                    1 CAN READ ENGLISH
Адаптация, примечания и словарь
Е. В, Беловой
Москва 1954

Книжка „Я умею читать по-английски* пред- ставляет собой пособие для классного и внекласс- ного чтения на английском языке в V классе средней школы. Она состоит из стихотворений, басен и сказок, адаптированных в основном в пре- делах словаря и грамматики для первого года обучения английскому языку и расположенных в порядке нарастания языковых трудностей. Для облегчения чтения и понимания в книжке имеются постраничные примечания и алфавитный словарь. В примечаниях даются переводы более сложных выражений, а также отмечается произно- шение слов, которые могут вызвать затруднения при чтении. Е. В. Белова (составитель) „Я умею читать по-английски*. Редактор В В Михайлова. Художник А. Н. Комаров. Художествен- ный редактор Б М. Кисин. Технический редактор И. В. Рыбин, Корректор М. Паевич. * * * Сдано в набор 15/1 1954 г. Подписано к печати 20/IV 1954 г. 84x108782. Печ. л. 3 (2,46). Уч.-изд. л. 1,80. Тираж 75 тыс. экз. А03663. Цена 45 коп. * * * Учпедгиз. Москва, Чистые пруды, 6. Заказ 974. Первая Образцовая типография имени А. А. Жданова Союзполиграф- прома Главиздата Министерства культуры СССР. Москва, Валовая, 28. Отпечатано с матриц в типографии имени Ханса Хейдеманна, гор. Тарту, ул. Валликраави, 4. Заказ 1911.
J FAT AND THIN’ The fat Cat is sitting. The thin Cat is standing. Boy: This Cat is thin. ' Girl: That Cat is fat. Boy: I like this.1 2 Girl: I like that. Boy: 1 like thin cats. Girl: I like fat cats. Boy: 1 like this. Girl: 1 like that. 1 Обратите внимание на чтение следующих слов: thin [Gin] — худой, тонкий boy [boi]— мальчик this [Qis] — этот, эта, это girl [ga:l] — девочка 2 I like this — Мне нравится эта. 1
У KITTENS We have four Kittens. One Kitten has a black nose.1 One Kitten has a white nose,- One Kitten has a pink nose. One Kitten has a grey nose. The Kitten with a black nose Sleeps all the day. The Kitten with a white nose Is always glad to play.2 The Kitten with a pink nose Comes when you call.3 But the Kitten with a grey nose I like best of all.4 kitten ['kitn]—котёнок have [haev] —иметь four [fo:] — четыре one | wah] — один, одна, одно white [wait] — белый 1 One kitten has a black nose [nouz] — У одного котёнка чёр- ный нос. 2 Is always ['o:lwiz] glad to play [plei]— Всегда рад поиграть. 8 Comes [клтг] when you call [ko:I] — Приходит, когда его зо- вут (буквально когда вы его зовёте), 4 I like best of all — Я люблю (мне нравится) больше всех. pink [pirjk] — розовый grey [grei] — серый with [wid] — с (предлог) all [э:1] — весь, вся, всё, все 4
U THE HEN AND THE DUCK A Hen meets a Duck. The Hen says to the Duck: “Good morning,' Mrs. Duck!” The Duck says to the Hen: “Good morning, Mrs. Hen!” The Hen says to the Duck: “Let us take a little walk."1 2 The Duck says to the Hen: “Thank you,3 Mrs. Hen.” The Hen: Good morning, Mrs. Duck! The Duck: Good morning, Mrs. Hen! The Hen: Let us take a little walk, And then go home again.4 The Duck: Thank you, Mrs. Hen. The Hen: Thank you, Mrs. Duck. The Duck: Quack, quack, quack! The Hen: Cluck, cluck, cluck! says [sez] — говорит quack [kwask] — кряк-кряк Mrs. ['misiz] — миссис cluck [kUk] — кудах-тах-тах 1 Good morning ['gud 'manig] — Здравствуй (Доброе утро). 2 Let us ['let as] take a little walk [wo:k] — Пойдём немножко погуляем. 3 Thank you ['6a?gk ju:] — Спасибо (Благодарю тебя). 4 And then go home again [здесь a'genj — А потом опять пойдём домой. 5
THE LION AND THE GOAT The Lion is very hungry.1 He sees a Goat. The Goat is standing at the top of a cliff.2 The Lion looks at the Goat. He says to the Goat: “Good-day,3 Goat.” The Goat says to the Lion: “Good-day, Lion.” “Are you not hungry?” says the Lion. “I am always hungry,” says the Goat. “Then come down here,” says the Lion, “the grass down here is very good.” “I am glad to hear it,” says the Goat. “But I do not want to come down. I want to stay on the cliff. Good-bye,4 Lion.” So the Goat stays on the cliff, and the Lion goes away. He is very, very hungry. lion ['laion]— лев goat [gout] — козёл very ['ven] — очень says [sez]—говорит always |'o:lwiz] — всегда come down ['клгп 'daun] — сходить, спускаться 1 The Lion is very hungry ['hAijgri] — Лев очень хочет есть (очень голодный). 2 at the top of a cliff — наверху скалы. 3 Good-day ['gud'dei] — Здравствуй (Добрый день). 4 Good-bye ['gud'bai] — До свидания (Прощай). here [hio]— здесь, сюда grass [gra:s] — трава good [gud] — хороший hear [hia] — слышать want [wont] — хотеть stay [stei] — оставаться go away ['gou o'wei] — уходить 6
THE FOX IN THE HOLE A Fox is taking a walk. He1 comes to a hole, but he J does not see it, and falls into it.2 He cannot get out of the hole. | A Goat comes to the hole. He looks down and sees the Fox. “Good-day, Mr. Fox,” says the Goat. “Good-day, Mr. Goat,” says the Fox. “What are you doing down there?” says the Goat. “1 am having a good time,”3 says the Fox. “I am glad to hear it,” says the Goat. “The grass here is very good,” says the Fox. “Do you eat grass?" says the Goat. “No,” says the Fox, “but this grass is very good. Come down here and eat it." “Thank you,” says the Goat. And he jumps down into the hole. The Fox jumps on his back. So he gets out of the hole and runs home. there [0eq] — там grass [gra:s] — трава here [hia] — здесь, сюда very ['ven] — очень ‘ good [gud]— хороший come [клгп] — подходить cannot ['kaenot] — не может get out [' get 'aut] — выбраться down [daun]—вниз(у) Mr. ['mists] — мистер 1 He — Она (лиса). Так же и в других сказках: если слова fox — лиса, dog — собака (и названия других животных) заменяются местоимением he, это показывает, что эти животные считаются принадлежащими к мужскому роду; местоимение she пока- зывает, что они считаются принадлежащими к женскому роду. 2 and falls into ['fo:lz 'mtu] it — и попадает в неё. 8 I am having ['haeviij] a good time — Я наслаждаюсь (хорошо провожу время.) 7
THE CROW AND THE JUG A Crow wants a drink.' He looks here and there1 2 and sees a jug. He looks into the jug The water in the jug is very low The Crow cannot drink. “1 want a drink," says the Crow, “but the water is too low in the jug.” Then the Crow hops away. He looks here and there and finds a little stone.3 He takes the stone up in his beak and drops it into the jug. Then he finds another little stone, and drops it into the water too Then he finds another little stone, and another, and he drops them into the water. Soon the water is high in the jug, and the Crow can drink. crow | krou] — ворона into ['into] — в {предлог) water ['wo:to] — вода low [lou] — низкий; низко cannot f'kaenot] — не может 1 A Crow wants [wonts | a drink [dngk]— Ворона хочет попить 2 He looks here and there ['hior ond 'dso] — Она смотрит туда и сюда {буквально сюда и туда). з and finds [ faindz] a little stone — и находит камешек. says [sez] — говорит hop away ['hop o'wei] — убегать припрыгивая take up ['teik 'лр] — поднимать high [hai] — высокий; высоко 8
THE DOG AND THE BONE One day1 a Dog finds a bone He takes the bone and runs home. His home is on the other side of the river. On the way across2 the river, the Dog looks down into the water. He sees another dog in the river. “1 see another dog in the water,” he thinks. “That dog has a bone too I must take his bone. I want to have two bones.” The Dog opens his mouth, and the bone falls into the water Now the Dog has no bone.3 fii}d [famd] — находить other ['лдэ] — другой river ['rivo] — река down [daun] — вниз another [э'плдэ]— другой think [6ir)k] — думать 1 One day ['wao 'dei] — Однажды. 2 On the way [weij across [a'kros]... — По дороге через ... 3 Now [паи] the Dog has no bone — Теперь у собаки нет кости. want [wontj — хотеть have [haev]—иметь two [tix] — два, две open ['oupn] — открывать mouth [mau0] — рот fall [foil] — падать 2 Заказ № 947 9
THE CROW AND THE FOX One day a Crow finds a piece of cheese.1 He takes it up in his beak and flies away to a tree. He wants to eat the cheese up in the tree. A Fox comes to the tree. He sees the Crow with the cheese in his beak and thinks, “I must get that piece of cheese. I want to eat it.” And he says to the Crow, “How do you do,2 Mr. Crow?” The Crow does not open his mouth. He has the cheese in his beak. He does not want to drop it. “How fine you are!”3 says the Fox. “You are a very fine bird.” The Crow is pleased, but she does not open his mouth. He does not want to drop the cheese. “I hear you can sing very well,” says the Fox. “You have a very fine voice. Please sing to me.” The Crow is very pleased. He opens his mouth. The cheese falls out of his beak. The Fox takes it up and runs away. bird [bard] — птица pleased [plirzd]—довольный hear [hia] — слышать voice [vois] — голос please [plirz] — пожалуйста fall out ['fori 'aut] — падать 1 a piece of cheese [э 'pirs 'tjirz] — кусочек сыра. 2 How do you do ['hau du ju 'dur] — Здравствуй(те). 8 How [hau] fine you are! — Как ты хороша! (Как ты красива!) flies away ['flaiz a'wei] — улетает want [wont] — хотеть in the tree — на дереве think [Oii)k] — думать get [get] — достать Mr. ['misto] — здесь госпожа 10
THE LION AND THE MOUSE The Lion Meets the Mouse A big Lion is taking a walk.1 He meets a little Mouse. He says to the Mouse, “I can kill you and eat you.” “Do not kill me, please,” says the Mouse, “lam too little.” “No,” says the Lion. “I do not want to kill you.” “Thank you,” says the Mouse. “Some day I may help you.”2 “You?” says the Lion. “You are very little. You cannot help a big Lion.” “Who knows?”3 says the Mouse. And the Mouse runs io her hole. lion ['laian] — лев mouse [maus] — мышь says [sez] — говорит please [plfcz] — пожалуйста want [wont] — хотеть very ['ven] — очень cannot ['karot] — не можешь know [nou] — знать 1 A big Lion is taking a walk [wo:k] — Большой лев гуляет. 2 Some day f'SAm 'dei] I may help you — Когда-нибудь я, может быть, помогу тебе. 3 Who knows? [hu 'nouz] — Кто знает?
The Lion Falls Into the Net A man puts up a net.1 He wants to catch the Lion. The Lion does not see the net and tails into it. He cannot get out of the net and begins to roar. The Mouse hears him and runs out of her hole. She sees the Lion in the net. “I can help you.” says the Mouse. “You?" says the Lion “You are very little. You cannot help me." “1 can bite the cords with my teeth,"2 says the Mouse. The Mouse bites one cord Then she bites another cord, then another, then another And soon the Lion gets out of the net. “Thank you,” he says to the Mouse. The Lion goes away, and the Mouse runs to her hole. fall [foil] — падать catch [katj] — поймать into f'mtu] — в (предлог) get out ['get 'aut] — выбра- ться (из) begin [bi'gm] — начинать 1 A man puts up ['puts 'лр] a net — Один человек ставит сеть. 2 1 can bite the cords with my teeth [wiS mai 'tkO] —Я могу прокусить верёвки зубами. roar [ro:] — реветь, рычать hear [hia] — слышать run out ['ГЛП 'aut] — выбегать one [wah] — один, одна, одно another [э'плбэ] — другой go away ['gou o'wei] — уходить
THE FOX AND THE HEN A Hen is sitting in a nest. The nest is in a box. A Fox comes up to the box and stes the Hen in it. He is hungry' and wants to eat the Hen. But he cannot get into the box He looks at the Hen and says, “Good morning. Hen." “Good morning, Fox,” says the Hen. “Is this your home?” asks the Fox. and out of this box?”i 2 the Hen. “Ask the Dog, and runs away. says [sez] — говорит this [ths] — этот, эта, это your [jo:] — твой, твоя, твоё ask [a:sk] — спрашивать yes [’les] —да come [клш] — идти, приходить i Не is hungry ['hAggri] — Она (лиса) голодная. 2 How [hau] do you get in and out of this box? — Как ты вхо- дишь и выходишь из этого ящика? “Yes, it is,” says the г “How do you get in asks the Fox. “I want to sleep,” says he is coming.” The Fox sees the Dog ) — )— come up ['клт Чр] — под- ходить want [wont] — хотеть cannot ['kaenot] — не может get [get] — забраться into ['into] — в (предлог) 13
THE RABBIT The Rabbit and the Squirrel One day a little Rabbit runs away from his father and his mother and his brothers and sisters. He hops along the road.1 “I am a big rabbit now,” he says. “Good morning, little Rabbit,” says a voice. The Rabbit looks down, the Rabbit looks up, but he sees no one. “Good morning, little Rabbit,” says the voice again. squirrel ['skwiral] — белка father ['f— отец, папа mother ['гплбэ] — мать, мама brother ['Ьглда]— брат 1 Не hops along the road гает) по дороге. says [ sez] — говорит voice ['vois] — голос no one ['nou wah] — никто again [a'gein]— опять, снова (a'loi) do 'roud] — Он скачет (пры- 14
The Rabbit looks down, the Rabbit looks up and then sees a Squirrel. The Squirrel is looking out of her hole in a tree. “Good morning, Mrs. Squirrel,” says the Rabbit. “Where are you going?” asks the Squirrel. “1 am going for a walk,”’ says the Rabbit. “Look out for the Boy,”1 2 says the Squirrel. “He is in the woods with his gun.” "Thank you, Mrs. Squirrel,” says the Rabbit, “but I am not afraid of the Boy.3 The Rabbit and the Crow And the Rabbit hops and hops along the road. “Good morning, little Rabbit,” says a voice. The Rabbit looks down, the Rabbit looks up, but he sees no one. “Good morning, little Rabbit,” says the voice again. The Rabbit looks down, the Rabbit looks up and then sees a Crow. The Crow is sitting in her nest in a tree. “Good morning, Mrs. Crow,” says the Rabbit. “Where are you going?” asks the Crow. “1 am going for a walk,” says the Rabbit. “Look out for the Boy,” says the Crow. “He is in the woods with his gun.” “Thank you, Mrs. Crow,” says the Rabbit, “but 1 am not afraid of the Boy.” woods [wudz] — лес with [wid]— с (предлог) crow [krou] — ворона look out ['Ink 'aut] — выглядывать Mrs. ['misiz] — госпожа where [wea]— где, куда ask [or.sk] — спрашивать 1 I am going for a walk [wo:k] — Я иду гулятб (на прогулку). 2 Look out for the Boy — Берегись (Остерегайся) мальчика. 8 1 am not afraid [a'freid] of the Boy — я не боюсь мальчика. 15
The Rabbit and the Boy And the Rabbit hops and hops along the road. Then he stops and eats some green grass.’ Now he wants a drink.1 2 So he goes to the river and drinks some water. Then he wants to sleep. He lies down in the grass and falls asleep.3 4 Soon the Rabbit hears a noise. He looks up and sees a Boy with a gun. The Rabbit is afraid of the boy and runs away. “Stop, little Rabbit," says the Boy. “I do not want to kill you. I like little rabbits." But the Rabbit is afraid, and he runs and runs and runs. He runs all the way’ home. There he sees his father and his mother and his brothers and his sisters. How glad he is to see them! How glad he is to be at home again! now [паи] — теперь want [wont] — хотеть river ['nvs] — река water ['worte]— вода lies down ['laiz 'daun]— ложится 1 and eats some green grass [ssm 'grim 'grotrs] — и ест зелё- ную траву 2 Now he wants a drink [drigk] — Теперь ему хочется (он хочет) попить. 8 and falls asleep ['forlz s'slirp] — и засыпает. 4 all the way ['o:l do 'wei] ~ всю дорогу. hear [hra]—слышать noise [noiz]—шум run away ['глп s'wei] — убегать there [Эеэ] — там how [hau] — как again [s'gem]— опять
THE HAPPY FAMILY Here is the Father,1 Here is the Mother, Here is the Sister, Here is the Brother. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother Hand in hand2 With one another.3 happy j'haepi]—счастливый family ['tamilij—семья 1 Here is ['hiar iz] the Father — Вот отец. 2 Hand in hand — Рука об руку. 3 With one another [wid 'wao э'плдэ] — Друг с другом. 3 Заказ № 947
THE SHEEP AND HER HOUSE The Sheep, the Pig and the Rabbit A Sheep is walking along the road.1 She meets a Pig. The Sheep says to the Pig, “I want to make a house.” The Pig says to the Sheep, “May 1 help you?"2 The Sheep says, “All right,3 you may come with me. You can help me to make a house.” And they go along the road. Soon they meet a Rabbit. “Where are you going?” says the Rabbit. The Sheep says, “We want to make a house.” house [haus] — дом come [клт] — идти says [saz] — говорит with [wid] — с (предлог) want [wont] — хотеть where [wea] — где, куда 1 A Sheep is walking [*wo:kii)] along the road [a'hi) da'roud] — Овца идёт по дороге. 2 May I help you? — Можно мне (могу я) помочь тебе? 8 All right ['э:1 'rait] — Хорошо. 18
And the Pig says, “Yes, we want to make a house.” “May I help you?” says the Rabbit. The Sheep says, “What can you do?” And the Pig says, “Yes, what can you do?” The Rabbit says, “I can cut sticks with my teeth.1 1 can cut sticks for the house." Then the Sheep says, “All right, you may come with us. You can help us to make a house." And the Pig says, “All right, you may come with us. You can help us to make a house.” The Sheep, the Pig, the Rabbit and the Cock And they go along the road. Soon they meet a Cock. “Where are you going?” says the Cock. The Sheep says, “We want to make a house.” And the Pig says, “Yes, we want to make a house.” And the Rabbit says, “Yes, we want to make a house. ” “May 1 help you?” says the Cock. The Sheep says, “What can you do?” And the Pig says, “Yes, what can you do?” And the Rabbit says, “Yes, what can you do?” The Cock says, “Cock-a-doodle-doo!2 1 can wake you up in the morning.” Then the Sheep says, “All right, you may come with us. You can help us to make a house.” yes [jes] — да do [du:] — делать what [wot] — что wake up ['weik 'лр] — будить 1 1 can cut sticks with my teeth [wid mai 4i:0] — Я могу раз- резать палочки зубами. 2 Cock-a-doodle-doo ['kokodu:dl'du:]— Кукареку. 3* 19
And the Pig says, “All right, you may come with us. You can help us to make a house.” And the Rabbit says, “All right, you may come with us. You can help us to make a house.” They Make a House And they go along the road. Soon they come to the end of the road.1 “This is a good place for a house,” says the Sheep. And they begin to make the house. “1 must get some hay,”2 says the Sheep. “I must get some bricks," says the Pig. “1 must get some sticks,” says the Rabbit. And the Cock says, “I must wake you up every morning. Cock-a-doodle-doo!” So they make the house at the end of the road. good [gud]— хороший begin [br'gm]— начинать place [pleis] — место every ['evnj — каждый 1 to the end of the road [av 0a 'roud]—к концу дороги. 2 I must get some hay ['get sam 'hei] — Я должна достать сена.
THE OLD MAN1 AND THE FOX The Old Man Finds a Dead Fox An Old Man and an Old Woman2 live in a little house near a river. One day the Old Man says to the Old Woman, “J am going to the river to catch fish.” The Old Man puts a net on his sledge and goes to the river. He catches a lot of fish.3 He puts the fish on the sledge and goes home. On the way4 he sees a Fox. The Fox is lying on the road.5 The Old Man comes up to the Fox, but the Fox does not run away. “This Fox is dead,” says the Old Man. “I must take it6 home with me and give it to my Old Woman.” And the Old Man throws the Fox on the sledge on top of the fish.7 find [faind] — находить dead [ded] — мёртв(ый) live [hv] — жить house [haus] — дом near [шэ] — около river ['nva] — река says [sez] — говорит catch [kaetf] — ловить put [put] — класть sledge [sleds]— сани catches ['katjiz] — ловит, come up ['клт 'др] — подходить run away ['глп a'wei] — убегать this [dis] — этот, эта, это give [giv] — дать throw [0rou] — бросать 1 The Old [ould] Man — Старик [буквально старый мужчина). 2 an Old [ould] Woman f'wumon] — старуха (буквально старая женщина). 3 Не catches ['kastpz] a lot of fish — Он ловит (очень) много рыбы. 4 On the way [wei] — По дороге. 5 The Fox is lying ['lang] on the road [roud] — Лиса лежит на дороге. 6 it — её (лису). Здесь слово fox — лиса заменяется местоиме- нием it (а не he), так как старик думает, что она мёртвая. 7 on top of the fish — поверх рыбы. 21
Then he sits down on the sledge and goes on along the road.1 He goes on and on2 and does not look at the Fox. But the Fox is not dead. At first3 he lies very still. Then he takes a fish in his mouth and throws it on the road. Then he takes another fish in his mouth and throws it on the road. He throws all the fish on the road. Then he jumps off the sledge and runs away. sit down ['sit 'daun] — са- диться very ['ven] — очень lie [lai] — лежать mouth [mauG] — рот another [э'плЭэ] — другой all [э:1] — весь, вся, всё, все jump off ['йэлтр 'o:f] — со- скакивать 1 and goes on ['gouz 'an] along the road [a'loij do 'roudj — и продолжает ехать по дороге. 2 Не goes on and on — Он едет и едет. 8 At first [st 'fast] — Сначала (сперва). 22
Where is the Fox? The Old Man comes home. He says to the Old Woman, “1 have a dead fox for you.”1 “Where is it?” the Old Woman asks him. “It is on the sledge,” says the Old Man. “The fish and the Fox are on the sledge.” The Old Woman goes to the sledge. She sees no fish on the sledge. She sees no Fox on the sledge. The Old Woman says to the Old Man, “Where is the Fox? Where are the fish? 1 see no Fox on the sledge. I see no fish on the sledge.” The Old Man goes to the sledge, too. But he sees no fish on the sledge. He sees no Fox on the sledge. where [weo] — где says [sez] — говорит come [клт] — приходить ask [a:sk] — спрашивать 1 I have [haev] a dead [ded] fox for you — У меня мёртвая лиса для тебя (буквально Я имею мёртвую лису для тебя). 23
THE RABBIT AND THE GOAT The Rabbit and the Pig One day a Rabbit comes home But she cannot get into her little house. “Who is in my little house?” asks the Rabbit. And a voice says, “I am Big Mr. Goat, I am in here to stay.1 1 will eat you all up,2 If you don’t go away."3 goat [gout] — козёл come ['клш] — приходить cannot f'kaenot] — не может get [get] — войти into ['into] — в {предлог) house [haus] — дом who [hu:] — кто ask [a:sk]—спрашивать voice [vois] — голос Mr. ['mists] —- мистер 1 1 am in here to stay [stei]—Я здесь и здесь останусь (буквально Я здесь, чтобы здесь оставаться). 2 I will eat you all [э:1] up — Я съем тебя (всего). 8 If you don’t [dount] go away [o'wei] — Если ты не уйдёшь (глагол will является вспомогательным глаголом в будущем времени). 24
The Rabbit is afraid of the Goat.1 She hops and hops along the road. Then she meets a Pig and says to him: “Pig, Pig, 1 cannot get into my house. A voice in the house says, ‘1 am Big Mr Goat, 1 am in here to stay. I will eat you all up. If you don’t go away.’ Please help me, Pig! I am afraid of the Goat.” But the Pig says, “I cannot help you. I am afraid of the Goat, too.” The Rabbit and the Cow And so the Rabbit hops and hops along the road. She meets a Cow and says, “Cow, Cow, I cannot get into my house. A voice in the house says, ‘1 am Big Mr. Goat, I am in here to stay 1 will eat you all up, If you don’t go away.’ Please help me, Cow! I But the Cow says, “I afraid of the Goat, too.” am afraid of the Goat.” cannot help you. 1 am along [a'hrj] — по {предлог) please [pli:z] — пожалуйста road [loud] — дорога cow [kau] — корова i ...is afraid [o'freid] of the Goat — ... боится козла. 25
The Rabbit and the Dog So the Rabbit hops along the road. Then she meets a Dog and says, “Dog, Dog, I cannot get into my house. A voice in the house says, ‘I am Big Mr. Goat, I am in here to stay. I will eat you all up, If you don’t go away.’ я Please help me, Dog! I am afraid of the Goat.” But the Dog says, “I cannot help you. I am afraid of the Goat, too.” The Rabbit and the Little Bee So the Rabbit hops and hops along the road. She meets a Bee and says, “Little Bee, little Bee, I cannot get into my house. A voice in the house says, ‘I am Big Mr. Goat, I am in here to stay. I will eat you all up. If you don’t go away.’ The Pig cannot help me. The Cow cannot help me. The Dog cannot help me. And you cannot help me, you are so small.” But the little Bee says, “Yes, I am very small, but I can help you. Let us go to your house.” So the Rabbit goes to her little house, and the little Bee goes with her. 26
“Go away, Goat,” the Rabbit says to the Goat. “This is my house. Go away.” But the Goat says, “I am Big Mr. Goat, I am in here to stay. I will eat you all up, If you don’t go away.” The Bee flies round and F round the house.’ Then she flies into the house. She stings the Goat. She stings him on the nose.1 2 Then the Big Goat says, “Baa-baa-baa-baa!” and runs away. c The Rabbit thanks the little Bee. Now she can go into her little house. small [smo:l] — маленький yes [jes] —• да very ['ven] — очень this [3is] — этот, эта это baa [ba:] — бя now [паи] — теперь 1 The Bee flies [flaiz] round and round the house [haus] — Пчела летает и летает вокруг дома. 2 She stings [stipz] him on the nose [nouz] — Она жалит его в нос.
THE FOX AND THE CHICKENS The Fox at the Top of the Hill* A Fox is standing at the top of a hill. A Mother Hen with her Chickens is at the bottom of the hill.i 2 The Chickens are hopping in the grass. The Fox is very hungry. He looks down and sees the Chickens. The Hen does not look up. She does not see the Fox. The Fox wants to catch a Chicken and eat it. chicken ['ikin]—цыплёнок mother ['тлдэ] — мать with [wid] — с (предлог) grass [gra:s] — трава very ['veri] — очень hungry ['hAQgn] — голодный down [daun] — вниз catch [kae-y*] — поймать i at the top of the hill — наверху холма. 2 at the bottom ['botom] of the hill — внизу под холмом. 28
He thinks, “How can I catch a Chicken? I must go down the hill, but the Hen will see me.1 The Chickens will run away and make a noise.2 Then the Dog will come.” The Fox Pushes Stones Down the Hill The Fox thinks and thinks and thinks. Then he finds a stone. He pushes the stone down the hill. The stone rolls near the Chickens.3 The Chickens are afraid4 and run away. The Hen makes a noise. The Dog comes, but he does not see the Fox at the top of the hill. So he goes back to the house. Soon the Hen and her Chickens come back Then the Fox pushes another stone down the hill, and it rolls near the Chickens The Chickens are afraid and run away. Again the Hen makes a noise. The Dog comes, but he does not see the Fox at the top of the hill. So he goes back to the house. Again the Hen and her Chickens come back. think [6igk] — думать find [famd] — находить pushes [pujiz] — толкает go back ['gou 'baek] — возвращаться (уходить) i the Hen will see me — Курица увидит меня (глагол will является вспомогательным глаголом в будущем времени). 2 The Chickens will run away ['глп s'wei] and make a noise [noiz] — Цыплята убегут и поднимут шум. a The stone rolls [roulz] near [шэ] the Chickens — Камень под- катывается к цыплятам. < The Chickens are afraid — Цыплята боятся. house [haus] —дом come back ['клт 'Ьзек] — возвращаться (приходить) another [э'плдэ] — другой again [a'gein] — опять 29
Then the Fox pushes another stone down the hill The Chickens are not afraid this time.1 They do not run away, the Hen does not make a noise, and the Dog does not come. The Fox at the Bottom of the Hill “Now is my time,”2 says the Fox. He curls up and rolls down the hill like a stone.3 He stops near the Chickens. The Chickens are not afraid and do not run away. They think it is another stone. They do not look at the Fox. One Chicken comes near the Fox. The Fox jumps up and catches it The Chickens are afraid now and run away. The Hen makes a big noise,4 and the Dog comes. But the Fox is far away with the Chicken in his mouth. jump up ['азлтр 'лр]-~ вскакивать catch [katf] — схватывать far away ['fair s'wei] — далеко with [wi8] —с (предлог) mouth [mau0] — рот 1 this [Qis] time — на этот раз. 2 Now [паи] is my time — Теперь настало моё время. 8 Не curls up ['ka:lz 'лр] and rolls [rouls] down the hill like a stone — Она свёртывается в клубочек и скатывается вниз, как камень. 4 The Hen makes a big noise — Курица поднимает большой шум.
THE SHEEP AND THE WOLF The Sheep Meets a Wolf One day a Sheep goes for a walk1 and meets a Wolf. “I will eat you up,”2 the Wolf says to the Sheep The Sheep says, “Please do not eat me up." “Get me a bone, and 1 will not eat you up," says the Wolf. “Where can 1 get a bone?” asks the Sheep. “Go to the Cook, and he will give you a bone,” says the Wolf. The Sheep Goes to the Cook The Sheep runs to the Cook and says, “Please, Cook, give me a bone. I must give it to the Wolf. Then the Wolf will not eat me up.” But the Cook says to the Sheep, “Get me an egg, and I will give you a bone.” wolf [wulf] — волк says [sez] — говорит please [plfcz] — пожалуйста get [get] — достать where [wea] — где ask [a:sk] — спрашивать give [giv] — дать i One day ['wah 'dei]a Sheep goes for a walk [wo:k] — Однажды овца идёт погулять. 2 I will eat you up — Я тебя съем (глагол will является вспомо- гательным глаголом в будущем времени). 31
“Where can 1 get an egg?” asks the Sheep. “Go to the Hen, and she will give you an egg,” says the Cook. The Sjheep Goes to the Hen The Sheep runs to the Hen and says, “Please, Hen, give me an egg. I must give the egg to the Cook, the Cook will give me a bone. 1 will give the bone to the Wolf, and then he will not eat me up." But the Hen says, “Get me some corn,1 and 1 will give you an egg " “Where can I get corn?” asks the Sheep. “Go to the mill, and the Miller will give you some corn ” The Sheep Goes to the Miller The Sheep runs to the Miller and says, “Please, Miller, give me some corn 1 must give the corn to the Hen, and the Hen will give me an. egg I will give the egg to the Cook, the Cook will give me a bone, and 1 will give the bone to the Wolf. Then he will not eat me up.” 1 Get me some corn [som 'ko:n] — Достань мне зерна. 32
But the Miller says to the Sheep, “Get me some water,1 and I will give you some corn.” “Where can 1 get water?” asks the Sheep “Go to the River, and the River will give you some water.” The Sheep Goes to the River The Sheep runs to the River and says, “Please, River, give me some water. I must give the water to the Miller, the Miller will give me some corn. I will give the corn to the Hen, the Hen will give me an egg. 1 will give the egg to the Cook, the Cook will give me a bone, and 1 will give the bone to the Wolf Then he will So the River gives the Sheep not eat me up.” some water. “1 Will not Eat you Up” The Sheep runs to the Miller with the water, and the Miller gives her some corn. She runs to the Hen with the corn, and the Hen gives her an egg. She runs to the Cook with the egg, and the Cook gives her a bone. river f'nvo] — река with [wi0] — с (предлог) 1 Get me some water [som 'wo:ta] — Достань мне воды. 33
She runs to the Wolf with the bone and says, “Wolf, Wolf! Please do not eat me up. I have a bone for you.”1 “Give me the bone, and I will not eat you up,” says the Wolf. 1 I have [haev] a bone for you — У меня есть кость для тебя.
THE FOX AND THE BEAR The Bear is Very Hungry A Fox is sitting on the road and eating fish Soon a Bear conies along the road. He is hungry and looks at the fish. “Good morning, Mr. Fox,” says the Bear. “Good morning, Mr. Bear," says the Fox. “I am very hungry,” says the Bear. “Give me some fish.”1 . “No, I do not want to give you my fish,” says the Fox. “Go and catch a fish and then eat it.” “How сап 1 catch a fish?” asks the Bear. “Let us go2 to the river,” says the Fox. So the Fox and the Bear go to the river. The Bear Makes a Hole in the Ice The Fox says to the Bear, “Make a hole in the ice, sit down and put your tail into the water. bear [bea] — медведь very ['ven] — очень along [a'bg]—по (предлог) road [rood] — дорога hungry['hAi)gri]—голодный Mr. ['mista] — мистер says [sez] говорит give [giv] — дать want [wont]— хотеть catch [kaetf] — ловить how [hau] — как ask (a:sk] — спрашивать river ['nvaj — река ice [ais] — лёд sit down V sit 'daun] — садиться put [put] — класть, положить your [jo:] — твой into ['into] — в (предлог) water ['wo:ta] — вода ’ Give [giv] me some [sam] fish — Дай мне рыбки. 2 Let us go ['let as 'gouj — Пойдём. 35
The fish will bite your tail? Then pull your tail out of the hole.” The Bear makes a hole, sits down and puts his tail into the water. The water is very cold, and the hole is very small. The Fox sits down near the river and looks at the Bear. Soon the Fox says, “I must go home now. Good-bye,2 Bear. You will soon have a lot of fish.” And she runs away. The Bear sits on the hole. He is very hungry, and he is very cold.3 He wants to get up, but he cannot pull his tail out of the hole. “I can feel a lot of fish on my tail,”4 he says. “But how can I get them? 1 cannot pull my tail out of the hole.” pull out ['pul 'aut] —вы- дёргивать cold [kould]— холодный small [smo:l] — маленький, небольшой near [шэ] — около now [паи] — теперь want [wont] — хотеть get up ['get 'лр] — встать cannot ['kaenot] — не может how [hau] — как get [get] — достать 1 The fish will bite your tail — Рыба будет кусать тебя за хвост (глагол will является вспомогательным глаголом в будущем времени). 2 Good-bye ['gud'bai] — До свидания. (Прощай.) 3 he is very cold [kould] — ему очень холодно. 4 1 can feel a lot of fish on my tail — Я чувствую, что у меня на хвосте много рыбы. / 36
The Bear Runs Away In the morning* 1 many girls and boys come to the river. They see the Bear and make a noise.2 “A Bear! A Bear!” they say. The Bear looks up and sees the children. He is afraid of them.3 He wants to pull his tail out of the hole, but he cannot. He pulls and pulls. At last he can jump up, and he runs away, but he runs away'without his tail.4 That is why5 Bears have very, very short tails. many pmeni] — много girl [ga:I] — девочка come [клш] — приходить look up ['luk 'лр] — взгля- дывать (смотреть вверх) children ['tfildran] — дети at last [at 'la:st] — наконец jump up ['djAmp 'лр]—вскакивать have [haev] — иметь very ['ven] — очень 1 In the morning ['mo:mg] — Утром. 2 and make a noise [noiz] — и поднимают шум. 3 He is afraid [a'freid] of them — Он боится их. 4 without [wid'aut] his tail — без хвоста. 6 That is why [wai]... — Вот почему ... 37
THE CAT AND THE MOUSE The Mouse Meets the Cat One day a Mouse meets a Cat. The Mouse wants to run away. But the Cat runs after the Mouse and bites off her tail.1 “Please, Cat, give me back my tail,” says the Mouse. But the Cat says, “Bring me some milk,2 and I will give you back your tail.” “How can I get milk?” asks the Mouse. “Go to the Cow, and she will give you some milk.” The Mouse Goes to the Cow The little Mouse hops, And runs and hops, She comes to the Cow, And then she stops. “Please, Cow, give me some milk,” says the Mouse. “I must give the milk to the Cat, and then the Cat will give me back my tail.” mouse [mans] — мышь after ['a:fta] — за (предлог) give back ['giv 'baek] — отдать says [sez] — говорит how [hau] — как • get [get] — достать ask [a:sk] — спрашивать cow [kau] — корова come [клгп] — приходить t and bites off ['baits 'o:f] her tail — и откусывает у неё хвое г. * Bring [bri^j] me some [sam] milk — Принеси мне молока. 38
But the Cow says, “Bring me some hay,1 and 1 will give you some milk.” “How can I get hay?” asks the little Mouse. “Go to the Farmer, and he will give you some hay,” says the Cow. The Mouse Goes to the Farmer The little Mouse hops, And runs and hops, She comes to the Farmer, • And then she stops. “Please, Farmer,” she says, “give me some hay. I must give the hay to the Cow, the Cow will give me some milk, and 1 will give the milk to the Cat. Then the Cat will give But the Farmer says, “Bring me back my tail.” me some meat,2 and 1 will give you some hay.” “How can I get meat?” asks the Mouse. “Go to the Cook, and he will give you some meat,” says the Farmer. The Mouse Goes to the Cook The little Mouse hops, And runs and hops, She comes to the Cook, And then she stops. 1 Bring me some hay [sam hei] —Принеси мне сена. 2 Bring me some meat — Принеси мне мяса. 39
“Please, Cook," she says, “give me some meat I must give the meat to the Farmer, the Farmer will give me some hay. I will give the hay to the Cow, the Cow will give me some milk, and 1 will give the milk to the Cat. Then the Cat will give me back my tail.” But the Cook says, “Bring me some bread,1 and 1 will give you some meat.” “How can 1 get bread?” asks the Mouse. “Go to the Baker, and he will give you some bread,” says the Cook. The Mouse Goes to the Baker The little mouse hops. And runs and hops, She comes to the Baker, And then she stops. “Please, Baker,” she says, “give me some bread. I must give the bread to the Cook, the Cook will give me some meat. I will give the meat to the Farmer, the Farmer will give me some hay. 1 will give the hay to the Cow, the Cow will give me some milk, and 1 will give the milk to the Cat. Then the Cat will give me back my tail.” 1 Bring [brig] me some bread [sam 'bred] — Принеси мне хлеба. 40
And the Baker says, “All right,1 1 will give you some bread, But don’t come here again, Or I’ll cut off your head.2 So the Baker gives the Mouse some bread. The Mouse Gets her Tail Again The Mouse takes the bread the Cook gives her some meat. She takes the meat to the Farmer gives her some hay. She takes the hay to the Cow, and the Cow gives her some milk. She takes the milk to the Cat, and then the Cat gives her back her tail. So now the little Mouse has her tail again and she runs away to play. to the Cook, and Farmer, and the here [hia] — здесь, сюда again [a'gem] — снова, опять 1 АП right ['o:l 'rait] — Хорошо. 2 Or I’ll [ail] cut off your head [hed] — А то (или) я отрежу те- бе голову.
СЛОВАРЬ А across [o'kros] через afraid [o'freid] испуганный be afraid (of) бояться, пугаться after ['a:fto] за, после again [o'gein] снова, опять all [o:l] весь, вся, всё, все; совсем all right хорошо, ладно all the day весь день along [o'log] по, вдоль along the road по дороге always ['o:lwiz] всегда and и, a another [а'плдэ] другой, ещё один one another друг друга ask [a:sk] спрашивать; просить asleep [o'sli:p] спящий 'fall a'sleep заснуть, засыпать at у, на, в away [o'wei] прочь (выражает удаление, расстояние) В baa [ba:] бя (блеяние) back1 спина back2 назад, обратно baker ['beiko] пекарь be [bi:] быть, находиться beak [biik] клюв bear [Ьеэ] медведь bee [Ьд] пчела begin [bi'gm] начинать, начать best лучший; лучше всего, боль- ше всего big большой bird [ba:d] птичка, птица bite кусать, перекусывать bite 'off откусывать black чёрный bone кость bottom ['botom] низ, дно at the 'bottom внизу; у под- ножия box ящик boy мальчик bread [bred] хлеб’ brick кирпич bring [brig] приносить brother ['ЬгдЗа] брат but но, а С call [кэ:1] звать, позвать сап могу, можешь, может, можем, можете, могут cannot ['kaenot] отриц. форма от сап cat кошка, кот catch [kaetf] ловить, поймать catches['k<et[iz] 3-е лицо единств, числа настоящего времени глагола catch 42
cheese [tj*i:z] сыр chicken ['tfikm] цыплёнок children ['tfildran] дети cliff скала cluck [к1дк] кудах-тах-тах cock петух cock-a-doodle-doo ['kokodurdl'du:] кукареку cold [kould] холодный come [кдт] приходить, идти 'come 'back возвращаться 'come 'down спускаться, схо- дить 'come 'up (to) подходить cook повар cord [ko:d] верёвка corn [ko:n] зерно, рожь cow [kau] корова crow [krou] ворон, ворона curl up ['ka:l 'up] свернуться (в клубок) cut резать 'cut 'off отрезать, отрубить D day [dei] день one day однажды some day когда-нибудь dead [ded] мёртвый do [du:] делать; вспомогательный глагол в вопросит, и отрицат. форме в Present Indefinite how do you do ['hau du ju 'du*] здравствуй(те) does [dAz] 3-е лицо единств, числа настоящего времени глагола do dog собака don’t [dount] = do not down [daun] вниз, внизу drink [dnjgk] пить; глоток drop опускать, бросать; уронить duck утка Е eat есть 'eat 'up съесть egg яйцо end конец English ['irjgliJ] английский, по- английски every ['evn] каждый F fall [Ь:1] падать, упасть, попа- дать w 'fall a'sleep засыпать, заснуть 'fall 'out (of) падать (из) family ['faemili] семья far away ['fa:r o'wei] далеко farmer ['farms] фермер, крестья- нин fat толстый, жирный father ['fa:ds] отец feel чувствовать find [famd] находить fine красивый, хороший (at) first сначала fish рыба, рыбы flies [flaiz] 3-е лицо единств, числа настоящего времени глагола fly fly [flai] летать 'fly a'way улетать 'fly in(to? влететь, влетать for для, на four [fo:] четыре fox лис, лисица, лиса from от, с, из G get [get] доставать, достать, по- лучать 'get 'in(to) забираться, входить 'get 'out (of) выбираться, выхо- дить (из) 43
'get 'up вставать girl [ga:l] девочка give [giv] давать, дать 'give 'back отдавать, отдать glad рад, доволен be glad радоваться, быть до- вольным go идти, пойти 'go a'way выходить, уходить 'go 'back возвращаться, прихо- дить обратно 'go 'down спускаться, сходить 'go for a 'walk идти гулять 'go 'on продолжать ехать goat козёл, коза goes [gouz] 3-е лицо единств, числа настоящего времени глагола go good |gud] хороший good-bye I'gud'bai] прощай(те) good-day ['gud'dei] добрый день, здравствуй(те) good morning ["gud 'mo:nig| доб- рое утро; здравствуй(те) grass [gra:s] трава green зелёный grey [grei] серый gun ружьё H hand рука hand in hand рука об руку happy f'haepi] счастливый has [haez] 3-е лицо единств, числа настоящего времени глагола have have [haev] иметь have a good time хорошо про водить время; наслаждаться hay [hei] сено he он; он, она, оно (о животных) head [hed] голова hear [hio] слышать help помогать, помочь hen курица her [ha: | её, свой; её, ей here [hia] здесь, сюда; вот high [hai] высокий; высоко hill холм him ему; его {на вопрос кого?) his его, свой {на вопрос чей?) hole яма; нора; дупло; прорубь; отверстие home дом; домой at home дома hop прыгать, скакать 'hop a'way ускакать, убегать подпрыгивая house [haus] дом how [hau] как, каким образом how do you do ['hau du ju 'du] здравствуй(те) hungry ['hAggri] голодный be hungry хотеть есть, быть голодным I I я ice [ais] лёд if если I’ll [ail]=! will in в {на вопрос где?) into ['mtu, 'into] в {на вопрос куда?) it это; он, она, оно; его, её (о неодушевлённых предме- тах) J jug кувшин jump [djAmp] прыгать, скакать 'jump 'down прыгать вниз 'jump 'off соскакивать 'jump 'up вскакивать 44
к kill убивать, убить kitten ['kitn] котёнок know [пои] знать L (at) 'last [la:st] наконец let вспомогательный глагол в повелительном наклонении let us go пойдём lie [lai] лежать 'lie 'down ложиться lies laiz] 3-е лицо единств, числа настоящего времени глагола lie like 1 любить, нравиться like2 как, подобно lion ['laisn] лев little маленький live [liv] жить 'look смотреть look at смотреть на 'look 'down смотреть вниз 'look 'out (of) выглядывать (из) look out for the boy! берегись мальчика! 'look 'up смотреть вверх, взгля- дывать, взглянуть (a) lot of много, масса low [lou] низкий, низко М make делать, сделать make a house строить дом make a noise шуметь, подни- мать шум man человек, мужчина an old man старик many ['теш] много may могу, можешь, может, мо- жем, можете, могут; можно; мо- жет быть те мне, меня meat мясо meet встречать milk молоко mill мельница miller ['mils| мельник morning f'mo:mi)| утро 'good 'morning доброе утро in the 'morning утром mother ['тлда] мать, мама mouse [maus] мышь, мышка mouth fmauO] рот, пасть Mr. = Mister ['mists] господин, мистер Mrs. — Mistress f'misiz] госпожа, миссис must должен, должна, должно, должны my [mai] мой, свой N near |ша] около, близко от nest гнездо net сеть по нет; никакой noise inoiz шум make a noise шуметь, подни- мать шум no one |'nou WAn] никто, никого, ни один nose [nouz] нос not не now [паи] теперь, сейчас О of [sv] от, с, из; соответствует русскому родительному па- дежу off [o:f] с, от {выражает удале- ние, отделение, расстояние) old [ould] старый an old man старик an old woman старуха 45
on на {на поверхности} one [waii] один, одна, одно one another друг друга one day однажды open ['oupn] открывать(ся) or [э:] или other ['лЭэ] другой out (of) из р piece ['pfcsj кусочек pig поросёнок pink [pirjk] розовый place [pleis] место play [plei] играть please [plfcz] пожалуйста pleased [plczd] доволен, доволь- ный pull [pul] тянуть, дёргать 'pull 'out вытаскивать, выдёр- гивать push [puj] сталкивать, толкать pushes ['pufiz] 3-е лицо единств. числа настоящего времени глагола push put [put] положить, класть put up a net устанавливать сеть Q quack [kwak] кряк-кряк-кряк R rabbit ['raebit] кролик read [ri:d] читать right [rait] правильный; пра- вильно all right хорошо; ладно river ['rivs] река road [roud] дорога roar [го:] рычать roll [roul] катить, скатывать(ся) round [raund] кругом, вокруг run бежать, бегать 'run a'way убегать 'run 'out (of) выбегать (из) S say [sei] говорить says [sez] 3-е лицо единств.числа настоящего времени глагола say see видеть she [Ji:] она; он, она, оно (о животных} sheep овца side [said] сторона short [Jo:tl короткий sing [sirjj петь sister сестра sit сидеть 'sit 'down садиться sledge [sled.3] сани sleep спать small [smo:l] маленький so так, таким образом some [sAm, sam] несколько; не- которое количество some day когда-нибудь soon скоро, вскоре squirrel j'skwirl] белка, белочка stand стоять stay [stei] оставаться stick [stik] палка, палочка still неподвижный, тихий sting [stir)] жалить stone камень a little stone камешек stop останавливаться T tail [teil] хвост take брать, взять 'take a 'walk гулять 'take 'up подхватывать, хватать 46
teeth [tl‘0] зубы thank [Oaer)k] благодарить 'thank you спасибо; благодарю вас (тебя) that [daet] тот, та, то; вот them [dem] им; их (на вопрос кого? что?) then [den] тогда, потом there [dso] там, туда they Idei] они thin [Ош] худой, тоший, тонкий think [0ijgk| думать this |disj этот, эта, это; вот throw [Огон] бросать time время, раз have a good time хорошо про водить время; наслаждаться this time на этот раз to [tu, to] к, в, до; на; соответ- ствует русскому дательному падежу: частица инфинитива too 1 тоже, также too2 слишком, очень top верх, верхушка at the top наверху on top of сверху, поверх tree дерево two [tu:] два, две U up [др] вверх, наверху us [as, os] нам, нас V very ['ven] очень voice [vois] голос W wake up ['weik 'лр] будить walk [wo:k] идти (пешком); про- гулка 'go for a 'walk идти гулять 'take a 'walk гулять want I wont] хотеть water [wo:ts] вода way путь, дорога all the way всю дорогу, весь путь on the way по дороге we мы well хорошо what [wot] что when [wen] когда where [weo] где, куда white [wait] белый who [hie] кто why [wai] почему that is why поэтому will вспомогательный глагол в будущем времени with fwid] с, со without [wid'aut] без wolf [wulf] волк woman ['wuman) женщина an old woman старуха woods [wudz] лес Y yes [jes] да you [ju:] вы, вам, вас; ты, тебе, тебя your [jo:] ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши; твой, твоя, твоё, твои
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Стр. Fat and Thin .................................... 3 Kittens.......................................... 4 The Hen and the Duck............................. 5 The Lion and the Goat............................ 6 The Fox in the Hole.............................. 7 The Crow and the Jug............................. 8 The Dog and the Bone............................. 9 The Crow and the Fox.............................10 The Lion and the Mouse...........................11 The Fox and the Hen .............................13 The Rabbit ......................................14 The Happy Family.................................17 The Sheep and Her House..........................18 The Old Man and the Fox..........................21 The Rabbit and the Goat..........................24 The Fox and the Chickens.........................28 The Sheep and the Wolf ..........................31 The Fox and the Bear.............................35 The Cat and the Mouse ...........................38 Словарь...........................................42