Author: Turk Ph.  

Tags: linguistics   spanish language  

ISBN: 978-1444-11001-2

Year: 2010

                    http^ Italian Spanish
Fifth Edition
por Palabra
New Advanced Spanish Vocabulary

Fifth Edition Palabra por Palabra New Advanced Spanish Vocabulary Phil Turk A HODDER *7 EDUCATION AN HACHETTE UK COMPANY
Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following for their comments, suggestions, typescript- and proof-reading and help in many other ways over previous editions of this book: Virginia Vinuesa Benitez, Derek and Loli Blake and their family, Mercedes Catton, YVonne Chadwick, the late Antonio Moreno Carrascal, Susanne Elvira, Jose-Luis Garcia Daza, Mike Zollo; and particularly for this fifth edition Josd-Luis Garcia Daza, who has scrutinised my Spanish lists in great detail and made many useful suggestions; also my wife, Brenda, for her customary patience and encouragement. Every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the Publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Although every effort has been made to ensure that website addresses are correct at time of going to press, Hodder Education cannot be held responsible for the content of any website mentioned in this book. It is sometimes possible to find a relocated web page by typing in the address of the home page for a website in the URL window of your browser. Hachette UK’s policy is to use papers that are natural, renewable and recyclable products and made from wood grown in sustainable forests. The logging and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. Orders: please contact Bookpoint Ltd, 130 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon 0X14 4SB Telephone: (44) 01235 827720. Fax: (44) 01235 400454. Lines are open 9.00-5.00, Monday to Saturday, with a 24-hour message answering service. Visit our website at © Phil Turk, 1991 First published in 1991 by Hodder Education, An Hachette UK Company 338 Euston Road London NW1 3BH Second edition published 1996 Thrd edition published 2000 Fourth edition published 2006 This fifth edition first published 2010 Impression number 5 4 3 2 1 Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 All rights reserved. Apart from any use permitted under UK copyright law, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or held within any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Further details of such licences (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Cover photo © Jose Fuste Raga/Corbis Typeset in Helvetica Light by Transet Ltd, Coventry, England. Printed in [Production to complete] A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library ISBN: 978 1444 11001 2
Introduction This fifth edition of Palabra por Palabra has been further revised to cover a wide range of vocabulary relevant to the specifications of the main AS and A2 examination boards. Some new words and phrases have been added and some which no longer seem relevant have been discarded. All chapters have been divided into manageable subsections, and cross-references provided where relevant vocabulary may occur in more than one chapter. In the topic-based chapters (3 to 22), words and phrases considered more suitable for A2 level are printed in bold. You will notice that there are fewer of these in the earlier chapters, which mainly cover the AS topics, and that they predominate in the later chapters, which are aimed at A2 level and in some cases beyond. At the end of each topic-based chapter you will also find a revised list of useful websites, which deal with or provide links to aspects of the particular topics. Of the other chapters, Chapter 1 provides a vocabulary framework for developing a topic either in essay form or orally, with the more sophisticated phrases in bold. Chapter 2 provides material for describing character and personality, which could prove useful to a number of topics. At the end of the book, Chapter 23 deals with words which might not mean what their immediate appearance might suggest; Chapter 24 offers help in choosing the correct equivalent for English words with several meanings and offers alternatives to some overused words; and Chapter 25 offers a list of useful, mainly abstract, verbs, which you could well need, but which don’t fit easily under any topic heading. Learning vocabulary As an advanced language student, you will by now be aware that words are the tools of the trade. However sound your knowledge of grammar and facts, and however brilliant your ideas, you cannot express them without the necessary words! And unlike when you learnt your mother tongue, unless you are extremely lucky, you won't be surrounded by people speaking Spanish 24/7! More likely your contact will be limited to a few hours of Spanish classes per week. Try, however, to increase your contact through websites, satellite broadcasts, newspapers, magazines or other materials in Spanish that you can lay your hands on. This little book provides you with a good selection of words and phrases on most of the topics you are likely to encounter, but you should also keep your own vocabulary notebook (paper or electronic) and record, as far as possible under topic headings any further ones you come across. iii
Vocabulary learning is a very personal process and each of us will discover the method that suits us best. However, you must accept that it won’t ‘stick’ without some positive effort on your part. The important thing is to experiment and find the method that works best for you. And, by the way, ‘method’ is the key word: you must be methodical! The following hints might help: • Don’t try to absorb too much at once: 20 words might be sufficient, possibly fewer. • You will need to check these several times, at intervals, marking the ones you know. • Take a break or do something else, then check again. • Check them yet again before learning the next batch. • Work alone, checking yourself, or get a friend or family member to test you. • Don’t let lists of words accumulate. Better to learn little and often. • Use the words you have learnt in your written and spoken work: ‘use them or lose them* applies here! You can also expand your vocabulary by taking a word and seeing how many related words you know: e.g. cocina-kitchen, cooking or cooker; cocer- to cook; coccidn- (process of) cooking; cocinar- to cook; cocinero/a- cook / chef. You can browse this section of a dictionary for further related words, or work with a friend to see who can find the most words. You can also see how many words you can find associated by ideas: cocina - gas - electrico - electricidad - luz - alumbrar, etc; or by opposites: empezar - terminar, permitir- prohibir. Websites A useful Spanish search engine is, which has a number of easily accessible links (enlaces). However, Google and Yahoo are perfectly adequate if you type in or All the main Spanish and Spanish American press publications have their own websites, with many features relevant to the topics covered in this book. At the time of writing all allow free downloads. The main publications are: Newspapers El Pais ABC El Mundo La Vanguardia Regional papers in the Diario series, e.g: Diario montan6s (Cantabria) iv
Magazines Cambio 16 Tiempo iHola! Marca As You can also find a comprehensive list of publications by visiting and adding the relevant area after the slash. Other general websites with many useful links are the relevant Spanish government ministries: Ministerio de Trabajo у Asuntos Sociales Ministerio de Educacidn Ministerio de Industrie, Turismo у Comercio Ministerio de Ciencia у Tecnologla Ministerio de Defense Ministerio de Sanidad у Consume Ministerio de Medio Ambiente у Medio Rural у Marino Ministerio de Fomento The country suffixes for sites in Spanish-speaking countries are: Argentina .ar Bolivia .bo Chile .cl Colombia .co Costa Rica .cr Cuba .cu Ecuador .ec Guatemala gt M6xico ,mx Nicaragua .ni Panama .pa Paraguay •РУ Peru .pe Republica Dominicana .do El Salvador .sv Spain .es Uruguay .uy Venezuela .ve For example, the Peruvian ministry of education site is: You will find a list of possible websites for further research at the end of most of the topic-based chapters in this book. jQue te diviertas navegando! v
Contents Introduction iii 1 Quiero decir... 1 1.1 Preparar el terreno 1 1.2 Aportar m&s ideas 2 1.3 Obsteculos 2 1.4 Yo creo ... 3 1.5 Otros dicen ... 3 1.6 La discusidn sigue 4 1.7 Por ejemplo 5 1.8 <j,C6mo? 5 1.9 <j,Cucindo? 6 1.10 <j,Por qu6? 7 1.11 La verdad es que ... 7 1.12 A mi juicio ... 8 1.13 La validez del argumento 9 1.14 Soluciones у conclusiones 9 2 La gente: la personalidad у el caracter 11 2.1 Las cualidades positivas 11 2.2 Los rasgos negatives 12 3 La gente: la fam ilia у las relaciones personales 14 3.1 Las relaciones en general 14 3.2 El amor 15 3.3 Vamos a casarnos 15 3.4 La familia у los ninos 16 3.5 La vidasexual 17 3.6 El divorcio 18 3.7 Lamujer 18 3.8 La tercera edad 19 vi
4 Los jdvenes 20 4.1 Los problemas de hacerse adulto 20 4.2 Las relaciones con los padres 21 4.3 El desafecto juvenil 22 4.4 La musica pop 22 4.5 La moda 23 5 La ensenanza 24 5.1 La escolaridad 24 5.2 Tus capacidades у aptitudes 25 5.3 Los problemas escolares 26 5.4 Las oportunidades 26 5.5 El personal docente 26 5.6 Los ex^menes 27 5.7 La universidad 28 6 El trabajo 29 6.1 La carrera 29 6.2 El personal 31 6.3 Las condiciones del trabajo 31 6.4 La mujer en el trabajo 32 6.5 En la oficina 33 6.6 Las relaciones laborales 34 6.7 El paro 35 7 El ocio 37 7.1 Los deportes 38 7.2 Juegos у pasatiempos de saldn 41 7.3 La comida у la bebida 41 7.4 No hacer nada 42 8 La vida urbana 44 8.1 La administracidn у los habitantes 44 8.2 La infraestructura 45 8.3 Viviren la ciudad 45 8.4 La seguridad ciudadana 48 vii
9 La vida rural 50 9.1 Latierra 50 9.2 La agriculture 50 9.3 Vivir en el campo 53 10 Los transportes, el turismo у las vacaciones 56 10.1 Las redes de transpose 56 10.2 El turismo у las vacaciones 60 11 Los medios 62 11.1 La televisidn у la radio 62 11.2 Laprensa 64 11.3 Lapublicidad 65 12 La salud 66 12.1 La infraestructure sanitaria 66 12.2 Las condiciones mddicas у sus slntomas 66 12.3 El tratamiento у los remedies 68 12.4 La medicina preventive 69 12.5 El r£gimen 70 12.6 El tabaco у el alcohol 70 12.7 Ladroga 71 13 La vida cultural 73 13.1 Las artes visuales 73 13.2 El cine у el teatro 74 13.3 La literature 76 13.4 La mOsica 77 13.5 Lacrltica 78 14 El medio ambiente 80 14.1 El ecosi sterna 80 14.2 Laenergia 81 14.3 La contaminacidn 83 viii
15 La ciencia у la tecnologi'a 85 15.1 La informdtica 85 15.2 Otros chismes tecnoldgicos 88 15.3 El personal, los procesos у las sustancias 89 15.4 La exploracidn del espacio 90 16 La religion 91 16.1 Las religiones 91 16.2 Las jerarqufas religiosas 91 16.3 La doctnna religiosa 92 16.4 La pr&ctica de la religidn 92 16.5 Las creencias religiosas 93 16.6 I La muerte 93 17 La pobreza у el tercer mundo 94 17.1 Los problemas humanos 94 17.2 Los problemas econdmicos a nivel nacional 96 17.3 Los efectos ecoldgicos 97 18 La inmigracion у el racismo 98 18.1 La inmigracidn 98 18.2 El racismo 99 19 La guerra у la paz 101 19.1 El conducto de la guerra 101 19.2 Las fuerzas armadas у el material bdlico 102 19.3 La paz 103 20 Las relaciones internacionales 104 20.1 La diplomacia 104 20.2 La Unidn Europea (UE) 104 20.3 La OTAN 106 20.4 Gibraltar 107 ix
21 La poh'tica 109 21.1 La democracia 109 21.2 La dictadura 110 21.3 La violencia polftica 111 21.4 La monarquia 113 21.5 Las autonomfas 114 22 La economi'a у los negocios 115 22.1 La economfa 115 22.2 Los negocios 117 23 Amigos algo falsos у muy falsos 118 23.1 jCuidadito! 118 23.2 jMucho cuidado! 119 24 jEscoge la palabra correcta! 121 24.1 jCuidado! 121 24.2 Sindnimos para palabras corrientes 127 25 Algunos verbos utiles 130 X
Quiero decir... The purpose of this section is to provide the vocabulary to enable you to state, develop and conclude a written or spoken argument. The subsections are arranged in an order that seems to be the most logical, but do remember that many words and expressions could well be used in other parts of the argument, and in other contexts. 1.1 Prepara r el terreno primero segundo tercero el tema el problems la crisis la cuestion en primer I segundo I tercer lugar al principio de antemano tenemos que preguntarnos a primera vista a corto plazo a largo plazo ordenar los datos despejar el terreno ide que se trata? resumir el tema / la cuestidn afrontar el tema / la situacion el problema que se plantea es... es un tema que ya lleva varies anos / meses apareciendo en los medios es un tema que ya me preocupa / interesa desde hace algun tiempo ser£ conveniente establecer los argumentos en pro у en contra examiner m£s minuciosamente los argumentos una crisis a escala mundial una situacidn inquietante la preocupacidn predominante Preparing the ground first, firstly second, secondly third, thirdly subject, topic, theme problem crisis question (for discussion), issue in the first / second / third place at first, at the beginning beforehand we have to ask ourselves at first sight in the short term in the long term to get the facts in order to clear the ground what is it about? to summarise the issue to face (up to) the issue / situation the problem to be addressed / the problem that arises is... it’s a topic which has been in the media for several years / months now it’s a topic that has been concerning / interesting me for some time now it will be useful to establish the arguments for and against to examine the arguments in more detail a crisis on a world scale a worrying situation the main worry / concern 1.1 Preparar el terreno 1
1.2 Aportar m5s ideas Bringing in more ideas adem5s es mas adem5s de Io dicho asimismo en principio en esto por consiguiente 1 por consecuencia J por otra parte debido a esto de hecho dicho de otro modo dicho eso о sea... no s6lo ... sino ... сото ya se sabe es decir en este contexto por afiadidura a proposito tanto... сото... сото resultado (de) resulta que... esto explica por qu5... no me explico por qu6 ... asi asi es que por supuesto claro que (+ clause) en realidad aparte de eso se trata de besides, moreover moreover in addition to what has been said likewise in principle at this point / stage consequently, therefore on the other hand owing / due to this in fact in other words that said, having said that or to put it another way .... or rather... not only ... but... as we already know that is to say, i.e. in this context in addition by the way both... and... as a result (of) it turns out that...»the result is that... this explains why ... 1 don’t understand why ... thus therefore of course of course... in reality, in fact apart from that it s a question of 1.3 Obst5culos Obstacles sin embargo desgraciadamente 1 por desgracia J no obstante a pesar de esto el tropiezo sea сото sea la situacion va empeorando teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que dado que however unfortunately nevertheless in spite of this the stumbling block be that as it may that’s as may be the situation is getting worse bearing in mind the fact that given that 2 Quiero decir ... 1
1.4 Yo creo ... a mi parecer a mi modо de ver 'I a mi me parece que ... ? yo opino que ... J por mi parte desde mi punto de vista (no) estoy de acuerdo con los que ... estoy convencido/a de que (+ indie) no estoy convencido/a de que (+ subj) esto me lleva a pensar que ... que yo sepa yo que tu I usted I ellos no estoy totalmente a favor de (+ n or inf) no estoy ni a favor ni en contra de (+ n or inf) tengo que confesarme en contra de (+ n or inf) no es una opinion / actitud que com parts yo aunque quisiera pensar de otra man era tengo que confesarme partidario/a del comentarista 1.5 Otros dicen ... hay quienes dicen que ... la gente piensa que ... otros constatan que... la (gran) mayoria opina que ... segun se oye / se lee segtin una encuesta sondear las opiniones la verclad lisa у Ilana es ... cualquiera es capaz de ver que ... desde el punto de vista ajeno es de presumir que ... 1 segun cabe presum ir J las cifras atestan que ... сото ya se sabe que se sepa / think... in my opinion I think that... for my part from my point of view I am (not) in agreement with those who... I am persuaded / convinced that... I am not persuaded / convinced that... this leads me to think that... as far as I know if I were you / them I’m not entirely in favour of I’m neither for nor against I have to admit I am against it’s not an opinion / attitude which I share although I would like to think otherwise I have to confess to being on the side of the commentator Others say... there are those who say that... people think that... others maintain that... the (vast) majority think that... according to what one hears / reads according to a survey / opinion poll to sound out opinions the plain truth of the matter is ... anyone can see that... from other people’s point of view presumably the figures prove that... as is already known as far as is known 1.5 Otros dicen... 3
no se puede menos de pensar que ... es una ilusidn creer que ... (+ subj) eso seria tremendamente optimista cualquiera que crea esto ... 1.6 La discusidn sigue al contrario visto asi por un lado por otro lado de todos modos 1 de todas maneras / formas J en Io que concierne 1 en cuanto a J en lugar de eso mientras que no cabe duda de que ... no se puede negar que ... es cierto que... el quid de la cuestidn (es que ...) hay que tener en cuenta (que ...) hay que subrayar la importancia de... se tiene que hacer hincapie en ... me limito a sehalar mbs vale ... que ... vale considerar... segun toda probabilidad nadie ignora que... por si acaso no hay manera de saber si... para coImo у por si eso fuera poco no hay manera de saber si... a juzgar por... en funcibn de... en razdn de... one cannot help thinking that... we’re kidding ourselves if we believe that... that would be wildly optimistic anyone who believes this ... The discussion continues on the contrary, on the other hand seen like that on the one hand on the other hand in any case, anyway as for instead of that whereas there is no room for doubt that... there is no denying that... it’s certain that... the crux of the matter (is that...) you have to bear in mind (that...) you have to emphasise the importance of ... one has to make a special point of..., stress... I confine myself to pointing out it’s better to ... than ... it’s worth considering... in all probability everybody knows that.... nobody is unaware that... just in case there is no way of knowing whether... to cap it all and as if that were not enough there is no way of knowing whether... to judge by..., judging by ... in proportion to ... , according to (in that sense)... by reason of..., because of... , due to... 4 Quiero decir ... 1
1.7 Porejemplo consideremos pongamos por caso Io de ... en concrete segun el caso para ilustrar el problema con respecto a... vamos a abordar otro aspecto para considerar el asunto mas detalladamente vamos a profundizar vale agregar que ... 1.8 oC6mo? ihasta que punto? hasta cierto punto extremadamente total mente principalmente tanto mas de cierto modo de cierta manera I forma de ningun modo 1 de ninguna manera J de un modo u otro 1 de una manera u otra J apenas en ninguna circunstancia simplemente 1 sencillamente J puramente pr^cticamente parcialmente igualmente efectivamente parecido a... 1 similar a... J por la mayor parte a cambio de... sin m£s ni m£s se trata de saber сото ... For example let’s consider let’s take for example the matter of ... in particular as the case may be to illustrate the problem with regard to... let us tackle another aspect in order to consider the matter in more detail let us think about it in greater depth it's worth adding that... How? to what extent? to a certain extent extremely completely, utterly mainly, principally all the more so in a certain way in no way in one way or another hardly in no circumstance(s) simply purely, merely practically, nearly partially, partly equally, to the same extent actually, in fact like ..., similar to ... for the most part, mostly in exchange for... without further ado it’s a question of knowing how ... 1.8 iComo? 5
1.9 ^Cuando? When? durante estos ultimos afios / meses in the last few years / months hace poco a short time / while ago anteriormente formerly recientemente recently recidn construido recently / newly built recien nacido recently / newly born (recidn can be used with various past participles in this sense) en el momento que ... en aquel mismo momento en un momento dado hoy (en) dfa en la actualidad la situacidn actual mientras tanto posteriormente 1 con posterioridad J cuanto antes 1 Io mas pronto posible J dentro de unos pocos dfas dentro de poco sin demora algun dia desde ahora a partir de este I ese momento a continuacidn desde ... hasta... nunca mas en la Edad Media en la epoca de la dictadura la decada durante los ahos noventa al final del siglo tardar (mucho) tiempo en (+ inf) cada cuando cada pocos dias a cualquier hora por primera I segunda / ultima vez por enesima vez cada vez (que ...) at the moment when ... at that very moment at a given moment nowadays nowadays, at the present time the present / current situation meanwhile, in the meantime subsequently, afterwards as soon as possible in a few days' time soon, in a short time without delay some day from now (on) from this / that moment (on) then, next, below (on page or in list) from... until... never again in the Middle Ages at the time of the dictatorship decade during the (19)90s at the turn of the century to take a (very) long time in (doing) every so often every few days at any time for the first / second / last time for the umpteenth time each / every time (that...), whenever 6 Quiero decir ... 1
1.10 ^Porqud? preguntarse por qud debenamos preguntarnos si... segun los datos eso explica por qud ... no me explico por qud ... se trata de saber por qud ... debemos tratar de descubrir por qud ... ipara qud? para comprender mejor para que comprendamos mejor puesto que ... 1 ya que... J por cualquier razdn la razdn principal la piedra clave 1.11 La verdad es que ... Why? to wonder why we should ask ourselves if / whether... according to the facts that explains why... I can't explain / don’t understand why ... it’s a question of knowing why ... we must try to find out why ... what for?, for what purpose? in order to understand better in order / so that we can understand better since / because... for whatever reason the main reason the keystone, the keynote The truth is that... The expressions followed by que in this section all express fact or assumed fact, and are therefore followed by the indicative. claro que es verdad que ... Io cierto es que ... no cabe duda de que ... en efecto yo diria que ... quiero dejar muy claro que ... el caso es que ... otro factor es que ... no se puede negar que ... queda innegable que ... es de suponer que ... parece ser que... debemos tener en cuenta que ... si nos damos cuenta de que ... resulta que... de ahi que... el dilema es que ... actualmente se calcula que ... un 70% de los entrevistados opina que... hay quienes afirman que ... ser consciente de que... menos mal que... of course it’s true that.. what is certain is that... there's no doubt that... in fact I’d say that... I want to make it very clear that... the fact is that... another factor is that... it cannot be denied that... it remains / is undeniable that... one presumes / supposes that... it seems that... we have to bear in mind that... if we realise that... the result is / it turns out that... that’s the reason why ... the dilemma is that... at the moment it is estimated / calculated that... 70% of those interviewed reckon that... there are those who maintain that... to be conscious / aware that... it’s a good job / thank goodness that... 1.11 La verdad es que ... 7
1.12 Amijuicio... In my judgement ... When the phrase makes a judgement or indicates a purpose, the verb which follows que is in the subjunctive. Remember that the tense of the subjunctive will depend on the rules of tense sequence, and therefore phrases containing seria, which is conditional, would require the imperfect subjunctive. These are marked with an asterisk (*). a mi me parece Idgico que ... no me sorprende que ... todo esto justifica que ... parece inverosimil que... parece mentira que ... a mi me resulta curioso que ... m£s vale que... a mi no me importa que ... no es porque... ^no parece significative que ...? esto explica que se escriba asi... hay que asegurar que ... es intolerable I insoportable que ... me preocupa bastante que ... ipor qud tenemos que soportar que...? seria un milagro que ...* mi preferencia seria que ...* ^no seria mejor que ...?* si no fuera porque ...* es de suma importancia que ... ipor que no exigimos todos que...? es de lamentar que ... es una verguenza nacional que... es una afrenta a la sociedad que ... es incluso m£s sorprendente que... tiene que ser inconcebible que ... Io fundamental debe ser que... pongamos por caso que ... it seems logical / sensible to me that... I’m not surprised that... all this justifies (the fact) that... it seems unlikely that... it seems incredible that... I find it extraordinary that... it’s better / best that... it’s of no concern to me / it doesn’t matter to me whether / that... it's not because... doesn’t it seem significant that...? that explains why it should be written like that... one has to ensure that... it’s intolerable that... I’m somewhat worried that... why should we put up with the fact that... ? it would be a miracle if... my preference would be that... wouldn’t it be better if...? if it weren’t for the fact that... it is of extreme importance that... why don’t we all demand that...? it is to be regretted that... it’s a national disgrace that... it’s an affront to society that... it’s even more astonishing that... it has to be unthinkable that... the main thing should be that... let us suppose that... 8 Quiero decir ... 1
1.13 La validez del argumento The validity of the argument razonar el razonamiento un caso irrebatible un argumento de peso este modo de enfocar la cuestidn si aceptamos este punto de vista el argumento no vale, porque ... rechazar un argumento condenar rotundamente ver I no ver Io esencial del asunto el argumento no esta bien fundado no tiene pies ni cabeza carece de sentido carece de consistencia el punto flaco del argumento no tiene nada que ver con la realidad hacer la vista gorda (a) pongamos el argumento patas arriba to reason the reasoning a watertight case a strong / robust argument this approach to the question if we accept this point of view the argument is no good, because... to reject an argument to condemn roundly to see / miss the point the argument won't hold water it’s all at sixes and sevens it lacks sense / meaning it lacks consistency the weak point of the argument it has nothing to do with reality to turn a blind eye (to) let’s turn the argument on its head 1.14 Solucionesy Solutions and conclusions conclusiones de acuerdo (estar) de acuerdo con ... a fin de cuentas en resumen resumir la clave del problema tiene que ser la solucion que se destaca tomar medidas urgentes vuelvo a mi primera observacion ya hemos constatado que ... volvamos al punto de partida teniendo en cuenta todos los puntos de vista podemos deducir que... es unaperspective... optimista poco optimista (muy) pesimista (nada) favorable aunque con ciertas dudas / reservas por fin en conclusion para concluir agreed (to be) in agreement with after all, when all is said and done to sum up (adv), in brief to sum up the key to the problem has to be the solution which stands out to take urgent measures I return to my first statement we have already stated that... let us return to the starting point bearing in mind all points of view we can deduce that... the outlook is ... optimistic / bright not very optimistic (very) pessimistic / gloomy (not very) favourable although with certain doubts / reservations finally, at last in conclusion 1.14 Soluciones у conclusiones 9
para que la situacidn siga mejorando de modo que la situacidn no empeore esto nos lleva a la conclusidn inevitable (que...) ojal£ pudiera concluir diciendo que... no hay otra conclusidn que valga so that the situation continues to improve so that the situation does not deteriorate this brings us to the inevitable conclusion (that...) I wish I could conclude by saying that... there is no other valid conclusion See also Section 24.2 for some useful hints on how to avoid overused words! 10 Quiero decir ... 1
2 La gente: la personalidad у el caracter The words and phrases in this chapter do not belong to any particular examination topic, but might be applied to any real or fictitious persons under any topic heading. You might well find them useful in describing family members in Chapter 3 and film, drama or literary characters associated with Chapter 13. la cualidad el rasgo 1 la caractenstica J caracteristico (adj) de tipico (de) la virtud la preferencia el estado de dnimo relacionarse con alguien tratar con alguien quality feature, trait, characteristic characteristic of typical (of) virtue preference mood, frame of mind to relate to sb to have dealings with sb 2.1 Las cualidades positives Positive qualities llevarse bien con alguien tener el don de ... tener sentido del humor conservar la calma reflexionar antes de actuar tomarse la vida tai сото viene actuar por instinto estar bien dotado de sentido comun ser abierto/a ser alegre ser amigable ser atento/a ser autosuficiente ser bondadoso/a ser carifioso/a ser cauto/a ser convencional ser chistoso/a to get on well with someone to have the gift of... to have a sense of humour to keep calm, keep one’s cool to think before acting to take life as it comes to act instinctively to be well endowed with common sense to be open, of an open disposition to be happy, jolly (i.e. visibly that sort of person) to be friendly to be thoughtful, kind to be self-sufficient to be kind-hearted, generous to be affectionate, loving, tender to be cautious, wary to be conventional to be funny, witty 2.1 Las cualidades positivas 11
seragudo/a 1 serdiestro/a J ser exigente ser autoexigente ser extrovertido/a ser feliz la felicidad ser honrado/a la honradez ser imaginativo/a ser listo/a estar listo/a ser luchador(a) ser maduro/a la madurez ser optimista estar optimista ser perceptivo/a ser perfeccionista ser persistente ser risuefio/a ser sensible la sensibilidad ser sensato/a la sensatez ser sincero/a la sinceridad ser tolerante la tolerancia to be skilful, clever to be demanding to expect a lot of oneself to be an extrovert to be happy (by nature) happiness to be honest honesty to be imaginative to be clever to be ready to be a fighter to be mature maturity to be an optimist (by nature) to be optimistic (about a current matter) to be perceptive to be a perfectionist to be persistent to be cheerful, of a sunny disposition to be sensitive (NOT ‘sensible’) sensitivity to be sensible good sense to be sincere sincerity to be tolerant tolerance 2.2 Los rasgos negatives Negative features la obsesion obsesionarse por... la fobia no poder soportar el defecto estar en un constante estado de... tener tendencia a... odiar el odio despreciar el desprecio volverse irritable sentirse algo inseguro/a ver con malos ojos no ver mas alia de las narices obsession to be obsessed with ... phobia not to be able to stand / put up with defect to be in a constant state of... to have a tendency to... to hate hate, hatred to scorn, disdain scorn, disdain to get irritable to feel a bit insecure to take a dim view of not to see further than one’s nose 12 La gente: la personalidad у el caracter 2
tener mal genio estar lleno/a de contradicciones lucirse hacer autobombo darselas de inteligente / deportista ser apatico/a ser asqueroso/a ser brusco/a ser un canalla ser conflictivo/a ser camorrista 1 ser chismoso/a J los chismes no ser honrado/a la falta de honradez ser egoista ser emotivo/a dejarse arrastrar por las emociones ser encogido/a 1 ser tlmido/a л ser vergonzoso/a J ser envidioso/a ser engreido/a ser estrecho/a de miras ser grunon / gruhona ser imbdcil ser indeciso/a estar indeciso/a ser introvertido/a ser maldvolo/a ser mezquino/a ser miedoso/a ser pesimista estar pesimista ser posesivo/a ser rebelde ser superficial ser supersticioso ser terco/a ser testarudo/a ser torpe ser vago/a ser vengativo/a to be bad-tempered, of an evil disposition to be full of contradictions to show off to blow one’s own trumpet to fancy oneself as intelligent / a sportsperson to be apathetic to be revolting, disgusting to be abrupt, sharp, rude to be a swine, a rotter to be argumentative, quarrelsome to be a gossip gossip, tittle-tattle to be dishonest dishonesty to be selfish to be emotive, emotional to let oneself be ruled by one’s emotions to be timid, shy to be envious to be conceited to be narrow-minded to be grumpy (by nature) to be an idiot to be indecisive (by disposition) to be undecided (at this moment) to be an introvert to be malicious, spiteful to be mean, stingy to be timid, fearful to be a pessimist (by nature) to be pessimistic (about a current matter) to be possessive to be unruly, rebellious to be superficial to be superstitious to be stubborn, obstinate to be stubborn, pig-headed to be clumsy, awkward, dull, dim to be slack, lazy to be spiteful, vindictive 2.2 Los rasgos negatives 13
3 La gente: la familia у las relaciones personales You will know the Spanish for most of your close family members by now, but here is a reminder that when used in the masculine plural, the word often means 'one of each sex': los padres los tfos los abuelos los familiares los parientes el cunado / la curiada la nuera el yerno el hermanastro / la hermanastra el padrastro la madrastra el primo / la prima el sobrino / la sobrina los sobrinos el suegro / la suegra el arbol genealogico parents uncle(s) and aunt(s) grandparents relatives relatives (NOT ‘parents'!) brother / sister-in-law daughter-in-law son-in-law stepbrother / stepsister stepfather stepmother cousin nephew / niece nephews and nieces father / mother-in-law family tree 3.1 Las relaciones en general hacerse amigo/a de alguien la amistad entablar amistades el desarrollo de la personalidad llevarse bien / mal con ... tener una relaci6n especial con ... confiar en los amigos compartir / guardar un secreto respetar los sentimientos ajenos tolerar a los dem£s armar un folldn sentir alegria ante el bien ajeno Relationships in general to become somebody’s friend friendship to strike up friendships the development of the personality to get on well / badly with ... to have a special relationship with ... to confide in / trust one's friends to share / keep a secret to respect other people’s feelings to tolerate others to cause a row, to kick up a fuss to feel joy at others’ wellbeing 14 La gente: la familia у las relaciones personales 3
3.2 El amor Love el novio / la novia salir con un chico / una chica el / la ligue (coll) sentirse atraido/a por... enamorarse estar enamorado/a (de) el amor a primera vista 1 el flechazo J estar chiflado/a por alguien llevar una relacion sena desarrollar una relacidn el companero / la companera flirtear / coquetear con alguien ligar con alguien el carifio carinoso/a hacer el amor sentir celos dar calabazas a alguien la orientacidn sexual del sexo opuesto del mismo sexo una relacidn heterosexual / homosexual la homosexualidad el lesbianismo ser gay / lesbiana boyfriend / girlfriend, bridegroom / bride to go out with / date a boy / girl boyfriend / girlfriend to feel attracted by / to... to fall in love to be in love (with) love at first sight to be crazy about sb to carry on a serious relationship to develop a relationship partner to flirt with sb to chat sb up affection affectionate to make love to feel jealous to jilt sb sexual orientation of the opposite sex of the same sex a heterosexual / homosexual relationship homosexuality lesbianism to be gay / lesbian 3.3 Vamos a casarnos Let’s get married el prometido / la prometida prometerse (con) estar prometido/a/os el noviazgo la pareja prometer casarse (con) la boda el casamiento fiancd(e) to get engaged (to) to be engaged engagement couple to promise to get married (to) wedding (i.e. the ceremony) wedding / marriage (ceremony or state) el matrimonio contraer matrimonio la dama de honor el padrino de boda el anillo el voto marriage (the state) to enter into matrimony / marriage bridesmaid best man ring vow 3.3 Vamos a casarnos 15
estar felizmente casados ayudarse uno a otro el apoyo mutuo ser / quedarse soltero/a 3.4 La familia у los nihos los padres 1 los progenitores J estar embarazada quedar embarazada parir el parto nacer el / la ЬеЬё 1 el nene / la nena J la criatura los gemelos tienen tres crlos la ninera la baja por maternidad / paternidad el cochecito de nino la sillita de ruedas cambiar los pafiales a un ЬеЬё el protector / la protectora el / la canguro hacer / estar de canguro el hijo / la hija mayor el / la menor el benjamin el padrino la madrina los padrinos el cumpleafios al cumplir doce anos el santo el bautizo bautizar se le puso Miguel el nombre (de pila) la maternidad la paternidad amamantar dar el pecho la cuna mecer to be happily married to help each other mutual support to be / remain single Family and children parents to be pregnant to get pregnant to give birth (to) birth (in sense of delivery) to be born baby baby, small child twins they’ve got three kids childminder, nanny maternity / paternity leave pram pushchair, buggy to change a baby’s nappy guardian baby-sitter to baby-sit the elder / eldest son / daughter the younger / youngest the youngest son godfather godmother godparents birthday on reaching / when s/he turned twelve saint’s day christening, baptism to christen, baptise he was named / baptised Miguel name (first / Christian name) maternity parenthood, fatherhood to suckle, breastfeed to breastfeed cradle to rock 16 La gente: la familia у las relaciones personales 3
criar una fam ilia la infancia el jardin de infancia la guarderia (infantil) los recuerdos de la niftez la cancion infantil desde nifio/a de nino/a mimar a un nifio una fam ilia unida monopolizar el carifio de los padres en el seno de la fam ilia mostrar autoridad crear lazos de afecto evitar favoritismos crear un estrecho vinculo el maltrato a los nifios 3.5 La vida sexual la planificacion familiar la contracepcion / anticoncepcidn la pildora anticonceptiva los metodos anticonceptivos el anticonceptivo el preservative / el cond6n el control de la natalidad dejar embarazada a una mujer un embarazo (no) deseado interrumpir el embarazo el feto el ciclo menstrual el aborto abortar fecundar la hormona concebir la fecundacion in vitro el niho probeta la inseminacidn artificial la mad re portadora to bring up / raise a family infancy kindergarten nursery, cr£che childhood memories nursery rhyme from childhood as a child to spoil a child a close family to monopolise parents’ affection in the bosom of / within the family to show authority to create bonds of affection to avoid favouritism to create a close bond child abuse Sex life family planning contraception contraceptive pill contraceptive methods, birth-control methods contraceptive condom birth control to get a woman pregnant a wanted (an unwanted) pregnancy to terminate the pregnancy foetus menstrual cycle abortion to have an abortion / a miscarriage to fertilise hormone to conceive in vitro fertilisation test-tube baby artificial insemination surrogate mother 3.5 La vida sexual 17
3.6 El divorcio divorciarse estar divorciado/a solicitar un divorcio la tasa de divorcio el consejero de orientacidn matrimonial iniciar los procedimientos del divorcio el alejam iento convivir un proceso penoso la ruptura matrimonial ser incompatibles cuando un matrimonio se deshace la separaci6n separarse perjudicar gravemente hijos, bienes у posesiones el padre soltero la madre soltera la custodia de los nifios el / la сбпуиде tener relaciones con la infidelidad volver a casarse 3.7 La mujer el feminism© los derechos de la mujer los malos tratos (no) tratar a la mujer сото objeto sexual objeto de deseo сото si fuera algo normal cuidar de la casa у de la fam ilia ‘en casa у con la pata quebrada’ la publicidad machista el papel primordial de la educacion Divorce to get divorced to be divorced to apply for a divorce the divorce rate marriage guidance counsellor to initiate divorce proceedings estrangement to live together a painful process marriage break-up to be incompatible when a marriage breaks up separation to become separated to prejudice seriously children, property and possessions single father / parent (male) single mother / parent (female) custody of the children spouse to have an affair with infidelity to remarry Women feminism women's rights ill-treatment, abuse (not) to treat women as sex objects objects of desire as if it were something normal to look after the house and family ‘at home and with her leg broken' (old Spanish proverb, suggesting the woman’s place is in the home - even if you have to break her leg to keep her there!) male-orientated advertising the prime role of education You will find vocabulary concerning women at work in Section 6 4. 18 La gente: la familia у las relaciones personales 3
3.8 La tercera edad Senior citizens jubilarse estar jubilado/a los jubilados el / la pensionista la persona de la tercera edad la libreta de pension el plan de pensiones la vida empieza a los 60 ahos el abono para la tercera edad para las personas de 65 afios о mas para los mayores de 65 afios hacer Io que te de la gana el asilo de ancianos geriatrico/a estar postrado/a en cama la discapacidad el cuidador / la cuidadora el servicio de comidas a domicilio tener que depender de otros to retire to be retired retired people pensioner senior citizen pension book pension scheme life begins at 60 pensioners’ travel pass for people of 65 and over to do as you please old people’s home geriatric to be bedridden disability carer meals on wheels to have to depend on others For young people's relationships with parents, see also Section 4.2. 3.8 La tercera edad 19
4 Los jovenes la adolescencia (el / la) adolescente de nino/a ir creciendo el com portam lento comportarse adolescence adolescent (n or adj) as a child, when X was a child to be growing up behaviour to behave 4.1 Los problemas de hacerse adulto el estado de £nimo estar en la edad del pavo estar en la edad de querer independizarse le cuesta mucho concentrarse estar hecho/a un Ho deprim irse sentirse deprim ido/a el estado de depresidn cabrearse (co//) amargar amargarse sentir amargura sentirse amargo/a estar harto/a (de) hartarse (de) el desarrollo de la personalidad tener problemas al relacionarse con la gente contar mentirijillas encontrarse mseguro/a usar el argot callejero hacerse el chulo superarse a si mismo/a sentir la necesidad de ser uno mismo el servicio voluntario participar en las iniciativas voluntarias Problems of growing up state of mind to be at the awkward age to be of an age to want one’s independence s/he finds it difficult to concentrate to be all mixed up to get depressed to feel depressed state of depression to get mad, livid to make bitter to feel / become bitter to feel bitterness to feel bitter to be fed up (with) to get fed up (with), weary (of) the development of the personality to have problems relating to people to tell lies, fibs to feel insecure to use street slang to act big / smart to take oneself in hand, control oneself to feel the need to be oneself voluntary service to take part in voluntary initiatives 20 Los jovenes 4
4.2 Las relaciones con Relations with parents los padres la autoridad las actitudes cuestionar la autoridad la autoridad paterna rebelarse contra la autoridad la permisividad paterna los padres indulgentes el castigo; castigar las reglillas el comportamiento antisocial soltar palabrotas mostrarse mal educado/a montar / armar un folldn renir ponerlo todo en tela de juicio Hegar de madrugada querer salirse con la suya no poder entenderse con su padre / madre su madre es una antigualla su padre es un chapado a la antigua estrecho/a de miras mis padres insisten en que yo (+ sub/) fastidiar a alguien buscar cinco pies al gato escuchar todos los di'as el mismo rollo сото si fuese Io unico que importase no tener prejuicios compartir ideas no im porta quidn tiene razon no es porque no Io intente hacer las paces cada cual ofrece su opinidn ponerse de acuerdo estar de acuerdo authority attitudes to question / challenge authority parental authority to rebel against authority parental permissiveness lenient, tolerant parents punishment; to punish petty rules antisocial behaviour to swear, use bad language to make a show of bad manners to cause a row, kick up a fuss to quarrel to question everything to come home in the small hours to want to get one’s own way to be unable to get on with one’s father / mother his / her mother is old-fashioned his / her father is an old fuddy-duddy narrow-minded my parents insist that I... to get on someone’s nerves to make a lot of fuss over nothing, exaggerate to hear the same old thing day after day as if it were the only thing that mattered to be open-minded to share ideas it doesn’t matter who’s right it isn’t for want of trying to make it up each one offers his / her opinion to reach an agreement to be in agreement, agree 4.2 Las relaciones con los padres 21
4.3 El desafecto juvenil Disaffection of young people un fendmeno creciente a growing phenomenon el desencanto disenchantment, disillusion(ment) la falta de oportunidades lack of opportunities las frustraciones frustrations sentirse perseguido/a у acosado/a to feel persecuted and harassed sentirse / estar marginado/a to feel / be marginalised la presidn del grupo paritario peer group pressure no integrarse en el tejido social to remain outside the social fabric apurar el instante to live for the moment vivir el presente to live for the present desperdiciar la juventud to squander one’s youth necesitar una dosis de aventura to need a dose of adventure romper la aplastante rutina social to break the soul-destroying daily routine 4.4 La musica pop Pop music la canci6n song grabar en disco to record la letra lyrics, words (of a song) el pinchadiscos disc-jockey, DJ la estrella de pop pop star la gira por Estados Unidos US tour el concierto gig, concert el festival pop pop festival las listas de exitos the charts el disco numero uno number one hit el sistema de amplificacion PA system los amplificadores loudspeakers, amplifiers el teclado keyboard tocar la baterfa to play the drums los palillos drumsticks tocar la guitarra electrica to play the electric guitar el sintetizador synthesiser el / la solista lead (singer / player) doblar to dub las luces estroboscopicas strobe lights los focos lights los fans fans See also Section 13.4 for further vocabulary on music. 22 Los jovenes 4
4.5 La moda una prenda de vestir estrenar la manera de vestirse dar una buena imagen tener un buen aspecto expresar su personalidad en la гора el disenador / la disenadora el modisto / la modista la creacion original estar muy de moda la ultima moda pasar de moda lucir un nuevo vestido la preocupacidn por vestir bien saber elegir Io mas elegante saber c6mo vestir vestirse de una manera estrafalaria vestirse al estilo punk lucir una cazadora de cuero negro los vaqueros rotos la cafda de la chaqueta los vuelos de la falda Fashion a garment, article of clothing to wear for the first time way of dressing to give a good image to look good to express one’s personality in one’s clothes designer fashion designer original creation to be very trendy the latest fashion to go out of fashion to show off a new dress the desire to be well-dressed to know how to choose the smartest (clothes, etc.) to know how to dress, have good dress sense to dress outlandishly to dress in punk style to sport a black leather jacket ripped jeans the hang of a jacket the spread / swirl of a skirt You will find further vocabulary concerning young people in Chapter 5. 4.5 La moda 23
5 La ensenanza la escuela el colegio (el cole) el institute el centro la asignatura la vuelta al cole / colegio el profesor / la profesora el / la profe (coll) el maestro / la maestra el castigo castigar school (usually primary) state primary school, or private school for all ages up to 18 state secondary school (12-18) centre (often used just to denote school) subject back / return to school teacher teacher primary teacher punishment to punish 5.1 La escolaridad The school system el centro docente Educacidn B^sica Obligatoria Educacion Primaria (EP) Educaci6n Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) el modulo el institute el internado la academia el parvulario un traslado de colegio el curso pasar de curso la escolaridad matricularse el rendimiento escolar las clases particulares los mdtodos de ensenanza el folleto de informacidn el temario las materias obligatorias las instalaciones deportivas mandar partes a casa el parte de clase educational / teaching establishment compulsory basic education primary education compulsory secondary education module state secondary school (12-18) boarding school ‘crammer’ play school, kindergarten a change of school school year to move up a year period of schooling, school system to sign on, to enrol (for a school) school performance private classes educational / teaching methods information booklet syllabus compulsory subjects sports facilities to send a report home school report 24 La ensenanza 5
5.2 Tus capacidades у aptitudes Your abilities and aptitudes un metodo infalible an infallible method el alum no talentoso / la alumna talentosa gifted pupil estar bien motivado/a me falta motivacion me cuesta concentrarme la capacidad de trabajo tener sed de conocimientos hacer un mayor esfuerzo devanarse los sesos las asignaturas que presentan mayor dificultad abordar primero las asignaturas dificiles las asignaturas que se pueden superar con mas facilidad tener aptitud para los idiomas no se me dan las ciencias ser empollon / empollona (coll) ser curroadicto/a (co//) (no) vale el esfuerzo jya caigo! jno caigo! organizar su tiempo obtener resultados conocer sus deficiencias la capacidad de retener conocimientos perder el h^bito del estudio un sistema adecuado a las capacidades у aptitudes del alumno desarrollar la capacidad autocritica to be well motivated I lack motivation I find it hard to concentrate capacity for work to have a thirst for knowledge to make a greater effort to rack one’s brains the subjects which present the greatest difficulty to tackle the difficult subjects first the subjects which can be most easily mastered to have a flair for languages I'm not very good at science to be a swot to be a workaholic it’s (not) worth the effort got it! I don’t get it! to organise one’s time to obtain results to know one’s weaknesses the ability to retain knowledge to get out of the habit of studying a system suited to the capabilities and aptitudes of the pupil to develop one’s capacity for self-appraisal 5.2 Tus capacidades у aptitudes 25
5.3 Los problemas escolares el fracaso escolar fracasar la falta de escolaridad las expectativas de los padres / progenitores la sobreexigencia flojear / ser flojo/a (en) la escasa atencion de los padres la dislexia ser disl6xico/a sufrir retraso escolar repetir curso faltar a clase la masificaci6n en las aulas los materiales trasnochados garantizar / mejorar la calidad en la ensehanza 5.4 Las oportunidades la igualdad de oportunidades ampliar la formacidn moldear a las generaciones futures la polltica educative del gobiemo la natalidad de los anos noventa el gasto estatal en educacidn proceder de las clases sociales mSs desfavorecidas 5.5 El personal docente hacer oposiciones para profesor(a) ensenar una asignatura dar clase a los alum nos el director / la directora el pedagogo / la pedagoga el catedratico / la catedratica el agregado / la agregada el / la PNN (penene) = profesor(a) no numerario/a el bedel / la bedela el claustro Problems at school failure at school to fail, to be a failure (in school) lack of schooling parents' expectations over-expectation to be weak (at) lack of parental attention dyslexia to be dyslexic to fall behind in one's schooling to repeat a year to skip lessons overcrowding in the classrooms out-of-date materials to guarantee / improve the quality of education Opportunities equality of opportunities to broaden one’s education to shape future generations government education policy the birth rate in the nineties state expenditure on education to come from the most disadvantaged social classes Teaching staff to apply for a teaching job (by competitive exam) to teach a subject to teach pupils headteacher, principal pedagogue, 'posh' word for teacher head of department / faculty assistant teacher probationary or trainee teacher caretaker, head porter staff meeting 26 La ensenanza 5
las cualidades del profesor mantener la disciplina relacionarse con los alum nos no tener favoritismos ser capaz de motivar a los alum nos esforzarse en hacer las clases mas agradables autoritario/a poco exigente relajado/a austero/a estricto/a fomentar la discusidn reciclarse los profesores reel a man su valoracidn en la sociedad 5.6 Los exdmenes la evaluacidn sacar buenas / malas notas sacar un sobresaliente un notable un bien un suficiente un insuficiente un muy deficiente aprobar un examen por los pelos suspender un examen la recuperacidn la chuleta (coll) hacer tram pas tener miedo a los examenes salir preparado/a para poder incorporarse al mercado de trabajo a teacher’s attributes to maintain discipline to relate to one's pupils not to have favourites to be capable of motivating pupils to try to make classes more enjoyable authoritarian undemanding, lax relaxed, laid back austere strict to encourage discussion to retrain teachers demand to be appreciated in society Examinations assessment (test held several times during the school year in Spanish schools) to get good / bad marks to get an ‘excellent’ a ‘very good’ a ‘good’ a ‘satisfactory’ an ‘unsatisfactory’ a ‘very poor’ to scrape through an exam to fail an exam retake ‘crib’ to cheat to have examination nerves to come out ready and able to join the labour market 5.6 Los examenes 27
5.7 La universidad el sistema universitario acceder a la ensenanza universitaria ingresar en la universidad la solicitud de admisidn la selectividad lograr titulos el procedimiento de seleccidn cursar estudios universitarios la facultad universitaria el intercam bio de conocimientos la libre circulacion de las ideas una experiencia enriquecedora el enriquecimiento el desarrollo cultural cientifico tecnoldgico la convalidacion mutua de titulos las humanidades las ciencias la licenciatura ser licenciado/a en derecho las tasas conseguir una beca el prestamo gubernamental reembolsar un prdstamo estar pelado/a (co//) estar sin blanca acumular deudas para el futuro la tesis doctoral la fuga de talentos las manifestaciones estudiantiles el lider estudiantil University the university system to gam access to university education to get into university entry application university entrance exams to get qualifications selection procedure to follow a university course university faculty exchange of knowledge free circulation of ideas an enriching experience enrichment cultural development scientific development technological development mutually agreed validation of qualifications (between countries) arts, humanities sciences degree to have a degree in law tuition fees to get a grant government loan to repay a loan to be hard up to be strapped for cash, ‘skint’ to pile up future debts doctoral thesis brain drain student demonstrations student leader 28 La ensenanza 5
6 El trabajo el comercio el director / la directora la ambicidn la compania / la em presa cobrar / ganar la experiencia laboral el aprendiz / la aprendiza el aprendizaje tomarse un afio libre la formacion profesional business, commerce, business studies director, manager ambition company, firm to earn work experience apprentice apprenticeship to take a gap year / year off vocational training 6.1 La carrera 6.1.1 Solicitar trabajo andar en busca de empleo solicitar un puesto de trabajo el anuncio leer en las ‘ofertas de trabajo’ responder a un anuncio la agenda de colocacion el INEM (Institute Nacional de Empleo) hacer oposiciones se necesita fontanero un trabajo muy solicitado la hoja de solicitud escribir una carta de solicitud me permito dirigirme a usted para (+ inf) el curriculum vitae los datos personales los titulos acaddmicos con licenciatura en... la experiencia profesional pedir informes / referencias dar informes / referencias Career Applying for jobs to be on the lookout for a job to apply for a job advertisement to read in the ‘Situations Vacant’ to reply to an advert employment agency Ministry of Employment (also equivalent of government job centre) to seek a job by public competition (mainly in Spanish Civil Service) vacancy for a plumber a much sought-after job application form to write a letter of application I am writing to you in order to ... curriculum vitae, CV personal data academic qualifications with a degree in ... professional / work experience to ask for references to give references, act as referee 6.1 La carrera 29
en respuesta a su anuncio publicado en... las aficiones tengo un ano de experiencia en ... aunque no tengo experiencia en ... domino perfectamente el espanol ofrecer mis serviciosсото ... la entrevista entrevistar bien ir bien vestido/a ser apto/a para el trabajo incorporarse al trabajo Io antes posible conseguir un trabajo por enchufe estar bien enchufado/a me ofrecieron el trabajo me rechazaron el rechazo rechacd el puesto 6.1.2 Las ambiciones ser ambicioso/a mi unicaambicion es hacerme ... le falta ambicion buscarse una camera en informatica planificar su futuro apuntar alto poner las miras en un puesto alto sacar adelante la camera aspirar a periodista prepararse para fontanero seguir un curso de ingenieria hacer un aprendizaje en Carpinteria estudiar para abogado sonar con hacerse estrella de cine trabajar de camarero hay que promocionar la imagen el potencial adquisitivo in reply to your advertisement published in... interests I have a year's experience in ... although I have no experience in ... I have fluent Spanish to offer my services as ... interview to interview well to be well / smartly dressed to be suitable for the job to go out to work as soon as possible to get a job through connections, by pulling strings to have good connections, be well connected I was offered the job they turned me down rejection, refusal I turned the job down Ambitions to be ambitious my one ambition is to become a... s/he has no ambition to seek a career in information technology to plan one's future to aim high to set one’s sights on a top job to foster / advance one’s career to have aspirations to be a journalist to train as a plumber to follow a course in engineering to do a carpentry apprenticeship to study to become a lawyer to dream of becoming a film star to work as a waiter one needs to promote one’s image earnings potential 30 El trabajo 6
6.2 El personal un puesto de alta direccion el director / la directora general el director I la directora de ventas el director / la directora de personal los altos cargos la oficina central el secretario / la secretaria de direccion el empresario / la empresaria el encargado / la encargada la plantilla la mano de obra el empleado / la empleada de banco el obrero / la obrera el funcionario / la funcionaria el empleado / la empleada el trabajador / la trabajadora el ребп / la peona el peonaje el trabajador / la trabajadora eventual el jornalero / la jornalera un trabajo de cuello bianco ser trabajador(a) autonomo/a experimentado/a generar empleo cambiar de empleo la satisfaccion en el trabajo el estatus 6.3 Las condiciones del trabajo el mercado de trabajo la rentabilidad la productividad la competencia la creacion de empleo el contrato contratar un trabajo especializado el sector de servicios la banca Staff, personnel a senior management position managing director sales manager personnel manager top people head office management secretary manager / boss foreman/woman staff workforce bank employee worker civil servant employee worker unskilled worker unskilled workforce, labourers casual worker day labourer a white-collar job to be self-employed experienced to generate employment to change jobs job satisfaction status Working conditions the labour market profitability productivity competition creation of employment contract to contract, take on a specialised job the service sector banking 6.3 Las condiciones del trabajo 31
la sucursal la poblacion obrera el trabajo a tiempo completo el trabajo a tiempo parcial el trabajo a destajo el trabajo con horario flexible! la flexibilizacidn de horarios J el trabajo por turnos trabajar horas extra el pluriempleo asalariado el salario minimo el sueldo las posibilidades de ascenso las normas de seguridad sentirse a gusto en el trabajo el absentismo branch the working population full-time work part-time work contract work flexitime shiftwork to work overtime having more than one job waged, salaried minimum wage pay, salary promotion possibilities safety regulations to feel happy in one's work absenteeism 6.4 La mujer en el trabajo la incorporacidn de la mujer en el trabajo la discriminacidn sexual la igualdad de oportunidad cobrar el 30 por ciento menos estar peor pagadas que los hombres pocas ocupan los altos cargos el techo de cristal el acoso sexual acosar una cuestion de actitudes la guarderfa el horario flexible la baja por maternidad poder diversificar su eleccidn profesional tener que sacar adelante el trabajo de fuera у dentro de la casa la necesidad de compaginar la vida familiar con la profesional Women at work the involvement / acceptance of women at work sex discrimination equality of opportunity to earn 30 per cent less to be less well paid than men few occupy the top jobs the ‘glass ceiling' sexual harassment to harass a question of attitudes cr£che flexible hours maternity leave to be able to vary one’s choice of job to have to do work outside and inside the home the need to reconcile family and professional life You will find further vocabulary on the subject of women in Section 3.7. 32 El trabajo 6
6.5 En la oficina In the office 6.5.1 La correspondencia Business correspondence comercial Note: In business correspondence, if you are writing to or on behalf of a company use the plural; if you are writing to a particular person representing that company, use the singular. Unless you are very well acquainted with your addressee(s) you will normally use usted / ustedes. Muy senor mio Muy sefiora mia Muy senores nuestros Estimado Sr. Ramirez Dear Sir (person to person) Dear Madam (person to person) Dear Sirs (from firm to firm) Dear Mr Ramirez Estimada Sra. Blas acuso / acusamos recibo de su carta del 12 de abril con referencia a su pedido del 8 de mayo en respuesta a su anuncio en El Diario Dear Mrs Blas thank you for your letter of 12th April with regard to your order of 8th May in reply to your advertisement in El Diario tenemos el gusto de informarles que... hemos recibido una solicitud de informacion sobre... we have pleasure in informing you that... we have received a request for information about... Ie(s) agradeceria / agradeceriamos nos mandara ... I / we would be grateful if you would send us... tengafn) la bondad de com unicar nos su respuesta Io antes posible tengafn) la bondad de responder por fax / correo electronic© / a vuelta de correo please reply as soon as possible please reply by fax / email / by return of post de acuerdo con sus instrucciones adjunto encontrara(n)... le / la saluda atentamente les saludan atentamente in accordance with your instructions please find enclosed... yours faithfully (from one person) yours faithfully (from company) NB: If in doubt, you can just say atentamente/ remitente / rte. im presos certificado confidencial sender (on back of envelope) printed matter registered (mail) confidential 6.5 En la oficina 33
6.5.2 Al teldfono On the phone telefonear / llamar por telefono la Hamada telefonica ime pone con la centralita? ide parte de quidn? estd(n) com unicando ipodrla llamarme m£s tarde? to telephone phone call can you put me through to the switchboard? who's calling? the line is engaged could s/he / you phone me later? 6.6 Las relaciones laborales Labour relations el sindicato el sindicalismo el / la sindicalista el enlace sindical la solidaridad de la clase obrera el / la representante la tasa de inflacion la reduccidn de la jomada de trabajo exigir retribuciones mejores las vacaciones retribuidas / pagadas el coste de la mano de obra el derecho a la huelga ponerse en huelga 1 ir a la huelga J la comisidn el convenio colectivo la convocatoria convocar manifestaciones reivindicar la reivindicacidn la huelga salvaje la huelga de solidaridad imponer un periodo de enfriamiento las negociaciones cuarenta horas semanales despedir por razones disciplinarias negociar la subida de salario trade union trade unionism trade unionist shop steward working-class solidarity representative the inflation rate reduction in the working day to demand better remuneration paid holidays labour costs the right to strike to go on strike committee collective agreement strike call to call demonstrations to claim, demand claim, demand wildcat strike sympathy strike to impose a cooling-off period negotiations forty-hour week to dismiss, sack on disciplinary grounds to negotiate salary / wage increase 34 El trabajo 6
yo creo que hay otras formas de protestar у conseguir Io que se pide la huelga es el mdtodo m£s eficaz con el que cuenta la gente para que la escuchen no se consiguid nada con la huelga I think there are other ways of protesting and achieving one’s demands striking is the most effective way to get people to listen to you the strike achieved nothing 6.7 El paro 6.7.1 El sistema el paro 1 el desempleo J el paro a largo plazo las cifras I la tasa del paro / desempleo los costes salariales la prestacidn / el subsidio la prestacidn / el subsidio de paro / desempleo despedir despedir temporalmente el despido la compensacion por despido la reduccidn de la plantilla reducir la plantilla sin despedir obligar a una persona a que se jubile anticipadamente 6.7.2 Las consecuencias estar parado/a, desempleado/a bs parados / desempleados incorporarse a las colas de los parados sentirse rechazado/a sentir que uno no vale nada los resultados psicoldgicos de estar parado/a ser una estadfstica Unemployment The system unemployment long-term unemployment the unemployment figures wage costs benefit dole to sack, fire, dismiss to lay off redundancy redundancy pay reduction in staff to reduce staff by natural wastage to force someone into early retirement The consequences to be unemployed the unemployed to join the dole queues to feel rejected to feel worthless the psychological results of being unemployed to be a statistic 6.7 El paro 35
reciclar a alguien reciclarse el reciclaje dimitir jubilarse adaptarse a los cam bios acostumbrarse a los cambios tecnoldgicos to retrain sb to retrain (i.e. to get retrained) retraining to resign, take voluntary redundancy to retire to adapt to changes to get used to technological changes 36 El trabajo 6
7 El ocio la actividad el aficionado el atletismo el baile bailar el baloncesto el boxeo el / la cantante la ciencia-ficcibn el concierto la corrida de toros el deporte el / la deportista deportivo/a la diversion divertirse ique te diviertas! la entrada el equipo el espectaculo el esqul esquiar el estadio la funcibn el hobby el interbs el jugador / la jugadora nadar la natacibn participar (en) el partido el pasatiempo el polideportivo los ratos libres 1 el tiempo libre J la sala de fiestas la taquilla tocar un instrument© el videojuego activity fan athletics dance to dance basketball boxing singer science fiction concert bullfight sport sportsman/woman sports (adj), sporting entertainment, amusement to enjoy oneself enjoy yourself, have a good time! (entry) ticket team show ski, skiing to ski stadium function hobby interest player to swim swimming to take part (in) game, match hobby, pastime sports centre free / spare time hall box office to play an instrument videogame 7 El ocio 37
7.1 Los deportes Sports las actividades ludicas ser deportista las instalaciones deportivas la seleccion la plantilla la junta directiva los seleccionadores el liderazgo el entrenador / la entrenadora entrenarse el adversario / la adversaria el arbitro / la arbitra el terreno de juego el vestuario el campeonato el campeonato mondial la liga la сора el trofeo derrotar la derrota permanecer imbatido/a la competicion recreational activities to be keen on sport sports facilities team (selection) squad management committee the selectors leadership trainer to train opponent referee, umpire the field of play changing room championship world championship league cup trophy to defeat defeat to remain unbeaten competition (contest or act of competing) los deportes competitivos el concurso la competencia el deporte de equipo el equipo rival el vencedor / la vencedora el resultado patrocinar el patrocinador / la patrocinadora el grupo patrocinador el patrocinio tomar la miciativa jugar bien bajo presidn el esplritu de rivalidad fomentar el espiritu del equipo proveer ejercicio fisico mantenerse en forma la sensacion de bienestar quemar grasas reducir el estr6s aumentar la calidad de vida competitive sports competition (= contest) competition (= competitiveness) team sport rival team winner result to sponsor sponsor sponsoring group sponsorship to take the initiative to play well under pressure rivalry, competitive spirit to foster team spirit to provide physical exercise to keep fit feeling of wellbeing to burn off fat to reduce stress to increase the quality of life 38 El осю 7
7.1.1 El futbol у el rugby Football and rugby la temporada de futbol el abono de temporada bs delanteros los defensores el ariete el enfrentamiento la fase final del campeonato marcar un gol lograr el primer gol hacer circular el balon chutar la mano ceder un penalti la quiniela (futbolfstica) el boleto el ensayo el drop transformar las competiciones europeas el partido tendr£ lugar el torneo marcar un ensayo ganar cinco puntos icdmo van? icual es el resultado? el Real Madrid batio al Barcelona de dos a uno empatar con el resultado fue empate cero a cero 7.1.2 El atletismo el / la atleta el corredor / la corredora batir el record la carrera bs cien metros lisos el maraton el salto de longitud / de altura los Juegos Olimpicos la Olimpiada el estadio oh'mpico conseguir una medalla de oro / plata / bronce la ciudad anfitriona las pruebas football season season ticket forwards defence striker encounter, confrontation the final phase of the championship to score a goal to achieve the first goal to pass the ball around to shoot handball (i.e. touching with hand) to give away a penalty football pools pools form try drop goal to convert European competitions the match will take place tournament to score a try to win / score five points what’s the score? (game in progress) what’s the (final) score / result? Real Madrid beat Barcelona 2-1 to draw with the result / score was a nil-nil draw Athletics athlete runner, competitor, athlete to beat the record race the hundred metres flat marathon long/high jump Olympic Games Olympiad Olympic stadium to get a gold / silver / bronze medal host city trials 7.1 Losdeportes 39
7.1.3 Otras actividades deportivas Other sporting activities el tenis el golpe el reves la volea el saque la pista de tenis pasarse los s^bados en el campo de golf el patinaje sobre hielo la pista de patinaje el сагпребп / la campeona internacional sobre hielo el patinaje artistico entusiasmarse por el esquf las pistas de esqui dedicarse al ciclismo la vuelta a Espana tennis shot backhand volley service tennis court to spend one’s Saturdays on the golf course ice skating skating rink international ice champion figure skating to be mad on skiing ski slopes to do a lot of cycling cycle race around Spain, tour d'Espagne las cameras de caballos el hipddromo apostar jugarse el dinero el juego de azar cazar ir de caza los deportes de alto riesgo bucear el buceo el buceador / la buceadora el traje isoterm ico el vuelo libre el ala (f) delta el ultraligero despegar aterrizar la pista de aterrizaje pertenecer a un club de deportes acu^ticos acceder a un cursillo de iniciacion el senderismo salir de excursion la ornitologfa ser amante del aire libre costearse el equipo los gastos de mantenimiento horse racing racecourse to bet to gamble game of chance to hunt, shoot to go hunting / shooting high-risk sports to skin-dive skin-diving skin-diver wetsuit hang gliding hang glider microlight to take off to land runway, landing strip to belong to a water-sports club to go on a beginner’s course hiking, trekking to go on a trip ornithology, bird watching to be fond of the fresh air to afford the equipment maintenance costs 40 El ocio 7
7.2 Juegos у pasatiempos de saldn Indoor games and pastimes un pasatiempo terapeutico dedicarse al coleccionismo coleccionar sellos / monedas ampliar su colecci6n reunir antigOedades el afan de guardar atesorar tener valor sentimental / сото curiosidad ir haciendose con objetos tener una autentica pasi6n de coleccionista la obra de arte la tienda especializada sacar fotos / fotografias revelar un rollo de peh'cula la camara digital la tarjeta de memo ria imprimir rechazar borrar una partida de ajedrez la tabla / pieza de ajedrez dar mate (a alguien) asistir a una clase nocturna empezar con el espanol a therapeutic pastime to go in for collecting to collect stamps / coins to expand one’s collection to collect antiques the urge to hoard things to treasure to have sentimental / curiosity value to go on acquiring things to have a real passion for collecting work of art specialist shop to take photos to develop a roll of film digital camera memory card to print to reject to erase a game of chess chess board / piece to checkmate (sb) to go to an evening class to take up Spanish 7.3 La comida у la bebida Eating and drinking 7.3.1 Comer Eating la cocina espanola ser cocinero/a experto/a los comestibles saborear un plato saber a ajo picante el menu gastron6mico el menu tunstico el plato combinado ser goloso/a ser glot6n / glotona salir a un restaurante el restaurante de cinco tenedores Spanish cooking to be an expert cook foodstuffs to savour, taste a dish to taste of garlic hot (spicy) gourmet menu cheap, set menu set main course to have a sweet tooth to be a glutton to eat out five fork' (= luxury) restaurant 7.3 La comida у la bebida 41
tomarse unos pinchos / unas tapas ofrecer un ambiente acogedor no es un restaurants cualquiera se come bien ahi la comida r^pida la hamburguesena 7.3.2 Beber vamos a tomar algo el refresco la bodega la denominaci6n de origen el vino corriente / el pele6n la fiesta el club nocturno la juerga emborracharse estar borracho/a сото una cuba ser un borracho / una borracha cogerse una borrachera la litrona hacer un botelldn ir de bares la resaca abstenerse abstenerse del alcohol ' ser abstemio/a las bebidas sin alcohol someter a la prueba del alcohoh'metro 7.4 No hacer nada no hacer nada en absoluto echarse una siestecita no mover un dedo para ayudar en la cocina quedarse pegado/a al televisor pasarse los ratos libres escuchando CDs / su MP3 el haragan / la haragana de sofa haraganear sonar despierto/a tumbarse al sol to have some tapas to offer a friendly atmosphere it’s not any old restaurant the food’s good there fast food burger bar Drinking let’s have a drink soft drink wine bar mark of origin (of wine) ordinary wine, ‘plonk’ party nightclub binge to get drunk to be as drunk as a lord to be a drunkard to go on a drinking binge one-litre bottle of beer to drink a lot of alcohol in public places, to go binge drinking to go on a pub-crawl hangover to abstain to be teetotal non-alcoholic drinks to breathalyse Doing nothing to do nothing whatsoever to have forty winks / a snooze not to lift a finger to help in the kitchen to be glued to the television to spend one’s free time listening to CDs/one’s MP3 couch potato to idle / lounge around to daydream to lie in the sun You will find further leisure activities in Section 9.3.4 and Chapter 13. 42 El ocio 7 www. g uiadelocio .com © 7.4 No hacer nada 43
8 La vida urbana la acera las afueras aparcar el aparcam lento la avenida el barrio la calle cdntrico/a el centro comercial concurrido/a la fabrica el / la habitante la zona pavement suburbs, outskirts to park car park avenue district, suburb street central shopping centre / mall busy (crowded) factory inhabitant district, area 8.1 La administracidn у Administration and los habitantes inhabitants el ciudadano / la ciudadana el madrileho / la madrilefia el barcelones / la barcelonesa el sevillano / la sevillana el ambiente la capital administrative la capital econ6mica el municipio el Ayuntamiento el concejo el concejal / la concejala municipal la Diputaci6n el presupuesto comunitario la urbanizaci6n la planificacion urbana la persona que viaja diariamente al de trabajo viajar diariamente al trabajo citizen, town dweller citizen of Madrid citizen of Barcelona citizen of Seville ambience, atmosphere administrative capital economic capital town, municipality, town council town hall, town council council town councillor equivalent of District Council the community budget urban development town planning lugar commuter to commute to work 44 La vida urbana 8
8.2 La infraestructura el casco hist6rico el barrio antiguo el paso elevado el paso subterraneo la peatonalizaci6n la zona peatonal la autopista elevada la autovia la glorieta la carretera de circunvalacion la necesidad de m£s variantes la calle de direccion unica la direcci6n prohibida la desviacion el carril bus el cruce de peatones la pista / el carril para ciclistas la remodelacion del centro la vigilancia policial una soluci6n al trafico de Madrid 8.3 Vivir en la ciudad 8.3.1 La vivienda las condiciones de vida la aglomeracidn la ciudad dormitorio la vecindad los vecinos la manzana el inmueble de lujo el rascacielos el chale independiente la agenda inmobiliaria el piso piloto el bloque de pisos con cocina amueblada el propietario / la propietaria el inquilino / la inquilina el domicilio Infrastructure historic centre old quarter flyover underpass pedestrianisation pedestrian area elevated motorway dual carriageway roundabout ring road the need for more bypasses one-way street wrong way (e.g. in one-way street) diversion bus lane pedestrian crossing cycle track / lane redevelopment / restructuring of city centre police patrol a solution for the Madrid traffic Living in town Housing living conditions conurbation dormitory town neighbourhood neighbours, inhabitants block (of buildings) luxury property skyscraper detached house estate agent's show flat block of flats with a fitted kitchen owner, proprietor tenant address, home 8.3 Vivir en la ciudad 45
una casa de alquiler alquilar un piso arrendar deber el alquiler la vivienda la hipoteca hipotecar la vivienda unifamiliar la casucha la chabola el barrio de chabolas los sin techo dormir a la intern perie el barrio desfavorecido el espacio verde la residencia secundaria el pollgono residencial dar prioridad a la estetica el solar de construccion modern izar reparar derribar / derrumbar derribarse / derrumbarse descuidar un edificio descuidado en las afueras en el casco urbano el almac6n la gran superficie 1 el hipermercado J los grandes almacenes la zona industrial el poligono industrial la oferta de viviendas disponibles la escasez de viviendas la necesidad de viviendas el programs de vivienda la escasez de viviendas de alquiler a rented house to rent a flat to rent to owe the rent dwelling mortgage to mortgage one-family dwelling / unit hovel hovel, shanty shanty town homeless people to sleep rough run-down district green space second home residential development, estate to give priority to aesthetic considerations building site to modernise to repair to demolish, pull down to collapse to neglect a building run-down on the outskirts / in the suburbs in the city centre store (shop or warehouse) hypermarket department store(s) industrial zone / park industrial estate building stock housing shortage housing needs housing programme shortage of rented property 46 La vida urbana 8
8.3.2 Las ventajas de vivir Advantages of living in a town en la ciudad renunciar al coche poder ap rovechar los transportes publicos gastar menos dinero en los transportes el abono el descuento el usuario de los autobuses tenerlo todo al alcance ir en bici(cleta) ir andando a las tiendas una buena дата de diversiones la movida nocturna la posibilidad de mejor atencion medica 8.3.3 Los inconvenientes la(s) hora(s) punta los autobuses van hasta los topes el caos del trafico el atasco atascarse el embotellamiento agravar el problema del trafico el trafico es desesperante la poluci6n / la contaminaci6n polucionar / contaminar el ruido infernal el humo de los tubos de escape emitir gases nocivos causar problemas respiratorios hacer estragos con la salud el aparcamiento subterr£neo no se puede estacionar / aparcar estacionamiento prohibido el / la guardia de trafico cerrado por obras la grua remolcar el серо to give up the car to be able to make use of public transport to spend less money on transport travel card discount bus user to have everything within reach to go by bike / bicycle to walk to the shops a good range of entertainments nightlife possibility of better medical attention Disadvantages rush hour, peak time the buses are packed traffic chaos traffic hold-up to be held up traffic jam, bottleneck to worsen the traffic problem the traffic is impossible pollution to pollute / contaminate infernal noise exhaust fumes to emit noxious fumes to cause respiratory problems to wreak havoc with one’s health underground car park you can’t park no parking traffic policeman/woman, traffic warden closed for roadworks crane (to tow away cars) to tow (away) wheelclamp 8.3 Vivir en la ciudad 47
8.4 La seguridad ciudadana Law and order 8.4.1 Problemas у causas Problems and causes la inseguridad ciudadana el crimen (p/crlmenes) el delito el ladrdn / la ladrona escalar una casa el escalamiento robar el robo 1 el hurto J el asesinato / el homicidio asesinar el asesino 1 el / la homicida J la репа de muerte el atraco atracar la agresividad la pandilla (callejera) la tribu la guerra tribal asumir una actitud provocativa la crispacidn destrozarlo todo los enfrentamientos el drogadicto / la drogadicta la drogodelincuencia (bajo) los efectos del alcohol о de la droga entonarse lanzar improperios las luchas callejeras montar bronca (co//) no soportar el aspecto de alguien la violencia futbohstica una orgia de violencia desatar la violencia mendigar el mendigo / la mendiga la mendicidad el vagabundo elocupa citizens' feeling of insecurity / decline in law and order crime (in general or particular) crime, offence (particular) thief, robber, burglar to burgle / break into a house burglary, break-in to steal theft murder to murder murderer death penalty assault, mugging to assault, mug aggressiveness (street) gang tribe tribal warfare, gang warfare to adopt a provocative attitude tension to smash everything up confrontations drug addict drug-addicted crime (under) the influence of drink or drugs to get high to hurl abuse street fights to cause a riot / row / scrap not to be able to stand someone’s appearance football violence an orgy of violence to unleash violence to beg beggar begging tramp squatter 48 La vida urbana 8
la privaci6n urbana los problemas de los barrios c6ntricos no se puede soportar este modo de com portarse a ml no me extrana que haya tanta violencia 8.4.2 Remedios у sanciones la seguridad ciudadana mantener el orden publico la policla la Guardia Civil el / la guardia la protecci6n policial aumentar las patrullas policiales el coche-patrulla estar de ronda la policia de barrio el castigo / castigar la carcel / encarcelar la multa / multar los vigilantes la autodefensa la vigilancia vecinal mejorar el alumbramiento publico la farola acorralar la prohibici6n de vender alcohol un problema con pocas vias de solucion urban deprivation inner-city problems we can’t put up with this sort of behaviour I’m not surprised that there’s so much violence Solutions and sanctions law and order, public safety to keep law and order police (force) Civil Guard, (crime) police policeman/woman police protection to increase the number of police patrols police car to be on the beat neighbourhood police punishment / to punish prison / to imprison fine / to fine vigilantes self-defence neighbourhood watch to improve street lighting street light to confine, ‘kettle’ ban on the sale of alcohol an almost insoluble problem You will find further vocabulary on the subject of transport in Chapter 10, and on the environment in Chapter 14. 8.4 La seguridad ciudadana 49
9 La vida rural 9.1 La tierra The land el campo the country (as opposed to town) / arable field el campesino / la campesina el terrene tener 20 hect&reas de terrene la parcela parcelar depender de la agricultura no se puede vivir de la tierra la huerta la tinea la granja la dehesa el cortijo el minifundio el latifundio el minifundista el latifundista el minifundismo / latifundismo peasant, countryman/woman plot to have 20 hectares of land small plot, strip of land to divide into small plots to depend on agriculture you can't live off the land market garden property, country estate farm (usually small, in northern Spain) pasture, meadow farm, estate (especially in Andalucia) smallholding, small farm large estate smallholder owner of large estate ownership corresponding to the above, often with reference to problems caused by the respective systems el terrateniente ausente heredar una parcela la reforma agraria integrarse en una cooperative convertirse en ciudad dormitorio absentee landlord to inherit a plot agrarian / land reform to join / form a cooperative to become a dormitory town 9.2 La agricultura Agriculture 9.2.1 La labranza de la tierra Working the land el agricultor / la agricultora la zona agricola el pueblo agricola arable cultivar patatas los cultivos los productos farmer agricultural / farming area farming village arable to grow potatoes crops produce, crops 50 La vida rural 9
el cultivo de naranjas orange growing el cultivador / la cultivadora de aceitunas olive grower el aceitunero / la aceitunera olive picker la recoleccidn de la aceituna olive gathering la cosecha harvest, crop la cosechadora combine harvester cosechar a m&quina to harvest by machine la mecanizacidn de la agricultura mechanisation of agriculture coger a mano to pick by hand segar to reap la siega reaping arar la tierra to plough (up) the land el arado plough el surco furrow germinar to germinate irrigar to irrigate regar to water, irrigate la acequia irrigation channel el desag tie drain, outlet bs cereales cereals sembrar trigo to sow wheat NB: Rather than use a general word for ‘field’ such as campo, Spanish often adds -al to the crop grown, hence: el trigo / el trigal wheat / wheat field el maiz / el maizal maize / maize field la cebada / el cebadal barley / barley field el arroz / el arrozal rice / rice field, paddy field la berza / el berzal cabbage / cabbage field, etc. la naranja / el naranjal Note also: orange / orange grove la cafiavera / el Canaveral reed grass / reed grass bed(s) (Cabo Canaveral'^ ‘Cape Canaveral’, where the USA launches its space vessels!) el olivo olive tree el olivar olive grove las verduras greens, vegetables las hortalizas vegetables, garden produce la necesidad de modernizar la agricultura the need to modernise agriculture el programa de modernizacidn agricultural modernisation agricola programme el invernadero greenhouse cultivar bajo plastico to grow under plastic crear un mar de plastico to create a sea of plastic el cultivo organ ico organic farming 9.2 La agricuftura 51
favorecer abonos qufmicos / orgdnicos los nitratos calan la tierra el estidrcol la tierra baldfa dejar en barbecho la subvencidn agricola la Polltica Agraria Comun (РАС) 9.2.2 La crla del ganado у otros animates la ganaderia 1 la industria ganadera J el ganado el ganadero / la ganadera la feria de ganado el novillo el vaquero el prado / la pradera pastar las vacas tener 50 reses la industria lechera el ganado lechero ordefiar las vacas el ordeno el establo el corral el rebafio de ovejas / cabras el pastor la cuota para la produccidn de la leche los productos Idcteos el mal / la enfermedad de la vaca loca la trashumancia el prado la crla de cerdos los piensos to favour chemical / organic fertilisers nitrates soak into the soil manure sterile, waste land to leave fallow, set aside farm subsidy Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Rearing cattle and other animals stockbreeding, cattle raising, cattle farming stock, livestock stockbreeder, cattle raiser cattle fair bullock, steer herdsman, cowman meadow, grazing land to graze cows to have 50 head of cattle dairy farming dairy herd to milk cows milking cowshed farmyard flock of sheep / goats shepherd milk (production) quota dairy produce mad cow disease transhumance (seasonal movement of cattle to new pastures: it still happens!) meadow, pasture pig breeding fodder 52 La vkla rural 9
9.2.3 La industria vinicola la vid la vina / el vinedo la cooperativa vinicola la vendimia la bodega la viniculture vinificar la regidn vinicola embotellar el embotellam lento 9.3 Vivir en el campo 9.3.1 Las ventajas respirar aire puro disfrutar el paisaje dejar atr£s el bullicio de la ciudad aprovechar la paz у tranquilidad vivir en armonia con la naturaleza buscarse una vida tranquila la gente tiene tiempo para hablar despertarse con el canto de los pgjaros encontrar la casita de sus suenos en el campo aislarse en Io m£s Hondo del campo 9.3.2 Los inconvenientes la necesidad de mejorar la red de carreteras se llega por una carretera estrecha у tortuosa lleno/a de baches la falta de servicios la falta de transportes publicos la supresidn de las Ifneas de autobus / tren se tarda bastante en Hegar a la ciudad vivir en un pueblo aislado en caso de emergencia cortar el suministro de agua / electricidad The wine industry vine vineyard wine cooperative grape harvest wine-producing establishment wine production to produce wine wine-producing area to bottle bottling Living in the country Advantages to breathe pure air to enjoy the scenery to leave the bustle of the city behind to enjoy the peace and quiet to live in harmony with nature to seek a quiet life people have time to talk to wake up to bird song to find one’s dream cottage in the country to cut oneself off in the depths of the countryside Disadvantages the need to improve the road network you get to it along a narrow, winding road full of potholes the lack of services lack of public transport closure of bus / train routes it takes quite a long time to get into town to live in a remote village in an emergency to cut off water / electricity supplies 9.3 Vivir en el campo 53
no estds seguro/a de que tengas la mejor atencidn mddica los chismes del pueblo el ‘cque diran?’ meter la nariz en las vidas ajenas el ambiente opresivo de la vida del pueblo 9.3.3 Los cambios demog rdf icos el exodo rural la emigracidn emigrar los trabajadores extranjeros marcharse a America / Barcelona la falta de trabajo у oportunidades con la esperanza de ganar mas fuera cobrar mas en el extranjero buscarse una mejora del nivel de vida desarraigarse ser incapaz de adaptarse volver al lugar de origen diversificar fomentar el desarrollo del turismo incrementar la capacidad turistica alquilar habitaciones 9.3.4 Los pasatiempos campestres la caza cazar el coto de caza la caza de la perdiz la caza del zorro los perros (de caza) cazar ciervos el cazador / la cazadora el cazador furtivo el fais&n el jabali you’re not sure of getting the best medical attention village gossip what will the neighbours say? to poke one’s nose into other people’s business the oppressive atmosphere of village life Demographic changes the rural exodus emigration, migration (from place of origin not necessarily to or from abroad) to emigrate foreign workforce to go off to America / Barcelona lack of work and opportunities in the hope of earning more elsewhere to earn more abroad to look for an improvement in one’s standard of living to uproot oneself to be unable to adapt to return to where you came from to diversify to encourage the development of tourism to increase the tourist capacity to let rooms Country pursuits hunting / shooting to hunt / shoot (an animal) game reserve partridge shooting foxhunting hounds to go stag hunting huntsman/woman poacher pheasant wild boar 54 La vida rural 9
la escopeta disparar a un conejo matar un conejo a tiros estar en pro / a favor de la caza los derechos de los animates el / la activista de derechos de animates el deporte en que se mata a un animal estar en contra de los deportes crueles abatir un ave la perdigonada despedazar la presa hay que preguntarse si la caza es cruel о no Io es la matanza selective de focas ADDA / la Asociacidn para la Defensa de los Derechos de los Animates la pesca pescar la cafia de pesca el anzuelo el cebo la pesca de la trucha pasar horas a orillas del rio el coto de pesca el caballo la yegua la caballeriza la equitacidn ir / montar a caballo la romerfa el santuario shotgun to shoot at a rabbit to shoot a rabbit (dead) to be for / in favour of hunting animal rights animal rights activist blood sport to be against cruel sports to shoot / bring down a bird lead shot to tear the quarry to pieces you have to ask yourself whether hunting is cruel or not seal culling Association for the Defence of Animal Rights fishing, angling to fish fishing rod hook bait trout fishing to spend hours on the river bank fishing reserve horse mare stable, stud, horse-breeding establishment horse riding to ride a horse, go horse-riding pilgrimage, procession (usually to a local shrine) shrine (to a local saint or the Virgin Mary) 9.3 Vivir en el campo 55
10 Los transportes, el turismo у las vacaciones la carretera el camino la autopista la autovia el ferrocarril la estacidn de ferrocarriles la estacidn de autobuses road track, lane motorway dual carriageway railway railway station bus station 10.1 Las redes de transporte Transport networks 10.1.1 Los ferrocarriles La RENFE (Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Espafioles) FEVE (Ferrocarriles Espanoles de Via Estrecha) el AVE (Alta Velocidad Espanola) (/) el tren de alta velocidad el transporte ferroviario la red espafiola de ferrocarriles el ancho de via (inter)nacional la locomotora de gran potencia una velocidad superior a 200 kildmetros por hora el tren de largo recorrido el tren de cercanlas el transporte de mercancias modernizar el sistema ampliar la red del Metro construir nuevas lineas conseguir un mayor numero de pasajeros / de mercancias en los trenes tener trenes eficaces у competitivos atraer m£s comercio de las carreteras reducir las tarifas quitar trenes Railways Spanish Railways company which runs Spanish narrow gauge lines Spanish high-speed train high-speed train rail transport, transport by rail the Spanish railway network the (inter)national gauge high-powered locomotive a speed above 200km per hour long-distance train suburban train freight transport to modernise the system to extend the Underground network to build new lines to attract more passengers / goods to use the trains to have an efficient and competitive train service to attract more business away from the roads to reduce fares to cut train services 56 Los transportes, el turismo у las vacaciones 10
el unico medio de transporte publico la privatizacidn / nacionalizacidn de los ferrocarriles es cuestidn de rentabilidad incrementar la inversidn eliminar las llneas no rentables 10.1.2 Las carreteras la linea de autobus mejorar el servicio de autobuses mejorar el horario Hegar / salir a intervales regulares los autobuses siempre van atestados el abono de transportes semanal / mensual el carril bus el transporte pasajero rapid© reintroducir los tranvias electricos la calzada el cruce peligroso el punto negro la velocidad excesiva la infraestructura la seguridad la carretera de peaje el desplazamiento desplazarse el tr^fico de largo recorrido el vol urn en de tr&fico planificar la red de carreteras el programa de construccidn de carreteras el factor m&s important© en la planificacidn de las carreteras abrir un nuevo tramo evitar dano medioambiental cometer un atropello ecoldgico el coste medioambiental incrementar los impuestos sobre la gasolina la falta de dinero para pagar la infraestructura the only means of public transport privatisation / nationalisation of the railways it’s a question of profitability to increase investment to close down unprofitable lines Roads bus route to improve the bus service to improve the timetable to arrive / depart at regular intervals the buses are always full weekly / monthly travel card bus lane rapid passenger transport to reintroduce electric trams roadway dangerous junction / crossroads (accident) black spot excessive speed infrastructure safety toll road movement (from one place to another) to travel, move about long-distance traffic volume of traffic to plan the road network road-building programme the most important factor in road planning to open a new section (of road) to avoid environmental damage to commit an ecological outrage the environmental cost to increase tax on petrol the lack of money to pay for the infrastructure 10.1 Las redes de transporte 57
10.1.3 El transporte аёгео la Ifnea аёгеа la linea aerea de bajo precio el vuelo charter el vuelo regular el jumbo facturar el equipaje el Ifmite de equipaje el control de seguridad la seguridad aerea el registro de equipaje radiografiar las horas perdidas en el aeropuerto la necesidad / lata de las prolongadas precauciones de seguridad hay que tener paciencia impacientarse el retraso el desfase horario la diferencia de horario emitir x toneladas de didxido de carbono estrellarse con la perdida de 300 vidas el siniestro la catastrofe el fallo mecanico desplomarse del cielo atribuirse a un fallo humano 10.1.4 El transporte maritime у fluvial se tarda mas el ferry el muelle la hidroala el aerodeslizador el petrolero el transatidntico el buque de carga el buque salvavidas los canales del interior el Canal de la Mancha el Golfo de Vizcaya el (Mar) Mediterraneo el Estrecho de Gibraltar la travesia Air transport airline low-cost / budget airline charter flight scheduled flight jumbo jet to check in baggage allowance security check air safety, safety in the air baggage search to X-ray hours wasted in the airport the need for / nuisance of prolonged safety precautions you have to be patient to get impatient delay jet lag time difference to emit x tons of carbon dioxide to crash with the loss of 300 lives disaster catastrophe, disaster mechanical fault to fall out of the sky to be attributed to human error Sea and river transport it takes longer (car) ferry quay hydrofoil hovercraft oil tanker liner freighter lifeboat inland waterways English Channel Bay of Biscay Mediterranean (Sea) Strait of Gibraltar crossing 58 Los transportes, el turismo у las vacaciones 10
marearse naufragar ahogarse hundirse el rescate maritime el puesto de guardacostas 10.1.5 El transporte particular el permiso de conducir el eddigo de circulacidn el aparcamiento para turismos el aparcamiento subterrdneo el parquimetro la multa de aparcamiento acelerar la marcha adelantar la velocidad maxima p mds de 50 semaforo en rojo! la zona de velocidad controlada por radar los detectores automdticos de velocidad ponerle una multa a alguien en el acto las c^maras en carretera le quitan tres puntos de tu permiso de conducir atropellar tener un encontronazo estrellarse contra chocar de frente patinar el lesionado / la lesionada tener una averia estar averiado hacer autostop / ir en autostop el / la autostop ista compartir el coche ofrecer llevarle a alguien prescindir del coche dejar el coche en el garaje un coche de alto consume de gasolina incrementar el impuesto sobre el combustible el coche de gasoil to get seasick to be shipwrecked to be drowned to sink sea rescue coastguard station Private transport driving licence Highway Code parking for private cars underground car park parking meter parking ticket/fine to step on the accelerator, put one’s foot down to overtake maximum speed if you do more than 50kph the light will turn red! (traffic calming device common in Spain) speed-trap area speed cameras / clocks to fine sb on the spot speed cameras you collect three points on your driving licence to knock over, run over to have a collision to crash into to crash head-on to skid casualty to break down to be broken down to hitch-hike hitch-hiker to ‘car-share’ to offer someone a lift to do without the car to leave the car in the garage ‘gas guzzler’ to increase the duty on fuel diesel car 10.1 Las redes de transporte 59
el coche electrico / hfbndo volver a descubrir la bicicleta el lobby ciclista el alquiler gratuito de bicis electric / hybrid car to rediscover the bicycle the cycling lobby free bike hire You will find further vocabulary on town traffic in Chapter 8. 10.2 El turismo у las vacaciones Tourism and holidays 10.2.1 La industria turfstica el tour operador el paquete el viaje con todo incluido las zonas costeras los excursionistas la localizacidn geogr&fica las playas estan a rebosar Espafia esta a tope de turistas las previsiones para este aho se espera recibir a cuarenta mi Hones de visitantes estar a dos horas de vuelo de Londres Hegar en el ferry desde Plymouth Espana es un pals turisticamente muy organizado la relacidn precio-calidad el turismo de masas el turismo de calidad el turismo alternative desarrollar el interior dirigirse tierra adentro una ciudad monumental la zona monumental el casco antiguo para el turista perspicaz un centro turistico de primera categorfa la industria hotelera la estacionalidad la temporada alta / baja la infrautilizacidn de la capacidad hotelera no se puede encontrar ni hotel ni apartamento el coste del alojamiento la doble reserva The tourist industry tour operator package package tour the coastal areas day-trip pers geographical situation the beaches are overflowing Spain is bursting with tourists the forecast for this year forty million visitors are expected to be two hours’ flight from London to arrive on the Plymouth ferry Spain is a well-organised tourist destination the price-quality ratio mass tourism quality tourism alternative tourism to develop inland areas to head inland a historic town the historic area the old part (of town) for the discerning tourist a first-class tourist centre hotel industry seasonal variation (of demand) the high / low season the under-use of hotel accommodation / capacity you can’t find a hotel or an apartment cost of accommodation double booking 60 Los transportes, el turismo у las vacaciones 10
el libro de reclamaciones formular una reclamacidn una habitacidn con vistas al mar la habitacidn da a un solar el gamberrismo las invasiones de gamberros extranjeros 10.2.2 Las vacaciones olvidar la rutina diaria descansar del ajetreo cotidiano el crucero para todos los gustos disfrutar de unas buenas vacaciones a un precio al alcance de cualquiera costearse unas vacaciones no supone un gran desembolso desembolsar importantes sumas de dinero gastarse un dineral tomar el sol en la playa broncearse estar a sus anchas escoger un sitio marchoso la movida nocturna salir de marcha ser noctambulo pasarlo bomba (co//) buscarse unos dias de paz у tranquilidad un sitio alejado del ruido de las ciudades nada mas relajante que... el ecoturismo las vacaciones de aventura viajar con mochila el mochilero / la mochilera el parque tematico complaints book to lodge / make a complaint a room with a sea view the room looks on to a building site loutishness, yobbishness invasion of foreign yobs Holidays to forget the daily routine to have a break from the daily grind cruise for all tastes to enjoy a good holiday at a reasonable price to afford a holiday it doesn’t involve a large outlay to spend considerable sums of money to spend a small fortune to sunbathe on the beach to get a suntan to be at one's ease to choose a trendy place the night life to go out ‘on the tiles’ to be a night bird to have a whale of a time to seek a few days' peace and quiet a place far from the noise of the city nothing more relaxing than ... ecotourism adventure holidays to backpack backpacker theme park For further possible holiday activities see Chapter 7. © 10.2 El turismo у las vacaciones 61
11 Los medios 11.1 La televisidn у la radio Television and radio 11.1.1 El sistema у los aparatos The system and equipment la televisidn el televisor la tele poner / quitar la tele la televisidn / radio digital el receptor el transistor el / la oyente el / la televidente el telespectador / la telespectadora el programa la programacidn el canal 1 la cadena J una дата amplia de canales el espacio el monopolio publico el monopolio oficial televisivo la empresa privada la pantalla chica la ‘caja tonta’ el mando a distancia la televisidn por cable la televisidn por satelite la (antena) parabdlica la emisora television (the medium) television (the set) TV, telly to turn the telly on / off digital television / radio receiver transistor listener viewer (of television) programme programme times channel a wide range of channels (programme) slot public monopoly the official television monopoly private company the small screen 'goggle box' remote control cable television satellite television satellite dish broadcasting station, transmitter 62 Los medios 11
11.1.2 Elcontenido una дата de programas la actualidad el telediario las noticias los anuncios la telenovela el dibujo animado el concurs© el / la concursante repetir por enesima vez el influjo sobre los valores morales una gran ayuda educative ejercer control sobre la seleccidn de los programas adaptar su propio horario al de la tele proporcionar cultura la violencia televisiva dosificar el tiempo ante el televisor avivar la imaginacidn producir un efecto hipndtico una fuerza social destructora producir la pdrdida de capacidad creativa coartar la agilidad mental perjudicar el desarrollo del nifio el video el DVD (dd-uve-de) la pelicula de video grabar en video / DVD el videocasete la videograbadora el videofilm / DVD de terror la pornografia la porno el video porno pornogr^fico/a Programme content a range of programmes current affairs TV news programme news (i.e. contents) advertisements soap opera cartoon competition competitor to repeat for the umpteenth time the influence on moral values a great educational aid to exercise control over the choice of programmes to adapt one’s own timetable to the TV to propagate culture television violence to measure / ration time spent in front of the TV to sharpen the imagination to have a hypnotic effect a destructive social force to bring about a loss of creativity to stultify mental agility to prejudice a child’s development video (all senses) DVD videofilm to record on video / DVD video cassette video recorder video / DVD nasty pornography porn porn video pornographic 11.1 La television у la radio 63
11.2 La prensa el peri6dico el diario la revista semanal / mensual la revista deportiva / futbolistica la revista / prensa del corazdn el ‘tabloide’ la circulacidn el / la periodista el reporter© / la reportera el redactor / la redactora redactar un periodic© el articulo de fondo dar una rueda de prensa defender la libertad de la prensa la censura de la epoca franquista luchar contra el censor aparecer en las columnas del periodic© los titulares proclaman... tener prejuicios contra ser partidario/a de tener propensidn a un juicio parcial apoyar una opmidn politica la prensa sensacionalista la consultora sentimental el triunfo invadir la intimidad de alguien se meten en todos sitios con sus c^maras demandar a alguien por difamacidn The press newspaper daily paper weekly / monthly magazine sports / football magazine glossy, romantic magazine / press (e.g. jHola!) tabloid circulation journalist reporter editor to edit a newspaper editorial article to give a press conference to defend the freedom of the press the censorship of the Franco years to fight against the censor to appear in the newspaper columns the headlines proclaim... to be biased against to be biased in favour of to be biased towards biased judgement to support a political opinion gutter press agony aunt triumph, 'scoop’ to invade somebody’s privacy they get in everywhere with their cameras to sue somebody for libel 64 Los medios 11
11.3 La publicidad la industria publicitaria la agenda publicitaria la cartelera el cartel (publicitario) el anuncio los pequenos anuncios promocionar el mensaje la consignacidn de publicidad el eslogan publicitario llamativo/a la propaganda de buzon el mercado objetivo hacer impacto (en) manipular persuadir (a) tentar (a) llamar a nuestros instintos mas bajos el lavado de cerebro obrar en el subconsciente de alguien subconscientemente una persona de voluntad debil el consumidor / la consumidora la sociedad consumista el poder adquisitivo codiciar acumular deudas con la tarjeta de cr6dito la interrupcion constante de los programas la actitud sexista de los anunciantes dirigirse al consumidor joven Advertising advertising industry advertising agency hoarding (advertising) poster advertisement small ads to promote message advertising budget advertising slogan appealing, eye-catching junk mail target market to make an impact (on) to manipulate to persuade (to) to tempt (to) to appeal to our baser instincts brainwashing to work on sb’s subconscious subconsciously a weak-willed person consumer consumer society purchasing power to covet to build up credit-card debts constant interruption of programmes the sexist attitude of the advertisers to target the young consumer Pages iv-v also contain a list of press websites. 11.3 La publicidad 65
12 La salud 12.1 La infraestructura sanitaria Health infrastructure el m6dico / la m6dica el enfermero / la enfermera el / la dentista la salud la sanidad INSALUD (el Institute Nacional de la Salud) el Ministerio de Sanidad el ambulatorio / el centro de salud la medicina la atencidn m6dica el / la especialista el cirujano / la cirujana la cirugia la clfnica el consultorio doctor, GP nurse dentist health (personal) health (public) Spanish NHS (National Health Service) Ministry of Health (local) health centre medicine (subject) medical care specialist surgeon surgery (operation) clinic clinic, consulting room, surgery (in this sense) quirurgico/a surgical 12.2 Las condiciones Medical conditions and m£dicas у sus sintomas their symptoms estar enfermo/a ser enfermo/a caer enfermo/a (de) 1 enfermar (de) J el tratamiento el microbio el virus la epidemia la pandemia la alergia alergico/a tener alergia a el sfndrome de alergia total el agotamiento el еэкёэ / la tension estar hecho/a polvo no poder mas desvelarse to be ill to be an invalid (i.e. permanent) to fall ill (with), go down (with) treatment microbe, 'bug' virus epidemic pandemic allergy allergic to be allergic to total allergy syndrome exhaustion stress to feel a wreck to be at the end of one’s tether to be unable to sleep, to lie awake 66 La salud 12
el cansancio fisico у mental echar mano a un medicamento contagiarse (de) evitar contagios el trastorno el periodo de incubacidn pasar desapercibido/a padecer una dolencia el minusv&lido/ la minusvdlida la minusvalia tener una lesidn grave las enfermedades invernales la diabetes (ser) diabetico/a la pulmonia el SIDA (sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida) el VIH (virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana) ser seropositivo/a el sistema inmunoldgico transmitir por los fluidos corporales el cdncer del pulmdn el infarto las enfermedades cardiacas la viruela el paludismo la amigdalitis la bronquitis crdnica la tuberculosis physical and mental tiredness to reach for the medicine to become infected (with), to catch to avoid infection upset, trouble incubation period to go unnoticed, undetected to suffer from an illness disabled person disability to have a serious injury coughs and colds, winter illnesses diabetes (to be) diabetic pneumonia AIDS HIV to be HIV positive immune system to transmit via body fluids lung cancer heart attack heart disease smallpox malaria tonsillitis chronic bronchitis* tuberculosis* * Most diseases which end in ‘-is' in English are identical in Spanish except for adaptation to the Spanish spelling system (e.g. bronquitis/ They are always feminine. la gripe aviar bird flu la gripe A swine flu la gripe estacional seasonal flu envejecer to age la salud mental mental health la enfermedad mental mental illness la depresion depression deprim irse to become depressed estar acorn plejado/a to have a complex recibir tratamiento psiquiatrico to undergo psychiatric treatment el / la psiquiatra psychiatrist el colapso nervioso nervous breakdown padecer de los nervios to suffer from one’s nerves los nervios se me disparan my nerves are at breaking point tener los nervios destrozados to be a nervous wreck 12.2 Las condiciones medicas у sus sintom as 67
suicidarse el suicidio el / la suicida la tentativa de suicidio la regia 12.3 El tratamiento у los remedies jque te mejores pronto! la farmacia el farmac6utico / la farmac6utica el medicamento la receta el diagndstico curar curarse reponerse se vende solo con receta recetar una droga las contraindicaciones los efectos secundarios el somnifero el tranquilizante el analgesico hospitalizar pasar un rato en el hospital la casa / sala de maternidad la terapia seguir un curso de fisioterapia el / la fisioterapeuta operarse me (le) operaron el pie el equipo m6dico de urgencia un descongestivo nasal sonarse las narices limpiarse los mocos las m£s avanzadas tecnicas en cirug ia el tratamiento curativo la anestesia general / local anestesiar el trasplante de higado el / la donante de drganos / rifidn rechazar el organo trasplantado trasplantar to commit suicide suicide (act) suicide (person) suicide attempt (menstrual) period Treatment and remedies get well soon! pharmacy, chemist shop pharmacist, chemist medicine (which you take) prescription diagnosis to cure, treat to recover, get better, be healed to recover obtainable only on prescription to prescribe a drug contraindications side-effects sleeping tablet tranquilliser analgesic, painkiller to hospitalise, put into hospital to spend a while in hospital maternity hospital / ward therapy to follow a course of physiotherapy physiotherapist to have an operation I (s/he) had a foot operation emergency medical team a nasal decongestant to blow one's nose to wipe one's nose the most advanced surgical techniques curative treatment general / local anaesthetic to anaesthetise, give an anaesthetic to liver transplant organ / kidney donor to reject the transplant to transplant 68 La salud 12
responder al tratamiento la hormona la pildora el com prim ido la transfusidn de sang re to respond to treatment hormone pill tablet blood transfusion 12.4 La medicina preventiva Preventive medicine la educacidn sanitaria mas vale prevenir que curar promocionar la salud estar en buena forma / condicion mantenerse en forma fisica la higiene llevar un modo de vida sano la necesidad del ejercicio regular la funcidn vital preocuparse por la salud pasar una revisidn medica el cheque© la exploracidn (medica) tomarse la tension arterial detectar a tiempo atajar la aparicidn de enfermedades un diagnostic© precoz de determ inadas dolencias comprobarse el nivel del colesterol la vacuna vacunarse contra diagnosticar el autodiagndstico autodiagnosticarse poner de manifesto tener propensidn especial a un determinado mal los signos clinicos darse un respiro el ritmo biologico la longevidad la natalidad la mortalidad health education prevention is better than cure to promote health to be in good physical shape to keep fit hygiene to lead a healthy life the need for regular exercise vital function to worry about one’s health to have a medical examination check-up (medical) investigation, check-up to take one’s (own) blood pressure to detect in time to forestall the onset of disease early diagnosis of certain illnesses to check one's cholesterol level vaccine to be vaccinated against to diagnose self-diagnosis to make a self-diagnosis to bring to light to be particularly susceptible to a specific complaint the clinical signs to give oneself a break biological rhythm life expectancy birth rate death rate 12.4 La medicina preventiva 69
12.5 El rdgimen el r6gimen 1 la dieta J una dieta sana una epidem ia de obesidad ser obeso/a el peso pesar demasiado el Indice de masa corporal comer compulsivamente engordar engordar ocho kilos tener doce kilos de mas esos kilos de m£s los ‘michelines’ la materia grasa los ingredientes caloricos una nutricidn equilibrada el aporte justo de calon'as quemar las materias grasas tener una obsesidn por adelgazar adelgazar cinco kilos quitarse dos kilos cuidarse la llnea sentir hambre la anorexia nerviosa el pan integral la fibra la energla un alimento muy energetico Diet diet a healthy diet an obesity epidemic to be obese weight to be overweight body mass index to be a compulsive eater to put on weight to put on eight kilos to be twelve kilos overweight that extra weight ‘spare tyre’ fatty substances, fat high-calorie ingredients a balanced intake / diet the right number of calories to burn off fat to have a slimming obsession to lose five kilos to take off two kilos to watch one’s figure to feel hungry anorexia nervosa wholemeal bread fibre energy a high-energy food 12.6 El tabaco у el alcohol Tobacco and alcohol fumar en pipa fumarse una pipa dejar de fumar inhalar los cigarrillos con menos nicotina у alquitran el tabaquismo la ley antitabaco en caso de que te resulte imposible abandonar el cigarrillo perjudicar seriamente la salud destrozarse los pulmones el excesivo consumo de alcohol to smoke a pipe (as opposed to cigarettes) to smoke a pipe (a pipeful) to give up smoking to inhale cigarettes with reduced nicotine and tar tobacco habit, addiction anti-smoking law in the event of your being unable to give up cigarettes to seriously affect one’s health to wreck one’s lungs excessive alcohol consumption 70 La salud 12
beber alcohol en ayunas afecta a todo el organismo los trastornos cardiocirculatorios la intoxicacidn aguda la borrachera la capacidad de reflejos el nivel de alcohol en la sangre ingerir en pequenas dosis la resaca someter a la prueba del alcoholimetro 12.7 Ladroga el estupefaciente el depresor los barbituricos la droga dura / blanda el drogadicto / la drogadicta I el toxicdmano / la toxicdmana J la drogadiccidn la toxicomania galopante la drogodependencia el / la drogodependiente la cocalna la ‘coca’ el cocaindmano / la cocainomana la heroina el heroinomano / la heroindmana el narcotrdfico el / la narcotraficante el / la camello (co//) la marijuana el chocolate el porro penalizar el consumo de drogas en lugares publicos la legalizacion (parcial) de las drogas legalizar el / la yonqui esnifar el esnifamiento de disolvente la jeringuilla inyectarse pincharse (co//) engancharse estar enganchado/a 1 estar colgado/a J costearse un vicio to drink alcohol on an empty stomach it affects the whole system cardiovascular problems acute intoxication drunken state, binge reflex capacity blood-alcohol level to take in small doses hangover to breathalyse Drugs narcotic depressant barbiturates hard / soft drug drug addict drug addiction accelerating drug addiction drug dependency person dependent on drugs cocaine coke, cocaine (not ‘Coca-Cola’!) cocaine addict heroin heroin addict drugs traffic drug trafficker drug pusher marijuana, cannabis ‘dope’, cannabis joint, cannabis cigarette to make the consumption of drugs in public places illegal the (partial) legalisation of drugs to legalise junkie to sniff solvent abuse, glue-sniffing syringe to inject (oneself) to ‘shoot up’ to get hooked to be hooked to afford a vice 12.7 La droga 71
drogarse doparse probar una droga estar totalmente en contra de la droga un programa de reinsercidn social un programa de desintoxicacibn el slndrome de abstinencia tener el mono estar rabiando por un pinchazo la dosis fatal to take drugs to take dope to try (out) a drug to be totally against drugs a programme of social rehabilitation a detoxification programme withdrawal symptoms to go ‘cold turkey* to be craving for a fix fatal dose 72 La salud 12
13 La vida cultural 13.1 Las artes visuales Visual arts el dibujo dibujar la exposicibn la coleccibn representar pintar la pintura el pintor/la pintora pintoresco el cuadro el retrato retratar el disefio disenar la escultura esculpir el escultor / la escultora el arte abstracto el sfmbolo simbolizar el lienzo la acuarela la pintura al 6leo pintar al bleo el bodegbn representar el pincel la pincelada el contraste de la luz у sombra especializarse en la representacibn de la forma humana no pertenece a ninguna escuela reconocida tiene su estilo individual el museo de bellas artes la galeria de la escuela impresionista la venta vender por una cifra elevada el lote drawing to draw exhibition collection to represent to paint painting painter picturesque picture portrait to portray, paint a portrait of design to design sculpture to sculpt sculptor abstract art symbol to symbolise canvas watercolour oil painting to paint in oils still life to depict paintbrush brush stroke contrast of light and shadow to specialise in the depiction of the human form s/he doesn’t belong to any recognised school s/he has his / her own individual style fine arts museum gallery of the Impressionist school sale to sell for a high price lot 13.1 Las artes visuales 73
la subasta la puja pujar la obra maestra el aficionado / la aficionada 13.2 El cine у el teatro auction bid to bid masterwork, masterpiece fan, enthusiast Cinema and theatre 13.2.1 En general la taquilla el actor / la actriz las butacas la localidad el rol / el papel el / la protagonista protagonizar una pelfcula / obra protagonizada рог X desem penar un papel despert6 mucho interds con su primera pelfcula / primer papel a Io largo de su carrera el estreno estrenar una pelfcula / una obra gozar del cine / del teatro explorer nuevos horizontes la subvencion gubernamental patrocinar las bellas artes bajo el patrocinio de contar con el apoyo del Ministerio de Culture 13.2.2 El cine el film(e) (p/ films or filmes) la pelfcula la pantalla la estrella de cine rodar una pelfcula el largometraje el cortometraje el documental el guidn el / la guionista el director / la directora el / la cineasta In general box office actor / actress stalls seat role main role, protagonist to play the mam part / protagonist a film / play with X in the leading role to play a part / role s/he aroused a great deal of interest with his / her first film / role throughout his / her career first showing / performance to put on a film / play for the first time to enjoy the cinema / theatre to explore new horizons government subsidy to sponsor the fine arts under the sponsorship of to rely on the support of the Ministry of Culture Cinema film screen film star to shoot a film full-length film, feature film ‘short’ (film) documentary script scriptwriter director film maker 74 La vida cultural 13
doblar en castellano la banda sonora los subtltulos la pelicula esta subtitulada en catal&n para todos los publicos no recomendada a menores de trece afios la sesion continue la pelicula en conjunto la movida madrileha to dub into Spanish sound track subtitles the film is subtitled in Catalan suitable for all ages not suitable for under-13s continuous performance the film as a whole the Madrid ‘scene’ 13.2.3 El teatro Theatre la obra (de teatro) poner una obra en escena la puesta en escena interpreter una obra la interpretacion actuar la actuacion la comedia la tragedia el drama el especUculo teatral la escena 1 el escenario J el montaje la obra esta ambientada en Sevilla la trama es muy enrevesada el desenlace al caer el teldn aplaudir los aplausos silbar ante el publico el miedo a salir a la escena el maquillaje maquillarse el teatro callejero los titeres la temporada subvencionar el teatro play to produce a play production to perform / interpret a play performance, interpretation to act the acting comedy tragedy drama (theatre) show stage design, d£cor the play is set in Seville the plot is very involved outcome, denouement when the curtain falls / fell to applaud applause to hiss, boo in front of the audience stage fright make-up to put one’s make-up on street theatre puppets season (theatre, etc.) to subsidise the theatre 13.2 El cine у el teatro 75
13.3 La literatura la lectura el lector / la lectora el autor / la autora el escritor / la escritora el editor / la editora la biblioteca el bibliotecario / la bibliotecaria la librerla el librero / la librera la novela el libro de bolsillo el genero el cuento el / la cuentista la (auto)biografia (auto)biografico/a la novela policiaca la poesia la obra pobtica es un(a) apasionado/a de la ciencia-ficcibn el estilo la narracibn la historia se localiza en Madrid el desenlace es una veidadera sorpresa saber contar una historia el cuento alcanza su desenlace el escritor / la escritora de vanguardia la (casa) editorial los derechos de autor ser un ratbn de biblioteca disfrutar de una buena lectura en toda su obra el premio Nobel de literatura la tirada la reproduccibn ilegal Literature reading reader author writer editor library librarian bookshop bookseller novel paperback genre short story, tale short story writer (auto)biography (auto)biographical detective novel poetry, poem poetic work s/he is a science-fiction addict style narrative the story is set in Madrid the outcome is a real surprise to know how to tell a story, be a good storyteller the story unfolds avant-garde writer publishing house royalties to be a bookworm to enjoy a good read in the whole of his / her work the Nobel Prize for literature edition, print run illegal copying 76 La vida cultural 13
13.4 La musica Music la musica el / la musico la sala de conciertos el auditorio la orquesta de c£mara la orquesta filarmonica el coro el compositor / la compositora componer la partitura la quinta sinfonfa de Beethoven una gran obra sinfonica el concierto en si bemol menor de Chaikovski la брега el aria (f) operatica la zarzuela el / la cantante el cantaor / la cantaora el cantautor / la cantautora cantar el / la instrumentalista el / la solista ser clarinetista tocar la flauta el director / la directora la orquesta fue dirigida por... bajo la batuta de ... el primer violin ser muy aficionado/a a Rodrigo tocar musica en la calle el / la musico ambulante la musica pop el conjunto de pop el concierto el / la rockero/a el sencillo el elepe el CD, disco compacto descargar music musician (male or female) concert hall concert hall, auditorium chamber orchestra philharmonic orchestra choir composer to compose score (musical) Beethoven’s fifth symphony a great symphonic work Tchaikovsky’s В flat minor concerto opera operatic aria Spanish light opera singer flamenco singer (only) singer-songwriter to sing instrumentalist soloist to be a clarinettist to play the flute conductor the orchestra was conducted by ... under the baton of... leader, first violin to be very fond of Rodrigo to busk busker pop music pop group gig (of pop music) rock singer, rock fan single (disc) LP (long-play record) CD, compact disc to download NB: Many types of popular music are known by their English names: jazz, soul, rock, blues, reggae, punk, etc, and have no Spanish equivalent. There is more vocabulary concerning pop music in Section 4.4. 13.4 La musica
13.5 Lacntica Criticism el crftico / la crrtica de teatro / cine / musica theatre / film / music critic se publico en it was published in se estrend en it was first shown / performed in analizar to analyse citar to quote la citacidn quotation es un(a) pelicula / obra / papel / personaje / it is a... film / play / role / character / libro... book ameno/a pleasant chocarrero/a scurrilous deprimente depressing exigente demanding esotdnco/a esoteric / highbrow enrevesado/a involved humoristico/a humorous hgero/a light pesado/a tedious salado/a witty satfrico/a satirical sobresaliente outstanding, funny Remember to make the adjective agree correctly! se critic6 de lento/a у pesado/a it was criticised for being slow and tedious jdos horas de carcajadas! logra que el publico se rfa del principio al fin mantener la tensi6n a Io largo de toda la representaci6n es todo un espectdculo la brillante interpretacidn de los adores demuestra su calidad de primera el secreto del gran actor fue un fracaso total fracasar al leer / ver esta escena mi primera reaccidn fue (+ n or inf) me encant6 la yuxtaposici6n de... у ... el uso de la poesla / del baile de esto se puede inferir que ... esta escrito en prosa tiene un estilo muy h'rico two hours of laughter! s/he manages to get the audience laughing from beginning to end to keep up the tension throughout the performance it’s quite a show the brilliant performance by the actors s/he demonstrates his/her first-rate skill the secret of the great actor it was an utter flop to fail, flop when I read / saw this scene my first reaction was (+ n or to...) I loved the juxtaposition of... and... the use of poetry / dance from this we can infer that... it is written in prose s/he has a very lyrical style 78 La vida cultural 13
You will find further words and phrases which could be used to describe film or literary characters in Chapter 2, and further leisure activities in Chapter 7. or/teatro or /musica 13.5 La crftica 79
14 El medio ambiente 14.1 El ecosistema 14.1.1 Problemas у soluciones en general el entorno natural la amenaza a la naturaleza amenazar / trastornar el equilibrio ecologico modificar el ecosistema el deterioro ambiental la huella de carbono la huella ecologica causar dafios irreversibles la supervivencia del hombre un planeta moribundo las oportunidades de reducir las emisiones reducir los dahos causados a... desatender las advertencias de los cientificos el empeoramiento de la calidad de la vida 14.1.2 Motivos especlficos de preocupacidn el cambio climdtico el recalentamiento del planeta 1 el calentamiento del globo J el efecto invernadero los gases invernadero la destruccion de la capa de ozono el agujero de ozono el clorofluorocarbono los hidrocarburos el spray el aerosol echar / vomitar humos los gases contam inantes x toneladas de dioxido de carbono las lluvias dcidas The ecosystem Problems and solutions in general natural surroundings / environment the threat to wildlife to threaten / upset the ecological balance to change the ecosystem environmental damage carbon footprint ecological footprint to cause irreversible damage man’s survival a dying planet opportunities to reduce emissions to reduce the damage caused to... to disregard the scientists’ warnings deterioration in the quality of life Specific areas of concern climate change global warming greenhouse effect greenhouse gases destruction of the ozone layer hole in the ozone layer chlorofluorocarbon, CFC hydrocarbons spray, aerosol aerosol to belch out smoke polluting gases x tons of carbon dioxide acid rain 80 El medio ambiente 14
la destruccion de las selvas tropicales la deforestacidn la desertizacidn las radiaciones ultravioletas el derretimiento de la capa de hielo polar derretirse el aumento del nivel del mar con solo dos grados de mas con toda urgencia el movimiento ecologista mondial nos quedan veinte afios para evitar una cat£strofe climdtica la velocidad actual del recalentamiento del planeta es insostenible la temperatura a la que resultard imposible frenar los cambios la utilizacidn pacffica de la energfa nuclear reanudar la construccidn de centrales nucleares el viento у el aire no conocen fronteras despertar a la opinion publica luchar por la supervivencia de las especies 14.2 La energia 14.2.1 Los recursos naturales los recursos energeticos el consumo de recursos naturales el consumo de energia el ahorro de energia conservar los escasos recursos del planeta los recursos se agotan la p^rdida de recursos valiosos el despilfarro despilfarrar conservar la energia el aislamiento t6rmico encender / apagar la calefaccion dejar encendidas las luces destruction of the rain forests deforestation desertification ultraviolet radiation melting of the polar ice sheet to melt {intrans) rise in sea level with only two degrees (C) more with the utmost urgency world ecology movement we have 20 years left to avert a climatic disaster the present rate of global warming is unsustainable the temperature at which it will be impossible to stop changes peaceful use of nuclear energy to resume the building of nuclear power stations the wind and the air know no frontiers to awaken public opinion to fight for the survival of species Energy Natural resources energy resources the consumption of natural resources energy consumption the saving of energy to conserve the planet’s scarce resources resources are being exhausted the loss of valuable resources wastefulness, squandering to squander to conserve energy heat insulation to switch the heating on / off to leave the lights on 14.2 La energfa 81
los combustibles fbsiles el petrbleo consumir un x% de todos los recursos del mundo el uso racional de la energfa disponible satisfacer las necesidades de los pafses industrializados cuando el petrbleo llegue a x dblares el barril los pafses del Cercano Oriente la crisis de petrbleo sacar de la tierra la central termica convencional minar los adelantos tecnicos la mayor fuente de energfa utilizable tomar medidas las reservas sin explotar ejercer una enorme presibn sobre una politica de conservacibn los recursos renovables la energfa eblica el aerogenerador el parque eblico aprovechar la energfa de las olas la central hidroelectrica la hidroelectricidad el apagbn 14.2.2 La energfa nuclear radioactivo/a una fuga de radioactividad el siniestro nuclear el reactor la explosibn explotar la energfa limpia una nueva generacibn de centrales (f) nucleares montar una campana antinuclear el contador Geiger registra ... alcanzar la fusibn un bianco para terroristas сото consecuencia de Chernbbil fossil fuels crude oil to consume x% of all the world’s resources the rational use of available energy to meet the needs of the industrialised countries when oil reaches x dollars a barrel Middle Eastern countries oil crisis to take out of the ground conventional power station to mine technical advances the greatest source of usable energy to take measures unexploited reserves to exert an enormous pressure on a conservation policy renewable resources wind energy wind turbine wind farm to harness the energy of the waves hydroelectric power station hydroelectricity blackout, power failure Nuclear energy radioactive a radioactive leak nuclear disaster reactor explosion to explode clean energy a new generation of nuclear power stations to mount an anti-nuclear campaign the Geiger counter registers ... to reach meltdown a terrorist target in the aftermath of Chernobyl 82 El medio ambiente 14
14.3 La contaminacidn Pollution 14.3.1 La tierra, el mar у el aire la basura el vertedero verter al mar producir efectos tdxicos contaminar los contam inantes atmosf6ricos la contaminacidn atmosfdrica transfronteriza la descontaminacion descontaminar la central nuclear los residues radioactivos los efectos nocivos el reactor nuclear la nocividad de las emisiones sobrepasar la capacidad de absorcidn de la naturaleza estar enterado/a de la amenaza los palses nuclearizados satisfacer las necesidades de la sociedad consumista reutilizar las bolsas de plastico tirar las basuras al contenedor que les corresponde los envases de cartdn envenenar venenoso/a la mancha de petrdleo limpiar los vertidos de petrdleo aves marinas con su plumaje empapado de petrdleo el reciclaje de los desperdicios / la basura reciclar Land, sea and air rubbish rubbish tip to tip into the sea to have toxic effects to pollute, contaminate atmospheric pollutants cross-frontier atmospheric pollution decontamination to decontaminate nuclear power station radioactive waste harmful effects nuclear reactor the harmful nature of emissions to go beyond nature’s ability to absorb to be aware of the threat countries with nuclear capacity to meet the needs of the consumer society to reuse plastic bags to put rubbish into the correct bin cardboard packaging to poison poisonous oil slick to clean up oil spills seabirds with their feathers saturated with oil recycling of waste to recycle 14.3 La contam inacion 83
14.3.2 La conta minacidn sonora Noise pollution el nivel sonoro m&ximo los trastomos auditivos no deberfa sobrepasar los 70 decibelios el desmadre sonoro la insonorizacidn insonorizar una casa el aislamiento acustico / t6rmico maximum noise level hearing disorders it shouldn’t go above 70 decibels the appalling noise level, infernal racket soundproofing to soundproof a house sound / heat insulation or other relevant country after the slash 84 El medio ambiente 14
15 La ciencia у la tecnologi'a 15.1 La informatica 15.1.1 El ordenador la revolucion informatica abrir / cerrar una ventana acceder al sistema el acceso a la informacidn la clave de acceso 1 la contrasefia J almacenar el almacenamiento de datos de alto rendimiento apagar el archive archivar arrastrar la barra espaciadora bloquearse borrar el chip com probar la ortografia la conexion de redes la conexion inalambrica la copia de seguridad el cursor mover el cursor los datos la base / el banco de datos la ley de proteccion de datos el disco compact© / CD el disco duro la unidad de disco el disquete el disquete de reserva editar eliminar el escaner la fuente el hardware la imagen (p/ imdgenes) la impresora Information technology The computer information technology revolution to open / close a window to log on access to information password to store data storage (of) high-performance to switch off file to save to drag space bar to crash to delete chip to spellcheck networking wireless connection back-up copy cursor to move the cursor data database / bank data protection law compact disc / CD hard disk disk drive floppy disk back-up disk to edit to delete scanner font hardware picture printer 15.1 La informatica 85
encender la impresora la impresora de inyeccidn de tinta a color el sistema de impresidn inyeccidn de burbujas la impresora laser imprimir informatizar el joystick el listado el menii hacer aparecer el menu el monitor el ordenador el ordenador portdtil la pantalla pegar el / la pirata informatico/a el pixel la potencia procesar el procesador de textos program ar la programacidn el programador / la programadora pulsar pinchar pinchar / pulsar dos veces al pulsar un boton el ratbn salir del sistema el software suprimir el tabulador el teclado la tecla teclear to switch the printer on ink-jet colour printer bubble jet printing system laser printer to print, print out to computerise joystick printout menu to call up the menu monitor computer laptop computer screen, VDU to paste hacker pixel power to process word processor to program programming programmer to press (key), click (mouse) to click to double click at the push of a button mouse to log off software to delete tabulator keyboard key (of keyboard) to type 15.1.2 Internet The internet acceder a la red la arroba la banda ancha el blog (pl blogs) buscar el buscador 1 el motor de busqueda J la biisqueda to access the web broadband blog to search search engine search 86 La ciencia у la tecnologia 15
el correo electrdnico mandar por correo electronic© el e-mail email (i.e. the system) to send by email, to email email (i.e. the document sent or received) el emilio (co//) conectarse con el costo de la conexidn a Internet descargar la direccidn eliminar un virus el enlace la hoja de calculo Internet (usually without definite article} el mddem navegar el navegador el / la navegante 1 el / la internauta J la pagina web piratear musica la red el servidor el spam la superautopista la web email to connect / link up with the cost of internet connection to download address to get rid of a virus link spreadsheet the internet modem to surf (i.e. the web), browse browser (web) surfer web page to pirate / illegally download music the web server spam superhighway the web / website 15.1.3 Los beneficios de la informatics Benefits of IT bs adelantos tecnologicos ahorrar tiempo у dinero desarrollar trabajar con mds eficacia aprovechar los adelantos cientfficos asimilar las nuevas tecnologfas el desarrollo cientffico la innovacidn tdcnica nuevos recursos para los directives una sociedad evolucionada transformer la culture humana transmits e intercambiar informacidn technological advances to save time and money to develop to work more effectively to benefit from scientific advances to assimilate the new technologies scientific development technical innovation new resources for management a developed society to transform / change human culture to transmit and exchange information 15.1 La informatica 87
15.2 Otros chismes tecnoldgicos la alarma antirrobo la alarma antiincendios la batidora la caja de control el cajero automatico la calculadora la cerradura electronica los electrodom6sticos el detector de humo activar desactivar el DVD (d6-uve-de) el enchufe enchufar desenchufar el equipo de hi-fi el facsimile) / fax mandar por fax 1 faxear J opuede faxe&rmelo? la fotocopia la fotocopiadora fotocopiar el horno microondas el lavaplatos la lavadora el lector de CDs grabar el MP3 (eme-pe-tres) el sistema de navegacidn por sat6lite el robot de cocina la secadora el secador de pelo el sintonizador digital sintonizar el sistema de seguridad el telefono inalambrico el (tel6fono) port&til 1 el movil J marcar un numero Other technological gadgetry anti-theft alarm fire alarm food mixer control box automatic cash dispenser calculator electronic locking electrical appliances for the home smoke detector to set off to deactivate DVD power point to plug in to unplug hi-fi equipment facsimile / fax to fax can you fax it to me? photocopy photocopier to photocopy microwave oven dishwasher washing machine CD player to record MP3 satellite navigation system food processor tumble-drier hairdrier digital tuner to tune (in) security system cordless phone mobile (phone) to dial a number 88 La ciencia у la tecnologla 15
el mando a distancia la television por sat6lite / cable la antena parabdlica la televisidn / radio digital el video el videograbadora 15.3 El personal, los procesos у las sustancias el cienti'fico / la cientifica el tecndlogo / la tecndloga la fisica el fisico / la fisica la quimica el quimico / la quimica la zoologia el zodlogo / la zodloga investigar el investigador / la investigadora promover las investigaciones cientificas seguir una linea de investigacion la sustancia el element© el compuesto el proceso el laboratorio pasar por un circuit© el oxigeno el hidrogeno el nitr6geno el monoxido / dioxido de carbono el mercurio el plomo el complejo petroquimico remote control, zapper satellite / cable television satellite dish digital television / radio video, video recorder video recorder People, processes and substances scientist technologist physics physicist chemistry chemist zoology zoologist to research researcher to promote scientific research to follow a line of investigation substance element compound process laboratory to pass through a circuit oxygen hydrogen nitrogen carbon monoxide / dioxide mercury lead petrochemical complex 15.3 El personal, los procesos у las sustancias 89
15.4 La explo racidn del espacio el satdlite meteoroldgico la longitud de onda poner en 6rbita el transbordador espacial la lanzadera espacial lanzar la nave (espacial) la capsula lunar el satelite de comunicaciones la estacion espacial acoplarse Space exploration meteorological satellite wavelength to put into orbit space shuttle space launch pad to launch (space) ship lunar capsule communications satellite space station to dock (includes various links) www.terraes/personal/lermon/esp/enciclo.htm (good for computer vocabulary!) 90 La ciencia у la tecnologia 15
16 La religion 16.1 Las religiones Religions el cristianismo Christianity ser cristiano/a to be a Christian Dios God Jesus / Jesucristo Jesus / Jesus Christ el Padre, el Hijo у el Espiritu Santo Father, Son and Holy Ghost la Virgen Marla the Virgin Mary la (Santa) Biblia the (Holy) Bible el evangelio the gospel el catolicismo Catholicism la iglesia catolica the Catholic Church el protestantismo Protestantism ser protestante to be a Protestant el Islam Islam musulman / musulmana (n + adj} Muslim AI& Allah el profeta Mahoma the prophet Mohammed la mezquita mosque el Coran Qur’an el judalsm о Judaism el judio / la judia Jew, Jewish sionista (n + adj} Zionist el sinagoga synagogue el hinduismo Hinduism el budismo Buddhism Buda Buddha la deidad deity la diosa goddess 16.2 Lasjerarqufas religiosas Religious hierarchies el Papa el arzobispo de Toledo el obispo de Sevilla el cura 1 el sacerdote J el parroco la parroquia el santo / la santa the Pope the Archbishop of Toledo the Bishop of Seville priest parish priest parish, parish church saint 16.2 Las jerarquias religiosas 91
el ayatola el iman el mullah el rabf ayatollah imam mullah rabbi 16.3 La doctrina religiosa Religious doctrine crucificar la crucifixibn el crucifijo la ortodoxia religiosa la virginidad el nacimiento sin mancha la resurreccion el cielo el paraiso el bngel el infierno el milagro el diablo Satanbs to crucify crucifixion crucifix religious orthodoxy virginity virgin birth resurrection heaven paradise angel hell miracle the devil Satan 16.4 La prdctica de la religidn Religious practice el oficio el culto rezar las oraciones bautizar a un nino casarse por la iglesia ir a misa la primera comunidn la confirmacion ayunar el ramadan el s&bado (Jewish); el domingo (Christian) practicar / abrazar una religibn predicar service worship to pray prayers to christen / baptise a child to get married in church to go to mass first communion confirmation to fast Ramadan Sabbath to practise / embrace a religion to preach 92 La religion 16
16.5 Las creencias religiosas Religious beliefs creer en Dios ser creyente profesar una fe ser catolico/a practicante tener / sentir una vocaci6n religiosa dar sentido a la vida manifestarse de acuerdo con el Papa sentir un vacfo rechazar ser escdptico/a la religion no me dice nada ser ateo/a el ateismo ser agn6stico/a el fanatismo religioso la (in)tolerancia religiosa las matanzas sectarias el culto del diablo practicar el satanismo 16.6 La muerte morir fallecer despues de morir el otro mundo los funerales el cementerio el entierro enterrar la cremacidn incinerar el homo crematorio elluto llorar la muerte de la necrologia el testamento to believe in God to be a believer to profess a faith to be a practising Catholic to have / feel a religious vocation to give meaning to life to come out in agreement with the Pope to feel a gap / an emptiness to reject to be sceptical religion does nothing for me to be an atheist atheism to be an agnostic religious fanaticism, bigotry religious (in)tolerance sectarian killings devil worship to practise satanism Death to die to die, pass away (more euphemistic) after death the other world, next world funeral cemetery burial to bury cremation to cremate crematorium mourning to mourn the death of obituary will 16.6 La muerte 93
17 La pobreza у el tercer mundo un pais tercermundista los paises en vias de desarrollo los desvalidos los desposeidos la pobreza a third-world country the developing countries the underprivileged, the helpless the deprived, the have-nots poverty 17.1 Los problemas humanos Human problems 17.1.1 Las condiciones econdmicas у sanitarias empobrecerse el empobrecimiento la desnutricion estar desnutrido/a la mortalidad infantil la miseria rural el hambre (f) endemica morir de inanicibn / hambre la marginacion estar marginado/a explotar sentirse explotado/a la lucha por la supervivencia cotidiana la apatia ser apatico/a la desesperacibn encontrarse en condiciones cada vez mbs precarias las enfermedades relacionadas con la pobreza envejecer muy pronto sufrir un irreversible deterioro en su forma de vivir ser analfabeto/a el analfabetismo el fnfimo nivel de la educacibn mendigar la desigualdad social Economic and health conditions to become poor / impoverished impoverishment malnutrition to be malnourished infant mortality rural deprivation endemic hunger / starvation to die of starvation marginalisation to be marginalised to exploit to feel exploited the struggle for daily survival apathy to be apathetic despair to be in an ever more precarious situation poverty-related diseases to age quickly to suffer an irreversible decline in living conditions to be illiterate illiteracy the abysmal level of education to beg social inequality 94 La pobreza у el tercer mundo 17
obtener unos ingresos inferiores a la media de la renta per capita vivir por debajo del umbral de pobreza no Hegar al final del mes vivir en un estado de extrema necesidad no tener recursos depender de las limosnas robar para obtener viveres deber el alquiler desalojar estar sin hogar vivir en un cuchitril las barriadas de chabolas la chabola / el chamizo el chabolismo sustentar a siete u ocho nihos el hudrfano / la hudrfana el orfelinato ser came de estadistica se acabd la esperanza 17.1.2 Mejoras у soluciones la ayuda econbmica la organizacidn caritativa cobijar la autosuficiencia alimenticia vivir de la tierra abandonar el campo desplazarse a la ciudad compartir (con) tener una autdntica politica social hacia la pobreza el estado del bienestar detectar manifestaciones de la pobreza apadrinar a un nifio el comercio justo to receive an income below the per capita average to live below the poverty line not to be able to manage until the end of the month to live in a state of dire need to have no means / resources to depend on charity to steal in order to obtain food to owe the rent to evict to be homeless to live in a hovel shanty towns shack, shanty, slum the problem of the chabolas to support seven or eight children orphan orphanage to be just a statistic, ‘statistic fodder’ there’s no more hope Improvements and solutions economic aid charity, charitable organisation to shelter, to house self-sufficiency in food, ability to feed oneself to live off the land to leave the countryside to move to the city to share (with) to have a real social policy towards poverty the welfare state to detect signs of poverty to sponsor a child fair trade 17.1 Los problemas hum a nos 95
17.2 Los problemas econdmicos a nivel nacional la deuda externa el deudor el acreedor el prdstamo reducir / suprimir / condonar la deuda del tercer mundo at ajar el crecimiento en espiral de la deuda del tercer mundo estar agobiado por el peso de la deuda externa el hundimiento econdmico el crecimiento econdmico el Fondo Monetario Internacional malgastar el dinero la corrupcidn los gobiemos corrompidos sobornar / cohechar el soborno / el cohecho establecer severos planes de ajuste econdmico un plan de austeridad econdmica un programa anti-inflacionario la inflacidn galopante una inflacidn que pasa ya del 300% mantener el caos a raya el Banco Mundial el sistema bancario mundial las riquezas naturales aprovechar sus propios recursos Economic problems at a national level foreign debt debtor creditor loan to reduce / cancel third-world debt to stem the spiralling growth of third-world debt to be overwhelmed by the burden of foreign debt economic collapse economic growth the International Monetary Fund to misspend money corruption corrupt governments to bribe bribe, bribery to implement stringent plans for economic adjustment an economic austerity plan an anti-inflationary programme galloping inflation inflation already above 300% to keep chaos at bay the World Bank the world banking system natural wealth / resources to benefit from one’s own resources 96 La pobreza у el tercer mundo 17
17.3 Los efectos ecoldgicos Ecological effects la desertizacidn de la tierra la superpoblacidn el agotamiento de la tierra la sobreexplotacidn la sequfa aridificarse la erosidn la deforestacidn la conservacidn de los bosques las zonas forestales la irrigacidn intensiva desertification of the land over-population soil exhaustion over-exploitation drought to become arid erosion deforestation conservation of forests forested areas intensive irrigation You will find further relevant ecological vocabulary in Chapter 14. 17.3 Los efectos ec о logic os 97
18 La inmigracion у el racismo 18.1 La inmigracidn inmigrar el / la inmigrante emigrar el / la emigrante el influjo de inmigrantes la poblacidn inmigrante el / la inmigrante ‘sin papeles’l el / la inmigrante irregular J proveniente(s) del Tercer Mundo / de los antiguos palses com unistas / del Subsahara la Ley de Extranjerfa el pais anfitrion el permiso de trabajo el permiso de residencia el permiso / visado de salida la libertad de movimiento el centro de acogida la mano de obra barata el empleo de baja remuneracion la identidad cultural integrarse en la sociedad el derecho a la ciudadanla el derecho de voto acelerar el proceso integrador la concesion de la nacionalidad tras cinco afios de residencia continuada el trabajador invitado vivir fuera de su pais de origen residir legalmente en ... la segunda generacibn el matrimonio mixto solicitar / pedir asilo (politico) la solicitud de asilo el solicitante de asilo politico la inmigracibn ilegal Immigration to immigrate, i.e. to migrate in immigrant to emigrate, i.e. to migrate out emigrant influx of immigrants immigrant population illegal immigrant coming from the Third World / the former communist countries / sub-Saharan Africa (Spanish) Immigration Law host country work permit residence permit exit permit/visa freedom of movement (i.e. of people, goods, etc.) reception centre (for immigrants) cheap workforce low-paid employment cultural identity to integrate into society the right to citizenship the right to vote to speed up the process of integration the granting of nationality after five years’ continuous residency guest worker, immigrant worker to live outside one’s country of origin to reside legally in ... second generation mixed marriage to seek (political) asylum application for asylum asylum-seeker illegal immigration 98 La inmigracidn у el racismo 18
una riada creciente de inmigrantes clandestinos / ilegales agravar la escasez de viviendas el refugiado / la refugiada de la persecucidn polftica la tortura repatriar 18.2 El racismo 18.2.1 La discriminacidn racial el brote de racismo el racismo encubierto el odio racista la agresidn disc rim inar las desigualdades raciales un acto humillante humillar la mano dura de la policfa negar los derechos del hombre la vulneraci6n de derechos individuales pisotear los principios morales un ciudadano de segunda categorfa 18.2.2 Las actitudes racistas la xenofobia la extrema derecha albergar sentimientos racistas el movimiento neonazi el sentimiento antijudfo el antisemitismo el choque de cultures fomentar el odio religioso el ataque de caracter racista el atraco atracar apalear el asesinato racista un incidente racista un caso conocido de racismo una campafia de terror una escalada de la violencia racista una ley discriminatoria an increasing flow of illegal immigrants to aggravate the housing shortage refugee from political persecution torture to repatriate Racism Racial discrimination outburst of racism hidden racism race hatred aggression to discriminate racial inequalities a humiliating act to humiliate police heavy-handedness to deny human rights infringement of individual rights to trample on moral principles a second-class citizen Racist attitudes xenophobia the extreme right to harbour racist feelings neo-Nazi movement anti-Jewish feeling anti-Semitism clash of cultures to stir up religious hatred racist attack mugging, hold-up to mug, hold up to beat up racist murder a racist incident a known case of racism a campaign of terror an escalation of racist violence a discriminatory law 18.2 El racismo 99
estar / sentirse marginado/a las cosas han empeorado corregir una situaci6n alarmante representar un amplio espectro social la incapacidad de vivir juntos 18.2.3 Vivir juntos coexistir la minorla etnica preservar su identidad cultural el patrimonio cultural la eliminaci6n de todas formas de racismo ser receptivo/a a la diversidad cultural las ventajas de vivir en una sociedad multiracial vivir en una armonia racial tener respeto por la culture de cada uno to be / feel marginalised things have got worse to rectify an alarming situation to represent a wide spectrum of society inability to live together Living together to coexist ethnic minority to retain one’s cultural identity cultural heritage elimination of all forms of racism to be open to cultural diversity the benefits of living in a multiracial society to live in racial harmony to have respect for each other’s culture 100 La inmigracidn у el racismo 18
19 La guerra у la paz 19.1 El conducto de la guerra declarer la guerre emprender la guerra estar en guerra la guerra biol6gica la guerra civil la guerra frfa la guerra de las galaxias la guerra de nervios la guerra qufmica la guerra de trinchera una guerra sangrienta la lucha contra el terrorismo cuando estall6 la guerra entre ... el aliado una potencia aliada el ultimatum provocar una crisis prepararse para la confrontaci6n / el enfrentamiento desatar una guerra atacar el ataque la agresidn armada invadir la invasidn aplastar las fuerzas enemigas disparar incapacitar lesionar derrotar veneer el botin el detenido / la detenida el prisionero / la prisionera de guerra desterrar el destierro la presencia militar las superpotencias una fuerza potente The conduct of war to declare war to go to war to be at war biological warfare civil war the cold war star wars war of nerves chemical warfare trench warfare a bloody war the fight against terrorism when war broke out between ... ally an allied power ultimatum to provoke a crisis to prepare for confrontation to unleash a war to attack attack armed agression to invade invasion to crush the enemy forces to fire (a gun) to incapacitate to wound, injure to defeat to beat booty, spoils detainee prisoner of war to exile exile military presence superpowers a powerful force 19.1 El conducto de la guerra 101
las sanciones intemacionales la pgrdida de vidas humanas recibir drdenes la Cruz Roja la amenaza nuclear el holocausto nuclear el genocidio 19.2 Las fuerzas armadas у el material bdlico la jerarqufa militar la mdquina de guerra el ejdrcito las tropas el servicio militar 1 ‘la mili’ (coll) J el cuartel la flota la armada las fuerzas aereas la brigada el portaaviones el avidn de caza el bombardero el radar las tropas aerotransportadas el destructor la fragata el buque de guerra el tanque el dragaminas el coche blindado la bomba el cohete el obus el gas nervioso las arm as qufmicas el armamento nuclear el sistema de misiles La Fuerza de Acci6n RSpida (FAR) las armas de destrucci6n masiva international sanctions the loss of human life to receive orders Red Cross the nuclear threat nuclear holocaust genocide The armed forces and military equipment military hierarchy war machine army troops military service barracks fleet navy air force brigade aircraft carrier fighter plane bomber radar airborne troops destroyer frigate warship tank minesweeper armoured car bomb rocket shell nerve gas chemical weapons nuclear armament missile system Rapid Action Force weapons of mass destruction 102 La guerra у la paz 19
19.3 La paz mantener la paz hacer las paces (con) en tiempo de paz el pacificador las fuerzas de pacificacidn el apaciguamiento apaciguar firmar un tratado abogar por un cese de hostilidades aspirar a una solucidn negociada en los anos de la posguerra disuadir un arma (f) disuasiva el movimiento de paz el pacifismo ser pacifista la manifestacidn pacifista hacer una campaha antimilitarista el alto el fuego / el cese de hostilidades ‘dad una oportunidad a la paz’ Peace to keep the peace to make peace (with) in peacetime peacekeeper peacekeeping force appeasement to appease to sign a treaty to call for an end to hostilities to seek a negotiated solution in the post-war years to deter deterrent weapon peace movement pacifism to be a pacifist peace demonstration to carry out an anti-military campaign ceasefire ‘give peace a chance’ www. g NB: There are many Spanish Civil War sites, some of which tend to be written from a very partisan point of view. 19.3 La paz 103
20 Las relaciones internacionales 20.1 La diplomacia el protocolo la diplomacia diplomdtico/a la ONU (Organizacidn de las Naciones Unidas) la Asamblea General las relaciones hispano-britOnicas un acuerdo bilateral la polftica exterior los intereses nacionales la presencia extranjera el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores el Ministerio de Defensa el ministro / la ministra de Asuntos Exteriores la inversion extranjera invertir el indicador econdmico la intemacionalizaciOn de la economfa la multinacional extranjera 20.2 La Unidn Europea (UE) 20.2.1 La organization у las instituciones la Uni6n Europea el Tratado de Roma / Lisboa la Europa occidental ingresar en el antiguo Mercado Comun solicitar la adhesiOn a la UE la apertura oficial de las negociaciones el ingreso de Espana en la UE en 1986 el Pacto de AdhesiOn Diplomacy protocol diplomacy diplomatic UN (United Nations) the General Assembly Anglo-Spanish relations a bilateral agreement foreign policy national interests foreign presence Foreign Office Ministry of Defence Foreign Secretary foreign investment to invest economic indicator the internationalisation of the economy foreign multinational (company) The European Union (EU) The organisation and institutions European Union Treaty of Rome / Lisbon western Europe to join the former Common Market to apply for membership of the EU the official opening of negotiations the entry of Spain into the EU in 1986 Membership Pact 104 Las relaciones internationales 20
la integraci6n en Europa las negociaciones negociar el Parlamento Europeo el eurodiputado / la eurodiputada el Consejo de Europa el Banco Europeo de Inversiones PIB (Producto Interior Bruto) la competencia libre el impuesto sobre el valor afiadido (IVA) la polffica agricola comun (РАС) los palses miembros la unidn aduanera la homologacidn de instituciones el convenio el funcionario / la funcionaria el pasa porte comun itario el sistema mon e tar io europeo (SME) una moneda comun el estreno del euro en el 2002 la eurozona la armonizacidn de las pollticas econ6micas el periodo transitorio el arancel el desarme arancelario firmar un acuerdo de cooperacidn la ampliaci6n de la UE basta ya con los veintisiete integration into Europe negotiations to negotiate the European Parliament member of the European Parliament (МЕР) Council of Europe the European Investment Bank GNP (Gross National Product) free competition Value Added Tax (VAT) common agricultural policy (CAP) member countries customs union standardisation of institutions agreement civil servant Community passport European monetary system (EMS) a common currency the launch of the euro in 2002 Eurozone, Euroland harmonisation of economic policies transition period customs tariff removal of tariff barriers to sign a cooperation agreement expansion of the EU 27’s enough (relating to the EU) 20.2.2 Los efectos de la adhesi6n a la UE The effects of joining theEU hacer frente al desaflo de la adhesidn el desarrollo regional el aumento de las importaciones / export aciones la competencia europea renunciar a una parte de su soberanfa eliminar las barreras la libertad de la circulaci6n de mercancfas (personas, capitales) la modernizaci6n de estructuras modemizar to face up to the challenge of membership regional development increase in imports / exports European competition to give up a degree of sovereignty to break down barriers freedom of movement of goods (people, capital) modernisation of structures to modernise 20.2 La Union Europea (UE) 105
una mayor renta agraria compartir las aguas pesqueras la flota pesquera espafiola el desarrollo industrial la ampliaci6n del mercado nacional el rendimiento exigido por la UE la compafifa exportadora / importadora el incremento del coste de la vida protegerse del impacto del cambio adaptarse a la competencia comunitaria la subida general de precios alimenticios el consumidor espanol un abaratamiento para el consumidor ampliar sus gamas de productos homologar los niveles de calidad la supresi6n de barreras proteccionistas las barreras aduaneras el movimiento de trabajadores una mayor estabilidad la sobreexplotacidn de los recursos del mar la conservaci6n у la gestidn de los recursos la estrategia energetics comun la igualdad de oportunidades para todos los ciudadanos europeos los retos para el future aftorar la vuelta de la peseta ser euroesceptico/a estar gobernado desde Bruselas 20.3 LaOTAN la Organizaci6n del Tratado del Atlantic© del Norte el secretario general permanecer en la Alianza Atl&ntica integrarse en la estructura militar de mando la situacidn de seguridad los aliados la defensa de Europa a greater agricultural income to share fishing waters the Spanish fishing fleet industrial development increasing the national market performance required by the EU export / import company increase in the cost of living to protect oneself from the effects of change to adapt to Community-wide competition general rise in food prices the Spanish consumer a price cut for the consumer to widen one’s range of products to standardise quality levels the abolition of protectionist barriers customs barriers the movement of workers a greater stability over-exploitation of the sea’s resources conservation and management of resources common energy strategy equality of opportunity for all European citizens challenges for the future to long for the return of the peseta to be (a) Eurosceptic to be governed from Brussels NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation general secretary to remain in the Atlantic Alliance to become part of the military command structure the security situation the allies the defence of Europe 106 Las relaciones internacionales 20
la pdrdida de la libertad de acci6n los objetivos militares en la ёроса de la guerra frla la carrera de armamentos los pafses no alineados el valor estratdgico de Espafia la importancia militar supeditar la libertad de accidn a la OTAN firmar un acuerdo mutuo de defensa deshacerse de las bases norteam ericanas la presencia militar la cumbre el equilibrio militar el desequilibrio el presupuesto defensivo 20.4 Gibraltar el Pefi6n / la Roca gibraltarefio/a el llanito / la llanita (coll) el contencioso de Gibraltar la coIonia brit£nica la descolonizaci6n descolonizar resolver el problema de Gibraltar abordar las cuestiones de la soberanla la autodeterminacidn la devoluci6n de Gibraltar a Espana ceder el Peh6n rec up erar Gibraltar demostrar una capacidad de com promiso una soberanla compartida las discusiones concluyeron sin acuerdo los gibraltarefios no quieren someterse a la soberanla espahola a travds de los canales diplomdticos ordinarios la importancia estratdgica la seguridad del Estrecho el paraiso fiscal considerar los aspectos militares у estratdgicos loss of freedom of action military objectives st the time of the Cold War the arms race the non-aligned countries Spain’s strategic value military importance to subordinate freedom of action to NATO to sign a mutual defence agreement to get rid of American bases military presence summit (meeting) military balance imbalance the defence budget Gibraltar the Rock (i.e. Gibraltar) Gibraltarian Gibraltarian the argument over Gibraltar British colony decolonisation to decolonise to solve the Gibraltar problem to tackle the questions of sovereignty self-determination the return of Gibraltar to Spain to give up the Rock to regain / get Gibraltar back to show a capacity for compromise shared sovereignty the discussions ended without an agreement the Gibraltarians don’t want to submit to Spanish rule through normal diplomatic channels strategic importance the security of the Strait tax haven to consider the military and strategic aspects 20.4 Gibraltar 107
levantar restricciones abrir la verja la apertura de la verja la frontera terrestre los aduaneros espanoles se ponen en paro tecnico to lift restrictions to open the frontier gate (between Spain and Gibraltar) the opening of the frontier gate (between Spain and Gibraltar) the land frontier the Spanish Customs work to rule 108 Las relaciones internacionales 20
21 La poh'tica 21.1 Lademocracia Democracy 21.1.1 El sistema parlamentario el Parlamento las Cortes la Camara el Congreso de los Diputados la Camara de los Com ones la Camara de los Lores el presidente del gobierno el primer ministro/ la primera ministra el gabinete el partido los mdximos dirigentes del partido el / la lider bajo el liderazgo de Aznar el gobierno encabezado por Zapatero gobernar un gobierno de izquierdas / derechas derechista (n / adj) izquierdista (n / adj) el ala (f) derecha del partido el comunismo comunista el / la comunista el socialism© socialista el / la socialista el gobierno laborista el partido centrista el conservadurismo conservador(a) el conservador / la conservadora el poder politico el grupo politico la agrupacidn politica el politico / la politica la politica la politica verde The parliamentary system Parliament (Spanish) Parliament Chamber the Congress of Deputies (Spanish lower house) House of Commons House of Lords president, prime minister prime minister cabinet party the top party leaders leader under the leadership of Aznar the government headed by Zapatero to govern a left-wing / right-wing government right-wing, right-winger left-wing, left-winger the right wing of the party communism communist communist (n) socialism socialist socialist (n) Labour government centre party conservatism conservative conservative (n) political power political group political grouping politician politics / policy green politics 21.1 La democracia 109
la clase media alta / baja con el apoyo de la clase obrera apoyar el debate el discurso la replica la poldmica por motivos politicos la oposicidn la actitud polftica man ten er las fuerzas de orden publico lograr el objetivo de sacar a Espana adelante los derechos humanos salvaguardar las libertades у los derechos del pueblo mantener vivo el sistema democrdtico 21.1.2 Las elecciones elegir las elecciones generales las elecciones autondmicas la cam paha electoral el electorado ganar 100 escahos el voto votar (por los socialistas) las urnas acudir a las urnas el referendum el / la portavoz el sondeo el boicot boicotear 21.2 Ladictadura el regimen el franquismo en la ёроса franquista el dictador la dictadura the upper / lower middle class with working-class support to support debate speech reply discussion, argument, polemic for political motives / reasons the opposition political attitude to maintain the forces of public order to achieve the objective of moving Spain forward human rights to safeguard the freedoms and rights of the people to keep the democratic system alive Elections to elect general election regional government / autonomfa elections election campaign electorate to win 100 (parliamentary) seats vote to vote (for the socialists) ballot boxes to go to the polls referendum spokesperson opinion poll boycott to boycott Dictatorship rdgime Francoism, politics of the Franco regime in Franco’s time dictator dictatorship 110 La politic a 21
el Caudillo el fascismo fascista el / la fascista el / la facha (co//) ultraderechista el golpe de estado el golpismo el / la golpista el gobiemo tftere 21.3 La violencia polftica 21.3.1 Los responsables el / la terrorista la organizacidn terrorista el grupo terrorista el guerrillero / la guerrillera la guerra de guerrillas los rebeldes el / la simpatizante el grupo separatista ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) etarra una cdlula del Al-Qaeda 21.3.2 Sus razones у objetivos derrocar el gobierno la corrupcidn de los politicos corromper corrompido/a la ley del patrdn luchar por la independencia 21.3.3 Sus mdtodos protester la sublevacidn la revolucidn revolucionario/a los disturbios callejeros el cuartelazo el golpe militar fascist leader (esp. with reference to Franco) fascism fascist (adj) fascist (n) (derogatory slang term for) fascist extreme right-wing coup d’etat coup mentality one who takes part in a coup puppet government Political violence The perpetrators terrorist terrorist organisation terrorist group guerrilla guerrilla warfare the rebels sympathiser separatist group ETA (Basque separatist group) member of, or to do with, ETA an Al-Qaeda cell Their reasons and objectives to bring down the government political corruption to corrupt corrupt the law of the rich owner / boss to struggle / fight for independence Their methods to protest uprising revolution revolutionary street riots military uprising, army coup military coup 21.3 La violencia polftica 111
las operaciones guerrilleras la violencia terrorista el atentado terrorista el atentado con bomba secuestrar el coche bomba el hombre / la mujer bomba entregar su vida (por) la bomba de relojerfa el explosive Semtex volar un tren asesinar el asesinato quitarle la vida a alguien mutilar lesionar herir deg о liar a alguien rescatar el rescate el atentado el asesinato politico hundir el pais en la guerra civil las matanzas colectivas la masacre sangrienta ahogar(se) en sang re matar por mat ar crear continues conflictos la cancidn de protesta ‘el pueblo unido jamds serd vencido’ el alto el fuego 21.3.4 Susvictimas el / la vfetima la desaparicion tomar a una persona сото rehgn los rehenes detenidos en Iraq estar sobrecogido/a por el terror los desaparecidos violentamente 21.3.5 Las contramedidas los organismos internacionales de derechos humanos evitar una guerra civil firmar una tregua guerrilla operations terrorist violence terrorist outrage bomb outrage to kidnap car bomb suicide bomber to give up one’s life (for) booby-trap bomb Semtex explosive to blow up a train to murder murder to take someone’s life to maim to injure to wound to behead sb / cut sb’s throat to ransom ransom outrage / attempt on someone’s life political assassination / murder to plunge the country into civil war mass killings bloody massacre to drown in blood to kill for the sake of killing to create continual conflicts protest song the people united will never be defeated’ cease-fire Their victims victim disappearance to take sb hostage the hostages held in Iraq to be cowed by terror those who have disappeared by force Counter-measures international human rights organisations to avoid a civil war to sign a truce 112 La politica 21
romper una tregua la ruptura de una tregua desactivar una bomba el artificiero / experto en desactivar explosives tener el apoyo del gobierno 21.4 La monarqufa 21.4.1 La Familia Real el / la monarca el soberano / la soberana los Reyes de Espafia el Principe de Asturias la Infanta Elena la corona espariola la Fam ilia Real la Zarzuela el presupuesto anual el Jefe de Estado la coronacidn las obligaciones oficiales reinar el reino durante el reinado de la Constitucidn de 1978 el sistema constitucional el jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas mantenerse por encima de la polftica cotidiana cumplir con su deber las cuestiones protocolarias tener sangre real 21.4.2 En pro у en contra de la monarqufa ser mon£rquico/a desde un punto de vista (anti-) mon&quico... estar en pro / en contra de la monarqufa gozar del privilegio privilegiado/a to break a truce the breaking of a truce to defuse a bomb bomb disposal expert to have the support of the government The monarchy The Royal Family monarch sovereign King and Queen of Spain Prince of Asturias Princess Elena the Spanish crown Royal Family home of Spanish royal family annual budget Head of State coronation official duties to reign kingdom, realm during the reign of the 1978 Constitution constitutional system chief of the armed forces to remain above everyday politics to fulfil one’s duty matters of protocol to have royal blood For and against the monarchy to be a monarchist from a(n anti-)monarchist point of view to be for / against the monarchy to enjoy privilege privileged 21.4 La monarqufa 113
gozar del poder hereditario disfrutar de la riqueza heredada deberfan trabajar сото cualquier hijo de vecino pagar los impuestos ofrecer estabilidad gozar de un prestigio sin parangdn hacerse querer por todos el Rey Juan Carlos ... ... fue el protagonista de la transicidn democrdtica ... deseтреп6 un papel primordial en el cambio hacia la democracia to enjoy hereditary power to enjoy inherited (unearned) wealth they should have to work like any other citizen to pay taxes to offer stability to enjoy unequalled prestige to be loved by all King Juan Carlos ... ... was the leader of the transition to democracy ... played a fundamental role in the change to democracy 21.5 Las autonomi'as The self-governing regions el regionalismo el gobiemo regional el deseo autondmico el autogobiemo la Comunidad Autdnoma reconocer el derecho a la autonomia tener una lengua propia suscitar expectativas esto no supone una panacea para ... crear conflictos sociales crear mds burocracia se tiende a una Europa sin fronteras la lengua catalana la Generalitat los vascos el Pais Vasco 1 Euskadi J el euskera regionalism regional government desire for regional government self-government self-governing region (of Spain) to recognise the right to self- government to have one’s own language to awaken expectations this does not imply a panacea for... to create social conflict to create more bureaucracy there is a tendency to a Europe without frontiers the Catalan language Catalan Parliament the Basques the Basque Country Basque (language) The main political parties: You can easily find other parties via a search engine. © 114 La polftica 21
22 La economfa у los negocios 22.1 La economfa 22.1.1 A nivel gubernamental la economfa dirigida la economfa del mercado el centro bancario у financiero mondial el sector publico el sector privado privatizar la privatizacidn fomentar el capital privado nacionalizar la nacionalizacidn global izar la globalizacidn la mundializacidn Hacienda el ministro / la ministra de Hacienda la deuda nacional la balanza de pagos subvencionar la subvene i6n las actividades econdmicas el despegue de la economfa espafiola el mercado de cambio de monedas tras anos de estancamiento el presupuesto el consumidor / la consumidora la tasa de cam bio la devaluacidn devaluar / revaluar el peso argentine las divisas extranjeras la estadfstica bruto/a neto/a combatir la inflacidn The economy At government level planned economy market economy world banking and financial centre public sector private sector to privatise privatisation to encourage private capital to nationalise nationalisation to globalise globalisation extension worldwide, internationalisation Treasury, Exchequer Chancellor of the Exchequer national debt balance of payments to subsidise subsidy economic activities the lift-off of the Spanish economy foreign exchange market after years of stagnation budget consumer exchange rate devaluation to devalue / revalue the Argentinian peso foreign exchange, currency statistic(s) gross net to combat inflation 22.1 La economfa 115
la tasa de la inflacidn inflation rate la espiral inflacionista the spiral of inflation invertir capital en Espana to invest capital in Spain la inversidn investment la libre competencia free competition el mercado libre free market estar sujeto/a a las fuerzas del to be subject to market forces mercado NB: la banca the banks (collectively), banking el banco bank (building or company) los movimientos bancarios bank movements la fluctuacibn de los tipos de interds interest rate fluctuation el aiza (f) / la baja en los tipos de interds rise / fall in interest rates la crisis econdmica economic crisis la recesidn recession la entidad financiers financial institution el descenso de la demanda downturn in demand el crecimiento mds lento slower growth la contraccidn del sector constructor contraction of the building sector impedir el hundimiento de la economia to prevent the collapse of the economy 22.1.2 A nivel personal On a personal level el consumismo consumerism la sociedad consumista the consumer society los bienes de consumo consumer goods el poder adquisitivo purchasing power la cesta de la compra shopping basket el ahorro savings la Caja de Ahorros savings bank ahorrar to save la Bo Isa Stock Exchange el / la agente de Bolsa stockbroker las acciones shares el / la accionista shareholder el prestamo loan prestar to lend la hipoteca mortgage hipotecar to mortgage el impuesto sobre la renta income tax el impuesto sobre el valor afiadido (IVA) value added tax (VAT) la plusvalla la tarjeta de crddito el cajero automatic© pedir el saldo la suplantacion de la identidad el fraude de las tarjetas de crddito appreciation, capital gains tax credit card automatic cash dispenser to ask for a balance statement identity theft credit card fraud 116 La economia у los negocios 22
22.2 Los negocios la em presa la (empresa) subsidiaria la entidad los recursos el beneficio el margen de beneficio un negocio rentable la renta la rentabilidad la pbrdida la contabilidad el / la contable el acreedor la cooperative el convenio la venta al detalle / al por menor la venta al por mayor el contrato multimillonario las posibilidades de desarrollo incrementar la productividad mantener la liquidez las cifras de exportacibn la importacibn financiar un proyecto la fusibn de dos empresas el pago las perdidas la mercancfa la planificacion planificar el riesgo arriesgar la venta a plazos Business firm, company subsidiary, branch company, organisation resources profit profit margin a profitable business income, revenue profitability loss accounting accountant creditor cooperative agreement, accord retail sale wholesale multimillion contract development possibilities to increase productivity to maintain liquidity, solvency export figures import to finance a project merger of two companies payment losses goods, merchandise planning to plan risk to risk sale by instalments You will find further associated vocabulary in Chapter 6. © 22.2 Los negocios 117
23 Amigos algo falsos у muy falsos Many Spanish words of almost identical appearance to their English equivalents also have much the same meaning. Some, however, although they may share one or more meanings, are used more commonly with a different sense, as in Section 23.1. Some other words have a totally different meaning, which could even lead you into embarrassing situations. These latter, in Section 23.2, are known as ‘false friends’. So pay close attention to these lists! 23.1 jCuidadito! Be a bit careful! el aborto abortar absolutamente en absolute adecuado admirar agitar aguardar alterar(se) anciano/a anticipar(se) antiguo asistir (a) abortion (but can mean ‘miscarriage’) to abort, have a miscarriage absolutely (but often ‘absolutely not’) not at all, absolutely not suitable to surprise, astonish to wave (arms, etc.) to wait (for) to make / get upset, angry (applied to people) old person to bring / take place early ancient, but also former, one-time to be present at, attend (NOT ’to assist’) la asistencia la bateria bruto attendance (rather than ‘assistance’) drums (in band) coarse, rough, uncouth; gross (weight, etc.) la cacerola el canguro colapsar el colapso la comision la comodidad complete la conferencia el cristal crude cuestidn saucepan baby-sitter to jam, disrupt (e.g. traffic) jam, blockage committee comfort full (hotel, bus, etc.) lecture pane of glass, window pane raw, uncooked, untreated question (to be discussed, rather than asked) la desgracia por desgracia misfortune, bad luck unfortunately 118 Amigos algo falsos у muy falsos 23
divertir(se) efectivamente / en efecto la ёроса el establo fatal la frase genial el genio ignorar el infante / la infanta la memoria la moneda la oracidn particular la propaganda la racidn real el regimen (NB: los regimenes) registrar regular (adj) solicitar suceder to amuse / be amused in fact, indeed, actually period of time, season cowshed dreadful, awful, ghastly sentence (NOT ‘phrase’) inspired, brilliant disposition, nature; bad temper not to know, to be ignorant of prince / princess memory (mechanism) coin; currency prayer private advertising portion, helping (of food) royal diet to search, inspect (baggage, etc.) so-so (health, quality, etc.) ask for, request; apply for (job) to happen (only ‘succeed’ in sense of ‘come after’) 23.2 iMucho cuidado! Be very careful! acomodar(se) acostar(se) actual actualmente afrontar avisar la bala balancear(se) el baldn bizarro el campo la carpeta casual casualmente / por casualidad la casualidad el c(h)rismas el collar el compromise comprometerse to make (oneself) comfortable to put / go to bed, lie down present (in time) at present, now to face up to to warn bullet to rock, sway (large) ball, e.g. football brave, gallant field, country (as opposed to town) folder, portfolio chance (adj) by chance chance, coincidence Christmas card necklace commitment, engagement; predicament to commit oneself; get into a predicament concretar(se) to make / become more specific 23.2 {Mucho cuidado! 119
el delito el disgusto embarazarse em bar aza da energdtico (adj) crime, offence annoyance, displeasure to become pregnant pregnant to do with energy, e.g. crisis energetica (use energico for person, etc.) eventual fortuitous, dependent upon circumstances el dxito fastidiar(se) el fastidio el flan la gana tener ganas de gentil el gusto honesto honrado el idioma jubilarse largo la letra success to annoy / get annoyed annoyance crdme caramel desire, wish to wish to, feel like (doing sth) elegant, graceful pleasure, delight; taste decent, chaste honest, honourable language to retire long letter of alphabet, handwriting, words of song loco molestar la molestia el nudo el obsequio la parcela el pariente / la parienta pinchar pisar el preservativo pretender el profesor / la profesora quitar(se) el rato recorder el refrdn la renta revolver la гора sano el taldn latinta la tormenta mad to annoy, irritate annoyance, irritation knot gift, present plot of land relative, relation to prick, puncture to tread, trample condom to seek to, try to; claim teacher to take away, remove, take off (short) while to remember proverb, saying income to stir, mix up, turn round / over clothes healthy heel (of shoe); cheque, cheque stub ink; dye storm 120 Amigos algo falsos у muy falsos 23
24 iEscoge la palabra correcta! You need to take great care when selecting the Spanish equivalent of these English words. 24.1 jCuidado! to appear come into sight seem to apply for job substance (to) to argue quarrel reason to ask a question sb for sth sb to do sth to become + n + occupation + adj or make verb from adj Careful! aparecer parecer solicitar, pedir aplicar (a) refiir arguir preguntar pedir algo a alguien pedir a alguien que haga algo hacerse, convertirse en hacerse, Hegar a ser ponerse; hacerse (implies effort) e.g. independizarse (become independent) both referring to two people or objects both ... and ... to burn consume or damage by fire be on fire to care look after care / worry about take care ambos/as, los / las dos tanto... сото... quemar arder cuidar preocuparse por, interesarse por tener cuidado 24.1 {Cuidado! 121
care (n) anxiety la inquietud to come venir For come in /out/ up / down, etc, see also under 'go'. to drive drive a vehicle drive somewhere drive + adj conducir ir en coche volver (e.g. volver loco - drive mad) to enjoy have use / benefit of (circumstances, health, etc.) take delight in gozar gustar (e.g. <*,te gustd la pelfcula? - did you enjoy the film?) enjoy oneself divertirse pasarlo bien to fail be a flop, not succeed crops, machinery, etc. in obligation, duty, etc. an exam fail to do sth fracasar fa liar faltar suspender dejar de hacer algo There are numerous other idiomatic uses: check in the dictionary! to get This is a multipurpose word in English! The best tip is to find another English word which expresses the meaning of ‘get’ and use the Spanish equivalent. obtain receive become + adj obtener, conseguir recibir ponerse or convert adj to v, e.g. cansarse - to get tired, mojarse - to get wet go and get ir por to go go / come in(to) go / come out (of) go/come up go / come down go / come across go / come back go / come by go away See also Section 24.2.4 below. ir entrar (en) salir (de) subir bajar cruzar, atravesar volver pasar irse, marcharse, alejarse 122 jEscoge la palabra corrects! 24
to know know a fact, know that... know how to know / be acquainted with a person / place NOT to know (a fact / that...) last in series previous (e.g. last Monday) to leave go off / away train, plane, etc. leave (the house, work, etc.) allow to remain abandon to let rent out permit, let sth happen saber (que) saber + inf conocer ignorar ultimo pasado irse, marcharse salir (de) salir (de casa, del trabajo, etc.) dejar abandonar alquilar dejar (+ inf or subj), permitir (+ subj), que + pres subj to listen (usually) to the radio, CDs, etc. to love a person an activity, food, etc. fall in love (with) be in love (with) to look look at look for, have a look for seem look like, resemble look (n) act of looking appearance fashion escuchar oir querer, amar encantar (e.g. me encanta - I love it) enamorarse (de) estar enamorado/a (de) mi rar buscar parecer parecerse a la mirada el aspecto la moda, el estilo 24.1 iCuidado! 123
to manage manage to a tool, etc. a company to move (general) move house to order command request (e.g. purchase) in restaurant order (n) for purchase or food command succession, arrangement to put (general) place put into quite completely rather, somewhat not quite to reflect reflect light think to run action of running run an organisation, etc. in a particular direction: run up run down run in(to) run out (from) to sit sit down (i.e. action) be sitting / seated (state) conseguir, lograr + inf manejar dirigir, gestionar mover (trans), moverse (intrans) mudarse de casa mandar, ordenar pedir, encargar pedir el pedido laorden el orden poner coIocar meter (en) totalmente, completamente bastante, algo, un poco no del todo reflejar reflex ion ar correr dirigir subir corrie ndo bajar corriendo entrar corriendo (en) salir corriendo (de) sentarse estar sentado/a 124 jEscoge la palabra corrects! 24
sorry when you interrupt or unintentionally hurt sb to apologise emphatically, generally express regret, be sorry about to be (very) sorry that... to stand stand up be standing (if bodily position is of importance) otherwise tolerate, put up with to stop bring / come to a halt stop doing sth cease (e.g. rain) prevent sb from doing sth to succeed be successful succeed in (doing) be next in succession to to take general take hold of, catch Warning: this verb has vulgar: America - use tomar/ occupy take sb or sth somewhere (i.e. lead, transport) take out (from) then next at that time so, in that case time concept or duration occasion time of day period / span of time short period of time / while to have a good time iperdonl sentir, lamentar sentir (mucho) que + subj levantarse, ponerse de pie estar de pie estar parado aguantar, soportar parar(se), detener(se) dejar / terminar de hacer algo cesar impedir que alguien haga algo tener dxito conseguir/ lograr + inf suceder a tomar coger nnotations in most of Spanish ocupar I lev ar sacar (de) luego, entonces entonces pues, entonces el tiempo la vez la hora la ёроса el rato divertirse, pasarlo bien 24.1 {Cuidado! 125
to try endeavour to try out, try on (i.e. test, sample) to turn (as intrans v) revolve change direction turn round turn into (become) turn + adj to walk action of walking to go for a walk in a particular direction: walk up walk down walk in(to) walk out (of) to wipe clean dry to work do work function tratarde, intentar, procurer pro bar girar volver voh/erse, dar la vuelta convert!rse en, transformarse en volverse, ponerse andar pasearse, dar un paseo subir andando bajar andando entrar andando (en) salir andando (de) limpiar secar, enjugar trebajar funcionar work (n) job, the work you do work of art road / building works el trabajo la obra las obras 126 jEscoge la palabra corrects! 24
24.2 Sindnimos para Synonyms for common palabras corrientes words We are all inclined to use common, general-purpose words such as ‘to be', ‘to have’, 'lots of', when we could and should be more precise. Here are some alternative suggestions. However, a word of warning: some ‘synonyms' might not be synonymous with all meanings of a particular word, and might have a particular nuance, hence the reason for including some examples to help you decide. 24.2.1 Ser/Estar To be Be aware first of all of the differences between ser and estar, which you will find fully explained in any grammar book. Estar • be in a place, position or state (talking of people): encontrarse, hallarse Cuando llamaste me encontraba / me hallaba bajo la ducha El perro se encontraba / se hallaba acostado en la huerta Loli se encontraba enferma aquel dia When you called I was in the shower The dog was lying in the garden Loli was ill that day • be in a place, talking of objects or towns, cities etc: encontrarse, hallarse, situarse, and rather more sophisticated^, ubicarse Salamanca se encuentra / se halla / se situa / se ubica en el rlo Tormes Salamanca se encuentra ubicada en el no Tormes Salamanca is on the river Tormes • be in a state, usually after an action (not necessarily expressed): quedar La ciudad quedaba en ruinas Ana quedd perpleja Ser • be considered: considerarse Aquella pista de esqul se considera la mds peligrosa Pepe se considera muy listo The town was (left) in ruins Ana was puzzled That ski slope is the most dangerous Pepe thinks he is very clever 24.2 Sinonimos para palabras corrientes 127
24.2.2 Hay There is I there are • se encuentra(n): there is/are to be found • se ve(n): there is / are to be seen Se encuentran / ven muchos edificios historicos en esta ciudad Se veia una larga cola delante de la puerta There are lots of historic buildings in this town There was a long queue in front of the door • existir. to exist Existe un gran numero de remedies para este problema There are lots of solutions to this problem 24.2.3 Poseer, etc. Have, have got possess, own: poseer Poseo un ordenador muy rapido Mi hermana posee un perro encantador I’ve got a very fast computer My sister’s got a delightful dog suffer from- sufrir de padecer de La pobre sufria / padecia de una artritis severa The poor woman had severe arthritis 24.2.4 Ir, etc. To go I come to a place: dirigirse a, viajar, desplazarse a (implies effort or travel) Jaime se dirigid hacia la puerta Viajo / me desplazo cada dia desde Segovia a Madrid Jaime went / came towards the door I go / come from Segovia to Madrid each day go away: irse, but also marcharse, alejarse, largarse iCu^ndo te marchas / te vas? When are you going (away)? go /move away, alejarse (tends to emphasise increasing distance; it's derived from lejosj El tren se alejaba de la estacidn The train was going / moving away from the station 128 jEscoge la palabra corrects! 24
go/move away: largarse (often gives the idea of 'clearing off!) j Legate! Off you go! • go/come towards, approach: acercarse, aproximarse (often but not necessarily more abstract) В tren se acercaba Se aproxima el invierno The train was coming / approaching Winter is coming 24.2.5 Mucho / mucha / muchos / A lot, much, lots, many muchas Try also: una gran cantidad de una cantidad enorme de grandes cantidades de cantidades enorm es de un montdn de / montones de una multitud de una muchedumbre de un sinnumero de miles / millares de toneladas de 24.2.6 Muy a large quantity of a huge / vast quantity of large quantities of huge / vast quantities of a heap of, heaps of (slightly more colloquial) a multitude of a great number of no end of, a great many thousands of tons of Very • You can often use the suffix -fsimo on an adjective: caro - carisimo rico - riquisimo very / extremely expensive very / extremely rich Don't forget that these may also be converted into an adverb: estupidisimamente very / extremely stupidly • Use: extremadamente: extremadamente generoso enorm emente: enorm emente feo extremely generous enormously ugly and other adverbs which suggest an extreme or superlative: importantemente, notablemente, etc. 24.2 Sinonimos para palabras cornentes 129
25 Algunos verbos utiles The following is a selection of- mainly abstract - verbs which cannot be listed under particular topic headings but are very useful in written and spoken argument. abolish accuse get accustomed to achieve acknowledge (recognise) act eliminar, suprim ir acusar acostumbrarse a conseguir reconocer actuar (in theatre); actuar, obrar (do sth) add admit advise afford agree to agree with allow alter annoy apologise appreciate approve assist assume assure attempt attract avenge (oneself) avoid balance bear (endure) behave betray blame boast borrow cancel cheat (deceive) check choose command compel anadir admitir (all senses); confesar (confess) aconsejar costear consentir en, quedar en ponerse / estar de acuerdo con permitir cambiar fastidiar, enojar disculparse apreciar (most senses); valorar (value) aprobar ayudar asumir asegurar intentar, probar atraer vengar(se) evitar equilibrar aguantar comportarse traicionar culpar jactarse pedir prestado anular, cancelar, suprimir burlar com probar escoger, elegir mandar, ordenar obligar 130 Algunos verbos utiles 25
complain compose conclude confess confuse congratulate (on) dare (to) deal (with something) decrease, diminish demand deny depend (on) deserve despise develop disagree disagree disappoint disgust distrust emphasise endure envy excuse fail favour fear fight (for) forbid foresee forget forgive frighten fulfil govern grumble (about) hasten hate hesitate hinder imagine improve increase influence intend to interrupt judge quejarse, lamentarse componer concluir confesar confundir felicitar (por) atreverse a, osar tratar de disminuir exigir, reivindicar negar depender (de) merecer despreciar desarrollar no estar de acuerdo, oponerse (object) rehir, discutir (quarrel) decepcionar dar asco desconfiar de, recelar subrayar aguantar envidiar perdonar fracasar favorecer temer luchar (por) prohibir prever olvidar perdonar asustar, dar un susto a cumplir gobernar protester (de) apresurarse (intrans), acelerar (trans) odiar, aborrecer dudar, vacilar impedir, estorbar imaginarse, figurarse mejorar aumentar (trans), aumentarse (intrans) influir en pensar interrum pir juzgar 25 Algunos verbos utiles 131
loathe maintain measure make a mistake (be wrong) mistrust mix neglect notice obey object to offend offer omit owe own permit persuade to possess postpone prejudice pretend (make believe) prevent profit from promise propose protect prove provide quarrel recognise refuse (to) regret (be sorry for) reject rely on require resemble satisfy scorn suit supply support suppose suspect (of) thank threaten (to / with) trust waste (money / resources) worry aborrecer mantener medir equivocarse desconfiar de, recelar mezclar descuidar, desatender observer, notar obedecer oponerse a ofender ofrecer omitir deber poseer, ser duefio de permitir persuadir a poseer aplazar perjudicar fingir impedir aprovechar de prometer proponer proteger com probar proveer, suministrar refVir reconocer negarse (a), rehusar sentir, lamentar rechazar contar con, fiarse de exigir parecerse a satisfacer desdenar, despreciar convenir a suministrar apoyar suponer sospechar (de) agradecer amenazar (con + inf or n) fiarse de malgastar, despilfarrar inquietarse, preocuparse 132 Algunos verbos utiles 25