not exist. For otherwise we should have x=i // —- lim f(x) = lim (g{x)cp(x)) = lim g(x) lim <p(,r) •r = | sc = ? x~? x = $ = 0 -lim </>(%) = 0. *=? It is with the case 7i = 0f ? = 0 that the first investigations of this chapter will deal.
130 Theorem 187: Let lim f(x) = 0, lim g(x) = 0, x=? /'(I) exist , g'(?) * o. hsW g'(?) Proof: f(x) and g(.r) are differentiable at f, and hence are continuous. Thus /({) = 8<fl = 0. a. = |^ —f g'(*)=lim ^l j =1 * — S so that, by Theorem 92, /'(f) ,. *-* ,. /w = lim — = lim . g (f) x=f g(*) x=f g(«) * —f Examples: 1) f = 0, /(a;) = log A + *2), g(*) = e2je—l. Here, we have /@) = 0 = g@), /'@) = 0, g'@) = 2. Thus log A + *2) 0 lim = — = 0. *=0 e2*—1 2
131 2) 1 = 0, /(*) = *, g(x) = 1 Here, we have /( /'(*); /'@) = x=0 1 0)- == 1, = 1, X — e~ 0 = g@), g'(x) = e-*, g'@) = 1, 1 — j ¦x I so that Theorem 188; Let ft ~? 0. Let f(x) and g(x) be continuous on [1,1 +ft] (or [I-f ft, I]). Let f(x) and g(x) be differentiable between I and ? + h, and let Let /(f) = g(|) = 0. 77i?» fftm? w o 3; between ? and ? -f- ft such that /(? + *) = Hy) g(f+*) g'(y)" Proof: We have since otherwise, by Theorem 156, we should have g'(*) = 0 somewhere between ? and ? -f ft. The function is continuous on [?, I + ft] (or [? + ft, ?]). ./(* + *) *'(*) = /'(*)-gw g(f + *) between I and I + ft. Furthermore, 0(|) = 0 ^ <?(? + ft). Thus by Theorem 156, there exists a y between ? and I + ft such that Theorem 189: L** lim f{x) = 0, * = ? lim g(x) = 0,
132 llm 71 = x=(g(x) lim /(f) = /w = ¦g(«) = g(f) = /. = /. = o, A) Then Proof: W.l.g. let which may be accomplished by introducing or changing the definition of f(x) or g(x) at <J without influencing the hypothesis or conclusion. For a suitable p > 0, the hypotheses of Theorem 188 are fulfilled for 0 < | h | < p. In particular, it is to be noted that the functions f(x) and g(x) are,by A), differentiate in a neighborhood of <J exclusive of I, and that «'(*) * o therein. Hence, for 0 < | jr — <J | < /?, there is a y between I and jt such that g(*) g'W y depends on x. But on the other hand, by A) we have Thus lim = /. x=sg'(y) lim — /. x = $g(%) Example: $ = 0, f(x) = x2, g(x) = — 1 Here we have f(x) -> 0, g(x) -> 0, f(x) = -2x, g'(x) = l- By example 2) to Theorem 187, we have —^ g'(x) so that, by Theorem 189, g(x) Theorem 190: Let f(x) be continuous at f. Let lim f'(x) x = ? = /.
133 Then Preliminary Remark: A very wonderful theorem: Wherever the derivative has a limit, the derivative exists and assumes this limit as a value, and is thus continuous. Proof: By Theorem 189, with i(x) — f(§) in place of f(x) and with g(x) = x — ?, we have X=Z x — g Theorem 191: Let n be an integer g; 1. For all integral v with 0 :g v < n, let lim fW(x) = 0, lim gM (x) = 0. Let x^ lim -—~ - I x=Sg{n){x) Then lim == /. x=?g{x) Proof: This is the statement of Theorem 189 for n = 1. Let n > 1, and let the theorem be true for n — 1. If we apply Theorem 189 with /(w-1)(#) for f(x) and g{n~1)(x) for g(x), we have that if then lim-7—K— = l, x = tgi,l)(x) lim- LZ = i Thus (since the theorem is true for n— 1) lim T\ = l x^ g(x) Example (for n = 2): The example to Theorem 189. Since /'(*)-* 0, g'(x)^0, we have /w 2
134 Theorem 192: Let n be an integer ^ 1. Let lim /<">(*) =0, *=? lim g^(x) = 0 for all integral v with 0 5=1 v < n. Let /(n)(f) exist, —{g(*) g<»>(f) Preliminary Remark: Theorem 192 is evidently not contained in Theorem 191, nor conversely. Proof: For n = l, this is the statement of Theorem 187. Therefore let n> 1. Applying Theorem 187, with /(w-1>(^) for f(x) and with g(w-1)(^) for g(x), we obtain lim /(n)W= /(n)(fl .™ g*-1^) g<">(«' Therefore by Theorem 191, with w — 1 for n, we have lim m = ^?> . «-f g(«) g,B,(?) Definition 43: // /or ?^?ry oo ?/^r? exists an s > 0 ^wc/i fto /(*) > co for 0<\x — S\ <e, then we say that lim f(x) = oo, or for short that ("as *-*|"). Example: /(*) = Theorem 193: is equivalent to * = ? /(*) -> 00 f = 0, 1 hi lim | /(*) | = *=f lim — x ^ 0. = 00 0
135 Proof: Both state that for every d > 0 there exists an e such that Definition 44: then we say that or for short that ("as x-»?"). // — oo is to be read: 1 W) < d for 0<\x- lim (—/(*)) = oo, *=? lim f(x) = — oo, f(x) -> — CO minus infinity. Example: holds, because 1-0, f(%) = log | x | for x ^ 0. lim /(#) = — oo — log | x | > co for 0 < | x | < e co. Theorem 194: // lim | g(x) \ = oo, then Km ™ - 0, lim ^ = 0. * = *?(*) Proof: There exists a /> > 0 such that g'(*) ^0 for 0 < | x — f | <p. Therefore, by Theorem 164, g'(x) is always positive or always negative for — /><* — I < 0. The same is true for 0 < x — I < p. W.l.g. let g\x) be positive in both cases; for otherwise, we could replace g(x) by —g(x) for — p < x — | < 0, or for 0 < x —¦!</>, or for both, without affecting , the hypotheses or conclusion. Let d > 0. For a suitable positive e < p, we have, for all y such that 0< \y — ||^?, |/'(y)| ^|g'(y)| =|g'(y),
136 so that d d Therefore, by Theorem 161, if I — s <x < ? then - 4 (g(x)-g(S-e)) ^/(*)-/(*-*¦) =g| (g(x)-g(S-e)), and if ?<#<?+? then - 4 (g(* + '¦) -gW) ^ /(f + 0 -/(*) =S - fe(l 4- e)-g(x)). Therefore, if S — e < x < f, then J /W _/(?_,) | <: - | g(x) —gtf —s)\, m g(*) g(f-0| +|/(l-e)|, and if I < # < I + e, then I /(f +?)-/(*) | ^_|g(f +e)—g(*)|, |/(*)| ^|UW|+|U(f 4-f)| + |/(? + e)|. Hence if 0 < \x — | | < e, then | /(*) | ^ - | g(«) | + c, where c is independent of x. Thus for a suitable ?? > 0, we have for 0 < | x — I | < -q that g(%) 6 c < h i ~ 2 g(*) <d. Example (I purposely choose an easy one, where the theorem is not even necessary, to illustrate Theorem 194. I will do this sort of thing frequently) : f = 0, /(*) = x + tyx, g(x) = — + 1 for x ^ 0.
137 If x 7^ 0, we have Thus Theorem 195: // —- -> 0. g(x) lim | g(#) | = oo, then Proof: If then we have lim = I, *-f g'(x) lim ^ = /. *=i g(*) 0(X)=f(x)—lg(x) Therefore, by Theorem 194 (with $(x) for /(#)), we have 0(X) lim —~ = 0, *=? g(*) lim(^-*)=0.- lim '-LZ - /. *=? g(%) Example: f = 0, /(#) = log | at | for #7^ 0, g(#) = log (e1*1 — 1) for x ^ 0. Here, we have lim | g(x) | = oo, x = 0 1 I x\ e\ x\ fix) ^1*1 — 1 1 1AJ- = > 1 • 1 = 1 g'(#) 1*1 tf'*'
138 so that > 1. g(*) Definition 45: lim f(x) = /, # = oo or /or ,y/&0r? ("as x-> oo"), i/ lim / (-pL) = /. z=0 \\z\' In other words, if for every d > 0 there exists an co > 0 such that | f(x) — /1 < d for x > co. Example: lim #=oo (l +-) = lim A + |^|) = 1. \ XI 2 = o Unfortunately, the symbol lim has been used before (Definition 9), and n= oo any number may be called n or x. Thus, we must sometimes pay attention to whether the variable involved is increasing through all large values or through all large integral values. Hence, if we take x and n in their usual sense, we have that lim (n — [n]) = 0, Definition 46: if Example: Definition 47: or for short ("as x = — oo")> Definition 48: if if lim {% — [x]) is meaningless, x= x lim f(x) = oo X= 00 lim / (-—r) = oo. z=o \\z\' f{%) = V'x. lim f(x) = /, # = -00 f\x)->l lim /(—x) = I. x= oo lim f(x) — oo x = — X lim /(— x) = oo. X= 00
139 Definition 49: if Definition 50: if lim f(x) — — oo X = GO lim (—/(#)) = oo. X — GO lim f(x) = — oo X = — 00 lim (—/(_#)) ^ oo. X= GO Definitions 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, and 50, are applied only in this chapter. Thus, if we later speak of the existence of lim f(x), we always mean the existence of a number / such that lim f(x) = l. Theorem 196: // X=ao g (X) and if we set FW=/(Ti|-), GW-^), then F'(z) lim —¦^ = /. a=o G'(z) Proof: For a suitable p > 0, both /(#) and g(#) are differentiable for x > />, and • (*) # 0. The above definition of F(s) and G(s) therefore holds for 0<M < —. P If z # 0, then (rr)' — * U Therefore if 0 < I z I < — , we have P "W = -''(rO|7|' G'W-^s'(t7|OR' \ \ Z /
140 F'(z) J'\\z\J G'(z) Kttt) By and Definition 45, lim. y— = / mm r iim ;'•;'. -z, and therefore Theorem 197: If then v F'{Z) 1 lim T^i7\ = l z = 0 <J B) lim /(*) = 0, lim g(#) = 0, x= <x> lim — = /, x=oog (*) hm —- = I. X=a,g{x) Proof: Using Theorem 196 and the notation therein, we have By Definition 45, Thus, by Theorem 189, and so, by Definition 45, lim = I. *=oG'B) lim ?(z) = 0, z = 0 lim G(*) = 0. 2 = 0 v F(z) lim 2=oGB) lunM = ,
141 Example: /(*)= log (l-!).*(*) =4 1 1 r 72 t'(*) l~~^ 1 >'M _i 1_I — 1, X and therefore Theorem 198: // g(*) lim | g(x) | = oo, x= qo lim = /, then ?'(*) lim — /. Proof: Using Theorem 196, and the notation therein, we have lim — /. *=o G'(*) By Definition 46, lim | G(z) | = oo. s = 0 Therefore, by Theorem 195, lim = /, ,=o G(z) and so, by Definition 45, lim = /. x=<x> g\%) Example: f(x) = log x, g{x) = x, 1 f'(x) ~x~ 0, fW and therefore — -> 0.
142 Theorems 187, 189, 191, 192, and 197, concern themselves, so to 0 oo soeak with —; and Theorems 194, 195, and 198, with —. The possibilities * ' 0 oo 0 • oo, 0°, 1°°, oo°, oo — oo (by this we mean the corresponding limits as #—»|oras;tr—»oo) may all be reduced to —> in the following way. 1) -oo." Let /(*)-> 0, \g(.r)\->ao. Then, in certain cases, our theorems yield the existence of For, "ultimately" (i.e. in a suitable neighborhood of ? excluding ? itself, or for all sufficiently large j) we have Example: and x —» 0. Then g(x) * 0, /(*)g(*)=-^. g(x) 1 g(x) 1 f(x)=x2, g{x)= — X X2 (x)g(x)=-^0. X 2) °." (It is irrelevent that we have defined 0°= 1 under all circumstances.) Let /(*) -> o and let, ultimately, /(*) > o. Furthermore, let g(x) -> 0. We will consider (if it exists) the lim /(*)*<*>. In any case, we have, ultimately, A) f(x)aix) = ea(x)lo%1(x).
143 Since | log/(#) | -> 00, g(x) log f(x) belongs to type 1). If g(x)logf{x) ->/, then, by the continuity of e*, Examples: I) f(x) = | x |, g(x) = \ x |, x -> 0. f(x)a(x) = 0 I * Uog I * I _^ gO = i. II) f(x)=e-x, g(x)= — } *->oo. X x ->oo. /(*)</<*: III) /(*) = ?-a has no limit. 3) "l00" Let /w We concern ourselves with We ultimately have so that A) holds. Since - i-x) 1 = e x = c1 -> e. ', g(x) = , x X f(xH(x) = e[°d-x -* l> 1 g(x) I -> °°- lim f(x)a{x). m > 0, log/(*)->0, log j(x)*g(x) belongs to type 1). c Example: f(x) — 1 -\ , g(x) = x, x -> oo. Since 1 lim — log A + cz) = c, z = 0 z we have that 1 . . lim -—p log A + c I z |) = c, z = 0 z\ lim X= 00 ,log(n-|)=c, lim g(x) log'f(x) = c.
144 Thus In particular, if x increases through integral values, we obtain lim X = 00 lim (l + —I = ec, i. e. we have for all x that lim 11 H ) = ex, a formula which should be noted. As a special case, we obtain lim ll H ) = e. 4) "oo0/' Let /(*)-. co, g(*)->0. We concern ourselves with lim /(*)*<*>. We ultimately have /(*) > o. so that A) holds. Since | log f(x) | -> CO, ?<» log /(*) belongs to type 1). Example: 5) "oo — oo." Let We concern ourselves We ultimately have /(*) with that /(*) = ex, f(x)o{x) /(*)- i the lim 1 g(x) = — X 1 —x = ex = co, g(x) , # -» 00 e -> e. -> 00. if(x)-g(x)). g(x) > 0, — g(*) W) -i)gW-
145 If lim — = Z, x=«>g{x) then we evidently have that ,, f -> oc for I > 1, >W-*W|-_oo for/<1. If /= 1, then this reduces to the case 0 • oo of 1). Example: f(x) = Vx* — 1, g(x) -= #, # -> oo. f(x) and g(.r) are defined for x^. 1, and /(*)-*(*) = (Fj-4-1)*- Here, we have the case 0« oo. If x^i 1, then 1 ] /(*)-?(*) = 1 By Theorem 197 ( with F(%) = f 1 \ — l in place of j{x) and G(x) = — in place of g(x) I, this approaches 0, x ' since 1 1 2 2 *3 F(s) ' l x2 1_ 1 G7^)" 1 "" ~~ l / f ~~ V%2 — 1 —- # y i
146 CHAPTER 12 INFINITE SERIES In this-chapter, w, N, m, M, p, q, r, t, v} v, u, always denote integers. If an is given for n ^ N, then we shall set m sm = 2 an for 'm ^ N n==N for the remainder of this chapter. 00 Definition 51: 2 an = s (to be read: the sum from n = N to oo), if an is given for w §: N and if lim sm = s. We also say that the infinite series 00 n = N converges and has the value (sum) s, or that it converges to s, or that it converges and = s. Example: If | d | < 1, then 2 0* = , by example 5 to Definition 9. Definition 52: // an is given for n §: N, awd ff lim sm m= oo do^ no? exist, then the infinite series 00 n = N w ca//^d divergent (meaningless).
147 Example: an = 1 for n ^ 1. Here, we have sm — m for m ^ 1. QO 00 Theorem 199: Saw = 2 #n-M» n = N n = N+M if <w? o/ the sides is meaningful. Preliminary Remark: In considering the question of whether a given numerical series, like i + i + i + i + ... (the reader will know what is meant), converges, and if so to what value, it does not matter, by Theorem 199, whether we label its terms alf a2, a3, . . . or a0, al9 a3, . . . or a_4, a_3, a_2, ... or, in general, ap, ap+1} ap+2, ... for any p. Proof: If one side is meaningful, then an is given for n ^ N. li sm has the usual meaning, and if m Sm = S an_u for m ^ N + M, w = N+M then Sw - sm_M for m ^ N + M. Evidently, Sm-M ~> s if and only if sm —> s. For, both statement say that for every d > 0 we ultimately (i.e. for all q from some value on) have \ sq — s\ < d. 00 00 Example: 2 an = 2 #n__i> if one of the sides is meaningful. Theorem 200: For n ^ N, /** /*„ fr? aw integer, Furthermore, let L^f an ft? gwew for n ^ N. S>? frn = 0 /or those n ^ N w/wc/j ar? wo? ?gwa/ to awy hp.
148 Tken I* an = ? bn> n = N n = N if one of the sides is meaningful. Preliminary Remark: In other words, we may remove a finite or an infinite number of zeros from a convergent series (if we do not change the order of its terms). And we may introduce a finite number of zeros between any two successive terms of a convergent series, or in front of the first term. Every such altered series converges, and, moreover, to the same value. Proof: Set m Sm = 2 bn for m ^ N« For every m J> hN there exists exactly one p g! N such that hp^m < hp+v Therefore, if m ^ /&N we have where p = p(m) was defined above. Evidently, lim Sw — s if and only if lim sp For, both statements say that for every d > 0 we have ultimately (i.e. for all p from some value on), that sp — 5 j < d. Example: N = 1, hn = 2n — 1 for n ^ 1, so that one zero is introduced after every term of the series. Theorem 201: Let M g: N and let an be given for ngN. Set Then if one of the sides is meaningful. Preliminary Remark: Hence, we may introduce a finite number of zeros in front of a convergent series or we may omit such a finite number of zeros from the series. This, without affecting convergence or changing the value of the sum. K K = 0 for N — an-M+N 00 n = N = <L n < M, for n ^ M. 00 n = N
149 Proof: Theorem 200 with hn = n + M — N. Theorem 202: // M > N, then oo M-l oo 2 an = 2 an + 2 tfn, n = N n = N ?i = M if owe of ?/i? sides is meaningful. Preliminary Remark: Thus, every convergent series equals its ning" + its "remainder," and conversely. Proof: If m ^ M then m M-l m 2 an = 2 flw + 2 <v Both assertions are proved if we let m —> oo. 1 Example: 2 #w = — A + #) for | # | < 1. rt =9 1 ~ V Theorem 203: // 2 aw n = N converges, then for every b > 0 f/^re exists a p §: N swc/z ?/hi? | sg — sr | < d for q ^p, r ^ />. Proof: Let 00 2 an = s. n = N For a given b > 0, choose a /> > 0 such that b |sm —s| < — for w ^/>. Then we have for q ^ p, r = p, that . i i i i . , d \SQ — Sr\ =\(Sq — S) — (Sr — s) \ ^ | Sq — S | + | Sr — S \ < — + Theorem 204: // 00 2 an converges, then n==N a„ -> 0.
150 Proof: Let d > 0 be given. By Theorem 203 there exists a p such that, for r §= p, , , , | , Hence we have for n ^ /> + 1 that \an\ <d. CO Example: 2 (— l)n 71 = 0 diverges, since (—l)n does not approach 0. Theorem 205: The so-called harmonic series n = l n diverges. Preliminary Remark: Therefore the converse of Theorem 204 is not true, even when an is defined for n §^ N. Proof: If m ^ 0, we have 2m+i y 2m+1 i 2m+1 2m s9m+l 59m ~ ^ — ^ S ^ — om+1 om+1 z n = 2™+l " n = 2m+l * * But, by Theorem 203 with d — | convergence of the series would imply the existence of an w ^ 0 such that I s2m+1 S2m I ^ ^ (since for every p there exists an w^0 such that 2m ^ />). Theorem 206: L^? an fr? gw?w for n ^ N. For every d > 0, /#? f/ter? ?.w? a p ^N such that Then \sq-sp\<6iorq>p. 00 n = N Preliminary Remark: By Theorem 203, our condition is also necessary for convergence. Proof: There exists a p ^ N such that | sq — sp | < 1 for q > p. Hence if <?>/>> we have \sq\ = Ksq — sp) + sp\ ^\sa~ sp\ +\sp\ < 1 + \sp\- Therefore if q ^ N, we have | sq | < 1 + Max | sr |. Thus s is bounded for q ^ N.
151 Therefore, by Theorem 130 (with |w = sn+N_x), there exists an s such that for every d > 0 we have, infinitely often (i.e. for infinitely many t _: N), d (!) |«« — 5I <Y* By hypothesis (with — for 6), there exists an r such that 1 sfl — sr I < — for gr > r. Hence if n > r, ? > r, we have CCS B) | sw —s, |=| (stt—sr) — (sl—sr) |^| sn—sr |+|sl — sr|<—+— = —. Since A) is true infinitely often, there exists a t > r such that A) holds. Thus by B), if t is such a number, we have for all n > r that ... ,,,,,<*<* I Sn-Y*| = I (**—«<) + (St— S)\ ^\Sn — St\ +\St—s\ < -+- =d- Theorem 207: If p > 0 and if 00 2 ang = AQ for 1 ^ q ^ p> then cc p p n=N g = l g = l Preliminary Remark: In particular (p = 2), if QC I* an = A, n = N then 2 bn = B, m = N 2 («„ + 6„) = A + B = S a„ + 2 ft„. n = N n = N n = N Proof: As w-> oo, we have Smq = S anfl -^ AQ for 1 ^ ? ^ />, so that, by Theorem IS, m p p m p P 2u 2 0na — 2 2 ang = 1j Smq -^ 2j Ag. n = N g=l q — 1 w = N g = l G = 1
152 ? 1 1 Example: 2a — = —— = 2 n = 0 L x I ? — -, l = - n«o3w""l—* 2 that 3 __ 7 ~ +~2 = 2"' ? A + 4 n=,QUn 3»7 Theorem 208: // 2 0* = s n = N n = N Proof: By Theorem 16, we have for m i^ N that m m S can == C S fl„ -> CS. n = N n = N Example: If | d | < 1, ^> > 0, then QO 00 00 flp 2 0* = &*> 2 #n-p - #^ 2 ^^ - —— n = p n = p n==0 ¦*¦ ^ Theorem 209: // then w = N 00 n = N = A. = B 2 (aw-6M)=A-B. Proof: By Theorem 208 with c = — 1, we have S(-6J = -B, n = N so that, by Theorem 207 with p =2, Theorem 210: // S K-6W) =A-B. n = N #n ^ 0 for n = N, sn ^ ? far *t ^ N,
153 then oo n = N converges, and x n = N Preliminary Remark: The hypothesis an ^ 0 may not be omitted, even if the other hypothesis is strengthened to read \ s„ \ ^ g. For, S (-1)" n = 0 diverges, even though sn = 1 or 0 for w g 0, so that I ? I < 1 Proof: Theorem 27. Example: (cf. that to Theorem 27) : 2 — converges. Theorem 211: // an ^ 0 /or w ^ N CO 2 aw = A, then sm ^ A /or m ^ N (so that A ^ 0). Proof: For fixed m ^ N and for p ^> 0, we have so that, by Theorem 22, 9 < 9 ° m = ° w +p> sw ^ lim sw+p - A. p— 00 Theorem 212: // GO 2 aw n = N converges, and if 0 ^bn ^ an /or w ^ N, 00 n = N
154 converges, and m «, Ti, = N n = N Proof: Set 2 aw = A. n = N By Theorem 211, we have for m =g N that m m S 6„ ^ S a„ g A, n = N n = N so that, by Theorem 210 (with bn for aw, g = A) QO Si. n = N converges, and n = N Example: (cf. that of Theorem 27) : an = (w—l)w 1 converges, since 1 \w — 1 w / m n==2 (w — \)n n=2 and, therefore, so does Theorem 213: // converges, then converges, and I 00 I 00 |n = N I n = N Proof: 0<L\an\+an<L\an\+\an\. By Theorem 207 (with p = 2), 00 S 71 = 2 00 S | n = N 00 2 n = N 1 n2 *n an
155 2 (| «»| + | «»|) n = N converges. Thus, by Theorem 212, so does and we have 2 (| «n| +an)> n = N 0^ S (|att| +an) ^ 2 (|att| +|an|), n=N n=N so that, by Theorem 209, we have - S | «„ | ^ S (| a„ | + «B) - S | a„ | = i an ^ S (| «„ | + | a„ |) — S |an|= Z |«„|. n = N n = N n = N " 1 , Example: 2 sn — converges if each j en | = 1 . QO Definition 53: E an n = N converges absolutely if GO S I «n| n = N converges. Examples: 1) Every convergent series whose terms are ^ 0 converges absolutely. 2) By Theorem 208 (with c = — 1), every convergent series whose terms are 5= 0 converges absolutely. Theorem 214: Let (— l)nOn be always ^ 0 or always ^ 0 for n ^ N, I an | ^ | *n+i I forn^ N, QO s <*„ n = N Proof: W.l.g. let N = 0 (for otherwise we may consider^= aw+N,n^> 0 instead of c^, w ^ N). W.l.g. let (—l)*On^0 for n^0.
156 For, in the other case, we may replace an by -- a„, which does not affect either the hypotheses or (by Theorem 208 with c = — 1) the conclusion. If n > 0 then a2n ^ ° ^ a2 a2n ~T a2n+l — I U2 and, if m ^ 0, m m S (tf2w + a2w+i) = 2 (| tf2„ \—\a. n = 0 Therefore, by Theorem 27, lim 2 K, + a2„+1) = lim s2w+1 exists. We set A) lim s2w+1 - s. m= oo Since lim 02„,+1 = 0, OT= QO we have B) lim s2M = lim (s2jw41 — a2w^) = s. A) and B) together imply lim sw? — s. m = oo Theorem 215: ./V6>? every convergent series converges absolutely. Proof: If , (- l)n } n then n — l converges by Theorem 214, since we have for n ^ 1 that an\ (— 1)»«„ = - ^ 0, 1 1 w ~~ n + 1 1 \an\=--+0. n
157 But, by Theorem 205 , 2 I an\ n = l diverges. oc Definition 54: S^ n = N converges conditionally, if this series converges but does not converge absolutely. Definition 55: A sequence Xn (w ^ 1) is called a rearrangement of the integers ^ N, if every An is an integer ^ N and if every integer §^ N has the value ln for exactly one n §^ 1. Example: N = 1, ln = n + 1 for odd n g: 1, Xn = w — 1 for even wgl, Theorem 216: Z>f ? #„ = s w = N and let this series converge absolutely. Let Xn be some rearrangement of the n > N. Then 00 2 ay n = l converges, and we have 00 S a^ = s. Proof: If M > N, we have by Theorem 202 that 00 oo M-l 2 I an\ - 2 | ^ | — 2 | aM |. n = M n = N n = N The right-hand side approaches 0 as M —> oo, and therefore so does the left- hand side. Let 6 > 0 be given. Choose an M > N such that 00 2 I an | < 6. n = M Now choose an r such that all of the n for which N fg n < M occur among the Xn with n^r. For w ^ r, let hv, v ^ 1 be the sequence of the n §: N arranged in ascending order, excluding those numbers Xn with n ^m. Then /zt g: M, and for all large t we have m t N+/+»w-l 2 <% + 2 %n =- 2 an. n — \ n = 1 w = N Letting f—> oo, we obtain oo m 2 ah = s — 2 a;, ,ln An 2 aK — s | = n = l H ah I < 2 I ah I <= 2 | #„ I < C.
158 Thus we have lim S^ = s. m— <*> n = l Theorem 217: Let A) S an n = l converge conditionally. Then 1) Given any S, we may find a rearrangement Xn of the integers ^ 1 such that 00 Ti a% = S. n = l 2) ^? may find a rearrangement ln of the integers =g 1 such that 00 n = l Proof: If we arrange the On ^ 0 according to increasing subscripts, then we obtain a sequence bn, n ^ 1. Moreover, B) S 6n diverges. For otherwise, there would be no an g: 0, or only a finite number, or infinitely many such that B) converges. Then, by Theorems 200 and 209, the series which is obtained from A) by replacing each an §: 0 by 0 would converge. This series has no positive terms, and so would converge absolutely. Thus, A) would converge absolutely. If we arrange the an < 0 according to increasing subscripts, then we obtain a sequence cn,n}^. 1. Moreover, C) S cn n = l diverges. For otherwise, there would be no an < 0, or only a finite number, or infinitely many such that C) converges. Then, by Theorems 200 and 207 (with p = 2), the series which is obtained from A) by replacing each an < 0 by 0 would converge. This series has no negative terms, and so would converge absolutely. Thus A) would converge absolutely. Since an -> 0, we have 0,
159 Set Bm = S bn for m ^ 1, n = l -M 0 for M = 0, M 2 cn for M ^ 1. n = l By what has just been said, and by Theorem 210, we have for every co > 0 that, ultimately, Bm> co and, ultimately, CM < — co. 1) For every m ^ 1, there is therefore an M such that &m H~ CM < S. Let M = M(m) be the least such number and let M@) mean 0. Then we evidently have that M(w—l)^M(w) for w^l and that M(m) is unbounded. By what has been said, we have for M(m) ^ 1 that Bm + CM(m)-l ^ S, and so Bm + cM(m) :> s + cM(m). We obtain a new arrangement of the as as follows: The arrangement of the bn among themselves is retained. Similarly for the cn. For m ^ 1, we place between b„, and bm+1 those c„ for which M(w— 1) + 1 ^ w^M(m), so that none occurs if M(m—l) = M(w). Every sum p n = l which already contains b2 and clt and which contains bm but not bm+1 (m = m(p) 5g 2), is therefore and is ^ Bm + CM(m) ^ S + cM(m). Thus we have for large /> that p j 2 % — s = Max (b™(p)> ~~ cmm(P))) -* °> n — 1
160 so that Saj = S. n = l 2) For every m g: 1, choose the smallest M = M(m) for which let M@) = 0. For the new arrangement of the a, use the method of 1) but with the new definition of M(wz). Then for every m ^ 1, there exists a sum v 2 ai < — m. « = 1 Thus, is not bounded, so that diverges by Theorem 26. Theorem 218: Let v n — 1 n = l S flw = S awd /^f f/zp series converge absolutely. Let the integers n ^g N be partitioned info a finite A :§ q ^ v) or an infinite {q §^1) sequence of sets 91^ such that each yiQ is either finite (nq{, 1 ^ t ^ tq, where t(j is an integer) or an infinite sequence (nQt, t ^ 1). 1) Then converges absolutely for those q for which %lq is infinite. 2) In addition, set t ,5>< = \ for those q for which %lQ is finite. Then, if there are an infinite number of 31 q, 2 A, q = l C onverges absolutely, and we have SAg
161 // there are a finite number of $lq, then 2 Aq = s. <z=i Preliminary Remark: Theorem 216 is the special case of Theorem 218 in which there are infinitely many %lq each containing exactly one number. Proof: 1) If %lq is infinite, then we have for every u^.1 that 2 \a \ =? 2 \an\. t^i qt n = N Thus, Theorem 210 yields the convergence of 00 2) If there are only a finite number of 9ig, then we have, by Theorems 216, 200, and 207, that V 2 Aq = s. q = l Now, let there be infinitely many $lq. Let d > 0 be given. Choose an M > N such that O0 2 | an | < d, n = M and an r such that the $lq with q^r contain all of the n with N ^ w < M. Then if m §; r, we have m oo 3 = 1 n=l where /jw are those w §; N, arranged in natural order, which do not occur in any yiQ with q^m. Thus hi g: M, and I 3 = 1 The convergence ot 2 Ag — s ^ 2 | aK | ^ 2 | an | < 6. n = l n=M 2 | A, |, 3 = 1 in the case of infinitely many 9i9, follows from m oo S|Aj^ S |«n|. 3=1 n=N Example: N=l. For every g i^ 1, 9lg contains all the numbers (u — \)u q -\ with u^.q. This satisfies the conditions of Theorem 218. For,
162 1)Jl^ '— is always an integer, since — is an integer for even u and , 2 2 is an integer for odd u. 2 2) Every n ^ 1 belongs to exactly one interval (u — \)u u{u + 1) < w < , w > 1 2 — 2 — and, since u(u + 1) (w— l)w — w, 2 2 therefore has the form (u— l)u w = g + , I ^ q ^ u. 3) This representation is unique. For it implies that (u — \)u (u—\)u u(u-{-\) 2 Theorem 219: If converges for all p ^ N, and if IA> ~f- 00 2 1 if 00 00 2 aP3 1 2 2 | apg p = N g = N converges, then 00 oo 2j 2j (lpq — 2j 2j ^fl. Proof: W.l.g. let N = 0. If we arrange the apq, p g; 0, q g: 0, according to increasing p + q, and according to increasing /> for those with equal p + q, then we obtain a sequence which we denote by an, n §: 0. If we then set 00 00 2 2 I sa I = A, we have, for each m ^ 1, m mm m oo S | a„ | ^ S S | aM | ^ S S | aM | ^ A. n = 0 jo = 0 g = 0 jo = 0 # = 0 00 2 an = s n = 0 therefore converges absolutely. Thus, by Theorem 218, 00 00 s = 2j 2j dpq , p = 0 q=0
163 on the one hand, and on the other hand 00 00 s = S S apq. q = 0 p = 0 Theorem 220: Let 00 2 a„ = A converge absolutely, let n = 0 converge, and let n cn = S «A-v far w ^ °- 1> = 0 Ttom converges, and we have 00 2 i = < 2c /i = 0 *n = [) n AB. Preliminary Remark: In particular, this holds if both of the given series are absolutely convergent. Proof: Setting m m S an = Am, S 6n = Bm n = 0 ?i = 0 for w g; 0, we have for m ^ 0 that S cn = S S <* A-v = 2flv S &„_„ — S «vBm_v, n = 0 n==0 v = 0 v = 0 n*=v v = 0 m m m m 2 c„ — AmBm = 2 avBm_v— 2 avBm = 2 «„(Bm_„— BJ. n = 0 V=0 v = 0 V = 0 Set 00 2 I av | = g ; v~o by Theorem 26, we have for v =g 0 and for a suitable to independent of v, that I B, | < h. Let d > 0 be given. By Theorem 203, choose a t > 0 so that B„-Bm|<2-^7T) for^S^, wi>;
164 and Then we have that S I av | < — for m ^ 2t. [ml 4th Bm_v — Bm\<2hior0^v^m, Bm_v —Bm| < Hence if m g; 2t, we have 2(g + 1) for m ^ 2t, 2 c„ — AmB h. x m m n—0 ^ SKIIB^-B, Therefore, d since L2J = S v=o [?W E 2(g + 71 m av| 1 Bm-v —Bw 1 + 2 (m * s 2(? + 1) ^W 6 a 4- 9h <*- A 1) S 4A m 2 c„—A,„Bm^0, = 0 we finally obtain AWBW -> AB, S cn -> AB, n = 0 Example: Then, we have S c„ - AB. n = 0 #| < 1, 0W = bn = #«. 1—-0 1 — so that cH = 2 0V = (« + 1H", 2 (n + 1H" = . « = 0 A— 0J
165 To be sure, even the special case given in the preliminary remark to Theorem 220 covers this example. Theorem 221: Let 0 < # < 1. Let an be given for n g: N. Let there exist a p ^ N such that | an+11 ^ 0 | an | for n ^ />. oo n = N converges, and in fact, absolutely. Proofs: For n^i p, we have (!) K| ^0*-*|flp|» since this is true for n = p, and n + 1 follows from w (^ />) because | *n+l | ^ # | *n | ^ # * ^"P I *p | = #n+1~P | S I ' 1) Therefore we have for m~§ip that m m m-p X fym-p+1 I ^ I so that the sum on the left is bounded. Hence ra 2 |«„| n = N is bounded for m ^ N. This shows the convergence of 00 S I an I. n = N 2) We may also proceed from A) as follows: oo oo converges, therefore so does ^ and so does 00 s i ^ i. Theorem 222: Let \ 6 I < 1 awe? /e* am fo ^'w« /or » ^ N. L*f l >e.
166 Then converges absolutely. Proof: If we set then we have so that, ultimately, 2 an n = N 2 0^|<9| <#< 1, an+l ^ q so that Theorem 221 is applicable. Theorem 223 (the so-called decimal representation of real numbers) : Every a may be written uniquely in the following form: (i = 2 n = 0 10* xn integral, 0 ^ xn ^ 9 for n >0. [ For no m ^ 0 is xn = 9 /or a// n > m. Proof: 1) If A) holds, we have for every integral m §: 0 that > 0, m x ^ x 10ma — 10m 2 —?- = 10"' 2 -Li- »=o 10" w=m+i 10» 00 g < 10™ S — n—m+l 1U i. so that the integer x0 10n n=0 = = m 2 n—0 w, To* [10n«] 10n = [10ma] , [10wla] ~" 10w ' [lO^-1^] for io^-1 n > 0. so that B) Therefore there is at most one representation of the required kind.
167 2) The xn determined by B) have the required properties. For, a) We have for integral m > 0 that n = olO" n = l\ lO^1 10* / 10ma < = a, 10mtf — 1 1 > = a 10m 10r so that the left-hand side approaches a as w->oo. _ | [a] for m = 0, ^ *" ~ j [10wa] — lOflO^-1^] for n > 0 is an integer. c) If w > 0, we have 10r < 10na — 10A0*-^ — 1) = 10, 71 1 > (I0na — 1) — 10 • 10"-1** = — 1, so that 0 < xri ^ 9. d) If for some m §: 0 we had xn = 9 for w > w, then we would have 00 % °° 9 IQm 2 — = 10™ S = 1, n = m+llu n = m+lxu & == 10ma an integer, and 9 = xm+1 = [10™+^] — 10[10ma] = [106] — 10[6] = 106 — 106 = 0.
168 CHAPTER 13 UNIFORM CONVERGENCE Introduction We have learned in Theorem 66 that a sum m f(x) - S fn(x) n = l is continuous at ? if each fn(x) is. Is this also true, at a I such that a < I < b, of an infinite series /(*) = 2 /„(*) 71 = 1 which converges for all # on fa, Z?] ? No. Example: | = 0, fn(x) = x^l—x2)"-1 for | x | < V2. Indeed, we have for w ^ 1 that /«@) = o, so that S /„@) w = l converges, and /@) = 0; but for 0 < | x | < V 2 we have — 1 < 1—*2 < 1, so that S /„(*)= *2 ? (l —**)»-1 = «2 S (l-**)" = - -^—-= i, n = l n = l v = 0 1 A *) /(*) = I- j{x) is discontinuous at 0; in fact it is continuous neither on the right nor on the left, although the ]n{x) are continuous there. By imposing a suitable restriction, we will "be able to save Theorem 66 from failing for infinite series. And with this we come to the important concept of uniform convergence.
169 In this chapter, n, N, //, m, u, v, jli^ fi2 always denote integers. Definition 56: Let SM be a set of numbers, let jn(x) be defined for n g: N and for every x in 2K, and let f(x) be defined for all x in 2R. For every 6 > 0, let there exist a ta ^ N (independent of x) such that for every x in 90} we have ! « = N ¦m < d for m ^ //. We then say that S/w(*) n = N converges uniformly to f(x) on (in) 9Ji. (That the series converges and to the sum f(x), follows from Definition 51.) Example: Let 90i consist of a single number. Then every series which converges in 90} converges uniformly therein. Theorem 224: Not every series 2 /„(*) n = N convergent in some 90} converges uniformly therein. _ Proof: Let N = 1, and let 90} be the set jof x such that | x | < V'2 or, in general, the set of x such that 0 < | x | < p where 0 < p fg V2. Let fn(x)=x*(l—x*)-1 (our example of the introduction, where we have already proved convergence). Set S/„(*)=/(*). n — 1 From the introduction, we know that f(x)= 1 for 0< \x\<p. If the series were uniformly convergent for 0 < | x | < p, then there would exist a /u ^ 1 such that 2 /.(*) -1 n = l < | for 0 < | x | < p.
170 (In more than one respect, the conditions of uniform convergence are not fully exploited.) Since /* f* ^_1 1—A—x2)V s /w(*)-*2 s (i—^)»-i=x*?:(i-xy=tf-—y—a=i«(i-.^ n = \ n = l v = 0 A A X ) we should have But, since |A—*2y | <\ for 0 < |*| <p. lim (l—x2f = 1, this is not true. Theorem 225: Let every fn(x), n = N, fo defined for x in 9K. 77*?w A) is uniformly convergent in SM if and only if for every 6 > 0 there exists a M> i? N (independent of x) such that we have for every x in 9ft that 2 /„(*) < 6 for v ^ u > //. Proof: 1) If this last condition is satisfied, then A) converges in 9ft by Theorem 206. Therefore if we set B) then we have for m g: jjl that 2/„(*)=/(*), 2 fn(x)-f(*) 2 /„(*) ^ C < 2C, so that A) converges uniformly by Definition 56 (since 26 is an arbitrary positive number). 2) If A) is uniformly convergent in 9ft and if f(x) is defined by B), then we choose a /^ as in Definition 56 with — for d. Then we have for v^. u > ju that and so that 2 /„(*) w-1 2/„(*)- w—N 2/„(*)- n-N -/(*) -/(*) 1 <* |( 2 /„(*) -/(*))-( /„(*)-/(*))| I \»=N / \n=N / I d d
171 Theorem 226: // TO and W are sets of numbers having no numbers in common, and if s /„(*) n=N converges uniformly in TO a;/rf 7;? 9f, /7/n? ///? series converges uniformly in the union of TO and 9t. Proof: Given a <5 > 0, choose a suitable //j for TO and a suitable ju2 for 91 by Definition 56. The number // = Max (/uv ju2) is the required number for the union. Theorem 227: // S /„(*) (=/(*)) converges uniformly in TO, awe/ ff #(-*") w defined and bounded in TO, then S /„(*)g(*) (=/(*) g(*)) r?—N converges uniformly in TO. Proof: For a suitable c independent of jt, we have that I g{x) I <c in TO. For any d > 0, choose a fi independent of x such that 2 /„(*)-/(*) < — for m ^ //, # in TO. Then we have for m g: // and ^ in TO that ! 2 M*)g(*)-/(*)g(*) = U(*)I 2 /„(*)-/(*) \<c-=d. Theorem 228: L*^ /n(#) ^ defined for n^. N awe/ /or # w TO. L^ ?/i?r? ?jw? /or w =g N a sequence pn independent of x such that I/„(*)! ^„ /or # m TO (in other words, let each fn(x) be bounded in TO) and let converge. Then 2 p„ n~ N
172 converges uniformly in 9K. Preliminary Remark: This sufficient condition for uniform convergence is not a necessary condition. Counter-example: SK arbitrary, N=l, l--l)n /.Mr" " for »^!- ^ fl Proof: For every d > 0, choose a ^ g N by Theorem 203 such that V H fin < d (or v ^ u > /u . Then we have for these u, v that i tn{x)\^ i \fn(X)\ =s ? pn<6, so that Theorem 225 proves our assertion. Theorem 229: Let p > 0, and let converge uniformly for | < ^ < | + p. Le? ?z/ery /»(•*") ^^ continuous at I ow ?/z<? Wg/tf. 77zpw the series converges at x = ?. // furthermore we set S /*(*) = /(*) /or | fg * < | + />, f/^w /(.ar) is continuous on the right. Preliminary Remark: This theorem verifies once again that the particular series given in the proof of Theorem 224 is not uniformly convergent for 0 < I x | < p. For, its sum, as was calculated in the introduction, is not continuous at 0 on the right. Proof: 1) We have for v g u g N that 2/w(*) is continuous on the right at |, as can be seen, say, from Theorem 66 by noting that the fn(x) are continuous at f if we define them to be ftl(S) for f — 1 < x < ?. Let d > 0 be given. By Theorem 225, we choose a ju g N independent of x such that 2 /„(*) < — for v ^> 2? ^ //, ? < % < | Then we have
173 so that n~ N converges at ^ = f (and so, by Theorem 226, is uniformly convergent for 2) Let <5 > 0 be given. Choose a /^ ^ N independent of x such that J n=N If we set b < — for f ^ * < f + ?. G(*)= 2 /,(*), n—N then G(a') is continuous at ? on the right. Hence there exists a positive e < /> such that | G(f + h) — G(f) | < — for 0 < A < e. Now we have for 0 < h < e that |/(f + A)-/(|)| = | - (G(? + A) - /(? + A)) + (G(f) - /(I)) + (G(f + h) - G(f)) | ^ | G(f + A) -/(I + A) | + | G(f) -/(f) | + | G(f + A) —G(f) | d 6 d < — H h — = d. 3 3 3 Theorem 230: Lef /> > 0, awd fe? converge uniformly for <J— p < ,r < <J. 7>f ^z^ry fw(^") ?><? continuous at <J on ?/i*> /#/?. Then the series converges at ? and its sum is continuous at ? on the left. Proof: Theorem 229 with fn(— x) in place of fn (x) and -— I in place of ?. Theorem 231s Let p > 0, and let n=N converge uniformly for 0 < | .r — ? | < p. Lef every fn(x) be continuous at f. 77&ew ?/i? wriw converges at ? and ffa raw is continuous at ?. Proof: Theorems 229 and 230. Theorem 232: Let e > 0 and let fn(x) be continuous at <J for every n ^ N. Let S /w(*) = /(*)
174 converge for \ x — ? | < e and be continuous at ?. Then for any p > 0, the series may fail to converge uniformly for every p > 0 in one or both of the sets ? <x < I + p or ? — p <x < ?. Preliminary Remark: Thus, the sufficient condition for continuity given in Theorem 231, for continuity on the right given in Theorem 229, and for continuity on the left given in Theorem 230, is not a necessary condition. Proof: For every x let fn(x) = n2x2e~nx2~- (n — lJx2e-<n-"x* for n ^ 1, so that fn(x) is continuous everywhere for every n ^ 1 and m sm(x) = 2 fn(x) = m2x2e-mx2 for m ^ 1. n—1 Then we have s,„@) = 0 and we have for x ^ 0 that °<sw(*) = m —> oo. The series is converges everywhere m2x2 m2x2 <^ / ™?y /mxy »—1 to 27 mx4 We consider ? = 0. /(#) is continuous at 0. If the series were uniformly convergent for 0 < x < p or for — /> < x < 0 for some p > 0, then there would exist a // ^ 1 such that for 0 < x < p or — /> < x < 0 respectively and for m^. /u we would have I 5™(*) —/(*) | = sm(x) = m2*2*-™** < e-1. _ 1 1 Then x = —=z. or * = — —— would, for suitable m ^ ju, be smaller than Vw v m p or larger than — p, respectively. We would thus have 1 — — e~x ^ me~1 — m2 — e m < ?-1. Theorem 233: Let a < fr. L^^ (!) S /»(*) converge for an x = rj such that a <-q <b. Let
175 converge uniformly for a < x < ? (which implicitly contains the hypothesis that every f„(x) is differentiable there). Then A) converges for a < x < b, and in fact uniformly. If we set ?/„(*) = /(*). then f(x) is differentiable for a < x < /? awe/ we /ia^ f(*) = S(*). Proof: (one of the most difficult of the book) : Set V 2 fn(x) = <p(X) rt=u for z' ^ u ^ N and a < x < />. Then we have for a < x < & that 2 /*(*) = ?'(*)• By Theorem 159, if h ^ 0, a < ? < b, a < I + h < fc, then we have for a suitable v between ? and ? + h that ,,(?+ A)_9,(f) A 9>'(y). so that B) S : = S/„(y). (y depends on w, t1, I, /?, but not on «.) By Theorem 225, there exists for every <5 > 0 a /x ^ N independent of y such that we have for z> ^ u > // and for a < y < & that S /;(y) <<5. Hence by B), we have forv ;> u > ,«, h # 0, a < ? < b, a < ij + h < b. that <E. Thus, by Theorem 225, C) «=N /»(* + *)—/»(*) A converges uniformly in h for fixed I and h ^ 0, a < I < 6, and o < I + A < b.
176 The convergence of this series implies that D) S (fAS + h)-f„(S)) converges for a < I < b, a < I + h < b. Since (i) s /nw was assumed convergent for an x between a and b, A) converges for all x between a and &. Since C) converges uniformly, and since \h\ < b — a, we have, by Theorem 227 (with g(h) = h), that the series D) converges uniformly for fixed f in a <|<&and for h ^ 0, a < f + /i < &. Therefore A) converges uniformly for a < # < b. Now for fixed f with a < I < bf and for n ^ N, we set WiAh) /.(* + *)-/.(f) for^o,fl<f + A<6; ?(?) for A = o. Then ipn(h) is continuous at /i = 0. By what has been proved concerning C) and by Theorem 226, we have that E) S V»(*) converges uniformly for a — I < h < & — f. By Theorem 231 (with /> = Min (b — f, f — a), and /i in place of x), the function E) is continuous at h = 0, so that g(f) = S f'n{?) = 2 Vw@) - lim S Vw(A) W=N n=N ft=o n=N = iim i IA±±=lMI) = lim /tf + *)-/(f) = m ^=0 n=N Example: lere " 7>=0 /»(*) = f°r W > 1, a = — e, b = e, O<0 < 1. S /n(*) n=l
177 converges at x = 0 (since every /„(()) = 0). ? fn(X) = i ««-i n~1 n—1 converges uniformly for a < x < fr, by Theorem 228 with N = 1, pn = 0"-\ Since 00 , 1 2 /w(*) n=l we have by Theorem 233 that 2 - - f(x) n=l n converges for a < x < ?> and that r=^' 1—x Since for every .*- with | x \ < 1 we may choose a 0 with | % j < 0 < 1, we have that s - converges for | x | < 1 and that \ n^_1 ^ / 1 % Now, we have for | x | < 1 that (_ log A _ X))' = _ -*-. (_ 1) = _L_. 1 — # 1 — X By Theorem 162 (to be applied for suitable a, b with — l<a<^<^<l), we have for | x | < 1 that la — = log A X) + C, n=l n and x = 0 yields 0 = 0 + c, c = 0, S - = -log(l-*), n=l n so that «> (_ l)n-l log A + *) = S *n
178 for | x | < 1, which was known to us in part from Theorem 184. (However, our present proof does not include the case x = 1.) Theorem 234: // /(•*") is continuous on [a, b], then there exist entire rational junctions fn(x) such that S /„(*) n-1 converges uniformly on [a, b] and is equal to f(x). Proof: By Theorem 155, we choose for every n > 0 an entire rational function Pn(x) with |/(*) —P„(*)| <— on [a, b] n and we set Then for every <3 > 0 we have for m > —- that \ m | I 2 /„(*) - /(*) = | Pm(x) - /(*) I < - < d. »=1 »«
179 CHAPTER 14 POWER SERIES Definition 57: ? cn (x — a)*, n~ 0 where the cn and a are fixed, is called (without regard to convergence) a power series. This series must converge at x = a, since cn(x — a)n = Q for n ^ 1. We shall restrict ourselves to the case a = 0 until near the end of this chapter, when the corresponding theorems with arbitrary a will follow at one stroke from those with a = 0. Theorem 235: There exists a power series GO X cn Xn which converges only at x = 0. 00 Proof: 2 nvxn is of the required kind. For if the series were convergent for an x ^ 0, then we would have, by Theorem 204, that lim nn xn = 0; but if n > -—- , we have I x 1 n | x | > 1, | nn xn | > 1. Theorem 236: There exists a power series which converges for all x. 00 xn Proof: 2 —
180 is of the required kind. For if x ^ 0 and n ^ 0, we have that (n+l)\ % %n n + l n\ so that the convergence follows by Theorem 222 (with N = 0 and 0 = 0). Definition 58: The sum of an everywhere convergent power series GO 2 c„ *» is called an entire junction of x. Example: Every entire rational function m 2 C„ X" is an entire function, since we may define cn = 0 for integral n > m. Theorem 237: Let GO 2 cn ijn be convergent. 1) Then A) S c„ X" converges absolutely for \ x | < | ? |. 2) For every # such that 0 :=§ # < 1, A) converges uniformly for Proof: It suffices to show that, for every # such that 0 ^ # < 1, A) is uniformly and absolutely convergent for | x | :g # \ ? |. For if we set '-It!- then every fixed y such that | y \ < | ?, \ belongs to the set of x for which Since 00 converges, we have that, by Theorems 204 and 26,
181 where p is independent of n. Therefore if | x | ^ # | I |, then | cnxn | <^ | cnf" I iVl g ^>#", and moreover converges. From this follows the absolute convergence of the given series for | x | <i # | I | and, by Theorem 228 (with N =0, pn = p&n), so does its uniform convergence, Theorem 238: Let 00 converge neither for x = 0 a/ow^ nor everywhere. Then there exists exactly one r > 0 shc/i f^af f/z^ series converges for | ,r | < r, diverges for | # | > r. Proof: 1) There is at most one such r. For if n and r2 were two such numbers and if rx ^ r2, then the series would be both divergent and con- ?\ + r2 vergent at — . 2 2) We place a in Class I if a > 0 and if the series converges at a, or if a 5^ 0; Class II if a > 0 and if the series diverges at a. There is a positive a in class I. For, by hypothesis, the series converges for I ? I some ? ^ 0. The number a — , by Theorem 237, 1), is of the required kind. There is an a in class II. For, by hypothesis, the series diverges for some 7] 7^ 0. The number a = 2 |r; | is then of the required kind, by Theorem 237, 1). If a is in class II and fi > a, then the series diverges at a, and therefore, by Theorem 237, 1), diverges at /?. Hence /"> is in class II. Therefore there exists an r > 0 such that every a < r is in class I, and every a > r is in class II. If | # | < r> then i i I # I + f I x I < —^ < Y • I # I + ^ . . . 1^1+'^ J—! is in class I, and the series converges at —! , and hence, bv 2 2 ' Theorem 237, 1), at x.
182 If 1*1 > r , then x I + r I # I -f- r 1 is therefore in class II and the series diverges at -—¦ > and 2 therefore, by Theorem 237, 1), at x. Examples s 1) r = 1 for the power series 00 For we know that it converges for | x | < 1 and that it diverges at 1, since ln does not approach 0. It also diverges at — 1, since (— l)n does not approach 0. 2) For oo vn n=i n2 we also have r= 1. For, this series converges for | x \ ^ 1, since 1 < — and diverges for x > 1 since we have, ultimately, *n+1 n \n + 1/ a:71 \n + n2 so that the (positive) terms ultimately increase. As already mentioned, the series converges at 1 and — 1. 3) We know that the series 00 yl\ s — is divergent at 1 and convergent at — 1. From this it follows that r= 1. 4) The series oo / \\n converges at 1 and diverges at —1. Hence r=l. These four examples demonstrate that we cannot make a general statement about convergence or divergence at r or at — r. All four possibilities may occur.
183 Theorem 239: Let R > 0, and let 2 c„. *» n~ 0 converge for \ x | < R. T/i^n f/i<? .ym^s converges absolutely for \ x | < R awe/ uniformly for \ x | ^ #R /or aw3; # jmc/i f/iaf 0 ^ ^ < 1. Proof: It suffices to show uniform and absolute convergence for | x | ^ #R. 1 + 0 The series converges at R , since  + 0 I ^ ——-R < R, 2 I and so, by Theorem 237 (with for #), uniformly and absolutely for , , 2# 1 + # U < n -—- R - #R. 1 ' "" 1 + # 2 Theorem 240: // 00 /(*) = Sc9x« n—0 converges only at 0, or is convergent everywhere, or if neither of these cases holds (so that there exists an r in the sense of Theorem 238), then the series g(*) = S (n + l)c„+1*» n=0 converges only at 0, or converges everywhere, or belongs to the same r, respectively. Proof: It evidently suffices to show the following: 1) If I 7^ 0 and if the first series converges at I, then the second converges for \x I < I | |. 2) If I 7^ 0 and if the second series converges at I, then the first converges for I x I < I f |. This suffices for the following reasons: a) If the /-series converges only at 0, then by 2), the g-series converges only at 0. b) If the /-series converges everywhere, then by 1), the g-series converges everywhere. c) If the /-series belongs to r, then the g-series converges, by 1), for . . / I x I + r\ ../•- I a; I < r I setting f = I and diverges, by 2), for | x \ > r I setting
184 As regards 1) : K+1!K+1| <g, r ? \n <^ |(»+ l)cB+1*»| = («+ l)|c,(+1||||» The series < > + %i x " 2 (« + 1, , t , n=0 I ? converges for | x | < | I |, by the example to Theorem 220. Therefore, so does ? (n+ l)c7l+1x". As regards 2) : | (n + l)cw+1f* | < k for w ^ 0, and therefore, for « §: 1, r y-n — \ t \ \ r P- tn-1 I <\S\k The series x 7 converges, and hence so does the series Theorem 241: // E c„ x". n—0 i(x) = s c„ .v w—0 w everywhere convergent (or if there is an r in the sense of Theorem 238), thenf(x) is differentiate (and thus continuous) everywhere (or for \ x | < r), and f'(x) = S (« + l)cn+1x". Proof: Let I be arbitrary (or let | I | < r). Then we set -q= | I | + 1 I | I -f r (or ?j = '—' ). By Theorems 240 and 239, ? (« + iK+i^ converges uniformly for | .r | < ??. The assertion at x = ? thus follows from Theorem 233, since (cn+i%n+1Y = (« + i)^+i^
185 Theorem 242: // R > 0 and if 00 00 2 an x'l = 2 bn xri for \ x \ < R, 71 = 0 /l = 0 then alt = bn for n ^> 0. Proof: Otherwise, let m be the smallest n such that an =? b„. Then we would have for j x | < R that X 00 00 and therefore, for 0 < | x | < R, 00 0-2 (an^m — bn + m)x». If 00 2 (an+m bh + lfl)x" belongs to an r in the sense of Theorem 238, then R ^ r. Otherwise, this series converges everywhere. In any case, by Theorem 241 (continuity), we would have 00 am — bm = lim 2 (all + m — bn + m)xn = lim 0-0. Theorem 243 (Abel's continuity theorem) : Let I > 0 (or | < 0) and let 00 converge. If we set 00 f(x) = 2 cn x" for | x j < ? and x = f f/i^w /(.**) w continuous at ? on the left {or on the right). Preliminary Remarks: 1) Do we not yet have this result? If the power series converges everywhere, then we do, by Theorem 241 (continuity). If there corresponds to the powrer series an r in the sense of Theorem 238 (in this case we must have | r | ^ | I |), then we do if r > | ? | ; we do not if r = | I |. But this last case is the important one here. 2) From Theorem 243 we learn once more that » (_1)«-1 log A + x) = 2 — xn
186 not only for | x | < 1, but also, as a consequence, for x =. 1. Cf. the example to Theorem 233, where the case x = 1 had to be omitted. Proof: W.l.g. let I > 0, for otherwise consider /(—*)= S (—l)»cnx». n— 0 W.l.g. let |=1, for otherwise consider f{ix) = 2 c„ ¦?'<*». n—0 W.l.g. let 00 2 c„ = 0; for otherwise consider /w-/(i)=(c„-/(i))+ icnX\ n=l By Theorem 230, it suffices to prove the uniform convergence of S cM xn n— 0 for 0 < jr < 1. Setting sm = 2 cn for integral m^.0, n=0 we obtain, for integral w, z/, with v^ u^i 1, that 2 cn*» = 2 («» —s„_i)*B = 2 s„*» — 2 *„_!*« = Es.i"- 2 s„%"+1=— su_1xu + Ss„(»"-i"+1)+s.ll+l v = (l—x) 1^ snxn — su_1xu + svxv+1. Let d > 0 be given. Since s,„ ->0, there exists an integral fi^.0 such that I s I < — for n ^ fi. Therefore, for 0 < jr < 1 and for integral u, v such that v ^ w > //, we have E * E d < (i—x)— 2 #w h %M H %v v '9. 9 9 d d d = —(xu — xv+1) H xu H *v+1 == C^w < C, 2 2 2
187 so that S cnx« n~0 is, by Theorem 225, uniformly convergent for 0 < x < 1. Theorem 244: // R > 0 and if 00 /(*) = S c/t*" /or | a; | < R, n~ 0 ?/i?n /or ^zwy integral m §^ 0 awe/ /or | ,r | < R, we have /<">(*) = Scww! |^W*-™, awd, in particular, __ /(m)@) cw r— • w! Proof: m = 0 : Obvious. To proceed from m to m + 1 : By Theorem 241, we have cl-aH'=(^-'(*rL fc=o V m I „=m+i W = ? cB(»»+l)!( * )*»-<»+d. n—m+1 \m -f- 1/ » —w—1 By the trivial transformation a- = y — a, the preceding theorems imply Theorem 245: Let S c„(#— a)" converge, and not only at x = a. Then either the series is everywhere convergent, or there exists exactly one r > 0 such that the series converges for | x — a \ < r, diverges for \ x — a\ > r. The series is absolutely convergent everywhere, or for | x — a \ < r, respectively. The series is uniformly convergent for | x — a | ^ q for every ? i^ 0, or for any q such that 0 ^ q < r, respectively.
188 If f(x) "" the sum °f ^e series, then it is arbitrarily often differentiable everywhere, or for \x — a\ < r respectively. Moreover (m an integer §: 0), /<«>(*)= 2 cnm\ (n) {% — a)n-™, n-m \ml so that, in particular, f<m>(a) Cm 00 f{n)(a) (Can this be [cf. Theorem 185] ? Yes, if we already know that f(x) is a power series.) // there is an r > 0 in the above sense, and if the given series converges at a — r {or at a + r), then the sum of the series is continuous on the right (or on the left).
189 CHAPTER 15 THE EXPONENTIAL AND BINOMIAL SERIES oo ^n X" Theorem 246: ex = 2 —• Preliminary Remark: The series on the right is called the exponential series. Proof: By the proof of Theorem 236, we know that the power series f(x) on the right is convergent everywhere. By Theorem 241, we have /'(*) = 2 (n + 1) —1— yn = J * = f(x) t n^o {n+l)\ n=o n\ everywhere, so that (e-xf(x))f = —e-xf(x) + e~xf'(x) = 0, so that we have by Theorem 163 that e~xf(x) = e-°f@) = 1-1 = 1, f(x) = ex. Theorem 247? For \ x | < 1 and for every a, we have "+"*- J. (»)*"¦ Preliminary Remark: The series on the right is called the binomial series. Proof: 1) The series on the right converges, since for integral a^Owe have that, ultimately (for n > a), (:)-¦ and for the other a, if w.l.g. x ^ 0, that («;>• a +i 1 a — n n
190 so that the series converges, by Theorem 222, since | x | < 1. 2) For | x | < 1, I set /(*) = A + *)«, g{%) = J. On and must prove that /(*) = *(*)• By Theorem 241, we have \ n=i V w 7 «=i yn—l> J = «(i+i:iQ *-) = «?(*). On the other hand, we have /'(*) = «A + x)*~\ A + x)f'(x) = a A + x)* = xf(x). Thus we have A + x)g(x)f'(x) = *g(x)f(x) = A + x)f{x)g'(x), g(x)f'(x)=f(x)g>(x), fix) # 0, so that /(*)g'(*)—g (*)/'(*) /gwy so that, by Theorem 163, g(*)=g(Q)_j_ _ /(*) /(O) i /(*) = g(*). = o
191 CHAPTER 16 THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS We shall consider four functions, called sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent. Theorem 248: 00 f— l)m 2 —^ 1 *2m+l ,__o Bm + 1)! converges everywhere, and is therefore an integral function with Proof: so that 2 cn*» n~0 Cn = (-1 n-1 k 2 w! for odd n ^ 0, 0 /<9r ?T/?W w ^ 0. converges. -o «! * (— \y Definition 59: sin * == 2 — —-r: *' m_0Bw+l)'- sin is to be read "sine." Theorem 249: sin (— x) = — sin x. Proof: Definition 59. Theorem 250: sin 0 = 0. Proof: Definition 59. 2m+l Theorem 251: - (-i)m 2 m.o Bm)!
192 converges everyzvhere, and is therefore an integral junction 00 Z cnx" with ( n (—1J" for even n g: 0, n! 0 for odd n ^ 0. Proof: As that of Theorem 248. oo / l \ m Definition 60: cos x = 2 — —- x2m. w,=o Bw)! cos is to be read "cosine." Theorem 252: Cos (— x) = cos x. Proof: Definition 60. Theorem 253: cos 0 = 1. Proof: Definition 60. d sin x Theorem 254: _ = cos x> ax Proof: By Theorem 241, we may differentiate an everywhere convergent power series term by term. We have 7- — x2^1) = -± }-— Bm + l)x2m = l — x2m. \Bm + 1)! / Bm + 1)! v ; Bm)! Theorem 255: — — — sin x. dx 00 ( l) m+l Proof: cos*=l + ? x2m+2. m=o B^ + 2)! By Theorem 241, we may differentiate term by term. We have / (_ l)m+l y (_l)m+l (— l)m x2m+2 = - - Bw + 2)x2m+l = — — . \Bm + 2)l I Bm + 2)\K J Bm+l)\ Theorem 256: sin (x + y) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y, cos (x + y) = cos a; cos y — sin x sin y. Proof: For fixed y, we set /(x) = sin (x + y) — sin # cos y — cos x sin y, g(x) = cos (# + y) — cos % cos y + sin x sin y. r2m+l
193 Then, by Theorems 254 and 255, we have that /'(*) = cos (x + y) — cos x cos y + sin x sin y = g(#), g'(%) = — sin (% + y) + sin % cos y + cos # sin y = — /(%), (/2(*) + ?2(*))' = 2/(*)/'(*) + 2g(*)g'(*) = 2/(*)g(*) - 2g(*)/(*) = 0, so that, by Theorem 163, f2(x) + g2(%) - /2@) + g2@) = (sin y — sin yJ + (cos y — cos yJ= 0, f(x) = g(*) - 0. Theorem 257: sin 2x = 2 sin # cos %. Proof: sin 2a; = sin (# + #) = sin x cos % + cos x sin at = 2 sin # cos x. Theorem 258: sin2 x + cos2 x = 1. Proof: 1 = cos 0 = cos (# — #) = cos x cos (— x)—sin xsin (—x) = gos2 % + sin2 #. Theorem 259: cos 2x = 2 cos2 % — 1. Proof: cos 2# — cos (x-\-x) = cos # cos x — sin x sin x = cos2 % — sin2 % = cos2 x—A—cos2 %) = 2cos2%—1. Theorem 260: | sin x | ^ 1. Proof: Theorem 258. Theorem 261: | cos x | 5j 1. Proof: Theorem 258. Theorem 262: There exists exactly one n > 0 such that n cos — = 0, 2 71 cos x > 0 for 0 ^ % < —. In other words, cos y = 0 has a positive solution, and in fact a smallest one. Proof: 1) It is obvious that there is at most one such n. 2) By Theorem 159 (with f(x) = sin x,a = 0,b = 2)
194 and Theorem 254, there exists a ? such that sin 2 — sin 0 0 < f < 2, = cos f ; by Theoiems 250 and 260, we have that i ,i I sin 2 I 1 cos ? = J L < — ; 1 ' 2 ~ 2 so that if we set 2f = 6, then we have by Theorem 259 that 1 1 cos b = 2 cos2 f — 1 < 2 1= < 0 . ~ 4 2 By Theorem 149 (with /(#) = cos x, a = 0) there exists a ti > 0 such that cos — = 0 , 2 cos % > 0 for 0<#< — ~ 2 * Definition 61: The "universal constant" of Theorem 262 will be denoted henceforth by ti. 71 Theorem 263: sin — = 1 . 2 Proof: By Theorems 258 and 262, we have sm2 — = 1 — cos2 ¦— = 1 , 2 2 n sm — = 1 or — 1 . 2 The first equality holds, since by Theorems 159, 254, and 262, we have for a suitable I that 71 . 71, 71 71 0 < f < — , sm - = sm sin 0 = — cos | > 0 . 2 2 2 2 n 1 Theorem 264: cos — = —- 4 V2 Proof: By Theorem 259, we have 71 71 0 = cos — = 2 cos2 1 , 2 4 2 n 1 cos'2 — = i ;
195 and since e therefore have Theorem 265: n cos — > 0, 4. n 1 cos — = 4 V2 . n 1 sm — = — 4 V2 Proof: By Theorems 263, 257, and 264, we have _ . n . n n ,~ . n 1 = sm — = 2 sm — cos — = V 2 sin — . 2 4 4 4 Theorem 266: cos n = — 1 . Proof: cos tt = 2 cos2 1 = — 1 2 Theorem 267: sin n — 0 . Proof: sin :rc == 2 sin — cos — = 0 . 2 2 Theorem 268: cos 2n == 1 . Proof: cos 2tz: = 2 cos2 tt — 1 == 1 . Theorem 269: sin 2n = 0 . Proof: sin 2n = 2 sin tt cos ra = 0 . Theorem 270: sin I x J = cos % . G1 \ 71 '71 % J — sin — cos x + cos ~ sm (— x) . 2 / 2 2 V } Theorem 271: sin (n — x) = sin x . Proof: sin [n — x) = sin n cos x + cos n sin (— x) . Theorem 272: cos {n — x) = — cos x . Proof: cos (n — x) = cos tz cos x — sin n sin (— x) . Theorem 273: sin (x + 2n) = sin x. In other words, "sin jf has the period 2 71."
196 Proof: sin (x + 2n) = sin x cos 2tz + cos a; sin 2n. Theorem 274: For 0 < x < n and for n < x < 2tt, w te'e f/iaf sin a; =? 0. Proof: We have that sin 0 = sin n = 0. If there existed a ? such that 0 < ? < 7i, sin | = 0, then by Theorem 156, there would exist a Si and a c2 such that 0 < ft < f < ?2 < 77, cos ^ = cos f2 = 0. One of the numbers ?i or ?2 would be^ —. However, we have by Theorem 262 that 2 7T cos x 7^ 0 for 0 < # < — , so that, by Theorem 272, TZ cos x = — cos (tz — x) ^ 0 for — < % < ^. Hence we have for 0 < .r < n that sin x ^ 0; and for 71 < x < 2^ that sin x = sin (tz — x) = — sin (x — tz) ^ 0. Theoreni 275: The equation sin (x + r) = sin x holds for all x if and only if c = 2fi7i, n an integer. Proof: 1) Let n be an integer. sin (x + 2nn) = sin x is obvious for n = 0 and follows for n §^ 0 by proceeding from m to n + 1 since sin (a; + 2(« -f l)jr) = sin ((x + 2wrc) + 2tz) = sin (% + 2nn) by Theorem 273. Hence we have for n < 0 that sin (a; + 2nn) = sin (a: + 2wrc + 2 | n | rc) = sin *. 2) Tt suffices to show that A) sin O + 0 = sin •*", 0 g r < 2n, is an identify in .1* only for r = 0. This suffices, for if A) is true, then, by 1), sin I x + c — 2tz — ) = sin x ,
197 and if — is not an integer, we have 2tz 2tz > c — 2n — = 0, 2n (=-) < c — 2ji I 1 == 2n. Substituting x = 0 in A) gives sin c = 0, 0 ^ c < 2n. By Theorem 274, c = 0 or c = 7i. But we cannot have c = n, for if we substitute x = in A), then ^ . n 1 = sm — = sin (x + c) = sin # = — sin — = — 1 2 v ' 2 would be true. Theorem 276: cos (x + 2tc) == cos x. In other words, "cos x has the period 27i." Proof: cos (x + 2?r) = cos % cos 2?r — sin # sin 2tc. Theorem 277: The equation cos (x + c) = cos ;r /zo/rfj /or a// .r // and only if c = 2nn, n an integer. Proof: By Theorem 270, the first of the above equations is equivalent to sin I x — cl = sin ( x\ for all x, or, setting 71 — — x — c = y , to sin y = sin (y + c) for all y. Hence Theorem 277 follows from Theorem 275. Theorem 278: // m is an integer, and if 71 7T 2mn < x < y < 2mn + — then sin x < sin y. 71 71 Proof: We have for 2mn < z < 2mn -\ that 9 2 cos z = cos (z — 2wtc) > 0.
198 By Theorem 159, there exists a ? such that x < ? < y, sin y — sin % = (y — x) cos f > 0. Theorem 279: sin # = 0 /?o/cfa for the numbers x = nn, n an integer, and only for these numbers. Proof: Theorem 274 and sin (x -f 2/771) = sin x for integral n. Theorem 280: cos x = 0 holds for tile numbers x = (n -f l/2)n, n an integer, and only for these numbers. Proof: cos | x I = cos I x) \ 2/ \2 / sin x : hence Theorem 279 proves our assertion. Theorem 281: // n is an integer, then cos nn = (— l)n. Proof: n = 0 follows from cos nn = cos 0=1 = (— l)n. n -f 1 follows from n, since cos (n + 1)tz = cos (nn + n) - - cos nn cos n — sin nn sin n = — {—l)n = (—l)n+1. This proves Theorem 281 for n §; 0. The theorem follows for n < 0 since cos nn = cos {(—n)n) = (— l)~n = (— 1)". qo m Definition 62: II a„ — lim II an , n — l m— oo n = 1 // f/zz.9 limit exists. We then call n an a convergent infinite product.
199 Examples: 1) If one a„ = 0 and if the others are arbitrary, then we have that, ultimately, m n = l so that 00 n = l 2) If all a„ = Y/i, then we have 00 II an = lim (\)™ = 0 . n = l m= oo Theorem 282: '// an>0 for all integers n §; 1, ?/??w 00 S log a„ = 6 n = l converges if and only if converges and if Moreover, we then have Proof: 1) Let II an = a 71=1 a > 0. b = log a. II «M -> a, a > 0. w = l Since log y is continuous for y > 0, we have m m 2 log an = log II aw -» log a. n=1 n=l 2) Let S log an -> 6. n = l Since ey is continuous for all y, we have r?? 2 i°s«„ n an n = l = ?n:=1 ?6 > 0.
200 Theorem 283: We have for all x that 00 / x2\ sin nx = nx II 11 1 ; n = l \ n2J hence, for all x, that • / x2 \ sin x — x 11 A ). n==1\ 7i2n2 J Proof: The power series g(x) = s (- s 4-J converges for | ,r | < 1, since - S — ^ S —. V n = l W2V n = l^2 Hence g'(x) exists and is continuous for | x \ < 1. Furthermore, by Theorem 219, we have for | x | < 1 that co co JlV i oo oo Y2V i *(*> = s ? -^= s ? - ^ 00 00 1 //y2\V n = l v = l ^ W 7 so that, by the example to Theorem 233, -g(x)= S log 1-- ; „=i V n2/ and so we have by Theorem 282 that x I x2\ e-9M = n 1 . „=1\ «2/ If for all x for which the product converges we set 00 / x2\ n i—J=fwi n=i \ n2/ then F(x) exists for j x j < 1, and here we have F(#) = <?-*<x) > 0, F'(x) = —g'{x)e-*x\ so that F'(x) is continuous. We now show that F(.r) converges for all x, and that if we set f(x) = ;**F(*), then we have A) /(*+!)=-/(*).
201 This is obvious for integral x, since x or some 1 is 0, as are also x + 1 or some 1 — I I . Since we know the convergence for | x | < 1, it suffices to show that, for non-integral x, convergence for x implies convergence for x + 1 and A), and that convergence for x + 1 implies convergence for x. All of this will be established if we can show that +D n (.+i±j) n~—m \ fl ' n~—m lim zr—; : = — L % n (i + - Now, the expression following the limit sign is equal to m m+l II (n + 1 + x) II (n + x) n~~m n = —ra-fl m 4- 1 + x U {n + x) U (n + x) Thus the above assertions are proved. We now show that B) /(*)/(*+ *) = */(i)/B*)- In fact, we have m / x\ I X 4- \\ /(*)/(* + i)=jr%(* + i) lim II (l+-| h+—i—-i ™ 2x + 2n 2% + 2n + 1 2n + 1 = 7t2x(x + |) lim 11 — ¦ m=« n = -m ^ 2n + 1 2n tj^O , / ^ 2% + ^ - 2n+ 1\ = 7i2*(* + i) lim 11 n — m= oo \ n = -2m ^ n=-m ^ / \n • 2% lim m — oo \w = >^ i/B*)/(i). Bm+l / 9v\ ml 1 \\ n i + -).».i n U + A
202 Now we show that sinnx has the properties A) and B) for f(x). We have C) D) sin (n(x + 1)) = sin (nx + n) = — sin nx , sin nx sin (n(x + |)) = sin nx cos nx — \ sin 2tt% — ism— sin 2nx. Now we set G(*) /(*) for non-integral x. sm nx 1 for integral .r. Then, by A), B), C), D), we have that E) G(x + 1) = G(%), G(i)GB*) = G(*)G(* + ?). Furthermore, we have for 0 rg ,i- < 1 (and hence, by E), for all x) that G(x) > 0. ?(*) = sm nx nx 1 for x ^ 0, for x = 0 is an integral function, so that #-'(.r) exists and is continuous for all x. If | x | < 1, then Hence GW = has a continuous derivative for | x | < 1. Therefore, by E), G'(x) exists everywhere, and is continuous everywhere. Setting H(*)=log^, we have that F) (?) H(* + 1) = H(*), HB*) = H(«) + H(* + I), YL'(x) is continuous, ¦) H'(*+1)=H'(*). From G), we obtain for integral n > 0 that HB*,= SH (» + ?);
203 for, this is G) for n = 1, and n + 1 follows from n because H B-+1*) = H B» • 2%) = 2~LuBx + -) v=0\ V ^2»+V ^ \ T 2»+! J/ vt0 V 2»W Hence we have hm _ ss'H fc±4 v=o \ 2* r (9) H»^2U'(^1, V ' W 2" v=0 \ 2» / Since H'(^r) is continuous and (8) is true, H'(^r) has a largest value M. Choose a I such that H'(!)=M. Then we have, for integral n > 0 and integral v with 0 ^ v < 2W, that H'(^)SM. so that °-m-* since otherwise, we would have by (9) (with # = ?) that H'(f)<M. For 0 f§ x < 1, integral « > 0, v == [2w^r], we nave 0 ^ v < 2W, c "id hm = % ; 2n ,«, and therefore, since H'(^r) is continuous, we have H'0) = M for O^x < 1, and, because of (8), for all x. Hence we have U{x) =Mx + c, so that, by F), M = 0, H(*) = c.
204 From G), we have c = c + c, c = 0, H(*) = 0, GM = G(i), , F@) 1 = | = ^ = G@) = G(|); G(x) = 1, /(#) = sin 7r#. sin x a: 1 Definition 63: tg # = /or non-integral . cos # n 2 tg is to be read "tangent." . COS X X Definition 64: ctg a; — - jor non-integral —. sin x it ctg is to be read "cotangent." Theorems 284, 286, 289 - 292, 294 are meant in the following sense: "If one of the sides is meaningful," i.e. either the numbers x = (n + ^2O1 (n integral) or the numbers x = tin (n integral) are to be excluded. Theorem 284: Proof: Definition 63. Theorem 285: Proof: Definition 63. Theorem 286: Proof: Definition 64. Theorem 287: Proof: Definition 64. Theorem 288: tg(- ctg( _ X) = — tg X. tg 0 = 0. — x) = — Ctg X. 7T ctg- =0. Proof: By Theorems 265 and 264, we have 7T sm — 4 71 cos — 4 1 V2 1 V2
Theorem 289: Proof: /sin x \' \cos XI 205 dtgx 1 rf# cos2 %' cos x (sin a;) ' — sin % (cos *)' cos2 % cos % cos x + sin # sin % Theorem 290: Proof: cos*2 % cos2 X d ctg % 1 d% sin2 x /cos #\' sin x (cos #)' — cos x (sin #)' (COS #\ ' sin xi sm- * sin x (— sin x) — cos x cos x 1 sin2 # Theorem 291: tg (^ — x] = ctg #. in(f-*) Proof sm COS # '(f-) sm % cos Theorem 292: tg (x + n) = tg #. In other words, "tg x has the period n" Proof: By Theorems 271 and 272, we have sin (x + n) sin (— x) sin x cos (x + n) — cos (— x) cos x Theorem 293: tg (x + c) = tg * /zo/flta /or a// ;r /or which one of the sides is meaningful, if and only if c = nn, fi an integer. Proof: 1) If one of the sides is meaningful, we have that sin (x + nn) sin x cos nn + cos % sin wrc sin % tg (x + wr) = ¦ = : : = = tg x. cos (x + nn) cos a: cos wtz — sm x sm w.t cos x
206 2) It suffices to show that tgc = 0 holds only for c = nn, n an integer. In fact, it follows that sin c = cos c tg c = 0, and Theorem 279 proves our assertion. Theorem 294: ctg (x + n) = ctg x. In other words, "ctg x has the period n." Proof: By Theorems 272 and 271, we have cos (x + n) — cos (— x) cos x sin (x + n) sin (— x) sin x' Theorem 295: ctg (x + c) = ctg x holds jor all x for which one of the sides is meaningful, if and only if c = nn, n is an integer. Proof: By Theorem 291, our statement is equivalent with *(?-*-c) = tg(?-*)' if one of the sides is meaningful; and therefore with tgy = tg(y + c) if one of the sides is meaningful. Hence Theorem 293 proves our assertion. For the conclusion of this chapter, I present a simpler example, now available, of a function <p(z) which was needed for the proof of Theorem 165. Evidently, it was essential only that <p(#) have a positive period and be everywhere differentiate (and hence bounded) without having <p'B) constant. Such a function is q)(z) = cos 2. We now condense the entire proof of Theorem 165, by means of our new function.
207 Let Then we have and, for x ^ 0, /(*) = 0 for x = 0, 1 x2 cos — for x ^= 0. x /'@) = lim *cos — = 0 1 1 fix) = 2# cos sin — x x We have for integral n > 0 that r( 1 U-i, so that j{x) is not continuous on the right at 0.
208 CHAPTER 17 FUNCTIONS OF TWO VARIABLES; PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Definition 65: Let 3K be a set of number-pairs (x, y). To every pair (x, y) of Wt let a number z be assigned. Then z is said to be a function of the two variables x and y. Notation: s = f(x,y), or something similar. Examples: 1) z — ex+y2, 3)f arbitrary. »> x + y and 9Ji the set of all (x, y) with y ^ — x. 3) z = x+y and SK the set of all (x, y) with x > 0, y > 0. Definition 66: f(x, y) is said to be continuous at (?, rj), if for every d > 0 there exists an e > 0 such that | f(x, y) — f{?, rj)\ <d for \x — g\ < e, \y — rj\ < e. Thus, first of all, f(x, y) must be defined for I* —?| <P,\y — v\ <P> with a suitable p > 0. _ _ Example: xy is continuous at @, 0). For if | x | < Vo, | y | < vd, we have | xy'—O -0\=\xy\ <d. Theorem 296: // f(x>y) is continuous at (?,rj), and if g(x) is continuous at | and g(f ) = ^ then f(x, g(x)), which is a function of one variable, is continuous at |. Proof: Let d > 0 be given. There exists an e > 0 such that \f(x.y)—f(S.y)\ <d tor \x — ?\ <e, \y — ri\<e.
209 There exists a f with 0 < ? ^ s such that | g(#) — rj | < e for | x — J | < ?. Hence we have for | x — ? | < f that | * — f | < e, I /(*, g(*)) -/(? ff(«) | = | /(*, g(*)) -/(? ri)\<b. Theorem 297: // f(x, y) is continuous at (?, -q), then the junction f(x, rj) of one variable is continuous at x = ?, and the function f($, y) of one variable is continuous at y = 77. Proof: The first part of the theorem follows from Theorem 296 with g(x) = ri; the second, by applying the first part to the continuous function f(y,x) which is continuous at (*/,?). The converse of Theorem 297, by the wav, is not true. Counter-example: f = 17 = 0, f{x,y) = 0 for all (x, y) with x = 0 or y = 0 1 otherwise. Definition 67: If y (or x) is considered fixed and if we differentiate z = f(x, y) (where possible) with respect to x (or y), then we obtain the two partial derivatives of first order of f(x, y). tvt . <^ M(x>y) it x j ** M(%>y) if x Notation: — or ——— or f\(x,y), and —or —-—~- or ]2\x,y), ~dx ~dx " ~by <Vy respectively. Thus, fi(?> V) = "m 7 > lf lt: exists, /2(f, 17) = lim — , if it exists. fc=o « Definition 68: Vz Vf(x,y) Vi(^y) or —r- or /n(#, y) = l)x2 ~b2z ~6x7)y ~b2z 'by'bx ~b2z or or ^x2 **f(*> y) bx~by l*f(x, y) or /u(*. y) = vf(*, y) or hiix, y) = ,, or in{x> y) = ~dx Vi(*> y) "by tf*{*>y) ~dx ^/2(*> y) "by if they exist,
210 are the four partial derivatives of second order of j(x,y). Example: f{x,y) = ex+*\ For all x and y, we have /i (*> V) = e*+v\ f2 {x, y) = 2ye*+v\ fn(x,y)=e*+y\ f12(x,y) = 2ye*+v2, f*i(*,y) = 2ye*+v2, fvt(x> y) = 2ex+*2 + ±y2ex+y\ We observe here that fufay) = hi(x,V). What is the significance of this ? Theorem 298 will frighten us and Theorem 299 will reassure us. Theorem 298: It may happen that /i2(f, y) and /2i(f, -q) exist and that /u(? v) * hS< v). Proofs: 1) In the following example, f(x, y) is even continuous at (?, -q). Let f = fj - 0, /(*» y) xy for | y | fg | a; | I — xy for | y \ > \ x | We have, for | # | < Vd, | y | < Vd, |/(^y)_/(o,o)| = |*y| <a. Hence f(xty) is continuous at @,0). If 0 < J A | < | y |, then f(h,y)—W,y) y> so that, for 3; ^ 0, If I h I > 0, then h fi(o.y) /(*.0)-/@,0) _0 _o and hence ^ ^ /,@,0) = 0.
211 Therefore we have for all y that /i(o, y) = -y- Consequently, we have /l2@, 0) = - 1. f(x,k)—f(x,0) H 0< | k | ^ \x |, then so that, for x ^ 0, If I k I > 0, then = a; , fz(x, 0) = #. /@,fe)-/(Q,Q)= o ^q and hence /2@, 0) = 0. Therefore, we have for all x that Consequently, we have f2(x, 0) = x. /ai@, 0) = 1, /i2@,0)^/21@,0). Moreover, neither fi(x,y) nor f->(x,y) exists for | x | < p, \ y \ < p for any /> > 0, since /(jt, v) is not differentiate with respect to x at x = y for any y ^ 0 and is not differentiable with respect to y at 3; = x for any a: ^ 0. 2) In the following example, it is even true that f(x,y), /i(^, y), and f2(>, y), are continuous at (<f, 17) and that/u(#, y), /12(*, y), f21(x, >'), /22(*> y) exist everywhere. Let f(*.y) = If j x 1 < Vd, /(*>y)—/(o, o)| f = *? = 0, ( 0 for a; = y == 0, J X2 y2 XJ ~i>—;—; otherwise (i.e. f { x2 + y2 v | y | < Vd , then = 0 < E , .. . *2 + y2 . M ^ * y 2 . 2==\x\\y x2 -f- y if # = y — 0, # I I y I < 6 otherwise. Hence f(x, y) is continuous at @,0).
212 For all (x,y) with x2 + y2 > 0, we have A) B) #2 y2 l%\ fi(*-y) = y-^* + xy- x*— y4 (x2 + y2J x2 — y2 — h\*>y) -x X2 + yt ] %y X*— y« = X XV (x* + y2J y 1 -\-y*Ix— (x2 —y2Jx (x* + y2J 4*y2 x* + &x*y2 — y4 {x* + y2J = y (*2 + y2J ' (x2 + y2Jy — (x2 — y2Jy (^2+y2J 4#2y #4 — 4%2y2 — y4 (x2 + y2J ~ (%2 + y2J ' so that fn(x, y), /12(*, y), /al(#f y), /22(*, y) evidently exist. If h ^ 0, we have /(A,0)-/@,Q)^o Hence we have C) /.@, 0) = 0. By A), we have for y =? 0 that /i(o,y) = y^f = —y. Hence for all y /i(o, y) = -y, so that /u@. 0) = - 1. If k =fi 0, we have /@,*)-/@,0) = 0. Hence we have D) /,@. 0) = 0. By B), we have for x 7^ 0 that %4 /2(tf, 0) = x — = #. Therefore we have for all ;r that /,(*, 0) = #, so that /n@. 0) = 1, /u@,0) ^/„@,0). Moreover, by A), we have for j^ 0 that /i(*. 0) = 0,
213 so that, by C), /i(*. o) = o, for all x> so that /u@, 0) = 0. Furthermore, by B), we have for y ^ 0 that /i(o, y) = o, so that, by D), /i(o,y) = o for all y, so that /22@, 0) = 0. Finally, the continuity of }i(x,y) and }2(x, y) at @,0) follows from /i@, 0) = /2@, 0) = 0 and from the fact that, for x2 + y2 > 0, I %4 ± 4%2y2 — y4 I (x2 + y2 2%4 + 4%2y2 + 2y4 _ = (%2 + y2J "^ ' so that, by A) and B), we have for | x | < — , | y | < — , x2 + y2 > 0 that 2 2 |/i(^y)-/i@,0)| fg2|y| J |/.(*.y)-/.(o,o)| s*2|*| J Theorem 299: Let f12(x, y) be continuous at (f, 77) and let j2(x,r)) exist in a neighborhood of x =: ?. T/i^n /21 (<?> 77) exists, and Ml v) = /«(?, »?)• Preliminary Remark: Thus in the second example to Theorem 298, fi2(x,y) cannot be continuous at @,0). Proof: By hypothesis, there exists a p > 0 such that f\2(x, y) (and hence ft (x, y) and f(x, y)) exists for the x, y with \ x — ?\ <p, \y — v\ <P> and such that f2(x, 77) exists for \x — S\ <P- Let 0<\h\ <p, 0<\k\<p. If x is in the interval [?, ? + h] (or the interval [? + &,?]), then we set g(x) = Kx$v + k)-f(x,v).
214 g'{%) = fi(x>r) + *)— fi(*>y) exists for the x in that interval. Hence, by Theorem 159, there exists an x between I and I + h such that g(? + h)-g(?)=hg'(x), so that /(f+*, V + k)—/(?+*, ri)—f(?, ri + k) + f(?, rj) = h{f1{xf rj+k)—^, rj)). Our x depends on h and k. Now fi(xfy)f as a function of y in the interval [rj, rj + k] ([rj + k, rj])t is differentiable, with derivative fi2(x,y). Hence by Theorem 159, there exists a y between rj and rj + k such that fi{*> V + k)—fi(x> n) = kf12{%, y), so that A) /(f+A, ^ + A) _/(f+A, ^) _/(f, iy+ft)+/(f, *?) = hkf12(x, y). Our 3; depends on x and &, and hence on h and k. By hypothesis, /(f+ A,^ + A)-/(f+ A.1?) lim = /2(f + A, q) exists for 0 < | A | < p, and so does lun =/8(f,i7). *=o " Therefore, by A), lim */„(*, y) = /,(? + A, 1,) — /,(?, »?) fc=0 exists for 0 < | h | < />, and so does lim /12(*, y) = . fc=o n Therefore we have shown existence of B) lim (/12(*, y) — /12(f, ^)) = /la(f, 17). fc = 0 " Since /i2(#, y) is continuous at A,77) (for the free variables x,y), there exists, for every d > 0, a positive e < /> such that C) I/i2(*»y) — /i2(^^) I < y for I x~~fI <?> \y — n\<8' Now if 0 < | A | < ?, 0 < | & | < ?,
215 then 0< \h\ <p,0< \k\ <p, so that C) holds for our x and y which are dependent on h and k. (Indeed, we had | x — ? | ^ | h |, | y — y \^\k |).From B), we obtain for 0 < \h\<e that 4«- /l2 (f > *?) A Therefore /21 (!,*?) exists and =/12(«f, ^). Definition 69: /(.r, 3/) Adw a total differential at A,77) */ there are two numbers U and t2 and tzvo functions <p(h, k) and \p(h, k) continuous at @, 0) with <p@,0) = y>@,0) = 09 such that, for suitable p > 0, we have for \ h | < p and for | k | < p that /(f+A, n+k)—f{?, ri) = txh+t2k + h<p(h, k) + ktp(h, k). Theorem 300: // f(x, y) has a total differential at (f, 77), then t1 and t2 are uniquely determined, in fact by h = /2(? n)- Proof: By Definition 69 with k = 0, we have for | h | < p that /(f+A, ri)—f(?, n) = 'i* + hcp{hy 0) = txh + hcp(h), where op(h) is continuous at h = 0 and is 0 there. Hence we have .. f(S + h,r,)—f(S,ri) 11m = t1 , fi(S.*l)=ti. By considerations of symmetry, we have Theorem 301: // f(x,y) has a total differential at (?,17), then f(x,y) is continuous at (?,77). Proof: Using the notation of Definition 69, we have for suitable q with 0 < q <p that I <p(h, k) I < 1, I tp(h, k) I < 1 for | h I < q, I k I < q . Therefore, for these A, k we have \ftf+h,ri+k)—f(t,ri)\ ^|^||A|+|<,||*|+|A|+|A|.
216 For a given d > 0, this is < d if I* IAIJ —-y 2 + KI + <Min(tf, ;—r—,—r). V' 2+ *i +U / Theorem 302: L^ /> > 0 and let fx(x, y) and f2(x, y) be continuous at (?, 77). Then f(x,y) has a total differential at (?,17) (and hence is continuous there, by Theorem 301). Proof: By hypothesis, fi(x,y) and f2(x, y) exist for | # — ? | </>, \ y — V \ < P> w^tn a suitable /> > 0. Therefore if |A|</>,|?|</>, and if we set ^ + k = //, then there exists a # with 0 < 0 < 1, /(?+A, ^) - /(?, p) + hf^+M, ii) = /(?, ^)+*/i(f, */) + M*. *) where 9(*. *) = /i(f + 0A, *? + k)—h(L ri). (This follows from Theorem 159 if h =fi 0, and if A = 0 this is trivial, for we may choose #=*4.) q?(h, k) is continuous and equal to zero at @, 0), since fi(x,y) is continuous at (?,77). By Theorem 159, there exists for 0 < | k | < p a 0, and for k = 0 a 0 (<9 = 1^) with 0<<9< 1, /(?, /*) = /(?, *y+A) = /(?, rj) + A/a(f, *y + &k) = f(?>y) + kf2(?,v) + kw(h,k) where y(A,A)=/8(f,^ + ©A)—/2(f,r/). (t/> actually does not depend on A.) yj(h,k) is continuous and equal to zero at @, 0), since f2(x, y) is continuous at (?, rj). Combining these results, we have for |A|</>,|&|</>, that / (?+A, rj + k) = /(?, 17) + A/^f, rj) + A/8(f, ri) + Ap(A, A) + kW{h, k). Theorem 303: Let F (r) = f, G (t) - rjf F'(r) = a, G'(r)=? L^^ f(x,y) have a total differential at (?,17). Lef g@ = /(F(<).G@).
217 Briefly written, A- dt _v_ ~dX dx ()/ dt ~by dy "It Proof: For suitable p > 0, we have for | h j < p, | k | < p, that /(?+A, fl+k)—f(S, n) = /^l, iy)A + /,(?, r,)k+h<p(h, k) + kf(h, k), where q>(h, k) and ip(h, k) are continuous and equal to zero at @,0). For suitable e > 0, if we set h = h(l) = F(T + /)—F(t), k = k(l) =G(t + /)— G(t), then we have for | / | < e that \h\ <p, | k | < p, g(r + l)-g(r)=f(F(r + l), G(t + /))-/(F(t), G(r)) = /(? + *, *? + *)—/(?,»?). Therefore if 0 < | I j < e, then / Now we have Therefore we have lim — lW ,. Hi) lim —— = % , Hi) /=o * lim h(l) = 0 , lim k(l) = 0 , lim <?(/*(/), &(/)) - 0, lim y){h(l), k(l)) = 0. /=o =/1(f,7?)« + /2(f,72)/?+ a •() + /?• 0 = /^f, J?)« + /,(*, 7?)/?.
218 Example: Appears in the proof of Theorem 304. Theorem 304: Let h and k be arbitrary. Let the interval ax < x < bx contain ? and $ + h} and let the interval a2 < y < b2 contain y and y + k. Let fi(x.y) and U(x,y) be continuous for a1 < x < bua» < y < b2. Then there exists a # such that 0 < i9 < 1 , /(| + h9 ?j + ft) = /(? ^) + A/l(f _L 9ht v + tW)+ft/8(f + M, ,; + ^). Proof: By Theorem 302, f(x,y) has a total differential for tfi < .r < &i, a2 < y < fry (and so is continuous there). The functions F(*) = $ -f th , G(/) - >v -*- tk satisfy, for 0 ^g t = t ^ 1, the hypotheses of Theorem 303 (with c 4- x/t for if, 7 + xA» for t;, a = /i, /? =k). Setting g(t) - /(? 4- /A, >, - **) then by Theorem 303 we have g'(T) - AMf + rh} 7i + Tk) + kt2(? + rA, 17 + t*). By Theorem 159, we have for suitable # that 0<#<l,g(l) = g@)+s'(#). This is the statement we wished to prove. Theorem 305: // f(x,y) is continuous jor all (x,y) and if f,(S -!- th, v -+ tk), ,f2(l + ffc, v + tk) exist jor 0 ^ f ^ 1, then there need not exist a # in the sense of the statement of Theorem 304. Proof; f(x, y) — v| xy | is continuous everywhere, since /(f-f A, .J-J-*) —/(?, »,) - v'||-f A j vfy-f* | — V'j 11 - V|f + A | [v'ln ~ k | - Vj »/ j) + V |>, 1 (v'| S + A | - v/|„ | ¦- v] I! and, since V j tt j is continuous for all u, we have tor every S > 0 that each of the two terms on the right is < — in absolute value for j h \ < e% ] A' j < e with suitable e > 0* If x > 0 (or x < 0), we have ._ 1 (or — 1) 2V x
219 and if y > 0 (or y < 0), we have 2V|y| Since /(.r, \») equals 0 for y = 0 and all x, and also for x = 0 and all ;y, we have /i@,0) = 0, /2(o,o) -o. Therefore we have for all x that fx(xf x) + f2(x, x) = 1 or — 1 or 0. Therefore, if the formula of Theorem 304 were true for ? = 77 = — 1, ft = fc = 3, then for suitable x we would have /B, 2) = /(— 1, — 1) + 3(At*, *) + /2(*. *)), so that we would have 2 = 1 neither of which is true. 3 or 1 — 3 or 1 + 0, Definition 70: If n is an integer > I, we define //VV--/**-!1 (**^ "~ /^/V- •/*«-! 2 (*'^ if they exist, where, for n — 1, the 2n~1 functions In 11 u (x> y) (where each u = l or 2) are defined correspondingly. If 2 = f(x, y), zve also write <*nf(x, y) ~dnz 'bx.. ~bxn ~bx, f^n ?>X ~dX ... <U' for the left-hand side, zvith jnn = 1 or 2. These functions are the 2" partial derivatives of order w. Definition 68 is a special case of this definition ; there, we combined consecutive "equal" "factors" ~dx into "powers." Theorem 306: Let n be an integer g; 1. Let the 2" partial derivatives of n-th order exist for \ x — $ | < e, | y — 7? | < s, and let them be continuous
220 (so that the same holds, by Theorem 302, for the partial derivatives of lower order and for }(x,y)). Then we have ffll...l*Jx>y) = fvl...vn(*-y) there, if the number of ones (if any) among the p equals the number of ones (if any) among the v. In this case, therefore, each of the 2n partial derivatives of the n-th order is equal to one of the n + 1 partial derivatives of the n-th order with /*i ^ [H ^ • • • ^ Pn > where the ones appear first (there are either 0 or 1 or 2 ... or n of them), and then the twos. Proof: This is trivial for n=l, and is a special case of Theorem 299 for n = 2. To proceed from n — 1 to n for n ^ 3: If Vn = v*> then, since i^...^x-y) = K..vn_1{x,y), the assertion is obvious. Suppose that so that w.l.g., Mn = X> Vn = 2> If E is the number of ones among the tu (so that I^E^m — 1) and if kv . . ., %n~2 starts with E—1 ones (so that, in case E= 1, it contains none) and then (in case E < n — 1) contains only twos, then //v../,„_>.y) = /A1...AM_22(*.}'). and our assertion follows by applying Theorem 299 to the function /. 3 (x, y) in place of f(x, y). Theorem 307: Let n be an integer ^ 1, and let h and k be arbitrary. Let the interval ax < x < br contain I and I + h, and the interval a2 <C y < b2 contain r) and -q + k. Let the partial derivatives of the n-th order exist and be continuous for ax < x < blf a2 < y < b2 (and so also, by Theorem 302, the partial derivatives of lower order and f(xfy)). Then there exists a ft such that 0<#<1,
221 /(I + h, r, + k) = S1 i ? ( " W*^/, ..A, (*, n) + —t L ( * W A*-*/, j, (? + 0A, ^ + 0A), where /^ , (?, 17) w defined to be /A,7?) /or v = 0 awd where among the numbers Kx> . . ., Av /or 1 fg v ^ «, the first /u are 1 and the last v — /u are 2 (thus all are 2 if // = 0, and all are 1 if // = v). Proof: As in the proof of Theorem 304 (which is the special case n = 1 of our theorem), we set g(t) = /(? + th, t] + tk) . Then if 0 ^ t ;g 1, 0 ^ v f§ w (v an integer), we have u) g«">(T) = ? [tyv-tf^ (f + tA, r; + tA). For, this is true for v = 0, and if A) is true for a v with 0 f§ v < w, then by Theorems 302, 303, and 306, we have g<"+1>(r) = A ? ( * )/«"-" /^^ (f + tA, n + tA) + * to (^)*"**""/Al-V (l + **' ^ + **} = ? (* ) a*+1 a-* /Ai... v ({ + tA, n + tA) 4- J0(^)^*m""/W <* + **•>? + tA) first, jbt—1 ones + ?(*)A^A«^/V.^ ,({ + !*., + »*) first, /M ones
222 By Theorem 177, there is a § with 0 < {) < 1 , By A), this is our assertion.
223 CHAPTER 18 INVERSE FUNCTIONS AND IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS Definition 71: j(x) is said to be monotonically increasing on [a,b\ if /(«)</(/*) 1<>r a^a<fS^b. Definition 72s /(.r) is said to be monotonically decreasing on [a,b] if /(«)>/(/») for a^a<fi^b. Theorem 308: // f(x) is monotonically increasing on \a,b], then f(x) increases at every x such that a < x < b. Proof: Obvious, by Definitions 27 and 71. Theorem 309: // f(x) is monotonically decreasing on [a,b], then f(x) decreases at every x such that a < x < b. Proof: Obvious, by Definitions 28 and 72. Theorem 310: Let f(x) be continuous on [a, b\, and let it increase at every x with a < x < b. Then f(x) is monotonically increasing on [a, b]. Preliminary Remark: This should not be considered self-evident. Proof: Let a < a < fi <? b. Since f(x) is continuous on fa, (t]9 it has there, by Theorem 146, a largest value /, and by Theorem 147, a least value X. 1) Let a < a. Then / is not attained at a nor for a < x < p, since f(x) increases at every one of these numbers. Thus it is attained at /5, and only there. Hence /(a)</ = /(/»)• 2) Let a — a, /8 < b. Then X is not attained at /? nor for a < x < ^, since j(x) increases at every one of these numbers. Thus it is attained at a, and only there. Hence,
224 3) Let a = a,b = /?. By 2) and 1), we have la + b\ m<t (~y-) </(*)¦ Theorem 311: L^f f(.t') fr? continuous on [afb], and let it decrease at every x with a < x < b. Then f(x) is monotonically decreasing on \a, b]. Proof: Theorem 310 with —f(x) in place of j(x). Theorem 312: Let f(x) be continuous on [a,b] and monotonically increasing (monotonically decreasing), so that if we set A = /(a), B = /(&), then K*) = y has, by Theorems 150 and 151, exactly one solution x = g(y) on [a, b] for y on [A, B] ( [B, A]). (This solution is called the "inverse function.") Then g(y) is continuous on \A, B] ([B, A]). Proof: W.l.g., let f(x) be monotonically increasing. (Otherwise, consider —f(x).) Therefore we have A< B It suffices to prove the continuity of g(y) at every -q with A <v< B. For otherwise, extend (or change) the definition of f(x) by setting J f{a) — x + a for a — 1 ^ x < a , ~~ 1 t(b) +x—b for b <x ^b+l so that f(x) is continuous and monotonically increasing on \a—l,b + l], I set so that a < I < b. Let d > 0 be given and, w.l.g., be so small that a<g — d, f + d <b. I set ¦h = /(*-*), % = /(* + *)• lhen we have Vi < V < V2-
225 Now we have S — S< g(y) <? for r\x < y < rj, g(y) =$ for y = r\> f <giy) <s +d for v <y <ri2- Thus if | h | < Min (yj — yj1} rJ — r)), we have \g(V + h)-g(v)\ <*• Examples (I purposely choose old ones, for which we already know the result) : 1) a = 0, b > 0, /(*) = *2. Here, we have _ giy) = V^y. 2) 0 < a < 6, /(*) = log a;. Here, we have , N g{y) = «». Theorem 313: Under the hypotheses of Theorem 312, let a < I < b (so that A < t/ = /(|) < B or A > v = /(f) > B) and let 77&?w g(;y) w differentiable at y, and we have Briefly, Proof: By hypothesis, iim w + k) -/(i) = ^0> so that A=0 A A 1 lim •'to) = rf^ dy 1 i dy dx h=0f(? + h)-f(i) t The function <p(k) = gfa + *) — g{v).
226 which, by Theorem 312, is continuous at k = 0 and is ^ 0 for 0 < | k \ < p for suitable p > 0. Hence by Theorem 98 we have I = lim VW = Km S(r] + k)—g(rj) t *=o/(f + ?(*)) -/(^) *=o /(gfa + *)) —n ,. gfo + A)— gfo) = lim 7 = g W- Examples (the old ones, following Theorem 312) : 1) For y > 0, we have dVy dg(y) 1 1 1 dy dy dx2 2x 2Vy dx 2) For every y, we have de^ = dg(y)= 1 = _1_ = % = ^ dy dy d log % 1 d# # Theorem 314: Lef p > 0, cwd /ef j{x,y) be continuous for \x — ?\^p,\y — v\^p. Let KS,v) = o. For every fixed x on [I — />, ? + />], /?? /(.r, y), considered as a function of y, be monotonically increasing (or decreasing) on [rj — P>y~^~p]- (I-e-> we assume that the function increases for all x, or that it decreases for all x.) Then there exists a q with 0 < q 5= p such that 1) for | x — I | < q, there exists a y = g(x) (and thus exactly one) such that \y — v\ <P> t(x*y) = o; 2) g(x) is continuous for \x — ? | < q. ("Implicit function.") Proof: W.l.g., let the hypothesis read "increasing." For otherwise, replace f(x,y) by —f(x,y). 1) /(f, n + p) > /(f, rj) = 0 > f(S, iy - ?). f(x,rj + />) and /(;r, 77— p) are continuous at <?. Hence there exists a q such that 0 < q < />, so that * — ^' /(*, /? + P) > 0 > /(*, /? — ^>) for | — q < x < f + q.
227 By Theorem 148, and since/(x,y) is continuous on the ^-interval \r)—/>,*? + />], there exists, for ? — q < x < ? + q, a V = S(x) such that \y — n\<P> f(*. y) = °- 2) Let ^o be given with \ x0—¦? | < g, so that ^ — P <g(xo) < n + P- If then 0 < d < Min (rj + p — g(x0), g(x0)—rj + p) v — p< g(x0) — <*, gW + * < *? + />> />o> fW + d) > /(*o> S(*o)) = ° > /(** g(*o) — *)• Therefore for suitable e with 0 < e ^ g — | jtr0 — ? |, we have for | # — ^o | < e that f(*. ?W + <5) > o ^ /(*, g(*)) > /(*, g(^) — a), ?W + <*>?(*) >?W — ^ Therefore #(#) is continuous at x0. Theorem 315: Under the hypotheses of Theorem 314, let f(x,y) have a total differential for \x — ? | <p,\y — *? | < p. Furthermore, let f2(x,y)^0 there (therefore > 0 in the first case, < 0 in the second case of Theorem 314). Then in the notation of Theorem 314, the function g(x) is differentiable for | x — ? | < q, and /i(*. g(x)) Briefly, v. dy *bx dx <)/ "by Proof: Let x with \x—• ? | < q be fixed. The function k = g(x + h) — g(x) = k(h) is continuous at h = 0 by Theorem 314, 2), and ?>@) = 0.
228 For suitable e > 0, if we set y = g{*), then by Theorem 296, we have for 0 < | h | < e that 0 = 0 — 0 =/(* + *, g(x + h))—f(x, g(x))=f(x + h, y + k)-f(x, y) = A/i(*. g(*)) + */,(*, g(*)) + **»(*) + kV(h), where lim 9?(A) = 0, lim y>(h) == 0. ft=o ft=o For suitable et with 0 < ^ < e, we have for 0 < | h | < et that /2(*> *(*)) + v(*) ^o, so that * . M*. g(*)) + ?(*) . ^ /i(*. ?(*)) +v(*)' and so Example (again, /(*, fc=*o * , intentionally, an y) = x2 + y2 — /2(*> y) = 6 V ' 2y In fact, we already know that /t(*. ?(*! old one) : 1, |*| < 1 = 2y > 0, = 2x. X y »' . y X >o y = #(*) = Vi — *2,
229 CHAPTER 19 THE INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS These, the inverse functions of the trigonometric functions, are sometimes called cyclometric functions. Theorem 316: For \x \^\, there exists exactly one y such that i i n sin y = x, \ y < — . y i y i - 2 71 71 Proof: By Theorem 278, sin y is monotonically increasing on [ , — ]. Since " 2 2 (n \ ,7i = — 1, sin— = 1, 2/ 2 the required y exists and is unique, by Theorem 148. Definition 73: For \ x | f§ 1, arc sin x is the y of Theorem 316. arcsin is to be read "arc sine/' Theorem 317: Proof: Setting we have d arc sin x 1 so that, by Theorem 313, dy 1 dx > Vl—x2 y = arc sin x, 71 x — sin y, dx — = cos y > 0, ^y 1 1 | x\ < 1. 1 rf# rf# cos y Vl — sin2y Vl—x2 dy
230 Theorem 318: For \ x | 5^ 1, there exists exactly one y such that cos y = x, 0 ^ y ^ ji, namely 71 y = arc sin #. 7 2 Proof: cos y = x, 0 ^ y ^ ^ is the same as (t->) 7T JT JT sm I — — y I = *, — — ^~— y^~ 2 - 2 and so, the same as n y — aIC Sln X. 2 y Definition 74: For \ x | ^ 1, arc cos .r /,$¦ f/i? y of Theorem 318. arccos to be read "arc cosine." ™, ~,~ ^ arc cos # 1 , , Theorem 319: = . for \ x < 1. dx Vl — *2 Proof: By Theorems 318 and 317, we have In \' 1 (arc cos x)' = I arc sin x I = — (arc sin x)' = Vl—x2 Theorem 320: For every x, there is exactly one y such that n n tg y = *, — — <y < — > namely y = arc sin Vl + Proof: 1) For < V < — , we have (tgy)' = —i->0; cosJ y and so there exists at most one y of the desired sort. 2} u) Therefore if X l/ X2 — 1/ < 1 V i + *2 i + *2 y = arc sin — — > Vl + X2
231 we have \y \<-r cos y > 0, x sin v = ¦ cos2 y = 1 — sin2 y = 1 ¦ V I + x2 X2 1 1 + X2 I + X2 1 COS v Vi + sin v tg V = "= AT . cosy Definition 75: arctg x is the y of Theorem 320. arctg is to be read "arc tangent." d arc tg x 1 Theorem 321: dx 1 + x2 Proof: By Theorems 320 and 317, we have (arc tg x)f = arc sin — —) - -— I — -1 ^ V i + x2' y x2 Wi+ x2' * l ~ 1 + X2 Vl + X2 — Vl + X2 Vl+X2 1 1 + X2 1 + X2 Theorem 322: For every x, there exists exactly one y such that ctgy = x , 0 < y < n , namely n y = arc ter x . y 2 & Proof: ctg y = a; , 0<y<jr: is the same as G1 \ 71 71 -J-y)=x- -T<T~ i.e., the same as 71 y = arC tg % ,
232 Definition 76: arcctg x is the y of Theorem 322. arcctg is to be read "arc cotangent." «~« d arc ctg x 1 Theorem 323: 6 dx 1 + x2' Proof: By Theorems 322 and 321, we have (arc ctg x)' — [- arc tg xI = — (arc tg x)' — Why the solemn proceedings of a special chapter for these examples? Because we have found a function having the simple derivative . More 1 + x2 about this in Chap. 23.
233 CHAPTER 20 SOME NECESSARY ALGEBRAIC THEOREMS This chapter, the last before we begin the integral calculus, will serve to prepare us for Chap. 23. § 1. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Our aim is the proof of two theorems on real numbers (Theorems 335 and 336). In this section, however, all numbers will be complex unless otherwise stated. For, each of the two theorems can more easily be proved with the aid of complex numbers. Of the theorems of § 1, only these two will be used in the sequel, and then only in § 2, and in Chaps. 23 and 24. Common hypotheses of Theorems 324-327 and 332-336: Let x and y be real, z = x + yi, g(z)= S«v*", f(*> y) = I #(*) I- Theorem 324: For every e > 0 and every d > 0, there exists an s > 0 which is independent of x, y, such that if \ x \ fg c, \ y i ^ c, — ?</?<?, then A) \f(x + h, y)—f(x, y)\<d and B) \f(x, y + h)-f{x, y)\ <d. Proof: W.l.g., let n > 0. Let | x | ^ c, | y | S c (so that | s | g | .v | -r- | v | ^ 2c). If — 1 < h < 1, then, setting l = h or / = hi, we have
234 | f(x + h,y) — f(x, y)\ or | f(x, y + A) — f(x, y) g{z + l)\ — \g(z)\\<\g(z±l)—g(z) n Zav(z + l)v- v^=o n - 2 avzv V = 0 v=--o V—1 yW —0 I v-l respectively, where g g: 0 is independent of A, .r, y, so that it is < 6 for —e < h <e, e = Min (l, 1. \ q + 1/ Theorem 325: L^f c > 0. TA^n |g(#)| attains a least value for \x\?c,\y\^c. Proof: For fixed x on f—c,c\,j(x,y) is, by B), a continuous function of y on [ —c, r], and so attains a least value A(^r), by Theorem 147. It suffices to show that X(x) attains a least value on [—c,c]. And, bv Theorem 147, it suffices to show that X(x) is continuous on [—c,c]. Let $ in f— r, c] be given. Choose an rj such that — c^n^c, /(?,»/) = *(?). By A), there exists for every d > 0 an ? > 0 such that C) | /(? + A, y) —/(f, y) | < a for | y | ^ c, —e < A < e. On the one hand, we have by C) that if | y | ^ c, — ? < A < s, then /(? + A, y) > /(f, y) — d^A(|)— i, so that, if in addition — c^l + A^c, then A(f + A) > A(f)—<3 for —? < A < t; on the other hand, if — c ^ ? + h^c, then A(f + A) ^ '/(? + A, ,) < /(f, ,/)+* = A(f) + 6. 1 fence if — ?<A<?, — crg?-fA5gc, then I X(? + A) — A(?) | < d. But this is exactly what was to be proved. Theorem 326: Let n > 0, an ^ 0. Then there exists ac>0 such that (z)\ ^\ a0\ for \ z\ > c.
235 Proof: We set c= 1 + Then if I z I > c, we have w-l 2 l*„ n-l 21 ^ 1, V = 0 \g(z)\ ^| a„2"| — = I z l"_1(l «* I I 2 I - "S| a, |) ^ | 2 |»-i(| «„ | c - n?\ av \\ ^ I AnA\ «« |(c- 1) - "S| uv\) = I 2 |»-i I a0\ 3: | a0\ . Theorem 327: Let n > 0, a„ =? 0. Then \ g(z) | attains a least value. Proof: Determine c as in Theorem 326. Therefore, by Theorem 325, we have for suitable ? and for | x j fg c, | y | ^ c, that I g(*) I ^ I g@ I • By Theorem 326, we have for | x | > r or for \ y \ > r (so that | z \ > c) that |g(*)| ^|«0| = U(o)| ^k@|. Therefore we have for all z that \g{*)\ ^k@|- Theorem 328: // a and /3 ar^ ?ra/, then (cos a + z sin a) (cos ji + i sin /?) = cos (a + ft) + i sin (a + /?). Proof: The left-hand side equals (cos a cos p — sin a sin /?) + ? (sin a cos /9 + cos a sin /?) = cos (a + ft) + i sin (a + /9). Theorem 329: // y /> r^a/, and if n is an integer > 0, then (cos y + i sin y)w — cos ny + i sin wy. Proof: n = 1 : Obvious. To proceed from 77 to ;/ -\- 1 : I>y Theorem 328, we have (cos y + i sin y)?i+1 = (cos y + i sin y)w(cos y + i sin y) = (cos wy + i sin ny) (cos y + i sin y) = cos (to + l)y + i sin (w + l)y.
z^o Theorem 330: Let n be an integer > 0, and let M = i. Then there exists a t such that tn = a. Proof: We have a = u + ?u, u and ^ real , u2 -\- v2 = 1) Suppose that v ^ 0. Set 9? = arc cos u. Then we have 0 ^ 9? 5* n, cos <p = u, so that sin 9? ^ 0, sin2 99 = 1 — cos2 9? = 1 — u2 — v2, I sin 9? = v. If 9? • - V ? == cos f- * sin — 9 n n then, by Theorem 329, / <P . . <p\n p = I cos h ^ sin — I = cos 99 + i sin 9? = « \ n n 1 2) Let v < 0. By 1), choose «/ such that wn = u — vi. Then we have ^ __ wn __ w _|_ vl __. a# Theorem 331: L^f w fr# aw integer > 0, and /#? 6 ^ 0. TA^w f/^r? exists a u such that un = 6. Proof: We set b a = Then \J\_ 1*1
237 By Theorem 330, we choose a t such that tn = a and set n u = tV\b\. Then we have Un = tn\b\= -r-ry I b I = b' Theorem 332: Let n > 0, let an z? 0, and let g{t) * °- Then there exists a z such that I g{z) I < I g(C) i. Proof: 1) W.l.g., let C = 0. For otherwise, we consider g(C + 2) = i «,(? + *)'= ?avi(v) (*-*** =ibv where so that so that and observe that if then 2) W.l.g., let For otherwise, we consider g(*) K = an> K t^o, G@) = g(f), G@) ^ 0, |G(s)| <|G@)|, g(? + *)|<|g(C)|. g@) = 1 • = 1+ S c,*"=H(s), c^O, and observe that if |H(z)|<l, then I g(*) I < I g@) |. 3) Therefore we assume that
Z68 Let m be the smallest vgl such that then we have 4) Wig., let g(z) = 1 + 2 tfv2v; l^w^n. a» 1; for otherwise, we choose a w by Theorem 331 such that 1 um __ , a™ g(uz) = l + 3:av(uz)v^l+ Iievzv = K(z), em = — l,en^0, v=m and observe that if then |K(*)| <1, I g(uz) | < 1. 5) We proceed with the proof for n g(z) = 1+ 2 avzv, 1 <m ^n, ar (We shall make no further use of the fact that an ^ 0.) Assuming that 2 means 0 in case w = n, we have v=m+i g(z) = A—**) + 2 avz\ v = m+l so that we have for 0 < z 5^ 1 that g(*) 1 —zr> 2 av2* ^ A — *m) + zm+1 2 | tfv | = 1 — zm + zm^q , where q ^ 0 and is independent of #. If 1 z — • then 1—^=1— ? + l 0 < 2 ^ 1 , 1 > o, ?+1 ?+1 gB) | ^ 1 — 2m(l — qz) < 1 .
239 Theorem 333 (Gauss' fundamental theorem of algebra) : // n > 0, an 7^ 0, then there exists a C such that Proof: Let | g(C)I be the smallest value of | g(z) |, which exists by Theorem 327. If we had g@ 7*0, then this would be in contradiction to Theorem 332. Theorem 334: // n > 0, an ^ 0, then wc have for suitable Cv that v=i I g(z)\ Proof: W.l.g., let an = 1 I otherwise we consider 1 . For n = 1, we have g(*) = a0 + z=tz— (—a0). To proceed from « — 1 to w for w g 2: By Theorem 333, g(z) = 0 has a solution d. Therefore for all 2, where h(z)= n?bvz\ bn_x = \. The assertion follows from n h(z)= n (« — ?„). Theorem 335: If n > 0, an ^? 0, awcf rf f/i<? av ar<? raz/, f/i^» g(?) «¦ for real z representable as a product of factors, one of which is an, each of the others being of the form z — r,r real or z2 + tz + u, t and u real, t2 — 4 u < 0. Preliminary Remark: The proof, of course, holds for complex z also. But I have already given notice that Theorem 335 will be of interest and of use to us only in the real domain.
240 Proof: W.l.g., let an = 1. n— 1 is obvious. Let n > 1, and let the theorem be true with n' in place of n where 1 5= n' < w, in particular for n — 2 if n > 2. If *(*) = 0 has only real solutions, then the assertion is obvious by Theorem 334. For, the Cv appearing there satisfy g(C) = o, so that z — C„ = z — r, r real. Otherwise, there exists a ?" such that g(f) = o, C = a + /&, a and /J real, 0^0. Then the complex conjugate number is different from f, and 0 = 0= s «,r = s «vr = ? «„?, *>=o v=o v=o so that g(l) = o. Therefore in every factorization of the type given in Theorem 334, the factors z — C and z — ? appear; for if «f(*o) = 0, it follows that one *o — Cv - 0. Hence we have g(z) =(z-c)(«-C)G(z), G(*) = S ^^, en_2 = 1. Here we have = 22 — 2a? + a2 + /P = z2 + tz + «, where t = — 2a, w = a2 + ?2 are real, and where fi — 4u = 4a2 — 4(a2 + ?2) = — 4?2 < 0.
241 Consequently, g(z) = (z* + tz + ti)G(z). For real z, we have .... z1 + tz + u = (z — aJ + j82 > 0, so that G(z) = bV ; w z* + tz + u is real, so that 0 = G(*) — Gfc) = "? [ev — 7V )zv. By Theorem 334, we therefore have that all since the equation 2 (e,—7,)zv = 0 v=o would otherwise have at most 11 — 2 solutions (whereas it even has infinitely many real solutions). Hence all ev are real. For n — 2, G(z) is the constant 1, and for n > 2 (since the theorem is assumed true for n — 2), G(^) is factorable in the required way. Hence g(z) is factorable in the required way. Theorem 336: Under the hypotheses of Theorem 335, let A) g(z) = (z-Q)G(z) or B) g(z) = (z* + rz + v)G(z) for real z, in zvhich G(z) is a polynomial, and where q is real, or r, v are real and r2 — 4v < 0 , respectively. Then in every representation of g(z) as a product, in the sense of Theorem 335, the factor z —q, or z2 -f- rz + v respectively, occurs. Proof: The factorization A) or B) respectively must hold for all z. If we have A), then g(Q) = 0; and hence, in every factorization in the sense of Theorem 335, we have that one p _ r = 0, i.e., that q is an r. If we have B), then setting
242 we have g@ = (C2 + < + v) G(C) = ((?..+ ~f+ | D» - r>)) G(C) = 0. Since C is not real, we have for every factorization as in Theorem 335, that one f2 + K + u = 0, so that (* — t) C + « - v = 0, 2 = r , U = V.
243 § 2. Decomposition of Rational Functions Into Partial Fractions Henceforth, we will again deal with real numbers only. Definition 77 s // ty(x) cmd ip(x) are polynomials, and if y>(x) is not identically zero (and thus equals 0 for at most a finite number of x), then is called a rational function. Definition 78: // f(x) is a polynomial and not identically 0, then the degree of f is the highest exponent suchJhat the coefficient of the corresponding power of x is not 0. We assign the degree —1 to the polynomial f(x) = 0. Notation (only for a short while) : { / } denotes the degree of f(x). It is to be noted in Definition 78 that { / } is, of course, uniquely determined by /. For if n m llavxv = S6,**, an^0, bm^0, then n = m (and av = bv for 0 ^v 5g n). Examples: {0} = — 1, {3} = 0, {3 + x2 + 0 • s3} = 2. Theorem 337: Let fi(x) and f2(x) be polynomials, and let ik) ^ o. Then there exist polynomials q(x), r(x) such that /i(*) = ?(*)/i(*) + r(x); {r} < {/,}. Proof: Let f2(x) be fixed, and let {/*} = n, so that n ^ 0; f/i} = m.
244 If m < «, then the assertion, with q(x) = 0, r(x) = h(x)t is obvious. Suppose that m §: w, and, w.l.g., that the assertion has been proved for all g(x) with { g} < m (in place of /iO)). Then M*) = Axm + &(*), A ^ 0, {gj < m, /,(*) = B*» + &(*), B ^ 0, {&} < n , so that A A M*) — -^ x™~%(x) = Ax™ + gl(x) —Ax™ — — xm~ng2(x) = g8(*), tea} < w, so that &(*) = qi(*)f*(*) +?{*)> qi(x) a polynomial, { r } < w, and consequently /i(*) = (^ a"-" + ?i(*)) /a(*) + r(x) = q(x)f2(x) + r(x). Example: fx(x) = #3— 1, f2(x) = x + 1. /x _ ^ = %3 _ ! _ %3 _ %2 = __ X2 __ l} f! — X% + Xf2 = — X* — 1 + X* + X = X — 1, fi — x*f* + *f2 — f* = —2> fi(x) = (*? — *+ l)/2(*) - 2 - q(x)f2(x) + r(*) with ?(#) =x2 — x + 1, r(z) = — 2. Theorem 338: Let fi(x) and J2{x) be polynomials, and let &}*>(), {/2}^0. Let no factor of first or second degree which occurs in a factorization of fi(x) in the sense of Theorem 335 occur in any such factorization of f*{x). Then there exists two polynomials }P1{x)i ?2(x) with ^i(*)/i(*) + Vt(*)U(x) = 1- Proof: I consider all polynomials P(#) with { P } ^ 0 such that for suitable polynomials gi(x), g2(x) we have ^(x)=-g1(x)fl(x)+g2(x)f2(x). Such a polynomial V(x) exists, namely /1(*) = i-M*) + o./1(«).
245 Among all these P(x), we choose one of smallest possible degree. Then, by Theorem 337 (with P(» for /2(#)), we have for a suitable polynomial q(x) that U(x) = q(x)P(x) + r(x), {r} < {P}, r(x) = fi{x)—q{xO{x) = fx(x) — q(x){g1(x)f1(x) + &(*)/,(*)) = G^x^x) + G2(x)f2(x), where Gi(^r) and G2(x) are polynomials. Since w < (P). we have that r(x) = 0, A(*) = q(?)?(x}. For reasons of symmetry, we also have for a suitable polynomial Q(x) that /,(*) = Qf )P(«). Hence we have {P} = o,— for otherwise, every (and therefore one) factor of the first or second degree occurring in a factorization of P(x) in the sense of Theorem 335 would occur in one such factorization of both fi(x) and f2(x). Therefore we have P(s) = c, c # 0, 1 = IM fl{x) + «¦?> /,(*) = Vx(x)m + W2(x)f2(x). c c Theorem 339: Let fi(x) and f2(x) satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 338. Then for every polynomial (p(x), there exist polynomials <f\(x) and (f2(x) such that whenever M*) •/•(*)*<>, then <P = ^1,^ /i /, /i /t ' Proof: Using the polynomials tF1 and W2 of Theorem 338, we have <P (V, ,^\=M,fV1 = Jh_,VL fit, *A/l /,/ /l /, tl ft' Theorem 340: Let q^l, and let f8(x) be a polynomial with { f8} ^ 0 for every integer s with\ 1 ^ s ^ q. Let no factor of the first or second degree
246 appear in a factorisation of two fs(x) in the sense of Theorem 335. Let (p(x) be a polynomial. Then there exist polynomials q>„(x), 1 ^ ^ ^ q, with <P(x) = ? <Ps(%) n fs(x) -1 fAx) 5 = 1 for all x where no fs(x) = 0. Proof: q = I is obvious. To proceed from q to q + 1: By Theorem 339, we have for suitable polynomials %{x)} <pq+i{x) that <P __ <P __ X _?q+l_ q+l Q Q f n /, n/.-/,+1 n /, '«+i J=l 3=1 »=1 and so, for suitable polynomials (f>a(x), 1 g!.? 5S q, that V _ V Vs j- v** - v1 f* Theorem 341 (clecomposition into partial fractions) : // q(x) and w(x) I . <P(X) are polynomials, { \p } §: 0, then for those x with ip(x)=? 0, —~r ^aw be WW represented as a finite sum of rational functions each of which is of one of the forms ex*, X 2^ 0 integral, or (x- B* + C A j > X > 0 integral, ((*-?J + ?2)A A > 0 integral, y > 0. Proof: If {^} = 0, then , is a polynomial, and there is nothing further to prove. ^ ' If { V ) > 0> ^et> w-l-g-> 1 be the highest "coefficient" in y>(x) (i.e. the coefficient of xW)), since = f0r 0 ^ 0 . By Theorem 335, if equal factors x — r or x2 + tx + m, ?2 — Au < 0, are combined, then ip(x) is a product of finitely many factors fH(x) each having the form (x — a)**, jli ^ 1 and integral, or ((# — ?J + y2)^, y > 0, ju ^ 1 and integral. For simplicity, we have set
247 Therefore, by Theorem 340, it remains to be shown that and *\J , j, > 1 integral, y > 0, (x— a)*4 ({x—fiY + yY may be decomposed in the required way for every polynomial g(x). 1) Setting x = a + y, then we have for x ^ a that g(x) v=o S cvf k = 2 cv?-p (x—ol)** yV is the sum of a polynomial in y (and therefore in x) and possibly of a finite number of terms of the form A A ~~2 = 7~ T2 ' A > 0 integral. yx (#—a)'- \ 2) If, as an abbreviation, we set (* - /3J + r2 = X(*)r then we have by Theorem 337 that g(») = gi(x)x(x) + &(*). gx(x) a polynomial, { g2 } ^ 1, so that *" *" JC" " B* + C ' gl —77 has the required form =— > A > 0; —— is a polynomial for pi = 1, gi and the factorability of w-i for // > 1 may be assumed. At Example to 2) : g(x) = #7 + 1, #(#) = #2 + l, /* = 2. g(x) = {x* — x*+x)(x2+l) + (— x+ 1) - (^-^+^)^W + H-fl), g(#) —x + l x5 — X3 + X %2{x) = (x*-+ lJ + *2 + 1 ' x5 — xs + x= {xs — 2x)(x2 +1) + 3# = (#3 — 2#)#(#) + 3%, g(#) — x + 1 3a; *«(*) (*« + lJ *2 + 1 + *3 — 2*.
248 In practice, we do not apply the general method to decompose a rational function into partial fractions, but (since we already know the form of the result) we use the so-called method of undetermined coefficients. Examples: 1) By the proof (not the statement) of Theorem 341, we surely have that 1 1 a b c + —r-z + 7 + G(*) > op — x x(x + l)(x 1) X X+l X — 1 where a, b, and c, are constants, and G(x) is a polynomial. Since ,. / 1 a b c \ lim 1- — 71 = 0. x=ao \X6 X X X + 1 X 1/ we have that G(*) - 0, 1 = a(x* — l) + b(x2 — x) + c(x2 + x), 0 =,(a + b + c)x2 + (c — b)x— (a + 1), a + b + c = c — b = a -\- 1 = 0, a — — i^ b — c = \> 1 1 * i X3 X X X + 1 X 1 2) In general, for n y>(x) = II (x—*v), where the onv are distinct, and for every polynomial (f(x)y we have by the proof of Theorem 341 that A) *<p iJ±. + G(x), \p[X) V==1X CLV where G(x) is a polynomial. To determine the Av do not use the method of undetermined coefficients. Instead, we may prove the general formula (Then A,=
249 is automatically a polynomial.) For, we have w(x) " v'(«,) = lim ~n-L= n {«,-«,,) (which means 1 in case n= 1), so that ?'(«,)# 0. By 1), we have for 0 < | # — <xv | < p with a suitable /> > 0, that, w(x) n A 9(x) = A„ -^-i- + ?(*) S «- + y(*)G(*) (the sum on the right means 0 in case w= 1). Letting % -> av, we obtain For example, for q>{x) = 1, y(#) = #3— x , we find, corresponding to the result of example 1) and setting ax = 0, a2 = — 1, a3 = 1, that v'(*) = ix2~l, 1 1 1 1 —1 '23 3_1 2 3) An example where we use the method of undetermined coefficients. By the proof of Theorem 341, we have x + 2 x + 2 a b c d „, v x* + xz xz{x + 1) *3 a;2 x x + 1 where G(x) is a polynomial. /# + 2 a b c d \ lim —— =0, X==CX) \x* + X* X3 X2 X X + 1/ G(x) = 0, x + 2 = a{x + 1) + bx(x + 1) + c*2(% + 1) + dx*, 0= (c + d)x* + (b + c)x* + (a + b—l)x + {a — 2), c + ^ = J + c = a + 6 — l = a — 2 = 0, a =2, & = —1, c = 1, d = — ly x + 2 2 1 1 1 —.+ x4 + y? x3 x2 x x + 1
253 CHAPTER 21 DEFINITION OF THE INTEGRAL The integral calculus is the inverse of the differential calculus in the following sense. Definition 79: Let a <b, and let f(x) be defined for a < x < b. If there exists a $(x) defined for a < x < b such that the equation holds for a < x < b, then g(x) is said to be an integral of f(x). The integral? No; on integral. For if c is any number, then g(x) + c is also what is required, since {g{x) + 'cy=g'{x)=Kx). And no other function will do, as we see by applying Theorem 162 to every interval [a, /?] with a < a < /? <b. Hence the problem of finding ail ^(.r) is equivalent to that of finding one of them. However, there need not exist any. For, as we already know, not every function defined for a < x < b is a derivative. For example, in case a<a<p<bt /(a) = -l, /(/?)= 1, then, by Theorem 164, f(x) must assume the value 0 between a and fi. Definition 80: If a <b, then x is said to be interior to the interval [a,b] if a < x < b. The totality of such x is called an open interval. Example: If f(x) = 4x\ then we have in the interior of every [a, b] that and hence the most general function having derivative 4x3 thereon is x4 + c.
254 Notation: // g(x) is a particular solution of g'{x) = f(x) for a<x <b then we write jf(x)dx = g{x) +c. The left-hand side to be read "integral f(x) dee eks." f(x) is called the integrand. Thus, for example, J ±xzdx = x* + c. or /¦ Why the funny dx following g(x) ? We may not omit it9 since we must know with respect to what variable we are to differentiate the right-hand side. For example, f ** zx3 dx — z h c , but r Z* zx?dz = —x3 + c. J 2 For I ——- dx we also write I > for I ——- dx also ——-— J tp\x) J y)(x) J y)(x) J y>(x) <p(x) , for I 1 dx also f dx . (In other words, in this notation we manipu- y)(x) J J late the meaningless dx as though it were a number.) We did not require in Definition 79 that f(x) be continuous. But even if we assume this, we do not know for the moment whether such a g(x) exists. I begin by proving in the simplest possible way that this is always the case. This will be very difficult, one of the most difficult proofs in the book. But all of the concepts to be introduced will be used again later on. Indeed, the entire chain of proof will come up once more later on, but in connection with much more general investigations in which Theorem 154 on uniform continuity will also be used. It will be new even to most of the advanced readers that Theorem 344 can be proved without the use of Theorem 154, a fact which I have learned from a paper by Poli. Theorem 342: To any interval [a,b] and any junction f{x) bounded on this interval we may assign a number L(a,b) such that 1) if X is the g.lb., I the l.u.b. of f(x) on [a, b], then A) X(b — a)^ L(a, b) ^ l(b — a), 2) ! B) L(a, b) = L(a, c) + L(c, b) for a < c < b.
255 Proof: 1) Let n be any integer > 0, and let av be defined for every integer v with 0 ^ v :§ n in such a way that <VX < av for 1 ^ v fg w, ao = a> an = b'> let ?,, = dv — av_x for I ^v ^nt lvbe the l.u.b. of j{x) in [ av-1, av], so that Then for every such "partition," we have X(b — a) =X %ev^ ? evlv^l ? *„=/(& — a). n Y*evlv is therefore bounded from below and therefore has a greatest lower bound (for all partitions). We call thi^ number L(a, b). Then A) holds. 2) For every d > 0, we choose a partition of [atc] such that 2«,Z,<L(di, c) + <5, and a partition of [ctb] such that 2«,/,<L(c, 6) +<5. Then we have a partition of [a,b] such that L(«f b)^"Levlv< L(a, c) + L(c, 6) + 2<5. Hence (since this holds for every 6 > 0), we have C) L(a, b) ^ L(a, c) + L(c, 6). On the other hand, let us choose for every d > 0 a partition of [a, &] such that Xevlv<L(a, b) + d. We may assume that c is some av of this partition. For otherwise, we add c to the av of this partition. If c was between a = a^, /? = a^+1 and if /, /', and /" are the least upper bounds of f(x) on [a, /?], [a, c], and [c, /?] respectively, then (P — a)Z = (c — a)/ + (fi — c)l ^ (c — a)/' + (]8 — c)l", so that ? ev lv does not increase.
256 Hence we have a partition of [af c] and one of [cfb]. Therefore, L(fl, c) + L(c, b)? ILe lv < L(«-, b) + 6. -v=n " Therefore (since this true for every d > 0), W L(a, c) + L(c, 6) ^ L(a, 6). C) and D) together imply B). Theorem 343: // f(x) is bounded on [a,b], then there exists a g(x) defined for a <x <b such lhat, for all numbers I with a < I <b at which f(x) is continuous, we have g'it) = /(f)' And, in fact, g(x) == L(a, x) is the required function. Preliminary Remark: If f(x) is discontinuous at every x between a and b, then the existence of a g(x) with the required property is trivial, since then g(x) = 0 will do. If, fori example, f(x) is continuous for only one x between a and b, say at x = ?, then we may choose g(x) ===== /(?)#„ But this is not trivial if /(#) is continuous everywhere in a < tf < b> To establish the existence of a suitable g(^) is substantially the purpose of this chapter. Proof: Let g(x) = L(a,x). If a < | < fc, and if /(^r) is continuous at ?, then for every E>0we choose an e with 0 < e ^ Min F — |, | — a), |/(*)—/(*) | <<5 for \x — ?\ <e. For 0 < h < s (or — e < h < 0) we have by Theorem 342, 2) that g(S + h)-g(Z) = L(a,? + *) —L(a,f) = L(?, f + *) (or — L(? + A, I)). Hence by Theorem 342, 1) applied to [f, f + A] (or to [f +A,f]), with i^/(l) — *,/^/(?) + *, we have *(/(*) — «) ^ g(f + *) — g(f) ^ A(/(f) + i) for 0 < h < e, *(/(?) + 6) ? g(f + A) —g(S) ^ h{f(S)—d) for — * < h < 0. Hence for 0 < | A | < e, we have \g(S + h)-g(i) m <d.
257 Therefore we have *'(*) = /(?)• Theorem 344: // a < b, and iff(x) is continuous for a < x < b, then there exists a g(x) for a < x < b such that g'M = /(*); i.e. exists for a < x < b. Proof: We set jf(x)dx a + b c = *(*) Let and set — L{x, c) for a < x < c, 0 for x = c, L(c, #) | for c < a; < b. a<?\<bf ««). For i; < .*• < b, we have by Theorem 342, 2) that g(«) = Lfa> *) — Lfo' c)- By Theorem 343, applied to the interval [rj, — J, the derivative of L(rj, x) exists for x = ? and equals /(f). Hence, g'(?) = /(*)• After this effort, we shall proceed to "integrate" a number of familiar continuous functions, and we will be successful in the sense that the integrals will also be among the functions familiar to us. Theorem 345: If n ^ — 1, then \xndx = h c for a^O J n + 1 (i.e. in every open interval a < x < & with a ^ 0). Proof: For x > 0, we have by Theorem 109 that (i) / xn+l \' 1 1 (-—) = (xn+1)' = (« + l)xn = *». U + 1/ « + 1 V ' n + 1 V '
258 Theorem 346: // n is an integer ^ 1, then r K xn+1 \xndx = h c for a^O and for 6^0. J n + 1 Proof: By Theorem 119, A) holds for x ^ 0. Theorem 347: // n is an integer jg 0, then for all x we have \xn dx = h c. J fi + 1 Proof: By Theorem 103, A) holds for all x. ™ «*« C &x \ ^og x + c for a ^ 0t Theorem 348: — = \ , & , J ' J x [ log (— x) + c for b ^ 0. Preliminary Remarks: 1) With this, the gap (w = — 1) in Theorems 345 and 346 is filled. However, the existence of the integral has already been obtained in Theorem 344. 2) The result for both cases m^y be summarized as follows: J dx — = log j x I + c = \ log (*2) + c. x I Proof: Theorems 104 and 105. /• n n Xv+* Theorem 349: ^Lavxvdx = ? av \-c. J v=0 * v=o v + 1 Preliminary Remark: Observe that the integral of a polynomial is a polynomial. We already know that the derivative of a polynomial is a polynomial. Proof: The derivative of the right-hand side is the integrand. Theorem 350: f ex dx = ex + c. Proof: (ex)' = ex. Theorem 351: j = log | x — y | + c for a ^ y and for b ^y. j x y. Proof: For x > y, we have (log(*-y))' = -i-(*-y)' * x — y x — y for x < 7, we have (log (y_*))' = _L_(y -*)' = * #"
259 CHAPTER 22 BASIC FORMULAS OF THE INTEGRAL CALCULUS Abbreviation: i.r.h.s.i.m. is an abbreviation for "if the right-hand side is meaningful." Theorem 352: j(f(x) + g(x)) dx = jf(x) dx + jg(x) dx , i, r. h. s. i, m. (i.e. if f(x) and g(x) are integrable for a < x < b). Preliminary Remark: In such formulas, where an integral appears as a summand on the right-hand side, the additive constant may be omitted. Proof: (Right-hand side)' = (Jf(x) dx)'+ (fg{x) dx)' = f(x) + g(x) = Integrand on the left. x2 Example: \(x + ex) dx = \- ex + c . p m m /• Theorem 353: Hfn(x)dx= S \fn(x)dx, J n=l 7i=l J i. r. h. s. i. m. Proof: (Right-hand side)'= Integrand on the left. Theorem 354: jyf(x) dx = y jf(x) dx + c , i. r. h. s. i. m. Proof: (yjf(x)dx)'=y(jf(x)dx)'=yf(x). Theorem 355: j{f(x)—g(x)) dx = jf{x)dx — jg{x) dx, i. r. h. s. i. m. Proof: (Rigljit-hand side)'= Integrand on the left.
260 Examples: 1) If jneither of the numbers —I or 1 belongs to the open interval a <x <b, we have 1 1 1 *2—1 2(x — 1) 2(#+l) so that Jdx C dx f dx 1 . . 1 . . -= ^—fog x—l\ log *+l +< x2— 1 J2(x—l) J2(x+l) 2 6| ' 2 5| '^ '2(*—1) J2(x+l) X-r-l = Yloe + c. x+l 2) Let n be a positive integer. For a i? 1 and for b ^ 1, we have 1 —X J V=l y=i V Theorem 356 (integration by parts) : Let * g'(x), h\(x), jh(x)g'(x)dx exist for a < x < b. Then fg(x)h'(x)dx exists there, and jg(x)h'(x)dx = g(x)h(x)—jh(s)$'(x)dx. Preliminary Remarks Thus \f(x)dx exists if we can split f(x) into g(x)k(x), where g(x) is differeritiable and k(x) and g'(x) \k(x)dx are integrable. In the formula ff(x)dx = g(x)jk(x)dx — j(g'(x)fk(x)dx)dx, the last integral is, in certain cases, more easily calculated than the first. Proof: (gh -\hg'dx)= (gh)'-(jhgf dx)' - gh' + kg' - hg'^gh'. Examples: 1) g(x) =x, h(x) = ex, g'(x) =1, h'(x)=e*, \xex dx = xex — J ex dx = xex — ex + c . 2) g(x) = x\ h(x) = ex, g'{x) =2x9 h'(x)=ex, jx2exdx = x2ex—J2xexdx = x2ex — 2Jxexdx =---! x2ex — 2(xex — ex) + c = (x2 — 2x + 2)ex + c .
261 3) For a g: 0, we have flog x dx — J log x • 1 dx = log x * x — I—¦ • x dx — x log x — J dx — x log x — x + c. Theorem 357 s Let a < b. For a <x <b, let jf(x)dx exist. Let x =± g(z) be continuous in the z-interval [a, ft], let g'(z) always be > 0 or always < 0, for a < z < ft, and let g(a) = a, g(p) = b, or g(a) = b, g(ft)=a, respectively. Then jt{g{*M(*)dz exists for a < z < ft, and J A) jf(x)dx^jf(g(z))g'(z)dz. Preliminary Remark: On the right, we have a function of z. However, z is but an abbreviation for the inverse function z = G(x) of the function x = g(z) which, by Theorems 312 and 313, exists and is differentiable for a < z < ft. (This last fact will first be applied in the proof of Theorem 358.) Proofs Setting $ f(x)dx = <p(z) + c, we have for a < z < ft that dcp(z) d<p(z)dx* Example: f(x) — x2, b> a^O, a= Va, p--= Vb, % = g(z) = z*, z=<V~x, J i* oft f(x) dx = j x2dx == \- c, jf(g(z))g'B) d* = J*8 • ^dz = 4Jzndz = — + c = — + c.
262 Theorem 357 is of no help to us as an existence proof of J f(x)dx, if one is needed. For that purpose, the following theorem may be useful. Theorem 358: Formula A) ofTheorem 357 holds if we replace the hypothesis that the left-hand side exists by the hypothesis that the right-hand side exists. Proof: By Theorem 357, applied to J/fe(*))g'(*)<**. * = G(«), we have, since (Theorem 313) ~. \ dz 1 1 1 G'(*)=- = - dx dx g'(z) g'(G{x)) dz that jf(g(^))gf(^ dz = jf[g(G(x)))g^(G(x))Gf(x)dx^ jf(x)dx^ Examples (we need not hesitate to calculate, using Theorem 357, from left to right, since we already know that the integrals of the given continuous functions of x exist; otherwise, we would have to calculate from right to left and apply Theorem 358) : 1) For n > 0, setting x = fiz = g(z), we have that dz + z2 J LI2 + X2 J [X2 + X2 J fi2 + ju2z2 ** ix J 1 1 1 X = — arc tg z + 'c = — arc tg h c . IX 11 [X The following check is unnecessary, but it doesn't cost us anything: /l x\ 1 1 1 1 I— arctg — I = — == . a- \fX jU/ fX X2 fl jLT + X1 (X2 2) For a g: 0, if we set x = Vz, then we have I sin (x2) xdx = \ sin z Vz —^ = J | sin z dz = — \ cos z + c J J 2Vz J = — \ cos X2 + c.
263 3) For a^O, if we set Vx2+l=z, x=Vz2—lt then we have J y/x2+l J Z J Z Vz2—l J = z + c = Vx2 + 1 + c. Check: (V*2 + l)' = —JL Vx2 + 1 This check pays us a dividend, for it holds also for a < 0. Integration by parts (Theorem 356) and the method of substitution (Theorems 357 and 358) are the most important tools used to integrate given functions by explicit formulas — if we are ljucky. To be sure, we will see later that this is by no means the principal task of the integral calculus—if only for the simple reason that this is possible, even for continuous functions, only in rare cases. It is with these particular cases that the next two chapters deal.
264 CHAPTER 23 INTEGRATION OF RATIONAL FUNCTIONS Let f(x) be a rational function, i.e., according to Definition 77, let y)(x) where (p(x) and \p(x) are polynomials, {\p } ^ 0,and x is any number with y>(x) ^ 0. For such x, we have , = y(k)y'(*) — <p(x)y>'(x) ^ yJ(x) which thus is also a rational function. In every open interval in which \p{x)i^ 0, we know that J f(x)dx exists (since f(x) is continuous) but is not necessarily a rational function, as the example J T = log'x' + c immediately shows. Pardon me! I wanted to lead the reader on. In the formula /t-*"*i + c for — 11 < x < — 10, why is the right-hand side not, after all, a rational function ? Actually, it is not, but this must be proved. If we had 0^a<bora<b^0 and, for a < x < &, where 95 (at) and y(x) are polynomials, then we should have there that _1_ = y{x)g/(x) — <p(x)y>'(x) x y2(«) y>*(x) = x(y>(x)<p'(x) — f(x)y>'(x)).
265 Since both sides are polynomials, this equation would hold true for all x. y(#) = 0 would then have the solution x = 0, so that (since {<p } ^ 0) we would have by Theorem 334 (or even without it) that v(x) = xmx(x), m > 0, x(%) a polynomial, ^@) ^ 0, (p(x) = xk(o(x), k ^ 0, ay(x) a polynomial, co@) ^ 0, so that, for x *fi 0, = xm+k((k^tn)x(x)co(x) + x{x(x)<o'(x) -a>(x)x'(x))), so that m ig k, and for all x, x™-kX*(x) = (k — m)X(x)(o(x) +x(x(x)a)'(x)—a>{x)x'(x)). If m = k, x = 0 would yield the contradiction X2@)|=0, and if m > fc, the contradiction 0^ (* —m)*@)co@). It is all the more surprising and gratifying that it will be possible to express the integral of every rational function in terms of functions with which we are familiar. Once again I interrupt. Is f dx — arc tg x + c J 1 + x2 5 perhaps a rational function in some interval? No, for if we had 1 y>{x) <p'{x) — <p(x)y>'(x) _ — — for a < x < o 1 + x2 y>2(x) ((p(x) and yi(x) polynomials), then we would have for all x that w*{x) = (x2 + l)(V(x)<p'(x) - <p(x)y>'(x)). By Theorem 336, we would have (since {<? } §: 0) that y)(x) = (x2+l)mx(x)i w>0, x(x) a polynomial, but ^ (x2 + 1).a polynomial, <p(x) = (x2+l)k(o(x), \k^O,co(x) a polynomial, but ^ (x2 + 1). a polynomial,
266 so that (*2+lJ™#2(*) = (*2+l)(^ ~(x2 + l)*<w(*)Bm*(*a + l)™^*) + (x2 + l)mz'(*))) = (*2+l)B(?—w)(*2 + l)™+*-^ = (x2 + 1)»+*B(A — m)xX(x)co(x) + (*2 + 1) (*(*) *>'(*) —*>(*) *'(*))) > (*2+l)w"VW = 2(k—m)xx(x)a)(x) + (*2 + l)-a polynomial. If tw fg fc, we would have #2(#) = (#2 + 1) «a polynomial, 2(#) = (%2 + 1)* a polynomial. If w > &, we would have xx(x)a)(x) — (x2 + l)*a polynomial, #(#) or co(^) = (#2 + 1) -a polynomial. Before we give the general proof that the integral of every rational function may be evaluated in "closed form," I must get out of the way three very important special cases which require long calculations, but to which the general case will later on be easily reduced. The reader need not memorize the final formulas of these three special cases, but need remember only the fact that the special cases can be settled, the tricks used to do this, and the fact that nothing "worse" than log x and arc tg x comes up. First Example: . J a — 2px + x2 We have a — 2fix + x2 = (a — p2) + (x — ?J. If we set then we are dealing with If we set a-/?2-=M, r dx + fi.
267 then we are dealing with We distinguish three cases. 1) If ^ = 0, then /- dz f—=f dz (JL -+- Z* J Z' 2) If /j > 0, and if we set + z2 + c = z x-fi + c y=V/x,f then by the first example to Theorem 358 with y replacing p, we have dz 1 z 1 f—=f- J JLL+ Z2 J 1 Z — = — arc tg — + c = —= y2 + ^2 y y T- Va_^ arc tg +g- Va—02 3) If fi < 0, and if we set then so that if we set this is y = v ¦ J ju + z2 J - y2 + z2 z = yy, -!-. ydy y J y2 — 1 ' which, by the first example to Theorem 355, is 2y y — \ + c = I y + i Second Example: | J ((A 2Vp2 — a log x — p—Vp2 X—p+Vp2—0L , n an integer > 0, y > 0. + c. ((s-flt + yt)* We have calculated this above for n=l. If we set then we obtain f *L =f. * = yy + P. ydy ((*-0)« + y«)- J(yV + y«)" Thus we need only Ideal with 7 J(y2 + 1)»
268 I„. We have J (y* + 1)" Ia == arc tg y + c. Let n > 1, and suppose that I„-i is expressible in terms of "familiar" functions among which nothing "worse" than arc tg appears. Then we have " J (y* + i)» / J(y2 + i)" y J(ya + l)" ' J(y2+ I)" 2J (y2 + 1)'<7 ' 1/1 1 I C dy \ = I"-1_ J\ n — 1 (y« + 1)«-1 y + « _ J (yt + 1)*-1 / y \ = 1,-1 + B« —2)(y2-)-l)"-1 2«- ~9 I.-i 2w —3 2w —2 In-1 + Bn —2)(y2 + l)"-1 so that I„ also can be expressed in the above way. x dx Jx dx — ———— > n an integer > 0, y > 0. l[x—BJ +y2)n We have f x- JUx — 6 P x dx dx 2(n —1) ((x—p)*+y»)"-* + c for n > 1, f # <fo r x -log ((* — /?)« + y») + c for * = 1, ((*-PJ + Y2)n J '((*-«¦ + ?)*d% + PJ ((*-?J + /)» which is settled by the above formula and the second example. Corollary: If y > 0 and n is an integer > 0, then Bx -f c _ r # ^ _ r <fo and so is settled tjy the third and second examples + c JUx- ((x-(l)* + y*y
269 Theorem 359 J The integral of every rational function may be expressed in closed form. Moreover, nothing worse-than log and arc tg will occur. Proof: By Theorem 341, it suffices to prove the assertion for 1) ex*, A ^ 0 an integer, A 2) -s > A > 0 an integer, (x — <x)x Bx + C 3) ((,_fl. + yi)V K > °an inte*er> y > °- f 2 xX+1 As regards 1) : xAdx — j- c . As regards 2): I = J (x — a)A + i i jZ{ + c for A > 1, ! A —1 (* — a)*~ i log | x — a | + c for A = 1. As regards 3) : corollary to the third example above. Examples: 1) (cf. the first example at the erid of Chap. 20): f_*L=,ff_J.+I_J_+l_l_) J%3 — x J\ x Z x+\ 2 x — 1/ + 1 2 # —1/ - — log | * | + Hog | x + 11 + i log | % — 1 | + c X2 in every open interval which contains none of the numbers 0, 1, and — 1. 2) (cf. the third example at the end of Chap. 20) : C x + 2 f/2 1 1 1 \ i it|*| X2 x \x + 11 in every open interval which does not include 0 and — 1.
270 CHAPTER 24 INTEGRATION OF SOME NON-RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 1) Let „. , l,a/ivxttyv where a finite number of terms appear in the numerator and denominator and where the fi, v are integers 3:0. Let the denominator be not identically 0. We call this function a rational function of x and y. It is defined where the denominator is # 0. We may also say that the numerator and denominator are polynomials SA,(*)y» V = 0 in 3; whose coefficients are polynomials in x. Now let F(jr) be a polynomial of the first or second degree and consider an open .r-interval (if there is one) where F(*) > 0 and where, if we set y= Vfw, R(jt, 3;) is defined and thus depends continuously on x. We shall then be able to calculate $R(x, y)dx explicitly, in terms of functions known to us. We shall quickly settle the case {F} = 1. In this case, we have F(*) = a + fix, p # 0.
271 The substitution yields z* — a x = —-—> z> 0 y = VF(x) == z, JR(x, y)dx = JR (^-*, *) j dzf where the integrand is a rational function of z, so that the case is settled by Chap. 23. In the case {F} = 2, we have F(*) = A + Bx + Cx2, C # 0. Here, we shall reduce JR{x, y)dx to the three types A) JR(x, Vx2 + l)dx, JR(x, Vx2 — l)dx, JR(x, Vl—x2)dx, and these integrals will in turn be reduced to integrals of rational functions by means of a new variable. If C > 0, then we have y = VC Vx2 + B±x + Ax = VC V(x + f}J + a . If a = 0, then, in our interval, y is equal to VC(x + ft) or — VC(x + P)> so that R(x,y) is a rational function of x, and we are done. Therefore we may assume that a^O, so that y = VC V{x + pJ ± y2 , y > 0. If C < 0, then we have y = V— C V— x2 — Bxx — Ax = V— C V— (* +PJ— a ; a must be negative, so that y = V— CV— {x + pJ + y2, y>0. In all cases, the substitution X = yz — P yields y = VCyVz2 + 1, or VCyVz2 — 1 , or V— C yVl—z*> i jR(*.y)rf*=jR1(*,Y)&,
272 where Y = Vz2 + 1, or Vz2 — 1, or Vl — z2, and Ri(#, Y) is a rational funettorr of i and Y. ; With this, we have completed the reduction to the three types A). First Type: f R(*, Vx2 + 1) dx. For every x, B) * = ±(M_±), w>0 has exactly one solution u. For, we must necessarily have u2 — 2xu — 1 = 0, (W_^J_(^+1)==0, w = x ± V*2 + 1, and, since u > 0, we must have | w = x + Vx2 + 1. For every jr, we have u = x + Vx2 + 1 > 0, and B) is satisfied, since 1 _ 1 * — Vx2 + 1 « x + V^~+T ^ _ (v*2+iJ i w = 2#. * + V*a + 1, Now if u in B) is regarded as an independent variable, we have dx 1 / 1 \ /R(W^fT)„=jR(I(M-I),I(W+l))I(l +?)*. where Ri(w) is ? rational function. so that
273 f dx I 2\ + u2) Cdu , Example: I •. ~ <* ¦ = / du = I — = logu + c = log (* + Vx2 + l) + c . Second Type: JR(x, Vx*~ l) dx. Here, we must have x > 1 of # < — 1 in the interior of our given interval. W.l.g., let the first be the case. For otherwise, we set x = — z and consider r(—*, V(—*)*-1) (-1) - rx(m, V** — i) , where Ri(-sr, ^) is a rational function of # and v. For every .r > 1, C) * = I(M+)_L), M>1 has exactly one solution u. For we must have u2 — 2xu ¦+ 1 = 0, (u — xJ~ (*2 — I) =0, u=* x± Vx2—l, and since u > 1, we must have ( u = x + Vx2 — 1, For, x — Vx2— 1 = , - - , » < I.) x + Vx2 — l I + For every x > 1, we have u = x + Vx2 — l > 1, and C) ifc satisfied, since — = x—Vx* — l, u 1 Conversely, we have for every u > 1 that 1/ 1\ 1 u2+ 1 1 A*— lJ ^ 2\ u! 2 u 2 u
274 Now, if u in C) is regarded as an independent variable, we have dx 1 du Vx2 — 1 = u — x ==—(w ) , 2 \ u I so that jR(,.^?=I)*_jR(i(.+l).±t._i))l(I_^)*, — J Rx(w) du, where Ri(#) is a rational function. Example: f Vx2 — 1 <fo == | —(« 1 —(l 1) du If/ 1 1 1 \ 1 lu2 f 1 \ 4 J \ u u f) 4\2 6 2w2/ = — Iw H 1 \u ~ | logu 4- c 8 \ «/ \ «/ 2 s 1 /— 1 -2%. 2 V*2 — 1 log(*+ Vx2— 1 ) + c 8 2 = --* W — 1 -log(% + Vx2—l) + c. Third Type: j R (#, V 1 — %2) ^. 1 (The substitution # = — formally carries us back into the second type, but the neighborhood of # = 0 is lost.) Here, we must have For every x with | x | < 1, D) * = ^ + T* H<1 has exactly one solution u. For if x — 0, then we must have
275 And for 0 < | x \ < 1, we must have 2 u + 1 = 0, (-4)'-G-)-- U = - i± Vi Here, we must have the lower sign I for otherwise we would have hl>14T>i); if then we do have since l —Vi u\ < 1, u = 1 + Vl—: < X '<•) and D) is satisfied, since Conversely, if u^O, 1 1 + Vl — x2 U X u2 + 1 1 —— = « + - =- tf I < 1, # = 2w + 1 then if u = 0 we have and if m 7^ 0 we have |*| =0< 1 , M2+ 1 _ (|«| — lJ 2| u | ~ 2|.«| |*|<1. + 1> 1,
276 Now if u in D) is regarded as an independent variable, we have dx (u2 + lJ—.2u-2u 2A — u2) du (^-j-iyr " (W2+ iy >0, Vi — x* = i—xnF=i so that u2 + 1 1 + ^2 J l ' J \1 + u2 1 + W A + u2)* ) 1V ; where Rj(w) is a rational function of w. Example; I purposely choose an old one. = 2 arc tg « + c. 1 + w2 Since we know that (arc sin %)' = ¦ (for I # I < J), VI — x2 we must naturally have for suitable c that 2 arc tg w = a,re sin # + c for \x\ < 1. Since ^ = 0 for x = 0, only c = 0 is possible. Indeed (but this check is unnecessary), this formula (for c = 0) is true for x = 0, and for 0 < | x | < 1 we have since i — Vi — ** 2 arc tg = arc sin x, | w| < 1, , . 71 71 2 arc tg « < 2 — = — » I & l 4 2 sin B arc tg u) = 2 sin (arc tg u) cos (arc tg w) = 2 tg (arc tg u) cos2 (arc tg w) ~~ 1 + tg2 (arc tg u) ^ 1 + u2
277 To conclude 1I advise the reader to try special tricks on a problem before having recourse to the general method, which of course always works. 2) Let R(#, y, z) be a rational function of x, y, and z, i.e. a rational function of y and z whose coefficients in the numerator and denominator are polynomials in x. We will investigate JR [x, VA- + Bx, Vol + px)dx in an open interval where the expressions under the radical signs are > 0, and where R is meaningful. W.l.g., let B ^ 0, since otherwise, for ft ^ 0, we are back to the old type jRi(*, Vol + px)dx and for fi = 0, we even have a rational integrand. u2 A yields JR(x, VA + hx, Vat. + px)dx C lu2 \ l/ JSA # \ 2w = J R(b ~ B' U' ' a_ B + BM / B ^=/RiK VAa + (>«)<*«, which we already have. / 17 i /V—4 + * Example: J =— dx. Vx x = u2, u > 0, u — 2v yields fV—4 + x fV~± + u2 r / / = dx = / 2u du = 2 V — 4 + w2 rfw = 2JV— 4 + 4v2 2dv = 8 J \A>2 — 1 <fo etc., by the example to the second type of 1). 3) Let R(y) be a rational function. The substitution x = log w yields f T^(ex) dx = J R(«) — == f R^w) <*«.
278 C dx I 1 du C du / u+ — — arc tgu + c = arc tg ex + c. 4) Let R(;y, 2) be a rational function of y and ?. Let our interval be contained in [—7i, n] and let R(sin x, cos x) be meaningful in it. The substitution yields x = 2 arc tg u u = tg- sin # = 2 sin — cos — = 2 2 2tg. 2w 1+tg2 x 1 +u2 cos # = 2 cos2 1 = 2 1 =. 1+t^217 1— u2 1 + w2 tffo ^w \ -\- u2 r C l 2u 1 — w2\ 2 r |R(sm*, cos*)i* = R I—-—-, —— I—— du = R^u) du . J J \l + u2 1 + u2/1 + u2 J Example C dx / 1 2 . i _ = i ^w J sm # / 2w I + u2 J 1 + w2 J ^ = log | M | + C = log tg- + c. 5) If agO, then J xn log x dx may be calculated for every n. For w = — 1, the integral is = \ log2 * + c ;
279 and for n # — 1, an integration by parts yields c , 7 #n+1 f xn+x dx xn log x dx — log x — i -— J b n + 1 & Jw+1^ = log x xn ¦4-1 »4- loS x — i—r—rri 4- o. n + 1 ° (w + lJ 6) If a ^ 0 or b ^ 0, then fsin* f " (—1)*#2" * (_i)»#2n+i <** = S -t —-dx = S r- 4- c. J * Jn==0Bn4-1)! n=o Bn4-l)Bn4-l)! 7) By Theorem 247, we have for | x | < 1 that : n=0 \ » / 1 Vi — ** so that JVl— X* n=0\ » / 4w + 1 Moreover, < we have for n > 0 that + c. n-l w-1 i _i_ 2v /-*\ n(-i-,) n-t_ n\ nl Bn)! Bw)! n An fo f\2 n!2* 112* 4 (^ and, evidently, we also have for n = 0 that Bn)! (»')<-i>- 4*(n!J Therefore we have for | x | < 1 that dx * Bn)! J Vl—^ n=04>!JDn + l)
280, CHAPTER 25 THE CONCEPT OF DEFINITE INTEGRAL The real task of the integral calculus is to set up the theory of the definite integral. What we have hitherto called an integral (it will still occur occasionally) will from now on be called an indefinite integral, in constrast to the definite integral. What is a definite integral ? We ask the reader to be patient while we first dispose of some preliminaries, Definition 81: // / is the l.it.b. and X the g.l.b, of a bounded set, then s = / <— X is called its oscillationl Hence we always have s §: 0, arid s = 0 only when the set contains exactly one number. Theorem 360: ^ is the least upper bound of the numbers z1 — z2, where Si and z2 belong to the set. Preliminary Remark: Therefore, s is the l.u.b. of all | zx — z2\. Proof: 1) For every Z\ and every z2 of the set, we have zx^l, z2 ^ A , so that zx — z2 rg I — A = s. 2) For d > 0 there exists a z1 and a z2 in the set such that *i>J — y z2<k+ — , so that zi — z2> I— A — d = s — d. Notations: Let a < by let f(x) be defined on [a, b], let n be an integer > 0, let av be defined for integral v with 0 ^ v ^= n, #o = a> an = b> ev = av — tfy-x > 0 for 1 ^ v fj n, so that n 2 ev = b — a. V = l
281 If f(x) is bounded on [a, b], so that I/O) I <c for a^x^bf then for l^v^w, let /v be the l.u.b. Xv be the g.l.b. so that sv be the oscillation of f{x) on [a^lt av], Then we call 0 < sf < 2c . 2 *„ sv or more briefly, S^s,the Riemann sum corresponding to the partition. The quantities j n | n 2 ^ Zv an<4 X evXv, or more briefly, 51 el and 2 tfA, will also occur. For every partition we have — c(b — a) — —c He ^ 2eA fg T*el ^ c He = c(b — a), 0 ^ Hes ^2c He =^ 2c(b — a) . Definition 82: L^^ /(;r) be bounded on [a,b]. 77zm /(.#•) fj jflfrf ?0 satisfy the Riemann condition on \a, b] if for every d > 0 there exists an e > 0 jwcA that for every partition with all ev < s , wf /?az>? /or f/z? Riemann sum that Hes < C. Definition 83: Let a < b. f(x) is said to be integrable from atob if f(x) is defined on [a,b] and if there is a number I such that for every d > 0 there exists an e > 0 with the following property. For every partition for which all ev < s, and for every choice of %v in [ av_x , av], we have S «,/(*,)-I < For example, we must have b lim 2 n=<x> v=l n *.f(a+v{b~a))=L Theorem 361: There is at most one I in the sense of Definition 83.
282 Proof: If Ii and I2 > II had the required properties, then if we took we would have for suitable e > 0 and for every partition with ev < e and for every choice of fr that 2«,/({,) < ix + s = i,-s < i«,/(«,). Definition 84: // for a, b, f(x), there exists an I in the sense of Definition 83, then I is said to be the (definite) integral of the function f(x) from a to b. rb . Notation: 1=1 f(x)dx . a To be read "Integral a to b f(x) dee eks." The connection with the-original concept J f(x)dx will appear later. There will be sufficient reason for using similar symbols for both concepts. I dx a a cb dx rb J c\ (p(x) —— > for 1 dx also I dx. (Similarly for all later extensions of the J \p (x) J J Cb 1 Cb dx Cb9(^)J , rb<p(x)d„ For I dx we also write I —-— » for ——- dx also —— or J y>(x) J y>(x) J y>(x) J %p(x) concept of definite integral.) Examples: 1) /(>)== 1 on [a, b]. Then we always have n ^ S evf(Sv) = S ev = b — a. i>=l v~l The number I = b — a is as required, and we write J dx = J I dx — b — a . a a 2) f(x) = x on [a, b]. Let all ev < e, where e for the time being is some arbitrary positive numb^
283 We have V tlt\ V / ,av + av-l , v / \lt av + av-l\ S «,/(*,) = S («, —e^) 5 +S K— .<V-i)U» 5 1 -+2^ —), b* — < -— = a, av + a< V I "v-l v-1 2 *,/(*,)- 2 62 — a2 *?*. <*y + Vi ^ n _ 2 ~ 2 V = l Therefore if and if we set then we have 1 n ? n E d b-^a' b2 — a2 = 1, Hence s «,/(*,)-I \ x ax = ?j<: Theorem 362: // j f(x)dx exists, then f(x) is bounded on [a,b], a Proof: We choose a partition such that for every choice of the fv, we have <2, Z «,/(*„)-I so that s «,/(?,) <|I| +2. If the assertion were false, then }(x) would be unbounded on at ieast one of the intervals [ av-lt av], say for v = ^w.For all other intervals (i.e. for v =? fi)> I choose fv = av_x j then all !„ other than f „ are fixed, and f „ may be chosen so that S *,/(?, ^|I|+2.
284 Theorem 363: The converse of Theorem 362 is not true. Proof: Let a = 0, b = 1. /(*; "I? -for-rational x for irrational x \ on [a,b]. For every partition there is a rational as well as an irrational (v in every interval [<V-i, av\- Therefore the |v may be chosen in such a way that as well as 2 eMv) = o, S «,/(?,) = !. Hence no I can exist. Theorem 364: // j"f{x)dx exists, then f(x) satisfies the Riemann condition. a Proof: By Theorem 362, f(x) is bounded on [a, b]. Let d > 0 be given. For every fixed partition with all ev < e and for ?'v and f? on [uv_lf av], we have for suitable e > 0 that s «,/(?)-I <?' ^f/@-i < so that 2 v(/&)-/0 < 26 By Theorem 360, f' and |" for 1 ^ v Sj n can be chosen so that /<*;>-/(*;)>*,-—. so that "^<«.(/(f;)-/o + 3« s*vsv< ? «,(W)-f(g)) + {<^ + 4 = *¦ V=l v = l o o o We shall prove the converse of Theorem 364 (Theorem 368), but for this we must do some preliminary spade work. Theorem 365: Let | f(x) | < c on \a, b] ; let Sx and 2^ be the sums 2 el corresponding to tivo partitions of which the
285 second contains all of the points of divisiqn of the first, and contains at most q more. Let*all ev of the first partition he < e. Then we have 2i2? X2^Xl — 2qce. Proof: W.l.g., let q = 1. If a new point of division is introduced, so that one term el is replaced by e'V + e"l" x then el — {e'V + e'T) = e'(l — V) + e"tl — Z") ( J °' „ « ^ « Theorem 366: Let f(x) be bounded on [a, b], and let L be the greatest lower bound of SeZ for all partitions. Tfien for every d > Q there exists an e > 0 .ywc/i ?/*af, if a// e < e, E*Z<L + <5. Proof: Choose c so that | /.(*) | < c on {a, b] Choose a partition such that S,<L + i; let it consist of q sub-intervals. We set _ 6 4qc and consider any partition with all ev < $ . Let 2 be the corresponding ? el. Let S2 correspond to the partition which contains all points of division of both Si and 2. Since to the points of 2 at most q — 1 others have to be added, we have by Theorem 365 that L H > Si ^ S2 j^ S — 2c?? = S — — » Theorem 367: Let f(x) be bounded an [a,b], and let A be the least upper bound of %e A for all partitions. Then for every S > 0 there exists an e > 0 such that, if all e < e, HeX > A —6. Proof: Theorem 366 with —f(x) in place of f(x), Theorem 368: Let a < b. Suppose that f(x) satisfies the Riemann con» dition, or only the weaker condition that f(x) is, defined and bounded on [a, b] and that for every d > 0 there exists a partition with Ees < d, Then I f(x) d% exists. a
286 Preliminary Remark: By Theorems 368 and 364, it follows that this weaker condition implies the Riemann condition, i.e. that it is not really a weaker condition. Proof: For every d > there exists a partition with d > Stfs = Xel—He2.^>L— A . Therefore we have A ^L. By Theorems 366 and 367, there exists for every d > 0 an e > 0 such that for every partition with all ev < e, we have ILel <L + 6 as well as Hek> A —6 ^L — d. If in addition each f lies on the corresponding interval [av_lt av], then we have L-E<2d^ 2>/(f) ^ 2>/<L + <5, |2}«/«?)-L|<«. However, this shows the existence of j"f(x)dx = L. a Theorem 369: Every function continuous on [a,b] is integroble from a to b. Proof: Let the function be f(x). Let d > 0 be given. By Theorem 154, there exists an e > 0 such that I /(a) — /(/?) | < — for a^x^b,a^p^b,\x— 0\<e. 2@ — a) ' Therefore if every ?„ < e, then every s„, < » v~ 2F — a) V 2{b — a) 2 With this, we have verified the Riemann condition (which, by Theorem 368, is even stronger than necessary). Definition 85: If f(x) is defined on [a, b], then it is said to be mono- tonic there if for a^ a < /? ^b we always have or always
287 In the first case, f(x) is said to be monotonically non-decreasing (rising), in the last case, monotonically non-increasing (falling). (Definitions 71 and 72 excluded an equality sign between /(a) and /(/?).) Theorem 370: Every function monotonic on [a, b] is integrable from a to b. Proof: Let the function be f(x). In the first case of Definition 85, we have K = /(«*)' K = /K-i) . sv = /K) — /K-i); ev < e yields Hes ^e 2s = e(f{b)—f{a)) . In the second case, we have lv = /K-i)> K = /K)> sv = /K-i) — /K) > and ?v < e yields Ses ^? Ss=tg(/(fl)-/(i)) . Therefore for every d > 0, if we sej: _ 6 e~ \f(b)-f{a)\ +r then for ?v < ? we have 2^s < 5. Theorem 371:^ Every function bounded on \a,b] which does not have infinitely many points of discontinuity in the interior of this interval is integrable from a to b. Proof: Let the function be /(.r), and let | f(x) | < c on [a, b]. We denote the interior points of discontinuity and the numbers a and b by rjk, 0 <^ k =g w, & an integer, in such a way that Vk-i < Vk for' 1 ^ A <; w, *?o = «» *7» = 6- Let d > 0. We set Min (% — %-!) = ?> l<fc<m
288 Then we have Vk~i + ? <*lk — V forl^Aglm. f(x) if continuous on eachof the intervals [t^.^ + y, rjk — y\. Hence there is a partition of each such that, summing over all these intervals, we have v d 2 For the intervals [*7o> *7o + >* L [ *)k — 7> Vk + yl Wlt^ 0 < & < m» and [Vm — Y> Vm\y we nave without having to partition any of them further that s?2c, so that, summing over these intervals, we have ??s < 2c Tie — 2c • 2my < —. Hence we have produced a partition of [a,b] such that Definition 86: jb f (af) dx = — ja f (x) dx, a b i. r. h. s. i. m. 42 _ 32 7 2 2 4 3 Example: \ x dx = — J x dx = — 4 3 Definition 87: // f(a) is defined, then jaf{x)dx = 0. a fx 1 dx = 0. x — l
289 CHAPTER 26 THEOREMS ON THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL Theorem 372: J6/(«) dx + j"f(x) dx = 0 , a b if one of the two integrals is meaningful. Proof: Definitions 86 and 87. Theorem 373: // a^a^p^b or a^a^P^b, then ff(x) dx rb exists provided that f(x) dx exists. a a Proof: The case a = p is obvious; therefore let a 7^ /?, so that w.l.g., a g a < p ^ b. By Theorem 362, f(x) is bounded on [a, b] and so on [a, /?]. For <5 > 0, we choose a partition of [a, &] with Etfs < d. W.l.g., let a and § be points of division; for by Theorem 365 (applied to f(x) and — f(x)), 2 ?S does not increase if we add one or two points of division to a partition (since He I and — iLek do not increase). In this way, if we discard the interval from a to a and the one from ft to b, we have a partition of [a, ft] with Hes < 6. Theorem 374: If a < b < c and if f(x) dx and f f{x)dx exist, then a b I f(x)dx exists and a ff(x) dx = jbf(x) dx + jcf(x) dx. a a b Proof: 1) By Theorem 362, f(x) is bounded on [a, b] and on [b, c] and so on [a, c]. For d > 0 we choose a partition of [a, fr] with v d Zes < — 2
290 and one of [b, c] with V ^ * Z*es < —. 2 Then we have a partition of fa, c] with S^s < d. Therefore, I f(x) dx exists. a 2) We divide each of the intervals [a, b] and [bt c] into n equal parts and we always let $v be the smaller of the two end points of the corresponding sub-interval. Then we have S «/(?)+ S «/(«= S «/(?), [a, »] [b, c] [a, c] and letting « —* oo, we have J6/(*) dx + jCf(x) dx = j"f(x) dx. aba Theorem 375: \bf{x) dx + jC\f{x) dx + f*f(x) dx = 0, a b c if two of the integrals are meaningful. Proof: The assertion is true for a < b < c by Theorems 373 and 374; it is obvious for a = b g c and for a ^b = c. Hence it is true for a fg b 5s c. Multiplication by — 1 gives the theorem for c g & g a. Now the assertion does not change if we permute a, b, and c "cyclically" on the left-hand side, i.e. only, the order of the terms is changed if a, b, c is replaced by b, c, a or by r, a, b, so that the first, second* and third term is sent into the second, third, and first term, or into the third, first, and second term. Therefore, the assertion is true for b g c !g a, c fg a g b, b g a :g c, and age 5= &, and hence always. Theorem 376: J6 (/(%) + g(*)) d* = jbf(x) dx + jbg(x) dx, a a a i. r. h. s. i.m. Proof: W.l.g., let a < b (since a= b is obvious and a > 6 follows by multiplication of the equation by — 1). S M/fo) + g(?,)) = S «,/(?,) + S «,?(?,). For every ? > 0, we have for suitable s > 0 and for ev < e that ? evf(i-v)-{bf(x)dx <-J ¦ »=1 a I ^ as well as S«,g(f») — j"s(x)dx <T
291 so that v==1 a a Example: f4 A + a;) ^ = ^ dx + {*% dx = D — 3) + <<5. 42--32 9 3 3 fib m m fib fib m m fib Theorem 377: S fk(x)dx= S fk(x)dx} J fc=i fc=i J i. r. /t. j. i. m. Briefly, Js-zJ- Proof: w = 1: Obvious. To proceed from m to w + 1: By Theorem 376, we have ! m+l fib m fib \ fib S /*(*)<** = S /*(*)<** + /w+i(*)«to fc=l J k=lJ J a a I a fib m pb fib t m \ = J 2 /»(*) rf* + J /m+1(*) ^ = J ( S /* (*) + /„,+1 (*) J <** a a a fib m+l = 2 /*(*) J fc=l id*. Theorem 378: jbCf(x) dx = C J6/(*) <** . t. r. /*. s. i. m. Proof: W.l.g., let a < b. E«,C/(*,) = CE«,/(f,). V=l V=l For every ? > 0, we have for suitable e > 0 and for ?v < e that so that S e,t(t,)-fit(x)ix ? «„C/(*,)-Cf/(*)«fc < 6 |C| + 1 C| <a. |c| + i Theorem 379: J (/(*) — g(*)) dx = j f(x)dx— j g(x) dx, i. r. h. s. i. m.
292 Proof: f — g = f + (—l)g, Theorems 378 and 376. Theorem 380: // J f{x)dx4n4---['g{x)~dx exist, then j f{x)g(x)dx a a a exists. Proof: W.l.g., let a<b. By Theorem 362, f(x) and g(x) and hence f(x)g(x) are bounded on [a, b]. We have for x* and x2 on [a, b] that A) /(*i) g(*i) — /(*) g{x2) = /(%)(f(x,)-gW) +g(*)(/(%) -/(*,)) • Choose c such that |/(*)| <c> \g{*)\ <c on fa, b], and let /, s", and ^ be the oscillations of f(x), g(x), and f(x)g(x) respectively on a sub-interval. Then by A), if xx arid x2 are in the same sub- interval, we have /(*i) g(%) - /(*•) ?(*¦) ^ I /(%) 11 g{*i) - gW I +1 g(*2) 11 /(%) - /(*.) I so that, by Theorem 360, s fg cs" + cs', which is < 6 for any <3 > 0;for a suitable partition. Theorem 381: // m is an integer > 0 and if fk(x)dx exists for every a nb m integral k with 1 :g k ^ m, then I II fk(x)dx exists. J k = l a Proof: m= 1: Obvious. To proceed from m to m + 1: m+l m n/*(*)= n/*(*)./m+1(*), and Theorem 380. Theorem 382:, // I f(x)dx exists and if r dx for a^x^b (or b ^ x ^ a), then I 7-— exists. J fix) /(*) I > P > 0
293 Proof: W.l.g., let a < b; let / be the oscillation of f(x) in a sub-interval and i" that of . For xx and x2 in the sub-interval, we have i /(*i) /(*,) g^|/(*x)-/WU^ so that s^- ?2 which is < E for every d > 0, for a suitable partition. Theorem 383: // J f(x)dx and J g(x)dx exist, and if a a | g(x) \p>P>0 ' Cb i (x) for a ^ x ^ b (or b fg x ^ a), then I rf# exists. J g(x) Proof: Theorems 382 and 380. g(*) a Theorem 384: // I f(x) dx^exists and if I (or X) is the l.u.b. (or g.l.b.) a > (or b ^x^a), then X{b — a)^ jbf(x) dx ^ l(b — a) a l(b — a) ^ jbf(x) dx ^ X(b — a), of f(x) for a^x^b (or b ^x^a), then rb (or respectively). Proof: 1) a=z=b is obvious. 2) If a < fe then so that AF — a)^ jbf(x)dx^l(b — a). a 3) If a > 6, then by 2), we have A (a — b) ^ Ja/(*) dx^l(a — b)> b and our assertion fallows upon multiplication by — 1.
294 Theorem 385: Let J f{x)dx exist and let a I /(*) I ^c for a^X^b (or b^x^a). Then we have ft(x)d* fg c | b — a\ Proof; 1) a = b is obvious. 2) For a <b, since we have by Theorem 384 that — c(b — a)^ jbf(x) dx ^ c(b — a). 3) For a > b, the assertion follows from 2) since jbf(x)dx=-faf(x)dx. a b Theorem 386: Let a < b, let f f(x)dx exist, and let a /(•*") gO on [a, b]. Then we have jbf(x)dx^Q. a Preliminary Remark: If we assume the stronger hypothesis /O)>0 on [a, b], then we still get only jbf(x) dx^O a from the following proof. This is why Theorem 388 will be so gratifying. Proof: Ai>;0 and Theorem 384. Theorem 387: If a < b and if J f(x) dx exists, then f(x) is continuous at some ? with a < ? < b. a Preliminary Remark: From this it follows that }(x) is continuous at infinitely many ? with a < I < b. Proof: If a < ft and if J f{x) dx exists, then for every v > 0 there exists a a closed interval iti the interior of [a, /?] such that
295 For, we choose a partition with n S evsv < tj(P — a). Then we have n rj(P — a) > Min sv • 2 ev = (/? — a) Min sv, so that one sv <T). We obtain the required interval by "cutting off both ends." In the interior of [a, b], we choose a [aa), b{1)] with s < 1, in the interior of [aa\ 6<i>] a [aB>, 6<2)] with etc. I.e. (as is obvious by proceeding from m to m + 1), we choose two sequences of numbers a(m) f frm) t „i ^> i an integer with j a < a^ , 6A) < b, a(m) < a(m+1) b*m+1) < 6(TO), so that on [a(m), b{m)] we have A) s<—. The a(w) are bounded from above (they are < b) ; hence lim a{m) = | m=oo exists. We have a < f < 6, and, in fact, a(m) < f < fe(w> *or every w. Let d be given and let m > — . For a suitable e > 0 which is independent b of w, and hence of <5, we have a(m) < |_?, f +? < fe(w). Hence by A), we have for \x — I | ^ s that I/(*)-/(*)!< — < *. ' ' m Therefore f(x) is continuous at |.
296 rb Theorem 388: Let a <b, let J f{x)dx exist, and let a f(x) > 0 on [a,b]. Then we have jbf{x) dx > 0 . a Proof: By Theorem 387, let ? be a value in the interior of the interval at which f(x) is continuous. We set /(i) = *(><>). Hence there exist a, fi with a < a < f < p <b, /(*)>! on [affl. Therefore we have by Theorems 384 and 386 that r-r+r-r+f+r&o+ic—>+•>•• a a a a a 0 Theorem 389: If a < b, if J /(#) rf# and J g(#) rf# ejmJ, and if a a f[x) <g(x) on [a,b], then j"f(x)dx ^j"g(x)dx. a a y^ o Proof: g{x)—f(x)^0, so that, by Theorems 379 and 386, jbg(x) dx - ff(x) dx = jb (g (x) - f(x)) dx^Q. a a a Theorem 390: Let a < b, let f(x) be bounded from above on [a,b\ and let I be the l.u.b. of f(x) on [a, b]. Let J g(x)dx and J f(x)g(x)dx exist, and let a a g(x) ^ 0 on [a, b]. Then we have j f(x)g(x)dx ^ / j g(x)dx.
297 Preliminary Remark: If f(x) is bounded from below (instead of from above), and if X is its g.l.b., then by applying this result to —f(x) we obtain f (- /(*)) g(x) dx =? (- A) \\(x) dx, a a j f(x) g(x) dx^ X j g(x)dx. a a, Proof: (l — f(x))g{x)^0. (l — M)g(x)=lg(*)-t(x)g(x) is integrable from a to b. Therefore by Theorem 386, we have lj"g(x)dx - j"f(x) g(x) dx *= j\l - /(*)) g(x) dx^O. a a a Theorem 391 (first mean-value theorem of the integral calculus) : Let rb a < b, let f(x) be continuous on [a, b], let J g(x) dx exist, and let a g(x) §0 ow [a, b]. Then there exists a ? on [a,b] such that ff(x)g{x)dx = f(S)jbg(x)dx. a a Proof: Let X be the least, / the largest value of }(x) on [a, b]. I f(x)g(x)dx exists by Theorems 369 and 380. Therefore we have by Theo- a rem 390 and its preliminary remark that A) A jbg(x) dx ^ j"f(x) g(x) dx <, I fg(x) dx. a a a m\bg{x)dx is continuous on the ^-interval fa, b] and attains thereon its least value X\ g(x)dx, and its greatest value / f g(x) dx. Therefore, by A) and Theo- <* a rem 152, there exists a I on [a, b] such that jbf(x)g(x)dx = f(i)jbg(x)dx.
298 Theorem 392: // a < b and if f(x) is continuous on [a, b], then there exists a ? on [a,b] such that j"f(x)dx~ftt){b-a). a Proof: Theorem 391 with g(x) = 1. Theorem 393: Let a < b and let I f(x) dx exist, so that a j*f(y)dy=F(x) a exists on [a,b]. Then F(x) is continuous on [a,b]. Proof: If ? and ? + h belong to [a, b], then we have by Theorem 375 that F(f + h) - F(f) = f+hf(x) dx - ff{x) dx = f+hf(x) dx. a a ? Choose c such that |/(#j) | < c on [o, b]. Then we have by Theorem 385 j that F(? + A) — F({) I = fhf(x)dx\^c\h\; i , i d and therefore for every d > 0 we have for | h \ < e = — that c |F(f+ *) —F(f)| <<S. Jb f(x) dx exist, so that a Cb jbf(y)dy = G(x) X exists on [a,b]. Then G(x) is continuous on [a,b]. Proof: ?(x)+G(x) = jbf(y)dy, a G(x) =—JF(x)+ a constant, and Theorem 393. /b f(x) dx exist, and let f(x) be continuous a at some f with a < ? < b. Then F(x) = jXf(v)dy a is differentiable at ?, and 1 F'(f) = m.
299 Proof: We have for 0 < | h | ^ Min (b — f, ? — a) that r?+ft. F(f+ *) —F(f) = Je+*/(*)rf*. A/(f) = f+*/(f)rf*, F(f + A) - F(f) - A /(f) = f+\f(x) -/(I)) 4* . I If d > 0 is given, then for a suitable positive ? Ss Min F—f, ?—«) we have \f(*)—f(S)\<6 for |*-f| <e; and hence, by Theorem 385, we have for 0 < | h | < e that |F(f+ A)-F(f)-A/(|)|^|A|<5, F(? + A)-F(?) ¦/(*) <<5. Therefore, F'(f)'=/(«)¦ Theorem 396: Le? a < &, /e? f{x\dx exist, and let f(x) be continuous a ?n we have that G(x)=jbf(y)dy at some ? with a < ? < b. Then we have that rb is differ entiable at ? and that G'(f) =-/(?). Proof: G(jr) = — F(#) + a constant, and Theorem 395. Theorem 397: Let a <b and let f(x) and g{x) be continuous on \a,b]. Let g(x) be an indefinite integral of f(x) for a < x < b (i.e. g'(x) = f(x)). Then we have lbf(x)dx = g(b)-g(a). a Proof: If we set F(#) = \Xf{y)dy on [a,b], a then we have by Theorem 395 that F'D = f(x) = g'(x) for a < x < b.
300 Therefore, we have by Theorems 393 and 162 that J* M dy - m = FF) -g(i)~= F(ay - g(a) = - g(«). a Theorem 398: Let a> b and let f(x) and g(x) be continuous on [b, a]. Let g(x) be an indefinite integral of f(x) for b < x < a. Then we have jbf(x)dx = g(b)-g(a). a Proof: By Theorem 397, we have p(x)dx=g(a)-g(b). This is to be multiplied by — 1. Examples: In practical calculations, we set g(b)-g(a)=;{g(x)}ba. 1) For a =? b we have by Theorems 397 and 398, and for a = b we have trivially, for we have More generally, Theorems 397 and 398 allow us to calculate a definite integral of a continuous function provided we know a continuous function on the closed interval which is the indefinite integral in the open interval. 2) f — ={log*}* =log& for b>0. Theorem 399: Let a < b, lei j f{x)dx exist, and let g{x) be continuous on [a, b] with a g'(x) =/(*) for a<x <b. Then we have jbf(x)dx = g(b)-g(a).
301 Preliminary Remark: Theorem 399 contains Theorem 397 as a special case, but it is hardly any more difficult to prove. Proof 2 For every partition of [a, b], we have by Theorem 159 that n n g(b)—g(a)= S (gK)— g(av-i)) = S evg'(?v) n = S evf(gv), av-x < f„ < av, For d > 0, we choose a partition such that for an arbitrary Choice of {v on [ av~x > av ] > and m particular for the above choice, we have ?evf($v)-fbf(x)dx Then we have <«5. < g(b)~g(a)-j f(x)dx 1 The left-hand side is independent of d and so is equal to 0. Theorem 400: If a < b and if J f(x) dx exists, then J | f(x) I dx exists, and jbf(x)dx\^jb\f(x)\dx. Proof: 1) By Theorem 362, /(.*•) and hence | f(x) \ is bounded on [a, b]. Let S be the oscillation of f(x) in a sub-interval, ^ the oscillation of | f(x) \. Since |/(%)|-|/w|^|/K)-/w|, we have s ^S, so that for every d > 0 and for a suitable partition, we have S es fg EtfS < d. 2) Since we have by Theorem 389 and by 1) that - j" | /(*) | rf* <i /*/(*) rf* ^ J*| /(*) | dx .
302 We now come to the most important and the only deep theorem of this chapter, the so-called second mean-value theorem (Theorem 405), which requires a few preliminaries. Theorem 401, which follows, and which is often very useful, does not involve integrals but expresses a property of finite sums. Theorem 401: Let n §^ 1 be an integer, ev 2^ ev+i for 1 ^ v $L n — 1, v an integer (so that nothing is required for w=l), <xv arbitrary for 1 ^ v ^ n, v an integer , A ^ Sfl ^ B for I <L q <* n, q an integer , where A and B are independent of q (e.g, A = Min Sg, B = Max Sq). Then we have n Ae1 ^ 2 evoiv ^ Be1. Proof: m= 1 is obvious. If n > 1 then n n n-1 2 ?vav = ^Sj + 2 ev(Sv — S^J = 2 Sv(€v — €v+1) + Sne„ V=2 /n-1 f ^B^S (^ —c,+1)+cn)=Bei> ^ A ( 2 (ev — ev+1) + enJ =Ae1. rb Theorem 402: Let a < b, let J f{x)dx exist, and let y(x) be mono- a tonically non-increasing on \a, b]. Furthermore let xp{a) = 1, yF) ^ o. Then there exists a ? on [a,b] such that ff(x)y>(x)dx=j*f(x)dx.
303 Proof: For an arbitrary partition of [a, b]f let ev, lvt Av, sv be defined as usual with respect to j(x). Let li = a and choose the remaining ?9 arbitrarily on [ av_v av]. Then by Theorem 384, we have for integral q with l^q^n that f evXv ^ f Fvf(x)dx = \aqf{x)dx ^ ?*„/„. v=i v=i «v-l Furthermore, we have so that V = l V = l 1>=1 ja«f(x)dx- ?«,/(*,) ^ S ^vsv ^ S *vsv. 1>=1 J /(#) rf# is by Theorem 393 continuous on the ^-interval [a, b]. Let its least a value there be C, its largest value D. ^hen we have for 1 f§ q ^ n that v*=i n ro n q C—Tievsv^ \ 9f(x)dx — Hevsv^ Tievf(?v) ^ jaV(*) <** + ? *vsv ^ d + s *v sv. In Theorem 401 we take ev = y(fv) for 1 <^ v <, w (so that all of the hypotheses on the ey are satisfied), J\ —= \s ?j Cy Sp f B = D + S ev sv v=l By this theorem, we have (since e1= 1) C— 2*,s, ^ S *,/(&,) y(W ^ D + S evsv. f(x)rp{x)dx exists by Theorems 370 and 380. For sufficiently small
304 Max ev , the three members of this last formula are arbitrarily close to Grf?t*}V(*)rf*> D- a Therefore C ^ jbf(x) tp{x) dx ^ D. a Since | f(x)dx is continuous on [a, b], there exists a I on [a, b] such that J*/(*M*)<fr = /*/(*)<**• a a Theorem 403: // in the hypotheses of Theorem 402, we ui*yen*e vunri the hypothesis tp(a) = 1, I then there exists a f on [a,b] sudh that # a Proof: ^(a) ^0. 1) If V>(a) = 0, then ip{x) = 0 on [a, b], j"f(x) v(x)dx = 0, a and every | on [a,b] is of the required kind. 2) If tp(a) > 0, then Theorem 402 is applicable to ^— in place of \p(x) and yields for a suit- tp{a) able I on [a, b] that ;,„>¦*;*-jw- a xp{a) a Theorem 404s Let a < b, let f f(x) dx exist, and let y>(x) be mono- a tonically non-increasing and ^0 on [a,b\. Let
305 y>(a) ^ cx, f/w dx ^ c% on [a, b]. Then we have fb f(x) rp(x)dx ^ cxc2 Preliminary Remark: This theorem is not needed for the proof of Theorem 405, but it is important for many applications. Proof: Theorem 403. Examples: 1) For 0 < a < b we have r sin x J x a for, Theorem 404 can be applied witb dx <, 1 1 f(x) = sin x, y(x) =f= —* cx = — > c2 — 2, since sin #dx\ = {— cos x) = — cos y -f cos a J I Ja I I a I 2) For 0 < a < b we have, setting ^2, f(x) = 2x cos (x2), y>(#) 2a: ct — 2a c2 = 2, that, since [v2x cos (a;2) ^ I ** I {sin (a:2)}1' I = I sin (y2) — sin (a2) I < 2, J cos (x2) ix = J /(a:) y>(#) rf# Theorem 405 (second mean-value theorem of the integral calculus) \ Let rb a <b, let J f(x) dx exist, and let g(x) be monotonic on [a,b]. Then there exists a f on [afb] such that rf> f? j f(x)]g(x) dx = g(a) ff(x) dx + g(b) jbf(x) dx. a a |
306 Proof: W.l.g., let g(x) be monotonically non-increasing (otHerwise consider — g(x) instead of g(x))t so that y>(x)^g^)-~ g(b) is monotonically non-increasing and y>(b) = 0. Hence, by Theorem 403, there exists a ? on [a, b] such that f /(*) (g(«) -g(b)) dx = (g{a)-g(b)) ]*/(*) «**, J" f(x) g{x) Ax = g(b) j" f(x) dx + g(a) f f{x)dx - g(b) f f(x) dx a a a a = g(a)ff(x)dx+g(b) jbf(x)dx. I Theorem 406 (translation) : Let a < b and let f(x) dx exist. Then a jbf(x)dx^jb-Cf(y + c)dy. Proof: For an arbitrary partition of [a — c, b — c], we have that if fv is in the v-th sub-interval, then V=l V=l where on the right we have the corresponding (Av = av + c) partition of [a, b] and ?v = fv + c . The right-hand side of this equation is, for suitably small Max ev, arbitrarily close to the left-hand side of the equation in the theorem. Theorem 407 (reflection) : Let a <b and let j f(x) dx exist. Then a j"f(x)dx = j-af(-y)dy. a -b Proof: For an arbitrary partition of [—b, —a], we have that if fv is in the v-th sub-interval then v=i r=i where on the right we have the corresponding (Av = — av) partition of [a, b] labeled in reverse order, and ?v = —|v. The right-hand side of this
307 equation is, for suitably small Max ev, arbitrarily close to the left-hand side of the equality in the theorem. Theorem 408 (elongation): Let a < b, let f f(x)dx exist, and let a fi > 0. Then j f(x)dx = jj, j*1f{[iy) dy . a a a b Proof: For an arbitrary partition of [ —» —], we have that if fv is in ft fl the v-th sub-interval then (i) L„/w=-SE„/(g, v=l f1 V=l where on the right we have the corresponding "elongated" (Av = fiav, E„ — uev) partition of [afb]9 and Cv = pfy. If € Max ev < — then Max Ev = Max (juev) < e . The right-hand side of A) is, for suitably small Max ev , arbitrarily close to — times the left-hand side of the equality in the theorem. /^ Theorem 409: (Van der Corput—Landau) : There exists a universal constant p with the following property. Let a < b, r > 0, and /"(*) > r on [a,b]. Then we have rb cos f(x)dx Vr Preliminary Remark: This theorem, important in analytic number theory, is an application of Theorem 404. Incidentally, we prove this with Proof: 1) Since f'(x) > 0, f(x) is continuous and monotonically increasing on [a, b]. The interval [a, b] thus breaks into at most two intervals such that f (x) ^ 0 on one and f (x) ^ 0 on the other.
308 Consequently, it suffices to prove our assertion for every such interval with p = 3. W.l.g., let For otherwise we consider *(*)=/(— x) on [— bf — a]; and since g"(x)=*f"(-*)>r, we have by Theorem 407 that rb I cos f(x) dx\ = j "cos /(— x) dx \— J "cos g(#) o 11—6 ' I —6 2) Hence for [a,b], let /'(*) ^0,'i /"(*) >r>0. dx 3 Vr I) If b — a^ V'f then by Theorem 385 we have I f & cos/(#) dx • a II) if 1 3 yV Vr b — a> v; then we have by I) that cos f(x)dx < so that it suffices to prove rb J cos f(x)dx Vr Vr 2 Vr By Theorem 159, we have \ l Vr) Vr V
309 so that Since f la + ~\ >0+—=.r= Vr \ Vr/ Vr is monotonically decreasing and > 0 on [a -\- _, b ], ^e have by Theorem V Y 404 (with the continuous d sin/(#) dx in place of j(x)> = /'(*) COS/(*) c2 = 2) that '(' + $ J cos f(x)dx Vr J v* b dsinf(x) dx y)(x) dx Vr ^ C1C2 < -"T^ Vr 1 in fact, we have for y in [ a + —= , & ] that r * isin/(*) rf% <fo V"r {s*/(*)}«+* Vr 2 = fc> Theorem 410 (analogue to integration by parts) : Let a <b, and let J f(x) dx and | g(x) dx exist. Let A and B be arbitrary, and let F(*) = f/(y)<*y + A a G(x) = jxg(y)dy + B on [a, b]. Then we have jb?(x) g(x) dx = {F(x) G(x)}"a - j"f(x) G(x) dx. a a Preliminary Remark: If in addition, f(x) and g(x) are continuous on [a, b], then the assertion follows from Theorems 393, 395, and 397, since we then have for a < x < b that (F(x)G(x))' = F(x)g(x)+f(x)G(x),
310 so that JV(*) g{x) + f{x) G(x)) dx = {F(x) G(*)>; Proof: Choose c such that |F(*)|^c, |G(*)|^c on [a,b]. For every partition we have {F(*)G(*)}*= 2 (FK)GK)-FK_1)G(av_1)) ° V = l = ? G(«„) (F(a„) -F(a„)) + 5 FK_X)(GK) - G^)) 1> = 1 = S G(«„) /"" /(*) rf* + ? F(a„) J%(*)rf*. V = l af-l V = l av_l Let Sir be the oscillation of f(x) and Sv the oscillation of g(x) on [dv^x , av]> Then we have thereon that /K) — sv ^ /(*) ^ /(**) + sv> g(«M) — sv S g(x) ^ g{<*v-i) + s*; and hence we have evf{av) —evsv ^ f(x)dx f? evf(av) -\- ev$f, epg(av-i) — ev§v ^ J g(x)dx ? evg{av_x) + evSv, av-l ^ ev sv, j v f(x)dx — evf(av) av-i j v g(x) dx — evg(av^) av-l G (av) Fv f(x) dx — ev f(av) G(av) av-l FK-i) fvg(x)dx—evY{av^1)g{av_1 —s Cy w5y , —5s C C<y 0|/ , av-l (F(*)G(*)}*— S «,/(*) G(a,)- S «,F(Vl)g(«H) V = l S evsv + 2 ^Syl .
311 Now by Theorem 380, [b f(x) G(x)dx and f F(x)g(x)dx exist. Hence a a for a suitable partition, the right-hand side is arbitrarily close to 0, the left- hand side arbitrarily close to {F(x) G(*)}* —J*/(«) G(x)dx-jbF(x) g(x)dx a a Therefore this number is 0. As a conclusion to this chapter I give two more proofs of Weierstrass' Theorem (Theorem 155). We had reduced everything by trivial transformations to the proof of the following statement (old first case) : Let f(x) be continuous on [0, 1] arid let thereon. Then for every d > 0 there prists a polynomial P(^) such that A) \f(x)-P(x)\<don [l/3,%]- 1) Our previous proof of this is Simon's revision of the following earlier proof of mine. Applying the theory of the definite integral makes the matter more transparent. Let n be an integer ^ 1. I set le = fX(l — «2)n du for 0 ^ e < 1 e and first prove that . I* hm ~ = 0 for 0 < e < 1. n=oo 1q In fact, we have JV— u*)ndu < (l—e)(l—e2)n < (l—e2)n> e and furthermore f(l — u2)ndu ^ \1(l—u)ndu = f°(l + v)ndv = \1wndw = -> 0 0^ -1 0 ~l~ so that 0 ^~< (n+ 1)A—e2)?l->0.
312 I now consider the polynomial (sic!) p(*) = o - -- _Q(*) 2I0 2I0 ' and will prove the inequality A) for a suitable «, i.e. I Q(x) - 2f(x) I, | < 2dl0 on [i/3J/3]. By Theorem 154, we choose for a given d > 0 an s with 0 < e < J such that B) | /(*) — f{x) |<— forO^*^l, 0^*^1, |* — *|^c. Now let so that We set 0 < X € < X < X + E < 1. | Q1(x)=jX-ef(z)(l-(z-xr)«dz, o Q2(*) = f+?/B)(i-(z-*J)"^, Q»(*) = f/W (i-(«-*)•)"&. Then we have Q(*) = QiW + Q8(*) + Q»(*) • Now by Theorem 400 we have 0 -# ? | Q3(x) | ^ ^A — (z — x)*)*dz = ^(l—u^du < I, ; and furthermore we have Q2(x) — 2f(x)I0 = f*f(x + u)(l— u2)ndu — 2f(x) JV — u2)ndu -e o = jef(x + u)(l—u2)ndu — 2f(x)je(l — ii2)ndu — 2f(x)Ie -e o r= f (/(* + u)— f(x)) A - u2Y du - 2f(x) le,
313 so that, by Theorem 400, | Q,(«) - 2f(x) I0| ? I J> - «•)» A, + 2Ie = «.Je(l - «•)« +j| -e o <<5Io + 2Ie. Therefore we have | Q(*) - 2f(x) I0 | = | (Q2(*) - 2f(x) I0) + Q,(*) + Qa <CI0 + 2I? + I? + I€ = ^I0 + 4I6. Finally, we have for suitable n that 41, < dl0. 2) The following proof of S. Bernstein's, in which integrals do not occur, yields a P(x) valid for the entire interval [0, 1] and is distinguished for its brevity. j As an abbreviation, let (pv = tpv (x; n) for integral v, n with 0 ^ v ^ n be the function ( J xv A — %)n"v. Then by Theorem 180, we have for n > 1 n S ^„ v=z 1 , that n n—1 /^ J\ 2 ^ = w^ 2 i j xt* (l — x)n-x-fl = »% , S *>(*> — I)?, = *(n — l)*2 S (n ~~ ) %/'(l — *)"-2-/* = w(w — 1) ft{v — nxJ<pv = E(n2*2 — Bm*—1) * + v(i>—1))?„ ?=o l>=0 = iflx2— Bnx— 1) nx + n(n— 1) x2 = nx(l — x). Let d > 0 be given. Choose an e > 0 such that B) holds, and choose an n 2 greater than both 1 and -r-^. Then we have for 0 < x < 1 that <5e2 — ~ 6 n n C ^ 2 7} ^ ~ 2 <pv + 2 S <p, ^ -- Z 9, + -r-r S (v — w*J <fv I v- nx I ^ en I i>-*ix| > en. S 2*A —*) ?*W < «•
314 CHAPTER 27 INTEGRATION OF INFINITE SERIES Introduction A) Let a < b. When do we have r*b oo /•0 oo oo /»ft J n=l n=lJ In any case, two hypotheses must be made. 1) Fn = f/„(*)<** exists for every n ^ 1. II) /(*) = S /„(x) n=l exists on fa, 6] (i.e. this series converges). In any case the following three questions are involved: ' f b 1) Does f(x)dx exist, i.e. is the left-hand side of A) meaningful? a oo 2) Does X Fn exist, i.e. is the right-hand side of A) meaningful? n=l 3) (If 1) and 2) are answered in the affirmative) : Is the left-hand side of A) equal to the right-hand side of A) ? We shall now give an example where I) and II) hold, and where 1) and 2) are answered in the affirmative, but where 3) is answered in the negative. In fact, we shall have a = 0, 6 = 1, jn(x) continuous on [0,1], f(x) continuous on [0,1].
315 We set fn(x) = x (ne~nx% — (n — 1) *-<»-D*f) . fn(x) is then continuous on [0,1}. For integral w^l we have m S/w(*) = *m*-ma;\ The right-hand side is 0 at # = 0, and therefore converges to 0 at this point as m —> oo ; for 0 < x ^ 1 it also converges to 0 as m —> oo. Therefore we have for [0, 1] that •S /»(*) = o. This /(*) = o is continuous on [0,1]. We have f1f(x)dx = j10dx = 0. 0 j 0 Furthermore, F„ = ^jn(x)dx o exists. For integral m §; 1 we have S Fn = S J fn(x)dx = f S /,(*)** = J xme—'dx »=1 n=lJ ? »=1 0 and hence we have 00 S Fn«*. n=l Finally, we have And yet we will save A) by adding further hypotheses.
316 Theorem 411: Let n=l converge uniformly on [a, b]. Let every fn(x) be integrable from a to b (say, for example, continuous on [a, b]). Set s /.(*) = /(*) n = l and let f(x) be integrable from a\ to b. Then we have p6 oo ' oo *b /•& oo i oo /%& •/ n=l n = l J Preliminary Remark: The existence of the left-hand side is one of our hypotheses, and our conclusion is that lim S J fn(x) dx = f f(x) dx . w=oo n==l Proof: Let <5 > 0 be given. Then there exists a // independent of x such that if we set m s /„(*) = sM(*), and n=1 f(x)—Sm(x)=rm(x), then we have A I rm(x) \ < for m^ ft, x on [a, ft]. 2 (b — a) Since /(#) and Sm(x) are integrable from a to 6, so is rm(x) also, and we find that for m Si p, we have I j"f(x)dx-1 J*/n(*) dx\ = \ jbf(x) dx - jX(*) dx \ a n — 1 a I I a a
317 Theorem 412: Let converge uniformly on [a,b]. Let every fn(x) be integrable from a to b. Then we have qo cb f ? fn{x)dx= 2 [ fn(*)dx. Preliminary Remark: Hence in Theorem 411 the hypothesis that f(x) be integrable may be removed. I proved Theorem 411 first because its proof was shorter. In any event, it now suffices to show that /(*)=l?/n(*) n = l is integrable. Proof: Let d > 0 be given and define SOT(^r) and rm(x) for m ^ 1 as in the preceding proof. Choose m such that (i) \r™{x)\<Mf=^) on [a'b]- Therefore rm(x) is bounded; so is Sm(x), and hence f(x) is also bounded. Now let s, s\ s" be the oscillations of f(x), Sm(x), and rm(x), respectively, in some sub-interval. Then if a and /? are in this sub-interval, we have /(«) - f((S) = (Sm(«) - Sm(/?)) + (r.(a) - rm(/»)) ^ s' + s" . Therefore we have s Ss' + s". For every partition of [a,b] (we cannot very well call the number of intervals w, since n is now employed as a summation index; anyway it does not figure in our abbreviated notation), we have therefore that lies ^ lies' + 2*s" • By A) we have that every <3 s" ^ 2{b — a) Therefore we have Hes ^ Hes' + —
318 Since Sm(;r) is integrable, we have for a suitable partition that v . b lues < — * 2 so that Z,es < 6. Therefore f(x) is integrable.
319 CHAPTER 28 THE IMPROPER INTEGRAL We shall define (for example) Ji dx Why? Definition 88: // for every d > 0 tfrere exists a suitable e > 0 such that \f(x)—y\<d for ?<x<? + e, then we say that lim /(*) = y. To be read "limit from the right." Example: lim Vx = 0. Definition 89: // for every b > 0 there exists a suitable s > 0 such that \f(x)—y\<S for ?—s<x<?t then we say that lim /(*) = y. To be read "limit from the left." Example: lim V— x = 0 , 3=0 Theorem 413: Let a<b. If ff{x)dx
320 exists, then lim J f(x)dx = J f(x)dx and lim Pj{x)dx= ff{x)dx. Proof: Theorems 394 and 393, respectively. Theorem 414: Let a<b. If A) lim j"f(x)dx and B) lim ff(x)dx exist, then these two numbers ar\e equal. Proof: From the existence of A), it follows that J /(*) dx a+b 2 exists; from the existence of B), it follows that a+b j * /(*) dx a exists. Therefore jbf(x)dx a exists, and Theorem 413 proves our assertion. Definition 90: Let a <.b and let A) lim \bf{x)dx or B) lim \Pf(x)dx 3=b exist. Then the number A) or B) is said to be the improper integral, or more briefly, the integral, of }(x) from a to b. What has up to now been Cb denoted by j will from now on be called a proper integral. a Notation: [bf(x)dx.
321 The use of the old symbol is justified by Theorem 413; Theorem 414 ttlso had to precede Definition 90. By Definition 90 and Theorem 413, every proper integral is also an improper one. Jl fa —- = 2 ; Vx 0 for if 0 < a < 1, then the proper integral I -7= = {2V*}* = 2 — 2 Va ; J Vx a and thus we have <x=0 J VX J 2. Vx a '° dx 2; J for if — 1 < (i < 0, then the proper integral —== = { _ 2V— *}__ = — 2V— /? + 2; ^ V AT V X hm = 2. /3=o J V — * and thus we have Km f 0=0 J Theorem 415: Let a < r <b; let J f{x)dx a exist. Then JCf(x)dx, jbf(x)dx, a c exist, and we have jbf(x)dx = jCf{x)dx + jbf(x)dx. a a c Proof: 1) If J is defined by A), then for a < a < c we have r-r-r- a a c
322 where the three integrals are proper; hence the improper integral J exists, and a a c rb 2) If J is defined by B), then for c < /? < b we have c a a where the three integrals are proper; hence the improper integral J exists, and c a a Theorem 416: Let a < b; let jbf(x)dx T a exist. Let k ^ I be an integer, cv-i < cv for 1 H v <J k, v an integer, Co = a> ck = °> then we have k [bf{x)dx= 2 \Cvf(x)dx. CV-1 Proof: k = 1 is obvious, k + 1 follows from k by Theorem 415, since a a ck v~1 cv_x ck v x cv_x Theorem 417: Let k ^ 1 and / ^ 1 &0?/t be integers, yv-x <7V for I ^v^k; fjtv_x < jLtvfor 1 fg v ^ /; v aw integer, 7o = N = a> rk = t*i = b> J* v f(x)dx exist for l^v^k, Yv-l J /(#)^ ^^f for 1 ^ v ^ I.
323 Then we have S J j(x)dx = S J f(x)dx. Vv-i Pv-i Proof: We "superimpose" the two partitions of [a, b], i.e. we consider the different y, [i arranged in increasing order. Every J and every J is, Vv-\ Pv-i by Theorem 416, the sum of a finite number of integrals over the new sub- intervals and, in all, both sides of the above equality are the sum of all of these integrals, and so are equal. Definition 91: If for a, b, f(x), the yv may be chosen in the sense of Theorem 417, then the sum S jVf{x)dx (which, by Theorem 417, is independent 6f the choice of the yv ) is said to be the improper integral of f{x) from a to b. rb Notation: J f(x)dx. (For k=l this definition yields the earlier concept of Definition 90.) The term integral in this chapter will mean the integral as defined in Definition 91, unless otherwise stated. f1 dx Example: for in the sense of Definition 90, we have -i —>. -i —> P* ,*. P* filter)"r_±. J ^ cc=0 J $ x a=0 [2\ / ja 2 o -<— a .<— Theorem 418: Let a < ?\ and let f(x) be properly integrable from a to ft for all a, ft with a < a < ft < b. Let f(x) be bounded for a < x < b.
324 Then ?f[x)dx exists. Proof: We set a + b c = . 2 It suffices to show the existence of A) lim \° f(x)dx, lim \Pf(x)dx. ***a i P=b i ^ a _ ^ c W.l.g., let fa) = f(b) = 0 (even if f(x) was previously undefined, or differently defined, at a or at b) ; for this does not affect the assertion of the existence of the limits A). Then f(x) is bounded on [a, b] : | /(*) | ^ M . Let d > 0 be given. We choose a, ft with a< a< p<b, 2(aL — a)M^—>2(b — p)M ^ — . Since f(x) is properly integrable from a to /?, there exists a partition of fa, /?] with Then if we introduce the intervals [a, a] and [/?, &] as the first and last intervals respectively, we obtain a partition of [a, b] such that ? ^s,<(a —aJM + 4+(& —j»JM^a, so that our f(x) is properly integrable from a to 6. Therefore the limits A) exist (by Theorem 413). fb Theorem 419: If a < b and if f(x) is bounded on [a, b], then J f(x)dx does not necessarily exist. a
325 Proof: Let a = 0, 6 = 1, ,. (O for rational x ) /W={l for irrational *¦) ^^'^ On no sub-interval [a, /?] is j{x) properly integrate, since we always have n 2 ev sv = j8 — a. Definition 92: J6 / (x) dx = — ja f (x) dx, a b i. r. h. s. i. m. This is in agreement with Definition 86. f° dx C1 dx Example: J —= = — I —= = — 2. J Vx J Vx 1 0 Definition 93: // }(a) is not defined, then I Theorem 420: f *f(x)dx + f*f(x)dx = 0, a b if one of the two integrals is meaningful. (The same wording as in Theorem 372.) Proof: a = b is obvious by Definitions 87 and 93; a ^= b is obvious by Definition 92. Theorem 421: // a^a^fi^b or a^a^ P^b, then if \bf{x)dx exists, so does \ f(x) dx. a (The same wording as in Theorem 373.) Proof: W.l.g., let a^a < @ ^b. W.l.g., let a be a y-number (since otherwise, by Theorem 415, we may introduce it as a new one) ; the same for /?. If a = yQ, ft = ya9 then the existence of f = i r J V=Q+1 J d a Yv-l follows from Definition 91. Theorem 422: If a < b < c and if J f(x)dx and J f(x)dx exist, then a b yf(x)dx exists and jcf(x)dx = jbf(x)dx + jCf(x)dx. a a b I (The same wording as in Theorem 374.)
326 Proof: There exist increasing numbers yv> 0 <J v <? k + /, with Yo = a> yk = b> Yk+i = c*. r-1 r- r-s' r- ft Yv-l where all the integrals on the right are integrals in the sense of Definition 90. With this, we have subdivided the interval [a, c] into k + / sub-intervals in the sense of Definition 91, and our conclusion is obvious. Theorem 423: ]*(/(*) + g(x)) dx = jbf(x) dx + jbg(x) dx , a a a i. r. h. s. i. m. (The same wording as in Theorem 376.) Proof: W.l.g., let a < b an(ji let f(x) and g(x) be properly integrable from a to j$ for all a, fi with o<|ca</5<&. By Theorem 376, we have f (/(*) + g{*)) dx = ff{x) dx + fg(x) dx. a a a lim and then lim gives the conclusion. . 0=6 OL—a Theorem 424: J*C f(x) dx = C jb f(x) dx, i. r. h. s. i. m. (The same wording as in Theorem 378.) Proof: W.l.g., as in the above proof. Theorem 378 with a in place of a, /? in place of b, lim, lim. < 0=6 <x=a Theorem 425: jb(f(x) — g(x)) dx = jb f(x) dx — jbg(x) dx, a a a i. r. h. s. i. m. (The same wording as in Theorem 379.) Proof: ' f — g = f+(—i)g9 Theorem 424 and Theorem 423. There is no analogue to Theorem 380 since this analogue admits of a counter-example: If /(*) = m = -4= • Vx
327 then the integrals f f(x) dx and f1 g(x) Sexist, as we know. But J f(x) g(x) dx o ° {log *} = — log a for 0 < a < 1, o does not exist, since *dx x f rdx then I 77-7 exists, which has no lim. a=o fb Theorem 426: // I f(x)dx exists and if a I f(x) I > p > 0 on [a,b] except at the y's, b a I (Almost the same wording as in Tldeorem 382.) i rfidx Proof: W.l.g., let k=l. The proper integral J jrr exists for J j(x) a 1 a a < a < p < b 1 ! by Theorem 382; 7—- is bounded for a < x < b and so, by Theorem 418, it is integrable from a to b. fb Theorem 427: Let a <b and let f(x) dx exist. Let f(x) be bounded a from above on [a,b] except at the ys, and let I be the l.u.b. of f(x) on [a, b]; or let f(x) be bounded from below on \a, b] except at the y's, and let X be the g.l.b. of f(x) on [a, b]. Then we have jbf(x) dx ^ l(b — a) or jbf(x) dx ^ AF — a), a a respectively. (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 384; we probably need not even write down the corresponding statement for a g; b.) Proof: Let [yv_x, yv] be a sub-interval in the sense of Definition 91. By Theorem 384, we havelfor yv_t < a < P < yv that J* ^ I (fi — a) or ^ A (fi — a) respectively, so that / lim , and then lim \ F9?1(yv — Yv-i) or ^i{yv-yv-i)> Yv-l\ k respectively, and 2 yields the conclusion.
328 Theorem 428: Let a < b, let I f{x)dx exist, and let a \j{x)\ ^ij^^}f^ at the y's. Then me have jbf(x)dx ^c (b — a). (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 385.) Proof: Theorem 427 with l^c, I ^—c. rb Theorem 429: Let a <b, let f(x) dx exist, and let a f(x)~0 on [a, b] except at the ys. Then we have (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 386.) Proof; Theorem 427 with X ^ 0. rb Theorem 430: Let a <b, let I f(x)dx exist, and let a f(x) > 0 on [a, b] except at the y's. Then we have jbf(x)dx> 0. a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 388.) Proofs Since f(x) is properly integrable on some sub-interval [a, ft] of [a,b], we have by Theorems 421, 422, 429, and 388, that r-r+j"-r+r+r*r>°- a rb Theorem 431: // a < b, if J g(x)dx and f g(x) dx exist ( w.l.g. with a a the same y's, since we may superimpose them), and if f(x)^ g(x) on [a,b] except at the y's, then J f(x) dx ^ J g(x) dx. a a (Almost the sarne wording as in Theorem 389.)
329 Proof: g(x)— /(#) g: 0 except at the y's, so that, by Theorems 425 and 429, jbg(x) dx-j"f(x) dx = J* {g(x) - f{x))dx ^ 0. a Cb Theorem 432: Let a <b, let J g(x)dx and j f(x) g(x) dx exist (w.l.g. a a with the same y's), and let g(x)"§:Q on [a,b] except at the y's. Let f(x) be bounded from qbove on [a, b] except at the y's, and let I be the l.u.b. of f(x) thereon. Then jbf(x)g(x)dx^l jbg(x)dx. a a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 390.) Preliminary Remark: If we assume that }(x) is bounded from below on [a, b] (instead of from above) except at the y's, and that its g.l.b. is X, then by applying this theorem to —f(x) we obtain jbf(x)g(x)dx^kj"g(x)dx. a a H Proof: By Theorem 429, we have \b(lg{x)-i(x)g{x))dx^Q. a rb Theorem 433: Let a < b, let f(x) be continuous on [a, b], let\ g(x) dx a and J f(x)g(x)dx exist (w.l.g. with the same y's) and let a g(x)^.0 on [a,b] except at the y's. Then there exists a I on [a,b] such that jbf(x)g(x)dx = f(Z)jbg(x)dx. a a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 391.) Proof: Like that of Theorem 391, using Theorem 432 and its preliminary f{x)g(x)dx is already known. a
330 Theorem 434: Let a < b and let f(x) dx exist, so that a a exists on [a,b]. Then F(x) is continuous on [a, b], (The same wording as in Theorem 393.) Preliminary Remark: We arranged our definitions the way we did in order for this to hold for improper integrals also. Proof: 1) If f is on [a,b] and is not a y, then F(#) = a constant + proper J f(y) dy I in a neighborhood of f, and Theorem 393 proves our assertion at ?. 2) If ? is a y, then in case ? < b we have for suitable s > 0 and for I < x f§ ? + e that F(x) = a constant — proper j f(y)dy , and Definition 90 shows the continuity on the right; in case $ > a we have for suitable e > 0 and for ? — e fg x < I that F(jt) = a constant + proper J / (y) dy , and Definition 90 shows the continuity on the left. Theorem 435: Let a < & and let J f(x)dx exist, so that a j"f(y)dy = G(x) X exists on [a, b]. Then G(x) is continuous on [a,b], (The same wording as in Theorem 394.) Proof: Gfp) = jbf(y) dy—F{x) a and Theorem 434. Theorem 436: Let a < b, let j f(x) dx exist, let g(x) be continuous on [a,b], and tot a g'(x) = f(x) for a < x < b except at the ys. Then we have jbf(x)dx = g(b)-g(a). a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 399.)
331 Proof: Because of the "additivity" of both sides of our equality (the reader will understand what is meant), let k = 1 w.l.g. For a < a <§ < b, we have by Theorem 399 that ft(x)dx=*g(fi)-g(*) a Since g(x) is continuous on the left at b and on the right at a, lim followed by lim gives the conclusion, by Theorems 434 and 435. tt=*q Theorem 437: If a < b and if exist, then a a ft(x)dx\gf\f(x)\4x. Preliminary Remark: The wording is almost the same as that of Theorem 400; however the existence of f I f(x) I dx must be explicitly assumed; a J it does not follow from that of J i{x)dx. Counter-example: a = 0, 6=1, f(x) = — sin — x x For 0 < a < 1 we have f1 l • l i f1 l • 1 a CI 1\'j I — sm — dx = I x — sin — dx=\ x I cos — I dx J X X J X X J \ X / a a a f i I1 r1 i , i r1 l j \ x cos — \ — I cos — dx = cos 1 — a cos I cos —dx. { x Ja J X (X. J x f1 1 lim J cos — a=o J x dx exists by Theorem 418 since cos — is bounded for 0 < x ^ 1. For the same x reason, we have 1 lim a cos — = 0. a=o a r1 i • i a I — sm —dx J x x 0 therefore exists.
332 However, A) r1! i i I — sin — J \ x x \dx is meaningless. For, by Theorems 278, 275, and 265, we have for integral m > 0 and n 1 n 2mn -\ ^ — ^ 2m7i + — 4 x 2 that sm- . n 1 sin — = —7= 4 a/2 hence we have for integral m > — that 2# p2mtt+- 2wi»+? 2 1 1 — sin — # x dx V2 X to = —- log | 1 H I > —= log A H 1 > V2 \ 8m + 1/ - V2 \ 9m/ m where p is > 0 and is independent of m. Therefore (since the harmonic series diverges), for every «>0we have for suitable a with 0 < a < 1 that r11 l i I — sin — J \ x x dx > a), so that A) cannot exist. Proof: Since — | f(x) | ^ f(x) ^ | /(*) | on [a, b) except at the /s (which may be taken to be the same for both integrals), we have by Theorem 431 that -jb\f(x)\dx^jbf(x)dx^jb\f(x)\dx. a a a rb Theorem 438: Let a < b and let f[x) dx exist. Then a j%)dx = jbxCf(y + c)dy. a a—c (The same wording as in Theorem 406.)
333 Theorem 439: Let a <b and let j f(x)dx exist. Then a jbM*x = f^f(-y)dy. a -b (The same wording as in Theorem 407.) Theorem 440: Let a < b, let j f(x) dx exist, and let // > 0. Then a 6 a a (The same wording as in Theorem 408.) Simultaneous proof of Theorems 438-440: Follows from Theorems 406-408 by applying them to a, /? with yv^x < a < ft < yv.
334 CHAPTER 29 THE INTEGRAL WITH INFINITE LIMITS If X then f°>f{x)dx = logo, 1 which has no lim. We shall not define 1 X If /(*) = !» «,>o then J co 1 f(x)dx = l x m has the limit 1 as co = oo. We shall define f • dx _ J ~x*~~ 1, Definition 94: f7(*)rf*= lim [°>f{x)dxf a a i. r. h. s. i. m. Definition 95: jbf(x) dx = Urn J*/(*) dx, -oo w (O i. r. K s. L tn.
335 Definition 96: j"f(x) dx = J°/(*) dx + ff{x) dx, —oo —oo 0 i. r. h. s. i. m. dx -j- X (^ = -oo J 1 + X a)=oo J A "T* # Example: J = hm J _ + hrnj 3- a) 0 = lim (— arc tg a>) + lim arc tg a> =— I — — I Definition 97: J"/(*) d* = — ff(x) dx, 00 a i. r. h. s. i. m. Definition 98: J"* f{x) dx = — j*f(x) dx, i 6 —oo Definition 99: J~°°/(*) rf% = — J°°/(*) <**, 00 —CO t. r. «. ,?. i. m. Theorem 441: // the integrals ff(x)d*, j'f(x)dx — 00 C exist for some c, then — 00 exists, and — 00 —00 c Itarf. f-f+f; o) -> — oo yields j*-r+r- — 00 —00 c a) -> oo yields • c ° r=r+r Therefore, we have o c o r+r-r+r. — oo 0 —oo c n + — = n. ^ 2
336 For the remainder of this chapter, each of the limits of integration a, b will stand either for a number, or for oo, or for — oo. Theorem 442: j"(/(*) +^^dx-~ff(x) dx + j"g(x) dx, i. r. h. s. i. m. (The same wording as in Theorem 423.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 423. Theorem 443: jbCf(x)dx = CJbf(x)dx, i. r. h. s. i. m. (The same wording as in Theorem 424.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 424. • jb (/(*) —g{*)) dx= j /(*)dx~j ?(*)dx> Theorem 444 i. r. h. s. i. m. (The same wording as in Theorem 425.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 425. For the remainder of this chapter, we write a < b or a fg b also in the case that a stands for — oo while b is a number or oo ; as well as the case that a is a number while b stands for oo. Furthermore, a < x < & (a^x ^b) means, for a "=" — oo and for every number b, that x is a number < b (:§ b) ; for b "=" oo and for every number o, that x is a number > a (^ a) ; for a "=" — oo, b "i^* oo, that x is a number (in both cases). Let a be a number and let | f(x) dx exist. For every w>owe have that a CO) J is an improper integral in the sense of Definition 91 with a finite number a of y's. In every case we have r 5 pw J l>=0 J a yv where all of the integrals on the right are meant in the sense of Definition 90, yo = a> n><>v+i, and yv increases with v beyond all bounds. The same holds mutatis mutandis for | , where b is a number (with a decreasing y-sequence). -» TOO For J , we therefore have to deal with two y-sequences, one of each kind,
337 Theorem 445: Let a < b, let J f(x\dx exist, and let a f(x) iS 0 for a^x g& except at the y's. Then we have jbf(x)dx^O. a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 429.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 429. Theorem 446: Let a < b, let f f(x)dx exist, and let a f(x) > 0 for a^x^b except at the y's. Then we have jbf(x)dx>0. a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 430.) Proof: Since f(x) is improperly i^itegrable over some interval, the proof proceeds like that of Theorem 430. Theorem 447: If a <b, if f f(x)dx and f g(x) dx exist (w.l.g. with the same y's), and if f(x) ^g(x) for a^x^b except at the y's, then jbf(x)dx^j"g(x)dx. a a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 431.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 431. Theorem 448: Let a < b, let J g(x) dx and I f(x) g(x) dx exist (w.l.g. a a with the same y's), and let g(x)^.0 for a^x ^b except at the y's. Let f(x) be bounded from above for a §= x f§ b except at the y's, and let I be the l.u.b. of f(x) thereon. Then jbf(x)g(x)dx^ljbg(x)dx. (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 432.) Preliminary Remark: If we assume that f(x) is bounded from below
338 for a ^ x ^ b (instead of from above) except at the /s, and that its g.l.b. is A, then by applying this theorem to —f(x) we obtain j"mg{xfdx^Tfg(x)dx. a a Proof: Obvious by Theorem 432. Theorem 449: Let a < b, and let f(x) be continuous on every closed interval belonging to a^x ^b and bounded for a^x>^ b. Let j g(x) dx f(x) g(x) dx exist (w.l.g. with the same /s) and let a a g(x) §: 0 for a^x ^b except at the y's. Then there exists a I on a^x^b such that fbf(x)g(x)dx = mf*g(x)dx. a a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 433.) Proof: If / is the l.u.b. and X the g.l.b. of f(x) for a ^= x ^ b, then we have by Theorem 448 and its preliminary remark that A jbg(x) dx ^ jbf(x)g(x) dx = t^ ljbg(x) dx . a a a W.l.g., let jbg(x)dx > 0; a for otherwise any | on a 5g x g b would be of the required kind. 1) H ljbg(x)dx<t <ljbg(x)dx, a a then somewhere on a :§ x ^ b we have f(S)jbg(x)dx<i, and somewhere so that somewhere 2) Let mjbg(x)dx>t, a f(S)fg(x)dx = t. a t = X J g(x) dx or t — I \ g(x) dx . W.l.g., the latter; for otherwise we would consider —f(x) instead of f(x). It suffices to show that for some ? we have
339 Assume that we always had /(?)</. For a suitable [a,ft] belonging to aj^x^b on which g(x) is properly integrable, we have fg(x)dx>0. r a / — f(x) is continuous on that interval and so is §: p > 0, so that r a Therefore we would have a a have f (' - /(*)) g(*) <** 2s /»f g(*) <** > o. a <x 0 = l jbg(x) dx — t = l ^g{x) dx — \bf{x) g(x) dx > 0. a a a Theorem 450: Let a<b, let \ f(x)dx exist, and let g(x) be con- a tinuous on every closed interval belonging to a^x ^b. If a = — oo, then let lim g(x) = " g(— oo)" exist; if b— ao, then let lim g(x) «=: "g(oo)" exist. x~ 00 Furthermore, let g'(x) = f(x) for a < x < b except at the. y's. Then we have ] f(x)dx = g(b)-g(a). a (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 436.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 436. Theorem 451: If a < b and if f f(x)dx and J \f{x) \dx exist, then a a jbf(x)dx\^jb\f(x)\dx. (The same wording as in Theorem 437.) Proof: Obvious! by Theorem 437.
340 Theorem 452: Let a <b, and let [bf(x)dx exist. Then we have a j 'f(x)Tx~i=y~cf(y + c)dy, a a-c where (just for the moment) zve let a — c mean — oo for a==— oo, and b — c mean oo for b = oo. J (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 438.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 438. Theorem 453: Let a < b, and let I f(x)dx exist. Then we have a \bf(x)dx^l'at(-y)dy, a -b where (just for the moment) we let —a mean oo for a = — oo. (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 439.) Preliminary Remark: We rjeed not mention explicitly that (just for the moment) — b has the meaning]— oo if b = oo ; for what is — oo to stand for if not for — oo ? Proof: Obvious by Theorem,439. Theorem 454: Let a < b, let f(x) dx exist, and let {x > 0. Then we have a b_ ff(x)dx= nffWty, a SL a ¦ b where (just for the moment) we let — mean — oo for a = — ooj and — mean oo for b = oo. (Almost the same wording as in Theorem 440.) Proof: Obvious by Theorem 440. Theorem 455: lim g(x) exists if and only if for every d > 0 there exist a I such that A) | g(x2) — g(x1) \<d for x2> Xl ^ f. Proof: 1) If lim g(x) = c X— oo then we have for every d > 0 and for a suitable I that i i <5 I S(x) — c I < J f°r * ^ ? >
341 so that, for x2 > xx 2: ?, I f(*b) - g(*i) | = | (g(%) - 4 —t?t*i) -c) | < J + j = * • 2) For every b > 0 let there exist a f with A). g(x) is then denned for X~P for a suitable p. By Theorem 206, S (g(P + n + l)-g(p + n)) converges; hence lim g(p + n) = c. n=oo exists. By hypothesis, we further have lim (g(*)—g(*-fi [* — *])) =0; hence we have lim g(x) = c. Theorem 456: Let a be a numtyer. If jmf(x)dx exists for all co > a, then ff(x)dx , exists if and only if for every 6 > 0 there exists a f such that jX>f(x)dx < d for x2> xx ^f. Proof: Theorem 455 with g{*) = fxf(y)<iy- Example: a = 0, /(*) sm# C<°smx ft>> 0,
342 sin x exists, since is continuous for x > 0 and is bounded for 0<x^ co. X 3 Let d > 0. For ^ > %i = "~ we have_hy-the first example to Theorem 404 that I Fxi sin x -dx f *» sin x c J x 2 ^—< Theorem 457: // g(x2) ^ gfo) /or x2^x1^p, g(x) is bounded for x ^ p, then exists. Preliminary Remark: lim g(x) x—<*> 1 X = — y gives the following result: If q > 0 ^nd if G(;y) is bounded for 0 < 3/ :g q and G(ym) ^ G(y^ for 0 < y2 ^ yx ? q , then lim G(y). ¦*¦— exists. Proof: By Theorem 27, lim g(w) = c n—00 exists. Since g([x]) ^ g(x) ^ g([x] + 1) for x ^ p + 1, we therefore have lim g(x) = c. Theorem 458: Let a be a number. If fmmdx a exists and is bounded for all co^a, and if f(x)^0 for x^.a except at the y's, then ff(x)dx a exists.
343 Proof: Theorem 457 with *(*) = f.f(y) dy ¦ a Theorem 459: Let N be an integer, and let f(x) ^ 0 for x ^ N , A) f{**)?f(*i) for *2^%^N. Then if the series .n=N converges, the integral ff{x)dx N exists, and conversely. Preliminary Remark: By A), yf(x)dx exists as a proper integral for (o > N. Proof: 1) If then we have for integral m > N that N so that for co ^ N, n=N J n=N hence, N exists by Theorem 458. 2) If J°°/(*)^ = C N then we have for integral m > N that m m m Cm. 2 /(») ^ 2 J /(*)d* = I f{x)dx ^ C ; n=N+l n=N+l ^ ft and hence the convergence of 2 /(»)¦
344 Examples: 1) Let /(*)=!> s>i for x g 1. Then we have for g> > 1 that Thus, f« w I 1 1 I" 1 11 J 1? exists, and therefore by Theorem 459 ?1. n=i n8 converges. 2) Let j ' # log X for jr ^ 2. Then we have for co > 2 that PV (*) i% = {log log *}" == log log o> — log log 2 . 2 Since this has no limit as ct> -> oo " 1 n = 2^l0gW diverges. Theorem 460: L^f a be a number. If f/<*> rf% * lim/(*) = C, then C = 0. Proof: Otherwise let, w.l.g., C > 0. There would exist a I > a such that C f(x) > — for # ^?. For <w > |, we would have j"f(x)dx = j*f(x)dx + j°'f(x)dx ^ ff{x)dx + -(« — ?); o a ? a
345 and hence fj(x)dx would not exist. Theorem 461: Let a be a number. If ]"/<*> dx exists, and if f(x) is continuous for x ^ a, then lim f(x) need not exist; f(x) need not even be bounded. Proofs: 1) f(x) = Vx cos (x2) 1 is not bounded for x ^ 1. By Theorem 404 we have for d > 0, x2 > x1 > — that ex /- I I cx* i I I rx* i 2 V* cos (*2)rf* = 7= 2a: cos (x2)dx = | = (sin (**))'<** i J 2V% ' \ \J 2Vx so that, by Theorem 456, Vxx ff(x)dx exists. 2) According to a widespread superstition, what makes this theorem work is the existence of positive and negative values of f(x). To eradicate this superstition, let /(*) = n*[x— n -\ -I for n ^ x ti n f \ n3/ m3 A *\ 1 n*\ — x -\- n -\—-I ior n ^ x ^n -\—-» \ n3/ n* n an integer ^ 2, 0 otherwise. Thus f(x) is uniquely defined, continuous, and jg 0. Since = w4 I z<& — w4 P z dz = —- t __1 n3
346 we have for every co > 0 that rf(x)dx <: ? 1 ; J n = 2 M2 0 therefore exists, by Theorem 458. However, since f(n) = n for n an integer ^2, /(#) is not bounded for x §: 0. 3) If we want an example with /(#) > 0 for x ^ a, then we need only add ?-* to the function of example 2). Theorem 462: Let a be a number. Let jmf(x)dx a exist for every co > a. Let | f(x) | ^ g(*) /or x^a (say, g(j)= |/<»|). ?** j Six)dx a exist. Then ff(x)dx a exists. Proof: 0 ^ g(x) — f(x) ^ 2g(x). We have for co ^ a that rfew -/(*))<** ^2^*)^ ^ 2 j"g(*)i«. a a a Therefore, by Theorem 458, J 00 (g(x) —f(x))dx exists, a so that, by Theorem 444, j"f(x)dx = J" (g(*) - (g(*) -/(*)))**.
347 Theorem 463: Let a > 0 and let I f(x)dx exist for co > a. For suit- a able P > 1 and suitable p, let x Then ff(x)dx a exists. p> p p / i j \ p Proof: J -g. dx = — ^-^rrj - (P_1)aP-x • a and Theorem 462.
348 CHAPTER 30 THE GAMMA FUNCTION This chapter applies the theory of integrals with infinite limits, in that it develops the main properties of an especially important function of analysis. Theorem 4645 f°° er* t*-1 dt o is meaningful for x > 0 (and sd, by Theorem 446, is positive). Proof: ^e~ltx-xit o exists. For, we have for 0 < a < 1 that 1 — a* 1 < — > xx a a and so is bounded, and the left-hand side increases with decreasing a so that it has a lim by the preliminary remark to Theorem 457. Furthermore, we have for fixed x and large t that e-tt*-i < —, so that J 00 i exists by Theorem 463. Definition 100: r{x) = ^e-ltx-^dt for x > 0. o Nota bene: The integral is meaningless for x f^ 0, since we have for 0 < a < 1 that , fe-ft*-1 dt ^ e-1 ft-1 dt = — e~l log a, a a so that no lim exists. <x=o
349 Theorem 465: r(x + 1) = x T(x) for x > 0. Proof: We have for 0 < a < to that f"e~* txdt = |—e~* t*\m + JV'% t*-1 dt a a = — e-m<ox + e~* a* + f*e-'x tx-\dt; a lim yields a=o fae-' txdt = — e-<° cdx + f"e-'x t*-1 dt; o o lim yields a> = ao r(x + 1) = J*V' txdt = fe-'xt*-1 dt = xT(x). 0 o n-1 Theorem 466: r(x + n) = r(x) II (a; + v) for integral n > 0 and 4T > 0. v=0 Proof: w== 1 is Theorem 465. n + 1 follows from w since, by Theorem 465, r{x + n+l) = {x + n)r(x+n) = (x+n)r{x)n (x+v) = T(x) U {x+v). Theorem 467: F(x + 1) = xl for integral x^.0. Proof: T(l) = J°° *-'<« = 1, o so that by Theorem 466 (with 1 in place of x, x in place of n), we have for x > 0 that x-l r(i + x) = r(i) n A + ») = *!. I V = 0 Theorem 468: We have for 0 < x < 1 ?/*a? Preliminary Remark: The assertion may be written r(x + n) ^ r(n)nx by Theorem 467.
350 Proof: For integral n > 0, we set For 0 < t ^ n, we have therefore we have f°V' tx+n~x <ft = I2. n tx <Z n*, w*-1 j e-t tn dt^lx^ nx fV< tn -] dt. For J §^ «, we have therefore we have tx ^ «*, p-1 <J w*-1; w35 J00 <H Z" A ^ I2 ^ tt*-1 J°° <H tn dt. Now we have JV< ^^ = {—*-< tn f + J V<« P-1 * = — e~n nn + n JV< P A , o so that w* ; jne-' **-* dt — e~n nx+n-^ ^ \x ^ w*-1 fV< 2n & + e~n nx+n~x , o o wx f <,-/ jn-1 ^ _ e-n nx+n-l <^ ^ + ^ ^ w^-l f°V* fn ^ _|_ ^-n ^x+n-1^ 0 0 nx r(n) — e-nnx+n~l ^ r(*+w) ^ w1 r(n -+- 1) + e-«**+*-i, 1 — ^-/^-l /^ + w) e-n- M n nn-1 r(n) ~ r(n)nx ?1 + m r(n)nx n„n-l a^u e~nri r(n) enn\ But the right-hand side approaches 0 as n -» oo, since for every integer m > 0 we have w» »*,-o(» + f)! i-i -i i+s n w n (* + *) i=l Jk=lW + *
351 where on the right, each of the m +1 summands -» 1 as n -» oo, so that we have, ultimately, 0nn! —-> m . nn Theorem 469: For x > 0, w# /kw0 lim r<* + "> = 1. Proof: This is trivial for x=lf since ¦r(i + n) n\ = ij we had this in Theorem 468 for 0 < x < 1. Hence it suffices to proceed from x to x + 1. Indeed, we have r(x + 1 + n) r(x + n) x + n = ¦ > l • i = l. n\nx n\nx"x n Theorem 470: For x > 0, we have r(x) - lim — . Proof: By Theorems 469 and 466, we have n-l n (x + v) n (x + v) 1 = lim ' v7 ' 7 = rix) lim *=*- — = r(x) lim ^±4-} = r(*j lim '-=*-—- = /» lim ^i— Theorem 471: lim 12 log m\ = C exists, is > 0, and w < 1. Proof: For integral n > 0, we set 7 then we have 1 f" 1 1 , v 1 1 0 = < g{n) < n n n n -\- I so that S g(»)
352 converges and the value of this series, which we call C, is > 0 and For integral m > 1, we now have -i --il f»# - 1 1 Lg(n) = 1. T=2 logw; n 1 hence we have S 1 1 2 log m -> C , n=l * w ? log W -> C . Definition 101: C is called Euler's constant. I do not know whether it is rational or irrational. Theorem 472: For x > 0, ix\e have ±r^„&((i + 2L).-^. Proof: For n (x+v) /»(*) = v=o n! n* we know from Theorem 470 that Now for w > 0, we have \?.((I+TKf) -o;logn+ 2 From A) and 71 i / n i \ -arlogn+ar E - a: lim I 2 ~ ~ lo&w) lim e ^i ^^=*^=i 7:=:0C* the conclusion, together with the convergence of the infinite product, follows.
353 Theorem 473: For x > 0, we have A) r(x) c_I_?U__I) X V=l \x + V VI r(X) and for integral n^A, we have \r(x) / « i Proof: By Theorems 472 and 282, C) log i» = - Cx - log x - ? (log (l + i) -^). / , *\ *y i i i i i log(l+-)— = =— = \ ^ V i VI XV V X + V V .. . . „ + v v (x 4- v)v v=i (a: + i>)i> converges uniformly for 0 < x < co fdr every co > 0, since CO <-t; (# + v)^ v2 therefore C) may be differentiated term by term, giving A) ; for if log r(x) = G(x), then G'(x) exists, so that r'(x) = (eGW)' = G'(x) e°W = G'(*) r{x). Now, we have (_i 1)'= L_; \x + V vl (x + vJ " 1 V=l (* + vJ converges uniformly for x > 0 since 1 1 (x + vJ V2 for all x > 0. Hence from A) we obtain l/»I «• + v=1 (* + v)» v=0 (* + which is B) with n=pl.
354 B) with n + 1 follows from B) with n, since / 1 V —ln+1 = (_!)»(* + 1)! (* + v)n+2 and the fact that 1 1 < - for v ^ 1 implies the uniform convergence of „=0 (* + r)«+2 for # > 0. Theorem 474: J» F(l — x) = -r^— /or 0 < x < 1. sinjr* Preliminary Remark: In particular, for x=l/2 we obtain /*(*) = ». rd) = VS. Proof: By Theorem 470, we have n\ nx so that furthermore, and because n (x + v) v=0 n\nx „, x >xT(x); II (x + v) n! nx~x >ni-x), n (i—x + v) v=0 1 1 —x + n we have, therefore, n\n~x n\n~x II A—* + *) ft (— x + v) v=0 v=i Al—*)•
355 Hence we have 1 ' -+xr(x)r(i — x), II (r* — *»} »=1 ," \ W («i)» xr(x)r(i—x) v Therefore, we have by Theorem 283 that sin ax 1 nx xr(x)r(l—x) r(x)r(i—x) n smnx Theorem 475: // x > 0 and if k is an integer ^ 1, then U r(x + T) = (kn) * k * r{kx). Proof: By Theorem 470, we have for O^v^k — 1, v an integer, that -hi) V V w! w * t. w! w * : um . _ inn __^ — n (* + ? + ,.) B=" nL + i + p) = lim v_ n\ nx-xnkkn n==fl0 "it (kx + v + kp) Since *-l fc-l fc-i fc-1 2Sv= 2v + X (k—l — v) = S (*—1) = *(*—1), v=o v=0 V=0 v=o we therefore have that fc-i n rr + i) = llm ^^ • On the other hand, we have by Theorem 470 that /*(**) = hm —x n=" IL(kx+j)
356 so that, replacing w by kn, r(kx) = lim i^ . n=~ n-(kx + j) From this it follows that fc-i ,+i) v=o ^ "' .. (* !)*»«¦-"» * A** **(*) = p/i-i *,-**+! = lun r(*«) k-**+i „=» (A«)! A** «*»-i*-«»H («!)*A»*+i is independent of x, and is —pn- First we determine Therefore we have I r{x) r(x + i) = A/2^ 2-2*+*rB*). From this, it follows more generally that nr(—) nr(—) fc=hyfc\*)=—v^ f*— ,§/(i) "H^+4)) 2fc ] Vn k~i Vtz k~i fc i A 1 2 v \ fc fc+1 fc fc r A- fc i A 1 i.\ k fc+1 * fc / i \ n V2* 2~*+^rD)) (&iO 2"~+r n rD( A-iV V^7/ A=i U/ fc-i / j \ fc-i fc~l fr = B») * .
357 CHAPTER 31 FOURIER SERIES Introduction Our main goal will be to prove, among other things, the following: 1) If f(x) is continuous everywhere, and if f(x) is of period 2n; if f(x) is piecewise monotonic on [— n, n], i.e. jif there exist numbers xv, 0 ^ v ^ m with xv_x < xv f or 1 ^ v ^ m , Xq — 7ti t % ~fl — 7Z f such that f(x) is monotonic on every [ xv_x , xv] ; then there exist numbers any bn independent of x such that for all x we have f[x) = |a0 + S (an cos nx + 6n sin nx). And in fact, this is accomplished by 1 A) an — — f(x) cos nx dx, -71 bn = — I f(x) sin nx dx. (This is the so-called Fourier series of f(x).) 2) If we remove the hypothesis of piecewise monotonicity, then the conclusion does not hold.
358 Theorem 476: If a <b and if f(x) is properly integrable from a to b, then lim j f(x) sin mx dx = 0. Proof: Let d > 0 be given. With the usual notation (with respect to f (x) ), we subdivide the interval [a, b] in such a way that d For every S evsv < — a»- 2 |/K) we have J /(*) sincoxdx n /toy w fav S J (/ (#) — /(av)) sin (ox dx + S f{ay) J sin <o* rf# " W , , 2 <5 <5 V«l v=l CD Z Z Notations: /+(?) = lim /(*)> if ^ exists. /-(f) = lim /(#), if it exists. By the preliminary remark to Theorem 457, /+(?) surely exists if for some c > 0, /(#) is bounded and monotonic for f < # ^ ? + c (i.e. /(#2) 2^ /(%) for ? < x2 ^ ^ <; ? + c or/(#2) ^ /(*i)for ? < *2 ^ xx ^ ? + c); and /_(?) surely exists if for some c > 0, /(.*) is bounded and monotonic for ? —cg*<?. Theorem 477: Let f{x) be properly integrable from 0to7i,let0<c^ n, and let f{x) be ^monotonic for 0 < x ^ c. Then we have
359 I'M I . x sin (m 4- l)x , , v f • sin y km / /(*) -^-dx = 2f+@) i-dy. Preliminary Remarks: By the example to Theorem 456 we know that the integral on the right exists. The integral on the left exists since G(*) = sin (m + \)x x ~2 for 0 < x ^ n, 2m + 1 for x = 0 is continuous on [0, n], and so is properly integrable from 0 to n. Proof: 1) Let MO) = 0. W.l.g., let f(x) be monotonically non-decreasing for 0<4r^r (otherwise we consider —/(#)). W.l.g., let /@)>0; for otherwise we change the definition of f(x) at 0 (which does not affect the hypothesis or the conclusion). Let d > 0 be given. Choose an e such that 0<? <ct 0 <Lf(e) <6. By Theorem 405, there exists for every m > 0 an -q (depending on d and m) such that 0 ^ rj ^ ?, sin (m 4- h)x re re /(*) V Tt; rf* = J /(*) G(*)rf* = /(«) J G(*)<** 1 o n Since ^f(e)lSkl{m + i)XdX X 2* 2f(e) J «(m+J) sijjy dy. rj(m+i) f?* converges, we have for a suitable universal constant p that r siny dy <p for o> ^ 0,
360 so that for 0 ^ a :§ b, so that rsmy \ rsmy l fasmy , I dy \ = \ I ay — J ay J y I . .. J —¦?— " J y sin (m + \)x f(x) -ax x ~2 <2p, ^ 2/F) -2/> < 4/><5. Since is properly integrable on [e, n], we have by Theorem 476 that x for a suitable m0 (depending on e, and so on ^) and for m §: m0t /(*) Sin (" + *>* dx x ~2 <d, so that /(*) Sln (W + i)X dx x ~2 < D/> + !)«•¦ Therefore, as asserted, we have . ,, sin (m + ?)# , hm I /(^) ——H- dx = 0. 2) In the general case it follows from 1), applied to f(x) —/+@) instead of to f(x), that //9n (f(X)~fA0))Sin{mx+i)XdX-,0; ~2 but we have , sin im + i)x 7 # , , f*(»+*) sin y /+@) * J ¦ & = 2/+@) J —i dy 2/+@) —irfy. J y
361 so that ,, sin (m + i)x , , - ¦ fsiny , /(*) v J T/ dx -> 2/+@) J -j-iy. Theorem 478: Let f(x) be properly integrable from —n to n, let 0 < c^ n, and let f(x) be monotonic for —* c ^ x < 0 and for 0 < x ^ c (not necessarily in the same sense for both cases). Let an be defined by A). Then we have ia0 + 2j an = . Proof: For integral m > 0, we have sin — 11 + 22 cos nx\ = sin — + 2 (—sin (n~—\)x + sin {n + %)x) 2 \ n=i ' 2 n==1 = sin (ni, + \)x, and hence for 0 < | x | < In we have ^ sin <m + |)* 1 + 2 1, cos nx = ~ , sin — 2 Therefore we have |a0 + 2 an = — /(#) (l + 2 2 cos w*l ^ 0 Setting smC + i)*^ 2^r / .a; sin — 2 1 / //^\sin(m + ^^ , 1I ;/ sin(m + ?)* -/ nx)——-dx + ~ n-x) __*. Sm2 J Sln? 1 1 , for 0 < x ^ n, #m = •{ — sin- v ; * 2 2 for # = 0,
362 we have that h(x) is continuous on [0,n] since (. XXX sin — :,,,'—- i = o.i_o. A) -i, Therefore, by Theorem 476, we have Pf(x) h(x) sin (m + \)x dx -> 0 o and J /(— %) Hx) sin (m + $)x dx -> 0 ; o hence by Theorem 477, we have lt . sin (m + h)x 7 , , f00 sin y /(*) —^-^->2/+@) J ^rfy sin — o 2 and sin (m + A)# , , v f °° sin y , /(_ #) v ^*y ^ -> 2/_@) - dy . # J y Consequently, sin — 2 Joo + 2 tfn = dy. n=i ^ J y 0 This last integral can be obtained by setting '/(*) = i. Then we- have i rn -71 If* 1 fsinw*]* an = — I cos w# tf# = — i > = 0 for w > 0. 2 f °° sin y 7 1 = - —-dy, 7t J y o rsiny , n Therefore we have y 0
363 Theorem 479: Let f(x) be properly integrable from —n to n and let c > 0. Either let — n < ? < n and let f(x) be monotonic on | — c^x < $ and on $ < x :g ? + c, or let ? = — n and let f(x) be monotonic on 71 — c ^ x < n and on — n < x^ — n + c. Let an, bn be defined by A). Then we have {US) + US) , ^ . . w i<*o + S (ancos*tf + insinwf) = n=l ^or f Proof: W.l.g., let c be < n and be so small that the two intervals of monotonicity are in — n < x < n. W.l.g., let f(x) have the period 2n\ for otherwise we change the definition, and always define f(x) in such a wa(y that it is of period 2n, keeping the old definition in — n rg x < n. This do^s not affect either the hypothesis or the conclusion. The latter then reads siipply Now \aQ + S (an cos w| + bn sin n?) F(*) = /(* + *) /-(f) + Mf) (in place of f(x)) satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 478 concerning j{x). In place of imn> we obtain +? j f(y + f) cos nydy — y f(x) cos n(# — f) d# = j + J = J* f(x) cos n(x — g)dx + j~n+*f(y + 2tt) cos n(y + 2rc — f) rfy = J /(#) cos w(# — ?) <fo + J /(y) cos w(y — f) rfy == j /(#) cos n(#— f) dx = cos w? PV(#) costt* d# + sin nf j/(#)sin n#af* = :rc(an cos nf + 6n sin n|). Therefore we have by Theorem 478 that /_(*)+/+(f) F_@) + F+@) 2 2 Example: f(x)=x on [—n, rc] Ja0+ S (awcos»f+ 6wsinn|).
364 We have nan = J x cos nxdx = j x cos nx dx + J x cos wx dx -71 SL -71 = J # cos w# d# — J y cos ny dy = 0, 0 0 C71 . f cosw*O1 i r* ji0w = I xsvnnx dx = ] — x \ -\ I cos nx dx J [ n \-n n J 2n (— l)n Hence we have for — n < x < n that for x=—-7i every term on the right-hand side is 0, which is in agreement with Theorem 479, which states that the value of the right-hand side is /-(*)+/+(—«) * + (— n) = 0. If x is replaced by x — n, we obtain 0 for x = 0, smnx s n = l « for 0 < x < 2ti . 2 2 The assertion 1) of the introduction is contained in Theorem 479 as a very special case, since — n ^ ? < ft suffices because of periodicity, since for every such ? there exists a c in the sense of Theorem 479 and since the right-hand side of the equality of Theorem 479 is /(?) because of continuity. And finally, the second assertion of the introduction! Theorem 480: We do not have 00 /(*) = \ao + 2 (an cos nx + 6n sin nx) /or ez/?r;y continuous function f(x) having period 2n, where a^, bn are determined by A). Proof: If n and v are integers ^ 0, we set \f n ~ J 2 sin (y + \)x cos nx dx.
365 Then we have K, n = J (sin (v + i + n)x + sin (v + i.— n)x) dx 0 1 1 % v ' v + ^ + n v + i — n (v + Therefore we have for integral m > 0 that + \ | > 0 for n ^ v, \Y — n2 J < 0 for n > v . \ m m \ m \ — A#i0+ SA = S —-—-- = 2 >Oasw-*oo, 2 n==1 n=_m v + f + n n==m_2v v + | + n hence 1 °° —A*t0 + S Av>n =0, so that, by B), we have for every integral m > 0 that Sv,w = —Av,o + 2 Av>n>0. In particular, we have for v ^ 1 that ^v, v = V Av> o + S A > S ——- - > 2j — - Now we set * I (v dy 1, — > = log v . fc=i A; J v i rin(B» + l)L|i) sin I , 00 \ /(#) = 2 — for — 7z ti * tin > The series converges uniformly, since | sin | ^1; hence it represents a continuous function on [— n,n]. We have /(-*) = /(*). If we extend the definition of f(x) everywhere by making it periodic with period 2n, then j{x^ is continuous everywhere.
366 sin (B*8 + 1) -?) sin 2"' + 1 — cosnx S tt— (=./(*) COS W*) converges uniformly on [0, n] for every n §r 0, since | sin • cos |^1. Therefore, we have ***» = J f(x) cos »^ ^ = 2 J /(#) cos nx dx -n o =h i f2 sin (BW+x) t) cos m* *= A * v-. ..• 0 hence for integral m > 0 and integral k > 0, 1 ? 1 °° 1 11 *m = J *0 + S *« = -- S TiS^u! > - — S h^x I so that, for every integral k > 0, I 1 1 o ¦ 1 1 , /tl1v *» — l log 2 2 - n k2 2 >z jr ?2 k2 n Therefore, jm is not bounded. Hence 2 (an cos (w • 0) -f bn sin (n • 0)) diverges.
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CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS ALMOST PERIODIC FUNCTIONS, By H. Bohr. 1932. 120 pages, 6x9, Lithotyped. Cloth. Original German edition was published at $4.50. $2.50 From the famous series Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Gremgebiete, this monograph is a beautiful exposition of the subject of almost periodic functions, written by the creator of the theory. THEORIE DER KONVEXEN KORPER, By T. Bonnesen and W. Ffenchel. 1934. 171 pages. 5j4x8j4. Cloth. Originally published (paper bound) at $7.50. $3.50 "The reading of this remarkable monograph .. . is extremely suggestive and . . . well worth the effort."—/. D. Tamarkin, Bulletin1 of the A. M. S. VORLESUNGEiq UBER REELLE FUNKTIONEN, Bjr C. Caratheodory. 2nd, latest complete, edn.[728 pp. 5>?x8j4. Originally published at $^1.60. $6.95 This great classic is at once a book for the beginner, a reference work for the advanced scholar and a source of inspiration for the research worker. REELLE FUNKTIONEN, By C. Caratheodory. 1939. 190 pages. 5J4x8. $3.50 Reelle Funktionen is a rewriting of the elementary part (the first third) of the author's famous Vorle- sungen Ueber Reelle Funktionen. EIGENWERTPROBLEME UND IHRE NUMERISCHE BEHANDLUNG, By L. Collatz. 1945. 350 pages. 5y2xSl/2. Originally published at $8.80. $4.50 "Part I presents an interesting and valuable collection of PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. "Part II deals with the MATHEMATICAL THEORY. "Part III takes up various methods of NUMERICAL SOLUTION of boundary value problems. These include step by step approximations, graphical integration, the Rayleigh-Ritz method and methods depending on finite differences. Here, as throughout the book, the theory is kept in close touch with practice by numerous specific examples.9* —Mathematical Reviews.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS ALGEBREN, By M. Deuring. 1935. v+143 pages. $y2x&y2. Cloth. Originally published (in paper binding) at $6.60. $3.50 From Ergebnisse der Mathematik. LES INTEGRALES DE STIELTJES ET LEURS APPLICATIONS AUX PROB- LEMES DE LA PHYSIQUE MATHEMA- TIQUE, By N. Gunther. 1932. 498 pages. 5>?x8 inches. $4.95 LECONS SUR LA PROPAGATION DES ONDES ET LES EQUATIONS DE L'HYDRODYNAMIQUE, By J. Hadamard. viii+375 pages. 5y2x8y2. $4.50 "[Hadamard's] unusual analytic proficiency enables him to connect in a wondjerful manner the physical problem of propagation of waves and the mathematical problem of Cauchy concerning the characteristics of partial differential equations of the second order." —Bulletin of the A. M. S. REELLE FUNKTIONEN. Punktfunk- tionen, By H. Hahn. 1932.426 pages. 5y2x8y2. Originally $12.80. $5.50 "admirably suited ... to the needs of the mathematical reader wishing to familiarize himself with . . . recent developments."—Bulletin of the A. M. S. GRUNDZUGE DER MENGENLEHRE, By F. Hausdorff. First edition. 484 pages. 5y2x&lA. $4.95 Some of the topics in the Grundziige omitted from later editions: Symmetric Sets—Principle of Duality—most of the "Algebra" of Sets—most of the "Ordered Sets" —Partially Ordered Sets—Arbitrary Sets of Complexes—Normal Types—Initial and Final Ordering —Complexes of Real Numbers—General Topological Spaces—Euclidean Spaces—the Special Methods Applicable in the Euclidian Plane—Jordan's separation Theorem—The Theory of Content and Measure—The Theory of the Lebesgue Integral.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS VORLESUNGEN UBER DIE THEORIE DER ALGEBRAISCHEN ZAHLEN, By E. Hecke. 1923. 264 pages. 5y2xSJ/2 inches. $3.95 ^he aim of the book is to bring the reader to a comprehension of the questions which at present form the summit of the theory of algebraic number fields, without presupposing any knowledge of the theory of numbers. "an elegant and comprehensive account of the modern theory of algebraic numbers." —Bulletin of the A. M. S. DIE METHODEN ZUR ANGENAEHER- TEN LOESUNG VON EIGENWERT- PROBLEMEN IN DER ELASTOKINE- TIK, By K. Hohenemser. 1932. 89 pp. 5j4x %l/2. cloth. Originally published at at $4.25. $2.75 "... condenses the results obtained by wide reading, many of the journals being inaccessible to the general reader."—//. Bateman, Bulletin of the A. M. S. ERGODENTHEORIE, By E. Hopf. 1937. 89 pages. Sy2x8y2. $2.75 THE CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFER- ENCES, By Charles Jordan. 1947. Second edition, xxi+652 pages. 5j4x8}4. Originally published at ,$8.00. $5.50 ". . . destined to remain the classic treatment of the subject. .. for many years to come."—Harry C. Carver, Founder and formerly Editor of the Annals of Mathematical Statistics. DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUN- GEN REELLER FUNKTIONEN, By E. Kamke. 1930. 450 pages. 5y2x8y2. Originally published at $12.80. $4.50 The existence and uniqueness of solutions, their topological structure are studied exhaustively. A full one hundred pages of the text are devoted to the study of systems of equations.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUN- GEN: LOESUNGSMETHODEN UND LOESUNGEN, By E. Kamke. 3rd Edition. 1944. 692 pages. 6x9. Originally published at $15.00. $7.00 Everything possible that can be of use when one has a given differential equation to solve, or when one wishes to investigate that solution thoroughly. PART A: General Methods of Solution and the Properties of the Solutions. PART B: Boundary and Characteristic Value Problems. PART C: Dictionary of some 1600 Equations in Lexicographical Order, with solution, techniques for solving, and references. ASYMPTOTISCHE GESETZE DER WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITS- RECHNUNG, By A. A. Khintchine. 1933. 82 pages. 5y2xSy2. Paper. Originally published at $3.85. $2.00 VORLESUNGEN UBER HOHERE GEO- METRIE, By Felix Klein. Third edition. 413 pages. Sy2xS. Originally published at $10.80. $4.95 In this third edition there has been added to the first two sections of Klein's classical work a third section written by Professors Blaschke, Radon, Artin and Schreier on recent developments. DIOPHANTISCHE APPROXIMA- TIONEN, By J. F. Koksma. From the Ergebnisse der Mathematik. 1936. 165 pages. Sy2x8y2. Originally published at $7.25. $3.50 FOUNDATIONS OF THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY, By A. Kolmogorov. (English translation). 1950. vi+74 pp. 6x9 in. Cloth binding. $2.50 Almost indisoensible for anyone who wishes a thorough understanding of modern statistics, this basic tract develops probability theory on a postulational basis. It is available for the first time in English.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS DETERMINANTENTHEORIE EIN- SCHLIESSLICH DER FREDHOLM- SCHEN* DETERMINANTEN, By G. Kowalewski. Third edition, 1942. 328 pages. 5j/2xS. $4.25 "a classic in its field."—Bulletin of the A. M. S. PARTIAL CONTENTS: Definition and Simple Properties . . . Systems of Linear Equations . . . Symmetric, skew-symmetric, Othogonal Determinants . . . Resultants and Discriminants . .. Linear and Quadratic Forms . . . Functional, Wronskian, Gramian determinants . . . Geometrical applications . . . Linear Integral Equations . . . Theory of Elementary Divisors. IDEALTHEORIE, By W. Krull. 1935. 159 pages. 5y2xSy2. cloth. Originally published (paper bound) at $7.00. $3.50 From Ergebnisse der Mathcmatik. "highly recommended."—Dulletin of the A. M. S. GRUNDLAGEN DER ANALYSIS, By E. Landau. Originally published at $4.00. $2.75 ''Certainly no clearer treatment of the foundations of the number system can be offered. . . . One can only be thankful to the author for this fundamental piece of exposition which is alive with his vitality and genius." —/. F. Ritt. The student who wishes to learn mathematical German will find this book ideally suited to his needs. Less than fifty German words will enable him to read the entire book with only an occasional glance at the vocabulary! [A complete German-English vocabulary has been added.] ELEMENTARE ZAHLENTHEORIE, By E. Landau. 1927. vii+180+iv pages. Sy2x8y2. $3.50 "Interest is enlisted at once and sustained by the accuracy, skill, and enthusiasm with which Landau marshals . . . facts and simplifies . . . details." —G. D. Birkhoff, Bulletin of the A. M. S. Many instructors will wish to use Elemcntare ZaJilen- theorie as a text or supplementary text. As in most of Landau's works, the German is quite simple.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS VORLESUNGEN UBER ZAHLEN- THEORIE, By E. Landau. 1937. 864 pages. 5^x8*4. Originally published at $26.40. Three volumes $15.00 Landau's monumental treatise is a virtual encyclopedia of number theory, and is universally recognized as the standard work on the subject. Vol. I, Pt. 2. Additive Number Theory. Vol. II. Analytic Number Theory. Vol. III. Algebraic Number Theory. [Vol. I, Part I is issued as Elementare Zahlentheorie.] DARSTELLUNG UND BEGRUENDUNG EINIGER NEUERER ERGEBNISSE DER FUNKTIONENTHEORIE, By E. Landau. Second edition, 1929. 122 pages. 5y4xS. Originally published at $4.00. $2.95 "... a veritable mine of important results." —/. F. Ritt. EINFUHRUNG IN DIE ELEMENTARE UND ANALYTISCHE THEORIE DER ALGEBRAISCHEN ZAHLEN UND DER IDEALE, By E. Landau. Second edn. vii + 147 pages. 5j^x8. $2.95 Landau's book covers substantially different material both from that in Hecke's book and that in the third volume of Landau's own famous Vorlesungen Uber Zahlentheorie. LE CALCUL DES RESIDUS, By E. Lindelof. 151 pages. 5^x8^. $2.95 Important applications in a striking diversity of mathematical fields: statistics, number theory, the theory of Fourier series, the calculus of finite differences, mathematical physics and advanced calculus as well as function theory itself. THE THEORY OF MATRICES, By C. C. MacDuffee. Second edition. 116 pages. 6x9. Published originally at $5.20. $2.75 From Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Grenz- gebiete. "No mathematical library can afford to be without this book."—B idle tin of the A. M. S.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS FORMULAS AND THEOREMS FOR THE SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, By W. Magnus and F. Oberhettinger. 1948. 182 pages. 6x9. German edition was published at $7.00. $3.50 Gathered into a compact, handy and well-arranged reference work are thousands of results on the many important functions needed by the physicist, engineer and applied mathematician. IRRATIONALZAHLEN, By O. Perron. Second edition, 1939. 207 pages. 5>4x8. $3.25 Methods of introducing irrational numbers (Cauchy, Bolzano, Weierstrass, Dedekind, Cantor, Meray, Bach- man, etc.) Systematic fractions, continued fractions, Cantor's series and algorithm, Luroth's and Engel's series, Cantor's products. Approximation, including Diophantine approximations, Kronecker theorem, Algebraic and transcendental numbers (including transcendency proofs for e and k\ Liouville numbers, etc.) SUBHARMONIC FUNCTIONS, By T. Rado. 1937. iv+56 pp. 5l/2x8y2 inches. $2.00 From the famous series Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Grenzgebiete. "Will be welcomed by general readers and will be particularly valuable' for specialists. . . . The applications treated in the book are numerous and the topics wisely selected." —/. D. Tamarkin, Bulletin of the A. M. S. KNOTENTHEORIE, By K. Reidemeister. 1932. 78 pages. 5y2x8y2. $2.25 "well written . . . the problem is . . . fascinating. The complete and concise little work of Reidemeister will do much to encourage further [research].*'—Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. FOURIER SERIES, By W. Rogosinski. 1950. 182 pp. 4y2x6l/2 inches. (English translation). $2.50 This text, designed for beginners with no more background than a year of calculus, covers, nevertheless, an amazing amount of ground. It is suitable for self-study courses as well as classroom use. "Up to modern standards and, at the same time, suitable for beginners."—F. Riesz, Acta Szeged.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS LEHRBUCH DER TOPOLOGIE, By H. Seifert and W. Threlfall. 1934. 360 pages. Sl/2x&y2. Originally published at $8.00. $4.50 This famous book is the only modern work on com- binatorial topology addressed to the student as well as to the specialist. It is almost indispensable to the mathematician who wishes to gain a knowledge of this important field. "The exposition proceeds by easy stages with examples and illustrations at every turn," •—Bulletin of the A. M. S. VARIATIONSRECHNUNG IM GROS- SEN, (Theorie von Marston Morse), By H. Seifert and W. Threlfall, 1938. 120 pages. 6x9. $2.75 The brilliant expository talents of Professors Seifert and Threlfall—familiar lo the many readers of their Lehrbuch der Topologie—are here devoted to an eminently readable account of the calculus of variations in the large. Topologically the book is self-contained. A HISTORY OF THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF PROBABILITY, By I, Todhunter, 640 pages. 5>4x8. Previously published at $8.00. $4.95 Introduces the reader to almost every process and every species of problem which the literature of the subject can furnish. Hundreds of problems are solved in detail. LECTURES ON THE GENERAL THEORY OF INTEGRAL FUNCTIONS By G. Valiron. 1923. xii+208 pages. 5>4x8. $3.50 "Will not be found difficult by the earnest student. He may hope to master it without any elaborate preliminary preparation."—W. H. Young. GRUPPEN VON LINEAREN TRANS- FORMATIONEN, By B. L. van der Waerden. 1935.94 pages. 5>4x8>4. cloth. $2.50 From Ergebnisse der Mathematik.
CHELSEA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS DIE IDEE DER RIEMANNSCHE FLAECHE, By H. Weyl. Second edition. 200 pages. Sy2x&y2. $3.50 ALGEBRAIC SURFACES, By O. Zariski. 1935. 204 pages. 5y2xSl/2. Originally published at $9.20. $3.95 From Ergebnisse der Mathematik. THE THEORY OF GROUPS, By H. Zassenhaus. 180 pages. 6x9. (An English translation of the famous German textbook). $3.50 The tremendous development of algebra in the last 25 years has made long overdue a fresh presentation of group theory which would make use of modern methods and concepts. "The treatment here presented achieves a certain unity which the classical presentation lacked. . . . This method of approach is likely to appear more coherent than the former to students approaching groups in detail for the first time." —Bulletin of the A. M. S. DIE LEHRE VON DEN KETTENBRUE- CHEN, By O. Perron. 2nd ed. Ready, 1950. THEORIE DER ENDLICHEN UND UNENDLICHEN GRAPHEN: Kombina- torische Topologie der Streckenkomplexe, By D. Koenig. Ready, 1950. THEORIE DER FUNKTIONEN MEHR- ERER KOMPLEXER VERAENDER- LICHEN, By H. Behnke and P. Thullen. From the Ergebnisse der Mathematik. 1934. vii+115 pages. 5y2xSy2. $3.25 FOUNDATIONS OF THEORETICAL LOGIC, By D. Hilbert and W. Ackermann. An English translation of this famous textbook. Ready Summer, 1950. $3.50