Author: Nasalkeva E.  

Tags: english  

UNI I 1	Companies .........................................................5
UNIT 2	Company Organisation...............................................8
UNIT 3	Business Activities ..............................................11
UNIT i	Company’s History ................................................14
UNIT 5	Business Careers .................................................17
LET’S CHECK UP! (Units 1 - 5)...............................................20
UNIT 6	Defining a Strategy ..............................................22
UNI 1 7	Advertising.......................................................25
UNIT 8	Meeting with a Potential Customer.................................28
UNI Г 9	Products and Customers............................................31
LET’S CHECK UP! (Units 6 - 9)...............................................33
UNIT 10	Clinching a Deal..................................................35
UNIT 11	Methods of Payment................................................38
UNI 1 12	Applying for a Job ...............................................41
LETS CHECK UP! (Units	10 - 12).........................................44
Units 1 - 5.................................................................46
Units 6-12..................................................................48
GRAMMAR EXERCISES Present Indefinite and Present Continuous......................................50
Past Indefinite and Past Continuous............................................51
Present Perfect and Past Indefinite ...........................................52
Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect.................................53
Past Perfect and Past Pertcct Continuous.......................................54
Future Forms...................................................................55
Modal Verbs....................................................................56
Comparisons ...................................................................57
The Passive....................................................................58
Reported Speech ...............................................................59
1. Read the text.
Forever Young Ltd. is an Irish company. They manufacture and distribute beauty products. The company specializes in high-quality creams and lotions. They also produce perfumes. Forever Young Ltd. is one of the market leaders in Ireland. The Head Office of the company is in Dublin and they have 20 branches in Europe. Next year, Forever Young Ltd. are going to open their first subsidiary in the United States.
2. The questions below were asked during the interview of John O’Connor, the Managing Director of Forever Young Ltd. Can you answer these questions?
1)	Is your company Irish or American?
2)	What do you produce?
3)	Where is your I lead Office?
1) What does your company specialize in?
5)	Do you distribute your products?
6)	Forever Young Ltd. is one of the market leaders in Ireland, isn’t it?
7)	How many branches have you got in Europe?
8)	W hat are your plans for the future?
3.	You work for Forever Young Ltd. Speak about your company.
4.	Read the advertisement.
Call ANTISPY Products Ltd.!
We produce bug detectors, telephone scramblers and alarm systems.
P.S. At the moment we are launching a brand new pocket lie-detector.
We’ll put it on the market very soon. Don’t miss it!
5.	True or false?
I.	Antispy Products Ltd. distribute beauty products.
2.	The company specializes in bug detectors, scramblers and alarm systems.
3.	1'he company’s brand new product is a pocket bug detector.
1. 'Phc company is going to put its brand new product on the market soon.
6.	Check your memory. Can you fill in the gaps with the right words?
1)	Forever Young Ltd. manufactures and________________beauty products.
2)	Antispy Products Ltd. produce____________detectors, telephone, and systems.
3)	Forever Young Ltd. specializes in_______________creams and lotions.
4)	At the moment, Antispy Products are launching a brand new pocket. They will put it on the 	very soon.
5)	Forever Young Ltd. is one of the market____________in_________________.
6)	Forever Young Ltd. has 20 in Europe. The company is going to open its first
in the United States.
7. Give the English for:
111 )OI 13ВОД11 гь	_________________________
распространять ________________________________
спе.цпалпзпрова i вся _________________________
высококачественi и ы ii _______________________
лидер рынка	_________________________
главная контора _______________________________
дочерняя компания _____________________________
филиал запустить в производство _____________________
пустить в продажу ____________________________
новый продукт	______________________
промышленный и । и I lot (аж	______________
8.	Guessing game. Work in pairs. Think of some world-famous company. In 2 or 3 sentences inform your partner about this company, but do not give its name. Let your partner guess the name of the company.
9.	What can you say about these companies?
10.	Read the conversations.
At. the airport
Coons Mr Green? I’m Гот Coons, from the London office.
Green Pleased to meet you.
Coons And this is Ann Smith. She’s in charge of the product launch here in London.
Green I low do you do?
Smith How do you do? Welcome to London.
Coons What do you do in the Head Office, Mr Green?
Green Well, I’m Vice-President, in charge of project coordination. I work with all the subsidiary companies and coordinate their new projects. My job at the moment is to help you with this new product launch.
Coons Would you like to go to your hotel, or straight to the fair?
Gieen Let’s go straight to the fair. I’ve got a meeting there in an hour.
At the conference registration desk
Clerk Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
Green Yes, I think you have a ticket for me. My name’s Peter Green.
Clerk How do you spell that, sir?
Green G-R-E-E-N.
Clerk What company are you with?
Clerk Here you are, sir. One exhibitor’s ticket, with a map of the lair.
Green Thank you.
Clerk You’re welcome.
11.	Answer the questions.
1)	What company is Peter Green with?
2)	What is Peter Green?
3)	What does he do in the Head Office?
4)	What is his job at the moment?
5)	Where docs Гот Coons work?
6)	Is Ann Smith in charge of project coordination?
12.	Work in small groups. Practise introducing yourself and each other. Use the phrases below to help you.
more formal less formal
more formal
Hello. I m John Black.
Hello. My name is Helen White. Hi. I’m Mike. What’s your name?
I’d like to introduce
How do you do? I in Julie Duarte. Pleased to meet you. I m Sue Crow.
Hi. Гт Margaret, but everyone calls me Peggy.
less formal
Henry Brown.
I’d like to introduce Mary Brandon.
I d like you to meet Tony Angelo.
This is John O’Connor.
I low do you do?
Glad to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
RESPONSE В How do you do?
The pleasure is mine
Nice to meet you.
13.	The job identifies the person. Can you present yourself in terms of your job? These phrases will help you. Where do you work?	I work for Orange Computers (they are my employers).
What company are you with? I work at Orange Computers (the place).
I am work with Orange Computers (a sense of collaboration).
What do you do for a living? I’m in computers (general type of work).
What do you do?	I coordinate new projects. I launch the new products.
I’m in charge of sales marketing production.
14.	Role-play.
You arc all participants at an international conference.
Step /. You arrive at the conference hotel. Go to the registration desk and get your ticket.
Step 2. Introduce yourself to another person al the conference. Ask him or her about their companies.
Step 3- You meet an old riend at the conference. Introduce him or her to the person you’ve been talking to.
£tep 4. Your company specializes in industrial espionage. Inform your boss what you’ve learnt about the participants at the conference.
15.	Translate into English.
1)	Главная контора этой фирмы находится в Лондоне.
2)	У нас 10 филиалов в Европе и 2 дочерние компании в США
3)	Компания специализируется на косметике и парфюмерии высокого качества. 
4)	Мы собираемся запустить в производство новый лосьон. 
5)	Эта фирма занимает лидирующее положение на российском рынке.--------._________________________________
6)	Скоро мы пустим в продажу новые духи. ________________________________________________________________
7)	Компания занимается производством и распространением охранных систем
8)	Чем Вы занимаетесь? Чем Вы зарабатываете на жизнь?
9)	Кто отвечает за выпуск новой продукции?
10)	В какой фирме Вы работаете?-------------------------------------------------------------------
11)	Вице-президент координирует работу дочерних компаний. ----------------------------------------
12)	Когда эта фирма пустит в продажу новую модель?________________________________________________
13)	Вы боитесь промышленного шпионажа?____________________________________________________________
14)	Что производит Ваша фирма?_____________________________________________________________________
15)	На чем специализируется эта компания?---------------------------------------------------------
1. Look at the organisation structure of Forever Young Ltd.
ft -
ft	К	ft	'
Planning Mngr.	R & D Mngr.	Accounts Mngr.	Financial Controller	Sales Mngr.	Personnel Mngr.
Advertising Mngr.	Public Relations Mngr.	Training Mngr.
The Managing Director runs the company and is accountable to the Board of Directors.
The Finance Manager reports to the Managing Director.
The Accounts Manager is under the Finance Manager.
L Can vou tell to whom the following people report?
Sales Mngr.
PR Officer
( Public Relations Officer) Advertising Mngr.
Training Mngr.
Planning Mngr.
Marketing Mngr.
R & D Mngr.
(Research and Development) Financial Controller Personnel Mngr.
Administration Mngr.
match the jobs and departments with their Russian equivalents?
Can you
1)	Board of Directors
2)	Chairman
3)	Managing Director
4)	PR (Public Relations) Officer
5)	Chief Accountant
6)	Sales Mngr.
7)	Sales Department
8)	Finance Dpt.
9)	Accounts Accounting Dpt.
10)	Advertising Dpt.
11)	Training Dpt.
12)	Planning Dpt.
13)	Marketing Dpt.
14)	R & D Research & Development Dpt.
15)	Administration Dpt.
1(5) Distribution Dpt.
17)	Packaging Dpt.
18)	Production Dpt.
19)	Purchasing Dpt.
20)	Personnel Dpt.
а.	отдел маркетинга
b.	директор-распорядитель с. коммерческий директор d. бухгалтерия
е.	плановый отдел
f.	Председатель
g.	сотрудник но связям с общественностью
h.	главный бухгалтер
i.	отдел сбыта, коммерческий отдел
j.	Совет директоров
к.	отдел исследований и развития
1.	финансовый отдел
,гп. о пчел рекламы
п. отдел обучения и подготовки кадров
о. отдел снабжения
р. производственный отдел
ср отдел кадров
г. отдел упаковки товара
S. отдел административного управления
t. отдел распространения продукции
fiiis is the list of new appointments at Forever Young Ltd.
Name	Position	Responsibilities
Ms Falco	Marketing Mngr.	market research, sales promotion
Mr Norman	R & D Mngr.	new product development
Mr White	Assistant Personnel Mngr.	recruitment, training
Mr Snow	Far Eastern Sales Representative	sales in Japan
Ms Low	Assistant Sales Mngr.	sales in EC
Discuss the new appointments like this:
- Who looks after market research and sales promotion? takes care of
is responsible for
is in charge of
- Ms Falco. She is the Marketing Manager.
5.	Give the English for:
псслсдова!me рынка	________________________________________________
разработка продукции	_ ___________________
продвижение товара па рынке	_______________________________
руководить	__
во и л а вл ять	________________________________________________
01 печать за что-либо	________________________________________________
отчп гываться нс ре, i кем-либо, ____________________________________________
। юдчIшяться ко.му-либо _____________________________________________________
6.	What are these people responsible for?
Chief Accountant Personnel Mngr. Production Mngr R I) Mngr.
Marketing Mngr. PR Officer
new product development finance
product launch
market rest arch
7.	You work at Antispy Products Ltd. Draw the organisation chart of your company. Explain the company structure to your partners.
8.	Answer the questions.
1)	Who runs t he company?
2)	Which department is responsible for advertising campaigns?
3)	Who takes care of the company’s finance?
1) Which department manufactures the products?
5)	W ho looks alter new product development?
6)	Which department sells the products?
7)	Which department sends the products to the customers?
8)	Who is in charge of recruitment?
9)	Who is the Managing Director accountable to?
10)	Which department packs the products?
9.	Present Indefinite or Present Continuous? Open the brackets.
1)	What company (to be)	you with? - 1 (to work)	at Orange Computers.
2)	Can I sec the Personnel Manager? - I’m afraid you can’t. He (to have)	_ lunch now.
3)	At the moment Forever Young Ltd. (to launch)_	a new product.
i) Every year our company (to put)	a brand new washing machine on the market.
5)	Hurry up, please. The taxi (to wail)__outside.
6)	Nestle (to produce)_____chocolate and food products.
7)	This week Mr Green (to work)in our London Office.
8)	Mr Brown (to have)a meeting. Could you call a little later, please?
10.	Can you put in the right prepositions?
1)	Jim Filby looks______ UK sales promotion. He is accountable the M.D.
2)	The Marketing Manager is responsible market research and reports the M.D.
3)	The Assistant Personnel Manager takes care recruitment and training and is the Personnel Mana#
4)	Mr Norman is_______charge new product development .
5)	Our company specializes high-quality clothes.
6)	What company do you work ?
11.	Translate into English.
1)	>1 работаю в рекламном отделе* п отвечаю за продвижение товара на рынке.J
2)	11ачалы1ик отдела планирования подчиняется начальнику производи венного отдела-------------
3)	Мистер Бран г руководит отделом снабжения----------------------------------------------------
4)	Кто занимается исследованием рынка?-----------------------------------------------
5)	Начальник отдела кадров подчиняется генеральному директору.
6)	Эта фирма выпускает персональные компьютеры.
7)	Кто отвечает за связи с общественностью? ______—--------------------------------------
8)	Отдел исследований и развития отвечает за разработку повой продукции
9)	Набором персонала занимается отдел кадров. -----------------------
10)	Коммерческий директор руководит отделом сбыта.
11)	Главный бухгалтер отчитывается перед начальником финансовою отде ia.
12)	Какой отдел запускает в производство новые модели?
12.	Role-play.
Peter Green, Vice-President of Orange Computers, comes to his company’s London office to help wit the new product launch. He talks to Alice Black, the Administration Manager, about the structure of their London branch.
Peter Green Find out about the structure oi the London branch of Orange Computers. Make notes and get ready to report to President.
Alic_e Black Get ready lor the meeting with Peter Green, draw the organisation chart of your company and tell him about the company’s structure.
1.	Demis Demiris is a Greek multimillionaire. Read his interview to the “Financial Times”.
Reporter Dem iris
Reporter Demins Reporter Dem iris
\\ hat kinds of business are you in, Mr Dem iris?
Il’s not a simple question. I’m in banking, car manufacturing, shipping, retailing, engineering. I operate on the Slock Exchange. I deal with microelectronics, chemicals, aerospace, insurance, tourism
I hear you’ve opened a lew casinos recently...
Gambling is among world’s fastest-growing industries. Of course, I’m in. Most of all 1 like cash flow.
So you’re a gambler, aren't you?
Business is a game played for fantastic stakes, and you’re in competition with experts. If you want to win you have to be a master of the game.
2.	True or false?
1)	Mr Demins is an Irish millionaire.
2)	lie is in different kinds of business.
3)	Mr Demiris operates on the Commodity Exchange.
4)	He hates cash flow.
5)	Gambling is not among world’s fastest-growing industries.
6)	Mr Demins is a gambler.
3.	What kinds* of business is Mr Demiris in? Make a list.
in _____________
c m
4.	Give the Russian for:
to operate __________________________
t о dca I w 11 h ____________________
cash How ____________________________
fastest-growing master of the game competition
to be in ______________________
stake _________________________
gambler _______________________
5. Can you complete the following sentences?
1.	Most of all Demis Demiris likes .
a) retailing b) microelectronics c) cash flow
2.	attracts people to Las Vegas.
a) banking	b) gambling	c) Stock Exchange
3.	Volvo is one о the market leaders in
a) shipping	b) tourism	c) chemicals
d) whisky
d) windsurfing
d) car manufacturing
6.	Write about Demis Demiris for ‘‘Who’s Who in Business”.
7.	Comment on the following:
Business is a game played foi fantastic stakes, and you’re in competition with experts. If you want to win you have to be a master of the* game.”
8.	Match the words on the right with their definitions.
1.	public room or building for gambling
2.	sale of goods directly to the customers
3.	to play games for stakes
4.	system of protection against the risk or individual loss
5.	rivalry, contest
6.	the business of a bank
a) to gamble b) insurance c) competition d) casino e) banking f) retailing
9. Demis Demiris is a Greek businessman. He comes from Greece. What about these business people? Complete the chart.
Adam Black	the USA	
John O’Connor		Irish
Akiko Suzuki	Japan	
Paolo Rossi		Italian
Swen Swensson	Sweden	
Klaus S Iron berg		Swiss
Maria Romero	Spain	
Jean Pascal		French
Gerhard Wolf	Germany	
Boris Petrov		Russian
Vedat Koseoglu	Turkey	
1 lelen Smith		Australian
Brigitte I laas	the Netherlands 1 lol land	
I Ians Andersen		Danish
Lee Гао	China	
Tibor Mikes		Hungarian
10.	Can you make up sentences about the companies below the way it is done in the example? e.g. The headquarters of SAMSUNG are in South Korea. It’s a Korean company.
11. Can you match the companies and their activities?
I)	Coca-Cola
2)	Revlon
3)	Toyota
4)	McDonald’s
5)	Lloyd’s
6)	Boeing
7)	Credit Lyonnais
8)	Thom as Cook
a.	car manufacturing
b.	insurance
c.	production of soft drinks
d.	manufacture of beauty products
e.	banking
f.	fast-food industry
g.	tourism
h.	aerospace
12.	Work in groups. Discuss which companies arc the leaders of the world market in:
car manufacturing beauty industry computers
13.	Guessing game. Think of some world-famous company. Let your partners ask questions about this company and guess its name.
14.	Translate into English.
1)	Чем Вы занимаетесь? - Я занимаюсь банковским делом и страхованием
2)	Эта японская фирма является одним из мировых лидеров но производству автомобилей -----------------
3)	Штаб-квартира компании ORANGE COMPUTERS находится в Швейцарии
4)	Больше всего на свею я люблю движение денежной наличности.
5)	Вы ведете операции па фондовой! бирже?------------------------------------------------------------—-
6)	Многие греческие компании занимаются судоходством. --------------------------------------------------
7)	Вы боитесь конкуренции? - Конечно, но я человек азартный. Бизнес - эго игра, а я люблю игры с высокими ставкам 11. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------——
8)	Паша компания ведет дела с китайскими, итальянскими, голландскими, датскими, шведскими и французскими фирмами.-------------------------------—----------------------------------------------------------------
9)	Игорный бизнес - одна из наиболее быстро развивающихся отраслей-----------------
10)	Кто руководит этим казино?
11)	Мы собираемся oiкрыть филиалы нашей фирмы в I [ндерландах, Дании, Испании, Венгрии, Турции и Австралии. _________________________________________________________________________________________
12)	Наша компания занимается розничной! торговлей.--------------------
15.	Role-play.
Mr Demiris, a multimillionaire, comes to Moscow. He is going to open a new casino there. Russian reporters meet him at the airport and try to interview him.
1. Read the text.
ORANGE COMPUTERS is a multinational computer manufacturer based in the US and Switzerland. The Head Oflicc is in Switzerland, and there are offices in the US, UK, Germany and Italy. It started in 1969, with a small factory in Bern. The company produced small electronic components for the first few years, but it moved into I he computer market in 1974. Orange Computers invested a lot of money in research, and soon became a market leader.
In the seventies, the company developed several new computers, including some very successful minicomputers. After the birth ol the microcomputer in the USA, Orange Computers was one of the first European companies to develop a micro for business use. They launched their first micro, the MC 126, in 1981, and sold over 50,000 units.
in 1990, the company started manufacturing personal computers. Last year Orange Computers introduced the RX128 processor, and this year they are going to launch a new' range ol Orange notebooks.
2. Answer the questions.
1.	Where are the headquarters of Orange Computers?
2.	When did the company start?
3.	What did the company produce then?
4.	W hen did Orange Computers move into computer market?
5.	How did they manage to become a market leader?
6.	When did Orange Computers develop several successful minicomputers?
7.	Orange Computers w'as one of the first European companies to develop a micro lor business use, w'asn’t it?
8.	When did Orange Computers launch the MCI26?
9.	How many units did they sell?
10.	What did Orange Computers begin to produce in 1990?
11.	What product did Orange Computers introduce last year?
12.	What are they going to launch this year?
3.	Give the Russian for:
to invest money in research to move into the market to become a market leader
to be based in ------------------- to develop
for business use--------------— unit
multinational to introduce
4.	You arc in charge of Public Relations at ORANGE COMPUTERS. What will you tell the interviewer about у our company?
5.	Read the summary of Antispy Products’ history and fill in the file below.
191 i Eve Dropper founds Intelligence Servants Company in Manchester, UK, to protect British firms from industrial espionage.
1920 Merger of the Intelligence Servants with the London SafeWork Company. Head Office now in London.
1931 Company introduces LR01 “Octopus” portable telephone scrambler.
1939 Company changes its name to Antispy Products Ltd.
1911 Company opens its first overseas subsidiary in New York.
1958 Antispy Products start making telephone scramblers for the British Government.
1961 Company gets the contract to build security systems for the White House, USA.
1971 Company produces the battery driven bug detector.
1980 Antispy Products launch the model SP-001, its first computer system protector.
1990 Company has 120 branches in 98 locations.
1991 Company sells security devices to the United Nations Organisation.
1997 Company has 150 branches in 132 locations.
2000 Antispy Products develop computer scramblers for Internet users.
Name of the Company	
Head Office	
Leading Brands	
Important Contracts	
Number of Branches	
6. True or false?
1.	Eve Dropper founded Intelligence Servants Company to help British firms w it h market research.
2.	In 1920 Intelligence Servants merged with SafeWork and opened its headquarters in London.
3.	The company introduced the battery driven bug detector in 1931.
4.	Intelligence Servants Co. changed its name in 1939.
5.	The company opened its first overseas subsidiary in Washington, DC.
6.	Antispv Products Ltd. produced security devices for the British Government, the US Administration, and the UN.
7.	Can you complete the sentences with the words from the box?
merger, multinational, invested, protect, overseas, devices, locations
1)	Orange Computers is a	computer manufacturer
2)	Antispy Products Ltd. can your company from industrial espionage. They specialize in
security •Л	!	I	-
3)	After the of the two companies the Head office was opened in London.
4)	Ehe company	a lot of money in research and soon became a market leader.
5)	In 1997, Antispy Products Ltd. had 150 branches in 132.
6)	How many subsidiaries have you got?
8.	Write a short history of ORANGE COMPUTERS.
9.	Open the brackets and read the history of ToyamaTokanava Inc.
In 1946, Mi Toyama, a Japanese businessman, (found)the company Toyama Inc. 1 he Head Otlice (be) in Osaka. The firm (manufacture)_______sports equipment and (make)____clothes.
In the 1950’s, Toyama Inc.(invest)a lot of money in research and soon (become)a market leadei in sportswear production.
In the 1960’s, rhe firm (open)_20 branches in Japan and 15 overseas subsidiaries.
In 1975, Toyama Inc.(merge) ..with Tokanava Inc. and (change)_its name to I oyama 1 okanava Inc.
In I he early 1980’s, ToyamaTokanava Inc. (close)all its ovt rseas subsidiaries.
In October, 1982, ToyamaTokanava Inc. (go)bankrupt.
10.	Translate into English.
1)	Когда была основана Ваша компания?
2)	Мы собираемся вложить деньги в исследования и разработку повои продукции. 1 lonyio модель мы представим через два месяца---------------------------------------------------——---------------------------
3)	Кто руководи г зарубежным филиалом?
4)	Что Вы знаете о слиянии этих компаний?
5)	Это устройство мы запустили в производство в январе, а в феврале пустили его в продажу-------
6)	Когда эта фирма вышла на рынок?
11. Role-play.
You arc in charge of “The Success Story”
a popular TV show. Try to make a SUPER programme with
the following guests:
❖	Peter Green, Orange Computers (Vice-President)
❖	John O’Connor, Forever Young Ltd. (M.D.)
❖	Demis Demiris, a multimillionaire
12. Can you complete this vocabulary network with the words from the box? sale, дате» credit, market, casino, bill, bear,customer, cheque, share, shop, investment, broker, risk, loan, pm chase,
1. Read the text.
John O’( onnor, the Managing Director of Forever Young Ltd., has been working in the beauty industry for nearly fifteen years. He’s been involved in different aspects of the business - from sales, to marketing and product development. For the last lew years he’s been coordinating special dev elopment projects for the company. Educated in England, Switzerland, and the USA, he has been living in Ireland fora number of years. He is fluent in French, German, Italian and Spanish. Mr O’Connor is married, with a son and a daughter.
2. Answer the questions.
I.	What is John O’Connor?
2.	How long has he been working in the beauty industry?
3.	What aspects of the business has he been involved in?
i. He’s been coordinating special development projects for the companv, hasn’t he?
5.	How long has he been living in Ireland?
6.	What languages does he speak?
7.	Is Mr O’Connor married?
3.	Can you put in the missing prepositions?
1.	John O’Connor has been working_______the beauty industry _ nearly fifteen years.
2.	He’s been involved different aspects_________rhe business.
3.	 the last few' years he’s been coordinating special development projects.
\ He has been living Ireland a number of years.
5.	He is fluent four European languages.
4.	Talk to your partners about their lives and careers. Ask them questions like: How long have you been working for this company?
How long have you been doing the same work?
How' long have you been living in this tow n?
How long have you been learning English?
Think of some more questions
5.	Now write a paragraph describing your own career.
6.	Present Indefinite, Present Continues or Present Perfect Continuous? Choose the right answer.
1.	Where is Mr Brown? - At the moment he	with Mr O’Connor.
a) has lunch	b) is having lunch	c) has been having lunch
2.	Max Factor is an American company. They high-quality beauty products.
a) produce	b) arc producing	c) have been producing
3.	Now Antispy Products on a new7 advertising campaign.
a) work	b) are working	c) have been working
1.	Since 2000 Antispy Products	their brand new computer scramblers foi Internet users.
a) sell	b) are selling	c) have been selling
5. Mr Demiris	on the Stock Exchange for a number of years.
a) operates	b) is operating	c) has been operating
6. Every year our company	a lot of money in market research and sales promotion.
a) invests	b) is investing	c) has been investing
7. You’re having dinner w ith John O’Connor. He is visiting your country for the first time. Work in pairs. Ask him about his country, family, firm, career, impressions of your country, etc.
8. Read the biography of Demis Demiris, a multimillionaire.
1910 Born in Athens, Greece.
1958 Goes to Harvard University, USA, to study banking.
1962 Graduates from Harvard with honours. Marries Helen \\ cst, a film star. Opens an insurance company in New York.
196 i Divorces I lelen West. Returns to Greece and starts “Green Tours’ , a travel agency.
1967 Inherits 87 million dollars after his father’s death. Invests in engineering and chemicals.
1970 Marries Nina Andersen, a Dutch top model. Moves to I lollywood and starts producing films with Nina Andersen.
1972 After the failure of his two films, stops investing in film industry. Divorces Nina Andersen. Opens an advertising agency at Madison Avenue, N.Y.
1975 Buys a shipping company. Starts operations on the Stock Exchange. Marries Anna Maria Gonzales, a Spanish princess.
1980 Opens jewelry shops in New’ York, London, Paris and Rome. Launches ‘ The Jewel of the Universe” beauty contest, Acquiics “Global Microelectronics Co.”
1981 Divorces \nna Maria Gonzales Marries Alice Black, “ I he Jewel of the Universe-83 . Invests in aerospace and car manufacturing.
1987 Opens 25 supermarkets in Europe.
1990 Acquires Kronos Bank. Opens branches in I long Kong and Tokyo. Divorces Alice' Black.
1993 Invests hea\ ily in shipping. Demiris’ Shipping Co. becomes the woi Id market leader.
1996 Closes the Hong Kong branch of Kronos Bank. Opens a new branch in Taiwan Opens a casino in Moscow.
1998 Builds two casinos in Las Vegas.
9. Answer the questions.
1)	How old is Demis Demiris?
2)	Is he married now?
3)	1 low many wives did he have? Who were they?
4)	Where was he educated?
5)	What kinds о business is Demis Demins involved in?
6)	Why do you think he closed the Hong Kong branch of Kronos Bank in 199
7)	In which locations does he have casinos?
10.	Work in pairs. Discuss the biography of Mr Demins and try to find out now ong he las been dealing with a particular kind of business. You may start like this:
-	How Ion f has Mr Demiris been dealing with advertising?
-	1 le’s been involved in advertising for 26 years. Since 1972.
11.	Which words have the same meaning and which are the opposites?
to divorce, to start, to buy, success, head office, to produce, to marry, to found, contest, branch, to deal with, to establish, competition, failure, to manufacture, subsidiary, headquarters, to make, to be involved, to acquire
12.	Translate into English.
1)	Сколько денег он получил в наследство?----------------------------------------------------------------
2)	С 1993 мы вкладываем много денег в судостроение. Это одна из наиболее быстро развивающихся отраслей.
3)	Мы приобрели рекламное агеиство два года назад.
4)	Последний конкурс красоты был неудачным.---------------------------------------------------------
5)	Дем нс Демнрпс окончил Гарвардский университет с отличием. --------------------------------------
6)	Сколько времени Ваша компания выпускает эту модель?
7)	Я занимаюсь банковским делом 20 лет. Последние 5 лет я работаю в банке Демпрнса.
8)	Игорным бизнесом мы занимаемся с 1996.
9)	Я хороню говорю па пяти языках: китайском, датском, французском, немецком и шведском. --------
10)	Я получил образование в Швейцарии.
13.	Role-play.
You’ve inherited $5,000,000 from your American aunt. But you can’t spend this money. Your aunt wanted you to invest it in different companies (no more than $250,000). Discuss with your family how to invest the money. Here is a list of possible companies:
British Petroleum IBM Computers General Motors Coca-Cola
Swiss National Bank L’Oreal
Daewoo British Airways
Rosneft Oil Company Apple Computers Toyota Cars
Dcutche Bank
Philip Morris Inc. McDonald’s
Gazprom Microsoft Rolls-Royce I leineken Fuji Films Credit Lyonnais Oriflame
Forever Young Ltd. Antispy Products Ltd. Orange Computers Xerox Corp. Lufthansa
UNITS 15 2
1. Give the Russian for:
1 о manuf act uro	- market leader			
h i oh -n i ril if v	lo nut smth on the market	
111 llllclll Ly	- — 1 п л ri Hi11	iim 11ist ria 1 esninnade	
to specialize in I lead Office till W 111 1 • 11’\ f	PR (Public Rrhtinns) Officer	
	—			- 	 ...	.  - j i\ у г Li I / 1 11 IV IclliUIlo/ v J 1 1 IL v 1 t hn in /•Ivircfo ni	
	11/ l/C 111 lllill^l (JI In lip 'ЧПМ11 4! 11 1 P 1ПГ	
oil 1 KMll Icll V I z % 1 'll 1 lU’ri	— -	—	—	— — LA/ l/С 1 С.л 1 /V/11Л1 1 / 1 V 1 ' Л H/virfl mI I }irof*t нг<ч	
LO IclUIiCil brand new product launch	iJl/cllLl l/l L_z ll(_t I I f I L\ | '1 H 'H f i	1 J 1 iw1! fir	
	1' 1 cl! Idg!! Ig I zl1 I I 1 Ol	
	111СI /\С C Oil II I cl! 11 1 f \ ri»1i»1**»l P All t I'll» X rV’lz I' V 1' i 1 *111 ( ff*	
10 lOoK cliLCi branch to take care of Chairman Sales Mngr.		Loopciaii on ine oiolk i^Acikiiige	
	oil1cs i/cpaiimcnt	
	Accounts Accounting upt. 	R & 1) Research &	
	De vclopmcnt Dpt.	
finance Dpt. Advertising Dpt.	Acimimstl JLlOll upt.	
	to be accountable to	
1 raining Dpt.	to nio\ e int о t he mai kc t	
Planning Dpt. Marketing Dpt. — Distribution Dpt. 	 Packaging Dpt. Production Dpt. 	 Purchasing Dpt. Personnel Dpt.	product ctevciopm an	
	C.cir П1 cl II 111 cl C 1111 1 In IW'nillP *1 llllirlznl IPMOfU"	
	m Iz»\'r»11*/•! глпи’ч	
	f’i i I*	
	  — — 			 1 c I 1 1	
				LO liedLl Im Ho unfL»r	
				1)1 IIIILLC!	
to iiin a company	 market research sales promot ion competition engineering			——— LO 1 CpOl L CO	
	 	-  -—				 ID lit <11 \v IL 11	
	— 	gam dici	
		mei g(‘i	
		 — 	SI < l к c	
gambling to be based in multinational to be involved in	 to be educated in to graduate from in	.	1 )cI 1 1 KI I Ig	
		sh i ppi ng	
	—	to invest in	
				to in11 oducc	
		to protect	
		ret a i 1 i ng	
to be fluent in	O\ciseas j Г	I	*1 ~
location 1	1*1		1 о f ou n d	- ' — 1	—
cash flow	chemicals	
aerospace to inherit w ith honours	insurance			1
		1 о acq u i re 	fai 1 u re	
2. Can you put in the right prepositions?
1) Mr White is charge market research and he is responsible sales promotion.
2) What company are you?
- 1 work IBM.
3) What do you do a living?
- I’m_______tourism.
4) The R&D Manager takes care product development. He is accountable the M.D.
5) John O’Connor has been working the beauty industry 15 years. Ho s been involved----------------
different aspects  the business.
6) We have been dealing  this company 1987.
7) Two years ago our company moved_______the Russian market.
8) the moment we are working a brand new bug detector. W e are going to put it---------------the
market in summer.
9) the last three years we have been investing heavily sales promotion.
10) The Personnel Manager looks  recruitment and reports the M.D.
3.	Translate into English.
1)	1 чавная контора фирмы находится в .Лондоне. У нас 3 филиала во Франции и 2 дочерние компании в США.
2)	Фирма ( нецкализируется на космешке и парфюмерии высокого качества______________________-__________
3)	Я работаю в рекламном отделе н отвечаю за продвижение товара па рынке.
4)	Мистер БраГп руководит отделом снабжения. Он работает в этой фирме с 1967 года.
5)	Кто отвечает за связи с общественностью?
6)	Главный бухгалтер отчитывается перед начальником финансового отдела_____________
) Наша компания занимается розничной торговлей. Мы ведем дела с китайскими, японскими, итальянскими голландскими, датскими, шведскими и французскими фирмами.*
8) Игорный Mi.niec - одна из паи 5олее быстро развивающихся отраслей. Конечно, мы гоже им занимаемся
9) Мы собираемся открыть филиалы пашей фирмы в Нидерландах, Дании, Испании, Beinpim, Турции и
А встрсъ ш и_______________________________________________________________________________________
10) Вы боитесь конкуренции? - Да, и поэтому мы делаем большие инвестиции в исследования рынка и разработку повой продукции Каждый месяц мы представляем новую модель. Мы хотим занять лидирующее положение на рыике__________________________________________________________________________________________
11) Я занимаюсь страхованием 10 лет. Последние 3 года работаю в ирлан ickoi’i страховой компании. --
12) Что Вы знаете о слиянии этих компаний?
13) Сколько времени Ваша компания выпускает эту модель? 
14) Мы приобрели рекламное агеиство два года назад
15) Эго устройство мы продаем с января.________________________________________________________________
1. Read the text.
Bright & Co., Ltd., an English cosmetic firm, are having a meeting. Mr Bright, the company's President, Mr Smith, its Managing Director, and Mr Clou n, the Marketing Manager, are discussing a new business strategy.
Bright Let’s gel started, shall we? We need to define a new business strategy.
Smith	Our main objective is to increase market share and to do this we must reduce prices.
Bright	So you’re sure that if we sell our products al reduced prices, our market share will increase.
Smith Yes, I’m sure.
Bright But if we reduce prices, our profits will drop.
Clown	I think it’s time to move into the export field, to break into one ol the European markets.
Smith	I see what you mean, but we’ve got plenty to do in the home market.
Clown I in afraid I can’t agree. The home market is saturated. The company can only expand by selling abroad We can’t live on our home market forever, can we?
Smith Maybe, but wc can’t spend too much money on sales promotion, at least not at this stage. II we market our products overseas, our costs \vill be astronomical! We can’t afford to do a lol of market research or to carry out an expensive advert ising campaign.
Clown 1 hat’s true, but on the other hand we must stay ahead of our competitors, mustn’t wc? They are looking for foreign markets. In my opinion, this is the right time to sell our products overseas.
Bright That’s exactly what I think. I’ll talk to Robert Brown, a marketing consultant. He writes for Marketing Magazine, and runs an export consultancy service. Let’s ask him to pick on some countries where our brands can go down well.
Clown I m sure Robert can help us.
Bright All right, then. We’ll meet again when Robert comes up with some advice. Well, gentlemen, shall we call it a day?
2. True or false?
1.	Bright & Co., Ltd. are going to spend a lot of money on market research.
2.	The company can’t afford lo carry out an expensive advertising campaign.
3.	They are going to increase their market share.
4.	The home market is saturated.
5.	The company can only expand by selling abroad.
6.	The competitors of Bright & Co. are looking for foreign markets.
7.	Robert Brown runsan insurance company.
3.	W hich phrase is different?
to move into the expoit field
to break into one of the European markets to stay ahead of the competitors
to expand by selling abroad
to start selling abroad
to market products overseas
to sell overseas
4.	Speak about your company. Say what you can and what you can’t afford:
<	♦ to live on your home market forever
to sell your products al reduced prices
•	> to move into export field
to break into the US market
♦	> to market your products in Japan
to start exporting in Australia
<	♦ to spend a lot of money on marketing and sales promotion
❖	Lo carry out an expensive advertising campaign
5.	Talk to your partner about your company’s plans for the next year.
Write down 5 things you’re going to do and 5 things you aren’t going to do.
e.g. We are going to market our products in China.
Wc aren't going to expand by selling abroad.
6.	Give the English for:
01 i редел i пъ ci pa i eri i io	__________________
продавать но сниженным ценам
пользоваться спросом	__________________
проводить доро! остоящую
реклам 1 iyю камi iai и iio	__________________
внутренний рынок	__________________
внешний рынок	__________________
основная задача
прибыл ь __________________________
рас 111111 )я п >ся________________
ко 11 ку ре и г ___________________
марка товара_______________________
увел I in ива гь __________________
доля рынка
затраты ___________________________
7.	Can you complete these tag questions?
1)	Let’s get started,______________?
2)	Our main objective is to increase market share,_________________?
3)	We’ve got plenty to do in the home market,____________________?
4)	We can’t live on our home market forever,___________________?
5)	Our costs will be astronomical,______________________?
6)	We must stay ahead of our competitors,____________________?
) They are looking for foreign markets,_____________________?
8)	Mr Brown runs an export consultancy service,____________________?
9)	We need to define a new business strategy,____________________?
10)	Let’s call it a day,?
8.	Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.
consultant, share, saturated, i educed, market, runs,
promotion, expand, advertising
1.	With its new marketing programme. Coca-Cola hopes to increase its_of the soft drinks market.
2.	IBM Company increased its______share with an_________campaign.
3.	Advertising and selling goods at	prices arc examples of sales________.
4.	This company can only	by selling abroad.
5.	My friend is a marketing_______ He writes for Marketing Magazine and_______an
export consultancy service.
6.	The market for computers in Japan is almost completely.
9.	Can you match the two parts of the sentences?
1)	If we sell our products at reduced prices
2)	If we re( 1 uce prices
3)	It we market our products overseas
4)	When Robert comes up w ith some advice
a)	w’e’ll meet again.
b)	our costs will be astronomical!
c)	our profits will drop.
d)	our market share w ill increase.
10.	Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1.	The market is saturated. Wc (to go)___________________bankrupt if we (not to start)__________________
exporting abroad.
2.	Our market share (to increase)	if we (to invest)___________________in sales promotion.
3	Sales (to increase) if we (to carry out)	a good advertising
4.	When wc (to reduce)	the price, more people (to be able) ___________________to buy
this product.
5.	If you (to take)a stand at one of the European fairs your brands (to become) knowm in Europe.
6.	Sales (to drop) ,	if wc (to increase)    prices.
11.	There are different ways of reacting to other people’s opinions.
If you want to agree with someone you can say: That's exactly what I think.
That's just what 1 was thinking.
1 agree.
I agree entirely.
Quite right. I couldn't agree more.
1 think that's right
I zou want to disagree with someone you can say:
I 'm nut sure about that.
I'm afraid I can't agree.
I can see what you mean, but...
I don't think it's a good idea.
Maybe, but don't you think...?
That s true, but on the other hand...
Here arc some opinions about business and people in business. Do you agree or disagree?
1.	Businessmen arc all criminals.
2.	Business is a game played for fantastic stakes.
3.	Money is a source of freedom.
4.	'fhe world’s largest advertising agencies are Japanese.
5.	The world s greatest beer drinkers are Germans.
G The world’s biggest manufacturer of vodka is Russia.
7	Internet can do only good to business.
12.	Translate into English.
1)	Наша главная задача - определи гь ripaTci nto._______________________________________________________________
2)	Внутренний рынок насыщен. Мы увеличим долю рынка, если вложим деньги в рекламную кампанию и
Cl 1113ИМ I ici । ы_______________________________________________________________________________
3)	Мы не можем позволить себе продавать говары но сниженным ценам.
1) 1 lamii марки пользуются спросом па вну греинем рынке.
5) Самое время заняться экспортом, не так ш?
G) Если мы так поступим, то прибыль упадет, а затраты будут oi ромиымп. . 
7) Мы опередим конкурентов, если в этом году пустим в продажу нашу новейшую модель.
8) Ваша фирма может проникнуть на американский рынок, если вложи г мною депо! в рекламу и предсгавпт своп говары на международной выставке. ______________________________________________________
1. Read the advertisement.
Good advertising doesn’t just inform. It sells. Il helps move product and keep businesses in business. Every time an ad arouses a consumer’s interest enough to result in a purchase, it keeps a company going strong. And it helps secure the jobs of the people who work there.
Advertising. That’s the way it works.
(The Economist)
2. Answer the questions.
1.	What is the “job” of advertising?
2.	Why do you think advertising helps millions of people keep their jobs?
3.	I low does advertising keep businesses in business?
4.	Which way does advertising woi k?
3.	Which words are used with the following verbs?
to do
to move to result
to keep to arouse to secure
4. Give the English for: предприятия, фирмы ___________________________
визывать ин।epee _____________________________
покупка	________________________
рекламiюе of>ъяв тс11не __________________________
11 о i pe611 re.’i ь	__________________________
гарантировать	__________________________
5.	Can you fill in the gaps with the right words?
1.	Advertisin ’ helps jobs of millions of people and businesses in business.
2.	When an ad a consumer’s interest and it ~in a purchase, the company
_______________ s t ro n gc r.
3.	Good advertising products. That’s the way it .
6.	Below you will find slogans of some well-known companies. Write the name of the company next to its slogan.
Heineken, Volvo, Credit Suisse, Rolex, Air France, Dunhill, United Parcel Service
"A safer car for people who care.
Give us a car that can grow with the family.” 
“A new dimension in business travel.
The Fine Art of Flying." 
“My ... is more than just a watch.
It also makes me feel dressed."	.
‘The most distinguished tobacco house in the world. Internationally acknowledged to be the finest cigarette in the world."
“Empty glasses speak louder than words. When you make a great beer, you don’t have to make a great fuss.”
“We do more to keep you at the top. Incredibly Swiss. Incredibly International.
“As sure as taking it there yourself."
7.	The name suggests some quality of the product. Can you match real products and their brand names?
1. Nutra Sweet	a. refrigerator
2. North	b. toothpaste
3. Nutra Source	c. after shave lotion
1. Slim East	d. sugar substitute
5. While & Healthy	e. shower gel
6. Old Spice	f. multivitamins
7. Sun Silk	g. cocktail for loosing weight
8. Rain Bath	h. shampoo
8.	Discuss some methods oi advertising. Give examples of ads which: show a product and explain what it docs
♦	♦•show a scientist telling about the product
<	♦ show a popular personality
<	• compare the qualities of a product with competitors
❖	appeal to mother love
make special offers
9.	Read the text with a dictionary.
(after G. Mikes)
I am ready to bet that in your naivety you believe that advertising is the art of convincing people of the advantages oi your product and ol persuading them to prefer your product to any other make. This is a misconception. Advert sing is the art of convincing people that they want certain things they don’t want al all.
Advertisements in America are everywhere. They till the newspapers and cover the walls, they are on menu cards and in your daily post, on pamphlets and on match boxes... 1 hey tell you that il you wash with a certain soap you’ll become rich, if you use a certain orange squeezer, you wall remain young, if you eat only a special kind ol tomato ketchup you will learn foreign languages more easily.
Of course, people are much too intelligent to believe such silly statements. Bui after all there may be something in it - w’hy not try?
The word “scientific” has a magic effect in America. You may put up a notice “Scalp Massage ’ - this is quite ineffective. But if you say “Scientific Scalp Massage” - that is a dif erent matter After all, the least you can expect is that your scalp should be massaged by a sc i ent ist.
10.	Answer the questions.
1.	What do most people think of the an of advertising?
2.	What do advertisements convince people of?
3.	Do you believe that if you cat a special kind of tomato ketchup you’ll learn English more easily?
4.	Which word has a magic effect in America? Why?
5.	Do you know' any “magic” woids in Russian advertisements?
11.	Can you put in either convince or persuade!
Note, to convince smb. (o smth.) means ‘to make smb. think in a certain way’ to persuade smb. (to do smth.) means ‘to make smb. act’
I)	Advertising usually tries to_____	people to buy a particular product.
2)	Advertising tries to________________people that they want certain things.
3)	Can you___________________your potential customers of the advantages of this brand new' orange squeezer?
4)	The Marketing Mngr.___________________the Board of Directors to start looking for foreign markets.
5)	I’m going to__________________our M.D. that our company can only expand by selling abroad.
6)	The notice ‘Scientific Scalp Massage” can	anyone that his scalp will be massaged by a
12.	Can you match the two parts of the following ads?
1.	\\ hen I shave 'Daisy'...
2.	Wear ' Long neck' col lais...
3.	Don’t be vague...
4.	Visit '2Г...
5.	Subscribe to 'Cues'...
6.	Why not try 'Clancy'...
13. Role-play.
a.	you’ll never get the blues!
b.	it’ll strike your boyfriend’s fancy!
с.	1 feel a little crazy.
d.	ask for 'Haig'.
e.	you’ll feel like a million dollars!
f.	you’ll have a lot of fun!
Step 1. You woik for Forever Young Ltd. Design a new product for the export inai ket I hink of a good brand name and design a package (box, can, paper, plastic wrapping, etc.)
Discuss the following:
Who is going to buy your product?
What image do you want (luxurious economical natural & healthy
old-fashioned & traditional sophisticated high tech formula)?
How much will it cost?
How are you going to market your product?
How and where will you advertise, your product (television radio direct
mail magazines, hoardings)’.'
What advertising slogan will you use?
Step 2. Pi epare an advertising campaign for the product you’ve designed.
1. Read the text.
Jim Jilby is the Sales Manager of Antispy Products I td. He is talking to Sam Stone, tin Purchasing Manager of Orange Computers.
Slone I must say I was impressed by your Antispy computer system protectors.
Filby II you’re going to sell in overseas markets, you’ve got to offer a product with high performance. No one can match us on quality.
Stone Yes, it’s true. Could you give me some information about your models? SP-007 interests me a lol.
Fi 1 by	Certainly. I his is our latest product. \\ e put it on the market about six months ago. The SP-007 look a lol
of time to develop. We ran up against a lot of technical problems, so there were several design modificalions. We got it right in I he end, though.
Stone I’ll say! Can you give me some more details about these protectors?
Filby Right. 1 11 give you our brochures for the Anlispy computer system protectors, if you like. 3 hey give specif icat ions ol the models. You’ll also need our price lists.
Stone Do you quote firm prices lo the end of the year?
Filby Yes, I guarantee that. When we sell Ant spy equipment we offer a complete package: a high-quality product, spare parts, competitive price, two-year guarantee, reliable after-sales service... and, of course, a good service manual. We’ve had practically no complaints about this model.
Stone I’m impressed by your approach to business. It’s possible i’ll place an order for your SP-007 model.
Filby Good.
Stone If I do, can you dispatch, say, one hundred immediately?
Filly Yes. We’ve got plenty in stock. About 2,000 are available at the moment. No problem.
Stone I’d like co call my office first. I’ll talk to some of my colleagues. If they agree, we could discuss the deal tomorrow, perhaps.
Filby Thai’s suits me fine. There’s no rush. I 11 supply you with our sales documentation and everything else you require. I hope we’ll do a lot of business together in the future.
Stone So do I. Maybe this could be the start of a long association bet ween our firms.
2. Jim Filby is very proud about his company’s latest model. Read the following sentences and find the wrong one.
1.	No one can match us on quality.
2.	We put our SI 007 on the market six months ago.
3.	The SP-007 took a lot of time to develop. •
4.	When w’c sell Antispy equipment we offer a complete package.
5.	Our prices are firm to the end of the month.
6.	W e’vc had practically no complaints about SP-007.
7.	Our customers are impressed by our approach to business.
3.	When Antispy Products Ltd. sell their equipment to their customers they offer a complete package:
<♦ high-quality product
<♦ spare parts
<• competitive price
❖	tw’o-year guarantee
❖	reliable after-sales service
❖	good service manual
W hich points do you think are most important? Can you arrange them in order of importance?
4.	Which words go together?
overseas latest long design price complete potential sales competitive
association list
customer market catalogue product price package modification
5.	Look at this list of verbs. Do you know nouns that go with them?
to sell
to guarantee t o design to specify
to modify to develop to dispatch to supply
G. You work in the Sales Department of Antispy Products Ltd. Speak about your brand new product,
the SP-007 computer system protector. Try to impress your potential customers.
7. Can you put in the right prepositions?
1.	Nobody can match IBM the quality of its computers.
2.	Eorcver Young Ltd. put their ‘SuperLady’the market a year ago.
3.	Could you give me some information your latest models?
4.	Stone was impressed______Filby’s approach_______business.
5.	If you’re going to sell____overseas markets, you’ve got to offer a product___
6.	Jim Filby promised to supply his client__the necessary sales documentation.
7.	We have only 50 models_________stock__________the moment.
8.	We’d like to place an order your Antispy telephone scramblers.
high performance.
8. Give the Russian for:
specifications * f /	4 1 * .
eq u i pi nent _____________________________
spare parts ________________________________
re liable __________________________________
complaint ----------------------------------
to be available-----------------------------
to require
to quote firm prices	______
service manual	Jr__________________________________________
to place an order for ------------------------------------------------
after-sales service	--------------------------------------------
approach to business -----------.------------------------.------------
to dispatch immediately to have smth. in stock —-------------------------------:--------------
to supply smb. with smth.
9.	Check your memory. Can you fill in the gaps with the words from the text?
1.	I must say I was____________by your product.
2.	If you’re going to sell in, you’ve got to offer a product with No one can__________________us on quality.
3.	We put it on the_______________6 months ago. It_________________much time to_____________ We
_______against a lot of technical problems, but we it right in the end, though.
4.	These brochures give_______________ol the models.
5.	We_____________the prices firm to the end of the year.
6.	We’ve had no________________about this model.
7.	I’m impressed by your______________to business.
8.	If I an order for your computer protectors, will you them?
10.	What did they say?
1.	“I am impressed.”
2.	“No one can match us.”
3.	“Our firm is very reliable.”
4.	“We quote firm prices.”
5.	“We arc working on a new model.”
6.	“Our firm zedll place an order.”
7.	“They will supply us with spare parts.”
8.	“I le will call you back.”
9.	“We ran up against many problems.”
10.	“'fhe SP-007 look much time to develop.” I l.“We put it on the market 2 months ago.”
12	. “Are the prices firm?”
13	. “Can I get (he service manual?”
14	."Do you like this model?”
15	.“Will you come to the meeting?”
He said that he zoas impressed
He said that their firm would place an order
He said they had run up against many problems
He asked if the prices zee re firm
11.	You are Mr Stone, the Purchasing Manager of Orange Computers. Call your office and inform your boss about the meeting with Mr Filby.
12.	Translate into English.
1.	Цены на наши товары твердые и конкурентоспособные.----------------------------------------------
2.	Мы можем предоставить Вам брошюры с техническими характеристиками моделей. 
3.	11е спешите. У нас на складе еще много запчастей._________________________________________________________
4.	Ваш подход к делу впечатляет. Надеюсь па долгосрочное сотрудничество в будущем. 
5.	Меня это вполне устраивает. Я думаю, что конкуренты не могут сравниться с Вамп по качеству продукции.
6.	Если Вы разместите заказ па эту модель, то сможете опередить конкурентов. ---------------------------
7.	Сейчас у нас имешея около 10,000 штук данной модели. Все это мы можем немедленно отправить Вам.
8.	Мистер Филби сказал, что па эту модель не было практически ни одной жалобы. ----------------—-----
9.	Клиент спросил, сможем ли мы предоставить информацию о новейшей модели.
10.	На разработку данной модели ушло много времени. Было много проблем, по мы в конце концов справились.
13.	Role-play.
Role 1. You’re a sales person. You’re going to interest your customer in your product. (He doesn’t seem to be very impressed.) Say, that it’s a product with high performance, that nobody can match you on quality. You’re a reliable firm and can offer a complete package.
Role 2. A sales representative of a company is going to interest you in their products. You’re not impressed at all. You think that the quality is poor (you’ve seen better models), the technology is not reliable, the design needs modifications and, besides, the price is very high.
1. Read the following letter.
112 Farrington Road London ECi
20 February
Dear Client,
We are pleased to present to you the latest telephone scrambler in our range, the ZZX-10.
Thorough testing has proved that its long-term reliability is even greater than before. In fact, we are so confident of its performance that can fully guarantee it for three years.
The ZZX-10 is highly competitive in price. The cost is, in fact, only slightly higher than the ZZX-09. The ZZX-10 outperforms its rivals convincingly on specifications and, as part of our promot ional campaign, we are offering 10% off list price if you order within the next two weeks. It is too good an opportunity to miss.
It act-
Sarah Bloch
Marketing Manager
PS Offer lasts until 6 March
2. Can you complete the following sentences?
1.	Antispy Products Ltd. have launched 	.
a)	a new range ol telephone scramblers
b)	a new model in their range of telephone scramblers
c)	the latest model of computer system protector
2.	Thorough testing has proved that its is even greater than before,
a)	guarantee period
b)	after-sales service () long-term reliability
3.	Antispy Products Ltd. arc very confident of their new model’s   . a) performance'
b)	design
c)	service manual
i The price of ZZX-09 is	than the ZZX-10.
a)	slightly higher
b)	slightly lower
c)	much lower
5	. The new telephone scrambler its rivals on specifications.
a)	matches
b)	outperforms
c)	stays behind
6	As part of their promotional campaign Antispy Products arc offering to their clients, a) 1% off list price
b)	5% off list price
c)	10% off list price
3. You received a sales letter from Antispy Products Ltd. about their new telephone scrambler. What features of the new model do you find most attractive: its long-term reliability, its high performance, the guarantee period, the price, the special offer or others?
4. You work in the Advertising Department at Antispy Products Ltd. Prepare a one-minute radio advert for ZZX-10.
5.	Give the Russian for:
thorough testing __________________
to be confident of_________________
to outperform on _____l_-..........
long-term reliability highly competitive list price
6.	Read another sales letter.
Bright <& Co,. Ltd,
Dear Customer,
As you know , here at Bright & Co. wc specialize in providing products of the highest quality at the cheapest possible prices, which is why we arc making this special offer to all our regular customers.
As part of our end-of-year clearance sale, we are offering the “I lard Cash” perfume at an unbelievable discount. 1 he “Hard Cash” perfume is a bargain that you cannot afford to miss! To avoid disappoint inent, call in to any of our 15 department stores today.
John Bright
7.	Can you explain the meaning of the following phrases?
<♦ regular customers
♦♦♦ clearance sale
at an unbelievable discount it’s a bargain
8.	In the morning you received a sales letter from Bright & Co. w ith their special offer. You don’t want to
miss such an opportunity. Phone your husband, or a relative, and tell him or her about this offer. Try to
persuade him or her to buy the “Hard Cash” for you.
9.	Sending sales letters to regular customers is an example of direct mail advertising. Work in small groups. Discuss all possible means of advertising (radio, television, newspapers, magazines, direct mail shorts,
billboards, hoardings, etc.) and decide w'hich of them arc most effective in your country.
10.	You’re Sarah Bloch, the Marketing Manager of Antispy Products Ltd. Write a sales letter about your
SP-007 computer system protector.
11.	Can you put in the right preposition?
1.	If you ordef the next tw'o weeks, we’ll give you 5%list price.
2.	Our regular customers can gel this w’atch_an unbelievable discount.
3.	If you call	our department store, we’ll sell this book _ you______the cheapest possible price.
4.	\\ cTe so confident its performance that can fully guarantee it two years.
12. Can you complete the puzzle?
I.	We’re confident of SP-007. We’ve had practically no about this model.
2.	You can place an order within two months. There's no.
3.	Our profits will drop, if we offer our products at such a great
4.	Our rivals cannot____________us on quality.
5.	To_____________disappointment, try to learn about your potential
partners as much as possible.
6.	We must stay ahead of our ______________and increase our market share.
7.	Market research has proved that all our customers w’orrv about of ZZX-09.
8.	“Have you heard about Bright’s special offer?” - ‘A cs. It’s a
13.	Try to sell something strange to your partner.
<♦ a musical mousetrap
<♦ perfumed books
Here arc some strange things which you may offer:
<• a bicycle-scat warmer
❖ a pocket lie-delcctor
14. Role-play.
Your company sells Italian furniture. /\ week ago your firm ordered a new' range of furniture which is going
to arrive within the next two weeks.
The problem is (hat you’ve got plenty of old furniture in stock and there is no space for new models in your show-room. You cannot afford to spend too much on advertising, but you have to get rid of the old furniture within two weeks.
Your boss promised promotion to those sales people w ho w ill come up w'ilh the most brilliant ideas of organising an cl active clearance sale.
1. Give the Russian for:
objective to increase market share spare parts to drop home market saturated guarantee reliable costs approach brand competitive complaint consumer profits to result in to secure slogan to carry out luxurious sophisticated hoarding performance to avoid price list list price to dispatch immediately deal to require* associat ion to prove rival to provide discount bargain
________________________to define a strategy to move into the export field ----------------------------------------------------------------------
to break into a market	-------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------to expand by selling abroad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to market products overseas ------------------------------------------------------------------------
to have smth. in stock	-------------------------------------------------------------
to stay ahead of competitors -----------------------------------------------------------------
to go down well
------------------------to sell smth. at reduced prices 
------------------------to convince smb. (of smth.) 
------------------------to persuade smb. (to do smth.)
------------------------an expensive advertising campaign--------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------to match smb. smth. on quality --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to run up against a problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------design modification ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to quote firm prices
to place an order for	-------------------------------------------------------------
t o su pp I у sm b. \v i t h sm t h.	______________________________________
________________________long-term reliability	_____________________________________________________________
------------------------to be confident of smth.	------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------promotional campaign
------------------------to miss an opportunity	------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to reduce prices
------------------------high-tech formula
------------------------complete package
------------------------to I >e available		 	to afford smth.	- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to arouse interest
------------------------a ft e r-sa I es ser v ice	~	------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------service manual
------------------------thorough testing------------------------------------------------------------------------------- regular customer department store
------------------------to outperform
------------------------clearance sale
------------------------specificat ions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Can you put in the right prepositions?
1.	If you w'ant to break a foreign market, you'll have to spend much money a promotional campaign.
2.	Our regular customers can get 10 %_____list price.
3.	Antispy Products Ltd. always supply their customers good service manuals.
1. This company can expand______selling abroad, can’t it?
5.	We are confident our new product. We’ve had practically no complaints it. Our rivals can’t
match us_______quality.
6.	We have 10,000 units stock the moment. It’s the right time to start a clearance sale.
7.	Our department store is going to sell all the goods reduced prices. You can buy everything
unbelievable discounts.
8.	Can you pick_____some countries where our brands will go________well?
9.	We’ll place an order this model the next two weeks if you quote prices firm the end
______the year.
10.	Wo can’t live our home market forever. We must stay ahead our competitors, but now they arc
looking foreign markets.
3. Translate into English.
1.	11спытапня доказали, что эта модель превосходит все модели наших конкурентов по коническим характеристикам.
2.	Если мы вложим деньги в исследования рынка и разработку новой продукции, паши затраты буду! просто acrpoi юм 11ческ1 iMi i______________________________________________________________________________
3.	Самос время провести дорогостоящую рекламную кампанию и увелнчть пашу долю рынка.
4.	Ваши цены твердые до конца года, нс так ли? ____________________________________________________
5.	Наши конкуренты продаю! свои товары по сниженным ценам. Они могут себе л о позволить, не правда ли?
6 Я уверен, что паши марки будут пользоваться спросом па российском рынке. 
7.	Эта марка может вызвать интерес у потребителей. Мы должны начать кампанию по продвижению товара па
р ы 11 кс ------------------------------------------------------— -------------------------------------------------
8.	Директор сказал, что наша основная задача - увеличить долю рынка.
9.	Наши партнеры сообщили, что им нужны запчасти и руководство по эксплуатации.
10.	Вы можете предоставить нам гарантию падва года?____________________________________________________
11.	Ес ли мы будем продавать вес товары с такими невероятными скидками, то, конечно, наша прибыль сократится.
12.	Директор ио маркетингу убедил Совет директоров, что компания может развиваться только за счет экспорта.
13.	Маркстнпювыс исследования доказали, что потребителей интересует конкурентоспособная цепа, качество и падежт !ость товара_________________________—	---------------------------------------------------
14.	Наш клиент спросил, можем ли мы снабдить его коммерческой документацией.
15.	Если мы разместим заказ сегодня, то сколько единиц товара Вы сможете поставить немедленно?
1. Read the text.
Sam Stone, the Purchasing Manager of Orange Computers, is negotiating a deal with J ini Pilby, the Sales Manager of Antispy Products Ltd.
Stone* Filby
About those Antispy computer system protectors. I got in touch with my colleagues. They’ve given me a go-ahead to negotiate the main clauses of the contract: pi ices and the total amount of the contract, dates and terms ol delivery, terms of payment, guarantee period, рас king and marking, insurance and discount rates. We want to place a firm order for the SP-007.
Excellent. We’d be happy to cooperate. How many do you want to buy?
We’d like two hundred tor immediate delivery, and eight hundred in two months’ time.
1 hat’s a substantial order. Of course, I’m delighted. Well, you know, the price of the protectors is sensible. It’s very competitive - $ 600 per unit. A lot of transactions have Ix'en concluded at that price lately. That s without freight and insurance. When we invoice customers we usually quote prices f.o.b.Southampton. But, perhaps you’d prefer the goods to be delivered by air?
No, air freight is too expensive. They can go by sea. But if you don’t mind, I’d like you to quote c.i.f. New' \ ork. We prefer it that way.
All right, we can do that. You want us to quote for one thousand SP-007, c.i.f. New’ York, goods to be shipped by sea.
Correct. There’s one other thing. The price is fair, of course, it’s justified, but as this is a bulk order, I was wondering...
What soil of discount could you offer me? Could you reduce the price by 5 per cent? Would .5 % be reasonable? Oh, it is not this firm’s pi inciple to go as high as that. As a special concession... Since you’re a new' customer, I could possibly give you 2,5% off list price. I hope it’s acceptable.
1 suppose that ’s fair enough. OK then, agreed.
Good. Let’s recap, shall we? We’ve agreed on the price, the dates - two hundred to be delivered immediately, eight hundred in two months’ Lime - and on the discount, two-and-a-half per cent to be granted. W hat else is there to discuss?
What is your guarantee period?
21 months alter dispatch. It goes without saying you should observe our Deration and maintenance instructions.
2. Answer the questions.
1.	Did Mr Stone get a go-ahead to clinch a deal w it h Antispy Products Ltd ?
2.	What main clauses ol the contract were negotiated?
3.	W hat price was agreed on?
1.	What dates and terms of delivery weie discussed?
5. 1 low was the discount negotiated?
6. What guarantee period was offered by Antispy Products Ltd.?
3.	Read the clauses of the contract negotiated by Orange Computers and Antispy Products Ltd. What clauses arc missing?
❖	prices and the total amount of the contract
❖	dates of delivery
❖terms of payment
❖	packing and marking
❖discount rates
4.	Which words go together?
offer reduce deliver obsci vc invoice conclude place negotiate
order customers price discount goods instructions contract transaction
5.	Can you put in the right prepositions?
The companies agreed_____the main clauses of the contract. The Buyers placed a firm order 20 units
___ immediate delivery and 40 three months’ time. The goods are to be delivered sea. The Buyers asked to reduce the price 5%, but the Sellers granted only 2,5%I st price. The parties also agreed
the guarantee period -24 months dispatch.
6.	Discussing prices.
Work in pairs. Look through the price list. What do you think of these prices? Do they suit you? Do you find the prices
un reasonable?
at ccptabh competitive fair justified sensible
pure silk blouse	SI00
micro-wave oven	SO,000
Rolex watch	$70
Victorian cottage
in central London	J 265,000
three-room flat
in central Moscow	$100,000
7.	Can you match the words in the box with their definitions?
to negotiate, to quote, bulk order, discouni, delivery, to ship, insurance, list price, delivery date, concession
1.	an order for a large party of goods 
2.	to state the price of the goods and conditions of sale 
3.	to transport by sea	_______________________________
4.	a reduction made in the price of the goods 
5.	the time when the goods must be in the hands of the buyer 
6.	to discuss a deal formally	_______________________________
7.	carrying goods to their destination 
8.	a special right or advantage given to the buyer 
9.	the business of providing protection against certain risks such as loss, damage or theft of the goods 
10	the supplier’s invoice price before any discount is taken olf 
8. You arc discussing a deal with your business partners. The prices are reasonable, but you can always ask
for a discount. Which phrases can be used by the buyers and by the sellers?
9. Can you change the following sentences using the Passive Voice?
1.	Six out ol seven ol the world’s largest corporations use IBM computers.
IBM computers arc used by six out of serum of the world's largest corporations.
2.	In the 70’s, Antispy Products marketed their telephone scramblers only in Europe.
/1 nt ispij ’ у /elephone scramblers______________________________________________________________________
3.	Mr Demiris will make large investments in Russia.
Large invesimerits______________________________________________________________________________________
4.	When Mr Filby came back from lunch, his secretary had just retyped the contract.
The contract____________________________________________________________________________________________
5.	Orange Computers have placed a substant ial order for SP-007.
/1 subst(mt ial order___________________________________________________________________________________
(). Antispy Products offered a 24-months’ guarantee.
Л 2 {-months' guarantee_________________________________________________________________________________
7. They have discussed the main clauses of the contract.
The main clauses of the contract________________________________________________________________________
8. Forever Young Etd. will reduce the price of their “SuperLady” by 5%.
The )i ice,_____________________________________________________________________________________________
10.	No company can exist today without a fax machine. Before the fax machines were introduced, business people had used telex communication. Read the telex below and write a report to your boss.
ЛИ the documents have been prepared, ...
11.	It is not recommended to get down to business straight when you are negotiating a deal. First you should break the ice. You may offer soft drinks/ discuss the weather, mutual friends, etc. ask about the client’s impressions of the city, the hotel, etc.
To proceed to the subject of negotiations, you may use such phrases as:
And now to continue our yesterday's talk... Shall we yet down to business now?
Coming back to our previous discussion...
About those processors...
Now shall we proceed to the contract?
Work in pairs. How do you think Mr Filby and Mr Stone started their negotiations? How did they break the ice? Have a two-minute conversation.
12.	Role-play.
Step 1. Work in two teams. Kit-Ket Inc. and Mousetrap Ltd. are going to negotiate a deal concerning the purchase of musical mousetraps. Each team should consider the following:
H hat clauses о/the contract will be disc nssed?
What prices will be (jnoted?
Will the goods be delivered by sea or by air?
П hat discount will be asked granted?
How many mouse I raps will be bought can be delivered?
И hat (j uarantee period и ill be acceptable will be offered?
Step 2. Now try to clinch a deal.
1. Read (he text.
Л/г Filby of Antispy Products / Id. and Mr Stone of Orange Computers are about, to close their deal. They are discussing the method of payment for the SP 007 computer system protectors.
Filby Stone Filby
Stone Filby
Stone Filby
There’s one other thing we’ve got to decide. That’s how you’re going to pay us.
Right. If you want to specify a particular method, it’s fine with me.
I’d like you to do it this way. if you agree. First, let’s lake the two hundred protectors for immediate delivery. We’d appreciate it if you could pay cash for those.
Certainly. 'That means I’ll have to transfer the money from my bank in New York to your bank here 1 could arrange that easily.
Good. Now about the other eight hundred protectors. We'd like you to pay us by Irrevocable Letter ol Credit. How do you feel about it?
That suits me fine.
When we deal with a new customer we always insist on payment by Irrevocable Letter ol Credit. That way, we make sure we get paid. But I can assure you, as soon as we’re trading regularly together, we’ll offer open account terms. It means that you’ll have a hundred-and-eighty-days credit and will have to settle with us every six months.
I look forward to that time. We re going to be ordering a lot of equipment from you, so we want to establish good business relations.
\\ e seem to be agreed on everything now. You’ll pay cash for two hundred computer protectors, and settle by Letter of Credit for the other eight hundred.
Great. That wraps things up nicely, I’d say.
I think so. We’ve covered everything now. If you have free time tonight, I’d really like to invite you to have dinner with me.
Thai’s very kind of you. Yes, I’d love to.
2. True or false?
1	Mr I ilby insisted on payment by Irrevocable Letter ol Credit for all the goods.
2.	Mr Stone was ready to pay cash right in the ollicc ol Antispy Products.
3.	Antispy Products offer open account terms to their regular customers.
4.	Mr Filby and Mr Stone agreed that they would close the deal the next day.
3. You’re Sam Stone of Orange Computers. Call your company’s headquarters and inform your boss about the deal that you’ve just clinched with Anlispy Products Ltd.
4. Can you put in the right prepositions?
1.	I look forward_____our next meeting.
2.	We can settle______you_______cash, if you don’t mind.
3.	Why do you insist______ payment by Letter ol Credit?
4.	We seem to be agreed everything now.
5.	Would you like a cup of tea? - That’s very kind you.
6.	That wraps things nicely, I’d say.
I’d love to.
5. Read the text.
The Buyer tells his own bank to send a Letter of Credit to the Seller’s bank. This Letter of Credit informs the Seller that payment for the goods is at the bank.
When the Seller proves that the goods have left the country, the money is then paid to him. To prove that the Seller has sent the goods to the Buyer, he must present to the bank all the documents which meet the terms of the letter of Credit:
a set of Fills of Lading (forms with the signature of the captain, or person responsible, proving that the goods have been loaded on to the ship), copies of the Commercial Invoice, the Shipping Specifications, the Quality Certificate, the Certificate of Origin, the Insurance Certificate, etc.
Letters of Credit are valid only for a certain time, after which they are said to have expired.
Irrevocable Letter of Credit means that the Buyer cannot change his mind if he decides that he does not want the goods. It is the agreement to pay a certain sum of money which cannot be changed or revoked (to revoke is to refuse to fulfill an obligation).
G. Answer the questions.
1.	What is a Letter of Credit?
2.	What does 'irrevocable’ mean?
3.	When can the Seller get the money lor the sold goods?
4.	What is a Bill of Lading?
5.	What documents must the Seller present to the bank?
G. Arc Letters of Credit valid only for a certain period?
7.	What happens when a Letter of Credit is no longer valid?
7.	You’re Jim Filby. When you deal with a new customer you always insist on payments by Irrevocable Letter of Credit. Can you explain in details how Antispy Products are going to get the money from Orange Computers for the eight hundred computer system protectors?
8.	Can you find the equivalents of the following words?
reliable a. competitive	valid	a. acceptable
b. c.	creditworthy	b. saturated ex pens i ze	c. effec live
d.	reasonable	d. substantial
to expire	a. b. c. d.	to take action	to settle	a. to pay the money that is ozeed to come to an (nd	b. to hurry up to state as a condition	c. to yet in touch to pay on the specified date	d. to place an order
9.	Can you fill in the gaps with the words in the box?
assure, valid, specify, establish, expire, deal, appreciate, settle, terms, transfer, instist
L Can you any particular method of payment?
2.	We’d it if you could the money to our London bank immediately.
3.	I can you, as soon as wc good business relations, you’ll be offered open account
4.	When we with a new customer, we always on payment by Irrevocable Letter of
5.	This Letter of Credit is until 8 April. It means that it’ll after this date.
G. If you want to with us every three months, it’s fine with me.
10.	What did they ask?
1.	The reporter? “What kinds of business are you in, Mr Demiris?” The reporter asked zchat hinds of business Mr Demiris teas in.
2.	The Marketing Manager: “How can we increase our market share?”
3.	The customer: “What sort of discount can you grant?”
4.	Mr Stone: "Do all the documents meet the terms of the Leiter of Credit?”
5.	Mr Filby: “Would you like to have dinner with me, Mr Stone?”
6.	The banker: “Have you prepared the five copies of the Bill of Lading, Mr Filby?”
11.	Translate into English.
1)	Вчера я связался co своими коллегами и получил разрешение на обсуждение основных с татей контракта.
2)	Когда мы выставляем счет клиентам, мы назначаем цепу фоб Нью-Йорк.
3)	Подведем итоги. Вы заплати те за 20 компьютеров, подлежащих немедленпои отправке, наличными. Остальные 50 вы оплати к безотзывным аккредп типом.   
4)	У пас много компьютеров и мы можем поставить 500 немедленно.
5)	До конца года цепы назначены твердые.
6)	Покупатель просил снизить цену на 5%, ио получил скидку только на 3% от цены по прейскуранту.
7)	Компании пришли к соглашению по обшей сумме контракта, датам и условиям поставок, ценам, условиям платежа и гарантийному сроку.
8)	Мы хотим разместить таран тированный заказ иа модель SP-007. 
9)	Воздушные перевозки очень дорогие. Товар должен быть отправлен морем. 
10)	Разумеется, все документы должны соответствовать условиям контракта.
И) Я с нетерпением жду того времени, когда мы будем сотрудничать па условиях открытого счета.
12) Мы были бы признательны вам, если бы вы смогли расплачиваться с памп через каждые два месяца.
12.	Role-play.
Russian businessmen come to a trade fair in London. They are going to place a substantial order for beauty products. They meet with the sales people of Forever Young Ltd. and Bright & Co. and discuss the possibility of clinching a deal with one of these companies. The contract will be signed, of course, with the company which offers (he best products for the best prices and on the best terms of payment and delivery.
Sales people of Forever oung Ltd. / Bright & Co.
Choose brands lor the Russian market. Decide what prices, dates and terms of delivery, terms of payment, and possible discounts you can offer to your potential customers.
Russian businessmen
Meet with the sales people of the two foreign companies, find out w hat brands they can offer for your market, negotiate clauses of the possible cont racts and choose the company lor your order.
. Read the following job ads.
International Consulting Company
(Paris based)
Director for its London Off ice min. 10 years experience in management consulting 1 hesuccesful candidate will have: <♦ excellent administrative skills ❖ fluency in English and French <• ability to draft reports and give oral presentation
Curriculum vitae in English and in Г reach to he addressed to:
J.P. Nitkowski
108 New Bond Street London W1Y9AA
PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER required by expanding company manufacturing oil ice fin nilure Applicants must have extensive PR experience and be able to coordinate all aspects of publicity, from design to production.
Applications with resumes should be sent to Ms Luisa Perero via fax. Fax number is (212) 963-3134
В ЯЕТАВУ for busy friendly office, to work for Managing Director. She should be able to work fast and accurately, have good computer skills and a sense of responsibility. Foreign languages an advantage. Good promotion prospects for a career girl.
Please contact Mr T. Lown on 44-272-277123 or fax or post your С. V.
18 St. Augustines Parade, Bristol, BS1, UK Fax:44-272-251016
. Answer the questions.
. What is someone called who applies for a job?
What abilities must the successful candidates for the above jobs have?
. In what wav should the candidates apply for the jobs?
. Do you think that applicants w ho know foreign languages have an advantage? Which of these positions would you like to apply for?
. Choose characteristics that you would need to be:
a government official a personnel manager a pilot
a surgeon
a waiter
a radio reporter
a fisherman
a computer specialist a bank accountant
a travel agent
to be bright and intelligent
to be persistent and hardworking to be tolerant and attentive
to know local matters quite well to know' human nature
to have good communication skills
to be strong and fit
to be punctual and careful at work
to be well-mannered and tactful
to know how? to deal w ith difficult people
to have an agreeable personality
to have drive and ambition
. Forever Young Ltd. are opening a new branch office in your country. You are responsible for recruiting sta f. Write an advertisement for a local newspaper about job opportunities in your company.
5. You work in the Personnel Department of Forever Young Ltd. You’ve received a lot of applications for a job in your coinpan) . Sort them into three piles:
1) These look promising!	2) These arc possible!	3) No, thanks!
can t
liEcdlnu anddJ
i and ex^eilehce to tnaSzE hie i
2.	1 wish to apply for the job you have advertised. Please send me further details.
3.	I'm ambitious and my present job doesn't offer me the chance to expand.
4.	If you consider that my experience and qualifications are suitab e, I would be available for interview at any time.
5.	zls you a ill see from my em loser! C\ , 1 have been working for my present < ompann /or fivr y< ars. / joined them as assistant works manayer and was promoted to Production Manager last. year.
7. Although my present employers are first- rate and our relationship is excellent, I ’ m looking fora more rewarding and challenging post.
s. I enclosearesumewhichgK/esfulldetailsofmyqualificationsand workexperience. Insupport of my application, I shouldliketo mention thefollowing points:...
9. I would be graceful if 1 could discuss the post available in person and perhaps go into my background and ni> suitability for the post in more detail.
10. 2^ you want to Stave a dazdtvozdvty and cafeain employee? *7tn very interested in tde position rfoz juni&t Secretary advertised 4/ today s 7(nion,
6.	Find job ads in a recent newspaper. Choose one of the jobs and write a letter of application. The letter should explain your reason for writing and ask for an appointment.
7.	When you apply for a job it is necessary to present a resume, or curriculum vitae (C.V.), to your potential employer. This' document should include the following information:
♦	;« your name, address and telephone number
<	♦ t he kind ol position you are looking for
<	• your previous work experience
<	♦ youi educational background
references (you may write that they will be supplied upon request)
Now try to write your resume.
8.	Read the text and make a list of do's and dorits.
Today, very lew emplo\ers have lime foi long interviews. That is why first impressions about you art* very important.
If you w’ant to get the job, prepare lor tm interview
Learn all you can about the company w here you are seeking employment. A’ou can make a bdter impression il you are familiar with the company’s plans and operations.
Arrive lor the intei view on time. W hen greeting the interviewer w'ait until le moves to shake hands. You should also wait until he offers you a seat.
The w’ay you dress is also ver\ important Choose clothing in w Inch you II be comfortable be neat. \ our shoes should be w’cll-cleaned and shined. If you arc a woman try to be moderate in make-up and jew elry.
Try to be relaxed and confident during the interview .
Never interrupt the interviewers.
1 )on’t ci iticize your previous employers. No matter how bad they were Spea < about 1 hr n with respect w hen you start explaining why you quit.
9.	II would be wise to think of all possible questions asked during the job interview and prepare your answers beforehand. What do the interviewers want to find out? The) are interested in your personal characteristics.
I hey want to know whether you can be trusted, what you can do for the company, how well you can get along with people.
Work in pairs. Put the questions below in the order you would ask them if \ ou were the interviewer. How would you answer these questions?
1.	Wliy did you leave youi last job?
2.	Tell me about your family.
3.	\\ hat things about this job do you think would be difficult for you?
4.	Do you have any experience in this type of work?
5.	W hy have you applied for this kind of job?
G. W hat do you like doing in your spare time?
7.	Why do you think you can handle this job?
(W hy should we consider you for this position?)
8.	What are your future career plans?
(Where do you want to be professionally, personally, and financially, in 1,5, 10, and 20 years?)
9.	How well did you get on w ith your previous bosses?
10.	What hours are you available for work?
11.	\re you energetic?
12.	Why would you like to work for this company?
13.	What arc your personal strengths?
14.	Arc you looking for a temporary or a permanent job?
15.	'fell me about your experience.
1G	What salary do you expect?
17.1 lave you had any serious illness or injury?
18.	Do you prefer to work w ith others or by yourself?
(Arc you a team player?)
19.	What hobbies do you have?
20.	Arc you w d ling I о work anywhere your company sends you?
21.	Are you willing to work overtime?
22.	What are your personal weaknesses?
23.	What do you expect lo get from this firm?
24.	What would make you happy with this job?
25.	Do you consider yourself lo be a leadei or a follower?
10. Role-play.
Forever Young Ltd. arc interview ing candidates for the position of Advertising Manager at their new branch office.
Interviezvers Prepare application forms for the candidates and ask them I о fill in the forms before the interviews. You need a bright and creative person who is fluent in at least two foreign languages and who has drive and ambition.
Candidates bill in the application forms offered by t he interviewers. Be ready to speak about your previous work experience, educational background, your future career plans, your family, hobbies and interests. Explain your motives foi applying for this position. Try to convince the interviewers that you are the ideal candidate for this job.
UNITS 10 - 12
to specify 			 to deliver goods by air
to transfer 			 to get in touch with
to neg< )tiat e 		to give a go-ahead
valid				 to apply for a job
t о ex p i re				 terms of payment
applicant				 to work fast and accurately
application 			 packing and marking
sensible				 drive and ambition
freight			Commercial Invo ce
i cs 11 m e			Shipping Specifications
to i n\ оice 			 Qua 11ty Certi ficate
f.o.b.				 Certificate of Origin
C. 1.1.					 Insurance Certificate
fair				 total amount of the cont rat
justified	substantial order
bulk order			 to conclude a transact ion
reasonable 			 Curriculum Vitae ((\\ .)
concession	to grant a discount
acceptable 			 to observe operation and
to insist on 			 maintenance instructions
clause				 extensive experience
skills				 li revocable Letter of Credi
advantage 			 dates and terms of delivery
references 			 open account terms
to ship goods			 to settle with smi).
sensible				 to meet the t(. rms
discount rate 		promotion prosped
lo clinch a deal		educat lonal background
to close a deal			 to enclose a resume
Bill of Lading					 guarantee period
2.	Can you put in the right prepositions?
I.	Let me get touch my colleagues.
2.	I want you to quote 200 units Lo.b. Southampton.
3.	Why do you want to apply this job?
L Can you reduce the price 10%?
5.	I’m airaid wc can grant only 5% list price.
6.	When we deal a new customer, wc always insist payment by letter crc<
7.	Wc have concluded a lot transaction^that price recently.
8.	The parlies agreed the guarantee period - 21 months dispatch.
9.	We can settle you every three months.
10.	This letter of credit is valid 10 May. It means that it expires that date.
1 LThe successful candidate this job must have fluency three European languages
12.It goes saying you should arrive the interview time
13	We’re looking forwa rd the time when we start t rading r ‘gu arly.
14	We’d prefer the goods to be delivered sea.
15	A substantial order has been placed this modi I.
3. Translate into English.
1.	Все ли докумен гы соответствую! условиям контракта?
2.	Я должен связаться со своим начальником и получить разрешение па подписание договора с Вашей фирмой.
3.	Мы настаиваем на немедленной отправке груза. Разумеется, товар должен быть отправлен морем, так как воздушные перевозки очень дорогие. _______________________________________________________________
4.	Подведем итоги. 1laimi фирмы начинают coi рудинчать на условиях открытого счета. Вы будете расплачиваться с пашей компанией через каждые три месяца. 
5.	Клиент спросил, можем ли мы выставить ему счет немедленно. Он сказал, что расплатится наличными.
6.	Я бы хотел получить работу в этой фирме. Надеюсь, что мой трехлетии опыт работы в качестве рекламного агента, превосходное владение компьютером и знание двух иностранных языков дадут мне преимущество при ноет) пленпп. Хиксчныс данные, характеристики п рскоменда1елы1ыс письма при чагаются.
7.	Когда мы имеем дело с новыми клиентами, то всегда настаиваем на оплате безотзывным аккредитивом. Думаю, Вы согласитесь, что это разумно. 
8.	Мы считаем, что Ваши условия неприемлемы: цены па товар неконкурентоспособны, даты н условия поставки неоправданны, а условия оплаты просто несправедливы по отношению к нам. Мы считаемся Вашими постоянными клиентами, а Вы не хотите делать никаких уступок.
9.	Продавец предупредил, что должны соблюдаться все инструкции но эксплуатации и обслуживапню.
10.	Цена на товар вполне разумная -40 долларов за штуку. Конечно, это без стоимости доставки и страхования.
11.	Гарантийный срок истекает через два месяца--------------------------------------------------
12.	Покупатель сказал, что он хотел бы обсудить размеры скидок. Он сообщил, что планирует разместить гарантированный заказ на крупную партию товара и надеется получить значительные скидки.
13.	11о условиям аккредитива мы должны представить в банк коносамент и все остальные перевозочные документы.
14	Можно не спешить Аккредитив действителен до 5 августа.
15. Покупатель сообщил, что деньги были переведены неделю назад. _____________________.___________
\ on have a friend who has never studied English. W hich ten words or expressions would you advise your friend to learn before visiting an English-speaking country fora holiday? Make a list.
UNITS / - 5
How would you int roduce t hese people to each o( her? What would thev say?
a)	a close friend to your mother in the street
b)	a close friend to another friend al a parly
c)	your new' secretary to your boss in the office
d)	your lawyer lo your bank manager at the bank
e)	a new' client lo a business colleague at a business lunch
f)	a V.I.P. speaker to the audience at a meeting
Work in groups of three. Act out the situations above.
1.	I urn to the person nearest to you. Find as much as you can about him or her in 3 minutes. Ask ques-l ions and make notes.
2.	Now make groups of four. Introduce your partner to the other people in your group and tell them a little about him or her.
You are all in the same compartment on a long train journey. Act out a conversation in w’hich you get to know one another.
Note. Make a ‘compartment’ and let four students ‘get onto the train’. Every few minutes stop the train al a ‘station’ and let a few people gel off and a few’ new ones get in.
You have lost your documents in a foreign country, You have to report lo the police and ask your business partner to come w ith you to the police station anil confirm your identification.
Act out a conversation al the police station in which you answer questions about your identity, nationality, family, the purpose of your visit, your company, business partners in this country, etc.
You are a reporter. You’ve interviewed some business personalities. Look at your notes and act out the interviews.
Adam Lincoln'. 19, Universal Computers Inc., New York, Vice-President, married, baseball, horror films. Jim Filby:	38, Antispy Products Ltd., London, Sales Manager, divorced, languages, traveling.
Jnlia Loza:	27, Joy Toy Inc., Boston, Marketing Director, single, poetry, music, football.
You arc working on an article about competition in the computer market. You want to learn how well computer manufacturers know’ their competitors. To get this information, you have to interview some people working for the leading computer companies.
1.	Make a list of the companies you w’ould like to approach.
2.	Decide w hat questions you would like to ask. Prepare a questionnaire. >'ou may include such questions as: П 7/o are yonr three major competitors?
Do yon knoze zehere the headquarters of your major competitors are?
П 'hat are their leading brands?
Hozo many subsidiaries have they got?, etc.
3.	Interview’ representatives of the companies from your list. iMake notes.
1.	Report w'hat you’ve learned about competition in the computer market.
You are editors of “Who’s W'ho In Business”. Decide w’hich companies are market leaders in
car manufacturing	shoe making
soft drinks production	copying equipment manufacturing
Discuss w’hat information about these companies you w ill include in your book.
You have been asked to prepare a report for “Business Week” on 10 top businesses in Russia.
Work in three teams. Each team makes a list of 10 companies which arc market leaders in Russia.
All the teams read out their lists at a round-table session and choose the best businesses w hich w ill be included in lhe report.
W rite at least 3 sentences about each company.
You are competitors of Antispy Products Ltd You are going lo send a spy w ho w ill operate as Jim Eilby, the Sales Manager of Antispy.
( heck your spy on the history and the organisational structure of the* company. If he is w rong, correct him and ask again.
You are a correspondent. Your boss has asked you to w rite an article* on someone’s business career.
Make a questionnaire and interview’ a businessman.
Describe a job you did in the past Explain what the job w\is about, what you did, w ho you worked with, what the company sold. Start like this: When I teas’... / icorhed in ...
You arc two business people You haven l met for at least two years. Now you are at a trade fair in Tokyo.
Greet each other. Ask w hat each of you have been doing. Tell w hat you are going to do
'Pho bosses have just returned from their business trips. They want to know how their companies have been doing.
\\ ork in pairs. The bosses ask their employees about the companies’ business. I lere arc some problems which worry the bosses:
new product launch (Have you launched ... ?)
advertising campaign (to start)
market research (to do)
new' employees (io recruit)
sales in Europe (to increase)
rhe employees report lo their bosses w hat they have done, w hat they have not done and explain why they ha\c not done it.
Work in small groups Prepare short news items with information about what is happening has happened in the world ol business.
\\ hat advice would you give a ca ,! ague or business friend w ho is thinking <ibout setting up his her ow n business? I lere are some ideas
make sure there’s a market lor your products services
<♦ get a long-term loan from your bank
<♦ spend a lot of money on market research
carr\ out an expensive advertising campaign
invest «ill your money in this business
engage an accountant from the start
buy a computei
❖ take a stand at a trade fair
❖ find a “backer’ and offer partnership in return foi inance
UNITS 6 - 12
You work al an export consultancy service. Representatives ol a Russian company come io your office and tell you (hat they would like to start selling abroad. I hey want lo know which Russian products will go down well in a foreign market. They also ask you to pick on some countries for exporting products from Russia.
Work in groups. Discuss what products can be exported from Russia. Make a list of products. Choose a market (or each product.
Your company is going lo expand by selling abroad. Work ingroups. Call a brainstorm meeting and discuss ways of breaking into a new market.
You have visited the stand of Magic Cooks Ltd., a British company specializing in microwave ovens production. Meet with a sales person of this company and tell him or her that you arc impressed by their products. You would like to distribute their microwave ovens in Russia. Ask lor mon* information about their products.
Prices of most things have gone up recently. Can you predict how much these items w ill cost in 2 months' time and in 2 years’ time?
a box of matches
a bottle of champagne a video recorder
a pack of cigarettes a colon) TV set a car
a pair of shoes
Work with your partner and decide whether the prices will increase or decrease. Use the following verbs:
to increase to rise to go up
I о decrease
to fall
to come down
to shoot up
to drop
lo remain constant
There are many people who treat very cheap products with suspicion. They do not believe that they can buy a good thing for nothing.
Prepare a thrce-minulc presentation of something very cheap. Try lo make it as attractive as possible.
1 low would you explain the cheap price of your product?
Your airline company has been involved in a price-cutting wai. \ our competitors have been reducing prices for air tickets since the start of the year. They have already cut their prices by 30%! Your company can’t afford to sell air tickets al such low' prices.
Work in groups. Discuss w'hat should be done to stay ahead of your competitors. What should you do to attract more passengers? If you can’t reduce the price, what benefits can be offered instead? What company image would you choose for your airline?
You work at an advertising agency. ou’ve been employed by some world-famous companies to create new slogans for their leading brands.
Work in two groups. Students in group A try to create new slogans for the follow ing companies.
Coca Cola \ 'ol i о
Johnson & Johnson
Students in group В work on creating new' slogans for the. rival companies:
Pepsi Cola
Рпл ter A Gamble
Read up the slogans to the class and discuss which of the rivals w ill have a better slogan.
Your creat ive team is working on an advert ising campaign for a travel agency.
I.	Create a slogan for the campaign.
2.	Pre pare a script lor a one-minute 1 \ advert Discuss which video material you would use in your advert.
3.	Prepare a tw o-minute radio advert.
4.	Discuss what should be depicted on a hoarding. Make a layout.
5.	Write an advertisement for a newspaper.
Ihink of something you want to sell. Fix two prices: the* price you want to sell it for and the lowest price you’ll take. Try to sell your object to your partner. These* phrase’s can be* used
by the Seile-r: Z/’.v worth .... but I ask only ...
Since you're a friend of mine... I'll take only ...
You can have it for ... Il's a real bargain.
I 'in sorry. ... It's in у last word.
by the* Buyer:	I low much do you want for it?
I don't think it's worth ... I'll give you ...
No, that's still too much.
Го tell you the truth, I can't afford ....
Come on, let's split (he difference.
You’re in charge of the Sales Department of a big company. Meet w*ith a group of trainees and e xplain to them how negotiations usually begin. After that ask them to do some training exercises on breaking the ice: 1. You’re receiving a business partner in your office.
2.	You’re taking part in a trade fair. One ol your regular clients comes up to your stand.
3.	You’re attending a regional sales conference. At the registration desk you see your colleague from the. Sales Department.
You’re negotiating the purchase of one hundred Orange computers. The quality of the product meets your requirements, but the prices quoted by Orange Computers are not competitive. Discuss the price problem wit h the Sales Manager of Orange Computers and ask him to reduce the price. Be ready to increase your order if you want to be granted a good discount.
You’re the Buyer. Discuss w ith the Seller the time of delivery of the goods you’re interested in. Insist on a shorter delivery period as you require the goods urgently. The Seller is trying to delay the delivery time as he is ovei loaded w ith orders.
Russian businessmen arc negotiating a deal with Antispy Products Ltd. They arc going to place a substantial order lor Antispy telephone scramblers. As none of the Russians speaks English they engage an interpreter.
Work in groups. Break the ice as you start your negotiations. Discuss the prices, dates and terms of deliv-
ery, the guarantee period, methods of payment and discount rales. Don’t forget Lo make pauses for the interpreter.
Mr Demiris is going to buy slot machines for his new’ casino. He approaches two American companies, discusses the terms of the purchase and decides w hich company lo place the order wit h.
Г/ic Sellers: prepare sales catalogues, lix prices, discount rates, dates and tei ms of deli\ery, specify methods of payment.
I'he Buyer: chooses the company which offers belter terms.
You work at an employment agency. \\ hat advice would you give to a job hunter looking for an opportunity in a large st. ble company?
7-? 18
1. Can \ ou fill in the gaps w ith the verbs from the box?
to eat, to make, to rise, not to rain, to catch, to taste, to boil, to plat/, to get up, to toeat
1. I lot air	•	6.	Yamaha	motorbikes and musical instruments.
2. I never	earl v.	—r /.	II	here in the summer.
3. This wine	line.	8.	I usuallv	the eight o’clock bus to work.
4. I	go II I w ice a w eek.	9	Al home I	old clol lies.
5. Water	al КЮсС.	10.	'Hie children	a lol of sw cels.
2. Put the verbs into the correct form.
1.	I in tired. I(logo) lo bed now. Goodnight!
2.	Please don’t make so much noise. 1	(lo work).
3.	Let’s go out now. It (not lo rain) any more.
4.	‘Where’s Alice?’ She	(to have) a bath.’
5.	‘/\re you ready, Jane?’ es, I	(lo come).’
6.	The population ol the world	(to rise) ver) fast.
7.	Ann is still ill but she_______(to gel) belter.
8.	‘You_____________(to work) hard today.’ ‘Yes, I have a lot to do.’
9.	Il	(to get) dark. Shall I turn on the light?
10.	The world(lo change). Things never stay the same.
3. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the present indefinite or present continuous tense.
1.	She always	(to remember) my birthday.
2.	Be quiet, please. I__	(to try) lo w’ril< a report.
3.	We never_____________ (to get up) before eleven.
4.	I__________________(not lo use) the computer at the moment so you can use it.
5.	Let’s go inside. It______________get colder.
6.	I’m sorry about I he noise They__________(to pul in) a new central healing system.
7.	I’m afraid Mr Black can’t speak to you at the moment. He	(to have) a meeting.
8.	I_________________(not lo understand) this word.
9.	Wc_________________(to launch) a new advertising campaign in Russia.
10.	He___________(to slay) at the Marriol Hotel until the end of this week.
11.	Philips _	(to manufacture) a w ide range ol consume! goods.
12.	The 11rm ____	(lo belong) lo the ADC group.
13.	This man____________________(lo seem) nervous. He__________________(to smoke) one cigarette alter another.
14.	They________________(to develop) a new’ product. 1	(lo want) lo join them.
15.	The new model (lo cost) S 12,000. I(to prefer) a cheaper one.
4. Arc the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the verbs that arc wrong.
I.	Listen lo I hose people. What language are they speaking? 
2.	I he moon is going round the earth. 
3.	1 he waler boils. Can 1 I urn it oil?	___________
4.	T h e 01 у m p i c Games take place e v e ry f о u r yea rs.	___________
5.	I’m sorry, I’m not remembering her name. 
6.	\\ ho is that man? \\ hy js he looking at us? 
7.	I’m not believing in God. 
8.	'Hie River Nile flows into the Mediterranean. 
9.	I’ve losl my key again. I’m always loosing things. 
10.	I’m hungry I’m wanting something to eat. 
5.	Take the role of a famous person who \ou know' something about. Speak about a typical c ay in your life.
6.	You are on holiday. Write a postcard to an English friend telling him or her what you do excry day on holiday and w hat you arc doing at the moment.
7.	Here arc some answers. What were the questions?
I.	No, I don’t work on Saturdays.
2.	Yes, I’m cnjo\ ing the party.
3.	1 get up at 6.30. every morning.
4.	We’re working on a new project.
5.	It costs $ 50.
6.	Sam Brown w’anls to come here.
7.	We’re staying at the Hilton Hotel.
What........................... ...........
I low much................................?
1.	W hat did these people do?
e.g. Agatha ( hristie wrote detective stories.
Agatha ('hristie Alfred Hitchcock Elvis Presley Thomas Edison
Marco Polo Columbus Salvador Dali Shakespeare
Henry Ford Christian Dior Mozart
Xeil Armstrong
compose music make cars paint pictures go to the moon
discover Атенса make clothes sing songs make horror films
write detective stories travel to China invent the electric light write plays
2.	Put the verbs into the correct form.
I I was very tired, so I	(to go) to bed early.
2.	It was warm, so I	(to take) off my coat.
3.	The hotel was very expensive. It	(to cost) much.
1. The window was open anil a bird	_ (to fly) into the room.
5.	I was very thirsty, so I______	(to drink) the w’ater very quickly.
6.	I often see Ann. I_________________(to see) her again only yesterday.
7.	As teenagers, we always	(to understand) each other very well.
3. Answer the questions.
I.	W hen did you last play football tennis chess snooker volleyball?
2.	Wzhen did you start learning English?
3.	How long ago did you read your first English book?
4.	W'hen did you last see ‘Gone with the Wind’?
5.	W'hat lime did this English lesson begin?
. Work in pairs.
a)	Choose a famous person you both know about and write ten sentences about this person.
b)	Now one of you is the interviewer and the other is the famous person you wrote the sentences about. T te interviewer asks the famous person about his or her life and work.
5. \ csterday somebody broke into the head office of Antispy Products Ltd. and stole very important documents. It happened between 10 and 10.30 p.m. Look at the notes below. If you put in the verbs from the box, you’ll learn what the employees were doing at that time. What do you think of (heir alibis?
to drink, to play, to speak, to dance, to watch, to sit, to work
1.	The Managing Director__________________cards w ith his friends in Demiris’ casino.
2.	The Finance Manager____________________on the financial report at home. The Chief Accountant was w ith him.
3.	The Marketing Manager_____________________beer in a pub with his brother in-law*.
i The Administration Manager_________________at a restaurant with the Personnel Manager’s wife.
5	The PR Manager	on the telephone with his mother-in-law.
6	. Hie Personnel Manager	television at home.
7	The Sales Manager	at a disco w ith the company’s secretary.
6. Join the sentences using as, just, while and when. Put the verbs into the past indefinite or in the past continuous.
I I (to eat) my breaklast. 'Hie telephone (to ring). (AS)
2.	Alice (to get) into the car. Bob (to shout) a warning. (JUST, W'HEN)
3.	I (to drive) to London. I (to see) a house with no roof. (WHILE)
4.	Robert (to hear) a noise. He (to listen) to the music. (W HILE)
5.	John (to leave). Ann (to ask) him to stay. (JUST, WZHEN)
7. Complete the sentences using (he verbs in brackets in the past indefinite or past continuous tense.
1	. A funny thing________________(to happen) to me when I	(to sit) in a traffic jam.
2	‘Did you see Julia at the party last night?’ ‘Yes, she	_ _ (to wear) a really nice dress.’
3	We were in a very difficult situation. Wc	(not to know ) w hat to do.
i W'hen I was young, 1_________________(to want) lo be an astronaut.
5.	I________________(to burn) my hand while I	(to cook) dinner.
6.	W e________________(lo sec) the Browms in town yesterday, but they	_____(not to see) us. 'They
(to look) the other w'ay.
7.	This time last year 1	(to live) in India.
К W him I last	(to meet) Bob, he____________i (to try) lo find a job.
9	Wzc were good friends. W e_______________(to know) each other well.
10	W’hile she(lo work) as a model she (to meet) her future husband
PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST fNDEFIN I77 1. Can you match the questions with the correct replies?
I.	Would you like something to eat?
2.	Are your friends here?
3.	Where’s your key?
4.	What’s Jim s sister I ike?
5.	Will you post the letter to uncle Jim?
6.	Do you like caviar?
7.	Is London an interesting place?
a.	1 don’I know . I’ve lost it.
b.	I’ve already posted it.
c.	No, thanks. I ve just had lunch.
d.	No, they’ve already gone out.
c. I’ve no idea. I’ve never been there. Г. I don’t know'. I’ve never seen her.
g. I don’t know I ve never eaten it.
2. Can you fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box?
/о lose, to be, to qioiv, to improve, to buy, to live, to smoke, lo leave, lo turn, logo
1.	Ann’s English wasn’t very good. Now’ it is much belter. She________________it .
2.	I’m looking for my bag. I can’t find it. I’m afraid I_______________it.
3.	Don’t wait for David. lie_________________ .
4.	/Mice is back from holiday now. She_________________to Spain.
5.	Jim________________out. He’ll be back in about an hour.
6.	The light was off. Now’ it is on. Somebody________________on.
7.	The tree was only two metres high. Now it is three. The tree_______ up.
8.	I	a new car. Do you want to see it?
9.	John lives in Manchester. He	there for ten years.
10.	Somebody all my cigarettes. The packet is empty.
\ month ago Alice Black went on holiday to Spain. She asked her husband Peter to do a lot of things while she was away. Peter didn’t have time to do all oi them. Now Alice is back and she wants to know- what Peter has already done and w’hal he hasn’t done yet. Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner w hich jobs Peter has managed to do.
Have you done it?
( Yes!
wash the car clean the w indow’s
clean the kitchen pay for electricity buy a washing machine
Not yet.
paint the gale repair the fence
plant a tiee tidy garage put up some more shelves
4. Can von match the two halves of these sentences?
1.	1 caught a cold
2.	I started school
3.	the last bus left
4.	Mr Brow n hasn’t been abroad
5.	My sister has been asleep in bed (). 1 have been interested in arts
7.	We w'eni to the theatre
8.	Hello, Ann! I haven’t seen you
a.	<ilI day.
b.	since May.
c.	when we went out in the rain.
d.	ten minutes ago.
e.	last night.
f.	for ages!
g.	w hen 1 was six.
h.	ever since I w'as a schoolgirl.
5. Arc the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.
1.	1 Ia\e you heard the news on the radio last night
2.	\\ e ve bought a new car. Do you want to sec it?
3.	1 ’ve newer played go I f. Is it d i f f ic u 11 ?	_________________________________________________
4.	1 haven’t played tennis w’hen 1 was on holiday hist spring.
5.	It didn’t rain lhis wcek
6.	I left school in 1981._____________________________________________________________________________________
7.	They’ve arrived ten miiшtes ago.___________________________________________________________________________
8.	Jim has lost his key yesterday.
9	I he Chinese invented printing.
10.Ow! I’ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.
11. Where have you been born?	_________________________________________________
12. Mozart has been a great composer.	_________________________________________________
6. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or past indefinite tense.
1.	Jane isn t at home. She  (logo) shopping.
2.	Look! There’s an ambulance over there. 1 here	(to be) an accident
3.	Shakespeare	(to w rite) many plays.
4.	My friend is a waiter. He__________________(to write) many books.
5.	1	(to learn) French at school, but I	(to forget) most of it.
6	I	(not to read) a newspaper yesterday.
7.	I	(not to read) a newspaper today.
8.	They	(to leave) England when he____________________(to be) still a child.
9.	We_________________(lo go) to the country yesterday, but the rain______________(to spoil) all the pleasure.
10.1	(not to see) him since he__________________(lo leave) for London.
11. We________________ (to travel) around Europe last year.
12. The rain	(to stop). Let’s go for a walk.
1. Can you put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect continuous tense?
1.	Your eyes arc red. You	(to cry).
2.	I’m lin'd. I	(to work) hard all dav.
3.	I(lo sit) here since 9 o’clock.
4.	I’m out of breath. I	(to run).
5.	I_________________(lo read) this book all afternoon.
6.	We___________________(to live) here for ten years.
7.	She__________________(to work) for Orange Computers for fifteen years.
3. I	(lo learn) ( hinese since April.
9. My hands are very dirty. 1	(to repair) the car.
10.Ann is still writing letters. She	(to write) all day.
2. Read the text and put since or for in the gaps.
I’ve been smoking_________twenty years, but I’ve been smoking these French cigarettes__________ last Tuesday.
_______tbe last lew days I’ve been smoking about fifty a day, because I’ve been working very hard. I’ve had a terrible day today. I ve been sitting at my desk ten o’clock, and I’ve been signing papers________________hours! I’ve
been looking al the clock on the wall two o’clock. I’ve been waiting for the end of the day!
3. Read the situations and write questions from the words in brackets.
1.	\ our sister is taking driving lessons. \ on ask her:
(howr long take driving lessons'?)
2.	You’re talking to a friend whom you haven’t seen since you were children. You ask him: (what do?) _____________________________________________________________________________
3.	Jim always wears the same jacket. Il’s a very old jacket. You ask him:
(how long have that jacket?)
i.	You’re talking lo a friend who works for IBM. You ask him:
(how-’ long work for IBM?)
5. A friend ol yours is a teacher. You ask her: (how long	teach?)
(). You've just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask her:
(how long	wait?)
7.	A friend tells you about his job - she sells Herbalife. You ask her:
(how long sell Herbalife?)
8.	\ ou’re talking to your business partner w ho is staying at the Marriol I lotcl. You ask him:
(how long stay at the Marriol?)_____________________________________________
9.	3 our friend is trying to find a job. You ask him:
(how long look for a job?)_____________________________________________________________
4. Present perfect or present perfect continuous? Choose the correct one, r/. or b.
1.	I	the* fence.
a. have already been painting
2	How’ long	Jack?
a. have you been know ing
3.	It	here for days. Il
a. has been raining
b. have already painted
b. have you knowm
won’t slop until next w-eek.
b. has rained
4.	Somebody my w indow !
a. has been breaking	b. has broken
5.	W e	this garage ourselves and hope to finish it within the next twfo months.
a. have been building	b. have built
6	‘Is it still raining? ‘No, it 	 
a. has been slopping	b. has slopped
7	I	the Beatles since I was twelve.
a. have been liking	b. have liked
8.	Jim in Santa ( laus for long enough. Let's tell him the truth.
a. has been believing	b. has believed
В I	classical music lo pop ever since I was a child.
a. have been preferring	b have piefcrred
1. Can you match the two halves of these sentences?
1.	I ler phone was disconnected
2.	Thai area was closed to traffic
3.	I didn’t recognise that film star
4.	'ГЬеу couldn't pay the bill
5.	Ann’s father bought her a car
6.	When we arrived at the cinema
7.	1 was nervous during the flight
8.	1 was pleased to meet Jim again
a.	because terrorists had planted a bomb.
b.	as they hadn’t brought any money with them
c.	because she hadn’t paid her bills.
d.	the film had already begun.
e.	because I hadn’t seen any of her films.
f.	as I hadn’t seen him for a long lime.
g.	because she had come top in the final exam.
h.	because I had never flow n before.
2.	Can you fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box?
to break, to fall, to have, to die. to make, to leave, to do, to eat, to sell
1.	‘We went to Mr Bright’s funeral yesterday.’ ‘Oh dear! I didn’t even know that Mr Bright.’
2.	As soon as 1 got home, I saw that someone_____________________ into my flat.
3.	They___________________all the cake by the time 1 got home.
4.	We got married in 1996, just a year after wc*____________________in love.
5.	Before I joined IBM, I __________________five other jobs.
6.	When 1 came to the station, I didn’t find my friend there as 1 was ten minutes late and the train
7.	By 1998, we_____________________overtoil thousand units.
8.	At first I thought I	the right thing, but soon I realised that 1	a serious mistake.
3.	Put the verbs into the correct form.
1.	there was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes. Somebody________	(to smoke) in there.
2.	Ann was sitting in an armchair watching television. She was tired because she_______________(to work) very hard.
3.	I was tired because I	(to wait) in the airport for hours.
4.	He_______________________(to drive) for two hours before they caught him.
5.	As soon as they caught him, he told them everything. He(to steal) money from the company and using it to pay for his holidays.
6.	By the time we arrived at the party, Jane(to dance) lor an hour.
7.	He was out ol breath. He	(to run).
4.	Work in pairs. Your class had a party yesterday. One of you was late for the party. Ask your partner what your friends had been going at the party (and for how long) before you arrived, like this:
W'hat had Alice been doing bg the time I arrived?
W'hat had you been drinking?
Ilotr much had Toni drunk by the time I arrived?
5.	Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the past indefinite, past perfect or past perl eel continuous tense.
1.	The children_______________(to do) their homework and by 9 o’clock they still_______________(not to finish).
2.	She_________________(to study) Chinese for three years before she_____________________(to visit) China.
3.	1___________________(to know ) she____________________ (to do) the w ashing because the machine was still
working when 1______________________(to come) in.
4.	Bv the time wc__________________(to arrive), the party____________________(to finish).
5.	When we___________	(to arrive) at the hotel, we________________(it) discover) that the hotel manager
__________________(to reserve) the wrong room for us.
6.	When I(to come) out of the bank, 1 (to find) that a thief (to take) my car radio.
7.	When 1	~____________(to get) back after lunch, Ann___________(to tell) me that somebody
(to phone) when I_______________(to be) out.
8.	By the time I___________________(to get) home, they_______________________(to eat) for two hours.
9.	Wc wore good friends. We____________ (to know ) each other for a long time.
10.	Wc were extremely tired at the end of the journey. Wc____________ (to travel) for more than three months.
11.	Jun______________(to give up) smoking two years ago. He_______________________(to smoke) for Iw'enty years.
12.	We(to play) tennis for about half an hour when it(to start) to rain very h(*avily.
6.	Here are some notes about a traffic accident. Complete them using verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. Pul the sentences into the right order and describe this accident to your partner.
a. Mr Smith (to drive) for half an hour when he (to hit) Mr Black, who (to walk) along a narrow country road, b. The accident (to happen) at 11.34 p.m. on April 21st at the corner of Brooks St. and Newton Rd, Holchester.
c.	Mr Black (to be) badly hurt. Mr Smith (to stop) and (io report) the accident.
d.	Mr Smith (to be) on his way home. He (to visit) his friends. He (to drink) only one small whisky.
e.	It (not to rain) al the time, but it (to rain) shortly before, and the roads (to be) wret.
. Complete the sentences using will or going to.
. Look at (hose clouds. It_____________________(to rain).
. I still have a pain. I	(lo see) a doctor.
Next year I	(to be) thirty-six.
Look out! This vase_____________________(to fall).
. That parcel looks heavy. I___________________ (to take) it to the Post Office for you.
. I’m tired. 1 think I___________________(to go) to bed.
. I___________________(give) you a lift if you like.
‘Ann is in hospital.’ ‘Really? I didn’t know. 1_____________________________(to visit) her.
‘Ann is in hospital.’ ‘I know. I_________________________(to visit) her tomorrow.
D.I feel terrible. I think I(to be) sick.
Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the future indefinite, future continuous or present continuous tense.
This time next year 1 _________________(to write) my memoirs.
Sit down and fasten your scat belts. We________________(to take off) in a few minutes.
Do you think you still	(to w'ork) here in ten years’ time?
fhe President_____________________(to visit) Paris next week.
This time tomorrow I_____________________( to lie) on the beach.
We____________________(to get) in touch with you later.
Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We_____________________(to have) dinner then.
Let’s wail for Mary to come and then we___________________(to have) dinner.
At ten o'clock tomorrow I__________________(to be) in my office. 1 ________________(to work) on my report.
l.Can you meet Mrs Smith at the station, please? She (to arrive) at ten o'clock on the train
from Oxford.
Can you make predictions using the future continuous or future perfect?
By 2010 most European textile companies________________(to go bankrupt).
In a few years’ time many more people__________________(to use) the Internet.
By 2025 paper money__________________(to disappear).
Over the next five years the level of unemployment______________(to increase).
By the end of the 20’h century fax machines______________(to replace) telex communication.
By 2025 Russia(to join) the European Community.
Can you predict what the world will be like in fifty years’ time? Write ten sentences and discuss your
predictions with your partners.
Match the* two halve ; of these sentences.
If you don’t hurry
When I phone Ann this evening
I want to see Robert
If I go shopping
We’ll go out
While I’m on holiday
a.	before he goes out.
b.	when it stops raining.
c.	you’ll miss the train.
d.	I’m going to read much.
c. I’ll invite her to the parly.
f. I’ll buy some milk.
You work for an advertising company. You’ve made some notes about different products. How would you advertise these products?
e.g. wash with Ringo - your clothes cleaner
Your clothes zoill be cleaner if you wash with Ringo.
drive a Bravo - not w’ant to drive an\ other car shop at Netstore - save money
choose a Sunshine holiday - have a great t ime
4.	wear Dreamzeay glasses - people not ice you
5.	wash your hair with Sunny - it looks super
6.	know what’s happening - read Daily Talk
Decide which of these sentence pairs is grammatically correct. Cross out the sentence which is w rong.
I’ll phone* you as soon as I w ill know the price.	5.
1’11 phone you as soon as 1 know’ the price.
By the time she arrives we’ll have finished.
Bv < he time she will arrive we'll have finished. 6.
Switch off the computer before you leave.
Sw itch off the computer before you’ll leave. 7.
I’ll give you a lift I о the airport if you like.
I’ll be giving you a lift to the airport if you like.
In a few уешь’ time many more people will lx* using plastic money In a few years’ time many more people wall have used plastic money.
The agreement will have expired by the end of the year.
The agreement will be expiring by the end of I he year.
During the course you’ll be learning about market research strategies.
During the course you’ll have learnt about market research strategics.
1. Complete the sentences using may (might), can (could) or to be able to.
1.	A fool_______________ask more questions that a wise man	answer.
2.	The office building was silent: nothing_______________be heard in the long dark corridors.
3.	Be careful: you spill the water if you carry it like this.
4.	‘What time is it?’ ‘Il	be about five o'clock, but I’m not sure.’
5.	I think Adam__________________ solve this problem tomorrow*.
6.	1 ___________________sleep very well recently.
7.	When 1 was 16, I___________________run 100 metres in 11 seconds.
8.	The fire spread through the building very quickly and nobody escape.
9.	______________ 1 use your pen?
10.	you tell me the nearest way to the town hall?
2. You’re going to hire a room for two months. Mrs Chapman is your landlady. Below you will find what she akvays says to her new* 3 * * * 7 8 tenants. Y rite dow n the house rules ol Mrs Chapman.
1 don’t all (>w pen pie:
to smoke in bedrooms
to keep pets
to stick pictures on the zeal Is to take food upstairs
to invite quests
Please remember:
to pa и your rent every Monday
to be at home before 10 o'clock in the evening to close the zvindozes zvhen you go out
to turn the shozeer off zvhen you've used it
You must
You have to
You mustn t
3. Complete the sentences using must, mustn't, have to or don't have to.
I. In Jane’s job a lot of work is done in the evenings. She often_________________stay ale al the office.
2. Your staff keep forgetting to lock the door when they leave at night. You say: ‘You remember to lock the door when you leave.’
3. Last night Fred became ill suddenly. We______________________call a doctor.
4. You can tell me if you want but you_____________________tell me.
5. 1 don’t want anyone lo know'. You_____________________tell anyone.
6. When you come I о London again, you come and see us.
7. Jack is extremely rich. lie____________________work.
8. She_________________oversleep, or she 11 miss her interview.
9. You_________:_______go into the laboratory. There’s a leak of radiation.
10.1 was thinking hard, trying to find a solution. There be some way out.
4. You work fora large company. Write about working conditions at your company (w’orking hours, dress code, smoking policy, lunch times, alcohol policy, etc.) using must, mustn t, have to or don t have to.
5. Can you match these sentences?
1. Tom never w alks. 1 le drives everywhere.
2. I have a slight irritation in my throat.
3. Ann’s salary is very low.
4. I wonder w here Jack is.
3. You look tired.
6. What a nice view*!
7. I’m afraid you’ll miss your train.
8. Our government have done too many mistakes.
a.	You should take a taxi.
b.	You should go to bed now .
c.	He shouldn’t use his car so much.
d.	You should ta <c a photograph.
e.	They should resign.
f.	He should be here by now .
g.	She should look lor another job.
h.	I should smoke less.
G. Complete the sentences using mustn't, needn't (don't need to) or shouldn't.
| You________________________say it to Peter, lie’ll be angry with you.
2. This is a valuable book. You __________________ .. lose it.
3. The car is clean. 1 ________________________wash it this week
Y You__________________________try to lift that by yourself. It’s heavy.
5. It isn’t raining. You_______________________take an umbrella.
6. The baby is asleep. We__________________________make a noise.
7. You can come w ith me if you like, but you_________________________come if you don t w*anl to.
8. We’ve got plenty of time. W(*________________________ hurry.
9. Tom gave me a letter to post. I _______________________forget to post it.
10.You believe everything they write in the newspapers.
7. Imagine that your partner has a bad cold. What would you recommend him or her to do?
8. Work in small groups. Tomorrow you plan to go on a 10-mile walk in the country. Discuss what you ought to wear and w hat you ought to take w ith you. Give reasons for your suggestions.
1. Open the brackets and answer the questions.
1.	Which is (wide): the English Channel or the Straits of Gibraltar?
2.	Which is (large): China or India?
3.	Which is (long): the Nik* or the Volga?
L Which is (small): Greenland or Cyprus?
5.	Which is (light): oil or water?
6.	Which language is (difficult): English or Chinese?
7.	Which watch is (expensive): Rolex or Chaika?
8.	Which is (strong): King Kong or Superman?
2.	Can you put in (he right comparative?
1.	Going by train is_______________than flying, (cheap)
2.	In which museum is________________diamond in the world? (big)
3.	Who is_________________person in your class? (interesting)
4.	I have, to start work_________________than you do. (early)
5.	This model is as________________as the one offered by our competitors, (reliable)
6.	Having no money is________________problem he has at the moment, (bad)
7	My English is as________________as his. (good)
8.	1 le was_______________after the holiday than he was before, (tired)
9.	She is_________________person I know, (intelligent)
10.	lie comes here than I do. (often)
3.	Complete the sentences with the right words.
I.	I lelen West writes (well good).
2.	She can write (best belter) than Alex.
3.	Your driving is (worse worst) than mine.
1. I lave you heard the (last latest) news?
5. I lis (last latest) words were: “The end.”
6.	My flat is (littler /smaller) than yours.
7.	There are no shops here. The (nearer nearest) one is two miles away.
8.	Lisbon is (less least) expensive than Moscow.
9.	For me Tuesday is (more most) convenient than Monday.
К). I think Venice is (more most) beautiful city in the world.
4. Compare town life and country life. Where do you think life is better: in a big city, in a small town, or in the countrv? Write a few sentences.
5. You have the chance of a very good job in London. If you take this job, you’ll have to move from your home town. Open the brackets. Discuss with your family all the advantages and disadvantages and make a decision: to move or not to move.
1.	You’ll get a (high) salary than you do now.
2.	You’ll have a (good) standard of living.
3.	It’s probably the (big) chance you’ll ever get.
4.	You’ll have an (exciting) life.
5.	You’ve never liked your present job. And things have gone (bad) recently.
6.	The company in London is one of the (good) ones in the business.
1.	London is the (expensive) place you could possibly go to.
2.	I louse prices are the (high) in the country.
3.	It w ill be (difficult) to find a house in London.
4.	You life w ill be (busy).
G. You are going to buy a car. Look at the results of the tests made by a motoring magazine and compare the marks given to the three cars for price, comfort, reliability, etc. (The cars get up to 5 marks in each category. 5 means very cheap, very reliable, etc.) Discuss the ears like this:
W'hat do you think of the Alfa? It's the most economical car.
Well, it's cheaper than the Ilravo and it's more reliable than the Glory. But on the other hand ...
	Alfa	Glory	Bravo
cheap	4	5	2
reliable	3	2	5
economical	5	1	0
comfortable	3	2	5
easy to drive	3	3	4
1 fust	2	4	’}
spacious	4	1	Э
good-looking	3	0	r* 0
. 1
1. Can sou make these sentences passive?
1.	They make cheese from milk.
2.	Dangerous driving causes many accidents.
3.	1 his firm employs two hundred people.
4.	They cancelled all flights because of fog.
5.	The firm promised us our money back.
6.	T h e ga rage i s serv i c i ng in у c a r.
7.	We’ll send you the papers immediately.
8	I m sure we can solve this problem.
9.	Tom has just repaired the roof of his house.
10.	By the time I arrived, someone had already opened all my letters.
2. Answer the quiz questions using the passive.
1.	Who played James Bond in the first Bond film?
a. Pierce Brosnan b. Sean Connery
2.	Who wrote ‘Jurassic Park’?
a. Agatha Christie
3.	Who built the pyramids?
a. the Egyptians
h. Michael Crichton
b. the Greek
4.	\\ ho spoke the words: ‘Not tonight, Josephine.’
a. Julius Caesar	b. Hamlet
5.	Who won the World Cup at football in 1998?
a.	France	b. Brazil
6.	Who directed the film ‘Star Wars’?
a. Lucas	b. Spielberg
7.	W ho designed the Statue of Liberty?
a. Eiffel	b. Gaudi
Cheese ________________.
Many accidents_________.
Two hundred people.
All flights.
We _____________________
My car .
The papers_____________.
1 his problem
The roof . Ail mv letters V	 1   I  - " —	И 
c. Roger Moore
c. Sidney Sheldon
c. the Romans
c. Napoleon
c. Germany
c. Cameron
c. Roden
3.	Write out these passive sentences in full.
1.	The car hit by falling rocks as we drove along the valley.
2.	If you required for an interview-, you notified by letter tomorrow .
3.	At the moment Tommy questioned about the robbery.
4.	1 here’s somebody behind us. I think we/ followed.
5.	I lave you heard the news? The President shot.
6.	The room cleaned later.
7. stolen.
8.	I told that Ann offered this job.
4.	Do you know w hat these w ords mean?
II. can’t be invisible ______________________________
unusable _______________________________
u n b rea к a b 1 e ____________________
u n reada 1) I e _______________________
It can be
edible washable enjoyable respectable
5.	Rewrite the following newspaper report using the underlined verbs in the passive form.
The police want three men in connection with a robbery at a gas station. I hey held up a cashier and^ threaL cned him with a knife. While the criminals were stealing the money, one of the men the cashier. They also stole some spare parts, but they didn’t take the cashier’s wallet. The robbers escaped in a green Renault car which police believe they had used in other robberies.
6.	Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1.	Can you come to the police station? The man w'ho________________(to suspect) of stealing your money
_________________(to arrest). He___________ (to question) at the moment.
2.	Children under the age of ten_________________(to allow7) in this pool.
3.	A lot of money___________________(to waste) if you don’t come.
4.	I’m afraid I can’t lend you my video recorder. It _______________(to repair) this w^eek.
5	It isn’t clear how far the ozone layer_______________(to damage) by aerosol sprays.
6.	The windows_______	(to clean) while I was there.
7.	When wc arrived home, wc found that oik* ol our window's____________________(to break).
8.	Videos like this can___________________(to buy) anywhere.
9.	A tree was lying across the road. It________________(to blow) down in a storm.
10.	Less money should(to spend) on armaments, shouldn’t it?
2 3
Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Tom. Here are some of the things he said to you:
I haven t seen you for ages.
I want to go on holiday but I don’t know where to go.
Last summer I went to Italy.
I’m living in London now.
Alice has given up her job.
What did Tom say?
Tom said I hat he hadn't seen...
6.	I saw Jack al a party two days ago.
7.	I’m going away for a few days.
8.	I’ll phone you as soon as I come back.
9.	Helen and I are getting married next month 10.1 want to give up smoking.
2.	Complete the sentences with ask, say or tell in the correct form.
1.	Mr Brown_____	he would be there at 10 o’clock.
2.	What did you_____________ lo the police?
3.	The doctor_______________me lo stay in bed for a few days.
4.	Helen	inc not lo	anybody what had happened.
5.	Jack was in love with Mary and he____________ her to marry him.
6.	Mrs Smith______	us lo be careful.
7.	Ann________________she liked bananas.
8.	King Lear that he had decided to divide his kingdom between his daughters.
3. Demis Demiris, a Greek multimillionaire, is a headliner. Every day many newspapers all over the world publish articles about him. Below arc some examples of what the press said about him during the last two weeks. Write down what thev said.
1.	‘ Dem i ris is goi ng t о gel married agai n. ’ - Neu Magazine
2.	‘Demiris has friends in the Mafia.’ - Neu s Extra
3.	‘He has opened a casino in Sahara Desert.’ - Tunisian Tinies
4.	‘Demiris was seen w ith a new top model in LA List weekend.’ - The Daily Talk
5.	‘Demis Demiris has never paid any lax.' -Money Magazine
6.	‘Why do the police never ask him any questions?’ - The Sunday Reporter
7.	‘We want to know how' much Demiris owns and owes.’ - Fax International
8.	‘His ex w ives can’t complain. He made them rich and famous.’ - Modern Talk
4. These are some of the questions that were asked during a job interview for a post in Forever Young Ltd.
Report these questions using 'They wanted to know...' and 'They asked me if/whether..d
1.	Where w ere you educated?
2.	Why do you apply for this job?
3.	Where did you see the advertisement?
4.	Are you qualified for this job?
5.	Do you speak any foreign languages?
6.	Do you know* how to use EXCEL?
7.	What are youi strongpoints?
8.	Do you have a driving license?
9.	Why did you quit you previous job?
10.1 low’ soon can you start?
5. Rewrite these sentences beginning in the way shown.
1.	‘When can I sec the doctor?’ John asked the receptionist.
John asked ________________________________________________________________
2.	‘Where arc you going?' Richard asked his wife.
Richard wanted to know_____________________________________________________
3.	‘Do you always go to church on Sunday?’ said Larry to his new' friend.
Larry wondered _____________________________________________________________
4.	‘Do you have an appointment?’ said the clerk.
The clerk asked
5.	‘Are you enjoying the party?’ Tom asked the girl.
Tom wanted to know_________________________________________________________
6.	‘How long have you been living here?’ said the policeman to Mr Smith.
The policeman inquired_____________________________________________________
7.	‘Did you visit Paris last week?’ asked Helen.
Helen wanted to know_______________________________________________________
8.	‘When will dinner be ready?’ said Benny to his mother.
Benny asked _______________________________________________________________
6. Has anyone ever stopped you in the street to ask you some questions? Has a reporter or a policeman ever asked you questions? Report the interview to the class.
7. The sentences below’ contain some mistakes. Can you correct them?
I asked Joan how' many guests did she invite to the party.
The police wanted to know' w'hat happened in the club between 10 and 1 1 p.m.
We were told that w’c won’t have to pay for the meal. It was on the house.
The boss asked whether has the angry customer already been served?
Mr Bright told us that he would live in London since 1956.
UNIT 1 to manufacture to produce to distribute beauty products to specialize in high-quality market leader Head Office branch subsidiary industrial espionage alarm systems to launch brand new to put smth. on the market fair to be in charge of product launch project coordination
Board of Directors Chairman Managing Director Chief Executive Officer PR (Public Relations) Officer Chief Accountant Sales Mngr.
Sales Department Finance Dpt.
Accounts Accounting Dpt. Advertising Dpt. Training Dpt. Planning Dpt. Marketing Dpt.
R & D Research & Development Dpt. Administration Dpt. Distribution Dpt.
Quality Dpt. Packaging Dpt. Production Dpt. Purchasing Dpt. . to run (a company) to head (a company) lo be accountable to to report to to be under to be in charge of to look after to take care of to be responsible for appointment product development market research publicity sales promotion sale recruitment
UNIT 3 banking car manufacturing shipping retailing microelectronics engineering to operate on the Stock Exchange to deal with chemicals aerospace insurance gambling cash flow7 stake competition headquarters
производиi ь, выпускать
парфюмерия и косметика
специализироваться на высококачествен и wii
лидер рынка
главная контора фирмы
дочерняя компания, филиал промышленный шпионаж
охранные системы
запускать в производство новейший
пустить в продажу
руководить, отвечать за что-либо запуск продукта в производство координация проекта
Совет директоров I Грсдседатель
главный управляющий фирмы
сотрудник по связям с общее гвепностыо
главный бухгалтер
коммерческий директор; менеджер отдела про щж отдел сбыта, коммерческий отдел
финансовый отдел
отдел рекламы
отдел обучения и подготовки кадров
плановый отдел
отдел маркетинга
отдел исследований и развития
о г дел адм 1111 не гран iиного у 11 равлш i ня
отдел распространения продукции
отдел контроля за качеством
отдел упаковки товара производс!венный отдел
отдел слаб же ни я
отчитываться перед кем-либо, подчинигься кому-либо
отвечать за что-либо, руководить
отвечать за что-либо
назначение (на должность) разработка продукции исследование рынка реклама
продвижение товара па рынке продажа
набор персонала
банковское дело автомобилестроение судоходство, судостроение розничная торговля микроэлектроника машиностроение
вести операции па фондовой бирже заниматься чем-либо
химическая промышленность аэрокосм 1 шсская 11р<>мышле!iпость страхование игорный бизнес
движение денежной наличности ставка (в игре) конкуренция, соревнование штаб-квартира
to move into a market
to invest шопсл in research to become a market leader to develop
to introduce
range u nil
to found, to establish to protect
battery driven iocat ion equipment to go bankrupt customer bill bear bull cheque share investment broker loan goods purchase
to be involved in
to be educated in
to be fluent in to graduate from with honours to divorce to inherit failure icwelry shop beauty contest to acquire
to define a strategy objective to increase market share to reduce prices to sell at reduced prices profits to drop
to move into the export field to break into a market home market saturated
lo expand by selling abroad to market products overseas costs
to afford smth.
to earn out an expensive advertising campaign
to stay ahead of competitors brand
to go down well
выйтн на рынок
вкладывать деньги в исследования
занять лидирующее положение па рынке разрабатывать
продетавн ть ( продукт)
единица продукции
основать (компанию)
слияние компании
работающий па батарейках
местонахождение, месторасположение
чек, вексель, счет
биржевой спекулянт, играющий на пониженно биржевой спекулянт, играющий на повышение чек
акция, доля
вклад, инвестиция
быть вовлеченным, принимать участие получить образование в свободно говорить
окончить (университет, колледж) с отличием
получить в наследство
ювелирны!! магазин
конкурс красоты
определить страгегн ю цель, задача увеличивать доля рынка снижать цены продавать но сниженным цепам прибыль
падать, сокращаться заняться экспортом проникнуть на рынок внутренний рынок насыщенный
расширяться за счет экспорта продавать говары за границу зач ра 1 ы, собесiонмость позволит!, себе что-либо
11 ро ВОДИ ТЬ Д(> ро состоя щу ю ре к л а м I iy ю кам н а и ню
онсрежа! ь конкурентов марка товара
пользоваться спросом (на рынке)
UNIT 7 business to arouse interest consumer to result in to secure slogan to convince smb. of smth. to persuade smb. to do smth. package image luxurious sophisticated high-tech formula hoarding
of high performance
to match smb./smth. on quality to run up against a problem modification
price list list price to quote firm
complete package
spare parts competitive guarantee reliable
after-sales service
service manual
to place an order for
to dispatch immediately
to have smth. in stock
to be available
to supply smb. with smth.
to require association
thorough testing
to prove
long-term reliability
to oe confident of smth.
to outperform
promotional campaign to order
to miss an opportunity to provide regular customer
clearance sale
to avoid smth.
department store
предприятие, фирма вызывать пи герое потребитель приводить к
гарантировать, обеспечивать
слоган, девиз рекламной кампании убедить кого-либо в чем-либо убедить кого-либо сделать что-либо упаковка
образ, имидж роскошный утонченный высокотехнологичные компопепiы рекламный щит
прекрасно работаю mini, действующий сравниться с кем чем-либо ио качеству столкнуться с проблемой модификация буклет, брошюра
тех н и ч ее к 11 е х а р а кте р 11 ст 11 к 11 прейскурант цеп цепа но прейскуранту назначать, устанавливать цепу твердый
полный пакет (услуг) запчасти
гарантия надежный
। арантпйное обслуживание руководство по эксплуатации жалоба
разместить заказ на отправить немедленно иметь па складе быть в наличии
снабжать кого-либо чем-либо требовать сотрудничество
Ti । цггсл ы I ы е 11 с 11 ыта пня
долговечность н надежность
быть уверенным в чем-либо
кампания по продвижению товара на рынке, рекламная кампания
упустить возможность
постоянный клиент
срочная распродажа, устроенная для того, чтобы освободить место па складе пли в магазине для новой партии товара
удачная сделка
пзбежат ь чего-либо
UNIT 10 to clinch a deal to negotiate to get in touch with to give a go-ahead clause total amount of the contract dates and terms of delivery terms of payment guarantee period packing and marking discount rates substantial order to conclude a transaction freight to invoice f.o.b. (=frec on board) c.i.f. (=cost, insurance, freight) to ship goods sensible fair justified bulk order reasonable concession acceptable to grant a discount to observe operation and maintenance instructions
to close a deal to specify to transfer Irrevocable Letter of Credit to insist on open account terms to settle with smb. to meet the terms Bill of Lading Commercial Invoice Shipping Specifications Quality Certificate Certificate of Origin Insurance Certificate valid to expire
to apply for a job applicant application skills
extensive experience resume
Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
to work fast and accurately advantage promotion prospect drive and ambition to enclose references
заключить сделку вести переговоры связаться с кем-либо дать разрешение статья 6контракта) общая сумма контракта даты 11 условия поставки условия платежа гарантийный срок упаковка и маркировка размеры скидок значительный заказ заключить сделку фрахт, грузоперевозки выставлять счет с погрузкой на судно стоимость товара, страхование и доставка доставлять товар разумный справедливый оправданный
заказ на крупную партию разум н ын уступка приемлемы II нредоставп । ь скидку соблюдать инструкции по техническому обсл уживай ню и эксплуатации
заключить сделку
(сзо тз ы в 11 о и а к к ред 11 г 11 в настаивать на чем-либо
условия открытого счета расплачиваться с кем-либо отвечать условиям (контракта) коносамент
коммерческий счет-фактура
о ггрузоч 11ые документы
сертнси жат качества
сертшшкат о происхождении груза
страховой сертификат полис действительный, имеющий силу истекать, кончаться (о сроках)
обратиться с заявлением о приеме па работу
кандидат на должность
навыки работы
обширны и опыт
анкетные данные, включающие сведения об образовании и опыте работы
выполнять работу быстро и точно
перспективы продвижения по службе
энергия напористость п честолюбие
рекомендации и характеристики