                    THE HARMONY GUIDES
2 2 0 more Crochet STITCHES
У |	|V| p “J *nc'uc*es all-over patterns, edgings and
trimmings, motifs, Irish style crochet

Abbreviations and Symbols
Work as given tor 11 but working I row each In colours A. В and C throughout. 1 st row (right side): Work 1 do Into 2nd ch from hook. Ide into each ch to end, turn. 2nd row: tch. work Ide Into each de Io end. turn. 3rd row: 1ch, work ide into each ol first 2dc. 'ttrftf round next de 2 rows below, i de into each of next 2dc: rep from • to end. turn. 4th row: t ch. work t de Into each st to end. Sth row: tch, work tdc into each of first 2dc, *1tr/rt round stem ol next trfrf 2 rows below, I de into each of next 2dc; rep from * Io end, turn. Starting Cham Multiple of 3 sis * 3 Special Abbreviation ttr/rt - work 1 tr around stem ol next st 2 rows below inserting hook round stem from right to left to draw up loops.

Starting chain: Multiple ol 4 sts next missed si 3 rows below until last loop ol dlr remains on hook, yo and lltrough all 3 loops. Note: Sts either side of dtr2tog must be worked behind dialog Sth row: tch work tdc Into each of first = upper cluster work tdlr into 7th row: As Sth row but using В instead । rep front • to last 3tr.tdc into each ol Iasi 2tr, working last de Into 3rd of 3ch at beg of previous row. lum.

1 de into next 2ch sp, 3ch; rep from * to last 7th row: tch, tdc Imo first tr, tch, miss I Ir2tog. tdc into next tiZtog, 3ch, tdc into ? Л ;*$«‘4‘4Ш’ Sth row:3ch, work 1 tr2log into topoleach lr2tog, 3ch. 1dc Into next de, 3ch: rep from 16end omitting 1 de at end ol last rep, turn ' 2nd row: tell, 1dc Into first de, ’51г into • next3charch. miss tdc, 1dcintonext.dc: J all 3 loops on hook. 1 st row (right side): Work 1dc into 2nd ch ch, (3ch, miss 3ch, Ide into next di) twice, *2ch, miss 2ch. tdc into next ch, (3ch, a 1 rextSch arch, miss Ide. tdc into next de; Eno ot 3ch at beg ol previous row, turn. Sth row: tch, Ide Into each ol first 2tr. ‘ЙП, miss 3 sts, tdcInto each ol next 3lr: Ir2togwoik[2ch.tr2tog)3iimes. Ich.mlss ast rep and placing last de into 3rd ol 3ch 2 sps. tch, miss 3ch sp. Into Iasi ch sp work [trZlog. 2eh, Ir2tpg], I tr Into last de, 5th row: tch, work tdc.lmo lltsl de, ‘tch, miss 3ch sp, tr2tog Into next 2ch sp, Into same so as last tr2log work (2ch, IrZtog] 3rd row: 1ch, tdc into first tr. *3ch, work itrZtog Into top of each ol next 4tr2tog. 3ch, 1 de into next 2chsp; rep Irom * to end I.26 1st row (right side): Work 4tr Imo Sth ch ( from hook.‘miss 3ch,4tr into next ch; rep , Irom ‘ to last 2ch, Itr into last ch. turn I •Л»* -1 *2-^; ’cross2tr; rep Irom" to end. I tr into top ol 1 3ch at bog ot previous row. him. , ;•»»»;< М.№лХ-‘.‘j SemjiMn Muupie ot • sts • 1 1 Specа' ДОПгехлпог' Sh aomng berwxl lav Ir «СЛ IB into seWois-enxesectr end. 1 tr into 3rd of 3ch at beg ol previous ' row, turn. Rep 2nd and 3rd rows. = Cross2tr 15®’ 1.29
Introduction About Crochet Equipment Crochet Hooks Sarno time controls (Im yam supply. The left hand middle linger is used lo manipulate lhe yarn, while iho index linger and thumb hold on lo Urn work. Wrap the yarn Irom back to Ironi over ms the hook). This movement ol the yarn over lhe hook is used over and over again -n crocliel and is usually called "yarn over'. Yarn Over (yo) Chain Stitch (ch о ) Holding the Hook and Yarn To Start slatting chain, which is a series ol chain slltches, beginning wilh a slip knot. lhe diagrams and Ihen lum the Iraclng paper over, ihus reversing the imago, alternatively reliect the diagrams in a mirror. Read loh lor rigbi and right tor loll where applicable. Slip Knot shown in (he diagram Nolo: Unless olhoiwse stated, when
AMxtviaions >vn> Symbols on pogi . I

! Starting chain: Multiple ot 10sts * 2. Diagram only: Rep 2nd and 3rd row. str Cluster. work 1 tr Into each of next 2tr '< until 1 loop ol each remains on hoolr. yo 4tr Cluster work 11r into each of next air ‘ and through all 5 loops on hook, • t st row (right side): Work 1 de into 2nd ch . Irom hook, *2ch. miss 4ch, 2tr into next ch, I into same ch as last 2tr work [2ch. Strj 1 twice, Sch. miss 4ch, tdc into next ch; rep t Starting chain: Multiple of 10 sts + 2. Special Abbreviation Tr2tog > work Str into next 3ch arch until I through all Sloops on hook. 1 st row (wrong side): Work 1 de Into 2nd i ch from hook, *3ch, miss 3ch. tdc Into I Sch, miss 3ch. tdc Into next ch: rep Irom 2nd row: Ich, tdc into first de. *1ch, miss samearch as last tr2togwork(3ch, trStog] 2nd row: 3ch (count as Hr), work a Str cluster over next Str, 2ch, into next tr work [Str, Sch, ttr], into next tr work [Hr, 4tr, Sch. Into next tr work [21r, 2ch, t tr). Into next tr work [ttr, 2ch, Sir), 2ch; rep Irom * Io last 2tr. work a 2tr cluster over last 2tr, ttr into last de. turn. 3rd row: 3ch (count as ttr), miss first fr 21 r, 2ch, into next fr work |2lr.2ch. Hr], Into next tr work [1 tr. 2ch, 2tr|. 2ch. ‘work a 4lr cluster over next 4tr (excluding str cluster ol previous row), Sch, Into next tr work [Str. 2ch. Hr], into next tr work [Hr, 2ch, Str), ? Sch; rep Irom ‘ to last 4 sts (excluding 1 Sch sp), work a Str cluster over next 2tr, » 1 tr Into 3rd ol 3ch al beg ol previous row, j Rep 3rd row only. Starting chain: Multiple of 6 sts + 2. HtrStog . ‘To. Insert hook into st. yo ana Irom * once more Into same st, yo and through all 5 loops on hook. TrStog = work ttr into next ch spent! S loops remain on hook, work a 2nd tr into next ch sp until 3 loops remain on hook, yo and through all 3 loops on hook. 1st row (right side): Work tdc into 2nd di Irom hook, ‘tch. miss Sch, into next ch workfhlrSlog. 1ch| 3 limes, miss Sch, tdc Into next ch; rep from * to end, turn. 2ndrow:4ch(countastlr, tch),misstrst ch sp, tdc Into next ch sp. 3ch, tdc Into next ch sp, 'tch. trStog over next 2 ch sps, tch, ide into next ch sp. 3ch, toe into next ch sp; rep from * to Iasi de. tch. Hr into Iasi de. turn next 3ch arch, 1 de into next 3ch arch. Sch, tdc into next 3ch arch, 3ch, 1 dlr into next de. *3ch, missnext3charcn. tdc into next 3charch.3ch, tdcinto next Sch arch, 3ch. into first tr. tch, tdc into next 3chsp,1dJ 'Into topol nexi trStog work [hirStog. id) from * to last ch sp. into 3rd ol 4ch attegl 4th row: tch, tdc Into first htr. tdc ln»| 4th row: tch. tdc into first dlr, "tch, miss next3chsp,trStog Into next 3ch arch. Into same arch as last trStog work [3ch, trStog] 4 times, tch, tdc into next dlr: rep from * to end, working last de Into 4th ol 7ch at beg ol previous row, turn. Rep 3rd and 4ih rows. H > TrStog first ch sp, tch. tiStog over next Selltp-: tch, ‘Ido Into next ch sp. 3ch, 1dc (ra next ch sp. tch. trStog over next 2 chs» !] Ich; rep Irom ' to last ch sp. Ide into 1st! chsp, ide Into 2nd of 3ch at beg olpe 1 vlous row, turn. Sth row: 1ch. tdc Into first de, ‘tch, HS top ot next trStog work (hlrSlog, Ich] 3 1 end placing last de Into last de. lum. II Rep 2nd to Sth rows. Q = HtrStog Д и TrStog 1 Ы И -'u' ‘ ' J ‘ ’ v ' - 1 AhbraviattonsandSymtotsonpigr'l, L
all 5 loops on hook. IM row (right Side): Work itr into Sth ch miss2ch, tdc Into next ch. mlss2ch, into centro tr ol noxl group. [1 group into next oats t tr. 2tr into each ot next Str; rep from Trtlog - work 2lr Imo next st until I loop ol each remains on hook, yo and through Ok Sloops on hook. 2nd row: Ich. I de Into first tr. 1 group Into next de, Ide into centre tr ol next group. ' Io last group, tdc into centre tr ol next group, t grouplntonextdc. miss[Hr, tch), t de into next ch. turn. 3rd row: 4ch (count as Hr. tch). Itr into first de, tdc mto centre tr of first group. 2ch.|l ЬоЬЫе between next pair oHr.2ch] 5 limes. *idc mto centre tr ol next group. 1 group into next de. tdc into centre tr ol pair ol tr, 2ch] 5 times; rep Irom • to fast group, tdc into centre tr ol last group, into last de work (1 tr, 1 ch, 1 tr), turn. 4th row: tch. tdc into first tr, 'tch, 1 tr Into next 2ch sp. [tch. Hr into lop ol next bobble, tch. Hr Into next 2ch sp] 5 times. Ich, tdc into centre tr of next group; rep Irom ’ to end placing last de into 3rd ot 4cn Sth row: 3ch (count as Hr). 2tr into first de. ‘miss tch sp. tdc into next ch sp. |miss Ich sp. 1 group into next tr. miss tch sp. tdc Into next ch sp) 3 times. Str Into next de: rep from * to end omitting 2tr 6th row: 3ch (count as itr). Hr Into first tr. 2tr Into each of next 2tr, Ide into ceniro tr of next group, [1 group into next de, tdc Into centre tr ol next group] twice, 'miss 1 tr. 2tr Into each of nexlStr, tdc Into centre tr ol next group, |1 group into next de, tdc Into centre tr of next group) twice: rep from * Io last 5 sts. miss next tr and de, 2lr into ol previous row, turn. 7lh row: 3ch (count as 1 tr). tr2tog txr tween first pair ol tr. 2ch, |i bobble be tween next pair ol tr. 2ch) twice, tdc mto centre tr ol next group, t group into next de. Ide mto centre tr of next group. '2ch, miss (Hr. tdc). [I bobble between next pair ol Ir, 2ch] 5 times, tdc into centre tr ol next group. 1 group into noxl de, Ide Into centre tr ol next group; rep from * to last 3 pairs ol Ir. |2ch, 1 bobble between next pair of tr] twice, 2ch, tr2log between lost patrol Ir. Hr into 3rd of 3ch at begot previous row. turn. 8th row: Celt (count as Hr, Ich), Hr Into first 2ch sp. tch. [Itr into fop ol next 1st row (right side): Work 1 de into 2nd ch mto same ch as last tr work (Hr. tch, Hr], 9th row: Celt (count as Itr, tch}, Hr Into first tr, miss tch sp. 1dc Into next ch sp, 1ch sp. 1 group into next tr, miss 1.39 Hop 2nd and 3rd rows.

Sterling chain: Multiple of 9 SIS f 4. Shell-work ttrintonexttr, tch.between test hand next tr work (Mr. tch. Mr), tch. Mrimonexttr. Hall shell at beg ot row = 4ch (count as ’tr. tch), Mr between first Str. tch, Mr Into Hall shell al end of row = Mr Into next Ir, Mb, Mr between last tr worked Into and tost Ir (tile 3ch al beg of previous row), tdr, Hr into 3rd ol 3ch at beg ol previous Shell = Halt shell at end Hall shell at beg I» raw (nghl side): Work Mr into 4th ch tom hook, "miss 3ch. into next ch work 3ch. 2tr] miss 1 tr. Mr into each ot next 2tr: : tsp Irom to last 2lr, sir Into last ch sp, 'ch, Mr Into 3rd ot 4ch at beg ol previous 4th row: 4ch (count as Mr, tch). Str into first ch sp. mrss 2lr, Mr into each ol next 2tr, ‘into next 3ch sp work [Str, tch. Sir], miss 2tr. 1 tr Into each ol next 2tr; rep tram ‘ to last 3tr, work 3tr into Iasi ch sp. Ich, Sth row: ich. Ide into first tr. tdcintolirst chsp. ‘mlssStr, 1 shell over next 2tr, tdc into next ch sp: rep Irani * to end. I de Into 3rd ol 4ch at beg ol previous row. turn. 6th row: 3ch (count as Mr), miss first de, Mr into next de. miss ich sp, into next ch sp work (2tr. 3ch, 2tr], ‘miss Mr. work Mr into each ol next 2tr, miss tchsp, into next ch sp work (2tr. 3ch, 2tr]; rep from ‘ to last 2tr, Mr into each of last 2dc. turn. 7th row: 3ch (count as Mr), miss first tr. 1 tr into next tr. ‘into next 3ch sp work (3tr. tch, 31г]. mlss2tr, Mr into each of next 2tr. rep from to end placing last tr into 3rd ol 3ch al beg ol previous row. turn. Rep 2nd to 7th rows. I.45 .<йлг;Ч»5Иг'..’' Л’.”.'.”.:”.'" 2nd row: 7ch (count as Idtr, 3ch), ‘miss tch sp, Into next 3ch sp work [fdc. 3ch, tdc], 3ch, Idtr into next de, 3ch: rep Irom ‘ to end omitting 3ch al end ol last rep, 3rd row: 4ch (count as Mr, tch), Into first dlr work (Mr, tch, Mr), miss 3ch sp. 1dc Into next 3ch sp. ‘into next dlr work (Mr, Ich. Mr. 3eh, Mr, tch. Mr], miss 3ch sp, tdc Into next 3ch sp; rep from * to last sp, Sternng chain: Multiple ol 8 Sts ♦ 2. I Id row (right Side)' Wotk 1 de into 2nd ch hxn hook. ‘miss 3ch. into next ch work [JIMch. 1tr.3ch. Mr, Ich. Mr], mlss3ch, IK mo next oh; rep from * Io end. turn. twice Into same ch as last tr, turn. 4throw:1ch, Ide into first tr, idcinto first ch sp, 3ch, 1dlr into next de, *3ch, miss tch sp, into next 3ch sp work (tdc. 3ch. Iast3tr.3ch, miss tchsp. tdc into each ol next 2ch. turn. Sth row: tch, tdc Into first de, ‘Imo next dlr work (Mr. Ich. Hr. 3ch, Mr. tch, Mr], miss 3ch sp. fdc into next 3ch sp; rep Irom * to end placing last do into Iasi de, Rep 2nd to 5tn rows. Startingchaln:Multlpleof12sts*6. i 1st row (right side): Work (tdlr. ich] 3 I, times kilo 6th ch from book, miss fich. ide 1 Into next ch. ‘tch, miss 5ch. into next ch ' work[idu. 1ch|7times, mlssSch. Idcinto I next ch; rep Irom * to last 6ch. Ich, into ? last ch work (Idtr. tch] 3 times, Idtr into I sama ch as last 3dtr, turn. 2nd row: tch. ide into first dtr. "6ch. Ide , into next de, 6ch, miss 3dlr. tdc into next ’ dtr; rep Irom • to end placing last dtr Into I 4ih ol Sch at beg ol previous row, torn i 3rd row: tch. tdc Into first de, ‘6ch, tdc । Into next de; rep Irom * lo end, tom. ] 4th row: Ich, fdc Into first de, ‘tch, Into next de work (Idtr. tch) 7 times, tdc Into | Sth row: tch, tdc Into first de,‘6ch, miss 1 3dtr, fdc into next dtr, Boh. ide into next • Sth row: tch. tdc Into first de. *6ch, tdc I 7th row: Sch (count as Idtr. tch), into first i de work (tdlr, 1ch| Slimes, fdc into next ( de. ‘tch, into next de work (tdlr. tch] 7 j do. Into last de work (Ich. Idtr] 4 times. 1

Aoorcviabons and Symbols on page U
1,55 |ПГ'’=11ЩТГ~ЦЙ> . . i И *rW tW1. 'шОЫО)’ 1.57 И’.'Д'.’Д/.’Д Bobble Starting chain: Multiple ol 4 sis < 3 Bobble work 3tr inlo next st until 1 loop Staling chain: Multiple ol 10 sis ч 2. Special Abbreviation Sobble. woik3dtrinlonextstuniil! loop pleach remains on hook, yo and through в a loops on hook. W row (hghl side): Work ihlr into ЗШ ch *cm hook, ihlr Into each ot next 2ch. Set- miss 3ch, 1 htr into each ot next Tch; into next bobble. 3ch, *1hfr Into next bobble. [2htr mto next 2ch sp. Ihtr inlo next bobble) twice, 3ch; rep from ' Io last bobble, 1hir Into last bobble. 2hlr into next 2ch sp. Ihtr mto 4th of 4ch al beg of Rep 2nd to 7th rows. 1 st row (wrong side): Work 1 tr inlo 4lh ch from hook, i tr into each ot next 2ch. *2ch, miss 1ch. Hr into each ot next 3Ch: rep Irom * to last ch, 1tr Into last ch, turn. 2nd row: 3ch (count as Hr), miss first 2ir. into next tr work [1 bobble. 3ch, 1 bobble], iep Irom ' lo end omitting 3litr al end of last rep, turn. Ind row: 2ch (count as Ihlr), working i cetween sts work ihtr between first and 1.56 1 bobble); rep from'to last 2tr. HrlntoSrd ol 3ch at beg o' previous row, lurn. 3rd row: 3ch, work 3lr into first Sch arch, Jud htr then between 2nd and 3rd htr. 2ch, mo next 3ch sp work |1 bobble, 2ch] I Wee,'miss Ihlr, |1htr between next2htrj 4 linos, 2ch. into next 3ch sp work bobble,2eh]twice; repIrom'tolast4 «s, miss ihtr, Ihtr between next2htr. ihtr । \ h 1>» i 1 '» X last 2 sts. Hr into 3rd of 3ch at beg ol previous row. turn, Rep 2nd and 3rd rows, between last htr and 2ch, 1 htr Into top ot Mi. turn. 5ulrow:5eh(countasitr.2ch).'l bobble i ino next bobble, 2ch, 1 bobble into next V 4/-,. ,A НГЩ UH ah sp. 2ch, 1 bobble. Into noxl bobble. ' 2ch. :tr between 2nd and 3rd htr, 2ch; rep him * to end omitting 2cb at end ol last I vp and placing last Ir into 2nd ol 2ch at neg ot previous row. turn 4lhraw:5ch.'1htrintonextbobble.|2hir ( I he noxl 2ch sp, Ihtr Into next bobble) trios, 3cn rep from * to end omitting ich rbeg.ol previous row. lurn. S»i raw: 4cli (count as Hr, ich). 1 bobble 1 irio liist 2ch sp. 2eh. miss ihtr. [ihtr be- , aeon next 2htr) 4 times. '2ch, into next Udi sp work |l bobble, 2ch| twice, miss 1 l| Ihr.flntr between noxl 2htr]4 times; rep km' lo last 2ch sp, 2ch, work 1 bobble 1 1 rto last 2ch sp, Ich. Itr into 3rd ol Sch at II cep of previous raw, turn. 1. (throw: 4ch (countas 1 dtr), 1 dlr mio Wsl , n Wobte mto next bobble. 2ch. 1 bobble tobbte. 2ch. miss ihtr. Hr between noxl | ' ' > 1 f " Starting chain: Multiple of 7 sis * 3. 1st row (right side): Work i de into 2nd ch Item hook. Idcintoeachof next 2ch. *3ch, miss 3ch. ide Into each ol next 4ch; rep tram * to end omitting Ide al end of last 2nd row: 4ch (count as Hr, tch), work Str into first 3ch sp. *3ch, Str into next 3ch sp: rep from 'to last 3dc. Ich, Hr Into last de. 3rd row: 3ch (count as Hr), miss first tr, 'Hr inlo next tr. |1ch, Hr into next tr) 4 times; rep tram ' to last tr. Hr into 3rd ol 4ch at beg ot previous raw. him. = Bobble 4th row: ich, tdc Into first Ir, ich. (ide into next ch sp. miss Hr) 4 times. '3ch. (1dc Inlo next ch sp, miss Hr) 4 times; rep from ' lo last 2lr, 1ch, Ide «no 3rd ot 3ch al beg bl previous row, turn. 5th row:3ch, atrimo first de, 3ch. '5u inlo next 3ch sp, 3ch: rep Irom' io last de. 3tr Into last de. turn. 6th row: 4ch, miss lust tr, 1 tr into next tr, 1ch. Hr Into next tr, 'Hr into next tr, (tch, Hr Into next tr) 4 limes: rep from ' to last 3tr, [Itr Into nexttr. 1ch|twice. Hr Into 3rd ol 3ch at beg ol previous row. turn. 7th row: ich, tdc Into first lr,|1dcinto next chsp. miss Hr) twice, 3ch, *|idc into next ch sp. miss 11r) 4 times. 3ch; rep tram ' to 51 hook. 1 dtr into 3rd ot 4ch until 3 loops j wnanonhook.yoandthraughallSloops 1 x hock. turn. [дШЖГКЖз into next ch sp. ide Into 3rd of 4ch at beg ol previous row, him. Rep 2nd lo 7th raws
Basic Stitches Basic Stitches All the crochet patterns In this book are produced using combinations ol the following baslcstitches. They are shown in but the method is the same whatever part o< the work the stitch is worked Into. 3. Yarn over again and draw through all 4.1 htr made. Yarn over. Insert hook Into next stitch; repeat Irom * in step 2. three loops on the hook. Insert the hook into the work (second chain Irpm hook In diagram), yarn over and draw the yam through both the work and loop on the hook In one movement. Half Treble (htr J > Double Crochet t. Yam over and insert the hook Imo the work (third chain Irom nook on starting (de +) 1. Insert (he hook into the work (second chain Irom hook on starting chain), 'yarn over and draw yam through the work only 3. Yamover and draw through the first two loops only.

- Starting chain; Multiple ol 6 sis * 2. 1 st row (right side} Work 1 de Into 2nd ch 2nd row: tch, tdc Intolirstde. '6ch. work • tdc mlo 2nd ch from hook, then working , 1 st into each ol next 4ch work Ihtr, Itr. ; tdlr and lilt, miss Sdc on previous row. 3rd row: Sch (count as 11tr). "tdc Into ch , de; rep from * to end. turn. 4th row: tell, work tdc Into each |ltr, ch I and de] Io end, placing last de Into top ol Rep 2nd to 4th rows. 1.68 Slatting Chain: Multiple ol 6 sis 4 3. 1st row (right side): Work tdc into 2nd ch Irom hook, 1dc into next ch, 'Sdt. miss 4ch, tdc into each ol next 2ch; rep Irom * 2nd row: 3ch (count as Hr), miss first de, 11r into next de. *2ch, Ide into 6ch arch, 2ch, itr Into each ot next 2dc; rep Irom ‘ to end, turn, 3rd row: 3ch, miss lirst tr. t tr Into next tr. *3ch, I slstlntonej<tdc.3ch, Hrlntoeach of next 2 tr, rep from * to end placing last tr into 3rd of 3ch at beg ot previous row, 4th row: tch, tdc Into each ol lirst 2tr, '4ch. tdc Into each of next 2 tr; rep from' Io end placing last de in» 3rd of Sch at bog ol previous row. turn, Sth row: tch, tdc Into each of lirst 2dc, ’6ch, Ide into each of next 2dc: rep from Starting chain; Multiple ol 5 sts 4.2. । 1st row (right side); Work 1 de into 2nd ch I , from hook, 'Sch. miss 4ch. tdc Into next > ch: rep Irom • to end, turn. 2nd row: ten. work ide into first de, 'Sdc into 5ch sp. tdc into next de: гор from' Io I ' end,turn. Rep 2nd Io Sib rows. 14"f twfTwtv 2 >4. ^-4. 1.67 ' 3rd row: 3ch (count as itr), miss first de. | i work Hr into each of next Sdc, 'tch, miss I , tdc, 11r Into each of next Sdc: rep Irom' I ' io last de. Hr Into last de, torn I 4th row: Ich. tdc Into first tr. 'Sell, tdc into next ch sp: rep from to end plaong I ' last de into 3rd of 3ch at beg of previous I r row. turn. , Rep 2nd Io 4th rows. F v v Г ili! ', Starting chain. Multiple of 6 sts 4 6. I st row (right sloe) Work tdc into 9lh ch irom hook (Hr and 3ch sp formed at beg r of row), turn, 1ch, tdc into de. 3dc Into , 3ch sp. (turn, tch. Ide Into each ol the J 4dc| 3 times, miss next 2ch oh starting • chain, 1trintonexlch,'3ch,mrssnox12ch ' on starting ch, Ide into next ch, turn, Ich, tdc into de. 3dc into 3ch sp. |tum, tch. . tdc into each of the 4dc] 3 limes, miss ’ next 2ch on starting ch. Itr into next ch: r rep Irom ' to end, turn. 2nd row: Sch (count as idtr, 2ch), miss 1 itrand3dc, Idcinto nextdc.2cb,idlrlnto , next Ir, *2ch, miss 3dc, Ide Into next de. 2ch, Idtr Into next tr, rep tram • to end placing last dtr Into top ot ch al beg of | prevlousrpw.lurn.
1st row (right side): Work tdclnto2ndch । 171 1.69 hornbook.fdclntoeachchtoend, turn ( I*'1 »лтл’’ ’AAV Starling chain Multiple ot 6 sts * 2. Special Abbreviations Ttr group - work 3ttr into next de until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 4 loops on hook. Double ttr group = work 3ttr Into same de as last group until I loop ot each remains on hook (4 loops on Irook), miss 5 de, into next de work 3tlr until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 7 loops on hook. 2nd row: fch, work tdc into each de to end, turn. 3rd row: 5ch (count as 1 ttr), miss first 3dc, work stir group into next de, 5ch, •1 double nr group. 5ch: rep from 10 Iasi until 1 loop of each remains on hook (4 loops on hook), tltr Into last de until 5 loops remain on hook, yo and through all 5 loops, turn 4th row: tch, 1dc into top of first group, 5dc Into 5ch arch, ‘tdc into top of next to last group, tdo Into 5th ot 5ch at beg ot Sth row: ten, work tdc Into each do to Hep 2nd 10 5th tows. Special Abbreviation Bobble .. work 4» Into next st until 1 loop 1 of each remains on hook, yo and through ‘ all 5 loops on hook. 1st row (right side). Work ttr into 4th ch ‘ from hook. 1 tr Into each of next 3ch. Meh. , miss 4ch. Ide Into next ch, 3ch, miss fch, . 1dc into next ch. 4ch. miss 4ch, Hr Into each ot next 5ch; repfrom * to end. turn. I 2nd row: 3ch (count as ttr). miss first tr, 1 tr into each of next 4tr, • 2ch. 1 de i hto next , dcharch. tch, work 7lr Into next 3ch arch, , -гггггггггп 5 - i
1.72 Starting chain: Multiple ol 12 sis ч 8. Special Abbreviations Cluster - Sen. 1 dtr worked untlt2 (oops ' remain on hook (first leg). tdtr worked 1 until 3 loops remain, yb and through all 3 loops. 3ch. tdc Into earne st as last dtr , (2nd leg), Bobble on cluster .. work first leg ol 1 same ch as last de. miss Sch, work 2nd , leg ol cluster Into next ch; rep from * to first cluster work [tdtr. 3ch, tdc), "work cluster: rap from ’ flnshinq with 2nd liin 3rd row: 1 ch. tdc Into first st. 'work clus ! terplacingZnd leg into lopof next cluster; rep from ' to end but working bobbin on 4th row: As 2nd row. Sth row: As 3rd row but working bobble i on first then every alt cluster, turn. Rep 2nd tb Sth rows. = Cluster next duslei until 3 loops remain on nook yo and through a.t 3 loops: rep from * to end. 2ch. tdc Into 3rd ol 3ch at beg of previous row. turn. Starting chain: Multiple ol 4 sis a2. 1st row (right side): Work tdc into 2nd ch Irom hook. ‘2ch. Intoisan» ch as last de work ttr untligioopsremainon hook, miss 3ch. work ttr Into next ch until 3 loops loops. 2ch. tdc into same ch as last li. 1.74 Stalling Cham: Multiple of 24 sts к 6. remains on hook, yo and right side row working from front of work, work tdtr Inserting hook from right viousrow. Dtrnb (Double treble round back) - on side of work), work tdfr Inserting hook from right Io left under stem ol next tr or dlr in previous row. (See page 10). 2nd row: 3clt (count as 1 tr). Work ttr Into top ol first cluster. '2ch. into same cluster I as last tr work (tdc. 2ch, Hr until 2 loops remamonhook), t tr into topoloext cluster Rep 2nd and 3rd rows. Cross ddtrrf (Cross 4 double treble round Irani)= missnexl2dlr, work Id®' round each ot next 2dtr. ten. work tdtr -around each ol the 2 missed dtr 1st row (right sido); Work tdc irio 2rdd 1dclmonextch,4ch 1 bobble intosideol Insi de worked, miss 3ch, tdcvitoreit ch, 2ch. miss fch. 1 bobble mto next ch- ’ 2ch, miss tch. 1dc Into next ch. | I ооЬЫе into side bl fast de workeo. ids . I [2tr, fch. 2tr|. miss tch. tdc into next ch. 5ch. miss 3ch, tdc mto next di, 4c" t bobble Imo side ot last de worked, mils

>-Г-ЛТ'А'ГА'1 АТлу-лу*-'
II. Filet Crochet


I Working in Rounds i, Insert the hook back Into the first chain 4. The stitches of the first round are Occasionally the first round is worked into height of the following stitches. (Tins Is
Methods of Joining Layouts that Involve motifs lilting together way and slip stilctting to the correspond' mg places on the adjacent motifs. tilled wiih small mollis, made and joined in at the same time as they are wonted. Joined Motifs and only depend on the shape of the motifs and your ingenuity.

Stitch Variations
Special Abbreviation Bobble • work 3llr inlo ch until 1 loopol each remains on hook, yo and through an I 4 loops on hook. 1st round: Make 6ch. work air into И: ch until 1 loop ol each remains on nock, yo and through al 3 loopson hook (boob'e made at beg ol round), into same ch лоП I (5ch. 1 bobble) 7 times, 2ch, 1lr into topot first bobble. 2nd round: tch. work tdc nlo arch just I formed, ech, f 1 de Inlo next Sch arch, fcr) 7 times, si st into first de. 3rd round: SI st mto first Bch arch. За I (count as itr), work Str into same arch. I 3ch, |6« inlo next 6ch arch, 3ch| 7 times si st Inlo 3rd ot 3ch at beg of round. | Fasten off. ['i'. = Bobble

III. Motifs

111.29 Ж SCO Bobble work 3tr into next st until t loop ot each remains on hook, yo and through 9th round: SI st into first 6ch arch. tch. . into each of next 16 6ch arches workftde. = Bobble 2ch. ttr. 2ch, Itr, 2ch, 1 dc|. si st into first V 2nd round: 4ch (count as ttr. tch). work 111.30 tch. ttr into next ch sp. tch] 7 times, stst into 3rd ol 4ch at beg of round round). 2ch.(t bobble into next tr.2ch| 15 5th round: 3ch, work (Hr. 1 htr) into same previous round, si st Into 3rd ol Sell at beg ol round. 6th round: tch, tdc into same st as last through. 1ch to secure popcorn. Blh round: SI st into each oH«st6tr. 1ch. miss 7lr, t de between last tr missed and Into llrsl de. Special Abbreviations Popcorn = work 5tr Into next st. drop loop from hook. Insert hook Into lop of first ot Make 6ch, st st into first ch to form a ring. 2nd round: 5ch (count as ttr, 2ch), miss dropped loop and draw through, Ich to 3rd round: SI st Into first 2ch sp. 3ch, 4tr into same sp as si st, drop loop from hook.

111.33 . Picot = 3ch. si st into side ol last de worked. 1 1st round: 3ch (count as Hr), work 1 Sir < Into ring, si st into 3rd ot 3ch al beg ol , 2nd round: Sch (count as Hr. 2ch). (Hr I into next tr. 2ch| 15 times, si st Into 3rd ol ' Sch at beg of round. 3rd round: SI st Into lirsl 2clt sp, 3ch , (count as Itr). work 2ir into lirsl 2ch sp, r 1ch. (3lr into next 2ch sp. tch) 15 times. 1 si st into 3rd of 3ch at beg ol round. -------—__ . Make Sch. si st into lirsl ch to form a ring. 1st round: 3ch (count as Hr), work 1 Sir I into dng. si st *110 3rd ol 3ch at beg ol 2nd round: 3ch (count as Hr), 2tr into t same st as last si st. 2ch. miss ttr. Hr into next tr, 2ch. miss Hr, *3tr into next tr, 2ch. ' miss Hr, 1tr into next tr.2ch, miss Hr: rep I Irom * twice more, si st into 3rd of 3ch al r beg ot round, 1 3rd round: 3ch, Sir into next ir, ’ttr into ) next tr, [2ch. Hr into next tr] twice. 5lr into , next tr; rep Irom * twice more. I Hr into next l tr. 2ch| twice, si st Into 3rd of 3ch al beg 1 ot round. - ' “ - 111.35 tdc into first ch sp. 3ch. tdc into next ch sp. Sch, ’tdc into next ch sp, [3eh, 1dc into next ch sp) 3 times, 6ch; rep Irom • twice more, (tdc Into next ch sp, 3ch| twice, si st Into first do, Sth round: SI st into first 3ch sp. 3ch, work 2|r into lirst 3ch sp, into next p Irom * twice more. Str i >3chsps.slstinto3rdof Str. "t picot. (tdc into each ol next 3tr. 1 picot) 3 limes, 1 de into each of next Sir. I into next 2ch sp work (tdc, 1 picot. tdc], | :p<xi:|•wee s's: nctxc-cc ~acicr. on 4th round: 3ch. Hr into each of next 2tr, 2ch, Hr into next tr. 2ch. 11r into each ol next Str, Str Into next tr; rep from • twice more. 1 tr into each ot next 3tr, 2ch. Hr Into next tr, 2ch. si si Into 3rd of 3ch at beg ol Sth round: 3ch. Hr into each of next str. ADbrovlaWns and Sy moots on page lir Special Abbreviation Bobble - work Str into next st until 1 loop ol each remains on hook, yo and through all 6 loops on hook. 1st round: Make Sett and woiklng into first ol these ch work [Hr. 2ch| 7 times, si st into 4ih ol 6ch al beg ol round. 2nd round: 3ch (count as Itr). work 2tr into same st as last si st. 2ch. (Str intoned tr. 2ch| 7 times, si st Into 3rd ol 3ch at beg 3rd round: 3ch. Hr mio same si as last si st. 11г into next tr. 21r into next tr, 2ch. [2lr Into next tr, 1 tr into next tr, 2tr into nod tr. 2ch| 7 limes, si st Into 3id ot 3ch at beg of round. 4th round: Sch (count as ttr. 2ch), miss next Ir. 1 bobble into next tr. 2ch, miss Hr, ttr into next tr. 2cti, (tIr Into next tr, 2ch. miss Hr, 1 bobble into next Ir. 201, miss Hr. Hr into next tr,2ch] 7 times, si st Into 3rd ol Sch al beg ot round. Sth round: 3ch, 1 tr into same si as last si st. 2tr Into first 2ch sp, 1 tr Inlo topotntol bobble. 2lr Into next 2ch sp. 2tr into red Ir. 2ch, [2tr into next tr. 2tr into next 2ch ip. Hr into top ol next bobble, 2lr Into next 2Ch sp. 2tr into next Ir. 2ch| 7 times si st into 3rd of 3ch at beg ot round. Fasten oil.
IV. Irish Style Crochet
Stitch Variations

Abbreviations and Symbols on pops 12
Sen loop and over padding Ihreads work [2dc, thtr, T1lr, fhtr, 2dc), loll, sl si Into same ch as sl Sts of first round: rap from' twice more. 3rd round: SI st into each of First 9 sts of first loop. [16ch. miss first 8 sts on next loop, sl sl <tto next tr) twice. 18ch. sl sl into same tr as last sl sl at bog of round. 4th round: tch, working over padding Ihreads. work tdc Into same tr as last sl sl of previous round, 19dc Into first 16ch arch. (Ido into same tr as next sl st of previous round, 19dc into next I6ch arch) twice, slst into first de. 60dc. 6th round: Bch (count as Hr, Sch), miss next 3dc. (1 Ir into next de, Sch, miss 3dc| 14 limos, sl sl Into 3rd of Sch al beg of Sth round: SI st into first 3ch ol first arch, tch, working over padding threads ’work 4dc into first arch. 7dc into each of next 14 arches. 3dc into same arch as first 4dc. Sl sl into first de. 7ih round: 6ch, (miss noxl 6dc. sl sl into next dc(14 limes, 8ch. sl st into same de as last sl st of previous round. sth round: tch, into each 6ch arch and ovm padding threads work 2dc. |1 picot 2dc| 3 limes. SI st Into firs! de and fasten

IV.17 IV.18 Work as given for 1 st Io 7th г о uno ol IV ’ IV.19 Note: Sample photographed has starting chain of 31 sts. Work 2tr into 4th ch from hook. 3k i№

This, method produces stitches that are not entangled with each other and so Crossed Stitches Crossed Double Treble Placement of Stitches ™chlnIwwevo^nsnKhesOcan a°so°be wonted into ihe following places Working into Chain Spaces When a stitch, group, shell, cluster or bobble etc. is positioned over a chain or chains, the hook Is often inserted Into the It Is Important to notice, however, Il the the putt stitch firmly. This will bo indicated appearance ol the design. been given as notes wllh the diagram.
IV.24 Special Abbreviations Clones Knot = *draw up a chain io required length and hold it in place. ’yam over, twist hook over then under the loop, then pull the yarn back under the loop win the nook; rep Irom • until lite loop is completely covered. Vo. draw hook through all loops on hook*. To secure knot week tdc into last ch before Clones Knot. Dc-Clones Knot = work as given lor Clones Knot from * to *. To secure Knot I work tdc Into last de before Clones Клос Make 18ch. si st Into lirsl ch to form a Wig Istroundttch.workingintonngandovw I padding threads, work 36dc, si s' into I 2nd round: tch. work tdc into same st as I last si st. tdc into each of next 35dc, si si into first de 3rd round: tch. work tdc Into same si as I laslsl st. tdc Into each of next ate.’ino next de work [I de. lDc-ClonasKnol|.1dc I Into each of next Sdc; rep Irom * 5 limes I more omitting 3dc al end ol Iasi rep, si si I into first de. 4th round: ttch, miss [first 3dc. 10c-Clones Knot, 2dc], si st Into next de. Hell. mes|2dc, 1 Dc-Clones Knot, 2<fc| si st Into next de; rep from * 4 times more placing last si st into lirsl de 01 previous Sth round: tch. work 15dc Into each ol lhe 6 arches and over padding threads, si st into lirsl de. 6th round; tch. tdc mto next sc. 2ch. ttr into next de, [tch. rnissfds, 1 tr Into next dc| 5 limes. 2ch, tdc into next de, 'ntlssSdc, I de info next oc. 2ch, “tr into next de, (tch, miss tdc, 1 tr Intonextdcl 5nmes. 2ch, tdcitra into lirsl de. 7th round: SI st Into first ch, Icli, | Idcimo2chsp.‘4cfi. I Clones Krol | 4ch, miss 3tr, tdc mto next ch sp. | [4ch, t Clones Knot, 4ch. tdc into next 2ch sp| twice: rep from“ S times more omitting tdc at end of last гео. I si st into first de. 8th round: SI st into each ch Io I nt I Clones Knot, ten. [working penne Clones Knot work tdc into de securing Clones Knot. 4ch, t CtonesKnot, I 4ch[ 18 times, si st Into lirsl ее = Dc-Clones Knot ф = Clones Knot Abbreviations and Symbols or page ’ ?
Abbreviations and Symbols on page 12
Starting chain: Multiple ol 9 sis * 5. Special Abbreviation Tr2tog = work1tr into each ol next 2tr until t loop of each remains on book- yo and through all 3 loops on hook, 1st row (right side): Work ide Into 2nd ch from hook, tdc into each ch to end. turn. 2nd row: teh. Ide Info first do, 2ch, miss 2dc, tdc into next de. 'miss 2dc, Str into next de. miss 2dc. I de Into next de, 2ch. miss 2dc. tdc into next de; rep from • to end. turn, 3rd row: tch, tdc Into first de. 2ch. "ttr Into next tr. (tch. 1 tr into next tr] 4 times, tdc into next 2ch sp; rep from ' to end omitting tdc at end ol last rep. 2ch. tdc into last de, turn. 4th row: 3ch (count as Hr). | ttr into next tr.2chj 4 times, *tr2tog, 2ch. 11 tr into next tr. 2ch) 3 limes: rep from * to last tr. work 1 tr Into next ft until 2 loops remain on hook. Hr Into last de until 3 loops remain on hook, yo and through all 3 loops, turn. Sth row: 1 ch. Ide Into first st. 3dc Into first 2ch sp. *7ch. 3dc into (text 2ch sp: rep bom ’ to end. tdc into 3rd of 3ch al beg ol previous row. Fasten off. Starting chain: Multiple ot to Sts ’ a. 1st row (wrong side): Work ide into 2nd ch Irom hook, tdc into ' next ch, 6ch. miss 3ch. ‘tdc into each ol next Tch. 6ch. miss 3ch; t rep Irom * to last 2ch. I de into each ol last 2ch, turn. 2nd row: tch, ide into first de, 'into next 6ch arch work (tdc. 1 htr, Str. 1 htr. tdc), Tch; rep Irom * omitting Tch at end ol last rep, I work 1dc into last do. turn 3rd row: 5ch. miss first 5 sts. work tdc Into next tr. (3ch. Ide] 3 , limes into same st as last de. *3ch. [ide, 3ch, tdc) into next 7ch arch, 3ch. missnextdsts. tdc into next lr.|3ch.idc]3 limes 1 Imo same st as last de; rep Irom' to last 5 sis. Sch, si st into last , de. Fasten off Starting chain: Multiple ol 9 sis *5. Special Abbreviation Tr2tog=work1lrinto each ol next 2truntll I loop ol each remains on hook, yo and through all 3 loops on hook. 1st row (right side): Work tdc Into 2nd ch Irom hook, tdc Into I each di to end. turn 2nd row: tch, tdc into first de, Sch, miss2dc. tdc Into next de. , ‘miss 2dc, Str Into next de. miss 2dc. 1 de into next de, 2ch, miss I 2dc. ide into next de: rep Irom' to end, turn. 3rd row: tch, 1dc Into first de, Sch, 'ttr into next tr, |lch. Hr into next tr] 5 times, tdc info next 2ch sp; rep Irom * to last 2dc. ’ omitting tdc al end ol last rep. 2ch. ide Into last de. turn. , 4th row: 3Ch (count as ttr), (1 tr Into nexttr, 2ch| 5 times. "IrStog. , 2ch, (ttr Into next tr. 2ch) 4 times; rep Irom ' to last tr, work ttr nto next tr until 2 loops remain on hook, Hr into last de until 3 1 oops remain on hook, yo and through all 3 loops, turn. Sih row: 1ch, 1dc into first st. 3dc into first 2ch sp. ‘7ch, 3dc into , ’text Tch sp. rep Irom ' to last 2tr. tdc Into 3rd ol 3ch at beg of |
V. Edgings and Trimmings V.7 V.9 Starting chain: Multiple ol 12 sts. 1st row (nght side): Work tdc into 2nd ch front hook, (Sch. miss Sch. tdc into next ch| twice. ’(Sch, tdc into next chj twice, [Sch. miss Sch. tdc into next ch| twice: rep from • to end 2nd row: Sch (count as Hr. 3ch), tdc into first Sch arch. *3ch. tdc into next Sch arch: rep from * to end, Sch, 1 tr into last de. 3rd row: ich. 1dc Into first tr, 'Sch, miss 1 arch. 1dc into next 3ch arch, into same arch as last de work [Sch, 1dc[ twice. Sch. miss 1 arch. Ide Into next 3ch arch; rep from to end working last de Into 3rd ol Sch al beg ot previous row Fasten oil. Starting chain: Multiple ol 10 sts • 2. Special Abbreviation Bobble - work 3tr into next space until I loop ot each remains on hook, yo and through all S loops on hook. 1st row (wrong side): Work 1dc Into 2nd ch from hook, ideinto each ch to end, turn, 2nd row: Sch (count as Idtr. tch). work [idtr, tch] twice Into first de, miss 4dc. Ideinto next de. 'tch, miss 4dc. into next de work (1 dtr, 1ch| 5 times, miss 4dc, tdc into next de; rep from * to last (idtr. tch. idtr], torn 3rd row: tch, tdc Into first dtr. "2ch, into next de work (1 nr. Tch) 4 times, miss 2dtr. ide Into next dtr, rep from • to end placing last 4th row: tch. tdc into first de. Meh. miss next sp.t bobble into next2ch sp, |3ch, 1 bobble Into next 2ch sp] twice, 4ch. ideinto next de; rep from’to end. Fasten oft. Starting chain: Multiple ol 17 sis - 3. Special Abbreviation Bobble = work 3tr into next space until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 4 loops on hook. 1st row (right side): Work 1dc Into 2nd ch from hook. Ide into 3rd row: ich, worktdc into each ol first 8dc.Mch,miss 3dc. ide mto each of last Ude. tom, 4th row: 3ch (count as 1 hlr, tch). miss first 2dc, tdc Into each of next 3dc, Ich, into next 4ch sp work [ttr, tch] 6 times, miss 3dc, tdc into each ol next3dc, ’3ch. mlss2dc, tdc into each ol next 3dc. tch, into next 4ch sp work (Itr, tch) 6 times, miss 3dc. tdc into each of next 3dc; rep from * to last 2dc, tch, 1 hlr into last de. turn. Sth row: ten, tdc Into first htr, 2ch. |1 bobble into next ch sp. 2eh] 7 times, ’ide Into next 3ch arch, 2ch, [1 bobble into next ch sp. 2ch] 7 times; rep from ’ to last 3ch. miss tch. t de into next ch. torn. Sth row: tch, 1 de Into first de. 2dc into first Tch sp, Ideinto top of first bobble, 2dc into next Tch sp, [3oh, Tdc into next sp) twee, Sch. [Tdc into next sp. 3ch] twice. Tdc into next sp. tdc into top , of next bobble, 2dc into next sp, ’miss tdc, Tdc into next sp. tdc Into top ol next bobble. 2dc into next sp, [3ch, 2dc into nexlsp) i twice, Sch, (Tdc into next sp, 3ch| twice, 2dc into next sp, tdc into . top of next bobble. Tdc Into next sp; rep from * to last de, tdc in» last de. Fasten off. (jj = Bobble
V.10 Starling chain: Multiple ol 6 stsi 3. 1st row (wrong side); Work tdcinto 2nd ch trom hook, tdcinto each ch to end. turn. 2nd row:3ch (count as 1tr), mtss first de. ttr into next de, 'tch, ' miss tdc. 1 tr into each ot next 2dc. rep Irom ‘ to end, turn , 3rd row: Sch (count as itr. 2ch), 1dc into next ch sp, "rich, tdc । Into next ch sp: rep from • to last 2 sis. 2ch, 11r into 3rd ot 3ch al beg of previous row. turn. 4th row: I ch. tdc Into first tr. ‘work Sir Into next 4ch sp. Ide into next 4ch sp; rep Irom to end placing last de into 3rd of Sch at " beg ol previous row. Fasten off- ’тгппггь Starting chain: Multiple of 6 sts ♦ 3. Special Abbreviation Plcot n make 3ch. si st into 3rd ch Irom hook. 1st row (wrong side): Work tdc into 2nd ch Irom hook, tdc mto each ch Io end. turn. 2nd row: Sch (count as 1tr.2ch). miss first 3dc. tdc into next de, wotk 3 plcots, tdc into next de, ‘Sch, miss 4dc. 1 de into next dc. work 3 picots, tdc into next dc: rep from • to last 3dc, 2ch, 1 tr into (aside, turn. 3rd row: tch, tdc into lirsl tr. ‘Sch, tdc mto next Sch arch; rep from * to end placing last dc into 3rd of Sch at beg ot previous 4th row; tch. Ide Into first dc. ‘tide Into next 8ch arch, tdc into next dc: rep Irom * to end. Fasten ott. Slatting chain: Multiple of 16 sts i 2. Special Abbreviation Bobble -- work 4dtr into arch until t loop ot each remains on hook, yo and through all 5 loops on hook. 1st row (wrong side): Work Ide into 2nd ch from hook, 1dc Into , each ch to end, turn, 2nd row: 1 ch. 1cK mto first dc. ‘3ch, miss 3dc, tdc into next dc; . 3rd row: tch, ide into first dc. Ich, tdc mto first sp. *3ch, tdc Into next sp; rep trom ‘ to last dc, tch, tdc into last dc. turn. I 4th row: Sen (count as Itr, 3ch). miss first dc. tdc into next dc. 3dc into next 3chsp. tdc into next dc.'Bch, tdc into next dc.3dc I into next 3ch sp. 1 dc Into next dc; rep from " to last dc, 3ch, t tr Into last dc, lum. Sth row: Ich, ide into first tr, ‘4cfi, work 1 bobble into next ' Sch arch, into same atch as last bobble work [3ch, 1 bobble] I twice, 4ch, tdc Into next Sch arch; rep from ’ to end placing fast I dc Into 3rd ol Sch at beg ol previous row. turn, Sth row: 7ch (count as 1dtr, 3ch), ‘work 1 bobble Imo next 4ch arch, 3ch, |i bobbin into next 3ch arch, 3ch] twice. 1 bobble 4tr Into next arch, ’3ch. |idc into next arch, 3ch| 4 times, Air Into next arch: rep Irom * Io last 2 arches, [3ch, tdc mto next arch) twice, tch. tdc into 4th o(7ch at begot previous row, turn. Sthrow: tch. 1 dc into tirst dc, 3ch. |tdc into next 3ch arch, 3ch] twice, miss 1 tr, I tr into each ol next 2tr. ‘3ch. | tdc Into next arch, 3chJ 5 times, miss 1 tr, 1 tr Into each ot next 2tr; rep from * to last 2 3ch arclies. 3ch. (tdc Into next arch, 3ch] twice, tdc into last dc, turn, 9th row: tch, tdc Into first dc. work 3dc Into each of next 3 arches, tdc into next tr. 3ch. tdc into next Ir, ’3dc Into each of next 6 arches, tdc into next tr, 3ch, tdc into next tr: rep Irom to last 3 arches, 3dc into each of last 3 arches, tdc into last dc, дал til} = Bobble
V.15 Starling chain: Multiple ol 4 sis . 4. tch. fir Into next ch; rep Irani * to end. turn 2nd row: tch, Ide Into first tr. ‘Sch. miss Hr, Ide Into next Ir: rep irom * to last tr, Sch. miss Hr and tch, tdc into next ch. turn. 3rd row: tch, tdc Into first de, work 7dc into each Sch arch to end. tdcmtolastdc.tum, 4th row: Sch jcounl as ttr, 2ch), miss first 4dc. tdc into next de. *3ch. miss 6dc. tdc into next de: rep Irom * to last 4de. 2ch. Hr into last de. turn. Sth row: tch, tdc into first tr. Sch, tdc into 2ch sp, Into each sp work [tdc. Sch, 1dc| lo end placing Iasi de into 3rd of Sch al bog ol previous row. Fasten oil. ГГПТП ' Starting chain: Multiple ol I Osts+ 2. ‘ 1st row (right side): Work tdc Into 2nd ch Irom hook, tdc into each ch to end, turn. 2nd row: 3ch (count as ttr), miss first de. Hr Into each ol next ’. 3dc, *3ch. miss 3dc, Hr into each of next 7dc; rep Irom * to end I omitting 3ir al end ol last rep, turn. / 3rd row: 1 ch. tdc into each of first 4tr, 3dc into next 3ch sp. ‘tdc ‘ into each ol next 7tr. 3dc into next 3ch sp; rep Irom * to last 4tr, • tdc Into each of next 3fr, ide into 3rd ol Sch al beg ol previous | row. turn, 4th row: teh. tdc into first de. 2ch, miss 2dc. tdc Into next de. • Sch, miss 3dc. fdcintonextdc. *5ch, missSdc, f de into next de. , 8ch, miss 3de. tdc into next de; rep Irom ‘ to last 3dc. 2ch. tdc Into last de, (urn. Sth row: tch, tdc Into first de. t9trinio8charch.‘idoinlonext ’ last de. Fasten off. , Starting chain: Multiple ol 9 sis+ 4. 1st row (right side): Work 11r into 4|h ch from hook. Hr into each 2nd row: tch, tdc Into first tr, tch, tdc into next Ir, 9ch. miss 7tr, I tdc into next tr. '3ch. tdc into next tr. 9ch. miss 7tr. tdc into next * tr; rep Irom' toend. tch, tdc Into top of 3ch. turn. 3rd row: tch. tdc into first de. tdc into first ch sp, 'Str into next I 9ch arch, 2ch, Into same arch as lost Str work [tdc. 2ch, Str], tdc into next 3ch arch; rep Irom * lo end placing last de into last ch sp. , tdc into last de. turn. 4th row: 9ch (count as l Hr. 4ch), tdc into next 2ch sp. 3ch, tdc into next 2chsp, '9ch, tdc into next 2ch sp, 3ch. tdc into next 1 2ch sp: rep from* to last Sir. 4ch, Htr into last de, turn. ( 4C=°++++++*+=°+ +°°°=°+ ! ^НППЩПОНг 5th row: 3ch (count as Hr). Str Into 4ch arch, Ide Imo next I 3ch arch, *Str into next 9ch arch, 2ch. Into same arch as last Sir I work |tdc.2ch. Str], tdc into next 3ch arch; rep from *lo last arch. Sir into last arch, 11г Into SthotSch al beg ol previous row. Fasten
Sth row: Ich, tdc into dtr. 3dc into first arch, tdc Into each ol next 3dc. ’7dc Into next Tch arch, tdc Into each of next 3dc: rep Irom ‘ to last arch, 3de into last arch, tdc into 4ih of Tch at beg Starting chain: Multiple ot 7 sts • 3. 1st row (rightside): Work 1 tr Into 4th ch from hook. Hr into each ch lo end, turn. 2nd row: tch, tdc into each of first 2ir, 'Tch, miss 4lr. ideinto each of next 3lr, rep from * to end omitting tdc at eno ol last rep and placing last de into lop of 3ch, torn. 3rd row: tell, ide into each of first 2dc, ‘Tdc Into Tch arch, tdc Into each ol next 3dc, rep from' to end omitting Ideal end of last rep, turn. 4throw: Ten (countas idtr, 3ch), miss4dc. tdcintoeacholnexl 3dc, ‘Tch. miss Tdc, tdc into each of next 30c: rep from' to last 4dc. 3ch. 1 dlr Into last de. turn. V.18 V.17 Starting Chain: Multiple of 8 sts+2. 1st row (right side): Work tdc into 2nd ch from hook. 1dc Into each ch to end. tom. 2nd row: tch, 1dc into each of first 4dc. Into next de work (Ide. Tch, 1dc|. ‘tdc into each ol next Tdc. into nextdc work (1 de. Tch, tdej; rep from ' to last 4dc. tdc into each of last 4dc, turn. 3rd row: 3ch {count as Hr), miss tirst de, *1dc into next de. 9dc into next arch, miss 3dc. tdc into next de, 1» Into next de: rep from' to end. torn. 4th row: Ich. Ide into first tr. *4ch, miss 50c. into next de work (Ide, Sch, Ide). 4ch, miss Sric, fdc Into next tr: rep from ‘ to end placing last de mto 3rd ol Sch al beg of previous row, torn. Sth row: tch. fdc mio first de. ‘3dc Into next 4ch arch, 5dc into next Sch arch. 3dc Into next 4ch arch, tdc into next de: rep from ‘to end. Fasten oft.
V.19 Starting chain: Multiple of 6 sts - 2. Special Abbreviation hook, yo and through all 4 loops on hook. 1st row (right side): Work tdc into 2nd ch Irom hook, tdc into each ch to end, turn 2nd row: 8ch (count as ttr, Sch), miss first Sdc, ttr Into next dc. 'Sch. miss Sdc. Ur into next dc: rep Irom * to end. turn. 3rd row: sch (count as tdtr. 2ch), work t bobble into first tr. 'into next tr work (1 bobble, Sch, I bobble): rep from ' to last tr, into 3rd of 3ch at begot previous row work |1 bobble,2ch. tdtr], turn V.20 Starting chain: Multiple of 9 sts • 5. Special Abbreviation Bobble work 3ttr into sp until one loop ol each remains on hook, yo and through all 4 loops on hook. 1st row (wrong side): Work ttr into Sth ch from hook. ‘2ch, miss 2ch. ttr Into next ch: rep Irom ‘Wend. turn. 2nd row: 3ch (count as ttr), miss nexl sp. work 1 bobble into next sp, [Sch, 1 tr into first of these ch] 3 times. 1 bobble Into same sp as last bobble, ’miss 2 sps, work 1 bobble Into next sp, [Sch. i tr into first of these ch] 3 times. I bobble Into same sp as last bobble: rep from ' to last sp, miss 2ch, 11r into nexl ch. Fasten Starting chain: Multiple of IS sts + 18. 1st row (right side): Work tdc into 2nd ch from hook, tdc Imo 2nd row: 4ch (count as 1dtr), ’miss next 2dc. work (1dlr, 2ch, 1 dlr) Into next dc: rep Irom * to last 2dc, idle into lastdc, turn. 3rd row: 3ch (count as ttr), work 4tг into first 2ch sp. 'Sch, miss I sp, 4tr into next sp: rep from * to end, 11r Into 4th of 4ch al beg ol previous row, turn. 4th row: 6ch (count as Itr, 3ch). 2dc into first 3ch sp, 7ch, 2dc into noxtsp, ’3ch, into next sp work |ttr. 2ch, ttr], 3ch.2dcinto next sp, 7ch. 2dc Into next sp: rep Irom • to last 5 sts. 3ch, Hr into 3rd of 3ch at beg ol previous row, turn. Sth row: Ich, tdc into first Ir, 2ch. Into 7ch arch work 4dtr aM [Sch. si st Into first ol these ch. 4dtr) 3 times, 2ch, 'miss t sp, into next 2ch sp work | tdc, 3ch. tdc], 2ch, into 7ch arch work 4dtr and [Sch, st st into first of these ch, 4dtr] 3 times; rep from' to last sp, 2ch, tdc Into 3rd ot Sch at beg of previous row. Fasten
| V.22 V.24 I Starting chain: Multiple ot 10 sts - 3 I 1st row (right side): Work Itr into 4th ch from hook. Itr into each ch to end. turn. 2nd row: tch, tdc Into each ot first 3tr, '2ch, miss 2tr, into next И it work (2t*. 2chJ twice, miss Zlr. tdc into each ol next Str; rep I into top ol 3ch at beg ot previous row. turn. 3rd row: Ich. ide into each of first 2dc. 'Sch. miss next Sch sp. Into next 2ch sp work |3tr. 2ch. 3tr|, 3ch. miss Ide. 1dc Into each I ol next 3dc; rep from * to end omitting t de at end ot last rep. turn, I' 4th row: Ich. Ide into lirsl de. '4ch. miss next 3ch sp. into next 2ch sp work [dlr. Sch, dlr), 4ch. miss Ide. Ide Into next de: rep 2ch sp work [dtr. 2ch. 4tr[. Sch. tdc into next de; rep Irom ‘ Io (Starting chain: Multiple ot 8 sts + 3. 1st row (right side): Work 1 tr into 4th ch from hook. 11r into each || cl> lo end. turn. I 2nd row: Ich. tdc into each ol first 3tr, ‘2ch. miss Hr. Into next II rtto lop of 3ch al beg ol previous row, lurn. Starting chain: Multiple of 8 Sts - 8. 1 sl row (right side}: Work I tr into 10th ch from hook. ‘3ch. miss , 3ch, 1 tr into next ch: rep from * to end. turn. 2nd row: 1ch, tdc Info first Ir. ‘2ch, Into next tr work [3dtr. 3ch. ' 3dtr|, 2ch. 1dc Into next Ir: rep Irom • lo end placing last de into I dth ch. turn. 3rd row: tch, Ide Into first de. 'Sch. Ide into nexl 3ch sp, Sch, 1 tdc Into next de: rep from • to end, turn, 4th row: tch, ide Into first de. ‘doh. tdc into next de; rep from * I, to end. turn. Sth row: I ch. Ide into first de. '3ch. into next de work |3dtr. 3ch. , 3rd row: tch, tde into each ol first 2dc. ‘3ch. miss next 2ch sp. Into next 2ch sp work [3tr. 2ch, 3tr].3ch, miss tdc, tdc into each ol next 3dc: rep from • to end omitting tdc at end ol last rep. turn. 4th row: Ich. tdc into first de, *4ch, miss next 3ch sp. into next 2ch sp work (dlr, 2ch, 4fr[. dch. miss Ide. 1dc into next de: rep Irom • to end, turn. 2ch sp work [dlr, 2ch. dtr), 6ch. tdc into next de: rep from * to
Pattern Instructions Working Around the Stem of a Stitch Working around the bach of stem gives a stitch mat ties on the Bach ot the work Working Between Stitches Pattern Instructions Wrong Side Rows Right Side and
V.25 Starting chain: Multiple of 6 sis - 6. Special Abbreviation Bobble = work 4ttr into ch until t loop ot each remains on hook, yo and through al 5 loops on hook. 1st row (right side): Work tdc Into 2nd ch Irom hook, tdc Into each ch to end. turn 2nd row: Sch(countas ttr. 3ch). miss 4dc. ttr mtonextdc. 'tch, miss ide. tlr into nexl dc. Sch. miss Sdc. ttr into next dc; rep trom * to end, turn. 3rd row: tch. tdc Into lirsl ir, '4ch, miss tch, 1 bobble mto nexl ch. 4ch. tdc Into next tr. tch. tdc into next tr: rep Irom • to end. omitting last ch and dc and working final dc mto 3rd ol 6ch at beg ol previous row. Fasten off. .J" a Bobble Staging chain: Multiple ol 8 sts + 2. Special Abbreviation Trlpleloop = sl st into next dc.l7ch. 1 si st) 3 times into samedc. eacn ch to end. turn. 2nd row: ten, work tdc into each dc to end, turn. 3rd row: ich. tdcinto aachol first30c. 'Sch. miss3dc, idcmlo each ol next Sdc: rep Irom * to end omitting 2dc al end ol last rep 4th row: tch, tdc Into each ot first 2dc, 'Sch, tec Into next 9ch arch. Sch, miss tdc, tdc Into each ol nexl 3dc; rep Irom' to Sth row: tch, tdc Into first dc. ‘Sen. miss tdc. tdc mto nexldc; rep Irom ’ to end, turn. Sth row: tch. tdc into lirsl dc. 'Sch. work 1 triple loop into next dc, Sch. tdc into nexl dc; rep Irom' to end. Fasten oil = Triple loop V.26 Starting chain: Multiple of 1I sts v 3. Special Abbreviation Bobble - Work 3ttr into 3ch loop until 1 loop ol each remains on 1 st row (right side): Work t tr info 4th ch Irom hook. 1 tr into each 2nd row: tch. tdc into lirsl ir. '9ch, si st Into 3rd ch Irom hook. Into top ol 3ch. turn. 3rd row: Sch. "work t bobbin mto nexl 3ch loop. Sch. into same loop as last bobble work [1 bobble. Sch. 1 bobble). 11tr into next dc: rep from'to end. Fasten oil. f '|.Ш'Я: V.28 Starting chain: Multiple ol5 SIS * I. Special Abbreviation Popcorn _ work 4tr mto nexl dc, drop loop trom hook, insert hook draw through tr. 1 ch to secure popcorn 1st row (right sido): Work tdc into 2nd ch from hook, tdcImo each ch Io end. turn. 2nd row: 4ch (count as 1 htr. 2ch),’ miss lirsl 2dc. tdc into next dc, ‘Sell. miss Adc. tdc into next dc: rep from * Io last2dc, 2cli( thtr into last dc. turn. 3rd row: tch. tdcinto lirsl hir, 3ch. 1 popcorn intonextdc.3cii. ’tdc into nexlSch arch. 3ch, I popcorn Intonextde.3ch;replrom * to last sp, tdc Into 2nd ol 4ch at beg ol previous row. Fasten = Popcorn
V.29 Starting chain; Multiple ot 4 sis * 2. 1st row (right side). Work tdc into 2nd ch from hook, tdc into each ch lo end, turn. 2nd row: Sch (count as 1 tr. 3ch), miss first 4dc. Hr into next de. *3ch, miss 3dc, Mr into next de; rep from ' to end. 3rd row: tch. tdc Into first tr.'3ch. 1 tr into next sp.3ch, work 7tr over stem bl tr just worked, tdc Into next tc rep from • to end placing last de into 3rd of 6ch at beg ot previous row. Fasten oil СГП 1st row (right side); Make 3tch. work t ir Into 7th ch from hook. 1 fr, i hlr. idc|, into next Sch sp work | tdc, 1 htr, t tr, 1 dtr, i fr. i hlr. , tdc],intonext3ch spworkfldc, thtr. 1fr. 1dfr. Hr. Ihtrj. Ideinto . next tr. Sch. i tr into next tr, [2ch. Mr Into next tr) 4 times placing , last fr Into 3rd ol Sch at beg of previous row. turn. 4th row: Sch (count as Mr. 2ch). miss first Ir. |l Ir into next Ir, 2ch| . 4 times. Hr rto Sch sp, 7ch. miss first group ol 7 sts. work Hr , into dtr at centre of next group ot 7 sts, |3ch, Hr) 3 times into same st as last fr, turn, Sth row: tch, tdc into first rr, Into first Sch spwork|1htr, Hr. Idtr. Hr. 1hlr, 1dc|, into next 3chsp work (1dc, t htr, 11r, idtr. Mr, thtr. tdc), Into next 3ch spworkfldc, Mitr. Hr, Idtr, Mr, thtr), Ideinto next Ir. Sch. Mr into 7ch sp. |2ch. Hr Into next tr) 6 times placing ' Sth row: Sch (count as 1 tr. 2ch), miss first tr. 11 tr into next fr, 2ch| 6 times, 11Г into Sch sp. 7ch. miss first group ol 7 sis, work Mr . 7th row: tch. ideinto first fr, into first 3chsp work (IMr, Hr, idtr. | th. thtr. tdef. into next 3chsp work (ide. thlr. Hr, idtr. Hr, thtr, , 1dc|. ntonextSchspwork|1dc. thtr. Hr, idtr. Hr. thtr), ideinto next tr. Sch. 11r into 7ch sp. [2ch, 1 tr into next tr] 8 times placing ' last It into 3rd ol Sch at beg ol previous row, turn. Rep2nd to 7th rows ending with a 7th row.

VI. Tunisian Crochet
Making Tunisian the row you can work through two toons Return as Basic Return row. Tunisian Knit Stitch (Tks 3) Repeat Forward and Return row as required. It is important to understand how Finishing Off row. cutting yarn and threading it through t. insert hook from front to back through fabric and below chains formed by previous Return row. to right of front vertical

Surface Decoration worked over a Forward and Return row. I Stitches within dark lines form the pattern ' repeat. Compare stitch diagrams with . written instructions it you have difficulty f( following the pattern. Abbreviations and Symbols Abbreviations = Twisted Tunisian simple stitch, yo Common Symbols Note: All symbols represent a completed ( stitch*, the lower part of the symbol is i worked on the Forward row where the ' loops are held on the hook, the upper part 1 (or swash - ) is worked on the Return l row when the loops are worked off. - Tunisian simple stitch (Tss) = Tunisian purl stitch (Tps) • Tunisian knit stitch (Tks) Following Tunisian Pattern Instructions Diagrams however are given on a grid where onereclangle represents one stitch Tunisian slipped stitch (TSI st) - Twisted Tunisian simple stitch (TwTss) = Tss worked under chain loop and between two vertical loops of previous row - Tss worked into back loop only > Tunisian hall treble (Thtr) Tunisian treble (Ttr) between stitches = Increase one Tunisian simple stitch (Inc tTss) = Tunisian simple stitch two together (Tss2tog) = Tunisian simple stitch three together (TssStog) . Make Bobble (MB) « Yo. Tss2log • Tss2tog. yo . Yo. Iss3tog. yo Note: Because this pattern Incorporates a slipped stitch it should bo worked on a hook which is at least 2 sizes (1 mm) larger than usual. Multiple ol 2stS’3. 1st row: Using A. as Basic Forward and Return row, changing to В whan 2 loops remain at end of return. 2nd row: Using B, with 1 loop on hook, *1 Tss into next si tTsI st into next st; rep from • to last 2 sts, tTss into each ot next 2 sts Return, changing to Awhen 2 loops 3rd row: Using A, with 1 loop on hook, •tTsI st into next st, tTss into next st: rep from' to end. Return, changing to В when 2 loops remain, Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.
mmhw ' Forward row. 11 will be easier lo keep the . I numborolstscorrectandlheedgesoliho * ' material straight it you take care to aitor- । note the placing ol the lirst Tss. as given ,' ‘ on 2nd and 3rd rows. J 1st row: As Basic Forward and Return I 2nd row: With I loop on hook. work tTss ’ nto space between 2nd and 3rd sis, Uss । rilo each sp to end, tTss into last st. 3rd row: With 1 loopon hook, work tTss 1 mtospbetweenllrstand2ndsis, tTssinto each sp Io tost sp. miss last sp, work Uss J Hep 2nd and 3rd rows. 1st row: Using A. as Basic Forward and Return row. changing lo В when 2 loops 4th row: Using B. with t loop on hook, work 1 Tss mlo each of next 2 sts, ‘ l Tsl si Into next st Uss into each ol next 3 sts; rep Irom * lo end. Return, changing to A when 2 loops remain. sth row: As 3rd row. Rep 2nd to Sih rows; Multiple of 2 sis >2. Special Abbreviation Л Cross 2 - miss next st. 'Tss into next st. Uss into missed st. Note: The crossed stitches appear 1 row below the row on which the cross 2 is 1 SI row: Using A, as Basic Forwaro and 2nd row: Using A. with I loop on hook, tTss into each st to end. Return, 3rd row: Using B, as 2nd row. 4th row: Using A. with 1 loop on hook, 'cross 2: rep Irom * to last st. 1 Tssintolast st. Return. Rep 2nd to 4th rows. J Special Abbreviation - SI 1 twd = yl. Insert hook mlo next si without working II. yb. 1st row: Using A, as Base Forward and I Return row. 2nd row: Using B. with 1 loop on hook ‘si 1 twd. tTss into next st: rep irom |o | end. Return, changing to A when 2 loops I remain. 3rd row: Using A, with t loop on hook, I ‘tTss into next st, si 1 twd; rep Irom * lo I last 2 sis. tTss into each o' Iasi 2 ss. I Relurn, changing to В when 2 hops re-1 Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.

Patterns worked in rounds have the right side rows lacing on every round. To make them easier to follow we have printed Starting Chains and Pattern Repeats Starting chain: Multiple ot 7 sis + 3. This moons you can make any length ol Shaping II you are working crochet to make something which requires shaping, such as de need to know something about shaping. ing two or more slitclro working two or more stitches together, or some examples ot shapings which cover a variety ol possibilities Wo recommend that you use this method youraoll when planning a project. First pencil Irnco lhe diagram given with the stitch. II necessary repeat the tracing to match lhe repeat possible the style ol the particular pattern In the written instructions the stitches that repeated can be easily visualised. Tito extra studies not Included In the pattern repeal nre there to balance lhe row or once. Obviously turning chains are only dearly how the design is worked Working in Colour indicate different yarn colours in both written Instructions and diagrams. They do not reler to any particular colour. Soo page 7 for Instructions on.clianging colour Tension (or Gauge) This refors to Iho number ol stitches and rows In a given area. When following a pattern for a garment or oilier article tho instructions will Include a specified ton- tension work a tension sample or swnlch crochet. The hook size quoted In the pat- whlchovor hook gives you the correct ten- II you are going to useastitch pattern from this book to design an article ol your own. -t e still important to work a tension sample m order to calculate the number ol stitches you will require. It is worth experimenting with dlllorenl hook sizes so that you lind lhe best tension lor your chosen

VI.21 । Multiple of 8 sis - 7. i Special Abbreviations ’ Long Ttr (worked on Forward rows) * ' || loosely work 1 Ttr into vertical loop " above bobble 3 rows below. s MB (Make Bobble) - (yo. Insen hook , Imo next si. yo and draw loop through) 3 I times Into same st, yo. draw yarn through VI.22 1st row: As Basic Forward and Return 2nd row: With 1 loopon hook, work tTss into each ol next 2 sts. "MB into next st. 1Tss into each of next 7 sts; rep from * to last A sts. MB. t Tss into each of last 3 sis. Return. 3rd row: With 1 loop on hook. ’MB Into next st, tTss into each ol next 3 sts: rep from * to last 2 sis. MB. I Tss into last st. 4th row: As 2nd row. Sth row: With 1 loop on hook work 1 Tss Into each st to end. Return. 6th row: As Sth row. 7th row: With 1 loop on hook, work tTss Into each ol next 2 sts, 'work long Ttr. 1 Tss into each ol next 7 sis: rep Irom * to last 4 sis, work long Ttr. 1 Tss into each ot last 3 sis. Return, Rep 2nd to 7lh rows. Multiple ot 3 sts ♦ 2 , Long Tdtr (worked on Forward rows) I " ot next st 2 rows below. J 2nd row: With 1 loop on hook. tTps into next si. 'TTirintonextst, ITpsintoeach of next 2 sts; rep from * to end. Return 3rd row: With 1 loop on hook, work tTss Into each st to end. Return. 4th row: With I loop on hook, ITps into next st. 'work t long Tdtr. ITps inlo each ol next 2 sts; rep from * to ond. Return. Rep 3rd and 4th rows. VI.23 Multiple of 3 sts ♦ 3. Note: Colour is changed alter each Forward row. Work first ch ol each Return row In new colour. Special Abbreviation |-w- Cross 2 - miss next st, tTss Into ' i-A next st, tTss into missed st 1 st row: Using colour A as Basic Forward J row. Using colour В Return. 2nd row: Using B. with 1 loop on hook, 1 * tTps inlo next st cross 2; rep Irom * io г Iasl2sts. tips into next st, tTssintolasi . st. Using A Return. 3rd row: Using A. with 1 loop on hook, t ’ITps into next st, cross 2: rep Irom * to I last 2 sts. tips into next st, tTssintolasi 1 st. Using В Return. , Rep 2nd and 3rd rows. 1 Multiple ol 2 sts *3. Special Abbreviation । icj MB (Make Bobble). work [yo. insert । hook into next st. yo and draw loop 1 through).3 times into same st, yo. draw J yarn through 6 loops. 1st row: As Basic Forward and Return 1 2nd row: With 1 loop on hook, work ITss , into next st, 'MB Into next st. tTss into next st; rep Irom * to last st. I Tss Into last ! st. Return, 3rd row: With 1 loop on hook, 'MB into '. nextst,iTsslntonexts<;roplrom'toend. Rep 2nd and 3rd rows. Multiple of 2 sts* t. 1st row: As Basic Forward and Return | 2nd row: With I loop on hook, 'tTir into next st, tTps Imo nextst: rep irom 'to end. Return. 3rd row: With I loopon hook, 'work tTps end. Return Rep 2nd and 3rd rows. Abbreviations and Symbols on page S9
Ron these 2sK Multiple or a sis i 3. Multiple ol 7 sis - 7 Special Abbreviation - T3st cable - miss next 2 sis. work 1 Tks into 3-d st, work 1 Tks imo 2nd st. work 1Tks into first st. 1st row: As Basic Forward and Return 2nd row: With 1 loop on hook ITps into nextst.'1Tksintoeacholnext3sts.iTps 4ep 2nd to Sth rows. 2nd row: With 1 loop on hook, *Tss2log, yo; rep from * to last 2 sts. tTss into each ot last 2 sts. Return. 3rd row: Wilh 1 loop on hook, 'ITss Into next vertical loop. tTss under ch loop ot next st. rep Irom * io Iasi 2 sts. ITss into each ot last 2 sts. Return. Rep 2nd and 3rd rows. Multpie ol 11 sts *2- Hole: When working Tss2log work row where applicable. 1st row: As Basic Forward and Return 2nd row: With I loop on hook. ITss into each ol next 3 sts, lyo. Tss2tog] twice. •ITss into eachol nexi 7 sis, lyo, Tss2togJ each ol Iasi 5 sis. Return 3rd row: with I loop on hook. ’Tss into each ol next 3 sts. 11 ss under ch loop ol next st. lyo. TssStog) twice. 'ITss into each ol next 6 sts. 1 Tss under ch loop ol next st. [yo. Tss2log| twice: rep from ' to las! 4 sis, tTss into each ot last 4 sts 4th row: With 1 loop on hook, ITss into each ol nexi 4 sts. 1 Tss under ch loop ol “on si. |yc tosTicgl twice '"sc into Iasi 3 sis, iTss into each oUast 3 sis. t Return. Sth row: With 1 loop on hook. iTss into each of next 5 sts. ITss under ch loop ol next st. lyo. Tss2tog| twice. ’tTss Into each of next 6 sis, ITss under ch Oopo' next st, [yo, Tssstogj twice; rep from to Iasi 2 sis, 1Tss into each of last 2 sts. Sth row: With 1 loop on hook. 'ITss into each ol next 6 sts. 1 Tss under cn loop ol next st. [yo. Tss2log] twice; rep Irom * lo last si. ITss into last st, Return. 7th row: With 1 loop on hook, ITss Into ’ each of next 7 sis. ITss under ch loop ol , next st. *[yo. Tss2tog| twice, ITss into ] each of next 6 sts, ITssunderchloopol nexi st; rap Irom ' lo last 4 sts. yo. ' Tss2log, 1Tss Into each ol last 2 sts. . Return. Sth row: With 1 loop on hook, yo, TssSlog. 1Tss into each ol next 6 sts. | sis. ITss under ch loop ol next st; rep from * Io Iasi 3sts, yo. Tss2log, 1 Tss Into last st. Return. 91hrow:W.:h 1 loop on hook, I Tss under ch loop of next si, yo. TssZlog. ITss into each ol nexi 6 sis. 1 Tss under ch loop ol next si; rep Irom ' in Iasi2 sis, tTss Inio each ol last 2 sts. Return, 10th row: With 1 loop on hook, |yo, ' sts. ITss under ch loop ot next st, (yo. J Tss2log] twice; rep Irom ' to asl 8 sts. I ITss into each of Iasi 8 sts. Return. under ch loop ol next st lyo. Tss2tog| twice, 1Tss into each ot next 6 sts: rep from * to last st, tTss into last st. Return. 12th row: With t loop on hook, ITss into nextsi *1Tssunderchioopolnexisl.[yo. Tss2tog| twice, ITss into each ot next 6 sts: rep from Io end. Return, 13th row: With 1 loop on hook tTssmto each of next 2 sts, i Tss under ch loop or next si. |yo. Tss2log| twice. ’ITss Into each of next 6 sts. 1 Tss under ch loop of next st, |yo. Tss2tog| twice: rep from • io last 5 sts. ITss Into each ol Iasi 5 sis. Return. kep 3-0’0 13*0 rows
AbbroWaSons and Symbols on oaeo S3
Contents Introduction 4 Basic Stitches 5 Making Crochet Fabric 6 Stitch Variations 7 Pattern Instructions 10 Abbreviations and Symbols 12 I. All-over Patterns 13 II. Filet Crochet 39 III. Motifs 48 IV. Irish Style Crochet 61 V. Edgings and Trimmings 74 VI. Tunisian (Afghan) Crochet 85