Author: Комарова Ю.А.  

Tags: английский язык  

ISBN: 978-5-00007-272-1

Year: 2013

Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова,
К. Билсборо, С. Билсборо
к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой,
И.В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет
«Английский язык»

ФГОС ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА Ю. А. Комарова И. В. Ларионова К. Билсборо С. Билсборо РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ к учебнику Ю. А. Комаровой, И. В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Английский язык» 6 класс 2-е издание Москва «Русское слово» MACMILLAN 2013
УДК 373.167.1:811.111 *06(075.3) ББК81.2Англ-9 К63 Комарова Ю. А. К63 Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Ю. А. Комаровой, И. В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Англий- ский язык». 6 класс / Ю. А. Комарова, И. В. Ларионова, К. Билсборо, С. Билсборо. — 2-е изд. — М.: ООО «Русское слово — учебник»: Макмиллан, 2013. — 136 с.: ил,— (ФГОС. Инновационная школа). ISBN 978-5-00007-272-1 Рабочая тетрадь является одним из компонентов УМК «Английский язык» для 6 класса обще- образовательных учреждений и предназначена для самостоятельной работы учащихся с целью повторения и закрепления лексико-грамматического материала учебника. Также Рабочая тетрадь содержит разделы Grammar bank и Vocabulary bank для дополнительной работы над грамматикой и лексикой. Раздел Culture предназначен для расширения экстралингвистического кругозора уча- щихся. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 *06(075.3) ББК 81,2Англ-9 ISBN 978-5-00007-272-1 © Ю. А. Комарова, 2012, 2013 © И. В. Ларионова, 2012, 2013 © К. Билсборо,2012, 2013 © С. Билсборо,2012, 2013 © ООО «Русское слово — учебник», Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2012, 2013
Starter unit 4 Let's Communicate! Meet the Family! Free Time 6 16 26 Learning for Life 36 USS’) I j Wonderful Wildlife 46 ) Days Out 56 1 j Look into the Past 66 j Team Spirit 76 в J It's Summer! 86 Grammar bank and Grammar exercises Vocabulary bank and Vocabulary plus Irregilar verbs 98 116 125 134 3
SGaffOoi? OmDQ Greetings and introductions 1j Match the sentence halves. Classroom objects 4y Find 11 more classroom objects in the wordsquare. Hello! I’m Hi! My name’s Harry What’s These are This is a) b) your name? my classroom. and this is my friend, Sally. d) e) Jenny. my friends. Demonstrative pronouns 2j Complete the sentences with this or these. These are my brothers. 1 ______ is Gary’s mobile phone. 2 _____ pens are really good! 3 What’s in bag? 4 . _....... are my pencils. Complete the sentences with that or those. Can you see that star? 1 Look, over there! ............ boys are my friends. 2 ___ girl is my classmate. 3 What are ... w books on my desk? 4 Where is r , . book? Colours Complete the sentences with a colour. The sun is yellow 1 The sky is .........._...... 2 Trees are ......,......... and ......,...... . 3 Apples are ............. or................ 4 A whiteboard is.................. 5 A blackboard is.................. 6 White and black make 7 Yellow and red make................. 8 White and red make 9 Blue and red make
Times six o'clock 6 Days and dates 1j Complete the sentences. Monday is the first day of the week. 1 Tuesday is the______t.,„. day of the week. 2 .......... . ...... is the third day of the week. 3 Thursday is the .... day of the week. 4 .......... is the fifth day of the week. 5 Saturday is the _ ... day of the week. 6 _ и... the seventh day of the week. 7 January is the .......... month of the year. 8 _ ...r, is the sixth month of the year. 9 August is the . .. ... . month of the year. 10 ...... ...... is the tenth month of the year. 8J Write the dates. Reese Witherspoon’s birthday is on the twenty-second of March . (22/3) 1 Jackie Chan’s birthday is on ---------- • (7/4) 2 Fernando Alonso’s birthday is on . (29/7) 3 Chulpan Khamatova’s birthday is on .(1/10) 4 Yelena Isinbayeva’s birthday is on . (3/6) 5 Brad Pitt’s birthday is on . (18/12) 6 Eddie Murphy’s birthday is on • (3/4) 7 Shakira’s birthday is on • (2/2) The alphabet 9j Complete the sentences. a b c d e f g h i j к I m n о p q r s t u v w x у z The first letter of the alphabet is A 1 The third letter is 2 The letter is E. 3 The ninth letter is 4 The ..................letter is L. 5 The nineteenth letter is 6 The ............. letter is Z. English in the classroom 10> Order the words to make sentences, that, / repeat I Can I please / you ? Can you repeat that, please? 1 notebook I It’s I yellow / a 2 English/What’s/in/this ? 3 understand / don’t I Sorry, 11 4 spell I Can I computer I you ? 5 it’s / C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R / Yes,
мм Vocabulary 1 Recycle Complete the greetings with the correct vowels. Hi! 1 G ___d m _ rn ng 2 S___ y__J 4 G d n _ ght 5 By _! 6 C_______! Languages, countries and nationalities 2j Complete the sentences. People speak English in the USA. 1 People speak Argentina. 2 People speak French in ........... . 3 People speak _________ in China. 4 People speak Arabic in 5 People speak .._______in. Scotland. 6 People speak Welsh in ___________ 7 People speak Russian in ......... 8 People speak .......„ in Ireland. 3j Circle the correct words. Find 12 more countries in the wordsquare. Kangaroos are from Australian /(Australia). 1 Champagne is French / France. 2 The tango is from Argentinian I Argentina. 3 Yelets is a Russian I Russia city. 4 Edinburgh is in Scottish I Scotland. 5 Mexican / Mexico is in North America. 6 Flamenco music is from Spanish I Spain. 7 Baseball is an American / America sport.- 8 Montreal is a Canadian / Canada city.
Grammar 1 be-, affirmative and negative 1 > Rewrite the sentences with short forms. He is Scottish. He's Scottish. 1 She is not American. 2 You are not English. .... 4.. «Г..^. ..••..RR. ............... 3 They are students. 4 I am not 15 years old. — •—........• ~ ...................... 5 It is Tuesday. 6 I am from Canada. 2j Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Use short forms. Emma and Jack aren't Australian. X 1 We....... from Russia. / 2 I .. 13 years old. / 3 Igor Akinfeev from France. X 4 Pizzas ......... Chinese. X 5 It.... a blue flag. / 6 I ........... bilingual. X Possessive adjectives 3j Complete the text. Hello, (1) my name is Paul and (2) am 12 years old. (3) ..... favourite team is Real Madrid and (4) ............ favourite player is Iker Casillas. (5) fantastic! (6) parents are from Wales and (7) favourite football team is Cardiff City. We live in Oxford and (8) house is near the city centre. I like (9) teacher - she’s great. (10) ...... first language is French. 4> Circle the correct words. Boris is(hef)/ she father. 1 Anna is his I he mother. 2 Paul is my /1 best friend. 3 My /1 am from Bristol. 4 She/Her is French. 5 His / He name is David. 6 They I Their favourite group is The White Stripes. 7 We / Our school is in Liverpool. Possessive’s Write sentences with’s or s’. my brother I friends My brothers' friends. my friend / school my cousin / house the girl / hair the teacher / books my father / dog my brother / friends My brothers' friends. 1 2 3 4 5
Vocabulary 2 Adjectives 1> Complete the adjectives with the correct vowels. _e_g_ sy 1 b_r_ng 2 d_ff_c_lt 3 _ nt _ r _ st _ ng 4 h _ rr _ bl _ 5 n _ c _ 2j Write the opposite of the highlighted adjectives. It’s an interesting book, boring 1 It’s a difficult exercise. .......... 2 I’m very happy today. 3 This answer is wrong........ 4 It’s a small dog............... 5 This pizza is nice. 6 My house is not very near. 7 It’s a new school................ Complete the sentences with opposite adjectives. The beach isn’t far - it's near. 1 That isn’t right - 2 It isn’t a big country - 3 She isn’t happy - 4 The film isn’t boring -... 5 It isn’t a horrible lesson -........... 6 This language isn’t difficult - 7 It isn’t an old computer - .................. 4^ Write a sentence about each picture with these words. It's a difficult exam. They're happy children. 8
Grammar 2 be: questions and short answers V Order the words to make questions. French / Is I Mary ? is Mary French? 1 John / and / Australia / Diana / from / Are ? 4 your / best friend 5 your / favourite colour 6 your / favourite singer 2 12/ you / Are ? 3 Paloma / Andrea / and / Mexican / Are ? 4 parents / Tver / Are / your / from ? 4j Answer the questions in exercise 3 for you. 2 3 4 5 6 5 teacher / Is / a / she ? 5j Read the fact file about Sergey Bezrukov and write the questions. 6 Susana / Is / from / New York ? Correct the answers. A Are you a girl? В Yes, I are. X am 1 A Is your best friend Mexican? В No, he isn’t not. X 2 A Are you from Madrid? В No, I’am not. X 3 A Is your English teacher from the USA? В Yes, she’s. X 4 A Is English your first language? В Yes, he is. X 5 A Are you 13 years old? В No, I’m not. X Question words how when what who where Write questions using these question words. old I you How old are you? 1 your I birthday 2 you I from 3 your / name What is his name? Sergey. 1 ? Bezrukov. 2 ? Russian. 3 ? Moscow. 4 ? 18th October. 5 ? Poetry. Name: Sergey Surname: Bezrukov Nationality: Russian From: Moscow Birthday: 18th October 1973 Interests: poetry 9
Grammar 1 and 2 Unit grammar check Dictation 1> CT^I Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Error correction 2) Correct the sentences. She is from French. X She is from France. 1 Arthur has 12 years old. X Grammar in context 4j Read the text and circle the correct answers. 2 This is Robert and her sister Sue. X 3 Are you Welsh? - Yes, I’m. X 4 Is in England London? X 5 She is from New York? X 6 My parents no are from Argentina. X 7 Where is from your boyfriend? X Translation 3y Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. Hi! (1)... name is Susi. This (2)... my friend Julia. She (3) ... from Wales, but (4) ... parents (5) ... from England. She's bilingual - Welsh and English. She speaks English at home with (6)... parents and Welsh at school. Whataboutyou? (7)... are you from? 1 a) I b)(My) c) She 2 a) is b) are c) am 3 a) are b) be C) is 4 a) she b) her C) his 5 a) be b) is C) are 6 a) his b) your C) her 7 a) What b) Where C) Who Listen and check your answers. 5. (Т~з~1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _____
Reading 1 > Read the text quickly and tick (/) the languages it mentions. Hindi Arabic French Welsh Spanish English Japanese Chinese Polish Portuguese Italian Catalan German Thai Gaelic Dutch 2> (СП Read and listen. Hannah Depaul In the village of Layton, 12-year old Hannah Depaul is famous - lots of people talk to her in the street, sometimes in English, sometimes in French and sometimes in Arabic. Hannah can speak six languages! Hannah is bilingual. Her dad is from France, and she speaks French at home with him. But her mum is from Morocco, so they sometimes speak Arabic too. At school, Hannah speaks English with her friends and she studies German and Spanish in class. They use DVDs and the Internet to listen to people speaking in German. Hannah lives in a village, but she goes to school in a city. Her best friend, Li, is from China, and she speaks Chinese. Hannah sometimes practises Chinese with Li after school, but she is not very good - it is a difficult language. Hannah’s parents are lawyers, but Hannah wants to be an English teacher. Her favourite language is German, so she wants to live in Germany and learn more languages. Circle the correct words. Hannah can speak five /@) languages. 1 Hannah’s dad is from France I Poland. 2 Hannah speaks French I English with her friends. 3 She goes to school in a village / a city. 4 Hannah and her friends use the Internet to listen to German / Japanese. 5 Hannah’s best friend is from Morocco I China. 6 Hannah wants to be a teacher I doctor. 7 Her favourite language is Spanish / German. 4j Answer the questions. How old is Hannah? She's 12 years old. 1 Where does she live? 2 Why is Hannah famous in her village? 3 Where is her mum from? 4 What does Hannah use to listen to German? 5 Are Hannah’s parents teachers? 6 Where does Hannah want to live? 11
Writing dossier A personal profile Language focus: capital letters 1J Rewrite the texts with capital letters. hi! my name's jon and i'm from frankfurt. i am from germany, but at the moment! live in Italy, in milan. hello! i'm sheena and i'm 12 years old. my birthday is on 18th June. my favourite band is mand and my favourite singer is shakira. i live in glasgow. Plan 2) Complete the personal profile with the information below. Name: Roger Jones Nationality: Welsh Age: 15 Birthday: 24th July Official languages in Wales: English and Welsh First language: English Second language: Welsh Interests: sport and films Favourite bands: Coldplay and Evanescence His name's (1) and he's from (2) He's (3) (age) and his birthday is on (4) In his country, the official languages are (5) and (6) His first language is (7) . His second language is (8) He is interested in (9) and (10) His favourite bands are (11) and (12) ..... 3j Complete the box with information about a friend. Paragraph 1: name / age / birthday Paragraph 2: country / language(s) Paragraph 3: interests / favourite bands Write 4> Write a personal profile about your friend. Check 5j Check your writing. Look at capital letters and the verb be. 12
Dialogue builder Giving personal information 1 ,i Complete the useful expressions with these words. 3b, Listen and check. Then write the dialogue. Hello. This is the Hannah Montana Fan Club. Hello. Can I join the fan club? spell Yes How What’s I’m It’s My phone 1 a your name? В's Simon. 2 A Can you that, please? В , it’s S-l-M-O-N. 3 A What’s your ....... number? В 245678. 4 A old are you? в 12 years old. 2 j бГ~5~! Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 What’s your first name I surname? 2 What’s his I her address? 3 What’s your address / email address? 4 A Can you spell it? В Yes, it’s V / B-R-O-W-N 5 A How old are you? В I’m 12/13 years old. Thanks! 4^ Chris wants to join an art club. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. Use the information from his student card. 3a, Order the dialogue. □ Man Yes. Wait a moment... OK, what’s your name, please? □ Man Claire. OK. And what’s your surname? □ Man ... 771208. Thank you, Claire. That’s all. You’re a member of the fan club! □ Claire Davies. □ Man Can you spell that, please? Ш Man Hello. This is the Hannah Montana Fan Club. □ Claire Yes, it’s D-A-V-l-E-S. □ Claire Hello. Can I join the fan club? Г I Man ... I-E-S. Thanks. How old are you, Claire? □ Man OK ... and what’s your email address? □ Claire Thanks! □ Claire It’s □ Man Thanks, Claire, and ... what’s your mobile number? □ Claire Claire. □ Claire I’m 12. □ Claire It’s 6632 771208. _____STUDENT CARD NAME: Chris Dean AGE: 11 EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: 01456 234789 Chris Hello. Can I join the art club? Man OK. What’s your name? Chris Man Chris. OK. And what’s your surname? Chris Man Can you spell that, please? Chris Man Thanks. How old are you? Chris Man OK. And what’s your email address? Chris Man Thanks. And what’s your phone number? Chris Man OK, that’s all. You’re a member of the art club! Chris 13
Languages, countries and nationalities 4 It isn’t difficult. Circle the odd ones out. 1 English French China Russian 2 Australian Scottish Wales Spanish 3 American Australian Canadian Gaelic 4 London USA Paris Madrid 5 Canada Australia Russia British 6 Glasgow France Spain Australia Adjectives 2j Complete the sentences with these adjectives. big horrible interesting difficult happy wrong 5 I’m not happy. Possessive adjectives and possessive’s 5, Match the subject pronouns with the possessive adjectives. 1 2 I you a) b) your her 3 he c) our 4 it d) my 5 they e) his 6 she f) its 7 we g) their 1 It’s a exam - I don’t know the answers. 2 This story is very . I like it. 3 ‘ Birthday!’ 4 Eugh! This soup is ............ ! 5 That’s not right, it’s ........ . 6 The opposite of small is .......... . be 3j Write negative sentences. Use short forms. 1 He’s from Ireland. 2 I’m French. 3 My first language is English. 4 It is interesting. 5 We are from Australia. 4j Write affirmative sentences. Use short forms. 1 He isn’t from London. 2 Russia isn’t in Europe. 3 They aren’t Scottish. 6Z Add’s or s’ to the highlighted words. 1 My dads name is Harold. 2 Her parents house is very nice. 3 This is Germanys flag. 4 Russias capital is Moscow. 5 My friends names are Jaime and Mina. 6 Megan is Emmas friend. Question words lj Write questions. 1 Where I from? 2 When I her birthday? 3 How old I you? 4 What I favourite band? 5 Who / favourite actors? 6 Where I Sergey Bezrukov from? 7 What / their names?
Cumulative check И)2>з>4>5>6>7>8>9> 4y Complete the text. 1, Complete the sentences with a suitable word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In the USA people speak .......... . In Morocco people speak Irish people are from Buenos Aires is the capital of In France people speak Cardiff is the capital of........... American people live in people come from Canada. 2y Write two more words in each list. 1 France, Germany, Italy, 2 Spanish, English, Argentinian, name is 12 years Hello, (1) .. Chi. I (2) old and I (3) from China. My first language (4) ...........Chinese and (5) second language (6) English. My English teacher (7) from China - she's from England. (8) ...... favourite bands (9) the Jonas Brothers and U2. My friends and I like football. (10) favourite team is Manchester united. We (11) big fans of Barcelona too. 0) О 3 small, difficult, happy, 4 blue, green, yellow, 5 desk, book, bag, 5> Write questions for these answers about Chi. 1 Chi. 2 3j Complete the sentences. 1 2 3 He’s 12. 4 5 6 This is my friend. name is Peter. Mary is 13. ........... is a student. Bob’s parents English. father is Spanish and .......... mother is from France. Susan’s friends are happy, team is the new champion. Hi! ...... ’m from Argentina. name Alvaro. Janet’s mother is French, name is Isabel. 3 4 5 6 7 He’s from China. Chinese. English. The Jonas Brothers and U2. Manchester United and Barcelona. EXTRA VOICES - 1 2 (JZ] Listen and complete the table. Name Age Country Email Mobile number
GfflOOG Gtt)Q Pam0O$J Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Order the letters to make parts of the body. yese eyes 3 arhi 1 rase 4 hotum 2 sone 5 ethet Hi! My name’s Guy. This is a picture of my family. My (1) dad is David. His wife is not my mum, she’s my (2) ........... Her name is Lucia. Lucia has got a daughter Family Match the words to make family pairs. 1 uncle a) sister 2 brother ' - , b) granddaughter 3 grandad "~c) aunt 4 dad d) sister-in-law 5 nephew e) grandma 6 son f) mum 7 grandson g) daughter 8 stepdad h) niece 9 brother-in-law i) stepmum 2j Look at the family tree and read about the York family. Complete the text with these words. dad cousins stepmum uncles husband daughter aunts son stepsister called Carla. She is my (3) My dad has got two brothers - they are my (4) ...... Their names are Mark and Craig. Eve and Tina are my (5) . Mark and Eve have got a (6) ............... called Pam. She and her (7) Tony have got a (8) called William. He’s a baby. Craig and Tina have got two sons - Ben and Steve. They are my (9) 3j Look at the family tree again and complete Guy’s sentences with these words. Add’s or s’ if necessary. nephews grandad uncle dad sister-in-law cousin stepsister My dad’s nephews are Ben and Steve. 1 My name is Carla. 2 My Craig. names are Mark and 3 Craig’s is Eve. 4 William’s is Mark. 5 My Steve. names are Ben and 6 William’s name is Tony. 4y Draw your family tree below and write four sentences about it.
Grammar 1 have got: affirmative and negative Write the short forms of the verbs. He has got a dog. He's got 1 We have not got a car. 2 They have got a house in France. 3 My brother has got a girlfriend. 4 They have not got a son. 5 His sister has not got an MP3 player. 6 I have got a mobile phone. 2; Circle the correct forms. Sarr/hasgot)/ have got a dog. 1 We has got I have got a great idea. 2 She hasn’t got I haven’t got any friends. 3 I hasn’t got I haven’t got any money. 4 Jo and Ann has got I have got a new house. 5 They hasn’t got I haven’t got their school books. 6 Sally has got / have got 16 cousins! Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use short forms where possible. My eyes are blue. I've got blue eyes. 1 Her hair is not long. She .......... long hair. 2 Shakira’s hair is beautiful. Shakira beautiful hair. 3 His ears are big. He ....big ears. 4 My parents’ house is near the sea. My parents a house near the sea. 5 Her eyes aren’t green. She ...... green eyes. 6 My sister’s room isn’t big. My sister a big room. 7 Their parents aren't English. They ...................... English parents. 8 My computer is very good. I......... a very good computer. Look at the pictures and write sentences about John, Sue and Bill. John I mobile phone John has got a mobile phone. 1 John I cat 2 John and Sue / mobile phones 3 Sue I CD player 4 She / skateboard 5 Bill I bike 6 Bill I brother 7 Bill I mobile phone 8 John and Sue / English books
Vocabulary 2 Describing people 1j Order the letters to make words. Write N for nouns and A for adjectives. altl tall A 1 hrost 2 aifr 3 mlsi 4 sngsluases 5 aatvrcttie 6 ahri 7 syee 8 ognl 9 slgsaes 10 adkr 4> Order the words to make sentences. got I He’s / hair / short He's got short hair. 1 My I tall I dad / is / very 2 sister I hair I has I Your / got I long 3 got I They I sunglasses I have I new 4 short I got I brown I I’ve I hair 5 got / she’s / short / She / is / and / glasses 2) Match the people with the sentences. Julie is tall and she’s got long hair, a 1 Joe is slim and he’s got short, dark hair. He’s got sunglasses. 2 Len is tall. He’s got short fair hair. 3 Sue’s got very short, fair hair. She isn’t very tall. 4 Simon’s got long, dark hair. He’s got glasses. 5 Penny is short and she’s got long dark hair. Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of be or have got. His hair is long. 1 I short hair. 2 She .... red glasses. 3 Our sunglasses .......... new. 4 Fedor Emelianenko very strong. 5 Her eyes ... dark. 6 We................ blue eyes. 7 My mother ............... red hair. 5j Correct the sentences. She is a tall girl. X Her hair is short. X He’s got long fair hair. X He's got short fair hair. He hasn’t got sunglasses. X 2 3 This man is slim. X 5 Their hair is long. X They’ve got glasses. X He’s got short fair hair. X 4 6j Describe your best friend. Write four sentences. 2 3 4
Grammar 2 have got: questions and short answers How many...? Complete the questions with the correct form of have got and the words in brackets. Have you got (you) a pet? 1 (he) a sister? 2 ........... (they) a swimming pool? 3 ........... (Madonna) three sons? 4 .............. (Britain) a royal family? 5 .............. (Samara) a football team? 6 .............. (you) your school books? 2y Answer the questions. Have they got a big garden? X No, they haven't. 1 Have you got a TV in your bedroom? / 2 Have they got a baby? X 3 Have we got PE after lunch? / 4 Has the English teacher got a motorbike? X 5 Has she got a mobile phone? / 3> Make questions. Then answer them. your parents I a car? Have your parents got a car? Yes, they have. 1 Gwyneth Paltrow / fair hair? 2 you / a big family? 3 China / a big population? 4 your friends / mobile phones? 5j Answer the questions in exercise 4. He's got two brothers. 1 2 3 4 5
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Grammar in context 6l~8~l Listen and write the sentences. 2 3 4 5 6 Error correction 2, Correct the sentences. Her eyes are blues. X Her eyes are blue. 1 He’s got a brown hair. X 2 She’s got hair fair. X 3 My fathers brother is my uncle. X 4 My parents has got two cars. X 5 Have you got any money? Yes, I have got. X 6 He haven’t got any friends. X 7 Have she got green eyes? X Translation Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4y Read the text and circle the correct answers. The Glastonbury Festival Come to the Glastonbury festival! It is a fantastic music festival and it (1) ... something for all the family. The festival (2) ... an exciting programme of pop music, dance and theatre. Children at the festival (3) ... a circus and a theatre. Meet Professor Panic - he can juggle six balls! He (4) ... a medal from the Juggling Association. The festival (5) ... any hotels, but it (6) ... lots of fields for camping. The camping area (7) ... water, toilets and showers. People at the Glastonbury festival have a great time. (8) ... three days of non-stop fun. 1 a) (has got} b) have got c) got 2 a) have got b) has got c) it’s got 3 a) they’ve got b) have got c) has got 4 a) got b) ’ve got c) ’s got 5 a) hasn’t got b) haven’t got c) have got 6 a) have got b) has got c) got 7 a) has got b) it’s got c) have got 8 a) He’s got b) Have got c) They’ve got 5y < {~9~| Listen and check your answers. 20
Reading 1 > бПо| Read and listen. Surnames Have you got a common surname? Do you know anybody with the same surname? Are there any famous people in your country with your surname? The most popular surname in England and Wales is Smith. Number two is Jones and number three is Williams. In Canada, Smith is surname number two after Li, a Chinese surname. Another Chinese name - Lam, is number three. A lot of Chinese people live in Canada. Famous Smiths include the American actor Will Smith. He was one of the Men in Black. The other man in black was Tommy Lee Jones, another American actor. In Scotland the most common surname is Gill. Numbers two and three are Brown and Wilson. Gordon Brown was prime minister of Great Britain and Jacqueline Wilson is a famous author. In Ireland the most typical surnames are Murphy, Kelly and O’Sullivan. Grace Kelly was a beautiful actress. She married Prince Rainier of Monaco. 2) Complete the table. most popular surnames England and Wales 2 Jones 3 Canada 1 Li 2 3 Scotland 1 2 3 Wilson Ireland 2 3 O'Sullivan 3j Read the text again and find ... 1 ... a prime minister 2 actress 3 ... a famous actor 4 ...a prince 4> Are these common surnames in English? Tick (/) the possible surnames. White □ Tall □ Pink □ Glasses □ Yellow 0 Green 0 Short □ Hair Black □ Grey
Writing dossier A description Language focus: ’s = is I has / possessive 1j Add an apostrophe to the sentences. Hi. My name's Bill. 1 Hes got two brothers. 2 Shes 18 years old. 3 His brothers the guitarist. 4 Shes got two cars. 5 My grandmas house is in this street. 6 My surnames Smith. 2; Look at the's in this text. Are they is, has or possessive? Hi. My (1) name's Jill and I'm from Liverpool. I'm writing about my best friends Shania and Joanne. Shania andjoanne are my classmates. (2) Shania's birthdayisin May and (3) Joanne's birthday is in January. (4) Shania's got two younger brothers, but Joanne hasn't got any brothers or sisters. (5) Shania's tall. (6) She's got long, dark hair and blue eyes. (7) Joanne's short. (8) She's got fair hair and dark eyes. 1 is 2 3 4 5 6 7 _____________ 8 Plan 3j Collect information about two of your friends. Complete the table. Paragraph 1 My name: from: best friends: and: Paragraph 2 friend 1: birthday friend 1: family friend 2: birthday friend 2: family Paragraph 3 friend 1: hair friend 1: eyes friend 2: hair friend 2: eyes Write 4j Write a description of your friends. Check 5j Check your writing. Look at’s and have got. 22
Dialogue builder Shopping 17 Complete the useful expressions with these words. haven't Where’s Can over Have near 1 A Hello. .......... I help you? В Yes. you got the new Batman DVD? A No, we .............. . 2 A It’s in the new movies section. В that? A It’s there, the exit. ГТГ| Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 Have you got any CDs / DVDs? 2 How I What about the new Brad Pitt film? 3 They are over there, near the door / caf6. 4 No, we / they haven’t. 5 Where are the magazines / newspapers? 3a Order the dialogue. О Shop assistant О Shop assistant О Shop assistant О Customer [8] Customer Ш Shop assistant Ц Customer О Customer No, sorry, we haven’t. Yes, we have. It’s over there, next to the computer games section. Yes. Have you got the new Juanes CD? Thanks! Hello. Can I help you? Great! Where is it? OK, what about Shakira’s new CD? 3by (JjU Listen and check. Then write the dialogue. Hello. Сап l help you? 4j Imagine your friend wants to buy a DVD and a new MP3 player. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. Shop assistant Your friend Shop assistant Your friend Shop assistant Your friend Shop assistant Your friend Shop assistant Your friend Good afternoon. Can I help you? No, we haven’t. Sorry! Yes, we have. It’s over there, near the magazines section. Yes, we have. They’re over there near the desk. 23
Family have got 1j Match the words and definitions. 1 dad □ 2 brother 3 aunt 4 cousin 5 grandad 6 brother-in-law 0 3) Complete the sentences with have, has, got, hasn’t or haven’t. a) your dad’s son b) your father c) your dad’s dad d) your sister’s husband e) your mum’s sister f) your uncle’s daughter Describing people 2j Complete the missing words. They’re twins. They’re (9) at They’ve got (10)1 hair and (11) s She’s (1)sh She’s got (2) I (3) d hair and (4)g He’s (5) t and (6) si He’s got (7) sh (8) f ... hair. 1 you got a cat? 2 chickens got ears? 3 The USA got a president. 4 France got a king. 5 My dad’s .five brothers, but he got a sister. 6 you any brothers? 7 I got a dog, but I got a hamster. 8 We’ve a house in Sale Road in Manchester. How many...? 4) Write questions with How many...? 1 wheels / car 2 legs / octopus 3 sisters / Bart Simpson 4 fingers / one hand 5 players / football team 6 sons / David Beckham 5j Circle the correct answers for the questions in exercise 4. 1 a) two b) four 2 a) five b) eight 3 a) one b) two 4 a) five b) ten 5 a) eleven b) ten - 6 a) six b) three
Cumulative check | 1>2>з>4>5>6>7>8>9> 1, Write these words in the correct category. sister-in-law Scotland grandma Chinese difficult short China Polish cousin Canada American nice Countries Nationalities Adjectives Family 2 Complete the text with these words. green Canada sisters’ Scottish parents glasses short brother brother's long French Hi! My name’s Will and I’m (1) .1 speak English (2) . I’ve got (3) and two sisters. (4) name is Harry and (5) names are Betty Claire. Harry is tall, but my sisters from and one My my and are (6) ................. He’s got blue eyes, but they’ve got (7) eyes. His hair is short, but they’ve got very (8) hair. Our (9) .............. are called Joe and Pat. Dad wears (10) for reading. Mum is from Scotland. She’s (11) EXTRA VOICES ' GZ] Listen to Tom talking about his family. Write the names on the family tree. Circle the correct words. 1 2 з 4 5 6 7 My ... name is Bill. a) brothers b) brother’s c) brother Her sister’s ... surname is Smith. a) friend’s b) friend c) friends She’s got brown eyes and .... a) long dark hair b) long hair dark c) a long dark hair Philip ... short hair and glasses. a) is got b) is ... my cousin. a) He’s b) He They are ... . a) from Polish Poland Mia ... from France, she’s from Germany, a) hasn’t b) isn’t c) aren’t c) ’s got c) Hes’ b) Poland c) from 4 Order the words to make questions. mother’s / name / What / your / is ? 1 2 the / What / Canada / is / capital / of ? 3 is/favourite/Who/singer/your ? 4 many / got / children / have / How / they ? 5 any / brothers / you / got / or / Have I sisters ? your / Has / school / bus / got / a ? 6 CM ч
I №0G3 ЙТОО'Ц’ВПОЭ Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Complete the activities with these words. football TV musio shopping friends listen to music 1 play _______ 2 meet 3 watch 4 go Free time Complete the crossword. 3 an MP3 player 8 5 magazines / She / at home / reads 2j Order the words to make sentences. dad / My / match I watches I on Sundays / football I a My dad watches a football match on Sundays. 1 play / My friends / often / video games 6 listen / the / We / to / in my room / radio 2 in the summer / go / They / the / to / beach 3 go /1 / to / cinema / the / every week 4 DVDs / watches / dad / on Saturdays / My 3j Tick (/) the activities you do at the weekend. listen to the radio 0 go to the cinema 0 play football read magazines 0 meet friends 0 play basketball 0 watch DVDs 0 4y Write two sentences about your free-time activities.
Grammar 1 Present simple: affirmative and negative 1» Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I watch TV. (watch) 1 He to music, (listen) 2 You English very well. (speak) 3 John and David shopping every Saturday, (go) 4 We football after school, (play) 5 Julia French in the evenings, (study) 6 They school at half past three in England, (finish) 7 Britney Spears in the USA. (live) 2y Look at the table and complete the texts. Fred and Frances watch TV in the evening / ✓ go to school by bus X / use a computer X / study a lot / X play a musical instrument ✓ X Bill is 12 years old and he lives in California. He (1) by bus - he goes on his bike. He (2) a lot at home in the evening, but he (3) a computer. He W......................... in the evening and 116 (5) the trumpet - it's very loud! Fred and Frances are brother and sister. They’re from Edinburgh. They (6) by bus every morning. They like school, but they (7) a lot! They (8) in the evening or they (9) a computer. They play a lot of computer games, but they (10) ................. a musical instrument. 3> Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. I play football. (He) He plays football. 1 Tom studies French. (Tom and Sue) 2 We watch TV. (She) 3 I don’t play tennis. (Alison) 4 You go to school by car. (He) 5 David doesn’t like salad. (I) 6 They don’t listen to me. (You) Write sentences with words from each category. Use the correct form of the verb. subject object in Wales verb football . ... music nvr. play hke DVDs ljve magazines watch read my uncle I my sister my friends my cousins and I 1 2 3 4 5
Vocabulary 2 Daily routines 1j Find ten more activities in the wordsnake. 0C^tidyyo ^eWncbk9e, г/ % ,o<^ ^erwclea^ 2j Look at the extra letters in the wordsnake. Order them to make one more activity. 3j Complete the sentences about the zoo-keeper’s day. 4^ Circle the correct words. They go shopping in / at /(on) the weekend. 1 She doesn’t watch TV in / at / on night. 2 I play football in / at / on Saturdays. 3 We walk to school in / at / on the morning. 4 My dad listens to music in / at / on the evening. 5 We go to the cinema in / at / on Fridays. 6 I do my homework in / at / on the afternoon. 5j Write true affirmative or negative sentences about yourself. 1 get up I at eight o’clock 2 tidy my room / every day 3 have breakfast / at night 4 meet my friends I every weekend 5 go to school / on Sundays 6 clean my teeth / every day 28
Grammar 2 Present simple: questions and short answers у Circle the correct words. 1 Does /(@you have lunch at home? 2 Does / Do people play football in the USA? 3 Does I Do Enrique Iglesias live in Spain? 4 What time does I do you get up? 5 Where does / do she live? 6 What time does I do you go to school? 7 Does I Do your parents watch TV in the evening? 8 When does / do he play football? 2j Match the questions and answers. 1 Do you study at the weekend? Щ 2 Do your sisters watch TV every day? □ 3 What time do you go to bed? 4 Where does Jack live? 5 Does your brother play the guitar? 6 Does your friend speak English well? 0 a) No, they don’t. b) In Aberdeen. c) At eleven o’clock. d) No, he doesn’t. e) Yes, she does. f) Yes, I do. Complete the short answers. Does your father speak French? No.....hedpesn't . 1 Does Ronaldo play football? Yes, 2 Do they speak English in Australia? Yes,_________ 3 Do we have lunch at twelve o’clock? No,................. 4 Does your sister read comics? Yes,....... 5 Do your friends play volleyball? No,.......... 6 Does your mother read magazines? No, Adverbs of frequency 4> Look at the information. Complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency. X / // /// //// ^never sometimes often usually always^ Emily go to the cinema play tennis watch TV read a book Greg go to the cinema play tennis watch TV read a book X //// // /// Kate and Sophie go to the cinema // play tennis /// watch TV / read a book X Emily never plays tennis at the weekend. 1 Emily reads a book in the evening. 2 She watches TV in her bedroom. 3 Greg goes to the cinema. 4 He plays tennis on Mondays. 5 He watches TV in the afternoon. 6 Kate and Sophie go to the cinema with friends. 7 They watch TV in their bedrooms. 8 They read a book on the bus. 29
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1j (^14] Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 Error correction 2j Correct the sentences. I go to home at six o’clock. X I go home at six o'clock. 1 Anne and my sister plays tennis every week. X 2 He get ups very early. X 3 Andrey Arshavin don’t play tennis. X 4 My father work in a shop. X 5 I have always a shower every day. X 6 What time have you lunch? X 7 Do you has lunch at school? X Translation Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grammar in context 4/ Read the text and circle the correct answers. St Patrick (1) ... the patron saint of Ireland. On 17th March Irish people all over the world (2)... this special day. They (3) ... green clothes, (4) ... Irish food and (5) ... a popular Irish beer called Guinness. In Dublin there is a St Patrick’s Day parade with about 500000 people and the festival (6)... for five days. Lots of Irish people (7) ... in Ireland, but they (8) ... their saint’s day. The St Patrick’s Day parade in New York City is one of the biggest in the world. Two million people (9) ... to watch. 1 a)(is) b) be c) are 2 a) celebrates b) are celebrate c) celebrate 3 a) wear b) wears c) is wear 4 a) eats b) eat c) is eat 5 a) is drink b) drinks c) drink 6 a) is continue b) continue c) continues 7 a) don’t live b) doesn’t live c) liven’t 8 a) celebrates b) are celebrate c) celebrate 9 a) comes b) come c) is come Listen and check your answers. (30)
Reading 1a> Read the text below quickly and tick (/) the things the people collect. albums cards badges stamps key rings 0 dolls teddy bears Q coins postcards □ clocks hats lb, Write the things the people collect. Toby Janet ................ Paula ..... Larry 2y (-{w] Read and listen. 3j Match the numbers with the things from the text. 1 175 \ a) teddy bears 2 300 \ b) age of Rupert 3 8 c) badges 4 250 ^d) key rings 5 75 e) albums 6 1000 f) postcards 4^ Circle the correct words. Toby’s parents/(aunt^)buy key rings for his collection. 1 Toby buys new key rings on holiday I at Christmas. 2 Janet lives in Bristol I Brighton. 3 Janet has got postcards from all over the country/world. 4 Paula collects teddy bears with her sister I mother. 5 Paula’s favourite teddy bear is called Rupert / Robert. 6 Larry collects badges / postcards. 7 Larry’s aunt / uncle is American. Collecting things Do you collect anything? Cards? Stamps? Old coins? Collecting is fun. Every collection is original. Read about some interesting collections. i __M Hi! I’m Toby and I collect key rings. I’ve got 175 different key rings. Everytime I go on holiday I buy a new one. My aunts and uncles also buy me key rings for my birthday. Hello there. My name’s Paula. My sister and I collect teddy bears. We’ve got more than 250. Some bears are very old. My favourite teddy bear is 75 years old! Its name is Rupert and it sleeps on my bed. Hello, I’m Janet. I’ve got a collection of postcards from all over the world. I’ve got 300. My favourite postcard is an old black and white picture of my town, Brighton. When I get a new postcard, I stick it in a special book called an album. I’ve got eight albums now. Hi! I’m Larry. I’m a badge collector! I don’t know exactly how many badges I’ve got - maybe 1000. My favourite badge is a real Sheriff’s badge from the USA. It was a Christmas present from my American uncle. 31
Writing dossier An email Language focus: and, but Tick (/) the sentences that are correct. Correct the sentences that are wrong. I like football and I like basketball. / I like baseballI like tennis, and 1 She listens to music on an MP3 player, but she doesn’t listen to the radio. 2 He plays football and he doesn’t play basketball. 3 We have breakfast at home, but we have lunch at school. 4 At the weekend I like shopping but I like meeting friends. 5 I watch films at home but I go to the cinema too. 6 I like Maths, but my Maths classes are boring. 2j Complete the email with suitable words. «66 Hi! My name's Tim (1) and I’m 13 years old. I'm from London (2) sisters, Karen (3) Jessica. In my free time I play football, (4) I’m not very good! I like pop music, (5) I don’t like heavy metal. My favourite band is The Arctic Monkeys. What about you? Have you (6) any brothers and sisters? Where (7) live? What do you do in your free time? (8) you like music? Plan 3j Complete the email plan with information about Bill and questions he wants to ask. Use these words and phrases. 12 sport? one brother, one sister volleyball music? rap music Bill free time? Manchester football, pop music paragraph 1 Name: paragraph 3 Questions to ask: Age: City: Family: paragraph 2 Sport: Music: Dislikes: Write 4^ Imagine you are Bill. Write an email to Tim. Write three paragraphs. Check Check your writing. Look at and and but.
Dialogue builder Giving instructions Match the sentence halves. 1 Can you give 2 I don’t 3 First connect 0 4 Remember 5 Don’t forget to [ 6 Is 3b i Qll Listen and check. Then write the dialogue. Cun you give me a hand? a) to disconnect when you finish. b) click on the icon. c) me a hand? d) your camera to the computer. e) that all? f) know what to do. 2J СПЗ Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 Can I give you / you give me a hand? 2 I want to download this song I program. 3 Is that OK I all right? 4 Press I Don’t press the green button. 5 Thanks/Thank you, Jack! 6 Remember to I Don’t forget to turn on the speakers. 7 Then / Finally turn it off. 4j Imagine your dad wants to put some songs onto his MP3 player from his computer. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. Use these instructions. I 1 1 I 1 Select the songs on the computer. 2 connect your MP3 player to the computer. 3 Press 'download'. 4 Disconnectyour MP3 player from the computer. 3 a, Order the dialogue. 0 Clare Yes, that’s it. Remember to disconnect your mobile when you finish. 0 Clare Yes, what’s the problem? 0 Clare Yes, don’t forget to click on the photos you want. 0 Mum I want to download photos from my mobile onto my computer and I don’t know what to do. 0 Mum Can you give me a hand? 0Mum Like this? 0 Mum Great, thanks! 0 Mum Is that all? 0 Clare First connect your mobile to the USB socket then click on the ‘images’ file on the computer. Dad Can you give me a hand? You____ Dad I want to put some songs from my computer onto my MP3 player. I don’t know what to do. You Oh, it’s easy. First Dad OK. Then what? You Dad Right. What next? You Dad OK. Is that all? You Yes, Dad That’s great. Thanks! 33
Free time Complete the activities. 1 w _ tc _ a D _ D 2 r___d a c_m_c 3 p_a_ c _ m _ ut___g____es 4 to the c _ n _ m _ 5 r___d _a_a_i_e_ 6 a _ b_s_e_b_.ll 7 I _ st _ n to the_d___ 8 w _ t _ h a f_t b _ II_t _ h Daily routines Match the phrases with the pictures. 4> Rewrite the sentences in exercise 3 in the negative. 1 2 3 4 5 5; Circle the correct words. 1 Do / Does you go shopping on Saturdays? 2 Do I Does your dad play computer games? 3 Do I Does they live in London? 4 Do I Does she read magazines? 5 Do / Does your friend have lunch at school? 6 Do / Does we go swimming in the summer? Adverbs of frequency 6y Write the adverbs in the correct places. 1 I eat in restaurants, (often) 2 My father cooks, (sometimes) 1 do your homework picture 2 tidy your room picture 3 have a shower picture 4 have breakfast picture 5 clean your teeth picture 6 get dressed picture 3 He plays basketball, (never) 4 They speak English, (usually) 5 You don’t sit next to me. (often) Present simple 6 He isn’t late, (usually) 3; Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. have (x2) go finish watch (x2) study 1 Jane French. 2 I shopping on Saturdays. 3 My brother lunch at home. I..............lunch at school. 4 My parents nature programmes on TV. My dad films on DVD. 5 The Maths class at three o’clock. Imperatives 7j Order the words to make instructions. 1 your I mother / to / Listen 2 the I button I press I Don’t I blue 3 me / Send / email I an 4 books / Don’t / your / open
Cumulative check | 1>2>з>4>5>6>7>8>9> Match the words to make phrases. 1 clean a) homework 2 blue b) exam 3 an interesting c) restaurant 4 have d) your teeth 5 read e) a DVD 6 watch f) breakfast 7 Play g) hair 8 an easy h) eyes 9 a Chinese I) up 10 short j) book 11 get k) basketball 12 do I) magazines 2j Complete the text with these words. 3j Circle the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pete plays I play football. Sue’s/Sue got a dog. I like not I don’t like chocolate. You don’t know I doesn’t know the answer. I like basketball - its I it’s great! She doesn’t read I don’t read magazines. What do you do on I at Saturdays? How many cousins have you got I have you? Where are you / you are from? He never is I He’s never here at the weekend. о о Ш breakfast lunch sisters England gets up goes has does shower magazines chess 4j Order the words to make sentences. 1 have / Why / face / got / a / you / red ? 2 you / are / interested / in / What ? Martin is from (1) .He lives in London with his family. He’s got two (2) called Annie and Jane. Martin (3) at eight o’clock. He has a (4) and then he has (5) . His classes start at nine o’clock and he has (6) at school. After school he (7) his homework and then (8) dinner. In the evening he plays (9) or reads (10) ..... .On Saturdays he sometimes (11) shopping with his friends. you / Germany / Are / from ? happy / teacher / is / My a cafp / usually / on / go / to / Fridays /1 often I see / do / you / your I How / friends ? cat / you / Have / got / a ? 3 4 5 6 7 EXTRA VOICES GTii] Listen to Lisa and Alan talking about their daily routines and complete the information in the table. Lisa Alan 1 gets up on Saturdays at... 2 gets up on Sundays at... 3 goes to bed on Fridays at... 4 goes to bed on Saturdays at... 5 gets up on school days at... 35
Ьэаивйтд (toi? Mfe Vocabulary 1 Recycle Complete the questions with these verbs. start walk have do go Do you have lunch at school? 1 Do they to school or go by bus? 2 What time does she her classes in the morning? 3 Where do you your homework? 4 When do we home? 2 Look at the timetable and complete the sentences. Monday J J f) <M 9-11 Tuesday 5 + 5 = 10 9-10 10-12 School subjects D Find eight more school subjects in the wordsquare. (L N G L I S ±0 T T A M E s S R E W Q I H I R u F L P R V В X s A E T s G M N S W M A T H S A I T H G F D s A 0 Q c N c A J К Y T E W R D I D D H в N D E E X Y R E D L D z F R E N c H W N E D c A A C E L P Y C S R P J H M T G M N V E I S R G Y A I 0 U N D E G E M G E 0 G R A P H Y N V F Wednesday Thursday Friday Hello 10-11 9.30-10.30 2-3 *2 2^30* I’ve got Music on Monday morning. 1 I’ve got on Friday afternoon. 2 I’ve got on Tuesday at nine o’clock. 3 I’ve got ..........on Wednesday morning. 4 I like - it’s on Tuesday at ten o’clock. 5 My favourite subject is . It’s on Thursday at half past nine. 6 I’ve got on Thursday afternoon. 7 I’ve got on Wednesday afternoon. 3j Write true sentences about your timetable. 1 I’ve got on Monday 2 morning. I’ve got on Friday 3 afternoon. I haven’t got on 4 Wednesday. I’ve got after lunch 5 on Tuesday. I’ve got PE (36)
Grammar 1 love, hate, (don’t) like + -Ing Object pronouns Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I hate watching football, (watch) 1 She loves to the cinema, (go) 2 I don’t like up early, (get) 3 My dog loves shoes, (eat) 4 Harry doesn’t like books, (read) 5 Do you like computer games? (Play) 6 My sister hates her homework, (do) Look at the table. Write sentences about Kurt and Peter with love, like, don’t like and hate. 3j Complete the table. subject pronoun object pronoun I me (1) you (2) him she (3) (4) it we (5) they (6) 4y Change the underlined words or phrases to pronouns. I love chocolate. it 1 I live with my parents. 2 Do you like Maria? 3 My mother doesn’t like heavy metal music. 4 Do you like me and my friends? 5 My dad loves the Beatles. 6 She hates science. 5j Complete the text with these words. it (x2) us them him her listening reading going (x2) playing I live with my sister, my brother and my parents. Our house is small, but we like Kurt Peter listen to music ©© read books download music (^) study tidy his room © listen to music go to school ©© play football Kurt loves listening to music. 1 Kurt 2 Kurt 3 Kurt 4 Peter 5 Peter 6 Peter 7 Peter (1) it . My sister and I like (2) to loud music, but my parents hate (3) . My brother loves (4) computer games. Sometimes I play with (5) . My mum likes (6) shopping. Sometimes my sister goes with (7) . Dad loves (8) car magazines. He reads (9) every day. In the summer we like (10) to the beach. My grandma sometimes comes with (11) 6) Write true sentences. 1 I love 2 My best friend likes 3 My friends don’t like
Vocabulary 2 Skills and abilities Complete the sentences with these verbs. play ride use download speak draw drive fly sing My grandma can use a computer. 1 I can ........ music onto my player. 2 Can your dad ............a car? 3 She can’t a bike. 4 You can’t a foreign language. 5 I can the guitar. 6 Birds can 7 Can you a song? 8 We can a picture. 2j Write sentences. teacher / play guitar /1 drive X My teacher can play the guitar, but he can't drive. 1 David / play football / / speak Chinese X Dennis is in a meeting. Write the head teacher’s questions with can. - - - .—..... Dennis Hello, I’m Dennis. I’m the new 2 I / ride a bike / / ride a horse X music teacher. Head teacher Dennis? The new music teacher? (1) Can you play the piano? (piano) Dennis No, I can’t, but I can play the drums. 3 penguins / swim / / fly X Head teacher (2) (opera) Dennis No, I can’t, but I can sing punk- 4 my dad / drive a car / / use a computer X rock songs. Head teacher (3) (foreign language) Dennis Yes, I can. 5 she / dance hip-hop / / dance the tango X Head teacher (4) (French) Dennis No, I can’t, but I can speak Chinese. НаяН tpanhpr (CArt 6 he / sing / / draw X Dennis No, I can’t, but I can fly a plane. Head teacher (6) (horse) Dennis No, I can’t, but I can ride a motorbike. Match the questions and answers. Head teacher (7) (teach) 1 Can Dmitry Khvorostovsky sing? [£] Dennis No, I can’t, but I can dance the 2 Can you play the piano? tango. 3 4 Can your grandma skate? О Can your parents speak a foreign language? □ Head teacher Goodbye, Dennis! 5) Write true sentences using can or can’t. 5 Can your dog swim? □ 1 I 6 a) b) c) Can you and your friends speak Chinese? Q No, she can’t. d) Yes, we can. No, it can’t. e) Yes, they can. Yes, he cam f) No, I can’t. 2 My best friend 3 My English teacher
Grammar 2 Review of question forms: word order 1^ Match the questions and answers. 1 What’s your name? 2 Where are you from? 3 Have you got a computer? 4 What time do you go to bed? 5 How often do you go out with your friends? 6 Why are you angry with John? a) Because he broke my school bag. b) I’m from New York. c) At half past ten. d) I go out with them every weekend. e) My name’s Paul. f) No, I haven’t. 0 2) Complete the questions with these words and phrases. Is she Has he Do his Have you got Do you Is Are they Does 2 3 4 5 6 7.... Write questions for these answers. what's your name? My name’s Joanne. 1 ................................ I’m from Manchester. 2 I go to the cinema every week. 3 I eat lunch at home. 4 ................................ I get up at 7.30. 5 I’ve got a dog. is she from Brighton? 1 German? 2 Venus Williams a singer? 3 got a car? 4 an MP3 player? 5 live in England? 6 he play volleyball? 7 parents work in a bank? 3; Write questions using a word or phrase from each box. What time do you have breakfast? What time How many books How often Where What When How old When js have are has does your football thenem teacher iS have team play in )rom, a match? you-have breakfast? you got PE? she got Maths? their names? you got? your sister? Why...?/Because ... 5j Match the questions and answers. 1 Why do you eat chocolate? 2 Why can’t dogs fly? 3 Why does your mum go to work by bus? 4 Why has he got good marks in his exams? 5 Why haven’t we got school today? a) Because they haven’t got wings. b) Because I like it: c) Because she hasn’t got a car. d) Because it’s Saturday. e) Because he studies a lot.
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1> оГдо] Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Error correction 2) Correct the sentences. I can to play the violin. X l can play the violin. 1 Horses can swim? X 2 My brother likes swim. X 3 Does she like go to the beach? X 4 I love she. X 5 My brother goes to school with he. X 6 Where have they breakfast? X 7 Why the sky is blue? X Translation Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grammar in context 4> Read the text and circle the correct answers. Hi Mum and Dad I'm having a fantastic time in Scotland. (1)... is a beautiful place and the people are very friendly. Everybody likes (2)... abouttheir country. Jamie's parents like (з)... me to see important monuments like Edinburgh Castle. I (4)... listening to the Scottish accent. When I am with Jamie and her family I ask (5)... to speak Gaelic too, but I can't understand (6) ...I (7)... is the picture on this card? It's Scotland's national emblem - a thistle. You see (8)... everywhere. Tomorrow is a special day (9)... it is November 30th - St Andrew's Day. (io)... is the patron saint of Scotland. Chris 1 a)®) b) It’s c) He 2 a) talk b) talking c) talks 3 a) take b) taking c) to take 4 a) like b) liking c) to like 5 a) it b) they c) them 6 a) her b) it’s c) it 7 a) Who b) What c) Why 8 a) they b) it c) he 9 a) why b) how c)because 10 a) He b) Him c) It < HE Listen and check your answers.
Reading (СОЗ Read and listen. Are you a teacher's pet? Do the quiz to find out. 1 Where do you sit in the classroom? a) at the front b) at the back c) in the middle teacher’s pet The perfect student! He - or she - always does homework on time, listens carefully, helps the teacher clean the classroom, brings the teacher presents ... and isn’t usually very popular with other students! 2 On the last day of school before the holidays do you ... a) give the teacher a present? b) organise a party with your friends? c) have a normal school day? 3 You’ve got an important exam. Do you ... a) study for a week? b) sit by somebody clever and copy? c) study the night before? 4 The teacher leaves the room. Do you ... a) sit quietly until he / she comes back? b) get up and move around the class? c) talk to the person next to you? 5 The teacher asks a question. Do you ... a) put your hand up immediately? b) wait for somebody else to answer? c) wait a few minutes and then put your hand up? Mostly a You are a teacher’s pet! Don’t forget to have some fun sometimes too! Mostly b What a disaster! It’s important to listen to your teacher - you can talk to your friends at break time. Mostly c You aren’t a teacher’s pet, but you are a good student. You know how to study and have fun too. 2a, Now do the quiz. Circle the correct answers for you. 2b Count how many as, bs and cs you circled and read the results. 3j Tick (/) the things a teacher’s pet does. □ sits at the front of the class ~] sits at the back of the class □ organises a party at the end of school П gives the teacher a present Fl talks to other students in class □ sits quietly when the teacher isn’t in the □ copies from other students □ studies for a week before an exam □ always answers questions 0 sometimes answers questions 4j Find verbs 1-6 in the text. Match them with a-f to make phrases. 1 give a) a question 2 organise b) for a week 3 ask c) a few minutes 4 study d) a party 5 wait e) to your friends 6 talk f) a present classroom
Writing dossier A questionnaire Language focus: so Write sentences with so. Jill / love languages I study Spanish and Arabic Jill loves languages, so she studies Spanish and Arabic. 1 Joe / start class at 8.00 / get up early 2 my dad / not got car / ride a bicycle to work 4 he / be from Mexico / speak Spanish 5 he / not study French at school I not speak any French 6 she / be at school from 9.00 to 5.001 have lunch at school 3 Nick I love films / go to the cinema every week Plan 2j Read the questionnaire about sport in your school. Match the questions and answers. 1 How often do you do sports at school? 2 What do you do in your sports classes? 3 Do you watch your school football team? 4 Has your school got a gym? 5 Is your sports teacher a man or a woman? 6 Are you in a school team? a) Running, gymnastics and other sports like football or basketball. b) Yes, it has. c) Awoman. d) Three times a week, so I have a lot of exercise. e) Yes, I'm in the volleyball team, so I have matches at the weekend. f) Sometimes. Write 3y Write the questions for a questionnaire about using computers. 1 how often I use a computer? 2 use computers I at school? 3 what I usually do / on the computer? 4 classroom I got a computer? 5 you like / using the computer? 6 use the computer I to do homework? 7 your school / got Internet? 8 use Internet I to study? 4y Write answers for the questions you wrote. Check 5y Check your writing. Look at the question forms and use of so. 1 Q A 2 О A 3 Q A 4 Q A 5 Q A 6 О A 7 О A 8 О A
Dialogue builder \j Find six useful expressions in the wordsnake. Write them below with the correct punctuation. З5/ Complete the dialogue with these words. ekib don’t about sorry hate great let’s how ,vo>Nabo^o 2 3 4 5 2> dZLl Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 I’m busy on Tuesday I Thursday. 2 How about doing I going to drama? 3 Why don’t we go to the cinema I theatre? 4 No way! I hate / like drama. 5 OK! Good / Great idea! Chris Look Joanne, it’s the timetable for the film (1) club Joanne (2) see what’s on. Chris Look! High School Musical is on Tuesday lunchtime and after school on Thursday. Joanne No way! I (3) that film. (4) about Camp Hock? That’s on Wednesday. Chris OK. Why (5) ..... we go on Wednesday lunchtime? Joanne (6) , I can’t. I’ve got basketball practice. Chris Well, what (7) after school then? Joanne (8) ! Shall we see something else as well? 6 Let’s watch / play football after school. 3b/ [24] Listen and check. 4^ Imagine you want to watch a film with your friend. Your friend is in the swimming team. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. z-t>ise SrtciAt loinon TITANIC Г • [ WI N N t R Of II ACADEMY IKOMtW ....Мйгт DICAPRIO „.„WINSLET Iam'i's Samheon You Look! It’s the timetable for the film club. Your friend Let’s see You Look! Your friend No way! You OK. Why Your friend Sorry, ___________ You Well, Your friend ........... 43
School subjects \j Match the word halves to make school subjects. 1 Fre a) tory 2 Sci b) ic 3 Des c) ence 4 His d) nch 5 Mus e) raphy 6 Dra f) ign 7 Geog g) ma Skills and abilities 2j Complete the sentences. Use can or can’t. love, hate, (don’t) like + -Ing 3j Complete the sentences with like, don’t like, love or hate and the correct form of these verbs. play (x2) watch go 1 My dad © © shopping. 2 My mum©© TV. 3 My sister and I © computer games. 4 My brother © football. Object pronouns 4; Cross out the options that are not possible. 1 I live with them I they I my parents. 2 I give her I she / my sister a present on her birthday. 3 Can you send John I him I he some information? 4 This exam/They / It is easy! 5 My brother helps Tim and me / we / us with our homework. 6 I love they / it / chocolate. Review of question forms: word order Write questions. 1 Sue / go / to school at 7.00? 2 your teacher / have got / a dog? 3 where / be / your sister? 1 She 2 He 3 He 4 He ... 5 He 6 She............... 4 how often / he / play / basketball? 5 when / she / see / her grandparents? 6 why / you / be / at home?
Cumulative check 11>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9> Circle the odd ones out. 1 small sad nice brother 2 Brazil China France history 3 school play listen watch 4 a shower breakfast dressed lunch 5 eyes hair teeth glasses 6 download music start classes do my homework go to school 2j Complete the text with these words. English do cousin play ride guitar French art speak instrument My (1) .... Charlie can (2) anything. He’s amazing! He can (3) ......... four languages - Spanish, Chinese, (4) and (5) . He can (6) any musical (7) and he can (8) a bike. He can play the (9) .......... and sing at the same time! He’s good at (10) too - he can draw really well. He’s fantastic! <___________________________________________________ 3j Circle the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I can ... the guitar. a) play b) to play c) playing How many languages can you ...? a) speaks b) speak c) speaking My mother... long dark hair. a) ’s got b) ’ve got c) she’s got These are... friends. a) me b) I c) my My friends ... tennis. a) plays b) play c) playing He hates .... a) study b) studies c) studying I’ve got a new computer. Do you like ...? a) he b) him c) it How many subjects ...? a) have you got b) got you c) you got 4j Order the words to make sentences. 1 like / you / getting / Do / early / up ? 2 sister / learning / hates / My / Maths 3 helps I dad / often / me / homework I with I / my / My 4 do/your/live/Where/aunt and uncle ? 5 pet I best friend / your / got / a / Has ? 6 Drama I doesn’t / at / She I study I school 7 time I lunch / do I have I you I What ? _______________________________________J EXTRA VOICES 25| Listen to Mark talking to his sister. Circle T (True) or F (False). 1 Josie likes reading. T / F 2 Josie likes doing Maths. T / F 3 Josie likes her Maths teacher. T / F 4 Josie has got a lot of exams. T / F 5 Josie can read French. T / F
ОИЙ@ Щ7®Е(30[?Й1]О VJTMBfe Vocabulary 1 2j Order the letters to find six more endangered animals. raskh shark 1 aadnp 2 tltesknraae 3 rantn-ogua 4 leehpatn 5 oagrlil 3j Complete the texts with these verbs and the names of the animals. is has got jump eats lives climb Endangered animals 1j Complete the crossword. 2 This animal (6) big and black and white. It (7) in China and (8) bamboo. It can (9) trees. It’s a (10) This animal (11) a kind of large cat. It (12) in central Asia and (13) long, white fur. It (14) an endangered species. It’s a (15)
Grammar 1 Present continuous: affirmative and negative Present continuous: questions and short answers Write sentences about picture A. the wolf / run I dance The wolf isn't running, it's dancing! 1 the man / run / dance with the wolf 2) Look at picture B. Write questions and short answers. the wolf / run is the wolf running? Yes, it is. 1 the man / run 2 the orang-utans I eat bananas / eat ice creams 2 the orang-utans / eat ice creams 3 the owl / fly / read a book 3 the owl / read a book 4 the crocodile / swim / clean its teeth 4 the crocodile / swim 5 the frogs/jump/sing 5 the frogs/jump 6 the tiger / sleep / play the piano 6 the tiger / sleep 7 the rhinos / eat grass / watch TV 7 the rhinos / eat grass
Vocabulary 2 Adverbs of manner 1j Complete the sentences with these adjectives and adverbs. quickly slow quietly dangerous slowly badly good safe dangerously Swim away quickly - there’s a shark! 1 Look - a snake! Walk away - don’t run. 2 Those elephants aren’t fast, they’re 3 Don’t worry about the gorilla. It isn’t 4 He plays football , but he’s a basketball player. 5 He’s a driver. He doesn’t drive 6 Tigers move - they don’t make a noise. 2j Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. He drives dangerously. He’s a dangerous driver. 1 She drives safely. She’s a driver. 2 He walks slowly. He’s a walker. 3 My bird sings loudly. It's a singer. 4 You cook well. You’re a cook! 5 He's a bad football player. He plays football 6 We are quiet workers. We work 7 Tigers are quick. Tigers move 8 I am a bad pianist. I play the piano 3> Order the words to make sentences. can I quickly I move I very I Sharks Sharks can move very quickly. 1 сап I My / English / well / brother / speak 2 friend I sings / My / badly 3 The I loudly / is / playing / band 4 slowly / I’m I this I book I reading 5 girls / quietly / are / speaking / The 4j Look at the pictures and write sentences with a word from each box. quickly badly we|| quietly badly slowly sing drive talk move Р1аУ sPeak 1 He's speaking English badly. 2 3 4 5 6
Grammar 2 Present simple and continuous Уу Circle the correct words or phrases. I'm watching TV(at the moment/ every day. 1 I watch a film at the cinema now I twice a month. 2 My sister plays basketball now I every week. 3 His brother is playing football once a week I at the moment. 4 My mum’s cooking dinner at the moment I every day. 5 My dad cooks dinner on Sundays I now. 6 I every day / never go to the zoo. 4y Look at the answers and write the questions. John / do / at the moment What is John doing at the moment? He’s having breakfast. 1 John / do / on Saturday mornings He plays volleyball. 2 your dad / do / now He’s working. 3 your dad / do / on Sundays 2j Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I watch television every day. (watch) 1 Hilary ............ television at the moment, (watch) 2 My sister usually tennis after school, (play) 3 Look! They football, (play) 4 Mum ............. dinner-it smells good! (cook) 5 Dad dinner at the weekend, (cook) 6 Gary is busy - he . (study) 7 We French and English at my school, (study) He goes to the gym. 4 the dog I do It’s eating my old shoe! 5 owls / do / in the mornings They sleep. 5j Write four sentences about you. 1 2 3 4 I usually once a week. at the moment. 3y Tick (/) the correct sentence in each pair. □ An elephant is eating hundreds of kilos of food every day. [7] An elephant eats hundreds of kilos of food every day. 1 □ Sometimes pandas are sleeping in trees. □ Sometimes pandas sleep in trees. 2 □ Whales are singing when they want to find another whale. Q Whales sing when they want to find another whale. 3 □ Listen. The bird sings. □ Listen. The bird is singing. 4 Q Look - the rabbit is sitting in the grass. □ Look - the rabbit sits in the grass. now. 49
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1j <|~2б] Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Error correction Correct the sentences. My brother are watching TV. X My brother is watching TV. 1 He is writting a letter. X 2 My parents having lunch in a restaurant. X 3 The boys not are playing football. X 4 I’m doing my homework every day. X 5 What is Mandy doing? - She watches TV. X 6 Is Peter like ice cream? X 7 What do you do next weekend? - I am playing football. X Translation Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 _____ 2 3 4 5 Grammar in context 4; Read the text and circle the correct answers. Hi. My name’s Joe and I (1)... English, but this year I (2) ...И Sydney, Australia because my dad (3)... on a project here.II: very different from England. The weather is hot and in win!? it (4) ... in Sydney. School (5) ... at 8.50 and (6) ... at 3.10. Every day all? school we (7) ... hockey and I (8) ... football on TV toe I (9) ... an Australian football team now, the Sydney Swan? They’re great! On Saturdays we sometimes (10) ... to Shark Island in Sydne Harbour. There are lots of sharks, but it isn’t dangerous. -------------------------------------------------------Л 4) Done 1 a) (arn) 2 a) living 3 a) works 4 a) not snow 5 a) start 6 a) finishes 7 a) is playing 8 a) watching 9 a) support 10 a) go b) being b) ’m living b) working b) don’t snow b) starts b) is finishing b) play b) am watching b) am supporting b) going 6 c) is c) live c) is working c) doesn’t snotf] c) is starting c) finish c) are playing I c) watch c) supporting I c) are going 5j < dZI Listen and check your answers. 7
Reading (4~28] Read and listen. Iban^ouiWiimali Mosquitoes are dangerous because they spread diseases like malaria very quickly. Mosquitoes kill two or three million people every year. They live all over the world but are dangerous in Africa, Asia and North America. Mosquitoes 2j Find these words in the text and match them with definitions a-f. 1 spread 2 movement 3 deadly 4 poison 5 organised 6 calm a) quiet and not excited b) something that can kill you or make you ill c) pass a disease from one person to another person d) will kill you e) when you run or walk f) planned for you by somebody else Poisonous snakes About 450 of the 2000 kinds snake are poisonous. They kill about 70000 people every year. The dangerous snakes live in Africa, Asia and North America. If you see a snake, walk very slowly because they don’t like quick movements. Most scorpions are not dangerous. But be careful because 25 types of scorpion can kill you with their deadly poison. Scorpions kill about 1000 people every year. They live in Africa, central Asia and America. Big cats I Big cats like lions and tigers usually hunt animals, but sometimes they attack humans. You are very safe on an organised safari holiday, but in the wild big cats kill about 800 people a year. They live in Africa, North America and India. If you see a big cat, don’t run! Look into its eyes and stay calm. Read the text again and complete the information. Mosquitoes Place: Africa, Asia, North America Danger: spread disease Deaths: two or three million people a year Poisonous snakes Place: Danger: Deaths: Scorpions Place: Danger: Deaths: Big cats Place: Danger: Deaths: 4j Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What do you do if you see a snake? 2 What do you do if you see a big cat?
Writing dossier A project Language focus: using adjectives 1j Order the words to make sentences. and white I are / Pandas / black Pandas are black and white. 1 language / Chinese / difficult / is / a 3 eyes / are / His / blue 4 grandad / has / big / My / ears / got 2 brown / She’s / hair / got 5 are / animals / Rattlesnakes / dangerous 2j Read the information and complete the text about the Amur tiger. Amur tigers live in (1) and (2) They are (3) ... , (4) and (5) Their head and body is (6) ... long and they have got (7) tails. They eat (8) and they (9) ... mostly at night. Amur tigers can (10) and they are (11) Plan 3, Complete the fact file for a hedgehog with this information. can swim and climb can't see very well forests and gardens / Europe 10-20 cm, short tail brown sleeps from November to March snails, eggs and small birds Write Habitat: Russian Far East and China Colour: yellow, white, dark brown Size: head and body 155-265 cm, long tail 112-120 cm Food: hunts big and small animals - hunts mostly at night Abilities: runs fast, good hunter Other information: endangered species - about 350 in Russia and about 20 in China Habitat: Colour: Size: .................. Food: ............. Abilities: Other information: 4j Write a short text about hedgehogs. Check 5j Check your writing. Look at adjective use. 52
Dialogue builder Making arrangements 3<i; Complete the dialogue with these words. 1j Order the words to make useful basketball Wednesday school time house expressions. tickets going leaving See four o’clock 1 you / tomorrow / are / What / doing ? Grant Hello? Amanda Hi Grant, it’s Amanda. 2 special / Nothing Grant Oh, hi Amanda. How's it going? Amanda Fine. Listen, what are you doing on 3 you / are / going / What / time ? (1) after (2) ? Grant Nothing special, why? 4 leaving / We’re / home / six o’clock / at Amanda I’ve got two (3) for the (4) game. Can you 5 you / See / tomorrow come? Grant Yes. Great! What (5) are you (6) ? (^29] Listen and circle the words or Amanda I’m (7) home at phrases that you hear. (8) . The game starts at 1 What are you doing tonight / tomorrow? half past five. 2 Something / Nothing special. Grant OK. Great! 3 We’re leaving home at three thirty / three Amanda So see you at my (9) at fifteen. four. 4 What time are you going / coming? Grant OK. (10) you on 5 See you tomorrow / later. Wednesday then. Bye. 6 Are we having lunch / dinner there? Amanda Bye. 7 Do you want to go / come? . 3b/ (Я 3QI Listen and check. 4J You have two tickets for a football match and you want to invite your friend. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. 53
Endangered animals 1j Write the missing letters to complete the animals. 1 g_r_______ 2 _ at__e______к _ 3 gl_ 4 p_____r______r 5 _ h___к 6 Adverbs of manner 2j Complete the table. adjective adverb safe (1) (2) quickly good (3) (4) badly loud (5) (6) quietly Present continuous 3^ Circle the correct words. 1 My brother is I are doing his homework. 2 I is / am reading a book. 3 You aren’t / isn’t listening to me. 4 The birds are singeing I singing in the trees. 5 The rhino not running I isn’t running. 6 My parents aren’t I isn’t riding horses. 7 The crocodile is swimming / swiming across the river. 8 The gorilla is eating / eating a banana. 4j Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 lunch, (eat) 2 My dad today. 3 (not work) My friends football. 4 (Play) We our homework. 5 (do) She the TV. 6 (not watch) The cat . (sleep) 5j Write questions and answers. wolf I sleep What is the wolf doing? It's sleeping. 1 monkeys / play 2 owl / fly 3 crocodile / swim 4 frogs/jump 5 tiger I run 6 rhinos / eat grass Present simple and continuous 6 Match the sentence halves. 1 My mum gets up 0 2 What is 3 At the moment 4 They go 5 What are 6 She’s studying a) we are sitting on the beach. b) at the moment. c) at 6.00 am every morning. d) they listening to? e) she doing? f) to the theatre once a month. 7j Write sentences. 1 I / not have breakfast I at 7.00 am 2 he I work / in a bookshop 3 she / cook dinner/at the moment 4 we / play football I now 5 they / play basketball / on Saturdays
5 Cumulative check | i>2>3>4>s>6>7>8>9> Add two words to each list. 1 panda, tiger, whale, 2 well, badly, quietly, 3 Geography, Maths, Science, I 4 go shopping, go to bed, 5 tall, short, happy, 6 uncle, husband, grandparents, 3j Circle the correct words. 1 They ... football at the moment. a) playing b) play c) ’re playing 2 He ... football every week. a) plays b) ’s playing c) playing 3 My friends and I... go shopping at the weekend. a) usually b) every week c) at the moment 4 At the moment I’m doing ... homework, a) me b) a c) my 5 Julia likes ... her bike. a) ride b) riding c) rides 6 Frogscan... a) jump, b) to jump, c) jumping. 2, Complete the sentences with these words. well dangerous Brazilian fair quick blue good safe quickly difficult loudly safely 1 Crocodiles are animals. 2 He can run very 3 She’s a tennis player. 4 I can play table tennis quite 5 Leopards are . They can run very fast. 6 Don’t worry! I drive 7 John isn’t a driver! 8 Stop talking so . I can’t hear the TV. 9 Peld is a football player. 10 Maths is a subject. 11 My mum has got hair. 12 Her eyes are Complete the questions with the correct form of be, have or do. 1 Where...... they going? 2 What time you get up? 3 .. you got Maths tomorrow? 4 What your sister studying? 5 How often she play tennis? 6 How many legs an octopus got? 7 you like dancing? 8 Where tigers live? EXTRA VOICES зТ] Listen to the extract from a radio programme and complete the text. In this part of the animal sanctuary we’ve got two (1) . They’re sleeping at the moment. They are (2) animals, but they move (3) when they are frightened. And look! There are (4) in here. There’s one, sitting on the rocks. The others are (5) . Can you see them? OK, let’s go and see the bird sanctuary now... On the left you can see an (6) It’s sitting (7) at the moment. Every morning and afternoon it flies around for about an hour. It’s a magnificent bird. On the right we’ve got some (8) They’re sleeping now. They come out at night. If you look through this window, you can see them.
QDrnKSO ©ajysOdfi Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Complete the places with the missing vowels. p a rk 1 r _ st___r _ nt 2 _m_s_m_nt p _ rk 3 sh _ pp _ ng c _ ntr _ 4 c _ n _ m _ 5 st _ t___n Places to visit Order the letters to make places to visit. 1 actehrlad 4 qsaeur 3j Look at the map and circle T (True) or F (False). There is a cinema in the town. ®/ F 1 There is a cathedral in the town. T / F 2 The town has got a castle. T / F 3 There are two parks in the town. T / F 4 There is a square near the school. TI F 5 The town has got a stadium. T / F 6 There are two department stores. TIF 7 There is a statue in the square. T / F 8 There is a market in the town. T / F 2 Igeylra 5 satelc Correct the false sentences from exercise 3. There isn't a cathedral in the town. 1 2 3 4 2j Match the words with the definitions. 1 theatre-----a) 2 department store -----------b) 3 palace c) 4 museum d) 5 garden e) 6 stadium f) a big shop where you can buy food, clothes, games, etc. a place where you can watch plays a place where you can watch football matches, etc. a place where kings and queens live a place where you can see interesting things from the past a place where flowers grow
Grammar 1 there is/there are: affirmative and negative 1j Complete the sentences with there is or there are. There is a good football team in Liverpool. 1 four football stadiums in Moscow. 2.............. a statue of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. 3 interesting museums in Pskov. 4 a famous street market in Camden Town. 5 lots of beaches in the Mediterranean. 6 a famous cathedral in Novgorod. There is a park. There aren't department stores. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Prepositions of place 4> Look at the picture again. Complete the sentences with these prepositions. in on under next to opposite in front of between near 2j Circle the correct words. (There isn’t)/ There aren’t a park in the city centre. 1 There isn’t I There aren’t cinemas in my town. 2 There isn’t / There aren’t beaches in our city. 3 There isn’t / There aren’t a theatre at my school. 4 There isn’t / There aren’t a restaurant in the museum. 5 There isn’t I There aren’t shops in this street. 6 There isn’t / There aren’t an amusement There are three statues in the square. 1 There is a car the cinema. 2 There is a man a tree in the park. 3 There is a bird the statue’s head. 4 There is a bus the market. 5 The restaurant is the cinema. 6 There is a restaurant shops. two 7 The shops are the square. park in my town. Look at the picture. Write sentences with there is, there are, there isn’t and there aren’t and these places. RESTAURANT V, <I.H ПН II я-пягк rfmont QtrxroQ roctaiirantc Cl ix II I IUI II ulUI Lu I COIQUI C*l HO shops a cathedral statues museums a market a theatre a cinema —у Jail SHOP ти ELJll
Vocabulary 2 Food and drink 1j Complete the crossword. Across 10 12 14 Down 2 2j Complete the sentences with these words. 13 tea eggs milk ice cream fish vegetables toast grapes butter chips Carrots and potatoes are vegetables 3j Write the words. 1 three things you eat for breakfast 1 You make with potatoes. 2 You make with bread. 3 is a typical English drink. 4 You make pancakes with flour, and 5 .......... and apples are fruit. 6 You make from milk. 7 Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla are 2 three things you drink 3 three things you don’t like eating flavours of 8 Salmon is a kind of 58
Grammar 2 Countable and uncountable nouns; a /an, some and any Complete the table with these words. Then write C (countable) or U (uncountable) next to the words in the table. orange jam sandwich egg sheepdog water juice animal bread leek apple tractor Is there ...?/Are there ...? Write questions. milk / your fridge Is there any milk in your fridge? 1 money / your bag 2 windows / your classroom 3 coffee / your kitchen a an some sandwich C orange C jam U Complete the sentences with some or any. There are some sandwiches in my bag. 1 There aren’t cupboard. biscuits in the 2 Is there cheese in the fridge? 3 We haven’t got jam. 4 John has got lunch. bananas for his 5 I haven’t got water. 6 There is milk on the table. 7 There is ice cream for dinner. 3j Look at the picture and write sentences. tea / coffee There's some tea, but there isn't any coffee. 1 honey I sugar 2 cola / lemonade 3 sandwiches / pizzas 4 a carrot / a potato 5 a cake I sweets 6 cheese/jam 4 computers / your school 5 restaurants / your street 6 bread / your house 5j Answer the questions in exercise 4 so they are true for you. Write short answers. 2 ............................... 3 4 5 6
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Grammar in context O'Tbz] Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Error correction 2j Correct the sentences. There’s some shops in this street. X There are some shops in this street. 1 There no are any oranges. X 2 There’s some cheese in the table. X 3 There isn’t a milk in the fridge. X 4 Have you got a apple? X 5 I’ve got any bananas. X 6 Is there any potatoes? X 7 The market is next the cinema. X Translation 3^ Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 Read the text and circle the correct answers. (1) ... hundreds of market towns and villages (2) ... the UK. Market Drayton (3) ... Shropshire is a typical example. The town is (4) ... England and Wales. (5) ... a street market every Wednesday where you can buy typical food and drink. There is homemade (6) ... and there are fantastic cakes. (7) .... cheese from local farms. (8) ... sweets and biscuits and lots of other delicious things to eat. In the summer visitors go to the market to buy picnic food and then go for a walk on the path (9) ... the canal. 2 3 4 5 1 a) (There are) b) Are c) There is 2 a) on b) in c) at 3 a) at b) of c) in 4 a) between b) behind c) in 5 a) There are b) There is c) Is 6 a) jam b) jams c) some jam 7 a) They are b) There are c) There is 8 a) There are b) They are c) There is 9 a) above b) next to c) on 6 5y ( Тзз! Listen and check your answers. 7
Reading 1> (Ч34| Read and listen. a a a LEGOLAND® Welcome to LEGOLAND® - the amusement park with amazing LEGO® models and lots of exciting attractions! IE Miniland has got hundreds of model buildings from all over the world. The models use over 35 million bricks. You can see model transport too. There are cars, buses, taxis, trains and even boats! Enjoy the amazing 3D special effects as you watch a fantastic medieval adventure film. It’s great fun. You can see all the action in Spellbreaker 4D. Watch the hero Blacksmith rescue the princess and fight a wizard! The Vikings’ River Splash is amazing! Visit the fantasy Viking world - it’s got millions of LEGO® bricks. Then have another adventure - go to Loki’s Labyrinth and solve a mystery. This is an area for young children. They can go down a river in a boat or go on a train. There is a big play area and there are models of all your favourite storybook characters. There is also Waterworks with giant flowers, a talking rhino and lots of water. Don't forget your swimsuit! 2^ Find the words (1-6) in the text and match them with a-f. 1 amusement a) area 2 Imagination \ b) film 3 special \ c) book 4 adventure d) park 5 Play e) Theatre 6 story 0 effects 3j Tick (/) the things you can do in Legoland®. 0 play football 0 watch a film 0 make a cake 0 go on a train 0 play in water 0 play basketball □ see lots of models □ go on a boat trip 0 have an adventure 0 solve a mystery 4/ Circle T (True) or F (False). 1 Legoland® is for adults. T / F 2 The hero in Spellbreaker 4D rescues a wizard. T / F 3 There are 20 million LEGO® bricks in the models. T / F 4 There are model towns from different countries. T / F 5 Children can see characters from their favourite books. T / F 6 There aren’t any flowers in Duplo®land. T/F 7 There is a talking elephant. T/F 8 Visitors can have lots of adventures. T/F 61
Writing dossier A guide for tourists Language focus: also 1j Match the phrases. Then write complete sentences with also. 1 There is a statue in the park. — 2 You can take the bus. 3 There are beaches in the south of Spain> 4 We’ve got a flat in the city. 5 She’s got a cousin in Australia. 6 He can speak Polish. There is a statue in the park and there is also a) There are beaches in the north of Spain. b) We’ve got a house in the country. c) He can speak Arabic. d) You can take the train. e) She’s got a cousin in the USA. f) There is a statue in the square. a statue in the square. 2j Complete the tourist guide with these words. can (x2) also There are (x3) and (x4) has got (x2) Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. It’s a great place to walk around. (1) There are lots of interesting places to visit in the city. You (2) go to the famous Kazan Kremlin or sit in Freedom Square. There are 34 state museums (3) lots of art galleries. Kazan (4) ..... lots of parks (5) gardens. (6) good places to eat (7) ............. drink in Kazan. (8) many places to taste chak- chak (a sweet dessert). The restaurants (9) serve other traditional Tatar food. The city (10) ...... lots of theatres (11) ......... concert halls. If you’ve got time, you (12) go to the Opera and Ballet Theater, named after Musa Jalil. Plan 3j Think of another capital city. Complete the information in the table. Paragraph 1 city: capital of: Paragraph 2 places to visit: eat / drink: Paragraph 3 entertainment: other information: Write 4j Write a guide for tourists using the information in the table above. Check 5j Check your writing. Look at also and there is/there are.
Dialogue builder Ordering food 1> Complete the useful expressions with these words and phrases. how much to have anything I’d like enjoy 1 Can I a sandwich, please? 2 some juice, please. 3 is a milkshake? 4 else? 5 Anything .......... drink? 6 ........your meal! 2j (?{35| Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 That’s £3.801 £3.18, please. 2 Can I have a cheese and tomato I cheese sandwich? 3 How much is a potato baked I baked potato? 4 That’s seventy-five pounds / pence, please. 5 I’d like an / some orange juice, please. 6 Here’s your change / charge. 3 a, Guess the words to complete the dialogue. Assistant Hello, Can I help you? Tim Hello ... yes. Can I have (1) two/ three burgers, please? Assistant OK ... (2) onions I salad and ketchup? Tim Ah ... salad and ketchup on one, ketchup ... no (3) onions/salad on the other one. Assistant Anything to drink? Tim How much is a bottle of (4) water I cola? Assistant (5) 80/18 pence. Tim I’d like (6) two I four bottles then, please. Assistant OK. Anything else? Tim No thanks. Assistant Here you are. That’s three pounds (7) sixteen I sixty, please. Tim Here you are. Assistant Enjoy your (8) meal / burgers. Tim Thanks ... Bye. 3b, Listen and check. 4j Imagine you want to buy lunch for you and a friend. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3 with these items. one cheese sandwich one ham sandwich with extra salad two bottles of water Assistant You Hello, Can I help you? Yes. ? Assistant OK 9 You Assistant You Anything to drink? 9 Assistant You 50 pence. Assistant You Assistant OK. Anything else? No thanks. Here you are. That’s You Assistant You Thanks. Bye.
Places to visit there is I there are; a I an, some and any У) Write the missing letters. 1 s_a_iu_ 2 _a____e_y 3 ea________e 4 _ u _ eu _ 5 _ a___e _ 6 ca____e___a_ 4j Write sentences. flowers / / trees X There are some flowers, but there aren't any trees. 1 boy / / girl X 2 cats / / dogs X Food and drink 2; Label the pictures. 3 museum / / statue X 4 cheese / / water X 5 orange / /bananas X 6 shops / / restaurants X Prepositions of place Sj Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 The egg is in front of the glass. 2 The egg is in the glass. 3 The egg is on the glass. 4 The egg is next to the glass. 5 The egg is above the glass. 6 The egg is between the glasses. Countable and uncountable nouns 3j Circle the odd ones out. 1 water potato tea juice 2 juice potatoes vegetables chips 3 cola butter cheese egg 4 grape sugar meat water
Cumulative check 1)2:3 4>e 7)8)9) opposite from to near at up teeth 7 2j Complete the dialogue with these words. milk / your fridge crisps / your school bag 2 you / a cat 3 how many / students / in your class 4 you like / swim 5 or fish he like / read comics 6 9 how often / he study English 7 she / read / at the moment 8 5 6 1 2 3 4 meat 6.00 pm get up butter jam go breakfast lunch 3j Complete the sentences with these words. Carol Britney Carol Britney At (7) ......... Carol And what time do you (8) to bed? Britney At ten o’clock on school days. 1j Write C (countable) or U (uncountable). 1 2 3 4 5 6 4; Make questions. 1 EXTRA VOICES ('ПЗ Listen to someone talking about a village. Correct the sentences. They sell meat and fish in the market. There is a big museum. 5 2 6 There is an old motorbike from 1920. They sell cakes in Pat’s Cake Shop. 3 7 4 Opposite the market there are some shops. The theatre is on Rose Hill, next to the beach. There are some department stores in the village. hair meat frog parents honey music 8 cheese 9 sugar 10 eyes 11 butter 12 friend Carol What time do you usually (1) ? Britney At seven o’clock on school days. Carol What do you usually have for (2) ? Britney Tea and toast with (3) and (4) Carol And for lunch? Britney I usually have (5) with vegetables. Where do you have (6) At school. What time do you have dinner? Tokio Hotel is Germany. I get at seven o’clock. She likes listening the radio. We’re doing our homework the moment. Petergof is Saint Petersburg. There’s a supermarket .......... my house.
QDmBQ D Ь®@Ь 0mQ® Qbo PasG Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Write the dates. 18/05/2005 the eighteenth of May, two thousand and five 1 21/11/1860 2 the seventh of January, nineteen ninety- nine 3 16/06/1962 4j Complete the sentences about famous people. 4 the eleventh of December, sixteen seventy-six 5 01/01/2000 History makers Complete the words with the missing vowels. astronaut 1 _ rch _ t _ ct 2 sc____nt _ st 3 sc _ Ipt _ r 4 wr _ t _ r 5 c_ mp _ s _ r 6 p_l_t_c_______n 2j Find four more history makers in the wordsnake. ^aS^xplorertnventordjrert01WngA’ 3> Complete the words with -er or -or. act 1 or teach 5 invent 2 paint 6 explor 3 sculpt 7 bus driv 4 direct Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb. 1 Antoni Gaudi was a Spanish . He is famous for his unique architectural style. 2 Claude Monet was a French . He was a founder of French Impressionist painting. 3 Antonio Vivaldi was an Italian , famous for his beautiful music. 4 Yuri Gagarin was the first Russian to travel into space. 5 Henry Moore was a great modern British 6 Sergey Bondarchuk was the first Russian film ............. to win an Oscar. 66
Grammar 1 Past simple: be Complete the sentences with was or were. Cervantes was a writer. 1 There___ four musicians in The Beatles. 2 Macbeth......... a play by Shakespeare. 3 Louis Pasteur ..........a French scientist. 4 In 1980 The Olympic Games in Moscow. 5 The Indiana Jones films by director Steven Spielberg. 2, Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Shakespeare was an explorer. Shakespeare wasn't an explorer. 1 The Vikings were peaceful people. 2 Dinosaurs were very small. 3 She was a good student. 4 Julius Caesar was Greek. 5 The Beatles were from London. 6 I was in London yesterday. 3j Write questions and short answers. Elvis Presley I an explorer X Was Elvis Presley an explorer? No, he wasn't. 1 Margaret Thatcher / politician / 5 Vrubel and Serov / famous painters / 6 Einstein / a footballer X there was / there were 4> Write questions and short answers about a classroom in 1890. blackboard Was there a blackboard? Yes, there was. 1 computers 2 a teacher 2 Paul McCartney and John Lennon / in The Rolling Stones X 3 books 4 a CD player 3 Pavarotti / an opera singer / 5 desks and chairs 4 Isadora Duncan / writer X 6 a TV 67
Vocabulary 2 Irregular verbs 1j Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in brackets, then circle T (True) or F (False). the first aeroplane the pyramids. Romeo and Juliet. the Battle of Waterloo. in 1066. six wives. Charles Dickens (write) T / F The Orville Brothers in 1904. (fly) T/F The Egyptians (build) T/F Nelson Mandela the first black president of South Africa in 1994. (become) T/F The Americans went into space first, (go) T/(F) Test your knowledge ofIhistgijy rfou^pfithese?factsla^j^eian^four?are^false ©Л Napoleon ___J (win) T / F The Norman Conquest of England (begin) T / F 3j Write sentences next to the correct dates. 2j Circle the correct past forms. I eat/(ate) 12 grapes on New Year’s Eve. 1 Women first I wear I miniskirts Charles Dickens I write / Oliver Twist Matthew Webb I swim I English Channel Alexander Sokurov / win / a Golden Lion America / lose / the Vietnam War 1969 - Neil Armstrong went to the Moon. 2 3 4 I wore / weared glasses when I was 1 1837-39 a child. 2 2011 They taked / took lots of photographs on holiday. 3 1975 4 1875 She do / did her homework on the bus. He left / leaved home at five o’clock. 5 1960s 68
Grammar 2 Past simple affirmative: regular verbs Complete the table. infinitive past simple Play played (1) attacked study (2) (3) carried stop (4) (5) shopped live (6) (7) survived start (8) 2j Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. When my grandmother was young, life was very different. Her family (1) lived (live) in a small village. The children (2) ........... (play) with wooden toys because there was no plastic. Her mother (3) (wash) their clothes in the river because nobody had washing machines. They (4) (walk) to school because there were no buses and on Saturdays they (5) (shop) for food at the local market because there were no supermarkets. They (6) (carry) the shopping home in big baskets. Life is very different today. Past simple affirmative: regular and irregular verbs Complete the story with the past simple of these verbs. win leave make build go decide invade Julius Caesar (1) decided to invade Britain in 55 BC. The Romans (2) the battle, but bad weather destroyed their ships. Julius Caesar (3) to Britain again in 54 BC, but the same thing happened. The Emperor Claudius went to Britain again in 43 AD. This time the Romans (4) Britain successfully with an army of 40000 and some elephants. The Romans (5) ...... roads, towns and aqueducts all over England, but not in Scotland. They (6) ...their capital - Londinium - in the south of England. The Romans (7) Britain in 410 AD and returned to Rome. veni, vidi, . v vici 4 Circle the correct words to complete the postcard. I (1 )(.went)/ goed on a school trip to Bath yesterday. I (2) traveled / travelled by train and (3) arrived / arrivd at ten o'clock. We (4) visitted / visited the city and the Roman baths. We (5) had / have sandwiches for lunch. After lunch we (6) went / goed shopping. I (7) buyed / bought some postcards and a T-shirt. I (8) have / had a great time! 69
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Grammar in context (^38] Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ......................... Error correction 2j Correct the sentences. Queen Victoria were a great queen. X Queen Victoria was a great queen. 1 They carryed their books in a big box. X 2 They writed a letter to the newspaper. X 3 First we eated breakfast, then we watched TV. X 4 There was four people in the room. X 5 They were lots of trees in the park. X 6 He goed to school last Monday. X Translation 3j Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 2 3 Read the text and circle the correct answers. Saint David Saint David is the patron saint of Wales and there is a national holiday to celebrate his life on the first of March every year. David (1)... from a small village in Ceredigion, Wales. When he was a young man he (2)... a monk and (3)... in a monastery near his home town. Later, the Welsh people (4) ... a great cathedral in the place where the monastery once (5) ... . Many people visit the cathedral today and the village became a city. It is called St David’s. David (6) .... in 589 AD when he was 59. 1 a) (was) b) is c) were 2 a) becamed b) became c) becomed 3 a) livd b) live c) lived 4 a) built b) build c) builded 5 a) were b) was c) is 6 a) die b) died c) dies 5) Т[з9] Listen and check your answers.
Reading 1) <°Rol Read and listen. Inventions through the centuries 4 What nationality was Henlein? Otto Rohwedder designed a machine for bakers. First the machine cut the bread into slices, then it covered the bread in paper. In 1928 sliced bread was very exciting. Lazio Biro was a Hungarian inventor. He became famous after he invented the ballpoint pen (biro) in 1938. Now we use his invention all over the world. You are probably using one Л right now! A German, Peter Henlein, made a portable clock in around 1510. Later he developed it into the first watch. The first watches were quite big and only had one hour hand. Nobody really knows who invented glasses, but some people say Roger Bacon made the first glasses in the thirteenth century. They appeared first in Florence in about 1280. 2j Read the text quickly and write the inventions. 1 Otto Rohwedder invented 2 Roger Bacon invented 3 Sir John Harington invented 4 Spencer Silver and Arthur Fry invented 5 Peter Henlein invented 6 Lazio Biro invented 3j Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What did Otto’s machine do first? 2 hen did Biro invent his pen? 3 What problem did Arthur Fry have? Two men invented Post-it® notes. In the 1970s Spencer Silver had a problem. His new invention - a type of glue - stuck to objects, but was easy to lift off. Four years later, his friend Arthur Fry had an idea. His bookmarks fell out of his books, so he used the glue to keep them in place. The writer Sir John Harington designed the first toilet with a seat and a cistern in about 1596. There were only two - he had one in his home and Queen Elizabeth I had one as well. 5 Where did glasses first appear? 6 Who had the first toilets in their homes? 4y Write the past simple form of these verbs. Then find and underline them in the text. design designed 1 cut 6 invent 2 cover 7 have 3 make 8 stick 4 appear 9 fall 5 become 10 use
Writing dossier A biography Language focus: time connectors 1j Complete the sentences with these words and phrases. when in at the age of later after that Christopher Columbus landed in America in 1492. 1 In 1879 Edison invented the light bulb. he formed the Edison Electric Light Company. 2 Mozart started piano lessons three. 3 Picasso painted Guernica he lived in Paris. 4 Viktor Vasnetsov painted several famous works in Abramtsevo. he went straight to Kiev and painted frescos / pictures on the walls of the St Vladimir Cathedral. 2j Complete the text using time connectors from exercise 1. Captain James Cook James Cook was an explorer and navigator. He was born (1) 1728 in a small town in Yorkshire, England. James Cook became a sailor (2) 18 and (3) he was 27 he joined the Royal Navy. Cook became Commander of The Endeavour in 1768 and sailed to the Pacific where he discovered Australia and the Hawaiian Islands. (4) he became a captain. Captain Cook died (5) 51 (6) .............. he was in Hawaii. His shipmates buried him at sea. You can see a replica of The Endeavour at www. Plan 3j Look at the information about Mozart and sort the information into the correct paragraphs. Paragraph 1: job, born in (year / place) Paragraph 2: life of Mozart Paragraph 3: other information Write ✓ orchestras play his music all over the world ✓ went to Vienna 1781 (successful composer) ✓ composer and musician ✓ first musical compositions - five years old ✓ born-1756 Salzburg, Austria ✓ 1771 to 1777 - played the piano in Salzburg palace ✓ best known opera: The Magic Flute ✓ played the piano from three years old 4? Write a biography of Mozart. Use verbs in the past tense and some time connectors from exercise 1. Check 5j Check your writing. Look at the use of time connectors.
Dialogue builder Asking for information Match the sentence expressions. 1 Where’s the a) 2 Is there b) 3 Here c) 4 Thanks for d) 5 You’re e) halves to make useful your help. welcome. museum shop, please? you are. a caf6 near here? 4ey Imagine you are at a sealife centre and you want to see the sharks. They’re in the Ocean Zone. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 Hi. Can I/we help you? 2 Where’s the exit / entrance, please? 3 Have you got a plan I map? 4 Look, it’s here I there. 5 What time does the shop open / close? 6 Enjoy / Like your visit! Assistant You Hello. Can 1 help you? Yes, ? Assistant Yes, they’re You Assistant Here’s a map. You Thanks Assistant You Bye. 4ty Write another dialogue. This time you want to find the activity centre. It’s near the restaurant. Assistant You Assistant Згу Order the dialogue. You Assistant You Assistant You m Assistant Assistant Peter Assistant Peter Peter Peter Assistant Here’s a map. It’s here. You’re welcome. Enjoy your visit. Yes, is there a shop here? Hello. Can I help you? And where’s the dolphin pool? Bye. Thanks for your help. Yes, there’s a small shop next to the dolphin pool. 3 b, (<[42] Listen and check. Then write the dialogue. Hello. Can l help you? 73
History makers there was / there were Order the letters to make words. I 1 rwietr > 2 ctsieinst ) 3 ivtenonr J 4 ircetdro ) 5 loinptiica “ 6 oopcmesr 7 straanotu 8 iapnetr Irregular verbs 4 Look at the information about a hotel you stayed in. Write sentences with there was/ there were or there wasn’t / there weren’t. showers X car park / souvenir shops / jacuzzi X games room / video games X 2j Write the past forms of these irregular verbs in the puzzles. All the words go across. build do wear take make come write find swim have fly Past simple: be 3j Match the questions and answers. 1 Was Cervantes Spanish? 2 Were The Beatles from Liverpool? 0 3 Was I asleep? 4 Were you at home this morning? □ 5 Where was Edith Piaf from? 6 Where were you born? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Past simple affirmative Circle the correct word. 1 The game begin / began / begun at four o’clock. 2 I watched / watchd / watch a great film last night. 3 Marco Polo travelled / travel / travelling from Italy to China. 4 When we went to London we see I saw I seen Big Ben. 5 She took / taked / take lots of photographs on holiday. 6 My grandad build / builded / built our house. 7 They staled I stayed / stayd in a five-star hotel. 8 I eat / eated / ate too much last night. 9 When we went to Bristol we speaked / spoke / spook English every day. 10 Roald Dahl wrote / write / writed the books for children. a) France. b) No, I wasn’t. c) Yes, he was. d) In Manchester. e) Yes, they were. f) Yes, you were. 74
Cumulative check [ 1>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9> Circle the odd ones out. 1 explorer painter uncle writer 2 eats won wrote made 3 queen mother daughter son 4 theatre architect palace stadium 5 started flew lost wore 6 gorilla cat wolf elephant 2j Write these words in the correct column. French writer politician scientist uncle British director sculptor Chinese nephew architect husband Moroccan cousin American Polish sister composer brother aunt painter Spanish grandson Canadian 3j Order the words to make sentences. 1 dog / fast / runs / Paul’s / very 2 Jane / a / skateboard / has / new / got 3 went I school / a / trip I last I They I week/ on 4 get / do / up / on / Sundays I time I What I you ? 5 does / dad / your / Where / work ? 6 from / New / We / are / York 7 swimming / doesn’t / brother / like / My 8 your / old / sister / How / is ? 4J Circle the correct words. CARDIFF CASTLE FESTIVAL (1) There is I There are lots of castles in Wales. (2) There aren’t I There isn’t as many in other parts of the UK. In the capital city, Cardiff, (3) there are I there is a castle where they have a big music festival in the summer. The castle (4) have got I has got a lot of green spaces and parks. The parks (5) is I are great for summer picnics. The castle music festival (6) is / are popular with people from all over the country. Last year the festival (7) was I is a big success. There (8) was I were more than 100 groups. People (9) eated I ate and (10) drank I drink all day, (11) watched I watch their favourite groups and (12) staid I stayed out until very late.
©m0G© 'йЬапв SpBcfiG Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Complete the sentences with these sports. tennis football cricket basketball rugby In ... you kick a ball, football 1 In ... you run with a ball. 2 In ... you hit a ball over a net. 3 In ... you throw a ball into a net. 4 In ... you hit a ball with a bat. Olympic sports Label the pictures. re) 2^ Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, play or go. People go skiing in the winter. 1 My dad judo. 2 My cousin tennis very well. 3 I cycling every morning. 4 They.... table tennis a lot in China. 5 Look! They’re gymnastics! 6 My friends and I like football. 7 We...... athletics at school on Wednesdays. 8 My brother and I swimming every weekend. 3j Complete the text with the correct sports. In 1900 the Olympic Games were in Paris, France. There were 997 participants from 24 countries. Women took part in the games for the first time. There were 19 sports in the Paris Olympic Games including: archery (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Grammar 1 Past simple: negative Did people do these things in 1900? Put a tick (/) or a cross (X) next to each activity. Life in England in 1900 play computer games send letters watch TV buy things online eat McDonald’s burgers do bungee-jumping listen to music on an MP3 player go to the market send text messages 3j Rewrite the sentences with the information in brackets. Michael Phelps won six gold medals in Beijing in 2008. (eight) Michael Phelps didn't win six gold medals, he won eight gold medals. 1 The Ancient Greeks spoke Spanish. (Greek) 2 The Romans lived in China. (Italy) 3 The Paralympics began in 1498. (1960) 4 Lance Armstrong won a lot of horse races, (cycle races) 5 Women first took part in the Olympics in 1920. (1900) 6 Athletes broke 30 world records at the 2008 Olympics. (36) 4^ Write true sentences. I / go / Moon / last week l didn't go to the Moon last week. 1 I / play / for Real Madrid / last Saturday 2 My teacher / eat / insects for breakfast 2j Look at the information above and complete the sentences. People didn't play computer games in 1900. 1 People McDonald’s burgers in 1900. 2 People .. TV in 1900. 3 People things online in 1900. 4 People bungee jumping in 1900. 5 People to music on an MP3 player in 1900. 6 People text messages in 1900. 3 I / write / Shakespeare’s plays 4 My friends and 11 sing / with the Rolling Stones / last summer 5 I / kiss / a famous pop star / last weekend
Vocabulary 2 Clothes and accessories 1j Complete the labels. 1 d r e s s 2 h____ 3 s_______ 4 s_______ 5 s_______ 6 c__ 7 g______________ 8 T-_____________ 9 g______________ 10 s_____________ 11 t_________________ 12 t_________________ 2j Where do you wear these things? Match them with a part of the body. 1 shoes a) legs 2 hat \ b) eyes 3 gloves \ . c) body 4 trousers ^-d) feet 5 glasses e) head 6 T-shirt f) hands 3j Complete the text. Sam is wearing grey (1) shorts and a white (2) . He’s got white sports (3) and a pair of black (4) He’s wearing a baseball (5) Fiona is wearing a very nice white (6) On her hands she’s got white (7) and she’s wearing a black and white (8) Jenny is wearing a white (9) with a black and white (10) . She’s got black (11) and she’s wearing designer (12) 4) Write true sentences. 1 At the weekend I wear 2 My favourite T-shirt is 3 I like wearing 78
Grammar 2 Past simple: questions and short answers 1j Write questions. Leonardo da Vinci I paint 'Guernica' X Did Leonardo da Vinci paint 'Guernica'? 1 Shakespeare I write 'Hamlet' / 2 Jesse Owens I come from England X 3 Italy / win the World Cup in 2006 / 4 Thomas Edison / invent the light bulb / 5 Tiger Woods / play golf when he was little / 6 women I participate in the Olympics before 1900X 2j Now write short answers for the questions above. No, he didn’t. 1 4 2 5 __________ 3 6 Past time expressions Read the text about Lance Armstrong and write questions for the answers. The American cycling champion Lance Armstrong was born on 18th September 1971. He started cycling when he was a young boy and he became a professional cyclist in 1992 when he was 21 years old. In 1993 he entered his first Tour de France and in 1999 he won it for the first time. After that he won six more Tours. He won his final Tour de France in 2005. Lance Armstrong is the only person to win the Tour de France seven times. When was he born? He was born on 18th September 1971. He started cycling when he was a young boy. 2 He became a professional cyclist in 1992. He entered his first Tour de France in 1993. He first won the Tour de France in 1999. 3y Order the words and phrases from most recent to the most distant. He won his seventh Tour de France in 2005. yesterday last Saturday a month ago last year in 2000 three hours ago 1 2 3 4 5 6 5j Complete the sentences with a suitable time and ago. I got up six hours ago. 1 I had breakfast 2 I was born .... 3 This term began 4 My best friend’s birthday was 5 I ate something
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Grammar in context ста Listen and write the sentences. 1 ............................... 2 3 4 5 6 Error correction 2; Correct the sentences. She plays judo last Friday. X She played judo last Friday. 1 He not win a gold medal in the 2010 Olympics. X 2 I don’t play basketball yesterday. X 3 They ate not their breakfast this morning. X 4 Watched they TV last night? X 5 What time you got up this morning? X 6 I was born ago 13 years. X 7 They go home two hours ago. X 4) Read the text and circle the correct answers. «no ________________ Hi Steve, I (1)... to summer camp (2) ... month because we had a holiday. We went to New Zealand for two weeks and it was fantastic. We went by plane and the flight (3) ... ten hours - it took nearly 24 hours! First we went to Auckland on the North Island, but my parents (4) ... to stay in the city so we went on lots of trips. We went on a boat trip to Great Barrier Island. I (5) ... any kiwis, but I saw lots of other animals. They play lots of rugby in New Zealand, but they didn’t win the Rugby World Cup (6) ... 2007 - South Africa won it. (7) ... a good time at summer camp? I went (8)... and I really enjoyed it. Translation 3y Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ............................ 1 a) did go b) didn’t went c) (didn’FgcT) 2 a) last b) the last c) ago 3 a) not take b) took c) didn’t take 4 a) didn’t wanted b) not wanted c) didn’t want 5 a) didn’t see b) didn’t saw c) not see 6 a) at b) in c) last 7 a) Did you have b) Had you c) Did you 8 a) two years b) two years ago c) last two years 5> (445] Listen and check your answers.
Reading 12 Sport 1 This is a long race between humans and horses. Participants run up and down hills, through forests and across rivers. The winner must finish before the first horse. The race is in Wales. round cheese down the hi and Most people know how to play football or tennis, but what about cheese rolling or underwater rugby? Read about these very strange sports. Sport 2 They celebrate the World Championships for this popular sport in Sonkajarvi in Finland. Lots of people take part and each team has a husband and a wife. The men carry their wives and run as fast as they can for 250 m. Sport 3 This is another two-person team race. Two players stand side-by-side and tie their legs together. Then they run to the finish line. Most people fall because it isn’t easy! Sport 4 This event takes place once a year on Cooper s Hill near Gloucester. Someone throws a big, everybody runs down the hill, after the cheese. It is a very dangerous sport! Sport 5 This game is played in a deep swimming pool. There are two teams of 11 players. They score by getting the ball into a * basket at the opposite end of the pool. The teams use a special heavy ball full of salt water. Read the texts and write the names of the sports. Cheese rolling Three-legged race Man versus horse Underwater rugby Wife carrying 3> Match the pictures with the sports. Which one is missing? Find these words in the texts and match them with the correct definition. 1 forest 2 participant 3 winner 4 hill 5 deep a) a small mountain b) a long way from the top to the bottom c) a place where there are lots of trees d) a person who enters a competition e) the person or team that wins a game or race 5j Circle the correct words. 1 Man versus horse is a short I long race. 2 Wife carrying is a popular I unpopular sport. 3 A three-legged race is easy / difficult. 4 Cheese rolling is very safe / dangerous. 5 You use a heavy I light ball to play underwater rugby. 6j Answer the questions. Where is the man versus horse race? In Wales. 1 What sport is popular in Finland? 2 Which two sports have got two-person teams? 3 How often does cheese rolling take place? 4 Which sport has got two teams of 11 players? 81
Writing dossier A class survey Language focus: question forms Complete the questions. Be careful with auxiliaries and tenses. What is your name? 1 Who ..... Shakespeare? 5 What time get up this morning? 2 Where you from? 6 What music......... you like? 3 When the Moscow Olympics? 7 What you watch on TV yesterday? 4 How often you go to the cinema? Plan 2j Look at the survey. Match the questions with the answers. Food survey 1 What do you prefer, meat or fish? 2 Do you have lunch at school or at home? 3 How often do you eat vegetables? 4 What did you eat for breakfast yesterday? 5 What was the last fruit you ate? a) Three or four times a week. b) I had toast. c) A banana. d) I love fish. e) I usually go home. Read the survey results. ©1 Food survey Class 1B (28 students) 1 2 3 4 5 What do you prefer, meat or fish? (18: meat, 10: fish) Do you have lunch at school or at home? (12: school, 16: home) How often do you eat vegetables? (27: every day, 1: three or four times a week) What did you eat for breakfast yesterday? (19: cereal, 8: toast, 1: an egg) What was the last fruit you ate? (9: an apple, 7: an orange, 7: a banana, 5: some grapes) Write 4, Write the survey results. In my class, 18 people prefer meat and Check 5j Check your writing. Look at the use of tenses. 82
Dialogue builder Talking about past events V Order the words to make useful expressions. 1 weekend I you / Did / a / good / have ? 2 I/didn't/No, 3 you / did / do / What ? 4 football / to / went /1 / match / a Shania Yes, (8) It was a bit scary! (9) ? What did you do? Milly I went to my cousin’s house to (10) Shania Did you have (11) ? Milly Yes, it was great. I won every game! 3b .[43] Listen and check. 2j (T47] Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 Did you have a good week I time? 2 Yes, thanks. I went shopping I swimming. 3 What did you see I do? 4 Is/Was it a good film? 5 It was fantastic I great. 6 What about you I me? 7 I saw lots of / some statues. 3a> Complete the dialogue with these words and phrases. thanks went to the cinema a good time went to see Did you have it was OK going What about you went with play computer games Was it good Milly Hi Shania. Shania Hi Milly. Milly How’s it (1) ? Shania Great (2) , and you? Milly Yeah, fine. (3) a good weekend? Shania Yeah, great. I (4) __________. Milly Oh yes? Shania Yes, I (5) my younger sister Sophie. We (6) Twilight. Milly (7) ? 4y Imagine you and a friend are talking about the weekend. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. Use some of these went to the theatre I saw Hamlet went swimming with cousin went to an art gallery / saw lots of paintings had a party / got lots of presents situations. You Hi Your friend You Your friend You Your friend How’s it going? Great. Yes, fine. ? ? You Your friend Oh yes? Yes, I You ? Your friend You What about you? What did you do? Your friend ? You 83'
Olympic sports 1J Find six Olympic sports in the wordsquare. c A N 0 E I N G Y R S L A О s S C C S J U D 0 К L H I 0 s L I I E T и w D I N R К E к в M N G Y T E V L I G В A s E в A L L Clothes and accessories 2j Match the words and pictures. 1 dress 2 gloves 0 3 trainers 0 4 trousers 0 5 glasses 0 6 T-shirt 0 7 skirt 8 shorts 0 Past simple: negative 3j Put the highlighted part of each sentence in the negative. 1 Diego Maradona played basketball for Argentina. 2 Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France in 2007. 3 My parents met in a football stadium. 4 The race started at two o'clock. 5 I went to the match last night. 6 We saw the volleyball on TV yesterday. Past simple: questions and short answers Match the questions and answers. 1 Did he pass his maths exam? 2 Did you buy new trousers? 3 Did your parents go to the market? 0 4 Did she eat all the grapes? 5 Did we finish the juice? a) Yes, they did. b) Yes, he did. c) No, she didn’t. d) No, I didn’t. e) Yes, we did. Past time expressions Look at the diary and complete the text with suitable time expressions. Sunday 30th April swimming Monday 1st May gym with Dad Tuesday 2nd May watch DVD with Mum and Dad Wednesday 3rd May football match Thursday 4th May piano lesson Friday 5th May shopping with Pat Saturday 6th May am homework / pm cinema wit friends Today is Sunday 7th May. What a busy week! Six days (1) I went to the gym with Dad. (2) ago I played a football match. (3) I did my homework in the morning and then (4) my friends and I went to the cinema. (5) Sunday I went swimming, but today I’m watching a film!
Cumulative check < 2 з>4 5 6 7 в э> 1) Match the verbs and nouns. 1 go a) a politician 2 do b) a bike 3 Play c) music 4 wear d) friends 5 become e) a comic 6 eat f) swimming 7 ride g) geography 8 download h) judo 9 study i) cricket 10 tidy j) socks 11 meet k) potatoes 12 read I) your room 2) Complete the sentences with these words. homework swimming market play speak baseball cycling short 2 3 4 3j Circle the correct words. Today he ... jeans and a T-shirt. a) wears b) wearing c) is wearing This is my ... football - he lost it last week. a) brother b) brothers’ c) brother’s Harry likes ... a) running, b) run. c) runing. ... swimming every day? a) Does she go b) She goes c) Goes she I ... a school uniform. a) didn’t wore b) didn’t wear c) didn’t wearing ... shopping at the weekend. a) We go usually b) We usually go c) Usually go we 5 6 4j Write questions for these answers. 1 1 a musical 2 3 4 5 6 Can you instrument? is popular in the USA. You use a bicycle to go What time do you do your Let’s go .......... in the pool. My brother is tall with brown hair. My mum can languages! We went shopping at the ? 2 3 4 7 8 four foreign 5 6 He’s from France. She’s got four cousins. They go to the cinema every Friday. He has breakfast at eight o'clock. Because I want to go to England. No, I didn’t go to the cinema. I went to Joe’s house. EXTRA VOICES ® Listen and tick the correct pictures. 85
№0G© OGfti SUEDGDQGfl Vocabulary 1 J Recycle Complete the holiday activities with the correct verbs. go take make take photos 1 shopping 2 new friends 3 swimming 4 camping The weather and seasons Match the symbols and the weather words. 1 __ a) sunny 2^0° b) windy 3 c) cloudy 4 ^20° d) stormy 5 0l/, e) rainy 6 f) snowy 7 g) foggy < 4 8 h) dry 9 i) warm 10 j) cold ** 2y Write the correct season next to each group. 1 warm, cloudy, rainy 2 cold, snowy, stormy 3 hot, sunny, dry 4 wet, windy, foggy 3y Complete the weather forecast. The weather today is very interesting. In Scotland you need an umbrella because today it is (1) rainy .In Northern Ireland the weather is cold and (2) and in Liverpool it’s dry but (3) . In London, the weather is (4) as usual - drive carefully! In Newcastle the weather is (5) , so stay at home! In Birmingham the schools are closed and the children are happy because it’s (6) . Finally, in Wales the weather is good today. Everybody’s going to the beach because it’s (7) and (8) I Scotland i Л t Л Newcastle Northern \ Ireland f 1 Liverpool Wales ' Birmingham London 4, Write sentences about the weather. Morocco: in Morocco it's dry and sunny. 1 Spain: Д20’ 2 France: 4 4 4 4 3 England: * 4 Wales:
Grammar 1 Future time expressions D Write the time expressions in the correct order. 4y Look at Adam and Ann’s plans for the summer and complete the questions and answers. Holiday in Egypt 1st August - 25th August Hotel Pharoah visit the Pyramids Adam Ann Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb be. We 're going to stay in a hotel. / 1 I going to study Chinese. / 2 They ........... going to buy a new piano. / 3 What you going to do this summer? 4 She ...........going to study for her exams. X 5 ............your parents going to watch you play basketball on Saturday? 6 John ....... going to come to my house after school. / 3j Write sentences with be going to. he I spend / a week in Dublin He's going to spend a week in Dublin. 1 she I learn / Italian ? 2 my parents I not buy I a new car 3 I / listen to / my new CD 4 you I not pass / your Maths exam 5 your dog / sleep I in the garden ? 6 they / not visit / their son 7 we / not go I to the mountains 8 I / have / a break ride a camel! learn Arabic buy souvenirs When are they going to go? In August. 1 Where stay? 2 the Pyramids? 3 Is Ann a camel? 4 Arabic? 5 6 Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Is Ann postcards? souvenirs? 87
Vocabulary 2 Landscape features Label the picture with six of these words. mountain beach island cave desert river sea cliff forest lake rainforest waterfall 2) Look at the words above. Which things aren’t in the picture? There isn't a river. 1 2 3 4 5 3j Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 1. The Amazon is a river 1 Everest is a 2 Ibiza is an ..... 3 The Sahara is a 4 The Mediterranean is a 5 Baykal is a famous in Russia. 4> Match the holiday adverts with the postcards. Hawaii has some of the great beaches of the world - come and see them! 2 3 4 Relax on a cruise in the Red Sea. Enjoy a walking holiday in the Lake District in England. Come on a rafting holiday on the Colorado river! 5j Write the words. What are these amazing places? ro Angel Falls in Venezuela - 979 metres high! « (1) waterfall 5 The Nile - 6695 kilometres long. 3 (2)................. Greenland - 2166 086 square kilometres. (3) Snowdon in Wales - 1085 metres high. (4) The Caspian Sea - 386400 square kilometres and it is not a sea! (5) The Sahara - more than nine million square kilometres! (6) Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh - about 120 kilometres long. (7) 88)
Grammar 2 How...? questions \j Match the beginnings and endings to make questions. 1 How far is-4 a) 2 How cold is \ b) 3 How high is \ c) 4 How old are ^-d) 5 How fast can e) 6 How long is f) the North Pole? the Pyramids? a cheetah run? London from Edinburgh? the Nile River? Mount Everest? 4j Write rules with must or mustn’t. No smoking! You mustn't smoke. 1 No running! 2 Silence! 3 Stop! 4 No playing ball games! 5 Keep off the grass! 6 Don’t throw rubbish! 2j Complete the questions with an adjective. How tall is the Eiffel Tower? 1 How is Maria Sharapova on her next birthday? 2 How is Sakhalin from Moscow? 3 How is water when it is boiling? 4 How...... can Fernando Alonso drive? 5 How snow? 6 How is a ruler? 5j What do these signs mean? Write rules with these words and phrases. wear a hat talk take photos smile turn right must I mustn’t Complete these classroom rules with must or mustn’t.
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation (<[50] Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Error correction 2) Correct the sentences. We going to stay in a hotel. X We're going to stay in a hotel. 1 Is going he to play football? X 2 I’m going do my homework this evening. X 3 I not going to play tennis next weekend. X 4 Does it going to be sunny tomorrow? X 5 How is the Empire State Building tall? X 6 You must to buy a ticket. X 7 You don’t must smoke. X Translation 3/ Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Grammar in context 4y Read the text and circle the correct answers. A Holiday in Canada Next month Mum and Dad (1)... to take us on holiday to Canada. We (2)... stay in Toronto for a week and then we are going (3)... north to Quebec. Dad (4)... practise his French in Quebec. He learnt it at school. We (5)... in Canada for three weeks. I'm (6)... lots of photographs. Dad (7)... buy a new video camera especially forthe holiday. There's a big amusement park in Toronto - Canada's Wonderland. It's got 65 great rides! The new ride is Behemoth and you (8)... 1.37 m to ride on it. I'm 1.4 m so I can go on it -1 can't wait! 1 a) going b)(are^oTng) c) go 2 a) go b) ’re going to c) ’re going 3 a) travel b) travelling c) to travel 4 a) ’s going to b) going to c) is 5 a) going to stay b) going stay c) ’re going to stay 6 a) am going to take b) going to take c) going take 7 a) he’s going to b) is going to c) he goes to 8 a) must be b) must to be c) must Listen and check your answers. 90
Reading (9) C<(~5i~| Read and listen. Are you looking for something interesting to do this summer? Why not try a summer camp? There are camps that specialise in everything from water sports to martial arts, oil painting to cookery ... Outdoor activity camps For children between 8 and 14, summer camps at many English country houses have full programmes of activities. Sleep in a tent village and eat healthy home-cooked meals. A typical week at a summer camp includes climbing, sailing and building rafts. Prices start from £210. Football camps Are you football crazy and aged between 8 and 18? Then a football camp is perfect! Camps include all accommodation, food, drinks and football coaching. They run from Sunday night to Friday afternoon. Learn how to develop your football skills from some of the best footballers in Europe. Courses take place across Europe and prices vary from country to country. Performing arts camps Do you like singing, dancing or acting? Many summer projects bring young people together to create a show. There are courses throughout the UK and you stay in schools or universities. Make new friends, learn new skills, build your confidence and have a lot of fun. A week costs around £385 and includes food, accommodation, tuition, a souvenir DVD of your final production and a T-shirt. Camps run from Monday to Saturday. 2) Read the text again and complete the information. outdoor activity camps football camps performing arts camps where? English country houses how long? five nights accommodation various schools / universities activities price various age young people Answer the questions with the type of camp. Which camps take place in lots of countries? Football camps. 1 Where can you do a water sport? 2 Which summer camp gives you a souvenir to take away? 3 Where do you sleep in tents? 4 Where do you sleep in schools? 5 Where can you meet experts from all over Europe?
Writing dossier A letter Language focus: prepositions of place and time 1, Write the words and phrases in the correct columns. the morning half past ten 4.30 pm Tuesday my town night June January three o’clock home the 11 th June the evening Manchester winter the bus station in on at .................... .... — . — .. .... 2) Complete the email with the correct prepositions. «on c Hi Charlie! I'm writing to tell you about the plans for the weekend. It’s going to be great! I’m going to meet you (1) at the train station (2) 11 o’clock (3) the morning (4) Saturday. Later we’re going to have lunch (5) my house. (6) the evening we’re going to a party (7) Tom’s house. (8) Sunday we’re going to visit Mary and Joe and we're all going to go to The White Stripes concert (9) the evening. Email me if you need more information, See you soon, Mick Plan 3j Prepare notes to write an email to a friend about the weekend. Why Гт writing: Plans for Saturday morning: Plans for Saturday afternoon and evening: Later: Plans for Sunday: End email: Write 4j Write the email to your friend. Check 5y Check your writing. Look at the use of prepositions. 92)
Dialogue builder Expressing quantity ij Complete the useful expressions. 1 does it cost? 2 a first class ticket, please? 3 a post office near here? 3^ < Listen and check. Then write the dialogue. Good afternoon. Can I help you? Listen and circle the words or phrases that you hear. 1 Can you help me /1 help you? 2 How much is a standard class ticket / stamp? 3 Can I have two / three tickets, please? 4 How much does it cost to go to Liverpool / London? 5 That’s £4.60 / £4.16, please. 6 The platform’s over there / near here, in the corner. 3^ Order the dialogue. You're welcome. 4> You want to buy a standard class ticket to Bristol. Write a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3. train to Bristol First class single: 80 return: 150 Standard class single: 25 return: 35 train times 09.00 Ю.30 13.45 14.30 12.00 16.00 platform: two И Ticket officer Linda Linda Ticket officer Ticket officer Ticket officer J Linda СП Ticket officer CH Linda ] Linda □ Ticket officer It’s over there, near the exit. Where’s platform four? Thanks for your help. First class or standard class? That’s £27, please. You’re welcome. Yes, can I have two tickets to Manchester, please? Good afternoon. Can I help you? Standard class, please. How much is that? Here you are, £27. What time is the next train? At 6.25 from platform four. Ticket officer You Good afternoon. Can 1 help you? Yes, can 1 ? Ticket officer ? You Standard class, please. ? Ticket officer You Ticket officer What time is the next train? You ? Ticket officer It’s You Ticket officer You’re welcome. 93
The weather and seasons U Match and write the weather words. c 1 sun a) wy о 2 win b) gy 3 fog c) Id 4 sno d) dy ф 5 co e) rm г 6 wa f) ny 2) Circle the odd ones out. 1 sunny foggy cloudy rainy 2 wet dry rainy stormy 3 December January July February 4 spring season summer autumn Landscape features Match the words with the pictures. 1 beach 2 island 3 mountain 4 cliff 5 forest 6 waterfall 7 desert 8 river be going to 4y Complete the sentences with the be going to form of the verbs in brackets. 1 We the bus to London, (take) 2 They shopping tomorrow, (go) 3 I a DVD this evening, (watch) 4 They tennis, (play) 5 tomorrow? (he / study) 6 She the race, (not win) 7 souvenirs on holiday? (they I buy) 8 You your exams, (not pass) How...? questions Complete the questions. 1 is Wales? It’s 20764 square kilometres. 2 .................. is your dad? He’s 1 m 80 cm tall. 3 Bristol from here? It’s about 140 kilometres. 4 is your brother? He’s 12. 5 is the water in the river? About 10 degrees! must / mustn’t 6y Complete the rules with must (/) or mustn’t (X). 1 You listen to music in here. X 2 You be 1.3 m tall to go on this ride. / 3 You wear a jacket. / 4 You eat sweets in the cinema. X 5 You use your phone in class. X 6 You phone your parents! /
Cumulative check 11>2>з>4>5>в>7>8>9> Add two more words to each list. 1 sunny, windy, 2 skiing, volleyball, gymnastics, 3 trousers, hat, socks, 4 politician, scientist, inventor, ......., 5 gallery, museum, theatre, 6 Gaelic, Chinese, Spanish, 2j Complete the text with these words. bacon Scottish wet mountains windy department store gloves hat eggs Castle Last summer we went to Scotland for a holiday. It was great! There are lots of (1) ........... in Scotland, so we did lots of walking. Unfortunately, the weather was terrible! It was very (2) .... and (3) , so I often wore (4) on my hands and a (5) on my head! We went to Edinburgh (6) - that was fantastic! My mum enjoyed shopping in Edinburgh and she went into a big (7) .......... and bought lots of souvenirs. We stayed in a really nice hotel in Glasgow. We had (8) and (9) for breakfast! I’d like to go on another (10) holiday, but I hope we have good weather! 3y Write the time expressions in order. in 1987 in 2025 at the moment tomorrow next Monday next weekend next month tonight this evening yesterday last month a year ago 4^ Order the words to make questions. 1 are I you I going / to / What / tomorrow / do? 2 is / Paris / here / How / from I far ? 3 did / last / What / you I time / go / night I bed/to ? 4 you / How / go / often I skiing / do ? 5 any / Have / bacon / we / got ? 6 can / run / How / you / fast ? EXTRA VOICES <^~5s] Listen to the three weather reports. Which one describes the map? Weather report....
Your notes
Grammar bank and Grammar exercises Units 1-9 98-115 Vocabulary bank and Vocabulary plus Units 1-9 116-124 Culture Britain England Wales Ireland Scotland 125-133 Irregular verbs The USA Canada Australia New Zealand 134 97
Grammar bank Subject pronouns singular plural I you he / she / it we you they о In English a subject or subject pronoun is always necessary. David is French. V Is French; / We are from Italy. / Are from Italy. У о You is singular and plural. о He is for a man / boy, she is for a woman / girl, and it is for an object / animal. о We usually use short forms in conversation, о The word order is different in affirmative sentences and questions. They are Polish. Are they Polish? Question words What’s your name? Where are you from? When’s your birthday? How are you? How old are you? Who’s she? My name's Marfa. I'm from Russia. It’s in August. I’m fine. I'm 12. She’s my teacher. be: present simple affirmative I’m (am) You’re (are) He / She / It’s (is) We’re (are) You’re (are) They’re (are) American, from Russia. 12. negative I’m not (am not) You aren’t (are not) He / She / It isn’t (is not) We aren’t (are not) You aren’t (are not) They aren’t (are not) British. from England. 14. questions Am I Are you Is he / she / it Are we / you / they Mexican? from Canada? short answers Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he / she I it is. Yes, we / you / they are. No, I’m not. No, you aren’t. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we / you I they aren’t. о What is for things or actions. о Where is for places. о When is for time. о How is for manner. о Who is for people. Possessive adjectives singular plural my our your your his / her / its their о Your is singular and plural. о We use his for boys / men, and her for girls / women. His name is Tony. Her name is Rachel. о Its is for an object / animal. I have a dog. Its name is Rex. Possessive’s о We use's after a singular noun / name. Eva’s bag is pink. о \Ne use's after a singular noun I name ending in s. Colin's best friend is Irish. о We use s' after a plural noun / names. My friends’ names are Emma and Jack. о We use the verb be to describe a person’s nationality, age, etc. Sean Connery is Scottish. We are 13. 98
Grammar exercises 1j Write the sentences with contractions. 1 We are Liverpool fans. We're Liverpool fans. 2 They are from Dublin. 3 Pierre is French. He is from Paris. 4 I am not English. I am Scottish. 5 It is not nice. It is horrible. 6 You are not 12. You are 13. Complete the questions and write true answers. 1 Are the accents different in the north and south of England? Yes, they are. 2 your teacher in your classroom? 3 you and your classmates university students? 4 you from Russia? 2j Complete the sentences with the verb be in the affirmative. 1 My favourite football team is Arsenal. 2 Pete and Paul sad today. 3 My English teacher from England. 4 Imogen and Robin 15 years old. 5 I in Argentina now. 6 She very old. 3j Write the sentences in exercise 2 in the negative. 1 My favourite football team isn't Arsenal. 2 3 4 5 6 4y Write the possessive adjectives. 1 I my 2 you he 3 4 she 5 it 6 we 7 they 5j Circle the correct forms. 1 My parent’s /(parentsphouse is near the park. 2 My friend’s / friends’ names are Francis and Richard. 3 We’re in my two brother’s I brothers’ bedroom. 4 I am Lydia and Sam’s / Sams’cousin. 5 The teacher’s / teachers’ nationalities are Spanish, French and English. 6 My country’s / countries’ capital is London. 5 your mother Italian? 6 Japanese a difficult language? 7j Match the beginning of the questions with the endings. 1 How-.. a your name? 2 Where b he? 3 Who’s " c you? 4 What’s old is Peter? 5 How are e your birthday? 6 When’s f are you from? 8j Correct the errors. 1 She name is Jenny. Her name is Jenny. 2 We isn’t from Oxford. 3 Your teacher is French? 4 My brothers name is Jamie. 5 Where you are from? 6 He’s a footballer. Her name is David. 7 My friend no is Mexican. 8 I have got two sisters. Her names are Lucy and Sarah. 9 It isn’t interesting. Is boring. 10 My parent's names are Helen and Rob. 99
Grammar bank have got: present simple affirmative I’ve got (have got) You’ve got (have got) He / She 1 It’s got (has got) We 1 You 1 They’ve got (have got) blue eyes, long hair. negative 1 haven’t got (have not got) You haven’t got (have not got) He 1 She 1 It hasn’t got (has not got) We 1 You / They haven’t got (have not got) green eyes, short hair. questions Have 1 got Have you got Has he / she / it got Have we / you / they got a brother? a sister? short answers Yes, 1 have. Yes, you have. Yes, he / she / it has. Yes, we / you / they have. No, 1 haven’t. No, you haven’t. No, he / she / it hasn’t. No, we / you / they haven’t. о The word order is different in questions and affirmative sentences. He's got a bike. Has he got a bike? о We don’t use do/does in questions with have got. Have you got a brother? / Do you-have-got-a brother? У How many...? о We use How many before plural nouns. How many brothers and sisters have you got? How many cousins has Beth got? о We don’t use How many to ask questions about age. How old are you? / How many-years have you got? У ’s = is I has I possessive 's = is Monica's English. 's = has He's got two cats. 's = possessive Our dad’s name is Anthony. о We use have got to talk about possession. My sister has got a new MP3 player. They’ve got two sisters. о We use have got to talk about people’s physical characteristics. I’ve got green eyes. о In short answers, we don’t use got. Yes, I have. / YesH-have-get-. У
Grammar exercises 1j Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 a / car / have I You I got I red You have got a red car. 2 а / got / We / big I haven’t I house 3 haven’t / a lot of friends I got I They 4 five / got /1 / have I brothers 5 You I got I haven’t I a mobile phone 6 dog / long / got / hasn’t / My / ears Match the questions in exercise 3 with these answers. a Yes, he has. b No, you haven’t. c Yes, she has. d No, it hasn’t. e Yes, we have. f No, they haven’t. Make questions with How many and have got. 1 you I CDs How many CDs have you got? 2 Marta / mobile phones 2j Look at the table. Write sentences in the affirmative or negative with have got. 3 your house / rooms My mum You Me Family 3 brothers 1 brother, 1 sister 1 brother Hair short/ blond short/ black long / brown Eyes blue green blue 4 Anna and her brother / pets 5 Claire / brothers 1 My mum I three brothers My mum has got three brothers. 2 You / a brother and a sister 6 we / English books 3 I / a sister 4 My mum / brown hair 5 You and my mum I short hair 6 My mum and I / blue eyes 7 You / brown eyes "ij Make questions with have got. 1 your dog / brown eyes Has your dog got brown eyes? 2 Jamie / a pet 3 your sister I a boyfriend 4 your parents I a house near the beach 5 you and your sister I green eyes 6 I / your workbook 6j Correct the errors. 1 They has got a house in London. They have got a house in London. 2 How many years have you got? 3 Yes, she has got. 4 How many CDs your brother has got? 5 Your dog has got long ears? 6 We hasn’t got a house in London. 7j Look at the ’s. Write is, has or possessive. 1 Chantal’s from France. is 2 He's got a new MP3 player. 3 It’s very interesting. 4 My best friend’s name is Chris. 5 She’s 11 years old. 6 John’s book is English. 101
Grammar bank Present simple affirmative I play You play He / She / It plays We / You / They play football. negative I don’t play You don’t (do not) play He / She / It doesn’t (does not) play We / You / They don’t (do not) Play basketball. questions Do I play Do you play Does he / she / it play Do we / you / they play computer games? short answers Yes, I do. Yes, you do. Yes, he 1 she / it does. Yes, we / you / they do. No, I don’t. No, you don’t. No, he / she / it doesn’t. No, we / you 1 they don’t. о We use the present simple to talk about habits and routines. I get up at half past seven every day. о We use the present simple to describe facts and general truths. The sun rises in the east. о We use the present simple to describe likes and feelings. She likes Daniel Craig. о In the third person singular (he I she I it), we add s to the verb. о In the negative, we use doesn't with the third person singular. о We always need a subject. Third person spelling rules о We usually add s to the verb. play -> plays like -» likes о With verbs that end in a consonant + y, we omit the у and add ies. study -> studies tidy -> tidies о With verbs that end in ch, o, sh, ss, or x we add es. watch -> watches go -> goes wash -» washes о The verbs have and be change spelling. have -> has be -> is Adverbs of frequency o% 1 oo% never sometimes often usually always о We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do something. о Adverbs of frequency usually go before the verb. We usually have lunch at school. о Adverbs of frequency go after be. Our teacher is never late. Imperatives affirmative Press the green button. Listen. negative Don’t press the red button. Don’t shout! о We use the imperative to give instructions and orders. о In the negative we use don’t. о The form is the same in the singular and plural. Time expressions at + time: the weekend, night, one o’clock on + day: Monday, Fridays, Saturday afternoon in + part of the day: the morning, the evening, the afternoon every: week, Thursday, day, month, night о We don’t use a plural with every. I get up early every day. / I get up early every days: У
Grammar exercises Complete the sentences in the present simple with the words in brackets. 1 They speak Spanish. They don't speak Polish, (speak / not speak) 2 Sue her MP3 player. She the radio, (listen to / not listen to) 3 David friends at the weekend. He to school, (meet I not go) 4 We dinner at 7.00 pm. We dinner at 8.00 pm (have / not have) 5 I ......... TV in the evening. I computer games. (watch I not play) 6 Gina’s mum her room. Gina it. (tidy / not tidy) 4> Correct the errors. 1 My cousin got a new cat. My cousin has got a new cat. 2 In her free time my sister watch cartoons on TV. 3 Oliver and Mark plays computer games all the time. 4 My aunt doesn’t has a computer. 5 My mother go to work in the afternoon. 6 My father washs the car on Sundays. 7 Natalia studys languages at school. 8 Lucy don’t live in England. 2j Complete the questions and short answers with do, does, don’t and doesn’t. 1 Do you play football? Yes, l do. 2 John’s cousins live in Greece? No, 3 Melissa prefer comics to books? Yes,__________ 4 your mum listen to rock music? No, 5 we study a lot at school? Yes, 6 I finish work at five o’clock? No, 3j Circle the correct words. 1 I don’t go to school (at)/ in the weekend. 2 Julie has a shower every I at morning. 3 They do their homework in I at the evening. 4 I get up late on I in Sunday mornings. 5 My dad comes home from work at I on six o’clock. 6 We don’t go swimming on I in Mondays. 7 Pam sleeps for seven hours at I in night. 8 My brothers play football with their friends at / every Saturday. 5j Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct places. 1 I play golf, (never) l never play golf. 2 Dan meets me at the cafe on Saturdays, (sometimes) 3 I see her in the supermarket, (often) 4 Tom and Marta are late for school, (usually) 5 Kate has coffee for breakfast, (always) 6 They go to the cinema, (don’t often) 7 You aren’t at school at the weekend, (usually) 8 We see our cousins, (don’t often) 6j Complete the sentences with words from the box. do don’t be finish go don’t talk tidy 1 Finish your dinner! 2 late! 3 to bed. 4 your homework. 5 in the classroom. 6 your room.
Grammar bank love, hate, (don’t) like + -ing © © I love listening to music. © I like going to the cinema. © I don't like going shopping. ® ® I hate getting up early. о We use a noun or the -ing form of the verb after love, like, don't like and hate. We don’t like Science. My best friend loves playing football. о We use can to talk about skills and abilities. He can speak German. о After can we use the infinitive without to. Can you ride a bike? / Can you to-ride-a-bike? У о All persons are the same. I can ski. Can she draw? Review of question forms: word order Object pronouns subject pronouns I you he she it we you they object pronouns me you him her it us you them о Object pronouns function as the object of a sentence. о We use object pronouns after the verb or preposition. We visit our cousins every summer, but they never visit us. Marco reads French but he doesn't speak it. can affirmative 1 / You / He / She / It / We / You / They can sing. negative 1 / You / He / She / It / We / You I They can’t fiy- questions Can 1 / you / he / she / it / we / you / they dance? short answers Yes, 1 / you / he / she / it / we / you /they No, 1 / you / he / she / it / we / you / they can. can’t. be questions question word am I is I are subject other words Where Are Is is you she Anna? from the UK? Argentinian? have got questions question word have /has subject got other words What Has have Anna you got got? a car? present simple questions question word do / does subject verb other words Why Does do Chris you go like rafting? school? Why...?/Because ... о We use why in questions and because in answers. о After why, we use the usual present simple question word order. Why do you like school? Why has he got his history books? о After because, we use the usual present simple affirmative word order. Because I see my friends here. Because he has a history class today.
Grammar exercises У) Look at the key and complete the sentences with the correct form of love, like, don’t like and hate. Key ©© = love ©=like ® = don’t like ®® = hate 1 Michael doesn't like PE.® 2 I skiing.©© 3 Paula playing computer games. ® 4 Julia football.©© 5 You and your brother dancing. © 6 Sylvia and John getting up early. ®® 4> Look at the table in exercise 3. Write a question and short answer for each sentence. 1 Katya / speak English Can Katyn speak English? No, she can't. 2 I/sing 3 Katya and Sasha / play football 4 Sasha and I / swim 5 Sasha / ride a bike 6 Katya/dance Grammar bank 2j Choose the correct words. 1 Lola likes Brad Pitt films. She really likes he / him. 2 These new computer games are great. We play them / they every day. 3 Mary loves school, but she / her doesn’t like getting up early. 4 I help Tom with his homework, but he never helps I / me. 5 My uncle and aunt live in France. They visit us I we every year. 6 Masha understands English, but she doesn’t speak it / them. 7 My parents have got a new computer. We / Us love playing games on it. 8 My friends love dancing, but they / them aren’t at the disco tonight. 5j Order the words to make questions. 1 get up I What time / you / do What time do you get up? 2 my glasses / Where / are 3 a teacher I Is / your sister 4 does I go shopping / Sonia / How often 5 Sam I Has / brothers / two / got 6 football / When / they / play / do 7 have / in your bag I What / got / you 8 you / speak / Chinese / Do 3j Look at the table and complete the sentences using can or can’t. Me Katya Sasha speak English / X X dance X / X play football X / / sing X / X swim / / / ride a bike X / X 1 I can speak English. 2 Sasha dance. 3 Sasha and I ride a bike. 4 Katya and Sasha play football. 5 Katya swim. 6 I sing. 6) Write questions. 1 Why / you / have got / a dictionary with you Why have you got a dictionary with you? Because we’ve got English today. 2 Why / you / like / this film I like it because Johnny Depp is in it. 3 Why / you / not live / in the city Because I prefer the countryside. 4 Why / you / be / at home Because it’s the summer holidays.
Grammar bank Present continuous affirmative I’m (am) You’re (are) He / She / It’s (is) We / You / They’re (are) studying, running. negative I’m not (am not) You aren’t (are not) He / She / It isn’t (is not) We / You / They aren’t (are not) working, swimming. questions Am I Are you Is he 1 she 1 it Are we / you / they sleeping? eating? short answers Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he / she 1 it is. Yes, we I you I they are. No, I’m not. No, you aren’t. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we / you / they aren’t. о We use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress at the moment of speaking. They are walking to school. He is driving the car. о We form the present continuous with: subject + be + verb + -ing о In questions, the order is: be + subject + verb + -ing о In short answers, we don’t repeat the verb + -ing. Is he eating? Yes, he is. Spelling rules for verb + -ing о We form the present participle of most verbs with the infinitive + -ing. sleep sleeping eat -» eating о When the verb ends in e, we omit the e and add -ing. have -> having make -> making о When a verb has only one syllable and ends with one vowel and one consonant (except w, x or y), we double the consonant and add -ing. swim -» swimming stop stopping Present simple and continuous о We use the present simple for routines and habits. Cats sleep for 13 hours a day. (routine) Runners drink a lot of water, (habit) о We use the present continuous to describe what is happening at the moment. This cat is sleeping, (at the moment) The runner is drinking, (at the moment) Present continuous for future о We also use the present continuous for definite plans in the future. о When we use the present continuous to talk about the future, we usually use a future time expression. tomorrow, next weekend, next week, next month, next year We’re going to the cinema tomorrow. What are you doing next weekend?
Grammar exercises 5 Circle the correct words. Write the -ing form of these verbs. 1 I (anj)/are studying Geography. 1 have having 2 We are / is watching my new DVD. 2 read 3 My dad aren’t 1 isn’t working at the 3 run moment. He’s at home. 4 live 4 She is / isn’t eating her dinner. She doesn’t 5 sleep like fish. 6 study 5 They are / aren’t taking photos today. They 7 swim haven’t got their camera. 8 fly 6 You are / is reading my book. Complete the sentences with the words 2j Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or c t ( below in the present continuous affirmative. present continuous. do sing speak tidy walk 1 You are tidying your room. 2 I French. 3 He my favourite song. 4 Paul and Tom to school. 5 My sister and I our Maths homework. 3j Rewrite the present continuous affirmative sentences as negative sentences. 1 I’m talking to you. I'm not talking to you. 2 You are listening to me. 3 The dog is sleeping in my room. 4 We are drinking orange juice. 5 You are leaving for work now. 6 They are helping me with my homework. 1 l am living in New York at the moment. (I I live) 2 computer games every day? (she / play) 3 to the sports centre three times a week, (they I not go) 4 your computer today? (you I use) 5 always lunch at one o’clock, (he I have) 6 Oh no! the match now. (we I not win) 7 never her homework. (Rachel I do) 8 at the moment. (My cat / sleep) 1j Write sentences. Use the present continuous for future plans. 1 Suzie I go to France / on Friday Suzie is going to France on Friday. 2 We / do our last exam / next week Write questions and short answers. Use the present continuous. 1 the sun I shine (/) Is the sun shining? Yes, it is. 2 you / sit in this chair (x) 3 I / have lunch with Tom / at one o’clock 4 Sarah / visit her cousins / next weekend 3 we / download music from the Internet (/) 5 David / study / this weekend 4 your mum / watch TV (x) 6 Eva and Fiona I make a cake I on Thursday afternoon 5 they / study for exams (/) 6 I / play tennis / well (x) 107
Grammar bank there is / there are Countable and uncountable nouns affirmative There’s (is) There are a museum. two restaurants. negative There isn’t (is not) There aren’t (are not) a castle. any shops. questions Is there Are there a disco? any cafes? short answers Yes, there is. Yes, there are. No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t. о We use there is with singular nouns and there are with plural nouns. There is a market. There are department stores. о When the statement contains more than one noun, the form corresponding to the first noun is used. There is a cat and two dogs. There are two dogs and a cat. in on under next to between behind near opposite in front of above countable uncountable a potato sugar an egg water three carrots meat о Countable nouns have singular and plural forms. potato - potatoes chip - chips о It isn’t possible to count sugar, water or meat as they don’t have plural forms. sugar / sugars У water / waters У о We can count packets of sugar, bottles of water or pieces of meat. She drinks two bottles of water every day. a/an, some and any о We use a /an with singular countable nouns. о We use a before consonants. a potato a tomato a bottle о We use an before vowels. an egg an apple an orange о We use some with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. I have some sugar. She has some eggs. о We use some in affirmative sentences and any in negative sentences and questions. I have some meat. She doesn't have any potatoes. Have you got any chocolate? Prepositions of place о We use prepositions of place to say where things are. The theatre is opposite the Italian restaurant. The shop is next to the library.
Grammar exercises 6 \) Write sentences with the correct form of there is I there are and the words in the box. four restaurants (✓) market (/) stadium (/) good museum (X) old castle (X) department stores (X) 1 There are four restaurants. 2 _____________ 3 4 ... 5 ......................................... 6 ..................... 4j Complete the table with the words in the box. apples sweet eggs hot chocolate meat potato steak sugar vegetables honey sandwich bananas chips cheese singular plural uncountable apples Grammar bank 2j Write questions and short answers. 1 cinemas I in your town? (/) Are there cinemas in your town? Yes, there are. 2 castle / near here? (X) 3 an old monument / opposite the park? (/) 5) Add these words to the lists below. apples carrot burgers coffee egg milk orange pizzas honey leek butter 1 a mushroom, 4 a volcano / on the island? (X) 2 an ice cream, 3 some juice, apples, 5 interesting shops / in the city? (X) 6 statues / in the square? (/) 3> Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes. in on next to 1 The cheese is on the table. It’s the butter. 2 We’re sitting a cafe. in front of between opposite 3 The sports centre is my house. 4 The restaurant is the museum and the library. 5 Anna can’t see the film. There is a tall man sitting her in the cinema. above behind under 6 The plane is flying the town. 7 A: Where’s my pen? B: It’s your book. 8 The cat is the blanket. 6 Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 There is some water. 2 Is there juice? 3 There isn’t .... butter. 4 There are animals. 5 Are there ...... vegetables? 6 There aren’t cows. Correct the errors. 1 In my city there is two football stadiums, in my city there are two football stadiums. 2 There are departments stores here? 3 There aren’t a museum in this town. 4 The theatre is opposite to the museum. 5 He’s buying a ice cream. 6 There is some water? 7 There aren’t some sheep in my village. 8 There is any cheese in my sandwich.
Grammar bank be: past simple affirmative I / He / She / It We / You / They was were negative I / He / She / It We / You / They wasn’t (was not) weren’t (were not) questions Was Were I / he / she / it...? we/you/they ...? short answers Yes, I / he / she / it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn’t. Yes, we / you / they were. No, we / you / they weren’t. о We use was I wasn't with /, he, she and it. Picasso was Spanish. The exam wasn’t difficult. о We use were I weren't with you, we and they. We were at school yesterday. They weren’t in Liverpool on Friday. there was I there were singular plural There was a castle. There wasn’t a castle. Was there a castle? Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t. There were two castles. There weren’t two castles. Were there two castles? Yes, there were. No, there weren’t. о there was I there were are the past forms of there is I there are. о We use there was with singular nouns and there were with plural nouns. Past simple: affirmative о We use the past simple to talk about events in the past. The football match started at three o’clock. о All persons are the same. I studied with my friend yesterday. He studied English last year. They studied Italian two years ago. spelling rules for regular verbs in the past simple most regular verbs: add -ed start -> started regular verbs ending in -e: add -d like -> liked regular verbs ending in consonant + -y: change -y to -/ and add -ed carry carried regular verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant: double the final consonant stop -> stopped о For irregular verbs, see Irregular Verbs list on page 134. о The pronunciation of the past simple of regular verbs changes depending on the spelling of the verb. pronunciation rules for regular verbs in the past simple when the verb ends in an unvoiced sound, the past simple is pronounced [t] watch -» watched when the verb ends in a voiced sound, the past simple is pronounced [d] play played when the verb ends in t or d, the past simple is pronounced [id] want -♦ wanted
Grammar exercises Circle the correct words. 1 l(wa$ / were at home yesterday. 2 Cervantes wasn’t I weren’t a scientist. 3 Was / Were you in Cambridge last weekend? 4 Mozart and Beethoven was / were composers. 5 Was I Were Leonardo da Vinci Italian? 6 We wasn’t I weren’t at the cinema last night. 2j Complete the text with was or were. Last year I (1) was on holiday with my parents. We (2) at a castle and there (3) lots of interesting things to see. It ( 4) . late and there (5) many people. Then, there (6) a loud explosion. I (7) very frightened. Answer the questions. Correct the information that is wrong. 1 Was Walt Disney an actor? (X / director) No, he wasn't. He was a director. 2 Was Malevich a Russian artist? (/) 3 Was Shakespeare German? (X / English) 4 Were there model aeroplanes in Tutankhamun’s tomb? (X / model boats) 5 Was Neil Armstrong on the Moon in 1869? (X/1969) 6 Were there a lot of temples in Ancient Greece? (/) 7 Were Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing the first people to climb Everest? (/) 4. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the words in brackets. 1 Bill tidied his room, (tidy) 2 I ...... a new book today, (start) 3 They cricket in the park, (play) 4 The train at the station for 15 minutes, (stop) 5 Peter I Saint Petersburg, (found) 6 Picasso Guernica, (paint) 7 Jane and Carol late for work, (arrive) 8 My sister for shoes all morning, (shop) Put the past simple verbs into the correct column of the table. called carried helped listened looked needed painted shopped wanted shouted watched played directed [t] [d] [id] called - 6j Write the past simple of these verbs. 1 fly flew 2 lose 3 eat 4 take 5 see 6 write 7 make 8 leave Tj Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs below. build do go have lose win write wear 1 Sheila wore her new dress to the party. 2 I on holiday to Wales last summer. 3 The Egyptians the pyramids. 4 We dinner at the new restaurant yesterday. 5 Russia the 2012 World Ice Hockey Championship. 6 You my homework for me. Thank you. 7 J.K. Rowling the last Harry Potter book in 2007. 8 I’m so sad. My team the match last night. 111
Grammar bank Past simple: negative Past time expressions 1 / You He / She / It We / You / They didn’t (did not) Play yesterday. о We make negative sentences in the past with didn’t and the infinitive. I didn’t play football. / l-didn’t played football: X о All persons are the same. I didn’t study French. We didn't study in the USA last year. They didn't study for two hours. Past simple: questions and short answers questions Did 1 / you he / she / it we / you / they swim? short answers Yes, 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they did. No, 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t. о We make questions in the past with Did and the infinitive. Did you swim yesterday? S Did-you-swam-yesterday? X о All persons are the same. Did she go to the beach? Did they play football last night? о In short answers in the past simple we don’t repeat the main verb. Did you play tennis? Yes, I did. Y Yesrl-played. X о We use time expressions with the past simple to say when something happened or when we did something. last night last Saturday last weekend last month last year in October in 2005 in medieval times three hours ago two days ago six months ago four years ago yesterday yesterday morning the day before yesterday о Last always goes in front of time expressions. I went to the cinema last weekend. о Ago always goes after time expressions. My team won the league a week ago. Past simple: wh- questions о We form past simple wh- questions with: question word + did + subject + verb + other words. When did they go on holiday? What did you do last weekend?
Grammar exercises 8 1j Put the words in the correct order to make negative sentences. 1 skiing I Molly and Emmie I go / didn’t Molly and Emmie didn't go skiing. 2 hear I Steve I the results / of the match I didn’t 4 you and James I the cinema I yesterday evening? 5 your parents / judo / last weekend? 3 with my friends /1 / go surfing / didn’t 6 James/judo / at the sports club / last weekend? 4 visit / You / the Olympic Stadium / didn’t 5 didn’t/the Formula 1 World Championship / Lewis Hamilton / in 2007 / win Correct the errors. 1 Did you saw the match on TV last night? Did you see the match on TV last night? 2 Roberto goed climbing in the Pyrenees last weekend. 2j Complete the sentences in the past simple negative. 1 I didn't watch TV last night. (not watch) 2 You to the cinema, (not go) 3 You at home yesterday, (not be) 4 We German, (not study) 5 England in the European Football Championship in 2008. (not play) Look at the table. Write questions and short answers in the past simple. last weekend yesterday evening James went to the beach did judo at the sports club my parents had dinner at a restaurant watched TV me went to the beach with James went to the cinema with Julia 1 James / dinner at a restaurant I last weekend? Did James have dinner at a restaurant last weekend? No, he didn't. 2 your parents / TV / yesterday evening? 3 Did you have a good time at the party? Yes, we did have. 4 I haven’t got any photos. I didn’t took my camera on holiday. 5 Alice wore her new trainers? 6 Did you had lunch at home? Yes, we did. 5j Complete the questions for these answers. 1 When did the Pathfinder robot go to Mars? It went to Mars in 1997. 2 Terminal E at Sheremetyevo Airport ? It opened in March 2010. 3 the modern Olympic Games ? The modern Olympic Games began in 1896. 4 the England team the FIFA World Cup? They won it in 1966. 5 beach volleyball an Olympic sport? It became an Olympic sport in 1996. 3 you and James / to the beach / last weekend? 113,
Grammar bank be going to affirmative I’m (am) You’re (are) He / She / It’s (is) We / You / They’re (are) going to visit Canada. negative I’m not (am not) You aren’t (are not) He / She / It isn’t (is not) We / You / They aren’t (are not) going to play football. questions Am 1 Is he / she / it Are we / you / they going to travel tomorrow? short answers Yes, 1 am. Yes, you are. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we / you / they are. No, I’m not. No, you aren’t. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we / you / they aren’t. о We use be going to to talk about plans and intentions for the future. I am going to study in London. They are going to eat in a restaurant tonight. о We also use it to predict what is going to happen in the future, particularly when there are indications that it is going to happen. The test is very easy. I think I’m going to pass. о To form sentences we use: subject + be + going to + verb She is going to arrive at six o’clock. Future time expressions о We use future time expressions to say when we are going to do something. tonight tomorrow tomorrow morning next week next month next year I am going to visit my sister next week. И/е are going to see a film tonight. How...? questions How + adjective + be + subject? How big is your city? How long is a football pitch? How + adverb + can / do + subject + verb? How high can you jump? How fast does an emu run? must I mustn’t affirmative 1 You He 1 She 1 It We / You / They must sit down, be quiet. negative 1 You He / She 1 It We / You / They mustn’t eat here, talk loudly. о We use must for rules, regulations and obligations. You must wear a school uniform. о We use mustn’t for prohibition. You mustn’t talk in exams. о The form is the same for all persons. We must wear swimming hats.
Grammar exercises 9 Order the words to make affirmative sentences. 1 going to / am / tomorrow morning / go / to school 11 l am going to go to school tomorrow morning. 2 snow / going to / It / tonight / is 3 next month / are / go skiing / We / going to 4 are / go swimming / They / going to / next weekend Write the questions and short answers with be going to. 1 you / study French (x) Are you going to study French? No, I'm not. 2 your friends / stay at home this evening (x) 3 Joanna / come canoeing with us (/) 4 we / have a holiday this summer (/) 5 I / learn a lot of English (/) 5 finish I this evening / your dinner I going to I are / You 6 Ben / be at the party on Saturday (x) 6 My dad / visit I his sister / is / next week I in Canada / going to 2j Put the future time expressions in the correct order. next month next weekend next year tomorrow morning tomorrow evening tonight 5j Write questions for these answers. Use How... and an adjective or adverb from the box. high fast old long cold tall 1 How old is the castle? (the castle / be) It’s 600 years old. 1 tonight 2 3 4 5 6 3j Write negative sentences with be going to. 1 She / watch TV tonight She isn't going to watch TV tonight. 2 Tim / go to the beach (his car / go) About 250 kph. 3 (your city in winter / be) About 4 degrees centigrade. 4 (the Nile / be) About 6650 kilometres. 3 They / sunbathe on the beach (the mountain I be) It’s 4245 metres. 4 You / play football with us (you I be) About 1 metre 50 centimetres. 5 We / eat pizza again today 6 I / go shopping with you 6y Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t. 1 You must buy a ticket before you get on the train. 2 You take photos in the museum. 3 You wear warm clothes in the winter. 4 You feed the gorillas. 115,
Vocabulary bank Ф Countries and nationalities Argentina / Argentinian Australia I Australian Britain / British Canada / Canadian China/Chinese England I English France / French Ireland I Irish Mexico I Mexican Poland I Polish Russia I Russian Scotland I Scottish Spain/Spanish The USA I American Wales / Welsh Languages Arabic Gaelic Adjectives big I small boring I interesting difficult / easy happy / sad near/far new / old nice I horrible right / wrong Useful expressions What’s your name? Can you spell that, please? What’s your address? How old are you? What’s your email address? What’s your phone number? Vocabulary plus European countries 1j How do you say these European countries in your language? How do you say the nationalities? Austria Belgium Denmark Italy Greece Germany Latvia Sweden Romania the Netherlands 2 Match the countries from exercise 1 with the map? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vocabulary bank Family aunt I uncle cousin / cousin daughter/son grandaughter / grandson grandma I grandad mum/dad niece I nephew sister / brother sister-in-law I brother-in-law stepmum I stepdad wife I husband mum + dad = parents grandma + grandad = grandparents daughter + son = children Describing people attractive short slim tall blue eyes brown eyes green eyes brown hair dark hair fair hair red hair long hair short hair glasses sunglasses Useful expressions Can I help you? Have you got a ...? What about...? It’s in the ... section Where’s that? It’s over there. Vocabulary plus The body 1j Check the meaning of these words. head elbow wrist hand finger knee foot toe shoulder back 2j Label the parts of the body in the picture. 117.
Vocabulary bank Free time go to the beach go to the cinema listen to an MP3 player listen to the radio read a comic read magazines watch a DVD watch a football match Daily routines clean your teeth do homework get dressed get up go home go to bed go to school have a shower have breakfast have dinner have lunch tidy your room Useful expressions Can you give me a hand? What’s the problem? First... / then ... / finally ... What next? Remember to ... Don’t forget to ... Is that all? Vocabulary plus Places to go 1, Check the meaning of these words. youth club Internet cafe leisure centre skate park swimming pool aquarium bowling alley fairground amusement arcade theme park 2j Which place can you see in the picture? (118;
Vocabulary bank School subjects Art and Design Drama English French Geography History ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Maths Music PE (Physical Education) Science Useful expressions Let’s ... What shall we do? How about...? Why don’t we ...? Sorry, I can't. Skills and abilities dance download music draw drive fiy play an instrument ride a bike sing skate speak a foreign language swim use a computer I’m busy on ... No way! I hate... Great! Vocabulary plus Study verbs Translate the study verbs into your language. learn remember revise make notes write a sentence copy practise ask a question answer a question understand 2j What is happening in the pictures? 119
Vocabulary bank Endangered animals eagle elephant frog gorilla orang-utan owl panda polar bear rattlesnake rhino shark snow leopard tiger turtle whale wolf Adverbs of manner good / well bad I badly quiet/quietly loud I loudly slow I slowly quick / quickly dangerous I dangerously safe I safely high I high fast / fast Useful expressions What are you doing tomorrow? Nothing special. I’m going to the ... Do you want to come? What time are you going? We’re leaving home at... See you tomorrow. See you later. Vocabulary plus Animal categories 1j Check the meaning of these words. birds mammals reptiles amphibians fish insects arachnids lizard parrot ladybird tarantula dolphin salmon 2y Match the creatures from exercise 1 with the pictures. What category of animal is each creature in?
Vocabulary bank Places to visit castle cathedral department store gallery garden market museum palace square stadium statue theatre Food and drink bacon butter cheese chips egg fish grapes ice cream juice meat mushrooms potatoes sugar tea toast vegetables Useful expressions Can I help you? How much is a ...? Can I have a / an / some please? I’d like a / an / some please. Anything else? Anything to drink? Here’s your change. Enjoy your meal. Vocabulary plus Activities on a day trip 1j How do you say these activities in your language? sightsee write / send a postcard buy souvenirs take photos have a picnic eat an ice cream sunbathe catch the bus ask for directions visit relatives 2^ What are the people doing in the picture?
Vocabulary bank History makers architect Irregular verbs become — became astronaut build — built composer director do — did fly — flew explorer go — went inventor have — had king and queen lose — lost painter politician make — made take — took scientist wear — wore sculptor win — won writer write — wrote Useful expressions Can I help you? Where’s the please? Is there a ... here? . What time does the ... close? How much is it? Here you are. Thanks for your help. You're welcome. Vocabulary plus Myths and legends 1 у Check the meaning of these words. prince princess god goddess hero heroine dragon giant monster unicorn 2) Which words can you see in the picture?
Vocabulary bank Olympic sports archery athletics badminton baseball canoeing cycling gymnastics judo skiing swimming table tennis volleyball Clothes and accessories cap dress glasses gloves hat shoes shorts skirt socks trainers trousers T-shirt play I do I go play baseball play basketball play football play tennis go running go shopping go swimming do archery do athletics do judo Useful expressions Did you have a good weekend? What did you do at the weekend? What did you do? What about you? It was fantastic! It was amazing! Vocabulary plus Sports equipment Check the meaning of these words. racket helmet goggles net ball bat paddle target bow arrow 2, Which words can you see in the picture?
Vocabulary bank Weather and seasons cloudy cold dry foggy hot rainy snowy stormy sunny warm wet windy spring summer autumn winter Landscape features beach cave __________ cliff desert forest island lake mountain rainforest river sea waterfall Useful expressions How much does it cost to send a letter to ...? Can I have ... first/second class stamps, please? Is there a post box near here? Vocabulary plus Things for different seasons Check the meaning of these words. umbrella scarf gloves sun hat flip-flops wellies sunglasses waterproof jacket swimming trunks bikini 2j Which words can you see in the picture? What season is it?
41 Culture: Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) Check it out! о On average, British people drink 200 million cups of tea every year. о The British national anthem is God Save the Queen. о The Act of Union in 1707 united England, Scotland and Wales to become Great Britain. The Union Jack The Union Jack represents the United Kingdom. The UK is Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland. The flag is a symbol of unity. It is a combination of the flags of Saint George for England, Saint Andrew for Scotland and Saint Patrick for Northern Ireland. Wales doesn’t have any representation on the flag. Saints and emblems Saint George is the patron saint of England. People celebrate Saint George’s day on 23rd April. The flower of England is the rose. Scotland’s patron saint is Saint Andrew and his special day is November 30th. The thistle is the emblem of Scotland. The patron saint of Wales is Saint David. Welsh people wear daffodils on Saint David’s day on March 1st. British food There are many different types of food from the different countries in Britain. England Bubble and squeak vegetables from a roast dinner, fried in butter Wales Bara brith sweet bread made with raisins Scotland Cranachan a dessert made from cream, whisky, honey, raspberries and oats Test your memory! о What is the floral emblem of Scotland? о What countries are in the United Kingdom? о How many cups of tea do the British drink every year?
CulturejEnqland Check it out! о From 1066 to 1362, the official language of England was French. о England is only 35 kilometres from о Heathrow airport in London has over 67 million passengers every year. Facts & Figures Population Capital Official languages Currency England 50700000 London English Pound sterling Internet domain .uk The Romans in England The Romans were in England from 55 BC to 410 AD. They built many roads and important cities in England such as Londinium (London) and Aquae Sulis (Bath). Hadrian’s Wall was the northern border of England. There are many Roman remains in England such as temples, amphitheatres and villas. Beefeaters The Beefeaters are the guardians of the Tower of London and the Crown Jewels. They usually wear a uniform of dark blue and red. On special occasions or when the Queen visits the Tower, they wear a uniform of red and gold. The Beefeaters care for the ravens. They are big black birds that live in the Tower. Test your memory! о о о What was the official language of England in 1066? What was the Roman name of Bath? When do Beefeaters wear red and gold?
CultureiWales Population Wales 3,000,600 Check it out! о The monarch's eldest son is called the Prince of Wales. Capital Cardiff Official languages Welsh, English о The leek is a national emblem of Wales, о The highest mountain in Wales is Snowdon at 1,085 metres. Currency Pound sterling Internet domain .uk Musical Wales People call Wales the land of song. Traditional folk music is very important in Wales and people sing traditional songs and play instruments such as the harp and the crwth, a type of fiddle or violin. Every August in Wales, people celebrate the National Eisteddfod which is a national festival of music, literature and poetry. The festival is eight days long and people only speak in Welsh. Welsh castles When the English king Edward I invaded Wales in 1277, he built many castles. He built one of the biggest castles - Conwy - between 1283 and 1289. Conwy Castle is in North Wales. Test your memory! & о When did the English build Conwy? о How long is the National Eisteddfod? о How do you say thank you in Welsh? Learn some Welsh! bore da Y Good morning nos da Y Good night " sut mae? Y How are you? ' diolch Y Thank you ' croeso Y Welcome ;127J
Gulturejlreland Check it out! о The Irish name for Ireland is Eire. о People wear green on Saint Patrick s Day. о 370 million people around the world have Irish ancestry. Facts & Figures Ireland Population 4300000 Capital Dublin Official languages English, Gaelic Currency Euro Internet domain .ie Leprechauns Ireland is famous for myths and legends. The most popular myth is the leprechaun. People say that leprechauns live in the countryside in Ireland and work as shoemakers. The leprechaun is short, clever and very rich. He wears an emerald green coat and he carries a pot of gold. Saint Patrick, the shamrock and the harp Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. Legend says that there are no snakes in Ireland because of him. The shamrock is a famous symbol of Ireland. It has three leaves and it is a symbol of good luck. Saint Patrick used the three leaves of the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish people. The harp is a political symbol of Ireland and appears on the Irish euro coins. Test your memory! о What is the currency of Ireland? о What is Eire? о Who is Saint Patrick?
€ u ItureilScot land Population Capital Official languages Currency Scotland 5100000 Edinburgh English, Gaelic Pound sterling Check it out! O The city of Edinburgh is on an extinct volcano. о The Gaelic name for Scotland is Alba. о The Loch Ness Monster is a mythological Scottish creature. Internet domain .uk The Highland Bagpipes A traditional Scottish musical instrument Dirk A ceremonial knife Games Scottish people celebrate the Highland Games in the summer all over Scotland. The Highland Games include sport and cultural activities. People take part in different traditional sports such as tossing the caber (throwing a wooden pole as far as possible) and throwing the hammer. Sporran A Scotsman his money here Kilt It is usually Test your memory! о о о Who wears a kilt? What’s the name of a mythological Scottish animal? Where are the Highland Games?
Culture: IT nelUSA’ Check it out! о The White House has 132 rooms. о The first man on the Moon was American. о Ten per cent of the American population speak Spanish. Facts & Figures Population Capital Official languages Currency USA 300 million Washington DC No official languages US dollar Thanksgiving People all over the USA celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November. Families and friends give thanks for all the good things from the year. Thanksgiving Day dinner is a special meal of roast turkey and vegetables. Pumpkin pie is a typical Thanksgiving dessert. Internet domain .us Native Americans Many Native American tribes lived in America before the Europeans arrived. Some of the most famous tribes were the Sioux, the Apache and the Cherokee. Sitting Bull was a powerful Sioux Chief. American Indians weren’t citizens of the USA until 1924. Now there are three million Native Americans living in the USA. Test your memory! о How many rooms are there in the White House? о When do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day? о Can you name a Native American tribe?
CulturelGanada о Population Capital Official languages Canada 33 million Ottawa English, French ° Canada has the world’s longest о Check it out! The Vikings were the first Europeans to arrive in Canada in 1000 AD. coastline - 243,000 kilometres^ Ice hockey is the most popular sport in Canada. Currency Canadian dollar Internet domain .ca Test your memory! о What is the Internet domain of Canada? о What is Red Serge? о What do Canadians use to make maple syrup? Mounties Mounties are the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They are called mounties because in the past they rode on horses. They are a symbol of Canada and easy to recognise because they wear cowboy hats and a bright red uniform called Red Serge. The maple tree Maple trees grow all over Canada and there is a maple leaf in the middle of the Canadian flag. Canadians make maple syrup with the sap or juice from maple trees. Maple syrup is delicious on pancakes, waffles, doughnuts or ice cream. Canada produces 80% of the world’s maple syrup. :i3i
Check it out! о Australia is the world’s largest inhabited island. о There are 2800 species of spider in Australia. о There are 11 deserts in Australia and 30% of the country is desert. Facts & Figures Population Capital Official languages Currency Australia 20 million Canberra English Australian dollar Internet domain .au Uluru Aborigines Australia’s indigenous people, the Aborigines, have lived in the area for 50000 years. There are 600 Aboriginal tribes speaking different dialects and languages. There is no written Aboriginal language. Some Aborigine words are: billabong a small pool or lagoon boomerang a weapon didgeridoo a long cylindrical wind instrument walkabout a long journey on foot Uluru is a rock formation in the Northern Territory. Its English name is Ayers Rock and it’s a World Heritage Site. It is 348 metres high. The rock appears to change colour at different times of the day - at sunset it appears to be red. Uluru is sacred to the Aborigines of the area. Test your memory! о How many species of spider are there in Australia? о What is Ayers Rock? о How many Aboriginal tribes are there?
Population Capital Official languages Currency Internet domain New Zealand 4 million Wellington English, Maori New Zealand dollar .nz Check it out! O The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa (land of the long white cloud). о Peter Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings, is from New Zealand. о There are over 50 volcanoes in New Zealand. Some of them are still active. Maori New Zealand's indigenous people are called the Maori. Important things for Maori people are their iwi (tribe), their maunga (mountain) and awa (river). Many New Zealand children learn Maori at school. The Maori are famous for their wooden carvings. Every piece tells a story - only some people can read these stories. A kiwi is a flightless bird only found in New Zealand. It is an endangered species. Kiwis are shy and are usually nocturnal. The kiwi is the national symbol of New Zealand. Test your memory! о What is the capital city of New Learn some Maori words [ Kia ora Hello " Nau mai Welcome CKei te pehea koe?VHow are you? Ka kite ano f B Zealand? о What does the Maori word Kia ora mean? о Can kiwis fly?
Irregular verbs Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle be was / were been keep kept kept be born was / were born know knew known has / have been born learn learnt / learned learnt / learned beat beat beaten leave left left become became become lose lost lost begin began begun make made made break broke broken meet met met bring brought brought pay paid paid build built built put put put buy bought bought read read read catch caught caught run ran run choose chose chosen say said said come came come see saw seen do did done sell sold sold draw drew drawn send sent sent drink drank drunk sing sang sung drive drove driven sit sat sat eat ate eaten sleep slept slept fall fell fallen speak spoke spoken feed fed fed spell spelt spelt feel felt felt spend spent spent fight fought fought steal stole stolen find found found swim swam swum fly flew flown take took taken forget forgot forgotten teach taught taught get got got tell told told give gave given think thought thought go went gone understand understood understood have had had wear wore worn hear heard heard win won won hit hit hit write wrote written hurt hurt hurt
Учебное издание ФГОС Инновационная школа Комарова Юлия Александровна Ларионова Ирина Владимировна Билсборо Кэтрин, Билсборо Стив Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Ю. А. Комаровой, И. В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Английский язык» 6 класс Редакторы М. А. Горетая, О. А. Гужновская, М. А. Панкина Корректор Christopher Flynn Дизайн-концепт Macmillan Publishers Limited Верстка E. А. Бреславского Обложка В. В. Тырдановой Иллюстрации: Juliet Breese, Russ Daff, Mark Davis, Gary Joynes, John Blair Moore, Richard Pashley, Chris Pavely, Jorge Santillon, Studio Pulsar, David Till Фотографии: Bananastockc. 7, 12(внизуслева), 20, 23, 27(справа), 29(вверху, внизу), 31 (вверху слева, вверху справа, внизу слева, внизу справа), 32, 50 (портрет); Brand X с. 6 (слева), 10, 46 (волк, сова), 49 (3), 63 (в центре), 66 (лампа, ноты), 88 (a, d), 126 (ворон), 133 (скульптура); Corbis с. 6 (справа), 51 (лев), 131 (внизу); Digital Stock с. 46 (тигр); Digital Stock/ Corbis с. 132 (внизу); Digital Vision с. 46 (1, 2), 51 (комар, змея, скорпион); Eyewire с. 49(2); Getty с. 31 (значок), 50 (бухта), 88(c), 129(справа), 130 (вверху); Getty/ Getty Images с. 81 (d); Goodshoot с. 68 (пирамиды); Image Source с. 12 (вверху слева, вверху справа), 15, 29(в центре), 37(справа), 46 (кит), 52(ёж); /stock с. 91 (в центре); ITAR-TASS с. 9, 21,66(1), 83 (спра- ва), 91 (справа); ITAR-TASS/ ЕРА с. 68 (Нельсон Мандела), 79 (справа); ITAR-TASS/ PHOTAS/ РА Photos с. 81 (a); ITAR-TASS/ PHOTAS/ JTB Photo с. 66(6); LEGOLAND©Windsor с. 61 (вверху слева, внизу слева, внизу справа); MACMILLAN/ Dean Ryan/ Rob Judges с. 63 (вверху); MACMILLAN/ Haddon Davies с. 63 (вни- зу); MACMILLAN/ Paul Bricknell с. 31 (медведи); Medio Images с. 88 (b); Morgue file c. 31 (открытки), 40, 46 (8), 49(1, 4), 61 (вверху справа), 73, 83 (слева), 90, 91 (слева), 93, 125 (роза, чертополох, нарцисс), 126 (вверху), 127(вверху слева, внизу), 131 (справа); Photoalto с. 133 (пейзаж); Photodisc с. 11, 37(слева), 46 (3, 5, черепаха); Stockbyte с. 27(слева); Superstock с. 79 (слева); с. 81 (Ь, с); с. 60 ©Copyright М J Richardson and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.